March 21, 1941

Page 1

Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January £1, 1981, at Poatoffice. of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of Marcu. 8, £87»

OMAHANS TO U. ToO. C.MeetBrotherhood March 27 B'NAIB'RITH CONVENTION Henry Monsky Will Head Local Delegation At Chicago Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith, Mil head an Omaha delegation comprising Philip M. Klutznick, president of B'nai B'rith District 0; Sam Beher, persident of the Supreme Advisory C o u n c i l of Aleph Zadik Aleph, B'nai B'rith's youth organization ; a n d Dr. • Abraham Greenberg, past president of Dis« trict 0, to the national triennial convention of B'nai B'rith, oldest and largest national Jewish service a n d fraternal organization, which is meeting in Chicago, March 29th to April 2nd. Harry Malasliock is an alternate. A highlight of the convention will be an address by the Hon. Henry A. Wallace, vice president of the United States, - who wiJJ epeak "at the national inspirational session to be held at the Chicago Civic Opera House on Sunday evening, March 30. ! Mr. Monsky will-introduce Mr. .Wallace, Mr. Klutznick will officiate at the initiation of a Supreme Lodge Membership Class . ••which :was enrolled .throughout District G as a special tribute both to Mr. Monsky and to the convention, which is being held in this district ror the first time since 1900. Welzmanti to bo Guest Dr. Chaim .Weizmann, president Of the World Zionist Organization and of the Jewish Agency for Palestine,. will be the , guest speaker, at the luncheon session on Sunday, .March 30, at the. Drake , hotel. Dr. Weizmann, a" - : (Continued~bn page 10.)

David Levine to /ision of


Over Three Hundred Attend Dinner Sunday Evening Over t h r e e hundred persons attended the dinner given Sunday evening at the Beth El Synagogue in honor of the'tenth anniversary of R a b b i and Mrs. David A. Goldstein's coming to Omaha. Sam Beber, Loyal Kaplan and Mrs. David Greenberg delivered brief talks. Arthur Cohn w a s master ol ceremonies for the evening. -A {gift, a combination radio and phonograph was presented the rabbi by David Blacker on behalf or the congregation. A skit, Mrs. Samuel Theodore and" Dr. David Platt, portrayed the high-lights of Rabbi Goldstein's career in Omaha. ••

V. 1

XVII—No. 1 $

The regular monthly dinnermeeting of the Brotherhood of the U. O. C, will take place »on Thursday, March 27, at the Bnal Israel synagogue at 6:30. The speaker of the evening will be Dr. A. Greenberg, who will speak on "The Army and Navy and Omaha Jewry." For reservations call JA 0887. The Brotherhood of the U. O. C. announces a special occasion at its services this Sunday morning. The services will begin at 9:00 as usual and will be followed by the regular communal breakfast. The special celebration will be the completion of the first of the five books of Moses, which were studied since the in- Discuss Relief Problems ception of the services under the At Sessions in . direction of the Rabbi.

Appointment of David Levine, prominent communal a n d civic leader, as chairman of the Initial Gifts Division of the 1041 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign has been announced by Milton H. Livingston, general chairman of the diivei Mi% Levine has taken an active Appeal Issued for Volunpart in all past philanthropies teers to Aid campaign's' and is a mem.ber of Lincoln Drive the budget committee, He is on Forty Omahans last Sunday at- the board of trustees of Temple call to members of-the Omatended the Nebraska State Con- Israel and the executive commlt- liaAJewish Community to enroll ference of the Joint Distribution as workers hi the forthcoming Committee and the National RefJewish Philanthropies drive was ugee Service, held in Lincoln, issued yesterday by Milton Livand at which more than 350 repingston, campaign chairman. resentatives from outstato comIn a communication addressed inunltics were present. to a number of workers, Mr. LivThe conference was'called in 1 wrote: "We, need an 3 ingston order to present facts concerning army of workers to help reach the work and activities of imporevery man and woman in Omaha, tant overseas agencies.' " and tell them the story of the Mr. M. Robert Herman, field greatest emergency our people - ,' * ever faced. And the greater the director of the Joint Distribution Committee, reported that a quararmy, the easier the task, and ter of a million Jews are fed. the more effective our campaign V. daily in Poland, 22,000 Jews are will be." assisted . in Shanghai, 140,000 400 Needed refugees have been assisted in Altogether some four hundred South and Central America in ad•workers will participate in all didition to other lands where the visions in eharge.iof solicitations. J. D. C. sends relief. It is hoped by the Philanthropies Mr. Herman indicated that the executive that the response will work of the J. D. C. continues 4 * be numerous.. . unhampered and > through the exThose interested in offering chaneg method without aiding their services for the campaign the German economy. . are asked to call the office of the Mr. Gomberg, resetJewish . Community Center, JA (Continued on page 8.) 1366. • Dnvid Levine tee of the Jewish Community Center. He is a past president of the Associated Retailers of Omaha and is at: the present time serving on t h a t , organization's board of directors. In accepting the appointment, Rabbi Charles Schulman of the Mr;: Levine stressed the fortuitThe Eighth Annual CongregaNorth Shore Congregation, Glen- ous circumstances that brought tional Seder conducted by Temple coe, 111.; will deliver the sermon our forefathers to America to es- Israel will be held on tho second of Passover, Saturday eveFriday evening,. March 28, at cape the European carnage, and night ning, April 12. A twilight sorvthat in helping those less forTemple Israel, when Hadassah tunate, we can express our ap- ice will be held that evening at Sabbath will be observed. 5:30 and the Seder will follow. preciation for our blessings. Members of Hadassah will conMrs. Abev Somberg will bo "The campaign in which we duct the service and be hostesses will participate represents t h e chairman of the committee in only channel by which we can charge and assisting her will be: at a reception that will* follow. bring to millions of Jews tle- Mesdames Adolph Frbhman, Sam Arrangements are being made prived aid of livelihood and of their Friedman, Sam Pepper, Sam Berby Mrs. M. F. Levenson, chair- homes by the blight of persecu- kowitz,•' Max Scheuerniann, Jenhie -Burger, Charles Schlmmel, man of the Religious Committee tion an<J,Avar." ^ of the' local HadasEQh: chapter. "The area of Jewish distress and David Wells. h a s widened so immeasurably Since! reservations must be limsince the tragedy of war engulfed ited those planning to attend are Europe that we must raise large asked'to phone the office of the funds to aid our stricken breth- Temple, AT 2884, immediately. ren if we are to meet in even the smallest measure the responsibilMIZRACHI MELAVEH ity which is ours. MALKE TOMORROW "The story of Jews overseas is a heart-rending story of indeolize not only i'ne political and scribable h u m a n suffering. I ;The regular Melaveh Malic a economic life of a people, but the firmly believe that we should not meeting of tho Mizrachl organthink of our responsibility as a ization of Omaha will bo held on spiritual as well." duty, but as a privilege. I think Saturday night, March 22, at 8 Afraid of Revolution ' that all of us should thank God o'clock at Congregation Bnal IsIn repl/ to those who think that we havo been privileged to rael, 18th and Chicago. Russia is merely waiting for Eu- offer help and that wo should Reports will be received from rope to collapse to take over con- give our help through Omaha's the committees, particularly a retrol, Lyons pointed out that Rus- annual campaign effort." port will be given on the Nationsia is more afraid of revolution al Fund Sabbata .conducted by than any other country. "Rus- Bars Sending U. S. the orthodox congregations resia is not today revolutionary or cently. crusading. If there should be a Liners to Lisbon collapse of Europe, Russia will Washington ( J T A ) — The go with the rest of the totaliPlay Try-Outs tafians." There is no reason, in Maritime commission has refused his opinion, to believe that Rus- permission for-the United States The Center Players will hold sia will give" up her partnership Lines to send two liners to Liswith Hitler and be true to the bon to transport U. S. citizens try-outs next Wednesday evedemocracies. "In Hitler, Stalin and refugee holders of American ning, March 2(5,, at 8 o'clock.For their filial presentation, visas to this country, has a chance for survival." the Players have chosen three It. was understood the commisSpeaking of the international one-act plays. political,system of Russia, Lyons sion feared the risk of sending A large number of people blamed the defeatist propaganda two valuable potential naval aux- will be needed for the casts. iliaries into. European waters. of t h e French communists" for All interested In'dramatics are hastening the collapse of France. The U. S. Lines had intended to Invited'to attend. - v . .Jacl;.,Marer was chairman of send the liners Manhattan and .Washington to Lisbon. the' evening.' • -

ROUND TABLE WILL „Rabbi ••• Samuel, Berei^ took the role of HADASSAH SABBATH Goldstein and Mrs. Phineas Wintroub was Mrs. Goldstein. TO BE OBSERVED ' GIVE D A W SUNDAY were:-Mrs. Other's talcing part in the play Sam Stern, I. Dansky, ; Highlight of the Round Table of. Jewish Youth social season will' be' the Hataantaschen Hop to take , place this • Sunday evening, March 23, at the Jewish Community Center. Music for. the evening will be furnished by Gary and his orchestra. Climaxing the evening will be the crowning of Queen Esther. Candidates ' h a v e been chosen, by the various youthgroups.' ' Co-chairmen in charge of the affair are Charlotte Nogg arid Warner Frohmari. Members of the committee are: Tickets, Etta Garejlck, chairman, and Vicki Lerner,r Milton^.Guss and Stanley Feltman; publicity and decorations, Harry Gbodbinder, chairman, Elaine Lagman and Reva Lipsman; entertainment, Reeda Magzamin, chairman, assisted by Harold Habler. 1 Tickets are twenty-five cents and may be purchased from any member of the Round Table or at the Center office.




C a s t





William Racusln, Sam Rice, Mrs. Moe Linsman, Mrs. William Raduzin'er, Joe Rice and Sam Steinberg. ... The choir, under the direction of Cantor Aaron Edgar, also participated. Members of the choir are: Podie Belmont, Sheldon Bernstein, David Bodin, Betty Cohn, Eleanor Cohen, Harry Duf boff, Doris Gillnsky, Ethelyn Lasninsky, Selwyn Jtoffman, - Sharlotte Sliafton, Pearl' Sommer and Corinne Wohlner. , •• Mrs. J. Malashock and "Mrs. Abe Fellman were acconfpanists.

When the agents of the Communist' International in this country hnit their attacks on Great Britain and those in Latin America stop talking of Yankee Imperialism, the world can then ex'Atmosphere Blots pect a break between Russia and Germany, according to Eugene "Nazi Broadcast Lyons, editor of' the • American Mercury, who Tuesday evening New .York, (WNS) — Adolf spoke at the Center Forum. Hitler's special Purim broadcast Until 'that time, Lyons went to Jews in the United States, on, people are only indulging in which the Nazi radio had pre-r "wishful' thinking." Lyons, who ylously announced,..; could not be for six y e a r s represented the heard, because of a heavy atmos- United Press in Moscow, accused pheric blanket which blotted out Russia of portraying itself as a completely all short-wave trans- benevolent neutral Tin ordef to mission from Euorpe at 8:14 p. carry out Hitler's tasks. m. on Purim. "The difference between the to; The Nazi .broadcast wag. sch.ed- talitarian, systems," he-said, "is nled to begin,at 8:15 p . m . . ' " largely'on .the surface. .The iden• There •Tya's "no '.confirmation of tity" is" at-the .core." Lyons dereports, that" the Nazis-'described scribed the totalitarian nations, the atmospheric' conditions as a not'as'variations'on old-time desplot hatched by "international- potisms; but a new phenomenon .Tewry". to enslave all peace-lov- based on our. technological civiling peoples. '"' ' " ization. "They actually" monop-



Petge 10

Wekmann to Address B'nai B'rifli The A. Z. A. ICO Lasketbatl team wiii leave tLis eveaiag for Hock Island, III., to participate ia tbe A. Z. A. District ToarEsiaeat to be ueld there March 16, 16 and 17. Teams trom eis otter regions will play for the district championship. Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Paul, Omaha aad TriCitiea. have already woa tfefcir regional tournaments. Coach Pei> Bogcloaoff of the Century chapter qwiatet had the beys working out regularly and reports that, all the boys are ia fine shape and raring to go. The squad going to Rock Island include Captain Ben Kutler, Normau Kukliu, Mike Laudwan, Melvine Levine, Harold Epstein, Sam Shitsky, Lou Slutsky aud Bill Susman, Manager Morri3 Richlln and Coach Paul Bogdonoff. Last night the Sam Beber chapter basketball team was honored at a smoker given by the B'nai B'rith. Tonight the team will leave at 12:06 a. m. via the Hock Island Streamliner and your correspondent at this time wishes the boys all the luck in the world. Last Tuesday evening the final game of the Midwestern A. A, U. basketball tournament was staged at the city auditorium. The Heffllnger S h o e Store quintet emerged victorious over the Itlaky Dinks in the finals. The surprise of the tournament was the fine showing of the Itinky Dink's. Both of these teams from Omaha outlasted the outstate teams and with both teams spiked they displayed some real fine basketball. HANDBALL The Midwest A. A. U. handball doubles tournament started at the Y. M. C. A. last Monday with two Class A teams of the Center coming through with victories. .Results:

Class A Goldware-Welner (JCC) beat SmlthOWton <OAC>, 21-15, 21-1T. AIorocco-Frintz (Y) beat Katzman-Shapiro (JCC), 21-7, 21-t5. XUekea-B&n (3CC) beat An&nia-PraU OC>, 2i-t5. 21-4. Dleslng-Garvey (OAC) best CassldyBcore (V), 21-5. Cl-D. Class B Good.Hebn.uv (V) beat Scheer - Fulton (Tf>. 21-3. 21-9. Mayer-tons (Y) beat Rosen-fcorney (JrO, 21-13, 21-17. E?.U3--Com.« (Y) beat Katatee-Ifiaacson (JCC). 21-1G, 21-11..

BADMINTON There will be a badminton class for business girls starting Wednesday, March 19, taught by Mr. Howard Shinrock, assistant physical director. This class will meet every Wednesday from C:45 to 7:45. For lots of fun learn the fundamentals of this sport correctly from an expert ao you will enjoy this activity. Plan to attend regularly. High school and Junior Girla: Do you know that a gymnasium 'period has been put aside for you? Don't you like badminton, swimming and other gymnasium sports? How about that girlish figure? Your director is patiently waiting to direct your group. Join the "J" and keep smiling.

Memorial For Metaxas

Dr. Chaiai Weizmsau, president of the World Zionist Org»aiaation, who will address the March 30th luncheon session of the triennial convention of B'nai B'rith in Chicago.

Dave B£.&4.i .sxiivities, .aad we are s&rSUM Coal .. &at»t feetly wiiliEg to pay our eliare crt surprised til caaeu'tei wi.«a tbey tiieese costs,1" ifa. ii&*i&&Qn saM. m*a two gaiaes Uusx ike UmMM,"But if we •dida't i*ay tiiese tkxes, M&tor sj'titL Tte £»iit&sa.ea WG-B &ii i^Uter t£j£pp&y*ra wo-ald tave to tike Ixeat gfci&e LhM&ily, 4*tt drop- pi.y liiglier taies to make up this amount, or 'govef&Bient erpea ped ike l&st tws. aifcares w&aid k&vs t» 4>e eS from 1*age 1.5 lia his scores were i«giistered tLat Miick c-aek year," ia this laiteh. "T&ay" Galax w&s Thursday night's affair includes: fcigii tor t i e t&t&aiea wita Ms L. Gordon Gross, tickets; P a u l 517 series, while Lfeoaaid KLeia, Bloteky, food; ©on Broak^r, ena new addition to tke ecal men, •<WKS> — Nazi agents tertaiament; ©ave 'Bialae, dec»ratopped bis team with a 515 se, atxd Jog Jacobs, pablicity. fceesi seat to French Morocco ries. -will toe -guest miigtit an4 and Syria to etir up agitatioa <be weleome to «fcagainst the lews ia those counTfce Empire Clfe&fiers fcej»t up tries, it was reported fcere. Mazi tend. Reservations f»r ,tbe -t&their winning ways i»y takiiig all agents In Syria have feeen Bitreafl-f •fgir s.Te 85 cents per ©late, three gases froia li&ve Haiia's lug reports that tJreat Britain D*vid Balais *ras founder Fi&fieer U&ifera t&a.*H. aad Turkey are prepared to swee? first #resideat of the New Yerik Tke tdple win put tiie Espire tiowa t>a tiie «&ttatry. 'Tixe Na^is : Society. boys in secoad place la ike leagiis claimed t t a t Sews, in tlte fay rf Il standings all hy tliemselr«s, with Great Britain, were sentiag out a mathematical ckaace of over- vital iailitary inforMiation wiiica taking the league leaders, if they i l e British will use ia Marrauo, acted as royal ©f tke Canary Islands. coiitiaue to slto&t as they lave tiie for the past few weeks. "Ilank" Corea kept up his &&& shooting for t h e winners, whea he put together gaaie3 of 188, 216 and 163 for a nice 662 series. Leo Weitz topped the losers with his 529 series.

Last Sunday when one week's postponed games were rolled ©ff it should be mentioned that "Tony" Colin also broke hia high season record when he turned ia a big 596 series. Lee Ilurwich of the Empires also turned ia a By SAM ZWEIBACIC 696 series. And believe it or aot, J a c k "Cheeseball" ^leishmaa broke an all-season precedent by STANDINGS OW TEAMS shooting a 550 series. Wea. Lost. 29 Th* Wardrobes 65 Kntplre Ctesiiers Smith Motors Ittcmter Uniforms tUequot €l«b3 , tltalB Coal Co

47 43 *S S8 S9

S7 39 41 08 51

Bowling this week produced the star of stars, during the match between the leaguo-leaditig Wardrobe clothiers and the Clicquot Eskimos. Sammy "Weenie" Steinberg, unbeknown to all concerned, went up to the alleys in the afternoon before the bowling, and together with the alley man, painted a f e w so-called "spots" on the wood, to sort of give him a hint as to just where to aim his individual bowling ball. His personal attention to this matter produced real results, when he broke his all-season Bearing record by putting together games of 182, 235 and 175 for a big GJ>2 series, which topped his team as well as the entire league this week. Sammy's scores were the big reason the Wardrobes w o n two games from t h e Clicquot Clubs, after dropping the first game. The double win, firmly entrenched Moe Linsman's boys in first place by a margin of eight games, with only 21 games more left to bowl. George Shapiro, the southpaw anchor man of the losers, turned, ia a nice series made up of games of 204, 207 and then a miserable 149, which kept him out of the "600" class.

"Nebraska Power Reports on Taxes

"If the.Nebraska Power company didn't pay taxes it could give its customers free service two months out of eacii year." J. E, Davidson, president of the company, said in commenting on the report that an Iowa municipal plant has given its customers ona month's free service. "In talking a b o u t electric rates,' Mr. Davidson added, "It is well to keep in mind that privately-owned utilities pay taxes and municipal utilities do not. No comparison of their electric rates, therefore, is fair unless this freedom from taxation is considered. "Our company pays 11,469,000 or more than $4,000 a day, in taxes. Our contribution to the support of government takes 17 cents of every dollar we receive.' This is more than twice the 8% per cent discount w h i c h one month's free service represents. Were our company not required to pay taxes, the savings therefore would equal two months frea service to our customers, not just occasionally, but every year. "If our company were tax-free, our residential rates, which now average 3.6 cents per kilowatthour, would be reduced to considerably leBs than 3 cents. "The taxes -• we pay are, ot course needed for the support of schools, police, fire and health The big upset of the evening departments, and other govern-


WEBB, BEBER, RLUTZNICK St KEIXEV, AHy9. 200 Service l i f e BISg. NOTICE OF INDEBTEDNESS Notice is hereby given that all existing cabts of Peterson Lithograph S Printing ©>., on the 31st day of December, 1940> ©mounted to the sum at Blghty-nlna TJiooatad Three Hundred-seventy Dollars and, EMly-thrus Cents ($33,37*53). „ EMERY O.. PETERSON PtesULsat. JOHN F0Kt>. JR.. CHAS, A ^ JORDAN, • . ' • EMERY a , PETERSON. Being a-l&gontjr ofUto


Boart »I Directors. •

is undoubtedly one of the best refrigerators you* money can buy. During the past 10 years we have r sold m a n y Westing-




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Athens (JTA) — The Jewish community of this city has donated 25,000 drachmas for erection of a memorial to the late Greek premier, John Metaxas. The '-' • Safety Tread Tires announcement coincided with re- « STOPS QUICKER ligious memorial services for the late premier throughout the coun- o STEERS STRAIGHTER try. A special service was •performed at the main synagogue o RUSES SMOOTHER- • . ••';/; iiero by Chief Rabbi Barzilas. MO.NSIiY, GHODINSKYr MAOEIt AND COHEN, Attys. 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank BIdff. I NOTICE IS HEKE0T GIVEN T&at on the first day of January, 1911* Uie total outstanding secured ana unsecured In<Iabtciine33 of Southern Mortgago & Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, With its principal place of business in Omaha, Nebraska, was $14,660.37. K. A. WOIJ1, " President. Attest: H. H. AUEKBACH, Secretary. H. A. WOLF, K. H. KOOPER, R. H. BROWN, . 3-11-41-lt. , . Majority ol Directors.


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Friday, March 1 4 , 1 9 4 1


*•«• U 1

Our Film Folk By HELEN ZIGMOND HOLLYWOOD. The Lowdown and the HighSpots of t h e Academy Awards Banquet:




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The Academy is an institution built on tolerance . . . on the com plete obliteration of a l l racial, color and creed lines. And for the first time in thirteen years a sour note was sounded which left a bitter flavor. Quontin Reynolds, n e w s correspondent, explaining why the Academy hired auditors to count the 12,000 ballots, said, "They don't think anyone in the industry c a n count to 13,000. But they're wrong . . . there are some who can count to 12,000. Even a few producers can do it - > but not in English!" Albeit JVir. Reynolds was only building for a laugh . . . lie must be a very foreign "foreign correspondent" not to know that such pokes are as passe as silent pictures. The scattered hisses that greeted his remark were music in our ears. David Selznick (who, Mr. Reynolds will be surprised to know, is a graduate of Columbia University and can count at least to three since he has received three Academy Oscars) accepted with modesty and visible emotion the Best Picture award for "Rebecca." The gold doll for Best Original Story went to Benjamin Glazer and John S. Toldy for "Arise, My Love." In accepting alone, Mr. Glazer related that his collaborator must remain incognito under a pen-name because h i s family still lives in the shadow of a dictator. Vincent Korda, brother of Alexander, r e c e i v e d the art achievement award for "Thief of Bagdad." Best musical scoring prize was won by Alfred Newman for "Tin Pan Alley." That was a l l of the Chosen who w e r e chosen. Cleverest quip by Bop Hope, M. C : "This new method of sealing the award winners in envelopes until the last moment has the press boys in awful suspense. They are doing everything poasible to find out the names. In fact, when the last envelope was closed, they had to open it up again to let Sidney Skolsky out!" Kultur a la Nazi: Come reports from Norway that after Norwegian actors of radio, film, and stage refused to nso their talents for the propagation of tho "new order," the quality of entertainment fell so low that audiences lost interest. Immediately t h e Propaganda Minister took action , .ruled that any actor who declined to appear in Nazi-controlled productions would be blacklisted and forever barred from tnq profession.





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Interesting character is Comedian Albert Morln, a Spanish Sephard. Has' played a number of ismall parts, but is in greater demand as a "ribber" . . . is hired for parties to "insult" the guests, much to the amusement of those knowing the gag. A few years ago Vince Barnett developed his career along the same lines. Using bankruptcy as on expedient, tho Nazis ore increasing their position in South American film production. Agfa, raw fihn distributors, extend liberal credits to the studios . . . Banco Gennanice issues largo loans . . . then they wait.* Soon tho overburdened concern collapses . . . and tbo two big creditors walk in and take over. fYrar Argentine companies bare thus fallen i n t o German bands. Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.).

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Page 8


Lt. Morris Arbitman Died Last Friday at CCC Camp Outstahaing ana successful in £11 activities he undertook, Morris served the youth of faithfully. The former president of the Jlound Table of Jewish Youth flied suddenly Vria&y night at JIalsey, Nebraska, where he was Dn duty with the civilian conservation corps. i From his entrance into A. Z. A. J, he served in every office of the fchapter and in 1938 became Aleph jCodol. He debated for the chapter and was treasurer of the disJrlct in 1939. He represented



'. •

History Repeats, itself! Though ages have eoiu'e between the days when Pauiau brought terror to our people and the days of the present when plunder has again found its way to us, the story is much the same. Mistreated and unhappy were the Jews of yesteryore, but with the downfall of Hainan came the festival of rejoicing, Purim. With hearts lighter and happier than they had been in many a day, the Jews of that day sang and laughed and cried tears of joy for the first time in too long a period. Today we weep again. Today we fear and shrink in horror. But tomorrow V Yes, tomorrow will bring Purim— perhaps a new festival of rejoicing also. We can hope for this: HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF! ...

In WLemoriam


The world in its state of confusion With the whole country in a Is grasping tho Security Handle To escape the clutches of terror turmoil because of the nation's o£ a universe that's gone vandal. extensive defense program, and There's work to be done iu our with bomber and a r m a m e n t plants springing up, every man Heavens must do his part — by being conand our Ruler is searching for aid scripted or by finding jobs in deHo needs the able assistance Of some of the men He has made. fenBe work. Along with this, the His eyes have sauntered the living "femmes" must do their share — after all, a girl's best defense, as . I For leaders to fulfill His plot To rid the Earth of infection well as offense is an attractive In. time to tave it from rot. outfit. CHARLOTTE NOGG'S royal From the sanguinary land He has blue corduroy dress with largo chosen buttons as inm on the pocthe men He has deemed as the silver kets and down the front of the best waist, FRITZIE RIECKES' navy Those who can pass all required crepe sailor dress with low waist, That will distinguish them from all around pleated skirt, and sailthe rest. or collar, CHARLOTTE SOMThus Arbitman has been con- MER'S powder blue wool dress worn with double strand pearls, scripted BLUMKIN'S beige jerTo the ranks ot the highest es- FRANCES sey dress with brass studded belt, teem FLORENCE TATLEMAN'S And he has gained a promotion and / navy shirt-waist dress . with paBeyond his wildest dream. triotic emblem on the left sleeve are enough to make the sailors A salute to Colonel Morris .. Lt. Morris Arbitman A leader of the Army of Peace want to stick close to port. Suited for maneuvering In all Mother chapter at tho National We look to him in reverence Convention in Denver in 1938 and That his glory will never cease. types of weather are HARRIET E. S. L. SHAFER in her bright green coralso attended other A. Z...A. reduroy r e v e r s i b l e worn with gional and national conventions. matching 'Judy" hat, KEVEE He was, at the time ot his death, KIRSHENBAUM in his creme Junior Advisor of Mother chapter. colored suede packet, REEDA Received Shield of David MAGZAMIN wearing a light green tweed suit, and BEVER„ Lt. Arbltman received the LEE GREENBERG wearing her Shield of David award for outSinai Club aqua suit with turban, bag, hat, standing leadership and activity Like Moses who stood on and shoes of a new spring hue. in 1940. He was the only one in Mount with the tablet of All of the suits for this season Omaha to receive this honor. He the ten Sinai commandments in his feature the swing skirt, and the was instrumental in gaining the arms hoping that from that day Ben Z. Glass award for A. Z. A. forward his peopli would find torso length packet. Also well are LEO ALPERSON in 1 in l!>3f and was co-chairman faith and guidance, so stood Gary suited new brown suit, and HARRY of the Cornbelt Regional A. Z. A. Landman before a small group his GOODBINDER wearing a dark Summer tournament in 1938. of his friends with the idea of green pin stripe suit, red and Aside from his work with A. Z. starting a club in which unaffill- green print boulard tie, and hat A., Lt. Arbitman served as presi- ated boys and girls could find with green, band. dent o£ the Round Table in 1939 both social and cultural guidance When in a draft ALLAN and 1940 and headed the Youth in a club he hoped to organize. BLANK dons his rust Blip-over division of the Jewish PhilanThey heard him and then lis- sweater with his initials on it. thropies in 1940. tened and the result: Club Sinai, STAN FELTM AN'wears his black Graduating from Central high the only organization of its kind and ved plaid flannel shirt, HARschool, Lt. Arbitman e n t e r e d in the city — a club for both RIET ROTHKOP puts on the Creightpn university. ,He served boys and girls. The present ac- bright red wool blouse she made, a3 a first lieutenant of the R. O. tive membership list numbers 39 SHIRLEY SPAR slips into her T. C : was a member of Pha- Omaha Jewish .Youth. striped jerkin worn with a charlanx, military fraternity, and a Under the able guidance of the treuse green skirt and a gold member of Phi Beta Epsilon. He present officers: Gary Landman, flannel skirt, and DELORES received his degree from the Col- president; Molly Kelberg, vice SKLAR puts on her pastel plaid lege of Commerce in 1940. For president; Nellie Edel, secretary; skirt with a powder blue angora the: past six weeks he has'been on Sam Kaplan, treasurer; Iz Lewis, cardigan. duty with, the U., .serv- reporter; and Molly Kelberg and For good defense measures ing as assistant commander of Harold'Habler, Round Table repE T H E BL KADIS w e a r s her the CCC camp at Halsey. ersentatives, the Sinai Club is wooden bracelet with a knife to well on its way of reaching its Surviving him are his parents, cut her initials in the bracelet, Mr. and Mjs. Max Arbitman; and goal to become outstanding in all and Miriam Schimmel puts on her its activities. two sisters, Mary and Ann. FuBulova watch-ring to save time. neral services were held last Sun- ,At the last meeting the club • "Tanks" for listening. day afternoon at the Jewish Fu- unamimously voted on Dr. and neral Home with Rabbi Isaiah Mrs. Morris E. Roitsteln as the . Rackovsky officiating. Burial was club's sponsors. The membership list includes: Mickey Balaban, - at Pleasant Hill. Round Table Calendar Nate Berg,.Stanley Berlin, Lester Byron, Nellie Edel, Herman GoldHamantaschen Hop: Jewish stein, Harold Habler, Harold Community"'Center, admission Round Table Leon, Sam Kaplan, Clara Sadof- Twenty-five cents, March 23. sky, Frank Kelbergi Ida Kelberg, Bulletin Staff All-club - b a n q ti e t-dance; Lou Kelberg, Molly Kelberg, Bea Jewish Community Center, adCrounse, _ Eve Kuznit, Blanche mission T w e n t y-five cents, Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . Landman, Gary Landman, Morrie ••. Elaine liagman, Landman, Pauline L a n d m a n , April 1, Conclave a n d Coronation Society Editor Belle Lewis, Iz Lewis,- Adele ; .Ruth RosenStcin Goldstein, Delores Lustgarten, Ball, plate indefinite, May 11. 'Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sam Minkin, Frances Oland, Ar. . . . .PJlb's Blanche Kleiman, thur Parilman, Morris Rosen, JulEeportors: Kcvn Bprdy: a n d Sah Rubenstein, Morris Sadofsky, Round Table activities, charitable Willnrd Friedman." George Weiss, " Anne ' Weismqn, ^aiio ROUND TABLE BUt- Dan W e f s m a n, Henry Weiss, affairs, and athletics. We point •?> LETIN is published ohfcc a Helen Bursteln, Max Y a f f e o, with pride to the ever growing 'mouth by tlie Roancl Table of Marie Adle'r, • Nellie Tatelbaum*. Sinai Club and offer" our Blncerest best wishes for future pro"<3ervlsli South as a feature of and Morris Weiss. tf SS2E #I3WISH FSESS, gress. She Rouud Table The club has been active in all

In the Spotlight

Friday, March 14, 1941

FIFTH COLUMN Soft lights, sweet music, streamers, a milk bar, and tables arranged in nightclub fashion describe the scene of the Haniantaschen Hop, the name given this year's Purim dance sponsored by the Round Table of Jewish Youth, to be held Sunday evening, March 23, at the Jewish Community Center. T h e evening's entertainment will consist of music by Gary and his orchestra, a colorful floor show, a dance contest, a raffle of the door prize and, climaxing the activities, the crowning of Queen Esther. Participating in the floor show are Rita Jean Willis, Beverly Nielsen, Harvey Burslein, a n d Florence Tatleman. The dance contest will be by elimination and is open to all dancer^. The highlight of t h e evening will be the revelation of Queen Esther III. She will be chosen by those attending the dance from among the following candidates: Ceci Cohen, U. T. sorority; Mickey Goldberg, B'nos Israel; Diana Dagmah, fcas Ami; Pauline Landman, Sinai Club; Reeda Magzamin, Tau Delta Sigma; Ruth Miller, Theta Lambda; Ruthie Rosenstein, Junior Hadassah, and Elaine Tuchman, Gamma Tau Sigma. Co-chairmen In charge of the affair are Charlotte Nogg a n d Warner Frohman. Tho committees and their members In charge of ' epecial arrangements are: tickets, Etta Garelick, chairman; Vickl Lerner, Milton Gua, a n d Stanley Feltman; publicity and decorations, Harry Goodbinder, hair man, Elaine Lagman a n d Reva Bordy; entertainment, Reeda Magzamin, chairman, assisted by Harold Habler. Tickets a r o twenty-five cents and may be purchased from any member of the Round Table or at tho Center.

Plans Discussed By Theta Lambda For Musical Revue Members of Theta Lambda saTority, at their regular meeting which was held Tuesday, March 11 at the home of Miss Evelyn Waldman, discussed possibilities of sponsoring a benefit musical review to feature and include all the talent of the Jewish community of Omaha. Realizing the-difficulty of arranging and managing such a huge project, they are anxious to feel they have the full support and backing of the Jewish population. They are asking, therefore, to hear from any and all of you who are interested in participating actively or otherwise contributing to such a review. Will any individuals who feel they have talent and are willing to give their time and efforts towards making a success of thia enterprise please contact Miss Ethel Kadis, HA 0705. Theta Lambda will deeply appreciate comments a n d suggestions form the public to indicate their attitude toward the undertaking proposed.

'Nickelodeon Given For Young People

Well, here it is another month, and we are here to report what our good little friends have been doing . . . BOB and BETTY have busted, and that's from the inside . . . our congrats to the new u. t. initiatees who were taken in at a gala affair on Sunday, March 2 . . . speaking of March 2, happy birthday to MIKE who just turned 17 —and to everyone else who had a birthday on March 2 (that's b e i n g democratic allright) . . . we wonder if any- '•J thing ia brewing between BAB anil JOYCE, who knows . . . . * when is SHIRLEY going to wake ' up and notice the attention NORM is showing her . . . «oa- ' grats to century chapter's "sherw lock cohen" which, with the ad« dltion of other fellows, is in the central high road show . . . . . what's the attraction for so many fellows out at Brownell. We know what JIMMIE'S is, but how about • the other guys—STIEF, KEVEE, . MIKE, MOUSE, and a few others ? ? . . . speaking of Brownell who was the swell gal you had, MIKE, for the French Dance . . . SOO City seems to hold interests for a few of our own — BERNIB . II. for DONNE H.; SHERMAN S. for PHL M.; • and MIKE for • GLORIA . . . t a k e thi3 away.-' • STAN TURK hasn't had any women on his mind for a good many weeks . . . speaking of Soo City, did GORDY get a raw deal? . . . two lucky gals who are marching In Central's Military • Ball are REVA BORDY and ROSALIE RUBIN . . . what's this we hear tell about DOTTY? . . . . ' seems as though KEVEE and ., RUTH are trying to keep It in • the family . . . who's the capital- . ist in Lincoln who called our editor on the phone long distance > and talked a nice long time? . . . if you should happen by the SID-.. N E Y GREENBAUM residence some eve and have a craving for something different in the way to a snak, just ask for his special "guest sandwich" (dog food between two slices of bread to you) . For reference ask BOB "HERO"*, KALMONSOHN. We bet you're wondering what the "hero" Is for, well, wo ain't talking . . , Seems NORM has the bug, and we are pretty sure of same since we saw .the fancy valentine's pin DYNAMITE is sporting , . , Lin- . coin saw as its visitors this past week-end such personalities as . RJ2VA BORDY, SALLY GROSS, . FRITZIE REICKES, BETTY CO- . HEN, RENNE GREENBERG to participate in tho sammy spring formal or the prom . . . HARRIET NEWMAN went, to Iowa,, for the Jiinlor-Senlor Porm . . > what's this about a telegram to BERNICE FRIEDEL'S date in t Lincoln telling him she has chic- . ken pox —- someone has a sense of humor and we hope it's BER* NICE cause lt an't so..-. . A salute to DORINE WOLPA — She . was named honorary colonel'at North High. ' , v

Iu an attempt to bring each and every member of all clubs affiliated. •with the Round Table into closer contact with the latter's activities and operation a youth banquet has been schedul* ed on April 1. ' Under the chairmanship pt Ethel Kadis, . representative .of Theta Lambda, and, a commHtea consisting -of Jack Lincoln, Flox* ence Tatelman and Leonard Mor« genstern, plans are well' under* way and an attendance of at least 350 young people is anticipated. The regular procedure of a Round Table, dinner meeting will take place arid ah informal dance for those attending1 will follow the regular business meeting. Ad* mission will be twenty-five cents '• per place 1and all members ot both boys and girls'-' OTganlzattons aro urged to attend.

. M r . and Mrs. Ben-Silver have given a nickelodeon to the Jewish Community Center for the use of the "young people of the community. "•• y ','•• '•.>-. The Round Table, is sponsoring the "Round Table Hit Parade" through a survey method -in order to choose tho. 32 records to fill the machine. -Each club affiliated with'the, Round Table is asked to .turn in ,thelr favorite tunes and the ones receiving the [highest,number o£ yotea "will be. purchaSe'd "by* Mr. "atia Mrs. Silver two records of their own to com« for the machine. plete the "Round Table Hit Pa« In addition, each club can add rade."

1 '


-Friday, -March 14, 1941


BY MRS. BEN HANDLER A regular meeting of the Mizrachi Women's organization will be held at ,2 o'clock Wednesday, March 19, at the Jewish Community'Center. Mrs; N. Levinson, chairman of the luncheon and card party which will be given at the J. C. C. on Tuesday, March 2 5, requests the hostesses for the affair to meet with her at one o'clock on March 19, preceding the regular meeting. A luncheon followed by cards and bingo will be given each month at the Jewish Community Center, sponsored by ten hostesses. The hostesses for the Marcb affair are: Mesdames M. Brodkey, S. Elewitz, S. Fellinan, L. Freedman, J. Kirshenbaurn, A. Schwaczkln, Fannie Rosen, II. 13. Weinstein, N. Wilfson, and M. Zevin, • • The proceeds help fill the chapter's quota. Mizrachi Women support t h e following projects in Eretz Yisroel: The Batta Zeiroth In Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, technical schools for girls. Plans are being made to establish a school of the same type In Haifa. The Jerusalem school, In order to accommodate the overflow students houses them In two rented annexes. One houses regular students, the other Is equipped as a Welfare center and dormitory for unemployed girls in Jerusalem. Institutions Housed in the Betn Zeiroth in Tel Aviv Is the Beth Chaluzoth. It provides home care .and opportunities for earning to unemployed refugee girls. The national office frequently receives letters from these girls wherein * they thank Mizrachi Women of America for these provisions, thereby saving them from the tragedy of unemployment. The girls' training farm prepares its resident students f o r Work on farms. This school is in rented quarters. Mizrachi Women expect to see their hope realized in the near future to buy a permanent farm. The Mizrachi Girls Teachers Seminary trains girls for the teaching profession. The graduates# are given posiitons in various" schools of Palestine. A new borne is being built for this Institution which is now housed In inadequate quarters. Mfzrachi Women participate in J. N. F. land purchases and tree planting. In addition to the regular quota, the national organization has adopted a quota of ten thousand trees for Women's Forest, and a pledge of $12,500 in Kanhlath Herzog. Mrs. E. >Weinberg, the local chapter's chairman for tree purChases, can be reached at WA 1354. She explains what It means to the purchaser and to Eretsi Yisroal when one plants trees in Palestine. In addition to the above named activities, Mizrachi Women participate in a number of social service projects. At this time of the year, Moes Chitim, the fund fpr distribution of Passover- sup-

plies to the poor in Eretz Yisroel, is engaging the attention of all chapters. With existing conditions, the number requiring Esgistance from this fuad has been tremendously increased. Mrs. Aaron Katz, president of the Omaha chapter, has been aeceptiiig contributions from members and friends.of Mizrachi Women. Anyone wishing to help provide Passover food for the needy in Eretz Yisroel may call Mrs. Katz, WA 9182, and she will arrange for' the contribution. To date, the following have contributed: Mesdames Max Arbitman, H. II. Auerbach, L. Blumenthal, M. Brodkey, Herman Cohen, H. Dolgoff, B. Eisenberg) S. Epstein, J. Fellman; S. Ftllman, M. Horn, J. J. Freiden, I. Kaplan, Aaron Katz, J. Milder, William Milder, Albert Newman, S. Platt, David Potash, L. Rosenblatt, K. Tatle, A. Schwaczkin, Joe Tretiak, E. Weinberg, and M. Zalk.

Junior Council A regular meeting of the Omaha section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors was held on March 9. This evening Council Sabbath will be observed at 8 p. m. at Temple Israel. Rita Mantel, president of Junior Council, will read part of the service. A reception will be held after the service. Further plans have been made for the benefit bridge to ,be held the latter part of April.

Sigma Alpha Mu Lincoln (Special) — The Nebraska chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu seems to be well in the social limelight this month with its numerous social events having taken place and those pjanned for the near future. Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu had the pleasure of presenting its traditional biennial formal party last Saturday evening at the Cornhusker hotel here in Lincoln. The party, which was the first spring formal of the Nebraska campus spring social calendar-and which was attended by a large number of friends, and alumivl of the chapter, had for its music and entertainment Rollo Sissle and his band. Still further on social events, the chapter had the honor of having an exchange dinner with the Sigma Delta - Tau sorority last Tuesday evening. Plans for the dinner were made by the social chairmen of b o t h houses, Miss Sylvia Epstein, S. D. T., and Fra Erving Friedman. The remaining big social event for this month is me freshman dance to be given at the chapter houso this coming March 22. The party Is being presented entirely by the freshman class. The theme of the party, which is a costume affair, is comic-strip attire. Plans have been completed for the party and invitations will be sent out as soon as possible. Honors this week were won both scholastically a n d athletically. Art Rivin, /who recently won the local oratory contest, "placed

third in the regional" Hillel oratory contest held at Bea Moices, Iowa. The chapter started oat its defense for Its intermural handball chaznpiozifcfiip with a bang by winning four Btraigiit games over the Phi Delta Theta fraternity last Tuesday evening. Members of the house participating in the tournament are Bob Bramson and Ted Rothkop, both of Omaha, and Phil Bordy, Silver Creek.

Sigma Delta Tau Lincoln (Special) — To celebrate its twenty-fourth year as a national sorority, Theta chapter of Sigma Delta Tau will hold a founders' day dinner at the chapter house on March 25. Rose Goldstein of Omaha is in charge of all arrangements. Sigma Delta Tau was founded by seven Cornell students, who established Alpha chapter on that campus. This year, March 25, will be celebrated as National Founders' Day by seventeen chapters In sixteen states and Canada. A committee composed of Anna Arbitman, Shirley Epstein, Sylvia Katzman, and Esther Fox, all of Omaha, has b e e n appointed to draft plans for an alumactive conclave to be held in the near future. The day's activities will include a brunch, meetings, and various entertainment. O t h e r plans have, not as yet been disclosed. Itlioda Krasne, Council Bluffs, has been asked to help select the "best-dressed" man on the campus. A group of ten prominent university girls, including eorority members and unaffiliates, are asked to Judge from a list of candidates for the title. A newly-drafted senior council which has been organized to foster activities within t h e senior class and to promote class unity on t h e University of Nebraska campus include representatives from all organized groups. Sigma Delta Tau's representative is Shirley Polsky of Lincoln. An exchange dinner was held with the Sigma Alpha Mus last Tuesday evening.

Page § vvLleh time the Kovcd award will he given.


Mordec&I Nathan and Samuel Mendes were the first Jewish residents of South Carolina.

The first Jewish Youth ConIsaac Israel and Benjamin Carclave Is Eeheduled to be held in dosa traded in Delaware as early Omaha, on May 11. Invitations as 1655. to attend have been sent to Lincoln, Des Moines, Kansas City, MABEB AMD and Sioux City. The latter has M0NSKI, CKOMNSKV. COHEN, Attys. answered that the youth groups *ai GmtOia Niit'l Bank Bldg, in the city will be glad to co- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on operate. To date, no answers have the first day of January, 1941, the total been received from the other outstanding secured anil unsecured Indebtedness of Western Mortgage * Finance cities. Company, s. Nebraska Corporation, with Its principal place of business In Omaha, Such a gathering of Jewish Nebraska, was $10,429.34. H. A. WOLF, youth from various cities would . stimulate intereEt in problems Atte&t: H. H. AUERBACH, President. / ; confronting Jewish youth at such Secretary, H. A. WOLF, a tumultous time. If this initial H. H. KOOPER, : conclave should prove a success, R. H. BROWN, Majority of Director*, a more extensive scope of pro- 3-14-41-lt. gram will be planned for the MONSKY, GHOIMNSKY, MAKER AND future. COHEN, Aftys. TOT Omaha Nat'! Bank Bide. Plans for the all-day affair inIS HEREBY GIVEN That on clude: A luncheon, during which theNOTICE first day of January, 1941, the total will be held an inter-city debate ouetanding secured and unsecured intournament, where the winner of debtedness of Eegls Hotel Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Its principal \he Round Table Oratory Contest place of business in wltli Omaha, Nebraska, held on March 3 will compete was $27,754.19. R. H. KOOPER, with contestants from other cities, panel discussions, led by promi- Attest: H. H. AUERBACH, President Secretary. nent leaders of the Jewish comR. H. KOOPER, munity, a mixed swimming party, H. A. WOLF, and a formal coronation ball, at 3-14-41-lt. Majority of Directors,

v ttti/ i _ * ,,





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- •



s .rut i

Store Hours: 9:30 to 5:30

LIVINGSTON TO HEAD 1941PWW1ES (Continued from Page 1.) be announced and the dates of the drive will be chosen. Mr. Livingston has previously held offices at Temple Israel and the Highland Country club. He Is a member of the executive committee of the Federation for Jewish Service and the budget committee of the Jewish Philanthropies. Local, national and international institutions will benefit by the local Jewish Philanthropies campaign. The Jewish community of Delos, a Greek Island in the Aegean, dates from the second century B. C.

At Your Hat Servicefor Spring '41 THE NEBRASKA'S NEWEST OF-NEW


- And Others to $20 Well-dressed men appreciate The Nebraska's hat service—for.-here-are.selections that never miss a fashion bet—colorings that establish the trend and style ranges incomparably complete to insure individual personalized hat service to every man. It takes a lot of hats to doitl

O Most of my regular customers used to think that one gasoline was about like another. Then they tried SKELLY. That's what I invite you to do. You will see the difference! Skelly is many,differcnt gasolines compounded into one for quick starting, flashing pickup," long mileage. Drive in for a tankful. I'm betting you'll be back for more. hUdtrtt motors rtquirt motor til that tan "stand tht gaff"

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All Thafs New from Knox, Stetson, Mallory HATS—STREET FLOOR




Friday, March, 14, 1941


Pag© ©,

Engagement Announced


» O. C. Sisterhood

Women's Division To Meet 'Monday Ro-

A regular meeting of the The U. O. C. Sisterhood Oneg No club was h e l d on Sunday, Shabboth will'be held Saturday, March J>, at the home of Shelly An unusually interesting lunch- March 15, at 2 o'clock at the Harris. Plans were discussed for eon meeting' of tlie Women's Di- B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and a barn dance to be held' in the vision will be held on . Monday, Chieag®, streets. near future. March 17, at 1:00 o'clock at the Hostesses for the afternoon A committee, consisting of Dar- Jewish Community Center. Mrs. will be: Mrs. Malech Katzinan, win Marcus, Harvey Hoffman, and William Lazere, president, an- Mrs. J. Bernstein, and Mrs. Mor- * George Sclioluick, was appointed nounces. ris Burstein. to consider the details. This is the regular Quarterly Mrs. J. Rosenberg will speak The Ro-Noli club's basketball meeting of the division. Mr. Eph-on current events. Rabbi Isaiah : team was defeated Saturday night raim Gomberg, field director of will g i v e a short address. All by the Pi Tau Pis, 27-22. Dar- the National Refugee Service, will members and friends are invited. win Marcus of the losers took top be featured at this meeting. Mr. honors by scoring twelve points. Gomberg will discuss the imporAchduth Bob Kalmansotm downed Stan tant question of the refugee sitThe Achduth group of Pioneer Feltman, 21-7 in the first round uation at the present time. Women are holding a Purim so- ' of the club's table tennis tourna- .Reports on the plans for the cial meeting for members and ment. All first round matches 1941 summer camp will be pre-friends on Sunday evening, March must be played within two weeks. sented to the organization as 16, at the Jewish Community . well as other important an- Center. A Purim program is benouncements. ing planned. Pioneer Women Luncheon is thirty-five cents Members are urged to be The annual bazaar given by the and reservations m a y be made present. , f •. P i o n e e r Women's organization by calling Jackson 1366. will be held Sunday, March 23, at the Jewish Community Center. Temple Sisterhood i Beautiful Emerald Dinner will be served throughout the day. Pastries, meats, and a Cut Diamond The last of the series of five complete line of Palestinian prodlectures given by Rabbi David H. ucts will be on sale. About 2 Carats The next Oneg Shabboth will Wice for the Contemporary Jewbe held at the home of Mrs. So-ish History Course of the Temple 00 Exceptional phie Epstein, 2109 Grant St. Sev-Israel Sisterhood, will be held at the home of Mrs. j : M. Newman Value eral readings will be given and a fine musical program has been ar- on Tuesday, March 18. A dessert Many Other Special Values luncheon will be served at 12:30, ranged by Mrs. J. Raznick. Convenient Terms Arranged preceding the meeting. Assisting Mrs. Newman will be: Daughters of Israel The Daughters of Israel. Aid So- Mesdames Louis E. Lipp, M. I. ciety will hold its regular meet- Gordon, Harry Levy, Joseph Jaing on Tuesday, March 18, at 2 cobs, Leon Weiss, M, F. Chapp. m. at the Jewish Community man, Henry Newman, E. I. Rubin, 3 0 3 S* 16-'"OMAHA and Miss Blanche Zimman. Center.



Miss llnbette Edith Kollischild Mr. land Mrs. Henry Monsky Miss Rothschild attended t h e announce the engagement of Mies University of Illinois and the Babette Edith Rothschild to Lloyd University of Chicago and is a Gordon Malaschock. Miss Roths- member of Alpha Epsilon Phi .sochild is the daughter of Mrs. rority. Mr. Malashock attended the Henry Monsky and the late Al- University of Nebraska and Is a bert Rothschild of Chicago. Mr. member of Zeta Beta TUu .fraMalashock is the son of Mr. andternity. .Mrs. Harry Malashock of this No wedding plans have as yet city. •" been made.

tiki NOW THAT YOU KNOW. .THAT S P R I N G I S HERE . . . i V »


March 17 at 2 p. in. at the homo A board meeting'of the Ladies of Mrs. S. Feldman, 1819 North Free Loan society will be held on Twenty-first street.

Ladies Free Loan

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i Friday, MarcL 14, 1841


Ptg« 7


wishing to buy or sell tickets ed annually by the Century Chapcan do so by calling Mrs. Albert ter of A. Z. A. Music for the sevat WA 9595. enth annual affair will be providThe new officers of the B'nos Child Welfare ed by Gary's orchestra. Adiaission Israel will be instaleld at an in"More than 25,000 boys and formal dinner-dance on Sunday, girls, the hope to rebuild Pales- will be one dollar per couple. Yele Richards and Milton Guss, March 16, at the Regis hotel. The tine, depend on the one balanced dinner, which will be attended by meal a day, end the recreational co-chairmen in charge o£ the afthe sorority members only and opportunities which Hadassah in fair, have promised several spewill begin at 6:15. A dance will America provides for them," so cial surprise events, none of follow. writes Julia A. Dushkhi, chairman which have ever been presented SOMMJ&-KAY SHERMAN-SA¥LAN Four pledges of the sorority of the Child Welfare Committee, at any of the previous frolics Mrs. A. I. Kay of Los Angele The marriage of Miss Louise will be guests. They are: Rose and Esta B. Ellis, vice-chairman sponsored" by the chapter. formerly of Omaha, announces Saylan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silver, Ida Epstein, Joyce Marks in charge of fund-raising. Xast night, Omaha B'nai B'rith , the marriage of her daughter Jack Saylan, to Leo Sherman, son and Lillian Pollay. sponsored a smoker at the Jewish Omaha's Child Welfare commitMiss Dorothy Kay, to Dr. Melvi of Mrs. Yetta Soshnik, took place Florence Tatelman will install tee, under the leadership of Mrs, Community Center auditorium in • Lawrence Sommer of Los An Sunday afternoon, March 2, a the following officers: Dorine J. H. Kulakofsky and Mrs. Louis honor of the Century basketball geles, formerly of Omaha, son oJ 4:30 at the Blackstone hotel Wolpa, president; Shirley Fox, Kulakofsky, will sponsor a mu- team, 1941 Cornbelt Regional Mrs. Therese G. Sommer and Ma: Rabbi David H. Wice officiated. vice "president; Lillian Katz, sec- sical tea to be held in the Bran- champion, preparatory to sending Sommer of Omaha. ' ' ' Miss Harriett Saylan, sister o retary; Betty Kuklin, treasurer; deis tearoom Monday, April 28, it off to Rbck Island, 111., to par-, . The ceremony w a s performe the bride, w a s maid-of-bonor, Mickey Goldberg, reporter; Shir- at 2:30 p. m. - ticipate in the District 6 conven, Wednesday morning in Los An Manuel Himelstein was Mr. Sher- ley Selz, historian, and v Etta tion to be held March 15, 16, Hadassah Sal>bo<h at 'fciwylnj man's best man. geles". Garelick, Round Table representOn Friday evening, March 28, and 17. Dr, Sommer is serving his InHadassah plans a Sabboth at The bride's gown was of white ative. The chapter's skit, which won teraeship at Cedars of. Lebanon' moire, fashioned along princess Shirley Fox is planning the af- Temple Israel. In the absence of first place in the recent Round" hospital in Hollywood a n d has lines, with puffed sleeves and a fair with the assistance of Mickey Rabbi David Wice a speaker will Table Stage night, and has been • been appointed resident physician Vrnejikline. The veil was caught Goldberg,- Etta Garelick and Bet- be. brought under'the auspices of awarded a place in the Central at the same hospital for the com- with a tiara of seed pearls. She ty Kuklin. the • Omaha Hadassah chapter. High School Road Show, was ing year. Mrs. J. J. Friedman will be chair- persented on the stage for the carried a Bible with gardenias. man in charge of the tea. Dr, ... and Mrsi^ Sommer,' are \, The father of the bride sang B'nai B'rith members. epe.ndii)g, .their honeymoon a .several selections, Accompanied Nominating Committee, Palm Springs. <; At a recent board meeting the by'Milt Robinson at the piano. following committee was appoint•.Following the ceremony dinner By INEZ Ii. RAZNICK ed for the nomination of officers was served for sixty-live persons : BBTHBOTHAJj TOLD . A short time ago. Rose L. Hal- for the next year: Mrs. Irving : Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sklar an J Aniorig the out-of-town guests A regular meeting of the Theta Bounce the engagement' of their were; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Fine- prin, chairman of the Palestine Levin, chairman; Mrs. Julius Alpha Rho sorority was held at Stein, Mrs. Phiueas Wintroub, daughter, Florence, to Louis Hur- berg, Mr.-and Mrs. George Fine- Committee, and Florence S. Perlthe 'home of Miss Marlon Conn, • "Wltzr son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Hur berg, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sherman, man, vice-chairman in charge of Mrs. Jack- Kaufman and Mrs. J, Sunday, March &. Frieden. Alternates are Mrs. •witz. March 30 has been selected and. Mrs. Joe Zelinsky, all of H. M. O., fund-raising, received a J. Final plans for a bowling party, Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Richard cable from Dr. Yassky request-, David Finkel and Mrs. Ben Brod- to be held on Wednesday, March - as the wedding date. Ruback and daughter, Frances, of ing H a d a s s a h t o purchase a n d 12, were made. Denison, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ship to Palestine surgical InstruREBEKAH LODGE Bingo was played at the meetments absolutely essential f o r '/'.". IJThS Heart and Hand Club of Ruback of Hamburg, Iowa; Mr. hest, abdominal and bone operaIng and prizes were won %y Shirand Mrs. Meyer Ruback of Avoca, I t h e Royal Elite Rebekah 4/6dge ley Cohu and Edith Strassbeim. tions. April 19 has been set as the j will sponsor a card party Wednes- Iowa; Milton Saylan of Charter Refreshments were served by Hadassah consulted outstand/ day'evening, March 19, at the Oak, Iowa; Mrs. Meyer Giventer ing surgeons for advice aa to date and the Fontenelle ballroom the hostess. The next meeting is of Los Angeles; and Mrs. Harris Music Box lodge'hall, 19th and Sirinsky and son, Larry, of Chi- which Instruments are most es- has been named the place of the to be* held at the home of Miss Capitol avenue. Table and door sential; After much effort In Spring Frolic, the daiice sponsor- Edith StrasBhelm, rijrrjiea will be offered and refresh- ago. omplllng the lists it was found jnehte tflll be served. •• • that due to war conditions %which jA , Mrs. George Hollander Is in FROM OKLHAOMA had cut off European sources of •barge of arrangements. Mrs. Harry Sheftel of Okla- supply, surgical instruments are homa City Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. n great demand In America and M. Davidson and Mr. and Mrs, ncreasingly difficult to obtain. ;e. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB V -Mrs. Sol Lewis and Mrs. I. Raz- N. Horwich. Moreover they are also being t&ick will entertain the S. A. M. bought here by foreign countries. .Mother's club at the Wellington FORMER OMAHAN It was necessary to go to Phila; March 18 at a one o'clock lunch- 1ST NEW YORK delphia to buy as many of the.inPaul E. Shapiro, who has been struments as possible directly jeon. . residing these past (several months from the manufacturer. Hadassah , CHICAGO in Washington, D, C , will spend hen found that in purchasing ' Mrs. J. Richlin, who has been ;hls week-end with Mr. Leo Eis- them for shipment • abroad they .^Siting in California, stopped in enpff In New York City. He will were doing the same kind of ,pmaha ' t h e first of the week, en also visit his cousins. Dr. and Mrs. Work' as the "American Red Cross, ftpute to Chicago. She will attend Henry Rosner and family. which' wa3 making similar purffcbtivocatlon ceremonies at ' the chases for shipment to Syria, IhdOrCliiria and other countries. of Chicago where heir This Ihformatioo ^dramatized . for \ j , Isadore, will receive his DocII -the . emergency character of t o r of Philosophy degree. '. '•'A regular business meeting of the service for rPalestine. ;; . ' • the Tau Gainlna. Delta eororlty This-is but one draniatic inciMEMORIAL • - Sunday at 2: 3.0 in the concert was held .at the' home qt M'ifts dent in the daily, routine whi,cii « t l l of t h e Joslyii Memorial, a re- Goldie" Zusman on Tuesday evq- gives a deeper meaning to the cital will be given by Peggy Keri- ning,~ March 4. The evening was word "emergency;' which is used fredy, .violinist; Helene . Wkcek, spent at bridge and later refresh- to. characterize nearly,; all, the jianist; and Hertry Anderson, ments were served. Prizes were work done- by . Hadassah 'today. , enor." Two .sound films, "Rpof- won; by Miss Eva Ruderman; Miss Funds must be raised to keep the Novak - and... Mfss ' Beatrice hospitals -well equipped In. ordei\ •tbfm of London" and "Statue r Pa- Rose Gla'zer. * .~ that they In turn "can tender eff'rftde," wfll be shown. On Sunday, March 2, the soror- icient and well organized.:., care, r "At 3 : 3 0 % lecture on "Education for Democracy" will be given ity held a group dance at Peony p "citizens and refugees alike. in honor of the birthday of Here in Omaha members : can ij>jt Rev. Joseph P. Zuercher, S. J. park one of the members. -The dance till do their bit; there are the , \A 4 o'clock organ recital will was preceded by, a cocktail party •affle tickets to be bought and W given by Esther Leaf, assisted t the home of Miss Sylvia Paril- old. . Under the_ chairmanship of; Ibj^ Charlotte E: Kiesselbach, so- man. V '.*-.•"-• «rs. Louis Albert with Mrs; -Wilprano,* and Margaret • Llndgren, iam Alberts assisting;" tickets'are, accompanist. v ." „ Bas-a-mi >eing distributed and sold which\ The next meeting, of the Bas-a- give the holder^ a chance ,pfi" a ISRAEL HIGH '„ mi will be held on Thursday, Hotpoint Electric* Stove or its SCHOOL GROU1' , . 20, at 7:30, at the Jewish equivalent in cash to .be raffled „ /The Temple Israel High School March Community Center. off on March . 2 6. T h o s e still group will meet. Sunday evening, March 16, for a six o'clock supjlpejr a t the temple.,.Mrs .Ben D. /SUver will lead the group. She Vlll review Lesslng's "Nathan the .Wise." s The musical program will ^ "under -the' direction of Max <J3cheue(mann. Mrs. Julius Newman, Sisterhood chairman, will "be assisted by'the following cominlttee:! Mrs.'. A. Greenspan, Mrs. Manning Handler, Mrs. S..H,. RoAs an Institution Engaged in the isenbera and Mrs. J. Kalmansohn. Whether. March Bo a Lion or u Lamb


Theta Alpha Rho

A. Z. A. 100

Tau Gamma Delta


„ HERB '••.- "_ :• •;;.JMiss. Rose GenUs of. Piiiladel'J>hia is. visiting here with 1 her Another, Mrs. Marion Gentis.,' ,



















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""- ->Ir. and Mrs. Abe Herzberg re,|u*"rned on "Sunday from a two • months' trip to Palm-Springs and ^fineral Wells Springs, Texas. ' /They have taken art rapartment at the Blackstono," "

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through the generations. We or our fathers came here because the A m e r i c a s atmosphere is friendly to what is good in our published Every Friday at , cultures. There is no use preOtmafaa. Bkisr. By Br. PtiMp Sker tending that in these things we are net different one from anSUBSCRIPT iQ-N PKiCE, One Vear other; we are. There Is no use Advertising Rates Furnished on BIBLE denying, either, that the free air Who Is the man that desireth of America is doing something tp EDITUKIAL OFFICE) 560 Ktetidcis i'be&tei life, and loveth the days that he all our cultures; it is. Cultures - SIOUX CIT1 OFFICE—iewtefc CosiOiuiiKy Ccite PK.1NV teii&P AiiBKESS—*66« So. WUi St»ce« may see good therein? Keep thy that clash ia other lands where tongue from evil and thy lips the one in authority will not tol' DAVID BLACKER—Business and Managing Editor from speaking guile, depart from erate the other, strive to find evil and do good,-seek peace and here a common basis. The free , LEONARD NATHAN Editor pursue it. RABBI THEODORE W. LEV/IS • Book Editor air of our country withers unEvil shall kill the wicked, and worthy rivalries. PRANCES BLACKER • - Society Editor they that hate the righteous shall . MOREIS -AIZEMBEfiG-irEiQsas City • Ccrres^ondeut -i&al&s.fxaw the-church,-this Rebe held guilty. Unrighteous witness rise up, public is the most practical demthey ask me of things that I onstration on earth,.that brotherA Negotiated Peace "The Jewish Problem** know not, they repay me evil for hood can be realized in practiceSurvey the United States as a Much has been heard of late of 'a negotiated good, bereavement came to my whole During the past, few. years the very air has and what do you see? Yiw soul. \ reverberated with the cry of 'Jewish Problem.' peace.' Colonel Lindbergh* in his testimony sevLet not them that are wrong- see people, of all races, religions . Prom a topic for German debating societies, it has eral weeks ago before the Senate, spoke out em- fully mine enemies rejoice over and nationalities dwelling here in risen In crescendo until everyone, Jew and Gentile phatically against a British victory and said that me, neither let them wink with peace. Hatred aud prejudice are devastating emotions and depressalike, speaks of the "Jewish Problem" and its Europe could be saved only by what he termed a the eye that hate me, without a ing spectacles while they last, but cause. 'negotiated' peace. Senator Wheeler has time and solution. Hitler, regardless of Ills topic of the they soon play out in the face of this great unbigoted American moment always wandered to the subject of the time again, in his speeches against H. R. 1776, TALMUD people. Every group in this counurged the President to intervene in the war, not Jews and promised to solve the 'problem' by anRaobi Mair said, "Whence do try—every group without excepas the champion of democracy but of appeasement. we know that even a heathen who nihilating them whever found. The Zionists, on tion—has its men and women ol In our humble opinion such a view is so naive Is occupied with the study of the sense the other hand, would solve the 'problem' by the and intelligence who labor Torah is likened to a high priest? upbuilding of Palestine. Russia would dissolve as to obviate the necessity of comment. Yet it is The passage says Leviticus 18.5) to wean their friends from separatendencies, and always there the problem by the prohibition of Judaism and the surprising how many people have forgotten past Which if a man do, he shall live tive Is the great body of the American Hitlerian performances and actually believe that by it. It does not specify priest, people affording fertile soil for encouragement of a Jewish nationalism. II. 0. Wells has a similar theory but recommends action the Nazis would be willing not only to negotiate Levite, or Israelite, but states in the growth of unity. Hates ultigeneral if a man, whence it may mately die of loneliness in the less drastic than the Soviets. The Polish anti- but negotiate a just peace. be that a heathen, too, wide spaces of America. What the Nazis interpret as a 'just' peace and whoinferred Semites looked to Madagasscar as a suitable spot occupies himself with- the what the British mean by a 'just' peace are two study of the Torah is equal to a Many-Pillared Temple to solve the 'problem.' Now we are beginning to radically different things. But going on the theory high-priest." Millions of our neighbors, who wonder if there Is a problem and if such a probterms relatively satisfactory to both contending Rabbi Juda said, "What is the in their ancestral lands would be - lem is Jewish. parties could be arranged who imagines the Nazis meaning of the passage (Hob in arms against each other, are When we question the existence of the ' Jew1.14) And- makest men as the living here without allusion to would ever honor their promises? Every treaty fish of the sea? Why are men . ish' problem, we do not mean to be epigrammatic enmities and without remade by Germany since 1933 was broken as soon compared to fish of the sea? Just ancient criminations. They • are actually and Bay, as so many have said, there is no Jewish as it was found contrary to the needs of the mo- as the larger fish of the sea swal- helping each other with war reproblem; It is a gentile one; the Jew can do nothment. Immediately upon the assumption of power low the smaller, so also is it with lief funds! Men of 28 languages - ing. This problem, like all problems, concerns by Hitler, the Vatican made a concordant with the man,- if not for the fear of gov- work together in the Ford shops ' the individual whatever his origin. The so-called ernment, the Btronger would have with no war passion between German government. Before the Ink was dry, the swallowed the weaker." them. It is the same everywhere. "Jewish problem" is merely one manifestation of Nazis had violated the most important provisions. We must remember'that hate Is humanity's failure to live up to the aspirations set Thousands of priests went to jail under trumped always noisier than Brotherhood •by Its dreamers. But as mankind becomes couand therefore we hear more of it, up charges. The Austrian primate, who before " cerned with the evil affecting it, the many faces but wo should not be misled by the Anschluss had given evidence of being prothat; the extent of genuine brothevil assumes become apparent. Nazi, was brutally assaulted in the streets of SalzDespite the tragedy that has overtaken Jewry, burg. The following is the text of erhood among us may be greater we have progressed much in the past century to-! an address delivered on the than -we think. Wo do not speak of tolerance. One of the first of the non-Aggression pactB Ford Sunday Evening Hour of ward the understanding of anti-Jewish agitation. Tolerance Is merely armistice, it February 23' by Mr. Fred L. was with Poland. In less than flvo years that A hundred years ago, the hand of all man wa3 Black, of the Ford Motor com- is no part of brotherhood. Mereagainst the children of Israel. When the Jews treaty was violated and, Poland Ho3 helplesa be- pany. Mr. W. O. Cameron, who ly to tolerate anyone only acsought to enlist Carlyle, supposedly the outstand- neath the German heel. At the Munich conference was scheduled to deliver the centuates division. Every lawabiding thing is here by right ing liberal of hiB time, to aid them in their strug- lu 1938, in return for the Sudeten area, Germany talk, was unable to do so be- and not by tolerance/ Good will cause Of illness. guaranteed the territorial Integrity of Czechogle for emancipation, he spoke out with bitterness, in this connection- Is another The late CantoV Joseph RosIdentifying all Jews with the fabulous wealth of slovakia. Six months later, the army marched enblatt's famous composition— much abused word. Good will the Rothschilds. Yet he was deeply attached to into Prague and ,the little country was Incorporated "Allelujft"— was rendered by does not require the glossing over a Jew, the Saint-Simonist, Baron d'Eichthal. To- into the Reich. Time and time again assurances the Ford orchestra and chorus of honest differences. Men who believe nothing may day liberals, thoso men and women who study the were given the Lowlands and the Scandinavian as a special contribution to believe that nothing matterB, but Brotherhood Wcelc world with a greater degree of objectivity and seek countries that Germany had no designs in that men of conviction believe that it . "Brotherhood Week"' Is here to correct evil and social abuses, are profoundly direction. and we are asked to discuss Its Intensely matters. In BrotherAnyone who presumes that the word of Hitler purpose. We find that some men hood we acknowledge our differaware of the evil of anti-Semitism. No person not necessarily argue them; would today be considered a 'liberal' if he were can be depended upon need only turn to 'Mein shy away from programs of this ences, we respect that In which others character, not because they do Kampf in which der fuehrer boldly glorifies the associated with any form lot anti-Semitism. And not believe in brotherhood, they differ from us> •because differwhere only a few years ago just liberals were 'lie.' This was no theory. If there wag any prin- are only afraid of the mawkish ences bdrn of desire for truth are pleading the cause of the Jew, today we find the ciple to which the Nazis have been tenaciously Bentiment they think may de- not antagonisms; they.may represent equal pillars upholding the struggle against anti-Semitism enlisting all peo- loyal, it is this, the most degrading concept ever velop. So, tonight let us deal many-pillared .temple of truth. -, with facts. uttered by the head of a government. ples. Human brotherhood is a fact whether recognized or not. It Is a fact In the higher reaches of During the birth of the modern anti-Semitic Reconstituting the U. J. A. Religious Services insight; it is a fact in the lower movement, the only European statesman to recIn response to "the overwhelming desire of regions of biology. The highest ognize the inherent danger of this pseudo-philos- American Jewry to establish a union of forces in and the lowest human beings you ophy, was the young and idealistic Crown Prince this critical period," the United Palestine Appeal, can Imagine have less difference Temple • Rudolph of Austria. Now in their exile, the states- the Joint Distribution Committee, and the Na- between them and" are more akin Council Sabbath will be obmen of Europe, including the most conservative, tional Refugee Service have ended their feud of than' any two dogs of different served this* evening at Temple By reason of our mysare warning the free countries. Even trie Poles, Beveral weeks duration and have decided to con- breeds. terious induction into the human Israel. who at best looked with indifference on. anti- duct a united campaign such as they have done race, we are just that closely, Beth El Semitic manifestations and usually encouraged It during the past two years. alike. Aa with brothers and sisTonight at services Rabbi Da-, ters everywhere, the branches of on occasion for their own ends, now prate of the The publicity, occasioned by this temporary this human family have different vid A. Goldstein will speak on fallacies of Jew hatred. feud has been no source^of pride, what with its characteristics, some are more ad- "The Wave and the Rock." CharThe Church, which was prone in centuries past accusations" and recriminations. Compromise on vanced In certain directions than lotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. to feel that anything that happened to the Jews details is the very essence of democracy and in no others, but all of this Is in the Harry Sommer, will become Bas family. Indeed, human society Mitzvah. She will lead,the servwas their just,deserts, has taken a new and cour- way entaila the abandonment of principle. m'ay be even more closely knit ice, assisted by members of the ageous stand that has enhanced Its own prestige. True, the Issues here at stake were funda- than the word "family" implies, Junior Choir. ( The-Vatican, which seventy years ago was the mental. The United Jewish Appeal views its work it may be one body of two billion After services Mr. and Mrs* actual, source of anti-Semitism, is today a bulwark in the light of permanence. Whatever money it cells, each a human being. In Harry Sommer will receive ^in against it. Priests of the Orthodox church, who at collects is used for a permanent investment from any case, its life Is more unified honor of their daughter in" tho it knows, and its destiny social -hall. " " •< the beginning of the century were supposed to which Jewry will profit for generations. They than most certainly is one. Regular Sabbath morning eervsanction Russian pogroms, are today speaking of are seeking not only the realization of a great Obvious Facts iceB will be held Saturday at the common aspirations of all mankind. Only last ideal, but the establishment of a homeland for the Race Is a fact. Nothing Is 8:30.. : week a Metropolitan of the Greek Church has ex- millions of dispossessed. gained by trying, to avoid _or The Junior Congregation servthat. To do so merely adds ices will begin at 10:30. Chartended,his services to the Jewish communities In On the other hand, European Jewry is, at this stifle evidence of the fact. In the won- lotte Sommer .will celebrate her their drive to raise funds. very moment, faced with an unparalleled emer- derful garden of humanity all the The massea, who under a barrage of propa- gency of providing for those millions, who as yet flowers are not alike: in color or Bas Mitzvah by leading the service. Everybody Is invited to atganda were often inflamed to murderous action are unable to go to Palestine. The work, there- other properties. There la rich tend the Junior Congregation against the Jews, are today exercising a new inde- fore, of the Joint Distribution Committee is by variety. The divine Gardener orr service. dalned It &o. The more we know pendence. Reports from the occupied regions of its very n.ature makeshift. The same Is true of, of race, the more we admire the U.O. C. Europe indicate a new Philo-Semitism is sweeping the National Refugee Service. Yet both, of these Providence that created race. To ..-: Eabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will the people. The most conservative, to whqm a organizations by their work have saved millions love one's race is not to disparage speak at the late services thio another's. Intelligent racial pride Jew was an anethma, now join the liberals in of lives and restored self-respect to other million's. evening a t 8. does not lead to prejudice or dlvi-. courting official displeasure by openly sympathiz- • This is the problem which Philanthropic lead- slon, a proper pride In race- may ing with proscribed Jews. . ership must face. It is a problem they themselveB be the starting^ point of wider Dr. Beber to Duty at perhaps cannot decide and only time 'Will give the understanding. Humanity needs Camp Leonard Wood its racial fruits and flowers Today the fact that the Jewish problem is not needed perspective. But we can take new hope all and herbs, to feed, and heal and Dr. Meyer Beber, prominent gome isolated phenomenon is rapidly being brought in the fact that the Jewish masses harei made beautify Its common life.. Omaha physician, has been orto the world's attention. Our difficulties and the themselves articulate and-that the leadership has - Cultural descent Js a fact We dered to a year's active duty with Increasing difficulties of others are causing all put responsibility to the entire American Jewish In this country have come of dif- the U. 8, ferent religiouB, different Boclal Dr. Beber has held a captaincy wal^s of humanity to evaluate every aspect of community above their own prejudices. Behold and political cultures.-and few. of In- the Reserve and -will be stahow ".good and how pleasant it Is for brethren to persecution. It Is a matter of record that never tis escape the stream of Influence tioned at -Fort: Leonard Wood, • • down which we have descended Misspu.rL one© In their history have the Jews been singled dwell together in unity.






out tor-persecution. Always their travail-ats occurred in time of crisis. Clilniiecicki Killed .Poles aad Jews; Germany persecuted Jews, . socialists, and liberals; Spaio, Jews, Lutherans, asd Morriscos; Poland, the Jews and C&lviaists. " It is, therefore, quite apparent that hatred of the Jews is act natural. It fs 'tot Eoniethi&g inherent ia the blood; it is not something tiiat fctands up in the face of reason. AB Jews, therefore* it Is incumbent upon us to realize that it is our solemn task to see that we do not fall victims to prejudice. When both Jews and gentiles come to the realization that prejudice and hatred is destructive for all, hater and bated, the "Jewish problem" will be proved to have beea a myth.*

. Friday, M&rcL 14, 1941







Gems of the Bible

and Talmud

Friday, 'M&rck 14, 1S4I



WILL IIS Tragedy in Europe II, 0. C. NEWS BETH EL WILL Described by Troper FOREIG^RELIEF (Continued from Page 1.) en during all of 1940," it is stated. "At the present time, its tempo has increased significantly and it is believed that the full number of persons permitted by law to enter the United States will receiye Visas. At present steamship facilities from Lisbon alone' can accommodate 2,000 emigrants monthly. "In addition the trans-Siberian route continues to be used, particularly from East European countries. South American countries have seen a steady infiltration of refugees despite many entrance difficulties. -Refugees who have settled in Latin America are now beginning to bring In their next of kin. They look to the Joint Distribution Committee for transportation means.' "Emigration to Palestine continues. The Joint Distribution Committee today, -as in the past, is paying for. transportation to Palestine of refugees from Hungary, Rumania,, Y,ugps.lavia and Central European countries. It is of interest to note that during 1940 alone, the J. D. C. spent 1636,000, or 10 per cent of its total expenditures in that year, for preparation and transportation of emigrants to Palestine.. ''Over 9,000 people can be emigrated during the first six months of 1941 provided $2,875,000 can be made available by the J. D. C. This is exclusive of emigration from Greater Germany with funds made available with emigration Clearance arrangements." World-Wide Need Mr. Jacobs went on to outline the needs for relief in various countries as they have been submitted to him by the J. D. C. Perhaps the greatest problem, he pointed out, is in Poland where 1,500,000 needy Jews are crowded into ghett'03; marked by yellow badges, buffeted, spat upon, Imprisoned, harnessed and yoked like beasts in the field, made to toll at every humiliating task and reviled for their pains. "The J. D. C," it is stated, •'is requested to supply the equivalent; of $3,200,000 for programs of feeding, housing, clothing, medical aid, child care work, etc., in Poland, in German-occupied Poland, Including the areas which have been formally annexed to Germany. Over 2,000 individual institutions and committees in more than 400 localities form a net work for carrying on the J. D.;; C. work in German-Poland. There are 581 feeding stations alone. With close to 500,000 Jewa being aided dally, a request of'1600,000 monthly from J. D. C. ia; minimal. /'Of the 195,000 Jews remainIng in old Germany, 30,000 aro on regular year-around relief. Additional tens of thousands receive special.winter relief — maintenance. Of 173 institutions such as old-age and convalescent homes, child care centers, orphanges, etc. In addition, a complete educational - system is conducted in behalf . of 8,000 Jewish children. The J. D. C: is asked to-supply §895,000 for transportation fares in behalf •oE Jews emigrating from Germany during the first half of

A first-hand avcouut of the European disaster was Tuesday evening given a Center audience by Morris Troper, Kiiropean representative of the Joint Distribution Committee, who returned from Lisbon only a few weeks ago. Troper, who was the last civilian to be named to the French Legion of Honor before the collapse of the Republic, has witnessed nearly every major event concerning European Jews. He was in Berlin on November 10, 1938, the day of the pogroms; he was in the "no man's land" into which Germany expelled Polish Jews at pistol point, shortly before the outbreak of the war; he remained in Paris until the city Was captured by the German army, and he fled with the, civilian population to southern France, He was in the Bordeaux railroad station with thousands of Jewish, refugees when it became the objective of German bombers. together, sick and well, sane and Insane, huddled side by side. The J. D. C, in co-operation with the Quakers, the Unitarians and the International Y. M. C. A., has formed a Camp Committee to bring a measure of relief to these unfortunates. This Committee has managed to introduce some blankets, warm clothing and medical supplies into the camps. For the first half of 1941, the sum equivalent to $150,000 is requested from J. D. C. for continuation of this program. Aid Work Mr. Jacobs also cited the situation in Lisbon, Portugal, the last remaining neutral seaport on the Atlantic which offers the hope of exit for thousands of refugees. There, he said, the J. D. C. Is giving daily relief to 1,700 people and occasional; assistance to 1,800 more. The work is absolutely necessary if the Portuguese government is to continue transit facilities to refugees. In Shanghai, he pointed out, 20,000 refugees are living in an "emigre city" where 14,000 have no source of support except the dallyrmeals supplied to them by the J. D. C. at a cost of 4 cents per person. To continue this minimal feeding, the J, D. C. is called upon to provide $165,000 during the first half of this year. "Cries for help," Mr. Jacobs said, "are coming from the four quarters of the globe. In most cases, the J. D. C. is the only organization to which the sufferers can possibly look for aid. The J. D. C. is straining its rescources to the utmost to cope with the situation. These resources up to now have been tragically inadequate. It rests with us to decide at this time'Whether the need shall be met." Out of Sunday's meeting at Lincoln, Mr. Jacobs added, it is hoped will come the impetus for Nebraska, to do its share to enable the J. D. C. to carry on its work. .


Candle-lighting time: 5:45 Regular late services of ihe U. O. C. will take place tonight at 1 Oth Anniversary of Rabbi within •& hundred square blocks 8. The Rabbi will speak. and imprisoned by an eight-foot Goldstein to be wall. They are not permitted to Sabbath morning, t h e Rabbi Marked go outside to earn a living." will speak at Congregation B'nai In honor of the tenth anniver* Israel. J. D. C. Aids sary of their coining to the Beth The Joint Distribution CommitThe Junior Congregation will El synagogue, It^bbi and Mrs. Describing the situation in Pohold its services at the B'nai Is- David A. Goldstein will he hon« land, he called it the area of greatest Jewish misery. "No Jew rael synagogue tomorrow at 10 orcd at a dinner to he given Bun* day evening, March 16, by memhas any rights whatsoever, 500,- a. m. ; bers of the congregation. 000 Warsaw Jewa are crowded Regular Sunday morning servThe dinner will take place at tee is, at present, working in three hundred Polish villages and ices will take place at the B'nai the synagogue. towns and is providing food for Israel synagogue this Sunday at Arthur A. (John will act as 250,000 persons. Because of the 9:00. toastmaster of the evening. Sam shortage of funds, the organizaBeber will speak on behalf, of the tion was recently forced to curtail The Adult Hebrew class will congregation and will review the its work drastically. meet on Monday night at the Rabbi's ten years of Bervice for "The J. D. C. does not send a Rabbi's study, at 8 o'clock. the synagogue. dollar to Germany or GermanMrs. David Greenberg will The Talmud Study group will occupied territory," Mr. Troper for the members of the said, in explaining the financial meet on Wednesday at the Beth speak Beth El Auxiliary and Loyal Kaparrangements by which those in Hamedrosh Hagodol, at 8 p. ns. lan wll represent the synagogue need are aided without the Geryouth groups. Presentation of a man economy being helped nor gift will be made by David Purrni Operetta to the British blockade broken. "In spite of their suffering," Be Given Sunday Blacker. A skit depicting t h e progress Mr. Troper said in relating his of the synagogue during the past experiences in Lisbon, which he Members of the History and ten years will be given with Mr. termed the fire escape of Europe, Department of the City Colin as narrator. "The Jewish spirit has not been Religious Talmud Torah will this Sunday broken." He was introduced to the Cen- morning at 11 present a flve-act ter audience by Henry Monsky, Purim operetta. Special! Something New! Taking part will be: Eunice to whom he paid high tribute. 1 Feldman, Arthur Lefitz, Leonard ;'How grateful we are the Omaha Tfto "Family Group Policy ' Lefitz, Evelyn Byron, Ann Shrago, community has given Henry MonHelen Handler, Rebecca Finer, Metis B d( finite itftd in Hie Insursky to so many national and inance. JfotiitT, fbthir unS children, Gertrude Klaiman, Pauline Nooternational organizations." all itiBured uiiiitr one low coal dell, Shirley Dolgoff, Rose Behn, policy. (ii:t iiarllculum at one* from ande Elaine Lashlnsky. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky a n d Mr. Arthur Rapport will speak. Admission to the operetta will MANAGER be free. CITIT FINANCE AND


"Democracy must protect itself Rosanna Dyer Ostermann servagainst the forces from within if ed as a volunteer nurse in t h e it expects to exist," Reverend R. Confederate army. R. Brown told three hundred persons who attended the second annual city-wide "Youth and Democracy Rally'' held Monday night at the Jewish Community enter. Sponsoring the rally were the Omaha and Council Bluffs A. Z. A. chapters, the Hl-Y, the Girl Reserves, and the Max Yergen club. The program opened with the presentation of t h e colors by Troops 62, 84, and 79, and the playing of America by the J. C. C. Symphony. Harry Goodbinder, chairman of the evening, introduced the speakers of the various clubs. The program concluded with the singing of "God Bless L O O K at these great America" by the audience. Speaking for the clubs were Hotpoint money-saving, Justin Prlesman of A. ,Z. A.; food-caving features: Charles Jackson, Hl-Y; Phyllis o Vacuum Sealed TEariftraceTaylor, Girl Reserves; and Joe Orossley, Max Yergen club. Chairtor Unit e Stalnloee Steel men of the rally for A^Z. A. were Speed Freezer o All-Steel Mnton Cackin of Mother Chapter, Jack Lincoln, of A. Z7 A. 7, and Construction o Pop-IcoTreyo Jack Berman and Louis Katz of o Extra Gl&nt Bottle Space o Century chapter. How 10-PoInt Temperature ©ontrel o Defrost Indicator o


David Sher, formerly of Omaha and now associated with the New York office of General Motors, has been named one of the two representatives of the American Jewish Committee on the General Jewish Council. Mr. Sher replaces Carl Austrian, who was recently elected vicepresident of the American Jewish Committee. A graduate of Central H i g h school, Mr. Sher received his degrees cum laude from both Harvard college and the Harvard law school. Two years ago he succeeded the late Felix Warburg as director of the Oppenhelmer Foundation, of which he is, at present, secretary.

At midnight tonight A. Z. A. 100's Cornbelt Region champion-, ship basketball team will leave for Rock Island, 111., to compete against teams representing ten states and Canada in the A. Z. A. District 6 tournament which will be held Match 15, 16 and 17. Accompanying the team will be Coach,Paul Bogdanoff and Manager Morris Richlin. This is the first time in A. Z. A. lOfr's history that it will represent the Cornbelt Region in competition. Similar demands a r e . being District Last night B'nai B'rlth Lodge made and similar work is being 354 held a send-off smoker for carried on, Mr. Jacobs pointed the team at the Jewish out, in all o£ the Nazi-dominated nity Center. HighlightingCommuthe afDeaths countries of Europe. fair was the presentation of the In unoccupied France, there is 1 . Samuel Kesselman an especially acute situation, Mr. chapter's stage night skit. The Funeral services were held last Jacobs said, because of the. pres- skit will be entered in the Rock Friday morning at the Jewish ence of hundreds of thousands of Island" Stage Night contest. refugees of whom 35,000 have ftjeinber.s, pf the basketball team Funeral home for Samuel Kesselbeen packed in Internment camps are: Ben Kutler, Mike Landman, man, 6G, who died Thursday at under conditions which beggar Melvin Levine, Harold Epstein, a local hospital.: ; . \ "* description of the prisons of the Bill Susman, Sam Slutzky, Louis A resident of Omaha for thirtydark ages. They- live in unheat- Slutzky ..and Norman Kuklin. eight years, he was a member of ed, .unlighted, wooden barracks, the Congregation B'nal Israel. with inadequate food, inadequate Wo B'nai S'rith Meeting Surviving him aro his wife, clothing, Inadequate medical care Leah; two sons, Nathan and Abe; and inadequate sanitation. Iii the I; No meeting of the Omaha Lodge a n d a daughter, Mrs, Sarah notorious camp of Gurs in t h e ot B'nal B'rith will be held this Schneiderman, all of Omaha. Pyrenees, 14,000 refugees rang- Monday, the regular meeting date. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky offiing in • ago from newly born in- Instead a stag was held last night ciated at the rites. Burial vras- at fants to centenarians are herded for A, Z. A. boys. Golden Hill. M i .

. •:•/.:.•




Acute Situation "In Austria, the once proud Jewish community of Vienna, has been reduced to 43,000 people, about 85 per cent of whom are dependent on relief. The J. D. C. is; requested to supply ?70G,0 0 0 for emigration clearance in behalf of Austrian Jews. Internal welfare activities conducted in 'Austria include relief, institutional cire, training and re-training, educational, cultural and religious

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By Every VardsfJcfr—A ©rcafi ftoMgcraiof Btaf

Page 2


By DE. THEODORE H. LEV/IS ' Rabbi, Prcgres&Jwe Syjiagogssft, ESreckfyB, K. ¥«

DAPIM M'PIMiASO HIIEL RABIJA I (PAGES FKOM THE DIARY OF A • KAURI, S 8 » PACKS, RIAX RABIN, 8HULSINGER BKOTJIUKS PRESS, NEW YORK. This Is an Interesting and illuminating commentary on Jewish life in America as seen by the scholarly Reform rabbi of Patterson, New Jersey. Dr. Ilasin's analysis of American Judaism will be deeply disturbing to those who are concerned about its future. He writes truthfully and fearlessly about certain alarming trends iu Jewish life. If heeded, the %varning implicit in the volume may yet halt the oncoming storm, intimations which are evident in every area of Jewish life, and most emphatically in that of the synagogue. The autobiographical portion of the volume deals with the rabbinate, and more especially with the Reform rabbinate. Dr. Itasin entered the Hebrew Union College In 1898 and graduated in 1903. He enjoyed his years at Cincinnati enormously and was stimulated by the contact with the faculty and students of the college. His impressions of his teachers are fresh and vivid. For the Dr. I, M. Wise, founder and president of the institution, he has naught but affectionate praise - as do all the students who came under the benign * influence of this man. Though admiring enormously Dr. Gotthard Deutcb, Dr. Itasln does not" ignore his deficiencies as an ^author and pedagogue. Dr. Deutch's strong proGerman sentiments, w h i c h in 1917 seriously endangered h i s tenure at the college appear pathetic in view of what the Nazis have done to the Jews. Ignorance The most seriouB and regretful shortcoming of the Reform Rabbinate is ignorance ol Judaism. This ignorance, so deep and extensive, has had a most deleterious effect on Jewish life. There is nothing more shameful, and more revolting, than to listen to a Reform rabbi who cannot read even the Bible in the original, not to mention any Rabbinic text, attempting to expound Judaism! Since congregants can no longer distinguish between a scholarly rabbi and otherwise, the problem , of Am h'Arazuth in the rabbinate - - inoluding the Conservative - is becoming increasingly grave. Because Dr. Rasin loves Reform Judaism and the Reform Synagogue does he not hesitate to indicate where it has failed. He laments the growing indifference to, and neglect of, Judaism, and the difficulty of attracting worshippers and filling the synagogue. But, and this is important, the indifference and the confusion within the ranks of Conservative and Orthodox circles is as large and as devastating. Not Specific Reform The ills of Reform Judaism are not specific to Reform - - its critics and fooai notwithstanding. Similar Ills, and in more threatening form exist within all Jewish religious groups. Reform is stagnating for the very same reasons •which are responsible for the decadence of Conservatism and Orthodoxy, the secular temper of the age, and the absence of religious Interest not to say zeal, among our people. It is not one particular type of Judaism which is losing ground, but rather Judaism and the synagogue as a -whole which are losing their hold upon the American Jew. Reform Judaism is intellectually honest, and aesthetically attractive. The lack of enthusiasism within its ranks Is not due to any inherent defect,

GO. &3th St.



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but to the anniliiliatirtg secularism so pronounced a characteristic of American life in general and of Jewish life iu particular. When a Jewish renafsance in America does occur, it will follow the Reform pattern and basic ideology. It is difficult to decide which Is the more interesting part of the book, the autobiographical, or the literary where a host of Important themes are discuss&d helpfully, honestly and in a most delightful Hebrew style. The author has something of importance to say upon such diverse subjects as Church and State, the Negro, Rome and Jerusalem, Jewish Education, the Future of Mankind, etc. J e s u s he discusses several times, and always reverently, and with eelf-respect. The Jewish attitude towards the Founder of Christianity Is summarized thus: 'The problem is not how we shall return Jesus to the Jews a n d Judaism, but how 1o cause- the Christians to return to Jesus and His gospel." What more can, or need, be said about this significant, and to the Jewg painful, subject? This important quality of selfrespect is again evident in an essay dealing with Christian-Jewish relations, and significantly entitled "Gratitude for Righteousness and Justice." It deserves wide distribution. Is it no.t true that "we lower ourselves, demean ourselves, In the eyes of our friends when we exhibit excessive gratitude for their fair dealing with us?" Commercialism Denounced A common criticism aaginst the rabbinate is commercialism, a sin which the author denounces in one place most vehemently. In its very ugly forms, however, the vice Is rare. A more modest diseaso afflicts the rabbinate, but one as fatal to personal intercity, namely, the yielding to comfort and the surrender to pleasure. Moral courage and the fleshpota of Egypt do not dwell together. Instead of high devotion to the service of God, many in the rabbjnate choose the easier path of

FrisE&y, Marck 14, 1S41

evasion of duty, of expediency, compromise with conscience. Ease and tfce craving luxury are a snare to the rabbi - - as to every holiest person. Personal reminiscences and contacts with, many outstaEding Jewisn personalities form one of the most absorbing portions of this record. With much pride does the author tell of his friendship with ALad h'arn, and of the stimulating days spent fn Ms company during a vacation in Palestine. The visits with Usishkin, who, to his great surprise, epoke Yiddish instead of Hebrew, with Schwarzbard, who murdered Petlura, and with many others are vividly portrayed. Modern Palestine, of course, was a stirring experience, and the journey to the Wailing Wall on the 9th of Ab is among the treasured memories of the author. Dr. Rasin's religious faith Is emphasized in a brief essay entitled "Israel's Song of Unity." The unity of God and the unity of mankind form the twin pillars of Judaism which have given it the strong ethical emphasis so characteristic of the Jewish faith. Because the volume is in Hebrew, it will reach a small circle of friends and readers. This is unfortunate. Ameiican Jewa need and criticism, the admonition, and the exhortation of this devoted rabbi who has labored In the vineyaid of Israel with consecration. An English translation, at least of the more important articles would be most helpful.

refugee integration in the United States, the aEEOuncement said. The agreement for the reconstitutioa of the United Jewish Appeal for IS 41 provides for tee distribution of the first $8,800,000 raised in the following manner: J. D. C, $4,275,000; U. P. A., $2,525,000; N. H.~S., $2,000,000. The balance of tae funds raised will be distributed by an allotment committee as in 1940. The Ualted Jewish Appeal was dissolved last December following differences of opinion with regard to the distribution of the funds raised and each of there agencies a n n o u n c e d independent campaigns. At the negotiations leading to the reconstitution of the United Jewish Appeal, the J. D. C. was represented by Edward M. M. Warburg, chairman, and Harold F. Lihder and Dr. Solomon Lowensteiu, vicechairman. The United Palestine Appeal negotiators were Dr. Silver, chairman, a n d Dr. Stephen S, Wise and Judge Morris Rolhenberg, co-chairmen. Ellen Odette, countess of Desart, an Irish Jewess, was the first woman to be named to the senate of the Iiish Free State.

(Continued from Page 1.) Brotherhood, B'nai Israel Synagogue, Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol, B'siai Jacob synagogue. Officers at present are: M. Burstein, president; N. Leviuson, vice president; N. S. Yaft'e, treasurer; Sam Katzman, secretary The board consists of: N. Wilfson, Mrs. L. Neveleff, Meyer Friedel, Louis Epstein, B. Gross, Dr. N. H. Greeuberg, A. Levin, Max Fromkin, Sam Levin, S. Katieman, A. Hirsch, Sam Epstein, Joe Morgan, Mrs. Morris Burstein, Mrs. Louis Zabel, Mrs. Sid Katleman, Mrs. Max Fromkin, Jacob Bernstein, Dave Crounse, I. Shafer and I. Goldstein. FOR KENT—Room for young lady or middle-aged woman. Also will serve meals during Passover to anyone wishing to make arrangements. .'$024 Reward. WE 0309.

New York (WN8)—According to the "overwhelming desire of American Jewry," leaders ©1 tlio Joint Distribution Committee, tlio United Palestine Appeal and the National Refugee Service agreed to re-establl&h the United Jewish Appeal f o r Refugees and Overscan Needs as tlio fund-raising agencies, it was announced by Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver and Italshi Jonah II. Wise, national chairman of the U. 3. A. The United Jewish Appeal will seek to raise $25,000,000 in 1941 for overseas relief and rehabilitation, the upbuilding of the Jewish homeland in Palestine a n d




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Cairo <WNS)—An fctteaitt to <J'fA) —• Negotiations accus-'toiued t& ir«n up wtich may eaable some 1,500 detract fjublie attention from the (Continued from Page 1.) sigaais believe th&t t Si« reader European refugees, iac'iuding' 150 ftaiiitRzy defeats suif-erea by tLe Italian army la Libya motivated Russia, lie was oa the "Erie Dis* Jews, sow stranded at tbe 'Mote is coming a&oa when Swiss ia tke ooia*ct t-fee mass arrests of leading mem- p a t c h , " "Financial America," •Mrtrality wiii be a ihifi'g <cf io xjur qi>tistiooi -aniait tlie aaest AMeaa a>ort of B t t o r , to bers of the Jewisn community to. "The Paris Herald," "Boston Telt o s t . . . Perhaps that's =vrtiy «G&er- •cGieinien asa&cali'ae feigt aiam« 4a to their ide&tiaaiens t& Brazil tke Uaitod States are now in Tripoli, accoraiog to mforiiiatian egram," and other papers. tef, Goefebeis, et &]., are tke w-eiid . . . <&f coarse, if Leaving Moscow in 1934, ho ©regress Detween the French and Teceivfed here. ««i to toe eonvey-iag , their get a third correct answer Sly-ing squads ot It&li&n police toured Europe gathering material Cash t« South American British governments, it was reIkis ftj.;pfear.s w-^'Jl sen .•swe&p&d liowa oa tiie Jewish for magazine articles. His work now, while Hitter's little 4»al <cae Ma copy t&f ISr. tiiakafel Las- liafciy leagued tier-e. Pierre L&v&i is said io ker's •"The Cominumity ©£ tiie FuThe refugees sailed on -Jam usury giiarter fcf Tripoli and stieed all has appe&red ia Cosmopolitan, ttehiog ^uiie a i/alanes ture" . . .' Biit tiie eaeiiiemt this 15 from Marseille aboard tiie 12,- well-known Jews. Tiie |>&2ice took Esquire ^Literary Digest, Harpers, York feaak . . . Did y-oa &:&&«?, ayyeaa'8 ia [print our ©rise coalest 000-ton French steamer Alsina, into custody also a number of Scribners, Nation, New Republic, fcy tbe way, that W&s3 <CE|sitM is 4s off . . . f b e •&u$w<&:, &a two headed for South Aiaerica. WM1« prEfijaifitxat Arabs and Greeks, it Asaerican Mercury, sad N e r OutS&M to be buying up %site a i&t ant hutidreds «-f tle-a&ands «£ the .stfeaaer was c a ithe Mgii -seas was tta&i'&ed. All t h e prisoners look. Off hotel proj»erties to Mew readers correctly stated, is: !MO- it received orders oa January 2S were charged with espionage acBesides "Assignment in Uto#•••,-.,• Washington is &.&%&&£ »lIAIvlMED . „.. Uy way -of coasola- to put In at Dakar, the French tivities. pia/' which telis of his distlluweather eye ou the Umitai tl&a ^&r t h e - s e authorities apparently f e a r i n g The sweeping lvmed-up of Jews sioameiit in the Russian exoeriIMC Bmeil, waita is showing mi wa'6iijr: It wasn't <OB« ©f those that tlte Alsina might foe inter- wm marked by an intensified » e a t , be has written "The Life teeU&atioB to flirt wita tk& Axis, things s^u couli *u*s« . . . Tfce cepted and setefccl l>y the Britisli anti-Iewiaa caaipaign by the It&l- and Death «f Sacco and Vanita order to be oa iit& safe pirze-winners didn't guess—fcfeef tk&vy &s was ttoe 'case with her ian ra^io which charged that t i e eetti" and "Moscow Carrousal." |u«t to «ase . . . Since, in had read it .somewJaere, and re- sister sMp, the S.Ieadoza. Jews In Tripoli had been plotting Henry Monsky will be chairwith normal faisi-aess membered . . . . Tteports reaching Lisbon from to betmy the country to British man of tbe evening. t h e -Naai Dakar said many of the passen- •troops. «ret its Mli far tSbs&se gers tm 'the Alsina iiad taken sick ©f advice till asase Sliiyjsl^y wan^C ke l»©camse of the prevalence ot trop- Cohen Appointment t i n e this summer, tmere'a a i»esical fever mad taeir under-JHour-! a ibe ti if world ©vfcaita move Sought by Winant , as soon as lie had es> ishment. The office of Joint Dia-i eaon«b — that SIGA Uacde 'Ssm is lien<&w- tiibutlon Committee In Lisbon is Budapest (WNS) — In an adJUndoa (JTA)—United States left fcoMUng the bag tor ibis ©ara year of Ills tiiue, for in toucli with the sitnatlon. All Ambassadar dress explaining the government's John G. Winant, at ticular ptece -of Imstoesa-. . . Is .. A new Ibook by iLeon ttoe (refugees liave ^ I i S urisaB tor a press conference for American policy toward Jews, Finance Minflat irhy it was HCA, tiie y expected to be ! and South American coao- eonrespoMents, -went out of Ms ister Remeuyi-Sclieller empasiaed SUtjor coiHiaunicaliojis c©&3»&Qy lislted ifjostlraisioti&iy t^ef-ore 2osig North fcries. way to emphasize that he person- the need to solve the "Jewish beaded by a Jew, which was . . 'She feSiltjeet of Mm tome is ally WAS responsible for choosing question," but warned that Hunen by the Nazis as the only comFrom Europe Benjamin V, Cohen as Ms legal gary could not copy the methods pany through which those mes- Have you seen Maitia used by Germany and Italy In counsellor. sages conld be sent? §iece, i e * i t l t l « t l *M3ca»gre*ssaien eliminating Jews without eufferLisbon '(JTA)—Solwmon Trone No questions had been asked ilsvt) Soolst,". in tlw> Affiftnicaa Bf 4!he Dominicao ilepn'blic Settle- at this point and it was Wluant's i n g "grave economic conseMercsiry lea* Mtadkt . » .. Paazer, ment assoJCiatiOia arrived here ©nly unsolicited remark during quences." JBOQKQMiC FOiLD X is so little attention g with his wife after <a long tour the confemice. It was presumed The finance minister added that volitme "JPktlier to »«•. fttordecal .EaseMeT.8 ot Holland, Belgium, Luxemburg that the ambassador intended his "a decent but modest" livelihood fcreicr 'editor **f t<ke 4© provide Jobs tor and occupied Stance t o choose remark a3 -a Teply to Axis l»ropa- must be secured for Hungary's Metoew, ^ is now on the stall settlers far tlia Sosua coloay. He 'ganda stating t i i a t President 1,000,000 Jews until government ta the industrial l £ the Eew ¥ork U, P. A. . Will follow tkis war unless Plata to Imvsi t@x tlhe HI. S. at Roosevelt 81 ad chosen Cohen and officials could find a filial solu!d!sHait» Bos*lis;t a n d the toeginniag *f April and will t i i a t the appointment proved tion of the "Jewish problem." At preventive measures y . . And why is member of 4te .Gteaoa Riid B report on the situation of the Roosevelt's "c l o s e connections the same time he announced that p y little atteatioa beii^; to ter editorial .utaff, is devoting his Jews in the coTinMes he visited. Hungarian JewB would be given the Jem." leisare koitrs io the fviittag <ot a to Samuel € . ILosa^oii'd protwo months' grace before enforce, ifaa Is gelilag eo rej Ko set aside l lHI Uelgiaa Jews tfonght in the David Eckstein was American ment of the aew anti-Jewish r e p tttese -^a^s ttb&t ills JMes «f Bover.iiiaioiii strictions. i of the Merovingian Jungs. consul a t Amsterdam. itively hair-raising . , . Now it's tan now, to be wed «'lica osr oottm Mills Ibegia to £©sl 4to «f• Larry Adler, tiie harmonica Idng, vfho'e 'beentevlfceSlto ©l^y 'wllh a fects of that depresstoa? . . . Kva'U be imteaxwted to Icaow, in- symphony ©wih'esftra •— €hat ©I flSOeatalljr, tltat iasasp ^ J Rochester, ¥ . Y. . » . Belisrs ,lt or not, ©ur West Ctoss't -^py mstar, FeUcin, is «|B'ite a l tkst fin $3s2i E^aridaco's tke ©tlier vvmhug, «t a HAS ihe slasticn'tertainers to*® flio «asA snme against ifo® ms&Wmtl y of rrank Jvlos-sh&ll a a d temers toppy by s h ^ ' ^ XiMlsh folk -songs . . . Om slacerc^t TBC« otomenSa'tions to see •'A'ad -So Ends ©nr "N^jluV* 9 FROM the .width inside this year's • G e o r g e s Bnharaei, of the 'top^ic f S ^ t dt Tefngws Ford, and you Bnd the greatest total Wench j>oet •and irasnatist, did Slrfit f.'htmn fit HaSo CSty MtBic JWs best to appease the Matt eaa- ItoU . . . seating width in its field for '41! Measure tiutrors of- his cotmttr in Ms eew Hie inside length, from windshield to rear "Vook, tind even pwelaia©!!, ©n window, and you find Ford first on that the Jacket, that ""this is a fcB®& Utilllan "Tali, who flied last week count, too. Measure the windshield and rear wfclch 'even the Gcrraaa aut&Grlwas the wife of 'Saaa Jatt«j window, and here again you find Ford ahead. "««i wonifl not ban" , . , T h e actor}, was moi tmly & Then close the doors and take the road and Hazfe, however, proved tiiat ftelr very•noted talented anfl actress tatitlca toward appeasers b'aniat who was slated:&lnser you mate another big discovery . . . a -new to become m e off • • A ed . ••. . T&ey'Nrefesirs^efltea Ford ride! A rids fhafs winning praise the stars ol itha MctrcpbUltam first edititsn of fbs too&— country *nrer for Ita softness and ita qufetaesa 'Company, h u t was ©ft8 « l „_,_.» copies . . .-.T&iB iremlata Opera the most gifted parodists ©T ojMtra . . . its restful big-car "feel" over good read us of the experience t»! ati Amerithe conraitry . - . Kaetor bad, front seat or rear. can In ^ r i s , who tSsoagSit .hs sele, a sInSam always calloa her, •night just as well play toll with was •& Jtaost •iiharailns V7e\l I.".: • you t J ccr ;-re i\'.z I'crJ < hOBtess, ,ft the bosses . . . So 3he Bpent a lot derated fitencl jmi, atovc r.:'.y \_"-j > j c a a • . ; . And y«i all^ % of time and money on parties for ©ersca who mever w a s __ r.--J,)ourrcrd<]j'i*;rrCwdyton.iticU Nazi officers . . . With the Tesnlt &t t h s t x " " *» ', \ i'J I ~s£-l3-hz-1 Cs'JisTea vvilh a that the Nasia, finding it impos- pssnsa o l a.' rlta• .money •. She was ©alF SB sible to believe that an American ' \ t!:rltl*_~.t she passed away . ».. JTane coald actually like them, rained •r, famons teacher ©1 tihe^art half his belongings in a search «f dramatic a n d ipablic spcalring, > for hidden evidence of the espion- fceils «s that t h e memheta p i h e r age activities of which they sus- Hotter Speech 3?^oli!owiBh!j) indoBfl pected the gentleman . . . Did you ol ten European Itnow that Kasl soiaters lisceatly Tepresentatives countries a n d ten States . . . . tnvft'ded the Caiaoas' Montaaito© the IJuropeaoB who loolt Cemetery ol Paris and fiestwsyefl Among Miss Manner for jjnidaiico in the tom^j of the tasums German to their Unglish -Bpeech are three Jewish EMret, Helnrich Heisio? authors — SiSTld Unflset And that, while.Heine's "Iflsrolci" famous Norway, Karin Mlchaelis ',vt Is so faciotra and ISCIOTESI ia Ger- ©I and Genevlcve Tahonls many that even the Nasis csalda't Denmark of Fiance-. . . Congratulations to k m it off, it's now listed as the Zionist leader Ateahain Golflbcrs work ol ani- tmlcnowa aot&or. ta the marrlase ©f h i s daughter, -tbe 'Nazt-sponsorcd co3lBctiO33 ol ©a Banana, to Joseph Benjamin '. , . immortal German poems?;, . . And to Mizrachi leatterWolf Gold on the ensagement o l hlg daughter to Sol Node!, gifted young a r t ist . . » "\^4fch Over the Rhine" jfew York, wo hear, lias is the name ol Mllian Hellmaa's play, which Is expected t o tofel h i t the SSrosilway boards this YcsMsa taefeo- spring . . . This opna t y the s a1 \' thor o t " H I B Children's Hour " anil " T h s , Little Foxes'" i3 €ea mast Ecribea a s a Nazi d r a m a , . . gno of 85 booka and p thnt would csske a siost valnable I S 41, by Seven Arts addition to sgjtsijy'a library Synticate.3 4^ WAtt NEWS


Promise Livelihood To Hungary Jews


lonal aspects Of y k . , Marcli 17th, WiiMh SM3 s r ^ r a s everj year zniiris EO£ es3y fi*. Jpatiideo day SmS; ^!so Bfif. Sfe&xm B. T7ice*a EilrSsJaj, wIB IMs year —«s wo ^>ellE^ TCTS fe^d j o n somo tlsaa a£s»—S© fes ^p© o f J


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Friday,. March 7, 194I the blue boxes. The laeeting will slart promptly at 7:S\K

By Lucille

CLUB .' i'he Emesel club held its weekly meeting last Tuesday fit thft home of Shirley Krause. Plans were made for the annual dance to be given by the organl* z&lion, and members turned in funds they have been collecting for the Y. W. H. A. The girls carry on this worthy cause as a part of their club work.

Oa March 13 the Sioux City B'RITH Chapter of Hadassah will inaug- B'NAI A meeting of the B'nai B'ritii urate a new event. They will have will be held next Monday evening, a Traditional Purim Family dinCouncil of Jewish March 10, at the K. C. hall. ner which will be served at 6;QG The B'nai B'rith held a very Women Hold Luncheon at tiie Jewis Community Center. Mrs. Louis Goldberg will pre- successful meeting for fathers and The Council of Jewish Women side. Mrs. Albert Goldstein will sons Jast week, at which time an i;.fet for lusciieon last Monday af- give the invocation. A play "A interesting program was presentttruoou at the Jewish Community Woman's Privilege" will J>e pre- ed. Col, Folsom Everest was the l "enter. sented by Mesdames Miriam Chai- principal speaker. Dr^ SternliiU VISITS PARENTS . : Mrs. A. Siirerberg and Mrs, M. ken, D o r o t h y Rubin, Frances spoke for the fathers and Edward Gotsdiner, who is attend* Itocklin were chairmen. Mrs. Leon Feinberg, Mollie Kutcher, Fan Cherniss responded for the sons. ingYale the University of Nebraska, The Women's League of Sliaare Dotiiofsky arid Mrs. Ben Appleson Itabbi Carl Castle delivered the Zion will iiold their annual dance are in charge of decorations. The Grueskin, Betty Shindler and Ev- invocation, and Lou Bernstein, spent last week-end at home via* iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs* on Saturday night, March 8, at program included a hat show ar- elyn Baron. Mrs. Sol Seff is di- was chairman of the program. Joe Gotsdiner. the Bellevue Ballroom. Dancing ranged l>y Mrs. Jules Lederer and recting the play. An original "Mali Jonn" skit will be given by will be from 9:30 to 1:00 a. in. Mrs. Lawrence Baron. Models Doris Pill, Doris Kaplan, Gloria HADASSAH A few of the specialties to be off- were Mrs. Albert Goldstein, Mrs. Hadassab's party last Monday TO CALIFORNIA ered will be the LaConga and Rube Miller, Mrs. Dave Albert, Novitsky, Betty Bain, Dorothy evening for the paid-up membreMr. and Mrs. Al Sokol left last Sherman and Lois Novitsky. CanRumba. Mrs. Ben Schuleiu and Mrs. Mor- tor Pernick will lead in Commun- shin was greatly enjoyed by all Sunday morning by motor lor Los Chairmen for the affair are rie Ruebeu. There was a musical present. At this time the mem- Angeles, Cal., where they will Mrs. Jules Lederer, Mrs. Saul Co- accompaniment by Mrs. Ben Ka- ity singing. establish their permanent resiMrs. .Bess Sabel and Mrs. Sam bership scroll was signed. han and Mrs. S. II. Sliulkin. dence, iin. Original and clever skits of the Kaplan will have charge of the Among the committee assisting dining room. Mrs. It. 11. Emlein Gay '90's were presented and diore Mesdames A. Kroloff, Sam and Mrs. S. Moso are chairmen of rected by Mrs. Ben Telpner. PiAnti-Jewish Library Kaplan, Morey Llpshutz, Joe the dinner. Mrs. Anna Krueger anist was Mrs. Albert Krasne and Kutcher, Phil Goldblatt, Milton and Mrs. M. Lazerowich are pre- mistress of ceremonies was Mrs. "Zurich, Feb. 9 (JTA)—A speMushkin, M. Lasenaky, IJ. Chesen, paring a booth of "Purim Delica- Harry Cher&iss. L. Klass, Gassier Stein, A. Slutanti-Jewish library has been 1 Specialties were presented by cial cies". Everyone is invited to come sky, I '. Epstein, L. Fish, Art Kapset up at Frankfort by Alfred Mrs. J. Brawn and Mrs. Ben Abrawith their families to spend an lan, Sol Kronick, Sam Slotsky, E. Rosenberg for "research" Into the hamson. Members of the cast in- Jewish enjoyable evening. according to a Robinow, Mike Sherman, A. Berlccluded: Mesdames Leo Meyerson, broadcastquestion, Wolf Gold, chairman of from Brealau. dwitz, M. J. Epstein, Win, Maron, theRabbi World Executive, M. Bernstein, A b e Leibovitz, * I. Shindler, Leon Bobrofsky, L. will Mizrachi address an open meeting Strictly Confidential Louis Binstein, Morris Katelman, Heeger. Nate Goldis, L. I). Sacks, sponsored by the Sioux City MizBIONSKF, GHOIHNSKV, MAKER 1 Oscar Gre'-nberg, II. Galpert, Saul AM) COHEN, Attys. I Mike Mnshkin, Win, Kutcher, Le- rachi organization. Purim night, Suvalsky, Leon Frankel, B e n (Continued from Page 11,) 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid*. ' > on Shulkin, George Felnberg, II. March 12, at 8:30 at the Jewish Kubby, Richard Gordon, H. Fried, Gitlin, I. Levich, A. Bain, A. M. Community Center. 13 HEREBY GIVEN That on York occupied the pulpit of St. A. Bear, Marvin Bookey and Max theNOTICE first day of January, 1941, the total Grneskin, Ben Appleson S. Bazer. outstanding secured and unsecured in* Rabbi Gold, renowned Zionist Paul's in August, 1800 . . . Steinberg. debtedness of II. A. Wolf Company, Inc.* leader is a most impressive and Which, however, still makes Dr. a Nebraska Corporation, with its principal place ot business in Omaha, Nebraska, inspiring orator, having lived in Lilienthal the first rabbi to have JUNIOR HADASSAH Palestine for a number of years occupied a Christian pulpit in Cin- Junior Hadassah will hold its was |271,702.32. H. A. WOLF, and having recently .returned cinnati Another aside, this txt meeting on Thursday evePresident, from an extensive tour in South time to Walter Winchell's G i r l ning, March 13, at the home of Attest r R. U. KOOPEK, Secretary. America, he has a most interest- Friday: The Winchell w h o s e \lts sponsor,'-Mrs. RiCiiarl GorH. A. WOLF, ing message to deliver. "Preadamites" q u o t a t i o n you don, C04 Roosevelt. " H. H. AOERBACH, H. H. BROWN, Ibis'is an exteremely important Mr, E. N. Grueskin was again The program will also include found as a dictionary illustration R. H. KOOPEK, <?lect<id president of the Federa- musical selections by Cantor Mor- of the •meaning of "extramater- meeting as plans for the style J. X CREENBERQ, . . A. D FRANK, ial" isn't your boss, but the geoshow are nearly completed. tion. Other officers elected for the ris Pernick and other entertainPAViD GRE^NBERQ. All girls are requested to bring 3-7-41-lt. ensuing year were Barney Baron, ing features. The entire Jewish logist Alexander Winchell, who Majority of Director*. H. M. Singer, Morey Lipshutz, community is cordially invited to wrote many scientific books and at one time served as president Mrs. Sam Shulkin, Max Lasensky, attend. of Syracuse university . . . l i e H. Fishgall, vice presidents; Al was born in Dutchess county, New • Schwartz, secretary; L. J. KapYork, in 1824, and at the time lan, treasurer; Eli .Robinow, Fi- Young Judea Will of his death, in 1891, was pronancial Secretary. At the meeting of the Federa- Hold Purim Carnival fessor of geology at the University of Michigan . . . tion Board hold Monday evening, CONTEST NEWS - •• March ;'.rd, the Board rejected the A Purim Carnival, packed witli To Abe A. I'o.dvciii, Memphis referendum sent out by the National Council of Jewish Federa- fun and hilarity, is being planned attorney, and JInir.v S. Goldstein, tions and Welfare Funds concern- by the -seven Young J u d e a r JJegionnl Deputy ot Aleph Zadck ing the formation of a national groups 'n the city. This will be Ateph for Western Ohio and Kenopen to *he general public and tucky, our roiigvatiilations oh bebudgeting committee. particularly to all youth groups. ing the first two renders to send A Marrionette Show, the Shu- in the correct answer to our reslian Post Office, where ^each per- cent query about <he most-comShaare Zion son attending will deposit his Sha- mon masculine first name in all Friday evening services will be- lach Monos, later, these.jgifts will tlio world . . . Their copies of Dr. gin at the Shaare Zion synagogue be distributed; Madam Know-It- KnuimicI Lasher's "The Commuat 8 o'clock. Rabbi H. R. Kabin- All will look deep into your past nity of the Future" linvo been owltz will speak. on the subject and predict the future; Vashti's sent to them . . . We're still hop"What Shall We. Ask At the Palace will be open for the eve- ing to get 11 third correct answer, •Peace Conference?" Cantor Mor- ning and King Ahasueros and so we- cannot divulge that famous ris Pernick- will chant the rituals. Queen Esther will be elected to name now — but we warn all and Mr.-and Mrs. Pollock wjll act rule for the evening. Purim deli- sundry that if that third correct answer doesn't reach us before os the services of the cacies will be served.. .Everyone-is invited to witnes: next .'column-time we'll reveal it Junior Congregation in honor of the b.'ir-mitzvah of their son, Earl. the hanging of Haman. There will o i i r s e l f . . . • On Sunday morning all tht> be a 15c admission charge which THIS AND THAT children of the Sunday School and will take care of the entertainBack in the news is the -Efrom Hebrew School will hold their an ment for the entire evening. Shek- Zimbalist family The violin nual Purim Carnival. All children els will be given to each person virtueoso himself has become the are requested to come in mas- as they enter, to be used as a director of the Curtis Institute of querade dress-. Prizes will be medium of exchange during t Music, and his son, Efvoinr jr., awarded to those who will excell evening. is keeping busy reading scripts in originality or portrayal. NuThe Carnival will take place at for the new Theater Guild play merous games will be provided the Jewish Community. Center on . . . Dagmar Godowsky, daughter for the children. The Shaare Zion Tuesday night! March 11th, be- of the famous pianist, and a wellPost Office will distribute pack- ginning at 7:30. known dancer in her own-right, ages as gifts. The collection that is now engaged in writing a book mortiicg will be devoted to- the . . . Don't be surprised if Walter Ha dassah Penny Lunch fund. Disney is eventually persuaded to A. Z. A. News Children are asked to bring genmake a "Fantasla"-like movie out erous contributions, of Gertrude Stetn'fl - and Virgil Sioux City A. Z. A. has again Thomson's opera, "Four Saints .The Meglllah will be recited on scored In t h * btauiiful OuacKifo'k! Hritbaek another victory. At the last in Three Acts," which startled riding, Qolf, 1»nni», hiking, boating and Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. convention held in Lincoln, FebBroadway a few years ago . . . (iriung on Lakes Hamillort end Colhfrlnc; Children will be allowed to make ruary 15, 16, 17, Sheldon Singer They tell us to watch out for a and counllen othtr recreation^ avoilo, demonstrations against Haman.. took top honors in the oratorical technicolor picture called "Blosbte throughout th« year. Oaktawn h e n * J contest, thus qualifying him for som in the Dust," for which racirio Irom February 24 i e f/lorch 29. IliiiiBiiHiliifi Orthodox Synagogue the District convention at Rock Mervyn LeRoy has prepared a Chicken fri«i and picnlci on httd el lh« Friday night services will be- Island, also Hubert Friedman and pastel-tented set that ought to be lodoe on Lake Hamilton, Regain hsatlJi la ihe AT heoling thermo) epringi!:' gin at 6:15 and in the. morning Sheldon Singer are qualified for very easy on the eyes . . . Comat 9:0ft. Rabbi Sol I. Bolotnikov the debate contest after defeating poserLouis Gruenberg, now a will bpoak during the morning Omaha Chapter No. 1 debating Hollywoodite, has the p e r f e c t Bt)r\icc-9 at Beth Abraham syna- against tfustin Priesman and squelch for those snobbish-mindHarry Goodbinder. gogue. ed individuals who venture to exOn March 11, services will beSunday, March 2, an executive press amazement at his succumbHOTEL gin at 6:-15. The Megillah will oe meeting was held at the Jewish ing to the lure of Coast gold . ; . If you thoBte the Eaumen Helef/ you will b» $ut» read ar 7:00. ' Community Center, discussing a He simply informs them that his ej the atM^d acfvontgga of perfect envlronfeehj end ,.w stag which is to be-held in about opera, "Emperor Jones," recogCKarereodalionf...Ye(i wlil JhtBl V/!sh ttallgk En yov' ,{% one week for the !J6 newly electnized 8B his greatest work, and Hebrew Mothers Plan enjoyment of ths seeJv.-Jan of the cMisfttful p r W 9 ed members. Also plans are being pork which lib&i it to ti rnagnlficenl covntry cUsta Dessert Luncheon made for the 2nd degree which is which has been performed t e 11 7h« Eaitman effort cjviei telojtallon, ye» Jj'eoRVam' by the Metropolitan Opera lenf tt» every cclivlty end reereotlonel fee|«» &» ^.^ Th<- Hebrew Mothers Associa- to be held in the near future be- ompany • of New- York, lias to Not Eprfns>, A wtcfe verity ofeMommotSetieMfa^ | i j ^ tion will hate a Purim Dessert fore the filial B'rith; it is to be date netted him $GGO in royalselect from thcluding rtfemtiand suite?,' C w * r a - ; ! | | an elaborate induction cefeinony Luncheon on Tuesday, March 11. .' • new members. 'This new pledge l i e s . < . : . * < .''"••' at 1:30. Mrs. Phillip Shevmat; of ABOUT PEOPLE •.•••" class is to be named after Jerry •Will preside: .Did you know that IJenjnmin who recently passed away The meeting will be turned Safur, V.''Colien, the New Deal lawyer due'to infantile paralysis. He was over to Mrs. Joe Kutcher. pro- a member of A. Z, A. in- Chicago. who now is the Counselor to the gram chairman. She will present Sam was elected vice-pres- American Embassy. at London, Rabbi J. M.-Brown who will apeak identKaplan was born at Mnricie, Inch, a town of the region. on the subject "Purim—In the which a recent survey piefced as "Light of Talmudic and iMidrasliic so overage an American city that Interpretation"; Leon.Dyer was appointed Quar- no important people could be'exter-mastor .general of .the V. S. pected to cpme out of it? . . -."... Three Jews resided in Detroit army by General Winfield Scott (Copyright, 1941,-by. Seven Arts (Fentiire Syndicate.) ' during the Mexican war. In J703 as trailers.



JJUMffl 12


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