January 3, 1941

Page 1

Euteitd «a Second Class Mat) Matter on January-Sl.iSSl, at Poitafflce. of Omaha, Nebraska, under the. Apt or Hareh 8, 1S7»


Palestine Omits New Entry Quota

WILL D THIHilNOftY Tilt to Take P l a c e Meeting of B'nai B'rith 3





A debate between the HUM iotndation units of the Univer. titles of Minnesota and Nebraska trill feature the meeting of the Omaha fcodge of B'nai IVrlth this Sunday, January &, at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Subject of the debate is; "Regolved that Opportunities for Free Speech Should Be Denied Those Who Advocate Racial and Itellg-1 ious Discrimination in the United States." s The debate between the t tr o teams Is part of a nation-wide elimination contest. Members of the Nebraska team will be Art Kivln and Bud Margulies. Sam Kirshenbaum, a member of the Lincoln B'nai B'rlth, is coach of the team and will represent the Nebraska Ilillel Extension unit at the debate. Three Omahans will be chosen to act as judges. Rabbi Jolt Director The Hillel Extension Unit at the University of Nebraska was organized four months ago at the suggestion of the Southwest Regional Conference of the B'nai B'rlth. The group has a membership of 110 and an average attendance at meetings of between 90 and 100. Rabbi Harry Jolt of the Congregation Tlphereth Israel of Lincoln la director* Plans have been made to participate in all National Hillel con. tests during the year,,

Jerusalem (JTA)--The Palestine Government announced today that it will not issue an immigration schedule for the period from October, 1940, to March, 1941, because more than 8,000 certificates under' the previous sixmonth quota had not yet been used as » result of travel difficulties and the impossibility of reaching Palestine during the schedule period. In a statement explaining its action, the Government said many holders of certificates were unable to bring capital to Palestine and that unemployment was now a serious pre-occupation ot the Government, However, the Government is allowing a limited number of replacement ' certificates for immigrants able to leave for Palestine within the next eiic months.


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Edwin Sommjd ]jj M lamed Vice-Pres w g of Fr&teij S '£ : .


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Philosopher Is Next On Center Forum

•: •

Sessions of thV « £* isl Z. B. sday aftT. convention cn« g 's formal ernoon with a NY ball at the Font« >tel. T. V. Binith, professor of Phil* Among those eiecibu to office osophy at the University of Chb> was Edwin Sommer of Omaha ragp and U. S. Congressman-i»t> who was named one of the four large from the Htate of Illinois, national vice-presidents. Sommer will speak Monday evening, Janwas general chairman of the conuary 0, at the Jewish Community vention. Center as the fourth speaker on Morris E. Jacobs was initiated the current Forum series. : as an associate member of the As his subject, Professor Smith fraternity at the convention banhas chosen, "The Philosopher aa quet held Monday evening at the Politician." The lecture is schedBlackstone. Albert Lowenstein uled to begin promptly at 8:15. of the University of Missouri was Mrs. Ben Silver, Regional Ad* also initiated as a regular memvisor of the University of Chicago, ber. Louis Somberg of Omaha will be chairman of the evening. introduced Jacobs and LowenT. V. Smith was educated at stein. the University of Texas, from Officers To Show Motion Pictures which school he received his A.B. Speakers at tho banquet were and M.A. degrees. He received his Of Palestine Msgr, Edward J. Flanagan of Doctor of Philosophy degree from Life Boys Town and Henry Monsky, the University of Chicago. Iff president of the Supreme Lodge 1916 he was nanied Professor of A special feature of the Zion of B'nai B'rith. English Literature at Texas ChrisT. V. Smith ist m e e t i n g which will be Besides Sommer, the officers tian University and in 1917 ber held at 8:15 Wednesday, Janu elected were: James R. Katzman came Professor of Philosophy. ary 8, in the lodge room at the of New York, president; S. R. From 1919 to 1921 he was InJewish Community Center will be Firestone of New Yort, Judge structor of Pihlosophy at the Unithe showing of two Palestinian Leo Freund of Los Angeles a n d versity of Texas and since 1927 films, ''Sanctuary" and "Hanita." David Dletz of Cleveland, vicehas held the chair of philosophy at the University ot Chicago. These films, both of which have presidents; James Frank of New .-','• U* 8. Cosif»itH.sumji beautiful sound and musical ac- York, treasurer; Matvin Riseman qf New Orleans, secretary; Nor• After serving as State Senator companiment, depict the building of Palestine. They were produced man Block of Greensboro, N. C, from the "Fifth District of tha jointly by the Jewish National historian. Lee Dover was re Basketball Came Is to Be State of Illinois, he w«s elected elected general secretary, a n d Fund and the Zionist Organizato the U. 8. Congress.' DistinguishPlayed Every Phil Kind, jr., was again named tion of America. ed for his clear thinking, keen Sunday assistant general secretary. humor, and captivating personalAdmission to the meeting is free, and all persons Interested in The Jewish Community Center ity, he is one of the most popZionism and in Palestine a r e Varsity Basketball teani will play ular speakers on the lecture platurged to attend the meeting. No its second game of t h e season form. For a period he conducted solicitations will be made either Sunday, January 5, when it meets a radio broadcast under the name for funds or membership. the Metropolitan Utilities team, of "Tom Smith." Professor Smith has contributono of the leaders of the Y. M. Officers for the local Zionist ed to such4 leading periodicals as C. A. Industrial League. district will bo elocted to serve The Center team is b e i n g the New Republic, Journal ot during the coming year. coached by Lee Grossman. Mem- Philbsophy, Philosophical Review, A special added feature will be The current issue of 'Kadimah,1 bers include: Ben Kutler, Iz No- Christian Century and many oth* a transcribed address by Rabbi the publication of the C^ty TalJudge Herbert Rhoades of the vak, and Melvln Levine, all form- ers. He is the author of a nummud Torah has been published by Abba Hlllpl Silvor, noted Zionist Court of Domestic Relations will er Tech High stars; Irv Yaffe, a ber of books including: "Tho the Journalism Clubs of the leader. speak at the annual "Husbands (Continued on Page 5.) of last year's University school. Dinner Meeting" to be given by member of Nebraska team; and M i k e Editor-in-chief is Bernard Wolfthe Sisterhood of the United Or. son. Other staff members are: Irthodox Congregations on Tuesday Landmau, Paul Bogdanoff, Sonny . vin Gendler, news editor; Harvey evening, January 7» at 6:30. Goldlng, and Jame9 Burroughs. Lipsman, make-up editor; Joo The Varsity team will compete Judge Rhoades has chosen as his Chasen, business manager; Shirtopic, "Religion and Domestic Re- each Sunday at tho Center with ley Belzer, assistant business manone of the city's leading basketlations." ager; Meyer Halprln, sports ediball quints. Last Sunday it deThis is the regular, meeting of tor; Milton Gendelman, assistant feated the All-Makes Typewriter the Sisterhood, but the time has sports editor; and Eleanor Bernbeen changed so that families may team by a score of Gl-22. stein, feature editor. Staff artNegotiations a r e also under At the dinner the Sisterists are Sol Bauffler; HardlQ'Atara- '" The eighth annual "Stage-Nite" attend. hood will dedicate its recently- way to bring the Kansas City J. The Jewish National Workers hamson, and Phyllis Ontman. sponsored by the Round Table of purchased set of dishes. C. C. team hero for a match. Alliance, Branch 54, Poale Zlon, Reporters are: Harold Abra- Jewish Youth will be held WedAdmission to the games are ten will present a motion picture verReservations must be made hamson, Shirley .Belzqr, .Shirley nesday, January 15, at 8:15. early as the seating capacity is cents for members of tho Center sion of the Yiddish classic, Chorney, Sarah Diamond, Shirley limited. Reservations Bhould be and fifteen centB for non-mem- "Frlshke, der Krumer," by MenThis annual. tournament sponDiamond, Arthur3 Epstein, Albert sored by the 20 organizations af- phoned to tho U. O. C. office, JA bers. dele Abramovich, Sunday evening, Feldraan, Mey*/r Balprln, CharFebruary 2, at the Jewish Comwith the Round. Table of 0887. lotto Katzman. Phyllis- -Otttmfln/ filiated munity Center. Hostesses for the occasion are: Martha Rosenblatt, Natalfe Plot- 'Jewish Youth presents l o c a l Meedames L. Nevelelf, L. Epstein, Appearing at the' same timo talent. - kin, Gertrude Sherman, Sylvia Segal, M. Kneeter, D. Silverwill be the well-known, Yiddish , Shykon, and Manfred- Slegler. ,„ Judges for Stage-Nlte are to be M. man, I. Goldstein', D.Crounse, D. humorist Al Harriss. ,. • , Faculty advisors are Ethel Ad- announced next week. Prizes will Denenberg, J. White, N, Wilfson, Tickets for this performance will be awarded the winning clubs dler, AhUvah Gershater, and Ar- as follows: Firsts place, $7.50; J. Rosenberg, A. B. Gendler, L. may be purchased from members Zabel, H. Lippett, N, H. Greenof the organization OT at the'of. thur Rapport-. v second place, §5.00, and t h i r d berg, H: Rimmerman",, J. Brookfice of the . Jewish Community place, $2. Prizes will be award- stein", N« s:-Yaffe,, N. Belzer and Center. ed on the basis of choice of play, S.,Olander. . " . . . * , A reguar meeting of the Jewdegree of preparation', interpreta- Morris , E. Jacobs, civic and ish National Workers Alliance will tion," originality," arid group"- cocommunal • leader, was Monday be held oh Tuesday, January 7; at, operation. Admission will be 10 Ickes Sees Alaska afternoon, nanied a member of the 8:30 at .the Je'wishi Community centB. University of 'Omaha boar'd of Center. Important .matters will bo Today is the deadline for Colonization regents by the unanimous vote of discussed. ' - ' Nite entries. * the Board of Education. , He will serve the two and one- Harrison Warns Washington-(JTA) — Pushing half years of the four-year term 'Name Rabbi Wice to of the Alaska colonization plan to of -William On Alien-Baiting Ross' King, who reprovide a, "defense behind the de- cently resigned Lincoln (Special) ^— plans are to become* school U.AJFLC. Committee fense" is urged by Secretary of inbeing made for thfc'AvZ. "A; Cornattorney. Washington (JTA)—With the terior Harold L. Ickes in his an- board belt Regiona.1'Tournament which •Mr. Jacobs, who is chairman deadline .for alien registration Rabbi David* H. Wice of Temple nual report to Presidont Rooseof the Jewish Philanthropies.-was past, Director E. "G. Harrison1 tois to be held In Lincoln* February. Israel lias been appointed to Mem- velt, made public today. honored -the same night, by the day warned '.'local officials, em14, 15, and 16. Headquarters will bership on t h e new National "The Department of-Interior," Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. ployera and others" that thera Town Hall Meeting Committee of be at the Hotel Lincoln. ' " the report said, "is supporting a was no federal regulation requirthe-Union of American Hebrew bill (S-3577) which would make Debate, oratory and basketball Congregations. T h e announceing aliens to-produce registration New Curbs in Poland accelerated development tournaments of the various chap- ment was "made by the National possible cards at the "behest of anyone save and colonization ot this sparsely • ters in the region will take place. chairman, Dr. Leo M. Franklin ol * settled territory.. The Plan, In ef- .. London (JTA) — Jews h a r e federal officers. A banquet and smoker has been Detroit, formerly of the Temple. fect, would provide a defense be- been forbidden to enter non-Jew- - He also pointed out that fewer Rabbi Wice will aerve as Chair- hlnfl.the defense' In the form- of ish, businesses in-the Turek. dis- than half - of • those- tegistering • planned and a grand ball wiircllman t-o r : Region.' 8, comprising an active. population • to furnish trict or to walk on. liublin'a'^ririmai the affair. Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Ne- needed .supplied and, services-to cipal'Street, .according id' the L'itzA ^ Lincoln alephs are arranging, braska,. There are-eighteen Union the- regular trobpa whJcu would marin-staedter (Lodz:) 'Zetunrg,' not' ; be" conipUtea ior "about" six Nazi organ in Poland, weeks. • , •' ' • - - •• . be stationed ihero. •.. ~ housing facilities. congregations in Region 3.









Aryan 1*aragraph Is Vse^ui Holland

Sioux City News MOERIS AIZENBERG, Correspondent


Talmud Torah Picnic To Be Meld Sunday The Annual Talmud To^ah picnic will be held this coining Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Riverview park. • G a m e s , amusements and refreshments will be the feature attractions of the afternoon. AH the the proceeds wii go toward the ma i n t e n a n c e of the Hebrew school. Everyone is urged to attend.

Installation of officers of the Junior Hsdassaii was h e l d a BCribbens T Shop and was preced Ad by a dinner. Rose Pill install #d the newly elected officers. Officers a r e : Annabelle Em Kin, president; Dorothy London 1st vice-president; Bluma Merlin 2nd vice-president; Sophie Slut »ky, recording secretary; Jan Le bowicb, corresponding secretary; CENTER YEARBOOK Sarah Sadoff, treasurer; S a l l y Wetnstein, Julia Bereskin, Ruth The Center yearbook, which Grueskin and Rose Sperling, mem- contains a resume of the activibers of the board. ties of all the Jewish youth groups

(CoatiQued from Page 1.) Iron Guardists cabinet posts, but may try to offset them by including National Peasant Party leaders as well. In any case it is belived that the Party of the Nation wiil be anti-Semitically inclined and Jews will be excluded, as they were from the Party of National Rebirth. The new development has been interpreted as meaning that Carol is prepared to put a full Nazi program into force, even including a return to anti-Semitism in an attempt to win favor with the victorious Reich. i

Strictly Confidential

London (JTA) — Influence o: Jews and Walloons in Holland aad tfae power of the Church in poli Ucs will be suppressed, sccordiag to a Dutch radio broadcast quoting a statement by Acton A. MusBert, Netherlands Nazi leader. The broadcast is taken here to Indicate that tbe Germans are utilizing the Dutch Nazis to create a Nazi puppet state in Holland. Dutch circles here r e p o r t that signs are multiplying t h a t the "Aryan paragraph" is being increasingly enforced in Holland and that "non-Aryans" will be removed from all important positions. . WEBB, BEBEK, KLUTZNICH & 209 Htnitt lite Bldg., OU Nebraska. NOTICE OI INCORPORATION OF •'WESTERN FREIGHT SERVICE, INC." Notice la Hereby given that the underslgoed have formed a corporation under tbe laws of the State of Nebraska, under the name of "Western Freight Service, Inc." with its principal place of business ia Omaha, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted and the object and purpose for which Uiis corporation Is organized IB to engage in the van and storage business and to handle the shipment of all kinds of freight. The authorized capital stock of the corporation shall be $10,000.00 and all of said stock shall be common and of the par value of $100.00 per share and shall, be fully paid up and non-assessable. The corporation shall commence doing business upon filing Its Articles with the Secretary of State of the State of Nebraska and shall continue for a period of fifty years from said date. The affairs of the corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors of three members. The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the first Monday In February of each year, at which meeting the stockholders shall elect a Board of Directors and thereupon the Board of Directors shall elect a President, Vice-Presldnet and Secretary-Treasurer. These Articles may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the stockholders by a majority vote of the outstanding stock.

twelve traateei. l a case of any vacancy occurring on uM board, except Men M may be appointed from tbe Federation <ot Jewish Service of Omaha, such vacancies 8ht.li be KUed by. tbe Board of Trustees and such fcppointee shall bold bis office until the next Kosuftl meeting of the members shall elect from those nominated by the BeiMiEatiES committee or by member* a trustee to till the uoexpired ch trustee t r u e whosee vacancy ay was term of such te by &ppaintmimt. If there is any fiiied y on the bocrd by ienfion of *ba trustees tr<mt the Fe4*r&tU>a • for Jewish Service refusing, »egiccU&g' or being unable to act such v&c&acy shUl be filled by tee Federation for Jewish Service in such y^sy as It may provide. No one Uil be to be be elected or appointfcUiil be 'eligible eligible to ee ppoint t till my my of of theoffices ed a ttrustee orr till the, offices off the Association unless he or she is a member of the Associ&Uon,-except such- trustee as tn&y be AptnistUi by the Federation for Jewieii Service. The trustees ot this association wiu>i>e terms do not e»pite s.t the time ot the annual election shall act as & nominating n o g committeee and they h l i 6tt least two weeks prior to Uie i nominate it - ffroth memth annual election, bers of t&ld Association such aa they deem qualified &« candidate* for office* of president, vice-president,- secretary, treasurer and trustees, and no one shall be elected 68 an officer or trustee unless be or she has been nominated by the nominating committee or nominated at th« annual meeting of the members. The secretary, in sending notices of the annual meeting, Bh&U state the names of th« candidates selected by the nominating committee and the respective offices far which they have been nominated and are to be voted upon at the annual meeting. The members of this association, at their annual meeting, shall elect a president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer ami such number ot trustees as there are vacancies and no one shall be elected to any office unless having first received nomination by the nominating committee aa herein provided or having been nominated by the members at the annual meeting a« herein provided. The president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer shall be trustees ex offtclo and shall hold their offices for one year and until their suejessora are elected and qualified. The duties of said officers shall be fixed by he Board of Trustees.

(Continued from page 11.).. of the city, is near completion and ism to g e t into various Latin will be r e a d y for distribution American countries should check within the next two weeks. into the following story concerning a Caribbean republic that lias Society News lately been much in the news as a haven for Jews in search of a The marriage of Miss Rose Levhome . . . The st6ry deals with a in, daughter of Mr. and Mra. JacGerman Jewish couple who manob Levin of Itock Island, III., to aged to salvage part of their very Abe B a r o n of Moline, son of considerable fortune, so that they Frank Baron of Sioux City, was arc by no means destitute and Any vacancies In any of said office* solemnized at 1 o'clock Sunday would never become p u b l i c shall be filled by the Board of Trustee*. afternoon at the Harper house, The Board of Trustees filial! have authorThis couple hail obty to make all rules, regulations and bycharges Rock Island, by Rabbi Sol LeviJaws for this association, and may alter tained immigration permits for tan. and amend the same by a two-thirds vote the Dominican Republic, alut beof all the members of the Board of Tru»Charles Katz of Davenport, viocause a rather long waiting-perees. (Continued from Page 1.) linist, and Miss Natalie Becker of iod had to elapse before t h e y The Board of Trustees shall meet at Rock Island, pianist, provided the lenri Bernstein, the playwright, could enter that land they came east once a month, or at such other time a the president or a majority of the . musical setting. The attendants were among 13,000 persons who to the U. 8. on transit visas, to Board Itself may direct. were Mrs. Norman Paule of Waco made the voyage from a Biscayne await their turn . . . A couple of Article V. - The regular .annual meeting Tex.|8ister of the bride, matron of port aboard a small ship which weeks ago, when their wuitinghall be held at such place In the city if Omaha as the Board- of Trustees may honor; Lynn Slotsky, niece of the normally carries 180 passengers." time was nearly up, they visited determine, on the last Sunday in May bridegroom, flower girl; William A newspaper correspondent on the the Dominican Consulate to comof each year. Written notice of the regIn Witness Whereof the parties hereto ular annual meeting of the members shall Baron of' Moline, brother of the ship told of seeing Baron Roths- plete the necessary formalities have hereunto set their hands this 11th >e given by the secretary at least five bridegroom, g r o o m s m a n , and hild, "once one of the richest and get their actual visas . . . Evays before such meeting. A special meeting of the members may Louis Levin of Macomb and Wil- men in the world, patiently stand- erything seemed all right until day of June, 1910. B. SLUTZKY, ->e held at any time or at any place ; Ham Levin of Rock Island, ushers. ng in line, plate in hand, waiting the Consul asked whether these In the presence of: A. PORTER. lamed on call of the president or a maSioux City guests were Frank 6-14-40-4t. lority of the Board of Trustees. Notice of prospective immigrants were Jew. SAM BEBER. a dish of rice and meat." luch meetings shall be mailed by the secBaron, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baron, orEri de Rothschild, younger son etary to each member at hla address at ish, and got an affirmative anMr. and Mrs. Jack Slotsky and )f Baron Robert, was believed to ZIEOLGR, DUNN ft BEl'KKK and D. L. east two days before the time fixed for "I'm sorry," he then MANOLI, Attorneys. lelding such special meeting, and such daughter and Mrs. Ruth Epstein. iiave been killed in action while swer otlce shall specify the object ot such First National Bank Bldg. The bride wore a white taffeta erving with the French forces. said, witli what. appeared to" be meeting. ' . genuine regret, "but my country Wedding gown, princess style, and AMENDED AHT1CI.E8 OF Meanwhile, c o n c e r n was ex- cannot admit any more Jews" . . . NOTICE OFINCORPORATION Article VI. The terms and condition* . a,veil falling from a halo of or- pressed over the f a t e of the Notice Is hereby given that a special A membership shall be as follows: Any ange blossoms. She c a r r i e d a French Jews meeting of the member* of the Wise .terson of the. Jewish faith may become a and German emigres YOU SHOULD KNOW sheaf of cala lilies. Memorial Hospital Association held at member of said association upon payment With t h e Presidential cam- Omaha, Nebraska, aught in the German-occupied on the 7th day of >f the annual dues. Every member shall , , .Her sister's gown was of heav- part paign approaching, Bernard G. June, 1940, It traa yotwi to alter and iontrlbute yearly for the use and benefit of France. e n l y blue jersey and her .flowers the articles of association to read f said hospital association such annual Richards has been drafted' back amend Gestapo in Paris uea as may be determined by the Board as follows: v A corsage bouquet of white daisto the National Democratic ComTrustees. No person shall nartletyater Foreign refugees interned .in a II. The name of this corpora- >rf vote ' iea. The f lower g i r 1, who is a :anip in Paris were prevented by mittee . . . He will probably again tionArticle member ot this associationshall be Wise Memorial Hospital A»- nless neasora she have paid the an't daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack i'rench guards from escaping be» lead the foreign language section Bocltion. The place of business shall be nual dues to the shall association as provided the City ot Omaha, Douglas County, or by the Board of Trustees for the pre* Slotsky of Sioux City wore a pink ore the advancing Nazi troops, of the. Democratic campaign . . . at Nebraska. The period for which it Is in- :eding year. shall bs fifty year* from and . organdy frock. ccording to the periodical New While we ourself are among F. corporated Article VII. These articles may be September 30, 1831. < There was a wedding dinner for Statesman and Nation. D. R.'s admirer's,* we're by no after Article III. The object of this asso- •mended at any regular members' meeting or any such members' meeting called • 50 guests after the service. Mrs. shall be the establishment, sup"One of the most terrible stor- means advocating that his oppon- ciation port and management ot a hospital to be for the purpose, provided such amend' Sam Levin of Macomb and Miss es out of France," the periodical ents should simply evaporate and known as the Wise Memorial Hospital As- ment to the articles of the association to Florence Finkelberg of Rock Is- aid, "is that of the internment hand him a precedent-breaking sociation; to render medical and surgical e voted upon shall first have ' received -he approval of the majority of the ism land assisted. After a northern amp (name unclear in the cable) third term on a silver platter . . . care, aid and assistance to sick, infirm members of the Board ot Trustees of said disabled persons Irrespective of race, wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Baron t Paris where, I am told, French But we're not at all surprised at or association, and no amendment shall fce color, creed or religion. i»*«r . will live at 1710 Stadium court, to the articles of the associatoln uards remained on duty, prevent- the news that a Nazi government Article IV. The affairs and business made mless the majority of the trustees shall this association shall be conducted by .t Rock Island. ng foreign refugees from joining official, whose name is said to be of a regular or special meeting have re- . a Board of fourteen trustees, twelve of their vote In favor of such amendtjie exodus of the French popula- Leo Hablcht; has the special job said trustees to be elected by its mem- corded ment or amendments and which muit have The members of t h e Shaare ion until it was too late for them of directing anti-Roosevelt prop- bers. Four trustees shall annually be jeen done prior to submitting such elected who shall serve for a period of amendment or amendment* Zion synagogue will hold open o escape the a d v a n c i n g Nazi aganda in these United States . . . three to the memyears, or until their successors era of said association. . • bouse for Rabbi and Mrs. H. R. roops." Clare Boothe, who has just re- have been duly elected and qualified. Two Article VIII. The association shall said trustees shall be appointed by the iave Rabinowitz on the occasion of Jews and foreign political refu- turned to our shores from the of full power and authority to purchase, for Jewish Service of Omaha ell and convey any and all rear estate their fifteenth wedding anniver- gees who were unable to escapo war zone, declares she no longer Federation who shall serve for one year or until -leccssary for hospital purposes; and it sary. The affair will be at the "rom Paris before the Nazi occu- likes the first act of her highly their successors have been duly appointed, may or otherwise encumber the however, that should said asso- awe mortgage social ball on Sunday evening, pation are in mortal terror, it was successful "Margin for Error," provided, to raise money neehed for the purciation cease to be affiliated with the poses of the association. . June 30, from 9 to 11 p. m. for Jewish Service of Omaha reported. Thousands of refugees because in that part of the play Federation the eald Federation for Jewish Service < Members of the board of direc- >om Nazi rule in Poland, Czech- the Nazi villain of the piece is shall WISE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ASSOnot be entitled to any representaCIATION tors of the con g r e g a t i o n and islovakia and Austria were caught still alive tion on said board, and the affairs of By Isldor Ziegler, President. Broadway, inclthe Women's League of. Shaare n Paris and were hiding in the dentally, is expecting a war play the laid, association shall be conducted by H. A . Wolf. Secretary 6-2H0-« Zion will act as host and hos- weeds around the capital or in from her for next season . . . tesses. ..-.••" cities to the south. ABOUT PEOPLE It was reported that Gestapo "Native Lanfl" Is the tentative Dr. and Mrs. Hy Osheroff and chief Heinrich Himmler arrived daughter, Sharon, of San Antonio o assume police supervision of title for the documentary film for which Marc Blltzsteln will write stopped In Sioux City enroute to ;he capital. the music . . . Its theme is civil Texas. On the return trip they will visit relatives. Mrs. Hy OshCeneva (JTA) — Several thou- liberties . . . Alia Nazimovn, who eroff is the former Rebecca Still- and Jews were among the Polish has a long and glorious stage caman and a former Sioux Cityan. roops w h o crossed the border reer behind her, now can look rom France and were interned in forward to a .Hollywood come, R a b b i H.. R. Rabinowitz of Switzerland..There are few Jews back-with-a-bnng . . . The work Shaare: Z i o n synagogue has at- among the civilian refugees from she has been doing in "Escape," her first movie assignment since ...J , tended the convention of the Rab- France reaching Switzerland. Competent binical Assembly of America held Grynszpan Feared Fallen Into the talkies came in, has the film executives goggle-eyed with enin Detroit for the past week. Nazis' Hands Instruction I On July 1, Rabbi and Mrs. Rab- Washington ( J f A) — No word thusiasm . . . Garson Kanin, Hol- Inowitz and their daughter; Segu- has come from Paris of the fate lywood's current miracle man, and claims that .the only reason why t lah, will leave for a~ month's va- Jf young H e r s c h o l Grynszpan, .Samuel Goldwyn hired him to di-' cation a t Gull Lake, Minn. Excellent whose assassination of a German rect pictures in the first place is COOL Embassy official in Paris in 1938 because Mr. G. thought he saw a Supervision SHOWERS - Mr. Irving Pill of Chicago is precipitated organized pogroms in visiting here with his mother, Germany, Government officials strong' physical resemblance between Kanin and the late Irving Mrs. Rose Pill and family at 1710 said. Thnlberg . . . Novelist Irving FineDouglas street. . The officials believed it certain man has invaded a new field, that 1 hat. the Polish Jewish youth, who of colutnning . . . It's in the Ben. Mr. Fred Foreman and daugh- had been held in a P a r i s cell nington, Vermont, Banner that GET A LIFT BY SWIMMING IN THE COOL ' ter, Georgia Ann,- of Madison, So. awaiting trial, has fallen into GerA ShakesDak. visited in Sioux City with man hands. They expressed doubt you con r<Sad him CRYSTAL CLEAR WATER OF revival half-promised for relatives. hat he would survive. A London pearean THE "J" POOL next season is "King dispatch quoted a French radio Broadway's Lear;" with Paul Muni in the title J . ' No Need to Be Uncomfortable During, - Mr. Phillip Marsb of- Minneapo- eport that Grynzpan had b e e n role . . . If you ever observe a lis ia visiting here this week. eized by. the ,Najsia ,~ln Paris and" page-boy in the New York NBC . - .-- These "Hot" Summer Days '. ; would be "tried" by them. studios .who seems to know, all Mrs. Morey-Millet pf- S i o u x about music, the chances are he's Omaha's Cleanest Indoor Pool Falls visited in Sioux City last a youth whose papa also knows nd Dorothy Robinow gave a skatweek. ng party at the roller rinks In all about music What weW, Mr. Henry Sallup of New York lonor of out-of-town guests, Ar- trying to tell yon is that the son of Bismarck, N, D.; of Cleveland's symphony conducCity ia visiting In "Sioux Cfty with ene Ruder . . 20th and Dodge Street ' Leamari of Dulutb. Minne. tor Artur Rodzlhski works as a |hV Lefkovich- family-at 17 18th 'earl ota and Mickey Ma in 8. of St. page-boy with NBC '. •. .' For Additional Information Call JAckson 1366 street.. Paul, Minn. Aboutk 80 guests at- (Copyright, 1940, by SevenJ ArtsFeature Syndicate) ' " Shirley* Lazere; Charlotte Levin ended" the' party.


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ed; Siegal out Yaffe to Bogdonoff taking-second ^-Bernstein walked; Giveater grounded to Bnuusoa wfeo touei&ed t & i r d &ad threw to s e c o a d to Bernstein for a sweet do-able Sixth STANDINGS V/ardr&be: Gold ware Hied to W (Continued from -Page. 1.) Wardrobe Cfoflkiers 5 i Epsteia; Cohn grounded out EpIJeftvenworth M&rket , , . . 4 5 stein to Geller; Block grounded a.ad acquitted on t h e f t ; Iiiocotn T&vi-ru .. 8 i out Bogondcff to Geller. Capt&ia Jolin J. Prout Jr., acquitLeaveuworlb: Giasfaurg doublA. Z- &• «®^1W * • tal on seditiou c o u n t and digA. Z. A. Kb." 4 . . . . . . . . » 5 ed to ceEter; Gelier filed Bur- agreement on sedition count &ni A. P. T S 5 roughs who doubled Ginsberg at disagreement on theft. Jfebr&ska Fruit Market . . 0 I seeoi«d Burroughs to Yudelson; Intent Rather Than ' -In the only game, played las Steinberg grounded out Yaffe to Week the Wardrobe clothiers: took Goldware. The Jury had been instructed Seventii Imiifg lifts place in1 the league standing* that intent rather than accompghoving the Leaven worth Marker Wardrobe: Yudelson grounded lishment the esential element to second,' 6-3. The t i l t was a out'.Siegal to Geller; Burroughs in a plot. was After 11 weeks of testiflied out to Siegal; Branison flied pitchers duel between Yaffe of the mony, Judge Campbell on June Clothiers and Epstein of the Leav to Bloom ia short center. Leaveaworth: Franklia f l i e d ! 19 gave a two-and-a-half hour enworths. out to Block; Bloom walked and j charge to the jury in which he '• Except for one bad inning in out that in a conspiracy, the third Epstein pitched brilli- took second on a wild pitch; Ep- pointed overt act was not necessary, antly while Yaffe bearing down stein giouiided out Bramson to an did each defendant have to all the way was never in any ser- Goldware, Bloom going to third; nor have knowledge of all of the deBogdonoff singled to right field ious trouble keeping the Market sluggers in hand all the way. Jim scoring Bloom; Siegal forced Bog tails. my Burroughs homered for Moe donoff Cohn to Yudelson, "If the agreement was to inGames This Sunday Linzmans teams tbat started all cite other classes — the CommuWardrobe Clothiers vs A. K. A. nists or the Jew — to revolt and the fireworks in the third stanza Before the inning was over the No. 1 at $3iul and Dewey. then in the hour of emergency to Lincoln I&veru vs A. i \ T. at comein and overthrow, that would • Wardrobes scored f i v e runs to West Elmwood. cinch the game. be a violation of the law," he said. Lineups: Nebraska Fruit vs Leavenwort!] He summed up tbe issue thus: Market «t 33rd said Cass. "The whole question was whether WAJCUKORE I,EAVENWOBTU MARKET A. Z. A. No. 1 vs l>ye. the action group (the Action ComBlock H Franklin Swimming mittee of which the defendants Yudelson 2b Ginsberg Madeline King swimming in the were members) conspired to inBurroughs . . . . . . as Bogdonoft Bramion 3b , . E. Siegal 12-14 age division turned in the cite the Communists to riot so Silbar c N. Giventer best time at the Center this week, they could then step in and take Yaffe p M. Epstein over the Government. Was that Coleman cf . . . . G. Bernstein Results: Goldware ft> Geller what they planned to do, and was 20 yd freestyle — 12 and unBernateln ri Steinberg 0. Cohn «f Bloom der — Phylis Wohlner, Judy Al- that why they armed themselves? That's the case, plain and simple." berts, Doris LevenBon. First Inning Christian Front Not on Trial 20 yd freestyle 12 to 14 — Wardrobe: Block walked, out Judge Campbell declared that Stealing second; Yudelson struck Madeline King, Jean Fogel, Nao"we are not trying the Christian out,. Burrough walked, Bramson mi Pezzner. 20 yd freestyle — 15 and over Front, which was only used as a Singled, Burrough was caught off Rose Ruvulo, Patsy Pfelfer, recruiting g r o u n d s for this second for the third out. , group." In conclusion, he cautionv Leavenworth: B o g d o n o f f Miriam Katz. Speed swimming featured clas- ed the jurors to weigh the eviV grounded out Burroughs to Goldware; Siegal grounded out Bram- ses at the J. C .C. pool Tuesday dence carefully because "this is a matter of importance to the deSou to Goldware; Bernstein sing- night. Harold Mozer turned in the best fendants, the Government and the led to center and went to second people of this land." , on a wild pitch; Giventer ground- time of three groups. Results: ed out Yudelson to Goldware. States Attorney Harold Group No. 1 (under 12) —by M.United Second Inning Kennedy, in his closing adSaul Greenberg; second, Art EpWardrobe: Silbar walked and dress, had said that four steps "«. went to second on a wild pitch; stein; third, Steve Swartz. involved in the plot —- to Group No. 2 (under 13) — won were Yaffe walked, Coleman f o r c e d stir up the Jews and Communists, by Al dayman; second, Jerome Y a f f e at second Sirbar taking to convince followers of the Acthird; Bernstein popped to Given- Swengil; third, Howard Dandy. Committee that the GovernGroup No. 2 (Bar Mitzvah) — tion , ter; Goldware grounded out Siement was in the hands of Jews Won by Harold Mozer; second, gal to Geller. and Communists, to incite riots , ; Leavenworth: Ginsberg singl- Harold Marer; third, Sed Rudei- and disturbances,' and.finally to ' ed; Geller flied to Goldware doub- man. step in and seize control of the 180-yard relay— Won by Frogs Governments. • ling Ginsberg; Steinberg walked; v Franklin singled Steinberg going over Tadpoles. The number of defendants had Volleyball to third; "Pooch" Bloom filed to from 17 to 14 since the. The J. C. C. men won the dis- dwindled Coleman for the final out. trial began on April 3. Claus Guntinction of being the city's finest • Third Inning. . . . ther Ernecke,one-of the alleged i Wardrobe: Cohn singled over volleyball team when they down- leaders of the plot, was found a < iecond1; Block struck out; Yudel- ed the J. C. C. womens volleyball suicide on April 13. Later, charges flied to Geller,- Burroughs hom- team in a challenge, game. The. against George Kelly and Edward ered over Franklins head to score men and women won their respec- Walsh were dismissed on defense Cohn; Bramson walked,, stole, sec- tive leagues and the women chal- motions for lack of sufficient evi;• pnd and took third when the ball lenged the men, who accepted and dence. . ; • „ .. ' g o t away from Ginsberg; Silbar defeated the women two out. of : walked; Y a f f e doubled scoring three games. The players were all - Bucharest-(JTA.) — A camBramson, Silbar going to third; treated to refreshments by-Leslie" to raise funds necessary to ,j: Coleman doubled scoring Si'bar Burkenroad, captain of the miens paign team. J h o s e who participated plant a forest In Palestine in honJ»nd"Yaffe; Bernstein filed but. late Rumanian C h i e f '••••/•:•, X- Leavenworth; Epstein flied were to Lea Burenroad, Abe Brod- or of the Dr. Jakob Nieinlrower, was •.:•:'•.' Block; Bogdoooff. walked, went key, Morris Franklin, Lou Weln^ Rabbi, launched on Shavuoth. Chief Rab% £11 the way home on an overthrow er, Hy Belman, C. B. Schoppe, bi Alexander Safran has accepted "A to second; Siegal walked; Bern- D a v e Richards and Joe Rice. sponsorship of the drive. stein., grotindod out Yudelson to Women: Mrs. Ed Lincoln, Mrs. H. goldware, Siegal stopping atsec- C. Dross, Mrs. H. F. Pedersen, Mrs. L. A. Wil; *<pnd; Giventer singled scoring Sie- Mrs. G. A. Marsh, Mrs. H. Ben- F. A. Pardunand : . gal; Ginsberg doubled; G e 11 e r nett, Mrs. Irene Danielson, >Mrs.: liams. , tiled to Bernstein in right Held. . /' : , Ityurth Inning. , .Wardrobe: ' Gold ware, walked; Cohn walked.; Block beat out an , infield hit: Yudelson flied out, to FOB •••;• the catcher; Burroughs filed out tO;/Bernstein, Goldware scoring; Bramson .walked; filling the bases: Siibar flied to Franklin in left, v '.* Leavenworth: Steinberg grounded out Yaffe to Goldware; Franklin filed to Cohn; Bloom walked; i"r e s Epstein filed to Block. .i Fifth Inning •x.:- ^Wardrobe: Yaffe grounded out, ' Siegal to.Geller; Coleman ground'' " f£ piait'Sfegal .to Geller; Bernstein • • Struck put for the final out;. >:Leaveaworth: Bogdonoff wallc-

J.C.C* Sports

Youil AHrak.fc&s reach*! YOUTH ALfYAH AIDED AGAIN BYJTMAI B'RITH 1«« gii 1938. "•- .

• W&efa.Isgt&fi'; D. -C — B ' n a i B'rith" m l e its Jtettrtu! couttibu- Pefcach Tikvah to -.':;* tiOE to Ybiith Aiiyak in two years Elect on July 3rd when the Executive Committee, rttlfeg bed"? of B'nai . B'rith • betwee-!i trle-itEial conventions • of Pet&ch Tikvah (Palcor Agency) the Supreme Lodge, voted an ad- —The village at FetECh Tikvah, ditional .$1,000 to maintain refu- which was founded in 1878 and gee eMIctrea from the European which achieved status as a city lapels of persecution in Palestine. on March U, XUl, will hold tl« With tbta appropriation, the total ,'municipal elections on July Srd, of B'ls&l B'rith fessistaiice to 'it was Riittouaced today.


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CONFIDENTIAL By PfflNBAS J. BIBON WAR ECHOES Believers in the occult will be happy to learn that Nostradamus, 3USINCS5 KHOOL the Jewish physician who nearly four centuries ago foretold a l l sorts of historic events that actually came to pass, predicted not only the rise of Hitler and MusSchool off solini but their eventual defeat . . . It's a young general who will BUSINESS make his appearance near the IN ITS 49th YEAR . Rhone River in France whom the seer picked as the man who will CO-EDUCATIONAL finish Hitler . . . Latest BroadALL YOU?—DAY AND way appelation for Nazis is "Sons EVENINQ of blitzkriegs," familiarly shortMonthly Enrollment ened to "sons of blitzes" . . And S t d Courses in local fistic circles the impresIONE C. DUFFY, Owner ; sion is that Hitler's war machine won't be doing so well from now 207 S. 10th JA 5090 on because it's Mussolini-bound . . Did you know that Leslie Howard's son, who is serving England as a member of a in i n e sweeper's crew, • was born during an air raid in the first world war? . . . Now they promise the release of Charlie Chaplin's "The Dictator" by the end of August . . Meaning, we hope, that by that t i m e it'll again be possible to Pkgs. laugh at Hitler with a clear con• for science? . . . HEAR YE It's beginning to look as If this war won't end without the formation of another Jewish Legion . . . The Revisionist leader Vladl ASH FOH mir Jabotinsky and Britain's Colonel J. II. Patterson are planning O-Kay Whole Wheat a revival of the nnit they led in Flakes—At Your Grocer Palestine in the last world war, and hope to get Uncle Sam's permission to recruit in this country i And one Joseph Otmar Hefter, who heads what he calls the Nal Juda Movement, is seeking volunteers for "an American-Jew©. A. ish Border Regiment for the defense of America and American Democracy" » . . The latest proposal for the creation of harmony at the Zionist Convention, which CONTRACTING opens this weekend, is the estabPAINTERS lishment of a Collegium t h a t would include Dr. Stephen 8. Painting and Decorating Wise, Dr. Solomon Goldman, LouImported and Domestic is Lipsky, J$. Kaufman and Dr. Wallpaper Israel Goldstein . . . Rabbis on the lookout for good material for 113 ffo. 40th St. some pretty hot sermons ore adHA-rney 03C9 ' vised to watch for Dr. Emanuet Lasber's "Community of the F ture," which is being published next week . . . I t contains a chapter on Jewish leadership that will arouse a great deal of comment


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THIS AND THAT The report is that the newly formed "American Anti-FHth-Column Committee" in New York's Yorkville section is sponsored by the Nazi Bund , . . If true, this means that the patriotic?Bounding title is merely a blind for a Fifth Column recruiting office . . Winchell, debunking George Sylvester Viereck's claim that be is not a Nazi propagandist, recalls that in 1934 Viereck testified before a Congressional Committee that he was paid $500 a month by the German Consul in New York for public relations work . . . A new book In the making is said to be an expose on Hitler by none other than Frits Thyssen, the German ndustriallst who no longer Is oh good terms with the Fuehrer . . . As one of those who helped bring Badolf to power, Thyssen ought to be able to tell an Interesting story . . . Did you know that "Pins and Needles," the International Ladles' Garment Workers' Union review which .amused audiences for over two and a half years with ts lampooning of dictators, had the longest run on record for any musical show? . INVESTIGATION WEEDED Jewish relief organizations who ore helping refugees from Hitler(Continued on Page 12.) '







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changed to "Thou h a s rejected us" in view of the exceedingly low opinion Jews have of Jews! How common it is to hear Jews accuse fellow Jews of bad manners, vul In celebration of its twentieth garity, imcoutlmess, as if the non anniversary week, Peony Park is New York (JTA)—The compleBy DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS Jew was entirely free from these presenting seven days of super at- tion of campaigns in behalf of the faults! Rabbi, Progressive Syue.go^iae, Brooklyn, N. ¥. tractions starting Friday night, United Jewish Appeal in more Need of Spiritual Rebirth June 28th and lasting through than 1,600 communities through"Because of our Eios have we the Fourth of July, according to out the United States has brought been exiled from our land, and Joseph Malec, manager. MATAMIM I/CHAC (FESTIVAL b'Omer festival not be genuine. to a record total the number of DELICACIES) D A N I E L PEE. This type of false and obscuran- estranged from our soil," do we Opening with A n s o n Weeks, cities, towns and hamlets which SKY* FAROES COMPANY, 3 5 6 tistic but popular thinking is a confess in the Musaf. The repeti- famous pianist, composer and con- responded in unprecedented measPAGES. paralyzing influence in- J e w i s h tion is not mere redundancy. "Ex- ductor, midwest dancers will be ure in the Spring phase of the This is a volume of interpreta- life. The Jewish masses, especially iled from our land" refers to phy~ privileged to dance to more out- combined nation-wide campaign tion of the Jewish festivals, major are afflicted with a strong emo s i c a l expulsion; "estrangement standing top n o t c h orchestras of the Joint Distribution Commitand minor. T h e comments are tional attachment to symbols and from the soil" to spiritual aliena- within one week than ever before. tee, the United Palestine Appeal both serious and humorous, writ- ceremonials, which on aesthetic tion, the soil being a symbol of Anson Weeks, known from coast aud the National Refugee Servten in a light vein and in a de-and intellectual grounds are un Israel's heritage. Before Israel can to coast by the phrase "Let's Go ice. acceptable. It makes for extensive achieve the miracle of redemption Dancin' with Anson" heard over More than a hundred campaigns lightful style. The author is usually interesting, often original, intellectual insincerity. Many who in the physical sense it must ach- the Lucky Strike and other well are scheduled to get under way and only once in a while super- delight to proclaim their uncondi- ieve a spiritual rebirth. How true! known radio shows, also has made during June and a number of othficial. In his principle purpose, to tional loyalty to the "old time reIn discussing t h e festival of a number of movie shorts and is will be inaugurated during make the Jewish festivals, their ligion" to Judaism in its entirety, Hanukah the asthor observes that the composer of many song hits, ers the early part of July. In the history and their liturgy, mean- violate many a rule and precept the deliverance from the Syrian including "I'm Srry Dear," "Tuck year 1940, more than 3,200 com* of the orthodox Jewish discipline hosts was inspired not by a high Me to Sleep," and others. ingful he is quite successful. munities are expected to particito which they pay such glorious priest, occupying a distinguished The material is arranged in acGeorge Olsen and his "Music of pate in the United Jewish Appeal. cordance with the festival calen- lip service. An abbreviated litur position and enjoying a large in- Tomorrow'" Unsolicited contributions from as featured in t h e dar, and is divided under the fol- gy, ia anathema, though they nev- come. These are never anxious for Ziegfield Follies" and other musnon-Jews, including such notables er pray; and the Siddur is sacromoral issues and change in the lowing c h a p t e r headings: New sanct, though they never open it. status quo. For Hanukah, we owe ical shows will play in the Itoyal as Chief Justice Charles Evans ,Year, Day of Atonement, Succoth, rove, Monday, July first. Bring- Hughes of the U. S. Supreme Simchas Torah, Chanukah, X5i£- All the niinutia of the ceremonial thanks to an obscure priest, iu a ing with him his original network Court; Joseph P. Tumulty, onelaw are holy and taboo, in theory, s m a l l Palestinian village, and teenth of Shavat, Purim, Pesach, as well as his own hour time secretary to Woodrow Wil» Lag b'Omer, Shabuoth; Ninth of but the actual observance of the with no reputation at stake. The orchestra Sabbath, the dietary laws, etc., is crucial failure of the ministry of show, dancers will be given the son, and Thomas Corcoran, on* Ab, Sabbath Nachamu. longer adhered to. While thus our day is due,that those who en- best in entertainment as well as of President Roosevelt's close ad* Often the text of the day, tak- no visers, have substantially helped repudiating orthodoxy for intell- joy large incomes and occupy im- dance music. en from the liturgy, the Bible or and economic reasons, they portant position do not to the fact America's most famous compos- to promote the campaign. "" ' other appropriate sources serves ectual as a basis for comment. Some- object to any modernization of lead the people honestly aud fear- er-orchestra director, Isliam Jones lessly in the ways of truth and will be the feature Wednesday, times, a custom associated with Judaism. righteausness. Only too often do July 3d. He is said to have writthe festival, e. g. e a t i n g milk Damage Caused ' foods on Shabuoth presents the T h i s lag between intellectual these surrender to expediency and ten more hit tunes than any other opportunity for observation. At growth and emotional retardation remain silent when they should orchestra director. Some of these Collections of Unique include "When My Dream Boat other times the role the festival is causing infinite d a m a g e to speak loud. Diamond Engagement* Comes In," "Chinatown," "Why has played in Jewish history, or American Jewish life. What these Many a festival is famed for the 3an't This Night Go On Forever," Wedding and Annivert h a t assigned it by tradition, "emotional" Jews do not realize special foods or dishes associated sary Rings, individual* serves as a peg to which to attach is that Judaism will not survive with it. This causes the author to 'China Boy," and dozens of oth\y designed and Priced ers. A comment. on a foundation of nostalgia for remark that Judaism was given with, good old-fashionStan Norris and his Aristocrats The author's approach to Jew- ancient customs which are irrele- "in degrees" to satisfy the various ed moderation. ish life is positive aud affirmative. vant for our American youth. The stages of man's growth. The in-of Music open a limited engageConvenient Terms Can Be He ia pro everything basically antipathy of our Hebraists for any dividual of the spirit enjoys a hol- ment on the Fourth of July. One Arranged at No Extra of the younger "hit" bands of the Jewish, Palestine, the H e b r e w "tampering" is most unfortunate. iday for its spiritual worth, but Cost day, they are regularly featured language, and religious ceremon- Only recently has the author writ- he who lives only on the physical ial. He is a Jew without apology. ten a scathing denunciation of Dr. plane knows only of the physical over the networks. They come direct from an extended engagement The asslmilationist suffer sharp Mordochal M. Kaplan for having pleasure it provides. barbs from his wit and sarcasm. revised the Passover Hagadah, Space does not permit any fur- at the Lowry Hotel of St. Paul. knowing only too well that cer- ther quotations and additional exLack of Discrimination Patronise Our Advertisers What Mr. Pcrsky and Hebraists tain passages in that prized vol amples. Those who can read HeIn general lack is a discriminating ume are quite objectionable and brew will find this book truly deapproach to Judaism and to thedistasteful. lightful and Quite n o v e l . The problems of American Jewish life. The author's method, often rem- author is ingenious and o f t e n The ancient usage has become so iniscent of the old Midrash, will quite original. And his Hebrew sanctified that even though it no be best appreciated by citing a few style is always delightful and simlonger answers spiritual or relig- examples. ple, one which should serve as a ious needs'it must not be revised. The wisdom of Truah (shout- model for all who want to us HeJudaism Is not a rational faith, ing) is borne out in the life of brew for their medium of expresbut a blind emotionalism. The old thoBe people who having neglected sion. "Ways must not be criticized or to shout are being trampled and This will be Rabbi Lewis' finmodernized. What renders this ap- trodden upon. al review of the season. He will proach Illogical is that Hebraists The phrase "Memorial Service' resume the writing of Book* are rare In the ranks of the obser- is a free translation of the He- nooit in the fall.) vant Jews. Though they do notbrew "Remembrance of Souls. find Jewish ceremonial law bind- The prayer should serve to remind Passaic, N. J. (JTA) — As a ing, they vehemently oppose even us that we possess divine souls, oken of gratitude for the act of trifling changes. which we only too often neglect. rather William V. Dunne in rush- An illustration of this dangerOne of the most moving peti- ing into a burning synagogue to ous and immature emotionalism tions in the High Holy Day litur- save the Sefor Torah, B'nai B'rith 1B the author's objection to re-gy proclaims that, "With his soul District Grand Lodge No. 4 has forming the Lag. b'Omer festival is man obliged to earn his bread. sent a contribution to the Mt. Carat Meron, Safed. He admits that Again the author takes the sen- mel Guild, local Catholic charit•>-"• much In the present mode of cele- tence literally and interprets it to able organization, in F a t h e r <r' bration is regugnant. But, norefer to the high price man isname. change should be made. Why? A compelled to pay for the privilege DEDICATED TO EVERY WOMAN jiew structure, a little cleanliness of earning a living. "All sell their Patronize Our Advertisers and orderliness will, In his opin- souls for money, all are compellion, destroy the mystery which ed at times to flatter a master, to WHO EVER COOKED (WITH HER hovers over the sacred place. "In deceive, and to play the hypocrite. the presence of electric light, the To tell the truth at all times enDINNER) IN A HOT KITCHEN! light'of understanding and good dangers one's livelihood, menaces taste will be stimulated" and this political promotion and interferes fearful disaster must be prevent- with business success. How true ed! Dogmatically does he state of, alas, so many." Enjoy cool cook* that just as Reform Judaism is no " T h o u has chosen us from Ing comfort this Judaism so will a modified Lag among all nations," s h o u l d be

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3 4:

Fri4»y, June 28, 1940 sive inheritance any more anyway; the whole'world is in agony. What is in o u r teaching to make me strong in times l i k e these? What way of thinking is best suited to serenity? EveryK | AI BEG A I. thing's gone haywire and there must be something to enable my MR. ZILCH mind to go sanely through the Tbe B'nai B'rith Magazine last confusion. I need some philosomonth had an interesting letter phy. from Rabbi Norman Diamond of What of God? Newcastle, Pa. It had to do with tbe functions of rabbis. The magAnd what of God? Zilch asks. azine's commentator had suggest- He has been dreadfully troubled ed ^hat rabbis' sermons should about the old faith lately. The concern themselves more with the old faith taught him that the evildistressful problems of the com- doers come surely to unhappy mon life about them. They have ends and that righteousness albeen getting cosmic. They have ways w i n s . He is wondering been vying with the foreign af- whether the old teaching remains fairs commentators, like Kalten- valid when the evil-doers a r e : born and Swing, and their pulpits highly mechanized and righteousseemed to have become forums for ness has only its valor to defend foreign affairs. it. Rabbi Diamond defended tbe While the rabbis (defenders of duty of rabbis to look at t h e the faith) go far afield in foreign world and tell their congregations affairs the old faith falters. When what they think about it. they return from their wanderings All this brings up the question: they may find faith fled from the What do layment expect of rab- temples. bis? After all, the layman is the What should Rabbi Segal do : consumer of t h e outgivings of about Mr. Zilch? Certainly, he rabbis and he should have some- would not burden his mind with thing to eay about the kind of current events during the brief sermons he prefers. I know there time when Zilch is seeking sancis an opinion among some rabbis tuary in the temple. He has had that layment should have nothing enough of that outside. to say in the matter: The rabbi Rabbi Segal should try to be Is their leader and he may not ac- responsive to everything that's cept any dictation from them. troubling Mr. Zilch. The rabbi Well, nobody disputes the right might not know all the answers of the rabbi's mind to be inde- to Zilch's questions but he would pendent; yet he himself should attempt to formulate for Zilch a be willing to say, My mind and philosophy satisfactory to an inmy heart are at the service of my telligent mind In a troubled time. people and what do they require Should Be Troubled of me? Indeed, were I a rabbi (or a Christian minister) I should be Few Current Events If I were a rabbi I wouldn't feeling horribly worried about the lead my sermons with current foundations of my profession. I events. I would know t h a t I would feel troubled as to whether couldn't contribute much to make religion—as we know it—can surthis sorry world over. „ Telling vive In a world in which so many Hitler what I think of him would- other decent things are being n't alter the course of his des- wrecked. I would be mindful of the fact tiny. I would know that my congre- that religion is not my creation. gation is getting foreign commen- I, as rabbi, can't keep it going tary enough from the creaking merely by the force of my voice. radio sets. The minds of the mem- I am only a custodian of the tembers are horribly confused any- ple. Religion Is of Mr. Zilch and way because of all they hear. They its foundations rest on his heart. He is wondering about t b e turn from one end of the dial to the other trying to find somebody whole thing. He wanta something who really knows something and to hold to in a fluid world but at bedtime they know nothing the old consolations of his faith more than they knew at the start. seem to have become as insecure "Yea," they say, "those com- as everything else. He has not mentators don't seem to be any yet giyen them up; he is even resentful at events that seem to be wiser than we ourselves are.;" So why should I, a rabbi, af- ravaging his heart of ite faith. In flict their minds with confusion moments of despair he sighs "O on top of confusion? I am only God" but a moment later he Is contributing more guess-work. I beset by theological doubts that should be wise enough to. know make him most uncomfortable. that any prophecy I give out to- . Thus Mr. Zilch's faith crumbles day will be proved false by to- by a t t r i t i o n caused by the morrow's event. So swiftly do pounding of guns and the blastthings move in these days. (It is ing of bombs. The s a m e evil unsafe to be a prophet except on forces that are grinding flesh and long-range terms of, say, a thous- blood and stone into one rubble also are crashing against his heart and years.) To what purposes, th&n, should where he religion is founded. Rabbi Segal certainly would I, a rabbi, preach? It seems to me that my main interest should be take steps to guard his temple and Mr. pilch. I might -really accom- repair t h e damage. He would plish something to apply my mind stay home close to Zilch's inquirto Mr. Zilch. I get nowhere when ing heart instead of going afar to my mind marches all over Eur- Interpret battles and diplomatic ope and stops at the windows of moves or to wring his hands in aggressors to shake a fist and futile despair. with my voice attempts to con- (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) sume the arrogant. Faithful Dues-Payer Yet Mr. Zilch offers possibilities, of successful results. Zilch is nearly every man in my congregation. He is a faithful ducs-pay«r. He is a man without pretensions. If he doesn't get a seat in the front pew he is satisfied with a place in the last. Life to him is not cosmic. It has (o do with bis own problems. The ; current -events interest him as happenings that impinge on his own existence. He Is disheartened by it all. , Lately he has been asking himself a lot of questions: What's life all about anyway? Is it worth while to have been born? And to what end am I carrying on? Did I do justly to my children in bringing them into the world? Zilch is thinking much of his being a: Jew: What for am I a Jew? Just to keep on carrying this pain? Pain isn't my exclu-

PI am


assured convention leaders.

AMERICAN JEWISH PUNS COMPLETED ConventionProgram sessions open Sunmorning "with registration for TR1CT B'NAI day both men's and women's meet- CONORESS DISBANDS Egs. A luncheon Monday noon will be followed for women deleYOUTH COMMITTEE B'RITH CONVENTION gates and visitors l»y a garden tea at the hOEte of Mrs. Henry (Continued from Page 1.) gates and members of the B'nai B'rith." Francis P. Mathews, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, who will extend greetings on behalf of this national organization, said: "Your program of Americanism is of especial importance aisd value at t h i s particular time. Your achievements in the fields of education and social welfare have been outstanding, &md are recognised by a l l as a, notable contribution to t h e upbuilding and fnunproveinent of our common country." With unfaltering zeal, your organization has promoted the development of good will among all elements of our population, and, because of these well known virtues, your society holds a high place in the esteem of all true Americans." Outstanding Affair Nothing has been left undone, which could be done, to make this tbe outstanding convention of B'nai B'rith history, according to the plans announced by the General Chairman, Harry Malashock. As the home of the national president, Omaha is extending every effort to make this event one of the outstanding meetings of all time, Mr. Malashock said. From the time of arrival of the hundreds of delegates and visitors, every phase of their comfort and entertainment has been arranged for. An army of waiters, trained in precision, will serve a banquet for hundreds, at which Eddie Cantor w i l l be principal speaker, and President Monsky, toastmaster. Out - of-door-lnltiation of a class of several hundred candidates, will climax a day at the Highland Country Club, to be followed by a barbecue supper and dance, Sunday. All guests will participate in all entertainment and social functions. Visitors will have an opportunity to see Omaha's famous Boys' Town, where the motion picture starring Spencer Tracy and Mickey Rooney was filmed. At Boys' Town, Father Flanagan, head and founder, will personally be host to the visitors, many of whom will see for the first time the many new buildings added to the institution as a result of the national interest created by the movie. The Boys' Town choir, featured in the movie, and their band will furnish entertainment. "The tolerance and understanding that we practice within our own community of Boys Town has long been the principle of your own organization. We are happy to Join with you in promoting understanding, fellowship a n d good will between all faiths and creeds, and will welcome B'nai B'rith guests and visitors with the same spirit that symbolizes both of our undertakings." Rev. E. J. Flanagan of Boya' Town, has

Monsky, wife of t h e national president. Visitors will be transported for the evening to Nebraska's mythial Kingdom of Quivera, t h e realm of Ak-Sar-Ben, Nebraska's famed civic organization, which annually presents the Den Show at •which they will be guests. Initiation rites into this mystic order w i l l be administered upon certain distinguished guests of the B'nai B'rith. Informal entertainment and refreshments will conclude the evening at convention headquarters. Eddie Cantor, staunch exponent of Jewish idealogy, and who has long been an ardent member of B'nai B'rith, and America's most loved comedian of stage, screen and radio, arrives Tuesday morning, to be present at the convention banquet which climaxes tbe entire convention program. Newly elected officers of the District will be Installed at the conclusion of the banquet program.

New York (JTA) — The American Jewish Congress Governing Council has voted ucanimously to disband the Youth Division and name a committee to reconstitute it "along lines which would conform to the policies and program" of the A. J. C. The action was taken, stated Chairman Carl Sherman of the A. J. C. Administrative Committee, b e c a u s e the Youth Division had refused to withdraw from the American Congress and endorse the A. J. C.'s stand supporting aid to the Allies short of war. Resisting dissolution of the Youth Division, Executive Secretary Samuel Freedman, who until June 14 had been on the A. J. C. payroll, called an "emergency conference" at the Hotel Center for Tuesday evening. In a circular letter to 1 e a d e rs of the Youth Division, Freedman termed the dissolution "a Blitzkrieg against t h e democratic rights'* and a "high-handed fasclstic decree."

Alfred Mordecal, a North CaroJoseph Jacobs, an A u s tralian lina Jew, served on the U. 8. Jew, in 1876 became senior mora- Board of Ordance from 1839 to list at St. John's college, Oxford. 1860.

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• The- Ctoap Prograus- • .Full of fun, friends, and frolic la. the typical day at camp, with its program that follows childhood's interests in playing, hik. Jng, swimming, horseback riding, trail-blazing, singing, canoeing, and the like. The bugle call at seven brings every camper tumbling out of his bed to assemble for flag-raising. Then, he's off to a tasty breakfaBt and an adventurous, camp day. Crowded into this day is a delightful variety of outdoor activities. Among the most popular orie« are horseback riding, campcraft,, arts and crafts, music, dramatics, and archery. Climaxing the day is the evening get-together, which may be an entertainment, an athletic tournament, a rope: hike, a story hour, or a special campfire. A healthful weariness steals over the camper now, at the close of. a day of good food, good friendship, and good fun. He has enjoyed bis own program and is .ready for ten: hours' sleep. Taps at 9 ends the day with the assurance that all is well.


Friday, June 28, 1940


•*•*• «

Ail officers were re-elected at a meeting of the Women's Mlzrachi Organization Wednesday of this week. The officers are Mrs. M. Brodkey, honorary president; Mrs. A. Katz, president; Mrs. B. Handler, secretary; Mrs. J. Jurawel, finance secretary; Mrs. D. C i o u n s e , treasurer. Vice-presidents, serving as standing comm i t t e e chairmen a r e Mrs. E. Weinberg, vice-president, National Fund chairman; Mrs. L. Rosenblatt, s e c o n d vice-president, chairman of due collections; Mrs. N. Levinson, third vice-president, and Mrs. A. G. Weinstein fourth vice-president, chairmen of the soial committee; and Mrs. M. Arbitinan, fifth vice-president, card party chairman. A l a r g e group attended the meeting, at which favorable committee reports were given. Mrs. E. Weinberg read a National Fund report, Mrs. Joe Tuchman reported on proceeds of the rummage sale, and Mrs. B. Brodkey and Mrs. B. Chait on linen benefits. Presiding at the meeting was Mrs. M. Brodkey.

Installation of officers .of the Ladies' Free Loan Society will bs fatld Wednesday afternoon, July 3, at 2 o'clock. All members are urged to attend. . . . Refreshments will be served.

By HELEN ZIGMOND Hollywood—Breaking into the movies at seventy! That is the astounding feat of Weber a n d Fields . . . and marks a record in career-starting. They impersonate themselves in "Lillian Russell" . . . are allotted but one sequence . . . wherein Weber teaches Fields the game of casino. It's a riot!

ence it is agreeable.to hear David Sarnoft'B prediction inat one day we'll be carrying pocket-slse radio telephones m'i be pMe to call up jur friends any time at any distance. Ether fans • may thank Jack Benny for the return of Eddie Cantor to the networks . .. . Benny clinched the deal w i t h Ipana via long-distance phone. Slapsie Maxie is scheduled to do a Romeo-Juliet balcony scene with Elsa Maxwell in their next vehicle (not a truck). Luise Itainer this week completed the marital severing started in 1938 . . . claims two careers in one family was the cause for friction. The newsreel showing t h a t Indian tribe burning its goods ornamentJd with the swastika s y m b o l svoked terrific applause. Good :o note the cinecritics approval tor George Tobias in "Torrid Zone" 3 i . he's a New York import, and appears to be going places in these parts.

Execs thought them so good The Ratoffs are in the movies they signed them to another pic- now . . . one brother works in ture in which they'll have feature the sound recording department parts. * . another is a studio gardener . . and a brother-in-law just Mary Pickford rushed back to olned the studio police force town this week to be on hand for the Donor's Luncheon given for Joseph Schenck Is a dollar-athe Jewish Home for the Aged year inan. With 75 other busi. . . she mid Elsa Maxwell being chairwomen of the affair.

A l i t t l e less Information, Please. Oscar Levant is playing havoc with the script of his first Y. A; "slllyloid" feature. He ad libs with ligiitning wit through every Election of officers was held.at scene . . . then forgets bis quips a meeting of the Y. P. A. Tuesday . , , and each retake is different! vening, June 25, at the Jewish Community Center. Cdnrad Veldt, Just arrived on Four officers • were re-elected. this side of the big and murky Gary L a h d m a n was re-elected Pond after making a London picpresident; Sam Kaplan, treasurer; ture dealing with blackouts, reand Louis Kelberg and Sam Min- lates how his boat was completely kin, sergeants-at-arms; Pauline blacked out for the entire six-day Rifkin was elected vice-president; voyage. Minnie Kolnick, secretary; and Ink Spots and Jots: Mrs. Gary Landman, reporter. In this age of destructive sciBill Poster presented a gavel to the organization;

The Tau Delta Sorority held its «econd meeting of the summer,. June 24. Old and new business were discussed and the club decidedto give a card party July 17, .and to give the proceeds to char-ity. The party committees are as follows: .

T i c k e t s : Lorraine Waldman, Lillian Merowitz, Beverly Goldberg, Harriet Cohn; R e f r e s h ments: Ruth Rosinsky, B e t t y Kraft, Marion Llpsman, Roselle Cfayman; Frizes: Rosalie Kaplan, Etta Marcus, Rose, Epstein, AnTheta Alpha Ro nette Forbes. Tickets may be obtained for A meeting of Theta Alph Ro twenty-five cents at the door or was held June 20 at the home of at,the home of any T a u Delta Edith Epstein. member. A wiener roast will take place on June $9 at Grimes Farm.

Friends approached Sol Lesser with litgubtious looks after h i e "Our T©wis" preview . . . condoled him with, "It's too bad, Sol, 'pears like you've got a hit on y o u r tends!" When tiie ftfarxes come to tewn with (heir concentrated fun food it will be their first time tootlighting the local boards in 11 years! €urti£iu: Director M i k e , explaining about his eye-trouble, finished with, "I ought to see an optimist!" So ought we all . . . (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) YOUR INSURANCE BROKER



Representing. 21 Strong Companies A Complete Insurance 8ervlce CALL! WALNUT 61» "The Settlement Counts"

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ness men he signed up to picmote World's Fair prosperity by speaking enthusiastically about it to a hundred people a day.

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, S. A. M. Alumni On Wednesday evening, June 19, at the Hotel Paxton, the Sigma Alpha Mu alumni club held election of officers. New officersare David Bernstein, president, and Jerry Conn, secretary. Dave Goldware was re-elected treasurer. • ;• : • ,; Retiring officers are Ray Silbar, p r e s i d e n t , and, S i d Chait, s e c retary. •'. • • • . • •';•..•••


, Main Speaker of the evening tyae Maitland Steirikopf of Winnepeg, Canada. Mr. Stelnkopf is regional adviser of t h e Northwest province.. ,' Flans were formulated at the meeting for the regional.conclave, to be held in Omaha next spring. Planning and preparation committees were appointed.' . The first book in Ladino (Judaeo-Spanish) is dated 1510.


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The favorite 1040 costume for fun and frolle Is sto(Cks . . , worn this year flo tbey are,, becoming to even the most womanly woman. Denim hi faded bine and rose, nubby ratine and muslin In French^ blue,' aqua, rose and naturaL Sizes 12 to 20.

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. . . . . . o.8.«8

FridAy, June 26, 1940




. • . * ^ 'i ., •

. , ,

BERiJK (iKAiiJ/ Miss Janet Gretz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Graetz, became the bride of Samuel I. Berek of Fremont, son of Mr. and Mrs. -Jacob Berek of Fremont, Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the Fontenelle. Rabbi David Goldstein of Omaba and Rabbi Harry Jolt of Lincoin officiated. freceding the program was a musical program by the Misses Marilyn Paynter, Bettey Finnegan, «ni Linnette Mears, former students of the bride. Mrs. Norman Anepach Sherman and Mrs. Harry Truetin played the wedding -JThe bride wore a white mar-quisette floor length gown with a lodg train. The heart-shaped bodIce was made of tiny pleated rufflejj, the bride carried, a w h i t e -prayerbook on w h i c h lay two 'Waite orchids. iMisa Laura Berek, sister of the groom, was maid of honor. Matron •f honor Was Mrs. Samuel Theo. dore, the bride's sister. , Misg J u.d i t h Anne Theodore, ttiece of the bride, was flower girl. Best man -was Sol Levine of Columbus, Neb. Ushers were Samuel Theodore, Marion Graetz, S a u l Grfeetz, and Robert Bramson. Following" the ceremony was a reception for 150 guests. Assisting , at tbe reception w e r e the Misses L o r e t . t a Cutter, Betty Cohn, Bertha Slutsky, Zelda CherBitt, and Mesdames Saul Graetz «nd Sol Levine of Columbus, Neb.

- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Novak and - eon,- 'Harold, d e p a r t e d for a month's vacation in the West. TheV Plan to spend time in Denyer, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Boulder Dam. In Denver they will visit Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Baker, former Omahans. AHMOtlNCEH ENGAGEMENT ' Mrs. K. Lazer announces the Engagement of h e r daughter, Rojjg, to Sam Katzia'an, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Katssman. |4o date has been set'for the urejjding. \ ) COUSINS CLUB , i The Cousin's Club will meet on Tuesday, July 2, at the Jack Lincoln home, 432 N. 38th street.

EPSTKIN-ALBERT8 Miss Rosalie "Alberts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alberts, became the bride of Jack Q. Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, Sunday evening, June 16 at an all-white wedding ceremony performed at the Hlackstone Hotel. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky officiated. The bride's dress was of lace and net and her muff,was covered with White Orchids., Shirley Epstein was m a i d of honor and was likewise gowned In lace and net. The bridesmaids all wore dresses of white pointde-spra with hats and muffs to match". Their muffs were covered with white gardenias and sweet peas. Bridesmaids were the Misses Beverly and It e n e e Greenberg, Frances Bernstein of Grand Is land, Sylvia Epstein, Betty Segal, and Lois Barish. Junior bridesmaids were Phyllis Greenberg and Renee Plotkin. Lois Ann Greenberg and Renee Breslow w e r e flower girls. Sidney Epstein served as best man. Groomsmen were Abe Bad-! off of Sioux City, Sidney Robinson of Fort Dodge, Iowa, David Gold ware, Harry Rosenstein, Harry Cohen, and Earl Lapidus. Bernie Turkel was ring bearer.; A reception followed from 7 to 9. ' Out-of-town guests included: Mi's. David Kline, San Bernardino, Calif.; Mrs. Betty Cohen, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. A. Katleman of St. Louis, Mr, and Mrs. Poska, Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Breslow and .daughter, Jean, of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. A. Goldberg of Lincoln; Mrs. G. Frank, grandmother of the Bride, of Grand Island; and Mr, and Mrs, M. Bernstein and daughter, Selma of Grand Island. The couple will make • their home in Omaha after a trip to California. TO liOS ANGELES ,, Mrs.' Louis .Margolin and'children, Millard and Susie, left Tuesday morning aboard the City' of Los Angeles, for Los A n g e l e s , where they will join Mr. Margolin. They.'.'will remain there for the summer. • While in California Millard will attend summer camp,



i .


< •••


RETURNS FROM CHICAGO ' Mrs. Goodman Cohen returned on July 20 from Chicago, where she attended the commencement exercises of the American Conservatory of Music, at which her son, Myron, was soloist. VISITOH HERE Miss Ida Straues of St. Paul, Minnesota, has for the past week been the house guest of M i s s Helen Burstein. ON MOTOR TRIP . Mr. and Mrs. George Gaspar, Mrs. M. Gross, mother of Mrs. Gaspar, and Miss Lois Novitsky, nieee of Mrs. Gaepar, are making a 3 week trip by motor to Oklahoma, T e x a s , and California where they will hold a reunion with Mrs. Vance Beach, the former Thelma Gaspar, and William Gaspar and family. "While in San Francisco, the traveling party will visit the Fair.

L * Miss Dorothy Zollotuchen

her daughter, Mrs. Max B1 a sgrund. Later ebe •will go to Los Angeles to speed the reet of the summer. EXPECTED HOME ' Mrs. Sam Rosenberg and Millard, aad daughter, Dorothy, who have been on &n eastern trip this past m o n t h , are expected home aext week. Their itinerary included a south-eastern route to New York where they spent two weeks with relatives. On their way home they will visit Canadian points and stop at Chicago'before returning.

Correction In announcing the Temple Sisterhood election in the issue 6f June 21, the Jewish Press erroneously stated that Mrs. Dave Rosen is the,now treasurer. Mrs. Dave Rosenstock is the new treasurer of the Sisterhood.

ANNOUNCE BIRTH Edward Israel, a Michigan Jew, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom an- perished in 1884 with the Greeley nounce the birth of twin sons on Arctic expedition. Monday, June 24, at St. Joseph hospital. Mrs. Bloom is the former Diana Himelbloom,

At a family dinner on Sunday, June 16, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Zollotuchen announced the engagement of their daughter, MIBS Dorothy Zollotuchen, to Rubin Ratner of Sioux City, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sain Ratner of that city. • No wedding date has been set.

HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Veitzer entertained forty guests at a dinner given Sunday evening at their home in honor of the fifteenth wedding anniversary of their brother and sister-in-law,, Mr. and M^rs. Nathan Veitzer.

ENGAGED Mrs. Solomon Movitz of Kansas City announces the engagement of her daughter, Pearl, to Harry H. Lipp, of Omaha, son of Mr. Sender Lipp of Chicago. The wedding will take place early in the autumn.

VISIT HERB 1 Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Epstein and Mrs. Lena Feldman had as their guests for the past weqk, Mr. and Mrs. I. Cohen and family and Mr. and Mrs. I. Meltzer, of New York.City. Mr. Cohen is a brother of Mrs. Epstein and Mrs. Feldman.

fhon* us on wctti day Glv« ut o trial * ti driven cover > Town by t!?t mile,

IN 8IOUX CITY EL PASO Miss Bertha Slutsky left yes- TOMrs. M. Frieden has departed terday for a four day visit in El Paso, Texas, where Bhe will Sioux City, where she will be the for visit her son, Jarvis Frieden, and guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mlrowltz. TO LOS ANGELES . Jdre. Morris Kelberg and daughter,. Ethel, are leaving today for a month's vacation", in Los Angeles. There they will visit "with Mr. and Mrs. Irving N. Pazoff.

THo beginning of summer for Y O U . . • means practically the end of the season for better makers . . • Who are now preparing their fall linos. That's tho "how and tho why" we could get such values m thesel ' ' •

JOSLYN MEMORIAL "Inside Passage," a sound film, will be presented 2:30 Sunday afternoon in the Concert Hall. At 4. o'clock in the Concert Hall there will be a piano recital by James Wolfe. • LEAVES FOB MONTH : Mrs. A. G. Weinstein is leaving for a month's stay in the East. While in New York she will attend the Worlds Fair and will visit the. Palestine Paviliofl there. Enroute she will stop In Chicago. GUESTS EXPECTED Mr. and Mrs. H. Epstein, 938 N. 26th are expecting Mr. and Mrs. H. Glassman and two daughters, and Mr. Albert, Shanfelt of Hollywood, formerly of Omaha, to. arrive Sunday. Mr. Glassman Is Mrs. Epstein's son. - ' ' ' >>

Ut a


. • • ( .



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F*g* 4

DAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS - Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER - - Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBBRG—Sioux City Correspondent

or a repetition ©f the horrible life they thought they had escaped. Paris has been the citadel of the oppressed for generations. It has been refuge to untold thousands ttoese past twenty-five years. But while nations csn be conquered, the spirits of a people cannot be trampled ruthlessly underfoot. German herself exemplifies what happens when a people set out to regain their national self-respect — as France had done after its defeat in 1S70. Liberty is in chains, one more, but the desire for liberty remains uneocquered and though a people may give lip-service to a tyrant they cherish within themselves the hope that someday they may regain freedom unwillingly surrendered.

The Danger Spot

Rumania Again

THE JEWISH PRESS Pulblisltect Every Friday ftt Oottba, Hebr. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Or.e Vear Rates Furnished en


JSD1TOHIAL OFFICE: fc66 Brasses* TUcsScr Bait KIOUX CITX OFITICB—Jewisfc Caaam^t-g Ce&te* FBIJNT SHOF iDSKESS—SE** So. U®> Btret

Complacency toward Nazi and Fascist activities In this country can no longer be countenanced. In the interests of national survival it Is imperative that steps be taken to bring under control the activities or Hitlerite agents so teat this country is not subjected to the shame of Europe. All Americans have attempted to be tolerant, but tolerance bas merely evoked contempt and b&s been Inter- preted as weakness. When Nazi agitation first became apparent in the United States, it was fashionable to quote Voltaire to the effect that we may not be in agreement with the views of the Nazis but we will fight for their right to express themselves. This was the American way — expression rather than supression. ' Not one single act to date has curtailed the liberties of the Nazis in this country. They still meet, openly flaunt their enmity, and seek to enlist Americans in their campaign of hate. Even with the dangers of Europe brought dramatically home .to us, America has continued to be lenient. This country can no longer afford such tolerance. We have seen the tactics of the Fifth Column in Denmark, Holland, Norway, Belgium — and there are authorities who say also in France. With the evidence so conclusive, we cannot look on so complacently. Not only are our liberties at etake, but our lives as well, and it will be no compromise with principle to fight the Nazis here. Not even the Nazis themselves any longer attempt to hide their intentions toward America. .Victories in Europe have made them reckless. The disclosures of the Uruguayan government have awakened South Americans from their traditional languor. Uruguay, one of 'the few militant democracies in the South, has been serious'threatened by what was almost a successful 'coup d'etat' of Its German and Fascist elements.


•I '4k.

Likewise in Mexico there is a growing danger of Internal trouble. Careful investigation has revealed a wealth of evidence as to the activities of Nazis and Communists. Whether this evidence will be utilized to strengthen the country remains to be seen. Whether this country uses the facts that it so well knows also remains to be seen. So ' far, activity has been confined to the harassing of aliens and an innocuous group of religious fanatics. As important to this country as billions for armaments, is a thorough handling of subversive groups in our midst. • ,

Liberty in Chains V:

•On the famed Boston "Common" s t a n d s a Statue to the great Abolitionist leader Wendell Philips, and on this monument is inscribed the Quotation, "whether in chains or in laurels, Liberty knows nothing but victories." "Liberty" was crowned with laurels in Paris and in the years that followed the French Revolution carried its blessings, temporarily to be sure,- to the rest of Europe. Today Liberty in Europe is in chains. Paris, sanctified by the blood of martyrs in the cause of liberty, comes under the heel of a tyrant more brutal than those which preceded the Revolution. To discuss the terms of the Armistice step by step is impossible in this space, but again it must be said the Jews of the world have suffered a blow that only centuries can repair. 450,000 Jews live In France, the first of Europe's Jewa to have received civil rights, the Jews who have longest enjoyed the blessings of liberty. 42,000 of these Jews are refugees from the Reich and under the terms of the surrender, they will be handed back to Germany. This can mean only death or torture for those who -are returned

Jewish Veterans Honor J. B. Cohant New York (WNS)—J a m e s Bryant Conast,, president of Harvard University, was cited as America's outstanding "exponent ©f the principles and practices of tolerance and good will," by the Jewish War Veterans of the United States; in & ceremony here at -whiclJ he received the first annual "Jewish Veterans Award for American Leadership."

On the heels of the Germany victory in France, Rumania has been quick to ,get on the totalitarian band-wagon, and in a sweeping decree has instituted a regime more severely totalitarian than the German model. Considering that only a few weeks ago there was reason to believe conditions in Rumania would improve, it is extremely discouraging now to hear of the most recent action, which will further impoverish the Jewish community. A government party has been instituted and no one who is not admitted during the next two months will be permitted to continue as an executive in any commercial on industrial* enterprise or to hold public office. Although Jews have not been specifically mentioned in the decree, the fact that the Iron Guard is to play a dominant role precludes the Jews from any participation in whatever blessing the new regime may bring. It is believed in London that while King Carol will, attempt to maintain the present situation as best he can, that under the economic pressure of Berlin, he will be forced to capitulate to the demands of the Iron Guardists. At this stage, it is impossible to make any prophecies about developments in Rumania. The country is barased on two sides — Germany and Russia. In all likelihood it will not be long before Russia attempts to grab the lost province of Bessarabia. Germany will relentlessly continue her economic pressure upon the country since Rumania can supply her with not only the much-needed oil but wheat which will perhaps be in greater demand. As the stock of the allies goes into decline, other smaller nations will leave their orbit. It is most unfortunate, but the world is becoming steeled against misfortune.

The Crisis in Zionism Internecine s t r i f e in the Zionist movement, vaguely hinted at for sometime now, has unashamedly broken into the open. Regardless of the merits of the contending parties, the "only result will be complete disillusionment on the part of the ardent supporters and sympathizers. Organizations of all sort are under obligation to clean house on occasion, but to drag Zionism through the mire of petty politics Is nothing short of blasphemy. Zionism as a people's ideal has been responsible for one ot the most amazing revivals in history. But as a political .movement It is endangering everything that has been accomplished. For sometime now the Zionist movement has been split into component groups, each with it3 special interest — Labor, Mizrachi, Revisionists, etc. To a certain extent there Is some justification for these divisions, and in the larger issues there has been considerable co-operation. But of late further division has become apt parent and these new splits can be considered as nothing but attempts at promoting sefr-interest. One of the great failures of European democracy was the inability of the individuals of different political philosophies to find common ground and to compromise on unimportant issues. Sometimes this compromise —' which Is very characteristic of the American party system — has been considered a violation of principles; but as a result, definite gains have been made. On the other, hand where there has been stubbornness and intolerance, as in the German democracy, the result was chaos. This latter is what is happening to the Zionist movement in America. And it is so important that at this time Zionist should be strengthening itself in preparation for what may be one of the cruelest blows in its history. Fortunately Zionism is stronger than the individuals who compromise its leaflership, but it can be seriously hampered by petty politics. The leaders owe a greater debt to the movement and the membership than to themselves.

Edgar H. Burman, national commander, made the presentation on behalf- of his organization, before civic leaders and veterans. Roger W. Straus, co-chairman of the National Conference ' of Christians and Jews, and William Berruan, national field secretary of the Jewish War Veterans, were the principal speakers. The citation to Dr. C o n a n t read: "By bis courageous devotion to the cause of humanity arid intellectual freedom, he has

given leadership to the citizens of the United States and to the heads of all institutions of learning." Jernsalem (JTA) — The Hebrew - University has lust published part two of the bibliographical work, "Hebrew Printing in the East," by. Abraham Yaarl. Special chapters in the new volume are devoted to Hebrew printing in India, Iraq', Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and Baghdad.

Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Pfeillp Sfewr BIBLE! The way of peace they know not, and there is no right in their goings. They have made them crooked paths; whosoever goeth therein doth not know peace. Therefore is justice far from us. Neither doth righteousness overtake us; we look for light, but behold darkness, for brightness, but we walk in gloom. We grope for the w a l l like blind; yea, as they that have no eyes do we grope. We stumble at noonday as in the twilight, we are In dark places like the dead. And nations shall walk at thy light, and kings at the brightness of thy rising. TALMUD Rabbi Jochanan said: "He to whom his father bequeathed too much money and desires to get rid of it quickly, he shall dress himself in expensive linens, shall use eut glass utensils, and shall hire laborers and leave t h e m without superintending." Rabbi Isaac said: "A man shall always divide his money in three parts. One-third he shall invest in real estate; one-third in business, and the balance he shall have on hand ready f o r quick profitable transactions." Rabbi Jochanan said: "Cheating in words is more rigorous than cheating in money, because money can be returned but annoyance of words cannot." Rabbi Chelba said: "One should always be careful to honor his wife; for the blessing in the house usually comes for the sake of the wife; and if thy wife is little, bow thyself and listen to her advice." Rabbi Nathan says: "Do not reproach thy neighbor with a fault which is also thine own." And tills is what people say: "To him who has bad a hanged one in his family, do not even mention 'hang up a fish.' "


point of personnel the State Department is the smallest of all branches of the Government head ed by a Cabinet member, and now it has more work - - and more im portant work - - to do than at any time in its history . Re suit: Foreign Service officers who used to come to work at 10 take three hours off for lunch, and go home at 5, now are working eixteen hours a day, s t r a i g h t through. Embassy Row . . The way things are going, there'll soon be more diplomats without countries in Washington than diplomat* who still have a Government to represent . . . But there isn't one who doesn't publicly say that bis nation, swallowed by An aggressor, will live again . . . The Congress - - Sometimes we almost lose faith in Democracy . . . One of those times came when Senator Rush Holt blocked, eingle-handed, the request of the American Red Cross to send ita first mercy ship directly to Bor. deaux, where three hundred thousand refugees await the tsrushing heel of the Naei boot . . . They're homeless, eick, and many a r • starving . . . Epidemics have already broken out among them It was imperative that the Coagresa authorize the S. 8. McKeesport to proceed directly to Bordeaux . . . But one vote blocked the resolution, which required unanimous consent, to consider the request . . . Holt got to hit feet, and said, "I object!" . . . he might have* added: "I object to humanity!" The events of the past month bring to mind an amazing prophecy by Wythe Williams, wlta which he concluded his b o o k , "Dusk of Empire," several year« ago. He said: "The sun rises and sets - - and it rises again. But it no longer beams steadily upon the O l d World. As I have tried to show in these pages . . . the European continent has passed its zenith of splendor, and is now in the long twilight.

"The first place in the sun M today thrown open to the United States. If it is occupied, t h e n world civilization may not only remain intact but rise to a brilBy PAT FRANK liance beyond imagination. OthJ. T. A. Washington erwise we may live to witness a spectacle that the mind does not Press Bureau even grasp, more somber by far than the twilight of the empire. WASHINGTON. For it is the dawn of the gods - The Fifth Column is a red'line or dusk." of infection that runs from head to foot of t h e body politic in Unless we admit that civilizaAmerica. In some places it bursts tion is only a recurrent phenomforth for all to see in its bald enon, and that the normal state ugliness. In others it is carefully of man Is darkness and barbarconcealed, and. may even seem ism, there is still hope. It is a like healthy flesh. It Is an infec- hope that must either burn brightion that can kill America out- ter, or die out entirely, here in right in the shape of civil war - - America. as Spain died. Or it can so weaken us that we will fall before the (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleNazi onslaught with a defense no graphic Agency, lac.) more effective than that of Norway. Before the United States can resist the terrible pressure that is coming from abroad, it must put down the enemy within.

Religious Services CANDLE-LIGHTING: 7:20

And t h e thins to remember Temple about the Fifth Column - - the will begin at 8 «'«lock thing never to forget - - Is that In Services the lower auditorium of the the seat of infection is In Berlin. Temple. There will be no ser««n. There can be no cure In America until the ca.use is removed. A3 Beth El quickly as the infection is put Morning services will be held down in one place, it will burst regularly at 7:30 at the Talmud out in another. Torah,. 4808 Davenport St., all The swiftest way we could be- mornings except - Saturday when gin to really fight this disease services w i 11 be at the Jewish would be to throw out of the Community Center. country every Nazi and Fascist Orthodox diplomat and consul. We believe the governments of Italy and GerSaturday morning services will many are actively engaged in fo- be held tomorrow at the B'nal Ismenting their world revolution rael Synagogue at 18th and Chihere. There has been repeated cago Sts. Regular Sunday morning proof of it. It is an open secret services will be held Sunday, 9 in Washington that Consul Gen- o'clock, at B'nai Israel Synagogue. erals are paymasters for t h e Montreal (JTA) —'Dr.-Richard Brown Bolsheviks in America. Kroner, well-known German JewThai should be our start. ish philosopher, who escaped from8 Around the Town— The White House - - Under the Nazi Germany two years ago, n* crushing impact of the most ter- been appointed professor of logic rible series of events in all his- and metaphysics at McGlll. unitory, President Roosevelt stands versity, Montreal. Prof. Kroner like a rock . . . His health has is one of the founders and a forbten unaffected by hours upon mer editor of Logos, Internationend of making delicate decisions al philosophical publication. Prothat would leave most business fessor Kroner has published * executives tottering, or send them number of works dealing mainly away to the country to recuper- with the philosophical teaching* ate from a nervous breakdown of Immanuel- Kant; At present . . . They call the Job of being he is -visiting lecturer at Smitn President the "man.Idller" . . . College, Northampton,, Mass* But wo. feel that Roosevelt is the firs* man since Teddy Roosevelt Frederick Knefler, a Hungarian who really enjoyed the job . . . Jew, was a Brig.-General ln*ne The. State Department - •> In U. S. army during .the Civil Tv"ar.

Friday, June 28, 1940



Washington (JTA)—Chairman Martin Dies announced that herePlans for the Fourth Annual Ms House Committee oa UnYale Richards was e l e c t e d after American activities will confine Exposition, sponsored Aleph John Feldman Will Begin Fireworks Godol, succeeding Milton to hearing witnesses and (Continued from Page 1.) annually by Omaha Post. No. 1, in the recent AZA 100 elec- itself Fortieth Term as will turn all the results of thl The American Legion, are rapidly Guss, tions held last Tuesday at the Hebrew University profesTreasurer n e a r i n g completion and the Jewish Community Center. Form- evidence over to the President, four sors, were released by the authorthe Federal Bureau of InvestigaCreighton University Stadium, in er Aleph Mazkir, Richards took ities after having been under deNew officers of the Omaha He- Omaha, will be the stage the night an active interest in the affairs of tion or other authorized Govern- tention since Italy's entrance into ment agencies. brew Club will be installed at a of July 4 th. the chapter, acting as co-chairThis move was the climax of the war. In addition to the elaborate and man of the AZA district convenmeeting which will take place this The position of American Jewa the rapproachemeut reached bespectacular patriotic fireworks Sunday at 3:30 in the lodgeroom tion held In Omaha last fall, and at the Jewish Community Center. displays the program will Include contributing to the success of the tween the administration and in Palestine in the light of the by which complete coopera- war was discussed at a meeting Iu Ben Kazlowsky will be install- a parade of junior drum and bugle chapter during his term. Complet- Dies tion has been promised by all Tel Aviv attended by the heads of ing officer, Officers to be install- corps, community singing, led by concerned. 175 American Jewish families. A ed are: Abner Kaiinan, president; Billy M y e r s , and the thrilling Meanwhile, Secretary of the In-committee was appointed to taka "Rocket Girl" act, in which Misa terior Harold Ickes ordered all up with the American C o n s u l 3 Bobbie Jeanne is actually f i r e d employes of his department to questions of evacuation of Amerifrom a cannon high into the air state under oath whether they cans inside or outside Palestine. to eventually be caught some sixare members of organizations Consular forms indicating their ty feet away by her male assissuspected of fifth column activi- desires were filled out by particitants. Miss Jeanne uses no nets In ties. pants in the meeting. the act. Rumanian shipping to Palestine A fifty cent general admission Veterans Ask Outlawing interrupted by 11 a 1 y's entrance ticket admits one adult, or two the war, will soon be partialchildren under twelve y e a r s of Of Communist Party into ly resumed. , ,. age. Not a dime is spent in pro-* New York (JTA)—The policy motional activity and the profits The Transjordan Government committee of the Jewish W a r has declared Italy "an enemy naare used in the post's welfare and Veterans of the. United States has tion" and has taken immediate service program. Tickets may be voted unanimously to petition measures to send all Italians rest*' obtained from any Legionnaire or Congress to outlaw the Commun- d e n t s to Palestine internment at the post headquarters in the ist party, Commander Edgar Bur- camps. City Hall.'* man announced. The resolution In the interest of the fireworks said that "the Communists, who celebration an unusual program Patronize Our Advertisers are masquerading as a political will be broadcast over radio sta^ party, a r e in contempt of tho tion WOW Sunday, June 30, beAmerican people, the American ginning at 2 p. m. The Omaha Constitution* and the American Post No. 1 band, under the leadfor (lit- Best fend Molt ServlcM way and s h o u l d be outlawed ership of Director Floyd Williams now." and Captain A. E. Wood, will play - - OIL a concert of martial music. SpeakYale Richards ers on the program will be James Susman; Aleph Shotore Kotone, Scientific Lubrication L. McCrory, commander of Omaha ing his third year in the organiza- Sidney Wasserman; Aleph Sofer, John Feldiium Post No. 1, Matt D. Jaap, a past tion, Richards has held various of- Martin Goodman; Aleph Kohen WASHEUQ Sam B l o o m , vice-president; I. vice commander of the post, Leo fices, and has become a promin- Godol, Milton Guss. Morgenstern, secretary; and John B. Bozell, a past commander and ent figure within AZA circles. Installation ceremonies will be Feldman, treasurer. Mr. Feldman, recent chairman of the successBenny M i l l e r was re-elected held July 11, at the AZA 100 who 'has been a member of the ful Red Cross drive, and William Aleph Gisbor by unanimous vote. wiener roast. Milton Guss, outgolodge for the past thirty-two Ritchie, Jr., a past department Other officers elected were as fol- ing Aleph Godol, will conduct the SHELL SERVICE years, is serving his fortieth term commander of the Legion la Ne- lows: Aleph Sgan, Harold Slutz- ceremonies. The next meeting will as treasurer. HAROLD BIXHH1 braska, kin; Aleph Mazkir, Harold Ep- be held July 15, at the Jewish Mth and Hurt AT 10tt Also to be Installed are: A. stein; Aleph Shotore Godol, Bill Community Center. Richards, L. M o r g a n and D. Schwartz, trustees; and M. Blank, M. Seiner, and M. Bercovlcl, executive board. Cantor E. Sells and daughter, Shirley, Max Yaffe, and Margaret Hurwitz Finkel, will be featured London (JTA) — The Agudath on. the musical program. Israel is telegraphically contacting Its affiliated organizations In tbo United States and Canada to OPPOSES PALESTINE facilitate evacuation of Jewish EDUCATIONAL PLANS children in Jewish homes or hostels supervised by Jewish bodies. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenA small yeshiva has ben estabcy) — The kind of unified educa- lished at the internment camp on tional control which the Palestine the Isle of Man for the internes Government Is attempting to im- who had been students ot the Lonpose on the Jewish school system don Gateshead yeahlvas. In Palestine Is to be found only in It is learned that numerous refcountries like Russia and Ger-ugees from Belgium who had gone many, Dr. Ben Zlon Messlnaohn, to France arrived in England dardirector of the Department of Ed- ing the past week. ucation of the Vaad Leunil, chargSchwartzbart, memed is condemning a plan which the berDr.ofIgnacy the Polish Parllament-inGovernment wants to force on theexlle, arrived here from France, Hebrew educational system of the country. Patronise Our Advertisers









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£««• 28, 1840


The Literature By HENRY MONTOR



Realistic self-searching has be- son and. Louis Untermeyer, each ford Odets has been genuinely come tbe mood of the hour. of whom hag. place in other classi- creative. Remove Odets and the Where it does not assume the fications also. Other names, divid- early.work of Elmer Rice fend tprwa of suicidal neurasthenia it ed among the dramatists, poets you have eradicated any trace of • Jk'as Aii astringent value for con- aud novelisto, include S. N. Behr- lasting impression on the drama ceit and complacency. For Jews man, Edna Ferber, Ben Hecht, of the United States. the practise of dealing frankly George 3. Kaufman, Sidney King- . Walter Lippman, as essayist -with their tasks and their capa- sley, Clifford Odets, Dorothy and editorialist, has been among cities has a particularly hygenic Parker, Elmer Rice, John Wex- the major factors in molding Quality. ey, Fannie Hurst, Walter Lipp- American public opinion in the A recent volume reminds Jews maa and, as critic, George Jean pasf two decades.. that their contribution to the lit- Nathan. Mr. Millet records no But the question that can be erature of America needs more Jewish name among the histor- asked with regard to Lippmann careful assaying than is reflected ans; F. P. A. (Franklin • Pierce applies equally well to most of .in the glib assumption that a po- Adams) among the versifiers-and the others: in what undeniable, tent influence has been wielded humorists; and Mackinlay Kan- unique manner have they niade • on the form and content of this tor, Ibidor Schneider, Teas Sles- a permanent mark upon the nation's writing. The reminder Is nger and Leane Zugsmith among thinking of this country, a mark merely by the inference of this he novelists. Add Arthur Guiter- that is evident not merely in the reader and not through the bald man and Margaret Flshback and columns of today's newspaper but . statement of Fred B. Millet, au- the l'ist is completed for the that may be anticipated in the thor of "Contemporary American poets. history of the years to come? .< 'Authors; a Handbook of Modern It is not an impressive sumMost of those who have been Literature" (Harcourt, Brace & mary, even though it can be said listed by Millet are not Jewish exCo.), mmediately. that some names, cept by birth. They have no qualAfter a brief but inclusive and inportant and unimportant, have ity of mind, represent no evocadiscriminating account of de- been omitted. But it is on Mr. tion of tradition and scene that velopments in American litera- Millet's ground that the discus- is a singular: enrichment of Amer* tare, especially since 1900, Mr. sion will have to be conducted, ican letters. Lewisohn, yes; ClifMillet provides biographies and for he has set up the standards by ford Odets, yes; Fannie Hurst, ' bibliographies of the 219 contem- which inclusion is to be justified. slightly; Edna Ferber, possibly porary American authors who, he No one can doubt that, as yes; Albert Halper and Meyer believes, have exercised the great- ritic, then as autpbiographer and Levin, definitely yes; Robert est influence in such varied fields finally as novelist, Ludwig Lewis- Nathan, slightly. - as autobiography, criticism, his- ohn exerted a profound influence, Millet makes passing reference tory, the essay, the novel, poetry perhaps an incomparable influ- to a few other writers, such as ence, on the development of Maxwell Bodonhelm and the proand the short story. It Is unwise and unjustified to American literature and on stand- letarian short story writers, Ben • consider any writer on the basis ards of literary taste. Field and Albert Maltz. He also - of his racial or religious origin. For Jews especially HB self- notes the work of Arthur Kober That having been said, it is neces- probing meant the sweeping of and Leonard Q. Ross, but if the sarily worthy of comment that so the underbrush which had .ob- fatuous literary creatures of ' lew Jews have made a lasting scured a clearer view of the path these Milt Gross caricaturists are ••1 contribution to American writing of Jewish existence. But as Mr. to be considered a contribution by or hare served notably in fashlon- Millet points out there came a Jews to American writing then • Ing the currents of American lit- time when the perspective from one may regard Julius Stretcher's which Mr. Lewieohn made his big-beaked Jews as true represenerary thinking. Judgments became too static. tations of Jewish character. leading Writers History had. moved more swifty Little Influence In the field of autobiography than his ideology. • find the novel, on e must content It is true that a number of Criticisms one's self with the names of Ludnames have been omitted by Mil-, Waldo Frank on the other , jrjg Lewisohn, Waldo Frank, Ben let either in his listings or In hla ,'. Hecht, ''Fannie Hurst,' Robert hand, has been a restricted per- references. Those of Maurice <• Nkthan, and the two youngest re- sonality, whose ideological fluc- Samuel, Henry Roth, Joseph Gol; - fruits of real power, Albert Halp- tuations have been as great as lomb, Lester Cohen, Myron Bri! ft and Meyer Levin. Millet, al those of Mr. Lewisobn have been nig, Max Lernejr, Gilbert Soldos, ' though noticing Levin's -work, did narrow. Devotees of Hispanic cul- Lewis Browne, are among several exponent of the "party * Hot elevate him to a place among ture, in literature, Mr. Frank score that might come to mind. * the 219 "first-ranking" authors. line" does deserve for anticipat- But the essential fact as to their ; ~- I t should be noted that Sholem ing Archibald credit MacLeish's belated integral relationship to the main , : A«ch fa missing from the list. appeal to the liberal writers not currents of American literature is ' Presumably Mr. Millet classi- to be "above the battle.' not changed. fies him among the European Why those of Jewish origin From the era crowned by his have, < - authors. Asch, then, belongs in comparison with other V among the many other disting- being jailed for radical tendencies, Waldo Frank has continu, - vlshed Jewish, names which have >> enriched literature or have at- ously expounded the doctrine that Widow would like to ahare tracted attention to themselves— the writer has a function to per- her apartment •with employ• but which stem from Europe. form in society that transconds ! Kmll Ludwig, Andre Maurois, his obligations to literary style. ed girl or another widow. { U o n Feuchtwanger, Franz Wer- His recent resignation, together HA 3 6 9 2 . ,'- f«l, Louis Golding, Stefan Zwelg, with Lewis Mumford, from the ' Arnold Zwelg are foremost in the board of the New Republic was merely a further expression of the living list. , Gerrtude Stein is perhaps the seriousness with which he has re- Employment Wanted — Wo-, • n e personality whose gifts have garded his duty to the social or- man pharmacist and chemist. Also typist and inter' fashioned the work of some of der. t. the most significant writers of our As dramatists S. N. Behrman preter. Can do general of;1 time Whether the term Jewish has been clever, George S. Kauf- fice work. Box 1 0 . Jewiah, night be aplied to her—despite man has been superficial, John Press. .; . '.. .' ; • . ' fcer origin—is doubtful. Wexley has been flashy and ClifThe same might be said for her : . Americanism, since for almost • tour decades she has spent.virt; tally all her time in Europe, pari tlcularly Paris. It was from there - that there radiated to other American writers her concept of the solidity of words, their leanness and compactness. Few of the "modern" writers have cared to claim exemption from indebted- ness to her literary style. Mr. Millets listings are interestSag foe what they reveal as well « s for what they conceal. In the field of autobiography, in addition to the names of Lewisohn And Gertrude Stein, we find M B. Werner, who could hardly Claim a place in the front ranks ©Every Jnly we close oat merchandise that hoe be_ «f American writers, for all of come soiled or odd in oar stocks, eo that daring • some of his excellent scholarly research .activities. the fall season we will be clean and clear for the Poets and Dramatists presentation of new merchandise. Biography finds the inclusion jDf Waldo Frank, Matthew Joseph-

of R u g s , Carpets, Linoleums,, Draperies, Curtains, L i n e n 8, Bedding and Stoves

@Th@ above departments are the ©ULY departments engaged fn the sal® • • .

countries, made BO little impress on American literature probably has various explanations, true or false. TiAn reader ventures to submit tw6. First, that few American Jews have dredged up from their own experience, as iadividaals ©r as members ef an historic people, the solid substance on which great -work is bttiit. EdBa Ferber and Myron Erinig have had partial successes because they tried to intertwine themselves with tfcie folk tales of the American people. But most of the .others h&ye drifted from one literary fad to another. Men like Dreiser or Hemingway or Faulkner or Aadersoa or Dos Passes i%ve dealt with realities bound up1 ith their racial or regional memories or with the history of the people among whom they lived and whom they loved. Robert Nathan writes perhaps the most polished prose in America. But it is cold and barren. There is no passion and no conviction in his writing. Even in his 'The Road of Ages," which had the possbiilities of a devastating satire on Jewish life, his fire failed to spark. Jewish writers, t h e n , have, in the main, steered far away from the sources—their own people—^which might have provided them with their surest foothold. A second possible explanation is the unwillingness of Jews to en-

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MacMichael Allows Return of Rebel Jerusalem (Palcor "Agency) — Auai Bey Abdul Hadi, former Secretary . of the Arab Higher Committee which was held responsible for the outbreak of u»« disturbances in April, 1936, in re. turning to Palestien with the per. mission of Sir Harold M-acMichael, it was officially announced today by the High Commissioner. The Arab Nationalist leader had been exiled immediately after the disturbances began.

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eourage writers on Jewish themes That does not mean that the Jew i£h market is the sole criterion for writiag. "The tfazarene"--if it can be called Jewish writing which I dciifot—has received wide cfrcuiatioa for its intrinsic merits as must any book. But it ig no stimulation to a writer to know in advance that his reading public is limited er con-existent But this second explanation' is purely EiipSlemeEt&ry. If the writing quality were there, the market would not be hard to find. Mr. Millet, whose book is Uuportant in itself for its summation of American literary develop, ments, has rendered a service in providing a background on which to judge one phase of the Jewish problem in America. ,,




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two days before our arrival at thai port: . ;* .".! \ ' ''Some 8© representatives Ju-'" daisfs in E^be were preseat &t tfee isAsiigiiKj meet-tag ojf 42&e Kobe Jud&fot Club keM at ih Kobe ' fifyiusgogiie, evening. Th& »ew clstl* w&s or' gfeiiiifcd with tLe object of starting ' SM feutiCM nibvemeiitt in jTttjp&n, tot the tlub will fuSseiiiiiLle at the Club Midi every morning Mid offer prayers'in Hebrew. About When the S. S. Excambion ar- ity rested, perhaps, on a flimsy in Nablus and elsewhere. The next 2KH> <Fu<i&tota im ICoke' &ro exrived ia Bostpn on June 13 after pected to ^©iai the «ew eluib, lto last trip to the Mediterranean foundation, Mrs. Jacobs went on. day the Government issued a stern


7. \



before Italy entered the war and that sea was closed to American shipping, a handsome, grey-haired American woman came ashore - andthereby deprived New York •hip news reporters of a g o o d story. •* She was Mrs. Rose Jacobs, American member of the Jerusalem executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, returning from a two-month trip to the Holy Land. Braving the ever-present danger of outbreak of war, she had gone to Palestine in February to attend to her duties. It was only by chance that she left before the conflict, cut the Holy Land off from America. • Back In her New YorTc home, describing what 8lie had seen during her visit, Mrs. Jacobs depicted the state of affairs in the Jewish National Home as having a bright and dark side. The bright side was t h e comparatively serene present, the dark one, the uncertain future. „ "Up to the time I left - - and you, must remember that was a month ago," she said, "conditions .Were really pretty good. There .was an atmosphere of liveliness and prosperity. English and Australian troops kept the cafes busy, the hotels were full,' people seemed to have money to spend. Land! Sales "The Government relief grant, for which Plnchas Rutenberg was largely* responsible, bad done a great deal to help the citrus growers. In spite of the land sale restrictions, the Jewish National Fund was busy trying to buy land In unrestricted areas and complete purchases which bad been started long ago. ' "Practically all the Americans In the country had made up their jninds to remain. When Henrietta Scold) was asked whether she would return to the United States, she said she would not: 'I've crossed my Rubicon,'was her way of putting it. Dr. and Mrs. Magnes •( Judah: L. Magnes, president of Hebrew University), also did not dream of leaving." . Dr. Magnes has been designated to take charge of the Hadassah Organization's hospitals, clinics and other enterprises in Palestine, Mrs. Jacobs said, in case communications between that country and the United States are disrupted so that it is impossible for the American women's Zionist organ-: ization to keep in touch with its Interests in"the Holy"'Land."'.

f- ,

In ••



^ ,|

I k ' '



'• Preparations by the Yishub to face alt eventualities were going ahead rapidly on erery aid©; Mrs-. Jacobs ' continued, ; i ) u t without sign of panic. Plans had _ been worked out for partial evacuation of Tel Aviv, a s ' well as, Haifa' Large stores of staple foods had been laid In. Potatoes, which Palestine has always imported, were being grown in the country ' in large quantities for the first time. Vegetables Grown "All the gardens in Tel Aviv have been converted to the growing ' of vegetables," Mrs.' Jacdba said. •\ She described the traditionally gay Jewish city as lively and bustling, as ever, with Arab-visitors in. notiveable numbers in the cafes and on the beach for the first time in four years. . ' ' • ~ -•.Relations between Jews 'and Arabs were strikingly improved, at least on the surface, Mrs. Jacobs said. Business dealings had .been resumed, Jewish business men and - other visitors were going freely to Jaffa. ' • , - But all this peace and prosper-

"The fate of Palestine," she said, "is inseparable from the future of the entire Mediterranean area. Loyal to Britain "The Yishub is prepared, and is doing its best to take care of its own needs. It may be able to pull through by itself. But if the war lasts long, and supply lines are seriously restricted, the day may come when American Jews will have to send help, as they did in the last war. "The' Arabs are behaving, for the most part, peacefully, now. But there was a demonstration In Jaffa, when some Arabs paraded through the street shouting 'Hell Hitler, Heil Duce!' There were rumors of similar demonstrations

warning against 'spreading false rumors,' threatening severe penalties. It wasn't clear who was responsible for the demonstration, or how much Arab sentiment it represented. "There were rumors, too, that the Mufti had returned to Palestine. I ' h a v e no idea whether there was any basis for these reports, i "One thing is certain - - the Jews are a hundred percent loyal to the Allies. The loyalty is much stronger than t h e Allies themselves seem to realize. No matter what happens, they can depend on the support of the Yishub." (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

The Jews in Japan By Joe I. Sargon Editor's Note: The author of the following article recently reiitmed to Bombay after a round-the-world tour. Mr. Sargon Is managing editor of the Jewish Tribune of Bombay and correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. After a very stormy passage across the Pacific from the United States, covering a non-stop voyage of more than fifteen days, we were happy to sight the shores of Japan. In the distance could be seen Mount Fujiyama all aglow, looking resplendent in the rising sun •—. a scene most beautiful and picturesque. Yokohama, where we disembarked, does not have any sort of Jewish population. In Tokyo, the capital of Japan* a few Jews could be found but the largest number center round Kobe, where it is estimated they total about 200. Most of these Jews are in business and come froni Iraq and India, with which countries they ^conduct an extensive export business.' The coinmunity also includes Jewish, immigrants from Russia and other countries. Most , of the Jews are in Japan primarily - for commercial , piir-' poses.




".;. The Jews appear to be contented. Tliey have a synagogue where services are regularly conducted on Sabbaths : and High ftolidays; those who are particular about Kashruth have the benefit- of the services of a shochet, who slaughters chickens only Kosher, meat is not available un-

less it is brought from Shanghai, a distance of about three days by steamer. When it comes to a question of circumcision a inohel is "imported" from Shanghai, and this becomes an expensive proposition since his fare and other expenses have to be cared for. Through the initiative of several Ashkenazt Jewish residents of Kobe a communal organization called the KEDO has been recently formed. The KEDO is headed by a board compoesd of five members, elected at a general meeting of the community. The same meeting also chose religious and audit commissions of three members !each. The KEDO alms to promote the cultural and religious life of the community. It considers it desirable to' acquaint the ..Japanese people with the Jewish character In order to foster. better understanding. It also does good work in the community, in the field of charity: and has assisted a number of Jewish refugees from Germany, "who • have either passed through Japan or .'have settled In ;that country. ; •'.:, - .;•• . The Jews of Kobe meet" quite regularly and they closely associate with each other. We were agreeably surprised to read the following report Under the caption "Judaist Club Organized" in the December 19 th issue of the Japan ;Advertiser,' an Anglo-Japanese daily, announcing: the opening of the "Kobe Jewish Club"


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P&ris <WNS)—K&zl soldiers la Belgiuca-kave l*eea breakiag lot* •.Jewish' bho'ps &.iad homes &ni fctealiag valuable ' objects and clothing to send to the folks back home "&s presents from tb.6 front," it was' reported here. N&si officers iiaye taken no steps to put aa end'to this practice. The report said also that. tha Nazi authorities in Belgium have issued & decree ordering Belgium Jews to remove the debris caused by the incessant bombing prior to the fall of the country. Most of the Jews remaining in Bel* gium are lederly persons and young children, who were unable to flee to France.

London (JTA) — J a m e s de Rothschild, Liberal M...P., has returned to the House of Commons after an absence of s e v e r a l months following an automobile accident in which he sustained severe injuries. He has to walk Marcus; Ejieser Block (1723with the aid of two canes, but 1799) was the first naturalist to otherwise looks well. classify the species of fish. '


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American Legion . .Fireworks Show Plans for one of the greatest fireworks spectacles ever staged in Nebraska are under way for it_e fourth annual fireworks ex. position of Omaha Post No. 1, The American Legion, to be held at the Crelghton University eta-lum, in Omaha, the evening of luly 4th, The Thearle-Duffield Firework company of Chicago, producers of the World's Fair displays at both New York and San Francisco, have been employed to prepare the exhibition. •' Tickets for the event went on sale this week at the Legion office in the city hall. General admission prices are fifty cents for adults and twenty-five cents for children under 12 years of age. More than ten thousand general admission seats will be available. A' limited number of reserved seats will be sold at 25c extra.

of Mrs. Libby B_skefkin, 2110 Jones street, aad Irving I. Mittlemau of Omaba, son of Max Mittieni&n of Detroit were married last Sunday afternooa at the home of the bride's mother. Kabbl H. R. Rabinowitz and Rabbi S. Bolotnikov officiated jointly. Mrs, Bashefkiii and Jack W. Chesen, uncle of the bride, gave her in marriage. She wore an ensemble of aquacade, blue sheer, street length, with a full length coat of princess lines over a dress with round neckline, short puffed sleeves and gored skirt. She carried bride's roses. Her turban and accessories were of white. Mr. Mittleman and his bride are taking a one-month trip to Detroit, Flint, Mich., and other northern cities. They will return to Sioux City for a one-month sojourn before going to Omaha to live next year. Mr. Mittleman is a senior in the dental college of reighton university and will resume his studies there.


decl&red their loyalty to the United States, was nothing but a publicity stunt for Mr. Henry Ford,, and was organized by the f o r e i g a language advertising agency fcr the auto plant . . . "Father's Book of the Year" is the title awarded to Martin Panzer's "Father Knows Better" by the National Father's Day Committee, who recognize it as a Panzer attack on the problem of bringing up the younger generation . . . We told you quite some time ago that Z. It. Tygel, executive director of the American Federation for Polish J e w s , would vacate his post . , . Although no newspaper has published the report as yet, he was let out at the Federation's convention at Asbury Park . . Here's one reaction to the war: New Y o r k Jewish young people's leagues are holding their fourth annual convention June 28 to 30 at Andron's Mountain House, Haines Falls, N. Y., and have completely barred world affairs .....They'll adopt no resolutions, discuss no politics, but instead listen to Bernard Sobel talk about the theater and spend the rest of the time swimming, golfing, dancing and eating . . . ABOUT PEOPLE

excursion uptown, the Jewish Morning Joarn&I carried a curtoon telling hint tlutt "if you're going to have tatores, yo_- HHgi_, as well have them &t home" . . Ben Curler, the Aryan who was the Voice of God in Max Iteinfutrtft's "Eternal Road," is now „ successful j-»_ b&i&d • leader packing 'em in at the ItafelKew KGOMI in Rockefeller Center . . . Leslie Howard's home in England is housing 40 evacuated children these days . . . Congressman Samuel Dicksteta is being very careful &l>o_t supporting anti-alien bills, we're told . . . He feels that some of them may cause undeserved hardship to innocent people . . . Milliners are so worried about the listless mode the ladies are adopting that they have hired iidwnrd Bermays, the publicity wizard who is a nephew of the late Dr. Siginund Freud, to turn the feminine mind millineryward again , . , Congratulations to David A. Brown, the man who raised more money than any other individual in this country for Jewish causes, and who has quietly gone and got married to Pearl KroH . . . Representing Palestine at United Kingdom Day at the World's Fair Welcoming Maurice Schwartz's was Meyer W. Weisgal, general return to Second Avenue from his director of the Palestine Pavilion

ATTEND WEDDING .. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holdowski, 603 Iowa street,- and daughters Mrs. Marvin Krockover, and' Miss Minnie Holdowsky, attended the Mr. Leon Gellman, president of wedding of a friend in Kansas Mizrachi-ZIonist Organization of ity over the last week-end. America, will address a Mizrachi mass meeting at the Jewish Com- VISIT IN OMAHA munity Center Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. L. Shindler, 2009 June 25, at 8:30 o'clock. Jennings street, visited over the ; Mr. Gellman is known as a week-end with friends in Omaha. journalist, lecturer, and Jewish leader. He will speak on "Latest SDT Developments in Zionism." There was a meeting of tho The public is cordially iuvited Sigma Delta Tau Alumni league to attend. this past week.-The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Lou Dimsdale. Youth Council


. . . When Weisgal stepped into the British Pavilion receptionroom the -tfceiiidiust tasked " him which Arab country lie represent* ed . . . Myron Weiss, formerly «f ' Time, is quoted as saying that the ' Allies wiil eventually win the w«r by means of three American in> (Copyright, 1940, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)

AGENCY OFFICE TO REMAIN IN GENEVA Geneva (WNS-P&lcor g j ^ —Officials of the Geneva oftic* of the Jewish Agency for Palestine categorically denied wide* spread rumors that the headquar? ters here had been transferred t0 Lisbon, Portugal. The spread of Nazi war opera* tions to the very borders of Switzerland had given rise to the belief that documents and personnel of the Jewish Agency would be moved to the coi_p_r6jtive security of Lisbon from which to carry on the work ot providing shelter in Palestine for Jewish refugees now in Switzerland. Patronize Our Advertisers

f Leon Gellman to Speak Tuesday



, '

JULIUS E. FHOOii—l»r@isri®t®r

Holds Election Strictly Confidential The Youth Council held its annual election of officers last Monday at the Jewish 'Community Center. Those elected to office were Dr. M. Bernstein, president; Annabelle Emlein, vice president; Lois Novltsky, secretary, aiid George Shindler, treasurer. Plans were discussed for the coming year's activities. NOTICE " Anyone wishing to put any news in the Jewish Press please call at the Jewish Community Center after five o'clock on Tuesday.

Society News | COHN-RIFE * Miss Rose Rife, daughter of Sam Rife, 720 Virginia street, and George Cohn, son of Abraham Cohn 6t Omaha, were married last Sunday afternoon at V fchaare Zion synagogue. Rabbi H. • R, Rabinowitz and Cantor Morris Pernick officiated. Jack Merlin, <' accompanied by Miss Sarah Sadbff, sang "At Dawning" and "I Love You Truly." i In the wedding party were Miss ;? Edna Cohn, sister of the brlde/ groom, and Miss Florence Lohrman, both of Omaha, bridesmaids; ; Lou Lohrman of Omaha, grooms • man; Barbara Ann Rife and Mar ':• lerie Faye. nieces of the bride flower girls, and Mr. and Mrs. S A. Rife of Oto, la., Frank Brook stein arid William Alahrman both of Omaha, were the ushers. •"••'•• A dinner for relatives was held in the social hall Immediately af<tier the wedding. A reception and „ dance were held from 7- to 11 ) o'clock. • r^The couple will make their home at the La Morado apart• i n e n t s , Omaha,, after their wedding trip to Minneapolis and Wisconsin. '. ; Among the guests who attended , ^ere Mr. and Mrs. William Pollock and son, Max Cohn, Joe Rutstiri, Sain Ellis, Dr. and Mrs ; Maynard Greenberg, Dr. and Mrs : Na.than Greenberg and*son Steve Mrs. Molly Milder, Mr. and Mrs. ' Joe Lohrman, Mr. and Mrs. Earl ; Slegal, Mrs.. H. Ruben, Mr. and ; Mrs. Frknk Brookstein, William !•'••'• Lohrman,,;Lou Lohrman,..Beverly LeVlne, Sarah Gamma and Miss -Edna Cphn, all of Omaha, and ^Mrfl.V Sarah, Cohn and son Eddie ©rid Mr. and Mrs. C. Marcus ot ; A_ble7» N(6b:; W. W. Raskin and ! 80a of Oriawa, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Braverraan of Charter Oak. iT Miss Rose Bashefkin, daughter

(Continued from page 11.) Incidentally, Dr. Herzl's diaries contain an uncannily exact prediction of world evens as they are now unfolding . . . MOIUJ ABOUT ZIONISTS The one and only (.'hunch is back in the United States, after a prolonged visit to t'nnada . . . When he left Toronto the Toronto Star featured his picture bigger than it lias ever featured the picture of any Zionist leader, he tells us . . . He also confided to us that he would attend the Pitts.' burgh / . O. A. convention as the guest of Pierre van Paassen . . . Which reminds us that Pierre made his re-entry into the lecture field nt New York's Town Hali; us the guest of honor of the American .Federation for 1'olish Jews . . . Vhn Paassen's statement that there is already a Sixth Column at work in this: country created a sensation . . . Vladimir Jabotinsky may have to rush back to Europe by Clipper to fetch his wife, who is now in London . . . Jnbotinslcy's autobiography is being very seriously considered by a number of. publishers who believe that his life story is stranger than fiction . . . Colone) Joseph Patterson, of Jewish Legion fame, who is now in this country, is strongly advocating the mobilization of 100,000 Jewish airplant pilots in this country to be ready for emergency service in Europe, a continent which he does not consider lost . . In case you didn't know it, Col. Patterson was a very intimate friend of President Theodore Roosevelt, and once accompanied him on a lion-hunting expedition in Afrlc;i THIS AND THAT The German film "Baptism of Fire," which was produced by the Nazi Air Ministry as a skilful propaganda medium to scare neutral countries, is now in this country . . . I t will; however, never reach the public theatres That conference of foreign language editors at the World's Fair, where the participants publicly

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