. Eutered as Second Class Mat! Matter on January.41, |>jfc M Pottofttc*. of Omaha. Nebraska, undtf the Act of March t. 1ST*
Jewish 15,000 ATTEND Manchester District Is Bombed FUNERAL RITES FOREDELSTEIN Puerto Rico Doctor Starts Fund for Memorial to Representative
New York (JTA)—More than 15,000 persons, Including, almost •II New Yorks Congressmen and . Senators, many judges and other i1 prominent persons attended fuii= «Jral services for Rep. Kdelstein, , irbile a wave of protest was aris. Ing against Rep. Raskin's antl<|ewlsh speech. . . •• Rabbi Bernard Bergman officiated at the service, which was held at Gramercy Park Memorial Chapel. The procession was accompanied by an Army guard of honor. Interment was at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Maspeth, L. I." " ] A charge that statements such as Rankin's play into the hands of Europe's dictators was made liy Citizenship Educational Service, a coordinating committee of 24 national patriotic, religious and welfare organizations with a total membership of more than "\ 30.000,OOOAmericans. The statement, issued by Executive Director Palmer ' Bevis, said such an attack "should never be permitted to happen again in a land Which prides itself on its democracy." The New York Times declared editorially: "The present Nazi attempt to divide and weaken America begins, as the parent movement did, with vicious attacks MPoh religious minorities here. i.'t-i^jiere is no better way to help * Hitler and hurt the United States than -to make or countenance such" attacks." " 'The Herald tribune said: "His if Rankin's) remark was typical of an all too'prevalerit habit .of ticketing those whose opinions or (Continued on Page" 9)
London (JTA) — Polish Premier Wladislaw Sikorskl- h a s r e affirmed the principle.of "equal duties and equal rights" for all Citizens of a reconstructed. Poland in a statement before the Polish National Council which he described as a reply to a memorandum he received from the American Jewish Congress while in New York. - "Anybody acting against the principle of equal . duties 'and equal right3 for all citizens of the future of Poland, regardless of nationality,, race and religion; wtfrks against the interests' of his own nation," .the Premier declared. "Poland, unfortunately, has of_ten been the victim of, many, very many, factors beyond her - control. The Poles were too hastily blamed tor anti-Semitism and p o g r o m s . "
-General Sikorsky has decorated 13. JeWs with iibe highest order ' of sierlt.fpr bravery. Three je.ws •were" awarde'd" the Virtu ti Militari medal, equal to the British Victoria Cross/ One such medal was -awarded posthumously to a "Jewish Holdler who fell in. the battte of Narvik* Polish commanUerS distributing the awards stressed the Polish Jews' loyalty and bravery. ' • ' A 'PollsV parliament vtraa presided over by a Jew for the first time when - Dr, Herman LiebeXttan/ leader."of. Iho'. SooIollBi.frai-, . tlon, waa elected acting chairman ot the Polish- NationaT Council.
t)r. Arthur M. Qreeiie To Fort Leonard Wood
v '•..;.. ..'-...,-
Dr. Arthur* *M," Greene, who Is" a first lieutenant In. the Medical Reserve Corps; has been called to active duty for.one year. He is at the Station Hospital-at Port Leonard Wood, Mo.
London (JTA) — Jewish districts in Manchester were among those damaged in a recent air raid. A synagogue was destroyed by fire, two. schools .were' damaged and .several Jews were killed. A number rendered tempos arliy homeless were accomodated i f - $ e J^nchester-Salford Cor-1 portion's.rest;center and a kosher food supply was organized by Nathan Laski and Councillor Moss.- *'-"':'" ' '
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Palestine Aids d Forces in ive on Syria S. OMAHA P I B'RITH ELECTS
As ait,Tgttm>te of refugees' aid to Britfcltsillf'insustry, the Sunady: CJiroiicaP tells of a Jewess from (Germany who, a few mittr utes after joining a factory making army uniforms, suggested a new procedure in one operation Joseph Cohn Elected New which resulted in a savingj of 60 P r e s i d e n t of per cent of the time in tnat op. Lodge 1445 eration. . • . -.• South Qinaha lodge, No. 1445, B'nai B'rith, Thursday evening elected the following new officers for the coming year: . . Joseph Cohn, president; Dr. Arthur Friedman, vice president; Louis Sax, second vice president; Harry Marks', Secretary; J. Meyerson, treasurer; Harry Dworsky, British Zionists Suggest monitor," an d Joe Goldware, B. Millman and M. J. Franklin, trusProgram of Mutual tees. Open public installation of Assistance officers will be h e 1 d Thursday evening, June 19. Entertainment London (WNS)—A suggestion and refreshments will be served. for a mutual aid pact between After June 19, South Omaha Arabs and Jews based on Arab B'nal B'rith lodge will meet the willingness to accept fulfillment first and third Wednesdays, inof Jewish national aspirations In stead of Thursdays, meet Palestine in return for Zionist aid on the same eveningssoasasthetonewly in furthering Arab national aspiLadies' B'nai B'rith rations waa made h e r e by the organized Qmaha, who will Zionist Revlewy official, organ of auxiliary,\South meet in the same building. the British Zionist Federation. • S o u t h Omaha Ladies' B'nai .The British Zionist publication B'rith Auxiliary has over 50 chardeclared that "the war and peace ter members and expect t h e i r aim of the Jews-is sufficient room charter this week. Joint enterin. Palestine, to. receive Jews in tainment and refreshments will be search" of a national, future and to available after both meetings the build UP a sound Jewish common- firsthand third ^Wednesday evewealth." •'„•;.: nings of the month, Arab- hopes for independence were spurred by.a statement by British Foreign-Minister Anthony EdenJn which he pledged the support of the British government to a federation of Arab states. At the time, Eden made no mention of Palestine which, as a mandate, mu3t be considered separately. ' Ask Spirit of Fcisal Dr. Abe Faier Succeeds The Z i o n i s t Review recalled Abner Kaiman as t h e Weizmann - Felsal agreePresident ments signed after the last war and stated: "If the Arabs now Dr. Abe Faier was chosen to come to us lit the spirit of Feisar, accepting fulfillment of our own succeed Abner Kaiman as presinational aspirations, We would dp dent of the Omaha Hebrew club all in our power to help them for the ensuing term at the election meeting Held on Sunday at along a parallel, path. "Without having fought t h i s the Jewish Community Center. Jacob Crounse was elected vice war," *fche Reriew added, "the Arabs expect to draw consider- president; Isaac Morganstern, secable benefits from it. We do not retary, and John Feldman, treasgrudge them these. But t h e y urer, ) Mr. Feldman will serve his should be asked in return to show forty-third term as treasurer of some understanding of the needs the lodge. of a-kindred nation and of all na- Trustesa named are: Louis Mortions concerned wltfc the Jewish gan, Abram Richards and Chaim Sharevltz.The executive board inproblem." • v; ! cludes on Its. membership: Bernard Gross, Jacob Lagman, Harry Marcus, and Morris Seiner. . The ne.w officers of the Omaha Hebrew cjub will be installed at a special meeting to be held on July 6. An outstanding program Is being planned for the.occasion. Commencement exercises wfre held last Monday evening at the Rexists, Destroy All University of Omaha. - .! , Antwerp Synagogues * Among those receiving; degrees Zurich;(JTA)—All synagogues were; • Eileen ' Rosalyn Zevitz, Maurice Feldmah, Ahuvah Ger- in Antwerp have either ben deshater, -Alex. Lipsman,: Edward stroyed or sp badly damaged as to Meyer Stein and Samuel L. Stein- be unlit for use in ~ anti-Jewish demonstrations by Leon Degrelle's berg. - _ , Maurice "Feldman was awarded Rexist storm troopers.' The uniformed Rexists attacked a -university honor scholarship. •, Winners of .the Dr. Philip Sher the synagogues - w h i l e services -Eftaay contest "were also.announc- were In progress, It was learned. ed. They are: E. Raymond Hodge, The Jewish worshipper's put • up Leonard .V. Williamson, Edwin L. strong resistance, in which they King and Harriet Amelia Hart- were joined by hundreds ot nonman. Subject of thjta" contest, is J*ewlsh Belgians, ' a'n d serious "Racial aitd Rellgioua-Mutual Re- street fighting ensued in which scores of people were Injured. A spect;*' » - / ' : * i number of men who sought' to" Up until the -twelfth century protect the Jews were reported there Is jto record of ^ntl-Semltea to .have been taten into custody charging Jews* with being usurers when police- arrived on. the Bcene and restored order. of extortioners.
VOL. XVII—N.. j l
Jerusalem (JTA)—A. wave of joy and relief swept over .Palestine this week as Allied forces,' using the Holy Land as their principal base, forfstalled' any possibility of a Nazi invasion front Hylia and Lebanon by moving into the .French-mandated territories. Acting swiftly to checkmate the Germans belore they could move any additional forces, into Syria, an Allied force, consisting mainly of British and Free French troops, under the command of General Sir Henry Maitland Wilson, crossed .the frontier early Sunday morning and by the early part of thia week had made considerable progress in the face of some resistance from French troops loyal to Vichy. The effective use of Palestine as the base for operations underlined the strategic importance of the Holy Land in the British defense system, which Palestine Jewish leaders have been stressing for many months. The Palestine skies were alive with bomber and fighter planes of the Royal Air Force taking off from Palestine field for operations across the northern border. Many Jewish officers and privates aro among the Free French forces which penetrated Syria. . Galilee Aids A great part of the Jewish settlements in the Galilee now form the rearlino support of the advancing Allied troops. One of the oldest colonies in the Upper Galllee, Metullah, is situated only 200 yards from the Lebanon border and part of the colony's land even extends into Syrian territory. A little to the south Is Kfar, Glladi and Tel Hal, both heroically defended points in earlier days. Another group of colonies in the affected region , includes Ayeleth Hashahar, on Lake Morem; Mishmar Hayarden, which is an important bridgehead to Syria, and other Upper Galilean colonies around Rosh Pina. Daganla, Kinereth, the fishing- settlements on Lake Tiberias and Hanlta, near the Mediterranean coast,- are also on the Svrlan border. It is premature to assess tbo political repercussions in Palestine of the Allied move. Lebanon (Continued on Page 11)
Local Lodge Plans Affair Wednesday at Highland A stag outing to honor Philip M. IiliitznicK, retiring president of District G r a n d Lodge, No. O, IVnal Il'rith, will be given Wednesday, Juno 18, at the Highland Country club by the local IVnai B'ridi lodge. The facilities of the club will . be open to members of the B'nai B'rith and their friends, starting in the early afternoon with golf and indoor sports. Dinner will ba served at 7 p. m. and after dinner the facilities of the club will; bo open to all who attend. A program of entertainment for the evening Is also being arrunged by the committee In charge..Abner Kaiman will be toaetmaater. Installation of new officers ot the local lodge will tako place at the outing. Alfred Fiedler, retiring president, will bo presented with a gift. Reservation are $1.50 per person and may be made by calling Harry Malashock, AT 5112; Alfred Fiedler, AT 7555) and HaTry B. Cohen, JA 1832. . .
Rabbi and Mrs. David II. Wico are leaving Saturday for Cincinnati, Ohio, to visit- Mrs. Wice'a parents and to attend the Institute of the Hebrew Union College* and the annual meeting of tho Central Conference of American Rabbis. In conjunction with the sessions of the Central Conference there will be a meeting of the alumni association of the Hebrew Union College, of whose executive board Rabbi Wlce is a member. Rabbi Wlce is scheduled to conduct a round table' on "Hov? Can We Run Better Religious Schools?" on Tuesday* afternoon, June 17, as part of the program of the Hebrew Union College Summer Institute for Graduate Study to be held in Cincinnati the week of June 16 to 20. Scholarship awards were n^ade From Cincinnati they will go to to Omaha high school graduates Petersburg, Va., to visit Rabbi at commencement exercises held Wice's parents. They plan to relast week. turn to Omaha about July -4. Scholarships to the' University of Omaha were awarded to Ray Simon, Rebecca London and Irving Lashlnsky of Central High, and iMelvin Schwartz of Technical. Creighton scholarships went to Marvin JBerber, Willard Friedman and Ed Segall of Central; Edith Wolfson and Melvln TatelMembers of the Temple Israel xnan of South, and Milton Cackin Men's club are sponsoring an inof Technical. formal dinner-dance S a t u r d a y Nebraska Regent Scholarships night, June 21, at 7:30 at the alternates named are: Lee Calvin Highland Country club to bring White of North,. Melvin Schwartz to a close the season's activities; . of. Tech, and Rebecca London, _ Tickets fox.-the affair are ono Gordon Margoliu and Myron" Rub- dollar per person. On the program nitz of Central. w i l l be dinner, dancing, cards, games and students. Persons atBetter Business Bureau tending are asked to wear sports Elects David Goldman clothes, slacks and play clothes. • Paul Blotcky is In charge of David Goldman, general man- food; Richard Hiller Is chairman ager of Herzbcrgs, was re-elected of,. entertainment; a n d Donald • secretary oC the Omaha' Better Brodkey Is head of the ticket Business Bureau at the annual committee. Louis E. Ltpp la president of the men's club. * meeting held Monday evening, •
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Entered aa Second Ciass M»U Matter on January 81. 1>S1 i t Po»tofflce, of Omaha, Nebraska, under the Act of March », W7»
Mexican Jews Give Kitchens to Britain
Mexico City (JTA) — A message of thanks from the British government was delivered by the British consul-general here to the Jewish Central committee f o r ?16,000 which the Jews of Mexico sent to England to aid vie of NaM-ralds. Fear This Island Next In time The message said seven'kitch- Holy War Ben/ ;ed by Nazi Line of ens would be acquired with the Agents money. Each kitchen will carry March i bronze plaque: "Donated by - Cairo (JTA)—Several hundred ;he Jews of Mexico." Ankara (WNS « «? 550,000 Jewish refugees w h o escaped A circular letter sent out by Jews in I'alestin * f be armed from Germany to Cyprus in the he minister of education to all immediately to i « o (he threat first years of the Nazi regime and school inspectors in Mexico in- of anti-Jewish/ g & siti-ltiitish have since adjusted themselves structs theni to educate pupils of uprisings in 1'/§ ft? by insur. to life in the British Island col- Mexican elementary and h i g h «ent Arab ban i? typed with ony, h a v e appealed for admit- schools against Nazism a n d to machine guns/ leu hy Nazi tance to Palestine in fear of Nazi impress them with the idea that agents, it was/ d here. attacks on Cyrus, it was learned Hitler's racial theory is a menace Reports spreau -.. ,-e that AKIS here. to humanity. • agents stationed in Syria a n d In their appeal the Jews deIraq have been smuggling large clared .that should they again fall quantities of weapons and ammuin^o Nazi hands, they would imnition to renegade Arab tribes in mediately be interned in concenthe desert a n d mountains of • iration camps since many of them Palestine. . •re political refugees. They exThe intensive anti-Jewish proppressed hope that the" Palestine aganda campaign conducted by administration would admit them the Nazis is becoming increasingunder the portion of the Palesly! effective among certain, sectine immigration quota which has Musicale to Be Given by ions of . the Arab population, remained unused during the last these reports saifl, and guns now Child Welfare twelve months. furnished to the Jewish communThe majority of the German ty may soon mean the difference Group Jewish refugees in Cyprus a r e between life and death. Sinajl blue sateen bags, filled people who have been admitted with coins, will he tlie ,"tickets Nazi planes, taking off from to the island with a capital of »f admission". for the nmsicale- airfields In Iraq, have dropped $20,000 or ri^ore. They have since ea in the Bfandeis auditorium, leaflets on Palestine "telling the established various commercial 10th floor, Wednesday at 3 p, m. Arabs that the time ahs come for and industrial enterprises from iponsored the child welfare the "holy war" against the Brit•which the native "population has •oimnitteo.ofby Iladassah; ish and Jews,, and urging Arabs greately benefited. Some of the o take up a r m s immediately Mrs. Harry O. Steel, soprano; factories manufacture products (Continued on Page 6.) Idward Davis Berryman, piaufor export, including buttons, st; and Miss Eugenie Whltmore, fal3f> teeth, asbestos pipes and cement. More than 100 refugees Mrs. Steel's accompanist-,-are-to . : , - . . have been interned in Nicosia> as >e tue artists. '..... "Tellers" to receive and tabuenemy aliens. In addition to refugee Jews,"" Cyprus has ita own late the returns Troih :tne bags, Jewish community, settled most- n which -350 -women -have beenIropping coins all. winter and ly iii Larnaca. ipring. to buy milk for refugee Fortify -Island • ihildren in ;'Palestine, are MesAnticipating an early Nazi at- dames Isidorr, Abramsori, . Henry Women , of South Omaha tack on Cyprus, British military Belmont, 'Satii Gilinsky, Morris . Lodge Petition for authorities are n o w feverishly Katleman.Phil Klutznlck and DaCharter fortifying the island, which is the id Sherman. "..-'. ;; , . gateway to Syria and Palestine. ' Mrs: A. • D. Frank, president At the same time the,evacuation .nd Mrs. William Alberts, viceAt its first meeting held May of British women a n d children iresident of Hadassah; Mrs. Da- 28, at the South Omaha Hyitafrom Cyprus to Egypt was start- id A. Goldsteiu and Mrs. David jogue, 25th and "J" Streets, the ed while native families fearing Vice will preside at the tea ta- newly-organized ' a u x i l i a r y of bombing from the air, are ,mov- >les. Assisting the chairmen, Mrs. B'nai B'rith Lodge, 1445, South 'ing to the: mountainous sections . H, and Mrs. Louis Kulakof- Omaha, petitioned, the Grand of the island. The distance from iky, will be Mesdames Harold ibdge of tlie Auxiliary for a Srodkey, Sara Josepuson, Jules charter. (Continued on Page 12.) Newman. Ernest Nogg, Leo Nogg, • Dr. A. Green fferg, sponsor of Wax Rezrilck, Sam Rice and Har- he lodge, spoke on the duties •y Rubenstein. .' - of the auxiliary. Mr. Harry Dworky, president of the South OmaThe ivrogram follows: ;a) Doh, vlenl non tardar . - . . . . . .Mozart ha lodge, also gave a brief talk. • Aria—Le Nozze dl Figaro Mrs. Joe Goldware:was elected [!>) J'al Pleure en Rcve . . . . . . . . . . . . Hue :c) Mai ..Hahn president of the auxiliary. Other d) Le, Paplllon " Foudraln officers are: Mrs. Harry Harris, ;e).' Roses D'Hiver . . . . . . . . . . . Fontenalles . Mrs, Harry O. Steel ice-president; Mrs. Irving ForAccompanied by Miss Eugenie Whitmore recording secretary; Mrs. a.) Pavane ... .Ravel bes, Morris Roltstein, tmancial secre;b) Row. Well, Ye Mariners—Concert : . arrangement by Edward Berryman. tary; Mrs. Ben Millman, treasurRavel -', Omaha Lodge of B'nai B'rith (c) Fountains . . . . . . . . . . . - . sr; Mrs. Michael Cohen, monitorPiano solos-by Edward Davis Berryman iwill honor "Philip M.! Klutzriick, a) Disenchantment Charles JSS; Mrs. Abe Kazlowsky; historAppleblossoms Kellle ian; Mrs. Saul-Martin, guardian 'presidentv of the District Grand b) c) The Lass with the Delicate Air.. and sentinel; Mrs. Pearl PerelMacArthur . Lodge No. 6, at a stag outing at Mrs. .Steel and Miss Whitmore man, Mrs. Louis Lazerwitz, and lampanella Liszt the Highland Country club on Mrs. David Potash, trustees; Mrs. Edward Berryman TRTednesday, June 18. Morris Franklin, calling chairman; Mrs. Louis Singer, enteri The facilities of the club will tainment chairman, and Mrs. Hartie' open to members of the B nai ry Marks, publicity chairman. -.B'rith "and their frlendsTstarting The fifty women who- joined in the early, afternoon "with golf on this date will become charter .J: andHhdoor sports', biriner will" bo members. aerved\at 7.p. m'., and a,fter dinA, social hour followed the ner th6 facilities, of .the club will Sao Paulo, Brazil (JTA) — meeting and election. be open to all who attend. rowing; anti-Semitic propaganda \ , All" members of B'nal_B'rlth are in a n u m b e r of newspapers urged to attend "and bring their throughout the country, coupled friends. Harry Malashock, AT with legislation which affects •'6112; Alfred Fiedler, AT 7555, Jewish- immigrants, is attracting and Harry B. Cohen. JA 1832, serious : attention among Jewish -Officers were elected at t h e ~ are'taking reservations./' / ,' leaders in Brazil. A study- of,anti-Jewish articles final meeting of the Round Table in, papers published in various of Jewish Youth held Tuesday parts of the country points to1 a night, June 3, at the Jewish Com:ommon source. -Recent legisla- munity Center.- • Warner Frohman was re-elect.ion regarding aliens, although r not aimed primarily against Jews, ed president. Yale Richards is will .affect adversely a larger vice-president; Harry Goodbinder, number of Jews than persons of secretary, and Milton Guss, treas' ' During the past two weeks, any other ' race or nationality. urer. Rabbi Davld.A..GoldsteinJias giv- About 1.40Q Jews will be affected Tower Raid Shelter en the commencement address in in-Sao Paulo alone. a number of neighoorlng Iowa - Instructions issued by the MinJerusalem (JTA)—The Tower istry of Justice" and Internal Afcommunities. Last night he delivered • the 'alrs regarding the changing ,of of iDavid near the main gate of principal talk a t t h o Sioux City. temporary visas into' permanent the Old City Is being converted Central High, school. * Previously visas provide that those -who can- into an "air-raid shelter. The forhe has spoken, at the H i g h not comply with the requirements tifications of the 'undent tower schools-in Randplpb,"l.inn Grove; willbeexpelled from the country are so-strong that "only £150- are -Sulphur-SpriP4.a,, and Tabor, ialL ir- lnter-neil~ln~so-caUed, "Agri-, needed' f o r ' 'completion of ' tfte wort. . . . . . . in,.Iowa. ultural-colonies." •
Warner Frohman Heads Round Table
Iowa High,School ;. Graduates Hear, Rabbi Goldstein
Dutch Clergymen Aid Needy Jews Stockholm ( W N S ) — Clergymen in the Nazi-occupied Netherlands have been appealing to their congregations to contribute foodstuffs and money to aid Jews made penniless by the Nazi-imposed anti-Jewish laws, it was reported here. The "plot" on the part of the Dutch clergymen to lessen t h e plight of their Jewish neighbors was uncovered by the pro-Nazi newspaper, N a t i o n a l Zeltung, which is published In Amsterdam. Reporting a number of cases where clergymen had secretly ap-' proached members of their congregations for contributions of food and money, w h i c h were turned over to needy Jewish families in the city, the Nazi paper demanded that t h e government take vigorous steps against "the enemies of the state."
XVII—No. 3 0
MILTON FROHM ^ IDENT B'RITH Officers Elected by Local Lodge at Monday . Meeting New officers of (he Omaha lodge of the B'nai B'rHh were named at the meeting held Monday night in the lodgcrooing of I he Jewish (JoHtinuuity Center. Milton It. Frohm was named president to succeed Alfred A. Fiedler. Others elected to lodge posts are: Donald Brodkey, timt
History, Religion Dept. Graduation On Sunday Graduation e x e r c i s e s of the 1941 class of the Department of History and Religion of the City Talmud Torah will be held Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. Four honor students will give the valedictorian addresses. They are: Ami Dehenuerg,.Irvin Gendler, Evelyn Byron and Paul Noodell. Mr, Ben Kazlowsky, president of the Talmud"Tdrah, will award the diplomas to the graduates. A piano selection will be'played by Beverley Pessen.•••.-•• Graduates . Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky jpr i 11 speak to the class, and, Mrs, J. Bernstein; president of the Deborah qoclety; will present e a c h child with a Bible. A gift will be given to the school, library by the
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Milton U. Frohm vice-president; Arthur Goldstoitt, second vice-president;, h. Oordoa C,ross, financial secretary; Israel Bercovicl,,, recordlns secretary; Alfred Frank; treasurer; Alfred A. Fiedler, Monitor; Lloyd Malashock, warden, and Morris Shapiro, guardian. Trustees, chosen are: Dr.. A. Greenberg:, Dr. I. Dansky and Dr. Abe Faler. The lodge also voted on tho withdrawal .of ;its reserve fundd The following are graduates: to buy defense bonds." ' . Harry Alloy, Meyer Halpirri, Sol Baumer, Ann Denonberg, Albert dayman;' Helen Resnlck, Phyllis Ontman, Paulino Nqodell, SlUrley Dolgoff, Fanny Wolfson, Peggy Lou Spiegalj. Irvln Gehdler, Beverley Pessen, Dan Aits', Evelyn Byron and Paul Woik. Miss Ahuvah Gershater teaches the class. A gala dance is to be given Saturday night, June 7, at tha Highland "Country Club by members of the Auxiliary of the Beth. El Synagogue. Mrg... Al Wohlner and Mrs. Max Cohen are co-chairmen of the affair and are In charge pf ticket sales. ,,, The second meeting of repreThere will be bingo, mah Jong, r sentatives of the various Zionist and cards for those not /wishing organizations .in Omaha t o o k to dance. • ••' •'- -: '• •',,-;.'"••' • , place on Monday, June 2, at the Don Rose. and his orchestra Jewish Community ; Center. At will furnish the musTc. The datico this meeting the plans and pur- is open ' to the public. *•;"•:" -' , poses, of - t h e projected Zionist Council for Omaha were discussed fully and the council was launched official as a standing organization. The purposes of that organization shall be the unification of Zionist work so as to eliminate A special meeting of the Omaseeming conflict in their activities and procedure; expression of ha Hebrew club will be held- at Zionist opinion on matters of 3:30 on Sunday in the lodgefund raising; the planning of an room of the Jewish Community educational program In Zionist Center. N e w officers will baideology and the conduct of a elocted at this time. • Also to be considered during campaign in public opinion fathe meeting are two important vorable to the Zionist cause. Various pland were projected amendments to the constitution at this meeting which will be and by-laws of the organization. worked out' in detail as time g"oe» „ ' on. Permanent officers w e r e B'nai Israel Board •elected. Chairman of the council Members Re-elected is Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky and Mrs. M. F. Levenson is secretary,' At a recent meeting oE the B'nai Israel synagogue, 18th andChemical Expert Dies Chicago, members of the board of directory-were,re-elected. r Jerusalem (JTA) — Dr. Isaac They are- Dr, A. Greenoerg, . Magazanik, director of the chem- William glider, -Louis SJpatein, ical'laboratory at-the "Israel S i f f Jacob Bernstein, William- 'Welder, • Institute -in'Rehobo'th," -haV Dr. JSf. H. CJreo»berg and Meifapn- • at-the ago of 55: • Kt&na '
. c l a s s .
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. ' .;•
, Ju&e 6, 1641
Gaulle's headquarters have faeea «, feitsgle trt-if Mta.ss, M> tis&t prac* transferred to Haifa askd th.at tha ic&ily nothing w&s edible • . . . Free French forces, a a d e r d« Only a packet of tea &r«tl a hut Gaulle's leadership iatead to play Mightly dmted i«a«»t ottered a au important role ia the expected raj- of hope-—but even tfeat r&y British move to checkmate tUa vanished vrfiess • it dcv<"ioj>ed tits* Germans in Syria. the s t o v e w&s so tompletnly MORRIS AlZENBERG, Correspondent wrecked that it w&s quite int>gMJ>sRefugee athlc to boil up water for the tea Then it was that one of the Killed in Action igbors ran up to the family Red Cross Group mul told thews to get away quickv. Jerusalem (WNS) — Mr, Ma* (Continued from Page 1.) fcs M delayed incendiary bomb #olka, 45-year-old refugee law-Will Meet Today ly, isd started burning in the back Cyprus to Syria is only about 100 yer who received en award from yard . . . At the News the white- mites and fear is expressed that au American university in 1940 The Red Cross Sewing Group beardt-d old grandfather o£ Useshould the Nazis have succeeded for his book, "My Life in Gerof the National Council of Jewish family itiuraeuretl a brocha • • . in landing troops in Syria, as re-many Before aud After Hitler's Because'of numerous requests, Women, Bicux City branch, will "Now we'll be able to ns&ke souic- ported, they will attempt to move Accession," was killed in action the SIOUK City A. Z. A. 12 plan* meet at 12:30 today in the home t«a," he joyfully declared . . . . from Crete and from Italian isl- in the western desert, it was reto sponsor un outstanding social of Mrs. Ben Sc.huleln, 2'iOO Ne- Then there's the fclory brought ands to Cyprus in order to men-ported here. event from 9 p. m. to 1 on June, braska street, with Mva. llcyii buck from South Amei'itay where ace the British positions all the Dr. Polka, who enlisted with the qupsttyn whether to lean to- way from Cyprus &ud Palestine the British forces, w a s killed 15, the unuual A. 'A. A. Sweet- Levitt insisting. Academic work of the group is ward oi> tmsy from the Axis is to Suez. during a Nazi bombardment. A heart dance. former member of the Breslau Six are candidates for tlie honor to be discontinued dining the still hotly debated , . . ApparentLatest reports irom Syria estiof serving us A. 55. A. sweetheart: summer months but weekly meet- ly our Jjatin neighbors don't trust mate that he Nazis, who are re-Jewish community board, he left Betty Bain, Barbara Davis, Helen ings for the He'd Cross Bewiug their Uncle Hnm too much . . . treating f r o m Iraq, have now a widow and three children. Picturing the Southern continent Fish, Iluth Kutcher, Betty Mlrkin Group are planned. m a cow, one good neighbor ex- gathered more than 200 planes Prof. Berendsolm Suicide and Gloria 'NovilsUy. plained the situation as follows: in Aleppo alone. They virtually Music for the evening will l»e Strictly Confidential "if the Nazis take us over, they'll control the administration of Sy- Geneva (WNS)—Prof. Walter: furnished by Don Hoth and his eat (he entire cow, skin, flesh, ria aud Lebanon. They have man- Bereudsohn, prominent Gernaau orchestra, direct from Omaha's hoi us r.ix« all , , , Hut if we letaged to bring to Aleppo large (Continued from Page 11.) Che* I'aree. scholar and formost au(he I'nUed States get the upper quantities of aviation oil f r o m Jewish thority on modern Scandinavian Iraq. another would be ushered In on hand the c o w would be very Jr. Hadassah to Install September (15-1«, 1936, ills proThe British fleet is concentrat- literature, has committed suicid« ing between Haifa and Cyprus in Denmark, it was reported here. thoroughly milked." . . The Junior Iludassali will hold nunclamento being b a s e d on and la determined to prevent any Prof. Berendsohn, a refugee, atsome inscription In the Pyramid (Copyright, 1941, "by. Seven Arts Its installation of officers n e x t lauding of Nazi troops by sea in t r a c t e d considerable attention , . . That date, if you remember, Feature Syndicate.) Tuesday evening, June 10, a t 8:30 Syria. Simultaneously, It was re-while lecturing at London and 1« the form of a dinner at the marked one of the important ported that General Charles, de Oxford. Franco advances in the Spanish Twenty million pounds was adOreen (tables. Civil War, which military experts vanced by the House of Rothnow recognize as the first advance chlld In 1836 to compensate the skirmish of the present world West Indian planters whose slaves war . . . had been emancipated, Society News
TIDIIITM WKHB, KEBKK, KMJTZNICK ft KKIXEV, Atty».. Mrs. M. Leviiie, 815 Sixteenth An interesting sidelight on the 200 Service life Hldg. Btrwt, announce the coming mar- New York matrimonial market riage of their daughter. Hose, on was provided at the recent conNOTICE OF PROBATE OF W i t t Sunday, Juno 8, to Mr. Henry vention of tho shatchonim . . . In the county court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Friedman. 111G W e s t Third One in every ten Gotham marthe matter of the estate of Mary A. ' street. The wedding will take riages timing the month of April l a Dupln, deceased. All persons Interested In satd estate are place at 5:HO at the home of Uob- wan the result of a shatchen's ef- hereby that a petition has been bi 8. I. llolotniUov, 1415 McDon- forts, it was revealed . . • We tiled in notified said court, praying for the probate ald street, with the Immediate don't quite see why lledy La- of a certain tn'strument now on file In eald purporting to be the last will and family in attendance. marr's public should he so sur-court, testament of eald deceased, and that a The bride will be attended by prised at the fact that she hashearing will be had on said petition besaid court on the 16th day of June, Mrs. Lester Davidson and t h e just patented an invention that fore 1911, and that if they fail to appear at beat man will be Cy Itosnick. Fol- may prove of value in warfare said court on the said 16th day of June, o'clock a. m., to contest the lowing the wedding, a reception . . . After all, wasn't lleily's first 1941, atof9 said will, the court may allow will be hold at the home of Mr. liiishaiul, I'Vitz Mandl, then a mu- probate and probate said .will and grant adminisnitions kin;;? . . . Incidentally, tration of said estate to Henry II. Duplo, and Mrs. Hen Friedman. some other suitable person, enter a dethat new pipe which c a n be ur cree ot heirshlp and proceed to a settleMr. and Mrs. Harry Emanuel cleaned with soap and water is ment thereof. J. SOUTHARD of I)<?a Molnea, announced t h e the invention of a hul.V by the 5-23-ll-3t CHARLE3 . County Judge marriage of their daughter, Miss! nMiic of Mrs. Hoberta Iluben . . . Now If ' K smuebody will o»ly inMarjorio Ann Emanuel, to NewMONSKY, OROniNBKY, MAREIt A C4MIF.N, AUys., ton Sacks, son of Mr. ami Mrs. A. vent an efficacious pipe of peace 737 Omaha Nat'l Bank I. Saeka. 2807 Plerco street, at . . . Talking of pipes reminds us ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT C:30 last Sunday afternoon, June that Or. Albert Ktnstcin at InFINAr, the county court ot Douglas County, 1; . ttahbl Kugcno Monnlieiuter l«*n.-»t, mr tliv nlory goes is so - rfeora.'ka, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Sacks inveterate R pipe smoker t h a t In the matter of the estate ot Samuel Weiss, deceased. ' . wore present. when he runs out of pipe tobacco All persona Interested In said estate are Both the bride and bridegroom he will break up cigarettes or ci- hereby notified that on the 19Ui day of 1941, George Solref and Sarah Jennie are former students of the Uni-gars for the makings . . .Which May, Welsi filed a petition In gald county court, versity of Iowa. He la a graduate Is just another way of saying that praying that their final administration acfiled herein oe settled and allowed, of Central.High' school and of the the difference between pipe to- count that they be discharged - from their university. They will llvo at Mo- bacco and other forms of t h e end trust as executors and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court Hue, HI., where he has accepted a smoker's weed is merely relative on the 16th daVot June. 1911, and that position with the John Deere Co. , . . Purely relative, too, is the if you fail to appear befote said court on 1 the said 10th day of June, 1941, at 9 In the engineering department. bargain being offered ! by a real o'clock a, m., and contest *aid. petition, estate broker in behalf of t h c. the coure may grant the prayer of 'said petition, enter a decree of heirshlp, and Mr. and Mrs. Motion Phillips estate of the late Max Annenberg, tuch other and further orders,- alof .Minneapolis visited her par-who was the circulation innnngcr make lowances and decrees, as to this court may proper, to-the end that all matters ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Fried- of the New York Pally News . . . seem pertaining to (said estate may be finally man, and in tho Jules Lederer The item that is up for sale is settled, and determined. homo this past week. Anncuhfrg's BOO-aere A r i z o n a CHARLES J. SOUTHARD ranch, which once cost a quarter o-23->U-3t County Judge Miss Gertrude Lasa, daughter of n million dollars,' but which ABRAHAMS, MfflRATII £FRF.NZER, of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lasa, Is to • will • now be sold for ft smaller Attorney*. .live in Washington,, D. C.^ where sum-. .1. Indicative of the growing ' QlS.Farnam ISulldlnn , 'Bhe^haa accepted a federal 'gov- t e n ill n c y to seek temporary NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE ernment'position'. ' escape from the world's* troubles, In the .District Court of Douglas County, N b k a New York Jewish youth groups is hereby given that by virtue of Mrs. THlie Grossman has left will hold a: convention .the'week- a Notice license Issued to me, Harold W. • Graham, Guardian of the person and estate ot for Albuquerque. N. M., where she end of June 27 at Andrcn's MounPhllumalec, Incompetent, by the will sitend several weeks -visiting tain House, Hnlnes Falls, N. Y.,Nancy Honorable Frank M. Dineen, a Judge ot and liave ,decided to b a r anythe District Court of Douglas County^ Newith relatives. on the 24th.day of May, 1941, tor speeches and resolutions'. . . They brasUa, the sale of the real estate"hereinafter deMr. and Mrs. D.,Gr.ossmjui are wll,l devote 'themselves ei irely to scribed, I will at 9 o'clock A. M., on the 23rd day ot June, l»tl, at vtalttng "at ttio.'hcnne of Mr. anddancing, dining, divot-digging anil Monday, east door of the Douglas County Court Mrs. J: Shlnuler. 1715 Kebraska dunking in the lake instead of the House, In the City of Omaha, Douglas debating, deliberating and tHs County, Nebraska, sell at public. Auction to the highest bidder for cash,- the follow cusslnn • • . For two ot^the l»oy> ing described real estate, to wit: Mr. and, Mrs. • Moroy Lipshuts! the Mountain .'House!..convention, Lots Twenty-ntne (29), Thirty (30), Thirty-one (31), Thirty-two (32) and will be the last spree for a Ions; will • hold open house at their Thirty-lhre*- (33). in Block Two (2), home, 2919 Sunset circle on Sun- time;, they report for «rmy.?ln». , McGavock - and.. O'Keefe'a -Rcplat, an addition to the City of Omaha,'DOURday, June'8,'from 3 to G, In honor diicHon two weeks later . . . of thb Bar Mltzvah of tholr $on, Robert. * No Invitations have beeii Issued. ' "
Native Jews Being . Interned in Italy
,* J
- las County,' Nebraska, as surveyed, . platted'and recorded, : >. " Sale will remain open one hour. Dated this 2gth day of May.'1911. h a B ftnHAROLD W.QRAHAM, which de- Guardian ot the person-and-estate of Nancy. Phtlumalee,' Incompetent. concentra3-30-41-it
Lion Feuchtwanger .Islicd, lils.. new noveU scribes life In a French tion canvp v . , •The material la . (IRODINSKY, MARRR * drawn from the author's personal COHRN. Attorneys. • • experience . .".Soon to bo dratt.131 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bid*. ed r by--JJncle; Sam Is Gottfried NOTICK tlY PUBUOATION ON PETIRelnhardt, Hollywood producer TION FOB SETTLEMENT OF. ' FINAL ADMINISTRATION anl son of the famous director, ACCOUNT .Max Relnhardt,... . . The up-andIn the County Court of Douglas County, comihB publlahlng firm of Howell Nebraska. '. • '•'• In the Matter ot 'the Estate ot Meyer Soskln- and -Company has nowTatle. Deceased: , achieved a double permanence "All persons Interested In said matter are with the marriage of Bill Soskin hereby notified that oo the 29th day, of May, 1941, Kate'tieni Tatle filed a petito Vlvelnla HoweU . •.;. Oscar Ser- tion In said County' Court. - praying that lln, pioducor of "Life With Fath- her. Jtnal JKJtalalstratloh account ffle<| | > w In be settled and allowed,. and that ine er," Is now; working on -a newbe from her trust a s Executrix project, which will dramatize the anddischarged 'that a hearing, will be had op /said petition before said Court on the 30th day history of the Associated Press...
Rome (JTA) —- Approximately 1,000 Itallan-lmru .Towa have been taken Into "protective custody'.' and Interned In special camps as {result of. lnumalfiod antl-JowJsh policy of tho Italian' "aiituotities. Tho authorities a r c willing- to pormtt most of thenV-toleavti the country;-.whijnoyer ;U»oy have ..'a possibility tadolsb. 7 -T . I n addition to t h e Interned EtftHan-born Jews, S^COO- a l l e u Jfows.aro held in variouB concenot June, 1«41, and that It you .fall 4 » tration caiup3 in Italy. Another appear bcfora^-yld Court on the said 30th day of June,l l lSll, at 9 o'clock A. JU., 1,800 foreign Jews, mostly wo- WNEKI.Y GIGGLE and contest siM petition, the Court may men and children, aro still at lib- Via the trails-Atlantic grape- erect Uia prayer of said' petition," enter & erty in Rome, Milan and Trieste. vine coinea the story of tho Lon-decree ot helrshtp,-end make such other and •" further - orders, - allowancca and - de•' PoHco authorities in Italy have don East Eml Jewish family who •crtes,,as.to this Court may seem-progier. •withdrawn the "license? from all camo home after an air raid t o to the end that all'matters pertalniog-ta j * vr I a b taxlcab ' drivers. Th'ero find their housolsi ruins « . i The Said'estate may ^ be ftnilty settled • and weor only 26 J©W4 l a It&ljr euVNaal- t»6ntt»ft tiad brougtit-mHthi^ and tleJshlj? foods 'and 'dishes '{»to d in thN occupatiou, -
Did a HOT Kitchen Ever GetYou Down? THEN YOU'LL APPRECIATE
ectric okery Phowl Who hasn't boon thrcugh It . . . (stifling hot days, bad enough in themselves, but intolerable in a hot kitchen! Take the advice of every modem home* maker—beat the heat tho easy, electric wayl Electric roasters are automatic, too—Just set the dial and loavo if you care to... When you return from tho park* or your bridge game, or a rofreshing swim, dinner will be ready for you to Bimply take from the roaster and servo. • Enjoy this summer! You can if you enjoy electric ; roaster cookoryl Sea tho thrilUng new modols at your dealer's, todayl
©1ST C E R T I F I C A T E Gel fwa Batata Gift CcjfifJcafo want fraa e a r ootawrte rooster dank*. Il wiUbahaaewdunBlJalj'1, lQ«Mkwti&«r S2.03 m $3.09. depeadlng upoa & » $ m $ e ! &«' toaster you bay. Only OBO GUt Certificate essbplad par toastw eote. Good eas!y to i&Saeslat P a w s C ^ l
Your Electric Sorvice .Is QQ64 I I I omf Ctawpf
to see you z.ui bUsfy your uiullfc Ita;: (Eiigr&Uy). Aad do you like ix.y ic.odesty?
ber ibis: "Many other girls Lave otiiy biieniiAtt. Mi.ss S L e n n a a Hierolly c.waia to beauty asid you the d a v g b t t r of Mr. &u4 -I'l too ivi.u ir.vti'«-itit* your app-earaiu-e. Fiiilifp Ehirmuii of Sious City. sLd Ptttre by swiH<niiir,g regaiiij
A. '£, A. N«. im. . . .4 A. K.'s . . .• . .» Milder Lkjww Co... . .a {teneubc-rg• Ctotiut-rs . . I A. 56. A. Ko. I I Co. Bluffs A. 36. A.. . .«
I f 3 W 4 . 4
. . . .
There tiiouid be be c.o gir), huv, Kiasi or 'woman who is a member <A the center that should be uiialle to swim. With' everything available f o r instruction, coaiforlaSile locker room facilities, a«.d a wonderful swimniiiig pool every member should get in the SWIM!
Coming from behind after the first inning I he Lincoln Tavern ten walloped the A. Z. A. No. 100, 14-6, to take aole possession of first place. Ed Lincoln's t e a m By AUUKEV TKf.PNHK ' slapped the-ball'all over the lot, ruuu<.-il Bluffs news may he coupled with some costly errors by the Century Chapter, to score |Fhon«<l in to H7iii or sent to 704 Madison avenue. To apin every inning. Herb Masks was very ftffective pear in Friday's J K W I H II as usual and only little Maxie Os- I^iKBhJ all items must be in to terman could collect more than Council Bluffs correspondent one hlow for the fraternity boys. by Tuesday evening. Maxie hit a homer with one on in the first and collected one more UADA.HHAU The next meeting of the Counblow, a double. cil Bluffa Senior Hadassah chapOnce again the A, K.'s played ter will be a mother and daughter fine ball again and last Sunday luncheon to be held at the Synathey upset t h e favored Milder gogue on Wednesday, June 11, Liquor ten, 8-6. The Milders, mi- at 1 o'clock. Highlight of the afternoon will nus the services of t h e i r ace chocker, Morrie Epstein and two he a program to.be presented by other regulars, couldn't connect the Young Judaea club. for base blows when they meant runs. The winners hopped on JUNIOR 1IAOASSAH The Council Bluffs chapter of Aukie Yaffe in the first inning for five runs most of the hits going Junior Hadassah held Its last where the short fielder should meeting of the year at the home have been but the Milders played of Miss Lee Katelman. Officers elected for the coming the first three innings with only year are: President, Lee Katelnine men. • In the third stanza the Milders man; vice-president, Lucille Abratied the count at six-all but while hamsou; secretary, Etether Brown, their for-s scored two more runs and treasurer, Audrey Telpner. they couldn't hit the low pitching Rose Bernstein was re-elected corof. Red Greenberg. Iz Bogdonoff responding secretary. Mrs. Richard, Gordon, Junior starred for the victors, snagging Hadassah advisor for the past two six flie:s for the day's best play. years, has resigned her position, The Denenberg Clothiers broke and Mrs. Harry Cherniss has been Into the win column when they chosen the new advisor. downed the A. Z. A. No. 1 in a hard-fought game, 7-6. It was a Kuvirrcs IIKLU pitchers' battle all the way with Shovuoth services were held Wels and Kalmonsolm pitching last vroek at the Chevra B'nai fine ball. It looked like anybody's Yisroel synagogue. ball game, going into the first half of the Eoventh with the score tipil RKTURXS l'-ROM CALIFORNIA' at siK-all. TemAn lilt a single- ad-1 Mrs.-Cbarlcs Saltzman returned vanced on a stolen base and cam. Monday frcm California, where In-home on Ben Abrams' single. she had been visiting her son-inWatch the Denenberg smoke from law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. here on out with the addition of A. Sokol. an outstanding centerfielder recruited from the big show. HONOR DAUGHTER Mr. and Mrs. Ben Conn of HarKoxscore lan, la., entertained fifty guests At S2d anj Oi-wey It. II. F.. Denncnbcr:;* SOI 101 1—7 9 2 at a 5 o'clock dinner on Sunday, A. •*. A. No. 1 021 102 O— 0 1 S May 25. In honor of the graduav flatteries—Wet* and Bergman; Kalinan- tion of their daughter, Dorothy, lOlm and Krrarnbaum: from high school. • At 3»d and Cans H. H..E. A. Z. A. No. 100 220 O8S 0—« .8 S IJnoohis . . '••,.' 153,113 x—It » 0 'Batteries—Guss and• . Itlkiln; Marks,and lesal. . At 20th and nurdette—" ' U. II. K. A. K.'» ".. 881 110 ft—"8 9 4 Binders .20*080 0—0 4 8 Batter!?!!—Oreenbcrg and Tretlak; Matte tuid M I I
TO SIOUX CITY Mra. A. Gilinsky left Monday for Sioux City to attend the,graduation of her granddaughter; Dor-
Synagogue Presideat: H o w much do you charge for collecting? Beggar: Nothing. I am glad she does not ask for more, because ehe is my wi€e, and it does not cost you any extra for my being alive.
O1"EN MOUSIO Mr. and Mrs. Charles Saltzman, 1021* Fourth avenue, will hold open housse on Friday evening, June 6, in honor of the graduation of their daughter, Marilyn, from Abraham L i n c o l n High school. Michael: Can a woman escape Friends and relatives are cor- her past? dially invited to attend. No inviPhillip: Yes, providing, of tations have been issued. course, she is no pest.
VISITING PARENTS Harry Mendelson of New York and Miss Rose Mendelson of Chicago are visiting at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mendelson.
keeps it at the correct, smooth-spreading consistency., .ready to useat any time.
SPACE FOB GIANT BOTTIB Abundant r o o m right next 40 the Speed Freezer for tall bottles. Short bottles, even gallon and~haif-gallon sizes.
Starting Monday, June 9, the Bummer swim- schedule will be ia effect. The junior boys and girla groups will be separated into two classifications, the beginners and the advanced. This separation will enable the teaching staff to spend . jhore time with the beginners and Twill allow t h e more advanced swimmers to make greater a n d faster progress. ! Whereas "in the past; beginners and advanced, swimmers were usJng the pool at the same time, it ^as difficult- to spread the instructor's time enough to properly cover both groups. So. take Advantage of this special arrangement this summer and get in the
that's TWO cases! Plenty of room for storing dry cereals and other foods not requiring refrigeration.
EXTRA BIN FOR DRY STORAGE W i l l hold 48 N o . 1 cans
HiW BUTTia CONDITIONBI Holds a chip or a pound of b u t t e r a n d automatically
Swim News
: ' ; j B p ; : t h l s ' clii8S.'<'•;.•;.•••••'•;.
$10,000 for War Training
New York (JTA)—At an allday conference and luncheon of the Women's League for Pales-; tine on Wednesday at the Hotel Riverside Plaza, Mrs. William Prince, president, announced that $10,000 was being sent to Palestine in answer to an urgent request for funds to train nurses, women cooks and drivers for war service in the centers of tha Patient: I am suffering from league in Haifa and Tel Aviv. insomnia. Doctor: You don't have to lose The Venetian bank, the Banco any sleep on account of insomnia. Giro, was founded in Admirer of Modesty: I have Abraham del Banco.
Schedule Sunday, June 8, • A. Z. A. No. 1 ,vs. Lincoln's Tavern—33d and Cas. Milder I.'.quor vs. Co. Il'uffs A. Z. A.—'20th find Burdetto. A. K.'s vs. .Denenfoerg Clothiers «•—32d and Dcwey, A. Z. A. No. 1OO—hye.
'•'•••' J?aul Zelinsky has taken and Successfully passed his junior life fearing tests. Paul was the first ot^about a dozen young men who MVje been receiving instruction la .ijifg" saving, -to take his teats and *-~|ppIf"them: Harold Mozer,; Sidney (RjMerman, Earl Shrago, Alden : fdncoln^Charles Fredkin, Hershel • Syolfso.n arid Paul Zelinsky make
Stuoteals, I want
Mi's. David Cfci.cou and dauguyou to diaguose tue cause of: the ter, Carol Lyini, arrived Friday Evvtlliug of this patient's cheek, evt'iiing from Davenport, la., to After lookiug at. the cheek the spttid a few weeks at the. hoiae students agret-d that it waa a Beggar: I &va r&.h,iug funds for of her parents, Mr. a n d Mrs. tuinar. ' .. . Charles Saltzman. Mr. Cttron a poor widow aud her tea ciiilProfessor: (To Patient) No* dren. will join them later. spit out your chewing tobacco. .
BIG, new 7 cable toot, fifth family aieo refrigerator that's styled andj>uiltto : last for yeara and y»ara.\.
7foods?bra0ozonos.(i)SpeodFreozer. (f) Extra Bin for Dry Storago. H U B (2) Six-Way Cold Storags Compartmoht. ' • . > Vacuum Soalod Thriftmaster, Unit (3) N e w Buttor Conditlonor. (4) Big - . . . Pop-lco Trays. l\i Statnlose Stool . BoHlo Zono. (5) General Food Storago _ Shelves...< (6) High Humidity Compartmont, Controland many oihor greatfoatoros.
f* It i f gratifying to see the In! lereaBlng nuinber of girls, both ju-*aldr g i r l s ' a n d husiness girls, who are taking advantage of the injVigorattrie- stimulation that swim•'•'"iI_n^ii(M6.SrS'lft:0l|Br.;|fool/V'Reep'\iip * »- f * * * « " - /
Friday, Jt.a.fc 6, 1941
Musk in Wartime : (Continued from Page 2.)
wrote to an Auktuicin;' friend, "and aitLbttga we i&iy^fce a viLili country, the pnactfie' cf'; t o t fcei»g deterred luy tbetit evil fcrceg is important.'' Modern Music ie&Gi'U: "So many musicians have &«ne into the RAF feat E » RAF Sj'BsphODy Orchestra h&s been formed which incloses the complete Griller Quartet and a good many Loudon Philharmonic players, la Britain, it seems, music is determined to flourish, come what may."
***«• t l
,ap<4 tailors t-f Wcrid War I, wiJi ha 1>&ck ea a fcta-1-war footing ttis feitiiii&fcr. jSj;«,jji isea in uniform wi/1 be admitted free, according to "Mrs. C&aries S. Guggenheim, chiirjoa&ii t>f Stadium Concerts, Inc. Soldiers and sailor8 on leave will be able to hear concerts including performances by Kreisler, Arthur Rubenstein, Paul Robeson and the Ballet Rasse.
England: Myra Hese, tfee famous pianist, has been conducting noonday concerts in London's National Gallery ciaee the war begfcB, When the most intense stage of the German Blitz started, the performances were cot baited, but ~went underground into a shelter. During the first year 150,000 Irerscns bought tickets for the concerts and jobs were provided Funds to Children ffor 1,100 musicians. United States: Tbe (Stadium "I want to keep this little oasis Concerts in New York, which be- " New York (JTA) — T h e final of peace going in the heart of gan in }918 largely as » means $3,000 in the $4«,200 raised in London," Miss Hess recently of keeping up public morale and voluntary contrioutione f o r the
Kerstbcl GrynB^pau Defense fund fc£s been preset ltd to the Foster Parents Plan for War Children, lac, it was announced by Dorotfcy Thompson, organizer of the fund.
British Labor Backs Mandate London (JTA) — The British Labor Party tfais week reaffirmed its determination to stand f o r fulfillment of Britain's obligations in Palestine under the mandate. Philip Noel-Baker, speaking for the national executive during a debate on the war situation at the party's annual con-
fere&te, like Vichy. We ttifci fcy the B»&Edate in Palestine." Von TreitscLke, the v Sng of German j-re-wtr AstflSemites, declared there n e r e r could be or ought to be a tion of re>erriEg pation.
For Rent—3-rooui s j UBfurelBbee. separate entrance. Ail modern. G&s and water paid. Hew stove and new refrigerator. Rent $30. Adults only. AT 1475.
•Ir /••I
ASK FOR ©-Hay Whete WhosS Flakes—At Your Grocer
NE1.SDN BAHBECUE , Omaha's PopuJar After Theater Havens
S16 So. 16th St.
Complete Selection of Sandwiches
Th© Lovely Vdco of HUILA € A U . i X Songstress Par-E»c«Mant
Locations for Your Convenience
3 » 8«.
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«1* 3921 Parnara
Diamonds, Watches Silverware
SPECIAL Loose 2.86 Carat Blue White Perfect Diamond
716 Brandeis The. BbSg. AT 4333
SiOTS JEWELRY CO. 1401 Douglas
HA 2355
A TOAD and MAPS Cheerfully Furnished at
[ om sums i I
' •
Are Best inToim.
Station . €ouneil Stuffs, Iowa "Just Over the Bridge"
By PHINEAS BIRON NEW8 COLUMN The rumors that Dr. Chalm Weizmann intends to fly to Pal" estine soon are unfounded . . . The head of the Zionists will stay on these shores the better part of the summer-'. . . Typical of the British w a y of muddling through is the latesf development in Eretz Israel . . . Instead of giving arms to the Jews of Palestine tbe British have, for t h e first time in the history of the H o l y Land, plunked down an income tax on them . . . Look out for an interesting series of articles in the New York Post . . . It will be by George Backer, publisher of that paper, and will give his impressions of England, whence he is expected to return this month . . . We're all for the U. S. army getting all the troop ships it needs —rbut It floes ecem..a obaine that the S. 8. Blboney had to be taken from the Lisbon-New York run for this purpose .,. . The Siboney bad' been sold out for months ahead, and thousands of refugees who had held tickets for this boat are now stranded for additional months to come . .".'All of which greatly aggravates the refugee situation in Portugal, where thousands of Jewa'are concentrated awaiting a chance to escape from Europe.
Established 1203 Complete Service at Nominal Coat
at 3300
end IHST PICTURES and Priced to Fit Every Purso Small Monthly Payment*
Tracts Oervlco en Trucks tn our Shop is now ovfflilffiSito 24 hossro dtfly, except Sun.
— JA 7203
76®9 Co. 3@ti» St. So. Croatia, fSebr. . 'lor Hire S1.C8 per nest nifllng Lesions .....91.09 per Ham BldJng ,Tkbeta....,12 On. far 81«
"THE mm* rnnmm
THIS .AND THAT In reply to the many Inquiries that hpsve come to us: We taow nothing definite as to the Jewishncss ot General Bernard Preyberg, commander of the British forces In Crete, bnt it i s our impression that the Anzac general is not one of us . . . However, yon may be interested to know that the British administrator of Norfolk Island, which lies, between Australia and New Zealand, is a Jew, Sir Charles Roscnthal . . . The Nazis some time ago made Mate. Pernsnd de Brinon, Jewishborn wife of the Vichy Ambassador to Paris, an "honorary Aryan," but this apparently isn't good enough for the vigorously proOerman diplomat . . . At least, he's now reported to be planning to divorce his wife and then to marry his German secretary . . • Andre Maurois, nee H e r /. o g, whose properties in France have been confiscated, for. some reason 'or other still enjoys visiting the French Embassy at Washington. . . . Is he expecting to be offered "honorary Aryanism?" . . .
oo. OFFICEFURNITURE* AND SUPPLIES i r " All Mabeo of Venetian Blinds & Window Shades Cleaned — Repaired 3120. 1kmtn& St.
MONUMENTS The largest stock of finbhed Memorials in Omaha being reduced at savings of » . •
PROPHETS' CORNER One of these days we're going to delve into the prophecies of the Great Pyramid of Cheopa, which is reputed to contain a complete forecast of the course of world events . . . What got us interested is that fact that one interpreter quite a number of decades ago announced that one era of world history would end and • (Continued on Page 12.) '
' . ' < ! „
CO. 1215 So. 13th St.
.9 \i•L-
$A 1872
Page tt
'A s.ad Soutb America £.re t2fj»e£ttd to participate ia tbe clelii>fcr«Loiisf which will fce - htli nate i& fn-m July » to 11. The ctaier€ctc »iii seek to (1> bring about rto,i *.K. ilo&fci co&ta.ct and fuller t ii&a Lttweea tbe Jewish coair^*- lice.« Jew is it
Chicago (JTA)—How pfo-Na trittis-utly MSTOir*. Oif JEWISH elements staged sto auti-Aniericau ifae las-u and fais work, a t d p U K M , V<«LU6fii 4, : arouses wllluu us a fetroftg desire and a&ti-Jewi&h tieniGL&tration iu ' IMS. MKIiSkt WAJMtAW, to get to the original. He deals) Argentine on May 21 was relate* • i£!iOCH I'VUlAHUliHi CO. KS effectively with Bialik, Perez, lieie by Dr. Sotaiuon Goldman, i i & i PAGES returning by Eastern Airlines I approack^be task <*f review- Frischiaan, asid a host of other from a &ix-week speaking tour in well known figures. fag this volume, tfee fourth and Argentine, Brazil, Paraguay ami Dr. Waxrnan is at home in other South American countries •final in. this important series, jwitk trepidation and humility. Jewish philosophy, theology and m behalf of the Zionist cause. j'or tliis is fio-t tui ordinary book. religion. His treatment of the reNazi influence, Iiabbi Goldman Jvfeasured by a»y standard, it is ligious thought of Judaism of said, has corrupted government unusual. It is in truth an en- Jewish theological and philosoiyclopedia, aud a aiest absorb- phical speculation is comprehen- circles of state, church and army ing one, dealing with Jewish cul- sive and penetrating. His analy- in Brazil and Argentine but the ture, in Ike broadest sense of the sis of Herman Cohen, of David rank and file of the population is democratic and enterm, from 1880 to 1935. Neumark, of Ahad Haam, of Da- stubbornly thusiastically applauds the prinTo review au important work vid Hess, of Morltz Lazarus, to ciples of President Roosevelt. Nazi of 12,000 pages is an impassible mention only a few, is superb. and business men, aidtask. One -can only indicate the And his critique is just and oft- diplomats by local "Quislings," have jricu contents, the comprehensive en penetrating as in the case of ed [character of the volume, and pay Zhitlovsky who we are told wormed their way into every walk tribute to the author for his eru- "Took refuge in Yiddish" — No of life. On May 21 they staged dition, for his penetrating insight thinker of any importance has a demonstration, led by General and excellent summary of one of been omitted. One may quarrel Juan Battista Molina, one of Arthe most exciting and vital epochs with the author at the amount gentine's military chiefs, shoutIn the life of the Jew and Juda- of space given to a particular in- ing, "Kill the Yankee! Kill the ism—the last 60 years. dividual or concerning some in- Jew! Kill the English!" An encyclopedia usually gives terpretation, but only occasionalfacts. This is its primary func- ly. On the whole lie has accurtion. The volume under review ately gauged the importance and Hot only gives facts in embarras- place of each, and his judgement eiug abundance, but interprets is sound.. them autheritatively and with The section dealing with Ammature "wisdom. Though scienti- erican Jewish learning will be fic In the finest sense of the particularly interesting to the New York (JTA) — A delegaterm, the presentation is neither American reader. It will help disdetached nor remote. The author pel the frequent charge that Am- tion of American Jewish leaders loves Judaism and Jews, and is erican Jewry has been sterile and will sail on June 20 for Montevideo, Uruguay, to participate in vitally interested not only in the preservation of both, but in their unproductive. Today the United the Inter-American Jewish Conenhancement. It is this personal States constitutes the chief cen- ference, which has b e e n sumattitude which gives the book a ter of Jewish learning. Our Jew- moned by the American Jewish particularly delightful flavor, ish scholars and centers of learn- Congress in cooperation with the which makes it vital and lively ing are making lasting contribu- World Jewish Congress. The deltions to Jewish- thought and to egation will include Dr. Stephen and stimulating, Jewish life. S. Wise, Louis Lipsky, Dr. NaT'"? 1.20O pages of the volume if any criticism is to be made hum Goldmann and Dr. Samuel are divided into 4 books, which arc further subdivided into 1G of the hook, it is that it is too Margoshes. inclusive. Because Dr. Waxman Twenty communities of North, chanlers. Rook I, under the general title s exceedingly anxious to mention of "Modern Hebrew Literature" 3very name and every work, even contains four chapters, and 'deals he obscure and relatively unim\v1iU The Short Story and the portant, is the volume as largo Novel;** Th<s Poetry of the post- as it is. To give Bublick, and lesHaskalah Period; I&says and ser men, a place alongside HerCriticism; and lastly, the Period- man Colien. M.- M. Kaplan and icals, which played a very signi- David Neumark is to add needficant role in the growth of Jew lessly to size, and to uselessly ^nirden the reader. In my judgelsh literature. inr»dJ;.at least, it would have been Yiddish Literature The second book devoted to wiser, to.-confine the subject mat•'Yiddish Literature and Jewish ter to the frilly important think-' Literature. in European Lan- ers and- their "ideas,-,and not to guages", has three chapters deal- accommodate and include aUjvtao ing with The Hise and Develop- have ever written on Jawisll^ ment of Yiddish Literature in Questions. However, this is a per'-.'•. the Nineteenth Century; Poetry, sonal opinion. Essays and Criticism; and, Jew- This is a book for careful iah Literature in European Lan- study and constant use and reference. Since the style of thi3 last" guages. The third book entitled "Jew- volume is a great improvement ish Learning and Thought" con- upon those which preceded it, it tains five chapters and is one of should find a much larger and the' most important in the entire appreciative audience. The auth-' -work, dealing as it does with t h e or has permanently enriched the philosophy of Judaism. The chap- Jewish literature with this monutors headings are Bible Exege- mental and authoritative history sis; Talmudics, Jowls!] Law, andof Jewish thought. We are all Rabbinics; History, Geography; deeply and lastingly indebted to Biography and autobiography; him. and lastly, Philosophy and Theology and Ethics, Didaco Pyrrho of Evora, foreThe fourth book with four most neo-Latin poet of the sixchapters is devoted to "American teenth century, died at Ragusa as Jewish- Literature" and deals a Jew, Isaiah Cohen. w i t h Anglof- Jewish Literature; Yiddish Literature, Hebrew Literature; and, American Jewish Learning and Thought, with a special section discussing Jewish Law. This outline does not convey even a remote idea &S the rich and solid contents of the volume, aad of the brilliant summarizing by tire author of i m p o r t a n t epochs, authors and of literary and p I'risophlcal masterpieces In a j,~<se or more, the author often vividly portrays the"' essential characteristics of a great thinker knA then as succinctly Discovert d nor* than oil* hmini y««i<i(*, and tottrr over nets forth' his basic thought. This by Mi* IMltd S M B Govnmwnl loprtvenl txploitaliM. (M« is. a difficult -task, but one at Breol ipa hoi tx«n dtneloped Jnlo a nsdtm fitalilwtiort, *>ih ivpctiar livuij Qccommodailoni. Slap at Ihe Eaitmgq which Dr. Waxman is eminently Hotel, located at IN* head of Balh Ho«i» Row, in In am successful. pri»olt port. i» oHtrtciuie) relaxation, caannitnl *> every •chiniy—ond tntft a-Cortrfiment ivpttvittd bofl) tout* wi. Work of Bfendcle der n e wme-roef. TJifEminipo mtialaMa beoufiMtodje s
e Wefcleni Heaiis-co-tsiier a t d coordis *f Lrmgi&g w*t«rtl '•>*'& to Jews in (Sj utiite s-ll Amercfriui
Fur Stor&ger JKevittlife Ck-ar.iag Fur Eems>dfc-Ii£ig . . . AT Sf'"
U. S. Delegates to Sail June 20 for Uruguay Meeting
E3says without number have ' Iteea written about the famous Elendele, bis literary genius and message. In a few pages. Dr.
an Ldi« H«niltan Iwilh tato CaAerim adjoining » h n e p i c «K> and c)ik>«v(ri<i arc frequent gata oventj. Wj auttfaor iporti or» year 'round feoiurM In Hot Sprlngt.
, ROOMS from $2.
They're here . . . plenty of Luxables by NcUy itont . Fresh, colorful fashions that have been Lux-tested t o insure quick, economical, safe upkeep. Wear them daym m iJftd day-out through the co season. (a) Chalk-white San Marcos r a y o n crepe with a patriotic accent. Red or white belt, and blue or red handkerchief. Sizes 10 to 20.
(b) Peruvian Daiay print voile (anti-crease) fa blue, rose, aqua. 14 to 44.
$3.98 Other Ne% Done $1.93, $2.98, $6.80 Sizes 10 to 44 . , a 14J to 24J EXCLUSIVE HERB IN OMAHA
Paxton-Mitchell Co. Foundries Brass, Bronze, Aluminum, ' Soft_ Grey Iron and Semi* Steel Castings, Wood and Metal ~Patterno and Saoti carried in stock.
. g ''.Grilles, . jtSronze a n d Cast
Herzbergs—Fifth Floor
Miss Elizabeth Follansbee, fehfontst and Lux washabilify oxperr, will present our lineup of taxable styles Monday; through Saturdayl. You'll get a regular-sized box of Lus beforo you leave • • • plus lips on wardrobe "upkeep"!
Fridity, June 6, 1941
Our Film Folk By HELEN ZIGMOND HOLLYWOOD. As in Mark Twain's classic about the weather, everybody is complaining about the infiltration of Nazi propaganda Ims, but nobody DOK8 anything! Since the showing of "Sieg im Westeii," Senator Mead of New York is planning to approach the State Department on b a n n i n g such films. The Motion Picture Theater Owners of America, in convention here next month, has the subject on its agenda. The independent theater owners made one attempt to get an import ban, but received a brush-off in Washington. One angle Is (hat authorities do not wish to dignify the protests that the tilmn "are undermining the country's faith in democracy." Most recent and vicious Importation, "Sieg im Westen," is playIng to S. R. O. houses . . . but investigation revealed the patrons were not PAYING customers. Admission was free on presentation of membership cards from Bunds and other Nazi organizations. And, if free entry wasn't lure enough, the power of "suggestion" brought the members flocking. The German-American Congress for Democracy, opposed to Bund tenets, picketed the theater. Concerted action is expected by anti-Nazi organizations to prevent the showing of "Rothschild," vile anti-Semitic lKm, now ready for release. Another v i r u l e n t piece of poison is contained in "Irish Tragedy," designed to foment anti-British feeling among the Irish in America. The German Library of Information, adjunct of the Reich Propaganda Ministry, Is the distributor of these films in the U. S., reveals the News research Service. Recently the "L 1 b r a r y" boasted of the "increase in German film exports during the last year, from 1,773 prints to 3,683, exclusive of the thousand newsreel prints sent abroad each week. P. K. Ferenz, southern California distributor, having been evicted from one theater after an-
THE JEWISH PRESS ~other, was unable to find an out- scene, Jack Benny withered Into awa«d was made to Edward G. let. Herman gchwinn, ex-citizen a chair breathing, "That's me — Mortecsen, lighting engineer of but still a V. B. resident, threw one-take Benny!" the Nebraska Power company's open., bis., establishment,.. Deutcommercial sales department. The sches Haus, for the Nazi-made contest is known as the Augustus Ak Lighting Job pictures. D. Curtis contest for commercial One advertisement o f f e r e d Wins High Honor lighting improvements. "Blitzkrieg im Westen/' "Kinder Frej" and "Taaz und UnterhaltThrough coincident, Mr. Morung"—-all for thirty cents! The interior lighting at the Ak- tensen received his award from Sar-Ben Coliseum won national J. B. Davidson, president of the Irving Hoffman reports that recognition June 3 when this company, who was acting as the when the New York Daily News lighting job was awarded second presiding officer ofythls particucriticized the networks for fail- prize in a national contest. Toe lar session of the annual convenure to broadcast Adolf's Sunday speech, Columbia, broadcasting Church of the Air at that hour, replied: "We believe the word of God in English is more important than (he words of Hitler in Gorman."
tion of the Edison Institute beisg held in Buffalo, N. Y. Mortensen, who designed t It f coliseum lighting installed last fall, received & cash aw&rd of |100, and the Nebraska Power company was presented an award certificate. Jews have controlled the diam o n d industry of Amsterdam since 1612.
Box-office business is booming in London, owing to double daylight time. The clocks have twice been pushed ahead an hour, thus staving off darkness and bombers until nine o'clock. Zig's-Zags* There's a rumor roaming 'round that Chaplin will go on the air with some of his old pictures . . . proceeds for Britain. Milt ( ' W in the head, Morris") Gross is hitting 'em on the typewriter keys instead. Just finished an uninterrupted writing stint of seven months . . . And checked into another lot. Milton Berle completes- the note-jotting of his 43rd song . . . titled, "As Far As I'm Concerned." Scoffed one skeptic nnent the Hess hegira, "It musta been something thought up by Orson Welles." C h a r l e s Reigner's son, Dean, leaves a writing job in the east to join the Army. The senior lU'isner, during the World War I, authored "Goodby Broadway, Hello France." A contingent of South American naval officials was treated to seven courses of Hollywood glamour last week > . glittering stars decorated the tables at dinners and luncheons, leaving a VERY good neighbor impression . . . to put it mildly. Al Bloomingdale anSj Simone Simon are likethis. Erstwhile actress Ann D v o r a k is reported working in the British Ambulance Corps . . . cleaning cars and studying machinery. Mack Grey, George Raft's stand-by, has an appointment with the army medical staff. After 25 takes of one
rYouVe seen men unruffled in spite of the heat. *. they're men who've discovered Manhattan Vericool shirts . . * iVericool fabrics-are open-woven and amazingly light in weight, especially constructed for summer comfort and smartness. Host of new colorings and white •«»*• only; (The Nebraska has them for you. As Little As S?l 2 5 A Month . . on Your Gas Bill
Other Manhattan Shirts $2.50 $3.00 $3JO \ o
tiii-t/, J-te
to Ladies, BAJ : The:Highland Club Tit
Biletir Cholim c-r l i t The Bikuf Chcliiii s-ociety -«iii Le L<id on Mond; y, J j h e is <-i I o'clock at the Jewish C c u i w ^ n y Cutler. Rabbi I&?.i&h K<;cko>ci>" vill deliver a iiivstiifc of M
Wot iien Al
S. UL.>:fct vi> £'. l i t
rs. fr-c-1 Novixiky,
K^idt-E-i of
:C- i-itJui' ('i.iy M-:UCH vf i t t K<i-
i'i :l i i i k i . '
D i > f._r i.',fiii-
i't.x ll:i±'ri.i.-i
tLiiL i i _ d i L > : r t u t i i s v ill L t y
I t Mtrxcsi a t * i i : 3 « . (Continued from Page 1 ) otits.i-te ftr iLt d«,y wiil 'be: iLi,.,x.< Uoe V t s g t r . Moe Lins-against their British and Jewish . llitiitrt Kcopt-r, M. Kalel- oppressors. tj.d J&e Ritir. Seri-ft Stores A <icc<! [iiitt will be given, The Nazis are still getting guns
W-;l t i l e a
24r-s. Mi-iica .Mc-yr-^r «j
Oniahan Will Serve liiterneship at L. A.
U. O. C. Sisterhood
HVEN TO OK TON SENIORS J••/.-.*-jjji Suh.li.iiik, w h o l a s t week
wfes s.BiiKd winner of a fellowship i t the University of Denver, Tuesday night received a series (A houors at t h e senioraluraiii convocation of Creighton university. Soshuik w n s presented the scholarship key awarded by the iiiterrjEtioBal fraternity ot Delta Sigma Pi for ranking highest in the course of commerce and business finance. He was also named to t h e Honorary Chamber of Commerce of the Creighton College of Commerce and was given the Chamber of Commerce gavel award. Edward Colin was also named a member of the honorary Chamber of Commerce and was elected to membersihp in the Order of Ait us, honorary economics fraternity. Cohn was also the recipient of an R. O. T. C. award.
A lufftt supper is to be servthe Arabs in Palestine, it was d e--vtry Thursday night at the to reported, despite the precautions iuL. There will he mail-. jer. t\ tsrdsE'ac.ii week two of the mem-taken by itse British and the reH i s . M i y j e r L»-,s long r.ftsi «.n and bingo a n d iiizes v. ill i t of ilie Women's committee cent seizure by British patrols of :dtiit worker in <:&";s.til a n d given. Reservations for use affair Shtld U;e position of Eieiiiberstip e in cbarge. several c a m e l caravans loaded may be made hy calling HA Ofc-30 ti.aiME«in. and for the f a i t two down with munitions. A number ©r AT 5534. s t a r s Las Lten one of t h e vice of secret munitions stores in the Mrs. J. Finfcel is lunthtcn desert have b e e n recently dischairman. officers installed vrfre: covered. Ho'stesres for the afternoon vil! 'ifrs. Horn Josepnson. vice i--resiMilitary quarters 1'ere estimat•fee: Mesdames Meyer ivatzroan, d€ut; Mrs. Louis Sogolow, vice l>i". Jerome II. Hirschman, son ed that the Jewish home defense Meflach Katzmau, Philip ZoSlom- incident; Uis. 1. I. Solznian, of Dr. and Mrs. If. Hirsehmaijn, units in Palestine must be given eh*n, J. Chait, J. Kaplan. S. Fish, vice president; l.lrs. Hemy A. ! will leave on June 15 to serve at least 50,000 rifles.and ammuCharles Ross. William Epstein. B. Ktwmaa, recording secretary; Jfcis iuteriiesliip at the Cedars of nition, machine guns and hand Grossman, M. G. Cobn, J. Raz- Mis. Fred Elikan, corresponding Lebanon hospital in Los Angeles. grenades, in order to be in a ponick, M. Fishtr. M. Leviason, L. secretary; ilrs. PLil Gilinsky, I'pon completing his interneship, sition to beat back possible Arab Rosenblatt, A. SchwaezMii, S. Ko- treasurer; Mrs. J. ?.I. Newman, Dr. Hiisclimann will be commis- and Nazi attacks. >ak, D. Potash. I. Ploilun, H. auditor; a n d Mrs. Jack Cohen sioned to the U. S. Army Medical Particular stress was laid on Lippet, L. KcViltff, M. Zalkin and a n d Mrs. Reuben Kulakofsky, Corps. the necessity of affording adeM. Coren. new directors. Dr. Hirsclniianii is receiving quate protection to Jews in the Also Mesdaiuts S. Efifctein, J. Several guests made the trip |Ills degree Monday from the Uni- smaller communities. Given the "White, M. Sic gal. L. Bhuwnthal, here with Mra. Novitsky to honor versity of Nebraska Medical necessary arms and ammunition Leon Mendtlson, I. I-tvy, I. So- the new officers. t h e Jewish communities of Tel school. kolof, M. Mitileuian, 1!. RosenMrs. Ben Silver, retiring presiAviv, Jerusalem and Haifa would baum, S. Roseiibaum, M. IColnfc, dent, gave an interesting report Stockholm (JTA) — German be able to protect nemselves from William Pczzner, I. Schwartz, 31. and stressed the fact that in these authorities in Norway have offi- Arab uprisings. Smith, M. Greenfield, F. Fishman, dire times everyone should ar- cially informed the chief rabbi of B. Rothenberg, H. Delroiigh, M. dently support the work of the Oslo that the Nuremburg laws Bonfils de Narbonne was the Plotkin, Reuben 11. Brown, 1. National Council of Jewish Wo- are henceforth in force in Nor- only Jewish troubadour of medAdelstein, Win. Kuklin, A. Jaeob- men. way. Simultaneously the Nazi au- ieval France. son, William Wciner, H. Weinger, First Hoard Meeting thorities issued an order prohibitJ. Goodbinder, A; Roffman, M. On Monday, June 9, at 2 o'clock ing Jews from leaving the 'counHenry Newbolt,- chronicler Wintioub, I. Roffman, J. Horo- at the Jewish Community Center, try. The order states no emigra- andSirpoet of the British navy, was witz, J. Stein, S. Altschiiler, (3. Mrs. Mayper will greet her new tion permits will henceforth be a descendent of a Liverpool Jew, •lirodkey, Rose Freiden, M. Eele- officers and board for the coming issued to Jews. Dr. Samuel Solomon. Witz, I. Blacker, B. Bernstein, J. two years. Plans are being made Hahn, A. Parker, S. Riekes, J. ot launch a strong membership Tretiak, M, Fromkin, A. Ferer, S. drive and from all indications, Fellman. Omaha will be one of the most active sections in the country. At no other time in the history of the council has Hie work played such en important part both The last meeting of the Sister- here and in Europe. Refugees liood of the U. O. C. took place coming to this country cannot on Tuesday, June 3, at the ves- praise too highly the Port and tries of Congregation B'nai Is- Dock vorl; of the council. rael, 18th and Chicago. Mrs. L. Neveleff presided. Reports were given of the drawr .Ing conducted by llie Sisterhood A meeting >of the Sinai club i !( recently, the Mothers and Chil- t\vas held Tuesday evening at thr> .drens service held on Mothers Jewish -Community Center. AIorday, the'activities of the Junior ris Koscn, cliairman of the AthCongregation and Talmud Torab. letic committee,--.-announced t h e At the conclusion of the meet- new - handicap tournament which ing the officers for the coming opened several-weeks ago, is now year were installed. They a r e in full swing. • WITH THE TWO-WAY "DOUBLER" Mrs. Frank Ackerman, president; Miss Alice Cohen was named .i .Mrs. Max Fromliin, vice presi- new w member at the last meeting dent; Mrs. Sid Goldberg, secre- and at the May 27 meeting Paultary; Mrs. . Arthur Goldstein, ine Swerigil, Rose Me>erson, Settreasurer, and Mrs. Jack Epstein, ma Drcyich arid Helen Canfleld , financial secretary. were elected to membership. A group of'friends took the oc^ Miss Berenice Gar6lick, a fortfasion of the relinquishing of the mer member, who i3 to be marchair of the outgoing president ried Sunday to Daniel Miller of " to present the Sisterhood with a Kansas City, has invited the enbeautiful tea . u r n . in her honor. tire club membership to attend Mra. L. Neveleff accepted the gift the wedding reception. for.the Sisterhood,as the retiring president and as the one honored, expressing the hope that the^couetant lioe of the urn•will"stand as an inspiration,\p'the membership • Officers were elected by HadaBfor greater effort l a - t h e great sah at the meeting held on Wedcause of traditional Jewisb^life.; nesday, May 28, at the Jewish After the meeting tea was serv- Community Center. ed~in Lonor of the outgoing and ' Mrs; A. D. Prank will again serve as president. Mrs. Irvin. incoming officers. Levin was named first vice-president; Mrs. Julius Newman is ^second vice-presideni; Mrs. Mike y Freeman, recording secretary; ..The'final meeting of the seaT Mrs. Qebrge r'Kdgan, correspondBon of; the Deborah Society will ing secretary'; ;Mra. William Alhe held Tuecday, June 10, at 2 berts and Mf#.\ Jack Kaufman, ©'clock at the Jewish..Community financial secretjiries; Mrs. Leon Center. -• " ; " : \ , All memoers are u r g e d to Mendelson,, treasurer; Mrs. J« , bring in outstanding dues. Plans Rosenberg, auditor, and Mrs.' J. for the coming season are to be H. Kulakofsky/ parliamentarian. I Directors are: Mesdames J. . formulated. Mrs. J. .Bernstein U president •Goldware, H. F . Goldware, M. F. ' of the Deborah Sobiet'y, and Mrs.',L.evenson, I.' Levin, J. Stein, B. A. Simon, and M.'D. Brodkey. , Michael Cohen Is secretary. ance. Arthur
Council of Jewhh
Patronize Our Advertisers
Sinai Club
rafi Society
" .
Our Appointment as Authorized Agents for . ;•. ' ,.
Use AnierieaQ vvoy to groefor' sisirt com- -.for?. Tfie coavesriiblo coSfor gives you fw% - s&iHs in one.'Wear ft wilh o tic as <s bandBongo dross shirt; or opon fho collar qnd have a eorcrferfable sporS shiffr. ; ."ra|Fajs - tee f a b r i c is ea American copy \n raym"of tee old, higfj priced Fuji silko. If wci'shds pcrfscfly, Wears UUQ broad/,c!o5i3. Ueik sizes 14-17. sloevos- 32-35. f J ' r f d i f - no osfra OGOT
Friday, June 6, IS411
Zeta Beta Tau
' Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Saki of Council Bluffs announce the engagement and approaching Carriage of their daughter. Missjdiriam Saks, to Mr. Joseph R. Soshjnlk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben SoshBik. To honor the betrothed coujtJe, Mr, and Mrs. Caks enter? Utaed at dinner at home Thursday evening. Members of the im-r •mediate families were present. Miss Saks is a graduate of Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs. Mr. Soshnik lrom Omaha Central High School and from Creighton University, wjbere he was affiliated with Pi Lambda Phi fraternity. The wedding will take :|lace 'On June 29. BETROTHAL TOLD . Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirshenbaum >nnounce the- engagement of their daughter, Miss Rebecca, to Mr. Max M. Gralnek of Newton, Iowa, son of Mrs. M. Gralnek, also of Newton. Both Miss Kirsh«nbaum a n d her fiance attended the University of Iowa. Miss Kirstienbaum is a member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority and Mr. (jrainex was affiliated with Phi Beta Delta, A late summer wedding is being planned. »
HARDING-TLC'HMAN Mrs. Frank Tuchman announces the marriage of her daughter, Saralee, to Albert J. Harding, son of ; Mr. L. Harding of Council Bluffe, on Tuesday, June 3. Rabbi David H. Wice performed the ceremony in the presence of ihe immediate family. • The couple will reside at the Oakland apartments in Council Bluffs. CN EASTERN TRIP n The Misses Annie and Fannie Firestone are leaving today i w a three weeks trip in*- the East. While In New York they will attend the wedding of their cousin, Mr. William Fuchs. They also plan to visit friends and relatives in Boston. FROM MASSACHUSETTS Mrs. Harry Levitan and s o n , Clifford Abbott, of Brookline, Mass., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noddle. , HERE FOR INDEFINITE STAY Mrs. I. Gross Cohn and daughter, Carole Loretta, of San Diego, Calif., are here for an indefinite stay with Mrs. Cohn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bloch.
? and a member of the Inter-faith council. Other men in activities were Varsity letterman Leonard Muskin, g u a r d on Nebraska's 1940 Hose Bowl football team; Bud Goldstein, a member of the Student Union Board and a Corn Cob, and Jiin Lipsey, assistant editor of the Awgwan and member of Theta Nu, pre-med hon_orary. Ed Malashock and S i d Schwartz were in Pershing Rifles and the Crack Squad. Many of the freshmen have" made progress on all publications. Intramural sports has been another field of successful endeavor for the Z. B. T.'s this year. They won the league championship In bowling, and the all-university ping-pong title, a n d narrowly missed being league victors in Softball. The house also entered and won many games in football, golf, tennis, handball, basketball and volleyball. Zeta Beta Tau -won the Inter-fraternity debate tournament and was presented with the Delta Sigma Klio trophy. • A commendable record was also made in scholarship, placing second on the campus last year and third last semester. After a most successful year and with promises of an even better year to follow, Alpha Theta chapter of Zeta Beta Tau closes the doors of its chapter house to recess during summer vacation.
Lincoln (Special) —Six Alphu Theta men end their coilege careers on June 9 after contributing much to the success of the house during their membership. The loss of Ernest Wintroub, Robert Cohen, George Frischer, Morton Eisen, Edwin Wittenberg ami Paul Kra&ne will be keenly felt by the remaining brothers. Best wishes of the house go with them. Zeta Beta Tau was well represented last week when1 the University of Nebraska Publications Board announced publication appointments /or the coming year. James Lipsey, who will be a senior next Year, was appointed editor of the Awgwan Flash, t h e university humor and pictorial magazine. Alan Jacobs, although just finishing his first year at university, was appointed news editor of the Daily. Nebraskan, the unveraity daily newspaper. Other steps in activities were taken by Sheldon Kaufman and Calmen Menzer, who were initiated into Corn Cobs, the men's pep organization. Cal also became a member of Kosmet Klub, a men's dramatic organization. Active Year During the past year Zeta Beta Tau has had men in practically all branches of activities w i t h George Frischer, editor of t h e Awgwan, member of K o s m e t Klub, and an Innocent, and Ed Wittenberg, business manager of the Awgwan, president of Sigma At a recent meeting of the U. Delta Chi, journalism honorary, T. sorority, held at the home of
Miss Marian Sally Liviiifc plans were made for Use sun formal dance which is to he June 23 at Peony park. Three members of the sorority were confirmed at Temple Israel last Sunday. They are; Miss Mary Diane Frischer, MisvsBarbara Weis and Miss Marian Sally Livingston.
Name New Manager . For Regis Hotel Appointment of H a r o l d S. Butcher as the new resident manager of the Regis hotel, effective on June 1, was recently announced. Mr. Butcher was formerly with the iflppley Hotel company here. For thirteen years he was manager of the Ottumwa Hotel in Ottumwa, Iowa, and previous to that lias been associated with hotels in Des Moines.
These- spirited dresses never get that just-ha&a-fong-journey • look. They pack, they travel with unassailable poise. Chiefly I - jesponsible fojr this immunity to wrinkling is *Pakables' excluft r sive tayori fabric, Bunna1 Mesh.-scieritifically -woven of superb TzfeutesJ yarn to achieve unusual resilience. In all the hew j . pastel colors including horizon blue, quartz pink; spray green •and yellowstohe. Sizes 12 to 42; ' " - ' -
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U. T. Sorority .
RETURNING TO QUANTICO Lieut. Harold Zelinsky, w h o has been h o m e on leave this %. B. T. MOTHER'S CLUB The Zeta Beta Tau Mother's; week, is leaving tomorrow noon Club will hold a get-together and to return to the U. S. Marine base . luncheon at 1 p. m. ThMra- at Quantico, Va. ,day, June 12. at the Blacksllone Hotel. All alumni mothers are Junior Hctdctssah -,, .invited to attend. An interesting -program is being planned. This At the Junior Hadassah meetj, -will be the last luncheon until ing held on Monday, June 2, Charnext fall. . lotte Nogg was elected president. Mary Arbitman is new first vice RECEPTION FOR BRIDE , president; Frances Blumkin, sceMr. and Mrs. A. Shaftoh are ond vice president; Helen Whitefolding *%. wedding reception'! for book, .recording secretary; Ruth their daughter, Evelyn, on |un- Rosenstein, corresponding secre-flay, June 8, from 7 to 10 p m. tary; Frances Osoff, treasurer; *t their .home, 3113 Lincoln Blvd: and Ann David, parliamentarian: > All relatives and friends are A special meeting will be held Invited to attend,.. : : on Wednesday, June l l j at. the Jewish" Community Ce n't e r to check in tickets. • The annual Ha'* " '{ ' Sunday at 2:30 in the corcert dassah dance will be held at:Pe.' nail of the Joslyn Memorial, three ony park with music furnished by , 'sound films will be shown. They Gary and his orchestral /'.''•• T. • are: "Land of Islam," "Morocco" I i and "Found In Morocco." Mr. John W. Welch will spealf at , ,-. ^ 3 : 3 0 on "Why We Have a Hu„». mane Society." ••A.4 o'clock^ orCUT DIAMOND' : gan recital is to be •" given; by ••• | : P e r f e c t ' - ^ v .' Esther Leaf, assisted- by. Cecif. W. • O , \ Berryman, pianist. • At 4:30-the ' • , ' - ' Omaha Music; Teachers assbclaSet in .,, '* tlon will present a.Young Artists ' ' BagvieCtes '/-program'; ". ." " ' Splendid S^HjJti 5 0 VnIu6 HONOR'COJST'IRMANT ? * V Many Other Special Values Mr. -.and Mrs. *fti.~ H. -Pessep, Convenient Tcrmo •111 receive at.their honje." ;a&03 ' "*"- --CoUntry"Club'Blvdi^.Stf5Say, from '* ,3& 4.0 5, in honoy'oTthe."confirmation ot UieifdKauJghter; Beverly Jean*-""' -^** Kelatives and friends are cpr.-•^"^ wiiaiiw1 invited.1" - - -
Special! Something New!
Frencfo ieora—Seeoasf Ploe?
I ' if
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4.dvi.E.i£.ge of the camping season i tfc tiritLtd m&ny times.
Feeding Europe
Ut^utttiGKiiily the most important problem SUBSCRIPTION PKfCE, O«.t Vcsr Advertising S-6«i«,i Furr.i«ii~aitf * (i-cJEg Aiiitrlca t&aay is whether or not to feed the oecufried countries of Europe. This country, Good lifiderstsuidiiig g i v e t h 1 Allot,. (WNS) — A sensation \»ith its granaries capacity full, is faced with th grace, bat tbe •way tf tL.e faithMMNT &b&t i i Sa« Wife Bisti* W£s.caused j n Rumanian political dilemiBa of Efcancg its abundance with stricken less is harsh. Poverty &E«I &nb.m<e tba.ll be tut DAVID BLACKEK— s E&ct Maasglag Eaiter nations a«id in dcing so assisting tbe German wa; him that refuseth int-truetion but ( i n k s when George Potopeanu iE&cbi&e; or cf cot heeding the plea of the hun he that regardetb reproof bliall resigned from bis post as secreLEONARD NATHAN tary of state for national economy gry and by our cr&ssiiess *<?^rifciite to the death be honored. RABBI THfcODOHB R LEWIS JBo&k Editor He that wslketh with wise men because of his opposition to t h e and destruction cf thousabis of more innocent war PRANCES BLACKER . . Boeiety' Editor shall be wise, but the companion anti-Jewish laws, it waa reported MORRIS AIZENBERG Sioux City Correspondent victims. of fools tfaail be pungent for it. Power politics dictates the latter course. W The heart knoweth its own here. Potopeanu was quoted as sayare told to stuff cotton into our ears so that we bitterness and with its joy no ing that anti-Jewish laws, which cannot hear the pitiful wail. We are told that stranger can intermeddle. TALMUD eliminated Jews from the economDr. Everett Ciiucliy, the well-informed execu- our own security depends on ignoring the starvaOur Rabbis were taught. It ic and political life of the countive of the National .Conference of Christians and tion of women and children. happened that Acher (the infi- try, were ruining Rumania ecoJews, has issued a timely warning that Americans It is easy enough for those of us who are well- del great scholar) was riding nomically. The Economy Minister «f all faiths must be on the alert. The world has fed and clothed to say we have no right to break upon his horse on the Sabbath was reported to have approched Rabbi Mair was walking be- pro-Nazi Premier Ion Antonescu Cone too far on the road to chaos to escape severe the British blockade which is our own greatest and hind him to learn the Torah on several occasions and appealed repercussions. The years ahead will be critical defense against German aggression. It is so easy from him. He said to him, "Mair, for a less stringent application of and painful, and it is for all to fortify themselves. for us to express our views on the subject when we turn thee backwards, for I have the anti-Jewish regulations with Every period of social upheaval results in fric- are not hungry and are not witnessing the slow already measured by means of regard to industry and commerce. my horses's hooves that up to Unable to make any headway tions. The United States with its great variety of starvation of our children. this point is the legal limit of the anti-Semitic Premier, Potoreligious opinions and national origins la particuWell may we ask why the people of the Nether- the Sabbath (that a person can peanu tendered his resignation, larly vulnerable. Our history in this regard ! | lands, Belgium and Norway should become the walk out the city)." Rabbi Mair which was accepted without comrather sad. In the perod immediately following' pawn of power politics. Why must they, who then said to him, "Return thy- ment by Antonescu. The defecself also." Wheiwupon Acher retbe Mexican War and preceding the Civil, when through every conceivable method sought to avoid plied: "Have I not answered tion in the Rumanian cabinet was the nation was convulsed with the preliminaries war, suffer the heaviest? The situation has been thee already what I have heard reported to have made a profound impression on the entire country, of the bitter anti-slavery struggle, a vicious anti- bad enough this past winter. The summer harvest from behind the curtain?" "Re- which is financially crippled by Catholicism arose. Actual pogroms against the will ease the situation slightly; but there is an- turn, O backsliding children ex- the high costs of maintaining the cept Acher." Rabbi Mair perCatholics occurred, bringing to America, the tradi- other winter coming, and a winter that will see suaded him to enter a place of Nazi army of operation. tional home of religious freedom, a rather bad greater misery. The area of suffering has been learning. He said to a child, "Reodor. It would be well for some of the Cough- extended. More people have been involved in the peat for me the verse which you Unites to read the history of that period and per- conclict. The Balkan lands which should have have studied today." He quoted to him (Is. 48:22) "There is no haps they would not be so eager to awaken sleep- been put under cultivation were being utilized as peace saith the Lord unto the Ing hatreds. a battleground and the farmers were in the army. wicked." How did Rabbi Mair the Torah from Acher, the On the heels of the past war, we were forced We were indignant when the Spanish Rebels study infidel? Rabbi Dim! said, "Rabto endure the Ku Klux Klan with its variety of under Franco blockaded the Loyal civilian popula- bi Mair carefully selected the Geneva (WNS) — Intensification of the anti-Jewish campaign hatreds. And the economic collapse of 1929 was tion—and we, were rightfully indignant. These ;ood and rejected the evil." in Nazi-occupied Belgium w a s followed by all sorts of chimeiic schemes for re- were not soldiers of war. Nor are the people of Rabbi Hlai said, "If one feels hailed by the government-coneovery that bolstered rather weak theories with Holland and Bejgium soldiers. that his passion threatens to trolled prcsa and radio which itself master over him he warned the population to boycott prejudices. It Is essential that we formulate a program to make shall go to a place where he is If America can escape involvement in the pres- aid the stricken people of Europe. Otherwise on not known and let him put on Jewish-owned shops and buy from ent conflict, her people may be able to lead the our shoulders will rest the responsibility of a hor- black clothes and as he pleases, "Aryans" only, it was learned here. but he shall n o t profane the world back to sanity without itself falling victim rible crime. At the same time, the Nasi name of Heaven publicly." • to this insanity. The Conference of Christians and press demanded that the few reJews, with its honest attempt to bring fellowship maining Jewish shops in Belgium be compelled to display in their ttnd understanding to the members of all religious windows a "mogen david" for the groups has shown the way. In England, for the It has been over eight years since Hitler first protection of "Aryan" customers. first time since the Reformation, Catholics, An- began his drive against the German Jews. The Members of the Belgium Nasi .elican, and non-Conforming Protestants have come first handful that was enough aware to leave in party have resumed their picketing activities against Jewish* - together on terms of eqnality and fellowship to 1933 has increased until hundreds of thousands owned enterprises, shouting discuss post-war problems. It is an unprecedented have poured forth from Germany, Austria, and By PAT FRANK threats of violence at would - be demonstration of what religious groups can do. Czecho-Slovakia. The threats that no one could customers. J. T. A. Washington If these activities can bear fruit, the world will bring themselves to believe when uttered by the Meanwhile, it was announced Press Bureau escape many moral scars. • " . Nazis in their formative years have become acthat the registration of all Jewish-owned property in Belgium How we shall escape depends on the good-will complished facts. WASHINGTON. had been completed. Diplomatic Not since the very early days of American setnot of peoples but of Individuals. No society can I don't know how you felt circles here believed that the make its members love those of another if the tlement has so unusual a group of immigrants about it, when you heard the Nazis, following the procedure members themselves are not willing to love and come to America. Instead of the usual poverty- President's speech, but to this used in other occupied countries, respect their fellows. As Jews it is for us to un- stricken illiterates that arrived here in "the days writer it was as if I had been w o u l d shortly announce the to sit in on the enun- wholesale confiscation of Jewish derstand the situation so that we can face the of the great migrations, the bulk of the German privileged ciation of o second Declaration wealth and the "Aryanization" of emigres have for the most part been well-educated, problems of the morrow with a degree of intelliof Independence. J e w i s h enterprises throughout gence. We have our own house to put in order, cultured and well-mannered. • > ' . • It was a Declaration of Inde- Belgium. our own strife to conclude, our own fellowship to There is no reason to pretend their life has pendence which wasn't* confined re-establish. This Is the task ahead for us. If been easy nor their assimilation into the American to the borders of the United: portion of America. How c«n we cannot rise to its demands, we will have in- scene without difficulty. But their lives here have States, but spread its shining hope Roosevelt move when lie has B«eh over the whole world. And while dieted a mortal defeat upon ourselves. been easier than those of the parents and grand- the military implications were strong opposition within his ow> country?" ••'::>••• parents of most Americans; and-they have quickly enormous and the whole future Now the world knows who is acquired a proficency in English and an under- of all of us. turned on the impli- President of the United States— of single phrases, if you who was elected president, not by standing of American wayB. The German emigres cations looked behind that you found the enforced "ja's" but by free toalIn little less than, a month, the third season have beWfitted by. the lessons this country learned light by which Rosevelt is guided lot, and who speaks for this of Camp Jay-C-C will open. The annual Center from the earlier migrations. And despite the prop- —the "four freedoms." country. : He said: "We will accept only camp, revived three years ago after a Beries of aganda of the Nazis, they have not been subjected An old newspaperman who has world consecrated to freedom • .vacation schools, has proved one of the most suc- to the humiliation so many of the other Immigrants of speech and expression—free- covered the White .Howe since the days of Wilson walk©* into endured. Americans have, for the moat part, been cessful projects on the Center calendar. No mat. dom of every person to worship the Press Club after it was over, sympathetic and understanding. God in his own way—freedom mopped his damp forehead, and ter how valuable the .vacation schools had been, they could not be a substitute for the outdoor As a result of the Nazi persecutions, America from want—and freedom from shouted: "Well, there's nothing more to say. He's said It all." «amps where fora period'.of'several weeks, young has become the refuge of some of Europe's great-, terrorism."This is what "we are fighting boys and girls are brought into actual contact est intellectuals. The men who gave prestige and for, Roosevelt torn the world. He The ideal which the president with the" outdoors. honor to European culture were the first to flee-!- might have added that we are enunciated is for the benefit of 1 preparing to fight for a world all mankind. There are peoples This year the locale of the camp has been bralns being the last thing the Nazis wanted in that is fit to live in. in the world who have been demoved to Frenwmt, wtiere'a modern site has been their midst. The outstanding scientists, writers, For the Americans of Jewish prived of oae or two or three of procured. With so ideal a location; Jewish chil- inventors, business men; the very type of person faith the _ speech probably had the four freedoms. But the Jews, dren of Omaha will be .given an even finer op- who under ordinary circumstances would never more implications than for any everywhere the swastika flies or portunity to participate in one of the pleasantest leave their home soil, have sought peace here. other group. For coupled with where its shadow falls,- have been proclamation of on unlimited deprived of them ail. .- • pastimes of childhood. > American scholarship has been enriched beyond the emergency, it meant that those For a Jew, as for any other . . -Camp offers even more than just a summer any dream. Individuals and .groups who have American, there can be no sacrivacation. It takes the young people into a difThe first of this .group of emigres has already been using American Jewry as a fice too great to make to aid i n ferent world from the one to which,they have be- become so well Americanized, it is impossible to ranching bag now ffnaly will be tho realization of the Aosevclt as the tools of Hitler. ideal. come accustomed. Instead of the hot city streets, distinguish them from the native stock. Likewise exposed ~True, they have been exposed the beginning of Hitlerism, they are outdoors, acquiring an appreciation for the first fruits of achievement are' being realized. )efore, but this time the Federal it In was the Jew who fought alanother mode of existence. The child who haa In this one way, America shall have occasion to luthoritles have a scalpel with most alone for all humanity. It vhlch to cut them from the body was the Jew who bore the first not spent some part of his life Jn a rural environ- thank Hitler for his relentless persecutions. politic as a sucseon would re- brunt of the most diabolic, viment has missed an enviable experience. move a dangerous cancer. cious attack ever directed against Living together with other children, the campIt Beemed, fo, a time, that the human' race. The Jews first some people had forgotten that recognized and denounced Hitler ers are given added responsibilities, and learn what Franklin D . . Rosevelt was presi- for "what m? was. The Jews were the spirit of fair play actually means. Those who dent of the United States. slaughtered, despoiled of their have oeen to camp always consider it one of the Other,. and spurious leaders, property, herded like animals ••Rosh Chodesh Tammus Wednesday, June 26 Pleasanteat memories of childhood, an unforgetable *Fast of Tammuz .Saturday, July 12 had spoken. The bleating of Chaa into fetid camps, hounded from experience. ItO8h Chodesh Ab .:....". Friday, July 25 A. Lindbergh was published in boundary to boundary and used Saturday, Aus; 2 the Berlin and Rome press as if as the scapegoats .for any nation-, To insure a successful camping season, the Cen- *Pastof Ab ' . -Saturday, Aug. 23 Lindbergh was the true represen- al disaster. ter provides excellent facilities, a well - rounded **Rosh Chodesh Ellul tative of the people. Lindbergh But finally, the world, "go* Rosh Hashonah Monday, Sept. 22 could not be elected dogcatcher activities program, and a first-class staff, It 13 wise." Tho world .realized tlu»t a Fast of Gedaliah Wednesday, Sept. 24 in Pour CJornero, Iowa. man who is eirael enough to beat only unfortunate that it is impossible to find a Yom Kippur ... ..Wednesday, Oct. 1 Ihe world > press listened to o small child Is id&> liUely to camp nearby that is large enough''for all who Senator Barton H. Wheeler, mil beat his wife. Now the w^iirU is to eiuae. Brit for- therfe "fortunate , *Also observed the previous flay. fighting bacls. The TTOJ-M of hu£&"S*K*L u : rc : A
The Task Ahead
Gem& of tLfet &itd Tla.ltnull
Camp Once More
" _57O3t - 1 9 4 1 • •
Frtdajr, ium.* 6',. I S 4 1
FRANC SIXTEEN LAW Chief Rabbinate Forced To Leave Vichy Vichy (JTA) — . . decree concentraUng foreign .Jews in limited zones of residence wag believed to be one of the 16 anti-Jewish measures reported under preparation In Paris by X&vicr VaUat, Vichy's commissMMier for Jewish affairs. The 16 laws cover Jewish participation in all fields of national life, it is said. While details are unavailable, It is believed economic activity of Jews in the free sone will be curbed for the first time, while foreign Jews win be practically deprived of t h e possibility of moving about or earning a living. Despite recent reports, it is unlikely that converted Jews will receive exceptional treatment, which will be reserved for former tront-flghteia. On the other hand, purely racial measures, such as prohibition of m i x e d marriages are not likely in the near future. Meanwhile, 6b jews living in the Riviera district have b e e n »ent to Le Vernet concentration Camp. T w o hundred and fifty Jewish suspects nave been sent to the provinces under police supervision a 11 e r extensive raids last week in the Nice district. The Chief Rabbinate of France is shortly leaving Vichy, where its presence has been declared •'undesirable," and will be established either in Lyon or Marseille. A decree In the Official Journal provides numerous exceptions for "merit" to vthe decree discharging naturalized Frenchmen from public positions. Close relatives Of these persons are also covered by the exemptions. These persons are also eligible for army service. Jew-Baiting on Riviera A number of persons were arrected in Paris when the Nazi authorities uncovered a secret printing plant which forged German permits to cross the demarcation line between occupied and unoc' copied Franco for Jews anxious to escape f r o m the Nazi-held zone. The forged permits were sold at prices ranging from 3,000 to 6,000 francs. Using them, several hundred Jews were enabled to enter the free zone, it is said. AT The national congresB of Jacques Dorlot's French Popular party, h e 1 d in Paris, devoted most of its time to Jew-baiting* Speakers denounced "the Jewish peril" in all fields of activity, •while regional delegates reported on anti-Jewish activities of their respective organizations. The Nice delegate reported that Jew-baiting was especially successful on the Mediterranean coast and said it had the'support of the local authorities. Meanwhile, rumors of a pendi n g blocking of Jewish accounts in banks have created nervousness among the Jewish population. London (JTA) — , Plays by
THE JEWISH PRESS Jewish playwrights are still performed in Nazi-occupied Paris, but the names -of the authors may cot be mentioned, the Free French newspaper France reportd. The Paris the&ter Porte St. Martin has resumed performances of the play, "Two Orphans" by Dennery, whose name, however, does not appear on posters and programs because he is "nonAryan." • The Vichy government h a s sanctioned reestabli&hment of the Agudeth I s r a e l in unoccupied France, the London office of the Orthodox organization reports. Mattieu Muller, lawyer and former president of the French Agudth, is chairman. The organization has its headquarters in Marseille and branches in important cities. Muller recently collected 5,000 Hebrew books and ritual objects in Switzerland for distribution in the Ours and Les MHles internment camps.
Singers on FordHour Next Sunday Florence George, whose voice has won acclaim In movies and radio, and Bob Hannon, who la featured five times a week over the CBS network, will be the guest stars on the Ford Summer Hour, which will be broadcast over Station KFAB next Sunday evening between 7 and 8 o'clock. Meredith Willson, of "chiffon swing" fame, again will conduct the Ford Stnyphony, Rhythm orchestra and chorus. Miss George has sung with the Chicago Opera company and has been featured In several films. In radio, she has been starred with Lanny Ross and Charles Butterworth and has made nine guest appearances on the Kraft Music hall. ' Mr. Hannon, who started his public singing career when he was four years old, c a m e up through vaudeville and n i g h t clubs. A 6-foot, 190-pounder, he is now heard on CBS programs with Emery Deutsch and Walter Gross.
Ptg«s 6 will officiate at all Friday evening
Services will be held every Friday evening throughout the summer in the lower auditorium of Morris Klain, who is receiving the Temple, starting at 8 p. m. a Master's degree from Oberlin college, Oberlin, Ohio, has been awarded a scholarship at Y a l e university. He has also been ofRabbi Isaiah Rackovsky will fered scholarships by Harvard speak at the B'nai Israel Sunday and Columbia. •* morning at 9 o'clock at the regKlain, the son of Mr. and Mrs. ular services. Saturday morning services start David Klain, graduated from the University of Omaha last year at both the B'nai Israel and Beth He had been editor of "The Gate- Hamedrosh Hagodol at 8:30. Mincha start* at 7:30 p. m. at way," school newspaper, which was awarded several honors dur- both congregations. ing his editorship. His final two Honor Bishop Manning years at Omaha he was assistant to Professor Royce West. Before New York ,JTA)—Jewish leadentering the University of Omaha ers joined in an inter-faith dinhe had attended N o r t h High ner at the Hotel Biltmore markwhere he was the only student ing the 76 th birthday of Protesto edit the school newspaper two tant Episcopal Bishop William T. years In succession. Manning. Former Justice Joseph He has been attending Oberlin E. Proskauer w a s the Jewish on a scholarship and has major- speaker. ed in political science. He plans to enter Yale in the fall.
u. o. c.
Religious Services Beth El During the summer months, the following schedule of services will be observed by the Beth El synagogue: Daily morning services will begin at 7:15; Friday night services will take place at 7:30. Saturday morning and Sunday morning services will start at 9 o'clock. Cantor Aaron Edgar
JOSLYN EXHIBITING REMBRANDT PAINTING One of the f a m e d Biblical studies made by the great Dutch artist Renrbrandt in the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam is on temporary exhibit at the Joslyn Memorial. The picture, "King David With Hi* Harp," is on loan from a New York gallery. Rembrandt ia famous for his many studies of the Spanish Jews of Holland. The son of a deeply-religious Protestant family, Rembraudt moved into the Jewish quarter where na became a c l o s e friend of the Rabbi, Manasseh ben Israel of whom he made two paintings. For his Hiblical scenes, Rent* brandt used his Jewish neighbors as models. Jews assisted in the defense of Naples In 537.
car Oil and Gas Furnaces Now is the time to Install a modern automatic heating plant, either Oil or Gas. No down payment, first payment begins October 1st. Liberal allowance on your old furnace. If you intend to repair your present furnace, call Swartz for free estimates.
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Jabotinsky Monument New York (PTA)—An appeal to Jewish painters and sculptors in America to submit projects for a monument to Vladimir Jabotinsky, Zionist - Revisionist leader, was issued by t h e Jabotinsky Monument committee. The monument is to be erected over Jabotinsky's grave on AugUBt 3, the first anniversary of his death.
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Palest Answ
By GaKa As tor
Friday, J«uiie_6, 1941
I B the followtnc wrttele, G»- must be driven faster, so, too, Mli Aator describes the enorm- must the civilian population &nd 4MM tasks aad vital positions tl»e military forces be fed. In this the woman b*ve undertaken in vital field women play a major - tke all out, sll important de- role. It is true that for many years they have been picking fense program at Palestine. , —THIS EDITOR. oranges, grafting trees, growing The ancient battle-cry ©f the vegetables, conducting dairies, Jews of Palestine following their raising poultry and bees, but it return from first Babylonian Ex- had keen thought inconceivable ile: "Everyone with one of his for a woman to plough with a hands wrought on the work and tractor. Man's brawn and skill with the other hand held a wea- were needed for this difficult pon" has been heeded in our task. It was not for the mechanewn time by the new builders of ical inadequacy and negligible Palestine. Today it is being real- strength of the woman. This, too, has been proven to ized day after day not only by the men, but by the women as be an unfounded prejudice, for women are now tilling the soil well. The "Daughters of Israel/ side with, that most modern of agritoy side with the men, are build- cultural implements, the tractor. ing roads and planting groves; It is due to the participation of cultivating faring and guarding women in all branches of agrir ' their homes; nursing their chil- culture that during last year dren and fortifying the colonies; Palestine produced 45% more Manning factories and learning to wheat and 75% more vegetables • bear arms. In the present great than in previous years. "To work and defend" has for battle of the Jewish people for the reconstruction of Palestine decades been the slogan of the and the defense of its borders pioneers of tbe Jewish Homeland. from the dark forces that seek In these days of war it" is in the to crush our entire civilization, colonies primarily that women women are not huddling about play a leading role both as workthe hearth, bewailing the fate of ers and defenders. With so many their menfolk. They are in the men waging war, the very existfront lines of the batle maintain- ence of the colony depends upon ing the great works achieved their determination, their fortithrough twenty-five years of pio- tude, their ability to rise to the occasion. Short courses in plumbneering. " ing, electrical * installation and The women of Palestine need«d neither urging nor war-propa- machine repairing have prepared ganda to stir them into action. them for an emergency. On the contrary, they took the Prrpare Defense fnitiative of sending delegations Can women defend the colon«f the Working Women's Coun- ies against attack? One need only cil and other women's organiza- peruse the pages of history tions to the Jewish Agency and of the Hashomer (thetheorganizathe Vaad Leumi to facilitate the tion of guards and sentries), as 'ull participation of women in as the Hagunali or more re- «»cb auxiliary services of the well years to convince oneself ' Army as nursing, sanitation, pbar- :ent hat .the chalutzah, as well as the mncy, clerical and motor services. K has been in the forefront This action was taken soon after chalutr, in defending "kvutzah" (comtbe first call for recruits. and colony from maraud'. ' Neither did they wait for plans mune) ;• to be laid and put into operation ing Arabs. A young girl who played a * \>y the government, bat preoent- eading part in the defense of . ed expensive plans for the training of women for such occupa- everal "kvutzabs"; tells how she tions as were hitherto largely was selected fpr the responsible position of commanding officer \ carried on by men. of the Haganah in her colony. Doing Men's Work At first she trembled lest she be . The Working Women's Coun- incompetent to carry through this cil, which is the women's division most-responsible task, but to her of the Hisfadruth (Jewish Fed- great satisfaction* she" succeeded. , eration of Labor) with a mem- Her growing confidence impelled " %ersMn of over 50.000. compris- her to assign more difficult roles ' 1»K 40r/, of the Hlstadruth, not to other women, so that one day -only advocated the training pro- she was confronted by a young' gram but placed at the disposal man who protested: "How is it «1 the Morcmentjoned centnU that you send me to the signal'.agencies their training facilities, tower and the girls to outside experience and personnel for the positions?" She could only reply; expansion required by a war-time "As a man you are insulted, but program. half the members -of this settleWhen we say that as a result ment have always been given ^ of the deliberations and planning, tasks which place them' belind * women today are already replacing men in the bnilding trades, -• Machine work, road construction, SAFE and PLEASANT garage service and motor driving, * ft should he borne in mind that Age-old prejudices bad to be OT. Get' a Set of '- ercome before women in tbe East, most of whom came from East: «rn Eurone, could be permitted „ even to drive a car. Now it ifl they who are driving "• the busp*. trucks and other mo,-tor vehicles, carrying produce ' . from settlements and colonies to " the cities, transporting soldiers to the front and conducting workers to and from .work, while several are already licensed pilots. It Is interesting to note that • many chauffeurs have prepared Your U. S. R O Y A L . their wives to take their places. TIRES "will prove more AB all men between the ages economical in the long of 20 and 35 have been mobil- run. Let us save you - teed for military service,' it is money, with these extra the women who now build huts - And police barracks, particularly safe, extra mileage tires. - In the new settlements. J as the-wheels of industry
Call the front. Will you also give a thought to that?" And what of the children? While their mothers are at work or in training for new occupations, the children cannot be permitted to run loose. In the present emergency Palestine may well be grateful for the excellent social services that have been built up for children. First, there are the children's homes, such as the one completed last year at Hedera. In the city and colony, moders kindergartens and nurseries provide for the needs of the preschool child. Then there are the after-school clubs where all children play and study under supervision and are served a mid-day meal, staying until their mothers call for them. Certain factories, such as the textile factory at Atta, run on a three-shift basis, with women working from twelve until seven in the evening. They can be at peace all day, knowing that their children, are well cared for in their absence. During the summer months city children of working mothers are sent for two-week vacations to r u r a l areas, in Nahalal, in mountainous regions sjch as Kiryath Anavin, while the rest of the period is spent in summer play camps. All available facilities must now be greatly extended to include boys and girls whose mothers were housewives only yesterday. Carrying On Special attention is given to the problem of sparing children
their sti/S'S of bocsrtty t-isce airraids Lave fctta ejtj>erien«.t-d by many. AHLcagii ihere fcas btess no general ev.s,tt«-U^a of cLildrtE., one iMMi-i&rs Loj&e wts Iratsfered from Haifa to Kaha.Ifc,L Should fcv&ctt&tioB prove «etessary, the proileia viii be simplified by the f&et that fcotb urban and rural Hkotfcers belong to tbe Org&Biz&ti&B at Working Mothers (lrgu&i lia&b&ih GTtiotb), a subsidiary cf the- Workicg vVoinec's Council %'bicii can readily arrange for the placing of efaiidren in various setleiaents. Tbe training ct women and girls proceeds space under tlie auspices of tlie Working Women's Council ((Moatzalh Hapoaletb), which receives sts maiBtenance funds from the Pioneer Women's Organization . which has helped the women of ,Palatine in their effective application to the war time demands. In the past year, the New York clubs succeeded in raising close to fS5,000. Of this sum, $20,000 was given to the Working Women's Council, the rest going to the various funds which are conected with work for Palestine. The outstanding fund-raising event of the year was a huge bazaar in which all the clubs participated and the sum of $7,000 Was raised. However, despite the extensive cultural work that the organization carries on, the greatest efforts are being devoted to support of work in Palestine. Meanwhile, the body of working women grows from cay to day, Including the refugees from Nazioccupied Europe who have already received their training. Women on horseback bear messages of great import to the Yishuv and give first aid; women are in the fire-brigades and serve as air-raid wardens; w o m e n watch from signal towers and shoulder arms. Efficiently and effectively, the women of Palestine are carying on. (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate)
ifc.6 rtetres but «yen the matrices cf rtccrdiB.es by Jewish artigm Lcciuaicg itsse by Yefcudi Mennl fciK «fed Fritz Kreisler." ' Accwditg to recent dispatches frcia Viefcy, the authorities i n fcE.oeeui.-ied France bave given ciders to ©refcestraa to emphasiae coujpositioiis by "Frenchmen." Germaay: The president of the Efcith Music Chamber, at the re«uet!t cf tbe Nazi Party, has published a. toek entitled "Jews in Music" which contains the names of all Jews and "half Jews" connected with the musical world Palestine: Musical activities continue with as much Intensity i>.s possible usder war eenditions and are providing a channel for fostering friendship b e t w e e n Jews and Arabs. Oli&Kiber Music
A chamber orchestra of the Palestine Conservatoire of Music recently performed a new composition by Robert Starer, wLo is studying at the Conservatoire under a scholarship of the American Mailamm. The scores calls for, among other instruments two "el aouts"—the native Arab instrument. A special Youth Aliyah scholarship in the name of Henrietta Szold has been «et up at the school. The founder of the Palestine Symphony Orchestra, Bronislaw Huberman, who is busy with a series of benefits for the Polish hospital in England and the fund for interned Polish soldiers in Switzerland, reports in New York that the orchestra is carrying on magnificently. The orchestra 1B making three Egyptian tours this season and in Palestine is gaining, a rapidlyincreasing following of Arabs, as well as Jews. The war has made it difficult to get first-rate conductors. Felix Welngartner, for Instance, was unable to go to the Holy Land this , r ear. Ignax Neumark couldn't get out of Holland, (Continued on Page 11.)
US1C By Daniel L. Schorr Notes on music in a war: France: I t is now nearly a year since the German invasion of France. Since the occupation of Paris the Nazi authorities have been rigorously and systematically ousting Jews from all. fields of music. Some details are given in the Geneva review, Dissonances, quoted by Modern Music magazine: "At the; (Paris) Conservatoire . . all J e w s . . . . have been Invited to take their leave. In the symphonic organizations, a similar measure hat, «een. imposed, thus abruptly still further lowering the level of Paris orchestras, now. mediocre in quality and finish. '•':''• "On the radio, the question of race is also decisive. Of all Jewish artists only Madeleine Grey, tbe singer, has found favor in tbe eyes «f the Nazi authorities.
"Indeed, the Germans are so vigorously applying this principle that they have ordered the complete catalogues of phonograph records made by Paris firms (Pathe, Columbia, Voix de Son Maltre, Polyder) to be turned over to them and they have confiscated and destroyed not only
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HA 353*
Friday, June 6, 1041
By David Schwartz
cialist Exile Executive committee informant said. A single Jewish •whether there were no longer de- woman earns a b o u t 12 to 18 cent "Aryans'' in {Jermany, re- marks weekly, from winch 15 per plied: "Yes, but they keep si- cent is deducted for "reconstruclent." tion of Poland,'' t s well s.s con" Another Jewish woman s a i d tributions for health and invalidher butcher had been very friend- ity insurance a n d other deducly and had often given her a tions, so that actually she gets hundred grama of meat above the no more tliau nix to nine marks ration, which he wouid not have weekly. given to "Aryans." When she was Youug Jews ere allowed to shopping, the butcher used to re- leave Germany if they have all turn her ration card so carefully flie necessary papers, but t h e y that other customers could not must work until the last minute see the letter "i'~ on it. and they get- bardly an hour's Jews are not allowed to buy leave to go to the consulate. chocolate, but the employer of Another correspondent reports this Jewish woman brought along that, in the town where he lives chocolate for her and gave it to Jews are not allowed to use the her on the way to work so that tramcars between noon and two other employees would not notice. p. m. In addition, they may not For the present no difficulties go shopping before midday, by are made for most Jews wishing which time almost everything is to leave the country, this inform- sold out. Jews are not allowed ant said, "but when I was In to buy cotton. Frankfort I heard there that men A report from Chemnitz rebetween 18 and 60 are no longer veals that Jews there are not perpermited to leave because work- mitted to use t r a m s between men are needed, although in Ber- noon and six p. m. They live in lin nothing was known of this special Jewish houses which are regulation." searched fortnightly by the GesJews can obtain hard work in tapo, looking for such valuables factories at starvation wagea, the as may he found.
The weather beieg what it is using, of course, the common, un- ing itself. Almost a century back, —calling us to the great outdoors complimentary term, associated when the Revolutionary move)—It Is timely to be calling on the with the household rodent, but ment of 1848 collapsed in Europe, Jewish "Luftmensch." We Jews the kind that Yochelson breeds, many of the refugees who came are supposed to be particularly are the nice, white, genteel little to America were termed "Latin heavily stocked on that category mice used by the hospitals for ex- farmers" because, though educatof p e r s o n , but the luft men- erlmental purposes. ed men, they turned to farming schen" I am referring to Just now Orcbide and hogs, potatoes and in America. We Jews are developare of a different species. I mean mice! "Fun voa a Yid macht a ing a large class of "Latin farmthe men who are l a the "luft," leben!" ers" in America and the chances the g r e a t outdoors the year are there is going to be an enorLatin Farmers around—the farmers. .Numerically, of course, the Jews mous increase in the number. " According to Dr. Gabriel David- institute but a small portion of (Copyrighted by Jewish TeleSon, executive director of the Jew- the country, tout no longer can it graphic Agency, Inc.) ish Agricultural soefety, there are be said that the Jew can't be a some 100,000 Jews how deriving, farmer. He not only can be, but •Wholly or partly their subsist- a and, by and large, a successful . ence from farming. That is too termer. It used to be, according to Dr. great a number for us to meet on a little excursion of this kind, so Davidson, that the Jews who went ' (eft me just Introduce you to a in for farming was the immigrant, middle-aged Jew, but now there few colorful representatives: no telling. Dr. Davidson reFirst of all, over in Staten Is- isalled that during the week he land meet Nathan Marnion and A. had been visited by a graduate Report Efforts Are Made Gottlieb, leading orchid raisers of the Hebrew WANTS AT PUFF'S Union College, a To Relieve In the east. Walter Winchell, per- man holding a respected position liaps more than any other single In Reform religious circles, who Plight S. FUFP'S OWH person, has made America orchid- proposed to abandon his present London (JTA) — The concluconscious. Marmon and Gottlieb :alling to turn farmer. The rabbi • CHOPPED I.IVEIt sion t h a t anti-Semitism is not • CHOPPED IIEKH1NO raise r e a l , honest-to-goodness s in his early thirties. • Ulil'H.TIi 1'ISH (filled flsli) firmly rooted in Germany, despite PHOHC JA 3314 orchids—the queen of the flow• POTATO NALAII Recently large numbers of ap- the vast propaganda drive against ers. plications to the Agricultural So- the Jews and sweeping ant 1-JewYou may have read In the pa- iety have come from the German ish measures, is drawn by socialWe Carry a Complete I.liiti of Daslly pers recently a b o u t President ewish refugees. Among the ref- ist circles in London from reports Prepared Luncheon Meat. i'wioy Cheeses Our Specially. Roosevelt driving Simon Bober ugees who have taken the short received f r o m the Reich and Around his farm In Hyde Park. reparatory course offered by the neighboring countries. T h e reSTRICTLY KOSI1EK ZIOfJ I'd like you to meet Mr, Bober, Society and who are now farming ports indicate that 'some "Ary2 Dozen SAUSAGE too, if you are not too kosher. are endeavoring to ease the is the former editor of a well- ans" Just 10c Hog Expert CALAMI terrible fate of the German Jews. known trade journal in Europe. If you are too kosher, It might Another is an Austrian Jewess with any olhrc A Jewess recently come from WIENERS K'uroluiHB not do, for Mr. Bober, who came with a Ph.D. degree. Germany, w h e n asked by one BOLOGNA Pound here as a Jewish immigrant boy correspondent of the German SoHistory, in a sense, Is repeatfrom Russia, is a former Federal Ihog expert. However, It may he all right, even if you are kosher, for the Jewish law, says nothing about raising hogs, but about eating them, and, besides, Mr. Bober 'does not devote himself to hogs now. He is one of the greatest seed experts in the counry. ' President Roosevelt, on .h i a" . Hyde Park farm, Uses Bober's alfalfa seeds and the President; driving Bober around on his own estate, was showing the Jewish farmer how well his seeds had turned out; •' Simon Bober Is a farmer who Is something more than a farmer, although he Is preeminent in hla calling'and has made some genuine scientific contributions to agriculture^ He* was one of a group of -farmers' selected a few years' ago to visit Russia, and while ho •was there Soviet Russia had the good sense to make use of him also, Inviting him to deliver a ra<-A flick of thefinger—andthe excludio address to the Russian farmsive, new. Magic Shelf makes room for ers, which, it is said, made a great extra-tallbottles. Another easychange impression In Russian agricultural —and there*3 room for a 12-pound circles. Bober recently was of•fered the nomination for United turkey—five finger-tip adjustments -States Senator from South Dakota give you five shelf arrangements. , on t h e American Labor party tlck,'-et. He is president of the South ! .Dakota Seed Growers' association. ; Let us cross over to New Eng\ -land. It haB been said that the /•west was settled by Yankees who 1 -found the soil of New England That big Vegetable Bin at the -not sufficiently fertile. Well, the bottom of the '41 Kelvinator Jews make the New England soil holds over a bushel of potatoes, : do tricks. You have heard of the onions, turnips—saves you ' Aroostook, Maine, potatoes. They countless steps every day.«-5> are among the blue ribbon potatoes of the world. We have jcome •to associate Aroostook potatoes '•with the most Yankee things in "the world. Well, the leading po6% cubic feet of sheer convenience— tato growers in Aroostook county fir; Complete equipment! Big Vegetable Bin—30 per cent that*s what you get with this... Comare Jews. Now you see why Jews pletely EquippodModcl S-6... Only " are such godu" Yankees. bigger Crisper—Meat Chest—Polar Light—Room for frozen OPrlcci ifiown am for dclherf h your *ifcf>»n «&V 5-Yesr Protection Plan. State ardlocattaxtioxtro. Poultry Raisers foods—Stainless Steel Cold-Ban.—Magic Shelf—record econLet's ]go a little Bouth In New omy! Only Kelvinator gives you this -value, because only ' Enularid. Meet David T. Cohen " of GuilfOrd, near New Haven. Mr. Kelvinator ha3 this kind of program of large-volume producCohen is regarded as one of the tion and low-cost selling. Savings on other models range up to " leading breeders of poultry in the Btato. Recently some chicks from $30. Come see the new Kelvinators on our display floor today 1 • his farm wero flown to S o u t h Prices start at for an equipped 6% cubic foot model. ' 'America. He has a son only 13 • years old who Is regarded as a child farming prodigy, being fre' quently selected, d e s p i t e hi3 youth, as a judge in poultry conv tests. ••••_' .... In the same state, meet a l s o .' Hyman G. Liebman, one of the largest potato growers of t h e state arid -president of one of the state's agricultural- -organizations. One of the m o s t unique of [American1 farm breeders la Morris .Yochelson, farming on the out. skirts of, Washington. X I could giveyou'a thousand guesses as to ,',-what Yochelson raises and t h e chances are you wouldn't; gues right. > mice* i A ;
The Money Is
•30,. 1641 te«.u.^e we ikeeu y©u this naoraSirtf-ior: I ^ pleased to he&r ttgtfciB.t.nt because whea I Mrs. May uaing the s, I thought the r,» tie directors were " ""*
Strictly Confidential -~
so hungry. Please i<h, lfiH4t,bln
Shame Zion Names Honor Role P
itve J e b<TifclMng to « a t .
c *
v« o i V ' '
1 ta v: Why aon't you try to get «>i
.." J,-A; C. News
. ,x r •
u i' «,t: Woik doe« not par. I us . . . W e lutftM Uiv *"i» r r ^ t of a book store.a bftV ,'i ilf*1 Of KiW Y o i k ' l . litu "Lub.Vt»ife*T+ works this or feitot I t ! i f , l ( « « ItttkiiMM, t i l t ) «Otr/l« ( foi three dollars." Soi it L s , » u . t , l i . i t i - 1 ( itt . The Bltaare Zion S u n d a y ffc| 1 ''i;r, o f O.* - «tay fctkl »J{J t b».4ie works for three dolI S » . A ) , i i M I I , i ' t t i ' L,, (school held its last • session last la) ttiil n i>Muta I H - J O w f - i U i«vtt»L>* Ot M r . l i j i i i b i i u i & t t i o , b. n a H i , ui» a veel-, what can I expect to Sunday morning and the followi b U « n 7 i l n l *» 1 s>i»tS Harry Boiiiititr of the M&u's di- get for my w o r k , ^ ing were placed on the Honor Confirmation exercises, will take Roll: Bbalmy Sperling, Beverly Htreefs . . . vision, Mr. Abe Grcenberg of the A Jewish regiment fought unplace ^Sunday, June 1, at the Mt.Baron, both for attendance and group, Mr. Max a .cqrtttin agent succeeds da Organizations Chapman of t h e Out-of-Town der the great Hungarian leader. scholarship; Ituth Volk, Marleiie- liiaIfefforts Sinai'Temple. you may soon be hear' "_. •_ The organ prelude, "Corona- Welner, Jtfiiray Sherman, Illva ing Magda Lupescu on the net- Finns division, a n d Mr. I. B. Kossuth. tion March" will be played by Kantor,. Avrom Itobiuow, Loreen works . . • She would broadcast Ziuiinun of the B&eeial Gifts diMiss Maurine Larsen. The choir Kaplan, Sarah Daskovsky, How- from the Cuban refuge ehe shares vision have all fione an unusually EUI.&E1f, Attya., Will slug Psalm 100 with Mrs. ard Chaiken* Mary Lou Bailio, with ex-King Carol of Rumania Important task of becuring new %(t% bee-vice life Bide. Lorraine Bhindler, Irene Fein, . . . 8. Nebeuzahl, producer of sueli pledges a n d increases in all Bam Cohen and Hermatt N. Slot' Malta Ileeger, Edith Gelfaud and famt-d I'Vehch films as "Mayer- brackets, NOTICE OF PROBATE OK WHX sky as soloists. The "Adoration" will be by Irving Sherman. A holiday as- lihg," is iu Hollywood now, nelth "The Youth division, led by In tin.- cuimty court o( Douglas County, g kmatter a er Paris nor Vichy desiring his Warner Fiohman, a n d assisted InHtlie of the e»lat« ot M»ry A . Harold Muck; the Invocation by sembly program was held. services . . . . His first assignment by Daniel Miller, lleva Bordy, DAllHPicons (itctbfaj Barbara llobluson. Harold Itointerested la 1*14 Mt»te a n is expected to t»e & picture called Yale Trastln, Elaine Laginan and hereby notified tH&t a lHrtltlon b w beea Benthal will speak on "The Road "American Consul" . . . Violinist Bam Kaplan lias also accounted filed in said t w i t , praylug for the probate .M&I> —- Jewish Literature" and a certain instrument now ou file in Mid Fritz Kreisler is at this 'writing for grand results and obtained of Morton Greenstone OH "The Servpurporting to ba the .last wilt and slightly Improved, but the virtu- a large number of new pledges. court, ice Station — t h e Synagogue." testament ot s&id < skct&eed, and that a he&riug will ba J-ad on uaid petition beoso is etill only semi-conscious us Marilyn Miller will discuss "The "And, of courfee, the army of, toit> eaid court on the 16th day of June, a result of'the skull fracture i>« Home;" Alan Goldberg, "Society" 1811, and that if they fail to appear at Marling next w e e k Council volunteer majors a n d workers, «&td court ou the said 16th day of June, and' Joanne Agrauoff, "Itellglou.'' Bluffs news will he writ tea by suffered when a truck ran hltei which covered the city from end m i , ftt 9 o'clock, a. m , to.contest th« "Our People Through History" Audrey Xeli>ner« News Items lor down last month , . . Dancer Dagprobate of B&ld will, the court may allow will be given by William Heeger, (he Council Bluffs column should mar Godowsky, daughter of the to end with tfte determination and probata t a i l will and grant adminUand Margaret Mirkln will speak tie phoned in to her liy 'JFucsdajr famous pianist, may soon go back that resulted In this magnificent tr&tii»n of fc&l-i estate to Henry H. Duplo, or swat other eultaWe person, enter a deto Hollywood in search of stardom achievement." on "We, Who Are Here Today." evening at 8784 ©r sent to TOi cree ot'lietrahip aad proceed to a aettle* According to Philanthropies meat tliewof. Elaine Pickus will recite t h e Madison Ave. Hows received af- , . . Most recent inter-mnrrlage itt CHARLES J. SOUTHA.RD •'Declaration of Faith aiid Vow." ter Tuesday cannot bo published Hollywood is the unexpected weld- records, there are still about one County Judg* ing of Phil Harris, the bandleader, hundred cards outstanding and 5-£3-il-3t Tue addresB and blessing will be given by Ilabbi Albert Gold- in the following, Friday's paper. and Alice Faye, the blonde 20th these are rapidly being turned in. MONSKV, (IBOSHNSKf, MABEB * Century-Fox star . . . CongratulaBteiu. OUHEN, Attya., tions to banker Jules Bache on 131 Omaha Nfcfl Bank Bids, MMENCEMENT Presentation of certificates will the acquisition of a great-grand1INAL A»M(N18TBATION AOOOONT foe made by Jacob Kallu and Mrs. Tlie annual commencement ex- daughter . , . The new arrival has ercises of the Abraham Lincoln In the county court e l Douglas County, W, V. Slotsby. been named after him—Julienne High school will he held Friday Michel . . . Nebraska. Sliaare Zion In the matter of the estate of Samuel evening, June C, at the City Au- WiSISKLY GIGGLE By Dr. C. P. Nutmeg J Weiss, deceased. ditorium. Included In the gradAll persona interested In said egtute ar« "A merry heart lnaketli a Bltevuoth holiday services will uating class are Esther Brown, Thank Harry Ilcrahfield, radio's hereby notified that on the 18th day of May, 1611, George Bolref and Sarah Jenni* conience on Saturday night at 8 Marilyn Saltzman, Audrey Telp- wittiest commentator, for the folcheerful countenance.*' Weis3 filed a petition in said county" court, o'clock and on Sunday and Mon- ner, Betty Lee Harris, Betty Co- lowing laugh . . . It's about a Jewpraying that their final administration 4cday morning at 8:30. Sunday hen, Esther London, Ted Oer-ish real estate mmi who witli (lied herein be settled and allowed, Usurer's children: We would countthat they be discharged from their ; taornlng Rabbi II. U. llabinowitz shun, Avrtiin Fitch, Lester Fox, much fanfare announces that lie like to purchase a lot in which and trust as executors and that a hearing will ;Will preach on the subject "Hit- and Jack Lincoln. ha* discovered the right way of to bury our father. bo had on Bald petition before said court the 16th day of June, 1M1, and that ler Versus Sinai." On Monday ceuicntlng intcrrcligious good will Synagogue President; We will on If you fall to appear before eatd court on tnorntng memorial services will AT llOMl! . . . What America needs, says this have the said lGth day of June, 1911, at ft to, charge you $5,000 for a b» held at 9:45. Preceding the o'clock a. m.. and contest said petition, Mr. and Mrs. Louts London reftl-rstatc-nik, is a huge end imthe court may grant the prayer of eaUl Service llabbl' II. it. llabinowlt.s will be at home, 201 N. First St., itrcBslvo edifice to be known as lot. enter a decree of helrshlp, and Usurer's Children: (Astound- petition, %lll preach on the subject, "What for friends and relatives. Friday the Universal House of Worship mak# such other and further orders, aled) But why charge such an exlowances and decrees, as to this court majr . . . In that building provision . Kind of Jews Are We?" evening, June 6, in honor of tho would be made for all religions, traordinary price? That is twen- seem proper, to the end that all matter* to said estate may be finally graduation of their daughter* Eshaving Its own room ty-five times more than you pertaining settled and determined. < , Orthodox Synagogues ther, from Abraham Lincoln High each-creed CHARLES J. SOUTHARD in an individual and appro- charge anybody else. school; No cards have been is- built 5-23-41-3t County Judge priate hhnpi; . . . Then, in the cenSynagogue President: Accord ABRAIIAM8. McOR.VTH ft FRENKEB, ijShevuoth services will begin on sued.- - • • . - . ; . . toi" of tlie structure there would Ing to Jewish belief, all the dead Attorneys, Saturday and Sunday evening at 613 Farnani Bulldldje . , be an, cnonttously largo hall for will be resurrected except a usurMr. aud Mrs. Max Harris will 8 b'eiqtk and on Sunday a n d th use otsverybody . . .Puzzled, er. So you see why we demand NOTICE OF OWABDIAN'S SAUB . Mondayluornhig nt & o'clock. On hold open house on Friday": eve- Rome one asked the planner What the District Court of Douglas County, a high price, It is only a InNebraska •••'.••.., Sunday morning Kabbl S. I. Bo-ning, June C, tit honor of the the reason vyns for tills, big cen- such resting' place for all Notice is hereby given that by virtu* of Ibthikov will speak ttt the Tipher- graduation of t h e i r daughter, tral room, and for what it would temporary dead, but a usurer will lie a license issued to me, Harold W. Graham; i eth Iflrael synagogue and on Mon- Betty Lee, from'Abraham Lincoln he used . . » A question which bur the of the person "and estate of as long as the world will Guardian Nancy Philumalee, Incompetent, by tho day morning preceding the menvo- High Bchool. No invitations have hero ntiiswcrod with a single word: there last. Honorable Frank M. Dlneen, a Judge of ^ rial services Rabbi will tspeak at beeiy issued and friends xihd rela- "Bingo!" . ; .Credited to a nightDistrict Court of Douglas-County, NeGuest: t am surprised that you the tives are. cofdtall'y invited to at- club entertainer is the story-of-a j the Adas YeBhuyen Bynagogue, braska, on the 21th day of May, 1941, (or %; have this tablecloth on the table the sale of the real estate hereinafter detend. " •• ' convocation between Hitler and in violation of Jewish doctrine. ... scribed, I will at 9 o'clock A. M., onfcloebbels . . . The Nazi chief sum- ' ' Hostess: (Surprised) In what Monday, the 23rd day of June, 1M1, at the east door of the Douglas County Court Viioued his propaganda chieftain FROM IOWA'.Clt.Y respect do X violate Jewish prin- House, in the City of Omaha, Douglas Arriving- Monday evening from irtid'. complained about nit Item & ciple? County,. Nebraska, sell at public auction , > Officers\for-1941-42 year of J Iowa City, where they hiive com- foreign correspondent had • re* to the highest bidder for cash, the follow* ' A ' . C. were elected at the last pleted ,their; freshman year o? loasetl concerning the Hitler charGuest: Because the table cloth ing described real estate, to Wit: '4 • k Lots Twenty-nine (29), Thirty (30), ; meeting., Anne Kanofsky w a cbllege, : were';[ the Misses Betty acter; .'.... 4.. JIte galled nie » thief, has hem stitches. > Thirty-one (31), Thirty-two (32) and f plected president; Estelle Has Rae Itubby, Bettie Grossman and a.llar and.ft murderer," screamed Thirty-three (33), in Block Two "(2), Customer: You charge fifty McGavotk and'O'Kcefe's Replat, an ; kin, .vice,, ^president;' J e a n n e Edyth .Bubb. Miss Libble ^Gross- Adolf . . . "I won't have itt" . . . to the City of Omaha, Doug! Shubb, secretary; Betty Mlrkin, man will; return'later this Week. "I'll have hhir shot at sanrlse," cents for a haircut. How much addition las County, Nebraska, as surveyed, treasurer, attd Thehna Shlhdler, . ; .. offered tyabby, but Hitler shook will you charge for a hair trim? platted, and recorded. Barber: If you want to be Bale will remain open one hour. bis head . . . "That's not Rood ^reporter. Dated Uila 23th day of May. 1M1. ! VISITING PARENTS Outgoing officers are Annabelle j Miss Edith London of Holly- enough," lie shouted , , . "I'm trimmed, I will charge one dollar. HAROLD W. ORAHAH, gonna make, him prove it!" » . . Guardian of the J>srsoa and estate of Satin, president; Doris Grueskin, 1 wood, Calif., wlll> arrive Monday President: I am glad that the Nancy Phllumilce, Incompetent. (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts vice president; Betty Bain, Becrea visit with her parents, Mr.J entire board of directors is here 5-30-U-U Feature Syndicate) / \tary; Eae Ginsberg, treasurer, I for Mrs. Louis Lbndon. She will , ' a t t d Anne Kanotsky, reporter. and leave Saturday for Chicago to The entire club are going to take attendon Polin-Roaenthal * wedpictures t h i s afternoon before ding onthe JUne 8, and to visit with closing their season. her sister, Adeline, who i is now making her home in Chicago. TO VISIT « » „ . „ "Mr. and. Mrs. Philip Green and Mrs. Ethel Simon and daughter, Mrs. A. Lass and Mrs. Archie Ilehe, will arrive on Friday to be (Continued from Page 1.) Shlloff entertained twelve girls the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Louis Jews, and four who died of last Monday' evening in honor of London. wounds, of whom two wero Jews. their daughter and sister, GerA pharmaceutical factory to retrude Laes, who has accepted a <k>)U8lNS.CLVB •,., The next meeting of the Cous- place medicaments and chemical position with the government ttt ins club will be held Wednesday^ commodities formerly imported y v h i g t o t i j t>. G. , June 4, at the h o m e of Mrs.from Germany will ho 'built near Mis3 Mao Matz, bri<je-elect, was Philip Rlngle^ 3331 Web'ster St.; t h e Sleff Research Institute at •' • : . • . - . < honored at a personal shower O m a h a . ; Rehoboth at a cost of L§00,000. given by Miss Hannah HoldowThe project is backed by Simon sky and Mrs. Bernard JterzbfE In TO RECEIVE CONFIRMANTS Marks and Israel Sieff of London. 1 the private •dining • room -ot the Mr. "and Mrs. Louis Bernstein The staff of 100 will be superSunset cafe on Tuesday, ^evening, will receive on Sunday- Worn 3 to vised by the Research Institute, May 27'. "The table decorations 5 at their home, 222 'Frank St., Which is headed by Dr. Chaim tjrere carried but. itt peach and In honorof their daughter, Shir- Weizniann. fofue, the btlde'a colors, Mlah ley, Who .Is to he confirmed' from A Palestinian Jew serving With j&ug and bridge provided the en-Temple Israel. • •the Royal Air Force somewhere Jertai&ment, the western desert has invented Mr. and Mrs. Ben Klein are re-in important aviation improvements ceiving on Sunday from 3 to 6 at Memorialize Sokolow military authorities have their home, 211 Carson Ave., in and.the ordered that he be sent to London honor of their daughter, Esther, iondon (JTA) •— Zionist orto submit his work to the.air minjgaaizationa ate holding memorial who is b e i n g confirmed from istry. Tho newspaper Davar said c&etlngB on the flftii anniversary Temple Israel. the man, whose name cannot be •oX-ibo death of Nahum Sokolow, given, is 24 .years old and was HONOR DAUGHTER ^Iresident 0£ the "World Zionist born in Petach Tikvah. Mr. and Mra. Harry Cohen, 37 "Three Falashas (Ethiopian Jews) Organisation. .A meeting h e l d $a&d$? Sight by the Nahum So- N. Seventh street, are holding Sn who have resided la HerzHaix Cor SoIoW Association, organization open house Friday evening June tho last Beveft yeara. recently en&l polish Zionists in Britain, at 0, from 10 until 12, Id honor ot listed in the British army and fit. Doha's Wood synagogue, of the graduation x>t their daughter, have r\6x? been commissioned to Y/U!cb. Sokolow was A member for Betty. Ethiopia 'as -Instructors in EmAll relatives and friends are •peror "Haile Selassie's army, the & number of years, was attended |>y xaomueri of" "few family and cordially invited to attend. No ' newspaper Haboker reported. •' invitations are being issued. "' g rdaiiaeht; Zioatsta.
Talk about smooth-as-silk engine perform"aficc—let me fill your tank with Skelly Gasoline and sec the difference. Essy sure* ing? Yes! Fast pickup? Yes! Long mileage? And how! Skcuy gives you all thru becadse it is many gasolines compounded ioto OMB. Sec you soon, I {topcf
J«CXX' Sports
Hands of Mercy Across the Sea
League A. Z. A. 100 4' Lincoln's* Tavern 3 Milder Liquor C o . . . . . si
V 1
t i
Frid a y ,
'ft; K.'s
© ©. • . 1
a '.
A. Z. A. No. i i Denenberg <'l«(Kieri*-..(» Co. Bluffs A. Z. A U
« S 4
. Milton Guss' spectacular hurlIng earned him a no-hit, no-run victory as the A. Z. A. No. 100 trounced the Denenberg Clothiers 15-0. Milton's fast one was untouchable as he whiffed 10 and o n l y three Denenbergs reached first—all by walks. Cuss also led Ms. team's hitting with t h r e e blows, one a terrific home run. Lincoln's Tavern kept on the victor's heels as they easily defeated the Council Bluffs A. Z. A., 5-1, Norman Korney pitched twohit ball and was never in difficulty as he struck out nine Council Bluffs men. Chuck Korney and Herb Marks found the range as they each blasted homers for the winners.
/•••'• • ^ r.
Dr. Auguslo d'Esaguy (center), Chairman of the Refugee Aid Cotnntitlee in Portugal, wito is now on a visit to this country, discusses the situation in that emigration center with Joseph C. Hymen, Executive Vice Chairman of tlie Joint Distribution Committee (left) end Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, Vice Chairman of the European Executive Council (right), at J.D.C. headquarter* in New York. Dr. d'Esaguy's committee is cooperating with the J.D.C. in the fare of thousands of refugees who pa6s through Lisbon on their tvay overseas. With funds supplied by the J.D.C. it feeds 1,500 emigrants daily, provides shelter, medicel aid and emigration assistance. "The stricken Jews of Europe," Dr. d'Esaguy reported, "look to the J.D.C. as the representative of American Jewish huinsnitariani6m for their salvation.**
pared to make any aud' ail sacrifices. "Americans have never been found wanting in an emergency. This is an emergency. The times call for sacrifice and more sacrifice. Let us register cur faith in the democracy we chferith End want to hand down to our children by a vast human mobilization for civilian defense. "All can serve. All will serve. Let us tell our government t t a t with a united voice. All we-want to know is where and how we can serve. If we answer this call to national service it will be written bat'the civilian defenders of democracy were its first column. "As for the B'nai B'lith, and the American Jewish community of which it is a cross-section, evevery last man not in the armed services and every woman and child belonging to B'nal B'rith and the Jewish community, will be found in the ranks of the civilan defenders, as they have always been found in the ranks of those who served America in times of crisis and emergency."
30, 194t-.-
reliably reported here, has tura-. ed the French-mandated territory into a base for «. drive through" Palestine to Suez. The situation is described a.s "steadily wors-. ening." The ttate department figures show that of the 6,000 persons, 5,5 50 are Jews aud 300 of the remainder are Arabs. Six months ago the department advised Americans in Palestine to leave and other warnings have been issued since. Americans n o w .leaving Palestine will be forced to brave the war zones in British or Egyptian ships since American ships entering the Red Sea are not licensed to carry passengers.
Send Vitamins to British Children New York (WNS) — In the presence of several hundred pupils from Jewish religious schoola throughout t h e city, a $1,200 gift of vitamins w a s presented for the use of the children of Britain at the Keren Ami conference here. The money was collected by the Keren Ami—a Jewish children's fund operative in many Hebrew s c h o o l s and Sunday schools in America. The amount donated by the children will be supplemented by an equal contribution fj"oni the Esco Fund committee, which had given a large gift towards the same purpose earlier In the year.
Washlngton (JTAi — Revised figures compiled by the state deAt 33d and Cass a big crowd partment shows there are 6,000 witnessed t h e Milder's victory Americans and persons with a over the A. Z. A. No 1, 8-3. Irclaim to American citizenship now ving Yaffe, making his llrst Btart in Palestine. With danger to the The concept of psycho-analysis ot the season, held the youngsters relieve adults for more respon- Holy Land Imminent, a number In check as his teammates drove —but by no means a majority— is traced back to Saladin's Jew-" sible tasks. out 12 blows, eight going for exish physician, Hibatullah i b n "All of us, regardless ot age or are seeking a way to leave. tra bases. The fielding of Sonny : Nazi penetration of Syria, It is Jami. class or sex, can make sacrifices Golding a n d catching of Herb to buy national defense bonds. All Meiches featured the day's play of us can do our share to make for the victors with the sensathings more comfortable for the SAFE and PLEASANT tional fielding of left fielder Hasfamilies of men called into the . DRIVING . «all Cohn starring for the Mother (Co'ntinued from Page 1.) armed service by cooperating with chapter. Get -a Set of home service division of the army with no arms other than the the heads, hearts and hands of a' peo- American Red Cross. All of us 3. C. C. League Stores At S2d and Dewey— R. H. E. ple firm in their conviction that can help by maintaining morale lineoln Tavern 041 009 0— 9 10 1 a democracy worth preserving and on the home front and contribut<J», Bluff* No. 7 009 010 0— 1 2 3 ing toward the welfare of the men Batteries Korney and Slegal; Itosrntluil enjoying is one for which they are ftnd I'ltrh. prepared to make any and all sac- in uniform. Safety Tfead Tires : At 33d and Can*— It. II. 10. Iflces." "To do all these things, and Milder Liquor 020 203 1— 8 IS 1 STOPS QUICKER many more, a huge civilian army A. Z. A. No. 7 MM 200 1— 8 0 B Pledge Support Batteries—Yaffe and Melehen; Kalmanof volunteers a part-time army STEERS STttAIQHTER •olm and Itlrstienbaum. The following is the test of Mr. At 20th ami Burdette— It. II. K. Monsky's remarks on civilian de- of democracy - - Is required. MilWEARS LOHGEft lions of men, women and children Denenbcrgs . . . . . 030 GOD 0— 0 0 6 'ense: • RIDES SMOOTHER A. Z. A. No. 100 . . . 422 S3t 1—15 IS 0 will be asked to give up their " Datteiiet—Novak and SUrler; CUBS and "Anticipating that the time time, talents and treasure for the Mann. would come when all Americans common good and the common Your U. S. R O Y A L ! would be given the opportunity to safety. Schedule June 1 TIRES will prove more in the furtherance of A. 55. A. No. 1 vs. Denenberg participate "To enroll such a vast. army economical in the long; ;he national defense program, the Clotliler.'i, 32d and Dewey. triennial national conven- will require careful planning. run. Let us save you A. 7J. A. NO. 1«O vs. Lincoln's -ecent lon at B'nai B'rith adopted a res- These volunteers should be given v -Tavern, 83d and Cass. olution placing at the disposal of the opportunity to register on a money with these extra, A. K.'s vs. Milder Liquor Co., the. President and- the people of free will basis, if-possible, on a safe, extra mileage tires. 20th and Bimlctte. the United States "the entire single day throughout the length i Council Bluffs A. Z. A. No. 7— strength and resources of the and breadth of the land, a day I>ye. 150,000 men and women enrolled which should be made the. occaunder the banner of B'nai "B'rith. sion for a great national civic And, if practicCarl Riekes "That was nearly two months demonstration. Swim News able, why couldn't that day be ago. July 4th? Independence' Day Is By Howard Sbinrock 'Today the millions of civilians our national holiday of Beginning Tuesday, June 3, the not already engaged in some as- already freedom. Today when we are girdJunior Boys' gym class will be p p of (national defense activity ing all our • to preserve • suspended for the s u m m e r have been given the means for that freedom,strength let all who call months., Emphasis-will be placed contributing their, share to the de- themselves Americans, who enjoy on swimming and the time" ior- fense program. Last week the the rights and privileges born on inerly spent in gym will be added President of tliec United States is- that July 4, 1776, celebrate Into the swim period. \ * "< sued an executive order, creating dependence Day in this year- 1941 j the Office of Civilian Defense, by registering for national servThe Junior Boys class in life I with New. York's Mayor Le Guar- ice.' Saving is progressing satisfactor- jdia as director. This new arm of Inspiring lfy with some of the boys about the government is the President's ready for their final examination. answer to those men, women and "Such a mighty of 815 NO. flSTM ST. AT 4550 ^children who have been asking: civilian volunteers outpouring on Independ' It was inadvertently omitted last ,'what can .we do for 'national de- ence Day would show the world week that'Mr. Max-Schuereniahn, fense? - , ' that in this democracy we regard Instructor in swimming for the . "All of us have been asking service to the nation as the highmatrons' morning classes, passed that question: 4he family man est form of patriotism in action. buccessfully his senior life saving who has. been deferred from' mili- A mighty demonstration of narequirements and became as a tary service wants to help;, the tional unity in action and purpose , result a member of that select housewife ^would like to pitch in on- July -4th, through the regisgroup of aquatic: performers, the too; the shopkeeper, and;the pro-, tration of the world's greatest American RTed Cross life saving fessional man would likft'to flnji ariny of civilian defenders, would a 'niche for themselves; even be an inspiring thing. It would C o r p s . •• - . : : ; '• ,•.•'•':•.". •,-.;. . '•••. • In th» Uoutifiil OuacUaU Houeback those too young to wear their be an army with no uniform other rldtofc QOIC Unnfi, hiktnp, boattng and IfoNng on Labs Hamilton and Catherin JJ i Geraldine Gallagher and Doris country's uniform are begging for than the cloak of patriotic devoand counlUii othtr r«cr«at!t)nf, avail* Willson, newly joined members of the opportunity to do,their bit in tion. It would be an army with W« throughout tho yoor. OaWawn dart* no arms other than the heads, civilian defense. *, the Junior Girls' ' B W i m class, racing from February 24 to March 29. passed their beginner's swimming .. ; "Ciyilian defense-is a three-fold hearts and-hands of a people firm drfclctn W « and picnic* or*h«W ol th» their conviction that a democtests the second class session they job.;', It involves the organization in lodg* on Laic* HamHlon. RagaTn litallh ,of cqminunlffes ;• throughout the racy worth preserving and enjoyattended. .,,.» In th» 47 htating thtrmal iprinfli! country*"for the maximum indus- ing is one for which they are pretrial defense; the stimulation of Paul Zelinsky and Sidney Ru« morale among the civilian populaM 11 S derman have b e e n assisting In tion, and, most important of all, teaching beginners swimming dur- it calls; for setting up skeleton civwgr the Monday andI "Wednegday ilian organizations for actual phyHOTEL afternoon classes. ' The boys^ are sical defense in the event that (Jolng a fine workmanlike job and should become necessary. It Is In t( you cJtoB»» tht Eaitman Hold, y»u will b» i»r* of th» ai!d«d odvantago of pirfsrt tnvlranihcn) tmd thilr assistance is greatly appre- this latter phase of the program a«ommodat!onf...You w«l thrKlwHh ddlsdt In V»vr ciated. that the civilian can be most helponloymen) ol fh« ««clui!on of the <3«tt ghtf v\ prnrcrt* Oil. perk which Mem It to a rrtognlllt«ni <ovntry •ttcrtfc The swimming season is upon Th» Eoitnien offers quirt rojdxpltoiv yd> Ji wnvtn. How to Aid jofl. Start now to enjoy the use
A A \ ' i :
1 .4
etreading and Recapping SALES BATTERIES SERVICE
1 V
- - -3
"Men can learn to act as air pi .the- Center's sparkling, invig' raid wardens; how to guide people bratiag pool! into air raid shelters, how to put out fires, how to quell hysteria, Danish Nazi Paper how to administer first aid; howto guard public utilities, and can \ Stockholm (JTA) — A new serve In home guard units. y anti-Semitic weekly, Kamptegnet, men. can knit, man • feeding staijiaff'tieen published by the pro- tions, serve as emergency teleT Naz} Clauseniats.in Denmark, un- phone < operators,' conserve . the -vS^r. tho editorship of Aage An-. food supply rand guard .against "./derion' a n d Blsa Eggers. " The profiteering. Our youth can help •-jclaX^SiH&t f.Organ, Faedrelandet, collect scrap metal dnd rubber, .*:)SralBefe,tfi0 iiew>"pubMcation as, ait pinch" hit to traffic -guardians, help reduce-fire hazards and. take .*'Important^weapon la "the. flg.ut. dVer •various 'hbuSenMtf "fftftwr'ttr
font t» ov»ry activity ond'fewoqtlonol feoluro In Hot SS>r!no«. A wldo VflrUty of accommpdotloni tft t»1«ci from Including room* end suit**. Oovam* nent tvp«rvlitct bathhouie in connection With hoM>
Fruky, May 30, 1941
•JMaxson-Mitchel) ••"•"'
•• I N C .
FARNAM at 26th
., .
O-Kay Whole Wheat Flakes—At Your Grocer
WE 0900
BARBECUE Omaha's Popular After Theater Havens
516 Soi 16th St.
Complete Selection of Sandwiches
K Locations for Your ™ Convenience
The Lovely Voice of HUILA GALLEZ Songstress Par-Excellent SAM fiftOSKOVITZ, IVIgr.
317 Bo. 24th 1614 Jackeon 818 No. 20th 4318 South Z4tl» 3921 Farnam .
$EE :$IMON and Diamonds, Watches Silverware — — — SPECIAL
Loose 2.86 Carat Blue White Perfect Diamond
SHAFFER Beauty Salon
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716 Brandeis The. Bldg. AT 4333
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HA 2355
Fluorescent LIgHt -
Day and Evening All Year Monthly Enrollment Standard Courses IONE Ct DUFFY, Owner 267 8. 19th JA 5890
Be Modern—Enjoy the Luxury and Economy ot the New Fluorescent Lighting Free Estimates 1708 Howard
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Cheerfully Furnished
OUb STEAKS Cities Service Station
3 7 0 1 W. BROADWAY Council Bluffs, Iowa . "Just Over the Bridge"
Tfie eeven-day wonder of 1J\JdQlf Hess has more or less petered HOME-FUWERALS out . as we write . tTifs,' but' we thought you'd like to' know that a. picture which had just been finished when he made hia flight HULSE A had a new scene added to it, with a reference to Hess . . . And that RIEPEN only a couple of weeks before the Hess incident a number of HollyHOME FOR FUNERALS wood studios turned down a scenEstablished 1906 ario featuring a similar event, on the grounds that it was too unComplete Service at believable . . . Erika Mann, daughter of Thomas Mann and herself Nominal iComt a well-known author, will soon be on her way back to England, we FARNAM at 33RD hear . . . She's been invited by HA 1226 Lord Duff-Cooper to make German broadcasts to the Reich on the significance of the Hess episode . . . The dopesters insist that Goebbels and Goering.a,re having their differences of opinion with Boss Badolf . . . And one Broadway reporter brings the news that the wife of a prominent German general is now a guest at a New Truck Headquarters York hotel . . . A brother of movie Service on Trucks In our producer Herbert Kline is anxious to go to Palestine to make a docShop Is now available 24 umentary film of the defense, of hours dally, except Sun. the Jewish homeland . .,. But he's having a lot of trouble getting Day Phono —- JA 7©@0 the financial backing needed for his project . . . While the Chalut- Night Phono—JA 7203 zim of Palestine are waiting with mounting anxiety for arms and equipment for their self-defense, HAHVESTEH CO. a controversy has developed in the ISth a Jones OMAHA British press on the question •whether these w a r materials should be supplied by England or by America . . . Which impresses us as a procedure as intelligent as arguing' about who should perform the physical act of locking the stable door while the horsethieves are swiftly approaching YOU SHOULD KNOW We understand that ex-Justice Louis D. Brandeis is very much impressed with the efficacy of the B ' n a i B'rith's anti-defamation work, and believes that this widescope activity is playing a vital role in the curtailing of subversive activities . . . A n interesting idea is the Committee of Thirty Million, which aims to Include In its roster all American citizens of foreign birth . . . In recent weeks the fact that Nazism enjoys the position of an official state religion in Germany, with the Reich its God and Hitler its Messiah, has been brought to the attention of the.American public—In particular, by the nnti-Nozi league's magazine "Defense of Human Bights," and by Stanley High in The living Age.... . • In an effort to disprove this proven fact, Dannemqra Prison inmate Fritz Kuhn, who had consistently been refusing to attend the jail's chapel, finally, decided to join his fellow convicts at the regular Sunday morning services . . . HISTORICAL NOTES • An interesting item to remember on' this Decoration Day weekend is that the fact that the Confederacy came within a hair's breadth of being formally recognized by France and England was due to the astute statesmanship of Judah P. Benjamin, Jefferson Davis' Secretary of State . . . Did you know, by the way, that the long friendship between Benjamin and Davis started' with a fight on the floor of the Senate, where Benjamin challenged Davis to a1 duel? . . . And, as long as we're waxing, historical, this Is a good time to remind you that back in 1793 President Washington lived for a time at the home of Colonel Isaac Franks^ who. had been his (Continued on Page 12.)
Bar Noii© StaliE@s 7609 §«. 3@tfi St. So. draaSsa, Hebr. llorets for Hire lUdiag lessons Biding Tickets
.*1.60 pe» Ilooi f 1.00 per UOBI • IS lira, let $lt
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WINDOW SHADES All Makes of Venetian Blinds & Window Shades 'Cleaned — Repaired 3128 Cumins St.
PICTURES and Priced to Fit Every • , •', - :
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Small Monthly Payment*
MONUMENTS The largest stock of finished Memorials in Omaha' being reduced at savings of . . . 01 OPEN SUNDAYS
CO. ; 1215 So. 13th St,,
JA 1872
- **•
Friday, May Sit, 1 9 4 1
My Uwtisd Fault "' I s,m uii&dful Ikat Sliavuoth is t e x t Sunday ana ikat saavuot.li fs traditionally the fcirlbdav of the Ten Coinniauduients: The time we fctood at the foot of ML Sinai while, amid tlie thuuder suid lighting, Moses came dovrn Iwith the two tablets. Sometime -when, te cteepest felooiu, I wonder what can be the matter with me, the Jew (I am feo unpopular), I rail back oa the ffea Commandments for eiptanalion. What, I ask myself, ia my 'great fault? Yes, 1 have as many pins as the next man. I am given Tlie United Palestine Appeal io vanity occasionally. Sometime is seeking to raise $12,000,000* I let myself go m wantlEg more ia iu War Emergency Cam_. than I am entitled to have. Then, paign to enable tlie lewish community of 550,000 in rskaine to moiuhze in moments of cruelty, I have its industrial and agricultural resources es well as its manpower, for found myself wishing for sudden la&Khnum eupport for Britain end for the survival of the Jewish people death for Hitler. tiirougii&ut the world. Support of the U. P. A. means support of the brave But these are also the sins of pioneer*, in.the front line of Jewish defense. More than 9,009 Jewish taiost men who are not Jews, soldiers from Palestine sre today fighting on the Libyan and Albsnisn ft'hey may be vain, greedy, false, fronts and elsewhere in the Middle East. Their heroic participation in the cruel, yet no special penalties atfull of Tobruk and Hengasi recently evoked official cwnniendstittn hf tach, to them on account of thes GeRcr&l&rArrliiialclWsvell, GeRcr&l&rArrliialclWsvell bins. It is Baid of them tolerantly Commander of tlte liritifcli . that they are just human beings forces in the Middle East and what'a to be expected of poor human clay since it is what It is? But such Indulgence is not for bie^ the Jew. Evert when I turn out to be a saint or a light-bearing prophet or a sage or a great musician delighting the hearts of men even for lOo years, I am not a satisfactory person. (Jesus is rejected by Nazis because he was a Jew; Mendelssohn's music is prohibited in Germany and his statue has been Knocked odwn; Einstein is an exile.) So a Jew loots around to discover what, if anything, special is the matter with him. What, fee- Inquires, is my special sin? And that's how I come to fall ] back on the Tea Commandments for I lie answer. Ileasions for Unpopularity vention in the processes of con- Law of which I am the keeper Perhaps it's because the Ten quest. There is always somebody, still will be the ideal of righteous Commandments came through me influenced by the- Jewish teachI shall be standing there in tkat I. the Jew, nil not a .popu- ing, to say: "This is stealing." men. the way of the traasgressors with lar man. People dsn't like to be That's what must be the mattold- the decent way t» -behave ter with me: I, the.Jew, am the my two tablets. In the meantime, i shall conif they prefer ©iher ways. The eternal nuisance who stands la liar's tongue may feet uncom- the way -with the two tablets. I tinue at this season to celebrate as H utters Wa lies, re- stand La the -way of the thieves, the birthday OJ. the Law. I think b « Comnienit»eriivg. as It —«~», — —— the liars and the'killers with my it ia rather hopeful in the current darkness that I, the Jew, am manaracot that specifically pro- two tabfleta. found still celebrating the Ten hibits lying. Not that I am putting on aay He could lie even more smooth- airs of being a fellow who him- Commandments. ly if this ancient inhibition were self always obeys all jthe com- (Copyright, 1941, by Seven Arts Feature Syndicate) not an his tongue. The Command- mandments that were put in hia ment came to him when he was keeping. Goodness no! I, the orstill a young child, His Sunday dained guardian of the Ten Comschool teacher told hint It was mandments, am really no better the Jews who* got thia Command- or worse than-the run of people. ment tor him from Sinai. The I, the Jew, am just poor human.Jewish- Commandment scatters frailty holding ap an ideal for By Mrs. David M. Newman a on the slick perfection of everyone to see. -ifalsehood . , ; "Ttoeu shalt Etfrnal Law n43i bear false -witness". . . /TSie TART TOMATO SALAD Out I am ordained to stand resentful Hamau, original among 1 package lemon Jelle. among th» stukas and tanks, the anti-Semites, said: "Their 1 pint can strained tomatoes. tlte Jews') laws are fliTerse from pointing to the writing: "Here 1 ^ teaspoons Icmea j«tice. it. is, gentlemen. It says plainly those of every people/' ' % teaspoon salt. ,< Then- there ia the (matter of that we shall not kill." -1 teaspoon Worcestershire Amid the .phalanxes of the "*~"~ i - H 11 n K. The Commandment, sauce. thieves my tablets flash the Law •"Chott "Vixo* shalt not kill" Kill" always *¥ a a -ia l e-^t t -r* hn Chill when slightly thickened. r Ooff firefire: "'Thou "Th h ltt b.en an annoyance to every ™ - ; |n«o t -toUera tire• Thou Hshalt some'• steal." I carry dictates In a Mix in other ingredients. • Pour always in a mold and chill. Unmold on lettuce; serve, with mayonnaise. pited up to the height of fcillocfo), 4«stlny: To lie araessenger of moral law in an Immoral order* tbe Jewish Commaudmeot is *>eThat may be the reason why FIVE MINUTE DATE TORTE ,io^ softly repeated: "Thou shalt 2 egg whites. I am so' unpopular. ' " not WH! Thou Bhalt not kilH" I shall keep on holding • 34 cup sugar. It la Ui the voices of motliftrBor, tipYet 2 yelks. the two tablets to the eyes 4sk» tbe sighs of. men in wtoni of the ^« cups flour. thieves, the Uars and the survlveb. Mt teaspoon baking powder. \<s pound dates pitted and cut ljtj thcough the moattss of dissi- Thia may be what I, the Jew, in pieces. am here for—to stand in the way dent mlnistera of religion: "Thou Vi cup chopped nuts. -witlimy tablets -— despised but l not kill.") alt kill.) Beat whites of eggs, stiff, and firmly in the way and .This, must he most acaoying standing calling attention to the writing to- national policies that a?e set ©u Uie tablets. to> achieve lebensraum by;. t h e VTPcs;, mankind, I have been slaughter of neignbors.. Tlte Nazi ^bilosophers have spoken resent- glyen;'this Law to carry in the fully of the Judo-Chrlsllan con- world. It seems good Law if we cept of life that sfftens t.he fiber only tried it. I am not a giver of people. In_ thet3eWish teaching of this Law and no. more holy tbey have discovered a/dork con- than "other men. By'-grace of havspiracy of Jews to tyeafeea the ing been early in civilization 1 •will of Aryans to fight and kill happen to be its messenger. Suppose we try it." and die. It may take another millenlum Revised Version to make the Ten Commandments Tbe Nazis attempted to repeal 1 the Jewish Commandment against popular, but one thing I am sure billing. In their revised version of: Long after the tfuremberg of the Ten Commandments it is laws are only Interesting relics prohibited only to kill a 100 per of man's inhumanity to- man, this «ent Aryan In the Fatherland; is "la all right to purge the earth of all" others' who have not the required blood-stream or who etsuw! in the way of Aryan des""fih"y."Tfi6se insufferable Jews ror$id any killing at all. '•Coveting" also is prohibited by . the Jewish Commandments. If 33S Go, ai&fa Ct. the JFews.-had jtheir way—as expressed in this Commandment— AT 41®2 there couldn't be any auch paWHOLESALE -'ttloiLti enterprise' as that which1 © Condioo © Cisar grS&bed Norway,, Denmark, Hoi©Tobacco , © Pipoa Iaft$ or Belgium.. TUe Jewish con© Fountain Supplies cept against coveting and steal- ® Beverages h''(fsC'' OU'I4 Conaiaandnients totbid eteallag) is an inter-
add sugar. Add oeaten yolks. Eift r«H tkin isxto s us ail circles. Bake flour and baking powder. Add to at SSo degrees »u usi &iied cookie tbe first raixtiue. (The entire sheet. mixing time will not take over 5 minutes). h&& nuts &nd dates COCOANUT KISSES and salt. Put iu an ungreased pan. & tablespoons col* water. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 minI egg white. utes. Cool and cut iu squares. % cup tuigftr. Serve with whip cream or with 1 M . cups cotoftnut. orange sauce: *4 tea-spoon vMiufla or almoad extract. 1 cup brown Place water, egg white and suM cup butter. gar in the top of doable boiler % cup orange juice. over boiling water. Beat with roFiiitii of salt. tary beater until thick enough to 1 U&.s|x»oii flour. ribbon. Remove from fire. Fold 14 cup waiter. in cocoanut and flavoring drop Mix all together. C«ok until by drop. Bake at 300 degrees thick. until slightly brown. RAUGER GOOKIBS.'._,. 1 cup butter. 1 CUD white bug*r.
1 cup brown sugar. 2 eggs.
ALMOND COO1ES 6 yolks. t% cups sugar. 94 cup Imtter or critico. ^ 1 cup blanched and chopped almonds. 1 tablespoon ciunamon. S cups flour. Cream butter and sugar. Add yolks beaten.until lemon colored. Sift cinnamon with the flour. Add to mixture. Beat well. Add the almonds and drop by teaspoons on a well greased pan and bake in a hot oven.
1 teaspoon vanilla. ' 2 cups flour. , 1 teaspoon s&da. M teasi>oon baking powder. \k teaspoon salt. 2 cups quick oatmeal. 2 cups crisp rice cereal. 1 cup chopped nuts. 1 cup shredded cocoanut. l\i teaspoon cinnamon. . Cream butter and both kinds of sugar. Add eggs, vanilla, siftSven Hedin, the great explorer, ed flour and baking powder. Dissolve soda in a little hot water. is a descendant of Aaron leak, Add to first mixture. Add oat- founder of the Jewish community meal and crisp rice cereal; also of Sweden. cinnamon and cocoanut. Roll in balls about the size of a walnut and place on a greased cooky Special! Something New I sheet. Bake until brown at 350 degrees.
The "Family 6roop Policy"
ORANGE WAFERS 4 tablespoons butter. % cup sugar. 1 beaten egg. 1 cup flour. 1 teaspoon baking powder. 1 tablespoon grated orange rind. Sift flour and baking powder together. Cream butter. Beat in the sugar and egga; last of all flour and orange rind. Chill and
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, M«r 30, 1941
Palestine and the Near East Crisis By Arthur M. Brandel
Ag the theater of war shifts to the Near East, Palestine becomes an all-important factor In the fight for democracy. The Jewish Press brings its readers t h e following article in which Arthur M. Brandel discusses the military importance and strength of Palestine.— THE EDITOR. On April 27, Prime Minister Churchill in bis broadcast to tbe world declared, "We must now expect the war In the Mediterranean, on the sea, in the desert, and above all in the air to become very fierce, varied and wide spread. We have cleaned t b e Italians out of Cyrenica and now It lies with us to purge the province of the Germans. That will be a harder task and we cannot expect to do it at once." The entire Near East Is threatened. Only a short while ago, United Press reported in a dispatch from Beirut that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem broadcast a proclamation over tbe Baghdad radio calling upon Islam to revolt against the British. This call has been going out for weeks. Iraq is in revolt, and the British are being besieged at Tobruk. Egypt, which has been invaded twice, has allowed fighting on her Boil without making any effort to defend herself from the invader. "Whether the Moslem world will support England or support the Axis cannot be foretold at this time. Palestine Aid Here then is the picture as It shapes up at the moment. In a piece of territory which comprises 2,583,000 square miles with a total population of under 30,000,000 people there are a few more than .500,000 people to w h o m Britain and the democracies can depend for a complete total support. That Britain is now atoning for her sins in regard to the anti-Zionist policy which h a s been fostered by the Colonial Administration goes without saying. Had she allowed' complete uninterrupted Immigration so that 4, 5, or 6,000,000 Jews were now settled in Palestine, the position of the British and her Allies would not be nearly as acute as it Is at the present time. However, she'has done as she has done and Jews the world over must profit by the errors of the past. It is significant that in t h i s huge territory with this large population Palestine is the only country, a country of some 10,000 square miles with a population of only 550,000 Jews, that has offered any material support to the British war effort. , •" As a piece of territory, it Is Tital to the British at this time •tor many reasons. The Dead Sea is the world's greatest source of potash, a chemical which is most important in the carrying on of - modern warfare. It has been estimated that if the world wero to war for 2,000 years,,sufficient potash would be .available in the Dead Sea. Haifa is the most natural harbor along the coast, and the' British have been using it as a naval base, both for refueling and for transportation of supplies. 1 Keystone , Since the oil -which Is found in this territory is BO vital to tha *. war* and since the pipelines require constant vigilance, Haifa • and all of Palestine must have military significance. • Next to consider Is the position of Palestine as.a keystone In the British plans for the Near East. It guards the Suez as Oibralter guards the Mediterranean. It can become a granary . for all of the British Isles. Jews •have made of Palestine an oasis in the desert. Imagine for one - moment If youxan the effect upon World morale if Jerusalem, t h e Holy City, should fall into pagan h a n d s . •.';:' •••."•' : ' • ' . : „ ' • : . s : •••"**-. •.'•. , ' A new crusade would have to be planned. All the. achievements of forty years of Zionism would " be'destroyed, bnt mare Important the HveB of thousands of helpless Jews would be lost. HelpleBg not because theyx are cowards or .are outnumbered, but _, because they have not tbe implements of war. •At tbe outbreak of the "war, the
American Friends of a Jewish Palestine, offered to tbe British the services of young Palestinians as a trained nucleus about which a Jewish Army could be built. At that time, it was felt that Jews rom all parts of the world would offer a combined force of at least 200,000 men. Tbe situation was sized up in his light. If the British find it necessary to retreat along t b e Near East, and then to withdraw entirely, it was felt that the maerial achievements, buildings and homes would have to be protect:d. The attitude based on miliary strategy was that between the time that the British left he country, and the Axis armies marched in, a period of several days would elapse. That period was the time that Jews would have to be armed for self-preservation. Ignore Only Friends The aspect of 200,000 J e w s forming a military unit in the Near East is interesting to conemplate. If General Wavell never had more than 30,000 troops n the East during any time for he campaign, and he was able to ;ain the victories that he did, hen it Is just as logical to assume that all of these men, proprly equipped and trained, could have been a potent, factor in the Balkans as wellas \he East, and the abortive .campaign, might, just as easily'have been turned_.Into a lt h least have British Victory b t prolonged trie struggle so t h a t Hitler would havo'had his back xposed to" danger. Well, tbe British have,Jiadv10,000 Jews fighting in tlfe Empire forces and both Generals ;Wayell and Balls have cited the heroism of the Palestinian Jews Jn their dispatches. Multiply that t e n thousand? by twenty and a fair idea of what the campaign would have looked like can be estimated. Here then is a paradox. Engand, who claims to be fighting to preserve democracy and our way of life, Is leaving completely exposed the only friend she has in the entire Near East. When called upon to register for service, Palestinian Jewry responded nobly. One hundred and thirty-six thousand men and women registered for war service, yet the British noose to ignore themv • Once the Libyan desert is taken the delta of the Nilo Is a'chieved and Egyptian defenses must crumble. If a thrust is made through Turkey by land, a pincer movement can be effected and Palestine will then become untenable. However, an important f a c t o r would still have to be included and that would be the 200,000 jews of fighting age. They would be willing even to evacuate with the British "and leave the country undefended, if they -were recognized and given the opportunity to fight. That again is the big factor. Always this question of a Jewish army. In April 1, this statement was made in the House of Commons, on behalf of the British government: "Consideration has been given jto the possibilities of offering further facilities for the recruitment of Jews abroad for the active service in the British army, but in view of the present pressure on our resources, especially in the matter of equipment, it Is likely to be some time
lefore effect could be given to ny such scheme." Red Sea Danger As the situation seems to be shaping up, the Vichy government will allow the Germans to occupy Syria, and the British will then have in Palestine a base for operations whereby they may attack Syria and prevent an Axis attempt t the Suez. Cut German communications off in that country, nd the Germans will suffer a lerles of setbacks that might well spell disaster for their Berlin to Baghdad plans. To further prove the import-
ance of Palestine in the present scheme of things in the N e a r East, it may be pointed out at this time that Hitler had declared the Red Sea as a point of conflict. Shipments then coming to tbe East from America will come by way of San Francisco through tfae Indian Ocean and arrive at Basra in the Persian Gulf whence supplies will be transported overland to Palestine. Of course, this is predicted only if the present Iraq regime is overthrown. The interesting point of t h i s entire conjecture is the fact that a country of 10,000 square miles surrounded as it is with hostile tribes of semi and even quasi civilised peoples can play Bueh an important role in the life and death struggle going on daily throughout the world. It is fitting and at the same time ironical that the people whose land and whose lives have been treatened so many times now remain the last remaining outpost between the modern Attila and the civilised world of the democracies.
Swiss Suppress 'Nazi Newspaper Zurich (WNS)—Ticy Switzerland, which is surrounded on all sides by the mechanized armies of the Axis powers, set an example for the rest of the democratic world by suppressing tbe violently pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic weekly "FrelheitK Blttler," published by pro-Nazi groups here. Declaring that the Nazi paper fomented p o g r o m propaganda which might lead to serious consequences, the Swiss government announced the immediate suspension of the publication. The decision was hailed by the entire Swiss press.
Dr. Goldm&n Returns Buenos Aires (JTA) — Dr. Solomon Goldman, former president of the Zionist Organization of America, left for New York by airplane Monday a f t e r a month's tour of South America.
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movie &si4 network i»ers>oK^IitMss ? re, ret&ifijng tig boyfgh figure, . . , M&jrpj- tr&ten>ii*itioffi miioftig j lost half a hundred 1 'pounds in tbe two gre&i Mitdiusiife of eater-1 four months. Now that Milton taiiiSii*;iiS fci* ti.e iiJHIoii*. li'fcis, "j Berle bas moved to Hollywood, we dcTOiif iy t.itpev is tt*e true i be complains ttost "he has two t-pitit <bJ Amtik&. j swimming pools.and a, brother to
fcy, • M a y
's Division Executive to Meet
T h e Nftid"C<Mit«»j:Sfc<si Parisian press reviles AiiiCiicasusite. Anioitg otb>
er ttppttAn-UiUft tout, tent, it declares, "A Biem-fcng have been ld by the cinema and . . . t&ken in by Hollywood mirage." etc., etc." War.. . . ' Vf-f-D f i l l e d ! " ners tire giving to place libraries R£df=corsi.iifcg by A. II j tier:- TLe jof the screen in each of their cirBerlin Lfculfevard tcene usfcd in *srt.ui».s: J«the 10. the com- cuit of five liiiitddred theaters. uisn kittti date of Dave Rose &nd German ttroaghiiuv . . . was fcr- Judy Garland, is marked for the iiierly a stt used as a "strttt in fcriii&f &Knouncement of their Wtfcttin Union, then being built Paris." *'Bgsgeuieiit. 'Pom my word . . . by the Creightons westward, \p Masie ' Kosenblooms with a l>iog- San Francisco. He had arrived " II e s s k'& d r&i<iiy. Bobby Breen, awaiting the in this country at the age of 13 sc&iiciy landed right side up arrive,! fcf a full-fledged tenor knowing no language but his nawhen the finished film of "Ui«- voice, is> devoting liimstlf to pi- tive Czech. The eldest of ten g " u&s quickly unwound, ano lessons. Three fineni&ladles, children, he immediately went out retired &nd the incrcdtblt; ittci- Mrs. Mtrvyn I^elloy, Mrs.. Ernst to peddle notions and although dent tiiwrted in the celluloid rib- Lubitsrh and Mrs. M^ilton Breen, he never had any further school&ie headed eastward to conduct ing, he was never known to make bon. an exhibition towr of a raptured a mistake in spelling or grammar.' Pin P o r t r a i t s : P a u l Lmkas Sfegsersclimidt. Proceeds w i l l Mp'reover he acquired such prolikes ham on m a U o t h ! P e t e r Lor- purchase British hospital supplies. ficiency in French as to conduct in that language the first World Postal congress which was held In Washington and over which he presided. The year of his death, he went to Rome as the American delegate to the second W o r l d Postal congress, called to formu* late legislation for the international exchange of mail. He never forgot his native BoMemories of one of Omaha's They would make their boat resmost prominent pioneer families ervations and from their own win- hemian and was instrumental In were recalled by Mrs. Nahuni Fell, dow watch the river for the boat's the starting of a Czech-language who stopped here last week en appearance. Because of shifting paper which was printed on the route from her home on the west sandbars and the uncertainties of presses of the "Omaha Bee" duri k; ,•> river travel, no boat schedule ing his lifetime. coast to visit in the east. Mrs. Feil, a daughter of the could be maintained' and several Mrs1. Feil left Omaha 13 yearte late Edward Rosewater, famed days would elapse after the date ago to live on the west coast, but Omaha newspaperman, was born of the expected arrival before the frequently returns for short visits. in the old Itosewater home which boat finally came. She was accompanied on her arstood on a hill at Seventeenth rival by her elster-in-lawy Mrs. Came to Omaha in '63 and Farnam strets, the present Mrs. "Fell's father, the famed Victor Rosewater, who remained site of the Insurance building Edward Rosewater, came to Oma- only a day before continuing on. which was originally built by Mr. ha in 1863 as the representative east. Mrs. Fell departed WednesRosewater to house the "Omaha of the Pacific Telegraph, later day. ' • ' • • , "••• Bee." The family home was of Cottonwood lumber shipped here •AIR COOLEDfrom St. Louis, and the bouse and lot cost f 1,400. When Mrs. Fell's mother came to Omaha in 1864, it took her nine days to make the journey from the old home in Cleveland. Fur Storage • « . Revitalife Coming by rail to Des Moines, the Cleaning . . . Remodeling! Omaha-bound passengers w e r e transferred to a stage coach. Mrs. PERFECT HOLIDAY FASHIONS! Rosewater was. the only woman passenger in the coach and when the passengers had to alight to help the carriage maneuver difficult spots, she was permitted to remain in her place. Since there was no bridge at that time, tbe Flower PrUts from th« passengers crossed from Council "DEEP SOUTH'* Bluffs oyer the ice. Mrs. Fell, however, did not recall another time that the river was so solidly Prints inspired by frozen as to permit such passage. southern g a r d e n s . Not Afraid of Indians They'll delight your* Her mother, Mrs. Feil said, was hearts w ' t h their never afraid of the many Indians soft, feminine beau-' who- came to their home in the ty . . . they'll keep early days. They would stick you' cool and fresh-; their heads in the window to beg bread not only for themselves but looking the summer a their family and even the tribe. through, * To return to Cleveland to Visit relatives, the' Rosewater family Nelly DQDS Are in would go by boat to Sf. Joseph, Sizes 10-44, 141-241 where they .would catch the train.
Lincoln <Special) — S i g m a Ac importsLt Eifctiis}; of tLe Alpha Hu inen gaiued ao unprecedented number of publication! executive board cf the Women's posts last Tuesday with the ap- jvjjioa will take place on Monpointment of lour men to tiie day mcrnicg, Jane 2, at 10:15, at coveted positions on tbe Daily the Jewish. Community Center. This meeticg will be iu the naNebraskan and Awgwan Pi&Eli. Morton Margolin, Omaha, w h o ture of a brunch, Mrs, WHiaiii Laserved as news editor this semes- zere, president, announced. Extremely important matters ter on the Daily was selected to fill the post of managing tailor are to be taken up, acd members for tbe coming eyar. Ben Novi- of the board are urged to attend. co'ff, Lincoln, who was assistant business manager this semester was slated to be business manager of the Daily next semester. completing the list of Daily appointments was that of Phil KanBy HELEN EIGlf QNB tor, Sioux City, who will be aseistant business manager for the Tolerance was tbe keynote of ensuing' semester. Phil was one of the top advertising solicitors tbe NBC testimonial for Jack Benny—tolerance and good-natof tbe business staff. The fourth and last man to fce ured buffeting. All the top comhonored with a publications ap- ics of air and screen had a buspointment was t h a t of Melvia man's holiday at Jack's expense. Tannenbaum, Omaha, who will As Benny said, "There are eight be business manager of the Awg- comics at this dais . . . and I'm wan- Flash, campus humor maga- standing on Milton Berle!" sine, for the coming term. MelIt was radio's most sclntillatvin has been assistant business ing party, guesting ether air-bobs manager of the Flash. Additional honors received in and cinema sahibs—and strictly the closing days of: the current 'off the air!" And no Jello! semester include the election of Flowers from well-wishers overPhil Kan tor to Corn Cobs, hon- flowed the huge Biltniore Bowl. orary men's p e p organization. A watch inscribed, "To Jack KenNorman Veta, Cheyenne, was re- ny in appreciation of his services eently elected to Gamma Lambda, to humanity," was presented by honorary band fraternity. Mor- Frank Freeman, president of the ton Margolin, Omaha, was elected Motion Picture Producers' Assovice president of t h e Student ciation. NBCs prexy, Miles Tram-Union Board of Managers, mak- mel), gifted the IJennjs with a i n g him the highest ranking stu- silver service set, saying, "Benny dent member of the board which makes tfic country laugh when it .controls all student union activ- needs it most." ities. He will also serve as chair*man of the activities committee When Jack was introduced by for the coming year. M. C. Rudy Vallee, the whole . Closing affair of the year will gathering of fifteen hundred rose be a smoker honoring all grad- and applauded for fully three uating seniors to be held next minutes. Acknowledging his gratiSaturday, May 31. Those being ude to NBC, Jack expressed the BO honored are Sidney Kalin, lope that he would be with that SiouXjCity; Ed Chait, Omaha; network for the rest of his caFloyd' Cohn, Tariio, " Mo., a n d reer. Then he confessed that he Harold "Ftirfcel, Lincoln. Forth- was not discovered by Rudy ValjOQuUrig awards to men vrlio have lee, Joe Pasternak, or Sol Les' *aenl]eved b o n o r s. in athletics, ser '— but v i s found by Arthur 'scholarship and activities will be Jbyohs under/a cock"'in Waukegahl "And we've all Deen eating made at that time. . ever since. On Arthur it's becomLast Friday and Saturday, Sig- ing." ma'Omicron was nonored by the presence of one of its illustrious Said Edgar- B o r g e n : "The fratres, Sol Shumitsky f r o m Crown of Crosslcy rests on !t,hCi Sigma Rho chapter at Missouri, head thnt fits it—and that's lining wh» particiapted- in the Big Six -Jack." "Yen'-," snapped Charlie, track and field meet held last "bnt we'll cop it if we can." ;'•'•'• week-end. He qualified for the broad jump on Friday, and proBob Hope: "They dont ask ceeded to b r e a k the Big Six what's Benny's, rating, any more broad jump record, on Saturday. —they just say, 'Who's second'?" With a leap of 24 feet 8 inches. Fibber McGee: "Say, whnt did 3BC 'give- ns- oh- o n r tenth anniversary?" Molly: - "That's when they-started signing-OQ> contrnctsi '-*jA- special meeung.of :'A. Z.'AT in ink," ',.lyO; ycill • pe' held' ne^t Tuesday Geprgle- Jess'el:' "Undor this evening at 7r30-p. m. -at t t e 3js w I s h 'Comunify Center to system .in -which we .live ..__. . jfon'or Aidyisor' and 'Past Alepjh' please--God,.-.:' crimes a great Uibdfolv Ha.fold Zelinsky, who will program .'.:; r performed by actor's ,»fc' in Omaha on" leave' from 1the *ofi •• varying '-.religions One • Is a Baptist, another an Episcopalian," tyl.ayine b a s e.-at -J^uatiticoj— one a Catholic) another a" J[<Jw." .Also at'this meeting, a first ' ! fcjree ini(iati6n:; wJiU' he held for -That's/ what^makes; the Besijjrj; show. Toleranc.eii !j£fie twenty prospecltfv'e members program a great 1 I1|to whom petitions^ werev sent. ' ^tilt's .what : mak'es'Vthi3''a g b a t 0. The ra'ectlrig' next-Tuesday e?i country.CLong*.i,may it live fitfo" jniing will be the iaSt.of/the-, term, long'niaj?,it"laugh at—^Jack ; ejlnce: elections afe-tchedule'd for'*,*»y y V v , : : : i jSunday, June 1B, at the center. i: Hearty; camaraderie a m o jiii ;.)' Last Sunday, the- Century' softball team retained, its. first-place siaiidfng In the J. C. C. Senior league by 'po nding out a 15-0 ,i>v[in over the Deirenpergs. Aleph. Hilton Guss stfuck^out 'ten batj^ere it is . . . ,!iers and received errorless sup; port from' his teammates- to earn ,a no-hit victcr>,- tae only, one 'Ihus far ' in Jhe entire, league. j j! i j ' For the' Graduates 'This achievement surpassed 'the iwp-hlt pitching df Aleph Harold .^Jpstein the Sunday before, which ifras 'the previous best record. < k'ln the four weeks of competitionr'the Century team has amascsed sixty-two'Tuns-in-tour games, compared to eighteen runs by its opponents; and is at the present ..i^," r SAVE time leading "the- leaguq.in double 1 plays. Next Sunday morning the i!;! ' $2.50to $5 ''ftftm will meet the second-place" Lincoln Tavern team at the half *! ' i Includes "' * at 33d and Cass Sts. pabrilcen . . . Frederic . . . • Eugene . . > Undine . , . Nestle -
.ecalls Memoriesof Omaha Pioneer Days
A. z. A; too
Nelly Don
! I'/
Gamma Tau Sigma ,'
' A regular meeting of the Gam* jga'a Tau Sigma was held Sunday, -SfTay 25, at the''Jewish Community 1 Center. Ghest eneaker was Miss iTow-, teachfer ot, domestic science'at Technical High school. Piahp w e r e stAHed,' for" the >, r^ to.Jb.e given.June 14.
1 »<*! '
. . :
: •' ABdve-^-Cape jasmine prim NclleUa (En..-. - ka rayon) i a hydrangea blue, azalea pink, BlopewnB ereen. 12-44, $Q.np. Right— Shasta print^repe Sheer rflyon in enririse -pink, green* 'gulf blue, yellow,'- - Sues ' 12-40, $ 1 0 . 8 8 ; ' * -, . ,
Consultation Wit hiout Obligation to You!
&@tifl at Fam&m Si.
EXCLUSIVE HERE IN OMAHA . ;. ' -, ^ Herzhergs-f-Fiftb Floor -' -,'
May 30, 1941
U. O. C. Sisterhood Final Meeting Will Be Held on Tuesday
TBMPIvE SUPPER CLUB On Monday evening, June 2, members of the Temple Israel Supper club will meet for an outdoor pupper at Cftmp Brewster. Supper will be served at 1 p. tn. TO RECEIVE FOR SON Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Stern are receiving on Sunday, June 1, from 8 td 6', at their home, 404 South Forty-first street, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Donald, at the Belh El synagogue. Relatives and friends are invited. No Invitations have been issued. RECEIVE FOR CONFIRMANTS ;" Mr. and Mrs, Louis Bernstein will) receive at their homo, 222 F r a n k street, in Council Bluffs, Sunday afternoon from 3 to 6 p. m. in honor of their daughter, Shirley Margaret, who ie being coBfirmed from Temple Israel.
TO PHILADELPHIA Mrs. Sam Weinberg of Fremont left S u n d a y for Philadelphia where sh£ will visit her sister',' Dr. Rose M. Mikelberg. She plans to be gone for several months. Mr. .Weinberg accompanied her as far as Chicago. FROM S&N. ANTONIO Mrs. Joseph Ruben and, iier son, j . Lewto; of , San, Antonio. Texas, will arrive Wednesday to s p e n d several weekB as t h e gueBt of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Weinstein, and her brother-in-law, an.it sister, Mr. and Mrs. MaxFromkfn.
The last meeting of the season of >the U. O. C. Sisterhood will take place on Tuesday, June 3, at- 2 p. m. This will be dedicated to the new officers who will be installed on the occasion. After the installation lea will be served in their honor. ' i Outgoing officers are Mrs. L. Neveleff, president; Mrs. Morris Burstein, vice president? Mrs. Sam Katstinan, secretary; Mrs. Sidney Katleman, treasurer, and Mrs. Sidney Epstein; • financial secretary. New officers are Mrs. Frank Ackerman, president; Mrs. Max Fromkin, vice president; Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, recording secretary; Mrs. Jack Epstein, financial secretary, and Mrs. Arthur Goldtreasurer.
ON EASTERN TR|P Mrs. Hv Bachmah left Friday, The l a s t Bas-a'-mi business May 23, for an indefinite stay in Washington, D. C, where she meeting of the season was' held ill be the guest of her daugh- at the ; home of Miss^ Charlotte ters, the Misses. Goldie and Ann Noggr* Tuesday evening,, a n d Bachman. She will also visit New plans for the annual banquet Mrs. Frelda Chemise is receiv- York, Baltimore, a n d Philadel- were formulated. Miss Esther ing at the Temple Sunday from 3 phia. While in the east she will Shapiro w.II ')e chairman. Her to 5 in honor of her daughter, be the guest of relatives a n d co-chairmen are: Mrs. Harold Ir«n,e Ruth, who In, being. con- friend's. En route, Mrs. Bachman Perelman in charge of decoraplans to stay in Chicago tor a tions with Miss Elaine Lagman llrmed at Temple Israel* ; : few days ias the guest of Mr. and adn Mrs. Eva Konecky assisting; a n d Miss Harriett Salzman in . i.Mr.iand Mrs, Milton Livingston Mrs. Harry Batt, charge of entertainment w i t h •re receiving Sunday, afternoon Mrs. Sam Freedman a n d Mrs. from 3 until 6 at their home, 900 JOSLYN MEMORIAL Sunday at 2:30 in the. Joslyn Melvin Shrier assisting. Korth Happy Hollow boulevard, The banquet is scheduled for In ,ihjonor of their daughter, Mar- Memorial three sound films will Ian Sally, and for Mary Diane be shown. They are: "Isle of 7:15 on Thursday, June 5, at the Frlscher, both of whom will be Spice," "Utmost Isle" and "Sec- Fohtenelle hotel and is the most ond Paradise." City Commission- important event of the year. Folconfirmed at Temple Israel. er Roy N. Towl will speak at lowing the banquet a party will be held in honor of the members 'I Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Green- 3:30 on "Forestry and Park De- who have recently become brides. span will1 receive on Sunday from velopment." Newly-elected officers also will A 4 o'clock concert Is to be 3 to 5 at the^ Temple in honor of • tjbeir son, Maurice, who is being Iven by members of the Monday t>e installed. Orricers for the Musical club, At 4:30 Patsy cpming y e a r are: Miss Esther -confirmed from Temple Israel. Gaddis of 1Lincoln will be pre- Shapiro, president; Miss Elaine Lagman, vice president; Miss Mr. .and Mrs. Bert Hene are to sented in a piano recital. Frances Ruben, secretary; Mrs. receive at their home, 651 North Sam Freedman, treasurer, a n d ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH •Fifty-sixth street, on Sunday from Mr. and Mrs. Marx K. Gold- Miss Geulah Meiches, reporter. 3 until 4$ in honor of their son, The Bas-a-ml will resume its berg announce the Bar Mitzvah Bert Hene, jr., who is being con-, of their son, Paul Lawrence, on activities in September. firiried from Temple Israel. Sunday morning, June 1, at the synagogue, 2 4th and Mr', and Mrs. Ben Klein of B'nai JafcobAll friends and relaCouncil Bluffs will receive at Nicholas. tives-are, .cordially imited to attheir home, 211 Carson avenue, tend. ' ' The regular meeting of the Sunday from 3 to 5, In honor of Sinai club began Tuesday evening at 8:30 with members listentheir daughter, Esther Jeannette, ANNOUNCE BIRTH who will be confirmed from TemDr. and Mrs. Uen L. Herzberg ing to President Rosevelt's Fireple Israel. • • • of Chicago announce the birth of side Chat. Morrie Rosen, chairman of the a daiight6r'on ' May 28. Mrs. COUNSINS CLUU Herzberg is the former Mildred Athletic committee, announced . The next meeting of the Oraa- ohn, daughter of the late Rabbi that a swimming party will be held at the Jewish Community h a : and Council Bluffs Cousins and Mrs. Frederick Cohn. Center for the. entire member• club-will be held on Wednesday, ship. June *. at the home of Mrs. VISITING PARENTS Philip Rlngle, 3331 Webster. The initiation of new members Mr. Myron A. uown of Chicago arrived this morning to spend ten will be held next Tuesday, probTO. RECEIVE FOR (DAUGHTER days with his parents, Mr. and ably at piaymore park. Prospecj Mr. and Mrs. A. H.^ Marcus of Mrs. Goodman Cohen, 3925 S. tive members aro Rose Meyerson, Helen; Canfleld, Paulino Swengll Auburn, Neb., are receiving at 24th St. and Selma Drevitch. the home of Mrs. Marcus' parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. SalUman, ANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH 74.2 MVnster St., Council1 Bluffs, Ladies Free Loan Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dandy anSunday, Juno 1, from 3 to G in nounce the Bar Mitzvah of thelt A regular meeting of the LaJionor of their daughter, Beverly, son, Howard, on Saturday morn- dies' Free Loan Society will be <wnd is being graduated from,high ing, May 31, at the B'nai Israel held at 2 p; fri., Wednesday, June school. All friends ami relatives synagogue, 18th a n d ' Chicago 4, at the Jewish. Community Cenare.cordially invited to attend. streets. All relatives and friends ter. -' • are invited* . • - All members aro urged to atANNOUNCE BAR MITZVAH tend as new officers will be electMr. and Mrs. L. Nesselson aned at this time. Patronize Our*Advertisers . bounce the Bar Mitzvah of their eonl Eugene, Saturday morning, May 31, at the B'nai Jacob syn.v, gogue, 24th and Nicholas streets. . He ."will be' honored -at a dinner-forr relatives and friends at 6 p ,'m., Sunday, June 1.. . . . -
Sinai Club
TO RECEIVE '•.-'• - Mr.i-and Mrs. M. H., Pessen will bold a reception * at the|r home, •26^3 pountry. Club Elvdr, on Sunday, June 8, from,2 to 5, in honor ..of] the" confirmation " Of their ;daughker, Beverly-Jean". . _ . '4
«ETliRNS FROl\t^PR0yiDE3STcW \- Mrs! Hy Fisher^Returned from Providence, R. L.'wlie^e she spent hetf vacation vlsitlng"Mr:_and>Mrs. Max jalotin. - r - •w MBS.' VERET 1NXEAST ,:" • J Mrs.'Paul Veret and children, Barry; and Linda,, left for a three , weeks; visit in Philadelphia with i-elatl' — . . .
Junior Council An installation dinner will be held in June for the new officers elected by the Omaha section of the National Council of Jewish Juniors at their last meeting. Details and plans are being arranged and further information will be announced soon.
Junior Hadassah The last meeting of the season will be held on Monday, June 2, at the Jewish Community Center. All girls are urged to attend as an election of officers for the new year will be ceia. Anyone wishing tickets to the Junior Hadassah summer formal which is being held on June 16 may obtain them from any Junior Hadassah member.
Name Chaperones For Temple Dance Members of the Temple Youth group dance committee are urging their members to arrange for the affair as soon as possible. The dance will be Leld Saturday evening, June 7, in the Skyroom of the Blackstone hotel. Chaperones for the affair will be: Mr. and Mrs. Max Davis, Mr. a n d Mrs. Abr. Greenspan, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Silver, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trustin, and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Grossman. No couple w i l l be admitted without a bid. Music for dan clog is to be furnished by Nunce Pomodero.
Tau Delta Sigma
A meeting of the Tau Delta Sigma'J3orority was held Sunday, May 25, at the Jewish CommuThe report meeting of the Tem- nity Center. During the meeting ple Israel Sisterhood will be held it was decided that the formal on Monday, June 2, at 1 p. m. initiation would be held Monday A board meeting is to take place night, June 16, at the home of at 11:30. Mrs, Sam Robinson, Martha Zusman. Jeannette Turite appointed Hound Table reppresident of the Sisterhood, will was report on the recent convention resentative for the coming year. Plans for the formal initiation held in Detroit. Reports of the standing com- are being made by Marian Lii)B-> man and Sarah toernisiein, chairr mittees will also be heard. Honored guests will be mem- men of the initiation committee. At the initiation Ethelyn Lashin,bers of the Temple board. and Lenore Simon will play Mrs. Sam Saltzman is chairman sky new sorority eong which they of the luncheon committee and is the ; being assisted by the following have wrlten. members: Mesdames H e r m a n Patronize Our Advertisers Kully co-chairman, I. Chapman, Harold Cherniack, Max Cohen, L. G. Gross, Al Mayer, Harry Perlmeter and Paul Blotcky, Mah-jong will be played after CUT DIAMOND the meeting. Perfect
Temple Sisterhood
Camp Committee to Meet Monday An extremely Important meeting of the Camp committee will take place on Monday morning, June.2, at 10:30, at the Jewish Community Center, jointly with the executive board of the Women's Division, Mrs. J. M. Rice, camp chairman, announces. Members of the committe are urged to attend as plans for the 1941 season will bo acted upon.
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3O, 1941
?**• 4
the southern eommumUen. In reality our Jewish community is not the efcild of Europe, b«t of South America and Wet* Icdies. A thriving Jewish religions life Lad Ltt-n tbtafclished on the South American toiitittLt ir< Ibe sixteenth century, and the JfewkL tcu,mubHli;S of the Weat Indies are c^teistor^eoiis with the Puritan settlement of
&*&•&»§ fSg-iif
a t,ui llacagiiig Editor DAVID BLACKER—Bii LEONARD KATilAi* . . . . . . Editor RABBI THEOI/ORE I«. LEWIS • Book Editor FRANCES BLACKER - - • Society Editor MORRIS AIZENBEFiG—&it,nx City Correspondest
Natjonal Emergency
DttjiiU- this, w / t t i l l know very little of our Jewish brtthren of the South. It comes as a disti&ct gui^riss to i&ost of us to learn that the JewcomzBu&ity of Buenos Aires is the fourth largest ia tfce wfcfcttm hemisphere. There is a thriving cultural life that should be of inestimable value to us. Uy working In concert with South American Jewry we will be able to deal more effectively with the problems that will inevitably face us m this hemisphere before very long.
Gems of the Bible and Talmud By Dr. BIBLE Pride goetb before destruction and an arrogant epirlt before a fall. A rebellious man seeketb only evil therefore a ernel messenger tball be sent against him. A man void of understanding is he that striketb hands and becometh surety for his neighbor. He that loveth transgression, loveth strife: he that exalteth hi* gate, seeketb destruction.
How frwecesftfal the hare been is iOutmted b) number of defeatist* aad tanc tJoutets BOW UmBf at large. There is a definite —i**e aatOBg ih« feolatioBistt fa W—htagt— u> pre«s for *trad« coitobcratim" witfa G e m s a f after Wiagiori u defeated. The State Department bas r«o. aistently ased a v e l m glovt wltn s o iron tiat iasidc—to handle the Nazi and ltaliao c«n*uls who are ia this country, dedicated to its destrHCtioa, and «bo are working for this destruction nignt and day.
TADMUD By presideEtia! proclamation, an Our sages were saying, "At all emergency has been declared in this country. The times should man's disposition be dangers threatesing the world have been pleasant in associating with men." ered of such dagger to our independent action, the Rabbi Cbama went to (be college and spent 12 years there. Chief Executive Las been forced to curtail tof rigfctA minor controversy hag been precipitated by When he was returning home he caiag degree the rights &nd privileges of a free Time Miter time the admittedtLe actioB of the synagogues of Louisville, Ken- went to the house of study of that people. There are many,'as is to be expected, who tucky, which have agreed to deny religious services city and sent word to his house ly illegal actions of the German consider this an ill-advised step calculated to and Italian comsata have beea to any Jew who is not a member of a eongregatlon. that he had arrived. Rabbi Oshe- railed to the a t t n t i o a of the arouse the hysteria of the people. Opponents of ya, his son, immediately came and Ttis is an arbitrary act probably unprecedented In (incognito) occupied a seat be- State DepartoKctt. T h e r e TO the administration have termed the president a Jewish history, fcinee until a generation ago it was fore him. He began to question I plenty of evidence to kick oat of "war-monger" and see in the "Emergency" an atunthinkable there should be a Jew, who did not him concerning some traditions, Uhis country practically ever; tempt to inflame the war spirit. and seeing that he was sharp in Nazi and Fascist diflamttlc r e pre&ent&tive outside of WasbiBg* The people of the United States never took the give his utmost support to the synagogue. The action in Louisville has come as the first every laws, Rabbi Chama felt dis- [ton, and qaite a few la Wash. Naxis seriously. Those who were aware of the couraged, saying to himself, Mf I ington. danger inherent in the Nazi philosophy were definite action after a good deal of discussion by were here I would have had a termed the tools of Jews, and every expose of national religious bodies. It was most unfortunate son (of my child I left) like this But most of the diplomatic He then went home. His Hitlerian aims were called "communist propa- that such a step has become necessary, but it would one." misdeameaoors wer« qaietly ovEon also entered. Rabbi Chama ganda.'' Yet, what astounds us BO today, was ac- seem that any Jew desiring to be married as a (under the impression that he was erlooked. It was explained that cepted as so commonplace by American cor- Jew, to be buried as a Jew, to have his sons cir- a stranger) got up for him, be- if these consuls were Booted out the United States. Germany respondents in Berlin, they didn't bother to in- cumcised, and his children educated as Jews, would lieving that he had come to ask of and Italy would take retaliatory him something. Where upon his be willing to accept the responsibilities necessary form the reading public. wife remarked, "Is there then action. When an effort was made to throttle the Ger- for the maintenance of Jewish institutions. such a law that one should get Nevertheless this action is not a solution to the up before his eon?" go the consols stayed, aboved man economy in the hopes of sabotaging its war out huge sums of money, threat* problem. The 'unaffiliated' in both the Jewish effort, it was almost impossible to get cooperation. From the land of Israel they eaed Gennan-Aracrkans aad ItalLabor organizations, some church groups, left-wing and Gentile communities is an inevitable result sent forth the following: "Ob- ian-Americans, set «p in every parties were the only ones who sought to enforce of the secularization of modern life. The fact that serve perfect cleanliness. Be care- large city espioasge and propathe boycott of German goods. American tourists o high a percentage of Jews is unaffiliated should ful with the children of the poor ganda machines roe efficiency of for from them will the Torab which is reflected on Capitol gaily crossed the Atlantic on German boats, they give the religious community cause for profound come forth." mn. visited Germany and left valuable dollars behind. thought. Certainly this is not just perverseness on the part of a miscellaneous group of people. Even national Jewish publications in the early days The Government never serewed And the question remains whether the faithful up its courage to the poiat of of the Third Reich printed advertisements for Gerr freezing the funds of the Axis man tourist bureaus. AH this tended to strengthen ew have the right to be so smug as to refuse the powers in the United States^— the German economy and aided the construction of ess faithful the last remnants of their religiou3 funds which were spent lavishly war goods that would eventually threaten Amer- ife. After all, those Jews who have enough conto farther America's isolationist cern for their congregations to continue their supand defeatist viewpoint. For Gerican democracy. By PAT FRANK many and Italy realized that the How could this country be any wiser when the port, should have developed enough charity to war was being xron or lost right J. T. A. Washington be sympathetic to human failings. This little neighbors of Germany ignored the Hitler record. here in America and no expense Press Bureau was too great if America could They were willing to accept on face value his pro- group that has kept the fire burning should not be prevented from rendering eflestaiiess he wanted DO further territorial ac- deny the hospitality of the hearth to the prodigals. fective aid to Englana. Washington. quisitions. They were willing to cooperate to the In the past few weeks practicextent that criticism of the Fuehrer brought jail Now there is talk of freeaing ally every member of the Cabinet sentences in Holland and Belgium. For six months Holland's oldest and most dis- has made a speech and the tenor these funds, bat it will be a case Now even "with the danger so very apparent to tinguished center of learning, the University of of all of them was that the coun- of closing the barn door after the horse is gone. The millions ns, the tendency has been to scoff at it. We are a Leyden, has been closed; but only recently have try i3 in "mortal danger." The were withdrawn from the banks, words didn't shake the apathy little smug about our oceans; forgetting that In the facts of its supression been revealed. that holds Washington, and par- aad converted into cash. Long the Nazi plan of conquest subtler means than acterm investments were placed The city of Leyden was given the University ticularly Capitol Hill. under the name of Switserland tual invasion are to be utilized. It is horrible to three centuries ago by Prince William of Orange For a simile to the Washing- and Sweden. contemplate this country being involved in that in recognition of its undaunted courage in resisting ton of today you only have to go unholy mess that is crippling Europe. Neverthe- the Spanish invaders. It has always remained back to the Paris of 1039. The As a result, there will never less by pretending it means nothing to us how the true to its spirit of freedom and its devotion to resemblance is frightening. come a time when the United war goes we. are only contributing to a greater the truth. It was at the University of Leyden States can fully throttle the exdanger for us. Industry—which certainly has the that Spinoza took refuge after his excommunicaBy the time this appears in penditures of huge sums in tbia print, President Roosevelt will country for totalitarian proparight to reap some profit—nevertheless has gone tion by the Jewish community of Amsterdam. have delivered his once-delayed ganda. It is too late! on the "business as usual" theory which seriously When the Nazis took possession of the Uni- fireside chat to the nation, and threatens to hamper production of vital .defense versity administration, they ordered the dismissal undoubtedly he will repeat what The United States, in spite of needs. Labor—which certainly is justified to share o f the Jewish faculty members, among them the has already been said by all his many exposes has not even shot In profits and to be paid a just wage for ita ef- famed Professor Eduard Maurlts Meyer, who was abinet. But if it is only words the use of the mails to Axis he offers America, the leth- ageots dlstritmtlas tons of liter** forts—has on too many occasions overstepped it- esteemed not only as one of Holland's leading that argy will remain. All the words tore intended to overthrow the self, utilizing the present emergency to coordinate scholars but as a faithful friend and guide to his have been said. They have all United States. been said.many times. It is now its position. many students. up to the people of the United And probably the crowning ex- • By proclaiming an emergency tho President The dismissal of Professor Meyer evoked a States. If from France they learn- ample of oar stupidity is the man- • brings to the American public in forceful fashion storm of protest by his "Aryan" students. The ed no lesson, if they follow the ner in which we have allowed • the serious dangers that now beset us. American presence of German soldiers, the threat of severe paths of greed, a "let George do" the Congressional Record to be it attitude and a "business as used to put across Hitlerian ideas cities must not be bombed. Our children must consequences did not deter one colleague and forr usual" complacency, then it Is a not be injured, our families made homeless. "What mer student of Professor Meyer from denouncing pretty good bet that the Wash- —at the expense of the taxpayer. we have built both In the material and spiritual the action of the occupying authorities. As he ex- ington of 1943 will look like the Coagressloaa! speeches cribbed realms is precious, not to be easily surrendered. pected, this courageous scholar was sent to a con- Paris of 1941. almost word for word from Nazi opssaasSa-has been inserted in We cannot afford to take any chance that such centration camp and the great University of LeyIf that happens, then indeed e Record crnH then distributed •will be endangered. For this reason we are being den closed. . Hitler's boast that his regime wholesale, EE^CT Congresshma* asked to make sacrifices before it is too late. Leyden will again be opened. It will open "will live a thousand years" wUl frank, to every city, town and cn when freedom and truth are once, more returned become reality. A halting, falter* hamlet. I M 9 has been .going to their rightful place. But if It is never to open ing America stands now at its for two years. It has no* stopped moment of decision. If wo ere t Like Lik all ll Americans, the Jews of-this country again, if it is to be the victim of some permanent not dismayed by tho prospect are for the first time realizing that there are other retrogression, it-can be said that the University that our children and our chil. . "When the Government's • *pi°e drcn's children and all tho gen. becomes strong enough to put an Americans and other American' Jews — to the of Leyden was heroic to tho end. The University, crntions to follow will live nnder to these abases, there will bo south. In recognition of this discovery, the month which was founded to honor courage, remained a Hitler regime—if that dismay end come hope of nrerenting-Goeb-. of July will see the first conference of the Jewish steadfast to its glorious tradition. There are some- doesn't end our indecision and hols'-boast that America '"will be turn us into tho highway of acthings which even Panzer divisions cannot prevail communities from all the nations of the western an inside job." tho Constitution and hemisphere. Delegates from South, Central, and and that is the supreme courage of n people who tion—then tho Bill of Rights will become Batch Aid Jews North Ame'rica will gather in Montevideo to dis- will never admit defeat to tho forces of evil. deed things aftd liberty and freedom will be at an end for tho cuss problems vital to Jewish welfare. Stockholm ,JTA) — A com: whole world. This conference is particularly significant In mittee to protect the Jews* interests has been foraea in the D01*" that it marks the turning of Jewish eyes from EuDocs that sound like exaggerat o w n of Haarlem, according »° rope to the South. Our ties with European Jewry tion? the Utretsch Dagblad. Two houses are rapidly being dissolved. It Is-no longer an Shevuoth ._.... were pot at the committee's otsSunday, Juno 1 imporiaat" facTbr." Sentimental: and cdlluril in-; **Rosh Chodcsh Tammus.. Wednesday, Juno 26 A rcsponsdhle Eiember wf-tfee posat. Meanwhile, t h e German '_ ..Saturday, July-13 Foreign Service, of tho United authorities continue to place retterest injEarone is no more. The citadel of Jewish •Fast of Tammus Bosh Ghcdesh Ab .. — Friday, July 25 States, a man close to the Secrc strictions on Jewish, activities. religious life Is no more. For'spiritual guidance •Fast of Ah Saturday, Aug. 2 *«fy «f Stato and tho President, T h e National© Dagblad freports Jews of tbe "world look to the institutions of tlii3 **Rosh Chodesh Ellul told this writer last week* « n that performances by two *nV>.H .Saturday, Aug. 28 fa t^> paint the |jictop& Jewish enteitalhwre were forowcountry and Palestine. But most important of Hasiionaa- ~ ........Monaay, Sept, 82 tooimpossible black, true United States fe fiea in Fast of Gedaiiah ..Wednesday, Sept. 24 ©II, European Jetrry itself is no raore.- Tfce lsst in a «lespci;©to position!" Tom ...Weanesday, Oct. I coapletely demoralised. First Bay'of Tabe'nsaelQ..A Rachel Levin Varnhag»n There are theso la the It is well for us'to re-establish our ties .(Sneeoth) _ _ _ i i ^ . . . . . ; -insMe^a fey Goethe t»« Oct. 6
The Problem of the Unaffiliated Jew
for a. iocg tiae, but tfc tre a cohere who have be«a blind it,H Eliii art Mini. We bare % pfclicy bl iliewing the Nazi Fascist teri&iteg, disguised the taiots of eonsvls and &avai military aiid diplomatic atta< ht-s' to dig ever deeper into th« Am' erican tirticture.
The Tradition of Leyden
Jl 'l'
Pan-American Judaism
ment who have seen this
person to UBderstaadl hi? writine*
rriday, M«y 3O, 1941
Pag* s"
F-uneral services were held last Sunday at the Huls& & Riepcu chapel for Mrs. Sarah Graetz, 81. who died early last Friday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Izenstat, after a long illness. A native of London, England, Mrs. Graetz had resided in Omaha for 64 years. She came to this country 77 years a g o with her father, Cantor- Solomon Matthyse, who for , 2 0 y e a r s was t h e cantor at the 'Spanish a a d Portuguese synagogue in New York City. Her husband, Henry Graetz, died here 30 years ago. Mrs. Graetz was a member of Temple Israel and for many years belonged to the Temple Sisterhood.. • v-~. Surviving her are: Three sons, Leon and Sol. of Omaha and Ben of Shenandoah, l a . ; seven daughters, Mrs. Flora Greenberger, Mrs. Izenstat, Mrs. Morris Fisher, and Gussia, of Omaha; Mrs. Sam Greenberger of Grand Island, Mrs. Israel Llpp of Denver, and Mrs. Henry Weisgurt of Lincoln; 24 grandchildren, and 12 g r e a t grandchildren. Rabbi David H. Wice officiated t t the funeral rites.
Arno'd Lincoln, son of Mr. and ..Us. Sain Lincoln of Council Bltius, was elected to the posttton of Aleph Godol of the Philadelphia A. Z. A. Council. The council is the governing body .of Philadelphia's nineteen A. Z. A! chatpers. Arnold is also Aleph Godol of Pannonia chapter 295. He is a graduate of the Brooklyn school of mechanical optics and is practicing as a dispensing optician in Philadelphia.
Program for Summer Effective On June 1
Name Bowdoin Professor Successor to Dr. Haber
The summer swimming schedule for the Jewish Community Center, effective June 1, has been nnounced by Leslie Burkenroai, hairinan of the Center Athletio Council, and Lee Grossman, physical director. The following schedule will be bserved: Junior Girls Beginners, Monday and Wedlesday, 9:30 to 10:15 a. m. 7' Advanced, Monday and Wed* esday, 10:15 to 11:00 a. m. Sunday from 3 to 4 p. m. Matron Women Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, 11 to 12 a. m. Sunday 4 to 5 p. m. Senior Women and Business Girls Monday and Wednesday, 5:30 0 8:30 p. m. Sunday 4 to 5 p. in. Junior Uoys Beginners, Tuesday and Thursday at 10 a. in. Advanced, Tuesday and Thursday at 11 a. n», Sundays 10 a. m. Uiisiness and High School Hoy* Tuesday and Thursday, 1 to 8:30 p. IU. Sundays, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. Kcnlor Men and Health Club Tuesday a n d Thursday evelings, 5:30 to 8:30. Sunday, I t a. m. to 1 p. m. Daily 12:30 to 1:45 p. m.
New York (WNS) —- Albert Abrahamson, associate professor of economics at Bowdoin college, will become executive director of the National Iterugee Service on July 1, it was announced by William Rosenwald, president of the NRS. Mr.. Abrahamson w i l l fill a Refugees who find a haven in the United States are given vocational retraining post vacated by Dr. William Ha- assistance by the National Refugee Service, which is called upon lo provide ber, who was executive director for the integration snd adjustment of the newcomers to the American way of of the MRS from its inception in life. Here we see a croup of refugees learning the rudiments of dental June, 1939, until February, 1941. mechanics. During the first four months of 1941, 331 refugees received retrainDuring the interim between Dr. ing help from the National Refugee Service, This agency is represented Haber's return to his post at the together with the Joint Distribution Committee and the United Palestine University of Michigan, Arthur Appeal in the $25,000,000 United Jewish Appeal for Refugees, Overseas Felix Knight, popular tenor of D. Greenleigh, executive assistant heir property and wind up their radio and concert stage, and Kay under Dr. Haber, has held the Needs and Palestine. activities in New Jersey. Lorraine, charming rhythm sing- post of acting executive director. Mr. Wilentz said that he exiding Jews wanted by the Geser, will be the guest artists on In announcing the appointment, pected the bill to come up bethe Ford Summer Hour, which Mr. ltosenwald expressed convicapo. the legislature about June •will be broadcast o v e r station tion that Mr. Abrahamson would Many young Jews have fled to fore 2. New Jersey law requires that KFAB next Sunday evening be- continue the high standards of he mountains where they joined the be advertised In the press tween 7 and 8 o'clock. administrative aDtnty established omltaji guerilla bands, determiu- for bill six days before Introduction. d to resist the Nazi occupation T h e attorney Meredith Wilson, whose "chif- by Dr. Haber and continued by general Indicated o matter whatt be cost. Nazi that his decision to take legal fon swing" has featured many Mr. Greenleigh. roops are combing the hills and an important r a d i o program, "Mr. Abrahamson's wide expeaction against the bund was basmountains to wed out the ko- ed on reports of subversive acagain will conduct the Ford Sym- rience In both the public and priMany Flee to Mountains nitajis but have met with little tivities at Camp Nordland, tho phony, rhythm orchestra a n d vate field of social welfare, as To Join Komitaji uccess to date. chorus. Nazi camp in Now Jersey. well as his academic training, proBands Felix Knight has had impor- vide him with an extraordinary Meanwhile, Croatia adopted antlNine members of the Germantant roles in opera and in the background for the extremely delewlsh laws similar in every res-' American Bund were convicted Stockholm (WNS)—Nazi-ocmovies in addition to his radio icate Job of rehabilitating those pect to the Nazi 'Nuremberg code several months ago under New. .and concert activities. Miss Lor- refugees who have been success- cupying authorities in Yugolews, along w i t h Gypsies and Jersey's race hatred law on a raine, a blue-eyed blonde with a ful in migrating to t h e United slavia have virtually enslaved other persons of "doubtful loy- charge of, making violently antltorchy voice, has been, featured States. Mr. Abrahamson's ability lty," have been stripped of their Jewlsh Speeches. ' on "The Hit Parade." Raymond as administrator was ably demon- the male Jewish population in itizcnshlp and civil rights. As in Paige's "99 Men a n d a Girl" strated in- connection with his as- t h a t country, compelling all Nazi Germany, the law forbids Venetian Jews were crlticieod program and "Lavender and New sociation with the Works Projects ablcbodicd Jews to w o r k 10 _ews to employ "Aryan" maids by the Council for their unsaniLace." She is slated for a part Administration In Maine. His ex- hours d a i I y in special labor under 45 years of age, and bars tary habit of opening their winIn a Broadway musical show this perience as executive director of mixed marriages. Jews are forgangs, according to reports re- bidden to display t h e national dows at night. summer. the Jewish Occupational Council lag. Paul Wing's n e w quiz,* "A will be invaluable to the National ceived here. Thousand Pennies for Y o u r Refugee Service in its efforts to The suffering of Jews In YugoThoughts," again w i l l be pre- secure the economic adjustment salvla Is Indescribable, Swedish sented and Linton Wells, writer of refugees in general and tojournalists reported. Exemptions a"nd world traveler, will speak broaden its vocational retraining from service In tho "Jewish" laduring the intermission. program. The board of directors bor gangs are granted o n l y to of the National Refugee Service Jews under 16 or over 60 and to feel that the interests of the Am- those Jews who are too w e a k erican Jewish community will be physically to walk. admirably served by the appointThe "Jewish" gangs, . w h t c h Trenton (WNS) — Attorney ment of Mr. Abrahamson." have been assigned to clear the General David T. Wilentz disclosMr. Abrahamson is a native of debris and wreckage caused by ed here that he will seek speedy Candle-lighting time: 7.15. fierce Nazi air attacks, are super-.. Regular Shevuoth services will Portland; Me. He attended Bow— vised by G e s t a p o agents, who enactment by the legislature o a bill which would revoke th< doln college, and upon graduation be conducted by the U. O. C. mete out severe punishment to of the German-American Btaoting Saturday evening. Satur- in 1926 did graduate work In eco- Jews considered unenthuslasttc In charter 1610 HA 3534 days and Sunday morning, Rabbi nomics during the next two years performing their tasks. The Jews Bund auxiliary' and would fore Isaiah Backovsky will speak at at Columbia university. In 1928 work bare-handed since the Nazis the'Nazi bundista to dispose o the Congregation B'nat Israel. On he became a member of the fac issue no equipment and most of Monday Vizkor. services will take ulty of Bowdoin college and has the Jews are unable to purchase place at 10 a. m. Rabbi Itackov- been associated with that institu work »V*ves, shoes, etc. Inmates aky.will speak at ; the' Congrega- tion ever since. of the nV*b. -ish" gangs must wear tion fietli Hamedroah Hagodel. yellow armbands on their c o a t WRIT/FIRST TEUME.. IS Home of Jewish t sleeves.' '
Feature Singer on Ford Summer Hour
Ml.0, C.
Saturday morning t h e Junior Congregation will hold its serV> Ices-at the B'nal Israel synagogue at: 4 0 a. in. « /The Talmud Study group will meet on Wednesday at tho Congregation Both rtamedrosh Hagodel at 8 p, m. ••••;.-..•
Organizations Bombed
• ;.•'.>•••.•
> N
o P
The 10-hour day is broken up London (JTA)—-Woburn House which houses the board of dep once at which time the Nazis feed uties of British Jews, the Join the Jews a bowl of watery soup Foreign committee, t h e Anglo- and a small portion of bread. The Jewish association, the'Council o Jews receive no money for their German Jewry and other majo work. Neutral journalists w h o Jewish organizations, was dam witnessed the Nazi occupation of aged by Nazi bombs in a recen many countries state that in few countries are t h e Jews treated air raid. ' Bombs also hit the buildin with such contemptuous brutality housing the Federation of Polish as In Yugoslavia. The reppressive measures agalns Jewish Relief f u n d , on Soh street. A number of refuges am both Jews and Serbs, It Is resheltered in the buildin ported; has strengthened the bond r t o n d o i (WNS) — A. N-.a'.B 1 others during the raid were killed. Jew between the two peoples. Serbs jhomber pilot, now In an Intfirnrefugees were also killed i frequently s h air e their slightly ( meat camp somewhere in Eng- ish W e s t Central settlemen larger food rations with Jewish ;, land/ is alive today only because the neighbors and risk their lives by where they were sheltered. of the skill and courage of a JewIsb. surgeon who performed a se: Ties'of delicate, operations on the Nazi flyer while other, Nazi bombers were raining; death on the
h o s p i t a l . ;
•'...' ' :]" ':
. •.•• : • ' .
v;,v The Nazi pilot fractured his spine when hia piano crashed to ^;eartn^ He %a8 rescued by farm ^.wprkers and taken to a nearby jijlldsliltal" where-^the-^ewieh surR geoni performed •-'• t-h o operations': ; which., will enablo the pilot to •I walk again Borne day, ; ' Members of the hospital staff frisked their lives when they' car; rleds th6; Injured Nazi ' pilot to 7 safety -when the Nazis bombed /'
tUe hospital.
• . •'••.••.
:;••••'• •
and ,©as -Furnaces Now is the time to Install a modern automatic heatingplant, either Oil or Gas. No! down payment, jtirot payment b e g i n o
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liberal allowance orf your old j furnace, ~ If you intend to ^repair your present;'.furnace,', call Swartse for free as-, timatoo.
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{Hotel Wort
fft a sort of Indian son, frails and fat.
rcdfe ©f dried veni'
Tho Fruito of tho furniture manufacturers are here at the Skann Furniture Co. See our smart •selection of dining room suites in clasaic period • and modern design. Exquisite quality and v/orlcmanohip, and a. wide range of prices to suit every income.
F»k<£«,y, 14s. y 3 0 , 1 9 4 1 F t g e '<£•
Urge Festering of
estimated teat not lets than promulgated by Moscow one - third -were corotkteiy depublic'st the tn& cf'184O, ia.8.fcT "Whea Ifc.rri'vfc'dit Japan on jug eligible for Soviet citizenship all pers&Es reeide&t in the terri- March 23," Mr. JBecKetasn contory of'&u'y of tb'e former Baltic tinued, "there were about 1,700 By BE. TMEOBORE H. LEWIS republics on September I, 1840. refugees, chiefly la Kobe. The Refcfci, Progresei.e kl All persons not wishing Soviet Japanese authorities, although citizenship were permitted to file sympathetic in their attitude and in many iadividual cases extremeapplications for e x i t 1 permits. jtine. As soon as lie reathed When-applications closed on1 Feb- ly helpful, took tfe stand tliat ShoiDrli Ha be holy laud he ceased to write, ruary 10, 1841, there were about they could not permit further M s s of .the Towers) .nd his eouaniuoieaUous with his 3,000 pending. When, to t h i s tracstt until the cumber of perDr. Steon Bcrsisttin riends in Italy gave BO inkling figure, is added the number of sons then in the country had been Mizpah, Tel Aviv, 170 Pages t life and conditions in the Holy Lithuaoian Jews who might "wish substantially reduced! The refu"Shomrli H&choinos ("Gaar- ted. to; 'emigrate if this became1 pos- gees were cared for under the dians of the Towers") is a scholThe answer, according to the sible, the probable number of auspices of the Jewish community arly and illuminating study of utiior, is that conditions in Pal- pending transit cases would reach of Kobe with funds provided by several unique personalities in stine were so evil, that the land the J. D. C , which have up to medieval Jewish history whose .as filled with so much strife at teafet 5,000. now totaled f 70,000. "Simultaneously with, the pubcommon denominator was a burn- .lid poverty, that Luzxato became ing love for Israel, a passionate rightfully disillusioned with it. lication of the decrees offering Jpatronize Our Advertisers loyalty to Judaism and an undy- ince his love for Palestine was citizenship to all refugees, t h e ing faith in the eternity of the normous, he could not reveal Soviet authorities requested t h e i5 , Jew. Deeply trouuled as they .is disappointment to anyone. foreign relief organizations then Mere by the unspeakable cruel- Jnable to write frankly, he chose operating in Lithuania to wind up ties of the Inquisition, they all he way of silence, and kept his their affairs. This brought to an strove in their several ways to mowledge of the truth strictly end the most recent phase of J. lnsrire in their stricken brethren, o himself. This is en interesting D. C. activity in Lithuania, war fiTbt courage, and secondly hope it of speculation, though not relief on behalf of Polish refugees. This had begun on October in a deliverer and in ultimate uite convincing. salvation. The last "guardian" is Joseph 11, 1939, and continued uninterDon Isaac Abarbanel, who wit- ,,anso, a truly ' gifted person ruptedly to the end, despite the nessed the Spanssa expulsion and vhose verse, reproduced here in difficulties in transmission f the ensuing d e v a s t a t i o n it enerous quantity is inspiring funds during the summer of 1940, wrought was the initiator of this nd moving. The theme of Gan- Emigration work is still continuindispensable activity. He took it o's writing is lamentation over ing, although relief work h a s upon hmself to keep alive in the he plight of Israel, and suppli- ceased. souls of the exiles and in the un- ation to God for deliverance Refugees in Japan fortunate "maranos" hope and nd salvation. It would do our "In addition to the 15,000 Jew'faith and courage. And the chief eople today a t r e m e n d o u s COOKIES refugees from Poland w h o •source of ho..e was the certain mount of good to read these ish found asylum in Lithuania, the 2 , Etazen coming of the /iesslah, tne re- deeply religious compositions, D. C. bilit Ju&t 16c turn to Palestine and the mirac- or conditions in our day are J. the 60,000 Jewish ulous liquidation of the Golus, ragically similar, and much for assisting of Vilna, who had bbeen •which to Abarbanel were beyond worse, to conditions in Ganso's. residents doubt. md we Jews need salvation and impoverished by the economic upSolomon Molclio the first of eliverance as desperately as heaval resulting from the war and the "guardians" to l»e consider- ews did in the, sixteenth and ed, was burned at the stakp for eventeenth centuries. Dr. Bern, claim'ng to be a Messiah, or at ,tein. has rendered us a service least for behaving aa if he were. n making available Ganso's noThe author admires the martyr )le utterances, hidden in the libenormously, even regarding him, ary of The Jewish Theological and not without reason, as an Seminary. ~ unsuccessful precursor of Herzl. One of the astounding facts of His historical interpretations and contemporary Jewish life is that judgments differ frequently'from )ur tragedy has not given rise those of Gratz. ;o any outstanding personality or Molcho's Influence great epic to inspire tortured Is' Dr. Bernstein contends that ael to hope and faith. Let us Molcho did not think himself a )ray that some "guardian" may Messiah, but embodied in his per- ppear who will heal Jewish son and message the Messanianic learts and stimulate Jewish dreani3 of his teacher Abarbanel, lopes as these men did for their to which he gave vivid expres- eneration. sion. And this message consisted in the assurance of the ultimate destruction ot Rome, the caused of all Jewish \wues, the source, of ail eviJ. The assurance gainedhim many disciples, many ot •whom regarded him a miraculous deliverer. His sphere of activity •was Salonika, then the hor..e of an influential large Jewish community and a center of mysticism, Had Assisted .Refugees of Cabbalah. Whatever be the ./.••Le'aver'-.Baltic: ..",;. '/ finnl verdict on Molcho,- his place . '•• '•", ' - S t a t e s ; • • • • -•:•'••' in Jewish history is beyond dispute—and this the. author clari- »Ncw York (W»8) —.Krtorts of fies •• .. •' ••.-'•.'•.••••'•" the Joint' Distribution Committee White Enamel A truly intriguing study is that to help Polish Jewish refugees to, of Joseph Saralvo burned at the emigrate' fio:n Lithuania and to stake in Rome on February 9, care for them once they reached 1583. The record of this heroic a haven, were described by Moses figure and martyr is sublime*. W. Beckelnian, o member "of the' Repudiating his conversion to JL. D. C. European /staff, who ije^ M e a s u r e s - 32 Inches Catholicism, ho became a zealous cently returned- to this country" high, 22 inches wide and pre.ach<?r of Judaism -especially after two years'abroad, _ •: 11 Inches deep. All steel among t$e "maranos," many of construction in rich He journeyed around'the world whom he know,'-and succeeded on J. D. Cl duty, returning home white enamel f i n i s h . in bringing back to • the ' Syna- Tia Siberia and tKe Pacific. He Avoid' wastiday confugogue. He was so eager to pave wa3 a captive of .the Nazis for five sion 'by. keeping soaps, the way for the return of these days when a German auxiliary nosh, powders in one unfortunates, .and .their children' cruiser dry,' compact place. Intercepted the boat upon to .Judaism that he became an which he. Was traveling) in the expert mohel and is credited Sea early last year.'.; As an •with performing the circumcision jaaltic American, however, Mri Beckfclrite on at least 300 adults. man was freed. • .-. ;::.\ T".)'••So long as the Duke of- Fer Mr. Beckelman's. report-dealt rara remained hostile to the .Pope with the refugee situation,in* Lith- and the Inquisition, no one". in-' uania, where the J. D. C.'had,sent terfered with him. When the dlf him to- supervise',relief andiemiFoU pottelala eawnel Inside ferences were patched up, the" In gration operations, and in: Japan oat. Heavy <Iaty, fall l quisitlon literally decimated thi arid China, which he later visited. and motor, neated-in mecbanlsm, center of '.'Judafzing." Desplt In the latter two countries, prin- oned tw Bfe. P o i b 1 o n roll safety wringer, easy stubborn efforts to have Joseph cipally in Shanghai, Kobe and carters and utronjf reinforced recant, .he clung to his Jewish Yokohama, Jewish emigre centers iteel chassis far years of defaith and died a martyr's death have formed. Refugees coming to pendable service.' Joseph Karo who is promin traveled via the trans-Siently identified with Safed and Japan berian railroad. ;,,.,, a famous Kabba-ist is spoken of "Between December 1, lp40, as "the "dreamer of the Jewish «onstltution." The incongruity o' and the date of my departure a. myBtic-writing a code of Jew from Lithuania on February ,21, ish law; does not escape the au Id4l,""' Mr. Beckelmah 'sAid, thor. Only recently has the disci "more than- 2,000 Jewish refugees pllne he provided broken down had been assisted to leave t h e a fact which is not denied by Dr country through the activities of Bernstein, but derided withou the J. Dr C. This is the first appreciating the crux of tbi :t.ime that emigration on such a problem.,The code is. in most OL scale has been possible fromi Soito provisions a dead letter be- viet territories, and . the movecause the long overdue, revision .ment was still continuing' when •tleft. Thbugh.atthai'time;perlias never materialized. iwaB^almost Solomon Alkabaz achieved im mission to emigrate limited to refugee? mortality with a jingle <:omj.osl fixclusively from Poland, the Indications were lion, the Lechb Dodi sppkeu ,b. that the question of granting exit t>y.the aOthor as the Jewish Mar- permits to Lithuanian citizens seillaise. The chapter i s - trier, would 1>at interesting,' - : ';".._- ::-'i:;- :theh; tinder- consid'eratioii' r In'hiaiitudy/iof 6ne of a Luzeatc be "deieided favorably; ,provided snpst important 'Jewish' 'inyetfe. that transit opportunities through Hoses H. Luzzato, Dr. Bernstein Japan or other neighboring countries to explain why Luzzato sud tries' would be available. • slenly 'became, silent in the mos Seek to Leave ' 'literal sense of the word- imme "The policy in favor of permitdiaiely upon his arrival in Pal ting emigration was adopted by
b P.-T. A.
(JTA,) — Fostering of religious tolerance in American Lcaies &.u& schools was recomuaeiided by the National Congress of Pa-iects a n d Teachers in a nite-poict program adopted as the major objective of the activities of the organization for the coding year. More than. 28,000 Parent-Teacher Association with a membereiiii) of 2,500,000 were represented at the congress. "We recommend," s a y s the resolution, "that tolerance be fostered in home and school by a conscious effort to appreciate the background and contributions of other social and racial groups."
We Carry * Complete Line of Eaally
I w e b e o n Meat. Fancy O w Bpe«lsJty. , , ' , . ( , ; , ,
Friday, May 30, 1941
South America By David Schwartz i. With all the talk now going on 61 Jewish colonization in South America, it is timely to recall mother scheme of Jewish settlement in South America long, g ago. One- of those beautiful Hmost-come-true stories of histories. Just a nttle turning of he knob and it might hare eventuated and then Jewish history might hare been so different. . ' ' . ', The father of this scheme for ewish colonization in South Amrica was a Christian—a great military genius — one of the rorW'B greatest nol'aiers. The |ian was Marshal de Saxe, of ifhorn Frederick the Great said hat he could "teach all the geniraU of Europe." .« The Margravine of Anspach, In lier memoirs, tells of the Marshal's dream of establishing a Jewish nation in South America Of which he would be king. ; "Marshal de Saxe," she wrote, *took a fancy to become a king And looking around him, as he found all thrones occupied, he «ast his eyes upon that nation [Which for seventeen hundred years had neither sovereign nor (Country; which was everywhere d i s p e r s e d and everywhere a itranger end which consoles itself for its prescription by the vopes of riches. This extraordinary project occupied his attention for a, considerable time, It |B not known how far the Jews Cooperated with him nor to what point their negotiations were carried nor whether his plans ever developed, but the project was
Page 3
well known to the world and his friends sometimes even jibed him on the subject." " Marshal de Saxe was the natural son of August, King of Poland. His brother was Elector of Saxony and he himself was for some time sovereign Duke of Courtland. The pity of it is that he apparently didn't live long enough to develop his project. Other Colonies It should have been very interesting to seo what a great military leader could have done in this matter. It would have been interesting to see what a Christian could do in settling the Jewish problem, now that we have had so much experience with our own management. A year or two ago, Herbert Hoover remarked that he would gladly have spent the last part of his life in helping_ some significant scheme of Jewish colonization. Whatever one may think of Mr. Hoover politically, in directing a great Jewish colonization scheme he might have been a wonderful succvjos. He might have become one of the immortals of Jewish history and I was sorry to see that he wasn't taken up by the Jews. We Jews have had, I sometimes think, too much experience with the Jewish problem for our own good. All around us we often see the spectacle of a man new in a business, come in and suddenly run off with the laurels. Experience Is a great thing but it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish between it and be-
ing in a rut. Maybe the Jewish people as a whole needs a "shabbesgoy." to light the fires of its rejuvenation and salvation. Give us, o Lord, a Lincoln, wto comes up from the hustings, frowned upon by the political takclnae. Give us a Grant, unheralded aud even spoofed at* vfiese men come with a fresh approach and "don't know so many things that aiii't so," as the common American parlance has it. There were a uuiuber of other plans for Jewish colonization in South America besides the scheme of Marshal de Saxe. -About a century before that in fact—in 1C52—a tract of land of two leagues along the coast for every 50 families was granted in the island of Curacao by Joseph Nunez de Foaseca. But the colony counted only a few settlers. Likewise David Nassi, a Portuguese Jew, in 1659 obtained a charter from the French West Indies Company to found a Jewish colony in Cayenne. Karon de Ifirsfh Lucien Wolf has described a paper found in the archives of the British Government captioned "Privileges Granted to the People of the Hebrew Nation that are to Goe to the Wilde Cust." Wolf thinks this has reference to Guiana. There have been, more recently of course, the colonization attempts under the auspices of Baron de Hirsch. Here some success has been achieved. Some 30,000 Jews are settled there on t h e land there. Why wasn't more achieved? The answers given are many. There are those who say that the personnel of the Baron's agents, on whom he had to depend, was not always the best. There are those who argue that the Argentine Government in those lays was not what it might nave been and could not be depended on. And it must ;iot be forgotten that at the time the immigration doors
to the United States were open and the immigrant found it easier—less of a break with his former habits—to come to the United States than to go and settle on the land. But conditions have changed cow and it may well be that the future history at the Jews will show boiae great successful attempts at colonization. Palestine is a good illustration of these
Religious Services Beth El " * •
Shevuoth services at the Beth El synagogue will begin Saturday night at sunset, Sunday moraiag the service will take place at 9 o'clock, and M o n d a y morning services will be at 9 o'clock with Yizkor about 10. Bar Mitzvah Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Stern, Saturday morning, May 31, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah by leading the service. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Stern will receive in honor of their son at Kidduslf immediately after services Saturday morning. Saturday morning services at Beth El begin at 9:45.
Colonisation still remains a great remedy. As good Americans, familiar with our history, we should know this above all people. The Puritans, ostracized, colonized Massachusetts. T h e Quakers colonized Pennsylvania. The Mormons, persecuted, colonized the state of Utah. Colonization is simply a form of associated immigration. It Is only in recent years that we have learned to deal with things in the mass — with associations — Temple and association as we have learnServices will b e g i n Sunday ed from industry has wonderful morning at the Temple at 9:45, potentialities. with Confirmation exercises at 10:30.
Pan's Synagogues Closed by Nazis
Zurich (JTA)—All synagogues in Paris, w i t h one exception, have been closed by the Nazi occupation authorities, according to Paris newspapers reaching Switzerland. The newspapers a l s o reveal that a new wave of an ti-Jewish propaganda is being conducted in Paris a n d other Nazi-occupied French cities. This propaganda aims to justify the rounding up of thousands of alien Jews for i n t e r n m e n t ' i n concentration camps and the recently-proclaimed rigid anti-Jewish laws. Placards calling for the burning of . Jews as "traitors" have been posted all over Paris, the newspapers report. The placards, which carry the signature of the
French fascist organization, "The Fire'picture the Jews in caricatures similar to those appearing iu Julius Stretcher's Stuermer. The Paris newspapers also report that the anti-Jewish laws proclaimed by the Vichy government will be carried out also In French Indo-Chlna. For Rent or Sale—Feed and coal business. Or vacant store building at 131G-18 N. 24th St. AT 2989.
Wanted—Nice couple to share home with widow. Bungalow in excellent location. Kitchen privileges, AT 494C,
If you're out for a
„ V
u\ " '
/ • •
o \ '
IGHT NOW big deals ate in the making . . . at yout Ford ^ ^ Dealer's! He's giving mighty attractive allowances for tised cats in ttade on the BIG VALUE cat of today . . . . the 1941 Fotd. This year's Ford Cat is the biggest Ford in all Ford history. In passenger room, in windshield and window area, in many other features, it not only exceeds any previous Ford Car, but all other cars in its field. It's the cat with that smoothperforming V-8 engine that brings to Fotd owners feig savings in gas and oil. It's the car with bigger hydraulic brakes than you'll find on any car neat its price. And it's a cat with a sensationally soft, easy tide that brings big-caff "feel" tegatdless of road. : Any way you look at it, the big 1941 Ford Car is a big value! And when you see yout Fotd Dealet—when you get his allowance on yout present cat—you'll say it's a deal! See him today! •>.*•
Council Kutfs
<}f tiler
muni -»ii*iak»'r M'rfti. Jfi
Lincoln-,. ifUn-vnw T in'/ J.-i.iit»im«(
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Young Judaea
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It a A
If/ f^c^^^^i-.f ryf ft ('Witit, wuiif?- f
(V? th<v
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hidueum to C&twentton
Hutu y«/fc, tt^-riy qmiip, uo-'m^4
^ ^Mrumds,
Special £ SocaetEtla- {few I;
at dfcs ROEKCI
iftf.in the Twiddle off t&e year snd ssstfiBftd' fiftfc dtfffie-oll.tasfe.oit i^sg tfef.s council of eluto, d»! fo> EJasite 2 • aneoesi off
fc^uf ylc^
followed t b e wr**1', Tbfa Itbrarjr will be placed at ffif Community Center and will be raaintafced by t h e Youth| CottRCil. I t will be the only source itt thf f'Hy for up-to-date information on vocational guidance for
I'hu <*n'
to a
Perns; Mr,- Veahmaia i> 4&© presidency
.- ? fc>c
and' CartH^ otiiHCR al^ aciEi ami Ojicrsaa,. aa- ta^ taiai cuuet nnar ua«»,. t * Uie emt titac sill
tiu*;, a n i Is; t£ ta*- p'aIHat;B
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Gi! tile moCtOT i f Km asHaiB aff Weisa. ilacBaHBd; All! awsuna- iiiterastrtit in sitidJ mtutw i »ra!))f nnr-ifieit Uiut <m< tSle 13ttt *HT I. Ufii-7:. lil4T,. Genrrja •i>nraC a n * liiuTihi J I1 VV•;!!** r;i,»tt. ai 3«i,uim HI .amil aoontyr omWK, [jriyuu; Kiar LU-M- timiv adminluliatiuni J««— j. (!iiiuic CUiit; herein OK .TO£T!EI£ iKl* i * |; aiiit u m t t3t«y he iliissiiar^B^ ] . rmuc IJI rt-'Luuuira a m i rliui, a. JieauinK; ' l>« hiut: a n 3a.U.' B«dt:n>n; iieiiir* aaiitt ;iW tllo Icitll (lay .if XlUlft. 13Ci 1 is JMU: fa.il. U»- apoeaff lje£ira> jujct emu* c • Cits- jsiiilt littt; <ta? oC Jane.: EWE.,'att. : a'elude *. a t , , aait cantastl sail • flUs1 courts niiFf Z3:aiui. tim* prayajr. ofi !
^lt^(^^1f•t' * *
J i s h
y for Vocational
'Me Wtitti ti'filh ana lhv VtA(station, haw wpf<H>ri<tti>(t ttituU far k vmtttUmd gttfrtarw HUtaty whteh wiii he available to
Mtt-NlumuH: 'them mil fa'm mM tttid mtmat tusiMiim ima ' 1st .wt>u imn pimned for tiwi/frmtlt uad Wmeat of iti§ tiMtiimm Von-
Women's Leagm '•
tstikifilMi lifts HittU lidkf iAaiii, Mtiy iiuptHtpott md tt Utwnjm, Ht!ttfmnUiti¥t<§ horn Httdtt kiid 'Aiotikt ofgtttiktitUm um
Molds bumhetm
filtm \u-Ui ujf imHtiilmUm
to attend, iteming d Aii Young JKttimte g to uitmd ate mkstl to
l(Jli</'(< OUUH<til tiltU$ tU$ VuuU't1Ot OtJi( tti?ttttil?OUUH VuuUt 20i UhliivnllJ&ill itHii Of UiV iip' Im Ho (tint••'tf&MlMitiliott kfft'M I ( t t mil l « t 'mi , faitw uftiemi ••wm'UuMiHfrl Uv H g u
• •••• Mfii,
6: ti: Mmikui:
Mm \J, I
VttMlFti, iili Jlrtlfrtd i itw sidtsiy umteU,
tmiiiuiUm t)f t\ui VMUIM auiiifnwii of iiw twitnwtmh Mffr mm iiiUilun miMfH: M iimilau HW
wmrtttg i# most h& fttt Of thtt iptiftfi,
ffiusuit* tmuti&f attd n weight reducer, And H*s funi Corns out to ths "j" Swimming i'oo\ ttmi enjoy tt coo), retfebhittg ew'nti in dfUitritifl vtat@r, Ttia water it) Uept puro nl ait timen hy » continuous fiiltitiittj syatemt
lU'-t-hilfliU M W$ illiWllWH;
Meeting''of J til IG•••IJUIIIOI-" HutAumih HuAumih iwhi
; '-Foundries l>««i!<l
Hi (jl((
4i tin '1'iiK y V\HtiB iM l\W fllTSSiliwll«B lu llt'ill iti (JIM ilOlilC Oi iii(f)tllt'i! fiUl'f Ml/i. ft Ji; IfUilili, WL'f:6 t'1) fd w/jifili Unit' yf<i(-Hoii of
than aa, [if etiiie, Aluiiiluoitii than Sf Soft Gjft-y ivon and 6en»l« Eitsei Gristings, Woi>d and ! J «t!«riie find O J A ii d Gael
and will toll thorn to you infchianewspaper every sFriday—-beginning rioist weeh! Through the courtoay of. 4..
Iron ENTERTAINING an<l EDUCATIONAL S A Profoouor VVhis Scrapboob!
Will • ##ti ilMJrii MlM WU'll ; a (^yi'iiti hour wilt ho oth ^^%^ 5a ? s ^^Si^ l tii^W»-ff^^