i; I - '
- i ;•• •..-.
Sutered a« Second Class Malt Matter on January II, 1111, at Ftatofflce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March S.UT*
OUTSTANDING JCC ATHLETES ARE HONORED P*ul Bogdanof f and Landman Receive ' Awards Outstanding athletes of the lOfO -1941 Jewish Community Center season w e r e honored Wednesday.night at the annual Award Night. *; Paul fiogdanoff received t h e Coveted Irvln C. Levin trophy .as the^outstanding Senior athlete. ," yhe Harry Trustln award for the dutstanding Junior athlete went to Mike Landman. Basketball honors went to the Lincoln Tavern, pre-season champions; the Adler's Bakery team, Regular season champions; t h e Council Bluffs A; Z. A. 7, Junior - League winners, the Beth El Juiitors, runner-up in the Junior league, and the A. Z. A. 100 team .'which won second place in the Senior league, was A. Z. A. regional champ, and runner-up In the A. Z. A. district tourney at Hock Island. Members of the Lincoln Tavern team were: Jack Adler, manager, Mort Soref, Sonny Golding, Morris Adler, Herb Meiches, Sam Ruderman and Max Turner. Included on the Adler squad were: Art Adler, manager, Iz Noyak, Irwin Yaffe, James Bufroughs, Henry Riekes, Iz BogdaBOff, Sol Yaffe, and Harold Garber. On the Council Bluffs A. Z. A. team were: Al Passer, Jack Lincoln, Bob Yiidelson, Dan Kubbby, Douglas, Kooler, Herbert Tepperman, and Stanley Katleinan. ' Members of the Beth El team •were: Yale Trustln, Mel Sherman, Jerry Rosen, Frank Josephson, Darwin Marcus, Paul Zelinsky, Phil Fox, and Floyd Kuklin. The A. Z. A. 100 team included: Ben Kutler, Melvin .Levine, Mitchell Landman, Norman Kuklin, Sam Slutzky, Harold Epstein, Louis Slutzky, William Sussman, and Morris Ricbliu. * Handball Sol Yaffe was Class A preseason singles handball champion (Continued on Page 10.)
U;O.C. BROTHERHOOD DINNER WEDNESDAY The closing meeting of the U. O. C. Brotherhood will take place on Wednesday evening, May 14, at the Jewish Community Center. :This will be a novel dinner meeting in celebration of Lag B'Omer, Traditional observances will be followed. A short play entitled "The Star that Failed'-' will be presented. There will' also be a program of Palestinian songs and comic reading. Reservations arc being taken At JA 0887. • -• < Installation of new officers of the Brotherhood will take place at this time. The following will be Installed: Sam Katzman, president; Dr. A. Rimmerman, vice president; Sam Freed," treasurer, and I. Elewitz, secretary.
U. 0. G.
II' f •
. The Sisterhood of the V. O. C. Is planning a special Mothers Day service to take place on Sunday, May 11, at 9 a. m. at. the B'nai Israel synagogue/ Members of Sisterhood and their families' will be guests. The services wlll.be conducted by members of the Brotherhood, and Rabbi Isaiah Racftovsky.. will deliver a'brief address on-the 6c. caslon. This service will be followed by the usual Bible _Btudy_£roup j n the vestries of,the synagogue.
Hadassah Planning Sen. Wagner Forest New York (JTA) — Senator Robert F. Wagner, chairman of the newly-formed American Palestine commute, .w a s honored during A semi-annual conference of Hadassah's national bboard, which closed at the Hpte) Astof, by the dedication' of a forest of 10,000 trees to be planted In Palestine In recognition ot hln "life-long liberalism, devotion to justice, interest in the Zionist cS , the current Jewish Philan$ pies drive entered its secdnd movement a n d courageous es^ o K, all indications point to the pousal of humanitarian causes." £ j<» ta of $100,500 being reached. The announcement was made "* At the second report luncheon by Mrs. David de Sola Pool, Ha>t Tuesday at the Jewish Com.unity Center, workers heard dassah president, before 60 leadlilton S. Livingston, g e n e r a l era representing nearly, 700 Ha- Morton Margolin, Miriu. chairman, announce that $87,723 dassah chapters and groups from Rubnitz to Honor had already been pledged, . Less than twenty per cent of 46 states. Societies the quota remains to be raised On May 1, during the tradi- a n d workers are intensifying tional Ivy Day ceremonies, two their efforts,. Principal speaker at Tuesday's Jewish students at the University of Nebraska were awardedd the luncheon was Rabbi Saul Appelhighest honors possible for a Ne- baum, assistant to Rabbi Jonah Wise of the Central Synagogue of braska student to receive, Morton Margolin, son of Dr. New .York. Rabbi Appelbaum and Mrs. Morris Margolin of Om. characterized American Jewry as was inducted into the Inno- "the saving remnant." "We must All-Day Affair to Be Held aha, cents society, men's senior honor- give because we are the only In Omaha On ary; and Miriam Rubnitz, daugh- people left in the world who can May 18 ter of Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Rubnitz share." of Omaha, was made a member Increases Shown Complete plans for the first of Mortar Board, women's senior Rabbi Appelbaum described midwest conclave sponsored toy honorary. the work of the three national the Round Table of Jewish Youth agencies—the Joint Distribution The Innocents Society includes Sunday, May 18, have been an- a membership of thirteen men, Committee, the United Palestine nounced by Willard Friedman and the Mortar Board has thir. Appeal, and tho National Refugee and Kutli Rosenstein, chafriuen teen women chosen for their service. "There has been le#s anof the affair. prominence in university activ- tagonism toward the refugee than Registration will begin at 11 ities on a basis ot leadership, we had a right to expect In these o'clock in the morning at the scholarship, and service... Those days of lies and. propaganda,1; he Jewish • 'Community-' Center. A elected will serve for the ensuing said, crediting the National Refugee Service with this phenomyear. enon. Both Active Registration Mr. Livingston announced that Margolin is enrolled In Arts the Business a n d Professional and Sciences college, is i n e w s Registration for the Round of "The Daily Nebraskan," Women's group was showing an Table Youth Conclave sched- editor a member of the Student Union increase of forty-two per cent. uled for May 18, will be held board of managers, historian The Men's General Solicitations at the Center at 11 a. m. of of Alpha Pi Omega, past (Continued on Page 3.) and past secthat day. retary a n d historian of Sigma Those who wish to attend Mu fraternity. Sigma Aleverything on the all-day pro- Alpha Mu holds the distinction of gram with the exception of the pha seven men elected to the mid-day banquet may register having honorary in the last ten years. at this time, but tickets must Miss Rubnitz, a j u n i o r at be purchased in advance for those who plan to attend the Teachers' College, will be vice banquet so that reservations president of Tassels next semesmay be made. Th^s does not ter. She is a member of the Stu. apply to out-of-town delegates. dent Council, Coed Counsellor, Registration chairman is Maf- Sigma Alpha Iota editor, and a Members of the Beth El Synatye Leo Byron working with a member of Vestals of the Lamp. gogue will Sunday evening, May She was sophomore attendant to committee consisting of Shel11, participate in the dedication don Bernstein, Mollie Kelberg, the May Queen in 1940 and is of a new Sefer Torah. The Sefer present historian of Sigma, Delta Gloria Friedman, and Bertha Torah is being given by Mrs." J. Slutsky. Tickets for the day's Tau sorority. Sigma Delta Tau Milder and her children in memhas had* four girls on this honor- ory of the late Herschel and Rlvprogram are 50c. ary since its founding. ka Moss. , The service is scheduled to bemid-day banquet will be served, Vichy —JTA) - Lending 11- gin at 8 o'clock. Cantor Aaron Dolores Sklar, banquet chairman, announces that, reservations for braries have been "advlsed" by Edgar and the choir-will conduct the banquet must be made in ad. official circles to discontinue cir- the service and Rabbi David A. vance. The fifty cents charge culation of certain books, includ- Goldstein will deliver the sermon. must be paid at the time of res- ing Leon Blum's "Marriage," Following the dedication cereervation. This fee also includes which created a sensation when monies, the donors will, receive attendance - at all events, except it was first published 30 years in the social hall of the Synaago, it was learned. gogue. (Continued on Page 3.)
Drive Is
superlative merits of its leaders. Dy AL SEGAL * In the Jewish Post of Indianap- Who doesn't know how valiantly olis." there" is a flaming" argument Anshe Giborlm has been paying over Jewish publicity in the daily off the mortgage? Who doesn't preBs. It 1seema that Mr. Cohen, kno.w the spaciousness of Anshe the • Post's publisher, feels-that Giborim's synagogue which c a n matters- strictly of Jewish inter- hold as many as a thousand peoest only should not be allowed to ple on Yom Kippur? Nor can too much be said of clutter up the -columns, of the daily press. They belong in'the- its .leadership. Who isn't acquainted with the virtues of its presiJewish, press. \. t I myself have suffered- acute dent, Mr. Zilch, who is the big pain to see some- of the Jewish gadget manufacturer, or o£ Mrs, publicity that gets into the daily Zilch, who, with all her 60 years, press.'• Iti seems .to have to do looks BO young. (Her friends are largely with the vanities of Jew- always asking her how she manish leader's who like to see -their ages to keep her figure.) It was the.. Zilches who' paid names and pictures in the paper.. " Of/what public fnteresit, for ex-, 5iO.0-forJhe-key.with which the anlple; is- the ipiCnic- of the; K. K. doors of Anshe Giborlm were for, A'nshe ttiboH'in? 7 I d a not - mean mally, opened. to asperse' the- great and good • -• This wa,s also the day when name of ,'Anshe Glborim or the Anshe Glborlm'c treasurer paid
$50 for one brick of the synagogue. For the benefit of the congregational funds . they were auctioning off tho bricks, brick by brick, and his bid was the highest. No one. can tell me anything against* Anahe Giborlm. Nevertheless, I submit that it is none of tho business of "the general public, as represented by the daily press, that Anshe Giborlm is going to give a picnic, or that Ansho Glbbrlm" is going to have a bar mizvah or that Anshe Glborim is about to -Install- a. new acroll of the Holy Law. Yet when Anshe Glborim has a picnic it is made & matter that competes with the.rAxis, for .space In the daily press., -Anshe Gib:, orim's publicity ch&irman.sees^ (Continued on-'Page'-d.)'
RECRUIT ARMY FOR PALESTINE Ready Nation as Axis Drive for Suez Looms By BEUL COKALNIK Jerusalem (JTA) — Ilecruiting of Palestine Jew.s between the ages of SO and 80 was in full swing thLs week to meet tho threat arising from tho lighting in Iraq and the reported Axis plan for a drive towards SUCK through .Syria and the Holy Land. Enlistment of unmarried Jews began Sunday In response to a proclamation issued by the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Jewish National Council. Jewish officials said the call met with a warm response, but there were no immediate figures on tho number .of .recruits. There are already more., than 8,000 Palestine Jews w i t h the British, forces in North .Africa ana some were among the expeditionary force evacuated from Greece. Jewish soldiers returned f r o m Greece told the J. T. A. that the majority of tho Palestine Jews, most of whom were serving In the Royal Air Force, were safely evacuated from Greece. An Allied steamer bearing.400 refugee Britons, Poles, Czechs, German Jews and Yugoslavs from Greece arrived nt Haifa. Tho steamer was a" part of a largo British convoy which was unsuccessfully attacked from the air flve times. Escorting destroyers shot down one of the raiders. . The recruiting authorities named a special committe to consider applications for exemption. Although 8,00i) Jews are already serving In the British forces," mainly In Jewish units, the situation demands , Speedy ; enlarge^ ment of the ranks, the proclamation asserted. To spur the recruiting c a m p a 1 g n, Australian troops, headed by military bands, paraded through;the1 main streets of Tel Aviv, while Royal Air Force planes circled,,overhead. ; Confer \Vith British Dr. vM. Altman;'•'< leader 61 tho P a l e s t 1 n e Zionist-Revisionist group, conferred with Chief Government Secretary James McPherson and Major Clark, commanding officer of British forces in Palestine, on plans to convert,the Jewish community into a w a r machine for more active defense of the* country and aid to the British war effort. Both promised to forward his proposals to the porper authorities. \ * The outbreak of fighting" In Iraq has aroused intense excitement in Palestine and the belief Is widespread that the Holy Land is now on the front line of "the (Continued on Page 12.)
Pi Tau Pi to Hold Annual Services This evening the annual Pi Tau PI Mother's day service will ha held at Temple Israel. Rabbi David H. Wice will.deliver a aer-
monette, and Barton Green berg of the Junior Pi Tau Pi will speak.' . •' • . . , > " . . ' \' Ushers for the occasion ;wiH b» "Edwin, , Soinmefs,.ChapS o i n e f , Bernard B d p Kaplap;'3i4?lpn MiK Kl;'3i4l MK iaah) Howardd Kaplap;3i4?lpn M
4 W A k e r n l a h ; :and 'Me 'Mel 4er, Warren-Ackernlah; vin'Berkowits!/"'' ; i 1 .. :»*-
J.CLC, Sports :
one dull moment will be fouad. It moves swiftly and accurately tiraigbt toward the mark as surely and as effectively as' an arI row f r o m Rot In Hood's great bow.
i"k,v Kali! will be heard SunMutie by tie Center's fam&us cay Eioru:ng: st II a. IU. OK. lr..ree Hxhestra will provide a backdiamonds as* the Jevvuii Co-it a? udesigned to drive home aity Cenl-sr Softball league will he uiid of patriotic feeiget uJi'ier way, Probably t h e ng. impression By ecm.' J UiUig music with greatest enthusiasm has b e e n wimming ia an altogether new shown this year toward the soft- sjtd thrilling sequence inevitably ball league than any year iu the past, Six teams from Omaha and provides a mode of entertainment one f r o m Council Jituffs com- liever before presented to the enter's members. prise the Center league. Schedule Sunday, May 4 Plan now to attend. Put the A, / . A.'No. I vs. A. X. A. No. date, Wednesday, May 7, on your 100, 32d a-M Brwey. Council Bluffs vs. A. K.'s>, 33.il "must see" list. Weeks of prepaation have gone into making this and ('ass. Milder Liquor Co. vs. I>ej»eii- evening one that is certainly berg Cloliiiei's, SOth a»d Bur- worth your while. dette. Spring life savmg classes will Lincoln Tavern hye. Last Sunday f o u n d all the get under way just as soon as the teams participating in hard prac- aquacade becomes history. If you tice sessions. Displaying a world are interested In qualifying as a of power the Milder Liquor Co. Red Cross life saver make your ten easily downed tlie A. Z. A. wish known to the physical deNo. 1 In a practice game at 22d partment without delay. Classes and Charles. Pep Bogdonoff, Sam will be made up aud work started Rudennan, Auron Epstein and S BOOH as all are signed up. To Sonny Guiding lost no time in Jenter members there will be no finding their hatting eyes, driv- charge for this instruction. ing the bull all over the lot. The A. Z. A.'s, although inexperienced, showed a lot of promise and will be strengthened when Phil Weise and Ben Itifkin, both now playing for the maroon and white of Tech High, joiu the squad.
ay, I»fiy 2,
Signia Alpha Mu Lincoln (Special) — Honors, lections, and nxoghliioLs stare he spotlight as Siiguia Ooiicroa hap it r concluded a wetk packed .vith activity. Leading the iimeighl is the election of chapter ofiicers held on Aj;ril 28. Those o will reign for the eusuhig fear are: President, Ben Novicoff, incoln; treasurer, Erving Friednan, Sioux City; secretary, Philip Cantor, S i o u x City, assistant reasurer, Philip Eisenstatt, Omaha; historian, Walter Greeiiberg, Omaha, and alumni recorder, Bob Silvemian, Omaha. Results of last week's school election reveal the victory of Bob ramson, teachers' college, and d Chait, pharmacy, both of Omaha, to Studeut Council posts. On April 22 at the school's honor convocation it was revealed that four ignia Alpha Mu men were honored for high scholastic attainment, being in the upper ten per cent of their classes in their respective colleges. Those so honored were Norman Green, Norolk; Walter Greeiiberg, Omaha; Arthur Rivin, Scotland, S. D., and Morton Zuber, Hastings. Recently, Ben Novicoff Lincoln, was elected to Delta Signia Itho, honorary forensic fraternity. The annual freshman-upper classmen baseball game was played ast Sunday with the result being 10 to 6 in favor of the upperclassmen. The frosh played heads up ball all the way but errors in the field decided the margin. Signa Omicron debaters copped a 3 to 0 decision from previously un-
defeated Zeta Beta Tau to move into the fiaals of the inter-fraternity debate tourney. Upholding the negative side in t h e debate were Art Riviu and Harold Margulies. Plans are being laid for one of the most successful high school week-ends ever spo-u&ored by Bigma Alpha Mu. Committees are functioning smoothly iu anticipation of a, large representation of high school graduates. Tlie Hillel Extension Unit concludes its year of activity next Sunday with a banquet. Toastmaster of the evening will be Max Prostak, Sioux City. Plans are also being drawn up for the annual Mother Day affair which will be held on May 11, at which time open house will be held for all relatives and friends of members of Sigma Alpha Mu.
Recommend Rubert Monsky as Air Cadet Hubert W. Monsky was recommended at Camp Robinson, Ark., for appointment as flying cadet by the army's flying cadet board. Monsky, son of Mr. Henry Monsky, president of the Supreme Lodge of B'nal B'rith and the Omaha Jewish Federation, was prominent in college athletics before volunteering for the army.
New York (JTA) — Yebudi Menuliin, the violinist, sailed last Saturday on the S. S. Argentina for a ten-week tour of S o u t h America - - his first visit south of (be United States border. He is accompanied by his wife. . I AKK4K.4KS, McGHATH tc FBENJBEB, ' CIS i'fcriiam Bids. LEGAL NOTICE In the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska To the next of kin of Nancy Plilluraalee, Incompetent, and to all persons Interested io her estate: You are hereby notified that on April 23, 1811, a petition and order were filed ia the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, which orders reads as follows, IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA Doc. 3S9, No. 6 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the matter of the application of Harold W. Graham, Guardian of the Estate of Nancy Puilum&lee, Incompetent, for leave to sell real estate. Upon reading the duly verified petition of Harold W, Graham, guardian of the estate of Nancy Philumalee, Incompetent, duly filed herein, for license to aell the following described real estate of said Incompetent, to wit: Liots Twenty-nine (29), Thirty (30), Thirty-one (31), Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-three (33), in Block Two (2), McGavock and O'Keefe's Replat, an addition to the City of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, as surveyed, platted and recorded, It is ordered that the next of kin of said incompetent and all persons inter* ested in her estate appear before the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, in Court Room No. 7, of the Souglaa County Court House, in the city of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 24th day of May, l»il, at 0 a. ra., to show cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to said Harold W. OraIiam, guardian, for the sale of said real estate. It is further ordered that a copy of th|» order be published once each week, for three successive weeks, in The Jewish Press, a legal newspaper, printed, published and ot general circulation In «ald county. Dated tllla 23rd day of April, 1941. By The Court F. M. DINEENV 4-25-41-3t . District Judge.
Zurich (JTA)—The Rumanian High Court of Appeal has ruled that the 1938 law depriving Jews of citizenship is constitutional on the ground that it does not interfere with the rights of Rumanian (Continued from Page 1.) subjects, but only with those who Harry Altsuler's heavy clouting acquired citizenship "by illicit at 33d and Cass brought a smile the past year, the outstanding from Ed Lincoln as his tavern member of Mother Chapter. vited to attend all of the day's means," the Bucharest radio reported. crew practiced for the first time festivities. Awards to Be Made this season. T h e Lincolns, coSam Cooper will preside, and winners of the league last sum- other speakers will be: Justin mer, have added Dave Coldware, Priesman, Regional chaplain, Jimmy Burroughs a n d Charles "History of Mother Chapter"; Korney to last year's squad, al- Harry Coodbinder, R e g i o n a l though they lost the services of president, "Purpose of A. Z. A."; Herb Welches, Sonny Golding and and Haskell Cohen, Chapter presiM. Adler. dent, "Mother Chapter in 1940Herb Marks, one of the best 41." WHEN W pitchers in the city, did not pracDr. A. D. Faier will present lettice w i t h Jack Adler's ten be- ers to those Alephs who have VACATION cause he worked out with the All- participated in forensic or athletic Makes Type writers in the Amer- onipetltion, Advisor Art Robinson ican league. Herb pitched four present the Morris Arbitman no-hit, no-run Innings for them will award, and advisor Krvin Wezeliu. a practice game that day. man will welcome the initiates. Sunday evening will witness the Council Bluffs practiced across huge 17th birthday party and the river last Sunday and the A. dance to be held at the Jewish IC.'s arid Denenberg Clothiors onimunity Center. Refreshments played a practice game at Elm- will be served and all are Invited wood park. After a lot of slug- ,o be guests of A. Z. A. at this ging by both teams the A. K.'s line. emerged with the most runs alThe following young ladles will though the practice was mostly serve as hostesses: A. Z. A. Sweetconfined to conditioning the play- heart, Etta Garelick; Queen Esers. Remember ad g a m e s are ther, Ruth Miller; and Reeda scheduled for 11 a. m. this Sun- Magzamin, Mickey Goldberg, Maday and for some fine entertain- rian Novak, Ruby Kolnick, -Ruth ment conio' out unfl watch your Rosenstein, Dorine Wolpa,. Joyce favorite team in action. Marks, Betty Kuklin, Ida Epstein and Diana Lagman. ' Remember the date for the .Softball Game Award Night—May 7, 1011. Seventeen candles will brighten the huge birthday cake which Swim News will bo largo enough to serve six hundred persons. By HOWARD SIHNUOCIC The day's festivities will begin Center swimmers are working the waves out of tne pool in prep- with a softball game between the aration for the Award Nite Aqua- A. Z. A. 1 and A. Z. A. 100 cade. Award Nite, Wednesday, teams at Dewey Park, 32nd and May 7, will, .present, a program Dewey. The game, which Is schedmore varied,, more carefully pre- uled for 11 a. m., promises all pared, more .interesting than any the thrills that come from two evenly-matched, traditional rivother occasion of like nature.' als. Among those who will reWhen you take the family on a trip, go the care. Eleven stirring, exciting acts present Mother .Chapter in this free, sa/e way.' Stay at a hotel. You know in ad* . I that bive never before been pre- game will bo several men who sented will feature the-aquacead. are to be initiated at the afteryance that the family will spend the night in good, Approximately fifty ,s.w i m m e rs noon program. will perform, counting among Omaha Jewry is cordially insurroundings, that you'll be relaxed and comfort* among them aome imported talent that has been signed to bol able after a day of driving, that yourcar and your ster the show. Both boya and girls of the center's physical edit other property will be safe, ' ;. ' . cation department have been practicing faithfully and indus triously ironing out the wrinkles of the complicated difficult for mations that are being used.
. The aquacade has a patriotic theme this year in Keeping with the trend or events. In this show will be portiuyed an aquatic interpretation of national defense The aquacade will last but thirty minutes and during that time not
WHOLESALE . O Candloo O Cigars 0T©t»QCco 0 Pipoo Supplioo
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,, HOLLYWOOD. • All this calamity talk about what would happen to Hollywood after the Joss of the European market proved to be just a cry of "Wolf!" A manager of foreign distribution reports there is an increase in foreign revenue, owing to t h e greater attendance in South America and China; latter is developing into a particularly good market. And the American product is still entering Sweden in appreciable amounts. Hollywood to Berlin in three "lakes:" It was an outdoor set for "Underground." Nazi storm troopers were helling and clicking heels in front of the Dentsches Chemisettes Institute. Suddenly A whistle froze all action. Overhead droned Uie motors of six Lock' heed planes - - en route to port for shipment to England - • destination, Berlin. The Mexican government, although eager to be on excellent terms with Hollywood, as witness the unprecedented welcome tendered the recent star Junket to Mexico City, does not wish to endanger its delicate diplomatic relations with Germany. Hence, Orson Welles wa8 relused permission to film the story of a Nazi plot in Mexico. Orson, by the way, s recuperating f r o m "Citizen Kane" at the home ol his boyhood guardian, Maurice Bernstein. Altrthought: Wonder if there Is any s t o r y connection between his friend and the Berntsteln character in his picture? ' Goodwill Producer: Annually, at Easter season, Harry Warner stages a private matinee for a group of Catholic priests and nans, most of whom are not permitted to attend public theaters. This year there were 1,500 guests f r o m convents and schools all along t h e southern California coast. Zig's-Zags: Did you know that Edward' Robinson has received more than a dozen plaques and scrollo for his contributions to Americanism? Eddie, by the way, offers three days a week, off salary, to help the Defense Commission . . . believes it's the least hat men over the draft age can do to help. Milton Berle, disgusted with our incessant rain, has almost decided to put portholes in'his new house Instead of windows. He says he chose the house site for the view - - on a clear,day, with a telescope, he can1'see Hedy LaMarr. In Waukegan, Jll., they are about to imTnortalisie the Jello King - - South Butrlck Street is. about to, be retitledY Jack Benny street. • The joke around this village is that George Jessel'o father-in-law, soon to be £• grandfather, must shortly answer his draft call! The.Marx madness will .be canned' with the label, "Bargain Basement." Did ou know that Fanny Brice's first husband was a barber? She says she m a r r i e d him '"cause he smelled so nice." The odor faded in less than a year. ; The red-wigged blonde-chaser hat the public sees is not at all the real Harpo Marx. He is a Beriouo student of classic music . and his most ardent desire was to have a son on ^whom he could lavish all the musical1 education that was denied him. Since he and his wife w e r e not so blessed,, they finally adopted a child. Now, to Harpo's great joy, the boy reveals amazing precocity for identifying the' classical composers by their music. -
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Friday, M*y 2, 1&41
Office of Round Table
- Short-Cut to Success Under t is e Rtsspices of the Round Table of OniRha Jewish Youth, asi all-day conclave will be held for ail cities fsi the midwest region OH Huudsy, May 18. Ruth ftosenslein of Junior Hadassah and Wiharu Friedman of Ronoh are co-chairmen of the affair. Following registration at the Jewish Community Center iu the moruing from-9 uutil 12, a banquet will be held, at which the finals of the oratorical contest wilt take place and the award made to the winner. "The Need for Unity in American Jewish Life" is the topic of the oration. Edward Chernisa, winner of the local finals, will represent Omaha and Council Bluffs. Pour panel discussions will be included on the program from 2 until 4. The topics will include: "Careers Ahead," "Youth Clubs," "Jewish Youth in National Defense" and "The Hole of Jewish Youth in American Democracy." Leaders for each discussion are to be announced. A joint swimming party will be given in the Center pool at 4:30. Willard Friedman is chairman, of this affair. As the highlight of the day's activities and the climax of the conclave, the Coronation Ball will take place at the Paxton hotel. The First King and Queen of Merit in the Realm of Achievement will be crowned on the basis of their activities and participation in both social and cultural affairs. The appointments will be made by the executive , board of the Jewish Community Center and tlie names of those selected wlU not be revealed until their appearance in the ceremony, Attending the royal couple will be a royal party including the presidents of all the clubs affiliated with the Round Table, officers of the Round Table, and an outstanding personage from each of the cities participating. The following committees are arranging for tne affair: Registar tlon, Martye Lea Byron, chairman, and Bertha Slutzky, Molly Kelberg, Gloria Friedman, Sheldon Bernstein; Dating, Reeda • Magzamln and Bill Stlefler, chairmen, and Frances Blumkin, Etta Gorelick, Mickey Goldberg, Florence Tatelman; Housing, Janet Roaenstock, chairman, and Roslyn Betty Levy,' Ueorge Scholnick, Irving Malashock, Dorothy Gold^ ner, Frieda. Riekes; Luncheon, Delores Sklar, chairman, Frieda Riekes, Harvey Sapot, Darwin Marcus, Reva Ellen Bordy; Transportation, Harold Slutzkin, chairman, Yale Richards, Martin Guss; Telephoning, Ethel Kadis, chairman, Bess Lefitz, Sophie Blumkin, Ruthie Stein, Helen Mlnkin; Coronation Ball, Elaine Lagman, chairman; Tickets, Yale Richards, chairman, H a r r y Goodblnder, Harold Oruch; Publicity, Elaine L-aguian. chairman. . Ticket Sale Fees for the Jay's activities are fifty cents. Tickets for the coronation ball are one dollar per couple. They are now on sale and may bo purchased from any member of the conclave committee or at the center. Reservations for the banquet must be made by May 12. Anyone who would like to offer his or h,or home1 for the housing of out-of-town guests is asked to call Janet Rosenstock, WA 754C.
Round Table Bulletin Staff• Editor-tn-Chief
. >V....... Elaine' Lnginnn Society Editor . : . ' . • ; . . . . . . . Rath Rosensteln Advisor . . . . . . . . . .1. . . . . . . . . . . Miss Blanche* Kidman Reporters: Reva Bordy a n d V/Jllard Friedman. OT»o HPUND TABLE BULSiBTirJ Is published p a c e a month b j too Round Table 0? <?owisls Youth''as a feature of PSESS.• : ; '•.. : ,'
Are you anxious to get married? Are you searching iu vain for a Job? Are you afraid to ask for a raise or a promotion? Then grieve no more, dear reader, for we have found the solution that has passed the a c i d test. It's simple. It's harmless. It costs you nothing. Simply put
In the Spotlight With eight charter members, Bas-A-Mi, which means Daughters of Our People, began its functions with Irene Mirowitz as its first president. In June the club will have its election of officers, which will mark the beginning of a fifth year. Since its purpose Is 1>oth social and charitable, the organization includes in each year's program an annual dance, card party, bake sale, slumber party and two or three other money raising projects each season. This year's list of officers, headed by Elaine Lagman, president, include: Mrs. Joel Chemlss, vice-president; Mrs. Leo Sherman, secretary; Esther Shapiro, treasurer; Betty Tarnoff, reporter. Plans have been discussed to begin another chapter of Bas-AMi in Omaha, and then in the future begin chapters In surrounding cities. However, this will be a project taken up at length at the beginning of the club's new season In the fall. At present Bas-A-Ml Is hard at work on a new, and exciting program tentatively set for May 13. The club will sponsor a style show on this date in which representatives from several ot the club3 that are affiliated w i t h Round Table will participate. A novel and interesting method of presentation is being planned. Mrs. Chernls3 Is chairman of the affair. Three of the club's members are Round Table representatives this year. They are Louise Miller, who is secretary of t h e Round Table, Charlotte Nogg and Elaine Lagman.Bas-A-Mi's membership l i s t consists of Mrs. Leo Sherman, Frances Rubin, Mrs. M o r t o n Fisher, Charlotte Nogg, Mrs. David Kaplin. Betty Tarnoff, Esther Shapiro, Elaine Lagman, Bernice Silver man, Harriet Salzman, Diana Lagman, Louise Miller, Mrs. Joel Chernisa, Selma Scholnick and Mrs. Melvin Shryer. Those who are inactive at the present time Include Mrs. Harold Perelman, Sylvia Epstein, Shirley Epstein, Lorraine Lesser, Connie Meyer and Mrs. Dorothy Sokol. • • Four new members were voted into the club at the last meeting which waB held at the home of Mrs; David Kaplin, and t h e i r names will be revealed at a future date. At the close of its fifth year, Bas-A-Mi will have a formal reunion which was planned , the year the club *egan, Mrs. Eva Kotiecky haa sponsored. the girls since the origin of the club and has. helped'.them -with her experience and knowledge as an understanding and invaluable leader. And so a salute of best wishes for future success in your aims and for continuance in the spotlight. We are happy to have you
your application in to serve as president or vice-president or secretary of the Round Table, and presto, opportunity stops knocking, walks in, and seats itself iu your lap. This year the Round Table has had in the president's chair first, Irving Nogg, next Leo Meyerson, and now, Warner Frohman. And our secretary, Louise Miller, was recently m a r r i e d . If this keeps up at the usual speed it has shown heretofore, every application will be recognized. Just address same to R. T. Presidency Waiting List, Lucky Channel, Jinx, Neb. Round and round the office goes and where it will atop nobody knows. Oh, well, all's well that ends well, and with Frohman now sitting in the seat of luck, the end looks more like the start of a beautiful beginning!
A. Z, A. 100
Sam Beber Chapter No. 100 will join in the celebration of the seventeenth anniversary ol the founding of Aleph Zadik Aleph by cooperating with the Mother Chapter in its program next Sunday. Since the Installation of the first chapter in Omaha in 1924 and its adoption as the junior order of the B'nai B'rith in the same year, the A. Z. A. has grown to a membebrship of 12,000 in over 425 chapters in the United States and in eight foreign countries. T h e seventeenth anniversary was a l s o marked by the installation of a chapter in Shanghai, China, this week. The program Sunday will be opened with a softball game between the two chapters which will also officially open the J. C. C. softball league. The game to be played at 32d and Dewey at 11 a. m. will be a real grudge battle between the chapters which split the two games duirng last year's season. Following the final pre-season practice l a s t Sunday morning, Captain Norman Kuklin's hopes for a victory were high with over twenty Alephs, most of them last year's veterans, reporting. Sunday's game,will aoe the return of the following members from last year's Century squad: Alephs Leo Alperson, Milton Guss, Morris Richlin, Sam Slutzky,'Max Osterman, Ben Kutler, Louis Slutzky, Mike»»Landihan, Norman Kuklin, HaroW~Epsteln, Ed Kuklin, Bill Susman a n d Ben Miller. Outstanding addition to the team is Aleph Melvin Levlne, who may be called from his outfield position to back up the, pitching of Alephs Guss and Landxnan. Others trying. for1 the team .Included Harold Slutzkin, S a m Beber, Lou!s Katz and Fred Colton. ' ' Fololwing the. game,: the anniversary program, will be at the J. C. C, at 3 p. m. with a dance that evening. The public has been invited to attend the entire.day's activities. The chapter's social service committee, under the chairmanship of Sidney Washerman, is at present 'cooperating w i t h the Jewish Philanthropies campaign and has contributed many workers in the youth division. The chapter is also offering its 100 per cent support to the Round Table Youth Conclave to be: held in Omaha May 18. Aleph Godot Harold Slutzkin Is ticket chairman for the'coronation ball. ' with us. ••••••,": A chapter 'weiner roast, will he ROUND TABLE. held in May, according to Social Chairman Milton GUBB and Yale Richards. The date will be anSinai Cluh nounced at the meeting to be held • • Because of tlie Passover holi- Sunday, May 11. '; •• ^ days, the Sinai club, had a two weeks recess. . A regular meeting Gdmma.TauSigma was held April 23, at which time, Bliss"' 'Frances Oland was elected . Tlie regular social meeting of corresponding secretary. the Gamma. Tau Sigma will be .A barn dance for members only held Sunday; May A, at the home Will be held on Saturday, May 3. of the president, Doris Pinkovitz. Girls selected at the last meetWaldemar Haffkine; a Russian ing, to model in the BaskA-Mi style Jew, discovered* the method of shown ar£>:, Bea Krauae. Martye inoculation against cholera.
Heading tlie Youth Division of tine Itt41 Phil&nthroiiihy Drive is Warner Froiiiu&n, president of th Round Table of Omaha Jewish Youth. Assisting hhm will be Sam IC&pI&H, boys' organizations, and Klaiise LKginan, girls' ©rg&niitfltionS. General university chairman Dan Miller. Workers at Nebraska Medical school include: Muriel Frank, girl major; Arthur Spar, boy major; Haskell Morris, boy captain. At Creighton university Sheldon Bernstein is major, assisted by: Sheldon Waxenberg, Ralph Turkel and Bernard Altsuiter. Girl Major at Omaha university is Shirley Greenspan with a team consisting of Shirley Chaseu, Ruth Rosenstein and Florence Tatelman. Harry Goodbinder is major of Omaha university boys, with Yale Richards, captain, Justin Priesman, captain, and workers Abe Resnick and Leonard Morgenstern. General high school chairmen are Reva Bordy, girls, and Yale Trustin, boys. Assisting them at Benson High are Majors Norman Wohlner and Ruth Paperny with Florence C o h e n , worker; at Brownell Hall i3 Major Miriam Schliumel; at Central high, girls' major is Diana Lagman, working with Sbirlee Feinstein, M a r g e Silverman, Shlrlee Albert, Frieda Riekes, Dorothy Swartz, Dorothy Rosen, Sylvia Bernstein and Harriett Newman; boys' major, Gordon Margolin, is assisted by Sidney Greenbaum, Selwyn Roffman Barton Greenberg and Fred Colton. Majors at North High are Lee White and Lorraine Rosenberg. At Van Sant's Business school ia Martye Leo Byron. The boys' major at Tech High is Milton Cackln working with Marvin Richards; girls' major is D o r i s Pinkovitz assisted, by E v e l y n Pinkowitz, Fannie Kelberg, I d a Chodak and Bernice Burnsteln. Majors at South High are Edith Wolfson and Norman Zevitz. At a youth rally held at the Jewish Community Center on T u e s d a y , April 22, Chairman Warner Frohman spoke briefly on the importance of this year's drive and goal to which he received definite enthusiasm.
The florists protest, the^girls pout, but the boys smile, for there will be allowed no corsagea, absolutely none, at the Coronation ball to be held.on May 18 as the highlight of the Round Table Conclaye. .. ' In an attempt to cut the expense ot the young escorts for the ball, the committee in charge of the ball has put a taboo on the sporting of flowers on the girls' shoulders,.wrists, or hair for that nighTs formal affair. ; But fret not, sir florist,, for the young, ladies marching in the cor-r onatioh procession to crown the f^3t King and Queen,of Merit in the Realm of Achievement will toddle down the center aisle with their armjjio'er flowing with bouquets of luscious flowers. ..Now, then, that's saving the olbudget from wear, and tear so no man. need hesitate to come. Corsages? Never heard of them.
Conclave Aided by x Dating Committee Bill Stiefler and Reeda Magzamln, co-chairmen of the dating committee'.for the Round Table Conclave to. be held on May 18, have announced that all Omahaim should getrtheir dates for the ball by May 10," which will be the deadline, c After that day laames may be submitted" for the arranging of out-of-town flatea andv local d a t e 3 . ' . . .
' . • ' " • . - " ; -' •. \
' '•;
•'• •'
. I f anyone prefers an > out-oftown date for the affair, pleaser subinlt his or ,her name and de-
Some musts for my spring wardrobe - - from head to foot - r Hats - - for sport - - must remember to ask SYLVIA LEFITZ where she got that smart beige sport hat trimmed in that new shade of brown, and then for dress I'd love to have a little red pillbox like FRANCES BLUMKIN'S with t h a t flower and matching veil. - - couldn't get o v e r A N N E ROSEN'S block patent with the stub toes a n d white trim - - these would be swell for dress. And then for that extra pair of dress s h o e s guess I'll get some of those smart red suede shoes like FRANCES BLACKER'S. I really went for those carved heels and that trim at the toe. Simply grand f o r sport and really comfy are those beige wedgies of DONNE HANDLER. Coats - - I kind of go for pas-* tels BO guess I'll get a powder blue swagger coat slmlliar to RHEA SCHNEIDER'S, and If I look as good as REEDA MAGZAMIN in kelly green one of those three-quarter reverslblea would be grand for knocking around. Suit • • For my suit can't make' up my mind - - they're all so good looking. Just can't decide between a gray covert cloth suit with torso jacket worn with black wool cape by HARRIETT SALT5KMAN - - a plaid one like BABR BLir.MKIN'g with pink and blue predominating - - a plaid one like BETTY CORN'S with brown oatstanding and with which s h e wears a sporty brown blouse - or a beige tweed like RE NEB GREENBERG'S that's quite mannish and that sports a smit*ft cigarette lighter as a lapel gadget - - a plaid one similar to CECt COHEN'S with that long g jacket and pleated skirt or a claa
l plaid suit of light hue that EDITH WOLFSON sports these days - or a pink pastel outfit like MICKEY GOLDBERG'S with all 'round pleated skirt and long loose. Jacket - - a n d then again there's SHIRLEY DAVIS' red military jacket worn with white blouse and black pleated skirt - - or FRANCES OSOFF'S beige jacket with the new wrist length sleeves. - - oh me - - ecny, meeny, roiny, moe. . . Sport outfit for school or work - - Am simply mad about those jerkins with matching skirts - BESS LEFITZ looks real cute In her powder blue J e r k i n matching swing skirt and .• broadcloth blouse, and E T T A GARELICK catches your eye in her light blue outfit, of pleated , skirt and long jerkin and worn with white blouse. J O Y C E . MARKS chooses a red jerklo to. wear as contrast with her dark skirt. . Lost but .not least dressy dresses H will I ever make up p my B l k b ite mind? Black seems to be quite popular tliis season so I've got to have at least one black dress In ruy spring wardrobe - -HELEN WHITEBOOK'S black crepe with . a bib of laco is quite attractive, also there's; ELAINE TJICHMAJT wearing a. simple .black crepe' trimmed with dainty white lace, or RUTH KOHN In a.black crepe trimmed at the collar and pockets with jgreen sequins. For that extra dress I could get something like: DOROTHY ROSEN'S aqua crepe with an attractive neckline, or RITA: MARKS' slate bilie:-crepe" with*; real full sleeves.'feathered at cuffs and neck by bright embroidery and the entire dress set off by a white pique collar, or DIANA LAGMAN'S dress that consists of brown" and w h I t,e -' checked - skirt, white Mouse," and kelly greeii bolero, and to be out- • standing very much; to gbrI'd like d, jt pi d h b, aa brown d11, Wjt jhit" sjtriped have, and silkk jersey; dress with .real. long j full Bleeves and pleated skirt that QUEEN" ESTHER wore i t t h o dance.'" * ' * ' Next month 'will feature' o u r men of! tho hour In" the- ciothca" .world.
U n t i l t h e n , .-' ..I-;.,•••-.:• ;•"
'••-. : -.'•;';,•••;••:...'•••-•.' • v ' . v ; . . - - " - ' - ; • ;
Friday, May 2, 1941
Council Bluffs ij
The last regular meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women will be held in the form of a Bridal Luncheon on Monday, May 5, at 1 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. All Brides of the past season will be honored at this luncheon. There will be a short business meeting, brief annual reports by the three vice-presidents and president, and a very fine program. Mrs. Milton Bolstein, recent bride, will give the invocation, Mrs,. Iz Shindler, also a bride, will introduce the program which will be a piano duo by D o r i s Pill and Gloria Novitsky and the reading of the play, "Life With Father," by Mrs. Albert S. Goldstein. Luncheon chairmen are Mrs. Earl Kline, Mrs. Max Rosen stock, Mrs. Sam Shulkin, Mrs. Morey Weil, assisted by their committee, and tables will be appropriately decorated by Mrs. Jules Lederer and Mrs. Leon Dobrofsky.
By Lucille Abrahams©!!
r. TftLAlVD TORAH A meeting of Hie Talmud Torah will be held itfonday evening, May 5, at the Ohevra B'nai Ylspoel synagogue. BOYS YOUNG JUDAEA At the last meeting pf the Boys' Young Judaea, a shield w a s chosen to represent the group. Plans were also made for a baseball team. Four new members have been contacted and will be present at the next meeting.
P«se looked at my teeth only to find out my age.
By Dr. C. P. Hutmeg "A luerry heart Ui*keth « cheerful countenance." Joe: How long have you been working for your boss? Michael: Since we were married twenty years ago. Dorothy: Why did you return the presents to Doctor Yokel? Bother: Because he threatened to send me a bill for his courting visits.
Doctor: I am sorry to tell you that your husband has lost his Rabbi David A. Goldstein left mind. Sunday to attend the Conference Wife: It could not be because of Adult Jewish Education at tbe he never ha« had one. Jewish Theological Seminary in New York. Customer; Butcher, have you Rabbi Goldstein will also go any brains? to Philadelphia for tbe meeting Butcher: If I had brains do you of the Rabbinical Assembly of think I'd be in the butcher busi- America where he will read a paness? per. He is planning to return on May 9. Smith: How much is Mr. Lokes worth? / BLDMENTMAL * SMITH, Atttyi. 768 Bifcodcli Ti.ti.Uii Bidf. Brown: Mr. Lokes himself is not worth a dime. But he owns PEOBATE NOTICE property which Is worth about IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP SOPHIA A. GOODRICH, DECEASED. fifty thousand dollars. Notice is Hereby Given: That the credi-
Teacher: Which are the two most important muscles operating involuntarily or without direction Jabotinsky Bust Shown HADASSAH of the brain? The Hadassah donor luncheon Landon (JTA)—A bust of the Student: The heart and t h e will be. held next Tuesday, May tongue. late Vladimir Jabotinsky by the 6, at the Hotel Chieftain. An ensculptor Hu8tcb.uk has been actertaining afternoon has b e e n Mother: Why did you break off cepted by the Royal Academy and planned. your friendship with the dentist. will be exhibited beginning next Daughter: Because he always Monday. Additional names to last week's list are Mesdames Julius Rosenfeld, Ben Seldin, and Max Steinberg.
ATTEND WEDDING Out-of-town guests who arrived here for the Abrahamson-Miller wedding were: Mrs. Al Lavin of Chicago; Miss Cranie Hurwitz of Sioux City, Iowa; and Lt. Herbert Rosen thai of Shreveport, La., who flew in for' the cereJUNIOR HADASSAH mony. All Junior Hadassah girls who have'raised their give or get and their escorts will be the guests ATTEND WHOOPEE DAYS «f Junior Hadassah at a party to Coming in from the University be held at the Shelton House in of Iowa to attend Whoopee Days Stone Park. The party will be- at Lincoln, Neb., were Miss Shirgin at 9 o'clock. A novel pro- ley Gershun, daughter of Mr. and gram has been planned for the Mrs. Ben Gershnn, a n d Libbie evening's entertainment. Co-chair- Grossman, ..daughter of Mr. and men of the program are Gertrude Mrs. Morris Grossman. Lass and Jan Lebowlch. Chairmen of the raising of the "give or get" WEBB, UEJRER, BUJTZNICK is Bertha Heshelow. In charge & HISJUQBY.rAttfr.-, of food arrangements is R o s e too Service l i t e Kl&g. Cohen, assisted by Gertrude Lass FINAL ADKElNHgTRATIOT? ACCOUNT and Nelle Sinykln. In the County Court (si Dougta? County, Proceeds of this "give or get" Nebraska. the Matter &f the B&fttS fijf fttnh project go to the Palestinian InGarter, Deceases: budget. AJi'i>ei»on» E&Ja matkr.jare hereby notifiedinterested Uffit onIn«tfe aBtb . * « . of
Society News
Rabbi Goldstein at Meetings in East
tors of the said deceased will meet the Executor of (.aid eetste, before me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at tbe County Court Room, In said County, on the Pth day of June, 1011, and <>n the Mb day of August, 1M1, at 0 o'clock, A. il., each day, for the puriioue of presenting tlieir tiaime for eitiiilnation, adjustment and allowance. Time months are allowed for the creditors to l>iestut their claims, from the Sth day of May, 1941. CHARLES J. BOUTHAHD, 4-18-41-3t. County Judge.
hereby notified Uffit on «tfe aBtb . * « . of April, IM1, Uan>MGutF?$(]M!tLti£tnt!on April Uan>MGutF?$(]M!tLti£tnt! In saidIM1 county cd'Jj, praywgaiAttliJi f i u l admlnJqtml'an erlajft « t q m l n ncc«unt;lilt4 JJiery tled and allowed, tmtf that 1 £harged fro&» fets trust S *
NIW cuntn
ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT At a family dinner on Sunday, April 20, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ratner of Sioux > City, announced the engagement of their daughter, pear brforf> eaJd court of May, 1841, af " Helen, to Phil Schwartz, son of day contest Bald petition, Mr. and Mrs. D. Schwartz of the prayer of caJd p< of helraSilp, end'msio . "Omaha. orders, .allowances No wedding date has been ther thin court may efcm.jirypfri', that all matters S t a i n i n g tg chosen.
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i y , Mty 2, I ©41
Temple Sisterhood
accompanied j by
A Dr. I. Q. program 'will be At a family diimer g'ivtn on The program ceruimitt-e of the iii'oadee-it by JiiLEiy Robinson and r Sunday, A p r ii Tesiii/ie It rat 1 B: >;U-txood viil be Clones Ro&enttock. A puppet 20, Mr. 'and Mrs. is charge of tfee ai, ni- & I Mother's KKOW will be presented by Mrs. Sam Ratntr ot Day luncheon which is to be held Arthur Herring. f-ioux City, la., en Saturday, May 10, t i the Tem- Mrs. Edwin Brodkey and h e r " announced t h e ple. TiJs day -has also fcteu des- committee are in charge of'decor-' engagement of ignated as Sisterhood Sabbath, ations. their daughter, and luncheon v*iii be preceded by WEINBEKG-KTEINBERG • Helen, to Philip a special service, Miss ToLe Steinberg, daughter Schwartz, son of Mrs. Philip GiJinsIry is general of Mr. and Mrs. Max Steinberg, A hostess luncheon of the U. Mr. and Mrs.- D. chairman in charge of arrangeSunday afternoon became t h e O, C. Sisterhood will be held on : ments. Readers at the morning S c h w a r t ? of bride of Mr.-Joseph Weinberg of service will be: Mrs. J. M. New- Tuesday, May 6, at 1 p. m. at Omaha. Washington,-D. C, BOH of Mr. and n, Miss Ratner ' No • d e f i n ite man, Mrs. Harry Tru&lin, Mrs. the LS'nai Israel synagogue. •- ' • Mrs. If, Weinberg, also of WashA final musical program is be- ' wedding date has as j e t been Paul'Blotcky and Mrs. H a r o l d ington. Farber. Members of the confirnifc- 'nil- c.iir.ij£t'i, and h guest speaker Rabbi David A. Goldstein per- chosen. lion class will act as ushers. v»iil be intstnt. Ittbervations "will formed, t h e ceremony at t h e be t b l t n at JA 0887, until MenWords of greejiug will be exBlaekstone hotel in the "presence US-^ itiAAl. tended by Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, who of members of the immediate is to represent the mothers. Miss family. Marian Sally Livingston will reA reception followed the cerespond for the daughters, and Bert mony, . Hene, jr., for the sons. A trio, The couple will be at home in The date of the formal opening consisting of Joan Rosenstock, Washington after May. of the Highland Country club has Anna Jane Kujakofsky and Barbeen changed from May 24 to bara Gilinsky, "will sing. C O U S I N S C L U B • '' " ••' ""• :• - May 31. Mrs. Abe Somberg is chairman Mrs. E. Meyer will be-hostess to the Cousins club on Wednes- . On May 13, a stag will be held of the luncheon and is being asat the club Pips from all other v sisted by the following members day, May 7, at 1 o'clock at the Regis hotel. Those unable to coiae clubs in. the city /will be present of, lier c o m m i t t e e : Mesdamts are asked to get in touch with for the day of golf. The same Charles Schlmmel, Sam Friecjman, day, the women of the club will Harry Loewenstein, Edward AbraMrs. Meyer, JA 2896. hold a party at the downtown hams, I. D. Iseman, Jack Soloclubrooms in the Paxton hotel. mon, Harry Willnsky, Theresa ANNOUNCE BIRTH .: • ' -The former chef at the Lake Sommer and Harry Levy. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Katzman anFollowing the luncheon, comnounce, the birth of a son on Sun- Shore Country club has been enmunity singing will be led by Mrs. day, April 27, at St. Joseph's hos- gaged for the season. . pital. -
MALASHOCK-EOTILSCHILb Saturday evening at 8 o'clocl s t Temple Israel Miss Babette Edith Rothschild, daughter of Mrs. Henry Monsky and (he late Albert Rothschild of Chicago, became the bride of Lloyd Gordon Malashotk, son of Mr. and-Mrs. Harry Malashook. Rabbi David H. Wiee performed the ceremony before an altar banked with -white and peach gladioli and snapdragons a n d quantities of fern. Point d'esprit over paperweight taffeta fashioned the gown worn by the bride. In an'old-fashioned mode, the skirt was long and flowing, and the bodice had a square, dropped shoulder neckline with long tapering sleeves that fell over the hands. Her veil, of the same material as the gown, had a tiara of seed pearls, caught with tiny clusters of orange blossoms. She carried bride's roses, gardenias and orange blossoms. Mrs. Paul Grossman, matron of honor, and Miss Ruth Rosenstock, maid of honor, •were gowned in Key West green and carried colonial bouquets of Talisman roses and salmon sweetpeas. The Misses ANNOUNCE BIRTH Mr, and Mrs. Ruddy J. MittleJane Chapman, Libby Fishberg, Jeanne Robin of Chicago, a n d man of Flint, Mich:, former OmaEstherose Green v.'ald of 'Gary, hans, announce the birth of a Ind., were bridesmaids. They were daughter, Arlene Kay, on Thursgowned in peach color and car- day, April 24. Mrs. Mittleman is ried colonial bouquets of peach the former Bernice Falk. roses and lavender sweelpeas. • Irving Malashock was best man Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Kagan anfor his brother.-The ushers were: nounce the birth of a daughter, Aaron Levitt, Warren Ackerman, Carolyn Jill, on April 24, at the Howard Kaplan, Richard Hiller, Immanuel hospital. Mrs. Kagan Bernard Chapman, Henry" Mala- was Miss Gertrude Perils. Bhock, Paul Grossman, E d w i n Sommers and Harlan Milder, all IN KANSAS CITY of Omaha, and Henry Hirsch and Dr. a n d Mrs. Ben Goldware Robert Lubliner of Chicago. spent last week-end in Kansaa Harry DuBoff, nccpmpanied by City, Mo,, where Dr. Goldware gave a lecture and demonstration Mrs. Du Boff, sang. The bride's mother wore a sea- of foot orthopedics b e f o r e - t h e ' foam, green chiffon gown, w i t h Ninth Zone Convention of t h e gold belt and slippers, and a cor- Association of Chiropodists. sage of pink roses. A dark blue triple sheer gown v.'aa worn by the JOWLY N MICMOIUAIj •bridegroom's mother, Mrs. MaU- Sunday at the Joslyn Memorial, Bhopk. Her belt and slippers were starting at 2:30, a Young ^rtists'. also gold.'in keepii.g with the mil- Week prog.am will bo sponsored itary motif of the gown, and she by the Omaha Music_ Teachers' association. At the same time, in wore a corsage of yellow roses. Following the ceremony, a re- the lecture hall,'three sound dims ception was held at the Black- w i l l be sho^n: -"Abstractions," Btone- hotel. Assisting at the re- 'Contemporary A r t i s t s " and ception were: Mesdames D a v i d 'Bells, Gargoyles, and-Spires." ' "Wice. Harry Wolf, Milton LivingsDr. C. M. Wilhelmj will lecture ton, Fred Rosenstoclc, Isidor Zicg- at 3:30 on "The Conquest of ler, Sam Josephson, John Farber, Tain." A 4 o'clock concert will Harvy Trustin, Jay Malashock,' be given by ' the St. Paul choir Max Simon,• Morris Jacobs a n d of Lincoln. At 4:30 a Joint reRichard Einstein. cital will be given by. David MaAfter a motor trip south, the jors, violinist, and the Central couple plan to be at home in High School Small ensembles. Omaha. FAMILY REUNION IN MINNEAPOLIS The children and grandchildren Mrs. Sidney Feldman has been of Mr. and Mrs. A. P.. Goldware, spending the past th^ee weeks in 2C20 St.- Mary's Ave., are all Minneapolis with relatives a n d gathered in Omaha for a family friends. reunion. They were also here for the Passover seders. Those GROSSMAN DAUGHTER visiting are: Meyer Goldware of NAMED Rockfold, III.; Mrs. Ann Yousem A daughter born on April 10 and daughter, Enid, of Chicago; to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Grossman Mr. and Mrs. David Goldware and daughter, Ilene Sue. of Chicago; has,been named Phyllis Ann. Mrs. Milton Rosenberg and son, Jay, of Detroit, Mich.; Miss EveTO VISIT HERB • First Lieut. Joseph Solomonow lyn Goldware of Omaha; and Dr. 1B arriving Sunday from Ft. Ben- and Mrs. Ben Goldware and son, ning,. Ga., to visit relatives" here. Stephen of Omaha. Mrs. RosenHe and Mrs; Solpmonow w 111 berg, the former Bess Goldware; leave on Tuesday f:>r their new is spending three weeks in post at Camp Roberts, Del Monte, Omaha. , Calif. ^ '
U. O. C« Sisterhood i
Change Highland Opening to May 31
. f
4 1
on Exclusive Here in Omaha t
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Masada Club
ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. Announcement was made" this week In Memphis, Tenn., by Mr, At its meeting held on Sunday, and Mrs. Monroe J. Hartfield of the Masada Club discussed polithe engagement, of their- tiaVeh- cies. It was decided that, in the ter, Mathilde Emily, to Mr. future the meetings would begin Stuart H. Gatiz, son of Mr. and at 2 o'clock instead' of 3 and Mrs. "Victor M;Ganz of this "city. that a more business-like attiMiss Hartfleld attended the Uni- tude would be followed " by all versity of Wisconsin -and Mr. members. Ganz the University of Nebraska ' Phil Handelman motioned that where he was affiliated with the the' club give enough money so Zeta Beta Tau fraternity. that it could be represented in - • Mrs. Ganz is, in Memphis as a the Jewish Community Center guest at the' Hartfleld tiome and Softball League. The motion was is expected to return to Omaha in unanimously carried and team $ -few days; suits: are.,to *e purchased by in-
A-^Campus cloth {spun rayon1), in blue, tr - - yellow, white, bamboo beige, <?# 12 to 40'. B^-Dottcd SWIBS, Irish crochet trim, Navy, brovra, black. Sizes 12 to 40. . _ -Print cotton crcaseles3 sheer In ~"»avy, azalea pink, aqua. 12 to 20. •
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ANNOUNCE BIRTH Ted Mogil, treasurer, who has • Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Gold- been ill turned the treasurer's berg of Washington, D. C , an- work over to Joe "Kaplan. uounce the birth of a daughter on Monday",. April 28. The GoldJunior Council bergs are both former Omahans. The Omaha section of the NaMrs. Goldberg was formerly Miss tional Council of Jewish Juniors Jacobson. held a successful bridge on Wednesday, • April 26. Eleanor HorRABBI FELDMAN MOVES • . Rabbi N. Feldman h a s now wich was chairman of the affair. moved t o ' 2434 Charles St. His The date of trie May meeting
gingham Jn blue, red, ti C 10
Come in and meet Mrs. Clem Smith/Nelly, f ) o n stylist, who will tell yon interesting dresa news. See the new Nelly, Dons on living models—Fifth Floor ILJlTTTTllTITil—IMIII^llli
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FricUy, May 2, 1341
MIZRACHI WOMEN By MRS. BEN HANDLER At the regular meeting of t)i<8 Misfrachi 'Women held in April; pla,r»s were completed for the maual linen benefit party. Tpis •will-be in the form of a deBsertluncheon, followed by card,s and bingo at the Jewish Community Center • at 1 o'clock oa>; Wednesday, May 21. Proceeds are to be Bent to the national office to purchase linens for the Mizrachi Women's projects in Palestine. Projects in Bretz Yisroel The Beth Zeiroth Mizrachi, a vocational and training school for girls in Jerusalem, has two rented annexes to accommodate the Increased enrollment of students. The Beth Zeiroth in Tel Aviv is conducted oh • the same lines as th^> school in> Jerusalem. Botti schools provide room,, food and medical care for their students. The Tel. Aviv school houses.the Beth Chalutzoth Mizrachi which provides home care and opportunities for earning to "unemplov-, ed girls.* A similar school is beJng established in Haifa, The Clrla* Training f a r m prepares girla for work on farms. The Teachers' Seminary trains girls to teach in the various schools of Palestine. • There are also a number of BO«al service projects. Included anong them is the provision of t ee lunches to children in the 1 izrachl schools. For many of t le children the hot, nourishing lunch is their only substantial eal of the day. Upon graduating and leaving le Mizrachi Women's institut ons, the girls are outfitted with l i e necessary wearing apparel and drier necessities. The annual benefit pparties ,.p ,'.provide i n e n ben ' ini nens for Mizrachi Women's itutions. In addition linen is i v e n to the Men's Mizrachi shools. . . . . . Linen Shower . . Mrs. Bessie Gotsfeld writes: • Young kibbutzim lack a good » any of life's necessities and on B (eing their urgent needs, J gave t lem one hundred Turkish towels from the linen reserve you Bent V3 last year. I .also gave them 1 ed linen. They • were extreniely grateful- for this much.- needed
',] Mrs. Aaron"Katz, .president Of the local chapter, asked members, ?'Can any Jewish woman refuse to "purchase a ticket for the linen tlenefit party- when.that, purchase . t leans so much to the ftirls" and - youth of Eretz Yisroel It' ".' '.' The following women will, be hostesses at the linen benefit.: Mesdames M. - BrOdkey, H. J>olgoff, J. Fellman, 8. Fellman, J. Jflnkel, Aaron Katz, M. Katzman, S, Olander, L. Rosenblatt, B. Weinberg and A. G.-Weinstein. ' Mrs. N. Levinson is chairman of the affair. J.
N . 'F. ....-..•
Page ?
B*nos Israel Gives Annual Luncheon
be held on Thursday, May 15, with Mrs. A. P. Schoolman as guest speaker.
B'nos Israel g a v e its annual luncheon for their mothers Sunday, April .27, at the Center. Florence Tatelman and Shirley Fox were co-chairmen of the affair. The table was decorated in the sorority's colors, royal blue and pink. The program included vocals by Shirley Sellz and Florence Tatelman, which was followed by bingo. Prizes were won by Mrs. Fox, Mrs. Gorelick and Mrs. Pollay,
The regular April meeting was held on Wednesday, April 30.'The nominating committee announced the following slate: President, Mrs. A. D. Frank; vice president, Mrs. Julius Newman; corresponding secretary, Mrs. George KaT gan; recording secretary, Mrs. Mike Freeman; treasurer, Mrs. LeOn Mendelson; financial secre^ tary, Mrs. J. Kaufman and Mrs. William #Albeit; parliamentarian, Mrs. J. 'H. Kulakofsky; auditor, Mrs. Joseph Rosenberg; directors, Mesdames M. F. Lerenson, I. Levin, J. Stein, B. A. Simon and M. D. Brodkey. Superintendent H. Corning of the Omaha public schools spoke on "Defense B e g i n s in Education." Mrs. Al Frank, accompanied by Mrs. Abe Fellman, sang two songs,
HADASSAH A large delegation is expected to attend the Southwest Regional Conference of .Senior Hadassah which is to be held in Des Moines on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday,' May 11, 12 and 13. Every interest a n d phase of Hadassah work will be expressed in the program. Every important question reflecting Zionist Welfare will be discussed. Mrs. A. P. Schoolman, national secretary Of Hadassah,' w i l l be guest speaker. Dr. Kurt Lewin of the Child Welfare Research Station of Iowa City w i l l survey the "Problem of Child Welfare Here and in Palestine.'! Rabbi Monroe Levens will lead the panel discussion on Jewish education. Donor Luncheon The annual donor luncheon will-
Ladies'-Free Loan A regular meeting of the Ladies Free Loan society will be held Wednesday, May 1, at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. All members are urged to attend.
Craftsman Venetian Blind Co REBUILT REPAIRED CLEANED SAM TAHNOI''!'1 ti HON, UU No. 16th. Mfg. in O A'£ 4514
NEW ,^ :] . ...„. a Special Purpose... to give you extra '.or other food iflf'msiits which you personally may
Mrs, -.Lloyd Gordon Malashock was Miss Babette Edith Rothschild before her marriage. Saturday night to Mr. Malashock, She picnic, which featured a bountiful picnic spreaa,' a real pleasure for all attending, i,;' '. r . Four Alpha Theta men. were ncluded< on the roster of the annual honors convocation.. They were Morris Kirshenbaum, business • administration junior; Sidney: Schwartz, business administration freshman; : Alan' Jacobs, arts and' science rresliman.NaJl of Orbaha; and Caiman Menzer, business Rdminlstratlon .sophomore,; of Creston, Iowa. This is the second consecutive year that Menzer and Kirshenbaum "achieved this honor.' V, .' ; The ZBT sof tballers 1 o s t a closely contested game, to Delta Upsilon fraternity i T h i s places ZBT in a-threeway tie for. first place. Alpha Theta debaters, Bob Passer and Yale Gotsdiner, both of Council Bluffs, met their first defeat as Sigma "Alpha Mu won the judges' decision. ZBT is now in a tie for second,palce.
Mrs. Joe Tretiak reports a gratifying number of women brought their J. N. F. boxes to. the April luncheon, thereby facilitating the work, of the .collections', commitItibeiro Sanchez, a Marrano, teeVhen the city-wide drive takes was a pioneer in English prison place. . . ' . ' ' reform.
is the daughter of Mrs. Henry Monsky and the late Albert Rothschild of Chicago. Mr. Malashock is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Malashock.
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Zeta Beta Tau
I !
Lincoln (Special) — Sunday .* marked the end of one of the « most suc'csesful "Whoopee Daze" • -week-ends ever planned by Alpha Tbeta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau. ' • ' ' A l t e r an entertaining Kosmet Kc'lu flhow, Friday night, a house • -" party occupied the remainder of -the evening. - Saturday' evening -,-m<>re than. 100- members and. . Quests Attended a dinner at Hotel , •' tJarnhusker. .The ballroom, w a s -decorated in a circus motif with •posters, pennants and balloons,. At. the d a n c e which followed, \trith. music- by .Gary, over four --imndred of ZBT's campus friends. jjacked the dance -floor. P i n e / -weather, -baseball, boating, a n d < .•games helped to mako Sunday's
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Mfc£S,£lsg Editor Editor . . . » • LEWIS « liock Editor
' Society Eaitot MORRIS AIZISNBE11G-—Sioux City
Withdrawal from Greece Sunday, tlie Swastika flag, symbol of tyranny and oppression, was raised over the birthplace of Democracy—Athens. Fourteenth capital to come under Nazi domination, the fall of AtEens was most tragic because it came to a people who, though grimly aware of their fate, fought to avert it and capitulated only when the situation became impossible. Since November the Greek soldiers have been enduring tremendous hardships in the Albanian mountains to keep the Italians at bay. The Fascist army was on the verge of complete collapse wliea Hitler came to the rescue of his deflated ally. The army of the Greeks fought until the last moment. There was no breakdown of morale. Men and officers remained at their posts. The leaders did not desert their men as those of Poland and France did. The government remained in Athens until the German armies approached and then in orderly fashion was transferred to the island of Crete. Until the Nazis were at the very Kates, remaining cabinet officers stayed in the capital. ' Like the famed battle of centuries past, the pass of Thermopylae was forced after a courageous defense and Athens taken. The Greeks lived up to their tradition and no one can offer a word of censure for the campaign they conducted. They fought like men rather than submit to the forces ol tyranny. They maintained their courage in the face of overwhelming forces; they k e p t their morale in the face of defeat. Such people are never conquered. Athens has covered itself with new glory. As it was abandoned .and burned during the Persian "war, BO today It has been given over to the enemy. But the Athens that emerged from that ancient conflict'was the Athens ofVbeauty and learning, the Athens of the (Jolden Age of Pericles. So on the morrow Athens will free itself of German domination and scale greater heights. Greece has both glory and grandeur now. It •will wear its chains with pride. Only, the land has been conquered. Never the spirit.
Tolerance The leaders of the "America First" committee have chided President Roosevelt for his lack of "tolerance" for those who disagree with him in the matter of foreign policy. His pointed reference to Col. Lindbergh as a Copperhead v did not ride well with those who are advocating appeasement. If by "tolerance" the America First committee means the gathering unto its bosom of the Bund, the Italian Fascist groups, the native Fascists, the so-called Christian Mobilizers, the so-called Christian Front, and all the rest of those discredited, disreputable groups, then perhaps "tolerance" needs new definition. Strange bedfellows are found in the ranks of this new committee 'Which advocates a policy of extreme isolationism. The followers of Stalin and the.followers of Hitler have called-off their feud of long-standing and shoulder to shoulder with a motley array of American isolationists are seeking the defeat of Britain. This country is facing a serious crisis. The summer months will see tremendous activity in the international sphere with inevitable repercus^ elons here. Stralght-thinkiiig and a healthy W spect for the opinion of all responsible persons is certainly needed if Americais to maintain herself and her neutrality. The hysteria that has-taken hold of a good many of the^ 'interventionists! is every bit as bad as.the defeatism of Col. Lindbergh and his followers. , B o t h ' a r e creating confusion; neither are pureuing*'a course that is In the interests of the country. There are many sincere pacifists in this country. The Quakers, the Church of the Brethren, many of the Socialist leaders, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, to name only a few, have had a consistent record opposing the use of force in International relations. They are uncompromising pacifists, and if we may Question the wisdom of their extreme stand under present conditions, wo nevertheless admire their sincerity and if the rest of the world had been aa consistent as they, there would today be no deyaotating conflict. isolationists such &Q 'Senator Nye and Internationalists such as Norman Thoians have dlflfshed themselves for their sincerity, and if
they niigfct err in their eveJustwa cf tiie world situation, they are wcIHiiitittdtd acd tood iateaticcs arefcoKifcifciEgof wfciti* Ike wtrid ttoRds in great Eted. But f&r the iuott t a i l tLe tames iii the inta»bertt-ip i otter til "Amtrka "Firtt" tave aever tte-h toted as great advocates of peace. Those wcnic-c \tfco BI arched around the capital poting as representatives of Aiaericaa laotbtrliood, were led by a. voiaaa v*fco ouly a few tfc&rt years ago was vitioa ly denouncing Senators Wye and Wheeler as tools of Moscow because of their opposition to a strong military policy. Lindbergh, never cute in the days of bis great popularity when his word might have borne great weight, made any suggestion for international good-will, though his father had always been an ardent opponent of war. Isolationism and pacifism are being interpreted in some quarters as pro-Nazism aad because of this fact the leaders of the Isolationists and Pacifist factions have the responsibility of keeping their record clear. It is no coincidence that the name of "Britain" was booed by those who listeaed to Lindbergh's New York speech. Meetings of local Fascist groups had been cancelled and the members ordered to hear the Colonel. It is no accident that Senator Wheeler had to request Ms auditors not to boo the name of the President. In his speeches, Lindbergh has not once had a good word to say for Britain—not for its courageous stand, regardless of how futile he may consider it. On the contrary, he has raked up all England's past sin and errors as arguments against aid. For Germany and Italy, the Lindberghs have not had a word of reproach—not for their aggressions, not for their persecutions, not for their denunciations of American institutions. Before the Russian-German pact, the Colonel spoke of Oriental hordes pouring into Europe, referring to Russia. But the Soviet is now included among those nations Mrs. Lindbergh sees as originating the "wave of the future." We certainly do not favor intervention merely for the sake of Intervention. We have no illusions as to what war will mean. And we feel that should America be forced by circumstances to enter the war in protection of her vital interests, Bhe will emerge from the conflict only with liabilities. Democracy itself will be considerably endangered, and the position of American Jewry will be threat-, ned by the social upheaval that will inevitably follow. The administration is not in an enviable position, and there Is no question the President is doing what he feels will best serve American interests. We will believe the America First committee is sincere and deserving tolerance when It does not appeal to the prejudices and passions of the mob. We will believe it sincere when it ceases to undermine the administration with hysterical accusations. ' We will believe it sincere when .it chases from its ranks all those who belittle American ideals, who despise its institutions. As long as it is utilized as a facade for the discredited, it cannot expect tolerance. ,
General Sikorski's Pledge A pledge of extreme importance was given representatives of the American Jewish Congress when General Wladislaw Sikorski, premier of the Polish government-in-exile and now an American visitor, ennunciated the motto of the new Poland as "Equal obligations and equal rights/' General Sikorski has coupled his pledge regarding Poland's Jews with a denunciation of the Polish anti-Semites in London who are befouling the free British air with their nefarious campaign. "Full equality of civic and national rights before the law" 1B to be accorded the Jews, once the nation is reconstituted. Moreover the ministry of justice has,been ordered to study all anti-Jewish legislation in. view of its being abrogated. There is no question in our minds but that responsible Polish leaders, such as General Sikorski, are very much concerned with the injustices perpetrated by the old Poland not only on Jews but all minority religious and national groups. The support given Poland in its hour of travail by the Jews won the admiration of many who formerly spoke of "excess population." The, Polish Jews will fio doubt take comfort in General Sikorski's pledge, and all Jews 'will hope for the best. But more than mere pledges will be necessary if Poland's Jews are ever to be treated as human beings. The people of Poland must learn-—and perhaps 't-ihey';; have learned In their adversity—some semblance of human feeling toward those of different religious belief. Future governments of Poland muBt not Impoverish the country to such a point that it becomes necessary to use the Jews as scapegoats. Only in the fulfillment of these pledges will we be able to judge the sincerity'of the present government, and we hope that the opportunity lor Poland to implement its pledges lo not distant.
Itoob Choden Sivan
Gems ol llie Bible
and Talmud % Or. SPUES* Sk*r BIBLE lie that guardtth Lis m o u t h his life, L-ut for him that wide his lips there sh be ruin, A prudent la a n ccncealeth knowledge, bat the heart of fools proclafweth focli&tmesg. The eoul of the sluggard detiiretli a»d hath nothing bat the soul of the diligent shall be abundantly gratified. He that is BOOH angry dealeth foolishly and a map of wicked devices is hated. TALMUD Ilia said, "Trouble affects the memory even for the words of the Torau and makes one foxget what be studies." Rabbi Elazar said, "He who changes his word is considered as if he were to worship idols." Habbi Nachman said, "The arrogance of King Jeroboam had driven him from the world." Itabbl Jochanan said, "W o e be to that nation which will try to prevent the redemption of Israel, when, the Holy One will do it to His Children." Our Rabbis were taught, "Always let the left hand repel those deserving and the right hand shall invite not as Elisha has done with his servant, Gechazi, whom he rejected with both hands." Ilabbl Eleazor said, "A people who are occupied with the study of the Torah will not be delivered over to their oppressor."
By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Waehinetoa Press Btisreaia WASHINGTON. The battle for the Mediterran* esn basitt will mean Armageddoro for Palestine. If it is lost, all the hopes of the Zionists for the foundation of a " J e TT 1 s h National Homeland, eo heroclally nurtured dcaplto every setback, will be cruelly and bloodily smashed, and the heart of the Jewish faith will have been, ripped from the battered body. Britain can lose the battle for the Mediterranean and still -win the war, but if the Naai hordes Bweep across Egypt and across to the River Jordan, then this will be for the Jows like the destruction of the Temple. The Nazis have had their eye on Palestine for A'long time, for the Germans knew that eo long as Palestine remained outside .their domination, the hope and spirit of European Jews could not be entirely crushed.
(Coiitraiieci frcm Page 1.) tiie <Ifc&,etBt of Galiipoli of the Auttivtliati a n d Hew Zealand ariiiy corps. WreathB were laid' at the war memorial and in the cemetery of the Jewish Ex-Seryiceiatii'ti «.ssociatiC'H. Palestine units, under a British colonel, played a vitally important part in tiie S m i t h campaign in Eritrea, according to Cairo dispatches quoting British officers. The Paleytiaiaiis operated in the most difficult terrain and in constant danger of being outflanked in their posts and machine-gun nests and taken prisoner, Living/Conditions were extremely hard and wore difficult than those of the main troops. Water was most scarce and each movement was dictated by the situation of water holts. Sometimes units would advance from o n e hole to a second hole five miles away. Casualties had to be taken on camels' backs to clearing stations ten miles back. However, most of the casualties were light. In East Africa - ' . ... Reaching the Mogarnah valley, r the Palestinians covered the l e f t . / flank of the advance to Keren, . cutting off the Italians on a ., ridge to the left of the inain > t - . ,'K tacking force and thus helping to take some 2,000 prisoners by successfully concluding this m o s t ". difficult and courageous action. The commanding officer of t h e troops advancing in Eritrea highly praised the units and expressed admiration at" their bravery, and fighting spirit. The Palestine press reports the death of Joseph Breltman, 2it year-old member of the Pioneer, corps, who was wounded on the Libyan front. The Pioneer corps • is the unit which precedes the army a n d removes mines, cuts e n c m y^barbed wire and digs trenches. While dying, Breitman • was informed be had been promoted to the rank of sergeant. lie asked, as his last wish, that he be buried with a blue-white banner, a Bible and a copy of Dr. Herzl'B "JudenBtaat," and he died singing the "Hatikvah." His last wish was carried out. Special prayers for a British victory and for the royal family's ' welfare were held in the most ancient synagogue In Safed," built py Art Halcodosh, founder of the "Now Cabala." the battle of the Mediterranean. Others are certain to be on the firing line. And if Britain suffers a defeat, Palestine -will become an embattled fortress • - like ISng* land herself.
Not only all American Jewe, but all America has a stake in Palestine; In J922 the United States Senate endorsed the Balfour Declaration for the establish- ' ment of a Jewish National Homeland and the government ofi th^io United States has never waver.ed ,, "One day we'll clean out that in furthering that ideal. i ~, snake pit!" A German officer told an American diplomat years ago. Apart from the x&oral isau«,,,, And that brutal resolve to wipe "there Js* a comparatively email, , out the Jewish community in Pal- bat important economic factor. M, estine has never been abandoned. Palestine is, one of the few COUIK , tries left, outside the Western Palestine has been transformed, Hemisphere, which consistently with the! whole-hearted aid of the imports American'products. The Jewish population, i into Britain's brisk trade between the United J central bastion of- the Mediter- States and Palestine was-not cat ranean basin.' ; And if the Nazis ehosrt by the War and, in fact, it take Suez, their next «ry will be increased, .• ' .''. ' ," 'on to Jerusalem!'' Recently, the Department ot "We don't want to<be alarmists, Commerce revealed that the albut the definite possibility exlats ready dominant position of t h e that Palestine will-be one of the American film industry in Paleslast strongholds of Great Britain tine has been improved by the in the Mediterranean. The mas? war, and that ^0 per cent of the sive pincer attack planned by the films now shown in Palestine Axia will, If successful, meet in were made in America. the Promised Land. ^ * American capital was largely Palestine is again a Promised responsible for building Poles- this time, promised to tine's new modern cities and PalI t a l y . . . •.- : • - •-••• ; " ,'•' ., . ' estine, in turn, buys from the United .States nearly cJl its elecDuring the last war it was tric refrigerators, automobiles, promised by tho British to the and other manufactured products. Jews, the people whose feet were in its soil and whose blood stained If Palestine falls, all that will Its rivers when Germany was in- be washed away, burled in a tide habited by barbarians. • of tears and blood. (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- We feel that all American Jews graphic Agency, Inc.) have a Gtc&s in Palestine, whether they ero Sionisto oy not. In this Jerusalem (JTA) — Continucritical moment, anything we can ous prayers for a British victory do to strengthen tho defenses > > have beep, inaugurated In all Patmoral or material - » of Polestiao estfno synagogue t. T h e r e aro will comat ca i t has never counted t h r e e Bhifto dally. A-special before.' fksms of the young men prayer for 'Winston .Churchill was , May 15 recited''be^to-i1.'© hia'-opeeoh on -,> Tuesday, May 27 esral Wsweli'o eolaians, Sunday.
Friday, May 2t 1S41
Religious Services Beth El
One*ActPlays Please Audience atCenter
Cantor Aaron Edgar and the choir of the Beth El synagogue wilt conduct the services this eveTo give variety to an already ning:. Jtne »catM»t the Center Players -,,"••• Next-Week Guild Wednesday nigut closed Next week, in recognition of their year's work with three oneMother's day, Rabbi Goldstein act plays. Each play, entirely will speak on "Mothers in Israel.' different from the others, was A special Mother's day service well received. will be conducted Saturday mornBest known of the three, "The ing "at 10:30 by the Junior ConValiant" is a melodramatic play gregation. a convicted criminal. Taking Geraldine, daughter of Mr. and of part Ralph Nogg, Jack EpMrs. David Cohn, will celebrate stein,were Earl Siegel, Becky Kirshenher Bag Mitzvah, bauni, and George Shafer.
Included in its cast were Eleanor Cohen, Mickee Balaban, and Ann Zager. The underlying significance of "Overtones" was ably interpreted by Dorothy Tatelman, Ann Zager, Reva Lipsman, and Ethel Kadis. All three plays were directed by Mrs. Greta Baeck, Center dramatic coach. Albert Okrent executed the sets and Mrs. Herman Jahr was in charge of props. A musical program was preThe sophistication of continen- sented by the always-popular CenTemple tal drama was clearly revealed in ter Litle Symphony orchestra diThis evening at services Rabbi "The Witch" by Ferenc Molnar; rected by Al Finkel. David H. Wice will speak on "Liberal Jews Re-Think Their Inour duty for our Jewish sake and stitutions." This will be a report for our Fatherland's sake." on the Detroit convention of the Poor officer. Perhaps you are Union of American Hebrew Conlong since rotting in a mass grave gregation, of soldiers of all faiths, and they have probably erased your name More than two hundred moth- from a warrior's monument as ers and daughters attended the they did the names of the other 12,000 German-Jewish soldiers annual Mothers a n d Daughters who in the same belief as dinner given by the U. O. C. Sis- yours,died for their German Fatherterhood at the Jewish Community land. CANDLE-LIGHTING: 0:50 The Junior Congregation will Center, Tuesday evening; April meet at 10 o'clock Saturday morn- 29. May 4, 1015. Galicla. We are ing at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Mrs. L. Neveleff, who was Mrs. I. Wezelmau was hostess last toastmistress, w e l c o m e d the ready . At midnight one thouweek. Thia week Mrs. J. Gold- guests. Mrs. Morris Burstein sand guns of the heaviest calibre ;ware will be hostess. opened the banquet with a special set up close behind us within a Regular Sunday services will prayer. Mrs.N. Wiltson pronounc- line of about twenty miles sudtie heid at 9 o'clock at synagogue. ed grace. Mrs. Ben' Simon spoke denly started their song. A nerveThe Talmud Study group will for the mothers, Mrs. J. Bern- racking, deafening roar. The tneet at 8 at the Beth Hamedrosh stein for the grandmothers, and earth around vibrated with the Miss Doris Brown, daughter of shock. Faster end faster the big Hagodel synagogue. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown, for the shells hurled over our heads. Soon it would be dawn. Will I live to see tomorrow's sunset. Pioneer Women daughters. Mrs. Chana Levlnson representFour o'clock. Morning. Silented the great-grandmothers. ly from our trenches. As Rita Katzman, Doris Mae Ban farweasrose On Tuesday, May 7, the Pioneer my eye could penetrate .Women's organization Is sponsor- and Shirley Belzer took part in a through the mist, I saw to the Ing a card party and dessert skit in which they passed flowers left and right, waves upon waves, luncheon at the Jewish Commun- from one another and to the line behind line of our soldiers. ity Center, starting at 1 o'clock. mothers a n d grandmothers in Under barrage first of our arsymbolism of the continuity of tillery, we reached the first RusMrs. B. Wohlner is chairman. ' The funds derived from this af- the House of Israel. sian lines. Apparently we took Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky spoke them by surprise. Their trenches fair will be sent for the emergency on the responsibility of Jewish fund. Since this date is the reguwere shot to fragments, their lar meeting date, the regular mothers to their children and to dead piled high. A picture of the ideals of Israel,, meeting has been postponed. devastation. Suddenly we were Mrs. Max Fromkln, accompa- fired upon from behind; we nied by Mrs. Al Flnlzel, led the didn't dare move further. Some community singing. fool of the artillery had directed ' Deborah his fire too short. Wo crawled night to get a better shooting beneath the piles of Russian Elaborate plans are being made field for the next day. corpses covering ourselves with for the annual luncheon to be Why does God tolerate such their bodies until It was safe to -given by the Deborah society, on wholesale slaughter? If there move again. May 13. Mrs. M. Fromkin will Is no Justice for those poor creaThen forward and forward we be toastmistress, and Mrs. J. Fin- tures, who are offered as sacrimoved. The Russians were now kel is program chairman. fices for their wicked rulers and An interesting program has despots, then there is no such in full retreat. We pursued them, been arranged. Rabbi Isaiah Ra- thing as justice at all on earth. flushed with victory, day and night, week after week, until we ckovsky will speak. Mrs. J. BernIn the meantime, my Mother had chased them back over their stein Is the society's president. was writing that she Is happy to own border. They never fully hear through the newspapers that recovered from that tremendous we are so well housed, fed and blow during the next three year3 clothed in the Carpathian moun- of warfare. tains and that soon the war will Hailed as liberators, we Ausbe over. I did not disturb her trian and German soldiers marchbelief. . . ed in triumphal processes Transfer through all those Gallzi.ii towue, After six weeks of suffering in their thronged with a jubthose mountains, we were trans- i!ant streets population. covered v^: Continued, from Page 2.) ferred farther west for, rest. us with flowers; They they told ns Spring was In the air, but also Carpathian -mountains. A-few something more than that—sight honor tales about Jewish pomountain passes are- our last of the first German soldiers, our groms committed by the Russian stronghold. If the Russians allies. We took courage, anew. soldiers in some towns, rshowlnt.' brriak through they will easily Strolling, on a muddy Galizian ua the graveB of our Jewish marBwedp* dowit to the Hungarian road, I encountered a German tyrs. My heart was .tad. Those Russian, barbarians! Never, never plaint, to Budapest and Vienna; artillery officer. could the Germans or Austrians •'• BO ^power : could • hold them tur- "Hello, Austrian comrade." : stoop to such ,baseness as Juv.'sh -tfaer^-.-. . ••;. ' • • ••• "Hello, officer, tell me what is or racial persecutions. Never going on here?" again shall it occur anywhere in "Just, arrived from French bat- Europe. Didn't that Jewish ;. (We were surrounded by a wild landscape, a hostile, illiterate tlefields to help you slow Aus- German officer say that we were '•peiasant population. Every little trians finish the Job here." defending an old culture? A culitem had to be carried up to the "Slow Austrians?" • I was in- ture that didn't allow Such evil .top*: of the snow-cowred peaks. dignant. • "Don't you know, offi- practices? : Cold* storms, frost, hunger were cer, it was our main task, vastly our steady companions. /Entire outnumbered as we were, to drarw Twenty-four years later .Again' % battalions and regiments perlsti- upon us all the Russian armies . Jed'only from the cold; our cas- to ^prevent them from reaching the, G e r m a n s and Austrians •^lialtles were: horrible. -On night Berlin, thus allowing your army march.from the west, march over H guard In the forefields, I some- France? Otherwise. . ." tmies wept like a child from cold ''Never mind, ^my friend, you ;? and hunger. '•< And all the' "timeare right," he laughed. •; the; Russians were , storming des-. : We strolled together for hours. ^ perately in -waves of 10-15 lines, He was a fine gentleman, a: unixlione after the other. They tried versity teacher of Jewish faith. f< ;:to ; break through^ our lines on My young Austrian friend," "those gloomy winter "days,. With he said to me (after I bad told ; "Urrah, Urrah," their battle-cry. him I should like to cease taking : upon their lips, they tried to bat- part in the war which I felt certer ait advance .through the tain" could; be fought without snow. Every day our. artillery. me), '.'we German and Austrian Bhot them down, thousands upon Jews must do more than our -thousands. Sometimes ; . if - the duty for both our.. Fatherlands. Russians tried to retreat, their We must show our non-Jewish own machine gunners from be- countrymen that we - Jews didn't hind shot them down in order to shirk In defending our countries keep the line storming forward. and that we are worthy of being If they reached our barbed wires, Germans and Austrians. Our Jew, our machine guns riddled them ish dead oh the battelfield will '! to^ pieces! They hung there la forever be,witnesses and speak bunches. .They; didn't cry-Jong, foi\ us. Wewill.never have the for snow and frost soon- finished persecutions and pogroms they our work. Sometimes' the. corpses have in ; Russia because we have •were piled B6 hl$H before our jbeeri .part, of and nave defended ^Wi-oldiicultuft&v WP &*&.*&<$&&
pro, c.
OVER 200 AT li, 0. C. TE100D DINNER
Ptge S •
the aame roadg, tbrosigii tfee aloae who are beieg exterminGaiician towas. Not s,s liberators ated, It is against Christ ani now, but as coaquer&rg, leaving Cliristiauity itself aad the very horror and terror fa ttef.r wike. foundation of culture, civilisaThe sky is again iei with lire, tl&o, fttd humanity. the air laden withfcfiwsfee,&yj.!'ifcbs Last Hope and devastation all Ertuii.4. A.&kiu Outside of a British victory, our Jewitli fcrtifcren SACI tike America is the last flicker of Poles are OB iLe r&a.d£, tat no fc&pe ia the darkness of Europe longer do they look jul»ils.&tiy to today. It is not only the million the west. With terror tu their of persecuted who may lose hope, f&ces, they hurry to the east, to- but also the men all over the wards the Russian border. There, world, east and west, who may at least, they will find shelter of surrender their hopes aud ideals sorts, aud a little rest, and no and aspirations, and the curtain more racial persecution. There might not rise again this time, among the Russian barbarians. if Britain is left alone to battle What Irony! her fate. To fight our last war to end If the British win, there will wars. be a chance that for the first Should A m e r i c a n mothers time in history, the world will again sacrifice their sons on the be organized for peace on the European battlefields? basis of equality and humanity Hatreds for all creeds and races. But They have distrusted, disliked if they repeat the economic mishated and fought each other takes of Versailles with its postover there for the past two thou- war misery over entire Europe, sand years; they will contnue do- they will only plant the seed for ing so the next two thousand another dictator and another years, hating each other more war. Only people with empty after the war. Didn't some of stomachs listen to agitators and that dislike throw reflections mesEiahs. May America become even upon our Jewish brethren strong enough to assure aud enover there? The eastern Jews of force an American peace this Rumanian, Hungarian, 1'olisb, time for the welfare and satisLithuanian, or Russian origin faction of the whole world! had the same attitude of dislike There is the one country in for, or spoke disdainfully about, the world, America, for which each other. I will gladly perform my duty They all had their Hitlers long as any other good citizen, iu apbefore the real Hitler appeared. preciation of liberties which the The German Jews, thinking of Americans take so for granted themselves as German citizens, as one takes the air, sunlight and assumed an attitude of superior- the bombless sky. Truly it i» ity towards all the Jews east of worth fighting for democracy and the German border. The French to believe in it more enthusiasticJews also disliked remembering ally than the dictators believe in they were Jews. They were their system. I witnessed five Frenchmen. Iu Sicily a Jewish revolutions over there with all fruit wholesaler tried to convince the attendant terror, the last one me that there was no Jewish In those dreadful Viennese days race in Italy, only Italians of of 1938 where . . . Jewish faith, and "it couldn't happen" there. Even in Palestine, A harsh voice suddenly soundthe new Jewish homeland, one ed iu my ears. I glanced up and will find among the elder Jewish realized I was still wandering immigrants, the same separation about the Omaha streets. according to their European ori"Can't you see the red light? gin. What're you thinking of?" A But I should dare to say as a policeman stood before me. Viennese Jew, you were liked and "What was I thinking-of, sir. welcomed everywhere. You are I guess I was thinking of Vienna from Vienna? Ah, they smiled where I come from." and their thoughts immediately "Vienna?" He smiled that Inbecame associated with wine, dulgent smilo I remembered, "A women, and Gong, Btvauao, Slut- wonderful city, I have heard." bert, Mozart. They were a pleas"It was, sir." ant, easy-going people, these "But don't they have red and Viennese Jews, taking life with- green crossing lights in Vienna?" out tho t r a g i c seriousness "There are no more lights at of their brethren In Germany. all, sir. The lights are gone out More or, less, they were a com- all over Europe. Perhaps Amerbination of the Jews from all ica will rekindle them." the nations of the former great Austro-Hungarlan m o n a r c h y . Therefore, they were the most broad-minded Jews in tolerating the origin of other Jews. And they were proud of their Vienna. Therefore, they, too, believed until the last day, "It couldn't happen here." Vienna! What are my own litM A S HOST BLSTEJCSSVSi tle problems, no matter how disE22GM...RtkYeswDjtfwcJw' tressing to me, compared to those A'Mtt lor PHEE 2lyl» Bocfc of our Jewish brothers there, and STOTKOS those millions of oppressed people of all Faiths. Hunger, cold, pessimism, fear, pain, indignities, violence, torture, death are their 1510 CAF3TOS. §9A 3S3ft bed-fellows,, It is hot the Jews F C I DA!,-" end PLEAOAfJT DRIVING
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1&4 over U « u t t t i i v L ' t t « i » j i i felt i»iy LUII k « ^ to -...>• i t i c t &S -Wfc Vc'tfcvl l l i l l C t - l l Of fotf, calmly j. 0 o..,.w b.iu. z'^Tb ti,
By Fred Weit^man M r , -WViUsjiRBM,
of 4lie following urtU'Ie, ransfc to Omaha almost two y e a r s ago. A native of Vienna, be came to An»eri«'« after the Anschluss and reuiaiiied in New 'York for nine months »>cf«ie coining west. He ytas a frequent t©r to Austrian puljli Christmas exciting, I walked the almost e m i> t y streets of Omaha on that cold * eTening, lonesome and with my . thoughts in Vienna, w i t h our Jewish brethren there who this evening, as on all other evenings, were sitting In their ghetto dwellings, hungry, d e s p e r a t e sod f hopeless. My mind was clogged w i t h . troublesome thoughts as I remembered those people and all . their sufferings. Would I e v e r me to see the day when juBtice and humanity w o u l d triumph over brute force? I remembered the suppressed p e o p l e s ot all laiths over there. Surely this was ' one of the darkest Christmas nights in a spiritual s e n s e in European history. As a single fate, I am most grateful to God and to this great - country America which gave me . refuge. Over there I should be bitting this evening in a c o l d - ghetto room; I would not know any little diversion; I would not know of anything happening in - other parts of the world because - the radio set would have been - forbidden and the publications available would all have b e e n one-sided. When the d o o r b e l l •would ring, I would be frightened; going to Bleep at night, I would not know where the next day would find me — in a concentration camp or over the, border. ,. But today I listen to my radio; I read any magazine or newspaper or book I please; I can keep inyself informed on whatever I want. The ringing of the doorbell does not make my heart icy •with fear, and when I retire at night, I know that I will awaken in the morning in my same room, in my same home as free as when I went to sleep. As a human being, I am equal to every man here. I am treated with courtesy in private h o m e s and public 6 u l i d i n g s : 1 can stop on the street to speak with friends and Etrangers alike* expressing myeel f in n o r m a l tones without »eed of whispering, and glancing about for signs o£ a dreaded secret police agent: . . •••••;„. No Yellow Badge
eiid to wars, and make this world safe fotever." The others agreed, but voiced the opinion that it would be a better idea to d r i n k a little Christmas celebration first, and laughingly and boyishly they continued on their wty. To Mivke World Safe S l o w l y I turned home. '*To make the -world safe forever?" "An end to all wars?" T h e i r words echoed in my ears. I could still see those young American soldiers. "To make the world safe forever." "A war to end tail wars." I meditated upon these words, clearing Bay mind.
Suddenly in my mind I saw clearly another Christinas even, twenty-eir years ago. I was then a young soldier like those American boys. An Austrian soldier, but with the same adventurous zest of youth. We were living in the muddy G & 11 z i a n - Polish trenches; across from us were the Russians, and between us both, a big forest. It was a cold night. We celebrated Christmas in our dugouts, but no one really felt any joy; we were in poor spirits. Soon we rolled ourselves in our covers to try to forget the sad night in sleep. But what use' for me to attempt sleep- Soon it would be my turn to relieve the guards in the Forfields. My thoughts circled about this night and this war. Would I ever again see peaceful days? War Isn't t h a t glowing panorama painted by our school teachers;, war isn't magnificent, heroic death. It isn't adventure, the thrilling crusade of a noble cause as wo thought when we were shipped to the front-in cattle trains. Everywhere about me was sadness and desolation. AH of us had thought that surely by Chirstmas we would be back Jn Vienna, triumphantly hailed as victors. Instead we were the overpowered, greatly out-number by the Russian hordes which were already deep in our territory. They were no cowards, these Russians. They didn't surrender to us when we showed them their national drink. Vodka. They were wonderfully equipped. And were Is their revolution which we expected? How n a i v e wo Judged them with our superiority complexes, we poorly fed and insufficiently supported with bayonets and rifles against their artillery and machine g u n s , senselessly sacrificing our.soldiers. We were told that God and Justice are on our side. Surely t h e Russians, Germans, French a n d English soliders believed the, same. On what side is God r e a l l y ? The I need not wear a yellow badge. flower of our manpower;rests-alI can enter any theater or res- ready In Polish mass "graves. taurant I choose and be treated Civil Rfehts Gone with respect equal that of any Reading oiir, newspapers, one other p a t r o n . I need not be afraid to. bo served as a Jew.. could believe:that we all were "Whatever trade I desire, I may eager to die to*.' the; Kaiser and VuTBue;/In our Jewish Commun- the Fatherland, and e v o r y o n e ity Center one always . finds a died with the National anthem on cheering , w o r d . and a helping his ;lips. In 'letters'from Vienna, land. In short, my life here is wewere; aakedwhy things on the the direct antithesis of" the life Front were going so slowly. Our •which they over there are now leadership "at. home was drunk enduring, and more and jnore I with the heavy wine of military r e a l i z e the greatness of this power. Civil rights .were almost country, America, It broad-mind- gone. Standards of living were ed people, it great president, and lowered, prices, were, rising, interthe way of American life and de- nal economics disrupted, new war mocracy.,. A w a y of democracy profits were^increa'sing, and many which w e - p e o p l e .of all faiths homes were' already filled with over there had only;a faint idea tears and sorrows for the' loss of even in our best-times, because life on the battlefields. even . at best, • we were more or So this is war! Did they ask less subjects. Is it any wonder us before they started that war? my favorite song is 'GodV Bless The Russian prisoners, too, told America1? \I never tail to be deep- ua that they hadn't been' asked ly moved no matter how often I either; they bad been called for iear it. • '; '• maneuvers and had been sent to the front: Where and who are As 1 walked along the streets the war mongers? . S1 o w 1 y it on t h a t Christmas evening of dawned upon.us. My turn came for relieving the 1040, I d e c i d e d upon a last glimpse of , war news; telegrams guards. With a squad, I went out «H Farnam s t r e e t." As I stood into the silent woods. The stars reading, three American soldiers, were shining, the landscape coven Christmas leave,, stood beside ered deep with snow — a real iao. Young boys w i t h all the Christmas.night. On such a cold fresliness and vitality of youth night, there couldn't be m u c h and life. They were in gay spirits, trouble with the Russians. Not but dissatisfied with the news far away there was a little black and the Blow progress of the En- house where we will rest. My thoughts went homewards. Sureglish. "Boys, let's go over there and ly my Mother was thinking of lelp the British. Let's finish the me and praying for me, this night Job like we did in 1916," one t more than ever, for twenty-one Jhem remarked. "We'Jl make an 'years ago on. Christmas,night.she
b r o u g h t me into the world. Where is my birthday cake? But w h e r e are our advance guards? Cautiously our s q u a d moved forwards, but we marched into a trap. Suddenly we were fired upon from air sides. Some of the men fell, and in a flash we were surrounded by a s t r o n g Russian detachment. Useless to put up a fight. With the others I was hurried over the Russian lines. Here, then, was my birthday cake. Prison After three days of marching in snow knee-deep, we reached a prison camp located in the rear of another Russian front sector. In the louse-ridden barracks, we found many pirsoners there already very ill or dying. Everyday we were led in an exhausting m a r c h to the Russian reserve trenches in o r d e r to dig new communication t r e n c h e s . Our guards w e r e unfathomable •— some days they would be like children, sharing their bread and cigarettes with us, other days they lashed us mercilessly with their whips if we didn't Beem to dig quickly enough in the frozen ground. If only I could talk to them in their language, to convince them that we were both victims of the war. If wo soldiers of nations In Europe could talk to each other in one common language, would there ever be war? Look at those poor Muzhiks, their dull faces and sad eyes. Their brutal officers treat them worse than cattle. Surely they don't know why, for what they are fighting and dying. Didn't my father, who left Russia as a youngster, tell me that they are no better nor worse than other nations but are kept purposely in Ignorance? And tnat from time to time their wicked rulers arrange pogroms in order to divert the .peop'.cs discontent? What do we really know about the Russians or a b o u t other European peoples except that we believe they arc all inferior in comparison to us. But right or wrong, it is worthwhile fighting for Austria. Were we not defending on old culture in Austria as well as In Germany where.Jews ahd gentiles lived together in peace and friendship? We had a venerable Austrian Kaiser and not a bloody czar. We could never have any pogrom or Jewish persecutions in our countries. We are no Russian barbarians. To Siberia * Rumors reached us that we were to be transported to Siberia. Siberia! We were frantic with fear. My brain worked feverishly day and night. Escape. Escape! I must escape or I shall perish here in the barracks (or in Siberia. But howT Our wdrkfng place was : well-guarded. Nevertheless a pal of-mine, a-luhiberman of Catholic faith, and 1 schemed plans, of escape. On the eleventh, day of our Imprisonment, fog and mist fell in the afternoon. Now or never. Soon It would be dark and we -would be finished with our worli for the" day. "Purposely my friend and. I shifted oufwork to a narrow, remote ditch . of the - labyrinth of trenches. Two guards moved : towards us, lilio 'silhouettes In the fog, with weary tread, their rifles, buckled over their shoulder's. Surely they were, as. frozen as we, and were glad to be marching back soon to their warm barracks. They passed us by. Silently my friend turned towards the second guard, striking him Bwjftly with a club'. A single thud and the' guard dropped softly; to the ground. The first guard then turned his. head. This was my job. With my club, I dropped : him unconscious to the ground. Hastily we removed (the guards' overcoats, caps and rifles, covering them with our own shabby cloaks. "Russian skulls are extraordinarily hard ones," my friend said wryly. "For eafety's sake," he explained as be struck both guards over the head lest they awaken too soon. C'est la guerre. ,As Russian soldiers we ,climbed
T L e u.
ii,u fcjuy,
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Frantically we searched for the gap, tearing our hands and knees on the sharp wires, our pain all the more excruciating because of the bitter cold. We crossed the fields and' got lost in the woods; we ploughed kneedeep through snow. At last, the fog began to lift, and we recognized our bearings. We can't be far off the Austrian lines. Soon we will throw away our rifles lest we be mistaken and shot as Russian patrolmen. We passed .a deserted part of the forest, coming face to face with a Russian patrol. Too late for us to bide. It necessary, we will shoot quicker than they. These two muzhik soldiers, their rifles still on their shoulders,
the pftsbwe took Cxf iiUs. Vt'e fi.dn't Want \h. iu, ttiil \»t shan't flare fits..
^ A
t u i i j , Itt
my heart pounded. Ruanirg for our Jives, we ie&cLed the woods. We have perhaps, a half-hour advantage before our flight was discovered. We reveled in tj»e wonderful warmth of the Russian overcoats even though they were much too long. What a pity, we couldn't have chosen victims whose figures were more similar to ours. Supply Train We hear already the rumble of vehicles and &t last we rea'.'h the road. Hiding behind tree3 we saw, like a ghost dance in the fog, an endless stream of supply columns and marching Russian soldiers, coming from and going to the front. We took heart and mingled among them, driving with the stream of a long column. One hour, two hours, still we march. My head is burning. I am feverish, colored figures dance before my eyes in the darkness. How will we get through? If we are caught,' we' will be hanged at once as spies. Suddenly our column turns aside; we march across the field. The trenches! There Is a babble of commands which I cannot understand. Many soldiers are vanishing Into the dugouts. There must be a gap in the barbed wire forfields, because patrols are coming and leaving at that spot. We have not time to look about longer, but follow one patrol. Darkness again embraces us.
* eie
Taken "Let's take them with us as
pri&oners so we ean get medals," my friend whispered. "All right, lets get medals. But hurry up. 1 can barely w ilk, anymore.'' (In those early sts ges of the war we young boys ere still drea&ring of e x p a n d i tag chests l&aded with medals fori'the girls back home.) !! 'He told the Russians to m;rch with us as our prisoners. They koelt on the ground, those ioor' muzhiks, crossed themselves and Legged to be shot on the 8 »ot. My friend was able to unlerstand that the Russian officers, had warned their men that the Austrian 'barbarians' shot eii'ery prisoner, but only after first J torturing him. At length, the J u s -
sian soldiers arose, and direc ing them, towards our lines, we followed them with drawn ri lies. But I became weaker and weaier, drowsier and drowsier. Sljep. Sleep. It was a blissful stat< of semi-consciousness. If then is such a thing as a beautiful de ith, it must be death by freezing. Vodka was poured down, , by throat and the strong arms ', of the Russians supported me as my friend walked behind with pis loaded rifle. I felt the voika running hot through nay veins, felt at ease with the world/ I felt I was gilding over j the ground, towards a bright J gbt which came nearer and neari r. I saw all of us Austrian, Russ an, German, French, and English soldiers rising from the trencies. Arm in arm we were marcling together like brothers, the g ost dance of our dead behind us. Did not one God create us all? Haven't we all one Fatter? Peace! .peace! H o me w a r i s ! Homewards! Let us send all the war mongers into the trend »es!. Through a veil I caw uniforms, heard voices from far away, and awoke to find it was morning, and I was in a barrack bos); Hal behind our lines. Three weeks later, Agait in the trenches. Transferred fij>me one hundred miles eastward. The (Continued on Page 5.)
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Friday, U&y 2, 1941
the conclusion of this t r e a t y Sigma Delta Tau which gave Fascism moral pres-1 tige, a quality it needed desperLincoln (Special)—At the 13th ately and w h i c h it used to strengthen its murderous tent- annual honors convocation of the acles upon the Italian people. University of Nebraska held last By DR. THEODOU.E I*. LEWtflS Like many other statesmen, Tuesday, three members of SigBre&klyn, N. Y. Pius XI seeing in" Mussolini and ma Delta Tau were among those Rabbi, in Hitler bulwarks against com- honored for high scholarship, bemunism, had no moral scruples ing in the upper ten per cent of N E I T H E R LIBEKTi' IV O K ple increased daily and intoler- against making agreements with the class. They are: Aronita Dasmen who were apostates not only BREAD, THE MEANING A N I* ably. to the religion of their birth, the kovbky of Hinton, Iowa, and Rose Fascist Economics TRAGEDY OF FASCISM, Edited Catholic faith, but even to the Goldstein and Sylvia Katzmau The myth of Fascist economic most bf Prances Keeue, Harper & elementary canons of huiB.su of Omaha. Brother. 855 Pages with an Ap- wisdom and prosperity and sta- decency. This and similar cleribility — a myth dear to t h e cal alliances June Ackerman, Sioux Falls, pendix and Biographical Notes. with political robber South hearts of all tories, is fully ex- chieftains who Dakota, was among the 17 betray the com- girls initiated ploded in the sixth section de- mon people, constitute into the Vestals lamentable Thia is a stirring indictment, voted to an analysis of "Fascist the Lamp last Sunday. This Ire-enforced by authentic data, of Economics." The several articles, chapters in the story of religion, of is an A r t s and 'the Fascist regime, of Mussolini and especially that by G. Salvem- which account for the cynicism organization Science honorary. Following the 'and of those who by silence of co- ini, "The Economics of Fascism," and hostility of moderns to or- initiation a reception was held • operation, tacit or otherwise, have should convince for all time even ganized religion. in honor of the new members. helped in the destruction of the the most ardent champion of Mus- Needing desperately constant Taking part in the University's Italian freedom and culture. A solini that in the economic field bolstering, Mussolini was obliged of a concert perremarkable feature of the volume, Fascism is the most certain and to hide his moral and political presentation formance of "Faust" Monday evident on almost every page, is expeditious road to financial in- bankruptcy in military adven- night were Bette Rosenblatt of the moral note. The authors, 42 solvency and disaster. tures, which imposed heavy sacri- Omaha who sang in the Choral Italians now in exile, condemn fices of blood and money upon Union; Aronita Daskovsky, who the victory of Fascism was his Mussolini as a moral leper, and notThat poor and oppressed people. in the orchestra; and Anas easy nor as smooth as that Fascism as ethically revoltitng. of Nazism will always constitute The conquest of Lybia, the as- played Aihitman who uslieied. Fascism outraged their conscience. a testimonial of tlie character of sault on Ethiopia were criminal na Included on the commit U-e to violated their moral and spiritual the Italian people and to their and foolish beyond words. The plan tho program tea «iven Ideals. The example of moral love for liberty and democracy. destruction of the Spanish He- on Mother's Day Inand of i»a* heroism noteworthy in our times For many years after 1922, Mus-public will never be forgotten by reuts of girls in the honor chapter are: Should serve as an inspiration and solini and his gangsters were de- the Spanish people and by all Rose Goldstein, chairman, Omachampions of freedom. • challenge. fied by many important citizens ha; Rebecca Silver of Laurel, One of the more common false- who paid for their independence Bernice Crounse, Sylyi'a Kat/.man Anti-Semitism v hoods deliberately and asslduous- with misfortune, tragedy a n d All these infamies can never be and Bette Rosenblatt, all of Oma" ly spread by Mussolini and h i s sometimes with their lives. expunged from the record of Fas- ha. henchmen is that he saved Italy Among these the most heroic cism. That which made it, howfrom Bolshevism. It is a barefaced lie, since there was no Bol- and important was Matteoti whose ever, ridiculous in the eyes of the shevism in the least and the inen- assassination on June 10, 1924, world was its sudden espousal of 1 ace non-existent. What Musso- almost led to the overthrow of anti-Semitism - - in a land where lini actually did was to destroy the hateful regime. Thousands there was practically no Jewish completely and brutally the social of intellectuals, s o m e highly population. This marked the comadvances achieved by the common placed in the political and social plete submission to II Duce to his people, and the social agencies life of the country, chose prison partner in crime, which is daily or exile rather than submit to the becoming more galling and in.which made these possible. cruel despotism of Mussolini. The tolerable to the simple and kindIn Italy as In all lands, t h e Fascist regime never won the al- ly Italian folk. two decades prior to the first legiance of the truly g r e a t Recent happenings in Italy, esi^Vorld War saw a large body of Italians who in many Instances (social reform enacted into law preferred exile with its forced pecially its war on Greece and in JA 3014 and many earnest efforts to miti- hardships and lowliness, to com- Africa reveal how accurately the gate the harsh cruelties and the promise with Fascist corruption forty-two exiles diagnosed the ills gmore palpable injustices of un- and surrender of soul. This is a of their beloved land and prebridled capitalism. Most conspic- tribute to the inherent nobility dicted its inevitable disaster. Italy is paying in blood and money for ' uous was the co-operative inove- of Italy. tho years of Fascist "glory," exCOOKIES luent, which functioned in Italy travagance and crime. And those C \ Kay on» flcten Relation With Vatican in a multiple of ways under the * * for IBo f > * B*' As a minister of religion I who aided and abetted in the leadership of a consecrated priest, ith» Sod down • i l lar 1o with fastening of this Monstrous reDon Luigi Sturzo, now an exile in found the saddest and most dis"other purchase tressing section of the volume gime upon a free people should the United States. of 25o Delktons that dealing with the relationship be haunted by the fierce injustice Vailetlc* . , , "Fascism was most blood thirsty of the Vatican with tho renegade they did to Italy, and by their In the Po Valley provinces where and assassin, who ruled by mur- crime against God. fn the course of 40 years of peace- der and crime over a free people. ful activity, the reformists h a d The Concordat of Pius XII with built up a vast number of co- Mussolini la attributed by Count operatives, benefit societies and Sforza to several causes but princredit institutions controlling the cipally to a financial considerawhole local economic life,and In tion from the Italian government some areas actually exercising a which made the Pope Independmonopoly,, testifies the famous ent of British and American Cathauthor of the "School for Dicta- olics. tors," Ignazlo Silone, a foremost The reactionary sentiments of -, antl-Fasclst. Pius XI strongly o p p o s o d t o • Another common and popular those of his predecessor, Benedict apology for Mussolini is that he XV, who looked favorably upon Inaugurated extensive economic political liberalism and economic improvements, such as prompt ar- reform, also had much to do with rival of trains, reclamation of swamps and .waste lands; the erection,of imposing structures, etc. Despite' these "achievements," the FOR RENT — 2 furnished rooms and" kitchen. Utilstandard of living drppped steadities furnished. WE 3527. ily, .and the misery! .poverty and Wretqhedness pf,thefcpmnion peo-
Junior Hadassah A Mother-Daughter tea will be given by the Junior Hadassaii on Sunday, May 11. Girls will be notified of the exact time and place when they are called for reservations. Frances Blumkin is chairman of the Mother-Daughter affair. At the next meeting tickets for the annual spring formal which is to be given the first week in June, will be distributed. Tickets will sell for 1.J00 per couple. Harriet Salzmau is chairman of the dance committee. Miss Rosemary Tuttle, executive secretary of the Red Cross, spoke at the last meeting on overseas Red Cross service. Somelliing Newt Meets B definite f.dS la life Inssrante. Muii.t.i1, tatter and children, till Lustiicd under one tow eosl I.oliry. titt thitlLukgis st oiu*
<JITY l'lNANCE AND lMiUWAHtK CO. SO 9 UAIiMAUll til Aura il'iii W& 6150
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iiERRina Reg. 20c
LIVECI TOR YOUR PARTIES Tli» finest ehecj.es, ImporlfS Mfi!i Gild Br.iohed Mtat lUl for jour party
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I investigated many gasolines before deci<£Hg which one to offer my customers, t chose Skelly Gasoline because I am convinced it givci you more for your money. Here's why: Some gasolines give quick starting but are low on mileage. Some give good mileage but are hard starting. I found that! • Skelly Gasoline is really many different gasolines compounded to make one gasoline that performs superbly under all driving conditions. Yes—Skelly Gasoline gives easy starting, (lashing pickup, and long mileage. .Try a tankful. See for yourself how smooth and cool your car runs.'Feel its quick surge of power. And count 'your savings, too! • -
A. J. Poolo ?«JT»V?t'V*c"-''V'.vVaJ«Vi''«'i
g i o l a i itin ptitsJii to ciikt Skelljr Giiolin« e^Kt til dririag conditioij ia ttlitttntStj.
Page 12
m iu».t h itfi.fc( K(.il').l
Continued from Page 8.) Birdie GiiisL-t-jg, to Mauiiy Goldberg of Omaha. Their wedding date has not been set. The couple are to iive in Omaha.
Frid&y, Ayeii 25, 1S41 1 / Ike
la. AjU- »!<«,,
•we glean the iaforeasdio-n that ILe .jicderB. Hebrew literature iailudes at least one book containing a collection of so-called "rtclestioa&l" uiatLematical prolalems , . . And ttat Henry Foincare's Jundameiutal w o r k OH "Sciencs and Hypothesis" has been transu ^ J lated into the Biblical tongue. , .
j kud oi \\*Jte & fc% ot itll_ tLiiiL*. H-K f j ^ l «. . . l*ue Li tLib tuitHttey t,(n.m m KadiA XVlZilKhY
ijjg in & coBoeiuir&tkai CKIUU tot ikiouiha, vr&s ftn&Uy iold tlu&t his execution ILS.I1 beeit decided Mj»on, and tltiit he tonlcl have oise last wish grafted « , „ "Make me a iiieinlier of tfce Jewitih spy branch of the Gestapo>" he pleaded . . • '•"j'lifcsi, when you kill Jae, there'll he one rat less in the world.''
GIGGIM The famous tin mines of CornHonoring their daughter, Miss WAK MCMOES Guitry, the IVeiick b.ctav Knd play- This week's I&itgh coucerus t.fte wall were worked by Jews in the Carolyn Fssbgall, and her fiance, Private letters from England wright who Las long been kuowu thirteenth century. w Jew wha, Kfter I Stanley I. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. reveal that any number of theto of partly Jewish ancestry Hyman Fishgall, 2202 Summit dud nazi bombs opened by special .. . i>e When HOii-Arj-fcits were h&vstreet, held open house from 4 to Briiisu bcju&ds under the most m l . fr-oui U«e Freiuli stage, it 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The elaborate precautions are found seems, C«ui<ry that lie appointments of the refreshment to contain no explosives, but only didn't fall into' protested this category, mid table was of yellow and blue. notes from Czech munition work- even M-role & play attempting to ers with assurances of their sym- prove that his disputed graudMr. and Mrs. A. N. Cohen and pathy for the British cause . . . fetli«- was an Aryan . . , But the son, Barton, 1217 Jennings street, Dr. Chaiui Weizniann, by the way, authorities closed the play—«n<1, C&n Be ImstftlEed H o w First Payment Oct. 1st visited last week-end in D e s !s firmly convinced that if Win- as we mentioned, Guitry is now Moines. ston Churchill remains in com-looking forward to rebuilding his • FREE ESTIMATES mand of Britain's war aims, Pales- career isi America PRICES' ... Mrs. J. Raskin and Mrs, K. tine will become a Jewish ComRaskin and.daughter, Miriam, of monwealth From occupied Dallas, Tex., are visiting here Fiance comes the story that when with relatives. the college authorities of the From the new Scripta MatlieParis Ecole Superieure Normale matica, Yeshiva College's matheun AT 2835 issued instructions for all non-matical journal for the layman, Aryan students to report for a special registration, the entire student body turned out in protest, and insisted on registering in a body . , . Credited to Attorney Louis Nizer is the epigram that "Germany is not a country which Three years a g o all youth has an army—it is an army which groups of Sioux City met at a The nazi joint meeting and decided to form has a country" -. a governing body for the purpose wolves have taken sheep's clothof co-ordinatiug the activities of lug with a vengeance . . . One all boys and girls clubs. This branch of the Fifth Column in body, known as the Youth Coun- Switzerland calls itself the Democil, is composed of the president cratic Authoritarian Movement . . and advisors of each of the youth A diligent traveler in the neighorganizations of the city. Since borhood of the Panama Canal is its formation the Youth Council said to be Dr. Hans Wesemann, has had many successful social the German editor who is credand cultural affairs and has been ited with the kidnapping, some very active in promoting a better years ago, of the anti-nazi leader, understanding between the Chris- Berthold Jakob of Switzerland, tian and Jew. whom the nazis brought into Germany, but finally were compelled In a continual attempt at broadening its purpose, the coun- to set free . . . Winchell, who cil felt that there was great need keeps track of these things, points for something that would stimu- out that Yugoslavia was the 13tU late the boys and girls in becom- country on Hitler's list for coning active in civic affairs. A quest . . . merit system was set up whereby the boy^ and girls were to receive REPORT a merit for their activities in theREFUGEE Those of you who Ihlnk back following: Individual clubs, civic nostalgically to tho good old days affairs, Youth Council affairs and when j;ou could make an occaJewish affairs. At the end of the sional trip to Europe, no doubt year tho boy and girl having the remember those delicious paper* greatest number of merits. Is to thin wafers known as Oarlsfoader be crowned king and queen of So you'll be glad to the youth of Sioux City with the Oblatcn eight next highest to be installed N O MATTER how you BMTMENTHAl. * SMITH, Atttyn. as attendants to the monarchs in 768 Brandels Theater Bide. the coronation procession. look at it—from top to botPROBATE NOTICK The Youth Council will present IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE SOPHIA A. GOODKICH, DECEASED. tom. . . from front to back its first annual coronation ball OFNotice la Hereby Given: That the credion Sunday night, April 27. tors of the said deceased will meet the ...inside and out—this is of said estate, before me, CounThe evening'B program will Executor Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at start at 8; at which time various ty the County Court Room, In said County, on truly a great refrigerator , organizations .will present a va- the 9th day of June, 1911, and on the 9th day of August, 1911, at 9 o'clock, A. M., , riety of entertainment which "will bargain. It's jam-packed each day, for the purpose of presenting ^ e interesting to the adults as their claims for examination, adjustment ; and allowance. Three months are allowed , well as the. younger folks. with good, down-to-earth the . creditors to present their claims, The king, queen and their al- for from the 9th day of May, 1941. SOUTHARD, tendants were chosen on the basis value that performs perCHARLES County Judge. of their merit sheets. In order fectly during years and to show no partiality a secret committee with impartial interest years of service-free life. was chosen by the directors of Paxton-Mitchell the. Jv C. C. In striving further to choose the justified boys, and Co. Foundries girls the names on t h e merit See These Big sheets were detached and each Brass, Bronze,1 Aluminum, sheet was identified by a number Soft Grey Iron and Semi* Value Features corresponding n u m b e r s and Steel Castings, Wood and • names were only known by the Metal Patterns and Saab. Even at such a low prico, this supervision of the Center, so that Weights: carried in stock. not even the committee weighing Bronze a n d Cast Iron remarkablo (fotpoint Rofrigthe merits knew who the parties Grilles a Specialty. ' involved were. The names of the orator has ttioso imporlant persons chosen will be unknown 27th and Martha Sts. to the public until the coronation high-quality foafuros: Vacuum Itself begins. - . Sealed Thriftmastor Unit. • . Darrel Sheffield, Sioux City's finest dance orchestra, will proStainloss Steel Speed Froczor vide music for dancing, and the appropriate musical, background . . . All-Ste,e| Construction.»» for the coronation.. An admission Pop-lco Troys... Plus fee of 25 cents will be charged.
Jews settled In Crete in 144 B. C.
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Tho NQREV3AN. A refrigerator, £tuy that giveayou an extra moeaaro of rttluo at no extra coot.
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