March 28, 1941

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xtw Entered as Second Class Mail Matter, on January SI, 1631, at Poatoffice. of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1871



A. Z. A. 100 Spring Frolic April 19th





Featuring music by Gary and his nationally famous M. B. S. orchestra, Sara Beber Chapter No. 100, A. Z. A., will present its seventh annual Spring Frolic dance at the ballroom of the Fontenelle Hotel, on SaturdayApril 19, just three Wallace, W e i z m a n W i l l evening, hours following the close of Pass- A d d r e s s Chicago over, Meeting The Spring Frolic has been presented yearly by A. Z. A, 100, Chicago— Delegates represent- with the exception of last year, ing 150,000 B'nai B'rith men and when it gave way to the District - women from every state in the 6 A. Z. A. convention which was Preparations for the 1041 Jew, Union are gathering here today held in Omaha, ish Pltllantliropies campaign adfor the opening session tomorrow Admission to the dance will vanced another step when- Mrs, night at tlie Drake Hotel of the one dollar per couple. Morris Katleman was today namnational triennial convention of bePlanning the dance, in addition ed chairman of the Women's di' B'nai Ii'rith, oldest and largest to the co-chairmen, Milton Guss vision, by Milton Livingston, national Jewish service and fra- and Yale Richards, is commitgeneral chairman of the 1041 . ternal organization, whoso five- ee including Harold a Epstein, campaign. day assembly will be addressed by 4 . the Hon. Henry A. Wallace, Vice- Ben Miller, Mel Rosenberg, Sid-" Affiliated Groups "I am happy to announce that Round T a b l e Sponsoring President of the United States, ney Wasserinan, Leo Alperson, On Activitie the Women's division of the JewAffair for Young ' and Dr. Chaim Welzriuuui, presi- Harold Oruch, Sam Beber, Louis ish Philanthropies will be led by Of Year T Tf•& People Katz, and Aleph Godol Harold dent of the World Zionist OrganiMrs. Morris Katleman, an out1 is nation and of the Jewish Agency Slutzkin. The first annual meet! he At 0:80 011 Tuesday evening, for Palestine. United Orthodox Con|,. ^., it <ns April 1, the Itound Tablt- of JewMr, Wallace will address the was held last week, with a large ish Youth will hold its first annational inspirational session to number present. Tlie meeting folimal All-Youth Banquet for the be held at tlie Chicago Civic Opera lowed a dinner which had been seven hundred Jewish young men House on Sunday evening, March prepared by the U. O. C, Sisterand women ivho comprise Oma.'?2* ' 30th, while Dr. Weizmanu, who hood. , ha's youth community. Dancing 'c -flew here by Clipper plane f rdni Opening the meeting was the will follow the banquet. London, will speak at the March president's report. Looking over The purpose of tliia banquet, • 30th luncheon session at the U. O. C. as a business organaccording to President, Leo MeySabbath to^ be Observed the Drake Hotel," ization of wide social and reliV'211 '^ J^ ^S rson, is to bring together OmaHenry Monsky, president of Tonight at *w * gious significance, Mr. Morris ha's youth at an open meeting of 6.'^ . if B'nai B'rith, who is to present the Burstein, the president, reported Temple the Round Table, so that they ' Vice-President, will speak "with on the organizational progress and may participate in the meeting ot •" r ^ . him on a program to be broadcast Hadassah Sabbath will be ob- growth of influence. their elected representatives. "We by the Columbia Broadcasting served this evening at Temple Members of the board of direcfeel," stated Mr. Meyreson, "that . System from 10:05 to 10:30 P.Israel with Charles Schul- tors are: Morris Burstein, N. Levthe young: people whom we rep" >f., Central Standard Time, and man of the Rabbi North Shore Congre- inson. N. S. Yaffe, Sam Katznian, resent should see how their delerebrqadcast via short wave to atea formulate and carry out . Lathi-America. Alfred M. Cohen, gation .of Glencoe, Illinois, oc-. I. Goldstein, M. Friedel, N. Wilfupying the pulpit. (Continued on Page 10.) (Continued on Pago 10.) , (Continued on Page 10,) Rabbi Schulman will ppeak on "The World's . Greatest Jewish Woman." " Amembei> of the class of 1927 of the Hebrew Union College, Rabbi ; Schulman also holds Ll.B'. ;and Ph.D. degrees. Before going to the North Shore —Skoglund Photo. Congregation, he'.' occupied the Mrs. Morris Kntelman standing and experienced comJ. C. C. Orchestra, Choral munal Discussion S e s s i o n 3 to worker. In the past 11 Program on April 8 to Group to Present Climax Year's years the Women's division has ' ' " ' Be Held Sunday Program proved to be an important asset Activities • May 18 in the conduct of the campaign. A play, dance routiucN, recitaTlie first annual joint concert The women volunteers carry a : • Under -the co-chairmanship ot of the Center Xlttlo Symphony substantial burden and respon- tions, and o t h e r fcntuiOH will • Ruth Itoschsteln a n d Willard and Choral Society will be given sibility being in charge of solicit- comprlso the program of the. chilL Friedman, t h e spring conclave at the Jewish Community Center ing some 2,600 prospects. - From dren's Club Festival to be held 'sponsored by the Koimd Table of on Tuesday evening," April 8, at year to year, the Women's divi- at the Jewish Community ("outer I Jewish 'Youth will be held on 9': 13, "under the direction of Mr. sion has grown in Importance and on Tuesday afternoon, April 8, a t I Sunday, May 18. 2:30. i , Al Flnkei. This wljl bo the sec-significance. ' 'Topics to be:discussed will inParticipants include children "I feel certain that under the bncl concert given by the orches- elude: Careers Ahead for Jewish tra and the first by the singers. capable leadership of Mrs. Morris from all of the Center activities, ;'Youth, Youth" Clubs, Jewish "The program will include a Katleman the message of the an-'arts and crafts, Intermediate Girl '- Youth and National Defense, and wide range of selections from the nual campaign • will be- brought, Scouts, Brownie Girl Scouts, danc' The Rolevof Jewish Youth in Amclassics as well as contemporary most effectively into thousands ing, and, dramatics. - ' •' , ;• erican " Democracy. of homes, and will result in • an Highligbt/bf vthe program will composers. . .v "Bringing the day to an .exclt(Continued on Pago 3.) be" the presentation; under the [diAmong the musicians are faming climax will be the Coronarection of Mrs.^Hy Shrler, of tho ily groups, including Mrs, Moe t tion ball, the formal dance at colorful .fantasy ,sJ'The If/rates "of Pessin and her daughter, Bever! which the first King and Queen Pooh,'/, in,which the following: ly; Mr. and Mrs. Al Frank, and ', of Merit will be crowned follow-, have rolea: -Myra Joy.Abramspn, Mrs. J. Rasnick and son, Aaron. ; ing a colorful royal procession. Philip Stanley' Alberts, Jdnje Be, Members of the orchestra, are: (Continued on Page 10.) ' ."• " ' V '..•:'• .."• -- •"., ' I .*"ber,' Joanle Bcberi Diane Coop'er, Shirley Balaban, AJlan Bramson, Joanne Jacobs,, Marilyn Kaplau, Mary Jeannette Brown, Izzle DiaRabbi Charles Schulman Renee MIcklin, Connie Milder, ?ojmond, Fay Edel, Al Flnkel, Mrs. sephine Margolin, Eddie Pink', Al Flnkel, Milton Gendelman, pulpit of the Temple of Wheel? Mildred Radinowski, Marjorio Hlme Gerstein, Milton Goldberg, Ing, West Virginia. He is active Shapiro, Barbara Wise, Hairry In Zionist work and tlto;B'nai Norman Hahn, Alvin Hertzberg, More than one hundred men Wise, and Eugene Jacobs.' B'rith Anti-Defamation leagua. ; Lowell Hertzberg, Helen Hornhave already sent in their cards . Sophie Zlotkin, Doris -Wilson, steln, June Hoffman,Barney KaMorris E. Jacobs, president'of and Jean Kaplan will give readTemple Israel, will speak a word dis, Irving Kaiman, Harold Kap- asking to be enlisted among the ings. .• of greeting and Mrs. A. JD. Frank, lan, Lewis Kirke, Rose Krantz, workers in the forthcoming PhilGirl Scout Troop No. 4 is at anthropies campaign,' Milton LivAlbert Lagman, Milton Lehr, Harpresident of, the local chapter of (Continued on Page 11.) . At services tonight, the Beth Hadassah will respond and in- riet Lewi3, Helen Lelben, Earl ingston-, campaign chairman, anMogll, Lea Lewis, Mrs. B. M03-nounced. These responses came El synagoguefwill honor students troduce the speaker. kowltz, Sidney Nerenberg, Harry in reply to a general appeal for pf the fourth semester class of Women Take Part".' the Beth El Talmud Toiah, who ' Participating in the worship Perelman,, Beverly " Pessen, Dor- workers issued by", the campaign Rabbi Wice Speaking are now beginning the study of will Up: Mrs. Milton Mayper, Mrs. othy Pessen, Llbby Ruback, Joe chairman. , Tonight in Detroit Saks, Lou Saks, Morris Savich, "An important s t e p in this Chuinesh. (Continued on Page 10.) Freda Sherman, Marvin Simon, campaign," Mr. Livingston stat\ The honoring of the pupils Is Rabbi David H. Wice is this Joe Sklar, Harry Soref, Jerome ed, "Is the assembling of as in accordance with Jewish tradiSwengll, Haftjet "Toub, -Audree large a group of men and women evening occupying the pulpit ot tion; Tbe following are members Telpner, Mamlo . Temin, Irving as possible solicitation Temple Both El in Detroit. of the class: Philip Alberts, AlHis sermon topic will be "I Veitzer, Max" Yaffe, Edward Zo- in-the campaign. ;'The nightmare ien Brown, Raphael Edgar, MarShall Die But Live—One Reof Europe,-in which millions of actionNot tin Paler, Jeremy Goldstein,, .Don- (Continued on Page 5.) Madness of th$ our' fellow.-Jewei a r e wandering Hour." to the ald Hobernmn, "Louis Elsenstatt, . helplessly, calls* fora most effec• Howard Kaiman, Michael "KulaRabbi of Temple Both El Dr. • r tive canvassing--of; every, Jew in Leo M. Franklin who at oneistime Itpfsky, Mlllard Margolin, Mayer • In • response to numerous re- B'nai B'rith to Hear Omaha. To' reach ;every man and Moskovitz, -Richard Rosenblatt, quests,- the Bikur Cholim Society ' Talk by F. B. I. Agent woman in Omaha,'we must have was spiritual leader of* Temple Neil Schneldorman,' and Arnold announces that It will present a Israel, • • ^ ' •." ' : Stern. The next "meeting" of the Oma- workers."Yiddish .movie,- "I "Want to Be a - Men and .women are requested v • Services will be conducted by Mother," on Sunday, April 20, at ha lodge of B'nai B'rith will-be to contact the'campaign office Workers* Alliance held Monday evening,* April 7. Solwyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Ab the. Jewish Community Center. Tin .order to permit RoffmHn, "assisted by the Junior This is one of the finest Jew- - Mr..L.'.J."McGee,^ special agent immediately; To' Meetoon Monday planning, of the-campaign along oMhe.Federal Bureau..of -Invest!-. Choir., - . , ' ish talking' pictures.' It .features 'The 'office -of The", Jewish-National- Workers*' r. Rabbi Da.vld A; Goldstein will Mr. Leo Fuchs, an outstanding, £ationt'will speak on JL'The.F. B. effective-"Ittjes:' PbilanChtOpteg'-ca'm-palgn is. locat- Alliance, Poale Zion, will hold a deliver a sermon, baaed, op. the Jewish .artist. , ".•• ,\ :.>£ : I. and. .•National defense.;;. - Ttie ed, tho. Jewish eonimuntfy Cen- •special-': meeting Monday1, .March '.• "life or the most -beloved Jew of ^ Organizations are requested to meeting-will- be .open ,to"_niember9 ier,atahd-ni&y"b'e<reaotied by ccill- 31, at 3:30 p.- mr, af the Jewish modern times. Sir Moses Monte- bed*Ithte"-date in~iriirt"d'.to, ay,oid of.;,the organization,."their; "WIVCB^ ing- Jackson- itfCfi" '" Community Center.-^ ' >' • • arid-m'embers'of the A: Z.'A. .onflict' : ~ ' ' ^ fiore'. " . . ; ' • ' " ' . • " • , conflicts'. .:
















••A. Z*'A. 100-Reaches District Finals

" s


Fristey, Mtrcl* 21, IS4t;'' 1


Fate 10

'•: .'The hieinbers oi the league are .wondering', w h e n .Phil "Cupie" iKatzmaii'• •will return to active bowling again. Rumors are afloat that he is rsttll recuperating from the nine straight games.that he had to roll a t Lincoln, Neb., -some three weeks ago in the (state tournament.


. Your correspondent believes in giving credit where credit is due, 60 yours truly takes his hat off to one of the finest drilled and frell coached A. Z. A. basketball teams that this city has ever entered ia A. Z. A. competition. I am referring to none other than the Sam Beber Chapter No. 100. . Recently the Century chapter won the Regional Tournament held in Lincoln, Neb., downing Boine very Hue clubs including the Des Moines team that has won the Regional Tournaments t h e past four years. The Cornbelt Region champions won the right to vie with other quintets for the district championship which was held last week-end at Rock Island, 111.

ers with Ms 526 series, with Elmer Greenberg ia t t e up spot with h>, 504 seiies.


;:|;fi||l:^v5»^ \, r'



(Continued from Page 1.) '







worldrrenowned scientist, is one^ of - the most celebrated Jews ot* his time. •.. • .-. , For two days before the con« vention, Mr. Monsky, 'Mr. Klutznick and Mr. Beber will participate in the 97th annual meeting: of the B'nai B'rith executive committee, the policy - making body of the organization between conventions. Expansion of B'nai B'rith's aid to the national defense program, broadening of its Americanism, adult education end youth wel-. fare activities, and intensification of war relief and refugee aid projects are among the most important questions which will have to be decided on by the delegates who will be speaking and acting for 150,000 men and women in every state of the Union.

. In the first game of the tournament held in Rock Island the Omaha club established itself as a definite contender in defeating the seeded Alciba team of Chicago 41-30. Coming from behind 12-2 at the end of the first quarter > * * '• . ' ' the Omaha team held their opponents to four points while they were chalking up 19 markers to go ahead at half time 21-16. The second half found the Century chapter content to play defensive ball and controlled the game easily to cinch the victory. Ben Kutler's sensational shooting a n d After defeating Akiba Chapter A. 100 met defeat at the hands Harold Epstein, Norman Kuklin, leadership kept the Omaha team Lou Slutzky, and Sam Slutzky. 382 of Chicago and Detroit Chap- of Chicago's Herzl Chapter. cool and collected. Back row, Ben Kutler, Mike ter 63 in the A. Z. A. District Members of tne squad, which Landmaji, Melvin Levine, a n d The second game found the tournament held last week-end in is pictured above, are: Left to Morris Itichlin. Paul Bogdanoff Omaha quintet meeting a tall ball Rock Island, 111., Omaha A. Z. right, front row, Willie Susman, is coach; (World-Herald photo.) Club from Detroit. It wasn't long Philadelphia (JTA)—The stuin the game when the boys from ers wish him lots of luck in his dent body of the Dropsie College the Sam Beber chapter took over tivitles will be discussed. Softnew venture. We will miss his for Hebrew and Cognate Learnthe ball game and kept pouring ball, date of the Aquacade, will ing gave a dinner in honor of fast ball down the alleys. in baskets almost at will, not giv-1also be discussed. AH members newly-elected President Abraham ing the big boys a chance to dis-;of the athletic committee a r e By SAM ZWEIBACK play their wares beneath the bas-.urged to attend. Paul Steinberg led the losers A. Neuman at the Temple Unikei. Norman Kuklin, Mike Landwith his 657 series, followed by versity Jewish Students House. A parchment scroll was presented man and Mel Lerine scored 13 HANDBALL Harry Smith's 535 series. Standings of Teams to Prof. Neuman as a testimonial Won Lost ret. points apiece to lead the 5a-2t! The Class B singles tournament from the students. The H'urdrolMH 57 SO C55 win. finally came to a close last week Empire Clranrrs 48 38 863 The Empire Cleaners, who are as Sheff Katskee downed t h e Hnillh Motors 40 41 S2» in second spot in the standings, Uniforms • • • • • • • 4 6 41 829 MONSKY, GRO1HNSKY, MA11EK, AND Before an estimated crowd of youthful Slau Feltman, 21-19, Pioneer Clicquot Clubs 32 55 SCa kept up their winning ways by COIHSN, Attya., 81 80 305 taking two games from the bot450 people the final game of the 21-18. The two games were havd State Coul 737 Omaha Nafl Bank Bld». tournament was won by the Herzl played coiv'sl.s and the more ex- • 2C0.Individual High Single Game: Leo Weitz, tora-pjaco .State Coal team. Hank Notice is ltereby given that on the first chapter of Chicago, 36-27. The perienced K:'trkee came through Individual High Scries: Paul Steinberg, Coren led the winners with his day of January, 1841, the total outstand. " Herzl team was never headed aft- by the narrowest margin. Stan 057.Team High Single Game: . Empire ing secured and unsecured indebtedness of big 646. series, followed by HarCleanCommercial Realty Company, a Nebraska er drawing first blood with a long is a youngster playing his first ers, £32. .'. : old Pollack's 506 series. corporation, with its principal place of Tram High Series: Wardrobes, 2,070. shot from the side. The game year of tourney competition, and business in Omaha, Nebraska, was $378,Top Ten Averages great things is expected of Stan 652.14. "was fast and very well played. • ' Games Pln» Av. Sam Zweiback topped the losH. A. WOLF, President, The Chicago team displayed re- in the future. Paul 8trlnberg 84 18,237 181 H. A. WOLF, Lro WelU 8* 18,225 181 ers with his 541 series, followed markable ability to hit from far H. H. AUERBACH, Henry Coreu 77 13,817 . 17B by '*Doc" Sammy Morgan, who R. H. BROWN, VOLLEYBALL out hitting 13 out of 17 attempts. Abe 1'eldman . . . . . . . 84 14,074 174 Majority of Directors 83 14,600 174 turned in a 529 series which in- Attest: R. H. BROWN, All volleyball players will take George Hchaplro Mike Landman with 12 points was Colin 84 14,357 170 cluded a 245 game. 'Secretary. 3-21-41-lt high point man for the Omaha to court next Tuesday evening, T(.ny Lee Hurnlch 80 14,4:11 107 March 25. Teams will be se- fum Zwrlbark . . . . . . 78 13,013 106 aggregation. In the last match of the eveIJr. I». 0 . Platt 78 12,882 100 lected from the players showing Jack MHclirr 81 . .13,894 105 ning, the Pioneer Uniforms, spurSpecial! Something Nevrl An all-tournarnent team was up unless full teams have already red on "by the presence of the selected by the athletic commit- been formed. AH players wishThe. tenpins flew in all direc- sponsor, Dave -Hahn, t o o k all tee and were awarded trophies ing to play volleyball be on hand tions this week when a number three games from the lowly Clicdonated by Mayor Robert P. Gal- j in the gym by 7:30 sharp. of big series were turned in -by quot Clubs.' " ."•••'"' / Meets a definite.need In life Insurbraitli of Itock Island. At t h e ance. Mother, father and children, a number of the Jewish keglers. all Insured under one low cost banquet where the trophies were No. 1 big shot of the league this Swim News policy. Get particulars at oner Leo Weitz topped the winners presented the following was made week was Paul "Paisee"' Stein- with his 576 series, with Morrie from by the speaker while presenting j berg, a brother of the well-known By HOWARD SHINROCK Ben Kutler,with his trophy: "We J Stung by'three defeats and one"Weenie" Steinberg," who crack- Fine in the runner-up spot with are now presenting this trophy t o ' lie in water polo the South Omaha ed the; high thfee-game series his 541 series. Norman Brown MANAGER tlie most outstanding basketball i Recreation Swimming""team en- formerly held by Leo Weitz, when turned In a 519 and Jack MelCITY FINANCE A N D player of the tournament. -A.boy gaged the J. C. C; tariksters in a he T?ut: together gamea of 244, cheri a 50& series. Poor Benny INSUItANCE CO. who stood head and shoulders^ dual meet seeking revenge for 226, and 187 for the record" se- Shapiro, ended up Jn the doghouse with his 486, which is still ' 300 BARBACII BLOCK above any of the other contest- the duckings they have been tak- ries-of .657. " . JA 417S •, WA S180 very good bowling. ants in basketball ability, leader- ing a i r winter. When the smoke George Schapiro topped the losship and sportsmanship."'At that, of battle subsided the J. C. C. No. 2 big shot of the league jnoment the entire audience stood. ducks were on the long end of a was Hank Coreh, who, spurred and clapped loud and long for \45 to '8 score. Alden Lincoln,. on by the better half, put toOmaha's hero. Ben also was 'hon- Sidney Buderman and Harold gether games of 234, 193, and ored last'year when he was named Mozer were too much of a trium- 219 for the big series of 646. the recipient of the Harry. Trus- virate for their baffled friendly tln award for the outstanding No. 3 big shot was Leo Weitz, Junior Center athlete. .; who put together games 'of, "197, FIILST GAME Charles Predkin surprised him- 206 and 173 for a nice 576 seAliltra, Chicago <3S) Omaha (11) 'I'--. fgftpt self by winning an easy first in ries. fg6ft7pf Greenbtrg C 3 1 1 Kutler t 0 Earl Shfago Adelman f 2 0 2 Fjalein f 1 1 2 the back stroke. Cohen c No. 4 big shot was "Bill" Ra6 0 3 Landman c 2 0 3 contributed Roints by taking third Eabln c flow you con regain htotih and pep in t i n 0 0 0 Levine g . 0 0 1 In the back stroke and swimming cusin, who, spurred on by his Rabinowitz g 1 2 1 Kuklin g 2 10 royal woy! Baths In tha effervescent healing teacher, Abe Feldman, broke hjs on the 160-yard relay team. Brenner g 2 53 wm«fioMh»47G3VemmsntiupervUtdHot r all-time record by shooting 212, Springt! Gel relief frorn norvoOJ and erfldnle * , ^Totals 14,810| Totals • i s 9 6 The J. C. C. won firsts in every 172 and 107 for his high 581 seoitmenli - and at tht jams tim* onjoy t h * Officials—Lavell, referee; Burgltt, umttre, •> ,.. . . Juxurlti of a r i o l outdsor vacation •riding, event winning both relays with ies. SECOND GAME—Semi-finals hililno, fithlna and calling-apdradi«« of ' ease. Paul Zellnslky garnered Omaha (83) : Detroit (20) health and hopptnow. / ,~' •;'. .••, And we must not foget the igttVt fg ft pi third place in the breast stroke Kuklin f 3 5 0 1. Collent OO-O aa his , teammate, Sidney Ruder- fast - impoving "Weenie" SteinStay clth»boouiif«( EASTMAN Haul! En|*» ' ' levtno f 6 1 0 Kramer f. 1 0 0 lh« quiet of III vail prlvgl* parfe « and t h e fl. Lutzky 1 io i L. Blumf 4 1 3 man,-copped first in his favorite Aerg, who came through with an"convsntenco of !;• Idsal locotien! 5 0 0 laroO Zl Xilltzky t 1 0 1 S. Cohen c event. other big series of 599, made up Landman c 0 1 1 Rosenlhal c 0' 0 1 coinfortablo'rooms, economkol rcte^fromtZ. of games of 184, 199, 176. ESstdn e 2 1 1 E. Felnstein 0 0 3 Wr!l» For Pictorial OooUoU-V/AtUR E. DAVIS; M& Busman g 0 0 1 N. Blum g "10 1 Harriet Parker passed her Be3 1 2 juried g 2 0 0 ginners tests last week Eleae The league leading Wardrobe Totals 2013 7 Totals 11 412 nor Bernstein completed her be- Clothiers displayed t h e . r e a s o n Officials—Burgitt (Iowa), referee; La ginners tests two weeks ago and why they are on top of the league ,JEU (Augustaaa), umpire. • is working on. her next Beries. standings by scattering the pins JF1NALS HOTEL &ND8ATHS Omaha' Chicago Harold Mozer is the first to con-in all directions to win two fg ft pf fg ft pf clude his fifth and last card in games from Harry Smith's PonEuMIn f 3 2 1 Skulnik f 1 1 0 ESutalcy f 0 0 OZIndell f 2 4 3 the series. JHe Is now eligible for tlac' crew. JUrvlce f 0 2 2 Salarlo c 9 0 0 Life Saving. The "Wardrobes shot games of 3 0 3 aan c 6 0 1 Engle g •866, 828 and 839 to total a-big Etlllman g 0 0 0 C 11 10 23 Fadelman g 0 1 3 The "Navy" and "Nebraska" 2,633 series. - BUI Racusin led Uer e 0 0 3 squads in the junior boys' gym the winners and with his 581 seEpstein s Totala 15 6 0 competition are waging a nlp-and- ries, followed by Abe Feldman •Rtais OX score—Cilcaeo 20, Omaha 11. tuck battle not for the lead but who turned in & 565 series, and to keep out of last place. One last but not least, the "Weenie" MEETING . . point separates the two squads. with his 559 series. Athletic Commutes will Paul Zelinsky'a "Army" Is out in Leo Blacker, the lead-off man Ijnoet Sunday morning, March 23, front by virtue of 116 tallies with for the league leader's, is bidding' at- 10:30, a, in. at the- Center. Alden Lincoln's "Minnesota" lag- his fellow bowlers "adieu" as he fif&PZ Important business will be ging behind with a total of 108 is leaving for the army next . . . . Monday. All ot the-league bowltransacted "and spring .sports1 tic-'points. r

J. C. C. Bowling

The "Family Group Policy"

f o e i

- ' ; • • • • • • : - • . •


" • . • . • " • •

Friday, March 2 1 , 1941


*•*!• U 1

Our Pirn Folk By HELEN ZIGEf 0ND



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Oysher Conies to Hollywood The son of a son of a son of a son of a son of a cantor is Moishe Oysher} And that's a RIpley! For six generations of the Oysher family a male descendant has been a cantor. The seventh son back was a rabbi. It seems a far cry from that ancestor to^Moishe of the Movies . . . from Lipkon, Bessarabia, to Celluloid City . . . but the change is merely environmental, not spiritual. The journey was inevitable. A young man of 33 is Moishe . . . square-shouldered . . . darkhaired . . . with a sensitive faca ./'. . and an emotional voice... As he speaks, his love for his people and his reverence for all that is Jewish are movingly sincere. Back in that little Ifuraanian village of Lipkon, his life was the humdrum of many another Jewish boy. He studied Hebrew, liible, history, traditional music. His teacher was the great Jewish poet and fabulist, Elaznr Steinberg. And on "shabbas" he would sing with his father in the synagogue. It was only when a troupe of traveling actors came to town that life became exciting. The tinsel and bedraggled trappings of the tent shows fascinated the boy. Moishe was given parts whenever they needed a child actor. At the age of 0, steeped in an imaginative world, lie; began his stage career—much to the disapproval of his father. No actors had ever before gnarled the family tree. When he was 13, his family emigrated to Canada, where his father had it contract ns cantor of the largest synagogue in Montreal. From there tho Oyshers moved to New York where Moishe became absorbed in the Yiddish theater. He has played, produced and directed for every Jewish theater in New York. A few weeks ago ho appeared on the Los Angeles concert stage for the first time. The Philharmonic Anditorlum was sold out and many hundreds were turned away. He was Overjoyed at this welcome.





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"Sing It Again" will be his first Hollywood effort . . . a musical . . . IN ENGLISH . . . n modern story of a singing milkman and his rise to fame. "It is a comedy," he explains. "The Jews today Are in dire need of a laugh,' a belly laugh—for no people have been so hurt as they."

We ask him about his n?.iue . . . is it his actual birth tag? Yes, Moishe Oysher is his . real name. ' For this picture he will be billed, "Maurice Oysher."


Ducks, Geese, Turkey* at Special Prices

Complete Service at Nominal Coat

"They knew me because of my pictures. Motion pictures," he declares, "are the greatest medium we have—the most potent instrument with which to fight religious prejudice and to reveal the light, the beauty, and the truth of Jewish life." ' And so he came to Hollywood.

He is Jubilant about his work here. -"The town looks like a set. And I expect every moment to hear someone shout, 'Okay, boys, take it apart,' but it is beautiful. The people in the industry are clear-visioned, their methods are business-like and they have every facility to produce t h e best."


322 So. 15th St. JA 0865 Redick Tower



PIANOS and I3AD1OS MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PICTURES and FRAMING Priced t o Fit Every Purse Small Monthly Payments

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P*ge 8

Friday, March 2 1 , 1S41 bill on February 8, plus eight New York Republicans. "The Jews hate Hitler and wish him harm, because Hitler first hated them and did them harm. But to call the Jews the prime movers in the United States interventionist movement is simply to talk against the facts in the case. "InterveHtioHism is evidently the majority American sentiment; the most war-minded part of the whole country is the south, which has the highest percentage of native American etock, and where Jewish influence in politics is almost non-existent."

Cradle-lighting time; 5:50. Regular services of tlie U. O.

C. will take place tonight at 8:00. H. Y. DaUy News Decries German Jews Belrag Sent The Rabbi will speak. Campaign Against To Occupied * U. S. Jews France Saturd&y morning, the Rabbi


Belgrade (WNS) — The Nazi government has coBjpIeted plais to expel 40,000 Jews from Ger ia&ny, sawstly f r o m Frankfort, Dresden, and Hamburg, within th® next tea days, it wss reported here. 1!i»e expelled Jews will l*e seat to Nazi-occupied France, the tepoH stated. First notification that they were to be expelled reached the 40,000 Jews wfae- their regular f o o d cards carried a notice stating that the cards were valid only for ea additional week or tea days. The amount of baggage and money which the Jews will be allowed to take with them was not disclosed. News of the new expulsions treated a panic in Jewish circles and resulted in long lines of German Jews outside the consulates of, foreign countries, particularly the United States, .pleading for •Visas. A number of fortunate Jews who obtained visas left Berlin hastily on sealed trains for Lisbon. Dr. Hirsch Arrested At the same time It was learned that Dr. Otto Hirsch, director of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland, official organization of German Jews, has been arrested by the Gestapo. The reason for Dr. Hirsch'a arrest could not ba learned. A fearless leader of Germany's Jews, Dr. Hirsch has been arrested several times since 1933 when Hitler seized power. In 1935 he was held for a week by the Gestapo in the dreaded Columbia House, regarded throughout Europe as the private torture chamber of the Gestapo. At the time of Dr. IHrsch's arrest, other officiala of the Reichsvereinigung w e r e instructed to report for compulsory labor. Hitherto, officials of the organizations were exempted from service with draft labor gangs because of their activities In behalf of Jewish emigration.

(Continued from Page 1.) tlement director of the National Refugee Service, reported on the activities of the N. It. S. as the coordinating agency on behalf of the refugees in the United States, with special reference to the assistance program in New York City and other ports of entry which' have large concentration of immigrants. He described the migration service, resettlement program, reemployment program, and other

die eastern fronts, according to the Palestine and Middle East Magazine. These volunteers of tiie Yisbuv have merited the apijrecia-tion of the British comra&nders, who have not hesitated to commend them publicly in the highest terms for tbe courage and loyalty and intelligence they have manifested during their s e r v i c e throughout the whole sector of action stretching f r o m Greece through Libya to Abyssinia, the magazine stated. Jewish stevedores, including a group recruited from Tel Aviv Port, are now en route for service in the African ports captured by the British Army of the Nile during the past several months, it was announced.

will speak at Beth Hamedroeh New York (WNS)—CondemnHagodol. ing a "whispering campaign" American Jewa "for omr The Junior Congregation will bl&mtag Leiisg &s in the war &H we hold, its services at the B'nai Is- now are,"deep the New York Baily rael Synagogue this Saturday at News presented facts giving tine 10:00 a. m. Last week Mrs. Sam lie to the arguments used to furBrown was hostess to the chil- ther the auti-Jewish c&mpaign. dren. "After the war," the Daily Palestine Soldiers News said, "when blame is being The adult Hebrew study group around for the inevitable will meet this Monday at 8 p. m. dealt tragedies of it all, this legend Jerusalem (WNS O F a l c o i at the Rabbi's Adolphc Danziger de Castro * will probably be dug up in this Agency)—The majority of Pales- was appointed U. S. consul at country, an-*. anti-Semitism may The Talmud Study group will tine's 8,000 young Jewish sol- Madrid, by President Theodore meet at Beth Hamedrosh Hagodd have a flare-up. diers are now active on the mid- Roosevelt. ' "Some pertinent facts: this Wednesday at 8 p. m. "In the senate, the leaders of the fight for the bilFwere Senaspecial programs of the N. R. S. and stressed the fact that the tors Barkley of Kentucky, Byrnes older age of the new immigrants of South Carolina and George of will present a special problem of Georgia. These men are all from the regions where the Ku Klux retraining and rehabilitation. Mr. Henry Mousky, the con- Klan was strongest. To say they cluding speaker at the confer- are subject to Jewish influence in ence, made a stern plea to tran- their bailiwicks is ridiculous. scend the philanthropic instinct "Of the throe house leaders of of our support, of these overseas the fight for the bill, the most agencies. He also Indicated that powerful, Speaker Sam Rayburn, 1. HINKY-DINKY buys direct from producers and manufac300,000 refugees were settled In is from Texas; Majority Leader turers, eliminating "in-between" profits. The savings thus Palestine in the last few years John W. McCormack of Massarealized are passed on to you iu the form of lower prices. and made reference to the United chusetts is a Catholic, and House 2.. HINKY-DINKY'3 large volume of business makes possible Palestine Appeal as one of the Foreign Affairs Committee Chaira minimum profit on each item. You will find that our important overseas agencies. man Sol Bloom is Jewish. prices on every item are low every day in the week. He also expressed satisfaction Southern Bloc 3. It la not our policy to sell merchandise below cost. Howof the delegation ot the recon"And In the real test vote in ever, we will meet such prices if advertised by others. stitution of t h e United Jewish the house on February 8 (TuesAppeal and Indicated that strong- day's house vote And remember, every item purchased at HINKY-BINKY must was just a bander financial support of these satisfy you 100% or your money will be cheerfully refunded.. wagon affair), all the Southern agencies must be the response Our customers can save without taking chances on unknown Democrats e x c e p t Peterson of of these efforts for unification. brands of doubtful quality. We feature advertised b r a n d s Georgia a n d Cannon of semiMr. Paul Veret presented o Southern Missouri voted for the brands you know. summary of the (session. Southern and semiMr. Philip Klutznick presided bill. The only senators to vote against at the session in the place of Mr. Southern Morris E. Jacobs, who was un- H. R. 1776 were Reynolds of In Our Downtown Store, 16th and Douglas North Carolina and Clark of Misable to attend. Fancy Kosher I Fancy Kosher souri. "Three New York Democratic Istanbul (WNS) — Jews of Trukey have contributed $1,000,- representatives voted against the 000 to patriotic organizations raising funds lor the defense of JOHN the country, it vraa announced Location for here. The Jewish contributions MATCOTO became significant when it is taken into consideration that the 1310 N. 2<(h St. Jews comprise a very Bmall part (Next to Crosose's Elsh Market) of the population and for the AT 1S3S Besldence Fbone OI, » 7 8 most part are very poor. Free Bogfadab with Every

With British Army


General Electric items 23 Packages Blnso 23 Bars Big 4 Laundry Soap 2—JJO-Foot Clothes Idnea a Pbgs. Clothes Pins 1 Splint Clothes Basket 1 24-oz. Yellowstone Bluing 1 S-oz. Concentrated Bluing 1 Pt. Bottle Yellowstone Aininonis • 1 lib. Gloss Starch 1 Sav-a-Day Wash . 1 Iiaffraace Powde? . A 1M&

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Friday, March 21, 1941


sand sunlit years ahead,' but it turned out to be a mirage . . . "That's all it was." "Or maybe I've lived t o o long," Mr. Zilch says. He thinks that the happiest lives were those By Lucille Abr&hamson that ended arond 1928. Their eyes closed on a lovely dream aad B'NAI B'KITH never saw the disillusionment." A meeting of the B'nai B'rith "You aren't eating your pi will I>Q held next Lfoaday, March Oscar," Mrs. Zilch says. "You 24, at the K. C. hall. The meetused to love pie." ing "will start promptly at 8:30. Mr. Zilch's stomach is in no All ineinliers are urged to attend. mood for pie. He gets up from. the table aiid opens his radio set. JUNIOR IIAJDAS3AII He has become afraid of his radio At a special meeting held set: Some day he'll open it and Wednesday evening at the home it may croak the news that of Lorraine Meyerson, further doomsday has arrived. Yet he al- plans for the style show and card ways goes to it with the rapt party to be given by Junior Hafascination of a man afraid of dassak were discussed. Tickets the worst yet eager to know it were distributed to all the girls and have it over with. y^ to sell for tliis affair which will Swing take place on Wednesday eveThis time his ears are assailed ning, April 9, at the I. O. O. F. by a devastating blast of swing. hall. Boogie-Woogie or something. It's Chairmen of the various comswing from one end of the dial mittees are: Florence Meyerson, to the other. It's like a load of theme; Rose Bernstein, arrangetinware falling in Mr. Zilch's liv- ments ; Alice Passer, check room ing room. That's all this swing and poster; Audrey Telpner, is, he says—like tinware falling. tickets; and Lorraine Meyerson, Symbol of the jangled world. special stunts. There's nothing to do but to wait till 10 o'clock when RayCLUB mond Gram Swing comes on. Mr. EMESEL Following a s h o r t business Zilch always manages to stay up long enough for Raymond Gram meeting of the Einesel Club last Swing. He is always hopeful that Mr. Swing may live him a bit of light to illuminate all this darkness: Mr. Swing may yet answer all the questions. By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg There's something in Mr. Swing's voice that suggests to Mr. Zilch "A -merry heart innketh a that It may be an echo from the cheerful countenance." source of truth w h i c h Is in heaven. But after he haa listened Waitress: What will you have? to Mr. Swing and other radio Saleslady: A slice of bread and commentators he doesn't feel that he knows much more than he a glass of milk. Waitress: Are you on a diet? knew before; Mr. Zllch'a poor Saleslady: No, on commission. head feels as confused as ever.

Coyncil Bluff

By &h EEQ&l,

MIDDLE AGE In our town the Jewish social center people are having a survey made to Jearu what people hi.the Jevvish community who are under 35 jdo with their evenings. (A sort of Gallup poll on recreation). I have been waiting anxiously for^ them to come around to see me, but since they haven't come, I have an uncomfortable feeling that tbey suspect I am more than 35 years old. Ye8,'I muse resentfully, nobody seems to care about us middleaged people, just as if we were through and didn't matter anyway. The worst of it is that we ourselves have a sneaking suspicion that we really are about through though some of us don't care,touch: In our younger day3 1 we lived in a bright day of the world and in our ripe years have become rather disgusted with it. Yet, it seems to me. social agencies should do something for the middle-aged who are having a hell of a time of it, what with the way everything has been going. It's all right in the day-time when the middle-aged are busy Vith their things - - their jobs, professions, businesses and colums. When night comes the black shadows of the world encompass their hearts and they go groping in despondency. Enjoy Life The young don't suffer as much. They have no particularly lovely world to look back to and 80 have no regrets for something lost. They go to the night clubs and dance it all away. They But ho lives hopefully to 10 .were born in the age of jazz and grew up on swing and knew no better than to believe that the emanations of a saxophone are music. Let us consider a middle-aged man's evening at home. Things haven't been going well in hia doorknob factory. Tho defense boom hasn't touched doorknobs. There are rumors around that a cunning inventor has thought up a device, to do away with doorknobs-r-a photo-electric eye or something, Mr. Zilch—4hat's the middleaged man's . name—had always believed that doorknobs would escape the mechanization that has dotfe away with BO many other ancient institutions in the more recent years of his life-time. Mr. Zilch felt safe in his doorknob factory. The world never could do without doorknobs, he had always thought, until recently when the dreadful news of the new electrical door opener leaked out. So in no happy mood, Mr. Zilch takes his place at the dinner table. Even if he were a Gentile Mr. -Zilch would have the heavy burden of an awful world on his neck, but he is a Jew besides. No sooner had he taken hold of his soup spoon than Mrs. Zilch has some news. She says she doesn't know what the world is coming to. -Only t h a t afternoon she heard what happened to t h e Levys when they wanted to buy a lot in Shamdale, the new suburb. Such decent people as the Le vys are, too! After they had, a desirable lot picked they were tola they couldn't hare it. They don't want Jews in Shamdale. This starts Mr. Zilch on hia talk "about anti-Senlltisni where he left off the night before. He remembers the time when people scarcely knew tho word antiSemltiam. It never appeared in •the daily papers . . . '"In, this town," he Bays, "being, a Jew then was UKe being a Methodist or a Presbyterian. You were respected for your character if your character deserved -it.1.' -V. Evcrytliing B M Mr. Zilch sighs from the bottom of his abdomen.- But for that matter everything haa.gone bad for everybody, he says r The Jews are just one group of all the sufferers of tho world. _Ho recalls the world of his youth in which Europe was known aa a happy place, to go for honeymoons and for your- silver wedding. You brought baok spoons, vases and other BOttveniro. v ' Mr. Zilch says lie guesses he was.born too early. If he bad been borr* later- lie wouldn't have these memories of the good world that died about 1014. It hurts to look back at things that were lost. Yea» them was a fiasslins moment in the twenties. ' Bvery. thing looked all rlgnt-then and you thought you could ceo a thou-

o'clock every -evening. Yes, this may be the evening when Mr. Swing will give all the answers and make everything clear even unto the bright new world to cdme, " Mr. Zilch spreads himself on his couch to wait for Mr. Swing. His censes float away and Mr. Zilch sleeps . . . His wlfo awakens h{m . , . "It's time for "Raymond Gram Swing, Oscar" « . . M r . Swing is asking what's become at Wavell's army of the Nile. That's what Mr..-" Zilch has been asking, too, but Swing doesn't know the answer either. So it comes time for bed, Thank goodness, there's a/bod• in which to forget everything. Yes, by all means something should be done by our social agencies to improve the evenings of tho middle-aged. The y o u n g know how to take care of themselves, what with love, nlgiht clubs and all that. (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

Save Synagogue

Tuesday night, refreshments followed a n d memoers spent the evening playing Michigan rummy.

Zimbalist on Radio On Sunday Evening

TALMUD XGItAH A Talmud Torah Sunday school Parim party was held last Sunday ifiornittg at the synagogue. PalestiEigji songs were sung ami various games played. Prizes for the best costumes were presented to Barabara Frankel, Linda Passer, Evon Galpert, and Larry Shostak. Following the party, hamantaschen were served.

Russian-bom Bfrem Zimbalist, one of the world's greatest violinists, himself the eon of an orchestra leader and one of the few Jews to be admitted in Czarist Russia to t h e famed Imperial Conservatory of Music at St. Petersburg, one of the fewer still to receive a goia medal and a Rubensteiu scholarship upon graduation, will be the guest artist on tho Pord Sunday Evening Hour of March 23, which will be broadcast next Sunday night between 8 and 1» o'clock. On the same program will be presented, for the first time in America, the song Richard Wagner wrote for the birthday of his wife, C7 years ago. Efrem Zimbalist, whose artigtry has been acclaimed for more than 30, will be heard in "Havanaise" by Saint - S a e n s , "Prize Song" by Wagner a n d "Perpetuum Mobile" by Novacek,

BRlMi-TO-llIS HONORED Miss Louise Miller was honored at a one o'clock luncheon last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Saltzman. Thirtyfive were present. Miss Miller is to become the bride of Norman Ahrahamson on April 27. * The guests presented her with a gift. Following lunch, bingo and Mali Jong were the afternoon's diversion. KETUKN8 FROM FREMONT Mrs. Max Harris returned home Tuesday after a week's visit in Fremont with her mother, Mrs. J. Verbin. Sunday Mr. Harris and daughter, Bette Lee, drove to Fremont to join Mrs. Harris. Jacob Mendes da Costa, a West Indian Jew, was in 1872 named professor at Jefferson , Medical college in Philadelphia.

MONSKY, GUODINKKY, MAKER, AND COHhN, AHy»., 181 Omaha Nat'l Bank Htef. Notlc« Is hereby given that on the Jlrat day of January, 1011, the total outiUndIng secured and unsecured Indebtedneu ol H. A, Wolf Company, a Nebraska corporation, was 1)06,607.75. H. A. WOLF, President, H. A. WOLP, JC. II. ATJ1SRBACH. H. II. BROWN, Majority of Director* Attest: H. H. AUEUUACir, Secretary. 3-21-<l-lt

President: I could not sleep on account of your sermon. Rabbi: Was it so impressive? President: I have a nature that when I take a nap I cannot sleep after a while. Psychiatrist: The dishonesty of our sou is due to recessive cells of your great-grandfather. Father: What is your bill? Psychiatrist: One thousand dollars. Father: (thinking) Psychiatrist: W h a t are you hinking? Father: I am thinking what a big thief your great-grandfather was. Teacher: Yes, go on, Tommy, after the horse comes the motor car, and (prompting) after the motor car . . . Tommy: After tho motor car :omes the installment man.


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London (JTA)—A Bynagogue Patient: I have a cold in my in the Brlstolorea was caved by the rabbi and students when in- head. Doctor: This Isn't so bad. cendiary bombs fell on the roof Some haven't^even that. in a recent air raid." FOB SAFE and PLEASANT DRIVING

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Friday, March1 21, 1941


Neuhaus to Start New Series Sigma

a Mti

Lincoln (Special)—The fresh man class of the Nebraska-chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu recentl announced that the date of their traditional freshman party will be March 22 and is to be held a the chapter house. The theme of. the party is taken from the daily comic strips and the costumes are to be of comic attire. They have ^chosen Earl Hil and his band for their entertainment and the refreshments have been arranged " for. This promises to be one of the most successful house parties of the year. Invitations have been sent out to all friends and alumni of the chapter. Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Mu had the honor of having all the members of the University of Nebraska Innocents society for dinner last Tuesday evening. The Innocents society is an organization of 13 men who are chosen to the society for their participation In school activities. Sigma Omicron has had at least one man In the society for the past six years. The house ping:pong tournament is in the semi-finals now with Prior Bud Kalin, Norman Green, Norman Veta and Leonard Lewis participating. Further in athletics is that the house won Us first bowling match played this year against the Sigma Nu fraternity. The chapter won its handball match against the Phi Pal fraternity last Tuesday evening, which now places the chapter in the semi-finals in the University ' of Nebraska - handball tournament; The University of Nebraska THllel extension unit. wUl have R a b b i Goldstein of the Mount Sinai Temple of Sioux City for its guest speaker- next Sunday evening at the Student Union building. Rabbi Goldstein is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu. It was recently announced that Fras Phil Bordy, Norman Green and Morton Margolin wllL participate in the inter-mural quiz sessions to start on this campus soon, . . . . . : .• .•_

Sinai Club A meeting- of the Sinai Club •was held last Tuesday evening. Gary Landman presided and Nellie Edel read the minutes. Visitors were: Miss Sylvia Weiss, Miss Sarah Ratner. and. Miss Sarah Schneider. "The Good and Welfare" committee reported that a knitting group has hepn formed to help the American Rod Cross. Pictures of the club taken by Norman Berg were shown to tho members. These will be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cohen, the former advisors, who are now residing, in Washington, D. C.. A membership drive is now taking place. Young men an d women, eighteen years and over, are invited to attend the meetings which .are held every Tuesday evening at 8:30 at tho Jewish Community Center.. , Team captains are. Miss Marie, Adler and Herman Goldstein. The meeting on Tuesday, March 25,' will be closed to outsiders. Dr. A. C. Fellman -,vill speak. .








Tau Gamma Delta

A regular business meeting, of the^ Tau , Gam;ma~ Delta sorority was held at- the, home of Miss Goldie Gerellck on Tuesday, iMarch.18. • Plans were discussed for a theater '^.arty; to be held sooju. ... . • The evening,was spent playing bridge and other games. Prizes were won., by the Misses Rose MahdeU -Lillian.. ...Cutler and Rebecca Tatlebauin, Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Beautiful Emerald Cut Diamond About 2 C^rata Exceptional Value . . . .


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Zeta Beta Tau ..Lincoln (Special) — The past two weeks have been active ones tor Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau. The chapter entertained Dr. R. W. Russel of the psychology department last Wednesday evening at a dinner followed by an informal discussion on the practical application of psychology. Yale Gotsdiner and Robert Passer, both-of Council Bluffs, la., were successful in their first intramural debate, defeating Delta Theta Phi, honorary law fraternity. They took the affirmative stand on "Resolved: The English speaking nations of the world should form an alliance." This was the first win by an affirmative team Jn the first round of the tournament. Sidney Schwartz, Omaha, who was pledged to Pershing Rifles, honorary military organization, wort the second place medal in a spell down conducted last week. Competition In these events is very keen. Athletically, Alpha Theta continues to have a very successful year. The handball team witte*washed Acacia fraternity 3-0; in its first round match. The bftwling team now holds first plaqej in its league, defeating both Sigma Plil Epsilon, last year's champions, and Sigma Nu. <• Paul Krasne of Council Bluffs, la., copped first honors, in t ; h e louse singles ping-pong tournament defeating Norman Rips of Omaha, first semester university champion. . A house doubles tournament is now in progress.

Gamma Tau Sigma Sunday, March 9, the formal andle-lighting c e r e m o n y of idopting the. club's constitution vas held by the Gamma Tau Signa at the Jewish Community 3enter. The following officers wero also nstialled; President Doris Pinkoitz; vice president, Ida Chodak; leeretary, B e r n 1 c e Burstein; reasurer, Jean Greenfield; hisorian,. Betty, Rae Kaplan; reiorter and Round Table represnttive, Martye Leo Byron. Refreshments were served: A lue arid white color scheme was carried out. Dancing completed ho evening. . The next meeting of Gamma Tau Sigma will be held this Sunday, March' 23, at tho Jewish ommunity Center at 3 o'clock. Members are' a s k e d to bring money and tickets for tho "Hanantaschen Hop."

Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus, who for several years has conducted wellattended lectures, will start her Dew spring series at the Blackstone hotel on Tuesday evening, Apr^l 1, at 8:15 p. in. For her 'first lecture on April I, Mrs. Neuhaus will review the current bestseller, "Out of the Night." On April 8 and 15, she will discuss "Today's Headlines." Mrs. Neuhaus gives a clear analysis of the world today. Admission to the series is a.dollar, plus ten cents federal tax. Single admissions are 50 cents.

Temple Sisterhood

day, March 25, at .the Jewish Community Center. The following will be hostesses: Mesdames M. Brodkey, E. Blewits, S. Fellman, L. Freedman, J. Kirshenbaura, A. Schwacskin, Fannie Rosen, H. B. Feinstein, N. Wilfson and M. Zevin. Bridge aud bingo will be played after the luncheon. A large number of reservations have been made for the affair.' Mrs. N. Levinson is chairman of the affair.

The next meeting of the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held on Monday, April 7, et the temple, starting at 1 p. m. A board meeting at 11:30 will precede the luncheon End regular meeting. Mrs. Marie Stewart Jesse will review "Fame is the Spur"' by Howard Spring. Mrs. David H. Wice is program chairman for the meeting.. Mrs. Paul Blotcky will open the meetB&s- a-mi ing with pr&yer and Mr. Mai Scheueraiann will lead the group in Bong. Mrs. Harry Ilosenfeld Bas-a-mi has announced that will play the accompaniment. Miss Diana Lagman will be Its Mrs. Nathan Mantel is in charge candidate for Queen Esther at the Purim Carnival. of the luncheon.

"Mizrachi Women

Succeeds Dov

A special Hadassah Medical tfel Aviv (JtA;r— Municipal Fund meeting will be held WedA luncheon and card party will Elieser Perlson, la,bornesday in the auditorium of the be given by the Mizrachi Women's Councillor ite, w a s named vice-mayor to J e w i s h Community Center. A organization at 1 6'clock, Tues- succeed the late Dov Hos, play, "The Spirit of Hadassah," will be given. Taking part In the play will be: Mesdames Irvin Stein, Dave Cohn, Morris Stalmaster, Gilbert Freiden, M. Raznick, Ily Shrier, Al Fiedler, Al Frank, Meyer Stern, and Dave Brodkey. Children participating are; Adrienne Rice, Louise Linsman, Joan Levey, Nan Racusin, Eleanor Jean Bernstein, Ruth Mendelson, Rona Stern, Renee Plotkin, Pearl Cohen and Mariyn Wintroub, 'here's .so mucH enjoyment in a Mrs. Abe Fellman will play the musical accompaniment. Mrs. IrSuit that FITS that we've searched vin Levin and Mrs. Phineas WinAmerica for the most efficient F i S troub are directing the production. Mrs. David Blacker is in TING talent available. harge of decorations and Mrs. Harry Duboff costumes. /Today you have a CLOTHES Mrs. Max Resnick and Mrs. Harry Rochman' will be hostesses SERVICE heretofore unknown irt at the tea that will follow. (Omaha. From the most efficient; The chapter will be presented fitting when you buy a suit, to the at this time with the Golden Book Inscription given in honor utmost care in following your suit of Henrietta Szold.

Enjoyable Clothes Art Clothes That FIT!

through our modern tailoring air teration s h o p s . . . we say, "Depend upon The Nebraska."

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March. 2 1 , 1341




Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel Cemetery Society


Card Party

A card party will be given SunMr. and Mrs day, 27, at 7 p. m. at the" Myer Linda anThe Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel new March Labor Lyceum, 31st and nounce the en Cemetery Improvement Organizaby Woraman's Circle, g a g e n i e n t o tion will hold its annual lunch- Cuming, Branch 258. Refreshments will tneir daughter eon meeting on Monday, March be served. Mifcb Ruth, to 24, at 12:30 sharp, at the Jewish Herbert R. For Community Center. r i t e Efiiims-les Anywhere • • • i bes, son of Mr. of .last year, and plans ^ ^ ^ ^ VIHETIAM / a n d Mrs.' Isa forReports the coining season will be disf dore F o r b e s cussed. Luncheon will be thirtyMiss Linda is a five cents. Reservations must be WIKDOW \ graduate of Cen phoned in to the Jewish Comttf* tral High Sehoo munity Center today. SHADES Mr. Forbes attended Creigh fur Hames, Offkil, Hoi«is, Etc. university. No date has been Junior Hadassah to Meotare tel for the wedding.

DOCTEK-ORUCli SWAKTZS HONORED Miss Gertrude Oruch, daughter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swartz of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Oruch, entertained 35 relatives at their was married to Dr. Armln Docter new home, 4720 Shirley, Sunday ' ' on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 ai night, on the occasion of their the Blackstone hotel. Rabbi Da tenth wedding anniversary. The and vid A. Goldstein and Cantor affair was also a delayed house ton Aaron Edgar officiated. warming. Among the out-of-town set Attending the bride were Mrs guests were Mr. and Mra. Sam Ne Offer •£QQ or Te« Small Rudy Pidgeon, Miss Lillian MOE- Saxe of Mitchell, S. D. The next regular meeting of WE GUARANTEE OUIt WORK ovltz, and Miss Pearl Freedman A group of friends entertained Junior Hadassah will be held A. Z. A.-I Dr. Docter's attendants were Jo Mr. and Mrs. Swartz in honor of Monday evening. Craftsman Venetian Blind Co. seph Schuchman, Dr. Albert Rini- their anniversary last Saturday The "Give and Get" party was The-; advisors of Mother ChapTARNOFF ti SON, Prop*. merman, and Harold Oruch. Mrs night at the home of Mr. andter announced at an executive held last Saturday night at Tex's 82tSAM No. 16th. M/r- In Om&ba. AT 4Ui Hyman Belnian sang before the Mrs. Henry Krasne. meeting that a free smoker would Barn. Bess Lefitz and Shirley BEBVILT—REPAIRED—-CLEANED ceremony. She was accompanied be held Tuesday night, March 25 Spar were in charge of arrangetyy Miss fcnid Lindborg, Who also ANNOUNCE BIRTH ments. ' at the Jewish Community Center Patronize Our Advertiser!! played the wedding inarches. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broscow of Tentative . plans for the celebra'Relatives and close friends at- Sioux City announce the birth of tion of the chapter's seventeenth tended a wedding dinner which a son on Sunday, March 16. Mrs.anniversary w e r e presented by fqllowed the ceremony. The cou-Broscow. is . the former- Esther cultural chairman, Sam Cooper. p t t ^ f t immediately" for a brief Zustuan of Omaha. St«rt Hoiirt—1:30 A. M. f* 8:30 P. M. TtUpfcoi* AT 7334 Formal initiation of a pledge wedding trip. They will make class in memory of Morris Arbittheir home at 1649 Victor Ave. JOSLYN MEMORIAL man is being considered as a part 1} Sunday at 2:30 in the Concert of the program. The anniversary j JTEMPLE SUPPER hall of the Joslyn Memorial, a falls on May 3. Justin Priesman, A meeting of the Temple Israel concert will be given by the Ne-athletic chairman, announces that Supper Club will be held on Mon- braska Wesleyan Girls' Glee club. a poster advertising the chapter's 1MMI OtaflM Strut day, March 24. Members of the Three sound films on Spain will center-wide table tennis tournap committee in charge are: shown at 2:30 in the Lecture nient is displayed on the athletic board and that several entries Ben Shapiro, Mrs. George Spitzer hall. have already been received. Any »nd Mrs. Harry Davis. 1 At 3:30 Miss Marguerite Wick- one wishing to enter the tourna* 1 enden will speak on "Some Hu- ment can do so by signing the 3PO GIVE KECITAI. man Aspects of London." A 4 list. Entries close March 31. Mr. Hairy Braviroff will pre- o'clock organ recital will be given Softball practice will be held feent his pupil, Miss Fern Lohef- by Martin W. Bush, assisted by ner, in a piano recital Sunday Mrs. Wayne McPherren, contral- as soon as the weather permits. afternoon, at 4 o'clock, at the to. A Young Artists' program, Art Grossman was reelected an Joslyn Memorial. She will play sponsored by the Omaha Music advisor of the chapter. An unusual money-making afnumbers by Liszt, Chopin, and Teachers' Association, w i l l be fair is being planned for the near Schutt. heard at 4:30. uture, according ot Co-Chairmen d The Central High School Ex- Gordon Margolin a n d Warner . HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY pression department will present Frohman. . Mr^ and Mrs. Sam Meiches were a program at 8 o'clock under the FROM THE honored at a surprise,, party at direction of Miss Myrna Vance Junior Council their' home on the occasion of their Jones and Miss Frances McChesFBENCHHOOM • twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. ney. . A gift was presented them by The Omaha Section of the Nafriends. place in debate. Singer also won ional Council of Jewish Juniors Harmony in costumes complete place in oratory. Had Oma- held its meeting and distributed B. A. SIMONS RETURN FROM first . . . tho dresses carry tho melha won the basketball tourna- ickets for the benefit bridge to EXTENSIVE TRIP ment, the Cornbelt Region would be held Tuesday, April 22, at the ody in prints that sing of Spring i Mr. and Mrs. B, A*. Simon. re- have swept clean all first place Jewish Community Center. . . . tho coats aro a rich eccom; turned last Tuesday from an ex- honors of the major events in Door prizes ha,ve been secured , tended vacation trip. They visited the Rock Island tourney. potiimcnt in harmonious, mellow by the members for the affair, ;- in New York and ' Washington Refreshments will be served by colors. Tho costuma is a per' and then vent from Baltimore to he hostess committee. Eleanor fect Spring song for it fits so Miami by boat. There they spent Horwich is chairman of the bene"Pioneer Women fit ; a month at the Tide hotel. After bridge. many occasions. a trip to Havana, Cuba, they The club has Port and Dock The annual bazaar, the major :eals Journeyed to New Orleans for the und-raising on sale now, and any Junior fund of Pioneer Wo^ Council , Mardi Gras where they were men, will take member will be glad to place on Sunday, guests at the grand ball. ell them upon request. March 23, at the Jewish ComAfter visiting their niece, Mrs. munity Center. The doors will M. Buck of Lufkin,. Texas, they open at 10 o'clock and a dinner • traveled on to Hot Springs, Ark.,will be served continuously from for a week's stay before return- 2 o'clock. : ing to Omaha. Mrs. J. Kaplan and Mrs. S. Okun, chairmen of the dinner, promise delicacies of all kinds. A, Z. A. 100 Crisp r«<f *nif Mart prM with' Articles, of clothing, groceries, bow linden »fc« chin. Coat M paints, 'varnish, candies and pasAfter defeating Detroit Chap- ries of all kinds will be on sale. black wool wit* frog trim. ter 63, 53-26, and Chicago Akiba Door prizes are to be given. Alto In navy <m<t V ^ harmonliing prlnti. Chapter; '41-36, in the preliminMrs. Zina Feldman, chairman ary games'of the A. Z. A. Dis- f the Palestine products,- promtrict 6 tournament held in Rock ses beautiful ornaments, trinkets, Island, 111.,' last week-end, Omar jewelry, and table delicacies imha's Sam Beber Chapter 100 wasported from Palestine, will be on Kllpotrick's French Room defeated in the finals by Chicago ale. The public is invited to atSecond Floor < He'rzel Chapter' 37-26. s Although the Omaha Alephs were defeated in their final game, Hjgir-; iibilities did not go unno:^en Kutler, Century Chapguard who wag'the win?jjthe. 1040 Harry'Trustfn % . ^ ;^for Omaha's" outstanding -athlete, was awarded a -'2tnd named captain of the t' fi All-Star " Basketball teante^IU Kaplan, Chicago A. v %. A. director who presented the As an Institution Engaged in tke ;awardj>told, the 300 persons at;'jtending^Uhe' persenta'tions, "This ' trophy goes to the fello^w who in • ithe opinion of the referees and O Management of Real Estate ' (tournament officials was the best taan on the floor during the tourO Sale and Rental.of Property nament,'' ,. for your ^aiiorad suif, fra O Insurance in All Branches • Harold Epst/jin, MeMn Levipe, nov/, long-sleeved shirts Norman 'Kuklin, and Mike' LandO Mortgage Financing man, the other f o u r ) starring players of the Century'' quintet, In multi filament rayon with •were named on the District 6 Alla fresh, now sheen. French Star. team. . The Greatest Value We Offer cuffs, convcrtiblo nock end In Stage -Night competition a Our Customers Is • y o b back. White, maize,. Bkit, "The March of Time," preRented by members of, both Omarose, b!uo, beige, black. Siies ha chapter's, won second place. 32 to 38. "SERVICE WITHOUT STINT" Tri-City' Chapter 40. of 'Cornbelt Region won the first place prize. Members of the Omaha skit 'were'Harry Goqdhlnder, Carrier .frohman and Lbufe" Blumkin of. Mother Chapter and Morris" Richlin, Norman KuMln, Melvin Le•vlno and Sam Slutzky of Sam BSlA&3©EiS THEATER BUS®. Beber Chapter. ".. In the bowling tournament Omaha was represented by Sam Slutzky and Bill Susman.' " • r .Hubert Friedman and Sheldon -««te In Business Over 30 Years Singer of Sioux Cjty Chapter 12 oj? ^Cornbelt - Region -took flrat






P*ge 4

THE JEWISH PRESS Published Every Friday e.t S U B S C R I P T I O N P R I C E , On« Vear A d v e r t i s i n g h f e t t * F & d en


EDI'lOKIAL GF**£CEi £58 ErsJBssia fce&tee SIOUX - d ' f * OFIc'ieE—Jewlsii (Xinraontty Ctatei PBiKT BUOV &DBEESS—«£M 6s. ££U> fctitU

DAVID BLACKER—BaEtaess and Managing Editer LEONARD NATHAN Editor RABBI THEODORE N. LEWIS • Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER . . . Society Editor MORRIS A1ZENBERG—Sioux City Corresponded

We Can Help In a world where even the richest sleep in helpless terror, those of us who still remain free are very conscious of our blessings. Not a single American would exchange his life for that of tlis most privileged European. He would not exchange his simple existence, his freedom, his relative security for the drastic curbs on liberty, for the constant fear that dogs the footstep of prince and pauper. When we retire to sleep in the evening, we know that unless something extraordinary oceura ours will be unbroken slumber; those abroad know they will soon be awakened by the piercing wail of the sirens and the steady drone of aeroplane engines. As Jews, we are still more greatly blessed when we compare our lot with that of our European brethren. The picture Morris Troper, perhaps the best-informed man of the Jewish situatfon abroad, painted in his lecture here, restrained as it obviously was to 'spare' the sensitivity of the audience, awakened all with a sense of horror. The misery of Poland's Jews, the humiliation of Germany's, the despair of France's, the hopelessness of all in the occupied countries, the discouragement of those anxiously waiting in Lisbon for escape. To answer the cries for help, Omaha Jewry is mobilizing its resources for the annual Philanthropies campaign, which will benefit not only local institutions, but will bring immeasurable succor to the suffering brethren in other lands. The responsibility that is ours cannot be shirked. In our hands has been placed the opportunity to save a life, to mak'j existence a little move bearable, to rescue others from bondage more real than that of Egypt. The chairman of this year's campaign, Mr. Milton Livingston, ia a business man who cannot easily spare time and effort. Yet, he and hundreds of other workers, are gratefully giving of themselves unsparingly so that they can help, in whatever small way, to alleviate in some small measure the plight of Europe's unfortunates. \ No matter how much we give, no matter what we have to sacrifice to make a generous contribution—^and generous contributions are needed—it is small indeed when compared to the sacrifices „ demanded of the Jews of Europe. Life and lib' erty they have given only because they are Jews. A request to contribute to the Jewish Philanthropies is no demand. It is a privilege for which we should be truly grateful. This is an opportunity for us to Bhow that we are worthy of our blessings, that we realize how fortunate wo are and that we are giving In our humble way, a tiny "fraction of those blessings. • ^ .

Straws in the Wind Blue-prints for the Europe that Is to be are rapidly being drafted in both Berlin and London. But those of Berlin are the work of a single-band and are in a vaguely familiar pattern^—the blueprints of an empire ruled by a conqueror. It is a pattern that has been tried time and time again and despite a lot of big talk has always proved to be as substantial as a Jerry-built house. In London the blueprint is the handiwork of a great many people and is concerned primarily with a strong foundation rather than a glittering super-structure. Primarily, the work of the various exiled governments revolves about the surrender of national sovereignty to a new and stronger League of Nations. In fear such may be frustrated, as it was before, representatives of the smaller nations ate busy with their own plana. Belgium has signified its intention of becoming a member ot the British Commonwealth of Nations. Poland and Czecho-Slovakia are at. present drafting a common foreign policy in a reconstituted Europe and .perhaps even closer collaboration will eventuate. The representatives of the Free Bulgaria and Free Rumania.movements speak of a JDanublan Confederacy. The Free French leaders have signified their intention of pooling French and British colonial resources. Even, in this country,."the "Union Now" movement is making unusual headway. All these proposals, in the light of past history, seem absolutely-fantastic The closest student o£ political science "would aover have dared prophesy even a fear, ago'that Americans would be consider-

ing a union with the other English-speaking de moerfecies or that Belgian statesmen would bv clamoring for incorporation into the British em pire. The failure of the League of Nations was tli' refusal of its members to recognize the weaknesses. . Now that these weaknesses have become apparent, the slatesmeE of the world are finally agreeing that nations should surrender certain aspects of national sovereignty in exchange lor world peace. After the first AVorld war, the League of Nations, an American creation, was foisted upon a Europe that was not yet ready to give up its bickerings. Today the masses of Europe are sick and tired of wars, knowing that they are born for this trouble as "the sparks fly upward." They are demanding an end to these recurring wars and they see in the example of the American Federation their only hope.

The Chronicle's Centennial Midst the terror of aerial warfare, the oldest Anglo-Jewish publication, "The London Chronicle," Is observing its hundredth year of continuous publication. American Jewish journalists have often been tempted to compare the influence of 13-. British publication with its counter-parts in thia country. With over a hundred Jewish periodicals being published in America, it is sad to relate that none come near the influence wielded by this single English publication. One reason was offered by the Bulletin of the American Jewish Congress, which reminds its readers that British Jewry ia more than just a geographic term. The British Jews are a unit, with a centralized communal oranization and with few variations in doctrinal observance. American Jewry does nothing more than describe those people in America who profess themselves to be Jews. These are a people of all sorts ot variations and degrees of religious thought, 6£ economic strata, of social beliefs. They are rural and urban, they are rich and poor, they are Reorm and Orthodox, they are Congress and Committee. What the "Congress Weekly" decries Is he inability of the majority of the Jews of this :ountry to super-impose their views on the entire group as is the British case.' In our opinion the great trouble with the nalonal publications of American Jewry is the fact hat ilone are courageous enough to, champion the common denominators of Jewish life. Each insists on representing some particular point of view, ome specified conglomeration of ideas. They have lecorae, in too many instances, instruments of ropaganda, and are not viewing the scene with an objectivity necessary at this moment. "The Chronicle" has covered a unique period n Jewish history. Yet the problems of 1841 difer only in degree from those of 1941. Today we need greater resources to meet those problems, ntensified as all problems have been intensified n the past century. • Jewish newspapers in America have a definite ask at this time. They, with the Rabbis and the communal leaders, must enable our people to meet heir adversity with self-respect, to understand ;helr past and present, and to aspire for their 'uture.

Friday, March 21, 1941

Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. Philip Sfe*r

with Mussolini or Hitler on many matters - - has the field all to itself. You don't hear about Chicago Tribune men getting kicked out of Berlin. As a matter of faet, Sigrid Schalz, the lady who heads the Tribune Bureau iu Berlin has been there since 1925, and hasn't been in trouble yet.

BIBLE He that goeta about tale-bearing revealeth secrets; therefore By continuously weeding o u t meddle not with him that openeth the correspondents who show no wide his lips. | sympathy for the A x i s cause, The thought of the diligent I eventually the oaly reporters left tend only to plentiousness but j in Berlin and Rome will be those every one that is hasty hasteth who LIKE the totalitarian way of only to want. doing things, and whose stories It is better to dwell in a des are prejudiced along those lines. sert land than with a contentious And even if the reporters are persona grata, the Axis propaganda and fretful yvoman. Fret not thyself because of chiefs will eliminate any correevil-doers; neither be thou envi- spondents for papers they don't ous at the wicked, for there will admire. be no future to the evil man and the lamp of the wicked shall be Gathering news ia a tremenput out. dously competitive business, particularly in these days of war, when t h e American public deTALMUD Itabbi Abuha and Rabbi Chiya mands every line of war news it happened to meet in a certain can get. And no news service can place. Rabbi Abuha lectured on afford to have its bureaus closed Agods (legends). Rabbi Chiya in Rome or Berlin or both. It lectured concerning Halacha (tra- follows that they're pretty careditions). The consequence was ful not to place In these bureaus that the audience left Itabbi Chiya a reporter who might be overly . .• ' ' and came to hear* the legends of critical. Rabbi Abuha. This caused the Not only do the Nazis censor former to feel iudignant. Whereupon Rabbi Abuha said to the au- the news at the source, and redience, "I Bhall give you a par- serve the privilege to boot out able. This may be likened unto correspondents t h e y don't like, two men who entered a town. but they continue that censorship One sold precious stones and of banishment even after the repearls while the other was selling porter reaches tho United States junk. Who was the busiest? on, say, a vacation. Surely the junk man had more ustomers." This happened to William Shir* Rabbi Elazer said, "Every man er, of Columbia Broadcasting Syswho possesses the habit of flat: tem, who m a d e a speech, and wrote a few pieces, about what ha tery will fall in Gehinnam. With the death of Rabbi Jos- actually saw in Germany when he hua, real thinking and planning was there - - stuff the N a z i s came to naught. With the death wouldn't let him broadcast at th« of Rabbi Akiba, deep scholarship time. Now Bill Shlrer can't go ceased, and the fountain of wis- back. dom stopped off. With the death Up to now, the United States of Rabbi Chanim, there ceased men of action. With the death hasn't found a way to atop this of Rabbi Jose, real piousness business. We, of course, haven't ceased. With the death of Rabbi got any censorship, and the P. N. Maler, the composing of fables B. or Transocean reporters can ceased. With the death of Ben send out what they please, withAesal, devotional study of t h e out fear of retaliation. Neither Torah ceased. With the death of do we need a censorship of forBen Zoma, real expounders of the eign correspondents, because there Torah ceased. With the death of are papers right here at home Rabbi Jochanan, the glory of who have said everything damaging about the Administration, and learning ceased. the way things go, that there is to say. We haven't anything to hide.

By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Washington Press Bureau

WASHINGTON. it isn't big news any more when an American newspaperman gets booted out of a totalitarian capital, hut we feel that it should be, for by such tactics the Axis powers have been able to conduct an indirect censorship of the* press of he United [States. Having throtReligion for the Young led their own press, Rome, BerA. Eronson Alcott', the .great pioneer of Ameri- lri, and Moscow have found Q» exceedingly effective method for can Education, sought to teach in imitation of the keeping the big American papers, Scriptures. What Alcott visualized was not an and the press associations, In line. education confining Itself to the three "R's," not They kick American reporters to a rudimentary acquisition of empirical knowledge, but one that tended to develop the person- around something awful - - and f e a r of retaliation •.» ality and strengthen the character of the child. without something we'll get to later, He did not want to fili the children of bis school with facts unrelated to their everday experience. .Latest victim of Italy's purge To him education's primary concern was to Instill of American' correspondents is T. Whittaker, of the Chicago a child with a love for a richer and a mote sig- John Daily News. He is the fifth Chi-, nificant life. / V r cago Daily News man to be eased Today the subject of 'released' time is causing out of Italy in recent years. ;reat discussion in both lay and religious circles. It turns out t h a t Mussolini n a great many cities, including Omaha, children,' kicked but Whittaker not because whose parents so desire, are being permitted time he sent anything untruthful over oft for. an hour of religious instruction each week. the cables, or because he violated An hour a week of religious Instruction cer- ;he wartime censorship. As" a matter of fact, Whittaker has been a tainly is of harm to no one. But it Is harmful personal friend of Count Clanp, if parents think that it is sufficient time to which was popular with Fascist offlcials, to impart enough religion to a child to last them a and was not nearly as critical, of the Fascist regime as some of his lifetime. \ • ' " . ' • • - . • • * . '••''' • • • '. ; ';' "... •;; ..'•' predecessors. •'Released" time, whatever Its advantages and virtues, is certainly'no answer to the problem of But Whittaker was/asked to religious education; What a child is to be depends leave Italy because Mussolini didon the parents, on the B C h o o l s , and on the n't like his paper,, which has been of the most powerful,spokeschurches. The troubles of the world are basically one men for our .hind of -Democracy. the failure of, individuals to understand their obli- It also'happens that,the Chicago gations to each other. There ia no short-cut, ho Dally News is .'owned by Frank panacea vfor the better life; Only the tedious and Knox, the Secretary of tho Navy. the far-sighted measures are effective. If we wish This sort of censorship worka bur children to be devout, vo must be devout our- both waya. Not only is the.Chi" elveB. If we wish our children to be religious, cago Daily News deprived of its wo cannot ignore religion. "Released" time can :ables, from Rome,' and its news .only Da a partial answer to a more significant jervico weakened that .much, but its competitor,- the Chicago Trlproblem, ' / rane -.r 'which can see eye- to eye

But news is a commodity, like wheat or rubber, and there is no more reason that we should let the American people be fed. poisoned or adulterated news than we> should let the Nazis flood t h e country with defective food. If "the State Department h a d sufficient spine, it could Quietly oust an Italian or German reporter for every American reporter kicked out of those countries. It wouldn't be censorship, and wo wouldn't call it retaliation, but we have a hunch it would work. The Germans, particularly, are most anxious to keep their report* era in the United. States, where they act as a sort of adjunct to the Embassy, and are very useful In reporting such matters as the President's off-the-record talks In his press conferences. And if the Nazis found that their best men over here suddenly developed visa trouble, they .would likely quit booting out of Berlin those reporters who still love "democracy. However, wo don't feel' that' the State Department has got that much spine, or imagination. The State Department hasn't yet taken action. against Nazi and Italian consuls who have provenly violated the laws governing consular officials in the United States. So we're going to suggest an " alternative plan: E v e r y ' t i m e an American reporter gets the rush act abroad, bar a reporter from the offending nation from such organizations as the National P r o B a Club, tho ^ h i t e House Correspondents Association, t h e State Department Correspondents Association,' and the pressgaUeriea of; the < Seriate • and House, • " : We .just remembered, however, that..the Standing Committee of Correspondents of the Senate and House still haven't removed Manfred Zapp, head of Transocean, from the list of reporters.accredited to cover tho Congress.' Mr. Zapp is under Indictment for violating the foreign agent's registration < act. Perhaps we're Just plain helpless.. •

, • • ., Ms-ret 2 1 , 1941


Page S

Candidates for Queen Esther


By Ida Chod&k The following seitthmeuts were' penned by Ida Chod&k, daughter of Mr. eitd Mrs. Morris Chodak. Miss Chodak is 17 years of age and a senior at Onutha Techitie&l High School. I ain an American! I have always said this sentence, but I always took it for granted. I am t a Jew and I know how my race has suffered from unjust people. When I think of my people suffering, I think of myself, now glad I am that I was born in the United States of America. When I say, "I am an American," I say it with the deepest emotion from the bottom of my heart. • If. I were in a foreign land now, I would not be able to write as I am doing now. I would probably be thrown in a concentration camp for expressing my thoughts and feelings. This is a horrible thing to say, but every word is true. America ia a wonderful country I If I say it once, I want to eay it a thousand times. America is a wonderful country! In this wonderful land of mine, I .am free £o speak as I wish, read what I want to and belong to any club that I wish to be a member. I hare many liberties but the most Important is the freedom of religion. In some foreign lands, I would not be tolerated because I'am a Jew. , Why ia this? Have I ever liurt anyone? Have I killed a human? Am I a thief? I can answer no to all of these questions. I have never done anything seriously wrong or bad. I have always tried to be the best of friends with overyone, no matter .what his race, religion, or color

Sigma Delta Tau Lincoln (Special) — Another honor came to Theta's vice presiednt, Miriam Rubnitz, when she •was elected to serve as vlco president of Tassels, women's pep organization, for the coming year. Miriam has been a member of Tassels for two years, and served the organization in, the capacity of treasurer the past year. Her other. activities on campus include membership in Vestals of the Lamp, Art and Sciences honorary, Sigma Alpha Iota, musical honorary, Student Council, Coed Counsellor, and Y. W. 0. A. v Aronita Daskovsky, sophomore, HInton, Iowa, Is another S. D. T. -who is an active member of Sigma Alpha Iota. Aronita-was initiated into this group Friday evening. She numbers membership in the University Symphony and "Lincoln Symphony orchestras and also the string ensemble, among tier activities. Her. talent as a violinist is recognized by music circles In Lincoln as well as on the university campus. Ann Arbitman, sophomore/Omaha, has been nominated as a candidate for the position of secretary of the Women's Athletic Association. At present she is a member of the W. A. A. Sports , board and actively. Interested in many other campus groups. Sarah Bonnie Miller, Wall Lake, lows, and Geraldlno Grinspan, St.'Joseph, Mo., have, by defeating their opponents thus far,in the intramural ping-pong tournament, succeeded in remaining In the competition for, the finals of the tournament. The final games will be played this : w e o k . .

. • ••

. '



Round Table of Jewish Youth. Left to right are: Mickey Goldberg, representing B'nos Israel; Diana Lagman, Bas-a-mi; Ruth Rosenstein, J u n i o r Hadassah;

Reed<a Magzamin, Tau Delta Sigma; Cece Cohen, Upsilon Tau; Elaine Tuchman, Gamma Tau Sigma; Ruth Miller, Theta Lambda,, and Pauline Landman, Sinai Club. (World-Herald Photo.)

is. I don't know what these foreign countries have against my people. I can't understand why a human being will hurt another human. Although we think and believe differently that is no reason to be punished. God created man equal ia body and man should treat one another-equally. Why is It that man can hurt Myron A. Cohen, son of Mr. each other so? Some people enJoy seeing others suffer. Are and Mrs. Goodman Cohen of Omthey really human as they claim aha, has been appointed concert to be? In my opinion, an ani- master of the Chicago Civic Ormal will not stand by and let chestra. This is Mr. Cohen's third anyone torture another animal. year as a member of this organIt is only a human who will stand ization. by and see another Human suffer. Sponsored by the Chicago SymI admit that at the present phony Orchestra, t h e Chicago time the Jewish people are not Civic Is under the direction of foe only ones being persecuted. Dr. Frederick Stock and is conThere are many other refugees ducted by Hans Lange. and my heart bleeds for all of Mr. .Cohen received highest them. People may ask me, "Why honors at the American Conserare you so concerned about your vatory last Juno when ho won race being persecuted? After all, the elimination contest and apyou should be glad that it isn't peared as soloist at the Comyou." I can't help talking as I mencement concert at Orchestra do, for there is something In my hall. He has also appeared as heart that makes me feel sorry. soloist with the Do Paul Univerfor my people. I stand by <Joing sity Symphony. nothing. I only wish there was Mr. Cohen has made frequent something1 I could do for my un- appearances In Omaha at the Josfortunate pooplo and other un- lyn Memorial. fortunates. The schools In America are the finest there are in the world. At school, I can freely discuss anything that I wish with my school mates. Why shouldn't I? We are all the same. ^ Perhaps the a a y will come when men will treat each other Bigger, better and entirely new as brothers. Let us pray and are the plans for the X941 showthank God every day that we are ing of the annual Tangier Shrine Americans. We have much to be Circus to bo held the week of thankful for. We live in a coun- April 14 at the Omaha Ak-Sartry that has freedom of speech, ben coliseum. freedom of the press, freedom of With the arrival here this week .religion, a n d the freedom of of Rink Wright, who his directed many other things. We should the Omaha Shrine circuses for be proud that we obey the Con- the past few years, to~take charge stitution and that we are a gov- of the assembling of the various ernment of tho people. We are acts, Charles J. Collins, general governed by a president and not circus chairman, declared "nothruled by a dictator. ing would be spared to make this I want to shout to the world, year's presentation the best in I am an American. And I'm Tangier's history." Wright plans to have 40 senproud of it, and I say with deep feelings, God bless America, the sational acts, which are to Include more animals, greater aerland of the Free!

ial thrills, a n d world-famous clowns. This year's attraction will also take on a "military tempo" by the presentation of drills by training units a n d bands surrounding schools and colleges.

One of these eight girls will 'be named "^Jueen Esther" at the Hamantaschen Hop to be h e l d Sunday at the Jewish Community Center under the auspices of the


Eight hundred attended t h e ' Purim celebration of the U. 0. C. on Wednesday evening, March 12, at Congregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol. The affair was dedicated to the children of the community, each one of whom received a grogger with which to participate in the noisemaking. The program started with the evening services and was followed by the reading of the Meglllah. After this, Rebecca Finer of the City Talmud Torah told the Etory of Purim and the children joined in the singing of appropriate songs. Mr. Ben Kazlowsky, president of the City Talmud Torah, distributed attendance prizes. A costume march was held. Mrs. Joe Zweiback, Mrs. Max Fromkin, Mrs. Morris Burstein, Dr. A. Riminerman and Mr. Ben Kazlowsk^ were judges. Evening was closed with the distribution by the Rabbi of Shalachmonoth to the children. Costume winnerswere Joe Chaseu, Marvin Parllman and Florence Fredkin.

Talmud Torah Pupils Give Purim Operetta A special Purim celebration was held by the History and Religious Department of the City Talmud Torah on March 16, at 11 o'clock. The meeting was opened by special greetings by Mr. A. Rapport and was followed by an operetta directed by Miss Rebecca Kirshenbaum and Miss Marian Weinbejg, and presented

by the children of the Talmud Torah. The cast in the order of their appearance w a s Evelyn Byron, Rebecca Finer, Gertrude Kalman, Helen Handler, Leonard Lefltz, Rose Behn, Anne Shrago, Arthur Lefltz, Eunice Feldman, Pauline Noodell, Shirley Dolgoff, Elaine Lashinsky, Phillis Kirshenbaum, Peggy Lou Spiegel, Helen Resnick, Susan Wolf son; Mary Lou Ruback was In charge of the wardrobe and Gertrude Rosenz Matt was prompter. Mrs. '3va Konecky w a s in charge of costumes and scenery.

Isaac de la Penha, cantor of the Congregation Shearith Israel in Montreal, claimed proprietary rights to Labrador by a grant of King William to an ancestor.


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Rebeccah Silver, freshman, of Laurel, Neb., was selected to model in a campus style show at one of the local department stores last Tuesday evening. Dr. R. W. Russell, psychology professor, was a guest at dinner last Wednesday evening, and spoke to tho group at a cultural hour afterward. He described his research in the field of "The American Indian.*' •


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Page 2


ercise iu&t'Mtig tile teMisIiiwea of B'Eai B'rith District 0 in Ch cago way back in 1868

Friday, M«rci> 2 1 , 1841 teg, loc?" Latest recreit to ever a group of K"£ff officers enthe s ong-wiiter's ranks is J a c k tered . . . Army officials protestWar er, jr., ©f the movie clan ed that this was coatrary to the

«d to your .list of prospee• *« WHO'S WHO? proucl papas JJCC Str&sberg, the .... B r o a d w a y director, ami There's a film agency In Mont the real that beaks a Charlie Chap Geoifee Jessel, of stoge, screen •adio . , . Note to the youngTHIS AND THAT lin of its own . - . He's a Jewi Alteration: H«&k Ureenbcrg, Two interesting evenings at Co- boy from Toronto, whose name 1 fame, is so fond of lumbia university h a v e been Charles S. Chaplin. He claims 11 of no good so convinced o n n c e d it's i t s good planned by the Youth and Educa- ktaship with the famous Charlie milk tion Department of the Zionist however . . . Aad, to make mat- tor Jiii tltafc he orders it even in Organization of America . . . Ou ters more confusing, the famoui ft nil lit club March 27 Dr. Solomon Goldman Charlie plans to make his nex and Alexander M. Dusbkin will picture—which will concern refu K GIGGLE lead an open discussion on "Zion- gees in New York—the occasion Tj Jean Gabin, etar of the ism and American Jewish life,' for the film debut of bis elde Prei'ch mm, "Pepe le M o k o , " asd on May 28 Louis Lipsky and son, Charles Chaplin, jr.


POKEIGN AFFA1KS ••• The grapevine reports that Iiit, ler is quite ..annoyed over tlie Luftwaffe's failure to subdue England, and over bis" Fifth Column's failure to stop passage ol H. R. 1776 . . . Radio commentator H. V. Kaltenborn insists that the war will end in a British Victory — but that it'll take two more years . . . Which can't be much of a consolation td the Jews in Lublin . . . Are you following William L. Shirer's revelatioas of life in Naziland, in the Atlantic Monthly? . . . When in Rome, quips Broadway, do as the Germans do . . . Taul Marion, "Vichy's n e w Propaganda Minister, Is known as one of France's most , rabid anti-Semites . . . To he entirely fair, however, one must al' low that at times a spark of humanity is perceptible in Vichy . . . ' We're thinking in particular of Marcel Markus, now a Major in the French army, who was promoted to this rank after the Hitler armistice . . . This because of Major Markus' extraordinary valor during the Blitzkrieg , , . •Major Markus has made no secret of his Jewishness — and there is .abroad a suspicion that it is for his own sake that M3 superiors have sent him to a North African post, where it will be harder for the Nazis to lay their hands on him . . . IV THI3 AIK Did you know that (he Knights of Judaea, Inc., have organized a Flying Bchool and a Jewish Engineering Corps for the training of young Jews who are not eligible for training under the auspices of the Civil Aeronautics Authority? . . . If you're interested, write to the organization at General Post Office Box No. 547, New York City . . . The Knights of Judaea aren't taking students Interested in commercial aviation, however . . . Their idea Is to provide trained pilots for Uncle Sam's defense program or, in the case of men not subject to tho draft, lor •volunteer service in the Royal Air Force, which at their request will then send these volunteers to defend Palestine . . . Incidentally, there's a California Flying Clnb In. XOB Angeles which is trying to p r o m o t e interest in aviation among Jewish youth . • . And a. committee of American aviators who will raise funds for the families of It. A. V. heroes killed in action will be headed by Roger Wolfe Kahrt . . .

Dr. Mordecal M. Kaplan will speak on the theme of "Jewish ABOUT PEOPLE! Nationalism" . . . A newcomer to Brooklyn's Judge Samuel our shores is Henri Torres, the famous French criminal lawyer Leibowitz, who until his election who defended Herschel Grynszpan to the beach last fall was Ani . . . We're sorry to hear of the ca's foremost criminal lawyer and illaes of Dr. Paul Schwarz, who was responsible for a record num until 1933 was New York's Ger- ber of acquittals, is establishing man Consul . . . He preferred to some cort of record with the num relinquish his Job and be exiled ber of aggregate years in jail tint from hia homeland to knuckling he's handing out to the convicte under to Hitler . . . Wall Street, prisoners who come before him they say, is preparing to wage a for sentence . • . Did you know bitter fight against the appoint- that, on top of everything els,t\ ment of Pen Jamin Cohen as SEC Iledy Lamarir has considerable head when he returns from his talent as an inventor, and has sev mission in London with Dr. Wi- eral patents right now? , . . And nant . . , All-year-round S a n t a that song-writer Jerome Kern's Claus to the kids of Cleveland Is hobby is the collecting of rare Police Captain Arthur Roth, a pi- books and silver? . . . Jenny Goldoneer in the providing o f safety stein, the famous Yiddish actress measures and recreational a n d in her youth once played with the summer camp facilities far t h e Divine Sarah Bernhardt . . . Curt Bois, who is becoming better hildren of his city . . . LIVE AND LEAttN There are a lot of things we never knew till now about IVuai ll'rith's history in Chicago, where tho Order's convention will l>e held next week-end, and we hasten to pass on our newly acquired information . . . B'nri B'rlth's association with Chicago dates from 1851, the year when t h e . B'nai Il'rith - sponsored Hebrew Agricultural Society started a short-lived Jewish farm colony at Schaumberg, in Cook county . . . The first B'nai B'rith Lodge in the Windy City was chartered in 1857 . . . It's still nctive under its original name, Kanialt Lodge . . . The powerful Jewish Charities of Chicago is an outgrowth of the Vnitecl Hebrew Relief Association, brought into being under B'nai B'rith leadership in 1850 . . . . During the Civil War, Ramuh lodge recruited a Jewish company for the 812nd Illinois Infantry . . . T h e first Identification of a.member of the Julius Rosenwuld family with Jewish affairs in Chicago was w i t h a B'nai B'rith function .' . . Leasing Rosenwald, an uncle of the famous philanthropist, represented t h <> Springfield, HI., Lodge at the ex-

No Ford has ever carried quite so far!

traditional F r e n c h politeness, which would demand that t h e Frenchmen remain present for at least 15 minutes after the Nazis' arrivals . . . So thereafter, on the appearance ol Nazi diners, the French patrons would pJace their watches on the table and leave after exactly 15 minutes had passed . . . (Copyright, 1941, by'Seven Arts Feature, Syndicate.)"

whicn is -wowing Broadway these Julius Eckm&BB, San Francisco dayd Is attributed the story about rabbi, went to China as a missionthe j' Paris restaurant. w h o s e ary to restore the Jewish commuFrench patrons walked out when- nity of KaWong-foo.

known and cast In screen roles has learned tho American art of cracking wise, too . . > The latest attributed to him concerns Juke boxes, which, he contends, have aken the rest out of restaurants and put the din into dinner . , Theatrical producer II e r m a i: Bhumlin still hasn't got over Die ! shock he received a couple of weeks ago, when he suddenly discovered himself named as one of the score of liest-dresed men of 1041 . . . And of another pro ducer, Sam Harris, they say that when he woke up from tho ether after his recent operation his first words were: "How was my open-

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Friday, Mtrcb 21, 1041


By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS R&bbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn, N.


the choir la conducting the service. After services an pneg ShabReligious Services bbth' tea will "be held in' the social hall.; Hostesses^will'be members of Circle i, .headed by Mrs. Temple : ' In observance of "Founders Dave "Stein: fend Mrs." Jack" Kauf' Sabbath," which is being marked man. ' tonight in all Liberal Synagogues, IlaLbi David II. Wice will deliver Dutch Senator Dies a eermonetie on "Isaac M a y e r Wise." This is the 122d anniverLondon (JTA) — News h a s sary of the birth of the founder reached here of the death at of American Reform Judaism. A Nice, at the age of 76, of exhymm, written by Dr. Wise, will Stuator A. M. H. Van Den iJei&b, be sung.

a leading figure la Dutch fraMie life and for many years a member of the Dutch Parliament. The ex-senator played a notable part ia Jewish affairs in Holland. He was a liberal Bupp&rter of Zionist effort, a member of the Netherlands Council of the Keren Hayesod and the Netherlands representative of the Jewish Agency.

THE STORY OF-MODERN* PAL- portant phases in relatively reESTINE, DOKOTHY F. ZK- cent Jewish lit'e, and about many . LIGS. BLOCH PUBLISHING of the issues which are today in Lazarus David was . the first the forefront of Jewish living, . COMPANY. Saw PAGES. Jew to be buried in Canada on HOW THE JEWISH PEOPLE such as Palestine and Zionism; October 22, 1776. Judaism, Orthodox, Conservative LIVES TODAY, MOIU>ECAI I. -fiOLOFF, UNION OF AMEItl- and Reform; the distribution of The concluding T o w n Hall . CAN HEBREW CONGREGA- Jews and their fortunes in Rus- Forum will be held this evening sia, Central Europe, etc.; a n d T I O N S , CINCINNATI. 34 S» with Mrs. Sam Robinson, presimany other instructive themes. PAGES. dent of the Sisterhood, leading One of the great difficulties THE OMAHA The discussion of Russian Jew- the panel discussion on "WoConfronting Jewish Education in ry is accurate, but in my opinion men in the Synagogue." ParticiAmerica, that of interesting and too restrained. The destruction pating will be Mrs. Dave Rosen-, pedagogically sound text books, is of Jewish religious and cultural stock and Mrs.NSam Wertheimer, being gradually remedied. The values in the land of the Soviets jr. INVITES YOU TO two books under review are evi- should provoke In us the same dences of the advance which is measure of wrath and indignation LOOK OVIiU being made in this field,' BO im- as does the destruction of Jews Beth El under Hitler. portant to American Jewry. This evening at services Rabbi \ The first, "The Story of ModTo be merely grateful for out- David A. Goldstein will speak on ern Palestine," aims to give the lawing anti-Semitism is unworthy "The Three Pillars on Which Jewish child a complete picture of a people with a great faith and Civilization Stands." Cantor Aarof modern Palestine and of the noble history. Stalin is aa much on Edgar and the Beth El choir truly miraculous achievements of a menace to Israel as is- Hitler, will lead the service. If you are thinking off Jews have wrought there in the and this our youth must be told. Services Saturday morning will buying a new car you space of only a decade or two. The When Jews cease to be disturbed be held at 8:30. The Junior Conowe it to yourself to get ' ' author, Miss Zeligs, has already over the destruction of Judaism, gregation meets at 10:30. proven her ability in preparing there is reason for alarm! behind the wheel of a Next Week splendid text book material for This volume will fill a long felt Pontiac. Next week Rabbi Goldstein will Jewish children, with several ex- want in all religious schools. It cellent texts to her credit. Her will help the pupil to understand speak on "The Biography of a latest effort, to make Palestine a more fully modern Jewish prob- Saint." The sermon Is based on reality, is highly successful and lems by making clear some of the the true story of a business man Marry A, Smith should prove'a valuable aid in the outstanding events and person- and a philanthropist, who was religious school. alities of the recent past. And one of the most beloved people all time, Sir Moses Montenore. The volume is divided into two the format of the text book is of , Members of the Fourth series one which will appeal to the parts. The first is a description of. a tour through Palestine be- child, a fact of no mean import- Hebrew class, who are now beginning with Haifa where the ship ance. The two books are en- gining the study of "Chumesh" SOilL Lea vest v/oHli WE 2400 docks at the magnificent Haifa couraging signs in the field of will be honored. Selwyn Roffman will assist Cantor Edgar and harbor, and taking us through Jewish education. the entire length and breadth of the Holy Land. We visit the cities of Haifa, Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem old and new, Tiberias and Safed. The intriguing sights here are examined. We pause at Jewish settlements and colonies, around Tel-Aviv, such as Nahallel, Dagania and at the Meier-Sheafaya . .Village, in Sharon. We stop at the Dead Sea and marvel at the great wealth which is being extracted. We admire government buildings. We pay homage at the tomb of Trumpeldor, and at the monument erected to the memory of the martyr. And the Hebraic character of Palestine, its Jewish and soul thrill enormously. The second part of the volume is devoted to a discussion of Zionism, of its history, leaders, instruments whereby it functions, etc. Helpful is the author's analysis of some of the difficulties, e. g., the Arab-Jewish relationship, British-hostility, and many . other problems. For a brief discussion of the role of Palestine and its place in Jewish life, this book with its clear and lucid text and many splendid pictures, is to be highly, recommended. ' Modern History "The second Volume, "How the Jewish People Lives Today," by Dr. Soioff, is a publication of-.tha TJnldn of American Hebrew Congregations, which, under the tlirectioji of Dr. Emanuel Gajmoran, has vitally enlarged' the curricu• lum and the field of Jewish education. Jewish history beginning with about 1500 up to bur own < ,- times'is the interesting period ' handled by the author. - ;, - The student will find intelliStreamliner "Torpedo" Six Sedan Coupe $923* (white sidewall tires extra) gent discussion of the more im-

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Frii&y, M&rch 14, 1041


•' Page 12

Oia&ta, drote to I&wa .City last Asroa Cantor was acting Eday to visit Btudeats attend- Lleuteaaat-Governor of New Yorfc ing the Vniversity of Iowa, ia 1893-4.

By Lucille

TO sioux

MORRIS AIZENBERG, Carrespoaden.t

An elaborate a n d novel program w i l l be. presented Sunday evening, March 16, at eight o'clock at the social ball of the Shaare Zion synagogue. Ira Kaplan is general chairman of the program, and he Ms been assisted in the flails for this by Rose Sperling:, Mrs. George Feinberg, Mrs. II. R. Rabinovitz, and Dorothy Merlin. Others assisting In outlining the evening's entertainment are Joe Goldstein, Joe Barricks, Dr. Bernstein, George Shindler and Perry Osnowitz. A presentation called "Our Holidays," featuring -eight- lovely ladies—• Mrs. Shirlee Grueskin, Mrs. Max Kriclcman, Mrs. George Feinberg, Gertrude Lms, Frances Naidorf, Hose Sperling, Goldie Lehman, and Kva Itorkln—will be the highlight of the —veiling. Music for this presentation will be proTided by Jack Merlin, and George Feinberg will assist with the dialogue. A special novelty skit will be presented under the directorship of Mrs. George Feinberg. T h i s skit, called "In Days of Yore," will have elaborate costuming and a large cast will participate. Perry Osnowitz w i l l preside over the evening's entertainment. This program is open to all young people over eighteen years of age. A large crowd Is anticipated.

A. Z. A. News The members or the Sioux City chapter held a special meeting Sunday afternoon, March 9, at tho Jewish Community Center. At this meeting thirty new pledges were elected Into A. Z. A., a recoul-breaking number. Thursday night, March 13, a meeting was again held which the new members of the organization attended to become acquainted w i t h the old members. Saturday night, March iE, a pledge party will be held at the center for the thirty pledges. A prograin has .been planned for the entire; evening. A paper drive has been started by the chapter. ' Bernard Hangman, Harry Nadler and Dave Drutz were chosen as t h J committee. Plans will be started immediately as to the drive.

Purini Carnival Held on Sunday Children of the Hebrew School staged their annual Purim carnival last Sunday morning. Over 175 children attendee. Gloria Krigsten received the prize for Queen Esther. Jack Heeger for Hamnn of t h e 20th century. -Marjorje' .Sperling received the prize for an original Purim carnival. Donna • Harris and Stanley Sherman appeared as and bride.

Oneg Shabbat Oneg Shabba.t meeting will take place on- Saturday afternoon, March 15, at the home of Mrs. A, H. Baron at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Mfrs. Archie Kroloff is co-hostess. There will be current events and Miss Celia Cooper will speak on "Palestine as a Factor in Our Survival."

Orthodox Synagogues ^Services will begin this evening at 6:30 and Saturday morning at 9 o'clock: Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov Trill speak during the morning at the Tiphereth Israel synagogue. Mr; A. N. Shulkln will serve refreshments in the social hall of the synagogue in honor of the eoming marriage of his grandson lit. Louis Shulkin.

Miss Maxiae Leibovitz spent AGUDAS ACHIM The next meeting of the Agu- l a s t week-ecd visiting ia Sioux das Achim will be held next dore Shiadler in honor of t h e Thursday evening, March 20, at ilty. wedding of his folks. the K. C. hall. The meeting will Hosts for the Junior Congre- start promptly at 8 p. in., and SMg, 540 Jt'irst Kst'l ation will be Mr. and Mrs. I. E. all members are urged to attend. FKOEAl'K n O I O E laplau ia honor of the recovery IN THE M^ITER OF THE ESTATE OF Elizabeth Peerlm&n, Ijectased. of their son, Morton. Notice is Hereby Given: That the crtjiilYOUNG JUDAEA . of said deci-ased will meet the ExecuA Boys' Young Judaea was or- tors tor of said estate, before me, County Judge ganized February 22 when the of Dougl&B County, Nebraska, at the CounCourt Koom, in eaid County, on tiie younger boys of Council Bluffs ty day of May, 1911, s.nd on the 5th day met at the home of Mrs. Saul Su- of5th July, 1841, fit 6 o'clock, A, M., each day, purpose of presenting their valsky, advisor of the group. Be- laiiusforfortheexamination, and atrice Krause is to be the leader allowance. Three months adjustment tie allowed for of this new organization. Last the creditors to present their claims, from of April, 1911. Sunday, a joint meeting was held the 4th dayCHARLES J. SOUTHARD, The Women's League of Shaare with the Girls' Young Judaea. 3-li-41-3t. County Judge. ion will have its monthly ineetNewly-elected officers a r e : EPHHAIM L. BIAKKS, Atty',. ng on March 18 in the form of President, Jack Brown; vice presf*(i5-S16 i i i s t N&fl Issuk Bld^ a one o'clock luncheon at the ident, Alvin Galpert; secretary, ' ' ' • Shaare Zion social hall. Mrs. L. Millard Seldin; treasurer, Billy IN THE DISTRICTNOTICE COURT OF DOUGJ. Kaplan will preside. COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Fried; historian, Maynard Telp- LAS Herman II. wniluff, non-resident deThe luncheon will be in the ner; and sergeant-at-arms, Owen Tofendant : oi'in of a sedar at which Rabbi Meyerson. You are hereby notified that on the 28th day of November, 1610, Mo)lie Bhiloff I. R. Rabinowitz will officiate as plaintiff, filed her petition in the Disand Cantor Morris Pernick will trict Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. The Girls' Young Judaeans met Docket ead in the singing, Mrs. Wm. 356, Number 68, the prayer of at the home of Betty Saks on Sunwhich Is to obtain an absolute' divorce lutcher will ask the questions. from you on the ground .of extreme cruelty March 9. A joint meeting and non-support, The reading of the Hagadah day, and for custody of the with the boys' group took place. minor children of the parties. You are rvill be distributed among varirequired to answer before the 7th The boys were told of the dif- day of April, 1911,onororpetition JUS''.members of the Women's will be ferent projects carried on by taken as true and judgment will be renleague. The table will be set in dered accordingly. he form of a sedar«at which wine Young Judaea. Ethel Gordon preMOLLIE SHILOFF. l be served and all dishes per- sented a report on Keren Kanoar, Plaintiff. of* the Scouting movement in PalBy E. L. MARKS, .ainln'g to a traditional sedar will 3-11-11-it. Her Attorney. ••. • .... be on the table. Election of mem- estine. A discussion of means of mak- SIONSKV, GHOUINHKY, MAKER AND bers to the board will be part of COIIKN, Attys. he business meeting. Mrs. Joe ing money was held. • ^ •3$1 Omaha N&t'l Mnuk Elaine Meyerson led the group Sutcher is chairman of the in singing several" songs. The NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on uncheon. the first day of January, 1911, the total meeting adjourned with Hatik- outstanding secured and unsecured Invah,

Society News

. . . . . . .


-.•... ;


Emesel held its meeting at the home of Elaine Meyerson last Tuesday evening. Plans for the spring dance were cancelled and' a, summer dance was discussed. Further collections for the Y. W, II. A. were made.

Miss Anita Sobol, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sobol, 2301 Summit street, and Louis Shulidn, son of Mr. and Mrs. William hulkin. of Los Angeles, have set March 16 as. the date of their wedding which will-be in the Spj'ol home. The couple plan to FROM MILWAUKEE eave after the ceremony and a Mr. and Mra. Sam Iliscinan of llnner tor relatives lor the west Milwaukee, Wis., formerly of Omcoast where they are to live. aha arrived last Saturday for a week's visit with friends and relMr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen have atives. "eturned after a three weeks' VISITS IN CHICAGO ialt in Florida. Norman Rosenthal spent last Mr. a nil Mrs. Marvin Krock- week-end visiting in Chicago. 'ver are visiting in Los Angeles, !alif., with friends. TO DAVENPORT ! Marilyn-Saltzman left last SunMr. and ~Mrs. J. Shindler and day for Davenport, Iowa, to visit daughter,: Ida, have visited f o r with her brother-in-law. and sis:he -past week-in Chicago.' , ter, Mr. arid Mrs. David Citron. She will be gone" about two week's. Mr. and Mrs.-D, L. Rodin are spending,'.-.a-..'; month ,'at " Miami GUESTS HEKE ".Mr. and ,Mrs. John Smart'of Beach, Fla, Chicago speni_ part of this week visiting-wH h-Mrs. Smart's parElect Rosenwald ents, Mr., and Mrs. Herman MeyNew York (JTA) — William ersoh.. Mjrs.. Smart is the former Rosenwald, Bon of the late Julius Gwendolyn Meyerson. r Rosenwald, has been elected a member of the board of directors MOTOR TO IOWA CITY Mr. and Mrs. Morris Grossof the Philharmonic Symphony Society of New York. Rosenwald man, Mrs. Ben Gershun, Mrs. ia president of the National Refu- Harry Kubby, and Mrs. Reva Stern, a n d Ruth Rosenstein . of gee Service. .

MONSK.Y, GKOWKSHV, MAREB AND CUj-HEN, Attys. "287 GiBBbu K»tfl Ktok EWg. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on the first day of January, 1841, the total outstanding secured and unsecured inde'utedr.ess of S-K Buiiding Company, B NeUraska. Corporation, with its principal place of i>uBine<>s in Omaha, Nebraska, was ¥263,025.65. H. A. WOLF, President. AI teat: R. H. KOOPER, ' , . Secretary. H. A, WOLF, R. H. KOOPER, . • H. H. AUERBACH, 3-14-U-lt. Majority of Directors. WEBB, EEiiKE. KUI'i'ZNICK KELI.KY, Atty*.£00 Service Mfe Hldg. NOTICE OF INUKBTKDNE88 Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of Walsh Bros. Co., Inc., on the 31st day of December, 1910, amounted to the sum of Thirty-seven Thousand and Eight Hundred Eighty-eight dollars and Sixty-seven Cents ($37,888.67). PAUL WALSH, President. PAUL WALSH, EARL O. JOHNSON, W. H. WALSH, Being a Majbrity of the 3-14-U-lt. Board of Directors. WEBB, BEBER, KI.UTZNICK * KKIJ.KY, Attys. 200 Service Life Bldg. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ' Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of Method's Dairy Products, Inc.. on the 31st day of ' December, . 1940. amounted to the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-six Dollars and FJv« Cents ($2,236.05). GEORGE W. METHOD, President.


Being a Majority of tlie Board of Director*.-


WEBB, BIOBEK, KLVTZNICK tc KEIXEY, Attys. SOD Service Life Hldg.

NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS ; Notice is hereby given that all existing debts of Howard Investment Company debtedness of Turner Court Realty Corn- on the -.31st day of December, 1940, f n y , a Nebraska Corporation,' wfth itn amounted to the sum of Eighteen Thouprincipal place of business in Omaha, Ne- sand Two Hundred Twenty Dollars and braska, was $48,21)1.65. Twenty-three Cents ($18,220.23). UMIJRY O PETERSON, A. II. DRODKEY, President. President. JOHN FORD, JR , Attest: H. II. AUERBACII, CIIAS A. JORDAN, [ foccrelary. EMERY O. PUTERSON, ir. H. AUnRBACH, Being a Majority of the A. H. BRODKEY, 3-14-4t-lt.- • :-../• - Board-of Directors." 3-H-U-H. Majority of Directors.







Good light costs so little everyone . ' should have it. Not to have it is sheer 7 extravagance — you can't afford to I Waste the one precious pair of eyes ~ of a single member of your family. :y';'.';.pi8coyer how easily, and inexpon-. \ sively. you can have safe, glare-fre© * lighting, now!,

In iht baautiful Ouactiitali | Kerttbatk riding, golf, tannli, hiking, booting end fiihing on Lotas Hamilton end Catherine) and countless other rtcr»al!on», availa* bl» throughout th» year. Ooktawn horto racing from February 24 to March 29. Chictan filei and picnlci or* held el th Lodo»«n Lak* Hamilton. Regain hcanh in the 47 hteling thtrmal ipringi!

CALL FOR EFFIGIEIIT LIGHTING SERVICE-FREE .. f f you thoos» Ihs Eatlman Hotel, you will bo sure oi lh» aiiti advanlags ei perfsct onvironmertt end accommodalioni..,You wiif thrill Wiih dtlighi In yovr enioymanl oi tha lechnlon ol ths datightM prtvalo pork which liUnt If to a maenitkcnl country ctfde. Ths Eastman olfari qvis! relaxation, yet It convar> tent t» every activity and rtcuaitansJ laeture In Hot Springt. A wldo voiiety bl accommodation* t» toloci from Including rooms cod suitw. Govern* msnt supsrvissd bathhouso In connsction with hotel



A trainod lighting advisor v/ili gladly call aj your homo, at any timo most convonlGnt and chock your lighting with tho scientific sightmeter. Just call your Certified Light ConditioningDealer. Ho will gladly arrango this fre©

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LIVE Even Beftei^ELEGTRIGITY I& Even Cheaper

Shaare Zion • Friday evening services w i 1 begin, at-8 ojclock.- ftabbi H.'-R .r ' ' KablnWitz . trill speak on ' the , topic/ "Folly of Appeasement." Cantor Morris Pernick will chant the ritual. Host ivlll be Mr. Isa





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