Entered as Second Claps Mail Matter on January 81, 1831, at Poatofflce, or Omaha, Nebraska, under Jbe Act ot March 8. 1879
NEW LOCATION ISCHOS CAMNAfC-C Site Near Fremont T 1941 Camping Season
Boris Tomashevsky's play, "Das Pintele Yid,". will be givea on Sunday evening, April 27, at 8 o'clock at the Central club by m e m b e r s of the Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, and the Dramatic club of the Branch, - Admission will be GO cents and 75 cents. Proceeds are to be used for philanthropic purposes.
'':~ Mif" 'S, PTERS WIN
.roups Star at Reg" onal Tourney in Lincoln
- .-"'••<;
"Summer time and camp have been foremost In our minds all winter*' Mrs. Flelsher, who with ':hejr committee has been planning . for the coming camp season, said. Camp Jay-C-C, the Center's summer camp-for boys and girls between the ages of six and sixteen, will open on July 21. A well-paved highway spans the thirty-eight' miles between Omaha and the camp. The grounds are flanked by old pine tree and cover sixteen wooded acres. A nearby park Is available for cookouts and other campcraft activities. Committee The beet of recreational guidance, health supervision, and ' hyiupa'theUc leadership wil characterize Camp Jay-C-C this summer. - • Serving oh the camp committee are: ,Mr£ B. L. Fleisher, chairman, and Mesdames Jack Kaufman, William Lazere, Dave Blacker, Meyer. Beber, Sam Beber, Oscar Belzer, Jacob Bernstein, J. Blank, Abe Brodkey, Fred Brodkey/ Morris Burateiu, David Brown, J. E. Cohen, Herman Cohen, Arthur Colin, Dave Colin, I. Dansky, Dave B. Epstein, Dave Goldman, Arthur Goldstein, Abe Greenberg, J. J. Greenberg; Lawrence Jacobs, Sam Joseplisou, M. Katleman, A. Katz, . H / K u l akdfsky, J. Malashock,;' Morris Micklln, Henry Monsky, L. Neveleff, H. A., Newman, Jules St. Newman, William Ra'cusin', Joe Rice, Sam Robinson", .Cliar4e_s -' Schimmel, Ben -Silver, Harry L. i -Sommer, Julius Stein, H a r ' r y Trustin, Abe Venger* Moe Vengor, Al Wohlner, H. A. Wolf, S a i n u e . l . N. Wolf, and Miss Blanch^, Ziinman. • '
American Red Cross Head Receives Award Yiddish Play to Be Given April 27
for ;
Camp plans for the coming summer include a new site one '•' and one half miles south of Freinont, Nebraska, according to announcement made by Mrs. B .L. Fleisher, chairman of the camp committee of the 3. C. C. Woman's Division. \y. A natural Bwimmlng pool, ft playground for younger campers, a baseball diamond for older child'reii, a large recreation ball, running water, and a forest of pine trees are among the outstanding features of the newly-selected camp.
Norman H. Dftvls, right, re. cciving the B'nai ll'rith Bronxe r i a q u e from Henry Monsky
Sunday at the Waldorf-Astoria, in New York.
In an urgent plea for serivce to mankind that recognizes no differences in race, creed or color, Norman H. Davis, chairman of the American Red Cross, Sunday emphasized the importance today.of-a.spirit of brotherhood, of tolerance, of understanding and of good-will, at the covenant breakfast of District Grand Lodge 1 of B'nai B'rith at the WaldorfAstoria. Mr. Davis received the ninetyseventh anniversary award of the
national Jewish service and fraternal organization, a bronze plaque symbolizing "honor, duty and achievement." The award was presented by Henry Monsky, international president of B'nai B'rith, in the presence of 1,800 members and guests, In recognition of his humanitarian services "as bead of "the American Red Cross and of his achievement hi obtaining impartial distribution (Continued on page 12.)
Workmen's Circles To Meet on Sunday
A city-wide membership meeting and social gathering of the Workmen's Circle will be held this Sunday evening, February To Speak This Evening on 23, at G p. m. at the new Labor Lyceum, 3022 Cumlng. Brotherhood Members of Branches 173, Theme 258, and 690-E, and the auxiliaries have been invited. The gathDr. Thomas R.;Niven; pastor of ering is the second of its kind •the iFlrst- Presbyterian: Church, arranged by the City Committee of the Workmen's Circle. will occupy- the -pulpit of Temple Israel this evening. ; -. , In, observance of Brotherhood week; which opens tomorrow. Dr. Nlven will speak on "The Followshlp of Reconciliation/' Sunday Rabbi David H. Wice of the \Temple will occupy Dr. NiyThe open forum held last Frien's pulpit where he will deliver a day, February 14, at the/ new sermon on- the topic, "Basis for Labor,Lyceum on the question of Religious' FeUowBhjlpV' aid to- England was attended by Because of this special service, sixty persons; S. Lerner, speakthere will be no Towii Hall forum ing'in Yiddish, outlined the pres,dlscusalon at the Teniple. ent world situation and presented .Members of both Temple Israel several problems involved in furand the First Presbyterian Church ther aid to England. . have-been-invited to attend the Among those participating in Thelma Caspar Beach, daugh- services of the other. the discussion were: M. Crounse, ter of Mr. and Mrs..George GasA. Forman,<Mrs. L. Witkin, S. par of Omaha, was presented in a Minkin, Harry Lernor, 1. MorgenTlolin recital on February 12, at stern, Mrs. M; Crounse. L. WHklh presided. Pictures of the Kilbourn Hall, in Rochester,, N§w Spanish .Civil-War \.were rihown Y o r k . . ^ •.' - - • • - - • - ' • ^ - " • - : . - > • w . : . before the-Forum. • ,,> > Assisting-artist, was, her husr. -.Andther* Forum wlll.be held on band, Vance Beach, 'cellist, who Friday, February -28. The -forums The Lodge Room 6f the Com- are open to the, public. Is a member of" the Rochester ClVic and Rochester Philharmon- munity Center was filled to capacity last Sunday afternoon. The ic orchestras. Mrs. Beach is a Initial Jewish quiz program was graduate student of the Eastman the principal attraction. School of Music at-Rochester, - - - Questions relating to Jewish Rochester music critics were history and current topics were propounded to a Panel, consisting lavish in their, praise . of -Mrs. o"f Ben E. Kazlowsky, Ieaac MorBeach's talents -and one l'emark- gensfern and* Daniel Schwartz. . The monthly meeting o r the ed, "the recital was well-worth- The quiz\was conducted by Abner O m a h a Mizrachi Organization will take'place Saturday evening, hearing and tlie audience"'cdrd- Kainian, -president. February 22, at Beth Hamedrosh ial." Enthusiastically- received were Hagodol, jit 8 p. m. For her -program,-Mrs.- BeaclL the, dramatic .and humorous reel-- ~ 'The finance committee wiU.re-. chose Brahms'" "tfi'frd" S"ondta* In" tdtloifs" presented* by .Mrs,*\V.' port, on t h e piemb_er8hlp, activities . D Minor".and "The:Dcmbte Con- Grandall, Mrs, Sol Ge"hdlem]an- which1 have'taiten place, in" the' certo, Opus 102"< and the Sonata and Loiils Wdlk. Mr.-. Voile *B di- last month.-Cantor jA.^Schivaczin G. Major by deFesch. Early in rector of the Jewish Drama Unit. fein will lead-in'community singApril. : Mrs..Beach wlty be*.soloist T "Cantor--E. Sell?. accompTanIed';.by :ing,"-and ."tfte'ofiicers anticipate! a' wifTt tiio" Rochester* Civic orches- his daughter, SWrley, . Tendered ,very pleasant and .profiUiMe eve" t ra. several Yiddish songs. . ' 'ning. '
Omaha A. Z. A. chapters won domination of the A. Z. A. Corabelt ltegionul Convention and Tournament held in Lincoln last week end, returning with the regional basketball championship, three regional offices, and second place in oratory and debute. Sam Beher Chapter No. 100 took the basketball title from Des Molnes 26-24 in the finals Monday after whipping Sioux City 31-11 and Mother Chapter 34-8 in the preliminaries. The Dea Molnes team had won the Championship 13 of tho 17 years of competition, and were undefeated In the region since 193C. The Century Chapter team, coached by Paul Bogdanoff. consisted of Ben Kutler, Mike Landmaii, Melvin Levine, Norman Kuklin, Harold Epstein, William Susman, and Sam and Louie Slutzky. Officers Named Harry Goodbindcr, Past Aleph Godol of Mother Chapter No. 1, was named Aleph Godol of the Cornbelt Region at the convention business session. Past Aleph Godol Yale Richards of Sam Beber Chapter was elected Regional Aleph Mazkir, and Justin Priesman of A. Z. A. 1 was named Chaplain.* Jack Lincoln, delegate from A. Z. A. 7 of council Bluffs, was chosen Public Relations Correspondent. All four were unanimously elected. Gopdblnder also placed second in the regional oratory contest and teamed with Prlesman to win second place in the debate contest. The debate title went to Hubert Friedman and Sheldon Singer of Sioux City Chapter 12. Singer was also Oratory Champion. ; The Century basketball team was awarded silver medals at the convention banquet, and will represent Cornbelt region In the District 6 finals at Rock Island, Illinois, March 15, 16, 17. : Seventy-five Omahans attended the convention
U. O. C. brotherhood Will Meet Thursday The regular dinner meeting of the Brotherhood of the U. O. C. will take place on Thursday, February 27 fct the vestries of Congregational B'nai Israel. \Tho dinner will be preceded by evening services at 6:30. Serving will start at 7. A regular business meeting will follow the dinner and will be closed by a quiz contest. For reservations call Ja. 0887.
Doane College Will . Hear Rabbi Wice
LOCAL J. N. F, COUNCIL WILL MEET FEB. 26 Motion Picture on Life in • • Palestine to Be Shown The newest motion picture of Zionist activities in Palestine will be shown at the annual meeting of the local Jewish National Fund Council on Wednesday evening* February 20, at 8:15, at the Jew* ish Community Center. Mrs. M. F. Levenson will be chairman of the evening. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky and Mr. I. Morgenstern, president of the local J. N. F., will give a resume of the Jewish -National Fund. Cantor Aaron Edgar is preparing a program of special Palestinian songs for the occasion. Assisting him will be the members of the Pioneer Women's Choral group. The picture, "Our Promised Land," was filmed in natural color anQ is narrated by a nonJew, the Rev. Theodore R. Jackman of Hollywood. It depicts the rebuilding of Palestine and the heroism of the pioneers. Hastcses at Ten Following the meeting tea will be served under the chairmanship of Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg, with Mrs. A. Katz nnd Mrs. I. Morgenstern • as co-cbalnnen. Assisting will be members of the various women's groups devoted to Zionist-activities:. Mrs. N. Levinson, Mrs. Max Arbitman, Mrs. E. Welnberg, Mrs. M. M. Brodkey, Mrs. Joe Tretiak, and Mrs. Dave Cronnse for the Mizrachl W o m e n ' s organization; Mrs. O. S. Belzer, Mrs. D. Veitzer, Mrs. J. Radlnowskl, Mrs. Judah Wolf son, Mrs. George Solref, and Mrs. J. Rusnlck for tho Pioneer Women; and Mrs. A. D. Frank, Mrs. Irvin Levin, Mrs. Julius Stein, Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Mrs. Max Cohen, Mrs. Wm. Alberts, and Mrs. A. S. Riibnltz, for Hadassah. / ••.• Mrs. Jacob Kahz has .been in charge of invitation's.I.,'."- ' ' '
FORMAL Warner Frohman and Charlotte Nogg, co-chairman of-the Round Table Purim dance, "Jlamantaschen Hop," scheduled- for Sunday, March 22 at the Jewish Community Center, announced toVday that music for the affair.will be furnished by Garv and > his KOIL Orchestra. . As the main event of the evening. Queen Esther III will be named. Candidates for the contest, which will be supplied by the various girls' club affil£»ted with the Round Table, will be announced next week. . . ; Together with the crowning of this; year's queen a floor show, dance contest, ;a»d radio raffle will be included in tho dance program. Harry Goodbinder, chairman of the decoration committee, has announced that elaborate plans arc being mado to decorate the hall in a novel and attractive manner.' ^Tickets are twenty-five cents antl may be purchased from any member of-the Round Table and at the Center.
Rabbi David H. Wice will speak, this Wednesday, February Capt. Samuel Z. Stern 26,. at. Doane College, in Crete, - ' Ordered to Army Duty Nebraska. The Jewish _ Chautau* Captain ,J3a.niuel z. Stem has qua-Society ia sponsoring the l'ectyre., " '.,•';.]. \ ' been ^ordered to active duty-with I^aMiJ - Wice spolie 'at:Doane.. a ilio V\ 3. army. year," ago *amt.1heJ;:rfttur,ns at. the <'t CJastaiu Stern will be. stationed at Onitip Shelby, Mississippi. refjiiPst of the "faculty. ' " """ ' -
J»C»C. Sports
To Judge YeKudali Halfc^l Contest
Adter'is Bakery . . . . . A. &. A. No. 1 0 0 . . . . . . Lteeelo's '-tavern . . . . . A. F. *. A. SB. A. No. % . . . . . . . . TUESDAY'S SCHI3>ULfi - A. F. ¥. vs. Adier'tt Bt&ny : A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. I s Tavern.
A&te&aette Acqaactciao p a s s e d their first set of tests last week with Antoinette finishing off her Bfegiasers Card with alia e&se. LOOT, SMi&raili or SIOLEMS ""AJiottt 2», Tiv&clous,. pretty little U. T. sorority is^ida: L a s t Wednesday were s e e a going Were sapposed- to &t. the, J. C. C. SisimmiBg sl &t i p. ea. feat never arrived. memlieracf the TJ. T's were b«it could shed no Iigfct oa tta strange diaappear&itce. OfficiaJs later were infupmeS tha 20 &e BH yonag ladies would fee ttt salt read; for their besiioii the next ; aftermGoa, Whea this weat to press that report aot fcs verified* Uum't jfcblat that impulse, write it G-& your iaema psd: "Gone to 2. C. C. t» Play."
From Employment Belgrade (WKS) —- All Jews iu Nazi-occupied Poland have been barred froia private eiapleyas tte result of a aew- labor g t i & i i ' aaao-aaced by Blafltl Qoreraor-Ge&eral Haas Frank, it was reported here. Heacefortlj, "ia order to ferfag efficient distribution of htfcor,'' all workers sattst ap&ly lot special labor cards without whfefa they csaii&t work. No labor Cftrtis will b& issued to Jews. A large percentage of Poland's male- Jewish pcpulatiou h.m bmu drafted b serviee. i labor for
The wtli-li.iui«?t-u feather, Msasdee Sssasfcl (kii>, The Adler's Baleyy ciaehed the Sflegel &t th& lewtsh. lastitote of Bellgfoa (eeaterj regular sea&oa basketball league Pisfesse* MMry A. Welfsaa of Hmvssii Kulveffsity .(rigiit) will ia*t Tuesday by Tirtma el tfcelr fee tiisj jadg$s Mef tl»6 fffcise Essay epatesl ©a "Fefawlak Haiewi— Refugees Ee&da. Uruguay S9-22 victory over t i e geesaslElage«? of Eioi% &ec@Miag ia tii s&aoa&eeiiBeBt mada by ii&LU A. Z. A. No. lftft. f a s two Samuel M. MmmB&ffl, Iisgssl &Jf tke Beg&rtiBeBfc of Yw*iU sad started out cautiously aad Moatestda (JTA) IMsesttais &f iLa Ms&tst; Gjgsiilaaiistt of Ameiiea. played on even terms tog aJt&st t froia eoafesi ia Ltiuy ctffei^di ia cwuaeai&K&ii&ii ot tbe fe&Otk five minutes, but ,tb,e GI£$I and cupied lit-udi sniveii her« Apprasliaately forty-oaa p e r of the diaitk of iha great I£el»rew iM>«t wito tea* more experienced team pulled eeat of the population of Brook- legal visas aboard the^ fa? away and at the half tim% the lyn ia skip•coreboard read 20-12. Art Adieu's team was never beaded aft- Cee demoastratea why he was oae "Army" 6f{.uad, brougM Ma team er that and with Irving Yaffe of their cities leading scorers with to the top of the standings thru ftbowlng the way with IS points nine points. The fine defensive absence. Paul's team, determined were never in danger. Ben Kut- play of la Vile and Ma fine floor not to let their leader d o w n , ler was the Sam Belief chapter's game was another reason for pounded out wins In basketball, star with, nine points. Omaha's defeat. tract and swimming to edge way out in front with a 13-point marIn the second game the LinIt took one of the Juniors to gin over Aldeu Lincoln's second coln Tavern downed the A. P. T., fc#-l$. HeTb Meichea and M. Ad-»pace the Varsity with Mike Land- place "Minnesota." ler led the victor's attack with man showing the way with eight Hershel Wolfson put on some eight points apiece, while L e o points. Mike's one-handed shots steam and pepped up hla NebrasSherman's eight counters was kept the Center In the ball game ka crew to ease out of the botin what may have been a run- tom spot and put five points betops for the losers. away. The Center was weakened tween his team and the owners ot when they lost the services of Iz that dubious honor, the cellar JUNIOR LEAGUE Won. Lost. Bogdonoff and Irr Yaffe early In team, led by Harold Mozer about the third quarter. GMMC» Bluffs AZA 7, . • which this piece opened. Beth-El 4 Connie Larson, Cece Conn and A. 9. A. No. 1 * r s . . . . . 1 HANDBALL The regular singles s e a s o n A. Z. A. No. 100 J r s . . . . 1 handball tournament has reached the second round and the winners SCHEDULE Beth-El vs. -(£. Z. A. No. 100 results, Class A: Corenman beat Max Turner, deJrs.—-11 a. m. Morria A. %, A. No. 1 Jrs. vs. Coaneit fault; Jake Adler downed Rossen, 21-10, 21A131; Sam Ban Bluffs A. Z. A.—11:45 a. m. won on default-from Ben Kutler. Class. B: The "Council Bluffs A. Z. A. Sheff Katskee over Leo Sherdrubbed the Beth-El last Sunday morning, 24-17. The boys from man, default; Iz Novak dawned over the river were behind at tlie Jfoe Lagman, 21-19, 21-8; S t a t t lalf, v 6 to' 7, but eamfr back Feltman defeated Sol Gerlisky, strong in the second half to put 21-3, 21-7. on the pressure. Kubby paced the winners with seven points. SWIM NEWS Frank Josephson countered eight By HOWARD SIIINROCK 'points for the losers. Harold Mozer, captain of the In a defensive battle the A. Z. "Navy" squad and captain of the A. 190 chalked their first vic- Water Polo team, was put to bed tory of the year, in downing the three weeks ago with a cold. A. Z. A. 1, S to 7. It was zone Winning his fight with the flu defense against man-to-nian de- bug he essayed a bit of sleigu fense With the Sara Beber chap- riding. ter using the man-to-man system Harold Mozer, captain of the coming out on top. C. Lustgarden Navy squad, etc. . . etc. . .-. etc. •cored four points for the win- . . . was confined to his home two ners, with Bob Slutsky again star- weeks ago suffering fIOJB * inring for his outfit with six mark- juries received from sleigh riding. ers. Bis left leg was scraped, 1scratcfred and otherwise rendered useless VARSITY BASKKTBALli from sudden and unexpected conIt was Kansas City all the way tact with a fence. last Sunday as the Kansas City Harold Mazer last week reCenter downed our Omaha boys turned to classes at the Center a before a large crowd, 45-23. K. sadder but wiser boy. "HereaftC, coached by Herman Fisher, er," qoth Harold, "I'm going to •Il-American from Marysville in stick to the gym and that good 1933, proved themselves to be one old swimming pool." •f the finest teams ever to play His coach breathed a fervent. \on th« Center court. "Thank Goodness."
Herman Clurexnan of the Kay'1 Paul Zelinsky, pilot of t h e
llftTIONAL PARK > » » ftflBAHSAS Now you <an,regalrvfcaallham* p«y In »h«
g amt organic ailment* • amT at ihttoma lim» •fl[oy »h» luxuriti of a rsal outdjor vacation, riding^ hiking, fiihing and &t\ling~ a paradllt of btatlh and hoppfnati. Stoy ol lh» b«ouiiful EASTMAN HoMll £nto» lh« qvlit o( in von prival* park-ond th» convtnienca o! hi IdeoJ location! S00 large. f t o t J , eccesmlcol odtvb
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HOLLYWOOD. S. Chaplin is a sales maaager f o r Comic Charles S. Chaplin's pictures in C a n a d a . Salesman Chaplin is President of the Young Men's Hebrew Association and a. hobbyist of softball. They are not related . . . have nothing in common except t h e same and a moustache. EOOie Cantor, invited to' the Ifcpsidewtial laaogwalian, W A S asked where be would stay, don't m i n d where I stay," h» qoiH^L MI11 «toqp «t the White fiowse «ad take my neals oat. I 4km't want Mrs. Boosetfclt to have to get mp «aiiy to wake n y breakfast" Curtiz as anatomist: "He's a gentle character who takes it on the chin when somehody knifes him in the back." And. again, "Now this is a place where the hand of manias never set foot! Warners' . . . contributing proceeds from thetr short "Lond Caa Xake It" . . . linve increased (he British War Orflef Fund by Cinema Chips: Nazi shekels are said to he back of % film called, "Petroleo," being shown • w i t h marked bo*-office success In Argentine. Picture is decidedly antiU. S. . . . The American Legion Is honoring E d w a r d Rohlnson with a citation for Ms contribution to Americanism ttooQgh Jii3 broadcasts . . . Contraband Nazi films scheduled for propaganda in South America "were seised by British officers . . . will be nsed for anti-Nazi propaganda in Canada. Part of the Teels, showing ance Tinder occupation, will be Included in latest March of Time. Uncle Sam - - The Non-Belligerent" . . . Ladislans Bus-Fekete's Btory, "Reunion," dealing w i t h Paris under t h e CSerman. yoko, will be produced by M. <3. M. . . . Hedy LaMarr'a latest, "Come Live with Me," a fast, light, marriage farce, sliould boost 3ier at the box-office. Demonstrating the action for a fail. Director LnbitBch TmcJded his knees, slumped to the floor, rolled over. It looked okay . . . hut suddenly he clutched his chest and groaned . . , "Ernst, are yon hart?" The s o t workers came running . . . He sat up, pulled some l>rovna shredded stuff from liia pocket . . . "No," he moaned, "but I've ruined t h r e e dollars worth of cigars!" Mlltoa Bevle claims he saw two herrings pass the Brown Derby, and overheard one say, "Let's go in here and tear a silver fox" . . . "So ends Our Night" xsffl fee classed as another film in the growing pile of anti-Nazi screen lifceratare . , . but more Chan the others it bears a message of hope, of fighting grhnly-for one's right to live, of langliinB to the teeth of trouble. It is an artistic production, the first offering «l the David Loewe-Albert Ijewln production coraMne. Vividly i t portrays the plight of those fugitives from Nazi EnEdncss, who, wit&ont passports, arc driven' ceaselessly f r o m border to border, l i v i n g 6j3nbols of the story were ffikny csccl&sj actors in the cost whose own experjeaecs were similar. AIetandcr 'Grss^ch contribat^a a .gondly ehare'fit the comedy sis the Pole. The film marks t^e £izst Amerlcsa cppcsiance of G i x c 1 Werbezerk; once famous in GCTmany ©3 o cSiEKtctcr actress; of. Cterta Eczan, flimsier from g t a r y . ' - ' -
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said, Weil, it takes all kinds or may hcp« to laugh agaiii Jews to miks s world sitd this is day. Y*r3, iLU&tiEd shall laugh, o;&e of them. I b&d BO feeling ho&e, at tte an&gaat transgresthat ke was d&waisg me. sor iiUifiiidd m tli-s d&st Ho I Ho in fait, ke gave me & teelixig 61 It ia til .true, as we were ti feeiag ssperior. I wasa't liie tkit tke Etilf-ueeked ate in I could Ep-feik the time broken. guage, as it s£.fluI4 h& e^e-keii, esTiiea the Jews, may fc.are cat. fcs* split iafiait.ivfes, for special laughter. 'FUe c-pfcrt X met a wLo w*s iniu$ hat at tke p 'so-r Iis.3 Iweu reduced to a iittl troduced to£3 Mr. l*t>Usli. I w a s sopliistieiited, tioagh ia Man with a fanny iaustaeb.e, by "Ko," lie e&mtU-d, "I aui Mr. tha.t remote time Leiag tke Jews keep en speaking' to G&i cated didn't isxeaii ttat you were And that fcraugLfc up the fasa- & his spender at 'Ike tight tluha iu their synagogues. They laugb inwardly ia the ' synagogue with ola team of F&tasli smd Feiltke latest saiutty Lai God who remains yisgadal veyis totttte?. I menticiied them ia & lad. kadasls. nostalgic Eitwi *'Tbey were great fun," I said. Jews JiG-fcLed <»f Homo? Gad liughs in ilie sunlight &f a ''Bat we dou't allow trarsfclvfea ta Today, however, I would not be world bright with Ilia loving-kind ftave any mare fun, Today J&ws so tolerant of Mr. Levy. (This ness and justice and mercy afte would protest against Putash aud was generally the name of the the long darkness. It may take i Perlia utter ia the putlie priatss burlesque stage Jew). He is now hundred years but mankind shal aad on the stage." extinct but if his ghost, alor sho- laugh i They belonged ia a time when lew, were to appear on s o m e I sha.ll bring back Mr. Shahhos Jews enjoyed laughing at thfem- stage, I should probably run to theu . . . "Yes, ShabbosiBelves. Jews have Isseuiae sea&i- the Anti-Defamation League . '. . deckel everything's all r i g h i ,tive to a fault aad the things they "Gentlemen, this ia anti-Semitism. deckel, again. It's to start laugh jused to laugh at have eome to There's certainly something anti- ing ail over.time Time to bring up Contain the sting of anti-Semit- Semitic in this. The way he. wears laughter from the depths of our ism. Ma hat! The things he does with abdomens. You and I, and Potash Even the delightful Mr. Schlep- the English language! This has a n d PerLmutter, Mr. Schlepperfcermau has been taken off the got to be stopped.'*• nian aad Mr. Levy wbo waa in the Well, that's one of the things burlesque - - let's all get together 6ir. It is my guess that Jews went to the radio people and. deplored Hitler lias done to people. He has and laugh." ,Mr. Schlepperuian as a character robbed Jews of their sense of tumor and that, I should say, 13 Jvith anti-Seraitlc connotations. I myself have had to drop my among the more dastardly of his told friend Mr. Shabbosdeckel. He many crimes. Laughter, at least, jused to be a handy man in this a man should he allowed to keep a time when Attila is robbing column. People ask me, "What's ia people of their countries, their become of your Mr. Shabbosdeck- koesea, their livelihoods and evea their clothing. It's a horrible Driven Out world. Well, good old Stabbosdeckel few years ago I used to try was driven out of this column by to A make it all endurable by laugh(Continued from Page 1.) sensitive Jewish OBtoiaa. There ing at Hitler. seemed an abwere those who eald that ia the surd little manliewho had taken the Council, the committee emname Shabboadeckel I seemed ta make fun of Jewa. It was a clown- over God's job and was reclassl- phasised that the establishment ish name, they said. Dida't we fying tfie human race and was oC the new body would Test in suffer paia enough without pok- trying to manage the animal king- small group of men. the power dom as well. (I had read that and authority over tho distribuing fun at euiselves." Nazis were grading pigs as Aryan tion of funds in which were InOh. I replied, Mr. Shabbos&eclcvolved not merely the financial Bon-Aryan piga-J el is just foolish kuman-kind. He- andBut support of Institutions and agenthere is nothing ta g cause he -happens to be Jewish at now. Hitler ia Fiance, Hitler cies, but "principles and Ideals, hsman-kind I call him Shablios- in N o r w a y , Belgium aims and aspirations that would deckel. Anyway, In a time of andDenmark, Holland; littler in Rumania; be more properly and; more equitdreadful pain it ta goad anodyne Hitler in Poland; Hitler at the ably evaluated In the councils of to have somethinff to lsaga at* jjuaping-off place oa tae Bulgar- the local communities in which But people would have- nothing ian border; Hitler over England; these Ideals-, principles, and aspirmore of Shabbosdeckel . . . "Do Hitler's shadow over America, ations come to more direct eottyou hare ta give Mm th& outact witb those who give and woo lime t a landish n a m e Shabbosdeckel?" decide." No laughing now, but only solthey'as&ed. etsa resolutions t h a t "governIf welfare funds surrender the As a matter of fact, r didn't ment of the people, by the people, right determine how tho funds invent ShabbosdedfeeL T h i r t y for the people shall not perish tvhichtothey raise are to bo dl years- ago he was a member of the from, the earth . . . " "a new birth ributed, they will giro up preChochem's Po&er Club w h o s e of freedom." o g a t i v e s and responsibilities transactions were reported weekYet I like to teller© that "'ire which go far beyond tho mere ly 1B t h e Sunday supplements, f Shabbosdeckel, as I remember I him, was a man who was always [, trying hopefully to fill o a t a straight in the middle. He was a sort of Sam Goldwyn with the English language a n d esteemed everywhere as a delightful character who c a u s e d aBdomiaal laughter that warmed up the inr ner being. But that was a time when anti-Semitism still waa a remote word that had ta da Only with darkest Russia. Trojan Horse In these times Shabbosdeckel positively became an embarrassment to me. I was made to feel that in Shabbosdeckel I,waa harboring a kind of filth columnist ' WIfb t&e VOrnXk Germ anti-Semitic among th& Jetrs,, or a Cfeaiata VitassEocs 4 , % E and O Trojan horse set up by Hitler and me to undermine Jewish morale against the time when everything would be ready lo seize Israel's citadel I recall that one editor changed For Winter Driving; Get a Set of Shaboosdeckel to Ginsberg oa one occasion. S o l had ta let Mr- Shabbos.deckel go. I felt more regretful at tni3, but ta Mr. ShabbosdecJcel's place I set up Mr. Zilch. People ash me, "Who is this Tread Tires Mr. ZQch who Is so often in your column?" OGTC7G QUICKER 1 Confidentially. Mr- Z i l c h is STRAIGHTER really Mr. Shah&osdeelicl under an alias. Nobody has. fosznd Mm objectionable as Ms. Zilch. I confess that I myself am not e REDES altogether Immune from the sensitivities that £a the recent years hav&! made Jews EJ> humorless. Urea that unB prove f^ff Long ago I Herself used to er jy csx o r e ciil in th borles<me b l the show Jew t?ho wore the. long his flerhy hat fiotra around his ears. I didn't feel then that he was. an insrilt tt I had thought "about hini at an, r would have
'|Mp@rt Retreading
task of f-und-raising and which form the basis far fully developed comttMinal thinkiag aud action, the Etsleuieixt said. At th.& same tim<3, tie Governing Council of the American Jewish Congress unanimously adapted a resolution oppo&iEg the proposal for a iiaticual budgeting' committee, President Stephen S. "Wise announced. Dr. Wise also made known that a ccaummitatioa had been addressed to the reprfcseatatives of tlie Coagivesa in cities where there are welfare funds and community councils advising' them to. act in cor-operation with other agencies to register their opposition to this appeal.
FEMMUAMY 14, 1 S 4 I
Prizes Given by Yellow Cab Co/
Yellow Cab coupon books valued at $2 5 were mailed Thursday to thirteea Oiaahans as prizes for their estimates of miles traveled by Omaha's Yellow Cabs during tLe month of January. Grtt.ch.eii L. Harring ajid ffnrill Straub were nearest to the correct mileage in the one-month. contest, it was announced. Th*j estimated 620,000 miles, and the exact number traveled by the cabs in January was 619,914 miles. Both received $5 coupon books, as did Mrs. Lynn Shurter, who • Isaac Bauuiaa, the first Jew in was third. Ten others received $1 oeiafGiitein, capital o| t h e books. Approximately 1,50ft «*tries were filed in the contest, Orange Free State, w a s twi« according to S. A. Houser, Yellow mayor. Cab president. $ A . M. I © Mn»»i<ii SPECIAL-Swt.
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200 Youth and Democracy RalEes to Hear Broadcast by JL Edgar Hoover
Council Bluffi
A national inventory of the nursing forces in this country is being conducted under the auspices of the Nursing Council 'on National Defense.. . -A.11 Registered nurses- in tag country are.asked to co-operatj> in the.comp(latipn. pf .a. roster.SO .that tfee PAme.8. of all nurses will be available in case -of a national emergency. Halcie M. Boyer, R N... is J p e c ial agent, for the U. S. Public Health service in Omaha.. *
By Lucille Abrahamson HADASSAH - The linen shower of Hadassah . will be held next Tuesday, February 18, in the form of a desser. luncheon at 1. p. m. at the Synagogue; Cash contributions will be appreciated at this time. - The chairman for the meeting Is Mrs. Joe Gotsdiner.- On her .committee are: - Mesdames Sam _ Sacks,1 Herman Myerson, Herman Krause, and Etta Yudelson. , Miss Eva Konecky of Qmaha will review the book, "Embezzled Heaven" by Franz Werfel. JUNIOR HAJMSSAH At a special meeting held last •week, at-the tome of" their sgon•«or, Mrs. Richard Gordon, Junior Hadassah started definite plans for a social event to be held this spring. A regular meeting was held last night at the home of Florence Meyerson, at which time various money-making schemes were discussed. After the business meeting a program under the direction of Lorarine Meyerson, p r o g r a m chairman, was presented. . Rehearsals have been In progress for the past week for a "Gay Nineties" vaudeville show to be presented by Hadassah for all paid-up members. AH members are urged to pay their dues as a great treat is in store for all that attend. . ' JEMESEL CLUB . At the home of its president, Miss Betty Cohen, the Emesel Club made final plans for the formal Initiation banquet to be held Sunday, February 23, at the Chieftain hotel. Tentative plans are now In progress for the Club's annual formal dance to be held sometime In. April. JXONOR BRIDE-TO-BE At a no-host dinner held last Wednesday evening at the Chieftain hotel, Miss Maxine Lelbovitz was honored." Miss Lelbovitz is to become the bride of Marvin Beechen of Sioux City on April 10. She was presented with a gift. B'NAI B'RITH A B'nal B'rith meeting was held Monday night. Flans were promulgated to hold a father and eon get-together during the next Tegular meeting on February 24.
URGE KNIGHTHOOD FOR CHAPLIN . London (JTA) — An army officer of the Salisbury command Jbas written to The Dally Mall "urging knighthood for Charlie Chaplin as a reward for his service in the cause of freedom through the film, "The Great Dictator." "If ever knighthood was merited, it Is merited by Chapr lin," the officer 6?ld. The Dally Mall Invites Its, readers' opinion" on the proposal.
Compile List of Registered "Nurses
Hit by Brazil Ban
(Left) J. Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who lias made a special recording of a speech on "Youth and Democracy" which will be heard at 200 youth and democracy rallies to be held throughout the country beginning February 23 and continuing through Brotherhood Week. (Right) Irving Levitas, national cultural director of Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nal "B'rith youth organization; Julius Bisno, executive director, and Ben Barkin, assistant executive director, putting the final touches on plans for the rallies to be attended by over 150,000 young people of all races and creeds affiliated with 30 youth-serving agencies having a combined membership in excess of 3,000,000.
Sao Paulo, Brazil (JTA)—Fiyfl Yiddish newspapers are among the foreign-language p u b 1 i c a« tions- affected by the decree ot President Getullo Vargas order, ing such periodicals to change Into the Portuguese language ; within six months. The reason for the decree, It was stated, is to hasten the assimilation of foreign-born groups. For the past year foreign-langu* age publications have been oblige ed to publish Portuguese transla* tions alongside all material is the foreign language. 'V',-
DANCING lectures on Feb. 19 at Duke UniONE HOUR LESSONS versity In Durham, N. C , through BKINO THIS AD New Downtown Location Cincinnati (JTA) — Dr. Louis arrangements made by the JewEVELYN KELLY Finkelsteln, president of the Jew- ish Chautauqua Society, project SCHOOL OF DANCING The second annual Elks Char- ish Theololgcal S e m i n a r y of of the National Federation 01 161* Douglas, 4th Floor JA ity Revue for the Crippled Chil- America, will deliver a series of Temple Brotherhoods. dren Fund to be staged at the Tech High School Auditorium, February 20, 21, 22, promises to surpass n glamor, splcey music and comedy ,the previous year's production. < This Is the declaration of ExA Limited Number of Copiesof alted Ruler Edward F. Mehrens, who has personally watched the rehearsals of the huge cast of about 260 persons. Scenery, with unusual effects, and the costumes direct from Broadway, have arrived, and according to William F. Raterman, New York City, who is directing he stage presentation, Omahans will be the first to see the gor:eous extravaganza of theatrical splendor. But while the "whipping Into shape" of the musical spectacle was in progress, volunteers were staging their "last minute" ticket selling drive. The proceeds from the sales of ickets will be used entirely in the rehabilitation and treatment Has been made available for readers of THE JEWISH of crippled children at Field School, where therapy equipment PRESS. By sending in your 1941 subscription immehas been installed by the Elks Lodge. diately, you may procure a copy of "The Great Hatred" This room is available to all for only fifty cents additional* Act now* This offer is children needing such treatment and equipment has been approved available for a limited time only* by the medical society. The activities in the room are to be completely under the direction of d o~c t o r s " and visiting .nurses." ransportation for the children wil be provided by the Nebraska rippled Childrens Society. 1941 JEWISH PRESS SUBSCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . $2.5©
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take . place and plans for the spring season will be announced. A regular monthly board meetAbout 40 members of A. Z. A. At a gala stacker .held last Ing was held Wednesday night. 100 were present at a chapter night at the tome of Aleph Dick smoker held last night at the ZIotky, all the delegates and othhome of Yale Richards. The er members of Mother Chapter smoker was a send-off affair for] v»(,re given & rousing eendoff to Masada Club • Gamma Tan Sigma the chapter representatives who the Conibelt Regional tournament are leaving tomorrow night for beginning tomorrow and running % Hostesses at the Jay Payee •: Masada Ciub, newly organized the Cornbelt Regional convention until Monday in Lincoln. Dance given at the Center last group of high school boys, sprint- at Lincoln. Leo Alperson, chairPast Aleph Godol Harry GoodSunday night by the Maeada. Club ed into the limelight last week man of the publications commit- binder was unanimously chosen Interest is running high these Were members of the Gamma Tau with its successful first social af- tee, distributed the first chapter as delegate. The chapter is also Sigma, newly formed club for fair, the Jay Paree Dance, held newspaper of his term at t h e sending representatives to com- days in the Center's Club Leadpete in tournaments in oratory, ers' Club which meets every high school seniors arid recent at the Jewish Community Center smoker. debate, and basketball at the con- Thursday at eight o'clock, when graduates. President Doris .Pin- S u n d a y night. Multi-colored The chapter's basketball team vention. Numerous members will volunteer club sponsors and adkowitz and ether members wore lights, small tables, a milk bar, retained its second place standing accompany contestants to the visors come together to compare blue and white hostess ribbons and the swing music of Jack. in the J. C. C. Senior league, al- Capitol Citytiie for made by Betty Kaplan and dis- Ross transformed the auditorium though it lost to the first place tions offered. the social attrac- notes and to discusse the many. problems of group work. tributed dance programs as sou- into a night club for the two hun- Adler's five last Tuesday night, The Athletic Committee is comThe club leaders are unani-. venirs. 38-24. Melvin Levine, chairman pleting plans for the sponsorship dred guests. mous in their agreement that •'A meeting was held earlier in Given in honor of the Kansas of the athletic committee, has an- of a Center-wide table tennis tour- theirs is the most Interesting bob* the afternoon and the entiry City Center basketball team, the lounced plans for bowling, wrest- nament. Entrants will be accepts by open to young men and womgroup attended the basketball Jay Paree dance netted unique ing and handball tournaments to ed in both singles and doubles. en. Such matters as a dominating game. entertainment for one and all and select teams for competition with Committee chairmen for the officer or a shy member are dis* the Mother chapter. Plans will Other officers of the organiza- a profit to be donated to charity coming term include: Social, Goralso be made very soon for the don Margolin and Warner Froh- cussed and analyzed and suggest* tion are: Ida Chodek, vice-presi- by the Masada members. tions made for subduing the dent; Bernice Burstein, secreHonorable mention goes to the organization of the chapter's soft- man, co-chairmen; Cultural, Sam one and encouraging the other. ball team for entry into the J. C. Cooper; Athletic, Justin Priestary; Jean Greenfield, treasurer; following for their hard work in The Activities Department o^ man; Social Service, Norman TurEvelyn Wolk, reporter, and Helen making the dance a, success by C. Softball league in the spring. the Center invites membership in kel; Membership, Milt Caekin and Louis Katz and Jack Bernian, Burstein, sponsor. decorating', printing the tickets, Sam Cohen, co-chairmen; Re- the Club Leaders' Club. As the The club is planning numerous and so on: Don Zernovsky, Ted co-chairmen of the committee for ligious, Harry Goodbinder; Fi- number of volunteer sponsors im the Annual Youth and Democracy events for the spring and is ac- Mogll, Sol Marcus, Max Hirschnance, Max Kirshenbaum; Kibitz- creases, the Center will form, Rally, have all their plans practive in the Round Table of Jew- man, Herman Burstein, Martin er, Myron Rubnitz; and Property, Young Judaea groups in cooperaish Youth. Besides the president, Goodman, Milton Cackin, Harold tically completed for the Rally Abe Baum. tion with the Junior HadassaK which is tentatively scheduled for the members have elected a sec- Sherman, and Marvin Zernovsky. and will also help any group of The basketball team to repreMarch 3. Such non-Jewish orond representative to the Round Patriotic Program as the DeMolay and sent Mother Chapter at Lincoln boys and girls to organize their, Table, Martye Lee Byorn. Food for thought being as ganizations the Hi-Y have contacted, and will be chosen from the follow- own club. High school seniors and recent much a part of the Masada pro- it is very likelybeen that both of these, ing: Morris Ruderman, Ed Gergraduates interested in joining gram as fun, the club arranged besides several other ber, Albert Nepomnick, A b e are Invited to contact the presi- an unusually fine cultural pro- tions, will participate. It organizaBaum, Al Lagman, Haskell Cohen, has been gram Wednesday night to which definitely arranged for Boy Scout Nate Meiches, Marvin Richards, dent. Hotel PAXTON members brought guests. The Troop 62, co - sponsored by the and Phil Wiese. Morris Adler is Proudly Presents of this patriotic program, Century chapter, to perform the now coaching the A. Z. A. 1 Sigma Delta Tau theme held on the birthday of Abraham ceremony squad, and will accompany; the Music Styled by Wilde of presenting the colors. team to the tournament. Lincoln, was the role played by Lincoln (Special) — Tfie active Jewish citizens in the history of RAN WILDE chapter of Sigma Delta Tau was the United States. Junior Hadassah Junior Council . and His Californians taken by surprise last Sunday "Amerlcans-all-immigrants-all" A patriotic meeting and pronight, when the pledge class, at defined the theme of the program an impromptu spread, presented which consisted first of a drama- ;ram was held last Monday eveThe Omaha Section- of the Nathe "Trumpet," their pledge pa- tic and musical recording of Jews ning by Junior Hadassah. Fea- tional Council of Jewish Juniors per. This paper is traditionally in the United States. This record- ture was a vocal recording by will hold its meeing at the Jewu l Robeson of "Ballad for ish Community Center Sunday, Hotel PAXTON written entirely by the pledges, ing was loaned to the club by P dedicated to the actives, and its Creighton University, which re- Americans." PAT MILLER, Mgr. 16, at 2:30. Ruth Roscnsteln was chosen to February contents are kept secret until for- ceived the entire series as a gift represent An Interesting meeting the club as Queen Esfrom Dr. Philip Sher. mal presentation is made. ther at the Purlm Festival, Disclousure of the nine outOutline Year's Calendar More Junior Hadassah pins standing sophomore women on The club has planned a well- were sold. The drawing will be the University of Nebraska cam- rounded program of sports, social held at the- next meeting. pus, by the editors of the "Corn- events, and cultural programs. husker," Nebraska's annual, re- President Harold Sherman spoke" Temple Sisterhood pealed that lihoda Krasne, Coun- for the entire group when he cil Bluffs, is otic of the nine girls said; "Masada ,the young men's Mrs. Milton Mayper's Circle of who will be honored by having Zionist organization, offers its the Temple Israel Sisterhood will her picture in the annual, when members national affiliation, tho sponsor a bingo party on "VyednesExclusive Fo@hionsl it is published, In May. opportunity to make fine friends, day evening, February 19, in the .'"( Announcement of the annual and splendid programs. Most im- Vestry rooms of the Temple. Coed Follies show, to be present- portant, it brings us together in Mrs.- Abe Cfreenberg is chaired by the Associated Womena the interest of Jewishness." man and" Mrs. Raymond Silbar is Students, March 27, and consist- To date, the members are: Her- co-chairman charge, of arrangeing ol short skits by selected sor- man Burstein, Milton Cackin, ments for-thein affair. . .- orities preceded tho appointment Milton Goldberg,^ Martin Goodof Miriam Rubnitz of Omaha, to man, Phil H a n d l e m a n , Max Daughters of Israel act as director of Sigma Delta Hlrschman, Louis Katz, Sol MarTau's skit. A style show follows cus, Ben Miller, Ted Mogil, EdA regular meeting of the this sh,ow, climaxed by the -pre- ward Sellz, Norman Sellz, Harold sentation of the best dressed girl Sherman, Al Temin, Don Zernov- Daughters of Israel Aid Society on campus. Sylvia Epstein, sopho- sky, Marvin Zernovsky, Irvin Zol- will be held on Tuesday, Februi more fr"om Omaha, is Sigma Del- lotuchen, Ray Simon, and Earl ary 18, at-2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. ta Tau's candidate for this hon- Mogil. All members are urged to be or*-Other girls who will model in ,Organized by the Activities De' the style show are Shirley Pol- partment of the Jewish Commun- present. $ky, senior, from Lincoln, and ity Center just four, weeks ago, Ladies' Free Loan Shirley Kushner, freshman,.. also Masada Club plans to cooperate from Lincoln. - _" - .with all other Jewish youth A board meeting of the Ladies '•>. Active, as always, in the intra- .groups, in the city, and has al- Free Loan Society will be held on mural leagues, Sigma Delta Tau ready joined ..the Round Table. Monday, February 17, at 2 p. m. has two bowling teams, as.yet The president and Ray Simon are at the home of S. Peldman, 1819 • -.."_ undefeated, and four girls who the representatives. N. 21st St. h a v e entered the ping-pong tournament. They are: Geraldine Hadassah Grinspan, St. Joseph, Sarah Bonnie Miller, Wall Lake, Iowa: A $50 cash prize will be given Rose Goldstein, <|maha, and Shiraway at the Hadassah bingo parley Epstein, Omdha. ty Saturday evening, March 1. Rose Goldstein was. appointed Other will be numerous chairman of the sorority's conces- and all prizes of value not less than f 5. sion at the Penny Carnival, to J. Goldware Is chairman be held Saturday. This carnival is andMrs. Mrs. Stein is co-chair•sponsored by the Y.,W. C. A. and man. TheJulius proceeds of this party is put on every year at this time. will go to the Hadassah medical The chairman has the help of fund. Those wishing to sell tickthe freshman lcaBB with this pro- ets for this event in order to raise ject. •Anna Arbitman, Omaha,, was their donor Quota may do so. . recently.selected as a member of ihQjY.yV.ib.A.-jcablnet. She will The next regular meeting will head the personal relations staff, take place on Wednesday, FebruCmpia,r ivJko kindles gprMgiicte Pasclond, and meet"- with freshman "women. ary 26. February is designated V A very educational and inter- as "child welfare" month, thereIs mlilm iavor of esting cultural hour was. enjoyed fore Ihe program will be devoted by the Kroup last Tuesday, night, to that phase of the work. Mrs. When Mr. Charles Nutting, a J. H. Kulakofsky, child welfare member of-the Nebraska Law chairman; will be in charge. • School. faculty spoke on . "Freedom of Speech jind Propaganda." Mr. Nutting is a .prominent Beautiful Square Speaker in Lincoln. L Friday night members of both ~ Cut Diamond Ifou'rein thertieaswljrob'biislnas once you fraternities and barbs enjoyed an Weight 11/4 Cts. Perf't hour dance at the chapter house. Wear a Swansdown fashion. For smooth linef
PlayingM r S
Tau Delta Sigma ' -The drawing originally scheduled by Tau Delta Sigma 'for Febsuary 2 was held February 9. The proceeds will ba Used -for the - clubs,annual spring formal,. >•„ ..' At the meeting last;-l Sunday, Heeda Efagzamin". waa" elected^to "- represent.jthe;-Tati> Delfe a t , / h e 'Purfni'Dance* ' t'^f-•-'•• •'•
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ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Announcement was made of the engagement of Mies Margeree Qarber, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. David Garber, to Werner Kirk of Kansas City, Mo., son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leopold Kirk. . ' No definite wedding date has been chosen.
BRIDE HONORED Before her marriage on Sunday, February 9, Mrs. Morton Soiref was honored by the Theta Lambda sorority at a no-host dinner at the Regis hotel and a glum ber party at the Fontenelle. Mrs Soiref is the former Helen Fogel VISIT HERE First Lieutenant Joe Goldware and Mrs. Goldware are expected here Sunday morning to visit relatives. The Goldwares are en route to California, where Lieutenant Goldware will take Up his new post. They have been stationed at Fort Benning, Ga., for the past three months.
ANNOUNCE BAB M1TZVAH ' Mr. and Mrs. Max Conn announce the Bar Mitzvah of their BOO, Robert Amos, on Saturday ; moraing, February 22, at the ' Beth El Synagogue. They -will receive in his honor at their home, 6128 Decatur, ot Sunday, Febru. ary 23, from 3 to 5. ! Ko Invitations have been is- JOSLYN MEMORIAL " jmed. Sunday at 2:30 in the concert hall of the1 Joslyn Memorial a „ ANNOUNCE BAB MITZVAH sound film, "Colonial National ; Kair. and Mrs. David Parker an- Historical Parks" -will be shown. • J,Bounce the" Bar Mitzvah of their At 3:30 an illustrated lecture will Bony Milton, on Saturday, Febru- be given by Dr. Carroll H. Wege ary 15, at the B'nal Israel Syna- mann on "Glaciers—PaBt a n d gogue. Present." • A reception will be held on A 4 o'clock organ recital will Sunday at their home from 2 to be given by Esther Leaf, assisted ; 5 / One hundred invitations have by Rosemary Howell, 'cellist, and been issued. Gladys Hamstreet May, pianist.
HONORED AT FAREWELL PARTY Mr. and Mrs. A. Tannenbaum, •who are moving to Buffalo,. N. ,Y., was honored at a farewell •party given last Thursday by employees of the Neisnef store. SURPRISE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hahn were honored at a surprise party by a group of their friends in honor Of. their 20th wedding anniversary. Twenty couples attended. An «lectrlc roaster was presented Mr. and Mrs. Hahn.
,. j
-BETROTHAL TOLD . -Mr. and Mrs. A. Silvers of ChiVcago, HI., announce tho engage•• ment and approaching marriage . of their daughter, Marlon Boruck, •to Mr. Barney JWV Brody of Chicago, formerly of Omaha, son of « ; Mrs. Gertrude Brody. •* Miss Boruck is a graduate of v V'the University of Illinois and Mr. .Brody of Technical High school. '. An early summer wedding is ", planned.
' . BI A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB -The S. A. M. Mother's Club is , giving a luncheon a t ! the Elks Club on Tuesdayi February 18, ' ., at 12:30, at which time they will .*' honor the alumni, the actives, . and wives of the S. A. M. alumni. ," The hostesses for this affair are - Mrs. Jacob Bernstein, Mrs. Sam ;:S2pstein, Mrs. Morris Margolin, / * Mrs. Sam Greenberg* Mrs. Harry Nystrom, and Mrs. Joe Goldware. TEMPLE SUPPER CLUB The Temple Supper Club has - postponed its meetingr until February 25»
TEMPLE HIGH SCHOOL GROUP n The Temple Israel High School group will meet Sunday evening, February 16, at C o'clock at the Temple for supper, a program, and dancing. Rabbi David H. Wice will be In charge. Mrs. Julius Newman -Is Sisterhood chairman for the group. Her committee , this week includes Mrs. Manning Handler, Mrs. Abr. Greenspan, Mrs. Max Davis and Mrs. Harry Rubenstein. -This group will be entertained at a George Washington party on Saturday evening, February 22, at 7:30 at tho Temple. Hostesses at that time will be: Mesdames J. J. Friedman, A. E. Rubnitz, W. A. Rosenberg, Max Davis, Harry T r u s t i n, Phil Grossman, mid David R. Cohen. Assisting will be Mrs. M. F. Handler and Mrs. Abr. Greenspan. The evening's entertainment w i l l Include games dancing, and refreshments.
U. O. C. Sisterhood
Theta Alpha Rho
The regular mid-monthly Oneg Shabboth of the U. O. C. Sisterhood will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 18 th and Chicago streets. Hostesses for the afternoon will be: "Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. I.' Goldstein, and Mrs. J. Wintroub. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will give a short talk. An interesting program has been arranged. Members and their friends are invited to attend.
A regular meeting of the Theta AlpMa Rho &orority was-held at the home of Miss Lillian Friedman OB Sunday, February 9. " FiEal plans and arrangements were made for the Sorority's Valentine Day party to be held today at the borne of Miss Ruth Coren. Plans for an ice-hockey game party to be held in the future were discussed. After the regular business meeting games were played and refreshments vere served by the hostess. The next meeting is to be held on Sunday, February 22.
HiUel Lincoln (Special)—On Monday, February 3, Maurice Samuel, well known writer and lecturer, and translator of "The Nazarene" delivered an inspiring address before the combined representatives or the Nebraska Hillel extension unit and the Lincoln B'nai B'rlth. Sponsored by these two groups, Mr. Samuel spoke on the topic "Design for Jewish Living." The keynote of his address was that we as Jews must adjust our lives to our environment and not to customs established by JewB living under entirely different conditions. After the address the meeting was thrown open to questions from the audience. The local Hillel Unit is also sponsoring an essay contest on the topic "How Can We Better the Nebraska Hillel." .Deadline for entries is March 23. A prize of $5.00 will be awarded the winner. ' The National Hillel Council Is again this year sponsoring an oratorical contest. Elimination of contestants is to be made by each Hillel unit and the winner of each contest will get free trip to Chicago where the national finals will be held. Plans are being made this second semester to continue sponsoring lectures by well known Rabbis and personages as well as group discussions on Jewish affairs.
, 'At a regular meeting of the iBas-a-mi held at the home or Louise Mtllei? -©$ February 7, it was decided that the organisation should epoaeor a bake sale to be held at the Brandeis Store on Saturday, February 22, The group anticipates this will be one of the major fund-raising events of the year. Miss Elaine Lagman, president,gave a short resume of Round Table meetings, pointing out the Importance of active participation by all affiliated groups if the" Round Table is to continue. Attention was also called to the forthcoming dance and conclave, both of which will be sponTheta Lambda sored by the Round Table. Refreshments were served.' A . regular meeting of Theta The date of the next meeting will > Lambda was held Tuesday eve- be announced soon. ning at the home of Iteva Ostravich, Ruth Miller was selected Auxiliary, Br. 173 as the sorority's candidate for Workmen's CircleQueen Esther at the Round Table The Auxiliary of Br. 173,. Purim dance. Workmen's Circle has Ethel Kadis, president, appoint- Jta card party from postponed Monday, ed committees to make plans for February 17, to Monday, Februa social event to be held in the ary 24, because of the Women's near future. Division Card Party. A Good and Welfare CommitTickets for the Auxiliary's card tee was established with Ruth party, are twenty-five cents. Miller as chairman. This commit- Prizes will bo given each table. tee shall have charge of flowers Refreshments will be served. The and visits to any members taken affair will take place at the Laill during the current year. bor Lyceum, 3002 Cumlng.
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Deborah Officers of the Deborah Society were elected at the meeting held Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center. ^ Mrs. K. Tatlo was named honorary president; Mrs. J. Bernstein, president; Mrs. C . S . Ross, first vice-president; ' Mrs. J. Finklc, second vice-president; ' Mrs. D. Crounse, financial secretary; Mrs. Michael C o h e n , corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Max^Fromkin, treasurer. Elaborate plans axe being made for the annual luncheon which will be held in Mayt *
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tHit some of ths European countries after tfce holocaust of 1914. Senator Wagner's proposal may seem farfetched, visionary, and rather untimely &ad premature to some, particularly at this time; but it is necessary to bear in inind that the blessings of SUBSCRIPTION RRiCE, One. Yes? . Advertising Rates Furrtietied OBI peace, to v/'Ach we all look forward, may prove more ruinous to our democracy than the preparaOFFICE: fits EwyMii. & £ « £ r 6JLOUX Cil'i OFFICE—Jcwibu Ccautuiujty Ccuter tions for and the battles of the war. To preserve the morale of our people and strengthen the faith . DAVID BLACKER—Business aad Managing Edito of the common man in the democratic form of LEGHARI} NATHAN Editor government, it is timely and constructive to be EAEBI THEODORE W. LEWIS - Book Editor making plans for solving the problems and reFRANCES BLACKER - •" - Society Editor construction and readjustment readily and willMORRIS AIZENBERG—-Sioux City Corresponden ingly.
Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Pfetlfp SLer
peoples Miider Ms thumb as & weapon f&i" K Ictiig time. He It&s forced them to l&hor, he has tlfi/Joiisiled their relatives all over the world. Periodically, he would after to seikd them any* where in the world they went wanted provided the cost would be met fcy others &nd when he taken up on this arrogant l he would turn to GOT* muuy tend e&y, "You see, no on© else wants them either.'*
BIBLE Hear my words, ye wise men, and give ear unto me ye that have knowledge for the ear trieth words as the palate tastes food. Let us choose for us that which Recently, however, two probis right. Let us know among ourlems have arisen which have com* selves what is good. Notwithstanding my right I am plicated the picture somewhat* accounted a deceiver. My wound With food scarce, the population Is'incurable though I am without of concentration camps, illfed as they are, represent a serious con-* transgression. Less Anti-Semitism The Burden of Religion He respecteth not the persons sideration in the food problem. One of the most satisfactory reports to come of princes nor regardeth the rich And the lengthening of the NazJ As great a religious sceptic as Albert Einstein from the annual meeting of the American Jewish more than the poor for they all battlefronts makes precious the •whose relationship with Judaism lias been only its number of men who must be deCommittee last month was the statement that are the work of His hands. tailed to guard the captive peor secular aspects, has taken great pains to remind "Anti-Jewish agitation in America has struck a TALMUD Pie. the world that the only effective opposition to the new low of disrepute during the past year. Even We are taught that Rabbi Nazis has come from the German religious or- at its height this agitation never succeeded In Akiba said, "For three hygienic As a result Herr Hitler has ganizations. Representatives of the Christian making serious inroads on American public opinion customs I do admire the Medians. been understood to be looking for church have been the only ones consistently to but always remained an underworld movement, When they carvef meat they do a place to dump the refugees it on the table (because it is the challenge the misdeeds of the Nazis. Thousands disapproved and condemned by all decent Ameri- cleanest place); when they kiss where they will create the most of German ministers have paid a heavy penalty cans." they do so only upon the hand possible interference with the s f of his enemies, thus wring* (because the mouth is full of effort for their allegiance to a law higher than the hysTo strengthen this thesis, the report pointed ing the final drop of usefulness bacteria); and when they have a terical word of "der Fuehrer." to the defeat of what few candidates for office In public meeting they arrange it in from his prisoners. In the face of these facts, Not only in Germany but in other areas of recent eftctions had associated themselves with an open field (because there is which are available at a dozen conquered territory, particularly Holland, the anti-Jewish activities were defeated. There have plenty of fresh air)" Rabbi Jochanan said, "Even if sources, any child of five must! home of religious liberty, and Norway, have the been other signs of abatement of propaganda, such the sword already touches the see the Nazi proposal for refth religious leaders assumed the role of opposition. as the falling off of the circulation of anti-Semitic throat yet a man should not re- gee transportation to the United Under the leadership of the Bishop of Oslo, pri- publications. frain from praying for mercy." States for just what it was—an mate of the Church of Norway, and all subordinate Rabbi when he had finished his effort either to throw a scare ink Father Coughlin Is off the air, and his absence prelates, a list of grievances against the present has permitted the American public to look with daily prayer made the following to the American people and at* tack their unity or to start somo puppet regime has been set forth. Although the clearer vision at the issues before it. Dr. Brink- prayer. "May it be Thy will, O fat-headed movement to take wording is cautious and the general tenor Is a ey, the goat-gland man who went in for anti- Lord, to deliver me from arro- him up on It in tho wild hope gant men and from arrogance; complaint against the activities of a state which Semitism as a side-line, has declared bankruptcy. from a bad man; from any mis- he might place another burden on they know full well recognizes no complaint Pelley Js on the move from one state to another.. hap; from bad associates; from a America laboring at the forgetf bad inclination; from a bad and lathes where she is building against it, it is apparent that the Bishops protested Whether we have gone through the most try- neighbor; from severe Judgment her "arsenal for democracy." in the realization the wrongs they enumerated rig period American Jews have yet known, it Is from severe opponents, would receive no redress. Like the army chaplain's still too early to tell, but It is encouraging to note and The man who wrote that story whether it be a Bon of the conpetition, "which several years ago stirred German at this particular moment, Israel's enemies are not venant or a son not of the cov- was a reporter of experience and who had covered the state deofficialdom by its bold denunciation of the Nazi prospering. Anti-Semitism has, however, left Its enant." party, the Norwegian Bishops have attempted to 3cars on the Jews. Abaye was accustomed to say. partment. The editors who passed "Man should always be delib- on it were also experienced in in.stay the paganism of the conquerors. In so chaotic a world, we must be eternally erate for the fear of God, reply ternational news and one of them' So it has been in the Netherlands where the vigilant against our enemies. . And our enemies softly, try to pacify anger, and admitted to me personally that ho pastors and the editors of the Calvinlst church are easily recognized for they are the enemies of speak peacefully with his breth- had heard Hitler's phoney offer before and knew what it was have been courageously outspoken in their opposi- 11 justice and p r o c l a i m themselves by their ren, with his relatives and with worth. Yet the story was sent out every man so that he may be betion to the occupying power. Thousands have al- ruelty. and printed. loved in Heaven and below by ready gone to prison, but the Dutch are a hardy men." people and not likely to abandon their deep reThe most charitable thing I can find to say about this act is that ligious conviction^ because of a German upstart's A Bloody Tale it was stupid. Last week there was sent from Sofia a fivedesire. The Duke of Alva had to sentence tho thousand word dispatch by Leigh White, an Amerentire population of the Netherlands to death and : No wonder the Nazis think even then was unable to subdue or even intimi- ican newspaper correspondent whose reports are they can throw a scare into us at familiar to readers of both the Jewish and general date it. every turn with the Fuehrer's press and whose voice is often Jieard in broadcasts ravings, terror newsreels and If one wonders why the Nazis oppose the Jews, other hoary devices. They certainBy PAT FRANK one need only look at the weapon of their op- from the Balkans. White had been In Bucharest ly must have a low opinion of our during the so-called Iron Guard revolt and what J. T. A. Washington ponents, the weapon that has given them strength collective intelligence and loyalty he wanted to tell had to wait until he was safe when they are disarmed, that has given them Press Bureau when they see us so cheerfully abetting ' the' Nazi cause with courage in the face of prison and death. Theirs beyond the Rumanian frontier. His is one of the news stories such as that related is the same weapon that brought our colonists most horrible stories we have ever read. Sometimes I think Herr Hit- above. Nowhere in the pages of Jewish history la into the wilderness from which they built a new ler's greateBt ally in this counland. This is the Bible, the Book-that Israel has there a parallel for the disaster that descended try is our own stupidity. An upon the Jews of Rumania, for the revolt was event of last week highlighted given the"world. rapidly changed Into a pogrom that made Kish- this suspicion. Religious Services nieff and Kiev unimportant little skirmishes. Even Readers of papers subscribing Petlura.lost his laurels to the Iron Guardista who to a certain news service were Planning for the Future accomplished in a few days what took him months. treated to tho eyebrow-elevating Temple , \, It is to the glory of man that In th"e very midst Two thousand are known to have been slaughtered' announcement This evening at services, Dr« that Hitler was ot diabolical destruction, there are some whose and thousands more are still unaccounted for in dickering with thia government Solomon ~ A. Flneberg, formerly minds are already concentrating on the problems an uprising that lasted only a few days. This is to take all of the close to 500,- spiritual leader of a congregation at Mt. Vernon, New York, and of reconstruction, once hostilities have ceased. But a record of human depravity that one must search 000 refugees in' concentraaion now representative of the Americamps in occupied territory into for the, c r e a t i v e , constructive, and heartening deep into the archives of the ages to find an equal. the United States at this coun- can Jewish Committee, will delivforces and elements, which strangely keep emerger a sermonette. To relate In detail the events, events so beyond try's expense. ing from under the feet and hooves of the Four The second Town Hall meeting will be held with Paul Veret as. Horsemen of the Apocalypse/the plight of man- our comprehension, would horrify a world that has The refugees would be shipped kind and the minds of men and women would ex- become accustomed to human bestiality. Not the from Berlin to Lisbon via sealed chairman. Members of the panel Inquisition, not the Chmielnicki massacres, not the trains and thence to the United will be Ben Silver and Louis perience heartbreak beyond endurance. ' Russian pogroms nor the German debacle, found States by U. S. Lines ships guar- LIpp. Recently Senator Wagner of New York sug- slaughter and torture such as became the fate ot anteed safe passage by the Gergested that a committee be appointed by the Presi- Rumanian Jewry. Beth El man U-boat command, according Tonight at services Rabbi Davto the' story, which proceeded to dent, and Congress to study the economic and soYet not so dark and bloody an episode in the quote Secretary of State Cordell id A. Goldstein will speak on cial problems which are sure to emerge after the long life of Israel that some hope may be seen. Hull in a manner which gave the, "Abraham Lincoln and the Bidefense ueed3 will have passed^ This committee Along with the thousands of Jews who d i e d , Impression that unofficial repre- ble." is to~work out an extensive program to employ In addition to .the sermon, it perished hundreds of Rumanian non-Jews, Chris- sentations had been made in this service of Consecration will" bo the resources of America and the manpower once connection. tians in the highest meaning of the term, who held for boys and girls of the world peace is re-established. Many will agree fought alongside the beleaguered Jews. Not to God only knows what the ef- Hebrew, School who' have learned with the senator that in order to preserve and the government of Premier Antonescu can the fect of that story had on thou- to read Hebrew and can now take improve our economic order, the machines and / l Jews who survive give thanks for their lives, but sands of people throughout the part In the service. hands, • left idle once the war-machine stops, will Following the service a tea and to the peasants who ringed the villages and re- country who, in light of the wellhave to be transferred as quickly and as efficientreception will be held in the SCN fused to permit the Iron Guard entry to harm the known fact that the denial never clal hall of the Synagogue, ly as possible to peace-time activities and occupacatches up with the accusation, Jews in their midst. Next Week ' , are probably convinced at this . tions. Next Friday evening Robert, For those Jews in Rumania, the ones who have moment that plans are afoot to It is well that men are already exhibiting fore-, survived, there is little we can now do, at least flood this country with Europe's son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Conn wil chant Klddush in observance eight and devoting serious thinking to the tre- for the present. Like those who perished they refugee population. mendous problems of readjustment that will face are martyrs in that age-old struggle for human Now this act is an old chestnut of his Bar Mitzvah which will take place on Saturday, Febru* the nation, even though at the present moment we rights, in the eternal battle of good and evil* But with Herr Hitler, but Just to ary 22. . ' make sure your correspondent cannot but be wholeheartedly and seriously con- from their example we may learn to dedicate ourRabbi Goldstein has chosen aa made an exhaustive check. It was cerned about converting our land into an arsenal selves to the 'strengthening of .the democratic ideal developed that the State Depart- the topic for his sermon, "Wash? of democracy. < . Remembering the unhappy exper- where mail learns his responsibilities id his'life ment bad. heard nothing, official- ington, the Jews, and Judaism inc " ly or unofficially, in this connec- the Making of America." - ieaces of the last world war, there are many that Land the lives of others, .... ; tion, that Secretary Hull had ; are not entirely Unaware of the sober fact that made that perfectly plain in his the,problems of peace may be as challenging and Tonight the services of the .tf« conversation . with the reporter JEWISH CALEITDAR 0. C. will be conducted by the Os devastating as the strains, efforts, and shocks who wrote the story.The news 1941-5701 Dr. O. S. Belzer involved in the defense program. And unless proservice admitted that its report Brotherhood. will speak on "The Value of Yid-Wednesday, March 12 had been secured from "private dish in the Culture "of the Jew,'* vision Is made in advance for the utilization of Fast of Esther agencies." What agencies? They and Harry. Rosenstein will speak .Thursday, March 13 idle machines and millions of persons suddenly Purim ..„...„..„ couldn't say. on "Youth Views the Synagogue.'f freed from war-occupations, American economy Roah Chodesh Nisan „.. Saturday, March 29 Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will demay experience just aa many repercussions as did Passover (1st day) ; ;;.....~.Saturday, April 12 { Now, Hen? Hitler has used the liver a-brief address. ---:• - -'-.• ••-
u. o. c.
f»«g« 5
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 1 4 , 1 9 4 1
Outward Bound to Be Given March 5, 6 time: 5:21 The late services tonight will be conducted by the U. O. C. Brotherhood. Dr. O. S. Beizer will speak on "The Value of Yiddish in the Culture of the Jew" and Harry Raseastein will speak on "Youtfa Views the Synagogue." The Rabbi wll deliver a brief address. A reception for members and friends will follow the services. Sabbath morning the Rabbi will speak at Congregation B'nai Israel. At this time the Bar Witzvahs of Manfred Siegler,/son of Mr. ami Mrs. Bernard Siegler, And Milton Parker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dare Parker will be honored. ' Junior Congregation The Junior Congregation will conduct their services Saturday morning at the B'nai Israel Synagogue at 10. Mrs, Ben Kazlowsky will be hostess to the children after services. Cantor will be Sol Baumer; reader of Torab, Bernard Wolfson; Maftfr, Manfred Ziegler. Regular Sunday morning eervfces of the V. O. O. Brotherhood will take place at Congregation B'nai Israel at 9, The Bible study hour and breakfast will follow. • ' Study Group The Adult Hebrew study group trill meet at the Rabbi's study oa Monday, at 8 p. m. The Talmud Study group will meet on Wednesday at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, at
fi p. m.
The February meeting of the If. 0. C. Brotherhood Is eched•led for Thursday, February 27. 'As usual it will be a dinner meeting-at the B'nai Israel Synagogue followed bjr a program of business. The cultural element of the evening will consist of a quiz conducted among the members of the Brotherhood.
For their second production of the season, the Center Players will present Sutton Vane's famous drama, "Outward Bound," on Wednesday and Thursday, March 5 and 6. March 6 has been designated a* youth night and members of the Center youth groups will attend. Mrs. Greta Haeck is directing the play.
Many prominent leaders In American Jewish life have assumed leadership ia the 012,009,000 W«r Emergency Campaign of the United Palestine Appeal of which Dr. Abba Ilillel Silver of Cleveland Is National Ciutirmsut. Ia ftMiiion to the oilier oiTicert ilie Honorary Cliairmeu of ilia 1941 United fslcsifsie Appeal are (top raw) left to right i Profess®? AHbeH JSiroteJa, Governor ffle&ctt I I . JLeltms»« and Judge JsiBsa W. 'Mack. (Bottom row) Henry Eloa«ky, President -of B'nai BVitbs •ion. .Nathan Straus end Mba Henrietta Sz#ld. I a
Current Affairs CUSSATJ.C.C. Group at Center LEARNS HEBREW That learning Hebrew can be easy and pleasant was the consensus of the Junior Hadassah Hebrew class which met at the 'Jewish Community Center for the t i n t time Thursday evening. Instead of memorizing the letters of the alphabet, members of the class found to their surprise that they would learn to read a ehort story in the very Interesting book "A People and Its Festiralfl." Still sceptical, they nevertheless tackled the "lesson" and by the end of the hour were . able to read and understand the first story. Membership In the group Is Open to anyone interested In acQulrlng a reading knowledge of Hebrew. The class is conducted by the Center in cooperation .with the Junior Hadassah as part of the latter's national cultural fellowship program.
Opinions and ideas Are discussed and challenged every Wednesday evening at 8 -o'clock when the Current Affairs group conducted by Mrs. Ruth Neuhans meets at the Jewish Community Center for an hour of talking over the news of the day. The times are thought-provoking and the men carving today's history are extreme personalities who bear dissection and analysis, according to the group leader, who finds that members of the class are alert and interested in books, events, and people today. .' Membership ia open to all who enjoy participating in group discussion. Further information may bo • procured by calling Jackson 1366.
This Sunday evening, February 16, there will be held the first dance sponsored by Branch 690E, Workmen's Circle, since its organization two years ago. Proceeds of the dance will benefit the Jewish Labor committee. The J./h. C. is engaged in American and overseas activity in behalf of Jewry. In America, the J. L, C, through its many connections with A. F. of L. and C. I. 0. unions, attempts to protect the right of the Jewr to employment. Abroad, the J, L. C. aids la Jewish relief, and is the only organization which subsidizes the underground movement against HltlerisM in Germany and particularly Poland, Hundreds of Guafrnuuuhfp Cownmr refugees from totalitarian disdeclared i "T©«lay, snore crimination have already been than ever, Palestine ©ifers a Itavea brought to America for a temto thousands ©f tutfertumte men, porary haven. Woinssn csid cliildren who lisvo The dance will be held at the been forced from tlieir mm eou»» New Labor Lyceum, '3022 Cumtries by o&grmdon, violence end ing. Chairman of the dance comintolerance. I a no f»laee {a lls* mittee is Harry Leraer; tickets, world lies there been evidenced Tatelman; refreshments, greater social eoasdousnesi ©r esora Rebecca constructive effort to improve tfefl Mary Ash. and Fannie Pezzner; conditions of living. Anil i n every checking, Bol Ash, Music for the thing tlifit they have 4oae—• dance will be by Bob Freshman's wficther it w»» eesnomic ©r eockl "Make Believe" orchestra. Adi a character — the Jews Itava mission is SO cents per couple, shared the results of their efforts stags, 35 cents. end sacrifices with tlis country 69 a l l " Chicago for Urs. Sarah Wolpa, a former Omahan, who died in ChiThursday, February 6, for Mrs. cago on February 2. Surviving her are her eons, Elizabeth Pearlman, 73, vrho died Alex, Harry, Ben, and Julius; In Los Angeles on February 3, while visiting her daughter, Mrs. sixteen grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. J. D. Kendis. Surviving besides Mrs. Kendis Orphans Reach Palestine are two eons, Charles Pearlman Haifa (JTA) — Nine children of LOB Angeles, and William whose parents died in the sinking Pearlman of Omaha. of the refugee ship Salvador off Rites took place at the Jewish the Turkish coast on December Funeral Home. 12 arrived here this week. la addition, 21 Jewish immigrants Mrs. S&rah Wolpa reached here, 16 of them from Funeral services were held In Romania.
ROUND TABLE PUNS FOR PURIM AFFAIR With the title "HamantaBChen Hop," the Bound Table will present its annual Purlm dance at the Jewish Community Center, March 23. As the main event of the evening, Queen Esther HI will be crowned. Candidates for this title wll represent several of the girls' clubs affiliated with the Round Table. Queen Esther I was Bernice Sllverman who represented Junior IJadassah two years ago. Esther Shapiro, representative of Bas-A-Mi was the second reigning queen. Candidates for Queen Esther i n will be announced in the near future. Preliminary tryouts were held last Sunday for people to take" part in the floor show, which is to be another outstanding feature of thfa year's dance. Final tryouts will be held Sunday at the Center, at 2:30 p. m. and all Round Ta-» hie members are urged to attend. Together witb the crowning of the new Queen, the floor show, and an evening of dancing to a very popular orchestra, the com* mittee under the chairmanship ot Warner Frohniau and Charlotte Nogg, have planned a dance con« test and a radio will be raffled • off as a door prize. It is not neo. essary to be present to win. The success of this dance will in a great way influence the fiu ture of the Bound Table; thera. fore, all efforts have been center* ed u p o n the "Hamantasehen Hop" to make It novel and out* standing. The booths that have appeared in former years nave been eliminated In an attempt to make this year's dance Individ* nal. Tickets may be purchased from any member of the Bound Table and at the Center.
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Mra. Elizabeth Pearlman Funeral services were hold on
\o.r^ 1 \—7 A snecessfel hostess sever f to serve her gnesto good A pantry shelf .well st with e a s y - t o f l e r v e refn.-h ments from EHaky Dink in snres her popnlarityl
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picture firm . . . A novel celebra< Oiander, V7illiam Raduziner, Joe 11 o n of - President Roosevelt' Rice, Sam RIee. A. Rips, S a m birthday en J&Ettsa'y SO was held • ROME£OB, S. Itssenberg, A. S. in Mmof . , . An authentic barRufcnitz, David Efceraan, Ray Silbeeue &md MM was staged &t Andbar, Harry SemiEer, Louis Som* ro&'s AJaai&e Hotel, with, every, mer, Julius Stein, Harry Stein©lie attired in southern coloois berg, Sam Steiafcerg, Meyer Stern, Sam Stern, Sam Swartz, Joe TreLISTEN HERE great philosopher a n d Zionis costume, t h e hotel trausformei late a guy hostelry of the 1850' tiak, Harry Trustin, A. V. Venger, ADid you know that the German leader . . . It wottld, however, b Moe Venger, Paul Veret, Leo ' Library of Information, fountain wrong to think of him as Mr, and tun Uncle 'JConi Cabin tableau (Continued from Page 1.) t h e program of preWaxenberg, Leo V/eitz, J a c k head of Nasi propaganda a& cur Nerdau Captain Grueubl&t featuring Clvfl WET e&teit&ini&ent • . • Al Wehlner, Bernhardt shores, his increased its budge has a very distinctive claim to Sam Applemaa, Herman Auer- Wine, II. A. W&lf, Sam Wolf, I . tenfold in the past year? . . . Ac fame . . . He was oae of the fly- ABOUT PEOPLE bacb, Sam Beler, Henry Belmont. Wolf, B. Ziegiasn, a a i the Misses Fancording to testimony gives before ing aee3 daring the first world do you suppose t t e Ber- David Blacker, J. Blank, R. A. nie GiGdiasky, Blanche Kleiman the Dies Committee, the so-called war, sad was decorated for brav linY/hom. Bleieher, Paul Blotcky, R. Bordy, press \ calls "the N e w Gerlibrary now has a budget of |2GQ,- ery . . . .Grueunblatt doesn't look many's A. H. Brodkey. Bea Brodkey, and Blanche American meaaee?** . 000 a year, whereas formerly it ex&etty like the popular ceacep You guessed it: Walter Wincoell David Brodkey, Fred Brodkey, M. used to spend only 120,000 an- iion of a heroic warrior, being of . . . And proud he is of the titl D. Brodicey, Reuben Brown, M. Gift to St. Paul's nually "Blitzkrieg iin West- rather email eature and haviag . . . Congratulations to conductor E. Chapman, L. Cherniack, I. L. en" is the Nazi-made movie of tlte face of a student. . . But that Y/alter Damrosch, who celebrated Cheraiss, Herman Cohen, Jacob London (JTA) —'Canon Alexthe conquest of Western Europe of course, doesn't make him any Roosevelt's birthday by Cohen, Arthur Cohn, Max Davis, ander, treasurer of St. Paul'4 which Nazi-loving i-ovie exhibit- lees of a hero . . . lie speaks Eng- President Richard Einstein, Dave Epstein, entering on hl3 o w n eightieth Cathedral, has received a letter ors are showing fa various Amer- lish, Yiddish and Hebrew fluent- year LOUIE Epstein, Sam Epstein, Al- enclosing 15 towards the cost of . . . Only a few days earlier The ly, la addition to his n a t i v e Dr. Damrosch was elected presi- fred Frank, B. Flelsher and O. repairing the damage done to St# ican towns nowadays Idea, being to s c a r e Americans French, and for the last twenty dent of the American Academy of Fox. Paul's by a Na«i bomb. The gift yeara has been dividing his time Arts and Letters . . . Felicitations into an appeasement policy Also Mesdames J. J. Friedman, is from Rabbi Israel Goldstein of The No Foreign War Committee between .France and Palestine . . also, though belatedly, to Har- Max Fromkin, S. E. GilinElsy, B'nai Jeshurun Congregation of at a recent Long Island meeting The Vichy government has great riet 'Bienstock, the youngest of David Goldman, M. J. Gordon, New and president of the barred "God Bless America" be- respect for him . . . It offered to the three Bienstock sisters, on her David Greenberg, J. J. Green- JewishYork National Fund of America1* cause it was written by a Jew, make an exception ef his case recent marriage . . . Harriet is on berg, N. II. Greenberg, Eliaer Irving Berlin Those in the end give him an important Job the s t a f f of the Jewish Tele- Gross, Sain Josephson, Abner Kalknow claim that German bomb- la the aviation industry . . . But graphic Agency . . . Efforts are man, Moe Katleman, A. Katg, Special! Something New I ing planes and pilots to fly them Captain Gruenblatt didn't want to being made to have Harvard im- Jack Kaufman, Ben Katlowsky, are already being brought to Mex- be an exceptional Jew . . . He pre- port Mrs. Leon Trotzky and her Philip Klutzniek, Allen Kohan, ico, in preparation for Der Tag- ferred to come to this country . . young grandson from Mexico, git- Robert Kooper, J. II. Kulakofsky, Mttta i» Cefiaita mtt& U life ging of Uncle Sam Did you He's a good bet as a lecturer on ing Trotsky's widow the job of Jerome Kalakofsky, L. Kulakoffc&stiicr, tmittet aad know that J e w s in ghetto-lzed European affairs . . . He doesn't custodian of his papers, which are sky, It. Kulakofsky, Minnie L&plIssued «ad£» - t a t ; Polish cities are sentenced to Jail merely know Europe — he lived now in the possession of the Uni- dus, William Lasere, Irvln Levin. S y Get ffcrtltslan kt Levine, Morris Levy, Moe terms if they leave t h e ghetto it . . t versity . . . Mrs. Trotsky not only Dave Linsman, Harry Malashock, J. M. without special permits? . . . One DilAMATIC DEPT. needs the job, but would be eater Malashock, Jack Marer, Gail Marthing that amazed the Germans in Congratulations to Moss Hart, in this country than South of the golin, Morris Micklln and Hyuale Paris, reports Pierre Lasareff, Is playwright, Ira Gershwin, lyricist, border, where she has to have a the small n u m b e r of Jewish- and-Kurt Weil!, composer, f o r couple of guards keeping a con- Milder. art wtHMMcm AN» owned shops . . . The occupying Broadway's biggest hit of the sea- stant watch over her . . . I t was mstuuNCB co, Other hostesses are: Meadames forces, it Eeems, c a m e to the son, "Lady In the Dark" . . . The Paillette Goddard — Mrs. Charles William Milder, S. Neveleff, Alset KARBACH muacm, former B'rench capital provided play lisa one of the most compli- Spencer Chaplin to you —trho bert Newman, Henry A. Newman, JA ilTB W* |1M with scads of yellow posters bear- cated stage sets ever- to hit the aved the life o£ Diego Rivera, J. M. Newman, Ernie Nogg, Sam Ing the words Judisches Gesehaef t Great White Way—find this scen- Mexican Jewish painter, when sn •—but found only a very few such ery Is the work of Harry Horner, attempt to assassinate him was stores to use these posters on . . . the young scenic designer who made some years ago, S i d n e y Anti-Semitic violence Is compara* only a few years ego was a new- Skolsky reveals . . . One of the tively rare in unoccupied France, comer looking for any kind of job RAF pilots who are busy keeping despite the efforts of one Jacques that would enable him to eat in Hitler out of England is Jackie Doriot, who from headquarters in onr. Ilitlcr-Iess New World . . . "Kid" Berg, t h e British lightBrodmoot Suit* Jbcfaifrt With U» what used to be Baron Roths- And one of the featured players weight champion . . . Thanks to child's Riviera villa la trying to •iopporting Gertrude Lawrence in Ben Hecht for that touching colorganize French youth along the this show is Danny Kaye, the umn In PM about Maxwell Bo„ ago _ . the . young Jewish comedian who made denheim, the poet who was all Nail model . . . Not long Doriot youth did make a tenta.- j his mark on Broadway last year the rage a decade or two ago, but tive excursion into the art of po- • after quite a number of seasons is having hard sledding now . » . grom-making, smashing the win- • of trying . . . If you or any of The column, incidentally, Is proof dows of Jewish stores at Vichy your friends have en unpublished that one literary feud is now for. . . But these activities were dis- one-act play of Jewish interest gotten . . . At last it's beginning continued when it was found that; hidden away in your desk, get in to look as if there's going to be they invariably were followed by , touch with Rabbi Bamuel Band- another Cantor carrying on Edmysterious breakage of the win-! mel, director of the B'nai B'rith die's tradition to the new generadows of the local Doriot head- Hillel Foundation at the Univer- tion . . . It's his daughter Maryquarters . . . j s i t y o f North Carolina, Chapel in, who's studying in a ManhatVIA SHORT WAVE j Hill, N. A . . . The Hillel Founda- au dramatic school right now . . We had a very interesting time tions have undertaken a special fiddling with our radio the other project that may .eventually cul- Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts evening . . . We got Berlin and nitoate hi the publication of a Feature Syndicate) ... heard a German short-wave-cast,! complete collection of Jewish dnedirected at Xorth America, ex- act plays . . .Hollywood, we hear, plain that because of the British has discovered a beantifnl and tal- A colony of Jews settled on the policy in Palestine the J e w s ented young actress named Irma omeroon river in British Guiana should oppose aid to Britain . . . Salzman . . . But the movie mo- n 1658. And we wondered whether the guls aren't showing her to tbe Nutzis were expecting the German eager public till they've found a FOR RENT—2 room furnishJewish refugees in this country, more "glamorous" name for her ed apartment. K i t c h e n . to swallow that stuff . . . Then! • • • We suppose the same fate Electricity and gas furnishcame an English-language speech,! will meet Jinx Falkenberg, fnined. Everything Complete. delivcrcd hi a perfect American °ns model and show-girl, who also .WE 3527. accent . . . The speaker made an has been signed up, by a. motion eloquent appeal for the developwent of a Nazi-style anti-Semit- f ism hi t h i s country, a n d discoursed at length on how true democracy is possible only among , if s homogeneous people—by which,; of course, be meant a nation that I doesn't include Jews . . . "We' must have no animosity toward the Jews," he said, and then went on to call them all sorts of unpleasant things—but in a most polite way . . . When, finally, he . had finished, the announcer tame • on the air to tell his listeners that • this broadcast had come from t h e : Third Reich over a wavelength of • 62O kilo-Hertz—using the naine I of the "non-Aryan" discoverer of !i the radio waves '•'..'. PROFILE f Now In this country, as we told I you last week, ta C a p t a i n H.! BUY NOW! NEW SFBINQ Gruenblatt, husband of Maxa Nors . dau, who is the daughter of the;
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By OB. THEODORE N. LEWiS Rabbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn, H. V•TUB GREAT HATRED," Maur- ber that even if the Jews were ice »aw»el, Alfred A. Knopf entirely free from gio aad crime, Company, anti-Semitism would still be tbe potent force which it is. Jewish Tfce moat absorbing Americas ' misconduct l i a s absolutely so Jewish activity in energy sad democratic relationship to the putney Ss by far the battle witu ' rise and fail of anti-Semitism. MttihSedntitism. To a large mur- Oar enemies fc&te us mot for our ker Af Jews some very high h, shortcomings and eias, l»tit tor the eoancila of Jewish life this our virtues and moral character. This ia tte cms of- the auto More important than Judaism thor's tliesis. Anti-Seraitista is a ©r the synagogue. Is ft therefore too much to ask substitution device, a "transferIBf oar "speciaHsts'» in so-called ence'' of the real bate foi Christ, ^•viah defense to provide the the Jew, and far. Christianity, to American Jews with a clear state- the Jewish peoplt who have givment of the nature of antl-Semlt- ea birth to both. It is this very - Inn? Unless one knows the char- nature of anti-Semitism, a rebelacter ©f anti-Semitism it la not lion against the moral teachings possible to battle w i t h the and ethical doctrines of Christ, the Jew, which makes it an in•coarge. Unfortunately, those in charge disjpensible element in the Na*i•f the work have concentrated PascLst strategy, technique and their attention and efforts at the propaganda. • battle that they have completely It is not the Jew which is lost sight of the nature of the hated and must be destroyed, but enemy they, are fighting with. Christ and Christianity. For it Is 5And this oversight, sad to relate, Christ, the Jew, -who is a stumblias been not entirely accidental. Hag block to the new barbarians, JWhat they should have done for Christ and his Jewish code of themselves and failed, Mr. Maur- honor and truth, of Justice and ice Samuel now does for all of mercy. Since they do not dare to to*. To read carefully and to pon- openly attack Christ and the der lone the thesis of Mr. Gam- Church they substitute the Jew. Bel would result in immeasurable But the real foe Is Christ, the profit and enlightenment. An un- Jew, not the Jewish people. derstanding of this book would Original Approach •ftve an enormous amount of faThis thesia provides a fresh tfle labor, and, what is more significant, increase our courage, aad original approach to the old problem of anti-Semitism which faith, and self-respect. must not be confused with antiFoolish Attempts Jewish sentiments. It is inadeFirst, it would save an enor- quate to explain the present antimous amount of useless and pret- Semitic mania - • and it is essenty idiotic labor. There is nothing tially a mass madness and hallu•lore foolish in the entire cata- cination by economic, psychologi( logne of Jewish follies than that cal or other causes. Of attempting to disprove the The present hatred for the Jew Wholesale accusations and mali- differs radically from anti-Jewish cious falsehoods of anti-Semitism. prejudices in that it ia a hate for The very act of refutation gives Christ, the Jew, one which can them a plausibility, a semblance not be publicly avowed lest im* of truth and validity. And, lies portartt individuals and institucan never be refuted! Coughlin'a tions will bo alienated. Only Uus"unprovable a n d undisprovable sia dared to break with. Christ scurrilities" should be ignored. boldly and completely and lienco - In the effort to provo that does not need Semitism, requirGoughltn and hla fellow antl- ing no substitute. gemlres were not telling the truth The author repeatedly emphaabout us we sank to a very low sizes the insane character of the moral level, to a level at which present anti-Semitic crusade. Beire became imbued v/ith. a feeling cause the rebellion against Christ of guilt and panic and shame, to is deep and extensive haa Hitler's the point where we began to ac- anti-Semitism succeeded, and are cuse ourselves and to inquire the "Protocols'* popular and reseriously as to what is wrong garded as authentic. Only people with us. who at heart hate the moral law No greater triumph has anti- of Judaism, and of Christianity BftntUtanv scored than putting us and therefore seek to avenge en the defensive. Instead, wo themselves on Christ, the Jew, fehonld have inaugurated a row- can subscribe in sincerity to the •rful offensive scrupulously ig- preposterous myths, contained in .norfn? the malicious .and mythi- the Fascist-Nazi propaganda, and cal charges made against us - - in tha "Protocols of\ the Elder* - but centering our attack on this V11 of Zion.' tool reactionary Fascist priest as Battle Against Reaction being an enemy of human freeAgainst such, a wave of insandom and democracy. ity- caused . by t h e rebellion Mythical Charges against the moral law the petty - Why is it so pitifully futile to: efforts of oar professional Jewish refute the anti-Semitic charge?? defenders are ludicrous as they Because tie charges against the are dangerous. The real battle Jews have absolutely no relation of anti-Semitism ia the battle to the Jew as such. They are against reaction which enthrones mythical, and can never be dis- force and hates Christ, the Jew. The best the Jew can do is to •proven. And it is necessary to remem- belp in this cause by joining the
THE JEWISH FREES Progressive forces of tite world. This alliance will give his existence dignity s.nd his struggle meaning. As long as the Jew "goes on pleading for Epe&al kindness and special tolerance in a world increasingly heedless "of those qualities, he must sing into ultimate despair." Ia accepting this task the Jew is timely returning to his historic destiny of being "A Light Unto tbe Nations," Only when he serves thus can he be happy, even ia the midst of pain and sorrow and death. And when he fails here, the pursuit after security and peace must culminate iu disaster. This is truly an important book: for the American Jewish community, for the Christian world. Because it contains co many unpleasant harsh truths will it be hated and belittled by both Jew and Christian. The thesia however is fundamentally sound and not to be denied or dismissed, except to our own sorrow aad shame'. It is the duty of every Jew to read "The, Great Hatred" and to learn the nature thereof and its causes. And if he will then dedicate himself anew to the noble task of fighting for the Kingdom of God bis present agony will transfigure him. -
IZRAGHI WOMEN A regular meeting of the Mizrachi Women's organization will be held at the Jewish Community Center at 2 o'clock on Wednesday, February 19. Mrs. Aaron Katz, president, hopes the meetIng will be well attended as she wishes to propose to the members for their approval a new method to increase the chapter's revenue, in order to meet the increased quota. One of the outstanding Pales-
pony, omarda trophy to I7tB«Gni
tine projects of the &rgaa.iiatioa is tte Beth Zeirota MisraeLI ia Jerusalem, a. vocational and tr&iaing center for adolescent girls. Hundreds of girls have had the advantage ia the last fire years of receiviag a thorough technical and ECS-demie training in tiie two year coarse. Thus they have been provided with tite means for physical rehabilitation and economic training. The Beth Zeiroth Mfzrechi of Tel Aviv is coaducted along the same lines as the school in Jerusalem. Housed in this school is the Beth Citalutzotfi which provides home, care, and opportunities for earning to unemployed refugee working girls. The girls training farm offers agricultural training to its resident stadents in preparation for work on farms. In the Mizrachi Girls Teachers Seminary, girls are trained foi the teaching profession. The graduates of this school carry with them a love for the spirit of the Torah and disseminate these teachings among the children in the various schools ot Palestine. In addition to its schools in Eretz Yisroel Mizrachi Women includes among other services the provision of free lunches to children in the Mizrachi schools. Mizracbl Women also conduct two camps where underprivileged youth is cared for 'during the summer months. V/ith the outbreak of the European war, it became necessary to send food supplies to Palestine. Mrs. Bessie Gotsfeld, whose home for the past eight years has been Tel Aviv, writes that in Jerusalem three children's clubs are functioning and in Haifa there is one. She adds: "The first nursery In "Kfiar Pines" is to be opened in a few days. This will be of an enormous help to the working mother in the Moshava. It is there that the woman haa her full share of the outdoor work as
«f fhe tpinnirai? Ford esr. M Slucbing, MoMyWord deafer entering (he czr, IOGJZZ en.
Far 4b&foaifeea4ionr ran its stack nzsdti 1211 Fad averaged better than 43 aSss aa fsos? over ih& grading iSSD-kaiio' ccarsa £rcsa Angeles to tba Grand Canyea—f Ir&Sk, corosa tko Mojavo Desert ond p &nd dovra ths mailing reads of llarca nsoaistain ran^s buE&Jcd by stubborn s, CK3 over lee and eltisli for tbs hsi xtith fear inc&s3 cf snow on 1ho road at tlio fin^^ Its run frosi start to )Ela!sli vros nudlcr fnesispervisioa cf Ino ConJnst Board of the American Automobile Association. This Ford victory should conclusively prove to every motorist the sarpasicgccoaoiay of tee Ford V-8.
well us btis-s tie real help-mate cf Ler Lasbsitd, and therefore one caa well Im^giae what a relief this nursery will be." Mrs. Gotsfeld further writes, "Yet first and foremost, the mala center of Mizrachi Women's activities must ba the Batai Zeiroth (The girls' schools) as it is here that a long felt need is being filled. The eld-service to the graduates Is of inestimable value as there are no other quarters or sources that can help these girls." In addition to the regular badget for the schools, Mrs. Qotsfeld writes, and the social service activities, help has been extended to the KibuU "Emunim." The members of this Kibutz are of the Religious Youth A1 i y a h. Looking around for some work to enable them to maintain themselves, they rented a number of dunatES for vineyard. "They applied to me for help. It is surprising what a little help means to them." Another group being helped Is a kvutzafi of Bnel Akivah. Mm. Gotsfeld adds: "Though you work hard in America, each dollar you raise goes a long tra,7 towards helping the young people here In Palestine." Patronize Our Advertisers.
its past trittcrphs Fcrd scores a decisive fed-caving viefosy. It took an easy first ia Its class, with HE© ainashig record <^P 23MS mica-per goiBot^'.T&e seeosd car in tho'
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bylv fr^nr i?£\g!ig ^Wl1;1 'A^'ftll.
P&ge 12
Young Judean Group Chooses Neiv Leader
Au interesting program will he presented before the four worn en's Zionist groups, Jr. Hadassah Sr. Hadassah, Business and Pro fessional and the Young Judaea groups February 10, at the Jew isli Community Center, General cHariman for the eve ning is Sophia Franklin of Jr Hadassah. Dorothy Merlin will preside. Sr. Hadassah will serve the refreshments. The four presidents of the groups, Mrs. Jack Robinson, Annabelle B m l e i n Sadie Shulkin and Anne Kanof sky, wll participate in a presentation which will explain the purpose of the organizations. Dena Baron will act as commentator. Members of the Young Judaea groups will participate in a Zionist play which will be directed by Doris Grueslun. Members of Jr. Hadassah will appear in a clever and original musical skit written by Annabelle Emleln. The cast will be composed of Goldie Lehman .Annabelle Emlein, Sally Weinstein, Sophia Slutsky, Fan Rosofsky, Eva Borkin, Shirley Cohen, Feme Shafton, Jean Garland, Dorothy Merlin, Sara Perniclc, Sophia Franklin, Harriet Roseublum. Sylvia Baumstein will read the prayer. Sadie Shulkin, Ruth Marx and Rose Pill will conduct a Town Hall Broadcast. Mrs. Dave Rodin, Mrs. Henry Sherman and " I-rs. Sam Slotsky will be in charge of the tea table
Mrs. Bernard Skalovsky has been chosen the Young Judaea leader of the Buds of Hadassah organization which meets every Monday night at the Jewish Community Center. She will replace Rosanna Dikel who has left the city to (attend the University of Iowa City. The meeting February 3rd was in honor of the new advisor.
National Hygiene Month will be observed by member organizations of the Youth Council. Qualified speakers will present the subject before the various groups. Tea Dances will be held within the next month by both the Jr. and Sr. organizations ot the Youth Council. -Chairman for the tea dance for the Sr. group is Dorothy Sherman, assisted by a committee composed of George Shindler and Hubert Friedman. Mrs. Isadore Shindler heads the committee for the Jr. groups. She will be assisted by Earl Pollock, Lorraine Shindler and Leon Goldsmith. The entertainment for the Jr. group will consist of folk dancing, games and social dancing. Sam Kaplan, of the Youth Council, has been named chairman of the mass meeting for the Brotherhood Day Open Meeting. Assisting him on his committee in an advisory capacity will be Dean Johnson of Morningside College. Grueskin is also a repreHold Talmud Torah Doris sentative of the Youth Council on plans for a Joint Dance on Feb. 9 working meeting of all groups* during Week. There \vas an The Hebrew Mothers Associa- Brotherhood enthusiastic response to an antion w'l hold their annual dance nouncement that joint conferon February 9, at 9:30. at the ence will be helda with Omaha Mayfair ballroom. during May. On the eommtitee are the following ladies: Mesdames Joe Kutcher. James Gang, Joe Levin, Center Players Moe Lazere, Phillip Sherman, Ben Shindler, Tom Ivener, Eli Resume Activity Robinow, Milton Mushkin, Mike Sherman, Miko Mushkin, B. S. Willard Greene, Director Gelfand and M. A. Weiner. Mrs. of Mr. the Center Players, has recast E. N. Grueskin and Mrs. Joe 'Having A Wonderful Time" and Kutcher are general chairman is. holding almost and Mrs. W. A. Weiner and Mrs. nightly so thatrehearsals it will be Joe Levin are ticket chairmen. for presentation sometimeready: in March. "Having A Wonderful Time" is Zionist Council an ambitious undertaking having Plans are being made to form played on Broadway and. proan Inter-Relations Council which duced on'the screen. The story will represent thirteen Zionist akes place at a Jewish summer groups in the city. Each group :amp in the mountains and has been asked to discuss the or- should be particularly appealing ganization of such a Council at to the Center audiences. 'their next meeting after which definite plans for organization Sharon Young Judaea will be made. The Sharon Young Judean group wil have a fund raising Shaare Zion party for the United Jewish Appeal Saturday night, February JFriday evening services will be- 15, at 7:30 p. m. AH games gin at 8 o'clock. Rabbi H. R. that 1941 will be of interest for girls Rabinowitz ,wll speak on the sub- between the ages of 9 to 14 will ject "President Roosevelt." be played. Hosts to the Jr. Congregation will be served on Saturday morning will be Mr. andRefreshments will only be ten and Mrs. E. N. Grueskin in honor Cents admission per person. , of the recovery of., their ; son, EarlT ,
A report meeting on the Federation Drive was held Thursday at the Mayfair Hotel. The Drive is progressing very nicely aud it is hoped that it will end successfully- sometime next week. Final resalts will be announced at the annual meeting of the Federation, February IS. Mr. A. M. Davis is chairman of the Drive. An intensified effort is being made to collect all delinquent United Jewish Appeql pledges. Urgent requests come frequently from the national office for funds which must be made available in order for them to carry out the important overseas work that the United Jewish Appeal is doing. The Executive Board of the United Jewish Appeal, Women's Organizations and Youth Organizations are all co-operating to collect this money as quiekly as possible.". ' Mr, Sam Cohen is Treasurer of the United Jewish Appeal and Mr. E. N. Grueskin is chairman.
Young Judeans Planning Service Boll Kronick, advisor of the Cardoza Young Judaea Group, has been appointed general chalr.man of the Friday evening service which will be sponsored by the seven- Young Judaea groups with a combined membership of almost one hundred and will be held at the Shaare Zion Synagogue, February 28. Mr. Kronick will be assisted by Earl Pollock, president of the Cardoza Group. Anne Kanofsky, president of the Young Judaea Council, will preside. A brief address will be given by Adeline Stern, one of the Sr. group members. A representative from each of the groups wil participate in the reading of the service. • Patronizo Our Advertisers.
Inter*Club Council Annual Meeting The Inter-Club Council, made up of the president of every cdult organization in the city, held its annual meeting Wednesday, February 5, at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. L. J. Kaplan, president, presdied. Each organization was asked to prepare a complete calendar for the next fiscal year's activities and present this calendar to the Inter-Club Council at a meeting which will be held in May. The new board of the InterClub Council was elected.
FEDERATION WILL MEET ON FEB. 18 The Federatoin Annual Meeting will be held February 18th at the Jewish Community Center. A large open meeting will replace the usual annual banquet so that a larger crowd will be able to attend. An interesting program has been planned. Rabbi David Goldstein, of Omaha, wlil be the principal speaker. Mr. E. N, Grueskin, president of the Federation, will talk. Moving pictures of Federation activities, taken by Meyer Levitt and assisted by Calmon Levich, will be shown. Comments on the pictures will be made 4>y Dorothy Merlin, Executive Director. The Federation Board for 1941 will be elected, at this meeting. In view of the important changes of national and local Jewish organizations and because of the vital problems facing every Jewish community today, a record crowd is expected to attend.
I BANQUET Over 200 people attended the> Sioux City district Zionists dinner Sunday evening in the Jewish Community Center at which Rabbi Abraham Millgram of Philadelphia was the principal speaker. Rabbi Nissim Solomon of Palestine was a guest at the dinner and spoke briefly in Hebrew an4 Yiddish. Others who spoke briefly for various Zionist organizations were Rabbi S. Bolotnikoyof Mizrachi society; Meyer Bereskin of the labor group; A. M. Davis, general Zipnlst president here; Dorothy Merlin, Young Judaea society; Dena Baron, Junior Hii* dassah society; Sadie Shulkin, Business and Professional Women's Hadassah; Mrs. Jack Robin-* son, Senior Hadass.au and Mrs. Lubman, Pioneer Women's socle* ty. Cantor Morris Pernick sang several songs with Mrs. Pemicfc as accompanist. Dr. J. N. Landa was master-of-ceremonles, and, Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz introduced the principal speaker, Ben' Kalin was general chairman in charge of the event.
New Organization Planning for
Dr. Morris Bernstein, president of the newly organized inens organization, announced that the membership will have a stag in honor of Jack Merlin at the May-* fair Hotel during the month of February, This organization meets thd first Monday of each month at the Jewish Community Center. It follows a social -program.) Election of new members will take Orthodox Synagogues place at the next meeting. , Officers are; Dr. Bernstein* Services wll begin at the Orth- president; Isadore Shindler, sec* odox synagogues at 5:45 on Fri- retary; and Sovel' Heshelow, day evening and at 8:30 in the treasurer. morning. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnlkov will speak during the morning The J o w i s h community of services at the Adas Yeshuren Buenos Aires is the fourth largest synagogue. n the- western hemisphere.
1941* expansion plans, Including our removal to new.Jarger, more modern salesrooms a* 2020 Farnam St., bring yon th opportunity of a lifetime.
Young Peoples League
Shaare Zion The Chamisha Oser B'shvat program of the Sunday School and Hebrew School will be held jointly at 10:45. A skit, a Palestinian songs, recitation and re.freshments win constitute the program. . T
The Young Peoples League of Shaare Zion will have a special ala event on Saturday night at the social hall of the Shaare Zion synagogue beginning at 9:30. There Ayill be games, a symposium on marriage, humorous skit, refreshments, dancing and surprizes. All young men,and wornn qf ,21 and over are cordially invited. ' .
The annual Congregational dinner and election to the board will be Jield on February 1G, at 6:30 Repdrts will* be submitted by the president, secretary and ctalrSociety NeV/s nians of the committees. There will be musical selection. A tasMiss Beatrice Pill, of Chicago, ty dinner will be served at fifty cerits per plate. This affair is Illinois, spent the week-end in open to members and their wives. ioux City visiting her mother, Mrs. Rose Pill. Major Lewis Bush, who was Irvin Levin, son of Mr, and killed "at the Battle of Braridy•wine, was one of the first* Jews Mrs. A. Z. Levin, 1016—11th St. California. to die in the American Revolu- left for Losr Angeles, : . • \ tion. " ^ ~:-:\y'/: '••'':;•. - • •'•."' '.'• ast week.
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