May 2, 1941

Page 1

Entered as Second Class Mail Matter on January 81, 1931, at. Postofflce, of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March 8, 1871

HONOR J.CC ATHLETES ON 1MSDAY Award Night to Include Outstanding Gym Program Presentation of the Irvin C. " Levin Award to the outstanding ' Jewish Community Center senior Athlete and the Harry Trustin Jivyard to the outstanding junior athlete will be made Wednesday night, May 7, at the Center's 8th * annual award night. . These two awards are given on the basis of ability and promise -aa4 are made annually. Other b'onors will also be announced ' t h a t night. '.'••<An exceptionally fine program , of gymnastics has been arranged • for the evening. J. Truitt Max' well, general secretary of t h e : Omaha Y. Mi C. A., -will be the - principal speaker of the evening. ' . Exhibitions gol Yaffe and Morris Bloom, '.who recently competed in the national handball - tournament iu Chicago, will meet Lloyd Lortz ' and Henry Riekes, in an -ftdilbiiipn game. Members of the Center swimming department will, participate' in an aquacade in -the Center pool. The Ted Jed Sokols, local Czech gymnastic group, will present an exhibition. John Tatoin, one of the outstanding table tennis play«rs ill the Mid-West, will be featured. There will also be a trampoline act'from the local Y. M. ' C, A. , . . .Admission price for the entire evening will be 25 cents. Refreshments will be served. Leslie Burkenroad is chairman of the Center athletic committee which is making the arrangements f o r award night.

NAZISllDEniG JEWS OF SALONIK Istanbul (WNS) — Wholesale arrests of Jews in Yugoslavia and Greece followed the Nazi occupation of those countries, it was reported here. Nazi troops entering Salonika plundered shops in that Greek city, destroying completely a number of J e w i s h stores. Nazi officials ordered Jews in Salonika to appear at Nazi headquarters w i t h all their jewels, gold, silver and other valuables. ,The Nafcis issued a warnirfg that Jews who failed to report to the headquarters voluntarily would be shot. While communications* w i t h [Yugoslavia and Nazi-occupied tertitories of Greece were immediately, cut off, it was learned that Heinrich Himmler,-^ chief of the Nazi secret police, arrived in Zagreb to c o n f e r with pro-Nazi Coatian leaders. j Himmler's arrival in Zagreb Iwas preceded by mass arrests of Jews and - others believed to be pro-British. The introduction of anti-Jewish laws throughout fallen Yugoslavia was believed to be jjmminent, , Journalists arriving here f r o m Yugoslavia reported that the Nazis have already copiipelled Jews to wear yellow armbands on their street clothing.,

Vnai B'rith Will Honor Service Men Army and Navy Night will be Sponsored -Monday evening, May 6, at 8:30 at the Jewish Community C e n t e r at the" regular ineeting of B'nal B'rith., Jewish service men will be honored. - Entertainment, refreshments and cards, will be included on the'program. - • ' •s


Last Synagogue in Soviet Town Taken London (JTA) — It is learned here that the last synagogue in the t o w n of Homel, in Soviet White Russia, has been requisitioned by the local soviet. The synagogue, situated in the center of the town, which is inhabited largely by Jews, was turned into headquarters of the local soviet. A delegation which complained to the soviet was told the authorities h'j«i no objection to the opening of another synagogue not ituated in the center of the town if 100 signatures were collected of religious Jews testifying their readiness to use it;

SPUR DEFENSE OF PALESTINE British Praise Units That Aided Eritrean Campaign Jerusalem (JTA) — Palestine this week intensified plans for defense in the face of the fastgathering threat of the Axis forces from t h q North African desert a n d the Balkans, while British officers in Cairo praised the- heroism 6f Palestinian troops in the Eritrean Jiesert Campaign. The first air-raid alarm in Haifa in the past six months was sounded Sunday night. It lasted 15 minutes. No p l a n e s were sighted. Sixty municipal air raid shelters have been opened in Tel Aviv. The municipality has organized a "municipal shelter service," which includes the building of shelters a n d formation of units to render aid and protection during an air-raid alarm. The 60 shelters, which are scattered in various parts of Tel Aviv have been built with private contributions of local residents. The shelters are all provided with necessary equipment to give first aid to, wounded. They will be thrown open to' t tie public whenever an air-raid alarm is sounded. A delegation of, Greek Jews, headed by Chief Rabbi Ben-Zion Usiel, appealed to the government for admission into Palestine of Jews escaping from Greece. Many in Greece Simultaneously, t h e -Association of Jewish Students''disclosed that many Jewish students left Palestine some time ago for the Greek front "to fight shoulder to shoulder with their Greek comjrades against the common enemy." They were a part of the British expeditionary f o r cr e s in Greece. ....." Jewish 'ex-servicemen participated in services and a parade marking "Anzac Day," commemorating the 26th anniversary of (Continued on Page 4.)

, Dedicated by Beth-El


Philanthropies J HalfPassed J TO MARK ANNIVERSARY Seventeenth Birthday to Be Observed on Sunday To mark the seventeenth anniversary of Mother Chapter, A. Z. A., as well as the entire order, A full day's celebration will take place Sunday, May 4. Features of the day's activities will be the free birthday partydance in tho evening; the anniversary program in the afternoou, and the . softball gamj in the morning. Harry TrusUn', city commissioner and a charter member of the Supreme Advisory Council of A. Z. A., will deliver the main address at the afternoon'i prop-am. At this time 11 new men, members of the Morris Arbitumn class, will be initiated into tho folds of the Mother Chapter.- .*•• For the first time, the Morris Arbitman >award will be presented to the Aleph, who in the opinion of the advisors was, during (Continued on Page 10.)

I. W. 0. DRAiATIG CLUB PLANS PLAY Sunday, May 18, at 8:15, the Dramatic club of the I. W. O. will present at the Jewish Community center, Sholoiu Aleichem's famed play, "Tsesalt und Tseshprait." The .three-act play is being given under the direction of Ben Martin. Taking part will be some of Omaha's most talented actors. Folksongs will be sung on the same program -under the direction of Sam Yaffe. „' ' This play was once a favorite in Russia and Poland.


Rome (WNS) — The dramatic testimony of an "Aryan" woman who told a crowded court room, that a Jewish doctor saved her son's life featured the trial of 15 noted Jewish physicians w h o were accused of treating non-> Jewish patients .in "violation -'of the Italian racial laws. ' * ' ' ' • » Mentdrial Rites for of 'the 15. Jewish docMrsl Sarah Milder torsEleven were acquitted while the four other? "received.nominal fines to-* Memorial services for Mrs. Sar taling.2,200 lire'(about $110). ah Milder.will be conducted on The Jewish doctor's we're defendMonday, May 5,«.at 2 p. in., by ed by. prominent "Aryan" attormembers of '• t h e , ' Chesed Shel neys wlio • had volunteered their Ernes. " The services will take services;' ' " ' place at the Chesed Shel < Ernes The law- involved, announced chapel,11912 Cumlrig street. March 1, 1940, forbids Jewish Rabbi Isaiah Rackoysky will physicians to * treat' npn-J.ewish officiate and Cantor A. Schwa'cz- patients e x c e p t ' in .emergency kin will chant'the traditional '/El cases. ' Exemptions were "granted Molel Rachmin." . ' ' • ">. only to- Jews who had performed "meritorious" services' to ' t h e Scfer torah Will Be Italian government.Plans have been made for the dedication ceremonies that will mark the presentation of a Sefer Torah foJ the Beth El Synogogue on* May 11 by Mrs. J. Milder and her children.' The Sefer Torah Is being given in memory of-the late'Hersckel and Rlvka Moss. " -*


Plan Hadassah Child Welfare Tea June 11 The Hadassah.Child Welfare musical tea which-had-been scheduled for April 28, has been postponed until June 11. The affair will take place at the Brandeis tearooms. •- • •* ;

With t h e half-way mark already passed in the current Jewish Philanthropies Campaign) all indications point to the goal of $100,500 being reached before the drive ends on May 8. All contributions so far received show a consistent increase and it is hoped that more than the quota will be raised so that the local community may extend the help given to all agencies sharing in the funds. At t h e first report luncheon held Monday, the chairmen of the various divisions reported $56,-

Annual Affair Will Be Held Sunday at Center

The annual Mother and Daugh* tor banquet sponsored by the Women's Division of tlio Jewish Community Center will be held on Sunday, May 4, at 5:30 p. in. Mrs. Henry lielmont H chairman Report Luncheon of the committee arranging tlio affair and Mrs, Joe Jtico is c<>« The second report luncheon chairman, of the 1041 Jewish PhilanDavid Sherman -will serve thropies Campaign will be held as Mrs. toastmlstresa and Mrs. Paul on Tuesday, at 12:15. Veret will road the invocation. Rabbi Saul Apnelbaum, of Following the banquet the tradiNew York, one of the leading tional mother daughter remembers of the rabbinate, will sponses will be and given by the folbe principal speaKer, Great-grandmother, Mrs. All Philanthropies workers lowing; S a m u e l Riekea; grandmother, and their guests arc invited to Mrs. Charles Scnimmol; mother, be present. Mrs. William J. F e l l e r , and daughter, Phyllis Milder. 97 2. Contributions in the <3ea- The program, will feature Mary eral••.••• Solicitations division show Joannette Brown, concertmaster an Increase of forty per cent over of the J. C. C. Little Symphony last year. The Business and Pro- orchestra, who will play several fessional group of the Women's violin selections. Accompanying division, which w a s organized her will be Podie Belmont. A raonly last year, is showing a forty- dio Bkit depicting Center activithree per cent increase, ties will be presented by the folHenry Montor, vice chairman or. lowing girls: Arlene Dansky, the United Jewish Appeal, spoke Phyllis, Wohlner, Bernice Somat the luncheon a n d described mer, Marjorie Shapiro, Jean Kapconditions under which European lan, Ann Denennerg, Charlotto Jewry is surviving. He warned Sominer, Dorothy Blacker, Jeanno that unless further aid was given Blacker, and Jo Anne Jacobs. they would perish. In Skit Mr. Montor was introduced by The following of tho I. B. Zimman. Milton Livingston, Brownie, pack andmembers of the dancing general chairman of the Jewish classes will also participate in,tho Philanthropies, and Henry MonBecky Finer, Thelma Goldsky, president of the local federa- skit: stein, Roberta Rosen, Judy Theotion, also spoke. dore, Doris Wpinberg, Doris Nood.ell, Rosalie Phillips, Shirley Colnic, Mary Lou Rips, Barbara Burroughs, Arlene Collins, Leah Edgar, Jacqueline Lasky, Carol Micklin, Joan Micklin, Constance Platt, Dorl3 Raduzlner, Phyllis Rublnow, Lois Shapiro, Cyrlllo Gay Silberman, and Nana Veitzer. Zurich (JTA) — The expulsion The skit has been written and of Jews from Toulouse, unoccu- directed by Mrs. Hy Shrier, Inpied France, was reported here. structor of the J. C. C. Children's The French authorities had pre- dramatic program. The dances viously been exiling foreign Jews have been taught by Miss Dorofrom Marseille to the provinces. thy Shepherd, Scout leader a n d Reports reaching here from un- Center dancing instructor. occupied France tell of the tragic ,- Community singing will be led position of thousands of Jewish by Mrs. Aaron Edgar, accompanand Spanish refugees w h o con- ied by Mrs. J. Malashock. Resertinue to be sent by the French vations for the dinner must' be authorities to North Africa for made by noon today at JA 13GG, forced labor on the Trans-Sahara railroad. Many of the Jewish refugees are applicants for American Workmen's Circles visas, but have difficulties in reWill Meet Tonight ceiving them in view of the strict requirements'.introduced by the * ." > American consulate in Marseille. , Passenger sailings from Mar- • The Workmen's Circles, Branchseille -to New York via Marti- es 173 "and 258, will hold their nique have undergone consider- annual May Day celebration this able changes recently. The French evening at 8 o'clock at the Labor L'lne no longer undertakes to Lyceum, 31st and Cumlng Sts'. " bring the passenger,,to the Unit- '. Refreshments will' be served. ed States, but provides .passage The public is invited' to attend. only to Martinique, .from-where Workers Alliance ^ the passenger, inust make his own arrangements to reach* tne Unit- ' Will Meet Sunday ed" States.-' T h e ..French- Line, The Jewish National Work.erfl however,, notifies t h e 4 American -Alliance, "Poale Zion", jwlllbjold a consul in • Marseille whenever a social and meeting; on refugee secures - definite passage Sunday,. Mayliterary, 4,.at 7:30 p. m. at on any of-its isteamers to Mar- the; Jewish Community 'Cejiter.' An tinique. The'consul, it-Is report; eUbprate' musical -program -is be~ed," accepts the -notification of the ing.' prepared.' '•"."" ' "".••*'.' French steamship • company- • a3 ' Luncheon will be sowed. Those proof that the refuge can reach' wishing to come are asked .to call the United States 'and issues the In their reservations'to WE 1642required -.American visa. • t o d a y . -' - - '- *.'•'.



Jaoofo; thy dwellings, O Israel!" Joseph: Because Balaam, a non-Jew said this. Ladies Committee: We a r e raising funds for a good cause. We charge fifty cents to punch the board, end you have a chance to win an automobile. Citizen: I'm against gambling regardless of the cause; but if you will present me with, the whole board to punch, I will give five dollars. Ladies Committee: What is the difference? It is gambling just the same. Citizen: I mean the whole board of directors of your organization.

The first Sunday in May—the '4th, to be exact—will find ike J. C. C. Softball league swinging into action. Chairman George Bernstein of the softball committee announces that ell contracts inust be in by May 1. No player will be permitted to play in the first game unless his con tract lias been iu by May 1. At t h i s writing seven teams have their money in and are all set for action. There is a possi bility that there will be an eight team league but if there are no Suitor: I am here to ask you more entries the seven team for your daughter's hand. will vie for the Center champion Father: You can have her enship. tirely; not just her hand. The seven teams are the A. Z. A. No. 1. A. Z. A. No. 100, A. Z. A. No. 7 of Council Bluffs, Milder Liquor Co., A. K.'s, Denenberg Clothiers a n d Lincoln's Tarern. A junior softball league will be formed if enough enthusiasm is shown by our junior members. AH pkrers interested should get in touf-h with Physical Director Lee Givs man. Award Night One of the outstanding events of the year will be the award night to be held May 7. The outstanding Jewish Coni'-ir'ity Center Jrn'or and Senior Pthlete for 1940-41 will be selected. A very fme program lias been arrange! for all who attend this gala occasion and a good time will be assured to those attending. The topnotchers in various fields of sport will be on exhibition. Tickets are now on sale at the Center's office for 25c and refreshments will be served/

GOOD CHE® By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg "A nn'iTy heart mnkotli a 'C'UH'I ful rountcnaiirt'." Doctor: Does youv boy always Stutter? Mother: No, only when he speaks. \

Friday, Ajuil 25, 1941


Page 10

Troper to Lisbon New York (JTA) — Hurrying back to his post in Lisbon to resume direction of overseas relief operations for the Joint Distribution Committee, Morris C. Troper left on the Atlantic Clipper Wednesday. Troper's departure was hastened because of the news of the critical situation of millions of victims of war and persecution. He is chairman of the JDC European Executive council. Samuel Cooper, greatest of the English miniature portrait painters (1609-1672) was a Russian Jew. WEBB, -BKBEK, KI.UTZNK'K ti KKLLKV, Attys., 200 Service life Bids. FINAL ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Sarah Garber, Deceased: All persons Interested In said matter are hereby notified that on the 15th day of April, 1941, Harold Garber filed a pettltion in said county court", praying that his final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be. discharged from his trust as -administrator and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 12th day of May, 1041, and that If you fall to appear before said court on the said 12th day of May, 1941. at 9 o'clock a. m"., and coctTt- said petition, the court may grant. tlia p iyer of Raid petition, enter a decree of I f '•!!>, and make such other and furh:r <:.'c!j, allowances and decrees, as to this court may seem proper, to the end that a'.l matters' pertaining to said estate •may be finally settled and determined. CHARLES J. S0UTHAIU>, 4-18-41-Ot County Judpe.

With Star Raoi'mg

Two Ghettos in R&dom

Jack Banii, long connected with Omaha construction work, is mow London (JTA) — Radom is the proprietor of ihe Star Kooficg first Polish city to have two sepaCompany, S'iU N. 24th street. rate ghettos lor Jews, Polish ofThe Star Roofing Company of- ficial circles here reported. fers low prices ana terms on new siding, insulation and remodeling.

Name Omitted The name of Delores Lustgarted was omitted itam the list of members of the Beth El choir which was published^ in l a s t week's edition of The Press.

AKK.tK&MS, MeOK&TH & FBENZEK, CIS Ffcr»uuu LEGAL. NOTICE' In the District Court o£ Douglas Couuty, Nebraska To the next of tin of Nancy PiUlumfelee, Incompetent, arid to til persons interested la her cattte: You ere hereby notified that on April 23, 1941, a petition and order were filed in the District Court of Douglas County. Nebraska, which orders reads as follows, to wit: IN THE DISTRICT COURT OP DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Doc. 359, No. 5 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Iu the matter of the application of Harold W. Graham, Guardian of the Estate of Nancy Phllumalee, Incompetent, for leave to sell real estate. Upon reading the duly verified petition of Harold V. Graham, guardian of the estate of Nancy Philumalee, Incompetent, duly filed herein, for license to sell the following described real estate of said Incompetent, to wit: Lots Twenty-nine (29), Thirty (30), Thirty-one (31), Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-three (33), in Block Two (2), McGavock and O'Keefe's Replat, an addition to the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded, It is ordered that the next of kin of said Incompetent and all persona interested in her estate appear before the Dlsrict Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, n Court Room No. 7, of the Douglas ounty Court House, In the city of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 24tu day of May, 1941, at 9 a. m., to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to said Harold W. Graham, guardian, for the sale of said real estate. It is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week, for three successive weeks, in The Jewish resa, a legal newspaper, printed, published and of general circulation ID said :ounty. ... . Dated this 23rd day of April, 16(1. By The Court V. M. • DINEBN, -25-4 l-3t District Judge.


22nd BUY


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Dr. Morris: It is a miracle how ' he has escaped death^after firing two bullets into his head. Dr. George: Nothing miraculous. Anyone who tries to commit suicide has a vacuum in his cranium, tut no brains to cause death.

.<{. - > x

Dr. Hock: "Why are you rush, Ing? Dr. Lock: I have to make a hurried call. Dr. Hock: Why rush? People will appreciate you more when they have to wait. Dr. Lock: But the patient is liable to get well before my arrival, and I will lose the credit of saving his life. .' •' Isaac: Why do Jewish, prayerbooks begin with the sentence: "How goodly are thy tents, O

/ ••.

Sill I


Vacations are for FUN. Why not make the trip, going and coming, as easy and comfortable as you can? Stop for the night at a hotel. Be sure of a com* fortable night's sleep-—refreshed and ready for tikenext day's drive. Know that your property is safe in the hands of an established, reputable place to stay*



: r ;l ;.;> , STAY AT A TF CARS didn't need the right J. kind of lubricant in the right

ing. I'll guarantee that the job will be done exactly at recomplace and at the right time, mended by its manufacturer* manufacturers wouldn't spend I'll guarantee the job to be real money putting lubrication satisfactory to you—or money systems on them—and Skclly back. And I'll guarantee to would not spend so much time use lubricants as fine as money and money developing just the can buy-Skclly TAGOLENE right kind of oils and greases- Oils and Greases. Yes—you for each particular use. can pay more—but you'can't . Bring your car here for greas- , get more!


; "^V

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Friday, April 25, 1941

Our Film Folk By HELEN HGMOND HOLLYWOOD. Bullets vs. Beauty: Max Factor, " who makes stars shine, informs that nearly every chemical iused for milady's make-up is a munitions necessity. He lists the pigments for lipstick and rouge, the adhesive stuff for nail polish, permanent wave solution, which contains sodium and potassium, glycerine for cream, AND peroxide! Gentlemen will have to prefer brunettes!



Maxson-^if cliefil INC. FARNAM at 26th

WE 0900

ASli FOB O-Kay Whole Wheat Flakes-—At Your Grocer

England is far from stymied. Even her film production goes on uninterruptedly. Two on the current schedule are "The P r i m e Minister," story of Disraeli, and "Yellow Caesar," a sjhprt biography of Doochie. t


NELS BARBECUE Omaha's Popular After Theater Havens

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3c to 4c Sayings" Per Gallon in Council Bluff a CITY SERVICE STATION 3 7 0 1 W. droatfway Council Bluffs, Iowa "Just Qver the Bridge"

On the 1 Holly-Go-Round: Joe Schenck was cheered to the rafters the other night when his check of $7,1500 was received for the Federation of Jewish Charities. Al JoJson still carries Ruby in his heart . . . gossips say that he brought her a diamond ring recently. Sol Lesser and J a m e s Roosevelt are eager to film the life of Winston Churchill. T h e George Jessels await the stork. All expenses for himself and his troupe were footed by Jack Benny for that trip to Chicago, where they played a Greek War Relief Benefit. Hedwig Ehrllch, widow of the famous doctor, received $42,500 for the right to use his name in the film, "Dr. Ehrlich's Magie Bullet." Michael Curtiz, puzzled about the appearance of one of bis players, asked, "How about he is always chew gumming?" And to a mob of extras he shouted, "Blease, everybody, separate together in bunches!" (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleAr'1"'1}'. Im\)


Bar None Stables 7C00 So. 3@th St. So. Omaha, Hebr. Bortea for Hire

$1.60 ptr Ham

Biding l-*n>ntu»

Complete Service *>t Nominal Cost FARNAM a t 33R0

Rldinc Tickets

$1.00 per Ihrai 12 Hra. for * • «


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401© Fernem St.

Dress Up for Spring QfFia FURNITURE* AND SUPPLIES F "

Critics are showering raves on Don Castle (one ^f Our Boys) for his work in "Power Dive." He's the Robert Taylor type * . . and is slated for starring parts. ' When "Hitler" walked into, a studio commissary yesterday, he was greeted hi icy silence. Then boos and hisses rent the air. Poor fellow was only an actor impcrsonAting Adolf in "Man Hunt." Red-faced, he rose and said, "You're right . . . I'm a dirty, blasted so-apd-so!" and left the room.

Fluorescent Light



• Truck Warners offered to show "UnService on Trucks in our derground," anti-Nazi picture, to Shop Is now avalteble 24 the three hundred German sailors hours dally, except Hun. Interned in New Mexico from the liner Columbus. The Idea was to Day Phono — JA 7S@0 make available to American news7203 papers the comments of the sailors and thereby refute Consul Wicdmann'g accusation that the U. B. press is telling only one side CO. of the war. To date no R. H. V. &Sth & Jones 1*. Is forthcoming. ., t

• With premieres more and more seeking appropriate settings, we shudder to think what will happen if some ambitious exec decides to produce Dante's "Inferno." '



A most n o v e l premier is planned for this film, " Underground" will be previewed underground - - in the Carlsbad Caverns.

©. A.

Shaffer Beauty Salon


Mussic, they tell, was decorating one of his a«es for valor. Smilingly Beneficent B e n t t o pinned on the - knedaL "The report says you brought down fifteen planes over Greece. What « thrill that must have been!" "Oh, no," quaked the pilot, "I was in them!"


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T h e l a r g e s t s t o c k of finished Memorials in O m a h a b e i n g r e d u c e d a t s a v i n g s of . . .


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MORRIS AiZENBERC, Corre»poiule&t

A rectptioa ia their ii&ti&r will follow at t t e eofi-ciusfon cf t Is e Sabbath oiornlEg services. A.I via R&binGw will act fcs boat at the Friday evening services. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Robinoft are to be paitoa to the Jutdo Congregation in honor of the Bar Milzvah of tfeeir twin sons. The mothers and daughters o Shaare Zion are planning an elaborate program for their ban which will be held at the Shaare Zion social hall a t 5:30 on Sunday, May 4. The progran will be outlined in the next issue. .

does not reach the Jews in Eu rope, in epite of the war, is th money that is not contributed The war lias not halted the activities of the relief agencies but has immeasurably increased the need for these services. Over oae hun dred workers will be enlisted tu l Commumty Sets putting over the drive. Mr. L. J. Kaplan, chairman of $25,000 as Orthodox Synagogues the drive, made the following Go&l statement: "Every man, woman Services will begin on Friday The combined drive for region- and child must feel it his per- evening at 7:15 o'clock and in ill, national and overseas needs sonal obligation to contribute to the morning at 8:15. Rabbi S. I. Bolotnikov will speak during i open May 4. Mr. L. J. KSLJ>1&*I the point of sacrifice." the morning services at the Tipj elected ch&irman and Meyer hereth Israel synagogue. JLevitt, treasurer of the 1041 campaign at a breakfast meetiag of the new executive board a t the Green Gables Sunday morning, April SO. A. M. Davis, • A. II. Hadassah committees are busBaron and E. N. Grueskin a r e ily engaged in soliciting pledges ^Ice-chairmen. for the Donor Tea, which will be Those appointed to the 1941 given on May 14 at the home of The Young People's League of executive b o a r d are: Barney Mrs. Dave Rodin. The $5.00 Shaare Zion sponsored a very inJJaron, Milton Bolstein, E. B. pledges are being given very teresting symposium last Sunday JJaron, Sam C o h e n , Lawrence graciously and the response has night at the Shaare Zion syna- Davidson, H. Erlnberg, Ben Pish, been very gratifying. A partial gogue. Clergymen of three difA. B. Friedman, A. L. Galinsky, list of more pledges have been ferent religions were represented Herman Galinsky, John Lansburg, received during this week which L. S. Goldberg, Rabbi A. S. Gold- includes the following: Mesdames at a symposium on inter-faith Bteln, Lester Ileeger, Joe Kutcher, H. Rivin, Scotland, S. D.; J. Kos- marriage. Rev. Newman FlanaL. J. Kutcher, J. Kalin, J. Krlv, berg, Bloomfield, Neb.; H. Nus- gan, pastor of Blessed Sacrament Max Lasensky, Morey Lipshutz, inson, Yankton, S. D.; L. Osno- church, presented the Catholic Frank Margolin, Herman Miller, witz, L. Weiner, Helen Menin, M. viewpoint; Rev. George Dunn, Louis Agranoff, Rabbi H. R. Ra- Lazerlowlch, B. S. Gelfand, M. pastor of the First Methodist blnowitz, Rabbi 8. I. Bolotnikov, Lipshutz, Sam Shulkin, Joe Le- church, the Protestant, and RabJack Robinson, Meyer Harrison, vin, Louis Agranoff, Jack Robin- bi H. R. Rabinowitz of S h a a r e Dave Rodin, Arthur Sanford, H. son, M. A. Weiner, Phillip Sher- Zion synagogue, the Jewish. Miller, Jack G r e e n b e r g , Al man, A. M. Davis, H. Flshgall, B. All three speakers opposed inSchwartz, Ben Sekt, Phil Sher- Davidson, A. J. Galinsky, Willtam- erfaith marriages. Following the man, W, C. Slotaky, Mrs. L. Galinsky, Morey Lipshutz, J o e talks there was general discusAgranoff, Mrs. Phil Sherman. Mr. Friedman, Joe Kutcher, E. N. sion. About 150 young people E. N. Grueskin was named chair- Grueskin, Lester Heeger, A. L. attended the symposium. Perry man of the A division; Mr. A. H. Galinsky, H. Galinsky, J. Green- Osnowitz, president of the league, Baron, chairman of the B divi- berg, M. Marx, I. Miller, Herman presided. sion; Mrs. Louis Agranoff and Miller, H. Miller, L. Weinberg; The Young People's League will Mrs. Phil Sherman, chairmen of Ben Sekt, Morris Skalovsky, J. the Women's division; D a v e Kalin, E. E. Baron and B. Rosen- meet again on Sunday, May 11. Rodin, chairman of the Out-of- bluni. Town division; Dr. M. Bernstein, chairman of the Youth division, Mrs. Joe Levin and Mrs. L. Agranoff are chairmen of t h e and A. M. Davis, director of Youth Aliyah. licity. War has vastly increased t h e Shaare Zion scope and necessities for overseas needs. Over one hundred IndiServices will begin Friday evevidual institutions and organizations will be the beneficiaries of ning a t 8 o'clock. Rabbi H. R. the United Jewish Appeal Drive Rabinowitz will speak on "Sigin Sioux City which Include: Joint nificance of the Kaddish." The Distribution Committee, United kidduah will be chanted by SidPalestine Appeal, National Refu- ney Robinow in honor of his and gee Service, H. I. A. S., ORT, his brother, Alvin'a Bar Mltzvah Civic Protective Agencies, Hospi- which will be celebrated jointly 1510 CAPITOL tals, Orphanages, Cultural Insti- at the Sabbath morning services. tutions, Vocational Schools, Theological Seminaries, R e l u g e e Work, Research and Co-ordlna» t i o n , YesMvoth, Relief Agencies. •"* Meeting Sunday Work will begin on the Big Gifts immediately. A meeting will be held Sunday morning of the executive committee at which time the initial gifts campaign Will begin. If the work of immigration, resettlement, building a homeland, maintaining our hospitals and saving a tortured humanity from a war-torn civilization ia to be done, the goal must be reached. The only money that

was graduates fioia Central High school and from the University of Minnesota &td is a laiinber of Tan. Delta P t i fraternity. 1'iie Misses Ida a&d Shirley Coten gave a party Tuesday «T«aicg st the Martin hotel, entertaining 50 guests in complime&t to Miss Liiida.ii.

Mr. sud Mrs. Wii.Iit.iil LiLdtu, 3109 Jennings fetreet, acnounced the betrothal aud airproacMng May 15 marriage of tfeeir daughter. Miss Betty Sue Lindau, to Ruben Cohen, mn of Mr. acd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ginsberg, 1514 Joseph Cohen, 16IS Jones street. The bride is a Central High school Virgiuia street, announce the engraduate aad a member of the gagement of their daughter, Miss Erodfcl$»Li&n society. Mr. CoL«-u on Page 12,)

Plans Being M.ade

For Donor's TeaLarge Crowd at

Meeting of Y. P. L.

Commencing Sunday, &pxil27r 1941 Lv. Omaha . . . , » . . . . 10:40 PM Ar. Chicago . . . • . . » » 8:00 AM Section, and bedxoom Pullmans; club-lounge; do luxe chair cars; dining car for breakfast


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Late Spring

COATS Special Purchase Coats and Reduced Merchandise from Our Regular Stock

Some Orfgfaalfy Priced to 29.95 No ordinary event thhl Tbes® are coats fbat look every bit of the Higher prices at which they were intended to sell. C o m e bright and early and share in this stupendous savings. Look at This Magnificent Selection Twill Wool Crepe Plaids Tweeds

Only Eight. Hoius horn Omaha to Chicago Lv. Omaha ; ; ; ; . .^ . . . 12:15 PM Ar. Chicago. » . . ; . . . . 8:15 PM Stainless steel chair and parlor-lounge cars. Economical meal and buffet service.



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Third-Floor of Fashions

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Friday, April 25, 1941

P«f • 9


r V

-- ' ,






< ' , J"






-4 April 25,1941.

",-¥, -f



\4 f -





t:, K


During tHis coming week, a worker of the Jewish PhilanIfiropies will call on you. He comes on behalf of the 5,000,000 'Jews on tKe Nazi-controlled continent of Europe, who but for four Hollars whicK maintain the J. D. C. soup kitchens would from starvation. He £omea to you on behalf of the courageous pioneers of Palestine wKo in the face of grave danger have continued to HiuTcl a hew land and a haven for Europe's dispossessed. He 36mes for yoii on behalf of the aged, the homeless and the nee<Iy in our midsf • He comes on behalf of those agencies who Keepion tKe alert so Jhat the position of American Jewry will nof be undermined by foreign propaganda. As chairman of the Jewish Philanthropies, I am pleading with you to Eeed your'grave responsibility. It may be easier to turn a deaf ear. It may be easier to pretend those who suffer are no concern of ours. But those so inclined to ignore their moral obligations will have their conscience to torment them. The'y will nof rest easily nor will they live in peace with themselves; I appeal to all Omaha Jews to meet this challenge readily, willingly, and generously. On us are depending the lives of thousands, wKo through no fault of their own have found themselves unwanted on the face of the earth. Deprived of the baressentials of life, they now look to us for help. We shall not them. .

Milton S. Livingston, CHAIRMAN

>%%%fm ^iH ry


Friday, A.vril 2.3^1341


Sigma Delia Tau • Lincoln /Special)—Tiitta ti.apt t r of Sigma Dtita. Tau announces the ixiiiialioii of Ice foliowii;^ girls Siiturdty, April 3 9: June Acktriaan, fcioax Fails, South Dakota; Mar&a Lee Given, Omaha; Bernice, Omaha; Lincoln (Special)—Tiiis week- Miriam Dan&ky, Omaha; Esther A regular meeting of the *j"_ Delta -Sigma was held OH Monday end Zeta Beta Tau will be host Fox, Omaha; Geraldine (jrhispan, April 21, after school. Plans fo to 3 0 seniors fvciu Nebraska and Agency, Missouri; Shirley Kushthe dance, to be sponsored by th Iowa high schools. Plans for lae ntr, Lincoln; Dorothy Levich, organization, are being complet Des Moines, Iowa; Louise Pick us, ed. April 27 lias been set as th three-day "whoopee Daze" affuir Decatur; ifctelle Raduz.iner, Omadeadline lor (he bids. If a Lid i are as follows: Friday night will ha; Norms, Seldin, C o n n c i 1 wanted, it way be gotten by call be spent at the Kosmet Klub Bluffs: Rebecca Silver, Laurel, ing Harriet Geifinan, Ethelyi show and a party at the chapter and Shirley Weiner, St. Joseph, Lashinsky, or Lorraine Waldman Iiouse, All day Saturday will be Mo. Members of the dating commit occupied by tours of the campus A formal banquet was held ut tee are Harriett Colin, Jeannett and other recreation and play inthe Hotel Cornhusker Saturday Turitz and Etta Marcus. teresting to the guests. That eveJeannette Turitz, Etta Marcus ning Alpha Tlieta will entertain evening in honor of the new initiates. Presiding as loastmaster and Lenore S i m o n have been chosen to model clothes for the its guests and campus friends at was Shirley Polsky. Esther Fox a dinner dance at the Cornhusk- represented the initiates as freshBas-a-mi floor show. er hotel. The dance is to follow man speaker; Sarah Miller spoke the theme of a circus party. To on behalf of the active chapter, Josephine llubnitz acted in onclude "Whoopee Daze," a pic- and the capacity of alum speaker. nic will be held Sunday at Crete, Bernice Crounse received t h e One of the best social events Nebraska. Baseball, hiking, and freshman cup, which is given to of this spring was held last Saturday night at the Fontenelle ho- row boating will take up much the most outstanding freshman each year. Award for highest tel when 175 couples attended of the day. in the house went, to the seventh Spring Frolic dance ZBT has two men in this >e ais' scholarship sponsored annually by the Cen- Kosmet Klub show. They aie Sylvia KuUnian, and for the most tury Chapter of A. Z. A.. Gary's eonard Goldstein and (Stuart Si- s c h o l a s t i c improvement, the choluiship impovenunt biacelet, orchestra played for the dance. mon, both, of Omaha. Miriam Rubnitz took honors. FolThe Century softball tearn will Debaters Bob Passer and Yale start its season by playing lite otsdiner, both of Council Bluffs, lowing the banquet an o p e n Mother Chapter t e a m Sunday, defeated Phi Delta Theta's team. house was held at the chapter May 4, at 33d and Dewey ball They are now one of two unde- house. alumni were prespark at 11 a. in. In this game eated teams In the tournament. ent at the banquet, including Mary Ahitman, Harriet Byron, A. Z. A. 100 will cooperate with Alpha Theta softballers pulltd A. Z. A. 1 in the celebration of in upset when they s o u n d l y Rernlce Hlinmclsleln and Ruth t h e seventeenth anniversary of rounced favored Sigma Alpha Seldin. the Mother Chapter and also of Week-end guest of the chapter psilon M 7-2. SAE had been the national order. icked to win the league. The was Miss Frances Adler, Chicago, Tentative lineup for the game lext game resulted in the defeat egional advisor. A spread was •will be: Catcher, Morris jfichlin; )f Delta Theta Pi. This put ZDT given Sunday evening to honor pitcher, Milton Guss; first base. n first place, needing only three- Miss Adler and the new initiates, Max (Merman; s e c o n d base, uore wins to gain the league after which tho actives and inlLouis Slutzky; shortstop, Ben hnmpionship. iates each presented a skit, Kutler; third base, Mike LandMiss Harriet Byron, national man; short center, Harold Epush chairman, wno will leave stein; left field, Norman Kuklin; Sunday to attend tho G r a n d center field, Leo Alperson, and right field, Sam Slutzky. A regular meeting of the Theta lpha Rho sorority was held a t he home of Miss Dena Brody on kpril 20. ' Final plans were mado for the sorority's annual spring The Omaha section of the Na- iffair which is to bo held on tional Council of Jewish Juniors ilay 25. lield^a successful bridge on WedMiss Goldie Gerelick, president nesday night for the benefit of f the group, -will reprosont the the "Port and Dock service. Door lororlty at the Coronation ball. prizes were donated by Omaha After the regular business meetfirms. Ing, bingo was played and prizes Chairman of the affair w a s were won by Goldie Gerelick and Eleanor Horwich. The organiza- Soldie Zusman. Refreshments t i o n ' h a s extended its'thanks to ere then served by the hostess. the committee in charge for its he next meeting is to be held •work to make the affair a suc- n May 4 at the home of Mlsa cess. Zusman.

Tau Delta Sigma

Zeta Beta Tau

A. Z. A. 200

! d « 4 i-Ed newly elected corres-

e Beth El Dmner jpcading secretary of iLe organJiziitioD, aUtncfed a convention of ill iHiivemty ptp organizations vitiou laot.Ler and daughter iu tLis oisirict. TLe convention banquet wiiich lu.s beta bc'aedultd ior the same date, the was Ltld in .Omaha, Saturday, lir=:t atnaial Beth El Youth din- April 3 9. i:er, cas been indefinitely r»ostponed. The dinner was to have been held on May 4. frossi Careary Council meeting of Sigma Delta Tau at Ithaca, Jsiew York, the first four days ia May, is planning en stopping in New York of City, Chicago, Washington, D. C , on. her return to Lincoln after the council meeting. She expects to be gone approximately one Seed 25c month. Miss Byron was recently Hlr«l elected to serve as president of FREE the Lincoln City.Pan-Hellenic Association for the coming year. Anna Arbitman, Omaha, was initiated into Tassels, women's pep organization, last week. She and Miriam Itubnitz, vice-presiBecause of Use W O I J M ' E Di-

Feed Him G eider's

6E9SLER HD € 0 .

Herzbergs They're Here! Prized California Slack Suits Pictured Is Out Exclusive


Theta Alpha Rho

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Junior Council

A grand new col* lection of impeccably tailored, perfect fitting California slack suits ire ready for you , . k each one a knock* out! You'll love the casual, easy lines of the one illustrated . . . its big patch pockets, its smart stitching . . . i t s crease-resistant material I Choose it in Crater Blue, Red Clay, Aqua, Sand, or Yellow. Sizo3l2.to20 Others ~ • $3.98 to $15.98 . Herzbergi Entrance Floor



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© Utility Storage

Others $L98 to $10.08 .


are ! Sixes



Heri$tes~ ." Entrance Flooa •

Friday, April 25, IS41-

U.O.C. Sisterhood Plans Mother and Daughter Banquet

HONOR BltlDE-TO-BE ' Mrs. Alex Wolpa entertained at a tea last Sunday in honor of her daughter, Miss Marian, w h o s e marriage to Irving Nogg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Nogg, will take place on June 15. Table decorations were in silver and pink. Assisting were: Dorine Wolpa, Ann Rosen, Ann Pollay, Charlotte«Nogg, and Louise Miller,

ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. Louis Singer announce the birth of a daughter, Edele, Friday, April 18, at St. Joseph hospital.. Mrs. Singer is the former Reva Gorelick. JOSLYN MEMORIAL Sunday at 2:30 in the lecture hall of the Joslyn Memorial motion pictures on " A r t i s t s at Work" will be shown. At 3:30, Professor J. C. Hertzler of the University of' Nebraska will speak on "The Family aud the Community." A 4 o'clock organ recital will be given by Martin W. Bush, assisted by the University of Omaha mixed chorus with Richard E. Duncan, director, and Robert E. Johnson, accompanist. A piano recital will be given at 4:30 by Ray Farley. \ The South High school a capella choir, directed by Miss Mabel Shipherd, and the Choric Arts choir, directed by Miss Mabel Rasmussen, will present a program at 8 o'clock.

MARK ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, S. M. dayman "were honored at a surprise party on their twentieth wedding anniversary. The party was given by members of their family a n d friends. Among the out-of-town guests were their daughter, Miss Marion dayman, her fiance, Al Cipinko, and his brother, Morris Cipinko, all of Chicago.

FA8S0VKK UUKSTS Mr. and Mrs. A, jacoTjson had es Passover guests their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. (Walter Jacobson of Los Angeles; their son, Paul of Dallas, Texas, NAMED SWEETHEART OP and their daughter, Mrs. Nathan EL PASO A. Z. A. Kraft of Kansas City, Mo., and Miss Esther Claire Wintroub, her daughter, Judy. former Omahan, was elected the first sweetheart of the El Paso, CHOOSES WEDDING DATE Texas, A. Z. A, at a formal dance • . Miss Evelyn P e r l m a t t e r , held Sunday, April 20. She is • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Perlmutter of Council Bluffs, has Wintroub. chosen June 8 as the date of her marriage to Mr. Paul Green.


CHICAGO VISITOR , Miss Julia Zuker has returned At Its meeting on April 11 the to her home in Chicago after Masada Club decided to hold .visiting her parents here. its meetings In the future on Sunday afternoons at 2:30. On Sunday, April 20, the new time^set for the meetings, was Women's Sabbath will be ob- initiated. It was decided by those served by the U. O. C. Sisterhood present that a Softball practice „, at the regular Oneg Shabboth to would be held at 10 o'clock Sun.bW held tomorrow at 2 o'clock at day morning at 21st and IJurthe B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th dotto streets. The meeting was .conducted by and Chicago streets. " ' Hostesses for t h e afternoon Harold Sherman, the president. At 2:30 this Sunday afternoon will be Mrs. I. Elewitz, Mrs. M. Grossman and Mrs. Arthur Gold- a very important- meeting will be held at the Jewish Communstein. Rabbi Isaiah Itackovsky will ity Center, and- it is requested speak, and Mrs. Goldstein .will that all members be present. deliver a r e s u m e of current events. , AH members of the Sisterhood and their friends are invited to '• attend.

U. O. C. Sisterhood

• f <•**•>;.•:'.••:;•••


On Tuesday, April 29, the U. O. C. Sisterhood will hold its annual Mother and Daughter banQuet at the Jewish Community Center, This affair will start promptly at 6:30. A special program has been planned for the occasion with a sketch in which some of the very young daughters will participate. They a r e Rita Katzman, Doris Mae Ban, and Shirley Belzer. Miss Doris Brown will speak for the daughters; Mrs. Ben Simon will respond for the mothers, and Mrs. J. Bernstein for the grandmothers. Mrs. Morris Burstein will open the banquet with a special prayer, and Mrs. N. Wilfson will pronounce grace before the mea,l. Reservations may be made by calling JA "0.88.7,.

Junior Hedassalb

B'nos Israel

The annual affair given by The next meeting of Junior Hamembers of the B'nos Israel in dassah will take place on Monday, April 28, at 7:45 at the Jewhonor of their mothers will be ish Community Center. held on Sunday, April 27, at 12:45 at the Jewish Community Center. VEMEIfAU EiLIKDS Included on the program will be songs by Florence Tatelman and Shirley Seltz, and a skit by Mickey Goldberg and Etta Gorelick. Miss Goldie Carter will be YLT lifcPAHUl* (.LEANED guest speaker. Dorine Wolpa is KEKI 8AM TAHhUli & M»W, Flops. president of the B'nos Israel, and i#£4 Nti. lGiit, Mig. Ui (xi.iUia. AT 4614 Eva Konecky is sponsor.

.Craftsman Venetian Mind Oo

Gamma Tau Sigma ' The regular social meeting of the Gamma Tau Sigma was turned into a business meeting Sunday at the Jewish Community Center. The membership drive was started and a contest is on to see which team brings in the most members. Captains are Sarah Wolfson, HA 4505, and Zelda Weisman, HA 6583. Any high school senior or recent graduate, who would like to join, is asked to call either of these numbers. The next meeting will be a social to be held at the home of the president, Doris Pinkovitz.

Small Rugs Tliaf Will Play a Big Part In theSmartening of Bedrooms Very heavy Chenille Rugs with rubl>er backs for bathrooms or polished floors, will not slip. Choice of gay pastel colors. Size 3 1 x 3 4 . . . . . . . . . . "Shagwev," heavy reversible cotton rugs in all pastel colors. Sizes 20x30

Auxiliary, Workmen's Circle, 258

•'Carvllle" wool pile rugs in oval shape, nil pastel eolors, heavy high pile, 'with "Carved" g pattorns. Size 24x42 .-«M

Miss Ruth Paperny w a s the holder of the number drawn on Wednesday, April 16, at the drawing'"sponsored by the Auxiliary of Branch 258, Workmen's Circle. The prize was donated by the Nebraska Furniture Mart.

Sfore Hours 9:30 A. M. fo 5:30 P.

Telephone AT 7334

Beautiful Emerald Cut Diamond * . , . '

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About 2 Carats

Tau Gamma Delta A regular business meeting of Tau Gamma Delta sorority was held at the home of Miss Rose tylandel on Tuesday, April 22. Plans were discussed for a thealer".party to be held soon. '-.,*- The "evening was spent in playIng bridge and bingo. Prizes were won'by Miss Eva Ruderman, Miss Belle Ruderman and Miss Rose Novak. Refreshments were served by tho hostess.

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t,&tiea vi&dicate ifae highest tmieipies line idtalieiii cf the fou.adicg lathers. Today tiiis eouBtry is soberly fitting ker «ifcstiay. SSie is being called a ton to play isle ia human fc.ii.tory, for we mty t e the death tLroes cf the eld Burepeat civilia&tio-n £tfi from fcere on we tLatl travel our courte alone. V*re are enriching our national life ia the process, giving haven to'the great laiads cf the old world; we are entreachiBg our position aad strengthening our institutions to weather tie storm. On May 18, it will be wttl for us to evaluate the individual's role ia the American nation and to understand more clearly just what is meant by "The American Way."

An Opportunity

Death In Belgrade


ril 2St IS41


f»s*e 4



en Gt&feii

The death of Chief Rabbi Alcalay of JugoWhoso would prove himself worth of the right slavia brings to mind witn added emphasis the f worthy of to be a Jew, whoso would prove heroic role our rabbis our playing in Europe. Like ek have his his American tradition, will next w and her opportunity. To those wh understand Rabbi Schorr of Poland, he refused to leave hia the blessings they are this day enjoyii , next week country as long as a Jew remained, and for this they will be able to give concrete xpressioa to resolve be perished, the victim of a Nazi bomb that struck the principal synagogue and killed seven their appreciation. hundred of the congregation who had gathered When the representative of the X wish Philaa- there. thropies calls on you during the forth orning •week, Being a rabbi in Europe during this time ©t he will be asking not for money, h\ Ig seeking Crisis carries high risk. Rabbi Schorr, spiritual from you the means of giving life to another iiu- head Of Europe's largest Jewry, is reportedly in a man being. lie will be asking you ;o help pro- prison in Siberia, where he had been transported vide food and clothing and medical ppliea find by the Reds after the Russian invasion of Poland, an opportunity to build a new life fo 6, man and The 'Whereabouts of the Chief rabbis of Belgium, a woman and a child very much like ourself and Holland and Norway still remain unknown. The your family. People who once livei happily &s gephardic Chief Rabbi of France was missing for you live and today are homeless and helpless be- several months and arrived in this country only cause their ancestors did not have thje -wisdom to recently. lie bad been hiding in a Catholic semimigrate as ours did. nary, disguised as a priest. Chief Rabbi Koretc To be asked to contribute a sm Ml sum, the of Greece, fled Salonika, the principal Jewish comgiving of which entails little if any sacrifice on munity, for Athena Just before the vanguard of the the part of the donor, ia a small payment indeed German army arrived. when compared with what European Jewry is ReTo say Jewish life has been disrupted by tho ing asked to give. The Jews of the Continent are current European situation, is a masterpiece of paying with their lives and freedon . Those of understatement. But the very fact that adversity England like their non-Jewish com] atriots face has not killed the spirit of our people, that they only blood, sweat, and tears. They ar ! undergoing have the strength to die as well as live, to face air-raids and every conceivable tragedy. They are danger rather than desert responsibility indicates seeing their sons leave to fight in distant lands. that Judaism has lost none of its moral resource* They witness their homes, humble as l lost of them fulness. are, pounded to rubble by the vindictive luftwaffe, Martyrs are nothing new in Jewish life. Not which proclaims its glory with death pnd destruc- a generation over the centuries, but that violent tion. death has come to our people. But at no timo And we, all we are being asked fo • to mitigate has the situation been so critical. Yet In the death this distress, is a few dollars. No pet son has ever of those overseas, we are garnering new strength. given beyond his means. Not one *i is ever been Only a few days before tola death, Rabbi Alcalay forced to undergo any hardship beca se of a con- had pledged the loyalty of the Jewish population tribution to' the Philanthropies, Fcw give any- to the King in its policy of resistance. He himself fulfilled that pledge. where near an equitable sum. , Evaluate your contribution to the Philanthropies not in terms of dollars and ents, but in Strange Dedication human,, lives. The day has passed when people With all the many men and women who have aelf-rlghteously measure out a meagi r portion of done great things in the cause of Israel, Cecil their Income to set aside for "charital le* purposes. Roth, the distinguished historian, has found it This is not charity, this is not even a emand upon necessary to dedicate his new book on the Sassoon a person's wealth. The Jewish Phitt nthropies of- dynasty to Adolf Hitler. Regardless of how bitters you the opportunity to create fr >m your own ter the tone of the Inscription, the fact remains means life for another. , that a dedication implies honor is being given. Surely Prof. Roth, one of tho outstanding of British publicists, has other Bounding boards for bis "IAm An American" Day hatred of Hitler than a book destined to be read By presidential proclamation, Ma] 18 has been in generations to come. Bet aside as "I Am an American" day on which the However interesting the Sassoon family has benefits of American citizenship are t be recalled, been, however pious and philanthropic, they have We are quite sure there ia little need for any such nevertheless in the acquisition of their fortune observance. The American >eople are BO done things that have not reflected credit upon the keyed Up to the benefits of the ci izenahip they Jews as a people. This is no case of self-righteoushold that no one goes through an en ;lre day withness; they are not the Jews to hold before the eyes out being duly grateful at one mom nt or another of Hitler as a good example. •'•'.•' • for the fact that- he is an American. There are many Jews who have done great Being g an American an citizen izen is not quite so simi things and are worthy of honor such as being the ple a taBk as Bomo would like to have ua believe, recipient of a book dedication, But few books are Mere waving of the flag and mere 1 ollow echoing being published to take care ol all our great. If of the sentiments of patriotism ar poor substl- Cecil Roth ha<j desired to pay tribiite, he could tutes for generosity tt f the th deep d i of ffee ing that must nave dedicated his hook to the millions of pious characterize those who,truly under stand what Is Jews who have retained their faith in times of meant by the American tradition. deepest stress.. He could have paid much-deserved America was founded by Europe' dispossessed, tribute to those men and women who have seen those men and women whose lntegri y and charac- their lives ruined by Hitler's persecution. Ho ter made them unwanted. Consciou sly eyery legal might have considered those Jews of tho East End document that forms bur basic law has sought to of London who were the first victims of the Gerwipe but the vestiges of aristocratic privileges and man air raids. • .• L to bring the benefits of life to all. Prof. Jung, tho noted psychiatrist, claims to America ""was the political expr isslon. of firm 'have detected a,subconscious admiration of Hitler religious convictions, and only th »se willing to In many Jews, and we wonder if thia isn't a maniunderstand those religious principle and practice festation of a similar disorder. Even if Prof. them can lay any claim to patriotism. It Is in the Roth meant no honor when he dedicated his' boob spirit of the dignity of the human soul that Amer- to tbis new scourge of humanity ,he used an Instruica has grown and wo have seen the courso of this ment of honor dishonorably.

BIBLE Ttere is no darkue&s uor shadow ot death where workers of iniquity day hide themselves. By reason of the multitude ai oppressions they cry out; they cry for help by reason of the arm of the mighty. If thou be righteous w h a t givest thou Hiin or what reeeiveth He of thy hand? Thy wickedness concerneth a man as liiou art and thy righteousness a son of man. TALMUD Our Rabbis taught: Once a pious uiaa while praying on the road was met by a prince who (saluted him, saying, "Peace to you." But the pious man did not respond. The priace waited till the end of his prayer. After he had finished his prayer, the prince eald to him, "Good for nothing, behold! It is written In y o u r Torah (Den 4.9) 'Only take heed to thyself and guard thy soul diligently.' When I ealuted thee, why didst thou not answer me? If I had cut off thy head with a sword, who would be able to demand thy blood from my hand?" "Walt," the pious man said to him, "until I shall appease thee with a few words. If thou bast been standing before a mortal king and one had saluted thee wouldnst thou have answered him?" "Nay," the prince replied. "And if thou hadst done so what would the king have done unto hee?" "He would surely hava ordered my head to be cut off with a svrord," replied the prince. The pious man then said unto him. "Behold now. If this Is what you would have done if thou hadst stood before a mortal king who is with ua here today and may be in his grave tomorrow, how much more need I then o be careful when standing before the Supreme King of Kings, the Holy One, praised be He, who iveth and endureth forever to all eternity." The prince became appeased and the pious man went peacefully home. (This ought to be a good lesson to our congregations to observe perfect decorum during services.)

By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Washington Press Bureau WASHINGTON. With the uncommon genius he possesses of thrusting a sharp blade through the chinks in an enemy's armor, the attorney general of the United States, Robert H. Jackson, has hit upon t h e soundest Idea for. smashing t h o Nasi, internally, that,has, been heard in the capital. Hitler is "wide open," Jackson believes, for some fifth colnniing business wjiich will maltojilm exceedingly uncomfortable, on t l i e European continent, and less likely to continue his process .of world domination. •. With* every nation that t h e Nazis take Into their maw, t h e attorney general points out, they open a new field for the demoratic fifth columnists. He adds: "I am convinced that the time haa come when we elurald no longer concede the initiative to cnomlea of otsr way o* life or rely solely tspon defensive messqrea against foreign penetration." :

The spearhead of the attack upon Hitler's ideas of a new Europe, Jackson believes,- will be the free foreign born Hying in the United States who, by continuing contact with their, homelands, can" always :holo ' before their unfortunate friends the real? lsation that In one part of, t h: e world freedom still exists; . We must never let Baropo fortion ot t h e ' Union of American Temple get, says Jackson, that the ossSi? At services this evening at Hebrew Congregations," of freedom is still nere. .For so Temple Israel, • Rabbi David H. Ionjj as tiie- enslaved populations Wice will deliver a sermon enhave hope, they can "never be comtitled, "You Are More Religious pletely slaves. Than You Think." . , Tho regular late cervices of tho Saturday morning services be- U. O. C. will be coaducted by tho Jackson reels off. the list of gin at 11 o'clock. Sisterhood of the IT. O. C. This countries, any one of which may will be tho last late service of prove the Achilles' heel of Nazi Next Week the .year.. . . • policy—Czeeho-Slava&Ia, Poland, Denmark, Norway,-Holland, BelNext week, Rabbi Wice . s' sjeafc on "Liberal Jews Re-Think Lulgl - Cremona, a4 Favian Jew, gium, and France. Their Institutions."' This will be ia 1SD7 oecanve vice-president or To this 1 feel he should \ add &' report on the Detroit conven- the Italian senate.

u. o. cf,

Tonight at services Rabbi David 'A: Goldstein will speak on "Faith f©* living."' . . Norman, son of Mr. and Mra. Joseph Blocb, will observe bis Bar Sfitzvah by chanting Kibosh. Services Saturday morning beat Ss: 4 5.

Clems ef the Bible ; Talmud

for &JI in aot well for i' wifcliia Asibttia sad t-©d*y, e.s I write iMs, listed aatt-STiiii refugees living in t_h e • United Slfctes &J«J s&eefciBg ia Washington Us mite ia &a e}jrg«&iz&iion to car* ry out just such a job ss Jackson ted Further, I feel that Italy can be added to that list. Italy is just as much under Kazf domination as, ssy, Denmark, according to the uncensored diepatthee that now find their way to the American press. Acd the Italian people has always liked a n d admired A m e r i c a (except those f e w throughly poisoned by Mussolini) end the great man of liberty and freedom, Garibaldi, was for^gen- . erations their real hero.

The words, fifth column, are now » term of opprobium, bat one day, £f the Jackson pl&n is curried to its ultimate conclusion, it m*y be discovered tk&t it w&s the denv ocr&tic fifth ttilsisMidsts—the little people rebelling against slftV« ery in thin century end spreading tlieir belief in liberty to others of their kind—^who rained Hitler. Is Jackson right about the fer* tillty of the field?- Are the words "freedom" and "liberty" at last meaningful to the millions who for years were inert? I think so. The other day a Washington newspaper correspondent received a letter from a friend in Holland ' a letter passed through the Gee* man censorship. The last line read: "More Mkd more we think of the most fan)* ous words of Patrick Henry." *

-*" r

The German censor, obviously, had never heard of Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty or give m« death!" But in Holland they hate heard of it, and are thinking of it. Jackson points out that Goebbels said the conquest of America "would be an inside job, to be done by playing race against race, religion against religion, and I against class." To accomplish this "inside Job" the Germans have set up within' the United States what I am Sure is an elaborate and complicated propaganda machine, using some of the most famous names - ot America, and based upon Germans living in the United States who have accepted their oath of allegiance to this country with mental reservations. This propaganda machine ha*, n't had clear sailing. Some of its workings have been exposed and collapse has invariably followed exposure. You will remember, what happened to the GormanAmerican Bund. Fifth columning In Europe will bo a good deal easier. The same . appeal to pride of nationality and , race that fJUled Germany: itritn' „ warlike fervor can be effectively, used to turn the subject nations ^ actively against Germany, , and-11 with a white-hot hatred that^the' Nazis have brought upon themselves, with their, callous cruelty. You tell a Pole: "Poland) i$n?|. considered »a conquered country. \ It is considered a : p a r t oi,-ui& u,, Reich and o breeding ground :fo* slaves. Hitler has decided thai j your nation tand yon as a race can i never live again 1'r You tell & l , Pole that and then prove it.oat of iho Nazis', own Effiorath and he'll spend, the rest of his life plotting a way to overturn the Naal regime. • One of the reasons that I, and every other-Jew, hate Hitler t o is because Hitler told us: "You're GubhumanB. You're going to be eliminated." We were first, but Hitler didn't stop with the Jews.; In the category of subhmnaashe has. placed every people, except the Germans* When all Europe/except Germany, catches on to the fact that they're considered subhumans and that their children and children's children will be slaves and subi they're going to fight., 'A great many of them, notably the courageous NorwegianB and Dutch, jknow^it already. Eventually the democratic fifth column will enlighten the others and Ea-. rope -will flame in rebellion. (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) The Jewish' court system han tiie longest continuous history, of any-in the'western world.


Frid*y, kprll'26,

• IQAl


List More Workers In Women's Group Additional workers in the Residential division of the Women's Division of t h e Jewish Philanthropies campaign have been an(Continued from Page 1.) Young People of Mid-West nounced by Mrs. Albert B. NewTo Meet Here man, chairman. eral campaign, will be led by the May 18 They are: Mesdames Frank following chairmen: OrganizaAckerinan, Jack Brarason, Ed- tions, Sam K&vlan a n d Elaine Extensive plans sre being made ward E. Brodkey, Jacob K. Colin, Lagman; G e n e r a l University by the B o u n d Table of Jewish Bertha Kllis, Elmer Green berg, chairman, Dan Miller; General Youth for the first regional coi» William Kaiman, Aaron Katz, Ed- High School, Reva Bordy a n d clave of youth to be held to Onus ward Lincoln, Harry Loewenstein, Yale Trustin; Benson high, Norman Wohlner and Ruth Paperny; ha ' on May 18. Representatives Otto Siegel and Meyer Stern. Brownell Hall, Miriam Schiuimel; from Jewish youth groups in tiioux Central high, Gordon Margolin City, Des Mollies, Lincoln, a n d a n d Diana Lagmau; Creighton other nearby communities will atUniversity, Sheldon Bernstein; tend and exchange i d e a s wit h University of Nebraska, Arthur Omaha's youth representatives. Spar and Muriel Frank; North Plans for the day include regHigh, Lee White and Lorraine istration at the Center until noon Rosenberg; University of Omaha, on Sunday, May 18; luncheon and Shirley Greenspan and H a r r y The Omaha Hebrew Club lodge oratorical contest; panel discuswas filled to capacity last Goodbinder; South High, Norman sions; and a m i x e d swimming room Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Zevitz and Edith Wolfson; Tech•party. Climax of the conclave will Community Center. The occasion nical high, Doris Pinkovitz and be the Coronation ball at which was the monthly cultural meeting Milton Cackin; and Van Sant, Omaha youth's outstanding lead- of the club. Martye Leo Byron. ers will be honored. JUax Scheuerman, accompanied The purpose of the conference by Mrs. Al Fiukel, sang a group is xio bring together members of of folk songs and also led the auallNlewish youth groups and uii- dience in a community songfest. afflliated young people for the ex- His offering was enthusiastically change of ideas, the opportunity received. to make new friends, and the Registering well with the auestablishment of a stronger bond dience were the individual peramong the youth communities in formances of Louis Wolk, Mrs. S. (Continued from Page 1.) the midwest region. Nerenberg, Mrs. P. Crandall and Solicitation Division; Mra. MorJack Saylan. Mr. Saylau acted as First Large Undertaking ris Katleman, chairman of the master of ceremonies. The conclave fees are being cut Women's Division; Warner FrohIsaac Morgenstern delivered an to the minimum by the commitman, chairman of the Youth Ditee. Registration -will be fifty inspiring talk, closing with an ap- vision; Philip M. Klutznlck, cents per person and will include peal for aid in the present Phil- budget; Leonard Nathan, publicadmission to the noou luncheon, anthropies drive. ity, and Paul Veret, executive diAbner Kalnian presided. the afternoon panels, a n d the rector. swimming party. Tickets for the Assisting in the General Soliciformal ball will be one dollar per Dorothy Maynor on tations division are: Morris Burcouple. stein and Harry Sommer, cochairUnder t h e general chairmanFord Hour Sunday men; Dr. A. Greenberg, organizaship of Ruth Rosenetein and Wiltions, and Max Chapman, out-oflard Friedman, a large number of Dorothy Maynor, brilliant negro town firms. committees are working on dat- soprano and ono of the newest Officers In the Women's Diviing, transportation, publicity, en- stars in American music, returns sion, beside t h o chairman, intertainment, decorations, a n d to the Ford Sunday Evening Hour clude: Mrs. Morris E. Jacobs, Iniother phases of the conclave, as guest soloist on April 27. The tial Gifts; Mra. Albert B. New\ This is the first undertaking on program will be heard next Sun- man, Residential Gifts; Mrs. Philiso wide a scale by the Round day at 7 o'clock over K0IL and ip M. Klutznick, business a n d Table of Jewish Youth and as the coast-to-coast CBS network. professional, a n d Mrs, William touch will mark a progressive step Miss Maynor is to be featured Lazere, organizations. in the growth of the organiza- during the popular Ford hour in The campaign is scheduled to tion. Elaine Lagman, publicity new arrangements of two negro continue until May 8. chairman, is making arrangements spirituals, "Swing Low, Sweet to contact every Jewish youth club Chariot" and "Roll Jordan, Roll." In the Round Table as well as all Her other vocal offerings Inunafflliated young men and wo- clude Cimara'a "Stornellata Marimen. nara; "Delibes' charming aria "Pourquoi dans lea grand bola" from the opera "Lafeme;" and RosewaterRites Arne's "Tho Lass With the DeliAir." Miss Maynor will join Held on Sunday cate the Ford orchestra and chorus and The ashes of Victor Rosewater, the visual Detroit audience of former publisher of the Omaha 5,000 person In the closing hymn WH0LG8ALE Bee, who died last < July in Phila- "For all the Salnta/* 0 Candies 'dalphia, were Interred Sunday at O Tobacco ©Pipes the Forest Lawn cemetery, at the Isador Henry Gorblat, a PhilaQ Fountain Supplies aide of his father, Edward Rose- delphia Jew, was ono of the first ©Beverages water, founder of the Omaha Bee. Americana to propagate the doc. Services w e r e conducted by trines of Freud. Rabbi David H. Wice. Attending were a few friends of the family, relatives, Mrs. Rosewater, and a Omasa's Oldest son, Edward. General Relatives h e r e include three , Eleetrlo cousins,' Mrs. Israel RosenthaJ, 2020 FARNAM Open Evenings AT 44GS Sealer Mrs.' Leo Rosenthal, and Stanley Roaewater, all of Omaha.



Patronize Oar Advertisers

CANTOR SiHVACK A regular meeting of Theta Lambda was held Tuesday eveTO 6IVE CONCERT ning, April 22, nt tlie come o£ Theta Lambda

Mrs. Kenneth Gllcken. Ethel Kadis, president, ex^lil.Eed the purpose and the program of the Bound Table Youth conclave to be held on May 18 and urged all members to attend. Plans were formulated for the sorority's recognition of Mother's Bay on May 11. A unique method of honoring the mother of each member w£_s devised end preliminary arrangements will be under the guidaace of Sophie Blumkin, Vickl Lerner and Ruth Miller.

A concert of Yiddish folksong* will be given on Sunday, April 27, et the B'E&I Jacob synagogue, 24th and Nicholas streets, by Cantor Cclenx&n Spivack of New York. Cantor SpivtcE will conduct the Maariv service at 7 and the concert will follow. Tickets for the concert are 25 cents end may be purchased at the door. Patronize Our Advertisers

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Fridsy, April 25, 1S41


Page 2

sab., it was announced tiiat tb. connected with the sale must get 1SS1G Firms Seized Young Judaea will present a proher bundles ra3.<iy and be set to gram for the June meeting. For go. Jo make the rumVichy (JTA)—The. number of this occasion a play lias been mage sale a success, it is essenB¥ INEZ L. KAZNICK chosen for presentation. All Young tial that the membership inform Jewish enterprises expropriated in France reached 1,810 By Lucille Abrah&mson Judaea members are urged to be A dessert luncheon, will be serv- Mrs. Bordy, WA 5656, that they occupied present next Sunday at the hom* ed Gt the next meeting of H have bundles they wish picked when a new list of 130 confiscated of Marcia Tepperman when try dassah to be held at the Jewish up. The success or failure of ev- firms was published in the OffiHA DA SSAII outs will be held. Community Center on Wednes- ery rummage sale depends solely cial Journal here. The first week in May, a naAt the last meeting, a certifi- day, April 30, at 1:30 o'clock for ou the interest and participation tional speaker of Hadassah will of its members. be honored guest of the Council cate showing a, tree had been the small fee of 15 cents. Special! Somellutag New! Bluffs Hadassah at the D o n o r planted in her honor was pre- The program, prepared and preLuncheon. To Ihis a f f a i r ell sented to the president, Harriet sided over by Mrs. M. F. LevenSinai Club Tie "Family Group Policy" son, will consist of a talk to be donors will be cordially invited. Kubby. given by the superintendent of Following is a complete list of Biects fa 6< tbiiiie need la life iiwvrThe next regular meeting o£ the schools, Ilobart M. Corning, and Metier, f&tLcr bed eliSM donors to date: Mesdames M. BOYS' YOUNG JUDAKA Sinai club will be held on Tues&U ii=buita unatr one low Brandeis, A. Baer, Sam liubb, M. At a board meeting Jield Wed- his subject will fee "Defense Bejiatfy. Get Bernstein, L. Bernstein, J. Cher- nesday evening, plans f o r the gins With Education." Several day, April 29, .at 8:30 p. m. at from the Jewish Community Center. niak, Harry Cohen, L. H. Cohen, Boys' Young Judaea meeting to patriotic songs will be presented Because of the Philanthropies Max Cohn, Harry Cherniss, Ben be held next Sunday afternoon by Mrs. Alfred Frank, accomparally last Tuesday Eight, t h e nied at the piano by Mrs. A. C. Cohn of Harlan, M. Davidson, H. at 2 o'clock at the home of Jack regular meeting was held on Fellman. Fried, Leo Filch, L. Frankel, J. Brown were discussed. CITV FINANCE ANB Friedman of Hamburg, li. J. GerThe luncheon will be prepared Wednesday. All boys between the ages of KNSUK&NCE CO. shun, M. Grossman, II. Galpert, 9 and IB ere urged to attend this by Mrs. Dave Stein and Mrs. Leon S60 HARBACH BLOCK The Cornish dialect of England Sarah Gilinsky, O. Greenberg, J. meeting. Graetz. m WA Ol»t is claimed to bear remote resemGotsdiner, K. Gordon, 11. Krause, It is at this meeting that the blance to Hebrew. II. Krasne, G. Krasme, A. J. HEECHEN-LEIBOVITZ Hotpoint electric range will be Krasne, Ike Krasne, L. Ifra&ue, At the home of Rabbi David A. given to some lucky winner. H. Kubby, JJ. Kubb>, Rose Kram- Goldstein o£ Omaha, Thursday Donor Luncheon f-r, Itos>e Katelman, L. 11. Katfcl- morning, April 10, Miss Maxine There are still three weeks unman, Millard Krasne, M. Kateldaughter of Mr. andtil May 16 when the annual Doman, S. H. Katelman, L. London, Leibovitz, Mrs. Abe Leibovitz, became the nor Luncheon of Hadassah will Leo Meyerson, J. M. Moskovitz, bride of Marvin Beeehen of be given for those who have ralsSam Meyeison, II. Marowitz, J. South Sioux City, Neb., son of d their money through Youth Mendelson, Ben Passer, N. Nogg, Mrs. Anna Beeehen, also of South Aliyah or the Hadasaah Medical N. Richards, Fannie Hoffman, 3. Bioux City. Fund; every member still has the Hoffman, F. Rubenstein, P h i l ihance to raise her money in orThe bride's costume suit of Saks, S. Suvalsky, S. Saks, I. wisteria-colored wool had quilt- der that she may attend this afSternhill, S. Shyken, A. Tepperon the shoulders of both the fair. man, M. Yudelson, Etta Yudelson, ing An outstanding speaker, Mrs. long Jacket and dress. With it K. VVelner of Villisca, and t h eshe wore A. P. Schoolman, an eminent a corsage of lilies of Cousins' club. the valley and an orchid. Her ac- member of the national board, Those who have not paid, or cessories national secretary and chairman were navy blue. have not been reached are asked of the Zionist Relations and PoMiss Isabel Greenberg of Cedar to call Mrs. Ben Gershuu, chair- Rapids, itical Education committee will Iowa, her maid of honor, man, phone 8774. had white touches on her navy be here as guest speaker. She is well-informed and exceptional blue redingote suit. Ira Kaplan JVNAI K'RITJl of Sioux City was Mr. Beecheh's ipeaker. Itimimisgo Sale Delegates to the Southwest Re- attendant. Pink and white roses Mrs. Reuben Bordy, chairman gional Council of B'nal B'rith, were scattered on the table at a meeting in Lincoln, Neb., on May wedding luncheon at the Fonte- of the rummage sale, has sent 4, will bo elected at the next nelle. A large wedding cake Jced ut instructions that everyone meeting of B'nai B'rith lodge in pastel shades made the cen688. The meeting w ill u o terpiece. Monday evening, April 28, at the After the wedding, the young Knights of Columbus hall. couple left for New Orleans and Texas and are now at home at HADASSAH ELECTS the Bolstein apartments in Sioux At a meeting held last week, City. Hadassah elected t h e following new officers: Mrs. Etta Yudel- RETURNS TO WASHINGTON BOII, president; Mrs. II. Galpert, Miss Marion Katelman 1 e f t vice president; Mrs. Ben Kubby, Monday morning for Washington, secretary; Mrs. Leo Meyerson, D. C , after a two weeks visit financial uecrfttary, and Mrs. F. •wltu ber mother, Mrs. J. KatelRubenstein, treasurer. man. .•....Delegates to the regional convention of Hadassah to be held in tTlOM CHICAGO Des Moines May 11, 12, and 13, Miss Helene Polin of Chicago were elected. They are: Mesis arriving this evening to be a dames Etta Yudelson, Louis Co- guest at the home of Mr. inil hen, Ben Gershun, a n d Harry Mrs. Sam Rosenthah While hero Chernisa. Alternates a r e Mes-she is to be a bridesmaid for dames A. Bear, Morris Grossman, Mias Louise Miller who on SunOscar Greenberg and J. J. Brown. day Will become the bride of $ Norman Abrahamson. She intends to visit here for three YOUNG JUDAEA . f At the last meeting of Hadas- weeks. mmr three-pie&c alaekB emsembte

Council Bluffs





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Friday, April- 2S, 1941


ford plenty of good times, fun, Arrest Beng&zi J e w s Finns Welcome Jews and pleasure for all those that attend. Letters have been seat Cario (WNS) — Hundreds of New York' (JTA)—The Fiiius to friends of Sigma Omicron chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu. Jews were arrested and interned are "happy that the Jews kave From the replies received the ' by Italian secret police -when Nazi come to us and who, of course, Cajidle-lightiug time: 0:41 week-end promises to have a good a n d Italian troops recaptured enjoy full civic rights, feel at Workers in the Business and Tonight the Sisterhood of the from the British, it was home iu Finland and are one with Professional Women's division of U. O., (i. will conduct- the last attendance. The committee iu Bengazi reported here. The Jews were archarge of correspondence is unthe Jewish Philanthropies cam- late service of the U. O. C. of the rested on the ground that they us," Finnish Minister Hjalmar J. der the chairmanship of Phil paign started'solicitations for the year. aided' the British to drive the Proeop'e declared in an address drive last Sunady at a brunch. Tomorrow morning, t h e rabbi Bordy, who was aided by Walter Italians out of Bengazi several before a dinner of the National Phil Eisenstatt, Bud - Speakers at that meeting were will speak at the Beth Hamed- Greenberg, weeks ago and were still in the Unity Essay Contest Committee at Margulies, Gene Sherman, and Mr. Milton S. Livingston, chair- rosh Hagodol synagogue. pay of the British secret service. the Hotel Aslor. Bud Swartz. The Junior Congregation will man of the Philanthropies, and Honors were received at the Mr. Paul Veret. Mrs. Morris conduct its services at the B'nai house through aefeate, athletics, Israel syngagogue-at 10 a. m. on Katleman is chairman of the Woand student elections. A r t h u r men's Division end Mrs. Philip Saturday. Rivin and Rud Margulies, who Klutznick is in charge of the participated in an inter-mural deRegular Sunday morning servBusiness and Professional group. held at the chapter house, Workers in t h i s group are: ices of the U. 0. C. Brotherhood bate won over the Alpha Tau Omega Mildred Berkowitz, Bess Bern- will take place at 9 a. m. fraternity. The chapter had the Stein, Frances Blacker, Frances pleasure of winning its first two The Talmud Study group will Blumkin, Bernice Bordy, Frances basketball games played against Bordy, Dorothy Camel, Beth Seva meet this Wednesday at Congre- the Phi Psi and Theta Xi frapherniss, Elberta Cohen, Florence gation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol ternities with 8-!> and 3-2 score, at 8 p. m. Cohen, Fay Parber, Mrs. Phil respectively. Signta Omicron also JFeldman, Sarah Fellman, Lillian had the honor of having two of Fleishman, Elaine Frank, Minnie its men on the ballots at the reSigma Alpha Mu "Frey, Ida Fine, Etta Frisch, Faye cent student election here on the Lincoln (Special)—The Neb- Nebraska campus. The men were Gerelick, Helen Greenberg, Rose Grodinsky, Mrs. Joe Guss, Eliza- raska chapter of Sigma Alpha Mu Ed Chait of the Pharmacy col- > beth J. Hart, Elinor Horwich, is winding up its social calendar lege and Bob Bramson of the Ethel Kadis, Mrs. Abner Kalman, of the current year with its tradi- Teachers college. Election • results ^Evelyn Kairnan and Rebecca Kir- tional high school week-end to were not available at the time be held May 17.. This week-end of this writing and therefore we •henbaum. promises to be one of the biggest are unable to state the outcome ',. Also Elaine Lagman, Bess Lef- and the best in the history of the of these two men. iti, Sylvia Lefitz, Judith Leven- chapter. All arrangements for the tqa, Mrs. M. F. Levenson, Evelyn party, aa transportation, enLevy, Pearl Lipsey, Reva Mala- tertainment,to food, housing and , Shock, Ruth R. Marks, Pearl dating, been made and Balkan Jews Hears _ A N D KITCHEN • jlfonsky, Frances Osoff, Rose Pa<- palced inhave Threats by Nazis jperny, Mrs. Lester Pezzner, Ruth committees.the hands of capable S FLOUR IS Rasnick, Pearl Richraan, Ann RoThe committee In charge of the Zurich (JTA) — A concentratlen, Fannie Saks, Miriam Saks, ENRICHED Harriet Salzman, Edythe Shuman, entertainment is under the chair- ed campaign against the Jews in manship of, Erving Friedman, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and Greece Bertha Slutsky, Ruth Soinberg, WITH Shirley Spar, Alice Susinan, Betty with Harold Turkel, Bud Margu- was started simultaneously by the Vitamin B-l Tarnoff, Marion Weinberg, Sylvia lies,- Bob Bramson, and Norman Berlin and Rome radio stations Veta. Other committees in charge over the week-end. Both stations tWelner, Florence Whitebook, Ann , n a iro» Eager, Helen Whitebook and of the big event are the Party implied that the Jews would be committee, with Max Prostak, eliminated from economic life in Lena Zollotuchen. chairman, and Robert Silvermau, all the -Balkan countries which 5.1b. Bag Arthur Riviri, and Gerald Bern- the axis forces will occupy. stein as associates; the TransporArabs Hit Homeland The Rome radio station estitation committee, Ed C h a i t, mated that the number of the - Buenos Aires (JTA) — A con- chairman, Harry Goldstein, Rol- Jews in Bulgaria, Yugoslavia and gress, of Arab communities in and Lewis, and Norman Green as Greece "amounts about a halfSouth American countries today helpers; Food committee, Floyd million." It added t h a t "they •proclaimed Syria, Lebanon, Pales- Cohen, chairman. Bob Cohen, had great influence oh economic tine and Transjordan as. "indivis- Leonard Lewis, Ted Rothkop, and life in the Balkan countries." ible" and asserted that they had B e r n l e Goldware, auxiliaries; Dealing with the reports of arnev,er agreed to the British or last but not least, the Dating rival of strong British troop deFrench mandates or to the idea committee headed by Phil Kan- tachments in Iraq, t h e official tor with Bob Cohen, Robert Sll- German news agency, Deutsches of a Jewish national home. verman, and Harry Goldstein aa Kachrlchten Bureau, d i s p l a y s associates. A special committee over the fact that the Anti-Semitic Film for the week-end is the News- nervousness British succeeded in checking the paper committee under the co• London (JTA) — The Berlin chairmanship of Arthur JRJvin: nazl Intrigues in Iraq by a sudden landing of military forces In 'radio announced that the antl* and Margolin, on the edi- Basra. "This Is a new and typ'Semitic film, "Jew Suss,", had torialMorton side and Melvin Tannen"been -witnessed by Rumanian Pre- baum and -Phil Kantor on the ical terror act of Churchill," the nazi agency comments. 'mier Ion Antonescu and members business side. • •••- • of his government at a special in "Bucharest. . . The week-end promises to afPatronize Our Advertisers

Bus,, Professional Women Aid Drive For Philanthropies

Q . j y . NEWS


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Page 12

Friday, April I B ,

mac. and will be assisted hy Jannard Deviae. The wedding will be the S. C, Hebrew ScL.oc-1, are now attending the Hebrew TheologLetowicii aiid Blutaa Merlin. A a jute event. ical College of Chicago, dating committee fi^s hetn naiuMr. afid Mrs. Harold Goldstein, ed and plans have been complet- formerly of Watertown, S. D., are Continued from Page 8.) AWR ed to make this au outstanding Biaking their lioine in Sioux City. special class to accommodate a social event. Mrs. Goldstein is the former BerA Shevuolh Picnic to which a? A formal initiation of the AWR group of older children vvlio iiave nice Galiusky, Young Judaean groups will be in club was held on Thursday evenever had any Hebrew icstruc- vited Orthodox Synagogues will be She main subject o ning, April 10, at the home of tion. It is hoped that many par- discussion Miss Frances Kaidorf, who ha.sMiss at the Youug Judac Rachel Ginsberg. The new ents will take advantage of this Council meeting The evening services will start made her home in Sioux City for at the Jewish members were Irene Fdin, Maita special accommodation. Oil Thursday and Friday evening the past six months, left for St. Heeger, and Center Monday eveLouise Slotsky. Registration of new pupils will Community at 7 and on Friday and Saturday Joseph, Mo., where she will rebegin" April 20. Parents are urg-ning at 7:30. morning at 9. Itabbi S. I. Bolotside. A report on the Young Judae; ed to register their children im- Seder London (JTA) — After some was held at the cen nikov will speak on Friday mornmediately, in order to save them ter forwhich ing at the T'iphereth Israel synamonths of inactivity, Croydon Announcement has been made all groups Monday, Apri the unnecessary hardship of try-14, will be made. Because of the gogue and on Saturday morning of the engaegment of Miss Celia fascists are again iat work, it is ing to keep up with the rest of success of this Seder it was fel preceding the memorial services Bernadine Kratchmer of Cedar learned, and there has been a the class. by the committee copy o at the Beth Abraham synagogue. Rapids to Meyer Harry Schaffer, new campaign on chalking antiThe Hebrew school classes meet it should be sentthattoa nationa a medical student and a sou of putriotic and anti-Semitic slogans daily from 4 to H p. ni. and onYoung Judaea to be distributed Mr. and Mrs. M. Schaffer, 820 on walls. Sundays from 9 to 11, offering a for the youth of other chapters Otoe street. Their wedding date The most popular phrases, "No maximum course of Jewish stud- throughout the country. The Be has not been set. War for the Jews" and "Moseley •ciety ies. Its high standards are recog- der was written by Mrs. A. 8. Will Win." T h e s e messages, nized by the leading educational Goldstein and members of Young Neil Gorchow, sou of Mr. andchalked up at night, have recentinstitutions of America. The He-Judaea groups. Miss Ethel Edelstein of Hib-Mrs. Joe Gorchow, and Lawrence ly been found on walls and rail* brew Theological College of ChiAll presidents and advisors of bing, Minn., sister of Mrs. AbeMontrose, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. way bridges. Complaints h a v e cago considers the recent gradutes of the school among the Young Judaea groups are mem Agranoff, announces her engage- Montrose, are spending the holi- been made to the police, and it hers of this council which coor- ment to Mr. Ilyman C. Devine of days with their parents. Neil and is understood that the matter is very best of its students. For bus transportation arrange- dinates the activities of all the St. Paul, Minn., son of Mrs.' Ber-Lawrence, recent graduates of to be investigated. ments call Mr. J. Montrose, groups and plans joint functions 58245. Shaare Zioai


National Council Of Jeivish Women

The last service of the holiday will start at. 7:15 on Thursday and a special service at 8 on FriThe Contemporary Jewish Af- day evening. Rabbi IT. II. Rafairs group of the National Coun- binowitz will speak on Friday cil of Jewish Women will meet evening on "America, the Arsenal for a dessert coffee at the home of Judaism." The choir will preof the president, Mrs. H. S. No-sent Passover music. vitsky, 3323 Jones street, at 1 Memorial services will be held o'clock on Monday, April 21, Saturday morning at 9:45 preRabbi II. It. Rabinowitz will lead ceded by a sermon, "The Tragedy the discussion. Any council mem- of Losing Vision." ber wishing to attend can phone Sunday School classes will reMrs. Archie Kroloff, 58138, for assemble again at 9 o'clock on reservations. Sunday morning. The Effective Speech and Pub- There will be no Junior Conlic Speaking group will meet for gregation service because of the lunch at the home of Mrs. Dave holidays. Albert, 3829 Jackson street, at 1 on Friday, April 25. Mrs. Sol Party to Be Held Seff is co-hostess. The next regular and last meetAt Shelter House ing of the council will be held on Monday, May 5, at the Jewish "Sadie Hawkins Day" will be Community Center. held by Junior Hadassah Give or Get Donors on Tuesday evening, May C. All girls who contribute To Attend Conclave Members of the Sioux City to this fund and their escorts Youth Council have been invited will be guests of Junior Hadassah to an all-day conclave in Omaha at a party at Stone park shelter JMt&y .18. A. day packed with ac- house. A picnic B\ipper will be tivity has been planned lor the served <and novelty entertainment entertainment of the visiting del- has been planned. egates from nearby communities. Gertrude Lass is general ch;tfr-

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