January 24, 1941

Page 1


Elutered «LB Second Class Mall Matter on January SI, 1981. Kt - PottoHlce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March 8. 1879



XVIII—No. 11

DERATION Leader Is SAMUEL NEXT SOFIA DELAYS National Elected New President JEWISH LAW E d i c t Opposed by All Elements of Population

Henry Monsky, who as president of the Supreme Lodge of the U'nai B'rith," has become one of the outstanding Jewish leaders in the country, was elected president of the Omaha Federation for Jewish Service at the Annual Meeting held Tuesday night. Mr. Monsky succeeds William L. Holzman, who after years of communal leadership moved to

By LEIGH WHITE . Sofia (JTA) — The Bulgarian '- antl - Semitic law, w h i c h was passed on December 28 against the opposition of a large section p| Parliament, lias not yet heen promulgated by King Boris. Although on paper the law is tnore severe than its counterpart in Yugoslavia, It probably will not -be so strictly, enforced."1" In fact, it is understood that the king is holding up promulgation until details can be worked out whereby the hardships caused by enforcement can be minimized. ' Bulgaria has a long tradition /«f tolerance a n d inasmuch as Jews are such a email minority— the numerical proportion is only 0.86 per cent of the population— ' "that the Jaw against them is not - taken too seriously. Precisely for this reason, enforcement of the numerus clauses against Jews is regarded by Bulgarians as unrealistic. Of 2,000 lawyers practicing in Sofia only 80 are Jews and these "menace" no one. Nevertheless, according to the law's •i- letter, C5 must give up their practice, leaving 15 in Sofia, 24 in all Henry. Monsky ' Bulgaria, or 0.85 per cent of the •r (Continued on Page 9.) California. Mr, . Holzmatt named Honorary' president in recognition of his devoted service to the Federation. Other honorary officers are: Dr. Philip Sher, honorary.president; Mrs. Morris Levey and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, honorary vice-presidents. Sam 'Beber was elected first vice-president of the Federation; Morris" E.1 Jacobs, second vice-. ' London' (WNs)—The Univer- president; Mrs. William Lazere, sity of Edinburgh in Scotland will third vice-president; Harry SllHarry 9Pen a medical school for~ Polish ferman, T3ecretaryr and ? ' students in co-operation with the Malashock, treasurer. Polish goverament-in-exll.e p r pUrges Unification . yiding there will be no anti-Jew- . Principal speaker of the anish discrimination in the selection nual- meeting, was Amps Deinard, 6f instructors or students, it was prominent Minneapolis attorney learned here. •"..,,.. and communal leader, who urged 'Fearing a lack' of trained doc- that local communities should detors in Poland after the war, the mand unification of the national Polish government-in-e x i 1 e ap- philanthropic organizations. proached University of Edinburgh "Whatever ideological differofficials recently.with the idea of ences Jewish organizations may establishing a separate medical have, they must develop a workschool for Polish students exclu- ing progran." He.compared Jewsively. The faculty would be all . (Continued on Page 5.) Polish. ' The exiled .Polish; government has given adequate assurance to the University of Edinburgh that there will be no anti-Jewish discrimination in the administration of the school, which'is expected to open shortly.



Workers Alliance To Shtiw- Yiddish Movie on Febr. 2 The' Jewish' National Workers Alliance, Poale Zlon, will on Sunday, February 2, lit 8:15., .present at the Jewish Con«nuriity Center, the latent Yiddish motion, picture, ."£ishke' der rftrumer.";.;... On~tho "same program Al Harris, inYerpreteribf" Jewish humor, will make his appearance.Tickets'can' be secured at the Jewish Community Center or from members of the, Jewish National Workers Alliance.

Lieutenant Solomohpw f To'Active Army Duty -Lieutenant Joseph - Solomon ow has been called to active duty with,the V. S. army. •He will leave "January" SI for Fort Bennih'g, Ga., " >'

The problems that will face the European Jews after the second World War were analyzed by Hayim. Greenberg, Yiddish orator, .Zionist, leader nnd editor of "(The Jewish Frontier," who spoke at the Jewish Community Center last Thursday evening to a large Yiddteh-spealdjig audience. / After graphically picturing the havoc following this war and its effects:'" particularly, upon t h o Jews,\the_speaker Emphasized that the' pjr.ob.Iem" of emigration and evacuation of large Jewish populations, would "eclipse all other problems." He showed the. tremendous obstacles standing in the way, of settling and colonizing large Jewish populations in other parts of •trie world:" closing of dcors to]immigrants in all "countries, which formerly absorbed tens of thbus\ aiyla of immigrants, -and ,the lack 'of funds -tb 'make possible "laj-geBC'acle absorption-'and colonization. . Palestine Immigration j ' " * Immigration into' Palestine anu

Author and Lectu ^ Speak Here q « ^ Febr. 4 IS °* , • • •'Propaganda, the / « 5 on. gter," is to be tlie W M O the next lecture on tho Ce: Cer H! J* inn, by Maurice Samuel ,R<U<§ tS wish Community Center on/4; --ning of February 4. Samuel, nationally/. writer, translator and provocative lecturer, whose latest book, "The G r e a t Hatred" has already aroused much comment and discussion, will speak on the subject that has interested "the public for the past several years.' , As brilliant authpr of a number of highly provocative books on Jewish subjects, as translator of such world famous works aa "Three Cities," "The Nazarene," " B r o t h e r s Ashloenazi," and "Poems of Bialik," and as always stimulating speaker, the next lecturer on the Center Forum brings with him an intimate and deep understanding of contemporary Jewish life and keeiu insight into the problems of modern civilization. ' It was Maurice Samuel, who introduced to the English-speaking public 8ome of the outstanding Jewish creative geniuses : of our generation, such as Bialik, I. Singer, _ Shalom Aisch, Shmarya Levin, a&dlothers*..Graduate ot English and French universities, translator at the Paris .conference after the first World War, traveller, astute student of Jewish life in. many parts of the world, his lectures always penetrate deeply into Jewish problems and current issues and leave the audiences with much food for thought and contemplation. ' Admission to Samuel's lecture will be by Forum ticket.

Rabbi Goldstein id Review New Novel • Rabbi David A. Goldstein will give his fifth book review'of the current ««rles, Monday, evening at the Beth El synagogue. For his review he has chosen Howard Spring's popular n e w novel, "Fame Is the Spur." One more review will be given before the conclusion of the season?

Hold Annual UOC Dinner Thi Rowland Haynes Will Be Speaker at, Affair

Rowland Hayncs

DESERT AMBULANCE New York (JTA)—The annual donor luncheon of the Women's League for Palestine, held Tuesday at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria with 1,000 persons attending, was marked by preesntation to the British-American Ambulance Corps of an ambulance especially designed for. use in the desert and announcement that $25,000 would be sent to the league's centers for young women refugees in Haifa and Tel Aviv. Mrs. William ' PrJnce, president of \"t'lie organization,' presenting, the 'ambulance, expressed the hope it would' "in some small measure hasten English conquest in the Mediterranean." .William B. C. Ruxton, of the Ambulance Corps, expressed gratitude, declaring this was the first of the ambulances designed for use by the Anzacs in the hot desert weather. Others on the speakers' list were City Council President Newbold Morris, Baroness E. de Rothschild, Col. W. Stewart Roddie, Mrs. Archibald Silver man, Mrs. Charles I. Gilbert and Mrs. David L. Isaacs. , .

Dr. Rowlitud Haynes, president of the University, of Omaha, will bo principal speaker at the annual dinner of (he United Orthodox Congregations t h i s Sunday At 0:30. Dr. Haynes will discuss, "Jlcllgion in Education." Mr. Morris Bursteln is general chairman of the affair, which ia being sponsored by the Sisterhood of the U. O. C. The program will be opened with grace by Mrs. Morris Bursteln.- Mrs, L. Neveleff, president of the Sisterhood, will speak oa behalf of her organization and will introduce the toastmaster. Mr. I. Elewitz. Mr.-Buisteinanct Rabbi Isaiah Itackovsky will both speak briefly. ; Charlotte Shafton will sing several selections. ' Paul Nereiiberg a n d Harriet Rifkin will present short comedy sketches and Mr. Al Finkel will give a musical program. ' Mr. Burstein is chairman of tha program and Mr. Harry ilosenstein is co-chairman'. Meyer Katz« man is treasurer of the affair. Jack Epstein is chairman and Dr. A. G. Rlmmerman co-chairman of t h e entertainment committee^ Mrs. *D. B. Epstein and Mrs. L. .Neveleff are in charge of tickets and Mr, I. Elewitz is in charge of seating arrangements. Others assisting are: L o u i s Epstein, Sid Epstein, N. Wilfson,. I. Goldstein, Sam Katzman, Joe White, Dave Crounse, William Weiner, Harry A. Cohen, J. Shyken, Dr. N." H. Greenberg, N. Lev-* ihson, I. Shafer, A. Shafer. M. Rosenstein, Art Goldstein, Harry Levlnson, J. Wolfson, I. Bernstein, M. Katzman and Mrs, Meyer Katzman. • -

Correction -


In the list of winners of Stage Night, it was erroneously stated in last week's paper that first place went to A. Z. A. 1. It was A. Z. A. 100 that was awarded first"prize for its skit, "The.Adventures of Sherlock Cohen."

the absorption of great numbers of Jews in recent times was shown by the Zionist leader to have been Polish Ambassador the result of long preparation, Stresses Good*Will much trial and error, and the investment of tremendous efforts and funds before the Holy Land Only one more week London (JTA) — A spirit of could start absorbing tens of brotherhood will prevail in the remains for you to thousands of immigrants a year. new Poland who will^knit togethsave fiifty cents oh He also pointed out that Pales- er all its people,, Polish Ambassayour 1941 tine was'not- prepared to solve dor Rafezynski declared the problem.of immigration with- at a Edward luncheon of the Polish JewJEWISH PE1ESG •• in a Bhort time^ but would be in ish Refugee Fund ' at the Hotel a position. to absorb a hundred Subscription thousand Jews Vyear with neces-; Dorchester-marking the first anSubscriptions paid, niversary of the .fund's collaborasary funds and "proper selection of. during the month of tion with the general Polish Reimmigrants. lief Fund/ January are only $2. As to the demands the Jews Oh February 1, the were to present to the world after 'The Polish Government is dethe war, Greenberg insisted that termined that'a democratic spirit regular subscription tha minimum demands were to be prevail'in the resurrected'state,' -rate of $2.SO will go that of equal'rights for Jews in without which it knows the c6uh-' labor, industry and commerce in try could "not" .survive, Raczynski : into feffectt ^ Payc you?; all- coif»tries;-ana- the' cbJIecJtVe. said." "-*.-•' subscription: d U? r i rijg ' i rights of the [Jews'* lo"Palestine the coming week and . : withiunrestricted'iminigratldri-in; save fifty "cents.*' •> / to the land, to Be limited onlyW q,. chaplain to" the-Frankish the absorptive-,^capacities.«m.jperor, Louis the Pious, became economic'developmentf converted, to Judaism in 838.'

J s a a u r 17.






FEaaeer UsiSsiKis


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femes M<Ai,i i-i i i 6Si State C«ai U iS i • CUcttiHit Ciubii , . %l i s US Individual iiigb fciu-ii., ££» V»>iU, tba.


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ei$6 fe»..its, Svi^tk M£te-£, S.&et.

1 Bowling records ia tiie Meri «ha»ts Bawling League meat fiyi lag in kli directions, this week, when feo-lh tfae Higis individual • series and ie&iu high single game . records were fcr«kea. ' Leo Weitz, regataed Ms top form after being in a sort of a slump to set a new series record, When be efaet a €15 series last Sunday. Tiie Empire Cleaners attained their top fena this week, when tbey shot a big game of 852 scratch, to set a new team high •Ingle game. In the feature match of this weeks bowling. The Empire Cleanera continued ou their winning ways by taking 2 games from Dave Hahn's Pioneer Uniform team. The Empires won the first game by the comfortable margin of 794 to 768, thanks to a 28 pin handicap whicli they were given in all of their games. , The, second game was won by the record score of 980 to 816. In this game the Empires all got together, and the following are the individual scores of their high game. Harold Polack shot a 207, Jack Fleishman 162, Lou Klein 161, Lee Hurwlch 208, and "Hank" Coren a 214. . The Pioneers came back strong to win the last gainc by an 823 to 799 score. The two wins put tbe Empires in second place all by themselves, just € games behind the league leading Wardrobe Clothiers. "Hank" Coren topped the winner* as well as the entire league, when lie put together games of 181, 214 and 207 for a 602 series. Lee Hurwich was the Empires second best with his S2S aeries. Leo Weitz topped the losers, with his 641 series, while Dave KranU kept up his fine shooting. h he turned in a 538 series.


I if Li i


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j E.I foals frera %%» Asserksa I Ivwuh Jaiut iikuiitiiiiiiii Cssaj L ggtee. fee.

L. site vutlaiKu * s»eis«e esses iwr «w refugee ysuBgsiers, tLsis eissLt «ng tLe gtareals to e&ra tl>ei> li!i&d fitli tl.e tLeir rf>tldrc-ii are in g *ll.e Iiouie if .run l»y cvra j kindergarteners, find doctors eekcied frma emmi the refugeea tLcmstlves, smi the children sre fed, hmiseil find given recreations! factlitki. J.D.C funds esiaUe the Assecia i ! to indnitin k ci«n not «n!y borne, but dso to give eccnsmic £td to refugees, Itelp them l& become integrated! iitto the Uruguayan comraiiniljr, organizi inedleal cere end ether service* ia dieir behalf. J.D.C. funds ES'C raised in t*is l/nited Ststef through die Uaited lewisfj Appeal for itcfiigeei SBSI Oven«ss

'. J ' f

Talking with Jew* Barred in Bohemia

Bowling Teams in City Tournament The ICaiman Insurance Bowling team, made up of five local Jewish bowlers, has entered the coming city tournament and will bowl at 5 p. m. this Sunday afternoon, January 19, at the South Omaha Recreation alleys. The team is made up of Sam Katzman, captain; Leo Welti, Abe Feldman, Phil Katzman and Sam Zwelback, A late entry in the city tournament is* the Pioneer Clothing team. It will take over the South Side alleys at 11 o'clock Sunday morning. Members of the €Iothng team are: George Sctiaplro, Sam Steinberg, Leo Blacker, Jack Melcber and Paul Steinberg, captain.

. In the second match of the evcaiBg, Tbe league leading Wardrobe Clothiers, continued their merry scramble towards pennantvlile, irhen they took all three games from the lowly Clicquot Club Eskimos. In attaining their three wins, the league leaders actually shot like champions, when on the Smith Motor team. No ofthey shot a 2,537 scratch aeries. fcace "SS", but somebody baa to The league leaders won the first -game by a $98 to SI 5 score, be the goat eTery weefc, and this the Kcoad t y a 901 to 867. and week, its your turn. the last by 785 to 779. thanks to the IS pin handicap lliat they re- ; ceived In all three games. Abe JFeldmaa, the anchor of the winners was their top man, whea he shot a big SSS series. Abt *ot .off to a flying start, and It looked like a probable 700 series, when he started off with a 216, and then a 223 game. But Abe choked <up and the best tie could turn in for his third game was a 147 game. Capt. Sam Katzman, who la definitely, on the Improvement side of the ledger, feept tip his tine shooting when turned in a aico 544 series. Frank Srookstein, turned in his best scores of the year, when' he turned in a nice 641 series, made up of 182, 191, and 1C8.

eiits.is I«.»<'L

By Lucille Abrabamson

HADASSAH The January meeting of Hadassah will be held Tuesday, January 21, in theJCorm of a dessertl u n c h e o n at 1 o'clock at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synagogue. Chairman for the month is Mrs. Phil Saks. 0 a her committee are: SIcsdames William Bernstein, A. Gllinsky. H. Fried. A. Fried, A. Maltz, Sam Shyken and Nathan Richards. Rabbi Carl Castle will be the speaker. Members are asked to bring their Blue- Boxes. The person Dr. D. <V Platt, was the top having the fullest box will have man of the losers, when he turn- a tree planted in Palestine in her ed in a nice 555 scries, made'up honor. of games of 207, 192. and ISfi. Elmer Green berg was the runnerJUJTCOtt HADASSAH up with his nice 502 series. A special meeting of Junior In the last same of the evening, 'Hadassah .waa held Wednesday The- Smith motors, took two evening at the home of Betty games from the fast dropping Cohen.Plans were made for a style State .Coal team due more or less to their advantage of having a show to be held in the near fu6th Columnist'* favoring them, ture. -. while shooting supposedly for the State Coal Team. EMESEL CLUB The Emesel club held a meetIn the first game the State Coal ing last Tuesday evening at the boys, won by- the nice margin of home of Harriet Kubby. Plans 8S8. and 726. The second fame were made Cor tho formal initiation to be held the last part- of was barely won by the automen, when they won by the slim teat8- February. The club Is sponsoring a drawgin of caly 1 plo. Thsa'cs to their "fith column- ing to be held February 1. Tenist" vrhoss aame will not be men- tative plans were also made for tioned at this lime, however, it the annual formal dance to be . does seem. $yaay, that a man who given in tho spring.- * ehoots a 175 and tbea a 165, should actually foul on his last >2MMUD 3OBAH DANCH3 The committee for the annual ball, in the last frame, to cause the state coal ieasa to lose by one Talmud Torah dance met Wednesday evening at tho. synagogue to pin. His brother ineldejataly bowls make final preparations for tho

grs.edia.tLer. Heary satfs it's t lime Ike Jews brought oat a prophet fc-gsifi £&# a little AcLfcffi.3 Li&o-d. BiigLt help." Naturally, I c-ae ouly feel flattered by Elleu suggesting that I Ui&y be a pr&BLfc'ti but I am not. to be fceguiled from the life-loos priEcijites of tMs c&Iu»n. Witt' mf severest frowa I repily: "El* lea, I'll 'hear EO m&re of this. This c&lu&urh&s got to remain faitkful to iUelf." "But, grandfather, you're comieg to s y wedding, aren't you? You're going to be our guest ot' liOB&r. Tell ifle.yoa'll be there." I asa about.to answer, "No!" I shall htitk to Ibis column," bat ILe little minx gives out the isWfctt, tiiikli&g laughter by which btie alw&yn gets out of me whatever she wants . . . "Surely, dear graadfatlier, you'll be &t my wedding." I can not say no to the child. I leave it to all the readers: Should I go to the wedding? Bhouid I give my acquiescence to, this civensioii of the Jewish blood stream? (There rues through my mind an unbidden thought: "You talk like Hitler. Blood streams! What is the special essence in yoar blood stream? Keeping It all to yourself?" . . . But I let th» thought breed noxiously only Cot a moment; then I drive it from my mind.) ' Perhaps Mr. Cohen can advistt me what to do about this. (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Art* Feature Syndicate.)

PLAIN TALK (Continued from Page 6.) worried about the Adamses needing her blood. He pointed out that they hadn't had a president of the United States ia their family since John Quincy Adams' time. His term ended in 1829. There was President John Adama and after him President Johu Quincy Adams—and since then no more Adams presidents. Henry thought the Adamses had been keeping too much to themselves. Their line might be thinning out. dance to bo held January 26 at the Eagles hall. RETURN FROM ROCHESTER Mr3. L. II. Katelman and her brother-in-law, A b e Katelman, spent the last week-end at Rochester, Minn., visiting L o u i s Katelman, who is recuperating from a recent operation. Mrs. J. K a t e l m a n returned home this week after spending a few days In Rochester. YOUNG JUDAEA At the next Young Judaea meeting which is .to J>e held January 25, Mra, H, Galpert is to be the principal speaker. Four new girls will be guests of this meeting. At the last meeting of Young Judaea paperg were handed out to all girls to study for the merit test. '

He said some Jewish blood might help. "Ellen, It's all too preposterous, presumptuous and imperlnent. Tho idea of asking us to break up our Jewish continuity for tho purpose ot caving the Adamses!" No New Prophets "But grandfather: Henry says it should also improve the Jews to have their blood mixed with new infusions. He thlnka we also have been too much to ourselves. We haven't produced a new prophet in ever so long—unless lt'a

London (JTA) — "Sardonic" amplifications of the Nuremberg anti-Jewish laws have been introduced in the Bohemia-Moravia Protectorate, regulating the Intercourse between Jews and "Ary* ans" in the most minute detail* Czech quarters reported. For example, Jews may enter shops and go to special counter* reserved for them. The clerks are allowed to help them make purchases but are forbidden to converse with the Jews, even regarding the weather, Jews are allowed to cat'in special rooms In restaurants but are permitted to ask the waiters only about the menu and tho prices.


THE CAR THAT GIVES YOU THE GOOD THINGS FIRST See John Opits for Beat Trade Allowance on Yoar OU Car


em S432

For Winter Driving Get a Set of

A. Z, -A. 7 The A. Z. A. 7 basketball team Tires defeated Mother chapter of A. Z. A. Juniors, of Omahai by t h e score of 28 to 8, last Sunday aft- e GTG?3 QUICKER ernoon at the Jewish Community O STEEKS STRAIQHTER Center. LC::GE:CI Next Sunday A. Z. A. 7 -will meet the Betlr El Juniors at 11 o'clock on the J. C. C. floor.

Tires that will prove m o r e economical in the loner run. League Games—Every Thursday Night: at 7:30 es—-Every Sunday Afternoon at 2:15




20c ISc


Efgpert Retreading

Friday, January 17, 1941


k^U U i \ x Our Film Folk By Q M S fflGMOND



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Tops fa New Year greetings was sent otit by Joe Weil, p.a: "U. 8. A. 1941 . . . We're lucky . . No bombs! Ho hunger! No purges! No Dictraitors! Nothing to stop ME from wishing YOU a Happy New Year!" Reviewed in all the film Journals was the biography of Daniel Frolunan He was one of the pioneers of the picture industry . . . An orgauJbzer &nd director of the old Famous Players-L&sky Corporation. Odd note was Ids request that the ministers from the Jewish, Catholic and Ejtiscopoilan Actors Guilds porticip&ie in the last ceremonies. He was a uiember of all three guilds. Hollydaya out Holly way: Edward Robinson received 3,411 greeting cards. A total of 482 gifts obstructed the view at Eddie Cantor's manse, where daughters, husbands aud grandchildren gathered. So many people visited Milton Berle he thought he would have to mix the cocktails in tho swimming pool. The separated Mischa Auers with friends housewarmed the house they planned before they decided to Iteno-vate. Actor Alexander Cranach bade goodbye to the old year at the dinner dance given by the Jewish Club of 1933. At the stroke of 12, Novelist Max Berges stopped tho gayety for a moment ot remind the refugees how lucfcy they are to be in this "good and free land." Easterners who think the proposed South American jaunt of Chaplin la for anti-Nazi propaganda arc on tho wrong track. IV he goes. It will most probably be a good-win tour for "Tho Dictator," which ia already engaged on censorial rocks in Argentine. It finally cleared the hurdles in Panama . . . after a menacing moment ia which tho Pro-Nad Foreign Minister tried to founder it. And with a world in flames... you would think the prominent women's groups in this country could find something more to do than work up a boycott campaign against Paulette Goddard. Groocho's fsmona line, "Time woonds all heels," proved to bo teen satire when used as a caption oa a cartoon of "Doocby" receiving bad news from Urcece. After the ether discussion on, "Can. Organized Religion Help the World Today?" Lewis Browne asked the dialers to write him their own opinions. To date letters are 52 per cent on the affirmative . .". 48 per cent on the negative. Paul Mont is hospitalized with a broken ankle . . .accident occurred while he was siding at Yosemltc. - Did you know George Tobias acted on "The Goldbergs" program for three years before he came to Hollywood? As a youngster Melvyn Douglas planned to bo n great musician . . . to emulate his father, Edouard Hershelberg. Later bis ideas switched to a career of law because of a famous ancestor on his mother's side. -Along came 1017 . . . he found himself in the army medical corps. After War 1, he thought writing would be a good line. And so he became an actor! Knots and Jots: Dave Rose . . . Martha Raye'e ex . . . is harmonizing with Judy Garland . . . and appears altarbound. Milton Berle seems'headed for double harness . .... Joyce Matthews is the girl. Sam Goldwyn's 1941 Resolution: No productions this year. YicM Baum is scripting "Unfinished Business." Ricardo Cortez is scattering sunshine among poor children, with gratifying results.


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ft « i ft



WE'liK TELLING ¥OU | high for American literary Hitler will answer Itoosevelt's i cations . . . A Dutch fireside cfc&t of December 2Stii by J alter surveying ' t t e field iii this country, has came to aDiiouEctEg even more cruel £ the conclusion tiiat the most luJewish measures for Has pied territories . .. . That's to crative field would be a teach the Aiaerieati Jewish war- tatiQR&I Efiglkli-lewish weekly, mongers a, lesson, eay Ms LeacL- EB& is now engaged la organizing nien . . . It's true that the Vichy- gucli a publication veature KOTES washy goverEiaeat isn't doing Bkclovbky, whom t much staadiiig up agaicst Hitler, but did you know that the French Bears r a t e &s o&e ©f Aiueiir&'s food supply these days varies ia ig J'OBBgCi* j>iSuf<Jbt-=i, is direct proportion to the friendlia Prelude c«u]|*o&ed by ness of Vichy's attitude toward fctsge aiid screen actor Sara Jsffe Berliu? . . . When no Nazis are i n tlie progr&m for Ws listening the Norwegians always IE&Il concert next week .''. . Hugo call Joseph Terbovea, German Weisg&li, whose f&tlier is asie'fcf. governor of their country, by the B&ltlrtioi-e's inost loved c&iutors, is logical-sounding nitknaiae Bovea e&geriy I&okiisg forward to the . . . It's logical because in Nor- first week end to March, when the wegian — at least, so we're told New York. Philnsrwonic Orches-—the word Bovea means "thief" t r a vrl£I play & Q&llad h e h&s coiti. . . Don't be surprised if it grad- gosed . . . Hugo, who Is recognizually becomes more difficult to ed fos one of this country's more get inside dope on Kaziland from serious young composers, is, &s foreign correspondents back home you should have guessed by now, for a vacation . . . That is, unless the nephew of 'Jieyer W.. Weisgal, they don't want to go back to the man whose' Palestine Pavilion 8,500,000 World's Pair their job . . . For example, Edwin tmght visitors innumerable. thiiigs t&ey ' Ilartrich, the CBS newscaster who never Iniew about Erctz Israel . . had the temerity to tell Ameri- The field of serious, music, you cans what's really going on In may want to kuow, is now being Berlin, has been advised by the invatled I>y Oscar the lauNazi authorities that he would be isical fouster . . . l*eyant, We don't Luot? wiser not to come back to Bad- whether it's because the name Oeolf's bailiwick . . . eunda hod an Italian sound to the INSIDE DOPE censor in Amsterdam, or • In the eyes of the Nazi govern- whether it was the, Dutch themment all Germans who live abroad selves who put something over on —they're officially called Aus- their Nazi overseers, bat the fact landsdeulsche—can claim the city remains that quite recently «n radio progrgni featurof Stuttgart as their home . . . And don't thin& that the term ed, in a presentation of popular Ansl&ndsdcutsclie includes only music, Siiolem Secirada's "Bel these who hare emigrated from Mir Bist l)u Schoen" . . . Germany . . . In fact, the leader ABOUT PEOPLE of the "Germans Abroad," Ernst The only Jewess whose hand YVilhelm Bohle, was himself born in England end bronght up in Adolf Hitler ever kissed is MarSouth Africa . . . In Stuttgart, too cello Ilalicz, reports Eugene Tilthe noted French journaare exhaustive archives in which linger,' list . . . It happened in 1936, complete and r accurate informa- When Marcelle managing Jan tion on everybody and anybody Kiepura, who was had just given a connected with American indus- concert in Berlin . . . Hitler had trial, commercial snd political life attended the concert and then had is kept . . . If, for example, Herr gone back to Klepura's dressingBohle should want to know de- room to congratulate, him, and tails on the life history of Yankel there met Miss Halicz—who, nov Cohen or Mike O'hmty or Otto doubt, almost haliczed . . . LuSchullz, who may bo.». machine cienne Eoyer, the French singer operator or bookkeeper in .some whom the Nazis have declared to small factory ia » little Midwes- be non-Aryan, was at last reporttern town, he would he able to get ed languishing in a French jail, the information withtJn twenty- ^charged with evading the food lour hours of he filing of his re- supply restrictions . . . The worst quest . . . Did you toow that II of it is that only a couple of Grido della Stripe, a publication weeks before her arrest she had a distributed in this country by the chance to come to America for a Mussolini-lovers, c a r r i e s anti- professional engagement—but let Semitic propaganda Os virulent as the opportunity slip . . . To make that published in Julius Streich- sure that eveiryhody realizes that er's Dcr Stuermer? t .*. And for a he's anti-Nazi, despite his name v laugh, consider the plight of Wil- and family connection, Patrick liam Dudley Pelley'a lawyers, who Hitler, nephew of the Fuehrer, is had to' attach the Silver Shirt squiring" D a g m a r Godowsky, fuehrer's furniture to obtain their dancer daughter of the late composer Eeo Godowsky, about .town fee for "keeping him Oat of jail. . . . A new oil company that's,beGREEK TO YOU • ing formed for Venezuela is to be "Forward, guards! Ther Holy by our old friend Bernard ,Virgin commands us!" is the bat- headed Baruch . . . They say, by the tle cry .of Evzones, the heroic M. that Baruch is going to doGreek soldiers who've been en- say, nate York and country . couvaging the Fascists to march homeshisto New institutions . back to Rome . . . The officer . . Walter charitable Winchell may, after his 'Shouted this"command at the bat- contract with the Daily Mirror extle of Tepeloni was Colonel Mar- pires, move over to New York's dochi Frizis, son of a - £aloni&l five-cent afternoon tabloid, PM rabbi . . . Colonel PYIzis was hill. Samuel Chotzlnoff, the music ed in that battle . . . H©'was a critic, is to be NBC's new music native of Chalkis/an island city supervisor . \ » We" recommend the Jewish community of which Elmer Elce's new play, "Flight to claims to be one ©t the world's the West," as the s t r.o.n.g e s t oldest, tracing its establishment straigh.t-from-the-shoulder indlctback 2,500 years'or so . . ; The rrient of the Nazi ideaology yet Greek army, incidentally, includes seen on Broadway ,.', . Olympic about a thousand Jewiwh soldiers okating champion Irving Jatfe is .':. . And thesre are'auite a; on the way to becoming a male Jewish boys from Palestine fight- Spnia Henle, it would seem ing with the British Expedition- At least, he's being starred in a ary Force against the Italians tn movie s h o r t entitled "How to Lybia . . . Which reminds us to pass on to you Wiachell's latest: The only thing' the Italians can beat is a retreat'V.i ' (Copyright 1941 By. Seven Arts .THIS AND THAT'"'" ' ' Feature Syndicate.) Dr. Chain* Weizmana's visit- to r this country will not only be In Jewish Academy Elects the interests' of important Zionist business, but will mean the beginNew York (JTA)—The annual ning of a significant action on the meeting the American Acadpartt>f American Jewry in behalf emy for of Jewish ^Research at the Of aid to B r i t a i n . ^ , . We wish J e w i s h Theological Seminary somebody would -enlighten us elected the;following officers,' It to why so .many Jewish-namea waa announced": ProfT Salo W still appear on. the~No"n*Sectariari' Baron," president^ Prof. Jacob Z. !A.ntI-Na2i''Ldague*s list,of violat- Lauterbach, vice-Srgsiaent; Prof. ors of the anti-Nazi boycott «*., V Alexander Mar*, treasurer; Prof. One would imaging that-aTter-. all KaTplY Titarcns, corresponding secthese years" oiir" brethren Would; ra'tary, and' Dr.' H.' L.. Jginsberg Snow b e t t o / t . . Being readied for 1;e'cor(|ln|? secretary, %.. • >• ~» •, February.-ipublicfilioS} fa / ' I -find the.famous Mann eifteefcs. to-hair© Ufo-BiagaHebrew printing presses were sine. New World, out soon ; . . \You may be sure it will set a new brought to Bagdad in"lS66.

nikcy &td the great prestige he upoa HiuaaEia, tke status' ot &tt 1, jideat kingdom only on the. ' fcEJoyed not only iiti&eel eaaeliorate the flight of the Jews bat express condition 'that her" -new ' inspired them to unite ia -their coustitutisa weald recognize t h e . civil and political rights of t h e own delet&e. .(Continued from Page Z.) Jews. He' fcaiid a helpless, stricken lit to aeiijie ta Although he was already suf&Ed disunited comiauhity, but he in wiucti sXl *»'i£l left a strong aud courageous Jew- fering from tbe illness that; was .:••: Mm tlic ry. It was oae of ii i s great to cut him down five years later,; Kt&tes, knovrisg no achievements tiiat lie succeeded Peixotto quickly resumed active of ikfcr own citiaeRS via &&• iu bringing., together t h e Ru- leadership in Jewish affairs. He , tl of religion or ntAivitj, nat- manian Jewish c&miBu&ities by established tbe M e n o r ah, * y believes fst & iivilizs.ti&nt creating tike Or«le-r of Zi<m, an or- moathly literary m a g a z i n e on tSie world-over, wiiicli will secare g&Kizatioa with aims similar' to Jewish questions, wMeh became, the E*iiie liuii'fci's&I views." those of B'cai B'rith, with whicli the official organ of B'nai B'rith in 1886. It ts now incorporated It is significant 4kat President it later became amalgamated. in the National Jewish Monthly. &tt'E letter indicated .that PeixBressela Conference newly formed Young Men's otto's office carried with ft EO From his post in Bucharest, The . K&t beiug a maa of means, Peiiotto opened eorrespo&deuee Hebrew associatiou, the Hebrew had to rely on American with Europe's leading statesmea, Technical Institute, Jewish backJewry for financial support aad publicists and philanthropists In to-the-land movemettts and the for the maictenaBCe of his con- an effort to interest them III tlia Hebrew Union college all won Ma sulate during his term in office. sufferings not only of Rumanian support, es did the efforts to proThis support was provided in gen- Jewry but of all Jews in the Bal- vide for the great flood of Jewish erous measure, especially by the kans. His facile and persuasive immigrants that began to pour ilk • membership of B'HEI B'rith after pen played a decisive r o l e In from Russia after the pogroms of Simon Wolf Jtad toured the coun- bringing about the Brussels Con- the 1880s. Ills energy -was boundless and try several times to raise funds ference of 1872 at which the leadfor Peixotto's undertaking. The Ing Jews of Europe discussed tbe his devotion to his people was limitless. There was scarcely 9,, 1874 convention of B'nal B'rith plight of Balkan Jewry. Jewish undertaking also endorsed the project. As the only representative of constructive Peixotto arrived in Bucharest American Jewry, Peixotto pre- that failed to enlist both his aid ; iu February, 1871. He quickly vailed upon the European leaders and his service. When he passed won the friendship and sympathy to intervene with their govern- on in September, 1890, just fifty, of Prince Charles the ruler of Ru- ments to make representations to years ago, he left the name of, mania. With royal backing, Peix- Rumania. Meanwhile, his offi- Peixotto Indelibly etched on the otto was soon able to obtain gov- cial reports to Washington promt- scroll of American Jewish hte« ernmental measures that stem- ed the American State department tory, in the making of which h« med the excesses and to prevent to instruct its ministers in Eu- played BO decisive a role. the enactment of additional anti- rope to invite other governments Jewish legislation. The Jews of Bahta In 1624 to co-operate • In halting Jewish openly professed their religion, During the five years Peixotto persecutions in Rumania. was in Rumania, the Jews of that Out of the Brussels Conference the first to do so la the New: country enjoyed a reprieve from grew the far-reaching action tak- World. violence) broken only by sporadic en at the Berlin Congress of 1873 riots at Ismail and Bessarabia. when Bismarck, Disraeli and othSimon Bamberger was the first His tact, eloquence, skillful diplo- er statesmen agreed to confer non-Mormon governor of Utah.

Greatest Sale in Years! ATTEND THE HEBMSIuYS

LAST DAY • Our -Suits,




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. .

/Idler's Bakery ..; ..:. 4 A. Z. A. No. 100 ......'.;:..i 3 ,*. P. T. .,.=,.. .:.........::.;. i_ Lincoln's Tavern ;..."..'...u a A. Z. A. No. l" .....;:'•: o . Schedule Thursday,- Jan. - A. Z. A. No; 1 vs A. P. T. ' A. Z. A. No. 100 vs L Tavern. Last Thursday the Axiler's Bakery quintet took sole leadership of first place when they downed the A.'Z. A.'Wq. 100 36-30 in a hectic battle. The game "was nip and tuck and the lead eeeBawed-all through-the game until ihe final two minutes. ..The score at the end of the first quarter found the A. Z. A. In front 8-7, and the half ended 14-12 In favor of the Adle.rs. The Century chapter lads went in front of the Adler's at the end of the. third quarter 23-22, from there on out the more experienced Adlers went to the front With Iz Novak's two baskets in !the-flnal two minutes cinching the game. Irv Yaffe led the victors" with 13 points while Kutler was the defensive star for the 'A. Z. A. No. 100. The second game was also a thriller" with the Lincoln Tavern emerging victorious over the A,P. T. 24-19. The Lincoln's were led by M. Adler with nine chalk«rij while Meiches' guarding was ihe barricading feature. " Tuesday night found ' the Adler's still undefeated by virtue of their 33-16 win over the A. P. T. Irving Yaffe again led the scoring for his team but it was Iz Novak's all-around floor play that featured this game. Leo Sherman and Pep Bogdonoff looked good for the losers and sparked their attack. The first overtime period of the season was recorded when the Lincoln Tavern five nan roughshod in the extra period to score nine points, the. score at the end of the regular playing time was 29 all and the game ended 38-31. Max Turner was the days high point man with seventeen points. Al Lagmair and Morris Ruderman starred for the losers. JUNIOR LEAGUE beth-El Jr. ;...... 2 0 Council Bluffs A. Z. A.V...2 O A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr. O 2 A. Z. A. No. 100 Jr. ;. O 2 • Next Sundays games ". Council Bluffs A. Z. A. Jr, ys Beth-El Jr. . » A\ Z. A. No. 1 Jr. vs A. Z. A. Ho. 100 Jr. , The Beth-El added another victory last Sunday as they downed the A..Z. A; NO. l ^ r . 18-15. The Beth-El aggregation led at halftime 10-4 but the Mother Chapter midgets came back strong the second half. Paul Zelinsky and VBuzz" Trustin played fine offensive ball for the winners as did Phil Weiss for the losers, Frank Josephson played a good defensive game and recovered most of the balls off of each backboard. ' . ' . , Not to be outdone the Council Bluffs A. Z. A. kept up their winning ways by trouncing the A. Z. A. No. 100 Jr. 26-8. Bob PasBer of the victors countered seven field goals and one free throw for a total of 15 points. Little Btevle Lustgarten's spectacular one-handed shot over his head {featured the days play. This Sunday morning finds both leaders ineeting at 11 a. in. to see who .will be in sole possession of first fclaee.






VABsryr BASKETBAMI Pastly rounding into shape the Senior Varsity squad lost a tough i6ne to Emmanuel Lutheran team composed of former Thomas Jefferson High school stars of Council Bluffs, 36-33, The score "at $he half stood at 15-14 and. tho all-around p l a y of-Jimmy Burroughs featured .the Center's Tarcity. team. Charles Anthony.led the visitora •with ten- points. This Sunday, the Blue and White Center Cagefo play; the' strong Schlitz team headed by 6foot G Inch all dlty and state - Reggie Weldenbach. '" " ". " ' ..The.Drellmlnary. match at 2:15 will- feature - the"-Cotincil 'Bluffs



.(Cotiti/jutd f i o m P a g e

eat d&y situation and the £h"aU Itsiges which are faced by JeVhh communities. 'JEiiue of Crisis I Trie annual Meeting of the Federation is taking place at a timS which is coiifcideied to be the most significant in the life of American Jewry. With conditions oif world Jewry in a state of utte/ despair and with the new problems brought about by the pr<?» gram .of national defense, this' meeting will present an authoritative appraisal of the situation. \ Preceding Mr. Deinard's address, brief reports on the.activl-, ties of the Federation will be pre?,' Xeiited. T h e s e "deal .wlth-'aH* aspects of communal life in Omsj,* ha. Officers for the year 194j' will also be chosen. . •Present officers of the Federation are: William L. Holzmari, president; Henry Monsky, first •vice-president; Sam Beber, sec-ond vice-president; Mrs, William Lazere, third vice-president; Hai> ry Silverman, secretary; Harry,. Malaehock, treasurer, and P a u l Veret, executive director. Honorary o f f i c e r s are: Dr.Philip Slier, honorary president)' Mrs. Morris Levey and Mrs. Harry Lapidus, honorary vice-presl* dents.

i .

Despite the %ver, ihessfe&Bsis of jouug refugees (in photos ulsove) continue to find homes in Palestine witlf ihe •id .of the United Peleeiiise Appeal. The U.P.A. will receive its funds in 1940 from the natiouwide United Jewish Appeal for Refugees end Overseas Needs in which the Joint Distribution Committee and the National Refugee Service, Inc. ere elso represented. Human materiel for the building of a honielijid, machines for tilling the soil ere provided through the support of the U.P.A. (At right) The first tractor comes to the. settlement of Krith America iu Northern Galilee. It's o great day of celebration as the soil fields to the sacrifice mid hard labor! of the pioneers. (Above right) A veteran settler Inducts young newcomer* into rank* •ffarmers.

- • • • - - •••••• •- - - : ' " ;

HANDBALL Entries are now being taken for the Regular season Bingles. Play will start the first week In February. • Sign up now. Trip to K. C. The J. C. C. Omaha Varsity Basketball team will travel to Kansas City on Sunday, February 2, in a special chartered bus. Any Omahan who would like to make the trip and return with the Center Team may do so at the cost of $4.25. • This will include the game to be played and-the dance that evening. Reservations must be made with physical director, Lee Gross-J man, by January 28. Remember the, date—:Februafy 2;'the Place —Kansas City;-the price—$4.25.


. By HOWARD SHINROCK _, Performing before a capacity" crowd the Tech High School swimmers by virtue of using two teams both of which could be called first teams, swamped all competition in the Midwestern A. A. U. Swimming a n d -Diving Championships held, in. the J. C. C. Pool, Sunday, January 12. •••-•• The Tech Mariners amassed 64 points, The Omaha'Athletic Club 23, the Omaha Y. M. C. A. 8, and the host club five. Four records were established. Other records staggered in the waves but did not



Homer Rogers, representing the Athletic Club ;won -individual honors by copping two first places and two , seconds places. Hamilton Anderson also - of the Athletic Club--won the 440 yard free style by coming from behind to defeat his.teammate Rogers in the indst thrilling race of the meet Bucky Greenberg, J. C. C. entry, in the .200. yard . breast stroke finished third to win a medal and in so doing caught the eye of the Nebraska University Swimming 'coach tfho -served as an official. -Bucky is planning on, 'graduation from high school -,and .will,make a welcome addition to the Varsity swimming' team. Louts Blumkln, diving ace had trouble finding- hia . stride, and sjipped to second, placo, in the fancy 'diving'event Louis had not had"enough' 'timev for regular practice.-However tho two J. C.



B'nal B'rith vs. the Junior Varsity. . Keep February 9th date open as the Kansas City Center with the strongest and best teams in the Missouri Area comes to Omaha to play pur boys.

- Swim- News-


C. boys gave a good account of themselves.

Change Dates of ' A. Z. A. Tournament

In the J. & C. Junior events, Sidney Ruderman beat Harold Mozer to the finish line by less than a hairs breadth to take first with Paul Zelinsky coming in third in the breast stroke. Alden Lincoln won first place handily from Marold Marer who placde second with Al dayman and Herbert White finishing in that order, in the Junior Boys 40 yard free style race.

Lincoln (Special)—Due to unforseen circumstances, ' i t h a s been necessary for the dates of the A. Z. A. Cornbelt Regional tournament to be changed. The tournament will be held In Lincoln February 15, 16 and 17. Alephs of the chapters in t h i s region will participate.

Herman Badt was first Jewish assessor In the Prussian government.

(Continued from Page 1.) he was.state administrator for th« Federal Emergency Relief Admin* istration. ., Dr. Haynes was recently reappointed to the presidency of the university by a unanimous vote of the board of regents. A mualc program and dramatic presentation vyill also be given during the evening. Because of the limited Beating" capacity, reservations m u s t bo" made early with members of tho" committee in charge or at the office of the U. O. C, JA 0887.

Resume; Sr. Men's 300 yd^ Medley Relay: Tech "A" 1st,* Tech "B" second, tune: 3:22.8. Sr. Men's 200 yd. Free style: Rogers OAO 1st, Anderson OAC 2nd, Fennell Tech 3rd, Sclwcht Tech .4th, time: 2,8.0. 'x J. JD. C . J r . Boys 40 yd free style; Lincoln, - 1st, Marer 2nd, Clajmart 3rd, White 4th, time; 20.3.

. . . ' • . • . ; • . , ;



. Sr. Men's Fancy. Diving: Lcake Tech 1st, Blumkln J. C O . 2nd, West Tech 3rd. Sr. Men's' 10'6'"'yd." free style: Rogers' OAO 1st, Fennell Tech 2nd,* Ernst OAC '3rd, Hermsen Tech 4th. time: 58.3. -Sr.-Men's ISO yd. Back Stroke: •Weander Tech 1st, Livingston ."¥" 2nd, Curd Tech 3rd, Ferris Tech 4th, time: 1.58.4. ' J. O. C. Jr.' Boys 40 yr. Breast Stroke: -Ruderman 1st," Mdzcr 2nd, Zilinslty 3rd, time: 31.4. • Sr. Men's - SOO yr. B r e a s t Stroke: Stranglen Tech" 1st, Rod", gers Xtxh 2nd, Greenberg J. C. C. 3rd, time: 2.48. . Sr. Men's 440 yd. Freestyle: Anderson OAC 1st, Rogers, OAC 2nd, Schacht Tech 3rd, Beasley "Y" 4th, time: 5.29.1. . • - Sr. -Men's 400 yd. Relay: Tejh .^A"^ -Sundberg,;.Pe'terspn, <3a«zemeyer, Bartholomew : 1st, Tech "B", Hermson, Collins, Lcake, Fennell, 2nd, Omaha "Y", Livingston, -Beusley, Ingrain,Marvin 3rd, time: 4.3.8. ^

Jerusalem Wall Unearthed Jerusalem (JTA). —- Continuing excavations on-Jerusalem's "Third Wall," Professors Bliezer Sukenlk and L. A. Mayer of-the Hebrejw university- have discovered a further "section of the wall and another tower 150 -.meters from the old .excavations. .' The wall begins at the" Swedish schoql and continues straight -for 750 meters." ' -"< Robert Barany, Hungary-Jewish "physician,, was awarded the -Nobel prize- for medicine in 1914 —*-" a prlponCT-of-wiirrin-Rus-,


PAfin wm titw you eci rcseUi h«a?:ti and pep royel woy! Dciha In \ha olfarvassan! h g weiar* tf ih* 4fc"vamrnsni-i\iptrvUtd Kel _, Sptfajs! Gel relief frsro nervoui end ergon!* - ciber.fj-ciid ct tha tam* tlraa «n[ey »h» fuxurlss ef • real ouMaor vacetion- lUkig, hiklna lltCitog end g?!!litg-a paradfu el htalsh end taopplnsts. Slay d tfiu bsav*:M EASTMAN Kolsa Cfi\a? tho <3ui«J el KJ vest privets part- ond tbo 'Coavsnlenco el ttt IdacI beaiton! 380 latg» cerr.f«rtc&!0 racrr.% ecsno.tiiJcl rc5o% fromC2 VJtl:a For Ptaotist CeeblsSs-VVAUO I OAVtS, M@a "T ' > . ,



in whose - name the donation is giyfen.'. Those wishing,to remember ioiseoBe. jn this way. can do so by:'calling" Mrs. Max Colin at GL 2602. ••-T-n':' By I N E Z ~ ^ T b e following contributions : 5The annual linen shower of the have recently been acknowledged: Omaha "chapter 'of, H&d&s^ah will . jMr'g, M. F.. Levenson, Eire. A. GETTING MAMKIED . bejiield Wednesday;' JaEuiry.. 29, D.' Frank, Mrs. Irvin .Levin &ed Mr. G. M. Cohen, publisher of •at the Jewish Conimuiiijty Center. Mrs. J., Rosenberg in memory of the Jewish' Post'of Indianapolis, '.This, depart meat of Hadassali was Mrs. Sarah Frohm. provides • me with something to .'originated, la. response to '& .'re- . Mrs, Joe Bayttii in mjemory of write about this week. Mr. Cohen ' «Hi6Et,':for infants' garyi'en ts. fr'om her husband. ; editorially suggests that I cpm'BINGO PAB'l'Y . '. the jwo Hadatssah purses who A bittgo party Is to be held on Eaent ©ft what Dr, Claude M. .were .serving in Palestine iu 1918. Fuess, headmaster of Philips The nurses reported that due Saturday evening, March 4, at Academy, Andover, Mass., recentthe Jewish Community Center, to the- poverty of many of the ly said. early'pioneers there was a great where there will be an evening Dr. Fuess was speaking before Heed -'for such garments. It was ©f fun for an admission of one the Boston Congrational Club, dollar per person. Mrs. Joe GoldMrs. B. A. Simon of. the'Omana chapter who then originated the ware Is in charge of arrangements which is an institution of old New liaeu shower to tttke care of that with Mrs. Julius Stein assisting. England families. Dr. Fuetis, it appears, is troubled about the RUMMAGE need and • the growing necessities' The chairman of the rummage Yankee blood etreaia which may of the hospitals there. • With the development of this important sale, Mrs. Reuben Bordy, still is get too thin if no new bloods are prpject Omaha was first again to waiting for more clothing, linens, poured into it. stress the ehange- from linen to shoes, bric-a-brac before the sale He said: "What the Yankee can be held. Those who have needs is reinvigoration. If he silver. These cash donations aided the bundles and wish to Join the com- remains isolated he Is likely to home office to buy greater quanti- mittee can do BO by calling Mrs. become like the Southern plantain 'Gone With the ties of supplies at lower prices Bordy at WA 5656. Weather per- tion owner 1 and saved the cost of shipping. mitting, the sale will be held Wind. We should not avoid the melting pot, for as it boils over There has never been a set quota some time In February. BUBS we shall have new Websters and for the chapters, nor does t h e A drive on past dues will be Adamses to defend our liberties, workshop in New York City close at any time during the year. An- held after the linen shower. Mrs. even though they bear Polish, other advantage the change to Reuben Bordy urges everyone to Italian and Jewish names." eilver has brought is the aiding bring 1her dues to the next meetOf course, what Dr. Fuess of industry and labor in Pales- Ing to save the committee a trip means is that the old Yankee tine, for much of the money is to each borne. It still Is not too families' should Intermarry with sent intact for that very purposed late to append signatures to the Jews as well as with Poles and Mrs. Nathan Turner is In Charge pages of the Henrietta Szold Italians. of the linen' shower with Mrs.' birthday book. Everyone Is urged This seems to be a matter that William Lazere assisting. T h e to. pay her dues promptly. should concern my granddaughcalling committee consists of: ter, Ellen, who is already ten Mesdames J. Abrahamspn, Louis months old and who In no time Junior Council Albert, Max Arbitmah, Dave Bernwill be thinking of marriage, Btein, Max Bernstein, It. A. (Everybody knows how quickly Bleicher, R. Bordy, E. D. BrOdThe Omaha Section of the Na- the time runs away and before key, E. E. Brodkey, I. Brook- tional Council of Jewish Juniors you it a ten-months old Instein, I. Cherniss, Dave Epstein, has made final arrangements and fant know is 21 and getting married.) George Peinstein, Gilbert Frieden, plans for the paid-up membership Advice J. J. Friedman, Max Givot,.. L. dance to bo given Saturday, JanuGra,etz, Gerald Cross, I. Gross- ary 18, at the Blackstone Hotel So, shortly, Ellen may come to man, Joe Hertzberg, Laureuco at fl:30. Jack Safersteln and his me for advice. I know very well orchestra will play. According to that It Is not the custom for girls Jacobs and Robert Jacobson. Kalah Franklin and "to go to their grandfathers for Others assisting are Mesdames, chairmen Bachman a record crowd advice on love and marriage, but Ben Kahn, Lazar Kaplan, J a c k Cella will attend. I like to flatter myself. Kaufman, Lazar Kavich, B e n At the meeting last Sunday It "Grandfather," says E l l e n , Kazlowsky; Nate Kort, Joe Lip- was ; by the president, you are so wise. . ." - .... fiey, David Mann, Leon Mendel- Rita announced Mantel, that Vera Teplitz, "Ah, ha, Ellen, I bet you are soh, L. Paperny, William Pollack, National of the Council going Lou Ilicklin,' Arthur Romm, J. of JewishPresident to ask your grandfather Juniors ismaking a Ildsen, Joe Rosenberg, A. S. Uub- field trip across the country and for somethnlg. You're probably nitz, Max Shapiro, Dave Sherman, will be here on Wednesday, Janu- going to ask me to give you an I. Sherman, Dave Stein, A. A. auto for your 21st birthday. Tell2 2 . • • - . , • Steinberg, A. Theodore and Louis yThe ing me I am BO wise! You're Board of Directors will en[Whitebook. • Jortain at dinner. After dinner a very cute." "But, grandfather, you are - fFhe program under the chair- fchort meeting of the board will be manship of Mrs. M. F. Levensoa held and later a Section meeting wise and all I'm going to ask you for is some advice." will consist of a talk by Rabbi Is to take place. ' Albert Goldstein of Mount Sinai "Advice I always have1 plenty Mah Jong and bingo were playTemple in Sioux City, la. Char- ed at the meeting Sunday. of, Ellen," and I stroke my long lotte Shafton, who won a state gray "beard which is the proof of contest in singing, will give a few my wisdom.-"What's on your Tfieta Lambda selections. Mrs. Hy Shrier will mind, Ellen?"" present a dramatic Bketcn. "Grandfather, I'm thinking The new officers of Theta of getting married." A tea is to be arranged and served by Mrs. Max Resnick and Lambda Sorority assumed charge "Ellen! You! It was only yesof the group's first meeting of the terday, Mrs. Harry Rochman. it seems, that I was lookyear, Tuesday evening, at the CHILD "WELFARE Ing at you through the glass case home of Sophie Blumkin. Under the direction of Mrs. J; The newly-elected cabinet, as in which they keep the new-born H. Kulakofsky and Airs. Louis announced at a for- at the hospital. Only yesterday I Kulakofsky the campaign f o r mal banquetandat installed was delighting at your first smile the Fontenelle Child Welfare has .begun. Milk Hotel, Sunday, January 5;- conbags are being distributed to all sists of Ethel Kadis, president; time in the latter part of March whx> want them which at some Helen Fogel, vice-president; Vic- or in early April., • -'••.. future time will help to serve kl Lerner, secretary; and Mrs. The meeting closed with the 18,000 children between the ages Kenneth Glicken, treasurer. presentation of the sorority's enof 3 and 17, who are the. new diAction was taken on the form- try in-the Round Table Stage rect- and indirect war victims' In ulation plans for a social event Night contest by members of the Palestine, and. who- previously for the of public to take place "some. cast. . . -'•'• have, not been reached by our food> emergency setup, r The child welfare quota must-be raised andcven over-subscribed if Kadassah la to preserve tho menial a n d physical fiber of Palestine's chil^ dren through a preventive' program. ; ^- •* . , , ' Those' assisting are the Mes? v dames'. I. Abramson," Heiuy BelMID-WINTER montj "Harold Brodkey, Sam GJT linsky, Sam Josephson; Morris Katelisan, Philip KluUnick,- J. M". CUMAftSCi Newman, Henry Newman, Ernest Nogg, Letf Nog&, Sato Rice; Dave Sherman* Raymond Silbar'and I. 1 jB. Ziegman. - " •• v v . TREK FUND It is weir to remember friends and >loved ones on anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, deaths', etc.; • In this very constructive way of R planting trees In the Homeland g Jn the name of therono to" be r o membered. An acknowledgement u of the contribution is made and a c - card sent to the person orfaplly c NAME YOUR OWN

T o

though they told me it was only gas on* your stomach: Only yesterday resulted to hear you say da-da. Only yesterday . . ," . "But 21 years have passed, grandfather, and HOW you're comiag to my< wedding." '• • ' "But, 'Ellen,. I .thought; y o u were asking' me for'my advice first. EveE before you get my advice you invite me to the wedding. Perhaps I shall advise you not to 'marry."' . . . .' "Oh, I've already decided. I just want to hear you agree with ine." •» I pinch Ellen's cheek . . . '.'You are a smart girl. And who's, the ortunate young man?" "You'll never guess, grand-* ather."


. •• -


"I bet his name is Rappoport." . "No!" • .• . . " • • "Or Oppenheimer?" "No!" "Or Levi? Or Strauss?" 1 i "No! His name is Adams. ' i "Ellen! . . . Is he Jewish?" "No! He is one of the Massa-, husetts Adamses." "Ellen! But our Jewish lieritge . . . our Jewish identity . . . our Jewish duty to exist . %._, I have been writing of that all hese years." Living Up to Columns "We considered all that—Mr. Adams and I. His first name is

Henry. I told him my grandfather always has'been so proudfof the continuity'ea'd.quality, off J§|» ", Jewish origin; lie . h a s writ|fn columns upon columns about.jtbiat. .• I felt 'that I, as your grandchild, should live up to your .columnar^ "Yes, Ellen, that's the least,'ft. v child can do for her grandfather" "But Henry said—he's a biologist—he said the rich Jewish ,-, blood should be mixed wi^h other, . Heeds to • improve' ,them. Jie thought a bit of Jewish blood , ' might make good Christtems put ' of many Gentiles. He said that if Jews are EB good as they think , they are they can fulfill their messianic missioa by transfusing their blood, among all the peoples." , "But, Ellen, you must consider all the columns I have written to the* contrary. We can't go back •. on the column." She said Henry was especially (Continued on Page 10.) NOTICE! A NEW DOWNTOWN OFFICE LNSUHANCK BBOKEB


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To Hold Final Class. - • In Child Psychology

day. After a game tLsLt was tied at seven different times, the score read: Adler's Bakery, 36; A. Z. Tte new officers of Ike Cen- A. 10C, ,30. Tte Century cagers tury chapter of A. Z. A. will be now have three wins and one loss. The final meeting of the Child offitiaily installed at & special Next ..week the team mJlplay tihe Psychology coarse will be held meeting, Sunday, at the Jewish. last-place A. Z. A. 1 squad. Tuesday, January 21, at 1:30 atCommunity Center. Following the Jewish Community Center. the installation" the new 'Alepu Movies on child development Godol, Harold Slutzkln,- will apPioneer Women will be shown. point ills committees for the comJOHLYN MEMORIAL The course has been under the ing term. Under the direction of Mrs.' J;:' -MIB? Mildred taytin, daughter Sunday a.t 2:30, the Joslyn Me- direction • of Miss Mary FredIn the executive meeting held Raznlck, the Pioneer Women's or^' of MTrs. Ben Laytin, became the morial will present two s o u n d ericks. last week the Alepli Godol ap- sanitation will give a "get ac'bride of'Ernest Wohl, son of Mr. lilms: VCities of Northern Afrir pointed the following couinnttee ciuaicted" tea at the Jewish Comand Mrs. David Wohl of Bridge- ca" aiid '"A Backward CivilizaAuxiliary, Workmen's to plan the a n n u a l city-wide munity Center ou Tuesday, Janu^ port, Co,nn., at the Laytin resi- tion." At 3:30 Dr. Frank L. RecCircle, 173 . . ...,;.: Youth and Democracy program: ary 21, at 2 o'clock. denoe. * tor will give an illustrated lecture At this time members and Jack. Beruian and Louis Katz, co- "Members of the Immediate fam- oa '^Fighting Cancer With Facts." The Ladies' auxiliary of Branch chairmen; Milton Guss, Harold friends will meet to discuss thp ily and close friends attended the ^n organ recital will be given Workmen's Circle, sponsored Nesselson, Ben Miller, Bill Suss- current problems confronting flak ceremony which 'was performed at ' 4:• by. Esther Leaf. Assisting a173,card Monday at which 75 man and Yale Richards. The com- organisation. by, Rabbi David A. Goldstein and will be Kathleen Shaw Miller, so- women party assisting Mrs. Rasnick were present. mittee will work in conjunction are:Hostesses Cantor Aaron Edgar. pranoi and G l a d y s Hamstreet Mrs. J. Kaplan,-Mrs. L Razr These c a r d parties, the prowith A. Z. A. 1, Hi-Y, and other Simon tWasserman, accompanied May, accompanist. A Young Artof which will be devoted to Jewish and non-Jewish organisa- nick, and Mrs. D. Epste.in,. . , . ' • ' by. Hiss'Gertrude Oruch, played ists ^program will be given at ceeds Mr I. Morgenstern will speak the Labor Committee, are to be tions. the violin. and conduct an open forum, 4*30. held monthly. The dates for the Corn B e l t After a wedding trip to KanThe date of the next card party Regional convention In Lincoln, sas €ityy- the couple will reside in will be announced soon. Z. Feldman, chairman of |NS TO CINCINNATI Neb., have been changed to Feb- theMrs.donor's Omaha. Mrs. Wool came from luncheon, announces Mrs. Leo M. Diamond of Cinruary 15, 16 and 17, according that all women . her; borne to attend her son's, wedwish to raise cinnati, who spent the winter holto a recent announcement by Linding , -••:;.<../•"/:••'••. Junior Hadassah coln Chapter 3. The two Omaha money for tire who luncheon may.do idays with her parents, Mr. and Airs. Max Singer, is returning , Delegates from the Omaha chapters are making plans to so by taking books, of tickets t o . I for the drawing. The date of hpmer this week. She has also Chapter of Junior Hadassah are le&ve on Saturday night, Feb- sell 0. A. M. MOTHER'S the drawing will soon be anThe S. A. M. Mother's club will bjeen the guest of Dr. Diamond's leaving today for the organiza- ruary 15, as a unit. The social nounced. , mo 5t Tuesday, January 21, at a pajrents, ' Mr. and Mrs. William tion's convention which is being committee has tentatively sched•-•% O'clock luncheon at the home Diamond. held in Kansas City at the Mueh- uled a smoker on Thursday, FebMrs. I. Morgenstern, financial of jMrs. Carl Rfekes, §01 S o u t h : pr. Diamond, who came with lebach Hotel. Bertha Slutsky and ruary 13, to send off the chapter secretary, announces the- chief , .. her, departed earlier for home. Fifty-fourth. Co-hostess wfth Mrs. teams. Gertrude Oruch are delegates fund-raising activity of the year, <\ Jliekea will be Mrs. Jack Bram- He Is resident surgeon at t h e and Mary Arbitman and Julia Members of t h e basketball the Purlm Carnival, will be held Cincinnati Jewish hospital. (son. squad who will make the trip will March 9 at the Jewish Community Mrs. Diamond Is the former Fishbain are alternates. be announced soon by Coach 'Pep' Center. The doors will open at 9 GUESTS OF BICES The chapter meeting held MonEsther Singer of Omaha. Bogdanoff. The debaters a n d a. ni. and the affair will continue Mr, and Mrs. Joe M. Rice had day was opened with a Bible orator are also preparing them- throughout the entire day. t s guests this past week Mr. A. reading by Eleanor Cohen. for the convention, In ad- Funds will be sent for the main* ft. Green, Mr. R. F. Green, Mr. History Course The first part of the meeting selves dition to the teams a great num- talnance of the vocation guidance and Mrs. J. Green, Mrs. I. C. Alwas spent in distributing tho tic- ber of Alephs are planning to at-schools under the direction of the ter, Mrs. R. L. Freeman, Mrs, for the drawing which Is to at Labor Lyceum kets Pioneer Women. Herman E d w a r d s , Mrs. Phil be held on February 24 e t the tend. The chapter's basketball team KQOlish, Mrs. A. Allen and Mr. A course in Jewish history Is regular meeting. . dropped to second place In the In 1620, the year the Pilgrims ; Max Rodgers, all of Chicago, and being offered at the new Labor An enthusiastic response to theCenter league when they were landed at Plymouth Rock, t h e jMrs. Ida Herzoff, Mr. and Mrs. Lyceum, 3022 Cuming street, by saie of Junior Hadassah pins was halted by a last-minute spurt by Marrano population of Bahia in ' (Archie Kroloff, Yale Kroloff, Mrs. 690-E, Workmen's Circle. shown. Frances Osoff was in the Adler Bakery five last Tbura- Brazil numbered one thousand. •Moe Lazere and son, Sidney, Mr. Branch are held every Thurs- charge of the sale. and Mrs. Eli Roblnow, Mrs. Le- daySessions Bertha Slutsky explained the at 8 p. m. with Mrs. David ?Ich and Mrs. Belle Rice, all of A. Goldstein instructing, Henrietta Szold scroll which was . RANKS Permanents are the talk of the town Slonx City. Anyone interested in learning to be presented to the Hadassah SPECIAL—SPIRAL or CROQUINOLE the history of the Jewish people founder on her birthday* and ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED those girls who had not yet, signEnd Curl Permanent-— $< is Invited to come next Thursday. At a dinner given Sunday for ed their names did so at the Machine or Macliineless - ^ members of their immediate fammeeting. A Complete Permanent ily, Mr. and Mrs. A. Magzamin Sinai Club The Hebrew class conducted by at V announced t h e engagement of Blanche Kleiman and the Current All Our Other Permanents their daughter, Miss Gertrude, to class led by Mrs. Neuhaus offered a t a discount of.1. / 'Abe Hermanson, son of Mr. and The regular weekly meeting of Events will both begin soon. The exact the Sinai club was held Tuesday Mrs. Dan Hermanson of Fort Cal- evening at the J. C.'C. 3 MANICURES VHIX $1.G0 date will be announced at the Shampoo & Hair loun, Neb. * M » Include* Shampoo President Gary Landman ap- next meeting. No wedding date has been set. pointed W e the following committee . . v'JL \ Promise you a perfect permanent. No A special meeting will bo held matter how difficult your hair is to wave. chairman:. Program committee, on either January 28 or 29 In Hair Cut by an F o r A N E Wa n d ArtisU 5Oe and 7fic UNUSUAL HAIR STYLE Molly * Kelberg; athletic commit- honor of MlssJSdith Bukspan of PROM ^ w u w c Make ' V X ^ ^ l \ tee, Sam Minkin, and membership New York who Is National memJoseph Rlchlln of Newark, committee, Norman Berg. bership chairman, J., was to have left yesterday FRANK'S BEAUTY SALON ' Harold Habler was unanimousAlice Susman turned over n after visiting for 10 days with liis 205 Barker Bid?., 15th at Farnam JA 0153 parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Harry Rich- ly elected Round Table represen- receipt of tho National Fund for tative for the club. tho amount of $29.57 which is lin. A ping pong tournament will the quota for this half year colTO CALIFORNIA be held for the members under lected by the girls. Mr. 'and. Mrs, .'H. Epstein will The Young Judea groups were leave Sunday morning for Holly- the direction' of t h e athletic discussed a t the meeting and all wood, Cal., to spend two months chairman, Sam Minkin. Danny Weisman was voted Into girls interested in leading a '"With Mrs. Epstein's sons, Jack the club. • _and Henry Glassman. group arc asked to contact Miss VOGUE IS SHOWING B * p The members of the Sinai club Kleiman or Lois Barish. were entertained at the preview VISITING HERE "Tho Doctors First Operation," BRANDEIS P R E S E N T S , F u Miss Betty Geifman, who Isof Daughters of Israel the playlet given at the stage residing in Chicago, has been vis- night Aid Society by the. Sinai club. iting her parents; Mr, and Mrs. Several prospective members Sam Geifman. She will return vblted the meeting and all young A r e g u l a r meeting of the to Chicago on January 26. people who are interested to be-Daughters of Israel Aid Society come a member are urged to at-will be hold Tuesday, January 21, PROM PORTLAND. _ the next regular meeting to at 2 p. m. at the Jewish CommuMrs. Leon Mandelson of Port- tend be held January 21 at 8:30 p. IU. nity Center. land, Ore., is visiting in Omaha Tuesday evening at the Jewish for a couple of weeks. She is the Community Center, Patronize Our Advertisers guest of Dr. and Mrs. M. I. Gordon. • • . i



Temple Sisterhood J '. T,h<L Sisterhood ' of,'T e'm' p i e Israel" is sponsoring;, V' Bfiries of fir*; lectutes; byp n ^ b i ' ^ a v i d ' H. ."Wite " on Cofitenipqrary Jewish? Hisfory.

' .•''.;. •••"• "

•', The talks WiU 'be given In con-" Junction with . dessert-luncheons •which are to begin at 12:30. The first discussion "will take placq on .February 4 at the home o f Mrs. gim-Gillnskyj • • > ' -.', Tickets are §1.25 for the series. .The lectures* will bo limited to. ^Oj'jnemtiers of the,,. Sisterhood ipnly. L ' V /> Members of. the committee in, : charge of the lectures include: Mesdames Sam Giliribky, F r, e d Bosenstock, Sam -L. Appejman, and Harry Trustin. -. A

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fmg iiiJHs i«aa a w H 0 1 1 v


SfisTS : (Continued, from Pago 1.) an Yaffe, Jacob Kahz and Aaron Edgaf,


•""""'•' , '


National B'nai - B'rith Defense Committee Created to Aid Government Program ^ -: 4:4fr, The Regular la.ts services of the U. ©>•€. will take ti&ce tooigkt at Congregation B'sai Israel, at 8 P.:Jtoi • The r&bt»l will speak. Saturday morning the isbli will" address t&e congregation at Beth Hamedresh Hagedoi, l&tli and Burt streets. Junior Congregation • The Jualor Coagregation will conduct its services this Saturday morning at Coagregation B'nai Isr«el,: 18th and Chicago streets, at 10. Mrs. Ef. Rimmera'an will be hostess to the children at a reception after services. Regular Sunday morning services of the 17. O. C. Brotherhood will take place this Sunday at Congregation B'nal Israel at 9. Stud/ Group , The adult Hebrew Study group will i resume its studies this Monday at the rabbi'a study at 8 p. in. The , Talmud Study group will meet on Wednesday at Congregation Beth Hamedresk Hagodol, 19th and Burt, at 8 p. in, as usual. Congregational Meeting A regular monthly membership meeting of the Congregation Beth Hamedroah Hagodel will be held Sunday, January 19, at 2 p. m. The primary purpose of the meetIng will be the final reading and adoption of the proposed constitution.

A.Z.A.HOUR OF "IRON 1 M Chicago—Smiling Jerry Safur, .whose 16-monta courageous fight •gainst infantile paralysis aroused the interest of millions of Americans and won for him the nickname ot "Tho Iron Lung Kid," lost Ms long, straggle this week .when he passed away at Chicago's ML Sinai hospital. "Thank the r A. Z. A. boya for everything" •were the last words of the game youngster whoso , battle for life inspired tho 11,000 • members of !Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai B'.rith youth organization, to raise $10,000 in order to provide their fellow-Aleph with every facility known to medical science. From the day of his illness, Safnr was the ward of A. Z. A. Stricken In September,, 1939, young Safur, then Aleph Godol of the Milwaukeo A. Z. A. Council, was regarded by medical authorities as probably the most complete case of Infantile paralysis in the wholo country with the exception of the Fred Snito case. But Safur'a fatherless family was In no position to provide him, with the medical care made available to young Sntte by his father's millions. • When news of Bafur's illness reached Aleph Zadik Aleph, it immediately launched the. A. Z. A.Jerry Safur Paralysis Fund, to which A. Z. A. boyB throughout A m e r i c a contributed nickels, dimes and dollar bills in an effort to help Safur win his battle, The A. Z. A. bojfs also kept Safur regularly posted on A. Z. A. news by flooding him with thousands of letters andi postcards WBry

IN DEFENSE WORK Washington (WNS) — In/a. leading editorial, the Washington Tfmes-Herald urged the United States to fciiliit the aid of Jewish r e f u g e e technicians, engineer* and scientists in its vast national defense program. The newspaper pointed out that many German Jews, BOW ia exile, were the brains of post-war German industries and scientific research. "It is a cold, official fact that the German Jews were the brains of the post-war research that got German industry moving again and it is on their intelligence that the Nazi machinery keeps in motion to this day," the editorial eaid. The Times-Herald pointed out that while prominent literary and social refugees were always in the limelight, these skilled craftsmen and technicians were left to crawl Into corners and lick their, wounds. "It ia time to invite them out," the editorial declared. The paper disclosed that the United States was now engaged In a search for a Czech Jew, said! hind the Skoda munitions works, to be the managing genius belt ia understood that he was abla to elude the German Gestapo and is wanted in connection with the manufacture of American munU tions. Tbe members of tho National B'nai B'rith Defense Committee, which has been crested to assist tiie national defense program by mating available to the government the manpower and machinery of, the ©00, B'nal B'ritli units throughout the > coimtry in whatever way they -may be of service. • i (1) Henry Moasfcyv president of B'nttl B'rltb, chairman; (3) Major Milton A. low euberg, New Yorlc, cpnunsnder of the 401st Quartermafltcr Bquidron of the fllst Cavalry Division, now on active duty at Governors Is-


•> • -





Allen Kohan, district vice-commander of the American Legion, was named executive secretary of the Douglas County chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Chairman Is J. C. Travis, Omaha attorney and past commander of the O m a h a American Legion post. Harry Trustin is a member of the committee which Is raising funds among the youth of t h e community. As in the past years funds for the defense against Infantile Paralysis are being raised through the sale of tickets for a series of dances to be held. January 30, President Roosevelt's birthday, in tribute to the man, himself a victim of the disease, who started the original foundation. The drive was opened last Sunday with a radio appeal by Mayor Butler and :C o u n t y Chairman Ti

and paid 10 per cent.«f tho entlro . a m o u n t of Zionist funds raided ,by. his community, a n d such a member will not, even bo able to belong to the vlce-presi-i dent's chapter. .^ .; '?1 think that in order to pro• Konist MesKbcrship " ':<•. mote the welfare of Zionism and Omaha: I have gent tho follow- secure.more members Is not, by ing letter to tho editor1 of "T h e organizing R o y a l chapters. I would rather have an even standN e i t Palestine:"•'••'•'•;>•••". - - ' U ard of annual dues as- the Lord " I was quite Interested in reading Vin your: paper of- December commanded to Moses: Exodus. 13, 1M0; 'The Pre^Seatfir chafH Chapter 30, Verse 15, 'The rich ter of the Zionist organisation of shall not give more, and t h e America invited individuals which podr shall not give less/ and only hav4> : not been previously- affili- contributiona - to Zionist' funds, ated with the "Zionist movement/ thep' 'each oiie Bhall give'accordto join his National chapter, at ing to his means of sacrifice. - "As one of the oldest Zionists annual dues of $2 5 / ' "With all my respect and ad- who was one of the two delegates miration of our President, Mr. E. representing Philadelphia in the I. Kaufman, who is Tendering yeai>,1897, which met in New great' services t o otir tioblo cauSo Ybfki and organized the Federaof Zionism; nevertheless, r"I;< tines.- tion, of American Zionist, I would tion'fche wiBdooi of such a chapter smuggest a way how we may be especially of people'^hd had no ablp to Increase our-membership. yisidn till ftovr to Join1 the greats Let our Z. O. A. have an under" est ufpnstrttcUve•'Ideal' Jewish -or- standing with tho Welfare Board ganftatloiiy "and t o t r ^ ^ t o inake WJewry-.community,wbich contes to the U. P. A. annually? thenV'members of the'President's 1 National chapter, of' tHe' 2. 0L' &: ftfiajt parMot the allotment, should to •be- considered - tSo • president's- iM'Oedited as 'annual "dues' to spiritual guides'Or guards'of the e¥ery"8ubscriber to the local Welfare Fund. Take for example, Royal chapter. our community Welfare F u n d , "While an old Zionist who car- through which some 3,000 subried the burden for 43 years,' paid' scriber's contribute toward the updues, contributed well-to Zionist building of Palestine. funds, raised funds In his community and many times pledged "If $1.00 be credited as annual week/

<": '...:• ^ * '• -' ^ >* k ? - . v . V ' • •


lend; (8) Senator Leo M. Ascherman, Cleveland; (4) Samuel A. WeiSs, member of Con* resa from 81st Pennsylvania District; (5) Aaron Kicho, Loa Angeles, secretary of tho California Safety Commission; (0) Dr. Joseph Weil, dean of the University of Florida School of Knginecrieg; (7) Bert C. Broude, vicechairman of the Milwaukee Safety Commission; (S) Lt. Col. William P. Bloom, Tosca.loosa, Ala. Sfanrice Blsgyer, Washington, D. C., secretary of B'nai B'rith, is secretary of the Defense Committee.

Deaths Joe Daytch Funeral services were h e l d Thursday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home for Joe Daytcb, 59, who died on Wednesday at his home. . . Mr, Daytch had been a resident of Omaha for 30 years. Surviving are: His wife, Lena, and a daughter, Ida. Burial was at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel cemetery.


Harry R. Milder

MAUROIS TO GIVE SECOND LECTOilE Andre Mauroia, noted French Jewish historian and biographer, inaugurated the William F. Baxter Memorial Lectures at tho University of Omaha last night. Speaking on tho general subject, "Tho Strengths and Weaknesses of Democracy," Maurols discussed "Tho Fall of France." Maurols will speak again tonight at IS r30 at the university on "Tho Case of England." Tho lecture 13 open to the public without charge. A public discusslon-d inner of the Maurois lectures will be held at the University of Omaha next Tuesday evening at C:30. l t e purpose of the dinner is to analyze and discuss the views presented by Maurols. '

Mrs. Harry It. Milder, 52, died Monday at a local hospital after a three-year illness. A native of Omaha for 45 years, Mrs. Milder has been active in local philanthropic organizations. . She was one of the organizers of t h e Chesed SheL Ernes and was the organization's treasurer at t h e time'of her.death.' ' Surviving her are: Her h u s band; four sons, Leo, Hymie P., Howard and Edwin; two brothers, Juan Alfonso do Baena was secHarry and Abram Segall; two retary to King Juan II of Castillo. sisters, Mrs. George Kahn of Chicago and Mrs. Leo Truehaft of Omaha, and seven grandchildren. Funeral services were h e l d Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was at Golden Hill.

DANCE TO BENEFIT LABOR COMMITTEE To help finance the activities of the Jewish Labor committee. Branch 690-E of the Workmen's Circle is sponsoring a dance to be held Sunday evening, February. 16, at the new Labor Lyceum/ 3022 Cuming street. Tho music of Bob Freshman and his "Make Believe" orchestra will be featured. The Jewish Labor committee, which will receive the proceeds of, • this affair, is the Federation of Jewish trade unions and labor organizations with which a half million Jews through their organizations are affiliated. It was instrumental in tho organization ,. of tho League of Human Rights at the recent convention of the American Federation of Labor. Through its connections In the labor movement, the Jewish la- • bor committee combats antl-Semltio propaganda, thus protecting tho right of Jews to work. The Jewish labor committee also has brought and is bringing prominent European Jewish leaders to this country for temporary haven. The committee also subsidises tho underground relief and activities • in Poland. Admission to the dance will be ' 50 cents per couple. Patronize Our Advertisers

Meyer Robinson * Meyer Robinson, 53, died early Tuesday morning at a local hospital of Injuries suffered from a fall. Mr.' Robinson had resided in Omaha for 40 years. , Surviving him are: Two daughters, Mrs. Sam Sorine of D e s Moines and Mrs. Jack E. Slutzky of Omaha; a son,'Arthur of Omaha, and a brother, John, of Norfolk, Neb. ' Funeral services w e r e held Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was at the B e t h Hamedrosh Hagodel cemetery. About one-third of the population of Basavilbaso, Argentina, Is Jewish.' Siegfried Basch was personal physician to the Emperor Maximilian of Mexico. due3 to the Z. O. A. for every Subscriber, our membership will be about BOOiOOO, and we will-be able to speak to the .world in,h othe name of American Jewry. I D e and' pray "that" theT National chapter will not become a National chap-tear.


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uine and majestic power of AseL and of substeEtial build. His Sifice that day the world recog- prominent nose asd small, neatly nizes the genial Asch as standing cropped is'o.iisi&eiie remind one of on the same literary level with the typical kttsiseBS sian' rather Hamsun, Sfeaw, Remain Rollaad, than the eensitive writer of clasJules Remain, Sinclair Lewis and sic works. To .get a true com* Thomas Maim, most of them posits of Asch's iyj&iaic, many, eided personality and prolific Nobel Prize wiaaers. As far as the Yiddish speaking creative power, one mubt bear in world is concerned the Celebrant mind that his physical appearhas long been a virtual "pillar ance is no less true a reflection of fire" in Yiddish literature and of the other side of the inner in Jewish lite. In tte Jewish Ea- iiia.ti; for besides being the great cyelopedia published in America literary geaifis, Afcc.it has been By Harry Mendelson more thau a generation ago, I deeply immersed with his whole Editor's Note: The sixtieth jubilant festivity the SiiUetk An ized by Molshe Nadir about a gen- found no meation of A&ch; but I heart aod soul Ia the eauldron of birthday of Bhaloni Asch was nivereary of the creator of "The eration ago as "the holiday spir- did find something that is rather modern Jewish life. recently observed. In the fol- Village," "The God of Ven- it," a characterization, which was interesting. He was a member of numerous Under "Ash" I fouzsd: "Rabbi committees for tlie itlief of Jews lowing article, Harry Meiidel- geance." "Mottke the Thief," misunderstood by many lierason, local educate? and writer, "Three Cities," "Salvation," "The teurs at that tiine, for how <ould Meir of LicMenstadt, who is re- slace the first world war, of compresents an evaluation of A l i NaEareae," and other universally such a epirit be ascribed tt the ferred to as 'ABU,' meaning in mittees to investigate conditions acclaimed classics of literature. author of such works aa 'The Hebrew fire, wrote the famous of Jewish war sufferers and war himself and Ins work. God at Vengeance," "Mottkej the work, 'Pauiiu Meirot,' — SbiEi prisoners in Europe in 1919. Has Came to America Thief," and "Uncle Moses." (But Face. It is KIBO derived from the been president of the Jewish secIt is a far jump from the time came to us in America when what Nadir actually meant td im- abbreviation of 'Alt Sehul'—old tion of the International P. E. N. when Yiddish, the folk-tongue of theHeflood immigration was at ply by Jsis characterization of synagogue; or from the abbrevi- Clubs since 1928. Has been very; the Jewish masses was referred to its height. ofAlready in 1S03, when Asch was that he possessed to a ation of 'Aizenstadt'—city of iron, active in the committee for Jews contemptuously ES "Jargon." And he was barely twenty-three, high degree the Jewish religious or well-fortified city." many are the Jews in this country of his stories was printed in one in New Poland since 1919. Has the holiday epirit. And by a happy coincident all been member of the Friends of that still remember the time when New York Jewish Morning Jourthese are very applicable to the the Hebrew University as well as the word "Jargon," as used la He is proud of the Jew fa a of then under the editorship, I man whose birthday we celebrate of the Jewish Scientific Research reference to Yiddish, connoted nal, Jew. And in the long anna^ of or believe, of Abraham Cahan. The will celebrate, for he has been Institute of Wilno'and of other just what the Webster's Internastory to he translated into the Jew's obstinate persistence to not only the "Shining Face" In organizations tional Dictionary of a generation first dedicated to Jewish English was printed in 1910 in retain his identity and not t j be Jewish literature, but has also or more ago had to say of the one welfare, literature and culture. terdevoured by the races that 1 of the leading journals of been the living incorporation of word: Jargon: confused, unintelShalom Asch, Mazel tov! Many, ally engulfed them, he finds B uch the spirit of the old synagogue in happy . ligible language, slang, " - - thus that day. returns of such days or celof his inspiration. And In the Bat it was not till the fourth Yiddish belles letters as well as ebration! a half-breed, mongrel language, a May your years upon Writ words of Afich: "It Is the n, decade of the twentieth century a citadel of strength, hope and babel of a tongue, unfit for genthis earth be long numbered; and of the Jewish faith kept {live tlemen, scholars and Maskilim." that Shalom Asch was fully recog- throughout the ages that I nust inspiration to downtrodden Jews your creative powers continue unYes, it is indeed a jump from nized and appreciated in tills describe," which he so niaste; ful- the world over. And with his ditninehed to a ripe, old age! bright literary flame has added the cynical attitude toward our country. And when he took up ly go skillfully did in i uch much light and warmth to Yid"Mutter Spracli" to the Yiddish residence in New York, where he epicand works as "The Sacrifice for dish literature; and did much in tn which Shalom Aech and his lived from 1914*1926, he already Hia Holy Emile Berliner, a German Jew* Name," "The Witc i of redeeming Yiddish from its scorn- invented like produced their inspiring and had to his eredit numerous bril- Castilie," "Salvation," the microphone a n d »th"TheW epic masterpieces. Yiddish may liant stories, plays and novels; er," "The Nazarene," and ot lers ful stigma of "Jargon." gramophone. not have the hold upon the young- and was being acclaimed as the of classic proportions. Appearance er generation of American Jews successor to Peretf, the father of His life and activities have not were brought to Bialyatol< Indeed, it is a far cry from his been that of the closeted and in Jews that it had upon the previous gen- modern Yiddish literature. 1749 by the Count Brantcki* erations; but it certainly no longfirst novel "The Village" and his Shortly after tho translation of lolstered scholar and literary er has any apologies to make to one of his books into English for first translation i n t o Enf lish man. Just as his scholarly and who built them a synagogue. justify its worthy place among the first time, Isaac Goldberg, the his "Three Cities" and "The laz- historically rich novels, stories the' modern languages. brilliant Anglo-Jewish writer and arene"; and from the glowing yet and plays now overshadow his Prirato lostractlaa Ia Hebrew critic, who recently passed away, severely critical words of Gold- positive flair for the melodraEkseaeateiy sad Advanced Hebrew Kevival wrote in Bookman of him in these berg to the universal acclaim matic, theatrical, effective," as RessoaeSslo Kates ever since his "Three Cities" ap- Goldberg put in 1917; so his History has its own queer ways glowing yet critical terms: KOS BAB MITZVAH «f working its tricks. A few genThough Russian by birth, he peared. physical appearance belles t h e erations ago, when the Hebrew is by prediction, cosmopolitan. Thus spoke of him Werfel at a profound scholar and student of Renaissance was still but a dream At the age of 24 he started his banquet for Aech arranged by the history that Asch is. AT MM of handfuls of nationalistic vis- literary career with flying colors Pen Club of America In Vie ina He is rather a large man, tall Mil N. ionaries, Judah Leib Gordon with his drama "Returned" and In 1930: "Shalom Asch Is a re(Yalag), one of the greatest He- his novel "The Village," a series allst and epic writer. The g eat brew poets of his day, bemoaned of pictures of Jewish life, which pathos, the prophetic emo ion in one of his poems, I believe, may in many respects be likened which is his gift, cannot be ezthat from all appearances, he was to Philcott's charming ''Wide- pressed In words. It dlsso vea very likely to be the last of the combe Pair." (Sherwood Ander- like salt in the wide waters of his Hebrew poets and that Hebrew son had not yet appeared upon tales. It Deems to me that his w poetry of hia day evidently rep- the literary scene with his mas- prophetic spirit reaches its gr tat"resented the Swan Song of the terful portrayals of small town eat heights in his latest w< rk, Hebrew Muse. life.—Tho Author), Asch has "Three Cities." Strangely enot gh, Little did he realise that soon been acclaimed as the successor the farther he moves from Jv daafter him would come such bril- of Peretz, but despite a positive ism, the more his soul growi ta liant' Hebrew satelitcs as Bialik, flair for the melodramatic, the Biblical power. The three rolSchnaiur, Tchernichovsky, Bath theatrical, the effective, he has umes are a single cry of sor •ow 8heva and many other prolific not cultivated as yet, the vision at present condition of di ine and art of the genius who fos- creation, which is being ravished Hebrew writers and poets. Likewise, many of us still re- tered him. Asch, perhaps the by despoilere of all kinds." member rather vividly the time most popular of living Yiddish Primary Place when the demise of Yiddish In writers, has done much to earn If there were any doubts ai to that popularity.» . . A writer of America was vehemently predictthe literary stature of Aech In ed. And again history played its undoubted power, humor, pathos, 20th century literature, the aptricks upon the literary Jere- he is so prolific and his work Is pearance of "Three Cities" should in such demand that he shirks have left no doubts in the minds miahs. the "sterner dictates" of adequate of critical skeptics as to the gen- Yiddish has not withered and planning and . technical mastery passed away,.but on the contrary, . . . Yet he has earned the title has flourished aa never before, the Yiddish De Maupassant." for since those Jeremiads on YidA GIVE-AWAY New Laurels dish such literary giants as PinImagine getting a largo gro6kl, Jacob Gordin, L e o n KoSince those words of Goldberg cery store In,absolute heart brin, Molshe Nadir, Abraham written In 1917, Asch has climbed Iteisen, - Morris Rosenfeld, "Ye- the literary Olympian heights, off Bonth Omaha's m a i n hoash?' Shalom Asch and others which have won him the universtreet. At unbelievable sacof their like have written in Yid- sal love, admiration and .acclaim rifice. Just when boom exdish in America and for Ameri- of literary men and book lovera pected. Blast leave city for can Jews. ",'... . health. B o x 603, Jewish throughout the civilized world.' Press. Indeed, it is a great and happy That he has not received so far . jump from the time of the pass- the Nobel Prize for Literature ing away of Pereta, the father of must perhaps remain a mystery modern Yiddish literature,* who to all but tho committee; but died in 1915 In New York, and which is not so mysterious to the from 1517, when one of Asch's Jewish world. if a a pxetty ooodi gosss dha'a a modem creations first appeared In EngLike many of bts literary prewho ttveafcsitezclscblcdMyl lish, to such literary masterpieces decessors, Mendele, Peretz and as brought forth by Singer, Opa- others, Shalom Asch started writsexvaafs aro so ecesy to own—coat to tashu, Peretz, Klrschbein, Kobrin, ing In Hebrew,- but soon deserted IH80 to enjoy. Tbeio's kanSy a S foitito and Shalom Asch, most of whom it for the folk-tongue In which homo any' x&oro that elocirldty can't do spent some of their more fruitful he created his greatest • mastereasier and bolter . . . all fox a hnr peonies years in these United States. pieces, which have been transWar Prevents Celebration lated, since he first appeared In Were it not for the Second English, into more than a half Start youx hotter living pzognm today • * . EWorld War and the temporary dozen European languages. eSay young ths oloctrlc wayl Electric cleaners, (BO we all hope) passing from the The cosmopolitan spirit, of scene of history of Poland, Acch's which. Goldberg spoke, has not misers, cashing machiaoa and a host of other native land, Czechoslovakia, Aus- deserted him, rather has grown dependable electric sorvants aro. ready to tria and France, "where he. spent upon him, for he _ has travelled a ssrve you 21017/ Borne time, and just lately Ru- great deal; and living in Austria, mania, the Sixtieth Anniversary Germany, Switzerland, France, as of the author =of "Three Cities" well as ia Poland, where he spent and "The Nazarene" would, to be his childhood and young manBo Sure to Enter flss "Better fiure, be the occasion for a •great hood, and in the XJ.'S., where he Contest"! and jubilant holiday among liter- spent and wrote most of his time 19HE limn 180 ary men and boQk lovers all over since 1914, has given him an inthe world. ; V• tax . . . end It's easy! Get casspIsSs detdSls and ea&y blank from ternational perspective and a ymsr CerSEad tight CoadStlcBiag Dselsr or the Ife&xe&a Power Com-. It would be marked, and may scale of critical evaluations that pony. BBJ BUBB7I CCBSSSI cfoxes jaJdnlght, Batarday. February 8lhl yet be marked,; with a flood of iare Immeasurably worthwhile. He knows the best literature of reprints of many of his past creations or with translations of all countries, for he has been an some' of his yet untranslated assiduous scholar (now universal.•works, as well as of eulogistic ly recognized since his appearance • articles, particularly touching up- of "The Nazarene"), as well aa writer. Bringing him into close 'gm his latest masterpieces. •jV Omaha's otroet car anil In..view of the unique position touch with the various countries LIVE Even Better—ELECTRICITY IS Uvcn Ckanpe ©f America at this time, and par- is the fact that many of his books bus system ' ia one of ticularly in view of the fact that have been translated into many tho finest in America. '. JAsch spent some of his most cre- of the European tongues'. . . Spirit of Works Use it more! ative years in this country, as did The spirit, that has dominated Bo many of the most creative Yiddis& writers, beginning with Per- his works since his first and brilE12©E STI3EET GAftS ets, it. is indeed fitting and time- liant ascent upon the Yiddish lit O i THE NEBRASKA POWER COM^AHY ly that American Jewry as well eraTy stage and which have char' -as the non-Jewlah world on. this acterlzed more or less most of his bi&e ei tae Atlantic mark with works since then, was character-

Sixtieth Of o



and BtiU looks




B'rith &Bd the Board of Delegates of that country may fee brongtit of American Israelites, that Peix- to see that the future of tkeie otto be named United States Con- nation lies ia a direction totally sul to Rumania. opposite to those Draconic' laws Diplomatic aiid eoniaiercia.1 re- and persecutions, whether gre&.t lations between the United States or petty, wbich ttavefeitfeertoEQ d Rsmaefa were then virtually iavifioBsiy marked its character* non-existent, although there tact It In not bj Ckiae&e walls or Spanbeen an American consul sta- ish expatriations t h a t nations tioned in Bucharest from 1£67 great ©r email can hope to make* to 1869. But America's tradittefl- progress in OEr day. X have na al policy of ieterceaiag abroad ©u doubt that your presence and inbehalf ot non-American victims fluence, togetber with the efforts] of religious arid political persecu- of your colleagues of the Guaran* tion moved Grant to accede to teeing Powere, with whom in thial Wolf's proposal. And in Decem- matter you will always be prompt to the rest of the world and foresaw its great contributiontothe ber, 1870, Peitotto was officially to act, will result in mitigating; development of American Jewry's appointed V. 8. Consul-General to the evii3 complained of, and end la teriEiuating them. The Uniteif philanthropic and social service Rumania. Grant made no effort to conceal States, knowing no distinction be* agencies. He pioneered in opening relations between B'nal B'rith the fact that the appointment was tweea her own citizens on account and Jewish organizations abroad, made for the express purpose of of religion or cativity, naturally; notably the Alliance Israelite Uni- promoting Jewish emancipation believes l a a civilization, tfcei veraalle and the Board of Depu- and the cessation of the pogroms. world over, which will secure taa At an historic meeting between eaiae universal views." ties of British Jews, Pelsotto aad Grant in the White Letter of Authorization ' It was Peixotto was established ©Huse of December 8, 1870, the President Grant repeated tlf« the precedent of an annual report President said to his visitor: same thought in & letter of spe* by the president of B'nai B'rith. "The humbler, poorer, more It was he, too, who first broached abject and more miserable a peo- cial authorisation to Peliotto 4 the idea of a Jewish university ple be, be they black, white, Jew which read as follows; "The ha&ret of this letter, Mr, in America. During his adminis- or Christian, the greater should tration B'nai B'rith answered the be the concern of those in au- Benj&inin V, Peixotto, who has ac* first call for assistance to Jews thority to extend protection, to cepfced the important, though un* abroad when the lodges. In re-rescue aad redeem them and raise reusH&er&tivo position of United spouse t o a plea from Sir Moses them up to equality with t h e Btotes Consul to llfunania, Is coin* Montefiore, raised $4,500 for the most enlightened. The story of mended to the good offices of all relief of Jewish cholera victims the sufferings ot the Hebrews of representatives of this govern* meat abroad. Mr. Peixotto h*s In Palestine. Rumania profoundly t o u c h e s undertaken tfite duties of his p*e#« It waa this fund wbich became every sensibility of our nature. It eat office more a s a missionary, the basis for later emergency re- Is one long .series of outrage and work for the benefit of the peopla lief actions by B'nai B'rith and wrong; and even If there be ex- Jie represents tban for any bene* paved the way for B'nai B'rith's aggeration In the accounts which (Continued on Page,8.) interest in Palestine. Long be- have reached us, enough is evifore there was an Anti-Defama- dent to prove the Imperative duty tion League, Peixotto encouraged of all civilized nations extending B'nal B'rith to lead in protesting their moral aid in behalf of a FOB RENT—Large, furnished bedroom for girl or couple* against a North Carolina l a w people so unhappy. WA 5*52. barring from public office all who "I trust Prince Charles a n d did not recognize both the Old his ministers and the public men and New Testaments, After his removal to New York In 1867 he declined re-election. A year later Smoked Per R>. ho went to California whero he established a lucrative law pracOoldem Btowa tice in San Francisco. Largs Beulsa Consul in Rumania SHI^4LtZ Scarcely h a d he established himself on the, Pacific coast when news came of horrible barbarities against the Jews of Rumania. The Rumanian persecutions, w h i c h stirred world-wide indignation, quickly brought Peixotto back to the forefront of Jewish leader2IQSJ KOSHER ship .when he volunteered to go to SABSA®i Rumania to Intercede for the unCOOEC1IS happy Jews of that country. Bay ©as Doisa nod Get WIINKBS' t&s Second Dozen for 1e It was then that Simon Wolf, irUfc ether mtnshmsaol We or more Pelxotto's boyhood chum, and at ChMoiato Cookies that time B'nai B'rith's oofficlal r e p r e s e n t a t i v e In Washington, *•" proposed to his good friend. PresCOOMS ident Grant, on behalf of B'nal ©wKOMuaipnLCioaa^sa


By Bernard Postal states became inevitable, Peixotto was quick to offer his services to Lincoln in helping to mobilise patriotic sentiment and stimulating recruiting in the middle west. Ilia war efforts having won him & recognized position as a public figure, the B'nal B'rith lodge in It was 183«, the Btxtletn year Cleveland counted it a great triof American independence. The umph when he became a memUnion, orer whose destinies Au- ber. Peliotto was then just 28 and drew Jackson was presiding, numbered 24 states. They had grown a coming man in Cleveland. One to a nation of 15.000,009, includ- of his contemporaries was t h e ing Borne 50,000 Jews, descend- celebrated Simon Wolf, who was ants of the families Selxas, Hays, also to have a distinguished caCardoso, Phillips, Franks, Grate, reer in B'nai B'rith and as a leadMoses, Lopez, Nathan and others er in American Jewry. Boyhood who had helped build the nation. friends, Peixotto and Wolf were The first great wave of European among the founders of the CleveImmigrants, including the found- land Young Men's Hebrew Litering fathers of B'nai B'rltb, was ary society. Peixotto was also a •till to come. But already it was founder of the Cleveland Mercanan era of expansion when Ameri- tile Library. ca was spreading westward. As its chairman be was respon, Cleveland today the country's sible for bringing to Cleveland fifth largest city, had only just some of the outstanding literary been incorporated and had no re- celebrities of the day. W h e n corded Jewish residents. I t was Wolf left Cleveland for WashingA kinsman of the Jewish pioneers ton in 1861, Peixotto was one of who laid the foundation for the the signers of a resolution exAmerican Jewish community •— pressing regret at the loss to the Daniel L e v y Madura Peixotto, community. A decade later Wolf whose father had been rabbi of and Peixotto were to meet agatn. the Spanish Portuguese synagogue Cleveland Orphan Homo In New. York—who became t h o Attending his first B'nai B'rith first Jewish resident of Cleveland. convention, Peixotto stirred the For it was In 1836 that Dr. Peix- District 2 convention of 1863 In otto was Invited to become presl* Cleveland by proposing the estab'dent of Cleveland's Willoughby lishment of a Jewish orphanage Medical college, after a notable to care for the fatherless children c a r e e r as a physician in New Jews who had been killed In (Fork, where he had been presi- of war. His plan to tax the memdent of the New York Medical so- the bership one dollar a year in orciety. der to raise, a charitable fund T o Cleveland Peixotto took with won hearty approval. mm a wife,, five daughters, and In 1808 this fund became the two sons, the youngest of whom nucleus with which tho now fawas-just. two. It was this eon, mous Cleveland Jewish Orphan . Known to history a s Benjamin Home was opened. As the movJFranklin Peixotto, who was to be ing spirit in bringing the homo iftst for a major part in the saga Into being, Peixotto was tho prinOf 'American Jewry. His was an cipal speaker at its' dedication. -amaxingly fruitful life, rich in Twenty years later, when the •Achievement and service. It Is a home's new building was opened, career worth recalling today,, just he was Again the chief orator. half a century after he passed on. Peixotto was thus the originator In Douglas Office of the program of philanthropic ' Left fatherless when he was 9, activity on which B'nai B'rith emBenjamin Franklin Peixotto edu- barked in the 1860s. • cated himself while. helping to In tho same year that Peixotto support his widowed m o t h e r . made his B'nai B'rith debut, the Something of a child prodigy, he Supreme Lodge of B'nai B'rith exhibited a great talent for the met in Cleveland. Although only classic and modern languages and 29 and a new face to most of the for literature. : •.. delegates, his abilities as an or- A gifted speaker, bo made the ganiser and speaker won speedy law, his career, preparing for the recognition, and he was elected bar In the office of Stephen A. president of B'nai B'rith by ac- Douglas, tho great political ad- clamation. He served four con yersary of Lincoln, with whom he secutive terms. formed a close personal friend Growth of Lodge ship. From Douglas Peixotto lmDuring hta Incumbency B'nai - blbed political leanings toward the B'rith grew from an organisation Democratic party. During the Lin- with 48 lodges and 4,500. memcoln-Douglas debates of the 1850a, bers to a great Jewish force of Peixotto contributed political ar- 80 lodges and more than 7,000 ticles to the Cleveland P l a i n members. Despite limited transDealer, of which he later became portation facilities, * he visited the *n editor. , - .principal Jewish communities on * As political editor of the Plain behalf of B'nai B'rith, everywhere ' Dealer, Peixotto warmly support- stirring enthusiasm by his briled Douglas for the presidency in liance and vigor and learning. 1860.. But when Lincoln' was As president of B'nai B'rith he elected, and w a r between the predicted Its ultimate expansion a» year beimg tite semiM*tc*nial of the death of BtmMmki PrwBkli« Peixotto, dlplo>Mt, editor «ad Jewish leader, ZMr. Postal appraises fete career as a maker of American Jewish history.—THIS ESDITQit.

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Young Men's Club Organized at J.C.C. A jtcw organization has b e e n ft/i'med, iua.de up of young busitx&s ai.d yrofessionai men in the city. T h i s organization w a s formed for social and cultural purposes and meets at the Jewish Coraoiunity Center the first Monday of each laonth. O f f i c e r s are Dr. Bernstein, president; Isadore Shindler, secretary, and Sovel Ileshelow, treasurer.

Guest speaker at- teis Friday t»fening services is Her. Doctor biiuoa Gi'eenberg, Rabbi of Har ZiGisi synagogue of ' Philadelphia Pa. He is past presideat of the Kabbinlea'i Assembly of -AiE,ejiea siia io also author of nuiaerous books of education, lecturer of the Jewish Theological seminary His topic will be "Making Jewish Life Worth Living." He will also address the Oneg Shabbat. meet ing of the Women's League of Sliaare Kion. at the home of Mrs. Jack Lassnian, with Mrs. Mike Muslikin as co-hostess His subject is "The Jewish Home —a Factor in Our Survival." He is accompanied by Mrs. Greenberg. The hosts for the Junior Congregation this coming Saturday will .foe Mrs. Ann Beechein in honor of the engagement of her £On to Miss Leibovitz of Council Bulffs.

of their daughter, Miss Betty L&sser, to Max Holber, 315 18th street, mn of .Mrs. f. Holber of LoadOB, Euglaid. They will l>e married ia June^ The bride-frlect is a' granddaughter of Mr. atd Mrs. Joseph Shapiro, 709 Ceater street. Honoring Miss Helen Guttlenian and Miss Xluth Singer, Miss Evelyn Jacobs, S70 15th street, eatertaiEed eight guests at a bridge party Saturday afternoon. Miss Thelma Shindler, 20OK Jennings, has returned after a tea-dsy visit lu Omaha w i t h friends.


Chautauqaa society. : Oa Friday ntgiit, January 24, RabM -Wice will relate his exper* ienms at the coaference to' members of Ws-coagregatlon at theregular services of Temple Israel. WEBB, BEBEB,_ KMJTZMCK * VfMsnVIL, In the iBttttr cf ti^e tttate of Harry Azoria Dece&scd Notice is hercL-y gjvtn: Tli&t the creal. tors of said dutuLLd uiil meet the exe« cutrix of said t^Utt, btfoi« me, CoujBty Judge of Doufelt.s> Couuty, Ntbraaka, at the County Court Hoom, in kkid County, on the 1st day ol Mtiui 16U and on Uie Iti &s.y of May 1941, &t 9 o'clock A. M., eacli day, for Uic puipobe of prepentlDg their claims for exanuntUoa, bdJUBtment and allowance. Tlnte Kioiiths me allowed for the creditoiis to i.txttfit their claims, from tlie 1st day of >ibri«ttiy, 1941. BRYCE CRAWFORD l-lO-iO-'M County Judge,

. This Sunday night, January 12, the Hebrew Mothers association "Will hold its. aimual banquet at the Jewish Community Center at 6:30. • Mrs. A. II. Baron will be the toastmaster. On the program will be Mr. SACK MAKLK, Atty Emleiii, president of the Hebrew Tit OmsJia Nht'l. Hunk ISldg. echoolr'who will give the welcomivOTIC'E ing remarks. Mr. Seff will give In the matter of the estate ot Samuel the treasurer's report. (Continued from Page 1.) Weiea Deceased Greetings will be given by Mrs. on the campus of the university. Notice is'hereby given: That the credi* Phillip Sherman, president of the. tors of eald deceased will meet toe eze« All evenings during Religious cutor On last Sunday evening t h e of said estate, btfore me. County Hebrew Mothers association. A Emphasis week will be devoted to Judge of Douglau County, Nebraska, a t Young People's League had a supplay entitled "The Sabbath Anthe County Court Room, in eaid County, per and a program at the Shaare informal discussions and each aft- on the 1st day of March, 1941, and on th« gel, * under the direction of Bliss ernoon there will be a, general Zron synagogue. Forty y o u n g 1st day of May 1911, at tt o'clock A. I t . , Cooper and Rabbi IJrown, will infca/.-h day, for the purpose of presenting student conference. people attended. The program their claims for examination, adjustment clude the following characters: The Youth Council is planning consisted of a discussion and Jew- Rabbi Wice's appearance at th« and allowance. Three months are allowed Irving Sherman, Doris Itivin, Al- a series of forum discussions to ish Current Events, community University of Colorado was ar- for the creditoid to present their claims, bert Shapiro, Lillian Falk, Helen be called "Youth Speaks." The singing, games and Mrs. Sam ranged through the co-operatioo fom the 1st day of February 1941. Falk, Bobby Lipscliutz, H e l e n first of these •will be held Sun- Cohen in a recital of songs, acU m c e of the university and the Jewish i-io-4o-3t Kuperstein, Wilbur Friedman, day, January 26, at 6:30. Sam companied by Mr. Jack Merlin. Lorraine Kaplan, Alice Mason and Kaplan is general chairman. Evelyn Sherman. A supper will be served and There will also be a talk by following the supper a symposium Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov and a solo will be held on the subject "In Society News by Cantor Pernick. Remarks "Will the Face of War Threatening Palbe given by Rabbi Urown and estine, Should We Continue to Mrs. Cooper and a talk by Rabbi Send Money Into the Country?" Miss Marion Shiloff, daughter H. R. Rabinowitz. Marvin Klass will be moderator. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shiloff, 317 Mrs. Morey Lipscliutz and Mrs. Discussants will be Doris Grues- of 20th street, announced her enA. Bain are chairmen of the tick- kin, Sheldon Singer and Joe Bar- gagement' Sidney Slotsky, son l et committee; Mrs. Ben Shindler ricks. Following the forum there of Mr. andto Mrs. Abe Slutsky, 3029 and Mrs. Ben Sherman are kitch- will be dancing for the rest of Surt your tt&y with vittmlnt! Dwatfiet en chairmen, and Mrs. S. Snofsky the evening. Perry Osnowitz is Jackson street. The wedding date WlteatmiX contains about 18 times more and Mrs. L, Wetner are dining in charge of publicity; Lois Novit- has not been set. WHEAT GERM than # plain wholewheat room chairmen, sky is reservation chairman, and Forcastlng a spring wedding ceneali. 18 time* lriclicr in viUmint PLUS a Annabelle Emlein, assisted by Jr. is the engagement announcement wonderful blood building element. And til* Hadassah, will take charge of the made this week of Miss Maxine (mtb whe&t Oav«r i> ddicious! Try it. food and dining room. Leibovitz, daughter df Mr. and Mrs. A. Leibovitz of Council Bluffs, to Marvin Beechem, son of Mrs. Anna Beechem, 919 Dakota avenue, South Sioux City. Miss M. Leibovitz is a guest of Rabbi David A. Goldstein of Mrs. Reuben Miller. Omaha, Neb., will present a book review on Wednesday, January Mr. and Mrs. L. Itivin, 1422 15, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish At a recent luncheon meeting Community Center under the aus- of the board of directors, it was Ingleside avenue, announced the pices of the Sioux City sectioii of decided to hold the Sioux City engagement of their daughter, the National Council of Jewish Zionist banquet on Sunday night, Miss Eunice Rivin, to Phillip Dobrofsky, son of Mrs. S. DobrofWomen. Two books will be re- February 2, at 6 p. m. sky, 1409. Center .street. M i s s Yiewed: "Native Son," by RichAdorph Davis, president of the Rivin is a graduate of Central ard Wright, and "Big Sea," by Sioux City district, appointed Ben High school. The wedding date Laugston Hughes. Kalin, Eli Robinow, Jlabbi Gold* has not been set. Admission will be 50 cents per stein and Rudy Schfndler as comperson and the proceeds of the mittee in charge of the banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lesser of review will be placed In the Coun- The committee is negotiating with cil "Scholarship P u n u." Mrs. Rabbi I. Gordon of Minneapolis Mitchell, S. D., announced t h e Morey Weil is chairman and Mrs.to come as speaker. KLUTZNICK & UEIXV, E. N. Grueskln is co-chairman. At the luncheon meeting Rudy WIvItll, BEBER, 300 Service Life BMg. Sehindler was ' elected • secretary P o A K NOTICE Hebrew Mother's / for the remainder of the term. in the Matter of the Estate of Sarah




in One easy lesson!

Club Will Meet

The Hebrew Mothers association will m'eet next Tuesday and will hold a dessert-luncheon at 1:30 nt the Jewish Community Center. . '..^ Mrs. Phillip Sherman will preside and Miss Celia Cooper will give a review of "Hear Ye Sons/' by Irving Flneman. Mrs. Lonis Weiner will be chairman of the luncheon. ' . . Jx*


Lodz Jews Jailed Zurich. (JTA) — Nazi authorities in Poland summarily sentenced two Jews to" ' four" and six months' Imprisonment' for emerging from the Lodz ghetto without permission, the Litsmanhstaedter Zeitung, Nazi organ of Lodz, reports.

Garbet," Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given: -That the creditors of saia deceased • will meet, the administrator -of. Bald.. estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebras-t ka,: at, the County Court Room, in-said County, on - the 18th day of February, 1941, and on the 18th day of April, 1 » « , at 9.o'clock A. M., each day, for the purpose of-presenting-their claims for examination,, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed' for the creditors to present their claims,-from the 18th day Ot January, .1911. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 12-27-40-3t. County Judge.

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•A. Z. A. will present its annual program for B'nai B'rith the first week in February. Members of A. Z. A. will participated . The winter tournament of A. Z. A. will be held at Lincoln February 14, 15 and 16.: Representing Sioux City in the tournament will be the basketball team, the I orator and debate squad's. ,' Any boy wishing to become a member of.A. Z.,A. should get in touch with a "member and join the new pledge class.;..

Child*eti»3 Theatre

The Children's theatre will be .resumed Siin'day;-January 12, and /will continue to,be held pach Sunday afternoon, from 3 to 4. Mothers are urged to.'send thejr children, between the a g e s of 5 and 12. • :-•'

NATIONAL PARK' > » » ARKANSAS - Mow you ton regain health and p«j> In t h * royal way) Baths In lh« «f!«rv»icent tiiaKna , woHrt of tfia 47 govtrnntanMvparyiitd Hot. Springs! Get relief from norvoui and organic ailments • and at t h * tarn* Ilm» #njoy th« luxurltt of o real outcfoor vacation-riding, hiking, fiihlnfl and gtlflng-a paradtM of health and hopplnsji•'•'' Stay o» th« b«ouiif«l tASIMAN Hotel! Enjoy ' th« quislof I » vail private (Jdrfc-Ond lh» convenient* ©I. In Idtal loeotion! 50Olarg» comfortable roomi, economical total, fr«m<2. iVrlt* For Pictorial OooMcW-WAlTEft 6. DAVIS,



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• Orthodox Synagogue

Services will .'''begin tonight at 5 o'clock and In the morning at "8:30 o'clock. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnifeov will speak during the-mornIng services at the Adas Yeshuren synagogue.; Recreation on 8 « t n v ft n y" nights at the Center has been temporal ily discontinued.

,s •

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