re** Butered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 81, 1931, at Poetoffice. of Omaha, Nebraska, under tbe Act of March 8, 1879
XVII—No. 2 3
Rabbi Stephen Wise to Speak Here on Tuesday CONCEIT TO BE GIVEN TONICNT Beth El Plans Program of ' P a s s o v e r
Music A concert, that has already become a community tradtion, will be presented this evening followfag the regular services of t It e Beth El synagogue. Under the direction of Cantor Aaron Edgar, the annual program of Passover music will bo given by members of the Beth El choir. For this concert Cantor Edgar .lias chosen a varied program of liturgical music, Palestinian melodies, and Jewish folk and a r t songs. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will give the commentary during the progress of the program. Members of the choir who will take part in the concert: Podie 'Belmont, Ruth Alperson, ,Shirley Seltz, Charlotte Shafton, Pearl Sommers, Corrine Wohlner, Florence Tatelman, Doris Gilinsky, Eleanor Cohen, Etholyn Lashinsky, Betty Conn, Dave Bodin, Sheldon Bernstein, Selwyn Rof fraan, Melviin Tatelman and Harry Duboff. The public is invited to attend.
WOMEN'S DIVISION OF PHILANTHROPIES TO HONOR DR. WISE Workers of the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign will tender a reception for Rabbi Stephen S. Wise on Tuesday, April 22, a t , 1 .o'clock at the Jewish Community Center, A dessert luncheon will be served. Announcement of the Reception was made by Mrs. Morris Katleman. chairman of the Women's Division. Final instructions for the campaign will be given at this time. Admission will be limited to workers in the Women's Division.
Dr. Stephen S. Wise, the outstanding member of the American rabbinate, will be the guest of the Omaha community at an open meeting to be held Tuesday evening, April 23, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, Rabbi Wise will pause in Omaha after delivering the convocation address at the University of Nebraska Tuesday morning. !*. The community is invited to attend the meeting. No admission will be charged. • • Famed throughout the world for his championing of Jewish rights, Rabbi Wise has become the best-known' of American rabf f * ^
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Aimer Head
CENTER kf NIGHT/ Athletes to
Outstanding J ,v oininunity Center athletes "win v,e honored at the eighth annual award night which is to be held on Wednesday, May 7, at the Center. An exceptionally fine program of exhibitions has been arranged for the evening. Sol Yaffe and Morris Bloom, Center handball stars who recently competed in the national tournament In Chicago, will meet a picked Y. M. C. A. handball team. Members of the physical department will participate in an aquacade to be held in the Center pool. The Tel Jed Solcols will present an exhibition of gymnastics. John Tatom, who recently won the consolation prize in the veterans' finals in New York, will play a demonstration table tennis game. There will .also be a trampoline act from the V. M. C. A. Awards to Be Made Following the program in the gym and swimming pool, recipients of athletic awards will be announced. J. Truitt Maxwell, general secretary of the Omaha Y. M. C. A., will be principal speaker. Refreshments will be served later in the evening. Admission price for the entire evening will be twenty-flve cents. Leslie Burkenroad is chairman of the Center Athletic committee which is making t h e arrangements for award night.
bis. He is chairman of the United Palestine Appeal, honorary president "of the American Jewish Congress, President of the Jewish Institute of Religion, and is active in: almost every lield of Jewish endeavor. ... •, In 1893 Rabbi Wise started his rabbinical. career at a New Present Yiddish York synagogue. From 1900 to Operetta April 27 190G he occupied a pulpit in Portland, Oregon, and on his re"Das Pintele Yid," a four-act turn to New York in 1907 he operetta written by 'Boris Thomfounded the" Free Synagogue of ashefsky, will,be presented by the which he: i s the present spiritual "Dramatic; club, of the -.Workmen's leader. " •- *.. ' " -• * ; ' Circle, Branch 173, on Sunday, He founded the Zionist organ- April 27, at "the Central club, 2.1st ization of' America and succeeded and Dodge, starting at 8 p. m. Justice Louis Brandeis "as chairThe operetta, which is in Yidman of the Provisional Executive dish, features many old traditionCommittee. * al Jewish songs.
—O&oglund Photo,
HARRY SOMMER , " - ~ Co-Chnirnian
p Heading the General Solid- , man, chairman;.. Morris Bur-., ^Organizations; and Afair Somnicr, co- "nutn, Out-of-town f i r m s.' A. tations Division , of the 1941 .stein and - Harry-: large-n a m b e r ol volunteers chi»Iraien;' Di1. A. Greenborg, Philanthropies Is Abner Kai*
Postpone Jr. Council Bridge Till Wednesday Because of R a b b i Stephen Wise's lecture, the Junior Council benefit bridge, which was scheduled for Tuesday, has been postponed until Wednesday, April 23, at 8:15 p. m. Ticket-holders are urged to note the change of plans.
Bikur Cholim Sponsors Picture Sunday at Center In response to popular demand, the IMIilir Cliolim society Is bringing Another Yiddish motion picture to Omaha. On Sunday, April 20, it will sponsor the showing of "I Want to Be a Mother," starring the celebrated Yiddish a c t o r, Leon Fuchs, at the Jewish Community Center. In addition to the main feature, an excellent short will be shown. Proceeds from the movie will go to the hospltalization fund of the Bikur Cholim society. T h e Bikur Cholim has been requested to continue its policy of showing Yiddish talking pictures. "I Want to Be a Mother" tells the story, of a child who Is raised by her uncle and aunt whom she believes to be her. real parents. She is ignorant of .thie fact that her real mother Is the woman she considers her aunt. • .'',• '."•• Tickets for the picture may be gotten at the Jewish Community Center.
- MAX CHAPMAN" Out-of-Town Firms
- •
Division Is Ready for Philanthropies Drive Complete organization of. tlio General Solicitations' Division of, the Jewish Philanthropies w a s announced by Mill on Livingston, general chairman of t It e 1041 campaign. Heading General Solicitations this year will be Afoner Kaiman,, veteran Philanthropies worker* Associate chairmen will be Morfis Burstein and Hurry Sommer, both of whom have taken, part lu Philanthropies campaigns f o r many years. , Dr. A, Oreenherg h a s been named chairman of the Men's Organizations a n d Max Chnpinan will l»o in charge of soHMtatloiis a lii o n'g out-of-town firm* wliu have branches in Omaha. Workers Assisting will be the following1 workers: • Milton 'Abrahams, Isadoie Abramson, Leo Abramson, Frank Ackerman, Louis Alberts, Morris Arkln, Dr. Oscar Belzer, Davo Bernstein, Jake Bernstein, Davo Bialac, Sylvan Bloch, Dave Block, Russell Blumenthal, Reuben Bor«i^ dy, Simon Bordy, Don Brodkey, Edwin B. Brodkey> II. B. Brodkey, Leslie Burkenroad,, M'-»x Canar and Harry A. Cohen: Also Harry B. Cohen, Haekoll Cohen, Sam R. Cohen, Arthur Cohn, Dave Crouuse, Harry Davis, Harry DuBoff, Harry Dworsky, Richard Einstein, Jack Epstein, Sam Epstein, Jack Erman, John Feldman, Phil Feldman, Al Fiedler, Hyman Ferer, Al Flnkle, Alfred Frank, Morris Frankliu, Sam Freedman, Milton Frohm, Abe Gendler, Art Goldstein, Isadore Gordstein, i^eou Graetz, Dr. (Continued on Page 2.)
DR. A, GREENBBRQ Organizations
.anthropies campaign. Organl« have signified their intention of assisting the work of thia <• zation of the Division is now complete. group ID-, the forthcoming Phil-
fmg* -10ml&g coach - iHnnetii&teif • t» -tfe ,iu A-l pfiysiet;! conditionfar th< 3 ccznf ng Junior' &fcd° lateritteiliat iSwiu k.eets to be 'held early Her
I I , 1&41 f'600" series, # l e n nelu'rned in a nice €03 series HIfc<le up of games of 190, 1$(> and ?23. Jack Melcfeer,. was the second high man for the •'••wiEKers •with . his '574 series up of games of 174, 211 sad 189.
Jo* False CoKtn, t h e " first raLLiLJc au.tL<ir iu the U. ££, died at Keckui., Iowa, in 1864, ' "U-diiL," the b*-bt &eilsMg bosk tsvti puLiiahrd ir» Latin-America, was wiitttii b/ i. Ccloiiibian Jew,
•Sim V7|fHdM>bep . . . . . . . . «8 -Si An orgardzati&n meeting j • By HOWARD SHINItOCi£ , Jifefetefg ' . . " . . ' ; . , f . . . . . 82 -M ti Cfeiseu was tie soft bail managers was ield las, SWIM MMIAI'MON! • • • • • ' • JStavb'0 •Fer the losers, all •fire-mea on VUmmm TuMwoii $8 • *« Smltit Mesa's ..' « week at. the .'Center," and mueii the team were high as well as fmt Jewish HuUi in Canada Starting" at 3 o'clock Thursday Cfieettwt .dabs M 68 (1778). enthusiasm was siaowu and pro April 10, all Junior boys enrolled SinW Coftl " said. Co M 6% low. peets looked very good for & .J ia the Center's gym and swim C. C soft ball league. The fol class doVe off the pool's edge arid Mig!» Weltz, lowing managers, who were pres started oit a three-hour swim mar- Individual Hlgta Series — Fsml SteUafcerg, FOR SAFE SSBSSI PLE&SHHT ent, are as follows: athoa. The boy swimmiug the 6ST. . Jastiu Priesm&n, A. %. A greatest number of lengths was Tesmj High Biagle (it.i:€—Ftaecr I'fclfotms, SM. No. 1. declared the winner. As this col- Tt.Mii Get & Set of High feiis—Pieueer CcifoiriiS, 2,11S umn is being written the winner Melvin Levine, A. Z. A. No has not yet been ascertained, 100. Bowling this week in the MerBob Yudelson, A. Z. A. No. 7 chants Bowling league went acCouncil Bluffs. cording to expectations, when the SWIM AND WIN RAFFLE! Sol Marcus,'Masada Club. three favorites came through with Regardless of your swimming Safety Tread Tires Leo Berniuii, A. K.'s. victories. skill, your age or sex, or your size Jake Adler, Lincoln Tavern. •STOPS QUICKER you have.a chance to win a valuMorrle Adler, Milder Liquor, In the feature match of the able prize by entering the J. C. C. : Award Night "Swim and Win" raffle. This is evening, the league leading WardWho will be selected as the how it works: For every 40 yards robes won two games from the outstanding Jewish Community (two lengths of the pool) every second place Empire Cleaners, to Center Junior and Senior Ath- contestant will receive a num- practically cinch the beautiful lete for 1940-41? This question bered stub. trophy thai will be awarded to the Your U. S. R O Y A L will be answered on Wednesday, winners of the league at the end TIRES will prove more The more of these stubs you reMay 7, when the eighth annual ceive the better your chances for of the season which is only three economical in the long award night will be held. the grand prize. All you weeks off. run. Let us save you A very complete program is winning have to is dive or jump into being arranged for all who attend the pool, do In this match, Abe Feldmari, money -with these extra swim your two lengths, * this gala event, and a good time receive your numbered stub and the Council Bluffs "Hot-Shot," safe, extra mileage tires. will be assured to.,, those coming. hold it pending the drawing. Re- topped the winners as well as the T lie top-notchers in various for every two lengths one entire league, when he shot a big fields of sports will be on exhibi- member stub will be issued to you. 628 series, made up of games of tion. Watch this column for furThe raffle swim will start Mon- 231, 178 and 219. "Bill" RacuCtrl Riekes ther details and remember to rewho made a special trip in serve the date of May 7 to at- day, April 14, and will end Mon- sin, day, May 5. Take your time in from an inland town in Iowa, tend this annual affair. swimming your lengths, use any especially to help the good cause, Gym stroke or combination of strokes came through with a nice 517 (For Women Only) you wish but swim as many series to end up in the runner-up Much has been raid time and lengths as often as you can, save spot. again to urge Jewish women of your stubs and perhaps yon will our . community to attend the hold the winning ticket for the Lee Hurwich, the captain of Center health classes regularly. grand prize. Why don't you try the losers, topped his team with a Those who are taking advantage your luck and have fun and nice 538 series, made up of games of the Center classes are accom- lealthful sport at the same time? of 147, 197 and 194. Harold plishing a great deal both physiPollack was second high for the cally and mentally and here's losers with his 493 series. IIUKIA' BOYS PLAY POLO! proof: TIRE SERVICE Sunday, April 20, the Morton Mrs. X reports that she has In the second match of the eve- SIS NO. 18TH ST. AT 4550 OMAHA lost fifteen pounds in ten weeks Park All Stars made up of many ning, Harry Smith's Pontiac crew ormer swimming champions and for coming up regularly to the took two games from the Clicquot Gym. Mrs. Y was in a nervous •ecord holders, will meet the Cen- Club Eskimos. "Paisee" Steiner's Senior Boys water polo team. condition, mentally and fatigued berg, the anchor man for the winat all times, and somewhat on the The Morton Park team boasts ners, topped his team with a nice "plump side." Today, by attend- nany husky players and the game 545 series, made up ol ing these classes a few weeks, will probably be as rough and as 14&, 208 and 192, while T o n y Mrs. Y has reported that she has iard fought as any game in local Cohn was second high with his lost seven pounds, feels peppy at quatio competition. 523 series. It should be menThe two teains tee off at 10:30 tioned here, that Norman Brown, art - times, and is in a line mental condition. Also she has a. m. Sunday morning and if you who came up to the alleys, after learned to relax and forget her ike your sports rough and tum- partaking of a big chicken dinner ultous plan to be on hand for prior to bowling, just couldn't get worries. ;he so-called "Fowl" out of his • These are only examples, and his game. .system, and as a result, all he did we can do the same for you if all evening was "foul." In all, you will do your part by coming TUIAXGULAIt SWIM MEET! to the Center. The Special JewSunday, April 27, a Triangular Norman, who took a liking to ish -•Women's Gym classes meet wim meet with the J. C. C. Mor- alley Number 5, fouled live times Tuesday and Thursday morning on Park and the South Side Rec- on this alley and once more for at 10 a. m. By the way, the eation teams pitted against each good measure on alley Number 6, women in this class are just jther will be held. Stanley Felt- just to show the boys, that all starting a four-week Weight njan, Bucky Greenberg, L o u i s alleys are alike to him. '•Derby, to find Vut who will lose Blumkln, Harold Mozer, Alden the most -weight ;, during this incoln, Bruce Greenberg and Dr. D. C. Platt, kept up his fine time.-.The winner gets a "treas- Sidney Ruderman will carry the shooting, to lead the losers •with ure chest" saved during this pe- brunt of the load for the Center's his 522 series, made up of games riod by all participating. earn. of 168, 172 and 182. George Schaplro was the second high man Hand Ball With' his .492 series. At this writing the J. C. C. Slovak Ghetto hand ball artists, namely, Sol In the last game of the eveYaffe and. Morris Bloom, are parBudapest (JTAJ —_ S p e c i a 1 ning the Pioneer Uniforms smothticipating in the National A. -A. TJ. Hand "Ball Championships be- houses, blocks- a n d apartment ered the last place State C d d l ing played in Chicago. "'*• houses for Jews will be built on team,' to -take: all' three« games In addition to Yaffe and the outskirts of Bratislava, t h e from the "Doggies" of the league. Bloom, John Casey and Glen Mc- radio of the Slovak capital re- In this match Leo. V JAY WALK-. Gill of the Omaha "Y" are also ported. . ' - • • ' . ER" Weitz shot hisi third straight competing. This Is the largest group ever to' compete 'in' the "Look but, girhi take a tip from Servel.. National Championships- in this sport from Omaha, and all are ES STAYS SKiENT';:;LASTS LONGER doing tine. "_ y, Swimming ' • All Junior and Intermediate Swimmers report to ' the switn2265FaniamSt HAS IT ever struck you that •
Expert Retreading and Hecapping SALES BATTERIES SERVICE
SALE M t^MPS100 Jfteautiful-Lamps--^ Tabla - Dosk - Boudoir - Bridge -Floor
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Living Room ' ° Dining Room Bedroom ° Broalcfasr Sets 9 Occasional Pieces
Skans' reputation for fine furniture, plug these sensational price reductions, provide one of the greatest money-saving opportunities on good furniture in recent months.
there must be a mighty good reason why so many people are changing; from other makes to the Gas Refrigerator? There is! And it's that Servel alone offers users the operating advantages of a freezing system with NO MOVING PARTS.
Friday, April 11, 1841
F««e 1 1 I
='-• • '•/' Vy1' I
Nazi Gifts: A hundred pounds of bomb fragments which fell on the Max Factor shop in London were shipped to Hollywood . . . to be auctioned off for the British War Relief. The pieces .will be sold one at a time . . . . and the expected take may be enough, to buy one plane. ,
"• •';•;•'•
MaxsonIMC. FARNAM e t 2Gt:i
ASK POil O-fttay Whcie Wheat Ffskes—At Vbur Grocer
NELS BARBECUE Omaha's Popular After ,.Theater Havens Complete Selection of Sandwiches
for Your 5 Locations Convenience 311 So. 24th 181t Jackson 818 No. 20th 4318 South Uth 3921 Farnam
S16 So. 16th St. MIXED DUIfiiiS —FEATURING— The Lovely Voice of HUILA GALLEZ Songstress
Company v
AT 4333
Painting and Decorating Imported and Domestic Wallpaper ... '
'716 Brantieis Th. Bldg.
1 1 3 No. 4 0 t h S t . HA-rney 0 3 6 9
BUSINESS* IN ITS SOth YEAR- \ ;; CO-EDUCATIONAL 'Day and Evening All Year i I Monthly Enrollment I Standard Courses ' ' i
1ONE C., DUFFY, Own**:. 2 0 7 8 . 19th JA
Al Levy, one of Hollywood's m o s t colorful figures, passed away this week at the age of 81. He was the proprietor of Levy's T a v e r n , rendezvous of Movietown's great and near-great. He was a pioneer of Los Angeles, having started in business here with a pushcart in 1886.
HULSE & RllEPEN HOME FOR FUNERALS Established 1 9 0 6 Complete Service m% Nominal Coat
FARNAM at 33RD HA 1226
i©. 3Glh St. So. Ofiwha, Nebr. llortes (or Hire $1.00 per H o n Hiding Lesson* . . . . . $1.00 per H«ui Hiding Ticket 1Z lira, for HO
f«*A S1S2
B'rATJftM Shaffer Beauty Salon
Best story of the week is told by Charlie Kinfeld, chief of Warners' publicity department: Hitler was telephoning Mussolini the other day. "So-o-o!" screamed the Furore, "why aren't you in Athens?" Trembling, II Doochie blurted, "Where are you calling from, Adolf . .
Fluorescent Light Be Modern—Enjoy the Luxury and Economy of the New
Fluorescent Lighting ' Free Estimates £703 Howard
GASOLINE 3 c t o 4 c Savings Per Gallon in Council Bluffs
CITY SERVICE STATION 3701 W. Broadway Council Bluffs, Iowa "Just Over the Bridge"
The n e w Edna Ferher story, Service on Trucks In osir "Saratoga Trunk," was bought by Shop Is now avslSsista 2 4 Warners' -for 9175,000, highest price ever paid for a novel. Anfiours daEly, except O other precedent-breaker was the clause which returns the f i l m Day rights to her at the end of five years. When her "Cinrnrron" was bought in 1031 for 9110,000, that was then t h e highest purchase price Hollywood ever paid for a book. Movletown Barbs: "At last," quips a producer, "we know w h a t Hitler's new world order is. Simply , , 'Hand it over!'" "Hitler Isn't so very old,' declares another c i n e m a citizen. 'Why, he's in the crime of lifet"
Ekate to tb« Mosle et Ooi « * • Organ
y and Friday High School n i t e s — 2 5 e IVIlh Bchaot fdpntlfie&tiOB GUNDAV MATlNliK - - 20t "Where OmaSia iiUates"
4 0 1 6 Fernaett St.
Dress Up for Spring o. Most ComOmaha's plete Stock of 1941 materialo
Chaplin's next epic is to deal with a wealthy refugee who arrives in New York and finds himself in a lot of trouble, Having announced t h i s dress-up part, Charlie finds HIMSELF in a heap of trouble . , .museums all over the country want his old clothes for exhibition. Talkietown T a t t l e : Fanny Brice will speak on clilld^psychology to a convention of 3,000 teachers, using Baby Snooks as a BAD, example. Oscar Levant is pruning notes for a second book. If you've wondered where is Milt Gross . . . he's out at Republic s t u d i o scriblirig screninnrios. jLoflieebee Mayer inforaled* Jimmy Stewart t h a t ho wouldn't ha,vp to scrimp on his, $21 draftee pay as he would receive^ thousand-dollar check each weidit dur* Ing; his year in camp. Elaine" Barrle and John Barrymoro^;av<e again under the same roof - NBC's! Describing D o r o t h y Thompson's• v i s i f c to Columbia Studio w h e r e sh6 was photographed with the Three Stooges, &«PPy" Hedda Hopper acidly queries, "How will they be billed? Four?" The Shub(»rt9f JLee and Jake . . . we hear ;..•',. are girding, for a try at movie production. Having done an excellent job of "The Sea Wolf," Edward Robinson is slated for another Jack London s t o r y , ''Burning Daylight." Lionel Royce told the studio gateman, "I'd like to see, someone with a l i t t l e authority/' "Maybe I can help you,1,' offered the sentinel, "I have about as little authority as anyone around here!"
Monday and Tuesday Nitea Reseryed tot Private Parties
TAILOR 3 2 2 So, 15th St. JA 0 0 6 5 Redicli Tower
priced to Fit Every • P u r s o ., ;' • .Small Monthly Payments
', ^(copyrighted by Jewish 1 Telegraphic Agency, Inc. )
Mnanfftctnrcrs cf
All Makeo of Venetian Blindii & Windovr Shades Cleaned •p— Repaired
UQEU. Cumins
p*f« &
ti'y Lucille Abrahams©!! BVVAI B ' E I T H
A meeting of Use B'm&i B'rit Lodge,- 688, will • be" iterj* nex MoBday evenicg, April 14, at tb K. C. Hall. Ail members &r urged to attend. PLAY TO BE GIVEN TUnder the Eusptce3 of Hadas sali, the Omaha Choir and Bra matic Club will present a, play a the I. O. 0, F. at 8:30 oa Tues day/April 16. Ou tlie same pro gram will be Mr. E. Sellz of Omaha, who will be accompanied by his daughter, Shirley. The club is under the direc tion of Ben Martin.
Mr, Rosenthal remaiaed in San do you charge for a calif Antonio for a few days and from Doctor: Three dollars. A n d there will go to El Paso, Texas what is t t e trouble with, the boy? Mother: He is doubling himself to visit his brother, Ben Rosen thai, whom he has not seen for up. Doctor: If tins is the case*. lay twenty-seven years. fee will also be double. COUSINS CLUB Isaac: You don't know what The Omaha and Council Bluffs Cousi&s Club met at the home of happened. Jacob: I even can tell wltat is Mrs. Morris Grossman for the April meeting. The annual dues going to happen. Isaac: How can you do that? were collected and it was voted Jacob: Because the Talmud to give fifteen dollars to the Council Bluffs chapter of Hadas- says "After the destruction of the Temple, the gift of prophecy was sah. given to the fools." (Because they have nothing to risk).
By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg
New York (JTA)—Dr. N. J., Ovadia, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Paris, arrived here this week on the Portuguese steamship Serpa Pinto with his wife, who related that their escape from France had been aided hy officials of a Catholic, seminary. They left Paris the day before the German occupation, Mrs. Ovadia said, and were given sanctuary in a Catholic seminary for four months while Gestapo agents sought the rabbi. The priests and nuns aided Dr. Ovadia to obtain an identity card
YOtING JUDAEA Sunday School pupil: Mother, A meeting of Young Judaea I am going-to get a. wife. will be held next Sunday afterMother: What are you talking noou at the home of Esther about? Sacks, 620 Ifoosevelt. Pupil: I have a sharp pain In my ribs. ADDITIONAL DONORS Additional donors to Hadassah Elevator girl: Watch your step. are. annouuced as follows: Oma Passenger: I don't have to. ha and Council Bluffs Cousins Elevator girl: Why? Club, and Mesdames Sam RoffPassenger: Because the Bible man, L. London, Friedman of says, "The Lord watches t h e Hamburg, Iowa, Saul Suvalsky ools." H. Krause, . Mendelson, Ben Co hen, Sam Sacks, F. Roffman, O Butcher boy: I read your ad, Green berg, and J. Katlenian, 'Wanted: Boy in meat market. pay fifteen dollars a week." RETURN FROM UNIVERSITY Will Proprietor: Can you dresa a Returning home from the Uni- hicken? versity, of Iowa to spend the holButcher boy: Not on fifteen idays with their parents are: the dollars a week. Misses Bettie and Libbie Grossman, Betty Rae Kubby, Shirley Patient: Do you think that the Gershun, and Edythe Bubb. Returning from the University wart, which you removed from of Nebraska are: Nor ma Seldon, my finger will come back? . :. Doctor: You are certainly lookRobert Passer, Yale Gotsdiner, ng for a rewart (reward). and Milton Katelman. Mother: Can you come right FROM WASHINGTON Miss Marian Katelman re- away to see my sick boy and what turned home last Sunday from Washington, H, C, where she is employed in the Civil Service, to spend the - holidays with her mother, Mrs. J. Katelman. She plans to be here about two weeks. :
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his eyes that he could bring with him only photogaphs of his works. He had maintained six galleries in Paris before the Naii iavasien. = Patromze Our Advertisers
Stote Hours: 9:30 to 5:30
1S10 CMtfOi
. : • : . • . • = • , . ' •
so that he could evade the Nazis. Another passenger on the Serpa Plato was N&ouiu Aronson, famous Russian-born sculptor, who' had lived i« France for 50 years. The 67-year-old, whitebearded artist told with tears fti
Paris Rabbi Found Haven in Seminary
"A merry heart. in&keth. a cheerful countenance."
Friday, April 11, 1841
. ,
• • • • • ; >
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' . - -
" . « • - .
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- : : -
' • • - •
Mrs.; Charles Saltzman left last "week ffcr Los Angeles to visit her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sokol, who recently moved to the West Coast.
Hire's WHY You Get Just What YouWant in
ATTEND WEDDING Mrs. . Sam Rosenthal and son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rosenthal, and son, Norman, returned home Tuesday from San Antonio, Texas, where they attended the wedding* of Lieut. Herbert Rosenthal to Miss Marcia Albert. The marriage was solemnized Sunday in the presence of the Immediate families.
at Tho Nebraska Cere's vast topcoat variety—here'i a , reat topcoat store within a atbrer? arc you can eelect what you want itt U, in color, in pattern. It's no( f n g what you can get, but getting vhat you want that makes topcoat_ Bctlon a satisfaction . , . that's febraBka's service for you.
•Tailored in the U. S. A. of genuine 8cotch wool.
yieece of blended Alpaca, mohair And wool.
and a Personal Guarantee
CAVALRY TWILL TOPCOATS 100% pure wool; slash pockets, fly. front, fyj 7 5 0 . (iet-in sleeves. Natural tan #
I know that SkcUy Gasoline will prove its own case to you—easier starting, surging power and pickup, longer mileage. But i want you . to know this too. So— Drive in and fill up with Skelly. Give it a fair test. Then—if you aren't satisfied—come back and your money will be refunded. Fair cnongji? • SHELLY GASOLINE it compounded lrom mtay different guofian to Bike one gisoline thtt gi»e» npetb ptrfonuntc maia •tl dririag caodidou ia put of tb» cosatij.
' Wh®tt you chooso an oleciric refrigerator you glvo your wtolo family health protection all year 'round. That's ono reason three out of four Omaha homes already havo them. Electric refrigeration ia economical every way you figure—it costs little to operate, and be* cause It maintains proper temperature in every Idnd of weather, foods can bo kept days longer. Quantity food buying, and saving leftovers for future use are easy when you uso tho modem, electric method. Scores of- ic© cubsa, ample storage space and conveniently designed Interiors, make the new models more atfractivo than ever. See them, iodarl
LIVE Even Better—ELECTRICITY IS Even Cheaper
•32 Made of knitted fabric* . . . rich colorings.
Blend of gehu^ el hair and line
And Many Other Smart Topcoat Styles of 1941
1 •
Friday, April 1 1 , 1 3 4 1
Pace 9
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Th. of sympathy • • • the • i H
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The emergencies of the past have been converted into an overwhelming catastrophe of war for millions of our fellow Jews in Euro* pean lands. THEY NEED HOMES J"*.. THEY NEED FOOD • . . THEY NEED SHELTER , \ • THEY NEED HOPE! They have been so brutally crushed by tragedy they can nb longer help themselves. JYOU CANHELP THEM! f
YOU can help provide the material resources to enable the Joint Distribution Com-
/* H
mittee feed 500,000 Jews daily in war-ton* Poland and provide shelter, medical care, relief, and rehabilitation assistance to Jews in the; war areas. •'"'*''-.
YOU can help thousands of harassed, helpless, hopeless refugees find a new home irt Palestine and promote the upbuilding of the Jewish Homeland. YOU can aid in the adjustment and integration of refugees coming to this free and blessed land.
Your Hands Can Lead Them Out of Darkness and Misery 4'!*
' "i'%
I •
Friday, April 11,. 1941
home of Ethel Kadis "oil Tuesfor many years a columnist for day, April 8. Plans were formuthe Washington Evening Star. He lated for E0 open roller skating served as correspondent in Lonparty: to be held soon. The Bas-a-mi girls lyet at the don and Berlin and during the It was also decided that a home of Mrs. David Kaplan on first World "War as an intelligence Mother's Day tea would be faeld Tuesday, April 8,'for their reg- officer with the American-Expedi011 May 4. The committee in ular business session. The group tionary Force. He will be buried charge includes Sophie Blumkin in Laporte, Ind., his birthplace. . Bikur Cholim Ethel Kadis, Bess Lefitz, Etta will present a style show and tea the latter part of April. Soiref and Ruth Stein. Patronize Our Advertisers The Birkur Cholim society will Mrs. Joel Cherniss will be meet on Monday, April 14, at 2 By INEZ L. KA/A'ICK chairman of the affair and will soon announce the members of Any old shoes, dresses, suits p. m. at the Jewish Community Mother's Club of clothing cf any type, bric-a-brac Center. Sigma Delta Tau her committee. A splendid program has been •will be most gratefully picked up VENETIAN BLINDS for the rummage sale to be held arranged. Members have b e e n Journalist Dies WINDOW SHADES ' . immediately following the Pass- asked to remember that the or- The newly-organized Mothers' WO GUABANTEE -OUB WOBK over holidays. ' Now that every- ganization is sponsoring the pre-Club of Sigma Delta Tau sorority Washington JTA) .— Frederick one has just finished cleaning for sentation of the Yiddish movie, "I held its first meeting on Wednes- William Wile, well-known news- Craftsmen Venetian Blind Co the season and bought new cloth- Want to Be a Mother," on April day, April 2, at the home of Mrs. paperman and member of a prom- REBUILT REPAIRED CLEANED Horace Rosenblum, president of inent Jewish family, died Monday, ing for the holiday, old things 20. SAM TARNOFF *. fcON, Vropg. »2« No. 16th. Mfg. in O U the group. will be most happily discarded. AX 4644 at the age of 68.\ He had been r Mrs. H. Crounse is treasurer. Those wishing their bundles A. Z. A, 1 The n e x t meeting will take flicked up should call Mrs. Eeuplace at a luncheon to be given ben Bordy, WA 5656. Those wishPlans are Hearing-completion on April 21 at the home of Mis, ing to raise their donor money can do so by participating in'this for the Mother chapter's 15th an- Sam Epstein. niversary the week-end of May 3, rummage sale. according to Sam Cooper, chairDrawing at April Sleeting Junior Council A Hotpoint electric range or its man of the committee in charge. The celebration will include a equivalent in cash is to be given at the Hadassah's April meeting oftball game between the Mother The Omaha section of the Naat the Jewish Community Center chapter ten and the A. Z. A. 100tional Council of Jewish Juniors for the benefit of the Hadassah team. A special birthday dance has made arrangements for the Medical Fund. Mrs. Louis Albert, be held. benefit bridge to be held Tues* chairman, and Mrs. William AlAt the program officially com- day, Ajyil 22, at the Jewish berts, co-chairman, say that there memorating the occasion, the Community Center, is still a chance lor all those in- Morris Arbitman award to the Eleanor Horwich, chairman, terested to get their tickets. best all-around member of Moth- says a nice attendance is expected er chapter during the past year as ticket sales are progressing. be presented. The award is The next regular meeting of Junior Hadassah will to be given on the basis of par-the group will be held Sunday, icipation in all phases of the A.April 20, at 2 o'clock. At the Junior Hadassah meet- I. A.'s five-fold program. Most of the alumni of A. Z. A. Ing Monday night, Rabbi David A. Goldstein conducted a model .rwho were members in the past Theta Alpha Rho eeder and explained the ceremo- 15 years aite expected to attend. nials. The All - Center table tennis A regular meeting of the Theta Plans f o r a mother-daughter ournament sponsored by t h e Alpha Rho sorority was held at ©ffair to be'givnu m conjunction Mother chapter is now in full the home of Miss Edith Strass•with Senior Hadassah were dis- wing. Matches are being played heim on Sunday, March 30. cussed. A formal dance is to he daily, and the winner and runner- Plans w e r e discussed for a given the first part of June. up will be presented their medals forthcoming social event. A f t e r Frances Osoff told of the pro-at the J. C. C. Award Night. the regular business meeting, J e c t e d membership campaign. A strong A. Z. A. 1 Softball bridge was played and prizes were Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, Senior-Ju- eam defeated a stubborn A. Z. A. won by Lillian Friedman a n d nior Relations advisor, has offer- 100 outfit last Sunday, 8 to 7. G o 1 d i e Zusman. Refreshments ed two prizes for the girls who With the addition of some prom- were then served by the hostess. bring in the most members from sing young players to the chapThe next meeting is to be held now until the end of the drive ;er ranks and the return of many at the home of Dena Bordy on in October. eterans from last year, t h e Sunday, April 13. Mother chapter team will be a contender for honors in the J. C. Gamma Tau Sigma C. league this year. Perfume, toilet water, Special! Something Nevrl A regular business meeting of The new men include Ben Riflogne, dusting powder and 11 the Gamma Tau Sigma was held kin, Phil Weise, Al Nepomnlck, The "Family Group Policy talcum. Spray toilet watwf last Sunday, April 6, at the Jew- Dick Kalmansolm, Art Conn aud Meets a definite need In life lns«nrground you after your bain ish Community Center. A com-Jack Cooper. ance. Mother, father and children, mittee was chosen for a member- - Athletic Chairman Justin Pries(there's a new atomizer bofj> all Insured'under one low coal policy. Get particulars at once ship drive planned to begin soon. man has announced that a practie). Swath yourself in powi from Members of this committee are.' tice game will be held this SunVJer. Touch the perfume t o ^. Fannie Kelberg, Sarah Wolfson, day against the Masada club at your ears. You'll be a jyirU Rebecca London and Zelda Weis- the Burdette diamond. phony of sweetness in lilaj • man; EV1ANAGER time. After the meeting the glrla did FINANCE AND crocheting and knitting for t h e Theta Lambda „ INSURANCE CO. Red Cross. The next regular meet300 KARBACH BLOCK Toilet Watet, an inforJA 4175 . WA S1S0 ing will be a social at the home A regular meeting of the mal fragrance for sun- ' of Jean Greenfield. Theta Lambda was held at the ny houta $1
Kllpa»rlek'« TolUtrltt— Floor.
Cologne « . . r#freshing coolness and as body tub. . . . Perfume . , . th§ * that qlingk . . . lightly and long t ....;;,' "" Purse flacon
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tKey are' pretty because they are. tubbable. You'll love' the fabrics because they're •; • - so distinctive »»•, and rich. You'll iovecthe careful attention to detail^ . . and the inspired« styling that looks double the budget" ' price. Luscious new spring shades. - • '
Exclusive with Brandeis in Omaha-.
&ayK@e Bretses—TUrd Hoop -?
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Friday, April I I , 1 9 4 1
HUKW1TZ-SKLAR The marriage of Miss Florence Bklar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sklar, to Louis Hurwitz, son of Mr. aud Mrs. Isadore Hurwitz, was solemnized on March 30 at the Blackstone hotel. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky a n d Cantor A. Schwaczkin officiated. Mrs. Al Pinkie, sister of t h e bridegroom, was matron of honor and Miss Delores Sklar, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Mrs. Arthur Adler, another of the bride's sisters, was bridesmaid. Sol Yaffe, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man. David Reiss, Nate Cooper, Irvin Yaffe, Arthur Adler and E. I. Widman were ushers. A reception was held following the ceremony for 200 guests. Aft^ er an eastern wedding trip, the couple will reside in Omahak ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ostravich announce t^e engagement of their daughter, !fleva, to Robert Kimmerman, son of Mr, a n * Mrs. Harjx Ritfomerman. : ' Mies $|travich is a graduate of South Mjgh school, and Mr. RiinmermAi of Central. No! date has been set for the wedding. MRS. GABPAll IN EAST Mrs. George Gaspar left last Saturday n i g h t for Rochester, New York, to be the guest of her son-in-law, and daughter, Mr»| and Mra. Vance Beach. Mrs. Beach, the former^ Thelma Gaspar, was soloist last night with, the Rochester Symphony Orchestra. RETURNS PROM ST. LOUIS Miss Alice Joyce Susman recently visited fn St. Louis, Mo., -where she was an attendant in a bridal party. FROM CHICAGO . % Miss Jjorothy Elaine Wienzveig fs arriving today from Chicago for a four-day visit with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wienzveig, 2222 Miami. TO FORT? HUACHUCA First Lieutenant Lloyd Friedman, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Friedman, left Wednesday for Fort Huachuca, Ariz. He has been stationed at Fort Benning, Ga. TEMPLE SUPrER CLUB The Temple Supper club will meet' on Monday, April 21, at Temple" Israel, r
THE JEWISH PRESS JOSLYN MEMORIAL Sunday at 2:30 In the Concert j Hall of the Josiyn Memorial a piano recital will be given by Shirley Elizabeth Shaffer of Hastings. T w o sound films, "Taxco" and "Ebony Shrine," will be shown at the same time in the lecture ball. At 3:30 Dr. Wilfred Payne will s p e a k on "Utopias and Realities." SCHUCHSIAX-MONOVITX A 4 o'clock organ recital will Miss Lillian Monovitz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Mon- be given by Esther Leaf, assjstovitz, became the bride of Joseph ed by Jane Young, pianist. A Schuchman of Lincoln, son of Mr. Young Artists' program will be and Mrs. Sam Schuchman, also of heard at 4:30 under the auspices Lincoln, on Sunday, March 23, of the Omaha Music Teachers at the Blackstone hotel. Rabbi Association. Isaiah Rackovsky performed the ceremony. Mrs. Albert W. Monovitz was matron of honor and Miss Edith Schuchman, sister of the brideBy MRS. BEN HANDLER. groom, was m a i d of honor. A regular meeting of the MizBridesmaids were Miss Myra Monovitz, Miss Evelyn Abrams, Miss rachi Women's organization will Pearl Friedman and Miss Lillian be held Wednesday, April 16, at 2' o'clock at the Jewish CommuFriedman. nity Center. Mrs. A. Schwaczkin .Herman Schuchman, the bride- will lead the discussion on "The groom's brothei", was best man. Ostar Diamond, Albeit Monovitz, Portion of the Week." The April luncheon and card Abe/Friedman and Max Friedman party will be held at the Jewish were ushers. Three hundred guests attended Community Center at 1 o'clock a reception at the Blackstone. A on Wednesday, April 23..1 The buffet supper followed at the hostesses for the affair are. ; Mesdames M. Brodkey, Ben Chait, S. home of the bride's parents. J. J. Freiden, M. Freiden, After a three - week wedding Faier, H. Hahn, N. Levinson, E. Sidman, trip in "the east, the couple will Ben Soshnik and Joe Tretiak. reside in Jjincoln. Reservations may be made with anyone of the hostesses or with ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH the chairman of the telephone Mr. and Mrs. Abe Shnago an- committee, Mrs. Joe Batt, HA nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their 7028. son, Earl, on April 19, at t h e Mrs. Gotsfeld's Letter Adass Yeshuren Synagogue. RelaLetters f r o m Palestine are tives and friends are invited. No greatly delayed but they eventualinvitations have been issued. ly reach the national office and keep the organization in touch HONORED ON ANNIVERSARY with the affairs of the Mizrachi Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jacobow Women's projects in Palestine. Mrs. Gotsfeld writes: "Chanuwere honored by friends at a surprise dinner party Sunday on the kah was celebrated in our instioccasion of their twenty-fifth tutions in the traditional manner. wedding anniversary. They were The first evening was dedicated to presented with a beautiful gift. a musicale in t h e • Jerusalem Forty guests were present, in- school. The graduates living in were invited to t h e cluding their son-in-law and Jerusalem of the Chanukah lights daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy lighting to supper, after which they Pldgeon, and .Mr* and Mrs. M. and stayed for the concert. On the Castle and daughter, all of Des third evening Prof. Heinmann, a Moines. noted scholar, delivered a lecture oh the relations between Jews BETROTHAL TOLD and Greeks, The holiday vr a B Mr. and Mrs. Abe Schneider spent on similar lines In the Tel announce the engagement of Aviv Beth Zeiroth." their daughter, Edith, to Lee "In the Beth Zeiroth We are Hurwich, son of Mr« atfd Mrs. mainly concerned with the girls Morris Hurwich. who now are leaving soon and No wedding date' has been the re-arranging of our program chosen. to meet the growing needs of the present {situation. Some of the GUESTS HERE Mrs. P. A. Silverman and twin daughters, Marilyn and Marlene, of Los Angeles, are visiting Mrs. Silverman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Ricklin and'. her brother and sisterrin-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Ricklin. . They are the houseguests of her sister and brotherin-law, Mr. and Mrs.-Sam Zager. They will remain about a month:
girls leave for various Kibbutzim, others for colonies and quite a number will remain in the cities. All of them have to be helped in one way or another, to adjust themselves after • leaving school. Some of the girls of the B e t h Zeiroth have started work, and it is gratifying to know that they are all greatly liked in the places of their employment and prove to be very good workers. . The first group will leave the Tel Aviv school, and we expect to have very fine commencement exercises. "Kibbutz Emunim, whose members are of the religious Youth Aliyah, again came to me for help. They are cultivating a number of dunams of vineyard. They were badly in need of a niule to do their plowing and so applied to me for help. You would be surprised what a great help such a contribution can be. They are already benefiting by this contribution." Mrs. Gotsfeld, an Americanborn woman "whose home is in Portland, Ore., has for the ; past eight years devoted herself tp the five -Mizrachi .Women's, projects in Eretz Yisroel. She is a volunteer worker. These five vocational girls' schools keep her constantly busy;' yet as the need arises by prevailing conditions, she assumes many added tasks. In every letter she thanks Mizrachi Woman of America for what they are doing to make this work possible. Mrs. Aaron Katz, president of the Omaha chapter, thanks all members and friends of Mizrachi Women for their loyal support. Following the meeting on Wednesday, the hostesses will remain to plan arrangements for t h e luncheon and card p a r t y on April 23.
MRS. NEUHAUS TO GIVE FINAL TALK Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus "Will present the last of her series of current lectures on Tuesday, April 15. For her topic she has chosen, "Today's Headlines." Dr. Thomas Niven will act as moderator. Dr. Olga Stastny was chairman of the first lecture and Mrs. Myrtle Mason the second.
Beth El Auxiliary Plans for Party Circle No.- 10 of the Beth El auxiliary, headed by Mr. Al Wohlner and Mrs. Max Cohen, will present an unusual party on Wednesday, April 16, at 1 p. m. at the synagogue. A dessert - luncheon will be served. Bridge and Mah J o n g are planned for the afternoon. Everyone is invited to make up their own table and call either Mrs. Wohlner or Mrs. Cohen.
Workmen's Circle Auxiliary, 258 The award of the dresser eet originally set for February 16 by the Auxiliary of Branch 258, Workmen's Cirple, will-be made on Wednesday, April 16, at 8:30 p. m. at the new Labor Lyceum, Members and friends who have tickets and stubs are asked to be sure and bring them.
U. O. C. Sisterhood The April meeting of the U. O. C. Sisterhood will take place on April 15, at 8 p. m. at the B'nai Israel synagogue. A P a s s o v e r celebration !s planned for the occasion. Games and songs will be on the program. •
fs Yours It You Feed Him
flay Sets Changs to Auttsorltatlvo Bird Feeds
Bird Seed—15c iotfi Ceatelst FSE1 Egg Blscttlff
G l lDll 6
i l E U T . SOLOMONOW • TftANSFEJlRED Compeers Plan Dance First Lieut. Joseph Sqlomortow, who has been stationed at A post-Passover dance Is being Fort Benning, Ga;,* has received planned by the Compeers club for orders transferring him to Camp Saturday night, April 19. Roberts, Del Monte, Cal., effective May 2. He plans to spend , . Patronize Our Advertisers Beveral days in Omaha en route to his new post. . • \ '/ ANNOUNCE BIRTH • ' ; , Mr. and Mrs. Abe' M. Sluslcy announce the bjrth' of " a sb>,; Howard Alan, on Sunday, March 30, at St. Joseph hospital. - "*. FROM ST. PAUli 1 MrsI Louis Abrahamso.n. .of St. Pau,l, Minn., arrived yesterday lo spend the Passaver. holidays with her< brother and slsteMn-law, Mr. and- Mrs, Julius Sherman and family. " ' i ,: ........., IOJHONOLULII V , iz Bernstein" left last Saturday for; Hawaii, where he "will be associated -with ,. the ,. Waterways Construction Company .in Honolulu.'He plans to be" gone for a year, , ^ .' .-<---
'Beautiful Emerald - Cut Diamond
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Page 4
Friday, April 11, 1341
wisely emphasizes In his introducti&n. f till Mere tfcaE surprise will be a neeetsary element Herzl saw anti-Semitism sweeping Europe in exactly those catasif Hitler is to he victorious in (he Balkans, bePublished Every Frids.? trophic porportions which it has cause the whole world has anxiously been waiting Refer. , By Da-. PL,i% SLfer actually assumed in our time. the start of the current drive. Even the date w&s Fervently did he plead with his SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, Qm Year suspected months ego when the German goverBpeople and with their leaders to Advertising Rate* Furnished fctt jaefit ataiQuaeed factories would be put on an prepare diligently for the storm Hear my words, ye wise men, and aid him in preparing a cerED1TOBI&L OFFICES 668 fircrfels ifceste* Esii emergency basis startiiig on April 6.. and give ear unto me ye that tain- and legally recognized haB1OUX CITS OFFSCB—*ewl»ib CtaEaueity Ces;t<Bf There is a grave difference between the atti- have knowledge for the ear trieth FEINT 6H0F 4C0EESS—*664 69. Si ven. He sought to arouse the tude of people this year and last. The German words as the palate tastes food. Jewish masses from their paraDAVID BLACKER—Business aad Managing IMIter drive into the Lowlands last spring brought a great Let us choose for us that lyzing lethargy, and to win the LEONARD NATHAN . . - - • • M i t e r deal of false prophecy and much wishful thinking. which is right. Let us It now sympathy and help of the Jewish ourselves what is good. aristocracy for a Jewish CommonRABBI THEODORE H. LEWIS • Book Editor From England fortunately has come no statement among 2sTotwithstandiD.g ray right I am wealth in Palestine. In the first, FRANCES BLACKER • • Society Editor to equal in stupidity that of Chamberlain's 'Hitler accounted a deceiver. My wound MORRIS AIZENBBRG—Sioux City Correspondent b&8 missed the bus.' Instead there is grim de- is incurable though I am without he succeeded; in the second, he failed. The powerful and wealthy as, the Rothschild's etc., turned termination on the part of those nations involved transgression. He respecteth not the persons a deaf ear to him. They were 16 face this thing courageously. In this country, of princes nor regardeth the rich to a parochial approach arm-chair strategy has become a lost sport, and more than the poor for they oil addicted to the Jewish j^uestion and they This Passover, the holiday of Israel's release we all wait with abated breath for the outcome. are the work of His hands. refused t h e financial assistance from bondage, finds many Jews not only re-readConsolation may be found iu the fact that for Herzl needed desperately in his . Talmud ing the story of the Exodus; they are on one con- the first time Hitler is not choosing his theater of efforts to acquire Palestine from We are taught t h a t Rabbi the Sultan. tinent re-enacting it. The familiar road of exile war. The terrain of the Balkans is not exactly Akiba said, "For three hygienic Yet another difficulty plagued has been trod by many more thousands since the suited to the type of fighting that has made the customs I do admire the Meholiday was last observed and this time' there Is no German army feared. Moreover this region has dians. When t h e y carve meat Herzl, this f r o m the ranks of they do H^on the table (because those who labored with him. BeMoses to lead tbem forth. est Germany's principal source of agricultural it is the Iftsanest place;) when fore undertaking or permitting Passover is a festival of freedom. It com- Supplies and to attack now means to interfere scale settlements in PaleBthey kiss th«y do so only upon large Herzl insisted that some inmemorates the escape from slavery in the land of the hand (because the spouth is tine, ost seriously with Europe's breadbasket. ternational gauarantee or "charEgypt and the story of the Exodus records of Jl The immediate objectives will not be of as full of bacteria); and when they ter" be given to the Zionist Cotfhave a public meeting they arcruelties of the Egyptian taskmasters, the Visita- great importance as the capture of the Channel range it in the open field (be- gress by the Turkish government tion of the plagues upon the Egyptians, and their' OBt last year. Unquestionably Hitler's inten- cause there is plenty of fresh to legalize t h o procedure, to guarantee the rights of the setdeliverance. sions are to establish bases on the Mediterranean air)." tlers, and of the sponsoring agenThis is now a very familiar story—not only coast by which he can menace British shipping in Rabbi Jochanan said, "Even if cy. Without such an internationbecause it is one we have read so many times. tho Mediterranean and therefore cut off one of the the sword already touches the al "charter" Herzl deemed it danthroat yet a man should not re- gerous a n d foolish to proceed But except for minor details, it is the story of the, principal Hnes of supplies. rain from praying for mercy." with colonization. To many of his Jews of Europe, who have again been impressed^ By fighting in the'Balkans, a second front lias Rabbi when he had finished his 1 into servitude and reduced to the status of slaves. been opened in defiance of a German military daily prayer made the following supporters t h e s e considerations appeared irrelevant. Let the Jews Fortunately the freedom the Jews achieved axiom against doing eo and supplies that should prayer: "May it be Thy will, O sneak in, if necessary! Only toon their departure" from Egypt was not Just physi- ave been used in the invasion of Britain are now Lord, to deliver me from arro- day, w h e n England is curbing cal. Theirs was also the freedom of the soul. In to be wasted in this region. There is certainly ant men and from arrogance; Jewish immigration into Palesfrom a bad man; from any misthe land of the Pharoahs, they had learned of the no reason to be over-optimistic, but we know that hap; fro^a bad associates; from tine do we realize the. wisdom" burden of ancient despotism. They came to detest ho Germans are facing a resolute people intent a bad inclination; from a bad and vision of Herzl. Scholarly Work, the worship of false gods; they tasted the bitter- on protecting their homes. On the soil of Greece neighbor; from severe judgment Another obstacle was the opand f r o m severe opponents, ness of slavery. From the lessons learned t h e other great military powers have met defeat and whether it be a son of the cove- position of Ahad Haam and his Jews attempted to create a life that was essential- he civilization of Europe saved. nant or a son not of the cove- followers who looked upon Pales* tine as a spiritual center for the ly democratic in spirit. The religion they evolved nant." was one that recognized the dignity of the human Abaye -was accustomed to Bay, few, and were not concerned with' 'Man should always be deliberate the creation of a homeland for spirit, no matter how humble the circumstances. the many. The preservation of Only as a punishment for their misdeeds were they During the protracted negotiations between the 'or the fear of God, reply softly, Judaism was uppermost; the dery to pacify anger, and speak finally given a king, and even then their kings Vichy government and the German representatives peacefully with his brethren, with liverance of the Jew from an In"were forced to listen to the admonitions of the In Paris, little was heard of what France planned his relatives and with every man tolerable lot, secondary. Essentially it was a conflict between' prophets. They further learned in their Egyptian o do regarding the Jews. Individual exemptions o that he may be beloved in two g r e a t personalities. Ahad Heaven and below my men." exile the stupidity of bowing low before graven o the anti-Semitic legislation had now and then Haam on the one hand, and Herzl on the other. In combining tbo images and instead conserved their religious zeal een announced, hut there were Indications that theories and doctrines of both lor the Ethical Monotheism that has characterized efforts were being made to soften the blow against lies the real strength, of the Judaism. he Jewish communities of unoccupied France. movement. Palestine brings healAny illusions were last week' shattered when ing to the Jewish soul and health' It Is this freedom that keeps us free. No mathe Men of Vichy resumed their old attitude, indi- By Rabbi Theodore Lewis to the body. One is as important ter how desparate the physical conditions of life, as the other. the spirit of the Jews has remained free and un- cating closer collaboration with Germany. Not The author devotes many fasBIRTH OF JEWISH STATESnly in^Jewish matters is this evident, for tho shackled. Their intellectual and spiritual integrity cinating pages to discussion of MANSHIP (a story of Theodore has always remained, even though ghetto walla British have recognized the symptoms of Nazism Ilerzl'a life), Enuuvael Ncumnn; Herzl's extensive a n d amazingand wretched poverty were utilized to impress the among the members of the governent. A Com- Scopus Publishing Company; 471 diplomatic activities, w i t h the Sultan, the Kaiser, the Russian Issarlat for Jewish affairs has been appointed to pages. Jews with their inferiority. Czar and his ministers, and with Zionism and Palestine are more This is the freedom this day we celebrate. This .dinister the Aryanization of French industry and prominent in Jewish life today Great Britain concerning the rade. Choice of Vichy for the task was Xavler ia the freedom that will keep us alive when the than they ever have been. Tho Uganda offer w h i c h caused a Vallat, whose qualification for the job was that in- underling philosophy of Zionism storm in Zionist ranks. That these very name of Hitler is forgotten. 1936 his was the sole voice raised in tho Cham- has been vindicated in recent efforts met with little immediate ber of Deputies to protest Leon Blum's assumption years on a scale appalling enough results was due- to many causes, to convince its most bitter cri- not the least being the cruel and of the premiership. tics. And, because Palestine has stupid; hostility of wealthy Jews 1 From Vichy has also come tbe announcement justified the most ambitious hopes who confused their, welfare and If ever retribution was quick to come, It has been to the strutting, jutted-jaw rooster called hat the laws regarding the Jews will be uniform of its most ardent champions, bas security with the welfare and seMussolini- Lesg than a year ago with France in in "all France," -which shows once more the hand the conviction taken root in all " curity of Jewry. sections of American Jewry exThough Herzl died In 1904 - its death throes and England sorely wounded, the of Berlin. This means that the Nuremberg laws, cepting the extreme asslmilatlon- with apparently little accomplishnow in effect in Occupied territory, will be extendleader of Italy bellowed out his defiance- of these ist, that the ancient homeland ment, it is he who laid the ground-work for .the'Balfour Dec' powers and entered the war. One has to do a lot ed Into the Unoccupied zone. Surely Vichy has no must be rebuilt, and speedily. intention of mitigating the tragic condition of The present attitudes, how- laration and for the present inof patient searching in the pages of history to find ever, are to a-large degree emer- ternational recognition of Palesso cowardly an act. When President Roosevelt, France's Jews. tine as a Jewish homeland. It la Despite the attempts of the renegade govern- gency reactions, and the danger he who gave the Jew a new Inspeaking immediately afterwards at the University is that "they will endure only' as of Virginia, scored this treachery, he echoed the ment to shatter the Jewish community, the people long as the emergency. It is for strument with which to achieve - sentiments of .every red-blooded American. Italy's of France are showing a 'courage that reawakens this reason that this fascinating his true emancipation. For this gift, his name will always be enwar efforts have finally been rewarded with the one's faith in mankind. Whenever possible they, study pf Herzl by'• Mr.'; Emanuel shrined in the hearts of his brethNeuman, a keen student of Zionflaunt the decrees; of both the French and German •complete loss ol her,empire. ... ; . ist thought and a member of the ren. "The Birth of Jewish StatesBritish armies, striking at all Italian posses- authorities, protecting in -whatever small measure Zionist Executive Committee is of manship" is an admirable biogsions in EastV Africa, have entered the capital of they can, their Jewish neighbors. It Is considered great significance. Implicit in the yery title, Is the raphy of the founder of Zionism Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, and to all appearances have an act pf patriotism to defy the government's rulbelief-that the Jewish problem and" an excellent introduction into broken Italian resistance in this region. Belated ings concerning the Jews. cannot be solved by vharity and Zionist thought a n d principles. Both French and German officials could learn philanthropy, no matter how well Those who seek a clear statement justice has come to Haile Selassie, the persevering a lesson from the/past. There are many instance1) intentioned, ably directed, and ex- o£ the fundamental character of emperor of Ethiopia. the Jewish problem and its soluof similarity Between this and the Occupation of tensive it may: be.' Jewish states- tion will find-it here. Mr. NeuThe Lion of Judaea was no shakes as a ruler. manship, alone, and of .very bold France in 1&71. Then the people of France avenged One need only to read the passages on Ethiopia in order, will solve the Jewish ques- man's scholarly study, merits wide Its message Is sim"Days of Qur Years" to realize that any concept themselves brutally and terribly on those officials tion,- and in a dignified, honor- distribution. ple, Irresistible, and imperative. _ who capitulated to the spirit of Prussia. able way,, in a manner which will of justice as we know it was entirely missing in bring healing and strength to the thlB remote land. Nevertheless the people preJew. And the birth of Jewish ferred the injustices of their own rulers to those statesmanship as- o p p o s e d to shtadianuth dates from Herzl. ot the Italians. Mussolini's brand of civilization was exemplified by Graziani's mass executions after ••Rosh Chodesh Iyar..... .'. .•• -'.''••:" J u d e n s t a a t -'V", .•. j...Sunday, April 27 London (JTAWTne puzzle of ,'the-attempt on his life. The emancipation which the Lag-B'omer ...Thursday, May, 15 1 French Revolution brought to the whether land inTflie "prohibited * Rosh Chodesh Sivan.......... ...Tuesday, May 27 Following the Invasion the Emperor pleaded of Palestine can be trans1st Day of Pentecost........ —Sunday, • June 1 Jews was exceedingly limited. It zone ferred to an' Arab converted - to in vain -with the League of Nations to be given ••Rosh Chodesh Tammuz............Wed., June 25 was an emancipation for Jews as Judaism wiil shortly be unravsome measure of assistance in reconquering Ma •Past of Tammuz....... .......—Saturday, July 12 individuals only; the Jewish peo- eled by the Palestine courts, The ple remained a pariah among the .........Friday, July 25 nation. His very presence in Geneva constituted a Rosh Chodesh Ab...... nations..It in this, miserable situ- Zionist Review reports. •Fast; of Ab..^r..........:..............>..Saturday, Aug. 2 ••" source of embarrassment to France and England. The question has ^arisen in con••RoBh Chodesh Ellul.................'tSatu'rday, Aug. 23 ation which Herzl set out deliber- nection with an application on be-' Had the League attempted to implement its poli- Rosh Hashonah ately to correct with his advocacy .....Monday, Sept. 22 of an .Arab of Belsan marcies at that date, Europe today would not be In- Fast of Gedallah Wed., Sept. 21 In the now famous, "Judenstaal" half Yom Kippur Wed,, Oct. 1 the establishment in Palestine of ried-to a Jewess and. convertedN dulging in a blood bath. a homeland, where the Jewish to Judaism. He-Is the heir to BOO »• But to those whose cause is just and who per- First Day of Tabernacle (Succoth) Monday, Oct. 6 people as such will »e nationally dunams of land In the Belsan valsevere in the face of disaster and humiliation, jus- Hosfcannoh » Rabbah.l Sunday, Oct. 12 free. And without emancipation ley left by hio father, but his famtice must eventually come. In less tha.n five years Sh'mlni - Atsores...... Monday, Oct. 13 of tho, people, Jewioh.emancipa- ily is. opposing the transfer oa is a farce and a delusion. tbe ground that transfer of propTuesday, Oct. 14 tion the hollovraess of Italy's efforts in East Africa "Simchas Torah This fact, the .key to the correct erty to Jews In this area is proi liave become apparent. Tho cowardly tactics of appreciation of the Jewish prob- bibited under tho land regulations **Alflo observed t h e previous day. lem and its solution, Mr. Neuman fo ltHO. - Mussolini have been avenged. • • Observed t h e following day.
The Balkan War
2 Bible Gems © anil Tainami
Once More the Men of Vichy
End of an Empire
;.j! i
JEWISH CALENDAR? 5 7 0 1 - 1941
.... ^. .*,. Afci-
April 11, 1041
Wildlife Week to be Marked April 14-18
ning. At tLat time tLe twelve men were officially inducted iato the ranks of Sigma AIjiLa Mu. A large banquet, Ltld at the tJaaj>ter house in liozior cf tb.e new National Wildlife week is Apri initiates, was attended by a ia?£fc IIiso l l a i i i t t t h a s 14 to 18. group of alumni and the entise lfci-'» uj-tci'itta general cfcairmaa Each year conservation-minded active chatter. The chapter L<.d of t h e annual Funeral services were held in Nebraskans join w i t h wildlife the honor of Laving Harry B. Co- ' formal dance to Los Angeles on Tuesday for Arboosters throughout the nation in be given oa Maythur Marowitz, 51, former OmaThe'Congregation B'nai Jacob, a concrete expression of t h e i r hen, Omaha, who is the Supreiiic ', 5 by Tau Delta han, who died Sunday evening. Prior of Sigma Alpha Mu at the 24th and Nicholas streets, an- faith iu the future of America— '. Sigma. The Mu- Son of the late Harry Marowitz, present time, as cue of the matu nounces that Cantor Caiman Spi- by purchasing wildlife conservasic Box was se- pioneer Omahan, Mr. Marowits* participants iu the formal initiavak of New York has been en- tion stamps. lected and Fred- lived id California for the past tion e'eremony. Among o t h t r gaged for the Passover holidays. These stamps, beautifully coldie Ebener's or- thirteen years. He had s p e n t Cantor Spivak comes to Oma- ored emblems of 20 varieties of alumni present were those froiu , chestra will fur- many years in the development of Lincoln, Omaha, Sioux City, aud ha with many years of experience American wildlife, are distributed ' uish the music. the East Texas oil fields and was by the National Wildlife Federa- surrounding territory. Lorraine Wald- an authority on oil leases. Arthur Rivin was recently setion through the various state or„ ; man and BtheHe was a graduate of Omaha ganizations, with receipts going to lected as one of the four under- Mis» iai,iuui.n 1 y n Lashinsky both national and state groups for secretaries to the general secre- are assisting Miss Geifmau with Central High school and the Unifurther salvation work in the con- tary in charge of fraternity af- the arrangements. Bids nitty be versity of Michigan and was a fairs on the University of Ne- obtained by turning in names to former officer of the Nebraska servation field. National Guard. It is by these stamp sales that braska. This position places Iti- any of the club members. Surviving are: his widow, Esvin as an apprentice to the genthe constructive efforts of the fedther Epstein Marowitz; two chileration in pursuing a sane conser- eral secretary and enables him to dren, Milton and Mignon; his vation program are maintained, have a better chauce of attaining now being held in order to raise mother, Mrs. Anna Goodman, all the secretaryship in h i s junior the annual quota of $100,000 a3 the federation is entirely deof Los Angeles; two brothers, H. pendent upon this volunteer aid. year. This secretary is in charge adopted by the last national D. Marowitz of Council Bluffs and Forty per cent of the money stays of all Greek fraternity affairs in convention. Sidney Morris of Kansas City, Passover Luncheon iu Nebraska for local conservation connection w i t h rushing, interMo.; and two sisters, Mrs. Sam J. fraternity council work, faction T h e annual Passover lunchwork and 60 per cent goes to the work, and the issuing of all types eon of the Pioneer Women's or- Leon of Omaha and Mrs. S. J. national federation. Waller of Los Angeles. of fraternity matter in an effort S t a m p s may be purchased to better acquaint the general gauiztion will be held at the The body was cremated and the home of Mrs. S. Okun on Wedthrough local federation officials, public with fraternity affairs on nesday, April 16, at 1 o'clock. ashes are to he interred in the hardware and s p o r t i n g good the Nebraska campus. Mrs. J. Raznick, cultural chair- family lot at Pleasant Hill stores or through D. L. Willhoite, Many*lionors have been receiv- man, has arranged a program director of outstate stamp sales, Superior, Neb.; Dr. Merritt C. ed by the house in the past few devoted to t h e Passover holiPedersen or Charley Anderson, weeks in respect to military sci- days and to the observance of Lincoln, or Ernie Bihler, Omaha. ence promotions in the local R. International day by the Pioneer O. T. C. unit on the University Women's organization. Mrs. Dave of Nebraska campus. Those hav- Freedman will-speak. Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, ing been promoted are Bob Cantor Caiman Spivak Soft Grey Iron and SemiBramson, Gerald Bernstein of Order Students to Report Steel Castings, Wood and Omaha, and Bob Cohen and Phil Mrs. Jennie Kosowsky as officiating cantor at the JaMetal Patterns and Sash Cantor of Sioux City. All promomaica J e w i s h Center of New Funeral services were held London (JTA)—Belgian circles tions were to that of sergeantcy. Weights carried in stock. Tuesday for Mrs. Jennie Kosowc reported that the new rector of tYork. Bronze a n d Cast Iron Ghent university had ordered all He will begin to officiate at sky, 28, who died Monday at the Grilles a Specialty. students of Jewish origin to reservices this evening at 7 o'clock. Lutheran hospital after a long port to his office with identity Tomorrow morning a n d Sunday illness. 27tft ejicl flisrtlia Cts. documents and those refusing to morning, he will lead the services Surviving are: h e r husband, HA at 8:30. On Thursday evening, Iz; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. The Pioneer Women's organ- do BO w o u l d be subjected to April 17, he will officiate at 7. Fishhain; and two children, Har- ization cabled $20,000 to the "great difficulties." April 18 and April 19, ho will old and Annette. Working Women's Council in <conduct services starting at 8:30. Palestine for t h e agricultural Burial was at Mt. Sinai. Tickets for t h e Congregation and vocational training of girls B'nai Jacob may be obtained at and women and special service Adler's Delicatessen.' for children coming into Palesine from the occupied countries Lincoln (Special) — The Ne- of Europe as w e l l as special braska chapter of Sigma Alpha courses for women in the buildARE WCwV OELLgrJG THE . . Mu is happy to announce < the ini- ng trade, road construction, gatiation of twelve new fraters to age, service, motor driving and 3 AH© its ever growing group. "The new other occupations in which only Joseph S. Hornstein, eon o£ Mr. nitiatea are: Roland Lewis, Ted men w e r e formerly engaged. and Mrs. Sam Hornstein of Oma- Rothkop, Walter Greenberg, Ger- This is to fill the gap made by iha, was recently elected president ald Bernstein, Harry Goldstein, the mobilization of Palestine CUV f2@yj—FICS3T PAYUENT ©ST. 1 s t of' the Co-op Club of Georgia Bob Silverman, Bernard Gold- men for service in the British • FREE ECTEMATEG . . . LO17EGT PHiCES • Tech at Atlanta, Georgia. The ware and Phil Eisenstatt, all of Middle East forces. Co-op Club serves as a social Omaha, and Morton Zuber, HastCATiC7ac7io:j GUARANTEED Throughout the U. S. a n d unit for the students, and mem- ings, Norman Veta, Cheyenne, Canada donor luncheons a r e 24£3 CU^I^Q . ' AT 23S3 bership is selected from the stu- Wyo., Bud Margulies, Sioux Falls, dents who are outstanding in pop3. D., and Arthur Rivln, Scot. ularity. and, S. D, In behalf of tho chapMr. Hornstein -was also elected ter we wish, to cay that it Is one treasurer of the Briarean Society, of the largest and finest groups an honorary organization, which that Sigma pmlcron chapter has offers the highest honor available ever had. to students of the Co-operative The Initiation took place at the department. Members must excel in scholastic leadership and char- chapter house last Saturday eveacter. .
Tail Delta Sigma Plans for Formal
it ififtl
Paxton-Mitchell Co. Foundries
Pioneer Women
Sigma Alpha Mu
Omahan Honored At Georgia Tech
The Annual Pre-
Error -Made in
ABRAM DANSKY Report of Death PLAYS IN RECITAL Abraham Dansky, t a l e n t e d It was erroneously reported In young Omaha pianist, was jone of last week's' edition of the JEWthe five students presented in re- ISH PRESS that William Rosencital, by the Juilliard School of blatt, former Omahan, had died .Music in New York last Friday. in Los Angeles. The story should He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.have read Mrs. William RosenHerman Dansky. blatt, 55i Mrs. Rosenblatt, also a former Before his departures for the east, he had appeared at tho Jos- Omahan, was well known on the lyn Memorial and was soloist two west coast for her charities. She years' ago at the annual concert built a cottage to house eight, patients at tho Los Angeles Tuberof the Beth El synagogue. culosis Sanitarium at Duarte. Mr. Rosenblatt survives. , Patronize Our Advertisers
, i
Koshto* (Throughout the year, we have been publicizing
the @ endorsement of The Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, found oa the labels of more than 50 of our varieties. Lest
: tho etoto Haa itackm special cttfG352oa Wso tho ircos . oS Jkbofloclgo, tho fish uG£fcIlC2r2C3/ ti&O
majooly of SEND FOR FREE • Staid Park. Whatovb? NEBRASKA YQVS d&Ojti thoro'a a TOUR-O-gBAPH pkeco £a no&rSSw AfccssfifuflyEh:s. aG7Cii*t CCC2 this!' trctc& trap picteib csj> M-fB"sfafawiJfc ojiJeyTPIcsa s wook-osd Qjjplodag your cioio chs'ri Sna principal csHs3 to Nebraska's You'll h& thrilled p!sces'6f liSFe'rest a ihzi varlo'tY of yours for ftoesMng SsnB for it j
Commission, Sfafo Hosfo, Lincoln, Nek'
si&EBfl^n: :o
this publicity be misleading to anyone, we state that this endorsement refers to year-round use. It does not refer to the week of Passover, We make no foods that are "Pesachdig". We wish our many friends everywhere a Happy Passover! H. J. HEIHZ COMPAWV
Pege 2
Friday, April I I , 1S41
No Jews Talk,to....
Mo. Compensation
, •Hoover • Committee
•For German Jews
Geaeva (WNSj^f-eiaksrs of Lisbon (WKS)—German Jewb the ••Hoover ReliefrGosyniUte,. in-, will cot receive compensation for veetigating .conditions, i*i,- NaziQai£i'4ge to tb.ejir fcomes and. propoccue-ied Poland, were--, fiat . per*erty during -a,ir raids, according (Continued from Page 1.) 75 Attend Affair for Re- milted to talk, to- > Jews..,.in . the , (Continued from Page 1.) ,the ,Naz.i labor publication, Warsa»v and Cracow,.ghettos, • ac- in' German to Jewish "leaders''that to, tiring President of "I{eichsarbeitsb{att," a copy of gogue will begin promptly at 6:15 cording • to private 1 advices.,reach- there would be a wholesale clean- wliicb. • Highland , lies ,. jusj, been received thas evening. Cantor Aaron Eding, here. up '(if' Jews once tha German here. gar and the choir will officiate. : officials forees-'feiitered. • ::•••.< • City Coinuussioaer Harry Triis' The Nazi labor organ reported Rabbi David A. Goldstein will demembersof the relist committee tin, r e t i r i n g president of the I The warnings told Jews to also that Jewish workers must liver a short seraon. Highland Country Vlub, was hon- on • ail inspection trijts, .permit- leave the city "before the day of not be paid for time spent in air- Tomorrow morning services wtyl ored Tuesday night &t a dinner ting them to see only ..what the reckoning arrives." Zagreb has a raid shelters ' during eir raids. start at 8:30. The Junior Congregiven at the Hotel Mill by theNazis; thought they.:s£iouM large German population which paper ..^plaii^ed that "Jew- gation will meet at 10:30. SunThe Nazi authorities* agreed to is predominantly pro-Nazi. The The het'fchii). Seventy-five ish influence',' had been removed day, services will take place at 9 club's tour the Hoover Conuaittee dele- office of the Zionist Organization completely from German indus- a. m. Cantor Edgar and the choir liersons were pit-sent. gates through the overcrowded Philip Klutznick was toaslmas- ghettos but refused', to permit i i Zagreb received anonymous try and labor, but that a num- will officiate and Rabbi Goldstein ter of the evening and James Mc- the delegates to. talk "to Jewish calls warning of masacres "like ber of Jewish workers were need- will deliver the sermon. those which took place iu Bu-ed as a result of the demands of Thursday, April 17, services representatives. charest.'1 Some of the callers the . Nazi war machine. start at sunset; The evening of concluded their messages witl April 18, services will begin at anti-Jewish tirades and- ended 8 o'clock. Cantor Edgar and the with "Heil Hitler!" choir w i l l present the annual Passover concert. Saturday morn: 'Rushing to seek safety in the ing, April 19, services are to be interior, many Zagreb Jews left held at 9 with Yizkor at about 10. behind their immovable property Temple and part of their movable goods. They paid large sums for any A musical service will be held means of transportation, travelthis evening at 5:30 at Temple ing irt automobiles, peasant carts Israel. There will be no sermon. (Continued from Page 1.) , Saturday morning services are to and horse-drawn wagons. (Continued from Page 1.) • •! 1 ' i ' ' In Belgrade the 8,000 Jews the Iraqi political landscape and take place at 11. The Congregaa'veteran of m a n y past cam- remained calm. Most of the Jews is believed also to be dabbling in tional Seder is to be held tomorpaigns. Mrs. Newman reports that of Belgrade are poor artisans of Syrian affairs." The Times as- row evening at 7 o'clock. 21 teama have already-been or- Turkish and Near Eastern origit had been learned that ganized, and a most thorough in. Of the 75,000 Jews in Yugo- serted Nazi leader behind the troucanvas of the community will be slavia, half are located in Bel-the Rabbi Isaiah Rackbvtitfy will bles in Syria was named van handled by this division. Plans grade, Z a g r e b and Sarajevo. Heuting. be at the Congregation , Beth for this division will be completed There is a small number of Jews Hamedrosh Hagodel April 12, and at the meeting of the Majors and in Slovenia and virtually none Gestapo Agents on Sunday, April 13, he will be at Co-Majors which is to take place n Montenegro. The ex-Muftl, who fled to the Congregation B'na| Israel. Oa on Tuesday, April 15. Syria and then to Iraq during Friday, April 18, the Rs&bl' will The Business and Professional the Palestine revolt of 1939 tobe at the Congregation Beth, Mrs. Morris Llnsman, major; avoid Women's Group will lie headed by arrest by the British au- Hamedrosh Hagodel, and on SatMrs. Philip M. Klutznick, who did Mrs. Robert Kooper, co-major. thorities, was reported to be urday, April 19, at the B'nal Miltoa Mayper,^ major; working with Axis agents to Israel Synagogue. Yizkor serv» outstanding work as head of the Mrs. Hairy Trust in Residential Division of 1940. This Mrs. Isadore Chapman, co-major. spread anti-British feeling in theices will be observed' on SaturMrs. Maurice D. Mlcklin, ma- Near East. Ho was said to have day, April 19, at 10 a. m. Crory a«d Mac Baldrlge w e r e is the second year of this group, principal speakesr. Each of the whose assignment is to reach jor; Mrs, Abe H. Brodkey, co- at his disposal Arab propaMordecai Cohen was the second city .commissioners spoke briefly. every Jewish business and pro-major. gandists trained in Berlin for wealthiest citizen of South CaroMrs. Julius Newman, major; agitation among the Arabs. Mr. Trustin was presented with fessional woman. lina prior to the Civil War. Mrs. William Lazere will be in Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, co-major. a pair of traveling bags. Activities of Gestapo agents in Mrs. Joe Radinowski, major; Abraham A. Masslas was a maLeslie Burkenroad succeeds Mr. charge of Women's Organizations. Syria and Iraq have been inten : jor and Myer Moses -a captain in Trustin as president of Highland. This group solicits contributions Mrs. Max Goldstein, co-major^ Mrs. Louis Sogolow, major; sified in recent weeks. The Brit- the War of 1812. ,. ' Other officers are: Al Mayer, vice from local women's groups. ish authorities have received.inMiss Charlotte Abrams will Mrs. John Faier, co-major. president; Paul Blotcky, secreformation that the Nazis ore Mrs. Hubert Sommer, major; Jacob Valentine, a Charleston tary, and David Goldman, treas- serve as the executive secretary pouring funds into Syria to fiMrs. Ernest A. Nogg, co-major. of the Women's Division. Jew, was the youngest member of urer. nance propaganda among certain Mrs. Dave Stein, major; Mrs. Majors and Co-Majors The following members of the Arab organizations known to be the Palmetto Company in the The following women have ac- Jack Kaufman, co-major. Mexican war. board of directors were reelected: Mrs. Julius Stein, major; Mrs. pro-German. These include the Morris E. Jacobs, Hymle Milder, cepted assignment as majors and National Arab Youth, the Arab Milton Livingston, Hymie Ferer, co-majors on the Women's Resi- M. D. Brodkey, co-major. Mrs. Nathan Turner, major; Group of National Action and the FOR RENT—Two beautifully Harry Kulakofsky, Harry Mala- dential Division: furnished rooms and kitchMrs. Henry E. Belmont, co-major. Arab Club, the last of which shock, Manning Handler and Max Mrs. Sam Appleman, major,"' en. Utilities furnished. \VK Mrs. Paul Veret, major; Mrs. comprises mainly persons who Mrs. Joseph Weinberg, co-major. Chapman: are German-educated and avowed 3527. Ben Shapiro, co-major. Mrs. Arthur A. Cohn, major; All ex-presidents of the club Mrs. Isadore H. Weiner, major; Arabian National Socialists. are members ex-officio of the Mrs. *Jacob Blank, co-major. Mrs. Louis B. Lipp, co-major. Mrs. Hyman Ferer, major; Mrs. board. Mrs. Albert Wohlner, major; Bernard Pleisher, co-major. Mrs. Herman Franklin, major; Mrs. Max Cohn, co-major. ' A dessert luncheon for majors Mrs. Joe Levinaky, co-major. Mrs. Mike Freeman, major; and co-majors will be given a t the home-of Mrs. Morris; KatieMrs. Moe Raznick, co-ma jar. Mrs. Max Fromkin, major; Mrs, man on Tuesday, April 15, at 12:30 by Mrs. Katleinan and Mrs. Jacob Bernstein, co-major. • Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, major; Albert Newman. Jerusalem (JTA)—A hundred Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, co-major. and' twenty families who had Mrs. Irvln C, Levin, major; Theodore Brentano was U. S. been living at Petach Tikvah Mrs. Leon Mendelson, co-major. minister to Hungary, 1922-27. look possession of ancient Yavneh lands recpiitly acquired by the Jewish National Fund. They arj starting a new settlement and digging a well. Yavneh is the site of an ancient famous rabbinical ,,.
- (
u. o. c.
Cincinnati has had three Jewish mayors.
Kosher U 'Fesach The Roberts Dairy Company/ will again offer dairy*' products KOSHER L'PESACH for, PASSOVER, mariu-. ractured under strictest supervision. Roberts Dairy is'' happy to render this special service to itp many Jewish • customers and to dairies of Nebraska and Iowa. ' All the Passover products will be produced under tho personal supervision of Rabbi N. Feldman. Products to carry the KOSHER L'PBSACH approval aro ROBERTS MILK, ROBERTS SOUR CREAM and ROBERTS SWEET CREAM (unsalted) BUTTER. Roberts Passover products are available in Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City and Council Bluffs. Place your order early at your favorite food store or from Roberts Route Salesman.
a $£ Omaha's street car and fe-j Jtas system ia one of |p» ^ o tanczl in America. JLfa© iE mere I *
Tho Now 1941 Siy!o vvitK iho longer, more flattering jacket t M covers your hips » navy, rose, powder bju&, luggage, end cjr in gabardine-typo poplin. S&ej .10 fo
A>rsJ 1 1 , 1 £> I t
T. A. Washington Press BureauWASHINGTON. Two members of J h e Uriited States senate, Ilufus C. llolman *of Oregon and Robert -Reynolds of North Carolina, seized ui>on a day last week when the senate didn't have anything else to do 'and disgorged themselves of the most venomous anti-refugee oratory that the congress has heard ' in quite a while.
Mexico chaa figged td *eee"j»t a Cassiiii, was'§, White'''Ru'ssiaji refninn-ber: &l Spanish refugees, and ugee who' tied to • the United , : ' .' : . the Frenxrli wish we'd 'take some S t a t e s . • • • • ' ' . Jewish refugees. • •• C&sssni Lsiaself became aa Am:ric&tt citizen less tk&n &ix lapntlis s knows titfct the-state- a g o . ' • • ' 1 here-are 45.0,(HH> COHIUp until now, tite jfist-Aiiaerifs fift'"M««Jg to get into -the earuzed Cassini's c h i e f claim to States is just . a 'plain ' lie.- fame'was that he was tarred and 1; It is riouMi'ul wWthei Holniaa feathered by some'angry Aine'rIt'<< a lie. cau youths down in Warreuton, Va. l>ut what, we're getting at is Yes, sir; Senator Reynolds realtills- Reynolds baaed a good por- y quoted a real America!
clave, Tteld at MiBEeepolis la Feb- May, by tfee Kosmet Klub, mea'« ruary. ' " dramatic organization. ' "College .OB Review/' a " s k i t Aa t&ur daace wis lield Satyrpresented bYi.~._iei~bers"Gf Sigma <?ay Bight £-t the chapter house," Delta Taw "at the EEEUSJ Co-ed Follies Efcow last'Thursday sight, with Z. B. T.'s, S. A. M.'s, and uawon second pEace for the gretip, affiiiates ia atteadance. l i e deelsJoii by tfee jadg«s being based on .ori'gln&Iity, entertainChaplain ment a n d performance. L a s t year's skit was also considered Montreal (JTA-~Rabbi S. Geroutstanding among those presentshou Levi of Montreal has been ed at that tide, as it was awarded third place. The skit was di-appointed chaplain of air Jewish rected by Miriam Rubuitz, Omaha, troops in Canada. He received •and accompanied by Sylvia Katz- the rank of honorary captain from the Department of National Deman, also from Omaha. fense. Rabbi Levi lias been conMiriam Rubnitz was notified ducting services for Jewish-men that she was selected as one of in military camps in the Montreal the successful contestants among district since the outbreak of war those who tried out for parts in in 1S39. Captain Levi will apthe Kosmet Klub's spring show. point supernumerary chaplains The show is presented. In for ;the various military district*. '
tion of liis attack on refugees on a column written by Igor Cassini, a Washington ...newspaperman, who Sigma Delta Tau said in part: "Of «H the plagues which are now ai'ilieCiug this country, oise of Lincoln (Special)—The fiftythe worst, 1 fear, is that of the wo alumni, actives, and pledges refugees who come here 'for the Theta chapter of Sigma Delta duration.' Mast of these refugees of presented at their first alumare not poor, shiftless immigrants, Tau active conclave, held at the house but people with enough citsli to That Is, the oratory was ostenSunday, April 6, were enthusiastic sibly directed against the refugee. live in de luxe hotel suites, buy n their praises of the get-togeth• Actually, the target was any andcostly clothes and. spend their ir. Due to the overwhelming sucr nights in the most fashionable :ess of the conclave, a program of [all Jews. haunts, eating delicious viands joint meetings of this sort will and gulping champagne. " . By now, pretty nearly everybe inaugurated in the future. The .one knows about Reynolds, who day was spent in joint meetings, aspires to be a demogague of Huey "With, their own stomachs well tours through the house and enLong stature, but actually is, as filled, these elegant refugees are tertainment. demagogues go, o n l y half-pint the first ones to shout and protest Miss Harriet Byron, prominent sized. Fewer people know of Hol- that no food should be sent to the Lincoln received word man, who in his first term in the starving people of Europe. . . . ast weekalumnae, that she has been apsenate apparently aspires to the pointed national rushing chairp l a c e of ex-Congressman Jacob "With due and notable excep- man for the sorority, due to the Thorkelson. tions, most of these refugees are resignation of her co-chairman, all active members of the noto- L o u i s e Lehman Burka. Miss Holman Is a 04-year-old Ode- rious clique of international op- Byron was appointed co-rushing goniaii, a republican hack whose portunists. They have no country chairman last fall, and, since that chief claim to fame, until now, or faith, and are ready to swear time, has visited several S. D. T. lias been that his ancestors help- allegiance to a new flag and crede chapters throughout the country, ed pioneer the west, and that he at the first opportunity. When in her office capacity. She was himself graduated as president of they saw that Europe was collaps- also present at the regional conthe Portland High school class of ing, they did not stick to their guns or to their words, but fled 1800. in a hurry, duly preceded by their He obtained his vast knowledge fat b a n k investments and acof international affairs (he is, of counts. Now they have come to course, against aid to England) this country, where they vociferby a public career which included ously air their views and their inmembership in the Portland Char- dignation at Americans,, because ter Commission, the Multnomali the Yankees have not yet gone to C o u n t y Commission, Columbia Europe to save the interests of River Interstate Bridge Commis- that decadent European class." . sion, State Association of County ' Judges and Commissioners, Mount At this point Senator Reynolds, Hood L o o p Road Association, who read Cassini's diatribe into West Side Pacific Highway Asso- the Congressional Record, Interciation and the Port of Portland polated :.;"The nerve, the gall!" saw Commission. • "For America most of these Thus equipped for these mo- refugees fecL no love or faith," mentous times," he has launched Cassini continues. "They just are -attacks, very thinly veiled, on all here because they find it the most Jews, a n d particularly Jewish comfortable place to be. They-are : bankers; Pro-nazi organizations outspoken in their criticism of us have been feeding his literature dopes. But if they saw that this • 'which could only have originated country was becoming too hot for "with Dr. Goebbcls, but which he them, they wouldn't stick a n d accepts as gospel truth and ex- flght. As they did from Europe, • pounds on the senate floor when- they would flee — probably to South America." . over the' opportunity presents.
f.'V,,', '' '• '*«« 5 f^M*
•- The pet theory of Reynolds and •Holman, at this moment,, is that • there are 450,000 communists in •Fr'arice all "clamoring to enter the .United States.' T h e y refer, of "course, to the'fact'that there are 450,000 refugees of all types and nationalities in France, and that
Cassini went on to say that he didn't mean "the poor but honest, freedom-loving immigrants."
White Enamel
But what both he and Senator Reynolds neglected to say. was this: " . •,-.''• . .. . - ; . Cassini'a mother, the Countess
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rA.u 1 !•
¥rld*y, April 4, 1S4I-
Page 12
By ritihliAS J. olftC the January-March Menorah JourWAR ECHOES nal, 'The Refugee from Judea" Did you know that the Greeks , . . It's a beautiful and imaginaafter capturing the Albanian cltj tive account of what might have of BessanteM, renamed it in honor happened if Jesus, instead of acof the (ireek Jewish hero Captaia cepting crucifixion, had fled JeruMordechai Fritei, who fell in bat- salem and become a refugee in tle not long ago? . . . Aed that the Alexandria . . . In New York, by Rev. Demetrius Heliopoulos, lead- the way, weeklies published by er of the Greek Orthodox Church refugees for refugees are looking in New York, has promised the co- up . . . Der Auffeau has grown operation of local Greeks in the tremendously of late, and carries U. P. A. campaign? . . . Italy's an amazing number of ads . . . new stamp issue, instead of, being And The Way in America, pub. a source of considerable extra lished mostly in German but with revenue from philatelists, lias some articles in English, has beproved a great bust . . . Even the gun to appear in a larger format most enthusiastic stamp collectors and with a greater number of have failed to work up any appre- pages . . . Gilbert Gabriel, novelciable : interest in those little ist and drama critic, is planning a gummed pictures featuring the trip to Nicaragua to collect firstHit-and-Muss combination . . . One hand material on the life on Wilreport has it that Hitler has told liam Walker, the American who his partner Benito that German nearly a century ago was for a war aid is predicated on the abdi- time the commander-in-chief of cation of King Victor Emmanuuel the Nicaraguan army . . . Richard III'. . . Which reminds us of the Rollins' book "I Find Treason" complaint of Benny Fogleman, contains revelations startling even Philadelphia restaurateur . . Ben- at this time, and the volume ny calls his eatery "Benny the brings documentary proof of the Bum," and objects vehemently to workings of the Nazi Fifth Colthat epithet being applied to Ben- umn here . . . Among the disturbito . . . Considers it libelous . . . ing facts we find confirmed in While a newspaperman named the book is the Nazi view that Frank Smothers is credited with citizenship in some other country the dictum that "Mussolini has does not supersede German citigiven Hitler all war short of aid" zenship—which means, of course, that in Hitler's eyes all Germans born in Germany, even though HOMi: FRONT Ity the time you read this Ber- they may now be naturalized nard M. BariK'h may already have Americans, are still subjects of Ills new Defense job, which will the Third Reich, and must obey he just as important its the posi- all Nazi edicts . . . The Rollins t ion he held in the last war . . . book also serves as a timely reHave your local hotels had the minder of the excellent work done same trouble as some of those in some years ago by the McCor•New York, where German and m a c k - Dickstein Congressional Italian waiters often adopt a pol- Committee investigating Nazi acicy of violent non-cooperation for tivities, in the U. S. A. . . functions arranged to raise British relief funds? . . . If you're ABOUT PEOPLE wondering just why Fifth ColBiographer Emil Ludwlg, we unincrs get that way, consider iiear, has settled down Mexico,, that when the Nazis entered Bulgaria one of their first acts was more or less for good . . . Giirson K3Si?^?¥3£#W to award life pensions to a list of some hundreds of Bulgarians who had prepared the way for Badolf . . . There seems to be a shipping rule that vessels not in transit for three months are subject to expropriation . . . Which should enable the U. S. to make some use of the large number of - Nazi ships which are spending the war in American ports . . . PM, New York's five-cent tabloid, will soon carry a series of articles against the Vichy regime by Henri Bernstein, the French playwright . . . In charge of special features at the PM- office, incidentally, is Beatrice Kaufman, Bay e s s . down Wife of playwright George S. . . • for IBe And »rt
Kaain, that gifted Kellywood director, is taking three years off from his chosen professiou and giving them to his Uncle Sam , , . In other words, Ka.uin' 2aas enlisted ia the army , . . Reeieiriber the mysterious aiid anonymous "gypsy violinist" who appeared oq the airwaves a few years ago with earconipelliiig midnight ' programs? . . . Now this musician, Emery Deutsch, is becomiag the conductor of the CBS Salon Orchestra , . . We're sorry to hear that Sybil Jason, the little Jewish girl from South Africa, has had to go back home from Hollywood, where she had landed no jobs since she played in "The Bluebird" with Shirley Temple . . . Did you ever hear of Captain Samuel Samuels? . . . Neither did we .till just recently, which shows how ephemeral fame can dp . . . For about eighty years ago Captain Samuels performed one of the greatest feats in maritime history . . . His ship had lost her rudder in a terrific gale somewhere in the Atlantic—but he saved her by steering her back to the Azores by
manipulating the sails so that she cowie biAk in tweuty years . » • followed a backward course for WhereuiiOii the sefagee timidly asked: "MoiTtiisg or afternoon?" 182 miles . . . : (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts WEEKLY GIGGLE r Feature Syndicate) £o t&iiaposei" Kurt 'Wciil is credited 4Iie fctory of the old IUKII arJerusalem (JTA—A represenrested hi' Berlin for |»&ssiikg out leaflets in tlse piOilie thorough- tative of the Jewish Agency and fares . . . S"iie GestsjiO exKMiiaed the Sephardic Chief Rabbi, BenIds stuck of papers, &nA discov- Zion Uziel, called on the Yugoered that every sheet was totally slav Consul-General aod extendblank . . , Not even the most me- ed congratulations over the ticulous tests revealed the slight- Yugoslav political developments. est tr&ce of & message printed in iitvteil^JEe iitk . . . $tuitti*e<l for ouce, ' the tiestepo oom Adler's Kosher esked the prisoiser what the big idea ittigltt be . . . The old feihrugged . . . . '"I'iie people khow what I ine&ii," he said . . . From Announcet to tfta Ptiblic Ijisbon, again, tomes •the tale of the refugee seektog an American A Large Stock of viss . . . The c&usui's qHesliyitiitg browglit out the unfortunate cirKosher Pas&over
cumstance tliKt the i<.iqJia>.nt Imd
MO affidavit of support, no money and lift Americ&ii friends OP relatives . , . Under the circumstances the consul explained, Ids likitdis were tied, and he advised the nuai to give up his place in line
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' One of the finest pieces of. writIng we've seen in quite a while is William Zukerman's fantasy in WEBB, riEBEK, KLUTZNICK A KEIXES, : Attorney*, : ,200 Servlee l i f e Bldg." PROBATE NOTICE In the matter of the estate of Leroy Brown, deceased.
. Notice Is hereby given that the creditors of laid deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me, county judge of Douglas county, Nebraska, at the county court room, in said county, on the 12th day of May, 10«, and on the 12th day of July, 1941, at 9 o'clock a . m . , each day, for till purpose of presenting their claims for examination,. adjustment and allowance; Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claim*, from the 11th day of April, 1911. CHARLES J. SOUTHARD, 8-31-41-31. County Judge. MONSKY, GIU>DINBKY, MAREH AND COHEN, Attjrt. • 731 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bids. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on trte first day of January, 1041, the total outitandlng secured ana unsecured Indebtedness of - Omaha Boa & Terminal Company, a. Nebraska Corporation, with it* principal place 6f business in Omaha, Nebraska, was $10,692.34. , EDWARD F. PETTIS, President. Attest: H. A. WOLF, Secretary. • , EDWARD F.' PETTI8, H. A. WOLF, FRED. W. KAYSER, 4-4-41-lt. Majority of Directors. ;i',$ """^la?-
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