February 7, 1941

Page 1

Entered as Second Class Mai) Matter on January 81, 1331, at Postoffice, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 1879



XVII—No, 13

El Auxiliary to DISTRICT B'NAI BethHear Institute on Dr. Rowsey OMAHAJ.C.C. TO MEET K. G. Religion to Be B'RITH DEFENSE GROUP NAMED Held Monday VARSITY TEAM

Dr. Elwood Rowsey, pastor of the Dundee Presbyterian Church, will address the regular meeting of the Beth El Synagogue Auxil,iary Wednesday afternoon at a patriotic luncheon. Committee Appointed by For his subject Dr. Rowsey has Game Will Be P/ . /at Local Courf jf ' chosen "The Life of Abraham Klutzjiick to Aid Sunday jj. Lincoln." A feature of his preProgram sentation will be * rare recording 3 be at The spirit of rlvtf In line with the National De- of the poem by Edwin Markham. its height Sunday / Jf /ewish ~fense Program that the lVm\i Community Center/ JS e Kan " B'rith has undertaken, Philip M. Jot tho sas City Center, V Klntznick, President of District - in the finest independei/J» Grand Lodge No, O, B'nai B'rith, urt with mid-west, takes f ^ Announces the appoint meat of a s. the Omaha Cent/ National D e f e n s e Committee, ae of the The K. C. crev comprising the states of Michileaders in the "Hearti&f America gan, Illinois, Nebraska, Iowa, League" and has a veteran out(Wisconsin, Minnesota and North fit. The local aggregation will be •nd South Dakota. seekingto avenge a 48-35 defeat Synagogue Problems to Harry Fiterman of Minneapolis suffered last Sunday when it met was named Chairman of the DisBe Discussed by the Kansas City team on their trict Committee, and will be asLaymen own court. sisted by the following commitStart at 3:15 t e e members: Louis Polsky of In line with congregations all The feature game will start at Lincoln, for Nebraska; Harry over country which are hold- 3:15 p. m. with a preliminary beLashkowitz of Fargo, for North ing a the series of Jown hall forums, tween the "Dukes," a club team and South Dakota; Leo Grand- Temple Israel'will this evening of the Kansas City Jewish ComJnger of Waterloo, for Iowa; institute a series of six forums in munity Center, playing the OmaGeorge Sugarmau of Chicago, for wlilch laymen will participate in ha Junior Varsity at 2:15. Illinois; Dr. A. Sinaiko of Madi- panel discussions on issues vital Admission to the game will bo eon, for Wisconsin, and Ellis N. to the congregation. The forum free to members of the Center. [Warren of Flint, for Michjgan. ; The Committee's major objec- will immediately follow services. For non-members there will be a Rabbi David II. Wice will open charge of 25 cents. tives are to cooperate with existthe series this evening with a The lineups will be: ing agencies such as the AmeriOmaha P«s**• c can Red Cross, Jewish Welfare few remarks on "The Layman in Bogdanoff F Clureman Judaism." Milton R. Abrahams Novak ....K Brody Boards, Army a.nd Navy Committees^ "Federal and State Eemploy- will be chairman of this evening's Burroughs ....;;;;§ ^g inent Bureaus and Legal Aid discussion which is entitled, "The :::::::::...a Synagogue as an instrument of committees. Survival" and "A Ten-Year ProThe immediate program of the gram.'' Members o£ the commitB'nai : B'rith National Defense tee for thek first forum include: Commission includes: David Goldman,. Alfred S. Mayer 1. Planning and providing and Mrs. Ben S, Shapiro. . , helpful advice for families of men Paul Veret Chairman in the armed forces. Next week Paul Veret will be 2. To assist in locating service chairman 6£ the discussion on men or families of service men. "The Synagogue and' Communal 8. To assist in obtaining cm- Activities" and "Jewish EmiDr. S. Sokol, Poali-Zion leader ployment for members of Service gres." On February 28 Mrs. Ben of Vienna as well as an officer men's families. Silver will be chairman of the the Vienna Kehilla and an 4. To assist such fainilies in evening which will center on the of alderman in the Viennese assem(Continued on Page 2.) subject, "The Synagogue, Jewish bly, will be guest speaker at the Education, and Religious Leaders local Jewish National Workers' for the Future." Alliance, Poali-Zion, observance Mrs. S. L. Robinson will he of the 20th anniversary of'.'the chairman on March 7 when "A Histradruth, the Central FederaJewish Way of Life for Women'' tion of Labor in Palestine. will be discussed. On March 14, Dr. Sokol will speak at a meetLouis Lipp will chairman the dis- ing to be held Tuesday, February cussion on "The Synagogue and 11, at 8:30 at the Jewish ComA large. number of Omahans the Brotherhood" and "Prejudice munity Center. have been called to active duty in and the Truth about the Jew." The public is invited. the U. S. army or have been in- For the final discussion on March ducted into the armed forces un- 21, Richard K.*Einstein will lead Final Book Review der the provisions of the Selec- the discussion on "A Jewish Way of Life for Youth." tive Service act. Monday Evening • In addition to those previousCommittees for the forums will ly announced the following offic- be announced. To close his current series of ers have been called to active Book Evenings, Itabbi David A. duty: 1st Lieutenant Joe M. HorGoldstein will review Franz WerJewish Drama Unit Vich to Ft.' Des Moines, 1st Lieufel's latest novel, "Embezzled tenant M. Steinberg to Ft. LeavThe Jewish Drama Unit of Om- Heaven" Monday evening at the enworth, and Capt, Leo Krasne aha has changed its meeting Synagogue. of Council Bluffs to Camp Rob- nights to Thursday. The next A Book of the Month Club ..se1 inson. ••'•'•'." s meeting will be held at the home lection, "Embezzled Heaven' has stimulated unusual controversy. ,• Among those who reported of Mr. and Mrs. P. Crandall. during the past week were: Ben Efroa, Murray Wintroub; Joe II. Zusman, Hymie Leshlnsky, Sani Shrago, Louis Welner, Louis Irving Weiner, Samuel H. Adler, Erylno'E. Klein, William Sokolof, Jlarold S. Stein, Irvin E. Fellihan, Morris C. Fellman, and Samuel Wolk. . Comparing totalitaiian ; propa- in Albania, of the English in Afganda to a Golem, whose inner rica and their stand against invaItaly Drafts Jews, weaknesses eventually are reveal- sion and the Blitzkrieg in EngMaurice Samuel, noted, auth- land have opened the eyes of the For Medical Corps led, or and brilliant lecturer, spoke world to the realization- that the before a large audience last Tues- forced suppression of individual Geneva (WNS)—Faced with a day night at the Jewish Commun- thinking and the democratic way of life is not as powerful, as unshortage of competent medical ity Center Forum. ' doctor^' as a result of* the large "In penetrating manner, he ex- conquerable and as long enduring contingents of wounded soldiers posed the inherent weaknesses of as was supposed by many people returning from the Albanian and propaganda of the dictators and but a short time ago. Libyan fronts,' the - Italian War showed how • diminishing returns Faith Reawakened Ministry has begun/drafting lew-; in potency and effectiveness evenThis has reawakened and boliah doctors for service in medical tually set in for the regimes of stered the faith and conviction hospitals, It was reported here. suppression. ' that democracy, liberty, justice \ The War Ministry order also Samuel emphatically declared can triumph against the monster instructed Jewish medical stu- that the* world has been too long of black propaganda and against dents in" their'last year at medi- fascinated by the apparent might the. steel-armored Jaugernaut. • cal school to report for service. and inyincibility of the Golem After giving a thorough analyJewish doctors, with the excep- and has accepted without criti- sis of the dynamics' of totalitarian tion of a number of. war veter- cism the notion .that the monster propaganda in contrast to demoans a n d so-called .."honorary of destruction and darkness is cratic propaganda, Samuel disJews," have boen forbidden to undefeatable. and will be long en- sected and revealed the nature of practice under Italy's anti-Jewish during. However, its. recent de- the second phase injo which t It law. (Continued on Page "4.) fe'ats at the hands "of the Greeks


Rabbi Wice Named by Famjly Welfare Group Rabbi David H. Wice, who for the past year has been president of the Family Welfare Association, was named first vice-president at the annual meeting.held last week at the University of Omaha. ' Mrs. Henry Monsky was reelected a member of the Board of Trustees. ,




Dr. Morgenstern to Address Local Ministers Dr. Julian Moigenstoin, president of the Hebrew Union Col* lege, will conduct an "Institute on Religion" all-day Monday at Temple Israel for local clergy* men of all jraitlis. Jn the two talks he will give Dr. Morgenstern will expound the origin and early history of Juda-

Hebrew' Students to Be Honored Next Friday At the regular Friday evening service on February 14, the Beth El Synagogue will honor boys and girls who have learned to read Hebrew and can now participate in the service. Arnold Linsman will lead the service and will be assisted by boys and girls of the beginning class, who are to be consecrated at this time. They are: AllenBlotcky, Judith Bordy, Donald Cohen, Romild Colin, Ann Eisenstatt, Larry Fogel, Alfred Fox, Deart Frankel, Harry Freeman, Audrey Greenberg, Alvin Milder, Orvil Mllfler, Nathan Novak, Bernard Osheroff, Norman Osheroff, Melvin Perelman, Harold Slporin, Sheldon Siporin, Jerome Wasserman, Michael Yousem, Melvin Zager, Mickey Zide, and Esther Zorlnsky. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will preach a sermon on "Abraham Lincoln and the Bible." In his sermon, Rabbi Goldstein will describe how deeply Lincoln was influenced by•'• the Bible and how Biblical ideas and phrases influenced the thought and language of Lincoln. After services tea and cookies wlll,,be served by a committee of Mothers.

PLANS Omaha lodge of B'nai B'rith will on February 15 open a drive to procure 250 new members. Dr. A. Greeriberg and Harry B, Cohen will be co-chairmen of the campaign which will last until March first.






V - '

The quota of new members for the entire District Lodge No. 6 Is






At its meeting last week the local lodge named Don Brqdkey as second vice-president to; sue* ceed Joseph Solomonow. who has been called to active army duty. L. Gordon Gross was elected recording secretary to s u c c e e d Brodkey, who formerly held that position.-

Order thitch-Jewish Movie Owners Sell

Dr. Julian Morgenstern Ism and evolution of Christianity out of Judaism. : The sessions will open at 10:15 Monday Morning with the (Continued on Pago .4.) t

J. N. F. GOUNGIL TO MEET ON FEBR. 26 The annual meeting of t h e local Jewish National Fund Council will ho held on Wednesday evening, February 26, at 8:15 at the Jewish Community Center. Members of. the Jewish National Fund and box-holders are invited to Mtond. Feature of the program will be the showing in natural color of Palestinian views. The meeting" is- to be followed by a tea, of which Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg is in charge. Mrs, I. Morgenstern and Mrs. A. Katz.will assist; Mrs. M. F. Levenson1: is chairman in charge of arrangements for the evening. I. Morgenstem is president of the local J. N. F. Council.

London's East End jews Cheer Willhie London (WN§) — Throngs of London's East End Je^vs; turned out to cheer Wendell L. "^illkie, who is visiting this country on a personal inspection trip; The de-feated American" Presidential c a n d 1 d a t e acknowledged the cheers by waving anil shaking hands with scores of East Ende r s .


" :






•.•'•-.' \



Mr. Willkie later - visited tho largest air raid shelter* in the Jewish quarter where he chatted for some time "with Michael Davis, the Jewish supervising warden. Davis said afterwards that Mr. Wilikle showed a sympathetic attitude towards the problems confronting the Jewish «liotrict. * • ,

Geneva (WNS)—NazivCommissioner Seyss-Inquart has issued a new decree ordering all Jewish owners of motion picture theatres to sell their property to "Aryans," it was learned here. The Nazi Commissioner threatened to take steps against that section of the Dutch population which refuses to cooperate with the Nazi party drive against Jews. 5,000 Jevv3 fledf Recife in BraT h e Commissioner complained that -the anti-Jewish campaign all after its re-capture in led4 by was too'apathetic.' ""' " "' Ihe \


JXXCX Sports

The Beth-El aggregation toyed with their smaller foes as the) trounced the A. Z. A. No. 100 Jr. 29-14. "Slim" Fox had the rim hot as he tallied twelve points for the victors while Yale Trustins guarding was defensive gem of the day. VARSITY BASKETBAIJi The "Center" cagers won another game from a bunch of former high school stars as they shellacked the Lido Lodge 47-32. Coach Lee Grossman decided that the club needed height so he recruited Reggie Diedenbeck, former Tech Star, and Reggie was just what the "doctor" ordered. He retrieved the ball off both backboards and scored eleven points to lead the Center to au easy victory. The Lido Lodge had Sammy Vacanti, Tech star, Tony "Cabbage" Noctto, C r e 1 g h t o n Prep; Jim Sandstead, South High, G. Kline and Phil Klein, Creighton Prep; and Wesley Basso exCentral great. Iz Bogdonoff, Ben Kutier and Jimmy Burroughs also played a whale of a ball game for the "Center.''

' • •'' '


Pays Tribute to Dr. Cyrus Adler

J.~C.;C.'to Play."





-'H In Tuesday evening's bowling sessions the P i o n e e r Uniform team beat the State Coal boys three games. Jack Melcher was high man for the Pioneers, as well as the entire league, with a 620, made up of 208, 232 and 180. Dr. Morgan was high man for the losers with a 512.


The Smith Motors won two games from the Clicquot Clubs.' Tony Cohn was high man with 601. Sol Yaffee led for the los-' ers with a 478. The Wardrobes took two games from the Empires. Abe Feldman was high for the winners with a 556. Henry Coren shot an even 600, made up of 209, 181 and 2i9, to top the losers. -

New York —At the thirty-fourth annual meeting of the American Jew> ish Committee, held in New York on January 12,Sol.M.Stroock, prominent New York attorney (second from right) was elected president, succeed ing the late Dr. Cyrus Adler, From left to riglit ere: Louis E, Kirstein, prominent business leader and philanthropist, of Boston, Mass., elected Chairman of the Hoard; Judge Horace S. Stern, of Philadelphia, member of the Executive Committee, who read its annual report at the meeting; Carl J. Austrian, New York attorney, elected a vice-president; Mr. Stroock, fourth president of the American Jewish Committee, succeeding Judge Myron Sulzberger of Philadelphia (1906-1912), Louis Marshall (1912-1929) and Dr. Cyrus Adler (19291940); and Morris D. Waldman, secretary of. the American Jewish Committee.

elected honorary vice-presidents. Leasing J. Itosenwald, of Philadelphia, was elected a vice-president, and David 'Sulzberger, Harold K. Cuinzburg, and Walter N. Rothschild, of New York, and Milton W. King of Washington, D. C , were elected to the Executive Committee. . A special tribute to Dr.. Adler, read to delegates by Morris D. Waldman, secretary of the Committee, recalled various episodes in the history of the Committee that reflected .the traits and capacities of Dr. Adler in his leadership. He referred to him as a living synthesis of religidn, scholarship and civic responsibility.

'To Dr. Adler," Mr. Waldman said, "religion was the very cornerstone of life, Judaism the warp and woof of the fabric of Jewry. Born in the United States, long before the great influx of Europeans which began in the eighteen nineties, he was in the position, Chief Judge Irving Lehman, of the in his formative years, to absorb New York State Court of Appeals, American traditions and ideal* free and Judge Abram I. Elkus were re- from those influences that effect na-

tives «f large cosmopolitan center*. Perhaps it it because of this environ* merit that Dr. Adler's Judaism was fortified end tlsst he realized more clearly the harmony of Judaism with Americanism, and recognized more profoundly the impress of the Jewish prophetic traditions on."early Ameri* can Puritan life and the Hebrew in* fluence on, the spiritual foundation* of American democracy." "To him Judaism, the religion of the Jew, was the fundamental basit for the preservation of the Jewish, people; without it there was no valid reason for their existence. Though not a nationalist Jew, Dr. Adier believed that the preservation of the Jewish people wai necessary for the perpetu* tion of Judaism. He deeply felt tho bond of kinship with all Jews regardless of their lesser religious or secular differences. Neither that Jewish bond nor that Jewish loyalty could, in hi* view, conceivably conflict with loyalty and devotion to America. On the contrary they could only 'strengthen those qualities."

Tretiak. Play will begin next good swimmers and are master- Zevitz, Lee Bernstein and Aaron week as the pairings will be ing new swimming skills. Rasnlck. drawn at once and announced by the Handball committee.

In the Junior Boy's inter-squad class new Captains were appointed for the new season. They are: Swim News "Navy" HaroldMozer, "MinnesoA new swimming class of ta," Alden Lincoln, "Army," young ladies has been formed Paul Zellnsky and "Nebraska," this last week. The class meets Hershel Wolf son. every Wednesday afternoon at 4 p. m. . The squad memberships have Members of this group are: Betty Conn, Janet Rosens tock, been juggled so as to even up the Renee Greenberg, Frieda RIekes, various sizes of boys and their Delorea Sklar, Rena Bordy, Ruth talents. Already a neck and neck Kulakofsky, Josephine C o l i n , race Is developing between the Pearl Brick, Betty Bordy, Sylvia "Army" and "Minnesota" crews, Bernstein, Cecil Cohen, Phyllis with the two other squadB right Milder, Jeannie Rubenstein, Shir- behind. This promises to remain ley Lincoln and Mickey Green- a close race for the next, four months. •- < • ' berg. These girls will play a prominent part in the coming Acquacade New members to join the boys Thla Sunday the entire »*»»» this March. Many of them are class are: Norman and Leonard excepting Iz and Pep Bogdonoff who have to work will go to Kansas City to play their Centers Varsity. The following Sunday the Kansas City team will come here and the Omaha fans will see One of the finest teams from the Midwest in. action when they see the Kansas City club in action. ,' Those making the trip are Irving Yaffe, Ben Kutler, Iz Novak, Jimmy Burroughs,' Reggie Weidenbach, Herb Meiches, Mike Landman and Mel Levine. The contest In Omaha will be free to members of the Center and twenty-five cents, to non-members.


Sunday morning snows and cold weather failed to frighten, a manly bunch of fellows who never fall to wfind their way towardB the J. 0. C. to work but in the swimming pool. This group has a grand, time splashing away every Sunday morning. They ore. not confined to Junior boys either as an equal number of men used the pool at the same time.

NO JEWS ON VICHY COUNCIL (Continued from Page 1.) Indian Ocean .under another de* cree. , It was announced that the Jew* ish agricultural expert, Marcel , Felix Garslm, has been retained by the Agriculture Ministry, de« BPlte the anti-Jewish statute,: cause of "scientific merits.'' JHe is the fourth Jew on record to receive Buch exemption, the others being Jacques Rueff, vice-governor of the Bank of France; General Darius Paul Bloch and Com* inander Pierre Brlsac. It was learned here that Dr. Gaston Zadoc-K a h n, brilliant young son of Dr. L. Zadoc-Kahn, manager of the Rothschild Hospital in Paris, who was slated' to succeed his father in this post, committed suicide in the middle of June. The young Dr. ZadocKahn left a letter to hs father in which he said he was unable to stand France's disaster which he witnessed as an army physician; He was the grandson of .the famous French chief rabbi, ZadocKahn. The French Academy in Paris devoted its first January meeting' to honoring the memory of Prof.* Henri Bergson, Jewish born pb.ll" osopher, it was reported here. The.famous poet, Paul Valery, delivered a. eulogy, after which the meeting adjourned as a sign of mourning. -

Abraham Baum a-decent, conIsrael Aaron was the court Jew vert to Ihe joys of swimming has of the Great Elector, Friedrich of for the first time executed a dive Prussia. ;• ' '


AL WELLS, TEXAS MIHERAL Outdoor activities at their best The ultimate in facilities' for' recreation arid rejuvenation, - including the finest therapeutic Baths with complete massage.. .Luxurious accommoda* tiono, beautiful grounds, and an oighth-milo long sun voranaa: outstanding features at . this famous resort "Whore America Drinks Its Way To HealthV Write for information.


The Jr. Varsity five eked out a win over the smooth Ko'untze Memorial quintet 23-20. Mike Landman led the Jrs. with twelve points and Mel Levines floor play was tops for the Center. Don ,Wiles was all over the court for the visitors and played a fine • all-around game. ? . HANDBALL The handball entries closed January 29 th and the last entrans are Leo' Be"rman, Ctiet Lust-" garderii ••jfifa.r 61 d Epstein, Moe Franklin, Mel Levine, Al Lagmaa, frorin Rosenthal, VLloyd Lortz, Moodywlssacson, •.< and'•>:It,

in good form into the deep end. This accomplishment culminated a series of lessons that kept Abraham hopping as well as hoping 'that he could -naster the art of swimming. ••••Even. .if. you think you can't learn to swim drop down to see us in the'tank and let us prove how'wrong- you are. Write i\ on* your Memo Pad, "Gone to the-

American Jewish Cwfttltiee iteete New Officers

EACil'I-: STANDINGS . W L liakery :..4 0 A'.'Z. A. Ko. iftO 4. 1 Linclou's rJ'ave»is" ... ..-2. 3 A. P. T '. ^ ' 3 A. Z. A. Wo/l .........0 5 ;•' Schedule lor Vehvuavy & :-A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. Adlcr's Baker)'. • A. Z. A.'No. 100 vs. A. I». T." - The A. Z. A. No. 100 quintet won another last Thursday night to sling on the heels of the leading Adier's five as they downed the Lincoln Tavern easily 32-13. The score at half time read 15-6 with the tight Century Chapter defense holding Ed Lincoln's crew to one free throw. Mike Landruan scored ten points while NormaU Kuklin and Melvine (Porky) Levine countered nine apiece. They came close to scoring their first victory of the season last week but the A, Z; A. No. 1 lost out in the last three seconds of"*play as Aaron Epstein potted a long basket for the A. P. T. to lose 26-24. However the Mother Chapter youngsters showed marked improvement and should make it plenty tough on their opponents the rest of the season. JUNIOR LKAGUE STANDINGS W L Council B'.uffs A Z. A 4 O Both El ,....8 1 A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr. .....J.....1 S A. Z. A. No. 100 Jr 0 4 Sundays Schedule A. Z. A. No. 100 Jr. vs. Council Bluffs. Beth El vs. A. Z. A. No. l Jr. Council Bluffs Jed by Yudelson downed Jthe A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr. last Sunday morning to the tune of 21-16. The Omaha boys were in front 12-10 at the half but the boys from over the river put on their last half rally that has won three games for them. Bob Slutsky was the games standout for the Omaha club.





m tq'

!cvsss llOUISGAMQREir .." Monasor - .-.


FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 , 1941








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Hollywood. Perhaps the best prize Hollywood acquired from the French "flitskrieg" is Rene Clair, greatest film director in France. And we have It on good authority . . . he's one of Our Boys. Best known to American audiences were his "Le Million," "A Nous La Llberte," and "The Ghost Goes Went." He's at present gracing the Universal lot, directing La Dietrich in "The Lady from NewOrleans." Big and little ira-nozls: So Irate Is A certain powerful newspaper publisher about a film he claims was patterned after Ills life that the Hollywood air Is black with the smoke of threats and rumors. The most serious being that he will rip MovJetown to shreds on the score of giving employment to refugees , . . and will thereby in* timidato the producer (who is not Jewish) and the studio (headed by a non-Jew) into shelving the too realistic picture. Footprints on the sands of— Grauman's Theatre! Jack Benny this week left his trotters in the cement of the Chinese forecourt for the constant "awedificatlon" of posterity. A newly-formed film company is taking root here—the Hollywood Yiddish Corporation—with a program to produce, four features in Yiddish . . . Moishe Oyshcr to star. An Innocent little flower upset a sequence the other day. Director • Bernhardt, noting cornflowers in the lapels of two of his actors, instantly called a halt to the shooting.^ The Implication was too awful! In Germany, cornflowers displayed thus meant the wearer had given his contribution to the Nazi party. Walter Wanger, the Prophet! Six months ago, in filming "Foreign Correspondent," the producer Inserted a bombing scene of a London radio station for dramatic effect. A few days ago the fiction was fact at the British Broadcasting Station. "Sciplo Africanus," the s(t)uper-colossal mado by Mussolini's boys, is again banned in Mexico. The Confederation of Mexican Workers blacklisted it two years ago . . . then recently rescinded their ruling. It was set to open, when the employees of the theatre went on strike, declaring the picture is outright Fascist propaganda. Peruvians ', . . suddenly aware of the Nazistic stain of its entire censorship board . : . ' . threw out the whole caboodle . . . and the President 'appointed a new group. Little beads of sunshine—and rain: On a Hollywood corner is a drive-in food emporium titled, "Kpis Essen." And we note with appreciation that Italian olives are now called Greek olives. Chlcd Marx is being Bued for $15,000 . . , Plaintiff claims he tripped over the comic's legs at a Hollywood theatre; John Garfield was seen buying tickets for a bunch of goggly-eyed kids standing in front of a movie house.,. Several New York papers have discontinued reviews on all foreign films except the French. One writer asserts there are 1200 theatres In the U. S. - showing Nazi- Fascist - made propaganda pictures! Two of Our Brethren carry off acting honors in "Tall, Dark, and Handsome." Milton Juerle . . • whoso first picture was, "New Faces of 1087," In' which he flopped . . . now nag himself a new'face and rated high praise at the preview. Sheldon Leonard,- a comparative. newcomer, proved himself capable of bigger parts,



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Strictly Confidential

Voted B'nai B'rith Award


comes the story of the housepaiuter's establishment in the Jewish district which, after pretty thoroughly demolished by a Nazi bomb, sported a neatly painted sign reading: "Professional jealousy" . . , The Rumanians, says the Christian Science Monitor, feel themselves to be full-fledged members of the Axis . . . "We have bread like Germany's soldiers like Italy's, revolutions like Spain's and earthquakes like Japan's" they lament . . . Isn't it marvelous how o u r language grows to meet our expanding needs for expression, and how Walter Winchell helps that development along? . . . "Crackpotriots" is his latest contribution

Our San Francisco readers wil be interested to know that Carlo Bossi, the new Consul-Genera; Mussolini lias sent to their city not only comes of a good N»: family on his mother's Bide is a good friead of Captain Fritz Wiedemann, Nazi Consul-General but has an impressive Fascist record in his own right . . . He was Consul-General at Barcelona when the Spanish civil war broke out and later became the first special envoy of Italy to General Franco . . . Insiders insist that General Werner von Bloniberg, who hadn't been seeing eye to eye with Hitler on the European campaign, Is in the Argentine incognito The. Oversea Service and Trading • • • Corporation of 198 Broadway, New York, is campaigning for MORE BEIHOUS One Miami Beach hotel recentbusiness . . . It sends food packages to all parts of Germany from ly broke out in a rash of davertisements proclaiming that it its headquarters in Jugoslavia . We wonder whether the corpora- wanted only a "restricted" clienttion's assurance that these pack- ele, if you know what that means ages actually reach the non-Aryan . . . And business took such a sudaddresses means anything? Some deu turn for the worse that both organization should look into the the policy and the management underwent a rapid change . . . N. matter . . . W. R o g e r s of Meadowbrook, THE NEW JEW "The New Jew" is the name Tompkina Coiners, N. Y., is a Ben Hecht gives to the Nazified rabid anti-Semite who carries out German in his column in I'M, New Goebbels' and dtreichers' policy York's afternoon tabloid . . Hecht in his own backyard . . . What contends that by setting them- amazes us is that in the local selves apart as a chosen people papers he is referred to as "Judge the Nazis nre preparing for them- Rogers" . . . Is it possible that selves a future in which the Ger- such an individual graces a judiman "will slink about in ghettos, cial bench anywhere? . . . furtive-eyed toward the world, ABOUT PEOPLE cringing before the stares of his We welcome to these shores fellows and sustaining himself with a mystic tribal exaltation be- Alaxa JMordau, daughter of the hind the locked doors of his holy famous philosopher and Zionist Bund meetings" . . . Personally, leader . . . Miss Nordau arrived however, we don't quite care for last week with her husband, Capthe parallel . . . It seems to us tain Grecnhlatt of the late French that what really happened is that army, and her small daughter . . . Hitler and Ids advisors {tut such Her mother, Mine. Max Nordau, a bad scare into themselves with is still in France, but hopes to the mythical "'Protocols of the join her family hero before long Elders of Zion" that they are now . . . Miss Nordau, you ought to acting in accordance with some know, is not only a fine painter not so mythical "Protocols of the and an author, but an excellent Elders of, Munich" worked out lecturer—as those groups who along the same lines . . . Revert- lieard her on her American visit ing to PM; Old you it now that of IS years ago no doubt rememAmos Landman, whoso byline ap- ber . . . When the widow and son pears in that paper from time to of tho late Vladimir Jabotinsky time, is the son of Brooklyn'^ get here, within the next *©w weeks, Zionists of all parties .Ilabbl Isaac Zi&ndman? . . . should pay them the highest trio* THE OLD JEW ute . . . Biggest lecture sensation If you're interested in how of the year is Pierre van PaasJews were educated in antiquity, sen, whose tour in California is be sure to get Dr. Nathan Drazla's setting unprecedented records . . . new volume, "History of Jewish Now it can be told that Meyer W. Education: Prom 515 B. C. E. to Weisgal has accepted the post of 220 C. E.," published by the executive vice-president of the Johns Hopkins Presa . . . Dr. Dra- Non-Sectarian Anti-Nazi League zin is the rabbi cf Baltimore's . . We look forward to big doCongregation Shaarel Tflleh . . . ings on tho part of the League, /The thirty Jews among the troops which the late Samuel Untermyer that have gone to the new U. S. founded as the first anti-Hitler base in Newfoundland are well boycott organization . . , Nell Ziff, taken care of spiritually as well former Junior Hadassah presias otherwise, thanks to the thirty dent, who during the World's Fair siddurim t h e Jewish Welfare was Weisgal's secretary, now Is Board provided for them . . . The private social secretary to JfiOA Jewish community of Brantford, proxy Edmund Kaufman in FlorOnt., is mourning three of its ida . . . Kaufman, you should young men* three chums who lenow, owns the beautiful Hollyjoined up with the Canadian fight- ivood Beach Hotel, mode more ing forces but died while still in beautiful now by Nell's national* training . . . They were Private ly known smile . . . CongratulaMurray .Cohen, who died in a Tor- tions and sympathy to Shalom onto hospital, in November, Henry Asch^—congratulations for escapLev}', who died in a Royal Canad- ing alive from the fire which ian Air Force crash in December, broke out in Ida Connecticut home and David R. Axler, who was (he was overcome by smoke and killed in an RCAP crash this had to be revived with a pulniomonth . . . 4 tor) and sympathy for the damTHE EUKTZ ISRAELITE age sustained by his house— Strange, unbelievable and illog- 95,000 worth, which adds up to ical as it may be, the l'Hlestinc a lot of royalties . . . administration is behaving in an ;. wgly manner indeed toward the inhabitants of the Jewish home* (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) land . . . There seems to be a great discrepancy between the supposedly pro-ZIon Tiews of Churchill and the High Commissioner's zeal in carrying out the letter of Malcolm McDonald's treacherous policy . . . And yet Jewish Palestine Is of tremendous help to Britain's expeditionary forces in the Near East . . . More Belgrade (WNS) — W h i l e than 8,000 Palestinian Jews are fighting with them in Lybia and Europe seethed with reporja that Greece ; . . Besides, Jewish in- Nazi army t r o o p s suppressed - genulty j n Palestine is establish- street rioting in Milan and other ing new* and vital war industries cities in northern Italy, It was there . . . An epic story could be reliably reported that scores of told about how ft German Jewish Jews have been taken into cusrefugee in Haifa, because of his ody by.Italian police. ' experience in the optical Indus-, Italian police officials charged try, was able to organize for the the Jews with the dissemination British tho all-important nuwu- of propaganda attacking the Nazifactnrc of optical instruments In Italian pact. The same report the Near East, for war purposes stated that the Nazi Gestapo has k ~. . His name is Goldberg, and he advised Italian authorities to comis one o f those who was almost pel all Jews in Sicily and Sardinia deported' by the overzealous Pal- to move to other cities. The reaestine administration , . . Does son for the deportation; was not Churchill silently consent to the made clear. • . disgraceful - British attitude in Though Italian quarters were Palestine,- ,or is ao Ignorant of It? quick to deny, reports of internal , . , Something is wrong some- unrest, newspapermen returning where . . . . from Italy have reported growing; ^WEEKLY GIGGLE, tension since the Italian reverses Prom London, via short wave, in Libya and Greece.


Leaves for Palestine New York (JTA) — David Ben Gurion, chairman of the Jewish Agency Executive in Jerusalem, sailed from Saa Francisco oa the first leg of his return journey to

Palestine, wMeu will take about a month, following a three-and-ahalf month visit in the United States. He will proceed by Clipper from Honolulu, by way of New Zealand, Singapore and India.





M40H Houti 9:30 to 5:30

Swinging Into 1941

Norman H. Davis, chairman of the American Red Cross, who has been voted the.97th Anniversary B'nal B'rith Award in recognition "of his humanitarian service. He will receive the award at a C o v e n a n t Breakfast at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel oa Sunday, February 16.

CENTER MAPS SPRING PROGRAM The Jewish Community Center's map of activities for the spring will include numerous points of interest, in response.to the request of members and their friends. The Modern Dancing groups, meeting every Wednesday at 6:45, will continue under the leadership of Miss Dorothy Shepherd. This Is a stimulating and Interesting activity which develops a sense of rhythm and supple grace in the dancer. The fee Is a gym membership. Books, events and people will be the topics of discussion in tho ever»popular Current A f f a i r s group led by Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus on Wednesday evenings at 8 p. m. The fee is fifty cents for members and seevnty-flve cents for non-members. Musical activities for all music lovers include the orchestra, which rehearses on Monday at 8 o'clock and the Choral Society that meets on Wednesday at 8 o'clock. There is no fee for either of these, and all music lovers are invited to join. .

ROOSEVELT URGES EPURGED OF New York (JTA) — A call to Americana of all faiths to hold meetings d u r i n g Brotherhood week, February 22 to 28, "to purge our hearts of all intolerance and to bind all our citizens In a common loyalty," was sounded by President Roosevelt In a m e s s a g e made public by Dr. E*erett R. Clinchy, president of the National Conference of Christians a n d Jews. Brotherhood week will be observed in more than 2,000 communities with the theme, "National Unity," and the slogan "one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all." President Roosevelt's message follows: "With reverent dependence upon God and faith in our destiny as a people, let us meet in church and school, Jn cathedral and synagogue, in public ball and home, during Brotherhood week, the week of Washington's birthday, to purge our hearts of all intolerance and to bind all our citizens In a common loyalty. Tho defense of America begins in the hearts of" our countrymen. In this hour of emergency, let us set aside time to build our unity from within, to renew our faith In brotherhood, to quicken our national life, and to reinvlgorato our patriotism with a renewal of that vision of democracy without which we perish as a people." Coralie Levy Cohen was decorated by the French government for her work on behalf of the prisoners during the Franco-Prussian war of 1870.

with Refreshing, Ntw


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Ash to Sea "Roch Knit," the overcoat for warmth, & Uf, amort style end a value.


4 '1

FRIDAr, JAJNUAKY 3 1 , 1941



New Trees Being Planted in Palestine

*•*«• said they counted 200 dead on dent left Bucharest he had not the highway, most of them Jews. yet been freed. Jewish prisoners in Jllava Prison It was rumord in Bucharest were reported killed by the reb- that the killer of Major Doering els. was "a Jew of Greek origin, travelling on a British passport." The German Instigated possiblity that the assassin could Censored dispatches from Buch- thus combine Hie three nationalarest said 89 Jews were slain In ities most excoriated at present one block in Bucharest alone. by the Rumanian Nazis was conIron Guardlsts, described by of- sidered extremely unlikely by ficial sources as "gangsters and neutral observers. extremists," herded the Jews into While Jews were being attackcellars and then massacred them. Mere than 600 Jews and sev- ed by the rebels, the Government eral dozen Greeks were arrested said "Jews and Freemasons were on charges of "conspiracy" in partly responsible for the uprisconnection with the killing of ing and threatened reprisals Major Doering of the German against them. Some announcement called the snipers "secret Army. ^agents, Communists, Jews and Indications that the Germans professional trouble-makers." instigated the massacres of Jews Undersecretary of Propaganda which marked the Iron Guard re- Victor Medrea called a meeting volt In Rumania were prevalent of the foreign In Bucharest, in Bucharest before this corres- according to apress dispatch to the pondent left the Rumanian capi- Budapest newspaper Negtal. German officers in the Ath- zet, and announced Magyar that it was enee Palace bar and other public the "Jews and Freemasons" who places were heard to remark af- had precipitated the uprising, for ter the killing, which led up to they would be severely the disorders, "wait and see what which punished "once order is restorhappens to the Jews; they are 1re- ed." \ . sponsible for tho whole thing. '

ttj At SEGAL AN AFFAIR 6 F " R A K I T N O My friend, Sam Becker the clothing man in our town, was looking at one of bis several stores and feeling happy at the way everything had turned out for him. It was the 36th anniversary of his business and Mr. Becker was in a reminiscent mood. On an occasion like this, Mr. Becker said, a man likes to look back at humble beginnings; in times like these he daren't look forward very far but only trust to God who has been good in all the years before. Yes, Mr. Becker said, his busihess all began, you might say, with the pogroms that used to occur regularly in the village of " Rakitno which was not far from Kiev in Russia. Mr. Becker came ;• from Rakitno long ago. "How did it happen that this dazzling clothing store started in the humble village of Rakitno7" I inquired. How things begin in life is not Many Arrested alwayB outwardly apparent, Mr. Labor Honored Among the many prominent Becker explained. Does a columnist always know from what reJewa arrested on charges of Washington (JTA) — Tribute mote spring he came to be a col"conspiracy" was Sacha Roman, was paid to the work of the Jewumnist? If he goes back far for many years legal adviser to ish Labor Committee in obtain"enough he may find that he bethe British Legation at Buchar- ing admission to this country of gan his scribbling even on his est. When the police announced 400 refugee European labor leadJirst day In the public schools. he was being held In "protective ers in a speech placed in the Con£o he became a columnist. custody" British diplomats and gressional Record by ' Rep. M. Good Boxer influential Rumanians protested Michael Edelstein (Dem., N. Y.)* Spring comes early in Palestine and the fifteenth day of tho k' Bo it may also be with a clothand the police agreed to release "Their death at the hands of FasHebrew month Shevat is tree planting time in the Land of Israel. *• Ing man. He looks beyond the him "provisionally." So far as cism would have weakened all Known since time immemorial as New Year for Trees, Chaiulsho proud windows of hiB store and was known when this correspon- labor unions," Edelstein said. Osor B'Shevat (Palestine Arbor day) is a red letter day in the If he looks far enough his vision Iea4s him 'tack to Rakitno where Jewish National Homo which is being built in war as in peace. pogroms were conducted every On that day, the country's youth, spado in one hand and sapling ©nee in awhile. in the other (like tho group reproduced above) goes to the counFor Winter Driving "In Rakitno I became a good tryside to plant new Pines, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Olivo and a va•boxer," Mr. Becker said. riety of other trees to conserve tho soil, to improve tho climate, Get a Set of "But, Sam, you said that it to beautify tho landscape, and thus to increase the Homeland's -was in Rakitno that this clothing livable area. 8,100,000 trees have already been planted by the business had its start." Jewish National Fund in various parts of Palestine. "Yes, that's right. It's all In one bundle, you might say. Tbe pogroms at Rakitno made a good What can be done today whoa includes a clothing factory and Safety Tread Tires boxer out of me and my expert anti-Semitism baa become a de- three stores now. "So, you see, it all goes back boxing brought me into the cloth- partment of state with frock coats Ing business. So it can be truly and high hats, with institutes and to Rakitno," Mr. Becker said. "If • STOPS QUICKER •i". Bald that this store goes back to theoreticians, with biologists, an- it hadn't been for the anti-Semitic •STEERS STRAIGHTER Rakitno where pogroms w e r e thropologists and chemists meas- hooligans in Rakitno I would nevquite a regular feature of life." uring blood counts. Practically er had been a boxer and If I had- e WEARS LONGER Mr. Becker let his eyea roam nothing can be done about It to- n't been a good boxer I would beyond the brightness of Ids Neon day. The Jewish boys in Rakitno never have met Mr. Gitterman, o H I D E S SMOOTHER elgns until they camo to the drab could take eteps against anti-Sem- who was a great boxing fan as well as a big clothing manufac- Tires that will prove memory of the village of Rakitno ites and BO they did. turer, and if I hadn't met Mr. Git. . . "Yes, Rakitno! Those were They organized an athletic club terman still be pressing m o r e economical in daya!" pledged to physical d e f e n s e pants . »I .might but not for a nickel a the long run. In Rakitno, In Mr. Becker's against the incursion of anti-Semtime, anti-Semitism had not been ites. They Issued no pamphlets pair . . . No, sir! . , , and BO It elevated to the position of a sci- to make tho Jew better under- goes." ence. Nor, for that matter, waa stood among tho hooligans of Ra- (Copyright, ID41, by Seven Arts anti-Semitism a science anywhere kitno, called no good will meetFeature Syndicate) else in the world then. The way Ings. No! Instead, between Gaeverything has been perfected morrah lessons, they trained for nowadays! When a Jew in Rakit- hard punching. Carl no was bashed in the head by an "The Jewish boya of Rakitno anti-Semite he could scarcely have all became good boxers," Mr; believed—if he had been told— Becker said. "It was like a town that in times to come this would - be a science taught by professors in Ireland." Most Expert of All ' in the leading German universiMr. Becker himself became the ties. Anti-Semitism was just a most expert of alK The antl-3em-> •j> plain bust in the head then. * The exquisite persecution that ites fell right and left under his powerful fists the next time they the scientists or anti-Semitism came to celebrate Christmas with practice today was altogether un- a pogrom (Continued from Page 1.) oh'Jews. And many an known to the simple practitioners eye was closed and many an anticrept out of hiding places Monof Rakitno. Slow starvation, the Semite ran from him, leaving betorture of the concentration camp, hind a stolen featherbed ho was day ia a desperate attempt to sev the humiliation of the spirit never taking home. So it was on a num- cure food; whole others formed B&& HO. 88T61 ST. AT 4550 were tried. The uneducated Ra- ber of such occasions,, until the weeping queues asking for shelkitno anti-Semites used clubs. was pounded into their ter because their homes had been You should give them credit. lesson simple heads and anti-Semitism destroyed by fire. Many Jews 3?he pain they gave was not long waa subdued tried to reach the mortuary hi if not overcome. drawn out, as in Germany, where the hope of identifying relatives. This Is not to say that Mr. Naked and mutilated bodies were the sufferings of Jews are already a matter of eight long years. The Becker did It all himself. He was still lying in the Moldavian forHakitno hooligans struck a head the leader and if you beheld the est;. !" ' • - •' here and another one there, broke breadth of his chest and knew .'Indications were that the mass a window, here and a window the-power of his arms even In his there, stole a table here and a bed middle age you could understand Murders were carried out by Iron there, and went their ways till how\ well-earned was his leader- Guard rebels. Attacks were.particularly severe in Brasov, Brila, ship. MUGHAL PARK >})}} the next time. Ploestl and Galatz. The number Now you tea regain health and pej» In lha "And that's how I became a Didn't Know A n royal waylStfha fa ffa efferves I & * A Rakitno Jew kept on making boxer," he said. He hadn't been of casualties was not immediatefh47 a Hying, such as It was; for no in America two-years when he ly ascertained, but long lists of Springs! Get relief front nervwi end organic one ever was entirely wiped out. was middle-weight champion of wounded were posted in hospioltmerrti. and et ih» tama. t!m» en|ojr l?i» If the Rakitno anti-Semites had tho gym in our town, all on ac- tals. Travelers leaving Bucharest luxurlsi of a real ouldaer vacation •rldtoft' bad the benefits of education, like count of the. training he had had MMn& fishing end ooIflng-aparadUscf those In. Germany, they would in the pogroms at Rakitno. And rWalih and hcsplneti have confiscated the businesses of that's how b e c a m e to be the Stay al tits bcetmM EASTMAN H«!cl! Enjoy Plan to Attend Jews and left the,m to starve,, as clothing "man -he is. lha <5u!sl of Hi vail private port:- and tha the Nest is done in these/times. But they The night he won the middleccnvsr.ienco of [}> Idooj tocciion! £00 lorjjo vfere simple-hearted, untutored weight championship, Mr. Gittercomfortabto roomj, ccsnstnkol rcte&troeti2. people content with a pair of mah, -who was a big clothing manWrllo For Retorlol OooMsH-WAlTES E. DAVIS, Mj» shoes that might be stolen from ufacturer, was among those presthe cobbler's shop or a samovar ent. After the bouts Sir. Gitterthat could be filched from Yoahe, man asked Sam Becker if he was on the metal worker. They didn't Jewish, and what - he did for a know anti-Semitism as the big living. At that time he had a HOTEL AND BATHS business that it has become in small pressing and cleaning shop. Germany, Rumania and Hungary. He charged a nickel to press a at 3 O'clock So as miserable paupers they -fi- pair of pants, nally went to their graves. .Mr. Gitterman asked him how And you've got to give them he would like to handle'" some va. credit, • too, for not' being hypo- clothing to sell. Mr. Becker said crites. They never pretended that he sure Would, So Mr, Gitterman hitting a Jew^ on "the head had staked Mm.to some marked'down e ^^^e ^^^# something.to do; with being patri- sample suits. Then, as Sam began . otic for the sake of a greater Rus- to expandj and needed credit, Mr. at tho ^ eia. i r was just . their animal Gitterman gave him strong recs p i r i t s . .• •. . ; ' :.;'. •-• •-.•.•'.. „ ; • . ; . „ < : ommendations. Mr. Gitterman J. C. C. GYM ~ The rude ,technique .of anti- liked the honest, forthright, enerCenter Members Semitism in Rakitno made it pos- getic way Sam gave out punches. Blble for the" Jewish boys of the And that's how the clothing buslAdmitted Free village to do something about it. nesa of Becker, Inc.," started. It


Expert Retreading SALES

J. C. C Varsity Game

Sunday, Febr. 0

Omaha J. C. C. Kansas City

Non-Members 25c

FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 , 1941



Junior Hadas&ah Cultural Classes The Omaha Chapter of Junior Hadassah wil swing into the national cultural fellowship activitynext week with the cooperation of the Jewish Community Center, when members enroll in one of three study groups. Every Monday e v e n i n g at seven, those interested in learnin to read and speak Hebrew will meet. ' Hadassah's newest project, the sponsoring of Young Judaea clubs for high school girls, "will take form at the weekly meeting of the Club Leaders' Club, where advisors learn how to plan programs, to lead and guide club activities, and to serve as group workers. The Club Leaders' Club meets Thursday at 5:15. The only admission requirement Is interest in the activity. These groups are open not only to Hadassah members but to any others interested.

A.Z. A. 100 Century Chapter's basketball team remained in second placo in the J. C. C .Senior League this week after giving the Lincoln Tavern team a 32-13 trouncing. Mike Landman again led the scoring with ten points, but Norman Kuklin and Melvin Levine were riot far behind with nhie and eight points respectievly. The team is only one place behind the league-leading Adlers who have won four games and lost none •while the Century boys have won four and lost one. Last Sunday Coach "Pep" Bogdanoff named the players who will make the trip to the Cornfoelt Convention at Lincoln, February 15, 16, and 17. The squad will consist of Ben Kutler, Norman Kuklin, Mike Landman, Harold Epstein, Melvin Lcvine, Bill Susman, Sam Blutzky, and Louis Slutzky. Morris "Richliii will make the trip as manager. Norman Kuklin, five • years a member of A. Z. A. 100's sauad, will be playing his last tournament game. The Century basketeers, reputed as one of the best teams In the chapter's history, Is one of the leading prospects for winning the Regional tournament and representing the Cornbelt states in the District C tournaments at Rock Island, Illinois, in March. The date for the clty-wida Youth and Democracy Rally, sponsored annually by tho two Omaha Chapters and the Hi-* has been tentatively set for March 2. Century Chapter chairmen Louis Katz and Jack Berman have announced that plans are being made to have other Jewish and non-Jewish organizations join in sponsorship. Alephs Milton Guss and: .Yale Richards, co-chairmen of the social committee, are organizing a special committee to plan for A. Z. A. 100's S e v e n t h Annual Spring frolic danco to be held in April. . '• A Chapter executive '• meeting was held Tuesday evening at the home of Aleph Godol." Harold Slutzkin. The next regular chapter meeting! will be held, this Sunday at 3 p. m. at ttie Jewish' Community Center. _

Sinai Cluh The Sinai Ciub held its regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Jewish Community Center. The Program Committee- Chairman announced that -a Patriotic Program wiJl be held on Tuesday, February 11, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Maiu Speaker will be Bliss Isabel Y/uitelock of the Y. W. C. A., whose topic is "Youth in- Democracy." - • Other speakers representing the Sinai Club will be Garry Landman and • Nellie Edel. Final plans for the program . will be completed this week. The public is invited to attend.

B'nos Israel The night of January 25 marked the first special event to be presented by the B'nos Israel. The Sorority's first dance, "Stag Nite" was held at the Jewish Community Center and was novel in that the entire attendance of 200 all came stag. Adding to the evening's fun were a number of vice versa dancing during which the girls cut in. A floor show consisting of a number of dance specialities by Miss Bell Lewis and Mr. Dale Taylor concluded the evening. Because of the apparent success of the dance and numerous requests, it is planned to make Stag Night an annual affair.

Theta Alpha Rho A regular meeting of the Theta Alpha Rho Sorority was Ifeld at the home pf Miss Ruth Corett on January 28. The group unanimously voted upon joining the Round Table 01 Jewish Youth. Miss Goldie .Garelick and Miss Goldie Zusman were chosen to _ represent the group at the meetings. Games were played after tho business session and refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meeting Is to He-held on Sunday, February 9.

Tuesday Sewing Circle . The Tuesday Sewing Circle is meeting every Tuesday at the Beth. El Synagogue, 49th and Farnam to sew garments for the American Red Cross. Mrs. Leon Graetz Is chairman of the group and Mrs. H. Reuben is co-chairman. Other members are: Mesdames J. J. Freiden, Herman Cohn, Mark Leon, Sam AlCsuler, A. S. Rubnitz, Reuben Bordy and Libby Rosenthal. Anialie Beer, mother of the composer Meyerbeer, was the first Jewess to receive the "Order of Queen Louise" (1813).


• -

There are a great many difficulties brought about by the chaos wrought in Europe and throughout the political world and as things now stand only the American Jewish community is in a position to assist in the transfer maintenance, and education of the children. Here is a challenge for all in this country who feel a responsibility for these Innocent victims of Nazi persecution. Since the outbreak of the war, Youth Aliyah has succeeded in bringing 1,500 children to Palestine, but there are still 1,600 boys and girls holding certificates under the April-October, 1940 Immigration Schedule (recently extended to March 31, 1941) who must be Bped on their way to the Jewish National Home. Tree F u n d T h e following contributions have been made to Mrs. Max Cohn, Gl 2602, chairman of the Tree Fund: Mrs. J. Kahz in memory of Mrs. Zelda Shapiro of Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. A. D. Frank in memory of Mrs. Zelda Shapiro of Minneapolis. Employees of the Milder Liquor Company in memory of Mrs. H. Milder. .. ' ,..•:< ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lipsey^ In honor of their son's Bar Mitzvah. Mr. and Mrs. J. Kulakofsky in honor of their daughter's marriage, . ,.••• : ••-•'•' • <•' ' •"•- -." Ijjncn Shower Since trade routes are fast being closed and-the United States Is one of the few countries still able to find new sea lanes, every effort is being made to send rhuch needed medical supples and clothing to. Palestine through the Supplies Bureau at once. Hadas£dh plans to continue to find new ways of keeping the organization in Palestine well stocked with drugs, insrtuments, linen and clothing throughout the war. Those who have not yet made their contribution can do so by getting in touch with Mrs. Nathan Turner or Mrs. Wm. Lazere. An 11:30 breakfast was held at the Jewish Community Center honoring Mrs. Alex S. Wolf of St. Louis, regional president of the South west Region and Miss Edith Bukspan of Brooklyn, N. Y., national membership chairman of Jr. Hadassah. Both were inspiring member participants of the program following the linen Shower. Rabbi Albert Goldstein

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Budapest (JTA) — Hungarian Jews breathed easier following publication of Premier Paul Teleki's speech to Parliament in which he not only ignored the "Jewish question" but entirely omitted any reference to the long-expected third anti-Jewish law in discussion of the parliamentary agenda hrough May. The premier thus strengthened the growing belief in political :ircles that Hungary's anti-Semitsm would be restricted to enforcement of the present law and no further measures would be taken as long as the war's outome remained doubtful. Meanwhile, t h e government named a street in Nagyvarad, third largest city of Transylvania, in honor of the late Rabbi Leopold Kecskemetl, who until his death three years ago was spiritual leader of the "Neolog" Jews n Transylvania. He was strongly pro-Hungarian and anti-Zionist. During the Rumanian occupation he was jailed on several occasions or Hungarian revisionist activities. . The medical faculty of Debreen university sent a memorandunv to the Hungarian government condemning the practice of ircumclzlng Jewish children and urging that the operation be prohibited unless performed by Jicensed physicians. •

Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jewish. Bar Association established a fellowship in civil law for Prof. Guldo Tedeschi, formerly of the University of Siena in Italy, it was announced today. He will conduct research in comparative law and the conflicts in Palestine law. .

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Tel Aviv (JTA) — 'What the well dressed. Levantine will be wearing tills year will be known next week.

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Naphtall" Busnach was ^tiamed. Algerian consul-general at fiagusa in 1800. • • ' ' -•


London (JTA) — The world Agudath Israel has protested to the Home Office against alleged discrimination against Orthodox. Jewe interned in Canada, the religious organization announced. According to the protest, the deputy director of internment operations in Ottawa issued an order for internees in- Camp B, "in connection with internets declining labor on the Jewish sabbath." The order declared that internees must do compulsory }abor six days weekly, with Sunday, the only rest day. Punishment was proposed for violators. An inquiry into the conduct of troops escorting interned Jews to Australia aboard the S. S. Dunera was promised by War Secretary David Margeson, replying in the' House of Commons to Col. Josiah Wedgwood, Laborlte, who said internees' luggage had been ripped open with bayonets and the internees deprived of m o n ey, watches, valuables and m u c h clothing.


Solomon Bush was appointed deputy adjutant-geneval- ok. the Pennsylvania s t a t e militia \ in 1777.

A bingo party is to be held on Saturday night, March 4 at the Jewish Community Center, where there will be an evening of fun for the admission of one dollar per person. A city-wide committee is attending to the sale of tickets. Mrs. Joe Goidware is in charge of arrangements with Mrs. Julius Stein assisting. The proceeds are to go into the Hadassah Medical Fund which provides for the, training of nurses and doctors and also provides supplies to the hospitals. YOUTH AMYAH


of Mt. Sinai Temple in Sioux Ci.ty spoke most eloquently on the "Moral Obligation to be Intelligent.' Mrs. Hi Surfer presented a iraraatic sketch and Miss Charlotte Shaftoa, winner of a state contest in tinging', gave several selections. Mrs. M. F. Levenson directed the program. At the close of the meeting a lovely tea was enjoyed by the members which was arranged and served by Mrs. Max Resnick ana Mrs. Harry Itoehman,

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FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 , 1941


P»ge 7


Women's Division Plans Card Party

Final plans are now completed for the Women's Division annual card party and dessert luncheon, which is to be held on Monday, February 17, at 1 p. m., at the GIVES SHOWER KADOFSKYOIARG TI/J'Z Jewish Community Center. Miss Marjorie Katz was hostMrs. J. Kulakofsky announce; The luaniage of Miss K u t l Bridge, Bingo and Mah-Jong ess at shower and^ luncheon the marriage of her daughter Hoberman, daughter of. Mr. ant will be featured for the after' Sunday iu honor of her cousin Miss Clara Kay Margultz, to Mar Mrs. Benjamin Hoberman, to Mr noon's entertainment. Miss Ruth M-agzamln, who wil vlh M. Sadofsky, son of Mr. an Jack Gelfand, son of Mr. and Mrs A most enjoyable >time is prombe married to Mr. Maurie Baben> Mrs. Alex Sadofsky. Philip Gelfand of Sioux City, wil ised all those who attend and a dure of Fremont on February 3 The marriage was performe take place thi^. Sunday afternoon lovely door prize will be presentSixteen guests were present. by Rabbi Samuel A. Mayerberg in at the home of the bride's pated. Kansas City, Mo., on January 20 ents. Admission td the card party is A reception for friends and rel A family dinner will be held a COUSINS' CLUB fifty cents. Tickets may be pur1 o'clock at the Blackstone hotel The Cousins' club win m e e t atives is being planned. chased from Mrs. Julius Stein, A reception for members of th next Wednesday afternoon, FebChairman; Mrs. Joe Rice, Cofamily will follow the ceremony; ' ruary 5. -at the home of Mrs. Sam IN FLORIDA Chairman; or from any of the and in the evening an open hous Mrs. Harry Gross, who ha Meyerson, 600 Roosevelt avenue following members of, the Comwill be held for close friends. been spending the past few week, In Council Bluffs. mittee: in Kansas City with her daugh Mesdames Henry Belmont, J. ter, Mrs. Ira Rosenblum, and HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY FROM KANSAS CITY, Bernstein, Arthur Cohn, J. Findinner party was given for Miss Jean Mark us of Kansas family, is now visitlhg for a few Mr.A and .kle, B. L. Fleisher, H. Franklin, Hymie Stein on the City, Mo., is the giiest of J e a n days In Ocala, Florida, with th occasion Mrs. John Freid'en, Lawrence Jacobs, of their' thirty-second parents of Mrs. Ralph H. Gross Mrs. Marvin M. Sadofsky Ellkan. She plans to remain anM. Katelman, J. Malashock, Harher daughter-in-law. She' wil wedding anniversary on Sunday, other week. Before her marriage in Kansas ry Malashock, L. Neveleff, Al soon go to Ft. Lauderdale, Flor- January 26. Twelve guests were City on January 20, Mrs. Marvin Newman, N. Levenson, Ben Silpresent. Attending from Fremont ida, where she will be the gues HERE ¥t)R ANNIVERSARY Sadofsky was Miss Clara Kay ver, Dave Sherman, Ray Silbar, were their son-in-law and daughof her son Ralph H. Gross, and Mrs. Murray Lipton and her Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baben- Margultz, daughter of Mrs.' J. Al Wohlner and Miss Blanche eons, of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. Gross, and then spend a ter, Kulakofsky. Mr. Sadofsky is the Zimman. dure. month at Miami Beach. Miss Hazel Kooper of Los Anson of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Sadofgeles are here to attend the sky. ANNOUNCE BIRTH i golden wedding anniversary of LEAVE FOR WASHINGTON Beth El Auxiliary Mr. and Mrs. Max Platt antheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cohen nounce A board meeting of the the birth of a son Michael Mrs. Levine or from Mrs. Nate Beth regular Kooper, which is to be observed left Monday for Washington, D, El Auxiliary will be held Mantel. Dean, at the Clarkson hospital on on February 9. p. where Mr. Cohen has received January 22. Tuesday, February 4, at 1 o'clock an appointment from the Civil the home of Mrs. Sam SteinMrs. Milton Mayper's Circle at BETH EL YOUTH GROUP Service Commission. berg. A dessert luncheon will be will sponsor § bingo party on The Beth El Youth Group will and Mrs. Harry Shumow is co- Wednesday evening, February 19, served. Mrs. Max Canar and Mrs, hold its next supper meeting this TEMPLE YOUNG PEOPLE chairman. Abe Roffinan will be co-hostthe Temple vestry rooms. Mrs. esses. Sunday at 6 o'clock in the social Other members of the commit- In The Young People's group of Abe Greenberg is chairman and hall of the Synagogue. After suptee are: Mesdames H. A. NewMrs. David Greenberg, presiper, Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus will lead Temple Israel will _ meet. Thurs- man, David Goldman, Harry Dav- Mrs. Raymond Silbar is co-chair- dent of the Auxiliary, urges all day evening, February 6, at the man. •••«•-• the dlseusson on "How to Read a is, Morris Levy,^ Louis E. Lipp, board members to attend. Newspaper." The discussion will home of Rabbi and Mrs; David Sam Saltzman, Joe H. Jacobs, Ed. Wice. stress w a y s of understanding Schonberger, Hyman Ferer, Abe Junior Hadassah •what Is behind the headlines. Greenberg, and Miss Blanche After the discussion there will Zimman. Pioneer Women Miss Edith Bukspan of. New Jbe the usual social program and Mrs. Leo Unger, chairman of York, national membership chairdancing. , A regular meeting of the Pio- the program committee, promises man of Junior ***** Hadaesah, was f neer Women's Organization will an entertaining program, JO8LYN MEMORIAL Mrs. David Bialac_will give" the he guest of the * be held Tuesday, February 4, at , Three sound films will . be Jewish Community Center at opening grayer. Mrs! Herman local' chapter at known at 2:30" Sunday afternoon the 2:30. I. Morgenstern, secre- Jahr is chairman of this meet- a special meetat > the Joslyn Memorial. They tary ofMrs. the organization, will pre- ing's program and will introduce ng T u e s d a y , are? ''Nature's W o r k s h o p , " side. ' . • ; • • • ; Mrs. Baeck, who for twenty-two J a n u a r y 28. j •'Clouds,*' and "A Trip to the A new National Fund project, years was a leading aetress on Miss Bukspan ist Sky." At 3:30 Br. Alfred Bfown which was adopted at the last the European stago and Is now making a tour "will speak on ^"Early Printed director of dramatics at the Jew- of the southwest Books." A 4 o'clock organ recital convention held in St. Louis, will ish Community Center. region. . A f t e r be. presented to the Omaha chap•will be given by Martin W, Bush, Reservations may be phoned to l ier" talk," s h e assisted by Marian Johnson, 'Cel- ter.. . . Mrs. J. M. Newman, Gl 2157 or aught the girls list,, and Evelya L: Smith, acthe office of the Temple. Palestinian folk s o n g s and On'Sunday, March 9, the Piocompanist. dances. neer Women will sponsor a Pur» The first session of the scries Cultural classes- of Junior Ha.Im festival under the direction of on "Contemporary Jewish HisOkun and Mrs. J. Kaplan, ory" which Rabbi Wice is con- dassah are starting again. Girls Tau Gamma Delta Mrs.-S. who are chairmen of the Voca- ducting for the Temple Israel Sis- nterested aro asked to call Blanche Klelman. Those intercstThe Tau Gamma Delta sorority tional Guidance School fund. erhood will be held on. February )d in becoming Young Judaean held its regular meeting at the 4 at the homo "of Mrs. Sam Gil- eaders should also contact Miss home • of Belle Rudermari " on Mrs. Zeria' Feldman, donor nsky. tleiman. Tuesday, January 21. Miss Re- uncheon chairman, announces Hostesses assisting Mrs. Gillnbecca 1 Tatalbaum was put In that members who wish to raise sky will be: Mesdames Sam Rob- The next meeting of Junior Hacharge of the courtesy committee. their quqta may do so by selling nson, Sam Appleman, Fred Ros- dassah will take place on FebruPlans were discussed for a cov- tickets for a lamp that will be mstock, Harry Trustin, Phil Gil- ary 10. ered * dish supper to be held at given away. Mrs. Feldman also nsky, Nathan Mantell, Louis the home of Miss Beatrice Glazer states that she has a number of lulakofsky, C. L. Bergman, and Ladies Free Loan on February 4". Palestinian novelties, candy, and David Goldman. On Wednesday, February 5, at Bridge and bunco were play- honey that are suitable for gifts; p. m. the Ladies Free Loan So* ed and prizes were given. Re- Anyone wishing to obtain any of Mrs. David; Levlne's Circle of iety will hold a tea at the Jewfreshments were served. hese articles may do so by call- ho" Sisterhood has bought out sh Community Center in honor - Goldie Zusman is Tau Gamma ng her, At 1438. ^ he Community Playhouse for the f Its twentieth anniversary, RabDelta reporter. Oneg Sltabboth evening of Tuesday, February 11. ii Isaiah Rackovsky will bo prinOn February 1, the monthly Irvin Shaw's, "The Gentle Peo- ipal speaker. Oneg Shabboth will take place at ple" will bo presented at that Mrs. L. Rubenstetn is in charge Junior Council lie homo of Mrs. S. Reiss, 2114 ime. f the tea. Members and their Burdette. Guest speaker will be Tickets may bo purchased from rlends are Invited to attend? Thie next meeting of the Oina- Mr. H. Bondarln. A reading will Sectlon of Jewish Juniors will be presented by Mrs. L. Wohlner. take place on Sunday, February Mrs. J. Raznick, cultural chair9. New members, who were at man, will preside. the' membership dance, are urged to bring their friends. ' Junior Council had as its guest Temple Sisterhood on January 22 its national president, Vera Teplitz. Mrs. Greta Baeck will speak at A paid-up membership dance he Temple Sisterhood luncheon was held at the Blackstone with and meeting to be held on Mona large attendance. Music was day, February 3, at 1 o'clock". As an Institution Engaged in the furnished by Jack . Safersteln's Irs. Jules M. Newman is chairorchestra. man of the luncheon committee



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FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 , 1941


THE JEWISH PRESS Publicised Every Friday tt O E H SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, One Vtir Advertising K i t e s (Fursvtstied or, £.&[>Uc&tlc.n EDl'JOfii&L GFi-tCEi CMS Eiit&feii' Xbe&ter SIOUX CIT* OFFICE—jewfrii CeaiiuaBUf t!e»te?

DAVID BLACKER—Busioess and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN • - - • Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS Book Editor •- -• -• Society Editor FRANCES BLACKER MORRIS AIZENBERG Sioux City Correspondent

War Aims

cently occurred in Italy, but at this crisis in Italian history they are significant. Tbe other discordant note in German plans was the uprising In. Rumania. Sardonic humor lies in the announcement of the casualties of tiie Iron Guard revolt. After clays of fighting and conflietiiig reports came the terse news that a large number of. Jews had been massacred. To add another note of 'humor,' the uprising' of an antiSemitic, totalitarian-minded group is termed a revolt "inspired by Jews and Free Masons." One looks with contempt rather than pity upon this unhappy, bleeding nation which has suffered EO much within the past few months. But Rumania has always sought to solve its problems by myths rather than to face the realities of the situation. Result of both uprisings will probably be the complete occupation of Italy and Rumania by German forces. Italian collapse at this juncture would be a eevere blow not only to the conduct of tbe war, but to the Fascist cause, for both Hitler and Mussolini have justified their regimes by claiming popular support. Under the type of rule Hitler contemplates for Europe, the energies of Germany will be directed entirely to the task of subjugation. Eventually, perhaps, all Europeans will, become as passive as the Germans, but before that comes to pass a good deal of blood will flow. »

It is impossible to turn on the radio or read the daily paper without becoming instantly aware tliat the subject of American participation in tlie current Avar is uppermost in the miuds of most of our citizens. Unfortunately, the issues are not as clear-cut as those on one side or another would like us to believe. Americans face a dilemma that the forces of time, not argument will settle. Isolationist Senators have naively demanded that the European belligerents name their war aims. But war aims are always tbe same and If •we enter the war, it will be a matter of selfprotection, not primarily a crusade to protect dePropaganda mocracy. Because of an international postal agreement, War is an instrument of power politics, rarely tbe United States Post Office department has been of ideological conflict. Britain, it must be borne put In the compromising position of being a carIn mind, did not embark on her course to sav6 rier for foreign, propaganda, particularly a n t i democracy. She did not rush to the defense of democratic and anti-Semitic. Some attempts have Czecho-Slovakia, most democratic of the conti- been made to rescind this law, but international nental nations, but gave reluctant blessing to Its postal regulations were compiled only after years seizure. Poland, the violation of whose territory of effort. heralded" the outbreak of hostilities, was as unNow an American group is going to utilize this democratic a nation as Germany. And to speak of law for the benefit of Democracy. Propaganda Greece as a democracy ia an unjustified stretch of extolling the benefits of Democracy will be mailed the imagination. Moreover the English ruling to prominent personages In the totalitarian naclass, which was at tire helm when the war started, tions. Nothing In this propaganda will be anwas no more sympathetic with* the ideals of de- tagonistic toward the governments of these namocracy than Hitler himself. An ideological con- tions, but In sober, simple style will tell how flict could have been patched up much as Hitler Americans live under their form of government. made peace with his erstwhile ideological antagIf the totalitarian nations refuse to deliver this onist Russia. If the present administration were mall, they will be considered the violators of the Communist, Fascist, Socialist, Republican, or DemInternational agreement, and thereby the U. S. ocrat, it would participate once it felt itself seripostal channels will be closed to foreign propaously menaced and no longer able to direct its own ganda. destiny, including the form of government it would This Is just another example of Yankee Inge. l\ave. nuity, and reveals we are not so helpless In the We are witnessing a nation, Germany, who campaign to preserve the rights of men. wishes to assume the role of sole arbiter of international relations in its own self-interest. To this end, the Nazis are seeking to subjugate and con- One Year of Sosua A three-day observance has marked one year quer BO that they will have enough resources at of tbe Sosua colony in the Dominican Republic, their command to be the deciding factor in the the ono accomplishment of the now - forgotten game of power politics. German foreign policy is Evian conference. Although only three hundred as old as the German empire. The nation's ecocolonists have so far come to. Sosua, a thousand nomic system was built on the idea of world domination and to blame the Versailles treaty for-tho more are in Europe awaiting passage to the colpresent conflict is to overlook facts. Bismarck ony. And more are expected to come once opporfor migration from Europe are again possought world domination. The Kaiser.sought world tunities 1 sible, " ' domination. Hitler la seeking world domination. A. single year is certainly no time to Judge an If we are forced to enter this war, it will be enterprise whose existence should be centuries. healthier for all concerned to realize the issues Yet in the few months of the colony's existence, at stake. This country will fight only to prevent those who have come have exhibited a desire for Germany from telling us what our internal gov- a fair chance to work hard and start life anew ernmental policies should be, what our economic for themselves and their children. Despite missystem should be; in other words to-prevent our givings regarding the climate, the three hundred subservience, economic and political, to one foreign" already in. Sosua are in.excellent health, gaining government. Only secondarily will this be a cru- weight and strength under careful schedules of „_ sade to preserve democracy. , — ., working hours. ' Our participation, even with victory, does not The anniversary observance is being presided necessarily mean the triumph of the democratic over by no less a personage than the President of ideal. We do know a German victory will mean the Republic, Manuel de J. Troncoso de la Concha. the end of all bi-lateral or multilateral agreements Participating are the dignitaries of this country, between nations. International relations will be the colonization association, diplomatic representa•whatever Germany desires. An JBnglish victory tives, and officials of neighboring Carrlbean ismay mean the attempt to re-establish order and lands. \ : to give voice to the aspirations of less powerful Sosua's success, so far, may be attributed not nations. only to the whole-hearted co-operation of the We must be prepared for the sordid fact that Dominican Republic, but to the auspices of GenIn the wake of victory, will come the disillusion- eralissimo Trujtllo, who donated the original tract ment as formerly and the same feeling of useless and now has added fifty thousand acres to the •'• ,sacrifice of men and materials. When Churchill colony. eays the British war aims are nothing but the What is important so far about the colony Is successful prosecution of the war,. that is just that the presence of these Jews has awakened •what the aims of the British are. none of the animosities Latin-American officials Disappointments, and there are bound to be have given for their objection to Jewish Immigramany, •will seek voice in the crack-pot type of tion. On the contrary, the whole country stands organization with which we have become so fa- to benefit by a people eager to build anew in a miliar. We must be awake to the axiom that the strange land. purpose of 'war is not to solve problems but to dissolve an impasse. : JEWISH CALENDAR

1941-5701 Chamlsho Osor b'Shebat Wednesday, Feb. 12 Discord in the New Order **Rosh"Chodesb Adar ..........:. .-..Friday, Feb. 28 Two vassals of the new master of Europe have Fast of Esther .............. Wednesday, March 12 Cl) own amazing signs of discontent. Despite dePurim ... ...............Thursday, March 13 aiala from official sources, rumors of uprisings In Rosh Chodesh Nisan ......Saturday,- March 29 Italy continue and there is no doubt that Germany Passover (1st day) ..:......Saturday, April 12 lias/feit the necessity of stepping in to enforce Passover. (7th day) ~. ....Friday, April 18 order. It must not be forgotten that in.the treaty Passover (8th day) ......~......Saturday, April 19 of alliance, Germany was given the privilege of intervening in Italy if the Fascist regime were in **Rosh Chodesh Iyar .......™...-...Monday, April 28 .danger. This is not the first time riots have re-I**Observed previous day as well.

the choicest stories concerning Jews found in the world's best literature—comedy, pathos, pleading for justice to tlie Jew. Many are moving, such as the opening one "A Tale of Three Rings" and By Dr. Pfcilip Sher Carl Ewald's "My Little Boy," a truly remarkable bit of writing. BIBLE Rabbi Baron lias shown discrimBehold now, I have opened my ination and taste, and ability to mouth, my tongue hath spoken in systematize, dividing the twentymy mouth my words shall utter three tales into three groups; a the uprightness of my heart and plea for toleration, description of that which my lips know they Jewish martyrdom, and portrayal shall speak sincerely. of Jewisli life and character. Surely thou hast epoken in my As to the influence of the book hearing and I have lieard tlie I too lioi>e that it will be whole* voice of thy words. I am clean some on the Christian reader, and without transgression. I am inno- that it will awakea his dormant cent neither is there iniquity in sympathy. The reaction of the me. Jewish youth to these stories will In a dream, iu a vision of the I fear be otherwise. Instead' of night, when deep sleep falleth "strengthening the morale" it upon men in slumbering upon the will have the very opposite effect bed, then He openeth the ears of of deepening the sense of Jewish men and by their chastisement inferiority. To beg and plead for sealeth the decree. tolerance has a deleterious effect If thou hast anythiug to say, on personality. The morale of answer me. Speak, for I desire to American Jews needs strengthenjustify thee, if not, hearken thou ing, but the road lies in an opunto me hold thy peace and I will posite direction. Our goal should teach thee wisdom. be not condescending toleration, but respect and esteem which are TALMUD Rabbi Elazar once became sick. {given only to equals. Rabbi Jochanan came to visit him Humorous Tales and saw that he was sleeping in a gloomy room. Whereupon Rab'Cheerful Moments" Is a colbi Jochanan uncovered his own lection of Jewish humorous tales arm and immediately the room written originally in the Yiddish grew brighter (because he was by B. Kovner, ono of the ablest very handsome). Rabbi Jochanan Yiddish journalists, and rendered then noticed that Rabbi Elazar into good, expressive, English by; was weeping. "Why art thou Abraham London. Mr. Kovner's weeping?" asked Rabbi Jochauan, genius is such that he can extract "Is it because thou hast not humor and comedy and laughter learned sufficiently of the Torah? out of practically every aspect ofBehold we are taught in a Mish- Amerlcan Jewish immigrant life. nah no matter whether one off- And his humor is far above the ers much or little, only the inten- general run one finds in Yiddish tions of his heart shall count for literature. Though exposing the the sake of Heaven. Is it because grotesque and uncouthness, it !• you are in need and poor? Don't always 1done In a kindly underyou know that not everyone is standing Bplrlt. With few exceplucky to have both riches and tions every story in the volume wisdom. Is it because of trouble contains many a good laugh. from your children? You are not What Is significant is that the the only one who has trouble. Look, here is a sign of vay tenth author portrays truthfully the son whom I have buried." "I life of a large section of immiweep," said Rabbi Elazar to him, grant Jewish life which has not "for that beauty which will decay yet become adjusted to the Amerin the earth!" "For that," said ican scene. The humor Is genu-' ine and the characters are true ( he, "I am weeping." not too exaggerated. "Cheerful Moments" will provide much and genuine relaxation. The volume made me laugh, heartily and long, and I am cer- • tain that It will do the same for By Rabbi Theodora Lewia anyone who will turn to Us pages*

Gems of the Bible

and Talmud


"CANDLES IN THE NIGHT" (Jewish Talcs by Gentile anReligious Services thors), edited by Joseph I*. Baron, Jewish Publication Society of America, 091 Pages. "CHEERFUI* MOMENTS," toy B. Temple Kovner, Bloch Publishing ComTonight at services Rabbi Dav* pany, 183 Pages. Id H. Wice will base his eermoa on Franz Werfel's latest novel* Somehow the purpose and mo- "Embezzled Heaven." The Young tive of "Candles In the Night" dis- people of the Pearl Methodist please me. Al efforts to show Church will be.guests and will how friendly some Christians have remain services to have the been towards the Jew hurt my Jewish after symbols explained. Jewish pride and self-respect. I resent, being a perpetual object for pity and sympathy* and I am Beth El weary of being expected to be This evening at services Rabbi grateful for every kind gesture or David A. Goldstein will speak on remark coming from non-Jews, "Are We Victims of Circumstance and which every normal human or Can We Bo Master Our Of being has a right to expect as his Our Fate." due. It is a public confession of Junior Congregation inferiority to rejoice when one Is The Junior Congregation of thetreated with courtesy and with re- Beth El synagogue will hold Us spect. We Jews have been guilty services Saturday morning . at of this to a shameful degree. 10:30. The newly-elected officers "Candles in the Night" is a will be installed at the close of collection of twenty-three excel- services. lent stories by Christians who Next Week write kindly and truthfully and Next week, Rabbi Goldstein's appreciatively about the Jew.. sermon will be "From Berditcbe* Why should it make us Jews hap- to Heaven." This sermon will be py to know that a non-Jew has on the biography of one of actually discovered that Jews are based the most beloved spiritual leadjust as human as Christians, that ers in Israel, Rabbi Lev! Yltzhok Jews ' are capable of the same measure of nobility and subject.to of Berditchev, whose two hunthe same weakness! Only a peo- dredth anniversary is being ob. •• ' ple deeply frightened and injured served. Cantor Aaron Edgar and the in spirit could be elated over "a candle in the dark." It points to choir will lead the service. Bin an inner inferiority which Ahad Harry Duboff, soloist, will sing. Haam correctly termed as "slav- the famous prayer of Levl Yitery in freedom." zhok. This criticism is best illustrated In the third story which bears the U. O. C. undignified title, "How I /Became a Friend of the Jews," by the Rabbi Isaiah Rackoysky ' will; Hungarian novelist, Maurus Joki. speak on "Knowing and UnderAnother instance of this lack of standing" at the late services of dignity is revealed in the contri- the TJ. 0. C. at Congregation B'nai' bution of Thomas Nelson Page en- Israel, tonight at 8. titled "The Jew and the Christian," in which the Jewish lad deQuery Wilkie clares that all he wants Is "decent treatment, ordinary civility." London (JTA) — Wendell L. Such attitudes show, our moral RBked at a general press and spiritual plight. This lack of Willkie, conference today whether he favself respect/this joy over "favors" ored creation: of an independent which our not favors at all, Is state in Palestine after the one of the major diseases of Jewish war, Bald: "The present time is American Jews. inopportune to discuss such a Choice Stories question, but my attitude Is well ; I hope that no one will nils- known in the United States." (In construe the above criticism of an interview In New York during the motive of the volume as a the presidential campaign, Willfailure to appreciate its intrinsic kie- said lie favored the establishmerit. The author, Rabbi Joseph ment ofJ a Jewish homeland In L. Baron, has collected some of J Palestine."

FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 , 1 9 4 1

Candle-lighting 'time:


Late services of the U. O. C. will take place this Friday at Congregation B'nai Israel, at 8 p. m. The rabbi will speak on "Knowing and Understating." Sabbath morning the rabbi will s p e a k at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, Junior Congregation Tbe Junior Congregation will conduct its services on Saturday at B'nai Israel synagogue, at 10 a. n). Mrs. Max Rosen will be hostess to the children after services. Sunday morning services will take place at Congregation B'nai Israel at 9 a. m. These services are sponsored by the U. O, C. Brotherhood. A Bible study hour find breakfast follow the services. The Adult Hebrew Study group will meet at the rabbi's study at 8 p. m. on Monday. ' V. O. C. Sisterhood The regular meeting of the U. O. C. Sisterhood for the month of February will take. place at the vestries of Congregation B'nai Israel, 18th and Chicago. T h e program of the meeting will Include a report of committees, also a partial report of the annual flinner recently held. A program of dramatic readings by Charlotte Brooksteln will be presented. The rabbi will address the Sisterhood briefly. Mrs. M. Buratein, vicepresident of the Sisterhood, will preside. Brotherhood The U. O. 0. Brotherhood Is planning for a special Friday evening service to be conducted and participated in by its membership. The date for the occasion is Bet as February 14. Further details of arrangements w i l l be announced in the very near future.



Washington, D. C—The purchase of 110,000 worth of noninterest bearing and non-negotiable Canadian War Loan Certificates by B'oal B'rlth, oldest and largest national Jewish service and fraternal organisation, "as a further manifestation ot the pro- found desire on the part of tho membership ot B'nai B'rlth and its' affiliate organisation to BUPport the cause of Great Britain to the utmost" was announced today at B'nai B'rlth headquarters here by Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith. The purchase was made today in Winnipeg, Canada, by Philip M. Klutxnick, of Omaha, Neb., president of B'nai B'rlth'a District No. 6, and a member of the Supreme Advisory Council of 'Aleph Zadifc Aleph, B'nai B'rltb/a youth organization, from funds provided fey the B'nai B'rlth lodges and chapters ot Aleph Zadik Aleph in Canada, as he halted there on an official visit to the Canadian lodges affiliated with District 6. Mr. Klutznick, who is a member of B'hal B'rlth'a executive committee, and Alexander Cantor and John Stein, B'nai B'rith leaders in Winnipeg, turned o v e r 110,000 to Winnipeg representatives of the Canadian Ministry of Finance and accepted In return f 10,000 worth of non-interest' bearing Canadian War Loan certificates. There are 27 B'nai ' B'rith lodges and 24 chapters of Aleph Zadlk Aleph In Canada.

. Succeeds Dov Hos

Tel Aviv (JTA)—Joseph Sprinzak has been named to the Tel Aviv Municipal Council to succeed the late Vice-Mayor Dov Hos. A s u c c e s s o r s vice-mayor has not yet been designated. The Council decided to name a street for Hos /. and establish an annual physical training prize in his memory and hang -a picture o t him In the _ meeting hall.

Paxtoh-Miclieli Co. Brass, Bronso, Aluminum, Soft Grey Iron and SemiSteel Castings, Wood and Metal Patterns and' Sash Weights carried in Btodi? Bronze a n d Caot- Iron Grilles a Specialty. 2 7 t h nsisl ESsrSfoa S t s .


John W. McCormack urged es- morale of the population remain- (Feb. 2) between 8 and 9 o'clock tablishment of a Jewish state in ed at a high level. "Although over the coast*to-coast CBS netPalestine and scored "appease- several hundred people were kill- work. As his feature number, the ment policies" which restricted ed and wounded in air raids In French virtuoso has chosen Don immigration and colonization. De- Tel Aviv and Haifa, OUT ineral Pablo Sarasate's "Zigeunerwelaclaring "appeasement in Jerusa- impression is that the Italians en," a favorite of violinists and lem is no less wrong than ap- are pretty poor shots," he gaid. listeners everywhere. peasement at Munich," McCor- He asserted that "we linaly beStewart returns to Creation of Jewish Com- mack said Jewish sacrifices and lieve that when victory crowns theReginald podium as conductor of the achievements in Palestice and the the British efforts and the new monwealth Ford Symphony Orchestra and Jewish "tragic noxnelessiiess," world order is set up, justice will Urged, made it imperative that opportun- be done to the Jews by granting chorus. la addition to being the ities be granted to tens of thou- them their national liberty In permanent conductor of the Toro n t o Philharmonic Orchestra, Washington (JTA) — The Na- sands of Jewish victims of op- their ancient homeland." Stewart is a distinguished plan* tional Conference for Palestine pression and persecution to enter 1st. this week unanimously adopted a Palestine "as a matter of right.*' In presenting Saint-S a e n B* resolution urging establishment charming melody, "The Swan,'* Earlier, the conference heard of Palestine as a Jewish commonFrancescatti's violin will be acwealth, supporting America's "all Federal Security Administrator companied by the harp, an unuBout" aid policy for Great Britain, Paul V. McNutt hail Palestine as ual instrumental, combination, Criticizing the Churchill Govern- a symbol of the world-wide strugZino Francescatti, internation- Francescatti will also play An* nient's failure to abrogate the gle of the democracies for survivWhite Paper restricting immigra- al, and Dr. Bernard Joseph, legal ally known violin artist, will ap- tonlo Bazzini's •well-loved "Ronde tion and laud sales, and urging advisor to the Jewish Agency, pear as guest star on tbe Ford des Luting," as well as "Sicilieneradication of all racial, religion make a first-hand report of the Sunday Evening Hour for the ne," by Pergolesi. first time when the program is and national discrimination at homeland's war effort. Patronize Our Advertisers, the termination of the war. Drawing a parallel between the broadcast next Sunday night development of Palestine and the The conference condemned "an attempt to to establish a national struggle of "new" democracy budgeting service for all Jewish against the "age-old" forces of agencies'' as a threat to democra- tyranny and greed, McNutt detic procedure and pledged itself clared the building of a haven not to recognize any action taken and refuge for the oppressed was by the Council of Jewish Federa- an expression of an ideal held by tions and Welfare Funds. It con- all freedom loving men regardfirmed the $12,000,000 UPA less of race, religion or nationalquota for 1941, but deferred ac- ity. He emphasized that he eaw "no divided loyalty or hyphenattion on apportionment of the na- ed Americanism in your support tional quota. ot Palestine.1' Adding: "It is a Other resolutions called for es- cause all can support, not as tablishment of joint Zionist coun- Zionists, not as Jews, not even cils throughout the country to as Americans, but as freedom bring about the greatest possible loving men and women." unified effort on behalf of the Dr. Joseph told the delegates Palestine campaign; paid tribute to the leadership of Dr. Silver; that Palestine had suffered pracWith the Wheat Germ Coatftlas VMamlnes A, B, K and O lauded the resolution and courage tically no material damage in the of the Palestine Community un- Italian air raids and that the der the trials of war and expressed gratitude to the daily and Jewish press for their aid in placing the cause of Palestine before the public. Regret Policy A resolution said creation of a Jewish commonwealth in Palestine would make possible largescale colonization by Jewish refugees after the war. Expressing profound regret at the continuance of the White Paper policy despite the chango in tho British Government, the resolution called for an end to "this Injustice to the Jewish people." It asked Britain to "open tbe gates of Palestine to those Jewish refugees who turn to Palestine as their only hope of salvation, to remove the discrimination against Jews entailed In the land transfer regulations so that Jewish colonization may. proceed' unimpeded as contemplated in the mandate for Palestine." The resolution also expressed gratification at the "splendid contribution of the Jews of Palestine by providing nearly 8,000 volunteers for service in the British Army," and demanded that Great Britain make possible the establishment of "a suitable Jewish military force for service in the struggle for democracy and for the defense of Palestine.*' 1,500 Delegates The conference, held at the Hotel Willard with the participation of some 1,500 delegates from all parts of the country, reelected Dr. Abba Hillel Silver as UPA chairman. Prof. Albert Einstein, Governor Herbert H. Lehman, Judge Julian. Mack, Henry Monslcy, Nathan Straus and Henrietta Szold were named honorary chairmen, Dr. Stephen S. Wise was elected chairman of the adDon't miss this annual bargain event! No mere ministrative committee, and Louis "special selling", this—but a substantial markLipsky, chairman of the executive down on most everything in the Skans store! committee. r Here are bargains that you'll recognize on sight; National . corchairmen are Dr. all Skans first quality merchandise at prices Solomon Goldman, Dr. Israel that will save you real money! v Goldstein, E. I.-Kaufman and J u dge M o r r i s Rothenberg; Charles J. Rosenbloom wa& electYOU ABSOLUTELY BEAT ed treasurer and Abraham L. Lien OUI3 bovitz and Jacob Sincoff assistant treasurers. The following were named vice-chairmen; Rabbi Barnett R. Brickner, Leon Gellman, Rabbi James G. Heller, Rabbi Edward L. Israel, Judge Louis E. Levinthal,' C h avrl e s Reiss, Ellhu D. Stone, Joseph Welngarten and David Wertheini. -- The conference heard messages of encouragement from Secretary of State Cordell Hull, Secretary of Navy, Frank Knox, Governor Lehman, U»; s. Housing Administrator Nathan Straus, Jewish .Agency President Chalm Weizmann, who said he would be in this country withtin a few weeks; British Minister Nevile M. Butler, Secretary for India Leopold S. Amery, Lord Robert Cecil, Viscount Samuel, Col. Josiah Wedgwood and Lord Snell. \ Scores Appeasment ' Addressing the closing banquet session. House Majority d


Francescatti to Broadcast Sunday




FRiBA¥g JA.HUA.kY 3 1 , 1941


Page 2.

By Victor M. Bienstock


ing the early part of die day they the same conuitions are to b LONDON. Three months of the Blitzkrie try to carry on as before that ter- found. Men, women and children have implanted gaping wound rible Saturday afternoon, when boys and girls, the hale and th and left ineradicable scars o without warning-, squads, of Naz ailing, sleeping on the cold stone Whitechapel, home of the greatei bombers unloaded flaming deal) platforms shoulder to shoulder, —''part of London's Jewish popula- oa London's East End. But alxmi or in triple-tiered bunks, if they tlon, a n d h a v e profouudl three o'clock in the afternoon are lucky, with six inches of leechanged its physical appearance tbey begin to form queues—the way between each sleeper. Lodg Landmarks familiar to every visi- most tragic-looking queues I liave ing house regulations here speci tor in the district have been de- ever seen—before the four or five fy 400 cubic feet of air per sleep stroyed; communal centres, have big shelters in the East End er and Army experiences has been hlotted out and institutions where they will spend the night proven that in barracks there like the world-famed Pettieoa Others, unable to afford the bus must be two and a half feet of . Lane market have disappeared for fares, start to trudge westwards space between cots to prevent the duration. But Whltechape to find shelter in some of the City spread of disease. These minimum remains, still the home of many and West-End basements and health conditions would be utothousands, the individualistic en tube stations which have been pian in any East-End or Tube opened as public shelters. shelter. tity it has always been. The main thoroughfares of the Know Bombs Evacuation district, which but a few weeks These people — more perhaps There are solutions to thl ago presented a picture of devas- than anyone in England except tation—roads blocked by ugly, the people of Coventry—know problem. O n e is evacuation. gaping craters and mounds of what it is to be bombed and they Thousands have already left. Afdebris, flanked by shells of build- know what they want now — a ter all, most of these people don't ings tottering drunkenly and place where they believe they are have to remain in the East-End. threatening to collapse momentar- afe, even from a direct hit, and They are reluctant to go of their ily—were cleaned up in rapid or- where they cannot hear the whis- own accord however, because they der once some five thousand hus- tle and explosion of bombs and don't want to leave familiar surky men of the Auxiliary Military the equally terrifying gunfire. roundings and they don't know Pioneer Corps, including, inci- They want also the feeling of se- how they would manage to earn a livelihood elsewheres. The audentally, companies of refugees urity that numbers give. thorities . however, fight shy of from the Third Reich, put their They get this in the large deep compulsory evacuation and haveshoulders to the job. shelters and that is why Sir John n't yet discovered how to overIndeed, a superficial tour of the Anderson's dispersal policy failed come the reluctance of the people district today would show little and why Home Secretary Herbert of the East-End to leave their damage, and little change except Morrison and the Government homes and friends. for the row on row of shops, their have had to give in to the insistAnother solution Is the provifronts boarded up instead of dis- nt demand for large deep shelter. playing wares behind plate-glass. But that is not all they get. The sion of more adequate shelters in Here and there an unexpected gap authorities are moving quickly which to distribute the present In the long rows of buildings tells but not quickly enough to organ- shelter population. When I asked ze measures to prevent these big he Home Secretary about this rethe story of destruction. " But it is in the sidestreeta, the shelters from being the breeding cently, he told me that many new narrow dark turnings and alleys rounds of epidemics far more shelters, and good ones too, had been scheduled in the City. Th© where hundreds of thousands of dangerous than bombs. people were herded together in I recently vsiited the . largest East-End people didn't want to drab little two-story houses, most and most popular shelter in the use them though, he said—they of which should have been con- Sast-End, a warehouse where peo- preferred familiar surroundings demned fifty years ago, and in plo formerly slept on and around and to bo with their own people. Now Herbert Morrison knows larger tenements and Council cases of food, with no sanitary inhouses that the story of those stallations, no running water, in the East-End and its people infirst terror raids on London can puddles of filth. Some eight comparable better than I ever still be read. thousand people use this shelter shall and he has-long been their night—it has a reputation ourageous advocate and supportOnly a beginning has been ;ach or safety having withstood a di- r in the London County Council made in cleaning up the mess •ect hit. The authorities are work- nd in the House of Commons. there — the beginning of a stu- ng hard to improve it. Triple-tier But when I visited this warehouse pendous task, for this district and wooden bunks have been shelter and asked some of its ocits vicinity received the full brunt for about one-third of theinstalled upants why they put up with Its shelterof the first onslaught of Goer- rs. The rest sleep on blankets discomfort a n d inconvenience ing's bombers and the devastation or rags on the damp earth—men, wlien they could find equally safe here was relatively more intense children, white, black, and far more comfortable shelters . than that suffered by any other women, ellow, the sick and the well, all- in the City and WeBt-End base\part of London. ments, the answer was invariably nextricably tangled. —"it's too far to walk with the These piles of rubble, these First-Aid Post old people and the children and teetering walls and craziJy sagA first-aid post has been in- we cannot pay the bus fares every ging floors were once the homes ' of people for whom life was no talled. A medical post to treat day." easy struggle, people who had to ontagious ailments like colds, Whitechapel will suffer many . sweat and toil for the pathetical- skin diseases and the like, is bely feeble reward these homqs con- ng established there. Lavatories more blows before the Lustwaffe stituted — now so fully revealed ire being installed and also run- has been driven from English Ling water. The great wind- skies and its face, undoubtedly, . to all who care to look. • They were doubly unfortunate, swept expanse is being broken up will be changed beyond all recogthese people, in being London's into smaller sections by new brick nition. The people will be changed first victims. The authorities had walls, but even these amenities too. Evacuation, adaptation to made preparations for handling cannot disguise tlfe fact that life life under conditions sharply contremendous numbers of casualties in such circumstances is a night- trasting with the intensely Jewish > but some one had forgotten that mare existence. arrangements had to be made for Aged men and women who have the survivors. Measures were im- iarned at least a modicum of Special! Something New! provised, of course, but the mis- ieace and comfort by their years ery and discomfort caused to >f labour, nursing mothers and thousands by this strange over- iny children are condemned to Meets a definite need la life tnmrsight still have not entirely been his' life which would tax the KBtt. Mother, father and children, removed. trength of the healthiest and all Insured under one' low coat policy. Get particulars at onte strongest. Sleeping on the cold, Not Many in Whitechapel from (There are not so many people wet earth, no chance to remove their clothes from beginning of , In Whitechapel today.-The usual Sunday afternoon throng of prom- day to, the end, no family existi enaders on Whitechapel Road has ence, no privacy. Indeed, this been considerably thinned down. winter will leave indelible marks CITY FINANCE AND i One notices the absence of chil- that will last for a generation or INSURANCE CO. more. . dren of school age—thousands of 300 KAHDACn BLOCK them, n fortunately, have been And In the Tubes, to which JA 4170 WA 6160 evacuated. There seems to be a housands flee at dusk each day, shortage of young men—a great many of them have been taken .into the Army with their age classes. But there are still many mothers with young children, old folks whose presence in the front-line is certainly not necessary but who have stayed behind because there is nowhere for them'-to go or because they are reluctant to leave this familiar territory. Others are literally homeless; the air-raid shelter is their only home and their possessions do not exceed O Most of my regular customers used to think that one gasoline was what they can carry about with them. .• • r about like another. Then they tried SKELLY. That's what I invite" What is their life? Well, duryou to do. You jvill see the difference! Skelly is many different

pre-war Whiteehapel, the breaking up of families may result in a dispersal of London's ghetto and the closing of an epoch in AngloJewish history. (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele graphic Agency, Inc.)

DANCE TO IE HEL AT UBQRIYCEU The Jewish Labor Committee will receive the proceeds of a dance to be held Sunday evening, February 16, at the new Laboi Lyceum, 3022 Cuming street, under the auspices of Workmen's Circle, Branch 690-E. The achievements of the Labor Committee already in bringing to this country 400 Jewish and Labor leaders*, was reported last Week in the House of Representatives by Congressman M. Michael Edelstein of New York. In referring to the writers, scholars, and others brought temporarily to this country, Mr. Edelstein declared, "Had they not been rescued from Nazi and Soviet invaded countries, they would have faced death by the Gestapo and G. P. U. Their presence here is not only a contribution to the progress of this country, but constitutes the creation of a corps of missionaries who will return .o spread the new democracy In heir own countries." Hundreds of leaders of liberal and Jewish life In Europe can yet be rescued by the Jewish Labor Committee if funds are made available. Dance tickets, which will help forward this worthy work may be obtained from the dance committee "or any member of 690-E, Workmen's Circle: Sol Ash, F a n n y Pezzner, Rebecca Tatalbaum and Harry Lerner. Admission la fifty cents p e r couple. Music will be furnished by Bob Freshman's "Make-Believe" orchestra.

Henry Monsky, president of the local Federation for Jewish Service, and Paul Veret, executivedireetor of the Federation, are attending the Geaeral Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds which opens tomorrow in Atlanta, Georgia. More tti&u five hundred delegates representing 165 Jewish communities will consider their policies for the coming year. Most pressing of the issues to be discussed will be the need for establishing an equitable basis for the allocation of funds among the various national and overseas agencies, following the dissolution of the United Jewish Appeal* Chicago (JTA) — A m e r i c a should be made a refuge for 'those who will not live without liberty," President Robert M< Hutchins of the University of Chi* cago declared in a nationally? broadcast address. "For less than the cost of two battleships," Dr« Hutchins said, "we could accommodate half a million refugees from totalitarian countries for a year."



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FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 , 1»41



By J. Anthony Marcus .*

» In 'depittlhg the charaetei-js of ' two c Hieiij ; botli' Cohens • '• fhotagh unrelated, whose lives . Were separated geographically ' ' fey a span of about 3,000 miles, Mr. -'Marcus -gives Ms impression of liow each in his own capacity and community represents the true spirit of Judaism in their boundless love for all humanity-—THE EDITOR.

did not. have' to wait behind the door to, see' "The Chief/' as the firemen'called him. His,floor was open' to all,, his purse was open, his heart was "receptive: But .the .task had become too big for one.human heart to bear; the woes of mankind everywhere had •multiplied -and the strain was too great. " ' Galveston's Colien And as the .crowd began-, to. disperse, as the ranks of the firemen broke and tli^y returned . to their respective positions, my mind went back to. Galveston, Texas. A, quarter of a century ago.. I . had met there the first "Cohen" I had ever known. Rabbi Henry Cohen, t remembered the time my telephone rang shortly after midnight. It was Rabbi Cohen. His ,v6ice was" urgent: "Come to my house ^quickly,'.' he

Page 3

they were :; the --sons' ofV the "f Bani'e people.



They knew the: meanfng *p£ their, mtesioft in life—-to be trii$ Jews t.hey, had! dedicated, thejr lives to the service of men; regardless of race, creed or nationality. Only in such service will American Jewry find an effectiye remedy against the rising tide of intolerance. Here and there in the course of one's existence one meets men like Henry Cohen and • In front of- Temple Enjanu-El W. W. Cohen. But there are on Fifth-Avenue, and Sixtli Street, many,; perhaps less well known, New York/ a couple of hundred whose lives, just as theirs, bear City firemen were lined up in mileloquent testimony against any itary fashion. They were dressed accusation of Jewish, clannishIn parade uniforms, with white ness. But it is not enough" that gfdveS'On their hands, with their there are many. present and past chiefs in front ofr them. Traffic had been BUSEvery day it must be shown by pended on Fifth Avenue, at that all that our hearts are big enough intersection. to throb for all mankind, that we are Americans'first, last and all *A large detail of police lined s a i d / ' : ' • . . * the time, and as such, make no the streets, and high ranking offldistinction when aid is needed. ; I dressed and ran through the. ; cers stood on both sides of the canopy leading from the Temple deserted streets of sleeping Gal- (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) entrance. All eyes were fixed upon veston to his home on Broadway. the open Temple door. It seemed Rabbi Cohen was on the porch i aa though the "spectators behind waiting for me, with his bicycle the police cordon were holding in hand. "Follow me." He on his their breath, watching, waiting bicycle and I by foot proceeded for something to happen, some- to the hospital. I was still in the dark as to what it was all about, thing sad, something solemn. - ''Attention!" a voice resounded but I understood that something In the still and exhillrating air of serious had happened—apparentthe Indian summer. Two elderly ly some Jewish Immigrant was flre chiefs had emerged from the seriously ill. (Continued from Page 1.) We were shown into a room inner sanctum of the Temple and were donning their uniform caps where a middle-aged man lay, sponsored in the last Congress. King said the conference with as they appeared at the door. Be- groaning incessantly. He had hjnd them followed close friends been brought from some rice Interior officials who worked on apd police and firemen officials, plantation with unusually swollen the project would review the leading citizens of all faiths and legs: the swelling was still grow- measure in an effort to determine ing and the doctors were waiting whether amendments could be nationalities. ^Several hundred right, whlte- for me to interpret for them the made which would eliminate gloved hands rose to the temples story of the patient. He could some of the objections encounof the rows of firemen standing not speak English and the hos- tered in the last Congress, "withmotionless. Slowly the two elder- pital officials could not make out out materially affecting the very ly fire chiefs kept moving across what language he spoke. And worthy basic objectives of the the broad sidewalk, lifting their when in doubt In Galveston, it is colonization proposal." feet Blowly, calculatlngly. Pedes- known, the safest thing is to call The ex-Senator declared he trians bared their heads. The mo- Rabbi Henry Cohen. When a would not seek a sponsor for the Protestant, a Catholic, a Jew or ments seemed - like hours. Most of the people knew what was com- any person of any race or nation- measures among hig former coling, but there were chance pedes- ality is in need of help, the door leagues until after the revision trians who were wondering what of Rabbi Henry Cohen is always had been completed. He added was happening. But they dared open. His is an old-established In- that he wished to find a senator "who will give this proposal the not ask anyone for fear of break- stitution. ing the silence of the solemn ocThe patient, it was learned, attention it deserves in light of casion. was a "White Russian from Minsk, present world conditions ana a Catholic, and in the early morn- America's responsibility as a Dead Presently a flower-bedecked ing hours Henry Cohen was there member of the dwindling group coffin moved out of the temple on at his side to help the medical of civilized governments." the shoulders of eight pallbearers experts bring him relief. Deportees of uniform height. The remains A few weeks later, I was on Start New Dancing of William W. Cohen were being deck of the Immigration Service carried to the hearse. Classes at Center . ' " "W. W. dead! Is it possible?" launch taking a group of immiI asked myself repeatedly. It grants to be "deported on the A new social dancing class for , eeemed but yesterday that his car transatlantic liner anchored out- high school boys and girls will would stop at my door on 73rd side the channel. Rabbi Cohen meet every Tuesday at 3:30 at and Broadway and, dashing to his was on .board, speaking to one of the Jewish Community Center. office, we would discuss problems the immigration officials. There Rosalie Alberts Epstein will affecting the Jews in the remote were about 21 immigrants on teach the class. regions of the earth. And the mo- board, Russians, Jews, Hungarment he entered his office, there ians, Czechs. was the usual crowd of firemen, They had grouped according to CLIP THIS COUPON policemen, postal clerks, men" and their respective tongues a n d women of different faiths, seek- chatted of their fate, of the disnoun WESSONS e o ing his attentive and sympathetic appearing panorama of the Gal- •i *nv ONE nniNO Tins A D Y " ear, seeking a favor and usually veston island. We were nearing New Downtown location receiving it. the ship; the water Was rough and EVELYN EiEi.LV "W., W.>" as we were fond of a strong trade wind was lashing SCHOOL OF DANCING calling him, "the dynamo, the the small launch. Suddenly the JfllS Douglas,' 4th Floor JA 0312 gentleman, the tender-hearted, hat from the head of one of the loving human being, whose heart deportees flew into the air and throbbed for all at home and landed on the thoppy waters of abroad," I asked as I watched the the Gulf. In the twinkling of an coffin carried to the hearse, "will eye, Rabbi Cohen dashed over to he be taken from us forever? And the immigrant, shoved.his own -w.ho will take hie place? Who hat on the hatless immigrant's will" work day and {night every head and, uttering "God bless summer to organize and manage you," started to return to the imthe benefit games to raise hun- migration officials. " dreds of thousands of dollars for The surprised Immigrant, an the needy, firefighters? Who will Austrian, took off the hat and spend nights, after a hard-work- stretched out his arms, imploring ing day in ,the office, laboring for in his native tongue that the RabJewish hospitals, for the Jewish bi take the hat back. "No, no," blind, for the Ort, etc., etc.?" the Rabbi shouted from the op, r The" coffin was moved Into the posite of the upper deck, "you • car, the doors closed,'and off it will need it on your return trip. raced to the cemetery. W. W. was I can get another when I go back 'dead indeed. He had endeared to the city." himself to untold thousands - For over half , a century the Catholics, Protestants, Jews" and little Rabbi Henry Cohen has people of other faith and races. been carrying on this sort of servI had watcKed him in his office. ice to»the human, beings who come For every business call he an- in contact with him. Henry Cohen, swered over the telephone, there of Galveston and W. W. Cohen were three of a social nature. One of New York had never met, but


> At the annual election of officers of the" Independent Work-'. inen's Loan association the following were re-elected: Mr. Lieb Wolfson, president; G o o d m a n Meyerson, treasurerer, and Michael Cohen, secretary. Mr. Ben

Gorelick was elected vice-president. • The following directors were elected: Mr. Harry Dworsky, Mr. H. Y. Fladerman, Mr. Ben Martin, Mr. Sol Martin and Mr. Max §acks. ,These officers and directors will lie installed at a" banquet to be held on February 16. Anyone seeking information In regard to the work of the organization is cordially invited to attend one of the weekly meetings held each Tuesday in the auditorium of. the Congregation of Israel, 25th and J streets.



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'Jaestitry'24,- 1941


P*#e 12

Dr. Ad&lpii Eaginsky, a Gerlia Is ciioir Instructor of Shaare ly prepared to meet al the eleetrio power .re'^ulfeaieiits of aa- man Jew, was summoned by the Zion synagogue. . tloaa! defettse. as well as g.ay Sultan Abdul H&mid to improte Mr.' aad Mrs. - S. L. Snovsky, &ea,ce-t!iae aeeds el Industry, J. the status e£ infant hygiene in 1600 Court street, announced tfce M. V&yi&son,. president of the Turkey. engagement a n d approaching compkiiy, £af4 in £ radio address " March 23 marriage of their'neice, last Friday night, , JF&C MAEEB, MORRIS AIZENBERG, "There Is,therefore, ebsolntely Til «taifcii* Kst'l. Bswafc Miss Bertha Saovsky, to Jack Schvid, son of Mr. and Mrs. no need for further spending of NOTICE the people's money for either Schvid, 120!) 14th street. matter of the estate of S*mu«l electric power plants or trans- In the Women Zionists to Deceased. ..;; mSsison lines,' he declared. "Gov- Weiss Notice S a bcreby given: That the cr«U» Miss Esther Nettie Rivin is af- ernment money can best be used tors of said Hold Joint Meeting fianced deceased will meet thi • » • to Leonard Hurwitz, son for the production of planes, cutor of eaid estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, lit The Women's Zionist organiza- of Mrs. Rebecca Hurwitz of Oma- ships, tanks, gnne, ammunition the County Court Room, in said County, ha according to announcement on t i e 1st day of March, and on the tions in the city will hold a joint and other defense supplies which 1st day of May 1841, at »1841, o'clock A. M-i made by Mr. and Mrs. I. Rivjn, should be financed by the govern- each meet February 10 at the JewiSB day, for Use purpose of presenting The Youth Council is planning 2407 Jennings street, parents of their claims lor examination, adjustment ft Beries of forum discussions to C o m m u n i t y Center. Sophia the bride-elect. She is a Central ment. By concentrating govern- s.ud allowance. Three months are allowed present their claims, be called "Youth Speaks." The Franklin is general program high school graduate. Mr. Hur- ment spending and energy on di- lor the creditors to February 1841. first of these will be held Sim- chairman. Members of Young Ju- witz attended Creighton univer- rect defense activities, greater fom the lat »ay ofBRYCE CRAWFORD protection will be furnished your daea will present a play; Jr. Hal-10-41-3t. County Judge. day, January 26, at 6:30, at the and is a member of Pi Lamb- son and mine, your family and Jewish Community Center. A dassah girls will take part in a sity WEBB, BKBER, KLVTZNICK A your neighbor's family. supper will be served after which musical skit; Business and Pro- da Phi fraternity. KELI.EV, Atty». fesional girls will present a a eymposiuni will be held ou the "Somewhere in Omaha, elec800 Service life Bids. Round Table Discussion and Sr. Mrs. I. Merlin and daughters subject, "In The Face Of War tricity is making tents for soldJPKOBATE NOTICE ' Threatening Palestine, Should Hadassah will serve refresh- Bluma and Dorothy entertained iers' camps, shells for their guns, 80 guests at a party given for preparing food for their meals, In the matter of the estate of Harry We Continue To Send Money Into ments. Azorin Deceased. The four groups will explain Miss Esther Eirenberg, at the and shoes for their feet." . The Country?" Notice Is hereby given: That the credl* ton of laid deceased will meet the exethe work of their various groups Jewish Community Center last Marvin Klass will be modera- and it is hoped that a closer re- Tuesday evening in honor-of the cutrix of said estate, before me, County of Douglas County, Nebraska, at Jacob Baiz, a Venezuelan Jew, Judge tor. Discussants will be, Bess lationship between the women's coming marriage of Miss Esther the County Court Room, in said County, was Guatemalan consul-general in Lubman, Sheldon Singer and Joe Zionist on the 1st day of March 1941 and on too groups will result from Eirenberg to Mr. Jack Merlin. lat day of May 1941, at 0 o'clock A. M., the U. S. Barricks. Following the forum, this meeting. ' Miss Eirenberg was honored at each day, for the purpose of presenting there will be dancing for the rest their claims for examination, adjustment a luncheon given at the Elks and allowance. Three months are allowed of the evening. MAX FBOMKIN, Atty. Club on Sunday, January 19th, for the creditors to present their claims, Orthodox Synagogues 600 KeeUne Bide Perry Osnowitz is in charge of from the 1st day of February, 1941. by Mrs. S. Snovsky and Mrs. Wm. Services will begin tonight at BRYCK CRAWFORD publicity; Lois Novitsky is reserBIT PUBLICATION ON PETIEirenberg. On Wednesday eve- NOTICE l-10-41-3t. County Judga. TION F O R S E T T L E M E N T O F F I N A L vation chairman and Annabelle 5:30 o'clock and in the morning ning M. Sherman entertain.ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT Emlein, assisted by Jr. Hadassab, at 9. Rabbi S, I. Bolotnikov will ed at Mrs. WEBB, BEBER, BXUTZNICK, aa£ a 1 o'clock dinner at Scrib- IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUCIKELLEY, Attys. p will take charge of food and din- speak during the morning serv- bins Tea 200 Service l i t e Illdg. •, Shop. IiA8 COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ices at the Tiphereth Israel Syning room. In the Matter of the Estate of Rebecca agogue. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Shapiro, Deceased: For reservations, call Lois NoAll persons interested In said matter are Vitsky or 8-0619. There is a In the County Court of Douglas County, hereby notified that on the 15th day of Nebraska Power Co* January, l&tl, Victor Bhaplro filed a peti- Nebraska: charge of twenty-five cents per in said County Court, praying that IN THE MATTER OP THE iiJSTATJB To Aid Defense tion Shaare Zion plate. his final administration account filed here- OF LeRoy Brown Deceased. in be settled and allowed, and that lie be All persons interested In said estate ar* Services will begin Friday evefrom his trust aa Administrator hereby notified Uiat a petition has been iing at 8 o'clock with Cantor M. The Nebraska Power Company discharged and that a bearing will be had on Bald filed In said Court alleging that said de•Pernick and the choir chanting and the electric industry are ful- petition before said Court on the 15th day ceased died leaving no last will and pray*1 of February, 1941, and that if you fail to ing for administration upon his estate, the service. Rabbi H. R. Rabinoappear before said Court on the said 15th and that a hearing will be had on said witz will speak on "Jehudah Halday of February, 1941, at 9 o'docK, A. petition before said court on the 11th day WEBB, BEBEB, KIAITZNIOK and M., and contest said petition, the Court of February 1941, and. that If the/ fail KEI-LEV, Attys. evi" in memory of the 800th anmay grant the prayer of said petition, to appear at eald Court on the said 11th. S00 Service IM« Bids. niversary of his death. enter a decree of heirship, and make euch day of February 1911, at 0 o'clock A. M,




and further orders, allowances and to contest said petition,. the - Court may JN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG- other decrees, as to' this Court may seem proper, grant the same and grant administration

COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Rabbi II. It. Rabinowitz Will LAS Over 100 women attended the In the Matter of the Estate of Abraaddress the class at Morningside ham Mushkin, Deceased. ' ' ' meeting last Tuesday afternoon all persons interested in the Estate Of the Women's League of Shaare on religion and Bible on Thurs- of ToAbraham Mushkin, deceased. day morning by invitation of You and each Zion held at the synagogue. of you are hereby notified that Qn the 15th day ' of January, Dean Paul Johnson on the sub, Prizes for the best decorated ject "What the Bible Means," 1941, Grace Mushkin Simon filed her petition under oath, in this court, alleging tables were awarded. First prize that the uald Abraham Mushkin died Inwent to Mrs. Leon Shulkin and testate on the 15th day of January 1032, and that no application has been made Mrs. Myer Epstein Jor the August for the appointment of an administrator table. Second prize went to Mrs. of nis estate, and his estate has never Society News been administered nor a decree of heirJack Lassman and Mrs. Milton ship entered therein, praying that adminMushkin for the September table istration of the estate of the said AbraMushkin be dispensed with and for and third prize went to Mrs. Les- Mr. and Mrs. William Eiren- ham determining who are the' heirs ter Heeger and Mrs. A. Kroloff berg of Armour, S. D. announced aof decree the said Abraham Mushkin; you are for the April table. Mrs. Lou the engagement of their daugh- therefore notified that a hearing will be on Bald petition at the County Court Kronick presided in the absence ter, Miss Esther Eirenberg, to had room of said County on the 15th day of cohruary. 1911, at 0 A. M. and that If the presMeat A J >°" (all to appear at said time ft*"1 pawe chairman were lin, 170G Pierce street, and her ana «^.M r**—tnt cue Court tnay Mrs. Irving Levich and Mrs. Louapproaching February 23 marri- granttontwi the same and enter a decree tu Klass. age here. Miss Eirenberg attend- prayed. ed Morningside College. Mr. Mer-l-17-41-3t. CHAHLES J. SOUTIXAIID, County Judge.

"f 1-

to the end that all matters pertaining to of eaid estate to Henrietta Drown or some aald estate may be finally settled and de- other suitable person and proceed to t termined. settlement thereof. • CHARLES J. SOUTHARD CHARLES J. SOUTHARD, l-17-41-3t. . County Judge, l-2i-41-3t. . County Judge.



HADASSAH LINEN SHOWER JAN. 28 The Sioux City Chapter of Ha' dassah will hold its annual linen shower on Tuesday, January 28, at - the Jewish Community Center. A desert luncheon will bo served at 1:30. All members and friends are urged to come as guests of Hadassah. The need for linens and hospital supplies cannot be overestimated at this time. Rabbi'Harry Jolt ,of Lincoln, Nebraska will be the principal speaker. His subject is "Candle In the Dark." Mrs. Sam Bailin and Mrs. Sam Kaplan are in charge of the linen shower. Mrs. Louis Goldberg, and Mrs. Myer Harrison are luncheon chairman. Invocation will be given by. Mrs. A. H. Baron. Mrs. Jack Robinson will preside.

7t.ntf IOP.M

Think now of tho years aHoadl Those bright young oyea caro Echodulod for hoavy duty-* protect thorn now with good light!




• - A - Jewish concert and movie •will be presented on Thursday, January 30, at the Jewish Community; Center. Mr. Al Harris, Jewish actor and impersonator will appear. A movio "Flshke der Krutner" will be presented with Jewish dialogue and English titles ~ In addition a movie of the March of Timev will be presented with Jewish actors, Maurice Schwartz, Sholom Asch, David Pinski and the Foale Zion Choir jylll sing Yiddish and HeSrev ieongs. It will bo an enjoyable evening. The public is Invited to attend. The movie will be sponsored by the Poale Zion Branch 197 of Sioux City and' also the- Pioneer Women' "Organization.' , Raphael Bachl (1717-1707) ati Italian,Jew, became famous as the painters" of French aristocrats. '

PAfiK » > » ABKAHSA8

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