May 16, 1941

Page 1

xt%% Butered as Second Class Mall Matter on January II, 1911, at Postofftce, of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March S. 187t


¥out li Groups ACQUIRE NEW To Meet Here LOCATION FOR Next Sunday CAMP Conclave To last Alt

ypL, ?CVII—No. ar

Increase In Pledges to Campaign

Site Near Fremont/^ $ m Yale Richards Round For the C6mj% t% '-" Table Vice-President • , , . S e a s o n /«o rs , Jewish Chautauqua Names Henry Monsky Yale Richards of A. Z. A. No. Camp Jay-C-C will ^ ^ jr Its

Philanthropies To Conclude Drive

00 was elected-vice president of Henry Monsky, president of Interest will on Sunday, May he Round Table of Jewish third season of outf£ & uping , 18, be focused on the first mid- outh at their last regular on a new site, thir'.o *? miles h e Supreme • Lodge of B'nai r Fre- B'rith and head of the local Jewjrest regional conclave of young monthly meeting, held on May 6, northwest of Onw •* With approximately 9100,000 / :•;,_ ish Federation, has been named ilready pledged to the current 'people f r o m Omaha, Council to fill the term of Warner Froh-> mont, Neb. According to K .vT. Rice, ;o serve on ^he advisory commit- ewish Philauthorpies campaign, •Huffs* Lincoln, Sioux City and man, who has stepped into the :ee of the Jewish Chautauqua so- fforts are being intensined ih shalrman of the Camp i . lhmittee, Des Moiueg. The affair is being presidency, • . he new site, located in an ideal Jiety/ , held here under the auspices of se the remainder of tho 1041 Officers for 1941-42 w i l l be ine tree setting, has many unThe election took place in De- [uota of $100,500. the R o u n d Table of Jewish lected at the closing meeting of usual advantages and modern con- roit at the ninth biennial 'con- Under the chairmanship of Miljjfouth. . r year, the first Tuesday in veniences. ention of the National Federa- on S. Livingston, campaign * , Registration for the day's ac- he The c a m p consists of seven ioii of. Temple Brotherhoods, workers are seeing the remain-" tivities will proceed during the une. ;abins, an administration build- sponsors.of the Jewish Chautau- ing cards. At least 200 cards repnorningr under the chairmanship nain to be seen. Ing, recreation hall, dining lodge qua society. Otffortye Lea Byron of the GamThis year's drive has seen the and crafts lodge. In addition to j|aa Tan Sigma sorority. The banargest number of subscribers to the wooded acres of the camp, the quet at noon will mark the offi:he Philanthropies. Before t h o iampeis will also have the use of cial opening of the conference, lampaign is ended it is expected he Fremont city park, not far according to Delores Sklar of the our thousand separate pledges rom the campsite for short hikes, . ilT. T t sorority, chairman. T h e will have been made. This is a look-outs, and nature lore. For ' {banquet program will he hlgharge increase o v e r last year's iwimming there Is a clear-water . lighted by two features: an ora,500 pledges. torical contest on the topic, "The Y o u t h Leaders Will Be iand-Pit on the grounds. Arrangements are now being completed Need for Unity in American JewHonored at All divisions of the campaign for horseback riding under the su- To Speak Tomorrow ish Life;" and a presentation of are clean-up operaConclave on ions conducting pervision of Fremont's finest rid(he Kovod key. and according to the re"Call to Youth" ports of the division chairmen It ' Participants in the oratorical The first winner of the Kovod ing academy. Program Limited Registration is expected that the drive will Contest will be Sheldon Singer of Key in two and a half years will Registrations f o r t h e 1941 e completed during the coming Sioux City; Fred Prager, Des e revealed at the banquet openweek. jMoines. a n d Edward Chernlss, ing the Youth Conclave activities camping season will be limited to The role of the Bible in the Workers in all divisions taro Council Bluffs. Judges will be >n Sunday afternoon, Slay 18, fifty persons. Announcement will American tradition will be disbo made soon as to the rates and Dr. Abe C. Fellman, Mr. Harry w h e n Mr. Milton Abrahams, ussed tomorrow morning front eportlng an unprecedented re£3. Cohen, and Mr. Milton Frohni. liairman of the Jewish Comuiu- :he length of the camping period. 10:30 to 10:43 over station ponse to the needs, and every This year's staff of counselors WOW and the K«d Network of division has shown a substantial Following t h e orations, Mr. ity Center committee, makes will again be selected on the basis the National Broadcasting Com- ncrease in per cent of gifts. he presenattion. (Continued on Page 5.) C h o s e n for leadership and f training, experience, and ability pany by Babbl David H. Wice, ot rvick to' the" youth* community to wprk w 11 h children. Senior Temple Israel. For ' several years, the candidate ounselors, who will be In charge Rabbi Wice, who Is appearing will be admitted to the fellow- of various camp activities, are re- on the weekly religious feature, hip of the national honor so- quired to have had at least two 'The Call to Youth," will speak :iety of Jewish Community Cen- years of college and camping ex- on "The Religious Sources of the ers in appreciation and recognl- perience. The number of Junior Declaration of Independence and ion of cooperation and notewor- counselors and campers-in-train- the Constitution." The program, hy participation in the activities ng will be limited this year be- which Is sponsored by the Union ;ause of lack of space. the Center. of American Hebrew Congrega- A n n u a l (Congregational Seventy - First A n n u a l The tions, will originate in Omaha, Omaha Chapter of the KoMeeting to Be Meeting to Be rod Society, in consultation with "The Call to Youth Program" Held Held he executive staff of the Center, is sponsored for f o u r months a the group which makes the each year by the Union In coopannual dinner meeting of Following the regular services ward, "This is not a popularity eration with Catholic and Protes- theTlio El synagogue will bo '. this evening, the seventy-first on- contest," stated Mr. Abrahams, tant groups who a l s o provide held Beth in the synagogue social hall " nual congregational meeting of but means of recognizing Cenyear round weekly programs in- on Monday evening, May 10, At ' Temple Israel will bo held in the ter members w h o have distinLast Saturday, according to rat- terpreting democracy to youth. p. m. vestry rooms. guished themselves in the cul"The Religious Contribution to New officers for the coming j Officers and trustees will also ural life of the Center, who have ings, issued by t . J. Thompson, American Democracy" is t h e dean of student affairs at the Uniwill be elected at that time. be elected for the coming year. rendered unselfish service over a theme of the U. A. H. C. discus- year Present officers of the Temple period of years, and who have versity of Nebraska, the two Jew- sions. The program which start- Reports will bo g i v e n by tho • are: Morris E. Jacobs, president; cooperated in all its undertak- ish fraternities on the campus ed May 3 will continue through hairmen. The pictures of the tenth anniversary dinner, given Alfred S*. Mayer, vice president; ngs and who by their exemplary were singularly ranked first "and August. In honor of Rabbi and Mrs. Da•Manning: Handler, treasurer, and (Continued on Page 5.) third, respectively, in scholarship vid A. Goldstein several weeks Milton R. Abrahams, secretary. ago, will be shown. for the first semester of 1940-41 . ! Members of the board of trusRabbi David A. Goldstein will , tees are, besides t h e officers: in a group of twenty social ...frabe speaker of the evening. Leslie Burkenroad, Sol Degen, ternities. , Present - officers of tho Beth ' David Goldman, Abe Goldstein, This extends the string of firsts El are; Arthur A. Colin, presiMbrton Hiller, Sam Leon, David which SAM has received; ;a numdent;. Dr. Morris Margolin, first Levine, Louis E. Lipp, J. H. Newber which has not been exceeded Jewish National Fund box col- vice president; Moe Venger, secman, Louis Somberg, and Mrs. by any fraternity on. c a m p u s . lections will start t h i s Sunday ond vice president; Al Fiedler, - Sam Robinson. '.'"\ Zurich (JTA)—Segregation of a period of the ladjt! thirteen secretary, a n d B. A. Simon, • i The presidential message will ail the Jews in Salonika into a Over years Sigma Alpha Mu 4tfll ranks morning with all Zionist group treasurer. •- • • • be read by Mr/ Jacobs. ., closed ghetto is contemplated by first in scholarship on' the N. U. assisting. Members of the Beth El aux' A reception, tendered by mem- the Nazi authorities in Greece fol Several years ago, Sigma Mr. I. Morgenstern Is president iliary are iu charge of the dinbers of the Temple Sisterhood, lowing an order issued there in campus. Omicron chapter was recognized of the J. N. F. council and Mrs ner. will follow the meeting. . troducing yellow armbands f o r as the third highest in scholarship Jews, it was learned here. all social fraternities In Frank Ackerman is in charge of ' Reports from Greece reyealtha among the nation. year Iti :averag< the distribution of cards. the Nazi military authorities in was 2.594, This just slightly lowe Participating in the box collec Salonika'and Athens have ordered than the mark which.gave na- tlous will be Hadassah, Mizrach a census of the-Jewish population age for third place Zetoi BetaitTau with a view to establishing the also maintains a scholastic rating Women, Pioneer Women, and Ju number of Jews, who served in the close to the top of the list. nlor Hadassah. Greek military-forces fighting the . The I. W. O. Dramatic" club Italian "and' German armies. The Mrs. M. D. Brodkey was elected . regrets to announce that- due to same reports state that able-bodvice president a n d Mrs. A. D. , the sudden.'illness of its dra led'Jews in Salonika and in Ath Frank, a member of the board of ' inatlc director, -Mr. Ben Martin "ens* ore" being .ordered to repor the southwest region of Hadassah . the play.". "Tz.u.zelt _und Tzustf for' forced "labor and will be or at its sixteenth annual conference fpreit" will- be Indefinitely post 'ganized' in special Jewish labo which was held in Des Moines on ! pohed. * ---.-..'. battalions. Sunday, Monday a n d Tuesday, May 11, 12 and 13. The play, which was to have . The wealthier Jews in Salonika Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. Mike been given Sunday, May 18/ will have been ordered -to move into Freeman took part in the.discus- ,be prespnted at a future date the-section'of the city inhabited Rabbi David A. Goldstein wll sion on the Hadassah Medical OrPlease' watch" ttiV press for fur- by the poor Jewish-, population. In • accordance with a tradition ' ther ."announcements.' The homes of the richer Jews in established by the Social Service conduct..the services, and Rabbi ganization. The annual donor luncheon was the city have "been occupied by Committee of* the. Jewish Federa- Isaiah Rackovsky • of tho Union Nazi officers, who did "not permit tion and the Omaha lodge of of Orthodox Congregations will held at the Jewish Community Refugee Aid . . . "the owners to remove any of theii B'nai B'rith, tho annual bacca- address ,ihe graduates. ' Problem Center on Thursday, May 15. Mrs. Jewish youth will be discussed A. P. Schoolman, national secreNow York (JTA) — The Na- belongings. It is believed that thi laureate service for Jewish High of Jews of Athens and other parts o school graduates will bo held on by two members of the graduat- tary of Hadassah, gave a most tlonal Refugee Service spent Interesting a n d inspiring talk. total of $1,035,238 in the four .Greece .will be ordered to leave Friday evening, May 80, at 8 ing classes. Following the service, the Sis- Mrs. Dayid Goldstein led the commonth period from January t( for Salonika, where the-Nazis in o'clock at the Beth. El synaApril, 1941, for cash relief, re- tend to' segregate all' the 70,00 gogue, 49th and Farnam streets. terhood 01 the- Beth El congre- munity singing, and Mary JenetU "will serve •'refreshments.'.' Brown presented a violin solo. Dr. Philip -Sher, chairman. of gation settlement,' " Job placement, re- Jews ofc Greece and isolate them 1 Last year's Baccalaureate aery; ,'Two" short "reports.'were given training and, other services for behind the'walls'of a ghetto, as the Social Service Committee, anrefugees in the. United States, the was done .with the Jews in, War nounces t h a t ninety graduates ice was held at theB'aai'Israe by Mrs/' Julius ' Stein arid Mrs. synagogue. .'* > Win. Alberts/' will participate in the service. United Jewish Appeal announced . s a w , "'• • " - " • - • , " ' " . ' "












[JXXX Sports M6JCI£41IL Ahi I t .



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Milder Liquor i'« I 'A. Z. A. No. 1®& 1 'A. K.'s 1 Lincoln's Tavern 0 Penenberg Clothiers . . At %. Z. A. No. 1. . . . . . . .0 ' £ . Z. A. 7 (Co. M1MH"S).O

0 0 0 0 1 1 '


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i n - i _tito tlifc c bief award for c v >,. K. except for the George

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FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1 9 4 1


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Saturday, Hay 10. il-.t Jewis Iirusstlg sun;in;need f'oruiation cf Community C e n t e r swimming a it e w fc-iiii-Jewibii coaiuiitt&e team will enter the Junior A. A liiimeci "Tiie People's D e f t a s e " in U. swimmiiig and diving, cham Brugts for the avowed purpose pionsbips to be he-Id i« the Y. M of purging the coastal area of C. A, pool. Harold Uozer, Sidney Jews aud Jewish iafiueuee. Ruderiuan, Alden Lisscolo, Bar Shrago, Paul Zeliusky and Charles Fredkin will represt-nt the J. C. C

; The Yankees have DiMaggio, Detroit has Greeuberg, lied Sox Classes in Red Cross life-saving have Foxx but the Milder Liquor will be started this next week. II murderous hitting last Sunday will you are interested in working to take a back seat for none. In the ward either your junior or senior first game of the season the Mil-life-saving certificate enroll now London (JTA)-—Miss Rosalie der t e n definitely establishes Classes will get under way just as Gassinan, a 29-year-o!d Jewish themselves as the outfit to beat soon as enrollment in the various girl residing in London's Bast Prom the first man up down t divisions is complete. End, has been awarded the Britthe last man everyone hit, bom ish Empire Medal for heroism. barding the opposing pitchers foi Miss Gassman is the first woman 20 hits and 21 runs as they down to receive the new medal. The ed the Denenberg Clothiers into award was instituted only three submission 21-3. Morrie Epstein, weeks ago and takes precedence , diminutive chucker for the Milover the Order of the British Emders, allowed only one hit in the five innings he worked and retired to the outiield in the final two - stanzas to give the other pitcher • a chance. Morrie not only starred for his team by pitching a beautiful bal (Continued from Page 1.) game but.he was the offensive hero collecting two home runs, a double-and a single for a perfect and Max Turner was honored as day a t the plate. The Mildera gave runner-up. Pre - Season Doubles Morrie' fine support and the catch champions were: Class A, Sol ing of Herb Meiches and fine stops Yaffe and Morris Bloom, Henry of third baseman Aaron Epstein Riekes and Lloyd Lortz, runnersand Shortstop Sonny Golding was up; Class B, Dr. Abe Faier and nothing short of spectacular. Lack William Skolnick. In the regular season play Sol of practice on the Dennenberg Club was the main factor for the Yaffe was Class A champion and dismal showing of the team but Jack Ban, runner-up. Class B , With a few games under its belt champion was Sheff Katskee with . they will be tough on the teams Stan Feltman as runner-up. Sol Yaffe and Murray Wintroub were Class A doubles champions and Displaying strength in all de-Jack Adler a n d Max Turner, partments the A. Z. A. No. 100runners-up. easily dethroned the A. Z. A. No. Sol Yaffe was honored as Mid1, 11-3. Max Guss hurled threehit ball as the Century Chapter western A.""A. U. singles handball bombed Ed Gerber and Klrghen- champion while Morris Bloom and baum for 11 hits. Mel Levine Yafi'e were douh'es runners-up. Kwliniri'ng drove out a terrific homer to lead 'Bu-lty Greenbe g was honored the slugging for the winners. us 40-:ird bre?s;-stroke cham'o • n the Junior Boys' Midwest NEW mum cc:::sTiof:rs The A. K.'s aren't the A. K.'sS\v m iiect; for socend place in that th?y are supposed to be as Uio 100-yard 1)'east-sti'oite of tl>e Holds a chip or a pound of they cVs'/nyed plenty ot power in Intel mediate Midwest A. A. U. butter and automatically downing the Council'Bluffs A.; and for taking third place keeps it at the correct, A, 14-1. Red -Greenberg started n the 200-yard men's breastsmooth-spreading consistenfor the winners and was relieved stroke. Louis Blumkln won seccy...ready touseatany time. by Pooch Bloom in t h e fourth ond place in the Midwest A. A. canto. Pooch pitched superbly and U. meet. didn't allow another run. The hit- Junior boys receiving swimting of Iz Tretiak and fielding of ming honors were: 40-yard free Leo Berman sparkled the A. K.', Alden Lincoln, Harold The youngsters from across the Marer, and Al dayman; 40-yard way could not hit the slants of breast-stroke, Sydney Ruderman, Lefty Bloom and that proved their Harold Mozer, and Paul Zelinsky. downfall. Marathon swim winners were: Harold Mozer, champion; Sydney ' Boxneores MOP.E SPACI F03 GIANT BOTTUES At 20tli * llurdette It. II. E. Ruderman, second i Paul ZelinA b u n d a n t room right next tttnenbtrz CIotMej-s . 000 010 2 — 3 t 4 sky, third, and Charles Fredkin, Milder Liquor Co. . . B2J 201 x—SI 20 2 to t h e Speed Freezer for tall Batterle*: M. Epstein, I. \pltr and II. ourth. tartclies! I. Novak, Hani Zorlnrtcy, Ben Le- Isndore Friedman was honored' bottle3, short bottles, even flti end M. Shryer. . gallon xin.d half-gallon sizes, v At SSd 4 Dewey . It. II. E. as the third ranking U. S. Junior A . 7u A. No. 1 02.1 001 1 — 3 3 3 Table Tennis player. . •"



Leader Executed

. London (JTA) — The Nazis in ' . t t ' i u t on stated that the Cracow have shot Dr. Marcus o\toja yvt-b matte in recognition Spiegel, 56, Zionist leader and ft lii.fcb Gassma&'s exceptional former chairman of the Palestine couduct i.s a telephone operator Office in Western Galicia and the at an auxiliary lire station during Keren Hayesod office in Cracow, a severe air-raid. She remained after several j onths' imprisonon duty throughout the night aft- ment, Polish circles h e r e reer a bomb falling outside the ported. _ station caused the collapse of the garage in which (he station was Patronize Our Advertisers housed. In addition to taamt&ihiag the post's communications, she eared for several casualties. Special! Something New!. Miss Gassman is chairman of the British W. I. Z. O. Youth Center.. The George Medal for gallantry has been awarded to a Jewa ietiaile eet-d la life lnuu< Knee. Htitiicr, fbtber and ehuirea, ish auxiliary fireman, Andrew felt luSiui.d metier one tew «••( Nunes Nabarro, of Portsmouth. i-iiiil». fctt lJt,iVit«ItiS bt OHM Iron) According to his citation, he took charge of operations to rescue people from collapsing buildings and to contol fires during a heavy raid on the town. Corporal GinsCITY FINANRE AND berg, of the Royal Fusiliers, has .1NSUKANCE CO, been awarded the Military Medal 860 K&KBACH BLOCK for "gallant and distinguished 1A 4179 WA SIM services" in the Middle East.

Tie "Fa ily Gr§yp h\kf



; A. Z. A. No. 100 . B09 033 x—It t l S : Other. Sports Kd G«rb*r, .11. Klmlienbaum r- Battrrlei: fcnd No?i)mn:k; Guss, Mann and IllcliUn. The three teams tying in t h e '. At 3J.d & Cans . U. II. E. Co. Bloffs A. Z. A . . . 112 004 Q— 4 0 0 1940' softball tourney were t h e eavenworth Market, t h e Lincoln A. K.*» . . . . . . . . . . . . 840 032 x—14 IS % Batteries: RoscntUal nnd I'ltch: Greeri- T a v e r n , a n d W a r d r o b e Clothiers. r, Bloom and Tretiak.

Sunday's Schedule-—May 11 . A. Z. A, No.' 1 vs. Council Bluffs Mo. 7—aothand Burdette; , A. Z. A. No. 1OQ vs.-A.-It.'; 98d arid CaSs. Milder Liquor Co. vs. Lincoln's $avern—-32d aiul.Dewey. ' J)erinenbevg Clothiers—-liye.

The Lincoln T a v e r n w a s honored for having advanced to t h e semifinals in t h e city softball tournament. •.. , ' : •.'•..•..••.•• I Winner of t h e howling league were t h e W a r d r o b e Clothie'rs whose ' m e m b e r s Included F r a n k Brookstein, L e o Blacker, William Raciisin, .;Sam • Katzrnan, Sam Ste'nberg, and., Abe F e l d m a n . .In-.tiie.Vgym class competition he Army -and Minnesota teams tied for first. . Members of t h e Army team were: Paul Zelinsky, aptain, E a r l Shrago, Charles

Buster Crahbcat Center ,-. Physical Director.Leo Grossman made the' necessary, arrangements io have Olympic, champion and featured: performer of: the Water Follies, Buster Crabbe, at-the J. Fredkin, Herbert Shrago, B o b fi. C. gym last Sunday morning. A Zevitz, Manfred Siegler, Roland large crowd'of juniorboys was on Rosinsky, Iryin. Singer, and Joe hand, Mr. Crabbe spoke to the On the.Minnesota team were: Juniors on how Important keeping ''physically fit" is not only in ath- Alden J Lincoln, captain, Herbert letics but. every-day life. He White,' Steve, Lustgarten, Isadore stressed clean living by getting Diamond, Irvih Ruderman, Harplenty of rest, lots of exercise and ey David, Chucky Beber, Milton h , and Art Epstein. the ability of forming good habits.

Rexists, Police Clash in Belgium

•This coming..Sunday has been Officially set aside as Mother's flay. It is especially on that we desire to. present Mother 3?lth a token that will bring her London (JTA) — Attempts of much happiness and good cheer. Rexist," storm' troopera to usurp 'Asuggestion i wish to offer is to the-functions/ot'thev-police in the present -Mother with a gym mem- snforcement of «the anti-Jewish porehln.f Call the office, JA 136G, egulations issued by the German and inquire about the low niem- ccupation authorities have led B h prices today. o "aerious claBhes"- between the Belgian Fascists and • the police, ccording' to' information received ere through the Belgian govern. J3y HOWARD BHINIIOCK ment sources. k r The swimming director take3 Members of Rexist leader Leon this opportunity to thank all the Degrelle's shock troops invaded hoys and girls who took part In he Brussels market of Saint Giles "ikei ^Q'aaeatio ,for. their -fine -per-

Swim News


Se« Thtmt) Wondorfol Hot Point VnloM As

As lov/ as This Modal $219.95


EKTRA DIN FOR DRY STORAGE .WUI hold 48 N o . 1 c a n s — thafo T W O cases! Plenty o f - r o o m for storing d r y cereals and other foods, not requiring refrigeration. - -

BIO, new 7cable feet, faO. family a/ar* refrigerator that's atyhd and built to lait for jrean and year*.

RATOR - 7 food cfcrago sonos. (I) Spood Frooser. (2) SiK-lVay Cold Storago CompartRsoni, (3) Noy/ Butter Conditioner. (4) Ci 0 Oottlo Zone. (5) Gonoral Food Storage JEono. (6) Mlgh Humidity Comparhm>nt.

W Extra Din f o r Dry 5tortfgo. PLUS •.' .Vacuum Soalod Thriftrnaator Uiilt ' » ; . Pop-lco T r a y s ' . . . Stainless Stool Sholvos. „ ajiow 16-Pojjpi Tomporatura Control and many otfior grooJ Poofuros.

FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1941


U 1




•••'•••• T f t u e i t s



Maxson-F*1ticfce!I INC. FARNAM at 26th

ASK FOR O-Kay Whoto Wheat Flakes—At Your' Grocer

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The (.ernian Casino of Mexico City, which had been giving weekly exhibitions of Nazi newsreels, has-decided to discontinue t h e shows. No explanation given. A recent visitor to Mexico brought reports of strong Nazi infiltration there. . A considerable German population . . . established German schools . . . controls certain businesses. Our diplomatic department had better speed up that Pan-American program before it becomes "pan" America J

516 So. 16th St.

> Complete Selection of ; ; • Sandwiches

31? do. 241b 818 No. 26(h


The Independent T h e a t e r Owners' association passed a resolution to boycott all films made, distributed or controlled by Germany, Italy or Russia. They also forwarded a petition to the government asking for a ban on the importation of such films. They point out the propaganda content, the influence on those who should be "thoroughly American," t h e contribution they m e a n to the Axis cause, the competition they ereate. with home product and their extensive distribution here. In 1940, 54 Italian; 45 German, and two Russian features were shown in the U. S. In 1939, 85 came from Germany.

Songstress Par-Excellent SARI MOSKOVITZ, Mgr.

O. A.


All Work Guaranteed To Satisfy

SHAFFER Beauty Salon 716 Brandeis The. Bldg. AT 4333

Steinheimer Company CONTRACTING PAINTERS Painting and Decorating ' Imported and Domestic Wallpaper 113 No. 40th St. HA-rney 6369


Fluorescent Light

BUSINESS IN ITS 50th YEAS CO-EDUCATIONAL Day,and Evening All Year Monthly Enrollment Standard Courses IONE C. DUFFY, Owner 207 S. 19th JA S890

Be Modern—Enjoy the Luxury and Economy Of tbe New

Fluorescent Lighting Free Estimates 1703 Howard

AT 4679

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©itiss Service Station 3702 17. BROADWAY - Council Bluffs, Iowa "Just Over the Bridge"



Bar None Stables 7609 So. SCsth St. So. Omsha, Hebr.

HOME FOR FUNERALS Established 1906

Horse* for Hire tUdtaf teutons

Complete Service at Nominal Cost

Riding Ticket

Offices of the American film companies have been seized by the Nazis in Paris. They intend using .the facilities for distributing t h e i r propaganda pictures. The companies may ask the U. S. foreign funds control commission for reimbursement by way of French property here.

HA 1226


"That boy is a genius!" raved an agent about his client. "Oh," yawned the producer, "genius is so common. Haven't yon someone who Jnst has talent?" (Copyrighted by Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Buenosi Aires (JTA) — An enthusiastic reception was held here for Dr. Solomon Goldman, former president of the Zionist Organization of. America, who arrived here on a tour of South America. He addressed the 17th convention of the Argentine Zionist Organization.

MOTOR TRUCKS Truck Headquarters Monday and Tuesday Nile*

Service on Trucks In ou» Shop Is now available 24 hours dally, except Sun.

Reserved for Private Parties Skate to tbe Moslc el OBI Sr» Hammond Organ


Wednesday and Friday High School Elites—25c With 8cbool Identification SDNUAV MATINEE - . «0r "Where Omaha Bbatet"

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Dress Up for Spring

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3120 Cumins St.

.••; Payments

MONUMENTS The l a r g e s t s t o c k of finished Memorials in Omaha being r e d u c e d a t s a v i n g s of . . .




1215 So. 13th St.

• •



12 Urt. tor tie


Apprentice: G a b r i e l Curtis starts his career all over again . . . takes a job as an assistant director. In Budapest, he was a stage director and actor for 20 years! Hollywoodata: B e a n y Fields and B l o s s o m Seeley, old-time headliners, are opening their own night club here. The Benny Rubins received an eight-pound baby girl via Stork Air Lines. Oscar Levant celebrates the twelfth anniversary of his first movie job . /•'. was cast as the piano player in "Burlesque." During her recent flying visit Mrs. P. D. R. lodged in the home of the Melvyn Douglases. George -Burns a n d Grade are recruiting stars to entertain at Army camps during the summer. Francis Lederer, unheard from for some time, Is cast as the male lead in "Puddln1 Head." The twenty-year partnership of Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby will be resumed when they write the Bcore for the next Jessel

$1.69 per Hew per Horn



Horribly ironic is the result of charitable intentions. T h e six Day Phono — JA 7090 million dollars raised for t h e Greek War Relief was shipped, Night Phon@—JA 7203 some of it quite recently . . . and will now in all likelihood fall into the hands of the enemy. Hence, HAftVESTEH CO. movie committees are considering the limitation of their help to aid I S t h & Jonas only Britain and the American Red Cross.

s h o w .




xi u




Plan Annual Dinner 'Council Bluffs Hadassah Holds Of Befit El May 19 Donors Luncheon The annual cci>g:rtgationfa.l din The Council Bluffs chapter of Hadassah lit Id its donor luncheon on Tuesday, May 6, at the Chieftain hotel. Mrs. Beu Ge-rshun was Chairman of t h e committee iu charge and was assisted by Mesdames Oscar Greeuherg, S a m Meyerson, H. Fried, Ike Kraene, and M. Biaodeis. The afternoon was spent In cards. Door prizes were won by Mrs. K. Teppermau, Mrs. F. Rubinstein and Mrs. Leo Meyerson. The chapter reported its quotas liad been filled.

Sigma Alpha Mu Lincoln (Special) — An exceptionally rare honor befell Sigma Alpha Mu on the university's traditional Iry Day, held May 1, •with the installation of Morton Margolin of Omaha into the Innocents Society, men's senior honorary. The basis for election to this society is leadership, scholarship, and service in university activities. The honor is extremely distinctive in that Morton is the only Jewish student on the campus to achieve this award. Morton was also recently reeelcted to the Student Union Board of Managers. Sigma A l p h a Mu debaters Tuesday evening walked away with a 3-0 decision at the expense of Delta Upsilon fraternity. This now places J3. A. M. in the semifinals, there being o n l y three teams left in the tournament. Upholding the affirmative side in the debate were Art Rivin and Bud Margulis. Omitted from the list of students recognized for high scholastic attainment last w e e k was Maui ice Tatleman of Omaha who ia enrolled in medical school. This is the sixth consecutive year that he has ranked in the upper ten. per ceut ot Wa class. Sunday, May Hi Sigma Omlcron chapter will bold its annual Mothers Day affair. Approximately 100 parents and relatives of members of Sigma Alpha Mu are expected to attend. Principal addresses will be delivered by chapter advisor Joe Glnsburg, a n d Ben Novicoff,. cnapter president^ Musical entertainment will also be presented followed by serving of refreshments. Flans for the annual High School "Week have been completed and a highly successful affair is anticipated. Starting'on Friday night, May 1<», a get-together smoker will be held. Saturday, tours of the university and visits to the state capitol will consume tie day. Saturday evening, a barn dance has been planned and Sunady marnirig, there roller Bkating at a roller rink followed by a picnic in the afternoon. All signs point to a highly enjoyable week-end. •

ner and election of officers of the Beth El synagogue will be held on Monday eveiiiag, May IS*, at the synagogue. Mrs. Daxe Stein is chairman and Mrs. Jack Kaufman co-chairman of arrangements for (lie ai fair.

Temple Luncheon For Mother*s Day The annual Mothers Day lunch eon of the Temple Israel Sisterhood will be held tomorrow at Temple Israel following the spe cial Sisterhood Sabbath services Mrs. Philip Gilinsky is general chairman in charge of arrangements for the day. Headers at the morning service will be: Mrs. J. M. Newman, Mrs. Harry TrustUr, Mrs. Paul Blotcky, and Mrs. Harold Farber. Members of the confirmation c l a s s will serve as ushers. Words of greeting will be given by Mrs. Isidor Ziegler, representing the mothers. Miss Marian Sally Livingston will respond for the daughters and Bert Hene, jr., for the sons. A trio, consisting of Joan Rosenstock, Anna Jane Kulakofsky, and Barbara Gilinsky, will sing.


t-ti <ippi.b.l to tiifc Arabs iu

1--1 :s;tii;s to take up armt again-k.-t 1) c British iii Jfce coaii^ca tlriig£ e fcr Irjcj freedom. It is said i tub.1 tiiis fctpeii ias.oe & great iaitus.sioD aiuoiig the Palestine PO&Uiaticri." jftnotfcer Gfe-rjii£.ii broadcast asserted: "Reports frow Paieitine stale that numt-rc-us Arab fighters for freedom are prepared to go immediately to Iraq."

"Irregular Arab formations on Friday aiabusbed British troops in the neighborhood of Nablus, central Palestine," the German radio reported. "The British military commander at Nablus immediately decreed curfew, prohibiting Arabs from using the streets during night hours. The British

lii oadeasts f r o m Rome, Zeestu, Lyoi.s Algiers t.&ia tLtre wi.s jjiiiit feijoiig Pale&tiiifc s Jews

~%tMother's'DayGive Mother



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Achduth The Achduth group of the Pioneer Women will hold its next meeting on Monday evening, May 12, at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Sam Nerenberg, 3228 Fontenelle Blvd. All members are urged to attend as, this is an important meeting. Officers w e r e elected at the April 16 meeting. They are: Mrs. Samuel D. Nerenberg, president; Mrs. Claire Horwich, recording secretary; Mrs. B. Veitzer, financial secretary, and Mrs. Sol Gendelman, treasurer. Members of the executive board are: Mesdames H. Kolnic, N. Veitzer, R. Pearlman, M. Nerenberg and H. Shrago. The telephone committee includes Mrs. I. Pearlman and Mrs. NV Nerenberg. Mrs. Samuel Nerenberg is chairman of publicity.

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Nelly Don Designs T w o Favorites . . . f o r That Favorite Person . . . Mother!

Masada The Masada- club Is planning to show a motion picture soon for the benefit of the Jewish National Fund tree fund. The Masada softball team ig progressing rapidly, but has not as yet entered any league. It was voted at the last meeting to meet every ot!isr week instead of every week. The nexl meeting will be hid on Sunday, May 11, at 2 p. m., after which the new rule will go into effect. Bas-a-mf girls are going ahead with plans for their style show which is to be presented on May 25. ' The last business meeting was held on-Thursday, May 1, at the home of Miss Harriet Salzman. The major portion of the year's charity allotments w e r e jnade at that time. Bas-a-mi is. unanimous in the endorsement of the Youth Conclave to too held on May 18 and plans to cooperate wjth the Round Table in every possible way.

Bikur Cholim

A regular meeting of the Bikur Cholim Society will bo held Monday at 2 o'clock at the Jewish Community *C e nt er, Important matters are to be discussed. Plans.will be made for the June luncheon.


Gifted designs fat voile, with soft becoming necklines, bracelet - l e n g t h •ieeyes, dainty dx e s s mak e r details.

Axis Sources C1 a i m Rising Against Zionists

Istanbul (JTA) >— Intensifying its radio offensive' in the Middle East, the. Axis sought this week to Incite the Arab world to revolt against'Britain around the banner of the pro-Nftzl Iraq government, with particular emphasis on Palestine. • A broadcast of the Nazi-controlled radio Baid: "At several places in Palestine It" came to bloody clashes between Arabs and Jews. In Jerusalem, the British troops fired on a crowd. Some persons were killed and others wounded. In .front of the residence of the British high, commissioner'' a bomb explosion occurred.'" Antl - Jewish outbreaks a n d kidnaping pi Jewish leaders in the Holy Land were reported by the Nazi-controlled Paris radio. The outbreaks were attributed to "Arab reaction to events in the Balkans and- Mesopotamia" and aggravation of anti-jewlsh feeling by the "mass arrival of Jewish emigrants from the Balkans and . . . the situation in Iraq-." The Berlin radio reported: "The Iraq government has broad-

Loi.dc n J'tc'io tai-3: "A broadcast [•iirpo-rt.iii.g1 to come from Bagdad not O'Biy p v e Mg'Liy colored atc.c-u.nis cf tts figLttag in Iraq, tut aided a description of Arab disturbances in i-aiestine. A mest>age received today says that the people ot Palestine listened to it vith amusement and incredulity." The German radio said Jewish leaders in Iraq were arrested after Jews in Baghdad had beea charged with attempting to create a panic among the population by closing their shops and spread-' ing defeatist rumors.

as the Axis aricies aifj/iotthed. They cuotei "reliable lepQiis" that Jews were liurriedly faelliag land and iieeing across the frontiers, ple&diijg for visas to ttie United States- Oae German report said ibat even Chief Rabbi Isaac lletzog weiit to tte American consulate in Jerusalem and begged for a visa. The broadcaster was apparently uninformed that Rabbi Herzog has been in the United States for the past Ludwig O s c a r Josephson, . a three months on a visit. Swedish Jew, was one of t h e The British radio scoffed at re- staunchest supporters of Ibsen ports of unrest in Palestine. The and Strindberg.

Tau Delta Sigma The formal dance of the Tan Delta Sigma was acclaimed a success with four hundred persons attending. The affair was given May 5 at the Music Box with music by Freddie Ebener. Highlight of the evening was the coastto-coast broadcast by the orchestra from 11 to 11:30 o'clock. A special meeting h a s been called to discuss plans for further activities and the conclave.


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FRIDAY, MAY », 1941


Science in Germany By Charles Solomon

Germany has suffered — and will suffer—many tosses in this war, but perhaps he most tragic of all of them is the shocking degradation of German science. The country that once could claim to be in the forefront of the world's scientific thought has now almost ceased to exist scientifically. This is due not only to the actual physical loss to G e r m a n science through the expulsion or escape of eminent l e a d e r s of thought like Einstein and the late Professor Freud, who happened to be Jews, although" this factor in Itself has proved a serious loss to the country. The point was made by Prime Minister Winston Churchill in a review of the war situation in the House of Commons last August when he said: "Since the enemy drove out the Jews and lowered their technical standards, our science is definitely ahead of theirs." But not all German scientists were Jews, and even "Aryan" leaders of thought in Germany had years ago a record of which any country might be proud. Today that science is a thing of the past. German science has been superceded by Nazi pseudo-science and professor in Nazi universities now give public utterance to socalled scientific statements of which any elementary schoolboy would be ashamed. Rationalizations The reason is not far to seek. It is that in Nazi G e r m a n y "science" is no longer a dispassionate search after truth; it is concerned solely with findingspurious "rationalizations" for the Nazi ideology. No scientific discovery that does not serve this end is, from the Nazi point of view, "Scientific."

what no man can understand. It would seem inconceivable that 'anybody venturing to call Mmself a scientist would deny a theory put forward by another scientist, not for any reason of fact or logic, but simply and solely because he belongs to a di'ferent race. Yet this absurdity is proudly proclaimed in the Berliner Tageblatt, which, in describing a lecture by. Professor Stark with the appealing title, 'Physics and Jewry," s a y s : ' W h e n Lord* Rutberford and Niels Bohr constructed their model of the atom, Stark rejected their theory, not so much for factual reasons, but on principle, because of its being based on ideas and doctrines of Jewish physicists." Here we see a delibrate rejection of science in favor of prejudice. There follows, too, a typical piece of Nazi wooly mysticism. "It is particularly significant that its electron does not take the global form developd by the Jewish physicist, Abraham, but takes the shape of a vorTin?;." Wio in the world, outside a lunatic asylum, could find anything "significant" a b o u t hat? One would be tempted to suppose that the "scientists" of Nazi ermany had been recruited from the same asylums from which many of their political leaders are known to have come, were it not that the past records of some of them forbid so simple an explanation. It la fascinating to speculate what can have brought about the startling transforma-


(Continued from Page li) Thus we find Germans who that. If he manages to get all have won a world-wide reputa- the committee people into the pation as men of science support- pers, he may riso to be general ing the ridiculous "racial theory" chairman of next year's picnic or. which is completely discredited even president of the congregaamong scientists of every other tions in some year to come. Who country in the world. Thus we can tell? find also the absurd insistence He Is an indefatigable man. He on the belief that Jewish and "Nordic" blood differ in some ob- is not content merely to have It scure and mystical fashion •— a made known to tbe World by a proposition for which no shred single notice that 6a a certain of proof has ever been offered day Anshe Giborim. will give a> even In Germany itself. There is, picnic. The affair must be dinned of course, no difference of any into the ears of the public "time kind between Jewish and Gen- and again until picnic day. He marches from success to tile blood; both are distributed among the four blood groups. But success: There Is the day he gets within these groups n e i t h e r the names of the entire lemonade "race" nor religious opinion im- committee into the columns of the daily press. He feels a tingling parts any distinction. sense of triumph at this.' It shows Preoccupation with blood is, tho whole congregation what an however, characteristic and prob- influential m a n the publicity ably symptomatic of the Nazi chairman Is with tho press. He ideology. A people as heterogene- and the press are as close as your ous'as the Germans still adopt as two fingers, you might say. ithety rallying cry, "Ein Reich, Pictures ein Blut, ein Fuehrer." Nazis in Another day the whole genHolland have forbidden Dutch eral committee it's that gets in, then Jews to offer blood transfusions the prize committee, the l u n c h to any except other Jews, altho committee, the special events no laboratory or other test has committee;; flnaly, the plicture of ever been devised to establish general chairman. But the the identity of the donor of blood the publicity chairman's m a g n u m by analyzing the fluid Itself. opus is the picture of the chairWhen a wounded German prison- woman the ladies' auxiliary er'in England was given a trans- which isof arranging fusion of Jewish blood, the Ber- games for the picnic. the bridge lin > newspaper Boersen - Zeitung As he looks at her picture he said that such an action recalled feels he has made an artistic con"the practices of darkest mediev- tribution to the daily press. She al- times" and added that to force looks coyly out of the halfJewish blood into the arteries of tone! so The cut angle of her pretGermans was to "torture them ty head! The merry twinkle In physically." her eye! He cannot but help ,' Record of Stupidity feel that all this is something to Even apart from this "blood enlarge the prestige of Ansbe obsession," the utterances of Ger- Giborim in the world. man men of science reach a level In the meantime/ all the city of stupidity which would be inr editors have been working up to credible were it not supported by a nervous fret on -account of unimpeachable evidencer In an en- Anshe Gfiborim'sI picnic. C i t y deavor to make science subserve Editor Grogan, who is no antia political creed based on ignor- Semite at all, says- he is glad ance and prejudice, the unfortun- Anshe Giborim picnics come only ate "scientist" finds h i m s e l f once a year and hopes that the hopelessly bogged In a morass of publicity chairman gets drowned meaningless verbiage. at this .year's picnic; ..'•" . Take, for. example, the inaugBut for" the sak« of the Jewish uration address delivered by Pro- circulation they keep on printing fessor Schultze.l Reich University the frequent tidings of Anshe Teachers' Leader, at the Gnies- Giborlm's picnic. With the missen Academy of Science, in which taken judgment of ipublic opinion he said that the new Weltan- frequently found in ~ newspaper schauung "would lead a new learn- people, they feel, somehow, that ing to victory over the unrealis- the Jewish circulation will rise tic learning of those nations that up against the paper if the picture are poor in knowledge . . . By of the chairwoman of. the ladies' facts the Jewish liberal , Snpwl? auxiliary. In charge of the bridge edge is refuted . ... National So- games isn't printed. cialism replaces abstract. rationI, myself, know-what to do with alism by a fullblooded spirited matters like, the Ansho Giborim ' science^" The advantage of this picnic. To me, In my function as sort of jargon' is that it cannot a worker for the flally .press, Jewbe refuted.. No . man, .can. deny ish items general Interest,

ion of able and painstaking investigators into a rabble of stupid and illogical perverts, whose Jew-phobia has apparently destroyed all power of rational bought. It is a tragedy that Germany should have expelled, in Sigmund Freud, one of the few men who could have'put a finger on Germany's neurosis. It is to be doubted, however, whether the patient would have welcomed the physician's diagnosis.

At 93 Seeks Citizenship

Jews Leaving Ir&q

New York (WNS) — Ghanine Sipper, a Polish-Jewish refugee who will be S3 years old on June 16, obtained his first citizenship papers from the Naturalization Division of the Immigration and Naturalization Service here and made plans to become an American citizen at the end of five years.

London (JTA) — Tiie Nazicontrolled Paris r a d i o reports that Jews in Iraq, thrown into panic by t h e recent political change, were liquidating their businesses and moving to Egypt, but the government was not allowing Jews to take out more than the equivalent of $200.

Philanthropist Dies

OSE Head Arrives

New York (JTA)—Dr. Julius Chicago (JTA) — Maurice L. IJrutzkus, 70-year-old head of tbe Rothschild, department store own- World OSE Union, Jewish health er and philanthropist, died. He protection society, arrived here on would have been 77 on April 30. the Portuguese steamship Nyassa He came to the United States from Lisbon. He had been arfrom North Stettin, Germany, 64 rested by French police during a years ago. He started bis busi- round-up of Jewish social workness with a covered wagon, selling ers last winter and held in a jail are occasionally brought. I bave clothing In railway construction in Nice for 12 weeks. Dr. Brutsin mind particularly an item an- camps. kus is a well-known historian and nouncing that Melvin Gluts would former minister for Jewish Afbe bar mizvah next Saturday . . . To South Africa fairs in Lithuania. "I want this printed in the paper," his father said. New York (JTA)—Col. Morris of the first exponents of J. Mendelsohn, chairman of the theOne use of vaccine in England was Who Cares New Zionist Organization of I asked myself: Who of the America a n d former national the Jewish physician, Jacob de ;eneral public cares in the least commander of the Jewish War Castro (1704-1789). hat little Melvin Glutz is going Veterans of the United States, Patronize Our Advertisers to be bar minvah next Saturday? sailed on the 9. S. Oh loan for In fact, how many of the general Cape Town to participate in the public know what bar mizvah is "Jewish Army Campaign" of the anyway? In what way does the South African New Zionist OrPaxton-Mitchell news of Melvin Glutz's bar mizvah ganization. He will lecture in Co. Foundries contribute to public information? important centers of South Africa What purpose will it serve to and Southern Rhodesia. Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, print Melvin's bar mizvah In the Soft Grey Iron and Semipaper except the pleasure of his Endorse Histadruth Steel Castings, Wood and parents who will exult, "Did you New York (JTA)—More than Metal Patterns and Sash see Melvin's name in the paper?" 250 reform rabbis have signed a Weights carried in stock. I tossed Melvin into the waste- statement endorsing the work of Bronze a n d Cast Iron basket. I should do the same the Histadruth (Palestine labor Grilles a Specialty. with Anshe Giborim's picnic if it federation) on the occasion of its came to me. 20th anniversary, it was announc27th end Martha Sts. Melvin's parents probably said, ed by Dr. Joseph Diamond, naCIA GVG7 yes, that Segal is an anti-Semite. tional secretary of the League for It hurts him to give a Jewish Labor Palestine. hild a break, Nevertheless, I insist that our purely intramural matters don't belong in the daily press. The Jewish press is a euf2413 CUMIWG ST. AT 2035 lcient and competent medium for all affairs that pertain to t h e INSTALL A GAG OH OIL BUfSUifJCl UNIT MOW strictly private life of Israel. FlilST PAYF.1EIOT OCT. 1ST To synagogues, to Zionist orThere are a few off our customers who are already anizations, to Talmud Torahs, to enjoying their Automatic Gas or Oil Furnaces: Jewish lodges, I offer-the followUt'lzcr, Nnthan Kirschcnhaiiiii, Meyer ng directions to wisdom in pubUclman, llynmn Richards, Hyinan iclty: The doings and sayings of Dolgoff, M. 11. Itodiiiiaii, Hurry Jews and Jewish organizations • Kelscr, Mrs. G. HUrler, lioulti are entitled to a place in the genKirscbenbaum, 3Iax Zorinsky, -^jinle eral public prints only when they I'ereJiufln, Ben are of general public interest. Ask Them Aboat It I Only when something Jewish touches the common life is it FfJEE ESTIMATES . . . . LOWEST PISCES worth general publicity. A rabbi , SATISFACTION GUAftA^TSED speaking,, for example, on national Jewish budgeting isn't newsBUTTERING .SHEiET-•"•"••AB •"' worthy in tho daily press in the least, but a rabbi speaking for a more just and lovely order in the world should be heard in t h e dally press. It is of no public interest at all that a B'nai B'rith lodge is giving a social but it Is of largo interest that the B'nal B'rith lodge is joining with the Knights of Columbus for a charitable purpose. It Is not publicly important that Hadassah is having a party, that the Zionists are conducting an election, that Anshe Giborim has bought a new Torah. (In our town wo do not use the daily press to exploit the annual drive of the Jewish Welfare Fund). (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

Barred from Music Hall London <JTA) — Notices that Jews are not admitted have been posted outside the Antwerp Music Hall, Belgian circles reported. The notices were put up after a brawl between Flemish extremists and other spectators. The Nazi a u t h.o r i t i e B blamed "Jewish troublemakers" for the incidents, resulting in general indignation against the Nazis.

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FRIDAY, MAY &, 1 9 4 1




The animal Had&ssah dosic luncheon will be held t-t the Jew ANXOUNCK BAH ish Commuiiity Center on Tbura Mr. ar;.d Mrs. Ben' Telpner of day, ,May 15. AH ititeresUng j>n Council Bluffs aEEOunce (he Bar grain has beea arranged. Mi-; Mitzvah of thtir SOD, Maycard, Mary Jeauneile lirown. coucer at the Chevra B'nai Yisroel synaviolinist of .the J. J. C. Litti gogue, Saturday morning at 9:30. Symphony orchestra, will furnii*. No invitations are being issued. the musical background. Guest speaker for trie afteruoci KABBI FI£LI>MAN -will be Mrs. A. P. Schoolmait AT NEW ADBKE88 national • secretary of Hadassali Rabbi N. Feidman has moved Mrs. Schoolman, has served as to 2434 Charles St. His phone representative of Hadassah on the number is WE 0990. hospital committee of t h e Ti Aviv hospital and was also na , t tional chairman of the Jewish Na Beta Tau debate team, find themtional Fund Council of JIadassaL selves in a three-way tie for the a post she relinquished when she title as the contest nears an end. •went to Palestine to make h i r home in Jerusalem. For two years she resided in Palestine and while there actively participated iu the life of this Members of Junior Council will Ylshuv. This enabled her to mafce hold a Mother and Daughter tea a close study of Hadassah's work Sunday, May 11, at $ o'clock at In the Holy Land. the Fontenelle hotel. Upon her return to America in Ida Fine is chairman of the 1938, Mrs. Schoolman w a s apcommittee in charge and is being appointed chairman of the Zionassisted by Bees Bernstein, Sylvia ist Relations and Political EduWeiner, Evelyn Kalman, Lillian cation committee of Hadassah, in Kaiman, Lillian Keiser, Rosella which capacity she is still servHandler, Ruth Marks, and Doris ing, She is also a member of the Gilinsky. Actions Committee of the World Mrs. S. Handler will speak for Zionist Organization. te mothers and .Sylvia Weiner for Convention the daughters, Florence TatelA contingent of women from m'an is to sing several vocal seLincoln a n d Council Bluffs is lections. Reed Magzamin will tapplanning to join the Omaha group dance. attending the Southwest Regional Mrs. A. H. Brodkey and Mrs. —Bill Sherman Photo. Conference in Des Moines on SunBen Silver will preside at the tea Mrs. Norman Abrahamson was Miss Louise Miller, daughday, Monday and Tuesday, May table. ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Miller, before her marriage on April 11, 12 and 13. The next meeting of the Junior 27. Mr. Abrahamson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Abrahamson. Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. Mike Council will be on Sunday, June Freeman will take part in a dis8. Officers are to be elected at cussion on H. M. O. at one of the over the induction of the newlythis time. - •••• •••.' sessions. elected members of th organization, which as held last Tuesday evening. Lincoln (Special)—As another Gamma Tau Sigma college year nears its end, the officers of the Alpha Theta chapA regular social meeting of the Lincoln (Special) — T h e t a ter of Zeta Beta Tau step from Gamma Tau Sigma was held last chapter of Sigma Delta Tau anpower to be replaced by new men.Sunday at the home of the presinounces the election of the folOutgoing president, leaving an lowing officers, who will serve A regular meeting of t h e Theta excellent record behind him, wasdent, Doris Pinkowitz. Following a business' meeting for the coining year: President, Alpha R h o sorority was held a t Wintroub who was re- the girls played bunco. RefreshShirley Epstein; vice president, the home of Miss Goldie Gaerlick Ernest placed by Leonard Goldstein. Anna Arbitman; secretary, Sylvia n Sunday, May 4. • •» Leonard will be a senior in the ments were served. Katzman; treasurer, Rose GoldAfter t h e regular business Business Administration college stein; historian, Miriam Rubnitz; neeting, bridge was lpayed a n d next year. The vice president for co-rush chairmen, Esther Fox and >rizes, were won by Miss Goldie the coming year will be James nerntce Crounse; social chairman, Cusman a n d Miss Helen Burstein. Lipsey, in place of Lawrence GavVEf-JCTIAfJ BLINDS leather Fox; scholarship chair- Miss Burstein ia a new member enniair. Stuart Simon was electWINDOW SHADES man, June Ackerman, and house or t h e organization. , ... ed treasurer which was previously MADE XO ORDER manager, Estelle Raduziner. The next meeting is to be held held by Leonard Goldstein; The One of t h e loveliest annual in Sunday, May 18, a t t h e home new secretary is Joe' Kirshentraditions on the campus of the f Miss Marion Colin. bau'm, .last year's historian,, who BEBCILT REPAIRED CLEANED SAM TARNOFF & BON, Props. University of Nebraska is the obreplaces Edwin Wittenberg, and 924 No. lOth. Mfg. In Omaha. servance of Ivy Day, celebrated the position of historian went to AT 481* Ladies Free Loan last iThursday, May 1. Thetans Irving Malashock. were thrilled and excited when A board meeting of the Ladies The ZBT baseball team scored Miriam Rubnitz, retiring vice ree Loan Society will be held another victory last week, defeatpresident of t h e chapter, was masked as a new member of Thursday, May 15, at 2 p. m. at ing the Acacias and taking anCUT DIAMOND Mortar Board, senior women's he home of Mrs. S. Feidman, other s t e p toward the league Perfect championship." At t h e present honorary. Miriam is the daughter 1819 N. 21st. 1 time the team Is tied for first of Dr. and Mrs. A .S. Rubnitz of place in their league, and is one . Omaha, and her campus activities Set in Platinum with of the six teams on : the campus " >during the past three years have Baguettes that - remain in the race for the included membership on Student Splendid $40750 Council, treasurer and vice presiFor their last* meeting, the De-intramural baseball title. Value W l dent of Tassels, historian of Sig- lorah Society will hold a lunchThis coming Sunday is Parents Many Other Special Valued ma Alpha Iota, member of Y. W\ on on Tuesday, May 13, at 1 Day at Alpha Theta and will be Convenient Terms C. A., Vestals of the Lamp, Coed o'clock at the Jewish Community celebrated, as is the annual cus>; Counsellors, and the University Center. •••; V ' • ' } ' - '-••••••• •. •.' tom, with an open house and dinString ensemble. Miriam's sister, * Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will ner for the parents.' Josephine, was elected to the NeWith an eye on the intramural principal speaker. Mr. Max braska chapter, of Mortar Board debate championship Robert Pasin 193S, and served as treasurer cheuermann of Temple Israel ser a n d Yalo Gotsdiner, Zeta will present a musical program. of the group. Other S . D . T . ' s r Mrs. Max Fromkin is to be participating in Ivy Day were: Rose Goldstein, iNqrma. Seldin, master,of ceremonies and Mrs. J. Bernice Crounse arid Geraldine inkel, chairman. Mrs. J; Bernstein is president Grinspan who . marcne.d . in; the daisy chain precedent to t h e •f the Deborah Society and Mrs. crowning of the May.Qtjeen. >Iichael Cohen, secretary. Reseravtions may be made with A formal dinner in honor of Miriam Rubnitz was- jjeld at the Mrs. Bernstein at HA 0203 or chapter house Monday night, at Mrs. Cohen, WE 1222. which time a g i f t wa>i presented Eve konecky is publicity chairto her on behalS of the chapter. man. Aa an Institution Engaged in the Climax of., the dinner was the passing of a five-pound, box of. candy announcing t h e 'engagement of Sylvia Bystqin, and Henry > ."' Presents'Beoatlfnl ' Greenbcrg' Phi Epsilon, PIr fram Costume Rings S» Jewelry Sioux City, Iowa..Other *candy~ enSbeU and Summer Fastels MI8T1 8H0PPE • joyed last was that Of - Mr. and SOSVJ SO. 10th St. Mrs. Al tyadman of Philadelphia, (Securities BIdg. Lobby Pa. Mrs. •Wa'dman was formerly Store No. 2—Paxton Hotel Lobby Rose Hill of Lincoln. " At a banquet, last. Sunday night, marking- the close of a highly sue-' cessiiU first year of Hillel's acThe Greatest Value We Offer tivity on t h e ' Nebraska campus, For Your -Our Customers Is - : • several awards ;. were made . to .Canary those members who had given Feed Him outstanding serviqe., Shirley Epstein, president, received a prize Geisler's of $10 for her effort and leaderFor (Longer ship and Sylvia Katzman was the Life and recipient of a $5 award for her essay on "Toward a Better Hillel Sweeter Song .Organization," w h i c h was adGET TME BEST judged best. Seed 2Sc New members of Coed CounselSeed SSc lors for the coming year are Anna Arbitman, Bernice Crounse, At All Dealers Reebcca Silver", Esther Fox, Dorothy Levich and Sylvia Katzman. Sylvia Katzman, as president of Lambda Delta, presided

FROM. Sl\. JOSEPH Mr. a i d Mrs. S. Handler Lave i-s their g'ufctts tliis weektad, their stn-in-law and daughter, Mr. aiid Mi'E. H. M. Korbholz of St. Josejib, Mo.


Junior Council

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Sigma Delta Tau

Theta Alpha Rho

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ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED ANNOUNCE BAS MITZVAH for the west coast where she will Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Osheroff visit with her eon, Ernie A. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Conn announce the Bas Mitzvah of their announce the engagement and Meyer and his family. She plans daughter, Gerre Cohn, this eve- approaching marriage of t h e i r to' he gone five or six weeks. ning and tomorrow morning at daughter, Esther, to Mr. Norman the Beth El synagogue. Mr. andBolker, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. TEMPLE SUPPER CLUB Mrs. Cohn will receive in honor Bolker. The Temple Israel Supper club of their daughter this evening aftMiss Osheroff attended t h e er services at the synagogue. All University of Omaha and Mr. Bolr will meet Monday, May 12, at the' friends and relatives are cordial- ker is a junior at the University Temple. ly invited. - No invitations are be-of Nebraska School of Medicine. AJBBAHAMSON-M1LLER FRIISDMAN-SCHOLNICK ing Issued. The wedding is planned for CONVALESCING •. Under a Canopy of white carMiss Selma Vera Seholnick, June 15. Mrs. M. Gross of 1026 Park nations and ferns banked w i t h daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ave. is convalescing at St. Joseph palms and flanked on either side Scholnick, Sunday, April 27, be- ON SOUTHERN TRIP LEAVES FOR COAST hospital from Injuries sustained... Mr. and Mrs. Leo Abramson by candelabra, Miss Louise Mil- came the bride of Sam Friedman, Mrs. E. Meyer is leaving today in a recent accident. ler; daughter of Mr. and Mrs.eon of Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Fried- left Saturday morning for a three Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky months' motor trip south. They David Millar, was married to Nor- man. and Cantor A.. Schwaczkin per- will visit New Orleans, -Galvesman Abrabamson, son of Mr. and ton, Houston and Dallas, Tex., Mrs. Ben Abrahamson, on Sun-formed t h ' e c e r e m o n y at the and Tulsa, Okla. day, April 27, at 3 o'clock at the Blackstone hotel. Miss Esther Brown, a cousin Beth El synagogue. . : WEDDING TRIP ' Rabbi David A. Goldstein and of the bride, was maid of honor, ONMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Malashock, while another cousin,' Miss Ruth Cantor Aaron Edgar officiated, who left by motor for the south Kaplan, was bridesmaid. Jack The bride wore a long-sleeved after their marriage on April 26, white satin and lace gown, fitted Friedman, brother of the bride- are now In Florlaa. De»glai Strt*t groom, was best man. George at the waistline, featuring a full Towards the end of the month Scholnick and I r v 1 n Goffstein skirt, which fell into a four-yard they will leave for Chicago to train. Her tulle veil fell from a were ushers. meet Mr. and Mrs. Henry Monsky Following the ceremony a dinseed-pearl tiara. She carried a and return home with them. Mrs. Bible with white gardenias "and ner for 85 guests was served. Malashock is the former Babette After a short wedding trip the streamers of white sweet peas. couple will be at home in the Rothschild, daughter of Mrs. Monsky. . Miss Lucille Abrahamson, sis- Newton apartments. ter of the bridegroom, was maid ©f honor, and Mrs. Harold PerelJOSLYN MEMORIAL jnan was matron of honor. Both TO ATLANTA Sunday at 2:30 in the Concert .wore peach net gowns and car- Mrs. M. Rich left Saturday, May Hall of the Joslyn Memorial, a ried matching bouquets of roses, 3,. for Atlanta, Ga., where she concert will be given by t n e LuBridesmaids were Ilelene Polin will spend three months with her ther College a Capella chair of of, Chicago, who wore blue net, son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Wahoo, Neb. In the Lecture hall und Jeanne Blacker, who w a s Mrs. Ben Rich, and her grandson, at 2:30 three sound films will be gowned in pink net. Both car- Gilbert Barry. She will also visit shown; "Stephen Foster," "Voice with her daughter, Anne, of of the Sea" and "Old Time Balried bouquets of roses. Washington, D. C. lads.' Dan Miller, brother of t h e Mr. Gordon Giffen will speak ljr}de, was best man. Harold at 3:30 in the lecture hall on 'Abrahamson, brother of the bride- GUEST HERB Mr. Abe Newman of Chicago Is "A Community Theater Prospect groom, and Norman Rosenthal the guest of his brother, Mr. Dav- for 1941-42." A 4 o'clock organ W6re groomsmen, Don Bordy, MOrrls Fine, Harold Perelman, id M. Newman, and Mrs. Newman. recital will be given by Esther Leaf, assisted by Janet Regnier, Harry Rosenthal and Irwin Simon soprano, and Margaret Lindgren, ushered. De Vera Green a n d FROM DETROIT Miss Esther Hirsch of Detroit accompanist. Barbara Ruback, cousins of the bride, were flower girls. Ernest is the guest of her sister, Mrs. David Frenberg, and Mr. Fren- BETROTHAL TOLD • Prlesman was organ soloist. , ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lincoln anThe bride's mother wore a pale berg. nounce the engagement of their rose sheer gown. The groom's daughter, Helen, to Mr. Joe Lermother was gowned in blue chif- HOME FROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. H. Epstein are at ner, son of Mr. Max Lerner. fon. Both had corsages of white home after spending the winter In honor of the couple, the Lingardenias. colns' will hold open bouse on Assisting at the reception which in California. Sunday, May 11 from 3 to 5 and followed the ceremony were: Mrs. from 7 to 9 for all friends and Arthur Cohen, Mrs. Max Jacobs, APPROACHING MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs. A. Shafton an- relatives at their residence, 432 Mrs. Jake Kaplan, Mrs. Meyer Katzman and Mrs. Jacob Bern- nounce the approaching marriage N. 38th St. No invitations have Tfcey'll Wear a Wonderful of their daughter, MIBS Evelyn, to been Issued. stein. Jack Buckman, son- of Mr. New WartaMe Fabric . . ff ^Following a short wedding trip Mr. Mrs. Sam Buckman of Chithe couple returned to Omaha. and cago. They are now residing at t h e June 8 has been chosen as the Berkeley apartments, 649 South Mother's Day wedding date. 19th avenue.' GREETINGS Out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vilinsky and Mrs.J. K a p l a n , Mr. and Mrs. II. » CUT FLOWERS Ruth Goldstein of Minneapolis; Schneider and Mr. and Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. M. Robinow and Kaplan of Red Oak, la.; Mr. and ©PLANTS daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mennen, Mrs. M. Gerber and daughter of ©DESIGNS Miss Carp, Mr. and Mrs. M. Jacobs Missouri Valley; Mr. and Mrs. and family, Mr. S. Marsh a n d Arthur Mitchell of Hollywood, daughter, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rodin, Cal.; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green SURIS FLOWER SHOP and Miss Crannie Hurwltz of and children and Mrs. Al Lavin . 1621 FARNAM ST. Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Meyer of Chicago; Lt. Herbert Rosenthal Phones: JA 4009-4910 Ruback of Avoca, la.; Mr. andof Shreveport, La., and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruback and daugh- Mrs. I. Rozlnsky and family of ter of Dennlson, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Auburn, Neb.


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FRIDAY, MAY S , 1 S 4 1

Gems of the Bible and Talmud

Word ti.a t&iDie fix is Europe, *i& the rum&t rente, Jewii'ii leaders fioia tLe vtri&'sis occuAnd they repeat this lie over K&W. pied couktrifcs SB-d i t e Rtlck itetlf i&ve fceta EttiEBy Dr. PWIig. SLsr and over. Eaotei to t&iit;.dtr the jireject al beUHsig: EuroSfcW SUBSCRSPT80N PfttCE, O R « Year pe&n Jewry <m the island <u£ Madagascar. Why Advertising feifc* Fsa««iw»t«S en Abide from reasons of humanBIBLE dibeufcfii&n is accessary is peiwuig, because if Gerity, there are a number of good, Who is tb.e ELEE ttat deuretk EDITORIAL titf'lflCEs 4M many decided c-o. Madagascar, the Jewish leaders life, aad loveth the days teat he concrete reasons why the ConSIOUX CMii CEta H oiay eee good therein? Keep thy gress and the Department of will t o t t e coat tilted. State, instead of throwing obMadagascar was © coveted by Poland tongue from evil a t d tLy lips stacles in the way of the flight DAVID BLACKEE—-BtttitfciES &&,£ MaEEfiEg Editw from speaking guile, depart from as a recfcjitalie for her Jews. Polish leaders were evil and do good, setk peace and of the refugees, should aid them LEONARD NATHAN Editor in catering the United States. I forever reminding French liiiffiaiiitariaiis that tltis pursue it. RABBI THEODORE H. LEWIS • Book Editor take it for granted that humanity Evil stall kill the wicked, and FRANCES BLACKER - • • Society Editor island off the ta&t coast of Africa would be juut they tfeat hate the righteous shall doesn't count any more. It has been o b l i t e r a t e d from the MORRIS AIZENBBRG—Sioux City Correspondent the place for Palibh Jewry. Since Madagascar he beW guilty. belongs to France and France was the dominant Unrighteous witness rise up, thoughts of o u r bureaucrats, power of Europe, there was little Poland could do they a&k me of things that I know along with the old principle that not, they repay me evil for good, America was a sanctuary for the to enforce her demands. persecuted and the old pride in There is every reason to believe that many of bereavement came to my soul. the American "Melting pot." Let not them that are wrongthe Jews of Baden, who several mouths ago were fully mine enemies rejoice over For those who believe there i« the possibility sent to unoceu&ied Prance, were originally de- me, neither let them wink with No matter how much, or how of coming to terms with the representatives of stined for Madagascar, but the authorities were the eye that hate me, without a long, Senator Reynolds, and Repforce and disorder, the Iraqi revolt should be an unable to get them through the British blockade. cause. resentative "Ham" Fish, m a y bleat that "refugees are stealing interesting lesson. Undoubtedly the leading spirit Thus they remain in the unspeakably horrible refTALMUD jobs from our old-time Ameribehind the uprising is that old acquaintance of ugee camps of France. Rabbi Mair said, "Whence do cans," the fact remains that the ours, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. This sinister When Hitler completed his conquest of Po-we know that even a heathen who United States today needs spepersonage has for years attempted to thwart Brit- land, the Jews were to be isolated on the Lublin is occupied with the study of the cialized skills to farther its war ain in the Near East. Nevertheless the Chamber- reservation. Some Jews have been chased there, Torah is likened to a high priest? effort and that many refugees lain government petted and paid him despite t i e but they inevitably wander back to their home- The passage says (Leviticus 18.5) possess these skills. Which if a man do, he shall live fact he was the mouthpiece of the Axis In Pales- towns. One place is as bad as another, and if one by it. It does not specify priest, Great Britain today has crack tine. is to die he might as well die in a familiar place. Levite, or Israelite, but states in air squadrons made up of Polish, This so-called Grand Mufti organized the up-Palestine is, of course, out of the question. The general if a man, whence it may Czech and French pilots. Part be inferred that a heathen too, rising of 1936 which caused much innocent blood Nazis never approved the project, since they saw who occupies himself with the of its fleet and part of its mer* chant marine are manned by Norto flow on Palestine soil. There was nothing pop- the Jews gaining their self-respect there, and the study of the Torah is equal to a wegians, Greeks and Dutchmen. ular in this revolt. The Arabs had no quarrel Nazis do not want Jews to acquire anything as high-priest." Behind some of Its anti-aircraft with the Jews or the British. They had recognized damaging as self-respect. Moreover Palestine now Rabbi Juda said, "What is theguns are Belgians. meaning of the passage (Heb these two groups had brought to a backward coun- lies astride the Nazi path. All these people - * and many try the benefits of an advanced civilization. To adHowever bad Madagascar may be—and from 1.14) And makest men as themore - - are fighting the war for fish of the sea? Why are men vance his interests the Grand Mufti introduced what meager knowledge we have, It la terrible— compared to fish of the sea? Just democracy. And the United States strife. The majority of casualties came from the nevertheless it may even be better for the JewB as the larger fish of the sea swal- has promised all its aid for deranks of the Arab population which refused to than the agony of Europe where the Jews are first low the smaller, so also is it with mocracy. man, if not for the fear of govpay tribute to the brigands enlisted by the Axis. deprived of their self-respect and then their lives. • ernment, the stronger would have There are Poles and Czechs and The sole intention of the revolt was to weaken It is a pretty world indeed when thousands of swallowed the weaker." Belgians a n d Norwegians and Britain's hold in the Near East. While Italy and human beings can be rounded up and for no crime, Our Rabbis were taught: When Slavs and men of the Netherlands Germany were at pease with Britain, they could but living, may be shipped to far corners of the Adam, the first man, saw on thewho are Just as valuable, in this not boldly attack the Mandatory power, so instead earth, to tropical, disease-ridden lands # to satisfy first day of his creation, the sun war, as'if they were in the cockset, he cried saying, "Woe ia to pit of a fighting plane. They are held up Zionism as the bogey which was out to the whim of a mad-man. me, perhaps this is because of my the master craftsmen who have dispossess the Arabs. In spite of the facts, the apsin, that the world is to be re-been driven from their homeland a peasers of Great Britain played into the hands of turned to chaos, and this must be - - the engineers, riveters, airthe punishment of death, which craft workers, machinists, and the the Axis again — just as in the case of Czechowas decreed upon me by Heaven." others of whom we have n o t Speaking last week before the Union of Amerislovakia, just as in the matter of the Irish based. He wept all night, however, when enough. The rebels were treated as friends while the Jews can Hebrew Congregations, Rabbi Julius Gordon the dawn appeared he understood and loyal Arabs were penalized. There were even of St. Louis stated that Jews have forgotten the that such was the order of the Most particularly, there are the tHose who enteitalned the idea of buying off themeaning of their spiritual heritage as the emphasis world. He arose and sacrificed skilled German craftsmen and scientists who have been driven Grand Mufti by making him Caliph of all Islam of present day life is entirely on anti-Semitism. an ox. from Germany by Hitler. CerThere was a king who hated and thereby recognizing the fact he was a member This might have been any rabbi speaking, not tainly there is a niche for them the Jews and he asked the adonly Reform but Orthodox and Conservative. And of the Sherifian family—a descendant of Mohamvice of his high officials: "Should to fill in this mighty war effort. with slight change of terms, it might have been he who has a tumor on his foot The only thing against them, so med, which he is not. far as this correspondent can find Even if the Grand Mufti hail been elevated to any minister speaking for the members of any cut it off and be relieved, or out, is that they are Jews. ' If Christian denomination. should he allow it to remain and this office and thereby removed as a source of they weren't Jews a good many Under the stress of present circumstances, a be afflicted?" And the advice of people in OPM and the Army and agitation, the Axis powers would have found anthem all was that he should cut other Arab malcontent to act as their paymaster noticeable return to religion has been noticed. it off and be relieved. There Navy would be hopping all over Churches'and synagogues are no longer quite as was one official by the name of each other trying to get them to in the Near East. this country. But anti-Semitism, The implications ot the revolt in Iraq are cer- empty as they once were. People are evincing Ktiha, who objected to their ad- veiled but very real, stands in the vice, saying, "First you cannot tainly more ominous. It is too late for Britain to an interest in spiritual values. Labor groups, that get rid of all the Jews, because way. once tended toward the Atheism of the early labor mak*e good the mistakes of the past. But let our the world cannot get along withThere's another material aid appeasement-minded take heed from this faraway philosophers, are now urging their members to out them, secondly, your kingdom will be called an empire that kills which we can render the cause of act, and let them realize that negotiation with read the Bible. The world has been functioning on a false its own subjects." The King then the democracies by doing somemen like Hitler and Mussolini is a dream: In the. standard of values, and suddenly this false stand- said, "Thy advice has some logic, thing about the refugee. That's futile hope of buying off the Axis, let this country but there is a law that he who aid for England. England today ard has become; visible. The Grand Dukes of yes- obstructs the wish of the King is feeding unnumbered thousands not betray those who might be its friends. terday's Russia are paupers in the slums of Man- must be executed as a traitor." of refugees who are making no churia. The great bankers of Central Europe to- When he was taken to be execut- material aid to the war effort. day huddle in fear and want; the scientists are ed he said, "I bequeath all my property to Rabbi Akiba and his They are old men, women and ditch-diggers. With deep spiritual resources one colleagues." children. Bat they must be fed Any hope Hitler had of bringing the Nether- can face the world and perhaps even defy it. and housed, and England attends lands and Norway to his will, have been shattered to this, even when its own people How permanent this return to religion Is, reby the reaction of the inhabitants of these two are I i u n j r r y , because the con« mains to be seen. It is very true that anti-Semitism lands. Of all the nations conquered by Hitler, science of humanity is deep withhas been a great factor in strengthening Jewish in England. racially these two are closest to the Germans. Yet life today. It has been strengthened to an even they have showed t h e greatest obstinacy in resistgreater degree than Christianity by the tragedies Of every shipload of food we ing. • .. • •.-..•:.'•• • • • •:• • . send to England a certain portion Jews are witnessing. Jews have to be Jews. Asgoes to the refugee. In other' By PAT FRAHK From the very beginning, the Dutch and the similation is no longer an escape. Baptism is no words, a certain portion does not Norwegians, led by their clergymen, have refused longer a way out. J. T.* A. Waehinggton further the war effort. to accept the spiritual domination of the Nazis. Press Bureau Those Jews, whose ties were perhaps rather The Protestant tradition of liberty, which came loose, have become pillars of the community. There I remember, when I went .to to its fullest fruition in Holland, has not died in has been a re-evaluation of our heritage and it school, that we were taught that WASHINGTON. one of America's glories was its the-hearts of these people. • ' . " ' ' has not been found wanting. The incredible stupidity of one open arms and big heart for the Rather than enjoying the fruits of conquest, Certain religious leaders have decried this re- section of t he Department of persecuted - - the "melting pot" the native Nazis have become Pariahs. They are turn to the fold in time of crisis, condemning it as State and one section of Congress idea. in regard to refugees is something avoided as though they were leprous. Special hot real, not sincere. Perhaps this is true. It Is t h a i constantly amazes your I was told, for instance, how churches have been set aside for their use, since one of the tragic circumstances of life that human Washington obseYver. the Irish swarmed here. Jamming the ministers refuse to conduct their services if beings must always learn the hard way. Only every boat, after the great Irish the followers of Quissling are present. when we are in trouble, when we suffer disappoint- . There are factions in the State famines of the middle nineteenth Department who hide their anti- century. They did pretty well, Anti-Jewish demonstrations have been quietly ment and disillusionment do we seek the comforts Semitism behind the bland and too, these Irish immigrants. boycotted in Norway. In Holland, the Dutch in- of religion. Nevertheless the contact with religion, pious words: "We must suspect Dist on electing Jews to important posts. Every no matter how temporary, will give one a finer everyone who comes bat of Ger- A great many of them made conceivable form of opposition to the conquerors understanding of the eternal verities. If Jews are many. For all we know, they're fortunes and some of their grandchildren rose to high political ofhas been devised by an ingenuous people. forced by anti-Semitism to learn .of their Judaism, oil spies and fifth columnists!" fice. They are Congressmen who then all they have suffered has not been in vain. Death and imprisonment are holding no terror That most of the German refu- now would throttle immigration. gees bitterly hate Hitler, a n d for the Dutch arid the Norwegians. No force seems everything for w h i c h Hitler But you, shouldn't talk a b o u t capable of swaying them from their purpose to stands, 'makes no difference. The that. That comes under the headresist until the end. refugee-haters f o 11 6 w the Nazi ing of •••"humanity." • > 57Q1-1941 , From these, rather than the fanatical mur- •••gospel and repeat a lie over arid (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleLag-B'omer :.........Thursday, May 15over again until people begin to derers, will spring the New: Order of Europe. . graphic Agency, Inc.) • Rosh Choden Slvan ........... ...Tuesday, May 27 believe it. From these, the brave, the freedom-loving, will Shevuoth .......... rc ......^...... .^..Sunday, June 1 One of the first European Jews a new world-come. When the day .of reckoning **Rosh Chodesh Tammu2.....;..Wednesday, June 25 There are Congressmen w h o known by name Is the writer dawns, the courageous resistance of the Nether- 'Fast of Tammuzi....:......i;........Saturdayj July 12 have.been fighting to' end nil im- CaeclHus of Calacte/who lived inRosh ChOdesh Ab .i.;::..'....;......—-Friday, July 25 migration t o the --United, States. Sicily in the first century B. C. lands and Norway will remain in the memory of •Fast of Ab .......';....^........;.lSaturday, Aug. 2 man* as one of the most glorious episodes of hu- **Rosh ChodeBh Ellui• .-.T,.«I-«U.Saturday, Aug. 23They, too, hide' their antl-SemJtisiit under other, more moth-ejiten Alfred Sutro • trai8l"*>"1 Maeman history. JRosh Hashonah ...;..„..........—...Monday, Sept. 22 cloaks. They say: "Why should terlinck's "Life of "the Bee." &t

Appeasement Bears Another Lemon

Return to Religion

Still Resisting



we let tfcese Jews come over here steal jobs from our g o o d rf


• , -

FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1 S 4 I

li. 0. G. HEWS Candle-lighting time: «:56 Saturday morning Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will speak at tbe B'nal Israel synagogue. Regular serrices of the Junior Congregation will take place Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the B'nal Israel synagogue. Mrs. D. ,B. Epstein will be hostess after services. Sisterhood The regular meeting of the U. O. G. Sisterhood tor May was a luncheon meeting Tuesday, May 6, at 1:00 at the B'nai Israel synagogue. Daring tbe business meeting reports were given by the committees on Junior Congregation, drawing for the roaster, and ways and means. T h e nomination committee brought in Its report and elections took place at the close of the meeting. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Frank Ackerman, president; Mrs. Max Fromkin, •ice president; Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, recording secretary; Mrs. Jack Epstein, financial secretary, and Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, treasurer. The meeting was closed with a brief address by the rabbi and a musical program rendered by Miss Charlotte Shafton, accompanied by Mrs. Al Flnkel.

Religious Services Beth El In honor of Mother's day. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will speak this evening on "Mothers in Israel." A special Mother's d a y service will be conducted Saturday mornIng at 10:30 by the Junior Congregation. Geraldine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Colin, will this evening celebrate her Bas Mitzvah, Next Week Next Friday evening Rabbi Goldstein will devote bis sermon to a discussion of Ambassador Dodd's diary.

'. ,


.This evening the annual Pi Tau PI Mothers Day service will be held at Temple Israel. Rabbi David H. Wice will deliver a sermonette, and Batton Greenberg of the Junior PI Tau PI will deliver an address. '


El Auxiliary A* Z* A* Marks Founding Beth Plans Mother and WORKERS ALLIANCE At AlhDay Celebration Daughter Luncheon MEETING IS HELD

Arthur Robinson, left, A, Z. A. advisory council chairman, presents tbe Arbitman cup for meritorious service to Justin Priesman. *• To mark the seventeenth anniversary of the founding of A. Z. A. over a thousand persons Sunday Joined the Mother Chapter in all-day festivities at t h e Jewish Community Center. The festivities opened in the morning with a softball game between the A. Z. A. 1 and A. Z. A. 100 teams. City Commissioner Harry T.ustln was principal speaker at the afternoon sessions. A class of seventeen candidates was initiated into tbe order as members of th "Lt. Morris Arbitman" class In honor of Morris Arbitman, who before his recent death was active in A. Z. A. Arthur Robinson, chairman of the advisory council, presented the "Arbitman" cup for meritorious service to Justin Priesman. Other speakers included Sam Cooper, chairman of the observance; Haskell Cohen, president of the local Mother chapter, a n d Harry Goodbinder, Beglonal president. The evening ended with dancing and the cutting of the birthday cake. Delegations wero present from Lincoln, Sioux City, and Des Moines. Dr. A. D. Faler presented awards to winners-of various athletic events during the past year.

Children's Chorus On Ford Program Woodmen Circle To Mark Founding The 1940-41 season for the Ford Sunday Evening Hour closes on the CBS network May 11 with the traditional appearance on the program of 200 Greenfield Village school children ' comprising. a mixed chorus, The program is heard over Station KOIL between 7' and 8 o'clock. It will be the sixth consecutive year that the school children, all students of Edison I n s t i t u t e schools in the historic Village at Dearborn, have participated in the Ford Hour broadcasts. Both chorus and orchestra will be conducted by' Harold Koch, director of music in the Village school. ' The p r o g r a m features the chorus and orchestra in 11 selections. Among the most familiar and beloved are.the old.Irish air "Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms"; Mozart's "Glorious Is Thy Name"; Stephen Fosters "O Susanna"; the Hallelujah chorus from "The Messiah," and "The Lost Chord."

Receives Promotion : Mr. and Mrs. William Perlm'uttej* of Council Bluffs have received word that their son/ Joe, of Camp Clayborn, La., has been promote dto the rank of sergeant.


Marguerite, Gertrude and Harriett, all of Omaha; and four brothers, Joe, Arthur, and Jerome of Omaha, and Chester of Gering, Neb. Funeral services w e r e held Monday at the Jewish Funeral Home on Monday afternoon. Burial was at Golden Hill cemetery.

GOOD e r a By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg "A merry heart moketn a cheerful countenance." Charlie, twelve years old, had applied for a job as a grocery boy. To test his ability the grocer asked: "My boy, what would you do with a million dollars?" To which Charlie replied: "I don't know, I wasn't expecting so much at the start."

On Wedaesday, May 14, a Mother-Daughter luncheon will be held in conjunction with the regular meeting of the Beth El Synagogue Auxiliary at the new synagogue building on 49th and Fartaia, Grandmothers, mothers a n d caughters will be represented at all the tables. Salute by the daughters will be given by Mrs. Loyal Kaplan; Mrs. M. A. Venger will talk for the mothers; and Mrs. Leon Graetz will represent the grandmothers. An original musical offering, "The Old Gray Ma," will be presented as part of the program. Those participating in the musical will be tbe Mesdames Abe Faler, Abe'Fellrnan, David C. Platt, Si Silvers, Gary Gross, William Radu^iuer, Sam Stern, Hy Greenberg, Gilbert Frieden a n d J. Blank. Mrs. Sam Wolf will act ad program chairman, and luncheon will be served by Mrs. William Raduziner and her committee. Mrs. David Greenberg, president, urges all members to attend this final meeting and election of officers. Luncheon will be 50c.

and Tobruk managed to reach Egypt before the recent Axis advance and are now being cared for by the Alexandria Jewish community. European Jewish refugees in Libya were able to make contact with relatives in Palestine as a result of tbe arrival of Palestinian Jewish soldiers in Libya.

London (JTA) — The German authorities in Poland have appointed a special commissar to supervise t h e Warsaw ghetto, where some 400,000 Jews have been segregated, Polish circles Rome (JTA)—High Command here reported. communique Monday claimed that Italian forces in East Africa repulsed an attack, inflicting "considerable losses on the enemy," among whom "there were many Jews from Palestine." An earlier communique said some Jews were killed in fighting in the Ambarlagi area of Ethiopia.

Italy Reports Jews Died in East Africa

London (JTA) — The Italian authorities in Bengazl arrested a number of Jews In the city immediately after its reoccupation by the Axis forces, reports the Jewish Chronicle. The Jews were accused of pro-British activities. Most of the Jews In Bengazl

Max: Why do you talk to yourself? William: First, I want to talk to a wise man. Second, I love to listen to a wise man. Third, No one else listens to me. And fourth, I don't care to listen to anybody else.

Simon: Before our marriage, my wife and I agreed that she would handlo the minor prob lems, and I will solve the major problems. Approximately 2,000 members Jake: Did it work satisfactory? of the Supreme Forest Woodmen Simon: In the last thirty years Circle will visit Omaha during the no major problems have come up. t w o weeks beginning June 12, when the organization celebrates Communal Worker: When you the Golden Anniversary of its invited me as an honored guest founding. Mrs. Dora Alexander and placed me at the speaker's Talley, national president of the table, why did you arrange it so society, said that delegates from I sat with my back to the people all parts of the United States will instead of facing them? attend the meeting, and the ma- Caseworker: Because the people jor event of the conclave, the na- know ' you by your back good tional Institute. deeds. Mrs. Talley contrasted plans for the second national institute with Henry IV of England in 1410 the first one, held in Omaha in s e n t to Bologna for the phy193 7. At that time, she said, only sician, Ellas ben Sabbetai, fifteen hundred delegates attended the meeting, while advance registrations for this. year's institute indicate that number will be much Increased. '

"Quiet, Clarence! Take a tip from Servel..." fT STAYS SILENT... LASTS LONGER

Deaths Leah -Rosenberg Leah Rosenberg, 44, a life-long resident of Omaha, died on Sunday at a local hospital* Miss Rosenberg was formerly active in the work of the Y.. W. H, A. Surviving her are: her father, Sol Rosenberg; three sisters.

A successful social meeting was conducted by the Jewish National Workers Alliance, Poale Zion. I. Morgenstern presided. . Included on the musical program were Russian and Jewish folk melodies played by Milton Goldberg and Leah Lewis. B. Seltz, accompanied by his daughter, Shirley, sang popular Yiddish songs. II. Bondarin read a story by the well-known Yiddish writer, Libin, and recited a poem of the Yiddish poet, Leivick. Speaker of the evening was J. RadinowBkl. Community singing was led by Mrs. J. Raznick. Mrs. I. Raznick and Mrs. S. Okun were in charge of arrangements for the dinner. The meeting adjourned with the singing of "God Bless America" and "Hatikvah."


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Page 2

, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1941

5 h,hvt t o a, Lotjiritiil, idtBci Kt;K<:eviky, American chess chamGiiads > -. . The liaasiagesiieii-t fci ft.fI (lie t'j'^€iit»ta . « . After- pion, wiH have aa easy time with Kew York's ofcttakxjtf tytuf/iioHi' P&L'i ;

By PHINI3AS MIEON •TIMELY STUFF Note to American business •with appeasement inclinations: Read T\ Graydon Upton's piece in.the May Harper's Magazine, in which he says, among o t h e r things, that "German business business men are suffering more . under the Hitler regime than any group in the country, except the Jews" . . . Mr. Upton, who from 1932 to 1940 spent most of his time in Europe, first studying , German banking and then as European representative of a New York bank, surely is In a position to know what he is talking about . . , The Hitler-lovers hereabouts are getting more and more optlinistic « . . One woman was heard pred'cting that. before President Roosevelt's term is over we will hfH'p a new president (ex-Colonel L*..-«»i ergh was her choice for P. D. n . ' s successor) . , . And a local , "Nazi leader recently proclaimed that before long the S. S. Normftndie. at present in a New York pier, will be renamed the S. S. -13m ma Goering . . . Leon Marrhol. the new Counselor of the •French Embassy at Washington, ]*•"? a nephew who is an officer in t'-o Herman navy and a cousin on ' ib* Nazi general staff, reveals P!<?rre Lazareff . . . We're sure •you won't be sorry to learn that B.""*on Fritz von Werra, the Nazi aii-nan who jumped bail in New York not long ago and m a d e tracks for Peru, was given a double Mickey Finn in a Broadway right spot one evening when he talked too much about t h e plo-les of Hitlerism . . . Maybe thr.t's why he lammed . . . Or inavbe it was because Uncle Sam discovered t h a t this uninvited guest had been arranging and financing the escape of other Nazi prisoners of war from a Canadian concentration camp . . .

Al .Tolson, Eddie Cantor a n d Jack Benny arpn't of draft age any more, but they're going to do their bit by conducting some of their broadcasts from a r m y ramps . . . Which ought to be good entertainment for the draftees . . . Walter Wlhchcll, w<learn from one of his colleagues, is going into a training camp this Hummer, with the rank of a lieutenant commander in the V. S. Naval Reserve . . . Then there's Hank flreenberg, the Detroit Tigers baseball star, who, as you should know, will be wearing Uncle Sam's uniform by the time you read this . . . Hank is in line for congratulations, by the way, on liis engagement to Miss Mirlan Landau of New York . . . In Hank's absence wo expect the title of the season's best Jewish baseball player to be taken over by Morrie Arnovlch.of the New York

conceits, given at the JU'wiscJus ws.24<» a Jewish deleg&tioa soi«g;M fctiidlffim every siuiawier, is keeping KB fctiditKce with Pius, and ins Its fhigeta cr©sie>td iu i>(-.'hs.If wf tttiir gefctifiade w&iwted to letttMid two at the hupe-riBiLi soloists on the liiOAcy fce luvd |>a£d out • . . its i»i"-ogifcsa for the t&aiing sea- Tike Pojie's rfcfi'Iy was: "I Miti&t son . , . T h e dr&ft may cfctch uj> not lose the merit of charity hy with vioiMust Yehadi Mrnuhin foe- accepting, yet I want to .show niy fore ike t&ii fulfill his eisgugeuifKt, &i>[rrcciiUioit of your kindness . . . it &eeiBs . . • And the doctors re- I accept Yuur gift for the poor". . fuse to copiinit themselves fcs to whether violinst Frits Krt-teler, ABOUT PEOPLE vicffni of a. serious &utoi«wLile mBy tbe tiiae you read this, pubcidenr, will be sufficiently recov- lisher George Backer of the New ered to play this je&r . . . AM of York Post will probably be in which reminds as to remind you beleaguered Loiidon, getting some tlifct in the last world war Iti-els- first-hand behisid-tke-scenes maler served in. the Austrian army terial for the benefit of his readand received a serious wound in ers . . . An Aryan refugee on this his bowing win — but, as music- continent in whom you'll be inloverg well know, he completely terested is Frau Eiigelbert Dollrecovered from that injury . . . fuss, widow of the Austrian chancellor whom the Nazis assassinated quite a number of years ago DISCOVERIES . . . She has a job in a Montreal Sign discovered" in a Delancey department store, we hear . . . street store: "Hitler must go— Those who are wondering why and so. must this merchandise!" playwright Henri Bernstein has. . . .We never knew, until Leon- n't been publishing anything since ard Lyons revealed it the other his arrival on these shores will day, that London's famous chain be interested to learn that he is of Lyons restaurants is owned by working on an account of h i s a couple of gentlemen named Sal- flight from France last summer mon and Gluckstorn . . . Our old in a tiny old channel boat filled friend, the indefatigable Zionist to the gunwales with a couple of worker Isaac Carmel, reports that thousand refugees . . . Congratuin the course of his travels about lations to Henry C. Segal, pubthe city of New York, he discov- lisher of Cincinnati's American ered in the Borough of Brooklyn, Israelite, the country's o l d e s t a community of 5,000 Syrian English-Jewish newspaper, on his Jews, who are one of the most marriage to the former Henriette religious groups in the city . . . Meyer Mack . . . And congratulaTheir leader, one Mr. Shalom, Js tions, too, to Louis Lipsky, veta noted merchant and shipper . . . eran Zioniet lEkder, on the raising In Gotham's silk-stocking district, of 140,000 for the United Jewish again, Carmel has made another Appeal at a Bensonhurst parlor interesting find . . . Namely, the meeting that he addressed . , . fact that Mrs. H a r v e y L. Those who believe that Samuel Schwamm, wife of the district's Republican leader, is the daughter of the famous Chassidlc rabbi, Reb Dovedel Talner . . . TRUE STORY A story that has.come to light now in the Montreal Beacon, in a fine article, entitled "The Unfairness of Anti-Semitism," by Father Nicholas Higgins, relates this incident from the life of Pope I'iiiv IX . . . Willie riding in his carriage one day through t h e streets of Koine, the Pope observed a crowd gathered around a man who had apparently met with an accident. With the gracious charity for which he was conspicuous he went to see if ho could-do anything-. . . Soaie one in the crowd fried to stop him saying: "It's only an old Jew in a fit." . . . But the Pope took the sick man into his carriage and

challenger I. Kerowitz in the series of matcLes cow under way for the titJe, are due for a surprise . . . Kesfcevsky wiil win, but only alter a very Lard struggle . . . And we venture to predict that he will lose ids title to Reuben Fine in the next tournament . . . Eddie Cantor, they eay, is planning to become a Hollywood producer now, and is negotia.tiEg for the purchase of Mary Pickford's-share of United Artists . . .

WEEKLY (JIGGLE The following story is told by Harry Herslsfield, our favorite c&rtoottjst &isd coiuimeBtotor and one of the most niast-erly of masters of ceremonies . . . I t concerns a Jewish l&d who, in search of a sh&ve, landed in a barbershop, only to le&rn, from the conversation t h e barbers held aiuoug themselves, that this was & Nasi joint . . . By that time he was already settled in the chair, and the barber, stropping & deadly-looking razor, was inquiring: ".Shave, mister?' • . . . To which our lad replied: "Yeah, I'll have a sliave —but not with that thing . . . . You'll have to u s e an electric razor on me" . . . (Copyright. 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate.)

Slovakian Ghetto Geneva (WNS)—Nazi authorities In occupied Slovakia have completed plans to force the country's Jewish population into ghettes, it was reliably reported nere, The first ghetto will be opened in Bratislava next month, it was said.

Plan Spla&h Party At Youth Conclave A joint swimming party has been ^lacetd as the final event of the day's activities of the Youth Conclave to be Iield at the Center on May 18. Wiilard Friedman, chairman of tbe p&rty, has announced that those attending must bring their own suit, cap suid towel. A tentative report has been made that a colorful aquacade will be presented as entertainment at this time. The swimming party is included in the 50c registration ticket, which admits anyone to the midday banquet, oratorical contest, and panel discussions. Tickets to the ball are being sold separately.

Rabbi Reaches Palestine Jerusalem (JTA) — Rabbi Soloweitchik," -world-famed spiritual leader of Brest-Lltovsk, has ar-' rived here after an arduous journey by way of Siberia.


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FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1941


BOOK i\OOK By DR. THEODORE N. LEWIS Rabbi, Progressive Synagogue, Brooklyn, N. Y. "THE ON EG SHABBATH BOOK" E D I T E D BY 1>K. TRUDJi WJEI88 ROSMAR1N. "WHAT EVERY JEWISH WOMA N SHOULD KNOW," BY MIKIAM ISACCS "M A I M O N I I> K S SAID," AN ANTHOLOGY SELECTED AND TRANSLATED BY N. N. GLATZLER. THE JEWIHH BOOK CLUB, NEW YORK. These three small books, all publications of the Jewish Book Club are exceedingly worth while and merit high recommendation. They represent popularizations of Judaism at its best. They will bring instruction and pleasure to their readers. "The Oneg Shabbath Book" contains selections from the Bible and the Talmud and other Jewish literature, dealing with the Sabbath, and indicating the strength and hope this sacred day provided Israel throughout the ages. The selections, many of them choice, plus the Sabbath songs «et to simple and tuneful music, Well make this small book useful and helpful at all Oneg Sabbath gatherings. I "What Every Jewish Woman Should Know" is written for the Intelligent American Jewish wom*n who has become Indifferent to, or is Ignorant of, Jewish life and tradition. The Sabbath and holidays and the manner of their observance are explained briefly and Interestingly; The place of the Jewish woman in the home and the possibilities of her influence In the community is discussed. There is a chapter on the Kosher kitchen, and the appendix includes some practical suggestions for making the holidays more lively, for a Jewish library, and since this book is designed for women, for traditional Jewish recipes. , Naive Assumption The author is, of course, fiercely orthodox and to her "all customs are equally important.' It Is quite" naive and untrue to declare that the mlkveh is "a symbol of the sancjty and purity of Jewish family life." It is nothing of the" kind. To "make such declarations when the institution Is rapidly disappearing from Jewish left' is to make oneself foolish — and to jeopardize the value of usefulness of the entire book. Chastity and fidelity, not' the Mikveh, made the Jewish home a sanctuary- To write so dogmatically concerning an ancient institution which", has fallen into almost universal disfavor and discard is not to a d y a n c e the cause of healthy Jewish living. ! The third book is an elementary anthology of the thought and teaching of the greatest Jewish philosopher, Maimonides.' Selections from his works are classified under the following headings: 1. God - - Man - - World. * 2. The Conduct of the "Wiso Man. • " - 8. Fellow-JUan. 4. Jewish Ideals. " 5. Israel in Peril." * " 6. History and Tradition. *7. Zjon.It lVtruly a splendid little manual which should find a keen wel-

come in the homes of all intelligent Jews. These three books are worthwhile and interesting. Their wide distribution is to be hoped for. I regret only the - tone of fierce and militant orthodoxy which animates many of the pages. Those who otherwise might have been attracted to them may be repelled. Excessive and irrational zeal Is often as harmful as neglect and indifference. The American Cause, . Archibald Mac Lelsk Duell Sloan and Pearce, New York. 48 Pages. This small volume by Mr. Mac Leish is exceedingly important, of major significance in my opinion. Its pages portray a sublime faith in democracy and a profound understanding of the democratic way, which is .basicly the way of1 freedom, and not of transacting business or of piling up wealth through speculation and without labor. It is imperative that American youth, facing au uncertain future should know and accept this supreme truth. The author not only defines democracy, but helps us to understand that Fascism is a real and immediate menace seeking to destroy and uproot human liberty, whever it still exists. The present European war is primarily one of ideologies, and to speak of a compromise is to speak arrant nonsense. It is not a battle for material possessions, but for the souls and minds of free men. France is a tragic illustration of how a nation can be destroyed from within. A similar fate must not overtake America. • To preach this significant lesson is the mission of this extraordinary booklet, a mission performed with zeal and described in moving and Inspiring prose, and with a fervour which is truly divine. If some generous American would, place this book in*1 the

MID-WEST YOUTH PLAN CONCLAVE (Continued from Page 1.) the Coronation ball, for which tickets are one dollar per couple. Following t h e banquet, the finals of the oratorical contest will take place. The subject, for discussion is "The Need for Unity in American Jewish Life." Edward Cherniss will represent Omaha and Council Bluffs, and Fred Prager will represent Des Moines. The name of the Sioux City con. testant has not been submited. Panel Discussions Three p a n e l discussions are scheduled from 2 until 4 iii the afternoon. Leaders of each pauel are to be announced. Participating In "Careers Ahead" will be Bertha Slutzky, Abe Resnick, Justin Prlesman, Yale Richards, Ruth Neuhaus, and Martha Finer. "The Role of Jewish Youth in American Democracy" will be discussed by Jack Herman, Dan Miller, Justin Itoss, Leonard Morganstern, Harry Goodbinder, Mickey Goldberg, Sarah Wolfson, and LeRoy Canfleld. "Youth Clubs," which Is scheduled as the third panel, will be open to all club ^ officers, at which time a general"" exchange of ideas and programs will take place. Ruth Rosenstein, general chairman of the conclave, is also chairmalar of the panel discussions. Coronation Ball A procession of o v e r fifty people wilj escort the King and Queen of Merit I to the throne at the Coronation Ball which is to be held at the Paxton hotel. Club presidents marching will include: Haskell Cohen, Harold Slutskin,. Etta Soref, Al Oruch, Elaine Lagman, Dorine Wolpa, Bertha Slutzky, Irving Mittleman, Willard Friedman, Gary Landman, Martha Suzman, Ethel Kadis, Reva Dordie, Goldio Gere-

P*«e 3 lick, Harold Sherman, and Doris Pinko witz.' . Round T a b l e representatives included - will be: Harry Goodbinder, Jack Lincoln, Milton Guss, Charlotte Nogg, Florence Tatleman, Etta Gorelick, Stanley Feltman, Harold Habler, Mollie Kelberg, Reeda Magzamin, Helen Minkin, Delores Sklar, Ruth Rosenstein, Goldie Suzman, Ray Simon, and Martye Lea Byron. Officers of the Round Table marching are: Warner Frohman, president; Yale Richards, vice president; Louise Abrabamsou, secretary, and Bess Lefitz, treasurer. Bill Stiefler and Janet Rosenstock, members of the conclave committee, will also attend the royal couple. Winner of the national Kovod award, which is to be announced at the mid-day banquet, will crown the king and queen. Miss Blanche Kleiman, educational director of the Center, will be escorted to the throne by the person chosen to present the award keys. ... , Tickets for the affair are' $1.00 in advance, $1.10 at the door. The dance will be formal and the specification of "no corsages" has been altered to optional. Tickets may be purchased f r o m any member of the Round Table or at the Center.'

$87,723 Pledged

40,000 JEWS YEAR IN NAZI POLAND Geneva (JTA)—Approximately 40,000 Jews died in Nazi-held Poland during the last year, it was reported on the basis of data published by various Jewish communities in Poland. The increase in Jewish mortality among the two million Jews In occupied Poland has no equal in the history of Polish Jewry. In the pre-war years the Jewish population in Poland was increasing at an average of 8,500 per million. Those of the two million Jews still alive hi Nazi Poland are considered even by the Nazis as "living corpses.' An investigation conducted by Nazi medical commissions among jews in Poland to ascertain tlieir fitness for hard labor, has established that forty per cent of the entire Jewish population is not fit for physical work, the report says. Tens of thousands of Jews in Nazi Poland are filling the Jewish hospitals, to a point where iii some cities the Jewish communities were compelled to convert the quarters of the medical "staff into wards. The diseases are due chiefly to starvation. In the city of Tarnov the Jewish community had to add 120 nurses in order to cope with the growing number of patients.

(Continued from Page 1.) Division is reporting an increase Scientific medicine was Introof thirty-six per cent and the duced into North Africa by the Women's Residential division re- great physician, Isaac 'Israeli of ports a thirty-five per cent in- Kairouan. crease. Despite these gratifying resiilts, Mr. Livingston warned against alFOR SALE lowing the campaign to lag at House to House Bread Route this critical Juncture. Also Truck for Sale—-Apply Joachim G a u n s, a Jew of ROYAL BAKERY Prague, directed a foundry in WE 6400 England in the time of Elizabeth.

hands of every high school and college student, he would render a service to tho American cause for which the country would be eternally grateful. Specials for Fri. & Sun. RUSSIAN SCHMALTZ HERRING

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j This day ; each •; year"..we| dedicate to Mother . . • .a^ ...... day on which-wo express ... -;, , our lovo and appreciation for tho thousands • . of things sho has done for us in he; role of . : Iiomomalior . . ' , hot words of.encouragement, ; hor sympathy and understanding, and her : iJ Madly tolercmco of our faulto and foibloo. J May th© years to come treat her gently la •.'•"'• ; '' :

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Mr. Ary Stillman, noted artist and fonuer Sioux Cityan, will exhibit his Palestinian water colors at the Jewish Community Center for one j c&u&cs. Sioux City is the only city in week starting May 2. This At an Executive Board meeting The Youth Division has been Under the general direction of Iowa wbicli reaches outside of its exhibit lias b e e n arranged patterned of the B Division which was at- Mr. L. J. Kaplan, campaign eliairafter the general drive. tended by: Mr. M. Seff, J. Singer, maa of the drive, will begin its own territory for'.contributions to through the co-operation of This division is headed by Dr. the United Jewish Appeal. Teams the Art Center where his paint- Morris Bernstein, who is presiMax Mason, Joe Gorchow, If. Mil- aiiftuat solicitations on a city-wide of workers will solicit those small ings have been on display the dent of the Youth Council, and ler, W. C. Slotslcy, Jack Robinson communities surrounding Sioux past several weeks. will draw its workers from the L. Weiner, Al Schwartz, EH Rob- i City which have no organized Mr. Stillman is a well-known various inow, Lester Heeger, Frank Mardrive so that these Jewish people artist whose work has been tions. Youth Council organizagolin, Max Falk, Milton Bolsteiu. may be given the opportunity to in galleries in EuCaptains of the Youth Division A. H. Baron is division chairman; do their share in contributing to displayed rope, the Near East, Egypt, are: Jack Greenberg, Harry Libfinal plans were outlined to tills national campaign for over- as well as New York, San Fran- ermau, Ethel Baron, George Shinseas reliefs launch the B Ldvision of t h e cisco, Chicago and other cities United Jewish Appeal campaign Dave Rodin has again been throughout the country. Mr. Sunday morning'. May 4. chosen chairman of thee Out-of- Stillman studied, in Paris, ViTown division of the United Jew- enna and Naplesi and spent 15 Captains chosen to assist in the ish Appeal Drive., As chairman years in Europe studying and work are: Lou Strongin, M. Shillast year, this division raised al- exhibiting his work. off, Sol Seff, Mike Grueskiu, II. most $3,000. Since needs have Mr. W. C.: Slotsky Is, in increased so greatly in the past charge of arrangements for the year, every contributor will be exhibit. asked to Increase his contribution. Captains in the Out-of-Town division are: Sam Cohen, D a v e Rodin, Jack Robinson, L. J. Kutcher, B. Baron, Lou Strongin, Women's Division Meyer Shubb, H. Shiloff, Morris Mobilizes for Aid Skalovsky, W. C. Slotsky, Rabbi Bolotnlkov, Rabbi Goldstein, RabHeading the Women's Division bi Rabinowitz and Jake Kaplah. of the United Jewish Appeal, Mrs. i L. Agranoff and Mrs. Phil Sherman, have mobilized their cap. J. KAPLAN, tains and workers in an effort General CliiUrnran, UJA Campaign to enlist the support of every scale Sunday morning, May 4, and Jewish woman in the city for this will continue through May 11. all-important drive. Rabbi Appelbaum, associate of Captains of the Women's DiviThe fourteenth annual Mother sion Rabbi Jonah Wise of the Central i n c l u d e : The. Mesdames Synagogue in New York and di-and Daughter banquet of the Charles Raskin, L. J. Kaplan, DR-. SIOKRIS BERNSTEIN, ector of Sunday morning nation- Shaare Zion synagogue will be Leon Dobrofsky, II. S. Novitsky, Chairman, Youth's Division al radio broadcast, Message of held on Sunday, May 4. A brief William Mazie, Milton Mushkin, religious service will be held at srael, will be the principal speakA. A. Kroloff, J. H. Levin, James dler, Sam Kaplan, Lois Novitskf, er at the rally Sunday morning. 5:30, just preceding the dinner. Gang, Al Turchen, Jack Robinson, Doris Grueskin, Soyel Heshelow, , A. H. BARO1V, Over 100 volunteer workers in Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz and Can- S. B. Gelfand, Morey Lipshutz, Jos Goldstein and Ahnabelle EmC'liairniiiu, Division It whose hands rest the success of tor Morris Perniclc will conduct Sam Kaplan, Mike Sherman, Joe lein and Sophia Franklin. Friedman, Arnold Baron, J. Kriv, he campaign will gather Sunday the service. Additional workers are: Dena Kutcher, Sam Slotsky, William Mra. Jack Merlin will be toast- Maron, Abo Bain, Bess Sabel, Baron, Stanley Baron, Rose SperDr. Prank Epstein, II. Shiloff, H. morning at a 10 o'clock breakfast Erinberg, Victor Mazie, Ben Fish, at the Jewish Community Center mistress for the occasion. The Dave Rodin, E. N. Grueskln, M. ling, Sherman Sperling, N a t 9 invocation will be given by Mrs. A. Weiner, A. H. Baron, W. C.Levich, Morris Lebowitz, Rosa* A. B. Friedman, Joe Kutcher, or last minute instructions. Jacob Brown. Mrs. Abe Epstein Slotsky, Meyer Harrison, L. S. bella Wigodsky, Sally Weinstein, Louis Shindler, Ephraim Baron, Leaders B. U. SViUott, M. Sett, I. Singer, At a meeting of the Green will speak for the mothers; Miss Goldberg, Henry Sherman, Sain Earl Pollock, Edwin Sherman. Max Mason, Joe Gorchow, H. Mil- ables Sunday morning, April 20, Rachel Ginsburg for the daugh- Shulkin, Mike Grueskln, Eli Rob- Irving Sherman, Ruth Kutcher, ler, W. C. Slotsky, Jack Robin- Mr. L. J. Kaplan w a s elected ters, and -Miss Gloria Ginsberg inow, Sol Kronick. The captains Doris Pill, Barbara DaYia, Albert son, L. Weiner, Al Schwarta, Ell chairman of the United Jewish for the granddaughters. Goldstein, Isadore Wutkin, Leonwilt Tjegin work May 4. Robinow, Lester Heeger, Frank Appeal Drive; A. H. Baron, A. M. A pageant, "All of Our Years," ard Shindler. The Youth Division Margolin, Max Falk and Milton Davis, E. N. Grueskln, vice-chair- will be given with the following will also have a Junior Youth DiBolstein. vision which will observe Self Demen; Meyer Levitt, treasurer, and cast: Mrs. Sam Cohen, Mrs. Ru- Report Meetings ben Miller, Lois and Judy Miller^ A quota of $3,000 has been set Dorothy Merlin, secretary. Week. AH During Drive nialSmall for the B Division. envelopes will be passed Division chairmen were elected Mrs. Barney Baron, Miss Ronnie as\follows: E. N. Grueskln, A di- Kaplan, Miss Sophia Slutsky, Miss Every night during the week out to youngsters in which- they ision; A. H. Baron, B division; Rosabelle Wigodsky, Mrs. P h i l of May 4 to May 9, report meet- will put the savings from denying Dave Rodin, out-of-town division; Sherman and daughter, Dorothy; ings will be held at the Jewish themselves of shows, candy, gum, Campaign Calendar Dr. M. Bernstein, youth division; Miss Enid Mazie, Miss Lorraine Community Center. It la the plan etc., for one week; Cards for tho Miss- H.e 1 e n Rodin, of the Executive. Board that the Youth Division will be distributed May 4—All Workers Break- Mrs. L. Agranoff and Mrs. Phil Aisenberg, Miss Loreen Kaplan and Mr. Jack drive be completed in one week. among the captains and workers fast. ' B, Out-of-Town, Women Sherman, women's division; A. M.Merlin. Mrs. Morris Pernick, acWorkers will be asked to see immediately after the breakfast and Youth - - Jewish Commu- Davis, publicity. companist. ,; , The following will constitute the prospective contributors Mon- Sunday morning. nity Center, Rabbi Appelbauin, Mrs. Sam Weiner is chairman day and Tuesday, May 5 and May he executive committee: L o u i s principal speaker. of the banquet. Members of the 6, so that semi-fin^l reports can U. J. A. Headquarters Agranoff, Barney Baron, E. E. May 5—Report Meeting - -. , on decorations are: be made Wednesday night and a Jewish Community Center at Baron, Milton Bolstein, Sam Co-committee Set Up at Center hen, Lawrence Davidson, H. Eren- Mesdames Irving Levich, L e o n final report on the drive m a d e 7:30. t Shulkin, J. Brown, H. Gitlin and berg, Ben Fish, A. B. Friedman, Thursday, May B. May G—Report Meeting - Room 3 at the Jewish Commu• Jewish Community Center at A. L. Galinsky, Herman Galinsky, Isadore Shindler. nity Center has been set aside for, L. S. Goldberg, "Jack Greenberg, 7:30. Get Jewg' Stores the duration of the campaign at May 7—Semi-Final Report Meyer Harrison, Lester Heeger, sky, .Rabbi S. I, Bolotnlkov, Rabbi London (JTA)—The-Nazi gov- the United Jewish Appeal HeadJake Kalin, Joe Kutcher, L. J. A. S. Goldstein and Rabbi H. R. ernor of the Cracow district of quarters. Daily reports will be Meeting - - Jewish Community Kutcher, J. Kriv, John Lansburg, Rabinowitz. - ; , Center at 7:30. Poland has ordered Jewish mer- isted ^on the blackboards a n d Max Lasensky, Morey Lipshutz, All members of the executive chants moving into the ghetto to workers are asked to call at these May 8—Final Reports - - Frank Margolin, H. Miller, Her- committee agreed to act as work- 1 e a v e three - quarters of their headquarters for any information Jewish Community Center at man Miller, Jack Robinson, Ar- ers on the A division. 7:30. -. ,*•••-? " stocks on their old premises, or material they may need. hur Sanford, Al Schwartz, Ben (Other Sioux City N e w s " which will-be turned over to GerIra Kaplan and Hyman Shiloff Sekt, Phil Sherman, W. O. Sloton Page 9.) mans, i,t was reported here. are in charge of all arrangements* i»»jiLih*ikL^ nit ttttcta i tit


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%m?r-- -is*-- *. i R N; GRUESKIPT, Vice-president, UJA Campaign

DAVE RODINi » Out-of-Town Chairman

MBS. LOUIS AGRANOFF, Chairman, [Women's Division

MRS. PHH4 SHERMAN, Co-clialrman, "Womeib's Division

A. M. DAVISf Vice-chairman, IfJA ("ampaiea

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