' •-'•r-,':U
Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January HI, 1931. at Postoffice. of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March $. 1171
Property Taken by Slovak Government
XVII—No. 12
Lisbon (WNS) — The Nazi Slovakian Government has confiscated Jewish property and possessions valued at 331,000,000 kronen since the Nazi occupation of Czechoslovakia, according to "Slovak," official organ of the Government Puts Blame Local Ministers to Hear Nazi party in Slovakia. The paper reported that the For Revolt on Dr. Morgenstern Government had issued a decree Jews Speak Rabbi Goldstein to compelling all Jews to wear yellow arm-bands designating them Review Werfel Book Budapest (JTA) — Be* Julian Morgensternf presiflu Jews. Jews have been forbid» dent of the Hebrew Union Col- as 175,000 Jet , den to enter cafes,- hotels and mania's For his final book of the cur- lege, will conduct an Institute on public baths. They must sit in helplessly in the midd ;.„ If 'i rent series of Book evenings, : Religion, Monday, February 10, special sections in motion picture lent battle between \ ~$<a ern-Rabbi Goldstein has chosen, "Emment aud dissident 1 *£g >* ard- bezzled Heaven" by Franz WerMaurice Samuel, noted writer, • mi Temple Israel for Protestant houses. translator, and commentator, VriU ists, hundreds of | 8 ivere fel. - fntnisters, Catholic priests, and ••••/•• Tuesday evening, February 4, adamong the estlmate<T 3 § per• rabbis from Omaha, Council The review will be giveff on dres§ the Center Forum on "Prop* sons slain in tliCj' | ^ long • Bluffs, and the surrounding comMonday evening, February 10, at aganda, the New Monster." Tho wholesale massacres ! ••ja tnunities. the Beth El Synagogue. lecture w|U take place at 8:15 at spread iiillaging. 1 The Institute is meeting with the Jewish Community Center, as A JTA corresponde! enthusiasm and reservations are came the fifth of tlie current Forum here from Buchares/ •teadlly coming in to the Temple efore series. the revolt broke ou office. .^orted Well-known to Omaha audi* that German army officers were : Dr. Morgenstern "will give two ences, Samuel, since his last apinciting anti-Jewish disorders. lectures on "The Early History pearance hero, has won new fame Alliance Will By Monday, with some degree of Judaism and Christianity." Workers' Show "Fischjte der Luncheon will be served to tne of order restored, hundreds of clergymen attending the InstiJews were buried in mass funerKrumer" tute als. In the Jewish section of President Haynes Stresses . ' Two years ago a similar meet- : The Jewish National Workers Bucharest, tanks and trucks loadReligion Basic in ing waB conducted a t the Temple Alliance, Poale Zion, b r a n c h 54, ed with soldiers rolled past Education looted by Dr. Samuel Cohon, also of the will on Sunday, at 8:30 at the smashed store f r o n t s , shops and wrecked homes. Hebrew Union College, and a t Jewish Community Center pres"Religion is a basic element in jthat time hope was expressed the ent the .'Yiddish' motion picture, (Soviet press dispatches said a liberal education," was the , JTemple would again sponsor such "FJshke 4er Knrtiier." "the Jewish districts are a horri- thesis of President Rowland v_Jni event. , "Fishke der Krumer," a tragi- ble sight" and added that in ad-Haynes of the University of Oma- -> Dr. Morgenstern will be thecomedy, was written by Mendele dition : to the hundreds of Jews ha in his address to the United BlaiiT-inany others were wounded Orthodox Congregations at the guest of honor at a congregationor "kidnapped.) , al dinner to be given the evening Annual Sisterhood dinner on JanJewish survivors of the revolt uary 20. of February 10 by members of (Continued on Page 9.) ' Temple Israel. President Haynes spoke to a group of about 300 members of t h e constituent organizations composing tho U. O. C, and expressed appreciation for their effort to make the religious approach an active phase of the life of the Jewish community in Omaha. Among other things, he said "I New Governor Will Act have heard many young people Decrees Exclude All say that they have no religion." Maurice Samuel To Aid European ..Jew*- from ' "To me there is no more Import- as the author of "The G r o a t Refugees Office ant basis than religion for a well- Hatred" and the translator oC ordered life in young persons. Sholoru Asch'B great novel, "The T Vichy (JTA) - ^ No .'Jewish' Washington (JTA) — Charles Religion should be taught in the Nazarene."representative has been named to -Harwood, of New York, newly ap- home by the religious leader of Samuel waB educated at Engthe newly-created National Counpointed Governor of the Virgin the family." lish and French Universities and cil, although the Protestant and Islands, said this week he favorRabbi Isaiah Rackovsky, spirit- has become acquainted with EuroCatholic 'communities have reed opening the Caribbean posses- ual leader of the U. O. C, also pean life by frequent trips abroad. ceived representation. A m o n g sion as a haven for.political refu- spoke oh the occasion. Starting He was at Geneva, attending: tho those who have been named to gees from Europe, "with proper with/a question "What is written World Zionist Congress when tho the council are the violently anti- A scene from the Yiddish picture, restrictions and safe-guards." for us on the next page of Jewish present war broke out. Semitic Jacques Doriot, Col. "Mshkc der Krumcr.v Besides his most recent book Harwood said one of his first history?" lie stressed the importFrancois de la Rocquo and the he has written, "You Gentilea,"acts as Governor would be to ance of the spiritual power which former liberal Deputy Gnston Mocher Seforlm, the Grandfather conduct a complete survey of fa- in Israel has served as a strong "I, the Jew," "What Happened in of Yiddish literature. Bergery. Palestine," and "Jewa on ApprovAppearing on the same pro- cilities on the islands for handl- weapon to keep alive a people Jew's are ousted from posts as gram with the picture will be Aling the exiles from Axis terror in whom its brethren have often al." He has translated the works of Bialik, Shmarya Levin,-1; J> municipal secretaries under a de- Harris, famous interpreter of Europe. He also intends to ob-considered destroyed. . Singer, and Sholem Asch. - . • .cree published in the Official Jewish humor. Hairis is known tain a definite opinion of the is- Mr. Morris Burstein spoke very ' Admission to the lecture1 will Journal. Jews and naturalized in the theatrical world as thelands' residents on whether they briefly as president of the U. O.be by Forum ticket. would welcome immigration, he C ; Mrs. L. Neveleff as president Frenchmen were barred from ser- "One-Man Theater/' vice in the Air Force in another A surprise feature is also plan- said. The islands' legislative as- of the Sisterhood. Mr. I. Elewitz Montreal (JTA) — The tenth sembly has already asked admis- was toastmaster. decree. It was announced that 28 ned for the program. . annual convention of the Hadasi^ sion .. of .^refugees', provided that jnore employees of the Ministry The program of entertainment aah Organization of Canada electthey are self supporting. of Communications, a physician consisted of a brief dramatic ed Mrs. A. Raginsky; of Montreal, and a consular judge for.China, The Governor said he had con- sketch rendered by Paul Neren- as president, succeeding the lato named Kaufmann had been disferred with Secretary of Interior berg and Harriette Rifkin, and Mrs. Archibald FreUnan, founder missed under the Jewish statute. Harold L. Ickes on the problem two solos by Charlotte Shafton. and first president. Jews and naturalized Frenchof.political refugees. men are excluded from municipal Meanwhile, ex-Senator William Dosts Jn the .Antilles and in the H. King said f he would confer Isle of Reunion, situated in the with Interior'Department offic(Continued on Page 10.) . " ials preparatory to seeking relntroduction of the bill calling for Complete pictures of the Rose- establishment of European refubowl game will be shown at a gee colonies in Alaska, which he Today's Your Last Chance to Save smoker to be given Monday, Feb(Continued on^Page 3.) ruary 3, by the Omaha- lodge of Fifty Cento on Your B'nai B'ritb. " The Omaha Hebrew Cliib will * Tliese" are the* official: Univerhold a business meeting this Sun- sity of Nebraska pictures. ; 4us,- February 3> at: the" Jewish :- Because•' Joe? £>olonioriow, secCommunity Center. - -• • ond.vice-president, haabeen call, 'On February 16, an open meet- ed -to active army sendee, an Lincoln. (SpecialV— Members Ing will be held. A special" pro-, election of a n e w v second Tice- of -the dating committee of - the gram is being arranged for that jpresident, will take place at a Lincoln 'A.-Z. A, has, requested Hate. An outstanding speaker* is short'business meeting iq be held tho^e girla who wished, to ;bo $i procured for-lhiB 'meeting. at" 8 o'clock.." Showing, of the placed oh the dating list of the After today the regular subscription rate movies-will begin a t - 8 : 3 0 . ' i Combelt RegldnalTournamentlto of $2. SO will go into effect. 'Members of the Council Bluffs be held In, Lincoln, February 15, Yiddish Play to Be ; . \ Given on April 27 B'nai B'rith lodge will be guests. I6;.dnd.l7. £2X3 YO©AV f,3AiE. YGUE3 Housing; facilities will be arWorkmen's Circle, branch. 173, Round ranged for those girls from out to and the Dramatic Club o£ the Meet on Tuesday of Jown.' Those replying are askBranch, will present (he.four-act ed .'to state their description and ,YIddl8h play, "Das Pin tele Yid" The rejular monthly meetJng yrhetherr* 6r not housing accomoon Bunday, April 27, at 8 p. m.pt; the Round' Tatrieof Jewish dations are desired. ^ ; at the" Central Club," 21st anaYouth will -be held this ^Tuesday Convefltijm *fceadd.uartera ;will Dodge.St.. . - . •;•'.. . . . at-7• o'clock at*the Jewish Com- be at the Hotelr Lincoln. Letters : ; .[ Admission will -be fifty • and- sevi munity ^Center,-- .-'• shpuld- t?e aeaii Stan .! Pachman, SSO B^andeis, Theater BU3&. ;. enty-five cents! •Prpceeys-'wHl be This will ttbt be a supper meet- 1859 Euclid, Lincoln, or EJlinor© ; used for philanthropic purposea'. ing. • .•;,:.•i:,_v,.v;.-,x:-.. ,.•:.>;••;.• \. Robinson, 2020 ."R" St., Lincoln.
J.€.C. Forum Noted Author Will Be Here Next Tuesday
Hebrew Club to Meet on Sunday
Seek Dating List ForAZATourney
his 549 series, with'Leo right bellied him with bis series.
By SAM iZWEtlJACK __ ' • t i e Wsrfrobf «
OfS ©IT TEAMS • . W. L. Vet. *» 1f* .*«!
..Kmjiire Cgfjuier* . . . . . . . . . . . JPSotseer Vcifernw ..... Stnitti Motor. S t o l e CtoSj ...... Ciletjaot CisU .............
Miss High , 6S9.
Friday, Jrau&ry 24, • 1941
3? %e> .633 S9-%» -.669 S8 S# .&&0 £5 SS .411 £ 3 S7 .S«3
;ir. G»«,e—Lts Wt£u» tisnw Berirs—Abe
T Kig-ti Stagl* G i u u e — e m p i r e s C'taiu. er», 662. T e a m HJKH Tfcji-e-ftsine Series—Tbe Wfcrd. robes, 2,63il.
Two of the four league records were broken this week when •a b m e very exceptionally high bawling scores were turned in. . Notable was Abe Feldumn, the Council Bluffs shark who broke . the high three-game series record Vhen he put together games of 215, 213 and 202, for a big 630 series. • It might al30 be mentioned here that the high three -game series was really broken t w o times this week, as Paul Steinberg shot 618 this week, which was three pins better than the former mark of 615 formerly held by Leo Weltz. The other record broken was the high three-game team series of 2,664, which was held by the (Smith Motor1 team. This week Moe Liusman's league leading Wardrobe Clothiers went sky high when they shot a three^game series of 2,676 scratch, made up of games of 935, 858 and 883, which is top bowling in any. man's league. In the first match of the evening, the Wardrobes Clothiers smothered the State Coal team in all three games to increase their lead over the rest of the pack by eight full games.
ing two Jewish .bowlers in our league are iu first.-place so far in the-doubles. Dave Krantz and Lea Blacker, who teamed up toSam Zweiback topped the los- gether shot a 1,000 even scratch ers with his 511 series, with score, and aided by a 231-pin "Doe" Sammy Morgan in the run- handicap • ended up "with a 1,2X1 ner-up spot with-his 501 series. series, which will keep them in the., money for sure. In the second match of t h e evening,, the pmith Motor/ team They should etay in first place won two games from Dave Halm's for another' week yet, and should. Pioneer Uuiforni team. The Uni- be congratulated for their fine form boys wor; the first game bowling in the biggest city tourhandily, by a 794 to 760 score. nament held yet. Harry Smith's boys came back strong to win the second game The Kaiman Insurance bowling by ah 832 to 773 score, ajid then team, who bowled, in the c i t y •went to town in the last game tournament Sunday, bumped which they won by a 928 to 735 into a lot of last hard luck, and finalscore. , . .. ly managed to turn in a 2,850 series, which may end up in the Paul Steinberg, the anchor man money. T h e Pioneer Uniform for the Auto boys, was top man team, who also bowled; last' Sunin this match when he shot three day in the same tournament, had beautiful games of .318, 200 and worse luck than the Kaiman team 200, to end up-with £ big 618 and ended up far down the line. series. "Tony" Cohn; was t h e runner-up for the winners with hia 504 series.
Assoc. Hospital
tal care expenses since the association was organized. New officers elected at . th'e meeting were as follows: President, BoEald J. Burke,'president of George H. Lee company; vicepresident, Francis J. Bath, business manager of St. Joseph's Hosp i t a 1; secretary-treasurer, Dr. Francis J. Bean, assistant superintendent of the Nebraska University Hospital. Mr. Burke, who is. also president of the Onjaha Rotary Club, succeeds Rev. H. E. Hess, who resigned recently to accept ja pastorate at Norfolk, Nebraska,
Omaha School of Beauty During the month of January and February, the Omaha School of Beauty, 2424 Leavenworth, is making special low rates to girls interested in becoming beauty operators. The, school announces that it has . been successful in placing graduates. A catalogue will be furnished on request.
The Pioneers were topped by Service Elects 29 Jews Cited in their anchor man, Leo Weitz, British Despatches who ended up with a 493 series, The Associated Hospital Servwith Jack Meicher (the C i t y London (WNS) — Twenty-nine Tournament Doggie) right behind ice, Inc., of. -Nebraska, the non- Jewish officers and soldiers, asprofit hospital care plan organis- signed to various British fighthim with a 48S series. ed and sponsored by Omaha's ing forces, were cited for bravery In the last game of the eve- registered hospitals, has demon- in military despatches. Several ning, the bottom place Clicquot strated its value to the commun- of them were decorated. Club Eskimos finally got into the ity and its members, according to A number of the Jewish m e n win column when they took two the annual audit, part of the re- cited were aboard the warships, port made to the Board of Digames to stop the winning streak which successfully convoyed merrectors at a meeting held Tues- chant ships to Greece. The warof the Empire Cleaners. day noon, at the Wellington Ho- ships were attacked by Nasi warIn this match the Eskimos, in tel. This report stated, that a to-< planes and during the. battle 12 spite of having to give away a tar of $41, 679.94 baa been paid Nazi plaqea were shot .down and 17-pin handicap, won the first to hospitals tor members' hospi- two British vessels damaged.. :.., match by a 834 to 809 score, and then won the second game by an 870 to 865 score. The Empires managed to win the last game by an 865 to 830 score.
In this match Dr. D. C. Platt was top man for the winners when he turned in a nice 553 series made up of games, of 178, 190 and 185. George Schapiro was the ri'nner-np for the winners In the first game of the match, with his P25 series. the Wardrobes really went big when they shot a 935 scratcn I Henry C'ovon was the big shot score to win by 935 to 810. In j for thf* lo"jv3 when he turned in this game Leo Blacker shot u 20'.'. I the third COO series of the eveSam Katznian a big 219, and Abe ning, wh'ii Ve put together games Feldman a' big 215 score. of 132. 208 and 217, for a big. 007 series. The second game was won by the huge margin of 863 to 696. Capt. Lee Hurwich was the and in this pame Abe Ffldinan ruurior-up with his n i c e 532 Again hit the jackpot with his 213 series. score. The last game was a repetition of the first two, when the There is still one postponed , league leaders won by an 883 to aeries to be bowled off yet, and a* ' 730 score. In this game Abe Peld- the present time it looks like man again was high with his 202, these games will be bowled off a ' and Sam Katzmaiy turned in a week from this Sunday, with a •' 201 game. definite announcement to be inad<?'.' in next week's issue. Abe Feldman was top man for the winners, with his big 630 In the City tournament which series as mentioned above, ami is now going on,. It should- he Capt. Sam Katzman was next with mentioned here that at this writ-
Begin Work Underground Cables Work lias begun on twia underground telephone cables which • -will spun the 1,600 miles bV tween Omaha, Nebraska, and Sacramento,- California, to link the telephone caWe networks on the two sides- of- the continent,; the American • • Telephone and Telegraph Compaiiy announced today. The new cables will supplement several exisiting "open wire" transcontinental l i n e s . They will increase transcontinental circuits initially by about 60 per cent, supplying a quantity of circuits able to meet practically any future demands of national defense or other major emergency, and will ultimately,, almost triple present cross-continent facilities. • "_ , The project is expected to cost nearly $20,000,000; Construction permits have been issued for thV Omaha-Denver section and applications for the remainder, of the work will be submitted to the Federal Communications' Commission in the near future. M0N8KY, OBODIN8KV, HAKE* ft '—
COMSN, Attyt.
7IT OtnM* Nst'l Sank
: ' ' NOTICE " - ' ; ". - NOTICES IS HEKKBY GIVEN UMU ,*'«• ttM.lat day of January, 19*1, JM Mnount of all exUUng debt* of ZALE JEWKUUf COMPANY of Omaha, a Nebraska eonpi*tl<jn, wltb i u prinoipal plan* of biirtmw In Omaha, Nebraska,'wai Thirty o «and Two Hundred and Ten DoltaM Seventy-live Cents (»M.210.7S>. MORRIS B. 9AIJ8, . President. UORRIS B. ZAUS. WILUAiT ZAUB. ,
u. B. ofrtiv 1-34-41-lt, • •
Reductions to as Much as "•
Majority o f Director*.
Are Offered in Our January Sale Saturday! Winter Coats DRASTICALLY CUT IN PRICK FUR TRIMMED Coats at
. . . . . . . $ 4 8 and $ 6 8
$14 and $21
Herzbergs Fourth Floor
toft xmd tailored
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Children's Apparol Reduced SNOW SUITS
Stall and! Winter Our n e w 1941 sirit classics—smart .versatile —that you'll happily live in '} a n u a r y, February* March, .April and May. Pastels in Beige, Gold, Pink or Blue Shetlands. Four-gored skirts. Sizes 10' to -20.
Third Floor of Feshions-
Get them ready' for the snowdrifts « > * buy these .values in well made, sturdy, warm suits. Broken sizes 3 to 18.
Reduced to Thcso Throo Groups -
Values to $3.90
Values to $7.90
•V "
Values to $10.9&.... »v $ f About 300 dresses r . ; our entire remafau mg-stock.of fall and winter Nelly Dosl at the Iov7 pricen you've \7alted "forJ Broken siies 12 to 40," ' Henbergs Fifth Float •
§ucs I to 16 in pretty little dresses for. oyoryday wear. "
." .COATS '•**'
Broken SUTes, 7 to i4
— _ KM i VtrOUP 4*IVtttV..t999ttf ^^ "Td9*
Group p , ^ Xtcizbergs Fifth Floor i / . . . . ,
Friday, January 24, 1941
'••• u
SOLVED . By the Coiffure Artista ;
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2nd Floor Securities Btdg ' Free Consultations AT 0332
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Nut Cc!«?
Paris Lump , - ^ ARCO Semi Anthracite §iO.S® Tiger Lump p . .$7.50
•' ." '
30c and 35c
HOWE FOR FUNERALS Established 1906
Complete Service at Nominal Coat
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Small Monthly Payment!
Amusement Machines
According to report . . . the » . A. F. raids have cut business in Berlin theatres 50% and' film production '40%. Few theatres have been hit, but many are closed* In the suburbs. Noel Madison . . . erstwhile cinemactor . . . is how scribbling Londonotes for a local sheet. "Of first Importance in the news," relates Madison, "are the daily reminders of their precarious existence. 'Have you packed a bombbag?' asks one paper. 'Keep it under your bed and place in it your Insurance policies, jewelry, glasses, spare dental plate, a bar of chocolate, a book, cold cream, face powder and lipstick.' "
•Butter * Buttermilk • Cottage Cheese • M i l k • Cream • Sour Cream * Sweet Butter
Wig*. for
15 ASK FOR O-tiay Whole Wheat Your Grocer
coral Tasty Sandwiches , Salads —- Pastries and a VARIETY off SPECIALTIES Now Selng Served in Our
Coffee Shop Lower L©M>y Free Parking for Patrons
O. A.
St©SnEi©imer Company CONTRACTING PAINTERS V Painting and Decorating Imported and Domestic Wallpaper Bo. 40%fV S t . ',
HOTEL 36 & Farnam HA 0043
I*oIlticiKrt*»Rt>ir*vvircuicnt? The
.... , . Hollywood, All that ''Good Neighbor" palaver spreads out rather thin as regards American film product. CoBta Rica just banned "Mortal Stprm" on the ground that they "might offend Germany" (not worrying about offending the U. S.). Suddenly Brazil slaps a new tax on American-made pictures which will make film distribution there almost prohibitive . . . and adding to the injury, they made the measure retroactive t,o 1935 (,193? would be too, too telltale). The Argentine cabinet again banned "The Great Dictator," after it was passed by the censor. Mexico City screened the Chaplin sptc, overriding a strong protest by the Nazi minister . . . b u t a heavy guard was thrown around the theatre to prevent repetition of the disturbance that attended the "Pastor Hall" showing; Hollywood is certain these activities spring from Nazi and Italian efforts to clear the screens of U. S. films.
We Install Amusement a n d Merchandise Ma* c h i n e g on Percentage Basis on Cigarette, Pea* not, Gum, Fin Ball and other amusement devices* Call Hymie Zorinsby, Nebraska's Largest Vending Distributor.
SALES, Inc., 103 So. 13th St.
AT 1121 7
.WA 8428
float contributed by tho Central Japanese Associations to the Rose Parade won the Theme Prize. It represented 'Cherry Blossom Time In Washington,' with a chrysanthemum-built replica of the Capitol building surrounded by blossoming cherry trees and Amerl* can-Japanese maidens. T h a t ASCAP-BMI squabble again: When asked what ho would sing on his Wednesday airshow, Eddie Cantor cracked, "What difference does it make? It'll come out 'Jeanlo with the Light Brown Hair' anyway!" Edward G. Robinson goes cast for the President's inauguration. Charlie- Chaplin Is scheduled to recite his famous speech from "The Great Dictator" for tho President's birthday celebration. (Chaplin hasn't made a professional appearance at the Capital since tho Liberty Bond drive of 1017.) And Benny Goodman has been chosen to provide the music for the Birthday Ball. Billy Gilbert's father and mother both were opera singers . . . hence his ability to sneeze in every key. Someone rises to ask, what became of Francis Lederer's International Peace League? It's GWTW—Gone with tho War— along With those tons of signatures on peace resolutions that were shipped a few years ago to the Ireaguo of Nations (Olov hasholom). Tne life of Daniel Frohman should make excellent film fodder. His wit and wisdom are being revived on all sides. His favorite'inotto'was: "It'ri not how old you are, but how you are oia." Once when he was barred from a certain club because of his Israelltish heritage, he observed, unruffled, "That's all right, Jesus himself couldn't get In here—he, Joo, was 6 Jew!"N .
Serwlco on Shop la mm @filE3T@ IHONEO — OHM . . . .
SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY UVE Ch®P, Qo, Perlb. ®^ UVE CHICEtENS Ducks, Geese, Turkeys at Special Prices
Monday dod Tuesday Ultea Rooorvod for Private Parties to t!se KSasJo e j Oci Kto E O
Friday 2S ! Ooofea States" "
Sets©©! * •' ••; Pr©disc© . C o . • TWO I^OATIONS:
S037 So. 24 1301 ^O. 24
MA 0460 WE 4737
OIAHA SHADE 00. Manefaeteren of
WIHHOW SHADES All Makes of Venetian Blinda &. Window Shades, Cleaned —- Repaired
•HA 22m
4Q1G Ferasraj St.
Friday,' J«jutfciry. 24, 1941
concert featured Anatol Kamin- the proceeds are donated to a ler over Holland.'" . . . "Hitler Sigma Delta Tan I sky, -worthy cause. noted violinist. over Belgium"^.- . . "Hitler leaping out of the skies in paraIn order to have one" test King chutes!" Lincoln (Special) — The pasts before settling down to the ser- WHAl Ji'EITM Holland and Belgium had been week-eud La.s been cue ef the! iousness of Etudymg for final exThere will be a meeting of the kind to Hitler. They had done ev- most pleasant and exciliug Tiieta ' aiainatioas, the sorority house B'n&i B'rith Lodge, 688, at the erything to please him. They tad chapter li£S known ia its sixteen j •was turned, iato a EOO last Thurs- Little Eagles hall next Monday spoken ever so softly. They tad of existence on the Ktlras-j day night, when Anna Arbitman eveiiing at 8 o'clock. •Loving Hitler tip-toed in his presence. Holland years ka campus. During the birthday of Omaha and Norraa Seldiu of had wanted, nothing from Hitler. My fliEed, Robert M. Jones, It had beeu content to be allowed dinner given in her houor last Council Bluffs, announced that a TO SIOUX. CITY Miss Maxine Leibovtt* . spent taster of the Quaker Church, to keep on growing lovely tulips. Monday night, Miss Petra Fuld, costume party would be held to •writes ts inform me that the Belgium had wanted nothing from Theta's German exchange stu- which everyone had to come last week-end visiting in S i 0 U X City, la. Quakers haven't bad any trouble Hitler. It was happy enough' la dent, surprised the girls -hy pass- dressed as an animal. with,Hitler. 'They have been send- the thrift of its peasants, in the ing the traditional five pound box Rebecca Silver of Laurel won ing lood over for Jews and Poles gaiety of Brussels. It had a writ- of candy to announec her engage- the prize for the most hilarious VISIT HJGRK In. occupied regions &ud, accord- ten promise from Hitler. ment to Mr. Jock Netzorg of Ma- costume. Bette Rosenblatt of Miss Dorothy Rosen and Miss ing to the information that Mr. In this hour, like many anoth- nilla, Philippine Islands. Beverly Steinberg spent the last* Omaha entertained the chapter Jones sends, the Nazis have kept er, I ceased altogether to be a Miss Puld is a freshman at the with a birthday spread Sunday half of this week visiting at the their promise: They have seeu to pacifist, at least for the duration home of friends here In Council University aud Mr. NeUorg has night. It that the food is distributed to of the time when ravenous wolves Bluffs. attended the University of the those for whom it was iateaded. were prowling the world. Not in Manila. The couple This work has been doae under that I was •without love and kind- Philippines BASKETBALL TEAM WINSJ plan to be married the early part the direction of Clarence Pickett, ness. I could still love and be of The B'nal B'rith Lodge, 688, February at the home of the j secretary of the American Friends kind, but my love and kindness basketball team defeated t h e groom's sister, Mrs. Sol Stein of must be for the innocent victims .(Quakers) Service Committee. Omaha J. C. C. Junior Vawity "Clarence Pickett is no friend of the wolves. The wolves must Jackson, Michigan. team last Sunday afternoon on Delegates of six chapters of Of Nazism and no one knows this be delayed for the sake of love the Community Center floor to By Lucille Abrahamson better than Adolf Hitler," says an and kindness. Sigma Delta Tau are anxiously the tune of 32 to 25. article from a Methodist paper The Conquerors awaiting the week-end of Febru- TALMUD TORAH DANCE The victors were paced by NorWhich accompanies Mr. Jones' Yes, it is painful to lose an old ary 21 to 24, for at that time The Talmud Torah dance will man Abrahamson, who collected letter. "But Clarence Pickett faith in a time of life when you they will meet at Nu chapter at bears simple testimony to a fact have just found the first gray the University of Minnesota In be held next Sunday evening at 14 points. of his experience. Stated simply hair in your head. In an old heart Mineapolis for a bi-annual re- the Eagle's hall. There will be Barred aa Peddlers that truth is this: Hitler can be an old faith should stand planted gional conclave. Delegates of dancing to the music of Freddie Ebener and his orchestra. Games London (JTA) — The authoricompelled to keep a promise, but firmly like an old oak. The old only love and truth and kindliness heart suffers when the old faith Theta chapter elected by the ac- and refreshment booths will be ties in German-occupied Brussels <can eo compel him." is uprooted from its depth by a tives to represent them are: Mir- ready for those attending. A have refused to renew license* of, iam Itubnitz, Shirley Epstein, drawing for a radio will be held. Jewish stallholders in market ' I should like to believe this, for Hitler. I am one of those who have sufI can not go along with Mr. juniors; Shirley Rosenblum, sopThis is an annual affair spon- places and of Jewish peddlers, fered horribly from disillusion. I Jonea and the Quakers in loving homore, and Estelle Raduziner, sored by the Talmud Torali and Belgian circles here reported. W~ed to say that love and truth Hitler in order to conquer him. freshman, all of Omaha. Bnd kindliness were authorities But I envy their faith and thank High honors are still accruing more potent than guns, tanks and them for importing their own to Theta members. At a Univerflying fortresses. I Baid that na- truth, love and kindness to the sity Y. W. C. A. election last Fritions, like men, receive kindness occupied region where falsehood, day, Sylvia Katzman, sophomore In return even as they 'give it out hate and cruelty abide in an im- of Omaha, was chosen as treasurof their decent hearts. There was mense darkness. er for the next two years. Miss no need for guns. I was a pacifist. Yet Hitler has not robbed my Katzman has been active in the I know a lot of people who heart of everything. It has great campus Y. W., being a staff leadhave suffered in the same way. memories. It knows love, truth er, cabinet member, and a memThey had been taught from their and kindliness as the sum of the childhood that love and truth and Jewish teaching—the law and the ber of the vesper choir. She is kindliness were as almighty as prophets. It remembers the might also president of Alpha Lambda God himself; love and truth and of my former oppressors which Delta, freshman scholastic honor* kindliness were God. By this they lies in the dust of ages; their ary for women. had lived and hoped In all their chariots and their swords are Sarah Bonnie Miller, Wall days and had como to middle-age rust, their cruelty only a page Lake, Iowa, who Is a member of Salts Overcoat* believing it even the more. It of history. But the Jews who had Phi Beta Kappa, Kappa Beta PI, seeme to be :proved by all their only their Torah and their proph- and student editor of the Nebrasexperience. ets by which to be strong have ka Law Bulletin, was asked to Wool Sweaters Wool Hose (It is -most tragic to come to survived — even to live through serve as one of the six student disillusion in middle-age. Disil- other persecutions. participants with Professor' WinThose acquainted with general marktt and raw By this experience I am as-; nacker of the history-department lusion is less ipainful to youth; material conditions will readily appreciate pries sured that everything is going to in the first of a series of panel youth has time to get over It.) reduction! on new quality merchandise made be all right in the fullness of Plundered Hearts discussions on the world situa-; of fine cottons and «"« wools as representing It seems to m.0 that the rape time, that truth, love and kindli- tlon. This is a new activity of of nations Is .not the most flag- ness will come to rule the earth, the University student union, patKioi&y savings of greet proportions, la ordinary rant of the Hitler crimes. Worse that the power of the transgres- terned on the Chicago Round years, stodss eon £>o replaced , . . not eo fbls sor will He dead among his rusted is that he has plundered the heart Table. year. All of fho current season's goods you buy at tanks and broken stukas. of man and loft it empty; he has Yes, love, truth and kindliness rodcefloas such os ffcestf v/IH bring you savings, Miriam Itubnitz, Omaha, vice* robbed him of tho old faith in the conquering. ,power of love and will conquer him—but with the president of Theta, treasurer of Those v/Eio cro fcraliler with tho markets art truth and kindliness. -1 am glad sword by which he himself has' Tassels, historian of Sigma Alpha baying for ROW @nd later uco« to find a ;few people, like the chosen to perish. Iota, and prominent in many othQuakers, left to helieve that lore, (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts- er campus activities, was eelocted Feature Syndicate) truth and iklndllncss can conquer as one of the three members of even Hitler. the Student Council to work with I remember one evening in eight professors on the commitPr&fesacoro Protest early spring last year. Enough tee arranging the program of the had occurred 'before then, to chalannual honors convocation, April Three prico groups Including every winter eoat Stockholm (JTA) — University: lenge a man's faith—Austria,, Mu22. Miss Rubnltz was one of the, In stock that sold originally at $25 to $50. . nlch, Czechoslovakia, Poland, the professors in Norway are jprotest-; featured soloists at a studio regreat pogroma. -But one would ng strongly, the Svonska Dag-J cital last Saturday.playlng two say, Well, maybe Tieil .sjtop after bladet reports, against the ban-! piano solos. , ' • Munich, maybo he'll stop after nlng of the works of Prof. Albert Aronita Daslcovsky, Hinton, Czechoslovakia, or after Poland. Einstein, declaring that the ban I was at my radio set about 11 would make tho continuance of Iowa, who was recently elected o'clock that evening when, an ex- scientific work In the country ex-i president of the Sigma Alpha; cited voice burat Into my living- r e n i e l y difficult. Einstein's Iota pledge class, not only played room: "Norway 'has been invad- works have been banned as "eml-; •at the University Symphony orchestra recital Sunday, but also ed! Denmark has been taken grant literature." in the Lincoln Symphony orchesover by the sNazls." tra concert last Monday. This This was unimaginable to my, •Patronize Our Advertisers faith. Denmark had been kind, to Hitler. Denmark has wanted only Peace with him. Henmaxk asked only to be allowed to lire. It had For Winter Driving O lived so sphcloHsly within its narGet a Set of Sxcisttvoly af Crowafog K?og~ row bordersV Norway had been kind to Hit-' ler. Norway had spoken :sof tly to Originally Hitler. Norway wanted only peace ISO and $3(3 that it might continue the -good1 way of life it 'had net for itself. One used to read about nodal en- •Safety "road Tires lightenment in Uor.way. It was a bright exemplar .of .effective de- ©-STOPS QU5CKER mocracy. It had few guns; it spent its substance rather lor the STEERS STEIAIGHTER enlargement of, life. WEARS LCNQGR Hitler had made promises. He had a non-aggression treaty with HIDES . Originally Norway, as one remembered. Yes, $21 and $29.90 he had distinctly promised in Tireo that will p writing. m o r e economical -in Decent People These events weren't at all in the long: run. Originally accordance with what a man had 130 and WO , learned in bis- -youth and believed in all hte life. He had -learned that gentle, decent people Who did right need fear no.iStan-. But de. Originally cent peoijh; who loved justice and Carl Eftc&os liberty -and. peace trad -kindness $40 and $50 were being overran ;by saechanized arrogance .and craiet&r coming on iron hoofs. ... 1 . . .vBvett ia that hour one!a faith Saturday Sfcrc Hocrs 9*D0 A. M. to & P. £? tried to be brave. It said that things like these couldn't go on £0 In a moral order. This was iH' euph an unimaginable thing as the law of.gravity sbelng reversed, like summer coming out of turn: tjon* trtfiry to natural law. • There was siibther evening— AED May io.-1'wxw again at my radio set when dopm^oaking voices eamo flying, ,iike sad. black rarens/into my living room . . . "Hit-
Council Bluffj
• .
• •
Men's 43. <B 33. Salts
liiE JEW IS: H ir&ESS
r',1-24. "Flash" Yudeleoa citalked danger Is over l t d they are will oppose s.5 plication of the law up I I points to lead lite atfaam not ueedfcd by i t e army. agaiast all converted Jews. About of the winners. Paul Zelinsky Deliberate Delay 100 were baptized after Septem>:ou&tei'C'.d I'i market's fer t h e The law has provided a com- ber 1 — tke deadline established •Jeth-Ei to t»k<j the (Jay's scorMOKKiE AOLBH plete ban, however, on Jews Ja by law. In the light of such fearng honors. the case of professions like phar- lessly expressed seatiinents and macy, theater proprietors, enter- also the fact that no fewer tlian Breaking into tbe winning eolSENIOR J>:.\<;UE HTAXI»L\«;S prises like hotels, movies and cab- six members of tbe government, lumn for the first time the A. Z. Won. l>osr. (Continued from Page 1.) arets. While the anti-Semitic Rat- including Piloff aud Foreign MinA. No. 1 Jr. downed the A. Z. A. Adier's Bakery 4 0 ntki claimed t h a t a third cf ister 1. Pepolf are wcll-kaewn100 Jr., 20-14. Bob Slutsky again A. Z. A. No. 100 S 1 led the Mother Chapter quintet, country's 8,000 licensed attor- Sofia's merchants were Jews, the Mfesons, Bulgarian Jews are hopeLincoln's Tavern % - while Chet Lustgarden was t h e neys. actual percentage of Jewish store- ful that tlie actual measures takMedieine is the only profession keepers, according to objective en against, tbem will be limited A. P. T 1 ;| only threat the Sam Beber chapnot touched by t i e Jewish law. observers, is not more than 12 to the barest essentials necessary A. Z. A. No. 1 ... O I ter offered. Not only will aH Jewish doctors per cent — which is not strange to satisfy the Nazis that Bulgaria HCUEDVLB JANUARY 80 NEXT SUNDAY'S GAMES be allowed to continue practicing, since halt of the Jews in- Bul-is co-operating to enforce t h e Lincoln's Tavern w . Adlei'8 A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr. vs. Council tmt they will not be allowed to garia Bakery. live in Sofia and they num- "new order" in Europe. emigrate from Bulgaria until the ber 8 per cent of the capital's A. Z.-A. No. 100 TO. A. Z. A. Bluffs A. Z. A. There has been no organized Beth El vs. A; Z. A. NO. 100 Jr. No. 1.. population. anti-Semitism in Bulgaria since Next Thursday's games feature HANDBALL the third century. Despite t h e by the even playing of b o t h a double bill that will surely Nevertheless the law provides new anti-Jewish law, there is no The favorites c a m e through teams. that the number must be reduced organized anti-Semitism today. As bring a treat to those that wit- with colors flying in the regular ness these two games. The riv-season doubles handball tournaThe Center boys trailed until to the actual proportion of Jews one Bulgarian Jew put It, "Alalry between the two A. Z. A. ment last Tuesday night as Sol the last three minutes of play in the total population. Jews and most everybody, from King Boris chapters always has been the fin- Yaffe and M u r r a y Wintroab when Sidney Rudermau fought opponents of anti-Semitism, bow- down, is opposed to anti-Semitest and the games are hard fought downed Jake Adler and Max Tur- off three opposing players to slam ever, are confident that the king's ism; yet we have an anti-Semitic but clean. The Lincoln's Tavern, ner in two straight games, 21-14 the ball against the goal for the enforcement decree will provide law." It is the Bulgarian version pre-season champs, will bid to and 21-7. Murray practically three tallies that put his team for exceptions or delays and thus of appeasement. furnish Bulgarian Jews with some overhaul the league-leading Ad- won the game single handed, as out in front. was no official mention ehauce of weathering the storm, of There ier's quintet in the opener. Don't Jake and Max played Murray conanti-Semitism in Bulgaria unwhich the government !»luted was fall to take advantage to see these tinuously not giving Y a f f e a In the last ten secoads the only a temporary measure de- til last August, when Premier fine basketball games. Admission chance to pin tbe ball. South Slders surged down upon signed to avoid international com- Bogdaa Filoff and Foreign Minto the regular league games are ister U. Popoff visited Hitler at The first game was a corker, the Center goal and Just before plications. ,10 cents. Berchtesgaden. During the visit* with Yaffe and Wintroub forging the whistle blew ending the game How many leaders feel about the German station, Radio Donau, VARSITY BA8KETBALL into a big early lead and at one threw the ball a n d missed by '. . Last Sunday th Center Varsity point in the game they had their inches. In fact, it was some min- the measure was Indicated by tbe remarked that Bulgaria could not team lost to the Schlitz. 34-24. opponents 20-5, but Adler and utes before the officials could de- open letter sent to Premier Bog- be a friend of Germany, until she The Center led at the end of the Turner refused to give up and termine whether or not a goal dan Filoff by the former Bul- had passed a law against the first quarter, 13-1, a n d main- ran the count up to 14 before Sol had been scored. garian Minister to Belgrade Kas- Jews. A few weeks later the antltained their lead at the half, 16-7. and Murray could run out. *-. a asoff, who protested that passage Jewi&h bill was introduced in* ParFrom the beginning of the second of the law "was not only a blot liament — the first anti-Semitic Alden Lincoln playing as acting Regular season singles tournahalf to the end of the game it was will start Monday, February captain together with Sidney Ru- on the history of Bulgaria but bill in this country's history. all tall and lanky "Reggie" Weld- ment derman led the attack for the also a blot regretted by the Pre3. Entrants are as follows: enbach who scored 15 points the Center team. Ruderman was high mier itself." Florence Bamberger was t h e I. Aukie Yaffee, Murray Wintlast half. It was a matter of too roub, Sonny Garber, P e p Bog-point man, scoring seven of his first woman to be appointed to Masons in Government much height as Lloyd Grimm and donoff, S a m m y Wolk, Sonny team's 14 points. Meanwhile, the Orthodox Met- the faculty of the School of. Phi- •> Reggie wore our smaller boys out. ropole Stevans of Sofia has in- losophy at Johns Hopkins univerGolding, Morris Adler, B o b b y The scoring was evenly divided The absence of Paul Zillnsky, for the Center with all the boys Fromkin, U. Silverman, Marvin Harold Mozer and Al dayman formed the government that he sity. scoring. The Varsity was handi- Richards, Max Turner, Jake Ad- seriously handicapped the Center PEN SUNDAY I A, M, TO MIDJNIGI capped by the absence of Iz Dog- er, Mike Landman, Ben Kutler, aggregation. Steve Lustgarten, Sam Zorinsky, Walter Kurs, MorFancy donoff. ris Rogsen, Stan Feltman, Har- Harold Marer, Hershel Wolfson, BLOATERS Monday e r e n i u g after t h e old Zelinsky, Louis Slutsky, Sam Earl Shrago and Charles Fredkln Three Aleph Brand showing of the Rose Bowl pic- Slutsky, Harry Siegal, Sol Gerll- played a hangup g a m e even tures In the auditorium the large sky, Henry Riekes, Sol Yaffe, D. though they were outweighed but crowd witnessed the V a r si t y Goldware, Phil Kluttnick, B U I were not outfought. SCHMALTZ trounce the Alamito Dairy five Woolfsou, Moody Isaacson, Sheff easily, 45-30. The presence of K a t s k e o , Jack Ban, Nathan The "Minnesota" squad b e a t FOS YOU3 PABTIES Is Bogdonoff could easily have Mleches, Phil Fellm&n, E a r l out a hard fighting, "Navy" squad Vim flncrt tbeext; taBpertai been the reason for the reversal Siegal, Lou Ricklln, Art Cohen, by five points to win the Junior Biuoked VtOt anS Simoii** Mtatl of form shown by Lee Grossman's Sam Ban, H. Corenman, George boys' inter-squad competition for KvcrjUilns tat year P"tjr equad. Schapiro, Ilerbie Melches, L e o the fall and winter season. Steve LuBtgarten, sparkplug for t h e It led the scoring w i t h 15 Sherman and Ray Schapiro. Gophers, kept driving his team points but it was his consistent ZlOtl U0SHZ3 clear up to the last day to come all-around floor play that caught COOICI1S SALAMI from behind to win the coveted the fancy of the packed gym. Ben Swim News Oaa Dcssa ead G«t championship. Harold Marer's Kutler was as hot as a pistol, SscoBi Desaa fer 1c wits «tbnr pttrcltuK «f ZSc «r taut "Navy" squad, weakened by loss dropping in the first six shots in l By HOWARD 6IHNROCK loss of Harold Mozer due to a CatScr Cmtslet reamt A row from far out. Ben also Uels5se* Oeablc* Swimmers passing their elecold, could not stop the victory played a hangup game defensiveBan Cnrenrt Cadihm ly, grabbing every rebound off of mentary tests the past week in- rush of the determined Minnethe backboards, and feeding his' clude: Lena Perrone, Abraham soteans. THY OU» KOSHES DILI, TOMATOES AND riCKUES teammates down the court for Baum, Marguerite Eckcr, B e t t y Cohn, Janet Rosenstocfe, Renee setup shots. Iz "Tiger" Novak Is New squad captains will be rounding into form and is per- Grcenberg a n d Frieda Riekes. chosen this week with new squad forming better in every contest. Miss Lena Perrono and Mies Thel- alignments that will present a Rush finished their beginners' new setup for the balance of the Sunday the Cherokee Iowa All- ma tests and are now working on winter and spring season. Stars invade the Center court their next series. irith a star studded aggregation. The Junior Varsity will play at The swimming director is anxi2:15 against an undetermined opThe J. C. C. Junior boys' water ous to contact all girls whether ponent. •e. polo team defeated their South they can swim or not to try out JUNIOR LEAGUE STANDINGS Omaha rivals by a dose score of for parts in the coming J. C. C. Won. Lost. 14 to 13. The game, played Sun- Acquacade. This event will take Council Bluffs A. Z. A.. » 0 day morning, was characterized place some time in March. Bcth-Bl . 2 1 A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr.. 1 a PiHPICT CUfiLS ' A. Z. A. No. 100 J r . . . . O » Coming from behind the Council Bluffs A. Z. A. took sole possession, of first place in the Junior league as they downed the BethEl in an exciting over-time game,
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feed their students, also, give Choir and Dramatic Jn Cfiungil Hears them medical care and attentions, to American Jewry as their. Club • • "tifatioitdl Presidentlook cnly hope. ;
Drawing Mrs. J. Chait and Mrs.-I. Kaplau, co-chairmen for the 1940-J41 are Sgm Cooper.and ,Ah« uv&wi&g are distributing tickets. * Temple Sisterhood j'i'oceeds will go to the upkeep of Iusiailatioa of officers -will b the Palestine institutions. The £i&tfciitood of T e m p i Leld Tuesday night, at which Israel, will sponsor a Gon'tempor -time the cbMi&iltees for the nex Rummage Sale \ -..,.' ery Jewish History Class, a series six months will be announced. Mrs. Joe Tuehinan, chairman. of five lectures to be given b of the Rummage Sales is '/eceiv-. As its part in the Stage Nigh Rabbi David H. Wice., Tiie Iec Program, ing articles for.the spring-sale.,', A a skit, "Club A. 25.'A. tures are to be given-in conjuncdiscarded article results In; bring; was given' in the fashion of the tion with dessert-luncheons. the-Yilna Institute, tt.e . „ ing happiness to someone in Eretz N. B. C. favorite, "Club Matinee. The first is to fake place at the Cholim,. and the' Jewish PhilanYisroel. .' '"' "' home of Mrs. Sam Gilinsky on ' At the next meeting plans wil thropies. Card Parties • • ., be discussed for the Cornbeli February 4. The second is schedBen Martin directed "YanktJe Mrs. Max Arbitman, chalrinan, uled for February 11. Tickets Regional Tournament to be held Balogolie." says that she finds that the worn-for the series are $1.25 and will hi Lincoln, February 15, 16, a an who is hostess at a Mizrachl 17. The chapters' orator, debaters be' limited to 60 persons and to card party receives so much pleasmembers of the Sisterhood oiijy, and basketeers • are preparing Achduth ure in knowing that her efforts themselves for this event. Present Members of the committee iu help provide security for refugee charge are: Mrs. Sam Gllinsky, plans are for all the Alephs to "Achduth" is the name of the girls. . . . Mrs. Fred Itosenstock, Mrs. Sara leave Saturday night, February newly-organized Pioneer WomMrs. Joe Batt will be hostess 15, on the Zephyr for Lincoln. Appleman and Mrs. Harry Trus en's group. The last meeting was at a 1 o'clock dessert-luncheon tin. The A, Z. A, 1 Junior team de- held at the home of Mrs. Sol followed by bridge and bingo, at feated the rival A. Z. A. 100 jun- Gendelnian, Officers are: Mrs. her home, 3166 Lincoln bouleMrs. David Levine's Circle of ior team in the J. C. C. junior Sainuel D. Nerenberg, chairman; vard, on Monday, January 27. At a special board meeting and the Sisterhood has bought out the league to capture third place. The Mrs. 13. Veitzer, secretary; Mrs. Community Playhouse for t h e team in the senior league lost a S. Gendelman, recording secre- dinner held Wednesday evening New York (JTA) — Maxa Norevening of Tuesday, February 11. hard fought extra period game to tary; and Mrs. Claire Ilorwich, at the Blacketone hotel, Vera Tep- dau, daughter of the late Dr. Max litz of New York, national presiThe Play is Irvin Shaw's "The he Lincoln Taverns. treasurer, -.;... dent of the Council of Jewish Nordau, one of the early Zionist Gentle People." A smoker Is being planned as Members of the telephone com- Juniors, spoke to members of the leaders, arrived here on the Unit* Tickets may be purchased from a Bend-off for the contestants to d States liner Excambion front mittee are: Mrs. H. Kolnlck> Mrs. local chapter. Mrs. Levine or from Mrs. Nate b Cornbelt tournament. Lisbon for an American lecture B. Veitzer, Mrs. I. Schupp. Mrs. Following the d i n n e r , Miss Mantel, Milton Cackin, chairman, Gor- J. Raznick is program chairman Teplitz presided at a section meet- tour. She is accompanied by her don Margolin, Harry Goodbinder, and Mrs. S. Nerenberg is in Ing, husband, Captain Gruenblatt, and Mrfl. Milton Mayper's Circle will Norman Turkel, end Justin Priesher mother. ','; ' . sponsor, a bingo party on Wed- man, are serving on the Mother charge of publicity. A social open meeting will be nesday evening, February 19, in Chapter Committee that is planWilfeon, M. Zevin, Max ArbltSHAMPOO and the vestry rooms of the Temple. ning the city-wide Youth and De- held Sunday evening, January 26, man and E. Welnberg. Mrs.-Abe Greenberg is chairman mocracy rally which is to be held at 8 p. m. at the Jewish ComWAVE . f The inclement wea,ther of last munity Center for members and week prevented the meeting from and Mrs. Raymond Silbar is co- n February. MANICURE, their friends. An interesting pro- being well-attended and therefore chairman in charge of the party. Plain gram is being planned and re- Mrs. Katz was urged to ask for Many prizes, including a grand SCALP TREATfreshments will be served. cash prize of $50, will be given contribution through t h is colMENT, Hot O i l . . . . •way. ' In addition there will be umn. .* door pjlze. PERMANENT $ 1 0 0 and Bas-a-mi resumed its winter Mrs. Katz stated that In order activities at the first meeting of WAVES . . . . . I up to redeem and rebuild their homehe year held Tuesday night, land tho Jewish people must and HENNA < Junior Hadassah January 21, at the Jewish Comwill be constantly called upon to PACK . . . . . . . . . By MKg. BEN HANDLER munity ' Center. make contributions of money and DYES' $|RQ Junior Hadassah held its reg- Announcement was made of the At the meeting of the local or- service. "And," she, asked, "is ional convention in Kansas City election of Miss Charlotte Nogg ganization' held last week the let- not C o m p l e t e • • » * • • • "ww Jewry having it January 17-18-19 to which twen- as social secretary to serve until :er from the national office ask- easierAmerican BLEACHES than the rest of w o r l d ty1 girls from Omaha attended. Now . . . * . . » . * « • J he end of the club year. ing that this chapter participate Jewry?", -Frances Berkowitz of Omaha Feature of the ;meeting was a in the movement of "Jewish Aid EYEBROW IK* Mrs. Katz stated that the Omawas elected one of the regional lemonstration of cosmetics by to Britain" was read.; The letter ARCH . . . . . , , . . ••• vice-presidents. Under her super- iliss Ruth Longwell. Plans are was signed by Mrs. Abraham ha chapter's quota to the support of the Palestine projects must be vision will be the Units in Oma- IOW being formulated for a Jhapiro, national president... met. She felt confident the memOmaha School ha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, and ipring dance which will be formMrs. Shapiro writes: "The first bers would not fail In their loySioux City. illy announced at a later date, tep in this program will be the alty to tho suffering co-religionof Beauty Bertha Slutsky- and Gertrude n the absence of Elaine Lagman, provision of a fleet of 200 mobile ists. 2424 Laavenworth Oruch were the local delegates. resident, who is spending a few kitchens. TheBe kitchens arrive T h e five MIzracbi- 'Women's A special meeting will be held days in Kansas City, Mrs. Joel on scenes of devastation immediJA G711 Tuesday night for Miss Edith Cherniss, vice-president, presided ately after air raids. They carry technical schools for girls a n d young women in Eretz Yisroel, Bukspan of New York who is na- at the meeting. water, food, first aid medical suptional membership chairman and plies and two nurses to adminis- these- (schools bouse, clothe a n d The next regular meeting will tt member of the national board. e held on Tuesday, February 4. ter medical assistance." .-•••-. Bhe was one of the main speakThe local chapter is calling for ers at the convention in Kansas onations. Anyone wishing to City. A supper board meeting will Beth El Auxiliary :ontribute may send checks or precede the regular meeting.. :ash to Mrs. Aaron Katz, 316 Mrs.. A. V. • Venger, - program North. 46th street, The following chairman of the. Beth. El-.Auxili- have already responded with conary.-announces that in observance tributions: Mesdames A a r o n Df Brotherhood Month, the Beth Katz, B. Glickman, Joe Tretiak, 31 Auxiliary will"~have an AbraBy INEZ L. RAZNICK lam Lincoln meeting on WednesNOTICE! A HEW The Omaha chapter of Hadas- lay, February 12, at 1 p. m. at DOWNTOWN OFFICE •'• eah will "hold its annual: Linen he Beth El Synagogue. , roun iNsuiuiJCE nnoiuiR Dr. Elwood Rowsey, pastor of Shower on Wednesday, January MARES LEOM ^ . ' 29 at the Jewish Community he Dundee Presbyterian Church, - UanBter Center. Mrs. Nathan Turner, 'ill addresa the meeting on "The chairman of the linen shower and Ife of Abraham Lincoln," •, .: orrv FINANCE: AND INSURANCE ' "f-I Mrs. Wm. Lazere, her: co-chairA feature of his presentation ,. COMPANX - , . . • man are- stressing ttie fact that will be a rare recording, of the : ... 30(? EAHDAC11 BLK. - . , cash donations have a -N greater ppemby Edwin Markham, '. _.. JA 4175 , ' .' ••.-. , fVA 61M certainty of reaching Palestine by cal)le than linens have by being shipped. , The program under the chairmanship of Mrs. M. F. Levenson will consist of it talk by Rabbi Albert Goldstein or Mount Sinai Temple in Sioux • City. Charlotte Shalton, -who- won a state contest in singing, will give a'few selections. Mrs., Hy Shrier will present a dramatic sketch. v Mrs, Alex Wolf of St. -Louis, president of the Southwest. Region and - Miss Edith Bukspan, national • mcmbersship chairman of Jr. Hadnssah will bo guests and tentativo arrangements are 1 J - *- > being made for-a breakfast to -> be held .for them at - the^. Jewish 5 . 1 V ' V -• CommunHy -Center on Wednesday at 11:30'a. .m. Reservations can be nude, by calling Mrs. Mike Freenian, at GL 4435. - . -• A tea'js'tq be arranged and served alter the Linen Shower'by Mrs. Max Resnick and Mrs. Marry Rochman. Proceeds iron tkc j ly, "far,. fcele B'ilcgolie," grv n «,• N'';,^i.> t t r 1&, t y ' t l i e Jewish < L r , r ELDramatic Club, Lo.m Lc * ' . n u t over to various c ' c u l i u j , • Among ' thosfc Lc-i'Jiti'.g f>oi. the affair are: '"Ci o iK.y,1' tfu Youth' AHyiJj, C'-tacd Mi< 1 L ' u t t Couftcil Bluffs 'laiuud 'ioial. Omaha Talniuis Tt,iuM, Boys Town, the L&i.oi* i
look forward io spring iit
A.Z.A. 1 At the semi-annual election of Mother Chapter of A. Z. A., Has• Icell Cohen -was .named Aleph G&: dol to succeed Harry Goodblnder irhq was unanimously elected Aleph Kohen Godol. Norman Uahn was chosen Aleph Sgan; Irving WobXner continues in>.the ..position of Aleph Mazkir; Max &irsh,eribaum\ was elected Aleph Gisbor, and Myjon. Rnbnltz*_will serve as "Aleph/gophpr. Sergedntsf.
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En>f"cntly designed with tfny falp
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FnA'iff jMn.u-a.ry 24, 1941'
Betrothal Told
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U. T« Sorority
Mf. and Mrs. Izel Riviu of The Council of Jewish Women meeting of the U. T. SororSioux City, Iowa, acnounce the will honor its new members at a ityAwas on January 12, at engagement, of luncheon' and regular . monthly tlie.. homeheld of Miss Cecl Cohen. ttseir daughter, meeting, next. Monday, January Future business was discussed Uiss E s t h e r 27, at;•, the Jewish Community and the Ju ior members preCenter, at 1 o'clock. Board mem| iikttie Kiviri, to sented entertainment. Refresh| Leonard II u f- bers will; meet at. noon, with Mrs. ments were served. l vtitz of Oiaate.a, Bert Silver,' president, presiding, .r Three members of the sorority IOTMLEMAX-COHN ANNO'UM ij ben of Mrs. Re- New vCdiincii 7members iaclude The marriage of Miss Leonore Mrs. Aht iAL'dia Lip&inaa anbecci Hurwitz. Mrs. Al Bfcrger, Mrs. B d w a r d are leaviag Thursday for short Cohn, niece of Mr. Harry Cohn nounces the engagement of her Mr. Hurwitz Bredkey, Mrs. Harry Davis, Mrs. vacations. Miss Sally Gross is goof Lbs Angeles, to Beldon Rich- daughter, Mies Celia Lipsman of attended both Gilbert Frieden, Mrs. George Gas- ing to Des Moines where she will ard Katleman, son of MY," and" New York,-to Irviu Blank, sou of Creighton Uni- par, Mrs. Lawrence Jacobs, Mrs. visit Mies Aileeh Feder, a formMas: Maurice KaUenjan, also of Mr* and Mrs. Joseph Blank, also -versity and the Morris Kooin, Mrs. Ernest Pries- er member of the sorority. ,Miss Lo's Angeles, took place on Janu- of New York. University, of man, Mrs. Harry Dicn, Mrs. Hy-Ceci Cohen aad Miss Phyllis Mil•Miss Lipsman was graduated Omaha. Ri\in ary 16 on the west coast. ; He is a member pf Pi man Shrier and Miss Blanche der will leave for Sioux City where they will visit Miss Gloria Zimman. - The" Katlemans are former from' the University of Omaha, Lambda Phi fraternity. Novitsky. ' Omahans. . • where she was president of the What Council ia and many of No wedding date has as yet Alpha GamMa Chi" sorority," Mr. its activities will be portrayed for .Blank, attended the College i)t the been chosen. the new members through a Dr. CHOOSES WEDDING DATE City of New Yo'rkl' 'y V' ' I. Q. program in which Council v Miss Ruth Hoberman, daugh- • A summer wedding in Omaha is Capitol Beauty members will take part. AssistWorkmen's Circle ter ©f Mr* and Mrs. Benjamin being planned. .'•-' ••' \ •'; ing Mrs. Milton Abrahams, proSchool Hoberman, has chosen Sunday WO-E gram chairman, will be Mrs. I. I. afternoon, February 2, as the date ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED' . 1808 H&rnejr JA 4821 Solzman, Mrs. Ben Kafslowsky of iier marriage to. Jack Gelfand, Mr/ and Mrs. Philip G:ftrfinkle and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. B r a n c h 690-E,~ Workmen's Have Your Beauty Work son: of Mr, and Mrs, Philip Gel- announce * the engagement of Circle,1 will eponeor a dance for Mrs. A. V. Venger and Mrs..Done Here land. daughter, Mary, to Mr. Harry the benefit of the Jewish Labor Harold Pollack, and members of Smith, son of Mrs. Rose Smith. committee Sunday evening, Feb- their membership committee, will PRICES VERY LOW ifKMFLE SUPPER CLUB ' No wedding date has been set. ruary 16, at the new Labor Ly- be in charge of luncheon arrangeMany of Your Friend* • A meeting of the Temple Israel ceum,1 3022 Cuming street. Mu- ments. Come Here and Are Well ISupper dub will be held Monday BOMONEKS HONORED ON sic will be by Bob Freshiriah's Preliminary plans . have been Satisfied. OTentag at 7 p. pa. at the Temple. ANNIVERSARY "Make Believe" orchestra. made for the bridge, mah jong You May Make an JJr, Kurt Lewln of the University Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Romonek •The :Jewish Labor Committee and bingo party to be given March Appointment if You Wish of Iowa will speak and will show were honored Monday night at has already brought to this coun- 31, at the Center, when proceeds sound films of his research in the their home on the occasion of try for a temporary haven hun- will go toward Council's port and We Have a Good Operator psychology of democracy. Mon- their Golden Wedding anniver- dreds of leaders of European dock service. National Council's 1 . Ready to Servo You sary. <L' day night Is guest night. Jewry. Hundreds more are now objective this year . Mrs. L e o n ALLWOftH GUARANTEED Fellman and Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf in Portugal, Lithuania and Japan will serve as co-chairmen. SURPRISE PARTY waiting for transport to America. JW» HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE i A surprise party was given for T h o s e In Lithuania escaped . Mrs. A,' M. Greenbaum will re- Mr. and Mrs. I. Sklar on the occajpel^e at tea on Sunday, January sion of their twenty-fifth wedding from Hitler o n l y to fall into 26, from 3 to 6 at her home, 4837 anniversary last Sunday, Seven clutches of the Soviets. Some of them, however, have permission Farnam, in honor of her daugh- couples attended. froin the Soviet government, for ter, Evelyn, whose engagement to the time being, to leave. They $Telvln, Shryer was recently an- ANNOUNCE BIRTH cannot cross Europe, but m u s t nbunced. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Katz of SL Assisting will be Mrs. Jack La- Croiz, Wls., announce the birth cpme clear across Asia and the derniftn and Mrs. George Cotton, of a son, Thursday, January 16, Pacific ocean to reach this counThose who will pour are: Selma in "Minneapolis. Mrs. Katz wa3 try. Those who may leave today Scholnlck, Ruth Marks, J o y c e Eve Lipsman, daughter of Mrs. will perhaps be condemned tojMarks, @arah Bernstein, Elaine A. Lipsman, before her marriage. morrow. Transportation can be had if funds are available. and Diana Lagman and Mra. A. Proceeds of the dance will go Cohen. TO CALIFORNIA to Jewish Labor committee Mr. and Mrs. J. Green of Chi- for the Its worthy work. Admission cago, who have been visiting their JdSMFLE HIGH SCHOOL GROUP will be 50 cents per ocuple. The Temple High School group son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and 3*111 meet Sunday evening at the Mrs. Joe Rice, left Monday for an Temple. Rabbi David' H. Wice extended visit In California. B'nos Israel trill lead. Mrs. Julius Newman Is Sjster- FROM CALIFORNIA Mrs. Jack Kramer of Hollyaood chairman, and her Committee this week nicludo Mrs. Abr.wood has been visiting at the Greenspan, Mrs. David H; Cohen, homo of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Sarah Nathan. and Mrs. Phil Grossman.
DR. CHAIT RETURNS jTOSLYN MKMOJLUAIi •.:,•..:..• , Dr. Sidney Chalt of Middletown, Sunday at 2:30 the Joslyn Me4 mortal will show three sound Conn., spent last week visiting , iilms: "Earth and Its Seasons," his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ben "When "Winter Comes," and Chalt. He returned Monday to "When Spring Comes." At 3:30 Middletown where ho wil ocm•Mrs.' Bernico Schultz Englo will plete bis interneship. speak on "The Amazons and the Greeks," A program of recorded Sinai Club "organ music will, be heard at 4 o'clock in the Concert hall. At JThe Sinai Club held a social •;4:30 excerpts from "The Marrl-' meeting Tuesday to celebrate Us age of Figaro" will be given un- first birthday. The celebration der the direction of Mme. Thea also honored one of the club's members, Morris Rosen, who is • Jloeller-Herms. for the army. ' An Illustrated lecture will tie. leaving There was dancing and games giren at 8 o'clock in the Concert and -refreshments were served. Hall by Dr. John A. Wilson: of Anyone wishing _ to becomo a the Oriental Institute, of the Unl- member of the club is invited to Terslty of Chicago. He will speak attend the next regular meeting . > jm "Modern Spades in Ancient Tuesday, January 28, at the Jew.1-Egypt." • ,,.. ish Community Center. - ANNOUNCE , BIRTH ', • . Mr* and Mrs. Morris Bell, of Kansas City, Mo.,, announce -the birth' of a son on Wednesday, January 22. ! Mrs. Bell is the fpr• iner Dorothy Jean White, daught e r -ot Mr. and Mrs. J. White, of Omaha.
Members of the B,'nos Israel will present their first dance, "Stag Night," Saturday night, from 8 to i 2 , at the Jewish Community Center. Tickets are fifteen cents per person. Proceeds will go to char-* ;
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THE JEWISH PRESS Every Fri»i*s «$ Cloaks. HaL*. a*.* Vest C'ifi SI
DAVIii BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor L.EONARD NATHAH • - - • SSi RABBI THEUIiUHS H. LEWIS • Back Eiitar FRANCES BLACKER • • Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBJ2RG—Eiloux City Correspondent
Light Out of Darkness . Most of us did not greet the new year witll exuberance, spontaneous optimism and hopefulness and for many good reasons. Being too m u c b crushed and tfespiiited by the tragic events ot the last year, we could not kelp but see darkness, suffer heartbreak and act as though all rays of hope have been extinguished. With blurred eyes, aching hearts and wounded minds from the pangs of the past year we are bound to overlook some of the profound and hopegiviug lessons of history. Again and again the annals of mankind have recorded, and the records triumphantly substantiate the undying conviction that violence and terror eventually breed their own grave-diggers. The ancient phrase is particularly apropo in our day: "Those that sow the wind, reap the whirlwind." If we will only wipe away our tears and read the signs of the time correctly we will find much evidence that ought to add much fuel to our hopefulness: Sabbotage in Norway, passive* resistance in Holland, sporadic minor insurrections in Czechoslovakia, internal repercussions in France, leading to the reshuffling of the Vichy government, and the bloody feuds between the Brown invaders and the Iron Guard Fascists in Rumania. 'Though the Brown darkness and the accompanying "Schreckllchkelt" seem to dominate the stage of history for the movement, let us not forget that In the wide perspective' of history, times such as these offer the opportunity for unexampled social progress. It seems almost unbelievable but it is true that the seeds of growth are always planted in a world which seems to be pitted with tragedy. T h e victories of the Maccubeans In ancient time and th"e recent triumphs. of the Chinese against the Japanese Invaders, of the Greeks over the Fascist aggressors and the English victorious offensives against the Italian military and air bases in Africa - - all these should serve us f a d to our blasted hopes and free us of the despair of the hour. Whoever reads history correctly cannot but come to the conclusion that out of darkness shall yet come light, out of despair shall come Joy. and out of subjection and degradation shall come forth freedom and human dignity. Meanwhile, let us gird our loins and marshal the deepest moral and intellectual resources within U3 and assist to the utmost in hastening the coming of the Dawn, the renascence of the human spirit throughout the world.
Rediscovery of the Immigrant It is indeed heartening to find that much attention is being devoted to the immigrant generation by men of letters and scholars. Two recent books, In particular, "Prom Many Lands," by Adamic, which quie&ly became one of tho bestsellers of this season, and "The Immigrant in American Hiatorp," by Marcus Lee Hancen, serve as powerful Indications of the increasing interest in and significance of the immigrant in the history of this country.) Through scholars and literateurs have become cognizant of this fact only recently, the immigrants themselves- have ever been conscious of this great adventure closely linked with their landing and residing upon the American shores. And the story can be read in such hooka an the Bradford history or Mary Antin's "Tho Promised Land." • Adamic is keenly aware that America'o greatest spiritual resource lives in the emotions, motives and impulses that brought successive •waves of Immigrants to these shores from all corners of the earth. At tho came time he is fearful that these spiritual resources arc not sufficiently e plotted for the enrichment and the strengthening of our laud; that they might be -employed by the dictators across the seas as well as by the charlatans In this country to .increase the already existing racial tensions and thereby weaken and nn4ermlne oar democracy and independence, is not Os!y his fear. •; T71th tbi3 uppermost In his mind, Adamic hsa ,<2sv0le& Ma latest took a n d ' b dedicating hia.enerGles to future volumes to the end that immigrants cad children of Immigrants may serve America &gfit by retaining the Haesi" ^Qualities of their old xrotld CElisrc-3, while a£ "the sa&aa 'time adapting thetasslyea fc>" tho newer conditions of Amerieaa life. "TheroJs sold in dem dar'hills" of the
various iinmlgruit groups fa xLis tead asv in parliesilstr £a htrlmzij toziwrct-d iLat t E&l treasures lying s! timbering ehs.ll be f a l l * aroused and dedicated to«"&rd the building of a better, stronger arid wore isature aud more ta&ny fcSded-America, more equal than ever to the'ch&I ienges and tbieats of the ami-democratic forces in the world.
wiws - - iustead <«.
Gems of the P .mid' -Talmud,
J*aua."y i<f-t • i n k . " •
!• Tii<> Hi.i -• One of ill.; i.»-gtst of our L «v r' c-re, W'JO l"i&s often bcezi vi. !:d a i ani:-N.-;w Dealer, Bw fif. Pfctisp Sis^r i (old m- the otlier d^y: "When i ell ike LH W->ub his <Iied d'wn, I the bl'l tthi all-out aid for KngiilBLE Worry iu 11se heart of man kills ' Irr«I li'il) 13 going to pass by a him prematurely but a good worl v.-hoiiin? b'g in- j:)rky in both houses. £ me of us tee dangers ina.keth St glad. The righteous is guided toy his fu the b'H, sjod then we begin friends but the wsy of the wickei turning it around in our minds! When wo get it turned around so shall be .put out. No friend of democracy and loyal supporter of Hope deferred la&ketb t h e we think what would happen if the Allied cause would like to take fiuglaud severe- fceart sick, but desire fulfilled is the bill doesn't pass,, we know* ] we've got to vole for it . . . " ly to task at tliis tragic hour. Yet many of us a tree of life. find it rather liiird to icudersiiaiid England's harsn TA1MVD Our rabbis were taught, "If ' KWB4KKY ItOVV—One of the attitude ia .severely Uniiting Jewish immigration there is an aged scholar among . riglit d'ldoBials-witUjjut-a-f-ountry into Palestine. TLIs is more strange particularly them lie should address tbe con- [ —« nia.31 who C*JUM ha&e held his BOW when Britain is fighting with its back to the gregation, if not then a young job if be had wanted to comwith Iiis conscience-—? wall, when it needts all-the friends and assistance scholar should address them and there Is no scholar among them lt@ lias fedced tbe Njul lnit can ohtuh), and when Palestine could offer so if then a prominent man should ad- v&sfou Klrnlegy . . . "They will much ia m&u power and in war materials in de- dress them saying, "Brethren, begin," lie nays, "by invading fending tbe British position at the end of the neither sackcloth nor fasting tmnihem Ireland, aisd seizing v causes forgiveness, but repentaneo Cubit an their piiuciiml invasion Mediterranean. and meritorious deeds.'" {>ort . . . but tills wll be only a But the t r u t h must be told and pressure M»itk> in l&rce_. . . Wheu the BritRabbi Benjamin said, "It is this brought upon the English government if tbe sad that people say, 'When the fox fsli ht'gln semliug troops to Ire> fate of the survivors of Patria is not to be visited has his day, bow to him.'" l&nd (o ii.eet, the (Amuuw, and upon other refugees from Nazi aggression and the Rabbi Samuel eaid, "The study uve, forced to concentrate mobile doors of Palestine are to be swung open wider to of the Torah is of more import- divisions iu v.e&teni England and ance than the building of the Weles, (lieu tlie Geruruuns will' fleeing Jews to whom the Holy Land is the only Temple." (It is nearly nineteen strike nt the cli&nnel ports . . , l f ' place of refuge. Many of us had hoped that with hundred years since-the destruc- Well, tli&t's his guess, anyway . . . the extending war front against the Nazi and tion of the Temple and we have what's yours? . . . four times as many Jews as we This same gentleman is vagueFascist aggressors, tbe barriers and obstacles put had at that time, but if we should ly amused at De Valera and Eire, up against immigration would be removed, aud close up our Talmud Torah's for "The Irish," he said, "are living that the victims of the very enemies England is a century, there would hardly be proof of the old adage — 'man fighting would be both welcomed and drawn into a trace left of the Jewish people.) never learns except by experiThe disciples of Rabbi Nechu- ence!'" its struggles. nia asked him, "Whereby have OUR TOWN—Among the headFive hundred Polish nobles, statesmen, and you merited to live so long?" lie aches for Wasliingtonians—in ad> former war leaders, with their wives, have been answered, "I have never tried to ditlon to the highest costs of livelevate myself at the expense of permitted by the Palestine administration, with my neighbors. I never went to ing of any city in the world—Is the knowledge that tho Capital the permission of the British government, to enter bed before I prayed to God. to for- niakes the most perfect target in and remain in Palesine. Tet helpless and war- give every one that may have in- America for bombers . . . The me during the day and I massive white m&rble government uprooted Jews are refused even temporary resi- sulted was very liberal with money." buildings mid magnificent monndence in Palestine. With such an attitude toward Rabbi Jochanan, "You really nients that stretch for miles along immigration into Palestine, how can the English ought to weep," and both wept. Pennsylvania a n d Constitution government expect to marshal the supreme ef- "Do you love the afflictions?" avenues, and reach out to includeJochanan asked him. "I the Lincoln imd Jefferson Memorforts of the Ylshuv? The declarations of men Rabbi love neither them nor their re- ials, Tho WWto House, and the high in the Colonial Office must remain simply wards," answered Rabbi Elazar. Capitol . . . ere tho principal reaexpressions of good Intentions unless their restric- "Then give mo your hand." Rabbi son . . . Even on nights when Elazar did so and was made well visibility Is poor, the white martions of immigration are,, removed. by Rabbi Jochanan. ble of sued structures ea the NaIn the face of such paradoxes, bungling and Rabbi Zutia said, "The chief tional Museum of Art, and tbo double-dealing of the Colonial officials there is merit for observing a fast day is Justice department, end t h e Washington Monnraent shine like but one hope left, that is that tho restrictions to give charity." beacons . . . 'Ittcy reflect Who aaglnst immigration will be removed when tho faintest starlight . . . estd unlike last remnant of the appeaseis are removed from cosunerdsl elites, W&ahiBgton their lofty seats and in their places are put men Itaa BO slmrad of .smoke to hide Its vital buildings, end its treaswho can really marshal the whole-hearted devovsftia . . . So ft wasn't any wonder tion, self-sacrifices and energies of not only the that,the citizens were taiatlj 6ls» people at home but also that of the colonial poputnrbed when their lono enti-alrlation. craft Coast Artillery Regiments, By-PAT FRANK composed of Wcshlogton re«i« , were placed in active service end chipped off to Texas . . . y, to make matters no bet-' tcr, the Potomac acts tsa A guide . We are too often so dazed by the destructive AROUND THIS TOWN— to Wcsbto^tca, J n s t as the phases of the -war that we are Inclined to over-. The. White House — Not since 7% docs to liondon . . . look reports of positive and creative phases of the Lincoln's S e c o n d inauguration (Copyrighted by Jewish Telewar—incidents that ought to gladden our hearts had such elaborate precautions hi Agency, Inc.) and bolster our spirits. One of these happy mani- been taken to guard the life of a President when for the third festations is the increasingly frequent signs of time Roosevelt took the oath of friendship between Arabs and Jews in the Holy office . . . including rooftop Land. It seems unbelievable, that tho war more watchers a l o n g Pennsylvania than anything else has been responsible for the Avenue to guard against snipers . . . REASON: Hie Oecret Service quick healing of the wounds on both sides pro- well knows that tho Nazis would The regular late cervices of the duced by almost four years of conflict which con- stop at nothing to get Roosevelt verted Palestine for a while into two armed camps. out of tho way at this time . . . U. O. C. will take place tonight at tbe Congregation B'aal Israel One cannot but rejoice on reading and on If they would murder Dollfuss to at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Isaiah Racwin Austria, what would they do learning that the vicious anti-British and antito mako good their cry, "Tomor- kovsky will apeak. Zionist propaganda, which Rome had been pouring row, the world la ours!" . . ..On 'Belli E l " .' into Near Eastern ocuatrles lor yeans over the air, the past- inauguration day, evTonight Rabbi David A. Ctoldby pacaplilcto, subnldiea and agitators, Is not bear- ery policeman, and fireman in stein will base hia sermon on ing the fruit it was expected by the Fascists and Washington was on 24-hour Maurice Samuel's latest b o o k , and all the troops from "The Great Hatred." feared by Jews oil over tho world. The spread- duty, Fort ISycr lined tho streets . . * Ing war is rather tending to bridge the chasm of >« Nest IMday blood, destruction and animosities, which, for come 3Ste Press*— 8tiU listed as a Next Friday evening R a b b i time, seemed as though it would take decades, if K & r ia good standing of tho Goldstein's sermon topic will ho not generations, to wipe out. Senate .&sd ilosse "Preea Galleries "Are We Victims of Circumstance Manfred Eapp, fccssl of Trans- or Are We Masters of Our Pate?" Reports keep coming in for increasing mani- Is eccaa Press, tbo Nazi propaganfestations of growing harmony and co-operation da cgeacy, despite tevclaittets^ be-. T e m p l e •• • between the Arabs and the Yishuv: Hadassah Hos- fore the Dies GOEJEJI ttco that This evening at services Rabbi pp Is,a German agent who gets David H. WIce will discuss his pital encourages Arabs to avail themselves of the cervices of Jewish surgeons. Business dealings MB -orders directly tea Berlin, experiences at the University of tho CSermoa Consul General In Colorado, where he recently spoke with Arabs are on the increase. Land is again be- Hew York, and the German Em> during Religious Emphasis week. ing purchased from Arabs.' Knowledge of tha tssssy'. *•,., 'sad d s o despite tho Arabic language is considered as important as reles gOTCjrniEg tho press gallerEnglish. Freauent good-will visits by the local ies, which resd that no press galArab and-Jewish townsmen have taken place. lory member may be employed "J>y nay foreign government! or Jews marched in funeral processions -of. Arab vlc- any representative thereof" . . Mexico City (WNS) — Adolfo tima of alr-xaids and Arab notables- were recently Alfred P. Flynn, chairman of the L o o n Osorlo, one of Mexico's among tho mourners when Tel Aviv received its ' Committee of Corres- m o o t violent anti-Semites, has , promises an,, investiga- been arrested by Mexican police baptism of fire from the 'air. Joint committee of j : ' . . . • . ' : ' ' . • : oa the .charge that he headed a Aral) and Jewish merchants-a Bhort t i m e ago tion . . . It is no secret to Washington gang which .invaded motion picvoiced In conference tbo demand that the govern-: correspondents that reporters for ture houses showing American. meat come to the assistance of small tradesmen. the Nasi-controlled news agescla anti-Nad films and caused disehiefly for the turbances. . . . . . . . i, AH theso Mi?py and encouraging nianifesta- file their reports Wilhelmnstrasse1, and often inLong known ?-3 a.Naal propatides of Increasing cordialiapprochement between clude "off-the-record" comments gandist, Osorio has been activo tlio Arabs asd, the Jews should prove to skeptics by responsible heads of the Unit- for' several years <In' the distribuand dbiibters tfaai tMs friendship can bo cemented ed States government . . . They tion of anti-Jewish literature. Ho into a permanent thing if the' leaders of Zionism never miss a Roosevelt or Hall denied the charges lodged against press[ conferenco . . . and.declared that ho w a s ia thin coantry and Ia the Yishuv exert the ef- "•. Merita 'Ufca fcas;lal>clled•Trans" him "framed i by Jews." fort, 'possess-'ttae far-sightedness and realistic in- ocena: r"H<rt a sews sepvice« • 'hut a spy. service -thst uses leased sight such as eaifisvpr demands. .Patrouize Our Adve: users 1
Immigration into Palestine
Increasing Friendship
Religious Services
u. o. c.
Sehe Ant&'Semite
Friday, Ja.suuury'24,' iS4i"
A, Z. A. 200
suns, m m HEAD NEWYORSC $nmm«.
The erening of January 15 proved to be an uneventful one for A. Z. A. 100 when the Chapter's entry in the Jewish Community Center Stage Nigbt won Jerusalem (WNS-Paicor Agency)—For the first time since last Blames Disunity of People first prize among tlie entries of ten' Jewish organizations. September Palestine was again For French the target for bombs dropped Tue Century Chapter's skit was Defeat from enemy planes. an original, being written by MilGuided by the bright moonlight ton Guss, Yale Richards £&<* MorSpeaking last week-end at the ris Richlin. The skit was a fastthat enveloped southern PalesUniversity of Omaha on "Dangers moving comedy which presented tine, the hostile aircraft—whethand Weaknesses of Democracy," one of the episodes in the ader Italian or German has not yet Andrew Maurois, noted French- ventures of Sherlock C o h e n been officially d e t e r m i n e d — Jewish historian, blamed the dis- (played by Sammie Beber) in dropped a number of b o m b s unity of the people for the col- which a rich, eccentric man which, the government reported, fell on the open countryside withlapse of France. (played by Leo Alperson) lost out causing damage or casualties. "With the rise of the People's ten diamonds, but Sherlock, with Shortly after midnight air-raidFront," he claimed, "the masses the help of Inspector Weinstein alarms were sounded in Tel-Aviv, tended to go more and more to- (Morris Richlin) and Inspector Jaffa, Gaza and Jerusalem. The ward the Left while the parties Epstein (Harold Epstein) arrests planes, however, were t u r n e d of Ihe Right tended to seek some the rich man's butler (Louis back before they could wreck any s o r t of authoritarian govern- Katz) and by calling for a doctor havoc in these open cities. ment." According to Mauroia this from the audience (Yale RichAt the same time Palestine exdisunity prepared the ground for ards), performs an operation on bt the United Palestine Appesl. The perienced its f i r s t earthquake defeat. With the ever-widening the butler to recover the dia- Hon. NstLsn Strsus (left). Adminisof the United Sistes .Housing 1941 United Palestine Appeal drive shock s i n c e September. Thegap between classes, the F i f t h monds he is claimed to have trator Authority, A u t y , has sesiuited ll.e ofiF.ee of wiil be ofSci&liy launchedfitdie Na* shock was felt throughout t h e Columnists appeared shortly after Cki dS l G t l l , noted t d tioael Conference for Palestine which Ckairmeu e y end Sylvan country but did no damage and the, first military defeats and fa- swallowed. N York Y lawyer l ((rtgbt). LBS been will meet i& Washington, D. C. on caused no casualties. The doctor succeeds in remov- New cilitated the betrayal of France. Executive Chairman of tLe ing everything from the butler's named . Confident Greater New York Campaign of the Saturday evening, January 25th and Concluding extemporaneously, stomach but the diamonds, when 112,000,000 W«r Emergency Campaign Sunday, Jsaiisry Central nigh school In Omaha be passionately declared his con- the rich man interrupts the afand are alumni of the University viction and faith in the rebirth fair by saying that while he has of Nebraska. of-France. "I have the utmost been playing solitaire he has Joyce expects to enter the ,Unt» confidence In the beauty a n d found the ten diamonds (ten of versity of Nebraska next Septem* freedom and loveliness that was diamonds) in with the rest of ber. Mr. Margolin, who is an enthe playing cards. The -theme of —and -will be—free." gineer with the Standard Oil In his first lecture, Maurois the play is interrupted many Company of New Jersey is now la Joyce Ruth Margolin graduated Aruba, spoke of the weaknesses of Eng- times by comic interludes involvNetherlands, West Indies*' oii January 23 at the head of her land between 1920 and 1940 and ing Sherlock Cohen, Inspector for his company. (Continued from Page 1.) Heights High school of blamed them on the lack of cour- Weinstein, the Doctor, and the ish organizations to political par- class from Heights, Ohio. She is age of the leaders who did not rich man. Members of the sup- ties who would refuse to partici- Cleveland daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Giona Galileo Baptiswant to tell a pacifist-minded na- porting cast were Harold Sluts- pate in the defense program be- the ta, 17th century Vatican II* (Cella Ross) Benjamin V. Margotion of the dangera'lt faced. The kin, Mel Rosenberg, Fred Colton, cause of their ideological differ- lin both of whom graduated from brarian, was an apostate Jew. .wealthy were opposed to arma- and Sam Slutzfcy. This skit will ences with the administration. ments for fear of higher taxes be presented to the B'nai B'rith. la his annual report, Paul •nd the masses vusro too pacltlstlc Installation Veret, executive director of tho and shot their eyes to appeaseInstallation ceremonies for tho Federation stressed the need tor ment. newly-elected officers of tho Cen- the strengthening of the home tury Chapter were held last Sun- front. "Only as wo strengthen day at the v Jewish Community community life, do wo strengthen Center. Yale Richards, the oat- national defense." going Aleph Godol, conducted tho Tracing the work of the Fedritual and Harold Slutzkin, the eration this past year he said, new Aleph Godol, announced the "The whole program of the Cenchairmen and members of the ter is to be directed during this committees for his term. Re-' period of crisis to strengthening Jerusalem (WNS-Falcor Agen- freshments were served. cy) — Anticipating to a small exmorale."' Coming Affair tent the request for aid that will According to Jack Herman and i be made by the Joint Arab and H U I AM SOME FACTS about Proof of this is found in the Jewish delegation elected by the Louis Katz, co-chairmen of the following comparison of conn Ford Labor. • combined citrus growers of this Annual Youth and Democracy country, the Palestine Govern- Program, cxtenslvo plans have During the year ended Novem- pensation insurance costs: ment In a special edition of its be_en formulated for the program ber 30th, 1940, the Ford Pay- The national average rate In .Official Gazette imposed a remov- which is scheduled for the middle toll throughout the United automotive manufacturing al levy on citrus fruit which it of February, possibly during LinStates averaged 113,628 hour* plants as computed by the N u A preliminary- session of t h e declared will be of definite aid to coln's birthday. A. 2. A. 100 will ly wage earners, not including tional Association of Under* class in "History of the Jewish cooperate hi thfa event with tho the citrus Industry. office employes, students, or writers is in excess of $1.50 met Thursday at the New. The removal levy imposed Mother Chapter and the Hl-Y or- People" Labor Lyceum, SO22 C u m l n g executives. They were paid premium on each $100 paw amounts to £2 per ton of citrus ganization. street. On the suggestion of Mrs. $ 1 8 5 , 1 0 5 , 6 3 9 . 1 2 . O n this roll. The Ford cost of w o r n fruit when it is transferred to the David A. Goldstein, Instructor In basis, the average annual wage men's compensation is less market by the growers, and a than 50?. tho coarse, tho class adopted as was @l,629.O5. somewhat higher rate for packed its text book Joseph Kastoln's According to the latest avail- This indicates that the chance fruit. The revenue thus yielded, " H i s t o r y and Destiny of the able government figures, the of injury in a Ford plant i» the Government said, will be Jews." annual average wage of all much less than in the average used Tor the benefit ot the indusRebecca Tatalbaum, 3907 South The distribution of coin boxes workers in employment cov- automobile plant. try by the marketing division of 24th street, was elected secretary ered by old age insurance law The Ford Motor Company, has the Citrus Control Board set up as part of the fight against in- of the class. For the next,sesfantile paralysis has been comno age limit for labor, and in was $841.00. by the Government last spring. pleted by City Commissioner Har- sion of the class a report was asfact deliberately attempts ta signed to Harry Lerner on "OriIf the 45,000,000 workers of ry Truotin, who is chairman of this country received the same keep older workers working; coin box committee of the Doug- gins of the Jew." Harriette Rlfaverage wage as Ford employ- The average age of Ford worto las county chapter of the Nation- kin will'report on January 30 on "Prophecy and the Jews." es, they "would have had addi- ers at the Rouge and nearby al Foundation for Infantile ParThe only charge for the course alysis. . tional wages of more than plants is 38.7. $33,000,000,000, thus i n - A recent check-up shows that The coin boxes are for those Is the price of the text books creasing the national income • nearly one-half the workers at persons who wish to "join In the which Is one dollar. Anyone interested in Jewish history may about 50%. Think what such these Ford plants were 40 or March of Dimes." Memhers of the "4(M) Club" an increase would mean to the over, falling into these age J. C. Travis is chairman of the attend the classes which are held Saturday night paid tribute to Douglas county chapter and Allen every Thursday at the New Lav workers of this country and groups: bor Lyceum, 3022 Cuming, at 8 Sol Degen, dean of the O m a h a Kohan is executive secretary. to the American fanner, whose 25,819 between 40and 30 p. m. Text books Bhould be orstockyards, who.Is credited -with prices are based on the na14,731 between 50 and 60 dered aud enrollment completed handling more stackers and feedtional income. 3,377 between 60 and 70 before the end of tho month. era than any man In the United 417 between 70 and 80 Wage scales in the Ford Rouge States. 12 between 80 and 90 plants are divided into three , Now 81 years of age, Degen has In addition to the so-called classifications; been associated with the Omaha regular • employes, the Ford yards since 188-5 and was, one of UtuMUfd... Candle-Lighting Tlnic: 5:52. Company has hired, and* ! •' Harry Marka the six men who have seen more Minimum hiring wage • 150 Motor cow has on the payroll, at the Harry Marks, 59, died Sunday Regular late services of the U. than 50 years of service. per hour same-regular Hourly wage; When he first came to Omaha O. C. will take place'.this- Friday, of a heart attack. emisMIhd.i: iMIhd thousands of workers who are A resident oE Omaha for 42 at Congregation B'nal Israel, at 8 the yards here were nothing but Minimum fairing wage • 80$ blind, crippled or otherwise years, he had been engaged in the a couple of feeding pens. Today p. m. The Rabbi will speak. per hour incapacitated for normal proSaturday morping- tho Rabbi meat market business. it i s one of the largest in t h e Skilled.,. Besides his widow, he Is surductive work. They are not world, ranking only below those will speak at Congressman B'nai Minimum hiring wage • 900 selected for their ability toIsrael. vived by two sons, Leo of Lincoln of Chicago. per hour. Higher wages are build cars or to maintain the The Junior Congregation will and Herbert of Omaha; a daughin consideration of ability plant They are on the payroll conduct its services at Congrega- ter, Rita, of Omaha; a sister, Mrs. and years of service. _ tion B'nai Israel this Saturday at Sarah Bergman of Omaha, and a because of Henry Fora's be10 a. m. . Mrs. I. Goldstein will brother, David, of Omaha. Minimum wage scales for un- lief that tfre responsibility of a be hostess to the children after . Funeral, services were held at skilled labor at she Rouge large company to labor goes services.\ . , , the Jewish Funeral Home Monplant arc the highest in the in- beyond the point at which the day afternoon. : Study Groups Washington (WNS)—-A draft dustry. Top wages (oi skilled unfortunate worker can n o Regular Sunday morning servfor $1,000 was cabled to London Sam Kneeter. labor compare favorably with, longer produce profitably. by B'nal B'rith headauarters to ices of the TJ..O. C. Brotherhood Funeral services w e r e held or are higher than, wages in The above are facts. They are aid the B'nal B'rita Care com- Will take place a t the B'nai Israel Wednesday at the Jewish Funeral open to anyone who really other automobile plants. mittee for Refugee Children In synagogue a.t, 9 a. n>. The Bible Home for Sam Kneeter, 57, forNow some facts on Ford labor wants to deal in facts. Anyone London to find new homes f o r Study group and breakfast will mer Omahan, who died on Janwho wants to get a j o b . . .buy. conditions: ..-•:... uary 16, at his home in San Franthose of the 650 children from f_611ow. .• ". ; . a car . . . o r place a national Germany, Austria, Poland a n d The Adult Hebrew Study group, cisco. Services were-also held Not only are sanitation and defense contract on the basis Czecho-Slovaklai - under its care will meet this Monday at the Rab- last Sunday in San Francisco. other health conditions the of fair, labor treatment must who were made homeless-when bi's study at 8 p . m . ~ An' Omaha resident for 30 best in the industry, but Ford . place Ford at the top of his the hostels la which they were' : The Talmud Study group will years, Mr. Kneeter moved to the also leads in safety devices for eligible list. living were smashed by German meet at Congregation Beth Hame- west coast in 1931.the protection of employes. . .b o m b s / . .';. . v •'.' '•'•' - - - '.••""••.:' • drpsh Hagadol,. 19th and Burt, '•'. Surviving him are: .His wife, , Two drafts totaling 04 »0 00 had this Wednesday at 8. p. m. Sarah; a daughter, Mrs. I. K. ': previously been cabled to JLon- - ' ... . k- •.. Meeting . • ! Shepherd of San Francisco; a sisdon by B'nai B'rith for the main- "A large attendance was present ter, Miss Fannie of New York, tenance of refugee c h 11 d r e n at theirionthly membership meet- and a brother, Lewis of San Franbrought to England hy the Brlt- ing of the Beth Hamedrosh Hag- cisco. .'" .•'..••,: .; ::.::•:•, : ; r i y ' ish lodges and auxiliaries prior to odel Synagogue last Sunday; The Burial,was at Golden HHl. cemthe outbreak" of the war. new constitution was adopted. e t e r y , : • ••:.•. •••••• ••. •••••:••••••-••• - •'. ••
Omaha Girl MONSKY ELECTED Former Heads School Class FEDERATION HEAD
Distribute Boxes for "March of Dimes"
Children Aided by B'nai B'ritk Funds
Page 2
Frid&y, J&ituary 24, 1941
&s the hoy Jesus . . . Elmer Rice who directed tii&t plsy, fa&S thus become a movie director—which, ; «*«« however, k&su'.t. • deterred„; him from' continuing .with tils stage directorial work, his latest effort London (JTA>—Mass resignaheiug Ms own drajija, "Might to tion of Jewish directors of Dutch West," which is rapidly g&i companies, in'connection vfit - check-room, and then remained tike" A contribution of $1,000 to the PAGLIACCI LAUGHSiiig fame &s the first &ntl-N&zi Lisbon jokesters are gettiug or- staudiiig alone . . . Another pat- play with political', significance anti-Jewish .decrees of the N a z i Greek War Relief Association's ders from Berlin to go slow on ron, suddenly recognizing him, plus entertainment value . . , If occupation authorities, is creating appeal for civilian aid to embatthe anti-Axis gags, we hear . . . rushed up to h i m , heartily yca'i'c looking ' tor missing rela- a major organizational problem tled Greece was announced in Among the stories banned is that slapped Ms back and exclaimed: tives we can recommend the serv- for Holland's economy, according Washington by Henry Monsky, of the automobile racer who, af- "Well, Dave-ip-you're still with ices ©f Iteiiel Moses. EiseuJterg, to information received in Dutch president of B'ual B'rith, oldest ter copping all the prizes, ex- littjffisiitasky, I see! . . . Why, I whose Skip Tr&cers bureau tms circles here. and largest national Jewish servplained his success by saying: remember you from ye&xa ago, in the past sixteen years located M a n y companies were com- ice and fraternal organization. "It's iny tir.es that do the trick when, you used to sing to the' {bbout 150,<KK> missing persona . . . pelled to call extraordinary meetthis contribution," . . . I make it a. point to have boys' clioir . . . Are you an usher Next year New York ski enthusi- ings to select n e w directors. Mr."Through Monsky said in a letter lo Italian tires on the front wheels now?" . . . "No," replied the oth asts 'won't h&ve to go far from Butch shareholders in many cases Harold Vanderbilt, chairman of and Greek tires* in the rear" . . . er, "liiit I'm still hoping to work home to enjoy, th&t sport, if Sid- did not attend, t h e meetings, the Greek War Relief Association, It's a good think there's an At- lay way up" . . . After some more ney Grossman's plan is realized thereby showing t h e i r disgust "the B'nai B'rith membership, lantic Ocean between Berlin and small-talk with the anti-Jewish measures. In the back-slapper en- . . . His Hotel Grossman at Lakewhich along with all other liberthe Manhattanite who recently wood, N. J., is spending a fortune nearly every instance convocation was heard to refer to II Duce as tered the theatre, and the other to build tho largest ^nd steepest of si second meeting was neces- ty-loving Americans is concerned for the preservation of the demowaited for bis friends to rejoin Has-Benfto . . . Badolf's o w n artificial ski slide in the country sary to obtain a quorum. cratic way, gives voice to its pronephew, William Patrick Hitler, him . . . He was David garnoff, • • < found sympathy with the heroic is credited with the story of the head of BCA, who had been din-1 people of Greece who are so valcamera man who was given the ing &t the Cafe lloy&l with Nisei Jewish Song Broadcast iantly, resisting aggression. assignment to shoot (photograph- and Wt>isg&I, find now was going (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) ically speaking) Hitler and Mus- to see the Yiddish show for old At the same time Mr. Monsky New York (JTA) —Columbia reported that solini together . . . The photog times' sake . . . • ; . B'nai B'rith exBroadcasting System's short-wave seated the two dictators in the pended $65,000 for war relief and listening station heard the Naziproper position, and then instruct- CHAPLIN CHAPTER aid in. 1940, through apcontrolled j Amsterdam r a d i o refugee ed: "Now scowl, please" . . * propriations from its.. Emergency The question of whether or not broadcast a program of popular Which reminds us of the report Charlie Chaplin is Jewish, long'a' and German Relief Funds songs, played on a piano. . The Relief that on 49th Street there's a bar- controversial one, has .finally;; and from individual lodges and last number of the program was auxiliaries ,to bershop in which the razor strop been settled once end for all . . . non-sectarian agen"Bel. Mir Bist du Schoen," writ- cies and B'nai B'rith refugee comis adorned with Hitler's picture When the Universal Jewish Enten by the Jewish composer, mittees abroad. Total B'nai B'rith . . . Seriously speaking, however, cyclopedia sent its biographical Sholoin Secunda, and taken from outlays for these purposes since we want to tell you to watch the sketch of Charlie to United ArtNew' York Herald-Tribune for an ists for checking, purposes, the Jewish Officers Ordered an old Jewish melody. the beginning; c | ; the , European expose on'local bigwigs with Nazi proofs of the article were rewar in September 193$ amount to To Service by leanings . v'V • •' Patronise Our Advertisers , $72,000, Mr. M i l d II Duce turned without any objections . . , And in that, article Chaplin's JeWZIONIST PHILOSOPHIES ishness la taken for granted . . . Rome (JTA)—Despite its antiOn East 42nd Street, where a Among the significant incidents number of Zionist offices arc now mentioned In the Encyclopedia Semitic legislation, the Italian . concentrated, wo recently heard piece is one which took place in government has called np a num. the • following definition of two 1931, just before Chaplin was to ber of internationally k n o w n schools of Zionist thought... The visit Budapest . . . A Hungarian Italian Jewish army and naval enAll Winter Apparel Greeily Reduced gineers for service in the armed exponent of one says: "England has always been friendly to our Jewish paper having run an ar- forces. cause* . . . She gave «s the Bal- ticle calling Chaplin the scion of These men, considered "irrefoar Declaration, and since then an East European Jewish family placeable" e x p e r t s in various has done her level best, against named Thonstcin, a local anti- fields, include Admiral Umberto bitter Aral* opposition, to facili- Semitic paper attacked Charlie on Pugllese, who has designed practate the establishment of the Jew. the grounds of his Jewishncss . . . tically every'warship in the ItalIsh Homeland . . . We all must Whereupon Chaplin called off his navy. Ilia first warship, which do everything we can to help Eng- Budapest visit . . . The Chaplin ian he designed at the age of 27, . land win the war" . . . The ad- article is appearing in Volume revolutionised AN UNUSUAL e:ioup OP construction herent of the other school of III of the Encyclopedia, which throughout thenaval world. thought, however, declares: "Eng- will soon be ready for distribuThe Jewish experts reportedly land hag never played fair with tion to subscribers ..... . On Broadthe Jews . . . The Balfour Declar- way, by. the way,, they're now are being used in an advisory caation was just a scrap of paper saying that if you want to know pacity. A royal decree was Issued : Sacrificed at..« put out to gain Jewish sympath- where Nasti propaganda is mak- recently dealing with the recruitof "privileged" Jews. The ies, while on the other hand Engheadway in South America ment decree was proposed by Premier land made conflicting promises to ing just watch the news items reportat a cabinet meeting on the Arabs ., . . Since the first in which cities Chaplin's "The Mussolini June 6, 1940, several days prior 'World War Britain has done ev- Ing erything to obstruct the national Great Dictator' has. been banned to Italy's entrance into the war aspirations of the Jewish people • • • but official publication was with, . ..We all must do everything ABOUT PEOPLE held for some time.; we can to help England win the Here *t« some of tho popular fan, suck Thomas Mann, whose appeal to Must Register war" .i -; t • reason the German people failed fc» Black, Brown, Gray Caracul, Seal-Dyed Although the decree states that to heed in 1030, is trying again all Italian Jews/ without excepConey, Sable-Dyed Coney, Fenian Paw, RABBINICAL REPORT now, via short wave . . . He preld fuad many others. A military rabbi la Harry Rich- dicts simultaneous revolts against tion, are compelled to register at mond of Wichita . . . In the last Nazis in Vienna, Prague, War- recruiting centers upon reaching world war he served In Prance saw, Oslo, Amsterdam, Brussels, military age only those lit tho With the 34 th Division . . . And Copenhagen and Paris . . . Insid- "privileged" class are obliged to now he's in tlio army again, as ers agree that trouble for Hitler present themselves for examinaCaptain Richmond at Gamp Jo- is brewing in many of these tion and recruitment It also ing tots Whitney end seph T. Robinson, in Arkansas places, and claim that it is in cludes those in the latter cateprotaoor Ocats. Vetoes ts gory who under the clauses of the . . . January 27th is tbe date for preparation for an expected re$tiL cow the* reception to be held at the volt that the Nazis have been racial legislation of November 17, Temple Emanu-El Community building fortifications in sonic 1938, were not called to'the colHouse for Professor Abraham S. Vienna suburbs . . . I t may be a ors at a previous date. E. Yahuda, famous Orientalist little early to call your attention ' A recently published decree and Biblical.Scholar, who on that to it, bnt you ought to make a dealing with volunteers does not evening will lecture on "The Ac- note on your calendar that Jacob mention the exclusion of Jews, San® Whitney sad curacy, of the Bible in the Light Fishman, tho veteran journalist, which leads to the inference that Oradmoon'Valuea to C23.C3. of Egyptian Antiquity" . . . Mem- will celebrate his 20th anniver- certain desirable Jewish volunbers of the Reception Committee, sary as columnist on the Jewish teers will be accepted. It Is doubtwhich is headed by Professor Al- Morning Journal on March, 18th, ful t h a t Italian Jews will be bert Einstein, include Dr. Fernan- tho"" day after Dr. Stephen S. called to serve in the front lines fur Coats•—Third Floor ' do de Los Rios, former Spanish Wise's birthday . . . An interest- or on warships. It is deemed very Ambassador to Washington, in ing experiment is being conduct- likely, however, that a good many whose country Prof. Yahuda ed by Theatre-onFilm, Inc., of Jewish technicians, and -doctors taught for many years , . , . The which Joseph Pollak la the pres- will shortly be called' to serried arrangements for the Teception, ident . . . This outfit mokes screen to meet the heavy demand of a you should know, have ' been reproductions of plays as present- country at war. .'..:: made by the Committee's Secre* ed on tho Broadway stage, Its tary, Arthur Meyerowits . . ; Next first effort being Maxwell 'AnderMarie-Bernard' Bauer, chaplain week will see Rabbi Barnett R. son's "Journey to Jerusalem," the to the E m p r e s s Eugenie of play which featured Sidney Luraet Brlckner's sixth annual Seminar Prance, was a converted Jew. . on Judaism at his Cleveland Eu clid Avenue Temple . . This Seminar, which with the cooperation of Cleveland churches and ministers brings better knowledge of Outdoor activities at thai* best Tha ultiaata Judaism to Christian clerics, will in facilities for recreation and reluronatfon, this year feature addresses by Dr. including tho finest thenspautio fcatha with Mordecai M. Kaplan of New York cwapkto susssags.. .Lusurfoaa eeemi3od&» and Dr. Nelson Glueck of Cincintlsng. baseHfal g nati : . . long eun veranda: outstanding ffsatesa at EAST SIDE NEWS "Whsjo ikacilca Drfnfea He Way To Health'.1 Witta fo* iafomaUon. It happened on Second Avenue, At Rumshinstcy's Yiddish Theatre, the other day , . .Shortly before the performance was to open, a 'man in the lobby directed two patrons—Meyer W. Weisgal and l i Nizer, to be exact—4o the
Jews Forced from 0utdi Companies
Friday, 5*n*s.ry 24,
By DR.' THRQUOllti U. LEV/iS Rabbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn, H. V. .••A COLORED WOMAN IN A : WHITK WORM)," fey MARY CHURCH ' T K R R E L I J , BANSiJKfi, INC, WASHINGTON, D. C , 437 PAGES
I '
This book should shock the United States into a realization of the fearful injustices w h i c h twelve million colored citizens .suffer daily. The author has intended it not so much as a protest against those galling discriminations which she and her race endure, but rather as an autobiographical-record. And because she aimed to give a complete picture of her personal life, of her activities and varied interests, she has included much that is unimportant. Any .sensitive person should be outraged that Washington, the . capitol, where freedom • and democracy and t h e Constitution ^nhduld be supreme, that in that "*eitjr It la impossible for a Negro . to obtain food in any private or government restaurant, that no Negro is admitted to any theatre, movie house, concert hall; except. ing under. Jim Crow conditions, that separate schools are main. talned for the white and colored children, that the Negro cannot . rent or buy a home in any desirable locality, that the Negro is subject to divers insults and continuous oppression. And what is , true of Washington, is true even In more'vigorous fashion of the " entire South, and to a large extent of the entire land. No wonder the Nazis gloat over this Criminal contradiction in our de^ mocracy! " ' Grave Danger '" , This perpetual humiliation plus \,the.difficulty of obtaining honorr able employment commensurate with qualification . and training ' nourishes a spirit of revolt and ' despair which constitutes a grave danger to the entire nation. That It can't continue forever, is quite obvious. Among the solutions of the problem, Mrs. Terrell believes ' that the "appeal to the sense of ' justice iu the white youth of the United States" will prove effective. How such an unusually In-' " telllgent woman can commit so ' grievous a mistake and so inls' read the nature of the human animal is . most astonishing. No ' amount of appeal to justice will "1 help the Negro in the United States! The problem runs deeper than correcting certain evils by legal enactments. The essence of the difficulty, and the crux, is that the Southerner and only to a lesser degree ' the Northerner treat the Negro •.with a subconscious contempt based upon a conviction that the „colored man ...Is their inferior. Southerners freely admit the injustice of-Jim Crowism, but re" snst It and nothing more. The confession .and knowledge, of. sin do not purify the heart nor give . strength to foresake the evil way.' Segregation Before .the-Negro will receive equal and just treatment: the psychological attitude of. the whites • will-have to "undergo a radical - transformation. Of course, our laws should outlaw Jim Crowism • wherever and in whatever guise it appears. But to obtain such legislation the NegrO will have to possess power; political, economic' and industrial, to compel the white community to give him what, it subconsciously refuses, and what.it never will'-grant -voluntarily. . I doubt if the Negro can ever truly be happy, and enjoy- complete mental and spiritual seren' Ity as long as he resides among whites, where his inferiority will always be emphasized in a hundred *wayd. Segregation seems to be the only solution, and the only avenue of escape for the Negro from the "wick'edness" of the dominant race. The problem of - the Negro resembles that of the Jew in many .ways. As the solution of the Jewish problem is the establishment of a homeland in Palestine so_must the solution of the colored problem proceed along similar though not identical lines. Only when the Negro will" bo beyond the reach of the white man to afflict his soul,'damage his self-esteem and subject him to Insult and inferiority status will he bo able to be himself. The battle for equality, is a loosing battle, one which consumes untold energy and spiritual resources which should* be directed towardp more fruitful ends —and not towards fighting .for
those inalienable rights which the American Constitution guarantees him but which the American citi-, zen will never grant him unless compelled to do so by an authority higher than law." One of the most poignant chapters in the book is that which describes the tragedy of those colored people who "cross" the color line and become members of the white community. This, too, reminds one of many Jews, who in order to escape the penalties enforced against; Jews seek escape from their people and religion. And, like the colored folk, their success is:'never quite complete, is. always saturated with remorse, rebellion and a sense of self-degradation. Record of Achievement The record of Mrs. Terrell, an astonishing one for -a white woman, is doubly so in her case, and magnificently so for one living in Washington where .the color liae ia drawn sharply. For many years has she served 'on the Board of Education of her city, and her husband re-appointed by several successive administrations to a judgeship in the lower courts of the city, also served with honor and,dignity. Her work in behalf of her own race is a record of outstanding achievement. The greatest service one can render the colored and white races in this land would be for some outstanding White Southerner to courageously defy the
greatest of all tajsoos,. Jim Crowism. Just as Gijandi broke up the "untouchable" taboo in India so should a daring and distinguished leader of the South repudiate in some draiaatio and spectacular fashion, either by personally submitting to it or publicly and vigorously denouncing and defying this relic of human shame and fear and evil. Only then will the nation be aroused to cleanse its soil and soul train this filthy pollution of race degradation1 and oppression. "A Colored Woman in a White World" deserves to be read prayerfully by every American. Until the wrongs enumerated in this volume are rectified, America will not be the democracy which we think she is.
REFUGEE GROUP TO MEET IN DOMINICA Washington {JTA) — Representatives of the 32 nations holding membership in the Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees have been notified of a meeting in the Dominican Republic from January 30 to February 3 to inspect the Sosua Colony, "test tube" of refugee settlement in the Western Hemisphere, Alfred Wagg III, secretary of the committee, announced. •' v The meeting will he held on;the first anniversary of the signing of the agreement between the Dominican government and t h e Dominican Republic Settlement association which provided for the settlement of refugees. The meeting will open in the National Palace in Cludad Trujillo. President Troncosa de la Con-
cha of the Dominican Republic 1 teaspoon s&lt. will preside. James N. Rosenberg, % cup chopped nuts. president of the D. R. S. A., will Cream butter and add sugars, report on the work of the asso- vanilla, chocolate «.nd eggs one ciation during the first year, at a time—beat until light. Add sifted dry ingredients" and nuts. Shape in 2-iheh rolls. Wrap In wax paper. Chill over night. Slice thin, bake on greased cookie sheets, 375 degrees for about 15 minutes. * . By Mrs. David M. Newman RECAN SQUARES \ \i cup butter. BAKED HALIBUT 1 cap brown sugar f i r m l y 1 pound halibut. 1 pound canned tomatoes. -• packed. * egg. , % cup water. 1% cups, sifted flour. I onion, cut up, J4 teaspoon salt. 3 whole cloves. >' •, • H teaspoon baking powder. 1 teaspoon sugar. M cup chopped pecans. . 1 tablespoon batter. • '• Cream butter and add sugar, 1 tablespoon flour. beaten egg. Add sifted dry InSalt and pepper, gredients and nuts. Turn,into, a Clean fish. Dry and put in bak- greased and ing pan. Mix tomatoes, water, pan. Bake atwax360papered-lined degrees for onion, cloves and "sugar. Cook 25 minutes. Cut in 10 minutes. Melt butter and add While warm remove fromaquaria. pali—flour and gradually add hot to- 16 squares. mato mixture. Add salt and pepper. Cook five minutes. Pour Artist Dies half the sauce on the fish and bake in a moderate oven until fish London (JTA) — The deathseparates from the bone, basting often. Serve on hot platter pour- has occurred at the age of 89 of ing the rest of the sauce around Joseph Mordecal, famous Jewish who painted the last porthe fish. Garnish with parsley. artist, trait of King Edward VII, as well Bake 50 minutes. as portraits of many celebrities ot a bygone day. Mordecai was a SLICED CHOCOLATE double medallist at the R o y a l 'COOKIES, Academy and was still actively 1 cop batter. ;/ : • > engaged in his profession after 1 cup white sugar. his 80th birthday. 1 cup brown «ugar f i r m l y packed. : Patronize Our Advertisers 2 teaspoons vanilla, a squares.chocolate melted and cooled. FOR Rent—Furnished house." a eggs. . Seven rooms. WE 2080. .. •, &M cups sifted flour. j - 1;M teaspoons baking powder*
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Friday, January 17,
The Siiaare &£oa choir will entertain for Jlfcv. and Mrs. Morris Pemiek at tke home of Lillian Weiuer oa Monday night, JanuThere will be a birthday lu&cli- ary 20.
Talmud Torah Elects New Board -Monday
Annabelje E m l e l n , Dorothy Merlin, - Saretta Krigsten, Nelle Sinykin, aud Goldie Lehman will attend the J u n i o r Hadassah Southwest Regional conference in Kansas City January 17, 18, IS. i Annab'elle Emlein, president of the Sioux City chapter, will attend as official delegate. Serious problems confronting the Zionist organization in Palestine will be considered by the conference. Regional reports will be given on the activities of the Junior Hadassah chapters in each of the cities. i Delegates are expected from seven states including Missouri, Colorado, Oklahoma, K a,n s a s, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming. Dorothy Merlin is regional chairman of the conference, and Laura Levine, of Kansas City, is cochairman, ' ;''
YOUNG JUDEANS PLAN PROGRAM Young Judaea Council has outlined a program to be carried out by the. s e v e n Young Judaea groups for the rest of the season. Those activities scheduled are: , February 28—Friday evening service . . ..Shaare Zio.n; chairman, Sol Kronick and Earl Pollock. j March 12—Purim Carnival. CoChalrjrien, Mrs. Sam Cohen a n d Leon Goldsmith. Assisting them will be Howard Lebowich a n d Annabelle Satin. April 14—Passover Seder. Cochairmen, Mrs. Goldstein a n d Mrs. I. Shindler. Assisting are Serene Sperling and Edith Gelfand. ' June 1 — Shevuoth O u t i n g (Sto^e Park Shelter,House). Cochairmen, Leon Goldsmith a n d Sarah Pernlcfc.
J. A. C. Elects
At a meeting at the Jewish Community Center Thursday/ the J. A. C, 'Young Judaea club, elected now* members. They are Marion- Rasldnj Lorraine Raskin land Toby N&dler. Initiation .will be held within the> next few weeks.During, the 11th-and 12th centuries, one-third the property of Barcelona was owned by Jews.
eon meeting on January 21 at 1 o'clock at the s o c i a l hall of Shaare ZIGE.
Due to the illness
of Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, Mrs. Mike Grueskin, vice-president, will preside. People will be seated according to their birthdays and each table will be decorated according to the mouth which it represents. There will be 24 hostesses Including Mesdanies 111. R. Rabinowitz, B. Baron, Eli llobinow, Lester Heeger, Archie Kroloff, Sam Kaplan, Nate Goldis, Myer Shubb, Art Kaplan, Dave Ginsberg, Leon Shulkin, Lou Chesen, A. Berkowitz, Milton Mushkin, Leon Dobrofsky, B. Shindler and I. Shindler. • A telephone skit will be presented by the following ladies: Mrs. Myer Shubb, Mrs. Reuben Miller, Mrs. Maurice Ruben, Mrs. Jiiles Lederer,. Mrs. Ben Shindler la chairman of the luncheon and Mrs. Irving Levich of the dining room. The lesson of the day will The high school graduates will be read by Mrs. W. M. Masie,
Tie Talmud Torah banquet, held last Sunday evening, w a s most successful in many years. A record attendance of almost 300 people were present. The new board for the coming year are as follows: A. II. Baron, Sam Cohen, L. J. Kaplan, J o e Gorcliow, It. H. Emlein, 11 o r e y Lipshutz, Sam Lipman, P r a n k Margolin, M. Seff, Eli RoJjinow, J. Robinson, L. Shindler, Max Falk, Max Friedman, Abe Lebowich, A. M, Davis, A. Greenberg, Rabbi Bolotnikov, Rabbi Itabinowitz and E. N. Grueskin.
take charge of the services Friday night at the Shaare Z1 o n synagogue. The theme of t h e program -will be a "Call to Arms." Chairman for the affair ia Sherman Sperling. Speakers Will be Sheldon Singer and Sam Kaplan. Invocation will be given by Anhe Gordon. Benediction will be given by Irving Ducoffe, and valedictorian will be Rae Kaplan. The graduates are S h e r m a n Sperling, Sheldon Singer, S a m Kaplan, Anne Gordon, I r v i n g Ducoffe, Rae Kaplan, Sid Goldberg, Milton Rosenblum, M o r t Harrison, Norton Bain, Rosalie Kaplan, Helen Fishgold, Isadore Rich, Irving Levine, M a u r i c e Lass arid Bernie Haligman.
Federation Drive To Begin SSunday
Society News
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dikel and daughter, Tobey Linn, are moving to Great Falls, Mont. , Miss Kosanna Dikel is attending school at Iowa City, and Miss Dorothy Dikel will attend school in Chicago. On Sunday evening at 6:30 a dinner honoring Cantor and Mrs. Pernick on occasion of their return from their honeymoon will be tendered by the synagogue and the Women's League. Mr. Morey LIpschutz will preside. An interesting program consisting of brief addresses and musical selections wlil be presented. Mrs. J. Kanofsky Is reduperatin the Lutheran hospital from a recent operation.
HILLEL GROUP Council Groups to FINISHES TERM Continue Meetings
The Contemporary Jewish Affairs Study group, under the leadership of Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, will meet next Monday afternoon, January 20, at 1:30 at the home of Mrs. Leo Chalken, 3703 Jackson street. Mrs. B. N. Grueskin will present a paper on "The History of the Jews During Revolutionary Days." The Effective and Public Speaking group will meet today at the home of Mrs. H. S. Novitsky, 3323 Jones street, at 2 p." m. Mrs. Iz Rocklin and Mrs. Fred Sherman are chairmen of the group. . .
. ^-
Federation Work Being Photographed
The Board of the Federation held a meeting at the Jewish Community Center Monday, January 13. preceding the meeting, moving pictures were taken of the officers and board members, to be shown at the annual Federation meeting. A committee from the Federation was appointed to control the finances of theTalmud T o r a h ' and additional money was allotted as an annual grant to make up the "deficit of the Talmud Torah. .'"• The" Federation will have , a drive for funds, to Increase the subscriptlonB within the n e x t week.' A general meeting will bo held for -all workers on the drlvjD Sunday morning at 11 a. m. Mr. A. M. Davis is general chairman of the drive.
Arrangements have been made to have moving pictures taken of important activities of the Federation and Jewish Community Center.': •_• '- ; • ,_ ' _ \. \, _ \. „ These pictures will be shown at the annual meeting of the Federation to be held sometime in February." These pictures are being taken by Meyer Levitt, assisted by Calmon Levich,
Patronize Our Advertisers
The ninth annual baccalaureate services will be held in honor of the Jewish Midyear graduates on Friday evening at 8 o'clock.
Orthodox Synagogues Services .will-begin tonight at 6:15. o'clock »and in the morning at 9. Rabbi ,S. I. :Bolotnikov will speak during the morning services/at 'the.-Beth-Abraham- synagogue. .• • ••: ; : - "•"••. i ' ••••• '-.- :'
Sh&are Zion
* (Continued from Page 1.); and was assistant to the president of the University of Chicago. Before coming to his present post, ity for Jewish students was Jnaugrated some years ago with a series ot fireside discussions. To these discussions, conducted . by leaders In the Jewish community, came a largo percentage of the Jewish students on the campus. Another attempt In the Hillel direction was made two years ago when the Covenant Study Group WEBB, BEBEE, KLUTZCTCK, finfl 'KELLE1V Attyn. . 800 Service l i f e Hldf. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS
was set up. That venture lasted • only a short time. At present Hille-1 Is governed by an executive council of nine members, two from each of the three organized houses and three from the Jewish " b a r b " group. Purpose of Hillel is to form & close social and educational bond between Jewish students and pre» vent them from severing all con* tact with Judaism while a t school. Under the guidance of Rabbi Jolt, Hillel has undertaken a large amount of activity: debate ing, oratory, and essay contests; 1 and semi-m o n t h 1 y discussion groups on current Jewish topics. A group of prominent rabbis. Rabbi David II. Wice and Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky, both of Omaha e and Rabbi Morris Kertzer, direc* tor of the Hillel foundation a t the University of Iowa, just re« ceutly completed a series of dla« cushions on reform, conservative* and orthodox Judaism, Scheduled for the very near future is Maur* ice Samuel, author of the book, "The Great Hatred," who will address the group on ft current Jewish topic. Coupled with the cooperation of the rest of the Jewish students and an increasing program of activity, Hillel promises to becoin«( an invaluable aid In helping: stu« dents adjust.. themselves to thai school environment and provide ing means of Imparting to thenflj a Jewish "cultural background. WEBB, BEBEB, KMJTZNICK HEIXKY, Atlyg. 200 Service lAIe fildf, NOTICE) tn the matter of the estate of H a n g Azorin Deceased. . • Notice is hereby given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the executrix of said estate, before roe, County; Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska,'at the County Qourt Boom, in eald Countyv on the lBt Jay of If arch 1BU and on ths 1st day of May 1941, at 6 o'clock A. H., each day,- for the purpose of presenting their claims for,examination, adjustment! and. allowance. Three months .are ^allowed for the creditors to present their claims/ from the 1st day of February, 1941. *• BRYCE CRAWFORD i-10-40-St • County Ju4g«, JACK jrAKElt, Atty 737 Omsha Nat'l. Uftnlt B NOTICE
tn the matter of the estate of Samuel
Weiss Deceased. ' - .' Notice is Hereby given: That the cr«d/« tora'of. said deceased will meet the executor of said, estate, before me, County, Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, a t tJw County Court Room, in eald County; on:the 1st day of Mareli, 1011, and on th» 1st "day of May 1511, et 6 o'clock A* M T > .s Fresiae each-day, for tfea gurgoaa of pre»entUiB ft. W. J0NE3. their claims for ex&saiaation, edjuitmeat H. E. MAXEON uiowaBcs. Thms months are allowed fieing 6 raaJsrJty pi U15 Board of Di- end for ttio creditors to present their claims^ rectors, . 1-1T-41-It. foia taa 1st day of February-. 1941. BRYCB CRAWFORD V/EE3, 1-10-10-31 • - County Judse< Notice is hereby given that fill existing debts of Msnon Mitchell, Inc. on tiie 31et day of December, lftiO, amounted to the sum of Twenty nine thousand .- seventy threa dolisra 6n4 daity-twa- eenis (29,-
In tha County Court of Douglas County,
Nebraska: - • • - . . • • IN .THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF LeRoy Brown DeccAiel. • • AH persons interested In said estate are hereby notified that a petition lisa been filed In satd Court alleging that «ald deceased died leaving no last will and praying for ' administration . upon his estate, and that a.. hearing will be had on eald petition before said court on the 11th day of February 19*1, and that if Uiey fall to appear at said Court on the-said 11th day of February 1841, at 0 o'clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the.eame and grant administration of 8aldve3tate, to Henrietta Brown or jsome ^ther suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. CHARLES J. SOUTH AIID , l-17-40-3t County, Judge.
PaKton-MitcKell Co. Foundries Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, Soft Grey Iron and SemiSteel Castings, Wood and Metal Pattorno and Sash Weiohto carried iii stock* Bronze a n d Cast Iron Grilles a Specialty. 27th and McrtSaa Gts.
Sr. Hadassah
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Take a look at the New K-Lhie Internationals, styled by top-flight designers, powered by the great new Green Diamond Engines. And here's the"kind or covijort that only drivers can really appreciate. The secret is in the new, longer, easy-riding springs and the comfortable, all-steel Safety Cab. These New internationals will hirer costs on ail hauling Jobs. Ask us to demonstrate.
Two important events sWill be sponsored by the Hadassah organization. • First will be the annual linen shower on January 28 a n d . second the Purim family dinner. Please keep these dates open.
. ' i'a
JPiotr Blanc was court banker to King Stanislaus II of .Poland (1764-98). v Major MenoBing was the first Jewish officer in the Prussian army. ' "... BF.DKR, KMJTZNICK nnd ' KGU.EV, Attj«. 20O- Sen Ice Life Bldf.
In tho-Hatter,of the Estate of Abraham MushMn; Deceased. , To- all persona Interested In the Estate of. Abraham WushUin, • deceased. You and each of you are hereby notified that on thq 15th day of • January, 1011, Grace -Mushkln Simon filed Jhcr petition under oath. In this. court, alleging that tha said Abraham" MushJtln died intoijtato on the 15th day of January 1932, and that no application has been made fpr the appointment of an administrator of nls estate, and hit estate has never -been administered nor a decree,of helrBhlp entered-therein, praying that.admin* Istratlon o f t h o cstota'of the said Abraijam MqshUln be dispensed with and for a decrco determlnlnB'-who are" the" heirs of the Bald Ahraham Mushkin; you are therefore notified that a hearing will bo bad on said petition at the .County Court room of said County 'on • the 15th day of February, 1041, at 0 A. M. and that If you fall to appear at said time and place and contest saids petition - the court may grant the same and enter' a Qecres as praye
Tha uhimots In fatSSifei for rccrsatbn end rejuvenation. Othor outsSondino lectures OAKERVVEll tnctuds'tho finds* ii) thtropouJic he'.hs w'tih comptsta niotSQ0$, iuxurlous Gccomraodo ; ROOM, MSAIS, I tiorw. DoouliJul ground} wish on ci05!t!i-nii!o' BATHS,MASSAGES g ' sun veranda.jOu}dosrccHvftisjoMhsSrbed'. FROM tggA WEEK HvhVro Amsrkd Drinks Irs Way to- HeoJfh? "ftsr BooHoi Wr.'fg to Iho Manager , lOUiSGAMSr.EU