May 30, 1941

Page 1

JVotend as Second Class Mail Matter on January U. 1M1# at fottWUt*, of Omaha, Nebraska, tinder the Act ot March t. 18T»

TENSION GROWS IN NEAR EAST Vichy Threatens to Raid Palestinian Cities •Jerusalem (OTA); — Tension between Palestine a n d Vicky.

Controlled Syria, fast being ot> . copied by the Nazis, reached a . Hew high this week as French Consulates in the Holy Land Were closed and Vichy threat* : ened air raids on Palestine in reprisal for British bombing of Nazi bases in Syria. On Orders from the Petaiu government all French consulates in Palestine were closed Sunday and the consul-general w a s to leave ' the country Wednesday. British Consular officials had previously * Jteen ousted from Syria and 'Lebanon. The authorities in Syria-closed the frontier to check a movement «f French a r m y men to enter Palestine and join the Free •French forces. Col. Phllibert Collet and Beveral score native cavalrymen fought their way through -their own frontier forces to enter the Holy Land. Some French pilots sent up to intercept British planes attacking Axis aircraft on Syrian landing fields joined a British squadron and accompanied It back to Palestine. Precautions Further measures for protection against air raids were taken in Jerusalem. A meeting of the air raid precautions commute, w i t h District Commissioner E d w a r d Keith-Roach presiding, recommended an additional municipal grant of L14.600 to provide steel helmets, trailer pumps and other apparatus. The commute also do 'elded to convert the ground floors of Jerusalem's citadel towers Into shelters. . The first; military casualty list of Palestinians, up to April 1, includes 32 killed, of whom 15 were (Continued on Page 12.)

PROTESTS AGAINST DISMISSAL OF JEW CLOSE LEYOEf! IINI New York (JTA)—Closing by the Nazis of the University of Leyden, oldest and most famous In Holland, followed protests by faculty and students against the dismissal of a Jewish professor, it is revealed in a document • smuggled out ofc me Netherlands - a n d published by the North American Newspaper Alliance. < The Jewish instructor was Edubrd Maurlts Meyers, professor of civil and international law, revered by his pupils as a scholar and guide, who was ousted last November together w i t h several Jewish, colleagues. 'Tho protests of "Aryan" students a n d teachers against the dismissal were led by Prof.•Rudolph Pabus Cleverlnga, a former pupil of Prof. .Meyers, who made a" daring speech to the judicial • '(acuity in which he-. 3aid that *'there was in this ca'se not the slightest reason why the occupying authorities could not h a v e Jeft Dr. Meyers where he waB" and asserted that '.'We cannot 'cease believing that .he should be -Tiere and that, it fate will it, re turn he" shall." * ' ' " Next morning Prof. Cleveringa - "was arrested and "sent to a Gerjinan concentration camp. He had expected this -and had told' hi3 wife to pack his bags. His arrest was followed^ by student demonstrations t h a t convinced t h e authorities Leyden's spirit could not be subdued and the closing of the university;.followed.


Zamzam Carried Hadassah Supplies Jerusalem (WNS) -r- A large consignment, of, medical supplies, including linens, bandages and rubber gloves,, destined for Hadassah headquarters in Palestine, was aboard the Egyptian steamer Zamzam, which was sunk by a Nazi warship in the South Atlantic, it was reported by Hadassah officials here. In addition to the hospital supplies, Hadasash officials said, one of the more than 20 ambulances on the ship had been donated by Hadassah. The ambulances were to be assigned to British forces in the Near East. AH of the supplies were covered by warrisk insurance.

Dvora Rothbard to Speak at Oneg Shabboth Meeting Dvora Rothbard ,a member of the national secretariat of t h e Pioneer Women's Organization, will be guest of honor at *i» Oneg Shabboth to be held Saturday afternoon, May 31, at 2 p. ni. at the homo of Mrs. D. Itaben, 3150 Lincoln Blvd. Mis3 Rothbard Is ft graduate of the Jewish Teacners Seminary

UNIFORM LAW Philanthropies FOR FRANCE Drive Pledges

At $1®S9OOO

Extend Nuremberg f To Possessions/ Colonies /",


Vichy (WNS)—The J weeks will see the ado' uniform anti-Jewish le throughout occupied » cupied Prance, t h e / trolled Paris press / . 1. Paris newspapers dec <*• *t French Jews would / ad to the economic &i ial levels of their brethren m,. azi deraiany. While the anti-Jewish decrees promulgated by the Vichy government have caused widespread, suffering a m o n g the Jews in the "free" zone, the Vichy restrictions are not as severe as in occupied France, w h e r e the Nuremberg antl-Jewlsh laws are in effect. The Nazified French press reported that the Nuremberg laws would be extended also to all French colonies! and possessions. Hitherto, o n l y the Vichy antiJewish regulations were enforced iu the French Colonies. The Paris Solf announced that there will be hot a single Jew among the 100,000 French war prisoners, who will be released f r o m Nazi internment camps shortly in return ftfr Marshal P8taln's decision to collaborate more closely with Germany, Meanwhile, Nazi authorities Issued a decree forbidding Jews In Paris and other parts of occupied France to move from their present homos or to remain a w a y from their homes for more than 24 hours without special permission from Nazi pollco officials. •

Thirteen M e m b e r S This Year's Class

Atlantic City, N. J.—The millions'.of volunteers who will be required for the execution of tho civilian defense program, an* nounccd last week. by President Roosevelt in his executive order creating the Office of Civilian Defense, should bo given an opportunity to register on a free will basis on a single day throughout the country, ."a day which should be made the occasion for a great national civic demonstration of unity in action and purpose," it vpas suggested Sunday night (Sunday, May 25th) by Henry Monsky, president of B'nai B'rith, J n an address at tho 35th convention of B'nai B'rlth's District No. 3 at the Bitz Carlton Hotel. ^Proposing July. 4th as the day for 'registering "the part-time Henrietta Herz, "brilliant . man --Jewess* taught English. in army of democracy/; the president .the household ..of -. t h e - Duke of of the .largest and oldest national Jewish service and fraternal or- Courlaad. ."' -• ..,., • V

iConfirmation services of .Temple Israel will be held this Sunday, June 1, Sheyuoth morning.'. Services will begin at 9:45 with the Confirmationexercises startIng at approximately 10:30. The following are members of the Confirmation class: Shirley Margaret, Bernstein. Irene Ruth Ghernlss. Marj Diane Frlsclier. Maurice I..Greenspan. . Bert Hcne, jr. Esther Jeannetto Klein. , Marian Sally Livingston. , Myron Harry Milder, ; Bllllc Pepper*. WlUlain N. Plotkin. .' Hubert Irvin-Rosenbluni, '• . Frederic 13.,Teller, j r . ( Barbara Joan Weiss.

Largest "Number of Subscribers Aided

Round Table Will Elect on Tuesday At the final meeting of the year, to be held on Tuesday evening, June 3, at seven o'clock, at the Jewish Community Center, t h e Round T a b l e of Jewish Youth will elect officers for the coming term, Warner Frohmau, Youth Round Table president, urges all members to attend t h i s important meeting.

WILL SHEVUOTH Services S u n d a y to Be Led by Ypung People Shevuoth service** at the Beth El gynagoguo will begin Hnturday n i g h t at sunset. Sunday morning the sewlces will start at O o'clock with boys who have been liar Mitzvah and girls who have been lias Mitzvah participating. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will deliver a sermon, "The Best Guarantee for Our Future." The following will participate In the services: Robert Cohen, Norman Bloch, Arnold Linsman, Gerre Cah% Robert Chapman, Justltt Manvitzv "'"Donald"" Vanni Harold Chapman, Bernard- Falk, Donald Rice, Donald Stern/, Sheldon Harris, Charlotte Somtner, Jeanne Blacker, and Jack; Beli r i o n t . : '

Dvora Ilothbard of New York and of the University of California where upon her graduation she, was awarded a scholarship In literature. She is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, national scholarship fraternity. For the past ejght years. Miss Rothbard has bean active in the leadership of the Pioneer Women's organization. She .visited in Palestine for six months a short, time ago and studied conditions in every part of the country.

VOL. XV1C—No. *§

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The Junior Qholr will assist. Monday morning t h e service will also be held at 9 o'clock with Ylzkor at about 10.

FELLOWSHIP TO JOSEPH SOSHNIK One of the ten ?l,800 graduate fellowships to the "3011001 of commerce at the University of .Denver was awarded to Joseph R. Sosbnlk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Soshnlk, A s e n i o r in commerce a t Crelghton university. Soshnlk will receive his ,bachelor of science degree'on June 5. Soshnlk ,was chosen from among' t w o hundred applicants for , t ta, e . fellowship which' provldoa tuition and living expenses for a period of eighteen months. He led the senior class. commerce honor roll, is a .member of tho varsity debate team, president o f - P i Lambda Phi, fraternity, and a member of the Jesuit honor society, Alpha Sigma Nu.

B'nai B'rith Lodge 4 Monday to l ganization, said "such a mighty outpouring of civilian volunteers on Independence Day would show the, world that in this democracy we regard service to the nation as the highest form of patriotism in action." • Independence Day, Mr. Monsky continued, "la already our national holiday of freedom. Today when we are girding all our strength to preserve that freedom, let all Who call themselves Americans, who enjoy- the rights and privileges born on that July 4th, 1776, celebrate Independence Day in this year 194J. by registering for national, service. The. registration of the world'a greatest army of civilian defenders on July 4th would be an inspiring thing. "It would be an, army with no uniform.other than the cloak of patriotic devotion. It would be ad . - . (Continued on Page 10.) , •

All previous records In fund* raising for local, national and overseas causes were broken" by the 1941 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign which has already reeived p l e d g e s amounting to ?105,000. Mr, Milton Livingston, campaign chairman, announced ast night. In commenting on the outcome of the 1941 campaign, Mr. Livingston stated: "Almost f o u r thousand subscribers have given their share in the one annual effort to provide tor the tremendous needs faced by our people. This represents the largest number of subscribers ever reached by t h e Jewish Philanthropies, and is a clear indication of tha wide support accorded our drive. The amount already r a i s e d id considerably in excess of what w a s secured iu previous years and this means that more aid and help will r e a c h our suffering brethren, that more sotfp kitchens will be operated, that raoro Orphans will be fed, and that greater zeal will be added to our struggle to preserve our rights as human beings and Jews. Significant Work "The accomplishments of the 1941 campaign would t have been Impossible without the l a r g e army of some five hundred woiItera who spent countloss,hours in contacting their prospects a n d telling the story of our appeal. Such devotion and loyalty was truly inspirational to mo a n d made my task much easier. The community appreciates the grand job performed by tho voluntoir army of mercy, "A significant piece of work was achieved by the Women's division, headed by Mrs. Morris Katclman, who was assisted by Mrs. Morris E. Jacobs, Mrs. Albert B. Newman, Mrs. Philip M. Klutznlck, and Mrs. William Lazero, heads of the various dlvlslons'wtthln the Women's group. Some 2,500 pledges wore secured by this division, which ban done a splendid covorage job. Onco again tho women have demonstrated*-their value in tho clty-wido campaign, and created (Continued on Page 12.) '

The final B'nal B'rlth meeting of the year will be held Monday, June 2, a t . 8:15 at the Jewish Community Center. , Officers, for the coming term will be, elected at this time. Refreshments are to be served.

Raise Confirmation Standards at Beth El Because ,the Beth El synagoguo has raised its Confirmation standards, there will be no Confirmation service this year. " ' Henceforth t h e Confirmation age will be 15 years and it will bo necessary for prospective conflrmahts to fulfill the minimum requirements set by the Beth' El synagogue board. ,

Rabbi Wice~to^Give Commencement TalU

Rabbi David H. Wice will de? liver the commencement Address at the graduation of Night' High schools to be held at Technical High school on Thursday, June S. Wtce is alao participatHeads Medical Reserve ingRabbi in the South High school coni-. mencement which is to take placa . Gapt. Mayriard Greenberg was on Tuesday evening, June 3. elected new president of the Reserve Medical Officers Society of T e m p l e M e n P l a n , . " . . - • • Omaha at the group's annual dinFunfest June 21 ner laat week.

An evening" of^ fufn, * ; fcurich ,J,TA) — The l a t e s t ghetto^ for Jews to be established dancing, games, stunts', and cards in Nazi-occupied Poland Is in the la. being plauaed by ,th> ftleiva' Saturtown of Opol-Lubelaky, according; club of .Temple Israel for Satu d Bight, Biht Jttas J t t s 21, 21 at'the'illgb to the Nazi organ -Krakauer,Zet-' day at'the'illgb, tuug. .Transfer.of goods I n t o . d Jand Country. <?*«» Tr f th vWareajr.; W e j gghetto, h t t o }s m% from r the cne ; ghetto, } restricted t i t d to.two,*,.Y ntrc

8ACGALAUREATI SERVI A. Z. A. No. 1<K> S 0 Lincoln's Tavcru . . . . .3 0 A. K.'s . 3 1 Milder Liquor Co 1 1 A. Z. A. No. 1 1 2 Denenl>erg Clothiers. .0 8 Co. Bluffs A. 58. A 0 8 Once again the A. Z. A. No. 100 displayed Its powers downing ' the Council Bluffs A. Z. A. 17-1. The C e n t u r y Chapter started clouting the ball In the first ianing and never let up. Babe Epstein tried his hand at pitching and came up with a two-bit game. Maxie Osterman, first sacker for the Sam Beber chapter, connected for two homers and Mike Landman and May Guss also hit for the circuit. Bob Yudelson showed a lot of class for the losers. . Before a large crowd the Lincoln Taverns trounced the Denenherg Clothiers 11-0. In what may have proved to he a beautiful pitchers' d u e l between Korney and "Tiger" Novak was spoiled •by too many Dennenberg errors. While Korney held the Denenbergs to three scattered blows hi3 mates collected 12 hits off of Novaky Harry Altsuler, Earl Siegal and Herb Marks led the winners' attack, each contributing one fourbase knock. Lester Bloom w a s the big bomber for the losers, collecting two of the three hits.

I' fe •


The A. K.'s bounced back into 'the 7 win column but they had a rough time in doing it as they catne from behind to beat the A. "Z. A. No. 1, 18-11. Iz Tretiak, colorful catcher, was the peppiest man on the field and why not— he was a daddy last week. Iz was a little nervous at the start of the game but all fathers are at first. However, Iz got over that feelingg after the game had progressed a bit and turned in a swell performance. Paul "Potato" Steinberg pitched for the winners and although-hit hard, his teammates scored enough runs to pull out a win for him. J. ('. C. League At 20th and Burltettc— R. H. E. A. K.'s 013 653 0—18 12 3 A. Z.~ A. No. 1 400 030 4—11-12 3 Batter:e3 — Steinberg and TretiaU; Ger.ber, Cohn and Kerahbaum. • At 32d and Dewcy— R. H. E. A. Z. A. No. 100 214 501 1—17 10 2 Council Bluffs 7 000 00D 1— 1 2 5 > Batteries—Ep3tcln and Gusa; Rosentlial and Fitch. At 33d and Caas— . R. H. E. Lincoln Tavern 200 214 2—11 12 0 Pennenbcrgs . . . . . . . . 000 000 0— 0 3 4 ' Batteries—Korney and Siegal; Novak and Schrelr.



M&y 23, 1941


Pag* 40

(Continued from Page 1.) to attend the services. A reception, at which the Beth El auxiliary will serve, it to follow the services. The following a r e g r a d u a t i n g his year from the various Oma:ia high schools: Benson H i g h School:- Lawrence BiGdkey, Beverly Cohen, Flornce Coueu, and Adeline Flescli. North H i g h School: William A. Finkle, G e r t r u d e -Kahn, L o r raine Rosenberg, nna Lee Calvin White. South H i g h School: Bessie Kaplan, Melvin K a t e i m a n , E d i t h Wolf son, and Norman Zevitz. Technical Ilife-ft Srtnool: David Beber, Miltou Caekin, Ida Chodak, LeRoy Cohn, Sol Epstein, Fannie Schwartz, E l a i n e Rosenthai, Melvin Schwartz, Al Temin, Harold S h e r m a n , Evelyn Wolk, and Don Zernovsky. C e n t r a l H i g h School: Shirlee Albert, F r a n c e s Berg, Geraldine Bernstein, Reva Ellen Bordy, Doris Brown, Mary Jeannette Brown, Gordon Cherwitz, S a.m S. Cohen, Sam Cooper, Marvin D. Davis, Shirlee Ann Feinstein, Stanley E. F e l t m a n , Bess Finkelstein, Mildred Gerrl F i s h b e r g , l a r o l d N. Fisher, Shirley B. Fox, Willard Friedman, Marvin Gerber, Beverlee K. Greenberg, Joel Marshall Gross, Nornr an L. H a h n , J e r o m e P a u l Grossman, Milton Jacobson, Betty Rae Kaplan, Kevee K. Kirshenbaum, Ruby Kolnick, Albert A. L a g m a n , Diana L a g m a n , Irving Lashinsky, H a r old Leone, Roslyn B. Levy, R e becca London, Irving B. Malashock, E. Gordon Margolin, Joyce t. Marks, Marian Meyerson, Albert M. NeponuiiCK, Rose Meyerson, H a r r i e t t Rosalie Newman, Harold Oruch, A r t h u r M. Parilman, Norman Rice, Dorothy Rosen, H a r r i e t Ann R o t h k o p , Rosalie Ann Rubin, Myron B . Rubnitz, Edwin E. Se^all, E d w a r d G. Sellz, Charlotte Lee Shafton, Marvin Simon, Ray Simon, Milton Simons, Dorothy Sinton, Delores k l a r .William Louis Stiefler, Theodore H. Tepper, Elaine S. Tuchman, Normr..i E d w a r d T u r kel, Sidney H. W a s e r m a n , I. Albert, Zelda Joye W h i t e , a n d Rich-! ard Zlotsky. ''"" '•. "• '.


Schedule May 25 A. 7,. A. No. 1O0 vs. Di'iienbcrg Clothiers—20th anil Pnrdette. i A. K. A. No. 1 vs. Milder Liquor Co-—artel and Coss. (Continued from Page 1.) < . Council B l u f f s vs. Lincoln's j Tavern—S2d and Dewey. ; her outstanding service and lead* A. K.'s—bye. y ership as a member of the Round Table, as president of J u n i o r Swim News Hadassah, and as a worker in many philanthropies campaigns in By HOWARD SHINROCK the youth division and in the busiThe current early summer heat ness and. professional division. wave has brought many new faces Panel Discussions Into the swimming pool. The beat S p i r i t e d discussions marked way to dodge the hot blasts and each" of the three panels held in to cool off go BWimmingin the the afternoon. The panel led by J.. C. C pool. .The water, is al- -Mr. Loyal Kaplan on "Careers ways clear, cool and invigorating. Ahead for Jewish Youth" brought out the opportunities in the deThe classes in life Baving are fense industries and the defense working out mastering the vari- program for specialized training ous techniaues necessary -in the and jobs. Participants also disar.t of saving lives. Three groups cuBsed the "dirty-shirt" job vs have been formed. The Junior the "white-collar" job. boys class meets' Tuesdays', Thurs- : "The Role of Youth in Democdays and Sunday mornings; The racy" was the topic of the panel intermediate boys-meet Tuesday led by Mrs. Ruth Neuhaus. Points and Thursday evenings. The Ju- discussed were the need for an nior girls meet Mondays, Wednes- educated public opinion and the days and Sunday afternoons. All problems of minorities in a detold, there, are about twenty-five mocracy as they affect youth. people taking the course. • Club officers and advisors attended a special panel on the club Life saving and its brother,.first program, which was led by Mis3 aid, are an important part of the DoTothy Merlin of" Sioux City, national defense -program, so if with discussion centering, upon you have been wandering what you the values of Jewish content in : could do to help your country iu club activities. time of its' greatest need, prepare Following the swimming party yourself now for any ^emergency which closed'the; day's activities that might arise. Enroil now In at the Center, delegates w e r e one of the various classes in life guests at the homes of Omaha '• Saving. If there are any' adults youth until evening. • who want a' clasa in this work, Coronation Ball bee Mr. Shinrock and he will be The social highlight of the glad to organize such a class. youth conference was the corona tion ball, held at the Paxtoh ho, The summer swimming season tel the night of the conclave, at £3 Just around- the corner. To ob- which the youth leaders of Oma , fain t h e m a x i m u m enjoyment ha-were crowned king and queen from this thrilling sport, learn to by the Kovod Key winner. Bertha » Bwim indoors before braving, the Slutzlcy, • after " crowning Elaine outdoor swimming beaches a n d Lagman and - Warner Frohmah, "pools, IS'is not hard to learn to called upon Mr- Sam Beber, "first l ^ ^ i f t h F d t i " a w l M J J

or Jewish Service, to> present hem with J. C. C. Honor Keys. our hundred and fifty young eople, paresis and friends atthe bail. The e n t i r e conference was launed and executed by a group f Hound -.Table representatives snd club members under the hairiaanship of Ruth RoseusteiE. Following are the members of the ommitlees: Wiilard Friedman, o-chairnian; panels, Etta Soiref, chairman, Bertha Slutzky, A b e Resnick, Yale Richards, R u t h Neuhaus, Marcia Finer, J u s t i n Ross, Jack Herman, LeRoy Canield, Leonard Morgenslern, Harry Goodbinder, Mickey Goldberg, Sara Wolfson; publicity and coronation ball, Elaine Lagman, chairman; registration, Martye L e a Byron, chairman, Bertha Slutzky, Molly Kelberg, Gloria Friedman, Sheldon Bernstein; dating, Reeda Magzamin and Bill Stiefler, cohairmen, Martha Zusiaan, Franes Blumkin, Etta Gorelick, Harriet Newman, N o r m a n ^ Hahn Mickey Goldberg, Florence Tatleman. Bill Fiukle; housing, Janet

Rosenstoefc, c h a i r m a n ,


Betty Levy, George Scholnick, Irving Malashock, Dorothy Goldner, Frltzi Riekes; tratisportatioH, Harold SlEtzkin, cliairoian, Yale Richards, Milton Guss, R e v a Bordy, Saitt Beber; banquet and oratorical contest, Delores Sklar, chsirnian, Darwin Marcus, Fritzi Ritkes, Reva Bordy, Sally Gross, Harvey Sapot, Keve Kirschenbaum; telephone and reservations, Ethel Kadis, chairniau, B e s s Lefitz, Sophie Biuiykin, R u t h Stein and Helen Miukiin.

Sees Yugoslav Premier SomewLere iu the Middle East (JTA)—Mosiie .Shertok, head of the Jewisii Agency's political deparlmeut, this week visited Yugoslav Premier Dusan Simovitch and asked hici to transmit to King Peter the greethigs of the Palestine Jewish community, its sympathy during Yugoslavia's present trials and the hope for ultimate victory.

Daminican Settlement New York~(JTA) — Discovery of historical material dealing with Jewish settlement projects in the Dominican Republic during the 1890's was reported by Dr. Mark Wischnitzer, former director of the German Jewish Hilfsverein, following his return from the Republic, where he spent several months lecturing in behalf of the Dominican Republic Settlement Association and aided in organization of Jewish communal affairs in Ciudad Trujillo.

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Our Film Folk By HDJSN ZIQMOND That recent riot in Buenos Aires over Universal's " A r g e n t i n e Nights" Bmells "hellishly" fishy. Had the ear-marks of the familiar pre-softening-up process, with one newspaper frothing about "Hollywood- making Argentina seem ridiculous, etc., etc." The picture was banned. Our "good" neighbors are becoming extremely sensitive, eb, seqors? 0n the other hand .j *s fan mail from S. A., best criterion of the people's pulse,, has lately increased 70 per cent!






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Orchids to Producer Phil Goldstone: Wishing to start the ball rolling among film folk, he bought a large amount of the national defense bonds . . . gifted each of his office employes with a $100 bond and others of his staff with lesser denominations. Idea reaps two benefits, he believes - - it sets an example and starts people along the thrift path for Uncle Sammy. Jobs for out-of-work roynlty: Boris Monros cabled ex-King Carol and Madame Xinpcscu offering acting parts in his forthcoming "Tales of Manhattan." The couple are en route to Cuba vtn New York.


Confidentially: Top donors to the 1040 United Jewish Welfare fund were the Marx brethren, *2,000; Paul Muni, $2,500; Edward Robinson, $3,200; Eddie Cantor, $5,000; Samuel f.oldwyn, $5,000; Jack Benny, $5,000; Joe Hchenck, $7,500; Louis II. Mayer, $7,500; and Jack and Harry Warner, $15,000! Itudy Vftllee, who sings "Kill, ISili" and did his bit for the Mt. Sinai Hospital benefit last week, gave a welcome contribution to the fund. Nice to know our friends . , .

FltiorcsGsnt Light Be Modern—Enjoy the Ltukury and Economy or Uw New Fluorescent Lighting; Free Estimates &7®3 Howard

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New York censor board' passed the Nazi propaganda film, "Sieg lm Westen," as a "newsreel" on the score that it "would tend to wake up Americans to the perils facing them." You can bet that wasn't Goebbcls' idea . . • Holljrwoodings: Composer Oscar Hammerstein now collaborates with his 21-jearK>ld son, Bill. A group of songs they have just finished is being eyed by the studios. Arthur "Bronxite" Kober returns to celluloid postures to sow laughter seeds in a Fox sereauiario. .Oscar Levant, insists that his is a "de luxe" inferiority complex! La Kaincr is back in town testing for a role in "Shanghai Gesture." And Carol Bruce is set for her film dctitit in "I, Janies Lewis." Former, Patricia Ellis, takes her vacated spot on Broadway. Eddit • is stcdying Spanish and i Fitwrtugoes© . . . wants to be h ^morons in their language I F h< ; makes that South American trip,. In spite of, Stukas and sub nurines, fan moil from En^nnd has.increa^ed 20 per cent. Tl le, draft will blow Tony Martin out of town ia August. We heat, there's a theater which gives a^ .ay:. bottles of borscht for Bingo prizes! !


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Eddie Conrad, player of, com-



edy parts in innumerable ilcturea. punched Time's clock for the last time this week. Gathered to his forefathers, he was burled as a Jew. Struck off the roster of film actors was also the name of Axmand Kalis, who played many small parts.;:.... Turn-about: Adolphe JMenJao, in picking the ten best-dressed men in the country, nathed Sara Goldwyn - - fop all ten. | ', , , CCopyrfght; J 9 4 C Jewish TeJei i graphic Agency, Inc.)

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rHS. J E W f S M

Friday. M*y 2 3 ,




Eleot Jerusalem g iiis secretary. A n d the arrival of a Hebrew author, fit Use fwHowiMg Article, Kk'Oi Brenner purposely chose to disJeras&lciu retells Use fctcwy »f BrettKtr gladly accepted. bii»uU'au.euubly. Grenuer gave embark at Haifa unmolested, Joseph C.Si»iii» Isreissser, <*it*r&tcd autk&r, Hebrew paw* sad i«i«*- private Ilfclrew lessons and sec- rather than at Jaffa. Exftlte Status of VASMT iicer Zfctntst, WIM» »JC:t S««s death retly edited "Der Karapf," organ In Palestine, Brenner's "wellduring the Ar&b »iwt* of 1&2I, nt. the Isund. Here, in Home), Brenner made schmertz," so long burdeniug his twenty yews* &g& tltis «M©a«tli.— lue acquaintance of Hillel Zeitliu, restless spirit, found an appro'j'HIO 1CIMTOII. ardeut admirer of Tolstoi and priate outlet. As always, Bren' Twenty years ago this month, an Nietzche. With the support of ner combined work and writing. the celebrated belle-Iettrist Zeitlin, Brenner published his Impossible as it was for him to Palestinian labor leader, Joseph first book, "Me' Emek Achor" conceive at a writer "oaly writChaim Brenuer, met his UBtiKae- (Warsaw, IS00). ing," Brenuer spent a good deal ly and violent death at the Jia&ds of ins time in the field of Judea, The ensuing years found Brenof Arab marauders during the ner in Warsaw; tlieu in the Rus- tiiliug the soil and reaping its Pogreui of 1921. sian army which lie deserted, and fruits. Brenner was theu living in finally in London. Here, BrenSoon, Brenner assumed the eolilury seclusion in the densely ner published end edited the Ile- role of "friend," leader and guida populated city of Jaffa, many of b r e w newspaper, "Hameorer" of Palestinian labor." And the bis friends having judiciously for two consecutive years in' the ranks of labor rallied under his fled the besietica areas. And twilight period of Hebrew litera- banner. somehow, this grim end does not ture (1S06-7). Here, too, BrenBrenner's ambition was to exseem utterly incongruous when ner launched his most impres- alt the status or labor and of viewed in the light of the tragic sive work, a Hebrew anthology the Jewish laborer. Jews in Palesforty short years Brenner spent or as lie naineu It "Iteviviai" tine must begin. from the very in this world. (Raindrops). Six volumes of beginning in economic husbandFar from being a bed of roses, "Revivini" appeared in all, the ry in order to live and continue Brenner's life history preseuts a last two in Jaffa (1919). as a people, he maintained. And <• veritable odyssey saturated with The year 1910 meant the be- there is no better land than Palblood and terrs, disappointments ginning of a new life for Bren- estine for that experiment in self and despair. From his early In- ner. In i that year Joseph Chaim support. He took odds with Achfancy to his very last day, he Brenner, full of hopes and as- ad Ha'ain for tne lalter's asserstruggled to keep body and soul pirations, made his modest entry tion that "it is inconceivable for together. He know naught of suc- Into the "land of his ancestors." an ancient people boasting of its cess. to have the same asAnd modest it was! For, an- prophets, pirations as small peoples in Endowed with an unquench- ticipating the usual fanfare at their beginnings." Brenner firmable passion for learning, Brenly believed it to be the duty of ner stopped at nothing to acquire the new Jew "to learn the great all the knowledge within his art of being small." reach. And if that entailed sufThus did Brenner exalt the fering and hunger, Brenner was modest deed. prepared to undergo all that. In the field of irterature Bren"Life without sacrifices i8 harduer was active until Ms dying ly worth being called that," he writes in bis Sfary time and Toronto (JTA) — Dr. Chaim day. To his, credit Brenner, may again. Weizmann, in his first address in claim a large share of original And thus we tmd Brenner em- Canada of his current tour, pre- Hebrew writing as well as transbarking upon tne life of a no- dicted on Sunday that Zionist lations of Dostoievskt, Hauptmad in his early teens; moving claims would be met after the mann. Raisin and many others. from place to place, seeking, war and asserted that if the Nazis In all of these the Brennerian searching, groping for truth and visited destruction on Palestine, touch is starkly felt. wisdom. At fifteen, Brenner, the "we shall build and rebuild until The sudden death of Joseph "Masmid," studied in the yeshi- Lhe great peace." •va of Potschep, eating "days" off Addressing some 8,000 persons Chaim Brenner while still in the the tables of benevolent, well-to- in a crowded Varsity hall, t h e prime of his life left a vacancy do citizens, patrons of yestalva Jewish A g e n c y president said, as yet unfilled. Palestinian labor boys. ' "There will be victory and there has already created a host of will be peace after much blood, legends about the personality of Friendship this remarkable man and lovers Here, in the God forsaken sweat, tears and toil, and Jews of Hebrew find solace in his town of Potschep, Brenner first will have their share of all of words. hese.. After this peace, our claims came face -to face with persons and ideas which exerted a tell- will be met. I have confidence in "Aryan Paragraph*' ing and profound influence on the honesty and the faith and the sincerity of the prime minister of his young mind. Here Brenner Stockholm (JTA)—Acting un-. met Uri Nisan Gnesin apd a Great Britain and of the president strong life-long friendship devel- of the United States. I know that der Nazi pressure, the Norwegian oped between the two culture- it is not beyond their ken to find Government has Introduced the intoxicated youths. Both were a solution whereby the Jews and "Aryan paragraph," dismissing, destined to create a name for the Arabs can live fully in equity. all Jewish and "non-Aryan" em"The filthy claws of barbarism ployes from State and municipal themselves. are stretching out to grab hold of it was reported here.' The time now came for the the sacred site of Palestine and institutions, "Non-Aryans" will be young Brenner to make a, bold Zion'-. in the same way that they permitted for reportedly the time being to venture^ regarding his spiritual have polluted the shrine of the their Norwegian citizencrede. Brenner became a "mith- Acropolis of Greece and the cham- retain but no citizenship will in naged" and completely severed ber of deputies of France and as ship, the future be granted to any aphis ties with "Hassidism." A per- they have desecrated the Westiod of unreserved concentration minster shrine," he said. • "They plicant classified as "non-Aryan." on the writings of the "Haska- shall not succeed, we pray. , But Many Arrested lah" ensued. TogeUier with his if they destroy, we shall rebuild London (JTA)—Radio.. Lyons "Llmudol Qodesh" (holy studies) a finer Tel Aviv, a more beautiful Brenner avidly read the "Limu- Haifa and a more sacred Jeru- reports that hundreds of Jews doi Choi" (secular) of the new salem. We shall build and re- have been arrested•••,In Hungary on charges of "spreading false Hebrew literature. build until the great peace." rumors." Nor did Hebrew works satiate the rabid appetite of the zealous Brenner. Brenner began with'tho Russians-Dostoievski and Tolstoitypically enough.' Prom the w.ritings of those two siterary giants, replete as they are vrith philosophical and psychological undercurrents, Brenner gained tremendously. Thia spiritual inheriin t!j9 beautiful OuacnitafoJ Kortc&ack tance is remarkably noticeable riding co!f, tsnnf* hiking, besting end in all his works. Brenner in his fishing 6n le&ei Hamilton end CciStsrinej Btorles and ~ novels treats the end coor.sjsjj ether recrootiont, ovailaproblems of the poor, the ostrabbthrevgtamtboyeor.OfiMswnftsna bthtambOM racing frefe February 24 to fAarth 2& \ cized', the scum and the degradChicken frlsj cud ptcnlts era hsJd cj tho ed in life. He champions the Lodes on lots Hamilton. Eecain hsoljh cause of the stepped-upon workIn tho A7 hasting thermal springi} er in no uncertain terms. And all this stems largely from hi3 acquaintance with Tolstolan principles. These incursions in the field , : of secular learning also had their ^ -s-~<\ ^ ^ ^ tfcooso tho Eoilman Hots!, you will bo turn I'! \ j effect on the political."Anschauungen" of the young Brenner. : ' " • * . - \\ j of itaaddadadverJaao of perfect envircnisss} end p i ; ccc©n)raoB'aiion»..,You will thrill with delight In yovr j ' l During the . following-f decades : enieyRicnlolthoteclvsionotthedtliDhtrulprivato ! ' { . Brenner oscillated politically beI perk wheth likens ft to a magnMicsnt country astate. - j j tween Bundism and Zionismv If. • t t » Ecatman olfort qvtot (olapetfon. Hi* h csnvsn. | j A Tolstoi provided tne stimulus for .,u^ f^ -i -. ~V j • •, lent to tvery activity and recreetfend feetura la {•;;:! active participation in the Bund, • Hot Spring*. A wldo variety of accommodations l a ivij then the First Zionist Congress, .rt, ••loel from Includino rooms a n d tuilo». Govern- j&j' . ;wuich convened in Basel at that tsisnt suporvlied bathhouse In connection with holol *''' time provided the impetus for consequent devotion and- activity "< ? Sn that field. ••• Zionism Writa for Pietarial BooHpli After hearing Mordecal bou WAITER E. DAVIS Hillel-HaKohen, the famous Zion(Aanagor ist orator deliver an address in " Hebrew at the Congress, Brenner decided to go to Homel where HaKohen resided, and cast his lot inextricably with -Zionism. HaKolien offered him the position of 1M Sfcw


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Frifey, May 23, 1941



Last Exit to Freedom By Dr. Augusto D'Esaguy

today to the exit to freedoM for tbmuaads of ea»iwho a w t paw through there « • their way oversea*. In the following article, Dr. cTEsagmj, well kwmn writer and. chairman of tbe Refugee Comaafttee in Portugal, who c&me to the United Steles several weeks ago, reports on the refugee tion aad discusses the work of committee im helping these refugees. Wfaile in the Usited States, Dr. d'Esagay is gathering Material for a book interpreting this coutry to tbe people of Portugal.—The Editor.

ing practiced was -the violation Government official to ask for of private rights and property. assistance, the answer is usualPortuguese merchants began boy- ly, "We'll be glad to help you cotting the Natia, Dr. d'Esaguy, but will you also It was a common thing for a get a letter from the J. D. C. Portuguese business man to ask supporting your request?" As a matter of fact, when Mora German salesman, "Are you a Jew or an Aryan?" If the ans- ris C. Troper, the J. D. C.'s Euwer was "Aryan," the salesman ropean chairman, arrived at the could not do business. The Por- frontier from France after the tuguese Government showed its capitulation and began to distrifriendly attitude by engaging dis- bute money among the destitute tinguished refugee scholars to refugees, the Portuguese thought teach in the schools and colleges that he was some sort of guaras well &s by its sustained liber- dian angel. al policy toward tbe admission City of Tragedy of the fugitives into tbe country. Lisbon today is a city of a But the fullest measure of thousand human tragedies and - The anti-Semitic persecutions by the Nazis have made it possi- Portuguese good-will toward the sometimes of unexpected scenes ble for the people of Portugal to refugees was expressed after the of inexpressible joy. For a long Make amends for the persecu- debacle of France when our eta- time the headquarters ot the tion of the Jews by their fore- tic refugee population was swol- refugee committee were in my bears five centuries ago. I heard len almost overnight from a few medical office and it was quite this remarkable attitude voiced score to ten thousand by the in- a common thing to see people by many of my non-Jewish com- flux of people fleeing from the reunited there. Husbands and and children, patriots, men and women who be- Nazi occupation. The citizens of wives, parents and sisters, who had lost lieved that they were under ob- my country gave everything they brothers could spare to alleviate the plight track of each other and feared ligation to help the needy among of these unfortunates. I believe the worst. These incidents were the refugees especially because is important that Americans so touching that more than once they are Jewish. They consid- it understand that the Portuguese the patients in my waiting room ered the help they gave, payment attitude has been and still is one "who, it happens, include many •f a debt •which they Bay their of the most sincere sympathy distinguished leaders of the Porancestors Incurred during the In- and helpfulness. tuguese people, raised funds on quisition. From my personal acquaint- the spot to support tne work of When France fell last June, ance with high officials of the our committee. thousands of Jewsa rerugeea who P o r t u g u e s e uovernment ajid That'work is enormously comhad found temporary snd per- knowledge of their attitude, I am plex and difficult and it is carmanent asylum there from Naz- positive that Portugal will con- ried on continually under the ism made their way to Portugal. tinue to contribute her important pressure;, of our awareness of its They came to Portugal because share toward the relief of the critical importance. In the first Its capital city, Lisbon, had be- refuges problem. It will be re- place -we have the problem of come the only remaining neutral called that last fall wnen the relief. In oar soup kitchen we seaport on the AtlaaUe, the only Jews were expelled from Luxem- are feeding about 1,500 people exit from Western Europe to bourg, two trainloads trere Ad- regularly. Besides the feeding freedom, overseas. The German mitted to Portugal and then a program we attend to the receparmies controlled the Atlantic third waa turned DUCK from the tion of the refugees in the councoast down to the Bay. of Biscay frontier. try, the care of their luggage, and tbe entrance ot Italy into There was only one reason for their lodging and medical attenthe war barred the- Mediterranthe exclusion of this group. They tion. ean ports as well. We keep careful watch over were Accompanied by uniformed To refugees Lisbon, therefore, Gestapo aggenttf who demanded the validity of visas so as to be became the most Important eity that Portugal admit the train- sure that if a v»ua is in danger In Europe. In Lisbon they hoped load, jpbviouely no sovereign of expiring, all efforts are made to find Surcease from the hard- state coalsJ allow forefgBr ttgenta to , secure transportation before ships of their trek across. Spain, to ftfctl'fo to it in t¥i& fashion. the- deadline. Recently a group • place of rest where they would As a'ISatter of .fact, ttie interna- of S3 elderly emigrants sailed • be unmolested while they made tional "police wfad guard ttiewoii- aboard one steamer only because preparations to continue to a tier are"iibat intelligent and "Help- of timely intervention by our country of final destination. They ful la their attitude. It was thru committee. If they had been left did not hope in vain, for the pco- their influence that our steam- behind, their situation would 'ple of Portugal made them wel- ship companies were induced to have given rise to grave complicome, belped them, ministered to give preference for berths to ref- cations with the Portuguese autheir distress. ugees who were in danger of los- thorities and would have seriousing their visas for overseas thru ly affected the granting of furKindliness ther transit visas. Tbe entire country seemed to expiration ot the time limit, Serlona Difficulty During January, February and 'glow with kindliness aad good•will toward the newcomers in its This, of course, still leaves March of this year 1,603 refumidst. To Lisbon there frequent- very serious difficulties to be met gees passed through Lisbon on ly came letters from villagers in in Portugal. The refugee popu- their way overseas, alid their vaUhe outlying districts who wrote lation now has. attained a more rious needs were met by our com• that tney would ve nappy to give or less static level of 5,000, and mittee. Five of the people in • shelter to any Jewish refugees since it has been the govern- these . German transports died eent to them. In the large cities, ment's policy to admit additional from the effects of tho hard•and especially in Lisbon where refugees in equar numbers ' to ships they had suffered before . the bulk of the refugee popula- those who depart overseas, this they reached us. They were burtion was concentrated;'the Por- figure will probably not change ied in the Lisbon Jewish cemetery and our committee erected - tuguese went out of their way to greatly for some time. Thousands of these refugees tombstones for them. 'help needy emigrants. WitB only During the twelve months from ' 3,000 native Jewsin all Portugal, are destitute or nearly so. For it can readily be seen that the them support must be provided Jane 1940 thru May of 1941, tho - greater number of people parti- by private philanthrophy since it J. D. C. has appropriated over cipating? in this help was non- is obvious that, with all the good- $100,000 for work in Portugal. will in the world the Portuguese One shudders to contemplate - Jewish. ' • • • ' • Our first experience in Portu- Government could not continue what the fate of the refugees *• gal with the effects of the tfr- its liberal policy if these people would.have been if not for the, rible things that were done to became a burden on the taxpay- work of the great humanitarian the Jews in Germany occurred ers of the country. That is why agency of American Jews, in Passover of 1933. At that time the work of the Joint Distribu- (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts 'Feature Syndicate) a group of refugees arrived in tion; Committee in Portugal is GO •• Lisbon, forerunners of the thou- vital not only to my country but Patronize Our Advertisers sands who have come through to the entire program for emi- since. These people came to the gration of Jews of Europe. •- synagogue hoping for tho tradiNo other- organization has giv'• tional hospitality to Jewish trav- en us any help in Portugal exelers. They were disappofnt- cept the J, D. C~ It la not only ed. . the Portuguese refugee commit; Immediately we formed a com- tee that recognizes this fact. So mittee for the care of refugees does the Portuguese Government. say, in fact, that the and from that time on the com- I might 1 mittee -had an enormous task. State Department of Portugal Our committee en • appeal deals with no one but the J . D . C. to the j Portuguese Jewish com- and my committee on problems -,— munity for funds aha also wrote of Jewish refugees. One reason that the J. D. C. to the Joint Distribution Committee for help. J, D. C.'s first Is held in such high esteem is was" prompt and gener- that the Portuguese Government knows that its word can be reous. Our local appeal brought an lied upon. When I go to a high amazing amount - of Help from non-Jews. The pastor of the Protestant ' church in Lisbon made the first public collection and he also conducted prayers regularly for the welfare of the refugees and, for- the release of the Jews in Germany from their oppression. •'.•-.',.•<_"•'•• Portuguese Shocked 3 2 5 0®. &3tBa Sfc, As time went on and one ederee against the Jews followed WHOLESALE after another In Germany, PorOCfearo tuguese public .opinion was more QTobacco".; ' OPI and more deeply shocked. The O Fbuhteia' Soppttog thing that seemed to impress the ©B country almost as much as the physical Verueliiea vtliat-» were* hs* J

P»«« 9 salary. Why are yon always broke? Moe: Because the food value of dates is very high, according to nutritional experts.


By Dr. C. F. Nutmeg "A merry heart nutketh a cheerful countenance." Miser (who is being approachid by a charity committee for he second time): But I have my >wn poor brother. Committee: But our investigaor informed us that you are not helping your brother. Miser: Did I My that I am elping him? I only said that I have my own poor brother and t I don't assist him, how can , expect me to help strangers?

Two students were discussing the interpretation of a passage in the Talmud. Puzzled as to its meaning they decided to ask a man, who was sitting in front of them and who had the appear* ance of a rabbi, how he understand the passage. The pseudo-rabbi, after looking at the passage and not able to understand it said: "If I would not have known the interpretation of the passage, you would have certainly embarrass* ed me. Therefore I shall not explain tbe passage to you.

First Attorney: You are the worst violator of professional ethics that I have. ever known. Second Attorney: You are the Excluded From Amnesty ilggest fool I ever saw. Judge: Gentlemen, you must Geneva (WNS) — Celebrating iot forget that I am here. the acquisition of territories from f a l l e n Greece and Yugoslavia, Wife: You are exposing your- King Boris of Bulgaria granted full amnesty to a large number elf to a draught. Husband: Don't you worry. I of political prisoners but specifically excluded Jews from tbe m above the draft age. general pardon, it was learned Jake: You are receiving a nice here.

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, 1941




To £:lreEgt~KC£i (k<£ tits i t i w t t a The Btth. JSi fciniiig tTC'iii, the only stttiou of l i e Council cf coiitiiiue to Eefct for the Jewish WojEen in Iowa alia the suuaiiier to is&ke gunninta for ecSy section in Nebraska, Mrs. H. I be lied Cro&s. Soi ' KoviUky, president of t h e To fcid Ms activities t h e Sioux City section, vill coiae to group would like to borrow fc Omaha Monday to insts.ll the new portable s-ewicg iii£tlmie. Mrs. Lincoln (Special) — Lest Ten pledges will be given their officers of the local group. Leon Graetz is president of the The annual meeting and elec- group. day evening, as thirty high sth first degree initiation into So in seniors wended thtir way home Btber Chapter No. 100 at the tion will be held £t the Jewish ward after three days and nights chapter meeting on Sunday at 3 Community Center starting at 1 of fun, Sigma Otuicrou chapter p. in. Altpli Kohen Godoi Yale o'clock. completed one of its most sue Richards will conduct the initiaReports of the various coinl mentor of the seminar on Intercessful h i.g h befool week-ends tion, ceremonies with the assist- nutlets will be heard a n d a group conflicts, while Rabbi Harsince its founding. Friday nigh ance, of Leo Kamisar, Aleph Sho- movie of NYA activities will be ry Kaplan, director of the Hillel found the guests' attention fo- tire Godol, and Sam Beber, Aleph shown. Foundation at the Ohio State cused on movies of the Rose Shotore Kotone. Mrs. Ben Silvers~is retiring University, will lead the seminar Bowl game and Tournament of on international conflicts. The location of t h e chapter president of the Council. Roses parade -which were filmed weiner roast, to be held Thursday, The various work g r o u p s , by Melvin Taimenbaum, w h o May 29, will be announced at the whicli are to be directed by the made the trip to Califorina. meeting. Social Chairmen Milton professional staff of A. Z. A., After t h e film, refreshments Guss and Yale Richards have askwill concern themselves with such ed that everyone meet at the.Cen•were served, followed by a mock problems as the relationship of style show presented by members ter by 9:30 a. m. Reservations A. Z. A. chapters to their sponof .the chapter. Saturday, tours must be made by Sunday. soring lodges and the Jewish of .the university consumed the The two-hit pitching of Aleph agencies in which they meet; A. morning, and the Nebraska-Iowa Mazkir Harold Epstein Sunday inZ. A. cooperation with local youth State baseball game and other spired the Century softballers to Convention to Be Held at councils; A. Z. A. publications; entertainment took up the after- romp over Council Bluffs A. Z. tournaments and contest subTexas Institute noon. A. 7 and to maintain their unjects; Scouting and junior A. Z. July 12-18 Saturday ni&V- » night d u b disputed lead in the J. C. C. SeA.; fund-raising and memberparty at "Club SAM" was en- nior league. The A. Z. A. 100 ship; and the observance of paKerrville, Tex.—One of the najoyed by all. Roller skating at boys have shown their strength tion's leading Protestant institu- triotic and Jewish holidays., an outdoor rink Sunday morning by taking Mother Chapter 11-3, tions of secondary learning will Finals of the national oratorput everybody in shape for the the A. K.'s 19-14, and this week be host to the country's largest ical and debating tournametns picnic and outing the followed the alephs from across the river Jewish boys' organization from and the distribution of national in the afternoon. Graced with by a runaway 17-1. July 12 to 18 when Aleph Zadik A. 25. A. honor and award will perefct summer weather throughAfter two complete seasons at out the week-end, Sigma Alpha other Infield posts, Aleph Epstein Aleph, B'nai ) .'rith's youth or- also feature the convention. Mu guests and members thor- pitched his first game for Sam ganization, holds its 18th annual The convention will also be oughly enjoyed w h a t has un- Beber chapter to relieve Milton national convention on the cam- the occasion of the annual meetdoubtedly been the biggest and Guss, who chucked the two pre- pus of Schreiner Institute, a ing of the Supreme Advisory best social affair of the current vious weeks. Aleph Max Oster- Presbyterian academy for boys. Council, the governing body of Departing from a six-year tra- A. Z. A. Members of the council season. man led the hitters with two clean dition of convening at camps, are: Ram Beber, Omaha, presiAfter an extremely heated dis- nome runs. B'nal B'rith.'s youth organization dent; Jacob J. Lieberman, Los Next week the team will meet cussion, Sigma Alpha Mu debaters lost a heart-breaking 2-to-l the Denenbergs at 20th and Bur- will meet this year in an acad- Angeles, first vice-president; Jodecision to Zeta Beta Tau in the dette, and the following Sunday emic atmosphere in this Southern seph Herbach, Philadelphia, 2nd finals of the interfraternity de- will find them pitted against the Texas community. The A. Z. A. vice-president; Hyman M. Goldincoln Tavern, last year's cham- convention, Incidentally, will be stein, Washington, D. C , treasbate tournament. Debating on the negative side for SAM were pions, who are in second place the first national Jewish conven- urer; Alfred M. Cohen, Cincinion to meet anywhere in the nati; Wilfred B. Peiga, WorcesHarold Margulies and Art Rivin. this year. Another baseball game has been ter, Mass.; Nicholas M. Brazy, On June 1, Century chapter L,one Star State. added to this fraternity's string will hold a special meeting to wel- In line with the academic sur- Ft. Wayne, Ind.; Milton Mehl, of Victories by dint of a win over come back Advisor and Past Go- roundings of Shreiner Institute, Ft. Worth, Texas; Henry MonChi Phi fraternity by"'a; score of dol, Harold Zelinsky, who will be the convention program will also sky, Omaha; Sidney G. Kusworm, 12 to 11. Philip Bordy, winning on leave from the U. S. Marine depart from the usual practice Dayton, Ohio; Philip M. Klutzpitcher, was star of the game as tation at Quantico, Va.; accord' by setting up a series of seminars nick, Omaha; Maurice Bisgyer, was Bob Bramson whose fielding ng to Aleph Godol Harold Sluts- and work groups through which Washington, D. C ; Irving Kaler, shone. the 500 delegates will be afford- rand aleph godol, Atlanta, Join. !d an opportunity for serious dis- seph Borenstein, Chicago; Saul On Saturday, May 31, Sigma ussion on a variety of problems Dizenfeld, Ambrid-c, r a . ; Julius Alpha Mu will honor its graduatif interest to them RS Americans, Bisno, executive director, Washi n g seniors with a smoker to be Jews, young men, and members ington, D. C ; Ben Barkin, asheld at the chapter house. Those At its meeting last Sunday, the of A. Z. A., with qualified adult sistant executive director, Washbeing so honored are Sidney Kalin, Sioux City; Kdward Ellis Omaha Section of the National leaders leading the study ses- ington, D. C. Cbait, Omaha; uarold • Turkel, ouncil of Jewish Juniors elect- lions. After three days of study, Lincoln, and- Floyd Cohn, Tarkio, d new officers for the coming he various seminars and work ear. groups will draft recommendaFootball League Mo. Sylvia Weiiier was chosen new tions for submission to a plenSeveral weeks ago SAM was host to an illustrious member of resident; Ida Fine, vice presi- ary session of the convention. London (JTA) —- An interSeminars the Missouri chapter, Sol Schmit- ent; Bess Blank, second vice camp football league Is being run The six seminars will deal with ircsldcnt; .Esther Weiner, recordzky, who came to participate in by German and Austrian Jewish t h e Nebraska-Missouri t r a c k ng secretary; Leah Oherman, caining a living, boy-girl r e g - refugees Interned in the Isle of moet. He is president of the Sig- orresponding secretary; Eleanor ions, the American scene and Man. Ono of ttie players, it is L i l l i a n he meaning and obligations of learned, is an ex-member of the ma Rho chapter former hold- Uorwich, treasurer; e r - o f the Big Six broad jump lushman, parliamentarian, and American citizenship; propagan- old Hakoah Club of.Vienna, who da; inter-group conflicts; and in- is said to bo first class and good record. In the Nebraska meet he Dena Bordy, repwiter. Beard members a r e Lillian ternational conflicts. Paul Ku- enough for many professional copped firsts in the broad jump and. hundred yard dash. He is Kciser, Evelyn Kalman, and-Es- lick, executive director of the clubs. Houston Jewish Center and secalso on the roster for the Big Six clle Nathan. meet. Installation of officers w i l l retary of the Houston Jewish Vocational Guidance Bureau, will ake place in June. lead the seminar on -jobs. The seminar on boy-girl relations will be led by Rabbi J. Marshall TaxMrs. Zena Feldman, chairman ay, of Terre Haute, Ind., who will of the Pioneer Women d o n Q r Saturday night, May 17, the also serve as camp rabbi; and Dr. luncheon, announces t h a t the irl Scout troop. 4 went on a trip Abe Greenberg, of Omaha, who luncheon scheduled for May 29 to the Little House. The girls ar- is returning for the sixth year .has been postponed until a later rived about 7 o'clock and played as camp physician. date. Dvora Rothlard will be ;ames. Later fudge and popcorn Sidney G. Kusworm, chairman principal speaker. was made, of B'nai B'rith's National AmGhost stories were told by Shep, ericanism Commission, will guide The Pioneer Women3 Organ- the assistant leader. the seminar on citizenship and ization has cabled $15,000 to Pal- According to t r o o p reporter the American scene. Rabbi- Morestine for the expansion of chil- laryl Bercovlci, ,"It was a 'slum- ris Kertzer, director of the B'nai dren's services to meet the emer- berless' slumber party, but wo had B'rith Hillel Foundation at th,e gency arriving out of the increas- a lot of fun." University of Iowa, will be the ed employment und training of women for new occupations formerly engaged in by men now mobilized for defense and military service. ^Authentic information f r o m the Important Event of the Yearl Palestine reveals that the women who registered for service at the You Can SAVE Yourself from. outbreak of the'war have reciev«d training and -are now ready for every emergency. Women are now occupying important places In all essential services." It is therefore of paramount importonce that facilities for the adequate supervision of children during the working and training Uurlng Our Tremendous hours of mothers be increased.

Sigma Alphw "Kiu


A.Z.A. 100

I I", y o

Kwtirs t A. M. AT 7314




ytSdae tUr\tk

The brido will entertain and be proud of the gledaa ol her Reed & Barton plated silver. A shell for hors d'oeuyres 12.50 A H%-in. waiter.....$15

Junior Council

Pioneer Women

A jowcl n o t e for th« bride's living room in the turquoise blue of SorenBon bronzes. 6V2-in* vase . . . . . . . . 6 . 5 0 Box with cover, ...,.7*50

Girl Scouts

the bride's guests will delight in her Spode dessert plates in the embossed "Daisy" shape . . . with, a different flower on each' plato, dozen ;..$24

Hero it is • •.


FRANCO'S Qualify Permanent* M A Y SALE o o , Includes

Tau Gamma Delta A regular meeting 'of the Tau Gamma -Delta st-rority was-.held on Tuesday, May t .l3, at the home of Miss Lillian. "Cutler. - Plans were discussed for an outdoor"affair to be held in the near fu-


The evening v<us spent in playJag bridge and- bunco. Prizes •were won' by Sylvia- Parilman, E v a Riiderman, and Goldle Zusinan. *> • Refreshments were served by the hostess. . „ .

AT 0332

Gabrileen . * » (^depsol Gabrjleon . • . Frejdojrta -. * . Eugene.. • Uifdino. * , N o ^ l l ^ . . , Nestlo 'Ans?<}?> W

•And mansr^othejr.famoua P e Luxe^ypa 'WSS£§« C o W i e ^»i^1ua adyjsb you Sffco thei ;MANE2fT BEST StJOSED tb tf OUR TE5mJHB of HAIR." ,' typa PERMANENT Consultation Without Obligation to Yout . ^iVii'"

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_ j tenoK china va&& fe luted 0hap$ «.,.,..6.75

Frtfay, May 23, 1S41


Tempjk Youth Plan Dance for June 7

VISITOR LEAVES Mrs. Philip Jaffe of Birmingham, Ala., -who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ubramson, has returned to her home. Mrs. Jaffe was the former Mrs. Frieda Novak of Omaha, FAREWELL. PAHTY Seventy-five persons attended a farewell party given last Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Izzie Stiss in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Isiael Tatelbaum, of Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Tatelbaum left Sunday morning to visit in Chicago and Detrpit before returning to their home in Boston. RECEIVE FOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. David Blacker jwill receive this evening following services at the Beth El synagogue in honor of t h e i r daughter, Jeanne, who is celebrating her Bae MitEvah at the regular synagogue service. , Tomorrow morning they will receive the children of, the synagogue. . "; ; ':(\ ; MISS GREENBERG RETURNS ' : Idiss Lee J a n e Greenberg, daughter of Mr. and: i Mrs. J; J, Greenberg, arrived Wednesday from Berkeley, where' she has completed her first year at the .University of California. : Miss Greenberg during the past year has been a member of the (?taff of the university publication, '"the Pelican," and was recently named a member of "Vigilantes,"

. A. M. MOTHER'S CLUB The S. A. M. Mother'8 club held its last meeting of the year on Tuesday, May 20, at the home f Mrs. I. Berfcowltz. Mrs. H. Jilverman w a s co-hostess. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Jack Bramson, president; Mrs. Julius Chait, vice president; Mrs. Leon Greenoerg, secretary; Mrs. Morris Margolin, treasurer; Mrs. Max Goldstein a n d Mrs. H e r m a n Silverman, telephone committee. Mrs. Dave W. Berntein is in charge of publicity. LNNOUNCE BIRTH Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Tretiak anounce the birth qf a daughter, [ail Elaine, May 16, at the Harkson hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Sol SchwarU of Buffalo, N. Y., announce t h e birth of a daughter, Ellen Rosyn, on May 15. Mrs. Schwartz s the former Sylvia Wohlner of 3maha. Mrs. H. Wohlner of Omaha is t the present time visiting her augbter in Buffalo. NGAGEMENT TOLD Mrs. J. Gould of Philadelphia nnounces the engagement of her daughter, Elsie, to Norman A. Ripps, also of Philadelphia end formerly of OmaTia, son of Mr. md Mrs. Samuel N. Rips of )maba. No definite date has been set or the wedding.

VISIT HERE HOU8EWARMING Mrs. I. Bordman, accompanied Fourteen friends of Mrs, Flora Burkenroad surprised her on May y her small son, Bernard Stan14, at a housewarming at her new ey, of Kansas City, Mo., spent the home, «85 North Fifty-seventh. veek-end with her mother, Mrs. \. B, Alpirn, and Mr. Alpirn. ; The guests brought the luncheon and for dessert served a cake inscribed with special greetings of HRTJ1DAY PARTY Mr.s. Louis Lipp entertained the occasion. Bingo was played. sight little guests at a luncheon Wednesday in honor of the third JO8LYN MEMORIAL birthday of. her daughter, Susan. A concert will be given at 2:30 present were: Janey Fellat |he Joslyn Memorial by the Those Frankie Gross, Janey BrodElementary school chorus. Three man, key, Janey Weiner, Leeta Joy sound films, "Dance of Nations," Susan Richards, Joan Ab"MuBic of Nations" and "Eili Weiner, EUi," will also be shown. At 3:30 rahams and Carol Wice. In the lecture hall the Rev. Arthur A. Brooks will speak on "A Song and Singer of Long Ago." Martin W. Bush will give the 4 At a special committee meeting 'O'clock organ recital. At 4:30, a program will be given by St. held last week, further arrangeMary's High school. Members of ments were made for the initiathe Matinee Musical club will pre- tion to be held Saturday night, May 24, at the Jewish Community sent a concert at 8 o'clock. enter. The initiates are Joyce Marks, FROM CHICAGO 'Mrs. Ben Reitzer of Chicago Rose Silbcr, Ida Epstein and Lilarrived Monday morning with her lian Pollay have faithfully served son, Ronald, for an extended visit heir two pledge months and at .•with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. hat time will be formally admit;ed to the club, thereby raising Albert Simon. he membership to fifteen. The next regular meeting will MILWAUKEE Mrs, E. B. Hassel of Milwau- be held a week from Sunday at kee, Wis., is visiting at the home which time plans for the social 6t her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben events to take place in the near future will be discussed. • Green. " "

B'nos Israel







Temple Sisterhood Mrs. Abe Somberg's Circle of he Temple Israel Sisterhood will old a "Play" luncheon at Mrs. omberg's home on Tuesday, May 7. Luncheon will be served from 2 to 1. Tickets are sixty cents and may be purchased from Mrs. Somberg or any member of her circle. The luncheon will be served in the garden if weather permits. It is called a "Play" luncheon ecause those who do not care to lay cards or Mali Jong may go next door to the home of Mrs. Ben Silver to hear her review Maxwell Anderson's play, "Key

The Temple Israel Youth group will entertain at an informal dance on Saturday evening, June 7, at the Blackstone. N u n c e Pomodero's orchestra will furnish the music for dancing. Sponsors of the dance are: Mesdames A. Bolker, M. Davis, J. Bernstein, A. Greenspan, P h i l Grossman, Morris Margolin, William Milder, H. Osoft* J. Pepper, A. Roffman, P. Crandftll, S. Rosen, Ben Silver, M. Singer, B. Stiefler, Charles Schimmel a n d Harry Trustin. Through the courtesy of Mrs. Schimmel, the Skyroom has been i a r g o . " • > ' procured for the affair. Reservations may. be made with Members of the committee in Mrs. Somberg, WA 5424. charge are: Sylvia Bernstein, Jerry Grossman, Marvin Simon, LorMrs. Harold Farber's Circle is raine Greenspan, Mildred Singer lanning a barbecue supper on and Yale Trustin. Wednesday evening, May 28, at :30 at Mrs. Farber's home. Mhers in charge are: Mesdames VI Mayer, Louis Somberg, Morris Jacobs, Leo Unger, Hubert The final meeting of the Beth ommer and David Wice. El auxiliary for the current season was held on Wednesday, May 14, officers for the coming year were named. With the exception of Mrs. Jack Tickets for the Junior Hadassah Bramson, the new treasurer, all annual summer formal were disthe officers served last year. They are: Mrs. David Greenberg, presi- ributed at the last meeting. The dent; Mrs. A, V. Venger, first dance will be held in the Royal vice-president; Mrs. Dave Cohen, Grove of Peony park on Monday, second vice-president; Mrs. Sam June 16. Tickets are $1.00 per Steinberg, financial secretary; ouple. A ticket sale contest is being Mrs, Morris Arkin, recording secretary; Mrs. Max Shapiro, corre- iield, and to the girl selling the sponding secretary; Mrs. J a c k most tickets, a formal, to be Bramson, treasurer; Mrs. Irvin made by Julia Tobias, will be Levin, auditor, and Mrs. L o u i s iven as a prize, Harriet Salzman s chairman of the dance, and is Sogolow, parliamentarian. The new hoard of directors in- being assisted by Judith Levencludes: Mesdames Arthur Cohn, on and Elaine Frank. The conB. A. Simon, William Raduziner, est closes on Wednesday, June Dave Katelman, Louis Albert and 1. Election of officers for tlie next Miss Blanche Zimman. The auxiliary will open its sum- ear will take place at the next mer season with a gala dance to meeting. All members are urged be held at the Highland Country o attend. Girls will be notified club on Saturday night, June 7. f the meeting date which will Plans are now being made for this lso appear in a later edition of he Jewish Press. affair.

Beth El Auxiliary

Junior Hadassah

Hadassah's final meeting of the year will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday, May 28, at 2:30. A board meeting will precede the regular meeting. The election of officers for (he coming year will take place. Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mrs. Mike Freeman, who attended the regional conference in Des Moines, will give their reports. All chairmen of standing commutes will also report." The Jewish National Fund Is carrying on an intensive drive to collect from all the blue boxes of Hadassah members. Mrs. Irvln Levin, chairman of the drive, and her committee, ask.that all members who have not been solicited, bring their boxes to the meeting, meeting.

Gamma Tau Sigma A regular business meeting of the Gamma Tau Sigma will bo held on Sunday, May 25, at 3 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Plans for a wiener roast will be discussed. All members are urged to attend, Patronize Our Advertisers


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leta Beta Tau


Lincoln (Special) — Robert Passer and Yale Gotsdiner, Zeta Beta Tau debate team, brought laurels home last Tuesday night in the form of the inter-fraternity debate cup. The team defeated the Sigma Alpha Mu's in the finals of the interfraternlty debate tournament. Z, B, T. won five times during the season and lost only once. T h e Annual Zeta Beta Tau picnic was held last Sunday afternoon at Penn Woods, and a marvelous time was had by all who attended. The picnic dinner was followed by a baseball game and a community sing, a 11 of which contributed to a successful affair. Honorary cups were presented yesterday evening at a banauet for the graduating seniors. Robert Passer received the best freshman cup, and Morris Kirshenbaum won the scholarship cup for the third consecutive time.

Sinai Club

•- J




. ;^The Sinai club met Tuesday cve..nlng with Harold -Habler of the ; Song committee reporting another 'atew song for the club's' use.' The • Ulood and Welfare committee' rettorted that sewing for ,the girls -'Will be h e l d at Ida "Kelberg's home Thursday evening., •! - ,• JLester Byron,, a charter hiem- her, is expected to leave for Baltimore, Md., after completing his bourse at a local aircraft school. Hv. and Mrs, Morris Landman, . ^ l a o charter members, left.for Wichita,' Kaffs. • ' : '' '<- Five" new members .were voted i'ii: "Gertrude Rubferisleln, SJiirley Simon/ Shirley' Belgrad, Bernard Johnson'and Art Gerber. ] A "dance .session followed the meeting. . " • " "


Pi Lambda Phi . . . ., ' -

' New officers were elected by ' Pi Lambda Phi last, "Wednesday. " Paul Croudse is the ne\V Rex; Ernest Wohl, Archon; Harvejf Bur* stein, ICeeper of the. Exchequer; .• Melvfn Bernstein,'. Scribe',; a n d . Stanley Turkel, correspondent. " ' The fraternity completed, t h e 'year with" high - scholastic - honors at Creighton. The individual scholastic trophy w e n t to Sheldon ,Waxenberg . • Joseph Soshnik, retiring Hex, won a fellowship at the University of Denver for the coming year. __




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iiber&le w«re €*Eviac«d !>>• poiuti&g ©«t a ot &rticiil«,te .New York igtorsuui&eB &s representatives of AsaeriesB Jewry. Mere-over Jews were pacificists seeking to render the United States imItOteiit. As sooik ts tbe Russian-German psxt was

The Defection of France Atacst a year fc&s passed since France h&s been living uci«r tbe terms of the Armistice 1mjposed after the tragic e&pit illation of tfce French armies. No douLt, Hitler did &ot visualise at the time that Briteia would^ bold on indefinitely Mid fiiiKl peace terms weald not be reached. Under the cireuuist«Bcea it baa t*een necessary to Coordinate Nari gaius OH tfae eoEtinent find get the New Order into shape. Thus Hitler has forced Fiance into collaboration. This recent act of the Men of Vieby Is the secor.4 act of betrayal.- In the light of recent events, it is becoming clear that France was actually betrayed last June. No matter now badly beaten tbe army of the north, the fleet was intact and the colonies in a favorable position to give ttroag as? distance to the British. The defeat of Napoleon III la 1870 was every bit as disastrous, yet t h e people of Paris held out for 132 days, until there was not as much as a crumb of bread ia the city. Greece, Holland, and Norway have continued as belligerents and from their colonial empires are giving what assistance they can to the British. France has turned out to be the weak-sister of Europe. French patriotism was supposedly legendary, every Frenchman loving his land with a deep passion. Yet no country produced such first-rate traitors. Leading French governmental figures were closely collaborating with Germany and Italy lone before tbe war broke out in tbe full knowledge that in doing no they were weakening France. Laval was convinced of a French defeat before hostilities started—having done everything in his power to inBUre such, a defeat Admiral Darlan, as commander of the fleet, should have had eome sympathy for the British, cause. Instead be was jealous of British sea supremacy and was outspokenly anti-British. F/andin was pro-Nazi, retain was pro-Cagoulard, Badouin was pro-Muaeolini. The idea ot bringing about a United States of Europe by collaboration with Hitler is pure poppycock. One of the main reasons for the failure ot Europe to unite was the fear that one nation would dominate any sach concert of powers. As far back a« the time of Henry IV of France, bis minister Sully had proposed a Confederation of States with France aa the principal power. Napoleon attempted to organise the continent and woo over each people as Goethe, who visualized the French leader as tHe 'Man of Europe.' All these attempts failed because they were s o t an effort to bring peace and security to Europe but to freeze the status quo by the power at the moment dominating the scene. That it took so Ions for the men of Vichy to Eaake up their minds regarding collaboration, with Germany indicates that they are not so sold on the Idea; The people certainly cannot be made to be sympathetic to- a nation that has" twice invaded their territory and brought them only death and destruction. They cannot bo made to forget that on two recent occasions Britain has been an ally. Oae can -appreciate the ordeal .through which France ia going. Hundreds of thousands of her men-are prisoners of war. T&e nation Is split Into two parts. The people are hungry. Nevertheless other nations are undergoing the same tragedies and willingly if they know that their" straggles win not be' in vafn. ' France, we regret Jto say, has Ipsjt \ the sympathy of free people, . ".

Gems of the Bible

Sl£ii€d, t.i»€ Jt'WS WiTfi lid I<&££fcr CduHiiuSi-iaVi} t u t

l?r(*-Brit.kEt y!u.tocr&ts. Ilorfc&vtr tLcy but


M&fc&liag IMit&r D&YID BLJ,CMiSH—B LEONARD NATHAN . . . B A H B I T H E O D O t t B U. L E W I S BLACEEB . . . Esfeifefjf Sisas City

Ctrtiigi Fi&eist £>'iiiHk.t Listers weie for the clteittpt to discredit tte Ree&evtM iatratloa by titling it tfce "Jew «Sewl." Tfce o-f Roosevelt's Jewish Epsvfciiitees" were icade ce&epicuoGs feiad SMucli publicity was feivea to tfce fact tfast Mrs. Hail was cf Jewish sacestry. Tie fact there had been leading Jews in other admiiifetratioiis w&s glossed over. More recently the British c&u&e bas been labeled Jewish. Churchill, the Kasi propagandists point out witj&out the slightest foundation la fact, is a half-Jew. Unttl recently the Jews tad to fight this propaganda aloae. Too m&oy jaoa-Jews were willing to believe everything the Nssis *Bd their sympatbiiers were ready to publish. There is & mystic authority to a charge when it gets into print. Now, fortunately, responsible persons sre beginning to realize th&t the campaign was not directed at the Jews &t all. AB far as the Nasis are converned, the Jews are merely a convenient channel for their nef&rioas tacts. Anti-Semitism has been the real Trojan lioree. If it is true the Nasis are readying a new campaign, the Jews of America mast brace themselves for tbe shock. But 'non-Jews also, regardless of political affiliation or religions belief, must come to understand that the real object of attack is not the Jew. Even those, wbo for one reason or another do not particularly like the Jews, must learn to Judge carefully what is propaganda and what is its intention. \Ve are facing trying times. The understanding, the intelligence, the sympathy of all America is going to be taxed. But we have faith that the Axis propaganda attempts will be no more successful this time than in the past. Americans have been horrified witnesses of the downfall of those nations where the propaganda has borne fruit

The righteous shall never be coved but ibe wicked shall not inhabit the land. When pride cometh then cometii shame, tut he who keeps himBfclf humble there is wisdom. With fcis mouth the impious man defctroyeth his neighbor but through knowledge s h a l l the righteous be delivered. Tbe fruit of the righteous le a tree of life and he that is wise wicneth souls.

TALMUD Rabbi Ashl said, "A scholar who is not firm In his conviction cannot be considered a scholar." When Rabbi Nachman w&s to depart he said to Rabbi Isaac, "Bless me." And he answered, "I shall tell thee a parable to which may this incident of your request be likened unto, that of a man who once went into the desert fend when he became hungry, thirsty and tired he found a tree bearing luscious fruit and affording plenty of shade with a spring of water runing underneath. He ate of tbe fruit, drank of the water and rested beneath the shade. When about to leave he turned to the tree and said, Tree! Tree! Wherewith can I bless thee? That thy fruit may be sweet? These you have. That a spring may be near three? Even these thou hast. That t h o u shouldst afford plenty of shade? Also that thou hast. The one thing left which I can wish thee is that all trees planted from thy seed may be as fruitful as thou art. So it is with thee. Shall I bless thee with knowledge? This thou bast. Shall I bless thee with dignity? This thou also hast Shall I bless thee with honor? Thou has that also. Shall I bless thee with riches? That thou hast also. Shall I bless three w i t h children? Even children thou lackest not. Hence all I can say to you is this: May be God's will that your children be as good as Through the iron-band of censorship has come thorn art." an amazing story of the action of a Rumanian Bishop, Nikolai Balcin, who in the presence of the officials of tbe pro-Naxi government, denounced the Iron Guard and the Nazis as representatives of a brutal paganism. Anti-Semitism and Nasi facial doctrines were likewise the objects of his wrath. For a representative of the Rumanian church to By PAT FRANK stand up in defence of tbe Jews requires an unusual amount of courage. It has been only a few short years ago that the Rumanian patriarch, Miron Christea, sought WASHINGTON. to justify the mad course ot bis country by deThe British policy In Palestine nouncing th«f Jews aa the authors of every conceivable crime. Bis words were re-echoed in every is a hangover from the days of Chambcrtain appeasement. It may Rumanian church and to him may be laid a share prove as disastrous as, say, the of the responsibility for the. horrible Bucharest Chamberlain policy of holding pogrom which saw thousands of Jews cut down down the production of armored in a "barbaric scene without' parallel in the darkest equipment "to save money." pages of human history. • Why- the Churchill government Christea is dead hut his influence unfortunatel have continued t&e/WbMe j ^ policy Ja psetty Enoch of a ly lived on. Now tbe reaction is setting in. The Rumanian church ia becoming appalled by the mystery. Its oaly object, from. tS»e viewpoint of Esapirc I>»fcESe,' blood flowing in the country. When its members VMS obviously appeasenent of the of good standing become participants In massacres, Arabs,'and ao&ody has, ever''BSCIt is time for thp Church to re-evaluate Itself. • d d in either appeasing" 'o» & AroSsa. .'• Bishop JBalcin, by speaking out as he did, has put his life in jeopardy. Rumania is sot a land . Fart Of the British- policy was where one! exercises free speech without severe to ''play off" Arabs against Jews repercussions. Assassination is the accepted mode in Palcstlcs, BO that neither eoutd of expressing disapproval 'with anyone suspected ever obtain political control off the country. And one -means by of being of liberal tendencies. whicJj thta policy was accocaWe do not expect the plight of Rumanian Jewry .pitehed; w a s to discourage, In to be bettered .by the Bigbopfa xjoyds. But it is every way possible, the formation encouraging to see thai while Hitler takes over of a' Jewish Army and the emigration to Palestine of the thousands the lands he covets; he jia defeated in the realm of upon thousands of Jews,' who, the idea. First Band contact with Nazism disgusts fired by hatred of Hitler, could have formed a first-class fighting one with its teachings, j ! ^ '

One Courageous Rumanian

f o r c e .

A New Campaign Certain Washington columnists have written that government circles are aware of a new campaign being readied by the German government to undermine-American morale. If the rumors are correct, this propaganda-blitz la to begin shortly "via eboTt-wave and through movies and literature. Principal technique will be -a revitalized.. antiSemitism. This proved so successful in European1 nations that now He under.the Nazi heel, the Germans are loathe to abandon It. : '..'"' Anti-Semitism was never a very flourishing institution In America until the Nazis decided to apply it i a tbeir attempt to bring about a sympathetic public opinion. First, all Jews were smeared as Communists. That was a clever ruse, and wide credence was given to the fact that Communists Jews,"Were one and inseparable. EveiT some

the H<Jf JAKA. Suddenly Wash. inglvii is &w&k« Ut what has beea g^ing on, &Kd W&ebington is begswjiifcg to wonder why the British didn't tiyim Jewish regiments in i'Kts s,(iiu.e long *go.





• • • " • • •




She' British called for voluBtcera in Palestine, volunteers to be infatraCed into the British, forces, ond 7,500 Jews respbrided, along with 3,000 Arabs. This'is almoist: exactly in Inverse ratio to the number of Arabs in^klcstine, Rosh Choden Sfvan -Tuesday, May 27 who outnumber the Jews by nboat Shevupth ....:.„. ——Sunday, June .1 two to one. *-*Bosb Chodesh Tammuz_. -Wednesday, June 2 5 *Past of Tammua : ~ _ L . _ .—-Saturday, July 12 Even with theso voluntcrs, the —_....Friday, July 25 policy-bound brass hate continued Rosh Ctiodeoh Ab ~_ —Saturday, Aug. 2 their little game. So fearful woro •Fast of Ah __-___J —Saturday. Au&. • •Rosh Chodesh Ellul | they that the JOWB would form -Monday,, Sept. 22 Individual fighting units that they Rosh Hashonah . Fast of Gedaliah -Wednesday, Sept, 24 placed most of them in tho auxil-...Wednesday, OcL i iary service., They did allow GOO YonrKippur.. First Day of Tabernacle Jews, to enter tho Entit K on t a .Monday, Oct. (Succoth) regiment, a fighting unit, but ..Sunday, ( •Hosbannoh-Rabbah they were careful to also placo ^ Monday, Oct. 13 600 Arabs in tho regiment. Sh'mini-Atserea Simchas Torah ~_~ :....Tnesday, Oct. 14 TJntil lost vtcck, official Wcflh *Also observed the previous day. ington «Hda't pay much attention * "Observed tbe following day. to this strange by«p!uy way off I«


But, even as this is written, the Office in London hasn't changed its policies one whit, altlifeugh it may not be too late to place arms in the hands of Palestine's figbtiiig men to allow them to defend themselves. Military men tell me that in view of Palestine's Jewish population, t h e British could form four - - possibly five - - complete Jewish divisions. And General Wavell, faced wlik the terrible threat of a nuMMter pincher movement closing on tbe soea Canal, would have a reserve force ready made - - a f o r c e which, while not highly trafcaed, (for so ranch time has been lost) etill would fight to the last man, hec&Bge they, better than any other people in the world, know what for what they are fighting. Is it too late? It depends upon the speed with which the N a i l PanEer divisions are able to strike through Turkey, for between Palestine and the Nasds there n o w stands only Turkey, and a small portion of French-mandated territory which doesn't count, in a military way. Bat it depends more upon the ability of the Jews to bring alxwt an immediate reversal In British policy. Somehow, the British Colonial Office must be jolted oat of its stupor. ' Only from the United States can sufficient pressure be brought to convince the Colonial Office that it Is time to place guns In the hands of the Jews in Palestine. But Palestine, we should not forget, is an American as well as a British responsibility. - The United States Senate, by resolution nearly twenty years ago, assumed that responsibility. It seems to this writer that It is a solemn duty of the govern* ment of the United States to see that the people of Palestine are equipped to defend themselves. It Is a duty by Senate resolution, and it is a more recent duty by° the provisions of the lease-lend aid to the democracies bill. Certainly Palestine is as a democracy as Greece or Yugoslavia. Certainly, from a strategic as well as a moral reaaoav it ehoold receive sbiBmeata off American arms through the R e # Sea gateway. If the Cternaaa race through Turkey - - and at the moment there seems Uttte to atop them - - then Palestine v»i|l be the last bulwark protecting the Saes CaaaL The Sne* Caaal to important to America as well a s Britain. It Is part of our sea lanes. And 1% is the only door, except the, sabmerine-infestod Atlantic, by which oar aid can reach Borope. If (fete British Colonial Office now fails to arm the Jews of Palestine, then it ranril forever accept the blamo of what may be the most awful pogrom of med«rn times. It is as certain as day follows night that- the Nazi hordes, once unleashed In the Holy Land, would, bathe In the blood ef unarmed Jews*. All the toil oa the banea hlNk and all tho blood spilled la the trooMed: years and- all t h e blood spilled in the troabled j e a n and cH the sweat of a people earving oat '© oew homel&aft ia a a atadent lisnC&iid all the tears - all this would be wiped oat In a day of tmcoecbed savagery. This is not good news, bat this Is not the time to Bpeakv rosy words when the sky is totally black. .There has been enough of wishful thinking already. A great many of the Jews la Palesttoe have spent years fleeing from Hitler. T&ey fled Germany to 'Csecho-Slovakla and France, and Rumnnlo, and they fled these countries. Most of them spent all their fortunes to reach this land which they considered their own, to start anew. Now the beast Is close' upon them again - - and there Is no other place for theav to





• • • • • • : ' • • • •

•^"hoy are in the last refuge, and now they rauBt turn and fight. Is Knglnnd going to force them to fight with their bare hands? (Copyrighted by Jewish Tele- I grnpnio Agency, Inc.) !

Fr*4«y, May 23, 1941





Postponed from its original date last month, so as not to conflict with the Jewish Philanthropies drive, Hadaseah's benefit maslcale for toe child welfare fund, will be fceld Wednesday, June 11, at 2 o'clock, in the Brandeis auditorium, 19th floor. Mrs. HaTry O. Steel, soprano and Edward Berryman, pianist, will give- a program of French and English songs. Miss Eugenie Whitmore will be Mrs. Steel's accompanist. A tea for 35© women will follow. Sixteen members of the child welfare committee, beaded by Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, a're in charge of, the tea.' They include Mesdames Isidor Abramson, Henry Belmont, Harold Brodky, Sam Gilinsky, Sam Josephson, Morris Katleman, Phil Klutznick, Jules M. Newman, -Ernest A. Nogg, Leo Nogg, Max Bezntck, Sam Rice, Harry Rubensteln and David Sherman. Mrs. A. D. Frank is Hadassah president. Proceeds will help finance ten new child welfare stations set up in Palestine this year, due to the influx of refugee children. Hadassah now supports 38 stations, with an emergency feeding program of hot meals daily for 25,000 school children.

NORTH AFRICAN JEWS ALARMED 350,000 inFrench Colonies Fear Near East Situation

In his last year of competitive playing as a member of the Cenral High tennis team. Bob Fromkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Fromkin, hag gathered trophies or Central and medals for himself. As a doubles team, Fromkin and Allen Granfield played an undefeated season to win the city and state doubles championship. ast Saturday, Fromkin was victor in the Missouri Valley Singles matches. He also holds the City and Mid-\V«mt Boys' Tennis championship of 1940. In the 26 matches Fromkin has played for Central, he won 24 ames and lost only two. Aside from his tennis he has been aeiye on the Central track team and has won medals for the 100yard and 220-yard dashes and the 880 relay. He has maintained a high scholstic standing during his years at 'entral, having been a member of the Junior Honor Society and he Honor Roll since he entered.

Candle-lighting time: 7:08. A dose-up of one of the more than 9,000 Jewish soldiers in Palestine, many of them refugees from Ilitlerism, who stand ready to defend the Jewish homeland against attack by the totalitarian forces. Through the support of the United Palestine Appeal, the Jewish community of 550,000 in Palestine must he enabled to mobilize its manpower at well a* its industrial and agricultural resources to strengthen the Jewish homeland's position as a bastion of democracy in the Middle East. American Jewry is seeking to raise S2S.000.000 for the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees, Overseas Needs and Palestine in which the United Palestine Appeal is represented together with the Joint Ditfribu. lion Committee and Naional Refugee Service.

Rites Tuesday for Norman Bleicher Benjamin Stock Died on Wednesday



Casablanca, Morocco (JTA) — More than 880,000 Jews in Morocco, Algiers a n d Tunis are watching with anxiety the devel- j Funeral services w e r e held optuents in the Arab countries of Tuesday for Benjamin Stock, 79, the Near East and the growing who died Tuesday morning at a anti-Jewish legislation in Vichy, hospital after an illness of which is applicable nlso to Jews local several weeks. A resident of in French colonies. Omaha for over forty years, Mr. Following the example of the Stock had made his home with a petaln government In Vichy, the sister, Mrs. S. Riekes. authorities In Casablanca h.<a v e Surgiving are five daughters: started rounding up alien Jew3, Mrs. B. L. Stark of Wayne, Neb.; most of whom are refugees. A Mrs. S. S. Green o f Norfolk, number of alien Jewish families Neb.; Mrs. A. Finkenstein of Los have, as a result of these raids, Angeles; Mrs. Ben Stern of been sent to special camps. . Tampa, Fla., and Mrs. Clara RobSimultaneously, anti - Jewish inson of Omaha. propaganda among t h e Moslem Rabbi Isaiah Rackovaky conpopulation in Moiocco and other ducted the services at the Jewish parts of North Africa is assum- Funeral Home. Burial w a s at ing serious proportions. . T h e Beth Hamedrosh Hagodel cemepropaganda is b e 1 n g conducted tery. ".'.•'• , ' ' chiefly by Nazi "tourists" w h o are pouring into N o r t h Africa Dr. Beham Dies through Spanish Morocco. Exploit Developments Tel Aviv (JTA)—Dr. Arjeh BeExploiting the developments in ham, founder of the only Pasteur Iraq and Syria, the Nazis are try- institute in the Near East, died ing to incite the Moslems against this week at th eage of 64. He the Jews In Morocco, Tunis and was one of the earliest adherents Algiers by spreading false rumors of Dr. Theodor Herzl, founder of that the Jews in Palestine are poliical Zionism. helping the British to light the 'Arabs in Iraq and that the Jews in Iraq a r e acting as British S&FE and PLEASANT spies. ; DftiVIfi® . : • There are some 110,000 Jews Get a Set of In Algiers, 60,000 in Tunis and -about 160,00 in French Morocco, in addition to the 13,000 Jews in Spanish Morocco and the 7,000 in Tangier. Despite political differSafety Tread Tires ences, the Jews and the Arabs in French Morocco* have been living In amity. The Sultan of Morocco, o STOPS QUICKER •who has always b e e n under ° STEERS STRAIGHTEN French Influence, h a s greatly © WEARS LONGER contributed towards t h e under- ? RIDES Sf¥3OOTHEiS ,. . '; standing between the Jews and the Arabs there. At present, however, the sultan is not in a posi- Your U. S. R O Y A L tion to prevent the carrying out TIRES will prove more in Morocco of the new French economical in the long anti-Jewish laws.

Drive for Polish Jews

Norman Bleicher, 22, died Wednesday morning at his home after a long illness. He h a d attended Went worth Military acadedy and was graduated from Creighton university where he was president of the Phi Beta Epsllon. Last year he was presented a key by the Creighton Pan-Hellenic council. He had been active in the Round Table of Jewish Youth and other communal affairs. Surviving are his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Bleicher, and a brother, Jerry. Funeral services are to be held today at 10 a. m. at Hulse & Riepen chapel. Rabbi David A. Goldstein will officiate. Burial will be at Pleasant Hill.

Religious Services Beth El This evening at services Rabbi David A. Goldstein wlil speak »n "The Continual Civil War Within Us—The Battle for Character." Jeanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Blacker will observe her Bas Mitzvah. Following services, Mr. and Mrs. Blacker will receive in the social ball of the synagogue. Regular Saturday m o r n i n g services will be held at 8:30. Junior Congregation services will take place at lv:30. J e a n n e Blacker will lead the Junior Congregation services, assisted by the choir. Next Week The annual Union Baccalaureate service for the Jewish graduates of Omaha high schools will take place at the Beth El congregation on May 30. Rabbi David H. Wice of Temple Israel will participate in the service and Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky of tn« U. O. C. will deliver the sermon. Oautor Aaron Edgar and th» choir will officiate. Donald, son of Mr. and Mm. Meyer Stern, will observe his Bar Mitzvah.

u. o. c.


The Junior Congregation will The annual "Chain of Tradihold its services at the B'nai Is- tion" service will take place this rael synagogue on Saturday at 10 evening at Temple Israel. Mrs. a. m. A. H. Brodkey will speak for the Confirmation class of 191$ and Regular Sunday morning serv- Mrs. T. A. Newman will repreices of the TJ. O. C. Brotherhood sent the class of 1926, Esther will take place at the B'nal Israel Klein will speak for the class of synagogue. The Bible study hour 1941 and Joan Rosenstock for will follow. the class of 1942. Next Week The Talmud Study group will Next week, the Temple will meet on on Wednesday at Congreation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodd join with other local congregations In sponsoring the annual at 8 p. m. baccalaureate service tor JewlBhv The closing meeting of the U. high school graduates. Members O. C. Sisterhood will be in the of the Temple will gather for form of a tea at which the new services &¥ 7:30 before going.on officers will be installed. It will to the Beth El synagogue. take place on Tuesday, June 3, at the vestries of Congregation Cairo did not have a printing B'nat Israel. Further details will press until 1798 although t h e be announced in the near future. Jewish community had operated one beginning in 1557. Israel Lyons, instructor of HeSgt. Edward Israel in 1884 acbrew at Cambridge university, accompanied Lord Mulgrave's expe- companied Greeley's Arctic expedition. dition to the Arctic In 1773.

Jerusalem (JTA) — A record number of MOO Jewish weddings was held on Lag B'Omer, with Tel Aviv registering 700, Jerusalem 300 and 400 elsewhere.

See it tonight! Dozens of newest features . . breath-taltlngly beautiful . . and matchless G-E efficiency _ j g Per Rforo people prefer a General Electric than any other refrigerator . . . and now G-E refrigerators are within roach of every budget. Cooto in NOW!

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Hebrew - presses were established, in Portugal seven .years .before'Latin or Portuguese ones.


AT 4$S©

Saturday morning Rabbi Isaiah Saturday morning Rabbi Isaiah will speak at Congregation Beth Rackovsky will speak at Cougre* Hamedrosh Hagodol, 19th a n d gation Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol. Burt Btreets.

Record Weddinga

run. Let us save you money with these extra safe, extra mileage tires.

4 New-York (JTA)—The American Federation for Polish Jews announced the launching of a '$500,000 campaign for relief of Jews in Poland; The drive will be conducted through sale of a stamp designed by Arthur Szyk depicting the plight ot.the Polish Jews and carrying the slogan, •fThey shall not die/'

The first Turkish press was established in 1723 -by a, Jew, Jonas. * However the Jews of Turkey had Hebrew presses dating from 1503,.

P.,. 6

Mall OrOm FIBed

Full Size 37-ftfch Table Top Models • A l l porcelain Gaa Ranges . Sessstlonally priced at only

f Tnge 2 a-week job on which he supports his wife and two young children, naturally doesn't live in great luxury » . . The family's two room apartment is sparely furnished, food is scarce, cfotliiBg st constant problem . . . But on the wail hangs & Urge, obvious!y expensive portrait of L&olt Hitler . . . Amazed, our stooge inquired what 1 the big idea was . . . The refugee, • By PHIKEAS BlitON shrugging h i s shoulders, exON THE FLYINCJ BUTCMMAN plained: "I have to keep that pic" It's no coincidence, say the ture here . . . It's the oaly thing dopesters, that the British Mu- I have that keeps me from being seum was bombed ou the same homesick" . . . day as Nazi leader Rudolf Hess ' flew to the British Isle , . . Hess THIS AND THAT according to tins interpretation Gerni&n g came as Hitler's messenger to ileTii&t ready to make Us swipe from the Museum a sacred bowistoalmost public . . . It is now relic that Hitler is most eager to proven the beyond doubt tbat the possess . . . For, so the legcud Mufti of Jerusalem was ingoes, hidden somewhere in the Grand in the Iraq rebellion and British Museum is the original volved th&t he is in constant communicawand that Moses used to divide tion with powerful Arab groups the waters of the lied Sea when in Palestine, trying to form & l»e wanted to bring the Children strong &nti-Brh)sli front whereof Israel across that body of water ever Arabs are . . . If the British . . Oliurchill, it seems, is pulling r finally does permit a La Guardia stunt on Herr Hess Government of the Yishub of Palby assigning Jewish soldiers to the Ki-ming a reliable source informs protect him in his secluded re- estine, us, it will be because of President treat . . . Pierre van Paassen had Roosevelt's with promised his friend Johannes Onunhill . . .intervention George K. Steel to substitute for him a few Solcolsfcy will Publicist l>i! interested to ' times on the radio during Steel's know that Professor Hausbrief visit to England . . . His hofer, retired general Karl the Gerseript for his first broadcast, man army and head ofin the about the Hess incident, was so political Institute of Munich, Geosizzling that—well, Pierre didn't him. tribute as a very astutepays obspeak on the radio that day . . . of Far Eastern affairs . . . The day the identity of Hess was server the man who thinks confirmed, by the way, he received Ifaushofer, for Hitler, drops Sokolsky's first • five hundred offers from publish- name, however, calling him sim• ers, newspaper syndicates, theatri- ply "E. Sokolsky" . . . i eal impressarios and radio broad- AfiOUT PlSOPIJjJ casting companies . . . One proThe Zionists are sure to get . moter offered him a guarantee of mad Fischer for his coma million' simoleons for the ex- mentsatonLouis Zionism in his new book, • ploitation of his confessions . . . "Men and Politics" . . . LKJUJS, . "WITH THIS STAR-GA56EK8 who fought in the Jewish Legion Vincent Iiopez fans are besieg- during the first world war, Is vioing the bandleader with congrat- lently anti-Zionist and says that ulations on the scoop lie scored Jews don't interest him any more when, a couple of months ago, he than do, say, Spaniards or Frenchpicked May 11th as the date of men . . . That's an interesting one of the war's most sensational piece the Jewish Forum ran by developments . . . It was at 6 p. m. Professor Abraham S. Yahuda, on May 10, you'll remember, that who spent many years of his life Rudolph Hess set out on his head- in Spain.. . . He is new in this line-crashing flight from Germany country . . .Yahuda tells of many to Scotland . . . But that the Dep- conversations he had with the • uty Fuehrer's exploit marks the ate King Alfonso XIII of Spain, beginning of the end for Hitler, and says that Alfonso was ready . as Lopez also predicted. Is some- to sponsor a large back-to-Spain thing that isn't at all certain at movement for the Sephardic Jews this 'writing . . . Another seer, of Europe . . . Pardon us while Michel de Nostradame, the French we pause to pat ourselves on the Jew who penned his prophecies back . . . A few weeks ago wo in-, . nearly four hundred. years ago, troduced to you, in an article, the put the matter in a less optimis- gifted painter David Lax, of whom tic light: "A captain of great Ger- ittle had been known . . . Today ' many shall conic to yield himself we receive from Dave the followthrough pretended aid to the King ng note: "Believe it or not, but i of, 'Kings," wrote' 'Nostradamus, as a result of your article I have adding that "his revolt will cause been invited to Hollywood to paint the portraits of some of the mo. Croat shedding of blood" . . . itEFUGEK REPORT If any t>f you are anxious to ' Iriow what the famous Vienna Girls wanted for clerical and ' cafes were like, be sure to drop bookkeeping work in gro' in, on your next visit to Manhatcery store. Box 9, Jewish tan, at the Vienna Club, on Fourth Press. -Avenue in the Twenties . .You'll find not only the genuine Vlen- nese food there but also chess• boards all set up for your use, a writing desk, a reading table and For Rent: Room with congcial - * general atmosphere of that For Rent: Room with congenial • Gemuetlichkelt which present-day family. Suitable for young •Vienna knows no more . . . One man. Convenient to carline. of our scouts relates that he reDesirable location. Reasoncently visited a refugee's home rent. Jewish Press, down in the lower East Side, one Boxable 14. of the city's poorest districts . . . The refugee, who has a 15-dollar-

Friday, H t y 23, 1S41

THE JEWISH PRESS tion picture personalities" . . . Of Pierre Beuoit-Levy, the famous French iiha director who was responsible fcr "La Matemelle," juuifi-iig other ©iitsUja&ing pictures, it is told Ui&t the cultural section of the Rafci occupation forces in France offered him u good movie jab if he would drop half his fcuruaiae . . . Whereupon he is said to have replied that he would be happy to sign himself Pierre Levy henceforth . . . Hollywood, by the way, has discovered Elisabeth Bergner s.t last >. . •. The former German stage and screen star has been living right iiB^er the movie moguls' noses for.quite some tiuie, but has only BOW been chosen for the feminine lead in a new film . . . Guggenheim Fellow Marc Blitsstein's new opus is to be called "New York Opera" . . . Winchell reports with glee that Nazi propaganda is now trying to palm him off as "really a woman who was deceived and jilted by a German" . , , Andre Maurois, the famous French Jewish author, is planning a South American lecture tour, we hear . • • WEEKLY GIGGLE Broadway wagsters spring new ones every day about the European war g&tne, where the Duce's wild . . . One story tells of Ilenito's consternation when he saw Hitler's plan for the division of Greece, Adolf having earmarked practically the whole country for himself . . . "Fuehrer," he shouted over the Itonie-Iierlin long distance wire, "you haven't left me enough space to park my car!" . , . But Hitler reported: "Why, you've got plenty of room . . . What are yon driving these days —a truck?" . . . Another gag reports a conversation between the two dictators, with Mussolini complaining that he wasn't getting his fair share of the loot . . . The

the g offet&fcuiUcsdeUutiiig faow sci&siy brsve Fascist!fc&4beta sacrificed for the Aiis cause, et cei* €i%s t t tck're . . . JrlftaMy, his r&ge MiOaiititg. i»e siiw>k iris fist perilously close to Hitler's inust&vhe fcssd rfnOteted: "i'W th&t' matter, where would yosi fc<e today it' I hadn't been helping you?" . . . And Hitler :M>tzkrieged him with this reply; "In London!" . . . (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)


notice i»y Hungarian authorities to letve tfefc territory, it was reliably reported here. T&e 7.C00 Jews were among tt<e persots affected by the HungiiiaE decree ordering all Jews, Serbs feud gypsies who had settled in the B&ft&t region after Oct. 31, IS 18, to leave the country. Hungary seized the Banat region* during the Nazi attack on Yugoslavia. Unofficial estimates placed tbe number of Jews in the Banat area, most of them in Novi Said, Subotica and Osiek, at 25,000. All but 7,000, however, had settled there before 1918. The remaining Jews will be subject to the regular Hungarian anti-Jewish laws.

Stockholm (WNS) — S e v e n Abraham Crescas was appointthousand Jews residing in the Banat region of former Yugosla- ed Master of Maps and Compasses via have been given three months' by the Infant Juan of Aragon.


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Friday, May 23, 1941

Plain Talk Bf AL BEQAL

Good Name • Mr. Tamienbauua died recently. He was known affectionately as "Jake" all "over town. The sign over his store read "Jake Tennenbaum." The conductors on the street saluted him by name if he happened to be on the sidewalk when they urove by. They knew him as an old friend of their families. They had heard of his good name from their fathers who had heard from their fathers what an honorable, fairdealing man Jake Tennebaum was. I Mr, Tennenbaum was thankfuljjr..proud o? the name he had. It was not merely a name that was inherited; K was a name he bad earned because a name is worth only what you make of it. * His business had prospered through the 55 years altogether ©n account of {its good name whose repute the first generation f his customers had handed even to their children's ( own Children. It all went back more than 55 years—to the early eighties when the thousands from Russia began coming over here. Mr. Tehnebaum was from the Lithuanian part—Suwalki. He was one of the last of those early immigrants in our town. 4 Early Struggle ' Their lives were a lovely American epic. Sometimes their sons took back reverentially at the Whole story. Their bitter early •truggle for a foothold among strangers. Their urave, toilsome way in a new world. The poverty of their purses but the richness of their hearts. The first thing they did was to rent a store room for a synagogue. Torah was all they had. It was In their hearts. -<•• Their unremitting devotion to their families still in Europe. Of «rery hard-earned dollar the larg*etf portion was saved to bring them over. The home was ready for them when they came—a few rooms, furniture all paid for, too. A few rooms upstairs lu a tene-




THE JEWISH PRESS ment house. It was like heaven, after everything. Heaven earned by toil, sweat and pain. Ther© are. .only a few left in oar town of these pioneers. They are people in th«ir late seventies and eighties. In the sunlight, on their porches, they sit these spring mornings thankful for the way things turned out for them. Their work had made them moderately prosperous and they had lived to see their children respected people iu the city. They had rendered unto God what was due to Him, too. Their synagogues were splendid edifices and it was all right that some of them still carried mortgages. The mortgages would be handed down to the children and it was good that the children would have burdens to carry and to labor against. It wasn't good to make things too easy for the children. The cheder they had founded for their children in a tenement house room had become a great bureau of Jewish education. Old Mr. Schachet who was the first teacher had been succeeded by a faculty of college-trained teachers. Yes, it had all come out well. Tile goodness of the children, the goodness of Jewish life, the goodness of the things they built. Began as Peddler Mr. Tennenbaum was one of the figures of this epic of our town. He began as a peddler with a large pack on his back. Old people all over town remembered him from that time, especially the Irish up on Mt. Adams. Mt. Adams was the first place he went to when he started out with his peddler's pack. Old people said proudly yes, they knew Jake when he was a peddler and came to their houses with his big bundle. They kuew him as an honorable man who always dealt fairly with them, a kindly friend. They were happy as for some kinsman making good when they heard, in the year 1886, that Jake Tennenbaum had opened a furniture store. They said Jake deserved to get along so well, considering how square ho had always been. They followed him to his store. They said they knew they would always be treated right by Jaka.

They told their children. When their children were getting ready to be married they went to Jake's store. They called him Uncle Jake. Mr. Tennenbaum was always in business in the same place. Other merchants were moving around and the stream of traffic was running away to other streets, but Jake Tenaeab&uin's good name had become like some revered landmark in his block. He was a tradition and people weut to Jake's sentimentally, as they liked to go to Trinity church, farther down the street, long after they had moved out of the neighborhood. Grandchildren Mr. Tennenbaum became poignantly aware of his many years when the grandchildren of the Gradys, t h e Bradys and the O'Briens began coming to his store to buy the things for their own household. "You know my grandfather. He was Mr. Grady. He always spoke of you as "Jake." Grady's gnanqcraughter! Yes, he kuew Grady from the time he was a peddler. Up there on the hill. Grady was one of he first people he called on with his pack. Grady was friendly to him, a stranger. A gou-j man, Grady. The fifty years had passed and he, Jake Tennenbaum, had been held in honor from the time of his first customer even unto now. As far back as that . . , "Yes, your grandfather Grady." That was something to have lived for — to earn this good name, he thought. He was already along in his seventies. His short, stocky figure now moved about more slowly in his familiar scene. He gave the impression of a man who had added up his life, the good and the sorrow", and was content with the sum of it. >« He had been faithful in all things, to God as to men. In his busiest years he had never missed the service of tho synagogue in the morning. He had kept the Sabbath.

P»ge 3 feeling safe, ^years of knowlag for sure that tomorrow was going to be better than today for mankind, years of peace that blessed the ways of Jews. They feel comforted to look backward, are afraid to look for•London (JTA) •—Home Secreward. It is to dark. But it was a tary Herbert Morrison declined bright day once. in Commons that be bad detuned to take action, against Jestem Poliakem, Polish anti-Semitic paper, declaring that alter ccataltation with the Foreign Secretary and the Minister of Iuforutatfoit Bf Mr*. David M. Newman he had come to the conclusion that this would not be justified on the basis of present informaFRUIT FLUFF tion, adding that the behavior oC I package orange jello the publication would con tissue 1 cup hot water to be watched, 1 cup orange juice Morrison's statement was su&de 1 Clip sliced strawberries in reply to D. L. Lipsou, Inde1 cup sliced peaches pendent Conservative, who called Dissolve jello in hot water. Add attention to the fact that Jestem orange juice and chill until slight- Poliakem was freely circulated ly thickened. Beat w i t h egg- among Polish troops in England beater until frothy, fold in fruit. and had been commended by the Chill. Serve with whipped cream. Nazi press. Replying to the suggestion ot CHOCOLATE STEAMED Rhys Davis, Laborite, that reprePUDDING sentations be made to the Poliali authorities to try to induce JesH cup sugar tem Poliakem to drop its autiM4 ounce bitter chocolate Jewish propaganda, the Home 1 cup flour Secretary said that such action 1 teaspoon butter apparently had already b e e n 1 % teaspoons baking powder taken. few grains salt % cup milk The earliest exact s p e c i f i c Beat egg and add sugar. Beat medical document of Jewish auwell and add melted butter and thorship is that of a seventh cenmelted chocolate/Add sifted flour tury Syrian Jew, Asaf Judaeus. and baking powder and salt alternately with milk. Pour in butThe Jews of Renaissance Ventered cups and *£eam one hour. -ice had their own musical acadServe with whipped cream - emy; '...- •. ..• - ; ':- : -


Kitchen Chats

His surviving contemporaries feel privileged to have their Jewish life to look backward at. God was BO good to give it. Years of hopes fulfilled, years ot

frW the 29,000,000th Ford rolled recently from the assembly line, an alltime record for the industry was set. 29,000,000 units builtby the same management and all bearing one name—a name that has become one of the best-known trade-marks in the world! ., - It is significant that this achievement comes at a time when our country is making a mighty effort to re-arm - swiftly. For to further that effort, to help speed it along 1 in any possible way, we have offered the vast facilities of the Rouge Plant and every ounce of our experience. As you read these words, a new $21,000,000 Ford airplane engine plant, started only last fajl, is nearly completed. A new magnesium alloy plant, one of the few

in the country, is already in production on lightweight airplane engine castings. Work is right now under way on a new $18,000,000 plant for mass production of big bomber assemblies. Orders have been filled for military vehicles of several types, including army reconnaissance cars, army staff cars and bomb service trucks. In the midstof this activity for National Defense, building the 29 millionth Ford car is simply one pare of the day's wdrk. The public has acclaimed the 1941 Ford car as the finest in Ford history. Ford Dealers are enjoying their greatest sales and expecting their best year since 1937. It is good to be producing the things America needs, and to be setting records on the way!





TRIOEY By J'Uf «t <- i htk*>

Hi I i *" The

war was


t h e d e f e a t 0 / i l i t K-'=.t i t Is H i t l e r wi.'«,fc n u ' i f i f i e d a s COO,fcf.1 «[,

posed to Ji^ttfi

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kick the bucket





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m o n t l i s o l d - - * » ! / ( < h iU£ff

won't lie (ill o u o u i , jy41 At the rifck of fe'iu»<i>ng we'll alao Kifiiiid you that tkc* Beast of the Apoc&lypse Is eupposed to have the claws of a bear (the RuKKlau bear, of course), and to roar with the voice of 6 -lion (which could indicate that Hitler may for a while—ouJjr ft while, mind you-—get the upper hand over (ho British lion) , . * And, to top (hone horriblu omens, there's our discovery that by dialIng A. Hitler on any Manhattan phono you get a public booth. Ifl the Hotel Pi'ttfetdcnt , . . Hut don't let tt get you down . . . you HHOVLU KNOW (iuUUy C/loel>lM"l»' program for the «tinwi»ir of 11)11, wants W a l ter

Wine IKII, 1IMIU<J<S the insti-

gation of Mreet-rorner fights In tlMwu United Htaii'H . . . Winchell'* Washington Itiirettu, by tho way, IIHH turiioil over t o U n d o Ham important evidence concern* It is our responsibility to fsnswcr tlie tragic appeal that is written in the faces of this fluid end mother somewhere in Europe. They and hundreds of ing I he iKtlvUli's of Pi ltd thousands of others like them must and can be rescued from homelessness *K»- »K«>nt« in tltln country and despair, if American Jewry responds promptly end generously to the I 1 h r p «« t'licoi's for thu g Company, tiie ftoitpitsakcrs, f o r nalion-vfide cantpsign of the United Jewish Appeal for Refugees, Overseas Needs and Palestine. A minimum of 125,000.000 is needed in 1941 to make their reaction to boycott y possible the continued life-sustaining and life-rebuilding programs of the form rad|<i UN< oners who don't Joint Distribution Committee, the United Palestine Appesl end the Nations! lik Refugee Service.

T h e .loragain*! Nit/Ism fur from {hiding Walter, Offered him an additional radio AH unusual solo Instrument made Heir of Lord Hirst Dies program In their behalf-—Imt his ita radio debut a couple of weeks DTIKMIIIID hasn't permitted him to ago in H e n r y Brant's "Grand London (JTA)—Pilot Officer accept . , . Cheers also for Mrs. 'oncerto for a Ten-Cent Whistle" Theodore Jtoosevell, Jr., who re- , . The Instrument was of the Iarold Hirst, grandson and heir signed from the "Women United oinmon brand your youngsters >t Lord Hirst, noted industrialist, for I'eace" group when nhe dis- uro accustomed to buy at Wool- >as been killed while on "operacovered that the peace its spon- worth's Hanker Maurice Wer- ional duties" with tho R. A. F. sor* were raiitliitc uhout didn't tit- heim in bocomlng the p a t r o n lirst was 21 years old. < ludo piwe and tolerance fur the mint ot cHena . . , Tho first Hopooplo of ililM country . . . shevBlcy-Horowltz m a t c h was UAGH AllOVNU (SOTHMl played in his pent-house in the Broadway Is calling Hitler tho East Seventies, and a galaxy of perfect example of u success story lelebritles attended . . . The chess . , . , From paperhangor to crepe- players sat under a picture by Pihanger In one generation . . . An- casso, the famous Spanish paintother {jugater whom Adolf would •r who Is now languishing in a (Continued from Page 2.) ' like to gag la proclaiming that French concentration camp . . . the Fuehrer la crazier than ever Incidentally, we were right about palgn. Tho showing produced is Ho uaed to think ho was Horowitz's strength As we Napoleon — but n o w ho thinks write two games have been play- certainly a fine one and we are grateful to you all." In the ho's Hitler . . Which reminds ed, and both of them resulted In most past year,-when Red Cross war us to pass on tho story of tho draws . . . relief efforts became concentrated performer w h 0, during an enon furnishing aid to Britain, B'nal ABOUT PKOPLK gagement in Berlin, grew weary In all tho excitement about Or- B'rith again came forward with of having Nasl hoodlums hiss his son Welles' "Citizen K a n e , " Its help. Once more the lodges beat acta He finally posted a which is at last making its np- and auxiliaries b e g a n raising sign announcing that he would ponrance on the nation's screens, funds for .the Red Cross In gengive a thousand marks to anyerous " m e a s u r e . Ambulances, body who would feel Impelled to people tend to forget that the clothing, medical supplies, hospiauthov of this controversial picboo his new finale. . . And then tal equipment and- other items fooled the customers by making ture in none other than Herman were furnished the Red Cross by the centerpiece of the finale a Mnnkh'wloz . . . Al Joluon. insists B'nal B'rlth unifs. While t h e huge photo of Adolf himself . . . a columnist doesn't know Ills true women's auxiliaries are contributSign observed in an off-Broadway ngo because the silver cup on ing hundreds of their members to flldo-streot shop window; "Give wliirh IIIH l>irth-date w a s in- voluntary Red C r o s s sewing iltntl was lost when IIIH family groups, B'nai B'rlth's youth oruntil it hurts Hitler" . . came to America . . . All this is ganization, Aleph Zadik Aleph 8TAGU STUFF French dramatist Henry Bern. a buildup for tho announcement also*contributed,- first for refuWell, gee aid, and then for British aid Ntulu IUVH f inlnhetl his new py, play, that .lolson is now 47 our inforinatioh,' which c o e s When the full record of B'nai tl U f h i h J lif i tl»o Uu'im" of which J9 life in un- from no l w an authority m than B'rltn, laid to tho Red Cross" is oociipled France—whose Kovern- the "Jliogaphical encyclopedia of compiled It will represent a fi iuen,t recently .cancelUHl his clti- American Jews," is to the effect nenshlp . , . A new brace of plny- that At was born at Washington, nancjal contribution running into wrlghtN now arising on the Broad- 1). C, on May 20, 1880 . . Which six figures. way scicno aro Ben and N o e l Tlie1; mutually helpful relations that his fans c a n start JFuHMlmnn, sons of the late Dave means between the Red Cross and B'nai sending hint their best wishes Freedmnn, who used to write (the right now for his 05th birthday B'rith 'in tho field of refugee reradio wrlpts f o r Eddie Cantor lief;'and war aid developed into • . . Playwright Samson Rnpnaeleven, more far-reaching co-operamo, on the other hand, is tion <at the end of 1940. It was l out t in another er ffield e l d . . . .Going the rounds Is the report then that B'nal B'rith reached an He expects to play the leading oil the conversation between Mus- agreement with the Red Cross to male role in his own play, "Sky- aollnl and Hitler . . . "We're get- co-dperate with it In ita home lark," in a summer theatre-this ting alongiokay, aren't we?" Mus seryldoi program for tho families season . . . Bid you Icnow that so wag saying to his partner . of men entering the armed servPaul Anitas, t h e actor w h o m "Our armies have s m a s h e d ice: of the government. By tbl3 Broadway is acclaiming in Wllian through the Balkans, and we're agreement, the entiro manpower Hellman's "Watch on the Rhine," right on the tall of the British in and'machinery of the more than la fifty per cent Jewish?'. . . UU Africa and Iraq, .and. nothing can 900 B'nai B'rith units were placed Han, incidentally, lins a new dia- stop us now, can it? . ... You and at the complete disposal of t h e mond barcelet, n symbol of pro. I are going to drive the British home service sections of R e d docer Henunn Sliundin's appreci- out of Africa and Asia, and we're Cross : chapters throughout t h e ation of Iter play-writing ability going to be t h e rulers of t h e country. • -« 1 • And, of course,' diamonds are world, aren't • we? . . . We'll be Mutual Aid costly -— bat wouldn't a tne bosses > of, everything, won" Don C. Smith, director of- Wa d d w a t c h h a v 0 we? . . . " Hitler looked down Service, of the Red .Cross, ad and patted Benitos pate . . "Sure dressed, a memorandum to all Red moro j | P AND THAT Cross'chapters apprising them o we will,'1 he assured .Qertrudie Samuel aaa.completed how about shining my: other "But shoe the arrangement with B'nai B'rltn DOrtralt StWdy of Louis Flgcuor, and outlining the spheres in whlcn b W iiew book, "Men and Poll- (CopyrigJitj gj , bjr bj Seven Arts the Red Cross and B'nal B'rith 9 camo out last uoek . , .. were to work together In com F Featuro Sjn/Jlcate) Sho Book's first edition, incidenuhities where both aro represent tally, was sold out boforo publicaMaestro Jacomo tie Majorca, ed, "but nxoro especially where tloDS, ancS the publlsUera a r e first director o£ tho nautical ob- t h e r e are tib Jewish caserWfe rustling' tbo production of more servatory at SayVes, in Portugal agencies. In Ws memorandum fopfes of what promises, to bo one was a iaember"o5.thQ great Cres- Mr. Smith pointed out that "thi offer of service is not confined t< Of the season's best seller's .cas family.




of the Jevhk f&Hfa, tbe oa bavffig expressed tfce be dk-Uilutid 6a a completeiire to lie!p wfcererer andl wiifca- ly &&a-fcfc'Ctg:»la,a Lasis, he an.that "we feave begun to rer It eau. Ttfs gp?.»lt fcs.s teea Eize- lied Cross and B'nal vide&cei ia tfce Bed CI&BS air eal tot fortlgE itHef, la 10U tall B'rith n&Uouhl defense endeavors riVfcS fctd la otter ways. Many by e^oidiaatiiig out respective dl« tatters are slready t&mM&t with visions of JBHilary and naval wel.he w o r k &f tbe B'nat B'ritfa. fare fcfcrvke." toafcerg of tbe orgaulzatioa are l a Ms adaress ou that occasion, erviB.g OH chapter boards or coia- Mr. Davis ei'itonxfsed, ia a feir iiittees. la such cfrcumstaaces brief wwds, tbe long and happy , letter will eiatply serve to a-p- association oi the Red. Cross aad Hise home service woi'kei's of the B'lith as allies for hu« enewed pledge at cooperation, inanity. .vhile those wlio have not known Ckfistiitued Support of its Interest will wish to discuss After jsuniiaajriziiig w h a t the with local leaders of the organiza- Bed Cross had done in the Euro. ion methods of w o r k i n g to- p w a r zone, Mr, Paris as« gether. . M : Mutual planning will serted that "in all these endear-i fit Quite naturally into the general ors—including our present largenter-agetsey considerations wMeli scale program for England, tinochapters have undertaken." p France, Spain, China, In Accordance with this uucler- Greece and Finland-—the spirit 0! itanding, B'nal B'rlth's coopera- every Red Cross worker has been ion lu the lied Cross home sei v- strengthened by the splendid and ce program, which Is being exe- never-flaggiug interest and suputed through existing social eery- port of organizations s u c h as ce aad Jegal aid coiamlttes of B'nai B'rith. The help received odges and auxiliaries, A. Z, A. from your organization waa all •hapters and Hillel foundations, the more welcome because the nibraces: advice on welfare mat- funds you donated came with no ers for families of men In serv- restrictions. We are p r o u d to ce; assistance In locating service count the members ot B'nal B'rith aien or their families; aid to serv- among those who have confidence cemen's families in solving busi- In the American lied Cross and less problejna; help lu obtaining who are willing to give practical mployment for members of fam- expression of that confidence. Hes" Ja service; furnishing par"The steady growth of B'nal iculars of the government's pro- B'rith gives ample proof of th« gram to servicemen's families and soundness of alleviating misery; helping them to obtain the bene- with no distinctions made between fits and rights to which they aro recipients of aid. You could hare ntitled under the Soldiers' and chosen to confine your services to Sailors' Civil Relief Act; and. as- those o£ Jewish blood and there sisting men discharged from serv- would be none to blame. You ice to reestablish themselves in chose, however, to Include all hu* ivil life. m&nity in your sphere, and every; The significance of this latest righteous man and woman must phase of B'nal B'rlth-Red Cross sing your praise. cooperation is underscored by the "Today a b o n d of fellowship act that no less 9. person than and common purpose ties our two President Roosevelt, in his mes- organizations. We have worked sage to the 1941 convention ot side by side in disaster relief and he Red Cross, declared that the In war relief. Now we have begun, 'Red Cross has a special place in to synchronize Red Cross a n d our defense program. In matters B'nai B'rith national defense enof welfare and morale we recog- deavors by coordinating our renize the Red Cros3 as the official spective divisions of military and ink between the men la our arm- naval welfare service. ed forces and their families at "B o t h organizations bulwark ome," And so. When B'nal B'rith our national security; both hava appointed a national defense com- been tested by time and found to mittee, cooperation with the Red JO good. In three months the Am* ross was adopted as one of its erlcan Red Cross celebrates Ha principal functions. 60th anniversary, while in t i r o That B'nal B'rith'a role In the y e a r s B'nal B'rith completes a defense activities of the Red Cross century of useful accomplishment. Is no mere routine matter was May they both continue to pro* made plain In February, 1941, by gress and g r o w and may their Norman H. Davis, when, in ac- fields of cooperation ever broaden* cepting B'nai B'rith's 97th anni- Sons of the Covenant, In accept' versary award In recognition of ing t h i s graciously tendered! his humanitarian services and his award, I and the American Red Insistence that Red Cross supplies Cross salute you. "

JSUCraeoVT'oawa-u-wu*-*'*-^'™-: •.

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