April 25, 1941

Page 1

Butered as Second Class Mail Matter on January SI, 1931, at ftMtoffice, of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act ot March S, 1879



RabbiWice to Speak On Radio Network

Itabbi David H. Wice will speak on Saturday morning, May 17, from 11:30 to 11:45 over the NBC Red Network on the "Call to >hman Named Three One-Act Plays to Youth Program." rman of For his talk, Rabbi Wice has Close Center j r o u p chosen t h e subject, "Religious Season Sources of the Declaration of InWith the appointment of WarA program of three outstand- dependence and the Constitution," one-act plays will on Wednes- The program w i l l originate in ner Frohman, president of t h e Round Table of Jewish Youth, as ly, April SO, bring to a close the Chicago. general chairman of the Youth Center Players' season. The first Division of the Philanthropies, tho play will begin at 8:15 In the auyoung people of Omaha are being 4|itorium of the Jewish Coinmumobilized tor their part in the.anMty Center. nual campaign for war relief and Beat-known of the three plays is refugees. ' . *'The Valiant" by Holworthy and ""The first rally of workers was Widdlemas. Taking part in it will held at the Jewish Community be Harold Katelraan, Ralph Nogg, Center on Tuesday, April 22. Jack Epstein, Earl Siegel, a n d "These are serious times," Mr. Becky Kirshenbaum. " , Sisterhood to Conduct Frohman stated, "and I am callService This A sophisticated comedy f r o m ing upon every young man and the pen of the noted Hungarian Evening woman in our division to do his Jew, Perenec Molnar is "The Witch." Members of its cast are: Services of the United OrthoEleanor Cohen, Mickee Balaban, dox Congregations tonight will be and Edythe Shuman. dedicated to and conducted by the Orchestra to Play Sisterhood. The service will start The third, "Overtones," by Alice at 8 p. in. at the B'nai Israel Gerstenberg, is an unusual play synagogue,, 18th a n d Chicago in which the characters are rep- streets. Till* will l>e the flnal late resented by their conscience. Iteva serlvce of the year. Lipsman, Dorothy Tatelman, Ann Mrs. J. Zweiback, Mrs. Sam Zager, and Ethel Kadis are mem- Turkel and Mrs. Haskell Cohen a f t * ..f..-.•-••' bers of the cast of this play. will take part in the service. Mrs. The Jewish Community Center Jack Epstein will speak on Little Symphony orchestra will "Beauty in the Jewish Home and present a musical program. in the Synagogue" iand Mrs. Ar- Mrs. Greta Baeck, Center dra- thur Goldstein will talk on "The matic.coach, is directing the pro- Talmud Torah and the Jewish ductions. • • 'X'•;-.•:%••> Mother." Rabbi Isaiah Uackovsky will "j. • ' •.'•"'•; V deliver a brief address on "Synagogue. Matters a r i d ^Sisterhood i.. .• Functions." The services will be followed by a reception.;.,; The following will serve as hostesses: Mesdameg Meyer Katzman,"A\ G. Weinsteln, N. • S. - Yaffe, . I. Hurwitz, D. B. Epstein, Sidney Goldberg and Warner Frohmnn -N On Sunday evening, May 11, Morris Burstein. Mrs. Sam Epstein, chairman of share in shouldering the responi> the Beth El synagogue will dedithe Entertainment Committee of sibility we, as free American Jew," cate" with appropriate ceremonies ? - the Sefer Torah given by Mrs. J.' the Sisterhood; will act as chair- ish youth, have to help those so unfortunate as to h a v e : been man of the reception. t, Milder and her children. caught in the net of totalitarian f his Sefer Torah has been prelife." L flented to the synagogue in inem, .. Chairmen • bry of the late Herschel and lilvka The youth division, which is Moss. -. * ••-•.:. similar in organization to the gen- Ca'ntor Aaron Edgar and .the (Continued on Page 5.) , Beth El choir, will participate r4n the service and- Rabbi David A. Goldstein will deliver the sermon; The box office for "Das Pintele After the service the donors will Yid" open this Sunday at 7 receive in the social hall of the o'clockwill, at the Central club, 21st synagogue. • and Dodge streets. : "Das Pintele; Yid," K four-act bperetta by Borfs Thomashevsky, is being given by the Dramatic club of the Workmen's Circle, Branch 173, on Sunday, starting A stirring plea for increased at 8. p, m. Jewish philanthropic effort was An outstanding cast of local v o i c e d Tuesday night by Dr. The U., O. C . Brotherhood is talent is taking part. .Featured Stephen 8. W i s e , distinguished planning its regular dinner meet- in the operetta are many tradi- New' York rabbi and communal ing for Thursday, May 1, at the tional Yiddish melodies. leader, in an address before one B'nai Israel synagogue at .7 p. m. of the largest crowds,ever to at. Officers will -be elected at this tend • a meeting at t Ii e Jewish time. The special .J/ig B'Qmer' Community Center. affair, which is to, fake place on Describing the meager assist.Wednesday, May 14, at the Jewance-the large agencies can give, ish Community Center, will be The'Second annual job clinic RabDi Wise said, "We have no discussed. . >• conducted by-the Omaha Youth right to criticize the agencies if ., R e s e r v a t i o n s :-tor t h e . d i n n e r Guidance Council will ,be h e 1 ;d we do not give" them adequate nieetlng^inay be made at JA 0887. from 10 to 4 on' Tuesday." April support. ' They do what Work they 29, at .the-City auditorium. can with-the lunds'at their comLawrence M. Nelson-of Chicago mand." ?. ' ; r will be principal speaker. T h'e He'told of .conditions that have Jewish" Community" Center is ^a been brought about 'by" Hitler's member of-the Youth. Guidance conquest" of'Europe, of Poland - . where the Jews "receive one:sixth Rabbi David A. Goldstein is Council. the food allotment of the Gerleaving "on Monday, April 28, to mans, of Lisbon where thousands *»• attend the "convention of the RabTo Attend Services of anti-Nazis seeTc to Escape bebinical A s s e m b l y of America', •which is to take place ln'Phila-' A group of students ot t h e fore the'Germans catch up with delphla. , .First Congregational church •'- of them and send them to the guilloRabbi Goldstein will participate' Fremont, Neb., of which the: Rev^. tine- J * ; " , " " fn the" program of the conference Lichte is'pastor.-will attend ser.y- "In ait. appeal for continued asices at Tehiple'Israel this evening. 'slstaace to Palestine despite the by reading a paper.




Job Clinic to Be \Held on Tuesday

Uabbi Goldstein to . Rabbinical Conclave



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To keep alive the flame of hope at one of the most critical junctures of Jewish history, the local Jewish Philanthropies will Sunday morning launch its annual campaign for wur relief and refugees. One hundred n i n e thousand five hundred dollars ia being Sought for the support of national, International, and local insti-

Report Luncheon First reports OH tho progress of the 1041 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign w i l l be made at a luncheon to bo held on Monday at the Jewish Community Center at 12:15. • Henry Montor, vice chairman of the United Jewish Appeal and prominent writer and literary critic, will speak «t this meeting. AH Philanthropies workers are invited to attend the limchmeetiiig. tutions. Under tho general chairmanship of Milton S. Livingston, volunteer workers will solicit all members of t h e community In this unlftecl campaign which will benefit . war; r (stricken 3 e.w r y abroad, aid in the rehabilitation of refugees coming to this country as well as other free areas, and assist in the maintenance of the agencies" of the American Jewish community. That all Omaha Jewry is awake to the needs was evidenced Tuesday evening at the meeting of the Initial. Gifts division. wliejj the first report revealed $42,500 already pledged. The cards turned in show gratifying increases. AH Omaha Jewry is being asked to cooperate in this drive, the most important to bo conducted in the city, by giving generously to the Philanthropies. "Responsibility , toward our stricken. brethren rests solely with us," Mr. Livingston said. "To fall them n w is to betray not only them but ourselves." • Besides Mr. Livingston, officers of the campaign include: Henry Monsky, . honorory - chairman; David Levine, chairman of the Initial Gifts Division; ••AbiwrKaiman, chairman of the General (Continued on Page 5.)

gravity of the situation, Rabbi Wise said, "It 13 better for the Jews to die like men in Palestine than like dogs in Poland." "We are in the m i d s t of "a crisis. Unless we help our fellow Jews to arise, we and they will be forever fallen." Rabbi Wise came to Nebraska to address the honors convocation of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln Tuesday morning. Tuesday noon he addressed a meeting of Lincoln educators. Immediately following his Lincoln talk, he was brought to. Omaha by Milton Livingston, general chairman of the 1941 Jewfsh Philanthropies campaign, and delivered talks before the Women's Division of the Philanthropies and a dinner meeting of the Initial Gifts committee besides the" evening meeting. At the dinner meeting. Rabbi Wise wa$ .introduced by Henry Monsky, president of the Supreme Lodge of the B'nai B'rlth. Rabbi David. H. Wice introduced him to the Center audience.

VOL. XVII—No. 2 4

Mother Chapter to Mark Anniversary on 1 May 4 City Commissioner Hurry 'l'rustin will Ixi principal speaker at tho seventeenth anniversary observance of A. '/'. A. l, on Sunday, May 4. The birthday observance will last all day, beginning in the morning at 11 o'clock with a Softball game at 32nd and Dewey between A. Z. A. 1 and Sam Heber Chapter 100. The teams are traditional rivals. The afternoon program is scheduled to begin at 3 p. m. ut the Jewish Community Center. At this time tho Morria Arbltman class will be initiated. Awards will be presented to members of the Mother Chapter w h o have been outstanding in all fieldB of activities. The Morris Arbitman memorial trophy, will bo presented', the outstanding memUer ot. Mother chapter. . Evening festivities will include a birthday party complete with cake, candles and refreshments.' Sam Cooper Is In chargo of the affair. The evening progiam Is Under the- direction of Warner Frohman• a r i d Lou .Blumkiri, chairmen of the social" eommitteo. A dance will '/conclude the anniversary. -

PLANS COMPLETED The annual mother-daughter banquet to be held oil Sunday, May 4, under the auspices of the Women's division of the Jewish Community Center promises to be, • an outstanding social event, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Henry Belmont and her* active committee.* Invitations have been Issued to all members of the Women's Division and their daughters. Main feature of the ' program will be a radio skit written by Mrs. Hy Shrler, depicting the variety of activities offered at the Center for mothers and daughters. Participants in this skit will be announced next week. Reservations may be made by calling JA 1366. Committee members Include: Mesdames Jacob Bernstein, David Blacker, Ethel B r o d k e y . Max Canar, David R. Cohen, J a c k Cohen, John Faier, Leon Fellman, Arthur Goldstein, , Dave Greenberg, Manning Handler, J u Ji a Jacobs', J. H. Kulakofsky, Moo Llnsman, Morris Margolin, William Milder, Albert N e w m a n , Louis Neveleff, Ernie Nogg, Herman Osoff, Charles Schimmel, Leonard Segal, Ben Shapiro, Harry Sommer, Harry Trustin, Nathan Turner, Moe Venger, Harry Wolf, Sam Z 1 o t k y ' and Miss Blanche Zimman.

Fourth Scholarship Given Dewey Ziegler Dewey K. Ziegler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, haa'-for the fourth time been awarded a Harvard honorary scholarship. . A senior at Harvard, Ziegler ia majoring In history and literature.^ '

Friday, April IS,


P*ge 10

XX Sports MORRIE ADLEB An eight-team Softball leagu was assured as t h e Denenberg Clollifers put iu their appearane before the deadline. Al Freldinan •will manage the team and prom Ises to make ail the favored ten. Rustle. Last Sunday found most of the Softball teams preparing for i hectic season. The tradftiona rivals, A. Z. A. No. 1 and A. Z A. No. 100, staged a practice g a m e at 22nd and Burdette ..streets. Next Sunday will prob 'ably find the same two teams get ting in shape at the same place —time 11 a. m.


]1 ma Sbolnick to Sam Friedman, he has accepted a position on the Esther Brown entertained at a "Fremont Morning Guide." i handkerchief shower last Sunday CONVALESCING for fifteen girls. Miss Libbie Grossman is recuBridge and bingo were tlie afBy Lucille Abr&hamson ternoon's diversions a n d prizes perating at her home following a A meeting of the local lodge of were won by Dorothy Rosen, minor illness. She will return to Jt'NIOli HAWASS AM B'nai B'rith will be held Monday The Junior Hadassah of Coun- Marilyn Saitzman, a n d Mickey her studies at the University of night, April 21, at 8:15, at the Iowa next week. cil Bluffs held a successful style Balabau. Jewish Community Center. show and card party last week at Dr. A. Greenberg, who was one Jerusalem (JTA)—Reviving the the I. O. O. F. hall. The newVISITS GRANDMOTHER of the lodge's delegates to t h s old custom of a Passover pilgrimspring outfits, which were furMiss Bette Lee Harris s p e n t nished by the People's Store, were spring vacation iu Fremont, Neb., age to Jerusalem, the Agudath triennial convention of the Sumodeled by Miriam Saks, Ruth where she visited at the home of Israel arranged a large-scale pil- preme Lodge in Chicago, wtll reSeldin, Doris Friedman, Ida Ler- her grandmother, Mrs. J. Verbin. grimage to the Holy City from port on the proceedings. "Cards will follow. ner, Lorraine Meyerson, Lucille all over the country. Abrahamson, Florence Meyerson TO FREMONT and Leoiva Katelman. Leo Meyerson, son of Mr. and Highlight of the affair was the Mrs. Meyer Meyerson, left last FOR SAFE and PLEASANT auctioning of an outfit of clothes. Sunday for Fremont, Neb., where CHIVING Acting as auctioneer was Harry Get a Set of Cheruiss. The style show was unVtXBB, ISIKIK, KI.VTZMCK der the direction of Jaue Vincent. & KELL.EY, Attys.,

Council Bluffs

201) Service life Bid*.

The Milder Liquor team took liUKHKh An Emesel meeting was held tfyeir first workout last Sunday , at 22nd and Charles streets and Wednesday evening at the home "will be one of the league's lead of Thama Lee Krasne. President Betty Cohen aning contenders. A. Z. A. No. 1 of Council Bluffs also took their nounced that all Y. W. H. A. first workout of the season last money has been collected. Plans Sunday afternooon at Elmwood for the mothers' tea were dispark and had a great turnout cussed, and a discussion on the The boys from across the river forthcoming Emesel Club w a s ate taking this serious and aim held. to be right iu the thick of the battle. I1OMI0 FOR HOLIDAYS Returning home last week from the University of Iowa for the (For Managers Only) The money must be in by Sun holidays w e r e George Brown, day, April 20, Money will be Floyd Yudelson, and Ben Kutler. taken by the office or Lee Grossman. HANDKERCHIEF SHOWER ' Play will begin the following In honor of the forthcoming Sunday, April-27. Head this col- marriage of her cousin, Miss Selumn and your daily paper f o r schedules. BI.IMKNTIIAI, & SMITH, Attfyg.

FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah Garber, Deceased: All persons interested in said matter are • hereby notified that on the 15th day of April, 1911, Harold Garber filed a pettition » in said county court, praying that his final administration account filed herein be set- • tled and allowed, and that lie be discharged from his trust as administrator • and that a hearing will be had on eaid petition before said court on the 12th day of May, 1941, and that if you fall to appear before said court on the said 12th day of May, 1941, at 9 o'clock a. in., and contest said petition, the court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirshlp, and make euch other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. CHARLES J. SOUTHARD, 4-18-4l-3t County Judge.


Your U. S. R O Y A L TIRES will prove more economical in the long run. Let us save you money with these extra safe, extra mileage tires.

Carl Riekes V


Expert Retreading and Recapping SALES BATTERIES SERVICE

768 Braudila Theater Bid*.

HANDBALIi PROBATE NOTICK Last week la the National A. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OP SOPHIA A. GOODRICH, DECEASED. A. U. handball tournament in ChiNotice is Hereby Given: That the credicago Sol Yaffe went into t h e tors of the' said deceased will meet the fourth round before he was de- Executor of said estate, before me, County Judge Douglaa County, Nebraska, at feated by Pete Merle of Detroit. the CountyofCourt Room, in said County, on Sol went farther than any Oma-the 9th day of June, 1941, and on the 9th han and made a fine showing for day of August, 1911, at 9 o'clock, A. M., each day, for the purpose of presenting himself. Sol and Morrie Bloom their claims for examination, adjustment won their first round match but and allowance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, lost in the second round. from the 9th day of May, 1941. 4 As usual Joe Platak won the CHARLES J. SOUTHARD, 4-18-41-3t. County Judge. tournament in a breeze.









HA 3S34

325 NO. 18TH ST.

AT 4550

SWIMMING Don't forget the "Swim a n d -Win" m i n e .

For ©very 40 yarfla

you swim you receive a numbered stub. The more stubs you have the more chances you have In winning the grand prize. T h e raffle swim begins April 28 and ends Sunday, May 4. Last week one ot our junior boys swam 300 lengths in our pool to cop the swim marathon. Harold Mozer, 13-year-old, won first place and a gold medal for out-distancing all competitors for the first place position. Next Sydney Ruderman swam 290 lengths for second place and a silver medal, third went to Paul Belinsky and fourth to Charles FredIcin. .

The Money You Save on a 141 Kelvinator <^A.flick of the finger—and tlie exclusive, new Wkgic Shelf makes room for . extra-taUbottles. Another easy change — and there's room for a 12-pound turkey—five finger-tip adjustments give you five shelf arrangements.

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6T4 c^bic feet of sheer coiiyeniencethaggwhat you get with this... Cbm44uippec?ModclS0 ? M d l S ^ 0 ' O f

or* for dtl'mrf Iniovr ttfcwMWE) lieo Flgo. Sfofe oiitffocaf f u « i urfrai

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Friday, April 18, 1 9 4 1








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ASM FOR Whole Wheat Flukes—At Your Grocer


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Fluorescent Light

: BUSINESS IN ITS 5©tfi YEAH : CO-jEDUCATIO&AL Day and Evening All Year | Monthly Enrollment , j Standard Courses IQNE C. DUFFY, Owner 2 0 7 S. 19«fi . JA 5 8 9 0

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HOLLYWOOD. Baby Snooks celebrated her seventh (radio birthday with a rodeo party for the press. Dressed In a little girl's outfit, topped with a big hair bow, she remained in character. "Daddy!" she screamed,/'they're trying to put the cow In that old car. Looka, looka, they're putting the kosher end in first, Daddy!" In the Argentine, Xazi-minde<l Jiuenos Aryans were wroth to ft f r o t h when the German film, "Itauschende Ball Nacht," was refused exhibition in the first-run bouse . . . they claimed American pressure caused the withdrawal. The Argentinisches Tageblatt is an anti-Nazi daily paper in Buenos Aires. It would like to see better American-Argentine relations cemented by means of films mirroring the true American life. It is reported that Budapestian censors scissored two 'suggestive" lines from "Babes in Arms"' before allowing its screening: "We have no Duce, we have no Fuehrer; but we have Garbo and Norma Shearer." The Fleischer boys, Max and Dave, producers of "Gulliver's Travels," have offered their services to the government for t h e making of cartoon shorts illustrating the various phases of training and gun operation. In World War 1 they made similar pictures, which are still in use. A pithy story is told by James Cunningham; A gray-haired, distinguished gentleman was seen waiting in the , lobby of New York's Yiddish Art theater when an old-timer, w h o practically haunts the place, approached. "Hello, Dave," greeted the patriarch, "haven't seen you in a long time. Are you still ushering here?" "Why, no," was the surprised answer. "Not any more. I hope to get something better soon." The speaker covered his face to hide a smile — he was David Sarnoff, president of Radio Corporation of America!


Zig's-Zags: ..Lillian ..Hellman's latest masterpiece, "Watch on Rhine" will be celluloided. NBC is feteing Jack Benny with a banquet for his ten years in radio on May 1 . . . the occasion will have a transcontinental broadcast. Director C h a r l e s BJesner rolls off the press with a n o t h e r book V c a l l c d , "Between Salaries,'or Short Notes on-a L o n g Memory." Hair-raising item: Jack Benny and Charles Boyer . . .; . we're told . . . cover the bare facts wi&i toupees. Jack Warner, jr., celebrated his 25tji birthday. The Stork will have descended on the Iiou Holtz Haeienda by the time you read this. -Bubbles Schinazl has become a model for cigarette ads. Qroucho suggests that t h e trained chicken in the fothcoming Mandcle be adopted as a n e w brother called "Clnc&o." (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)


Bar Memo Stables So. 36th St. Nebr. llor«e» fur Hire LttKMHM


Complete Service at Nominal Cost

$1.00 pew H a w $1.69 per H«ui

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HA 1226

f*1A S152


New anil Used


Trucff fifoaeleguarters Service on Truths tn Shop Is now evaileStle 24 hours da!Jyf except Sun.

Day PfaGtoo — JA 7OS0 Pfjcne—-JA 7203

Monday and Tuesday Nitcs Res-rved for Private Parties u tbc Uosle of OBI llanunand Organ Nn »••--•--^ay




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CO. 15th a Jones

4016 Fsrnssti St.



Omaha's Most Complete Stock of materials

3 2 2 So. 10tli St. JA 0865 Redick To«rer

The three Berlea and. Mama stormed the Palladium one night. Milton had a pert little blonde.on his arm . . . but Mama, sentinellike, sat right across the table. Milton's humor is always at the "berlelng" point. Being introduced one night as the "nation's number one comedian," he balked, "Hmph! Number O n e comedian —: there's nothing lower t h a n Number One!" And when \ a j o k e doesn't click, he rouses them with, "There must be people out there-—I hear breathing!" :



GO. Maanfoctarcn of



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Small Monthly Payments


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The largest stoc& of finished Memorial^ in Omaha being reduced at savings of . . .

•25 to S©%

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MONUMENT CO. 1215 So. 13th St.

i JA1S72

V ^

Friday, As>rii I S , 1S41



Public Relations Expert to Speak Plans have been started for a yery important Hadassah project the 15.00 donor's luncheon, pro cleds of which are given to the 3>uth Aliyah. yhe following captains h a v e been busy soliciting pledges for t h i s important activity: Mes dames 11. S. Novitsky, Sain Slotsky, Reubea Miller, A. Davis, W, 4, Blotsky, E. N. Gruesldu, J. Robinson and J. Kutcher. {The following Is a partial list Oj those already having pledged for the donor's dinner: Klesdainea FjranlC Epstein, J. Jacohson, J Lansberg, Wm. and Victor Masie Bea Pill, Fan Givot, Joe Levy of I^ingsley, la., Leon Bfaulkiu, Sam greenstone, R.. H. Emlein, Joe „ Krigsten, A. Goodsite, L. Goldberg, A. M. Grueskiu, W. C. Slotsky, Dave Rodin, Chas. Raskin, B. II. Raskin, «T. Lehman, II. S. Novitsky, L. Kaplan, A. Kroloff, Sam Slotsky, H. Sherman, M. Lazere, Leah Baron, B. Fish, R. Kutcher, Dave Ginsberg, Art Kaplan, B. Robinow, Milton Mushkin. Mrs. Joe Leva land Mrs. L. Agranoff are chairmen of the Youth Aliyah.

Hadassah to Hold Meeting on Tuesday Hadassah will h o l d its last meeting: of the year on Tuesday, April 22, in the form of a dessert luncheon at 1:30 at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Joe Rosenthal and Mrs. Louis Heeger are in charge of the luncheon. Mrs. Archie Kroloff will give the invocation. Mrs. Sam Slmlkin is in charge of the program. There will be a Hadassah seder and a humorous debate; Election » t otlieera t»Ul. too bold. - -

Dr. Feinberg, en expert on public relations, will visit Sioux City under the auspices of the American Jewish committee, Monday, April 21, to address the public relations committee of the Jewish Community Couacil. Dr. Feinberg visited Sioux City recently and his message was of such vital interest and importance that he has been asked to return and meet with this special - committee. This luncheon meeting will be held at the Mayfair hotel.

Forum to Be Held On Inter-Marriage The subject, "Inter-Faith Marriage," will be discussed from three points of. view, the Protestant, the Jewish and the Catholic at the Young People's League open meeting, April 20. This meeting will be held at the Shaare Zion synagogue at 8 and all young people' over 18 are invited to attend. The subject is of pertinence today and it is a real privilege to be able to hear it discussed by such outstanding men Qf each faith as Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rev. Dunn and Father Flannagan.

Junior iiadasaah Plans Active Month The calendar of Scheduled acivities for Junior Hadaasah has been announced as follows: May 6—Give or Get Party at he shelter house. May 13—Honoring Our Mothers at the Center. May 18—Jewish National Fund Flower Day. May 25—Election of Officers and Hah Jane; and Bingo.

With but oae week left before the coronation takes place, the Youth Day committee is busy materializing their plans. It is to be held on Sunday, April 27, beginning at 9 p. ni. • at the Jewish Community Cemer. To the music of Daryl Sheffield au evening of informal dancing will take place. This plus au elaborately decorated auditorium and distinctive atmosphere will all lead to a perfect climax—the coronation. This event will take precedence over all other activities of the evening. It has been announced that the audience will be pleasantly surprised by the program planned for their benefit. The king and queen who are chosen because they are the most active members in the Youth Council will be magnificently crowned to signify their honor. The most active club wil also receive a trophy. To the procession the orchestar will furnish an appropriate musical background. Admission of 2 5c will be charged. The Jewish adults of our community are urged to attend this youth affair at the Jewish Community Center.

A. Z. A. News Plans for the annual Sioux City A. Z. A. Sweetheart dance are being made. The tentative date for the dance has been set for Saturday pight, June 14. Place and band have not yet been announced. Those on the committee are: Chairman Sherman Sperling, Red Hollond, Stanton Kalin a n d Pledge Stanton Cohen. The paper drive has begun and has met with great success so far due to the enthusiasm met by the members of A. Z. A. and the help of the Jewish people of Sioux City. For the last program at the A. Z. A. meeting all the fellows were t a k e n through Roberts Dairy. All were served refreshments by the Roberta Dairy,

Plan United Jewish Appeal Breakfast A breakfast meeting of the executive b&ard of the United Jewish Appeal will be held at the Gables Sunday morniog at 16:30. This is the initial meeting for the 1941 drive. Plans will be laade for the drive. The execative board will be reorganized and tlie chairman and treasurer will be elected at this time.


SCHOOL The Sioux City Hebrew school announced the opeititig of a new semester on Sunday morning, April 2 0. In addition to the regular beginners' dats, arrangements have also been made for a (Continued oit Page 12.)

In view of the grave situation confronting world Jewry today, the United Jewish Appeal drive •assumes treuieadous importance. The leaders of the United Jewish Appeal drive will meet to discuss ways and means in which Sioux City can do its part in helping alleviate the unparalleled suffering of our people in all parts of the world.

Vocational Program Under Way Locally The initial steps in settiug up a vocational guidance program in Sioux City have been taken and plans are being made by B'aai B'rith to establish a library of information on choosing a career, to be held at the Jewish Community C e n t e r . A Vocational Guidance committee, made up &f a representative from each high school age group which includes the A. W. R., A. 1. A., W. E. J., Eplurum, J: A. C , Buds of Hadassah, and • Herzl, has been named This committee w i l l outline plans for a definite program to be followed. The Youth Council is cooperating with B'nai B'rith in sponsoring this program. The Vocational Guidance Council consists of Herman Slotsky, Arnold Baron, Jack Greenberg, Dr. M. Bernstein, Dr. Sydney Bergen and Dorothy Merlin.


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Friday, April 18, 1941


How can anyone bargain with misery Story Is Told? Your Contribution ill Buy T h e m , . .




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The 1941



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Friday, April 18, 1041

ate than American children is be-inally scheduled for the first week Council ing-heeded. in May has been teniporarily postponed to avoid conflict wJih The committee fervently feoyes Dr. Elhvood Rowsey of t h e tbat those who have pledged will the Ttm Delta dance on May 5. Dundee Presbyterian church will continue their efforts lor those review Lloyd Douglas' book, "Inunfortunates W-1IG still await the vitation to Life," on Monday folA.Z.A. 1 benefits of Youth Aliyah and who lowing a one o'clock luncheon of Group No. 5 lias also completed can look only to HadaKsah in its |18.00 pledges, and ihe fol-America to give tnem" that new With t he- entrance of Aleph the Council of Jewish Women at lowing are in the group: Mes- life and new' hope which Kretz Sam Cooper in the national A. the Jewish Community Center. meeting of the coundames J. J. Frieden, B. A. Simon Yisrael alone can assure. Z. A. Book Review Essay contest, cil Aisboard scheduled lor noon. HostJules Newman.. Leo Waxenberg, Those whose names, through Mother Chapter continues on its By INEZ L. RA'£MCK Win. Boasberg, Morris Micklin, J. error, were left out of the Min-way to its goal, the National A. esses asked to serve by Mrs. Ed• For several y e a r s now th II. Gross and Henry Newman. yanim groups or individual do- Z. A. l>est chapter awards. Aleph ward Brodkey, hospitality chairYouth Aliyah organized commit nations and pledges are asked to Cooper recently won first place in man, include: Mesdanies Ernest Mrs. Julius Stein and Mrs. Irtees under the leadership of Mrs Manning Handler, Richard call Mrs. Julius Stein!' the national ess-ay contest spon- Nogg, vin Levin's Minyan Group No. 6 Julius Steiu and assisted by Mrs Einstein, David Goldman, Jack sored by the Auxiliary of the Vet-Marer, Paul HudassRh Meeting Ii ,in Levin have quietly and un are pledging $18.00 to ?36.00; in Veret, Sam Beber, erans of Foreign Wars. this group are the Mesdanies Leo ostentatiously been c a r r y ! n Weitz, Morris Franklin, N. Per- A dessert luncheon prepared Fred Rosenstock, Milton Livingthrough (heir pledges to rehabili lis,, I. Levin, Joe Tretiak, Sam by Mrs. Dave Stein a n d Mrs. Aleph Harry Goodbinder, re- stone, J. M. Newman, Leo Rosen* gional president, was named offitate those children who are HI or Fellman, Dansky and Joe Leon Graetz will be served the cial delegate to the international thai, I. Ziegler, and Miss Hazel fortunate in receiving visas to Koom, A.Herman S. Rubnitz, Sam Kap-membership at the next meeting A. Z. A. convention to be held at Degen. Palestine and have thus been res lan, II. Reuben, The report of the nominating Julius Stein, Sam of Hadassah for the small sum of Schweiner Institute, ' Kerrville, cued from persecution in Europe Rice, I. Goldstein, committee will be made by Mrs. fifteen cents. A. Hips, Joe Since the outbreak of the war Rice, H. Halm, Louis Epstein, M a n u e l Grodiusky, chairman. The program, prepared a n d Texas, July 12-18. Youth Aliyah has succeeded in Sam Epstein, Miss Fannie Gro- presided over by Mrs. M. F. "Lev- Gordon Margolin is to repre- Members of her committee are: bringing 1,500 children to Pales- dinsky, Lawrence Jacobs, Mrs. enson, will consist of a talk to sent A. Z. A. 1 in the national A. Mrs. Louis Lipp, Mrs. A. H. Brodtine; but there are still 1,600 Sam Platt, Hymie Milder, Joe be given by the superintendent of Z. A. Hebrew letter-writing con- key, Mrs. H. A. Newman, and boys and girls holding certificates Margulis, Win. Milder, Sam Olan- schools, Hobart M. Corning, and test. Mrs. Joe Rice. under the April-October, 1940 im- der, Ray Bronsteln, Moe Venger, his subject will be "Defense BeThe report of the card party Last week a joint cultural migration schedule (recently ex- Simon Bordy, Fred Brodkey, Har- gins With Education." Several meeting was held with A. Z. A.shows a profit of $145 which will tended to March 31, 19 41) who ry Eisenstatt, Henry Newman, M. patriotic songs will be presented 100. Sam Cooper aided in the go toward the Council's national rnust^je sped on their way to the D. Brodkey, Julius Chait, Irvin by Mrs. Alfred Frank, accompa- arrangements and Dr. A. C. Fell- project, the port and dock servJewish National Home. It has be-Levin, M. Brodkey, Paul Veret, nied at the piano by Mrs. A. C,man was the speaker. ice. come increasingly difficult to find Albert Newman, John Frieden, Fellman. Election of officers will take The softball team under the a way to overcome the obstacles Sam Novak and Mrs. Blumkin. It is at this meeting that the eadership of Advisor Atrhur E. place at the May meeting of the thrown in the path of this noble electric range is to be Robinson held another practice Council. An acknowledgement of dona- Hotpoint •venture and yet, in spite of insu;iven to some lucky number. * ast Sunday. The final practice perable difficulties, Youth Aliyah ions from $9,00 to $15.00 are The regional convention is to before J. C. C. officially starts , succeeded in completing the first he following: Mesdames Alfred be held in Des Moines, Iowa, on will bethe this Sunday at the •war-time schedule without losing Mayer, Milton Mayper, Nathan May 11, 12 and 13; a large con- field at held 22nd and Burdette. BLINDS Simon, Carl Riekes, A. D. Frank, a single certificate. Weekly and tingent is expected to go. Among those Alephs out for WINDOW SHADES daily and hourly more and more Sam Appelman, A. Laserowitz, L. The nominating committee will he softball team are: Justin WE GUAHANTEE OUB WORK children are falling under the Laserowitz, Sam Robbinson, Ben presents its report. Priesman, Art Cohn, Louis Blum- Craftsman Venetian Blind Co Millmon, A. Frank, Dave Bernnazi heel and Il^idassah's task for kin, Warner Frohman, Haskell REBUILT ItEPAhlED CLEANED stein, Max Lerner, Abe Goldstein, the future looms large. ohn, Sam Cohn, Harry GoodSAM TAHNOFF & SON, Frops. and B'nai Abraham organization. A. Z. A. 100 924 No. 16th. Mfg. in Omaha. b i n d e r , Al Nepomnick, B o b The following is a list of names AX 4544 The smaller donors a r e the Slutsky, Jack Cooper, Gayle Cooof those who have continued their Mesdames John Faier, Morris Tomorrow night will bring the per, Max Kirshenbaum, Ed Gerexcellent work, in fulfilling their Klein, the_ dramatic club, Gail entury chapter's seventh annual pledges and donations. spring frolic at the Fontenelle. ber, Nathan Meiches, Phil Weiss, Margolin and Louis Hiller. Mrs. Harry Kulakofsky's MinOver two hundred couples are ex- Marvin Richards, Abe Baum, H&ifii BISCUITS" Youth Aliyah Chairman yan Group No. 2 is an $18.00 pected to attend the dance, ac- Morris Ruderman, Dick Kalmanin Each group, and in the group are the Members of the smaller Youth cording to Milton Guss and Yale sohn and Ben Rifkin. Package Included among the softballers Mesdames Henry Rosenth-al, Har- Aliyah groups are to be announc- Richards, co-chairmen. Music will off ry Kulakofsky, Sam Josephson, d later but the following are a be furnished by Gary and his or- are many new men who will make GEISLER'S ' their first appearance as Mother Louis Kulakofsky, Sam Gilinsky, ist of the chairmen: Mesdames chestra. OIRD SEED Chapter diamond artists. Herman Auerbach, Charles Schim- eo Abramson, A. Roffman, Wm, The social committee has reThe J. C. C. ping pong tournamel, Minnie Lapidus, Sophie Mon- Iladuziner, Dave Epstein and R.quested that all Alephs turn in INSIST Bky and David A. Goldstein. Bordy, Charles Fellman, David their ticket reports before Satur- ment being held under the ausOH Mrs. Sam Steinberg's Minyan Finkle, Irving Schneiderman, Al- day evening. Sam Beber chapter pices of A. Z. A. is in full swing. GEISLEfl'S Group No. 3 is an $18.00 group ert Wohlner, I. Brookstein and joined Mother chapter in a pro- Favorites are: Iz Friedman, for25c and in it are the Mesdames Ben iimon Gorellck, Joe Bernstein gram last week at which Dr. A. mer mid-west junior champ; Mis- ROLLER SEED BIRD SEED ? 15c cha Poogach, University of Omamd I. AVidman, II. Herschan, R. Kazlowsky, Sam Steinberg, A. C. Fellman, professor at CreighGoldstein, Leonard Siegal, Sam Jrown, A, Romm and Arthur ton university, was guest speaker. ha champ, and Jack Epstein, forMAX GtZICLEIt Jacobs, A. Venger, David Platt, reen, and J. Flank and Arthur The program was under the di- mer national A. Z. A. ping pong CO. ohil. . TUeo FeUman and Al Sophir. rection of Jack Herman, cultural hampion. Mrs. David Stein's M i n y a n Mrs. Ben Sherman of Hastings, chairman. Group No. 4. is also an $18.00 \Teb., deserves a note of special With only one week left until group, and those in the group are thanks. Two years ago Mrs. Slier-, he opening of the J. C. C. softthe Mesdames Louis Albert, Jaok nan heard of the excellent work ball . league, the A. Z. A. 100 Bramson, Jacob Cohn, Samv Co- ifouth Aliyah was doing and vol-,team will close its pre-season hen, J. J. Friedman, Max Cohn, nteered $5.00 a month as long practice Sunday morning at the Jack Kaufman, Joe Lipsey, Abe is the money is needed. Each field at 21st and Burdette. AthPPradell, Horace Rosenblatt, Da- month as that check comes in letic |Chalrman Melvin Levine vid Sherman, David Stein and mfailingly, it serves to hearte: asks all Alephs to be there at X A. Tully. . he committee that their plea for 10:30 to try out for the team. Mrs. B: A. Simon'd M i n y a n he need of children less fortunThe chapter weiner roast orig-

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'. '•


Friday, April 18, 1841



U.O. C, Sisterhood \ ,.;



Junior Council

The Omaha Section of the NaThe regular Oneg Shabboth M By MRS. BEN HANDLER tional Council of Jewish Juniors the U. O. C. Sisterhood will be Cards and bingo will follow the will hold its regular monthly held Saturday, April 26, at the one o'clock luncheon to be given meeting this Sunday, April 20, at B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th and by the Mizrachi Women on Wed- 2:30 at the Jewish Community Chicago streets. nesday, April 23, at the Jewish Center. Hostesses will be Mrs. I. Ele- Community Center. Plans will be discussed for the witz", Mrs. M. Grossman and Mrs. Hostesses for'the affair will be 8 / A . M. MOTHER'S CLUB TO ENTERTAIN BRIDE-ELECT Arthur Goldstein. Rabbi Isaiah Mesdames M. Brodkey, S. Faier, benefit bridge which is to be held The April luncheon meeting of Miss Eva Konecky will be host- Rackovsky will speak, and Mrs. Wednesday evening, April 23, a t the S. A. M. Mother's Club will ess Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock Goldstein w i l l discuss current Ben Chaif, J. J. Freiden, Morris 8:15. The bridge is taking place Freiden, -H. Hahn, N. Levinson, be held on Tuesday, April 22, at to memberjs of the E. T. C. soror- events. E. Sidman, Ben Soshnik and Joe a day later than originally sched12:30 a t the Hotel Regis. Hos- ity in honor of Miss Edith All members and their friends Tretiak. Mrs. A. G. Weinslein uled because of the Kabbi Stephen tesses will be Mrs. N. S. Yaffe Schneider, a bride-to-be. are invited to attend. Wise lecture at the Center. will be chairman. and Mrs. J. Tatleman. Mrs. R. Eleanor Harwich is chairman J. N. P . The April meeting of the U. p . Bordy will preside. J> of TEMPLE HIGH SCHOOL GROUP C. Sisterhood was held on TuesThe city-wide biennial box col- tlie bridge. Members are urged to attend The Temple Israel High school day, April 15. It was a holiday lections drive will take place next TO CHICAGO group will meet Sunday evening, meeting at which the spirit of month. In order to facilitate the the meeting on Sunday as there Mr. and Mrs. J. Abramson are April 20, in the vestry rooms of the occasion prevailed. Mrs. L. chapter's collections, Mrs. Aaron are only a few meetings left this season and all business must be spending the pagsover holidays the temple. Supper will be serv- Neveleff Mrs. M. Gross- Katz asks all members attending cleared up. with their son-in-law and daugh- ed at 6. Mrs. Julius Newman, man readpresided. the luncheon to bring their J. N, the prayer for the octer, Dr. acd Mrs. Maurice Sachs, Sisterhood chairman, will be in Then holiday games were F. boxes. and their daughter, Ilene. Mrs. charge. Rabbi David H. Wice will casion. Simon Cook (1856-1907), a St. played and enjoyed by the mem- There will be a table at which Sachs is the former Libby Ab- be in charge of the program.. Mrs. Joe Tretiak and her assist- Louis Jew, was one of the first bers and their husbands. ramson. Mrs. A. Laizerowitz won the ants will accept the box contents students to enter the U. S. Naval, MISS ARBITMAN ON prize in the nut hunt. The spe-and receipts will be given the Academy by competitive exams. FROM WASHINGTON EXTENSIVE TRIP cial feature on the.program was contributors. Miss Merriam Kirshenbaum of Mrs. Katz wishes to remind loMiss Mary Arbitman, national a quiz program reversed, the .•Washington, D. C , is visiting her secretary of Sigma Delta Tau so- rabbi receiving the questions of cal Jewry that the more generous parents, Mr, and Mrs. Max Kirsh- rority, will leave Wednesday for the membership and answering the contributions to the Jewish enbaum; She plans to remain Ithaca, New York, to attend the them. This part of the program National Fund,- the sooner will • here another week. annual grand council meeting of lasted o v e r an hour and was Jewry attain a homeland to provide a place of refuge for homethe sorority, May 1 to 4. On her highly enjoyed by all present. less Jews. '' way to this meeting for national PTEMPLE -SUPPER CLUB Visit our* officers and committee chairmen, The Temple Israel Supper Club The U. , 0 . 0. Sisterhood will yiiU meet on Monday evening, she will visit »at several chapter conduct the late services of the houses including: Pi chapter, at U. O, C. on Friday, April 25. DeApril 21, at 7 o'clock. ' The Achduth group of Pioneer Iowa City; Sigma at Evanston, tails .will be announced next Women is holding a special meet111.,' Kappa at Urbana, 111.,' Up- w e e k . . '....,.. ';,•-..;. •" • ' ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH ing Wednesday, April 23, at 8 p. silon a t Bldomihgton, Intl.! EpMr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloch an- silon at Cincinntal, Ohio; Gamm. a t the home of Mrs. B. VeitThe Mothers and Daughters zer, 2047 N. 19. nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their ma at Ohio State at Columbus, banquet of the U, O. C. Sister. . IT'S TIMi TO eon, Norman, on Saturday morn- and Delta at Buffalo, N. Y. All members are urged to atIng, April 26, at the Beth El synar TSe grand council meeting is hood will take place a t the Jew-tend as this is a very important I i S T 0 R E YOUR FURS Community Center on Tues- meeting. gogue. being held at Alpha chapter, ish day, April 29, at .6:30. Details I ! AH friends and relatives are which founded Sigma Delta Tau will be annuonced in the near cordially invited. I I And Brandeis is the place. twenty-four years ago on the Cor-future. ! I Our frigid storage vaults nell university campus. VISITING HERE On her return trip frim New I I protect them from summer Mr. and Mrs. Harold Perelman, York, Miss Arbitman will visit in Board Meeting of j | hazards. Have them made Vho now reside on the west coast, Philadelphia with members of the Women's Division ! like new by HOLLANDERare visiting Mrs, Perelman's par- Beta chapter at the University of a IZING. ents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Bloch, Pennsylvania. She also plans to The Women's division of the CALL AT Uti and Mr. Perelman's parents, Mr. stop in Washington, D. C , and Jewish Community Center will hicago, before returning home. hold its regular board meeting on and Mrs. Ben Perelman. WE'LL CALL FOR THEM Monday, April 21, at 10:30 in Sel&.id Floor the morning at the Center, JOSLYN MEMORIAL Gamma Tau Sigma A piano recital will be given Mrs. William Lazere, president, by James Wolf on Sunday at 2:30 In place of the regular business has announced that final plans in the concert hall of the Joslyn meeting of the Gamma Tau Sig-will be made for the annual Memorial. At the same time three ma, a social meeting will take Mother - Daughter banquet and sound films—"Workshops of Old place at the home of Jean Green- that other projects will be discussed. Mexico," "Children of the Sun."field at 3 o'clock. and "Menace of Guatemala" — will be shown in (he lecture hall. Temple Sisterhood . Mr. William Ross King will «peak at 3:30 on "Omaha's PropMrs. Bert Hene will be hoster Share of State Revenues for ess to her circle of the Temple School Purposes." A concert will Sisterhood at a luncheon at her be given at 4 o'clock by the Doane home today. College a Capella Choir and Madrigal singers. At 8 o'clock a dance recital will be given in the concert hall by the Physical Education department of the University of Omaha.




Beautiful Emerald Cut Diamond

.VISITS ON COAST Miss Jeanne Elikan left Wednesday tor Los. Angeles to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W a l t e r Jacobson. i



MRS. ALPERIN RETURNS Mrs. "A. B. Alperin is home after a three and a half months trip in Florida and other points of interest in the south. En route home she visited her children in Kansas City. "





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P«ge 4

Friday, April 18, 1941


Mrs. Al Fiedler, co-inajor,1 a n d over-tones, since it is a repeat performance. Mesdames Seymour Coca, Sidney Hitler's &rwy is not the first 'invincible' army Gems or the Bible Epstein, Gilbert Freiden, Arthur the'world ii£s known. The Persian army of Xerxes Green, Sam H. Green, Ben KazEves-? frisls-y &£ was so invincible ttat the inhabitants ot all but lowsky, Howard Milder, Harold Iteb Pollack, Louis L. Riklin, John RoBy Or. PLttsp Sb*r two Greek states submitted without fight to servisenblatt, and Abe Silver. tude. But those two states put up the battle that Mrs. Irvin C. Levin, major; Mrs. BIBLE defeated Fer&la. Tie armies o£ Macedonia under Leon Mendelson, co-major, a n d They that forsake the l a w Alexander marched all the way into India long beEUllOIKIAL OFFiCEi ££8 6l£ftl Mesdames Leo /ibranison, Louis praise the wicked but they that SIOUX CiXlf OFFICE—4ewfs* &.s*aixM? fore there were motorized divisions. Even the keep the law combat the wicked. Albert, Sam J. Brown, Dave B. forces of Napoleon sent cold shivers up and down He that is of a greedy spirit Cohn. Dave Duboff, David ForDAVID BLACKER—Business and Matsgiag Editor the world's spite as they spread their might over stirreth up strife but he that man, Alex D. Frank, Aaron Ripa, Sana H. Stern, and Phineas WintLEONARD NATHAN . . . . . . Editor the entire European continent, fought in t h e puttfeth his trust in the Lord shall roub. be abundantly gratified. RABBI THEODORE N. LBV/IS - Book Eiltor shadows of the Pyramids, and threatened to inThere is a generation that are Mrs. Morris Linsman, major; FRANCES BLACKER - • - Society Editor vade the British Isles. pure in their own eyes and yet Mrs. Robert H. Kooper, co-major, MORRIS AIZENBERG—Sioux City Correspondent Each of these armies had its own secret weap- are not washed from their filthi- and Mesdames David Blacker, David H. Brown, Victor M. Ganz, BlOBS. Each had devoted years to perfecting a mili- ness. There is a generation whose mer Gross, Nathan J. Horwich, tary machine. Each had well-disciplined forces teeth are as swords to devour Joe Jacobs, William A. Levey, DaThe Latest Schism thinking of nothing but war. Each employed su- the poor from off the earth and vid Cahn Platt, William A. RaWithdrawal of the American Jewish Cougre&s perior strategy. Yet in each case, as in the case the needy from among men. cusin, and Joe M. Rice. from the General Jewish Council presages another of lesser conquerors, the charm of invincibility Mrs. Milton Mayper, major; of those interminable schisms that Infect Jewish eventually wore off. The German armies are unTALMUD Mrs. Isadore Chapman, co-major, Mishnah. How were the wit- and Mesdames Clarence L. Berglife. As in past instances, the dignity of the of- questionably employing unusual methods, but there nesses awe-struck in criminal man, Paul Blotcky, Harold Cherfended organization, despite ruffled feathers, re- are chinks in their armor as there was in the cases? They were brought in nick, Jack E. Cohen, Fred Elikan, mains intact; only the entire American Jewish armor of Xerxes, of Alexander, of Caeser, and Na- and warned, "Perhaps your testi- Leon Fellman. Phil Gilinaky, Morcommunity suffers. poleon. Moreover they are fighting against peo- mony is based only on a supposi- ris Levey, Jay M. Malashock, tion or on hearsay or on that of Theodore A. Newman, Harry PeriIn the opinion of the American Jewish Con- ple determined to keep their liberty. another witness or you have had meter, and Leon M. Weiss. gress, the General Jewish Council has not pursued The very ruthlessness the Nazis employ is a it from a trustworthy man or perMaurice D. Micklin, ma-. its duties with sufficient militancy, and the Coun- cancerous growth that in time will be a source of haps you are not aware that fi- jor;Mrs. Mra. Abe. H, Brodkey, «H cil's usefulness was thereby terminated whea the their destruction. Surely Germany can never re- nally we will investigate the mat-major, and Mesdames Melvin Bar* B'nai B'rith and the American Jewish Committee turn to a peace-time economy without serious dis- ter by examination and cross-ex- kon, Sam Beber, Bernard Fink, agreed to a joint appeal for their respective Jew- location. In its rapacious desire to conquer the amination. You may also be aware Morris I. Gordon, Joe II. Jacobs, of the fact that there is no simi- Manning E. Handler, Leo L, Milish defense programs. Such, in the eyes of the world, the Germans have stifled all sense of mor- larity between civil and criminal der, B. I. Rubin, and Hyman S. Congress, was a violation of the Pittsburgh pact ality among its own people and have made mean- cases. In civil cases one may re- Shrier. which brought the Council into existence. Mrs. Julius Newman, major; ingless their great achievements of the past. They pay the money damage and he is The General Jewish Council was organized In have incurred the hatred of every civilized being atoned but in criminal cases the Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, co-major, blood of the person executed and and Mesdames Julius, Abraham* June of 1938 in response to the overwhelming de- not only in Europe but throughout the world. They of his descendants to the end of son, Sam Berkowitz, Elias I. Go* mand of the Jewish public that a better co-ordi- are actually destroying in the Europe, they hope to all generations clings to the in- linson, Peter Greenberg, Philip nated defense program be attempted by the four rule, every vestige of civilization, and even if they stigator of his execution." Grossman, Abr. Greenspan, John leading organizations—namely, the B'nai B'rith, prove to be the great exception of history and are Resh Lakesh said, "He who Solomon, J. Kalmansohn, A b e the American Jewish Congress, the American Jew- really invincible, they will have conquered only a raises his hand with the intention Somberg, and Leo Waxenberg. ,.1, of striking his neighbor although Mrs. Joe Radinowski, major; ish Committee, and the Jewish Labor Committee. vast shell. he has not struck him is called Mrs. Max Goldstein, co-major, and The position of world Jewry had been critical, and wicked." Mesdames Herman Bondarln, Ja* this sense of insecurity was Intensified in America We were taught in the Barai- cob Feldman, Clara Horwitz, San* tha, "If a son saw his father Meiches, Herman Mirowitz, Wil* by the fact the leading organizations were fight- Fall of Salonika transgressing is written in 11am Monovitz, Isaac Morganstern, ing'among themselves rather than concentratiA tragic Passover it was /or the Jews of Sa- the Torah hewhat must not say to Jake Raznick, Sam Richman, H« on those forces undermining the Jewish position. lonika. This was one holiday of special signifi- him, 'Father, you have trans- Smith, Bernard Veitzer. Mrs. Louis Sogolow, major* In the formation of the General Jewish Coun- cance to them, because as in the case- of most gressed the law,' but 'Father, so cil new hope was seen for a realistic approach to- Sephardic communities, the holiday of exile and and so is written in the Torah.' Mrs. John Faier, co-major, and And he himself will find out his Mesdames Isadore Abramson, Abe the problems confronting the American commu- the freedom of the Promised land, had profound mistake." Faier, Joseph H. Freeman, David nity. The unity so diligently sought was not the meaning for them. On the very eve of this holiRabbi Rascha said, "He whoMann, Leonard M. Posley, Jack submergence of ideological differences, for such day which commemorates the redemption of Israel, closes his eyes to charity is con- Raznick, Irvin Ruhlnow, Irving Schneiderman, Irving H. Stein, would not only be impossible but even undesir- the Jews of Salonika saw the German armies, tho sidered as if he served idols." and Miss Bess Blank. able. It'was the unity of a common approach to mercenaries of a new Pharaoh, enter their city. Mrs. Hubert Sommer, major; Salonika was to the Jews of the Levant what common problems. Not unity of thought, but Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg, co-major, Amsterdam was to the Jews ot western Europe, a unity o£ purpose. and Mesdames Norman Browne, Maynard M. Greenberg, Herman To facilitate it's plan of protecting Jewish citadel of Jewish culture. These two' cities symKully, Bert Hene, g. G. Saltzman,_ rights, several programs were submitted to the bolized refuge from oppression. Today both are Alfred S. Mayer, Louis Somberg,' under the same iron heel. When in the fifteenth four organizations. Since most of. these projects and Miss Bea Sommer. Mrs. Dave Stein, major; Mrs.; were unacceptable to all four agencies, the Ameri- century, the Jews were exiled from Spain, the Jack Kaufman, co-major, a n d can Jewish Congress having been a party to the benevolent Sultan Bayazid of Turkey thew open Complete Organization Mesdames Max R. Canar, William objection of most of them, it seems reasonable the gates of his realm to the refugees from the Of Residential Z. Cherniss, Sam Cohen, William enough that the American Jewish Committee anil bloody Inquisition. At that time Salonika wa3 J. Fogel, Joseph Hertzberg, WilDivision liam Raduziner, George Kagen, the B'nai B'rith should undertake joint fund rais- part of the. Turkish empire and remained the cenRoffman, Leonard Segal, Sam ing upon a basis mutually satisfactory. However ter of Turkish Jewry until the end of the last war Organizational work of the resi- Abe S. Steinberg. when this part of the old Ottoman empire was dential group of the Women's Dijustified the Congress might have been in feeling Mrs. Julius A. Stein, major; vision of the Jewish Philanthroleft out, it is to be deplored that once more a transferred to Greece. Mrs. M. D. Brodkey, co-major, and pies has been completed under the Here developed one of the great centers of crisis has been precipitated and the earnestefforts chairmanship of Mrs. Albert New- Mesdames Reuben Bordy, Edward Jewish learning. Not only was Hebraic culture man. D. Brodkey, Ben Brodkey, Harold of the American Jewish community are again subB. Brodkey, Max E. Chapman, J. accorded a place of honor, but the old Spanish jected to sabotage. An encouraging response has J. Frleden, Harry Crounse, Leon The masses of American Jewry are not inter- culture- was likewise nurtured so that even today been received from workers and Graetz, L. G. Gross, William Polresults are expected. lack, Carl Riekes, A. S. Rubnitz, ested in the so-called ideological differences that the Jews of the city speak the Spanish of Cervantes excellent The following women are en- and B. A. Simon. rather than the idiomatic tongue of modern Spain. tend to split the community Into fragments. They as workerB in this group: Although horribly poor and occasionally sub- rolled Nathan Turner,, major; are becoming sick of the unwillingness or inability Mrs. Sam Appleman, major; Mrs.Mrs.Henry E. Belmont, co-major, jected to discrimination, the Salonika Jews manMrs. Joseph Weinberg, co-major, and Mesdames on the part of leaders to evaluate a critical situaMorris Arkin, Max aged with the help of the rest of Grecian Jewry to and Mesdamea Lloyd Banks, Ostion with any degree of objectivity. They are sick Davis, Samuel B. Boster, Aaron I. car S. Belzer, Richard Einstein, unto death of the petty, rivalries and of .the re- provide for their own and were never the recipients Al E. Gilinsky, Nathan Mantel, Edgar, David B. Epstein, Abner Dave Katleman, Micky curring evidences of organizational promotion by of large shares of American generosity as were the Abe I. Pradell, Edward Rosen- Kaiman, Krupinsky, and Sam Theodore. ' communities of eastern Europe. Though the cirbaum. Max .Scheuermann, Curt conflict and controversy. Controversy is the luxMrs. Paul Veret, major; Mra. Rosenbaum, a n d Miss Zerline Ben ury of prosperous Unites. In days such as this, it cumstances under which they lived were not ideal, Somberg. Shapiro, co-major,, and. Mesdames Meyer.Beber, Armin , Docis disastrous. Those who represent us must realize they built a unique community. Mrs. Arthur Cohn, major; Mrs. tor; Harry A. Frankel, Phil LaLong ago we Jews, who yet remain in safety, that compromise on detail does not mean abandonJake Blank, co-major, and Mes-serowitz, Gary Gross, Jacic: W. learned ithe futility of weeping over these fallen dames William Alberts, Reuben Marer, Jack Melcher, Fred Rosenment pf principle. ' "••' Brown, J. J, Friedman, Jake berg, David H. Wice, and Sam N. American Jewry has permitted itself to be- communities. One by one the great European H. Garon, Hyman Greenberg, J. J. Jewries have been uprooted and in all probability come the victim of a centrifugal force that is conGreenberg, Moa Loeb, Dave SherIsadore H. Weiner,- major; stantly throwing it in all directions. These are will never be reconstituted. But the vicissitudes man, Cy Silver, Bernhardt Wolf, Mri.Mrs.Louis E. Lipp, co-major, and today being endured are nothing new in Jewish Richard Wright, Sam Zlotky, and - days when we must conserve our energies. These Mesdames -Hymen Belman.Rus^ Blanche Zimman. sell J. Blumenthal, Fred D. Brod-"' are days when we must overlook personal slights history. The great Jewish centers such as Baby- Miss Mrs. Hyman F^rer, major; Mrs. and grievances and be a little less sensitive. De- lon, Narbohne, Cordova suffered the fate of Saloni- A. A. Greenbefg^co-major, a,nd key, Harry Davis, Abe C. Fellman; Alfred Frank, Saul M. Graetz, Erka, Amsterdam, and the* rest. When these ceased spite the gravity of the situation, we may be on Mesdames David Bialac, Leo -Marr nest S. Priesman, Harold Jaffe, to be foci of Jewish life, other communities took cus, Allen Ferer, Hyman Milder, Jules Shapiro, I. I. Sojzman, the threshold of a hew era, and if we can act in Rich, Philip Turek, I. M. George A. Spltzer, and Max Wolfunison and accord, we may strengthen Jewish life their place. The faith of Israel was built to with- Harry Weiner. stand disaster, Not the Inquisition, not Chlmlensori. • '" > • • "•""• •. . '• ," ' - . •,•!'.' everywhere so that "never 'again will it endure the Mrs. Herman Franklin, major; Mrs. Albert Wohlner, major; Icki, not Petlura and neither will Hitler accomplish horror and tragedy of these past years. Mrs. Joe Levisky, co-major, and Mrs. Max Gohnv .cOrmajor, r a n d the purpose of the ancient Egyptian Pharoah who These are days when, all must stop thinking of boasted of having stamped out the seed of Israel. Mesdames Joe Bernstein, Abe H. Mesdames Leo J. Auerbach, NaCohn, Joseph Epstein, Fred Hahn, than J. Horwich, Rose Kramer, personal aggrandizement and admit that the needs Arthur Friedman,-Mell, Albert A, Levy, Max M. Moskowitz, of the entire Jewish community stand above the Orucn, David Silverman, Louis So- Harry Harry Rochman, Horace Rosen? kdlof, and*"ss Rose Sacks. desires of any, particular group. Jerusalem was blum, and Ben Yousem; Mrs. rSlke Freeman, major; taken by the Romans only because the defenders Additional names will ;be given Moe Raznick, co-major, and : of the city began to fight between themselves. We ••/Rosh Chodesh Iyar—......l...™,...Sunday, April. 2^ _-<.• Mesdames Arthur Adler, Leonard n e x t . w e e k . • . • • - - - v v - - - . . ' ^ • should have profited by that lesson long.ago. We Lag-B'omer ..."........»:».....:....Thursday, May 15Gould, Gerald S. Gross, Maurice . Caroline Merritt Rosh Choden Sivan .........—......Tuesday, May 27Katz, Loyal Kaplan, Lazier Kaprofit by it today or perish. '. . Shevuoth ..', .....——...............Sunday, June 1 ylcb, Irving Littleman, E. I. WidWas 9 3 Yesterday • •Rosh Chodesh Tammuz... .Wednesday, June 25 •Fast of Tammus ....—............Saturday,; July 12 Mrs.Max. Fromkln, major; Mrs. , Mrs. Caroline Merritt yesterday H i e I n v i n c i b l e - - ' . ••-. •'.• ••;••••' . : . Rosh Chodesh Ab — ............. .^Friday, July 25 Jacob Bernstein, co-major,' and. observed" her ninety-third birthThe startling advances made by the Nazi.army •Fast ot Ab ~ Saturday, Aug. 2 Mesdames Morris Burstein, Jack day at the-home of her son, Joiato Jugo-Slavia brought back the old refrain of ••Rosh Chodesh EHul Saturday, Aug. 23G. Epstein", Harry M. Ferer, Sid- seph Merritt, w i t h whom she 'invincibility.' "The Nazis are invincible. They Rosh Hashonah . Monday, Sept. 22 ney/ Goldberg, Meyer Katzman, lives. . Fast of Gedaliab/. .Wednesday, Sept. 24 Jacob Lipsey, Gail Margolin, Les- Mrs. Merritt h a s resided in h a v e perfected!, a war machine that - can't be Yom- Kippur ...» ••• :...We<lnesdayf Oct. 1 ter Meyer", Louis Margolin, Hy- Omaha for 73 years. She is the stopped." It Is the same song heard last spring man Osoff, Sam Swartz, and Allen mother of Rabbi Max Merritt of First Day of Tabernacle T7bea the Netherlands and "France Trere over-run Berkeley, Calif., and of A. E. Mer* (Succoth) .._ .'. .1 Monday, Oct. 6 Wohlner. •&ith amazing speed." Only now there are ominous" •Hoshannoh-Rabbah __.-.......:.: Sunday, Oct. 12 Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, major; ritt of Omaha.


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and Talmud

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JEWISH CALENDAR ;. , 5701-1941






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Friday, April IS, 1S41


Mother^Daughter Banquet on May 4


Yugoslav Jews to King Peter and Austra ian Congress pledged the loyalty and cooperation of the countrys 75,000 Jews. New York (JTA) — The AmerAt the s a m e time, Dr. Alcalay ican Jewishj Congress announced appealed to the Jewish popula- than an AUE :ralian Section of the tion to make every sacrifice, even World Jewisp Cocgiess was estabat a kneeting held in Syddeath if necessary,' to defend the lished ney on Marqp 17. Sir Samuel Cocountry against the oazi invaders. hen, Jewish leader in Australia, A refugee who escaped from was named he president. the besieged Yugoslav capital reported that the American consulate there had afforded protection during the air raids to several hundred Jews. At the. outset of the war the Yugoslav government proclaimed Belgrade an open city, hoping the city would be spared from bombing attacks since it contained no munition So. 13th St. factories or fortifications. Chief Rabbi Koretz of Salonika 4T4202 has arrived here after a harrowWHOLESALE © ing flight from the nan-occupied ® Cigar. Greek seaport. Most of the Jews © Pipes trapped in Salonika were women Supplies and children, the men having enlisted in the Greek army.

Religious Services

The annual Mother-Daughter Beth E! Banquet, sponsored by the WoThe annual concert of Passover men's Division, will be held at 5:30 o'clock on Sunday, May 4, music will be given this evening Athens (WKS) — Dr. at the Jewish Coiaiauiuty Cen- by the Beth El synagogue under Alralay, 6V-yc&r-old chief rsMi the direction of Cantor A a r o n of Yugoslavia K,nd the first Jewter. I ish member of the Jugoslav parThe program will feature the Edgar. Saturday morning services liament, was aiKomg Use 700 Jews traditional . mother-daughter re- the last day of Passover will for marks and a pageant written' by gin at 9 o'clock with Yizkor beat killed when nazl toHibisig squadMrs. Hf Shrier, entitled "A Typ- about 10. Rabbi David A. Gold- rons r&iued, death and destrucical Day at the Center," iu which stein will speak on "Our Greatest tion on defenseless Belgrade, it was reported here. children from the Center activi- Need." . - . . • ' • ties groups will participate. The chief rabbi was killed, the report said, when a nazi bomb Co-chairmen Mrs. Henry BelNext Week crashed through the synagogue mont and Mrs. Joe Rice are Next Friday evening, Rabbi in which he and several hundred working with the following com- Goldstein will speak on "Faith other Jewish men, women a n d mittee to make this banquet an for Living." children had taken shelter duroutstanding social event: Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs. ing an air raid. The bomb comMesdames J a c o b Bernstein, J. Bloch, will celebrate his Barpletely demolished the building. David Blacker, Ethel Brodkey, Mitzvah. Dr. Alcalay was trying to calm Max Canar, David It. Cohen, Jack his frightened congregation when Cohen, John Faier, Leon Fellhe met his death, the report addTemple nian, Arthur Goldstein, Dave This evening at services Rabbi ed. The raid, which journalists Greenberg, Manning Handler, Ju- David H, Wice will base his Ber- and diplomats arriving here from lia Jacobs, J. II. Kulakofsky, Moe inon on James Hilton's latest Yugoslavia described as one of the fiercest since the beginning of Linsman, Morris Margolin, Wil- book, "Random Harvest." Services Saturday morning will the war, destroyed every synaliam Milder, Albert Newman, Ergogue and Jewish community cennie Nogg, Herman Osoff, Charles begin at 11 o'clock.' ter in Belgrade. Schimmel, Leonard Segal, Ben Dr. Alcalay became chief rabbi . Shapiro, Harry Soinmer, Harry u. o. c. of Yugoslavia in 1924, after havTrustiu, Nathan Turner, Moe T h i s evening, Rabbi Isaiah ing served for 15 years as chief yenger, Harry Wolf, Sam glotky, Rackovsky will speak at the Con- rabbi of Belgrade. He was electand Miss Blanche Zimnian. gregation Beth Hamedrosh Hago- ed senator in 1931. He came to dol. Yizkor services will take the United States in 1918 in the interests of Serbian Jews. place tomorrow at 10 a,, ni. The Pledged Loyalty rabbi will speak at the Congregation B'nai Israel. Shortly after the former proRegular Sunday morning serv- axis Yugoslav government w a s lces of the U. O. C. Brotherhood overthrown, Chief Rabbi Alcalay will take place this Sunday at 9 headed a delegation of prominent a. in. This will bo followed by breakfast and the Bible s t u d y AT UHWM hour. The Talmud study group will meet this Wednesday at the Beth Hamedrosh Ilagodel synagogue at 8 p. m.


Can Bu Iim.ta.Ued Now First Payment Oct. 1st •PUCti ESTIMATES i&r PISCES


AT 2035

Deaths Mrs. Benjamin Laytin Funeral services were held on Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs. Benjamin Laytin, 49, who died on Sunday at her home. A resident of Omaha since 1917, Mrs. Laytin was a member of Temple Israel. Surviving her are: a daughter, Mrs. Ernest Wohl; a son, Adolph of Lansing, Michigan; and o brother, William Pressman of Brooklyn, N. Y« Rabbi David H. Wice officiated at the funeral rites. Burial was at Golden Hill cemetery.

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Friday, April 18, 1941


Page 2

Leo EL Bozell to ' Head Chest Drive


Appointment of Leo B. Bozell, advertising executive, as general chairman of the 1941 Community Ciiest Campaign, has been -announced by Casper Y. Offutt, president of the board of governors of the chest. Mr. Bozell, formerly a leading newspaperman, has been active in past chest campaigns as well as civic affairs.

A bijthday party and dance will clim-ax an entire-day celebration of Mother Chapter's and A. , / . A.'s 17th anniversary to be lield Suiiday, May 4. Sam Cooper, who is in charge of the affair, annouiictd that Hie entire program v ill be open to the public, and that tpecial invitations would be iboued to parents and alumni »f Omaha and Council Bluffs A. Z. A. as well as to other clubs of the Itound Table. The day will start with a softball game between A. Z. A. No. 1 and the Sam Beber chapter to be played at 32d and Dewey aveThree one-act plays will make iiiie j>ai k at eleven in the laorning. The game promises many up the final dramatic program thrills as these two teams are of the Center Players' Guild seabitter rivals and both boast son on Wednesday, April 30, at 8:15, at the Jewish Community strong line-ups. T h e afternoon program is Center. scheduled for 3 p. m. at the Jew- Members of the cast of the ish Community Center. Included first play, "The Witch" by Ferin this portion will be the "formal enc Molnar are: Eleanor Cohen, initiation of a Morris Arbitman Mickee Balaban, and Edythe Shuclass; piesentation of awards to man. Taking part in "Overtones" members of Mother Chapter who by Alice Gerstenberg, will be: have participated in athletics, de- Reva Lipsman, Dorothy Tatelbate and other activities; sum- man, Ann Zager, and Ethel Ka•"•-.. ming up of the history, purposes, dis. 1 Harold Katelman, Ralph Nogg, and accomplishments of A. Z. A.; and presentation of the Morris Jack Epstein, Earl Siegel, and Arbitman memorial trophy to the Becky Kirslienbaum are in "The outstanding member of Mother Valiant" by Holworthy and MidChapter for the past year. dleman. Mrs. Greta Baeck Is directing. Evening festivities include a biithday party complete w i t h cake, candles and refreshments, and dancing to records from the center's nickelodeon. Serving will be a group of young ladies headed by Etta Garellck, official A. Z. A. pweethcart. * The evening program is in charge of Warner One of the outstanding meetFrohman and Lou Blumkin, c o chairmen of the social commit- ings of the season has been artee, and will start at 8:30 p. in. ranged by the Omaha Hebrew Jlub for Sunday afternoon, Aprii 20. The meeting will begin at 3:30. Included on the program will be "Max Scheuermann, choir leader of Temple Israel, who will sing a group of Palestinian folk songs. Mr. Scheuermann formerA number of Omahans are ly served as Cantor of the leadplanning to attend the thirty- ing synagogue of Nuremberg in seventh biennial Council of the Bavaria. Five members , of the *Ui>ion ot American Hebrew Con- JewlsU Drama tJnit will present .-.'•• gregations to be held in Detroit a novel sketch. Philip M. Klutznick, president April 27 to 30. • Representing Temple Israel of the District Grand Lodge No, •will be: Rabbi and Mrs. David 6 of B'nai B'rith will be prinH. Wice, Mr. and Mrs. Ben D. ipal speaker. Refreshments will be served Silver, Mrs. Sam L. Robinson, Sisterhood president, and Louis at the close of the meeting. E. Lipp, Brotherhood persldent. Mr. Silver will attend as a Hold Seders Early delegate of the Congregation, and London (WNS) — Britain's Mrs. Silver as Sisterhood Dis- Jews celebrated Passover at midtrict President, will represent.the day Seders which were completed ' 20th District of the Sisterhood. before the regular nightly blackMr. Lipp Avill read a paper, out. The Seders were held early '^Brotherhood Ideology or Secu- to avoid the danger of being trap larism." ped in a Nazi air raid.




cated with formal ceremonies at (be synagogue on Sunday evening, May 11. The community is invited to attend the dedication. Mrs. J. Milder hs presented the Beth El synagogue with a new (Continued from Page 1.) Sefer Torah in memory of the Otto Meats, a pioneer Denver ibe Greenberg and Dave Green- late Herschel aad Rivka Moss. Jew, was iu 1883 elected Lieuerg. This Sefer Torah wijl be dedi- tenant-Governor of Colorado. Other workers are: Joe Green*erg, Harry Greene, Gary Grose, herald Gross, Lawrence Gross, ee Grossman, Morton Hitler, Richard Hiller, Joe Jacobs, Dave Katelman, Aaron Katz, Ben Kaz-^ owsky, Ilobert Kooper, Harry Crantz, Harvey Leon, Mark Leon, ilatbias F. Levenson, Louis Lipp, Nathan Levinson, Dr. Morris Margolin, Ephraim Marks, Harry Aendelson, I. Morganstern, AlHiaky-Dinky's low everyday ert Newman, Henry A. Newman, prices enable you to make % Robert Noddle and Ernest Nogg. substantial savings on your Also M. 11. Pei.ser, Aaron Perfood budget! Start now to is, Bill Itacusin, Joe Radinowiki, Sam Rice, I. Saltzinan, Leonshop the Hinky-Dinky way! id Segal, Aaron Shaffer, Eddie abafton, Morris Shapiro, B. A. Simon, Al Sophir, Dave Stein, Sam Steinberg, Meyer L. Stern, Kosher Delicatessen Marvin Treller, Joe Tretiak, Abe Foods—— Venger, Moe Venger, Aaron G. Weinstein, Nathan Wilfson, Juat our Downtown Store . . . ah L. Wolfson, Sol Yaffe and 16TH and DOUGLAS Sid Zneimer. Additional workers will be reSATURDAY FEATURES! orted in next week's edition of Kosher THE JEWISH PRESS.



Beth-El Synagogue Given Sefer Totah


Cantor Spivak at Cong, Wnai Jacob

.*. 28c

Fancy Kosher

Cantor Caiman Spivak will conduct the final Passover services at the B'nai Jacob synagogue this vening and tomorrow morning. Services will be held this evening at 7 and tomorrow morning at 8:30. Tickets for the services may be procured today at the synagogue.



• ./v

.• ;

Yea, we give your F u s unequalled protection from moths, dust, fiio and 'theft during the Summer. When they arc returned to you next winter after a Furevivo cleaning they'll be revived In beauty and luster.

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GLAZING AND BHUSHKG^-by expato uso a cupcrioi process. CAREFUL FINISHING—linings rosorm OTQX necessary. .Bslto, eoarfs. cic OFFICIAL CEHXIFICAtlON—MInulo lioa under daylight lamps cssuro pexf before tho FursTiro tag Is lgc&scd FUR-DRI—A cp«sdal procss3 thai ehsd wotoTn resist nioJtlng end luster loagcr.



Grend fsledsl Ko. R2

Robertehaw O w n B e i t Cootrol Roomy 16* oven with Rockwool Blaniet Insulation. UiBiJy Tiraa Hcmindcr. Mod«n> T o p Lump. Smokela* type ensncJosSkfoiitrpsa. Two targe ESSTOSO drawers.

Coras £a and. see: tbo new, SAFE-TEE-KEE equipped Grand Ranges for 1941« You'll find a complete assortment of prices and types «• <tj including just the Gsa Bangs yoa'vo always' wanted. Sea it today!


. \




Friday, April 18, 1941


P*ge 3

formal opening of the Highland Country club. Plans are now beA. Z. A. 100 SPRING TO HOLD YOUTH ing made for this annual dinner dance to initiate the club season. A Spring Round Robin g o l f FROLIC TOMORROW A brunch for workers in the tournament will get under way CONCLAVE HEBE Business and Professional Wo-

Business Women's Group Plans Brunch


men's group of the Women's Di- Following the close of the Pass- as soon as the weather permits. vision of the Jewish Philauthro- over holidays tomorrow night, A match play against par will Regional M e e t i n g Is pie.s will be held Sunday morn- Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 of take place on April 2 6 and 27. Scheduled for The president and vice-president ing at 11 o'clock at the Jewish A. Z. A. will present its seventh tournament will be held on May May 13 Community Center. annual Spring Frolic dance at the 10, 11, 12 and 13, with a stag Mrs. Philip M. Klutznick is Fontenelle hotel ballroom. on May 13 for the winners. • U n d e r the auspices of the chairman of (he Business and The dance will feature music Round Table of Jewish Youth, an Professional group. Organization«!l-day Youth Conclave is sched- al activity wjll be completed at by Gary and his nationally faMention is made iu the records uled for Slay 18. Representatives this time. This group is a sub- mous 12-piece orchestra, which of Connecticut of the year 16 59, from inid-western cities will par- division of the Women's Division has been heard regularly over the of a Jew, David. ticipate. Kuth liosensteiii a n (I of which Mrs. M. Katleman is Mutual and Columbia broadcasting networks. Willard Friedman are co-chair- chairman. men of the affair. With this |d a n c e tomorrow , • Included in the day's activities night, the Spring Frolic will once Will be a luncheon; finals of an again become the annual highoratorical contest in which t h e light of A. Z. A. 100's social ac: winners of local competitions will tivity, after it gave way last year take part; panel discussions; a to the District 6 A. Z. A. conSwimming party, and as.a highvention which was held in Omalight, the Coronation ball. ha, according to co-chairmen Mil. Registration will be 50 cents. i Under the chairmanship of I. ton Guss and Yale Richards. The ball will be }1 per couple, Goldstein, t h e . enrollment comAdmission to the dance is one At the Coronation ball, the out- mittee of the City Talmud Torah dollar per couple, and tickets standing Jewish boy and girl will has been intensively working to may be secured from any A. Z. be crowned the first King and increase the enrollment of the A. member or at the door. The Queen of Merit in the Realm of school. dance will begin at 9:30 p. m. • Achievement. Their selection will Others on the dance committee Saturday morning at services be made by the executive board in local congregations, speakers include Louis Katz, Harold Slutzof the Center, and will be based will tell the importance of He- kin, Sam Beber, Harold Oruch, Upon their participation in Youth brew education. Rabbi Isaiah Leo Alperson, Sidney Wasserman, activities, dramatics and athletics. Rackovsky will speak at the Mel Rosenberg, Ben Miller and B'nai Israel synagogue; Ben Kaz-Harold Epstein. Committee Chairmen < ' Attending the royal couple will lowsky at the Beth Hamedrosh be a procession of young people Hagodel; I. Goldstein at the Highland Opening recognized for their work. Includ- B'nai Jacob, and I. Morgenstern ed In the reception will be t h e at the Adass Yeshuren. Is Set for May 24 Registrations for the City Talpresidents of the various clubs mud Torah are being taken at affiliated with the Round Table, Saturday evening, May 24, haa Harry A. Smith Round Table Representatives, and t h e Jewish Community Center been chosen as the date of the until May 1, other outstanding persons. Members of the enrollment comCommittee chairmen include: FOR RENT — Two beautiMartye Lea Byron, registration; mittee are Mrs. M. Fromkin, M. Delores Sklar, luncheon; Ray Si- Ben Kazlowsky, Mrs. L. Neveleff ful furnished rooms and kitchen. Utilities paid for. WE mon and Etta Soiref, panel discus- and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. Leavenworfii 3527. sions; Willard Friedman, swimPatronize Our Advertisers ming party; Reeda Magzamin, dating; Harold Slutskin, transportation; Ethel Kadis, telephone, and Elaine Lagman, coronation ball. : Ticket sales will begin about May 1.


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OFFICERS r r a BY B'NAI JACOB Joseph Adler was elected president of the B'nai Jacob synagogue at the election of officers held on Sunday, April 13. , Others named are; B, Shafton, •vice president; M. Davidson, first trustee; J. Kaplan, second trustee, and I. Kaplan, third trustee. - I. Grossman is treasurer of the synagogue. " .Sir Frederic Hymen Cowen (1852-1935), a Jamaica Jew, succeeded Sir Arthur Sullivan as conductor of 'the London Philharmonic orchestra.

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P««e 12

All Young;Judaeans &re invited to come. A short program will follow tiie Seder. jEsther Merlin a n d Mary Edelni'an will debate the question, "Matzo Is Better With Schmaltz Thau With Butter." MOLtlUfi AIZHHtEUG, Co«e. In celebration of the Passover Earl Pollock and Bob Lipshutz present a Truth and Conseseason the Young Judae&Es will will Quiz on Passover. Nut fa&ve a Seder at the Jewish. Coiu- quence games willi provide entertainment iu unity Center at 7:30 Monday for the younger groups, while the evening, April 14. The Seder older groups will enjoy dancing. ceremony will lie symbolic of Young Judaea rather than of Passover. Earl Pollock will pre- ' Orthodox Synagogues side over the Seder table. More than 500 persons attendThe Passover evening services Those participating in the pro- will ed the presentations of Arthur start at 7 at the OrthodoxApril 27 has been proclaimed Kober's "H a v i n g Wonderful gram will be: Darleiie Jacobs, as Youth Day for the Jewish Time," by the Center Players on lighting of the candles; Doris synagogue and on Saturday mornYouth of Sioux City. The Youth Monday and Tuesday evenings at Grueskin, Dayenu; Serene Sper- ing, April 12, services will be held Council, a representative group of the Jewish Community Center. ling, Hellel; Eilene Shubb, Edith with Ilabbl Bolotnikov speaking at Adas Yeshurun synagogue. all the youth organizations of The gay three-act comedy, which Gelfand, Harriet Holland. Others Sunday services, April 13, at TipSioux City, has set aside this one had been made into a successful on program are: Teddy Sinykin, hereth Israel synagogue and also day of the year honoring the boy movie, had Bobby Lipshutz, Iz Nadler, Annaand girls who actively took part Broadway. an extended run onbelle Satin. Chairman of the at the morning services. in civic affairs. Seder is Mrs. Albert S. Goldstein. Heading the cast of 20 players Sol A king and queen will be Kronick is assisting her. Mrs. Executive Board Meets were Perry Osnowitz and Itosena crowned, at which time they will I. Shindler is in charge of refreshreceive trophies, designating them Kosberg. George Shindler and ments and Mothers Committee is The United Jewish Appeal Exas the most active boy and girl Frances Lavine as Mr. and Mrs. assisting .her. ecutive Board met Thursday eve"G" inject clever comedy into the aniong the youth organizations. A trophy will also be awarded to play, as does Goldie Lehman, iii the most active club. An affair the role of Mrs. Abe Tobias, prosuch as tills has never been at- prietor of Camp Care Free in the tempted before by the Jewish Berkshire hills, where the action youth of the city. Therefore, all takes place. groups have combined their efThe production required eight forts towards its success. The changes of scenery and made use coronation committee has planned of several novel lighting effects. this event to be designed as some- Willard T. Greene was the dithing unusual in b e a u t y and rector. eventful in regard to youth acThe audiences acclaimed the tivity. presentation aa of professional In the coronation procession, standard. four boys and four girls, also chosen for their meritorious work, will serve as attendants. These people, as well as the king and • queen, will be unknown to the public until the night of the coronation. The moral support of each and The Inter:Zionist Council of every adult of the Jewish commu- Sioux1 City will hold its first all nity is essential to make this Zionist public meeting at the Jewnight a success. ish Community Center on WedBy Every Yonfctfdt— Sioux City's finest orchestra nesday, April 16, at 8:30 p. m., has been engaged to provide mu- presenting a novel Palestinian A Gr*of fcefrfeerafor sic for dancing and to support movie production, "We Build and the coronation with musical back- Defend," as.its main feature. ground. Dancing will commence The Inter-Zionist Council which at 9 p. m. and will continue until consists of all Zionist groups was 12 o'clock. , An intermission will organized with the piupo&e of be called promptly at 10 p. in., at promoting Zionist activities by which time the coronation cere- co-ordinating action of the varimony and presentation of awards ous " Zionist groups in 'matteis -.viiU Uke place. common to all.' The Jewish Community Center Among other interesting and will be elaborately decorated for entertaining features, an original this auspicious occasion. An ad-Seder will be presented by the mission fee of 25 cents per per-Young Judaeans. Itabbi Goldson will be .charged. stein will add comments. There will he no admission or solicitaion of funds. Everyone is corJr. Hadassah dially invited to attend^

ning for tlie final retort on the 1S40 drive. All receipts and disbursements were reported. Plans are being made to start the 1941 drive.

Col. Bonor&.n Lauds Arab-Jewish Amity Washington (JTA)Arabs and Jews in Palestine have submerged their political differences in the need of common defense. Col. William J. Donovan, who recently returned from a tour abroad as unofficial United States government observer, said in a radio speech. "In Palestine, I saw battalions made up of companies of Jews and Arabs together, their political differences , submerged in the need of common defense," he said. ,. The Bank qf Barrauqullla (Co-\ lombia) has had two Jews aa president, Auguslin Senior a n d David de Sola. Patronize Our Advertisers






•"it >

. ".'See Tfeese

Plans are being .formulated for a Give or Get party- to be held during Mjvy for those girls who have raised their .Give or Get. All girls are urged to turn their money in to Bertha Heshelow, chairman,- or Jan Lebowich; At the April 17 meeting, a Seder will be held, using Junior Hadassah projects as Seder symbols. A skit will be given which la being directed by Sylvia Baumatein. A comical debate, directed by Prances Naidorf, -will be held. Girls will bring Passover goodiesPatronize Our Advertisers

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