April 4, 1941

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ttx* Butorsd as Second Class Msll Matter oo January 81, Uil. at Pottoffice, of Omaha. Nebraska, under th« Act of liffcreh J. 1§7§



XVII—No. 2 1

nai WEIZMANN AND WALLACE SPEAK TO B'NAI V i c e - President Stresses Importance of Equality Chicago (JTA) —B'nai B'rith's triennial national convention this week heard Dr. Chnim IVebanann predict a ralcstino Jewish commonwealth side by side with an Arab federation nfter the war And Vice-president Ifenry A. Wallace stress the importance of equality for all races and religions in the Western hemisphere. Addressing a luncheon session at the Drake Hotel on Sunday, Dr. 'Welzmann asserted that "the floating and homeless five millions of Jews" could not survive without Palestine. '.'We have before us the greatest problem of salvaging.the liyea of Jews, in the entire history of Jewish dispersion," he said. . Speaking of . the "difficult (Continued on Page 2.)


President Roosevelt's Message The following is the text of President Roosevelt's message to the national triennial B'nai B'rith convention, addressed to Henry Monsky, president of B'nal B'rith: Dear Mr. Monsky: My hearty greetings to all who participate in the National Triennial Convention of Il'nal K'rith. In the ninety-seven years of its activities this organization has done splendid work in the fields of charity and philan* tliropy reflected in the maintenance of hospitals and homes for the 'aged and fatherless. Its activities in advancing education and promoting true Ariiericanism are likewise widely known and deeply appreciated. I trust that the forthcoming deliberations will be fruitful of wise counsels to carry forward (he good, work of the past through all the years that lie ahead. .*' Very sincerely yours,,, FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT,'

All agencies administering relief to Jews overseas, and engaged in rehabilitation and reconstruction work arc included in the annual campaign of the Jewish Philanthropies, Mr. Milton Livingston, campaign chairman, announces.. The most important agency engaged in saving Jews in some 25 countries—the Joint Distribution

Eighty-flve musicians will appear in the second annual spring concert to be given by the, music department of the Jewish Com1921; On the basis of his outmunity Center oif Tuesday, April standing record he was chosen ,a 8, at 8:15, at the Center, when President of B'nai B'rith member of the executive committhe Little Symphony orchestra Milton Livingston and the Choral Society present a Having served three years as president of the Supreme tee of the supreme lodge. In 1926 he chairmaned the joint program. Lodge of B'nai B'rith, Henry Monsky was re-elected to that fund to raise two million dollars Committee—looks forward to the The outstanding features of of our campaign to conthe concert will be the playing-of distinguished office at the triennial convention held this week to sponsor the HUlel program. His success B'nal B'rith activities were cli- tinue Us work, of keeping Jews an original ballad composed by in Chicago. maxed in 1938 when he was ele-alive. Monica Yaffee, orchestra pianist, vated to the presidency of the Su- Operating in some 1,000 cities and arranged by Margaret Hur(Continued ore Page 8.) preme Lodge at "the. convention witz Finkel. , The tenor, John held in Washington, D. C. He Qualanir will sing several vocal succeeded Alfred M. Cohen of Cinselections. T h e program itself cinnati, who had been in office for will include a wide range ofsclast h i r t e e n years.••. . ••'•;.., sical and modern music. ..' Mr. Monsky'a three years In ofAdmission to the concert' will fice have been characterized by a be free to Center members and phenomenal growth of the lodge's 25 cents for non-members., CHICAGO.—An appropriation been made homeless by Nazi per- membership and the extension of its activities, into all phases of The annual Congregational Seder of $100,000 to establish a B'nai secution. conducted by-Temple Israel is to - * B'rith Henry Monsky colony in The . empowering resolution Jewish life.Palestine, adjacent to the B'nai pointed out that more than 250,- Despite his prominence as one ojt take place Saturday evening, B'rith-Alfred M. Cohen Colony, 000 Jewish^refugees have already America's outstanding J b,w i s h April 12, the second night of created in 1030 through an ex- been Bettled In Palestine and leaders, Mr. Mbnsky has not relin- Passover, at 7 o'clock at the penditure of similar size, was that the Jewish National (Fund quished bis interest in the local Temple,; " Chairman of" the committee in voted here today by the national has made .available" large tracts -community. Only last January he As a part of its program of triennial charge IB Mrs. Ab6 Somberg. AB-was elected, to the most important convention of B'nai of land far the settlement, and bringing outstanding Yiddish mo- B'rith as it approved a/recom- rehabilitation communal post, that of president aisting : her. , In .preparing- the of the refugees. tion pictures to Omaha, the Bi-; mendation.; from, the executive of, t h o Jewish - Federation of Seder will be: MeBdames Adolph Previously B'nai B'fitn had ap- Service. kur Cholim Society will on 'Sun- committee. Frohman, Sam Friedman, Sam propriated $5,000 for the further day, April 20, sponsor the showPepper, Sam Berkowltz, Mas The motion, adopted by a un- implementation of the B'nai ing of "I Want to be a Mother." Scheuermann, Jennie- Burger, The picture win oe presented at amhnbus" rising vote, was offered B'rith-Bogen-Rubinow Forest in U.O,C. Service to Charles Schlmmel, and David by,/ Judge I; M.'. Golden, of San Palestine, which was established the Jewish Community. Center. lls... "••'• a national vice presi- in 1938 as a memorial to the Be Conducted by W eReservations may still be made i Proceeds from the motion pic- Francisco, dent of B'nai BVith. . late Drs. Boris Bogen and I. M. by calling the office " the TemJr.C&tigregation ture, will be used for the organTo be named in honor of Henry Rubinow, secretaries of B'nai ple, AT 2884. ization's hospitailzatlon program- Monsky, president of B'nal B'rith, B'rith. B'nai B'rith also voted The late Friday evening servas the first colony was named $2,000 to the University in ExElect Norman Harris .Libel Revived after Alfred M. Cohen, former ile, in New York City, which is ices of the U. O. C. this week To Phi Beta Kappa president, the B'nai B'rith- engaged in rescuing some of the will be dedicated, to the Junior London (JTAj — The "ritual .The children of Announcement was 1 made . last Henry iMonsky^ colony will be great scholars made homeless by Congregation. murder" libel has been revived the Junior Congregation will conHitler's coming to power, created on land to be acquired •week of the "election of Norman by Nazi agents in the Czech proOther appropriations included duct the< services and speak. Harris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reu-through, the Jewish National tectorate for , pre-Passover antiBernard Wolfson will conduct ben Harris, to Phi • Beta Kappa, Fund, which is the official 1-arid- an additional" $500 t<J the B'nai Jewish propaganda, it was - renational ^honorary society. .Mr.. purchaging- agency-in Palestine. B'rith Child Care Committee in the services; Eunice' Feldmah ported here. Nazis are flooding -and Elka Byron will speakj and England, which had previously To. be located',adjacenf to the exHarris" is a senior at the Univer-country, with posters warnisting B'nai.B'jritli colony, where received $5*000 for the care of Sol. Baumer will act as cantor. the sity of Nebraska. " will be followed by a ing Czech mothers to guard their He is also.a. member of theln- lOITrfefugee families • are already German-Jewish child • refugees Services briet address by the Rabbi. A children "because Jews are accusnoeents Society, 'Sfgma *Al$h"a* TSiu.seftlea" preference" for settlement brought to England prior to the reception by the mothers of the tomed to use the blood.of Chrisoutbreak of the .war; and ?500 •jn tlie new colony will be given .fraternity, and ia a former".editor"Junior" Congregation will follow tltn children In their Passover in-chief of • t h e "Daily, Nebras- to former members "of the B'nal for the Haifa Nautical School" In the services* fcod." Palestine,' B'rith or their children who have kan." .




Reelection of Henry Monsky to the presidency of the Supreme Lodge of B'nai B'rjth was announced Wednesday at the - final business sessions of the triennial convention held in Chicago. Active in B'nai B'rith work since his early years, Mr. Monsky's first major office in the organization was that of president of District Grand Lodge No. C to O in a h a Campairn Will Benefit Overseas j which post he was elected In Relief

Frid&y, Ms.rct 28, 1941


Page i ©

addressed by Governor Dwight Green of Illinois; Mayor Edward Kelly of Chicago; Philip M. KlutzEick, .of Qmaha, president of B'nai B'rith's District §; Benjamin Sam(Continued from Page I . ) . uels, resident Chicago member of the B'aai B'rith Executive ComThe choice of these two will be mittee and national convention based on their activities during chairman; Jerome J. Friedman, (Continued from Page 1.) the past year. (Continued from Page 1.) also of Chicago, District 6 and Chairmen Chicago convention chairman; and plans for the cultural, social, and eon, Dave Bernstein, Mrs. L. NeveChairmen in charge of the conJudge I. M. Golden, of San Franleft', Louis Epsteie, Dr. N. H. clave program will be: Martye (Continued from Page 1.) cisco, a national Vice-president of philanthropic activities of t h e Greenberg, B. Gross, A. Levin, S Lea Byron, registration; Delores youth community." B'nai B'rith.. Katelman, Max Fromkin, Sam Bp Skiar, luncheon and oratory con- of Cincinn&ti, past president The Round Table, which has At this session, special awards stein, Sam Levin, A. Hired], Jo< test; Ray Simon and Etta Soiref, now honor&ry president of B'nai Morgan, Mrs. Mj Burstein, Mrs panel discussions; Willard Fried- B'rith, will preside. Mr. Wallace's for 40 years of service as dele- been in existence for six years, Louis Zabel, Mrs. Sid Kateiman man, swimming party; Elaine subject is "Democracy and the gates to national B'nai B'rith con- consists of two delegates from ventions will be presented to Vice- every Jewish youth group in the Mrs. Max Fromkin, Jacob Bern Lagman, coronation ball; Reeda Dignity of Manl" Universally regarded as one of President Archibald A. Marx, of city. Of the seven hundred young stein, Dave Crounse, and I Magzamin, dating; a n d Harold New Orleans, and Joseph Ullman, people in Omaha, all but approxiShafer. Slutskin and • Ruth Rosenstein, the most distinguished and creat- of New Haven, both of whom have mately one hundred and fifty are ive Jewish personalities of modern Financial Report housing and transportation. times, Dr. Weizmann is expected been delegates to every conven- affiliated with same Jewish club. Mr. N. S. Yaffe, treasurer of According to the last reports tion since 1900, the last to be The Round Table is therefore the U. O. C., gave a detailed finan- Des Moines and Sioux City will to bring a message of profound held in Chicago. The presentacial r e p o r t which reflected a definitely participate in the con- importance to American Jewry in tion will be made by Sidney G. fairly representative of local Jewyouth. This council of clubs healthy fiscal standing. Stressing ference. Tentative acceptances Kusworm, of Dayton, Ohio, na- ish meets monthly tq plan dances, the changes which h a v e taken have been made by Kansas City, C. B. S. To Carry tional treasurer. forums, and other events which place in the financial structure of Grand Island, and Lincoln. " Mr. Wallace's Sunday night adWallace Address dress will be preceded by a sym- can be successful only if sponthe organization, be pointed out Registration fee for the confersored, by the entire youth comthe loyalty of the various organ- ence will be .$1.50. — . Chicago.—The national in- bolic initiation of the 7,500 new munity. izations in meeting their obligamembers enrolled in District 6 in spirational session of the B'nai tions and urged continued supThe Round Table also serves drive held as a tribute the Brotherhood, gave a picture B'rith convention in Chicago, ato special port. Mr. Monsky and the conven- a the basis for the youth division at which Vice-President Henry of the various activities in which tion. District President Klutznick of the annual Philanthropies orThe report of the Congregation the Brotherhood participates, re- A. Wallace will, be the princi- and Benjamin I. Morris, of Chi- ganization, through which t h e B'nai Israel was rendered by the ligious, pal speaker, will be broadcast cago, first vice-president, will offisocial, and cultural. He young men and women of t h e chairman of i t s board, Dr. A. spoke of the Sunday morning serv- by the Columbia Broadcasting community contrlbutethelr share Greenberg, the synagogue's secre- ices, the influence of the Brother- System on Sunday evening, ciate. A degree team composed of to the drive for funds for local tary. The Beth Ilamedrosh Hago- hood at Friday evening services, March 30th, from 10:05 to dol, as a member organization, and during the High Holidays, the 10:30 p. m., central standard N a t h a n Schoenbrod, chairman, and national Jewish needs. • rendered its report through Mr, various educational activities and time, and rebroadcast via Max Kroloff, Milton Senn, MaurThe Youth Banquet is being N. Levinson, vice president of the the social values of thd monthly short wave to. Latin-America. ice Washer and Alec Goodman, all planned by Ethel kadis,. chairof Chicago, will conduct the imU. O. C. and secretary of the con- Brotherhood dinners. Henry Monslcy, president of pressive initiatory exercises. The man, assisted by Ruth Stein, gregation. Various committees Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky fol- B'nai B'rith, will present the c h o i r of Chicago's Lakeview Florence Tatleman and Jack Lingave t h e i r reports in writing. lowed these reports by a brief ad- vice-president. Lodge, under the direction of Dr. coln. Reservations are 25 cents These were read by Sam Katzmau, dress, which analyzed the accomBen Seld, will provide the musical per plate and may be made by, secretary of the U. O. C. plishments of the organizations his address to the B'nai B'rith accompaniment. Rabbi J. Mar- calling the Center, Jackson 136G. The Membership committee un- affiliated with the U, O; C. convention. The famous Jewish shall Taxay, of Terre Haute, Ind., der the chairman-ship of Morris The meeting ended when. Ar- leader will be presented by Dr. will give the invocation; and RabBurstein reported on the number hur Goldstein requested permisAaron Teltelbauni, of New York, of new members , the congrega- sion to speak and presented Rabbi Solomon Goldman, rabbi of Chl- will give the benediction. The ago'3 Anshe Emet Synagogue, We will again this year tions have obtained. The commit- Rackovsky with a new automomore than 5,000 people expected sell Matzoth and all other tee on education presented a re- bile in the name of friends who former president of the Zionist to attend this session will be led Organization of America and now port of the various educational have valued his work in the comPesach products. in the singing by the Star Spangmember of the B'nai B'rith led' Banner' by Mrs, Herman activities of the U. O. C , their re- munity. This group was brought aHillel Commission. For Your Order Call lation to the City Talmud Torah, ogether by a committee headed Hertzberg, of Washington, D. C , The major addresses by Mr. accompanied by Mrs. Maurice Bisthe creation of the High school by Mr. William Weiner, assisted for graduates of the City Talmud by Joe White, I. Goldstein, M. Wallace and Dr. Weizmanu will gyer, also of Washington, Tiie orbe followed by three days of de- chestral section.of .the Naval-Band Torah, and. various other activ- Katzman, and L. Epstein. JA0637 iberation and action on problems from the" Great Laffes .Naval ities. It formulated plans for furdealing with national defense, Training Station "will1 entertain or Call at the Store ther coordination of educational Americanism, a d u l t education, with musical selections. activities. Max Fromkin is chair1516 No. 24th Street youth welfare, war relief, refugee man of the comfnittee on educaWe Will Begin Delivering aid and matters of special concern tion. Budapest has the second largo the American Jewish commuAfter April 1 Mr. I. Goldstein, chairman of Convention decisions on est Jewish community in Europe. Dagania A., Palestine (WNS, nity. the Meshullachim committee, rethese questions will be guided by ported on the relationship of tlio '•alcor Agency)—This "Mother of the recommendations to be made Meshullachim committee ot the U. he Kvutzoth in Eretz Israel," in the presidential report Of Mr. O. C. to the Federation. He spoke vhich recently celebrated its 30th Monsky, who will appraise the of the difficulties involved in their nniversary, inaugurated the new record of B'nai • B'rith activities work and the progress made. He Aaron David ben Uri Gordon since 1938, when he was first House in commemoration of the called to the leadership of the orreported definite achievement. labor leader and philosopher who anization. Organizations as one c the pioneer group that Klutznick to Speak Communal planning Committee stublished colony on" the . The opening session of the conreported of its activities through astern shoret hofi sthe Jordan -River vention on Saturday night, March the chairman, N. Levinson, and i8 this century entered its sec- 29th, at the Drake Hotel, at which the Religious" committee through nd decade. Mr. Monsky will preside, is to be "O'OLDS a chip or a pound of butts' Meilach Katzman, its chairman. * * and automatically beep* it at the The Public Relations commit' •'•'; . correct,' einooth-spreading consistency tee outlined the work and plan3 • ~i " . . . , ready for Use at all times. • of' this committee for the future. Mrs. L.-Nevelcff, president of the. Sisterhood, gave a complete and detailed report of her group. The gathering w a s greatly impressed, by the clear and detailed analysis of. the work of the Sisterhood and accepted it with acclaim. Among- matters particularly mentioned were the activities of the Sisterhood in regard to the Junior Congregation. Mrs. Joe Zweiback, chairman of the Junior Congregation cpmmitfee, read a letter from Big ©ottjb Space the Junior Congregation thanking ©nd Many Ofhor the Sisterhood for its "fine work.. Of • particular interest also were the activities of the Sisterhood for the City, Talmud Torah, which often were carried out< together with cr. (2) the' Deborah Society: ' ' ,. -"—. Ej^Bt. (3) Hot* Batter CebuHtfsaer. * ilarry Rosenstelnj reporting, for.


Plan Youth Conclave Here



Daganiah Honors Aaron D. Gordon

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Friday, March 28, 1941

PLAN CLUB F TIM (Continued from Page 1.) present constructing the scenery and designing the costumes for the play, under tfc.e direct ion of Mrs. Meyer Beber, troop art consultant, assisted by Troop Leaders Dorothy Shepheid and Beatrice Somtner. When the curtains rise, on the afternoon of April 8, spectators Will see the handicraft work of

THE JEWISH PRESS the following scoots: Judy Albert, Shirley Faye, Belzer, Caryl Bercovici, Donna Bernstein, Jeance Blacker, Dorothy Bloom, Louise Bclker, Marilyn Boster, Delores Colin, Shirley Diamond, Josephine Koom, Marcia London, Sally Mercer, Natalie Plotkin, Helen Sherman, Kathleen Vann, Jerry 'Yawitz, Lorraine Wolk, Phyllis Wchlner, and Lita Joy Brandt. Brownie pack members, who will dance at the Club Festival, are: Betty Bainter, Jacqueline Bainter, Phyllis Bernstein, Shirley Colnic, Becky Finer, Thelma Goldstein, Joann Jacobs, Connie Milder, Doris Nudell, Rosalie Phillips, Marilyn Plotkin, Renee

Plotkiii, Mary Lou Ripps, Roberta Rosea, Ida Rundell, Margaret Rundell, Delores Mae Siegel, Judy Theodore, Doris Weinberg, and Helen Y/einberg. Special dances are now being learned by the following children who have. acquired added grace and rhythm during their year's activity in modern dancing: Barbara Burroughs, Arlene Collins, Leah Edgar, Jacqueline Lasky,, Carol Micklin, Joan Micklin, Constance Platt, Doris Raduainer, Phyllis Rubinow, Lois Shapiro, Cyrille Gay Silberman, Nana Veitzer, Myra Abrahamson, Jane Beber, Joan Beber, Barbara Cohn, Diane Cooper, Sylvia Gendelman,

Page 11 Jo Ann Jacobs, Marilyn Kaplan, Betty Lou Kliitzcick, Josephine Margolin, Renee Micklin, Roselee P&iilips, CoEEie Shames, Mildred Radinowskl, Marjorie Shapiro and Barbara Wise. The children's C l u b Festival represents the climax of the Center's prograEi of activities for boys and girls of school Ege. These activities are coordinated in this way eo that children not only may follow their own interests and talents but also may develop new interests and hobbies. Mrs. Julia Jacobs Is Women's Division chairman of t h e children's activities program and is assisted by Mrs. Ben Shapiro.

Social Hour at Beth El Starting this evening, the Beth El Synagogue will inaugurate a monthly social hour to be held in the social hail following the regular evening service. In eharge of the social hour will be: Mesdames David Stein, Jack Kaufman, Max Kaplan, Sam Cohn, T. A. 'fully, Bertha Ellis, Abe Hoffman, Sam Steinberg, R. Max Canar, Harry Rochman, William Saferstein, A. Pradell, /o« Lipsey, and J. Lineman.





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The German film head repeats the Nazi edict to bar all American-made film from German-occupied territories — because of their "PROPAGANDA content." Look who's talking! Answering back, the Anti-Nazi League asks the State Department in Washington to prohibit the exhibition in the U. ,,S. of all Nazi-made movies. Writer Erich Remarque (an "Aryan" not affectionately regarded by H i t l e r ) gave out with a little "inside" to a few friends . . . said the French audiences of Paris don't like the German newsreels . . . show their contempt by rising and leaving for the rest rooms when the Nazimade news flashes. Also claims the French are making good use of sabotage as a weapon at the airplane factories . . . and added that the English still havo an efficient group of spies among the French. Italy's Aid-to-Brltain It now appears that David Selznick's sale of two films to the I t a l i a n Government was not backsliding, but very clever maneuvering. The adroit sale liquidated frozen capital In Italy . . . and netted 25,665 good American dollars, which he turned over to the British War Relief. Rumors have It that King Vic and Benny Mussolini had themselves a "sneak" preview of the Chnplinepic . . , and Vicky was limp with laughter. Adolph they say, has been prevented from seeing it t . . h i s yes-men fear tho explosion would blitz them into never-never-laud. The L o n d o n Daily Mail nominates Charlie for knighthood ;',T. and Hollywood didn't even hand him a certificate Award. "The Dictator," by tho way,'hasn't yet "returned its negative costs, but' Chaplin expects to use black ink when the popular-priced booking get under way. !


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A non-Hollywood promotion: Major' Nathan Levlnson, movlo sound expert and electrical engineer, was upped to Colonel — without a particle of picture puffery! : Director Gorson Kanin w a s caught in tho draft . . . right in the middle of shooting . . . a flicker. .And Playwright Kidney Klngsley, a u t h o r of "Men in White," "Dead End" and others, became Private Klngsley recently.

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When stage-producer Sam Harris was so gravely ill in Florida last week, some f i f t y of his Broadway friends gathered at the Jewish Theatrical Guild chapel to offer a prayer for hla recovery. Noticeable was tho preponderance of non-Jews in the group. Cinema-Chatter:. How lovely is the toco of AUa Nazlmova on tho cover of a movie magazine. Then (Continued on Page 12.)

Monday and Tuesday Nltco Rea-rved for Private , Parties Wednesday isnd Friday tfigh School HE$es—25c With Scbool Identification SUNDAY MATINEE! - . S8« "Wtmra Omaha ESjates"

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lists of Jews ia Vienna for whom payments have been made by relatives ia the U. S. to secure their transportation overseas. These lists are submitted by the community to the Gestapo In an effort to forestall their deportation to Poland.

By Mrs. Ben Handler At the meeting of the local chapter of the Mteraclii Women last week, Mrs. Aaron Katz, president, thanked the contributors Believe C i t y to Become to the M&es Ckitim fund. This Capital of Map Illustrates is the fund that provides Passover food for the poor. A letter Reich Nebraska Scenes from the national office was read (JTA)—Mass expulsion telling of the increased demands of Zurich from Vienna to n a i Lincoln. — The new Nebraska upon this fund. Mrs. Katz, who heldJews has been renewed "Toui-O-Graph" folder and fullformerly lived In Palestine re- duringPoland last few days, accord- color map is now available for ceives letters from her relatives ing to the reliable .reports reaching distribution to tourists visiting there. here. from other states, as well as NeShe told of the suffering eaThe expulsion of Jews, which braska citizens who plan to see dured by the refugees who reach- has teen accompanied by depored Eretz Yisroel and ere being tation of Czechs, is explained by helped by the Jews of Palestine. competent observers here as a Said Mrs. Katz: "The Jews of step to prepare the moving of the Palestine are doing more than capital of the Reich from Berlin can be imagined. The refugees to Vienna should V. British By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg themselves begin to help later Royal Air Force succeed in de"A merry heart ni&keth arrivals, but all Jewry there ia veloping Intensive bombing of cheerful countenance." living necessarily under condi- Berlin. With the arrival of tions which American Jewry can American four-motor bombers in hardly imagine. Therefore Jews England and with the intensifiIsaac: Why is marriage a gamof America must give and give cation of British aircraft produc- ble? and be grateful that their cost tion, German military authorities Samuel: Because there can not is that of giving of time and expect Berlin to undergo heavy be a marriage without a girl, and money." bombing In retaliation for the in Hebrew, the word 'girl' means Card rattles lottery. bombing of British cities. The monthly card parties that The expulsion of Jews from *• the chapter decided upon in orRabbi: (After plaintiff presents der to help meet the increased Vienna, which started several his case) You are right. quota are receiving a favorable weeks ago, was suspended when Rabbi: (After .defendant preresponse from friends of Mizrachi thousands of Jews cabled their sents his case) You are right. relatives in the United States to Women. The Chapter has disRabbi's w i f e : But how can pensed with one source of re- secure reservations for them on they both be (right? venue, that of the rummage steamers sailing to countries of Rabbi: You are also right. the American continent. The sales, in order not to conflict with the Thrift shop conducted nazi commissar of Vienna indiMichael: You look •worried. by the Women's Welfare organi- cated that those who secured such reservations would not be What is the trouble? zation. Philip: I promised my daughter Mizrachi Women will hold a deported to Poland. a dowry of a thousand dollars and No U. S. Assistance luncheon and card party each I have only five hundred. month at the J. C. C. under the With the passage of the leaseMichael: Why worry. Give her sponsorship of ten hostesses. The lend bill, and with the refusal the five hundred and the other March party held last Tuesday of the American authorities to five hundred you will give later. was a successful affair. permit the United States Lines Philip: That is the later five The next luncheon and card to expand passenger transporta- hundred which I have. party will be held on Wednes- tion between Lisbon and New day, April £3, following the Pass- York, the nazi anthorities apAbe: You look down-hearted. over holidays. parently decided to renew the What is the matter with you? expulsion of Jews since changes National Office News Henry: I cannot sleep nights. Word has been recelevd here of increased transportation from Abe: What is the cause? Europe to the United States have of the arrival In America of Chief Henry: I owe Ben five hundred Rabbi of Palestine Isaac Herzog dwindled. dollars and I cannot pay him. and Mrs. Herzog. Mrs. Herzog Among those deported In the Abe: Why s h o u l d you lose Is president of the Mizrachi Wo- last few days are Jews whose sleep. Let Ben do the worrying:. men of Palestine. A reception transportation has been paid to was held in New York in her ateinship agencies in the U. S. by Ilabbl: I would like to havoyou honor on March 10. Among the American relatives. The depor- join my congregation. speakers who greeted her were tees include aged women and inDoctor: Can you give me a Mizrachi Women's p r e s i d e n t , mates of Jewish homes for aged, valid reason for; it? Mrs. Abraham Shapiro; Mrs. Da- according to a , report which Rabbi: Because some of my .vld de Sola Pool, president of reached Jewish leaders here. members tell me that I am makHadassah; Mrs. Edward Jacobs, The Jewish Community pf VI- ng them sick. and Baroness Edouard de Roths- nna, according to the reports, Doctor: My treatment Is always child. is receiving dauy long cabled o first remove the cause. Mrs. Herzog brought a message of encouragement and thanks Eretz Yisroel. Mrs. Gotafcld's Letter Among other things, Mrs. Gots«.v fold 'writes in her letter: "In the recent celebrations dedicate;) to the eightieth birthday of Henrietta Szold. the Battei Zeiroth (Mizrachi Women's Girla Schools) reception at Miss Szold's, one of our teachers together with three girls went to express their greetings and good wishes. The girls brought with them gifts made by the whole class. After delivering the gifts, ©no of the girls made a brief address which greatly touched. Miss Szold." J. N. F. Miss' Esther Buraeh, national chairman of J. N. P., says that the European situation brings to mind the tragedy of the Jewish people in their landlessnesa. No more can they pack up and Jourtiey elsewhere In peace. Mrs. Aaron Katz wishes to re• mind Omaha J e w r y that the Spring J. N. P. Box Collections city-wide drive will take place in • the very near future. She asks all - pox holders to remember " ' their boxes. Anyone wishing a blue and white J. N. P. box may call Mrs. E. Weinberg, Wa 1354 , and a bor will be- delivered. Unlicensed places which allow patrons to "spike** Drawing coft drinks axe sometimes confused in the public The annual drawing will take mind with, licensed beer retailers, who hare no place at the last meeting of the connection with the "spike" places and do not season In June. Mrs. J. Chait , support their activities. The law prohibits "spik1? end Mrs. I: Kaplan are co-chairmen. A number of books are ing of any kind in beer outlets. still in their possesion and can • , be purchased from either. The beer retailers of your community are under the careful regulation and supervision of state and local authorities. We are able to report that -the vast majority1 of dealers obey the law .and fire cooperating Tnth the State Liquor Control Commission and the Nebraska brewing industry in their, efforts to keep beer on a sound social basis.

sas s®.-ass* us. '


©Tobacco ©Foeiateta SappOos





Director Lincoln, Nebr.

more of their own state this year, according to an announcement made today by the Nebraska Advertising Commission. Just off the press, this folder and its colorful map convincingly and entertainingly shows that Kebarska offers tourists a wide variety of interesting sights. Members of the Commission believe that the Map and folder, which also conveniently lists all state parks and recreation grounds with d i r e c t i o n s for reaching them, will be treasured as a souvenir because of its sparkling color illustrations. Contrary to the misconception held "by many unacquainted with Nebraska, this state is not a broad, flat, treeless prairie broken only by corn and other grain fields. From border to border, east to west and north to south, its broad expanse of 77,620 square miles is liberally dotted with beautiful and rugged scenery along its many rivers, lakes and small streams, the bluffs of the Missouri river on the east,


and the Wildcat Hills region bordering the fertile North Piatte velley in the west. It has 712 square miles of •water. Lakes are to be found in almost every section, and along its eleven rivers are waterfalls acd trees, and other natural flora and fauna thrive. Eight state parks and twentyEix improved recreation grounds, many with facilities for camping, invite the tourist to stop and enjoy their natural beauties. The state parks embrace more than 1,000 acres and offer sanctuary to many kinds of birds and other wildilfe. Halsey and Niobrara divisions of the Nebraska National Forest Reserve in the northern and northwestern parts of the state, have more than 200,000 acres of trees in a ruggedly beautiful setting. Henry Castro, pioneer Texas Jew, was in 1827 appointed Neapolitan consul at Providence, R. I. Gerge Ferdinand Cantor (18461918) was chairman of the Ger* man Mathematical Society.



For th9 Modern Mint



much-in-dobrotrn pd to mooc&giii leather l




Friday, Mfcrch. 2,8, SS41



Center's physical department the A. Z. A. No. 1. Over fifteen entrants have already sig&ed up, and those wishing to play are urged to sign up at oace. This tournament will get under way the first week in April. Entries close March 31.

Hand-ball An old champion was dethroned and a new one crowned last SWIM NEWS Monday night in the finals of the Mid-Western A. A. U. Single's By Howard Sliinrock Hand-Ball Championships at the The Red Cross moved Y. M. C. A. by the scores of 21 into theAmerican Center last week and is to 20 and 21 to 18. conducting brush up courses in The new king for 1941 is Sol First Aid and Water Safety. AH Vaffe, veteran Four-Wall swat- Water Safety instructors in the ter of the Jewish Community city are taking the review as Center, and his opponent in the well as most of the First Aid infinal contest was elongated, structors. Mr. Ed Uurtchard, disharp-shooting, ex-c h a m p i o n, rector of First Aid and Life SavJohn Casey, The cool Casey ing, Douglas county chapter,' is started off in the final match with in charge of the program. The his superb stylt. trna grand play lied Cross is bearing down in all Which has enabled him to win its many phases in preparation many a title by running up a for a united effort in National score of 13 to 2 before Sol could defense. adjust himself to the proceedThe course in Water Safety inings. ludes swimming skills, life savIt was nip and fuck all the ing and small craft safety. A way, and through smart head- regulation sized canoe furnished work, fine defensive play and by the Sea Scouts was launched dead pinners the single's iitle n our swimming pool last Sunwas brought back to the Center day and will be used to teach use of small craft. Many memfor the year '41. bers of the Jewish Community Volley Ball Physical Director Lee Gross- Center are enrolled in these man has started something new ourses. Antoinette Acquazzino finished and. hopes Jt continues and Is enjoyed by the members in the her intermediate swim tests last newly organized young men's week and has been working on iVolley Ball league. Play started her Bwimmer's tests. Few axe last Tuesday evening and much the class sessions missed by this .Interest and enthusiasm was acquatlo young lady.. Harold Marer completed his intermediate Bhown. also and is hurrying to finThe purpose of thfs Volley Ball tests sh the course so he may be elileague is to encourage the young- gible for Junior Life Saving. er men to play this game with The Junior Boy'a Leader's ,the hope of having a Varsity (Volley Ball team in the field in jlass meeting on Monday afteryears to come to compete with noons fa becoming adept In tho and against other organizations. art of tumbling and apparatus A fourteen team league has work. This vrosk requires cerStarted play and It la the hope tain elements of leadership and jot the director to increase this muscular co-ordination that la league to a six or eight team not easily attained. Et la planned Affair. The names of the teams to develop theso characteristics iflnd the members signed to date in aa pany of cur toys us !a posare: Bears: Leo Berman, Marvin sible. PanI ZIHnsky missed B class 'Richards, George Bernstein, Mortris J. Richlin, Louis Slutzky, A. period last -week and en a result JPrank; Tigers: Ben Kutler, Mor- his "Army"' squad can now boast ris Rosaen, Albert A. Lagman, but o two point lead over their Sol Gerllsky, Ed Gerber, Joe Bol- nearest rivals tiie nusky "Minnoker; Yanks; Mike Landman, Nor- eota" crew captained by Alden Jnan Kuklin, Ha&neil CoHcn, Rob- Lincoln. Harold Moacr'o gqnad, ert Slutzky, Sam Collck; Giants: the "Navy" spurted to tako a Bonny Golding, Morrie Ruder- seven point lead over tho tip and man, Nathan Melches, Sam Slutz- down "Nebraska™ etjuad lefi J)y Sidney Ruderman. ky, and Harold Epstein. Athletic Cominlttco 1 Chairman Leslie Burkcnroad Foreign Jews in Itsfy And bis Athletic Committee met at the Center last Sunday to disRome (JTA)—In a caco tried cuss the setting of a date for the before the Italian Supreme Court, annual A w a r d Night and tho it was ruled that foreign Jews starting of the Soft Ball league were affected hy tho Italian raCor this spring. The Setting of a cial decree of June £9, 1939 date for the first annual "J" which curbs the practice of vari'Aquacade was also discussed. A ous professions by "Italian citispecial soft ball committee meet- zens of the Jewish faith.** ing will be held this Sunday, and t definite plans in regard to a forPatronize Our Advertisers mation of the league .will take place. . >*" •. All teams wishing to play in Special! Something Now I the Center league this year, should get in touch with Mr. Grossman, George Bernstein, Iz tfeets a definite need ta Ufe sCT Tretiak, Earl Slegel, or Leo Beronce. Mother, father and children, man, who are members of the all Issored tinier one low coal/ Soft Ball committee of the Cenpolicy. Get partlcelars fit eas* from ter Athletic Council. , Table Tcaaia , All you ping pongers or table tennis stars have a golden opBIANAOER portunity to display your athletic CMS FINANCES AND ability along these lines by enINSBBAKCE CO. tering the table tennis tournaSCO KARBACI1 JiUOCR ment which Is being conducted JA 4175 WA B1C9 under the co-sponsorship of tho

J. C C


By SAM ZWEfBACK STANDINGS OF TEAMS Tiie Wardrobes Empire Cte&ueis Smith Motors Pioneers Clicquot Otubs State Coals

62 46 S4 32

All three favorites in the Mershants Bowling league c a m e hrough with flying colors s this week in winning, their matches as was expected. The league-leading Wardrobe Clothiers, all decked out in their new yellow ties, with Moe Linsrnan's label on them; just couldn't fail their sponsor, and as a result, took all three games from he Pioneer Uniform outfit. The first game was won by the omf or table margin of 832 to 808. The second game was the humdinger, when-'the Wardrobes put on the pressure In the last ;ame to win by a margin of 842 o 832. This in spite of Leo Weitz' big 252 game for the losrs. In the last game, the league eadera really put on the pressure lo smother the losers by a 945 ;o 870 score. The league leaders have really demonstrated lately why they are on top of the league standings by shooting consistently high scores. This week their 945 game was high team single, and their 2,619 series also stood up for high team series.

a big 618 series made up of games of 165, 252 &nd 202. Morrie Fine was seeoEd high with his' 524 series.

bi&d Mia when he turned is a 539 series. A new "doggie" was b o r n oa the Clicquot team. George Schapiro, s o m e t i m e s known as "Tiie Great Lover," la the second match o£ the eve- was low man on his team with ning, t h e second place Empire his 477 series. Cleaners kept up their winning weys by taking games from the The losers demonstrated why Smith Motor Pontiac crew. This they are on the bottom of the in spite of the fact that the win- league standings when the best ners bowled one man short. their high man could do was a 472 series, which was the lowest The winners just barely man- score of the winners of this aged to last out the first game match. when they won by a meager 10 pins. The second game was won Next week the last round of by 2 5 pins, while the last game the schedule will start, and Moe was lost by 23 pins. Linsman has already instructed Hank Coren of the winners his window-dresser to make room continued his fine shooting, when for the trophy that he expects to he put together games of 202, capture by ending up on top of 222 and 170 for his GOO-even the league standings. series, which is his sixth of the year in the Merchants league. "Peewee" Hurwich landed in the Morris Wallpaper. second spot when he shot a big Shows New Trend 556 series, made up of games of 185, 190 and 181. Wallpaper designers and color stylists have really gone to town, "Paisee" Steinberg of the los- according to N. Dugan, secretary ers topped his team when he put of the Morris Paint and Varnish together games of 177, 205 and Co. One of the greatest colors 215 for his big 597 series. Spon- will be red—rflag- red, shading insor Harry Smith came through to tomato, and flown the line to for the second place position coral. when he turned in a nice 519 There is a decided trend for series. color all through the decorative scheme of the house. The new In the last match of the eve- fadeometer tested and water-rening, which was a battle for last sisting wallpapers have made posplace standings, the Clicquot Club sible a widened range of color Eskimos managed to stay on top tones and new and more delicato of the State Coal team by taking tints. New processes have made two g a m e s from the cellar-* possible the employment of dark holders. backgrounds which were not feasible in the past. The coal boys started out big Morris wallapapers are availwith an 838 score in the first able through all fine decorators. game to win by a margin of 80 The Omaha display room is at pins. However, the winners came 1510 Capitol. back strong to smother the coal boys In tho last two games, to Jacob de Cordova (1808-1868) win the second game by an 80- was one of the three owners of pin margin and the last by a 200- the site of Waco, Texas. pin margin.

Abe Feldman, the C o u n c i l Bluffs shark, demonstrated why he Is respected In bowling circles when he put together games of 190, 188 and 233 for a big CIO series to lead the winners. Frank Brooksteln, the rejuvenated tournament bowler, c a m e through with, a big 545 series made of Sol Yaffe, the new city handgames of 151, 196 and 191 to be ball champ, was on the peak of in the runner-up spot for the his game when he put together winners. games of 179, 220 and 149 to

top the winners with his 548 seLeo Weitz, the anchor man for ries.

the losers, came out of his last Sunday afternoon's daze to shoot

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Mrs. "Neuhaus Will Review Valtin Book Zeta Beta Tau

Sigma Delta Taw i|

Friday, Ms-rck 28, 1941


e 6

Lincoln (Special) — As the school year progresses, members of Nebraska chapter of Sigma Delta Tau continue to distinguish themselves in campus activities. At a Women's Athletic Association election last week, Anna Arfeitman, sophpihoie, omaba, was elected secretary of that organization for the coming year, All WA A representatives, sports board members and the WAA council members voted for the organization's new officers. Freshmen of Theta are also taking part in campus activities. Bernice Crounse, Omaha, and Becky Silver, Laurel, are in the oast of the play which is being presented by the studio theater this week. Various students from the speech classes are selected each week to take part in these plays. Sarah Bonnie Miller, newly elected dean of Kappa Beta Pi, legal sorority, inducted pledges Into the organization at their formal pledging ceremony, which was held at the chapter house, Wednesday night. Aronita Daskovsky, Hintou, Iowa, took part in the Lincoln symphony orchestra concert last Monday evening, at which time Marcel Hubert, noted cellist, was featured as guest soloist. At a dinner commemorating the twenty-fourth anniversary of Sigma D e l t a Tau as national sorority last Tuesday evening, the pledges gave a skit depicting the founding, as they imagined it. Also on Tuesday evening, S. D. T.'8 enjoyed the traditional five pounds of candy, announcing the marriage of Gwen Meyerson Smart, president of Theta during the school year of 1933 and '34. Anna Arbltman and Miriam Rubnltz tried out for parts In the spring show to be presented by Kosmet Klub, mien's dramatic organization on campus. The show this spring will include women students for the first time, having previously been presented by an all-men cast. It will bo entitled "Torso del Torro."

Beth El Auxiliary On Tuesday. April 1, at 1 O'clock, the- Beth El Auxiliary •will hold its regular board m e t ing at the Synagogue. The meeting willv be in tho form of a., kitchen initiation party. Mrs. David Grcenberg, president of the Auxiliary, urges all board members to attend. '" Hostesses for tho. afternoon •will bo: Mrs. Moo Venger, Mrs. Moo Linsman, Mrs. Joe Rice, Mrs. David Blacker, Miss Blanche Zimman", and. Mrs. Arthur Cohn.

Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau gained recognition when Edwin G. Milder ot Omaha was awarded second place in Hie annual "Best Dressed on Campus" contest sponsored by a Lincoln store. Over 40 men participated in the event which was judged by a committee of nine university women and two faculty members. Zeta Beta Tau's all-victorious bowling team topped its league by winning its final match, against Bigma Alpha Mu, in two straight games. By winning the league, the keglers qualified for the quarterfinals of the interfraterulty championship. Z. B. T.'s ping-pong team defeated Sigma Nu oy a 5-0 score. In their second match the Alpha Theta men beat Sigma Chi 5-0 and gained first place in their league. Plans are rapidly rounding into shape for Alpha Theta's annual spring party end week-end. Featured this year will be a dance opened to Zeta Beta Tau'B campus friends. Co-chairmen for this event are Stuart Simon and Irving Malashock, both of Omaha. Editor of Alpha Theta's newspaper is Joe Kirshenbaum. Alan Jacobs was named associate editor, and Jim Lipsey photography editor.

Sinai Club

Tuesday evening at .8:15, Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus' will launch her new spring lecture series at the Blackstone Hotel. For her first lecture Mrs. Neuhaus will review the much-discussed book by Ja-u Valtin, "Out of the Night." On April 8 and on April 15, Mrs. Neuhaus will discuss, "Today's " Headlines" in which she will analyze current happenings. Admission to the series is a dollar, plus a ten. cents federal tax. Tickets are transferable. Single admissions are fifty cents.

HADASSAH By INEZ L. RAZNICK Once a year the Omaha chapter of Hadassah conducts a sabboth at one of the local houseB of worship and this year in honor of Hadassah's twenty-ninth birthday the sabboth will be enjoyed at the Temple Israel this Friday evening. All Hadassah members are urged to come and t h e Junior Hadassah members and their mothers are most cordially invited. II. M. O. The following is a list of those who have contributed or earned money toward fulfilling the quota of H. M. O. and have in turn earned the right to attend the bonor luncheon: Mesdames Dave Potash, Michael Cohen, Nathan Turner, Sam Steinberg, J. J. Greenberg, Max Fromkin, Morris Segal, Ben Fisher, Abe Greenbaum, Sam Krantz, E. Meyer, F. H. Roddy, A. Frank, J. Kalmonson, Lazar Kaplan, J. II. Kulakofsky, J. Daytch, Leo Abramson, Leo Fox, F. Marks, Wm. Alberta, Meyer Stern, Aaron Rips, Irvin Levin, I. Rosenthal, Harry Green, M. E. Chapman, I. Sokolof, Phineas Wintroub, Louis Albert and Reuben Kulakofsky.

A meeting of the Sinai Club was held Tuesday evening, March 25. The Good and Welfare committee reported cards were sent to Miss Delores Lustgarten's father, who is ill in North Platte, to Miss Eva Kuznit's father, who is also ill in the hospital, and to Mr. Lester Byron. Izzie Lewis won two out of three games from Harold Leone in the ping pong tournament. Speaker for the evening was Washington (JTA) -— A deleDr. A. C7 Fell man. gation ot the Emergency Committee for Zionist Affairs, calling upon British Ambassador Lord Halifax to extend' greetings, made A regular business meeting .of representations against some asTheta Lambda was held Tuesday evening, March 25, at the home of Sylvia Baum. NIXT TO MYSELF, Honored by the sorority was Miss Ruth Miller who, as representative of Theta Lambda ,\vas crowned "QueenEsther" at t h e annual Hound Table Purlm danco last Sunday evening. Plans were discussed for tho annual spring event to he held April 29 under the general chairmanship of Bess Leiltz.

Zionist Delegation Visits Lord Halifax

A. Z. A. 2

' Council An 11:30. board meeting will precede the benefit Mah Jong to be given Monday at' the Jewish Community Center by the Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Ben Silver will preside. The report of the nominating committee will be given at the board meeting. About three hundred are expected to attend the benefit. Proceeds of the affair will go to the National Council's project, "The Port and Dock" service. A dessert luncheon is being served. Mrs. Leon Fellman and Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf are chairmen of the committee in charge of arrangements.

B'nos Israel The annual dinner-dance of the B'nos Israel was held on March 16 at the Regis hotel. Following the formal initiation of officers, a word of greeting was given the members by Mrs. Eva Konecky, club sponsor. Climaxing the event was an informal attended by the members and their friends. The next meeting of the sorority will be held on Sunday, March 80. Final plans for the initiation of new members will be made at that time. The tentative date for the Initiation is April 5. pects of British policy in Palestine and expressed concern over the possible effects of those measures on the fate of Jewish refugees and the future of the Jewish national home. Dr. Stephen S. Wise, spokesman for the delegation, submitted a statement which reaffirmed the Jewish Agency's stand in favor of full-hearted cooperation with Britain in her struggle agaiftst totalitarianism. Lord Halifax expressed h i s deep appreciation of Dr. Wise's statement of sympathy with the

At a meeting held Tuesday, ten prospective members were introduced to the chapter. Refreshments were served by the advisors. Plans for a trophy to honor the " memory of Morris Arbitman were presented to the chapter. This is to be either a national or local award. Warner Frohman, chairman of the Hanvantascben Hop, announces that Mother Chapter won first prize for ticket sales to this event ". and that Lou Blumkin was a member of the dance team judg-, ' ed best. Frohman and Gordon Margolin are co-chairmen of the .•• social committee. British cause and undertook to bring to the government's notice the other matters raised.

' Interned' Vichy (JTA)—Solomon Grumhach, former Socialist deputy, has been released from an interment camp. He was placed \inder administrative detention last September. ,


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Store Hours 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M.

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Theta Lambda


Heine's Grave Demolished Zurich (JTA) — ?.'Tho , Paris grave of Heinrlch Heine, famous German. Jewish poet,' has been tlesotrated and demolished, with no trace ot tho gicyve. l^ft, the German radio reported.


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Botb contain Fres Egg Biscuits

<~ , A now lowef price range for our French Room with" gay oxtrilarating dressos f o celebrate its initiation. Sizes front 12 to 440 . , prints end plains.'.Vnavy, blad arid color?. Sbfphecf, a daisy "print with pjeated . jbosorn and' impressed pleated~*!jirt, in white, on red ^ - - rayori crep© ' • "as Kl'pafrlcl'a SVsssfr Boos—Seeoa'd

Friday, Marck 28, 1841



IN DES MOINES Wednesday, April 2, at the Junior Hctdassah beld Miss Reeda Magzamin and Miss Jewish Community Center et 2 Harriet Parker are spending the P. ID. week-end in Des Moines where A meeting of Junior Hadassah they will attend the annual A. was held Monday, March 2 4, et Junior Council Z. A. dance. "• . the Jewish Community Center. An open discussion vas h e l d about a "fuu" project for the The Omaha Section of the NaCOUSINS CLUB members. It vas decided to have tional Council of Jewish Juniors The Coii&ins Club will meet on a roller skating party. The tenta- will sponsor a benefit bridge' on Wednesday, Aplrl 2, at the home tive date is Thursday, 3, at Tuesday, April 22, at the Jewish ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED of Mrs. Morris Grossman of the West Farnain rollerApril link. Community Center. Mr. and Mrs. &. Meiches an- Council Bluffs. Becky Kirehenkaum and MaEleanor Horwich, chairman, nounce the engagement of their rian Weinberg directed the girls has announced several lovely daughter, Geulah, to Samuel in singing holiday songs. Ethel door prizes have been secured Golding, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kadis explained about the Youth by the committee in charge. All Golding of New York City. No banquet which will be held Tues- have been working extra hard definite wedding date has beep All chapter members now have day, April 1, and took reserva- to make this bridge a complete chosen. tickets for the Seventh Annual success. Mr. Golding attended New Spring Frolic which will be held tions. A model seder and a Passover York University and Miss Mei- Saturday night, April 19, at the diiis who have not been getwill be given at the next ches. attended the University of Fontenelle hotel ballroom. Gary's program ting their "Councillor" regularly meeting, April 9. Omaha where she is a member orchestra, featured over ColumMiss Donna Forman, a n e w are asked to inform the presiof Alpha Gamma Clit. bia Broadcasting s y s t e m last member, was present at Monday's dent, Rita Mantel. The club has I'ort and Dock spring, a n d currently playing meeting. . . JOSLYN MEMORIAL seals and members are urged to over a Mutual Broadcasting radio A puppe't show, "The Little station, will provide the music. participate in their sale. Ladies Free Loan Hump-Backed Horse" will be In addition, Milton Cuss a n d given on Sunday at 2:30 and at Yale Richards, co-chairmen of The first Jew in Edinburgh 8 o'clock in the Concert Hall of the dance committee, have arA regular meeting of the La- after the resettlement was David the Joslyn Memorial.; TheBe pup- ranged for special entertainment. dies' Free Loan Society will be Brown, who came in 1691. pets are under the direction of Further information can be found Miss Marjorie Shanafelt of Lin- in another part of this paper. coln. Initiation Two sound films,- "London Wakes Up" and Canal Gypsies" At the regular meeting . last will be shown at the same time Sunday afternoon at the Jewish in the lecture Hall. At 3:3Q Community Center, an initiation Mrs. Mary Padou Young will of new membesr was held and speak on "Modern i Women in a three new Alephs were added to Modern World." A 4 o'clock con- the rolls of the Century Chapter. cert will be given in the Concert The n e w members brought in Hall by the Hastings College were LeRoy Canfleld, Ed Forman As an Institution Engaged in the choir under the direction of Mr. and Bob Haykin. Hayes M. Fuhr. Softball A recital will be given at 4:30 Melvin Levine, chairman of the by Jacqueline Maag, contralto, athletic committee, plans a softand Marian Johnson, cellist. ball practice and tryout for next Sunday morning, 10:30, at 21st and Burdette streets. All memFROM CHARTER OAK Mrs. Milton Saylan of Charter bers interested in joining the Oak, la., is visiting her mother, team are urged to be at the practice. Mrs. Frank Tuchman.

SHRYER-GREENBAUM At a candlelight ceremony Sunday at the Beth El synagogue, Miss EVelyn Rose Greeubaum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Greenbaum, became the bride, of Melvin Charles snryer. Rabbi David A.,Goldstein and Cantor Aaron Edgar performed the ceremony. Candelabra, six feet tall and tied with satin bows, flanked the aisle. The fcride wore a cream-white eatln gown w i t h a ^sweetheart neck, and leg, of mutton sleeves. Her veil, • five yards ; long, was caught in a crown of seed pearls. Miss Adeline Manaker w a s maid of honor and Mrs. Jack Lederman was matron of honor. Miss Manaker's gown was of aqua net and lace aud Mrs. Lederinan ."Was gowned in rose taffeta. Bridesmaids were Miss Joanette Marks, Miss Selina Bcholnick, Miss Elaine Lagmau and Miss Ruth Marks. Miss Jeannette Marka' gown \vu» of rose net, Miss Schblnick's of blue lace and marquisette, Miss Lagman's pink lace and marquisette and Miss Ruth Marks' yellow net and lace. Their bouquets were of pastelcolored carnations and tea roses. Sidney Greenbaum, brother of the bride, was best man. Ushers were -Leonard Bernstein, Max Friedman, Stanley Turkel, a n d 1 Sam Friedman. Phyllis Rubinow, In a pink taffeta formal trimmed with blue ribbon, and Sandy Soskin in a TEMPLE YOUNG PEOPLE'S pink taffeta formal trimmed with GROUP The Young People's Group of pink ribbon, were flower girls.: A harp furnished the musical ac- Temple Israel will meet Thursday evening, April 3, at 8:15 at companiment for the ceremony. the home of Rabbi and Mrs. David Mrs. Greenbaum, t h e bride's mother, wore a powder blue crepe H. Wice. gown trimmed w i t h brilliants. ON ANNIVERSARY Mrs. Soskin, attending»the groom, HONORED A surprise party was given ' wore a gown of black velvet. Sunday night in honor of the Following the ceremony a din- tenth wedding anniversary of Mr. • ner for 25o, guests was served. s\nd, Mrs. Abe Klotz, Ten cou' The couple are spending'a'ten- ples attended'. 1 ' day honeymoon in Denver and upon their return will reside in ANNOUNCE BIRTH ..Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenfield Among the out-of-town guests announce the birth of a son, attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Abbott, on March Id. Morris! Bernstein and son, Harvey Mrs, Greenfield is the former SaRay, of Minneapolis; Mr. a n d . rah Fishman. , Mrs. I. Soskin, Mrs. C. Katz, Mr. - ' \ and Mrs. "J. Grossman, and Mr."CONVALESCING; and Mrs. M. Katz, all of Kansas Bernard Epstein is convalescing City; Mr. and Mrs. M. Manaker at his home after a recent appenand daughters, Adeline and Mar-dectomy. • cla, of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Nate Bernstein and Mr. and Mrs. Lotman of Lincoln; Mr. Louis Soskin of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. George Colton and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Colton of Grand Island, Ne» braska; and Mr. and Mrs. Jack About 2 Carats Lederman of Kearney, Neb. $ 00 Exceptional •TO. WICHITA POST Value Harold Kort, who has been .assistant in the Chemistry deMany Other Special Values partment 6t the University of Convenient Terms Arranged Omaha since 19 3<5, left last week for' Wichita, Kansas, where he •will b& affiliated with a/Chomical supplies firm.--.:.: Chemistry students at the University entertained in fris honor, lasf Friday in the University clubroom,'

A. Z. A. 100


Gamma Tau Sigma A regular meeting of the Gamma Tau Sigma waa held last Sunday,- March 23, at t h e Jewish Community Center. The club decided to sponsor a Red Cross sewing project which will start at the next meeting.

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THE JEWISH PRESS Published Every FrE<f«y • t t SUBSCRIPTION PRfCB, One Veer A t i i -Rates frwwished en

CDITOKIAI. OFFICE s CDS fi*as.feii -JSieate* SIOUX CITS OFFICE—to/Ana V M P E 0 T gMOS* A»eEES&i

DAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor LEONARD NATHAN Editor RABBI THEODORE W. LEWIS • Boot Editor FRANCES BLACKER • - - Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correspondent

Prophets with Honor

i- r

Tomorrow evening the triennial convention o£ the Supreme Lodge of B'nai B'rith will open Us cessions in Chicago, with Omahans playing leading roles in the proceedings. President of the Supreme Lodge is Henry Monsky, who has given his organisation an inspired leadership over perhrfps the paost difficult three years of American Jewish, history. Sam'.Beber heads the Supreme Advisory Council of Aleph Zadik Aleph, the junior order, and .Philip Klutznick is president of the District Grand Lodge. Omahans are proud that their communal leaders are so respected in national Jewish circles, particularly in so important an organization as th.0 B'nai B'rith. Unquestionably this organization is the most potent and constructive force in Jewish life, and in the past three years, under the presidency of Henry Monsky, it has demonstrated tinio and time again its tremendous value to American Jewry. What we say is not mere praise for a group of local men who have made good. What we say is not an attempt to have the community shine in leflected glory. It is a fact recognized throughout the country. The work of the organization speaks - for itself. Since the convention of 1938, which elevated Mr. Monsky to the presidency, the B'nai B'rith has expanded its activities and intensified its work BO that its influence is apparent in every field of endeavor—an influence that has as its aim -the strengthening of Jewish life so that it may - meet indifference within and enemies without. ' The B'nai B'rith is the only Jewish organization in the United States that has proved itself Worthy of speaking for all American Jewry. Ably nerving youth through the A. Z. A. and Hillel foundations, It has brought to our young people an appreciation of traditional values and has guided them through a most trying period. The Vocational Service Bureau haa'.assisted thousands of young people'solve theip special and acute problems of. * employment and prepared them to face with greater understanding the business and professional World they intend to enter. Through the work of the anti-Defamation , League, the position ot American Jewry has been kept Intact. It has met the challenge of those, who would harm'us, with courage and intelligence and by its' dignified methods has helped Jews maintain their self-respect. We could go on to enumerate the thousand and one philanthropic activities in which the Lodges have participated. Not just Jews have benefitted by this generosity but wherever there has been # human suffering,; the B'nai Brrith has generously responded. . No person on the American Jewish Bcene enjoys higher prestige and respect than the organization's president. For how much of these manifold activities Mr. Monsky is personally responsible, * Ve do not know. But we are aware that in these v last three years, the Influence of the B'nai B'rith baa been greatly-exteiided, and its work has be• come a source of pride to all Jews. The B'nai B"Tith has not had to" fight. to' maintain membership; it has not had to- defend itself or its position. The Omaha Jewish community can look with pardonable pride on thej achievements of its mem' berS; Who have done BO much in the cause of .Israel.

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v ' - : ; : > ; . ; - •..:••.•. '.

"•''•" ' ' . /


Arsenal Oialy? Justifiably bitter were the reproachful, tones of lljalmar Procope, Finnish minister at Washington, •who recently reminded Americans that Finland's people are in desperate straits and nothing what-

soever is being done to save them. Americans, who oaly a year ago were praising the heroism of the Finns to the Ekies, have apparently forgotten,' the little cation aEd its courageous &tand on behalf of tomes and principles. We &re constaatiy hearing talk of sending food and supplies to France, whose leaders betrayed democracy, and to Spain, whose rules destroyed it. But of Finland the question has not been raised. Where are the humanitarians, who would raise the British Blockade, in this instance? The gallant defense of Finland on behalf of Freedom seemingly no longer interests us. When Finland was engaging the Russians in its frozen wastelands, this country, which has now become the arsenal of democracy, could not lift a finger to send war supplies that m i g h t have strengthened the Mannerheim line. Hampered by our own forgotten neutrality laws, we did our part for the Finns by furnishing ambulances and medical supplies. While their people died, ours collected coins on the corners. Today Finland is in even greater need. The battle was fought and lost, and the people ,are suffering. They are on the verge of starvation. "We could send supplies to the nation. Our ships could take a route through the Arctic to avoid the mine-fields of the North Atlantic. The country Is not occupied so that we could send workers it necessary to assure ourselves the supplies would not bo grabbed by Russia or Germany. If America is to be the bastion of democracy, •we must remember that democracy needs defending not only in times of crisis. Anyone who conceives democracy as nothing more than a war-cry to stir the emotions of our people, by this very thought betrays the concept of our government. We have greater obligations to fulfill than mere assistance iii military operations. Democracy is to be preserved because it can answer all needs. We are now engaged in a great crusade to strengthen the faith in popular institutions and to preserve the rights of men. It is, therefore, our duty not to forget the first-line soldiers, who have fallen, or the nations, who first withstood the onslaught against ideals of democracy. Only our conscience stands between us and he alleviation of Finland's suffering. Wo have the means—the food, the medical supplies. To fail them at this hour Is to betray not only them but ourselves.

New Threat to Palestine

FrinUy, U&tck 28, 194*

Gems of the Bible By. Dr. PLiHp £L*.r BIBLE The righteous shall never be moved but the wicked shall not inhabit the land. When, pride coiaeth then cometh shame, but he who k e e p s himself humble there is wisdom. With his mouth the impious men destroyeth his neighbor but t h r o u g h knowledge shall the righteous be delivered. The fruit of the righteous is a tTee of life and he that is wise winneth souls. TALMUD Rabbi Ashi said, "A scholar who is not firm in his conviction can not be considered a scholar." When Rabbi' Nachman was to depart he said to Rabbi Isaac, "Bless me." And he answered, "I shall tell thee a parable to which may this Incident of your request be likened unto, that of a man who once went into the desert and w h e n he became hungry, thirsty and tired he found a tree bearing luscious fruit and affording plenty of shade with a spring of water running underneath. He ate of the fruit, drank of the water and r e s t e d beneath the shade. When abobut to leave he turned to the t r e e and said, "Tree! Tree! Wherewith can I bless thee? That thy fruit may be sweet? These you have. That a spring may be near thee? Even these thou hast. T h a t thou shouldst afford plenty of shade? Also that thou hast. That thou shouldst afford plenty of shade? Also that thou hast. The one hing left which j can wish thee s that all trees planted from thy seed may be as fruitful as thou art. So it is with thee. Shall I bless thee with knowledge? This thou hast. Shall I bless thee with dignity? This t h o u also hast. Shall I bless thee with honor? Thou has that also. Shall I bless thee with riches? That thou hast also. Shall I bless thee with children? Even children thou lackest not. Hence all I can say to you ia this. May be God's will that your children be as good as thou art."

The Germany army, nervously poised on the Greek border, is not just a threat to Greece. Germany has few intentions on the mountainous little nation of the Aegean, except where it can be utilized as a base against British shipping in tha eastern Mediterranean. But beyond Greece is tho object of Berlin's desires. Beyond Greece is tho. Eosphorus and byond the Bosphorus is the Near East, richest plum of the current war. Whoever controls Palestine at this juncture will control the Mediterranean. It is moreover the -key to the Near Eastern oil fields, and if there is anything Germany needs at this moment, it is the oil that will keep her mechanized army on the move. "When the Italian battalions began their pincer move eastward on both sides of the Mediterranean, Palestine watched the operation with a b a t e d breath. Had the Italian drives been successful, the situation today would have been hopeless. Fortunately Mussolini proved to be only the strawdust Caesar everyone suspected, arid it is apparent that the Italian armies in themselves no longer constitute a threat. But the Near East has yet to face is greatest danger, for regardless of the disadvantages of the Balkan terrain, .the German army will assuredly start its drive eastward to capture desired territory, to establish air-bases by which to harass Mediterranean shipping and if possible nip the British lifeline. So serious is the danger today threatening Palestine, the country is being prepared, for any eventuality. Precautions are being taken that were never considered when It appeared Italy was to assume control of Near Eastern operations. The Balkans, the Mediterranean, and the Near East are not the low countries. They will not be a pushover, but unquestionably Palestine Jewry will Boon be called upon to make its greatest sacrifices.

, London (JTA)—A spokesman ' ©f the exiled Polish government " told a Jewish press conference that the only immediate evacuation problem from post-war Poland would be ol Germans, while the Question of emigration of Jews would be "an Internal-JevJeb problem." , . ProL -Olgiens.Gorba, head of

Ex-Senator William King of Utah may be out of Congress, but he is using all the influence his long record gives him with hia colleagues on belialf of the refugee aid and other humanitarian movements with which.he was associated as a senator. He has established himself in am office in the B^n&te office building raid is currently engaged in energetically lobbying on behalf of tike authorization for refugee eoiouizfiUon of Alaska, He is expected to remain in Washington a n d establish h i s home here. One of the most interesting topics of speculation IB the character of the culture that will de* velop out of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Its population has Increased substantially in meet* ing the refugee demand and if Zionist dreams are realized it will increase still more. The people who are making And will Jis&ke the new I'alestine come from the four coiners of t h o globe. Jews, certainly, but still bearing the marks Of countries that have been their homes, often for centuries. Any prediction by a layman would be futile In light of the.va* ried nationalistic backgrounds* the economic and social potential" Hies, and other factors in thftf brave, new world. ' ;' . • But I'm willing to go out on * limb and predict that there 'will be a strong flavor of the Amcri« can in that culture that is to bed This guess is based on word from the Commerce Department that the war has further strengthened the already dominant position of U. 8. motion pictures in Palestine with tho 40 theaters there using 90 per cent American films in contrast to tho 75 per cent in pre« war years. ' It has been amply demonstrated that American movies are the most effective missionaries in the world and it young Palestinians are brought up on a steady film diet of Gene Autry, Clark Gable and Myrna I/Oy there will be a strong flavor of America in the life at the eastern end of t h e Mediterranean. ' •i (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Washington .Press Bureau

WASHINGTON. Religious Services I It is probable that this era of conflict between isolationists and interventionists will see a new Temple high hit in tho, fine art of twisting words, misquoting, and plain Hadassah sabbath will be oh-., falsehood, despite the episodes of servefl this evening at Temple fiery debate that have dotted Israel. Rabbi Charles Schulman American history In the past. of Glencoe, Illinois, will occupy the pulpit. An example of the excesses of Next "Tear carelessness and misstatenient to Next Friday, evening Rabbi Dawhich high feeling can lead a man vid H. "Wice will, speak on "Modis In the column of tho ngressivc- ern Marranos". < ly virile General Hugh Johnson this week. tr. o. o. At the late services of the-U.Referring in scathing terms to the British insistence on its food O. C. tonight, Rabbi Rackovsky blockade of the continent despite will speak on "Tho Difficulties the plan advanced by ex-President Facing Our Youth." Herbert Hoover as "cruei and inBeth El human, if not positively obscene," This evening Rabbi David A. the General delivers himself of Goldstein will speak on "The Bithe following glittering- Generalography of .the Saint.". The ser1 ity: ' • " •'•" , ' =..: '-v mon ia based on the life-of Sir Moses Monte!lore. "Tho British argument boils Members of the Fourth semes* down to this: 'The Germans ate ter Hebrew class, who are now beresponsible for then* conquests. ginning the study of Chumesh, Let them do tho feeding.' That's yilli be honored. swell — from the British viewAn Oneg Shabboth will be held point—but the cold, humanitarian in the social hall. fast remains t h a t -there isn't •".:•• •,.•-- : - N e x t - ' W e e l k enough food in Eurbnc," \ Next week Rabbi Goldstein's • sermon.willrbedevoted to "PassPeriodically the Department of mans, and not a problem of hust- Agriculture, through Us Bureau over Interpretations." ling evacuating Jews." of Foreign Agricultural Relations, Peris to Admit' More has issued reports 'on the food situation in Europe. These re; .-'European: Kefugceo ports are conservative estimated Lima, ?eru<JTA) — A new based on information received from XJ. S. consulates, agriculture presidential d e o r e a- permits attaches and, other sources. To henceforth the Immigration of date they have found, the Gen- refugees into Peru on. condition JerusalemCWNS-Palcor Agen- eral to the contrary, that there is t h a t - 2,000 eol (approximately. §800) la deposited with tho govcy)—Ten Palestinian nurses, in- enough food. ernment for each immigrant. cluding eight/ graduates of t h e The decree provides-that-tho Hadassah-Unlversity - Rothschild Not enough, it is true, to give Hospital's .Henrietta Szold School everyone in German:occupied or deposit is to be repaid to the imof Nursing and two nursing Die- dominated territory even tho min- migrant after two years of unters from other Jerusalem hospi- Immn considered necessary in ail interrupted residence, providing tals, left this country recently to food£, but certainly enough to. he can prove thc4. he 1B financialtako up their duties at the King. avert starvation. This wfll not ly well established and is able to Fuad el Moatat hospital in Alex- be done because the Nazi govern- take care of hiniBelf and his andria., .• • ment's policy is to take care of family. .

the Nationalities Department of the Polish Ministry of Information, stated: "In my view, the problem of evacuating will be not so much a Polish Jewish problem as, most of all, an internal Jewish problem. Evacuation is a question of eventual differences of opinion among Jews themselves, namely, by what road and at what rate they will strive to create a national home. From the Polish, viewpoint, the question seems to me to have loat much o£ its urgency for some time to come. "The problem which -will arise when Polish authority is restor.eS' will be a. policy,of restitution in integrum and evacuation o£ Ger-

the &rmf fir&t, tike citizens of the lieieii to a lesser ext-eitt second, tad to toss whatever iesvings remain to the conquered peoples.


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Friday, Ms.rcL 2 6 , 1S41



Hold Forum Tonight At Labor Lyceum A motion picture on "Life in Mexico" will be shown this evening &t 8:30 at tbe new Labar Lyceum, 3022 CmaitLg. Crowned "Esther III" at The regular opea iaram will ' Annual Purira follow. The subject for discussion will be, "S5ia.ll tlie Bight to Strike be Restricted In Time of Amid tlie bl&re offcramiiwitsmud Emergencies?" The public is iathe music of "Cted Bless Amer- vited to attend. Tbe open forma is under the ica," Ruth Miller, of Tketa 'L&a da sorority, was crowned Queen auspices of the city committee of Esther III at the Eojiad "ifcMe of tlie Workmen's Circle. Jewish Yositii'a sixth aatt&sl Fmrim dance, givea test S'Offiday evening at the Sewlsh. Conuwwlty Center. Esther Shapiro, Qeeea Esther II of 1M0, presented her with a- bouquet of flowers iend an engraved bracelet. The queen w&a chosen frcm among the following candidates: (Continued from Page 1.) ,Ceci Cohn, XJ. T. sorority; Mickey


C«Ji(IIe4igliitiijg Time: 6:11.


Regular late services of the U. Mrs. David Wice left yesterO. C. will take place tonight as usual at Congregation Bnai Is- day for Chicago where she is reprael. The Rabbi will speak on reseating the Maternal Health "The Difficulties Facing Our League of Nebraska &t the MidYouth." West Conference on "Tomorrow's Saturday morning, the Rabbi Children". The conference, which will will apeak at Congregation Bnat last until tomorrow evening, is Israel. being devoted to a consideration The Junior Congregation will of the new problems facing the hold its services at the Bnai children of today and tomorrow. Attending the conference will Isarel Synague this Sabbath at 10:00 a. m. Last week, Mrs. M. be social service, medical, and Rosenstein was hostess to the lay leaders. chiWren. This week Mrs. J-. Wintrotb will be hostess to the children at a reception after services. V

Shabboth Hagodol which ebrinaky,' Stanley Katelman, David Baer, Danny Kubby, and Ma- gins at sunset on April 4 will be celebrated by tbe U. O. C. ot its rilyn Breff. Choral group members are: late Friday evening services by a Mickee Balaban, Mrs. Jennie Baer, special program. The services Mra. II. Belman, Lee Bernstein, have been given over to the JunMra. B. Blatt, Shirley Doigoff, ior Congregation. Sarah Fellmaii, Harry DuBoff, Members of the Junior CongreAlfred Frank, Mrs. A. Frank, Lil- agtlon will conduct the services lian Freedman, Isabella Gerber, and speak. Mothers of the chilGoldie Oerelick, Harriet Lewis, dren will hold a reception after Leah Lewis, Sylvia Lelben, Dick services. Details of the program Minkiu, Sam Minkin, Mrs. Joseph will be announced next week. ftadlnowskl, Aaron Rasnick, Mrs. J. Rasnick, Helen Resnick, Doris Community Breakfast Schneider, and Mm B. Vcitecr. After the services a group of Organised ISvo Tears Ago about €0 people gathered around T h e Center Little Symphony the table for a community breakwas organized in January, 1939. fast last Sunday to participate in Since t h e n approximately sixty the Siyum celebration on the Omaha and Council Bluffs mu- completion of the first of the five sicians have met weekly for sev- books of Moses studied by the eral enjoyable hours of playing Sunday morning service group end rehearsing. They appeared of the U. O. C. Brotherhood. The in their first concert in May, breakfast was prepared by a com1940. The orchestra has a l s o mittee consisting of Sam Freed, played et .productions of the Con- Joe White, and El. Rosenstein. or Dramatic Guild and before After breakfast, the last part of ,, Ruth BHMer numerous organizations. the book of Genesis was studied In November of 1940, In re- and completed. The Rabbi then .Goldberg, B'noa Israel club; Diana Lagman, Baa-A-Mi; Paulino sponse to numerous requests, the spoke on the various historic and Laadman, Sinai cjub; Reeda Hag- 'enter announced the formation, ethical problems which are treatcamin, Tau Delta Sigma sorority; under the direction of Mr. Fin- ed in the book. The ceremony society. Ruth Miller, Theta Lambda so- kel, of a choral Working1 in close ~ cooperation losed at 11 o'clock. Harry A. rority; Ruth Roscnsteln, Junior Hadassah, and Elaine Tuchman, with Al Finkel, music director, Johen is chairman of the group. a n d Margaret Finkel, assistant Mr. 8. Salzman, H. Alperaon, Gamma Tau Sigma sorority. music director, are the members Nate Brown, II. Marcus, Dave . Preceding the coronation, Warner Frohraan, chairman of the of the Center Music committee: Crounse were in charge of genRound Table dance committee, in- Mr. Harry DuBoff, chairman; eral arrangements of the Siyum troduced Reeda Magzamin of Tau Mra. Harry DuBoff, Mr. Harry and are active Id its continued Delta Sigma sorority, who In turn Silvennan, and Mr. Harry Mala- work. announced the floor show. Par-' shock. Study Group tlclpants included: Rose CamilThe Study group is to' meet bro, Mexican tap dancer; Florence again oa usual this coming SunTatleman of B'nos Israel club, day at 9 a. m. at the Bnai Israel and Harvey Buratein of CreighSynagogue, 18 th and Chicago. Afton university. ter breakfact, the group will beContest Winners gin the study of the book of ExoThe jitterbug contest which foldus. All friends are invited. lowed the floor show was won by Bernard Balaban, who has Lad Louis .and Babe Blumkin, who a distinguished musical career, The regular Hebrew Study .were awarded a cash prize by the is now stationed at Fort Benning, roup will meet Monday at the three judges who had come from Georgia, where he expects to be Rabbi's study at 8 p. m. Lincoln and the university to at- transferred to the military band tend the dance. Judges were Ir- of hia regiment. The Talmud Study group will yin Alsher and RUBS and Don Panmeet at the Beth Hamedro3h HaThe former Council Bluffs oby, tell. Harold Habler of Sinai club the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benja- godol on Wednesday a t 8 p. m. min Balaban, since his graduaVon the radio. • " • - • • * • tion in 1933 from Abraham LinServing on the dance committee with Chairman Warner Froh- coln High cchool where he was man were the following: Co-chair- a member of - the school band, man Charlotte Nogg, Etta Goro- has been bassfton soloist with the llck, Vickl Lerner, Milton"Goes, New York World's Fair orchesStanley Feltman, Harry Goodbln- tra, the Now Friends of Music der, Maine Lagman, Reva Bordy, Symphony orchestra, the National The 1941 camp season will be Reeda. Magzamin, and Harold Ha- Broadcasting Company orchestra, and the orchestra of the Ballet ushered in on Sunday afternoon, bler. B a s s e . * . . ;* .- • • : . .•••„•••. April 6, at 3 o'clock, when one He attended the Julliard. School hundred twenty-two campers and of Music In New York where he their counselsrs meet at the Jew? ioh Community Center for the was also an instructor. Before leaving for the east he second annual camp reunion. waa one of the.; youngest memJay-C's will renew old friendbers of the former Omaha Sym- ships and recall overnight hikes, phony orchestra. campfires,' cookoutn, a n d other events, of last summer and"also plan for the coming vacation. . Lodz Ghetto The program w U 1 include Zurich (JTA)—A total of 170,Wednesday evening, members games, songs, refreshments and of the newly organized Y o u n g 000 Jews are presently confined entertainment of a wide variety. Married, group of the Beth El in the Lodz ghetto, the other half Following .the program, prelimisynagogue,'will give their first of the city's original Jewish pop- nary registrations will be taken ulation of 340,000 having left, supper. most of them for the Polish Gov- for the third season of Camp An unusual and novel program ernment-General, declared t h e Jay-C, from July 20 to Auguat of entertainment Is being planned city's Nazi polico chief in an in- 20. Campers will be able to regby the men's committee. terview published in a number of ister for either two or four The committee in charge of ar- German newspapers. weeks. rangements' for tfes evening: are: Mr. and Mrs. David Brodkey, Mr. and Mrs. John Rosenbblatt, Mr.. and , Mrs. Seymour Cohen, Mr. and 'Mrs. Lou Ricklin, Mr. and Mrs. Moe Linsman, Mr. and Mrs; David Brows, Hr. and- Mrs. Springr Lotaao cleaning is hero. Your closets and Leonard Seigal, Mr. and Mrs. attics trill bo emptied^ Loyal Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs: Phil V/hszl wIEl yoa • dp v/ith tho CXCODS clothing, furnU •Feldman, Mr. and lira. Al Shrier, tcuro, e t c , that, you Iiavo accumulated and For which (Mr. and ~Mnj. Las&r Kavlch, Dr. . yoa no lo-zfjc,? h.a.va any uco. and Mrs. David Flatt, and lit, " Tfso -T0RIFT SHOP dopoadg upon yotis- cooperation Mrs, Al Fiedler, and, Mr. and , sSoy aro tanalblo Csi fill requests for taea's articles, Mrs. R. Mas Caas?* : ,. , 4 H A A 4 W ' tf*^%f%^ ^^ V #*l**41ttC^rt Reservations ara^ peypntjr-fjye Cell. JACKSON 138G and tho drhreT will pick o p . cents per person and may be yeas? b o s . nrado by any married couple with Mrs. Leonard Slegal or Mrs. R. Mas Canar. Dancing will follow tlie,- program.

Thomshevsky Play To Be Given April 27

Eugene Levi Dies in Lincoln

Mrs. Eugene A. Levi, a former Omahan, died Wednesday at her home in Lincoln. Surviving Mrs. Levi are: her husband, her father, Mr. Herman Rehfeld of Omaha; a daughter, Jean, of Bell, Calif., and two sisters, Mrs. Nathan Mantel e n d Miss Lena Rehfeld, both of Omaha. ' Funeral services were to have been held in Omaha today.

Omahan's Article in So. African Paper An atrlcle, "The Eight Hundredth Anniversary of Judab Halevi, Poet Laureate of the Spanish Golden Period," ~ written by Harry Mendelson, local Hebrew teacher and contributor to the JEWISH PRESS, has been reprinted by the Zionist Record published in Johannesburg, South Africa. The article was originally released by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and was printed by a number of Anglo-Jewish newspapers in this country.

A play in Yiddish, tbe "Piutele Yid," by Boris Thomasbevsky. Is to be given by the Workmen's Circle, Uiancli 173, and the Branch's Dramatic Club, on Sunday, April 27, at the Central club. The play has been in rehearsal for some time now and tbe public is being assured an excellent performance. Proceeds will be used for philanthropic purposes. The first confessing Jew to take Tickets may be purchased from a degree at Trinity college was members of tlj.e organization. Nathan Lazarus Uenmohel (1836). The first J e w j n South Africa Fenian Martins, a mariner, A Jew, Myer Hart de Shira, who came with Vaiico do Gaina In waa one of the founders of Eas1497. ton, Pa. ( l ? 5 0 ) . r


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Friday, Ms.rcb 28, 1941

a of ttem happen in some purchase them from Junior Hato get control of the globe, dassah. members or at the Iowa tuey win find," etc. Clothes .Shop. TLe pogroms of the Crusades and thfe terror of the Inquisition 4_ KMEHEL and the wholesale oppressioa the The Emssel h e l d a meeting By LttciUp Abr&hamson E , bit. IHilODOEE 11. LEV/IS Jew suffered are jastified ©a the Tuesday evening fct the home of ground that the Jews practiced HADASSAH RaLLi, Cckifu Synagogue, Breckiya, II. witchcraft, formed a state within During the month of May a na- President Betty oo&en. Plans are a state, were "bent upon ruling tional speaker of Hadassah will well under way for the dance to Spain," eided with the invader in be the koaered guest of the Coun- be given soon. "CHARACf EitS OF SMIE INQUI- inquisition that Jealousy, greed, case of war. collections for the Y. W, cil Bluffs Hadassah s.t .the Do&cr II. FiBal SITION," by WilliRBi'T. Walsh. rapacity, had their share. That A. were made. la addition to tbese eriiaea the party. To this affair, all donors Sons, New the latter motives figures promP..' JT. Kenuedy &' "" inently is evident from the fact Jews are charged with campaign will be c&rdt&lly iavited. York City. COUSINS CLUB that the Inquisition confiscated ing for "democracy" when the The following Lave already paid The Coesisis Club will meet at converses fought the Inquisition tkeir pledges: Mesdaiaes Herman the property of the victims, di"Characters of the Inquisition" viding the loot between itself, and most astonishing, of enjoying the heiae of Mrs. Morris GrossKrasne, Herataa J. Gershun, G. Iss ostensibly o y &u effort to give an with which to build more etately a monopoly of the new printing Krasne, A. JF. Kxasite, Ike Kragne, man co Wednesday, April 2. impartial account of tUe lif life d tribuaals, and the royal treasure business and usipg it for 'inter- L. Krasue, Mf. Bernstein, Louis work of those men who organized to enable the king to wage bet- national" purposes — namely, .the Bernstein, Harry Cohen, K. Pried, FIUEBMAK-BBEtNSTEIN the Inquisition and who served it ter and more devastating wars. It printing of Protestant Bibles. No J. At Boon Sunday, a simple wedM. Moskovitz, Sam Meyerson, with distinction and "success": was BO mere accident that among wonder "the destruction of the Harry ding ceremony was performed in Cherniss, I. gternhill. M. Gregory IX, Bernard Gai, Nicho- t"Es victims of the Inquisition an power of the Jew was a neces- Grossman, Frank Rubeastein, II. the terrace roooi ef Hotel Chieflas Eynierie, Torquemada, and unusually large proportion hap- sity." Galpert, Nate Nogg, Harry Kub- tain, uniting Miss Pauline BernEvil Character' Cardinal Ximenes. Actually the pened to be exceedingly wealthy, by, H. Brandeis, A. Baer, A. Gi- stein, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. This evil character of the Jew linsky, book is an unashamed and bold upon whose property either the Rose Kramer, L. II. Co- Louis Bernstein, a n d Herman defense of ecclesiastical cruelty royal house or the Inquisition cast is due to a quality which Mr. hen, Max Sam Bubb, Tep- Friedman, son or Mr. and Mrs. and bigotry in particular and so- longing and loving eyes. How fit- Walsh finds in the entire Jewish perman, J.Cohn, Chernlack, Maro- Sam Friedman, In marriage. tingly can one apply to the In- people, 'one which does not exist witz, and Ed Weiner ofH.Villisca, cial reaction-dn general. The bride was gowned in a The underlying assumption of quisitors the denunciation of Eli- in any other race," a quality of Iowa. light pink Bilk crepe dress with, "Jewishness." This he attributes the work is that heresy, or devia- jah against Ah&b. "Has thou navy accessories. Her corsage was Those who have not paid or of p i n k eaiuelias. tion from the faith and dogma of killed and also taken possession!" to the fact that Jews are "cast off Mrs. Edwin by a just God whose divine Majes- have not been reached, are asked the Roman Catholic Church ia a In classifying Moses as the first ty they had affronted." What a to call Mrs. Ben Gershun, chair- Brodkey, matron of honor, was heinous crime, and that to extirdressed in beige with black acpate it for which the inquisition Inquisitor the author is guilty of shocking revelation to the true at- man, phone 877*. cessories a n d her corsage was blasphemy, shameless and reektitude of Mr. Walsh towards Iswas founded, all means, Includardenias and violets. ing the slaughter of thousands if less. To place this gentle and lov- rael. A. Z. A. ' David Levine, brother-in-law necessary, is perfectly legitimate. ing soul in the same category with Deep also is the author's hate The A. Z. A. 7 met at the home That this is equivalent to a com- the fiendish Torquemada, to de- and fear of the Talmud which con- ot Jack Lincoln, Tuesday, March of the groom, was best man. Mr. plete repudiation of the basic clare that "Moses put to death in tains "dark perversities," and "in- 18. The chapter is making plans Bernstein gave his daughter in American ideals, of free speech, the name of religion a far greater sults to Christianity and to Jes- to attend the Bound Table ban- marriage. Only members of the immedifree thought, and free religion, number of human beings than did us." That "the rabbis themselves quet to be held in Omaha, does not disturb the author an Torquemada" 13 to insult, and to admitted that certain passages in- Art Sohmer attended the first ate families w e r e present. A mock not only Moses, but organ- sulting to Christians were in the meeting as a pledge. It was an- wedding dinner was served in the iota. Neither is he perturbed that ized religion. If true, and it defi- Talmud" is simply not true. No nounced by Aleph Godol Lincoln Rainbow room fololwing the cere, this foul principle which he de- nitely is not, then Moses merits rabbi has ever admitted this, be- that the chapter la invited to at- mony. After a irip to New Orleans, fends is today the foundation of even larger scorn and hate than cause the Talmud contains noth- end the next meeting of A.Z. A. Mr. and Mrs.. Friedman will be at all the totalitarian regimes, which Torquemada! And, again, if true, ing ot the kind. To put such a hapter- 100. home at the Buckingham Manor are enslaving the' human mind it does not lessen Torquemada's malicious and ancient accusation Herbert Tepperman presented in print is to qualify for Cougfaand heart, and which to continue guilt an iota. a report on the membership com- in Omaha. lin's entourage. in power require the murderous Animosity to Jews mittee as did Marvin Richards on LEAD IN I'LAY services of the Gestapo, the GayIt is needless to add J that a the social committee. To attribute the primitive and mind Payoo, and the Ovra. which conceives such a volMiss Betty Cohen Is playing the practices of the early He- ume is bigoted and reactionary. Due to the resignation of Aleph leading Acutely conscious of the crimes barbaric role in her literary sobrews, greatly embellished by a Mr. Walsh loathes Roosevelt, and 'gan Lester For, a special elecof the Inquisition, t h e author fanciful ciety play, "Growing Pains," to lon was held and Aleph .MazkjUr imaginative chronicler, to struggles hard to salvage the rep- Moses and to the Deity is to mis- Wendel Willkie alike, because "'eddy Gershuu was named. Leo be presented tonight and tomorgentlemen belong to the Ma- Meyerson was elected by accla- row in the school auditorium.' utation of the men who did the the Old Testament to violate both sonic Fraternity—to him another mation to fill the position left dirty work by attributing to their read its spirit and to distort its mes- example » Jewish conspiracy to vacant by Gershun. wicked hearts a holy desire to do sage. That is quite true. Idolatry overthrowof Christianity—and Polish Leader Dies both "justice" to the unfortunate vic- was exceedingly hateful to the Old London (JTA) — Dr. Rafael Another special event of the Roosevelt and Willkie are pledged timB. The cruelty and rigour and to maintain capitalistic liberalism chapter was a smoker held Tues- andau, for 20 years president of ruthlessness are minimized. .Torquemada. fs fanatically defended. not follow that the accounts of and democracy. "America must day,. March 25, ot the home of the Cracow Jewish Community, has died under tragic circumIt is he who "made the Inquisi- the destruction of the idolators become either a Catholic state or dvisor Fitch. are factual and historical. The im- a slave state," and the alternative stances in the Kasakstan area of tion decidedly more merciful." putation of such savagery to the will present itself very shortly, j JUNIOR HADAJ5SA1I he U. S. B. R., Polish Jewish Denunciation Deity is blasphemy. That the menace of socialism (to! Junior Hadassah held its first circles here reported. He was The most criminal and diaboliWhile professing friendship lor author it is American -Hitler- jracttea for the Btyle show, which '2 years old. Dr. Landau, who cal aspectVof the Inquisition, that the Jew the author's deep, sub- the Ism) is immediate, is evident from a to he presented on April 9, led from Lwow at the outbreak which made it dreaded and cursed, conscious animosity is evident on the Protestant rejection ot Franco last Sunday at the home of Leone f the • war in Poland, had been was the insistence- upon denuncia- every page. The book is indeed an and the championing the Span- Latelman. The style show la to eported to the interior by the tion. This led to wholesale treach- arsenal of anti-Semitism, o n e ish loyalist cause. Heofdreads e presented at a card party at Soviet government. cry. and put a premium upon be- which anti-Semites can use with formation of a Federal Union tho of he I. O. O. P. faalVtrayal. Rather than face long im- much profit. And the author's English speaking peoples because Anyono wishing tickets, may Patronize Our Advertisers prisonment and cruel torture, contempt and distrust of the Jew like the old League, which he demany, an innocent accused, broken whose influence is always evil ex- rides, it will presumably not be in body and spirit, informed upon tends to the "Conversos." Against subservient to Rome. friends and enemy alike to escape the latter who have accepted Because the volume strikingly from his hopeless plight. Catholicism his - attitude is at The hatred against the inform- times even more harsh and bitter. reveals the mentality of the Iners was fierce and the inquisitors Their sincerity is always suspect- quisition, dormant but not extinct, were obliged to fight constantly ed, and despite conversion remain does It merit the attention of all the efforts of the decent men of at heart Jews, and therefore en- who love and prize the heritage ot that day to make their names pub- tertain the same evil plans and American democracy and freedom. lic. The failure to permit the ac- hopes they had prior to their bapcused to face those who testified tism! Stamp Jewa* Passports against him in secret, and the inThe myth of the 'international" sistence upon denunciation to ex- Jew and of a Jewish "conspiracy" Zurich (JTA)—The Rumanian tract confessions, which alone against Christian civilization is authorities have ordered the conld keep up the steady stream such an obsession with the writer stamping of Jews' passports with of victims, puts to naught the au- that he issues the'following warn- the word "Jew," it was reportefl thor's pious contention that the ing, more applicable to his own from Bucharest. A police order Inquisition conducted its work church. "The theory of Jewish laid that Jews who did not restrictly along."juridical" lines. A conspiracy to dominate the world port immediately to. have their trial before an Inquisition tribu- has never been proved and it is passports stamped would suffer nal save the accused as much justice as does "A Peoples' Court" not likely to be; if the more am- • confiscation of their papers. in the Nazi Reich. Alpraptice which has made the Inquisition a stt(nclk in the nos- , trils'of mea^-wav the'application j of torture to obtain full -confes- • tsion, and to, implicate others. Ac- '. cording to the author, Torque-' mafia introduced, the -"rea",. or j "water cure,"1 in order ('to temper the/application 'of'torture with mercy." , 'Loot' " ' Only qnr intimation here and there' does the author allow that ©therl^ motive's, besides the purely religious, entered into the establishment and prosecution of the

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Friday, Marck 28, 1941


P*g« 3

Jewry, Ahe only great free Jewisl; m a k i n g put own sacrifice for all *f his itime to the National community in the world, mus these other ;miIHons of Jewish Jewish Welfare Board, of Which now, more than ever, bear the women and children, who des-he is president. burden of the major responsi bility. Though we are fully con pairing, hopeless, and homeless, fident of the ultimate victory of can look to us, and us only for Great Britain and her allies, sup help." ported by the growing help, of The Women's division organiyour great democracy, we rnusi I Will R e m a i n m T h i s realize that the post-war Jewisl zation is proceeding rapidly. OthCountry For Two ,*• H h er officers of the division will be problem will not solve itself. . In (Continued from Page 1.) announced shortly. - , Months the future, as in the past, the fate of our people will lie first ever increasing support of our New York. (WNS)—I>r. Ctiaim of all in our own hands, and thecause." Heads N. Y. Welfare Board :Weizmunki," president of the'Jew- tragic necessities of the moment Women Have Concern in must not distract our attention • Ish Agency for Palestine and the Campaign New York (TA)—Stephen J. . World Zionist Organization, de- from our ultimate goal, which Stroock was elected president of I f ' In accepting the chairmanship • clared that negotiations v» id is the full liberation of our peo-of the Women's division, Mrs. the New York Metropolitan Sec• Great Britain for the creation of ple through the establishment of Katleman indicated that the Jew-tion of the Jewish Welfare Board an .all-Jewish aimy w e r e con- a Jewish National Home on a ish women of Omaha will once at the annual meeting at Temple r tinning> upon his arrival by Dixie sound and enduring basis." again gladly undertake the as- Emanu-EI. He .succeeds Frank HA 3134 CAhfGL .Clipper at LaGuaidia Field in signment in the campaign, and L. Weil, who re&igned to devote New York after a four-day air will bring into the full force at IttLLfcU 'JOilATOES, 8 FOB 10c |_ journey from London. least 300 volunteers who will help in bringing me campaign Dr. Weizmann, who plans to r ..J "J to successful conclusion. stay in the United States two r* M i H Extra Large Alaska ^months, was accompanied by his "Jewish women of Omaha, and I wife. Surrounded by reporters ilEftfilgi©, Sstoaiitz I E for that matter of the United and American Zionist leaders, Dr. Reg. 2Oc each States, have a special concern in Weizmann refused to be interthe overseas campaign for war Rolled Fillet of ANCHOVIKK with ciiSK-r* In pure olive viewed, pleading weariness after relief, refugee aid, and recon(Continued from Page 1.) Oil—2 'JJNH his long trip. struction. We k n o w the ' The world Zionist leader de- M. F. Levenson, Mrs. J. M. New-chief victims of the tormentors YOUR PARTIES j nied, however; a report published man, Mrs. Julius Newman, and are women and chilrden. AmerTi.9 finest cheeses, Imported I In the London Jewish Standard, Mrs. Max Scheuerman. Bm»ked I'ish and Bnmked Mf»tf 1 ican Jewish woitu'ii are the most tii tot >uur party J official organ of the Zlonist-ReMembers of the Ushering com- blessed Jewish women in tho .vislonist group, that negotiations mittee are: Mrs. Julius Abraham- world today. They alone know ZiOfi iCOSSIEII for the creation of a Jewish Army son, chairman, and Mrs. A. S. peace and security. They can COOKIt-S to fight alongside Britain against Rubnitz, Mrs. S. tt. Rosenberg, feel the suffering of the women the axis powers had been stalled. Mrs. Ben Brodkey, and Mrs. Abeand children trapped in the over, 'AtUa 8ad doeen He emphasized that the negotia- "lomberg. seas disaster." | ^ ^ ^ I . r l . w l t i . Found tions were still in progress. "There is only one way that Hostesses for the reception folHe parried questions concern- lowing the service will be: Mes-we can s,how our appreciation of IteIiclou« CALL JA 7 Vetlctlfo Ing Great Britain's war effort, darnes J* J. Friedman, chairman, these blessings; and that is by (iIti:i^N TOMATOKS Ell telling reporters: "I c a n n o t and Louis E. Lipp, David Levine, speak. I came from a country at Sam Wertheimer, Jr., Sam L. wax." He would not divulge the Robinson, J. M. Erman, Abe Som- AT UNION OUTFITTl^© L significance of his interview with berg, Leon Fellman, Jacob Cohn, Prime Minister Winston Church- Milton Mayper, David C. Platt, ill shortly before his departure and Edward D. Brodkey. CIEti • • • for America. To Confer on Palestine Re-Elect Goldstein Dr. Welzmann will confer with Jewish leaders here on means of mobilizing greater support for the New York (JTA)—Dr. Israel 650,000 Jews in Palestine, who Goldstein has been unanimously constitute an important bulwark elected to his eighth term as presin Britain's Near East defense. ident of the Jewish National Discoverer of T.N.T., he will con- Fund of America at the annual fer also with American scientist meeting. The meeting also electin connection with his chemical ed Jacob Sincoff and I. K. Kowalresearch for Great Britain. sky co-treasurer; Louis Segal, sec-Dr. Welzmann, who headed the retary; Mendel M. Fisher, execuchemical laboratory of tho Brit- tive director; a board of directora war, is now conducting a special of 51 members and an administra• chemical labboratory of the Brit- tive committee of 10. ; ish' Admiralty. Mrs. Weizmann, a. scientist in her. own right, Is ; president of the Women's International Zionist Organization. Among those, who greeted Dr. -Weizmann. upon his arrival were .Louis .Lipsky, Jacob Fishman, a Miss. Juliet N. Benjamin, David Wertheim, A. A. .Strelzin, Meyer W." Weisgal, Arthur Lourlo, Morris Marguliej3, Morris Eiseman, Arthur Frumkin and- Mendel "Fisher. White Enamel ' „ Dr. Weizmann was scheduled . to'attend.a repeptlon in his honor ia't the Hotel Astor last Wednesday and to deliver an address at the B'nai B'rith convention in . Chicago on Sunday. •• M o a s u r e s 83 inches * A statement issued by the high, ZZ inches wide and United Palestine Appeal in be11 Inches deep. All steel half., of Dr. Weizmann read: construction in r i c h "Now, . more than ever before, whlto enamel f i n i s h ' . Palestine Is the only" center for Avoid washday confa. the salvation of great masses of slon by keeping soaps, h powders - In ono .Jews and for the resurrection of , conip&c't place. ' ; the Jewish nation. American





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A prominent committee ot B'nai B'rith members will work together with the Youth Council In sponsoring a vocational guid ance program at the Center OH March 29 at 8:00. Parents and boys and girls between the age of 15 and 19 will h a v e the privilege of listening to Mr. Thomas Friedman, an expert in guiding young people in their choice of a career. Mr. Friedman will come here from Chicago for two days, March 29 and 30. On March 30 he will interview privately those boys and girls and their parents who register for an appointment before March 25 Since Mr. Friedman will be here only a short time, he shall be able to giant only a limited number of private interviews. Those registration cards which are received first will be given preference. The committee planning this clinic consists of Dr. M. Bernstein, chairman; u ack Greenberg, Dr. S. Bergen, Arnold Baron, Dorothy Merlin and Herman Slotelf y.

A.Z.A. A stag party for the 30 new pledges was held Saturday evening, March IB. An interesting program was held, followed by refreshments. Sheldon Singer a n d Hubert Friedman have returned from the Rock Island District Convention , bringing home two added titles by winning the District Oratorical and Debate contest. Harry Liberman, advisor; Bernard Haligman, chairman of the paper drive, and Harry - Nadler and Dave Drills met Sunday, March 10, to get the city-wide paper d r i v e well under way. >Sioux City has also set a goal of fifty dollars for the ambulance drive. . , ' Albert Goldstein and advisor, Dr. Bergen, are to head the new pledge class In teaching these boys the fundamentals and principles of A. Z. A.' , ,

A novel dance is being planned by the Youth Council under the chairmanship of Dorothy Sherman and her committee, which consists of Sammy Heeger, Harjry Liberman, George Shindler \t,nd Hubert Friedman. This dance will be held Sunday afternoon, March 23, from 2:30 to 6:00 at the Center. Plans are being made to make this one of the most outstanding affairs of the season. Come to the Center Sunday afternoon, March 23, to meet your Over ninety, young men and friends, to dance and to have a women attended the Young Peolot of fun. ple's League meeting held at the Shaare 2iOu Social hall on Sunday evening, March 16. Mr. Ira Kaplan, chairman, arranged a well balanced program consisting of entertainment and culture. There was a style show, a memOver 150 women attended the Passover meeting of the Women's bership skit, a pageant of the League of Shaare Zion held last Jewish holidays, eight Jewish Tuesday afternoon. Rabbi H. R. young women representing the Rabinowitz conducted a m o d e l ight national holidays. Mr. Jack Merlin furnished appropriate museder. Cantor Morris Pernick render- sic for each one. Refreshments d the musical part of the pro- were served from Purlm table. gram. Mrs. Joe Kutcher and Mrs. Jr. Perry Osnowitz presided. leiiry Sherman were co-chairmen of the Passover luncheon. Mrs. Irving Levich a n d Mrs. Louis Klass were co-chairmen, of ttie The Daughters of Zion of dining room. Young Judaea h a v e completed their Purim projects. They are low preparing to make seder Mrs. Fannie Gelfand, 87, a ?lates for Passover. Tho advisor esklent of Sioux City more than f this group Is Mrs. I. Shindler. 0 years, died Saturday morning The informal initiation of new n her home at 712 Otoe street nembers of Young Judaea was ifter an illness of three months. leld at the last meeting. Varied Mrs. Gelfand^was born in Rus- itunts were planned which rela and came to the United States ulted in a very entertaining and nore than 40 years ago. Survive amusing evening. The next meet»rs include a son, B. Gelfand and ng will be devoted to Outstandwo daughters, Mrs. Rose Abra- ng Zionist personalities. iam and Mrs. Bessie Okin, all of Elaborate plans are being made ioux City. : Or a Passover Seder for the convFuneral services, were held last ened Young Judaea clubs. Mrs. iunday with Cantor-Morris Per- v. Goldstein and Mr! Soil Kroilck and Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov ilclv are co-chairmen. Details Will fficiating. e announced at a later date.

I P. L ttETIil

Women*s League . Passover Meeting

Kills Self

Services will begin Friday evening at 8 o'clock with the postgraduate class of t h e Suuday school takiug charge, Among the speakers will be Miss Edith Gelfaud, Miss Iiean Daskofsky and Mr. Irving Sherman. Marvin Klass is instructor of the class. Cantor Morris Pernick will chant the rituals. Junior Congregation will meet Saturday morning at 10:45. Mr. and Mrs. Max Haligraaa will be hosts to the Junior Congregation in honor of the bar mitzvah of their son, Edwara.

Jerusalem (JTA) — Dr. Siegfried Schinitz, fern cr Vienna editor and translator of Sholem Aseh's works into Gfcinian, committed suicide. l i t wm, 54 years old. He had been editor of the Kongress-Zeitung, the newspaper w h i c h appeared during each World Zionist Conprtbs.

Orthodox: Synagogues Services will begin this evening at 6:30 and in the morning at 8:30 o'clock. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will speak during the morning services at the Adas Yeshuren synagogue.

Reduce Food Rations

Zurich (WNS) — The Italian government h a s drastically reduced the food rations allowed Jews, it was learned here. Fascist authorities have forbidden Jews to buy milk and limited the amount of macaroni which they may purchase. Already receiving less than the rest of the population, Italian Jews are subsisting on starvation rations.

i. I. FIULKDM4N'. Aity. liO l i r a N&t'l Jbuuk felilg. PKOBATE NOTIC'B IN THE HATTEH OF THE ESTATE OF Elizabeth Peai'lu&u, Deceased. Notice is Hereby Given: That the oredltc.ro of EB,id deceased will meet the Executor of said estate, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Koom, in said County, on the 5th day of May, 1911. and on the 5th day of July, 1941, t t it o'clock, A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months »ro allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 4th day of April. 1911 CHARLES J. SOUTHARD, 3-14-41-3t. County Judge. MON8KY, GEOMNSKV, MAItElt, AND COHEN, Att>s., 731 Outttfia IVafl jteuk Bid*. Notice ia hereby given that on the first day of January, 1941, the total outstanding secured and unsecured indebtedness of Overland Mortgage & Finance Company, a Nebraska corporation, with its principal place of business In Omaha, Nebraska, was $7,119.07. H. A. WOLF, President, H. A. WOLF, B. B. BROWN, R. H. KOOPER, . , Majority of Directors Atteat: H. ta. AUERBACH, Secretary 3-J1-41-U

onor of iraUover



• •

for the man in your life!



The last book review of the series will be given by KabDi H. It. Ra'blnowlfz next • Monday afternoon a j the home of Mrs. Archie Kroloff. The book selected - is "Fame Is the Spur," by Howard Spring.

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PHItAm X. MARKS, Ally. 005-910 First Nat'l Bank Blilg. UEOAI. NOTICE

Notice Is hereby given that on the first «ay ot January, 1941, the total outstanding Gecured and unsecured lndebtedness^of. standard 'Development Company, a Nebraslia corporation, with Its principal place «f business In Omaha, Nebraska, was 515,115.52. •• H. A. WOLF. President, H. A. WOLF, H. H. AUERBACH, R. H. KOOPER. Majority of Directors Attest: H. H. AUERBACH, Secretary Z-21-il-it

Sfc&are Zion

Young Judaea


•To Herman" H. Shlloff,, non-resident defendant; • " . . 9BiI0li n r e . h e r e t ) y • notified that on the 28th day of November, 1910, Mollie Shiloff as plaintiff, filed her .petition In the District Court of IJduglas County, Nebraska. Docket 350. Number 68, tile prayer of wnich is to obtain an absolute divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty and non--8upport, and for custody of the minor children of the parties. You are required to answer on or before the 7th day of April, 1941, or petition will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered .accordingly; ' ••-...MOLLIE EHILOFF, Plaintiff. „ • • By E. L. MARKS, 3-14-41-4t. Her Attorney. WEBB, UEIlIMi, KLCTZNICK & KKIXKV, • . ' Attorneys, 200 Service lite Bids. PROBATE NOTICE , In the matter of the estate of Leroy Brown, , deceased. ' \ Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the admlnlstratrix of said estate, before me, county Judge of Douglaa county, Nebraska, at the county court room, In Bald county,,on Jhe^l2th day of May, 1941, and on the 12th day.of July, 1941, at 9 o'clock a. m., each day. for the purpose of presenting tneir claims for examination, adjustment and allowance. Three months are allowed lor the creditors to present their claims, from the 11th day of April, 1941. CHARLES J. SOUTHARD, 3-31-41-3t County Judge MONSK1, OROniNSKV, MATtEIl, AND ' COHEN, Attyg., 737 Omaha Nat'I Bank Bide.

In order to eliminate separate drawings by each individual m e m b e r organization of the Youth Council, the council voted to hold one combined fund-raising affair which will be in the form of a clock drawing. All proceeds of this drawing will go to the groups participating. The minutes and seconds oa the clock will be sold at one cent a second. A clock will be wound, at the Community Center and the person holding the second on which the clock stops will receive a cash prize.

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