May 15, 1953

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Vol. X X X I

No. 35

tJmert-d •» Becoiid-CMiJ Mallei »t

Global Report

Red Cross Drive Reaches $275,000 The Douglas County Kert Cioss fund drive has reached its (foal. Anron L. 'Levitt, 1093 camalgn chairman eald.Saurday that contributions now totul almost $270,000. The goal was $274,301. "Tliis year's total is the largest amount ever collected in Douglas County peace-time history," sold. Levitt. "The contributions will bo . a great help to our blood collection and gamma globulin programs," . tie stafed. Gamma Globulin is the blood' derivative used to provjde immunity to the paralyzing effects of polio. Levitt thanked "the citizens of Omaha and Douglas County, and the three thousand volunteer workers, for giving so generously of their time and money."


ciiuncimx London, (JTA)— Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill declared in the House of Commons that it was the "duty" of Britain to see to it that Israel received "lair play" in the Middle East, and pledged that "nothing we shall do In tfie supplying of .aircraft to this part of the world will be allowed to place Inraclat an inferior disadvantage."

NEGOTIATIONS Cologne, (JTA)—Negotiations between West Germany and Israel on the question of compensation for Oerman property in'Israel will begin in Luxemburg on May IS, the Israel mission in Qermay announced here this week. The negotiations are to be started as part of the German-Israel reparations pact under which Israel agreed II. S. Aid Program Aims to pay compensation for confisAt Israel-Arab Peace cated Gorman property. All payments made by Israel will be taken . Washington (WNS) — Implying from reparation funds made availto a question by-Step. Jacob K. able by Germany, Javlts of New York, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, before leaving for a trip to Israel and BRITISH GROUTS London, (JTA)—The British the Arab countries, told the House organizations represented Foreign Affairs Committee fhat Jewish in the Conference on Jewish the new Mutual Security Aid bill /Material Claims Against Germany Which was submitted Die day be- have asked thnt the distribution of fore by the Administration, ac- funds available to the Claim:. cording to which $194,000,000 in Conference from German economic aid would he allocated tions payments to Kuropean reparaJewish for the Near U<ist, n p i t nit", an groups should be made from a attempt to brim; about Arab-Israel center established in London peace treaties by dealing with the rattier than New York. The request area as a whole. will be put to the executive and As long as the area i;( weak- the Hoard of Directors of the ened internally by a technical Male Claims Conference. of war between the Ar;ib ::talo and Israel, the S u n l n j <lu I uul. DISAGItU'MI.NT It would not be realistic to try to Vienna, (JTA) —Disagreement build a defense: against pos: iblc irnonr; the members of the Coun Soviet aggression. The cnmmiltrr ril nt Ministers oVcr tne procedure WBS informed "funds for to be followed In the Austrian economic assistance' will be used Government's dealing with the to assist Israel to find luuiu • .Did Jewch organizations was reported useful work for it:: people, arid to here. The People's Parly Ministers provide for modest capital de- favor nn early start in negotiations, velopment for the purpose; of help- although they complain of alleged ing. Israel to move toward estab- non-uniformity in the Jewish lishing a self-sustaining economy." demands,

Dullles to Find Sfat e of Israel Receptive §® M. E. Defense London (JTA)—When Secretary of State John Foster Dulle:. arrives in Israel, he will find . the Israel Government receptive _to the American defense conception for the Middle East, the Sunday ; Observer, leading British newspaper, reports today in a cable from Tel Aviv. The cable Mys that Premier lien Gurlon and Foreign Minister Sharett intend to present to Mr. Dulles the following views: 1. That no Middle Eas,t defense organization is possible without taking Israel into consideration; 2. That Israel's high standards of technical know-how have made her air force the most efficient In the Middle East and her industrial and assembly plants are the finest ond latest in the region: 3. That contrary to current Arab claims, peace between Israel and the Arab States,Is not impossilile provided both sides are ready for compromise; and 4. That Israel doeE not ask the United States to mediate between it and the Arab states, but desires that the U, S. Use. its influence with the Arab States to induce them to sit do«rn at direct, peace talks with .Israel and hammer out the basic issues. The Israelis BCO n number of areas In which there Is room for compromise in working out ,an Arab-Israeli peace, the Observer article states, including: the Jewish State's readiness to, make a major financial contribution to the resettlement of Palestine refugees In tho Arab countries, If normal relations can be secured with the Arab states; Israel would also bo prepared to make minor frontier "rectifications on tho basis of humane considerations; nnd, Israel willing to offer Jordan a free'zone at tho port of Halfu to relieve the economic problems

Inflicted on the Arab state by lack of n Mediterranean outlet. However, the Observer article points out, the Israelis would only be willing to make these concesions as part of a general and permanent peace settlement with the Arab stales. Tho Israelis have Just approved the transfer to Arab refugees of the first 20,000 pound, o( a total of 1,000,000 pound", which Israel has promised to relcaso from bonk accounts, as a demonstration of good will, the article reports. Another such gesture, the Observer continues, Is the granting of permission to some 2,400 Arab refugees to return to Israel to allow them to be reunited with their families and the granting of permission to 000 Arab3 to leave Israel for the came purpose. For their part, Israeli policymakers intend to suggest that the Arab states make certain concessions, including tho following: 1. Agree to the resettlement of Palestinian refugees In tho Arab countries, particularly in fertile regions of Syria and Iraq; 2. Halt border Incidents and violation of Israeli territory by both regular Arab armies and civilians; 3. Discontinue the boycott of Israel am resume trade relations with tho Jewish State; nnd, 4. That Efiyp permit free and unhampered navigation of the Suez Canal and the Red Sea by Israeli chipping. The Observer says that when Sec. Dulles arrives In Israel hi will be told that British surrende of military bases in the Suez Canal area, would be of "essential concern" to Israel and that Israel feels that such a devclopmenl should be conditioned on Egypt'i willingness to accept certain obll gatlons! concerning the use of these basc>,

•'C'ON '0

'. 15, 1951

uirt nut nun. IOI N. SOUL Omiti. Nehrulu, A o n AT KM

10 cuta 4 Dollar*'

Morris Jacobs Receives Monsky B'nai BVith Award Advertising Man 1 Cited at Luncheon

Morris Jacobs (right) receives

Klutznick Stresses Importance of Israel Washington (JTA)—A plea to the great nations ol the world not to overlook Israel "where freedom and democracy have shown their strength" was voiced by Philip Klutznick, former Omahan, newly elected .president of the B'nal B'rith, addfesslng the. concluding session of the order's twentieth triennial convention. Klutznick addressed a special pica to the United States Government to persuade the Arab states to end their economic boycotts and blockades of Israel. "To preserve and strengthen Israel is to sustain hope for all oppressed people—to permit anything else Is to ravage a great concept and to create despair," Klutznick .declared. He warned that the Soviet Union sought to take advantage of differences between the Arabs and Israel and that peace in the Middle East was important to world peace and the free world. Klutznick declared that "the threat of Communism must be met and defeated on the domestic scene." He emphasized that "no less important in the category of inimical activity is any threat at official or unofficial levels against the fundamental freedoms of America. To win a battle against Communism and to lose the other against our fundamental freedoms will leave us a nation that is a shell, not a reality."

On Radio and TV This Sunday from 10:30-11 a.m., over WOW Hadlo, the Eternal Light will present "A Measure of Freedom." It will be presented in observance of Shavuos, the anniversary of the giving of the Law to Moses. It is a historical story which took place in Judea more than 1B00 years ago. This is a' study of forces in conflict authority and freedom. "The Third Attribute," the story of a brilliant young scholar embittered by a crippling illness, will bo shown wver WOW-TV, this Sunday from 11:30 a.m.-12. The principal target of his bitterness is his BCrvant, Reuben, who tries to teach him the three attributes: Justice, mercy and humility. On KOIL, at 9 a.m., this Sunday, "Messago of Israel" will feature Rabbi ltoocrt Kahn of Congregation Emanu El, Houston, Texas, in an address on "The Sweet Uses of Adversity."

Morris E. Jacobs, president of Bozell and Jacobs, Inc., received the Americanism Citation for Meritorious Service from tho Henry \ Monsky Lodge No, 354 ot B'nal B'rith at a luncheon given in his honor in the Highland Town Club, Tuesday afternoon, where distinguished community leaders gathred to do him honor. The award is given annually on a non-sectarian basis "in recognition of outstanding service in community and civic affairs for tho general advancement of Americanism and citizenship responsibility . . ." Deeply Touched Jacobs said he was d e e p l y touched by the tribute paid -him, for he stated "men do not live by bread alone." He thanked the peoel la lion from W. O. Swanson. ple who were associated with him in the v»any activities and said they also iharcd in the acclaim. Our pioneers wiested success and prosperity from the soil, he emphasized, and built smokestacks where none existed before. They left their mark—a good one, too, with accompanying licneflts for us TRUCE SUPEEVISION who follow them, he continued. United Nations (JTA)—The We must - - we are - - doing likeChief of Staff of the truce super- wise, for our children and our vision organization in Palestine, children's children to benefit as Lt. Gen. William E. Riley,' inform- we havq bencfltted, Jacobs stated. ed the United Nations Security __VKaIly Interested, „ „ . . . Council that the machinery of at In why I have been so the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armlstlcu vitally interested in all worthy Commission had become "inad- movements of welfare and social equate" because of the way the betterment — that is why I have delegates acted as lawyers pros- bofti so vitally Interested in move* ecuting or defending a case. ments aimed to build for the future as well as for today, he went ISRAEL HOPES on to say. New York (JTA>—The hope It has been rny philosophy of life that Israel places on the visit this and I hasten to assure I hold no week to the Jewish State of Sec- monopoly.©^ patents on it — that retary ot State John Foster Dulles we expected and must pay rent and Mutual Security Director for the space we oecupy on this Harold Stassen was emphasized earth — and we pay that rent by* here by Israel Ambassador Abba service — service to our God — Eban addressing a dinner in his service to our nation — service to honor sponsored by the United our community — and in the payJewish Appeal of Greater New ing of that rent, we maintain and assure for ourselves a happy and York. Declaring that "Israel has contented life, he said. watched recent developments of Jacobs was introduced by W. O. American policy in the' Middle Swanson, the recipient of last East with interest and \satis- year's citation, which was thp" faction," Mr. Ebon said: "We hope first of tho annual Americanism that the visit of the American awards to be given by the Henry. Secretary of State and director of Monsky Lodge. Swanson, in his Mutual Security to Israel will presentation speech, pointed to the reveal to them something of our many civic accomplishments of • country's pioneering spirit, its pur- Jacobs, "of the tremendous service suit of high ends and ambitious ho has rendered to the city o t goals, its dedication to ancient Omaha, to the state of Nebraska, moral values and modern" scienti- to our great Middle West, and to fic truth, its concern for Jewish our nation " pride and destiny, .its insatiable Jacobs served on the boards of thirst for freedom and its sponOmaha Chamber, of Commerce, taneous sympathy for institutions the Community 'Services camof free government in every land." United paign unit, National Executive Committee of American; Jewish CLAIMS Committee, Covered Wagon CounNew York (JTA)—A Joint ex- cil, Boy Scouts of America, Chilecutive board of the major Jewish dren s Memorial Hospital, Jewish ' organizations in the free world has Philanthropies and Federation and been formed to press the claims of many others. He is now serving Jewish victims of Nazi persecution as general chairman of the Omain Austria. This was announced ha Centennial Celebration to bo here following a meeting this held In 1054. week-end of the Committee for Dr. Abe Greenbcrir, second viceJewish Claims on Austria which represents 22 local and .world-wide president of the Federation for Jewish Service and member ot Jewish groups. Henry Monsky Lodge, snokp o'f the aims and "•'purpose of B'nat DIRECTOR ArrOINTED rlth. He mentioned the fart that New- York (JTA)—Abrafiam B 13 B'rith was the oldest JewS. Hymani former General Coun- ishnal service orpanizatlon for philansel of tho United Slates War Claims thropic affairs in the country. Commission, has been appointed Having recently returned f,om tho administrative director ot the Triennial Convention In WashingWorld Jewish Congress, It was an- ton D. C, Dr. GreenbeiR said the nounced by Dr. Nahum Goldmann national croup received awards for acting president of the world-wide their participation in war bond Jewish body. drives, Rellinit out (he vole camPalrrn nnd the Red Cross bidon* bank program. Mixup Harry Coliek, president of the Copies of last week's Jewish Henry Monsltv chapter, reviewed Press are available at the Com- the work of the'local group. He munity Center for those who stressed tho work with camoaigni did not receive their copy due for the Community Chest. Marrh of Dimes, C a n c e r Society and to tho mixup in the mailing. many other civic enterprises.

News Around The Nation


Pax* Two


r. May 15, 1951

OvrU. N. Newsletter


Dulles" Visit

Published Every Friday by the Omaha JewUh Federation

By Arthur Lewis

taunt ai aeecrod-clau m u u t at Omaha.. Hdmaka, undo tfct u i of Harm >, 1*1*. •junal auMatpUoa, U 00. AJvtrmun tout cp AgpUeaUgg. Bdlsoilal Offtaa.—IS) Mft, attt fltnst, OMafes* Makt^ AT~ PUM auw m i n i lint «o. axa stntc


_Editor S o c i e t y Editor

Shavuos Festival of the First Harvest Shavous is denominated in the Bible as the festival of the first fruits. Tradition also associates it with the idea of Revelation. In mediaeval days, Shavuos was the time when the parent took his youngster for his first visit to the. synagogue and in more recent years, it has become also identified aa the season of Confirmation. It is a tribute of the attachment of the Jew to the soil that he has carried over to his synagogue and ritual the memories of his ancient agricultural background. If he was detached from the land, on Shavuos, it is customary to read the Book of Buth and thus the Jew could live vicariously through the lot of the Jewish farmer, Boaz, Today, Boaz again lives in Israel. There are ten thousands of him. They constitute a pride not only for Israel but for world Jewry. Not a little of the response which Israel evokes derives from the fact that it has fostered a back to the earth movement. The luft mensch has been transformed into a tiller of the soil. The first Jewish settlers on the soil in Israel scored their initial success as grape growers. Subsequently the orange pardess became the forte of the Jewish agriculturalist. The variety of crops has constantly expanded. Experiments which appear successful have even been made in the growing of the Virginia type of tobacco. What is perhaps more significant is a change in the trend of form of the agricultural system of Israel. Pormercly the kibbutz might have been Baid to be the epitome of the 'entire agricultural life of Israel, bnt now the moshavim or individual tillers of the soil exceed those in the collective settlement* and the tendency seems to he toward the more conventional farming unit. One of the most thrilling chapters of Israel's agriculture is being written .presently in the Negeb. Thanks to Israel Bonds, a hnge pipe factory has been built at Yuvnl Gad, which will bring water to land which has been thirtsy for almost 2,000 years and we may expect this land to gratcfnlly return the favor with smiling harvests. »

The Significance of Shavuos By David Mordecal

Unlike the High Holy Days, Passover and Chanukah, the ancient Jewish holiday of Shavuos has not been as "successful" in the Urlt.1 States as it might be. That is to say," while traditional and observant members of the American Jewish community certainly continue to celebrate this historic occasion, the significance of this particular ocofficial war which still goes on. and message have to too large an extent Capital Spotlight Such guerrilla tactics, recently in- casion been lost on many American Jews. tensified, have long sought to acBy MUloo Friedman complish by anti-civilian terrorism And regrettable, for the Washington (JTA)—Soon the what open aggression failed to Shavuos season is a happy one, that can engender a deep awarenewspapers will be full of photos achieve on the field of battle. Not only did the State Depart- ness of the eternal verities of ot pretty girls In academic caps Judaism in all Jews. ment refuse to intercede with the and gowns. One. such picture has Shavuos—or as it is sometimes already appeared. It is a likeness Armistice Commission but it the Feast of Weeks—occurs ol 21-year-old Deborah Genauer. sought (o dismiss the whole affair called, as n casual incident of "robbery." exactly seven weeks after Pass'-of Seattle, Wash.,, who was killed The' Department's letter to Sen. over. During this 49-day period, in Israel by Arab infiltrator*. Magnuson, written on behalf of w e count the Omer. This cereWhen the newspapers called on Dulles by Assistant Secretary of mony is known as the Scfirat Hathe Genauer family, the most re- State Thurston B. Morton, passed Omer and recalls to mind the cent picture they could find was the buck to the Israel police. It sheaf of barley (Omer) which was a graduation photo. Senators War- said, "the responsibility for the offered daily as a synibollcal sacren G. Magnuson. and Henry M. maintenance of Jaw in Jerusalem" rifice during the period of the Jackson! both of Washington' Israel, rests, of course, with t h e Holy.Temple. The offering was designed as a popular supplicaState, saw the picture and read Israel authorities." the news: Not only was the girl The Israel police had informed tion for a good harvest. murdered but her uncle,; also an the State Department that the Shavuos itself is celebrated beAmerican dtizen, was shot to guilty Arab gunmen were found cause on this day, the agricultural death. The two Senators dratted to have fled back into Jordan after civilization of ancient Judea celetwo letters each. Thoughtful con- the shooting. Nevertheless, the brated the first summer harvest, dolences went t o the family; re- shooting of the Americans was not following the spring planting, quests 1 for action went to the considered by the Department to which generally occurred around State Department. be a proper matter for the armi- Passover. This is why Shavuos is Sen. Magnuson asked Secretary stice commission "smco the pro- also known as Chaff Habikkurim, of State John Foster Dulles to visions do not pertain to the ques- or Festival of the First Fruits. In preserit-day Israel, settlers have strong representations made tion of the maintenance of civil through the United Nations Mixed law and order with Israel . . . " and colonists gather their early Armistice Commission for the IsSen. Jackson informed Duller: June crops at Shavuot time and rael-Jordan area "so that a full that he felt "American citizens proceed In colorful processions to inquiry might be conducted into should be entitled to as much Jerusalem and other centers to the-crime." The Senator asked protection abroad as visitors from contribute the proceeds from the Dulles also to urge the armistice other countries receive when in sale of the harvest to such naCommission "to take such action as this., country." A Congressman, tional Jewish institutions 33 the may tend to correct the present who asked not to be identified, Jewish National Fund. chaotic situation which, has just said that "if Soviet terrorists inThe holiday, of course, Is also cost the lives of two American Tiltraled into Israel and shot observed as Zman MaUm Torah— citizens and jeopardizes the safely Americans, the State Departmen* the Time of the Giving of the of others." would have the matter before the Lav/, for tradition teaches us that The Slate Department refused United Natinns in a very few min- this is the season when Moses Sen. Magnuson's request in a utes. The U. S. Mediterranean was summoned to Mount Sinai to statement which found no fault Fleet would be ordered to Haifa receive the Ten Commandments. During the Shavuos period, we With the Arabs. Like hundreds of at full steam and our Marines other vicfims, the Genauers were would land to protect our citi- customarily read from the beautizens. If we con protect South Koful Book of Ituth. There are two shot by Arab marauders, whose numbers include regular members reans from the- Reds we can at reasons for tills. One is that the of the Jordan Army., Heavily least take simple diplomatic step? locale of the Ruth story is an agriarmed, those elements sneak to enable Israel to protect Ameri- cultural harvest, reminiscent of - across the- frontier from Jordan of cans from infiltrating Arab terror- Shavuos. The other is that the adoption by Ruth of the Jewish Eight to kill Israelis in the un- ists." faith symbolizes the acceptance by the Jewish people of all those who subscribe to and uphold the tenets of the Torah. In many synagogues, during Shavuo3, the altar and pews are decorated with fruits • Saturday, May 10 and flowers, denoting the dual B'nai B'rith Mixed Doubles Bowling Tournament. meaning of the holiday. Workmen Circle Dramatic Group—0:00 p. in., Labor Lyceum. Sunday, May 17 Nowadays, young couples in Jewish War Veterans Post and Auxiliary Dist. Mtg.—2:00 p. m., love who wish to marry during Center. the Spring look forward to ShaBeth El Annual Dinner—6:00 p. m., Beth El. vuos, because that is when the Monday, May 18 ban on marriages during the ccvcn-weck period from Passover to Golden Age Club—1:00 p. m.. Center. the Shavuos is lifted. Hadassah Board—1:00 p. m.. Private home. Workmen's Loan—8;00 p. m., Center. This prohibition is post-Biblical . Tuesday, May 19 in nature and is generally obCouncil Women Luncheon—1:00 p. m.. Highland Town. • • served by Orthodox and ConservaWednesday-Thursday, May 20-21' tive congregations, but not by the Reform Temples. One exception to SHAVUOTH.

Community Calendar

the rule is Lag B'Omer—that is, the 33rd day of the Counting of the Omer, when, according to tradition, an epidemic lhat had raged among the disciples of Kabbl Aklba was broken. Marriages may, therefore, be performed on Lag 13'Omer. Some Orthodox rabbis believe that the fifth day of iyar (which was celebrated this year on April 19), and which is the anniversary date of the establishment of the State of Israel, should also be pu' in the same category as Lag B'Omer and marriages should be permitted. One of the outstanding recent developments of Shavuos among Reform Jews is that custom of confirming boys and girls on this day. The Reform congregations say that the giving of tho Torah to the Jewish people on Shavuos is a highly appropriate lime for confirming youths in the traditions of the.Torah. On Chanukah, Purim, Passover and even Rosh Uashanah, we add to the traditional celebrations of these holidays by putting on our tables special delicacies. Who does not look forward to Passover "kneidlach," Purim "hamanlaschen." Chanukah . "lalkes," and slices of Chalah smeared with honey on Iiosh Hashanah? Shavuos, generally speaking, does not enjoy such a distinction, although in some homes it is traditional to restrict the diet to dairy dishes at this season. Shavuos should be instead a holiday when we' pay attention to the spiritual and moral concepts handed down for more than 4,000 years in the chain of Jewish living. This is a period when we should, as a people who gave religion to the world, concentrate on the relifiioui; precepts and ethical teaching:; which have been emulated throughout history by many other peoples. During the High Holy Days, we rededicate ourselvs to a good life, to a life of ethics conforming to the Torah's preachments. But this is an individual rededication; each of us must communicate our innermost thoughts and hopes and prayers to the Almighty during this awesome period. On Shavuos, wo should reassess the eternal verities of our faith. We should take cognizance of our heritage, and become rcacqualntcd with the Bible. The. giving of the Torah to the Jewish people on Shavuos must surely be as. warmly and as enthusiastically observed as the rcconsecration of the Holy Temple by "the Hasmoneans. Harry Richman: "After 45 a man begins to have thoughts about women; before that he has feelings." Edward G. Hoblnson: "When a woman cays sho can't be flattered, agree with her; this will flatter her."


United Nations (JTA) — The itinerary which the Secretory of State, John Foster Dulles, has chosen for his visit to the Middle East would seem to be a normal one, but it has assumed a significance* owiritf to" tho fact that ho rijcctcd the political divisions whhh (Imp up thp rtfiion and is fulluwini; what, is the natural geographical loutt. Inilcail of visiting the Arab States first anil then going to Israel, a course which mij'.ht have flattered t h c susceptibilities of some of the pulituuni in the area, Mr. Dulles has decided to go to Egypt first,' then to Israel, and after that to Jordan, Syria, and the oilier Arab States. Since time immemorial, Israel has served as a bridge between Enypl and the other stales in the Middle East. Almost Forgotten What has almost been forgotten in all the tumult and the shouting liver tho Palestine Dispute is that the .engineers and the practical men of science made Israel such a connecting link, that a railway runs from Cairo through Tel Aviv and Beirut to Ankara and Istanbul where it hooks up with the vast railway network of Europe, At present the railway is cut on the borders of Israel, but through no fault of the Israelis, and the traffic no longer moves in the way it was meant to go. At the United Nations, Mr. Dulles' itinerary is regarded as a demonstration that Israel is the bridge, • and that it should serve as such a bridge, and that the connection must be restored if there is to be peace and security in the region, ills trip is considered to be of the utmost importance, if only because it is the first time that a Secretary of State has visited the Middle East. Main Purpose There is no doubt in anyone's minds here that Mr. Dulles' main purpose is to cfect a peace settlement; it is remembered that he told a press conference at the U. N. headquarters that there could be no Middle East Defense. Command, no regional defense organizations whatsoever, without there being a peace settlement. In other words, the Secretary of State was saying that a peace settlement was the pre-condition for any other pacts or business that might be done while he was in the Arab States. Not only is Mr. Dulles' itinerary the natural way of visiting the Middle East, but it is the best route politically, for Egypt is by far the most Important of the Arab States, and what Egypt does, the others will do. As observers here have said before now, there is no competition for first place in the Arab world, Egypt has that, bnt there is keen competition' for second place. In the rame way, there will be competition among these countries to be second in' signing a peace .wttlement. „ Flexible Stand * As far as can be learned here, there arc no outstanding issues between the Egyptians* and the Israelis; the Israelis have denied making any conditions for peace tallcs and say that they are ready to enter into nccotlalions immediately and that their stand b flexible and not fixed.. Of course, a withdrawal of troops from the Gaza Area where Egypt ha* half its army, and the end of the i l legal blockade of Israeli bound shipping in the Suez Canal, would improve the atmosphere for the peace conference. Everyone points to the fact that the Egyptians were the first to agree to an armistice in Palestine, and the view hero is that they could be prodded into taking the lead to bring about a peace settlement if there were an unequivocal statement by the Secretary of Slate that such was vitally necessary and a matter of American policy. Mr. Dulles should bo able to make such a declaration after his tour of the Middle East. New York (WNS)—Acquisition of a 17-dunam strip of tend in the Holy City.of Jerusalem for tho World-Academy for Higher Jewish Studies in Jerusalem was announced ^hcre at a press conference by Rabbi Herbert S. Goldstein, chairman of the Institution « board of trustees. The land, l o cated on Mount Herd directly o p posite the Tomb of Herzl, was purchased for $280,000. The Academy represents a merger of a number of research institutions for Higher Jewish Studies, which explores, develops and collates the great treasure!) of Jewish thought, Dr. Goldstein disclosed.




.•!r A*£££Ei t

15, 1U1

fat* Tina

No. 1 Presents Immediate Past Presidents to Be AZA Awards at Banquet ADLibbing Honored at Beth El Synagogue

By Seymanr H, Kaplan At the 29th Annual Award* Reftonsl Director, night banquet, sponsored by A.Z-A. Anti-Defamation League , 1, Larry Schwartz was named the 1 We think iff most fitting fiat' Member ? of Beth 1J1 Sjiugogue outstanding athlete, while Alan Morris Jacobs was honored by the will honor the immediate pabt Hceger and Mike Bleicher were annual award given by Henry president of the Congregation, chosen best alephs. The Mother's Monsky Lodge of B'nal B'rith. So David Blacker, and the past picsfDay banquet anni- often, when awards like this are dents of the Sisterhood, Mrs Moe versary weekend which witnessed given, those in charge go far A. Vcnger and Mrs I' Winthe initiation of fifteen new mem- afield to find a recipient. But, as trob, at a dirntr £>und.iy, M.iy 17, bers and the presentation of ath- last year's recipient, when asked 0 p.m., in the SIKI.II II,ill of Die letic awards to the alephs who for his suggestion by ari officer of Bynagogue. Canter I F.dgar participated in athletics during the the Lodge, stated: "You don't have and the Beth U Choir will also be past year. to go outside your Lodge to find honored guests. The affair was attended by the the man who most deserves this Nathan L .Nofjy, 1'iesiduit, will honor." And that statement was as parents of the club's fifty-five preside at the annual business members, presidents of the five true as any which has been made. meeting which will follow the other Youth Council clubs and by The acceptance speech, which dinner. Kiyht new members will Mort Kaplan, adviser, who pre- Morris Jacob made, was most be elected to the Execilivc Kojrn. moving. The ideals expressed Were sented the trophies. Arthur Coho and Mrs. A. D. of the .highest and could come Frank are co-chairmen of arrangeThe principal speaker was Sam' only from the heart of a man who ments for the dinner program. Berek- ot Fremont, who is active has lived and learned the hard and Colin will be toastmnstcr. inciuain B'nai B'rlth Bud Boy Scouts. practical way. It was recorded, ed in the evening's entertainment Berek told the group the neces- and we hmbly suggest to the powwill be a group of parodies, written sity of parental Interest in youth ers that be to see that our youth and presented by Mrs. Aaron 1. activities and the importance/of are given the opportunity of hearEdgar. the teachings of culture and reli- ing it. This is the kind of guidAssisting Mrs. Jack Ban and gion in the home. ance that makes dedicated a&mts Mi*. Harry Fcrontein, who are in of our young people. charge of the dinner, are Mrs. Mrs. M. A. V< The quality of the man was reMrs. Phlneas Wlntroub . Harry Rochman, decorations, Mrs. Beth Israel Men's Club vealed when he stated that all M. M. Krupinsky and Mrs. Leonard those present, and many more wno Segal, table getting. Reservations could not be shared in the honor. may be made by calling the synaHuijdreds of years ago, John gogue office, GL 3221. Donne wrote a classic poem jn DULLES VISIT Hlstadrut has been studying U$e the Month, sponsored by the Beth which he declared, "No man is an Jerusalem, (JTA) — The immi- problem for the past nine months. Israel Men's Club, will be pre- Island . . . . I am Involved in all sented Saturday, May 23, in connent arrival of Sec. of State John Countless centuries junction with a Smorgas'berg' at mankind." Foster Dulles here has stirred up VILLAGE FOE AGED before that, the Idea was first e x Tel Aviv (JTA)—Kfar Zckcnlm, the Beth Israel Social Hall. hope among the Israel people mat pressed in the Cain and Abel story Holders of the series tickets are of the Bible. the United States Gcvornmcnt will a village for the aged, was ofuse its Influence with the Arab ficially opened this week a t Shaare Invited to attend this "bonus" Over the ages this lasting concept Menashc, north of Hadera, Dy affair, which promises to be one has tried to make its impact on • countries, especially Egypt, to the greatest possible extent to bring Malben, tho Joint Distribution of the biggest bargains ever ar- succeeding generations of Man. Committee's program for assisting ranged for the benefit of {hose Today, we speak of this eternal about Arab-Israel peace talks. Omaha will again play host to aged and handicapped immigrants who enjoy dancing. idea as "the interdependency of all the championship college baseball in Israel. There remain only a few tickets mankind," and it is as old as Jewteams at the seventh annual Col- UNEMPLOYMENT Some 804 persons, all over the at $5.00 per couple, and the com- ish tradition. That so much selfishJerusalem, ( J T A ) — P r e m i e r age of 60, are already in the villege World Series to be held in mittee urges those desiring to attho Municipal Stadium, June 11 David Ben Gurion, intervening in lage and the population is e x - tend to contact the synagogue of- ness and greed, so much of what Is called "cgo-centrism," is being e x Hie ftcneral debate in the Knesset, pected to reach 1,200 shortly. A to 15. fice as soon as possible because pressed today, is indeed a sad com-; The nation's lop eight regional called this week for nationwide new 380-bed hospital is a feature there will be a limited attendance mentary on our times. champs will meet In a double- support of a proposal to impose a of the new village. A crew of 150 due to the necessity of planning in -But it is encouraging to know .special tax to solve Israel's un- employees cares for the inhabielimination series. advance of food preparation. that a Morris Jacobs bap taken E. F. Petfis, general chairman employment problem. He urfiea tants, providing all the heavy This series of dances was this high concept to heart and Israeli people to accept the tax labor and skilled services. Some " for the College World Scries, has the not as a "political issue" but as a of the inhabitants, who are able planned specifically for those who stands up publicly to declare it. nnnounccd some 400 Oiiuihans "humanitarian would like to attend a dance at To recount all his accomplishments matter." have accepted appointments to Se- The Premier pointed out thai the and willing, earn pocket money least once a month and enjoy the for which he was honored, would /> ries committees. Morris K. Jacobs government could not use cither by performing light tasks. companionship of their friends in be a sizeable task. As the one was appointed associate chairman. funds from American grants-lna pleasant atmosphere. Since this who presented the plaque said, Fettis announced that tickets for nid, German reparations payments CITRUS EXPORTS "If I speak too long it is Morris's Haifa (JTA)—Israel shipped 40 program was not Intended as a fault." He has done so much." the College World Scries will fio or the development budget for money-raising affair, it will be on solo today at Russell Sports thir. purpose since these funds percent more citrus products this repeated again next season if suc"store. Popular prices will be "from the outside are earmarked year than last year—5,300,000 cessful. cases as compared to 3,700,000— Workmen's Circle Club charged — box stats, $1.25; re- for certain projects." it was revealed here in connection served seats, $1.10; general admiswith the close of the year's exportThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic sion, DO cents; and children under Memorial Plaques to Be ing season. These exports brought BORDER TENSION Club will hold its regular meet12, 50 cents. Tel Aviv, (JTA)—The diploma- J21,000,000 In foreign currency Dedicated at Beth El ing tomorrow evening at 8 p. m., A College World Series Queen tic envoys ol Uie United States, Into the Treasury, will be selected by Omaha sports- Britain, France and Turkey called Memorial' Name Plaques affixed in the Labor Lyceum. Britain, Israel's best customer, The birthdays of Mrs. Dave writers and spprUcasters from n at the Israeli Foreign Office to tocBc 3,164,000 cases; Holland pur- to the Memorial Tablets in Beth group of nine sweethearts, rcprc- hear tho Israel government's views chased 390,000; Bclguim, 335,000; El Synagogue during tho past six Sussman and Mr. and Mrs. Paul senting Omaha universities and on the latest scries of attacks oh Denmark, 200,000; Norway, 307,- months will be dedicated at the Nearenbcrg will be celebrated. All hospitals. Israelis and violations of Israel 000; Sweden, 241,000; Finland, Shavout Yizkor Services Thursday, members are invited to attend the 240,000; Soviet Union, 141,000; be- May 21. Those whose names arc meeting. Holy Cross toppled Missouri In territory by Arab Infiltrees. the finals last year. Other title • The military attaches of the four fore diplomatic and commercial commemorated by their families at Evelyn Groman: "Money doesnt winners Include California, 1947; missions were also informed of the relations between the two states this time are: Maurice Beitel, Southern California, 1048; Texas, Israeli view of the border situa- were severed; and smaller quan- Harry A, Brauristeln, O. Alex care who has it." 1949 and 1950, and • Oklahoma, tion. In the latest scries of inci- tities went to other European Braunslein, Bertha Epstein, Henry dents, two Israeli civilians were countries. The United States Army Epstein, Ann Lee Gnrber, Jacob 1051. ' . • ••".• ' • , . murdered and one wounded ser- forces in Europe purchased' i.uuu Goodbinder, Simon Gorelick, Ethel M; Green, facob Reuben Katz, iously. An oil truck was blasted Isaac Krasne, Etta Lltman, Ben- AK'SAR-BEN by a land-mine near the Egyptianjamin Lltman, Bessie Margolin, held Gaza strip and one Israeli Israel and Argentina Tibbie: Moskoirltz, Rose Newman, Conemnlon was injured. This incident was Morris Nogg, Bertha Kala flothenThere have been two outbreaks protested to the Israel-Egyptian Will Exchange Teachers erg, Joseph Rothenberg, Hlnda H. Mixed Armistice Commission. of serious fighting when poli.e Buenos Aires (WNS)— Accord- Ruback, Leib' Hubenstetn, Sarah and ambulance had to be called ing to a cultural agreement signed Simons, Amelia Newman Sommer in. Valuable property has been COLLECTIVE CONFLICT here last week on behalf of their and Clara Zucker. destroyed, work and social life Tel Aviv, (JTA)—The Hlstadrut countries by Israel's Foreign MinFamilies and friends are invited have suffered, the young. people executive decided last week to ister Moshe Share A and his Ar- to this dedication service. Mrs. have been affected, and in several finalize the partition of Ein Harod, gentine counterpart, t e a c h i n g Morris Katleman is Chairman of cases husbands and wives, parents the collective settlement which is courses in language, literature, tho Memorial Committee. nnd children, have been estranged split among Mapai-Mnpam lines history and art of each nation will by the split. and in which several clashes have be established at universities in Jascha Heifetc "In prosperity Recent "battles" at Yad Hannah, occurred between Mapai and Ma- the other country. Research fa- our friends know us; in adversity resulted from the split inside Ma- pam members. cilities for exchange scholars w i n we know our friends." The executive decided to divide also "be provided, as will be books, pam itself, when the "Sneh Group' was expelled for attempting to the fields, homes and moveable papers, journals, films and other Phil Silvers: "Heredity is an evil Justify tho Prague trial.. Since property of the kibbutz on the educational and cultural materials. that oughl to be prevented." finch's avowed supporters did .pot basis of the size of each faction. succeed i n winning a majority in The Mapal adherents compose 55 any kibbutz they were being ex- percent of the settlement's poppelled wherever they s h o w e d ulation, and the Mapam members RELAX . . . at Soglow's themselves. In Ynd Hannah, a make up the remainder. The new kibbutz.'whcre Snehlsts were relatively strong, they sent in reinforcements from clsqwherc to No Racing on try their hand at capturing the ESTES PARK. COLORADO kibbutz. Kibbutz Hameuhad cent Sundays,or Mondays in Its battle squads, and the ~T2A Modern Guest Resort . . . small and personalized , . . lice had to intervene, though there combining Western Hospitality and mountain Informality. is little doubt that kibbutz Hameufor had will succeed in carrying the W e Feature . . . day and getting rid of open SneGood Food, Good Beds, Good Program, Good Company hlsts. Then quiet will reign till ADMISSION 75c the next split. Eun-fllled, Fun-filled days await you at beautiful Peaceful Pines (Including State and Federal Tax) The problem still has a long nestled in virgin Rocky Mountain forest and only minutes from way to run, and if is reasonable town. to suppose that the kibbutzim will For Every Occasion LADIES' DAYS ACCOMMODATIONS—Limited to only 24 guests fits Into our •weather tho storm In the long run, TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS philosophy of Personalized Attention to each individual. Private as they have done in the pasl. ((Aihniiiioo lor. UJIej DM and connecting baths. Heat in every room. Even if their" present recruiting Say It. With Ours campaigns are successful however. NO CHILDREN ADMITTED .BATES—S10 and $12.50 per day , , . Family, special rates it seems unlikely that they will for children under 8 and 13. ever regain their old Influence though they will always have For Kcservsitiang Write or Phono EARL SIEGEL many contributions to make to Israel life. In the way of experiM. H. Soglow—Peaceful Pines Resort JA 2545 ment, education, border kecurlty, 2323 Dodge ESTES PARK, COLORADO and absorption .of western pioneers.


News From Israel


College World Series Opens Herein June

Kibbutzim Crisis

MAY 19



thru JULY 4

8-Races OaiIy-8



The Years Gone by 5 Years Ago Sheldon Bernstein and Edward Milder announced the opening of their office, "Milder and Bernstein," accountants and auditors ' . . . Phil Kutler was elected president of Nebraska B'nat B'rith Lodge No. 1445 . . . Lester Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Friedman, celebrated bis Bar Mitzyah . . . A daughter was bom to > Dr. and Mrs. Frank E. Llpp. 10 Years Ago—1941 • Morris Jacobs received the un-r anlmous endorsement of Temple Israel's board as Omaha's delegate to the American Jewish Conference . . . Dr. Paul D. Marx, son of Harry Marx of Lincoln, was promoted to major In the Army Medical Corpi . . . Harvey Roffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hoffman, was among those listed on the Junior College Honor Roll at Wenthworth Military Academy . . . Mrs, A. D. Frank visited in St. Louis with her daughter. Dr. Muriel Frank, .who was interning • t St. Louis city hospital 20 Years Aio—19JJ " Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky was r e elected president of the Conservative Synagogue Auxiliary . , . Ephralm Marks was re-elected president of the Young Men's Vaad . . . Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Rice announced the birth of a daughter* . , . Mr. and Mrs. Morris Pessen entertained the members of their Sunday night bridge club at their home. • Jerusalem, (JTA)—The nrst Mizrachl vocational high school for women was dedicated here to the memory of the late David and Esther Shapiro of Brooklyn. Most of the funds for the two-story (building, which will have a capacity of 300 to 400 girls, was provided by their son, Joseph Shapiro of New York.


Recipe of By Edward Schlmmel Manager; BUclutone Hotel CHICKEN MARENGO Cut up 2 broilers, each weigh ing about 2 pounds. Rub each piece with a damp cloth, season with salt and pepper, and sprinkle with flour. In a heavy pan heat 4 tablespoons oil, or 2 tablespoons each oil and butter, and brown the chicken over a bright flame until golden, turning frequently. Transfer the chicken to an earthenware Casserole and add 2 large cloves garlic, chopped finely, and a bonanet rsrnl. Add 1 cup white wine, I jigger brandy, and 2 large tomatoes, peeled and cut in pieces. Cover the casserole tightly, lower the flame, and cook gently until the chicken pieces are almost tender, turning them several times with a wooden spoon. After 30 minutes, taste for seasoning and add 12 peeled mushroom cap* cut in quarters. Cook for 10 minotes longer, or until the chicken is tender, and serve in the casserole, sprinkled With chopped parsley. ' The garnishing* for Chicken Marengo vary. The casserole may be sprinkled with chopped truffles or garnish to taste with cawiitons fried in butter, an egg fried in the oil for each serving, cooked crayfish or shrimp,: or mushrooms.

Golden Age Club The Golden Age Club, co-sponsored by lhe Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women and the Jewish Community Center, will bold a 1 o'clock dessert luncheon meeting Monday, May 18, at the Jewish Com' munlty Center. An interesting and enjoyable program has been planned.

San Francisco Jewry can point with pride to a successful handling of one of the toughest problems American Jewry has faced in helping Jewish refugees coming to the United States since Hitler ran amok In Europe. > Of all the groups among those newcomers, the greatest difficulty has been presented by the aged among the immigrants, who lacked family, friends, self - confidence and knowledge of their new nation's language. YeV the San Francisco Committee for Service to Emigres, an affiliate of the Federation of Jewish Charities, has not only provided such refugees with selfsustaining employment and a new interest In life, but has done It at little cost to the: Jewish community. And the program is now in its tenth year. What is perhaps most Interesting about this pioneering effort in rehabilitation of a particularly difficult group of aged Jews is the Conviction of the committee that it .can be duplicated in any substantial Jewish community. The San Francisco Utility Workshop was established in May, 1943, tpprovide work opportunities and a' social and recreational outlet for elderly employable refugees, according to a report in the "Jewish Service Quarterly." An Evcr-Growlnc Project The shop began operating with 32 men, most of them more than 65 years o£_ age. Later suitable Work" for women was found and S mixed Rroup has been employed since then. The number of aged refugees outgrew, the capacities of the • original rhop, which could handle a maximum of 50, and bigger quarters , were obtained, wlrere from 40 to 55 have been at work consistently. Bcrnupe the volume of orderF has grown and the prospect of continuing business is Rood, still larger quarters have bec-n rented •with a goal of "boosting the workins capacity to 80 persons. The paid personnel consists of the original part-time manager; a fulltime assistant, himself a refugee, and a former employee of the shop. ; Employment is still limited to those over G5, but some handicapped ypungcr men and women have been given a chance to work. These include a few blind refu-

gees, a few who arc too unstable to hold regular jobs and others with similar personal problems. Toys and Ornaments The shop is not a salvage or thrift shop, and it docs not depend on donations of furniture or clothing or similar articles to be patched and repaired for sale. The Bhop simply provides the labor to perform a wide variety of Jobs within the competence of its working farce. Typical of the work are recent jobs of packaging 100,000 boxes of Christmas tree ornaments, addressing envelopes and mailing campaign material,.and manufacture of simple wooden toys. Jobs are obtained by the manager who contacts business firms in person or by telephone. The committee emphasizes that work is solicited only on the basis of satisfactory performance and price, and in line with a definite time schedule. No project of this kind, the committee says, can depend on the good will or philanthropy of its customers. It must pay its own way. The shop can operate on the comparatively tiny budget of $3,600 a year because it earns enough to cover not' only all wage payments but also to pay for about half the overhead. A Social Center, Too But if the shop only paid -a large part of its own way in providing work for its elderly participants, it would not fall short of the hopes of the planners. The shop is far more than that. It is as much a social center as a work opportunity for persons who would otherv/ise be unlikely to have cither jobs or social life. Tlie 'men and women come us much for 'companionship as fbr work and they get both. Friendships are made, the atmosphere Is congenial and the spirit is excellent. Jewish festivals are celebrated as are birthdays and those happy occasion;; when a newcomer receives his or her citizenship. Another benefit is that shop workers require less clinic care than they did • before coming to work. Many of the illnesses of the aged are psychological. Such illnesses are prevented for shop workers because of their occupation, their feeling of being useful and their general contentment due to companionship and' the cheerful atmosphere. (WNS)

Friday, May 15, 1951

"Talk of Many Things" j

The Week

A Community Experiment By Ben Gallob


Babies Dr. and Mrs. Earl Wigodsky announce the birth.of a son, Bruce Irwln, on Thursday, May 7, at Nebraska Methodist Hospital. Maternal grandmother is Mrs>Irwin D. Weiss, and paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Wigodsky. Mrs, L. Hozran of Chicago is Bruceja great-grandmother. The Wlgodskys have a daughter, Cathy Jo, and another son, Steven Jay. ' . A daughter, Jessica Anne, was born Monday, April 27, in San Pedro, Calif., to Mr. and Mrs. Judy Kaplan. Mrs. Kaplan is the former Lorraine Freggcr of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan have another daughter, Susan Jo. Maternal grandmother is Mrs. J. Fregger, and, paternal grand* mother is Mrs. LJbby Kaplan of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boasberg have announced the birth of • son, Daniel Blake, on Saturday, May 9, at Immanuel Hospital. They also have another son, Mark William. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Boasberg.


Wedding Date SetforJune Mr. and Mrs. N. r Medlov of" Kansas City, Mo., have announced" the engagement of their daughter, Rae, to Sheldon L. Coren, ftorf of Mrs. Dora Coren. The wedding date has been set for June 21, and the ceremony will take place in Kansas,City.

Campus News Sigma Alpha Mu Due to the changciiMc weather, the chapter's plans for a lawn party were cancelled at the lost moment during the High School Weekend, and in its place a "Casino party" was held in the chapter house. About 200 people attended the nigKt-club theme party and enjoyed a friend-chicken picnic Sunday, afternoon. A chorus-of 15 men under the direction of Manny Dworkin presented the song "I Believe" as the S. A. M. part of the Spring festival, Ivy Day. The chorus was dressed in blue slacks and opencollar white Shirts. The recent tornado did not ham>er the Mother's Day festivities lcld in the house Sunday when the chapter was host to all the parents. Entertainment was provided for by the members of the chorus, and iresldent Gary Fellman spoke rejardlnj? the men in the house and the activities during the past year. Refreshments were served in the library to round off the afternoon, Elections were held throughout the University last week, and Danny Fogel was chosen as a representative from the College of Business Administration to t h e Student Council. The chapter was honored during the recent Ivy Day' ceremonies, being among the top seven fraternities in scholarship and acIvilies. Sports have dropped off considerably at the U, because of the coming final exams. However, the house still maintains a baseball earn, and four games have been jlayed so far.

Zeta Beta Tau Over 150 people attended ZBT's spring weekend, Whopee Daze. The girls were presented with bracelets, and the boys received nlniature paddles as souvenirs, The Omaha Alumni club attended the picnic Sunday, and many alumni from the armed forces :ame in for the festivities, bomc of the guests included Lts. Norman Ruback and Justin Horwich; Jack Cohen and his wife, Audrey; Ray Brown; Stew Tully; AI Ross, Jerry Kolinsky a'nd Norton Garon. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Schmidt and Mr. md Mr3. Bill Davidson acted as :haperones Friday night. As a climax to Whoopee Daze, ZBT was named as the top iraternity on the city campus for the ourth year in a row during the

Visitors In*town for.the Bar Mltzvah this weekend of their grandson, Gerald Freedman, are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Freedman of Los Angelas, Mr, and-Mrs. Freedman are former Omahans who moved to California five years ago. Staff Sgt. Jack Schlanger, formerly stationed in, Wiesbaden, Germany, is home op leave, visiting with his sisters, Mrs. Simon Feldman and Mrs. Bernard GoldstrOm, and their f a m i l i e s / S g t Schlanger, who served as a'laboratory technician at the hospital in Wiesbaden, will be doing tne same work when he reports to his new assignment at Merced, California, * Visiting in Omaha with their family, the Nathon and the Milton Resnlcks, and friends are fonner Omharu Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Resnlck of Beverly Hills and Joe Rcsnick of Los Angeles. The H. A. Res-' nicks, just back from a trip East, are staying at the Regis Hotel, while Mr. Joe Resnlck is stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Resnlck. Mrs. Abe. Rosenzwelg'and daughter, Adele, from Houston, Tex., are here for a visit with Mrs. Rosenzwelg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Leibcn, and her' brother-in-law and sister, Mr. arid Mrs. Joe Kurz. Mr. Rosenzwcig flew in Wednesday to spend a week with his family who will slay on for a while after he leaves.

Don't Miss



"Remains To Be Seen"—Every night, except Mond«y, through May 23, at 8:30 p. m.—Omaha Community Playhouse. - . Arthur Rubensteln—Tuesday, April 19, at 8:30 p. ms—Ak-SarBen Coliseum.-. — Midwest Home Show—May 12 through 17—Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum. Ivy Day ceremonies. Arnle Stern tackled his successor for the Innocents Society, and; the fraternity, sang, "My Brother, Here Is My Hand" in the fraternity sing. Friday night Jerry Kruplnsky was awarded a trophy for being 'The .Most Regular Guy" and Amie Stern was awarded a trophy for the second consecutive year for "The Biggest Contribution To The House." The ZBT baseball team closed their season last week when they were beaten in the second round of the all-university championships, 3-2, Jerry Bonus twirled six-hit ball for the losers, and Len Singer hit two for two at the plate.

Sigma Delta Tau Monday night Cbarney Taub passed candy at the house to announce her engagement to Monte Hermann, ZBT. Monte attended the University of Nebraska, and Charney Is a junior this year. Connie Gordon, a junior, was a May Queen attendant at the Ivy Day festivities. Gall Katskcc, a~ freshman, has been elected to the Student Council. Lucy Lavlne appeared In a string group for a music sorority, tea honoring high school seniors last Sunday. Wednesday, the SDT's will play host to several high school seniors from Lincoln at an alum-active rush party. The alums are in charge of entertainment, and the party will bo held at Mrs. David Nefsky'a house. Guests this past week at the house included Syl Goodman, Wichita, Kans.; Janice Ringle and lorla Kohan, both of Omaha; and Janice Glass, Syvla Horwich, Anne Hoffman, Adrlcnne.JJeuman, Adrienne Ashcr and Sandra Hartman,' all of Kansas City.

Shevuoth By Mrs. Morris Speckter Our glorious holiday Shevuoth comes, Acceptance of , our hallowed Torah; Let us gratefully' follow its ways And withstand our enemies with Its £lory. • Only seven weeks from Pcsach to Shevuoth; No longer are we slaves subjected Because with God's help our leader Moses . Made-us a nation of people respected. So let us support and revere our Holy Land, And always with dignity the -Jewish-folk will stand.

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FrUUj, Mar IS. 1»S»

Recipients Named for ZBT Awards

Omahans Elected Officers at Annual Hadassah Meeting

Bin. Bjdnejr Sneider

Monsky 470 Will Honor Donors at Tea on May 25th The B'nai B'rlth Henry Moniky Chapter 470 will honor their donors at 8 tea and book review Monday, May 25, at 1:30 pjn. at the home of Mrs. George Cohen, 6262 Williams. Mrs. Sydney Sncldcr will review The Jucder by Michael Blaiilcfort. The Jof f ler, an outstanding book of Jewish interest, was recently the bosli of a movie filmed in Israel. Mrs. Ruben Ralncr, donor chairman, Is in charge of reservations. • Guests will be members who have ' earned their donor by a six dollar jor more contribution to various 13'nnl B'rlth projects. The projects which benefitted by the donor fund oro Hillel Foundations, Jewi s h Nationnl Hospital, Leo N. Leyi Hospital, Rochester Center, Aid to Israel, Bcllclairc, and National Youth Services. Contributions In honor of happy occasions and momorinls arc still being accepted by Mrs. Ratncr, chairman, tand «,Mrs. Herschcl Frccdman and Mrs. Dan Gordfnan, co-chairmen.

Final Meetings of Hadassah Boards Set for Next Week Omaha chapter Hadassah will hold its last board meeting of. the year at the home of Mrs. A. D, Frank, 120 S. 54; Monday. May IS, at a 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon. Co-hostesses will be Mmes. Dave Sherman, Edward Brodkcy and Joe G. Grecnbcrg. New Hadassah chapter officers will be presented and reports by standing committees evaluating the work of the past year given. Delegates who attended the Seventh Regional Conference in Denver will report on-all phases of Hadassah work and programs. The Hadassah group boards wll meet on Friday, May 22, this month instead of on Thursday. The Theodor Herzl group will meet for a 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, 0481 Cumlng. Mrs. JJarry Goldstrom and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan will be co-hostesses. All chairman of standing committees will report on tho year's activities, and the regional confer ence will be discussed.

More than 150 delegates convened in Denver. Colo., May 2 hrough 5, for the Seventh Ro;lonal Hadassah Convention. All hnses of Hadassah work, newest •laylcts and programs from the lational office, and a bowling ourriament were featured at the onference of the Mountain-Plains legion. Omaha delegates who attended ere Mrs. Lottie Bograd, Mrs. .lords M. Franklin, Mrs. Maurice Newman, Mrs. Lewis Asbyll,-Mrs. tleyer Rubin, Mrs. Leo Weitz, Urs. J, H. KulakpfBky, Mrs. Aired Frank, Miss Evelyn Levy, Mrs. Julia Jacobs, Mrs. Paul Veret, Mrs. Sidney Hollis, Mrs. Sam Green, Mrs. Morris Jabenis, Miss Myrtle Freeman, Mrs. J. 3. Friedman and Mrs. William LIpunan. Past-President pins for the Region were presented to M M . M. F. Levcnson and Mrs..J, H. Kulakofsky. The winning bowling trophy was accepted for Omaha \>r Mrs. Meyer Rubin, originator of the league.' "Hadassah In America" had as consultant Dr. Otto Schirn, Dlrec? tor of the Western States Division of the American Zionist Council, Jewish Agensy,and United Israel Appeal. Mrs. Joseph Hamerman, New York, ,a national adviser, spoke on "Israel and the Free World," Youth Commission activities, Zionist public relations, education, the Hadassah Medical Organization, the new Medical Center and all types of fund-raising techniques and problems were reported on during the sessions. One entire evening was devoted to the Business and Professional group of Hadassah. New officers for the Region for the coming year are: President, Mrs. Harry Goodman, Pueblo. Colo.; vice-presidents, Mrs. Alfred Frank, Omaha; Mrs. Ralph Goldberg, Albuquerque, N. M.; Mrs. Julius Mocr, Denver, Colo., and Miss Ann Gordon (B. & P.), Lincoln, Nebr.; treasurer, Mrs. Morris Wcincr, Sioux City, la., and secretary, Mrs. Sam Cain, Pueblo, Colo. Elected board members were Mrs. S a u l 'Suvalsky, 1 Council Bluffs, la.; Mrs. Isldor Levlnsori, Omaha; Mrs. Rolf Landshoff, Los Alamos, N. M.; MnM/nili' Cibull, Trinidad, Colo., and Miss Miriam Foreman (B. It P.), Denver, Colo. The next -regional, convention was awarded to Lincoln.

Hadassah Bowlers Honored at Party Mrs. Meyer N. Rubin, sponsor of the Hadassah bowling league and president of the Hadassah Theodor Herd Group, had the members of the Hadassah bowline league a s , her guests at a card party and 'dessert luncheon* today at her home.. Trophies were presented to the winners. 'First place trdphy went to the Brodkey Jewelry team and second place to the Nogg Brothers Paper Ctfmpany team. High individual game went to Mrs. Ben Wintroub with a 210 game, and high individual series went to Mrs. Harry Schulman with a 510 series. Omaha Hadassah bowlers won the Hadassah Regional trophy in the bowling tournament at the recent Mountain Plains rcgiona conference In Denver. Participant In tho Denver game were Mrs Meyer N. Hubin, Mrs. Morri: Franklin, Mrs. Leo Weitz, Mrs. Lewis -Asbyll and Mrs.. William Lipsman.

The Chaim Welzmann Group will meet at the home of Mrs. William Freiden, 5101 Blondo, for a 12:30 p. m. dessert Junchcon with Mrs. Ben Perclman nnd Mrs. Jf E. Kuklin ns co-hostesses. Reports of standing committees foi tho year's work will be made, new officers for the coming year pro Benny Goodman, who has no sentcd and reports from the dele had a regularly working band foi Bates to the conference given. the past three years, Is planning tc organize a new orchestra this The Henrietta * Szold G r o u year. . . . The widow of Max •will hold its meeting nt the liorrn Rcinhardt has been picked to diof Mrs. Bennell Cohen, 113 S. 01 rect a revival of her late hus • Ave., with Mrs. Max Grccnberft a. band's "The-Miracle" to be stage co-hostu&s. Presentation of nev officers, closing business of tin next summer in Germany; , . year, delegates' report!! of the con- Producer Stanley Kramer has re vention, and reports from chair- turned to Hollywood following ; man of litnndini; committee!; fo; quickie visit to New York to ac the work of this past year will b ccpt the N. Y. Film Critics' Awar for his "High Noon," voted 1052 ~j>n the ugendtt. top picture. Stanley cays he' Trvlnj; Berlin: "Fun in like lifi stick with "quality" In his 105 Insurance; tho older you get, tin program, that is, avoiding reach Ing ou,t for splccd-up stories simmore it costs." ply for the sake of spice or sex Ed Wynn: "Girls nowadays pu as has been evident in the rccenl output of other producers. up u i;ood front or bust."

Mm. Harry Stoler

Council's Closing. Lunch at Highland Vest Ckjb Tuesday The closing luncheon meeting of the Omaha Section of the National Council of Jewish Women will be held Tuesday. May 10, at 12:45 m. at the West Highland Club. The new officers for the coming rear will be installed by Mrs. Ben Silver. They arc: president, 'Mrs. Harry Stoler; Ways and Means vice-president, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman; Social Welfare vice-president, Mrs. David Beber; Education vice-president, Mrs. Ed Gilbert', Public Relations vice-president, Mrs. Gerald Rosen; Membership /Ice-president, Mrs. Leonard KuIakofsky; Dues secretaries, Mrs. Edward D. Brodkcy and Mrs. Sam Zacharia; Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ray Simon; Recording secretary, Mrs. Harry Hay kin; Budget secretary, Mrs. Norman H a h n ; treasurer, Mrs. Abe Bear; Parliamentarian, Mrs, Ernest L. Nogg; Auditor, Mrs. Iz Weiner; directors, Mrs. Louis Katz, Mrs. Edwan Lcvinson, Mrs. Harold Farber and Mrs. Sidney Brooks. A musical skit entitled "Dames With Aims" will be presented by the following- cast: Mmes. L e e Sloan, Stuart Muskin, Sidney Novak, Morris K o o m and M. M. Jabenis with Mrs. George Eisen berg7 as pianist," The remainder ol( the afternoon will be spent a cards and mah Jong. A gift shop bazaar and cake sail will be held In conjunction with this meeting.

Zeta Beta Tau presented its New irleans Trophy to George Macy? 21, of New York City, as its outtanding alumnus for 1992 at IBT's "Old Timer's Day" dinner eld at the Hotel New Yorker on ipril 20. George Macy organized the Llmled Editions Club, for creation ind distribution of DeLuxe books ind the Heritage Press for creation ind distribution of Seml-DeLuxe looks. He has controlled and been managing editor of the Nonesuch rcss of London since 1936. He rganized and heads the Heritage lub, Readers Club and: Junior [eritage Club. All these companies imbined are units of the George acy Companies, Inc. In 1939 he received the DeWitt :iinton Association Distinguished Achievements plaque and was lonored by a special exhibition in he Salle d'Honneur of the Blblioheque Natlonale in Paris, France, he first-time such an honor has :ver been shown a living publlsh-


ces, has done the most for Jewrj during the year for which th4 award Is made. Nominations arq / made, by thd editors and publishers of the Anglo-Jewish press of thd United States. Tho medal was established ip^ 1025 to honor the late Richard J. H. Gottheil, world-renowned edu« caor and leader in Jewish affairs who for many years was president of ZBT. Previous awardees have included the late Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, the late Julius Hosenwald, the late Felix M. Warburg, Senator Herbert H. Lehman, Rev. John Haynes Holmes, the late Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dorothy Thompson, Judge Joseph M, Proskauer, Jacob Blaustein, Bernard M. BarucH, Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff and Mrf. Eleanor Roosevelt. ' The presentation will be made In Cleveland on May 12, at a dinner of the Cleveland Alumni Club of this fraternity.

Hollywood (JTA) -*- Producer David O. Selznlck's production of "Gone With.the Wind" continues as the' undisputed champion of filmdom's boxofflce bluebloodi. Domestically it has grossed over $26,000,000. The past year's cham* l o n > director Mervyn LeRoy's great film "Quo Vadis,". was one of the top newcomers of all time. ZBT also announced the award This box office giant has already >f its Richard J. H. Gottheil medal chalked up close to $12,000,0001 'or 1952 to Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland, O. This is Harry Hershfield: "Old age Is given annually to the American the period; in life when we go wtto, in the Judgment of its trust- backwards as We advance."

He was appointed Chevalier in he l e g i o n of Honor by the President of France, in 1S49 and was also honored by a special exhibition in King's Library Museum, London, England, In 1952; also the ever first time such an honor has evi been shown a living publisher.


Mother's Club) to Hold Annual Lunch The annual: alumnae luncheon of the Zeta Beta Tau Mothers' Club will be held at the Highland West Club Tuesday* May 26, at 1 o'clock. Mothers and wives of active or alumni members are invited to attend. For reservations call Mrs. Howard Milder, WA 4875.

Phi Ep Mothers To Meet Sunday The Phi Epsilon PI Mother's Club will hold its last meeting of the season at 2:30 p. m., Sunday, May 17, at the home of Mrs. Morris Rubeni.tcln. Election of officers will take place, and plans for a summer party will be discussed.

White Adds Flavor to , Summer Fashion! Air Step Cushions Every Step! Perfect-Fit Lost*!

Fun Finders Plan Picnic and Dance At the last meeting of tho Fur Finders on May 3, a picnic one fquare dance party to be hell Sunday June 7, at Fontcnelle Park was planned. General chairman for the affair is "Joanne Simon and her committee consists Celia Fcllman, Marilyn Moyei .loan Wiseman, Jerry Lehman, Hoi Katlcman, Stan Gerber and Werner Levy. On Tesday evening, May 12, th Constitution Committee met t draft a new constitution. Ol this committee were Marilyn Mey er, Stan Gerber, Joanne Simon Cqlia Fcllman, Joan Wiseman, E< Agatstcin- and Dave Gclfand. Samuel Goldwyn: "There an two times in a man's life when hi shouldn't gamble: when ho can' afford it, and when he can."

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Friday, May IS. MSI

Happy Birthday Friday. Ma* U ' Andria Boebelle Froog. Judy Creenberg. Jane Zerlina HOler, - Bobert Zjftwreiicft. T,^p^yiinl John Samuel Pepper, Ina Sue Raskin and Can Elaine TreUak. Satoday, May U Dale Owen Garter, Julie Ann Goldsmith, Sandra Gross, Michael Persell and Aviva Steam. . SiuHay, May 17 Melvin Cohen, Isabel Hurwitz, Konald Gordon Xaiman and Cathy Jo WHodsky. Monday, May 18 Holly Rae Joseph. Tuesday. May 19 David Lee Denenberg, Larry GiUnsky. MUton AJlen Katskee, Terryll Leo Kwlatek. Gerald Irwin Baznick and Bonald Lawrence Susman. . . Wednesday. May. M Kenneth H. Hoberman and Connie SpiegoL Thnraday, May 21' ~ Karen Forbes. John Goldner, Susan Lipp, Marilyn Lee Sherman and Martin bring Weiss.

Exchange Club Praises High Schoolers

Gerald Freedman, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Freedman, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah in Beth Israel Synagogue tonight and Saturday morning. Cantor Ell Kagan will officiate. A reception will follow the ceremony, and friends and relatives are invited to attend.

Athletes to Be Honored On Annual Award Night On Tuesday, May 26, at 7 p, rru, the Jewish Community Center will hold the annual award night hon= ©ring all those who have won athletic honors during the year. The featured- speaker of the evening will be Maurice "Skip" Palrang, Athletic Director at Boys Town. The program will bo highlighted by an exhibition in judo by members of the Physical Fitness Section of OUutt Air Force Base and the Table Tennis Club of Omaha. Medals and ribbons will be awarded to winning teams and individuals who were outstanding in athletic programs sponsored by the J.C<C. athletic department. The feature presentation of the evening will be the awarding of the outstanding athletic trophies to the top grade school, junior and senior high athletes. The J. J. Grecnberg Memorial trophy will be awarded to the outstanding Midget Athlete in the Midget Basketball league this year. The Harry Trustin award is given to the top high school athlete competing in the Youth Council, and the Leslie Burkenroad award goes to the top senior athlete. All of these awards are based on sportsmanship and a high degree of athletic ability.

Twin sons, Bernard Howard and Bruce Stephen Bloom, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom, will celebrate their Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening and Saturday morning. May 22 and 23, in Beth Israel Synagogue. Receptions will follow both ceremonies.

Beffi Israel News Bar Mitzvahs Twelve sophomore boys from Omaha sehooss received scholastic achievement awards. Each boy was presented a certificate, pen and pencil set and a plaque for his school by the Omaha Exchange Clob. Among the ktadents were Bruce Neujahr, Benson (left) and Jerry Ztetmaa, Central.

Youth Council Doings Councilettes


Annual Conclave

The result! ot the Councilette elections held last Sunday are a> foUows: President, Jean Cutler; first vice-president, Harriet Sotkin; second vice-praiidcnt, Tevee Bernstein; recording secretary, Shirley Noodell; corresponding secretary, Elaine Krantz; treasurer, Barbara Joffc, and financial secretary, Bette Wolfsan. Other officers are: Reporter, Sandra Krizelman; historian-parliamentarian, Carole Frank; scrgeants-at-arms, Pat Mogil and Rita Peltz; Youth Council representative, Elaine Jangcr; alternate Youth Council representative, Nadine Breslow. Officers will be installed at the annual Mother-Daughter Tea this Sunday pt the Council Bluffs Jay.

Tikvas Arni

Tikvas Ami club will hold tryouts for its baseball team tomorrow at Elmwood Park. Members will bring their lunches for the all-day outing. Tbe club members extend a challenge to other teams to meet them in a game of baseball there. ; ^ This. Sunday, mothers"7and Harvey Stone: "A grafter Is one who chisels a career instead of daughters will meet at the home of Matlee Katleman for tea and a carving, it" discussion of teen-age problems. An Oneg Shabbat for the Young Judea Group will be held at Beth El, May 23. Fayna Manwltz is in charge of the program. .

Careers Conference Planned for May 24

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Preparation for the 1953 Careers Conference is . under "way. Plans for the city-wide affair Include a luncheon, a skit and two seminars on vocations. Each seminar will be conducted by a specialist in the particular field. They are designed to aid teenagers in choosing their vocations. The conference will be held Sunday, May 24, in the Jewish Community Center. Larry Epstein and Ruth Slavin, co-chairmen of the conference committee, j have announced the appointment of the following committeemen: Shirley Noodell, Jerry Ferer, Susan Lipp, J. Martin Graetz, Beverly Korecky, Jerry Marer and Joan Krasne.

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Billion Dollars Given to Israel VNew Yo*k <WNS)-rOf the billion dollars in aid which has gone to help the people of Israel since the establishment of. the state in 1948, a total of $416,000,000 has been contributed by Jews of the United States, Rudolf G. Sonneborn, national, chairman of the United Israel Appeal, reported to the organization's board.of directors' here this week. ; "The funds contributed voluntarily by American Jews," Mr. Sonneborn stated, "have been Instrumental in creating for Israel, as It enters its sixth year, situations of productivity to make possible the integration of 700,000 immigrants." In addition to the philanthropic contributions during the past five years, the billion dollar sum included: $135,000,000 from the Export-Import Bank: $138,000,000 in U. S. grants; $311,000,000 in Israel bonds, loans, private investments, philanthropic campaigns in other countries and other sources. Patronize Our Advertisers.

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BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations; also for oil Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge

The 13th annual- Jewish Youth Council Conclave will be held at the; FonteneUe Hotel Thursday, June 4, at 0 p. m., i t was announced by co-chairmen Sandra Fisher and Larry Schwartz. Music will be provided by Skippy Anderson and his band. Subchairmen for the affair are: P u b licity, Ruthic Chudacoff; notifications, Shirley Goodman, and tickets and stickers, Kenny Freed. Highlighting the evening will be the presentation of Kovod Keys and the crowning of the King and Queen of Merit of the Jewish Youth Council. The "Best Club" and Olympic Awards also will be presented at this time. The Kovod Keys are presented annually to graduating seniors for leadership and service In club, community, and Youth Council. Marching in the coronation will be all club presidents and officers of the Youth Council. Immediately preceding the dance will be the election of the 1953-54. Youth Council officers. Outcome of the elections will be announced at the dance. •'.. '•

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Michael Gary. Canar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Canar, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening and Saturday morning. May 22 and 23, in the Beth El Synagogue. . ' i

Junior Youth Club The Beth Israel Jr. Youth Club had a Lag B'Omer party after its last meeting Sunday evening. May 10. Vice President, Frank Goldberg conducted the meeting, in the absence of the regular president, Eugene Dandy. The club members decided that they will have a weloer roast in Elmwood park on Sunday afternoon June 14. After the meeting refreshments were served and club members enjoyed Israeli folk dancing.

Intermediate Youth Club The next meeting of the Belli Israel Intermediate Youth club will take place on Saturday evenine, May 10, at 8:10 p. m. The club will work on the next issue of the school paper and arrange Jr. Congregation schedules.

School Registration Registration for the new semester is now going on at the Beth, Israel Hebrew School and Sunday School. Parents are. requested to register their children early so that arangemonts can be made for the new semester*

Temple Israel Youth Group to Meet Sunday

Beth El Talmud Torah Graduation $ Graduation exercises for pupils of Beth El Talmud Torah will tako place Shavuot Eve, Tuesday, May 19, ft 8 p.m., in the synagogue. Fourteen pupils will be graduated this year. They arc: Irvin Belzer, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bclzer. Robert Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, Michael Hcrzofi, son of Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Hcrzog. Howard Kaslow, con of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaslow. Saul Kripke, son of Rabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke. Kay Markovilz, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Abe Markovitz. William Nerenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ncrenbcrg, Robert Obcrman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadorc Obcrman. Willard Plolkln, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Plotkin. Steve Silver, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Robert Silver. Kay Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Turner. Linda Vcret, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Paul Veret. ••: Lent Wine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wine. Murcia Zalkin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Zalkin.. Parents of the graduates will be hosts at a reception in their honor, following the services, in the Social Hall of the Synagogue.

Confirmation At Temple Israel Tuesday evening, at 8 o'clock, ten young people will bo confirmed by Rabbi Sidney Brooks in the traditional and beautiful service of Confirmation. The members,, of the 1053 Confirmation Class are: Joan Beatrice Abrahams, daunhter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Abrahams, 059 N. 58th St.; Ellen Bronna GreenberjT, daujshter of Dr. and Mrs. Maynard M. Grcenberu, 5412 Nicholas St.; Silvia Greene, daughter of Demand Mrs. Arthur M. Greene. 552^K 58th St.; Marcia Krupinski, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Manuel Krupincky, 114 S. 50th Ave.; Gerald Zolle Marer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack W. Marer, 5123 Davenport St.; Sara Leo Pepper, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice L. Pepper, 5012 Nicholas St.; Frederick Joseph Simon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Simon, 5211 Western Ave.; Michael Bonnet Solzman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isel I. Solzman. 2714 N. 55lh St.; Donna Rae Steinberg, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Abraham A. Steinberg, 1610 S. 35th St.; Gwcn Audrey Stoler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stoler, 325 S. Happy Hollow Blvd.

The next meeting of the Temple Israel Youth Groups will be held Sunday, 7 p. m, at the home of Janio Brodkey, 450 N. St. The group members will discuss the Intercity Conclave with Lincoln, the Mitzvah system, members to be selected for leadership Morning service for the Festival Institute and an essay contest of Shavuos will be held Wednessponsored by NFTY. day momlnn, May 20, ot 11 o'clock. The meeting will be followed Rabbi Brooks will officiate. by a social program and refreshments will be served. United Nations, N. Y., (JTA)— Israeli became the 20th nation to sign the-United Nations Convention on the Political Rights of Women. Ambassador Abba Etwn, permanent Israeli delegate to the UN, signed the document in we presence of Mrs. Golda Myerson, temporary head of the Israel delegation and Mrs. £cna Harmon, member of the delegation.

Beth El Nursery School Registration

Philip Gorodetzer,'Director of Education of Beth El Schools, announces registration for fall enrollment in the Beth El Nursery School is open now. Children aged: three to five aro eligible. Early registration ia recommended, as enrollment is limited. *

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ttU*r, May IS. 1951

Religious News Light Candles: 7:17 p.m. UETII EL Services this evening begin at 8 o'clock. Kabbi Myer S. Kripkc will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edfjar and the Beth El Junior Choir will render, the musical portions of the service. Children are particularly welcome nt this service, to hear the Junior choir. The sermon will tell a story for the younger worshippers. Saturday morning services will begin at 8:46; Junior Congregation Services will be at 10:45 a.m.* Mincha at 7:15 p.m. Daily services are conducted at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday morning services will be at 0 o'clock. Staavuos Services Tuesday, May 19: Talmud Torah Graduation..8 p.m. ^Wednesday, May*20: . Morning Service, at ....9 a.m. Mincha-Manriv 7 p.m. Thursday, May 21; Morning service, at 9 a.m. Yizkor, Memorial Service, wul be recited. Dedication of Memorial name Plaques. TEMPLE I8HAEL At the 8 o'clock- service this evening Rabbi Brooks will discuss "Walking In The Future, What Leaving Temple Israel Means." Service in the morning at 11:30 o'clock. The Friday evening service on May 22 will be the final worship service In the present Temple Israel and will be a tribute to the past and present leaden; of the congregation. The a n n u a l Congregational mcn.etini; will follow service at an Oneg Shabbot. BETII ISRAEL Guest Rabbi Isaac • Nadoff of Dc3 Moine.1, Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening cervices at 8 p.m. Saturday Bcrviccea will begin at 8:30 a.m. at Beth Israel and at 9:00 a.m. at 10th anU Hurt. Junior Congregation followed by n Shabbos Luncheon will start at 9:30 in the Chapel. Saturday Mincha 0:45 p.m. Daily services begin nt 7 a.m. at Beth Israel and 0:30 a.m. at 19lh and Burt. Dally evening services begin at 7:30 p.m. The Sunday morning breakfast minyon class in Bible meets at 8:45 a.m. The Sunday morning Junior Breakfast minyon meets at 8:45 a.m. Children who accompany their parents to Sunday morning services &rc invited to join the regular breakfast minyon club. Holiday Schedule Evening services Tuesday May 10—7:30 p.m. Morning Services Wednesday and Thursday—8:30 a.m. Jr. Congregation Services Wednesday and Thursday—10 a.m. Evening services Wednesday and Thursday—7:30 p.m. Yizkor Memorial Service Thursday morning at 10:30 a.m.

Mount* Sinai Cemetery Has New Building A now building has been completed at M o u n t Sinai-Ada:; Ycsburcn Cemetery for use as a permanent residence for the caretaker of the cemetery grounds, Ben Lindenbaum, chairman of the board announced. For perpetual care or special supervision of family plots call Creighton C. Carlson, Gl. 0803.

With the Folks at, Home

Gems of the Bible and Talmud



May Birthday Party The Party this Month will be held on Monday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m., in the Auditorium of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged—4801 No. 52nd. Color films of previous parties will be shown. Come nnd sec your loved ones in tlie movies. -The members of the community arc invited. The residents whose birthdays will be celebrated at this time are: Mrs.' Mina Krestl, Mr. Max Lcrner, Mrs. ISensic Eeglin and Mrs. Iieva Davidson. Mother's Day: On Sunday, May 10, the business and Professional Group of Hadassah entertained the residents and their guesls with Yiddish songs by Miss Julia Zukcr, who was accompanied at the piano by Mrs. Benjamin Boasberg. As a special treat, Mrs. Eve Konccky's class of Temple Israel presented a one act play depicting their impression of the sabbath service at home and in the Temple. The cast inclded the following: Nancy Brodkey, Lynn Cherntak, Faye Samuelson, Bruce Brodkey, Joel Blelcher, Alien Wolfson nnd John Zysman. Miss Gall Brodlcey gave some readings to complete the program, which was very well received by uur Folks. Refreshments and tea was served by the ladies of the B. and P. Women's Group In The Dining Room of the Home, landscaping: The following Residents have been very active in trying to keep the home grounds beautiful and it has been an effort to Keep up with the wild spreading of dandelions: Mrs. Morris Ackerman, Mr. Sam Z. Cohen, Mr. Max Fish and Mr. Sam Poster. Surprise party: Mrs. Joe Ritler arranged a Family Surprise Party for Mr. Meyer Brook5tcin on his birthday, April 30. The secrecy was so well kept that all the residents had a good time. The entire Brookstein family participated in this happy event. Gardening;: The garden and vineyard arc being closely watched by those residents who planted their seeds a few weeks ago. New Resident*: We are .hapy to welcome Mr. Harry Welner and Mr. Julius Nnchman as residents of The Dr. Philip Shcr Jewish Home For The Aged. Yaanelt: Memorial services will be held in The Home Synagogue for: Mr. Israel Sadofsky—Slvnn 1—May 15. Mrs. Dora Chnit—SIvan 1— May 15. In Memorials: Mr. Joseph Kosowsky, Mr. Meyer Potash.

By Dr. Philip Sher Bible With his mouth the impious man d e s t r o y e t h his neighbor; but through knowledge shall the righteous be delivered. The fruit of the righteous is a tree, of life, and _he that is wise winncth'souls. Pride gocth before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. A rebellious man seekcth only evil, therefore, a cruel messenger shall be sent against him. Talmud Rabbi Ishmael said: "If one wishes to be ..wise, he should occupy himself with the study of Nezikin (civil law), for there is no richer section of wisdom in the entire law than in Niukin which is like a natural fountain and those who wish to study civil law may take lesons of Rabbi Simeon." Rabbi Huna, "do you believe me barrels of wine which turned to vinegar. On hearing of his misfortune, Rabbi Juan accompanied by some Rabbis came to visit him. "I>et the master," said they, "investigate his affairs." "What," said Rabbi Huna, "do you believe we to have been guilty of wrongdoing?" "Shall we then," responded they, "suspect the Holy One, praised bo He, of rendering Judgment unjustly?" ' Rabbi Huna then said; "If you have heard anything against me, do not conceal it. Tell It to me." So they said to him: "We heard that the master allows his tenant no share in the vines when they arc pruned." "Aye," said Rabbi Huna, "he has stolen a great deal of the produce of my vineyards and left not very much for me." 'There is a maxim," they replied, "that whoever l n l s from n thief smells of theft." "If so," said he, "I promise to give him his share." Thereupon, according to some the vinegar turned to wine again and according to others, the price of vinegar rote to the price of wine.

A weary Jewish mother and ion are resting at an emergency aid station in West Berlin «et up by one of the conatitutent agencies of the United Jewtoh Appeal, to care for escapees from Eastern, Europe. An extensive program of relief Is bclnr provided by the JDC to care for refugees fleelnc Soviet-Inspired anti-Semitism.


'Weatherf CONTEST

Obituary Anton Adler

Predict s going in OMAHA on July 4th—v

Services were held Sunday lor Anton Adler, 72. He died Friday. Mr. Adler Is survived by: his wife, Jennie; two sons, Alex and bam; two daughters, Dr. Ethel and Marie; a .brother, Joe;: and nine grandchildren. .

Services were held last Thursday for Gail Margolin, 73. Mr. Margolin, one of the owners of the Allen Ice Company, died last Tuesday evening in a local hospital. ' Mr. Margolin was a member of Haifa (WNS)—Five hundred students will be accommodated at Beth' El Synagogue and B'nai ... •••:••• the naval academy for the train- B'rith. He is survived by his wife, Mining of officers for Israel's navy and merchant fleet which will nie; three daughters, Mrs. Doro-1 soon be established here on the thy Green, Mrs. Pauline Gendler site of the nautical school main- aita Mrs. Babe Bordy; two sisters, tained by the Israel Maritime- Mrs. Dora Yaffe and Mrs. Rebecca League. The academy will offer a Hurwitz, all of Omaha; a brother, five-year course, the last year of Louis, of Los Angeles. / which will be counted a s p year toward the required period of Sid Caesar: "It's better to havemilitary service. halitosis than no breath at all."


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fact Bckt


Friday, May IS, 195S

B'tiai B'rith Women Bowlers Elect Their Officers or Banquet Gertrude Zevitz was etecied president of the B'nal B'rith Women's Bowling League at their fourth annual banquet held at the Fontenello Hotel. Other officers elected are: Beverly Swartz. first Vice president; Annette Frank, second vice president; Rose Oruch, secretary; Dorothy Isack, recordtug secretary; Rcva Singer, treasurer; Lqttie Block, publicity; end l i b b y Sacks, sgt.-at-arms. Mrs. Ida Sacks, outgoing president, presided at the meeting. The Sol Lewis Company team •won the first place trophies. Members of the winning team are Shirley" Lewis (captain), La Reinc Xevlne, Dora Weinberg, Sonia Schrager, Rose Sabcs and Dorothy Feltman. Second place trophies went to the Omaha Jobbing team composed of Reva Singer (captain), Selman Tretiak, Butz Nogg, Ida Sacks, Sue Greenberg and Dorothy Isack. Libby Hoberman won the award for tho- league high individual scries with a score of 571. Phyllis Turek captured high Individual game trophy with a score of 207. A musical bowling skit, written by Libby Sacks and Maxine Sloan, wai presented by members of the league.

Jack Oruch to Get ' Service Award For his contribution to the Youth Council Boys' Bowling league, which was one of the finest competitive leagues in Youth Council history, the Jewish Community Center athletic department will award a service medal to Jack Oruch. Jack is the con of Mr. and Mrs. Al Oruch, Who needs no Introduction to the sport of bowling. He is a sophomore in Central High school an/ • member of A.Z.A. l. This is the second yenr Jack has served as league secretary.

Independents Sock AZA Teom 26-11 Elmwood park was a beehive of Softball activity »a the Youth Council .Softlj-ill leaf.ue had its opening day. Despite the; wet fields tin? jjames wer'.- played aiyl ran pretty much to form. In the feature (Mine a stronj; Independent team, paced by .the pitching of Speedy X.weiback and the hitting of Lenny Gaer mauled A. Z. A. 100 20-11. Zweiback ^ave up 11 hits while his mates drove out 15 hits. Gaer tho power for his team as he hit 2 home run:;, a triple and drove in (I runs. Pounded hard were Centurymcn pitcher:; Gerry Colnic and Ray Kirkc. ' ~ ^" A. Z. A. 1A made a safe start toward the defense of their title as they handily defeated Itayim B 20-3. Stan Widinan pitched a 7hit ball game, while his mates pounded out 10 safeties oft Rayim pitchers Tanny Horwich and Art Novak. The Mother chapter lads Either Rayim or A.Z.A. 1 is fa- drove out three home runs. They vored to dethrone A.Z.A. 100, Y.C. were hit by Stan Widman, Marsh outdoor 1rack champion. The Cen- Dencrlberg and Ed Smith. turymen have lost four vets The Rayim A team won an easy through graduation and their game from A. Z. A. IB by the sprinter, Ben Delmont, will not score of 18-8. Fred Segel and Phil be eligible us he is a member of Schrager . handled t h e pitching the Benson High track team. The c h o r e s for Rayim while their only returning winner will be Bill mate; backed them tip with an 18 Novak of Rayim, who won the hit batting httack. Mike Solzman 880-yard run. Other track men, and Fred Segel hit home runs for who scored points from last year's Rayim. meet, arc Bernie Turk'el and Alan This Sunday A. Z. A. 1A will Heeger from A.Z.A. 1; Murray tangle with Rayim A in the feaBelman and Alan Rosen of Rayim. ture game at Elmwood Park start' The events and the record hold- ing at 10 a. m. ers are: Box ScoreIndependent* 60-Yard Dash—Jerry Bernstein AB R H (Ind), 0.5—1950. H. Zwclback 3 4 1 Shot Put —Ed H a n d l e m a n S. Zwelback .'., 4 3 2 (A.Z.A. 100), 35 feet 7 inches— Lincoln ...— , •..• 6 3 2 1051. Gaer > » 5 3 3 4 3 / 2 100-Yard Dash — Jerry Bern- Pollack Kully ............ 4 4 2 stein (Ind.), 10.8—1050. 5 2 2 Football Throw—Bernlo Bog- Rosen 3 1 0 danoff (A.Z.A. 100, 136 feet—1052. Fcldman Zevitz 2 0 0 880-Yard Run — Sol Weinberg Fellman 0 1 0 (A.Z.A. 100), 2:36.5—1951. Noddle 3 2 1 Broad Jump—Jerry Bernstein (Ind), 18 feet 11 inches—1050. .J9 -26 ~15 Totals 440-Yard Relay—Lorkls, WeinAZA 100 berg, Slcgal a n d Handlcman AB R (A.Z.A. 100), :63.0—1050. II. Friedman 5 2 The meet will be held at the Colnic , 4 3 Tech High track at 6 p. m., Thurs- Blatt 4 1 day. All members of the Y.C. arc Wolk 4 2 eligible to enter. Winners and J. Friedman 4 1 runncrs-up will be awarded med- Klrkc 4 0 ols. Bernstein ,„;., ;; 4 1 Dandy , 4 1 George Burns: "Women lake to generous men; also from." Totals. 33 11 U

Meet May 21

Learn to Swim Class Now that fine summer days are coming up with thoughts of vacation days drawing nearer, enroll your child in the Learn to Swim class. Not only will the youngsters have an excellent time while learning but they will learn skirls (hat will insure their safety in the water. The Center Athletic Department staff rcallzin/r the needs of youngsters is sponsoring this Third Annual Learn to Swim program. To register your youncster for a class, urinn him or her down to the Center any day after school, Tuesday through Friday. After taking out a Center membership the youncstrr will be able to swim at any of the regularly scheduled Learn To Swim Classes held from 4 to 5:00 p. m., Tuesdays through Fridays at the Center pool. The Center Pool staff, expertly trained, is prepared to teach your children the various skills necessary for swimming. Make sure your child learn.s how to swim.

Midgets to Form Softball League All boys in the fifth through the eighth grade are invited to join the Midget Softball leage. Games will be played Sunday afternoon starting,at 1 p.m. Tryouts will be held Sunday and players will have to sign up with the Athletic department by Friday, May, 22. " Meanwhile 35 youngsters worked on fundamentals at Elmwood Park. The fifth graders engaged in drills of fielding pop flies and ground ball*, while the sixth, seventh arid eighth grade' boys were given infield drill and hitting practice. A mark of improvement has been noted in tho boys wni, have been attending regularly. The instructors were Norm Zevitz, Dan Epstein and Al Brown. Attending the practice session was Bud Herzog, Keva Shykcn, Frank Goldberg, Bob oinsourg, John Reikes, Sam Blelcher, Doug Platt, Howard Stoler, Rober Smith, Arnold Altsuler, Mike Markovitz, Louis Rich, Walt Wise, Alan Konecky, Roy Katskee, and Lauren Wassorman. Others' were: Mike Sabcs, Larry Elcwitz, Stan Greenfield, Bob Fellman, Chuck Wise, Tom Platt, Mike Platt, Allen Noddle, Justin Ravilz, Howard Weinbefu, Mike Canar, Willard Plotkin, Howie Kooper, Arnold Joffe, Steve Simon and Martin Sophir.

Over fifty-five boys participated In league play this year and tho caliber of bowling is indicative of the interest Jack has initiated in league play. He was responsible for the affiliation with the American Junior Bowling Congress. He conducted the World-Herald Goodfellows Bowling Tourney in the league, and organized the two Youth Council mixed tournament? at the end of the regular league play and helped organize the Junior Sports Bowling program for Walter Winchell: "Gossips arc "grade school youngsters. Last year as a freshman. Jack took a similar the spies of life." award for his fine work. He will receive his honor at Award Night Tuesday, May 20.

Midget Softballers All boys who would like to play in the newly formed midget Softball league can sign up this Sunday at Elmwood Park, Lindy Paul, athletic director of the Jewish Community Center announced. League games will be played Sunday afternoons starting at 1 p.m.



Learn to Swim---6

The Way to Dive

36 NeW Settlements •» ts


Jerusalem (JTA) — Thirty-six How settlements will be established in the! next 75 days, Rann Weitz, head of the Jewish Ageney's Agricultural Department, an' Bounced at a press conference. Special emphasis is now belnc paid to middle-class colonization, Mr. Wei'z said. He reported that the number of middle-class settlements has increased In comparison with the number of collective settlements. The Agency official noted that the new settlements follow closely on the heels of the newly-completed irrigation programs, especially in the northern Negev. Each settler-family Is provided with an average of ten dunams under irrigation. The Agency helps the new settlers to plan their crop rotation so as to maintain an adequate supply for the country* arid .to keep maggot prices at their proper level.

1. Ever/one wonta to learn liow to dive and almost ereryona vranu to learn without smacking himself In the proeeaa. The finl alep la to ill on llio edge of • pool or low pier, extend the arms forward, palm* dawn, Ihtnnba locked and limply rock forward and. alidc In between Uw iuww.

2. Nexl, kneel on one knee, with the toea of the other fool tripping lbs edge, extend the •rmtt look downward and for* ward under the finger-tip*, rork forward and tilde in. To come to the surface limply lift lot head and look ep AFTER foa ar» underwater. •' '

3. Then lake • crouching position wilb both feet fairly cloaa ' together and your Iota gripping the edge. Itepeit.u before, only tbia time (ITS a little puih with both fed ag you tip forward into Iba water.

4. In the final diving lewon, i •tand with both feet parallel, kneel bent illtlilly, and repeal aa! before. Thli lime, iu the balane«' la loit, puah genllj with both fee* and attempt to tlralghten iha bod/ u you enter the wttetv -


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