February 14, 1941

Page 1

Entered as Second Class Mali Matter on January 81,, 1931, at Poatofflce. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1879



HOLD WOMEN'S Seek Of Measure DIVISION CARD OiiBndgedng

Dr. A. Greenberg, Harry •": B. Cohen Named Chairmen

JhAonsky on Radio Sunday Morning • Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rlth, and Norman H. Davis, chairman of the Ameri-. can Red Cross, will speak over the coast to coast network of the Mutual Broadcasting System Sunday morning,' February 16, from 10:30 to 11 a. m. Eastern Standard Time, on a broadcast' originating from the B'nai B'rlth Covenant Breakfast at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, where Mr. Davis will receive the 97th Anniversary Award of B'nai B'rlth for "duty, a c h i e v e m e n t and honor!" , The program Is being picked up In New York by Station WOR, Mr. Monsky, who will make the presentation to Mr. Davis, will be Introduced by Harry B. Epstein, chairman of the award committee and past president of B'nal B'rith's District No. 1. .

A, goal of 250 new members by March 1 has been set for the membership campaign of the local B'luU B'ritli lodge, which jDpens February 15 . ' pr.' Aba Greenberg and Harry B. Cohen, co-chairmen of the Mrtve, are asking all members of the-Omaha Lodge to assist in getling raw members. Purpose ot the drive, according to -the chairmen, ia to strengthen the organization so it may continue its activities. "An increase In membership ia necessary so ihat the Supreme Lodge may be strengthened through additional jnanpower. Additional funds thus ncauired -will be allotted to the yarloua activities of B'nal B'rltb. • Henry Monsky Glass The Omaha campaign is part »f the District Grand Lodge No; .6 drive to get 7,500 new memi>era which. Is in turn part of the /Supreme Lodge drive. The new class of members is to Brotherhood to Conduct ibe presented to the president, This Evening Henry Monsky, at the Supreme Service Lodge convention which is to be Jield in Chicago, March 29, to The V. O. C. has dedicated tills April 4. Slogan of the drive Is "Bring Friday evening to the Brotherhood, The late services will bo ft Brother to B'nai B'rith. conducted by the members of the Brotherhood and A Reception* to tlie membership ami guests will




•• .

ad desThe annual card >n's Dlsert-luncheqn.of tl vision will be he <3 *J londay, February 17, at 1 >a S : at the Jewish Coinmunil, «s : • Mrs. Julius St halrman of the committee In charge and is being assisted by Mrs. Joe Rice, co-chairman, and the following committee: Mesdames Henry Belmont, J. Bernstein, Arthur Cohn, J. Finkle, B. J. Fleisher, H. Franklin, John Frelden, Lawrence Jacobs, M. Katelman, J. Malashock, liarry Malashock, L. Neveleff, Al Newman, N. . Levenson, Ben Silver, Dave Sherman, Ray Silbar, Al Wohlner and M i s s Blanche Zimtuan. . The annual card party Is the one social affair planned by the Women's Division d u r 1 n g the year. A large turnout Ja expected, , ".'••••••.' There will be a bingo game for those women who do not play bridge or niah jong. A door prize will be given away. Hostesses The following women will be hostesses for the affair: Mesdames J, Abrahamson, I, Abramson, Louis Alberts, .Sam Altsulcr, (Continued on Page 2.)


Harry A. Cohen and Dr. A. G. Rimmerman will be in charge oT services, assisted by Irving Mittleman. Speakers of the evening will be Dr. O. S. Belzer, who will speak on "The Value of Yiddish in the Culture of the Jew," and Harry Rosenstein, who will speak on "Youth Views the Synagogue." Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will deliver a brief address^ . •, Committees in charge of the reception are Mrs. Sam Epstein, chairman; Mrs. M. Katzman, Mrs. Sam Brown, Mrs. -'M. Arbitman, Mrs. M. Rosenstein, arid Mrs. 'J. Bernstein. Mrs. I, Elewltz and Mrs. Jack Epstein will pour.

"Our Promised Land,'* a new picture depicting the rebuilding of Palestine, will be shown at the annual meeting of the Jewish NailonalFund on Wednesday, February 26, at 8:15 at the Jewish Community Center. - All box-holders and contributors to the Jewish National Fund are invited to attend. The picture, which was filmed In natural color and narrated by a non-Jew, Hev. Theodore K; Jackman of Hollywood, shows the achievement of the Jews and the Significance of the /Zionist ' An open Forum is held at the movement. Labor Lyceum every second and fourth Friday under the auspices of Branch 173, Workmen's Circle. An open forum will take place this evening, February 14, at 8:30 p. in.^on the subject, "Help to England." Following, a movie of the layBudapest (WNS) — An indica- ing of the corner stone of the Lation of the damage suffered by bor ' L y c e u m will be showu Jewish-owned factories and stores through" the' courtesy of H. Forin Rumania during the * Iron man. There will :also be pictures Guard pogroms against Jews was of the Civil war ini Spain,-. The disclosed with the announcement' public is invited to attend. that 280 Jewish-owned stores' yrere •wrecked and looted in Bu* charest alone." '~ -7 ~ -.'"• Neutral quartesr estimate vthe Jewish losses' in" Bucharest £t 200,000,000 lei. Jewish clothing, jewelry and~ furniture shops- in the Rumanians capital suffered the most: At the height* of the rioting Iron Guardlsts broke Into Over o n e hundred ministers the stores and carted the mer- from Omaha, Council Bluffs and chandise awaijf in trucks. "V. surrounding communities, heard | Rumanian police, searching for Dr. Julian Morgenstera, president Insurgent iron Guardista, ' have of the Hebrew Union .College, Recovered truckloads -of stolen Monday Ifcracethe development of to a unimerchandise. J e w i s h business Judaism from n national : •":.''/• *:. xnen have petitioned'the Govern- versal religion. f ment for the return of their Beginning witli the Prophet •wares, but Jrto disposition has Amos, Dr.' Morgehstern told .how been made aryet. the historical -development of the Jew affected his concept of the deity-and how-this concept waa Observe Anniversary " * responsible lor the rise and def - Jerusalem (JTA) —'.Mr.- and yeropment'of Carlstianity."^ Mrs. M. M. Ussislikln this week Dr. "Mprgenrterri began'his discelebrated their golden" wedding cpurse a't * 10 ;'3<T In. the' morning anniversary. Usslshkin Zis " world and" finished dl ".6 "o'clock In"" the president of the Jewish National afternoon, with two hours^belng Fund. He Is 7S years "old. taken 'out for lunch",* : " ' -i *

Workmen's Circle to Hold Open Forum


Annual Affair V\ S Held B'nai B'rith Plans a t l O'do.jjl i Business Meeting Cente 3™ ('

Dr. Niven, Rabbi Wice to Mark Brotherhood Week

A business meeting of the local lodge of B'nai B'rlth will be held on" Monday, February 17, at 8:15, in the lodgerooms at the Jewish Community Center. Cards will be played after the meeting. '

SUCCESSOR TO LLOYD NAMED Lord Moyne Named New British Colonial Secretary London (JTA)—Lord Moyne has been named Secretary of State for Colonies to succeed Ijprd Lloyd, who died last week. Lord Moyne, who Is 00 years old, has served as Minister of Agriculture, Undersecretary of State for War and Financial Secretary of the Treasury. Commenting on Lord Moyne's appointment, t h e Manchester Guardian urged him to look critically at the Palestine policy and not to be atrald ot differing with hia predecessor and with the Palestine administration. In particular, the paper said, Lord Moyne should discover who authorized the official statement that the refugees who reached Palestine oh the S. S. Atlantic would not be allowed into the country, even after the war, and whether the government ever sanctioned "that remarkable usurpation of t h e powers o£ Parliament and the p e o p l e . "

. . ' • • . .

Active in Relief Former chairman of the Polish Relief Fund, Lord Moyne h a s been active in relief for refugees. He helped a group of Polish Zionist leaders to leave Lithuania for Palestine. He was described by A. M. Kalzer of the Polish Jewish Relief Fund as "a thorough gentleman, straight-forward and m o s t sympathetic to Jewish causes." In a speech on January 15 at a luncheon of the Polish Jewlah.Relief.Fund,'Lord Moyne praised the Jews for_ their philanthropic work and .denounced German oppression of the Poles.

In observance of N a t i o n a l Brotherhood Week, Dr. Thomas It. Niven of the First Presbyterian Church and Rabbi David II. Wice will exchange pulpits. Dr. Niyen wil deliver the sermon at Temple Isreal on Friday evening, February 21. He will speak on "The Fellowship of Reconciliation," Rabbi Wice will be in the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning, February 23. His Bermon will be, "A Basis for Religious Fellowship. Members of both congregations have been invited to attend services at the other. ', Oii Wednesday, February 19, Louis E. Lipp, president of the Temple Brotherhood, will represent the Jews at a good-will meeting and dinner at the IrnThe Omaha Hebrew Club will manuel Baptist Church.: J. ' G. hold an open meeting Sunday, Masters will represent the Pro- February 16, at the Jewish Comtestants and Professor Seitz will munity Center, at 3:30 p .m. . The feature attraction of the speak for the Catholics. * afternoon will be a Jewish "Quiz" program. Questions will be asked by the audience and cash prizes will be awarded to all whose Queries r e m a i n unanswered. The Panel will consist of Ben E. Kazlowsby, Isaac Morgenstern, DanielSchwartz and Judah L. Wolfson. Abrier Kalman, President of the Club .will preside. At t h e luncheon Morris E. Cantor E. Sellz, accompanied Jacobs welcomed the visiting ministers to, the Institute. Dr. Wil- by his daughter, Shirley, will proliam H; Phelps, president of the sent a program of Jewish Folk Omaha Ministerial Union, spoke I songs. Louis Wolk and members briefly on behalf of the Protestant 'of the Jewish Drama Unit will ministers who were present. Fa- participate in a Bhort dramatic ther Bqwdern,- S. J., represented program. Refreshments will be served. the Catholics. * "Both paid tribute to the common heritage of Judaism and Christianity, Dutch Jews Register Stockholm (JTA) —- German Rabbi David A. Goldstein gave Commissioner Arthur Seyss-Intne invocation and Rabbi David quart has ordered registration of H; .Wice acted as' toastmaster. all persons of Jewish blood in Among the rabbis present were Holland within 30 days, beginRabbi *-Isaiah Rackovsky, Rabbi ning January' 24, on pain of ImCarl Castle of Council Bluffo, prisonment up to five years and •Rabbi Sol Oster^of Fremont, and confiscation "of -property, 'i reported hero. li'abbl Jacoh Ogle* of Lincoln.




Referendum*s Vote Had Been Asked By Council Xew York (JTA)—The contro* versy ia Jewish communal life over allocation of funds for na» tional and overseas causes moved a step forward this week as op* ponents of the plan for a central advisory budgeting committee organized their forces to seek <je« feat of the proposal in the referendum of local welfare funds. The referendum was called by the board of. directors of t h e Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, which ap« proved the plan at its recent Atlanta meeting and decided to sub* mlt It to the 200-odd member agencies for final approval/ An appeal to welfare fund communities not to accept the proposal for a national budgeting committee on the ground that it would standardize Jewish life and bring about a form of centralization which would affect t h 6 growth of coiminal responsibility has been issued by the "Committee on the Referendum for. Budgeting." Among the members on t h © committee are Judge Samuel.Barnet of New Bedford, Rabbi1 Is»« dore Breslauof Washington * Albert ,K., Epstein of Chicago, Rabbi Leon Frani of Detroit, Gustava L. Goldstein of Los, Angeles, Rab* bl James G. Heller" of Cincinnati. D, Beryl Manlschewitz of Cincinnati, Charles J. Rosenbloom of Pittsburgh and Div Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland. Many Oppose Declaring that the proposal represented a radical departure from the fact-finding functions ot '.•' (Continued on Page 8.)

JEWISH MILITARY UNIT TO SER¥!GE Tel Aviv (WNS-Palcor Agenc y ) — A fourth military unit .left Eretz Israel for active service on an undeslgnated front, it was officially announced here. , ; The unit comprises three hundred 'stevedores and boatmen who had been employed at Tel Aviv Port before their enlistment,' as volunteers with His Majesty's Forces. ', At a farewell'receptlon held-for them in this city Sunday night the men were told by Labor leader David Remez: "You are fighting shoulder to. shoulder with Britain in the cause of freedom and democracy." y Tribute to the courage and loyalty and fine service of the Jewish units already in action on the Egyptian, Libyan and G r e e k fronts was paid by British officers who attended the reception.

Rumanian Mayor Expresses Regret London (JTA) ~ The mayor of Ploesti/ Rumania, has written to the Jewish community cont demning anti-Semitic rioters and expressing deep sympathy wltn the victims of the recent pogrom',' it was reported here. During the excesses IronGuardists bombed a, house in which 24 Jewish men, women and children were barricaded. Jerusalem (JTA)— Chief Rabbi Ben-Zion Uziel called for special eulogies and prayers in Palestine for victims, of the Rumanian anti-Jewish . excesses. ' Tne Vaad Leuml (Jewish - Rational Council) -held- a - ma3s meeting Monday, in ".protest •••agalnfet' -live Rumanian pogrom. • ••








On our recent buying trip we saw so many beau* tiful pieces and were offered remarkable "buys." Result—-an overstocked collection of quality furn» ture, offered At record low half-yearly sale prices*


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U ft

Council Bluffs By Lucille Abrahamson


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Tap—Ballet—Acrobatic CLASS or Pill VATB 10% Discount with tUs Ad. This Offer Void MaieEt -4, 1041 MEMBER Banco Educators of America, -. JDaadsx Blasters of America, V. N . A. » . M.

Edward H. Fish

DANCE STUDIO JA 9 3 4 6 151® Harney

ADULT CLASSES Because adult Jewish education Is BO vital, particularly in these trying times, classes will begin next week under the supervision of Rabbi Oarl Castle. The first class, which will be held Wednesday, February 12, at the Synagogue will meet to study: 1. A survey course in Jewish history. 2. Hebrew. 3. Bible (Hebrew or English) 4. Customs and traditions of our People. 5. Forum discussion groups, 6, General discourse. 7. Jewish religion. These courses a r t particularly for stimulating the desire for learning of elementary Jewish education in the children of the community. ;



•Butter • Buttermilk • Cottage Cheese •Milk • Cream •Sour Cream • Sweet Butter



B'NAI B'RITH .. -„. v A meeting of the B'wrt B'rlth Lodge 6 8 8 will be held next lionday evening at 8:30. This meeting will be held at the K. C. Hall, 23 Pearl St.


O-Kay Whole Wheat Flakes—At Your Grocer

MISS BVKSPAX HONORED In honor of Miss Edith Bukspan, national membership chairman of Jr. Hadassah, the Council Bluffs chapter entertained at dinner at the Chieftain hotel last Thursday evening. Following the. dinner, a meeting was held at the home of Leona Katclman, at which time an informal talk was given by Miss Dukspan. Following the meeting refreshments were served.

Tasty Sandwiches Salads -— Pastries

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Steiitii@iftter Company CONTRACTING PAINTERS Painting and Decorating Imported and Domestic Wallpaper 113 HO. 40th St. HA-rmcy 03(19

TALMUD TOKAH DANCE Last Monday evening the last reports on the Talmud Torah dance were made ,and the committees reported a great success both financially and socially. EMESEL CLUB Winner of the Emesel Club drawing was announced on February 1. . CONVALESCING Miss Bette Lee Harris is convalescing at the Mercy hospital following an appendectomy last Tuesday. HONOR MRS. STEINBERG A no-host dinner was given last Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Max Steinberg to honor Mrs. Jack Steinberg who is leaving for Kansas City, Mo., February 10 with her two children, Donald and, Jeanne. They will make their home there temporary until they join Mr. Steinberg at a later date. Mrs. Stcniberg was presented with a remembrance. VISITS IOWA CITY Mrs. Ben Gershun spent last week-end In Iowa City visiting her daughter, Shirley, who is attending the University of Iowa; AT EXCELSOIR SPRINGS Mr. and Harry Cohen left Thursday for a ten day stay at Excelsior Springs, Mo. VISITS PARENTS Miss Norma Seldln, who is attending the University of Nebraska, spent last week-end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.' Ben Seldin.

Enlist in Belgian Army Jerusalem (WNS-Palcbr Agency)—Belgian nationals now residing here have been summoned to report to the Belgian Consulates in this country in order to enlist in the F r e e Belgian army, according to an announcement issued by representatives here of the Free Belgian government functioning in London.



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ound Editorial "With the birthdays of both Lincoln and Washington appearing in'February we enter into one of the year's most patriotic months. Not only is it a month in which we proudly celebrate A hilarious comedy, "The Ad- these two birthdays, but a month, as should be all those ventures of Sl*erf«eis Coliea," prethat follow, in which a star of patriotism shines brightly sented l>y meuilms of Sani Beber A. Z. A. chapter No. 100, won above us all in reflection of what is in our hearts. first place in the eighth annual Perhaps more profoundly felt and appreciated this Round T&Me Stage Night Wednesday, January 15, Approximately year more than ever before, patriotism is playing a domin500 persons attended. ating part in the interest of the American Youth; for toJudges were unanimous ia their decision for the A. Z. A. boys as day we are not a country of numerous nationalities, creeds, they smoothly presented one of and races - - we are Americans, for Americans. the finest Bkits s e e n by Stage Night audiences in recent years. On us, the Youth of America, to whom this glorious Members of the cast were Sam land of freedom and peace will someday belong, rests the Beber, Morris Eichlin, Harold Epstein, Yale Richards, Leo Alperresponsibility to carry on the traditions of glory and hapBon, Louis Katz, Mel Rosenberg; piness for all, for which our Lincolns and Washingtons Fred Colton, Sam Slutzky, Harold Slutzkin and Ed Kuklin. have so loyally fought. Winner of second prize was the To you, American Youth, the leaders of tomorrow, beSinai club's play, "The Doctor's First Operation." The cast includgin today to build the foundation for future strength ed Pauline Landman, Sam Kap- that the flag that we wave shall not be lowered, nor the lan, Ida Kelberg, Nellie Edel, Harold Habler, Gary Landman, love for our land be given in vain.—E. S. L.

Frances Oland, Norman Berg. Art Perelman, Mollle Kelberg. "Hunt a Man Isle," given by members of the Tbeta Lambda sorority placed third. This skit was enacted by Etta Soref, Rita Marks, Bess Lefitz, Helen Fogel, Ethel Kadis and Sophie Blumkin. Other clubs which entered skits •were Beta T a u Kappa, "They Ain't Done Right by Nell," or "Jaspar Saves the Homestead"; Bas-A-Mi, "Murder at Midnight"; U. T. sorority, . ' A m a z o n s on Broadway"; B'nos Israel, "We Give You—The Air"; Tau Delta Sigma, "Her Firat Date"; A. Z. A. No. 1, "Club A. Z. A."; and A. Z. A. No. 7, ''If Men Played Football as Women Might." Prizes awarded w e r e $7.50, first place; J5, second, and §2 third. Judges w e r e Mrs. Mike Freeman, Dr. Leon Fellman, and Alfred Fiedler. Harry Goodbinder, chairman of the committee In charge, was master of ceremonies. Committee m e m b e r s included Warner Frohman, Morris Richlin and Eileen Zevltz.

Masada Club Plans Patriotic Program



A convention such as the Junior Hadassah held in K. C. is truly. meat for your friend Snoopy. IE it were said that it was a convenWith Charlotte Nogg and War tion without convention t h a t ner Frohnian as the new co-chair- would be a rather bold statement men of the Round Table Dance - so maybe we had better not Committee, exciting plans are un- -talk about the convention at all. derway for the Best dance event, "The Homantochan Hop," March One thing though, a couple of Omaha gals brought back guests 16. with them; namely, Rose Paperny ' In charge of publicity and dec- imported a dainty little dish front orations Is chairman Harry Good- Tulsa called Anna May C o h n binder, assisted by Elaine Lag- (who was shown the town by, man, and R e v a Bordy; ticket Paul Sachs, George Shafer, Oscaii chairman is Etta Gorelick, work- Diamond, and Bennie Roglnsky);i ing with Stan Feltman, Milton and Jean Elikan is presenting a Guss, and Vlckl Lerner; enter- dark little number - - but nifty, tainment chairman is Reeda Mag- - - Jean Marcus of Kansas City. zamin, assisted by Harold Habler. Planning vacations at the resiAn unusual idea has been de- dence of Uncle Bam somewhere veloped by the committee and in- around Arkansas perhaps, a r e teresting plans are being made to Harold Stein, Morris Fellman, Ed give the affair a tone of unique- Fellniisn, and Ssin Wolk. We sin* ness. The program will include a cerely hope you enjoy your stay, skit, a dance contest, floor show, and know you will behave like and as the highlight of the eveguests. Phil Malkin, J»jr, ning, t h e annual crowning of perfect the way, is hurt because he was* Queen Esther. As yet, tho candi- n't Can you Imagine each dates for this throne have not an invited. oversight? been announced. Battle of t h e Sexes: Martin Tickets will be, as usual, twerf- Goodman and Harold Leon. The ty-five cents per person, and may prize? According to them - « Us* be purchased' from a n y Round ther Brown of C. B, And then Table representative or member. there was the time ft bright BO A commission of ten per cent of and BO overheard a conversation its sales will be given to the or- and it went something like this:! * anlzation selling the most ticklie: Did I hear you mention • wore himself to a frazzle beeping ets. "Macbeth"? ' up with the activity. Ho: You did. When the coventlon really got He: Who w e r e you talking going, it was Omaha's own Elaine about - - Joel Gross? Lagman w h o dominated. S h e He: What makes you say that? seemed to be everywhere at once, He: Gross is the only tragedy I always smiling, and always keepcan think of. ing pace with the merry whirl of And to let you in on the Joke excitement. "Tiny" Libby Ruback, (there is o n e ) , Gross's middle and "Portable Radio" Lena Zolloname Is really "Macbeth." NOW tuchen charmed and delighted evOn March 3, the Hound Table eryone they met. T h o Epstein ia sponsoring another oratorical nothing surprises us cither. girls, Vera and Bernice, Louise contest and the winner "will comWhen the time comes for a n u n Wintroub, and Eve Kuznit, a com- pete iu the finals with S i o u x pact unit had themselves a time. City representatives at the spring who is a confirmed woman-hater And the other Omahans, Gertie conclave. Co-sponsors with t h e to shower his attentions upon a Oruch, Charlotte Sacks, H e l e n Round Table will be the B'nai certain Miss, he's cither a hypo* ' or shes dynamite. Tho girl? Whltebook, Mary Arbitman, Jo B'rlth. ' crlte Diana "Dynamite" Laggie. Just Rubnltz, Alice Susman, Sara Res"Unity in American J e w i s h call her By or Dl for short. nick, Jean Elikan and Dorothy Ata" will be the topic, and preknow, as I look around me Tatelman crossed your correspon- sentation not to exceed eight andYou see all the dirt I've shovelled dent's path enough times to indi- minutes inislength. One copy of I can only find peaco for my soul ' cate their participation in the con- the oration must be submitted to by again making a list of resoluvention affairs was really some- Miss Blanche Kleiman at the Centions. From this day forward I thing. ter on. or before Monday, Feb- resolve to: Hotel Muelbach w a s a mad- uary 24, 1941. "Keep over on the alkaline side The rules oftthe contest are as house. The lobby was constantly Keep Kool loaded with women. The house follows: (1) Only members in Get a lift good standing within their orphones took a terrific beating, Refuse substitutes and Rooms 445, 1117, 925, 1005 ganization may enter. No organiStart tho day right , and 504 were the scenes of open zation may have more than two Look for the date on the can contestants.(2). All entries for house parties at all times. But Be a regular fellow the Omaha girls were the insti- contest, together with a copy of Clean my teeth t h e dentist's the oration, must be filed at the gators of all plots and plans, and way other out of town delegates did- Jenter on or before Monday, FebLook for the big red letters on -, ruary 24, la41. No entries may n't hesitate to hop on the Omaha the box Jb'e made after that date. (3) Orabandwagon. Walk a nulo tions must be original. -,- Helpful Taste the difference It was an Omaha victory carved jooks and magazines may be seLose that fat out by twenty-one girls who's only cured from Miss Blanche Kleiman Be kind to my throat promise to themselves as the con- at the Center, and the public, uniSee my dentist twice a year vention started was to have "one ersity and synagogue libraries. Get rid of that tired feeling swell time." Take t h i s man's (4) Orations are not to exceed Ask the man who owns one word for It, they .really-dld, "and eight minutes in length. This Guard the danger line in doing so. added that needed means about 1,000 to 1,200 words See my grocer tomorrow life to the convention' activities. or five to seven double-spaced Others who attended were so curi- typewritten pages. - (5) The sub- Eye it, try it, buy it ous to see what brought about iect Is to be confined to the gen- Tune in again next month, same time, same station. „ , such spirit voted to hold the next sral theme: Unity In American Dear Readers: I h o p e you'll convention in Omaha next year. rewlsh Life. (6) Orations will be What will happen then ia hard Judged for 60 per cent content forgive the omission of our- fit* Ing song parade and if you don't telling, but this observer is be- and 40 per cent delivery. enow why it's out—ascap. ginning right how to .store up The winner will have hiB name Girl of the Month: Ann Rosen enough energy to get,through the nscribed the, Oratorical Con- - the gal that didn't know she next convention of Junior Ha- test silveroncup which stands in was a powerhouse until Kansas dassah. ••"'' the Jewish Community. Center City turned 6n the switch! Yours . Trophy case and will also com- until the "Hitler Sundae" is made pete with the winner of a similar with all nuts, Reorganize Two contest of Sioux City J e w i B h As Always, I. M. SNOOPY. jR; T. Committees youth at the "spring conclave in

Omaha Jr. Hadassahs Hit of the Convention Who was the hit of the convention? What convention? Why, the Junior Hadassah convention in Kansas City. Haven't y o u heard? It was a devastating whirl of enchanting excitement t h a t rocked the entire midwest with its intensity. It was terrific!! Biit, getting back to the spotlight. It casts its beams in many directions, and who do you think held the upper hand in popularity. Why, that was easy to figure out. It was the Omaha delegation. Your observer was just a casual spectator who happened to be on the premises while twentyone Omaha girls provided a n d maintained the spark and fire of enthusiastic activity. A scouting crew hit Kansas City early Friday afternoon to prepare the town for what was coming. Bertha Slutzky, Omaha's president, a most capable delegate at business sessions, and a charming bit of femininity always; a scintillating personality, Becky Kirschenbaum, whirled her away into the hearts ol m a n y a Kansas Citian; effervescent youth in the persons of Ann Rosen and Rose Paperney with pep to spare, bubbled over for two days and two nights, as Kansas City Just held on. This was only the beginning, for Saturday at 12:30 p. m. the remainder of the Omaha delegation descended upon the unsuspecting natives of K. C.,.Mo. They all went" into high gear immediately upon arrival and never ran out of gas. This correspondent

Omaha's newly organized chapter of Masada, national Zionist organization, will sponsor a patriotic program, "Jews in the United States," Wednesday, February 12, at the Jewish Community Center. This program, a 30-minute recording, is o n e of a series entitled, "Americana All Immigrants AH," presented by t h e Crelghton University of the Air last year over radio station WOW. It is composed of dramatic episodes of Jewish help- to George Washington during the Revolutionary War and of the heroic role Jews played in the Civil and first World War. The entire series of records dealt with the contributions of all races which played an important part in the founding and development of t h e United States of America. The underlying theme points out that every man, woman and child in the U n i t e d Dear Fellow Round Table . .•-.-.... States ia an immigrant, or des- Members.: . ' ' cended from immigrants and that A few, weeks ago a certain ineach of the races a n d nations dividual told me about'a rumor which sought America as a haven that the-Round Table -was on the came in search of freedom. downgrade. - ' • . ' • I laughed the suggestion away, for such 'an unfounded rumor deSinai Adviser Leaves setves little more: than a .hearty Joe Cohen, adviser of the Sinai guffaw. .The Round Table is at present time' stronger than Club, has moved to Washington, the * D. C.,' to accept a civil service po- ever before. this rumor might have sition. Cohen was instrumental in • Where its start I-do not-know. forming the Sinai club and In gotten Put," it fa best disproved by the shaping its activities." The club spirit displayed both by reprerecently won second place in the at Round Table meetanmuit ; Round Table Stage Night). sentatives ings, and by all m e m b e r s at Round Table affalra. Stage-Night Arbitnsan Assistant'" with an attendance' of over 500 w a s a shining -example of allTo C.C.C,'.Commander around enthusiasm for a Round " Morris Arbltman.; P a s t presi- Table project. • T h e Round Table 'of Jewish; dent-of the Round, TaWe of Jewish Youth, left last Wednesday Youth is going- ahead, and will for Hhlsoy. Netiraslca, '^where he continue to go ahead, because becomes assistant tot-li'e'comr y6u,itb'e:4D0 members, are behind sismler of the CMl Conservation It. With such a spirit we cannot falter., Camp -there. ,.- - • . • • • - . Sincerely yonrs, , Arbitman, a rcsanre officer, v/as ordered to active duty by the War I,EO MEYERSOfy department end holds -a commlsPresident. Cion as second lieu tenant.



Reorganization of two Round -Table. Standing' committees was made ;by>President Leo Meyerson and becomes effective at once. Due to the resignation of-Yale Richards as d a n c e chairman, Charlotte Nogg and Warner Frohman will h e a d this committee with the folio wing, members: Etta Gorellck, "Vicfci . Lerner, Stanley, Feltman, 'Re.va Bofdy, Reeda MagC zamin, Milton Guss, Harry. Good-' binder and Elaine^Lagman. -.; Committee In; charge.' of t h e Youth Conclave to be held during the month, of May will be headed jointly by,Ruth Rosenatein -and W i H a r u Friedman. Committee members a r e Harold Zellnsky, Harold Slutzkin, Reeda Magzamin and Elalno Lagman.


' ' • ' . ' • •

New Girls Group Is ~ Organized a t J» C. C. A new girl's club, the Gamma Tau Sigma, has been organized u n d e r. the direction of Miss Blanche Kleiman and becomes a art of the Round Table of Jewish Youth. • ', \ri-' ' ' "." ' :h The club is composed of high chool^-seniora-, and recent high ctiool graduates. I;ts program is joeiaf and the .'club Intends.' making donations!„ to ^variousu; charitable organizations, Helen -Bur-, stein, a member of the cliib leadir's club\is the sponsor, Presllent is" Doris Plnkovitz. Over half the Jews of India are members of the Benl Israel group.

(Round Table Bulletin Continued ' on Next Page.)

Round TTable Bulietin $taff Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . ' . . Elaine Lagman Society Editor . . . v . i . . . . . . . .Rath Itoscnstcin Advisor . . . . . . . . 1 • . ; . . .Miss Blanche Kleiman Reporters: Reva Bordy a n d Willnrd Friedman. The ROUND TABLE BlHbIiETIN is published o n c e a month by the Jtomid'^anle of Jewish Youth as a feature of THE JEWISH PRESS,



Round Table Bulletin nor Jeannie Rubenstein in h e r Plan for Regional blue angora pullover sweater that A. Z. A. Tournament she knitted with her own little

; plans for the A. Z. A. conven- hands.fashion editor has a nose for tion to be held in Lincoln, Feb- This clothes, fuary 15, 16 and 17, will include on the lookout wherever she 4 mixer on Saturday night; dance She'sgoes. on Sunday night, and banquet on Where Miss so and so wore this Monday night. Headquarters for or that, the convention will be at the Linyou seen Whatchamajigcoln hotel, where all events will Or have ger's new hat? take place. on fashions all of the Girls comingLto Lincoln for the She thrives time, Affair who wish dates and hous- The moral of this ditty • • keep ing, may • write to convention right in line. chairman, Stan Pachman, 1859 Euclid, or Elinore Robinson, 2020 It, and Max Polsky, 700 South U. T. Girls Have 87th, all of Lincoln.

Swimming Class

GoGdmafi, Sam Fiedman, LeRoy yop will remain prominent Jews lived in the Balearic IaCaafield, and Aaron Smith. ~"' n the spotlight and a credit to landa In Roman times. With, an abundance of enthus- yo.ur efforts. Sir Otto Jaffe was mayor ot iasm and a high-pitched desire to The pound Table. Belfast from J.899 to 1904. put Masada prominently upon the ma-p of Young Jewish activity, the boys are presenting what they believe to be an outstanding featuTe in the way of dancing entertainment at their "CLUB J A Y PAEEE" dan.ee, Sunday, in the Center auditorium. With a night club as their theme - - tables' encircling the dance floor, a b a r (from which flows the bubbling delight of sodas and sundaes, soft drinks, etc.)i soft lights strung across the room offering a true night club effect and music by Jack Ross' orchestra. Nice, no? By the by, if for nothing else, it seems worthwhile to satisfy one's curiosity and drop into the dance and sample a "Hitler Sundae" - only the eoda Jerker can explain what that is. The Kansas City Varsity basketball team, which will meet the Swloglnelntoitil Omaha team here Sunday afterwlthRtheshlng, noon, will be guests at the Masada dance. Souvenirs will be given to all by the Gamma Tau Sigma, who are to be hostesses of the-affair. -Martin Goodman is dance chairman and assisting him are: Don Zefnofsky, ticket chairman; Ted Mogil, decorating chairman; Milton Cackin, publicity chairman; and Phil Handleman, refreshment chairman. Without a shadow of doubt, Masada has the sincere wishes for success of their first affair as well as for their entire year of activity. Hoping that from this time for-

Members of the V. T. sorority have started a Wednesday Swim Day class which meets each week from 4 to 5 in t h e afternoon. Formals of velvet, taffeta, lace, Many h a v e already shown imnet, silk, satin, plaid, stripe, in provement in their swimming and various combinations '- - fluffs have been able to pass elemenand frills, bows, and sequins filled tary tests. the air at.the Jr. Hadassah ConTentative plans are being made vention in Kansas City, the S. D. for a U. T. aquacade during the T. Formal at Lincoln, and the Z. month of March. Special class inB. T. Convention during the gala struction in formation swimming holiday season. Seen here and will be given. there looking "lush" in formal attire: Fran Osoff in a formal consisting of a white lace skirt and a black silk jersey top; Pearl In the Spotlight Llpsey appearing very patriotic In her formal of white chiffon Bklrt, and red, white, and blue striped Masada Club bodice; Diana Lagman w i t h a With all the brilliance of a Holblack velveteen top and a taffeta Bklrt of gray and white horizon- ly wood, premiere we cast the spotCLIP THIS COUPON tal stripes; Helen Greenberg set- light of recognition u p o n the DANCING ting off her blond hair with her three-week-old :• M a s a d a Club, powder blue silk jersey formal; which already has a membership 1 A ONE HOUR LESSONS JBQ v BUINO. Tins A0 T " Renee Greenberg with a light blue of twenty-four boys of high school * New Downtown Location . ' net skirt and blue metallic top; graduate age. EVELYN KELLY Phyllis Milder in a smart f u l l Harold Sherman claims t h 0 SCHOOL OF DANCING length red wool wrap with a hood throne as first president of the J A OSU lined in black velveteen; Shirley organization; H a y Simon, vice- 161J Pfluglas, 4<J» Floor Davis in a w h i t e wool wrap president; Martin-Goodman, ^sectrimmed with gold; Shlrlee Al- retary; Ted Mogll, treasurer; serbert in a black satin formal with geant-at-arms, Don Zernofsky and Special! Something New! pink sequin trim; Sally Gross out- Norman Sellz; Round Table Repfitted In a black taffeta formal resentative is Ray .Simon; and reWith pink- insets in the skirt and porters for the Bulletin are Marin the jacket pink is accented tin Goodman and Milton' Cackln. Meets a definite need In life Insurance.- Mother, father and children, again by t h e sequin trimming; The membership Includes: Harnil Insured under one low cost and a black velvet wrap with sil- old Sherman, Ray Simon, Martin polity. Get particulars At once from ver fox on the pockets was worn Goodman, Ted Mogil, Don Zernofover Donne Handler's black for- sky, Norman Sellz, Milton Cackln, mal, a combination of velvet and Sol Marcus, Iryin Zollotuchen, taffeta. Marvin Zernofsky, Edward Sellz, PAMAQER Max Hirshman, Phil Handleman, crrr FINANCE AND Not to bo outdone by the wo- Eugene Glventer Benny Miller, Al INSURANCE CO. men in their formal apparel, Pete Temln, Herman Burnsteln, Louis SCO KARBACH BLOCK Milder appeared at several affairs Kirk, Eddy Rosenthal, Milton RoM 4175 AVA 51B0 in tails, white tic, and . w h i t e senthal, Milton Goldberg, Danny gloves, and a black formal topcoat. Frances Blacker looked elegant in her formal consisting of a clan plaid' wool skirt; and a low waisted red and navy - jersey blouse. Her wrap was of beige wool with gold braiding at the shoulders and bit the pockets. jFhus concludes a. resume of outstanding formals of the season. / At this time of the year sport clothes simply can't be neglected. You can't miss Podie in a crowd these days since, she's wearing that unusual necklace - - immense natural colored letters • - PODIE strung on a shoe'string, nor can" you fall to see Wiljard Friedman In his brown suede ^shirt jacket,


The "Family Group Policy"

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available. There will be an.abuuTo Buy Canteens dance of prizes. The committee. will meet at New York (JTA)—A drive to With formal initiation as. it the home of Mrs. Julius Stein, raise funds for the purchase ot By IN-EK-L. RAZNICK • . . By MRS. BEN HANDLER • main purpose, the Ro.-Nph. clu co-chairman, to formulate plans .On Wednesday, February 12, held a special meeting at t h In s p i t e , of the difficultie for the fun of all. A dessert- mobile canteens and medical supplies to aid Gre&t Britain was the Mizrachi .Women's .organiza- home of Bill Finkel. ' Newly which grew out of the war, Youth luncheon will be served. tion 'will hold a one o'clock initiated members are: B u d d y Aliyah succeeded in completing launched by the Jewish National Mokofsky, Boots Greenberg, Shel- the first war-time schedule withluncheon to be followed by bridge ley Workers' Alliance. Harris and Harvey Sapot. out losing a single certificate, but and bingo" at. the' Jewish ComThe club also elected new of- the 4^sk for (lie future loomed munity Center. ficers for the coming term. They A regular mid-monthly Oneg Drive for Yeshivas Proceeds are for the benefit o; are: Willard Friedman, presi- large: With the'spread of the war the Palestine projects. The fol dent; Stan Feltman, vice-presi the children in Italy, Holland Shabboth will be held Saturday, Jerusalem (JTA) — The Mizlowing •women will be hostesses dent; Bill Finkel," secretary; Irv- Belgium and" France had fallen February 15, at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, at 2 o'clock. r a c h i Central Committee proM e s d a m e s M. Ackenaan, M ing Malashock, treasurer, a n c under the Nazi heel. At .times they doubted whether Hostesses will be Mrs. J. Ro- claimed a world-Vide drive tor Brodkey, J. Bernstein, J. Chait Boots Greenberg, corresponding they could proceed with the work senberg, Mrs. I. Goldstein, and funds' to maintain yeshivas and B. Eisenberg, S. Farber, 13. Glick secretary. of rescue, but with 1,600 certifi- Mrs. J. Wintroub; An Interesting o t h e r religious Institutions in man, I. Kaplan, S. Krizelman, J All offices are held by high arranged. Droera.ni' is being heine arranveA. I Palestine. PaloBtlno Morgan, S. Olander, S. liiekes, B school seniors except that of cor- cates available they had to find program a way to overcome the obstacles Shattoii. "• jOPJSJV SDK DAY 8 A . M. TO M I D M G H 1 responding secretary. The offi- in their path and keep open the positions road to Palestine. Mrs. Aaron Katz, president of cers -will retain their SUNDAY SPECIALS .: the Omaha chapter, promises an until June. With numerous maps before Fancy WHITE FISH JHEinteresting: affair since two holithem, they worked out a route for Golden Smoke, lb. "W»V. days will be celebrated, Abraham the children. This meant t h a t Large Russian Lincoln's birthday and the HeYouth Aliyah had to secure visas SCHMALTZ brew Arbor day, Chamiso Osher for transit through five countries, for HERRING . . B'Shevat. At the last-meeting of Mother that they had to secure fares for Rabbi Isaiah Jtackovsky will chapter, the seven newly-elected the children and dispatch certifFOR yojm PARTIES give a short talk appropriate to officers were installed by Advi- icates to countries having very The tintit cheeses, imported sor Irvin Wezelman. !m kea limited postal connections. Bethe occasion. . * ?J? h »5* Smoljea Meato Social Chairman Gordon Mar- sides this, they were reauired to Everything your party Aid <o Britain Call for JA 8814 golin announced plans, for a pre- provide the expenses for these There have been inquiries convention smoker to be held at visas, for health examinations and ZION KOSHER whether the organization will ac- the home of Aleph Dick Blbtky, general Aliyah preparations in SAUSAGE cept contributions for British re- Thursday, F e b r u a r y 13. The each country. ' SALAMI smoker is going to be held as an lief from non-memUrs. When Mrs. Julius Stein, chairman of Buy.On* Doxcn and G«t WIENERS the Second Dozen for 1c Mrs. Abraham Shapiro, national official send-off for the 10 dele- Y o u t h Aliyah in Omaha, an•OlOGNA With other purchase of 25c or more president, wrote the chapter ask- gates and the other Alephs rep- nounces that the following chairChocolate Cookie* ing it to participate in the move- resenting Mother chapter at the men of groups are continuing to Batter Couklea Peanut Cookie* Molasses Cookies ment, she stated every Jew will regional convention in Lincoln, raise their money for Y o u t h Fruit Bars Coconut Cookie* EQTOfi help the cause of Eretz Yisroel February 15, 16 and 17. Aliyah: Minyanlm Group 1, Mrs. f & t f Coohleg by contributing to the movement. Tentative plans for the Youth J. Blank and Mrs. Art Cohen: 2, TRY OUR KOSHER D U X TOMATOES AND PICKLES Mizrachi Women hope to contrib- and Democracy Rally were dis- Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky; 3, Mrs. ute one or more mobile kitchens, u s e d by Chairman M i l t o n B. A. Simon; 4, Mrs. Dave'Stein; costing $2,000 each. These kitch- ]ackin. A. Z. A. is to co-operate 6, 6 and 7, Mrs. Julius Stein and Store Horn: 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. TtftphoM AT 73J4 ens are rushed to scene of dis- with the Century chapter, the Hl- Mrs. Irvin Levin. aster carrying water, medicines Y, and several other outstanding The chairmen of smaller groups and aid to the injured. Two *-outh organizations in Omaha. are the Mesdames Sam Steinberg, nurses accompany each mobile The first Issue of the Kibitzer, Leo Abramson, A. Roffman, Wilkitchen. under the editorship of the newliam Raduziner, Reuben Bordy, Aleph Sopher, Myron Rubnitz, and Dave Epstein, Charles FellMrs. Katz states that air at- will be^distributed at'the conven- man, David Finkle, Irving Schneltacks are indiscriminate, Jews tion. 1505-15 DOUGLAS STREET derman, A l b e r t Wohlner, I. and non-Jews are injured and Brookstein and Simon Gorellck, that aid is given to all, regardo e Bernstein,. H. Hirschman, less of religion. Anyone wishing Reuben Brown, A, Romm a n d to contribute may call Mrs. Aaro-.i Arthur Green. Katz, Wa 9182. The Tau Gamma Delta sorority Those still -wishing to j o 1 n held a successful cover dish sup- Youth Aliyah groups can do so That Make This the Time to Start to per at the home of Miss Beatrice iy calling Mrs. Julius Stein at GL lazer Tuesday on the occasion 948. , .." of the club's third anniversary. BINGO PARTY Table decorations were carried Hadassah bingo party la" Lincoln (Special)—The^Nebras- out in patriotic colors. • After the o The be held March 1 (instead of Ita chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu is supper games were played and M a r c h 4, as previously anpfoud to announce the engage- prizes given. nounced) on Saturday night at ments <ft two of its members. Mr. the Jewish Community Center. Raleigh Wolfe, Lincoln, who reTicket sales are coming" along History Class cently graduated from law school, The class in History of. the ery nicely and Mrs. Joe Gold^ announced formally hi3 ennagementvto Miss Lenore Shurman of Jewish People is continuing its vare, chairman, promises the eveMilwaukee, Wis., and Mr. Nor-weekly sessions every Thursday Ing will be a very gala affair. man Harris, Omaha, who formally night 8 p. m. at the new Labor Sandwiches and drinks will be announced h i s engagement to yceum, 3022 Cuming. L a s t Miss Bernice Silverman pt Oma- Thursday, H. Bondarin ,waa guest ha last Sunday. Mr. Harris is a lecturer on "Breakup ot the senior in the arts and sciences United Kingdom of Solomon." college of the University of Ne- Next Thursday, February 13, the braska, i Babylonian Captivity will be dis- Weight 114 Cts. Perf't From all indications seen dur- cussed. VINE COLOlt ing the recent final exam week Set in Beautiful Platinum Auxiliary; Workmen's and the results in grades that A soft, light weight wool for dresses and sweaters In a Setting: with 6 Baguette liave'-been coming in, Sigma OmiCircle, wide range ot beautiful colors. One n Diamonds. » cron of Sigma Alpha Mu is again , Ounce bolls. Regularly 50o • « £ for In store for a high position in The Ladies Auxiliary of the scholarship rating on the Univer- Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, . Convenient Terms Arranged Numerous Other Special sity of Nebraska campus. The will sponsor a ^ard p.arty on MonA two-ply wool for making sweaters, shawls, baby Items, VUIUCM chapter is proud to acknowledge day, February 17, at the Labor baby afghans, etc. Wide range of /fl ' Si that the freshman class average Lyceum, 3022 Cuming.lovely colors. Kcgularly S5c ^Jt for ^ M. is one ottlie highest in the his- Proceeds, will be turned over tory of the chapter. \ to the Labor Committee. The The chapter attended en mass public is urged to attend. Highly mercerized crochet cotton for bedspreads, chair the lecture given by Mr. Maurice sets, etc. Ivory. 700-yard skeins. ' qQ n Samuel on "The.Design for JewRegularly 50c, ball «f«Ft? ish Living." Mr. Samuel w a s brought here under the auspices . of. tho B'nai B'rith of Lincoln Crochet cotton. Finer In weight than regular vTonderand the Hlllel Extension Unit on sheen. Ideal for tablo cloths and other fine crotchetlng. the University of Nebraska camIvory. 700-yard okcuis. . en C | pus, which is under the advisorRegularly 40c, special oj? f o r ™ * ship of Rabbi H. Jolt, a member of Sigma Alpha'Mu. Kllpairlck't Art Neodlo—Third Floor ' ' Honors were brought to Sigma Omicron at the recent university As an Institution Engaged In the publications board meeting by the re-election of Morton Margolin, Omaha, to the position of news editor of the. university paper and also the're-election.'of ••Ben Novicoff of Lincbln to. the position of assistant business manager "of the Daily Nebraakan, the official college newspaper. • The chapter won Its first inter-mural basketball game played over the Phi Delta Theta fraterONIY IlUlJ® nity last Monday night by a score The Greatest Value. We Offer of 20 to 18. ';.-;




U. (X C. Sisterhood





Tau Gamma Delta

Sigma Alpha MM

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In Business Over 30 Years





Temple Sisterhood


Rabbi David H. Wice will conduct the second of a. series of five classes on Contemporary Jewish history for the Temple sisterhood on Tuesday, February 11,'at the Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. Charles Schimmel will be hostess. Co-hostesses will be: MesPOLLAK-LINDENBAUM dames Isy Rosenthal, M. £2. Mr. and Mrs. Sen Lindenbaum Handler, H o r a c e Rosenblum, announce the marriage of their David R. Cohen, Joseph Weindaughter. Miss Bess, of Chicago, berg, Paul Blotcky, Louis Somto Sam Pollak, gon of Mrs. Min- mer, Morris E. Jacobs, Leo Ronie Pollak, also of that city. senthal, Edward Schimmel, and The wedding took place in Chi- Harry Wilinsky. cago on January 28. The couple A dessert luncheon will be are residing in Minneapolis. served at 12:30.

therhood Month as well as to observe the-holidays. Dr. Rowsey will address the meeting on "The Life of Abraham Lincoln" and will feature his presentation with a rare recording of the poem by Edwin Markham. Cantor Aaron Edgar will sing. Table hostesses will be: Mesdames I. Abramson, William Kalman, Joseph Freeman, Harry Braviroff, David B. Conn, Ell Zalkin, Irving Green, Nathan Horwich, Abner Kaiman, Sam Zager and Leonard Segal, Luncheon will be served by Mrs. Julius Stein and her committee which includes: Mesdames Irving Schneiderman, Aaron Rips, Irvin 0. Levin, Louis Albert, Max Davis, Sam Altsuler. Bertha Ellis, Reuben Bordy, and David Sherman. Mrs. David Greenberg, Auxiliary president, urges all members to attend, ' -' "

Mrs,- Arthur Simon of Chicago announced the engagement of her daughter, Harriet, to Mr. Philip Green, son of Mrs. Dora Green, at a Surprise party givjen in honor of Miss Simon's graduation from the Murray F. Tuley High School of Chicago! "Mrs/ Simon and family aro •former Ojnahans. HONOB BRIDE-TO-BE Mrs. David Levine's Circle of /No wedding date has beeri Numerous parties have been the Sisterhood' has bought out chbseiai/for the wedding. given for Miss Louise Saylan, who the Community Playhouse for the is to be married, on March 2 to evning of Tuesday, February 11. Leo Sherman. Among those who The play to be presented Is "The ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Falk have entertained in her' honor Gentle People'' by Irvin Shaw. of Ft. Dodge, Iowa, announce the are; Mesdajnes D. Oruch, H. Tickets may be purchased from engagement of Mr. Falk's sister, Oruch, H, Fisher, S, Jacabow, M. Mrs. Levine or Mrs. Nate Mantel. Woihen's Division Miss Ruth Falk of Omaha, to Margolin,: H. Cooper, M. Rubacjc, Walter Sinton," eon of Mr. and S. Novak, B. Soshnik, J; Saylan, Milton Mayper's Circle of and Miss Frances Ru-bin and Miss theMrs. The annual card party and desMrs. H. S. Slnton." Sisterhood will sponsor a bin- sert-luncheon Ann Pollay. ; the Women's DiMr. Sinton- is a graduate of the go party on Wednesday evening, vision will beofheld JJniversity of Nebraska. February 19, at the Temple ves- February 17, at 1 p,onin.,Monday, at the date has been JO8LYN MEMORIAL try rooms. Mrs. Abe Greenberg is rNo wedding At 2:30 Sunday afternoon In chairman and Mrs. Raymond Sil- Jewish Community Center, anehosen. > the Concert hall of the Joslyn bar Is co-chairman in charge of nounces Mrs. Julius Stein, chapMemorial three sound films •— the party, Many prizes will be of- man of the project. BETROTHAL TOLD '' Mrs. Stein is urging that tables "IndiaA of Antiquity," fered. •Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Janger an- " L a n d Villages for bridge, bingo or inah-jong be of Montezuma," and nounce'the engagement of their "Journey through the Isthmus" made up immediately. An excepgranddaughter, Bernlce Silver- —will be shown. At 3:30 an iltionally good time is in store for Beth El Auxiliary man, ', to Norman Harris, eon of lustrated lecture will be given toy everybody. : • • - , . . Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Harris. A surprise door prize will be Dr. H. Winnett Orr on "Anne, Dr. Elwood Rowsey, Pastor of Mr. Harris Is a senior at the Duchess of Brittany and Twice presented. •-.••••> University of Nebraska where he Queen of France." A 4 o'clock or- the Dundee Presbyterian Church, For further Information or resis a member of' Sigma Alpha Mu gan and piano reeital will be giv- will be principal speaker of the ervations please call Mrs. Julius regular meeting of the Beth El and of Innocents, Senior Men's en by Warren Berryman, Stein, chairman, GL 1948; Mrs. Auxiliary on Wednesday at 1 Joe honorary society. Rice, co-chairman, WA 7942, p. m. at the Synagogue. Individ- or the Jewish Community Center, BETH EL r ual table! decorations will carry *O STOP HERB "'...- NIGHT GROUP JA 1366. out a patriotic motif in honor of Miss Rona Friedman of ChiThe Beth El youth group will Lincoln's Birthday and Chamlso cago,, formerly of Omaha, arrives meet Saturday evening, -February Osher B'Shevat, both of which Achdnth Sunday evening to spend a few 8, for'a special evening. Members are being observed on that day. days with her sister, Mrs, Jack have been requested. to wear Mrs. A. V. V.enger, as program The first regular meeting of Joseph. Miss Friedman la on her slacks and bring an extra hand- chairman, has arranged the pro- "Achduth" will be held Tuesday, •way to Los Angeles to visit her kerchief. Admission fifteen gram to be in keeping with Bro- February 11, at the Jewish Combrother. En route she will stop cents and everybody isisinvited to in Denver for a few d«aya and attend. Games, . motion pictures, "Wll spend a week at Sun Valley dancing, and refreshments, are on Lodge, Idaho. OVERWEIGHT the program. ANNOUNCE BIRTH if more than a.fashion problem *O RECEIVE ON Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sinn of If you are overweight, your first concern •ANNIVERSARY Kawanee; 111., announce the birth may be to look more slender. Before you s Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Koop- of a daughter early Wednesday can accomplish thia you must feel more er and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kat- morning. Mrs. Sinn is the former slender. That's a physical not a fashion leman are receiving on Sunday, Mollye Green o£ Omaha. problem. You feel slimmer In a Camp February 9, in honor of the GoldScientific. Support. You feel lifted, poised, en Wedding anniversary of their look inches taller. If you are stout, come parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Jacob Junior Hadassah in and let our Camp trained fitter select Kooper. The reception will be the proper support for you. held from 3 to 6 at 2707 CounJunior Hadassah will hold it3 try Club Ave. No invitations have meeting Monday, February 10, at 7:45 at the Jewish Community been Issued. g ll ' k R S Their children who are hero Center. A detailed report on the r j a , Nursed', Hospital, Sick Room Supplies from out of town to attend the convention recently-held In KanMedical Arts Bldg., Omaha, Neb. AT 5825 celebration are Miss Hazel Koop- sas City will be given. er' of Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. -* Jack Rose and famUy of Chicago, qnd Mr, and Mrs. Murray Lipton and family of New York.

munity Center At % p. m. An election of officers will be held at this meeting.1- A short talk on Palestine is to be given by Mrs. O. S. Belzer, The open social meeting held for Achduth . m e m b e r s and friends on Sunday, January 26, was very successful., Mrs. J. Raznlck conducted the musical program and Mr. I. Morgenstern spoke. Musical numbers and recitations followed. Refreshments were served. * ••


Seller Surgical Co., Inc.

Junior Council The regular meeting of the Omaha Section, of the National : Council of Jewish Juniors has been postponed until Sunday, February 16. AU girls are asked to tell other members of the postponement.

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willing to do everything possible for these people, for any people who. heye suffered under Hitler. But it Is doubtful if they themselves would, ever be party to such a bargain. All the people of Europe are undergoing tremendous hardship, and it Is unlikely if one would better himself an Iota, if lie thought that in doing so, he w o u l d be strengthening the bloody hand of Hitler.

The Nazis Are Irked

DAVID BLACKER—Business £ad Managing Editor Only extreme optimists have held stubbornly LEONARD NATHAN . - . « • • . Editor to the conviction that eventually the poison of the RABBI THEODORE N. LEY/13 • Book Editor Jew-baiting Nazis would turn against them; that, FRANCES BLACKER- - - - Society Editor as their official mistreatment grew harsher, the MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City sympathy and good-will of Germans and conquered peoples toward Jews would grow proportionately. Good Scapegoats—Wrong Time Any heartening manifestations of kind acts toWhile Italy frets under the growing realization ward Jews on the part of 'Aryans' were conthat it is acquiring th§ status of unoccupied sidered by skeptics as few and far between and France, its leaders are busily engaged In finding thus almost futile and insignificant }n the spreadsomeone to blame for the nation's troubles. Un- ing darkness. Pessimists kept insisting that the fortunately for Mussolini, he utilized the Jews as venom of anti-Jewish feeling would long outlast scapegoats at an inopportune moment. That anti- the bloody and inhumane regime. Optimists, on the other hand, encouraged by -Semitism was merely a gesture to show Italy's great solidarity with its fellow 'Aryan' nation. the sporadic reports of kind acts, committed on the 1 Had the Fascists waited until now, the fulinina- sly and secretly by 'Aryans, were strengthened tions of Virginio Gayda against the Jews might in their convictions that there still remains In the Third Reich millions of men and women who had have some effect. escaped the poison of anti-Semitism; and were it Signs of au approaching financial crisis to add not for them, the life of Jews in Germany .and to the nation's woes are being blamed on Jewish Nazi-conquered territories, would have been comstockholders. Gayda goes on to say that It would pletely unbearable, and would have driven many not be difficult for the authorities to single out more to self-destruction. The optimistic point" of the various Jewish groups In possession of neview has again been confirmed and more so In gotiable shares who are responsible for "an unthe last few months. healthy rise in many industrial stocks." As usual Leading newspapers in Germany keep ranting this is mere talk, for if the Italian government against the people of the Third Reich who do not felt Jews were responsible and If they knew these practice the anti-Jewish preachings of the Nation.Jews, Gayda would not be writing about It in the al Socialist party. "Aryans" are severely rebuked Glornale d'ltalia. for their sympathetic and lenient attitudes to and The Jewish community of Italy, the oldest in relationships with the Jews. Numerous have been Europe, has been virtually destroyed. Great num- the cases of intervention of "Aryans" on behalf bers of Italian Jew's have migrated. Only recent- of Jews in Germany and Austria." In Holland it ly the newspapers revealed that a young nephew reached such proportions that the Reich commisof the former Jewish minister of foreign affairs, sioner has been forced to exclude the native Dutch Baron Sonino, had enlisted in the U. • S. army. Jews from persecution and discrimination. In Others less distinguished perhaps have found ref- Berlin proper, the extraordinary arrest of a chapuge in this country or in South America. lain in the army itself further reveals that tho Half of the remaining Jews of Italy are unem- problem of the "Aryans" who are sympathetic toployed as a result of the government's policy. ward the Jews, is becoming one of the serious Small merchants have been forbidden to trade. The worries of the Nazis. insurance field which was built by the Jews of Such heartening news may thus serve as a sign Trieste has been completely 'Aryanlzed.' The pro- hat as the anti-Nazi sentiment and overt action fessional people have suffered equal difficulties against the barbaric regime gains momentum In and fifteen physicians, including the court doctor.' and outside of the Third Reich sympathy and goodare under arrest for treating 'Aryans.' will toward the Jews will be more and more emIf Mussolini had only waited to begin his cam- ployed as a weapon and as a tool of emancipation paign. Perhaps the Jews would today be a very against the aggressors and invaders. handy people. They could be blamed for the reverses in Greece. They could be blamed for the disastrous Lybian campaign. They could be blamed Riots in Johannesburg Deep significance may be found in the recent for the bombings in the northern provinces and the uprisings in Milan and Turin. They could even rioting in Johannesburg. Since news of South be blamed for the presence of German soldiers on Africa is scarce in American papers and little atItalian soil. Of course, they are being blamed for entlon is paid to its policies, it has been generally all these, but the Italian people have learned to assumed by most people here that the Union was bo skeptical. • . ' . . , aligned with the general policies of Great Britain. But such has not been the case. South African Jewish publications have been, greatly concerned Ransom-^-1941 Style with ;the spread of Hitler doctrine and the rising . For the second time since Hitler came to pow- tide of anti-Semitism which effectively blocked er, the fantastic proposal to ransom the Jews In immigration from the Reich. his power has been rumored.. There is no .doubt Since 1933' Nazi agents have been working that the Nazis have some such venture in mind to among the Boer population of South Africa. Antigain gold reserves and foreign exchange. But as Semitism, which has • never played any role in the Jews refused to-have any part of the sugges- the country's life, made its anpearance. Despite tion when first offered, they will have none of the fact Jews were conspicuous' In the pioneer setthis. Despite a story, later denied by authorities, tlement, they were the .first object of the Nationthat prominent- American Jews- have -approached alist wrath. ' General Herzog, fornier premier of the State department to aid in any such venture, the Union of South Africa, was in Berlin visiting it ia" unlikely; the- Jews are f.oo 1*8 enough to with Hitler just prior to the outbreak of fhe war. strengthen" Hitler's hand by such an act. A^nti-Semitism, here again, was the w e d g e Shortly after the pogroms of" November 10, utilized by the Nazis to in the population to their 1938, officials of the Reichsbank let the Intergov- side; Under the guise of saving the country from ernmental Committee on Refugees understand that the Jews, fury against the British has b e en emigration of Jews would be facilitated by the whipped up. Since the war, every effort has been German government providing a substantial sum made to sabotage South Africa's part in British was raised by American Jewry. Such a proposal war activity. • It is astounding-that under the was turned down pointblank. Not only was it im- circumstances the British government has been possible for any sane person to be part of such so lenient. ' brazen blackmail, but It would have made the ' Not all the Boer and Germanic elements of the position of all European Jewry impossible. If Union have been so anxious to partake of treason. the Jews, of_ Germany, were .to .be ransomed,-it The present premier, General Smuts, himself one would not have been long before the Jews of other of the Boer leaders, is also one of the great statescountries were put up for sale to bolster the fir men ,; of our -^generation. His followers, a great „ nancial situation of some of the ^less scrupulous many of which are Boers, .have been, loyal to liber'.nations. . How depraved Europeans are was re-; alism and have fought the Nazi tendencies of the ceritly exemplified by the brutal massacre of two union. _ •••••.- ••;•."..•' ' ' • / ' • ' •••'. .". ' ••; ' thousand Bucharest Jews. , . ' I n South Africa the divisive^ tactics of Hitler Under Hitler the Jews of the conquered terri- have been successful. • He wooed that portion^ of tory are suffering hell. Worst sufferers have the Boer population which lias'never been loyal keen those • of Poland, who have been imprisoned to Britain, and by capitalizing on this anti-British fri ghettoes, transported; or forced into labor bat- sentiment, has brought discord to the country./ It talions. Forty thousand Jews of Belgium, includ- Is a.lesson this country must heed, , , ing "the entire community of Antwerp, reportedly ha.8 been sent to a concentration point. /The Jews ;• '• '.'•'' -JEWISH CALENDAR'' • ••••''•;-•- \ of Paris, who did so much on behalf of the Ger; 1941-5701 man fefug€63,'ai"&> tfldaythem^elv.es on' the-verge • Chamisho Osor .b'Sbebat —Wednesday, F§b. 12 &ttstarvatioBr- "-Ajh-'these.•' Hitler Is -alleged to : willing to turn s^er to the U. S;':for a price. .,;. **Rosh Chodesh Adaf .:»:u.;:..^..;~.I?rIday;; FebJ 28 -/ - From a humaBftaVraffsfarndpolnt, we should be •'Observed previous day jas well. , ". 7^ I - '"'• :

• »

























Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dt. Philip Sker BIBLE That the wise man may hear and increase la learning and the man of understanding may attain unto wise counsels. How long, ye thoughtless, will ye love thoughtlessness, How long will scorners delight t h e m in scorning and fools hate knowledge? For wisdom shall enter into thy heart a n d knowledge shall be pleasant unto thy soul. TALMUD Our Rabbi3 taught that the Roman government once issued a decree forbidding Israel to study the Torah. What d i d Rabbi Akiba do? He established many congregations in public places and lectured to them. Whereupon Papus found him and said to him, "Akiba, art thou not afraid of the Roman government?" Rabbi Akiba replied, "Art thou, Papus, called the wise? Listen and I will relate a parable to thee. A fox walking by the riverside noticed the fishes therein swimming to and fro so he said to them, "Why are ye swimming around?" "Because we fear the nets that are placed for us," they replied.- "Come to shore then," said the fox to them and live with us just as my ancestors lived with your ancestors." The fishes exclaimed, "Art' thou called the wisest of the beasts. Thou are not wise but very foolish. If we are. in danger in the water, how much greater would wo be in danger in the element in which we die (on shore)." So it is with us. If at the time we study the Torah, of which it is written (Deu 30.20) "It is thy life and tho prolongation of thy days" we are in Buch a fear or danger, how much greater would be the danger if we cease studying the Torah?" It Is related that in a short time Rabbi Akiba was arrested and placed in the same prison. "Papus, w h a t brought thee here?" asked Rabbi Akiba. Papus replied, "Happy art thou, Rabbi Akiba, that thou art arrested for studying the Torah! Woe to me that I was arrested for vanity." When Rabbi Akiba was led forth to the execution it was just at the time of the morning Sh'ma. As they tore his flesh, with iron curry-combs he was devotedly taking upon himself the yoke of the Heavenly Kingdom with love. H i s disciples asked him, "Rabbi, how long wilt thou continue your prayers?" "0," answered he, "all my life I worried as to how I could fulfill the injunction 'Love thy God with all thy soul,' which means even If thy soul be taken away from you. I asked myself when would such an opportunity come to rne that I might fulfill it? And now when It finally comes to me shall I not fulfill;it?" With a long drawn out voice he was saying the word 'Echod' (one) when his soul departed.

Religious Services Beth El

, This evening at services Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak on "Prom Berditchev to Heaven." This sermon will be based on the biography of one of the most beloved spiritual leaders in Israel, Rabbi Levi Yitzhok of Berdlt-* chev, Whose two hundredth anniversary is being observed. Next Week Next Friday night; Rabbi Goldstein's sermon will be "Abraham Lincoln and the Bible.*' In addition to the. sermon, a service of Consecration will be •held for boys and; girls of the Hebrew School who have learned to read Hebrew and can now take part in-the ^services.

U. O.C.


Tonight at services Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will speak on "Ground Under Our Feet." Next week the Brotherhood will conduct the" late' services of the u.




••'• TeSnpIe ';. ; This, evening at services Rabbi David H. Wice will speak on "Th'e Layman In Judaism.'' These.are introductory remark's to a series of towta ball' forums to be held each Friday evening after serv">• ' ' '.-, . " ';• . ':-..


RELIGION TO BE HELD MONDAY ——— i (Continued from Page 1.J' • invocation by Rabbi David rAf Goldstein. Morris B. Jacobs, president of Temple Israel, -will welcome the visitors. - •, • Father B o w d e r n, S. !•• dean of the graduate school Of Creighton University, will re*. spond for the Catholics present^ and Dr. William H. Phelps, presli dent of the Omaha ministerial union, 'Will speak for the Protest* ants. Luncheon will be served til those attending the Institute which is open only to clergymen of Omaha, Council Bluffs, and the surrounding communities." . Honorary Degrees A native of Illinois,' Dr. Mpjty gensterh graduated from the University of Cincinnati and was iij 1902 ordained from the Hebrew* Union College. He later studied, abroad and received his Ph. D« at the Heidelberg, The Jewish.' Theological Seminary conferred • the honorary degree of Dpctor oi Hebrew Laws upon him and the University of Cincinnati awarded him an honorary degree of Doctor of Law. ( Dr. Morgenstern is considered one of the most brilliant scholafl In the field of Bible and has beeaj president of the American Oriental Society. Rabbi David H. Wice has been In charge of arrangements.

fUEL EXPOSES PROPAGANDA LACK (Continued from Page 1.) had entered, which is: propaganda for Its own sake and as an. end in itself. After reaching that' stage the suppression of the in* dividual reaches a dead limit and diminishing returns sets in to such an extent that its efforts wear off or so robs the victims and its mailed-fisted disseminators that they can no longer cope with courage, intelligence and realism unprecendentcd obstacles, problems or defeats. After tha£ collapse sets in and complete annihilation follows. Drawing upon his knowledge of Jewish cultural history the lecturer marshalled many interesting facts of the Jewish past to show that Israel's tradition has always been anti-propagandistic and always against the illusion that the major problems of life can be solved .by simple and cutand-dried formulations or by the blind acceptance of a <3olem. ^ "Tho supreme problem that will face a post-war Europe,'! Samuel emphasized, "will be that of resuming the task of education of mankind at the. point where it waa Interrupted by the conspiracy, vandalism and con tra-revolution of the dictatorships; And whom that hour arrives, the Jew as a group and community, with Its tradition of individualism and democracy, will have much to contribute toward the redemption and the rehabilitation of a shatt e r e d and impoverished mankind." t Concluding upon a note of op,timism, stressed the point that when the Jewish people come j^o the council x)f the nations after the. war to demand their proper place among the peoples of the earth, "it can no long come wltn Its unique claim of being the preeminent example of misery,'' for the world has known and experienced enough of suffering sincO the beginning of the present war. But the Jew can and must com<5 as a group which can point to its way of life and its tradition ot democracy as a positive and use* •ful contribution to the rebuilding of mankind on an intelligent, realistic and democratic foundation. : t Leonard Nathan was -chairman of the evening. ' ' . *"'

\ Biro-Bidjan Settlement '






Stockholm (JTA)—Soviet newspapers reported 1,000 more Jelri ish families will bo settled on cooperative farms in the' Biro-Bidjari area'of Soviet Siberia during the current year. Four new settlements will be established in the stfme" period,; th'6 papers said.



U. 0, G. NEWS Candle-lighting time: 5:15 At the late services of the U. O. C. tonight at 8, the Rabbi will speak on "Ground under our feet." Sabbath morning, the Rabbi "Will speak at Congregation Beth Hamedrosb HagodoL Junior Congregation .The Junior Congregation will .conduct Its services at the B'nai Israel. Sabbath morning at 10. Harry Alloy was promoted to Gabai Rishon; Albert Feldman will take place of Albert d a y man as Gabai Sheui. The cantor 1B Sol Baumer; Herbert White, reader of the Torah; end Barney Kadia is reader of Haftorab, Mrs. D .Deaenberg will entertain the children after services. Regular Sunday morning services of the U. O. C. Brotherhood will take place at ,9 at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. Study Groups! The Adult Hebrew class will meet at the Rabbi'q study at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, on Monday, at 8 p. m. The Talmud Study group will i n e e t at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol this Wednesday at 8 p. m. The U. O. C. has designated this Saturday, February 8, as Jewish National Fund Sabbath. jThls particular Sabbath Is deslg• nated by the National Fund in honor of the arrival in the United States of Chief Rabbi Isaac Herzog of Palestine. Rabbi Herfcog came as & special emissary of Palestine Jewry. The proceeds that will be collected for the National Fund will go towards the creation of a colony in Palestine, named in his honor, Nachlath Herzog.

Mrs. Wm. Lazere Named by Red Cross Drafted in the health mobilization plan of the local American Red Cfoss chapter, Mrs. William Lazere will serve on the newly organized "Home Health and Hygiene Committee." Mrs. Lazere, president of the Women's Division, will represent the Jewish Community Center on this committee, which consists of representatives of all social agencies in the community. With the already noticeable shortage of nurses in Omaha, because of the peacetime conscription, there is vital need for the training of those on the "home front" in the routine of home health and hygiene procedures, and it is to meet this need that Mrs. Lazere and others on the Red Cross committee have been called together. The committee will assist in securing equipment, arranging classes, and bringing before the public the significance of maintaining high standards of public health.

Sales Manager


• • '

Committees appointed by the various congregations to plan and carry through the project will be_ M. Kattman, William JWeiner, A .0* Weinstein, M. Minkln, P. Sokoloff, S. Katleman, S. H. Katz, Ephraim Jacobs, and B. liindenbaum. .^ The February meeting: of tho U. O. C. Sisterhood took place Tuesday, February 4, at tho veBtriea of Congregation B'nai Israel, In the absence of the president, Mra. M, Burstein, vicepresident, presided. Mrs. D. B. Epstein gave a report of the Annual Dinner of the Sisterhood. Mrs. Zweiback gave a report of Junior Congregation activities end reported of the progress in the work. Mrs. I. Grossman gave a report of tho last dinner meeting of the Sisterhood. The Ways and Means committee reported the offer of •"» electric roaster by Mrs. L. Epstein and Mrs. Sam Epstein to bo raffled, the proceeds to bo used for the refurnishing of tho vestries. The Sisterhood accepted tho offer and a committee was appointed to plan the project. Miss Charlotte Brookstaia presented some dramatic readings at • the end of the meeting.

',t •HOMO*



P. » . Nogg F. R. Nogg, for five years manager of the Chicago office of Watson Brothers Transportation Co., has been named general sales manager of the entire organization with headquarters in Omaha. Prior to leaving Omaha, Nogg was active in local communal affairs. Watson Brothers Transportation Co. was founded here 15 years ago and Is today the largest freight motor company In t h e mid-west, serving the territory between Chicago and Denver, Sioux City and Kansas City, and Intermediate points.

ball fight. Following an hour's fun outdoors, they returned to the Jewish Community Center to enjoy a special treat of wejners, apples and suckers. Becky Finer and Judy Theodore served as hostesses. The Brownies meet every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Center and welcome all girls between the ages of 7 and 10 into their rank. TROOP NO. 4 Qirl Scouts In Troop No. 4 welcomed their new assistant leader last Wednesday afternoon. She is Miss Beatrice Sommer, who has volunteered to assiBt Miss 'Dorothy Shepherd in sponsoring t h e troop. Members are busily engaged in home-making and arts and crafts activities with plans being formulated to design costumes a n d scenery for the children's spring club festival to be held in the spring. The Scouts meet every Wednesday afternoon after school at the Center. *

A.Z.A. 100 A smoker to send off the Century Chapter's representatives to the Cornbelt Regional Convention will be held at the home of Yale Richards, 1556 No. 19 St., next Thursday, February 13. The Alephs will leave for Lincoln the following Saturday evening for the three-day convention. At the Chapter meeting held last Sunday, Past Aleph Godol Yale Richards was elected delegate, to represent AZA 100 at the convention business sessions, and Aleph Godol Harold Slutzkin was chosen alternate, • Alephs attending tho convention will leave from the Burlington Station on the Silver Streak Zephyr at 6:45 p. m. Saturday, February 15 .Reservations for the train should be made with Aleph Richards, We. 1445 or Aleph Godol Slutzkin, Ma. 1398, Immediately. The deadline for reservations will be at the smoker, : Aleph Melvin Tatelman, chairman of the Scouting Committee, announced that tho Committee has created an annual award to present to the Boy Scout Troop 62. The award will consist of a medal to be given annually to the outstanding Scout in the troop. Tho recipient of tho award will

be selected by the Scoutmaster and the Chapter Scouting Chairman. Sam Beber Chapter, cosponsor of the Troop with Mother Chapter, will also Continue 'Its practice of aiding the scouts financially. Three members of the Century Basketball team, Ben Kutler, Mike Landman, and Melvin Levlne, made the trip to Kansas City with the JT C. C. Varsity Basketball Team last Sunday. This was the greatest number of players any J. C. C. league team placed on the 8-man Varsity Squad. Kutler, Landman and Levine wil also play against the Kansas City Center in Omaha this Sunday. The game is scheduled for 3 p. m. The cagers trounced their arch rival, AZA No. 1 in the J. C. C. league last Thursday with a 4214 count. - The Mother Chapter made one point more than it did the last time they played the Century team when the score was 42-13. The Century Chapter team is still in second place, hot on the heela of the league-leading Adlers, and two games ahead of the third-place team.

Language Classes

BROWNIE PACK Members of the Center Brownie Pack last Sunday held an outdoor meeting In the form of a snow-

PRIVATE TUTORING OF ADULTS Hebrew, Yiddish, English Special Attention to Prospective Citizen*

HARRY MENDELSON B. Sc. & Ped. 286S Davenport HA 0582


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Harry Mendelson, local Hebrew educator and periodic contributor to "The Jewish Press" announce* he Is making provision to offer private tutoring in Hebrew, Yid« dish, and English for adults • ho may be Interested In those subjectsSpecial attention will be given to persons preparing for citizen* ship. Persons Interested, are asfr* ed to call Ha. 0582.

Girl Scouts

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EHTEB THE Big "IIISHTEB HOME" Hfoi» npver waa an easlar coatsst-or caa thai was man fun! Bo fiuio to got your eatry la right away* You may frln oao oi tho moro thoa 103 prfisa, laelud* Ing 1175 In cash. Just for a fevr mlnu!03 ol TOd Umal And •very family ontsrod la tha eaaissX Trill b« pxw* •ented vrlth d o boauuiul, pzacQeal nllo-Hglit siowa abovo, whether 70a win cao c! too Qiasd prises' ot •OL Huny—4ho doadltao £3 mldnlgbt Febraary Sthl'


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C* Sports

Cluremaa. paced the Y. M. H. A., while Irv Yaffe, Ben Kutler and Reggy Weidenback w e r e the standouts for our team.



gest B'nal B'rith District in theDemocracy." Miss Nellie Edel, world. The number of B'nai representing the Sinai Club will B'rith lodges, auxiliaries, A. Z. A. speak on "What is Patriotism?'* chapters and Hillel Foundations Mr. Norman Berg, also represent* exceeds 300 units out of a total ing the Sinai Club will speak on of about 800 for the United "Patriotism ot the American States. It is estimated that about Jew.1' 1,500 men and women will be enSinging will be led by Miss listed in this program to cover Frances Oland, acoempanied by operations in the eight states Miss Delores Lustgarten. comprising District No. 6. The public is invited to attend the program.

Handball The regular s e a s o n singlei handball tournament got under way this w e e k with a record entry of over 60 competing ii Classes A and B. First round matches are com (Continued from Page 1.) pleted now and play in the second Sinai Club and third round may be witnessed meeting pressing business probon any night of next week. There lems, Herman Bendell was named suj j SCHEDULE FOR FEB. 11 is no admission charge. The Sinai club held its regu- perintendent of Indian Affairs for 5. To furnish particulars of the A. Z. A.' NO. 1 vs. Adler's Bak Government's programs, and as lar meeting Tuesday evening at Arizona in 1871, resigning in cry. 1873 to become U. S. consul at Sol Yaffe and Lloyd Lortz, botl sist .service men's families In ob- the Jewish Community Center. Lincoln Tavern vs. A. P. T. J. C. C. handball artists, gained Final plans for the patriotic Elsinore, Denmark. taining tbfr benefits and. lega some r e a l valuable experience lights to vljhich (key are entitled program on Tuesday, February The Adler'e Bakery kept up when they played handball with 6. TQ liclp men discharged 11, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish their winning ways by defeating the leading four-wall swatters of from service for disabilities to re- Community Center. FOR RENT—Lovely room in the Lincoln Tavern quintet, 39 Kansas City last week. Ed Row- establish themselves in civil life nice home—Board optional. Speakers will be Miss Isabel 27. Irving Yaffe paced the vie lings of K. C. ranks fifth nationWhitelock of the Y. W. C. A., 3107 Lincoln Blvd. HA 4017 7. To properly interpret the tors' attack with 16 points. The ally. Both Yaffe and Lortz gave various national defense pro- whose topic will be "Youth in game was a hard fought contes a good account of themselves. grams. very cleanly played and close al 8. To esablish factual bureaus the way. Herb Melches was the Swim News for lite pupose of making availstand-out for the losers. able stiUis lical information and other data pertaining to national By HOWARD SIIINBOCK In winning their fifth game of Concluding a three-game series defense ac ivities as they affect the season the A. Z. A. 100's kept . on the heels of the league leaders with the South Omaha Water and relate to tho respective Jewby trouncing the A. Z. A. l's, 42- Polo team the J. C. C. Juniors isli coiumu liUes in the ..several 14. Melvln Levine and Mike were held to a 10 to 10 tie. Lack- states. (Kansas City) Landman sparkled ing the services of Harold Mozer Fitermar stated that the protne winners with 11 markerB the Center hoys were hard pressed gram of D istrict No. 6 will be apiece. Coach Pep Bogdonoff's throughout the game. The South that of tyiqg in with the National outfit looked good and their Siders led most of the time and Defense Commission's general chances for winning the Region- it waa not until the third quarter plan of activities. Offices to caral A. Z. A. basketball tournament that Paul Zelinsky started a scor- ry out the objectives established in Lincoln to be held in the mid- ing spree that pushed his team by the National Defense Commisdle of this month looked v e r y out in front by a one-point mar- sion for District No. 6 will be bright. Al. Lagman of the Moth- gin. The score remained 9 to 10opened in each community where er chapter aggregation stood out in favor of the Center boys un- B'nal B'rith organizations are til but six seconds remained to unctioning actively. like a sore thumb for his club. be played when Ed Surdell, South Side's .threw a last desDistrict No. 6, which comprises JUNIOR LEAGUE STANDING perate captain, goal to tie the score. eight northwest states, is the larWon. Lost. Council Bluffs A. Z. A.. 5 0 MAX raOMKTN, Atly. A three-minute overtime periodBeth-El 4 ««D KeeUao Bids. ailed to produce any scoring by A. Z. A. No. 1 Jrs 1 4 either side and it was deemed ad- NOTICE BV PUBLICATION ON rKII FO» fiKTTLEMKNT OF WNAt, A. Z. A. No. 100 Jrs O 5 visable not to play any m o r e TION ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT overtime periods as the game had NEXT LEAGUE GAMES IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGbeen too strenuous to tax the boys LAS Sunday, February O COUNTY, NEBRASKA. further. ' A. Z. A. No. 100 Jrs. vs. A. Z. In the Matter of the Estate of Rebccea Shapiro, Deceased: A. Novl Jrs.—11 a. m. All persona interested in said matter a n Beth-El Jrs. vs. Council Bluffs thought for 7 Paul Zelinsky performed all the hereby notified that on the 15th day of filed a p petip y, 1941, Victor Shapiro A. Z. A.—11:40 a. m. (Feature scoring labors for the Center team January, i l said id County t C t praying paying uny Cour, p r y n g that Court, early sprin ingl . . . / , tion la game). making three touch goals and one his final administration accountt fild filed h heretti b« settled a d allowed, and that he be field goal. Ed Surdell, South's fron liis trust as Administrator The Council Bluffs A. Z. A.mainstay, likewise scored all his ischarted nd thit a hetrlng will be had on laid swamped the A. Z. A. No. 1 Jun- team's points with three touch «t it ion before laid Court on the l&th day February, It 41, and that If you fan to iors last Sunday morning, 24-17. tallies and one thrown goal. Iler- fpjicar before i aid Court on the said 15th 81im Katleman paced the winners shel Wolfson was again a tower day off FFebrua b ry, 1911, at « o'clock, A. M., and conte t said petition, the Court defensively while Eagle Eye Kub- on defense, allowing very few op- may grant tli prayer of eald petition, foy potted five baskets to lead theponents to come close to the goal; nter a decree of helrshlp, and make mich Alden Lincoln bore the brunt of other and furtier orders, allowances and offense. as to 'Uis Court may seem proper, the offense, teaming with Zelin- decrees, to the end tha. all matters pertaining to - The high scoring Beth-El Jun- sky, to give their friendly rivals oald estate ma: be finally settled and dcT ior outfit trimmed the A. Z. A.a lesson in teamwork. Al day- termSned. —CHAfRLES J. SOUTHARD, No. 100 Juniors. 27-9, to keep on man played his first Varsity game 1-24-41-31. County Judge. the heels of the league leaders. and gave a good account of himMONSKV, f, RODIN8KY, MAItEB Phil Fox chalked up nine points self. S t e v e Lustgarten, Eavl tOHKN, Attorney* CO1 National Rank Bide. for the Beth-EI quintet, as didShrago and little George DeBolt •ffl Omafa Josephsou of the same club. Lefty layed beads-up ball against their NOTICE Bordy countered six points for icavicr and big opponents. Notice isjier or DISSOLUTION Ing cf , stockho! by given that at a meetthe losers. of January, 10 lers held on the 3Ut d«jf following regohitlon Another water polo game low w a s a d o p i 1,d the dissolving TWELFTH COMI VARSITY BASKETBALL l>een scheduled against the North; STREET ANY, a corporation:BE IT KEG 3LVED, That TWELFTH The old court rivalry between Side boys a week from Sunday.' STREET COM! 'ANY and the »aroe U the Kansas City Center and our Efforts to schedule games with hereby dtesolve< as ofbe January 31st, 1841. IT FUI varsity team was. overshadowed the Y. M. C. A. so far have been, theBEPresident THER RESOLiVED, That a Secretary of TWELFTH only by the keen play of the two xuitless. STREET COM id »ANY be and they hereby autborlj >d and empowered to art clubs last Sunday as the Kansas take tfepa be necessary to legal* .City- team downed, OUT cagers, The U. T. Sorority Girls Swim whatever ly dissolve the may rWELFTH STREET COM48-35. The game was even clos- class has grown to include 21 jPANY. -a corp ratlmu * . Dated a t ' Omaha. Nebraska, er and liner than the score indi- members': Girls who have joined' day this 31st of Janu&rj 1941. cates. since last week include:- Shirley TWELFIT STREET COMPANY, I have seen teams that were Albert, Charlotte Sommer, Har- 2-7-41-4t. •E r WILLIAM LAZERE, President. good, college and independent riet Parker and Phylis Waxenclubs, but the Kansas-City "Center berg. This group of young ladles team would take a back seat to will play an important part in the none. Kay Cee has the finest Acquacade next March. passing attack that I have ever Feeling lonely, tired and sad \ Been and the ease and precision The same ol' thing day after day? •with which they handled the ball Then: Write it on your memo Was a Bight to behold. pad: In Vile, Lou Levy and Harry 'Gone to the J. C C. to Play." SENIOR LEAGUE STANDINGS Won. Lost Adler's Bakery 5 A. Z. A. No. 100 5 A. P. T 2 Lincoln's Tavern . . . . . 2 A. Z. A. No. 1 . . . . . . . . O





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fears Omaha has Imd tho cheapest manufactured gas rato in America. Gas costs havo been reduced cgaia vrith tho iiitrodaction of RICHER GAS in Omaha. Iho new gas will cavo Omaha tssors approxiniatoly $130X500 M 1831. This means that gas cooMng. gas refrigeration, gas homo heating* and gas water heating Is now 9% cheaper thaa ovor before.




THE JEWISH MESS * pled childre*1* activities, -endorsed by the medical profession, are not In conflict with, or overlapped by any other organization's program. • Facilities for the rehabilitation of all Nebraska crippled children hare been furnished by the Eiks. Therapy equipment has been installed in the Field school, and those children requiring this type of treatment may be sent to the school upon recommendation of their attending doctors. Transportation will be furnished free by the Nebraska Crippled Children's Society. Direction of the huge cast, which is to be made ap of talented Omahans for the leading roles and by high school stmdeats tor the chorus/has been started.

C* C. Varsity Basketball Team

Dance to Benefit Labor Committee The~Jewish Labor Committee Wll recelre the proceeds of a flance to be held Sunday evening, February 16, at the new Labor Lyceum, 3022 Cuming street. The Jewish Labor Committee has just completed a, national conference in New York City where « budget "of over one-half million dollars for the year 1941 ws adoptThe JLC is active In the U. 8. Mad orerseas. la this country, its work in rery largely la the defense field. Together with the VH'nal B'rith, American Jewish Congress, and American Jewish Committee, the Jewish Labor Committee, functions as part of the General Jewish Council. Music for the dance will be by Bob Freshman's "Make Believe" Orchestra. Admission is fifty bents per couple, stags thirty-five eentSi Tickets may be obtained from any member of Branch 6 9OB, Workmen's Circle, which is sponsoring the affair, or from the dance committee, consisting of Sol Ash, Fanny Pezsner, Rebecca ffatalbaum, and Harry Lerner.

Luis fa. Brie, a German Jew, was made a captain in the Argentine army in 18«6.

STYLE you* *

Members of the Omaha J. O. C. Varsity team will Sunday afternoon meet the Kansas City J. O. GL quintet on the Center court*. Members of the team are, left to right: Grossman, ooach (kneeling). Herb Meiches, J. Burroughs, Ben Kutler, Reggie Weidenbetk, Mike Landman, Mel lievine, Paul Bogdanoff and la Novak. Iry Yaffee and In Bogdanoff are also on the squad.—WorldHerald Photo.

Elks to Present Benefit Revue With the arrival of WUHanr J. Rateraan, New York City, to take over the direction of a east »t S50 persons for the second an-*


nual Elks Lodge charity revue to an active ticket selling campaign. February 20, 21, 22. raise funds for the organization's This year's revue, "In the Edward F. Mehrens, Exalted Nebraska Crippled Children's pro- Honey," will be staged at the Ruler ofHhe Omaha Elks Lodge, gram, -workers this week began Tech High School auditorium, pointed out that the order's crip-

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of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Leibowitz were Joe Goldstein &Ed Marvin Beechen of South Sioux-City.

AZA to Hold Daace Saturday Night Sioux City AZA will bold, a dance on Saturday night, February 1, at the Jewish Community Center for the purpose of raising fuads to send participants to Lincoln for the annual AZA winter tournament. Theme for the dance Rabbi A t o M i u Kara is the old "Bowery days." is to be the Zionist guest of Committee for the dance is Al or at the Sioux City District Goldstein, Cecil Pill, Red Hol• nqet Suridity, February 2, stt 6: SO land, Stan Kalin. Dr. S. D. Ber• p . r.i. in the Jewish Couiimuidtj gen, A. Z. A. advisor is also on i1 Center. the committee. Rabbi Millgram, who is a native of Kamenietz-Podolsk, Russia care a to the United States la . He received a M. A. degree


The Federation Drive is now underway under the chairmanship of A. M. Davis. The board of Federation constitutes the workera on the drive. It has been necessary for the Federation to assume additional obligations this coining year. Prominent among which is a substantial increase in its allotment to the Talmud Torah. New subscribers will be solicited and past subscribers will be asked to increase the amounts of their subscription. There •will be a report meeting of all workers on the Federation drive on Friday afternoon at 12:15 at the West Hotel.

ROLE IN PLAY Miss Marioa Rockiin of Chica- LEADING Miss Bettie Lee Harris h a s go is visiting here with her par- one of the le&ding roles in t h e The regular meeting cf the Ka- ents. play, "Night MtiM Fall," which -ii&i Council of Jewish v/siaea is being ejioiifcored by the Little will be in the form of a Vfcit& Mrs. A. W. Cohen and son, BarDay Tea on Llo&day, February g, ton, of 1123-24th street, are visit- Theater Group. The. play will be at 1:30 p. la. &t tLe Jewish Com- ing in Des Moines with Mr. and given Friday, January 31, at the Masonic hospital. munity Center. Mrs, I Pozaerantz. , Mrs. Nate GoMis will give tfce Roger Bacon, 13th century theinvocation. Mrs. Sam Coliea, accompanied by Mrs. M. Perrick ologian, wag one of the greatest will sing "God Bless America. Hebrew scholars/of his time. Mrs. Myer Levitt will introduce the guest speakers, Rev. Mr. MAX fr'KO&UCIN, Atty, George Dunn of the First MethoK i Uldg. fly Lucille Abrahamson •NOTICE B¥ FVBUCATION dist Church and Rabbi Albert ON PETIGoldstein of Mt. Sinai Temple TALMUD 'JORAH TION FOB SKTOIJKMIBNT OF FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT who will present a symposium on A special meeting of the Coun"Democracy and Religion.'' A cil Bluffs Talmud Torah will be IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUG* question and answer period will held next Monday evening at the LAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Estate of Rebecca follow. synagogues. Members with re- Shapiro, Deceased: AH persona interested in said matter are Chairman of the tea table are ports on the dance are asked to hereby notified that on the 15th day of Mrs. Louis Agranoff, Mrs. Joe please be present. January, mil, Victor Shapiro filed a petition in said County Court, praying that Levin, and their committee. DecIlls final SLdmLriietr&tiou account filed here* oration chairman are Mrs. Jules COUSINS' CLUB in be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as Administrator Lederer, and Mrs. Leon DobrofThe Cousins' club will meet and that & hearing will be had on Mttd sky. There will be no admission next Wednesday afternoon, Feb- petition before said Court on the 15th day charge and all members are urg- ruary 5, at the home of Mrs. Sam of February, 1941, and that if you fail to appear kefoi'e eaid Court on the eald I5tb ed to bring a friend or neighbor. Meyerson, 600 Roosevelt avenue. day of February, 1911, at 9 o'clock, A.


M., and conteat «aid petition, the Court may grant the prayer of eaid petition, enter a decree of heirtiliip, and make such other and further orders, allowances And decrees, as to this Court may seem proper,' to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finslly settled and determined. — CHARLES J. SOUTHARD,* l-34-41-3t. County Judge.

DR. MOSKOVITZ HONORED A no-host stag was given last Wednesday evening in the Corn room of the Hotel Chieftain in honor of Dr. Moskovltz, who is leaving for active duty with the United States army.

The Hadassah will hold its WEBB, BERUB, KMLJTZNICK ami HKIXi:V, Aiiys.. Oneg Shabbat at 2:30 Saturday IN CHICAGO ' 200 Service lit* Bid*. at the home of Mrs. Jack RobinAbe Katelman spent Thursday IN THE COUNTY COURT OF DOUGU Bon, 115 23rd street, with Mrs. in Chicago attending a foundry- LAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Louis Heeger as co-hostess. In the Matter of the Estate o( Abra* men's executive convention, ham Mushkln, Deceased. Miss Edith Birkspan of Minnef To all persons interested In the Estatt apolis will be the guest speaker. RETURNS HOME of Abraham Mushkln, deceased," Miss BirkQpan is a national board You and each of you are hereby noti« Mrs. Charles Saltzman returned fled that on the 15th day of January. ' member of Jr. Hadassah and was home Tuesday night after a four- 1941, ..Grace Mushkln • Simpn filed *er petithe main speaker at the Hadas- week stay In^ Davenport, la., at tion under path, in this court, 'alleging that the' said Mushkln died In-, sah regional convention at Kansas the home of her son-in-law and testate on the Abraham 15th day.of January 1632, City. A representative group from daughter,' Mr. and Mrs. D a v i d and that no ~ application has been made for the appointment of an < administrator Jr. Hadassah will also speak. Cetron. of Ms estate, and his estate has never Mrs. B. Skalovsky will give an in§m been administered nor a 'decree of heir* ship entered therein, praying that' adminteresting paper on Jewish Na- CONVALESCING latratlon of the estate of the said Abrational Fund work. A questionnaire Eugene Telpner Is recuperating ham Mushkln be dispensed with' and for will be conducted by the mem- at his home following a serious a decree determining who ' are the heirs . of the'said Abraham Mushkln; you are bers. attack of influenza. therefore notified that a hearing will be had on said petition at the County Court Mrs. Wm. Kutcher will preside The February Sisterhood meetroom of said County on the ISth day of February, 1911, at 9 A. M. and that if ing will feature a review of Rich- over the meeting. Refreshments VISITORS HERE you to appear at said time and place Week-end guests at the home and fall ard Llewellyn's "How Green Was will be served at the close 6f the contest said petition the court may Itabbi Abraham Millgram My Valley," presented by Mrs. Al- meeting. . grant the same and enter a decree as prayed. , WEBB, BEBEIt, KMiTZNICK, and In 1927 from Columbia Uulver- bert S. Goldstein. L u n c h e o n MKrXKV, AHyg. CHAKLES J. SOUTHARD, chairmen are Mrs. L, Agranoff Bity, having previously obtained 200 Service life Wig. 1-17-41-31, County Judge. a B, S. from City College of New and Mrs. L. Heeger. In charge of NOTICE OF ADMINISTItATION York". In 1923, he won his di- decorations are Mrs, Herman The Youth Council is cooperatploma from the Teachers Insti- Slotsky and Mrs. Lester C. David- ing with many groups in the city fn the County Court pf Douglaa County, Nebraska: tute of the Jewish Theological son. in sponsoring activities for Bro- IN THH MATTER OP THE ESTATE Seminary of America, In 1927, Brown Deceased. therhood Week. Mr. Sam Kaplan OFAllLeRoy. persons interested in said estate are Rabbi Millgram served as Itabbi Shaare Zion is chairman. • hereby notified that a petition has been of the Jewish Theological Seminm said Court alleging that said deThe Youth Council will hold lied eased died leaving no last will and prayary of America. From 192'< Friday evening service >will be- it's monthly meeting on Monday, ing for administration upon his estate, through ,1930 he was Rabbi of gin at 8 -o'clock. Guest. speaker nd that a hearing will be had on eald 3, at which time mov- jetitlon before said court on the 11th day the Congregation of Beth Shalom for the evening will he Miss February pictures will be taken of all of February 1941, and that if they fall at Willmlngton, Delaware. Later Edith Birspan of Minneapolis, ing to appear at said Court on the said 11th Youth Council members. These he served as Rabbi of Beth Israel Minn. of February 1941, at 0 o'clock A. M. pictures will be shown at the an- day to contest Bald petition, the Court may in Philadelphia. Hosts to the< Jr. Congregation nual Federation meeting. grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Henrietta Brown or some Hlllel Director on Saturday morning will be JVtr. other: suitable person and proceed to a He has been an instructor In and Mrs. A. Slotsky in honor of settlement thereof. * CHARLES J, SOUTHARD Gratz College since 1930 and is the engagement of their son, Sidl-17-41-3t. County Judge. - t h e author of "An Anthology of1 ney, Wilbur Friedman will act as With a musical background and Medieval H e b r e w Literature ' cantor for the first time. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS the colors of the club which are Notice la hereby given, that on the 17th . published in 1935. Rabbi Millblue and gold, the A. W. R. For- day of January, 1941, the amount of «U gram has served as president of mal Dinner dance was completed existing debts of Werthelmer and Degen the Wilmington District of the Feed Yards, Inc., a Nebraska Corporawith a huge success. Zionist Organization of America, tion, with its principal place of business as director of the Associated TalThe dance was held on Monday in Omaha, Nebraska, was none. BAM WEimiEIMER, mud Torahs of Philadelphia, President. A dinner will be held on Wed- evening, January 27, at the Oasis president from 1934 to 1937. He nesday, February 12, at 6:30 at with MisB Lois Novltsky as genSOL L. DEQEN, BAM WBRTHEIMER, is a member of the Rabbinical the Mayfair ballroom in honor of eral chairman. ' , 1-31-41-lt. Majority of Directors. Assembly of America and has the 40 th anniversary of the New officers for the club were served a s secretary of the Phila- founding of Mt. Sinai Temple. chosen and are as follows: delphia -branch, he also holds The principal'-speaker will be President, Dorothy Sherman; membership on. the Board • of Rabbi David H. Wicefrom Tem- Vice president, Betty Bain; SecJewish Ministers. ple Israel in Omaha. Reservations retary, Gloria Novltsky; TreasurAt present Rabbi Millgram is will be taken at the temple of- er, Doris Grueskln,' Sergeant-atarms, Lois Novitsky; Reporter, director of the HHlel Foundation fice until noon of February 1 1 . fiachael Ginsberg. a t ther University of Minnesota. I ,Fc» reservations call Hen KaOrthodox Synagogues MT. SINAI BIBLE Jiq, Eli Robinow, or Rabbi Goldstein'.*-' Services will begin at the OrthSTUDY GROUP MEETS odox synagogues at 5:30 on FriEver since its inception two and! a half years ago, . day-evening and at 9 in the .The second semester of the • the Nebraska Brewers and Beer Distributors Commorning. Rabbi e'.-'I. Bolotnikov Women's Thursday morning. Bimittee has adhered closely to the principle of will speak during the mornihfe ble Class began last week. The Selective Service, by aiding enforcement author!* opening session was held a t the services at the Beth Abraham lies in eliminating law violators from the indusA. M, Davis home. The book studThe Hebrew Mothers Associa- synagogue. try's beer retailing ranks. tion will hold their, annual dance Ben Lass, son of Mr. and Mrs. led was Genesis. The class is exon Sunday evening, February 9, Aaron Lass, 718 Otoe street, will perimenting with meetings held This Committee h going "right ahead" nMi it? at the Mayfair hotel. celebrate his bar-mitzvah this in the homes of its members. The eon'strnctivo program 6f Self-Hegolation in 19tl? General chairman for the af- Saturday, Feb. 1, at the Beth Ab- hour is 10:30^cvery Thursday determined more than ever that retail beer estab_ • fair a r e . Mrs. Joe Kutcher and raham synagogue. In honor of morning. lishments in Nebraska operate fa th«? {rablia Mrs. E. ,N. Griieskin. Mrs. A. M. this occasion, his parents will interest. , '. [Weiner and Mrs. Joe Levin are serve refreshments following the Dance Postponed ' c h a i r m e n o f t h e t i c k e t " c o m m i t - service. . . . ' " . . You can bo of inestimable sorvlce, too, in thfc tee. . •••••'•.' • . • ' • • • The Mt. Sinai Sisterhood Dance sincere campaign to iiaprovo conditions onrroani Sheffield orchestra will supply which was to be held on SaturHebrew Mothers ing the sale of beer, by giving your patronage only the music. The committee that is day, February 1, lias been postto law-abiding dealers, and by reporting any viola, selling tickets has had -very good poned and will be held at a later The Hebrew Mothers Associaresults. • •:•', tions to cniorccinte! officials or to tfca k \ • tion will hold its monthly meet- date. signed Committee. .^ ing . o n Tuesday, February 11, Young Peoples League Mrs.. Phillip Sherman will preYouth Forum Held side. Mrs. Joe Kutcher will preOver IS5 young m e a and womThe Young Peoples League of sent Mrs. J. M. Brown w h o w i l l held Ohnare Zioh will 'hold a real live give a paper on "Jewish Arbor en attended the youth forum 1 social affair at the. social hall of Day.'-',. Cantor ; M. Pernlck will at the Jewish- Community - Center BBEV/ERS (S DEER DISTIUDUT0R3 BhaareZion on Saturday, F^b. 8 render a group": of Palestinian last Sunday a i g h t . ; This affair CHARLES E. SAMA^ StiatDiritfot a t 10 p. m. There will be fun, songs ..''.accompanied by, his wife. W£is termed one of the most suc710 First National Bank* Bld0» . Uncoln, Nebr. , games, imislc, dancing and other Sirs. vLoaia Weiner is luncheon cessful ever attempted. Because chairman. : , -• ; : *~ot thjte anpt&er youth forum will entertai&rnent...Everyone of. TPL r age,'• those over 2i\ are cordially ' ' " ' ' ' *' ']- be held in! March on Vocational : ' • .'; invited to attend; Patronize Our Advertisers! ' ' Guidance.

Sisterhood of Mt» Sinai Meets Febr. 7

Youth Council


Mf. Sinai to Mark 40th Anniversary




Hebrew Mothers To Sponsor Dance




































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