[ •SSattreiftsSecond Class Mall Matter oa January 81, 1881, at P t y f & ' f Omaha, Nebraska, under Che Act of March 8. 1871
Committee to JMteet Sunday Corps Conclave Is to Hear Gen. Strong from the eight states jftf the Seventh C o r p s Army A>ea are expected to attend the / i first meeting of the Corps' Army and Navy Committee of the JewJsh Welfare Board this coming «•- .Sunday, March 0, at the Jewish Community Center, v; r' Principal speakers at the meetIng "will be.' Brigadier General W" . • -George V, Strong, commanding - fltficer of the Seventh Corps Area; . ._*nd ,Lt» Col. Charles O. Purdy, «Uapl ain o f the Seventh C o r p s Area. Both army officers will tppear At the afternoon sessions. , City Commissioner Harry Trus"" tin \i chairman of the committee «, .for this cdrps. Dr, A. Greenberg J la chairman of the Omaha committee. This district includes the • states of Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas,{tfinnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, " ••' Worth Dakota and South Dakota. Aids Army Men , Sam Gershovitz, field represenT tfttive of the Jewish Welfare • Board, will be present at t h e ., 'Omaha meeting to help with ar• rangements. . The conference has been called !,1 to receive instructions from the ;<• • national office, exchange ideas, and put in operation the cotnmit. tee's program, which has been necessitated by the rapid expan_ slon of the United States army. ' The Army and Navy Committee of the Jewish Welfare Board assists young men being called into (service by the new defense act lo meet problem's brought about by their new life. Principal activity is the religious guidance and 'camp welfare programs. John M. Schiff of New York is national chairman of the Army and Navy Committee of the Jewjsh Welfare Board.
B'NAIB'I TO BE HELD NEXT THURSDAYATJ.CC. To raise funds to send the A. Z, A. 100 basketball team to the A. 55. A. district tournament which is to take place inv Hock Island, 111., on March 15-17, the B'nal B'rith will hold a benefit emoker on Thursday, March 13, at 8:15 at the Jewish Community Center. The Omaha team recently won the Cornbelt Regional Conference held recently in Lincoln. AH B'nai B'rith members are urged to attend and to bring their friends. The jpublic is invited. Cards will be played and refreshments are to be, derv.ed. . . -. . . . , , The A. Z. A. boya will present the skit with which they recently won the Stage night contest at the Center. '. The smoker will take the place df the regular meeting, which •was to have taken place on March 17. "'. ; : .". . ' " * . :
WORKERS ALLIANCE TO MEET MONDAY The Jewish National- Workers Alliance, Ppali-Zlon, will hold a regular meeting, ronr Mpnday, March 10,' at 8:30 p. m; at the Jewish Community Cetoter". • :: As this is to be an important business meeting all members are urged to be present.
Council Sabbath The Council of Jewish Women will hold their annual Sabbath at Temple Israel on Friday evening, March 14, starting at 8 p. m. A reception will be held after the service. The Purim theme will be utilized throughout the evening.
YOUTH RALLY THjSMONDAY Rev. R. R. Brown to Speak At Democracy Rally Omaha A. / . A. Chapters with the cooperation of Council Bluffs A. Z. A. and Hi-Y and Omaha HiY, Girl Keserves, and Max Yergin club will sponsor a city-wide oiKh And Democracy Rally next Monday night, March 10, at 8 o'clock at tho Jewish Community Center auditorium. , The main speaker of ,the "evening will be Reverend K. It. Brown of the Gospel Tabernacle and: the .W...O. • W;. Church of the Air, The music will be furnished by the J. C. C. Little Symphony under the direction of Al Finkel. The colors-will be presented, by a guard consisting of Boy Scouts representing three troops: Troop 62 of the J. C. C, the Y. M. C. A. troop," and the Urban League Center troop. Representing the clubs will be four speakers, one from each of the participating organiztions. Speaking for A. Z. A. will be Justin Priesman, for the Hl-Y Charles Jackson, for the Gh'l Reserves Phyllis Taylor, and for the Max Yergin club, Joe Crossley. Harry Goodbinder will be. the chairman of the evening. During February and March, similar rallies will be held in over 300 cities throughout the United States and Canada. Last year Omaha A. Z. A. sponsored its first Youth and Democracy Rally and over 350 persons attended. » Admission is free and everyone i& invited to attend.
PURiM CANTATA TO BE GIVEN SUNDAY A four-act Purim Cantata is to be given Sunday, March 16, by the Choral Group of the History and Religion department of ike City Talmud Torah. • ' Taking part are: Eunice Feldman as Queen Esther; Arthur Lefitz as Mordecai; Leonard, Lefitz, Ahasuerus; Evelyn Byron, "Queen Vashti; Ann Shrago) Hamftn; Helen Handler, Rebecca Finer, and Gertrude Klaiman as the three pages;'Pauline Noodell and Shirley Dolgoff, two conspirators; Rose Behn, the king's messenger, and Elaine Lashinsky, a courtier. 1 ., . G e r t r u d e Rosenblatt 'and Miriam WeinBtein are wardrobe mistresses. The Cantata is being directed by Miss Marian Weinberg and Miss Rebecca Kishenba'um. •'' Parents and friends are invited to attend. ' • ' '»• •• •• I I — . — — —
, The earliest published charter ot religious liberty -.granted to _Jews in the new iyorid waa- that given .the Jewifeh settlors T^C iicao in 166R. - • •'- ••'
• •
•• — m
, ^
*. Leo Dessar, ri- New York' .Jew, was- a member of. the legislative committee ot: five named; lo*.In .ves'tigate" tlie" "corruption" of 't hi -Tweed ring. -~- ' ' * ,
PURIM WILL Troper BE OBSERVED Holiday to Be ( By Synagq
^ ted s
-' °lci!$
The ageless stor# <J*j ^3 tewisli people's deliveranc g oppression will be recall*? *t |? agogue and home when / $ JJ d celeMarch barte Purlin* on T £ £
". '
Foreign Observer to Be at Public Meeting
t markPurim is a joy atrlcals, ed by masquer: remembering the poor, gift-giving and special delicacies in the home. The Book of Esther, in which the story of Purim is related, Is read during the synagogue services. AH local congregations are planning for the Purim service as well as special treats for the children of their schools.
u. o. c. The U, O, C. Sisterhood and the Deborah Society are planning a large affair for all the children of, the Jewish Community on Purim eve, Wednesday, March 12 at the Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Synagogue, 19th and Burt streets, promptly at 7 p. m. The evening will begin with the regular services and the reading, of the Megillah. Each child will receive a gregger to patricipate in the noisemaldng. After the Megillah, two children of the City Talmud Torah will present the story of Purim, one in Hebrew and one in English. This •will be followed by the crowning of Mordecai and Esther as chosen from among the children of the Talmud Torah. The primary classes of the History and Religion Department of the City Talmud Torah will then present two songs: '% Love the (Continued on Page 5.)
I1C. CONCLAVE Meeting Will Be Held in Lincoln on March 16th A meeting of the Midwest llcgion of the Joint Distribution Committee will bo held at 1:80 p. m. on Sunday, March 10, nt^ the Hotel Cornhasker in Lincoln/ Speakers on the program will include: M. Robert Herman of New York, field director of the Joint Distribution Committee Campaign; Mr. Ephraim Gomberg, campaign director of the National Refugee Service; Henry Monsky of Omaha; and Albert Speier of Lincoln, Nebraska State Chairman for the J. D. C. * Time will be set aside for questions and discussion from the floor! Morris E. Jacobs of Omaha is a regional vice-president. . The conference has been called for Jewish leaders to discuss philanthropic problems. No funds will be solicited at this meeting and the delegates will.participate in the meetings. *•
GEN. STRONG TO BE GUEST OF TEMPLE Brig. General'George V. Strong, commander of the Seventh Corps Area, will be guest of honor at the stag to be given by the Men'e 'club of Temple Israel oil Thursday "night,; March 20, at the Temple. , This will be' guest night and ereryone will tfe 'welcome to attend. The committee in charge of the* affair includes: Tickets, - L.' Gordon "Grosij;. food," Paul) Blotcky; entertainment,"Don BrodKey; decorations, Dave Biiilac'.and. publicity, Joe Jacobs.
BUREAU OPENS Center to Counsel Young People Seek Job Guidance To meet a long felt need, the Jewish Community Center has established a Vocational Guidance Bureau, where young people may find answers to their numerous questions on what enreer to choose, how to select a vocation, how to apply for, a job, and so on. In the process of organization for many months, the Vocational Guidance Bureau Is now open to offer its counseling services without charge to the Jewish youth of Omaha. Vocational Library . Through a grant from the Omaha B'nai B'rith Lodge, a fine vocational shelf is being developed in tho Center library. This shelf contains concrete and readable information on hundreds of specific occupations -and covers suoh questions as employment conditions, educational requirements, occupational trends, wage scales and the like. In addition, the library comprises catalogues and other information on v a r i o u s .business schools, colleges and universities. In the near future, .vocational books will be made available. Vocational problems of a very wide range are covered. Importance of Guidance Vocational guidance is the modern approach to planning 0110's future. It includes to find out a person's abilities; discussion of educational requirements; conferences with Bchool land home. Today the wis'e young person avails himself of this'systematic planning so Vliat his future can be intelligently planned. ^The Jewish' Community Center, recognizing (t h e s e significant facts, invites parents and.'young people to avail themselves of tbla vocational guidance service. All in the community who feel the need of further information in vocational planning are .welcome to" mate use of "the Center'^, B'nai fi'rith library any afternoon Sunday through Friday.
Tlie man considered the beat informed man on current Jewish problem*, Morris 0. Troper, will speak at a special meeting of the Community Forum on Tuesday. March 11, at 8 o'clock, at the Jewish Comniunty. Mr. Troper, who is chairman of the European Executive Council of the Joint Distribution Com* mittee, will speak on "In the Four Corners of tlie World." The meeting will be open to tin- entire community. Since October of 1938, Mr. Troper has been In Europe and in close contact with Jewish affairs. He has personally -visited every country on the continent to confer with Jewish welfare and communal lenders. He was in Paris until the day before tha German troops entered the cjty and he joined the throngs of war refugees who clogged the roads to southern Prance in June of 1940. Sharing the privations of these unfortunates he finally reached Bordeaux and later went to Lisbon to set up J. D. C. Euro-, pean headar.cirtei-9. . Decor/ifed l»j\ JRrencli hegton ot Honor In 1939 he was decorated by the French Legion of Honor iti recognition of his services to refugees In-France. A graduate of the College of the City of New York, Mr. Troper holds the degrees ot Master of Commercial Science and Doctor of Jurisprudence from New York University. For the past twenty years he has been actively identified with all Jewish philanthropic enterprise. He has held ejffecutl ve positions in the AUIed Jewish.Campaign, the United Jewish Appeal and the Joint Distribution Com* mitteo. , He is a member of the New York Bar, and Delta M» Delta fraternity.' . '
W O R M S CIRCLE TO HOLO REGIONAL MEETING • *.'SUNDAY A conference of Workmen's Circle branches of Des Molncs, Lincoln, Omaha and-Sioux Citywill be held Sunday, March 9, at the New Labor Lyceum, 3022 Cuining. J. Durvin of Sioux City, chairman of the Midwest District Committee, will call the conference to order" at 10:00 a. m. • Reports of past activities will be given by representatives of tlao branches, and plans for future work discussed. Delegates to the national convention of the Worlrmen's Circle in Chicago, May 1-4, will be nominated. A new feature in the Workmen's Circle, juvenile insurance for children 5 years .of age and older, wilt be explained, General insurance from $100 to $30OO> with' or without health, disability benefits, continued to too available.' The.conference Sunday will bO open to the public.' .s
Dramatic Group to r Give Yiddish Play Budget Committee ; •• . Is Meeting Today. .The Dramatic; -and' JSinging
1 CluJi of.Omaha, at its' last, rae*et»; TJie.'.Budge.f Coitnnjittea'.ef .th© • ing • voted to .present tShdlom "Jetfieh ^Philanthropies la meeting-; Aleichem-a -play;' .vrpzu'seht': !urid fo.o'dy,*;{\i tho^JeVis'ti Cohjiniihjtj^s i i i " , -, \ > V) * Ti5Us.nj>re!U"- on. «ita<d,ay,.;jtf&y>lSV 'jG.enfijr' fdr/^tfb'cfcefth', ; n r a * ***^ ' ' ^b™*- it*M »ha * > ,.-. The play. wilt "be^Iven unae'il •^ j'UuiJortdflt'' Vii the direction oPBen'-fevtiu:--& 'taken'Vp'a
lective Service, today urged ell is expected to more ttau double ward you say, yes, it was s. {l Local Boards to "utilize every fa- the membership. hour in a "good world.) cility" at their disposal to aid I noticed that Mr. Segal's V&B Where the cation-wide 1940 tfcese men. ity no longer was suffering as ii good driving coEtests were open the begiriElBg -w"nea it was dis While Stale Headquarters fcas only to boys, the 1941 contest tressed at his becoming a graad been advised that most Nebraska will be open to girls as well as father. His vanity bad though % &L §WB&& Declaring Selective S e r v i c e are reinstating rejett- boys. that graudfatLerhood was some registrants, who are rejected &t selectees in their former jobs, thing senile. BIRTHDAY Induction Centers because' they HfcfiEinger Eaid the Selec150 Refugees in Japan Mr. Segai fcad become aware of failed to meet Army physical tive Service System wants to The days Just run away, end Tokyo (J.TA) — Some 150 , another spring-time fa ids life Ellen is one year eld this week. standards, tave a "moral" right make certain that no man is un- European Jewish refugees arrived (She is the E l l e n who is w j It was like starting all over, back to be reinstated In their former justly treated. at the Japanese port of Suruto the time wbea Ms own chil granddaughter.) jobs, Brigadier General Guy N. The selective Tralaing a a d ga from Vladivostoek aboard the. dren were young, when he swung tier birth %v&$ duly recorde. Hemiioger, State Director of Se- Service Act requires reinstate- Japa&e&e steamship A m a b u s a> fcere when it occurred Efid tiace them on his leg and carried them ment by farmer employers of Maru, the Doxaei news agency, te* oa ills shoulder. He was doing trom time to time, people write as a non-essential hanging on, BU- men. inducted into the Nation's ported. A number of them hope' and ask me how is Ellen, it i this all orer again. No, he thought, being a grand perflous, in the world. Yes, liearmed forces who- satisfactorily to'be allowed to remain in Japan only proper that I call attention they are able to settle In the to the first milestone of her lite father doesn't really mean get says, I've got to live at least till complete their military training. until East or in South America/ They do seem to he interested ting old. It's being young a sec Ellen's graduation from Ii 1 g faGeneral Heaninger asserted that Far the report said. employers should also feel a school. I must see tier marching oad time. It's another chance. and it is only fair that I, &s a pur 'moarl obligation" to reinstate down the middle aisle to the time veyor of n e w s and opinions, Second Youth men who were not actually inM0NS3T, OEOMNSKSr, should satisfy them. Yet it was different from the of "Pomp and Circumstance." COUfitf, &Uy». ducted, but who had fulfilled Then, lie says, I must be there Yet I feel, too, that the public first time he was young; it was 737 Oinaba Wst'l SAak. Bldg. their duty to the Nation by reshould be interested also in the even better. His grandchild was when she graduates from college sponding to the call for service. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That OH c o m p l e x of grandfatherhood not the burden on him that his and I will have to etay h e r e the 4Hi day of January, 18(1, the amount awhile longer to be at her wedcalled Mr. Segal. I recall him a own children had been. No getof all existing debts of THE NEBRASKA. WHOUSSAI*HS LIQUOR DISTRIBUTORS year ago sitting at his desfc and ting up to walk the floor with ding. And, certainly, I must be ASSOCIATION, a Nebraska corporation, waiting for the n e w s (boy or Ellen when she had a bellyache allowed to live long enough to see with i u principal place of business l a her first child. Omaha, Nebraska, was None. in the night, no struggling with girl?) and wondering whether it B. T. BICKEI* For Ellen's sake Mr. Segal also was really worth while for a baby the mysteries of the diaper which O. VV. HAMMOND, Mr. Segal never did quite under- has come back to the idea that to be born in a dreadful time. Vice-President J. W. JACKSON, That this was going to be a stand even in his first youth, none the Jews are light-bearing prophDearborn, Mich. — With the Treasurer-Secretary. ets. Yes, the way to the mountain Jewish ba\v made the problem of that sort of thing. Majority of Director!. nation's high schools preparing 2-28-U-lt, op will be resumed and J e w s only a little more grievous. It In the nursery Mr. Segal sat for second semester activities, the MONSKY, GEODINSKV, MAREB * seemed a hell of a world for all for hours at a time enjoying his must join their light with the Ford Good Drivers League has COHEN, Attjrs, "ights of all other peoples to lead babies, Gentiles, Jew, w h i t e , second youth without any interannounced details of its 1941 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN That OB the way to brotherhood. For black. I found Mr. Segal think- ruption by responsibilities, exultgood driving contests, in which the l i n t day of January. 1911, the total ing of calling a strike of all babies ing in every smile Ellen had for Ellen's sake and for Gail's sake $25,800 iu scholarships will be ouUtandiog secured and unsecured itt* (it's utterly Impossible that Bhe d«btcdn«M of Midland K**lty Company, ft about to be born . . . "No! Wehim, feeling triumphant when Elawarded boys and girls of high Nebraska Corporation, with its principal refuse to be bora until such a len raised herself on her feet and :ould have eaid orange juice at school of btuine&i in Omaha. Nebraska* age throughout the coun- place was (75,007.(7. time as you make the world fit with the aid of her hands walked he age of 8 months) and for the try. ake of all the Ellens and Galls H. A. WOLF, lor us to live in." around t h e play-pen, rejoicing n the world. President. Started last year by Edsel Ford when Ellen did patty-cake. Attest: R. H. KOOPER, This was the time the Maginot Secretary. to promote Improved driving and (In deference to Mr. Segal's line still stood and the world was I remember Mr. Segal's desoH. A. W O U , waiting anxiously for springtime. lation when he was Informed that protesting vanity I should con- increase motoring safety among H. H. AUKRBAOB, R. H. BROWN, Not long after that Hitler went Gail, the Ruslander child, could clude by saying that he is not youth, the Good Drivers League R. H. KOOPER, Into Denmark and Norway; in the say orange Juice when she wasreally as old in years aa I bare embarks on its second season J. 3. OBBBHBERO, made him look.) with one major Innovation that 2-S8-U-U. Majority of Direeton*. quick inarch of dreadful events only seven or eight months old. Holland and Belgium were short- This was preposterous he thought. ly to be overrun and F r a n c e If orange juice could be eaid at Wrecked. seven or eight months, E l l e n would be saying It. He guessed It "No Happy Mood was just the fondness of Gall's Mr. Segal was in no h a p p y grandmother believing that Bhe mood at the prospect of becoming really did say orange juice at eevft grandfather, had no c i g a r s in or eight months. ready to pass around among the I discover Mr. Segal's e y e a boya ia the office, I suspect, too, bright the reflection of new that lifa vanity Inhibited him from vlstaa. with He used to be an aging giving reat to a full rejoicing man who hadn't much left to look over tl»e occasion. Mr. Segal felt forward to. He liked to say that he was much too young to be a at his time of life a man was LET'S W . grandfather. about through: He had brought Yet, as the months passed after up his children, which Is the main TOGCTfffit AT THE Ellen's birth, Mr. Segal gave, him- Job, and what was there left for self to a happy reconciliation. He him to do? He had become superaltogether forgot Hitler in the flous. He was like an empty,-ratidyllic Itours when fie was calling ling freight car in a long train. on Ellen. What did that scounFat are Light drel have to do with the decent Besides, his character as a world in which Ellen prattled, /ew, It gaveinhim special pain smiled and had her being? Hitler to try to look faronly ahead. The way was far away from thla. was all so dark. In the former Her world was t h e nursery .imes he used to think of Jews as where gay, synthetic birds flut- beaming prophets carrying light tered from the chandelier a n d ~o lead men to the mountain top. various dolls sat around waiting The mountain top seemed not far for the time when Ellen could get off then. , up and love them. Now Mr. Segal's old eyes grow Once in awhile Hitler's voice bright again at the prospect of came into the apartment by radio, calling on Ellen and basking in frightening everybody, b u t Its her Illumination . . "At 4 o'clock," hideous clatter meant nothing to he says, "I'll be with Ellen" . . . Ellen. She went on with the veri- He looks forward to this as to a ties of her lovelier world—the date with Messiah. sunbeam streaming through the He no longer thinks of himself window, the lamb that, w h e n •wound up, played a piece about MONSKY, GRODINSKY, MARKS £ the other lamb that Mary bad, COHEN, Attys. tae pink rattle. IS HEREBY GIVEN That on Mr. Segal could feel b r a v o theNOTICE tint day of Jmuatyr~19«. the total about everything when he was In outstanding secured and unsecured Indebtedness of Baird Building Company, a Ellen's presence. Her s m i l e Nebraska Corporation, with its principal seemed something left over from place of bualness in Omaha, Nebraska, the good world that had been WU 5168,360.00. H. H. AUERBACH, lost Yes, it was a good world and President. Mr. Segal lived a bright hour in Attest: I t H. BROWN, Secretary. • • it. (Though he didn't know the H. H. AOHRBACH. bright hour when he lived In It. J. H. KULAKOFSKY, Think how many services are rendered die com* R. I t BROWN, You never know the bright hour RUBENSTEIN, when you're in it. Long after- 2-28-41-lt. HARRY Majority oC Directors. munity by your local hotel* It's the community
Rejected Draftees To Be Reinstated In Fovmer-. Jobs
Plain Talk
Ford to Sponsor Driving, Contest
All Paths Cross a t the Hotel
crossroads-—meeting place and social center, the place you go for a thousand and one little services you can get nowhere else. And it's an establishes! Business, paying local, state and federal taxes—** usually on some o£ the highest-taxed property lt& town. Support your local hotel industry. lift ft. community asset* © Most of my regular customers used to think that one .gasoline was about like another. Then they tried SKELLY. That's what I invite you to do. You will sec the difference! Sfcetly i$ many different gasolines compounded into one for quick starting, flashing pickup, ' long mileage. Drive in for a tankrul. ' I'm betting you'll be back for more.
Let Us Check Your Chains. Wo Carry % Complete Iilas or Weed Chains.
Medtra motert ttquirt meter oil that , can "stand tie gaff"
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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8 , 1 9 4 1
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Franco Beauty Salon 2nd Floor Securities Bldg Free Consultation*
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The Greek Relier Benefit . . . staged by Sammy Goldwyn mid the film industry . . . was a great success. Salo of s e a t s at the theatre a l o n e netted f20,000. Tofal figure is expected to exceed ?300,000. The Marx-Benny-Hope version of "Three Little M a i d s from School" lilt a new high In absurdity . . . after w h i c h Groucho snapped : :If there is any thought of a Gilbert and Sullivan revival, tills Mhould hill it." Twenty-six years ago E r n s t Lubitsch was acting in and directing two-reel comedies in Berlin. In the cast was a young Hungarian actress named Gisela Wervezlck. When the series was finished, t h e y said, "Auf wledersehn'* . . . but never saw each other again until last week. Lubitsch*.',".' assembling^his cast io* "That Uncertain Feeling" . . saw her name on the, credits of "So Ends Our/Night" . . . called her for a part. In the intervening years she had become one of Germany's best-known character actresses . . . played two thousand performances of "Abie's I r i s h Rose" In Europe . . . and he had zoomed to success up a Hollywood directorial ladder . . . The Nazi convulsion brought them tosether again. Bornlce Kay looks like a new star from this point on the compass . , . she's fifteen years old . . . has the feminine l e a d in "Men of Action."
Be Modern—Enjoy the Luxury and Economy • of the New
HOLLYWOOD. Teutonica: Title of "The Human Beast" was changed to "Of Human Passion"—too many people thought It referred to Hitler . . . whereas it's only about a harmless locomotive. The c a l l from M-G-M'B London office for binoculars f o r Britain is being speedily answered. Interesting angle is that 80% of the contribu tions are marked "Rlade in Germany." Sort of like being shot by their own bullets . . , Another sorry twist on the fate of men's plans is the case of "Grapes of Wrath." Found among other confiscated American films in Nazioccupied territory, it becomes a perfect Goebbel's film—a graftedon foreword explains that these horrible sights show conditions in America. "Kultur" (propaganda) films and newereels are becoming the film rations of the German people.
XOUB cmto
Tap—Osllet—Acrostic JCXAS8 «» PBIVATB 10% IHseoBBt vrttb UUB Ad. TUa Offer Void March 4, M i l •
- •
Danes E<5neatora, of America. Danetns Masters o« America. v O . W. A. D. 81. -
Edward H. Fish DANCE STUDIO JA ®04@ 1 S 1 6 Hartley
Raoul W a l s h , the director, though decidedly Aryan, o f t e n startles his friends with a flovr of''Yiddish.--At a "party.-we overheard him greet some pals with, "A batesimer mispochel" Two other 'Irfshera' who speak Yiddish . .'.but fluently . . . are Jimmy Cagney and Jack Oakie. From here caA there: Billy Gilberts dubbed his home in the Valley "Gesund Heights." '•Americans AUt" . . '.latest March of Time . .-. .relates how immigrants were Important factors in t h e .building np of America from early days to the present. Curt Bois is Bow the happy possessor of American citizenship., Willie Howard, who hasn't been "cHimed" since Talkies were in rompers, may return to celluloid in "Girl Crass." John Garfield takes so j n i c b r o u g h treatment in "The Sea Wolf," they're calling him "The Man Who Came to Snfferl" ; ~ You'll find George Tobias under Nicholas Pappalas' toupee in "Strawberry Blonde." T o b i a s plays a Greek barber . . has more dialects than Muni has beards. Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency,' Inc.)
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3 2 2 So. 15th St. JA 0 8 6 5 Redick Tower
I I I"
who "of all people hare a right to defend themselves," migfct be forgottea after the war, he declared it was a&t too late t© right the -wrong done t o ' the Jews by not allowing them to form their owe army, like t h o s e of the Czechs, Poles aad Free French. 'They might have reached the strength of a Bullion and be figbtiag on our side ia and' around Palestine — brothers Oil Nazis to Transport'1S,OOO the battlefields," he s&id.
ALL JEWS OF : HENNA WILL To Reserva.tloa-.jat Lutilin
Vice-President to I ,'• . Address B*nai B*pth
* . \r'iJ1
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8 , 1 9 4 1
pally in the cities of Milan and Rome. The largest group of interned, about 1,000, are concentrated in barracks near the. village of Cosenza in southern Italy. Although the accomodatioiis are improvised aad wanting in some provisins, principally heating and toilet facilities, they are generally. praised as sufficiently comfortable, considering the circumstances. Continuous and effective efforts are being made to improve accoaiodations, Italian authorities being particularly efficient iu acting on suggestions of interned refugees and camp officials.
admission iato JBretz Israel, ac-' cording to the Labor daily, Davar,' The newspaper emphasized the f a c t that Cyrenaicaa • Jewry v whose history in taat same terri-' tory dates back to the Biblical days of 2.S00 years ago, constitutes the first Jewish community of current history to emerge from anti-Semitic to democratic . rule.
Iinmanuel Capadoza, physician to the House of Orange, in 1785 accompanied the last hereditary Stadtholder into exile.
. Budapest (JTA) — The Jews of Vienna will h® transported to M«MSS¥, , MAKES * toe Lubliu "resers&tioii" Jn. PoCOHBN, land &t the r&to of 15.&0CJ monthWit. ly until the fcijy is "free of NOTICE OF &KSSOI.TJT1ON • Jews," Budapest newspapers reNotice is hereby feiven that at a meetported. The JewlsU jopul&tion of Other Rabbis Soon to Be ing of stockholders held on tbe 31st day Assigned to of January, 1H1. the fQlIowiug rejoluttaj Vienna is atoiifc 40,000. • w a s a d o p e d dissolving TWELFTH Duty The first group of 1,100 have STREET COMPANY, & corporation: BE IT RESOLVED, That TWELFTH already been seat to Lublin. The STKEU'i' COMPANY he and the MUta ia remainder will be transported In New York (JTA) — liifc Unit, licit by dissolved fcB of January 3lBt, 1ML 12 trafnloads monthly with the ed States Army h&s called eleven BE IT FURa^teK RESOLVED, That the President and Secretary of TWELFTH aim of "cleaning up" the Aus- Jewish chaplains to active service STREET COMPANY be and ther •"> trian capital by June 1. since October to Minister to Jewiititby authorised &nd empowered to t*k» whatever steps may be necessary to legal* Tel Aviv (WNS Palcor Agency) ish men who have been mustered Deportees are permitted to cardissolve the -TWELFTH STREET COM* —Following close on their re- ly ry a maximum of 100 kilograms into the defense forces as a rePANY, a eorpoistlwj. The lion. Henry A. Wallace, lease from Fascist domination by Bated at oiutaia, HtbraEka, this Slrt of baggage. They are allowed sult of the fe&er&Uzlng of the Juiiuary, liil, whatever money they have avail- National Guard and the adoptiou Vice-President of the United the British triumphal entry of day of T1V£LFTH BTHEET COMPANT. able, but must exchange it for of the Selective Service Act, States, who will address the na- their country on February 7, the By WILLIAM LAZKRB, President zlotys at the National Dank be- Chairman David de Sola Pool of tional inspirational meeting ses- Jews of Cyrenaica are seeking 2-7-11-it sion of the triennial convention fore departing. It is announced the Committee on Chaplains and that they will be housed in "com- Religious Activities of the Jewish of Ji'nai D'rith at the Chicago fortable, electrically-heated bar- Welfare Bo&rd announced this Civic Opera House on Sunday eveAT ning, March 30th. racks," but it is not mentioned week. how they will be able to earn a YOUH Declaring that this number living. would be considerably increased to report to the U. S. Naval and The Nazis had feegun deporting before the end of the year. Rabbi Signal School at Los Angeles. 0ROCIHS Jews of Polish origin from Vien- Pool urged qualified rabbis to apna three iHG&ths ago, but the ply for commissions. According to transport of 1,100 marka the be- War and Navy Department reguginning of the expulsion of Aus- lations, J e w i s h chaplains Eire commissioned upon the recomtrian Jews. The papers recalled that Mar- mendation of the Jewish Welfare shall Hermann Goering, in a Board. speech shortly after Anschluss, The highest ranking Jewish predicted that "four years from chaplain called to active duty, Rome (JTA) — Approximately ; now there will not be a single Dr. Pool said, was Lt. Col. Ben-,1,800 Jewish erfugees are now Jew left in Vienna." jamin A. Tintner of New York, interned in Italian concentration Baldur von Shirach, Provincial who has been stationed at Fort camps. An estimated 1,400 othWlib the ^ t e s t Oerra Governor of Vienna, was said to Monmouth, N. J. Others are Cap- ers, nearly all women and chilCaaUfau VHsmlw A, B, » | U O have promised "a Jewless Vienna tain Harry Richmond, assigned dren, are still at liberty, princlto Fort Ord, Calif.; Chaplains for the Chief's birthday." It was reported that Dr .Joseph Aryeh Lev. in the Chief of ChapLoewenherz, head of the Vienna lain's Office, Washington; BernJewish Community, had been ard Segal, Fort Dir, N. J.; and confined in the hospital, suffer- Edward Ellenbogen, C h a n u t c ing from a nervous breakdown. Field, 111. •One In Navy Dr. Loewenbera had been devotChaplains who have been coming intensive efforts to arrange emigration of Jews from Vienna. missioned but not yet assigned to definite posts include two brothers. Chaplains Jacob Horig of Huntington, h. L, and Emanuel Honig of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Norman Siegel, of Monticella, N. Y.; Norbert L, Rpsenthal of Chicago, Elias Karp of Scranton, Pa.; and Aaron Gorbaty of Cumberland, London (JTA) — Commander Md. Oliver Locker-Lampson, ConservThe first Jewish chaplain called ative Member of Parliament, has to active duty by the United urged creation of a Jewish army, States Navy since the beginning asserting it could bring a force of the emergency is Lt. Herbert of 1,000,000 to the side of the C. Straus, who has been ordered British: Every Man Should Know Stressing that Palestine was CLIP THIS COUPOH the key position in the present the Service-Giving of situation in the Balkans, Commander Locker-Lampson said, In 1 0v ONE llOUlt WESSONS «SQ BRING MH8 a o V«* a letter to the Manchester GuardNew Downtown Xocattoa ian, that "a dozen Hebrew diviEVELYN ifEIAV sions in the highlands of Mt. CarSCHOOL OP DANCING mel might turn, Ihe tide." JA 0312 Voicing fear that the Jews, 1012 Douglas, 4tb Floor
ieoe IEIVS
£522 H0|f©L^S ST.
The Suit That Fears Nothing
A $30 riillco Home Recording unit'Is yours with this.' Fhllco C08P. Make records of the voice of friends and family, ' Gtt yours now, -
PH81C0 Beam of light RADIO '.-PHONOGRAPH Pniicb's thrilling triumph — the Beam of light Radio-Phonograph. Plays any record on a beam of light. No needles to change.' Records last 10 times longer. Automatic Record Changer. Plus anuzing nefr radio inventions.
Foe over 54 years Nebraska Clothing Co., Omaha, has maintained its value-giving leadership in clothes selling. Here's one of The Nebraska's value leaders of 1941 . . . Famous Pioneer Triple Twist Suits. Pioneer Twist resists wear, resists tear, resists snags, resists shine and ifs tailored to bold its shape and good toots. Rich cot' r orings. Single and double-breasted models* Wide range of sizes*
LE®TIMS OF c o n MMOS, a n d POKT
Only The Nebraska features Pioneer Twist -eaitu Sea the new spring colorings,
FESitUAHY 2 6 , 1S4I
rivals Sunday morning Center pool.
in the
Ms 523 series, while the test their nament, Just managed to last out, next maa could do was Sain Zwei- to be the last team in the money, back's eyen. E90 series. and ended up with a $10 award Lincoln scored all 6 of his for their time and trouble. MOKKIE AULEEl teams points through a hocus poBySAMZWEIBACK lose Franklin, Dave Franks, cus ball juggling act with his The vanguard will start traveland Phil "Ciiple" Katzman were . Witli the regular season senior team mate Harold Mozer. It was also present for the Coal team. Ing next week to Lincoln, Neb., STAK»mCS «*" TEASES to partake J a the state tournabasketball league ended all eyes a case of button, button whose ,. 48 ment, where it won't be surpriswill be focused on the City A. A. got the ball when from dut of Wardrobes .... lii the last match of the eveS* 41 iog to see some of the Jewish U. Basketball Tournament to be nowhere the ball popped up. from Smith Melon. ifirimg ......,4jw ning, Harry Smith's team, who boys Empire CteiMi'S ii really get serious and come held in the Jewish Community Mozer to Lincoln back to Mozer Clicquot represent the Poatiae Motors, en- off with Ciubs 29 a liou's share of t h e Center Gym. March f'&.nd 2. As then a rifle pass to Lincoln again State Coils it couraged by the presence of their in the past the finest quintet* in for a score. sponsor, 'who jizst returned from honors. Good luck .to all of them. the city will vie for the right to Bowling this week in the Mer- Ills annual sojourn to Florida, represent Omaha in the Midwest ISO Chet Lustgarten did yeoman chants Bowling league weat off took all three games from t h e Palestine A. A. M. Meet to be held in our service in blocking the Southern- according to hoyle, with no up- Cliccjuot Club Eskimos. City Auditorium March 3 and 4. er's star guard permitting the sets recorded, and all favorite Jerusalem (JTA) — Fifty Jewhocus pocus act of the Center's teams winning their matches, The first game was won by an ish refugees from Soviet Lithu808 to 7S6 score, the second by ania, who traveled by way of Is. When this article went to the two forwards. In the feature match of t h e an 839 to 785 score, and the last tanbul, arrived here. The first 80 press the following teams had enHershel WolfBon made two val- evening, the league leading Ward- by an 805 to 705 to complete the Rumanian Jews to reach here as tered; Hefflinger shoe, defending got back on t h e wipeout. fugitives from the January pochamps; Zotzman Cleaners; Lido iant goal stands to thwart a vig- robe Clothiers side of the ledger by tak- "Paisee" Steinberg w a s the groma also arrived. Lodge; State Auto Insurance; Ur- orous enemy thrust. Sidney Rud- winning two games from Empire high man for the winners, with Tban Stars; Metropolitan Utilities erman encountered and enjoyed ing Cleaner team, in spite of the fact his 644 series, and Tony Cohn (?) a personal feud with the that their big shot "Abe Feldand Social Settlement. MONSKV, GRGMN.SHF, MAREB was the runner-up with his 478 South Sides defensive guard. Sid- man" COHEN, Att was absent due to sickness. score. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on The two clubs that reach the ney would vanish from sight for the first day of January, 1041, the total finals will automatically enter long periods and then suddenly outstanding secured and unsecured inThe Wardrobes s t a r t e d out George Schapiro was the big reappear from the depths with a debtedness the Canton Realty Company, the Midwest Tournament regardstrong to win the first game by boy for the losers with his 511 a NebraskaofCorporation, with its principal few more wound stripes added to less of which club wins the City place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, wa* the huge margin of 850 to 738, series, while the best their next flU29102 his already marked up chest and then Championship. the second game high man could do was Dr. Platt'u neck. Sidney finally wore his man by andropped H. A. WOLF, Junior League 860 to 792 score, and Just 488 score. President. down and then took an active Attest: R. H. BROWN, Standings W Ii barely lasted out to win the depart in the offensive charges of Secretary. Council Bluffs AZA No. 7 7 O his team mates. ciding game of the match by an As in the State Coal case, the H. A. WOLF, Beth-El 5 3 President. 895 to 872 score. Eskimos, also had three other Attest: R. H. BROWN, A. Z. A. No. 1 „2 5 men present, namely, E l m e r Secretary. Charles Fredkin, Earl Shrago A. Z. A. No. 100 .; 1 6 •H. A. WOLF, Sammy Steinberg, the boy whoGreeuberg, Rube Brown and Al H. H. AOERBACH, Council Bluffs again proved and Harold Marer played clever does so well in all tournament Fiedler. H. H. BROWN, polo to keep their opponents that they are the class of the 2-28-41-lt. Majority of Director*. double events with his partner, guessing most of the time. Junior League by trouncing the was the big boy for the league It might be mentioned here, A. Z. A .No. 100 21-5. Al (Buckleaders when he put together that Sammy Steinberg and Sam Lillian Guss, Mary Swefgard, games of 194, 182 and 192 for Jacobs, who teamed up in the re- PRIVATE TUTORING ets) Passer was again, the Iowans hero dropping in 5 baskets to Cece and Betty Cohn passed be- his big series of 568. Sam Katz- cent Garlow doubles tournament, OF ADULTS man was the runner-up with I1I3 ended up in sixth p l a c e and pace the winners. Yudelson's de- ginners tests last week. The U. T. Sorority girls per520 series. fensive play was tojj for the day. copped 114.50 w o r t h of prize Hebrew, Yiddish, C. Lustgarden looked best for the fected one of their acts for the money. English acquacade and are ready for new losers. / "Hank" Coren, as usual, was assignments. the big noise for the losers, when The Kaiman Insurance team in Special Attention to he put together games of 188, the team events of this eame tourProspective Citizens And to climax the days play we In the Junior Boys Gym com-222 and 180, for a big 590 series, nament came through nicely in find one lad who shone out above petition Zelinsky "Army" which topped the entire league spite of a miserable third game all others last Sunday and what squad is Paul leading with 82 points. for high series. Lee Hurwich was to be rewarded with a check tor HAIM iBMLSQN a star he was. Ben (Lefty) Rif- Minnesota Is second with 68, Nekin was hottern a pistol as he braska third with 62, and Navy the second high for the losers 118.50, which is a nice slice of B. Sc. & Ped. when he turned in a nice 544 the prize money. countered 11 baskets for a 22 fourth with 43. 2QQB Davenport series. point total. Ben was hot and he HA 0582 The Wardrobes, who also had couldn't miss, he sank one handIn the second match of t h e third game trouble In this toured shots, potted them from far Norwegian Nazis evening, the P i o n e e r Uniform out, calmly sank the setup shots Bar Jewish Books boys won all three games from and even dropped some in with State Coal outfit, mainly his righthand as his team, A. Z. Zurich (WNS) —• Given com- the through the help of all of the plete control of the administra'A. No. 1 sank the Beth El 32-14. Prank Josephson of the losers tion of Norway's public libraries, State Coal bowlers. was the star for his team with the anti-Semitic Major Quisling In the first game the Uniform party has ordered cleared from 4 points. Norway's library shelves all books boys just managed to win by a written by Jewish and British 770 to 771 score, c a m e back HANDBALL on the ground that they strong to win the second by an , The Mid-Western A. A. U. authors were "immoral," it was learned 896 to 803 score, and the last by Handball Tournament will be, here. . an 845 to 832 score. Jack Melch' staged on the Y. M. C. A." courts er, the captain of- the winners, At the same time it .was restarting Monday, March 10. All was his team's, big noise, when handball players - interested in ported that Adolf Hitler's auto- he turned in a nice 561 series, biography, "Meih/ Ifampf," has participating in this classic may followed by Dave Krantz, who get,.entry blanks, and additional been made a required text book had a nice 531 series. in all Norwegian public schools. Information from Lee Grossman. Entries closed Friday March 7. Leonard Klein, a new addition Palestine Regards to the Coal outfit, was the high In the Class A Handball tournRumania as Enemy man for the cellar-holders, with ament the Semi-finalists are Sol Jerusalem (WNS-Palcor AgenMONSHV, C.nOIHN.SKY, MAREB & Yaffe and Henry Riekes in the COHEN, Attys. upper bracket and Jack Ban and cy) •— That Rumania has since February 15 been regarded as an NOTICE 18HEREBY GIVEN. That on Lloyd -Lortz in the lower, bracarea of German Occupation by the the first day of January, 1941, 'the total ket. ff Palestine Government was offic- outstanding secured and unsecured Inof Eastern Mortgage & Loan ially confirmed in ah extraordin- debtedness, a Nebraska Corporation, with Class B may take the spotlight. ary edition of the Government's Company, Its principal plate of business In Omaha,. away from the veterans although Gazette. Nebraska, was J12.647.47. H. A. WOLF, the play is not so fine the com- This announcement, of course, petition is keener. Stan Peltman has not been unexpected/since it Attest: H. H. AUEItBACH, President. the 17 year old Junior Handball Secretary. H. A. WOLF, star entered the finals when he followed by some days the Brit••-•.•. D R . PHILIP SHER, downed Moody Isaacson in three ish Gobernment's pronunciamenH. ' H. AUEBBACH, td to the same effect. 2-28,41-lt. Majority of Directors. games 2-1-11, 9-21, 21-4. Iz Novak and Sheff Katskee are the other two men in the semi-finals.
J*C«C* Sports
Swim News
HOWARD SHINROCK Alden Lincoln paced the J. C. C. Water Polo team to a G to 2 victory over their Soujh Omaha MTIORfil PARK » > » .
Store of ©mafia :
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Now you eon regain health and pep in fh« royal wayl Dalim in tho edarveicent tuollna waleri cl the 47 government-jupervited Hoi Sprlnrjs! Get relief from nervoul and organic eilmentt - and at the (ame Jim* «n|oy th« laxuriej of o r*ol ouldjor vocation-riding, hiking, (iihing ond o'Hina-oporodll* of health and hoppln»«i. _ Stay d lh» beoulitul EASTMAN Hotel! Enjoy th« <|vl«l of ill vo«l private park-and the 'convenience of Ttt iclaol location! 500 large (omfortable foomj, economical rotti, (rornfZ
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LIVE Even Better—ELECTRICITY IS Fven Cfteaper
i S tk Jackson . AT .',20&8fcIHary'G AT 44M
I1 . it
Hadassah Child Welfare held Its monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 26, at the Jewish Community Center at _ which time, Miss Betty" Barrows* assistant to the executive secretary of the Child Welfare Bureau in Omaha, spoke on the "Objectives of. the Qbild Welfare program." She traced the program of child welfare from the early days of slavery to the present method of segregation and individual case work. She also indicated the interest in legislative action pending in the state of Nebraska. Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky, local chairman of Child Welfare for Hadassah, spoke on the Progress of the Child Welfare in Palestine. She traced the care of. children in Palestine from the point of prenatal care, through the school health program.
Junior Council
B'nos Israel
The Ways and Means Committee of the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors met Wednesday night at the Jewish Community Center. Chairman of this committee is Eleanor Horwich. Assisting her are: KalaL Franklin, B e r t h a Greenberg, Martha Himmelstein, Ethel Kelberg, Esther Weiner, Mary Garfinkle, Evelyn Kaiman, Lillian Flushman, Doris Gllinsky, Ruth Marks, and Ruth Goldstein. Plans were made for the benefit bridge to be given the latter part of April.
A meeting of the B'nos Israel sorority was held on Wednesday, February 12, at the Jewish Community Center. Miss Mickey Goldberg was unanimously nominated to be a candidate for Queen Esther. The Club also plans to be represented at the oratory contest. A tentative date of March 16 has been set for the annual progressive dinner of the sorority. The dinner will be the third consecutive one held by,, the members. Nomination of officers Is to be held on March 4. New members are to be rushed in ^April.
U. T. Sorority The U. T. Sorority met on Sunday at the home of Misses Beverlee and Renee Greenberg. Plans for the formal initiation banquet for Junior members were discussed. ••; ''Arrangements were made to hold the dinner, this Sunday at the Foritenelle hotel. The color Bclienie will-be-carried-out..in red and white, and gardenias will be ' given to each girl. All. U. T. alumni are invited to attend. Reservations are. $1.2GLper. plate. ., •"•••;Tfie club has chosen Mis.i...,Ceci Cohen as its candidate for "Queen Esther." •- - -•-.
Tau Delta Signia|r On Sunday, February ji23, a meeting of the, Tau DeltaSSigma Sorority took place." At this time the; drawing; which took place two weeks before--was -'discussed. Plans for a spring^formal dance ,were partly; made". Dance chairman Hcbosen was Harriett Geifman, who will;be" assisted by Eprfairie Waldhiajn and Ethelyh Lashinsliy. * ' r . Plans were alsol,, made for a formal and informal initiation of pledges/ Pledge chairmen chosen •were Sarah Bernstein and Marion Lipsman. .• ,":':•- .'
Junior Hadassah
The Pioneer Women's "Purim Carnival/' which was to have been held on March 9, has been postponed, to March 23. Aa Oneg Shabboth will be held tomorrow at 2;30 at the home of Mrs. H. Richlin, 1816 N. 20th St. A reading will be given by Mrs. G. Soiref and Mr, I. Morgenstern "vviil speak. A musical' program has been arranged by Mrs. J. Raznick, program chairman.
The Junior Hadassab decided to extend the "give and get" for two weeks until March. Tentative plans for a "give'and. get" party were made. The drawing waa held at the meeting of February 24 . Betty Taruoff conducted, a "truth or consequence" during the evening. Bertha Slutsky gave a report on the regional convention held in Kansas City In January. Members of the organization participated in the J._N. F. meet* ing last Wednesday night.
« O, C. Sisterhood
Sir. and Mrs. •Samuel Kiekes The children of Mr. and Mrs. child, all of whom will be present Samuel Riekes will receive in for the celebration. honor of t h e Golden Wedding Among the out-of-town guests anniversary of their parents this expected for the anniversary are: coming Sunday, March 2, from 3 A grandson, Buddy Fitch, who is to 6, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. a student at the University of IlliCarl Riekes, 301 South Fifty- nois; and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rosfourth street. No invitations havo senthal and daughter,. Dale, of been issued. Chicago. Mrs. Rosenthal, a grandResidents of Omaha for t h e daughter, is the former L o u i s e past 36 years, the Itiekeses have Fitch. Also, David E. Beber, Chibeen leaders in Orthodox religiou3 cago; Mr. and, Mrs. Morris Klutzcircles and local philanthropies. nick, Kansas City; Mr. and Mrs. Of their eight children, seven B. L. Stark, Wayne; Mr. and Mrs. live in Omaha, and one, Max S. S. Green, Norfolk; Mr. and Riekes, resides in Des Moines. Mrs. S. Sorine, Des Moines; Dr. The seven in Omaha are: Carl, and Mrs. Louis Marx, Lincoln; Henry, Mrs. Leo Fitch, Mrs. Bar- Mr. and Mrs. A. Epstein, Milwauney Fink, Mrs. Sam Beber, Mrs. kee; Nathan Riekes, New York Philip Kluznlck and Mrs. Morton City; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ginsburg, Richards. They have 14 grand- Des Moines, and Mr. and Mrs. children and one g r e a t-grand- Chester Mullins, Oklahoma City.
Temple Sisterhood A meeting of the Temple Israel Sisterhood will he held Monday, March 3, at the Temple. A board meeting will take place at I I a. m. and luncheon will be served at 1. Mrs. Julias Newman is luncheon chairman and is being assisted, by a committee whose members include: Mesdames A. A. Steinberg, Hubert Soit.mer, David H.. Wice, J. Abrahaiiiron, Milton Abrahams, H a r o l d Abrahams, 'Ben Brodkey, Manning Handler, Joseph,Pick,'Edward 1). Brodkey, Harry Levy, Horace Itosenbluni, Max Scheuermann, II;., ry Rubinstein, and I. I. Solznr n. Mrs. Richard Einstein is program chairman. The o p e; n i n g prayer will be given by Mi . Leon Fellman. A Union Pr. >fie travelogue will be given i;nd colored pictures of "Sun Valley" are to be shown. Mad Hatters' IMity Mrs. Harold Farber's Circle of the Sisterhood is ' sponsoring a "Mad-Hatter's Party" to be given Saturday night at the Temple. Mrs. Harry Davis is chairman and Mrs. Stewart Gllir.sky is cochairman. Other Committee chairmen are: Food, Mrs. Leo Nog/; and Mrs. Harold Cherniack; Decorations, Mrs. Lloyd Bank am!'Mrs. Phil Lazerowitz; Enjertaii *iient, Mrs. Melvin Barkon and Mrs., .Lester Marcus? Tickets, Mrs. Harry Rich and Mrs. Lawrence P' ttner.
/ •
Pioneer Women
Chesed Shel Ernes
The March meeting of the U. O. C. Sisterhood will take place on Tuesday, March 4, at 2 p. m. Reports of committees will be received by the membership. A special report will be given by Mrs. D. B..Epstein who is in charge of a drawing, the proceeds of which are to be used for the refurnishing of the vestries of Congregation B'nai Israel. The prize Is an electric roaster donated by Mrs. Louis and Mrs. Sam Epstein. A special feature of this meeting will be a Purim program prepared by the Rabbi. The full meeting will be preceded by a meeting of the Board of Directors which begins at 1:00.
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Trade-In Allowances , . . Terms to Suit Easily reached, only 4 blocks from 10th street; plenty of parking space; street car, take depot lines, get off at JOth. and Howard, walk west one block. •
... A regular meeting of the Chesed Shel Ernes will, be held on Monday, March 3, at the Jewish Funeral Home, 1912 Cuming at 2 p. in. All members are urged to attend,.
Come First! and Herzbergs is the first place (0 head for YOUR suit . . . because the fourth floor looks Ufco "suit heaven" ifr brimful of suits and moro suits!
And His Nationally. Famous .Orchestra 0
Knickerbocker Trio
Tan Gamma Delta A regular business meeting of the. Tau Gamma Delta SOroritr was held at the home of Miss Sylvia Parilman on Tuesday, February 18. , Bridge and Bunco were played and prizes were won by Rose Novak,- Gloria Siporln, and Rebecca Tatelbaum. Refreshments .were serred.. ..
Navy and Black Suits with Longer Jackets
Young Suits with Military Emblems • Casual, Buttoned-Up Suits in Pastels • Very Tailored Suit's of Men's Wear Fabrics
$17.9$ $25.00 $39.95 to $70J05 Herzbergs—Fourth Floor
Ladies Free Loan' A regular "meeting of-the Ladies, Free Loan Society, -will be .iteldL .Wednesday, "March A at-"2: p., m. "at- trie *J€vsr4sh Community Center.- <*• -"- i "-. -.-" ~:-t
FIM4CR and,firs
ENGAGEMENT TO1D Mr. and Mrs. H. Oruch an- nounce the engagement and approaching marriage of t h e i r daughter. Miss Gertrude Oruch, to Dr. Armin Docter, son of Mrs. Jl. Docter. " -Miss Oruch attended Central iHigh school and was graduated Magna cum Laude from Creighton University. ; Dr. Docter is a graduate of the jteerne, Switzerland, M e d i c a 1 •School. He interned a.t Toledo, Ohio, and last year held a resiliency at B, Gary, Indiana hospital. At present he is a resident (physician at the 'Douglas County hospital, . / • •?• Tlie wedding will take place Jlarch 16 at the Blackstone ibetel.
COUSINS CLUB The Cousins club will meet Wednesday, March 5, at the. home of Mrs. Herman Meyerson, 127 South 8th street, Council Bluffs.
rage 7
Mr, and Mrs. William Monovitz. announce the betrothal of their daughter, Miss L i l l i a n Monovitz, to Joseph Schuchman of Lincoln, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schucbman of: Lincoln. Miss Monovilz w a s graduated J.-^___,._ „ I' VjPHk ^ >** from Technical I ''?%*•* \ High, school and """""1 Photo a t t e n d e d tlie
TO EXCELSIOR SPRINGS Mrs. David M. Newman left —Rinehal l->lai butn U 11 i V e r s i t y Of Thursday - for Excelsior Springs, Mils Monovitz OmaUa| wllere Mp., for a ten days' stay. Before she mdjored in dramatics, She is returning home, she will slop in a member of Alpha Gamma Chi Kansas City to. visit friends. social sorority. Mi*.; Schuchman' is a graduate FROM NASHVILLE of th| f University of Nebraska Miss Louise Hirsch of Nash- Cplleg^ of pharmacy. No wedding ville, Tenn., is the" guest of her datejl^s been set. sister, Mrs. Jack Stern, and ,Mr. Stern. * regularly every Wednesday afternoon after school and Invites all JOSLYN MEMORIAL _ Two sound films will be shown girls interested in scouting to on Sunday at 2:30 la the concert join. Troop leaders are Miss Dorhall of the Joslyn Memorial. They othy Shepherd and Miss Bea Somare: "Man Without a Country" mer. * RETURNS FROM CONCLAVE j Mary Arbltman, national secre- and "Aida." At 3:30 Rabbi David tary of Sigma Delta Tau, return- A, Goldstein will speak on "The Sigma Alpha MM ed' Monday from Minneapolis B I b 1 e'a Influence -"on Abraham !Wbere she was present at the Lincoln's Thoughts and WordB." Lincoln, (Special) — PreparaA 4 o'clock organ recital will {joint mid-western and central reare being completed by the •<•• glohal conclave of Sigma Delta be given by Martin W. Bush, as- tions chapter-of Sigma Alpha UfTau- sorority. The three-day con- sisted by the Midland College Nebraska Mu for Us traditional biennial college vocal octet under the dic l a v e was held on the campus of formal party to be held March 8 : the University of Minnesota with rection of Oscar Lyders. at the Cornhusker Hotel herein ;. JNu chapter as hostess. Lincoln. The party, which is \o BIRTHDAY PARTY '..' Included among the eighty preA birthday party was given by be the first spring formal of the | tent at the meeting were four University of Nebraska social cal^members of Theta chapter at the Mrs. Mose Conn at her. home last endar : Is under the co-chairmanSaturday, February 22, in honor .University of Nebraska, Miriam of Floyd Cohen, Lincoln and ;. Rubnitz, Shirley Epstein, Shirley of her daughter, Harriet. Her ship Friedman, SiouX City. ,i Rpsenblum, and Esther Raduzln- color scheme was y e l l o w and Erving Bids have been, made and are green. ; er, all of Omaha. . belng'sent out to all friends and alumni of Sigma Alpha Mu. The VALENTINE PARTY 'ANNOUNCE BIRTH chapter, having cnosen a novelty A Valentine party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rich of Atorchestra, Rollo Sissle, promises lanta, Georgia, announce the members of the S. K. C. club at one of the most successful parthe home of Mrs. Harry Lewis, birth of a eon, Gilbert Barry, on ties ever to be presented by. SigFebruary 19. Mr. Rich is the son club sponsor. Mothers of the ma Omicron chapter of Sigma Alo£ Mr. and Mrs. M. Rich of Oma- m e m b e r s contributed refresh- pha Mu. • ments. ha. The freshman smoker, which ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH was held last Wednesday eyening PETKOTHAL TOLD Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rof fman an- was one of the, most successful Mf. anJ Mrs. H. Rotkovltz anthe Bar Mitzvah of their and enjoyable smokers ever prenounce the engagement of their nounce son, Norman, at the Adass Yesh- sented by a freshman class • at daughter, Miss Sylvia of LosAn- uren Synagogue on Saturday, Sigma Omicron chapter. The evegelea, to Mr. Bernard Fleisher, J.. \ ning, consisted of Blngs and skits "also of Los Angeles, son of Mr. March about and alumni They wll receive In his hotter '4. rielsher of Detroit, Michigan. on Sunday from 2 to 5 at their chapterstheandactive also had reminders A spring wedding is planned. of the past semester. The freshhome, 2731 Titu». man class wrote and enacted the JTO CALIFORNIA entire show and Vere under tho . Girl Scouts Mrs. Harry* Bravlroff and sons," Harvey and Mickey, left last A very impressive investiture Thursday morning for Loa Angeles to bo gone .for t h r e e ceremony marked the Valentine party held by the Girl Scouts pt months. -* Troop No. 4 at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday TEMPLE YOUNG PEOPLE'S evening, February 19. GRQUP Standing in a semi-circle, the .. The Young. People's Group of .Temple Israel will meet on Thurs- Scouts first pledged allegiance to day evening, March 6, at 8:15 at tho flag and then participated In thf} Home of Rabbi and Mrs. Dav- the investiture of the following members into the rank of tenderid H. Wice. foot: Jerry Y a w 11 z, Lorraine ANNOUNCE BAR M1TZVAH Wolk, Marilyn Boster and Marcla 1 Mar. ^and Mrs. Ben Lustgarten London. announce' the Bar Mitzvah of Following a community sing, their Bon, Stephen, at the'B'nal scouts exchanged valentines and Israel ' synagogue on Saturday served refreshments which had morning, March 1. Friends and been provided by the troop mothrelatives are invited. No invita- ers. . tions have been issued. Tho Intermediate troop meets
directjou of the co-pledgemasters Ed Chait, Omaha, and Harold Turkel, Lincoln. The affair was attended by a large number of alumni of Sigma Ali»lia Mu. The Hillel extension unit on the Nebraska campus, which is under the advisorsbij? of Rabbi II. Jolt, a member o£ Sigma Alpha Mu, recently announced their acceptance of Morton Margolin, Omaha,-' Harold Turkel, Lincoln, and Arthur Rivin, Scotland, S. D. to patricipate in the local oratorical contest Fflcfify, February 28. The winner of this.contest will be given a free trip to Des Ivjoines where, he may-participate in the regional Hillel "oratorical- contest to be held Marcli 3. Honors were received at Sigma Omicron chapter tlirougli It. O. T. C. promotions, athletics, and music. Bob Cohen, Sioux City, and Harry Goldstein, .Omaha, were both promoted to the positions of platoon sergeants of their respective companies. jPhil Bordy, Silver Creelc, was recently announced to have been accepted for the spring training period of the University of Nebraska football sQuad. Norman Veta, Cheyene, and Arthur Rivin, Scotland, S. D. both participated in the annual University of Nebraska R. O. T. C. concert given by the varsity R. O. T. C. band.
Ization will be held on Tuesday, March ,.4. Members will be noli* fied of time and place.
Beth El Auxiliary A regular board meeting o£ the Beth El Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. . M. Malashock on Tuesday, March 4, at 1 p. m. A dessert luncheon will be served. Mrs. Otto Siegal and Mrs. Dav-' id Brown will act as co-hostesses. Mrs. David Greenberg, president of the Auxiliary, urges all members to attend. King Victor Emmanuel a n d high Italian dignitaries attended the dedication of the Synagogue at Rome in 1904. • Yakoub Cattau Bey was director of the Egyptian mint during the rule of the Khedive S a i d Pasha/
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Morality in Hungary
The tribunal of a provincial Hungarian town has sentenced to six months at hard labor, an "Aryan^ who grew a beard, donned a kaftan and went among the Jews from whom he begged money, money he claimed for a poor Jew Just released from a labor camp. From his testimony the venture was very profitable, netting this pseudo-Jew a thousand pengoes before the law stepped in. For his defense the poor man could only say, "I didn't see anything wrong in swindling the Jews." What a blow it must have been to the poor Hungarian beggar to find out that it is still a . criminal offense in Hungary to rob Jews. After all, hadn't the government confiscated a half million acres of land owned by Jews and promised— though to date this promise had not been fulfilled —to divide it among the peasants? Hadn't shops been "Aryanized" and the Jewish owners been forced to sell at great loss? So what, the beggar reasoned, is wrong with a good, but poor, Hungarian embezzling a \yhole community out of a measly thousand pengoes? Now the swindler will go to jail and perhaps he will think longingly of Germany where the government didn't monopolize the robbery process. In the Reich, so that the common man would get hla righteous share of booty and cease dreaming of the rich apoils the party leaders had gathered unto ' themselves, pogroms were organized and the rabble W&B actually encouraged to pillage Jewish shops. If the Hungarians were an alert and just people, the beggar's answer would give them pause for reflection. Long ago the wise and courageous liberal leader, Count Bethlen, pointed out that the official Hungarian policy would not just impoverish-the Jews, but would demoralize the entire population. When some people learn robbery is not always reprehensible, they may cease to discriminate between Jew and Gentile, It would seem to a government's favor to encourage morality among Its peoples. .But not so In Hungary or the rest of central and eastern Eu- i rope. The official policies ol these nations have been so short-sighted that not only are the Jews /suffering, but the entire population Is being degraded. Europe is suffering for its persecution of-the Jews, it is suffering because the entire continent has become sick from its own crimes.
Italy's African Empire
East Africa. The voice that a year or so .ago was thundering its demands against a powerful France, today Is meekly asking a conquered nation for haven for the civilians of Lybia.
Some Never Learn Much noise has been.'made over the-fact titat adversity has-drawn Jews and Poles together. A practical example of this new marriage-of-convenience has been'the inclusion, of Jewish representatives in the Polish gaverameiit-m- exile. But while this prating of good-fellowship goes on, antiSemitic agitation Is still taking place on English soil by Polish exiles and in the Polsh army fighting' with the British. ' ' . " ' . The official policy of the exile-government is definitely opposed to anti-Semitism. Leading figures, who in Poland never mentioned the word Jew except to curse it, now speak of the tragedies of religious strife. Perhaps these new sentiments are genuine and sincere. Perhaps they are opportunistic, because Polish Jews have given irioral and financial support to the exile-government. v But the fact that there are enough anti-Semites in responsible Polish circles to publish a paper indicates that it takes an awful lot to make some pepple learn their lesson. The "Jewish Problem" is being solved in Poland in a fashion far more drastic than that ever envisioned by the Polish anti-Semites. In their day they were willing to liquidate only three million Jews—to exile them, to massacre them. The Nazis, with proverbial Prussian thoroughness, are seeing to it that the entire Jewish population Is wiped out. Poland was content with ghetto benches and isolated pograms. The Nazis have built high walls around Jewish quarters and have pursued a consistent policy of butchery. It is evident that the Polish anti-Semites are jealous of the Nazis. They do not condemn the activities of the German conquerors, but they wanted to do the killing and the plundering. They wanted to be the ones to profit by a systematic despoliation of the Jewish population. Regardless of the official policy of the Polish exile-government, if the-Jews are wise they will put no faith in the promises of such a people. It is Poland's advantage to be friendly with the Jews at the present time. Once they are in a position where such friendship is not as necessary, the Jews will undergo the same treatment they endured during the Polish republic.
Man on Horseback Pierre Laval Is undoubtedly convinced he Is Franco's man on horseback. But so far, thanks to the determination of a few French patriots, he does not have the white horse upon which to ride. How one man can corrupt a nation is indicated by the change of policy In Vichy since the dismissal of Laval. Immediately after tho capitulation of t h e .French, plans were.made for a "war guilt" trial which was. to take place at Riom. Significantly RIom is the capital of Auvergne, which is the native province'of Laval". No doubt, the discredited ex-premier, intended- to-show the old folks how good the butcher's son had done for himself. He who had gone forth a Communist agitator now would return as the man of the.hour—a man of power, a multi-millionaire, the father-in-law of a scion of an old noble family. But Pierre Laval's show has not taken place. The accused are still detained at a chateau near Riom, but there are no indications the much-publicized trials will ever take place. Once Petain had rid himself of Laval, France has shown a hew spirit and a new determination.. Instead of the defeatism which caused the country not only to suffer military defeat but momentary loss of honor, it now is making feeble effort to defy the power that has conquered it. In the occupied portion, where Laval still has, great influence and the backing of the conquerors, the Jews are being subjected to the racial legislation which is the Nazi stock in trade. Famous old firms such as Lazard Freres and, of course, the tremendous Rothschild holdings, have been taken over and It Is to be expected that the darling of the German's, the traitor Laval, will find himself even richer. ^ , Thanks to the machinations of one unscrupulous individual, a whole nation tasted dishonor. Thanks to the ambitions of a soul-less politician, a rich tradition of liberty was sallied. The air of Vichy Is clearer now that Laval is In Paris, and it Is apparent that Petain intends* to keen, it that
Not very long ago, after the withdrawal of'the British army from British Somaliland, the Italian press; was crowing over the "cracking of the British empire." Italian troops had advanced into Egyptian territory from the west and from tho south. . For the first time in history a British colony had been abandoned. England's talk of a "strategic" withdrawal was greeted with shouta of derision from al! quarters; Including friendly ones, because the British army had executed several "strategic" withdrawals of late. : Evidently from the words of II Duce himself, the break-up ia not of the British empire, but the Italian one. In every Italian colony^ the British army has, made rapid advance. To explain the sudden and overwhelming defeat of the African armies, the Italians have taken to blaming the Jews, particularly the Jews of Lybia, who have been accused of every possible crime. ^ " To the Jews of the Italian empire, the arrival of the British is a deliverance. The Jews of Lybia, - while they came under the Italian antl-Jewish legislation, nevertheless found a sturdy champion in .the governor, Italo Baibo, who was articulate in his opposition to the laws. With his death more severe action was taken against what is a very large s,egment of the Lybian population. While the Falabha of Ethopia were specifically exempted from the racial laws of Italy, they could expect no benefits from a regime* that was out to exploit a way. . . . • . " ,• . . . . . . ". • • , •'. colony. Whatever the results of the war, the Italian JEWISH CALENDAR empire can never, be reconstituted. In the event 1941-5701 of a German victory, it is unthinkable that Hitler wpuld consider the return of the Italian colonies, Fast of Esther Wednesday, March particularly since Italy now has the status of a Purim ............Thursday, March conquered territory and Its relation to Germany Rosh Chodesh Nisan ............Saturday, March & only slightly better than that of the NetherPassover (1st day) ................Saturday, April lands. •"•' •.' • " •' •.. -,;•• -: ' ."•• ' • Passover (7th day) :.m_...r»t~-»Friday, April . Only a final victory against Britain will permit Passover (8th day) .............Saturday, April •the.Nazis to assume control of Africa, for they are *aRosh Chodesh Iyar ..........Monday, April in no position at present to-reconquer North and **Observed previous day as well.
Gems of tli© Bible and 1i aimud
Si&tes! from vit&l supplies of tin and. i 6iM*er.
It was Hitler who forced the French government of Indo-China By Dr. to accede to Japanese demands that Tokyo be allowed to mediate the Indo-China-ThailEEd conflict. BIBLES And. the Japanese are doing the T h e r . e is BO darkness nor strangest job of mediation the shadow of death where workers world has ever seen. of iniquity may hide themselves. By reason of the multitude of S'liey foaud It necessary to send oppressions they cry out; they cry for-help by reason of the arm their mediators on cruisers and destroyers into the harbor of Saiof the mighty. If thou be righteous what giv- gon and they also found it necesest thou Hiia or what receiveth sary to land military planes *t He of thy hand? Thy wickedness the Saigon airport. '£he planes, concerneth a man as thou art and they "explained, were to be used for observation and transport by thy righteousness a son of man. the mediators. WALMUDOur Rabbis taught:-On c e a It just so happens that Saigon pious man while praying on the is the Indo-China base that lies road was met by a prince who between Singapore, the great Britsaluted him, saying, "Peace to ish base, and Manila, America's you." But the pious man did not furthest Pacific naval outpost. If respond The prince waited till Japan holds Saigon, America's Pa? the end or Viis prayer. After he cific lifeline has already b e e n had finished his prayer, the prince severed. said to him, "Good for nothing, behold! It is written in y o u r Operating out of Saigon, Japan* Torah, (Der 4.9) 'Only take heed ese worships can block all Amerto thyself and guard thy soul dili- ica's vital supplies of rubber and gently.' When I saluted thee, why tin, which must be brought past didst thou not answer me. If I Saigon from the Dutch East Inhad c u t off thy h e a d with a dies. So watch Baigon. If tiie sword, who would be able to de- Japanese augment their f l e e t mand thy blood from my hand?" there, America may be forced to "Wait," the pious man said to go to war within a matter of him, "until I shall appease thee weeks. . "'.-'• with a few words. If thou hast b e e n standing before a mortal From England somes a king and one had saluted thee wouldst thou h a v e answered hand story of the bravery of Lonhim?" "Nay," the prince replied. don's East End, where live most "And if thou hadst done so, what of London's poorer Jews. . It comes from Robert Nixon, would the king have done unto thee?" "He would surely have one of the finest American newfr; ordered my head to be c u t off paper correspondents, Just bacK with a sword,", replied the prince. in Washington by clipper after elt The pious inan then said unto months under ^Hitler's bombs. . him. "Behold now. If t h i s is what you would have done if thou Whole square miles of the East hadst stood before a mortal king End, Nixon said, have been metb* who is with us here today and odically pounded until they have may be in his grave tomorrow, been reduced to rubble. But in how much more need I then to be that rubble the people live on. I t careful when standing before the is true that they live the life ol Supreme King of Kings, the Holy Moles, but they will not give up One, praised be He, who Hveth their few square feet of soil they and endureth forever to all eter- once called their own, evci when nity." The" p r i n c e became ap- that soil has been slowed up high peased and the pious man went explosives. ' peacefully home. * (This ought to be a good lesson to our congregaA great many In the East End; tions to observe perfect decoru.ni Nixon said," no longer attempt to during services.) live In their ruined houses, .but Instead have converted t h e i r cheap, corrugated air raid shelters into homes. They are heated by crude stoves, there is no furniture except perhaps a mattress and a few chairs - - and yet it is home.' : •
By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Washington Press Bureau
"You cannot concci%re," Nixon said, "of their stubborn bravery. They will never give up - - not if they have to live in their air raid shelters for five years." •; NOTES ON A/WAR: Nixon doesn't believe the GerAfter you have lived in Wash- mans make any effort to bomb ington for a good many years you military objectives when, night begin to get tho feel of the place after night, they strafe London.' so .that sometimes you can sense the approach of impending great Best proof of this, he says, is events before they occur. Your that not a single bridge over tho correspondent does not claim to Thames - - and every bridge is a be clairvoyant, but if the wings prime military objective - - has of destiny are not brushing close, been knocked over. He used to then all previous signs and indi- stand on the bridges to watch tho cations are in error. deadly fireworks. He figured they were as safe a place as any, and There are .small things that a your vantage point was magnifi• • •> reporter notices that are so little cent. in themselves and can mean so He doesn't knffw w h o will win much . . . That is the way Suinner Welle's. jaw clamps tight and the w a r . H e won't even guess. angry when ho talks of Japan's But there a r e other observers, moves In the Far East . . .There are the new, more stringent reg- j u s t back from abroad, who say ulations regarding entrance to the t h a t unless more help comes from War and Navy Departments . . . America - - a n d it comes swiftly There is the small matter of fing- —then the odds are against Eng. . . 't erprinting and "mugging" all cor- land. respondents who cover the White It was in the first week of JanHouse . . . A n d the lights that burn all night in the strategic cen- uary that the Congress began con* ters of national defense . . • And side.rntlon of the lease-lend bill* the rumble' of convoys of Army It is doubtful whcther.the bijl trucks down the road from Balti- will pass before the second week In March. During this period, a more . . t
There are all these things, and more, and they add up to something . . . Just for fun, we're go^ ing out on a limb and make a guess at the sum total. . ; We feel that the situation in the Far East Is much more serious than.any government has admitted. We wouldn't be suprlsed if the United States has already told Japan-to-wove her warships and planes out of the harbor and 12 airfield-of Saigon,- In Freach Indo:'..." 13 Chiria ».-Tor else. * 29 A lot of people may have re 12 ceived the impression that t h e 18 F a r Eastern crisis, like" Topsy, 19 just growed. But that isn't,the for behind 'the- whole affair 28 case," is jthe long hand of Hitler, attempting to cut off the United
minority' in the Congress of tho United States may have succeeded in losing the war for England* and losing the world for civiliza* tion.
(Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) _-
Heads Dropsie College Philadelphia (JTA) - ^ Th/(? board of governors of the bropsle College of Hebrew and. Cognate Learning announced the'appointment, of Dr.'Abraham A. Neumafl as president of the college, sup* ceedlng the late Dr. Cyrus Adler, who was the first president of tho institution. . . : ; • Maroh 25old is the only. Jew to have attained the rank of General in the Hungarian 'army, ;'
• « £• i:
FftlDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8 , 1941
MIZRACHI WO! • By MBS. BEH HANDLER At the meeting held last weekend at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Aaron Katz, preaidefit of the local Mizrachi Women's organization made an eloquent tppeal for the need for the mem be t a to participate in the Jewish Aid for Britain movement. • The following •women have responded: MescUmes Max Arbitman, Joe Batt, M. Brodkey, D. Crounse, J. Chait, H. Dolgoff, S. Elewita, h. Freedman, S. Fellman, H. Friedel, I. Goldstein, Jacob Goldware, Sarah Gorelick, B. Oliekman, A. Hirsch, A. Katz, J. Klein, S. Krizelman, J. Kirshenbanm, H. Laekow, J. Morgan, J. B. Robinson, L. Rosenblatt, Hannab Selig, A. Schwaczkiu, M. Strauss, Joe Tretiak, J. Tuchman, E. Welnberg, A. G. Weinstein, N. Wllfson, »»<* M- Zevin. Mrs. Katz also brought before the assembly the need for increased revenue in order to meet the increased Quota for this chapter; The chapter decided to hold a luncheon and card party every month at the Jewish Community Center. Each month the affair will be sponsored by tea hostesses. The March luncheon will be held on Tuesday, March 25. Mrs. Max Arbltinan, the vlcepenldent, who la chairman of oard parties will be in charge. Mrs. N. Levinson will be luncheon chairman. J. N. V. Tree Fund Mr»f E. Welnberg, the vicepresident who Is chairman of the J *N. ,F. trees, reports the following tree purchases: - Mr. and Mrs. J. Bernstein in honor of their granddaughter, Phyllis Ann Bernstein. Mrs. M. Brodkey in honor of her granddaughter, Shulamith Brodkey and .her grandson, Bobby Brodkey. Or. and Mrs. Philip Romonek in honor of the golden wedding anniversary of Dr. Romonek'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Romonek. . . Mr. and Mrs. L. Rosenblatt in honor of tho birthdays of their grandsons, Steven Rosenblatt and Meyer Moskovltz. Mrs. B. JLaytin in honor of the marriage of her daughter, Mildred. Mr. and Mrs. S. Platt In honor of their grandchildren, Arlyco Greenberg, Michael Dean Platt, and Tommy Platt. Mrs. D. Slegel in memory of her husband, David Siegel. .Mrs. J. Dajrtch in memory of her husband, Joe Daytch. A group of friends in memory Of Mr. Joe Daytch. l&ra. Dave Crounoo in memory of her father, Alexander Levy, Mrs. Welnberg la a devoted Worker and is constantly calling on loyal Jews to help build Eretz Yisroels by planting trees. Sho says: "Not only does one honor dear ones on happy occasions, or commemorate the memory of beloved one, by purchasing trees, one helps also to conserve the soli and to give employment for tres furnish fruits, nuts, olives and lumber. Mrs. M. Brodkey, honorary president adds: "Tree purchases in addition to,the good, work enumerated by . Mrs. Welnberg, , make a devoted worker as happy as if she were having a personal gain. "And," continued Mrs. Brodkey, "It is nice to acknowledge the loyal service to Palestine ol a sincere worker." The Omaha chapter hope to plant a substantial number of trees in the Bessie Gotsfeld Garden of the Mizrachi ; Women's Forest. Mrs. Gotsfeld is the Palestine repreesntatlve of Mizrachi .Women of America, She was the guest speaker of the chapter's annual luncheon in November, 1933
Pa*¥ 8
Three Pillars of J. D.C.i d p lancb Nationwide Csnpaiga
CENTER PLANS HEALTH GLASS Women's Division Will Cooperate with Red Cross
Governor Herbert H. Lehman bespeaks the support of American Jewa for the Joint Dietrifcutica Committee in en impassioned plea to the 1^400 community leaders from all parts of the Uoited States who assembled at the Extra*' ordinary Meeting of tho J. D. C-, Feb. 16th in the Hotel Aetor in New York City. The meeting launched the nationwide J. D< C, campaign for $11,250,000. Shown with Governor Lehman are Paul Baenvald (left) cad Edward II. II, War*
S p e a k s in Minneapolis For Brotherhood Week Speaking last nlgbt. in Minneapolis for the National Conference of Christians and Jews, the Rt. Rev. Msgr, E. J. Flanagan of Boys Town stressed the task of America to keep from its shores the blackness of prejudice and intolerance. With Msgr. Flanagan were Governor StaBsen of Minnesota and Eddie Cantor, noted comedian. In his talk Msgr. Flanagan paid tribute to the Ten Commandments, which has served as a guide* to all peoples. "These commandments enable us to-direct our lives in accordance with the Divine Plan that we" may live in peace and harmony with our God and Creator, en whom we depend for everything—even the very breath that we breathe, and they also enable us to direct our lives with relation to our fellow
burg, elder end younger leaders in American Jewish philanthropy. AAt the meeting Mr. Baenvald announced hisis retirement as Chairman of the J. D. C. cad the election of Mr. Warburg cs hia successor. Mr. Baerwald h& comes Honorary Chairman. In his speech,. Governor Xehm&n called the J. D. C "a credit to American Jews," stressing the f&ct that during 1940 the J. D. C. brought help to 1,000,000 people in 50 countries throughout the world*
the principle as ennunclated by tho Second Commandment of love, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." "We, as citizens must necessarily be united by a bond of unity, based on the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. We, as a nation of brothers, in order that we remain strong must eliminate from our individual lives all intolerance based on class or creed, all major criticisms of others."
INSTALL OF , On Sunday, Febr. 16th, the Indepndent Workmen's Loan Association held its banquet and installation of officers in the social ball of the congregation of Israel. The following officers were installed: Mr. Lieb Wolf son, president; Mr. Ben Gorelick, vicepresident; Mr. Goodman Meyerson, treasurer; Mr. Michael Cohen, secretary; Mr. H. Dworsky, Mr. H. Y. Fladerman, Mr. Ben Martin, Mr. Sol Martin and Mr. Max Sacks, directors. Mr. Ben Kazlowsky was installing officer. This organization meets every Tuesday night in the auditorium
Must Be United Using the story of the Good Samaritan, the founder of Boys' Town, said, "From this parable we are to understand that our neighbor is not Just a person who lives near us, neither do we have to be of the Church to which we belong, or to our particular race or color, but God's Commandment embraces all mankind of every description, every class, every creed, every color, every, man, woman and child whether he be black or white, yellow or brown, whether Christian, Jew, Mohammedan, or pagan, whether rich as a Croessus or poor as • a Lazarus. All these are my brothers,, my neighbors, and I as a Jules Carvallo, a French Jew- Catholic, If I am to bo true to ish engineer, built the railroads my God and my Faith in Him, must uphold in my life and acts of the Papal states.
Cooperating with the l o c a l chapter of the American . Bed Gross In their home health and hygiene training program, the Women's Division is planning ait interesting course for mothers. According to Mrs. William Lazere, representing the Center on the lied Cross committee, the purpose of this health education program is to anticipate minor health problems and the already apparent shortage of t r a i n e d nurses in Omaha. "Many of our Omaha nurses have been drafted for a year's service," stated Mr3. Lazere, "and it 18 therefore urgent for us to learn to fill in wherever possible in case of emergency. The Women's Division Is happy to cooperate with the lied Cross and to help organize a class to be taught by a registered and highly expert nurse." All mothers Interested are asked to register at the Center deak for this course. The time of meet^ ing will be arranged to Bult the convenience of those enrolling in the class. For further information, call Jackson 1366. Jews settled in Belglum-In tho fourth Century.
of the Congregation of Israel, 25th and J streets. Any one wishing information In regard to the work of the organization is invited to attend one of these meetings. Emanuel Carasso (1863-1934), a Salonika Jew, was one of the delegation of four who were delegated to notify the Sultan Abdul Hamid of his dethronement.
MEW EilLAit^E© i.@CA?f©ff Hi?
. . . AT AN AMAZ5ITJG LOW PRICE . . . FOR TIME ONLY* Wasliing will be easier . . . clothes cleaner . . . and YOU will bo moro rested when you turn over tho job to this full family size Westinghonse Washer. But pictures and words can', do justice to such a bargain. You have to see tho w a s h o r ' s gleaming white beauty . . . inspect its rugged construction . • . witness a demonstration of •cleaner clothes with less wash-wear." Then and only then, con you appreciate wliat a bargain this "Summer Special" really is. Come In today . . . before our limited supply is sold.
•jSr Omaha's otreot car and bus system- is ono of 61>e finest in America. Use it more!
THE JEWISH PRESS And that song-writer Harold J. Roue originally started 6nt to be an architect? . . . No tipj&kt that's wfay , lids songs are so Weil-coastructed . . . Planning' Up invade Broad trey &s «•* producer, is Bessie! Fi&siiHi, former ovmer at station WMC.% . . . And Walker, wintering in su.b-tropte<JI regions, reports that Havana a restaurant named Moiske P
the couple was served after the tea. The wedding date was written on the napkins which were a part ef tiie yellow acd green^ color scheme that was used. By PHINEAS J. BI10I Presiding at tiie table were Mrs. to be found iu the newly pubMax Cohn, Mrs. Abe Lefkovich, "W'E'KE TELLING YOU and Mrs. Sam LeiLovitz of Sioux To those who doubted the Nazi lished Volume Three of the UniCity, aad Mrs. Edward Rosen of affiliations of tiie late Senator versal Jewish Encyclopedia . . . Omaha. Miss Sylvia Itoss, Miss How one goes about to arrange Lmndeen of Minnesota we recom- Other informative bits that we've Selma GHler acd Miss Audrey a trip in a dictatorship is reveal-mend the March issue of Click gleaned from this volume include . • . Drew Pearsaa afid Robert the fact that back in 16 $7 the (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Aits Telpner also assisted the hostess. ed In a letter received recently in Allen testify unequivocally that naturalization papets issued to Feature Syndicate) Omaha by a woman whose broth* none other than George Sylvester one Simon V&lentine at CharlesCONVALESCING Viereck, paid Nazi agent in this ton described him an 'aa alien of Miss Leosia Katelman is recu- er wrote from ittissia of an uncountry, wrote tiie late Senator's Ye Jewish Nation" . , . That the perating at her home following successful attempt to visit their anti-British speeches Walter reason why Lais de Torres, Jewan injury in an automobile acci- mother in Russian-occupied PoWinchell is going trans-Atlantic, ish member of Columbus' Amerdent last Thursday night. land. what with the London Daily Ex- ica-discovering crew, was the first Abe Katelman, injured in the twenty-four years mother press making arrangements to white man to set foot oa tiie New By Lucille same accident, returned h o m e andFor son not seen each other. print a column of his revelations World was that Columbus, thinkWednesday from the hospital and Separatedhad by the first World war, once each week We hope the ing he had reached the Orleat, be- IIADASSAH is recuperating at his home. their reunion was balked by ofExpress brings to its readers bis lived that De Torres* knowledge The Hadassah party for paid ficials. In bis UBce&s&r«d letter, story about the showing of Char- «f Hebrew, Chaldaie and Arabic members will be held Monday the Russian writes in English: lie Chaplin's "The Dictator" in would come in handy in negotia- evening, March 3, in the recrea- COHRECTION Mrs. Ronald Rueben's maiden "It's two months tfcat I am try-> Santiago, Chile . . . The Him, it tions with the inhabitaHts of the tion room at the home of Mrs. name was incorrectly stated In Ing to receive from the adseems, was shown despite pro- land Saul Suvalsky, 183 Keeline. That ia the fifteenth testa from the Nazi Embassy, and century a Jew, Guglielmo Ebreo The Gay Nineties Review, which last week's Jewish Press. Mrs. ministration a pass to go to—•—• to visit Mother. But alas! in the middle of a performance de Pesaro, was the dancing mas- will be presented at the party, Is liueben is the former Tbelma local Nazis dropped some stench ter at the court of Lorenzo de' under the direction, of Mrs. Ben Passer," daughter of Mr. and Mrs. On December 10 after two months of asking for a pass they declarbombs in the crowded theatre . . . Medici, the Florentine prince . . . Telpner and lias a large cast. Mrs. Joe Passer. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben became ed that the time had ceased to The audience was furious, but one That the first person to use the Max Cohn Is chairman in charge the parents of a son, Douglas, sev- give passes for to go to the wesWoman's sense of humor saved Yiddish word ganot in English of refreshments. t h e day . . . "Heavens!" s h e literature was none other than tern part of Ukraine and Poland. AH paid-up members are in- eral weeks ago. shouted, "how these Nazis stink!" Charles Dickens, who spelled It vited to attend. You can well imagine how pleawas for me such a declara"gonoph" . . . And that at the Nazis Had Planned sant tion." SOCIAL MKIUlY-GO-IlOtiND end of 1937 the Dominican Re- TALMUD TORAH The best place to meet celebri- public, much-discussed as a haven Yugoslav Pogrom ". . . They gavo passes during Next Monday evening, March 3, ties is not one of the well-adver- for persecuted Jews, had j u s t a meeting of the Talmud Toran four months from August to Detised uight clubs, but one of the about forty Jews in a total popu- will be held at the Cherra B'nai London (JTA) — Axis propa- cember. And, I didn't receive such private parties given by Alfred A. lation of 1,581,248 . . , ganda in. Yugoslavia is being ac- a paes. Vor the certificates sent Yisroel synagogue. Ktrelsin, of Milwaukee anil Hew companied by violent anti-Jewish to me by mother were written iaAll members are urged to atABOUT PEOPLE York . . . Al Strelsin is the adagitation, according to reliable correctly by the Provisional adtend. • Probably the finest tribute paid vertising genius who likes to help ministration. They hadn't written reports received here. Rood causes In his spare time . . • the late Max Annenberg, circulaeven when I received from A plan to blow up the Jewish EMESEL Whenever Dr. Weiziiiann rails for tion manager of the New York • another corrected one. The community offices in Zagreb and The Emesel formal Initiation economic cooperation Al helps to Daily News (which has the largmilitary office ceased organize pogroms there was unbanquet was held last Sunday mobilize t li e country's financial est circulation of any newspaper to give passes. But what .fan we covered by an investigation Into evening at the Chieftain hotel. big shots When Relnhordt's in this country), was that of Ed a Croat Fascist bomb plot against do?" "Eternal Itrood" needed some- Sullivan, News columnist, who de- Girls that were initiated into the BrltlBh consulate in Zagreb. The writer told that letters the club and given the oath by thing like §80,000 to assure its voted an entire piece to toucldng sent to him had been censored by Tho Government is reported to be final production, Al supplied it personal reminiscences of Annen- Betty C o h e n , president, were trying to hush, up Croat FUscist the British. Claribel Cohen and S h i r l e y berg . . . Promised for Spring pub. . . And there are ninny writers activities, -which are guided by who suddenly blossomed f o r t h lication is the autobiography of Krause. Toastmaster at the banquet vraa German Nazi agents. from obscurity with a successful Konrad Bercovid, the teller of Special! Something New! book who owe the opportunity to gypsy tales . . We wonder wheth- Shirley Bernstein. Those giving The Belgrade newspaper Vreme la demanding a numerus clausus after-dinner speeches were Miriam write it to this same Al, \v h o er Kcnrad will tell about tils litnursed them along during stormy erary beginnings in the Yiddish Saks, Lucille Abrahamson, Betty on Jews and Introduction of periods , . . The other day Al press . . . Those who doubt Ben Cohen and Harriet Kubbr. Elaine "ghetto benches" in elementary Meet* » definite need In life tiumrschools. msec. AfeUser, father and children, Htrelsin threw a party for Doro- Hecht's idealism should note that Meyerson sang. all iasured under oae lew coal thy Thompson, t h e columnist, lie is writing his scintillating colpoJtoy. Get psriltulan at ••«* CLUB from who, as you know, is leaving the umn in PM for a weeklyy salary Restrict Shopping Hours y COUSIN'S Tho Cousin's club will be held Herald-Tribune Syndicate for the' of §75 . . . It costs him ©150 a next Wednesday, March 5, at the Budapest (JTA) — Shopping LEON Bell Syndicate, and whose stuff j week to get the material for his will soon be appearing in the New j column . . . Ben can get $5,000 a home of Mrs. Herman Meyerson, hours for Jews have been restricted from 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. York Post . . . Dorothy is prepar- week any times he cares to settle 127 South 8th (street. CITY FINANCE AND daily throughout tho Bohemiaing to fly to England for an oh- down in Hollywood . . . Mrs. Olga AGUDAS ACHIM INSURANCE CO.' Moravia Protectorate, according It Rabinowitz, 75-year-old widow of nervation tour of her own SM UARBACU BLOCK The Agudas Achim held a bufto a police decree published by 4175 WA SIM is said, incidentally, that Clare the famed Yiddish writer Sholoin llootiie, who is still fighting it out AJeichem, was one of those in the fet supper last night at the K. P. the newspaper Neuer Tag. with Miss Thompson for the spot- picket line when the Newspaper hall for all members and their light, is also considering a jaunt Guild strike against the Jewish wives In honor of the 27th anniof that s o r t . . . But, to come back Day In New York began Al- versary of Agudas Achim. Mr. E. Sellz of Omaha sang and to Al Stvelsin's party of the other fred Crown, probably the youngday: we met there, among others, est and most handsome of film Mr. O. Hocbnmn and Sam Sacks Hen Hecht, L e o n a r d Lyons, producers, who used to be active were the principal speakers. Their Franklin P. Adams, Fannie Hurst, hi Latin America, and then in topic for the evening was past David Sarnoff, Ralph IngersoM, Paris, is back in the U. H. now, activities of the Agudas Achim. Vincent Sheean, Samuel Graf ton, and waiting for one of U n c l e Harry Hershfield, B i l l y Rose, Sam's uniforms to be issued to CHOOSES WEDDING DATE Two hundred and fifty friends Jimmy Walker, Sidney Khigsley, him . . . If you want to see a porIrving Berlin and, last bnt by no »royal of David Belasco that is no of Miss Moxine LeibovlU and her means least, H a r r y Scherman, exactly like the original that it Is fiance, Marvin Beechen of South. head of t h e Book-of-the-Month positively uncanny, be sure you Sionx City, Neb., learned that Tlub . . . , see "The L a d y witli the Bed April 10 Is to be the date of their JJVK AND LEARN Hair," in which Claude R a i n s approaching marriage. AnnounceThe Irish name of Cohan, as ev- plays the part of the prlcst-«ol- ment was made at a tea given erybody who has ever heard of) lared producer . . .Did you know last Sunday afternoon by Mr. and George M. knows, is of purely. that movie actress Binnie Barnes Mrs. Abe Leibovitz, parents of Irieh origin, and has nothing to was once married to Samuel Jo- the bride-elect. do with the Jewish rianie Cohen seph, the London art dealer? A buffet supper for relatives of . . .-. But did you know that the first woman to serve in the Senate of the Irish Free State, the Countess of Desarf, widow of Wil- For Winter Driving liam Ullck O'Connor, fourth Earl Get a Set of of Desart, was a well-known Jewlab, communal worker in England and Ireland? . . . Born E l l e n Odette Biscboffsheiin, the daughter of a Jewish banker, the Countess remained a Jewess all her life, Safety' Tff@a«f and- although her grave is beside that of her husband, in' a Christlan' cemetery, the funeral serv- o STOPS ices held for her were according to the Jewish ritual, in accord- o.SIEERS ance with her express wish . . . This interesting item, and many •JHpSS.'SMOOlilER • more details on >he Countess, are
Strictly Confidential....
The "Family Group Policj"
Tires filiat will prove m <rr © economical in the longr run. .
yet piractleaS—tMs Carl flieises
teteadfeg a Not only a jmerf ensombb, but cfs© a dress to bo v/orn done and a lined coot for wear wifh other tilings. BlacS^ navy, dawn khe, beige. Sizes 12 to 20.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2 8 , 1 9 4 1
Religious Services
U. o. c.
nivenary ot the late Harry Zimman of blessed memory. The Resolutions adopted five years ago in tribute to Harry Zimmaa by the Jewish Federation of Service will be. read. R&bbi Goldstein will speak on "Jewish Life in America in the Days of Washington." Next Week Next Friday evening Rabbi Goldstein will speak on "The War That Will Never End."
Regular late services of the U. Competing for the tfcroae of Queen Esther III, the laafa eveiit O. C. will take place tonight at of the Hamantsasclia.il Hop to be 8:00 at the B'nai Israel Synagiven by the Round Table of gogue. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky •'SELECTED POEMS OF that they shall not cease until day Jewish Youth at the Jewish Com- will speak. . »AII HALEVI" (translated in- and mgbt shall cease." munity Center on March 23, will . to English by Nina S&Iam&a). With tbis great love for thebe representatives from elgfet Temple JEWISH PUBLICATION SO- Jew and his homeland, went an girls' sororities and clubs. This evening at services Rabbi COBTY. equally great adoration for God . Last year's Eileen, Esther ShaDutch Don Armlets and for the Torah and for Jewish piro of Bas-A-Mi, will place the David H. Wice will give a sermonette on "Three Steps to PulIn addition to publishing books ritual and discipline. To Halevi crown on her successor who will London . (JTA) — Practically Of current Jewish fnlerest, t h e God was not a syllogistic discov- ba chosen from the following er Living." After services the Jewish Publication Society issues ery Eor a philosophic abstraction candidates. Representing Theta third of the series of Town Hall the entire Dutch population donfrom time to time Jewish classics, to toy with. Lambda is Ruth Miller; Tau Del- Forums will take place. Mrs. Ben ned distinctive Jewish armlets afThe Kuzarl is a testimonial to ta Sigma, Reeda Hagsamin; Gam- Silver will be chairman of the ter the Nazis had ordered Jews to the works of authors long dead, bat whose names are honored in the importance bf faith, of in ma Tau Sigma, Elaine Tuchman; discussion which will deal with wear such insignia, the newspaper Dally Mirror reported. Thto Israel, and whose literary efforts tuition, of emotion, end of the au- Junior Hadassah, ltuth Rosen- the topic, "Jewish Education." Services will begin Saturday gesture of friendliness was made hare permanently enriched Jew- thority of these. Philosophy can stein; Sinai Club, Pauline Landby Dutch Christians 24 honrTafraise flowers, but can never bring man; Bas-A-Mi, Diana Lagman; morning at 11. ish life and thought. ter the Germans had issued their - This volume of selected poems forth fruit. Only a mystic faith B'nos Israel, Mickey Goldberg; order, it was said. by Halevi, with the Hebrew text only a perpetual quest for Godand U .T., Ceci Cohen. RepresentBeth El on one page and a fine transla- can make the Deity real, intimate atives of Theta Alpha Ro and AlThis evening the Beth El SynThe Jewa of Burgundy were In tion on the opposite, belongs to and personal. pha Gamma Chi have not been an- agogue will observe with approancient times distinguished as this category./The volume is of nounced as yet. JAturgf priate rites the Fifth JahrEeit an- professional soldiers. special interest at this time, since His liturgical verse, much of The dance is being planned untbe current year marks the 800th which has been admitted into the anniversary since Jelmdah Halevi, synagogue worship, expresses this der the chairmanship of Warren tbe greatest of Jewish poets, died. love of God in rich and moving Prohman and Charlotte Nogg. Music will be furnished by Gary The event is being Impressive- words and phrases which belong and his KOIL Orchestra. ff©8 YOUSt PARTIES ly observed here and in all Jew- to the religious heritage of mantints! efeeese*. tatpvrtal Tickets may be purchased for £uM*.ed lr "n't ftirf BiiM*t4 H M M ish communities which remained kind. Who' can match the sublim- twenty-five cents from any memBrartblai for your mrty free to do so, unfortunately very ity of the following: ber of the Round Table or at the "When far from Thee, I die while Center. "tew in number. yet in life; Jehudah Halevi l i v e d In a • period strikingly analogous to But if I cling to Thee I l i r e , Regular 2 0 c . .each SEEK MEDAL thouglt I should die." ours. In his day, t h e Jewa of SELECTION Spain were the football of ChrisAnd these lines: §*itg§giive» Washington (JTA) — Rep. Jotian and Moslem fanatics, a n d "I>ortJ, where shall I find Thee?" COCKTAIL ctw&nms ao« seph A. Gavagan (Dem., N. Y.) were forced to endure cruel per- High and Iiidden Is Thy place; KBHQVATH—B»Ui Stuffed secution, and oppression. Their And where shall I not find Thee? this week introduced a bill seekAMjaOViI COOfCfgS •ffony was sharp as It was exten- The world Is fall of Thy glory." ing the award of a Congressional ZING'S tswtsa sive. Biry Oa* Bessa ead Cet The thought of freedom la to- gold medal to Leonard Weisberg Gtmj'em the New York taxi driver who t N Second fiesta for l c Halevi arose in their midst to day uppermost in the minds of C0MMJJTK COOSII3 VARIETY givcf them new hope and courage men. Can one find a better def- risked his life in an effort to asztmi amzmn THY Ollfi SPECIAL and faith. And he did this with inition than this which Jehudah sist Patrolman Edward Maher, who was killed January 14 in an his great and moving and beauti- Halevi gave ot the free man, "the HAMANTASCHEilSALMJi ful poetry in which he expressed Lord's servant, he alone is free." effort to apprehend two payroll BintTEB BOUGH CAKES JKWGB YOUS CUOICiS These dark days weigh heavily bandlta. fa nnforgetable accents his undying love for Palestine, the ancient upon us. We yearn for fresh hope F O X E D HKAVH.Y WITH homeland, for God, and bis con- and uew sources of strength and Jews have lived in Cairo since rorrr WEED—CHEESE—MWNH CALL JA mm viction concerning the eternity of Idealism. In the literary treasures the year of its founding. nOXBD OKEBN TOMATOES I of Halevi these abound in plenty. the Jew. To the pessimist and to those of Eipresslve Poetry in faith, or of no faith at The translator has brought to- shaken this small volume can bring gether in this small volume, one all, healing balm. Its fresh waters of the Schiff Classics, some of tho awill quench the spiritual hunger best and m o s t poignant verses and so characteristic of a Halevi wrote. The selections are largelonging !n o t only beautiful in language rael. portion of the family of Isand form, but expressive of the It is. volumes s u c h as these very soul of the Jewish people. - No man since has BO vividly which puts American Jews under portrayed the yearning, the faith, obligation to tbe Jewish Publicathe suffering and the deathless- tion Society. ness pf Israel. For this unique service, the Jew will always re' vere his name, In addition tfc findIng a perpetual delight in t h e .compositions, many of which have .found their way into our synaCandle-lighting time: 5:38 gogue liturgy. •TODERE'S Just one way to toof New Ford bodies for this Regular late services ot the U. . The translator h a s gathered 1 know the com/or* of this year, on lengthened wheels O. C. will take place tonight at about 80 selections and divided year's Ford. And that's to get base, give the greatest pas8. The Rabbi will speak. -them into four divisions; a. A in and rio*ef Saturday morning the Rabbi senger room in the Ford's Journey to Zion, b. L o v e and Soft, "«fow-motion''-J1ord whole price field for '41! Bridal Songs, c. Poems of Friend- will speak at Congregation Bnai ship, and d. the one which con- Israel. ~ springs, with improved shock If you're going to get a new tains the largest number, DevoJr. Congregation absorbers, new stabilizer and car this year, you'll do Well to tional Poems. The Junior Congregation will frame, give riding quality size up this new Ford. Then ' Yearning for Zion conduct its services at the B'nai that's wholly new in quiet, ask your Ford deakr about n Israel Synagogue this Sabbath, at ' The first division includes selevelness and comfort over "deal," and learn how little lections, which express the poet's 10 a. m. A reception will be held good road or bod. it will cost t o own the big'undying love and mystic yearn- after services. Last week Mrs. And here's nev) roonuness, gest Fofd ever built! ing for Zion,' a love strong enough Max Fromkln was hostes3 to the t o compell him to undertake at. children at the reception. This week Mrs." Sam Halprln advanced age tbe perilous jonrney -from Spain to the Holy Land. No will be hostess. Regular Sunday' morning servone has ever written so rapturously concerning Eretz Israel as didices of the U. O. C. Brotherhood F03D FEflTSDES TfliT will take Iplace at Congregation .'Halevi. B'nai Israel at 9. StMO ODT I f m PUCE: •The most poignant of t h e s e The Talmud Study group will tributes i3 the Ode to Zion which umB ESicaact. -lfl recited in the synagogue on the meet at the Beth Hamedrosh Ha*i With proof in many tests that 9th of Ab, and which begins with ;odol Synagogue this Wednesday I* Ford owners enjoy extra <yl" -'the moving words, "Zion will thou at 8 p. m. as usual. inden without extra cost Car 'Hot ask if peace be with thy cap-tlvesT" The tribute to Jerusalem, «aomasM£s. Roomiest ia tba closing with these deeply moving fidd in total iaaidc length, toiaJ geating width, total passcnget "words is magnificent. "Shall I XOOOl. 'Hot be tender to thy stones and TOE ME@f FCT53 E3DE-' A softj *klas them, And the taste of thy Vichy (JTA) — Three import. qiuet, level ride, wholly nrsr -boll be sweeter than honey unto ant Jews are among a large this year, and based on not number of political internes resprings and ride etabiliserj - - Loyal Jewa in all ages have al- ported to have been released by stiffer traiae aad 6hod£ absorbers., <*!ways shared these holy sentiments order of tbe Vichy Government?'towards the Holy Land-. A Jew Paul-Louis Weiller, former head ca.fnsjKuuc L'.'I „_ ;who remains cold and indifferent of the Gnome-et-Rhone airplane gS esqr car 'near the p prise. F«sf t o them, who la not stirred, by an- motor -works, and Marcel Bloch, Greater safety aad >fcient and modern Palestine, Is an foremost airplane construction tsrake-Uning service. expert, were said to have been • indifferent Jew. . Bisrcst v/ln&i - To Halevi, Palestine and Israel freed from the Peltevolsin internekidd,-.tSgsa/t war tnadnoy •were not Just an ordinary. land ment center. . ia ^hi3 price field: Abraham Schramecfc, former and an ordinary people, b u t 8 STVIE. Not' just'a land,and a people sacred unto the Mnister of Interior, was also refront, but entirely,redesigsedl Lord, the place and the instru- leased from Pellevoisin, where h e tlais year in bood, feaderoj m e n t of divine revelation. Israel had been under "administrative bodica and interiors. internment." !was the chosen ot God because it , became the bearer of the Torah , and Palestine was holy because .there, the Sheklnah dwelt. WANTED — Boy to help la N ,,. These mystic ideals had a fcaefcgrocery store—Room, board ground in the undying love for and small salary. AT 7174. ; the Jew and In a burning desire lor the end of the exile and for the return of the Jew to his an. dent patrimony where ho ironld be beyond the reach of the hands WIDOW would like to share j home wi,vtj employed couple. of oppressors. As the seasons are At. 4946^ -• , eternal "so is Israel. "Let them - only believe they are eternal', and #
# A
* «
•»•• ! • _ ^
I). 0. G.
France Releases 3 Prominent Jews
Friday, February 2 1 , 1941
areas of Europe be distributed on a completely non-sectarian basis. They, recall, that tlie Amerieaa Eed Cross, before sending one item of relief to Poland, obtain-' ed from the occupation author?* By Lucille -Abr&h&ms&n ties satisfactory assurances that MORRIS AEZENBERG, Correspondent B'NAI B'ltiTM American relief supplies would A patriotic Father end Son be distributed impartially. ftrogrsm for B'uai B'rith mem•'Gentlemen, I attach to myself bers, non-iaembers sad their no special merit for that policy, Book Review to Be SOES, will be given by the Council What otlier course possibly could - Given -on Febr, 25th Bluffs Lodge of B'nai B'rith at have been pursued by men., of the K. C. Hall, 23 Pearl St., on good-will? Any other method of distribution would have made & Rabbi Albert Goldstein will Moaday evening, February 24, at mockery o£ American mercy, • •present a Book Review on "Out7:15 p. in. An interesting program has "We all hope that the day will The Mizracht Organization of of the Night" by Jau Valtia on been arranged with Col. Folsoin February 25 at 8:15 at the Temcome soon when more caa lie (Sioux City anticipates with pleaEverest as the principal speaker. done, when we can take up tho sure the visit to this community ple Annex. Dr. I. Sternhill will speak for the work where it was left so abrupt* of one of the most outstanding The review will be under the fathers and Edward Cherniss will ly. Personally, I have an abiding - Zionist leaders, chairman of tlie auspices of t h e Educational respond for the sons. Rabbi Carl faith that the outcome will mi* Mizrachi World Executive, Kabbt Dept. of the Sisterhood of which Castle'^ will deliver the invocation. terialize according to our hopes.'* -Wolf Gold, who will deliver aa Mrs, Max Itosenstock is chair- Nathan Nogg will . speak on He paid tribute to B'nai B'rith important address at an open man. "B'nal B'rith Ideals." for its help to the Red Cross.' meeting at the Jewish CommunLouis Bernstein is chairman of The following message froaj ity Center on Puriin night, March the committee, arranging the proPresident Roosevelt to Mr, Darls 11, at 8:30 o'clock. gram and ia being assisted by Ben was read; "Please accept heart* Rabbi Gold is one of the most Gershun, Abe Katelman, and Al iest congratulations on the fitting powerful sincere and impressive Fox!. recognition which has come W orators. Having lived in palesRefreshments . will be served you aa the recipient from the tine for the last few years; and and all members and their friends B'nai B'rith of the annual award having just returned from an exthis entire territory are invited . DR. A. A. NEUMAN for 'honor, duty and achieveThe Women's League of Shaare in tensive tour in South America, to attend with their sons. Named successor to the late Dr. ment'." his message promises to he of ut- 2iou will hold their annual Cyrus Adler as President of The most interest. The meeting la Spring Purim daace on March 8 Dropsie College of Hebrew and Ferenc Heltal, ft Hungarian open to the entire Jewish Com- at the Hellevue at 9:30 with YOUNG JUDAEA A meeting of Young Judaea Cognate Learning in Philadelphia. Jew, was Lord Mayor of BudaSheffields orchestra furnishing munity, wil be held next Sunday afterpest. '"'•. the music. . noon at 2 p. m. at the home of Co-chairman for the affair are Mrs. Jules Lederer, Mrs. Sam Co- Gloria Passer, 831 N. 8. hen, and Mrs, S, II. >Jhulkin. On Paxton-Mitcheli the committee are the following; A. Z. A. • Attending the Regional .CornCo. Foundries \ Mesdames A. Kroloff, Sam Kaplan, Morey Lipsehutz, Joe Kutch- belt convention of A. Z. A. at LinBrass, Bronze, Aluminum, er, Milton Mushkin, Art Kaplan, coln last week-end "were Jack The National Council of Jew-Sol Kronick, Sam Slotsky, Eli Lincoln, H e r b e r t Tepperman, Soft Grey Iron and Semi* ish Women will sponsor an "AllRoblnow, Mike Sherman, Nate Stanley Katelman, Eugene LanSteel Castings, Wood and (Continued fronl Page 1.) in One Day" Card Party on Feb- Goldis, L. U. Sacks, Milton Mush- dau, Douglas Kooler, Bob YudelMetal Patterns and Sash ruary 2C in the homes of various kin, Wm. Kutcher, Leon Shulkin, son, and Alvin Passer. Weights carried in stock. of relief supplies nl occupied A. Z. A. 7 entered the basket- areas of Europe. hostesses. The proceeds of this George Feinberg, Mrs. Gitlin, I. Bronze a n d Cast Iron card party will pay for the spring Levich, M. Lasensky, Phil Gold- ball tournament and was defeatGrilles a Specialty. "Your distinguished a w a r d tuition of the art student which blatt, Lou Chesen, A. Berkowitz, ed by Des Moines in the second committee," Mr. Davis said in rethe National Council undertook L. Klass, M. J. Epstein, Mrs. Ca-round. 27th and Martha Sts. Jack Lincoln, president of the Bponse, "notes in Its resolution to send to the Chicago Art Insti- esslerstein, and Wm. Maron. HA 6767 local chapter, was elected Aleph that I insisted lied Cross relief tute. supplies inGerman-controlled Sopher at the Regional ConvenAny amount over tho tuition tion. will be used to send several underprivileged children to camp ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernstein The following ore hostesses announce the engagement of who will open their homes on Mr. and Mrs. William EirlnWednesday: Mesdames E. E. Bar- berg announce the coming mar- their daughter, Pauline, to Mr. on, A. Epstein, William Gilinsky, riage Sunday, February 23, of Herman Friedman of Council E. N. Grueskin, Nate Goldis, Mil- their daughter, Miss Esther Eirin- Bluffs and Omaha, son of, Mr. ton Grossman, Dave Levltsky, bt'Vg, to Mr. Jack Merlin, son of Sam Friedman. Miss Bernstein attended the Max Mushkin, Milton Mushkin, Mrs. I. Merlin. The marriage will Archie Kroloff, Max Kosenstock, be held at 5:30 at the Shaare University of Wisconsin where J.oe Rosenthal, Ben Schulein, Ben Zion synagogue with Rabbi H. R. she was affiliated with the Alpha Sekt, Fred Sherman, G. A. Stein, Rablnowitz and Cantor Morris Epsilon Phi Sorority. Mr, FriedA. Silverberg, M. Weil, L. Weiu- Pernick officiating. Glsela Pill man is a graduate of the Wharberg, and the Misses Ruth Marx .will play the cello, Mrs, Morris ton School of Finance in Pennand Dorothy Merlin. Pernick the piano and M i s s sylvania where he was affiliated with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity^ Anyone who is interested in Sophie Slutsky will sing. participating in this project, and The bride will be attended by who has not been called may get Dorothy Merlin as maid of honor. ANNOUNCE BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. William Rotbin touch with the chairman, Mrs. Mrs. Bernard Eirinberg will boBarl Kline, 86654, or Mrs. Milton matron of honor. Bridesmaids stein of St. Joseph, Mo., announce the birth of a daughter on FebruMushkin, 82820. will be Miss Bluma Merlin, Miss ary 13. N. Herman of Minneapolis and Mrs. Rothsteln is the former Rosabelle and Dora Wigodsky. Brotherhood Day Best man will be Morris Merlin June Meyerson of this city. the ushers will be Earl WigTo Be Held Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Rueben odsky of Yankton, Herman Eirinberg of Armour, Al Silverstein of of Omaha announce the birth of The third annual observance of Des Molnes, Herman Kopel 'of a son, Douglas. Mrs. Rueben is Brotherhood day ivill take place Kansas City. Rlngbearer will be the former Sylvia Endelman of this city. in Sioux City on Sunday, Febru- Arthur Lloyd Fine. ary 23, «it a large open meeting Out-of-town guests will include at tho Mayfair.--hotel: All Youth Mr. and1 Mrs. Al Krasnow of Nor- ..••-. Maryland Acts • organizations In the city are co-folk, Neb.; Mr, and Mrs. James Annapolis, .Md. (JTA) — Rep. operating to make this an out-Myers of Minneaoplis, Mr. andStephen Kopern of Baltimore haB standing event. Mrs. S. Epstein, Mr. and Mrs: I. introduced in the House of DeleTlie purpose of ibis is to pro- Hurwltz, Mr. Max Epstein of New gates a bbill which would bar the mote tolerance and brotherhood York City, Mr"., and Mrs. .B. Kopel Ku Klux Klan, German-American within the community, Sam Kap- o£ Sioux Falls, Mr. and Mrs. A. Bund and similar groups from lan of'the Jewish Youth Council Formari of Omaha, Also Cecil the State. Is genoral chairman of'.;-the. open Goldman .and Mrs. Dorothy Copelmeeting. Deane Johnson, of Morn- luan of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. M. y, CBonmsKr, MAKER in guide college,- is advisory chair- Silverstein of Des Moines; Mr. , (COHEN, Attorney* man. ». : . ; : - and Mrs. Harry -Wigodsky- a n d 737 Omaha National Bank BIdr. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wigodsky of NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Yankton, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard • Notice is hereby given that at aAweet(IflTIOEIAL PJjftK }>}}} AHHAHSAS Brotherhood Meeting ing of stockholders held on the.-.31st1 day Eirinberg of Lincoln, Mr. andol January. Now you can regain health and pip In'lht ' 1941,-the following resolution Mrs..M. Sherman of Lincoln and w a s a d o p e d dissolving TWELFTH royal woy!0ei!i» In fh9ef?«nfe«c«w»h»!J STREET COMPANY, a corporation: The sMt. Sinai Brotherhood will Miss Sybil Merlin of Denver, Colo. w i fe f i t t a ^a c o bp BK IT RESOLVED, That TWELFTH Sjiinss! Ost fc'.isl from nervcui end erjoflk meet at the Martin Hotel for a STREET COMPANY bo and tho same Is clfmsRli-and al ilia tarn* liwa enjoy,lh» hereby; dissolved a s of-January- 31st,-1841. dinner and discussion of club , Mh and Mrs. Sam Matz, 1619 . tvxurfe* cf o reel eimtasr vaeaflen-ridirtB, IT - FURTHER RESOLVER That business on February 24 at G:36; Cook, announce the engagement theBEPresident <ond Secretary of TWELFTH - Mklae,tishing and o ^ i n a - a poredtt* •• Light entertainment _has been of: their daughter, Mae, to Paul STREET COMPANY be and they are ti'«olih end hd' authorized and empowered to taKe planned by the program chair- Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs.hereby whatever steps nay.be necessary to-legal* man. Dr. Lionel London^ Iy dissolve the TWELFTH STREET COMt!i« <;«!«» eftt«ve(»prWa!opatk-em(lh»" Alfred I. Schwartz/ 3410 Nebras- PANY, a corporation. — • •'•:••• (onvsnttftta fif t!i tdjoHscfc'flon! $00 (erg* ka street. An early summer wed- Dated;: at Omaha*- Nebraska, this Slat day-of January, 1941. .' '• • Mt. Sinai ding is forecast.
i! Bluffs
ness ss.
Following tho" Friday night , President. and Mrs. Ben Lelcbook, 2-7-41-U. . . . . . - • service, February 27, at-the Mt. 711Mr. West Fourth street announce **'••• J. J. IKIED JtAN, Atty. Sinai Temple the first of a ser- the birth of a daughter,. Shirley MO First Not'l IJonlt Bide. ies of five open discussions will Barbara; on February 10. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF W1IX be held. Mr, Samuel A. GreenIn tin County Court of Douglas Count?, Nebraska. stone will lead the open forum, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Klass anIN THE MATTER OF THE. ESTATE the topic of which will be "The Pcarlntan, Deceased. the coming marriage of OFAHElizabeth Synagogue and Anti-Jewish Pre- nounce persons Interested in said estate arc their son, Morris Klass of Wash.notified that a petition has been judice." Everyone la" invited to ington, D. C...to Dr. Erna Katz hereby filed in Bald Court, praying forteaproattend. bate of a certain instrument now on file of Washington, D. C. The wed- In said »Court, purporting to be the last ding will take place at the home will and. testament of said deceased, and a hearing will be had on said petiOrthodox Synagogues ot her sister in Norfolk, Va., on that tion before said ..Court on the Btb. day ol Tuesday, February 25. March." 1D41< and that if they fall to ap* peaT at -said Court on the said 3th day of Services will begin at the Orth- 2. Mr. Klass is the director ot the March, at 9 o'clock-"A.""M.; to cortedox synagogues at 6 this evV Jewish Social Service "Agency in test the19-11. probate of Bald will, .the" Court may allow and pfobdte said will and grant Efng and in tho .morning will be- Washington, D.' C. . aamlplstratloo of sstld* estate, to William gin at 9. JRabbJ S. I. Bolotnikov Pearlm.m-of some oilier suitable rersair, eater it decree of belrsnlp*, .and -proceed will speak during the morning, >. August' Behnont-was in 1844toi a scltlcn'irtjt,thereof. « '- • at the. Tiphcreth - Israel syna- appointed • Austrian . consul-generCHARLKS J. 80UTHARD. . 2-H-41-SU. County Judge. al in New York. gogue. , {•
•i \"