Eutered • • Second Class Mall Matter on January II, 1931, at Jp»»tofJtlc«f of Omaha. Nebraska, under the Act of March t, MTf
Temple Group on Good-Will Party
VOL. XVH—No. 28
YOUTH LEADERS Baccalaureate H O W SUN. Service to be
Members of the Temple Israel High School group are on Sunday going on a Good-Will party o Macedonia, Iowa, where they Representatives C o m e vill £ for be guests of the Community Three Given H from Mid-West Outstan/ 0 $ :hurch. Region Cars will leave the Temple Sunday morning at 9 o'clock Almost three hundred y o u n g iharp, All wishing to go are ask- The coveted $' $'•%!'".by, f o rF|nal Melaveh Malka A11 Congregations people attended the first mid-west id to make reservations by call- outstanding - sery $ £• * leaderTo Be Held Tomorrow regional conference of Jewish ing Lorraine Greenspan, WA ship in the con/ '^.Jr ',-* cultural Joiningfor The last Melavah Malka of the youth, sponsored by the Bound 5077, or Jerome Grossman, HA and phllantlirof £'** /ities was Event *j Table, last Sunday. The conclave, 046. Willard Friedman will be presented to ^ *" ' , Jlutzky on eason will be held by the Miz.With representatives from Lincoln, n charge of the cars. Sunday, May / i»e banquet achi organization of Omaha at Stout: City, Council Bluffs,, D e s Mrs, Julius Newman and Mr. which opened tu The annual baccalaureate eery-* th conclave. Congregation A d a s a Yeshuruu, Molnes and Omaha, opened with a Jlel Barkon are in charge of the Mr. Milton Abrahams, chairman 5th and Seward, Saturday eve- Ice for Omaha Jewish high school banquet at the Jewish Commu- tarty. graduates will be held next Friof the Jewish Community Center, ing. May 24, 8 p. in. nity Center. Mr. S. Kavitz, president ot the day evening, May 30, at the Beth, who presented the award, stressed Following the banquet, an orathat it is made, not for popularity rganization, will give a report El synagogue, 49th and Farnam >f the activities of the year. Can- streets. torical contest was held on the but for communal activities. tor A. Schwaczkln will conduct topic, "The Need for Unity in This annual union service for Miss Slutzky has been active in community singing, llabbl Isaiah 'graduates 'American Jewish Life," in which la conducted by t h e the Round Table of Jewish Youth Rackovsky will give a brief ad- United Orthodox Congregations, Sheldon; Singer from.Sioux City, as secretary and chairman of. vadress in conclusion of the meeting. the Beth El synagogue, and TemEdward Cherniss from Council rious committees, in the Omaha Bluffs, and Fred Praeger from ple Israel. Ninety graduates are Chapter of Junior Hadassah as Dea Moines participated. Each expected to attend this year's stupresident, and in .the youth and orator stressed the importance of Re-Elected at Annual Con- business and professional divident service with their families jinlty within the Jewish commuand friends. gregational Meetsions of the philanthropies camnities. • •• . ;. Rabbi David A. Goldstein and paigns. ing The winner, Fred Praeger, emRabbi David If. Wice will conWarner Frohman and Elaine phasized the need for the demoduct the service and Rabbi Isaiah. Officers of Temple Israel were Lagman were crowned King and cratic participation of every Jew Itackovsky will address the grad* last Friday evening after Queen by the Kovod .winner at in communal affairs. "Jewish sleeted uates. lervices at the seventy-first anthe Coronation Ball which cli- Synagogue Election Held •life," he stated, "cannot be. al- mal Congregational meeting. Reva Ellen Bordy and Myron maxed the conclave Sunday night. lowed to become a matter of philE. Rubnitz will respond'for the Last Monday Morris E. Jacobs was re-electMr. Sam Beber, first vice-presianthropy only." Judges were Dr. student body. This annual servpresident; Al Mayer, vice- dent of the Federation for JewNight 'Abe Fellman, who presented the idresident, ice is held under the auspices and Manning Handler, ish Service, presented them with medal, Mr. Harry B. Cohen and of the Social Service committee J. C. C. Honor Keys for their Robert II. Kooper was named Mr. Milton Frohm. of the Jewish Federation and leadership in the youth commu- new president of the Both El the O m a h a B'nai B'rith. Dr. Highlight of the banquet was nity. synagogue at the annual dinner Philip Sher is chairman. the presentation by Mr. Milton Both Miss Lagman and Mr. meeting held last Monday eve'Abrahams of the coveted Kovod The public is cordially invited (Continued on Pago 12.) award key to Bertha Slutzky, for (Continued on Page 10.) K (Continued on Page 10.) Moe Venger was elected first ice-president; Loyal G. Kaplan, econd vice-president; Milton R.
Co. Bluffs B'nai B'rith Will Observe 30th Year
"Chain of Tradition" to Be Observed Tonight
History, Religion Dept. to» Hold Honor ' ' Session
The annual "Chain ot TradiThe final day's'exercises of tho tion" service will be held this The Council Bluffs IVnal B'rith History and Religion department evening at Temple' Israel with Ijodge will observe itw thirtieth of. the City Talmud Torah will bo the confirmation classes of 1916 anniversary at an open meeting held Sunday morning, May 23, at and 192C holding their reunions. Sunday, May 35, at 8:30 p. m 11 o'clock ot (ho auditorium of Opening remarks of the service at the Council Bluffs Synagogue. the Jewish Community Center. will be made by Rabbi David H. Attendance awards will bo preRabbi Carl Castle will give the Wice. Mrs. Philip Gllinsky will Morris E. Jacobs sented for porfect attendance to: invocation. The early history of reasurer. Morton Hiller was light the Sabbath candles. Rather, Noodell, first grade; GolBnat B'rith work .in • Council Greetings from the class of secretary. dle Gendler and Betty Mae HandBluffs will be presented by Mr. elected 191G will be given by Mrs. A. H. Trustees chosen to serve for ler,' second grade: Maynard TatelO. Hochman, whose membership .liree years are Paul Blotcky, Brodkey, and Mr,s. T. A. Newman man, third grade; Doris Noodell, dates prior to the organization of Fred will give the greetings of the Rosenstock, and Ben D. Sil-class of 1926. fourth" grade; Frances Fisher, the present Jodgd. - • ver. •.•'-. fifth grado; Helen Handler and Esther Klein will speak for the Rabbi David H. Wice of Oma- ' Trustees 'Whose terms didn't Sue Fisher, sixth grade. ha will deliver jthe principal ad- >xpire this tern! are: Louis E. class of 1941 and Joan RosenThose who have been absent dress of the afternoon." The 30 Lipp, president of the Men's stock will accept the charge for Robert H. Kooper three times or less are: Judy Lethe Confirmation Class of 1942.* years, of activity by the -present lub; Mrs. Sam L. Robinson, secretary, and Joe M. vlne, David Dworskln and Joseph lodge "will be depicted by Mr. Certificates and awards will be Fiohtn, of, the Sisterhood; DaRice, treasurer. Dworskin, kindergarten; Jay LaJulius Rosenfeld. The main fea- president given at this time to the children vid Levine, J. M. Newman, LesMembers of the executive com- ahinsky and Leonard Roson, first ture of. the afternoon will Be pre-lie of the Temple Religious, school. mittee Burkenrcad, David Goldman, are: Dave Blacker, S a m grade; Leonard do Port and Louis sented by the Omaha Initiation and Louis Somberg. New officers and trustees of the team. , . ;• 1 Sol.Degenis honorary presi- Congregation are to be Installed Steinberg, B. A. Simon, D a v e Levine, second grade; Renee PlotReuben Bordy, Hy Shrler, kin, Larry Solig and Harriett Noduring the service. ',. Stein, Harry B, Cohen, general com- dent. • ' ' . . ' Leon Graetz, Leonard Segal, A. V. pomnlck, third grade; Esther Kolmltteeman from this district and Venger, Harry Kulakofsky, David nick and Alvln Lee Ross, fourth Dr. A. Greenberg, a past present Greenberg, Mrs. David Greenberg, grade; Hertzel Gcndler and Stewof the District Grand Lodge, wll BACCALAUREATE SPEAKERS Mis. A. V. Venger and Mrs. Dave art Solig, fifth grado; Donald speak. •• Cohen. Green, sixth grade; Shirley Chor.. General chairman of the affair ney, Lorraine Robinson, Martha IB Milton Yudelson. Following tin Rosenblatt Rose Behn, sevprogram a buffet luncheon wll Deivey Ziegler Wins enth grade; and Beverly Pessen, Paube served. lino Noodell and Ann Denenberg, Honor at Harvard eighth • A regular meeting of the lodge grade. ' will be held Monday evening a Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will Dewey Zlegler, son ot Mr. and the Knights of Columbus Hall. Mrs. laidor Ziegler, will be grad- speak to the children, and Mr. Aruated on June 18 from the arts thur Rapport will announco the .^ college of Harvard UniverBlty, list of honor students. Fremont Conducts "magna cum laude." For his theIX J» A. Campaign sis he' received ITie "summa cum Morris E. Jacobs ^i laude" citation. To J. IX C?-Meeting Ziegler wai graduated from Fremont (Special)—Memberi Omaha Central in 1937 and has of the Fremont'Jewish commun several scholarships at HarMorris E. Jacobs left Wednesity are participating in the-na • * < •."»jfv* -t «TM \ -iH won vard. tional United Jewish Appea day night for New York to attend drive. a conference called by the Joint Distribution Committee. He will ' Mose •' Krasno is chairman o! Exclude Officials the local drive. Sjimuel I. Beret also be present at the sessions oE and Ben Bernstein are co-chairStockholm (JTA) — Arthur tho National Refugee kS e r v ic© men. Sam Weinberg is secretarySeyss-Inquart, German Commis- whoso meetings begin Sunday in treasurer, and Jacob '. Wolf, L, . ;. . ' sioner In Holland.-has ordered New York. Predmetsky, and David Kavic stricter applicatioli of the Nov. 4 Mr. Jacobs Is 'vice-chairman oC are assistant treasurers. law excluding Jews from officials the Midwest -Region ot the Joint positions, it was reported hero. Distribution Committee and was —Rinehart-ilaredcn Photo. —Rinehart-Marfxien Photo. Seyss-Inauart called attention to the 194Q chairman of the local Expropriation Decree Iteva Bordy Myron E. Rubnitz a previous order that municipal Jewish Philanthropies. lastanbul (JTA)—The Rumancouncils . and school governing E. Rubnitz, both of Central High Representing t h e graduating ian press publishes a decree exThe three outstanding thinkers bodies must oust Jewish pupils propriating Jewish manufactur- students ' a t the annual uiii'on Temple Israel, the Beth El syna from all-schools except those ex- of 16th century France^—Moners of wineo, spirits and medi service to be held next Friday gogue, and the i/nited Orthodox clusively/for Jews. The deadline taigne, Bodtn, and-de v1'HopHal— cines and also Jewish mining am evening at the Beth El synagogue Congregations a r e participating for such actlri ,was May 15.* »were alt half-Jews. „" * .'" " .• •--.• • forest property, will be Reva Bordy and Myroa in tho service. -
• • • • . • •
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• • • ;
• : • • .
y, May I 6 f 1 9 4 1
Page tO jprii 4, he is u:w wuo is inviting epercussions which will fall upon he heads of t Ii e fcaid tribe as urtly iu AEUt-riea us, they always
U , t , i , •> i - •„ JUIj x ca fat 1'
,1 «>, *l itrtc
i^ve elsewhere."
| Soviet Synagogues Are Heavily Taxed Jews,
t> i- t i i vv t h a t ii cut u ly under '1
( n
" iy.
j. f'j i M I U ! o\i 1,>'''•> fjM* o i « 1 P o l i s h <ae iu»£ii-I i i special
London (JTA) — The Soviet
I ft.t-1 dtfily pii-hted by the equips s.nS a b o u t . 1,400 other authorities have introduced heavy &L S-BGAJb lir.g or ingratitude, i wicked Geueva (JTA) — Muss evic- Jewish refugees, mostly women taxation on Synagogues and rab,fr. C'oug'biiii a happy reception tion of Jews from their homes and children who are permitted bis in Soviet - occupied Poland, MR. COUGHUIV u Paradise afi.tr a long ptinteii- was reported here from Milan, to reside in Milan and Home. Bessarabia and Bukovina, T h e Coughiin's so-called "S u c i a i iai Lent, but in return Lis paper Jewish Chronicle reported. Turin and o t h e r Italian'cities Reports from Tunis state that Justice" wauts to know whom I ives me darks warnings cf dreadSynagogues in towns with a while from Trieste came a reItalian propagandists are spreadjne&nt in a r e c e n t cohana in ul things to fall upon my head port that the ofnees of the Jew- ing violent anti-Jewish propagan- population of 5,000 must pay an which 1 spoke of "Mr. Coughim." . "repercussioas . . . as surely j^Fcourse, "Social Justice" knows i America as they always kave ish community thtre were raided da, exploiting tke fact that Jews annual tax of 5,000 rubles; towns by the police and that a number are fighting in the British ranks with 10,000 inhabitants, 10,009 ifWy well I meaist n o n e otter laewbere." of J e w i s h community leaders against the Italian army on the rubles; up to 20,000 population, than the one WHO is known as Oh, I muse, he must mean that were arrested. 15,000 rubles; up to 50,000 pop* Libyan front. Father CoughHn. e same horrible afflictions will ulation, 25,000 rubles. SynaThose evicted were permitted I should like to call him Fa- •vertake Jews in America as in to move into any section of Italy gogues in big cities are subjected ther Coughlin were it not that ermany . . concentration caraps, they wished but not permitted to Scholarship to still heavier taxes. the term "father" as applied to xiie, pogroms, Gestapo, sudden take their furniture and other "Rabbis are taxed 1,000 to 6,000 priests always has had the gent- :eatb, denial of civil rights. New York (JTA) — Establish- rubles anaually. The object pi household property. The reason lest connotation to ray heart and Yet, though I feel hurt by this given for the raid on the head- ment of a scholarship at the He- the new taxes apparently is to mind, i esteem the friendship of gratitude, i am not frightened. quarters of the Jewish commu- brew University in honor of Mrs. compel many synagogues to close a number of priests whom 1 'adhave so much faith in AmeriWilliam Prince, president of the dress as "Father' 1 with such rev- a: It can not happen here. A nity in Trieste was that the Jews Women's League for Palestine, down and rabbis to resign, t u • were spreading anti-Fascist propChronicle said. erence as one gives to priestly may mouth threats but aganda among the Italian popu- was announced at a meeting of men who in all things exemplify ouglilin e can not become a Goebbels; a lation. the league &t Temple Emanu-El. Audie Creniieu-Foa, a French? the kindliest fatherhood, 'elley may put on a silver shirt The scholarship will be given an- army officer, was the first Jew The new anti-Jewish measures Yes, to me they seem like men ut he can not become a Hitler, were taken by Jewish leaders in nually to "a girl of unusual abili- to publicly protest anti-Semitic who have just come f r o m the ot here! Rome as indication that a more ties whose education would oth- accusations against Jews in t h 9 Mount on which the Sermon was French army. severe c o u r s e against Italian erwise be curtailed." My faith in America is sus. given; they look like p e o p l e dipped in the Mount's b r i g h t ained by the record of American istory; There was the time in d'awn. One of them, Father R, is dead, he fifties when bigots and polRibut I can still speak of him in al crooks did all they could to the present; for his gentleness ring d o w n "repercussions" on is a light that hasn't died in the lie heads of Catholics. They were hearts of those who knew him. lie Know-Nothing Party. On an He could believe no ill of other nti-Catholic platform (it called men and in his presence t h e or the stripping of civil rights tongue of falsehood or of slander rom Catholics) they elected govsrnors and legislators, even ator revilcinent withered. Through his glasses, w h i c h empted to carry the nation in a were always close down to the residential election. But, at long last, in this detip of his nose, his soft, fatherly eyes looked so charitably at all ant America the Know-Nothing the children, and the sinner was arty became only a night-mare his child as much as the saint. iiemory of our history; Catholics I have always thought of him as urvived. to become effective, rea true priest of the One who gave pected citizens and civic leaders the beatitudes. n every American community. , >. ,0~. In the recent twenties the Ku Friends Then there is Father S. The Clux Klan lived awhile and died title "Father" fits him beautiful- ind its leaders were buried unly because he adorns it with a er the "repercussions" they had concept of brotherhood. His fa- repared for Catholics and Jews therhood is not merely a func- like. tion that embraces the circle of It didn't happen here then unhis church; it has to do wiih a ler the Ku Klux Klan a n d it relationship to mankind in which an't happen here now under a all men are brothers. Ollglllill. Once in awhile, Father S. drops All of this causes me to feel In at the office of the daily paper Kiiv BUTTER co:::iT!ONEa for which I work. Modestly he 11 the more that Mr. Coughlin Holds a chip or a pound of calls attention to something he eeds a long, long Lent for penlbutter and automatically has printed in his weekly bul- ence - - penitence for having beeps it at the correct, letin. It has to do with brother- iven falsehood and penitence for smooth-spreading consistent hood. He thinks perhaps the aving fomented hate and penicy... ready to use at any tinjA, permitted newspaper might care to reprint 3nce for h a v i n g it and give it wider circulation. hreats to be spread against felThings are so . terrible in t h e owmen. When, after a long Lent, world and one can't say too much e comes to Paradise for forglvea b o u t kindness, understanding ess, I shall be among the first and compassion these days, he o welcome him, if I am there. says. shall take his hand and call H, As.,li>. . i t S n r V I B ,yT« »• u.»n, .n-pai: , The newspaper la always glad liim "father." to have something about brother- Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts 1 hood from Father S. It's like Feature Syndicate) putting a bit of 1 i g h t in the :.'.Or.E SPACE FOB G3AMT BOTTUES paper; it is so! dark, what with See These Abundant room right next the black headlines full of -the Wonderful Hot to the Speed Freezer for tall Point Values As . blackness of the world. bottles, short bottles, even ; These are the kind of men I aumr 5J |g gallon and half-gallon sizes. have called "Father." I am sorry By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg: not to be able to count Charles This EVJ&dsl CoughHn among them. He seems "A merry heart makcth a $230.03 so far from the gentle fathers I cheerful countenance." have known. He has s p o k e n falsehoods and spread them as A proud father had just called poison to the hearts of men. He has increased h a t e In a world up the daily newspaper to report that perishes for lack of loving- the birth of twins. The girl at DORIC DE LUXE: Hotpoint* kindness and mercy to sustain it. the desk had not understood the BIO, new 7 cable toot, fuU. From his tongue have f a 11 e n message and asked: "Will you family elmo refrigerator EHTGA DIN ffOR DHY STOE1A0E ;words borrowed from the Nazi please repeat it." that's styled ind built taj W i l l hold 4 8 N o . 1 cana — master of lies. The.words in his Father: Not if I can help it. Umt fee /vara , that's T W O cases! Plenty Xhouth often have been alien to of room for storing dry •the heart of the One in whose She: The Smiths must be very name he was ordained.rich,1 judging from the clothes cereals and other foods not , . requiring refrigeration. I can not call him F a t h e r they wear. He: One can never tell. Some '• '•'*•- '. ' " ' , * • { ' ' ' youghliti. of the • most gorgeous flowers The column in which I first haven't a scent. Spoke of . h i m as Mr. Coughlin , Young Farmer: What do you ftas the one about Len-t. Mr. think is the trouble with farming Coughlin's ' "Social Justice" had these days? . suggested -that, the Jews would Old Farmery In my younger rob Christians of the "consolations days- when we talked about ,what q£ Lent. I replied that, oil'the we could raise on sixty acres, we contrary," I would increase the meant corn, not loans. days of- Lent for Mr: Coughiln', Bake, that' he might have much - Librarian: Why do you want so 1 more time for penitence;; to the many, books this time? . • 7 toad 6?orago zones. (1) Spood ftoos&r. [7) Btiira Diajor Dry Storage. PLUS •end that when his time came h Johnnie:.1 My little brother's (2) Six-Way Co!d Storago Compi&rts^SRJ. . . ,VacuuR> Soaiod Thrifjtaiastor Unft might be forgiven and kissed by highchair is broken. (3) Now Bulior Conditioner. (4) Dig . . . Pop-teo Trays . . . Sfqlnfe8s3to«l o gentle Jew, , Jesus, at t h tea of Paradise. No! I wjouli BoStJo Zono. (5) General Food Storajp Sholvos... a ROV/ 16-Polnf Yos^jsroturo Editor: So you want to be a t take even one day. of Len' proof-reader. Do you know all . Zono. (6) High Humidity CompartnaoRt. Confrol and many ofSior c?o«atfeof«re8. from Christians. A long, ,1 o n ? the responsibility attached to this tTeat, I' said, for penitence am job? tfpF restitution by justice; cbarft Boy: Ye3, sir. When you make and all kindness. : a mistake, I have to take the ( ' Pained by Ingratitude blame. j $Tr. Coughlin's "Social Justice ©ays: "If Mr. Segal were, factua Sniimth: Why do'"they have and fair to his readers 'he\woul( .knots on the ocean instead of •contact t h e Jewish magazine miles? Jwhlcji printed the articles-'aijvbJohn: To keep the ocean tlde.t&tlng the abandonment of Len |6y Christians. But because he ii Patient: I have a bad cold,- »S3.ot fair, because he never will bi Doctor: Did you ever see a good fair and because he belongs to cold? ' - ,tr|b0 y?ho .are notorious for Ut Jspeciraen of presentation whicli - The first mention of Jews la ^aractorisss • Segal's article >oj Cracow, dates "from' ,13.04,,.
Friday, M»y 16, 1941
••,-. • • • . • • • I
• ' • • ' •
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Fluorescent Lighting Frco Estimates. .'
370SHoward- AT 4679
ATStIP? COMPLETE ROAD and MAPS CiieerfulJy Furnished a t
When the Nazi-made picture, "Dr. Koch," was scheduled for showing here at the Pacific Electric Club, a crowd gathered outside protesting . . . the riot squad was called . . . but the film was cancelled. Elsewhere Nazi pictures continue to go on unhampered . . . often uncensored . . . as in the case of "Sieg im Westen," which got through the British blockade by way of France, Africa, Rio and New York. The Anti-Nazi League is protesting that the film should be subject to censorship, maintaining it is not a new&reel. In Philadelphia the German version of the conquest of Norway was screened for an audience which hissed the Statue of Liberty and applauded the Nazis. Officials of the Bund were called to account by the censor board for exhibiting a foreign film without the board's okay.
M ©!yi?s,. Iowa
HULSE & HOME FOR 1Q@8 Complete Service at Nominal Cost
e l 33fS!»
Milton Berle is rapidly becoming this town's A-l M. C. At the Twentieth-Fox Club shindig he had his audiencep rolling in the aisles. A few of the quips: "Here I slave all year—comes Passover —and there's not a bit of bread in the house!" "The other day I Service on Trucks in out signed a seven-year contract with Shop is now available 24 Zanuck.. . . . now I'm waiting for fiours tisfSy, except Sun. him to sign it!" "I'm proud of my mother. She signed a threeyear contract . . . she bought a Day PtomQ — JA 70S0 Frigldaire . . . on time!" 7203 When Groucho heard the rumor tliat lie wa.s going <o have the chair of Professor of Humor at Harvard, he quipped, "Make it Vnssar . .*.-and-I'll take-it!" "Bargain Basement" marx the moviecllpse of the merry mishugener Marxes . . . POSITIVELY. Groucho wants to scribble a play . . . Harpo to concertize . . . Chico to (in) fuehrerate a swing band. "They're bored with the movies," footnotes the moustachioed Marx, "and vice versa." Talkictonn Topics: A number of cinemalites cancelled their subscriptions to T i m e , indicating their strong disapproval of the choice of Hitler for a front-page cover. Carol Bruce blew into town for a screen test . . . she's under contract to Universal. Edward Robinson i s diligently studying Spanish . . , preparatory to a South American trip in the summer. Paul Muni . . . shaking the California (gold) dust off his feet . . . t r e k s eastward to build n home will return only when cornered on a dotted line. Scribe Barry Trivers gave a party for his cx-missiis . » . to celebrate their divorce! Fanny Brice's mother, Rose Brice, passed away this week . ." . she was 73. Billy Halop's sister, Florence,. leaves for a stages career In Mew Kortr. V. Wolfe: Gilber and collaborator; Jimmy McHugh, have written a song for the draftees—"A Grand Vacation With Pay." •'• Accompanying "Major Barbara," Bernard Shaw's latest cinematic satire, i s a trailer in which ttte sparkling G. B. S. speaks to the American public: 'iAa you are Bending us your old destroyers, I am sending you my old plays." Sitting at bis desk, his eyes twinkling, "If one of those bombs overhead . crashes in here, it won't matter. I am In my 85th year . . . my number is up. But if my plays and films go on in America, that will be enough for me." His picture concludes that we must make "war on war". . . and he hopes that America will send help quick-
3 7 0 1 W . BK©AG>VVAY
Over.:&&• Bridge"
; W^i One of the masters of the'great metal-worker, Cellini, was"'AJew, Ornzindio of Bologna.
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16„ 1S41
war. After this war. there may Utiwrbii yof ilili.ois u u d the | be new attempts to find a BC.ap.e- Uuiverity cl Alu.l&v*a. fay the K'*a'i. We wui't see t.y it now H'illil fouudoilCii of E'liai B'ritb, that this filial! not happta later. t-j be a warded uniu&My to tho "A hopeful POKL-WC.1' oi&er wiii fteiiv.or. jjfrifiiatted by Christian have no ititauihg IQC Arneriea.a«f•j-uu.diiti'jus, who has done most By DR. TKEO&0RE H. LEWtS 'unless we tail u u i i d our own tii each ctiupus to improve intersound peace at. hoir,e. But we f&ith matrons. ! Asks "Dyke" Built Against cannot hope for pi.ar e if a wave The interfaith conference on of intolerance is allowed to unemployment, held in WashingIntolerance in sweep us &bui>der and divide our ton last June, w a s sponsored selections are no-t con fined to any '"•JAVUiii I'HAYEiWVLLY," l i t America. coutttry into hostile causes." jointly by the Federal Council of 'KMBY V&iiE; I'VUISJASS AKB ote s,o-urce GF age. The whole The efforts of the National the Churches of Christ in Amerworld of religious thought, in ali EtKMHAtif, tt<iM PAC.EH. New York (WNS) —Kcr&lling Conference of Christians a n d ica, the National .Catholic Welits richness, is fertile soil for him, 3'Le aim of tins book is to And what he picks is precious tike Ku Klux Mian anti-Catholic Jews during the past year to pro- fare Conference, the Central Conteach us "How to exiierieiice life's beyond words. It. is, therefore, wave which swept the nation in mole good fellowship among Am- ference of American Rabbis and deepest satisfactions" through no exaggeration to s t a t e that the years following the World ericans of all faiths have been a the Rabbinical Asembly at Amprayer. It. appears at a most cri- "Living Prayerfully" is an an- Wiir, l>r. Everett IE. ('iincfay, major contribution to nat.ion.ai erica. tical time in the life of the race. thology of prayer which will be l»r<>s:dt-itt of the National Confer- defense, Dr. Clinchy declared. Like our economic system, BO isused with great and lasting spir- ence of Christians and Jews, "The national unity which we religion in the midst of a severe itual profit. warned t h a t "American leaders have been endeavoring to achieve crisis. On the oue hand it is beHiu-st build a dyke iigsiis.st a pos- is not one of uniformity of opinAbsolute Pacifism ing attacked by the totalitarian sible, wave of fear, prejudice and ion," lie said. "It means unity of Kirby Page is a member of the intolerance systems, and on the other, it is such fcs that which spirit binding all citizens toBy Mrs. David M. Newman Fellowship of Reconciliation, and !»ehig undermined by secularism, gether in a common devotion to followed all nt«Kk»i;is wars." by the skepticism and doubt let &s such is an absolute pacifist. Reviewing the work of the or- Aiuerii-.ua democratic iciealR.. and lie seeks to make his convictions loose by the "scientific' 'spirit. ganization in building better re- unity of action on matters of NORWEGIAN CAKE8 in this field the unalterable basis One of the more serious relationships a m o n g Protestants, common concern to Americans of 1 whole egg of religious life. This is a fatal sults of this scientific mood has Catholics and Jews in America all faiths and classes as citizens 3 e g g yolks • •. • been t h e discarding of prayer. error. Even when confronted by during the last year in his an- of one democracy." \i teaspoon salt an opponent as savage and diaSince prayer is one of the fundanual report to the trustees of the Marked Improvement Vicup sugar mentals of religious living its bolical as Hitler, is he an abso- national conference, Dr. Clinchy That cooperation among Prot\i cup sugar lute non-resistant. And it is here eclipse constitutes a major chalclassed as an "Illusion" the beCatholics and Jews in pinch of mace lenge and threat to organized where many will part company lief of many Americans that "the estants, o m m o n problems has been 44 tup soft butter faith. How to revive this precious with the author. Non-resistance tide of intolerance" will ebb as cmarked by a widening degree of 1 tablespoon heavy cream is suicidal in the presence of a clement in the religious equipa result of "the united effort success during the last year was 2 cups sifted flower ment of modern men and women, hungry tiger or a ferocious hy- forced upon us by the war." emphasized at length in the reNO BAKING POWDER Low teach people to pray as they ena. Similarly is it suicidal and "War exacerbates prejudice and port. Dr. Clinchy included the Beat egg and slightly stir in once did, or as their fathers did, criminal against a Hitler or Stais the foremost task confronting lin. Moreover, it s e r v e s to multiplies occasions of misunder- following as a few specific exam- sugar, mace a n d butter. Add Institutionalized religion, and es- strengthen the very forces of evil standing," the report said. "To ples of progress in interfajth co- cream and flour. Mix u n t i l the diffusion of suspicion a n d operation: smooth. Kneed on floured board which must be destroyed. pecially the liberal branches. hatred by agents of totalitarian The action of Methodists meet- until dough no longer sticks to Ideals are sound provided they governments are added disagree- ing in Atlantic City last May in hands. Chill dough and then roll The fundamental barrier to prayer are the obsolete concep- are not reduced to absurdity, and ments as to national policy and issuing a call to all churches and to VA inch thickness. Cut in long tions concerning its e f f i c a c y made ridiculous. The peace ideal differences of sympathy as to the to all Christians to "expose the diamond-shaped pieces. M a k e a which cling tenaciously, a n d becomes exactly this at the hands course of events of the war aris- un-Christian character" of anti- length-wise slit in the center of "which seriously disturb or inter- of a peace "fanatic'* like Page, ing from differences of national Semitic propaganda. T h i s was the diamond and pull one corner fere with the practice and culti- who prefers submission to evil origin among our people. followed by a pledge on the part through the slit. Fry in deep crisvation of meditation, The old rather than battling with it. Just of Presbyterians in June to "par- co until brown. Drain and dip is "War periods are usually peprayer attitudes and beliefs and iow, one wonders, would Page riods of unloosed passions, hys- ticipate, both as individuals and sugar. methods are in the great major- behave in Norway, or Poland, or teria and suppression which may collectively, in every world^ effort ity of instances no longer avail- France, or England! Non-resist- be directed at any group at any to combat anti-Semitism and to New York (JTA)—-the Jewish able because we find them intel- ance is a n o b l e and beautiful time. It would be a tragic error minister to the Jews" and a call National Fund has sent a new. lectually untenable. Yet, the new- deal when the adversary is a if American leaders relaxed their to members for "more Christlike remittance of $75,000 to its header approach is neither simple nor country like England, a l a n d vigilance with respect to the ten- living in relatio nto the Jews." quarters in Jerusalem, President easy. Psychological barriers of whose people appreciate and rev- sions created by a war psycholThe establishment, as a pracGoldstein announced as nar.erious and divers kinds have to erence courage a n d loyalty to ogy and their efforts to allay the tical step to improve interfaith Israel tion-wide observance of Palestine be dealt with, and overcome. In- conviction, a people which is mor- causes of dissension. There has relations, of fellowships at the Flower Week began. tellectual thought must be clari- ally alive and sensitive to honor never been a greater n e e d to fied, the substance of religious and justice and truth. Against a arouse men and women f r o m striving and faith must be evalu- litler, however, Its about as ef- their complacency a n d induce ated anew. All these these con- ective as it would be against a them to face the facts." stitute difficulties which can be vild beast from the,. Jungle. Too i Sound Peace transcended only by a major de- )ad that men as highly gifted Appealing..to American leaders termination of the will, and a and as nobly motivated as Kirby Page do not grasp the basic to exert their, fullest influence tearless search, for God. distinction between peace a n d against prejudice, hate and misNew Orientation This volume will help magnifi- submission, and the dangerous trust among American citizens. cently towards this new orienta- allacies of non-resistance to a Dr. Clinchy explained t h a t no tion towards prayer and a bet- power that is oblivious, nay con- group a m o n g the population J ter understanding of this most emptuous, of moral courage, must be permitted to be made precious of arts. It teaches us and of the basic ideals of our the "scapegoat" for the difficulties bound to follow the war pehow to employ the instrument of ivilizatlon. riod if this country is to hope for prayer in these troublesome times, This criticism, however, is a the establishment of a peaceful and how to achieve lasting and positive blessings. It helps us to digression. The volume is a most post-war order. overcome the psychological, bar- valuable contribution to the re"The last war gave birth to riers created by outmoded doc- igious literature of the day, and revitalized Ku Klux Klan whl<Sa trines. It defines the various types •vill bring blessing and spiritual revived the anti-Catholicism of of prayer, Awe and Adoration, power to those who will use it. the late nineteenth century, and Praise and Thanksgiving, Contri- And may these be many. brought into being the first ortion and Confession, Aspiration ganized anti-Semitic movement and Commitment, Petition a n d Luis Darte, sent to the galleys in American history," he declarIntercession, Communion and Fel- in 1614, was the first Chilean ed. "The Ku Klux Klan attemptlowship, and Social Action, and Marrano to be sentenced by the ed to provide a popular scapeprovides rich and t nvincing il- Inquisition. goat for the hardships of the . lustration of each.
Kitchen Chats
Very helpftil is t h e prayer schedule for 100 days carefully - arranged with superb selections for each day of the week. This arrangement should be of inestimable value to the reader and the. professional minister. The pages demonstrate prayer in action and are spiritually rich. Every mood a^nd need and yearning of man is covered and provided for. The procedufe of the author Is not uniform, which enhances the interest of the volume. The
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B5 Friday, Msy 16, 1941
Paie 9
advanced class of junior boys and will, up«n tbe completion of this course, aid Mr. Sainrock in preparing the intermediate class for their junior life saving preliminary requirements.
nina, Annabel, Brunswick, Marie- There seems to be no doubt that Louise, Toutmain — a million Vichy was forced to issue the defrancs' worth of plate,glass—fell crees or otherwise suffer e v e r into shreds on the pavement.' more punitive measures against MORRIS ABLER "Most, if not all, of these shops all the French people. were owned by Jews, and had Lisbon (JTA) — Portuguese "It is probable that Pierre Labeen reopened by their faithful val bargained for tbe release of authorities have notified refugees The junior girls' class in swim- French employees, w h o stood around 200,000 French prisoners in Lisbon and other Portuguese Worn ming has taken on new life and trembling and weeping in t h e —needed doctors, nurses and the centers that they must leave the A. '£. A. No. 100 .9 « many girls who have been lax in aisles. The uniformed young men fathers of four children or more country within two weeks or face Lincoln's T»verr» 1 • attendance are coming very reg- strutted down the avenue to the —in return for the anti-Jewish interment, it was learned. Milder lAqnor t'o J 1 ular. However, more of the Cen- headquarters of Le Front Jeune, decrees. The N a z i s in Paris, The notification affects chiefly A. M/n 1 1 ter's girls should take advantage at 36 Charaps-EIysees, and hung however, were not satisfied with those refugees who entered t h e A. SB. A. So. J 1 1 of this class. out the windows, laughing and the Vichy measures, cor could country on transit visas and were Denenbfrg tfotnfers. . 0 1 jeering at the indignant crowd. they push the Vichy government stranded. The authorities indi€o. Bluffs .4. Z. .1. 7. . 0 2 People Disgusted A class of intermediate boys, further. So a special series of cated that no exception would be With the count knotted at 9-all meeting in the evening has start"The next day the controlled anti-Jewish decrees has been pub- made even for refugees who have and two men away In the last half ed work on life saving. Sol Ger-press hailed tbe event as 'the lished in t h e German official found temporary useful employof the sixth inning the A. Z. A. lisky has been helping with this spontaneous outburst of indigna- journal, applicable to the occu- ment in the country. No. 100 bombarded the ball tak- group. He passed his Benior life tion of the populace of Paris pied region only. At the same time it was learned ing advantage of some costly A. saving tests this week. His assist- against their Jewish exploiters." "These new decrees bar Jews that the Nazi authorities in BerK's errors, countered 10 runs to ance in the pool has been very But the t r u e reaction of the f r o m any wholesale or retail lin intend to send to Lisbon a dnch the game 20-14. Max Guss welcome and he h a s developed French people was one of disgust business, and shut them out of transport of more than 1,000 von his second game of the sea- quite a knack In helping out tbe and sympathy, and it was force- virtually all economic activities, Jews from Germany and Austria son and although hit hard kept youngsters. fully if Quietly manifested. The including banks, insurance com- who succeeded in receiving visas them well scattered. • following days, behind boarded- panies, hotels, shipping firms, and to overseas lands. Reservations Three vivacious little mermaids up windows, Toutmain and Anna- so on." Greenberg and Bloom allowed for all those included in this the same number of blows as —- Adrienne Rice, Joanne Levy bel were filled with more customtransport have been made by the GUM but bad fielding cost the and Lois Lineman—have Joined ers than these shops had served Until 1782, the Chuetas of the Mitropa, a Nazi travel agency in the junior girls swimming class in many months, customers they Balearic Island were forced to Berlin, on three Portuguese linelder men the contest. and are progressing remarkably bad never had before. live in a separate quarter al- ers due to sail from Lisbon next though they had been converted week for the United States a n d Herb Marks looked in the pink well. "The Front Jeune numbered Eleanor Bernstein is, so far, the perhaps 100 pimplyfaced youths three centuries before. South America. of condition last Eunday as he ]>eld the Milder ten to 6 blows. only junior girl takfng her junior of the Montmartre gutter type. Herb received good support and life saving work. Eleanor is the In khaki pants, navy-blue shirts plenty of power from his team pretty lass who held the American and riding boots, they tried hard as the Lincoln's Tavern trounced flag while balanced precariously to look like .Hftler's ruffians of for Fri. and Sun upon the shoulders of the two 1932 and 1933. An anti-Jewish, the Milder Liquor Co. 11-3. stalwart swimming huskies durBrown Home runs by Chuck Korney ing the last act of the Aquacade anti-Masonic paper called Au PiWHITE FISH ill. lori, for which they acted as ven•nd Harry Altsuler featured the held in our pool during award ders, supported them. But after day's bitting for the Tavern ten. night. STRICTLY KOSHER their premiere, they never again, JMorrie Epstein, diminutive chukZIGN <md VHLUO to my knowledge, appeared in the ker of the Siilders, was always in role of s t o r m troopers. They hot water as his teammates made dropped into the discard. The tea Displays. anti-Jewish campaign, which the SALAMI Sonny Golding h i t a terrific Nazis were determined to carry WIENEHS home ran off of Marks but missed out regardless, shifted to t h e iecond base and was called out. BOLOGNA more subtle and lethal policy of M. Adler's two doubles led tbe census and expropriation. Milders' hitting. COOICIES "The Nazis have now maneuvWriter F i n d s Feeling W^JmlSM®!\ Buy out doscn ered so that the Vichy governChalk one up for the A. Z. A. Against .Vfciiy SIRS. FVSW& OWN— reSliii»«« We and get ment promulgated in October a Ko. 1 as they trimmed the Counfe»i»i«»»««?.:|*K||far la with CHOPPED IJVEIl Decrees statute barring Jews from t h e : cil Bluffs A. Z. A., 10-8. KalmnCHOPPED 1IEKKINO fe'- i/«itb€» purchase fiKFILTU FI8II (FILLED FISH) press, the radio and the movies, eoln pitched a five-bit game to POTATO SALAD •.'«j.ssiSo-.aiaar . Deiiciow New ¥<*k (WJVS) — That the f r o m government offices and down the boys from across the I Varietle* liter. A big fourth loaning for French people are revolted by the from t h e liberal professions. the Mother Chapter ten brought Nazl-fanpertcil anti-Semitism and then their first -victory of the that the Marshal retain governseason. M. Ruderman'a big. bat ment fit yichy Introduced jmtiblasted out three hits for the win- iewlah measures in Unoccupied France in return for Nazi concesner*. sions, were the conclusions drawn by (Thomas Kernan, writing in Boxaeore At 2#tt Burd«ttt-* R. H. E. tbe current Saturday Evening C* Bluffa N«. 7 511 000 1— 8 S • A. Z. A. Ko. 1 . . . . . . . 1 0 1 800 x—lft 7 7 Post, feUterle*—RoMBthal, Fitch and KlrachIn his article, Mr. Kernan, who tMnun; K»hnon»oln and Neppomfk. At 32d Dewey— / R. H. E . w a s a magazine jnTblisher in Ukeoln Market 341 020 1—11 IS 3 Franco before the Nazi occupaIMMer Llqtwr 000 020 1—3 0 10 tion, said: "One day last SeptemBatterlt* — Marks and Slceal; Epstein ber I happened to be standing MKt MeichM. At 33d, Caso— ft. H. E. there in the pleasant air, talking A,' Jt's ...410 04 1 1—14 lfr 5 A. Z. A. No. 100....323 01 10 X—20 10 5 with.one of my colleagues, when Batteries—Greenberg and Tretlak; Guu we heard shouting up toward the Etoile. A yellow roadster sped and Mann. down the almost deserted avenue Schedule May IS . A. Z. A. No. 1 vs. A. K.'»—20UI Bor- at fifty miles an hour, with a *Hte. . ) vaguely uniformed young m a n A. Z. A. K». 1M *». C*. VMH A. Z. A. standing up in the tonneau yell—tin* Btmts. •• • Vtnntnbtrt Ctatbicr* »». Ua«*ta'» Tav- ing, 'A bas les Julia!' (Down ern—33rd Caw, iSsfSp^^^^^^g^as with the Jews!) Milder Mqwr O . ~ b y e . "There was a crash and tinkle of broken glass like a wake in SWIM NEWS his passage, for, as the car pssed each one of the ready-to-wear By HOWARD SR3NROCK A class in junior life saving in- shops on the ChampsElysees, a cluding the following boys has uniformed young man stationed been formed: Harold Mbzer, Sid- in front hurled a brick wrapped ney Ruderman, Alden Lincoln, in newspapers through the. winPaul Zelinsky, Earl Shrago, Al dows. Before my startled eyes, dayman a n d Charles Fredkin. the great windows of Cedrlc, Va-
J.C.C. Sports
Portugal Warns Refugees to Go
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By MRS. HifK MAKBI.ER Mesdaiaes M<;x ArtitjB£B, H. Dolgoff, J. FtilK^n, S. Ftliiaan, J FiiiKti. Aaron Katie, M. KaUms.ii, S. 'Olstider, B. Wejcberg, and A. <i. Wtiristeiii, vnl l>e hostesses at a one o'clock dessert luncheon followed by cards and ! <> ' Wugo &t the Jtwifch Conm; unify Cetner csi Wednesday, May 21. lira . N I-evinson is chairman. The proceeds of this affair go to the national ofifce for the purchase of linens for Mizrachi Women's projects in Eretz ifisrOel. Mrs. Isaac Herzog, wife of the Chief Kabbi of Palestine and president of the Mizrachi Women of Palestine, has been visiting in America, In a recent speech, she said- "The forces of destruction are let loose in a. great part of the'world. But Mizrachi Women are busily engaged in construction. We are constantly adding to and increasing the number of cur projects. The position today may be summed up in two aspects: the destruction of Jewish life in the outside world, on the one hand, and the reconstruction in the land of our hopes, on the other. The future lies in t h e hands of our youth, a very considerable part of whom is receivA quest for boyhood friends ing its education in the Mizrachi he has not seen for over forty /schools." years ended last week in Omaha Mrs. fiotsfeld's Letter In a recent letter to the na- when Mr. and Mrs. Jsiael Tateltional o f f i c e , Mrs. Gotsfejd baum of Boston arrived here to writes: "The cornerstone h a s renew old acquaintances. been laid for the new buildings Mr. Tatelbaum l e f t Szumsk, at That Zvi. I know you will be Russia, at 18, a n d settled in happy to learn that one of these Boston where he became t h e buildings will be the Children's owner of a clothing store. In House. The joy with which the 1931 the Tatelbaums went back news of this building was hailed to Russia to visit their native beggars all description, especially city. There they found many of by the expectant mothers w h o their friends, w h o m they had are already visualizing their tiny come to see, had left the countots housed in the new building. Up until now the children, whose ages range from under a year to Tau Delta Sigma five years, lived under such primitive conditions that it is really A special meeting of the Tau a miracle that they are so beau- Delta Sigma was h e I'd Friday, tifully developed both physically May 10, at 3:30 at the Jewish and mentally. . . ommunity Center, to discuss "Another project which we de- plans of the Round Table of Jewcided upon is the seminar which sh Youth for the coming con•will also be housed in the Beth clave. Zeh'oth in Jerusalem. (A numGuest speaker was Miss Ruth ber ' ol rented annexes have in- Rosenstein, chairman of the concreased the capacity.) It Is plan- clave committee, w h o talked ned to bo a six months course about for this youth confor girls who will be filling posts ference.plans Several members of T. of -instructresses (Madrichot), D. S. volunteered to furnish
and is intended to show them the "wayp to approach the sources of learning sp that they may be able to teach themselves; as in their capacity of f u t u r e 'Madrichot' they will be called upon to teach others. This will i n v o l v e six hours of self study dally and will comprise the teaching of: He-1 brew language (advanced); lit erasure, etc.; Rashi and the use of the commentaries; sociology; eivibs; Palestinology; philosophy of religion; and the practical application of religion." Mrs. Aaron Katz, president of the "local chapter, reminds members and friends Of Mizrachi Womert that the purchase of tickets for; the May 21 affair helps to • provide, linens for the above mentioned and the many other projects, in Palestine. The city-wide spring J. N, F. box! collection drive takes place on (Sunday, M a y 1:8. Mrs. Joe Tre'tiak is' the chapter's chairman. : i ' Iflrs. E': Welnberg, J. N. P. Tree Chairman, states that the Kibbutz in Tirat Zyi hag requested "Mrs. Gotsfeld to do everything possible so t h a t the Mizrachi '•'•Women's Forest be; planted in their vicinity. I t ' m e a n s very much to them as they will be able'.to secure the work of planting; the forest. 1 " ~ ,'• ijfrs. Weiriberg reminds t r e e purchasers that when 'they 1 'plant trees in Eretz Yisroel, they, honor a happy occasion or- commemorate the memory of a_ dear one and; at the same time they gi 'e employment to Palestinians. Airs. .TrVeinberg can bo reachfd at WA 3354. She is always r°.ady to help tree purchasers.
I^Mf &?l :ek$9$
housing f o r out-of-town deleatea. , .. The club has pledged ten dollars to the philanthropies campaign this year. ' • Florence Rundell was appointed .assistant reporter, to h e l p ; Pauleyn Falk, and Martha- Zusniati, president, announced that she and Reeda Magzamin, Round Table representative, would march in the procession at the Coronation Ball.
Jr. Hadassah The Mother-Daughter tea given by-the "Junior Hadassah was held at the Blackstone hotel on Sunday, May l i : In the absence of
try and were living in fie United States. Among those whom | l r . Tatelbaum found had settled in the midwest were Jake, Harry, and Louis Weiner, who last night entertained in his honor. Tomorrow night from 6:30 until 10 o'clock, they will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Itszie Stiss, 3108 Webster street. They leave Sunday morning for Boston. AH of their friends are cordially invited to visit them at the Stiss home. No invitations ale needed.
Bertha Slutzky, Junior Hadassah president, Helen Whit' book extended greetings to tfle guests. An address for the daughters was given by Mickey Balal an a n d Mrs. M. Levenson represented the mothers. Shirley Sellz presented several v o c a 1 selectioi s accompanied by'Mrs. Armiij Docter, who also played a few piano .solos. Mrs. M. D. Brodke r poured. Frances Blumkin was chairman of the Mother-Daughter tea. A meeting will be h ;ld Monday,-May 19, at which the new slate for the election of! officers, which will take place a ( t b e following meeting, will- be presented. Tickets are now on sa]|e for. the annual summer - formal j which, is being."held Monday, ."Ju^e. 16,' at the Rdyar Grove in Peflny Park'. Music will be furnished by Gary and his band. Tickets are $1 per couple. , . • • .
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Since the beginning <ff tie Sinai club's membership'] drive,- a large- number- of -n.e-v|- -persons have been present at the meetings. -Approximately fifty persons attended ;the- meeting on .May 6
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atd five sew j^tt-iti's were vc-U/i j ixa PitadeEt tsr&'a EoDcie Milin. Tfcey were; Ei.nb. Stint ittr, i ler i>? efatr. t€-i tfcfe Etw president, Pearl Scfcxeider, Bets RaiLt-r. khjrliy EiJttui;, w i t h a gavel t;}JEfacmifig her office. At that Sylvia Weiss, £Ed Kerry Lolei. On May 13 KarsL Retxkk £j;d lizne i. 'titx from t t e chapter was to Sarah in appreciaLeo Kraft •were elected to ivjta;- prtiitiiMfJ tion of h<zJ services and leaderbership. the year. The chairman of tfce sciiy ttm- ship tiircugbout Hotic Held mittee -reports t h a t words for 'I he tritditional party in honor three songs have been written for the club's use. The good and wtl- of. gifc.ducttiiig' seniors was helfi fare committee reports a sewing in the form of a picnic last Monclass was held at the bc^ue of day. This year it was given in Miss Nellie Tattibauia last Thurs- honor of Shirley Polsky, our only graduate. Also a tradition is the day. A barn dance was given by the presentation of crested candleJub on May 3 at Salzman's farm sticks at this time, to the seThese were presented to near Fort Calhoun. Apple cider niors. and doughnuts w e r e served to Shirley Monday night. Another candy' passing t o o k thirty-two couples. Bob Freshman's orchestra furnished t h e place at the chapter bouse Friday, May &, It was sent by Laura music. Berek, who graduated in 1929, announced her engagement Sigma Delta Tau and and approaching marriage, Juno 8, to Albert Darver of Dallas, Lincoln (Special) — Another Texas. successful Parents' Day was held Sarah Miller, president o t at the chapter house on Sunday, Kappa Beta Pi, 1 e g a 1 sorority, April 11th. Over one hundred presided at their initiation and guests were present. Rose Gold- banquet, May 7. Shirley Epstein, stein,, who was chairman of the president of the Hillel unit at day, officiated. First on the pro- Nebraska, s p o k e at the Hillel gram was a violin eolo by Aron- services Friday, May 9, at the ita Daskovsky. Next was a sum- synagogue. mary of Theta's activities for the past year by the new president, Shirley Epstein. She also introNew York (JTA)—Postmaster duced the new officers for the Albert Goldman, at a ceremony at . coming years. the general post office transferred The girls then presented their a $10,006 National Defense Bond skit which "won second place in to Harry Grayer, Grandmaster of the Coed Follies Show. Sarah the Order Sons of Zion, fraternal Bonnie Miller, retiring president, Zionist organization of the United ' spoke on "The Obligations of States with a nation-wide memChildren to Their Parents." End- bership. Goldman expressed grail* ing the program was a brief talk tude for the patriotic action. by Mrs. H. Rosenblum, president of the Omaha Mothers' club, who spoke on their behalf. Refreshments followed. On the same afOLIND3 ternoon, Sylvia Katzman, pianist, WII9ESOW S H A D E S and Aronita Daskovsky, violinist, MADE TO OROEK entertained at the Sigma Alpha Mu open house. Craftsman Venetian Blind Co On Thursday, May 8, installa- BEBCILT HEFAIHED CLEANED BAM TARNOFF & t$OH, Pr*»». tion of new officers was held at 9St No. 16th. Mfe. In Ouialui. dinner in their honor. RetirAt 45M
J. G. Sheppard - ' Secretary
H. J. Poole ' Trcaourer
Friday/'May -16, 1S-4I
Highland Country Club Opens Season
THEATER PART* BLOCH-PITLOR Members of Tau Gamma Delta Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pitlor aneorerity gave -a theater party on ounce the marriage of t h e i r Thursday, May 8, at the Omaha. laughter, Ann, to Mr. Ted Bloch After the theater, the group went f Chicago. ;••..•• to the Castle hotel coffee shop The ceremony took place in for-supper. Chicago on May 12. The young couple will make their home in Chicago. , TEMPLE SUPPER CLUB The Temple Supper c 1 u b Is planning an outing on Monday HERE" AFTER evening, June 2, at Camp Brew- INTENSIVE TRtP fcter. •• • • • ' • ; • • -' Miss Ethel Resnick of Loss AnThe .last indoor meeting was gles is in Omaha for a month's held last Monday at the temple. rislt with her parents; Mr. and Mrs.' David' WIce was g u e s t Mrs. J. M. Resnick. Miss Resspeaker and „' spoke on "Tomor- lick spent several days here durorw's Children.'' She based her ing the Passover holidays a n d talk on the work of the. recent then left for an extensive tour of conference she attended in Chi- t h e east, stopping in Chicago, cago. New York, Washington, Baltimore, and other points of interest. While in Maryland, she FROM KBWANEE ..' Mrs. Milton Sinn and daugh- pent several days visiting her ter, Jackie Lee, of'Kewanee, 111., >rother, First Lieutenant Wilare visiting at the home of Mr. lam J. Resnick, and Mrs. Hesend Mrs. Benjamin Green. Mrs. nlck. Lt. Resnick is stationed Sinn' is the former Mollye Green. with the medical corps at Fort Meade. v En route home, Miss Resnick TEMPLE HIGH SCHOOL stopped in Louisville to see the CROUP Because of the youth conclave Kentucky derby, and in MinneapSunday, there will be no meeting olis she visited with relatives. of the ', Temple, High School KULAKOPSKY8 IN BAST group. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulaofsky left last Sunday for Bos4NJJOVNCE HAS MITZVAH on. They will visit their daughMr,' and Mrs. David Blacker r, Beth, a student at Wellesley. announce the Bas Mltzvah of their daughter, Jeanne, off Fri- NNOUNCE BIRTH day evening, May 23, at the Beth Mr. and Mrs. Sam Meyerson of El synagogue. 3<an Pedro, Calif., formerly of Mr, and Mrs. Blacker will re- )maha, announce the birth of a ceive at the synagogue, following laughter, Marlene Lynn, on May the service. The next day they Mrs, Meyerson is the former •will receive the children of the eannette Turner of Omaha. synagogue. HR. BRAVIROFF'S PUPILS MEMORIAL N RECITAL • An "I Am An American" Day The piano students of Mr. Haiservice will be held at 10:30 y Braviroff will be persented in Sunday morning in the Concert ecital at the Omaha Woman's Jball of the Joslyn Memorial. :lub on Sunday afternoon, May At 2:30 the a capella choir of 8, at 3 o'clock. Thomjais Jefferson High school will present a concert. In the lecture hall three films on Hawaii will be shown. DrV; Raymond J. Pool w i l l A joint meeting of the Erecuspeak at 3:30 on "Some Trees That 1 Have Met." At 4 o'clock ivo committee a n d the Camp the Yprk College Chorus will pre- committee of the Women's Divisent a concert, and at 4:30 a sion will take place on Monday concert will be given by the Dana morning, May 19, at 10:30, at the Jewish Community Center. College Choir. The purpose of the meeting is o complete the plans for the & A. M. MOTHERS' CLUB • The S. A. M. Mothers* club iummer camp, and to take care will close its season with a lunch- f important current matters. eon meeting and election of offiIn announcing t h e meeting, cers on Tuesday, May 20, at 1:30 Mrs. William Lazero, president of at the home of Mrs. L Berkowitz, the Women's Division, stated: 615 S. 56th St. Mrs. Herman Sil"The Women's Division h a s verman 'will assist Mrs. Berko- five major responsibilities. They •wiU. AU members are urged to are the Thrift Shop, the Em«ttend, ployment Bureau, Camp Jay-C-C, he Needle. Guild, and Catering at the Center. These activities ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT -' Mr. and Mrs. Ben Waldman an- p f f e r us a five-fold challenge >- iaouhce the engagement of their which wo have been.. glad to ;. daughter, Miss Evelyn, to Irving meet." Charney, son of Mr. and Mrs. Da'/ ,Tfd' Charney. ,No date has been set for the . -wedding.
Women's Division Committee Meeting
.'.: JuniorCouncil . A Mother, and Daughter tea-was held on Sunday, May 1 1 / a t the Fontenelle" hotel for members of .-the*Junior.Council. Ida Fine was ' -•---'•—-— ^f the committee in ,.. Through error the "next meet' Jng/date -was announced as Juno • 8. fThis is"'incorrect and 'the Jul - iiior •'.Council will next meet- on ' Sunday, May 18. Members are . asked' to take note of this date and fplan .to be at the-meeting as, much new business is to be . discussed,
P.ge 7
CUT DIAMOND t - Perfect
. An unusually active summer program of the Highland Country club got under way Tuesday evening with a men's stag at the clubhouse and a woman's stag at the downtown, clubrooms. The formal opening of the club will take place on Saturday evening, May 81. Music for this formal dinner-dance will be furnished by Gary and his orchestra. Two gala events have been planned for the month of June.
Zeta Beta Tau Lincoln (Special) —• A l p h a Theta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau celebrated its annual Parents' day last Sunday at an open house and dinner at which the houst entertained approximately seventy-five guests. The dinner was followed by a meeting of the Mothers' club. Roses were given to all of the mothers. Leonard Goldstein was recently reelected to the Student Union Board. This board controls the management and policy of the university student union. After a brilliant one-hit pitching feat by Joe Kirshenbaum, Zeta Beta Tau's baseball team met defeat in a heartbreaking 3 to 2 loss to Delta Upsilon. This game, which was a play-off of a three-way league tie, eliminated the ZBT's and ended their aspirations for the baseball title. Scholarship was again upheld by Zeta Beta Tau, for the house placed t h i r d in scholarship among all fraternities on t h e campus. . Last year ZBT finished second and have hopes of even a higher record for the present semester. This week the debate team, composed of Robert Passer and Yale Gotsdlner, will meet Delta Upsilon in the semi-finals of the intramural debate tournament. At meeting last Monday night a plaque w a s awarded to the sophomore class for outstanding all-around work for the house during the past year.
Pioneer Women The annual donors' luncheon >f the Pioneer Women's Organzation will ge held on Thursday, rfay 29, at tbe Jewish Coran:uity Center at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Zena Feldman, d o n o r uncheon chairman, announces that the guest speaker will be Dvora Rolhbard, w h o for the past eight years has been a leader in the organization and is a member of the national secretariat. She has toured the country to ddress Pioneer Women's groups. 3he also visited Palestine, returnng to the United States a short ime ago f r o m a six months' itudy tour. During her stay, she isited every part of the country nd had the opportunity of observing the development of the and in city and colony.
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Golden Hill Society A regular meeting of the Ladies Golden Hill Society will be held Tuesday, May 20, at 2:30 at the B'nal Israel synagogue, 18th and Chicago streets.
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6G8 fiikSfeia 'BiCaSw fiulfdisf —ieniui Cauiuiuuilt V
DAVID BLACKER—JBudaess and Macagiug Editor LEONARD NATHAN . . . . . . Editor RABBI THEODORE R L E W I S • Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER . . . . Society Editor MORRIS AIZENJJiSKG—Sioux City Correspondent
The Philanthropies Campaign The course of the current Jewish Philanthropies campaign lias been a source of great pride and satisfaction to our community. From the chairman, "who lias infused the drive with a spirit of sincere understanding and sacrifice, to the workers in the field, there has been an almost prophetic seal to accomplish a purpose. The smallest giver and the largest has evinced a genuine desire to share with the less fortunate of our people. The goal to some has seemed staggering and still remains to be raised, but the desire to raise whatever sum is asked, is firmly implanted In the hearts of every Omaha Jew. The people of the community may 4)6-proud of their part in this campaign. They have responded generously and sympathetically. The pleas of the suffering have not fallen on deaf ears, nor have any been content to close their eyes to the horrible plight of our brethren overseas. Milton Livingston, the chairman, has inspired his associates in the campaign by his unremitting efforts, his deep appreciation of the work the funds will further, and by his own generosity. Omaha was extremely fortunate that he envisioned the need enough to take time from his own personal affairs to lead the drive at so critical a moment. Much of the success of what has been done is due to the spirit he brought. The same may be said of his assistants. It is not for us as a community to be smug or self-satisfied over any achievement. We in America are a blessed people. Certainly not one person will be inconvenienced in the slightest by his gift to the Philanthropies. To us has been given the obligation to help and by giving we are doing- no more than our duty. The full sum remains to be pledged, but Omaha Jewry will not fail when the goal is so close to fulfillment.
The Youth Conclave
control of the rich resources of tliis region and in doing £o fliut Britain from a source ©f oil and agricultur&l products. TLe Jews of Palestine know one thing. They will fight to the titter end if the Nazis attack them, because they are aware they can expect n'o mercy frcia Hitler. If he conquers the country, it will be a greater disaster than Titus' victory. But the Jews have BO intentions of giving in. They iiave no intentions of being put on the rocky road ot exiie once more or of seeing their hopes and dreams brought down. For them there is no alternative but to fight to their utmost to impede the German advance. But even in the face of 60 grave a danger, Palestine has not given up faith or hope in its cause. Ttumors of rioting in the country are unfounded and tbe Arab population has remained loyal to Britain. The whole nation is preparing not only for war, but also for the peace. They have not hesitated in their struggle to make Palestine a haven for the oppressed and once again the land of milk and honey. In the threat of war, they have strengthened their defenses. Recruiting is going ahead for a defense corps to fill the ranks of the thousands who are fighting with the Anzacs in the Egyptian and Lybian deserts.. Air-raid shelters are being prepared in Tel Aviv and In Jerusalem, the city of peace. At the same time, new industries are being established, new colonies opened, new forests planted. The Anzac troops stationed in Palestine have entered Into this spirit of construction by themselves planting trees in memory of a pleasant stay. This spirit cannot be ruthlessly uprooted by all the Panzer divisions a deranged tyrant can mobilize. Not all the bombs from the sky nor all the death and destruction a devil can devise will stay the hand of the Jews in their desire to build anew the Land of Israel.
Return of Haile Selassie Despite the gloom of the present critical world situation, there is something very cheering in the reports from East Africa that Haile Selassie has returned to his remote capital of Addis Ababa. The Negus was the first victim of the series of aggressions that culminated in the present world struggle. His capital was the first to suffer from the bombs of the totalltarians. And he is the first to return in triumph. The Ethiopian war, which once hogged the headlines, seems far removed from what is happening today. Yet Italy's aggression of that African kingdom was the first indication of the course of world events. Had the leaders of France and England been men of vision, Ethiopia would never have been conquered. The common people of the democracies were more far-sightd than their socalled statesmen, and it was they who demanded a halt to this aggressive action. But the people were betrayed by a handful of selfish, men who had their own interest at heart. With the unashamed connivance of that evilest of Europeans, Pierre Laval, the Independence of Ethiopia was violated and its persevering emperor sent into exile. « , Strengthening the hand of Laval was Sir Samuel Hoare, the present British ambassador to Spain, who in his own well-bred manner cut Ethiopia's throat. Paul .Baudoin, another of the men of yichy, was an undercover man in France for Mussolini. In condoning and even assisting the violation of Ethiopia, these men* likewise weakened the League of Nations, the only institution capable of bringing permanent peace to Europe. Between Italy and the Negus, was for the people of Ethiopia like being between the devil and the deep blue sea. One need only read the revealing chapters on Ethiopia in van Paassen's "Days of Our Years" to see that Haile Selassie was a tyrant In his own -way. This was never, a ques tipn of a democracy against totalitarianism. This was no Ideological conflict. But it was the right of a small nation to survive and preserve its Independence against the thievish instincts of a neighbor. ' Ethiopia is once more an independent kingdom, than>2 to the assistance of the British army and to the perseverance of the Emperor. Justice has come, belatedly, but it has come and even in this dark hour, the world still has reason to hope that justice will eventually triumph wherever it has been betrayed. .
Sunday will see the gathering in Omaha of the Jewish Youth of the Midwest for their first annual youth conclave. This meeting is only a phase in the larger program for our young people — a program designed to make them good Americans /and good Jews, to enable them to fulfill their obligations to nation and religion, to give them the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of all. People are sometimes tempted to compare the position of the youth of America with those of Europe, particularly Russia and Germany where all young people are in the service of the state. There is something a little awe-inspiring in these mass demonstrations that occur in the great squares of Berlin and Rome and Moscow. Some are impressed and think that the problems of youth are solved by shaping them into an arbitrary, subservient pattern. But these same people fail to realize that the"-problem? these young people will have to face in the years ahead will not be solved by ^startling designs or demonstrations. What we in. America are attempting to do is not raise a generation of slaves, dependent for .their thinking on a chosen few. We are anxious to develop well-rounded personalities—people who are mentally balanced, who are capable of meeting the manifold problems of life with intelligence. We have, all of us, become a little too im - patient with methods of this sort. In a world where a tyrant's word Is capable of sending mil lions to their doom, we are apt to think conclaves and discussions a little out-moded. But it is well i to remember that wo are building for generations ahead, not for the conquests our armies must make tomorrow. We are thinking of the men and worn en of the future and their children. We are thinking not in the terms of an aggregation of people but of individual. human beings. From their social gatherings and discussions, the young people who come Irere Sunday will en rich their lives a little more, they will whet their Rosh Chbden Sivanf. .Tuesday, May appetites for iripre knowledge. In this way are the Shevuoth :...;.,...™ ..Sunday, June **Rosh Chodesh Tammuz Wednesday, June eolid foundations of democracy laid. •*F»st of Tammuz .......Saturday, July Rosh Chodesh Ab Friday, July •Fast of Ab : ..Saturday, Aug. *-*H03h Chodesh Ellul .......Saturday, Aug. As Britain battles Iraq forces, Palestine' is , Rosh Hashonah .U..:. ...Monday, Sept. grimly- "preparing for a life and-death conflict. Fast of Gedaliah ......^........Wednesday, Sept. Yom Kippur — ..............Wednesday, Oct. There is no Question but that Germany will eventFirst Day of Tabernacle ually attack.tlio Middle East so as to gain control (Succoth) : Monday, Oct. of Suez. Despite Axis-Inspired setbacks In Iraq, *Hoshannoh-Rabbah Sunday, Oct. Germany has not given up the hope of gaining Sh'mini-Atsereg Monday, Oct.
Crisis.in the Middle East
27 1 25 12 25
Gems €»£ ike Bible aad Talmud By D'ir. PLLMp Slier
MBLK He that goefh about, talebearing revealed* secrets; therefore meddle not with him that openeth wide his lips. The thought of the diligent tend only to pleiitiousness but every one that is hasty hasteth only to want. It is better to dwell in a desert and than with a contentious and fretful woman. Fret not thyself because of evildoers; neither be tbou envious at he wicked, for there will be no future to tbe evil man and the lamp of the wicked shall be put out. TALMUD Rabbi Abuha and Rabbi Cniya happened to meet in a certain place. Rabbi Abuha lectured on Agoda (legends). Rabbi Chlya lectured concerning Halacha (traditions). Tbe consequence was that the audience left Kabbi Chiya and ame to hear the legends of Rabbi Abuha. This caused the former to feel indignant. Whereupon Rabbi Abuha said to the audience, "I shall give you a parable. Thig may be likened unto two men who entered a town. One sold precious stones and pearls while the other was selling junk. Who was the busiest? Surely the junk man had more customers." Rabbi Elazer said, "Every man who possesses the habit of flattery will fall in Gehinnam. With the death of Rabbi Joshua, real thinking and planning came to naught. With the death of Rabbi Akiba, deep scholarship ceased, and the fountain of wisdom stopped off. With the death of Rabbi Chanim, there ceased men of action. With the death of Rabbi Jose, real piousness ceased. With the death of Rabbi Maier, the composing of fables ceased. With the death of Ben Az'zai, devotional study of the Torah ceased. With the death of Ben Zoma, real expounders of the Torah ceased. With the death of Rabbi Jochanan, the glory of l e a r n i n g ceased.
By PAT FRANK J. T. A. Waohington Press Bureau
When <his was found to
be *'Xj>cii.s.ivti, they
t h e lit, wholesale, in hospital*. .;*,,\1 S'ls'-e the victims i s * berni<•tic&IIIy sealed room, and ffQ it with poison g«s.
Even this method was an affront to the new, icy German efficiency and economy. They avoided all expense whatsoever by injecting an air bubble into the arteries, causing death when it reached the heart. While the story in harrowing enough as it is, this writer is convinced that it is «n)y (he beginning. If the Nazis kill their o m old and sick, so that they will BOt be forced to feed them, wbat will they do to the old and sick of tbe other nations of Europe? It is not at all unlikely t h a t when the inhuman beasts have finished organizing their "n e w order" the human being - - except for German "Aryans" who are both young and healthy — will be viewed not in the light of a human being at all, but as a producing machine. And just as a machine is scrapped when its cogs become worn, BO will tbe Europeans who have knuckled tinder to Hitler's "new order" be scrap* ped in the twilight of their productive life. There ere other dangers in the N&zi euthanasia plan which have not been spoken of, bat which most certainly exist, If the Ges* tepo is still the Gestapo. Imagine, if you will, that Otto Krause, the middle-aged bead of a German university, but a lukewarm Nazi, is head of a univer* sity. The first day that Prof* Krause goes to a hospital for a minor operation the Gestapo visits him. "Poor Otto!" says tbe Gestapo captain, shaking his bead, "you look very ill. Bat I can assure yon that it will be painless." If Prof. Krause protests, he will be told that he is giving his life for the State, for the Nazi attitude on euthanasia is this: "If young men, fighting for their country are forced to die In the field, why shouldn't older men who perform no useful work for the State also die for their country?" I regret to report that since the meager details of Hitler's enforced euthanasia leaked oat, I have heard a number of g o o d Americans say they thought euthanasia wasn't a bad idea. They saw a good deal of logic in it.
WASHINGTON. Of all the stories that have It is not necessary to add that come out of Nazi Germany since these fellows were all young and the unhappy day that Hitler took healthy. power, the one that baa caused (Copyrighted by Jewish Telemore shivers to run up and down graphic Agency, Inc.) the spine of your correspondent was the news that the Nazis now practice euthanasia to eliminate from their super-state the ill and Religious Services the aged. . T h i s, practice isn't directed against the Jews. It is directed against Hitler's own people of "pure Aryan" blood, and it is the last, positive proof that when you deal with Hitler you must not regard him ns a human being, bat as an inhuman beast who destroys that fragile vessel which God endowed with a soul with no more compunction than a scientist dissects »tadpole.
This evening at services, Rabbi David H. Wice will speak on the subject/ "The Rabbi'B Evaluation of the Past Year." Following services, the seventy-first a n n u a l congregational meeting and election will take place. • Next Week •' Next week, the annual "Chain/ of Tradition" service will tatie the Temple. It is a story that we particular- place at May 30 Services ly recommend to all TownsenOn Friday evening, May 30, difes. ' the Temple will join with other local congregations in sponsoring : In three months last yenr the annual baccalaureate service Gestapo pat to death 85,000 "pure the Jewish High School graduAryans" whose only crime was for ates. of the temple will that they consumed the food of gatherMembers for services at 7rSfO BO the State while at the same time, they can then go to the Beth 131 throngh age and illness, they wore, synagogue where the graduates u n a b l e to contribute to the are to be honored. ' Reich's war effort. This isn't an atrocity story, but the relating of facts gathered by leaders of the Catholic church in Germany and relayed both to Rome and the Catholic church in this country. It «o aroused the Pope that he had published, in hia Acta ApostoIIcae Sedls - - a monthly bulletin for the official information of his Bishops - - an edict that euthanasia, or "the kin*, ing of the innocent," was contrary to the laws, of God. .
23 22 The very manner in which the 24 Gestapo went about doing away 1 with the aged and the ill should be a caution to humanity that the Bevil, traly, is here on earth. 12 First they injected into the veins 13 of the victims n subtle and deadly
Beth El
At services tonight, Rabbi David A. Goldstein will base his sermon on Ambassador Doii d ' 8 Diary. In-the absence of Cantor Aaron Edgar, Selwyn Roffman will lead the service and Paula Belmont will direct-the choir.
••-. ••••••• • -
Regular cervices will be held Saturday morning at 8:30 with Junior Congregation services at I
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• . • • • - . • • • .
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• ' • - • .
Nest Wccli N e s t^ Friday evening, Rabbi Goldstein v/ il 1 speak on "The Continual Civil War Within Ua —The Battle for Character." Jeanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Blacker, will celebrate her Bas Mitzvah. ,
Friday, May 16, 1941
Jerusalem (WN8)—With the tension throughout Palestine eased bf the crumbling of the proAxis revolt in Iraq and the arrival of strong military reinforceincuts in the Holy Land, Jewish leaders speeded defense measures to prepare the country's 650,000 Jews for all eventualities. Contrary to reports circulated abroad by Axis propagandists, Palestine remains c a l m a n d peaceful. There have been no anti-Jewish disturbances and the Arab population has refused to respond to Axis appeals for a rebellion against "Britain and the
Cantor Aaron Edgar of the Beth El synagogue was called to Detroit, Mich., Sunday by the death of his mother, Mrs. A. ItzImpressive Service Marks :owltz, 72. Besides Cantor Edgar, Mrs. ItzPresentation iowitz is survived by her husof Gift and, another son, Dr. I. Edgar, and four daughters. Over f o u r hundred persons Cantor Edgar will probably re- Sunday night witnessed the life- • urn sometime next week. presslve service during which A new Sefer Torah was presented the Beth El synagogue by Mrs. 3. Milder and her children. Escorted by her sons and carrying the new sefer Torah, Mrs. Mildred marched in the procession, which was met by the five Sefer Torahs already in the possession of the synagogue. (Continued from Page 1.) Cantor Aarou Edgar and the character give evidence of Jew- choir rendered the musical serv*ice for the processional. ish communal leadership." Cantor A. Scliwaszkin of the Kovod Key recipients to date ave been: Milton Frohm, Has- B'nai Israel synagogue chanted ell Cohen, Joe Goldware, Daniel verses selected worn the Nineteenth Psalm and offered prayfiller, and Bertha Guss. ers blessing the donors of the J. C. O. Honors About two years ago, the local Sefer Torah. Covod chapter instituted a local The new Sefer Torah, which iward of J. C. C. honor keys to was given In memory of the late >e presented to the outstanding Herschel and Rivka Moss, was ioy and girl who have served the overed with a white mantel and community unselfishly but who decorated by silver crowns and a have not yet merited the national ilver flligre pointer. Kovod key. Winners of t h i s iward to date have been Bertha P lutzky and Irv Nogg. The 1941 candidates w i l l be rowned King and Queen of Merit t the Coronation Ball which will Funeral services w e r e held Umax the y o u t h conclave on Sunday afternoon at the Jewish Sunday, May 18, at the Paxton Funeral Home for Kalman Kaphotel, and will receive keys from lan, whose age was estimated by Mr. Sam Beber, first vice presi- relatives to be 107. Mr. Kaplan dent of the Federation for Jew- died early Sunday at the home of ish Service. a daughter, Mrs. William Giinple. Until he suffered a stroke last Friday, ho had been active. A native of Kapula In Russia, he came to this country 40 years ago, and after several, years in Council Bluffs Lodge, 688, of the east, settled in Omaha. Surviving h 1 ni besides Mrs. B'nai B'rith will observe its thirtieth anniversary with an open Gimple are: three other daughmeeting and program on Sunday ters, Mrs. A. Stoler of Omaha; afternoon, May 25, at 2:30 at Mr3. Sam Goorvich of Brooklyn, he Chevra B'nai Yisroel syna- N. Y., and Mrs. M. J. Simon of Long Island; a son, J. Kaplan of gogue. Rabbi David H. Wice of Oma- Omaha; nineteen grandchildren, ha will be EueBt speaker. All and eighteen great-grandchildren. Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky conmembers and their wives arc iuvited to attend. Refreshments ducted tho funeral service. Burial was at Pleasant Hill. will be served.
Dr. Joseph Schwartz, European Vke-CIiairmaii of the Joint Distribution Committee, is shown as he alighted from the Yankee Clipper in New York on his return from Lisbon after S year of relief work abroad. Dr. SehwarU visited Italy, Switzerland, Hungary and France on behalf of Jewish war and persecution victims and refugees. He told of starvation in Polandand deep distress in other conquered countries, urging support of the J.D.C* work M mercy through the United Jewish Appeal.
YOUTH GROUPS TO MEET HERE (Continued from Page 1.)-
Milton Abrahams, chairman of tho Center committee, will present the national honor insignia, the Kovod Key, to the person selected by the Omaha Kovod society. Panel Discussions The afternoon will offer a program of p a n e l discussions on three vital topics, according to Etta Soiref, Alpha Gamma Chi, chairman. The discussion of "Careers Ahead for Jewish Youth" will be led by Mr. Loyal Kaplan. The panel on "The Role of Youth in American Bemocracy" will be u n d e r the leadership of Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus. Participants will be: Bertha Slutzky, Abe Resnick, Justin Priesman, Yale Richard*, Ruth Neuhaus, Marcia Finer, Jack Berman, Dan Miller, Justin Ross, Jpeonard Morgenstern, Harry Goodbindev, Mickey Goldberg, Sarah Wolfson, and LeRoy Canfleld. Troop Reinforcements A third panel, open only to Meanwhile, heavy troop detach- dub officers and advisors, will ments have been placed on the deal with "The Program of the Palestine-Syrian a n d Transjor- Jewish Youth Club" and will be dan-Syrian borders as a precau- led by the executive director of tionary measure against a Nazi the Sioux.City Federation, Miss attack through Vichy-ruled Syria. Dorothy Merlin. A swimming party in the CenThe concentration of German "tourists" in Syria has led Brit- ter pool will c l o s e the day's ish and Jewish leaders here to events. A variety of relays and believe t h a t Hitler is exerting water sports is being arranged by pressure on the Vichy govern- W i 11 a r d Friedman, Ro-Noh, ment to permit passage of troops chairman. Coronation Ball .through Syria for an attack on The Coronation Ball, under the Palestine and the Suez canal. Military observers h e l d the general chairmanship of Elaine view that Turkey would not per- Lagman, Bas-a-mi, vr 111 climax mit Hitler to send his legions the conclave at the Paxton hotel, across Turkish territory for his the night of May 8. Highlight of drive to the Suez and discounted the ball will be the coronation of entirely chances of a successful the young man and woman who drivo across ! Egypt. have been chosen as the outstanding youth leaders of 1941. J. C. C. Honor Keys will be awarded to1 them by Mr. Sam Beber, first vice president of the Jewish Federation, and they will be crowned by the Kovod winner. Patrons of the ball will be The Temple Israel High School group has received an invitation members of the executive board from the Community chnreh of of the federation and their wives. Macedonia, Iowa, to be guests at Guests will also include parents , a good-will p a r t y on Sunday, and friends who are interested in the activities of the Jewish youth May 25. of Omaha. < .Cars will leave the temple at . 9 o'clock that-morning .'for; Mace-. . For Air Shelters • donia. Mrs. Julius, Newman and ..Mr. Mel BarJion will be In charge . All interested .in going a r e - New Ydrk (JTA)—-A check for a s k e d to call Miss Lorraine $5,000 to build air-raid shelters Greenspan, WA 5077, or Jerome in Britain, raised by members of the. Grand Street BoyB' AssociaGrossman, HA 6046. tion; was presented to British ofIn 1386 when Corfu came U- ficials Tuesday night as a tribute to the possession of Venice, David to Lord Sterling, who was • raised ,, Semo, a Jew, was one of the six on New York's Lower East Side Venetian delegates named to ar- and went to England to make hla range the transfer. , ( ,< fortune*
High School Group Of Temple Invited By Iowa Church
Mother of Cantor Edgar Died Sunday
Reports of Disturbances Declared to, Be Untrue
Thousands of young Palestine Jews bare enlisted in the armed forces a* a result of the Joint proclamation issued by the Jewish Agency for Palestine and the Jewish National Council (Vaad Leuml), Steps will probably be taken against unmarried Jews, between the ages of 20 and 30, who failed to enlist. " The attitude of the entire Yishur was reflected at a meeting of colonists at Beer Tuvia where action was takun to empower the colony's local council to punish unmarried men of military age who "are not ashamed to avoid the call of Jewish Institutions for enlistment." Air Raid Precautions Mayor Israel Rokach of Tel 'Aviv called upon all available young men to Join the rapidlygrowing air raid precautions brigades and expressed the hope that 2,000 men, in addition to the present force, would shortly be trained for Tel Aviv A. R. P. squads. The Mayor disclosed that the Palestine Government had approved a grant of £21,000 to construct additional a i r r a i d shelters. -J. L. Rokach, president of the Jewish Medical Association, reported that 78 Jewish doctors have already volunteered for A. R. P. duty while many others were expected to join soon. A meeting of t h e Palestine Zionist General Jewish Council endorsed t h e Jewish Agency's call for compulsory military service. Moshe Shertok, head of the Jewish Agency's political department, reviewed the agency's persistent efforts to play a more important role in Palestine's defense and the general war effort. He reported to tho meeting recent negotiations with the Palestine government for an increase In the Jewish community's participation in the country's defense.
Page S
Sigma Alpha Mu Lincoln (Special) — S i g m a Omicron chapter proved its right to the ranking of first in scholarship over a thirteen-year period by again being placed in the top rank for the first semester of 1940-41 with .a 2.594 average, laving as part of its program he achievement of high scholarship, Sigma Alpha Mu proves its superiority in that line on the University ot Nebraska campus. Another phase of Its program, that of activities, was also recognized with the award of ten dolars made to Arthur Rivln of Scotland, S. D., for being the most active in Hillel work during he current year. The award was made at the Hillel banquet held May 4. Last Sunday the chapter elebrated Mother's day with a record c r o w d of 150 relatives and friends of members of SAM in attendance. The program included speeches by Chapter Advisor Joe Ginsburg, C h a p t e r President Ben Novlcoff and Art Rivin, musical entertainment by Norman Veta, Cheyenne,r and a r e a d i n g by Bernard Swartz, Walthill. Refreshments followed he program. On May 16, 17 and 18 the annual High School week-end will be held with a large attendance anticipated and plans all laid for a thoroughly enjoyable time. Friday night a s t a g get-together smoker will be held with tours of the campus and. other entertainment s l a t e d for Saturday morning. Saturday night a night club party will be held.' Sunday morning t h e r e will be roller skating at a roller rink, followed by a picnic and outing in the afternoon. Surprise of the week was the pin-hanging of Harold Newton Margulies of Sioux Falls to Betty Burnette, also of Sioux Falls. The announcement was made at the active meeting Monday night, followed by the passing of cigars
Kalman Kaplan, 107 Died Last Sunday
C. B. B'nai B'rith to Mark Anniversary
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Hiao Aid Listed New York (JTA)—The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, between Jan. 1 and March 31, met 193 ships to assist incoming refugees, Executive Director Isaac L Asofsky reported. He said 1,828 of the arrivals were released in case of the HIA9. Pldr Service persons received food and entrain for destinations Outside shelter and 423 ? were helped to York.'""';'• ' \ " ' ..' ".'.
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COMPULSORY LABOR Stockholm (WNS) — One mil lion Jews; approximately ono-hal of the Jewish population in Nazioccupied Poland, will be drafted by Nazi authorities there for compulsory, labor, during the summe months,. according to newspape! dispatches, .here.
Less a Liberal Allowance for Your Old Refrigerator
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By Bem«ud Postal Unbreakable Uvu of fellowship and common sei'vice to Immunity have bound tuts A i .ciHi R«-d Cross tnd U'liel lor 60 years. The story of U
and he rfcli.ii/t-d (Lis pot,l until (iocs shows. From then on many relieved "of it at his own reques of B'nai B'rith's contributions fo ia 1919. In 1910, President Tar the relief of human suffering appointed Schiff to the Red Cross1 were made to or through the Red liittiHiatioiial Relief Board a n d Cross, while its most distinguish named him un incorporator of the td soas continued to play an ' *»*PPy «*SO<JttU<Ml &lid the f important part In the developing record of JS'iaiu liVith's ron- Red Cross, which made 'him that select- services of the Red Cross. Bci.iff trf but ions lo ««d c«-»i>er&Uw« member ot the board 1 with the Aiwriran JN'd Cross ed the Red Cross governing body. helped further IL« Red' Cross' From its very Inception es the town and country nursing service »re told here for Use first time on Uie occasion «>f the «0»h an- government's official agency for with a contribution of $100,000 nivrrsary of the Ited Cross.-— providing relief during national Jlewry Morgeatkau, long a memT1IJHJ KIHTOR. emergencies, the Red Cross util- ber of B'li&l B'rith, was another ised existing organisations of its generous patron, w h i l e B'na (substantial apOn the evening of May 21, 1881 active work, b'nai JU'rith was B'rith Itself made to or through Hie •—just 60 years ago—fifty men then more than 60 years old and propriations Red Cross for the relief of the and women, under the leadership had acquired- a reputation for victims of the S a n Francisco of the immortal Clara Dm ton benefactions to the oppressed, the the Ohio and Nebrasmet in the home of Adolphus S needy and the suffering t h a t earthquake, ka tornadoes and the Triangle Solomons, one of Washington's spanned the globe. Jt was quite shirt, fire. Rabbi H e n r y leading citizens, and organized natural that the Red Cross should Cohen,waist Galveston, a noted Ben the Association of the American seek out B'nai B'rith as one of B'rith, ofreceived the Red Cross Red Cross, the direct progenitor its earliest allies. Order of Merit in 1915 for his of the American Red Cross. Two Iu 1910, B'nai B'rith's national in behalf of American of those 50 pioneers were leaders convention met in the nation's services refugees from Vera Cruza a n d in li'nai B'rith — .Solomons, an apital. The guest speaker was Tampico, arrived in Texas early member of the Eiijuh Lodge President William Howard Taft, penniless. who It was Ben B'rith in Washington; and his great con- •who was also president of the Cohen who acted the Red temporary, Simon Wolf, who was Red Cross. Another speaker was Cross in distributingfor|75,OOO for a dominant personality not only Miss Mabel T. Boardman, vice- their welfare. in B'nai B'rith but in the Ameri- president of the Red Cross. Incan Jewish community for half a roduced by Simon Wolf, a coA week after the United States century. worker of hers In Red Cross ac- entered World War 1, H e n r y Between the lted Cross and tivities, Miss Boardman made a Morgenthau, sr., was one of the li'nai B'rith there was born that formal appeal for the co-operation 24 men from all parts of t h e night a kinship in service and of B'nai B'rith. "Some time ago," country invited to Washington by devotion to- humanity that has he said, "Mr. Simon Wolf told President W i l s o n to consider Crown ever stronger as the years JS of the activities of your Order, means of financing the Red Cross' rolled on. Its long record as a of the great good it has done, and war program. Everyone but servant of distressed humanity of the great good it will do, and Morgenthau felt that 110,000,000 without regard to race or creed am very glad to appear before was more than enough as a cammade B'mii B'rith a natural ally t and ask for your co-operation, paign quota, but he saw the great of the ideals which motivated n Red Cross work." need and insisted on a minimum Clara Barton in her conception of $50,000,000. Ultimately a goal After reviewing the history and of tho lted Cross. During t h e jbjectives of the Red Cross and of twice that amount was set, and long years In which she fought to tressing the role played in its raised. It was Morgenthau, too, convince the government of the work by Wolf, Schiff and other who suggested that Wilson be need of an instrumentality to act otable Jews, Miss Boardman em- asked to issue a proclamation to no a national agency of mercy in thnsized that "the Red Cross So- the American people to support the event of grave emergencies, iety knows neither race nor creed the Red Cross drive. It was a li'nai B'rith, in a small way, was —whever men, women and little novel idea but it worked. Among pioneering In furnishing relief to hildren suffer from fearful the first substantial contributions victims of fire, flood, earthquake, alamlty it stretches some out strong was the one from B'nai B'rith. tornado, pestilence and war, a rands to help and cheer. It brings Throughout A m e r i c a , B'nai field in which the Red Cross was he whole world closer together in B'rith participated wholehearteddestined to win universal acclaim. he bonds of human sympathy, in the Red Cross war work. Shortly after thut historic gath- oing tho noble humanitarian ly, More than a dozen ambulances ering of 1881, President Chester vork and making man truly a were presented the Red Cross A. Arthur recommended that the brother to lila fellow man. The by B'nai B'rith to lodges and auxilUnited S t a t e s adhere to the [ted Cross comes to the B'nai iaries. The latter particuTreaty- of Geneva, which set up B'rith to ask its interest and its larly active as Red were Cross sewing a plan of volunteer aid to the sick o-operatlon in this great work." units, and turned over tens of and wounded of armies-in time of This was the appeal that sigof garments to t h e •war. When American adherence alized the first official relation- thousands Cross. B'nai B'rith leaders "became a reality in July, 1882, hip between tho Red Cross and Red verywhere local R e d the American lted Cross-was for- B'nai B'rith. Arid it was, answered Cross drives headed made innumermally incorporated, with M i s s n characteristic fashion. By a able pep talksand Cross camBarton as president. Among tho Islng unanimous vote, the con- paigns. WhenfortheRedInternational Jncorporators waa Solomons, who ention adopted a resolution de- League of Red Cross Societies was remained an active leader in the larlng that "this convention, havat Cannes, in 1919, National Association of the Red ng heard the address of Miss organized Morgenthau one of the offiCross for 17 years. When Presi- rtabel T. Boardman, vice-presi- cial Americanwas delegates. #* dent Arthur decided to send an dent of tho Red Cross Society, Aid in Times of Catastrophe American delegation to the Inter- nd appreciating its great huAfter the war, the association national Congress of tho lied manitarian purposes, irrespective Cross at Geneva in 1881, he if creed, race or nationality,, rec- between the Red Cross and B'nai named Miss Itarton and Solomons, irds Its endorsement of the work B'rith became even closer. In tho latter being elected a vice- jf the Society and pledges to the president of. the Congress. oclety its co-operation." N. V. .UxJxutivc Board Member | Couple to share home with Large Contributions widow. Bungalow in good When Solomons moved to New That was more than 30 years location. Kitchen privileges. "York City, he became one of the ago and the pledge id still in AT 4946. five original members ol the ew orce, as the record of * co-operaYork executive board of the Red ipn between tho two organizaCross Relief Committee, which was in session throughout the Spanish-American War. Wolf succeeded Solomons as a member of the national board of the R e d Cross. Until 1905, the American Red Cross was primarily, tin agency for tending the sick arid wounded in time of war, but in that year a . new Congressional charter made Utiettwr yoa're planning a picnic, ttanqctl the Red Cross the official agency or tbe 6aUy menu, you caa (aye by shopof the American people for" relief pine at Illnfcy-IMnky. Wo pride oorwlvea in times of national emergency. ca esr complete wltcUoa of tine food* Thus it became a quasi-official every Item at «vcry-d*y tew -prices. You'll arm of the United States governfind your favorite brands at ment. . . at grater At the time when its sphere of activity v.*as broadened, t h e Hed Cross enlisted the support of another distinguished American Jew and celebrated Ben B'rith-— Jacob Schiff. In 1006 the great philanthropist became treasurer of the New York Red Cross, the largest chapter in tho country.
16, 1941 j 1S24, B"c8i E'riih gave nfce lied Cross $-1 y.ltOO tor the ruitf cf tornado sufferers in u;d around Lorain, Ohio.. Tins gift prompt the director c-f tt.e Noithtni Ohio Tornado Relief to write B"h*i B'rith that "&lt.L.oug"li we have long bfceE familiar with the reputation of the E'n&i B'rith for constructive helpfulness, yet we are deeply touched, by your generous gift to the liOiiifelefcs ia this city." The following year a similar appropriation wts iae.de available to the Red fjjofcg for tornado victims in Illinois and Indiana and for sufferers from the earthquake at Santa Barbara. When the nation, was stricken with a great wave of floods in 1936, B'listi B'rith egain rallied to the aid of the Red Cross with a gift of 13,500 and a recomiiitiidEtioFi to all its lodges to cooperate with local Red Cross relief efforts to the fullest extent. A year later, more than 12,000 was made available for Red Cross emergency relief efforts during the Mississippi Valley floods. The lodges and auxiliaries of B'nai B'rith supplemented the help given by the national office in these national emergencies a n d also contributed to Red Cross efforts in various regional relief activities. With the outbreak of the present war, a new chapter In B'nai B'rith-Red Cross relations w a s opened. In the very first month of the war, when the Red Cross had just launched its drive for Polish war relief, B'nai B'rith made an unsolicited contribution of $1,000. In acknowledging this s u m, Eliot Wadsworth, acting vice-chairman, pointed out t h a t B'nai B'rith's contribution "is all the more welcome because it can be used in whatever way we may find most effective. We especially appreciate this evidence of your confidence in our organization." That initial contribution, given with no restrictions, marked the beginning of a policy of co-operating with Red Cross' war relief e f f o r t s without putting any strings on funds given by B'nai B'rith. Not long afterward, the R e d Cross appealed for blankets or their cash equivalent for the use of needy war refugees from Poland. The women of B'nai B'rith made blanket collection their project, a n d in a few short months collected $10,000 worth of blankets which were turned
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TOM CASEY, Pres. J. J. CCKJCH, Rlgr. Oniaha'g Own - Omabn-8 Heat"
With market conditions as Ihsy are. we ccm't say when wo am duplies2o tiiese low prices wo me offering now on pure linen banMes. Father's Day and Graduation Bays will be here soon, so solve your gift problems now! Men's or women's sizes. Choice of first or full name, erne or two initials embroidered in white or any one color.
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over to iit'l C r o s s chapters tbrci;gtiOu-i tfce country for transKhipEieTit to the Red Cross warebouse at Cracow, Poland. Work In1 Way, 194 0, war relief efforts were greatly intensified by the Haiti blitz in the Low Countries. When the great 120,000,0 00 Red Cross war relief drive got under way, B'rial B'rith waa among the first to come forward with a contribution of $2,500 from its catiosal Emergency Relief Fund. Hailing this gift of B'nai B'rith, Norman H. Davis, chairman c-f the Red Cross, wrote Henry Monsfcy, president of B'nai B'rith, that "it is mighty encouraging to h&ve such fine evidence of. the continued assistance and support which has always been extended to us by your organization. We are proud to count the members of B'nai B'rith among those who have confidence in the American Red Cross and are willIng to give evidence of that.confidence." The action of B'nai B'rith'* Supreme Lodge was followed by a vast outpouring of aid f r o m lodges and auxiliaries. From every corner of the land B'nai B'rith members came forward with their mite for Red Cross war relief* By the time the drive had closed, contributions from B'nai B'rith sources had pased the $50,000 mark. Official recognition . of B'nai B'rith's aid came from James T. Nicholson, assistant to Mr. Davis, who informed Maurice Bisgyer, secretary of B'nai B'rith, that "the list of those B'nai B'rith lodges and affiliates that have contributed to the American Red Cross War Relief Fund is indeed an imposing one. It confirms our impression that B'nai B'rith TfM very actively supporting our cam(Continued on Page 12.)
fitrdes C&F-. Stale size desired, 4»lor of cissbroidsrF end ngm§,cr initUjb desired: <>ider for your own Z
Friday, May 16, 1941
Chief Rabbi Herzog By Solomon Kerstein (UditorVNoto: Or. Isaac Halevi Herzog, Chief Rabbi of Palestine, recently arrived in the United States to seek support for the forces of orthodoxy and the rescue of rabbis and students in Europe. la this Interview he expounds his views on religious questions and foresees Palestine as the center of religious authority for the Jews of the world.) The reasons which prompted Chief Rabbi Isaac Halevl Herzog to undertake the perilous voyage from Palestine to America formed the main subject of an interview which he granted me. I asked him several questions on some of the most vital problems of Jews and Judaism today and the answers he gave me will help to throw light on the complexity of the problems with which our cultural ftnd spiritual life is confronted. My first question to Rabbi Hertog was on the aims and the functions of the office of the Chief Rabbinate and on the effect this office has had on the Jew-. ish community in Palestine. Rabbi Herzog said: . "The task of the Chief Rabbinate is to serve as the supreme religious authority of the Jewish homeland. The office carries out Its task in a measure which makes its influence felt among all classes of the Jewish population and in government circles in Jerusalem and in London. "The Palestine Chief Rabbinate was jointly elected by the Jewish communities and the rabbis of the Holy Land, and the election was confirmed by a special orderin-councll of the government, The Jurisdiction granted the C h i e f Rabbinate extends over such matters as the personal status In marital and domestic relations, marriage, divorce, separation, succession, guardianship, etc. Within •• the limits of that jurisdiction, tho decisions and sanctions of t h e rabbinical tribunals( beth<• din) or of the offices of the rab. binate where such tribunals of ' three rabbis do not exist, are legally binding without requiring . any sanction by the government coutrs. However, such decisions by courts of the first instance are subject to appeal before the High Court (Beth-Din Hagadol) of the . Palestine Chief Rabbinate situated in Jerusalem. Appeals a r e •heard twice a week," on Mondays *and Thursdays, in the presence of "the Chief Rabbi and two of the "members of the rabbinate. The language of procedure is usually ' Hebrew, but the use of other languages is permitted when necessity arises. Noted for Scholarship "Naturally the men chosen for • the Chief Rabbinate are renown. ed for their scholarship and piety. , It Is to be hoped that the pres•Jt tige of the office will grow and that in time the authority of the Chief Rabbinate will be recog. nized throughout tho Jewish comjmunities of the world and' that it 'will, h e l p to promote harmony among the Jews loyal to our traj flitlon. It Is also hoped that the i] number of members of the Chief .] Rabbinate will in'time'be increas•i[ ed beyond the present number of -| eight., I may add that Jerusalem tit is already a center of traditional J Jewish scholarship which has no /1! rival anywhere in the Diaspora.
This applies not only to the presnt moment, after the destruction of the Polish community and its centers of learning, but even to the days before the outbreak of the present war. Every day brings o the Holy Land famous Jewish scholars from abroad. "American Jewry ought to take a special interest in this imporant religious institution. T h e Chief Rabbinate must be assisted n insuring the economic position of its members, in erecting a proper structure to house the High Court so that it may command the prestige befitting such an institution. The present quarers in a rented nouse are hardly becoming." "What do you think of the favorite project of the Mizrachi," I asked Rabbi Herzog, "to convene in Jerusalem, after the war, a congress of Orthodox Jewry, with a view ot introducing unity in the ranks of traditional Judaism?" Rabbi Herzog asserted: "Needess to say, I am'very enthusias;ic over the idea of a world orthodox Jewish conclave in Jerusalem, to take place after the war and to be composed of the representatives of the orthodox rabbinate and ot recognized traditional Jewish communal organizations throughout the \ world. The proposed congress w o u l d have to settle all differences, to awaken an enthusiastic response in the ranks of loyal Jews and to unite the forces of traditional Judaism. I want to call upon all our loyal berthren all over the world to unite, to divest themselves of the petty squabbles and factiousness and to band themselves together for the sake of Him that dwelleth in Zion, to organize for work in behalf of our Torah and our faith. We must give support and insure the existence of our yeshivas and other institutions of learning; we must organize for the observance of the Sabbath, of kashruth aud of the sanctity of the home; so hat we may, with God's help, find strength to build together a Jewish Homeland in- Palestine based on the principles of the Holy Torah." Traditional Judaism and the • Political Situation # ;. "How far, in your opinion," I asked the. distinguished visitor, "could the Chief Rabbinate, as ;he representative body of rellgous Jewry, exert its influence on
the -political situation after the war when the terms of peace are discussed?" Here the Chief Rabbi Indicated in brief his plans for the near future: "It is of the utmost importance for traditional Jewry t h a t the Chief Rabbinate for Palestine should take its proper place iu the representation of the Jewish people at the peace conference after the war. The Chief Rabbinate has men who are fit to represent the Jews aud to lend prestige to Jewish representation. Needless to say, it is of vital importance for the Jews that the interest of orthodoxy in the religious and communal life of the Jews both in Palestine and in the Diaspora should be represented." "What is the aim of your trip to America?" I inquired. He replied: "The main object of my trip is, generally speaking, well known. Since the outbreak of the war I have b e e n making efforts to make it possible for the yeshivos of Lithuania and Poland to be transplanted into the Holy Land. It is the sacred duty of our brethren in America to salvage what can be salvaged from the terrible conflagration. Only two countries —Palestine and the United States of America—can be counted on in any project of this kind, Bring as many as you can into America, but it is impossible to bring all the rabbis and students of the yeshivos Into this country within a short space of time, and the time is very urgent. Nor do I think it w o u l d be possible to bring all of them Into Palestine in so short a time. Between the two countries, however ,a large number of scholars could bo saved. _ "I submitted a petition to the Palestine government asking for 1,500 certificates for students and 250 certificates for rabbis. In order to obtain the certificates for tho students, I must secure fui\ds sufficient to assure their subsistence for a period of time. I must also find money for their traveling. I require a sum of at least $400,000, "I am also very much concerned with the fate of the educational and charitable institutions of the old ylshuv. These Institutions, which have been in existence for mails' years, are now in a terrible pUgluv^Their sources of revenue from Europe h a v o
been stopped by the war, while, I am sorry to say, even the support from America is becoming increasingly meager. We must not neglect these mainstays of religious life in Palestine nor the sources of livelihood for its most loyal and steadfast members, I should like to repeat what I have already said—that our brethren in America are in the same position as Joseph was when Providence sent Mm on to Egypt so that he might be of sustenance and succor to his brethren, I now call upon you, Jews of America, in this most tragic of times in the history of our people since the Destruction, to rise to the need of the great moment and to the greatness of the task placed upon this generation by Providence. May the loving kluduess of the Almighty be upon us all and may we live to see with our own eyes the full salvation of Israel and the fulfillment of the worlds of our great prophets of truth, of righteousness a n d of peace." -
in Rumania, Immediately called for the removal of the bishop, describing the church official as "a slave of Jewry and a rebel against the government." The incident was reported to have made a profound impression oa t h e Bucharest population.
Bundists Barred By America First
New York (JTA) — The German - American Bund's o r g an, Deutscher Weckruf und Beobachter, has been obliged to print on its front page a letter from tt»e America First Committee stating that Bundists are barred f r o m membership'in the committee. The letter was sent by John T. Flynn, chairman of the New York chapter of the America First Committee, after the Weckruf had published an appeal to Bund members to join the anti-war group. The paper ran the letter with an explanatory note stating that It did not wish to see the committee suffer from the reflections cast on the Bund. Flynn's letter stated: "We do not want in our organization men who support the philosophy of Hitler's government because, we do not believe them to be good Lisbon (WN8)—In the pres- Americans." ence of officials of the pro-Nazi Jews lived in Corinth in Greece government. of Premier Ion Antonescu, Bishop Nikolai Baleln as early as 146 B. C. thundered his disapproval of the Nazi racial theories and NaziSpecial! Something New I inspired anti-Semitism from his pulpit in Bucharest, it was reThe "Family Group Policy" ported here. Meets a definite need In life InsurA packed church heard the ance. Blotlicr, fattier and children, bishop denounce anti-Semitism all Insured under one low cost and allude to the Nazi racial policy. Get particulars nt one* from theories as "paganism," The first p u b l i c denunciation of antiSemitism iu Bucharest since the advent fo the pro-Nazi regime was accompanied by an underCITY FINANCE AND current of excitement In the naINSUHANCE CO. tion's capital. 800 KAItBACU BLOCK The "Bucharest Tageblatt," J\ 4175 VVA 6160 official organ o fthe Nazi party
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Mrs, Kuldkofsky Addresses Coun dl 14m. 3. Harry Kulakofsky of l prominent iu community irs and in the Philanthropies Cauipaiga, addressed almost 100 women at a luncheon meeting of the Council of Jewish Women at the Jewish Community Center Monday afternoon." She gpoke on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal and the crying need for increased subscriptions this year, Mrs. Kulakofsky w a s accompanied l*y Mrs. Julius Newman, past chairman of the Women's division oE t h e. Philanthropies, who also spoke on behalf of the campaign. Mrs. Kulakofsky was introduced by Mrs. Louis Agranoff, co-chairman of the Women's division of the Sioux City campaign.
TThe United Jewish Appeal bas found enthusiastic response in CTfiry division to the urgent and necessary appeal for funds for regional, national, a n d overseas causes. . Report meetings held e v e t y night this past week have shown indication of going over the top la every division of the drive. Over 100 Workers gathered for breakfast Sunday aioruiug at the Jewish Community Center to Iiear Rabbi Saul Appeibauna tell of tlie needs and of the work of the national agencies engaged in overseas relief. Inspiring meeaages were also given by Mr. A. II. Baron, chairman of the B division; Mr. E. N. Grueskin, chairman of the A division; Dr. M, Bernstein, chairman of the Youth division, and Mrs. L. Agranoff, co-chairman of the Women's division, and Dave Rodin, chairman of the Out-ofA board meeing was held last Town division. Mr. Kaplan, gen- Tuesday afternoon at the home eral chairman, presided. of Mrs. L». S. Goldberg, newlyelected president of Hadassah. Other new officers include Mrs. Lou Agranoff, vice president; Mrs. Wm. Masie, recording secretary; Mrs. Myer Harrison, corresponding secretary, a n d Mrs. James Gang, treasurer. Mrs. L. S. Goldberg will aftend The Hadaaaah Donor's Tea, the the regional Hadassah convention tuost important occasion of the to be held in Des Moines on Monseason, will take place on Wed- day and Tuesday, May 12 and 13. nesday, May 14, at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Dave Rodin, Council Public 2430 Sol way. Mrs. A. P. Schoolman of New Speech Group York, who is national secretary of Hadassah, and who will be the The Effective Speech and Public principal guest speaker at the re- Speaking group of the National gional convention in Dos Moines ouncil of Jewish Women will on Monday and Tuesday, will be meet at the home of Mrs. Earl guest speaker. Kline. 2011 Sunset Circle, on FriEach donor to this tea'has given day, May 1C, at a 1 o'clock lunch$5.00. This money will go to the eon. ' Youth Aliyah project. Also on This group will continue activthe program will be 'Mrs. Sam ty throughout the summer and Cohen, who will render several will supplement the speech class vocal selections. with sewing for Reel Cross. Mrs. H. II. Rabinowitz will preside. Mrs. Joe Levin and Mrs. Cipher Club Loui3 Agrnnoff are chairmen of the pledges. On the tea table comThe newly organized y o u n g mittee is Mrs. Reuben, assisted by men's club of the Jewish ComMrs. J. Kutcher. munity Center of Sioux City, with an initial membership of 21, met Hold Rites for Monday evening and will now be as the Cipher club. OffiMrs. Seligman known ers elected were: Dr. M. Bernstein, president; Isidore Shindler, - Mrs, Celia Seligman, 73-year- secretary, a n d Sovel Seshelow, old wife of 'Rabbi Wolf SeligmaTi treasurer. of Adas Yeshren synagogue here, The purpose o£ the club will be died Monday morning in her home strictly social. Thus far iti the at 1010 *,i Virginia street. line of activities the club has had Mrs. Seliginan had ben a resi- stags in honor of the marriages of dent of Sioux City for 25 years. Marvin Beechen and Jack Merlin. She came to the United States New members were elected at the last meeting. from Russia 25 years.ago. Funenil services were held Monday afternoon at the home. Burial A WRClub was in Hie Independent Farane cemetery at Graceland Park cemeSunday, May 4, the A W R club tery, _ .i 1 Surviving besides the widower helds its annual Bother a n d are two daughters, Mrs. H. Forst Daughter tea at the Mayfair hoand Mrs. Jack Kleini b o t h of tel. The program consisted of a Brooklyn, and three sons, Max welcome by the president, Dorand Morris of Sioux City and othy Sherman; a duo piano number by Gloria Noyltsky and Doris Irving of New York City. 1 Pill; greetings by present and Funeral arrangements w e r e advisors, Ethel Baron, Caromade by the Westcott-Doughty- past lyn Fishgall and Mrs. Frances Chandler funeral home. Lipnian. •-
A response was givenJby Mrs. Adolph Davis for the mothers. A skit and songs by members of the. club concluded the program. Lois Last Friday evening services Tof Navitsky was chairman of the afthe season will begin tonight at 8 fair. '• • ; ••-•-..-/•.•: •-;• ;. . • ; .
Shaare Zion
o'clock and will be designated as "Mother's Night." Mrs. Lawrence Baron will speak on behalf of mothers; Miss Rosabelle Wigodsky on behalf of the daughters and Mr. Sheldon Singer Off behalf of sons. Mrs! Reuben -Miller will read a poem Composed for1 the occasion by Mrs.; S. H. Sfmlfciu. The choir will sing an appropriate number. Floral confrilj'utlpns'rw.111 be appreciated. Efastei' Marvin Marsh 'will chant tlao Kiddush in honor of his bar - giitzyab. celebration. There will also be a presentation, acceptance ceremony of a Zion flag presented by Mr- and - Mrs. A. B, Friedman. • '".j^fr, and Mrs, Marsh will be Ijosts at {he Junior Congregation Saturday unorniag ia ftonor oi the bar oiitzvah Ot their soil, Marvin.
Mothers to Meet On Tuesday ;The Hebrew Mothers' associa^ tion will hold, the last meeting of the y e a b o n Tuesday, May 13, : at the Shaare Zlon synagogue. • It.wiir.be a dessert-luncheon a t 1:30. Final, reports of the year will be given. Everyone, Is urged to attend. Mrs, Philip Sherman will preside.
Many at Banquet
Over 300 people attended tho annual Mothers H n d -Daughters banquet held at ther Shaare Zion synagogue last Sunday evening. 'A line progra'm was presented.' Mrs. SaAiiWeinerwaa cfiairmah of the banquet. -- ' •" -
'> OW'!:iy, Vi>5>
ht-Hiia Queen ci tie f (ticimii I oii Mi.
a*_3 t « i u KLJICU, je.o.d. of kba Mifc. A. llai.Ett'i, vtcS
crowaed King s*t the first Youth Council Coroaatioii Bali which was held at the Jewish Caiufiittnity Center <*u Sunday eyeaing, April 27. A h u g e crowd assembled to view this elaborate pageant. The procession was led by Earl Pollack and Lorraine Shindler, pageg, who carried the jeweled crowns on gold satin pillows. As they walked down the aitle to the music of "Pomp and Circumstance" tue curtains of the btage slowly opened and the audience belield a replica of a throne room, lavishly decorated. The pages were followed by Sam Kaplan, King1, who was accompanied by his attendants, Sherman Sperling and Hubert Friedman. The train bearers were Mona Levine and Esther Feinberg. T h e ladies-in-walting were Doris Grueskin and Ann Kan of sky. Dorothy Merlin, advisor of the Youth Council, crowned the king and queen, and Dr. Morris Bernstein, president of the Y o u t h Council, presented the cups to the monarchs, m e d a l s to Hubert Friedman, Sherman Sperling and Earl Pollack, monogrammed lockets to Doris Grueskin, Ann Kanofsky and Lorraine Shindler, and diaries to Esther Feinberg and Mona Levine. Each person in the procession was given an award in order of merits earned. The Cardozo club was awarded, the cup for outstanding activity a m o n g the Youth Council organizations. Following t h e Coronation ceremony, there was dancing to Darrel Sheffield's orchestra.
v^if 6kiii.itu.eiit of $51 Lctwetu U s £gfci> dt 20 &LO SB fcr liLihi&if 6t»vk«.
'the liltiikd.iu.th. Cahhi.il, lutfctia Tel Aviv, decided to iiftld n census of members Uetweeu 2tt and. Si atd to BSEie 8- s&eeiai recruitlsig committee to carry out s p e e d y compulsory leeraiti&g. TI»e Histatfruth's daily paper, Davar, publi&h&d an editorial strefisi».g th© urgency ot lucreasisg the Jewfsli firmed forces aad demandiag ttat every aWe-bodied UBion member enlist Immediately. Air M&M Blielt&rs ; At the same time the Municipal Couaefl of Tel Aviv, largest
city In. PsifeEtiice with a popula* ti&a ot J9&,6&&. completed plaas tor nev jafcilc air-raid' shelters for 12/jflK per«,ots( In addition t<» exlaiizg fclitlters capable of holdtug 10,00 0, Tte municipal coun. c£l is fclso planning two new hos' l>Ha!s, one £a the city &ni another ia t.Le euburbs. Approral of the Pale&tiae government f o r the tilaas is fceiag sought. The chief r&bbl&ate issued postam calling for permanent daily players for British victory. Mon. aay was obserred as a general fast day, with visits to the holy glares a&d the ^Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. iJesBite a t J t l v l t y on military fro&ts &nd transport difficulties, Jewisli immigration to Palestina is continuing Bliaha Dobkin, head of the Jewish Agency's Im« migration departiaeat, reported at a meeting at the Hietadruth Immigration departiilent,
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RECRUIT FOR PAL .(Continued from Page 1.) war. Scores of Jews tried to enlist in the British forces even before the general registration. T h e Polish consul-general In Jerusalem ordered all Polish citizens in Palestine under- the age cf 45 who received financial aid from the exiled Polish government to join the Polish army immediately, with the exception of priests and rabbis. • A leader of the Free French movement, speaking o v e r the Jerusalem radio, warned Frenchmen In Syria that Germans were seeking passage of troops through Syria in order to attack vital positions of the Allied forces and urged Frenchmen not to play in-
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ABRAHAMS, BlcGBATH & FBENZEH, Attorneys, . 013 Farnam Bide LEGAL NOTICE In ths District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska To the next of kin of Nancy Fhilumalee, Incompetent, and to aU persons Interested In her estate: You are hereby notified that on April 23, 1941, a petition and order were filed In the District Ccurt of Douglas County, Nebraska, which orders reads as follows, to wit: • ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA DoC. 359, No. 5 •» ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE In the matter of the application of Harold i -. W. Graham, Guardian of the Estate of Nancy PhJlumalce, Incompetent, for leave t6 sell real estate. Upon reading the duly verified petition of Harold W. Graham, guardian of the estate of Nancy Phllumalee, Incompetent, duly filed herein,, for license to. sell the following described real estate of said Incompetent,'to wit:' ••• •-••-, -, Lots Twenty-nine <S9>, Thirty <30). Thirty-one (3D, Thirty-two (32) and Thirty-three (33), in Block Two (2), McOavock -and O'Keefe'8 Replat. an - addition to the City of Omaha, Doug-1 las. County, Nebraska, as surveyed, x •platted and recorded, ' : • -^ It is. ordered that the next of Itin 61 said : Incompetent and all. persona Interested'In her estate appear before the District Court of. Douglas County,' Nebraska, in Court Room No. 7, of the .Douglas County Court House, in tho city of Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 21tb day of May, lOil, at 0 a. m., to Dhow cause, if any there be, why a license should not be granted to eald Harold W. Graham, guardian, for the sale of Bold real estate. It Is!further ordered that 6. copy of Uila •order bo published once1 each ,\rcc!i,. for threo successive wettes, la The Jewish Press, a less] newspaper, printed, published and of general circulation in eald county. Dated this 23rd day of April, 1011. i .By The Court " _ F , M, DINEEN, DIatHct Judge. 4-25-41-31'
In tfio btairtiful Ouocfiifo'3| tferisIbaeSc riding, g«i( t«nnl», hiking, beattno <">^ filing bn Ukst Ksmtltpn end Celhectns) end couniltn ether fewcaflsn*, ovaljorttino from r«bruery 24 to Atorch 2 a Chtefcen Msi end pisilca or* tt«td a\ tho lodG» on lake KsmlHon. R«Qa!n h«i?iH Ea lh« 4y hiding ihtrrael jpringil
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