4 aiBwrea ••raeconaviaes man Matter on January « ,
f?»«HKl?ii Of Omaha, Nebraska, under tfce A ? t > f * t a r c n V l W I '
n M l u l
coirtAV u r n o i r i p v ta
)ND TABLE IAT0RS WILL Contest Is to Be Held at Meeting of B'nai B'rith •'The Need for Unity in American Jewish Life'* Will be the topic of the f if tit annual oratorical ibontest to be sponsored l>y the ttound Table of Jewish Youth on Monday evening, March 3, at the Jewish Community Center, before the meeting of the Omaha B'nai p'rith Lodge. The meeting will begin at «lght o'clock, promptly, and the contest will be held at 8:30. ' Participants, representing a number of youth clubs include the following: Mickey Goldberg, JB'noa Israel; Harry Goodbinder find Justin Priesman, A. Z. A. No, ,t\- Marcia Finer, Alpha Gamma Chi; George J. Welse and Delorofi Jjustgarten, Sinai - Club, and Ed. ward Chernls, A. Z. A. 1. I The name of the. winner will be inscribed on the silver loving cup displayed in the Center'a trophy case, • which now bears the jtames of winning, contestants of former years. In addition, the winner wll represent Omaha Jewish youth in a regional oratorical contest to be held at the spring conference which the Round Ta,ble will sponsor in May. At this conclave, delegates will assemble from Omaha, Dea Molnes, St. Jos' «ph, Kansas City, Lincoln* and Sioux City.
." ',;••-/ ,•-".•......u ,.-/••
Judges Named ^ . Judges for the contest will be: Miss Ruth Diamond of Omaha University, Rabbi Isaiah Racltovaky, and Mr. Ephraim Marks. In charge of the contest and chairman of the evening is Miss Molly Kelberg, assisted by the Bound Table- oratorical committee members Jack Lincoln and Harry Goodbinder. Mr. Milton jFrohm represents the B'nai B'rith in completing publicity arrangements for this outstanding cultural event. "There will be no admission charge and the public Is cordially * Invited to hear what wo young people think about the problems tfaci , American Jews," stated Miss Kelbsrg. "We are anticipating a record audience at this record event."
Pierre van Paassen, n o t e d newspaper correspondent a n d ! author, will be the final speaker ' on the current Center Forum ser; |es, Tuesday, March 18. | V'Because oi t n e large attendl ftnee expected, the lecture will vtake place in the aiidltoriunT of Central High School. ^ Henry Monsky, president of the Jewish Federation, will be chair\ man of the evening. - Long popular with Omaha audiences, Mr. van Paassen has, since his last appearance on the Center Forum, won wide acclaim for his best-selling books, "Days of Our Years."
Poem by Mrs. Gray in . . "Jewish Observer*' The "Jewish Observer" of .New York has accepted a poem, "From Paris to Lisbon,"- written-by-Mrs. [William Gray of Omaha. Mrs. Gray Is a.frequent contributor to the Jewish - Press. ;
Rabbi Goldstein to Speak . Rabbi David A. Goldstein-.will ' epeak Sunday at 3:30 in the Lecture Hall of ithe Joslyh" Memorial oh "The Bible's Influence1 ohi-Abr -Tahata Lincoln's Thoughts '«nd ' Words." .'
XVII—No. 16
Hadassah Bingo Party Tomorrow
*Tbe Hadassah Medical Organisation is the inspiration for. the Bi^go Party to be held Saturday night, March 1, at 8 o'clock at the Je/ Jinmunity Center, The/ ion of one dollar per pj £? .Hows each ticketholder. - ••Sj tlcipate all evening. Governor Appoints 19 Ne« braskans to Cash Hg o merchandise prizes from [• jtf'40 >0 value will be givCommittee en av'«-« efreshments will be serves w « • Appointment of Bam Beber* Mij •** o Goldware is chair- leader in local and national Jew* man,I « Jj rs. Julius Stein, coisli affairs, as a member of the chair « Ut Nebraska Advisory defense com* inittec, was announced Monday by Governor Dwight Griswold, Not only 13 Mr. Beber a member of this group, which at pre* sent includes ninteen Nebraska
he memorj) of ir}arrg & ftwma* will imU oaebrintdin our heart*, $row buraWe bajinniny, be tecame a fritter among men. Wbt hanf*hi|» andprivatiow of hie fcarhj daye broadened hie etjmpaHiiw and frtfortd him f>r tbt£Wtirneee bt attained. . f)e had a clear^raoj) of economic,eocial and political ^roblemo. Oio integrity wae unohakable and hie courage wae -prooerbtd. (The tragedies and oorroroe, the arabitione and hopt$ofhi0 pttyk, found rtoponot in bio eijuipalheHc oou!. TNI racco and crtede ©ere the teneficiaried of Mo fricndcliip andjjeneroeitg. (Jivic virtue, clean^oucrnment and law oboeruanct tueraoacred tohim. >id majestic cpirit bao achieved eternitij. <3The example of bio life will be an euerlaof ing inspiration to our communing;.' Sutton Vane's "Outward Bound" Will Be (Tbio tribute of cujrateful communihj io exprtooed and intfiio Presented farm, j>re$erued, -pursuant to formal action of the Officer* and Board of tbe ^tm\$h Communitg (Tenter twd XtMfare federation The Center Players' Guild will present, on W e d n e s d a y and of (Dmaliaj at their meeting in flfril, 1^36 Thursday, March 5 and 0, Sut-
Picture?! Ubove l a t h e tribute to the late Harry B. Ztinman i g i " sl i b r ya r y of "the Jewlslr-OommunityTenter. y Zi ill be b obb The fifth anniversary, of the death of M Mr. Ziniman will .served this .evening g with. appropriate memorial services by all ti local congregations.
low. In observance of tho fifth an- local charities and communal orniversary of the death of Harry ganizations, but took an active B. Zlmman, local philanthropist part in fund-raising. When the Jewish Free Loan and former mayor of Omaha, all synagogues will this evening de- Society was organized, ho was invoto a portion of their services to" strumental in raising «oyer six thousand * dollars for it. lie watf hlg memory. fJrst man to make the Jewish Also to honor his memory the the Community Center' the beneficiexecutive committee of tho Fed- ary of a life Insurance policy. eration for Jewish Service last Shortly before his death, with Sunday, passed a r e s o l u t i p n other members of his family, Mr. changing the name of the Stu- Zimnian a sum large dent- Lcai. Fund to tlio Harry B. enough tocontributed the construction 5ilmn\an Lonn Fund. The Resolu-,- of the newinsure Beth El Synagogue. tlon'reads as follows: WHEREAS the Executive Committee of the Federation for Jewish Service pauses to record the fifth nhniversary of the Ynhrzelt of our beloved communal leader and. fellow-worker, Harry II. Zinininn, and, WHEREAS, the Executive ComMorris C. Troper, European mlttee-deems it proper and fit- Chairman of the Joint Distributing; to perpetuate the memory of tion Committee, will speak at a HaiTy B. Ziniinan, whose life ex- special Community Forum on t-mpljfled the best lind noblest in Tuesday night, March 11th, at human idealism, the Jewish Community Center. BE IT RESOLVED that the Mr. Troper has recently returnStudent 'Loan Fund of' the Fed- ed from Europe, having visited eration be named the HAltRY B. every country in which the Joint ^IRDIAN S T1J D E N T LOAN Distribution Committee operates. FtJND, in order that the revere,d Ho is an authority ' on the memory of Hurry B.-Zlmnian may world of Jewry at the serve as a constant inspiration to presentsituation time, and has intimate the Jewish jouth of our commu- knowledge, gathered first hand, nity for service and leadership. of the problems faced'by five J^ggpiing to Omaha with his par- million Jews trapped in the wnr ents while very young, Mr. 21m- zones. , man began his career as a news- Admission to the Forum is free, boy. At the age of 21 he was and invitations-are being sent to elected a member of the Omalia all-members of the community. City Council and for nine years was a member of that body. During-the illness at Mayor .Moore, Rabbi Wice to Speak he *be*camer acting Mayor- arid At Dakota Wesleyan upon Moore's death, succeeded to the office, ', . ' / R a b b i DaVid'H. Wice is speaki His -interest in Jewish Philan- ing the evening of March S and thropy dated from 1D03 when he the morning of THarch '4 at Da1 became one ofT f ttho leaders; In the" kota '• -Weslejah.' -University - -at t iampalgm" t° l s o funds for. the Mitchell, S6uth"Dakota. i^~ ~, I victims of toe Kishnieff pogroms. '•• His rlectiireV .there; aro .under From then unfil" his death he 'not -the!; auspices of the Jewish' .Chaucoflttrtbnted -generously' to tauqua -Society. ' ' .' '_
ton Vane's unusual sea mystery, "Outward Bound," which has recently enjoyed 'success on Broadway. The first night's, performance will be for adults, tho second night's, for youth. Appearing in the cast will be both new and familiar faces, with every character well portrayed by the following: Murray Feldman, Ann Zager, Jiick Epstein, Sylvan Bock, Martha Himelstein, Samuel Kaplan, Edythe Shuinan. Joseph Saks, and Harold Habler. The plot concerns Itself with a strange crew and cargo bound for the unknown, today, or any day, with a medley of passengers who live thru a character-revealing voyage - before arriving at their destination. Among the passengers who find themselves rubbing elbows for the first time are a society matron, a preacher, an examiner, a business man and a golfer, a .charwoman, and .several other ordinary people. ' •'• Youth Night Under the expert direction of Mrs. Greta Baeck, "Outward Bound" promises to give everyone an- evening of real-theater.; Assisting with props, prompting* and back-stage activities are the .dramatic committee members, consisting of the following: Mrs. Milton Abrahams, chairman. Mrs. Herman Jahr, Mrs. Hy Shrier, Mr. Leonard Nathan, Mies Bess Weinsteln, Mr. Isel Salzman, Mr. Don Brodkey, and Miss Martha Himelstein. The set'has been executed by Mr. Albert Okrent, assited by Mr. Ernest Baer. Admission to the play will be free to Center members and fifty c e n t s for non-members. On Thursday, which has been reserved as Youth Night, members of Round Table clubs and their friends will be admitted without charge.
civic leaders, but he has been chosen with two others to serve on the Resolutions committee. Tho first meeting of tho committee was held immediately after appointments were made and members heard Governor Grlswold and A. C. Tilley, field reprosentativo of the division of state and local cooperation, advisory commission to the Council of National"Defense,"outline*'thd work of .tho,group. 'Principal "job of-the conuu^ttee will be I dt'help ,» solve • problems created in''the.i*state' by the new defense prograni. " • .' M'r.*Beber is first -'yice-presir (lent of the/local FedeYatiori for Jewish -Service- ami r Is president of-the Supreme Advisory Council of A. Z. A.
j.^ :
m u m OFFICERS Ofllcers of the Jewish National Workers Alliance/ Poall -Zloii, were Installed at the meeting on last .Sunday evening. .'• ' Mr. Herman. Bondarin read^ a short story form the works'of tho well-known Yiddish novejist, Joseph Opatoshu. Mr. E. Sellz and Mr. H. Mirowitz sang several selections, and Mrs. J. Raznlck led the community singing. Mr. O. Ginsburg o: Chicago spoke briefly. J. RadlnowskI was chairman of tho evening. Morris Minkln, the first member of the Branch installed the following officers for tho comingyear: Financial secretary and treasurer, J. RadlnowBkl; recording secretary, Clara Horowitz; hospitaller, M. Goldstein; -executive, I. Morgenstern, G. Soiref, H. Bondarin, Mrs. J. Raznik and Mrs. ,S. Okun.
Lee C. White, 3on of Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. White was named cadet lieutenant-colonel of the North High ROTC at the military ball held last Saturday night. During the evening, White was presented with the Judd W. Crocker plaque as cadet commanding ROUND TABLE WILL officer. MEET ON MARCH 4 A senior at North be hns mainNext meeting of the Round Tatained an*, honor rating all through his high" school career. ble of Jewish Youth will be & supper meeting on March 4. "Further plans of the Sprln© _ To Marine Base. Conclave will bo discussed and & • 'Harold Zelinsky.left yesterday now, vice presIdent'wtH bo. elected for. Quanlico, .TiTa:, .where he will as "'Harold Zelinsky has been sumenter ilie U." S. Ma"rln0 Corps Re- moned to report to the Marines next - Week.-
Friday, F d m i u y 2 1 , 1941
the lali to box score:
t*» g»e. n .
Mofaies Oai&Sks &.Z.A. <2S) I fg.ft.pt. | KukUn f 4 1 0!Pomer«.&z
FIN'AL .SENIOR LM&GUE 'BASKETBALL STANDINGS Won. Lost. Adler's Bakery 7 1 A. 55. A. No. 100 6 2 Lincoln's Tavern . . . . . . 8 4 A. P. T S A. Z. A. No. 1 1 7
L. Siutzky f 0 Levlue f I 6. Siutzky f 0 LEndlniin c 2 euiim&ri c 0 Kutler g 2 Epstein g 6
OjPreuf j
Ss'j j&JUiHt>H GiUGberg
New Patterns at Morris Paint Co* World famous styles as created y Robert F. Hobbs, noted wallts&er stylist, are BOW available exclusively at the Morris Paint aud Varnish Company in Omaha. The famous "Temple of Love" pattern and "Cascade and Stripe" are but two of the hundreds of patterns that are washable, suntested, and guaranteed by Good Housekeeping., New tys>e liviag room patterns iucludiag unusual "companioa papers" are completely changing the mode of interior decorating. In tLis group are also exquisite two toaes, wide satia stripes an* BBUsual Regency Colors. Decorative borders • will be la great demand this year according to foremost decorators who now use these unusual borders around windows and doors a n d under mouldings. Morris patterns are available through all authorized interior decorators and may also be seen at their studio located at 1510 Capitol Avenue.
g B
Totals » 8 16 Official— J. Stager, Kebraaki.
Swim News
By HOWAKR BiUNROCK The A. p. T: upset the league The J. C. C. Junior boys' swim with a resounding 50-30 win. Leo ming team, assembled for to< Sherman chalked up 17 potato first time, engaged the Y. M. C. and Pep Bogdoaoff 12 to lead the A. crew in & dual meet last week victors' attack. Jim Burroughs and when the waves subsided th leA the losers with 12 points. "Y" had ammassed 42 points and tks J. C. C. 6. The A. Z. A. No. 1 trounced the Lincoln's Tavern quiatet, 4.5The "Y," a more experienced 42. The free scoring game was team, with most of its members featured hy Al Lagman'a 10 field holding positions on high school goals and one free throw for 21 teams, splashed their way out In points. Herb Meiches and Jake front in every event. Sidney ItuAdler led the losers. derniaa, J. C. C. breast etroker spurted in Ma last lap to push JUNIOR LKAGFE STANDINGS the winner in that event to a near record. Sidney captured secWon. Lost. ond place. Harold Mozer, Alden Council Bluffs 6 0 Lincoln Earl Shrago copped Beth El ...5 2 thirds inand the 40 back stroke. 40 A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr. . . . . . 1 5 free style and 100-yard free style, A. Z. A. No. 100 Jr. , . 1 6 respectively. SUNDAY'S GAMES Beasly, who appeared Beth-El Jr. vs. A. Z. A. No. 1 Jr. In George our pool during the 1941 MidCouncil Bluffs vs. A. Z. A. No. western A. A. Will g U. swim meet, was 100 Jr. high, point man for the "Y." He your easiery's garnered a first place in the 100There was only one junior yard free style, & second place In league game played last Sunday the 40-yard free and swam as I'ccd Him •a the Council Bluffs A. Z. A. anchor man on the victorious 160Geishas team journeyed to Lincoln to yard relay team. compete in the A. Z. A. tourney. Allen Hurley, the "Y" coach, Meyer -elected Executive Vjce* The Beth-Bl nosed out the A. also an instructor at Omaha TechB.'A. No. 100 Jr. in an-overtime nical High school, is pointing bis ,Is shown la ftsitmaa "Egg italf« t r contest, 12-11. Frank Josephson team towards the State Y. M. C. E Wfaala food looked the best for the winners, A. swimming championships. A ion, with C. Lustgarden pacing t h e less- experienced team at the "Y" losers. E3T. 1SS8 will meet our youngsters within a score, when only bowling one Patranizo Our Advertisers. the next couple of weeks. It is night a week. HANDBALL felt that with a little more seala order to get results one must 'The handball tournament h a s soning our kids will be able to practice often. It is men like reached the semi-finals and play handle their assignments better. e» that make the Merchants is becoming keen and very well eague snefr a fine one. played handball games are being It is certainly no reflection on offered by the players. Latest them that the score was lop sidIn the last match of the everesults arc: C'osa A. Jack Ban ed but rather they -should be com- ing, the Empires took the State downed George Shapiro, 21-10, plimented on the way they faced loals to a 2 to 1 cleaning. The 21-3; Henry Riekes beat Jake Ad- over-whelming odds. It is hoped eague now has the Coal in the ler, 21-17, 21-19. Clas3 B, Moody they will keep in mind that fa- ellar. Lloyd Banks' 581 led the Isaacson downed Irv Yaffe,. 21- miliar axiom, "It isn't whether Empire team, closely followed by 17, 17-21. 21-9; Iz Novak defeat- you win or lose but how you play Henry Coren'e 569. LloyS rolled ed Lou Slutsky, 21-18, 21-17. the game." And the way they the highest series of his career Stanley Feltmstn, young 17-year- played the game was sufficient. uesday, and much credit is due old Junior handball star, also hi3 147 average kegler. Keep it reached the semis by defeating p, Lloyd. •Walter Kura last Monday night. Banks' 220 and Corea's 229 elped threaten to beat their own LINCOLN A. Zu A. igh season single game, when Eeasnr Standings TOURNAMENT. he team hit 951 against their Lost. The underdogs t u r n e d the Tht Wardrobes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Won. 25 ecord of 952. 47 34 tables last Monday afternoon as Kninirc Cleaners ^ . ^ . . . . . . . . . . 38 34 the- .Omaha No. 100 Chapter, Pioneer Uniforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3? Bill Racualn, who was borrowed 35 downed the highly touted D e s Cliqwot CIi* . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 29 rora the Wardrobe team, and in45 „ 27 M o i n e s quintet 26-24. D e s Slate Coote . . . „ cidentally seems to roll better for Ifoiues, champions for the past IntHv'dual Iflsh Game—Leo Weltz, 266. any other team, bit 484 for high four years with the same outfit, Individual High Scries—Leo Weitz. 651. for the State team. Little more Single Gamer High—Empire Cleanwas whipped by one of the finest Team can be said about the Coal men 052. and olwsiest teams to ever par- cm,Team High Series—Wardrobes, 2,876., unless it is mentioned that Phil ticipate- in. an A. Z. A. tournaKatzman and three other men ment. • Another bowling night; another were there. 'The Sam Beber chapter coached record. Again it was Lee- Weitz by Paul (Pep) Bogdonoff o£-j with a smashing 651, three-game Next Tuesday more bowling and fered the fans one of the finest' series. Leo broke Abe Feldxnan's more records, we, hope. Also the coached teams to be seen any-1 score of 630, for the season high. captain request all bowlers to be where. For winning the regional Abe swears revenge. at the alleys at 8:45 the remaintournament the winners will be der of the season. awarded a trip-to the district conThe league-leading Wardrobes vention In Rock Island, 111.,, to took it on the cMn foe the Becohd First Commission represent the Cornbelt region. straight vreek. TlSe high-geared Smith Motors drove them home Given to Refugee 1 The Des Moines team took an with a two-to-pne defeat. Tired London (JTA) — For the first early lead: in the first quarter^ of waiting for'their anchor man, lime a war commission has; been 6-1, but by the time the first Paul Steinberg,, who has been livquarter ended the1 score waa tied ing up ta name- of anchor, to- snap granted ,to an anti-Nasi German at 6 all. In the second quarter' out of his; slump, Norman Browne refugee in the Auxiliary Pioneer • the 'two teams played evenly and and Dave Reiss topk over, t h e Corps. The German,, whose name 1£ ^our Of C3 €S@n'f g s ^ and f was withheld; was made a second Omaha's scoring was accounted driver's seatlieutenant. He had served in. for by a basket by Kutler, one by QVBI, da mmelkmg. about it—EMB France and participated in theKuklin and two free throws by Norman's 550 and Daves* 474 evacuation from Dunkirk. GOOB! ,DMco¥©f Iiow little il Mike Landnmn. Des Mofnes led were the spark plugs in the PonMeanwhile, refugee women atby Schatfc with three baskets in tiac attack. Abe Feldman's 540 costs to enfej scfo, glcre-fre© Hgiafeici the second half evened the score was the only reason for the Ward- tending a conference of the International Women's S e r v i c e at half time 12-12. la fom horn®—how 'qnld^y-Yoa cans robes not being whitewashed. Groups in London, appealed to trcmsfoim. outmoded liglsting1 to mod* Leo Weitz's 651 and Morrie the British Broadcasting: CorporIn the third quarter the Omaha club pulled away and with- Kukr Fine's 550 for the Pioneer Uni- ation to emphasize women's freecm, Iicai'lIiM ligh'IMcj tliai'c ctwf on iin's three baskets the third quar- forms took all the fizz out of the dom in Britain in propaganda 'your''..ejpsd, SBQ YOUF defflis? fo? Uqk\ ter ended 19-16. The final pe- lowly Cliquot Clubs. If auch Stars broadcasts to Germany, They riod had only five minutes to go as Sol Yaffe and George Schapiro suggested that refugee women Conditioning informGlios, right when Mike Landman Bad to leave would have saved, a. few "pin- broadcast their, experiences and ' the game with four personal fouls shots" for Tuesday night, the re- life fa Britain. For tnoret thsn fifEy yosre, tb» Nebraska and the Scoreboard read 24^20, sult might have been different. .. Power Company has been as flood citisen of at this- stage of the game with the communities <it'ssrves. Our total-tax bill In 164& wsa WMfiitm . . . larnar tftan ever. long arid Lanky Mice but, ffie The Pioneers also had three- FOR RENT—two room .furnTHE CORfrPANV is STILL OMAHA'S BIODes- Moines team staged! & rally* game high of 2,559 fof the night, ished apartment. Kitchen. _ QEST TAXPAYER. and tied the score s£ 24 all wltn in this match there were six nice Electricity and gaa furnishone minute and 45 seconds to go. 20ft games rolled; M. Fine's 235; ed. \ Everything complete. We. 3527. *v - . Weits's; 21ff-205-22T, Elmer LIVE Even leffer— ELECTRICITY IS fven It waa here that Mel Levlne Greenberg.'s 210, sm& Doc Platt'8 one oi the finest plays erf 212. Elmer GreenrBarg's snappy ife£ CottTBaisent. One of the 54$ wrent to* traste when he re£taaIiaB3 trieS a long shot and It ceived no aid from bis mates. RENT -^-lovely furnishboaaced off tfie rim and to the ed; room In home close to Snoop _would here like to ex- '••'-?• carline. Board optional. IPor . sltfs, Uel jumped high Into the air anS tipped the ball In to put tend his coagrsiulatldns to Leo employe* lady "with cnild*. Or Oraalia. into the lead, 26-24. For W/eftz for his; fine performancei for employed; couple, HA 1118: the final minute and 30 .seconds Anyone will tell you i5t fe ' Ben Kntier kept -posBesslon of difffcult for a Sorrier to roK
4 .
. February 2 1 , 1 9 4 1
n i
Our Film Folk By HELEN ZIGMOND who says this is Heartbreak Towa? Norman Kerry , . , arriving here destitute from France . . . Is Immediately given a chance for a screen comeback in "The Parson of Panamlnt."
Maxson-Mitchell INC. PARNAM a t 2 6 t h
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Tap—Ballet—Acrobatic CLASS Of PRIVATE '10% Discount with this Ad. mis'Offer V«rfd March 4, lOtl 5JES1BEH Dance Educator* of America. Panclns Masters of America. C. N. A. » . M.
Edward H." Fish DAfSCE STUDIO JA 9840 1516 Harney
Maihta Kggerth the Viennese song-bird whom "Uncle Caul" imported some six years ago, bat who never cracked A Hollywood film, returns again to Glamorville, a poorer and wiser person. She and hep husband, Jan • Kiepurft, were expropriated of a million dollars worth of property in Poland. Junior Laenimle has been endeavoring to increase his height for years . . , of late took to a system of exercises . . , Succeeded in adding one and one-half Inches to his stature . . . which just got him over the draft minimum by a skin of a hair. • Aneut 11 Doochie's Debacle: A press agent asked what happened to Mussolini's oft-bragged-about war machine? "Well," answered a brother ten percenter* "you know what happens to any machine that falls into the hands of a, reckless driver!" One of Mussie's generals, they say, called him long-distance to report. "We got those Greeks on the run." "Very good!" brightened has Benlto. "Si, si," continued the other, "we got them on the run . . . and they can't catch up with us." From London by way of Reporter Jimmy Cunningham comes a poignant bit of imagery; Someone suggested that an It. A. F. plane drop a print of "The Great Dictator" on Berlin. The mysterious-looking bundle falls into the .center of Unter don Linden, ft doesn't go off. police place a sign over it, "Achtung! Bomb Unexploedischer"—or words to that effect. It is finally carried off to a safe place by the Reinovalbotuben (or whatever they call them) men. One of them, very daring, opens the package . . . discover a can of film . , holds it to the light. 'Ach! Der Fuehrer!" he erclaims. Investigates farther. "Ach! ;Der Fuehrer inlt a balloon dances!" And later, "Ach! Der Fuehrer on his sitting portion fallsi Himinel, Der Fuehrer a sense of humor has." Fadeout— the Removalbomben men'are shot. Fan Fare: If Luisc Raincr isn't chosen as the lend in "For Whom the Bells Toll," she'll probably go to ISngland on Paramount assignments. Again . . . and for the eighth consecutive year . . . Jack Benny emerges as top comedian on the radio editor's poll. The "gelt" for the fucker "New Wine" is being doled out by Fritz Mandl, Hedy LeMarr's first ex. A snd-faccd little Indian is George .K. Stone, who runs through threequarters of the footAgc of "Koad Show" and says but one word, "How!" Nazimova plays another mother part in "Blood and Sand^ Selznick's CTWTW Is the .only picture since the "Birth o i a Nation" , to be stored in (lie national arch-' fves hi Washington. Max Flclshet'a Miami studio will draw a mil. lion dollars' worth of hugs—cartoon will be a feature about the life of a community of insects living near''Broadway, Xew York City. ,•' -•' /. ". .. . . Sweating over a : plot snarl, scenarist William Lipman was interrupted by the doorbell. Grumbling, he answered . . . and came face to face with a book salesman peddling, "How to Write for the Screen in 10 Easy Lessons." "Go away!" screamed the taut scribbler, "I haven't time for fiction!" Fannie "Snooks" Brice frantically searched tiie MGM wardrobe department for a costume. The man in charge asked what period :Bhe wanted. "Oh, Louie, the Mayer, would suit me fine!"
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tridmy, February
The First Year of By MORRIS WOOD * Columbus, searching for the She had sent the baby to Eng- the evils of exploitation. fabulous riches of the Indies land when he was nine months A scientific approach to the fuSome 460 years ago, steered his old. Now he is a plump, blond ture development of the settleStorm tossed little shipg toward little fellow of three. He speaks ment is assured. An economic and the shores of.Santo Domingo, the only English; his mother speaks social survey of the Dominican first American soil touched by only German. They are both Republic as a whqle has been unlearning Spanish. dertaken by the Brookings Inman. During this past year, other stitution of Washington, with a Reception Barracks European wanderers, buffeted by special grant from the Falk All new arrivals are quartered Foundation of Pittsburgh whose the fates have come to Santo Domingo's shores. Their quest was in long, wooden barracks that head, Leon Falk, jr., is a memnot tor riches. It was for some- were built for their reception. ber of the board of the settlething much more precious—- for They are given a few days of rest ment association. life and liberty. And these they while physicians check their hare found amidst the beauty of health. It is hard to enforce this rest period. The new settlers this eub-tropical island. It is now a year since the con- want to get to work right away. As soon as they begin to gain clusion of the agreement between the Dominican Republic and the weight, they are put into a trainDominican Republic Settlement ing course. Eagerly they begin to Association which opened up a learn about farming, working and haven for refugees in the new living in the tropics. Even young mmt. [world. It is six months since the men trained in European agricul- $125,000 Given to Colony first settlers arrived at Sosua, tural centers have plenty of lesTo Observe First the magnificent 26,000-aere es- sons to learn In the new land. Anniversary tate which was a gift to the set- Breadfruit and cocoanut palm trees are quite different from the Jement association from GeneralCiudad Trujillo, Dominican Be* issimo Rafael Trujillo. Now, Tro- apple and cherry trees of Gerjillo has added an adjacent acrea many and Austria. It takes some public (WNS)—While delegates Of 50,000 acres together with, a time to learn the trick of wield- of 82 nations met in the Nationmountain site for a recreational ing a flat-bladed machete so that al Palace here to participate in you can make it cut grass, weeds ceremonies oonuueiuoratlng the center. and even firewood without para- first anniversary of the signing Or Jauary 30, there began in lyzing your arm. Running a dairy of the agreement which led to Ciudad TruiHIo a three-day ceie- in the tropics presents problems the establishment of the Bosua braticn of the first anniversary that a Polish farmer has never refugee colony, James N. Itosen.. of the signing of the settlement imagined. berg, president of the Dominican agreement. Representatives of 32 Republic Settlement Association When the training period Is announced that the Rosenwald nations, members of the Inter governmental Committee on Ref- over, each family is gvlen from family had made a gift of $125,ugees, officials of the Dominican six to ten acres of land. They OOO to the refugee haven. Government and members of tl>e do not have to build their own . The gift was made, Mr. Rosenhouses. Dominican workers are berg said, on the recommendaDominican ^Republic Settlement Association, took part in the cere- being employed for. the construc- tion of Lessing Rosenwald. It waa monies marking the event. A tion work because it is felt that exactly a year ago that officials feature of the .-program was the it s imore important to train of the Dominican Republic and official inspection of the Sosua these people in agriculture and he American-financed Dominican agricultural industries than to Republic Settlement Association colony. What did they see at Sosua? waste time, teaching them to be signed the agreement, permitting They saw a thriving community. temporary carpenters. refugees from Nazi-dominated But the moment they move in- lands to start life anew. They saw happy people, nearly 400 of them—people who a year to their new houses, the settlers In the words of Robert T. Pell, ago had despaired of ever find- hurry to begin cultivation of their ing happiness and liberty again. land. They are expected to grow chief of the United States delegaThey also saw opportunities for vegetables — yams, tomatoes, tion to the conference, the agreebringing hundreds and thousands beans and corn—for themselves ment was a monument of conof other refugees into the coun- as well as for sale In other sec- Btructive humanitarianism which tions of the island. They are al- "like a candle in a dark chamber try to begin life anew. so given chickens and livestock. will shine for all time.'* New Land Success Claimed They found land under cultiva- Some of the colonists are rugged "Day by day," Mr. Pell stated, tion, a modern successful dairy individualists who want their own in operation, new roads built, farms. Some like to work a com- experiments are taking place In this test tube, which should revnew buildings erected and older munity farm. olutionize resettlement in tho Community Work ones renovated. They found the settlers gainfully occupied in acBesides farming bis own plot, Western; Hemisphere/' In his report, Mr. Rosenberg, cordance with their experience each man, however, is /expected and the length of time they have to participate in some phase of describing the refugee colony aa been in the colnoy. The oldest community work. There is now a huge success, said that 1,000 group is working on Its own a dairy with a herd of 300 cows, additional refugees, Jews and homesteads. . • ' Holateins and Shorthorns, which Gentiles, owing to the non-secA second group is undergoing are being crossed with the native tarian character of tho project, a Bix • months' rgrlcultural train- zebu cattle to produce a stock would be established this year at ing period and will soon be set- suited to the tropics. A*heese in- Sosua. At present, Mr. Rosenberg retled in their own homes. A third dustry is also in full swing and group consists o£ now arrivals is the first of a number of in- ported, there are 750 acres under who are first beginning .their come-producing projects planned cultivation, worked by 300 refutasks. Then there Is a group of for the community. New indus- gee-colonists. Looking ahead to trainees, whose ages- are between trial crops are being developed. the time when it will be self-sup15 and 21. These are receiving a Lemon grass is under cultivation porting, the colony plans to grow ' two-year training course In agri- and will be used to make a per- cocoanuts, cocoa, castor beans cultural and mechanical pursuits. fume oil whi«h now must be Im- and other products that could Soon find a market in the United And there nre the children, whose ported from the Orient. there will be a pressing plant for States. only task is to-stuCyi, President Troncoso de la ConTh e visiting dignitaries learned castor beans and peanuts, a wood something of the -dally life of drying and processing plant. these settlers. They learned that Thus under the guidance of CLIP THIS COUPON the trainees spend half the day the Dominican Republic Settleat practical tasks and the other ment Association -the colonists—ONE HOUB WESSONS' KQ half at lectures and in sport ac- young men and women from ev- i• *( "i BB1NG THIS AD V»* tivities. The seasoned settlers ery German-invaded land in EurNew Downtown Location work seven to eight hours a day. ope—-hope to win not only ecoEVELYN KELLY They work from early morning nomic security for themselves, SCHOOL OF DANCING till noon and rest until late aft- but through their efforts hope to 1612 Donslas, 4tb Floor JA 6312 ernoon when they resume their raise the entire standard of livtasks. This siesta is made neces- j ing of tbe Republic which has ofsary by the sub-tropical climate, fered them a permanent home. Evenings are spent in study, esThe success of the project durpecially the study ot languages.' ing the first year of its operation Saturday evening Is given over is largely due to a group of men t6 an entertainment or dance headed by James N. -Rosenberg, *.•_"•-• and Sunday to picnics and 'horse president: of the settlement asso•i back riding. • ciation. In direct charge of the Do you know what job t ' The visitors -will learn, other5 settlement.project Is Dr. Joseph you want, a. f e w years things,-They will learn that for A. -Rosen, the noted agronomist from now?;S1 most of the colonists,'young peo- and director of the Ukrainian and ple between the. ages.of;21 and Crimean/ settlement projects of T h e Jewish Community ; 35, the only:liriWremsining with the Agro-Joint. C on t e r VOCATIONAL 5 Europe are relatives itill in that GUIDANCE BUREAU can The settlement has enjoyed the unhappy «ontlhent.' Among the fullest cooperation- not only of help •' you .plan your fu-. , colonists they will find fathers the Dominican Republic, but of turol Find out what job nnd mothers who at the begin- American governmental bureaus, you will enjoy the moot I ning of, wart sent thtlr children Atherton -Lee, head of,' the Unite! Find but. what opjjSortunS16 ,T/hst they hoped was safety in States .agricultural experimentaties there are in the job England. .Norway or Sweden,and tion station in Puerto Rico,' has •that ybii wantf . lisve not seen the youngsters guided the. colonists over man* Come into t h e Center since. Those who know their ohfl- tropical pitfalls. Men;f r o m the "VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE „ - Vdreri ar;o still alive are graying United States forestry;! department BUREAU any' 'afternoon, ,'for the. day when they can bring' •Have helped in a'sutYey of the t o talk over y.ojar plans jtliem to their new world. valuable timber on te mountain li'ffor the- ?0TURE :}~ • '. 'Tho child of Jone such smother (Sides and willrasslst in • drawing fecentfy' arrived at the colony. tip a program for its use without
Are You Prepared for the FUTURE?
Heroism Award to Two British Jews London (JTA) — The George Medal was awarded to David Lazarus, 17-year-old p u p i l of the Jews Free School, who rescued four persons from a b o m b e d block of flats last Fall. The boy worked heroically while bombs were still falling. He was seriously injured by a collapsing wall and deeply buried under tons of brick and stones. a Lieutenant Raphael de S o l a , one of the yachtsmen who participated in the Dunkirk rescue operations, has been appojned Commander of Ship of the R o y a l N a v y . He is probably the only Jew now holding such a position.
Kitchen Chats By Mrs. David M. Newman GINGER SNAPS 94 cup butter or crisco % cup sugar 1 egg 1 cup syrup 4 cupa sifted /lour 1 teaspoon soda . 1 teaspoon salt 2 or 8 teaspoons ginger Cream butter and add sugar and egg. Add syrup and sifted dry ingredients. Mix well. Chill 2 or 3 hours. Roll thin on floured board. Cut with email cookie cutter. Bake on greased cookie sheet at 375 degrees for 10 minutes. POPOVBBS 1 cup flour U teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 tabespoon melted butter 1 cup milk Sift flour and salt. Make a well In the flour. Break egga into well. Add melted butter and milk. Stir until smooth. Pour Into hot reased gem pans. Bake in hot oven 450 degrees for 30 minutes. Decrease heat to 350 for 15 minutes longer. .
Action Follows Reported Beating of Nazis by Jews
Stockholm (JTA) — The German authorities in Amsterdam are planning to enclose the 50,000 Jews of ttie city's Jewish quarter in a ghetto, it was reported here. The action followed reported disturbances in the section on February 10 aimed against Dutch Nazis. It was said that a number of uniformed Nazis were injured in the disorders. Responsibility for Jewish behavior in Amsterdam has been placed by authorities in Nazi-held Holland upon two of the country's most prominent Jewish leaders, Prof. Cohen and A. Ascher, the newspaper Stockholms Tidnlngen reported. , Riots Against Nazis The paper stated the two Jewish leaders were appointed beads ot the Jewish council which authorities established in Amsterdam following the Isolation of the Jewish quarter by the Nazis In. retaliation for anti-Nazi riots la the area. The paper reported there were many casualties among police and rioters in the disorders, which allegedly Involved attacks by young Jews on Nazi residents. ImmedR. , ately, the Jewish quarter was Isolated and non-Jews started leaving the area. . German Commissioner Arthur Seyss-Inquart has prohibited regJ Istratlon of Jews in Dutch universities, the newspaper S v e n 8 k a, Dagbladet reported from Berlin. 2 egg yolks 1% cups milk Cook until thick. Add one teaspoon vanilla. Cover and jmt on top of graham cracker mixture and then remaining crumbs on top. Place in refrigerator for $ or 4 hours to chill.
GRAHAM CUSTARD PUDDING Joseph Cattaui Pasha, was min10 rolled graham, crackers ister of finance in the Egyptian 1 heaping tablespoon melted \ batter • , cabinet. 1 tablespoon sugar Mix all together. Place oneSpecial I Something New! half of this mixture In the bottom of a pan. Mix the following custard: . ' 11 cup sugar Meets » fiellnlto neeA la We lwn> a J& tablespoons flour •nee. Brother, father and ehlllrea.
Tfie "Family Group Policy"
cba of tho Dominican Republic presided at tho conference. All speakers paid tribute to President Roosevelt for his -efforts In bringing about the Evian Conference of £938, which resulted in tho formation of tho Intergovernmental Committee for European" refugees.
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tfriday, February "21-,-
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triimy, *ebru«ry 21,1941
boya after two easy wins iu the . preIim(Earies, difcjjosiog of Mother chapter, ,34-8, and Sioui. City,' _ Harry Goodbiuder, past 31-11,'and the filial hectic battle Godol of Mother chapter, was un- which downed Deis Moines, 26-24. animously elected Aleph Gaclol of • Tiie victory meant iaore than ' With comniunai service the tixe Corn Beit Regions'! • just a.eltg.mp;ioii£bip to both Paul; theme of its regular monthly pro- Association at the annual.'.winter ff, coach of the squad, and •• Sigma Alpha Mil gram, Sigma Delta Tau the Council of Jewish convention and tournanaui't Norman Kuklin. B o t h Women will have four represent- ie Lincoln last week-end; The re- joined the team five years ago, Lincoln (Special) ;— A l p h a Ltneola (Special) — Prepara all chapters in Ne- and have worked . hard without of tiie Inter-Club Council, gion includes Lambda chapter of .Kappa Beta. tions are being made by.the Ne- atives biaska and: Iowa as well as Rock ever winning & game.in A. Z. A. each presenting a five-minute Pi honored Sarah Miller of Wai braska chapter of Sigma Alphj sketch, Monday at the 1 o'clock Island, Molfne, Granite'City.-and competition. Aleph Kuklin, whose ". Lake, Iowa, law "school junior, by Mu for its traditional Uiencia' at the Jewish Commun- East St. Louis, Illinois. 21st birthday will make hind'an.; '.'. electing her to serve as dean for formal patry, to be held Marci: luncheon ity Center. Mrs. Manuel GrodinAleph Justin Priesmim of alumnus, was playing his last the coining year. This office i •8 at the Cornhusker Hotel here sky, Council representative to the Mother Chapter was named Aleph year. He had the glory of lead- • equivalent to that of president. in Lincoln. The party, which is Miss Miller heads Theta chapter to be the first spring formal of Inter Club Council, will be theKohen Godol, also by unanimous ing his team to victory, as high point man ip. the final, game. vote of the delegates. of Sigma Delta Tau and was the University of Nebraska spring day's chairman. "Pep" Bogdanoff won the admir- Speakers will be Mrs. Jack AbGoodbinder end Priesman placpledged to Kappa Beta Pi, na-social calendar, is under the cotional women's legal sorority last chainnanslifp of Floyd Cohen, ajian of the League of Women ed second in the regional debate ation of everyone at the convention for giving everything he had year. Lincoln, and Erving Friedman, Voters; Mrs. Clayton Woods, Co- tournament and Goodbinder won to coach the century team to tbe second place in the oratorical ordinating C o m m i t t e e ; Miss Invitations have been received Sioux City, Iowa. Frances White, Y. W. C. A.; andcontest. The basketball team com- championship. "Pep" was Intro* for the annual Mortar Board schBids are being made and will Miss at the convention banquet Rosemary Tuttle, Red Cross. posed of Al Lagman, Ed Gerber, duced olarship tea to be given Sunday. be sent to friends and members as a "real" A. Z. A, coach, the Haskell Cohen, Nathan Meiches, This tea is given to honor univer- of Sigma Alpha Mu as soon as The Omaha Section of the Counbest the Aleph Zadik Aleph has sity women with high scholarship possible. The chapter having cho- cil of Jewish Women has been Morris Ruderman, Marvin Rich- ever seen. and the members o£ the Sigma sen a novelty orchestra, promises active in Inter-Club Council since ards, and Abe Bauni were defeatDelta Tau receiving invitations one of the most successful par- its organization a few years ago. ed in a hard-fought battle by the The squad, composed of B e n Kutler, Norman Kuklin, Melvin are: Miriam Rubnitz, Rose Gold- ties ever to be presented by Sig- Hostesses for the day will be regional champions. stein, Sylvia Katzman, all of Om- ma Omicron chapter of Sigma members of Council's three Red At the get together dance held Levine, S a m Slutzky, William ' aha, Aronita Daskovsky of Hin- Alpha Mu. Cross Sewing Groups. Included Saturday night, the first issue of Susman, Harold Epstein, Mike ton, Iowa, and Sarah Miller. are Mesdames George Spitzer, I. the chapter's publication, "The Landman and Louie Slutzky, were ' The Inter-mural basketball sea- II. Weiner, I. I. Salzman, Alfred Kibitzer" under the editorship of all awarded silver medals. KutMiriam Rubnitz, director of son promises to be a successful ler was praised for bis outstandSigma Delta Tau's coed follies one this year for Sigma Omicron. Frank, Morris Stalmaster, Harold Myron Rubnitz was distributed ing defense work, and the entire to the visiting Alephs and their Jaffe, Harold Pollack, Ben Shaskit, has selected the following Not being satisfied just to win team for their general good playgirls to serve on her committee: their opening game against the piro, H. A. Newman, Phil Gilin- young ladles. ing. The team will leave f o r Milton Cackin, chairman of the Rock Anna Arbitman, Bernice Crounse, Phi Delta Theta fraternity, they sky, AI Gilinsky, Sam Gilinsky, Island, III., on March 15, to Edward Brodkey, Milton Mayper, Youth and Democracy committee and Sylvia Katzman, of Omaha, ame home with victory honors represent Sam Beber chapter and Harry Shumow, Clarence Bergfor Mother chapter, reports that the Cornbelt and Sareva Braverman of Grand over the Zeta Beta Tau fraternity Region In District I ••"•:•'Island, Nebr. This committee will with a winning score of 21 to 6. man, Sam Appleman, Bernhardt the Hi-Y, the A. Z. A.s and thefinals. Wolf, Harry Rubenstein, Otto Max Jurgens Club are all hard at write the skit and supervise re- Bob Bramson of Omaha was the The basketball championship Siegal, David Cohen, Archie Ja- work preparing for this year'a hearsals. outstanding player of the game cobs was not the only bonor that came • and Joe Jacobs. rally. The tentative date is March Anna Arbitman and Sylvia and scored 12 of the 21 points. to A. Z. A. 100 at the convention. Tickets have been mailed by 10. Katzman, active in the campus Bob is a member of the UniverPast Aleph Godol Yale Richards With the conclusion of the basV". W. C. A. organization, have sity of Nebraska freshman bas- Mrs. Leon Fellinan and Mrs. was unanimously elected Aleph , • Bernhardt W o l f , card party ketball season, the softball team Mazkir of the Cornbelt Regional been selected to serve on the ketball squad. is already being formed. hairman, to members of their committee for the World Student Alephs association for the coming Honors Service Fund. This committee year. Advisor Harold Zellnsky, Honors were brought to the committee. All are a s k e d to will sponsor a philanthropic drive house recently both by the active change the dates on their tickets past Aleph Godol of both Century/ A. Z. A. 100 on Nebraska's campus in co-oper- hapter and the freshman class. rom March 24 to March 31, chapter and the Cornbelt Region* ation with similar drives by or-Mort Margolin, Omaha, was re-which is the date of the affair. presided at the business sessions* A, Z. A. 100's basketball team ganizations at other universities. cently announced to have been returned from the Cornbelt ReProfessor J. B. Stack, member appointed to the finance commitgional convention In Lincoln last Zeta Beta Tau of the speech department faculty, ee of the University of Nebraska week with the regional championHotel PAXTON 1 spoke on "Behind the Scenes in Student1} Union Board. Pledge ship, a' title Sam Baber chapter Radio" at a cultural hour last Norman Veta, Cheyene, Wy,, won Lincoln (Special) — With the has never before held in its 12 Proudly Presents Tuesday night. his first ping-pong match over beginning of the second semester, years as an A. Z. A. chapter. Music Styled by Wilde aul Krasne in the student union eta Beta Tau is again back in The Century chapter quintet ping pong contest, while pledge he general swing of school activ- won the title from the previously Pioneer Women Art Rivin, Scotland, S. D. was ties. RAN WILDE undisputed regional champions, hosen as one of the nine best George Frlscher and Edwin Des Moinea Chapter 4. The Iowa and His California!** Mrs. Sarah Okun and IVlrs. J. mown freshmen of the Nebraska tVittenberg were reappolnted ed- five has held the title for 13 of Kaplan, chairmen of the Puriin zainpus by the Cornhusker year- itor and business manager, res- the past 17 years, and hasn't lost carnival to be given on March 9 book staff and wa3 also admitted pectively, of the "Awgwan Flash" a regional game since .1936. This at the Jewish Community Center nto the university's varsity band. college humor magazine. year's Des Moines squad Is comby the Pioneer Women's organizaposed of the same players that Sigma Omicron has been quite Hotel PAXTON The entire chapter attended a tion," announce that work is pro- busy with social affairs of late, lecture given by Maurice Samuels have been the champs for the PAT MILLER, Mgr. greasing favorably and they prom- he chapter entertained a group past four years. ise to make this an enjoyable af- f A. Z. A. boys during their re- at the Lincoln Hotel. The affair The title came to the Century was sponsored by the Nebraska fair for everyone. ent convention here and also xtension unit of Hillel. Following are members of the vas host to some of its alumni, Alpha Theta's basketball team committee arranging the affair: reparations are being made for Mesdames H. Mirowitz, I. Raz-in exchange dinner to be held waa, defeated twice this season, nick; J. Raznick, M. Goldstein,- with the Sigma Delta Tau Soror- once by Sigma Alpha Mu, and by Zena Feldman, B. Veitzer, H. ty February 27. Last Wednesday Alpha Tau Omega. The chapter's Richlin, L. Wohlner, S. Rothko- evening the chapter had the plea- ping-pong tournament started vitz, Dave Freedman, H. Bern- ure of having Professor Russel last week and the first round steini H. L. Barson, Mollie Glick- t the psychology department of matches are just about all finishen, S. Richlin, A. Meyerson, S. Ep- he :University of Nebraska over sd. stein, B. Reiss, Z. Epstein, A. or dinner and a cultural hour President Ernest Wintroub was Shafton, A. Smith, Anna Abram- mmediately following. one of the five men on the comson, Leo Taub and I. Morgenmittee for the Interfraternity stern. The freshman class announced Ball, which was held last Saturts annual smoker will be held day night. -• . Club Program The scholarship cup was won Three months have passed since ebruary 26. Cards are being the .opening of the current season prepared to bo sent to all theagain by Morris Kirshenbaum, of the organization's activities. alumni, for this gala event, which for the third straight semester. Members of the Pioneer Women's promises to be the best ever. Last Wednesday night Profesorganization are confident of the sor Winnacker of the University role they have to play in relation had dinner at the chapter houBe Brownies to their program as part of the and then led an informal discusLabor Zionist movement. Brownies, who are the junior sion on the war situation. It cannot be too strongly em- irl held a red and white phasized that work must be partyScouts, at the Jewish Cominunity dell. Play: "Little George Washstrengthened along all lines in inValentine"—Doris Wehjterest of carrying out the four- Center last Sunday afternoon and ington's berg, Becky Finer, Thelma Goldexchanged valentines made as a point program: 1. Loyalty, to stein. ..'•!. part of their arts and crafts acJewish life and culture, 2. DedicaSongs and folk-dancing contion'to the partnership of task of lvities.. V • The program, consisting of a cluded the afternoon. building a full co-operative Jewish commonwealth in Palestine! costumed play, and refreshments and respect for the specific pro- were planned and carried out by gram of the Council of Working the-Brownies themselves, who Women of the Histadruth; 3. De- range in age from 7 to 10. votion to democratic principles ' Following are the committees: and social improvement in this Refreshments: Ida and Margaret country; 4. Understanding a n d Rundell, Doris Noodell. DecoraSior© of Omaha' working toward a woman's eco- tions.: Phyllis Bernstein, Connie nomic, social and cultural pro- Milder, Shirley Colnlc, Roberta 'COMPLETE: F4OT0S3AND gram. Rosen. Plates: Mary Lou RIpps, BODY REFAIfIS " ' Such a program calls for con- Ida Rundell. Valentines: Delores stant application,, for continuing Siegal, Joann Jacobs, Margaret COMPLETE: L I N E OP basic activities for organizational Rundell, Connie Milder, Renee ACCESSORIES &. PARTS growth, cultural widening, a n d and Marilyn Plotkin. Cleanup: COMPLETE: STOCK 0 ? greater attention to the American Thelma Goldstein, Mary Lou USED CARS Ripps, Becky Finer, Doris Noband Jewish scene.
Council of Jewish Women Will Hold JLunchean Meeting
72 YEARS 0^
' r . : '>"•
tS & Jachson ' AT 441E 20 & St. Tory's AT <3€£4
A.Z. A.;l
If you're the lady who wants style—and comfort too—you'll find them both in our tuevr, Air Steps. Feminine shoes with, an airy' cushion to rest your 'fc$%
-v T » ]
Friday, February 2 1 , 1941
An invitation has been extended to all young people o£ high school age to attend the George Washington patriotic party in the vestry rooms of Temple Israel on Saturday evening, February 22, at 7:30. . Jerry Grossman is chairman of the telephone committee and is being assisted by Diana. Lagman, KNOACiKMKNT TOLD BRIDE-ELECT HONORED Anne Denenberg, Lorraine GreenMrs. Sarah Nathan announces On Sunday, February 9, Mrs and Mildred Singer. Reserthe,engagement of her daughter, David Miller wag hostess at a tea span vations should be phoned in imMiss Jessie SelmaNathan, to lit. given at the Blackstone hotel to mediately, Yale Ginsburg of Denver, son of honor her daughter, Louise, who Mr«. F«y Ginsburg, also of that Is to be married to Norman Abrac i t y . '": ' : ' ". ::" • - hamson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben JO8LYN MEMORIAL Sunday at 2:30 in the Joslyn No weeding datb has as yet Abrahamson of Council Bluffs. Memorial sound films will been ..chosen. The color combination, red and be shown. three They are: "Magical whift;: was used to carry out a Havana," "Rio the Magnificent," Valentine theme. April 27, the arid "Romantic ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Argentina." At Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kata 'of date of the coming marriage, was 3:30 Dr. Shepherd L. Witman will announced in a huge red ValenKansas City, Mo., announce 'the speak on "Foreign Policy and Naengagement o"f their daughter tine arising from a center piece tional Defense." Evelyn Faulk Miss Julie Katz, to Mr. David Col- of red and white carnations. present a piano recital at 4 in Assisting at the tea- were: will ion of Grand Island, Neb., son pit the, hall. At 4:30 a Mrs. Ben Abrahamson, Mrs. G. Youngconcert Mr. and Mrs. George Col ton! Artists program will take An early spring wedding is be- Marie, Mrs. Morris Green, Mrs. place in the lecture hall. Hyman Levine, Mrs. Max Wassering planned. A motion picture, "Rembrandt," man, .Mrs. Morris Margolin, Miss featuring Charles Laughton, will Lucille Abrahamson, Miss Char- be shown at LINEN SHOWER 8 o'clock in the Conlotte Nogg, Miss Marian Wolpa, Mrs, Sam Spjegal will honor cert, hall. her daughter, Minnie, a bride-to- and Miss Lois Barish. About, 160 be, at a linen shower to be held invitations were issued, A num- LEAVE FOR BUFFALO Tuesday afternoon, February 25, ber of out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. A. Tannenbaum at 2 o'clock at the rj'nal Jacob present. left for Buffalo, N. Y., where synagogue, 24th and Nicholas. OBSERVE GOLDEN they will make their future home. 'AH her friends are invited to at- ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Riekes tend. Refreshments^ w i l l be Temple Sisterhood will observe their Golden Wedterved. ding anniversary on 8 u n d a y , March 2. A reception in their The third of the series of five SILVER WEDDING honor will- be held from 3 to 6 lectures on Contemporary Jewish ANNIVERSARY on that date at the home of Mr. History, being given by R a b b i Dr. and Mrs. I. Dansky will be and Mrs. Carl Riekes, 301 Soutb David H. Wice under the auspices honored at a family dinner to be 54th street. of the Temple Israel Sisterhood, held tomorrow night at t h e will be held on Tuesday, FebruBlackstone hotel on the occasion HONORS BRIDE-TO-BE ary 25, at the Blackstone. of their .silver wedding anniVerMrs. Henry Krasne was hostess A dessert l u n c h e o n will be feary. Seventy-five guests will at- at a-luncheon at her home in served at 12:30. Mrs. Julius Newtend. Among the out-of-town honor of Miss Louise Saylan, a man Is hostess. Co-hosteses are: guests will be: Their daughters, bride-to-be. Mesdames Dave L e v i n e , J. J. Evelyn of Kansas City, and MirFriedman, J. A. Solomon, Morton iam," a student at the University FROM SIOUX CITY Hiller, Sarah Zevin, S. H. Rosenof Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. David Mrs. Libby Eashefkin of Sioux berg, S. J. Plotkin, Lawrence JaKavich of Fremont, and Mr. and City has been visiting in Omaha cobs, Ben Brodkey, A. S. RubMrs. I. Krasne of Oakland, Neb. with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mittle- nitz, and H. Loewenstein. Also Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sher- man. She intends to remain here jnan of Des Moines and Mrs. John two weeks and during her stay Mrs. Harold Farber's circle will Brodkey of Sioux City. she has been extensively enter- sponsor a "Mad-Hatter's" party tained, Mrs. Mittleman is the Saturday evening, March 1, at the FREMONT BAR MITZVAH Temple. Tickets, are two dollars former Rose Bashefkin. On Saturday morning, Februper couple. An evening of entertainment ary 22, at 9 o'clock, the Bar ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH Jftitsvah of Stanley Predmetsky, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rosenthal and dancing has been planned. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pred- announce the Bar Mitzvah of Rhumba lessons will be. given. metsky Of Pender, Nebraska,, will their son, Gregory Arnold, at 9 Prizes will be awarded the two be held at the Synagogue of the o'clock Saturday morning, Feb- hats most cleverly designed. Fremont Hebrew Society. Serv- ruary 22, at the B'nai Jacob Synices will be conducted by Rabbi agogue. Sinai Club Sol Oster.* Mr, and Mrs. Predmetsky will ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH The Sinai club held its regular receive for Kiddush after the Mr. and Mrs.; Ben Lustgarten meeting on February 18. Until service, . - •' ' "'. announce the Bar Mitzvah of their the arrival of the president, Gary_ son, Stephen, at the B'nai Israel Landman, the secretary, Nellie' synagogue on Saturday morning,' Edel presided. The organization's IFEMPLE 8UPPEB CLUB and. relatives pins, which were designed by NelThe Temple Israel Supper Club March 1. Friends, : will jmeet on Tuesday, February are invited. No. invitations have lie Edel and Morrle Landman, are due to arrive on or about Februbeen issued. ary 25. The discussion of the dance to BETH EL YOUTH GROUP HONORED AT PARTY Sunday evening the Beth be given by the organization waB Mlsr Frances Oland was hon? El This group will meet again tabled for the near future. Sevored at a Valentine party given for Youth supper. program "will bo eral talks were given by members February 16, by her sister, Mrs. followed by The a social hour and on the theme, "Onward Sinai" H. I. Epstein, and Mr. Epstein. dancing. and "Forward Bound." Eight guests were present. Prospective new members whtfc visited were: Adele Goldstein;. DR. GORDON RETURNS VISITOR LEAVES Dr. M. I. Goi'don is arriving Marie Adler,. Ldu Sachs and NelMiss Dora Gordon of Chica- today from Chicago, where ho has lie Tatalbaum. go left Sunday after •vislting'Vfor for the past week been attending Izzio Lewis is newlyelected re? the past week with Miss Ide the Mid-Winter Dental clinic. porter of the club. Blacker. S. GROSS RETURNS Mrs. L. Gordon Gross and daughter, Frankie, have returned from a three months vacation tn Los Angeles. . •'•: TO CUBA AN^D, BAHAMAS * Mrs. A. B. Alpirn left Sunday for Miami Beach, Florida, to visit her children. With them she will go to Cuba and the Bahamas. BAR MITZVAH TOMORROW * Mr. and Mrs. Max • Cphn • announce the Bar Mitzvah of their eon,> .Robert Amos, on Saturday morning, February'; 22; at the : Beth El synagogue. , They -will receive In his honor nt their home, 5128 Decatur, on Sunday, February>23/ from S to 5. No.invitations have been issued, •• . . " *
Junior Council The Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors held its monthly meeting - lest Sunday. Plans were made for a benefit bridge to be given sometime in April. A large number attended the Red Cross sewing group at the home of Mrs. A. H. Brodkey. A letter was received "from Rose Mayerowlch of Denver, Colorado, a former member of the Omaha section. : Further plans for the benefit bridge will be discussed at a board meeting to be held in the near future. .
17. .O.'C, Sisterhood Members of the U. 6. C. Sisterhood held an Oneg Shabboth last Saturday afternoon at the B'nai Israel Synagogue. RabbMsaiah Rackovsky related the story of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments. Mrs. Frank Ackerman presented a comic skit in Yiddish. Members participated in a discussion on "Kashruth Laws." Tea was served by the hostesses, Mrs. J. Rosenberg, Mrs. I. Goldstein, and Mrs. J. Wintroub. The next Oneg Shabboth will be held on Saturday, March 15, at the Synagogue.
Bas-a-mi The Bas-a-mi will hold Its bake sale on Saturday, February 22, at the Brandels store. It Is expected that a large portion of the year's quota will be raised at the sale. The date of the. next meeting will soon be announced. Reports of the sale's earnings will be given at that time.
Junior Hadassah The Junior Hadaseah drawing will be held at the next meeting on Monday, February 24. Everyone is asked to turn in tickets at that time. The "Give and Get" party, which is to bo held in March, will be discussed. Ruth Rosensteln is candidate for Queen Esther.
Hadassah Bingo • Party on March I The Hadassah Medical Fund has been the f aspiration for a bingo party to be held on March 1, Saturday night, at "the Jewish Community Ceater starting at 8 p. m. Twenty-five firizes, valued at not less lba"n $5 each and up to f 50, will be given away in cash and merchandise. An admission of | 1 per person will allow each person to play all evening. Refreshments will be gerved. The chairman, Mrs. Joe Goldware, and her co-chairman, Mrs. Julius Stein, promise that there shall be" fun for all and enough exciting1 prizes to make the evening profitable as well as one of pleasure. Those who are assisting are the Mesdames Jack Lincoln, Leonard Gould, I. Abramson, H. Osoff, R, Bordy, Jack Kaufman, Sam ThepV dore, Bertha Ellis, Leo Abramson, Moe Raznick, Irvin Levin, A. Dy Frank, William Alberts, William Pollack, Julius Newman, Reuben Vann, Louis Albert, Otto Siegal, Dave Gross, Sam Altsuler, Richard Wright, J. M. Malashock, J., J. Greenberg and Abe Katsky. : , Also assisting are the Mesdames Hoffner, Harry Marks, Morris Fischer, Harry Harris, David Miller, Abe Silver, M. Bernstein, Sam Geisman, J. Kagan, Joe Solomonow, M. Venger, Harry Priesman, Nathan Sherman, D. K r a n t i, Charles Nathan, I. Grossman, Sam Goldware, Max Cohen, Mike Freeman, Nathan Turner and Harry Eisenstatt.
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.- Friday, Febru&iry 2 1 , 1941
The New Colonial Secretary
egatost the law fn Ciudad Trujiilo NOT to wear shoes. It's also against the Is-w la beg ....It's also fi.ga.hist the law, I discovered, to wear hhorts down* town. *M
For the fourth time in recent years the British Gems of the Bible and Talmud government has named a new coloaial secretary. This cabinet officer is an important personage In By Dr. PtEltp Sk«r SUBSCRIPTION-PRIC&; One *££.r 62.5C the "eyes of tfc.e Jews, because it Is under his juris"Aeverti$ifpg Kates Furr.teliecs en Appliestt&n aictic-n that the Palestine Mandate is administered. BIBLE The first settlers who came to Unfortunately the administration of the Mandate ED1TOK1A.JL CFFtCiSt CM Sosua had heard weird -tales of tteatat 6I CiTi €-I-frlCE—•Se has depended not just on the merits of the case, tt-utei They that forsake the law the. tropics and they arrived PK1KT bs. but entirely upc-n the inclination of tlte Secretary. praise the wicked but they that fully prepared to light for surkeep the law combat the wicked. vival ia a primeval jungle. They Lord Lloyd, wiio recently died, like his predeDAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Edito He that is, of a greedy spirit wore upon their heads clay pipe LEONARD NATHAN . . . . . . Editc cessor, Malcolm MacDonald, was a member of the slirreth up strife but he that put- helmets, with mosquito netting RABBI THEODORE R LEWIS • , Book Edito old appeasement clique, the remnant of the Cham- teth his trust in the Lord shall hanging down -all around. They FRANCES BLACKER - - Society Edito berlain appointees. While lie was not so antag- be abundantly gratified. even brought along machetes, to' There is a generation that are hack their way through the unr MORRIS A1ZENBERG— Sioux City Correspondec onistic toward the Jewish cause as MacDonald, he pure in their own eyes and yet nevertheless implemented the "White Paper" in are not washed from their filthi- derbrush, and all manner of remy edies against disease. spite of the fact, the situation that had brought ness. For weeks, they insisted on Brotherhood Week forth that document had ceased to exist. There Is e generation whose taking quinine before each meal. Starting tomorrow, the birthday anniversary teeth are as swords to devour the The new secretary. Lord Moyne, has a long poor from off the eartl* and the of America's first great president, we in America record of public service, but little of it has been in needy from among men. Now they have discovered that will observe Brotherhood week. Members of tlii in all the world there is no more Near Eastern affairs. Unlike Lord Lloyd, who TALMUD • country's many religious denominations will meet had fought under Allenby and was later High Com- ' Mishnah. How were the wit-healthy a place than Sosua. In to reaffirm their adherence to the fundanienta some of the towns on the island missioner of Egypt, the present secretary has con- nesses awe-struck in criminal of Hispaniola it is unsafe to principles of all religion, namely the sanctity of centrated his activities in England itself. Per- cases? They were brought in and drink the water, but Sosua is aS the human spirit and the brotherhood of men. haps the fact that in 1938-39, he headed the Royal warned, "Perhaps your testimony spotless as llightstown, N. J., audit Events elsewhere in the world have given even Commission investigating conditions of British is based only on a supposition or a great deal more pleasant, win* the most light-hearted pause for reflection, and colonies In this hemisphere may be responsible for hearsay or on tha* of another ter and slimmer. It fronts upon •'.. Brotherhood week presents an excellent oppor- the choice. With the British possessions near the witness or you have had it from perfect beucli, yon know, and rising behind are (he mountains tunity for us to consider just what is our obliga- United States assuming new importance In the a trustworthy man or perhaps of a tall coastal range. you are not aware that finally we tion to our fellowmen. If we do nothing but par- field of diplomacy, it is thought a man thoroughly will investigate the matter by exFor most of the refugees, who rot sentiments expressed by a few leaders with- acquainted with these colonies may be necessary. amination and cross-examination. still bear the scars of concentraYou may also be oware of the tion camps, it must have seemed out giving meaning to the words, Brotherhood Conditions in the Near East have considerably fact that there ia no similarity like heaven. •••.-• Week remains another mockery. between civil and criminal cases. altered within the past few weeks. The threat Since the Judaeo-Christian tradition is an ethiIn civil cases one may repay the But even in this modern Eden cal one, the very essence of its teaching is brother- against Palestine's security has certainly not dis-money damage and he is atoned hood. How simple the religious way of life is has appeared, particularly since Germany now seema but in criminal cases the blood there will be many problems to and the principal one, been exemplified in the story of Rabbi Hillel, who ntent on reaching the oil-fields of Mosul. But of the person executed and of his Iovercome, believe, will be proper selection he Arab world haa.seen a defeat of Italy, the descendants to the end of all genWas approached by a boy seeking to be taught the of the refugees to be sent to So* erations clings to the instigator sponsor of rebellion in Islam. Nothing succeeds Torah while he stood on one foot. Instead of sua. No settler in Sosua can hope of his execution," to dismissing such a request as foolish, Rabbi Hillel among the Arab tribesmen as much as Buccess, Itesh Lakesh said, "He who become Q millionaire. He may Bald: "What Is hateful to you, do not do unto your and the ignominious flight of the Italian legions raises his hand with the Inten- be forced to abandon a trade or profession which he has followed neighbor." Everything else, the great teacher ex- has been of immeasurable importance. All thetion of striking his neighbor al- all his life and till the soil. Two eeds of turmoil sown by Mussolini have so far though he has not struck him is priceless things will be plained, is commentary. his—a . proved sterile. The turbulence that has charac- called wicked." home and freedom. Today we have restated this principle in the Wo were taught in the BaralGolden rule. Even in the realm of modern thought,' terized the Near and Middle East for tho past five tha, "If a son saw his father one finds the Categorical Imperative of Kant giv- ears has been stirred by II Duco io preparation transgressing what is written in The Sosua colonists make the ing philosophic sanction to a fundamental religious or "the day." That "day" has come and gone. . the Torah he must not say to best cheese in tho Caribbean. Obviously the Palestinian situation Is consld- him, 'Father, you have trans- They have more orders than they teaching. gressed the law,' but 'Father, so can fill. Yet to practice that simple admonition has rably altered. Just what will be the next step re- and so is written is the Torah.' taxed the Ingenuity of man. Wars raging in every nains to be seen although It is doubtful If even And he himself will find out his The war, you find when travelQuarter of the globe tragically reveal the failure he Colonial secretary yet knows what will be the mistake." ling through the ring of islands Rabbi Pascha &aid, "He whothat guard "America's Lake," has of man's inability to live up to the simplest pre- iolicy of the Mandatory government. closes his eyes to charity is con- done two things to air travel-—' cept. Perhaps in the tragedy and failure of othsidered as if ho served idols." which is really the only reliable, ers, we will learn the lesson that will bring eternal fast means of swinging the clrNew Life for the Dies peace. America lias given birth to tho idea of cuit from Trinidad to Miami. - ,' "Brotherhood week." Perhaps it will also further It lias increased travel treinen* bmmittee dously, and at the same time it the cause of Brotherhood among all nations. has prevented Pan-American Airi The price of liberty Is eternal vigilance. With ways from obtaining tho new his maxim in mind, Congress several years ago ships necessary to care for this Confusion in Philanthrophy mthorized the formation of a committee to innew traffic. The result is, yon American Jewry has been accomplishing a stu- vestigate the activities of certain subversive groups By PAT FRANK have to make reservations a pendous task these past twenty-five years, and its who were seeking to undermine the American form month ahead, northbound. Every J. T. A. Waohington burden has been constantly increased. Primarily f life. Thus the Dies committee came into exship is filled with mail and pasT Preoo Bureau sengefs, .bespeaking the acute inthrough its efforts, Palestine has been rescued istence, and last week another substantial sum terest and new business between from the desert and made' once more a land of was set aside so this work could continue. tho A m e r i c a s . Pan-American NOTES ON A JOURNEY inilk and honey. Through the generosity of Amercould carry larger loads than Despite failings, despite some almost tragic I have just come from a counican Jews, rich and poor, thousands have been try which, while small, has at-they do, but they insist upon a mistakes, Congressman Dies and his aides have rescued from religious oppression and resettled in tracted the attention o" all the considerable safety margin. inore hospitable environments. We have cared for done a singular piece of work In ferreting out Western Hemisphere. Tho counour own throughout the world with little or no aid elements threatening the foundations of our De-try is the Dominican Republic, In the estimation of this re? mocracy. At first, the work of the committee was and the reason It is unique is a from1 non-Jewish sources. discouraging. Some of its findings were childish, curious one. The Dominican Re- porter, it would be a better deEvidently the task has become too great, for some of its charges puerile. Then the chairman public, in this age of civilization, fense measure to give Pan-Amef^ there has suddenly developed confusion and con- eemed to become startled by the staggering re- Is the only one of 21 American lean priority, on twelve new dipt flict among our various fund-raising groups. At sults of his work, and the latter investigations republics— all supposedly dedi- pera than it .wojild be to build twelve bombers. Good relations a time when calmness is essential, these organiza- and conduct of the committee have proved Its cated to the welfare of humanity between tho United States and —which has offered a home for tions have become prey of their basest passions. worth. group settlement of refugees the countries south of us is des[Whatever the merits of one groups or another, the perately important now. And driven out of Germany. How real the Nazi-Communist danger has been leverage Jew is in no position to tell. Where once All the other republics are good relations are fostered by Judaism was a Jew's great passion, today he Bhares ew Americans realized. We have been content watching to see how the Domin- personal contact. If we are good neighbors, we must know tho it with other Interests'. Our society is complicated o be easy-going. Most went on the false assump- ican Republic comes out in its problems of the family on the tion that those who opposed American principles venture with humanity, and It other side of the fence, and be and our problems increased enormously. would be well for all Jews in » The average Jew is going to be Indifferent to would nevertheless play the game, f a i r l y and America' to watch, too, because ready to sympathize with them." the issues involved. He will not take time'to etudy squarely, and once shown the error of their" way3 the success or failure of the SoGermany, before the war, did a them with calm objectivity. Instead he will be- would repent.. Now we realize these are no or-sua colony will pretty well deterbetter JJob, , I'll have a e to jjidml^^ mine whether the exiles of Eurdinary enemies. They do not Play politics accordcome angered that the leaders whom he trusted G Germany sent cruise ships to> are behaving like children. He will be irked by ing to Roberts Rules and Orders, but employ cun- ope will' be welcomed to South South America (as well as tho American and Central American additional problems, and will utilize these mis- ning and ruthlessness that staggers the imagina- nations. I have discussed'the So- Scandanavian nations). •» ' \ i tion. To them, their evil ends justify tho jneans. Ena-colony'.—- its hopes and its We haven't been that smart, takes to escape responsibilities. 1 by plane is uncertain and Communities such as Omaha are not affected The methods of these two groups are foreign" to- fears—in other articles. I saw, Travel very much more expensive. It's and heard, other things that may ll of us except our gangster element. Assassinaby these quarrels in high places. We have orabout time the South American ganized our community on a democratic basis. tion, kidnapping, torture, intimidation are weap- bo interesting. experts who clutter up our State All shades of thought participate and share in a ons that have been used by representatives of the At the home in which I stayed Department learn that you can't united philanthropic effort and what happens else- German, Italian, and Russian governments against in Cludad Trujillo we had a ver- promote good- relations by man or shake a man's hand over tho where should not concern us. But we cannot citizens or aliens resident here. Assisting them itable Jeeves of a butler, so good long distance telephone. -i escape the repercussions, and we can only beg our have been Americans, posing as. respectable pa- was he. He spoke English, leaders not to lull themselves into innocence by triots, who would play the despot's game and French, German and Spanish New York (WNS)—Dr. Isaao perfectly, and knew more about the propaganda broadsides they send out. There would sell this country for much less than the running Rubinstein, chief rabbi of Wilnb a household than any proverbial thirty pieces of silver. , butler you'll find in the length before the Soviet occupation of is no room for confusion in philanthrophy. : Lithuania and a former member If there is a diminution of anti-Semitism in and breadth of Long Island. of the Polish Senate, described I asked htm about his butling, life his country, it ia because the Dies committee *,n Europe as "hell.*?. He reand it developed .that he was a JEWISH OALEHDAR > turned the spot-light on some small fry bate- German refugee. "Were you a' ported that there was no persecu1941-6701 mongers and revealled them as Ignorant, self-ag- butler in Germany?" I inquired.' tion of Jews in Russian-occupied Lithuania, but said there were reWednesday, March 12 grandizing individuals. There is yet higher quarry Fast of Esther ... "No," he admitted, " I wasn't strictions and s o m e of t h e a butler, but my butler was one, Purim ..L .Thursday, March 13 to bo exposed and-it Is to be hoped that the Dies wealthier Jews had suffered. j of the best butlers In Germany. •. Thechief rabbi "declared that Saturday, March 20" group will not become* timid. . Bosh Chodesh Nisan - poor; persons in Poland were in Jv Saturday, April 12 - Passover (1st day) The responsibilities of such a committee are I'm an electrical engineer." better economic position since tho ........Friday, April 18 tremendous and have not always been realized by Passover (7th day) Yon can't- help but bo im-Soviet occupation but he stressed Passover (8th day) Saturday, April 19 tho chairman and certain members. Yet its con- pressed by tho cleanliness and the fact that unemployment wag ..Monday, April 28 duct has been so much an improvement over past neatness of Ciudad Tnijillo,. as still a major.problem. Dr. Rubin£*Xloaa Chodesh Iyar. compared with other towns in the stein, whose trip - here took 'Beven JLag B'Qsaer ...™~.~. .W.~~.~~ThurBday, May 15 investigating committees, and over its own be-•tropics,-'-'It's; the only city in the weeks, was guest of honor at a .-.«~.»~»~.Priaay, Feb. 28 havior of two years ago, wo dooot doubt that it Caribbean where everyone /wears dinner tendered by 1 the Mizrachi will act with dignity and courage. • sh'bea; There's ;nrTeasbn-for irrltfs Organization of America. . previous day as well.-" "'*..' Every Friday &t t t , Kefcr.
*••»«« ••*•••>
Friday, February 21, 1941
U. 0. C. NEWS Candle-lighting time: 5:83 The regular late services of the U. 0. C, wil Hake place at Conregation B'nai Israel, tonight at 8. The Rabbi will speak on "Organized Charity — A Historic Force of Jewish Unity." Sabbath morning the R a b b i will speak at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol. His topic will be "Gold of Spiritual Value." Junior Congregation The Junior Congregation will hold its services at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, Sabbath morning at 10. Hostess for the children after services will be. Regular Sunday morning Bervicea of the U. O. C. Brotherhood will take jtlace at Congregation B'nai Israel, at 0 a. a. Congregational Meeting A regular meeting of the memb e r s h i p of Congegation Beth Hamedosli Hagodol will take place on Sunday, February 23, at 2 p. m. at the vestries of the synagogue. Important questions will be on the agenda. Among' other things, will be the announcement of various committees which have been appointed recently. The chairmen of these committees are: Synagogue, N. Wilfson, co-chairman, H. B. Weinsteln; Membership, Harry A. Cohen; Social, M. Rosenstein; Educational, A. G. Weinstein; Religious, Davo Abrams; Building and Maintenance, M. Minkin; and Budget and finance, I, Elewitz. • < Study Group The Adult Hebrew Study group will meet at the Rabbi's study on Monday at 8 p. m. The High School of the City Talmud Torah has begun a new class in Jewish history which will meet every Tuesday, from 6 to 6. This course will be oepn to students, even it they have not the necessary background In Hebrew to become full-fledged members of the entire course. Senior students of High School will bo accepted upon application at tho Rabbis office or by phone, Ja. 0887. The Talmud Study group will meet at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel on Wednesday, at 8 p. m.
Religious Services Beth El This evening at services Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak on ''Washington, the Jews, and Judaism in tho Making of America." Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Conn, will chant Kiddush in observance ot his Bar Mltzvah. Services, Saturday morning will begin at 9:45. Robert Conn will lead the service. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn will receive at Kiddush in honor of their son immediately after the Sabbath morning service. Next Week . • Next week Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "Moses and His Law tor Our Day." .
. . , Temple Dr. Thomas R. Nlven of the First Presbyterian Church win occupy the pulpit" of Temple Israel, this evening. He will speak on "The Fellowship of Reconciliation." ,;•-•-. 'There will be no Town Hall Forum after.service tonight. Next week. Mrs. Ben Silver will be chairman of the discussion which is to deal with the subjects, "Religious Education" and "Religious Leaders for tho Future.? Services Saturday morning beginning at I t , • -; •••••-
u.o. Tonight a t the regular late services of the TJ. O. C ; the Rabbi •wil lspeak on ''Organized Charity •—A Historic Force of ' Jewish U n i t y . "
. -.••
FEAR POGROMS TO START AGAIN IN BUCHAREST Budapest (JTA) — While the Rumanian press daily acuses the Jews of having organized against themselves the excesses in January in which some 8,000 of them were killed, Jews fear to appear in the streets of Bucharest as Inspired rumors are continually circulated of another, bigger pogrom pending. Porunca Vroml, leading antiSemitic d a i l y of Rumania, demands that the Jews be placed in concentration camps "in order to avoid a repetition of the disorders." A propaganda campaign In Rumanian newspapers is gradually retouching the official version of the January insurrection to make it appear that "Communists and Jews were entirely responsible." Jewish Propaganda Typical of this Is an article in Sfarma Piatra purporting to prove that all pogroms are "nothing but Jewish propaganda designed to compromise the regime. This Is true of the Bucharest pogrom as It was of the Russian pogroms organized during the tzarlst regime," the paper d e c l a r e s . It voices the singular conviction that Jews are never killed during pogroms; they only say so. .. . The British Legation at Bucharest was said by a diplomat Just arrived from Rumania to be packed' with Jews "pleading to be allowed to accompany" departing Britons. "But even if the Legation gave them visas for Palestine," the envoy declared, "the Rumanians would refuse to Issue passports." Sniping Continues Despite official announcements that order has been restored in Bucharest, sniping still continues nightly in the Rumanian capital, according to a reliable traveller •who arrived here. Tanks and armored cars cruise the streets after ten p. m. curfew and a n t i - a i r c r a f t searchlights mounted In front of public buildIng and in strategic squares sweep the streets and f l o o d rooftops, searching for possible attackers. Gen. Antocscu has t h u s far shown himself unwilling to enforce a single measure that he himself decreed against the legionary rebels, presumably hoping thus to win back the Iron Guard's support. . . .
POLISH MITi-SEIMTES London (JTA) — Polish press circles were shocked this week by the unexpected reappearance of the anti-Semitic Polish National Democrat organ, Jestem Poliakem (I am a Pole) edited by its original editorial board. The publication had suspended following withdrawal of official Polish support. A "solution" of the Jewish problem according. to the antiSemitic Endek theory Is put forward as one of the major politir cal demands in an article under the : signature of Lucjan Zigota, which^ clearly indicates that it Is designed not only. foj\ Polish circles but for anti-Semitic propaganda among. Britons. .'.'•• . The article is Written in the Iprm of a conversation between a Scotsman and a Pole, the latter trying to convince, the Scotsman that, Britain is not interested in internal order in other states and that Poland '"Is not yet ripe for a liberal system ;Hk<s (the English, but ..must; establish an order best fitting its ownr particular requirements,-guaranteeing -taaxi-Jnum strength to the State.'!
• Music Bon Ballroom
StoQkhplm (JTA)r—Thousand's Of Jews were recently- transported from' Vienna to Poland and their property, was confiscated, the Gotebocga Posten reported from Berlin. Several died- of severe cold on tho way, It was said.
Government S a y s Jews Organized Iron Guard Revolt
Sabbath morning the Rabbi will speak1 at Congregation. B e t h . Hamedrosh Hagodol on ''Gold of Buddy Fisher-at Spiritual Value."
Vienna Jov/a Exipelled
The Music Box ballroom Is currently featuring Buddy Fisher's Orcheatra...;. Vocals are handled by Gypgy Edwards and. Red Utley. . Buddy Fisher's band has been .featured. In recent editions of "Billboard," with -Fishor rating his picture on the coyer of tho January 15 issue. .
Protestants, Catholics and Jews In more than 2000 communities observe Brotherhood Week, February 22-20 under the auspices ef the National Conference of Christians & Jews. This poster, depicting the winged spirit; of liberty pleading for Americans of all faiths to work together for the future of their children symbolizes the spirit of the observance.
LABOR GOIIITTEE Quito, Ecuador (JTA) —- The Ecuadorean Immigration a n d Aliens law has gone into effect, giving this country the most liberal law of its type in the Americas. The law was published months ago but was left pending until the Agriculture, Interior and Foreign Ministries had drafted tho various instruments necessary to its enactment. The law, is termed exceptionally humane by interested partieshero. During Its drafting, representatives of Jewish immigration societies were repeatedly consulted. One of the principal authors of the law is Dr. Malo Andrado, newly-designated Immigration Director, who was educated in England and whose sympathy for Jewish I m m i g r a n t s Is well known. Another important factor has been the satisfactory contribution made by 3,000 Jewish immigrants to the country's development. The law permits Ecuadorcan consuls abroad to issue travel documents to eligible immigrants lacking passports and reduces the entry deposit from $5,000 per family to $400 per family, plus $100 per person, whiCh will be refunded when the immigrants have engaged in some type of business .industry or farming. The entry deposit is waived for (1) immigrants who will be supported by relatives here, (2) immigrants with a minimum of 53,300 to invest in bonds here, (3) persons with a fairly large income from abroad.
Greek Jews Aid Church Repairs
The dance last Sunday evening, February 1G, at the new Labor Lyceum, 3022 Cumlng, was pronounced a success by those present. A small' sum was raised for tho Jewish Labor Committee. Tho dance waa sponsored by Branch 690-B, Workmen's Circle. Bob Freshman's "Make Believe" orchestra was well-received by the crowd. Refreshments were served by Fannie Pezzner and Mary Ash. Harry Lerner was In. charge of arrangements. Sol Ash was in charge of checking. Tho prize of the evening was won by Irving Charney. VIcki Lerner and Dave Richards led the Konga. By popular request, a dance In the near future is being planned. Peter Bercovitch was the first Jew to sit in the Quebec Provincial Legislature. Veitel Heine Ephraim was purveyor 6t the Royal Mint under Frederick, the Great.
Washington (JTA) — Senator W. Warren Harbour (Rep., N. J.) has Introduced a bill which would make it a criminal offense to send through the malls matter inciting racial or religions hatred, among other things. It Is similar to a measure offered by Barbour which died in the last Congress. "While this measure, of course, is designed to bar the maih to all propaganda which would attack basic American principles," Senator Barbour declared, "it was Inspired by the fact that certain Congressmen have in the past used their mailing and franking privileges to spread un-American attacks on certain races and religions, not only through their own constituencies but through the entire country." He added that sucti propaganda by either public officials or private citizens was -especially serious at this time as it attacked American national unity and the basic principles of democra\ic government. Second Bill Specifically, the Barbour bill would amend the Federal Criminal Code to make it a penal offense to send through the mails "Indecent matter, or matter inciting to arson, murder, riot or assassination, or forgeries and matter ot a character fraudulent, scurrilous and tending to incite hate against any creed or race or religious sect." In addition to the Barbour bill, the Senate received a bill from Senator Willia of Indiana which would males It mandatory that all publications sent through the malls bear the names and addresses of the publisher, editor and other officials.. A similar move had been urged recently by Chairman Gillete of the Senate C a m p a i g n Fund Investigating Committee as a result of his probe of scurrilous campaign literature distributed in the last campaign, a large part of which was anti-Semitic In tone.
Deaths Aaron Neeaman Funeral services were held last Thursday, February 13, at the Jewish Funeral Homo for Aaron Neesman, 60, who died suddenly on February 12. He had been & resident of Omaha for thirty-five years. Surviving are: his wife, Pearl;, two sons, Joseph and Harry; & daughter, Mrs. Al Weinberg; and a grandson, all of Omaha. Burial was at the Beth Hamodrosh Hagodel cemetery.
For-Winter Driving Get a Set of
Salpnica,. Greece (JTA) — A Tires that will prove joint meeting of rabbinical coun- m o r e economical in cils has'decided to donate 50,000 the long run. drachmas' toward the cost of repairing the St. Sofia Cathedral damaged by Italian bombing planes, a . delegation informed Metropolitan Ganabloa, The Metropolitan thanked the Jewish delegation and asserted that the gift would further strengthen the fraternal-feelings which bad existed, for 'centuries between the Orthodox Church arid the Jews of Salonica. London (JTA) —•' t h e little Jewish community of Aden.has seat £50-to the Greek Minister in London for the Greek Comforts Fund .expressing gratitude for the .Greeks' "heroic- campaign against the Italians." - . -Patronise Our Advertisers.
Barbour Seeks to Close Mails to Hatred
020 N
Confidential J. "The Mechanical year. HKiUO Heart," by Haiti Beiiriiiaii, whki it way seem, Si range those Jewishthough art dealers who still is opening late this utO'iu.h, may have their shops in Holland have or may not turn out to be a boa found an excellent new customer in noue other tluui oar old enemy Field Marshall Hermann Goering . . , Warning to refugees: It's not a good idea to meet ii& the cafes of New York to discuss ways and means of rescuing what's left of your fortune from Nazi hands. . . The local Gestapo representatives have caught, on to this tendency, and frequent your haunts for the express purpose of listening in. . . Noting the recent death of the Third Reich's Minister of Justice, Walter Winchell comments that the deceased no doubt has gone to join Justice herself. . „ The toast of Broadway as we write this is a song by Irving Berlin, called "When That Man Is Dead and Gone," and referring to that happy day when Charlie Chaplin's mustache will have lost its imitator. . . The furore about the Fuehrer was introduced at Fefe's Monte Carlo by Miss Ethel Waters, herself distinctly-not an Aryan. . .
office success, but it is a fc.ign.iii cant play of ©JUT times. . . ft oj»pokes two i»hiIosojj>Lies~tIifit o: (lie late Ernst Toller, Use Geri£&£ Jflaj'Vt'liglit HikO C;OittHijtt€<l filti cide a cosiji-le of years Rgo, and at Ctoloael Charles g . , ,- And of course tiie play is dfstiiigidslied by the usu&l dialogue.
Friday, February
nual contribution. The Beth El Sabbath and Sunday schools and the Temple Israel Sunday school have contributed $10 each. By INEZ L. KAZKICK Those included on the Child On Wednesday, February 28, Welfare Committee are the Mesthe next meeting of Hadassah daines Henry Beliuont, Harold will be held at the Jewish Co ' Brodkey, Sam Giliusky, Morris uiunity Center. A particular^ Katelman, Philip Klutznick, J^ea fine program of educational in Kogg, Ernest Nogg, Sam liice, terest will be presented by t h e David Sherman, .Raymond Silbar, program chairman, Mrs. M. F I. Abittiasoa, Sam Joseghson, I. Levenson. Miss Lulah Belie Orr B. Ziegman, Henry Rubenstein, J. executive secretary of the Child M. Newman and Max ReEiiick. Welfare Association of Omaha The co-chairmen are Mrs. J. H. will speak oil "Child Welfare in Kulakofsky and Mrs. Louis KulaAmerica Today." Mrs. Louis Kul kofsky.
Hungary, whose ancestors joined a cult disavowing Judaism in the 16th century, will be exempted from the stringent Hungarian anti-JewiEb. laws despite the fact' that thfc&e Jews Lave now returned to Judaism. It was explained that in the 18th century these Jews reorganised a Jewish Community, with rabbi and synagogue, but Tetained sufficient characteristics of their ancestors' cult to qualify them for exemptions. A special decree has granted them leniency.
akofsky, chairman of the Child Welfare ComiBittee for the Oina (lix.ntttia. Tau Sigma ha chapter of Hadassah; w i 1. speak on "Child Welfare in Pal At the last meeting of the estine Today." ABOUT PEOPL13 Gamma Sigma, Miss Elaine "Our Youth Is Our Hope" is TucbiiianTau Maiie-Katz, the Polish Jewisl was chosen to represent the slogan with which Hadassah Painter, is a recent arrival in this enters the month dedicated to the club as candidate for "Queen country. Not BO long ago he Child Welfare. Zionists term it a Esther." Evelyn Wolk is club reporter. truth that Palestine centration camp, and all Ills self-evident must be more than a place of refpaintings had been lost in the uge or a haven from persecution Exempt Dissident Nazi occupation of Paris. . . But and If these ZIouist he got out, reached these shores dreamsterror. are to come true, then Hungarian Group and got to work with his brush hope lies with the youth In and palette—and now bis work Is that Palestine, both those who were Budapest (WNS) — One hunbeing exhibited in a New York born there and those who came dred Jewish families in eastern gallery. Abe Goldstein, well- so early that they readily grew known Hartford, Conn., Zionist to be part of it. leader, is not only a distinguished The national quota for Child student of Jewish lore but a fishWelfare for this year is $100,ing enthusiast as well. . . He is now at work on a Yiddish book 000; Omaha's share is $550. At the present time the committee WE'Itli TliUdXti YOU on fishing, which will be the first is actively engaged In the distri. This time there's no maybe volume on that subject ever to be bution of milk bags Into which published in Maraeloshen. . . IMabout Dr. Oiaini Wcizniann is hoped the women of Omaha Buy la Our Economy Shop and Save cardo Cortez no longer la the it will be here before this will accumulate email change for matinee idol he used to be, but That fullof months is over. the fund. In the spring of this page ad of the Protestant Di- a couple of hundred of Los An-year an affair of interest and AT EASE IN gest's, which will appear in the geles kids think he's the beet enjoyment is being planned by the Jfew York 1'inH'S by the time this ever. . . When the regular play- 3hil(I Welfare committee when YOUR NEW column reaches you, -- a corker. . ground of these kids was con- hcae bags will be used as admisIt Hsks the Christian world what demned by the city last year, Cor- sion if these bags contain a minJesus would have said to the po- tez fixed up a new one for them, mum of $1. Those not having groms in Kuiuniiiu. . . For the complete with gymnasium and milk bags will be admitted on resake of Orthodox Jews who like all. . . eipt of $1. This constitutes the Chinese food one factory that KOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE main means of raising Omaha's prepares such delicacies as ChfCongratulations to Rabbi Isaac Quota for Child Welfare. iiese almond cakes, fried noodles, Landnvan, editor, and Louis RitA new feature in Omaha Is the ate,, has engaged a rabbi to see lenberg, executive and literary jrganization the Baby club. to it that everything in the place editor, on the appearance of Vol- Contributions of been made by is kosher and parvc. . . The Jew-ume Three of the Universal Jew- he following have children: ish Education Committee of New ish Encyclopedia, which when Sidney Alvin Pessen, Lynette York is inaugurating courses in completed will bring you up-toForbes, Steven John Rlekes, music and dramatics, and an art date knowledge on every Jewish Rae Joseph Klutznick and workshop. . . Which is a splendid subject in ten meaty volumes. . . homas hilip Edwin and Justin idea. . . Hut why did they omit Volume Three starts with Can- Charles Ravitz,Baron both of Shenan-; courses In dancing?. . . A very in- ards and ends with Education, oah,,Ia. teresting course- in Jewish-Orient- which seems to be a significant Another new feature la the al dancing, in line with the Com- sort of arrangement. . . We can't lilk Bottle which made lto apmittee's program, could be devel- help wondering whether 'it was pearance at the November meetoped, we think—and. If anybody ng. Members are closely watchWe just a happy accident wants to know, the ideal person hope you—and you. and you— ng the coins piling up thus addto direct such terpsichorean ac- are These suits are the height oi among the subscribers to the ng more to the fulfillment of the tivities would bo Lilian Shapcro, Encyclopedia, and therefore have uota. who has boon responsible for {already received this new volume fashion for spring, clever The Sunday schools are also gome of the most fascinating Jew, But. just in case you aren't, o-operating by making their anwaistline treatment, natural ish dancing productions in this we'd like to whet your appetite country. . . •houldew, fine detail. In with -some choice, bits we've hat of Rafa Hakohen of Porto, Kl'K-PRlZE OFFER gleaned from tins one. which.- If taly?. . . And that Abraham Ibn beige, soft pastels, stripes, We have the urge to ask our you remember, is the volume that 3zra, the Hebrew poet who flourplaids, navy and black. AU readers a question the answer to contains the approved biography shed in the early 12th century, , wtiich wo ourself didn't know till of Charlie Chapl'n. wrote a poem in which he gave Did you It is: What know, for example, that back in move-by-move description of a the other day. masculine first name occurs most 1750 one Slyer Hart was one of game of chess?. . . frequently in the whole worltT? the founders of the city of Eas. . . To' the first,three readers toh. Pa.?. . . That Lewis Napliwho send in the correct answer tali Dcnbitz. uncle of former SuCarole King Frockf. ' A AA • we, in our turn, will send a copy preme Court Justice Louis DemSiiet 9 to 17. Priced at ..O.lJO to of the late Dr. Bmanuel Lasker's bitz Brandeis, was one of the two Martha Manning Frockf.fT QQ -t i\ last book, "The Community of* Jews who were delegates to the Republican National Convention the Future". . . Misses and h^lf sizes. Priced at . . . . tf««PO to 1 U. NEVER beof 18(50, the one that nominated STAGE AND SCREEN fore In the Economy Shop-Second Ffoor Ustory of the To Curt IJnis, the comedian Abraham Lincoln?. That the MUSIC BOX who made such a hit in "The first Jew to occupy a Christian luus a' leader been so acLady in Question," is credited pulpit was Rabbi Max Lilienthal claimed . . . the remark that flcdy Laniarr of Cincinnati's Congregation Bene TRULY a Master Show"runs the gamut of emotions Israel, who in March, ' 1867, man heading from A to X-stasy". . . Which preached in Jus city's Unitarian o n e of the reminds us to tell you about Church?. . . That that hitherto A C E entcrlaJnfne bands Jetta Goudal, whom some of.you unknown quantity, the middle In t h e NaAll Winter Apparel Drastically Reduced may remember as the Ifedy La- name of the Pree Synagogue's tion! Come and ENJOY Rabbi Jacob X Cohen, is Xenab? She marr of the 'twenties. dropped out of pictures when . . . That the late Supreme Court Buddy Fisher they began to talk—but she's one Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo of Hollywood's favorite interior never attended a law school, but decorators nowadays. . . If you're studied for his bar exam with the interested in theatre decoration aid of a private tutor—one Horand such, be sure you get your atio Alger, Jr.?.,. .That it is the copy of Mordecni Gorcllk's "New view of many scholars that the ON ALL REGAINING Theatres for Old". Bid -. you word "Hebrew" is derived from know that Melvyn Douglas' father the name of'Eber, who and IHs m was the concert pianist Edoiiard grandson of tlio Biblical Shem, VARIETY in fV3UQIC irodm®or ©nd Jorae Whitney Hessclberg?. . . A screen version and thus a great-grandson of Noof the life of George Gershwin is ah?. That the famous Jewish promised by Warner Brothers for name Rappaport is derived from these clever youngsters!
" A N D T H E
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Coy now and tavs. year cocf. U t b the Wheat firrm Contalni! VHamtn* A, It, P and O
NightSy Except P»!onc£ay
Snail Depoitt vtill hoti
Payaanh Eay 6o
Third Floor
FeLriMury 2 1 , 1041
THE JEWISH 1PRESS he comprcaiisfed, &&& liewer seriously battled. Philo's limited ethical vision pi ores again that piety and religi&as insight are not always accompanied by coble and high moral standards. All mysticism is of ne-cessity vague aiid a.L&tiuse £jid P&ilo's is no exception. Philo's mystic interpretations of Bible ck&r&cters and particularly of tiie Patriarchs is confused, contradictory, a.ud muddled. Like all true mystics, Ptilo was "driven by aa inner sea,se of lack, crying out for a divinity ot higher reality who or which will come i&ta us, take awciy car drabs," and like tbeni he expresed tifis eternal hunger in figures aud allegories that leave the modern miad eonfused and bewildered. For those who waul a truly illuminating study of Philo, thi3 book is to foe highly recommended. It will be read with pleasure and with profit. Rarely has the reviewer read a book with as much solid delight. .
FARM SCHOOL OPENS Flags Identify Nebraska Beef 1941 REGISTRATION
A little red, white and blue cardboard flag will Identify NeAnnGuncemfcat lias betu made braska-raised beef when served by The National Farm School, in hotel dining rooms and res* which is located at Farm School, taurants of the state, according (near Doylestown), Bucks Coun- to plaas of the Nebraska Advera Greek, in all important person"PHILO JOJAEfS," Eft WIN It. ty, Pennsylvania, that April 1, t i a i n g Commission announced GQOUKJVOlJtiH, Y A L E UNI- al matters lie retrained a staunch 1941, will be registration day for this week. VERSITY PHKSS, 217 PAGES. and gsatriatic Jew. the aew entering cls.ss. S&ve-r&l These flags, which read, "A To the basic patteru ot Jewish thousand copies of a. new cataThough one of the most gifted di&eiyiine he subscribed, keeping logsie have recently been distrib- Choice Cut from Corn Fed Neand Versatile of Jewish thinkers t h e SablmtJT festivals, dietary uted throughout the U n i t e d braska Beef," are being distribPbilo lias been Quite igaorefi hy laws aiifKotaer vital rites. FerStates for the information of pros- uted by the Commission as smJewish scholars. His role ia Jew- liays more than anyone else, Philo pective candidates. Applicants for other step in its program to boost . ish thought lias been ratter neg- straggled to square his Jewish entrance are HOW Ueiag Inter- Nebraska industries and bring ligible. Many reasons account far soul and spirit with his Greek viewed, EJid & number have al- greater prosperity to Nebraska this, not the least toeing tlie fact and Ilellenized intelect. Whether ready been accepted by the Ad- communities. that Philo's works have not been he succeeded perfectly or net is missions Committee. All hotels and restaurants are translated from the Greek into irrelevant. Philo believed, and The new catalogue points out btiug urged to place a tlv.g on this Is decisive, that his success Hebrew, and thus made accessible that in case of candidate who will each gteak or other cholee eut of to later generations of Jewish here was complete. graduate from their high schools beef served. Distribution is also scholars to whom Greek was a One of the most valuable chapin June, certain ejseeial arrange- beiog made to raliroads operatdead language. ters in the book is that which ments are made to permit en- ing dining cars in and out of Netrance to the Farm School at tlie braska, and other hotels and Since, however, Philo was an analyses briefly b u t nontheless time of their high school gradua- leading restaurants in s t a t e s important Jewish figure fa h i s fully the writings of Pailo, all of tion. This is done to encourage where Nebraska beef is served. own day aud since Ma influence a philosophical aad religious charboys to complete their high school en Christian development w a s acter. T w o, "Against Flaccu3" courses and at the same time to Urge, any additional light on his and "The Embassy to Gaius" poravoid the necessity of waiting religious and' philosophic system tray vividly Pliilo's deep and unnearly a year to enter the farm in to be heartily welcomed - - and flinching loyalty to Judaism. In course. especially so if it arrives in so both he defends bravely his peosplendid a wanner as It reaches ple and religious faith, especially The training program which the refusal of Jews to defy and tu in this volume. Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor Agen- covers three y e a r s is designed worship the Roman emperor. The author of "Pkilo Judaeus," cy)—One million pounds worth primarily for the young man from The allegorical method of Bib- of Who is Professor of History of variegated goods have already the city. The course is so organReligion at Yale University, an lical interpretation described la been supplied to the British army ized that young men with city Admirer of Philo, and intimately "The Allegory" enabled Philo to by the Jewish manufacturers of background are qualified, upon acquainted with Pbilo in the orig- graft Greek thought u p o n the Palestine, Eliezer Kaplan, treas- graduation, to take up the pracinal, and with many of the treat- Torah. The Bible was not taken urer of the Jewish Agency for tical pursuit of an agricultural ises written to interpret hlea. Tlie literally; and its heroes and their Palestine, said in an interview in career and are able to do the delightful style of Professor Good- experiences do not represent or- the current issue of the magazine work required, with skill and Inenoush makes the reading of the dinary men and events. Though Palestine and the Middle East. telligence. Specialised training is COOiCilS only too often fanciful and far book a genuine pleasure. offered in six fields: dairy, poulTo help in producing thla total, Cay Ossa Bcssa c a d Despite profound knowledge of fetched t h i s procedure helped he recounted, CS new factories try, general agriculture, horticultSis Stie&sd Bessan isr 1c U s subject, the author is exceed- Philo in hia chief end, "to show were established during 1940, In-ture, floriculture and landscape. imiLlK VARIETY ingly modest, admitting the ©&s- that the eest ot Greek p&ilosopMc cluding workshops for a asimber Anyone interested in gaining OUR aibility of erroneous interpreta- teaching was derived from and of key industries. admission should apply immedition on his part and of deeper la- got its highest expression, t h e More t h a n £2,000,000 were ately. Limited dormitory facilities BUTTJEJJ BOltfiSJ CAKE HOUGH Bight on the part oC scholars who Torah." s p e n t by the Jewish Agency make It possible this year to acirotm eusivt; Jjoyzlty to feiaisra • differ from him as he notes, fre* cept not more than seventy new the national fu&da -durHgAVlLV FIU.ED Philo'a political thought, hia through qaently and sharply. Both the ing the first war year, he reveal- students. • t r i e and method combine to metaphysics, his ethics, and mys-ed. This amount, he explained, PSPT. make this latest study of Pliilo a ticism are subjects of other In- waa used the stimulation of BEHJAMIH COHEM spi«ndid introduction to the philo- teresting chapters. One which I agriculturefor and Industry, the acGOES TO LONDON sophic and religious system of the found particularly atjsorblng la quisition of land aad the colonizaWashington (JTA)—Secretary leading Jewish thinker of t h e . "The Tew." where Philo'a abso- tion thereof, the transportation of Interior Ickes confirmed WashHellaistlc era. ; lute Jewish loyalty, to tha Jew- and Induction of new immigrants, ington rumors that Benjamin V. ish conception of God, to t h e the promotion of security ALA9KA and- the Cohen would go to London as a Wot Arrogant Jewish people, and to the Jew- provision o£ relief. The author possescs not only ish discipline, la vividly and porspecial aide to Ambassador John Regular 2 O c . .each tolerance t u t respect for the re- trayed oy the author and with G. Winant. Ickes.said Cohen was llaious convictions and practices admiration. Honor Willkie taking an indefinite leave of abBrown, of Ills neighbors. Though a loyal Louisville (JTA)—Wendell U. sence as Interior Department Gofi occupied-the central place Christian he has little patieaee with those scholars who "insist in the thought and life of Philo. Willkie has been cited for the an-' counsel, tentatively estimated at that nothing else could resemble" Philo'a God was a personal God, nual silver cup of the Jewish two or three months, and added (the Christian revelation) in any a Just, moral arid merciful Be- War Veterans of the United that he had no knowledge of particular. He la not arrogant in ing, with whom one could he in- States in recognition of his "out- what Cohen's duty at the EmBOLOGNA Pound tats Christianity and does not pro- timate and friendly, who, in the standing example in leadership in bassy would be. Washington reOld Testament phraseology waa a promotion ot Americanism and CAUL JA 3314 port* are that Cohen will be Winceed on the assumption that Philo ant's legal advisor. was mistaken in clinging to his Father. To this God of Judaism democracy." Jewish faith. On the contrary w e Philo added the God of philosoare helped to understand t h e phical contemplation, touched by philosophic dilemna of the hero a Greek speculation. Even the and to sympathise with the man- latter, -.however, waa forced to ner in which he struggled to dis- submit to Jewish doctrine, for Philo refused to believe "that solve it. anything eo sublime as Grfcek To understand philo fully it Is philosophy and mysticism* could necessary to realize his c h j o f Lave been unknown to Moses and problem, namely, how to harmon- the Patriarchs." ' ise Judaism and Greek philosoPhilo's ethical philosophy rephy, how to make Plato and Aristotle agree with the Torah. Both sembled that of his contempothe Torah and Greek -wisdom were raries, and shows singular deexceedingly precious to P h i l o fects. Prudence seems to have B INVITE YOU to com- as seven inches added to seating though his principle and absolute been the principal guide. Slavery pare the ride of four width. Bodies with wider doors loyalty went to the former. He was, in his eyes, as in the eyes o t present car, no matter tjhzt It is, land bigger windows thaa ever. was a Jew first and follower of Plato and Aristotle, a natural and with the ride of this year's Ford. Greek thought a n d philosophy necessary Institution. With evil Then we equipped this big second. Never before in Ford history 1941 Ford witk softer "Slow* Since he deemed Greek wiadoia have we devoted so exuzy ins- Moaoa" spriags. With a new unique and indispensible ho diaprovements at once Co produc- frasae that is 100% more xigid. eovered It iato the Torah. believWish, improved shock absorbing increased comfort. ing that the Torah was the source ers. And with a perfected ride We lengthened both wheelof the best Greek thought and base and springjbase. We de- stabilizer for steadiness on tarns Ideals. Since the Torah was the signed entirely new bodies at and ia high winds. most precioas of revelations and greater length and width than The result is a ride that many divine, it was inconceivable that ever before. Bodies with as much say is new for a car of any size! Plato's wisdom a n d Aristotle's knowledge and wisdom had not y already appeared to cao form or another in it. The Logos of Plato and its manifold manifestations and developments Philo accepted, -and discovered them to have been revealed in the Torah. .. , IntellectafiJly a Greci What saved Philo from complete absorption in his tnliea and rGreek environment was his un_ •) shakable conviction t h a t t h e Torah''.was divine, that its precepts and ritual were manifestations of the Divine, sacred and , I immutable. Though intellectually By DR. THEODORE M. LEWIS R«bbi, Progrrfesaive Syn»go>gue, Brooklyn*, fti. Y.
1 find its SOfT
. Special'.Attentioii to • Prospective
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B. Sc, & Pesi. i 2EGS Davcnp HA 0 5 S 2
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J?«.g-e S" at
Brotherhood Day to Be Observed Here
Founder tff B'nai B'rith
will attend. Sheldon Singer and Hubert Friedman, will debate for the organization.
The third anaual observance of Union of Czech Jews Brotherhood day will take place in Sioux City on February 23, ut MORRIS AIZEKBERG. Correspondent London (JTA) — The Council a large open meeting at the ballof the Federatioa of Czechosloroom of the Mayfair hotel. All vak Jews decided this week to Youth organizations in the city To Attend Young form a World Unioa of Czecho* are co-operating to make this an Slovak Jews. The chairman, H. event. The purpose Judaea Conclave ofoutstanding A. Goodman ,annoanced that ' this is to promote tolerance branches of the federation had, and brotherhood within the cdmLeaders of the Young Judaea lnunity. Sam Kaplan, of the Jewrecently been formed In Palestine groups are planning to attend ish Youth Council, is general and the United States and furthspecial mid-west leaders' meeting chairman of the open meetiag. er branches were planned in Can* to be held in Rock Island, 111., Deane Johnson, of Morntngside ada aud South Africa. March 1 and 2. Plans for a spring college, ia advisory chairman. conference of all Young Judaea Other members of the Jewish HONSHU, OEOMNSEr, MABEB groups will be made at this meet- Youth Council active on the comCOHEN, Attorney* •'• ing. Leaders of the Y o u n g 987 Oin&fia HMloaal Bswik Bldf. To Address Annual Meet mittee are: Dr. M. Bernstein and Judaea groups are Mrs. Alber Doris Grueskin. Three broadcasts ing of Federation . - - Of DISSOLUTION Goldstein, Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. will be presented over the local Notice is hereby given that at a meet* for Service ing of stockholder*) held on the Slit day Bernard Skalovsky, Mrs. Isadore broadcasting s t a t i o n s by the of January, 1641, the following resolution Shindler, Mrs. Morris Pernick, B r o t h e rhood Committee. The w a s a d o p e d dissolving TWELFTH Rabbi David Goldstein of Oma- Mr. Leon Goldsmith and Mr. Sol dates of these broadcasts will be S T R E E T C O M P A N Y , a contrition: ••—•: BE IT RESOLVED, Tfcat TWELFTH ha will be the principal speaker Kronick. announced later. A dinner, to S T R E E T COMPANY be and the aarna fa at the annual meeting of the Fedhereby dissolved &g of January Slat. IMS. which executives of all youth oreration of Jewish Social Service, IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Henry Jones, founder of B'nal theBEPresident ganizations will be invited, will and Secretary ot TWELFTH which will be held at the Jewish be held sometime during Brother- B'rith, the 75th anniversary oC STREET COMPANY be fend they Urn Community Center, on February hereby authorized And empowered to talcs hood week. This is to provide a whose death, is- observed on whatever steps may be necessary to legal* 18. The entire community is inmeans for sociability and will act February 16th. ly dissolve the TWELFTH STREET COM* vited and urged to attend. Rabbi PANY, a corporation. / as an expression of unity among 8. Bolotniko'v will open the meetDated at Omaha, Nebraska, tbU 31ft the groups. A suitable program day of January, vnt.J ing with the Invocation. is being planned by Rev. Feller TWBIiFTH STREET COMPANY, The Women's League of Shaare and his committee. Mr. E. N. Grueskin, president By WII-.UA.li LA2ERJB5, Praldent. of the federation, will preside Zion will meet on Tuesday, FebOfficers were elected by the lo-. General chairmen of the three and present the president's mes- ruary 18, at the Social hall of the activities of Brotherhood week— cal chapter of A. Z. A. Sam Kap3. f. FKIEWMAN, Atty. sage. A moving picture, which synagogue at 2 o'clock In the a t the broadcast, the open meeting lan was named president; Albert 1 « Vlrrt Kat'l ISsitSi Bid*. hafe been taken of Center activi- ernoon. Rabbi David Goldstein and the dinner, is John Joseph. Goldstein, vice-president; :Hubert NOTICE OF* MiOBATE OP W U £ ties the past few weeks, will be of Omaha will be the guest speakFriedman, secretary; H e r b e r t In the County Court of Pouglas County* We urge members of the Jewpresented at this annual meet- er. The affair is open to the ish Youth Council to co-operate Holland, treasurer; Dave Drutz, Nebraska. THE MATTER OF THE JOSTAT* ing. Dorothy Merlin will give public. Rabbi Goldstein will re- and> do their p a r t in making sergeant-at-arms; Bernard' Halig- OPINElisabeth Fearlnian, Deceased. man, reporter. the annual report on federation view Robert Sherwood's P l a y , Brotherhood week a success. All persona interested in said estate a r t hereby notified that a petition has bees activities. Several Jewish songs "There Shall Be No Night." On Saturday, February 1, A. Z. filed in eald Court, praying for the pnw will be sung by Mrs. Sam Cohen. The meeting will be held In A. held a successful Bowery dance bate of a certain lnstrumen^now on fU« in said Court, purporting to be the last at the Jewish Community Center, will The federation will give spe- the form of a tea, at which Mrs. Shaare Zion testament of eald deceased, an4 -Wednesday, February 5, a pro- that find cial honor at this first meeting M. A. Grueskin will preside. Mrs. a hearing wilt be had on «aid petition before eald Court on the 8th day ot to the first Sioux City Jewish Reuben Miller will introduce RabFriday evening services will be- gram was given for the B'nal March, lUil, and that if they fall to a p . boys to volunteer for army serv- bi Goldstein. The tea hostesses gin at 8 o'clock and is designated B'rith. Participating were: Al pear at said Court on the said 8th day o t Goldstein, Hubert Friedman, ShelMarch, 1941, at 0 o'clock A. M., to eon* will be Mrs. Joe Levin and Mrs. as Women's League Sabbath. Mrs. ice in the national guard. don Singer, Dave Drutz, Stanton test the probate of said will, the Court Hostesses at the refreshment Ben Sekt as chairmen assisted by Barney Garber, president of the Kalin, may allow and probate said will and grant Herbert Holland. administration of said estate to William table will be the Mesdames Ben Mesdames Robert Sacks, M. A. St. Paul Women's League, will Peartman or some other suitable penon* Many members of the chapter Kalin, A. M. Davis, Isadore Shind- Grueslcin, Sam Cohen and Mrs. H. be the guest speaker. Her topic enter a decree of helnhip, and proceed ler and Jules Lederer. Mrs. H. Baron. Mrs. David Goldstein is will be "The Jewish. Woman as plan to attend the regional con- to a aettlemeat thereof. \ vention to be held this week-end S. Novitsky, Mrs. H. R. Rabino- expected to accompany R a b b i a Homebuilder." CHARLES J. BOUTHARD. County Judge. witz, Mrs. S. I. Bolotnikov and Goldstein on bis visit here. Recent brides will participate in Lincoln. The basketball team a-i*-«-3t. Mrs. A. S. Goldstein will pour. in the program as well as act as lostesses. They are Mesdames Everyone in the community Is Deaths Bernard Skalovsky, Iz Shindler, asked to make a special effort to eorge Feiqberg, Earl Himovitz, acquaint themselves with the important work that their FederaRobert Stein, 54, 1727 Court Ben Appelson, Max Krickman, tion of Jewish Social Service is street, died Monday afternoon In erome Grueskin. In' the absence doing in the community a n d a hospital of a heart ailment. He f the president, Mrs. L. J. Kaplan, Mrs. Sol Kronick will Introto attend this meeting. had been ill the last two years. Funeral services were held last duce the speaker. At the conclusion of the servA special meeting of the United Tuesday afternoon at the WestJewish Appeal Executive Commit- ' cott-Doughty-Chandler c h a p e l , ces, a reception will be tendered tee was called Friday noon at the Rabbi II. R. Rabinowltz of Shaare to Mr. Jack Merlin and his fiance, Miss Erinberg, upon their West hotel at which time a com- Zion officiated. plete report on the past year's Mr. Stein was born January 12, forthcoming wedding. Jack has drive was given and plans were 1887, in Russia. He came to the jeen a choir leader for the past made to collect all United Jewish United- States 35 years.ago and three years and has been actively Appeal statements within the next had been a Sioux Cityan for a associated with .the Younf? People's League as well asjUl other month. \ quarter of a century. Surviving are the widow, a son. activities of >. the synagogue. Mr. of Sioux .City; three Morey Lipscitutz will be the toastShaare Zion to Hold Daniel, daughters, B e r t h a , Mrs. Sammaster of the reception. Mrs. • Art Kaplan is chairman Weiner and Mrs. Morris Goldberg, 16 all.of of the tea and will be assisted by Sioux City; the mother, two rother s and two.. sisters,, all of Mrs. Sam Weiner and Mrs. I. On Sunday, February 1G, the the ]]> ittlin. Y o r k Cit annual Congregation dinner will •**«. y- a n d two grandtake place at" the Shaare Zion so- children. On Friday afternoon the- memcial hall at 6:30. Mr. Morey Lipbers of the hoard of the Women's schutz will preside. Mrs. Eli Rob- Orthodox Synagogues league of Shaare Zion will enlnow will give the yearly report. ertain Mrs. Barney Garber at a Mrs. M. A. Grueskin will report Services will begin at the Orno-hostess lunchedn at the Mayfor the Women's League. • At this synagogues at 6 on Fri- air.meeting election to the board will thodox day evening and at 9 in the morntake place. This meeting is open ' ing. S. I. Bolotnikov will Aaron Salomon Gnmpertz was to members of the board a n d ' speak Rabbi during the morning at the the first Jew of Prussia to get a their wives. Tiphereth Israel synagogue. doctor's degree (1751). At the conclusion of the business meeting Rabbi H. R. Rabinowltz will review "Embezzled Heaven," by :Fran» Werfel. Cantor Pernick will render musical selection, accompanied: by Mrs. Pernick. Mrs, Ben Shindler is general chairman. Mrs. L. A. Ducoffe will be the dining room chairman.
The Oneg Shabbot of the Women's League of Shaare Zion will take place at 3 o'clock at t h e home of Mrs. Ben Shindler, 1934 McDonald. Mrs. A. H. Baron will preside. Guest speaker, Mrs. B. Garber of St. Paul. Her subject is "The Future of the Jew in America." Community singing •will be letUby Cantor M. Pernick. This will be followed by a discussion, and refreshments will be served.
Women's League Plans Purim Dance The Women's .League Purim epring dance will be \hetd on March 8 at the Bellevue apartment. Chairmen of the dance-are Mrs. Jules Lederer, Mrs. Sam Cohen and Mrs. Sam Shulkln. Sheffield's orchestra will furnish the music. There will be specialty aumbers and a good time is as* -sared for all. •
. The first English "Domus Conrersum • (Home ' f o r ' converted '^ Jeirai was' opened in- Bristol" in 1154.
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