1.1. E" Cutered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 81, 1881, at Postofffce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1879
SEEK NAT BUDGETIi) ORGANIZATION {Competitive Appeals to Be Avoided by Group New. York (WNS) — A propo. pAl for the establishment by the Council of Jewish Federations Mid Welfare Funds of a national Advisory budgeting s e r v i c e to *'»Void the friction and chaos of competitive appeals" is now un,4er consideration by leaders of federations, and welfare f u n d s throughout the country following the decision of the major national and overseas agencies to conduct separate campaigns in 1041. The proposal has been put forward by Sidney Hollander of Baltimore, president of the Council, in a* letter to presidents of the 202 member agencies of t h e Council in the United States and Canada and. will be one of the major questions to be acted on •when" the Council's General Assembly meets In Atlanta on February 1, 2 and 3. . , 1 Relating the events which led up to the decision of the Joint Distribution Committee, the United Palestine Appeal and the National Refugee Service not to renew their Joint fund-raising ar(Continued on JPage 9.)
Talmud Torah to Benefit From Annual Affair
The annual Council Bluffs Talmud Torah dance will he held Sunday evening, January 20, nt the Eagles Hall in thy Bluffs. Music will be played l>y Freddie ISbener'g band. For those who do not care to dance, various games, Including bingo, will be played. There will also bo refreshment booths. • ' ' Mra. L. H. Cohen Is general • chairman of the dtfnce. The Men's committees are headed by Sam ^ • Sacks, Sam Gross;, and Sam Meyerson. Assisting will be: Ben Kubby, Sam Rosenthal, A. B. Bear, Charles Saltzman, Ben Gershun, Simon Steinberg, Nathan Nogs, Louis Bernstein, and Harry Kuhby; Max Harris is in charge - of all decorations. ' t,, Committees Mrs. I. Sternhlll and Mrs. Ben Kubby are in chargo of the draw', ing. Managing the booths will be .. Mesdames A. Gllinsky," Sam Mey. erson, Ben Gershunl and J. ' Scharf. Mrs. Sam Gross is in . charge of the bingo game. Refreshment booths will bo under the direction of Mesdames Sam Sacks, A. B. - Bear, and J. Rosen. Assisting with the ticket sale are: Mesdames Saul Suvalsky, Harry Cohen, Etta Yudelson, Sam ' Hoffman, Nathan Nogg, Richard ' • Gordon, Sam Meyerson, and Q. ' Castle. '
David Pinski, famous Yiddish -playwright, author, and poet, will a d d r e s s the Jewish National Workers Alliance, Poale JZlon, will address tliVJeWish'* National Workers Alliance, Poale Zio'n, on Tuesday, January-14, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish community Center." Mr. Pinski,'who is-president of the Jewish National Workers Alliance, will read some of his latest work. Refreshments are to be served. Tho public Is invited.
Round Table Bulletin
Play Try-Outs
As an added feature, "The Jewish Press" will each month print the Round Table Bulletin, the official news-organ of the local Round Talkie of Jewish Youth. The first bulletin may be found this week on page 5. All members of the Round Table are receiving this issue of "The Jewish Press."
Try-outs will be held Sunday, January 12, at 1 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center for the Center Players. For their next presentation, the Center Players have chosen Button Vane's famous play, "Outward Bound," generally considered one of the outstanding of modern dramas. Besides those desiring to take part in the play itself, the Players would like persons interested in other phases of the theater to come to try-outs.
DEINABD WILL SPEAK HERE Minneapolis L a w y e r to Address Annual Meeting Amos Spencer Deinard of Min« neapolls, president of the West Central Region of the Jewish Welfare Federation, will be principal speaker at the annual meeting of tho Jewish Federation on Tuesday evening, January 21, at the Jewish Community Center. . This annual community-wide event will hear reports of the various chairmen and will elect officers for the coming year. Mr. Delnard, a native of Terre Haute, Indiana ,1s a leading lawyer of Minneapolis and has been active in Jewish communal circles. He is a graduate of!the University of Minnesota and the Harvard University Law school. He is president and chairman of tho budget and\ distribution committee of tho Minneapolis Federation for Jewish Service, a member of tho plan and scope committee of the Joint Distribution Committee, director of the Jewish Family Welfare Association of Minneapolis, and president of the Minneapolis district of the Zionist Organization of America. He is also a member of various legal societies, .the Minnesota Statistical Society, the Minnesota Historical Society, the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, the Foreign Policy Association, and Phi Beta Kappa.
M 3
Competition ff jf 3e This |
For the first time in its history the Jewish Community Center will be the scene of the Midwest A. A. U. Senior Men's Swimming and Diving meet this coming Sunday, January 12, Outstanding swimmers f r o m Nebraska, S o u t h Dakota and Iowa. The University of Nebraska has signified its intention of sending its team to compete. Entries for the meet close today. Preliminary competition will be held at 10 o'clock Sunday morning and the finals at 3:30. Awards H o w a r d Shinrock, J. C. C. swimming instructor, and L e e Grossman, Center physical director, are in charge of the meet. Representatives of other institutions in the region will serve as officers. ' Ralph Leke, physical director of the local "Y," will be starter. * Official A. A. U. medals will be awarded the first three winners in each event. Feature of the meet will be the fancying diving competition.
Will' Represent Jews for Religious Emphasis Week
Rabbi David A. Goldstein will continue his series of book evenings on Tuesday, January 14, when lie reviews Ernest Hemingways much-discussed novel, of the Spanish Civil war, "For Whom the Bell Tolls." This book has been substituted for "The Beloved Returns" which was scheduled for review.
Rabbi David. II. Wice will be Jewish representative at Religious Emphasis Week which is to he observed at tho University of Colorado at B o u l d e r , btarting January 10. With a Protestant and Catholic speaker he will address the InterChurch Student Council on ,the evening of January 19. The next morning ho will appear at a University Convocation to participate In a discussion of' "Faith In Time of War." This will be followed by a panel for faculty and students at luncheon. On Tuesday, January 21, he will address the ministers of the community and the faculty on "The University, the Church, and the Student." On January 22, he will h o l d personal interviews with student: (Continued on Page 12.)
The plight of the American politician was discussed from a philosophical point of view by T. V. Smith, professor of „ philosophy at tho University of Chicago and until this session a member of the United S t a t e s Congress, who spoke Monday evening at the Center ''Forum. " - -Relating some of his oyrn*, experiences as both politician and philosopher, ,Prof. Smith blamed uncompromising 'idealists' f o r much of the unhappiness in this world, "people whose ideals are so high they suffer" a sense of guilt because they are unable to live up to those Weals.'.' - - \ . . * Blarney •'Good" People As' examples,, he cjted Lenin, 'Jwho would wreck' a . world-to gain an -ideal," and Hitler, ."the social misfit." Rather than cherishing tfieir. ideals for their own personal development, these men have-attempted - to-impose them on th'e world with the resulting chaos. ' ; I • •-.--, In defending the politician, he
blamed "good" people who bring issues before a .legislative body only after they have become insolyablo and have ceased to be political issues but 'moral' one3. It then becomes the task of the politician to reconcile opposing points of view'which have taken .refuge in self-Jighteousness and as a result, neither side is satisfied. : ' To preface his lecture, Prof. Smith related a whispering campaign that . was to have been utilized to discredit him in his first attempt,to win public office. This, he Contended, was the only unfair manifestation- he ever felt in a campaign In which he was -involved.-.-- "Some politicians are smart/.'-he-said In discussing their tactics, ."but.that is excusable." . -Mrs. Ben.Silver,HIS regional ad:visdr^of in© University of Chicago, was chairman of tho,evening, f .'" Next speaker on the Forum will be! Maurice Samuels,, noted .author, •who* will: appear here" on February 4.
Hemingway Novel To Be Reviewed by Rabbi Goldstein
ADED BY HARRY COHEN Omahan Named National President of Fraternity Harry II. Cohen, Omaha, was elected national president of Sigma Alpha Mil fraternity last week at the national convention of tho organization held in Washington, D.
Greenberg to Speak Thursday in Yiddish
Hayim CJreenberg, Zionist lead' er and editor of "The Jewish Frontier," will speak at the Jewish Community Center on Thursday evening, January 16, on "Th« War and the Jewish Problem." His talk will be in Yiddish. There will bo no admission charge. A native of the Russian province of Bessarabia, he became a Zionist while still a boy, and In Odessa, where he later moved, he moved in the circle of Bialik, UBsishkln, and other Zionist leaders. During tho first world war, lie was one of the editors of Russi' outstanding Jewish weekly, "Rasswlet." Following the March Revolution, he settled In Charkow as instructor of Medieval Jewish literature and the Greek Drama at tho University of Charkow. When tho , Bolsheviks seized power, ho was arrested because of his participation in Zionist and Hebrew Culture. In 1920 he left Soviet Union and settled in Berlin as editor of "Haolom." He has resided in the United States since 1924. He was editor of "Farm Folk" and tho Ylddlsher Kemfer." Since "1934 he has edited the "Jewish Frontier.' Dr. Greenberg is a member of the Zionist Actions Committee.
STAGE NIGHT TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY Final plans were completed for the annual Round Table night to bo held Wednesday, January 15 at the Jewish Community Center. Ten clubs affiliated wfth the Round Table have indicated that they will participate and according to Harry Goodbfnder, chairman of this year's affair, the show will-bo one of the best. All clubs have been urged to submit original plays and Bkits. First place winner will receive $7.GO; second, $5; and third, $2. Entries will be judged on (1) choice of play; (2) degree of preparation.; (3) interpretation; (4$ originality, and (5) group cooperation. All plays will ho limited to ten minutes. The committee in charge headed by Harry Goodbinder, includes .Florence Tatelman, Al Oruch, Warner Froh'man, Eileen Zevitz, and Bertha Wine.
HEBREW GLUB WILL INSTALL OFFICERS Installation of officers of thcOmaha Hebrew club for the ensuing term will take place Suuday, at 3:30 p. m.; at tho Jewish Community Center. Arrangements are being made to secure Henry Monsky to address the-meeting. • N. S. YafXe will install the officers. Included In the musical program" will be a group of songs by Cantor E. Seltz, accompanied by his daughter Shirley.
Wednesday night more than G5 members and alumni of the Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu paid special honor to Cohen, at a testimonial banquet, given in Omaha. The banquet, held at the Paxton hotel, was attended by alumni from all parts of the state. Active undergraduate members of the fraternity came to the affair In a bus specially chartered for thd occasion. One of the thirteen founders of the Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu, Harry B. Cohen, served as chapter treasurer and president in his undergraduate days, and aa regional advisor, member of the supreme advisory body, "the Octagon," and national vice president before his present election to the national presidency; Cohen will-assume the leadership of the fraternity July 1. Pre(Contlnucd on Page 4.)
Recently Refused Ex* emption from Vichy Law
Vichy (WNH) — Prof. Henri Bergson, world famous philosopher, and winner of tho Nobel Prize for literature in 1027, who figured prominently in the news '.recently, when-he rejected an offer from the French government at Vichy to exempt him from tho anti-Jewish law, died in Paris nt tho age of HI, it was announced here. •' . In compliance with Nazi regulations, Prof. Bergson left -his sick bed a few weeks ago and, dresscsd in dressing gown and sllppe'rs and leaning1 upon his valet, stood i.a lhitrto register as a Jew. Refusing all offers of privileged treatment, he resigned from his vpst • at the College of France, to wh'ioli he was appointed in 1900. Despite the f a c t that Prof. Bergson was Jewish and never made any ' attempt to hide _hig Jewishness, Jacques Chevalier, secretary of state for education, sent a telegram of condolence to Mae. Bergson in which he referred to the Jewish philosopher as "a forerunner and an artisan o£4he French renaiscence." ' Prof. Bergson's popularity was at its peak shortly before the firpt World War. At that time, It was (Continued on Page 10.) < -
KELP US APJ© HELP By Paying Your
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flit. J£WISB_ ! # #
J.W.W Delivers Last of • • • " 213 Pianos to the Army
J. C C -Howim; By SAM ZWEtBACK As reported in last week's isisue, there was'no boivting m the ttferckaitt's Bowling league, tills week, due to the holiday season, however, active bowling will be «ga£n resumed on i«pxt. Tisesclay night at the regular time. The two weeks' bowling t h a t was missed, will be made up daring this uioiith on Sunday afternoons, with the exact schedule to l»e announced next wwt, In'continuing, with our own socalled "honest opinion," of the different "sponsors," and the personnel of their teams, which was (started off in last week's issue, with an opinion of t h e league leading Wardrobe Clothier outfit, this week finds us starting out with second place Smith Motor team, which is sponsored by Harry Smith, the well - k n o w n "man about town." Harry Smith is one of the old tifiie bowlers, starling his bowling career way back in t h e "twenties" when the old business men bowling league was in Circulation, Harry, who has the Pontiac Motor Agency at his auto place, started sponsoring a bowling team in 193 8, and is still an active sponsor as well as an active bowler. As yet he has not had a championship team, but he is mighty close to it this year, as at the present time, his team is in second place, with only three games separating his team from the leaders. Harry himself has always been about a 105 average bowler, but .this year, he is down to 158 at the present time, but the way he has been improving the last JLew weeks, he should climb up to 1G5 where he belongs.
Yahuda Disputes
Pianos will be stored at the The Jewish War Veterans of the United States, recently con- Port Quartermaster's office, Brooktributed 210 Pianos to the United lyn, until orders for their disStates Army, for use in Camps tribution are receiviH from the and Forts throughout the Coun- War Department in Washington. Photograph above shows Captry. The. above photograph shows delivery ,of the last truckload. tain James J. Robertson, QuarterInstead of the 210 Pianos origi- master's Corps handing a receipt nally presented, it was discovered for the pianos to Samuel C. Lamthat there were a total of 213 port, Cotton Exporter, while .J. pianos in the lot, and the Army George Fredman, Past National therefore, lias three more pianos Commander of the Jewish War Veterans, looks on. than they expected. "Tony" is one boy* who never commits himself, but just gets up to the alley and kuocka down the strikes when they are most needed.
now has an average 145, which should go to 150, at the rate he has been bowling.recently. Jimmy has one of the "prettiest hooks" in the league, if he would only learn to control it. Rumors are flying about that he is taking private lessons from the "Spook" to develop into a "Spot Bowler," and if he should ever learn to be a "Spot Bowler," look out for some high series. Jimmy is now bowling in h i s fourth year, and from his present attitude towards the game, he will bowl as long as there are pin boys to set the pins up for him.
Norman It r o w n, the fourth member of. the Smith Motor outSecond Year Bowler fit, is the most disappointing man Dave "Jackson" Relss, the last on the team, as far as averages member of the team, Is bowling go, and the answer is just one word, and that is "LOVE." How-" ever by the time bowling is resumed, he will be a married man, and back to normal again, we hope, and then watch his average soar upwards.
Norman, at this time last year, was steadily on the improvement side, and the league in general, kind of expected him to • come . Paul is the most improved through with a 165 average this bowler in the entire league when year, but due to the above stated you'stop to consider that he has reason, as well as his. so-called only been' bowling about five experimenting every week, t h e years; and at the present time he! best he has produced up to the tops''the"'entire league In aver- present writing is his now present ages* with his -182 .average. He 147 average. also boAyls in two other leagues in the city, and has a 180 aver- , ' However, we are sure that the age in those leagues also., little "Missus'- will take matters in 'her own hand from now on, fn ; spite of the fact.that Paul and you can look forNforman to ;.dpes not hold; any office in the conife' through with'some mighty league this year,''lie can be called big scores in the future. .•' ,aa a sort of ."board "of director" All by himself, as he is always in. " (Editor's Note~Some one" • on meetings, etc., and can always lias id--take- a" ribbing e a c'li" be counted on for.,Work,'regard-. . week", and JCormaii Is the boy' Hess of what it is, aa long as it is tor thla issue.) . for the good of the league. ' Aa a sort of reward for his falthBurroughs ' , fulness, Harry Smith appointed! Jimmv Burroughs;, the fifth fhlm as first assistant captain of member "of the team, is about the • his outfit, to his captain, Dave quietest bowler in the w h o 1 e 1 league, although it is a known "Jackson" Relss. fact that; about ;two weeks ago he Lendoff Jinn actually spoke about 10 words Seymour "Tony" Colin is the during the entire three-game ieadoff man for the Pontiac boys, series. However that is Jimmy's and. is also a four-year veteran. nature, - and you have to go a Tony originally started out with mighty ;iong ways, to find a more the old Greenberg Fruit Co. team, willing bowler than Jim. and has improved his bowling ©very year until now has a nice Jim got off to a poor start, (average of 170, and it is made but has steadily improved during tap of very consistant bowling. the past six weeks, to where. he
• -
Next week's schedule will pit the Pioneer Clothing team against the Clicquot Club Eskimos, t h e State Coal outfit against the Em- New York (JTA) — Professor pire Cleaners, and in the feature Abraham S. E. Yahuda, London match, the league leading Ward- orientalist and Biblical scholar, robes will battle it out with the guest pt honor at a luncheon of second place Smith Motor team. the Association of Reform Rabbis in New York City at the Taft hotel, "challenged what he termed the "speculative and imaginary" theories about Moses and the origin of monotheism In Egypt advanced by Professor Sigmund Among t h e early American Freud, Professor Yahuda said that not Rabbis of prominence was Gershom Mendez Seixas, leader of only was Dr. Freud unqualified Congregation 'Shearith Israel of to advance any opinion on the New York City for half a cen- subject, but that he had blindly tury. Tajklng office in 1766, he copied and f o l l o w e d certain early espoused the cause of the theories of Egyptologists a n d Revolution, and when the British Biblical critics, particularly of the fleet approached the harbor he German theologian, Professor Selsuggested that the congregation lin, who later withdrew his owtt statements at the Congress of close its doors. The congregation was thus dis- Orientalists at Leipzig. persed, and he likewise fled, taking with him the Torah and other Isidor Borovsky, a Polish Jew, sacred objects. Soon Philadelphia was a commissioned officer In the became a center of refuge for army of Simon Bolivar,, the liberpatriots, and by 1780 there was ator of South America. such a flourishing Jewish group there, that It decided to erect a Patronize Our Advertisers
Freud's Theory
His bowling this year has been one of the most consistant of tlie entire league, in as much as lie has had 11 500 series out of a possible 16. "Tony" can also be Harry, who is sometimes known very dangerous in the pinches, as "Bet a Half," has had tough as many.a game has been won luck all year, as can be well testi- due to his big turkey in the last fied by Sam Zweiback, however, frame, as can be attested to by Harry says he is out to get even, the other five t e a m s in the league. . BO look out everyone.
Veteran Paul Steinberg, Who is the anchor man on the Smith Motor team, is a four-year veteran in the bowling league, and much credit for starting the league back in 1937 belongs to him, as he worked mighty hard to get it started, and the fruits of his work can best. be explained by telling all concerned that our league is now one. of the best in the city, if not the best, and this includes the class of bowling, as well as f .. the sociability of all the bowlers.
slid to c*tf Seixas to 'is fcis second year now; &ud'-'*'hej-e be its ral/bi. 'ihnb began Coalast year lie fe&S a !26> avera this year_ he lias pickea it up to gjegation Mikve li.ii.el While 136. As a reward for his f&ith- living in PtaladeijHa, R a b p i fuk;es3 to ifce g&Rie aad Ins team, B&ix&s was pronrijjfcut in tfc-e his teammates put &!i their .top struggle to remove the leligious and faith in him by ni'akiitg him test as a'qualification tor public their captain, .and lit lias repaid office. them by helping to have a "Smith After the war, he leturned to Bowler" on each end of die aver- New York-to-resume las leaderages. Paul Steinberg on the (op. ship of Sliearith Isiael, and was and himself on the bottom. one of the-fourteen iifini&ters who participated in'the iitaguial cereNext week your correspondent monies of George Wellington as will try aiid give you his opinion first President. His acquaintance of the third place teas-i, the Em- with ministers of other denominpire Cleaners, and the following ations was wide, and apparently week, another team, until all six he was one of those who inaugurteams have been reviewed. I sup- ated the "Good Will" techniques pose I am sticking my neck out, used today, for h i a Christian but so far, I have managed to friends are said to have visited stay out of sight, so I still have his synagogue frequently, and be courage enough left to continue in turn was invited to address "MY OPINIONS" u n t i l I am Christian congregations. caught up with. AH suggestions are welcome.
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Orchid for cleverest art titles of the week goes to "Love Thy Neighbor." The words J A C K BENNY FRED ALLEN c h a s e each other all over the credits . . . scr«p »nd wrestle for top billing. Incidentally, the Introduction doesn't let you down . . It's a bang-up funny picture. .Paradoxical, Danny W e b b Is the man often heard but never seen . . . has appeared audibly In dozens of pictures . . . yet hasn't a screen credit to his name. He's the voice of characters in cartoons. SNozl and not so snazzy: In London "The Great Dictator" Is box-office-honey at three theaters simultaneously. In St. Paul the Blue Bird theater makes a specialty of showing Nazi-made films with their regular program . . . no kicks reported and business Is said to be flush. In Ban Francisco, one Mario Parisl, theater owner, is enjoying good business showing Nazi films exclusively in one theater and Fascist films in another. After a year and a half of banning, "Nazi Spy" finally broke down the censor bar in Argentine . . . They're discovering which side the bread the butter is on.
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Milton Berle, with his 'recent nose-bob, has a "featured" part in "Tall, Dark and Handsome" . . . will be publicized as the "New Profile!"
Hollywood — The "gold coast" . . . swamped with drives for this cauee and that . . . has formed a Permanent Charities Committee. Goldwyn is chairman. Latest addition to Sammy's philanthropic calendar is a campaign for t h e Greeks.
The largest atoek ©ffraiottedl Memorials in Omaha being reduced-at saving© ^of* - -
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and SSc
So. &6«h St.
Benny Kubin calls himself the Minute Man of Hollywood . . . claims some of his roles are tlmt long. Zig's-Zags: Al Jolson plans to close his show next spring and devote all his time to organizing entertainment units for training camps. Jack Warner, jr., has been commissioned second lieutenant in the U. S. Signal Corps Elizabeth Bergner will make a picture on these shores . . . has bought a story titled, "That Was No Lady." "Go W o s t , " the Marxes' effusion, was an inexpensive little ditty . . . cost $34,000 less than a million. Harry Warner celebrated his fifty •ninth birthday this week. Unless i t Is clipped, there trill be a Uasitof Birig Gteaby doing a Jewish bit in "Road to Zaneibar." Lewis Browne la conducting a local discussion program on the air . . it's called, "I Disagree." Boris Morros . . . alter "See*, ond Chorsastag" around the circuit . .'. Is being called the "Irish Sam GoMwyn." lThr hub . • > itlv a dash of borscht oa the side. Morrog, you know, epeaks exeellent Itetofflaa. Oa tho tour a friend, bothered about his in* come' reportt ss&ed the producerdirector what "he thongbt of taxes. "Taxes," bnbbled Boris, "m o s t beautifal gjfot fat the country!" "No, I mean taxes . . . y o u know . . ; dollars,*' explained the other. "X know •. . . I know . . . Dallas, Taxes.' I'm just coming f r o m therel" Rain Isn't rain In the m o v i e woods. Director Ben Stoloff had to postpone outdoor rain shot3 because it was raining outdoors. Man-nlade storms can; be turned on and off-. . . hot so nature's. • (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) •
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Nationally A Brands of V/atchee, Jowoh-y and Sitvervrare* Inspect Our -Typewriter
Bluffs al ikeF ckildrea, Mr. aad ,'fcfid Edwia Bred- Monday evening, February 10, Mrs. Lee Marcus a t d Natalie Joaa key. Mrs. Jules Newins.a is tiro- and will spoaeor the showing that Marcus. grain chairman. Mrs. Mill&rd evening cf the play, "The Gentle 'Mrs. Weinfcerg.points out that purcii£bers of trees honor happy events end c&mmemorate t h e dium through which her efforts memory of dear. ones. Trees purcab bear-concrete results in alle- chased give employtaent to the viating our people's, suffering', people in Eretz Yisroel. And an By.INEZ and in providing them with' iiup&rtant fact is that trees conplace for shelter, .care,' rehafailita- serve tile- soil. Hadassah Medical Fund is stag- tioa and future security. B e t h g Sale Ing a Mali Jongg, Bingo and Card Zeiroth Mizrachi schools a r e raisMrs. Joe Tuehman, chairman, Party-on Tuesday, January 7, at ing the standard of woman's work I p. m. in the Brandeis Tea Room. in Palestine and long after the reminds all members and friends The party is under the super- refugee problem will have passed, of the organizatioii that spring is the Mizrachi Women's institutions not fai* away when the rummage vision of Mrs. F. If. Roddy, with Mrs. \Vm. Pollack assisting. ; will remain as a permanent cul- sale will be held. She will arAdmission is fifty'.ceuts and a tural, spiritual and practical force range for the collection of articles one wishes to contribute. ' dessert luncheon will be served. in our Homeland." Card Parties Everyone is invited and urged J. N. I V Mrs. Max ArMtnaa.ii, chairman,1 most earnestly to come. Mrs. A. D. Burack, national J. announces that a card party will IJRM'II Shower The date for the annual linen N. F. chairman', writes: "Land iii be given soon at the home of Mrs. eliower of the Omaha chapter of Palestine purchased by the Jew-Joe Batt. The date will be anHadassah has been set for Janu- ish National Fund shall remain nounced early. ary 29. In charge of arrangements forever the inalienable property Mrs. Aaron Katz, president of is Mrs. Nathan Turner with Mrs. of the Jewish people. . With this the Omaha chapter, is constantly always in mind, Mizrachi WomWin. Lazere and Mrs. Laurence assisting the various chairmen of Gross assisting. Mrs. M. P. Lev- en's Organization adopts a volun- standing committees.
tary annual quota for land purcnson will plaii the program. chase and for tree planting. This Education The regular meeting of the Ha- year in addition to the regular dassah education group will meet quota, Mizracbi Women h a v e on Friday, January 10, instead of adopted a quota of 10,000 trees the 3rd as previously announced in tlje newly established Mizrachi because of the rush of holiday ac- Women's Forest and a pledge of tivity. The meeting will be held $12,500 for the purchases of 4,in t he home of Mrs. Moe Ilaznick, 000 dunam of land in Nachlath 4939 Pine street. Mrs. Mike Free- Herzog, a colony for religious refman is In charge of the program. ugees. Those still interested in joining The local chapter's J. N. P. can do so by calling Mrs. Fre'a- semi-annual box collections have man at. GL 4435 or Mrs. Itaznick just been completed. Mrs. J. at WA 0312. Tretiak is the chairman of the, Child Will'are collections' committee. Mrs. J. II. Kulakol'sky and Mrs, Mrs. B. Weinberg, J. N. F . Louifi Kulakofsky, chairmen of Tree chairman, reports the folthe Child Welfare Committee will lowing tree purchasers: gladly give milk bags to anyone Mr. Joe White, Mr. Harry White wishing to possess one. Five hun- and'Air. Morris White, in memory dred will be distributed. • - - . of their mother. Inscription It still is not- too late to give . Mrs. Rose Frleden in memory donations toward the inscription of her husband, John J. Freidenr of Henrietta f o l d ' s name in the . Mrs. Louis Fellman in memory of her father, Morris Ginsberg. Golden Book. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tretiak in honor of their grandsons, Martin Larry Dean and David Jerome
Junior Hadassah
Members of the Omaha chapter of; Junior Hadassah are making plans to attend the convention which will bo held in Kansas City, January 17, 18 and 19 at the Hotel Muehlebach. Those interested in going.are asked.to call JJertha Slutsky, WE 3250. . . Plans are going forward for the "glve-ahd-get" projects. Girls are asked to, turn."in their'money as they earn if. Anyone who.wishes help .should' call Frances B.e'rk'6,witz. : • ".'.'" '
Fellman. -•• • Mr. and Mrs. M. Katzman in honor of the marriage of t h e i r daughter, Clara. Mrs. Rebecca Iliirwitz in honor, of the marriage' of her daughter. Anne. ' ' '.' ' Mr. arid Mrs. J. Chait'in''honor of the "betrothal of tlieli- 'sons/ Heiiry'and E:lward. • '•'•' Mr. and Mrs. E. Weinberg in honor of the marriage of M r e i t daughter, Esther. • . . - Air. and" Mrs. S. RieKes in hdn-or of their grandson', St6y'en John Riekfes.'.'"'" '" " '"' "•" •-_" ' Mrs. i.'Adler in honor of her granddaughter,' Shulamlth "Brodkey.
Temple Sisterhood Professor Gerald H. Fitzgibbon, head of the department of Psychology at Creightou university, will address the regular monthly meeting of the Temple Israel Sisterhood on Monday, January 6. He will speak on "Parent-Child Psychology." The Sisterhood luncheon will be served promptly at 1 p. m. Mrs. Phil Gilinsky is in charge of the luncheon and is being assisted by: Mesdames C, L. Bergman, J. B. Cohen, Mollie Cohen, Sam Gilinsky, B. h. Wolf, Ben Silver,
.Speier will give the opening People." prayer. At this luncheon Mrs.. Ben Sil- Bomb Wrecks Syn&gpgue ver, wlio is' district president of the Sisterhood, will officially Louden (JTA> — Three hunvisit the Omaha group. dred Sabbath worshippers escaped .The drawing for the.fifty dollar death Friday alght when a higii pr'iie'will also be held. explosive bomb destroyed thfiii" Preceding the luncheon. a<: synagogue last night .two hpurs 11:30 a. m. the Sisterhood Boa id after the conclusion of tbe services.. will hold its meeting. Edward I, who expelled the Mrs. David Levine's Circle of the Temple Sisterhood is buying Jews from England, was tolerant out the Community Playhouse on of those in hjs French provinces.
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Mrs. Abraham Shapiro, national president of the Mizrachi Women's organization, welcomes t h e new members of the local chapter with the words, "More than ever must the American Jewish woman make use of her possibilities as a moving power in the life'of Israel," • "The Mizrachi Women's Organization of America is the me-
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Menorah Club
Chesed Shel Ernes
al HoEie, 1812 Cuming. Officers will be elected at this time. Feature of tbe meeting will be the report of the c a r d party. Members have been u r g e d to bring t i c k e t s / a a d outstanding dues.
The Meuorah club lieid its regular meeting Sunday, December A regular m e e t i n g of the 22, at the Jewish Coni'munity Cea- Chesed Shel Emes Society will ter. The club has changed' their take plaee on Monday, January name .from, Gamma-Tau Sigma to 6, at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Funerthe Menorah club. Officers were elected as follows: President, Doris Pinkovitz;; vice-president,' ASK YOUR DOCTOR ABOUT WE1NBERG-OOLGOFF BAB MITZVAH ANNOUNCED ' Ida Chodak; .secretary, Bernice Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Rice an- Burstein, and treasurer, J e a n Mr. and Mrs. H. Dolgoff anCAMP SURGICAL SUPPORTS nounce the marriage of t h e i r nounce the Bar MiUvah of their Greenfield. daughter. D o r a, to David D. son, Donald, on Saturday mornThe next meeting will be held Your .doctor knows better than Weinberg, son of Mr. and Mrs.ing, January 11, at the Beth El Sunday, January 5, a,t 3 o'clock anyone the importance of a good - , S. Welnberg of St. Joseph, Mo., Synagogue. at the home of Beniice Burstein, supporting garment. Your doctor on Sunday, December 22. They will receive at their 914 South 33rd street. All girls also knows he cap depend on our The marriage took place at the home, 4216 Williams, on Sunday, between the ages of 16 and 19 Camp trained fitter to carefully home of Rabbi A. Goldstein. are cordially invited. 12, from 3 to 6. and patiently fill his prescriptions The couple will reside in Oma- No invitations have been isfor Camp Surgical Supports. ha. sued, Women's Division Price f3.50 to $12.00 TO NEW YORK . CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY : , A special meeting'of the execu-: Dr. W. Harold : .eivin, after tive board of the Women's Divl Mr. and Mrs. M. Hozman of Hollywood celebrated their first spending a vacation at borne, left siqn will be held on Monday, Jananniversary at their home l a s t for New York to complete his two uary 6, at 10:30 a. m. at the Jew', Marges', Hmuitf)!, Sick KOMI Supplies Friday night. Mrs. Hozman was year internship at the Mt. Sinai ish Community Center, it was anhospital. • . . . , : Medical Arts BIdg., Omaha, Neb. AT 5825 formerly Miss Sarah Taub of nounced by Mrs. William Lazere, president. Omaha.
Seiler Surgical Co., Inc.
Beth El Auxiliary RETURN HOME Mr, and Mrs. Herman Wise and The Beth El Synagogue will be sons. Jack and Richard, h a v e the scene of a reception Wednesreturned to their home in Chl/ea/go after visiting with Mrs. day evening, January 8, starting at 8:30 in honor of new members .Wlse'B mother, Mrs. M. Lipp. of the Auxiliary and their husbands. Mrs, M. Venger is chairANNOUNCE BIRTH man of the reception, with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward. Rosen- Hyman Milder as co-chairman. thai of Lincoln announce t h e will be: Mesdames J. birth of a daughter, Jane, on M.Assisting Malashock, J. J. Greenberg, "* December 24. John Faier, Leonard Segal, Lou Sogolow, Irvin Levin, and WilANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT liam Pollack. Mrs. J. IT. KulaMr. and Mrs. Mark Leon an- kofsUy is membership chairman. nounce the engagement of their As the feature of tho evening daughter, Cyril Louise, to Mr.Rabbi David A. Goldstein will reHarry Rack in of Los Angeles, view Robert Sherwood's BroadCalifornia. way success "There Shall Be No Night." Mrs. David Greenberg, presiTO HONOR BRIDE Miss Libby Dolgoff will enter' dent of the Auxiliary, urges all (ain Sunday at luncheon for her members to be present. An imsister, Mrs. David Weinberg, a portant business meeting will precede tho reception. recent bride. A board meeting will be held at 1 o'clock, Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. Morris Arkin. Mrs. Theta Lambda William Alberts is co-hostess. A Theta Lambda sorority w i l l dessert luncheon will be served. "honor outgoing officers and introdoce Its new cabinet at a anJunior Council nual formal installation banquet The Omaha section of the Nafo J>« held Sunday evening, Jan- tional Council of Jewish Juniors akry 5, In the Assembly Room of is furthering plans for the paidthe Fontenelle Hotel. up membership dance to be held . Also,at this time two new mem- on Saturday, January 18. bers, Reva Ostravich and Sophie Celia chairman of Blumkin, will be formally induct- the datingBachman, committee, the ed Into the organization. Vlcki girls are co-operating tosays make the Lerner, as past president, wilt'ad- affair an outstanding success. mlnidter the oath of membership to tho pledges during an elaborate initiation ceremony staged by all the active Theta Lambdas. DIAMONDS " At the close of t h e evening, Collections of Unique members will be joined by their Diamond Engagement, escorts to hold a • private party Wedding and Anniver. and to dance to the music of Bob Freshman's "Make - Believe Oroary Rings, Individual* chestra." Iy deeigned apd Priced with good old-fashion* The committee in charge of arcd moderation. rangements wad composed by Rita Convenient Terms Can Be Marks, Helen Minkin, and Sylvia Arranged a t No Extra Baum.. Cost
FUR-TRIMMED COATS .. . . now. . . FUR-TRIMMED COATS . i . now UNTRIMMED COATS . . . now *
UNTRIMMED COATS . . . now. . . . Herzberge—Fourth Floor
Round Table Meeting
. :A supper meeting of the Round Table of Jewish Youth will be held on Tuesday, January 7, at 6 p. m.
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i'KSS i t e W i i ' itri.s'i,k.hi lavs that ptLiiiehed 8,ayo.iie v.iio Eyoke Hi c£ Hixk-r or ifutbolifcL The gravity cf the liaies U not to be diajeilta by timidity. The Ails powers fcave stated luehttii-S Eiid li&ve offt-red tke 'iudkiige. It is esSUBSCRlPilOW PRICE tentiai ib£t we itreugtUea iuu&e wte are lighting for denioci'&ey. It is etseetlai tL&t v,:e £trfc&&theu ourselves. . Matty of us would ilke to ha uaeoQspromkiag Pacifists. Many of an would like to see this war DAVID BLACKER—B«i£iB££S £Ed Maesging feed-feiic e-att now without any more people being /uEONARD NATHAN • • -..-.-• MllW killed;-without'&ny more cities' being destroyed; 'RABBI THEODORE H. LEWIS • Bock. Batter vithoul any more nations being involved. But if -FRANCES BLACKER • • • Society Editor we think that |>eace is to l»e permanent in an AxisMORRIS AIZEHBERG—Stottx City uaiEated woiM, we are turning our backs upon realities and giving ourselves up to smoke-dreams.
The End of tiie U J. A. The anuouncement of the United Palestine ApGood-Will Among Men • peal, the Joint Bistritjutioa Committee, and the The holiday season, which has just past, served National Refugee Service that these tferee groups to focus attention on the growing good-will movehave dissolved the United Jewish Appeal and uieiit among the members of America's three prinhenceforth will conduct separate fund-raising camcipal -religious faiths. Greater emphasis is being paigns comes as a serious blow to the hopes of aapieced on our desire to seek out common ground tlonal Jewish unity. Not even the sweet stateBO that strength may be gathered from the difment that "cordial relations and generous co-operferent coatributtoas each group should m a k e , ation would continue" can hide the disagreeable' rather than engendering weakness by exploiting fact that these organizations have heea so petty these divisions. The president's recent call for and their leadership ep inept they no longer can national unity, the contrast between America end work together. If "cordial relations and geaerotis •warring Europe, the simultaneous occurrence of co-operation" existed, the dissolution would aot Christian and Jewish holidays have given us pause have come about and to say so is merely an added to reflect oa the common aspirations of all reexpression of hypocrisy. ligious groups, regardless of their theological dif• The United Jewish Appeal had been & great ferences. forward step in national Jewish life. It indicated The Good-Will" movement, which is today symthat Jewish groups could, in times of emergency, bolized by the activity of the~National Conference bury differences and get together in common, efof Christians and Jews, roso to answer the acfort to build an Integrated Jewish life. It removed tivities of the hate-mongers in America. Its exfrom the scene the competitive aspects of various ample has been copied so that in many quarters philanthropies and permitted the local communiof the globe similar organizations exist. ties to put their fund-raising on a sound, intelUndoubtedly-due to the American example, an ligent, and efficient basis. unprecedented act has occurred in England. RepWhat internal quarrels and differences of opin- resentatives of the three large Christian denominaion that might have arisen were dealt with at the tions—the Established Church of England, the conference table and did not spread into the com- Roman Catholic church, and the Free, or nonmunities, which cannot and should not be forced Conforming, churches—Issued a joint statement of to take sides in the highly technical matter of what the British war aims should be. fund-allotment. The import of this act can hardly be measured The emergency has not decreased but has been since for centuries these three groups have inheightened. The need for unity la not less but dulged in the bloodiest sort of conflict and mutual more. Instead of an honest attempt being made persecution. This is also in welcome contrast to7 to foster an Integrated Jewish life, the national the unfortunate situation of religion in a Totalileadership haB indulged in the old tactics of "pet- tarian nation such as Germany. tiness as usual." Compromise on particulars is Good-will ia more than mere toleration of anInterpreted as an abandonment of principles. other's point of view. It is a determined effort t h e leaders of the National Refugee Service, to understand that religious differences arise not the United Jewish Appeal, and the Joint Distribu- from perversl.ty of purpose or. sheer obstinacy, but tion'Committee may be content to foster disunity, usually from genuine conviction. If wo approach but the small Jewish communities cannot permit good-will with a patronizing air rather. than a so disruptive-an element in Jewish life. They have sense of understanding it is a false and frail goodr a desire to know what and who caused the rift and •will. As the miller in the ancient legend, Insisted *their. voices should bo raised for the re-establlsh- it is not the roads we travel that count, just.so * ment of working relations. These communities arc what we bring ia good. - sick unto death of bickerings, of childishness and are awakening to the realization they are in a position to apply pressure — and apply pressures Vichy '•/'•'•'*• they will. With the ouster of Pierre Laval from the Vichy American Jews have one principal objective governments, omens have appeared that indicate in view and that is a strengthening of Jewish life the regime of Marshall Petain may reveal a little by unifying wherever unification Is possible. To more determination to be the government of the permit disunity is an expression of weakness we French—conquered or not. A belated attempt Is can* ill-afford at this time. being made to,retrieve lost honor. ,. France's backbone Is being stiffened;by the Axis-reverses. The Italian route In Albania, the Courage and Conviction. . British offensive in North Africa, and England's A more courageous statement of policy than high moral® in warding- off the Nazi bombardthat delivered Sunday, by the President has never ments have encouraged France that maybe the been uttered. It is sot courageous just because cause for which she fought Isn't entirely, lost. it has dared to condema the heads of "friendly" When Franco fell, she was cornered. Whether •states; not courageous merely because additional collapse "was engendered by .military might"or.In'aid was offered Britain. . It deserves commenda- ternal coup, Prance was at the mercy of the contion becausethe President lias1 faced the facts fair- queror- The imminent collapse of Great Britain ly and squarely. These facts were hot pleasant was utilized. Capitulation would mean • gentler and perhaps it would .fease been more politic foe terms. Opposition would mean complete subjugahim to maintain silence in the pious hope that the tion as in t i e case-of Poland. Asia powers wo«I.d. .cpllappo. tinder the pressure of France has managed to jockey herself into a our wishful t h i n k i n g . . . . . . . . . . . better position to bargain. General Weygand U Here were none of the sorrowful attempts at in North Africa whore a largo. French - force re. self-delusion thqt^ have been tod characteristic of mains—a. force the! should it be so inclines could the hends of European governments. What Presi- make short work of the remnants of Mussolini's deeert force.' The African -vesture was unthinkdent Roosevelt has-done is to tell the Asis ere they are kidding' no'one/ Neither lie nor any able as long as Franco remained In the war. Future ©vents are still unpredictable, but we - other thinking A m e r i c a n believes their pious nioiithinga which are contradicted by their actions. quote Anne O'Hara McGormick ?whpse - esceueat He has served nctis© that America will never per- column in tho "New York Tinies" recently cons l t the Axis to hold the whin-hand-over this coua- cluded: "What the mem3>ers of tlie-ola political try so that Americana will become subservient to caste onco resressntccl may count "for nothing In a disastrous paganism. He has let it be ltnot?a tho commaaS performance they aro now callcS th&t America will-tiot'be foolish" enough-to follow upon to play. But they arc not -divorced fror» their pact; th«7 are Frenchmen still—Flandin and the €Isamberlaii» policy. 1 Americans have hesitated. ,tp. ,a,waken. to tlio Laval, Pctain and Daladier, Weygand and Blum. treble fact that "neutrality" has, been made a If each IH his own fashion does not still love freedom of France, then Hitler bao not merely con' cayiiJ. \Vltne33 .Finland, Norxray, Denmark, H laad, Luxembourg, Belstum and Greece. Eacli of quered them; lio Hao conquered history." p'states T7enfto almost foolish estrejpe3, loan£ &ac2LS7ard:r ia their attempts to be neutral; 3EQE32 &oteg neutral nhen it was against their best JaFaBt of Tebeth Thursday, Jan. 9 .fcerestn to \$z GO. Neither -by word nor deed' did R03h Chodcah Shebat... .Y/ednesday. Jan. 29 tliey pretend ia recognize the true alms of GerChamlDfio Osor b'Sbcbat ....WedaesdGy, Feb. 12 many an$ Italy. In cost of theco nations were
to desi with his fellows aee<cEtly asid and in.-a way £,ce€iitable AtLik«ri<:e.{ive View
Ko uiatter how keenly &ae adrair.es tiie Catholic church it is preposterous to suggest tbst the Be cot afraid when one waxeth u-ioderu miad, tr&iaed in scienrkli, wiita the wealth of his house tific liiethod leturn to it, aEd acis increased, £or wiie-a he dietiii he cept the doctrines, dogmas a n d skalt take &othing along, his di&cipliue the c h u r c h imposes wealth fchaxl not descend after upon its adherents. It Must never lit in. Le forgotten, and HO Catholic deTiiou h&st let iooae thy mouth nies it, that the church is rigidly for evil and thy toEgue fortaeth authoritative. It demands comdeceit, thou sitteth and speaketh plete intellectual suLiMissioa, asagainst thy brother; these things sent to every one of its dogmas, hfcst thou done, KJiould I fceea si- no matter how irrational. lent? free and enlightened mind Create me a clean heart, O God, canNoaffirm that ancient but illumand renew me a steadfast spirit inating declaration, within me, cast me not away from of, as it is essentialcharacteristic Thy presence, and take not away thought and doctrine iu."I Catholic believe Tiiy holy spirit from me. because it is absurd." To invite The fool haith said In his heart, people to return to the ideological "There is no God," they have system of the church after escapdealt corruptly and have d o n e ing from those now prevailing in abominable iniquity. E u r o p e is to invite them to change one form of blind authorRabbi Avira lectured in the ity for another. name of Rabbi Ami, "A man shall The fact that the church claims always spend for eating and drinking less than his means, and shall to derive its authority from God clothe himself according to his and at times exercises iu moderameans, but shall honor his wife tion its prerogatives is no reaand children above his means." son for intellectuals to deceive Rabbi Jochanan said, "God aald themselves into believing t h a t to Israel, "I love you because at within the church they can find the time when I overwhelm you the serenity and peace they crave. with great dignity, you are belittl- Only an acutely tortured c o u l ing yourself before Me. For I gave will coerce its mind to deny and great dignity to Abraham, and ho reject this incontrovertible truth, In return eaid "Who am I but this, however, is a critleiem of dust and ashes?" I did the same the basic premise inherent in the unto Moses and Aaron and they volume, and not of the contents In return said (Ex. 16.7) "And which are beautiful and moving. what are we?" I gave great power Story of Servant to King David, and he said The h e r o i n e of "Embezzled (Ps. 22.7) "But I am only a worm." The other nations acted Heaven" Is the simple self-effacdifferently, for wheji I gave great ing but deeply religious T e t a dignity to Nimrod, he then eaid Linek, a household servant who (G 11 3), "Come let us build us la consumed by a desire for a a c i t y . " r gave great power to mediator, for a priest who wpuld Pharoah and he eaid (En 62), insure her soul immortality by "Who Is the Lord?" Unto Chiram, the recital of the Mass, etc. MojKing of Tyre, and he eaid (Ex mlr Linek, an unscrupulous and 28.2) "I Bit in the seat of God, in cunning .creature and a nephew the heart of the seas."' .of Teta's, exploits this pious wish Rabbi Haa said, "The world in a scandalous manner. would not have been able to exist the impression that Majwere it not for the one whore 1 mirUnder is preparing for the prieststrains himself in strife." Teta sacrifices enormously Rabbi Samuel eaid, "It Is pro- hood, for his schooling and comfort. hibited to deceive any one, Jew When she is told of his ordinaPF non-Jew." Rabbi Mair said, "One tnust not tion, her joy exceeds all bounds. invite a guest to parUike of a Even though he Is now presummeal, when he knows that the ably ordained the nephew conparty is not able to accept his in- tinues to extract money from his aunt on a host of pretexts. After vitation." thirty years of generously providing for'him,-she.discovers that he is an imposter, that he h a s never been ordained, that he has never served an a missionary,.that she is without a divine mediator. By Rabbi Tfoeeslos-o The discovery of such betrayal of course, a grievous shock. EMBEZZLED HEAVEN, FRANK is, Seeking consolation and forgetW E B P E L , . T H B VIKING fulneGS, she joins a pilgrimago - PRESS—427 PAGES. • \ to Rome, establishes a This ia an" intriguing volume group relationship with t h e and one which will be read -with friendly chaplain, Johannes Seydel, hopkeen pleasure. ing secretly that he might subLike co many Intellectuals, stitute as a mediator for h o r Werfel attributes tho collapso of worthless nephew. civilization to our masterialisnv, Her life's desire achieves realito o u r rejection of (spiritual values. To uco a striking, unfor- sation In a most unexpected fashgetable phrase of his, humanity ia ion, when; she greets the pope afflicted with "a pestilence of the face-to-face, becomes.-seriously ill eoul." - This being the case, and and the object of his personal sonone trill 4eay it, the author be- licitations. She could hardly believes that humanity's salvation lieve that she, poor, humble and requires a fresh spiritual Ideal- oflov/ly origin could bo the reism, a "flame", to inspire and to cipient of euch unusually sacred ministrations, almost at't&@ hands move men. There In, a deep and pleasing of the Holy.FatlJcr in perioa.' M t B f i J ' ' ' "• current of mysticism runni&g ' ' ' Ooly a genius lfko Werf el could throughout the. booi; the y e w Ing after tho Divine, after re-, take such a Dimple tale and; transligioun certltcde; the lonuln^ for form It ,iato a raovins story. But faith &nd spiritual understand- m I eaid ttsfore, to escape from ings T&y quality gives the vol- reason into a dream world is eowume a' peculiar: fascinatiod a n& c.~r<!icc, ac cowardly ao to accept power. It rcvealo the autlior'B and follow blindly the ogtBo&os profound linowledgo of t h b o e political or ceonoraig ;*'lFae" of basic rcligioas impulses and Qteo'- any.party.- Despite enormousintellectual power, Werfel IB flountioas by .Which taenjltve. I t . ia this conviction, tjiat re-; dering, now more than ever. ligioa alone can redeem man.' I venture, to suggest * Ba t being ' which' has co Btroagly attracted' a Jew by' ibirth, ho ttaj? find a tho. author to the Roman CaUioils little--galthuuie'' Ia''.M».'• \ovtL anehurcli, and, accoralfiB to conic cestral faith, I a Judaism, if ho reports, led him t o .ombrace. it. would s^ek truth and, spiritual Not that he is .unaware of its coa- reality in the Synagogue as sealtradlctioas and faillngd. These ously as he-; does in' the churcls, have not by any mcana been whose basic doctrine, and ritual ignored: in the .text. Devout C&ahrare alien to Ms Jewish heart and olica -will not bo entirely pleacodi mind. Werfel may discover in with the volume. However, In Judaism that beautiful and perWerfel'o oyes, tbo shortcomings fect oynthesis of faith and reason are not serious, can easily ,bo •which he so diligently .searches in overcome, and tho. Church can strange plaecs, uncongenial to his bring mankind healing a n d a soul. noble spiritual vision, c&a doliver tbo race from tho abyss Plref. Brbdbtoh; 1I into vJbicii It has fallen. It is unfortunate that with London (JTA) — Prot. Se^ls Werfel'o huGe admiration for tho Brodstsky, president of tho board CathbliS church goes ao la so of deputies of British Jews an3 often the cano'a contempt for Zionist leader, was taken to a Proteatantism. Tho distrust of auraing home today for a minor tho Protestant movement betok- operation. He will be unable to ens a lack of faith in hunan rea- attend to public business for three son, In the intellectual capacity •weeks.
Friday, Js.Ema.ry 3 , 1S4I
0. 0, B.
Page S
U U k ~a*
C'andle-Jjfght lime: 4:as. This Friday, January 3, at the regular late services of the U. O. C. the Rabbi will speak on "Dr. B e r n a r d Revel, a Man Who Bridged Two Eras." Saturday morning the Rabbi (Continued from Page 1.) will speak at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, 19th a n d Democratic Way of Life," "The Burt. American Philosophy of EqualJunior Congregation ity," "The Philosophic Way of The Junior Congregation will Life," "A Preface to the Uniconduct their services at the Bynaverse," "Essays in Philosophy," g o g u e of Congregation B'nai "Chicago—an Experiment In SoIsrael, 18th and Chicago streets, cial Science Research," "Readon Saturday morning beginning ings in Ethics," "Philosophers iu at 10. Mrs. Sidney Goldberg will Hades," "The Promise of Ameribe hostess at a reception for the can Politics," "Creative Sceptics," children after services. "Foundations of Democracy," (written in collaboration with Regular Sunday morning servSenator Itobert A. Taft), and ices of the U. O. C. Brotherhood "The Legislative Way of Life." will take place as usual at Congregation B'nai Israel, January 5, His last appearance in Omaha at 9 a. in. was at the Town Hall Forum of the Nebraska Society of Colonial Study Groups Daraea. It was tbe second year he The adult Hebrew Study Group had spoken on their series. will meet this Monday at t h e •Rabbi's study at 8 p. m. as usual. ... - The Talmud Study Group will meet this Wednesday at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel, 19 th and Burt, at 8 p. m. Talmud Torah Dinner With' patient resignation, tliesa Jewish war ©efeeas. Through its refugeo committee in The U. O. C. Sisterhood tenrefugees are elated ©B a Osbosi dock sextto the Lisbon, the American Jewish Joist Distribution London, Dec. 29 (JTA)—Pubdered a dinner to the children of SS Nea Hellas, Greek litter, which was schedlication of Yalkut, monthly He* Cosatmittes is jsesistiag large numben © f tlsa the City Talmud Torah on Monbrew supplement of the Zionist died to eaU to the United States from Lub&u day, December 80. There w e r e Review, has been enthusiastically laet uionth, hut whose voyage wes cancelled stranded emigrants. More than 1,509 ©re being About 130 children present at welcomed in Hebraist and Zionist beautifully decorated tables, and becsuea of ih@ Italian invasion of Greece. More daily fed with J.D.C. funds. The J.D.C. receives circles in Great Britain. ' they enjoyed a dinner of the fa- than 12,009 otliera like them ar© crowded in its iaeome from the United Jewish Appeal fo* Its publication, it is pointed mous cuisine of the U. O. C. Sis- Lisbon awaiting the ©pporltmitjr to emigrate Refugees m& QrerfiCM Aid. out, is rekindling the hopes of a terhood. Hebrew revival In Europe at a Sol Baumer opened the evening moment when the Hebrew move• by lighting t h o Hanukah canment on the continent has been dles, the children Bang Hanukah swept away by the Nazi tide. Yalsongs under the direction of Mr. Religious Services kut la edited by Dr. Simon RawJ. Wolf son. Richard Wintroub idowicz, chairman of the Tarbuth told the story of Hanukah in HeAssociation, who during the last brew; Elka Byron and E s t h e r war and under similarly difficult U. o. c. B a u m e r recited appropriate conditions published Hatekufah In Sam Beber chapter of A. Z. A., At the late service this eveVichy (JTA) —An important collaboration with Tchernikovsky, verses for the occasion. at its meeting December 22, electning, Rabbi Isaiah Rackovaky will scientific body in occupied France The occasion was closed with a The first Issue of Yalkut Is deofficers: Presl- speak on "Dr. Bernard Revel, A has voted to continue support to brief address by the Rabbi on the ed the following voted mainly to the 800th anni•"« dent, H a r o l d Jewish scholars, it was reported Man Who Bridged Two Eras." significance of Hanukah in t h e \ Slutskin; v 1 c ehere today, as the Nazi authori- versary of Jehuda Halevi, famous life of our children. After thiB ties took further action to oust Hebrew poet. An editorial stresses j president. S o n Beth El special favors were presented to Jews from the fields of scienco, British Jewry's present increased ' M i l l e r ; secreThis evening at services Rabbi tbe children to take home. responsibilities to Hebrew culentertainment and commerce. I tary, Harold BpHerman Cohen of St. Paul will One of the important events of ture. i stein; treasurer, The Central .Committee for Scioccupy the pulpit of the Beth El the dinner was the presentation Lewis Katz; ser- Synagogue. Ho has come to Oma- entific Scholarships in Franco of a pair of book-ends to Marian Amalia Goldman B e s s o, an geants-at - arms, ha to officiate at the marriage of voted, 29 to 1, to maintain all Weinsteiu in recognition of her Italian Jewess, was one of t h o scholarships held by Jews for the Sam Beber a n d his niece, Miss Ethelyn Kulakofloyalty to the City Talmud Torah founders of the Fascist party. next year. L e o Kamisar; sky, to Loyal Kaplan. and her extra-curricular activireporter, Leo AlThis action came as the Ger- Bonet do Lattea, a Provencal ties. The Sisterhood committee Services Saturday morning will man p croon, a n d authorities forbade Jewish serving this dinner consisted of Harold Slutzldn chaplain, Y a l e begin at 9:40. Members of the scholars to publish articles sum- Jew, was personal physician of p , Mrs. L. Neveleff, Mrs. J. White, Kulakofsky and Kaplan families marizing their research in scien- the Pope Alexander VI. Mrs. I. Grossman, Mrs. M. Arbit- Richards. Formal Installation will be called to the Torah during tific periodicals and books in ocman, Mrs. D. Denenberg, Mrs. M. take place at a smoker sometime Its reading. Mr. Loyal Kaplan will cupied France. The periodical during'the first two weeks of this bo honored with "Maphtlr". AfSegal and Mrs. Max Fromkln. Annales de Physique, which was firThat Aftor-TJtcadro Snack month. ter services Mr. and Mrs. Maxsuspended for publishing articles at tlso Plans for the chapter's Stage Kaplan will receive at Kiddish in signed by Jews, was authorized to Night offering are- completed and the social hall of the synagogue. resume on tho condition that rehearsals aro rounding oft In there be no Jewish ^collaborators. •Next Week fine shape, according to F r e d Next week Donald, son of Mr. Meanwhile, all clnoma and Colton and Morris Richlin, coIS TOPS chairmen of the Stage Night com- and Mrs. Joe Rico will chant Kld- stage actors in the occupied zone wero ordered to prove their "AryOpen 24 Hours Daily for dush Friday evening in observmittee. Outstanding pupils of the Dally Your Convenience ance of his Bar Mitzvah which an" origin. Jewish and half-JewJack Berman, bead of a special Hebrew school and tho Sunday honors committee, will enlist the •will tako place on Saturday morn- ish actors will be eliminated. "Aryanization" of Jewish busiclass,of the City Talmud Torah services of the social service com- Ing, January 11. ness enterprises was also begun have been announced for the mittee and' of the publicity comin the occupied sone. "Aryan" honor roll. mittee and will present at the Temple supervisors were appointed for Hebrew students named are: chapter's next meeting, plans will Tonight at services Rabbi Dav- the more important Jewish enterHarvey Lipsxnan, Albert Feldman, bring notice to the chapter. id H Wice will base his sermon prises. M i r i a m Welnateln, Emmanuel At the next meeting, the newon Hartzell Spence's biography of Drevlch, Sylvia Gendelman, Johnpresident will nanio tho new com- hio father, "One Foot in Heaven." ny Kohn, Arley Bondarin, Marvin Parllman, Jackie Noodell, Perne mittee chairmen for his admin- The book is the story of a minister who spent" his career in Oma- For Winter Driving Katleman, Maedello Richlin, Ger- istration. ha and surrounding small cities. trude' Klalman, Reva Sherman, Get a Set of Mary LoU Ripps,. Dorothy Parilman, M a r v i n Zevltz, Melvin Military Funeral Weiss, Alvln Burstein, M o r t o n Glass, Shirley Kolnick, Arnold Washington (JTA) —• Funeral Mrs. Sally Block Sternberg, Evelyn Byron, Eunice services with military h o n o r s were held at Arlington National " Feldman, Bernard Wolfson, Gertrude Sherman, .Doris Weinberg, Funeral services were h e l d cemetery for Julian D. Straus3, The!ma'Goldsteinji Fannlo Wolf- Tuesday morning at the Durkett attorney and political leader, who son,' Leon Wintroub and David chaptel for Mrs. Sally Block, 82, died suddenly at the age of 48. o STC75. Segal. ; . ,•'- ' who died Sunday'at her home. A native of Memphis, Straus was • STEEPS GTOAB©iI?E£2 Sunday pupils honored* are: Mrs1. Block had- resided in Omaha a member of the Tennessee Leg- © islature at the age of 21 and also 'Maxine White, Alvin Bernstein, for tbe past quarter century. Doris Noodle, Thelma Goldstein, Surviving her are: a daughter, served as City and Juvenile Court Rebecca Finer, Herman. Sh'yken, Mrs. Fanny B. Kuh of Omaha; Justice in Memphis. Herzl Gendler, 1-Jackie .Noodoll, and four eons, Maurice of ChiTires that will prove Doris Weinberg, Helen. Winberg, cago; David of Omaha, Sam of Donald Green, Helen Handler, Denver, and Dr. Max Block of m o r e economical in CHARGE Benny' Robinson, Jerry Yawltz, Omaha. the long run. Rosalie Garrop, Eunice Foldnfan, Rabbi fcavid A. Wice officiated Martha Rosenblatt, Albert- Feld- at the funeral. Burial w a s at man, Maedello -' Richlin,' Shirley ' ' Diamond, Gertrude Sherman, Joe Pleasant Hill cemetery. Chasen, Evelyn Byron, A n n e Denenberg, Irvin Gendler, Harvey Mrs. Leah Bernstein aoao Ccr3 GtcTtco ' Llpsman, Meyer Halprin and' Fannie Wolf son. OHAHA'3 NCIVEST Mrs. Leah Bernstein,. 38, formerly of Omaha, died on Sunday Arab Urgoo Solidarity at Grand Island. She had been 2JCSIC DV THE Tel Aviv (JTA) — Nazism is a ill for the past, year. MV'm" Surviving her a r e : her husserious menace not only to Europe but to the entire Moslem world", band, Maurice; two daughters, Kite, 0 Till t Ribchi Kemal, prominent Arab Frances and Selma; a son, Sandtl^se S to S:30 P. SI. scientist, said in addressing tho er; her mother, Mrs. G u s s i e -Living Newspaper of the Associa- Frank of Grand Island;, three tion of Hebrew Journalists. "Tho brothers, Max and Meyer Frank Jews and Arabs therefore must and Jac& Alberts of Omaha. fight shoulder-to-shoulder to deFries SanStrlchca Funeral services w e r e held. fend democracy and'ereato a com- Monday afternoon at the Jewish isnd QEO ES30. SG¥£3 G?« " OE3AHA A? 4S50 mon Semitic'•culture*''he said. Funeral Home hero in Omaha. i
Coverages I U < M Drinks
li THE
day. WMIe there fee will visit , the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwa I ^ascli aiid Mr. an.d Mrs. Sa
i I
Lc^e cf Ifr. EL'J 1-IIS. Mai Sttin-
OWE Yiddish vaudeville house, in the Cliaton theater, oper&teti Ly Lewis Weiss . . . W&tch out tor "Hudson's Bay," w h i c h P a u l Manii back to the after $ vacation . . . TRUE STORY' The recent visit of Governor John Moses of North Dakota — lie's not Jewish, by the way—to the White House recalled to the President a curious coincidence that took place a quarter of a century ago, when he was Assistant Secretary of the Navy . . . It seems that he had chosen the name Israel, after an American Captain, for one of the Navy's new destroyers . . . While Roosevelt was going over the personnel list for the destroyer an aide came into his office with another personnel list for another destroyer, named Moses . . . The coincidence struck Roosevelt as so funny that ho burst out laughing, wherejupon the a i d e inquired whether t h e r e was anything wrong with the crew lists . . . And the question made the future president laugh some more— for the lists of officers for the t w o boats were headed by the names Murphy and O'Reilly . . . ABOUT PEOPLE Painter Ellas Newman, w h o was the art curator of the Palestine Pavilion at the World's Fair, lias gone to Cleveland, where he is supervising the installation of the Palestine section of the international exhibit in the Cleveland auditorium . . . After completing this job Newman will go to M e x i c o , to concentrate on painting for a number of months . , . Did you know that Dr. Albert Einstein believes that the principal thing that distinguishes him from most of his fellow-humans is the fact that he doesn't wear socks? . . . Night club warbler Hildegarde has an accompanist who used to teach at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and who supervised the installation of Kngland's first sound film equipment . . . Ills name is Leo Hahn . . . From Iterlin conies the story of the American who, seeing a huge crowd collected around a little, man who was carrying a Winter Relief F u n d collection box, innuired as toy\vhy the crowd should be milling around the collector . . . "They're all Gestapo secret service men," explained his informant. . . "But why nil those Gcstapoliccmcn around one collector?" aslced the'American . . . "Because," was the reply, "t h v collector Is Dr. Goebbels" . . . (Copyright, 1940, by Seven A m Feature Syndicate.)
Congratulations to I'M, which lifter six months still is known as Manhattan's new afternoon paper, for its expose of Fifth Coluiners and anti-Semitic infiltration in these United Btates . . . Felicitations to t li c Overseas Press Club on getting rid of member George Sylvester Vlereck, a prominent Hitler-lover . • • The power behind the anti-English propaganda here, they say, is one W. It. Davis, an oil man with big business relations with the Nazis . . . What's this about anti-Semitism in the Chicago Symphony orchestra? Jewish members aregrowing scarcer than hen's teeth, we hear, since Hans Lnngc became boss there . . . It's Walter Winchell whose tip on the Princess Stcfanie Ilohenlohc, t h a t "Honorary Ayran" whom Hitler van have with our compliments, led to the deportation proceedings anginst her . . . And we must pass on to you Ills latest descriptive phrase for the atmosphere in New York's Nazi section—"inalic<5 in Iluiulei'laud" . . . JEWISH NEWS The leaders of New York's YeBhiva college.' nurse the forlorn hope that Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog of Palestine, who now is oh his fray- to this country, may be prevailed upon to become the BUCcessor of the late Dr. Bernard Revel in the presidency of the j college . . . To us It looks, how- • ever, as if the one who will inherit Dr. Revel's seat is Rabbi Leo Jung, who combines scholar- By LUCILLE ABRAHAMSON ship with administrative ability TALMUD TOKAH DANCE • . . . Inside news is that the memThe annual Talmud T o r a h bership campaign of the Zionist dance will be held January 26 at Organization of America Is going the Eagles hall. At that t i m e over with a bang . . . The split there will bo dancing to the mubetween the J o i n t Distribution sic of Freddie Ebener and his Committee and the United Pales- orchestra. Besides dancing there tine Appeal is beyond repair, not- will be bingo, cards and amusewithstanding all kinds of p e a c e ments. - ' ' rumors that you may hear in the Chairman in charge of the afnear future . . . The New Zionist fairs is Mrs. L. H. Cohen, and che Organization, which consists of is being assisted by Mrs. ^am followers of the late Vladimir Meyers. Mrs. I. Sternhlll and Jabotlnsky, is preparing to send Mrs.. Ben Kubby are . ln ; cha-rge a delegation to South Africa to of the radio that Is to bo given obtain political and financial sup- away. •> port for the establishment of a Proceeds from this dance will Jewish army In ttyis war . > .Seen go to a worthy cause and everydown In the lower East Side dur- one who attends is assured- a ing the recent Christmas shopping good time. season was a Santa Claus, in full costume, who spoke a fluent Yid- ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED dish to the neighborhood kids . . . While she was home for t h e The Broadway Central hotel, long holidays! the engagement of Miss a center of Bast Side social life, Gwendolyn Meyerson of Chicago 1B- beginning to t a k e the first and John Smart, also of that city, word In its name more seriously, was announced by Mr. and, MrB. and is opening a night club on Herman Meyerson. Mr. Smart is the premises . . . the Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis STAGE AND SCR'EN Smart, also of Chicago. Miss Meyerson is a graduate of Charlie Chaplin, the hist hold* out against the talking film, may Abraham Lincoln High school and yet find himself featured on the attended the University of Nesound-track of n film in which he braska, where she was a> member v»"Oii't appear at all . . . I t seems of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. that I»is Hitler speeches in "The The wedding date ha*s not been Great Dictator" sound so much announced. .ZIIOTO like Adolf than do the ef . •ioxts of tiny other Hollywood ac< BETROTHAL TOLD Mr. and Mrs. H. Polln of Chi tor that Paramount is going to sslc €feu"lie to lend them his voice cago annouhco the engagement of for a picture In which they need their daughter, Helene, to Noreach a speech . . . Tip to soldiers man Rosenthal, son of Mr. and find sailora: Al Jolson h a s ar- Mrs. S. Rosenthal. ; : ranged that Riiy man in Uncle Sam's armed .service can have a TO WEST COAST v free ticket ion- Iiis musical comedy Mas Steinberg left this week success, "Hold Onto Yoar Hats" for .the. west coast to attend the . . , The East Side not? has its Rose Bowl game on New'Tear's
did k t t
By KlIKEAS FROM ABKOAI) Since Mussolini entered t h e •war liia compulsory collaboration •with Hitler has BO depleted Italy's food supply that even tfe.6 Fascist leaders are beginning to get worried . . . Fruit and vegetables particularly, of wbich Italy used to have an overabundance, are now becoming rare delicacies throughout the peniEsula . . . Latest newspaper reports at the time of writing have the Nazis eu route to Hellas . . . We'd like it better If the last two letters of Hellas were omitted . . . Which reminds as to tell you that if the Greeks continue routing'the'Italians Hitler may teach Mussolini a lesson !>y taking over Northern Italy and the rest of France . . . Winchell gleefully reports a Berlin broadcast of a couple of weeks ago in which the Nazis went to special trouble to explain that they didn't care if Walter and IJishop Manning were opposed to Hitlerism, because nobody had ever heard of Winchell or the Bishop, anyway . . . From England comes t h e Btory of the small boy who was comforting an old lady frighte n e d by a thunderstorm . . . "That wasn't Hitler, lady," said the air-raid-hardened youngster, "that was God — and he won't hurt you" . . . J1KKE AND NOW
Frsis-y, Jtasifcry 3* 1941
I fit» D a v i d s i rGcMti)Lfciir, rikughttr of Ifr. &tid Mm. P n i i Yic'Jitfenbfcia of Kai-tbd City, I* .'pending the Lolida)b hci«s st the Lome ct Ltr gi*z>di lothfcr, Mifc. h
Hi.t.zVl fX!d life
i'cv^ iu i»ert-cuticn ct -Lt Lfc Lad i<:a!iy Jtwi& th.Cs U
as Licj.tei.-dLt left lt.fcl wttk-ci^d to t«i,e i.i> Lis loai i-3. un iccti'd^tcr at IiaiVsThe Hoard (A Deputies of Britcu\e I'itid, La. Llfeutti.aht Hos- ish Jev«s v u iouaclta in 1760 to tLtL&l vv&s> Lo/£,e to &i>tud tltttLe "ij^ijutaiofa" of thfc LGiida>s %«ith Ins i>aith(t., Mr. a n i Mis. Saw
ran SALE
Deities Charges TO TW licii KuLby, \vitU his bows, D<uiny aud ItoLtit, left fast v/etk for New Yoik (JTA)—Herie MasTexas to attend tha fJun ho\A tin, Fieuch liiauufacturer, following Ida rtltabe from Ellid Ibland as a Quota iinraigraut, denied leMK8. KOS3 IltftfUllKB poits that Le was autl-Seiflitic&nd Mrs. Hee 13. Ilocs leturned that he Lad contributed fuuds to home this week from an extended Jacques Dorlot's Fascist inovetjip to the east. She alb» .spent a few weeks in Miami, Florida. Accompanying Mis. Ito&s on her VOlt itMNT—a lovely rooms trip was her daughter, Sjlvia. i.ihd Iiittiieei, n i c e l y furbibhed. Utilities tiakl. WIO IWOM KISATTLH 35S7. Mr. Michael Green of Seattle, Wash., spent the wetk-end at the
Storefcfctb.LHiL.fcttin Council EEuiffe for twenty y e a r s . Groceries &n«l . Provides ll
has opportunity to aJi self in Califcri.ia.
Writ@ UQK I®
GOLD Just Received . . . New Shipment of NYLON Hosiery
Irodmoor andJano^lifn@f litrinKi©oats Three Important Groups Sacrificed a t
FUR T R I E D COATS SACRIFICED! _Three Low Price Groups, Your Choice a t —
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i 1
GROUP II ' f O"7©7 • ' Reduced to . . / . . . ' . / . •»'*•• •"• • ™ f ! ! )>. GkoUP HI Reduced to
Third Floor
Si S e B Only. Reduced
Juniors, Misaes, Women, Half Siaeo. Juniors, Misaes, .Women, Half Sizes., Junioro, Misees, Women, Half Sisoo. .Misses, Women, Half Steea
Values to $29.95
Friday, Jj^ttuzry .3, 1S41
By Howard* Sherman ,Ed. Note. The following story wms written by Howard Shernun, a Junior at Central High School. The son of Mr. Morris Sherman of Chicago, Howard attended Western Military Academy at Alton before making his home here. He is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sherman of Omaha. I walked the streets of Paris those cold, dreary morning hours. I wanted to think, and t wanted to catch one last glimpse- of the Paris that would be no more, for I knew, though I hoped for some miracle to prevent it, that Paris would fall that day. As I began that walk my mind was clogged with worry and •* thought. I remember how, mechanically, I took out my pipe, lit . it, and took a few puffs of the fragrant aroma. I always smoke ft pipe when I want to meditate, and there were several problems I wanted to clear up in my mind. t wanted to think clearly of the world situation that had developed so rapidly. - I was the head of an American . news bureau, right in the thick of fast moving European development. That's how I knew Paris would fall. i I walked on, a block or two, greeted weary and sad French poilus—for they too knew Paris would fall, though they would give their lives to prevent it— and as I walked, and puffed, and drew the folds of my overcoat about me to keep out the chill •air, my mind wandered back to the first world war, back to the , United States, to tho year 1917. - Woodrow Wilson was a tired Old man as he walked out of tho Capitol, for he had just made the •most momentous decision of his .life, one that had given him days of agonizing meditation. He believed his decision to be right. So •* -on that day, April 4, 1917, he had appeared before Congress and did what he dreaded but was helpless lo prevent. He asked the Congress of the United States to declare war on Germany and her allies. Two days later Congress ful'filled his request. With that eventful declaration of war a wave of silence spread over our broad country. People 4 stopped work everywhere and con"eidered what this war would mean " to them. Mothers thought' of the ' sons they would have to sacrifice. Wives though of young husbands -that would soon be gone. Almost -everyone thought of some dear 1 friend or relative that would soon . depart. ,- : ...... - But to the .young men of that . day it meant something more sig. nificant. All Chose hours of dieam.ing and planning-—for what? •Their future was mapped before , them now, regardless - of-what . they thought or.what they wanted. They .would live,the' nextyear ':—how much longer on one could .' foretell-^in trenches, fighting. But with a sense of pride and : m tf'r t y r d o m they patriotically \ threw aside thoughts of self. Each one, thought, in a different way, ; but each with the same idea, "I'm . going to make the world safe for " democracy; I'm going to fight one " last war to end wars.'" These boys ' actually worked themselves into a , , feverish pitch in which they • thought they", really wanted war. ' They thought .it would be over . * soon, with no drudgery, no trag.' edy, no pain,-They would all return, mighty conquerors, to ex'•'*-jpand uniformed chests loaded - Vrith medals before the hometown girls and modestly admit, "Oh It
Co. Foundries Braoo, Bronze, Aluminum, 'Soft Grey Iron end Sami* Stool Coatings, Wood and Malal Patterns ami Snch Weights carried in otock. Bronze and Caot iron Grilloo a, Specialty.... .
P.iartSSa ' S£3.~
. ••
was nothing." Could they be blamed? They knew not of war— it was something far and distant. Excitement In the Email towns throughout the country the scene was much the same. Young men had gathered in groups and were excitedly discussing the future. The town of Maryville, Connecticut was no different. There, an excited group of y o u n g men had gathered around a tall lad, who aeenied to be their leader, and talked in excited tones. A few moments passed. The tall lad suddenly siffened, threw out his chest, and excitedly exclaimed, "I'm enlisting now! Who's with me?" With that he turned, brushed his fellows aside, and headed resolutely up the steps of the City Hall, followed by two or three chums, who acted as if they were martyrs, sacrificing for a great cause. A few moments later they were soldiers in the United States army. So Wayne Carver and his small group of followers, like thousands of other eager Americans, volunteered immediately. Wayne' Carver went forth with thoughts of heroic idealism. He left the law school he had worked so hard to attend. He left a sweetheart. He turned his back on the' easy happy existence of a young college man. "I'll show those German!" he said. So he went to fight. Thrilling Crusade As Wayne laughingly—for to him it was a mere joke, an adventure, a thrilling crusade for a noble cause—said good-bye he did not know what was to come. He was young. But when Wayne arrived in France he learned that war was not.the glowing panorama painted by smooth talking propagandists. He saw roads clogged with refugees who were hurrying from shell-plowed districts. He listened in awe as soldiers on leave recounted tales of the trenches. He saw everywhere sadness, and devastation, and want. War was no good. This Wayne learned as he travelled to the front. Wayne went up to the front lines—on a Monday it wa's. There were a few light skrimishes that day, no serious engagements. Yet by that .evening . Wayne had a taste of actual combat. He had never witnessed such brutal murder, he had never harmed a living creature in his life, yet on that day he was forced to bayonet a fellow man, or else receive tho point of the bayonet himself. He tried to sleep that night, but the picture of that horrible experience of the afternoon would not leave his mind. It was some time before Wayne was able to rest peacefully.:/:• • • • ; • First Leave It was not long before Wayne had*'his first leave. He went out and; celebrated —-' wine, women, and song. He tried to drink away the. terrible pictures that never
left his mind. How could he go back to those gluey mudholes, the barbed wire, the whole god-forsaken dreariness of shell plowed fields, the nerve wracking bark of machine guns, perhaps the grave . . .? Wayne did return to the front lines, though. He wouldn't run out on anything. He wasn't that kind. As he journeyed over the rough muddy r o a d s , Wayne's mind wandered. He thought of home and the comfort and safety it-offered. He wondered what had happened to the world. He wondered if he would ever see happy peaceful days again. Wayne walked through town after town, viewing pitying scenes of devastation. His mind had now become hardened to such sights. He barely noticed them, Wayne walked on. It was raining now. The sky was bleak and dismal, the roads muddy and crooked. In the distance the big guns rumbled. The*sky was red with fire and clouded with smoke. People were hurrying sadly, past Wayne, headed away from those deafening roars. The drone-of airplanes could be heard overhead. An ambulance .passed. A'company^ of soldiers tramping steadily, 1, 2,' 3, 4 . . . 1, 2, 3, 4 . . . followed not far behind. Trucks loaded with guns and men rambled past. It was raining harder now. The big guns were more deafening. The earth around him seemed to vibrate with the shock. No Man's Land Wayne was 'alone now on this dismal, muddy road, lined with dead trees here and there. He could see no signs of life. He could only h e a r the whine of shells out t h e r e in No Man's Land. \ A touch of red tinted the sky to the west, breaking through tho thick clouds. It was sundown. Wayne wag not very near hia company's encampment. He could hear more clearly now the rumble of the big guns, tho rat4at-tat of the machine guns, and now even tho cries of the wounded. Suddenly Wayne did a strange thing. He knelt in that mud, and looked toward heaven, and prayed. A few moments later he arose. Ho silently walked on . . . Weeks passed. Wayne obeyed his orders faithfully and was a good soldier. H o was promoted and given the command of a squad. In his new position of responsibility he was fearless, and he was exacting of the men under him. He seemed to relish the tougher tasks. He was in \ this war for good now, and he made up his mind to do his best. Wayne always thought like that. He had character. One evening nearing sundown Wayne was called to see his company commander. He was told upon his arrival of an enemy machine gun nest that must he captured. It was causing too .much damage. It was impossible for' a large group to - rush It. "There
woald be too m&my casualties. But nation, they could never obliterone Kquad uader ©over of' dark- ate them &s the basic ness might .p'erha&s get through, of iEdividual persons. ' might surprise tLeenemy 'machine And though one great nation gunners, might capture- them „ . . wc.uld fail by tlie wayside there Wayse assembled Ms sguad, ex- still stood En-gland and the United plained the situation sarefully. He States to challenge the right of signaled the squad forward and any man or any nation to desethey cautiously advanced, ran crate the' principles of freedom. here, ducked here, leaped and I could net help but think back dropped, leaped and dropped . . . to the first armistice in t h e 50 yards , . . 75 yards .", . had United States. I was in Washingthey been seen? ton then, as I had been at the The order to rush! Guns crack- opening of the war, gathering the ing . . . bayonets flashing . . » news for fact hungry citizens. I remembered that rushed trip to cries of pain . . , sileiice. be on hand in New York when the Artillery Duel returned. They marched The task was done. They had soldiers heroically the streets of completely surprised the enemy, New York. through Of the gallant army of caught them off guard. Half the which they were but a part, thouenemy lay dead. The few survi- sands had been killed and wound-. vors were to be escorted as pris- ed. But to the soldiers, and to tho • oners of the squad to safety be- citizens* who lined the streets hind the allied lines. cheering with patriotic fervor as Again tliey cautiously made their heroes marched, it mattered their way through that mist over but little. They had won! What hell —- among craters and vapors if the soldiers could blot out the of gas — their senses alert. Sud- horrible scenes that had come bedenly shells whizzed overhead, fore their eyes; what if . they and some dropped not far off. could not adjust themselves to, The trained soldiers doggedly a human society again? There made their way by leaps and would be no more wars — no bounds, cursing the German's who more oppression. There would had chosen such a time for an only be peace between nations, artillery duel. tolerance, and democracy. No "Careful, boys. We've got to more madness. Thank the Lord get through an artillery barrage their sons would not go through . . . Do as I do . . . Bend as low the same experiences. But that as you can and jump to it . . . was 1918! Don't lie down again until you're fifty yards further on." - Sad Scenes Fifty yards of hell , . . Now, twenty-two years after "Do as I do .'... Jump ot it!" the signing of that I Wayne threw himself forward was walking sadly armistice, along Paris bending his body as much as he boulevards; sadly through th© could, and going as fast as he ghost streets of Paris. The scenes, knew how. The noise was stag- the situation, the course df events, gering. all as in 1914. Europe is again "Ho!" at war. It was all over in a second. How wonderful this peace milWayne hardly had time jto realize lions died for! that he had been hit, that the pain As I strolled on I was wonderwas hideous, that he was done for. ing, as all Americans' wonder,, will the madness In other I had walked quite a few what countries mean to the lives o£ blocks. Tear filled my eyes as I 130,000,000 Swiftly, saw my beloved Paris, knowing -glimpses of Americans? what I had seen la that it would soon be destroyed foreign countries recent years and In enemy hands. All about me passed through myinmind. tearful French refugees were gathering their belongings together; I saw the Far East in ruins, they were preparing to leave. For hundreds of thousands dead and they too knew Paris would fall. wounded as unrelentless bombs Hearts Free on innocent civilians* The But would tho Pari3 and the fall horrified children aro France of Liberty, Fraternity and startled, (Continued on Page 12.) Equality really fall? Could one human being in a lust for power possibly subjugate the will of a people? I looked about me—"Never!" The gates would be thrown open to the invader, but tho hearts of these simple romantic Frenchmen would remain forever free, undominated by alien wills. Soon in the historic box car where the first armistice was signed, a brutal forco would attempt to prove that freedom was a crime—that Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality had no place In the modern- world, But thou'gh they might obliterate these ideals as the ideals of a
99th Semi-Annual Statement
The CONSERVATIVE^ . ; Savings and Loan Association : • of Omaha : Quick Assets— Cash
J014 Hnrney Street
<' •
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JJnlted States Treasury Bills 1,000,000.00 , / . "• Douglas County, Nebr., Notes 32,001.00 5 0,222,0,72.42,
Loans secured by first mortgages on improved real e s t a t e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Delinquent Interest '. * '. *. Loans on pass-book security t..,,'.. t . . . .Loans in foreclosure * Real estate sold on contract , i . . k.. Rtfal estate acquired through foreclsure . . . , , . Office Buildings—1014 Harncy St., and N. W. corner 18th and Farnam S t s . . . . . . . Furniture and fixtures ., Total . . . , . . . . . . . * . . . . . LIABILITIES Credits to members' savings mid paid-up accounts . . . . . . Balance held for borrowers . Reserves . • ..*<.... Undivided profits . , Borrowed money Total . ,
0,00J),«Si.J}2 ' B,0J3.03
0,482.8* S85.56i0.33 177,000.00 1.00
« . . .011,727,400.40 . . 510,050,018.50 23,708.01 1,020,073.44 10,OiO.S«
§11,727,400.40 •
OFFICERS Edgar A. Baird, President Clark \V. Cnrnaby, Secretary " James A.-Lyons, Vice-President J. Herbert McMillan, Treasurer Wayne C. Selby, Ass't Secretary DIRECTORS Edgar A. Bnird Randall K. Brown Clmrles M. Wiihelm Frank' T.'B. Martin Byron R. Hastings , ., J. Herbert McMillan Claire J. Bniwl