April 11, 1941

Page 1



fiibtered a* Second Class Mall Matter on January SI, 1831, at Ppstoffice, of Omaha., Nebraska, under tbe Act of March 8, 1879


Nurses in NEW OFFICERS TrainPalestine School ARE NA1ED AT U.O.C. MEETING Harry Cohn Is Chosen as President of Group * Harry A. Cohen was chosen president of the United Orthodox Oqagregatlons of Omaha at the election or officers h e l d last preek.

• .




Other officers n a m e d are: Frank Ackerman, vice president; Louis Epstein, treasurer, and Dr. O. S.Belzer, secretary. The U. O. C. is composed of frepresentatives of the B'nai Is-


New York (WNS)—To meet the posible call for emergency nursing service in the Near East as the war situation there grows more tense, the Henrietta Szold School of Nursing in Jerusalem h a s undertaken to prepare a large corps of trained nurses and lay volunteers for war duties, according to a cablegram to Junior fladassah, which, with the aid of h e senior organization, malnains the school. Co-operating with the British military authorities, the school, which is the largest and most modem of its kind in Palestine, is. revising and expanding its program to provide trained service for war needs. • • . • • • . . The number of admissions has been increased, and qualified students who cannot pay tuition fees Axis Agit*? . Apparent are granted loans prbvided by in r and Hadassah and the Graduate ; Curses' Association, ' : London (JTA)—-Informed circles - this week interpreted the intensification of Nazi agitation in Syria and Iraq, coupled with the Axis occupation of Bengazi, as foreshadowing a new - Axis drive towaids Palestine and the Suez Canal. In connection • with, the coup Invasion; Threatens Com- d'etat in.Iraq led by Rashid Ali- munities of * Bey Gailani which overthrew the government.-of Seyid Taha alLevant Hashiini, the name of Haj Aniin Berne, Switzerland (JTA) — el Husselni, exiled ex-Mufti of ; Another 140,000 Jews were Jerusalem and leader of the Palbrought under ; tho threat of estine A'ab nationalists, came Nazi blitzkrieg this week"as the into the limelight. The Times declared- "It is Herman armed forces ' pressed heir invasion of Yugoslavia and moio than possible he assisted shid In the intrigues to overGreece. • . . - ' . ' ,First of the, cities to feel the throw the government. Tho Mutti effects of Nazi teri'or from the lws become quite a feature in air were the Yugoslav cities of * (Continued on Page 2.) Belgrade and .Sarajevo and the GrcCk seaport fo Salonika, which ave Jewish populations of varying sizes, Salonika has' 50,000 ews, most of them concentrated in one section. Chancellor Hitler charged that the war "was forced on Germany Next Friday evening, April 18, by British Impeiralism and by Jewish finance and capital" in a following the regular service at statement, to the German people. the Beth El synagogue. Cantor The Chjncelor had blamed "Jew-, Aaron Edgar and the Beth El ish plutocratic and democratic choir will present its annual Passupper crust" for the war. i n ' a over concert. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will statement to the German people when it started in September, give the commentary. Included 1939. The same accusations were in the program is new Palestinian made when the Nazis attacked music, liturgical music, and JewNor way,, Holland and other coun- ish folk and art songs. ries. . . . . ' " • . ' Members of the choir who will participate are: Podle Belinont, Evacuated to Interior There are about 75,000 Jews R u t h Alperson, Shirley Seltz, in Yugoslaiva and 65,000 in Charlotte Shafton, Pearl SomGreece. Last week, in expecta- mers, Corrine Wohlner, Florence ion of the German invasion, a Tatelman, Doris Gillnsky, Eleanor large number of the i2,000 Jews Cohen, Ethelyn Lashinsky, Betty of Zagreb;—largest Jewish com- Cohn, Davo Bodin, Sheldon Bernmunity in Yugoslavia—had evac- stein, Selwyn Roffman, Melvin uated into the interior, spurred Tatelman and Harry Duboff. by anonymous telephoned threats The public will be welcome to (Continued on Page 2.) attend.




140,000J IN WAR AREA

Harry "A. Cohen rael, the Beth Hamedro3h Hagodel, B'nal Jacob, the Sisterhood, and the Brotherhood. Members of the governing board »re: M. Friedel, Dr. N. II. Greenberg, I. Goldstein, N. S. Yaffe, H. 'Marcus, Harry Rimmerman, Max Arbitman, I. Elewitz, A. Levin, M. Malkln, N. Leyinson, Harry Rosenstein; Meyer Katzman, Sam Katzman, Dr. A. G. Rimmerman, Dave Bernstein, Sam Levin, S. ' Katleman, A. Hirscn,- Sam Epstein, Joe Morgan, Mrs. M. Burstein, Mrs. L, Neveleff, Mrs. M. Fromkin, Mrs. L. Zabel and Mrs. Sid Katleman. Mr. Cohen, the new president, Is a native of Omaha and a graduate of the City Talmud Torah. V.We intend to increase the U. O. C. activities to a new high level during the coming year," Mr. Cohen commented in assuming his new post. "With "world Jewry 'confronted by tremendous problems, we feel that Orthodox Jewry can' be a wellapring of inspiration toward facing a future which at present looks bleak and full of hardship."

Talmud TbralT Registration


'• Major.Samuel Francis, Cohn was 1 cottipiiitert Judge advocate pf"$fte;U.S.<r'*-- ' -Department ,of '" "-*" •'•'""•'

Observance of Freedom Festival Begins Tonight Starting this evening, Jews ev* ry where will begin observance of J i c Passover, t. h e l'Vstival of Freedom, oldest of t h e Jewish festivals. Celebrated first over two thousand yeais ago as a spring festival at the time of the ilrst harvest of barley, Passqver caily in Jewish history became the occasion for relebiating the safe passage of Israel from bondage in Egypt to freedom in Palestine. The holiday is observed f o r seven days by Reform Jews and eight days by tho Orthodox and Conservative. The following schedule of services will be observed by local congregations:

R-'th El

Services at tho Beth El syua(Contlnued on Page 2.) •

SPUING FROLIC TO —ninehart-Maraden Photo.

Mrs. Morris E. Jacobs our women will carry through the job of reaching all their prospects and bring the message of rescuing human lives." All subdivisions of the Women's Group are now complete, and intensive work will begin shortly. Heading the Women's Initial Gifts Group is Mrs, Morris E. Jacobs, a worker In many previous campaigns. Her division* has already met and made out assignments -in preparation f o r advance solicitation. Teams Organized Heading the Residential Division is Mrs. Albert B. Newman, (Continued on Page 2.)


" Mendel Elkin, representative of IVO, the Yiddish Scientific insli iute, will»be in Omaha on Tues day, April 15. i He will address a joint meeting of the Workmen's Circles, Branch ?58 and 173, the Ladies' auxiliaries of these ' two groups, the Jewish National Workers Alliance Poale Zion," and Pioneer Women at 8:30 at the new-Labor-Lyceum. j Admission will' .be free. No collections will be taken up.~Mr. , Elkin is a noted YtddislTeducator and will,devote his tails: to'a- cUl tural subject.' • .".".''

> Registration" Is now.,-open, for the new semester of the City Tal mud Torah which begins Immedi Btely after the Passover holiday.

The largest possible number of women is being mobilized for solicitation work in connection with the 1041 Campaign of the Jewish Philanthropies for War Relief and Refugees, according to Mrs. Morris Ka.tleniaii, general chairman of the Women's Division. "We expect that some 500 women will consecrate themselves to the holy task of saving lives. Jewish women realize that millions of Jews depend upon our help for their daily bread. Jewish women realize that a majority of- the' sufferers from hunger, pain, pestilence, are women and children, our own kin. With energy and grim determination,



VOL. XVII—No. 22

Sam Beber Chapter Np. 100, A. 7A. A., will present Its .seventh annual Spring .Frolic dance n e x t Saturday evening, April ID, at 9:30 p. m., immediately following the close of the Passover liojfdays. The dance, to be held at the ballroom of the Fontenelle hotel, will feature music by Gary and his nationally famous orchestra. The 12-piece band has been featured over tho Columbia Broadcasting system, and is now heard regularly over " tho Mutual network. . ^ Admission to the dance will be one dollar per couple. In addition to the co-chairmen Milton Guss and Yale" Richards, tho committee planning t h o Spring Frolic includes Harold EpLtein, Ben Miller, Mel Rosenberg, Kidney Wasserm&n, Leo Alporson, Harold Oruch,.Sam Bebcr, Louis Katz and Aleph. Godol Harold Slutzkin.

London (JTA)—Tho honor of having a prominent Jewish historian's book on a famous Jewish family dedicated to him ia the latest, though unsolicited, tribute to Adolf Hitler. The book is Cecil Roth'? ^'<Ttae Sausoon Dynasty," published by Robert Hale publishing house. ' Prof. Roth explains he dedicated tho work to the German Chancellor, first, because he considered tho topic "a useful object lesson to the people whom you have misled into thinking themselves a pure and- superior-jrace,'* showing that England .was enriched by- receiving" fresh, elements 'from" rfther-sources and, second, "Ilam.'-hjcppi'-rto have this opportunity to express onea - . >d i l 11 > I I 10 Mrs. Philip Klutznlck j again-by. profound esecratk>n saw Mr< \lbe.t 'Sovn.i in - • i abhorrence, not merely as' a Jew .»,v.-.»~...v».»,—,,.^,». „. ...v, —-- Jewish philanthropies Campaign-has been; And. Eriglianibah>ettt<as a human '.cb ifsiiianj. Mjte.' Morris-Katleman. As.in,past years,thc'^onienV Division con«; being, of you, your Ideals, yonr ^.»^__*.JI. rf*.r.- ;-. s.. v ,. n ^ Orgftniz«t4oaa and.Bmiaess and Profess!o»i«ilmethods and" all- you stand «FT. -

Friday, April 4, 1941


Pajje 10

JXXC. Sports ftfOKRIE ADLEK In the spring a young man's fancy slightly turns to - - soft ball. It won't belong until the eoftball season will be under way and from the looks of things this year's league will be the closest and finest that we have have ever had. With the beautiful weather that we had last Sunday some of the boys took the opportunity to throw a few and to exercise some of those untried muscles that have been neglected through the winter months. An eight-team league may be formed this year with the addition of Council Bluffs, but the six-team league may still prevail, due to some of our athletes being drafted, and t others joining the army to serve for Uncle Sam.

the government. There" will be a flat levy of tea per cent annually on the income of comTO SAN AKTOXIO Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rosen- panies, payable each mid-year. thai and their son and daughter- The rate of individuals has not in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ko- yet been, announced. senthal, left this morning for San Antonio, Texas, to attend the Pan-American Parley wedding of their son, Herbert, on Set for Montevideo April 6. His bride is to be Miss Ma'rcia Albert, daughter of Mr. New York (JTA)—A conferand Mrs. H. Albert of San An- ence of representatives of Jewish tonio. communities in North, Central Following a short wedding trip and South America, will be held the young couple will return to in Montevideo, Uruguay, on July reside at Barksdale Field, Louisi- 9, 10 and 11, it was announced ana, where Mr. Rosenthal is Sta- by Dr. Stephen S. Wise, presitioned as a flying instructor with dent of the American Jewish the United States army. Congress. Invitations to the By Lucille Abrahamsosi conference have already been issued. Palestine Income Tax HAUAS8AII Dr. Wise said the meeting was There will be a board meeting designed to bring about fuller Jerusalem (JTA) — The first of Hadassah next Tuesday eve- income tax in Palestine's modern cooperation among Jewish comning, April 8, at the home of Mrs. history has beben announced by munities iu the Western HemiHarry Cherniss. Board members are urged to attend, as there is very important business to be attended to. Knowing the temperament of the typical J . C . C. athlete, the swim coach accepted the challenge rather boldly and it is hoped he. can put a team in the tank to meet the invading stalwarts from Morton Park. If you are close, to sixfeet tall, weigh close to 200 pounds of beef, brawn and beauty, please present yourself to a harassed swim coach without delay. Come, masculine men, let us see of what stuff you are made!

This Saturday two of our members and two members of the Y. About twenty members of HaM. C. A. will leave to compete in the National A. A. U. handball dassah attended the no-host dintournament to be held at the ner given Monday night at the Lake Shore A. C , Chicago, 111., Chieftain hotel. A very Interesting program was April 7-12. This year's entry Is the largest ever to go from local presented. The main speaker was Mrs. Ernest Pizer of Kansas City, courts. Sol Yaffe, John Casey and Pat Mo., regional educational chairMcGill will compete in the singles man. Mrs. Pizer spoke on the soplay while Sol and Morris Bloom ciety's educational program. will vie in the doubles, and the Casey-McOill team will also bid TALMUD TORAH in doubles play. There will be a meeting of the -Volleyball Talmud Torah on Monday eveThis week found the volleyball ning, April 7, at the synagogue. players getting organized w i t h their respective clubs and practice HADASSAH DONORS games were played just to find Additional donors to Hadassah out how the teams stand. are: Mesdames Ben Kubby, L. H. The schedule will be drawn up Katelman, Joe Gotsdiner, Leon this week-end and play will begin Frankel, and M. Yudelson. next week. Anyone wishing to donate, who has not been contacted, is asked to call Mrs. Ben Gershun. Swim News By HOWARD SIIINROCK Shades of Christopher Columbus! What appears to be a boat of monstrous size floating about the briny deep in the Center tank la nothing but an 18-foot canoe lent by the Sea Scouts to the American Ited Cross to demonstrate operation a n d fiafety of small craft during the two-week refresher course taught by Louis JBuros of St.'Louis, field representative of the Red Cross. Practically everyone has tried paddling the boat around the pool and practically no one has been successful.in circumnavigating the pool without mishap. The canoe turns over on the slightest pretext,-then refuses'to float bottom up when the erstwhile navigation attempts to ride the bottoms-up craft. . " . . " ' ; . . . ' '.' V / A burly: team of former aquaticsters is seeking a water poto game with the J. C. C. A tentative date, April 20, lias been set if enough J. C. C. huskies answer the call. Men of rugged statute, lion-like courage, tenacious temperament and ability to give and take in one of our roughest sports are needed. The Morton Park boys are from 20 to 25 years old and most of them are former record holders.

The Features of the Week

JA 0637 or Csll at the Store 1615 Mo. 24th Street


•. <•

its extra value that The Nebra* • tea's advance buying, and real buying power, gives yout



Stoy ol Iho beautiful EASTMAN Hotel! Enjoy Ihe quiet of it* vast private park - and thft convenience of its Ideal location! 500 lore* comfortabla rooms, economlcol rotes, from»Z

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Meets a definite need In life Insnr ante. Mother, father and children nil Insured: under one Ion: cost policy. Get particulars at onn from

Now you can r«ga!n health and pep in ifift royal way! Botha in lh« elforviiecnt heating waters o> th« 47 governmant-iupervlied Hal Springs! Gel relief from nervous and orctintc ailments - and oi"th> same time enjoy the luxuries of a real outdoor vacation-riding, hiking, flitting end galling - a poradfsa oi health and happiness. '

We will ag&in this year sell Matzcth and all other Pesach products.


Special! Something New!



Jjyrd Rochester attest

MISS SALTZMAN HOMF4 Miss Marilyn Saltzman returned home this week after a three, weeks' visit with her brother-inlaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Da-

The "Family Group Policy"

sphere. The conference, he added, would seek to coordinate methods of bringing material and moral help to Jewish victims of the war and unite all American Jewish communities ia support of Palestine.


JUNIOR HADASSAH On Wednesday evening, April 9, Junior Hadassah will present "Fashion Frolics of ' 4 1 " at the [. O. O. P. hall. At that time an entertaining program has been planned includng a style show and specialty acts. Following the program the evening will be spent at cards. Tickets may be obtained from any Junior Hadassah member or at the Iowa Clothes Shop.


vid Cetron of Davenport, Iowa.



Correctly styled in rich custom woven fabrics . . . tailored by craftsmen who know how to make a needle sing . . . designed by experts who know how to do more for you in the clothes you buy. Come in and' see these features of the weelc • » . see the unusual tailored refinements in Lord Rochester and Mastertest 100% Laboratory tested 2-trouser suits. »".» You'll recognize their dollar-for-dollar value supremacy, on sight.

Write For Pictorial SooMels-WALTER E. DAVIS, JWgj

Sizes for EflOllV





Friday, April 4, 1941


*•«• U 1





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OH GASOLINE 3c to 4c"" Savings Per Gallon in Council Bluffs. ITY SERVICE STATION 3 7 0 1 W. ©roadway Council Bluffs, Iowa 'Just Over the Bridge"

• HOLLYWOOD. Most exciting moment of the Actors' Guild Ball was the auctioning of President Roosevelt's hat, the one he wore through three victorious campaigns. After spirited bidding it was sold to Melvyn Douglas and Edward Robinson for |3,200. They split'the cost between them . . . and will alternate possession every month. Robinson is having a special exhibit c a s e constructed for it among his art treasures. T h e money goes toward a building for aged and indigent film actorp. Sain Goldwyn, head of ' the Gre«k Relief Committee in Holly wood, was urging his co-workers to greater effort in gathering; the donations. Harry Itapf replied (hat he was doing his best)' but that many people believed Greece would make peace .with Italy. Whereupon Premier Goldwyn declared, "I give you my personal assurance they won't!"





HOME FOR FUNERALS Established 1906 Complete Service at Nominal Coat FARNAM at 33RD

The butt of numerous gags since taking n directorial seat in filmland, Curt. Bernhardt, passed Ids final initiation test when a lighted newspaper placed under his chair caused him to rise unexpectedly to an altitude of three feet. H e i s now "one of the boys'' . . . and don't get him wrong . . . he loves Hollywood. Cineininuns: Warners w l 11 screen George Gershwin's 1 i f o story from- material collected by his brother, Ira. Al Jolson . . . making his radio debnt . . . had to break n life-time hnbit—cracking his knuckles when . nervous. ur German actors in a current anti-Nazi film are pooling their salaries for the British and Greek war relief. Nazimova . . . with four movie offers ahead , . . ha9 ordered her furniture stripped from the east and is building a home here. Jack Benny will be costumed as a six-year-old when he guest-stars on the Quis Kids' program/ April 10. The Marxes will break as a team in the near future, leaving Groucho to • face the kliegs laone. Slap-IIappsie Maxie is going to college . . t has a role in "Harvard, Here I Come." That Oscar ,*or "Rebecca" was David O. Selznick's forty-sixth film prize! (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)

7609 go. 36th' St. So. Om&Esa, Nebr. Horse* for Hire $1.00 per HOB» Riding Wesson* .....|1.C0 per Host Kldins Ticked 12 H n . for *10


HA 1226



MA 5 1 5 2

Truck Headquarters

Teuton-Nicks: A real German Service on Trucks In our "Messerschmldt" shot down in Shop Is now available 24 England will be used in "A Yank hours dslly, except Sun. in the R. A. P." "Doochie" forbade the' showing of the "Mad Day fltoita —- JA 7SH0 Emperor" because he doesn't 72113 think it "necessary to show!the people how to kill a tyrant." They might catch on . . . Columnist Irving Hoffman calls attention HAIfl?ES¥Efi SO. lo "how much Goebbels and Goer15th '& ing look like Laurel and Hardy on a recent Life cover." Uh, huh . . . but not so funny. He also states that Frenchmen in occupied Paris call the Germans "Parisites." In parts of Norway, Nazicontrolled policemen keep watch on audiences . * . Any demonstration, whether in applause, laughter, stomping, whistling or Just coughing, is punishable with jail. A writer chap we know . . . f e d up with all the name-changing out here-. . . says he's going to change his too — from Henry Epstein to Cliaim Epstein! • ^peaking of names . . . Archie Mayo has o n e brother named Leonard Jones . • . and another labelled Jack Splegal. So which is" Archie? .'•-•

Bar None Stables

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THE JEWISH PRESS age, about to be presented to his prospective bride, whispered io Shrine Circus to the agent, "She is ugly, small and Bring Lion Tamer cross-eyed." "You needn't whisper," retortSir Y&ska Meranofsky, keeper ed the agent, "She is deaf, too." of the royal zoo of Emperor Haile Selassie before the fell of his Jack: I changed'my mind. (Continued from Page 1.) Frank:,You are certainly lucky Ethiopian empire under the Pascist guos, will he one of the throughout t h e world, meetin to get something for it. featured attractions at' the andaily the needs caused by th Michael: Do you know who was nual Shrine Circus to be staged present war, maintaining soup kitchens which feed hundreds o the first to recognize the import- st the Omaha Ak-Sar-Ben Colithousands, providing health insti ance of the Red Cross? George: I think it was Henri seum the week of April 14. tUtioHS, children's homes, and iu Sir Yasha, who escaped with Dumaiit, a Swiss physician, about general .preserving lives of mil the emperor, came to the United lions of Jews, the Joint Distribu a century ago. Michael: No. It was the Jews States as a war fugitive, and tloa Committee is on the job COB who recognised the importance of Omaha audiences will be the first stonily. Red Cross, 3,253 years ago to see him perform with a cage Another major agency is the the of untamed jungle lions. United Palestine Appeal, whose when they crossed the Red Sea. Although this year's circus will task it is to make it possible for have 50 acts—ten more than in Palestine to become the larges Helen Traubel on previous years—the spectacle o£ haevn for refugees. More than Sir Yasha's performance alone, is 10,000 refugees entered Palestine Ford Program worth the price of admission. during IK40; thousands are findaim of the officers of TanThis Sunday gierTheTemple, Ing their way daily into this land which sponsors the of refuge. The United Appeal iu annual weekly circus, is to have eludes the Jewish National Fund H e l e n Traubel, sensational entirely new and more thrilling the Palestine Foundation Fund Wagnerian sorpano of the Metro- presentations. As a result, Rink and the Mizrachi Palestine Fund politan Opera, returns to the Wright, producer and director, Ford Sunday Evening Hour as has combed the entire North N. It. B. The National Refugee Service uest soloist next Sunday, April American continent for acts la the United States is the cen- 6. The program Is heard over which have never before performtral" agency dealing with the prob- station. KOIL and the CBS net- ed before Nebraska and Iowa lems of Tefugeca in the United work at 8 o'clock Sunday eve- people. ' States. It has an important task ning. of rehabilitating the newscomers The Ford Symphony orchestra Victor Meyer, a German Jew, to America, and provides them and chorus will be under the di- was chosen by the great Bunsen with minimum essentials heeded ection of Fritz Reiner, conduc- as his successor as professor of for their maintenance, and dis- or of the Pittsburgh Symphony chemistry at the University of tributes them throughout the orchestra. Heidelberg. country. Included' in the Philanthropies are the American Jewish Defense organizations, such as the Antidefamation L e a g u e of B'nai B'rith, the American Jewish committee, the American Jewish Congress, the Jewish Labor committee, and the Jewish Chautauqua Society. All these agencies labor on behalf of the Jew in America, defending him from attacks and protecting the name of the Jew. The Philanthropies campaign also makes provision for local refugee work, for educational activities in Omaha and in the United States, for the maintenance of national Jewish hospitals. Altogether some 45 causes are served through the annual campaign of the Philanthropies. "Campaign organization is almost complete," Mr. Livingston concluded. "The zero hour is fast approaching and the community will have its opportunity to respond to the annual call,"

Friday, April 4, 1941 4 eggs, s J tup sstg&r. Salt to taste. Vi teaspoon ci V% to t cup ltie&l. By Mrs. David M. 'Newman Soak Matzoth iu water. Press out dry. Cream fat aad sugar together. Add yolks of eggs beatMATZOPANCAKES ' en, Bait, raisins and cinnamon, Vi ii eggs. cup blanched and chopped ftlli vup cold tvsiler. moiids. Add Matzoth meal and Piurh salt. whites of eggs, beaten stiff. Mix 1 t&lilesgwon KM gar. ISaough iiie&l to m&ke R soft well. Form in cakes and fry like pancakes or dropped iu deep fat. dough. Beat yolks until thick. Add Serve hot with stewed prunes or water, salt, sugar and meal. Fold apricots. in whites of eggs, beaten stiff. Fry In fat and serve with powTokyo (JTA)—More than 300 dered sugar or jelly. Jewish refugees from Poland who were permitted by the Soviet authorities to proceed in transit MATZOTH CIMMtiEIi from Lithuania to Japan are now 3 Matzoth. stranded in the Soviet harbor % cup seeded raisins. city Vladivostok. % tablespoons fat.





By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg "A merry heart makctli a cheerful countenance."

r »

Rabbi's Wife: You look worried. What is the trouble? Rabbi: You know the rich members are unhappy because they have too much and the poor members are miserable that they haven't enough. A thought came to my mind that in order to make all my members happy, I would ask the rich to give half of their wealth to the poor and urge the needy ones to accept. Rabbi's Wife: An what happened to your proposition? Rabbi: I thought that my hardest task would be to Induce the poor to accept the offer because It is said, 'It is easier for a camel to pasa through the eye of a needle tlian fora rich man to go to heaven.' And you can imagine how happy I was when they decided to accept my proposition. But to my sorrow the rich men rejected-my heavenly offer. Rabbi's Wife: On w h a t grounds? •Rabbi: They said that 'Heaven can wait.*

This year, as usual, the makers of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, give you their traditional Passover gift - - an excellent, richly-illustrated HAGADAH, with English translation - - FJREE, with every two pounds of this famous coffee you buy! This is such a suitable, such a generous gift, you surely don't want to miss getting it. And remember . . . MAXWELL HOUSE is the original Pessachdigo coffee * - packed under the supervision of Rabbi Hersch Kohn of New York. But - - this Passover you'll enjoy MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE more than ever! It is now fifty-five per cent richer in extra-flavor coffees! Roasted by the "Radiant Roast" process, it gives you the true, natural goodness of

these extra-flavor coffees in every cup you serve! So •»-•'.. ask at your grocer's for as many pounds of MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE as you need to get Hagadahs for your entire family. Thanks to the familiar blue super-vacuum can, the last pound will remain as fresh and fragrant as the first!, Whether you buy one two pound, can . . . or two one pound cans . . . your grocer will give you your own Ha : gadah - - ABSOLUTELY FREE! And don't forget..., a't the present low prices, everybody can afford the Oneg Pesaach o£ drinking MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE I

Kosher/ for Passover as Certified by Rabbi Hersch Kohn of Mew York

Firm Doctor: I saved a life last night. Second Doctor: What have you done for the patient? First Doctor: I refused the call. "A man at a marriage broker-

The Greatest Goffee in . MAXWELL HOUSE History _ Now, More TSiati Ever, Good to the Last Drop, The Favorite Coffee in the Jewish Homel


©Candies •• ® Cigaro ©Tobacco ©Pipeo @ Fountain S i 0 Beverage*

Product of General Foods

Friday, April 4, 1&41


Page O


CENT TOO After the tremendous success of ''Spring Song," which was presented by the Center Players last year, It was necessary that an excellent vehicle be chosen for presentation this season. The Center Players were fortunate in being able to get the excellent Broadway comedy success, "Having Wonderful Time." This play will be presented at the Jewish Community Center April 7 and 8 by a well typed, excellently directed cast. Under the, direction of "Willard Greene, e record crowd is assured for both these nights. The cast has several members cf^ last year's "Spring Song." Among those who will be remembered for their tine work are Goldie Lehman, Rosabelle Wigodeky, Rose Sperling, George Shindler, George Fjeinberg, Earl No."vich, Francys Lavine, Irvin Lunin. The new people to be seen are: Ilozenna KoBberg, Eve Borkin, Dorothy Karp, Frances Fein.berg, Gertrude Lass, Margaret Baumstein, Esther Marsh, Perry Osnowitz, Iz Wutkin, Leonard Shindler, Sam Herman, Charles Tyler and Bill Zeplain, a cast of 21 people, all told. •'•• This three-act play, which was not only a Broadway success but also filmed several years ago, is the most ambitious production the Center Players have yet undertaken.


FOR NEW STUDENTS On Sunday afternoon at the Shaare Zion synagogue, a rally will be held to enroll new pupils in the Hebrew school. -Co-chairmen are Mrs. Eii Robinow and Mrs. Max Friedman. Mrs. Robinow will preside. The program will consist of the welcoming address by Mrs. Phil Sherman, president of the Hebrew Mothers club; a talk on education by Rabbi Jacob M. Brown; Burton Lipshutz will speak as a member of the alumnae of the Hebrew school. Miss Cella Cooper will present a play. Those taking part In the play are: Doris Rivin, Gertrude and Pearl Nadler, Evelyn Sherman, Arthur Kaplan, Hyman Lubman, Bennie Lass and Albert Shapiro. A special class will be organized to accommodate those children who are ahove beginners' Refreshments will be served by the Mothers' club. Everyone interested la invited to come with their children*

daea Seder for all groups* " The Seder will to novel Jn that the theme will bo Young Judaea instead of Passovek A program and games win follow titter the Seder service.

Orthodox Synagogues Friday evening services will begin at 6:45 and in the morning at 9:00. BafaM S. I. Bolotnikov will speak during the morning services at the Tiphereth Israel sknagogue on "The Great Sabbath." Machereas Chometz will be attended by Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov on Sunday morning, April 6, until 12 o'clock at the Tiphereth Israel synagogue and in the evening from 5 to 7 at the Adas Yeshuren synagogue and at the Tiphereth I s r a e l synagogue on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. At all other times Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will be at his home, H I 5 McDonald street. W>

In order to further the work of youth Zionist groups and in order to carry en tfie functions of Zionist organizations which they have in common, such as Jewish' National Fund, Shekel Campaign, and to make available general Zionist information, the Zionist organizations in the city have combined and organized an Inter-Zionist Council in Sioux City. This council will be composed of the president or authorized representative of the Poale Zion, Pioneer Women, Senior Hadassah, Business and Professional Women's group, General Zionists, Young Judaea and Mizrachi. The chairman of the InterZionist Council is Dr. Lande, the secretary is Annabelle Emlein. Chairman of the ways and means committee is A. M. Davis. He will be assisted by Mrs. Jack Robinson and Max Mason. Propaganda and enlightenment, Rabbi Brown, chairman, Rabbi Goldstein and Mr. Bereskin. Jewish National Fund chairman, Dave Rodin, and presidents of all Zionist organizations. Youth Activities: Rudy Schlndler, chairman, assisted by Dorothy Merlin and Rabbi Brown. The first joint activity sponsored by the Inter-Zionist Council will be a large open meeting, to be held at the Jewish Community Center, April 16. In addition to a regular program, a movie, "We Build in Defense," will be shown.


Harry Liberman has been chosen chairman of Youth Day activities which will be held April 27 at the Jewish Community Center. Youth Day will culminate the activities of all youth groups and an afternoon and evening celebration will be held. In the afternoon, all member organizations of the Youth Council will participate in a program open to parents and interested friends. Skits, music, exhibits and other projects are being planned by the groups for Youth Day. In addition to this, a gala coronation ball will be held in the evening. A 25c admission charge will be made and everyone is urged to attend. At this ball, the boy and girl doing the outstanding work 'during the year will be ctowned king and queen and presented with a cup. Others deserving of honor will Miss Anna Pill will leave for be placed in the procession and Washington, D. C, where she will a trophy will also be awarded to take up residence. the most active club. A fine or-

TO HOLD POT LUCK SUPPER TWS SUNDAY Sunday night all bona fide members of Hie Young People's league will have a pot luck supper. Following the supper, a very amusing program has been arranged by (he committee in charge. Herb Baumstein is making elaborate plans for a Truth and Consequences rjuiz in which the entire audience will participate. Another feature of the program will be "Over the Mah Jong Tiles," which will be presented by Doris Pill, Gloria Novitsky, Betty Bain, Doris Kaplan and Rachel Ginsburg. Announcer is Lois Novitsky. Recent winners at the district contest sponsored by A. Z. A., Sheldon Singer and Hubert Friedman, will present a two-man debate on the subject, "Should Jewish Community Councils Act as a Spokesman for the Jewish Community?" In place of rebuttal, tha discussion will be open to the audience. This well-balanced porgram and a delightful supper is expected to bring a fine audience. chestra has been engaged for the dance. The committee on decorations and entertainment are making plans to make this an outstanding social event for the youth of the city.

Stag Party The Young Men's club at the Center entertained one-of'their members, Marvin Beechen, at a stag party April 3. The committee in charge of arrangements were: Joe- Goldstein, Sovel Heshelow and George Shindler.

ANNOUNCE SALE OF DRAWING TICKETS i Chairman of the clock drawing, Norton Bain, has announced that the sale of tickets will begin April 13 and close April 30. All proceeds of the drawing will go to the individual groups. 1 This joint drawing will take the place of individual fund-raising activities formerly held by the various youth council organizations.




' Young Judea Seder Service to be Held Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Albert Goldstein, plans are being made to hold a joint Young Ju-

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<£» -

Friday, April 4,''1S41

events have been made, according Seize Jews* Property Che&ed' She-I~Esn.es to Milt Guss &n& Ys.Se Richards, co-chairmen in charge of the Zurich (JTA) — Rumanian Because of the Passover holi- Premier d&uce. Gary' orchestra" will proIon Antonescu has isdays, the April meeting of the vide the music for the Seventh sued a decree expropriating all Annual Spring Frolic, which will Ciiesed-Sfael Ernes lias been post- property owned by Jews in cities. be held April IS at the Foateiieile poned.;'The aext meeting will take A clause in the decree that "suithote) fcallreoei. Admission is one place OH May 5; able residence "will he found for dollar per couple. dispossessed Jtvis" vas interpreThe next chapter meeting will ted as raising ILe possibility of Name Medalie be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 Lincoln (Special — Zeta Beta ghettos. By INEZ 1J. KA2NICK at Jewish Community, Ceiiter. Tau's ping pong t^aia won the New York (JTA)—Election of Mrs. Beuben Bordy, chairman intramural championship of (he George Z. Medalie, former United University of Nebraska by de- of the rummage sale, and Mrs. 1. States attorney, as president of feating Sigma Alpha Epsilon by Grossman, her co-chairman, an- Nursing Class to LLLMDS (he Federation for the Support nounce that a rummage sale will a score of 5-0. Previously Alpha Be Held at Center of Jewish Philanthropic Societies Theta defeated Sigma Alpha Mu be held immediately following the of New York City was announced E-0 in a semi-final • match. Zeta Passover holidays by Hadassah; following a meeting of the board Craftsman Venetian MM Go Because of the shortage oE Spring cleaning is now in full Beta Tau's paddle swingers won. trained nurses, the Women's Divi- of trustees at the Federation BASS "rARNGW A, W>W, i-fojris. 30 straight matches without a swing and any old articles of sion of t h e Jewish Community building1. Medalie succeeds Ben614 Nu. Uiii. M'rf. S.i ( U i . t . clothing, shoes, or bric-a-brac will defeat. A'i' ibU Center and the American Red jamin J. Buttenwieser, president This is the first time in the an- he gratefully accepted and the Cross are sponsoring a class in since 1938. nals of tutramural ping pong that simple act of giving will be a boon "Home Hygiene and Care of the to housecleaning. Those wishing the winning team went through to their bundles picked up Sick." the season without the loss of can have The class is to be held every call Mrs. Brody at WA 5656. one match. Members of the chamWednesday, starting on April 9, JJiien Shower Donors pionship team are Buddy Goldfrom 9:30 to 11:30 for the next An almost complete list of do- thirteen stein, Leonard Muskin, Theo weeks. Mrs. Henry Belnors was given in a former issue Conn and Norman Rips, all of inont is chairman of the commitof the Press, but as new donaOmaha, and Paul Krasne of tions come in they will be record- tee in charge. Council Bluffs, Iowa. A registered Red Cross instruc-, Not to be outdone by the ging ed. The following have made'late tor will be in charge. contributions: Mesdames Morton pong team, the debate team of Richard, Louis Blumenthal, B. A. Bob Passer and Yale Gotsdiner, Simon, Dave Bernstein, Lazar Kaboth of Council Bluffs, defeated vicli, Sinai Club 'Alpha Tau Omega, the favorites Wolfe.Moe Bercovici and William in the debate tournament. The An April Fool party was given Regional Conference ZBT debaters are now tied for Monday evening, March 31, by The annual regional conference first place with Delta Upsilion members of the Sinai club. April is to be held In Des Moines on Fool's fraternity. - ' gifts were exchanged. May 12 and 13, Monday and TuesAlpha Theta's bowling team Refreshments were served and day. Delegates will be elected at was defeated in the semi-finals the next meeting. dancing followed. of the school championship by New members initiated into the Phi Kappa Psi. club are: Nellie Tatalbaum Max Saturday night, April 5, t h e Yaffe, Adele Goldstein, Herman Bikur Cholim Omaha al.mni are giving a* daiuSe Goldstein, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ruat the Fontenelle hotel in honor benstein, Harold Leone, Helen of the new initiates of Zeta Beta A special Passover program will Burstein, Dan Weisman and MorTau. The initiation and ceremony be given at the next meeting of rld Rosen. be held Sunday afternoon at •the Bikur Cholim Society on Mon, We Are Capable of Caterinfir to the Fontenelle hotel, with a_ ban- day, April 14. • 'Mr.•MaxScheuermann, musical Junior Council quet following. Your Every Need For Your Passdirector of Temple Israel, will This year's freshman class, is present a group of folk songs and Eleanor Horwicb, chairman of over Table. the largest ever to be initiated melodies. Ho will be the benefit bridge to be given on into Alpha Theta. Th("y, are Alan, Palestinian by Mrs. Al Finkel, Tuesday, April 22, by the Junior Jacobs, Edward Malashock, Ju- accompanied © LARGEST ASSORTEvlEffT © HIGHEST QUALITY director of the Jewish Council, has urged members to lius Conn, Leonard Luttbeg, Sid assistant ® LOWEST PRICES Community Center Symphony orintensify the ticket sale. The comSchwartz, Stuart Muskin, Leon- chestra. mittee hopes to make this bridge ard Bcasberg, all of Omaha; Bob as successful as those held in Passer a n d Yale Gotsdiner of 1939 and 1940. Council Bluffs; Robert Simon and A. Z. A. 100 Many door prizes have been seHarold Grossman of Lincoln; lii®-£8-20 HAHUEY ST. cured for the affair. James Shamberg of Scottsbluff, In line with contributing chamMembers ore urged to support and Raymond Grimes of Denver, pionship teams to the athletic the Port and Dock project by Colo. world, the Century chapter show- selling seals. ed promise for the coming softball season when fifteen members Masada appeared for the first softball practice last Sunday.morning. Ten Masada club, young men's seasoned veterans w e r e among Zionist organization, h e l d its those trying out and the others •weekly meeting at the Jewish were, experienced players f r o m Community Center on Thursday other teams. v evening, March 28, with Don ZerThe next practice is scheduled novsky, sergeant-at-arms, presiding. Milton B. Goldberg and Max for Sunday morning at 10:30. at Hirschman w e r o elected re- 21st and Burdetto streets. All. members who did not try out last. porters. • ' The newly formed Softball team Sunday, and who wish to come of the club has been practicing out for the team are invited to ITegularly. All interested are urg- be at "the ball park next Sunday • ed to turn out for practice on morning. Plans for the Century chapter [Sunday morning at ten o'clock at the softball field at 20th and Bur- Spring Frolic have been compete^ dette. Playing positions will bo and arrangements for the special filled then. . As a follow-up to the very suc- Daughter banquet which is tentacessful "Jay-Paree" dance, t h e tively scheduled for May 4. Masada members are putting on A committee under the co-chaira real old-fashioned weiner roast manship of Florence Tatelman to be held Saturady night, April and Shirley Fox was appointed to 5, at Jackson farm. Members and make arrangements for the their dates will meet with Dr. quet. . and Mrs, Leon Fellman at the Jewish Community Center where tarnsportation will be provided .by club members Sellz and Bellz. I Macdda meets weekly a t ' the \ center and Invites young nien interested in the club to attend.'


B'nos Israel A regular meeting of B'nos Israel was held March 30 at the J e w i s h , Community Center. A committee consisting of Shirley \ Seltz, Shirley Fox, Belty Kuklln, and Mickey Goldberg was appointed to plan fof the initiation of the new members. Plans were^also discussed for the Mother a n d

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ALTSULKR-PKHKLM A N MEVEKSON-STARR Mr. aud Mrs. Samuel Starr o •Under a carnation and fern covered canopy, Miss Alice Perel Springfield, Mass., announce th< marriage of their daughter, Le man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs ona, to Mr. Maurice Meyerson o Nathan Perelman, was married to Monrovia, Calif., formerly of Om Milton Altsuler, son of Mr. and aha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Good Mrs. Samuel Altsuler, Sunday af man Meyerson. The wedding took ternoon at 2 o'clock at the Fonte- place in Los Angeles on March 8 The couple will makfe their nelle hotel. Rabbi David H. Wice home in Monrovia. performed the ceermony. The reception was 3 to 5 o'clock. MALCOMETADLER Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adler anThe bride wore a white mouspellne de soie gown with a seed- nounce t h e marriage of their i>ear crown from which hung a daughter, Helen, to Joseph Malfingertip veil of tulle. She carried come of Chicago on March 25. a Bible with gardenia shower. The couple will make their For "something old" she wore home in Chicago. pearls which .. belonged, to Mrs. Bessie Perelman. These pearls ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT have been in the family three Mr, and Mrs. Aaron Shapiro generations. announce the engagement of their Mrs. Perelman, mother of the daughter, Esther, to Herbert W. br.'de, chose for her gown a black Meiches, son of Mr. and Mrs. crepe with bodice trimmed in Sam Meiches. Miss Shapiro Is a bugle beads. Mother of the groom graduate of Central High School. Iwore a pale grey dress, the jacket Mr. Meiches attended the Unitrimmed in gold kid banding -with versity of Omaha. jrhinestones. No wedding date has been anMre,. Joel Cherniss, .sister of nounced. khe bride,; was matron of honor, and Miss Rosalie Perelman, a GUESTS HERE jrounger sister; Miss Bess WeinMrs. H. Soskin had as guests etein of Cheyenne, and Mrs. Ilar- last week-end, her son, Captain Jry Altsuler, bridesmaids. Ber- Hirshal A. Soskin of Renovo, Pa., nard Altsuler was best man for and Washington, D. C, and her ; bis brother, while Harry Altsuler, son-in-law, Mr. Abe Cohen and mother brother; Sol Yaffe and his daughter, Sally, of Denver Floyd Kuklin ushered. Mrs. Carl and Pueblo, Colo. 3okolof of Des Moines Bang, The out-of-town guests w e r e while Miss Blanche Erca played here to attend the Shryer-Greenthe violin and Mrs. Al Finkel, the bautu nuptials. piano. f Hostesses at the reception that JOSLYtf MEMORIAL followed were: Mrs. Ben PerelSunday at 2:30 In the Concert inan, Mrs. I. Perelman, Mrs. Reu- hall of the Joslyn Memorial, the ben Vann, Mrs. Joe Kuklin, all of a capella choir of the Wayne Omaha. Others assisting were: State Teachers' college will preHisses Lorraine Himelstein, Eve- sent an Easter cantata. Three i yn Kaiman and Mesdanies Jules motion plctuers, *'Craetlve Design Shapiro. David D. Weinberg, and n Painting," "Creative Painting ^ouis Klein. Reception table was n Landscape" and "Theater Dehree-tiefed revolving table. On sign,' will be shown in the lecthe top tier stood a doll dressed ure hall. In-a wedding gown identical, to At 3:30 Dr. Francis L.-Bou$he bride's. The second tier held quet will speak on "The Face of $he wedding c a k e , flanked by Christ in Christian Art.' A 4 spun candy baskets filled with o'clock concert will be given by qandy tulips. the Peru Singers; At 4:30 Jeanne \k The couple Is spending a week Rotton of Lincoln will present a ip Chicago after .which they will. piano recital. be at home at Terrace Court, Omaha. For traveling, the bride chose a ithree-piece seagfeen nauBeautiful Emerald tical suit with sailor hat of the Bame color. Cut Diamond »; Out-OJt-town guests included •ljitr. and Mrs. George Grund of About 2 Carats Des Mpiries, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenberg, a n d con of Hastings, Exceptional $fi f Ef 00 JJJeb.; Mr. and Mrs. Louis FinkelValue . . . . . . . s£ein, Mr. and Mrs.. Irvln Kuklin and Mr. and Mrs. David Kuklin Many Other Special Values and daughter, Betty, of Lincoln, Convenient Terms Arranged Neb.. Other out-of-town guests were: -Mr.; and Mrs. Samuel Cohan and sons, Bernard and Harold, Jack Kuklin and Mrs.-Sadie Crelm'an, Chicagor Miss Pauline Kuklin, New York City, and Mrs. Sam Weihstein, Cheyenne.

TiiE JEWISH PRESS TEMPLE 1SHAEL HIGH SCHOOL GROUP The Temple Israel High School group will meet ou Sunday evening, April 6, at 6 o'clock in the vestry rooms for supper. Mrs. Julius Newman, Sisterhood chairman, is in charge. Members of the committee assisting are: Mesdames Abr. Greenspan, Manning Handler, Phil Grossman, Morris Singer, and W. A. Rosenberg. Leonard Nathan will speak on "Jewish Communities of the Carribean."

Beth El Auxiliary Dr. Lynian Harris, professor of History at the University of Omaha, will speak at the regular meeting of the Beth El Auxiliary, Wednesday, April 9, at 1 p. m. at the Synagogue on "Winston Churchill — Defender of Freedom". Mrs. Jack Bramson will be program chairman. A model Seder table is being arranged. Table hostesses for the afternoon will be: Mesdames Joe Lipsey, Ben Goldware, M. Brodkey, Joe Klein, Rose Kramer, M. F. Levenson, L o u i s Lazarowitz, Anna Hoffner, and David Mann. Luncheon will be served bby Mrs. Leon Graetz, assisted by the following committee: Mesdames A. S. Rubnitz, Reuben Bordy, H. Osoff, I. Berkowitz, J. A. Gross, Max Greenberger, and Nathan Kort.

Temple Sisterhood

Gamma Tau Sigma

The next regular meeting of the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held this Monday,- April 7. A board meeting will take place at 11:30'and luncheon will be, served at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Marie Stewart Jesse, who has had several years- stage experience and is now a teacher of dramatic arts, will review the latest book by Howard Spring, "Fame is the Spur." Mrs. David H. Wice is program chairman for the meeting. Mrs. Paul Blotcky will give (he opening prayer. Max Scheuermann, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Rosenfeld, will lead the group singing. . Mrs. Nathan Mantel is chairman of the luncheon. Members of her committee are: Mesdames David. Levine, E, J. Rubin, S. J. PlOtkin, Harry Malashock, Leon Weiss, Joseph Pick, Carl Furth, M. B. Chapman, Harolji Brodkey, Louis Sommer, M. Bernstein, and Morris E. Jacobs.

The next meeting of the Gamma Tau Sigma will be held Sunday, April 6, at 3 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. All girls who plaa to sew at the meeting &re asked to bring their own needle and thimble. Those who will crochet are requested to bring their own crochet hoops and those who knit, their needles.

Jurtior Had&ssah

A meeting of Junior Hadassau will be held next Monday evening, April 7, at the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi David A. Goldstein of the Beth El synagogue will conduct a model seder for the organization's members. The board of Junior Hadassah met last Wednesday evening. A roller-skating party was to have been held last night. • •.••

Brownie Scouts An adventurous sight - seeing tour of Joslyn Memorial and attendance at a puppet show entitled "The Little Hump-backed Horse" took the place of the regular Sunday afternoon meeting of (he Brownie Pack,, These scouts, between the ages of 7 and 10, are now working on "their 4 r a " matlcs and dancing program.

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Page 4

Friday, April 4, 1941

modern war to assisting in one Email way Ike onward march of Hitler. Rather than dishonorable peace, they would eadure all the horrors that the PuMicfeed Every FiricUy e t Nazis will force upon them. From the humbles (0 the king, the Jugo-SIavs expressed repugnance at the treaty that would have hound them to the SUBSCRIPTION PBiCE, Or.e Vesr destiny cf • Germany, When Churchill said that Advertising Rates Furns&t»etf on Jugo-Slavia had found its soul, he echoed the COU0B1AL OFFICE: 6&9 B j s i SIOUX CIX* Ofr'i'ICfc—JewSsil CouirattfJIy CCBU* sentiments of the entire world. Even if eventualPBINT bBOJP &E*BElfc,SS~4C« fcs>. 24tU WCt« PBINT ly capitulation is necessary, this gesture of deDAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor fiance cheers the spirits of all those who admire LEONARD WAT1IAH . . . . . . Editor lovers of liberty.


RABBI THEODORE «. LEWIS - Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER • - Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sious City Correspondent

Once Ye Were Strangers By an ironical twist, General Skadkowski, who •was premier of Poland when the economic boycott against the Jews was instituted, is now an exile in, of all places, Tel Aviv. Of all the countries on this earth to which he might have fled for haven, it is Palestine, among the Jews whom he made no effort to protect, he now seeks refuge. The lesson of General Skladkowski's fate seems ldst on the Polish anti-Semites in England. Even the bitter bread of exile, which they are tasting, has not caused their hearts to soften or tlieir vision to be improved. Despite repeated affirmations of justice to Poland's diminishing Jewry, once the nation's independence is established, it is perfectly clear that the government-in-exile can do nothing to keep its promise. Indications of what the Jews can expect were given at a meeting of the l'olish National Council in London when the Polish right-wing parties-gave every evidence they have not changed their attitude. Unquestionably there is a large element in the Polish' government-in-exile which takes seriously the pledge to protect Jewish rights. The Socialist party, the Peasant's party, and the Christian Dem" ocratic party of Paderewskl, have all announced their intentions of supporting the government pledge to remove Jewish disabilities—should the chance ever come. But these parties were always aiticulate in their opposition to anti-Semitism and the first two, at least, were courageous in their attempts to block the activities of the Endeks. But the right-wing parties, except for an out-' burst by General Zellgowskl, are maintaining an ominous silence and by doing so give evidence of their determination to see the policy of the EndeU's continued. General ZeUgQ-wskl was not BO tactful and gave full vent to his fury against the Jews. Further evidence that the government's pledges are only make-shift is the large number of anti-Semitic papers being distributed in Polish. Perhaps ia his refuge at Tel Aviv, General Skadkowski could give some advice to his former colleagues. But it appears that even his influence would be small indeed. As premier his policy was BO wavering that regardless of the fact he personally exhibited no animosity toward the Jews his government countenanced pogroms. Once we had hopes that Poland had learned its lesson. But its official representatives have yet to prove its right to exist as an independent nation. <

Found r. - One Soul Winston Churchill, who never misses an opportunity for a well-turned phrase, announced the revolt of the Serbians with the phrase, "Jugoslavia has found her soul." Here was one nation whose people rose in righteous indignation when Its government sought to give aid, no matter how •unwillingly, to Hitler. It Is an encouraging sign, not only because It put a monkey wrench in German plans for the Balkans, ' but perhaps der Fuehrer will understand just how popular he and his new order are. ' Every nation that has gone over to the Axis cause has done so against popular sentiment. But as a general rule suppression eventually paved the way for the Nazi legions. Only Italy and Bulgaria entered the German fold without the need of a strong show of force. Czecho-Slovakia was betrayed; Denmark was occupied without opposition. Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Luxembourg, and France were brought Into the new order by conquest. The question arises why did the people of • Jugo-Slavia revolt rather than permit the Axi3 treaty to be put into effect? Why did a people willingly risk war with a relentless enemy rather than permit their government to capitulate in return for an assurance of peace? All that was asked of Jugo-Slavia was passage for supplies and wounded soldiers—not troops. ' They revolted because the people of Jugoslavia prefer death and destruction to subservience ' to Germany. They prefer all the discomforts of


Second Revolt in the Desert From Palestine Dr. Chain) Weizmann h a s brought encouraging words of Arab-Jewish cooperation. In his statement he echoes the sentiments of the enlightened Zionist who sees the position of the Arab and recognizes the problems the Jews of the Near East will have to face. The Arab problem may be regarded, Dr. Weizmann said in his first public statement in this country, as the only difficulty in the program for the future development of the Jewish homeland. But only when the Arab-Jewish question was confined to Palestine itself that the difficulties arose. The Arab world is seething from the Euphrates to North Africa. In Algiers and Morocco, the Vichy regime has attempted to appease the Moslem leaders by abrogating the rights of French citizenship, which the Jews of North Africa had enjoyed for a century, and conferring these rights on the Moslems, who had always been denied them. Deiplte Buch action, the Syrian population has proved Itself unwilling to compromise with Petain and has raised the standard of revolt. Recognizing these factors Dr. Weizmann went on to say, "The just aspirations of the Arab people will find their fulfillment at the close of this war. The prospects which the Arab people may envisage are brighter than ever before and these prospects are bound up inextricably with the victory of tha democracies." It 'is significant that the Arab peoples, despite the blandishments of Italy and Germany, did not rally to the Axis cause and have stood by the British In their efforts to chase Mussolini froni he Middle East and North Africa. The self-styled protector of Islam, Signor Mussolini, found himself needing protection from his own Arab peoples, who ose against him when an opportunity presented Hselt. Co-operation, Dr. Weizmann reports, between Jews and Arabs is not only possible but a fact. The question of its extension into the future is a matter of practical statesmanship.

Appeascr Thyssen New terms are often appearing in the language and one of the most commonly used today Is comparatively recent in origin, "appeaser," which specifically describes those who would come to terms with Adolph Hitler, Benlto Mussolini, Joe Stalin, and their much-publicized 'wave of the future.' One of the most conspicuous appeasers was Fritz Thyssen, German industrialist, who was likewise one of the first to find happiness in the illusion that it was possible to come" to terms with Hitler. He now realizes there is no coming to terms with one who possesses an insatiable lust for power. There is no riding this 'wave of the future.' One either avoids it or it overwhelmed b y





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At Germany's critical hour, Thyssen, wealthiest of the Germans, betrayed his country, by throwing the financial support-of the Rhine tycoons to the Nazis. For a time hie and his fellow industrialists prospered. They acquired the holdings of their Jewish colleagues who were forced to flee and they profitted handsomely by the armament boon. Then suddenly the nature of the monster he had unleashed was revealed to Thyssen. His relatives were not Immune from imprisonment. His fortune too was utilized for appeasement purposes. Finally he came to the sad conclusion that so many have similarly arrived at, that there Is no compromise with the forces of dishonor. Today Heir von Thyssen has, by the terms of the Franco-German armistice, been returned to Germany and imprisoned In a concentration camp. ~~ Some Germans from the very beginning realized the futility of attempting terms with the Nazis and what they represent. Thomas Mann was one. He fled into exile rather than receive honor from bloody hands. Others, less distinguished, likewise trod the well-worn paths across the German frontier. .; In his confinement, Thyssen may consider the laws of retribution. Tbe mills of the gods grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly well.

Jacob E. Cohen was in 1790 ing to announcement made last Friday night at the annual mili- named city recorder of Richmond, "Va. Marvin Simon, son of Mr. and tary ball. Sirs. Miltoa Simon, was promoted Blendes T. Cohen was the first Of the 182 Jews of Charleston, to first lieutenant and named adjutant of. the battalion' at tho S. C, who fought in the Confed- American to explore the upper Centra! High K. .0. T, C, accord- erate army, 25 were killed. "Nile.

is. The Germans have Kever seen the soldiers of taotlier nution takg-ms of the.Bibb ing over t'ixir country. Until they feel that, until they know Sherand T&Imud man's type of war, they'll always Ey Dr. PLcUp Star be ready to make war again. "So I say, march to Berlin!" "Very well," said Foch and Pride goetii before destruction liaig. "We march to Berlin." and an arrogant spirit before a fall. Time, 1023.. Place, Munich. A rebellious man seeketh only " . . . a fanatic named Adolf evil therefore a cruel messenger HilSt !• was one of (hose lulled shall be sent against him. when the police tired on the A man void of understanding in marchers. He threw himself to he that striketh hands and be- the ground (o escape the bullets cometh surety for his neighbor. turned at Ludendorff's followers He that lovelh transgression, and broke It is week . . . " loveth strife; he that exalteth his gate, seeketh destruction. Time, 1925. Place, Berlin. ". . . The Allied Armistice ComTALMUD mission today refused to allow Our sages were saying: "At all Hermann Goering, morphine- adtimes should man's disposition be dict who was one of the compleasant in associating w i t h m'anders of the Itlchthofen Squadmen." ron, to form sporting pilots' assoRabbi Chama went to the col- ciations. The commission said:. lege and spent twelve years there. "Sports, my eye!" When he was returning home he went to the house of study of Time, 1931. Place, Washing, that city and sent word to his ton. house that he had arrived. Rabbi ". . . The Senate might n o t Osheya, his s o n, immediately came and (incognito) occupied a have voted to Join the League of seat before him. lie began to Nations except for two 'accidents/ question him concerning some Senator Borah, leaving his aparttraditions, and seeing that he was ment house, stubbed his toe, and sharp in every laws, Rabbi Chama Senator Hiram Johnson was in felt discouraged, saying to him- bed with a bad cold. Their votes self, "If I were here I would have and influence might have killed had a son (of my child I left) ratification . , ." like this one." He then went home. His son also entered. RabTime, 1928. Place, • Washingbi Chama (under the Impression ton. that ho was a stranger) got up "We've spent a lot of money, on for him, believing that he had our new battleships and battle c o m e to ask him something. cruisers," President Calvin CooWhere upon his wife remarked, lidge said today. "Why should) "Is there then such a law that we sink them? Disarmament may one should get up before his he all right, but we ought to have son?" the biggest fleet In the world so From the land of Israel they long as Japan has a fleet at all." sent forth the following: "Observe perfect cleanliness. Be Time, 1031. Place, London. careful with the children of the ". . . Great Britain acted in acpoor for from them will the Torah cord with the United States today come forth." to halt Japan's move into eastern Our Rabbis were taught: When Asia. The British and American Adam, the first man, saw on the Pacific fleets were steaming to« first day of his creation, the sun wards Singapore as a show of set, he cried saying, "Woe is to force which, it was known, would me, perhaps this is because of my prevent tho Japs from invading sin, that the world Is to be re- Manchuria . . ." turned to chaos, and this must be the punishment of death, which Time, 1932. Place, Berlin. was decreed upon me by Heaven." " . . . arrested on orders of PresHe wept all night, however, when ident von Hlndenburg, leaders of the dawn appeared he understood the Nazi party were held in jail that such was the order of the today charges of plotting to world. He arose and sacrificed end theonconstitution of the Geran ox. man Republic . . ." There was a King who hated the Jews and he asked the advice Time, 1033. Any European capof his high officials: "Should he ital. who has a tumor on his foot cut "We've got to put a stop to this it off and be relieved, or should persecution of tho Jews in Ger* he allow it to remain and be af- many," tho Prime Minister said. flicted?" And the advice of them "First it will be the Jews—«nd all was that be should cut it off next it will bo wo." and be relieved.. There was one \ official by the name of Ktiha, Time, 1038. Place, Munich. who objected to their advice, Bay""Wo never betray a small ing, "First you cannot get rid of nation,"will Chamberlain told Hitler* all the Jews, because, the world "We stand by Czechoslovakia." cannot get along without them, secondly, your kingdom will be Time, 1938. Place, Berlin. called an empire that kills its own "Of course, I'm going after subjects." The King then said, "Thy advice has some lbgic, but other territory after I get t h o there fs a law that ho. who ob- Sudetenland," Bald Adolf Hitler, structs the wish of the King must after an injection of truth serum* be executed* as a traitor." When "Other territorial ambitions in he was taken to be executed ho Europe? Haw! Haw! The quessaid, "I bequeath all my property tion is, after we get Europe, how to R a b b l A k i h a and his col- many other continents do wo want?" leagues." Time, 1038. Place", Prague. "It is better to fight than bo slaves," said Benes. "I don't trust the Germans. First it will be the Sudentenland and next tho whole country."

By : PAT-FRANK J. T. A. Washington • , -• Press


WASHINGTON. HISTORY THAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN: Time, October 1, 1918- Place, Paris. . •;" General Pershing walked into Allied g e n e r a l headquarters, shook, hands with Rlarshal Foch and General Haig and said: "My first army has smashed through and we'll have Sedan in ten days. In twenty more days we should be at the Rhine and in a month we'll be in Berlin." "Of course, we will halt the offensive when they ask for an armistice," said Foch. g ehook his heed. "I don't agree witlt that policy," he said. -"We've come a long way to fight this war, and wo- don't want to end it half Way. "Yonr people"—and liere he nodded to Foch—"have felt the tread' of an invader's boots ia your streets. You know what war

Time, 1938. Place* Paris. "I think you're right, . DeGaulle," said General PetaUw "What we need is an air force to match Germany's." Time, ton/.

1039. Place, Washing• •• •;' •' '••- ' v . :"

'•Obviously," said Senator Burton K. Wheeler, "the British fleet in the Atlantic fs our first line of defense. It is'also obvious that' Germany is bent on 1 world conquest. So, let's stop Germany at the first line." Time, 1941. Place, Washington^ "In spite of Germany's tremendous air force," said Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, "I refuse to believe we're licked before we start. I havo faith in America and Americans. When I flew the Atlantic, people said it couldn't be done. This job can't- be any more hazardous and I personally am offering my. services to my. country—, as a pilot—a Job I know." Pinch me, and wake me up! ! (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele* ' graphic Agency, Inc.) J

Friday, April 4, IS4I


Page S

a daughter, Mrs. A, Malta of Miami-Biltmore pool in the FloriHeads Vichy Body Council Bluffs; three grandsons da spa. Meyer, Jerry, and. Marvin Maltz of Council Bluffs; and a grandVichy (JTA)—Xavier Vallat, Heads HIAS daughter, Shirley Maltz of Washanti-Semitic French lawyer, has Candle lighting 6:i» ington, D. C. been appointed kea.d of the GenNew York (JTA) — Abraham eral The late services of ike U. 0 Burial was at Mt. Sinai cemeCommissariat for Jewish AfC. will be conducted by the Junior tery. Jay-C's will gather at the Jew- Herman was reflected president fairs by the Vichy government,. Congregation tonight. ish Community Center on Sunday of the Hebrew Sheltering and Im- The commissariat is responsible There will be no late Eerviees afternoon, April 6, at thre migrant Aid Society (HIAS) at for the application of laws and William Rosenblatt on Friday, April 11, and Friday, o'clock, for the second aimua decrees regarding the Jews in unApril 18, due to the holiday serv- William Rosenblatt, p i o n e e r camp reunion. The program wil the first meeting of the board of occupied Fiance. The body was Oiaahan, died on March 21 in Los directors following t h e annual ices taking place theu. feature a magician's act by th formed some time ago but had reAngeles, where he had resided well-known super-magician, Mr. convention. i»;<xiiKd without u Lead. . since 1915. Before moving to the The Junior Congregation will Tom Porter. There will be games conduct its regular Sabbath serv- west coast he had been in business and refreshments for everybody in Omaha for many years. ices tomorrow at 10 a. m. at the following the program, ther Surviving him are: his wife of and B'nai Israel synagogue. will be informal dancing for the Los Angeles; and three nephews, Hoper's, Joker's, end the Forty I. W., Philip, and Sam RosenSaturday morning the Rabbi niner's. will speak at Congregation B'nai blatt, ail of Omaha, Preliminary registrations f o r Israel. camp will be taken that after noon, and all campers planning Saturday afternoon at 4:30, the to return f o r another glorious Rabbi will deliyer his annual summer of outdoor fun ere urged Shabbos Hagodol address at Conto make their reservations at that RIESH FISH FOR PASSOVER gregation Beth Hamedrosh Hagotime. dol. This Is to include a Talmudic Camp Jay-C-C will o p e n In dissertation and an address interB'nai Abraham lodge of South Fremont, on July 20, and With the approach of pretative of the meaning of Shab- Omaha will hold a celebration remain in Neb., the Passover Holidays, session for four weeks bos Hagodol and Passover. program next Sunday at 7 p. m.Campers may register for two or our fish department is in the auditorium of the B'nai four-week periods. prepared to serve you Sunday morning services will Israel synagogue of South.Omaha. take place at 9 o'clock at Congrethe freshest of fish. We ia celebrating the expense, the Water Follies gation B'nai Israel. After a com- factThet h lodge will clean, scale or bone a t the membership has great munal breakfast, this Sunday will grown to 106, the first time It of 1941, the only road replica of all fish free of charge. be devoted to the study of the has passed the century mark. Un- the New York World's Fair Hagadah and various Passover til three years ago, the peak had Aquacade. Heading the list of will be Buster Crabbe, fortraditions. been fifty members, though the stars mer "Tarzau" of the movies, and lodge has been In existence for co-star with Eleanor Holm in the The Talmud Study group will 27 years. Dried Fruit Ordered Special meet on Wednesday at Congrega- The evening's program will In part of the unique spectacle, which will include selected numtion Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, at elude an outstanding orator, JewFor Passover bers from the San Francisco and 8 p. m. as usual. ish folk songs, and a regular New York Billy Rose Aquacade A buffet lunch and production. A score of beautiPRUNES, Med. Size ...>. , . 3 lbs. for 25c April 10, Bedlkath Chainetz In Jewish show. will be served after the ful "aquafemmes", drilled for the evening by candlelight. On drinks meeting, which la for members, months to perform intricate PflUfi^S, 20/30 . . . . . . . ; . , . ; . . . . . . 2 lbs. for 25c Friday, April 11, one can eattheir wives and families. group numbers In the water, as Chainetz until 9:55 a. in.; burn raUIIES, Giant Size . . . , . . . . i . . . . . . . . 2 lbs. for 28c well as an "aquaballet" will be Chametz at 10:46. New York productions. Llcht Benschon April 11: 6:27. Water Follies to Be PE/U18, Jumbo . . . . . . . ! . . , . . 2 lbs. for 3Sc Water FoIHes will be stagGiven at Coliseum ed The at the Coliseum from April 30 PE&CI3ES, Pealed . . . .lKn,Mtstl.i.. . 2 Ibc. Ur 35c Deaths to May 4, inclusive. Because most residents of' the The largest portable swimming OAS2IM0, Foncy cluster 2 lbs- Ur 35c Ben Glickman mlddlewest were unable to at- tank in tho world is necessary Funeral .services were held on tend the world's fairs at Newfor the presentation of the show, Wednesday, March 26, at t h e York and San Francisco, Ak-Sar- Mr. Davidson staid. It is 90 feet Jewish Funeral Home for BenBeu Is going to bring to their ong, 45 feet wide and seven feet Glickman, 72, who had died early doorstep the greatest entertain- deep at tho diving end. It holds ment feature of these two big80,000 gallons of water, heated that morning. Mr. Glickman had lived In Om- vents. o a temperature of 7C degrees. aha since 1898. He was a memPresident J. E. Davidson to- The tank will bo placed on the ber of the B'nai Israel and Adasa day announced that after weeks loor of tho Coliseum in a tropi\ Xeshuren synagogues. of negotiation the organization cal Belting which ia as nearly as Surviving him are: his widow; iad succeeded la algning up at possible a replica of the famous






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GALL F0S1 FOES HOHE ,LIQHTfC3Q GERVI8G" i l fedaod Uglsteg espcrJ vrill gla<ay coin ct you? fcoas. c l cny Uno sscsl cosTCaleal cad check you? UgbEag EdcaliSc elsbtootar. JusJ call yoar CciOBed lish Dcclcr. Ho will gladly errmgo tHa firoa' e»rie» lot yoa.

LIVE Even Bettor—ELECTRICITY IS Bon Cheapsr

Page 2

Friday, April 4, 1S41


dressed 4,000 delegates and efficient yet tolerant constitu- likewise widely known aod ap- B'nai B'rith conventions were presented to Arcfeibald A. Mtarx, guests of tlie convention at the tional democracy, free from the preciated." Among tlie • speakers et the New Orleans,' acd Joseph Ullman, "inspirational session" at the Gestapo and a greedy ruling opening session were Governor New Haven, Conn. Civic Opera House. His speech class." Dwiglit Green, Mayor Edward was broadcast over a CBS netIffitraduced By Mozi&ky Kelly, Philip M. Klutzniek, preswork and rebroadcast in SpanRepuklish Bialik Poem Wallace was introduced by ident of B'nai E'rith District 6; ish to Latin American countries. The subject was "Democracy and Henry Monsky, president of B'nai Benjamin J. Friedman and JerJerusalem (JTA) — The HeB'rith, who pledged Ms organi- ome J. Friedman, convention brew press observed the 50th anthe Dignity of Man." to "contribute further to chairmen, and Judge I. M. Gold- niversary of the publication of "The Nazis rose to power zation our national strength by stimu- man of San Francisco, a vice- the first poem of the late Hebrew largely by preaching hatred of lating profound sens? of president of B'aai B'rith. poet laureate, Chalm Nachman the Jews," he said. "They pro- nationala more (Continued from Page 1.) solidarity." M. Diamond raeaorali awards for Bialik, entitled "El Hazipor" pose to eliminate the Jews com- Colien, past president Alfred of B'nai 40 years' service as delegates to ("To the Bird"). Arab problem," the world Zion- pletely in all of Europe. The B'rith, presided. ist leader asserted: "A solution methods they have used in their During the day there was a to that problem must be found in efforts are unspeakable. I know order to achieve our objective. that no person worthy of the symbolic initiation of 6,000 new The Jews and the Arabs must name 'American' will ever permit m e m b e r s enrolled in 3'nai live bide by f-ide as neighbors and himself to take evtn (be first Ii'iiti/s District No. 6 in a camcousins. step on that load of racial hatied, paign held fc.s a Iiibute to MonFfachon Frocks Exclusive with U* "After the \i<tory of the de- which carded the Nazis to pow- sky. In his pi evidential address opmocracies there must come a er and the road which will lead ening the convention, Mon&ky federation of the great Arab them to eventual ruin." He asserted that "we must urged b r o a d e n i n g of B'nai countries. This confederation will extend from the Euphrates train the next generation to be B'lith's war relief and refugee to Libya. The democracits, too, not only tolerant of the racial program, for which more than will realize the historic connec- and religious minorities, but to $250,000 was made available in tion between the Jews and Pales- rejoice in them. To those na- 16 countries since January 1, tine and that we are entitled to tions which best learn the art 10S8, and intensification of nadevelop an autonomous Palestine, of reconciling minority differ- oDal defense efforts. He rcfree from shackles, where \%e can ences will belong the future of iiiinded the 150,000 men and women affiliated with th3 organibring these millions of our suf- the world." fering people so that they can Wallace urged a "genetic de- sation* that "national service in build a country that can fructify mocracy"—the doctrine that "no this hour is an unprecedented and revitalize the whole Middle racial or religious group should opportunity for patriotism in acEast. It is possible to have a be looked on as inferior because tion." Monsky also announced that Jewish commonwealth side by of its heredity." the Bnai B'rlth Anti-Defamation Bide with this Arab federation.' "The cost of Nazi terroiism in "The 500,000 Jews in Pales- terms of suffering to Europe is League and the American Jewish £lne who are ready to lay down great beyond measurement," he Committee had agreed upon an their lives represent a great ar- asserted, "but we in the. Newimmediate j o i n t fund-raising senal of human freedom as we World owe a great debt of grati- campaign for the defense prostand sentinel at the entrance tude to the Nazis for forcing us grams of the two agencies. The to ^the Suez Canal," he declared. to make clear our thinking about campaign will be known as the "Every man, woman and child in the meaning of democracy and "Joint" Appeal for the American Palestine would rather die than he part which racial and religi- Defense Activities of the Amerto yield that frontier which is one ous groups must contribute if de- ican Jewish Committee and the of the most strategic approaches mocracy is to be worthy of Its Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith." to tho Western hemisphere." name. A message was read from PresStressing tho necessity of "un"B'nai B'rith, I know, has ity of purposo as we prepare aught this vision and will work ident Roosevelt "who praised against tho time when wo shall for it wholeheartedly in all of Bnai B'rith'a "splendid work in have a word to say in the settle- ho hemisphere. The New World the fields of charity and philanment of our destiny," Dr. Welz- ie a chosen land, not for the Jew thropy" and said "its activities mann urged that Jews be united or the German or the Anglo- in advancing education and pro"on two great purposes—on the axon or the Spaniard or any moting true Americanism are restoration of the Jewish rights other one people. The New World of which we are- brutally depriv- is a chosen land in which all of CKGSCE LIVE FISH ed ; outside of Palestine and on us, tolerantly living toegther, can Dressed to PSessa You • the affirmation of a right to allow the dignity of man to be build our homeland, unshackled xpressed, free from the comSEE and unfettered, In Palestine." Dr. pulsions of the Old World, but jon BEONSTEIN Weizmann was introduced by Dr. with that sense of duty which is Bolomon Goldman. 4918 S. 25Ui MA IMS ecesEary to preserve that which V i c e-President Wallace ad- s precious beyond life itself—an


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The Roberts Dairy Company will again offer dairy products KOSHER L'PESACH for PASSOVER, manufactured under strictest supervision. Roberta Dairy is happy to render this special service to its many Jewish customers and to dairies of Nebraska and Iowa.




All the Passover products will be produced under the personal supervision of Rabbi N. Feldman. Products to carry the KOSHER L'PESACH ^approval are ROBERTS MILK, ROBERTS SOUR CREAM and ROBERTS SWEET CREAM (unsalted) BUTTER. Roberts Passover products are available in Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City and Council Bluffs. Place your order early at your; favorite food store or from Roberts Route Salesman,

BHODMOOK twill coaf with" wide reveres and ssf-Ia Frc k with white piqiie S1I"" . ^ Coats-—Third Floor

Friday, April 4, 1941

ROUND TABLE BANQUET HELD Over 3 5 0 A t t e n d F i r s t Youth Affair At J. C. C.



• .

Before a gathering of almost three hundred and fifty young men and women of the community, Leo Meyersoii, president of the Round Table of Jewish Youth lost Tuesday opened the regular monthly meeting of the council of clubs. The meeting was preceded by a dinner, the first of its kind to be planned by the youth. The purpose of this banquet and open meeting was to bring together all of Omaha's Jewish youth so that they could participate in a meeting of the Round Table. This council, consisting of two representatives from each of the 17 Jewish youth organizations in the city, meets monthly to plan activities for the entire youth community. In an effort to acquaint all of the youth with their program, the Round Table decided upon an open banquetmeeting. In his welcoming remarks, Mr. Meyeraon pointed • out that the Round Table unifies the Jewish youth into a federation similar to that of the adults. "Whether you belong to a club or not," he stated, "you are a member of our youth community. And as such you are invited to all activities and programs of the Round .Table." Following t h e meeting, Miss Blanche Kleiman, director of activities at the Center, and Mr. Milton Abrahams, chairman of t h e Jewish Community. Center, spoke briefly on the role of the Round Table in the community. . Mrs. Ben Silver presented a gift to the Round Table in memory of her father, Rabbi Frederick Cohen. The gift is a walnut and chrome nickelodeon with a complete set of records previously selected by a poll through the Round Table Bulletin. Dancing in the gymnasium followed adjournment

I Local Men on UAHC Advisory Committee ..' » '.

T . r


Morris E. Jacobs, David Goldman, Louis E. Lipp, Henry Monaky, Ioidor Ziegler, Milton R. Abrahams; Sam Leon and Ben Silver, local leaders, are members of the • National Advisory Committee of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. .This Committee, made up of outstanding leaders from all-parts of the country is one of the key groups now completing plans for the 37th Biennial Council of the Union and Biennial Conventions of its aflllates, the National- Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, Brotherhoods and Youth which will take place, April 2NG to May 1, in Detroit. • .


Beth El Sponsors Annual Concert Friday evening, April 18, the seventh day of Passover, the Beth El synagogue will hold a special service of music. This is the annual concert, of Jewish music prepared and conducted by Cantor Aaron Edgar. Kabbi David A. Goldstein will give a brief running commentary on the music presented. The public is invited to attend.

CLUB FESTIVAL THIS TUESDAY Children's G r o u p s t o Present Special Program

Religious Serviices Beth £1 Tonight in observance of Sabbath Hagadol, Rabbi David A. Goldstein will devote his sermon to "Passover Interpretation, and Meanings for Our Day." The regular Saturday morning service starts at 8:30. The Junior Congregation meets every Saturday at 10:30. On Sunday m o r n i n g at 10 o'clock a demonstration seder will be conducted by and for the children of the Beth El schools. JVext Week Next Friday evening, the first evening of Passover, services will begin promptly at 6:15. Cantor Aaron Edgar and the choir will officiate. A short sermon will be delivered by Rabbi Goldstein. At the conclusion of the services at 7 o'clock, members of the congregation will return home for their Sedorim. Saturday morning, the flrst day of Passover, services will begin at 8:30. The Junior Congregation will meet'at 10:30. The second d a y of Passover falls on Sunday and services will begin at 9 o'clock. Cantor Edgar and the choir will officiate and Rabbi Goldstein will deliver the sermon.

Page 3 "Modem Marraaos.'f Services Saturday morning will be held at 11 o'clock. Next Week Services next Friday evening, the eve of Passover, will- start at 5:30, A musical service will take place. There will be no sermon. . The Congregational Seder will be held Saturday n i g h t at 7 o'clock.

u. o. c. Tonight the regular services of the U. O. C. will be conducted by the Junior Congregation. There will be no late services on Friday, April 11, and Friday, April 18, due to the holiday services taking place then. Raphael Meldola, an English Sephardi, was, professor of organic chemistry at the University of London.

Rabbi Feldman at Adass Yeshuren Rabbi N. Feldman announces that he will be at the Adass Yeshuren synagogue, 25th and Seward, from 6 to V p. in., Sunday until Friday, for the selling of Chomelz. On Tuesday, however, he will be at the Shaare Zion synagogue, 19th and Clark, from 6 to 7 p. m. Rabbi Feldman reminds his congregation that Chometz may be eaten Friday morning, April 11, until 9:30. Cliometz should be burned between 9:30 and 10:30, Pirday morning. For Sale or Rent — Established business for thirty years. Must retire on account of ill health. For details call AT 2989.

Patronize Our Advertisers Pirates from the Center dramatics class will stalk across the Jewish Community Center stage at 2:30 next Tuesday afternoon, April 8, in the play, "The Pirates of Pooh," which will be presented as part of the second annual Children's Club Festival sponsored by the Activities Department in closing the season's series of special entertainment for school-age youngsters. Also on the program will be dance routines, folk-dances,'and recitations by the boys and girls who Temple have spent many happy hours in the dramatics and dancing groups Tliis evening at services, Rabbi of the Center. David H. Wice w i l l speak on HATZO M W I L F A W E L • CAKE MEAL -WHOLE The colorful scenery and costumes were designed and made AT UNION OUTFITTIPJCs by the members of, the Girl Scout troop as part of their arts and crafts activities. •Singing and refreshments will close the program; In which the following will participate: Myra Abrahamson Philip Alberts Betty Balnter Jacqueline Balnter Janie Bcber Joanie Beber Phyllia Bernstein Barbara Burroughs Barbara Colm Arlene Colling Shirley Colnic Diane Cooper Ijeah Edgar Becky Finer Sylvia Gendelman Thelma Goldstein Eugene Jacobs Joanne Jacob3 Jean Kaplan Marilyn Kaplan Betty Klutznlck Jacqueline tasky Carol Micklin Joan Micklin ' Renee Micklin Connie Milder

Josephine Margolin Doris Nudell Rosalie Phillips Eddie Pink Constance Platt Marilyn Plotkln Renee Plotkln Mildred Radlnownkl DprJs Raduziner Mary Lou Ripps Phyllia Rublnow Ida Rundell Margaret Rundell Connie Bhamea Lola Shapiro Marjorle Shapiro Delores Slegel Cyrlllo Silberman Judy Theodore . Nana Veltzer Doris Welnberg Helen Welnberg Doris Wilson Barbara Wise Harry Wise Bophle ZIotkin

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Friday, March 28, 1941.


MORRIS A1ZENBERG, Correspondent

MMAL An expert In vocational guidance wiil address all children and parents of children interested iu . helping choose a suitable career for boys and girls between the ages of 15 and 20. The B'nai B'rith has arranged to have Mr. Thomas Friedman of Chicago conduct a clinic March 29 and 30. On Saturday evening, at 8 o'clock, the parents and children are asked to attend a lecture. On Sunday Mr. Friedman will interview individually those interested in choosing a career, giving expert advice to those who desire it. Attending the lecture is a privilege that all high school boya and girls should take advantage of. He will assist in determining t h e individual tastes, abilities, ambitions, talents, and help in selecting one or more groups of vocations or professions in which the individual has the best chance for happiness and success. The Youth Council is cooperating in sponsoring this vocational service.

Tea Dance Given By Youth Council The tea-dance held at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, March 23, was one of the m o s t ' successful social affairs Sponsored by the Youth Council this year. An excellent attendance, elaborate decorations, and the program of dancing and fun, made the tea-dance an outstanding success. Another d a n c e is being planned for May. Harry Lelberman and Dorothy Sherman headed t h e committee on arrangements. i ,

Final Book Review Given Last Monday The last book review of the season was presented last Monday, March 24, by Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz on the book, "Fame i.s the Spur." .. : ' The other books reviewed were "President Rdosevelt," "Winston Churchill," "How Green Was My Valley," " I Married Adventure," VOrie Foot in Heaven." Mrs. Eli Robinow a n d Mrs. Art Kaplan were co-chairmen of the book review. '. ••',;•.; • : ' . . > • / ; . • "

Bible Study Group • • Holds First Session

Plan for Mother .D&ugister Banquet

take the leads is tiie screen-version of 'Hold on to Your Hats." the Jolson stage Mt.

- Tire Women's League of Shaare JSion met to work out plans for the Mothers aad Daughters banquet to be held on Sunday, May 4. Miss Dorothy Merlin will be toastmistress. The theme of the banquet will be school days.

H e d y LaM&rr advises: "The l of yojtr body lias little to do with it —— you slacwld choose your clothes to suit the state of yomr mind." Oh, fco that's what folks are et&iing Rt!

The marriage of the former Bertha Snovsky, niece of Mr. end Mrs. S. L. Scovsky, 1609 Court street, and Jack Sclivid, son of Mr. a n d Mrs. S. Schvid, 1208 Fourteenth street, was solemnized in Shaare Zion synagogue Sunday afternoon. Rabbi H. It. IlabinoSpeech Groap to Meet witz and Cantor M. Pernick officiated. There was a later wedThe Eeffective Speech Group ding dinner in the synagogue sowill meet on March 2 8 at 12:45 cial hall. at the home of Mrs. Dave Albert, 3829 Jackson street, with Mrs. Seymour Robinson is visiting Sol Self as co-hostess. Mrs. Isadore Rocklin is in charge of In- here with his parents before returning to college. struction. Mrs. Fred Sherman is in charge of the group.

Rabbi II. It. Rabluowitz will instruct the Bible Study group of the Young Peoples League, which will meet M-inoiithly at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday evenings. The first meeting was held Wedday, March 19. The meeting was very well attended. Membership in this group is open to all registered members of t h e Young Students Inducted Peoples League.

Our Film Folk

Into Honor Society


Four Jewish students were inducted into the Honor Society at Central High school, March 25th. They were Ethel Roglnsky, Bessie Lubman, Bobby Slotsky, Hubert Friedman, Lois Novitsky, a n d An intensive ticket selling cam- Leonard Stein. These students will paign is being conducted by the be June graduates. Center Players for the excellent presentation which will be given Hebrew Class Resumed April 7 and 8, "Having a Wonderful Time." Hebrew classes have been reA klckoff breakfast started the Bumed at the Jewish Community ticket sale off on Sunday morn- Center. Classes will be held Weding, March 23, when committees nesday, April 2, and each Mopday called on most of the homes in evening after that. The class is the city. open to all those who can read Individual members w i l l con- and write Hebrew. Julia Bereskln tinue solicitations in an effort to will instruct the class. contact every member of the Jewish community. George Shindler Shaare Zion is chairman of the ticket sale. He is assisted by Earl Novich and Services will begin on Friday the members of the cast, as well evening at 8 o'clock. Rabbi H. as other interested friends. Ger- R. Rabinowitz will speak on th trude Lass was general chairman subject, "A Call for Sacrifice. of the breakfast arrangements. Cantor Morris Pernick will chant the rituals. Hosts to the Junior CongregaHebrew- Mothers tion will be Mr. and Mrs. H. Plan for Rally Fisher.


The Hebrew Mothers A3soclar tldn will have a rally for the new pupils for the Hebrew school on. Sunday, April G, at the Shaare Zion synagogue at 2:30. Mrs. Ell lobinow is chairman of the rally, A program will be presented and refreshments will be served to the children and their parents.

Hadassah Plans forOnegShabboth

The board Of the Council of Jewish Women met, at 10 o'clock for a brunch at the Green Gables on March 27. Because ,of PassOver there will be no . April meeting.

Mt. Sinai Temple Services will begin tonight at 8 o'clock. Rabbi A. M. Goldstein will speak on Isaac Mayer Wise, founder of Reformed Judaism, on t.h e 122hd anniversary of the founding of t h e Reform Synagogues. •••'..' " . •--.';.;

In tha booutiful Ouoctiito'i! Horseback ridtnp, golf, tennii, hiking, boating end iiihing en loitei Hamillen ond Catherine; and counties! other recreations, avails* bis throughout the year. Oaltlawn fieri* . •'racing from February 24 to March 2(1 '. Chicken frfsi and picnics era held ct Iha lodge on Lake Hamilton. RecaTn health in the 47 healing thermal springs!

- 'f

Paxton-Mitchell Co. Foundries .Brasn, Bronze, Aluminum. Soft'Grey Iron and Semi* Steal Castinga, Wood and Metal Patterns and Saoh Weiglita carried in otocls. Bronze a n d Cant Iron a Specialty.

27£h and,Martha Sts.


: . i i . '•

Service LUe Bide PKOBATE NOTICE In the matter cf tiie estate of Leroy Brown, - deceased. .Notice is hereby given that the creditors of esJd deceased will meet the administratrix ot Kiiid estate, before me, county judge cf Douglas county, Nebraska, a t the count)' court room, in said county, on the 12th day ot. May, 1941, and on the 12th day of July, 1941, at 9 o'clock a. m.. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims f<$r examination, adjustment and allowance. Three mouths are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 11th day of April, 1941. CHAKLES 1. SOUTHARD, 3-21-41-3t. County Judge. MONSKY, OROIHNSKy, MAKER AND CGU&N, Aitjli. TO OiiitSi» Nitt'l lvi.uk Bids. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That Oft the first day of January, 1911, the total outstanding secured and unsecured indebtedness of Northern Mortgage tt Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, with its principal place of businedu ! • Chnatik, Nebraska, was $21,353.54. H. A. WOI4P, President. Attest; H. H. AUERBACH, Secretary*H. A. WOLF, H. H. AUERBACH, J. H. KULAKOFBKY, , HARRY KUBEN8TEIN, 3-28-41 -it. Majority of Director*. HARVEY II. I,KON, Atty. 717 Service IJfe Bids. NOTICE Ol' INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existloK debts of Vita Freeze Ice Cream, » Corporation, on the 22nd day of March, <M1» amounted to the sum of $727.13. CHARLES T. WEATHERPORD, President. ORLEY P. WEATHERFORD, Secretary CHARLES T. WEATHERFORD, ORLEY F. WEATHERFORD, Being a Majority of the 3-28-41-it. > Board ot Directors.

Services will begin in the evening at 6:30 and in the morning at 9:00. .Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will a p e a k during the morning service at t h e Beth Abraham synagogue.

Url in C Town!

Aro you taking your precious oyosl^ht for granted? Don't! Eyea strata oasily whon light- ..ing io inadequate. Very oiton, headaches and nervous iatiguo cro tho result of oyestrain. Chock tho lighting in your homo this vory evening*. If your rooms havo spots of brilliant light and doop shadows, your family's oyes • aro not being protected. Good light Is cheap!. It costs so little ihoxo's no nocd lot any

Named Rulers At u Purini Carnival hejd recently by all the Young Judaea groups, Earl Pollack and Helen Pish were elected King and Queen of the Young Judaea groups.


Orthodox Synagogues

Hadassah Oneg Shabboth will lie held Saturday at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. Ben Gelfand,: 2927 Sunset' Circlfe, >wltli Mrs. E.;'N, Urueskin and Mrs. Joe Levin r. as co-hostesses.""Mrs;- A. M. Goldstein MONSKV, r.noinNSirv, MAHKH AND ' COHEN, Attys." ' i will .'lop.en', the;, meeting, with" current events of interest, Mrs. E.- .-•'.• 737 Omaha Not'l Bank Bldg. Pizei; of Kansas City will be the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on the first day of January,-1941, the total ;uest speaker..' ]_'. ../..' ' .',/;' " : 'outstanding secured* and unsecured . InMrs. Plzer is ihe-president-of debtedness of' the Overland Investment Corporation with .Its principal place of he Kansas City.- Hadassah chapter tmsiness Hadassah In Omaha. Nebraska, was '$111,and is an .ardent 'worker. ,Mra. 1 3 7 . 7 8 . • • • ' • • •«*....• • WOLF, i An open meeting of Hadassah Will Kutcher. will, preside., There , . : - :, ' - . - > H. A. President. .•was.held .on Tuesday/March 25, Vflll be community singing and Altest: R. H. BROWN, Secretary. ...... at the Jewish Community Center refreshments will' be served. 1 Hi A. WOLF. in; the form of a luncheon. "H. H. AUERBACH, Jews have lived in Bucovina v Mrs., Sam Cohen gave the inIt. H. BROWN; 3-28-41-lt. , - Majority of Directors. vocation. Mrs. Jack Robinson pre- since the first century B. C. sided, Mrs. Morey Llpschutz and Mrs).A.- Kroloff were in charge of the,, luncheon.. Mrs. E. N., Grueskin'was chairman*of the program. - Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz gave a took review'on "The Lire of Winston'Churchill," A new (board wat elected. . ' •

Council of Jewish Women

(Continued from Page 11.) we Mote the date, "July, 1018." Warners' out-going corresiwndence is signed, "Affectionately Yours" . . . exploitation stunt for a current production. The story is EM origins! scribed by two young Jewish gals, Fanya Foss emd Alleen Wetsteln Leslie. A d v e r s e publicity resulting from the tangle of a certain Biggie's taxes is one of those things we could do without. A friend of Kathryn Locke explains the r e a s o n she didn't crash Ilollywooden gates is that photogenically she is the same type as Martha Bcott. Kathryn, daughter of a rabbi, speaks Hebrew and teaches it. Doris Morros's real tag Is Mihallovitch. Movietown , . . in the eaape of Gregory Ratoff . . . is again beckoning the seventy-odrtyear-old David Warrleld, but thus far the actor shows remarkable cinemunity. Jack Benny continues to Jel-low for another year although a soap firm angled for him at a price that would have been,a clean-up . - . ooh! Eddie Cantor and M a r t h a Raye will

Dolores de Dios-Porta, famed French actress, was a Cuban Jewess.

tl you choot* th» Eastman Hold, you vriil ba fjro cf the added cdventaao of perfect 6nvirortR»Rt end occommodatIons..,You will Ihrlil with deligM fa yovr enioymenl al the seclusion ol the delishllul prlvalft perk which likens it to a magnificent country «ctat«. Tha Eastman otferi tjuiot relaxation, yet U convaiv lent ta'avery octrvity end recreationet feaivro in Hot 5prlngi. A wide variety of accommodations to (elect from Including room* and tuiles. Govern* msirt svpsryiiec! bathhouse in connection witfi hotel.

(amity to gamble with precious oycsighi '


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