December 27, 1940

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Entered as Stc Pdstofnce.If Oiik i..,

Matter on January'SI, 1831, at , unset- tfce Act of Msxcii 8,' 181$



Deborah Society to Give Clianuka\'Party

Philosopher- Congressman Replaces Preston

The Deborah society will entertain the children of the His>tory and Religion department of the Talmud Torah at the annual C h a n u k a h party this Sunday morning. The childrgn will again l»e given the traditional Chanukau "Geld" and will be served refreshments. Small, inexpensive gifts Will also be exchanged in the classes. A Chanukah play, "The Dream Book," will be presented. In addition there w/ill be recitations and songs, and an exhibit will be given by the Arts and Crafts group. The first issue of •"Kadimah," the school paper, will be distributed.

T. V. Smith, philosophcr-C/OttgrcNBinitn, will.sjse&k on .the Center Forum, Monday cveniBg, January 6, in piece of l>r. Preston IJrailley, who was forced to can<'el his engagement here because of radio obligations. Well-known to Omaha audiences, T. V. (Smith, Congressmanat-largc from Illinois and profes^ ior of philosophy at the University of 'Chicago, is one of the most popular speakers on the lecture platform. lie lias appeared on the Town Hall Forum, at the University of Omaha, and before the Teachers' Convention. A graduate of the University of Texas, Professor Smith re- Head of Iowa Hillel Group ceived his Doctor of Philosophy To Speak This . degiee from the University of Evening 1922, and since 1927 has held the chair of Philosophy This evening the young p p at that university. He is the author of a number of the Both 131 synagogue will of books and is a frequent con- conduct.the service. Rabbi-Morris' Kertzer, director tributor to leading periodicals. After serving a term as ntato of the Hillel Foundation at the senator from the Fifth district of Illinois, he was elected to the U. S. Congress and -will cerve until the end of the present cession. Admission to Dr. r.mltk's lecture will bo by Forum tick*!.

Vt'Uh heart^ufti'tct's already es»

llecuiiso of ilio KTi w holiday, •, t h e oilicc of 'J'tKK | ilI'iWIHM t'ltltfllt will l>c tl<i:.(.tl j i.oxt V.V.dM ;..J«y. AM n r, v « | t h e Jiuiiticfy H it/-«e r i tast be in owr office l*y 4:Ji« i Ttie.'jdsy, IK {'i-narjoi1 «£ I. I, All iU-J i'i t'.H'iieil ill (;i!{k'f tf-at


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Chairmen ok* Ccnslitwcnt ,:..t-i Ui.i

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Children of tho City Talmud Torah will be guests of the U. O. C Sisterhood at a dinner to bo given Monday, December 30, at 0 p m. This is the annual Chanuliah celebration which the Sisterhood has made traditional in tho Talmud Torah. Special favors have been ordered for the children. The faculty of the Talmud Torah has prepared a special program for the occasion and Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will spork on the significance of Cbamikah. Sol Baumer will light the Chanukah candles and Richard Winiroub will tell the story of ChanuIlalibi Slorvls Kcrtacr .ah. Recitations will be Given by riunico Feldman, Elka Byron, and University of Iowa, will occupy the pulpit. . The topic of hlu' 'sther Bair.-icr. nlon will be "Jewish Youth Faces a Troubled World." .' .Participating in the services will be: Corrino Wohlner, Yale Truatln, Richard Newman ;i n d Stuart Frankel. __ , An "Oneg Shabbatl?' will follow in the social hall with refreshments being served by the women of the synagogue. The second children's program •I the year v/iir bo held this afrnoon at 2 o'clock at the Jewish immunity Center, when the me)u picture, "Tho Hoosier School :y," starring Mickey. Roojiey, •11 be shown. In addition a cartoon, "A Boy'a >i" will be presented. ItcfrcohThe Mizrachl Zionist Organiza.-nts will be served.. tion of Ouialta will hold its reguTho Center Junior programs lar, Molaveh Malka at 8 o'clocl; . ,vc been designed to meet the tomorrow' evening, • Dccembor 2S, oils of many parents who find at the'.CongreEation .B'nai Jacob, • rriculty in providing buitsble en- 24th and Nicholas. A Chanukah rtaintnout i'or their children on thcuc la planned. • ool holidays. Mr. S. Ravitz will preside at the \dmlssion will be tcu cents for meeting. Rabbi Isaiah Hackovsky Idroii >, qn'1., ^5Vp;Uy,. ,cen.t3 . for .v/Jll report c-n U;o.rccent:Wi=rachi -•••Us. coai'ercnco vliich he attended i».


ti.h]< ,hcd at the llolvi FoMJeinelle,, »htf«.;.tcs fere isri-lvlHg for this of il»o-ftn-'* . oM of tile Kcte l£. (;» Tau teUr-niity which opons t<tn.ioi'i-«Hv. - Jasnea KiilKinan, nn* i'lsritul pi'vsldvnt, tirrlvi'il In Onm< U;.. l;t.-.t vt'tuiic a n d will presSde «t" i fit-! convention fcessimiB.

oi;,,!!i?ntionf) in (ho tity compose the Board. - Fifteen members of tho Executive committee are to bo elected at thifi time and chairmen of the constituent agencies of tho Federation will laako their reporla. Constituent afrencles and their chairmen are: Bureau of Jewish Education, William Grodiuaky; Jewish Welfare, Dr. Morris Margolin; Jewish Community Center, Milton Abrahams; Jewish F r e e Loan, J. IT. Kulakofsky; Old People's Home, Harry Sllverman; Jewish Philanthropies, M o r r i s Jacobs; Omaha Refugee Service, Ben Silver, and Social Service, Dr. Philip Shcr. Mro. William Lazere, president of the Women's Division, will report on the activities of her organization.

Members of tho University of Nebranka HUTel I'notint).X;iou -Unit Debate team will -meet the University of Minnesota Hillel team at the next meeting of the Omaha Lodge of B'nai P'ritli on Sunday, "January 5, at 2: SO at the Jcv/ish Community Center. • Subject .of ditcusRiori l will be: /'Resolved'That Opportunities for Free Speech Shotild Be' Denied Tho.-.'j Vvho -Advocate Racial and Religious Dincriminnflon hi tlio TJhitwl State's." So that tliin'flebato can take place, ' the • mcctiug-dato of the Omalia Lodge has been changed from January-G to Jcuuary 5. This de.bate between -.the two teams ia part of a nation-wide elimination contest.

' ''


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"Love and Sacrifice" to Ce Gix'cn Saturday, Sunday Asi oututRMdiit;; prt'Bentatioii of tho cinrma will bo pretontcd (ontorrow ««ul Munilay eve* ninnr» at the Jcwir,!i Community Center. "Love and Sacrifice," starring the outstanding persouagea of the Yiddish theater, will be given these two performances for t h e benefit of tho Bikur ChoIIm Society Iloupltalization program. The picture tells the fitory of Jewish .family life In .New""York. It portrays the willing sacrifices of a mothor anxious to keep her family together. Proceeds from the nhowlng will bo devoted to the health work done by the Bikur Cholim so: ciety. ' Tickets may bt; purchased from members of tho coclety, at the Center office, or at thp box office.

Over two liundred delegate.i from the thirty-one sictlve and forty-two alumni clubs of the oldr;.t Jewish collegiate fraternity; ait! expected here. Tonight a special horviee, ;it whloli Rabbi Bernard J'hicnrc-irlt, one of tlie founders oi Z< la llota Tail, will be pi-lnclpul ' pi-iil.t'r, will 1)0 dedlcatod to the fraternity, by Temple Israel. The first bUBlness t.ciiinion will tjc'irln tomorrow at "ten o'clock ami ln;it until noon. Tho aitcrnooii v.-JU be given over to ti "Hello Joe" reception at which tho dclcsnies will be lutroduc: il to Omalui girls who aro asUutinf; willi the entertainment. An inlormul party will be given in tin- t>\'< ning at the Paxton hotel. Boys Town Tour After the Kuntla-y h\uA>.i< :-:i fu1".s.sions, deleKatos will b , i'.V'.-ii on a tour of Boys.Town. 1 A iiinn<:» dance will be held H .;;"..];:.,1 f-voning in tho Bombay Jjliu-u Boom of the Hotel>lle. Bets Tan C0iivcr.1t ion . • • • Program

Saturday — Registration, 9 -10 a. in. Business Session—li f;. m. to noon. i "Hello Joo" Reception—3 p. m. to 7 P. m. 1 Paxton Hotel Party—{) p. m. to 2 a, m. Sunday—Seminars — 10 a. 111.; to noon. Busineaa Session — 1:30 to' 3:30 p. m. Tour of Boys Town—i p. C p. nu '... Dinner-Dance—-8:30 p. m. to 1 a. m. ".•-.•', Bfonday— Regional Luuchoonc —Noon to 1:30 P. '»• Business Sessions — 1: SO, p.m. to 4:40 p, m. Ritual—6 p. m. to 7 p, m. Banquet—7 p. m. to 11:30' p. m. Tuesday—Midnight Ball — 1 3 ' p. m. to 3 a. m. Final Businc&j Scnalon—1 !>.' m. to 5 p. m. New Year'r. Eve Rail. At t h o convention banquet which is to bo held Monday 6ve« 11 ing, Morri.'i K. Jacobs, )iromin» ent comni'inal leader, vriH b<; inf? iiated an an Aasocl:ito ircmbor of Zeta Beta Tau. Spcukci-s at tho banquet will be Henry Mosis&y, president of tho Supreme Lodge oZ B'nai B'rith and an honorary; member of Zeta Beta Tau; Mon> nipnor E. J. Flanagan of, Boy/j Tov/n, and national officer;; o£ tho fraternity. •. , National prizes to be ar/Kr/ictt, at the Convention banquet n?o;j Tho Fraternity cup to the i)C3t,, n-11-.i'round chapter, ;Tr,;ipa (Cor! noil); Julius! K;thu Cnp • to 'tho h o s t individual untlcrM";uhir.te,; Marne" Obornaucr ci' Kcprc (Cos 4 noil); The Van Raallo cuy to, tho best individual r.thlotc, Kd^.vrC Ivrau-e 0' Lvnou? (U'-'tJiM-V.c-> > iff?, Tfifcr'. r.cLIvity ia r.s'.ll t i Ecron (Syr:-.c— ) ; TI.i. ri to iiio- Catj-it-f v7liK t?io I l l tili io !'

The Omrhi district of the Zionist Orj:anir.ation of America will elect ofliccru r l a mooting to be held V/crtncuhiy, Jnnuary 0, at 8 p. in. :it the Jewish Community Center. A cpccifl feature of the .meeting will bo the ultowing of tv/o Palestinian i"il m y—"Sanctuary" and "Hanita." Both 6f then? fiitns wore proiluced by tho ZIonijt Organization vnd by the- Jcn/i' li National Fund an~ are hicgnliieenl presentations of tlio sichicvcmcnts of Palestine. Retiring oiricerc of tlio Omaba Postpone Meeting of Chicago. A report %-iii PJ=Q }>e givdistrict are; Dr. Philip She", honen on tho visit of .Gcd.iliab Bub- ;iv. "of Chicago Cuwlia Hobvcv/ Clob orary president; i^i-hr; \i~\ h. Slavics, prc25d-:nt; Nathan P. T> lKar.:co F.iro. SUvei: lick to tlic' Oinalia'T-IiKrachi. Irs. Boa Silycro lids Rcaoptcfl Thp r c c u l s r meeting of the io, Tieo-piv,.Mcnt; Hurry L, fioi.tInvitation o£ f resident ,RobO n i r h s Hehrer/ Club sehudak-d 103" no::t Burnley h a s Been crui- riichnicl:, . naynr-rd Hutcliias pf.tljo UalLondon {.IT/.} — The T':i,;e!;- tcllc-a. "ity oi" to fcc'srio rcc: ticr.c ; ,' >• r ; Tretiak, t ioness of KcsUing hsr- r.c-;?- U.3< ml adviser for thia Cifctifct. \ny Jii&h celsoql otuilc'ilti o? any e cliairaiatk-hii- o£ t1r: G": ", • ' :l i;i& t o -•lose ctuclcitg-'.rfr.hiRS to tk'&ns- Chiluron's Aid Conr.jlttca ™:-.ic:i n i l uV_; *ir. .:;,-•.* ;.-•'.' '(••- •]•.! r , M tunfiitionn ur.<» • should consult with Mrs. Silporvisfs OSE rofl!dcntl!-:l inwseries of cTfi(".ie'•:;.;•' ' --i o: ^Cdlhd' :.u-.i oi • s.


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seriea mace up of games c-t 20&, Harry considers the break the fcanie as a wilt for him. 236 and 144.,.Abe Feldm&a turned in a 645 series, Leo Weitz had a There will be no bowling for 522, Sam. EweTbaek a 514, ami tlie next two Tuesdays, account of Saia KaUiaaa a 436. the holidays. The two weeks After this o?ie tournament unbowling will be made up during der their belt, the Kaiman teaira January on Sundays. should make a much better showing iii their next, tourn&ment, as the pressure should lie-eased up KAIMAN TMAU a bit for tliein.

topped the losers each.

Uniform boys for fourth place iti •with his big 565 series, made "up the league standings. of games of 173, 211 and 181, artd Dr. D. C. Piatt, "The new The State Coal boys set, a new Papa," came in the second spot league record for a single gaine, with Ma 477 series. •when they shot a 94 6 scratch game, and just barely missed set- . "P. 8." was the big man for ting a league record for high the winners when he continued series, when they shot a. 2,658 his fine shooting to turn iu a 541 scratch series, which is just five series, while "Tony" Colin was pins short of the record held by litHt Lthiia Liu vitb. his &2 5 the Smith Motor company team. Thfc Coal boys won tlie first game by a margin of 800 to 779, aided by a 10-pin handicap in all three games. In the first game, Dave Frank's Coal team went into the last frame just 60 pins behind, but due to a strong finish on the part of Dr. Sam Morgan, Dave Colin and Phil Katzraan, who all "turkeyed" out, t h e y managed to win out^ by a 21-pin margin.


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The Halmsii Iitaur-auce Uti\,lii(jj

"Snooi>" reports* the following: In the '..ccoiul j^aiiie of tho i-tnl»iio Clt-jnor-V/aidiobo m a t c h , LOitio kiud of lenguo record vns t t t vhcsi the IJmiilrcb experienced tho iiil&furtiiKc of having tv,'O S»Mts v.itdci- 20C by tvro of their

/.iij.oi'iitfci of t l i l r n e y. t

"•7!i'[':!"i ) - { - ^ \ :

In the second game, the Coal boys really put on the heat' when they broke the league record by shooting a 946 scratch game to the Pioneers' 875 game. The"record game was made up of "Doc" Morgana' 212, Dave (John's 139, Mose Franklin's huge 245, Sara Zweiback's 178, and Phil Katzman's 172 game. - In the last game the Coal boys won out by Bhooting a 923 scratch game to the Pioneers' 822 game. i It should be mentioned here that Dave Halm's boya shot a scratch three-game series of 2,476, made up of games of 779, 875 and 822, which is usually good enough to win three games, but it was tlieir misfortune to buck up against the State Coal boys when they were just too hot for comfort. . Mose Pranltlln was the big shot this week for the winners, as well as the entire league, when he put together games of 132, 215 and 218, for a big 595 eeries. Phil Katzman was right behind him with his 588 series, made up of games of 188, 180 and 220. \ Jack Melcher. was top man for the Pioneer Uniforms with hia 525 scries, with Leo Weitz right behind him with his 495 series. In the second match of t h e evening, Moe Linsman's Wardrobe Clothiero increased their lead over the pack by taking oil three games from Aaron PerllBs' Empire Cleaners. The Bmoire team Y/as handicapped by having to bowl one straw man, due to illness of their anchor man. Tho league leaders won tire f i r s t gatao by a margin of 795 to G86, Tho second game was won by 757 to'" 884, and the last came, the dinners really put on the'presBure by smothering the Empires by a 909 to 768 score. Captain Sam Katzman. of tho t/ihncrg, was his- team's top man when he put together games of 196. 152 find 210 for a big 558 carles. Abe Feldman was" the runiier-up-ror the winners with -his {520 series.' whilo Frank Brookfitein turned in a 50(5 series. Captain Lee Hurwich of t l i e losers T.-as his-team's high man irith Ills nice series of 525, matle tin of gamoa of 1.12, 204 and 189. « . .«*'

In the last match of the eveiilttT tlit Sroith JIotoi'3 stayed In


Kvcrybody'o joinins tho lovable "Blomiis"-cartoon dicrco* > ters in their hj'.ariouo hunt for tElCUKELAlTO! -This bsaull- : •ful same FREE^J to cdulta v/Iiile lisuted qiuuitity kite. inl Get yourd Set tlis ocldng TODAY!. _


Nor/—a ?ALL DAKGAlN ia Do Luse qud't Hirriccratica! Fivc-soss-ccld'-casl "h^niiaty-tccp 'food jiiiS : c.3 food ctcrca. tcep i£— porabls by cmaang TP.U- |

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I ,c"irt :cd Gael, t "7Jit :i n S-*ociri*7.


Friday, December 20, 184O


Hollywood '•— Director K u r t . . wieking to Bhed taiut . . . is BOW Cartis Berabardt. And for the same reasoa, tlie German-Jewish club i local refxigee group) lias relabelled itself, The JewfeU Club of 1S3S.




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>~f.t Vet"/ Cres-sr

C. A.

y Kites tar Priwala Parties • • • • •Elata .fcs tis ties!* ef'-Oex Mea I 3 tegsn

ft Cehool Uttee ,.?i nrfsJ HcntUSsattoa

P&iat!ng .and Decorating Itapertee!! d D S W

i^iias UAMNEO - - *e»

"uttrs ttsft'.a tSaS«s" 6Q1G Fsrusiui C4.

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If producers m7aut to disjoint Iledy from L-allarr, tliey'vo. found a -way In "Courado X,!' Instcud of a slithering siren in sMmnierJng satin, im get a mannish Garbo in a raotoriaan's uniform. Some may Hire kcr . . . wo'll take "Al-

.oil 2is«l Fir or t t Fneo Cfoiii.iiliatio!.»8

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cs the Etes*Jil hotel valet, doo<3 &terfa] Job. U k e JJosI lie tecldo evok-y ^teFfccte? he portrays. Oec-sie-stcp.1'ep: "Bsstcst eaawcra Ills daughter, .Hotly, a Coiamnofstt " I don't Imow cnyUiins cboat Itaussty . j, . S don't knot7-0iy4!ISii{* about




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yihln^ . . . except DC^H.T » faid!



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ttier. But then, I loiew that wader tlw Czar, tool" Milton Derle eays tsince ho came to Hollywood hW mother'has bscom6-the'.old-fashioned type - lovca-to eit In front of .a eglaiiiag wheel. The other night ,sbe woa §50 on tho red! *•

pott TMti DCQT IM

Purely'Personal: Slapslo Makio paslied.-up Ids-nlclit dob a n d atoclc of old Jo&ea . . . moveil to Florida. No tkrabfc tlioy'll cound uexv la a different cstttefj. EVlcitsls cougrafalaied tlso Gaa Edwards CB their CCth w e s with en ftvalcnclta c l tolc BftS&y Breen t/IU ra. c a r a i o hoar . . . with hSs forotlicr, Michael, doing the einghigi Mornicn Kerry . . . oaco a film stor of sliest Gsya . . . ffl etyanCca cnQ jjeBnHess to IJVSQCC. On his pics for fcclp clnemslltcj efe ^ his retam to Araclea. allg forccdo a rf£S ia.ilje field IioE2C"... too fcrJ, ISf toao . . sfeo wea Ma ci»ilt"Jico3 eweat* heart. Sylirto Sl&icy Jast completed a,foar-ycny Jab on o ^t3fooMoss tKH&eil .rag txiczie? for tho cfck-a of her l

GG1S5I Uonttily Payments

Back ia the F. H. (pre-borror) daya of Berlin, a yoaagGtor catered the Soishlea gymnasium. Tho Herr Professor ctudlcd ljim . . . marked MB card: "Stu4oat Crust Lubttscii - - alert mentality - - always restless." And tcclay, that sums up,Mr. Lubitcch . . . an Incessant dynamo . . ."always pacing . ; . aftrays puffing oa a very long, vejy black cigar. Claims smoking ia his worst vice . . . but he's catting dovn oa it lately to almost nothing . . . not more than 15 a day. Has hzsn a Hollywood director tor 17 years . . . yet "That Uncertain Peeling" T/ill bo Ms Orjt pistUKJ-witli ztx American background.

0 ^ ibc. Cell at


A little English i*efugee tells tlie story of the London department store nearly levelled to tlie ground. On the .ruined walls was hung a sign: "It you thinfc thSu la bad, you ought to eee oar branch iu Berlin!" Warners* . . . ploaeers in soaiacl (rc-Hicmlssr '"I'lie 'JEEZ Singers?) . . . now iiitroiiuco WUMsmmd, si device of loiMkpeafeers eM- gadgets which 'essiiro feltltful riepro* ductioa of-Uto-origins] nscordUng, italRating asectaaical -distortion. Inventlosi Is the.'result of. five' years* rcgcsali Sn the studio Ial> or&torlcs under, the auitssrvlsion of Major'Nathka lievtososi.


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FMJII of Iks early life of Bi is fehasost i;CEj3y f«ic tlte intM fttstegc vj&s eliot fit Warwers ilingt«ia Bttidios iietir £<©a«IoM dur ing tlie l*oijilihsgs. GH'asige &s ft soiusds, its title, Is, "An i Is Euflt!" •

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. ''It s.! 1i iles to make a-world," I isaid. Yet. my miad remaieesi distressed: Civilmii&BS AM what future caa there be for a civilization Ia w'iiicli geatilcs mutitt other gentiles in a mass .elaughia etoekyards. er as of cattle Jivilization has descended to the slaughter pen and human life Mas been reduce!! to the iudiguity of stuck pig. Besides, aa my unfeap&y miad reflected, the uaspeakalle Nazis are gentiles,' too- And the way hey are ravisldag civilization! B u t -whatever xm$mt doubts: bad arisen in my mlad concerning .he fate of civilization aiaoug the gentiles were at once dissipated i?hen I epeaed the folder a n d spread it wide tyefore my daisied eyes. I felt reassured! Here it was stated that gcatiies were really the exclusive keepers of clvtll:atioa . . . "Carefully'restricted clientele . . . acceptable, jivilised people." people. . . . Utie \tua the proof—these pictures of tho civilized guests of the hotel; lliey were Emitting oa fho beach, fcr Playing shuffle board, or daacln-r. It-waa all the- loveliest Bianlfc.-tations of civilisation, far from all the dreadful things of Uio ce tilea -who had so frightened me. Could Feel ojicftl felt repentant. Ye3, I caid. t

iL d 1 c&uld fcCfjiOfcivo ot n

J>eop!e. 1 Itave oftsa been Leant. uation at the end o-l fcaying to my own wife that wbM wlie-a tivill'iullau kas at I t t t the world seeds is more civilised lea iiito wli£t fceeias to b<, i people. I say this with a pouading night, when the geattks La\o ing of iay fiat ,ou tlie arm cf ray almost wiped each o t h e r vnt: eh&ir, a gesture that indicates Then this liotel will give 11:1a. Hiow firm I am iu that conviction. The geatilea it will have 1'Iis unfaeea a r e tunning the these yeara, 250 at world ftad there's t o telling be the saving reiunuiit It's all coming .to, I say. civilization. The only comfort we have is They will be like the Hist my wife u&d I are getting oil left in the holy laau» of tlie along in years and we may be temple after the pagaua ve«e goae before the savages g e t driven out of it. Bat thia, ground to us. haps, ia not a good analogy siaee Oo you can imagine ray pleasp was a Jewish tetaple the temple tire at discoveries a &lace where and the lami> was something holy civilized people are Ic e i> t. Of of the Jews, .and Jev/a are not coarse, I myself .aia OBO of those •who are not intLnind ia tlve hothe hotel people. (Jo I felt much cuhcartcncd J-8 I tel's classification of civilized peotho fuluto ef clvlliple, since I am BO gentile; but I am always happy -to look at the civilized from, a distance. AntkorUciivo My admiration for t h e civilized Includes tsuch people as. Toseannlnl, Roosevelt, Bishop McDonnell, Rockefeller, Norman Thomas and Churchill. Until I received the hotel's folder I also countedJcsus and Einstein among t h e civilized of the human.race. But yoK*re sip ei Ires they appear not to be of the civilized, since these hotel people suggest that only gentiles are t h 6 civilized. I can not dispute this with them inasmuch as a hotel WEBB, EEI3EB, !t; & that charges §21 a day for twin 200 Jierrlte tlie Oraftha, H 6 beds -between the ilates of January 20 and March 20 must be NOTICE Olf INCOHP0:iAM0N authoritative. The undersigned. H. M. Wfcttera and Until and including January 19 Alyce Helm, hereby give noties tlsat they have organized a corporation utiizer the the twin beds cost $16 a day but laws of the State of Nebraska to l>2 on January 20 the price advances known as "Model Associates Corporation." principal place of buUist~3 than Us §8—all overnight. I do not feel The a t Omaha, Douglaa County, lit-bre^a, but competent to arguo human value3 it shall have authority to trunnact Liriwith peoplo whoso cense of values ness anywhere in the United I.I.5.U J. A'jse general nature of the bublne:^ ar-i t. ia so finely balanced that t n o-y purpose for widen thia ccrr.'-r:'.>«' .•» know precisely that twin beds formed eiiall ba to engage !n ti.s hotby service Industry; to deal in til Una? oi worth IJ16 on January 19 a r e hobby materials ana other trticles inciworth ?24 on January 20. dent to the hobby t>as*Q»a cither en ha own account or &a agent for othcra, end At the time I received the ho- to tio all other thlnss incident to th-j cbova tel's folder I had been rather dis- buEinesja including the kJ-dac, parcSiuoSng and Belling of real estato and personal couraged with tho way civilisa- property of every nature ottd dc3CrtpUoa._ tion was going to hell. I had just 'the authorized capital stock of the cor- j read in Harper's an article on poratlon' uliall be JIO.OOO.OO divided into |] 100 shares of the par value of $100.00 ; "Europe's Revolt Against Civiliza- each, all of which stock shall be common i and shall be fully pal<l for when i3suca. tion," by William Henry Chamy p< bcrlin. Mr. Chamberlin seemed Thia corporation sha'l commence coins at the time of the fllins; of its in deepest gloom and his discour- Articles of i th office ffi ott att the agement took hold of my heart the County Incorporation Clerk of Dougla3 County, Ke- , broska, end shall continue for a period as well. of 100 years from Bald date. The affairs The same day's events suggest- of the corporation shall ba administered ed that Mr. Chamberlin probably by a Board of Directors ot not Iec3 than two nor more than ilve pcrnono who Vii's right. The Iron'Guard Jin Ru- shall ba elected at tie annual rncetlns of mania had just gone to tho jail the stockholders. The Directors shall elect a President, Eecretary " and lynched in a mass 64 mem-Treasurer atVice-PreBldcnt, their annual meeting, bers of former King Carol's gov- ell officers shall bold-office for a terra ot Any person may bo elected to ernment. Probably I should have one year. than one office. The regular on* said, Well, it seems one pack of more nual meeting oMstocStholders and Directors \7olvfes is devouring another pack shall be held oa too second Monday la of each year, The articles ma.y Instead I felt shocked for, though January be amended by a ttvo-ttirda vote of tUa I am no gentile, I appear to have outstanding at any any Ktfiilnt " or~ ~outstanding .stock steels at in me some vestigial remains of clal meeting of the BtocSchoMcri. at Omaha, HcbracUa, this civilization. Thia caused me to dayDatca of December. 1940. feel that It is quite immoral for .. K. M. V/ATTEItS, ALTCE KOtll. centiles to .slaughter other gen In" th"a Presence of! tiles'\rithout any trial. The mas SAM BEBER. 12-13-eO-et.


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Frico lactudes ralcjteS Victor Kce&F£,S TBlaeS ct §3.50, plus convenient IBs record storaso racR.

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quality ia costethins that puto an extra measure oi vcltto into your end "He" appreciates tho quality gift! Manhattan Fanoy. Shirts, Manhattan V/hitc Shirts, nentiattaa 'TuzcdQ C£j Dress Shirts Only in O malts -zi tks Nebraska x\ U


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f.ccoud game of t h e regular seaon schedule on Thursday, Bern ber 26. .*. 'A. A. No. 100 vs. A. '£. A, • «. J, 7:SO p. IM.; Line<uto'& FJV*« •n» vs. .Idler's Ilakery


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Ti,t i a g ]«,) Lo^Kttball Keaaou t-i . LC e piy ofi t.'c iil with the pre0' c r £ i a i a tl t<-c r u t c <"• i. t » j <i r c „ i tv ~>.tti <^. I e ;l « 1.1 f J t c i L . i / L season champs Lincoln's Tavern I The J. (',. C. handballers swept t - u I, 0 t f i 1 ( t J t ; t h' I 1 ^j t « ' _ v G i l t J J.J t u - t'> &<B t l . L Catt, •meeting' the A. Z. A. No. 100 in '.he Interclub handball s e r i e s tc f a Jf at U l v J f <- -1-3 t i fc C the Center Qym at 2: IE. In the •-.gainst l"ne "Y" at the Center last 'C'i J t ' C f y , , i U l i t fttisecond game the A. Z A. No. 1 week. The tix teams of the CenHeidi ilaiej, L« il l i 2Vti-l ikllt will play the A. p . T. quintet. The ter wort easily &M outclassed fc"-t l u t / u ill t t* IJiUlI J L U \. An. t> 1 U^auUliullj. Adler's Bakery quint will draw a their foes who haven't won a set ttsts «i 3 Alae_t I i cJu bye. ; on the Centers courts yet. The Koitr ^ d Hti^u^i t//tff t * o i t » , i it. i.| days biggest, surprise came when fc^-n ro> l» tf-d thch IiitUi-i^i, tc The League's games will be j two youngsters turned in the most ttttB. tO fta tL/O fell !<lb tail tf> be played on Tuesday or Thursday decisive win. Sunny Golding who test to be the first one after this Sunday. The purpose for played his first game with the swimmer to attack (he iit'tii series of tests. When are you going- to take this is that the J. C. C, Varsity Center in iuterclub competition Sunny Garber who was playtime out to; Write it on your games will lie played on Sunday's. and second game walked all Miss Caroline Sweigard long a Memo Fad, "Gone to the J. C. C. The Varsity held its first work- ing his the combination of IMdren- member of the J. C. C. Swimming to Play."? out last Sunday under the tute- over Hebrew, 21-10, 21-9. class has always been afraid of lage of physical director L e e the deep end of the pool even Results: Grossman. Any member in good Teper-KuUman defeated Burue-Good, though she could swlmi a few , Patronize Our Advertisers. standing was invited to come out 21-7. yards. Her class mates have been for the Varsity whether he plays 21-8, Rickes-IiOfte defeated Horrocco-Weoger, egging Miss Sweigard on and on WEBis, EEBsEE, EJUJTEKICE & KfclXE* in the regular league or not. In 21-8, 21-12. /ita Kieeel-GoldWEie defeated A&doi'fion-Mc- until last Sunday afternoon with the first get together a' squad of Gill, 21-20, 16-21, 21-15. the constant ringing in her ears 15 men greeted Lee. Sholnidc-RoEsen defeated Murrey-Cole, to try, try again, coming 'from KGOTIOE! ©If INIiEBTEUKEES 18-21, 21-3. Notice is hereby Kiveu iiittt tH existing The boys got down to serious 21-15, Garber-GoMIng defeated Holdren-Hebrew Hiss Anne Bergman aad her sis- debt* o£ Hers&erg E«alty Co. oa the Sitt business in a hurry and ft wasn't 21-10, 21-9. ter, Sarah, ehe plunged away from day of October, 1H0, afuountcd to ths or Minety-nlEie Tiwusani, Wine Hunlong before the scrimmage started the deep end and kept swimming sum dred Fifty-five dctimra ($68,655.00). that a few of the younger boys until she bumped the shallow end ASH HEKSSfcEEG, Sv/im New© surprised Lee aad the squad will Preaideut. of the pool. EAUL HBRZBEKG. be made up of the youngest bunch By 1IOWARB Mow this seems en ordinary I>AVID GOLDMAW. of boys the Center Varsity ever J. O. O. A.BB UBRZliiiHO. feat to many but to Mies Sweigard had. iieiiig a oisjocity of tlie . The J. G. C. Junior Boys Water it was such aii accomplishment 12-20-10-It. iKitlrt o£ ljiuctoli!. The standouts and most likely Polo Team will play the South that she epent the rest of the afto be chosen to represent the Cen- Side Recreation Polo Team next ternoon gassing at the deep green ter are Irv. Yaffe, Jimmy Bur- Sunday, December 22, at 10:30 water and muttering, "just think, roughs, Ben Kutler,' Jake Adler, a. m. in the J. C. C. Pool This will I aeutally swam in there." Pep Bogdonoff, Iz Novak, Sol Yaf- be the first game of the season fe, Melvine Levine, Herb Meiehes, for the Center boys and promises Bach week brings closer the Mike Laudman, Bonny Golding, plenty of action. Representing the and Morris Ruderman. J. O. C. will be Harold Mozer, Midwestern A. A. U, Swimming The first game on the schedule Game Captain, Harold Marer, Sid- and Diving-ChanipionEhlps, to bo for the Varsity will bo the Metro- ney Ruderman, Al dayman, Her- held in the J. C. C. Pool, January politan Utilities District, Dec. 29. bert White, Paul Zelinsky, Aldea the 12. To many the significance ,The Metro quintet have a formid- Lincoln, Earl Shrago,- Bteve Lust- of this meet is lotit until it is exable aggregation with such stars garten, Charles Fredkin and Her- plained. The Midwestern A. A. U. Meet as Kriss, Hoden, Railsbach, Bruce, shel Wolfeon. Names of outstanding players for the South Side will bring together the outstandHaulman and Sullivan. Nest week will also present the team are not available at this ing aquatie tstara of three states, j|» N

Intercollegiate Champions, Amateur Champions performing unattached, Famous Gwfmmtng teams Games with tho Y. M. C. A. will such, as the Athletic "Club, tho be scheduled in the near future. Tho Center boys have been practicing faithfully tho past three weeks and are rounding iato condition rapidly. "However.'the comEaratlvo strength of the two teams being unknown thg outcome naturally is ta doubt but win or lose tho boys on both teams will know they have been. la a tough game. , time.

Jewish-Owned Land Taken By Rumania Geneva (WNS) — All Jewishowned real estate in Rumaniaa cities was ordered confiscated, in a decree "issued by Premier Gen. Ion Antonescu, It was reported here. Provlour decrees stripped, Jews of all their farm lands. "At. the came time It" was; re* ported that the Rumanian Government h a s seized 45 vessels owned by Jews or by companies with Jewish stockholders. According to . newspaper dispatches received hero the notoriously anti-Semitic Iron Guard has arrested 240 J o w i s h socialists and Zionists and interned them in concentration camps where their conditions were described as "appalling."


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In tiis Mailer of the Etittte of Amands Carlsuii, XioctE-sod: AH rtrioi.s iaitrtiitej ii« t&.uJ iuatler ti'e notified that oa Uie i(it,b «i«y i>£ -, 1640, Agccs Burvvick fil&d fc. petitiun in tald County Court, pt&ylug ti«&t her ftuel fiiSiafaMraUou accuust litvdt. hcicitt be Bcttled and sliovt-ed, end ti-£.t tram her trust fca t,d» tuiii tr.Et a healing wi;i tea had on said pititi&a btfore tald Coitii ou the JliH day 01 ieiiuBiy, 164t, find that It joa feil to tt>i>es.r t^fura said Court on the Hth Uty of ZmMe.ry, I8il> at 9 o'clock A, M.i s.nS eontciit Bttid' ptUiion, U>« Court may grtut the prefer tif eaij tietltlon, enter a. fitcvee cf litlrthip, Witt mate such uUiW and further orders, allowances end deci'cfcs, tfl to tiiia Court may seem iiroiier, to Hia end th&t all ia&t« ters licrtaliilns to KB.H esl&te ci a y Via. finally nettled and determined.




Vii . j

Pof 194J TOr.0 offers a new 4-CYUHB2II 6Ut»nW.CpNOliV ri«3IKB. 'I'ba r.ev/ " 4 " is Msiiabie in *U coatncifclsl cars, ?(-ton sad -ttn trucks. It J» £ptd€crJly desif ned to give cxtra>bipji itoiiGtny ore tLa type of h'clit duty god mulitrJe «op delivery service needed by bic'k«rif«, food Js-Lops, etc. If this it your nee*]. fine's a new r.ioceyrsavef you'll vast to know!

ijaialcp. rfss! c&elx dioiag-parlor cars. Doiiciccs meals at nocbr&fo prices.-


*G I I (.' I

Stevo Lustgarten's' equad ©£ Minnesotans are leading tho junior boy's competition with a total score of 85 points. Navy and Army are tied for. second place with 71 tallies per team. Al dayman's Nebraska squad ia stilt trailing with 63 points. Navy, known aa tho "beef trust" of the class has fallen off in point gathering tho past three weeks but if present pigns materialize into action they

ffis EspcdBsa Byoi cow I»s?ca' CBnga &*lg~} cd eniwa Qadta et G:S3 VI % lfcsc!a 9:03 P.I U

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' tiHasl bolter! 3aal for less! If you're buytag aev/ equipment KO~/J chccluhcse great Ford frust^s for '41. Chock through 42 body typec, <S r/hedbascs; 3 di£cjeat cosine sfces for ;li2 oao^ on«thO'£tittott wait for you* fob la size aatl pov?er! Check tho . | c.As? 8 9 e tfeo V-C p ower; the chwsisfcatcsressypkstof lijgh« pdeo track?, tha ragged ftsciec; gad dspacdcbility ffese cro yosjts cs lor* Ford psices, Cfcesi she record. *.forlov/ ,%7kh yctiff 5^?.!cs to t^cs tte POTT Foscl csdc.2 yous locda sad •-, . wills ^3.75'dciv av There's ao obliged






Miss Szold.Observes Bittliday I t Id L p o n . n i t _ i t stiv i t—A(A i n ' : - : ' . 1 . -L' ->w c.i.'i <* deis,<i.:i: f_% I ' a ' i f " . i ' - i -1 t r o g i i U I ' , » t J-C_ <.j<-ttc_ io ( i l>e«!fcj c£ i ' . .< I t io w t h . \'i.'i l u i u d t ' ^ l ti.i = O ^ i - , . . IZCiA-




* % ~*

tt'KAI B'HFTH A regular wetting of the ifii Wiith will be held Monday evening, December 23, at 8:30 at the Little Eagle's Hall. (Continued from Page 1-.) . -. s Election of delegates to tue uacernicg' II- 51. o:, £Ed Use work tional li'ii&i B'rith conveuiion will of the ^program committee. Mrs. expected from it: t,e held. All members are urged Harry'Dubo/f will aing. Mrs. Max to attend. Cohn will review the life of t-fenvl. Provti'iou of hundreds of rietU' Bzcld aad Mrs. David A. extra hospital beds. . GrAditela 'will evaluate her work. 2. Traiiii.Hg of doctors a n d A. Z. A. • surges for war service. The A.' Z, A. held a meeting Nell Ziff., former national Bight at (he ltome of Marvin dent of Junior Iladassah, will 3. Increased fcerviee for refuSabbath wil be'usherJtiejiards, 723 W. Washtnglon, at spealv. The gees. 1 ed, out by the traditional HavdaU. vthich time aa election of officers 4. Continuation of aonnal curlah'service planned-•• by Cantor was held. ative medical care in cities a a 5 Aaron Edgar. • . .-• _. rural communities. Aaron Jta^iiick will chant the 5. Co-ofseratiou with military JUNIOR IIAIMSSAII health authorities. Jr.- Had&ssah held its monthly Havdalah and Corriue Wohlner 6. Co - operation with c i v i l meeting la&t Thursday evening at will be the Sabbath Queen. Oth}lk i i£«itiktta L*.'JH flkov.o iffcifltsg a i.ew health authorities to provide evache home of Marilyn Saltziuau. ers taking part in the service will i» i\.a Youth uation for the sick should this The topic of discussion dealt with be: Alvin Abramson, Charles Be« become necessary. lie raising of funds to carry on ber, Barbara Blacker, Jean Black* er, Carol Bercovici, Rafael Edgar, 7. Extension of rural health eruoon, but at 6 o'clock on sta-boast t h e pre-season league's Jr. Hadassah work. All paid-Ujp members signed Richard Kohaii, Byron Melcher, work to outlying commanities so tioa KOV/H, a radio program is leading scorer, Mike Landmau. Convention hat document that is to be pre-Eita Plotkin, Bernlee Sommer, that' they may carry oa evea if scheduled to l>e broadcast from Reports received frorn Lincoln sented to Henrietta Saold, found- Charlotte Sommer, Arnold Llntzhelp from central points la cut coast-to-coast OH the Message of Israel hour in'celebration of Miss aanounce February 14, 15 aad 16 er of Hada&sah, on her birthday. man, Steve Schwartz, Audrey off. Wolf, and Edward Zorlnsky. . •• With tins in mind the Omaha Szold's birthday. Dr. de S o l a as the dates for the Cornbelt Regional Conveution •which is to be FROM DENVER Mis. J. J. Friedman, memberchapter of Hadassab, has thought Poole will be guest speaker. held at the capital. • Etaeetion of a pleasant way for Ifed&ssalt Mr. and Mrs. Many Bobrkk of ship chairman, said that an eighAs yet, no definite teams have Denver, who are ou their wedding tieth birthday book for Mips Szold Education can be fun. That's members to make their small contributions to H. M. O. All mem-the way the Iladassah educational been chosen. Coach Bogdannff rip, are visiting at the home of is now being signed by members bers of Hadassah are urged to group feels and intends to prove. will probably announce the bas-Mr. Bobrick's brother and sister- of Hadassah throughout the counremember that the Iladassah med- The next meeting of this group ketball squad after the first of in-law, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Boh-try. A total of 80,000 signatures of paid-up members will be gathical organization will hold its mah will meet IQ the home of Mrs. the year. Debaters and orators •Ick. Duriug her stay, Mrs. Bobrick ered by the end of March. A gift jongg, bingo and card party on Moa 'Raziiick at 4 S3 9 Pino street, will meet during Christmas vacaiias been extensively entertained of |25,000 to'.be. used by Miss Tuesday, January 7, 1041, at 1 on Friday, January S, 1941. A tion to decide on definite plans. Szold for the benefit of the underChapter enthusiasm over t h e by Mends and relatives. p. m. in the Brandeis Tea room. varied and interesting program la privileged children of Palestine The price of admission will be being planned. Those wishing to convention is running high. If a is being sent by the National join can do so by calling Mrs. large enough number of Alephs SO cents which'includes'refreshVISIT IN IIARLAN Board of the organization. ments. In charge of the affair Mike Freeman, GL 4435, or Mrs. attend, the chapter will charter Mr. anud Mrs. B. Saltzraan a bus or car ou the train. Is Mrs. F. II. Roddy with Mrs. Moe Raznick, WA 0312, peat the week-end in Harlan, Tea at Blaefestoiie Julius Bleu made the first Election of Officers . o\.a, visiting at the home of their William Polack assisting. HostOn Saturday, December 21, Election of officers for the Jan- ons in-lav/ and daughters, Mr. comprehPiiBlvo may of the terriesses are the Mesdames A. II. Goldstein, Nathan Turner, Dave from 3 to 5 o'clock in the ball- uary-June term will be the main tnd JJra. Ben Cohbit and Mv. and tory ve&t of tho Mississippi. Stein, G. Steinberg, Max Froni- room of the Blackstone hotel Hen- order of business before the chap- tfrs. Keith Pt-ltz. kin, Joe Grecuberg, Ben Fisher, rietta Szold's 80th birthday will ter when it meets this Sunday at Louis Gustavo Blnger, a French Ilyman Belman, A. D. Frank* be" celebrated. Everyone is in- 3:30 at the Jewish Community 1X> IIANSAS CTtY Jew, named governor of the Center. Julius Stein, Max Colin, M o r r i s vited to attend. Mra. Jack Steinberg, with her Ivory Coast of Africa in 1893* The meeting will be the l a s t daughter Jeanne, is vlfciting in Tho capital, Binrcerville, is named Selgal, A. Venger, Harold Cooperuntil aft^r the first of the year. Kansas City at the home of her for him. . man, Abe Greenbaum, M o r r i s Aleph Godol Yale Richards em- mother, Mrs. J-Iallick. Katelnian, Sam Frohm, Art Friedphasized the importance of every man, J. Kalniansohn, Sam Krantz and B. Meyer. Playing their first game of the Aleph attending this meeting. The JKO. MADUrp HERB i On Saturday afternoon, Decem- season this Sunday, the A. Z. A. Aleph Godol also expressed his " I.Irs. Henry Maduff client the ber 21, at 3:30 o'clock on the red Century quintet will meet t h e desire that all members come on veck-ctsd f.t the home of her parnetwork of the National Broad- Lincoln Taverns, the pre-season time so that plans for the tea ;nts, Mr. and Mrs. 'II. Ualtzman. dance will not be interfered with. casting System, Katheiine Len- champa. — . : • Stiigo Night •: IlINGO PAIlTff root, chief of the United States It is expected the game will be TSva. It. London cnt»»itoincd at The chapter's Stage Night comChildren's Bureau, will s p e a k hot affair. The Alepha will honoring: Henrietta Szold's. 8Qth present two former Tech II i g h mittee held a meeting at the Jew- i ??ingo party Irs&t Caturdny ov*>birthday. • basketeers, Ben Kutler and Mel-ish Community Center last Wed- i in honor of Mrs. Harry BoAlso on the same Saturday aft- vin Levine. The Alephs will also nesday night. Co-chairmen Itichlio. and Colton announce that the skit. to be presented- had already*- been decided upon. The co-chairmen also notified the committee" that rehearsals would begin next week. It was decided that a call for par- ticipants would be 'made Sunday at the meeting... . . .' .



A. 2. A. 100

: 9730to 8730

Belgian Traitors Scored

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An Immonno Jkr«iy of

London (JTA)—A leaflet reniindlng- the Belgian population that. Jewish soldiers, unlike "tho Resist traitors," fought bravely against. the "Nazi - Invaders, ha3 by labor leaders in Belgium, the Jewish Chronicle reported.; The appeal urged the population to, befriend the persecuted Jews and sabotage the Nazi regime.. . . , Jews s e 11-1 e.d at jBeziers,". in France, in* the sixth century. lAr. & SSHTK s Tfeeater NOTICEOF.'PROBATE OF VfttUh In the-.County- Court of Douglas County, raka. k C • ; > - - - • * >ln tli? Matter of he Estate of Sophia H. Goodrich,-I>ec«ae?i3:"' - • " - - - < • All persna-interested in e$.li estate an hereby notified that a'petition has been flleain £fi.iaCdait, praying for tho probato"*f a certain.-itustrument,now on.file: in.sald. Court,"purporting to; be_ the^ last will and. testament of - said deceased, ana that a trearlng-,will-be had -on-Eaid petition ' before gaid Court" oh- the 11th day of Janudry, J941, tiad.'that if they fail to appear at said.---Court on thtf said;-11th day -of - January, J.9A1;' at- 9 .p'jslock" A. M., to" contest the probate of Bald .-'will,•••ths CJourt-jmsy.fallow: and ;proSmte..,Eaid" vrtfi and grant administration of said-estate to Guy W. Goodrich or Borne other suitable pgrson, enter a" decree of "helrslilp, rjid pitfcced to a eattlement thereof. BHYCE CRAWFORD, 12-18-40-3t. v , _ v County Judge. V

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Junior Council

Getntraa Tau Sigma

crs, i f U Liacohi (Special) .••-— A- gala t I C 'a' <"U t f J u v . ' . lime was t a d by uutiaLers of Oi t) , Jzilf i n i , ' . . t t i t l «. t> g Le Tlieta chapter of Sfg/caa Dells Tau 6 \\ing iW a t ttifc L ' r fc c t L> It «t '' U l «- ^U i. a / , 1> at their annual Cluaaufeah. party, f«r 22, c t t ^ i f wz-t1! C'Qi k. A H Lr, i / Wednesday', evening: Gifts ;were exchanged; refreshments *6srvtd, f (i.L C and "a gift wag presetted to thci f l fit. : \«oi«iic t i i l u uii, i r \ n t t t t o at* to } ^ t house-mother. on FLAX-ALTOSK •_ SHUMOWS '£O RECEIVE 18 With , vacation for ,tiie .winter The marriage of Miss R o s e OK AJiNlVE-itHARY- • $« - I-loii i t a l u s t va'l t,t, of iiitcte&t Altose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shu mow holidays beginning Saturday, sevo* Ka'eb lionLh'i, 10 iillb Ct tb« t'lljlUKitj 1 Uitheral Nebraska S: D. T.'s.are planHyuian Altose of Belliugham, are receiving . Sunday, December Wash., "to William Flax of Los22, from 2 to 5 p. m. at the Va-ning trips. Sarah Miller-'and Shirt r Htfoiki»tiCi i iv,^ i<xi >£ %.h' < lub Angeles, son o£ Mr. and Mrs, Sam riety ciub, Hotel Fontenelle, on ley Polsky will spend the holidays Kahuati, in Chicago; Shirley Epstein is Flax, of- Omaha,' will lake place tlie occasion of their twenty-fifth Celia Bachiiiaa- is 'chairman of lace BusfctciU, Ha buS.;, leaving Monday for Dallas; Ber©n~New Year's day at the Leopold wedding anniversary. the dating committee for ' -the Slovakia Keecia Arfc.isg.EiS: nice "Crounse is planning on dividhotel in Bellingham. No invitations 'have ' been is- ing-her. time between-Rock Mand dance. Zurich (JTA) —Vice-Premier Mr. Flax is a graduate of the sued. and Chicago;- and Des •Moines'. is Girjs wishing t o become mem- Sano Mach declared in a speech' bers of Junior Council m a y . c a i l University of Nebraska and. is a the destination of Uette Hosseuin West Slovakia that a Slovak member of tlie Sigma Alpha' Ma HERE'FOK VACATION. blatt, Qeraldine Grinspan, and Rita Ivfaatel, H a . ' 5 7 1 1 , " ' artisan class must be treated fraternity. Miss Altose is a UniAbram Dansky, who is attend- Timette Wright. Einee Jewish artisans, constitutversity of Washington graduate. ing the Juilliard School of.Music ing 80 per cent of the total, will Sylvia K a t z m a n of Omaha, The couple will reside in Los An- in New York, will arrive tomor- prominent in the activities of the be ousted by next month. Mean-, geles. row to spend his winter vacation campus Y. W. C. A., was selected while, a new anti-Semitic weekly, Mrs. David Irvine's Circle of with his parents, Mr. and a new member of the Vesper , b e ij a }• yuMl< ,-tiosi ill Herman Dansky. choir, •which performs for all ves- the Temple Israel Sisterhood i*, FROM DENVER ' per services sponsored by the planning a luricaeon meeting cm The Misses. Bernice, Alice and Y. W. C. A. At the last cabinet January IB, at the home of Mit. Bonnie Seldin will "come from TO' LOB ANGELES J. F. Friedman. ' Denver to visit their uncles and Miss Ruth Tuchman left last meeting of the organisation, she L H was asked to lead the devotional. aunts., Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dvosin, Friday morning for Los-Angeles Mrs. Milton Mayper's Circle vlll Aronita D&skovsky of Hinton, la., Mr. and Mrs. Ben Seldin and Mr.where she has been transferred played a violin solo at the vesper sponsor a bingo party on.'vVedlntrand Mrs. Ben Kleiman. by the federal government. day evening, February 19, service Sunday. Aatslver* Sarah Miller of Wall* Lake, ON SOUTHERN TRIP ANNOUNCE BIRTH y Mr. and Mrs. Lou Klein left Iowa, is a member.of a committee Junior Mr. and Mrs. Peter Greenberg Iy deeljjnesl and Priced, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday tor an extended t r i p planning the entertainment for with gcsos.1 o!<!>f&shi<m> the Law School smoker to be givMies Nell Ziff, former national south. They will visit New Orat the Clarkson hospital. iiii tfiXizlcY&tloii. en shortly. She also had a part in president of Junior Hadassah, was leans, Atlanta and Miami. Convenient Tenna.Can Be the program given at the last •guest of honor at a Chanukah JOSLYN MEMORIAL Arr'aneed at Mo E».t«'a smoker. party held last night by the local Sunday at 2:30 in the Concert TO KANBAS CITY Anna Arbitman of Omaha par- chapter, of Junior Hadassah, at Miss Frances^ Blacker spent the Kali of the Joslyn Memorial a ticipated in a play given Wednes- the Jewish Community Center. Christmas Program will be given week-end in KaVisas City, Mo. Members of tlie gi'oup exchaucday evening by the Studio Theaby Mrs.* Winifred Traynor Flanater. Students in the speech de- ed Chanukah gifts. gan and the Choir of St. Cecelia's part present these plays once a Cathedral. At the same time in Patronize Our Advertisers, J week. the Lecture hall three sound Tho J. C. C. pre-season basketflimB — "Jerusalem, City of At a culture hour Tuesday evePeace," "Exotic Egypt," and "Boy ball league brought new laurels ning, Professor Karl Arndt of thcto the A. Z. A. Mother Chapter Unlvergity economics department Meets Dog," — will be shown. "Five." The team finished third spoke to the group.' Prof, and Mr. Paul II. Grumman will in points scored with 92 points. Mrs. Arndt had dinner' at the speak at 3:30 in the Lecture ball Aleph Ruderman, Mother house preceding the culture hour. on "Christmas Traditions." At 4 chapterMorrie ace, placed second in the o'clock. Miss Esther Leaf will pre- individual Bette Rosenblatt of Omaha parscoring with 27 points, sent an organ recital. Assisting but two points ticipated in the "Messiah," the below the leader. u i:«'»Hy . . . Aro you ovoiwtlrilit? lier will be Elizabeth Farquhar, annual presentation put' on by all wyj sou nc«'d ft feel uncomfoi'»? Aleph Norman Hahn reports university'choral groups. soprano, and Flora Sears Nelson, It hrljn 1o he<>p C?.Kip BcIcnttClc l y tickets for the "Silver Seconds" accompanist. year's scholastic standing wtight proycrly irJa w , isi-skoji you look drawing are rapidly selling. Tick- of Last students In the college of busiWhy bcUrr, and fed hotter. t . W y not COIBB in for ets may be purchased from any ness JPEDERS TO VISIT HERE administration was recently i ? ft erft-itiirtu f by our C Csiup J d ffitter? Mother chapter Aleph. The chap• Mrs. David P. Feder of Des ter has extended its appreciation published. Among those who &tood iMoines, Iowa, and her daughter, to the Crown Jewelry for aid giv- in the upper ten per cent of the Aileen Phyllis, arrived Thursday en freshman class were Rose Goldthe club. "night for a visit with her parents, stein of Omaha. Aleph Godol Harry Goodblnder Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Alpirin at the Plans for the formal danco to •Itoosvelt Apts. Mr; Feder will join announced that the election of of- be held Saturday, January 11, at !his family here for the week end ficers 'fpr-the coming -term will be the CoruIiUsker hotel, are l l held on. January 7. Members are coihpleted by the committee) in on Saturday. The Feders recently moved to urged to attend. Aleph Haskell charge. Colin is preparing a stage night Des Moines from Omaha. skit. This Sunday every member of MRS. BAKER HONORED tho chapter will contribute to the Mrs. J. M. Baker of Denver, "Mile of Dimes" board of the who has been visiting in Omaha, World-Herald Goodfellows. her former home, was entertained Sfero Elotsrs a week ago Wednesday in the O 9:30 A. M. fo Black. Mirror room of tho Fontenelle'hotel by Mrs. Sam Novak Tho Oncg Shabboth of tho Pioand Mrs. Max Novak. During neer Women's organization will be luncheon the party witnessed the held at the homo of Mrs. J. FeldIce revue. Afterwards the guests nian, 2424 Burt street. A musical played bridge. program has been arranged by ,t Last week Mrs. Baker was also Mrs. J. Raznick, cultural chairhonored at a luncheon given by man. Mrs. L.Ilubensteln for-12 guests. A reading is to be given by Mrs. .- Others who entertained for Mrs. George Soiref, and-a discussion of Baker during her stay were": Mrs.current topics is to be led by Mr. ,H. Richlln, Mrs.'J. Kaplan, Mrs. Morris Minkin. Members of the organization Jtf. Rosenstefn, -Mrs." D, ltabon, Mrs. J.- P. Crouhso and Mrs. Tlllie and their friends are Invited to attend. Cohen,

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OOB, TL«, ct, milRt. tf (Le continent ot Eaioi»3 t-Kdci L«.ne!>ttr rule— Il&Blk I i t ) ' i'L J». L, W i i * i,y k « n o*(.ai< vitttt \viti .! ld.a£tii.<i;y ttrt-ti "the new- orPHAKCi I A. a_UL it • • tici"—Itt.1* b_ o^ifc ta tenible, a s ' B \A K rl=j i n VTC nivicvfli h~H wiLter, that a c If a i t f£>i«_r tLe't t'<.t- t!i tt zuiiy to ftu«y di<-Jy the t.itu.s.t fa thy'iiiti-a Hiiij'i,!' of iitila^ Americans, Hi &, led f y Has u t Jlcivtr, are all set (>0uJ t, , i j uutK'ib ccit' to fcVcIuate iu Hitler has kid}ibal tliits all JC ^fcl»|jI^S, fci\«j to pj.y l^Lfati^u. ttjtus of cuattiUiiuicaj iiteioluie. Ouly naped the continent, stolen what eai% all ye inhabitants of t li e For tho second year Chauukah i& bei.Bg ob- Dr. Lewis, in his eoluain, '.'Book Nook," voiced world, fcctli iow aad high, riti food it had, and now says: served ia a war-torn world. Fever Chaziuk&h tLe hope that more Jewish writers would devote and poor, togetiier. My mouth lights will be kindled this year than formerly be- their, taleats to the interpretation of Jewish life. shall speak wisdom, and the medi"If you don't come through cause persecution aad black-oat luive prescribed This iiss been a constant plaint—that Jewish au- tation of my heart shall be un- with some millio&a of bushels of wheat, "and' tons of -meat, a n d light. What has distinguished these two Ckanii- thors are ignoring their heritage"and writing on derstanding. oceaas of milk, and carloads of hahs from their predecessors is tae fact that the themes far removed from their own lives. Ludmedicine, then my victim is going TALMUD battle taking place hi Europe, Asia, and Africa v<ig tewisalm lias held himself up as the shining During the time when ItEbhi to perish." resembles to aa uncanny degree tlte conflict of example of the Jew who writes of Jews. Simon was the prince, Rabbi Nathe Maccabeaus. Then as now the Hues were To heap blame upon the heads of America.) than, the president of the SeaTlie, same people who are hordrawn between a pagan ideology and a Juctaeo- authors for thia situation is unfair. Most Jewish hedrin, and Rabbi Mair, the sage rified at the thought of America of the college; when Rabbi Simon Christian one. authors would prefer to write on Jewish themes. would enter, the people arose, takiag military actioa to get.rid of the kidnaper are .perfectly-willIu those years, too, the people of Israel, like It is easier to work on familiar lines. But pub- likewise when either KabM Mair ing to feed the victim, and thus or Rabbi Nathan entered the peo- take a load off the kidnaper's Europe's defenders of democracy, went through lishers are reluctant to bring out Jewish books. ple would rise. Said then Rabbi tniad, and economy, end free bis. This fa sio discrimination. Not even Jewish-owned dark days. They caw their most sacred Simon, the prince, "If eo, there gangsters so that they can kidviolated by the conqueror. They saw their free- publishing houses are willing. And if it were not is no difference between me and nay someone else. Eventually, of dom extinguished, their homes destroyed, their for the Jewish Publication Society, which can un- the others." He enacted n e w. course, tha gangsters will g e t derwrite publication, books of Jewish interest rules. When the prince enters around to kidnaping the food-* children slaughtered. all tho people, present, in college producing lands of tho e a r t h * would bo rare indeed. Unlike their adversaries, who had been stimushall rise to their feet, whila Then they won't have to ask (or Tho publishers place the responsibility on tha when the president or the eaga ransom. lated by dream of empire, the Jews fought not for ' shoulders of the public, which they claim, refuse of the college enters only the peomore land, not for empires, hut for the preservaple of the first and second rows tion of an ideal. They fougM not just for them- to read' books of Jewish Interest—at least, not In shall rise. Thia rule was enacted Bie Jewa RFO' tho \ictiins -of' selves but for tlieir children and their children's numbers large enough to make publication profit- n the absence of Rabbi Mair and Hitler who luwo suffered, most**. able. Occasionally a book on a Jewish theme is Rabbi Nathan, so that on the nest iu\ titM enttar, taut! will continue children and even the children of their enemies. Buffer, in Europe.. Frederieli successful, but unless an author is well-known, day when they came and saw tho to r When one girds the sword for an ideal, ho be- publishers are not willing to take the chanco. people behind tho two rows re- f. Ilirchall, In lite m a s t e r ! i l l ' tBdup of 'conditions in Europe eomes a formidable adversary. Witness the (Jroeks maining seated, they asked the This is a vicious circle and a situation that will fci" tho- "new order" in t h e eason thereof. Iu answer to <ind the English and contrast their behavior with Mew York Times gays: "The"con* not quickly nor easily be changed. It does not which they wera told of IlabM that of the Italians. Tho latter have nothing for Simon's enactment. Rabbi Mair ditlon to wltlcli tlio Jews in'Po*' which to fight. They are bewildered and con- help matters to take writers to task for a condi- thereupon said to Rabbi Nathan, and hayo been reduced Is pitiabltt '" :.-. fused despite their superior armaments. ' With- tion that Is out of their control. Jewish Book "I anl' the sage and you are the beyond 'expressloa." . out destruction at home, their armies are rapidly Week should serve to focus attention and stimu- president, let ua enact some rules Aafl yet sinc^ Hoover began .to crumbling. On the other hand, the English, who late Interest in Jewish books, and In doing so offer in our behalf." "What can wo do?" Rabbi Nathan asked. "Let beat the tom-toms to feed1 Europe have been subjected to one of the most bitter a way out of the predicament. ua ask Rabbi Simon to teaeli us I have talked to a Htsmljes of Jewa sieges in history, determinedly carry on., They Tract Uktsia for we are aware sh'o etill h%ve close relatives hi are defending hearth and home, they are protectthat ho is not verged therein, and oland who told me: "I would when ho will not bo able to aa- attier that n»y people etarve than ing a way of Ufa. Two news'Stories, relating to prominent Je%?s, swer our questions, wo will say hat Hitler ho able to niovo » Because of the universal significance of Clianu- earns from Europe last week. They are made unto him, 'He who could not teach single division out .of Poland, and kah, tho holiday has been observed for two thou- newsworthy by contrast. A despatch from Italy BUCIX a subject could not bo a use it "soniewhew) else." sand years. The lights that glow on the eight eported that Senator Abraham Jacob Isaac Levl ixince.' We will then deposo Mm f nd you will take Ms place and I fiiej Imow Hitler Ibettes? than days of the holiday rekindle faith in time of dark- (sic), 77-year-old department store ~tycoon, has rotira." Rabbi Jacob overheard most people—the Jews. .We Isavo ness. As we recall the heroic deeds of the Macca- discovered after all theso years that ho is illegiti- his plan and eaid to himself "God bees close? to Mm. We lawn? bees, we are likewise witnesses to a modern hero- mate and that his father was an Aryan. He ia, forbid that Rabbi Simoa should that any agreement.lie mnjr nialte, ism. As we read of their unwavering devotion to herefore, exempted from tho disabilities of 'non- e embarrassed." Peeling that it fea males whilo looking forward an ideal, we witness the determination to preserve Aryanisra'—for such is the peculiar provision of would bo wrong to disclose it to tho day \?hen it wilt bo brokopenly, lie went and eat down in a way of life, the values that have given meaning the Italian racial laws. Senator Levi Is hence- tho back of Rabbi Simon and be- en. .V/o'know that last winter ho eft-Ippect bare the-soil of Poland and imparted significance to our existence. forth Senator Leva, and. his wife, whoso maiden gan to study tho Tract UktEin eacl CTCSI stole tho pota and pans name, was "Cohen" (elc), are able to assume once loudly, over and over again. Rab- to he converted 'into guns in tho 1 Simon noticing such a strange IScich. Wo know that if America more their rightful place in Italian society. ct, said'.to himself, "What does more food into Poland this In a more charitable moment we would be apt his mean? Perhaps, God forbid, posers year, tho chance that this food Paced by a common enemy, Judaism and Chris- to put this foolish deed down to senility. But we something is going on in the col- will feed Poles—and .ttiosc ^?ho tianity are for the first time conscious of a com- are restrained by the second story which tells that ege?" Immediately thereupon lie still- live of tlio 8,000,080 Jews up that Tract and studied who.once .lived. In Poland—will mon heritage. Significance is given this fact thi3 in France, an older man, the great philosopher, Ittook through. On tho next'day,-his depend upoji a Hitler promise. year by tho joint observance of Christmas and the the distinguished Nobel prize-winner, 81-year-oid desciples said to him, "Let the Bo®3 Herbert HOOVCE1 still believe. finft day of Chanukah. If the Hebrew calendar Henri Bergson, has refused exemption from the m a s t e r lecturo over Uktsla," In a" Hitler promise? Or should had not been discarded by tho early Christians, French racial laws and is therefore forced to re- which .he did open and. lecture ho re-read Mcin Itompf ?' this would'be'.-usual,, but because of the calendar sign his post at the College de Franco. It is not upon. After he was through, lie paid to them, "Had my attention difference the simultaneous observance is only necessary that Bergsou resign; it is not even neces- not been called to this Tract, I ••Tho Departsacat of .Agriculture's occasional. sary that he deny his origin. The men of Vichy should have been put to public urvey of conclltiong in ISuroito winter, 'mftdo at t&o request -^-unlike their counterparts in Germany—have not 3hamo by your plan." He there- tills The strange currents abroad in the world toof tho-President,'showed that .no upon gave an order, and Rabbi day have focused tho attention of Jew and Chris- been able to divorce themselves from the French Mair and Rabbi Nathan were re- oao in- Em-o|>o would, starve—^it tian on their common denominator, and for the respect for culture, and are perfectly willing that moved from the college. They he Iddnc^cio hwtn't token-tho tov tliclv own table. lirct time in centuries they are less concerned with this old man be permitted to retain his post and would, however] circulate in writdifferences. Rather than being divided by these his honors because of his extraordinary contribu- ing; questions and objections and And the American RetU'Crocs, :hrDw them into tho collese. To differences, an honest attempt is being made to tions to French cultural life. he questions that could not bo which has had Ua own O&SCTVCKJ Henri Bergson has jaever identified himself iolved iii college, they T/oulfi fn Efjbpe, tafcea tho name •view. understand them. , with the Jews although his Jewish origin was themaelve3 write the answers and Had there been no Maccabees, ho defeat of the isht now the R«d Crony ia known and was something he never chose to deny. send them again to college. RabSyrian tyrant, there would in all likelihood have bi Jose then exclaimed. "The ttrcpurlnj; to cciid canned paSHSi There ^had been some rumors of a conversion to • lic-ea no Christianity, for the preservation of JudaTorah 13 outside and we' without for cJdltlren, czit eonio medicines, i S FF r^ cl nd cl np ^ fnm waa necessary for the birth of the new re- Catholicism, but these too were never spoken of the Torah should remain incido ta iraocctrpiciS .Erftic^i nivo peraiiccioa for "It ligion. Yet in the chaos that followed the decline by" tho philosopher. In tho hour of travail, thin the college"' Rabbi Simon oboctogenarian takes his stand along hi3 brethren. serving to what it raisht lead,, to n« and fall of tho Roman empire, the two religions Though ho may bo physically weak, he ia the thereupon said, "Let them como •—parent and child—cboce to ignore tho relation. back to college,, however, t li o y also Bed Cs-oca Is also discacc-' source o£ moral strength. • Tbrongh tha ccntnric-a thia fcsling prevailed. Not must be punished that no Halach^ Inn nlana-foi: CCMUKK vacat to Perhaps if Senator Leva were a philosopher ho 3hall bo proclaimed- ia t h e i r . Gpain. En «nccccp!cill France, r.r.3 until the rise of Puritanism in Holland and Ensmight realize the shame of hio act. It would have names. Hence Ral)bl' r,Iair was in SprJn, tlto Ead Cross fedo IS Ir.nd, was recognition jiven that Judaism and eost him very little to have made thia gesture or named A c b e r i m (anonymous) c a "o^crr.ic t.a o catt".\a cstwnft Christianity are basically oao. without Kr^ii iatcrfcronce. Jft £cel3 solidarity with a persecuted people. Ho haa few and Rabbi Nathan, Yea Omrlm c^n tlhiri'rata ccKly-GcatJcu One cervicc Hitler hro performed has been to ycara to live. Instead to protect his miserable self (some say). Both had dreamn to tuppllci vaiticKit C!:cqvc?ir-3 thesa reconcile with Rabbi S i m o n , force tha rccoguiUoa of this fact upon Jewa and and h?3 miserable wealth, he is perfectly wilting l ttel&h Into Germany. whereupon Rabbi Nathan did so, C,iv\itizrs: The Nasi3 are in revolt against tho to besmirch the namo of his long-dead mother and v h i 1 o Rabbi Mair said t h a t Certainly vo cltould sot uce our rsoT?l values have cuided -Europeans for cea- to-esposd to the world his own moral weaknesses. dreams must not bo* regarded. ; •capon to further the causo of crr,t ,:;".3. It Hitler katcr. tho Jews, thia is hia CEWe rejoices In the fact that a man like Henri Hitler. 'i)t%. : s .5 ht his hatred against a morality that i3BergBon wishes the world to know ho Is og. Jewish 13SOO Bicd in ta Ijl3 pagan philosophy. He hao ail-* ilcin. ' yta rejoice also that a man like Senator Certainly xrd ohould use it to Tel Aviv (JTA) — Dr. Markuo urther-the cauco o^ civillzaiiori. "raitle:l.Iy ;;-,:r;iceuted the Jews with the view _ of. Lovi-Lova will have no part oZ us. Kraoraer, Rumanian .Zionist leadorsr-t\ '.'„ .\iflins Christianity. In respect to e»vin"s our food er, who lias just arrived hero, reT2rr; or differences in theological concepts. ported that approximately 1,500 to Idtlaaped Europe, our policy Jews were lUlletl duviag tho re- should bo: \T-'./ii-? ..:>, .^sVcrcnces in interpvslf.tion v£ ethical cent Iron Guard crccscca in Ru(let S dayc) \- -c: . 1 ' * •' -..•''.; stubbornly in.:tny hlrMr? *>7 Hie ..T/eflnesdjiy, Dec. SD mania. Ha rddrei;;d r. meeting Not one* spoonful of Americas i 'fobcth '""tzT ". vo fill. If v;a L-ocosuiso tho <0s£u.> ....,....T«ccd?.y, Doe. 31 sponsored by the Rumanian Jew- Jood ehould feed ft mouth, ualcca J".'.5t of Tebolh tho handle of the spoon is hclci by Thursday, J a a . 3 ish Settlors' Association. •:• .. -; i: *; •\-;:=.I.:o tho richt to thet'o diL.Ceros\cr-~, in American. y, J a n . 2D ;, „ "r T» ?»,-, : v i!3 one forward stop on the ro^d Ec3ii-Ctc-3c3li Shobat (Copyrighted by Jewisiv-Tc-lcHerman Bernstein v;r.s U. S. !j previous C'aj sranhic Agency; lac.) inhicf to AlbsQls. tier


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Friday, D.ece-iaLer 20, 1&


B'nai B'rith Aids Red Cross

Ike associ&ttoH aunoucced ia & press statement. The stEte-Hieitt s-oiEtei out that during t i e last 27 years D i e ZafcsMt's deficit totaled $4C&,» wiiieh was borae by tLe as» tiott. Tiie periodical tad fceea TLis tveaiiig at gervices R&ttl cted Ly the assoeiatioa for David H. Wice will E&sak on "I.iaa 48 years. of the Year." Saturday Eiemiag services will i'&Cii MiliEit,>*. begin at 11. Mext; Wet-k Next Friday eveaiag, Zeta Beta HO'IIOE 6 F tiiOii&'t'E ti-S1 W£UL '£'&v. • Eaibath will be- observed at Ia Lte Couuty Couit t f Douglui Couaty, tbe Temple.

g g time; 4:2-5 The regular late Friday serv ices of the U. O. C. will take place at Congregation B'aai Israel, 18U and Chicago, at 8 p. in. The Rab bi will speak OE "What Shall I Read?" Saturday morning, the Itabb will speak at Co&gregation Bet Hamedrosh Ifegodol, 19th and 'iBurt. t Juskior Congregation fcs tiie ili-His? ot the EfitfcU of The Junior Congregation vil JLH 8-tEiai.s iuicieeied ia wid estut* IL O. C. hold services Saturday morning a Tiie regalsr late service'of the titbit ta t:t,id Cuiirt pieyUig tor tt.e pro» 1 the B'nai Israel Synagogue at 10 i ' U. O. C. will take place &t thebat© of & ccrtcta instE'ui&bot uow oa ffia tt Mrs. Sam Katzma.ii will be hos Congregation E'ftal Israel, I8th ia £fcld Court, puE'iKrirti&g to i>£ tiie t&sl tess to the children at a recep t a d Chicago, at 8 p. EI. Itabbi Is- will ia»d tcstwac-tit effcUdfcw;cs.A6il,6*(S tion after services. eih Ilackovsky will epesk on tida titfore **id Court t>a is.e <U» fifty e t Children conducting services JTatiuery, 1641, fc&d tUat if tuey fall to ftp"What Shall I Read?" this week are Besalel liaumer and jitar £i K&id Court fcn the tsftid 4th day of, ifeil, at B o'clock A, M., tt» «oa« Kunice Feldman who will act ES tm i test the |>irob£,tei «>f *6i4 wKl, Ui« Coaift Bella El cantors, Leonard Potash who w l mfey fcUow Mid yrotete taut wiil KI»3 grout Nell JSiff, former national presiread the portion of the law, and dent of Junior Hadassah, will oc- JesmEs Weiss sjnd Guorge £ouef or" eowa living Rips who will read the porAMERICAN RED CROSS otlitr suitfi-ble pek&on, tnttr & cttfee of cupy the pulpit at "the Beth El hclrship, tion of the week. fend jirocted to a e&meKrtftt KATIOWAL KEADQUAETCK? Synagogue this evening . when this f^of. At a recent meeting of the JunWASHINGTON, P. C. specie! services are held ia honor ERYCU CHAWfORR, ior CongregatioE, the following Cuimty Judgeof the eightieth birthday of Hen- 12-18-tO-St. committee were appointed: Coarietta Szold. etltution, Meyer Halprin, chairNest Week man, Evelyn Byron, Fannie WolfNext week services at the Beth h « s l L.a (:. S»14a son. Social Comailttee, Arleao El Synagogue will- ba conducted Dansky, chairman. Gene Ostierb the Youth Group. Dr. Morris off, Charlotte Katsiaau, and Leon Kertzer of the University of Iowa .Wintroub. Calling Ccmutittee, Joo f s t e j isStC it s s t r s u c n , fk» tiaitiii,.'! t,ttUti t,t will give the sermon. Sklar, chairman, Harold Abramti'ml B'sfS-tSi bss tttai-U <» tk» E»a Ciws tU> tu«,->ii,ti^ bt U.ctii t - t i fcJiU ta iwlUi* (J Bum tumlea, Sher« a a tm* £W siiiU son, Rebecca Finer, and Jerry Yowitz. t tsi* «>>« «t tUSr U l i t t s . ii,l» cffur i f t»« .ice' la OLDEST YIDDISH / : U fU J tUi ' Study Groups Regular Sunday morning servMONTHLY SUSPENDS lei WU.*t, t» Rell Sail &< WHOLEBAtE r fcvjs. ices of the U. 0. 0. Brotherhood to* G»fe»C N e w Y o r k (JfTA) — D i o irtll take place this Sunday, at ©i tlti ; fe'sitii. K«'u» 8 of ZSukuntt, oldest Yiddish monthly Congregation B'sal Israel, a t .9. ©Tefcaee© © Piites es tli« lettur till litflf '»''*» t> in the United States, published in '. The Hebrew Study Group will tM Gfit* fei tej * & g nt ft»fic( Yiddish toy tho Jewish Dally Forti,i>i» t&a llii %st\ mom t f i t s t t i l l Eisa to £teoug meet this .Monday, at the Rabbi's vard association, will COUJ-O pubstudy at 8 p. m. lication with Its December issue, The Talmud Study Group will meet on "Wednesday, at Congregation Beth Hainodrosh Ilagodol, , t j 1,3 19 th and Burt, at 8 p. m. , b ' i 11,t U l / fSHs» l i k i U,>»« eta t a Congregational Meeting lsr-1 t l d c. A regular membership mooting l3S sttp la 6 of Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Utlulcg tiii UuiiM to viic J t\ Hagodol took place on Sunday, ti II U f tL f December 15. Mr. Harry A. Cohen presided in the absence of the president, Mr. L. Blotchy. Various A ocpy of thl) cc.-.s-3ilcttio!l t i gslcg t . t ffv» Btel B'vlt^ U tb»lr Iodise, luitlllulea, tiJ otUar u i l u . t^ttal ^lumltj will changes wero made In the organf i t quit* usWjilly tata U.a {.^-'41 Jitor-i;«Qy tiMSJ-jntteo r..iei DltOEI izational structure among which Cb*(Uri lure igidsrttka. was the appointment of Mr. I, Elewitz as financial secretary. / The proposed Constitution was &MC. ( l i t ! r6ad for a second timo and w 1'lri.ctw - U r Es accepted with minor susKoatlo for changes. Mr. M. Miukin, Mr. A. Richards, Mr. D. Abracifl, Mr. (Upper left)—-Jlrjcilcf.:i ivCil Cio.-.s C:tahJ>icri NcrfE.'.n ir S Elewitz and Mr. A. Levin wero with whoso ornaaizRtlou Kcasy TJorisIcy (upjcr Ei^Itt), |iiresl« appointed as a committee to inJ dent of B'usl li'rlUa, \\t& can.^uuuuctc(l ftreandemcclo !>y ubich 'iV ; /' (^ Cf/tt for vestigate tho painting contract of tho entire mait^ovfc? e e l Bic:cIplnQry ©f tlto ruoro Uisn &O3 WvsA •( .,- iS f.JKio era the synagogue and to conclude tho B'rltli locHgci end auslliarlc3 throughout too coEiitry bcia^ proceedings. >--"' tl ELO c.ifcVo put a t tho iraiaiecliato disposal c-f tlto boino tcrvlcg tcctioaa oS 1 Chovra Kndisha ' •• ,.-/ Uy ulll citjoy, local Red Cross clinptcrs to help tho Rod Cfoc3 In cxecuthtjj ita The Chevra JKadlsha of Conhomo eer^ico program for the fomillca o£ men called into tlto gregation Beth Hamedrosh Hago'J:-rri ' o LUM sou. dol had its annual dinner on Sun- armed tics-vice of tho United Htetes. (Below)—Reproduction ol mcmorcnauia to ell Itcrt Cross day, December 15, at C p. m. chapters from Bon O. Gniith, director o£ Red Cross Wr.p Ocevice, About 50 members were present. aflviEinL"j them of tlio offer of ccivlco by Ii'ar.1 B'rltli find outunow noou jri JILr n The officers of tho congregation l i U N O OVICIt \Jlti-t AT" lining the spheres in which tko Red Crora cud 11'nr.i B'rlth will were guests of the Chovra Kad TIB'UL l»Ii;Cl 'J YOlT"u work together in tho local communities v.'hcro they EI-O botli WC0E3 isba. represented, particularly whero thcro ere no Jewish, case-work ADOKH. OU11 Li'A Mr. N. Levinoon extended tho agencies. ISO?5U X'LAWNINO J>, greetings of tho Congregation to jvn-i^jiwi1 sou the membership. It was decided rovi that the Chevra Kadlsha make a chett (Sir Alfred Mond), a former contribution of §25.00 to tho member of tho British Cabinet, Hlas and that together with tho who wna himself, though of JowCongregation it send a contribuioh origin, not brought «l> in tho tion of $50.00 to tho Emergency Jewish faith, and ot tho first Lady Childrens Campaign now conductif ' H * • • ; i *! • .-'' \i-i- • / . , . w Mclchett, who io an ardent-memed by the.Jewish proas. ber of tho Church of. England. The Rabbi, being out of tho £ Yort (JTA)—Lady Gwen- The present Lady Mclchett' wan city, sent a written message to tho dolyn Melchett, T/lfo of Lord Mel- bom in South Africa. Chevra Kadlsha which wa3 re-chett of London, was convortcd to ceived with a warm responso. Judaism during her recently con•''.;.--"'». ! cluded visit to the United States, the American Jewish Congress revealed. She was inducted into the Jewish faith by tho Rov. Mrs. Maude Nathan, 73, died Maurice L. Perlswelg in a cere- Wednesday evening at her home mony lield cccretly in tho chapel after a long illness. She had re. By Evelyn Levy sided in Omaha f o r fifty-two Four score her years—a mellow of the Free Synagogue here. Tho only -wltncnsea were Dr. years. -age-— Surviving her are: h e r IiunStephen S. V/iee, rabbi of the Free Her every yeai* a shining page Synagogue, and Lord Lielchett, band, Philip; a con, Louis of Loo •"••• n i Within her Book of Life. Tho ceremony v;as not disclosed Anceles; thrco daughters, Mra. Hadassah's mother— 'loved MiM until the return of Lord and Lady Leon Tealo of New York, lira. Szold, David Hester of Chlcaco, a n d Mclchett to England. •Mongst womenhood's most loftyL?,dy ttclchott'o conversion to 1I1S3 Esther Nathan of Omaha; souled. Judaism follows that of her hus-•and a grandson, Justin of Los Acclaim for her la rife band, the present Lord Mclchett, Angeles. Slip by her gently, Father Time; who W&G received into tho Jew- Funeral services to bo held ha <;••:;} d «:* vszi ptV;;,te p c i - end «:.9 this moraine at 10:30 at Hulco Touch not hor spirit — young, ish faith in 1933. Lord Melcliett and 9r,¥.-:ir.;j c! ts KJCS t?ir:!;s! fJ3 L~rC3 Rioi»en. i3 the con of tfta Lite Lord Melsublime, Undimmed through eighty years! w:a IT--? r:::;»:-j csi:,ri:;-v.'Aw:"s a e*,vrv f." And, Thou, dear Lord, place in her vcin3 -- 1 , I3L© LEASER'O£ Pulsating Btrength to bear tho strains //' BECAUSE IT IS THE DEGT Of Israel's needs end teara. r












' - \



or Mrs. Maude Nathan

Hadassah's Mother Is Eighty Today


Oh, tiny land of Palestine Fulfill her hopc3,for your design, Be HOHB to the oppressodf jVhere peaco and health and juot}ce reign, 'And Israel's work lo not in vain; [Where;driven souls find rest. Grant that Iier mortal eyes may see


Th lasting end of tyranny,And bestial. tyrants, fall? Democracy triumphant stand. Shedding Its light in every land To pierce the world's black pall.



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rf?fIR M t''''l 5'""™ iaUUSiS WUOVJCJ


_ J 2 CASL THAT GIVES YOU T O GOG» 7EJKXS L>*inST Sao Joan Opita for Racst Tra£o Allowance, on Yeas- <0!3 CBV



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of & iojUcuith fctreet dealer &Ld M i ^5 ,v^r to Captain Jai ,~ i . ! H t x , ' jt cf the quarn . t t _ fL« . ^t local army I

U. J* A* Receives Gift Front General

Have we t i n l> . U i c_t l j t if <»!V f J<_V .. „ . J O n you that Jean f u t ^ »* t, i> - J . 2 < ! ! i J-Vt ' i . , . he Frepch police ottu-.t v«: » «.- O - ' J ) i I _ I f f t/ J I . 1 "killed vhiiv. Uji c l* !.j«..i. t » . . . U J. V .1 f _ . . i j . . i U U '• teach-the L>_ii«i~ a i t . -J» V E_fc - . . f,* t i - . (. i l , , s< _ •-tile O ¥ B < I tut 1 ^ fw i_ „» Prance's ni' t i a H f - i . i n i « j ' - ? ' . . . Being1 » ti i v i t ' n n ,

can't cite iL^t\ t u . > u . , e t there's a £*(,-* t tKv-iit t t , L.^.tnerologicati; ii*uu !„ Ki^'iti JXK in the Boob ut io.\<,'».t'*, tr «. MJ

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t U J J . i ( J t'tv, ' U i.Legation:'- '• ' i t , f.^h.-lt vk« f t, tii.bte first b i . i n/ U c 't».Lie{ atioa'snew t.o, t , ' L i U t . . i« Jewish, boats ctta t-.,.-l ti^~W to "the Jewish. t i t tt «,- h i !«>aUt»& £Qd co-operttbiu" .-:

I i t * I J - iv k trli l i l , | , t i l u i i. L> f«l, 1 . t t a t »k v l a f ' t d t l ttkfc

.astrologistb', ITS ScLataliy, t«/ t£-at . o . 'ittfifc UClC irlO '<.Clti^> Wii.( >t it's written in the t,Uia that Jiit- L e f U t t h o t K ( 0 4 * 1 *.«»( ... li • ler will dib la IS 11 . . . HVvi - •—itv, i L y *jf tLo .»cd a t d j t . ' H e pI_n F \'lu<u 1 uiC Lee-i ing wbispeici suuimd t' »u t «.t o , . Sj^t Li I d i t e a hid £.t i l i < i t £ in l i e Bfrt the Italian fi^co — oi yuitiiak,,, liiL. —i**-- l-o'l t.lsMv of t i m e , . . ifcilll 1 fuf v)i l u l j.u.Jttht I ill r as somebody hki, calico—Ju U c~ iiis,u f«« Ltd i t , \«iikfi i| t « the & t£ U v ^ U u / of IuNear East nay CSULO Ihtki* to U u ««fei-tt->-_ii, ii-H-.t cs . . . It ttrlor U I«It->, oftitialj of bring Fifth Coiutun activities to a w'x ft,J sltitfci cad tho JuttUe ^ u t . t t d t ai A yf t t , head Jn India . . . But a m't h t tti to b.«>t Luf t,n L u . , . PtJ i i ut^ciitifc<- ot thvJ Vhanybody tell >ou tind H i t l e r t l " Itl^-UtlS. thinks he's C d Ah -ff I.ty Una\/ 11 a o u t !'. .[(tei> of LUte Ccacell Hull self '. , . Even Gaily Gcbi ck, tMcl^ltiel iCfiWiifiWIity tov claims only that the ri<thi<i 1' bUi(Ui>g th< yioject a i d told ic" the intennedif i / between lite IKOpbitctb tLat "I don't pie and the tin one of God , . «1 ^ , (It i 2 It ilfii Ufjll ab*ut It." 1 ' The extent of the fituloici now tc.v| diltig wlia v<nntud vp ril Lf At Ms iceular lacts , ' enjoyed by tin. Ft melt can l>es | . iu,« fce Ida i^ ciUaiy l»k<s taid tLat the Ingauged by .the fact that even a In tlie army, asia ilsea wns reject' terior department had been In facomic strip which used to refer d f e p off poos' eyeslglst, !»• vor of the plan for some time. to "Huns" now must call its vil- sfst.3 tliEt'asiy. ttjw wit© for years 'Naturally, t h e - Virgin Islands lains "Patagonlaus" . . . The spe- has been able to . wind Iillj wey could not take care of many refucial 'authorization, required before through Titiies Bfitaare traffic, • ea gees, bat even a few lives saved any one caa ' go" from occupied lie has, would be able to gisMa a from firing stu&ds aad concentra. France to the unoccupied terrl- teak' straight to- llerclttesg&deii tion camps are worth while la . tory costs five thousand franca Morton Ginetorg is compiling; these clays," ka said. . for Aryans, but twice as much a Jewish Who's Who that will - Ickes Scores Opposition' . for Jews . . . be.'more complete than anytLlcg "I think it ia regrettable," ho yet attempted . . . We, believe continued, "to create the tapreg• HOME'NEWS we've already told yots that or- sion that tlio right of asylum for . • ¥ou know, of coarse, -that as chestra, leader Meyer Davis haa a political refugees, o£ vjhich/' this . Hitler co»«ioet3 &nj territory yoar profitable sideline in Bawling al- country aged to be so proud, has Uncle Bain • Immediately freezes leys—bnt liow, yo0 should keow, been allowed to-die of inanition." . that country's holdings, in the U. •lie's J the sjndispEted leader to that Declaring that the refugee prel• S., to prevent unth moucy's froth' industry, with ten establishments ect would be for t i e ••eeoaomlo -coining lato Nesi handis.. , . Bistj in 'Various parts of the country. benefit ot tlie Virgin. Islands, Ift, (lid.yon know that Germon-ovraed I . . . Broadway Is looking forward Ickea pointed out that "the.peo-. property and easli In the U..S. is'to a new Elmer Rice play, entitled ple of the Virgin Islands, through. exempt from each' freezing? . . . j "Plight to' the West" and having their elective officers, are Btroag• We hope somebody will learn a an anti-Nazi theme . . , If you'd y-'in support of this Plan aud-.liaTe lessoa from the news t h a t an ilike to see the late. David Belasco made representations' to this deAmerican fInn, which • tried t o ' again, lie.sure you see "Lady With partment urging, us J o do all that circumvent the law about the ex-,Red Hair," in .whieli the famed is i$ our pov;er to farther the faport of RMHsey to Nexl-occupied' producer-playwright- is- portrayed vorable actloa voted -by tlie counterritories' •. • by ' SOEKMP.'J c a s h fa poitr^ycd by C'Inside Reims . . . cil." through the insila, fiaialiy Icf.rncfl ConjprutulKticng to Doris FmoIfJ*. "F'ear lies IJOOH cxprccsed that that .wliat the atldivispc actually vi'lio, we understand, • is the BCWsome subversive people m i g h t ' .received was a paefcaze of news-' face'-behind-'Paul Peters' .colamn coma to the Virgin Islands a n d print paper cut' to ctirrestcy size "Between You KJM! Me" . . . rom there to the mainland," lie '. . . Did you realise tlsat this 1j said. "I am not apprehensive on week-end marks the 25th enniver- ' ABOUT PEOPLE that score. The possibility is/resary of Henry Ford's effort; to | One of the most winning perr mote. I would be prepared in end the first world war "before sonalities and beat speakers in any event to run the risk of a few Christmas?";. . . We don't'know Jewish public life ia Edward Warwhat Mr. Ford is doing to com-,burg, son of. the late Felix M. . . Milton Berle, who'a in Hollyniemorate the occasion, but Rosi- Warburg . . . Young Warburg has wood now, has a new stand-in-— ]ka Schwinuner, who had original- J a mind of his oWn, too . . . Su- Al Bayne, .who a decade or so ago ly given him the idea, recently,' preme Court Justice and Mrs. was known as Abo Bain, t h e together with Irving Caesar, who Fells Frankfurter have adopted Ghetto Assasaln, and at the time also had worked on. it, celebrated three British children for the dur- had middleweight boslng chamthe anniversary of the F o r d ation of the war . .• . Their fa- pionship aspirations . . . Hedy LaPeace Ship sailing. . . . "Good" ther is author Gilbert Murray . . . marr, whom Hollywood had redisnews for our Canadian neighbors: ' Albert Basserraahn, one of t h e covered at last, is said to bo the The |fitary !a that Unity Mitford, outstanding non - Jewish German latest romantic interest of Woolthe Englishwoman who used to ' refugees, and who is making good worth Donahue, flve-and-ten heir. like Hitler, is. being c®i»£ to Can-< in Bollywood, may be seen on ada f&T the deration . . . It you've Broadway this seanon if play. bcea wondering w h y_ newnreela wright Clifford Odets has his way FOIB HEN^.«™ Two beantifol practically never show s'.ota ot . . . We don't remember-.whether rooms'' teid kltclien, Nicely N i l J t d , ' it*H'1because - the N'aai we ever told you that G e o r g e fumlsheiE.-Utilities paid. WB iaelsfcj- . that the whole Brent, who's a .hundred per cent 8527. coutalsilsg sadi shots- Irishman,, played tho role of Able must l>o Gubmittctl' t o ' fete well- in one of the "Abie's Irish Rose" Oiled' ccfcnora V-••':.,; and sar news-' road companies years and years reel POBipaaSes 4bij*t ML© t l s a t . . . ago . . . But something v/e'ye JuBt FOR RENT—Lovely apartmeist. Coaaplciely fns> .We've jasi."hfe^ird that a fowl learned ih that Renea Carroll, nlslted. UtUitteo pnid. GoBroadway's-most famous hatyears rg© tEe,jasi 'cltcmical 'es-_' rpse,' SltS Lincoln Blvd. • £»6rta, ©a roau'ioii'a report oa ear-'J chcclt girl, Ip the daughter of an HA SC03. "l»o» rcBcasch;;;'-py *fta Americaa ' Orthodox rabbi named Shapiro 'chemist asmed',l?r,occj5, sent'him. srs offer off._ffiit;i^Ecel!eat joh . . VWljcrcapoa . .Bfr.v Drogea Isafl the gfccfc plcassire.:©! -.writlog b a c k that, ra a Jew,:'he did not choose to woylt fov.-Hitter . . .

Jiail iKe.fa i^.iejirieh Bach, a n ' it,./, id i m became

New York (JTA) —- Two Luu-Lc<.d dred pianos for use 1B. army iwtreatian ceatere have been lire seated to tie ariayy by the Jev W Vt ti U War Veterans ^ff tiie U ni i tt e d r"' ' States. They p e r e lieagkt fcy

Artja, Li, i f 4 V






If \/e could eave toiae llvta woith


H i © CSUH;

m™ &> m S ^ ^y -**'

HJINIATURB If ass Stein: He -was tlio gentlest of Yiddioh nevspapormpn • * . . . He was~beca0EQ he died last vreolx after a sis nioatha' siege .N Of suCcriag , . . Stein looked like. a Jspancflo E1 d e r^ Statesman,' tl.ougli ho was no more thaa 5G •when tho end came . . . For more than 30 years ho had been a news sad feature vrriter, first In Mbnt~

l^or i i


of tlip telephone csnd "^on best xik

dlstan^o rates rahlc^a f t>> Ks.Cs 6C3 a. m. end


ugli the holidays, za si we'll bs oa Band—" ^ g our beet to keep tha Clisistmca cpirte fa l

Irt efCij^stcl! tsaata orj

I7i» suggtttyou sszdssargixte&st tbiptnsaet way—by ulepb$tsb<

Vc a?sa COST t a psSntii In

f Jia U, S, end C ^





THE f£Wt£ii«ES2i


$,hni,ti, XoiffBi oat icte thfe h&ve started. e» siicli a veyagf. Black Sea by a tug and sbandon- Wfeea I pra'test&d tkat I could nut go to sea-taster BUCK ••coadlUoaa ,li.l/, we were driven I was told: 'Yoa must start.'" sito 'xaikUh. wtttis &.nd a pass- : When the Ealvator was burle£ i-.g i^otcr hCLt tou&d us iEto the on the rocks,' the pilot swam Straits. At I&tisafcttl we ttoyiyieS asiiore tstecl asd ran E-eteral (Continued trogi Page 1.) R&bbi, Progressive Syn for a while but eventually the lailes to Eilivii "to get L.el&. Many as dressed with no more tli.aa tea ca&tain gave tUe order to weigh of the iffugees wLo were wasted, zlc-tkes OB them. Frequently they suiekor azid we headed for the asliore were &Igo 'sittout cloth. A Jewish Child's Garden & English the very famous poem by do aot liuow where they are go- Sea of M&K'iasra. ing. Verses, Abr&ti&m Bizrstein (illiss S. S. Frug'entitled "The Cup,"ing. Families are separated a. "Euddealy a vl&Ie&t s h o c k : trated by Dorothy Echniioi) Blocb based upon an ancient rabbinic hundreds die. In the course of aroused its. The easuing scenes Emil Betisels, a German Jew, Publishing Company, 108 Pages. legend, and which merits reprint- moving oae community to anoth- were terrible. Prayers and shrieks was a member of the Hall expedier, thousands disappear. ing in this column. mingled with the howling of the tion to the Arctic (1871). Three days after his arrival in gale, &nd In the pitch darkaess • J e w i s h education is handi THE CUP 'capped in many serious ways, no "Oh, mother beloved, my dearest this country on September 12, Mr.the white-crested-• waves broke Zeigeibauiu began las speaking- over its aud water poured through •' the least being inadequate t e x i OEie, s a y - ILfei After-Tlaeatre Sn&ck (or the Jewish Labor Com- thousands of fissures as the anbooks and teaching material. No Is it trine,- &s my graiidfetltci" told tour mittee in behalf of the many anti- cient craft began to Ibrtak up. at tL« that there is lacking au abundme one day, "is Nazi refugees who may still be ance of text books, with new ones VtkSit before the good IMKI, In therescued and for the underground even being added yearly. The "There were hardly any life• heaveiEs t&r up, ' movement of Poland which lias problem, however, how to impart Forever there stands & miraculous the gigantic task of feeding hun- boats on board and they disapa minimum of Jewish information peared instantly. There was one cup? dreds of thousands of Jews. IS TOPS to the pupil, remains and baffles And in sorrow and sadness and small rowing boat aboard aud we Open 24 Hoars Dally for all who are interested in Jewish were 300. Suddenly the vessel evei>y- distress, Yossr Coi'tvenierice education. broke its back and precipitated When the- burdens of fare on every one into the raging sea." fellowiutui press, With all the modernization and Following his arrest, the capwith all the scientific methodol- From the eyes of the {sovereign trickles a, tear,. tain of the vessel eaid: "I feel ogy introduced into our religious (Continued from Page 1.) schools, both daily and Sunday, Which falls in the cup, all shinv They reside in his ehowplace pal- that I did my duty throughout. I was the last to leave and hod mering clear? ISf II and smiMM ST8. the average pupil gains pitifully ace in Rome which is rumored to it depended ou we I would ne\or And they Bay, mother dear, when little knowledge in the course of have offered to Premier Benlto 'tis filled to the brim, his school years. In the old days. Mussolini as a residence at one When scientific technique was un- There shall come the Messiah, time. heroic and strong » • known the Jewish school did proFriend of Mussolini Tide a training adequate to meet Messiah the wonderous - • you've It is indicated that he will told nie of ldm * the needs of Jewish life. True shortly be officially known as W ' U } ' 01 , ' ^ / f , *.;../ enough the school was far from We plead for his coining in pray- Seuaotr Leva. er and song! . • . iatlsfactory and it had many glarLevi has been a supporter and ing defects. But the results of Messiah, for whom we have wait- close friend of II Duce since the ed so long, those old-fashioned schools were early days of Fascism. His philmore positive and their influences While our spirits grow sad and anthropic work in tho ranks of our eyes become dim!" Fascism brought him a senatorial inore lasting than of the Jewish "Yes, sacred and true is the story, nomination in 1933 ou the Premichools of our own time. my son," ier's recommendation. He was one Of course, the task of the old 17I1BH VOU CISOOSG A school was facilitated by a Jew- Said the mother, head bowed, of Italy's ten Jewish senators. Born) in Turin of poor parents, when her dear .one had ish environment and by the attiLevl built up his enormous fordone. tude of parents which was always tune in shoes, clothing and dewholesome. Nevertheless the fact partment stores. At one time he "But when will this end, and the Remains that with all the new and owned most of the leading devessel be filled scientific methods and text books partment stores in Italy, having employed in our religious a n d With the tears from the eyes of obtained most of his business the Holy One spilled? Hebrew schools the concrete reideas through wide traveling, parsults are appalling. Our children What is wrong? Do they dry as ticularly In the United States. He they fall one by one, know little of Jewish history and is generally referred to as the tradition, and this little is Quite Op spray into vapor, like foam in "king of ready-made clothes" and the sun? often distorted. Not only is their Is recognized as a leading figure knowledge shockingly meager, but Or perhaps • - or perhaps - • In the development of several there's a hole in the cup?" branches of Italy's industry. He is SGHD POP. K!CG BOOKLG'f their loyalties and Jewish attachFind (,:A tow >cu cea i ment are weak and tenuous, and To the face of his parent the lad- reputed to possess $50,000,000. die looked tip: t.VKa Ida tiii',, lsi.iKii*H iil give way under the slightest pres\I'IU( •k&tf&H | t j c;;s fcK'..i: "lion a sure. Our schools do not produce In his eyes of a sudden glowed sweetness «nd light," (l loyal and courageous and deterWith sympathy fraught and with mined Jews. wistfulness bright. •Easy to Memorize And tl»o Mother, who rested tsnIt is for these reasons that I - happily by, * ! 3 •welcome this Volume of verses Knew a''teardrop was glistening iciccti svont-s for Jewish children by Abraham •" round in her eye. CA cou::cii. Btirstein. It transmits Jewish Like the sheen of a pearl did it (Continued from Page 1,.) c J) knowledge attractively, using the fall to his head taaa JA CC23 Teisp^eno C533 Indirect method. The verses are And on'from the hair to his fore- here the Salvator was terribly overloaded as the result of Bul« simple; even small children will head it sped: like them. They aro easy to mem- "Oh, Lord, may this pearl that garia'a insistence that as many Jews as possible be put aboard. orize, and certain to appeal. to illumines ©nil scars, f y the mind and heart of the young Be added by Thee to Thy vessel Tho chip left Varna flying the Uruguayan flag. child. And they deal with the of tears!" 'V n essentials of' J e w i s h religious Turkish authorities arrested practice, with the holidays a n d This, of course, is not a pre- the captain of the s h i p after '(/ft--., .J •»i& festivals, etc. tentious volume but in my opinion hearing testimony from several The meaning and message of one of much potential good. "Used of the survivors. One- of thosu ttosh Hashannah, P a s s o v e r , in conjunction with the usual text washed ashore was a journalist P.u r i m, Chanukah, Slmchaaa books, "A Jewish Child's Garden who told authorities here: "The. Bulgarian authorities InTorah, etc., are set forth in ele- of Verses" -will be found helpful mentary fashion, "but pleasingly. and stimulating. Religious schools sisted on our departure and re'An entire section entitled "Stories will use this book with much fused to allow us time to prepare for the voyage. .Theryes3,el had in Verse" tells the child s o m e . profit to their pupils. neither cabins nor bunks. Crampinteresting tales about Samuel ed one againr.t the other, we were the Prince, about Moses MendelPatronize Our Advertisers. sohn, etc. Several are taken from Talmudlc pages. - "The Holy Land" contains four compositions, two originals by the For'Winter Driving author and two translations from x Get a Set of Hebrew," both very popular, "Tho Palestine Spring Song" and "In the Lands of-Our Fathers." ,- The author has rendered into


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" Buenos Airea (JTA) ~ Dr. Marcelo, • T".' de* Alvcar, former president of Argentina" and head 'of the leading Radical Party, has accepted tho honorary presSdency f OTGEE2S CfRAICHTER of an organisation seeking estabWEAR3 L lishment of an Argentine chair at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. .

.Tire'q that vrill prove m o r e economical in the-long-ran. i i IN JEtVICIJ CGOKC OTI3SE2 ARTBGLC3 2420 DOCCSCT Ct.

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I will closa out all tho ChanuUoli articles at greatly, rcduceA prices. 1 have a goftcl eslootlon of Chanu2«s.!i lAiapa inin'Jo from Mac:, silver plated and chrrcnluia tlatcd. I will bell every ona at nta'osl cost and with every purchase I will 6lvo a bos of ChanuUali Candles and a booldet containing tho history of ChacuUali AE30Z.DV3I bsvo only a limits number qi each kind—thsrefore I aflvfss every °ae coiitensplatlnt; to buy'one, to laKo advantage of my olfcr \THOE 73EX


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fbh \Ul->fcli'j 61,. aE-UH'OiJs Ot citv and the cot.aiti.tut 'it:u» I ( f t 'l i t I.IIB. L. J. iCailji. viJl t> a i f . u v m t i» i n i t . fertn t t t following pii id I M Mi *u , ! <,-L i l l . C h i l l i tltC l i t . Of^Ot (Jllib, \.\.it\, L . „ . ! • - • ! c c v± i h : ' . v - ( * y <4 Kl>cit «»< ttitlr i t c w i w t ! t U J h l i f . H / < f O K . C J I \h i ?>y t a e f s«.ti< ns: Llcuiauc., 3 A yk lltl 1 i u Li J CuJUiV t > ' t , £»<•>'* Ii - , « f L n as ii fcl i t b y h>i< i of ft o~u, W. C. 'Jlf tfclvy, 11s i hhr u <»t»t •*» i t ' i I ! « i t l L l l u . «_>^U>t t l K j Jiii i t , i n » t , t j i ' i i L y C i u o » ». T 1 , t t 11. ii. lUnlLly, if. I d' lii«*i, U a ' . ' i t v i tH « I J t n . l t « i n '»• Lhulkin anu J?.. _ u t i v . u . tit-t' f «. i-fct » ' »' ' ' ' t I •" * -", " l Jfs.)ii ft\y aud Am a'.tile fct A fakit, '"* ha L i c i l e of tliC <1 I t l ' t l i 1 I f</ic f! J C»u>t O i l ! v \UX pu.i th« d&t'Lig by 'ii<clux(« aiiV irf D t C t u A c * I tl &u i J ,M l iHa - a U " x «t V ' J L\ ih" \.ith U e f o l j . it S CLf t will I'J^UU ( lo tit"'-I * > C o i i i i i i 3 tJio Ay- , nifni/ex aud Aiuue i^atoftLy. fc'.l fcbld SJa c«y t i I" 1 - «•'*•' 1! 0 t t fc Dcf o-itltt'jii3 vlll be bj the lleizl o'Uotk A, I i , t idk coutist id'l i^iitiojj, JfLa g, f oa>t i i - y L' 't ti a I ' I - J « i t t«.ta LtiiHulfcr, Ikr^ ,?* alov^ky, with aioup. But!8 o£ Had," all 'will be the jtklltl i", i>;ti( E. u u t e of Ii I ' - i ' i . tht in charge of tUe fuoii. AnuabUIe Mrs. Leou Marx directing. make BUcii other end futther oiatw, fel lowancea snd decrees, &a to tliis Coutt Music will be furnished by Mrs.Satin is reseryatlou chairman. muy feeeiii |*rot>cf, to the find tufet fell Gain Cohen and Mies Dorothy DImatters pertatulug to E&id c-atste »uay be tlnally Bettied slid detw'mlned, Itel, they will be assisted by the BRTC'B CRAWFOKI), Mcsdauses Milton Grossman, Ja11-29-tO-St * Comity Judga. cob Brown, I. Kanlrovich, and

Miss Cells Cooper. Mrs. Leon DobWEtlll, MEBEH, KMITZBiKiK & gOl Swvtt* Ufa iMg. rofslcy is program chairman. Mesdames 13. Robinow ami B. Blotsky, chairmen of tea. NOTICS OF INCOKrOIlATSON • Mr. Arthur Zeigelbauni will Tlie undersigned, K. I I . Waiters and All Jewish women are cordially speak on Sunday, December 15, at A)yce Helm, hereby give notice that they invited. the Jewish Community Center at have organized a corporation unfler the lawa ot the Btata of Kt-braslca to be 8 o'clock under the auspices of the known sa "Model Associates Corporation," -HADASSAH TO HOLD Workman's Circle. . Tiie principal piace of liuslfiess c'r.aH bs OoiBtaa, Douglaa County,- itfebraeka, l>«t Mr. Zeigelbaum arrived In itat shall have authority- to transact busi. CARD PARTY America.on September'12 from ness anywhere ia the United States. The Hadassali is sponsoring its an-Warsaw, Poland. lie is one of tlie general nature of the business and tlie purposB" for wliidj tills corporation »s nual card party on Monday, De- first political refugees that tho formed shall be to engage hobby cember 16, at the Jewish Com- Jewish L a b o r . Committee has service industry; to amd intaa i tlie r k!ni33 ot munity Center at 8-o'clock. brought over. Mr. 2c-!gelbaum hobby materials and other articles incident-to the-bobby business either-on its Chairman of the affair are Mrs.served as an alderman in War-own account or as agsat for- otlse-ra, and M. A. Weiner and Mrs. Ben Gel-saw and was one of tho Jewish to do all other things taoident to the above business iaetading tin leasieg, purchasfand. The proceeds will go tow-leaders in local affairs. Ho wasing and selling of real estate "aftd personal ard the HMO fund. AH members also very active in underground property of every nature s n a description. affairs against the Hitler regime.' The authorized capital stocK of the corare urged to attend. poration shell be divided Into Ho is very well acquainted with ioa shares of Use¥10,000.00 par value of #100.00 current conditions In recently con- each, all of which stock shall t>a common Contemporary Affairs quered countries. d shall be fully paid for when issuea. la corporation Bhall coraraencs dolrss Group to Meat Monday There will bo no admission business a t the time of the iliinR of its charge or collection airti the pub-Articles of Incorporation a t the office ot The Contemporary A f f a i r s lic is invited .to attend.. the County Clerk of Dous;l&i> County, NeGroup of the National Council of braska, and shall contteua for a period of. 100 years from ESII! date. ' Ttw aflalte Jewish Women will meet on Monof the corporation E&all ba admlnlsterea day, December 1C, at 1:30 o'clock by a Board of DSrsctors of not lesa thaa two nor more than five jiereoaa xshni at the Home of Mrs. E. N. GrueSociety. Newsshall be elected at tha- annual msstlng of skin. Rabin H. It. Rablnowitz will the stockholders. Tho Directors jshall c!cct lead the discuasioa and Mrs. E. N. a President, Vice-Presisient, • Secretary -tuKi Treasurer at their annual meeting, wifl Grueslun will read a paper. Ralph" Kravetz- of Minne- all officers shall h&!a office for a .term oi one year. Any person may be elected t o apolis/ Siinn., ia visiting with her more than one" office. X?Jfe regular a n parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Resnick, nual meeting of stockholders and Directors • Deaths. • S12 West 9th street. - ,' - shall tie" held ou the second Monday la

Israel Sterling


January of each year. • The articles may be amended. by .a two-tliirda vote of the

•• ' - 0 h e g S h a b b a t " •••••; outstanding Etocll at any -regular or sps-

cial meeting of -the-stockholders. Israel Sterling, • 71, a resident at Omaha, .Nebraska, this 6th here for the laat 31 years, died The Ladies Auxiliary of Tin- Datea of December, 1040. •-..-.-. Sunday afternoon in 'his home, hereth I s r a o l —will- hold i t s day .-•".- ' • " K. M. WATTERS, ' ALYCE IIEIM, 618 W Fifth street, after an ill-monthly Oneg Shabbat service a t the Presence of: ness of four months. lie was born the home o£ Mrs. M. Lazerowich, In BAM BEBER. ' ' X2-13-40-4t. September 6, 18C9, hv Russia, and came directly to Sioux City, after migrating to the United Statec. Funeral Services were held last Monday afternoon. Rabbi S. Bolotjiikov officiated. Interment was in Floyd cemetery. Surviving are the widow, Alice; two eons, Nate of Sioux City and Sam of Cleveland, O.; a daughter, Mrs. Ted Fi3hroan of Flandreau, S. D. Nine grandchildren and one great-grandchild.

Frieda Falls

A resident of Sioux City for 12 years, Mrs. Frieda Falk, 68, died Sunday ia her home, 3126 Jone3 street, follov/lns an illness of a year. Mrs. Falk came to America from Russia in 1D28. Surviving in this country are three cons, Max Fall; and Sol Frlk of Sioux City; Jack of Fremont, Neb., and two daughters, Fanny Guttelman and Rose Gor&uu. also of Koux City. Threo Clsii.lrvi al^-Q reside in Hup^ia. 1'uneral services were held in Sha'tro Zion Synagogue at 2 p. m. ricr.dny v.ith tlabfals II. R. Hablnov,itJ aud 0. Bolotnlkov officialir.:;. Interment was ia Ployd cciuoiery. Our Advertisers.

iYo a c!r?".;c,!D qittT.'.Ion—ccpccldllif when v/cent ^oi.!.1 fjl'l to Bo a real ttuprfco. Unl you "pjasllcd oIccMs Cil. Ycuir decic? IiK3 litsrcdlv hiu:c!ic;l3 e3 tdcc"J in « v;Mo tango oS psiccc. Gc^ M:,: r.or/ cr:.;1 cclSlo *"sisff ^.rcblcri"--




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