May 22, 1953

Page 1


Vol. XXXI—No. SG

entered * • Second-CIBM M a l t t l fet Poat»fflc*. Omfttift, Ncbrtftkt, under Act or 1871*


Observers SeeLittle Hope


e London (JTA)—I3ritl:;h officials, who are watching the effects or "the talks between Secretary of Stale oiin Foster Dulles juul tlic Arab rulers during his current, visit to the various Arab coun-" tries, indicated that on the basis of information received from British observers who maintain close contact with Mr. Dulles, they have reached the following conclusions: 1. Secretary Dulles' hopes that he would be able to use his Influence with'the Arab leaders to bribg about a solution to the ArnbIsrpel problem have been com- -pletely shattered. The references on Israel made to him by the Arab leaders are described by those British observers as "most vitriolic." 2. Secretary Dulles will, after his present lound of conversations with Arab leaders, return to the United States a strong oppo-

Churchill Pledges Fair Play for Israel London (JTA)—The British Government's proclaimed recognition of its obligations to the Stnte of Israel In connection with the Middle East security situation, brought down upon Prime Minister Winston Churchill vicious attacks from Cairo and plaudits from his Labor opposition in the House of Commons. The veteran statesman, opening 0 significant foreign policy debate in the House, had declared It Britain's "duty" to :;ce that Israel received "fair play" in the Middle East. He pledged that "nothing w~e shall do In the supplying of aircraft to this part of the world will bo allowed to place Israel at an infeiior disadvantage." He.voiced hopes for an Arab-Israel peace so that "the great Zionist conception or a home for this historic people where they live on the land of their* ancestors, may eventually receive its full fruition." Gen Mohammed NagJub, the Egyptian dictator, sparked the Cairo attacks on Prime Minister Churchill He declared publicly that the Churchill references to Israel constituted a ."threat to Egypt and the Arab world" and he asserted that Churchill In voici n g his wishes for Israel was "neither earnest nor sincere." According to Ccn. Naguib, the Bri'Hi s'fltcsman h a d been "stunned" by the support the Arab world had given Egypt In Its dispute with Britain over the Canal Zone and had immediately reacted "by praying for the Zionists " The Egyptian dictator also accused Sir Winston of seeking to divert what he asserted was an "overwhelming Arab hatred of imperialism" to hatred of Israel.

On Radio and TV This Sunday, from 10:30 to 11 a. m., over WOW Radio, in observance, of Memorial Day, the Eternal Light program will present "I Scale a Wall." This real-life drama tells of the struggle of a paraplegic veteran to lead a useful and active life. On KOIL, at 0 a. m., this Sunday, "Message of Israel" will present Rabbi Norrnan Gcrstcnfcld of Uio Washington, D. C, Hebrew Congregation. He will speak on the "Challenge Facing the A m e r i c a n Community." A moving story of Israel's struggles and triumphs In the five years since, it achieved statehood will bo told on tho television p r o g r a m "Miracle Year Five" over Station WOWTV, Channel 6, tomorrow at 2:30 p, m. Narrated by the well known actor Arnold Moss, "Miracle Year- Five" contains messages from Israeli President Itzhnk Hen Zvi and Senator Herbert Lehman of New York.

nent of further shipment of .inn to Middle Eastern countries because of the state of high ten1 ion prevailing in the region. 3. The .Secretary of State will, upon his return home, recommend a "get tough" policy towards the Middle Eastern states with a view to bringing about a solution of the region's problems and to pave the way for a Middle Eastern defense organization, of which he is considered the foremost protagonist. According to British Foreign Office officials, Secretary Dulles tried to preach moderation on Israel to the Arab leaders, but to no avail. In most of the Arab capitals he was told bluntly that Arab League member states have no intention of entering into peace talks with the Jewish State.

Global Report

Next week tho offices of Temple Israel will be moved to the Jewish Community Center. Telephone numbers will remain the same.

Women Near Peak Exceeding $60,000 Exceeding the amount of $60,000 in its current campaign, the Women's Division of the Philanthropies Is rapidly approaching the end of its activities, Mrs. Hubert Som* mer, Division Chairman, 'reported1 this week. Approximately 300 cards arc still out, and arc being covered by the special Follow-Up Unit under the leadership of Mrs. Max Greenberg. The Follow-Up Unit is determined to complete its job wlth"in'tha next two weeks. "The Women's Division deserves bur greatest commendation,"- Jack W. M~arcr, General Chairman of the 1953 Philanthropies drive, said, "for the speed and efficiency in which they covered their cards/Under the leadership of Mrs. Sommer and her associate chairmen, some 300 women, workers have been hard at work covering an extremely large number of prospects, and have been able to secure many new pledges. At least 2,100 cards have already been obtained, and from all indications it will secure the largest number of subscribers on record in the Women's Division."

Major Problem London (JTA)—Germany remains one of the major political problems facing the world and Jewry, Dr. Noah Barou, chairman of the European executive of tho World Jewish Congress and a member of the team which negotiated the German reparalionr pact, told a WJC conference here. He added that the demands in Germany for the liberation of war criminals and the building of an army were a bad augury\ for Ger- Fair Employment Ottawa (JTA)—The Canadian man democracy. House of Commons has approved a bill to outlaw discrimination in Memorial employment for reasons of race, Paris (JTA)—A worldwide me- national origin, color or religion morial to the 0,000,0*0 European in fields where the Federal GovJews martyred by the Nazis war ernment has labor jurisdiction dedicated here at ceremonies The measure becomes effective marking tho laying of a corner- Vuly 1. stone of the tomb of an Unknown Jewish Martyr, which will be the center of the entire memorial Two representatives of the Soviet Union, the only representatives from any Cdmmunist country, unexpectedly attended the ceremonies. The cornerstone laying ceremonies culminated the long and almost slnglchandcd campaign of Isaac Schnccrsohn, a French Jewish Jcadcr, who during the Nazi occupation of France, set up the Jewish Contemporary Documentation Center in the southern French city of Grenoble; The actual building of the memorial, on a site donated near the banks/of tho Seine by the City of Paris, will have to await the results of a worldwide fund-raising campaign. Coronation Forest London (JTA)—A "Coronation Forest" will be planted by British Jewry in Israel in honor of Queen Elizabeth and will contain about 250,000 trees, it was revealed Tiero All sections of the British Jewish community, including those not ordinarily identified with active communal affairs, are sponsoring the forest. Queen Elizabeth is understood to have expressed great appreciation for the honor bestowed on her. Cemetery Frankfurt (JTA)—Tho ancient Jewish cemetery at Worms, near Mainz, believed to be one of the two or three oldest Jewish cemeteries in Europe to come down through the last 1,000 years intact, has been desecrated by vandals A total of 138 tombstones were smashed. Ghetto ' Vienna (JTA)—The Jewish heroes who fell in tho Warsaw Ghetto Revolt against tho Nazis in 1843 were praised hero Ia3t night by Austrian Vico-Chancellor Adolf Schaerf for having fought to keep aloft tho torch of freedom for the entire world. Ho spoke at a mass meeting of tho Vienna Jewish Community called to commemorate the tenth anniversary of tho uprising in the ghetto.

Larry Fysteln

rubiuud mrt matt, un H. ioth.' aiait' COOT M OUU Oomlw, Mt»ruka, P6on» AT MM AurnuU IUU < OoUua

Kabbi Groner, New Beth Israel Head Rabbi Benjamin Groner of ChiN cago, 111., was chosen the new spiritual leader of the Beth Israel Synagogue, Harry Sldman, synagogue president, announced this week. Rabbi Groner comes to Omaha > from the Hyde Park Hebrew Center in Chicago, where he served as spiritual head for the pOBt four years. Prior to that he was Rabbi of Shanr Hashomayim in Windsor, Canada, for eight years. Rabbi Groner received his rabbinical ordination in 1038 from the Hebrew Theological College of Chicago, He served as vice-president and Rosh Beth Din of the Chicago Rabbinical Council. He is the author of the monograph, "Rambam, Sage of Gerona." . He has a Bachelor of Laws Degrco from DcFaul University, and Is a member of the Bar of the States of Illinois. Rabbi Groner is married to the Rabbi Groner former Frances Glassenberg of Chicago; they have three chilDiane, 11; Raphael, 8, and High School Graduates dren, Gladys, G. Service at Beth Israel Rabbi Groner officiated at the Baccalaureate services for Jew- Shevuoth Services in, the Beth Isish graduates of Omaha high rael Synagogue. He and his famschools will be held Wednesday ily plan to arrive in Omaha about evening, June 3, at 8 o'clock, at June 1, and will reside at 1812 the Beth Israel Synagogue, under N. 52nd St. the auspices of the Federation for In commenting on the selection . Jewish Service. of Rabbi Groner as head of Beth' Israel, Rabbi Oscar Z, Fasman, Sixty-six graduates will be honored at the services, which are President of the Hebrew Theological College, stated: "Beth Israel is held annually -with the cooperation of all synagogues of the com- to be congratulated upon securing the services of Rabbi Groner. He munity. Dr. Philip Sher, honorary presi- is one of our outstanding alumni, dent of the Federation, and origi- and has brought into his ministry nator of the union baccalaureate exemplary consecration and devoservice, will extend greetings on tion. I feel confident that he will behalf of the Jewish community. c o n t r i b u t e immeasurably to strengthening of Judaism in your A reception honoring the gradu- community, and will maintain the ates will be held after the services high standards established by the in the Beth Israel's social hall. Beth Israel Synagogue,"

Israel Exhibit at World Trade Fair

Rath Slavln

4th Annual Careers Conclave At Continuity Center Sunday The fourth annual Careers Conference will be held this Sunday at the Jewish Community Center. Tlie Conference, aimed at helping high school youth choose a vocation, will begin with a luncheon in the Center Auditorium at 12:30 p. m. Keynote speaker will bo Dr. J. Lewis Yager, chief clinical psychologist at the Veteran's Hospital. A playlet, "Want Ad," pointing up the need for careers guidance, will be presented by t h e members of the committee. The skit wa3 written by J. Martin Graelz, and Beverly Konocky, This year, those attending tho conference will participate in n round-table panel discussion. They will hear speakers from four fields of endeavor, and a question period will follow. George R. Kalley of Family and Children's Service of Omaha will speak on social work.' The editor of the Jewish Press, Harry Halpert,, will speak, on journalism.

The Omaha Zionist Council will sponsor the Israel Booth at the Second Omaha World Trade Fair and Institute, which will be held from June 9 to June 14, under the direction of the Junior Chamber of Commerce and the University of Omaha, at the university's ficldhouse, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Omaha Zionist Council president, a n - , nounccd that Sam Bice will serve as chairman of the exhibit and Joe Trctlak as finance chairman. Plans for effective participation are being completed) Mrs. Kulakofsky stated. Personnel to man the Israeli booth is being recruited by members of the Zionist Council, Farband, Hadassah, Junior Hadassah, Kadimah, Mlzrachl Men and Women, Pioneer Women, Poale Zion and the Zionist Organization of Omaha. The exhibits this year will, like' the last Fair, be confined to consumer goods. "Trade, Not Aid" is tho Fair's theme. There will be no admission to visitors of the Fair. Tho Institute to be conducted as part of this World Trade Fair program will bring to Omaha prominent members of the various consulates who will speak at the Fair. Alvin Nogg, of the Omaha Junior Chamber of Commerce, was appointed Director of the World Trade Fair.

Hy Shrier, from Shrlcr and Shrler, will speak about law. Eugene Braun, from Omaha Mannequin Co, will discuss retailing. Mrs. Harold Garber will speak on modeling. Dr. Isaac Sternhlll, a promlnant physician and surgeon, will speak on medicine. Martin Haykln, from St. Joseph's hospital, will discuss psychology. Dramatics will be presented by Mrs. Win. Bailey. Ken James from WOW-TV will speak on radio and TV technical work. Sam Epstein Gen. Rlley , • will discuss accounting. There will United Nations, N, Y. (JTA)— also bo n seminar on engineering United Nations Palestine truce and Jewish Education. chief Gen. William E. Rlley has Serving on the committee for let It bo known that ho will n o t ' the Careers Conference are Shir- leave Palestine until his succesley Noodcll, Susie Lipp, J o a n sor arrives, it was learned in UN Krasne, Beverly Konecky, J. Mar- circles. tin Graotz, Jerry Marcr, Jerry FerGen Riley resigned last month er, Bennett Alberts, and Stan Wid- effective May 15, The same UN man. circles reported that the UN SecCo-chairman for this year's Ca- retariat has found It impossible reers Conference are Ruth Slavin thus far to find a successor for and Larry Epstein. . Gen, Riley.

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Friday, May 22, 1953

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Dulles Gives Israel President a Letter


From Eisenhower

PobUahed Every Friday Iw the Om»h» Jewish ffMeratlea mUtttt u Mcand-cUa wcaad^lua matter at Omaha, Natuute, Nateuka, nadar nmtor Un Mt ait « Hard! 1. Jen. Bnurxl »t Onu£>, t i o u l euOKrtpUMi. MOO. AdvtrtMailUtei oa AMUutfca. Wiunu Olflot-101 Ma Mm Bunt, Omaha. Mabr, ATiasU* MM. ton 8bo* u t n u H » Bo. Ma Btntt. .. Editor BARRY HALPERT..Society Editor HAXINE BESSER—

Near East Mutual Aid Program A Mutual Security Program for more than five billion dollars haa been submitted by the Eisenhower Administration to Congress. It asks in part for authority to spend 194 million dollars in the Near East for economic development, for relief and rehabilitation of refugees and to maintain economic and political stability. Also included in this program is the prop o s a l to spend about 470 million dollars for military aid for tlic Near East. These materials, equipment and services aro to be used solely for internal security or area defense. The nations must agree "that it will not undertako any act of aggression against any otnor nation." The program's aims are to help Israel to resettle the more Hum 700,000 refugees, to aid the UN in resettling Arab refugees in Arab states, to raise the living standards and improve the licalth of backward countries, to strengthen the defenses of the Kcar East, and to give proof of American friendship to all their peoples and encourage them to negotiate a peaceful settlement of their differences. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles made a tour of thia region and obtained first-hand knowledge from the heads of governments on their views toward settling the areas of conflict which have canned bitter resentment and hatred there. !\Vhat he reports to the members of Congress will no doubt carry {treat weight when it comes to final action on this measure. Xvws reports have shown that there is a considerable amount of bad feeling toward the state of Jsrael by her Arab neighbors. Perhaps the Secretary of State will" clarify this on liis return. ^Several leaders of Arab nations have voiced desire not to cntcr~into peace negotiations with Israel. Sir Winston Churchill opened a significant foreign policy debate in the British House of Commons declaring it is Britain's "duty" to see that Israel receives "fair play." The shipping of arms to the Near East may give the Arab nations the means by which tbey can inflict damage to the little new democracy. At any rate, the Secretary of State, now has seen with his own eyes, the volatile situation there and the need for a peaceful solution. The position of Israel may be strengthened by this visit and the course our government will take may be set on a definite tack.

Between You and Me By Boris Smolar (Copyright, 1953, Jewish Telegraphic A*ency, Ins.)

The Diplomatic Scene

against Israel, but it seems that the recent visits of leaders of v a ious American Jewish organlza.ions to the White House have given the President much food for thought . -.••• At any rate, It is known now that President Eisenhower is considering the Israel ituation in quite a different light rom two months ago . . . His final •lews will, naturally, be formed ifter the return of Secretary of Jtatc John Foster Dulles from his present trip to the Middle East . . . In the mcnnlime, it is noticed that the Elsenhower Administra, lion, in talking about financial and military aid to the Middle East mentions neither Israel nor the Arab countries, but prefers to talk about the Middle East area as a whole . . . This, American Zionist leaders believe, is a good omen Tor Israel . . . It Implies—without saying so—that Israel will not get less financial aid from Washington this year than last. . . Official documents relating to the views of the Washington Administration toward economic aid to Israel and the Arab lands, which I have e x amined, speak of a "single package" approach on American economic aid tojhc countries of that

Jerusalem (JTA) — The Israel Cabinet heard a report by Foreign Minister Moshe Sharctt on the visit to Israel of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, a Cabinet spokesman revealed. The spokesman refused to make known any details of Mr. Sharett's statement and refused to comment on press report* that Mr. Dulles had demanded that Israel should not transfer its Foreign Ministry offices to Jerusalem. The spokesman also revealed that when Mr. Dulles' visited President Ben £vi he gave him a personal from President Eisenhower. In the letter, .mado public, President Eisenhower declared: 'I am most anxious, and I feel sure you must share my concern, that the tensions presently existing between your country and the neighboring Arab states be overcome so that real peace may Teturn to the Near East I need hardly point out to you the urged* cy of this task, or the danger that . threatens the 'Near Bast from forces outside that area. Thp.development of the entire reglonlund the betterment of.the lot of all living there depends upon the achievement .of this goal. "I am confident that' you and your countrymen'will exert every possible effort to achieve this peace. I am likewise confident that the feeling of friendship and good will which has so happily existed between our two governments since tho-jTormation of Israel, more than five years ago, will continue in full tide in the future."

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles returns next week to Washington from his trip to the Middle East In quite a pessimistic mood American Economists . . . His talks with the rulers of Join Staff in Israel Egypt, Syria and other Arab countries did not contribute anything Washington (JTA)—A number to his original belief that the Arab of well known American economworld can be won to the Ameriists are joining an economic adcan point of view on the defense visory staff being established in of the Middle East . . • Nor did he Israel under contract with the ind them willing to talk peace Government of Israel, it was mado with Israel . . . I n this respect he known here. Found that the s i t u a t i o n had hanged for the worse . . . It can The experts newly retained i n iow be revealed that prior to clude Bernard H. Bell, formerly Dulles' departure for the Middle chief" economist of the ExportPublishers of. more than 30 Jew- East there had been noticeable Import Bank; Marion Clawson, Capitol Spotlight sh periodicals, mec'ing here at a ictlvity among Washington, Cairo formerly chief of the Bureau of invention of the American Asso- and Tel Aviv in the mater of preLand Management, U. S. DepartBjr Milton Friedman ment of the Interior, and A. P. ciation of English-Jewish Newsp- >aring for Arab-Israeli talks . . It seems that Egypt Is the Lerner, formerly Professor of Eco* Washington (JTA)—Jewish or- apers, seriously discussed Conmember of the Arab League most nomlcs at Roosevelt College, Chigressional Investigations and the ganizations and outstanding Jew•eady to moke peace With Israel cago. Mr. Bell will be the advisory ish members of Congress are rally- climate of public opinion through- because she has no real quarrel staff's specialist on internal fi>ut the country. As Jews, the pubing to defend civil liberties amidst with Uus Jewish State . . . Her Innance and balance of payment fshers felt they had not only a warnings that the atmosphere creterests face South and West, to problems. Mr. Clawson will conated by the "McCarthyiam" is ^ r i o ' J c duty but also a religious Arica and Suez, In cotton and In centrate on agricultural planning, breeding anti-Semitism. / obligation to speak out. In a he trade, not to the Levant coast and Mr. Lerner,will work in the A grim report was made Ijy unanimously adopted resolution, , . . Furthermore, she Is primarily field of'fiscal and monetary polHenry E. Schultz, nationalchfllr- they called on all editors and pub- ntercstcd in getting the. British icy. man of the Anti-DcUlmatlon .ishcrs—regardless of race or out of the Suez Canal area and Other engineering and economic League of B'nal B'rith, at| the or- creed—to "guard zealously the being in a state-of war with Is- region These documents rederjs triennial convention mere. In rust that is theirs by rallying to rael is, to a certain extent, a veal that a similar concept is be- specialists are being recruited to the ADL," SchuHz said, "*e have he defense of those whose' Con- hindrance in her fight with Eng- hind the American military aid deal w i t h industrial planning, had a unique opportunity to watch stitutional rights are violated and land , . . Hence, the Washington- programs contemplated for Israel transportation planning, the planthe professional bigots, the supcr- to recognize that so long as the Calro-Tcl Aviv lalks prior to Mr. and the Arab countries The ning ol housing and community pairiois, the dark reactionaries, ights of any individual are jeo- Dulles' departmure for the Middle most interesting revelation in these facilities, and the designing of stapardized, a threat exists to lie East had reached a point where documents Is the fact .that the tistics. The contractual terms prounder the pretense of fighting Egypt was willing to take the lead United States Government Intends vide that the advisory staff is to Communism—not striking at Com- all." "n persuading the other Arab states to provide economic arid military make confidential recommendaActivities munism, but the free institutions to the Israel Government The resolution denounced "the tp come to terms with Israel . . . aid to the countries of the Middle tions which have made America great. relative "to such policies a n d Such a coalition faces us with a hysterical activities of some who, The terms discussed. were based East-"for the next few years" . . . plans, relating to economic affairs, The view of the American Gov- as the economic advisory staff b e constant threat, for it gives sanc- in their avowed efforts to oppose on - a five-point program tion to bigotry and provides an Communism, have' made them- Arab refugees to be settled where ernment now is that the U. S. has lieves may be helpful and a p they are .now, with foreign aid made but a "modest start" during propriate." selves no less dangerous to democatmosphere in which organized ar''.-SemitIsm can play upon the racy because of their contempt . . . 2. Israel to pay the Arab the last three years in Its assistrefugees about 100 million pounds ance to Israel and the Arab counfears of people. With the shadow and disregard for our treasured Sophie Tucker: "The girl with of war over us, the, danger of civil liberties.". Freedom of edi- compensation for abandoned prop- tries, and that U. S. interests call acute, violent anti-Semitism is al- torial expression without fear of erties . . . 3. Israel to grant Egypt for "continuing support" of an a future avoids the man with a a land passage from Sinai to Joreconomic and military nature. past." harassment was held inviolate by ways prescni." through the southern NCRCV. the resolution. Solemnly, the pub- dan Danitr . , . 4. Jerusalem to remain parti• Meanwhile, an honorary vice- lishers rededicated themselves to tioned, as at p r e s e n t . . . 5. Bounchairman of the ADL, Sen. Her- the "honest and objective report- daries between Israel and Jordan bert L. Lehman, spelled out the age of news" as their trust "in in central Palestine to be redrawn Saturday, May 23 < ' danger ho called "creeping Mc- these days when there are ele- on more rational lines . . . These Highlqnd Cocktail Formal Dinner Dance Opening—7:00 p. m., Carthylsm" and described as "a ments that oppose tyranny by em- proopsals s e e m e d attractive to Highland West. ' Egypt, but the other Arab counsubtle poison which has already ulating it." Beth Israel Dance a Month Club—8:30 p. m., Beth Israel. A new program to combat anti- tries — whom Egypt seeks to drag ea'.en deep: into the muscles and Workmen Circle Dramatic Group—9:00 p. m.. Labor Lyceum. Semitism was announced by the into her quarrel with England — sinews of our entire body politic." Sunday, May 24 • "I say to you with all the National Community Relations Ad- balked at the plan . . . They do Youth Council Careers Conference—All Afternoon, Center. conviction ai my command," said visory Council to include as an not have the same motive as Egypt Temple Israel Sisterhood—2:00 p. m. Lehman, "that our very faith in objective the promotion of "fuller for making peace with Israel, and B'nai Abraham lodge Dinner and Card Party—6:00 p. m., 25th our basic liberties is being stead- respect for and application of tra- they arc in no such hurry . . . On and J Sta. ily, dangerously undermined. . . . ditional American civil liberties." the contrary, Jordan, Iraq and Monday, May 25 The presumption of guilt now cur- Participating in this program an Syria see no advantage for themB'nal B'rith No. 470 Donor Luncheon—1:00 p. m., Private home. rounds anyone accused by Mc- the American Jewish Congress, selves from Britain's 1 c a v i n c Temple Israel Sisterhood Board Luncheon—1:00 p. m., Highland Egypt, because they feel that they Carthy, Jenner, Vclde and theii Jewish War Veterans, Jewish La West. Ilk. The- investigators, who migh bor Committee, Union of Amcri need western protection in the Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m. Middle East, in the event of Rusbe better called the inquisitors can Hebrew Congregations, Union sian Greater Omaha B'nal B'rith Assn.—fl:00 p. m., Center. . . . Thus, Secrehave taken office, self-nominatec of Orthodox Jewish'Congregations tary aggression Dulles' hopes of bringing Tuesday, May 20 and self-elected, as the annointcd the United Synagogue of America, about Arab-Israeli p e n c e talks Council Women Current Events—1:00 p. m., Center. £uardians of our national security and the Jewish community coun through Egypt's mediation did nol Beth Israel Board—1:00 p. m.( Beth Israel. the high prosecutors of the disloya cils affiliated with the NCRAC in materialize . . . Athletic Annual Award Night—7:00 p. m., Center. «nd the supreme judges of thi 28 cities. Wednesday, May 27 loyalty and morality of every Hadassah Chapters—12:30 p . m . , Center. one." Groucho Marx: "The man wbj Kadlmah—8:30 p. m., Private home. gives in when he Is wrong is wise Sabotage Thursday, May 28 ,_, The pessimistic altitude among Rep. Emanuel Celler, warnini but he who gives in when he is American Zionist leaders is now Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs-1-! :00 p. m., Center. right is married." that the BUI of Rights is beini B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m., Center. turning into optimism regarding cabotaged, said "the Administra Cornhusker B'nal B'rith Board—8:00 p. m., Center. American financial aid for Israel tion, incredibly, has chosen th Oscar Levant: "Some cause hap- . f • Pro-Arab elements In WashB'nal B'rith Monsky Lodge 354—8:00 p. m., Center. path of appeasement with Me piness wherever they go; others ington arc still busily attempting, B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 340—8:30 p. m , 25th and J L.f -Carthy." whenever they go." to influence President Eisenhower, B'nai B'rith Nebraska Lodge 1445—8:30 p. m., 25th and J SU. '

Community Calendar

The Washington Scene

Friday. Mar 22. IMS

Dr. Abe Greenberg Gets ADL Post Dr. Abe Greenberg of Omaha was unanimously elected chairman of lljo Anti - Defamation League Plains States Regional Board at the organizational meeting held on May 17. Guest speaker was Joseph Cohen of Kansas City, Kails., a National Commissioner of the Anti-Dcfa-matlon League. lie announced that this was the 25th Regional Board to be formed and stated that these Boards set forth the program for the Regional Offices. A. Abbot Rosen, Director of the League's Midwest Office la Chicago, reviewed the types of problems with which ADL is confronted, and the assistance given by Regional Board members in meeting thpse problems. Seymour H. Kaplan of Omaha, Regional Director of the Plains States Office, recounted : the activities of the ADL in this area. His report included activities with schools, churches, veterans posts, Bcoute, yM and YWCA's, as well u fact-finding and civil-rights.

'Beth El Elects Board Members


Anti-Defamation League Officers Elected

Colick Will Give Annual Message Harry Colick, president of Henry Monsky Lodge No. 354 of B'nai B'rith, will deliver the annual message at the lodge's final meetbig of the year, Thursday, May 28, at 8 p. m., in the Jewish Community Center. At the meeting, the drawing for the 17-inch television set will be made. Members of the lodge attending the regular meetings have been dropping their names in a barrel and the name of the winner of Jhe television set will be drawn at the meeting,

Sen. Wayne Morse At ADA Dinner Plains States Regional Advisory Board Officers of the Anti-Defamation League met in their first annual meeting at the Blackstone Hotel. From left to right, front row: Milton. Abrahams, Omaha,, secretary-treasurer; Lewie Wolkow, Wichita, vice-chairman f o r Kansas; Leo Hill, Lincoln, vice-

Eight members were elected to serve on the Executive Board ol Beth El Synagogue for the next two years, at the dinner and Annual Meeting held Sunday, May XT. 8 . L o a n . , ;• .•'•...' 17, in the Social Hall of the Jerusalem (WNS)—After SecSynagogue. Newly elected mem- retary Dulles and Director Stasbers are the Messrs. Harry Duleft Israel for Jordan through Boff, Elmer Gross, Saul Graetz, scn the Mandelbaum Gate in JerusaJoe Hprnstcin, William Hacusin and Edward Kosen. Messrs. Na- lem it was revealed that Minister than L. NogK and Yale Ginsburg of Finance Levl Eshkol and Minwere re-elected. Dr. Morris Mar- ister of Commerce Peretz Berngolin was re-elected honorary stein had asked Stasscn on behalf vice-president. Nathan L. Nogjt, of the Israel Government to help president, presided at the business them raise a $75,000,000 long-term meeting. Heports were given by loan in the United States to conIz Chapman, chairman of thevert Israel's short-term debts into Budget Committee; Abe Venger, long-term obligations. By transchairman of the Membership Com- forming the expensive short-term mittee; Dr. Albert G. Itimmerman, credit into long-term obligations, chairman of the School Board; they explained, the Government Philip Gorodelzer, Educational Di- could save $10,000,000 to $15,000,rector; Mrs. l'hineas Wintroub, 000 annually. sisterhood president; Mrs. Morris Katleman, chairman of Memorials; Immigrant* Mr. Reuben Bordy, Cemetery Tel Ayiv (JTA)—One hundred chairman; Mr. Yale Ginsberg, Supper Club chairman, and Mr. and twenty new immigrants arRalph Nogg, chairman of the Nom- rived at Haifa in several parties within the past few days. Most inating Committee. ' Mrs. A. D. Frank and Mr. Ar- of the Immigrants arc Persian thur Cohn were co-chairmen of Jews who traveled overland arrangements for the program through Turkey and then by boat which followed the business meet- to Haifa. A party of 20 arrived by air from Shanghai. ing.

chairman for Nebraska; Dr. Abe Greenberg, Omaha, chairman of the board; Joseph Cohen, Kansas City, Kan., National Commissioner ADL, guest speaker; rear row: Is. Marion, Marshalltown, vicechairman for la;; Seymour H. Kaplan,: regional director, ADL, Omaha; and A. Abbot Rosen, Midwest Director,: ADL, Chicago.

Diabetes Ass'n to Give Courses at JCC.

News From l&itiel ;

Members of the Lincoln and Omaha chapters of Americans for Democratic Action will hold their first annual George Norris Memorial Dinner tomorrow night at 6 o'clock in the Blackstone Hotel. Senator Wayne Morse of Oregon will speak. The memorial dinner Is open*to the public. For information, call Bob Gillen, JA 2504.

New Bailroad - : . '. -•. '• Jerusalem (JTAK-A direct new coastal railroad line running between Tel Aviv and Haifa, linking many of the country's industrial areas with its two principal ports, was formally opened last week with impressive ceremonies at Kfar Vltkin. The new line gives such centers as Herzlla and Nathanya direct rail communications with the Haifa and Tel Aviv ports. The lino cuts the usual distance between the two ports to 92 kilometers and travel time from ISO to 95 minutes. The line will also provide passenger service, which should help considerably to ease pressure on inter-urban transit facilities here. -Under present plans, three passenger trains will operate dally in each direction, serving an estimated 3,000 travelers each day. : •••" .

News Around The Nation

The >?est Central Diabetes Association announces courses of instruction for diabetics. Each course will consist of two class periods, and will be covered on the; third and fourth Thursdays of each month.

• • : ; - •.-. ; . - • • . „ • ..-

Harry Yudkoff

Harry Yudkoff To Speak at B/B. Conclave Harry Yudkoff, president of District Grand Lodge No. 6, of B'nai B'rith will address members attending the Southwest Regional B'nai B'rith Convention held in the Fontenelle Hotel, May 30-31. Yudkoff, a graduate of; the University of Michigan, has served as president of the Pisgah Lodge in Detroit as well as secretary of the Greater Detroit B'nai B'rith Council. He also has served in.the . District Grand Lodge Ho. 6 as director of Councils, district chairman of Lodge Programs and a ; member of the General Commit-

The material used for instruction is composed of lectures on records with film: strip illustrations prepared by the American Diabetes Association and produced by the Health Educational Instifefc.:..•;' • - • • • ; • . : . • ; • •:•:•• : ; . V : ••;::..•: tute, Inc. ;., V • A dietician arid nurse will be in The edruhusker Lodge is sponattendance to answer any question soring the convention and has that may arise. : chosen a derby theme for the fesThe classes will Jae held at the tivities. Norman Hahn and Louis Jewish Community Center, 20th Katz of the Cornhuskers arc coand Dodge Stfl., May 21 and 28, chairmen for event. After registration on Saturday, at 7:30 p. mi There is no charge for this in- May 30, a bowling tOurnamentwiU bo held. On Sunday, business struction, -and further information may bo had by calling either Mrs. meetings will fake place and the Patricia Haswell, KE 3D15, or Mrs. conventloln will be highlighted by a banquet in the evening at -which Ethel Huntzlnger, JA $980. New diabetics are especially Yudkoff will speak. welcome to take advantage of this opportunity of learning how to live with diabetes. ;


JWVEIecfs Dept. Officers

dergraduate s c h o o l admissions policies since1948 had been stimuJerusalem (JTA)—A torah orig- Alien BUI V fVeUman Film Washington (JTA)—A bill to lated by a study originally underLondon (JTA)—An agreement inally presented to Czar. Nicholas taken by the American Council on Members, of the Jewish War ' has been concluded for tho film- II of Russia by the Bobruisk Jew- admit 240,000 aliens abovo quota Education in conjunction with the Veterans, EpsteinrMorgan Post No, ish Community, of Byelorussia.a limitations •within the nest two' ing of the life of Dr. Chaim Welz260, will dedicate their annual mann, first President of Israel, half-century ago, was today for- years was introduced in the SenMemorial Day Services to the it was announced here today by mally presented to Israel Presi- ate by Senator Arthur V. Watkins, memory of the late Harry Bush, Arthur Krlm, president ol United dent. Ben Zvl at a- ceremony in ohalrrnan of tho Senate Immigra-, Civil Liberties tion Subcommittee. The. bill was Washington (JTA)—Rep. Sam- Sunday, Hay 31, at 11 a. m. He _ > \ Artists, which will distribute tho his office. film on a worldwide basis. The Torah, one of the finest introduced to implement the re- uel W..Yorty of California com- was a member of the Omaha post. of President'Eisenhower for mended the American Association Tho services will be held at the The agreement for production of and rarest examples of the reli- quest of English-Jewish Newspapers on Mount Sinai Cemetery, 77th St. the film was Signed with Meyer gious art of Russian Jewry, was such legislation. the floor of Congress for adopting and Crown Point (northwest of ' Wclsgai; friend and literary execu- presented by W. N. Williams of a resolution citing attacks oh civil 72nd and MUltary Ave.), tor of the last President. Much of London, who purchased it in 1930 Discrimination At the recent meeting of the the film will be planned and pho- when t h e Soviet authorities Chicago (JTA)—Dr. Andrew C. liberties as dangerous to the freeNebraska-Iowa Department of the ' tographed in Israel. Producers Ml- placed the Czar's art treasures on Ivy, vice-president of Illinois Uni- dom of the press. Rep. Yorty told Congress: "The Jewish War Veterans, the fol• chael Powell; and Emeric Press-, sale in London. The Scroll Is writ- versity, hit out at discrimination bergcrand designer H. Heckroth ten on the finest parchment, cov- in medical schools and other pro- publishers and editors who adopt- lowing officers Were elected:. Art will leave shortly for Israel to ered with a richly embroidered fessional t r a i n i n g Institutions, ed this: resolution are thoughtful Kagan of Dcs.Mblnes, Dept. Comtour the country In advance of cloth and kept in a small wooden charging that they have not kept Americans anxious to protect our mander; Ed Beldner of Omaha, Writing and producing the film. ark built especially for it. pace with undergraduate schools nation against both, subversive ac- Dept. Senior: Vice-Commanderj tivities and those demagogues who Irv. Wade of Sioux City, Dept. . in eliminating discrimination. Addressing a meeting of theunder the guise of fighting sub- Junior Vice-Commander; Fail 1 Beth Israel Smprgasborg Dance This Saturday national executive of the B'nal version seek to intimidate V loyal Crounse of Omaha, Dept. Judge B'rith Anti - Defamation League Americans and destroy our cher- Advocate; Sidney Levlne of Des here, Dr. Ivy predicted that the ished freedoms including freedom Moines, Dept. Quartermaster, -and Abe Rosenfleld of Des Moines,; lay would come when "schools of the press." •. Dept. Adjutant. ; V •• will not be accredited without ofPaulette Goddard: "God made fering proof that they do not perGeorge S. Kaufman: "The stage mit discrimination within their women without a sense of humor halls." He said that the "vast so they could love men Instead of is reported to be in a critical condition; foul play is suspected." Improvements" manifested In tin- laughing at them." Cur's








- •

• ; ; • • •




SATURDAY. MAY 30, AT 9 P. M. " Beth Israel Men's Club will hold Its third in a scries of dances tomorrow nljht in the Social Hall of tho B?naKOguc. Smorgasbord will be served. Ticket chairman, Lou Klein, states that no single tickets will be sold and reservations nhould be made early as food must be purchased lk» advance of the dance/-" ''•'•'. •'•• ' Members or the committee are: left to rieht, Art Gould, Gene Brawn, Lou Klein and Harold Aron.


WA 7547 OR WA 3197




f r*ca Wtmr

Miss Rosens+ock Is Wed May 16 to James Rieger



Elinor Rosenstock became the bride of James Ludwig Rieger of Kansas City, Mo., in a ceremony last Saturday at 8:30 p. m. in the Blackstohe Hotel Ballroom. Rabbi Sidney Brooks officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. David Rosenstock. The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rieger of Kansas City. The ballroom was transformed into a modem Grecian garden for the rites. Arrangements of Alabama smllax and white blossoms were flanked with clusters of candles and Grecian urns filled with white mums. Floor-length tapers and white pompons marked the aisles. The bride's gown of Ivory tissue taffeta was fashioned with an offshoulder neckline, short sleeves and an Illusion yoke. P e a r l s sprinkled the ChantiUy . lace bodice. The bustle-back skjrt formed a chapel-length: train. A 'Ingcrlfp illusion veil was attached to a headband of pearls, and the bride carried a bouquet of Btephanotls centered with a white orchid. Mrs. Robert W. Stein and Miss Janet Rosenstock. of Chicago, sis-5 ters of the bride, wer» the.honor attendants. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Fred Goldman, Jr., and Mrs. Kenneth Krakauer of Kansas City, sisters of Mr. Rieger. ' Attendants wore gowns of ice blue tissue shantung and carried garlands of deep purple Japanese iris. Mr. Rieger was best man for

The Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club^celcbrated the 40th Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Canar with a dinner in their honor on May 17 at Leavcnworth Grill. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Zevitz, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Canar and Mr. and Mrs. Max Canar, Mr. and Mrs. Canar's children, attended the affair, and the couple was presented with a gift from the Club.

Couple Wed In Home Rites

Celebriries The Clarence Derwcnt $600 award for the best performance in 4 non-feature role during the 1952-53 year on Broadway was given to none pther' than our own Abe Siegel for his performance in Tennessee Williams' phantasy Camino Real. .Abe, whose stage name is David J. Stewart, is the brother of Sirs. Leo Weitz and Mrs. William Raduziner of Omaha and Mrs. Harry Cohen of Council Bluffs. . • He has also appeared with Katherioe Cornell in The Barretts of UPlmpole Street, Anthony and Cleopatra and The Rose Tatoo.



Mr. and Mrs. Martin Herzoff announce the birth of a daughter, Detiisc Goil, born Saturday, May 18. The HerzoHs also h a v c a son, Ronald Alon, and' another daughter, Nancy Elinor. Paternal grandmother is Mrs. Sally Berlint of Albuquerque, N. K., and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gorelick. Mr.'and Mrs. Nathan Steinberg are the baby's paternal greatgrandparents. ' " ' Their first child, a son, John David, was born May 4 to Dr. and Mrs' Marvin I. Pizer of Los Angeles. Mrs. Pizer is the former Rosellc Osoff of Omaha. paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Simon Pizer of Los Angeles, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hyman p . Osoff. » Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Cohn are the parents of a daughter, Nancy Lyn, Born May 8. • Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dave B. Cohn, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sokolos.

trips. Max Crounsc is spending a month's vacation in the East visiting with family and friends. After short stays in New York, Philadelphia and Washington, D. C , Mr. Crounse will go to Cincinnati to visit with his son, Dr. Nathan Crounse, and Dr. Crourise's family.


Baylamac Grodinsky became the bride of Dr. Mclvin Tatelman Saturday evening in a 9 o'clock Leonore Marx has graduated wifh honors from the University ceremony at the home of Dr. of Omaha and has been elected to the staff of South High School. Tatclmin's mother, Mrs. Meyer Tatelman. The couple was mar-, Don't Miss rled in the presence of the immediate families. < "Park 1190," the Beaux Arts Annual Ball—Saturday, May 23— Rabbi Myer S. Kripke oi Beth Omaha Music Vcrein, 421 North 17th Street. El Synagogue- performed the ceremony beneath a satin-covered canopy decorated with white gladioli and flanked by. candelabra. The-'fireplace was banked with huckleberry and white gladi-


Fed. of Jewish Women's Club ' The regular meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs wiU be held Thursday; May 28, at 1 o'clock at the Jewish Community Center. The board meeting is scheduled for 11:45 a. m.

Junior Hadassah • Junior Hadassah has elected officers for the coming year. They are: president, Arlene Meyer; first vice - president, Florene Cohensecond vice-president, Bette Ann Poska; third vice-president, Jean K a t z ; corresponding secretary, Edith, Frank; recording secretary, Anita Fellman, and treasurer, Clara Katz. Installation of the new officers •will be held . at 6:30 p. m.. Wednesday, June 3, at a dinner at the Leavenwortn Grill. Reservations can be made with- Arlenp Meyer, social chairman.

Pioneer Women's, Oneg Shabot Pioneer Women will hold an Ones Shabot at the home of Mrs. A. Epstein, at 1:30 p. m., Saturday, May 23. Mrs. M Ncrenberg will be program c'.iz'rman. .1. Radinowsky, guest 'pc. l.-T, will give a talk about Shr.vuo'.h; Mrs. M. Specktcr will rivo a reading, and Mrs. S. Richnvin ;:ncl Mrs. M. Ncrcnterg will sin:: Jewish folk songs.

Friday, Hay 22, 195S

St. The subject .of his talk will be "Values in Jewish Life." Mrs. Charles Guss, nominating chairman, will present the tlate of oilicers, and election will follow. Plans will be announced for the forthcoming Installation of Officers luncheon. All chairmen of committees will give final reports of the year, and the year's work will be evaluated.

The bride, daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs, Manuel Grodinsky, war gowned in an aqua shantung dress fashioned with strapless bodice and matching bolero. T h e bodice featured appliqucd' bfuc flowers and the bouffant skirt was cocktail-length. She carried stephanoiis centered with a white orchid. A reception was held after the ceremony. '-

Beth Israel Sisterhood Board

Hadassah . "Israel Wants Peace" will be the subject of Mrs. M. F. Levcnson's talk at Omaha Chapter Hadassah's final luncheon meeting to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Wednesday, May 27, at 12:30 p. m. Mrs. Levenson will return to Omaha Monday from a more than three-month tour of Europe, seven weeks of which was spent visiting her parents In Israel. Mrs. Levenson is a past president of Omaha Chapter and a past president of the Southwest R e gion. She will receive, two past presidents pins at this meeting, one for each service for Hadassah

June 23 lias been set as the dale of the wedding of Charlcne Katz of Lincoln to Herman Shyken, The ceremony will take place at the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln. Miss Katz has chosen her aunt, Mrs. H. Pullman of. Salt Lake City, Utah, to be her' matron of honor, and her cousin, Jetry Spltzcr. also of. Salt Lake City, to be her maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be Audrey Marx, Reva Glttleman and Anita Daniels of Lincoln; Marsha Gordon of Council Bluffs; Judy Lavine and Margery Doctorman of Salt Lake City, and Sylvia Shyken and Sylvia London of Omaha. J u n i o r bridesmaid will .be Marsha Lynn Katz, cousin of the bridc-clect.' .'...*: Mr. Shyken has asked his brother, Norman Shyken, to be his best man. Ushers will be Edward , Kantor of Los Angeles, Milton ' Mrs. James Ludwlf Rieger Cordon of Council Bluffs, Paul Gaiter and John Gradwohl of his son. Ushers were Messrs. Gold- Lincoln, and Bernard Magld, May7 man, Krakauer and Robert W. er Moskowitz, Kevee KlrshenStein, the latter of Chicago, . •• baum and Herbert Denenberg of* Omaha. The bride's mother wore a gown of pale gray chiffon with a white lace bodice and orchids. Mrs. Rieger chose mauve lace and marquisette with an orchid corsage, Following a reception at the ballroom, the couple left for a wedding trip to the. West Coast For traveling, the bride wore 'a navy blue matchbox suit accessorized with navy blue and white. Mr. and Mrs. Rieger will reside All members of B'nnl B'rith in Kansas City after June 10. Henry Monsky Chapter 470, who have earned their donor by contributing six dollars or more to the l Happy Day and Memorial Fund, will be guests of the chapter at a tea-book review. Mrs. Sidney Sneider will review A special meeting of the Fun- the book, "The Juggler," by Michael Blankfort. finders will be held Sunday, May (A story about the filming of 24, at 8 p. m., in Room 25 at the "The Jurjcler" In Israel will apJewish Community Center. pear in a future Issue. All members have been asked Mrs. Ruben Ratner, chairman, to -attend this meeting as plans and Mrs. Herahel Freedman and' Mrs. Dan Gordman, co-chairmen, for the picnic and square dance will be discussed, and aU young are in charge of the affair to be held Monday, .May 25, at 1:30 adults have been invited to at- p, m., at the home of Mrs. George tend. • Cohn, 0202 William St. Any member not having earned her complete donor may do so the Chaotle Affftlr* * Jerusalem (JTA) — A recom- day of the tea by completing her mendation that the Israel Govern- six-dollar contribution. Assisting on the committee are ment appoint a representative to manage the affairs of the munici- Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, Mrs. Stanpality of Jerusalem, which arc ley Shapiro and Mrs. George Cohn. In a chaotic state, was made here this week in a report by a special • Milton Berle: "Love is blind; investigating committee headed by that's why lovers depend so- much Supreme Court Justice S. Z. on their sense of feeling." Cheslri. The inquiry'was undertaken on instructions' from Min/ Patronize Our Advertisers. ister of Interior Israel Rokach.

B.B. Women's BookReview Tea Monday

Funfinders Meet Sunday at Center


This six room true colonial style house with center hall arrangement has everything.

Ethel Merman: "Don't wear gloves when calling on your girl; you'll feel better without them."

First floor has beautiful large living room. French doors lead to the tile floored, screened anil glass enclosed porch. Large dininc room with corner cupboards. All electric kitchen with cheerful breakfast room. Tiled powder room.

Bake Tempting...Tender


No Racing or Sundays or Mondays

Temple Israel sisterhood's summer board meeting will be held at the Highland West Club, Wednesday, May 27, at 12:30 p. m. Mrs. Morton Hiller, president, will preside.

Kadimali Chapter

Council Bluffs Hadassah

Philip Coicidctzcr, principal of the Beth El Talmud Torah, will be the guest speaker »t the regular monthly milling of Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women, which •will be held Wednesday, May 27 at 8:30 p. m., at the homo of Mrs. Sidney Sneidcr, 4004 Walnut

Council Bluffs Chapter of Hadassah will sponsor a bingo game at the Omaha Veterans Hospital Thursday, May 28, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Lee Marcus is chairman. Working with Mrs. Marcus will be Mrs. B. Telpner, Mrs. O. Greenberg and Mrs. A. Bear.

8-Races Daily-8 ADMISSION 75c (Including SUtl ind Federal T»x)



Red Brick Colonial Located in the heart of Country Club and near Beth Israel Synagogue.

The board meeting of the Beth Israel sisterhood wjll be held at 12:45 p. m., Tuesday, May 20, in the Synagogue social hall. All board members have been asked to attend.

Temple Israel Sisterhood Board

Wedding Will Be June 23rd

n for Ladlei 25c)

Second floor has master bedroom with 2 walk-in closets, 3 way exposure and veranda. Two twin size bedrooms. Beautiful tiled bath. Large recreation room with wood burning fireplace, wood paneled walls and tiled floor. Large attic for storage and plenty of closet space throughout. Attached garage. Front and back tastefully landscaped. Entire house beautifully decorated and in excellent condition. Two blocks from school. Early possession. All this for less than 530,000. An outstanding value, Buy direct from owner. • MIKE FREEMAty


2530 Country Club

finnf iflgradi«nl> . . . Dromtdary pur* Ptffully lpl<nd«l for patfecf rnSdtfi


GLrndalc 4135

' ' - * *> *



--a ••-*•*•»•--(•


Friday, May 22, 195S

Pa* «M

Hadassah to Elect, Install and Honor Officers on Wed.

Don Schoenbaum A Bookworm?

Cops. Cutie, Crime. Comedy Still "Remains to Be Seen" You may not think that a degree from the University of South' #rn California, several years of e x perience selling pants and the put' ting In of Hershcy bars and Lucky Strikes and' the taking out of nickels and quarters from vending machines Is the ideal training for becoming • cop with an intense interest i n banned books, but on evening spent at the Community Playhouse during the past two weeks certainly proves^ otherwise. For that is just the background of Don Schoenbaum who is the comical and scene-stealing Patrolman Miller in the Playhouse's l a s t production of the season, Remains To Be Seen. Don, the owner and manager of the U-Select-H vending machine company, is married to the former Gcrrc Cohn and has one eon, Mark. Besides a policeman who loves ^picture" books this latest Playhouse success also contains a shy romantic lend whose personality and feelings are only shown when he Is playing the drums, a nightclub singer who learns to supple-

I Thank You On behalf of Kadlmah Chapter of Pioneer Women, I would like to "thank all the individuals for the cooperation and attendance at our recent Mother's Day Tea, which was a huge success. We are especially grateful to the many members of our sister organization. Chapter 1, who supported our affair. Mrs, Harry Lewis, Mother'* Day Tea Chairman

World Council of Women'* Zionist Organization Conclude* Conference Tel Aviv (JTA1—The W o r l i " Council of the WIZO, International Women's. Zionist Organization, . concluded its conference here by adoption of resolutions calling for . reorganization of the organization's vocational schools In Israel and'closer cooperation with municipal and government-authorities on aU projects involving care for infants and children. Earlier, a new WIZO Institution . ior training prospective mothers ' and for the training of nurses, was dedicated here. The center has 40 rooms and features a mother:,' milk bank, where 150 undernourished and underdeveloped Infants will receive special care. The center was erected at a co'.t of 570,000 pounds. Dublin (WNS)—His name is deceiving, but ask any Irishman in this most Irish of Irloh cities and ho will toll you that Robert Briscoc is a good Jew, n Rood Zionist And a Rood Irishman who struggled valiantly for Iri.'ih independence. He will tell you to boot that Briccoc Is the only Jewish member of Parliament and that he has been serving continuously in the" Lower House for twenty-five years.1 Recently Brlscoe was »onorcd by hlu parliamentary confreres, including Prime .Minister Emmon do Vajera, who presented him with u silver tea Eervlce. "

ment the drums as an emotion arouser, two detectives obviously from Brooklyn, a Japanese cook whose meat knife Is used for all sorts of interesting carving and a lady of intrigue complete with a foreign accent Combine these characters, and the word Is. literally used, with m o v i n g bokcases, disappearing corpses and the sharp humor of a Llndaay and Crousc dialogue, and you have an evening of delightful entertainment, something which the Omnha Community 1'layhousc teems ncver-fnilingly to produce. Although Remains To He Seen will have its last two performances tonight and tomorrow night, season tickets for next year arc now on sale. It the plays I have seen at the Playhouse this season arc an example, for $7.50 each for adults and $0.00 each for students, patrons will be assured of "as good acting and^staging as will be found any place." There will be a variety of six productions, with thirteen performances of each to choose from, reserved scats, or, If desired, permanent season reservations,

Luncheon for ZBT Women Is Tuesday Mothers and wives of active or alumni members of Zeta Beta Tau have been invited to attend the annual alumnae luncheon of the ZBT Mothers' Club being given Tuesday, May 28, at 1 p. m., at the Highland West Club. Mrs. Hyman E. Grcenbcrg Is In charge of arrangements. Reservations can be made w th Mrs; Howard Milder, WA 487S.

Beth Issrael Bake Sale on May 28 The Beth Israel sisterhood will hold a bake salo at Brandcls Store Thursday, May 28, from 0 to 6. Anyone wishing to contribute or to donate baked goods has been asked to call Mrs. Ruben Llppctt, chairman, at RE 1010, or Mrs. Arthur Parilman, co-chairman, WE 4485. Donations will be picked up on May 27 at the convenience of the donor, it was announced by Mrs. Parilman.

Ethel & Dan Cohen Win B. B. Tourney Ethel and Dan Cohen were crowned champion.1) in the B'nai B'rith Mixed Doubles Tourney Four couples stepped Into the winners' circle at the close of the mixed doubles tournament May 12, sponsored by the 1054 B'nal D'rllh Worries Bowling Tournament Committee. A 1215 scries won Ethel and Dan Cohen their top spot. Reva and Lou Singer placed second with 1200. ; Third spot went to Rose and Al Oruch, who scored a 1100 series. Libby Hobermnn and George Shapiro captured fourth place with a 1150 scries. '

Election of chapter officers and nstallation "of new chapter and group officers, with Mrs. A. D. Frank as installing officer, will be 'one of the events at the luncheon meeting .of Omaha Chapter Hadassah being held at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday, May 27, at 12:30 p. m. All regional chapter and group past presidents will be presented with past presidents' pins in honor of their services to Hadassah. Those receiving pins for service arc as follows: Regional presidents—Mmes. M. F. Lcvenson, William Wclncr and J. H. Kulakofsky. Chapter presidents—Mmos, Julius Stein, William Weiner, M. F. Levcnson, Julius Abrahamson, Irvln C. Levine,. M. D, Brodkey, A. D. Frank, J. H. Kulakofsky, Samuel N. Wolf and Isidore Lcvinson. Group prcsidcnts^-Mmes. Morris Fellman, Eve .Konecky, Lillian Bernstein, Julia Jacobs, Phil Feldman, David B r o d k e y , Alfrfcd Frank, Morris Stalmaster, Morris Franklin and Miss Elizabeth Hart.

ADL Head to Talk To Monsky Women B'nal B'rith- H e n r y Monsky Chapter 470 will present Seymour Kaplan, speaking on the topic "You and A. D. L.—Partners in Democracy," at its last regular meting of the season Thursday,

"What's Cooking?" I. M. Wclncr, Bud Wolf, Mrs. Bud Wolf. George Abraham and Joe Levey will show you Sunday evenine.

Non-Member Helps T. * Raise Funds for New Temple Vey'S Farm, 7800 S. 36th Street, will be the setting Sunday, May 24, for a barbecue chicken supper to be served from four to seven continuously. The affair is being sponsored by the Temple Israel

Off icers Installed By J.W.Y. Women

Seymour Kaplan

Mrs. Ezra Beldncr, newly-elected president of the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary, was Installed at a meeting held May 14 at the Jewish Community Center. Other officers are senior vicepresident, Mrs. Nate Marcus; junior vice-president, Mrs. Delmcr Klein; secretary, Mrs. Note Fellman; treasurer, Mrs. Dan Goodman; conductoress, Mrs. Aaron Epstein; patriotic, instructor, Mrs. Sarah Feltman; guard, Mrs. Jack Saylnn, and trustees, Mrs. Betty Rabinowltz, Mrs. Max Belgrade arid Mrs. Ed Morris. Mrs. J. Milton Margolin is the new chaplain, and Mrs. Iz Lewis the new historian. Mrs. Max Rosen was the Installing officer. A social hour, during which refreshments were s e r v e d , followed the business meeting. On May 7, the Auxiliary held a bingo party at Veterans' Hospital. Prizes, canteen books and a phone call home were given to the patients. Serving as hostesses were Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, hospital chairman, Mrs. Aaron Epstein and Mrs. Max Rosen.

May 28, at 8 p , m., at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Kaplan is plain states regional director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. The chapter recently contributed to the A. D. L. film library and has also provided help* in mass mailing for the A. D. L. office. Officers for 1953-54 club year will be elected at the business meeting prior to the program. Refreshments and social hour will Harpo Marx: "The first thing follow. the typical American, asks when ho gets to heaven, is the amount Elmer Rice: "It tapes dozens oj of the down payment on a harp." pages to write a historical play, but only two sheets to make a George Jean Nathan: "The gland bedroom farce." is the only thing secretive about women." Marvyn Lelloy: "With some people you spend an evening; with Dorothy Parker: "Familiarity others you invest i t " breeds attempt."

Forbes for Wedding Cakes


FLOWERS. For Every Occasion Say It With Ours EARL SIEGEL 2323 Dodge

JA 2545

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on


Sunday Brunch All You Care to Eol


RE 5561

Ly n's

Served Buffet Style 1



sisterhood as a fund-raising pro]* ect for the new temple. Mr. George Abraham, a non« member, conceived the idea and Is supervising the barbecuelng with the help of Hdrry Altsuler, Leo Elsenstatt, Joe Levey, I, M. Weiner and Bud Wolf. Mr. Abraham, of the Abraham Produce Company, is not Jewish, but he contacted the sisterhood and suggested this project because he wanted "to do something to: help raise money for the new building." Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, general chairman for the affair, has announced that It will be a "come as you arc informal gathering for the entire family." Supper will be served outside, weather permitting. Otherwise, inside facilities will be in readiness. •

Noon to 3 p. m.



f a * Ms

Friday, May It, U9S

Youth Council Doings fflkvas Ami Saturday, May 33, T.A. will {resent its f^»"»i Young Judaea Ones; Shabhat AH Junior Young judaeans are invited to attend. It win be held in the social hall at the Beth VL Synagogue.

'»onncitel res The last event of the year will

be" the party which will ' Be-bop be held at Camp 'Brewster tomorrow night The co-chairmen a r e Nadine Breslow and Rita Peltz. Other committees are: Program, Carole Okun; refreshments, Shirley Noodell; decorations, Jean Cutler, Barbara Jcffe and Harriet SosUn. Councilettes are attending serv ices at the Beth El Synagogue tonight at 8 o'clock.

Youth C owe!, to HoW Conclave Donee The Jewish Youth Council presents the Fourteenth Annual Conclave Dance Thursday evening, June. 4, at 8-12 p. m., at the FonleneUe Hotel Music will' be provided by Skippy Anderson's Orchestra, Admission is *1.7S per couple, and the dance is aemltormal. _


D.bka Debs

Yduth Corner

Saturday, May 16, the Debka Debs held an Oneg Shabbot at Temple Israel for the Youth Council. The girls learned - Hebrew songs and participated in the Palestinian dancing. On Sunday the girls initiated the idea of holding a brunch before their regular meeting, which proved very successful. The Debs are now busy planning a raffle to be held in the near future. Wonderful prizes will be given, and all proceeds from the event will go to Tsoflm The club attended services. May B, at Beth El, and also attended the Confirmation at Temple Israel en masse on May 19.

Famed Lancergab Slacks with

By Lois Shapira The time is almost here Bow nhen we'll ring down the curtain 011 another school year and also • i a full year of Jewish Youth Council Activities. Yes, these activities have been receiving club support, but not whole-hearted support In fact if you were to tsJce inventory at these Y> C. functijns yourself, you'd probably the same faces there all the time while many, 'many others never appear at all. There are two big events coming up, kids, that require your whole-hearted support if they are to be successful. The first of these is the Careers Con- Junior YouriiChib ference which will be held at the The next meeting of the Junior Jay this Sunday. It should prove Youth Club will take place on net only very interesting, out very Sunday evening at 630 p. ra. The beneficial to (he individual This meeting will be held in the Talis an opportunity nobody should mud Torah recreation room. Final' pass up, so let's have a good rep- plans for the club's wienie roast will be made and winners of the resentation there club tournaments will be anThe next ma jo; rnt and the last nounced. cue tor this scat».<£ is toe Annual Youth Council Conclave at which time the King and Queen of the PTA Officers Y. C. will be announced. The The following- officers were Conclave could easily be called the elected the coming year at tUe biggest event of the season as Best May 14 for meeting of the PTA: SamClub Awards, Koved Keys, and uel Kaplan, president; Mrs. David neit year's Youth Council officers vice-president; Mrs. will all be presented. Let's all Friedman, Harry Sidman, corresponding secturn out for this and make it the bifigest and best Conclave ever, retary; Mrs. Nate Kaplan, recordanj above all, let's see some new ing secretary, and Mrs. Samuel faces there and not leave it up to Shykcn, treasurer. Installation of the newly electa few all the time. ed officers will take place at the "une 4 meeting of the PTA.

Spot, Stain, Wrinkle Resistant Miracle Finish

Beth Israel News

Beth LH Will Hold C onfirmation and Graduation May 29 The High School Department of Beth El Talmud Torah will hold Confirmation Services for eleven students, and five will be graduaftd Friday, May 29. The Confinmand* have completed two • years of .study in the High School Department and the graduates nave completed a four-year course. The Confirtnands are: Nancy Barron, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron. Suzanne Estrada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Estrada. Shirley Goodman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goodman. Deanne Markovitz, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Abe Markovitz. Itobert Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyer. fiheldon Rips, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rips. . Marilyn .Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rice. Fyllis Rubinow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Rubinow. Ilenc Sachs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs. Sari Shukert, daughter of Mr. antl| Mrs.. Dave Shukert. Jerry Ziegman, son of Mr. and Mm. I, B. Ztcgman. The Gradua'es are: Bennett Alberts, son of Mr. and Mn,. Wm. Alberts. . Stizettc Estrada, daughter of Mr •no] Mrs. Dave Estrada. Bieriard FeJlman, son of Dr. and Mn. Leon Fellman. Ernest Kaiman, son of Mr. and Mr.-..* Sam. Kaiman. Arlene Janice Lcvinc, daughter Of J|Ir. and F Irs. Hyman Levinc. Richard Fellman, Sheldon Rip!!, Dene Sachs and Suzanne Estrad.i Wil)| speak for the fjraduales and conlflrmamls.

Bar & Bas Mifzvah Tvyin sons, Eernard Howard and Bruce Stephen Bloom, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom, will celebrate their Bar Mltzvah this Friday ever'ini and Saturday morning *he Beth El Synagogue. A reception will follow the ceremonips. W'chael Gary'Canar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Canar, will celebrat • his Bar Mitzvah this Friday evei ing and Saturday morning in the 3eth El Synagogue.

' Chairmen for the committees are as fallows: Publicity, Ruthie Chu- Connnnation dacoff; posters, Muriel Green and Reception C h a r l e s Hyman; notifications, Shirley Goodman; decorations, JerParents of the confirmands rery Turner; tickets and stickers, ceived members of the Temple IsKenny Freed and Harold Freid- rael congregation and their friends man. at a reception lost Tuesday evening following the Confirmation Ava Gardner: "A girl may love services at Temple Israel. you from the bottom of her heart, but there's always room for some other fellow at the top.". Patronize Our Advertisers.

Holiday Rehearsals

Cantor Eli Kagan announces that rehearsals for the High Holiday Beth Israel Services will start in July. Every man or boy,- who would like to join the Beth Israel Synagogue Choir, is asked to contact Cantor Kagan at RE 2035 or to call the Synagogue office, RE G288.

Happy Birthday Friday, May 22 Aaron Marcus, Adrian Monroe Minkin and Mary Jo Slosburg. Sitarday, Mar 2J Benny Abramson, Sandra Jean Bernstein and Robert Victor Heyman. Sunday. May 84 Linda Cipinko and Sally Mae Freeman. Monday, May 25 Rhea Lexlye Minkin and Mark Samuel Sauhders. Tuesday, May 26 . Arnold Michael Conn, Edgar Arnold Kulakofsky and Nancy Lynn Lincoln. Wednesday, May 27 Jeffrey Bruce Belzer, Nancy Carol Bloom, Sina Gelbart -and Andrea Llpsman. Thursday, May 28 Philip Gorclick, Howard Frederick Habn, Stephen Howard KukUn, Barry Alan Lewis, Nancy Richards and Neil Steinberg.


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Obituary Gail Margolin Services were held Thursday, May 7, for Gail Margolin, J 3 . Mr. Margolin, one of the owners of the Allen Ice Company, died Tuesday, May 5, i n a local hospital. Mr. Margolin was a member of Beth El Synagogue and B'nal B'rlth. He is survived by his wife, Minnie; three daughters, Mrs. Dorothy Green, Mrs. Pauline Gendlcr, and Mrs. Babe Bordy, all of Omaha; four sinters, Mrs. Jock MirviM of Milwaukee, Mrs, Louis Cutler, Mrs. I. Hurwitz and Mrs. IT. S. Yaffe, all of this city; five brothers, Ben and Louis of Los Angeles, Drs. Morris and Milton of this city, and Abnor of Milwaukee; and seven grandchildren.

Gems o* the Bible and Talmud"By DR. PHILIP 8HER

Religious News LUht Candles: 7:21 p . !

Beth Israel Bjr Dr. Philip Sher Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Bible Eli Kagan and the Beth Israel It is better to hear the rebuke Synagogue Choir will conduct late if the wise than the praise-song Friday evening services at 8 p. m. if fools. Saturday service will begin a t 8 3 0 Oppression turneth a wise man a. m. at the Beth Israel and at 9 nto a-fool; and a gift destroycth a. m. at 18th and Burt. Junior iudgnjent. ' Congregation followed by a SabThere is not a righteous man bath luncheon will start at 9:30 ipon earth who always does good a. m. in the Chapel. Saturday tid never sins. Mincha at 7 p. m. Daily services Talmud begin at 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and Rabbi said: "1 learned • much at 0:30 a. m. at 19th and Burt St. rom my teachers; more, however, Daily evening services begin at rum my colleagues; but from my 7:30 p. m. The Sunday morning >upils I learned the most." breakfast minyon class jn Bible When the ciders of Israel com- meets at 8:45 a. m. The Sunday ilaincd to .King David that" themorning Junior breakfast minyon Icwisli nation could not maintain meets at 8:45 a: m. Children who l/, the King told them that accompany their parents to Sunhe people should engage in trade day morning services ore invited imongst themselves, and thus sup- to join the regular breakfast min)ort one another. The leaders an- yon club. werod that a nution cannot exist md prosper-on its own resources. Beth El he King then advised them to Services this evening begin at 6 end groups of representatives to o'clock. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke oreign countries to seek market; will deliver the sermon. Cantor 'or export trade and thus help Aaron I. Edgar the Beth El iring prosperity to the Jewish Choir will renderand the musical porpeople in Palestine. . ions of the service. Since the destruction of the Saturday morning services will Temple the gift of phophecy has begin at 0:45; Junior Congregation been given to fools and children. Services will be at 10:30. a. m. Wise men cannot afford to lose Mincha at A family of'Jewish refugees recdunl their gruellnc escape while 7:15 p. m. Daily servresting at an emergency aid station In West Berlin financed by the their reputations, while fools and ices are conducted at 7 a. m. and United Jewish Appeal and operated by the Joint Distribution Com- children have nothing to lose.) 7 P. m. Sunday morning services mittee. will be at 9 o'clock.

Mr«. Leah Goldware Services were held Monday, May 18, fox Mrs. Leah Coldwarc, formerly of Omaha. She died Fri' day, May .15, In Chicago. Mrs. Goldware is survived by 'her husband, Abraham; a brother, Nathan Llthman of London, England; three sons, Benjamin of Dallas, Texas, Meyer of Los Angeles, and David of C h i c a g o ; three daughters, Mrs. Ann Yousen of LoS Angeles, Mrs. Bess Rosenberg of Chicago, and Mrs. Evelyn R u binstein of Cleveland; thirteen grandchildren a n d one greatgrandchild.

David Klein

Jerusalem. (JTA)—The national Income of • Israel has more than Temple Israel tripled in the five years that the The eight o'clock services this state exists, Finance Minister Levi The family of Henry Epstein Eshkol declared on a nation-wide evening is the concluding worship services to be held in the sanctwill dedicate a gravestone in hisbroadcast. uary.. Past presidents, members honor at the Beth Hamcdrosh HaReviewing the economic and of the sisterhood and present officodel Cemetery this Sunday at fiscal growth of the country on the cers will be honored. 2 p. m. occasion of the fifth anniversary Services in the temple will be Rabbi Myer Kripke and Cantor of the establishment of Israel, followed by the annual meeting of Aaron Edgar of Beth El Syna- Mr. Eshkol reported that national the congregation Rabbi Goldman at an Oncg Sha8havoo( gogue will officiate. income had increased from 240,bat. Rabbi Brooks and Alfred Party: Everybody Welcome. Friends and relatives are in-000,000 pounds in 1948 to 800,- Mayer will present Chicago (JTA)—Messages of their reports. Place: The Auditorium of thevited to attend the ceremony. 000,000 this year and that national condolence from Jewish organizaNext week the offices of the income for; the entire five-year tions and leaders In oil parts of Home—4801 No. 52nd Street. temple will be moved to the J e w Time: Thursday, May 21st, at the world were received here by The family of Mrs. Mary Gold- period amounted to nearly 2,000,- ish Community Center. Telephone pounds. Total Investments the family of the late Rabbi Solo- 7:30 p. m. berg will dedicate a gravestone in 000,000 numbers will remain the same. " the same period came to ] 690,Sponsor: Pioneer Women. mon Goldman, former president her memory at Beth El Cemetery in Weekly services begin at 7:30 pounds, ho said. Lost year of the Zionist Organization of Birthday Party: this Sunday at 3 p. m. Rabbi Myer 000,000 came to 40 percent p. m., and will be conducted each These parties, under the spon- Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar investments America and well-known scholar, Friday evening starting May 29, of the national income. who died lost Thursday at the age sorship of the Bikur Cholim So- will officiate. In the center auditorium. of 59, Funeral cervices were held ciety, ore getting better all the Washington, (JTA)—The Israel Tuesday. Rabbi Israel H. Levin- time Thecolor- films of former The family of Brlna Forbes embassy announced: that Ezra New York, (JTA)—Three Hundthai of Brooklyn; and Maurice parties'were shown and were very will dedicate a gravestone in hor Hayut had arrived from Israel to red and fifty Americans, represSamuel, noted author, delivered well received by the Residents and memory this Sunday at 3 p. m.,assume duties as labor attache, > enting more than a score of protheir guests. Dancing followed and the eulogies. at the Beth Mamedrosh Hagodcl newly-created post on the e m -fessions and technical skills, have Dr. Goldman was ,the rabbi of refreshments of home-made cakes Cemetery. Cantor Eli Kagan of bassy staff, Mr. Hayut will be in affiliated themselves during the : Beth Israel will officiate. Friends contact with tho U. S. Department past nine months with PATWA, an the Anshe Emet Synagogue, one and ice, cream Were served. ; Among those present were: Mr, ol the three largest Jewish con- and Labor and the leading American organization of American profesMrs, Harry Sldman and. son; and relatives are invited to attend of gregations in America, since 1920 Mrs. unions. His last position was that sionals, technicians and siuacnW Leonard Chcrniss: Mr». Mor- the ceremony. and recently completed his 36th ris polgoff; of regional director of soutnem planning to work in Israel in the Mi*, harry Lewis; year in the pulpit. Bom In Koiln, Mrs. TiUle Plotkln; Israel of the Jewish Agency's near future, it was announced Mr. and Mn. Pensions , Biusia, Dr. Goldman was brought H. Richards; Mr. and absorption depart- here. Engineers, teachers and s o Mrs. Jala.Cologne (JTA)—The Germa immigration to America in childhood and was Wine; Mr. and Mr». Allen Zalkin; Ministry ment. He also served in Israe cial workers constitute the largest of Interior has announced with the labor relations depart- professional categories In the KA~ educated "In New York public Mr. and Mrs. Hi Zalkin; Mr. Mar- the opening here of an office to ment of the Histadrut. TWA membership. schools and at the Talmudlc,Col- shall Zalkin and master Mark

Services were held Tuesday afternoon, May 12, for David Klein, 82, resident of Omaha for 65 yean. He died Monday, May 11. Mr. Klein is survived by his Sister, Mrx Jennie Burger, of this City.

lege of Rabbi Isaac Elchanan7 He Tecelved hi« bachelor's degree at New York University and his rabbinical degree at Jewish Theological Seminary of America, F a i r E m p l o y m e n t '•.••'

Columbus, O. (JTA)—The Ohio House of Representative* bos passed a home-rule bill prohibiting discrimination-in employment on grounds of age, race, color or creed! The measure sets up country boards for enforcement purposes.

With the Folks at Home

Zalkin; Mrs. Lewis Ncvcleff; Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Forbes, and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Forbes. Handicraft Show: Mrs. Rose Kagan and Mr. George Pick-Patrick were amongst those participating in the Second Handlcrafl Exhibit for Senior Citizens at the Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum during the week of May 12. Mrs. Kagan exhibited work in Original Sewing and Mr. Patrick in Painting. .'• . • . •-... Yahrzelt: Memorial Services will bo held In the Home Synagogue for: Mr. Morris Turner—Sivan 14— May 20th. Mr. Joseph Bush — Sivan 14 — May 20th. Klddush Donated: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whiteman donated a Klddush in Honor of their 25th Wedding Anniversary.

Monument Dedication

process the applications for pensions of former communal employees of German Jewish communities. The office Is .known as 'Buridcsstcllc fuer Entschaesigung der Bcdicnsteten Jucdlscher Gemcinden." V It is estimated that the number of affected employees, will be in the neighborhood of 1,000 and will include rabbis, cantors, teachers, kosher slaughterers, social workers and administrative workers. Payments will run to 80 per cent of the 'last salary for the official, 48 per cent for his widow and 20 per cent for orphans under 18 years of age, and will be computed retroactively to October, 1952. Minimum payments may not be less than 3,000 deutschemarks and not more than. 12,000 annually.


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Jay To Honor Over 100 Athletes Larry Schwartz

Youngsters f o Be

Ping Pong Champ

Honored Tuesday

' A. Z. A. l's fine athlete Larry Schwartz has added another first to his athletic laurels. The .sensational junior came through in fine style to defeat Marshall Denenberg in the ping jjoriy finals and win th.e tournament. The feature . match of the tourney was played between Schwartz and Fred Segel. Segel was formerly a rated player but in 2-3 games Schwartz won fcy the. scores of 22-20, 19-21, 21,. . 19. A total of 14 boys participated and saw Schwartz avenge an earlier defeat at the hands of Marsh Denenberg, who defeated him in the canteen tourney.

Campus News Sigma Alpha Mu A Stag honoring the senior class and the present house officers was held during the week at which tltne the house trophies'were given to the outstanding men. Trophies awarded were: Freshman scholarship trophy, Sol Stiss; Upperclassmen scholarship trophy, Jerry Weinberg; freshman aclivi^ties trophy, Norman Veitzer; up. jperclassmen a c t i v i t i e s trophy, Ira Epstein; best all-around pledge trophy, Norm Shyken, and belt bouse athlete trophy, Paul Gaiter. Also awarded were: Best bull thrower trophy, Ira Ep:;teirr. speech achievement award, Al Kenyon, and best lover award, Don Silverman. Norman Veitzer, sophomore-tobe; Marv Friedman, junior-to-be, and Gerry Fellman, senior-to-be were nominated to compete in the international Sigma Alpha Mu Scholarship awards. Prior Gerry Fellman was last year's winner and received a $150 scholarship lor his outstanding sophomore grade average.

Next Tuesday ni(;ht the Jay will choose its best athletes in the grade .school, high school and on the adult level for the 1052-53 season. For tiie first time the top grade school a t h 1 e t e will be awarded the J. J. Greenberg Memorial trophy for outstanding ability and sportsmanship in the Midget basketball league. The Harry Trustin Trophy will be awarded to the best high school athlete for competition in Youth Council play. The previous winners of this honor were: 1940—Ben Kuller. 1941—Mike Landman. 1948—Kcvce Kirshcnbaum. 194D—Ed Belgrade. 1950—Bart nochman. 1951—Arley Bondarin. 1952—Gordon Rubin. The Leslie Burkenroad trophy Is awarded to the lop senior athlete of the year. Previous winners for this award were: 1948—Mike Landman. 1949—Steve Lustgartcn. 1950—Harold Nepomnick. 1951—Al dayman. 1952—Ralph Cooper. These award winners will be chosen by a special group of the center health and Physicial Education committee. Bucky Greenberg will award the trophy bearing his father's name, while Harry Trustin will award the best high school athlete, and Les Burkenroad will honor the outstanding senior athlete.

Champions of Midget Basketball League Members of the Rosen-Novak Midget basketball team, who won the 1953 championship at the J. C. C. Top row, left to right: Gene Dandy, Alan Krlzchnan, Bob Oberman, Maynard Itosen, Jerry Rosen. Bottom row: Mike Babes, Bob Ginsburr, Mike Sadofsky, Martin Sneider and Gerry Goldstrom.

AZA 1 Canutes

A scrappy group of athletes from Mother chapter A. Z. A. 1 are the J953 winners of the annual athletic Olympic trophy given to the high school club for outstanding athletic prominence. In the major sports, the A. Z. A. , Zeta Beta Tau 1 boys took the Y. C. Softball title The top men's organization on and finished in second place in campus, Kosmet Klub, honored the bowling league. They finished two Zela Beta Taus last week. fourth In the basketball league. Marshall Kushner was elected sec- JH the. minor sports or tournaments retary of KK and Howard Vann here they won: was the fourth man out of tea new : members to be initiated into Wrestling (1st place—2 champs the organization. The initiation •—5 runners-up). banquet,. held at the Lone Oaks Badminton doubles (3rd place). '.; in^IJncaliv was also attended by Pentathlon (1st and 2nd). . Arnold Stern, past treasurer of the Handball singles (1, 2 and 3rd). Handball doubles (1st and 2nd). • g r o u p . . . . . ' • ' . : . : • . ; ; : • • < • • •' • ' • ' . - . .. Swimming (2nd place). ; Shell Green and Bruce HollandPing Pong (1st and 2nd). er-have been accepted to the Ne' braska Law School and are planIn Softball, four members of ning to enter next fall. their team made the all-youth •i.The: ZBT» attended the firs' council team, while one plnyer annual 'Hillet banquet last Sun- made the all-youth council basketday. Mrs. Max Kushner Was in ball team. This was a fine athletic ^chdrBe: o f t h e affair. Marshal' season for the boys from Mother - Kushnerwas awarded a life-lime chapter. For their fine team per••": Membership "to the Hillel dance formance they will be awarded the Olympic trophy at award night v group.: ;..•;.'.' V ' /.-Planning to attend the Tuesday, May 20. Previous club - convention at Atlantic City in Au- winners were: .'.'?• gust-are Joel Milder, Lcn Singer, 1949—A. Z. A. 1. ':•' '.y:, Hollander, Marv Steinberg, 1950—A. Z. A. 1. '•'••••'• Jerry Krupinsky, Neil Miller, Sol 1951—A. Z. A. 100 : * 'Hcsirisky, Shall C - :i, Duran Ja1952—A Z. A. 100. • , cob^ and Arnie Stern. 1953—A. Z. A. 1. ,;••• Milt Maisel attended the state As this article goes to press the : convention for dentists in Lincoln final scoring tabulations of the :' last wf-k. Y. C. track and field meet are not available. Here are the scores till now: Sigma Delta Tau A. Z. A. 1—58 pts. At the H'llcl Banquet, Helcne Rayim—14'/4 pts. Sherman was presented the Hillel A. Z. A. 100-21 pts. Key for outstanding service to the Independents—C'.i pts. group. Ilek-ne is vice-president of Hillcl. Members of the dance group given certificates included Charlene Katz. Carole Marx, Gail Kalskee, Hclene S h e r m a n and Janet Gordon. At the Monday night chapter For the third straight year the supper, the three seniors v/ere presented with silver encrested Jewish Community Center h a s sponsored a "Learn To Swim Cam. candle!: :k holders from the chapter. The graduating seniors are paign" for Jewish youngsters. Realizing the values to be gained Lois Gen.'lick, Ruthann Lavine from water skills, many parents . Bush, and Syvia Krasne. Trudy Bronstcin was initiated have registered their children for Into Coed Counselors, and Janet the swimming classes held during week. The classes are held Gordon was named to the staff the from 4 to 5 p. m. Tuesday through of the Cornhusker. Janet will be Friday. A child may attend on In charge of the fraternity section any of these days.* Bext year. Sara Lehman was presented a Expert instruction is offered the book at the Physical Education beginner, and he or she progresses banquet for being the freshman from elementary water skills to with the highest average last se- more complex: activity very rapi'it mester. Ruthie Bush was in a ly. If your youngsters does .lot musical program Friday at Teachi- know how to swim, register him er's College when she directed the or her now for the swimming classes at the Center., boy's octet. , , :

'Learn to Swim" Classes af Center

.Next Tuesday night at the .!•!} inidilor'niiii, over a hun(li(d a t h l e t e s will receive itcliievenicMt award,1; at the unmiiil AtliU'lic A u - t i r d night. Leading for the number of lion'oi i to lie given are the boys mid girls •Jewish Youth Council clubs who competed in a total of 15 ntlilclic events. Threo Leagues f i IK; high school boyd engaged in t h r e e competitive leagues. T h e y fire Boftball, bowling ami basketball. The girls played volleyball and bowl ing. Grade school competition was held in basketball and bowling with added participation in swimming and Softball. Basketball rivalry fcatuied the senior league play along with handball. Feature Presentation The feature presentation of the evening will be the awarding ot the trophies to the top grade school, high school and senior winners who have shown high degree of athletic ability and sportsmanship. Bucky Greenberg will award the J. J. Greenberg Memorial trophy to the outstanding midget league basketball player, and Har ry Trustin will present the Trustin Award to the top Youth Council athlete. The senior trophy will be presented by Les Burkenroad to the top varsity performer of the year. A fine program has been planned jnjd refreshments will he served. Kvoryone i:i welcome to attend.

Frogman Mixed Swimming Class Outstanding Youth Council Bowlers, Tevce and Tommy licrnstcln arc the hlch average bowlinff champs in the cirls and boys Y. C. bowling leagues. Tcvcc had an average of 134, while Tommy finished with a sensational 1C3. Both will receive troubles at award night.

Tanny Harwich Named AZA No. 1A to Meet Y. C. Bov/ler of Month AZA 100 This Sunday The Youth Council Bowler of the Month for April is Tanny Horwich, a member of Rayim Lucky Strikes. The high .s'choo1 freshman established an average of 89 in the beginning of the season. He raised this average steadily every week until lie reached 118 on the final day oT the season, an increase of 29 pins. Tanny set a personal record by bowling a 200 game. He showeo1 good sportsmanship and had ar almost perfect attendance record.

What with warmer days hern many Jewish youngsters are seeking out the Center .swimming pool for a nice dip or for informative swimming lessons.- .Many Frogman. Club members enjoy the mixed swimming on Sunday afternoons from 2:30 to '1:30. Any youngsters who like to swim should come on down to the pool during these Sunday swims. If you want to see progress, look at the ability of the Fun Time kiddies in their learning how to swim. Eddie Agctstein and Hetty Ann Poska help instruct this class. Three new swimming assistants are now working with the children enrolled in the Learn To Swim Campaign Classes. They are Howard Goldstein, Art Novak and Dick Einstein.

AZA 1 will meet AZA 100 in feature game this weekend. Rain proved to be a delaying factor in the boys Y. C. Softball league. Last week's games postponed what was to be a thrillinr; game between A. Z. A,. 1A and Rayim A. All postponed games will be replayed at the enrl of the season. This Ben Hecht:1 "Money talks, but Sunday Rayim B will be •host to Rayim A, while the Independent nobody notices what grammar it team will play A. Z. A. IB. For- uses." mer Youth Council Softball stars Jerry Lester: "Many a man loses will umpire the They are Norman Zevitz, Dan Epstein and his best friend by marrying her." Morric Handle-man. 1 0 ndepcndenls „... 0 1 Hedy Lamarr: "A low-cut gown W L A. Z. A. IB „.;, 0 1 shows that a woman's heart is in A. Z. A. 1A 1 0 A. Z. A. 100 the right place." 0 1 Rayim A 1 0 itayim B ;;





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