i Entered »s Second Class Mai) Matter OP January SI, 1931, &t Postofflce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March I, lilt
LYONS NEXT ON FORUM American Mercury Editor Replaces Pierre Van Paaasen Fbr the final speaker of the current series, th» Center ltyrtun ^vJtll, on Tuesday, M«rcli 18, at 8: in, present Eugene tjous, editor of the American Mercury, who will spealc on "Dictatorships-— Wade, Brown, a n d lied." This lecture will take place at the Central High School auditorium. Mr, Lyons is appearing in the place of Pierre van Paassen, who
Omahas determined effort to do its share in alleviating the situation of tragedy-stricken Europe has gotten underway with the announcement that Milton Livingston, prominent O m a h a business man and civic leader, would head the 1041 Jewish Philanthropies campaign. The announcement was made Tuesday evening, at a meeting at the Jewish Community Center by Henry Monsky, president of the Jewish Federation. In accepting the chairmanship, Mr. Livingston .called attention to the urgency facing Jewry today. "Unparalleled tragedy overseas has impelled me to accept the chairmanship of this campaign, though I, like others, am engaged in daily tasks that call upon my time." "As chairman of the campaign, I recognize the assistance and support'of "the great army of volunteers are necessary in putting this drive over. I am depending on them and on the generous response "of the community. This cumpaigii is one of mercy. W<V who are safe, must, shave with those who have no shelter, 110 food, and sjio clothing. The scope of the European disaster ; challenges imagination."-: , •• lie indicated that other officers of the 1941 campaign would soon (Continued on Page 9.)
XVII—-No. 101 {
Campaign Chairman
Bikur C h o 1 i m Sponsors Picture, March 16, 17
A Yiddish motion picture, "The Jewish Melody," will be shown this coming Bunday and Monday, March 16 and 17, at 8 p. mu at the Jewish Community Center, under auspices of the Dikur Cholint'Society. Music for "Tlie Jewish Melody" Was written by Bholom Secuiida, composer of the popular song, "Hei Mir Bist I)u Schoen." It is the story of the pious Rev, Rosonschein, whose son, Morris, has been &ent by the president of the Synagogue to Italy to Htu'dy voice. Morris in engaged to tho synagogue president's daughter, %\ho is" in love with (ho family chauffeur. Morlra falls in iovo with his singing teacher's daughter, while the president himself falls In love' with Morris' sister -and intends to make her ids'fifth bride. Eventually ' 0 v e r y t h i n pr- ia straightened put to the Batiafaction of all. included In the cast are •some of (he • outstanding members of the Yiddish - mueical comedy stage." ' • • -' Admission to the movie will bo fifty cents Tickets may be procured at the Jewish CommunitjKCcriter.
'-- - •
Membership to G a t h e r This Thursday Night has been unable to fill his engage• ••• E u g e n e
ment here because of a serious illness. Author of i n e best-selling book, "Assignment ..in Utopia," Mr. Lyons was for six years correspondent of the United Press in Moscow. He was the, first correspondent to obtain an interview with .Stalin after the latter's rise to supreme authority, a feat which he duplicated in 1931 when he landed .the only press interview given by Riza Pahlevi, the self-made Shah of Persia. Previous to his assignment in (Continued on Page 3.)
Council Sabbath, the annual religious' service of the Council of Jewish Women, will be observed this evening at .Temple Israel. Services will start at 8 o'clock*'Participating in the Worship Service -In the. Temple - will- he Mrs. I. Rosenttual,'Mrs. Ben, p; Silver," Mrs. J. .E. Cohen, and' Mrs. A-. H.-BrodKcy. - . % ,- . Mrs. Louis Somberg- will light the Sabbath-lights.- Rabb'l-DavKT H. Wice will, de'ivor a sermonette on "From Mourning to Merriment." " •_ • .- -• The Congregation will later repair to- the vestry room where the service" will continue with, the reading of selections from- the MegUlah. Those who .will take part In this portion of the service- will be: Mrs. Leo Rosenthal, Mrs/J.H. Kulalcofsky, and Miss " Rita" Mantel.
. The first annual meeting of the membership of the United Orthodox Congregation will take place on Thursday, March 20, at the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th «hd Chicago. .The meeting will be preceded by a dinner- limited to those who mak~e reservations early. Dinner, will start \at 7 o'clock. . Reservations can be made by calling JA 0887. The business of the meeting will be a consideration of the work of the U. O. C. as reported by the president In his message, committee reports and reports from the member and affiliated organizations; These reports which will give a clear picture of accomplishments up . to the • present and suggestions for the future will be fully discussed by the membership with due consideration: ; ' At this' meeting also five members-at large will be elected'to the U. O. C.-The following organizations compose the U. O. C : U. O. C. Sisterhood, U. O. C. — (Continued-on, Page 2.) '
Milton Livingston, prominent Omaha business man, lias been chosen to head the 1041 campaign of the Jewish Philanthropies. Announcement of the chairman was made Tuesday night by Henry Monsky, president of the Jewish Federation.
C o n c e r n over the plight of m i l l i o n s of Jewish victims of war and persecution in many lands will bring together community leaders; front all - parts of Nebraska at a state-wide1 meeting to be held on Sunday, March 10, at the Hotel Cornhuskcr in Lincoln to discuss the problem of supporting the American Jewish Joint.Distribution C o m m i t t e e through local campaigns throughout the state. The meeting was announced by Morris E.-Jacobs of Omaha, vicechairman at large for the Midwest Region of the J. D. C. The J..- D._ C. is the major American agency for assistance to distressed Jewish populations throughout the world. It is now conducting a nation-wide campaign for $11,25Q,d0O to finance * its overseas work for 1941. ' ' '" invitations -have been sent to Nebraska community leaders by Mr; Jacobs; "Among the notable
To Be G u e s t of Men's
Club at Stag Dinner
Brig, General George V. Strong, commander of tho Seventh Corps Area, will be guest of honor, and principal speaker at the stag to be given by the Men's club ot Temple Israel on Thursday night, March 20, ini the vestry rooms of the Temple. Before coming to Omaha to assume command of this Corp3 Area, General Strong was stationed in Washington as assistant chief of staff of the U. S., army. He warawarded the Distinguished Service medal in 1918 for service fit the front and has also" received the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster. He is a member of the French Legion of Honor. In 1925 and 1926 Genera} Strong attended both arms reduction conferences held in Geneva, Switzerland. The committee in charge- of (Continued on Page 10.)-
Speler of Lincoln, state chairman of the J. D. C. for Nebraska. Mr. Jacobs will preside. The meeting 1B called, Mr. Jacobs pointed oiit; as a part "of the far-flung struggle for physical and spiritual salvation of the Jewish people," which Is being carried on by the Joint Distribution Committee as the agent for the Jews of America. In this connection Mr. Jacobs made public excerpts from the Joint Distribution Committee's program and budget for 1941, vhich has been submitted to Jewish communities as the basis for establishment of their quotas for the J. D. C. . LaborLyceum to ,^12,622,445 Budget Temple to Dedicate f Hold Open Forum The budget shows that the total New Candlesticks requested- from the J. D. C. by its co-operating c o m m i t t e e s '-The Role of Russia in the At services at Temple Israel throughout the world for the first Present World WaT*',wlll be dissix months of 1941 alone aggre- this evening,v a new pair of .cancussed this evening at 8:30 at an dlesticks will be- dedicated. They gate $12,622,446. open forum to he held at the new - It ia pointed,out that the.larg- are the. gift ol 'Mr. and Mrs. Labor Lyceum; 3022 Cumlog. The est .'single activity of'th,e J. J). C. Louia Somberg/arid Mr. and Mr. analysis will be in ^Yiddish. - ,,a c'. at ^present, is Jta program of- emi- Herman" Goldstein in niemory Of . Preceding.; t h e ' open --.foranv. gration, aid ito thousands of Teftt- their grandmother, Mrs: Esther there wlll'bea m~Qyie s h o r t y *a' , „-" ; ,:; ; ; . subject of current : Interest. ^The brgaViiation'; rflf.* Rbbert Herman .gees holdingvalid, visas, to coun- Chapman;v public Is, invitdd tq-partlClP,atef 6! ;Ne^, :yoTk,.Niaat{onar 'field?*!!-' ctTieaof asylum.',,' -*•.-. :•> •,;- ^ .;".' "The ritual • for the lighting of ' I ^'Emigtation' continued unbrok- candles will" be' recited- by • MTB. infers 'T will" - be];': lib.- * jadtriissjSti charge. • -. -..;.:;--.t, .«*.-:. - -- (Coatlhned>oa Page 5.) • > Sombergv - *'' -„• •>
J. C C Bowling By SAM ZWEfBACE m&xvmss aw •IU tokitfntbet , Smite KtMMfi
Si 4$ 41
,6 .6S
&cd laad him ia the Leo with •PMl "C*vW Ki rua- them all \*Ltu he tamed ia a score ia ite tlugle for U»e l a the i u t xa&t£h at the ereBS List to cifig, tiie Bispire Cieaaers i&& aged to wia 2 gaiaea from the themselves. lowly CUe^uot Club Eskimo oatfit, this in etite of the feet that tiie wiaaers towlfei short ose
Get itady now for tli.e
Y&ik (JTA)—Declaring tkat I'Ah Gietcc aud Palestine Law to bwihj. Lcfwe tLe vcie s^ivitig tiib cause of to> dfi.'ii.. A VCjid tt» tLi ci^cy lit thilst birbggle agatMt , t i e Rev. Dtjnetriua HeHof the Aaerfeta h of St. faf the &£ tL& Qrwk i, t-itfciided a s Afof €(>-&£.&. att&i ia the- |ll,-» War Ki^fctgeiicy C k » of tLe Uuitfcd F&lestiae A»'t%n offer v&» coatMaed i a bis(JTA) & letter ta ^jl'v^u G^t&isal, execsa* stfv&d by cuits tive cLaituiia of tL& Greater New C *& Lo&ts i^ i~fcta.fcc/ti of York B-itiih.Ui.ius
A. Z. A. No. 1 fid A. '£. A. No. I6O Jfr3.
8 3 3
4 6 7
Swim News ft¥ HOWARD BItlNflOCK In a concerted drive oa swioitests Paul Zelhisky finished his Beginners, Charles Fredkia his latertitt-diate, Sidney Kuderwm, Aldta Lineola, and Iler&h&l Woltson their Bwimiiier's Te&ta. As soon as the boys finish their Advanced Te&ts they will be eligible for Life By amassing 13 points last week, Aldea Lincoln's "Minnesota,." squad came within 8 points of the league leading "Army" crew led by Paul Zelinsky. "Nebraska", Herebel Wolfson'a team has a good lead over Harold Moser's "Navy" squad.
n&gtigue fe.t & eouveited ia the LaJi tofci'irj-e&d.tliJtaks at the UalUrUss tbt the L&g^tt&Ilty offered tham Ly ike Byaago-gus after the Uuit&riasi cliiuck La.d beea L&uiLfcii soioe tiia& ago. At the rabbi's taviUlisa, the UiiitsriaiiS hate bitiee LUa regular Sttaday services ia the synagogue hall, which was aaaouiistd in a notice posted ou the bombed church buildtag. Jews end Unitarians Joiaed In eiaging the " B r l i t o a hymn," which was written by Unitarians after tho bombing of the church. Rabbi Swift declared he acted not from compassion but out of duty. "'Help tby neighbor' has been preached by the Jews for 2,000 years/' he eald.
Cai-d&xo fa 1S11 editor cf the "Soattera PatriU" of Su
U» ii.il & 1M1, Uu total CA I fc^«* o£ iL C. i y Imc, a Nebtaska Cwfi>oi *liua, vlil ll l of b i ta Oouba, Attest: K. U. B&0WN, &t
H. A. WOLV. Prwideat
H. A', WOLF,
H. H. AUsaatAc
R. U. B«OWM. SBO jr j OIl^SNBSB «f DtfwUNh
Special! SoraetMaff N«wf
1fe> "Family Giesp Pclfcj" !£«€•{« » fetlfcOJa sft&3 la Hl« isaee. Hefner, faitw* u»a frssu
Eleanor Bernstein passed her Athens (JTA) — The captured first swimming card of tests this week. She is working for a part Albanian Tillage of Bessantchi has in the Acquacade and will cer- been renamed by the Greek gortainly be called* upon to take 8 erament1 "Fritsf," ft was announced , In honor of the Jewish part to the show. army colonel, Mordechal Frltsi, An annuoncement concerning wbo fell near the Tillage, "herolctryouts in the Acquacade will be published in this column In the near future. All embryonic Johnny Weismullers and Eleanor Holms will hare an opportunity to display their talon for the big AcqiKitlc show.
It would be a good idea to fa-
"Tony" Gohn, the long and , lanky boy, got hot this week, to turn in a big series of 569 to lead the entire league. His series was made up of games of 182, 1&7 and an even 200 game. "Paieeo' Steinberg was in the second epot when he finished up with a 518 series. Capt. Jack Melcher, who "Fiz-, .sled" out at Lincoln last weekend, turned the tables completely around this week, when he
s&iiiarise yourself with out svtm- ally leading Us tio&^a to rl«before the tryouts. tery."
turaed ia games of IS 9, l i t 182 for & big 560 series. Weitz was right jehind him Ms .551 series to I&fid in the Eer-tip spat tar the lasers.
Buwllng this week ia the Mer chaste Bowling. League west &e g btttfit wea the cording to beyte, wfcea the three first game by sa 8SS to 78ft favorite teams came through score, thanks rn.si.aif to tits* fact with victories fcy a itt&rgia of tLey were the receivers fef a to ©ae. kin La.fi.dt-ti.jf. The second w&s won by & °i£4 to '127 In tte first ra&tch e« the cra- game fetare, the Eskimos c&me ning, the league leading Ward- back to&ud win the i&st game by a robe Clothiers, who sparred oa 848 to (TS3 by tbe presence of the sgoasor, Moe LiBsmaa, took. 2 games free* Lee Harwiea towed this the Lowly State Coal team. toe the wlauera when h& The league le&ders woa the first taiae by the coinf or table turned in a Mg series of 56S, margin of 810 to 767 due Bjaial made up of games of ISO, 188, to Leo Blacter's big 209 game and IS8, wbich is really eossisThe second game was won by the taat bawling. The best their seecould do was Harold league leaders by a big 851 to 817 score. In this game, Sammy Pollack's 457 series. Jack Flekh' "We«»nie" Steinberg turned ia a man and Loyd Banks were also big 218 game. Dave Frank's Cel- present for the Empires. lar holders turned in their single , win, by shooting a big 880 score George Bhapiro was the high ' to the league leader's 836, man for the losers with bis 506 series, while Dr. O. C. Platt was Frank Brookstein who was right behind him with his 503 borrowed from the league leaders series. to bowl for the State Coal team this week, was inspired to turn The one week^s postponed ' ia his big series of the year, game to be played off yet, will when he put together guinea of be bowled this coining Sunday 192, 150 and 211 for a big 553 afternoon promptly at 1:00 p, m. series. Sam Zweiback was the All bowlers are requested to be runner-up for the losers with Ma there promptly. 534 series. A report has trickled in via "Weenie" Steinberg kept up "Snoopy", that Phil "Cupie" his fine shooting to lead the win- Katzman who bowled 9 games in ners with his 546 aeries, made up the state tournament at Lincoln of games of 166, 218, 162. Abe last week-end, is all exhausted, Feldraan and Leo Blacker, were and as a result will take about tied for the second spot when weeks to recuperate. they both finished up with a 522 Series. The Pioneer Uniform team showed up nicely in the State The next match saw the Smith Tournament by turning in a 2790 Motor team stay in the running score including their handicap.by taking 2 games from Dave 'he best that Kaiman Insurance Halm's Pioneer Uniform team. utfit could do in Lincoln, was a The double win put the Smith 2740 score. team "in second place in the Leo Weitz turned In a 612 standings all by themselves. series in the singles, which will The Uniform boys started oat strongly to win the first and only game, by the big margin of 869 to 750. The Pontiac boys won the second game by the small margin of 883 to 869, and then put the finishing touches to the match by taking the last game by a 823 to 773 score.
7, 1941
*•*« s *
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., * -
Friday, March 7, 1941
By the Coiffare ArtUU at tlie
mmm roll
Maxson-Mftchell me. FARHAfil a t 2Cth
Franco Beauty Salon 2nd Floor Securities BWg Free Consultatiofis AT 0332
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'Pay and Evening AU Year Monthly Enrollment Standard Courses
Nut C©&@.. ..$MUES Parts Lump . .$11.50 ARCO Ssissi AnHiraelt© $10,50 Tiger Lump . .$7.S® WE H A T U M : man CML
IONE C. DUFFY, Owner 2 0 7 ft. 10th JA S®9©
PLAMOEE "DANCE1TE?' 1S18 Farnam St. OMAHA'S NEWEST DINE Brery Mite, 9 TUl 1 tar MaUuce 4 to 6 P. M.
FOR FUN0IAL8 Established 1 9 M Complete Service at Nominal Cast
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Priced to Pit Every Small Monthly
FJooresegat Be Modem—Enjoy the Isuasry and Economy of Use New
By PHINEA8 BIROtf YOU SHOULD KNOW You don't have to be afraid to order Heineketi's beer, most famous of the Dutch brews, at your favorite restaurant . . . Since the Nazi occupation of Holland this beer is being made i>i the Dutch Baet Indies . . . Lazar Karpess, a Brooklyn C. P. A. has figured out that 50,000 tons of scrap metal could be salvaged for the national defense program if all the old razor blades, empty toothpaste tubes, etc. were collected throughout the country, and suggests the forming of a National Waste Organization for this purpose Broadway's name for Mussolini these flays is 111 Duce—because the African campaign has made him 1 o o k so eick . . . Rumors about Fascist sympathies backstage at the Metropolitan Opera House insist on popping up again and again . . . Samuel Grafton, political columnist of the N e w York Post, wonders why nobody has ever established a German governmeut-iu-exlle, w i t h headquarters at London . . . The Hays office, Hollywood's unofficial censor, doesn't like m o v i e scenes showing hissing in a theatre, and usually demands that such scenes be cut out of films . . . The new Ginger Rogers picture, however, shows the lady hissing a newsreel, and director Garson Kaniu managed to g e t permission to keep the incident In the picture But only because the newsreel hissed is one that features the voice ot Hitler . . . RADIO COUMENI Ho, we didn't send a free cable to Hitler, but tre thought you'd like to bear various views on the whys and wherefores of tlie Nazi radio offer to pay for messages felling them what to broadcast for American listeners . . . Tlie F. B. I. Is checking all tlie cables on the theory that the w h o l e tiling may have been a blind for boarly code messages from Neat snlec in this country . . . Wlnchell tMnits tliat the idea was to help moke up a list of Americans on whom local F i f t h Columners should keep their eye, while the senders of favorable messages will be approached as potential F. C.'s . . . Another view is t h a t the tvhoJe business was started to get tha Stazls a million dollars' worth of publicity at relatively low cost . . . From still another quarter eoaics the theory that, s i n c e American exchange restrictions win soon make it Impossible for. the Stasis to cash hi on their dollar balances here (derived from niesasgea emit to N&zuasd a n d paid for in this country), the GerGsfistearmiods figured out this way of using tap some of those dollars . . ..The thing that puzzles ns about the whole matter, Mr. Goc&bete, is why the taessages cotsMn't bo sent by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, 6nt only via R. O. A., the only one ot the three companies that is headed by a Jew — i . e . , David MESSAGES Aside to Dr. David Philipson, Rabbi Emeritus of Cincinnati's Eockdale Avenue Temple: In your article on Cincinnati in the Univerea! Jewish Encyclopedia you say t "It is interesting to note that the first instance of a rabbi's occupying a Christian pulpit occurred in the city of Cincinnati in March, 1887, when Dr, Lilientbal occupied the pulpit of the Unitarian Church" ,-, » Your successor-in t h e Bockdale Avenue pulpit. Rabbi Victor E. Reichert, reminds us that toe famous Rabbi • Gerehoni Blendes Seixas of New < (ConUnned on Page 12.)
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managed to eke oat a meager living for his family and was duly grateful that there was something Left for him. Privation is easier to carry if you know t h a t -you The Linen .Shower held oa JanB; A I, MUM* weren't especially picked out to uary 29 at the Jewish Comtaa suffer it, &s Jews often are. Center proTfrd a la&si suceessfei AtAl'TKB OF KH> Mr. I>. could feel more f&rluone, according to the ch6.irui.aii, ES-te t to a is Jewish engineers in A citizea of FortUnd, led., seat Mrs. Nathan TarEer, and den; Bie $10 to give to ageaties tLat GfcraaaBy who no logger were allions sre. coi&teg IH steadily. have to Ao witb refugee relief. I lowed to look through their tr&asMrs. Turner fa stiil accepting m.mt give hiKi an Eec&uatifig of its professionally. There w e r e contributions so those wko t a t wiiat was d&ne with Ms |10 sad premoaitio&a of Hitler in Viea&a not yet girer$ can do so fay call- to whom it weiit and what good but people felt that BotLifig BO ing her &t AT U 2 t . Tfee follow it did. dreadful as Hitler ever.coaid fall ing is & list of deaors to date & an Vienna. Even tf Hitler came To make it very short tke |10 names will be published i& ti»e Wfcs used to open a certsla door to Vienna he couldn't be like the future as tltey tome is: far & refugee. It ltad Leea a ter- scourge he was in Berlin; it was believed t h a t people in Vienna rible world fall of closed J. Abmbuasoa ifcrocuu couldn't be taught to b g t e so for liiui, &s well &s tor ail other K. I. Afcr Jacob refugeea; to opea eren only oae thoroughly. A. door for him is semetluHg f Adler In Trap Louis Albeit which t h e citizeu of Hitler did come and many ViWilliam ASfeerti Wiiiism lad., should get s o m e Sam AStsaitr S. j . enna Jews were shipped off to Sain Ap-yliuu^a credit whea the s e l e r a n time concentration camps M. F. and all the M&x Aridtouut UKria Levey comes for being weighed i& the Herman Iivla Levin other tiiiiigts that had happened balaitce. Bt¥i Ltvia* Alfred to Jews in Germany felt upon Bemne Leyy Nath&u Besser A Germaa refugee fa a person Jews in Austria; the eanie cruel' P. B 3. i i who was trapped as f&r tack as Paul ties, the same h&tes, the same inD&vid Blacker 14, 19*3 and even if he lt&s flnaily justices. was nothing left Jake Black managed to get through the first for JewishThere H. A. civil engineers, Jewish door there are xa&w other doors j Jewish business m e n , Paul Biotckj j left for him to ualoek. To come doctors, Sam Rla.sa Morten p Jewish workers of any ki&d exto one locked door titter another, cept N. Bold/ Max Loads* to starve. Many killed themReubea Bordy K. V. Lorfg to stand despairing at every door selves; at least graves were safe. Simon Bui^y j . LurkU not knowing whether y o u will J . BrtMQg&ii . H. HtOufcock Everything closed against Mr. „ H. Brunt i. U. Ualaahock ever be allowed to go through is ' Hsrry Bravirof I l a dreadful torture to suffer. This D. like a trap, but there was a Sam Biiek Bun Ben BrodKcy has been the suffering of hun- way to get his children out. EngGill ree .Dave Bfodkey U. Margate! dreds of thousands these eight land was taking Austrian children Edward Brodkey Frank Macks and sheltering them from all this. years past. Kachel Mell E. E. Brodkey One day Mr. and Mrs. D, saw lidwin £. Brodfcey ILarry Meudelsaa (I myself have been fearfully Leon Mendeison Kred Brodkey their children off at the train for aware of d o o r s slowly closing II. Merrtam Harold Brodkey England. They waved them smilI>eo Milder M. IX Brodkey against Jews in America lately ing good-byes Hymie Milder a n d then turned Kay Bronstein but, thank goodness, we can stiil Uefl Uillmau David Blown away to cry. ' Uorrb Mittleman K. 11. Brosva o places.) Jye Morgan Max Cswar Mr. D. said it would be all For Mr. D. all the doors used Morgan Benpamiii digit Moacawiti J. I. Cbait to be wide open. He was a civil right: Their hearts would suffer Albert Hewman Frieda Chernisa engineer in Vienna in the good this anguish of separation from H. A. Newman I. Cberaiss time when Vienna still was an ad' their, children, day and night, but Jule* M. Ntwoup David 11 Cohen Julius Newman Michael Cohen tranced o u t p o s t of civilization. the children would be safe. That's H&x Navak. David Coliii Whenever artists attempted to ex- all that mattered anyway. The flan Novak David B. Cohn L. J. Olander Jacob Cohn press Vienna they drew pictures children would play in the sunI. OBheroft Max Colm light. This darkness of Vienna f pretty girls dancing waltzes. Sarah Ruben Cohn H. Cteo» didn't matter if the children were Loul« Pajpemy Seymour Cohn Civil Engineer N. Perils Sam Colcman playing safely in t h e sunlight. In that time Mr. D. could feel Sam Platt F. Coratear This Imprisonment In Vienna didI. Plotkta o special disabilities attaching to Henry Cooper n't matter if the children were Morton PJotkla Harold Coopennan Af. he fact that he was a Jew. True, free. 8. Hotkla Harrjr Crouuie William Pollack here were Viennese Jews w h o Hans BaiuKy Finally, after two years, the Mark FoJoaaOty Herman Dansky had taken up Christianity for conDld PUa D.'s were enabled themselves to Aaroa Edgar venience. As Christiana they* fulBerth* Ellis Betty KabtoowiU illed theni8elves by going to St. escape from Austria tot America Dave Epstein William Rfldoslner Louis Epstein Morris Raxnkk tephen'a Cathedral on Christmas through the affidavit of a nonSam Kswtcin lack Baznich Eve to hear the lovely music. But Jewish woman. Their children A. Fam H. A. Resstck Harold Farber 3. It. Resnick Mr. D. got along very well in his still were in England, trapped In George FeSnstein Max an island fortress on which bombs strictly Jewish identity. Sidney Feldman m. Steve Feldman A s a civil engineer, he-planned fell every night. They hadn't realCharles L. Fellman Joe Kk* d supervised the construction ly escaped Hitler. S. FeUraan Sam Rice But there are occasional happy of industrial plants. In his spare David Finkle Itichnsn endings in human existence. SudJ. Pinkie Xiouls Blklln ime he was an inventor and had Ben Fisher J. Ringle btained several patents abroad. denly there is a bright torn on Sam Flax Bessie Rlpa Forbw J. B. Robinson The doors Were open wide enough the dark way and a m a n sees O. Fox Harry Rochman or Mr. D. to see the lovely vista again the thing be thought 'was A. Frank A. Hoffman A. D. Frank Arthur Rosen f a good future reaching far into lost for good: His disappointed love affair achieves all at once a S. Rosen Rse Morri* M. Franklin J. a bright distance. Joe Freeman it. Rosea He had a wife and two small dazzling success, or after having Mike Freeman Cam B J. Fregger Jo* Eoatoiwrs daughters. Barring the personal fallen into deepest adversity he Elizabeth Fried Sam Kssmberg vicissitudes that afflict all lives, wins the Irish sweepstakes. The Leo Fried Hollle Eosenblatt Gilbert Friederi Mr. D. could feel fairly certain of D.'s again embraced their chil*Joho Frieden-' •: • the times to come. This Is to say, dren. Morris Freldeiv Reunion A. Friedman the common bundle of life in ViH. RUbtssMn J. J. Friedman A. S. Kutafla noa would remain not too hard This happened one day-last DeMilton FroJim ^UZUUn BaTesvtcizi ;o <!arry. ECarry Saium&n cember. With the help of the A. Geodler H. Gertxr After Chancellor Dollfuss was Jewish social agencies the chilN. Gimple JP6J1 Sclnrartx assassinated things began to get dren had been brought from EngMax Givot ilorria Segal €3. QeUx B. GUcfemah bad in Vienna, but hot only for land and at our railroad station Sidney Goldberg Bf n he- Jews. Civil engineers w h o there was soon such a reunion as David Goldman SvBxt Chxpiro were not Jews w e r e suffering, you might wish for all the famiArthur H. GoldMein M. I>. A. Goldstein Max oo, from the economic collapse lies (bat have be&n separated by I. Goldstein ; nm nto which Austria fell. Mr. D. the cataclysmic events and for Mas Goldstein
Lisf Donors of Hadiisuih Linen
Harry Goldatrom Joe Goldware Sam-Goldwnre J. Goodbinder Sarah GorcJlcft JL. Gractz S. M. Graetz . Arthur M. Green Dave Greenberg Peter Greenberg Samuel Cretnbcrg Gerald Orosa 3. A. Gross I. Grossman Phil Grossman Fred Bahn H. Bahn I. Hafan Ben Dandier 1 Sam Handler Joe Hertzberg Joe HJmmclsteln H. Ulrschmann Lawrence Jacobs M. .Jscobson * 1 Robert Jacobson Max Kadi* Benjamin Kahn J. Katamnsofm. Eddie Kaplan Lazar Kaplan Max Kaplan Sam Kaplan David Katlcman J. ICatlcman fa Morris Katleman Aaron Katz &: H. Katz Phil Katzman Jack Kaufman Ben Eazlowsfty Morris Klein H. B3otz JI. Kneeler Joe K<k>m JacoJ* Koopcr Boris Komcy Note Kort Abo Krautz David Krantz Harry Kraiitz Bam Sraatz WUUast Kuklin . . 3. H. jjoa
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Misses— Grodlns&y Evelpa Jjovey Kosa'Grodtoiiliy SisjsuSie Zlmmafl - jr. 3, FrJcden l a CMsassy of Shiney - B. Rosenbaum ia ijfiao? of granddaughter. _
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all hearts that ye&m for-.their saga of the D. family will JM>'COIUbeloved. pleted in a happy readier.V^ But oae d o o r still remained shut. this disposal of his Mrs. D. fcad a jcb as c&ok but is satis.fac-t.ory to t h e Portland there was nothing for Mr. B. Tke titiaeii. 1 hope, too (and this,is d o o r of einployiueut woulctB't the isaia point of my writing » C'i»en for him., and he & proud wii&Ie colttiBJi about a matter pf »ii.Ra who despised the peed that $10), that all ethers will come \o sect his wife to cook for appreciate tke tlessed results that He with empty Laads. gifts to Jewish welfare-funds, get. sstiae o&s will say well, And that brings us back to th& I sfeoitld give more the of tfce HO fciit froai the citiseu i& Portland, ltd. I t time they come srouad. tke money to Mr. Sievers, ffirecF&r Mr. I>. tea dollars helped tor of OKr Jewish social agencies tofci>fci.the i4st <tea,ed door. and he turned it o v e r to Mrs. (Copyright, 1S41, by Seven Arts Hertzuian, the head tase-worker, Feature Syadicate) to apply it to the relief of sosae refugee, s,s the Fcrtiaad W&M had req&e&ted. I allow Mrs. HertsiHan to fiaisli the etory. She writes: "When the *10 arrived at our office it was most appropriate because Mr. D. had Jisst bad word from a firm in Chicago that they were very CHOCOLATE: MABLOW much interested La bis talenta and hia iuventioas, aud had iavited 10 him to Chicago for &n interview 1 cop milk which, in all probability, would ii cstp cocoa lead to & position. The f 10 is be1 teaspoon vaailUi ing Ksed to finance Mr. D.'s trip pint whipped creMM to Chicago for this Interview. You * of salt may wonder that we can do so Put cocoa in pan. Add milk much with this little gift. Taia gradually to form a smooth paste; is possible' because the railroads add m&fshittfcllows and put tR of this country have given social double boiler until % liquid stag** agencies the courtesy of recom- JJtir constantly. Remove from fir* mending persons f o r half-rate and cool in ice water. Add tolt transportation. If Mr. D. is suc- and vanilla. When cold add m&if cessful in making a connection, cream and freeze in tray of eleeand we believe he will be, the tric refrigerator. •»
Herzbergs Iff H t n t a w for ALL Hm imporfMt ways to hiiiv* ,
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er filBiifciuctiiias hj sailing two |acAnnounce Opening tatres toe Italian distribution tkis Rise Stevens to Of Optical Company week. Till now the majors htve • Sing on Ford Hour resolutely boycotted tbat market Gpeaing of the State Optical . . . not as a protestftgafestMassie's ideology . . . tat simply &s a Rise Stevens, mezzo-soprano of Company at 1410 Famaca street By DR. THEODORE H. LEWIS d agaiiiet the strangling le- the Metropolitan Opera, returns ba.8 been announced by Dave Rabbi, Progrets-i-re Sy&e.g&gue, Brooklyn, il. V. p l a c e d on American to the Ford Sunday Evening hour Coha. Trie company offers a one-day films. Business is te&iiiess » . . as guest soloist next Sunday, Aii article CM the life and lamsic March 9. The program is heard .service on glasses, broken lens - .'MASTER SERRtONS OP THJi. are fundamentally matters of of George Ger&Itwiii is being pre- over station KOIL and the CBS replacement and repairs. for t h e Jewish' EKCyclo- network at 8 o'clock Sunday eve10TH CENTURY, edited by Gates genius, and though they can be Karl Friedrich Canstatt, a GerGlenn Atkins, Wiilet Clark &nd improved with training and ex-pedca. Erring ffciiin's new taste ning. perience, they can not be created. > - "When TliEt Man Is Dead" - Company, Chicago. The Ford Symphony orchestra man Jew, was in 1831 placed in •This is an interesting volume Some of the preachers in this vol- is said to be a knockout. If songs and chorus will be under the di-charge at the cholera hospital in rection of Reginald Stewart, not- Brussells. of sermons by one 'who is himself ume were by nature endowed only could ed Canadian conductor and piana'preacher of note, and a teach- with a talent for public address. in 1547 the Cantarer of preachers. He n&s selected, This is true to a; superlative defiaby Snooks is giving a party, ist who founded the Toronto Phil- iniBeginning family for three hundred years orchestra. •".•'' oae T "typical setawm tr&m the gree' of '••ileary "Waxd Seeeker, aad requests "no children," of all preaching of many gifted relig- Moody and, of course, Spurgeon. things. Occasion celebrates h e r Miss Stevens will be heard with furnished the Jewish community ious leaders of the last century, Just what hidden power enabled seventh birthday (in radio). In- the Ford Symphony orchestra in of Padua with rabbis. •whose work has left an impres- these men to sway the emotions vitations specify, "Leave yore kids "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" M0N6)KVF OfeGHINSHY, MAKER fclon upon their times, and many of multitudes will always remain at home. Daddy sez I'm truble from Saint-Saens' "Samson and AND OOHEN, Attys. of whom are still affectionately a mystery, one which baffles the enuf!" Delilah" and in the immortal 187 ©ujaba Nafl Bank Bid*. remembered: Thomas Chalmers, editor as it does all of us. One "Lullaby" and "The Blacksmith" IS HEREBY GIVEN That on by Brahms. The Ford chorus will NOTICE William Ellery Channing, John thing, however, is quite certain, first day of January, ldil, the total to the part of a Nazi join Miss Stevens and the orches- the Henry Newman, James Bowling that to such gifted orators peo- spyAssigned outstanding secured and unsecured " Insuspect, Lionel It o y c e re- tra in the "Habanera" f r o m debtedness of Venetian Court Realty ComMozley, Henry Ward Beecher, ple always listen gladly. pany, a .Nebraska Corporation, with ita turned to the studio next day, hidFrederick William Robertson, principal place of tAsulneas in Omaha, Ne- ' Those who want to know some- den behind a facial mop . . . au- Bizet's "Carmen," the most pop- br&ska, was $60,787.17. James " Martlneau, Horace Bush- thing about the preachers of the ditioned for the role of an Aus- ular opera ever written. I. H. KULAKOFSKY, nell, Matthew Simpson, John last century and their message, trian President. mountaineer. Was okayed H. AUERBACH, Caird, Phillips Brooks, Charles will find this book immensely by the director . . . then pulled Hernando de Castro, a Marra- Attest: H. Secretary. Haddon Spurgeon and Dwight worthwhile. J. H. KULAKOFSKY, off the chin brush. The director no, introduced the cultivation of LOUIS KULAKOFSKY, " Lyman Moody. gasped . . . said if Hoyce could sugar to Cuba in the seventeenth H, H. AUERBACH, century. fool him, he certainly wouldn't 3-T-41-lt. Majority at Director*. The sermon is essentially a bo found out by the audience. So . spoken message, and when tranthe actor plays TWO roles in "So scribed loses of necessity m u c h Ends Our Night." of its power, feryor and very often its beauty. There is a vital By HELEN ZIGMOND difference between-written EngBilly Gilbert's sneezing routine lish, and spoken. Nonetheless the Btarted quite by accident. WorkHOLLYWOOD. (recorded words of the preachers ing in a comedy scene one mornAnn Konnell is the ONLY wobrought togther here help us to ing, ' he had rehearsed his part appreciate their character and man composer for the screen over and over . . . cameras were the nature of the message they first gained recognition in i933 set . . . actors in their places . : . she w r o t e the tune of gave their people. Exceedingly when director called, "Roll 'em!" "Who's Afraid of the Big Badthe . . ..when an uncontrollable urge helpful are t h e introductory Wolf?" for a Disney cartoon. Bis- to sneeze hit Billy . He let go . . . notes written by the editor, and ter of Sol Rosenblatt, well-known almost blew the lights out.- Inwhich precede the selections. attorney, and wife of Lester CowFrankly, some of these interested an, movie producer, sho pursues stead of reprimanding, the directie much more than what fol- her individual career- alone and tor said, "Print thatjone!" And lowed. " diligently . . . tackles all kinds of Billy's" sneeze became nationally Reading the sermons, one ismusical ideas. "The Hard-Boiled famous. Strongly impressed by the fact Cannry," story of the children's **»•' 1'"* HI-iHt (lirm that a man's theological thinking camp at Iiiterloehen, is based on Oscar Levant has c o m e and t A, II, I » and religious philosophy have her idea. Also composed one ofgone, leaving a trail of brokenyery much to do with his mes- its songs. Is busy now on a now down gags behind. He himself, sage, and with the moral and version of "The Barber of Seville" however, was the victim of the spiritual values which are prec- for John Charles Thomas's sum- best "rib." Was handed his pay envelope filled with $300 - - of ious to him and which "he em- mer tour. Confederate money! L e v a n t phasizes. threatens next time he acts in Oofi r Channing's Message Each year at the Warner Club movies, he'll play an unsympat h e Brothers Warner thetic part - - himself! To me, the most valuable ser- banquet, 1 a brief but serious speech t o mon ih this anthology and themake one which can be read today with the effect that "Wo Americans (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele• a aa as much profit and stimulus as should be truly thankful for our graphic Agency, Inc.) democratic freedom . . . and for I am sure It imparted on the day the privilege of living on these Of its delivery, is that by Wil-peaceful shores." And each year, Seek to Form Refugee liam Ellery Channing who the world horizon gets blacker. Army in Australia preached in Boston and under This year, Harry Warner succinctUnitarian auspices. This message ly said, London (JTA) — The Zionist "May Britain win!" is appropriate for our day and Council of New South Wales has our times as it was on the SunRemember Georgo Breakston? asked Acting Australian Prime day itv.was preached. Any con- . . child wonder of 1034 . . . star Minister A. W. Fadden for the gregation* today would derive im- of "No Greater Glory." He's now right to form an army of nonmense help from listening.to this eighteen . • . and considerably British Jews as a unit of the Emremarkable address on "Spiritual elongated by Time. Returns to pire forces for service in PalesFreedom" delivered more than a the screen as "Beezy". in the ^new- tine and elsewhere, it was reportcentury-ftgo. This is preaching at est "Andy Hhi-dy"-episode. ed here. Its' best and at .its noblest. Fadden is forwarding the reThe same holds true for. the Cinemrinna: Thumbs up. f o rquest to Prime Minister Menzies, sermon by the brilliant James "The Great Dictator" in Argen- who is in London. The Zionist Martineau who died in London in tine - -.-but with deletions! -We delegation in Sydney pointed out 1900. It is much more philoso- report ... -..there.are.three "Fuljr- that refugees in Australia had rephic than Channing's, for Mar- ers" in the Los Angeles' telephone peatedly offered their services for tineau was a philosopher par ex-book! D. O. S.'surprised the oth- the war effort. cellence. But his message, like Channing's, has a most astounding application for our day. Are not the following words descrip- Announcing. tive of our generation? "The . ; .OMAHA'S* MOST NEWLY APPOINTED pure and simple faith of the elder time has passed away; nor is it any sufficient compensation for the loss that unbelief has grown gentle and respectful." Martineau ELECTRIC condemns religious liberals who view religious faith as a polite THEconvention, and who do not take it seriously. .. Magic? Well, you'll admit it seams like it. ; John Henry Newman is an example of a great thinker and a But with an automatic electric roaster ovca poet of rare distinction, imprisoned by theology. His message as an "amateur cool:" can apend tho day away it appears here leaves one cold and unmoved. I question whether from home, and return at six o'clock to a most anyone outside of the „ ChurchK: This office is equipped with the latest mast modern and delicious dinner. And all ready to EOrve! Ask scientific instruments available for examination of your "which Newman entered late in life will be~touched by "The In- eyCO. any of tho thousands of Omaha vjomon (and .visible World." The same applies their husbands) wBo enjoy electric roaster Convenient to Robertson's sermon who in my opinion preached, much better cookery! than he does here. Credit Genius _ . ** , For Distance or Reading. Includes The gift of public speaking examination by s t a t e registered "R good citizen wheroves wo BOITO"—that's fco constant Terms and the power to move audiences Optometrist.
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A. Z. A.-1 After a rather mediocre sea Bon, the A, Z. A. 1 junior basket ball team showed such improve. ment in the last few games, tba they are being entered in the citywide Y. M. C. A. met t. High hopes are held for these lads who will form (he nucleus of the chapter's teams in the future The-team is coached by Haskell Cohen. Plans are being concluded for the center-wide t a b l e ' t e n n i s tournament to be sponsored this "year by A. Z. A. 1. Entry lists will soon be distributed and pairings made. The committee is headed )>y Justin Priesman, head of the athletic committee of the chapter. The annual "Youth and Democracy Program" which is cosponsored by Mother Chapter is scheduled for 8 p. m. Monday night at the Jewish Community Center according to Milton Caekin, chairman of the committee. In the round table's oratory contest Mother chanter was represented by Harry Goodbinder and Justin Priesman. Priesman was awarded honorable mention. A chapter delegation headed by Regional Aleph Godol Harry Goodbinder is plannin;j to attend •the District convention in Hock Island this month. The next chapter meeting will he held Sunday March !) at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Coninn">ity Center in accordance with the chapter's voting to change th<"> meeting date to Sundays during the school term.
B'nos Israel •', A regular meeting of the B'nos Israel was held ou Sunday, March 2, at the home of Dorine Wolpa. An election o£ officers was held and the following were named: President, Doiine Wolpa; vice-president, Shirley Fox; Secretary, Lillian Kalz; Treasurer, Betty Kuklin; Reporter, Mickey Goldberg; H i s t o r i c n, Shirley ,J3eltz; and Round-TV>'tie representative, Etta Garelie'c. "i Plans were made for the sororlty's annual dance which is to be iheld March 16. At this time the newly-elected officers will be installed. ' To officially open the rush season, the names of a number of girls, were put to> vote, and the following girls will be initiated Into the club In the near future: Rose Silver, Lillian Pollay, Ida Epstein,- Joyce Marks, and Dorothy Rosen.
The entire board and general membership wiil be patronesses for the annual Council bridge atid Mah Jong on Monday, March 3J, in the auditorium, of ihe Jewish Community Center. A dessert luncheon wiil precede. Proceeds of this affair will go to Council's national project for the year, the Port and Dock service. Mrs. Beruliardt Wolf, and Mrs. Leon Feilman are co-chairmen of the bridge. Assisting them will be the following committee members: Mesdames Sam Joseplison, Edward Urodkey, I. I. Solzman, Ben Silver, and Ben Shapiro. All ticket-holders are asked to change the date from March 24 o March 31. Mrs. Manuel Grodinsky Is :hairman of the Council's nominating committee which will name officers for the biennial lection to he held in May. Others on this committee are Mrs. A. H. Brodkey and Mrs. Joe Rice.
U, O. C. Sisterhood
The regular meeting of the Sisterhood of the U. O. C. took place on Tuesday, March 4. Mrs. M. Burstein, vice-president presided. Committee reports indicated uogress in the activities of the organization. The work of the funior Congregation was reportd on by Mrs. Max Fromkin, iraising the worn of Mrs. Joe Iweiback and her care in the activities of the Junior Congregation. A very encouraging report came in from the Way and Means Committee of which. Mrs. I. Grossman is chairman. Plans were outlined for the coming Purim Affair for the children of the community, to take place at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol on the eve of Purim. . Mrs. D. B. Epstein reported satisfactory progress in the drawing project of which she is chairman. The meeting was closed with a brief address by the Rabbi and readings from Yiddish literature in keeping with the Purim spirit.
Sinai Club New officers of the Sinai club were elected at the meeting held on Tuesday, February 25. Gary Landman was unanimously reelected president; Molly Kelberg, vicerpresident; Nellie Edel,. sccre^ tary; Sam Kaplan, treasurer; Art
spring begins with ci
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Parilman and George Weiss, sergeants-at-arms, and Norman Berg chairman of.the membership committee. Visitors at tfie meeting wer Dr. and Mrs. M. Koitsteiii, Bernic Burstein and Doris Pinkovilz Plans for the skating party whic-J: was to have been held on February 27 were announced by Mrs Blanche . Landmaa, chairman o the girls athletic committee. Dr. and Mrs. Koitstein are new sponsors of the club. The club pins, which had been designed by Nellie Edel and Morris Landman, were distributed at the meeting. The Good and Welfare committee sent cards to Marvin Sadofsky, who was in the hospital recovering from the flu. A newlyformed iuitiation committee is headed by Beatrice Krause and Art Parilman. Delores Lustgarteu represented the club in the oratorical contest, At the close of the meeting the ping-pong tournament was started. . • '
A. Z. A. 100 The annual Youth and Democracy Rally will be held March 10, Monday, at the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. Reverend R. R. Brown, of the Gospel Tabernacle and of the W. O. W. Church of the Air, will be the principal speaker, and one member of each of the sponsoring organizations will also speak. Preceding the program, the colors will be presented by a color guard composed of Boy Scouts sponsored by the organizations. Participating organizations are the Hi-Y, the Girl Reserves, the Max Jurgens Club o£ the Urban League, and the two chapters of Omaha A. Z. A. In line with the publicity for the Rally, a fifteen-minute program will be broadcast over radio station K. O. W. H. next Monday afternoon at 12:15. Meeting The next regular meeting of the Chapter will be held at the Jewish Community Center at 3 p. m. on Sunday. At this meeting plans will be discussed for the Chapter's annual Spring Frolic to be held next month. A first degree initiation of new members will be held at this time. Basketball The Century Chapter's basketball team, 1941 Cornbelt Region Champion, .is preparing to leave on Friday night, March 14, for the District Six Convention to be
Friday, March 7, 1941 ' held in Rock Island, Illinois, March 15, 16, and 17. In order to give the team a royal send-off, the Chapter members wiil meet in a group at the home of owe of the members, then accompany (be team to the Union Station.
WY INEZ, 1J. HAZNK'K Mrs. Julius Newman will be hostess to the Hadassah Board at her home, 3509 Pine street, on Monday, March 10 with Mrs. J. J. Friedman and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg as co-hostesses. All board members are urged to attend. H. M. O. For the benefit of the medical fund a Hotpoint electric range or cash equivalent will be raffled off on Wednesday, March 2 6, the next meeting date for Hadassah. Those still wishing to sell a book of tickets -should get in touch with the chairman in charge, Mrs. Louis Albert, WA 5959 or her cohalrman, Mrs. Wm. Alberts, AT 0379. Each ticket sells for twentyfive cents. TREK FUND The tender saplings we plant today in Palestine are the precursors of the revival that is to come, the expression o* a n a t i o n ' s mighty will to continue the chain of creation in its homeland. Not only the simple, scientific fact of the need for trees, but the ancient Jewish tradition of love for them ontinues to be Hadassah's Inspiration for the maintenance of the Tree Fund. It is through the honoring of anniversaries, birthdays, bar mltzvahs, births and celebrations of all kinds as well as in memory of the deaths o£ dear ones that members and non-members of Hadassah enjoy contributing their one or two trees in the mportant reforestation work now olng on In Palestine. Those wishng to remember their loved ones In this way in Omaha can do so by calling Mrs. Max; Cohn at GL 2602. The following contributions ave been acknowledged by Mrs. !ohn: Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Levenson n ho^nor of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. I. Darisky —2 trees. : : Dr. and Mrs. Meyer Beber in honor of-Mr. and Mrs. Samuel RIekes' .Golden Anniversary. . Mr. and Mrs. J. Llntzman In iionor of their .daughter Ann's engagement to Mr. Frank Theodore "rledman.-..-....., ,...., (- .„, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Levenson
in. memory of Mrs. Anna Kuplowski. * Mr. and Mrs. Max Cohn fa honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Robert Amos.
Girl Scouts A swimming party is in offing for members of the Center's Girl Scout Troop No. 4 this coming Monday afternoon, March 10. Each member will provide her own suit, cap and towel. At the last meeting, Caryl Ber« covici was named reporter to write up all troop news for the newspaper. Miss Peritory of the Little House will be guest of honor at the next meeting of the troop.
Gamma Tau Sigma The next meeting of the Gain« ma Tau Sigma will be held Sun« day, March 9, at 3 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Th$ formal candle-lighting ceremony of adopting the club's constitution will be held. Refreshments will be Berved and dancing will follow. All club members are urged to attend. London (JTA) — The Dutch wireless station at Jareuveld re« ported that a ship flying the Panama flag and carrying 75Q Jewish e m i g r a n t s had run aground near the Bulgarian port of Varna. The wireless said hopes prevailed it would be possible'to refloat the craft. The port of Varna has been since occupied by, German troops.
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Onabo'a Ntw«it Hat Shop «4 2t Soath UHTSt
Friday, March 7, 1941
Sigma Alpha Mu
ROSENBERG-ARNHTEIIV Mr. and Mrs. Hoy L. Rosen feld of Boston announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Margery Arnstein, to Fred S. Rosenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs.^, Samuel H. , Rosenberg of Omaha. The ceremoney' was performed on February 14 at the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ehrmann of Brookline by Dr. Joshua L. Liebman. Both the bride and her mother are former Oinahans. The bridal couple arrived February 21 to reside in Omaha. They have been honeymooning In New York City. Mrs. Rosenberg was graduated from Benson High School and from Simmons college in Boston. Mr. Rosenberg was graduated from Central High School and attended Iowa State college in Ames and Creighton University.' TJiey will be at home; after March 25 a t j h e Hanscom apartments. •'**.•.•
ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrj. J. Himelstein announce the engagement of their daughter, Lorraine, to David Reiss, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Reiss. • No definite wedding date has been chosen. TEMPLE SUPPER CLUB A meeting of the Supper d u b Will be held Monday, March 10, at Temple Israel. FROM ST. JOSEPH Mrs. H. Agron of St. Joseph, Mo., has been visiting Mrs, J. Tuchman for the past week. She plans to remain another week before returning home.
SURPRISE PAR'iir A surpirse birthday party was given on Saturday, March 1, for Miss PegJV Lou Spiegal and Stanley Kahn at Peggy's home. Hosts were Danny Goodman, Jerry Greenberg^ Eddie Cohen, BETH EL YOUTH GROUP This Sunday night the Youth and Joe Batty Mrs. Harry Lewis Group of the Beth El Synagogue and Mrs. Joe Spiegal were chap.Will meet for supper. After the erones. Ten guests" attended. Bupuer meeting the visual social program and dancing will follow. VISITING ON COAST Feature of the evening will be an Mrs. Sam Levin is visiting In ''Aek the Rabbi" Session. Boys Los Angeles with her son and and girls will fire questions at daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. the Rabbi and he will be requir- Hyman Levin. She also plans to , «d to answer. . go to San Francisco where she On Saturday night, March 15, will visit Mrs. Sara Mon end famthe youth group will hold its an- ily, who are former Omahans. nual Purim party. All boys and girls Of high school age or over BIRTHDAY PARTY are welcome, Miss Carolyn Kutler was hostess at a birthday party given for FROM DES MOINES her by her mother at school on .Miss Mary Margalow of De3 March 4. Refreshments were Moines visited Sunday at t h e served to fifty of her classmates. home of Mr, and Mrs. Ben Magiamln.
Junior Council
{ " '.' ! ' [
JOSLYN MEMORIAL A sone recital by Virginia Slahaugh,> soprano, and A u s t i n Wlrth, baritone, will be presented Sunday at 2:30 in the concert hall1 ,of the Joslyn Memorial. A'TOI bred sound film, ','The Mlddleton Family at .the New York World's Fair," will be shown in the lecture hall. At 3:30 Dr. D. T. Quigley will speak on "The Problem of Nutrition in National Defense." A piano and organ recital will be given at 4 o'clock by Edward Davis Berryman.
Temple Sisterhood The fourth of vthe series of lectures on Contemporary Jewish HiBtory sponsored by the Sisterhood of Temple Israel will be held oii Tuesday, March 11, at 12:30 at the home of Mrs. Morris Levy, 761 North Fairacres road. Rabbi David H. W i c e conducts the classes. • 'iAssisting Mrs.- Levy will be: Mesdames Leo -~ Ungar, Harold Farber, Sam Wertheimer, jr., Djivld H. Wice, Al Mayer, H a r r y Rich, Lloyd Bank, M. Bernstein, Julius Abramson, Sam Leon," Harold Brodkey and Milton Mayper.
A board meeting of the Omaha section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors was held Tuesday night at the Jewish Community Center. The regular monthly meeting is to be held March 9 and all girls are asked to attend to sow for the Red Cross. March 14 is "Council Sabbath" and services will be held at Temple Israel. Rita Mantel, president of Junior Council, will read part of the service. Plans are still being made for the benefit bridge to be held the latter part of April.
Theta Lambda A regular meeting of the Theta Lambda sorority was held Tuesday, February 25, at the home of Etta Solref/ ' • Bess Lefitz was appointed general chairman of the Ways and Means committee, ^ which shall have charge of the organization's proposed social event to take place in the near future.
* fi
Bas-a-mi .
ii *
K. Junior Hadassah J
.The Junior Hadassah . "GFive and Get"' party "will be "held Sat; urday night, March. \$, Themeet' Ing next Monday- evening, March JLO wil .be on a Purim-theme." Hebrew" classes' 'started last Jijhursday night;; : ?• :•
BeautifiiljEirieratd Gut Diamond. ' •'
Bikur Cholim
New York (JTA) — The Joint Distribution Committee and the National Refugee Service have opened a joint drive tor funds in New York called the United New York Appeal. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise is chairman of the cam-, paign.
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The.Blkur Cholto Society,.will meet Monday, March 10," at 2 p. m. at t the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. L. Neveleff,' the president, has important Tn-attera for discussion. <• • All members are urged to attend.
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A regular meeting of the Beth El auxiliary will be held on Tuesday, March 11, at 1 p. m. at the Synagogue building. The meeting was changed from Wednesday because of the Fast of Esther. Table decorations will be carried out in the Purim theme. Speaker of the afternoon will be Dr. Thomas It. Niven of the First Presbyterian church, who will speak on "The Building of a Devotional Life." Dr. Niven is one of the foremost Protestant ministers in the city. The following members will be hostesses: Mesdames M. A. Bercovici, Alfred Fiedler, Jack Melcher, Leo Milder, Howard Milder, H. P. Milder, Charles Iliseman, Phineas Wintroub, M. L. Stern, T. A. Tully and Sam Zlotky. The ladies sin charge of t h e luncheon will be: Mrs. Arthur Cohn, chairman, and Miss Blanche Zimman, co-chairman, and Mesdames 11. Brown, M, I. Gordon, J. J. Frelden, Harry Rochman and Sam Theodore,
Launch New York Appeal
The Achduth group of the Pioneer Women will hold its next regular meeting on T u e s d a y , March 11, at 2 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. The Constitution will be read and plans for the Purim social meeting on March 16 will be discussed. A novel form of program will be presented. AH members are urged to attend.
Exceptional Valuo . . . . (
Beth'El Auxiliary
LiL JL Jriy a, Jr>'
The Bas-a-mf club "will-hold its next meeting at the Jewish Community C ' e n i e t / o n Tuesday, March I I , at 7:30.p. m..•'-'-,'A complete report of the bake iale, which was' recently-- held, . •will be presented afthis" meeting. *
L i n c o l n (Special—Preparations have been made by the Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu for its traditional biennial formal party to be held March 8 at •the Cornhusker hotel here in Lincoln. The party, which is the first spring formal of the University of Nebraska spring social calendar, is under the co-chairmanship of Floyd Cohen, Lincoln, and Erving Friedman, Sioux City, la. The bids for the party have been made and sent to all friends and alumni of Sigma Alpha Mu. The chapter having chosen Rollo Sissle, a novelty orchestra, for the formal promises one of the biggest and the most successful parties ever to be presented by Sigma Omicron "chapter. The chapter wishes to acknowledge and thank its Omaha Mother's club for their kindness in donating over a hundred towels to the chapter. Honors Received Honors were received at t he house this past week through its activities in the local Hillel extension unit program, which is under the advisorship of Rabbi H. Jolt, a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. At the recent local Hillel oratorical contest, Sigma Alpha Mu won first and second placings. Arthur Rivin of Scotland, S. D., won first place and a trip to Des Moines, where he will participate at the regional contest. Second place went to Morton Margolin of Omaha. Further activities in Hillel were brought about by David Fellman, who is a founder and alumnus of Sigma Omlcron chapter, by a speech given last Sunday at the Student Union building on the Nebraska campus. Mr. Fellmah, who is an associate professor at the university, spoke on "Democracy." Other honors to the house this week were by Bob Bramson, Omaha, who played on the opening lineup of the freshman basketball squad of the University of Nebraska team last Saturday evening. Intermural honors was the participation of Bud Margulics, Sioux^ Falls, S. D., and Art Rlviiv In the intermural debates being held at the present time on the Nebraska campus.
Page 7
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lias fceea so riled by the nation's action, that ia th event of her being victorious Bulgaria will be give to a British ally. Thus the appeg.eeiB.erj.t o£ Ger masy goes on. Into the Nazi maw goes anothe small cation.
Gems of the Bible asad Talmud , By Dr. FLtMp SL®r
Pacifists on Capitol Hill
EIBLI3 He tit&t gusrdetn Ms mouth keepeth Ids life, but for him that opeaeth wid.e his lips there sfeal be ruin. A p r u d e a t iaan concealed knowledge, bat the heart of fool' proclaiBieth foolishness. The soul ef the sluggard desireth and hath nothing but the seal of the diligent fchali fee atroueaatly -gratified. He that is eoon angry dealeth foolishly and a man of wicked de vices Is hated.
thimg fctxttit ttie people who been despoiled! tr«d dumped upon the worM,. h&aaxi,e America - ten1! MEider NstsJ fioauit&tiott. The State. Bep-icrtmeiii ii&s consistently mfrde tfce i^int tkat the entire responnibMiy of the forced migration was Germany's.
So we would like to suggest aa Unlike the Michigan representative who ha amplification of this policy. Perseen fit to take the so-called "Mothers" under hi haps it cannot be put into effect now, but at soaie future time - • DAVID B.LACIClfl—BiisiBess a'td tlaEaglsg Editor witg, Senator Carter Glass aad Representative Die » • Editor are -demanding investigations of this vociferom LEONARD HATHAN • •» y still Isss large hold* RABBI THEODOHB N. LEWIS • Book Biltcr group of women ROW picketing the Capital. g ia tiie'United St&tes, and by FRANCES BLACKER. .•» • Evidently the ."Unreconstructed" Rebel. from Eiltos Gertra&uy we iiieaa German firms and individuals - - i n c l u d i n g MORItiS AJEMffiEHG—Sous City Virginia is a little nauseated by the spest&cle of C J j *& al i Ga ell i g tt@e Oil this'iiaudful ot -women.•&tlewB'titig to si popular piece of legislation by unscrupulously apder the Haiti system &11 belongs PuTim to the state. So when Germany,"' pealliug to the unfailing American sentimentalisra with its aiitlliiiinen policy ot It was the same Elizabeth Dilling, leader of The holy days of Judaism for the most part ds««ii| i >lBg human beings on other • are days of solemn reineinfeeraiiee. But in the the 'Mothers,' who objected some years ago to the TALMUD nations, dusnps t h e in into the • observance of Purim, the Jews have always shown entrance of Albert Einstein into this country on Ulla said, "Trouble affects the United States, the United States their lighter side, and have marked this day of the grounds he was a "pacifist." It was the same memory even for the words of the is In 8 position to retaliate. deliverance from an ancient enemy with all the Elizabeth Dilling who has listed Senators Wheeler Torah and makes one forget wha The expenses t h e American studies." Gov eminent is forced to incur to and Nye, the leading opponents of the bill, in her he Rabbi rejoicing a deeply-religious people can show. Elazar said, "He wbo take care of these despoiled peoThis year, however, with so muck of Jewry in "Red Network" for their pacifism. Einstein saw changes his word is considered ple should be withdrawn from a resemblance between this woman and the honk- as if he were to worship idols." Germany's holdings in this coutt-. new bondage, there are who will be able to ing geese of Rome. Rabbi Nachman eaid, "The ar- try. If this were done, perhaps indulge in the usual pleasures and pleasantries of of King Jeroboam had Germany would not be too anx- There are many persons who are convinced rogance the holiday. Where last Purim, at least, the Jews driven him from the world." ious to proceed with its damnable Rabbi Jochanan said, "W o e policy of extermination. tof western Europe still retained their freedom, to- that II. It. 1776 is a step toward war, and they day they ba,ve fallen victim to a despot more la- cannot stomach the strong foreign policy of tbis will be to that nation which will to prevent the redemption of You can l>et th»t France, which tent on the destruction of all Jews, wherever government. They are motivated for the most try Israel, when the Holy One will was never a stupid nation when part by humane sentiments, and if we feel them found, than was even Hainan. do it to his Children." cash was concerned, is now count* short-sighted, it is still no reason to condemn Our Rabbis were taught, "Al- ing up the cost of caring for the " Instead of rejoicing over an ancient deliverthem. In thlg category are men like Norman ways let the left hand repel those refugees who hai'o been unloaded ance, we now are anxiously looking forward to Thomas and Senator Nye, whose views on arma- deserving and the r i g h t hand within her frontiers. And you can Buch a time when a new deliverance will be at ments and war have been known for years and shall invite, not as Elisha has bet that if Germany loses this hand, and the Jews of Europe will emerge from done with his servant, Gechazi, the French will collect for who, at least, are consistent In their opposition to whom he rejected with b o t h war, this • - among other things. the terrible darkness that now enshrouds them. the present bill. hands." But there is one Jewry that can rejoice and Rabbi Eleazor said, "A peoBut we do not include these "mothers," whose Those Jews who will survive • probably will, for Purim comes close on the heels only consistency has been their Fascism and their ple who are occupied with the the exodus of 1940-41, and who of their deliverance. Those are the Jews of utilization of anti-Semitism to gain their ends. study of the Torah will not be de- in time will rebuild their homes ivered over to their oppressor/' and families in another land, can " Cyrenaica, an ancient community that has lived consider themselves lucky, accord- ' for many years under the heavy hand of one of The most articulate opposition to the. bill has ing to some of the stories that the modern Hanaans, and now liberated from op- come from Fascist sources. Merwln K. Hart, who are told in Washington. was singled out for attack by Secretary Ickesi has pression is attempting to adjust to the life of long been active in Fascist agitation and Is tha free men, One tale has it that s o m e ' source of much of the anti-democratic literature months ago,, wlien tlie policy of Perhaps the liberation, of the Cyrenaican Jews now being peddled. wholesale extermination of a l l from their bondage marks the turning point in Jews from Germany and Austria It is no accident that these "mothers" now By PAT FRANIC this recent wave of anti-Semitism that has swept raising such a commotion, in Washington, have was first brought up in Hitler's chancellery, von Kibbentrop and the world. This is the first community in recent singled out Jews in the government for their atJ. T. A. Washington Himmler had a brilliant idea. times to emerge from an anti-Semitic to a demo- tacks. Not Knudsen or Senator George or the Press Bureau cratic rule. "Instead of shipping t h e m , non-Jewish defense leaders, but Hillman and Sol somewhere else," they, in effect, WASHINGTON. These last few years have all seemed so hope- Bloom are attacked in their posters. It Is no coless. The march of the anti-Semites appeared to incident that they have concentrated their ire on The news from Vichy" is that suggested to Hitler, "why not just he French are building new con- kill them all? For wherever they be so relentless, their progress so steady, their anyone who has proven, himself an outspoken :entratlon camps to care for the ;o, they will become enemies of propaganda so clever. Now we see that it is a enemy of Nazi doctrines. Letters seeking money •stlmated GO.000 German Jewish he Reich." . drive that can-be-stayed, and for some already it to £end these women to Washington emanated efugees'whd have been shunted Gocring and Gocbbels opposed • pon the shoulders of unoccupied has been proved only" a temporary darkness. . from Fascist sources. : this humanitarian suggestion; on , 'ranee by Hitler. It is unfortu. To rejoice this day over the deliverance "of the And there is nothing'so "shoddy'as the preying ate that these new camps will ho ground that it-would-have too" Jews of ancient Persia is rather a mockery. But on human sentiment, and tbis is what these women not be finished before Spring, be- adverse an effect upon the world A Purlin may serve to remind us that -there have ause during the remainder of opinion. There was quite a battle . he old months a great m a n y over it, hut eventually Hitler <lc»* been other periods of great unhappiness for the more Jews are destined to die in cided that the plan to murder ev- \ Jews and eventually their rescue was effected. ery Jew in Germany and Austria.' ranee. Heroic Holland might be. going.a bit far; ; ,4> Four centuries ago, the people of the NetherShotgun Marriage Washington believes thii't beSo the . present p o l i c y was' lands and the • Jews became the victims of the Spring Germany will have They will just be allowed * With a double-barrelled shotgun aimed direct- crudest institution conceived by the mind of man fore iquidatcd its entire Jewish popu- adopted. ly at its heart, Bulgaria,'rather than risk a Ger- —th'e Spanish Inquisition. The Jews" were its vic- ation. Dispatches from tho areas o starve, freeze and die from bereft of every posses- '. man attack, has become a junior member of the tims in Spain; the Dutch, then ruled by the Span- bordering Poland tell of m o r e pestilence, ston, in,alien lands. A great many,' housands of Jews being poured Axis. Considering what Italy, a senior member, ish, were Its victims in. their own provinces. Both very likely, wish that Hinimler'. the Lublin area from Vienna. and von Ribberitrop had had their : is getting, It is apparent that Bulgaria has -few peoples proved stubborn and as a final resort, the nto It lias " become apparent that . ••'.'.' * iilusions'*about its" new status. There Is an un- last remnants of Spanish Jews were burned or itler has used his hatred of th* w a y . . - • „ . ' forgtveable cynicism in the action of the Bulgarian exiled, and the entire population of Holland was Jewish people to unload upon tho ministers, who seemed to go on tlfe theory 'if you sentenced to death. Just a"s the fact a man, wom- whole world the Jews of Germany a n d Austria. That he stripped cau't fight 'em, join 'em.1 an or. child was a Jew was enough to send them hem of all their possessions bei Axis pressure has been on Bulgaria for some- to the rack or penitential fires, so the fact^a man" ore sending" t h e m wandering time now, but apparently the'nation was able-to was a Netherlander was enough to bring him to upon the face of the earth waa nly the natural tiling for Hitler resist the blandishments, realizing only too well the tribunal of death. :o do. the import of such an alliance. First indications Pittsfield, MaBS. (JTA) —Era-; Yet both Jews and Hollanders emerged from t Pick, a Gentile farmer and' He has transformed the Lublin that Germany was working on Bulgaria was a de- that glpomy period — the Jews eventually to mand that-the kingdom promulgate a series of laws achieve their emancipation; the Dutch to become area into a gigantic Black Hole member of the "second family of • Calcutta, but details of this, of Shakers at New • Lebanon,- N. .Y.,. that would reduce the Bulgarian Jews to poverty. an empire far richer, far more powerful, far more of iourse, have not reached the clv- left |8,O0O to the Jewish Nationi In a land which has known virtually no anti- just and influential than Spain, then settling back lized world. What goes on in al'Fund, it was revealed here.- . •, On December 1,. two days after/ Semitism this*was something of a shock for the .into decadence. ..Where. Jews and Dutch lived to- oland is a bloody book that will ick died,-the J. N. F. headauarpeople as well as the Jews. Laws were drafted, gether {hey came to respect each others' virtues. never be unfolded until Hitler is ers in New York received a note no more. ;" but no effort was made to put them into effect. Their persecutor, Spain, has suffered misrule, a rom Pick • written before his, Steps were'takento sflften t£e blow if it should succession of civil wars, and has finally became a But some details have filtered death advising- that It was en-[ eventually fall on'the Jews. ut of what happened in unoccu- titled to an $8,000 account ho weak, second rate power. 1 pied France, when Hitler s e n t had set up for it at" the AgricuK. Already the population is proving restless unToday the Dutch and Jewg.are again resolutely sealed trains o u t of Germany, tural National Bank here. der the threat of Nazi control. A mystic:bond has facing a common enemy. Again the people of loaded Pick had heard much about tho with freezing, .starving refalways existed between the population and Rus-Holland are'showing a determination to throw off ugees. France staggering under reclamation work being accompsia. Even the excesses of the Revolution could the yoke of a conqueror and resume the life of the burden of her own troubles, lished in Palestine and visited not dispel that bond and Russian Influence has free people. . As., in. the. days of the bloody Duke was! called upon to bear the brunt here five years ago. He was bora' n Austria in 1859 and came to" always remained strong. Despite tho Russian- of Alba, terror • has descended upon a country of this forced mass migration. It con bo assumed that France ;hia country when-he was 23. ForT Germaa trade'treaty, the people consider the Axis which has sought to keep itself far removed from did what it could, under the cir- several years he was a farmertnIa treaty a betrayal of their pro-Rusaian sentiments, cumstances. T h o majority of his. section until he joined © the conflict of power politics. and'it's beginning to look as if Russia does too. Frenchmen ore, and always will jhakers in New Lebanon. Ho tayed there 40 years, until 1930 Bulgaria suffered' heaviljr i n tne~last war. . No people more scrupulously obeyed the dic-remain, civilized people. when he went to Europe to visit tates of neutrality In the early days of the war. Against the desires of its populace,' Mts Saxeelatives in Czechoslovakia. Sincd France couldn't even a r g u e Yet without warning, their, land was over-run and Coburg-Gotha monarch,' the former King Ferdiagainst the mass dumping of the his return lie had made his home ; nand, lined up-tho country'alongside Germany, a people, who have given the concept of religious ef ugees. They were poured across In. this'city. • ' : - . . . ..-..• Except for the Interference of an English official, liberty to the world, • was enslaved. From frag- her borders, and t h e Germans n who had always been a student of Bulgarian lan- mentary reports, we realize a heroic resistance is wouldn't take t h e m back, or Canada' Geto HilEel Group; :v • would the Nazis provide for feedguage and history, tho country would have com- taking place In'the Netherlands. ing and housing them. Of course, Washington (JTA) "— Opening Holland will be free again because the Dutch pletely disappeared from tho map. Asit was, large mn don't expect bandits to re.the first B'nai B'rith Hillel sections were lopped off and handed to its neigh- do not become slaves easily. Holland will be free urn even part of what they have oundation in .Canada, at Queena firm religious convic- taken at gunpoint, and the com-anlyerBitjr,;. Kingston, Ont., tsrasi bors. _ . J• • . ' . " " • • • ' $\:\ ' '•-•• because the Dutch in their tions have been able to.;,appreciate the "value of mon, garden-variety type of Amer- announced;by B'nai; B'rith here* Tee ministers wbo signed the treaty of alliance, decency and humanity. In the period of progress ican bandit would not stay in the In addition five new. Hillel counalso signed the death warrant of an independent that will inevitably follow tbis age1 of destruction, same cell with one of HImmler's lelorships" were established, thred n New England, one at the Unination. German Intentions have always been to they will playa leading role just, as they have in estapo. versity of Arizona and one at MiIncorporate Bulgaria as a province, and Britain the past three centuries. America, however, can do some- ami university in Ohio.
rro J.N.F.
Friday, ftUrck 7, 1941
Pa«e 5
The night of the "Haniantas-
- (Cantlittied from Page 1.) Day ol P«ri«»" afid "I Need a Quee*.' Attesdaeee awards will bfr dictrfbflted by Bea KailowsJfcy, president of the City Talmud:
Edward ChernUft of Coun- ^en Hop," Ptiriai dance to be bw tuitttfii Vamr. nmimiitiil m» tfce Sewlsh tbe young people and to their digiven on Sunday, March 23 «t cil Bluffs Wins Cetnmunliy Coetrr mtter tbe »s»iilees of j rection. the Jewish Comeiimity Center by the Center Flayen Cleild. i»m.U.a ur.o I Aboard a ship, outward bound, Contest f fcy Mis. Greis Mmetlt. lite $s*t: the itOB&d Table of Jewish "OUTWARD • O t f l W a tbree-aet p r
tterabby ..........,...,..bimit*-j fci.ii-.sii j is a collection of motley human Asa ..Asa "ism* beings, none of wnom know Heasr i where they are headed. Gradually Ht. f Sits, the realisation comes to them fe W fiuke Ksuaurf t'u&t they t i e all dead and that M«s, MwS&it MisSte Mr. fia»«Sr; »..............j« ttiey are being carried to judg-
Thi* will be f&Iiowed L>y & brief adtfrew by (be R&LLi. After tkia all .children in costume will Miv. tris/ok i i i . i . w » tsftrsfi inartto for the c&Gosiag of tLe For tkeir sec&ad gl&y h-t tke wljniag eostasses. Judges for the costume co&test will be:- Bea current season, the Ceater PlayK&zlowsky., Mr*. Max Fromkin, :rs, Wednesday.. ea«i Thureday Dr. A. Rimmeriaan, Mrs. 1.1. Buv- presented a laature &ium&, tke Btein, and Mrs. Joe Zweffssek. :elelbrattd work &f same years The program will be inter- ago, "OEtward liotiad" by Suttea spersed with esBUBBBity singing, Vaae. The deft liauflliiig of the whiefc wfB be led by tbe facuity play's delicate symbolism was a of ,tl« City Talmud Torah, Mr. J. geaniae tribote to tke work of Wol&oa and Mr. A- RapE-OTt, accoinp&Bied by Sffss Marian V/eiubeTS. Tne closing featrire of tlie evening will be the distribution of Skoiocb Monotn by the Rabbi to every efcild present. Tlie City Talmud paper, "The Kadimah" •will be issued that evening. Boy Scouts of Torop €2 will act as Pa* the second time in its history, the Beth El synagogue will usaer*. ' conduct a Itss EJHzvaH service ..'••-• Testae Iss&el when next Friday evening CharSunday afternoon the Ileligioas School or Temple Israel will hold otte Bommcr, daughter cf Mr. ita annual Farim party. There and Mrs. Harry Somiaer, will lead will'be no school Sunday. The he services. Girls in the Hebrew school of children wilt gather at 2:30 in the auditorium la costume to the synagogue receive the game participate in the service, and the nmtruction as tbe boy3 and are carnival. A program and refresh- required to fulfill all the Bar ments, appropriate to the festival, Mitzvah requirementB. Charlotte ia the first girl to meet these conwill follow. ditions since the synagogue has Each class la the school has moved into its new quarters. The Undertaken one phase of the en- first girl to become a Bas ilitxvab. tertainment. The auditorium has was Ruth Kulalcofsky, daughter .been decorated for Parim. A spe- of Mr. and lira. J. Harry Kulacial edition of the school paper, kofsfcy. "The Slmshan Sehniooser" will The Bas Mitxvah ceremony was he distributed. introduced into American. Jewish Beth 13 life by Dr. Uordecai Kaplan of The Megillah 'will be read at the Jewish Theological seminary. the Beth El Synagogue at 7 Rabbi Kaplan conducted the first o'clock. Members of the Choir of Bas Mitzvah in his synagogue, thi Junior Congregation will lead the Society for the Advancement the Ma'ariv serviee. The Megillah of Judaism, in New York. Since •will be chanted In the tradlon- then the Bas Mitsvah has become al manner by S. Kaha. Everybody an accepted practice in Conservais welcome to attend the service. tive synagogues. The Sunday school children will hold a Purim party Wednesday afternoon at 3:15. Parim games and stunts will feature the program. The following mothers will be hostesses: Mcsdainea Dave Jerusalem (JTA>—The JeruConn, William Alberts, J. M. salem Jewish community's board Malaohoek, Leonard Segal, Sam has instructed cnevroth kadiaha Steinberg. Sam Stern, Phil Hin- (burial societies) not to attend gle, and Morris Arkin. jorpses showing signs On Thursday afternoon at 4, undergone post-mortem ofo having athe boys and girls of the Hebrew tions before informing t hpee rreSchool will hold a Purim party liglous authorities. which will feature the traditional Rabbi Aslanski of the religious Purim games and refreshments. board said the measure was directed a g a 1 n s t the HadassahRothschild-H e l i r e w University Medical Center, which allegedly used Jewish corpses for scientific pnrposes. London (WNS-Palcor Agency) The mother of Moses Aaron •—Jan Masaryk, foreign sinister Dropsie, the great advocate of of the CzechoslovaHan government-in-Exile and con of the Jewish education ond founder of founder and first president of tee Dropsie college,was a Christian. little republic, promised active participation in the current Keren Hayesod campaign to Leib Jaffe, \vlio came Iierc from Palestine to For Winter Driving lielp direct it. Get a Set of - Masaryk has long felt that "the Jewish cause and the Czech cause are the same," as he phrased it last spring, when he ndded: "Wo are both fighting for the cake of future generations." Yesterday he renewed his avowal, adding that he would do whatever was 3 QUICKER in his power to farther the cause of the Jewish National Home, •whose survival vrsa now inextricTJfEREQ ably bound ap with those carac forces that vroald insure the survival of hi3 country. IMPOO tSiat will prove u
Jerusalem Rahhis Ban PosbMmtem
Masaryk Promises Keren Hayesod AM
a o r e economical ia run.
o The Freo Employment BHreau may bo cf kelp to you. If you are l&oMos for ^rork, come to tb.9 Ccater, and fill out an apgHsation blasts. We have naay requests for employees. Mrs. A. B. Newman "Will be happy to -meet you each Monday morning from 1012 o'clock.
B2rst Sfe
Youth, promises to be a event of Edward Cheroiss, representing mogaiti&u, for not only will Council Bluffe A. %. A. Mo. 7, Queen Esther III be crowned, last Moodnjr won the fifth BOBBJII but & d&Bce eoEtest is to be conoratorical contest sponsored Joiat- ducted by wfcich the best couple ly by the Itoand Table of J i will he chosea through a process ment. Despite the solemn theme Youth *bd tbe Ootfat cf eltBituatioE. there is natiticg morbid about B'n*l B'ritii. Uftde? the chairmanship of "Otitw&rd Boaad". Discussing the timely topic, Charlotte NOgg and, W a i a e r It is the type of play in which The Need for Unity ia American Frohtaan, committees for the mtevery member of the cast por- Jewish Life," young Cherniss t&ir include: Tickets, chairauu, trays a glgnifteaat role. pointed out the importance of Etta Gore-tick, Vicki Lerner, 1DD> To Edythe Shaman was given united action in combating tke' t&ii Gas, and Stanley Feltriuw; tiie task of the difficult part of publicity a&d decomtions, cfaairMrs. Midget, the cockney serob- orcea of totalitariauisia. liiaii, llavjy Ooodbinler, Elaine Honorable nientioa was given wotn&n, bewildered at finding Lagman, &sd Hera Borfly; enterherself in such elegsnt company. o Justin Priesman, of A. 55. A. taiuiaeut, ckskirm&B, Reeda MagScrubby, the bar-tender, was apt- tfo. 1, Vfho stressed anU-Seiaittaa xarain, and Harold Habler. ly portrayed »y & newcomer to s the outstanding proltleia facing Contributing acts to the floor Center plays, Murray Feldman. Jews today. "Unity among us show will be Ilita Jean Willie, would re3iilt in more effective Ann Zager and Jack Epstein were against anti-Semitism," he Beverly Nielsen, IIar?ey Bursteia, tlse young couple wao had com- action tated. "Instead of four organi- and Florence Tatleinan. mitted suicide and feared separa- zations working Candidates for the crown of on this tion. Mr. Prior was played by Syl- andemocratic c separately Esther III will be Ceci Cohn of o n d i t i o n , we van Block. Martha Himelstels, a should have one, united agency, U. T.; Mickey Goldberg of B*n©8 favorite with Center audiences, representing a l l of American Israel; Diana Lagman pf Bu-Atook the part of Mrs. Cliveden- Jewry." Ml; Pauline Landman of Siofti Banks. Other orators stressed the need Club; Ileeda Magramln of Tan The role of the clergyman, or social unity and organization. Delta Sigma; Ruth MUler <jf Rev. Duke, was taken by Samuel Federations and community coun- Theta Lambda; Ruth Rosenstein Kaplan. Joe Saks was Air. Ling- cils, as well as youth groups and of Junior Iladassab; and Elaine ley, a pompous business man, and Jewish Coinaiunily Centers, were Tuchman of Gamma Tau Sigma. Harold Habler was the Rev. ited as examples of gtepg toward Tickets aro twenty-five cents Frank Thompson. and may be purchased from any greater unity. Mrs. Greta Baeck directed the Judges, who based their decl- member of the Round Table or at Blon on 60 per cent content and the Center. production. 4 per cent delivery, were: Miss Barred from Plebiscite Ruth Diamond, Rabbi Isaiah Itackoysky and Mr. Irving WleselBudapest (JTA) — Jews a r e man. Miss Molly Kelberg of the Round Table presided aa chair- barred from voting in the plebiscite on the policy of tbe Antonman. escu government which will Ibe Candle-lighting time: 5:40 The name of tbe winner will be held Rumania beginning March Regular late services of the U. nscribed on the silver loving cap 12. inAll other persons over 21 O. C. will take place tonight at which was represented five years years of age are required to vote. Congregation Bnfa, Israel at 8 p. ago to the Bound Table by the m. The Rabbi will speak on "The B'nal B'ritli. The winner "will Story of Purim Tn Our Genera- compete in a regional oratorical the Round Table of Jewish Tooth, ontest this spring at the youth and, with his executive committion." Sabbath morning the Rabbi conclave now being planned by tee, is planning several other ontBtanding youth events for t h e will speak at Congregation Beth lie Hound Table. spring. Leo Meyerson is president of Hamedrosh llagodol. Junior Congregation The Junior Congregation will conduct its services at the Bnai Israel Synagogue, Sa.bbath morning at 10:00. Mrs. Meilach Katsman will be hostess to the children after services. FOH THIS NEW DIG Regular Sunday morning services of the U. O. C. Brotherhood will take place this Sunday, at 0 a. m. The Adult Hebrew Study group WITH T I I E " F A U O C I S will meet at the Rabbi's study on Monday, at 8 p. m. Annual Meeting The Annual meeting of the U. O. C. will take p»ace on March 20, at the vestries of Congregation Bnal Israel. The meeting will be preceded by a dinner. A R full report of the activities of the U. O. C, its members and affiliV ated organizations since the inception will be presented and discussed. Farther details will be, announced in the near future.
O Entirely new cabiocl dos'tga cj this lot? price; O Easiest of all refrigerators to via bccsnss cf this patented Shslv^dEor thss plsces tm$e &3 tacch food ac your &>sertip31 O 13'4 sa. ft. of shelf space—3 ice trays—6 lbs; of ice—42 big see cubes; O Powered by die efficient Slecfeosavcr unit scar' antccd fas 5 fezti against service cast; • O All-steel construction—bssatlfal strcznlicsJ esieciasfinishedia ^U&ain^ r/hita 0a!ux.- Hb-cglass insulatioa: x , O Never before a refrigerator like this st aaywhstc asae tks pries t • <; O Ccasa ia ocd eee is today—.while thsy las*!
For nearly a decade China ! ia China, nine i Russian, three j came so great that assistance had has b e e n valiantly resisting in English and o e Geriaasi-Eng- to be provided from abroad by B'nai B'rith and the Council lor Japanese aggression. The Jew- lish. Germany Jewry. T h e S&ssos&s ish community of t b « t beand Kadoories contributed lib' leaguered o s l i u j . has at all For some yea; h the aliy, too. times fully cooperated with the and Russian Jew went their Chinese l»OTeraincitt whirls, in arate ways, but in 1928 a rapBut as every ship brought its turn, lias shown m sytuit&lhetic procliement was ffected through new quota of penniless refugees attitude to the queniinu ©f Eur- t h e estafelisiiu* Hit of a B'nai the problem became critical. Iu opean Jewish refugees, In the B'ritii lodge wlii< together with August, 1939, the Japaaese au following a r t i c l e , reprinted Israel's Messenge f, a weekly jour- tiiorities banned further refugees through the courtesy of t h e ual in English f unded in 19$4 in the Hongkow area, of the In Universal Jewish' Encyclopedia, by Nissiu E. B. E||^ra, became the teruatioiial Settlement, w h e r e Bernard Postal describes Jew- spokesman of Use Jewish comniu- empty -warehouses had been conish ooniiiiUiiftl life Ju modern- nity. verted into refugee camps. Shortday Cliina.—-THE EDITOR. ly thereafter the Shangiiai Muniwas only in et 1939 the cipal Council announced that no up that a provitwoIt tormausiilies The modern Jewish settlement sional, joint execu ive, looking to further refugees would be allowed In China dates from the 1840's, the formation of a united coin- to land in Shangiiai because the whea the opening of the Treaty munity. In 1940 the community city could absorb no more. At that time a census taken by Ports brought a number of Brit- had three rabbis: Mendel Brown, ish Jews to Shanghai from Hong- who came f r o m England, and t h e Jewish Refugee Committee kong and India. A decade later served ES presidei|t of the B'nai showed 15,000 refugees in the E l l a s David Sassoon opened a B'ritb. lodge and rabbi of Ohel city. Of these 1,500 had obtained Shanghai branch of the Sassoon Rachel Synagogue Rabbi M. H. employment; 7,000 were self-sup firm in India. Abraham of Beth Aharon Syna- porting with, the aid of f u n d s gogue and Rabbi . Z. Ashkenazi from abroad; and C.SOO m o r e He was followed by the Kawere Jiving In camps dependent doories of Uaghdad. These two of Ohel Moshe Synagogue. Until on charity. Several hundred alJewish families brought a large the advent of the ||NazI regime in ready on the high seas were later Germany in 1933 the Jews of number of Jewish clerks to Shangadmitted. hai for whom the Kadoories and China proper liveltt an uneventThe outbreak of tlie European Sassoons built the city's first syn- ful life. They were largely cut off from War in September, 1939, curtailed agogue. Thus began the Jewish community of Shanghai. Until the main stream of Jewish affairs. refugee immigration to a b a r e 1905 Shanghai Jewry was over- but they were hapf y and content trickle and gave the Jewish community an opportunity to orientwhelmingly Sephardic. But after with their lot. When the first fl od of German ate itself. Schools were set up the Russe-Japanese War a number of Russian Jews settled there. Jewish refugees I 2gan to pour for the refugees; a hospital was Until the first World War, how- over the world, o ly a handful opened for them; soup kitchens, ever, there was no Jewish com- ventured upon the long journey made-work provided by the Sasmunity In China worthy of the to China. Tills vat ;uard consist- soons and Kadoories and retrainname, although there were two ed largely of doct rs, scientists, ing centers were established, Aided diinese Sephardic synagogues in Shang- and other profess! nal men who Part of the hostility of the Japhai, Ohel Rachel and Beth Ahar- had no difficulty n establishing on, and a Jewish school which themselves. Many found places in anese to the refugees grew out of provided both secular and relig- Chinese hospitals, pissionary in- resentment at the help given the ious education. The real growth stitutions a n d lat oratories. By Chinese by the uevvcomera in the of t h e n e w community com- 1937 there were a ready s o m e Sino-japanese war. As early as menced with the Russian Revo- 2,000 refugees loe ted in China, 1933, Bernhard W e i s s , former The first great de of Jewish deputy police chief of Berlin, had lution of 1917 when thousands of middle-class Russian Jews Bought j refugees reached ( hina in t h e been helping reorganize the Chisafety in nearby Manchuria (Man-, summer of 1938—• fter the Nazi nese police. Many former Jewish chukuo). They settled in Harbin acquisition of Aust ia — when it officers In the German army came and Mukden. Overnight, commu- was discovered that the free port to China to servo in Chiang Kainal a n d religious institutions of Shanghai was op :n to emigres shek's army. The founder of the greater num- famous Chinese women's battalsprang up. Zionism" g a i n e d a without visas. strong foothold. The Jewish com- hers began arriving after the dia- ion was Miriam Karnes, a Jewess, munity seemed well - established memberment of Cze hoslovakia in who was killed in the bombarddespite White Guard Russian ter- the same year. The sudden influx ment of Nanking. General Molshe found the Shangha Jewish com- Cohen had been a factor in orrorism. Then came t h e Japanese in- munity still suffer, ing from the ganizing supplies a n d obtaining rasion of 1931, t h e seizure of disastrous effects of the Japanese equipment for the Chinese forces. Important industries operating Wauchukuo and the Sino-Japau- bombardment of 1937. Yet the ese War. T h e s e developments community was spending $30,000 in Western China, Chiang JKalshek's stronghold, w e r e estabseriously affected the Jews. Syn- a year on relief. Temporary Camps lished with the aid of refugee agogues closed; economic sufferThe first arrivals! were set up technicians a n d scientists. Being increased and a new migration set in, to the South, to Tient- in temporary camps and later es- cause of this help the Chinese sin, Hankow and Shanghai. In tablished In small businesses. Tho army became independent of imChina proper the Russian Jews, Chinese, Japanese, English a n d ports for infantry weapons. Refuand later arrivals from Poland French authorities were all very gee chemists enabled the Chinese and Rumania, began life anew friendly and cooperative. At first to make their own munitions, and with all prospects for a peaceful the local community thought it Jewish refugee doctors tended the future. In Tientsin they estab- could handle the problem alone, wounded. One of these, Dr. At-'j lished the flourishing fur indus- but the wave of refugees soon be- tllie Prankel, was widely beloved try. In Shanghai they became important commercial factors. They created a Zionist organization, established new synagogues and a Jewish Club, and founded a number of Jewish periodicals in Russian and Yiddish. As'late as 193G, there were' thirteen Jewish papers
Friday, March 7, 1941 by the Chinese as "Wong, the Doctor," because of her g r e a t service to the Chinese army. Apart tr&m tt« Kadoories Sassosas, Jews &ave been important figures ia Cfainese public lifeBeth El S i r Matthew. Nathan served Touigbt a.t services Rabbi Dav* governor of Hoagkoug. S i l a s id A. €oldsteia "will speak pa Hardoon, who gstire away millions "The War that Never Ends." for education aad charily, served Services Saturday morning beon the Shanghai Municipal Coun- gin at 8:30. The Junior Congrecil and was decorated by France gatM«fl sewieea will be fceld at 11. and England. A Jewess by the Daily SJisy&a services are conn a m e <j£ ftaseathal is or,«s ct ducted every i&&reiag-&t 7:15. CMna's lezdimg novelists. T h e Next W«eK noted Shanghai Volunteer Corps, Next week Charlotte, daughter organized in 1933 to police the of Mr. std Mr& fj&rry Sommer, European quarters, included a viil LecGine B&s Mitsv&h. . She Jewish company, w h i c h served will lead both the Friday evening heroically during t h e Jajpartese isi;d Saturday morning service. bombardment of 1S37, After services next Friday, Mr, Anti-Sesnitism was unknown in and Mrs. Sommer will receive in China prior to 1933, although honor of their daughter in the Wliite Russians terrorised t h e £ocial h&ll of the synagogue. Jews of l.iaiitliui'ia for m a n y li&bbi Goldstein's sermon Friyears. Iu 1935 Shanghai w a s day evening wiil be, "The Wave stirred by reports of a ritual mur- and the Rock." der in a Jewish cemetery. The municipal c o u n c i l investigated Temple and branded the story as false. This evening at services Rabbi In 1938 and 1939 Jewish leaders ia Tientsin were arrested by the David H. Wice Will speak on Japanese, who seemed to believe "The Role of the Husband ia that Jews and Communists were Jewish Law." Following the service the regusynonymous. After the Japanese took over Shanghai the city was lar Town Hall forum will be held frequently flooded with N a z i oil the subject, '"Men and Youth propaganda, but it made no head- in the Synagogue." Louis Llpp and Richard K. Einstein will be way. co-chairmen. Helvla Barkon And Maiming 12. Handler are to (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts lire. be members of the panel. feature Syndicate) The forcm trill he followed by, a tea with Mrs. Oam Josephson Nazis Halt Refugees as hostess. Assisting her will be Fred Eoseiastoek, Bert Leaving Rumania Mesdames Ilene, Henry Newman, Jack CoLondon (JTA)—Two hundred hen, and Harry Ilubenetein, Polish refugees who left Bucharest under the auspices of the The'Jews of Cyprus participate Egyptian minister with their pa- ed in the revolt against the Ro* pers in perfect order were stopped man emperor Trajan in 155. at the Rumanian port of Constanza by the Gestapo, Polish government quarters reported here. The Gestapo declared that the Rumanian exist visas held by the refugees were not binding upon German authorities. This action and other developments caused panic among Poles and Jews forced to remain in Rumania under the Nail yoke. Brown college In Providence R. I., in 1770 opened ita doors to Jews without any restrain because of the generosity the Jewish community of Charleston bad shown to it.
GOLDSTON-CfiAPMAN? FtMacban Frockg ffxcfarir* with Urn
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Nebraska tut built a reputation for fLio qualify product** No« the tfeta markoh more than 430 million'dollars worth of finished goods annually . . . that BIMM prosperity for Nebrastal Yea can Selp jbaiM not only tho tf«fo'c, but also your cvn prosperity by "buyIng M a t r e s W Aii for NcbrcsU end processed hods. Buy products and tupp NBBASKA' ADVERYiSiNG COMMISSION, Stato House
FA EM AM ?sv
•pith oihe? <lscssss • •»
Friday, M*rck 7, 1841
lack Jews And
ARAB, JEWISH WRIT Palestine Sftress
importance of lt&rciEg both Arable &nd Hebrew £©r mutual uo,derst&utetg, H AM order ferfeMcLiiLg &11 aai>~ COMBS &&& emklB-im of political sad ss*M ©rg&aiE&Uoiia, except with fc^&uil reraissibii, was a n ia tLs &irMs.l F&lestine M April £0.
timil OoaaeU (Ya&d Leui&i) km eaWed coall to tlie Jewish comJeresslera (2'~£&) — Meetimg bl litiirA B&H Beagait ! • Jointly for tine first time iu y on ih%le 'Ii.«.eiaUoa ttom. T«i» Is the story of the Black Biblical assertion that Esau' skin to Judaism among the colored estine history, Arab Jews 1B New York and their rab- was hairy (as is t i e white's) and Christians, the black Jews do not journalists ex€li££gecl MetMlly ttae it&lim yuW mi tLeir eatrr bi. "The story of a well-organized Jacob's skin was smooth (as is go out looking for converts. Said greetings mud stresses! tfce mma into Ike BiiUsh Coi&m&nwealtlu The Govern&ie&t has reported colored Jewish community living the Negro's). the rabbi: "A Jew ia a Jew it he for increased cooperation between a record grain b&rv&it ia I t 4 t right in the heart of New York's The rabbi refers to himself, in is born Jewish." the two peoples £a language Harlem district for over fifteea particular, as being of the Tribe and increased exports of certala Sabbath services are conducted other spheres. yean. tedt£l diea. Th« Agrlof Judah, for he bears the Bible- very It was understood that much as in an ordinary synmentloned racial markings: a gap agogue, with one exception, whieh were under way for establish* Department announced - The rabbi of this community not' an Americas. He Is Moshe between the upper front teeth and t h e rabbi shamefacedly atipsits: meat of & joint Jewish-Arab that S34,00 tons of all grains were harvested, e&iap&red wltli ben Benyamin ben Yebudah of big toes that overlap the foretoes. the playiag of the piano. Rabbi journalists' association. Two of Eabbi Matthew's three Matthew reads aloud f r o m the The gathering opened with a 237,000 tons iu 1837, the previthe small Falasba village, Hermit, in Lagos, West Africa. Ilia name sons are studying for the rabbin- standard Phillips prayer book and lecture meeting of the Living ous five-year pe&ie. ia New York now Is, however: ate, while the third is engaged in when the Scroll of the Law is tak- Newspaper during which Joseph Rabbi Wentworth Arthur Mat- the gas-range business. Miss Mat- en out of the Ark to be read, Heftntan, editor of the Passer, CltiSa Warns Migrants thew, the rabbi's pretty teen-age twelve men, e a c h representing called for Jewish-Arab rapproehthew! SaaUago, Chile (JTA) — Jewbreezed into the room one of the Tribes of Israel, stand laent. During the meeting Aret ish immigrants who violate the Born in 1892 as Moshe b e n daughter while we were talking, with a around the Toraa. On the first El Aref, Gata District Commis- regulations under which they Benyamin, the present spiritual cheery "Shalom, pa," and I gath- day of Itosh Hashonah, small tam- sioner, lectured on the life were admitted to Chile are threa~ leader of the colored Jews of New thered that she was her father's bourines are beaten rhythmically customs of the Bedouins. Later, tened with expulsion. The Inter* York learned a smattering of Sep- Benjamin. The "rebetsen" was during the services. the Jewish journalists tendered a ior Ministry has instructed pronardic Hebrew In big native busy dusting the synagogue, for On the wall of the synagogue banquet to their Arab colleagues. vincial governors to * report any lasha Tillage. Ilia father was the it was Friday afternoon. Akiatn Kli&Udl, co-editor of refugees who had left the zones hangs a picture of the "Ltoa of T i l l a g e cobbler, but MoshVs Judah," the Emperor of Ethiopia, the Christian Arab newspaper, or professions to which they bad grandfather h a d been a v e r y Rabbi Matthew speaks a rather Halle Selassie. Rabbi Matthew Is Falastin, thanked the Jewish been assigned aa a condition o( famous Falasha preacher. auaintly distorted Sephardlc He- of the opinion that-the Lion of journalists for the banquet and entry. The boy's ambition to follow brew, excellent English, and Ger- Judah-Is a descendant of Menilek, declared the "seventh empire" in h i s grandfather's footsteps man. When asked if he knew any h in i turn, t is i said id to have h b been must instruct the people of the lOrerflowed all bounds. It w a s Yiddish, first Jewish chaplains Im he replied with a smile, the son of King Solomon and the Holy Land and pave the way for theThe IT. U. army.were appointed through sheer courage, coupled "a biesel." friendly relations. Aref urged the during the Civil war. Queen of Sheba. Swlth a remarkable sense of adapWhen I took my leave of Rabbi tability, that the boy managed to Liberal Outlook it was rather strange ©merge as an undergraduate at He doesn't mince words when Matthew, having him call after me, as a the esteemed University of Ber- giving his opinion on a g i v o n sign of farewell, "Shalom Ale!lin. Daring the years prior to the topic; on contrary, he epouts chem." .Outbreak of the Great War, stud- them. Hethe made it perfectly clear ied at the University's School of to me that tho Falashas are not {Copyrighted by Jewish Tele(Theology and was given private "Negro Jews." He abhors t h e Regular 2 0 c . . graphic Agency, Inc.), jtutoring by eminent Jewish pro- terns "Negro" and considers it a leBsors. derisive monicker for the black Research Center To Palestine race, lit After receiving Ills D, D., he "We are black Jews," he In"changed his name to the more sisted, "who live In Africa, AmerJerusalem (JTA)—Hundreds JAnglo-Saxon Wentworth Arthur ica and the West Indies (notably of Jewish settlers from the Jor"Mh d set out to make that the Isle of St. Thomas) and we dan Valley and the Galileos par"Matthew and name famous by transfusing re- hope some day to return unto ticipated in the informal inaugujuvenated Jewish blood Into the, ZIon." Touching Zionism, he de-ration of a £5,000 research and "CO OKI IS jvaverlng black Jews, His travels clares himself to be an ardent instruction center at Daganla ded1 'carried h i m to darkost Africa, supporter of the movement be- icated to tho study of nature and ©328 ©0S9B f|a f eeettd Donna for t« Egypt, Arabia and Palestine, He cause "It Is beneficial f o r all agriculture. The center includes With SSe twtouw. . fepent some time In Tel A v l r Jews." a library, a collection of plants ce-Mr5.55.-a COOKIE v&ffimst studying. Every Sabbath ffound ia orthodox, but, as he puts and a zoo. T R Y --— him at the Wailing Wall ia Jeru- it, He "wo are liberal-minded on reBUTTEB BOVOB CAKES DOUGB salem brushing shoulders w i t h ligious questions In the presentOf the sixty citizens of CharlesTOCB cnoim . Jtaftan-covered Hassldim from Po- day world." SEAVUX mm ton, S. C, in the militia company rorrir land and fez-bedecked Jews from SEB&—CHEESE—-PBDNB Despite the fact that there have formed to protect the city during APBICOT Turkey. been a few voluntary conversions the Revolution, twenty were Jews. In 1927, Rabbi Matthew came tp America to organize his brethren in New York City. Since then, an impressive synagogue has been established; observance of t h o Sabbath and the holidays h a s come to mean something to colored Jewry; the practice of circumcision and the use of kosher foods are strictly adhered to. All in all, Rabbi Matthew's standing at the helm of New York's colored Jewry has proved to be a Hock of Gibraltar against all attempts to assimilate it. Rabbi Matthew lives with his s wife and four children. In a small but neat apartment adjacent to the synagogue. In the cozy, bookish, sitting room, where ho and I talked, two things Impressed me immensely: t h e abundance of multi-sized menorahs, and the numerous f l o w e r . pots literally chockf nil of - plants. Rabbi Matthew was dressed In rabbinical black, with a scraggly beard fitting snugly on bis broad chin. ,When he spoke, it was deliberately, as if he were expanding on the •'fledrah" of the -week. " .. Research into Origin ' "The cause of the Jews is our Cause," he told me, "for we indeed are the Jews," Aokcd to explain, Rabbi Matthew stated that sssmKi^mRcmLMil a number of years ago the blacfe; Jews had been accused. • of being tne illegitimate offspring of Jewish soldiers and black women in aMH^pBwgaaM^BMapwiiBgs^taaiBBiMBWB 'Africa. This set the wheels tolling'insofar as Rabbi Matthew was; C o n c e r n e d . ,.' ;. . \ ~ •„ ;:.-'; •-. • .• • '•:' 25 Packages Rlaso . 'V After years of tedious research 35 Bars Big' 4 I/aanilry Soap lie came to the conclusion that all 2—50-Foot Clothes ftines ^hite Jews a r e descendants of 2 Pkga. Clothes Pins Esau and all black Jews or Jacob. 1 Splint Clothes Basket fThJa rather startling revelation 1 24-oz. Yellowstone) Bluing vraa engendered mainly from tbo trith ©ctifste", SJOVCU wrisg-, 1 S-oa. Concentrated Bluing cr witSi adjEStaMo pressore ead-perEsa1 Ft. Bottle ¥cHowBeoae a«a« ; drive mechacism for Jong llfe. Mips PorcelaJn enamel! tub, l>a&cd white aad 1 lib* Gloss Starch' Paxtom-Mitcftefi ' rESt-resistsnt- ': Wtsshcr requires no : GU1 Sav-o-»ay Wash ing." Haa strong, steady welded:legs.; I liaFmnco Powder ' Co. Foundries' Convenient controls to? waali-day ease. BeantifiBlly styled. No cfflrayinig charge Brass, Bronze, if paid in nhiely days. : Soft Grey Jron and SemiSteel Castings,' Wooc3 tmd Metal Patterns and Saah Weights carried Ia efocEr. Broaxo a n d Cast Hroa Grillea a Specialty.
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Mrs. Libby Bashefkia visited last week-end in Lincoln with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chesen. For two weeks prior she was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Mittleman of AiiaouaceEieiit Is made of the Omaha. Mrs. Mittleman la the eiigaireEieBt of Miss Idell Sliapiro, former Rose Bashefkin.' MORRIS AIZENBERG, Correspondent The Hadassab Oceg^ Shalboth "daughter of Mr. end Mrs. J. Shapwill :• be held Saturday at'teraooa iro, 1123 Eleventh, street, to DaMr. and Mrs. Sain Borkin, forat 2:30 at, the home of Mrs. M. vid J. Itkin, of Hawardeu. Mr. merly of Sioux City and now reA. Lazere, 2205 Jacksefi, with Itkln is a graduate of MomiixgMrs. MfIton Mushkin as > co-host- gide college. The wedding day siding in Los Angeles, announce the engagement of their daughess. This month lias been dedi- lias not been set. ter, Evelyn, to Ilymie Raskin, son cated to Child Welfare. The proof Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Raskin, of gram will be given on this pease Miss Rose B. Lavine, daughter of the work. It will be opened of Mrs. Morris Lavine, 815 Six- Dallas, Tex.,"\ also former Sioux Cityans. by current events by Mrs. So^l The first meeting of the fc&ard A meeting to discuss current Kronick. Mrs. Ben Kalin will teenth street, and Henry Friedof directors of the Federation wil attitudes and ideas on Zionism speak on child welfare work. Re- man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. BUDS OF If ADAiJBAH be held Monday evening, Marcli will be held Monday, March 10, sponse will be given by Maita Friedman, 614 T u r n e r street, 8, at which time officers for 1941 at 8:30 p. m. in the Jewish Com- Heeger of the Young Judaea or- have made known their engageThe Buds of Hadagsab Young will be elected. munity Center of Sioux City. Rab- ganization. Community singing ment. The wedding date has not Judaea group will hold a rush The new board of directors of bt Albert Goldstein will be speak- will close the program. Refresh- been set. tea- on Monday evening" at t h e the Federation was elected at the er of the evening.. ments will follow. RepresentaJewish Community Center at 8, Mr, and Mrs. Rodney Slacter annual meeting. Those serving Just as the "all aid to Britain" tives of the Young Judaea groups Miss Betty Lesser will give the announce the birth of a daughter on the board for 1941 are: A. II. activities are uppermost in t h e will be present. on February 12 at the St. Joseph welcoming address. Misa Dorothy Baron, Milton Bolstein, Sam Co- minds of American citizens, so is Merlin will give a brief talk on hen, Lester Davidson, Dr. Lewis the "all aid to Palestine" sentihospital. the aims and ideals of Y o u n g Diinsdale, Dr. Frank Epstein, Beft ment uppermost h\ the minds of Fish, II. Flsligall, A. J.'Gallnsky, American Jews. Mr. and Mrs. Milton BoMein Judaea. Palestinian songs a n d K. N. Grueskin, Lester Heeger, have returned from a southern dances will conclude the evening Itabbi Goldstein of this city will L. J. Kaplan, Max Lasensky, deliver the principal address of wedding trip Including a Carib- after refreshments are served. Frank Margolin, Jack Robinson, the evening, after which the floor bean cruise and are now at home Ben Sekt, Mrs. S. II. Shulkln, II. will be thrown open for a quesin the Bolstein apartments. Mrs. Jewish Poet Feted M. Singer, Mike Skalovsky, Louis tion period. Bolstein is the former Sonia GoldThe Council of Jewish Women stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Agranoff, B. Baron, Mrs. B. 13, Marseille, France (TA) — A will hold a luncheon meeting Louis Goldstein of Des Moines. Baron, Dr. M. Bernstein, Max farewell banquet was given for Monday, March 3, at the Jewish Brodkey, Abe Davidson, Lawrence Davidson, Mrs. A. M. Davis, Max Community Center. Mrs. A. SilMiss Sadie Shvld, 1208 Four- Daniel Charneyi the poet, who i» Friedman, A. L. Galinsky, J o e verberg and Mrs. M. Rocklin are teenth street, is convalescing in leaving for the United States. The Gorohow, Jake Kalln, Mrs. L. J. luncheon chairmen. Mrs. Leon the Lutheran hospital after an famous painter, Marc Chagill, Iq Kaplan, Joe Kutclier, L. J. Ktttchalso intending to proceed to the Debrowsky and Mrs. Ben Apple- appendectomy. er, John Lansburg, Morey LipU. S. shortly. son are in charge of decorations. shut/., Eli Roblnow, Dave Hodlu, The-invocation will be given Initiation of the largest class Mr. and Mrs. Maurice BaumM. Seff, Mrs. W. C. Slotsky, Ira to be initiated, 128 new men, by Mrs. Lester Heeger. i. 3. F1UEUMAN, Atty. sten observed their 30th wedding Kaplan, Jl, Levin, Meyer Levitt, ever The program includes a very anniversary Saturday night and 710 I'irat Nufl Bank Bldg, was performed in a very novel Herman Miller, Mrs. H. S. Novlt- and manner by a new charming hat show. Modelling Sunday by opening their home, NOTICE OF PHOBATK OF H I U slcy, Al Schwartz, Itabbi Bolotni- team,interesting headed by S. D. Bergen. will be done by: Mesdames Albert 819 Eighteenth street, for a series In the County court of Douglas County, kor, Kabul Goldstein, Itabbi Itab- Other, members Dr. Nebraska. • • • • • • , of the initiation Goldstein, Rube Miller, Dave Al- of events. The observance beTHE MATTER OF THE ESTATB Inowitz and E. K. Baron, team were Herman Slotsky, Prank bert, Ben Schulein and Mannie gan Saturday night when children OFIKElizabeth Pearlman, Deceased. - .« All persons Interested in said estat* A M Margolin, C a n t o r M. Pernick, RUeben. The musical background of Mr. and Mrs. Baumsten held a hereby notified that ft petition' fcag been Harry Liberman, Perry Osnowitz will be played by Airs. B e n reception. tiled in Bald Court, praying for'tfce pwSpecial Service Kailin, Commentators for t h e and Arnold Baron. of a certain Instrument now on t\\» An open house and family din- bate In said Court, purporting to be the l i l t program will be Mrs. Jules LederGuests from Omaha included will and testament of said deceased, and ner were held Sunday. ParticipatFor Young Judaea he principal s p e a k e r , Philip er and Mrs. Lawrence Baron, a hearing win ba had on said pelling were the following Immediate that don before talcl Court on the Sth day of Klutznick, president of District members of the family: Mr. and March, 1941, and that if they fail to apTho Young Judeana Friday eve- Grand Lodge G of B'nai B'rith. at said Court on the said Sth day of Mrs. Leonard M. Baumsten and pear March, 1841. at 9 o'clock A. M., to conning service will be held tonight Dr. A. Greenberg, past president Leaders to Young daughter, Mltzie Rae; Mr. and test the probate of said will, tlje Court at Shame Ziou synagogue at 8. of District Grand Lodge 6; Harry may allow and probate said will and grant Judaea Conclave Mrs. Sidney C. Baumsten, Her- administration Sol Kronick, chairman of t h e ohen, a member of the general of «ald estate to William bert and Sylvia Baumsten. About I'eatltnan or some other suitable person, service, will give a word of greet- committee, and Mr. Paul Veret, a decree of heirship, and proceed Mrs. Albert S. Goldstein, Mr. 75 frlend3 and relatives visited enter ing. Annie |£anofsky, president director of the Jewish Commuto a settlement thereof. . •., - " Leon Goldsmith and Miss J a n the Baumsten home to extend of the Council, will preside. CHARLES J. SOUTHARD. '"; nity Center of Omaha. Lebowich, leaders of Y o u n g congratulations. 2-14-41-31. County J d Earl Pollock will recite the The program commenced with Kiddusn. Speakers will be Ade- the formal Initiation ritual which Judaea groups, and Miss Annie line St«rn, IaatVoro Nattier. Norma was followed by the address by Kanofsky, president of the Young Judaea Council, will attend the Alzenberg will read a Hebrew Philip Klntznick. Young Judaea Leaders conference poem. Keatlera Qf the service are A buffet supper was served by at Rock Island March 1 and 2. Malta Heeger, Lorraine Shlmller, the B'nai B'rith. Miss Jan Lebowich will read a Thehua Shindler, Esther Feinpaper on the relationship between . berg, AH Young Judeans are Junior Hadassah and Young JuFOR THIS NEW QIC urged to attend. Hostesses for Hadassah Purim v daea which was written by Dorothe evening are lirs. Isaadore Dinner March 13 thy Merlin. Shlndler and Miss Jan Lebowich. Elaborate preparations are bePublic Speech Group Jr. Hadassah ing made for the Hadassah FamWITH THE FAMOUS PATENTED ily Purim dinner to be held March The Public Speech gfroup of tho 13 at the Jewish Community CenThe Business and Professional Jewish Council will meet at tho ter. An excellent program is group will be the guests of Junior home of Mrs. Leo Chi\ikln today. planned. Purim delicacies such Hadassah on Wednesday evening, Co-hoatess for this meeting is as "homentashen," "s t r a d e I." March 5, at the Jewish CommuMrs. Sol Novitsky. "tagelach," and many others will nity Center at 8:15/ f " The meeting will be conducted be offered for sale. Mrs. Albert S. Goldstein will by Mrs. la Kacklin. Tho afterreview "How* Green la My Valnoon will be spent in sewing for ley," by Richard Llewelyn. „ tho Red Cross. ' All members are urged to atInformal initiation of the J. tend. . . A. C.wlU be held Thursday night, Purim Dance Will February 27, at the Center. The A. W. R. to Hold Tea Be Held March 8 girls are working on a play which they are going to enter In the . Preparations for the Women's The Misses Irene Fein, Malta. League Purlin dance' are In full Young Judaea play contest. Heeger and Louise Slotsky,. the , Chairman of the play is Annie . swing. According, to -the sale of new pledges of A. W. It., will bo , tickets a capacity crowd, is ex-, Kanofsky. On the committee are honored at a tea on Sunday, pected. ; Betty Bain and Doris Grueskin. March 2, at 2:30 p. m. It shall The Mesdaiues Sam Siiulldi), be held at the home of Miss Doro- JUIPB Lederer anil Satn Coheh nrc, Youth Council thy Sherman, 2211 Jackson street. co-chairmen for the affair which The regular meeting of t h e The present pledge advisor is * will bo held March 8 at the Pelle- Youth Council will be held Tues- Miss DorisPill. • vue apartmonta. Sheffield's or- day/ March 4, at 7:30 at the Jewchestra will furnish the music. ish Community Center. Patronize Our Advertisers.
Sioux City News
Orthodox Synagoguea Friday night services will begin at 6 mid in the morning at 9. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov will speak . at the Beth Abraham during the morning service. Junior Congregation Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Schwartz will act as hosts at the services , pjt the Junior Congregation Saturday morning Jn honor o£ the engagement of their sou, Paul, to Miss Mae Matz. Patronize Oar Advertisers.
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