May 29, 1953

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Vol. XXXI—No. ;i7

Annual ConcEcsve Thursday Evomnq Tho Jcwh.h Youtfi Council presents the Twelfth Annual Conclnvo Dance Thursday evening from 9-12 p. ni., at the Fcnluiielle Hotel. Mu;ik: will he provided by Skippy Anderson's Orchestra. Admission in 51.75 per couple, Olid the dunce is semi-formal. Marching in the coronation will be: Larry Schwartz—President of AZA No. 1. Sandra Fii'her—Co-chainnan of the Conclave Dance. Alan Heeger—Past President of AZA No. 1. Ruthie Chudacoff—President of Councilcttcs. Michael Bleicher—Past President ot AZA No. 1. Doris Kaduzlner—President of Debka Deha. Jerry T u r n e r—President of Kayiin. Lois Shapiro-*-Youth Council Officer. Barry Veret—Past President of Kayini. , Marlene Dloogoff—President of Tikvas Ami. Ruth Slavin—Past President of Tikvas Ami. Jiranklin Heri;—Crown Bearer. Stanley Fellman will be mailer of ceremonies. President of the Jewish Youth Council, Richard Fellman, will speak followed by the announcement of the 1953-54 officers for the Youth Council. Following Dick Fellman; .7. Harry Kolakofsl:y, president of the Jewish Federation, will present the Best Club Award Plaques, The 1052-53 Kins nnd Queen of Merit will be crowned by the 1044-45 King and Queen, Mra. Stanford Lipsey and Al dayman. Following the coronation, Louis' Paul, Director of Athletics, will present the Olympic Awards; and Larry Herllck, Director of Youth Activities, will present the Kovod Keys to the most outstanding seniors.

Reception Planned For Rabbi Groner Members of the fceth Israel Synagogue are planning a weekend of Festivities to welcome Rabbi Benjamin Groner and his family to our community, Harry Sidm.'m, president of. the synagogue announced. The Junior Congregation will be host to the rabbi',1; children, Diane, Haphael and Gladys, at Junior Congregation cervices. to be held in the Chapel, Saturday, June 6. A reception and special Mincha services for the rabbi nnd his family will be given Sunday, June 7, jn the social hall. They are motoring here from Chicago and are expected to arrive June 2.

Blngl* Copy 10 Oentl Annual ftau 4 OollUM

Report India Bombay (JTA)—The J e w i s h A/lency representatives here lias received a letter from a group of (ifi Indian Jews who returned here from Israel, denying statements made in Parliament that they left the Jewish State because of a "color bar." The letter said: "We, the undersigned returnees from Israel, desire vehemently to eondradict this (Parliamentary) statement. Neither at work nor socially was there any trace of discrimination on account of color or origin. It is indeed contrary to the spirit which inspired the

world, "We regret the controversy attending our return to India. Our return was a confession of failure on our part to come up to the high standards demanded by a pioneering country. As you arc fully aware, there are many of us who wouffl like to be given another chance to take purl in the great work of reconstruction taking place in Israel. Had we the means, many of us would already have been in Israel today." Coronation London (JTA)—Jews of the British Empire will mark the coronation of Queen Elizabeth by a Coronation Dinner here on June 10 under the auspices of the Anglo-Jewish Association. Jews from all the Dominions who will attend the coronation a.i representatives of the Empire's Jewish communities will attend the dinner. The Israel Ambassador to the Court of St. James is also expected to attend. Canadians Montreal, Que. (JTA)—Montreal Jewery is now celebrating the 185th anniversary of the founding ot the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue, Shearith Israel Congregation, first and oldest synagogue in the Dominion of Canada and the first organized effort In the history of Canada. The synagogue, which traces its traditions to the family chapel of Aaron Hart in Three Rivers in 1763, was constituted in Montreal In 17C8. Its members were mostly Sephordic Jews who had come to Canada with the British forces. Its first building was erected in 1777. Its membership in the early years consisted of all the known Jews in Canada. Moss Hart: "The young man who worked so hard to graduate, later wonders what the hurry was." Jack Benny: "The American home is as sound as ever, thanks to the television set." George Jessel: "Men no longer hide behind women's skirts; neither do women."

•-. 'Goldman § New York (JTA)—"One of the most vital problems for Israel's survival is peace with the Arab world and Israel's integration in tho Near Riot as an equal and integral partner," Dr. N a h u m G o 1 d m a n n , head of the world Zionist movement and chief negotiator of tho $822,000,000 reparations settlement between Germany and Israel, asserted here at a dinner tendered In his honor by over 00 leading Jewish organizations and communities. Stating that "Israel has no desire to bo a permanently beleaguered fortress in a hostile Arab world," Dr. Goldmann said that "the real test of Israel statesmanship will bo its nblllty to solve the problems of ILi relations with the Arab, ilybHd." Dr. Goldmann ri c a 11 in his

fubllshcd ever? I/rlday, 101 H, 20lh, Uimilio, Nebraska, Phone AT 1450


if!i'.*, Omatia,

speech with "the unfinished business" of the Jewish people and Israel. He said that although the classical Jewish quality of "sliffneckedness," as described in the Bible, "lias been responsible partly for Jewry's survival through centuries of persecution, it has also been responsible for • permanent disunity and an incapacity for joint fiction.'1 Scoring the "fanaticism which is the birthmark of contemporary w o r l d history," Dr. Goldmann said: "JcwS, more than any other people, must combat this trend towards absolutes and a g a i n s t compromise; both in Israel nnd outside Israel, Jewn must strive to set an example in tolerance and good will and do away with the disastrous inclination to carry over political conflicts into personal relationships." •

to Speak Honoring Grads

Doris Iladuziner

Alan Hcegcr

Cornhusker Derby ©pens Tomorrow

News Around The Nation

Delegates will arrive tomorrow from Sioux City, Sioux Falls, Lincoln, Fremont, Hastings, Grand Island, and Council Bluffs for the "Cornhusker Derby," the annual Spring Convention of the Southwest Regional Council of B'nai B'rith. Members of the five Omaha IVnai H'rith lodges and chapters will join the out-of-town delegates in the two-day conclave to be held at the Fontenclle Hotel. Cornbusker Lodge of Omaha is sponsoring the conention. Highlighting the Convention will be the Supper-Dance, tomorrow night at the Fontenelle Hotel Ballroom, to which the public is invited. Cliff Dudley's orchestra will provide the music, and a buffet supper will be served from 10 p. m. Tickets are $3.75 per person. Preceding the dance, there will be a regional men's bowling tournament at tho Forty Bowl. A bowling tournament for women will be held Sunday morning. Trophies will be awarded for both singles and team events. Registrations for the tournaments may be made at the alleys immediately prior to bowling. After midnight on Saturday, a special meeting of "So-Ho" will be held. "So-Ho" in a B'nai B'rith fun organization. Initiation of new members will be conducted by Samuel Berek of Fremont, founder of "So-Ho." Entertainment and refreshments will bo provided. Sunday morning, delegates will meet to transact regional business and to elect officers. The convention will be closed with a banquet for B'nai B'rith members and their wives. Guest speaker will be Harry Yudkoff of Detroit, Michigan. G e n e r a l convention chairmen are Norman Hahn nnd Louis Katz. Assisting in arrangements are Gerald Bernstein, Norton Garon, David nice, Milt Cackln, Y a l e Richards, Al Friedman, H a r r y Goodblnder, and Harold Zellnsky. Sec schedule of convention events on pace 3.

On Radio and TV This Sunday, over WOW Radio, from 10:30 tp 11 u. in., the Eternal Light will present "Who Saves One Life." It is tho drama-biography of the late Reverend Dr. Joshua Loth Uebman, author of "Peace of Mind." On KOIL;- at 0 a. m., this Sunday, * "Message of Israel" will present Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld of the Washington, D, C, Hebrew Congregation. He will speak on the "Challenge Facing tho American Community."

Defense Secretary Washington (JTA) — Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson praised the morale- activities of the National Jewish Welfare Board a m o n g Jews in the American armed services and said that these activities afford "invaluable assistance" to America's defense program. "The Department of Defense is well aware of the great contribution made by the National Jewish Welfare Board on behalf of those members of tho Jewish faith in our Armed Forces," Secretary Wilson stated in a letter to the JWB. "Your Armed Services Division and its committees throughout the country have been a vita' link between our servicemen and the communities, affording invaluable assistance to the national defense program. We know that we can count on your continued cooperation." Birthplace New York (JTA)—The area of ancient Modln, birthplace of tho Maccabees, Israel's liberator-kings, will be resettled and named for Itzhak Ben Zvl, Israel's recently elected President, it was announced las night by Mendel N, Fisher, executive director of the Jewish National Fund, at a meeting arranged "by the labor department of the JNF in the Commodore Hotel. The meeting was attended by about 2,000 persons. Aliens Washington (JTA) — Acting Secretary of State Walter Bedell Smith testified this week before the House Judiciary Committee in favor of emergency legislation requested by President Elsenhower to admit 24,000 aliens above normal quotas in the next two years. He said that enactment of the legislation would be a blow against Communism. Revision Monticello, N. Y. (JTA)—An appeal to President Elsenhower, Congress and the American people to re-examine the procedures used in loyalty investigations to Insure that basic American rights are protected in tho campaign against subversion, was addressed here last night at the opening session of tho four-day 101st annual convention of Ditrict No. 1 B'na B'rith. Units in Now York State, the New England States and Eastern Canada are attending. DP Question Munich (JTA)—The displaced persons question has become a hot political issue in the State of Bavaria as a result of the demand by the Bavarian State-Secretary for Refugees, Prof. Theodor Oboriaender, for extraordinary powers •'til "create order in- Foehreuwald/




Doris Raduzlner and Alan J. Icegcr, graduating seniors at Ceriral High School, will speak on behalf of Omaha's Jewish high • school graduates at baccalaureate services Wednesday evening, Bt 8 p. m., in the Beth Israel Syna[ogue. Sixty-six Jewish boys and girlj will be honored. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will deIvor the baccalaureate address. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Rabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the services. \ ,The Beth Israel Synagogue Choir, under the direction ot Cantor Ell Kagan, will participate. Dr. Philip Sher, originator ot the annual baccalaureate service, will extend greetings. Richard M. Fellman, president of the Jewish Youth Council will also speak. A reception in the social hall will follow the service. Miss Raduziner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Raduziner and Alan J. Heeger is the son of Mrs. Alice M. Heoger. Benjamin Belmont is being graduated from Benson High School. Central graduates are: William S. Abramson, Bennett Alberts, Myron Max Bear, Murray Belman, Harland David Bercovici, Frankly n Perry Beig, Michael Nathaniel Blelcher, Stanley Burstein, Gerald R. Colnic, Donald S. Dandy, David Dwoskin. Joseph Y. Dwoskin, Gordon Adler Elcwitz, Arnold Lynn Epstein, Alvin Manuel Fellman, Richard M. Fellman, Sol Friedman, Marvin Joe Gilma/i, Gary Lee (Toldstein, J. Martin Graetz, Avrum M. Greenberg, Ronald Jordan Grossman, Alan J. Heeger, Charles O. Hyman, Ernest M. Kaiman. Joseph Donald Lincoln, Calvin E. Linda, Jack I. Moskovitz, Bernard Hyman Newberg, William Novak, Z. Gordon Rips, Frederic Segal, Mason L. Steinberg, Jerome A. Turner, Barton Veret and Warren Sidney Zweiback. Others are: Barbara Jean Bialac, Marlene Dloogoff, Elaine Helen Ehrenreich, Suzette Estrada, Sandra Joyce Fisher, Barbara Jean Frank, Minda Naomi Friedman, Sandra Joy Green. Betty Merle Isack, Phyllis Mae Kaplan, Ossie Katz, Reva Kolnick, Renee Krantz, Shirley Rae Levey, Janice Arlene Levine, Helen Manvitz, ' Marilyn Ann Nearcnberg, Carole Ann Okun, Barbara R. Paperny, Constance Judith Platt. Doris Raduziner, Roberta Rae Resnick, Marldno Faye Rife, San- . dra E. Schriebman, Gwendolyn L, Shapiro, Lois Elaine Shapiro, Gloria M, Shukert and Ruth Max-. ine Slavin. . Leonard V^olk is being graduated from Technical High School.

Ford Foundation Grant in Israel

Jerusalem, (JTA)—Basic scientific research of far-reaching significance for the whole Near East region will be greatly stimulated by the recently announced Ford Foundation grant to Israel, it wal stated here by the Israel Foundations Trustees, a body representing the country's major education-., al and scientific instituKins. "The Ford Foundation's grant of $410,000 for equipment and ai a contribution to the first year's operating expense, makes posslblu the expansion of research projects of vital importance to agricultural development, medical advancement and the social integration ot Israel's diverse population elements. All major Israel scientific and educational institutions will participate and cooperate in tho various projects included in this scientific research program, Theodore Kolleck, chairman of tho Israel Foundations^ Trustees, said.


. # - -'




<ftid*r. Hay 29, 1953

Trends in Germany Published Every Friday by the Omaha Jewish Federation

ffatertd It Mcond-dasa matter at Omaha, Nibrajlca, under the art of Utrcll >. 1ST*. Annual flubfcrtptlon, (4.0O. Advertising ItatM on Application. BdlUril) Oiflcs—101 No. 20Ui Btitit. Omaha, lltbt., Atlantic J4M. - r u m Bbop U d n u - ( 8 0 8 Bo. SOUi Eutcu





i. ..Editor .Society Editor

Dulles Visit to Israel Those diiys when an American Secretary of State for the first time visited the infant Republic of Israel, were days of historic nignificanee to the people of the young Jewish state. Never before duriui; the iivc-ycur existence of Israel hud so important a leader 0)' the world's most powerful democracy as Mr, Dulles, America's foreign minister, Bet foot upon the noil of the reborn Jewish country and had a chance to imbibe .something of its atmosphere. Just before leaving Israel John Foster Dulles .said of his 26-hour visit there: "It has been a stimulating experience for Mr. Staisen and me to visit Israel and to call on the leaders of this dynamic country . . . We came here to listen and observe . . . I congratulate the people of Israel on the progress made in - the first five years of the new state and I wish them .success in meeting (lie problems Jyinjr ahead." Hitherto it was only Israel that sent its top governmental leaders to America to plead for help and understanding in meeting its pressing problems. Now for the first time America sent some of its own top governmental leaders, Mr. Dulles and Mutual Security Director Stasscn, to Israel to sec with their own eyes, to experience at first hand, the necessity for such help and understanding. Even more important than the important problems they discussed with Israel Government leade n daring their brief stay, •was this "stimulating experience" Capita! Spotlight gained by Messrs. Dulles and Stasscn when they breathed the By Milton Friedman heart out of the contorted giant atmosphere "of this dynamic country," an experience which Washington (JTA) — Ex-Nazis who represents Rotterdam. The can only rebound to the benefit of both Israel and America. will be welcomed by the U. S. symbolism is based on the Luft-

Defense Department to equal par- waffe's 40 minutes of low-level in foreign currency earned from ticipation in the revival of Ger- bombing on May 14, 1040, in which man military might within the the Germans destroyed the city's citrus exports.) Last year 120,000 tons of barley and oats were har- framework of the European De- heart. The attack was not a raid vested in the Negev. Vegetables fense C o m m u n i t y . This was against strategic targets but a of terrorism and intimiand potatoes will soon be plentiful. learned hero as the American Air measure A fire razed G45 acres, The chances for the export of Force honored Luftwaffe veterans dation. destroying 25,000 houses, thoutomatoes and bananas are bright. at Webbaden, •without regard to sands of stores, A nation of newcomers from their former Nazi affiliations, in and churches. scores of schools, To the DP's who arrived dur- countries throughout the world preparation for the activation of ing the first years of statehood, a new German air force. T h c Department of the A i r e&mps were a symbol of oppres- has struck roots in the soil of the Environed as the most powerful Force has made known In a letter sion and terror. Yet all the Jewish homeland. European air force, the Germans to Sen. Herbert H. Lehman that Food Agency could offer them at the Even prior to the establishment will be started off with more than Nazi Luftwalle officers, including start was just that: camps. Palestine's Jewish 1,300 aircraft and a total person- an aide to Goering, were honored As the newcomers poured into of the State, v/as to a large extent nel of 80,000. (France has an air and entertained by the Air Force the country at the rate of 1,000 a population Icpcndenl on food With force of leas than 65,000 men). at Wiesbaden on April 21 because day, tent cities tprang up all over the sudden influx ofimports. mars immi- The United States has indicated no "such action is in consonance with Israel. Towns and villages aban- gration, a strict austerity system concern over the fact that thor- the foreign policies of the United doned by their Arab inhabitants, had to be introduced and long oughly-indoctrinated Nazis a r e States in that area in connection former British Army camps, bomb- food queues became a familiar among the leaders of the new with the common defense against Luftwaffe. In charge of the Ger- Communistic aggression." scarred buildings In Jerusalem's ;'.ht throughout the country. no-man's land, everything was Nazis Here is what "Operations Tight man air planning staff is Colonel turned into temporary shelters. At i Hells" looks like: Less Irian 1 Richard Heuser, former Chief of Lehman had informed the the end of 1049, 37 transit camps pound of meat per person per Staff to Hermann Gocring's Fourth I AirSen. that he received letters held more than 100,000 idle and j month as against 14.4 pounds in Air Division. Colonel Heuser is I fromForce American veterans who felt discouraged newcomers. | the U. S.; 2.8 pounds of fish; 12 now working out details through \ the honor rendered the Nazis by . The establishment of the Ma'aba- eggs per person per month as the German member of the EDC the U. S. Air Force "mocked at roth, the transitional settlements, against 34 in the U. S.; 2.0 pounds Committee arranging European the sacrifices made during World marked tho turn of the tide. Tents of fats and oils; 1 cake of toilet defense allocations at SHAPE in War II." The Senator asked the gave way to tin huts and wooden soap a month for everybody. The Paris. Air Force if steps could be taken shacks. Sanitation facilities, water nutritional value of Israel's diet Afrlka Korps to avoid such incidents in the fuand electricity were installed. declined to 2,500 calories per perture. The answer he received General Hans Speidcl, former Roads were built. New commu- son per day, that is, to what the Chief of Staff of Rommel's Altri- failed to concede that there was nities developed where work v/as UN'S FAO has termed a "tem- ka Korps, has submitted blueprints any real bash for objection. plentiful. And slowly the clusters porary maintenance level." which have been unofficially apMaj. Gen. E. L. Eaten, who reof new, white concrete buildings by North Atlantic Treaty plied, said it was a "goodwill gesYet, while the austerity regime proved began to replace the drab canvas Organization chiefs. The bluethat the surviving members walls as landmarks in every part imposed severe hardships on Is- prints provide for approximately ture" rael's settled population which the 20 fighter and fighter-bomber of the Richtofen Squadron were of the country. entertained. The General said, "it Israel G o v e r n m e n t succeeded Israel's housing shortage is still wings. They would operate to pro- is co-incidental that several memrationing, price controls, vide for a mobile army bers of the original Richtofen critical. More than 200,000 new- through for basic foods and spe- of 12support including t h r e e Squadron also served in World comers must spend another hot subsidies rations for pregnant women, Panzerdivisions, divisions. ' and weary summer in makeshift cial War II as high-ranking officers." children and workers in heavy accommodations. But on the other industry to safeguard the naAt Wiesbaden the Germans, inJews and others who suffered tide of, the ledger there is the tion's health and to build up the under the Nazis wonder whether cluding ardent followers of Hitler, proud record of 100,000 perma- physical strength of hundreds of Germany, if provided with this were luncheon gue3ts of the Depnent housing units in concrete thousands of undernourished new- powerful military will uty Commander of the U. S. Air buildings, wooden prefabs and re- comers from substandard areas in remain a docile andmachine, b e d i e n t Force in Europe. They were also constructed Arab houses which the Middle East. This leveling out member of the EDC. oOne honored by a special aerial demhave become "home" to 400,000 of the extremes of consumption at advanced in Washington istheory that onstration of F-84 and F-86 jet new citizens during the first five both ends of the scale constitutes the reactivation of the Luftwalle aircraft and were shown the latest years of statehood. an act of social justice which must being undertaken first because equipment at the U. S. air base be counted among the finest it is felt that public opinion might at Landstuhl. Agriculture Two thousand years of neglect achievements of the young State. not oppose German airmen as have ravaged the face of the land much as it would object to ground Irrigation of IsraeJ. Now the people have reforce units. However, Jews who turned to the land " . . . to reAll over the country rise the survived the liquidation of the deem and to be redeemed." sharply-edged forms of derricks Warsaw ghetto told how the LuftIn the course of five years, the and powerful drills. Israel is drill- waffe played a deadly role. land cultivated by Jewish farm- ing for the earth's greatest trcas New York (JTA)—Harold E. "Devastated City" ers had grown from • less than ure: water. United States Director Rotterdam, in tho Netherlands, Stassen, 200,000 acres to more than 000,000 Deep drilling techniques have for Mutual Security who visited acres', * the area under irrigation led to the discovery of water hi has just dedicated a memorial sta- Israel with Secretary of State has increased from less than 70,000 areas previously considered hope- tue which has been given the name John Foster Dulles, will address acres to close to 150,000 acres. As less such a.i the mountains of "Devastated City." It has also be- the United Jewish Appeal's emeragainst 277 settlements established Galileo and Ephraim and the come known as the "City With- gency National Action Conference ..prior to May 15, 1948, more than Beersheba district in the Northern out a Heart." Indeed, a deadly in Washington. The conference 300 new villages have been found- Negev. Dams and cachment areas Instrument appears to have cut the will take place on June 0 and 7. ed since, from the border of Leba- have been set up to store the rainThe two-day emergency conferwater, and terraces arc being built way mark. Blueprints are already ence, to the coast of Elath. with an expected attendBankers from Rumania, chop- on the hillsides to keep the .win- prepared for a national Irrigation ance of more than 750 regional, ' keepers from Iraq, silversmilhs ter floods from washing away plan which will integrate all the state and local leaders, will tertop coil. Everywhere, water resources of the country and minate the UJA's current special from Yemen have turned into valuable of irrigation and water make possible the irrigation of drive for $25,000,000 in • cash farmers. From 30,000 at the time methods conservation which were success- a million acres of land. launched on May 1 to provide for of the establishment of the State, fully practiced in the country the urgent financing of critical the ranks of Israel's agricultural more than 2,000 years ago work As against 215 -million cubic labor force have swelled to 72,000. band meters of water utilized prior to immigration, settlement and rein hand with the most adFor every dollar which the Jewish vanced tools of our modern tech- the establishment of the State, habilitations programs in Israel some 600 million cubic meters will and other parts of the world. •Agency invesled in new settle- nology. be used for irrigation this year. Joseph Holtzman, national cam' ments three years ago, $1.50 worth • t>t agricultural produce is already In the coming year, the 66-inch An ever growing network of irri- paign chairman of the UJA, said gation canals and pipelines is be- that the conference hi addition being supplied to the local mar- pipeline which will bring the waJcet" (Israel's total agricultural ters of the Yarkon river to tho, ing drawn across the country and to terminating the short-term production is estimated at £125 semi-desert regions in the North- the parched land responds with cash drive, will also mark tho mid-way point in tho United million, in addition .to $20 million ern Negev, will reach the half- bountiful crops.

Israel Five Years

UJA Conference

By Paul W. Frecdman Bonn (JTA)—In the face of demands from Arab hotheads that a boycott be instituted against West Germany because she concluded tlie Reparations Agreement with Israel, the Arab League Council l<u;t month deferred a decision on the issue. With that net, it is thought here, the danger of a boycott lins In all likelihood parsed. Individual firms known to make deliveries to Israel may, however, be blacklisted. The avoidance of a general boycott is mainly due to the attitude of Egypt, it is learned from German circles in close touch with Middle Eastern affairs. They explain that General Naguilj believes tin? success of his industrialization program to he dependent upon German imports and German technical skill. The trade-minded Lebanon was also averse to the Imposition of a boycott, it is stated, whereas Syria and Saudi Arabia were the most vigorous pleaders for it. This is attributed in part to their resentment of Egypt's claim to hegemony within the Arab League, in pait to Syrian fear of Israel's intentions. In connection witli Egypt's industrialization plans, four nlarits of Iiuhr. heavy iiiuUfitry—Krupp, Demag, Gerro-Stah'l and Gutchoffnungs—have submitted bids to participate in the creation of on iron and £tcel industry on the banka of the Nile. A German engineering mission headed by Dr. Pruss, director of the Ruhr Association, has been at Assuan for several months to work out detailed plans for the creation of a second hydroelectric and irrigation dam across the Nile, an undertaking which would be the key to the industrial and agricultural development of Egypt. The German experts point out that, in addition to their general know-how, they have gathered from wartime RAF raids on the German Moehne and Scorpe dams invaluable experience in building dams that are bomb proof. The German Supreme Court has ordered the release of Eberhard Hawranke, a top figure in-the "Free Corps Germany," which was dissolved by the Federal Government in February as a paramilitary neo-Nazi organization plotting to seize power by force. Of the six ringleaders arrested at the time, only one now remains in custody in connection with the case. The "Free Corp3 of Germany," which had Us headquarters In Hamburg, consisted of unreconstructed and militant Nazis who openly preached anti-Semitism and adhered to the 25-point "revised program" of the Nazi Party. Its fuhrer is Colonel Hans Ulrich Rudel, the German flying ace who, although now living to Argentina, visits Germany from tune to time without difficulty. The February crackdown by the Federal Government, which had previously tolerated the "Free Corps Germany" for 18 months, Is attributed by political observers to the example set by the British arrest of the Naumann neo-Nazi conspirators In January. The German authorities wished to demonstrate, so it is believed, that they could clamp out militant neo-Nazi groups without resorting to foreign aid. Mcd School Expands Jerusalem (JTA)—The Weizmann Memorial Laboratories in. the new Biology Building of tho H e b r e w University - Hadacsah Medical School were dedicated here last week at ceremonies attended by many leading figures in Israel cultural and governmental We, including Mrs. Vera Weizmann, widow ol the late President. Tho new laboratories will include four laboratories for student purposes and Bix for research work. When completed, the new facilities will more than double the ability of the University to train science students, including those taking pre-medical courses. Jewish Appeal's year-long campaign. Tho UJA this year requires $144,524,250 to meet rescue, settlement, welfare and rehabilitation needs in Israel, Moslem lands and the United, States, touts B. Mayer: "You are bound to get the worst of the bargain When you exchange ideas' with • fool" • • ' ' . •

Friday, Hay it, J95S



Director Hershfield Sets Off Zionist Will Arrive Here Drive For World Fair Men's Harry llershficld spiced the Bober task of fund raising wilh his sparkling humorous story telling at the evening meeting opening the Men's Division" drive ol the 1953 Philanthropies Campaign, in the Jewish Community Center • last Wednesday. Israel is great, Herslifiuld snld, beca'.ise of her ability to laugh at herself. A sense of humor shows her strength, he added. Israel Is Hie oldest democracy reborn, Hcrshfickl emphasized, and the is now fighting for her survival. He compared the situa-" tlou to the struggle of the young United Stales of America fighting for its place among free nations. In P way, Hershfield stated, a crisis Is helpful, for things in dispute are brought out into the open. People are understanding, ho continued, they nre beginning to feel about others emotions and feelings. On the subject of money, Hershfield said, money is not the rotrt of oil evil, for in the Bible it is slated that the love of money is the root of all evil. Money, he added, can buy the services of russia's guards on the frontier so Jews can get out. One day, Hershfield predicted, we will not have to buy our way out, The test of the dignity of man is when you decide what you want tOjbe, he pointed out referring to religion. When i lire a Jew by choice, f are living in the hi:.: Inwont on to nay. Hershfield told ..•..rite story nbout Israel, u . - i n s that a 02-year-old New York Jew decided that he would go help Israel in her fight for freedom. His cot argued with him not to go. After nil what could a 92-year-old man do to help, his son asked. The old man caid he could1 be a spy. So the old man went to Israel'. When'he got there, he covered himself from head to foot with n white sheet and walked the streets hoping to gather some information. A« Arab approached him and said "sahib" and the old Jew answered, no, I'm u gentile. Following his i n t r o d u c t i o n , Hershfield said, although he hns introi"' ee presidents of the Unit? ho doesn't like it for h Hersh.i^td was born in Cedar Rapids, la., in 1005 and lived in Omaha from 1GB7-OD. He returned here in 103D to speak for the United Jewish Appeal. He has a half hour television show in New York City called a "Evening wit!» Harry Hershficld.'' It features guest stars and items culled from Hershlicld's scrapbook. He writes a weekly column "My Week" for the New York Mirror. When asked when wa3 the last time he had a vacation, he replied, when I take a deep breath its my vacation. Reminiscing, he recalled his work as a cartoonist on the San Francisco Chronicle. When he left for /mother job he recommended a young man named Robert Rlpley. Jack W. Marcr, general chairman for 1S53 Philanthropies Campaign, told the members of the Men's Division that their efforts will help bring the drive to a successful conclusion. "We arc now approaching the climax of our campaign, Mnrer stated in his progress report. The Men's Division can put us over the top, he said.

Harry Hersliflfld

ADLibbing , , B y Seymour II. Kaplan Regional Director, Anil-Defamation Lcairue The Genocide Convention, which outlaws as an international crime the' mass extermination of national, ethnic, or religious groups, has been ratified by 41 nations of the U. N., since its proposal on Dec. 0, 1940. But our own country has so far failed to ratify it. The reasons for this are diffuse. Most organized groims have indicated to the special subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, that they wish to see the Genocide Convention ratified. However, a minority of organizations, many of which are antiSemitic, or reactionary, or isolationist, oppose ratification. Among the opposition is at least one respectable g r o u p , namely, t h e American 13ar Association. Opposition The opposition to ratification of the Convention by the U. S. Senate is part of the overall campaign presently being conducted against the American involvement in the U. N. Another1 target of this campaign is the Covenant on Human Rights, which the U. N. has under consideration. In addition, Southern senators seem to fear that U. S. ratification of the Genocide Convention may involve indirectly some federal action In protection of civil rights. Dulles Stated Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated on April B, before a Senate Judiciary sub-committee that the present Administration did not plan to press for Senate ratification of the Convention. He made his statement in his testimony in opposition to an adoption of the proposed Brickcr amendment to the U. S. Constitution which would limit the power of the President In the conduct of foreign relations. In recommending further study of the relationship between the President and Congress in conducting foreign affairs before acting on the Brickcr amendment he assured the subcommittee that the Administration would not bind the U. S. to any new international obligations in-

Dell Fcuerlicht, Director of the Economic Department of the Zionist Organization of America, will be in charge of the Israel display a the World Trade Fair, in the University of Omaha fieldhouse June 9 to 14. Mr. Fcuerlicht will arrive in Omaha on June 0. A complete array of Israel products which are being sold in the U.S. will be on display. This will cover the fashion field including sweaters, rainwear, coats, Jersey suits, gloves, shoes, men's raincoats and childrcns' dresses and knitwear. The exhibit will also include some of the most beautiful arts nnd crafts developed in Israel, as well as food items, candy, records>and books, The Economic Department of the Zionist Organization of America, which is actively engaged in the promotion of Israel trade wilh this country, places great importance on the International Trade Fair. The Department has already presented an Israel Fashion Show in New York, which will be repeated in Chicago June 2 and in Los Angeles June 10 and 11. In the opinion of Mr. Feucrllcht, Israel in a position to ship much merchandise into this country. Fcuerlicht said, "what Israel needs above all else is to increase her production to the point where she can meet consumption in Israel. At' the present time Israel must import many items. Developing an export market can provide not only the dollars necessary, but also the machinery to meet Israel's home needs."

JWV Services On MemorialDay Members of the Jewish War Veterans, Epstein-Morgan Post 200, will dedicate their annual Memorial Day Services to the memory of the late Harry Bush, this Sunday, at 11 a. m. He was a member of the Omaha post. The services will be held at the Mount Sinai Cemetery, 77th St. and Crown Point (northwest of 72nd. and Military Ave.). The public is invited to attend.

June 24

volvlng p r o t e c t i o n of human rights, while this study was pending. Despite Dulles' pronouncement, all those who believe that the U. S. should maintain its traditional role as the leader in the fight for democracy, humanity and justice all over the world will continue to call for Senate approval of the Genocide Convention.

Leaders in Israel

Cqmmunity Calendar Saturday, May 30 MEMORIAL DAY. Highland Memorial Dinner—7:00 p. m., Highland We»t, Workmen's Circle Dramatic Group—0:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum. B'nai B'rith Southwest Regional Convention, Sunday, May 31 B'nai B'rith Southwest Regional Convention, Monday, June 1 Bikur Chollm Luncheon and Card Party—1:00 p. m. Center.. B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter. Installation Luncheon Donor—1:00 p. m. Tuesday, June 2 Belli Israel Sisterhood—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. B & P Hadnssah Board Meeting—7:30 p. m., Private home. Pioneer Women Board—8:30 p. m., Center. Wednesday, June 2 Hadassah Board—Private home. Baccalaureate Services for Jewish Youth—8:00 p. m , Beth Israel, Thursday, June 4 ' Council Bluffs Hadassah Board—10:00 a. m., CB Center. National Council Vice Presidents Meeting—1:00 p. m., Private home. ' ^ Youth Council Conclave-Dance—9:00 p. m., Fontenelle Hotel Beth Israel P. T. A. Meeting—8:30 p. m., Beth Israel. Saturday, June 6 Workmen Circle Dramatic Group—9:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum. Sunday, June 7 Children's Activities—Funtirnc—1:30 p. m., Center. • B'nai Abraham Lodge—2:00 p. m., 25th and J Ste. '* Fun Finders Picrtic and Square Dance—3:00 p. m v Fonlenelte Park. Youth Commission Tea—4:00 p. m., Private home, Farband Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center. Monday, June 8 „ Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. Tuesday, June 9 Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m., Center. Council Women Current Events—1:00 p. m., Private home. Wednesday, June 10 , Council Bluffs Hadassah Meeting—2:00 p. m., CB Center. Beth Israel- Sisterhood Donor Luncheon—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Zionist Council Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center. Workmen Circle Auxiliary—9:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum, Thursday, June 11 Kadimah Installation Luncheon—1:00 p. m., Regis Hotel. Council Women Board Meeting—1:00 p. m., Highland Town. Cornhusker B'nal B'rith Meeting— 8:00 p. m., Center. Saturday, June 13 Holiday Dance Club—9:00 p. m., Paxton Hotel. Workmen Circle Dramatic Group—9:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum. Monday, June 15 Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m., Center. Tuesday, June 10 National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m., Center. B & P Hndassah—7:30 p. m., Center. Wednesday, June 17 Mizrachl Women Luncheon—Guest Speaker—1:00 p. m., Center. B'nal B'rith Monsky Lodge Dinner—7:00 p. m., Highland Weit Club. Thursday, June 18 Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary—8:00 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Men's Club Supper—7:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Saturday, June 20 Highland Junior Dinner Dance—7:00 p. m. Highland Wost Workmen's Circle Dramatic Group—9:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum, Monday, June 22 Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m., Center. Tuesday, June 23 Council Women's Current Events—1:00 p. m.. Private home. Beth Israel Board—1:00 p. m., Both Israel. Thursday, June 25 B'nai B'rith Nebraska Lodge 1445—0:00 p. m., 25th and J St». Saturday, June 27 Workmen Circle Dramatic Group—9:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum. ; _ Monday, June 29 Children's Activities—Day Camp Starts—9:00 p. m., Center. Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m., Center. Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Ass'n—8:00 p. m . Center. Tel Aviv (JTA)—A cornersione has been laid here for a new cultural center which will be erected during the next two years, ihe building will include a 3,000 seat concert hall which will be used by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and for national and international conferences, and a 300-seat chamber music hall. The cornerstone laying ceremonies were attended by Berl Locker, co-chairman of he Jewish Agency, representatives of various Israel institutions and a delegation from the American Fund for Israel Institutions. The Fund has agreed to supply ?600,-

000 toward the estimated 2,000,000 pounds needed for the project Betty Conn, America's swimming grandmother, Is hoping to accept an invitation to some swim* ming In Canada. Betty Cohn, • grandma who lives in Brooklyn, is the lady who Intended to swim the English Channel last year. "I was all set to make the crossing," she said, "but the weather was1 M bad that I wasn't able to do it. ' Mrs. Cohn has been an ardent swimmer ever since she was a youngster. Patronize Our Advertisers,

H. A. Wolf Company, Inc. IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE © The association of Norman D. Rips with our Insurance Department.

Schedule of Events For B'nal B'rlth Regional Convention Saturday, May 30 2 to 0 p. m.—Registration — Fontcndle' Hotel. 0 p. tn.—Men's Bowling Tournament—Forty Howl. . 0 p. m.—Supper-Dance—Fontenellc Hotel B a l l r o o m . (Open to the .public) s 12 Midnight—So-Ho Initiation —E rnbassy Room — Fontcnello Hotel. Sunday, May 31 0:30 a. m.—Business Meeting. 10 a. rn.—W o m e p'p Howling Tournament—forty Bowl., , 1 'p. tri.—U^onvcmloh Banquet.

F*ft XhfWt

© Mr. Rips together with Gordon Gross, Paul Grossman and Barton Greenberg will continue to service the clients of the Blank Insurance Agency which has been purchased by our company. "> Leaders of American Reform Judaism Made Welcome In Israel . . , Premier David Ben-Gurlon converses with members of tho Group, as Rabbi Herman Kchaalinan (left), director of the Chicago Federation of Reform Synagogues, and Dr. Maurice N. Elscndralh, 1'rcfildcnt of the V. A. II. C. listen. Thirty rabbis and Jaymcn representing tho Union of American Hebrew Congregations took a four week pilgrimage in the Jewish state. '

H. A. Wolf Company, Inc. BairdBldg.

AT 3160

' Vngt Four


"The Juggler" - A Tale-Of a Jew In Flight From Himself By Leon Gutterman (J.T.A.) The new film, "The Juggler," made in Israel, reunites the talented Jewish team of Actor Kirk Douglas and Producer Stanley Kramer. A few years ago, their first association on "Champion" brought fame to both of them. Long before any publisher had teen the manuscript of Michael Blankfort's novel, "The Juggler," It was read by Producer Kramer, who recognized its unique storytelling opportunities for the (screen/By the time the book had been published, it had already been put into screenplay form by ihe author for production by Kramer. A. New Star From Rome The story of a Jew in flight from himself within what is both the oldest and newest country in the world—the State of Israel— brings Into conflict the emotions

Stanley Kramer and ideas of an older world with those of the pioneering people of a strange, new frontier. Even its element of romance takes on an entirely new quality through this contrast. ~ To bring this contrast off, the two top starring roles were cast thousands of miles apart. For the female half of the romantic team, bronze-blonde Milly Vitale was brought from: Rome where the Italian-Jewish star, only 10 years of age, has. a record of 13 important Itlnis. Milly represented the end of the search for. a highly competent actress who could play that new type of modern youth known "as "sabra" . . . a nativeborn Israeli. The term, which rcally. means the fruit of the cactus, was given to them to denote ^bat they are "tough on the outside, but sweet and tender inside." From Boxer to Jujruler Remembering how well Douglas had trained to become an expert boxer for "Champion,". Kramer felt just as confident the actor could acquire the art of juggling in an equally short space cf time. The job followed hard on'the heels of another picture of MGM for which Kirk had to study to be a trapeze performer. Originally, it was planned to film the entire picture in Israel as a great deal of the story concerns itself witli the various outdoor backgrounds of that country Kramer took a trio of technicians "with him on'a preliminary tour of Israel. They hnd heard that the country hnd a budding film industry, and they expected to find a Bound stage, lichts, generator.* nnd other equipment which they could borrow. Hut nothing like that exists there yet, so the compromise was reached of filming the interior scents on Columbia's sound s.ones' in Hollywood, and doing all of the exteriors, which comprise more than half the picture, in Israel. Kc»vccm;rs and Sfars Cos: in* brought about another reunion when Paul Stewart, another top renting Jewish film actor, drew the role--of the police officer who tracej Kirk'throughout the country. In "Champion," Paul- played Kirk's manager. The many roles in "The Juggler" brought together a varied collection of stage and screen veterans, but one of the lop roles went to 15-year-old newcomer, Joey Walsh. who plays .the part of a young Israeli boy who travels with Dougla?. Joey was' discovered for hiii first screen role'with Danny Kaye in -"Hans ' Christian Anderson." Another player chosen to go to

Israel was Oscar Karlweis, New York stage star und former idol of the Vitnne-i.e and German ttnge and screen. All told, 31 players and crew members made up the group which was the very first complete Hollywood troupe ever to use Israel for the filming of a major film production. Israeli Crew Around this nucleus, a crew of 41 technical assistants and laborers were recruited from the local citizenry. Practically all of these were actors, directors and technicians from three Israeli theatrical groups . . . the Habimah, Chamber and Ohel theaters, who were eager to take these jobs with the Hollywood company in order to study motion picture techniques at first hand. A resort hotel on the Mediterranean at Shavci Zion, north of Haifa, became the company's headquarters. From there, they traveled to such far flung locations as Nazareth, Haifa, Jerusalem, Lake Hule and the Jordan River, the Arab villages of Shafa Amr and Iqrit, the immigrant camp of Shaar Aliyah, Kibbutz Hanita, which is a cooperative farm in the hills on the border of Lebanon, and various other small settlements and roadsides leading into towns. And Israeli Extras Over 1,000 Israeli extras were used through all of these scenes. Producer Kramer simplified matters by using the inhabitants in each spot where he did the filming. Thus, newly arrived immigrants from all part.-; of the world were used in the scenes in the immigrant camp, the farm workers at Hanita were in the kibbutz scent:-, and citizens of Haifa were employed in scones shot in the streets of their city. First filming took place in the streets of Haifa, in the section of town which climbs the side of Mount Carmel. In the blazing heat, Kirk Douglas began his chores by being chaix'd tip and down the steep streets by an Israeli policeman. The streets were jammed1 with pr-ople who had come to sec the movie company at work, and the Israeli police had a tough time keeping them in check and out of camera range. The actual trouble was that the police themselves were just as curious, but once they got over that on the first day, they and the entire population proved to be well behaved and cooperative. Kirk In Person That Israel is quite Hollywoodconscious was learned quickly by Kirk. Movie theatres there do tremendous business, and Israeli exhibitors took quick advantage of Douglas' impression on the population by booking films which starred him. Three Kirk Douglas pictures played simultaneously in Israel, and Kirk made personal appearances in the theatres in connection with his films. This was the first time in the history of Israel that a movie star had made a personal appearance with his own picture, and Kirk added further to the novelty by delivering pfart of his speech in Hebrew, which he diligently studied for these occasions. '•> Kirk wound up his stay there by accepting a gold medal from Israel's only movie magazine, Kolnoa. A poll of its readers previously had placed Kirk as their Number One favorite star of the ycor. Hut the greatest thrill that Kirk had was during his last days in I.srnel when he met Prime Minister David Ben Gurlon in the latter';! office in Jerusalem. And Mllly's Less The only untoward inclden' connected with the picture had to do with legs . . , when Milly Vitale took advantage of a day off to visit the nncient town of Acre, famous in Crusades history. As the day was hot, she wore a pair of brief shorts. It wn:i learned later that Milly's legs wore the .first public sight of their kind in the 2,000-year history of that strict Arab city. They're still talking about it . . . particularly the men. Gr'acic Allen: "Doctors"say exercise will kill germs,1 but how is one to ,get thq germs to exercise? Max Shulman: "Some Hollywood parties arc formal; at others you wear your own clothes."

», 19SS

"Ta Ik of Many Things" Babies Twin daughters, Roberta Ann and Itenee Susan, were born May 10' at Methodist Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Frank. The Franks also have another daughter, Lynda Arlcne. Paternal grandparents ore Mr. and Mrs. Mayer Frank, and maternal {,'rnndmother is Mm. Rae Solomon of Detroit. Morris Brenner, also of Detroit, is maternal great-grandfather. Dr. and Mrs. Sol S. Kutlcr announce the birth of their first child, a daughter, Stephanie Lynn, born Thursday, May 21, at St. Joseph's Hospital. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kutler of Council Bluffs, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hirtsch, Savanah, Ga. Rabbi Max Minkoff of New York City is maternal gteatgrandfathcr. *

Parties rhyllla Anne Bernstein

Couple Plan Summer Rites Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bernstein announce the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Anne, to Harl Maurice Weiss, son of Mrs. Irwin D. Weiss and the late Irwin D. Weiss. Miss Bernstein was graduated from Central High School, attended the University of Texas, and is now attending Omaha University. She is a member of Alpha Epsllon Phi sorority. , The couple plan a mid-summer wedding.

Recipe of The Week

Cheese gtrudel Dough 2 cups flour 'A teaspoon baking powder 1 egg 'A cup melted shortening 6 tablespoons warm water Pinch of salt, Beat the egg, odd the oil and water and then the flour sifted with the salt and the baking powder. Knead the dough and work in hands until soft, a little 'oily, looks satiny but is no longer sticky. Divide into two balls, place on a piece of wax paper in a worm place and cover with a bowl that has been rinsed out in hot water so that the bowl Is warm. Let set at least one hour. Place on a floured Yloth, one ball at a time and roll out as thin as possible. Then finish by .stretching and pulling till as thin ns tissue paper. Spread each wjth Vi cup of melted butter. 1 2J .2 2 1

Mrs. Phlneas Wintroub entertained at a tea on Thursday, May 28, at her home, honoring her future daughter-in-law, Davida Kartman, and her daughter, Esther ISernlce Wintroub. Miss Wintroub and Herschel David Premack will be married on June 14; Miss Kartman and Ilichard Lewis Wintroub will be married on June 16. Out-of-town guests at the tea were Mrs, Julius Premack, mother of the bridegroom-elect, Mrs. Norman Prcd and small daughter, Deborah Kae, of Aberdeen, S. D.; Miss Dorothy Corenman, of Oakland, Calif.; Mrs. Mark Itaymon of Portland, Ore.; and Mrs. Mike Pred of Lyons, Nebr. Mr. Herschel and Mr. Julius Premack and Mr. Norman Pred are also in Omaha for a Decoration Day weekend visit.

Honors "- Mrs. Sam Blatt of Columbus, Nebr., was elected president of the Columbus Junior High P. T. A. unit for the coming year. Mrs. Blatt was also a delegate to the P, T. A. state convention held in Lincoln April 22 nnd 23. Jerry Passer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Passer of Council Bluffs, has been elected secretary-treasurer of the University of Iowa's InterFraternity Council. Members of the council are the presidents of social fraternities on the enmpus. Jerry" is president of Phi Epsilon Pi and a Junior In the School of Pharmacy at the University, I

Visitors A visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan last week was Mrs. Kaplan's father, Mr. Harry Daikowitz, whose home is in PearsplI, Tex. Mrs. Charles Hirsch of Savannah, Ga., is In town for a month's visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Sol Kutler, and her new granddaughter, Stephanie Lynn.

'Ladies' Day Out" "Ladies' Day Out," a program for oyung wives and mothers conducted by the Y. W. C. A., a Red Feather Agcticy, announces that registrations will open June }. Summer classes begin Tuesday, June 9, and Thursday, June 11. A social coffee hour Is held each class day at. 0 a. m. and classes convene from 0:20 to 11:20 a. m. Pre-school children will participate in constructive play activity under the care of trained nursery supervisors while mothers attend classes. There will be classes in sewing, handcrafts, swimming, child guid-

ance, knitting, leather, millinery, golf, bridge and welcoming the new babyi * Early registration is urged as classes are limited. . For descriptive flodcrs or additional information, call or write the Y. W. C. A., JA 2748. . New York, (JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee will spend $12,000,000 this year—approximately one-half of Its entire Dudget—on its Malben work in Israel, It was nnnouncee] here by Charles Passman, director of the Malben program which provides aid for aged and physically handicapped newcomers in the Jewish state.


pound dry cottnge cheese .slightly beaten eggs cup sugar tablespoons sifted fluor teaspoon vanilla A little lemon rind Put cheese through food mill or strainer or work with hands till there are no lump.-;. Combine with other ingredients. Mix with spoon till thoroughly blended. Place half of this mixture on edge of one sheet of dough in .long strip. Pick up edge of doll' and strudc) will roll up.. Cut into three inch pieces. lirush will melted butter. Bake at 375 degrees about thirty minutes. This can be kept in the freezer indefinitely. Serve warm. Heat in a 325 oven for 15 minutes when ready to serve. Serve with cither sour cream or strawberry jam. This dough can be used for any kind of strudcl. Maurice Schwartz, •who kept his Yiddish Art Theater in New York alive for 31 years, has shifted his activities to Hollywood and will concentrato on Knglish-langaugc productions of the classics and ."•.elected new plays. In recent months he has been concentrating on film work and appears in Him Hnyworlh's new picture "Salome," soon,to be released. . . . Groueho Marx has agreed to do his second legitimate appearance in eight months, a one-week stand In Pnlm Beach, Fin., starring in "Tune for Elizabeth," which he wrote with Norman Krasna. Groueho is preparing radio and television shows in' advance, EO that he can be away several weeks and fiet in a side trip to Havana.

Made-ln-lsrael Movie at RKO Brandeis Wednesday "The Judder" will open this cumin/: Wednesday, June 3, at RKO Rra.ndcl.1 Theater, nnd after seeing its preview showing, I highly commend It to you. ' The combination of beautifully clear, sunlit photography, an Israeli background of mood and locale and sympathetic portrayals of tile characters of Mr. Blankfort's story combine to make what could prove to be one of the better pictures produced this year. The scenes of city, Kibbutz and countryside probably will be wonderfully familiar to those who have visited the new country and haven travelogue impetus to those who haven't. The use of Israelis themselves as extras and the background music of George Anlheil, which often utilizes spirited folk themes, provide an authenticity nnd feeling to the enliro movie. One of the best scenes In the spirited folk dance around the kibbutz campfire which seemed to rne expressive of the essence of the country. ICirk Douglas* acting is of its usual high caliber, and a fine job J3 also done by young Joey Walsh as Douglas's sabra companion in his flight. Stanley Kramer's direction holds together a somewhat disconnected theme of the psychoKirk Douglas logical flight of the once-famed juggler from his Nazi - inspired ho Is finally captured, there Is the fears and unhappinoss and. his definite feeling that the people actual flight after lie brutally at- <rnd spirit of Israel will cycntualtacks n pollccmait-v/lior.i • he mistakenly thinks i Is trying 1o imprison him.

Friday, Mar 2*.


(tuHnutnnmiiHmmininmti tmmt nnnt tn imnitmirintitittiuimntiu:

Organizations Ladies Auxiliary, Epstein-Morgan Post 260 The board meeting of the Jewish War V e t e r a n s Epstein-Morgan Post 200 Auxiliary will be held at 8 p. m. Wednesday, June :!, at the home of the president, Mrs. Ezra Beldner. Plans for the forthcomini; Flag Day sale will be discussed.

Junior Hadassah Mrs. A. Edgar will be the installing officer at the Junior Hadassah dinner being held at 6:30 p. m., Wednesday, June 3, at the 11-Worth Grill. Reservations, at $2.25 s plate, can be made by calling Arlene Meyer.

Beth Israel Sisterhood The regular monthly luncheon meeting of the Dcth Israel cisterhood will be held at one o'clock, Tuesday, Juno 2, In the Synagogue social hall. A candle-]ij,'htlnf! ceremony to Install new officers for the coming year will be the feature of the afternoon. The annual donor luncheon will be held at one o'clock, Wednesday, June 10, in the social hall. All donors of ten dollars or more will be guests for the afternoon. Mrs. Sam Herman, chairman, will be assisted by Mmes. Julius Hornstcln, Dave W. Frank and Max Fromkin. An informal afternoon Is being planned, and all members have been urged to get their donor In as soon as possible by mailing it to Mrs. Ram Herman,. 2007 N. 52nd Street. This is the only means of making reservations. Danny Kayo says lie knows a fellow actor who lives in a penthouse and is having trouble keeping a roof under his feet. . Actor Edward Arnold lias signed •with the Columbia Lecture Bureau to tour next fall in a oneman nhow, a dramatic program presenting excerpts from his roles in films and sketches from his radio sfl'ies. . . . A film version of "Oklahoma" apparently is no longer an impossibility. Richard Rodgers has admitted thai he and -Oscar llammersteln 2nd*have relaxed their former adamant position against selling the picture rights. . . . Danny Kayo's smash click in his current vaudeville engagement at the Palace, N. Y.. hns sparked a fresh wave of TV Interest In the comic among the networks. Danny himself, however, has been noncommittal.

T.I. Barbecue To Be Sunday Tile Temple Israel sisterhood barbecue supper at Vuy's Farm, originally scheduled fur last Sunday, will b'j held this coming Sunday, May SI. The postponement was because of the death of sisterhood president's father. The affair is being sponsored by the women as a fund-raising project for the new Temple. Mr. Alex Wcinstein of Stetle, Sandham and Stcclc, supervising architects, has staled that, with the construction strike over, work on the Temple is going ahead fullspeed and every effort is being made to finish as scheduled. Serving hours will be between four and seven; and tickets, $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for children, can be purchased from circle heads or from Mr;;. Bernhardt Wolf, general chairman. Weather permllting, supper will be served outside at the farm which is located at 7000 S. 30th Street. Otherwise, inside facilities will be in readiness. Doing the barbecuing will be George Abrahams, originator of the supper idea; Harry Alshulcx, Leo Eiscnstatl, Joe Levey, I. H. Welner and Bernhardt Wolf.

Affair Is Planned In June for Paid Members of B&P All paid-up members of the Business and Professional Women of Hadassah will be guests of the organization at a Sunday afternoon parly to be held at the Blackstone Hotel, June 7 at 2 p. m. Fan Sacks Sherman, chairman, lias announced that plans have been made for many surprises, and card games for those who desire to play. The four d e 1 eg a l e s to the Regional Conference in Denver, Loltie Bogrnd, Myrtle Freeman, Julia Jacobs and Evelyn Lev?, will report. Installation of new members will be conducted by Eve L. Konecky. All members have been urged to pay up their dues and be present at the affair. Refreshments will be served.

nr nan

Munich (JTA)—The Bavarian Cabinet decided to ban the return to Bavaria of Jewish displaced persons who left Germany for 13rael after the war. In announclnp, this decision, Prof. Theodor Obcr landed, Bavarian State Secretary for Refugees, said that 380 Jewish DP's had come to Germany "illegally" In recent years and that the majority of them are at prc cnt in the only Jewish DP camp in West Germany, located at Foehrenwald, near Munich.

Campus News Sigma Alpha Mu

banquet was given last Tuesday at the chapter house In Norm's honor.

JEWI8B PRE88 -yt •'-., - ,


BikurCholim Annual Party Will Be Held This Monday

The annual luncheon and card iarty sponsored by Bikur Cholim Society will be held at 1 p. in., Monday, June 1, at the Jewish Community Center. j. One of the main projects/^jf the Bikur Cholim has been providing Funds for medical care at the Jewish Home for the Aged. Proceeds f this luncheon will be used for his medical program as well as 'or other activities of the organization which provides for the care and welfare of the needy in the community. Mrs. Jake Wine and Mrs. Harry Sidman are co-chairmen for this ffair. An added feature this year is a free bingo game for those ivho do not play cards. Tickets are available at $1.00 Mrs. Abraham Mark ier person, and -reservations can ie made by calling AT 0024 or AT 3033. Following Is the list of hostesses for this luncheon: Mmes. A. Smith, S. Novak, B. Herscovitz, II. Mrs. J. Wine Guss, Nate Ferer, I. Kaplan, L. Nevcleff, J. Wine, H. Lippett, H. S. Rips, B. Hccktor, N. Weinsleln, Sidman, M. Linda, J. Hornstein, S. Goodman, H. Dolgoff, J. J. A. Zalkln, D. Raznick, D. Parker, Frieden, J. Goodbinder, A. Krantz, Eli Zalkin, H. Lewis, Lehman, Charles Ross, Phil Smith, William Newly-elected officers for the VI. Colnic, J. Chorney, C. Izenstat, Epstein and D. Lincoln. 1953-54 year of Henry Monsky Chapter 470 and Nebraska Chapbuilding will cost approximately $500,000 and will house the Preter 340 will bf. installed on Mon- Hadassah Constructs cision Instruments and Printing Vocational Education day, June 1. School maintained by Hadassah. Mrs. Abraham Mark of Minne- Schools in Israel Dr. Freund presided also at the apolis, Minn., will be the guest laying of a new builds and installing officer for both New York (JTA)—The con- cornerstone chapters. struction of two new model voca- ing for the Alice Seligsberg School in Jerusalem which trains Mrs. Mark, a past president of tional educalion schools, planned in the needle trades, comthe Minneapolis Chapten of B'nai and designed with the help of girls B'rith as well as a former vice- American authorities in the field, mercial subjects and domestic scipresident of Women's District will mark the 10th anniversary of Jrand Lodge 0, has also served as Hadassah's vocational , education chairman of the Anti-Defamation program in Israel, it was an- Drama Teas Presented League of the Minnesota-Wiscon- nounced by Hadassah headquarsin B'nai B'rith Women's Council ters. During the past week, Mrs. Hy and as a member of the Upper One of the new buildiniM was Shrier presented her students in Midwest A. D. L. Advisory Com- formally a scries of drama teas given in her opened in Israel by Dr. mittee. Miriam Freund, chairman of Ha- home studio. The programs were Mrs. George Spitzer, past presi- dassah's vocational program. Lo- held for mothers and close friends dent of Henry Monsky Chapter, cated in Romcma, Jerusalem, the of -the children. will be installation chairman for the Monsky Chapter. The Installation will be held at Vhe Paxton ACTUALLY FILMED IN ISRAEL Hotel at 12:30 p. m. Luncheon Is $1.50, and guests are invited to attend. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. George Spitzer, WA 8110, or by returning the card mailed to al B'nai B'rith members. Installation of officers of the Nebraska Chapter will be held at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 25th and J Streets, beginning at 8:30 p. m. Mrs, David Blelchcr, past president, w i l l be Installation chairman. Friends and husband have been invited to attend.


25 Women Finish Hadassah Course Bookplates were awarded at the meeting of Omaha Chapter Hadassah held at the Community Center May 27 to the women completing the Honors Course. This is the reading course offered through the education department of Hadassah. Mrs. Myer Kripkc and Mrs. Joe Soshnik are chapter education chairman. In order (o complete the course, each participant must read and report briefly on five books on the reading list. This year 25 women completed the course, and many members read at least one or two of the books on the list. The Theodor Herzl group received the prize for the greatest number of members participating in the reading. Mrs. Sidney Hollis Is education chairman for thlr course. Mrs. Leonard Gould is education chairman for the Henrietta Szold Group, and Mrs. Ed Zorinsky is education chairman for the Chaim Wclzman Group. Those who completed the Honors Course were Mmes. Maurice Alperin, Jacob Friedman, Harry Wigodsky, David Brodkey, Ben Slulzky, Ted Sanford, Seymour Kaplan,- Sydney Hollis, Arthur Goldslein, Albert Fox, LoiuiT Hurwltz. Mmes. Ben Zoorwill, Chnrle Fcllman,' Harry Wise, Norman Whitman, Phillip Schwartz, Morris C. Fcllman, Paul Veret, A. D. Frank, David Rosenbaum, Irvin White, Alfred Frank, Joseph Sosh nik, Miss Eve Konecky and Miss Ahuvah Gershater,

Sammy members arc deep inMie midst of final exams. Recently it Zeta Beta Tau was announced that SAM finished Doran Jacobs was appointed as fifth in scholarship among the organized fraternities on the Uni- one of the assistant business manversity campus for the past se- agers for the Daily Nebraskan for next year by the Publications mester. The last week of school proved Board. Howard Vann, past asto be a profitable one for the sistant sports editor, will serve a: SAM's as Norman Veitzer and a columnist, Marshall Kushncr is Marshall Becker captured the All- on the PUB board representing University intramural tennis tour- the students and Arnie Stern is iiamcnt with a three set victory the past business manager.of the over Phi Kappa Psl, the third net Nebraskan. Milt Maisel was elected viceeport this year in which the Sammies have finished In the top five president of the denial school senior class for next year. . houses on campus. The house had one final party , Earlier, the volleyball team finished fifth In the intramural tour- last Saturday near Llnoma Beach nament: and the badminton squad, before finals which started last led by Maury. LIpton, ninth rank- Wednesday. A stagjwas held for the graduIng University player, also finished ating seniors last weekend. Some in fifth place. Again on the scholastic side, of the past members attending the the accentancea of Al Crounse and stag were Shell Jacobs, Justin Bernle Wishnow were announced Horwich, Vern Davidson, Norm last week by the University Law Ruback, and Los Krasne. Arnle Stern leaves for Camp College. Maury Linton was initiated Into Theta Nu, pre-medical Gordon, Ga. for the Military Police summer camp while Marshal fraternity. Don Sllvcrman is also Kushncr heads south to Randolph a member of Theta Nu. Marv Friedman received the* Field, Tex., for his summer trainDcltn Tau Delta $200 scholarship ing with the Air Force early In given annually to the two most July. The ZtlT's donated 25 books outstadlng men on campus on the basis of scholarship and activities. to the AUF book drive which Is Irn Epstein was one of the recip- now being held on campus. Doran ients of the award the past two Jacobs, head of the AUF booll committee, in In charge of Ihi years. '• . , The.fraternity will lose one of drive. The home members completed its most respected advisors thin Waller Lippmann: "If history summer when Norman Harris will the painting of their rooms ond b6 transferred (o Sao Paulo. Bra- tiic halls in preparation for ncxl repented itself, learning history would be much easier." zil, by 'his firm. A Bon Voyage September.



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Council Doings


frM»T, Mty » , IMS


Beth Israel News

Happy Birthday Youth Council

Friday, Mar 29 > Kay Ellen Goldstein and John Judy Kutler, president of the Henry Spitzer. Saturday, May 30 AZA No. 1 held its annual elcc Beth Israel Intermediate Youth •Sharyn Dej Eabendure, Lowell lion and advisor stag May 23. club, announces that the next Councilettes meeting of the Intermediate Youth J. Baumer, Hobert Irwin Bcber, At the dinner, Jerry Ferer reOur last social event of th Club will take place on Saturday £lala 'Friedman, D a n i e l Louis ceived the best Alepli for th< evening, May 30th, at 8:15 p. m. Grossman, Martin Robert I.ipp and month of April and Alan Heege year was held May 23 and it was The meeting will take place in the Cynthia Elaine Novak. received the best Aleph for the a huge success. Sunday, May 31 Talmud Torah Recreation Hall. month of May. Plans are being made for ou The club will honor the graduates William Avrum Ferer, CynUiia Mother chapter elections wll! Senior Luncheon which is hel- of the Talmud Torah and grade Lou Meyer, Leslie Arthur Paskoevery year in honor of the seniors schools at a social following the witz and Alexis Noreen Kuf;mari. take place Sunday, May 30. In the line of sports, club mem- meeting. Tuesday, June 2 bers are forming a baseball team Lawrence Irvin Patt, Robert EpRayim stein, Barbara Gomberg, Jeffrey Uelh Israel PTA will meet Martin Soplilr, Pauline ' A p a r t y was hold Saturday Thursday, at 8:30 p. m., in the Noddle, night after members of the club Talmud Torah building. Officers Stone and Marshall Widman. attended u drive— in movie "en Wednesday, June 3 'or the coming year will be in'masse." The family picnic which Sura Kukavvka, Jon Lance Jubcstalled. A social hour will follow. was planned for Sunday had to nis and Ruth Elaine Sabes. be called on account of rain. . Thursday, June 4 Junior Youth Club i Rayim is sponsoring a volleyEllen Jo Herman, Donald Kohn, ball team. Two club teams are enLloyd Eliot Roitslein and J u n e Beth El Sunday School wili hold The last meeting of the Beth Zneirner. tered in the Youth Council base- he closing sessions of the current 1 ball tournament. The first team school year on Sunday, May 31. Israel Junior Youth club was held holds first place, while tho second Classes will meet at the usual Sunday evening, May 17. Marlene .•Yiedmnn was appointed chairman is in second. lour in their regular classrooms. >f the weincr roast committee. Best freshman and sophomore A special closing assembly will be P r e s i d e n t Eugene Dandy anawards-will be given at the formal held in the recreation room, which lounccd that because of another to be held in June. The winners ivill be followed by a Box Lunch synagogue function taking place A special program of activities , will be judged on leadership, par- Picnic. Children are asked to >n Sunday, June 7, the weincr will be held for the membera of ticipation and willingness to work. aring a box lunch. Beverages will roast would be postponed to Sun- Funtime, the regular Sunday chil>e provided. day afternoon, June 14, at 4 p. m. dren's program at the Jewish Awards Debka Debs Community Center, this Sunday. Children who received Sunday A swimming party will go on Debka Debs, a Senior Young chool awards for attendance arc: concurrently with another sper Judea club, is holding a drive to Barbara Katstce, Betty Katskee, cial program for the non-swimraise money for Tsofim, the scout- erry irolli3, Alice Ann Fcllman, mers, during the early part of ing movement in Israel. The drive larlen Himmerman, Joan Shrier, tho afternoon. is being run -on a ticket selling Maureen By Rabbi Samuel J. Fox Borden, Terry Kwiatek, Following mid-afternoon rebasis with each ticket beinj! a Question: What is meant by the Silverman, Joan Simon, freshments, special activities inminute on a clock. On June 7, Ulancy Soshnik, Blessing of the Sun." Dale Weinstein, cluding singing, dramatico, and the clock, which has been set and cil Gendlcr, Joe Erman, Danny Answer: The "Blessing of the Scaled in a box, will be opened tatskee, Jerry Lohrrnan, Robert un is the name given to a eus- movie will take place. This will be the last Funtime and the ticket holder of the minomary benediction made when the ute where the clock stopped will ox, Linda Graclz, Gerald Novak, un reaches its original position program of the season. L.arry Cohen, Lora Freeman, Robreceive a ladies Kold Volupte carbegins a new colar cycle. This ert Weinstein, Elinor Ycager, Dale md t>"-all. me is called the beginning of the Dromedary Cake Mixes rodkey, ' Stuart Forbes, Paula vernal .' Tickets are now beinj; sold by ieftman, equinox" and tnkes place Increasing Kosher Home Baking Ncena Beber, Ellen nly once all members of Debs for 25 cenis in 28 years. The cereThe old-fashioned art of kosher each, and the drive will be com- ' a n a r, Jerry Fercnstein and mony unually takes place at sun- •jaking is making a strong comepleted by canvassing the city the licryl Weinberg. ise or after the morning prayers. back in Jewish homes due in Jargc Registration morning of June 7. The custom is mentioned in the measure to the convenience and Pliilip Gorodetzer, Director of almud (Bcrochoth 53b). Among strictly kosher quality of DromeThe money raised by this project and by the Style Show held Iducation of Beth El Schools, asks he reasons advanced for this cus- dary Cake Mixe3. in April wiU be Debs contribution arcnts of children who will be !om is that the sun reaches the orAn extensive poll of Jewish In helping Tsofim build a Senior ew pupils in Talmud Torah to ginal position where it was placed lousewlves In l e a d i n g cities nroll them as early as possible. it! the time of creation.. The day Ihroaghout the country indicates egislration for the fall classes are f the week likewise corresponds a rapid, almost phcnorninal growth Wednesday, which is the day in the use of these mixes. i progress now. Early registraIn almost all instances, )he reion makes it possible to classify pon which the Bible tells us that he sun was created. The general action was the same. "Drome,nd schedule class sessions to the den behind this custom is qune dary Cake Mixes," women stated test adva'ntage of the pupils. elf-evident. Jewish traditon nt- time after time, "make it enny to ays paid respect to the various bake — and to bake a variety of jrens of nature which give benc- kosher cake.1, cookies and muffins , Dates for the Jewish Commuit to man In the universe and at that would ordinarily tax the taltaity Center Day Camp have been rhich man looks with awe over ents of even the moat competent Bet for June 29-July 24, accordheir majestic display of the pow- home-baker." Ing to Lawrence Herlick, director The fact that oil Dromedary ra of the Almghty. The sun, which < A number of improvements The concluding Junior Congreproducts are endorsed by the Unhave been noted for tills cummer's ation Service for Uie Beth El Is one of mankind's greatest aids ion of Orthodox Jewish Congrelife certainly deserves the blessday camp season, most important almud Torah will take place to- in gations of America and produced of which arc an improved trans- norrow at 10:45 a. m. Members ing of mankind for its great pow- under its supervision has been an portation setup. The camp at f the USY will assist in leading mportont f a c t o r in inducing peony Park will be open five days he service. Question: Why are weddings housewives to try these kosher At the service the following •rohibited • week. mixes. The ease of preparation— during the penoa oehlldren will receive Honor Ccrti- wecn Passover the average cuke made with a and Shavuoth? Arrangements have been made icates for regular attendance at Dromedary Mix takes only four to pick up campers at Beth El and funior Services during the school Answer: Several reasons are adfrom package to pan — Beth Israel synagogues at 9 a. m. •ear: Michael Katz, SteVen Dlloo- anced for thi3 custom of refrain- minutes plus the consistently fine quality ng from having marriages per- and uniformly successful each morning and return them at .results 4:30 p. m. A pickup at the Jewish off, Betty Erman, Howard Wein- formed in the period between ine obtained with these mixes have Community Center will be ar- icrg, Dennis Schulcman, Judy 'assover and Shavuoth festivals. been important considerations in Jiegler, PhylUs Belzer, Emll Jenerally, this is considered as fanged if required. continued use of the Dromedary Donald Fiedler, Ardecn means of mourning because it line, the survey further reveals. A full program of activities in- 31och, Michael Green, Marilyn /as in that period when thousands cluding emphasis on swimming Forbes, Norman Kriezelman, >f the students of the great Habbi There are nine basic Dromeend camping skills is being Katzman, Michael Markovilz, Milder, \kiba were slaughtered. Others dary Mixes available at most planned by the Day Camp staff. ^ancy Helkes, DianeSarah Fogel, Susan :lalm that the custom prevailed neighborhood food stores, includLuncheon will be served each of the pilgrims who were ng Dromedary 'White Cake Mix Bay'of camp, Monday through Fri- iaens, Mary Hoberman, Howard >ecause pusily engaged in their travels to Fruit Cake. Mix, Devil's Food Mix Chudacoff and Richard Kayiow. day. md from the Temple. Since tncy and Gingerbread Mix; Dromedary Others are: Martin Sncldcr, Fees for the Day Camp will be lad to return-home and then come Corn Muffin Mix, Date Muffin $10.00 per week or $40.00 for the ouis Rich, Justin Ban, Daniel gain to the Temple between the Mix and a delightful Fudge ond entire season. Further informa- Mils, Janice Katilman, Phyllis wo holidays, marriages were post- Frosting Mix that makes a smooth, tion can be obtained from the Katzman, Alvin Newberg, Allen poned lest they interfere with their chocolate icing in Just three minJewish Community Center, JA Ostravich, Ethel Sabes, Estelle eturn to the Temple in time. utes. Schuleman, Eddie Wintroub, Mary 1380. « Yager, Pamela Perelman, Maury Gorodetzer, David Soshnik, Joel Sneider, Frances Erman, Jimmy Kagan, Madeline Kripke and MarllynWeinbcrg, Young Judea Hava, a camp, in Israel.


Middle Youth Club

Beth II Sunday diooS Closing Session May 31

he Jewish Quiz Box

DayCampSet A t Peony Park

To Hold Conclave

By Dick Fcllman Tho peak of the Youth Council social calendar will be reached June 4 when the twelfth annual Conclave will be held at the Foutcnulte Hotel. The dance will be climaxed*by the coronation of the King and •Queen of Merit, the mythical royalty of the Youth Council, recognized for outstanding achievement and service to tho teenage group. Immediately preceediiiR the coronation the major awards of the season will be presented to the winning individuals and the victorious clubs. Kovod Keys will be given to the seniors specially honored for their contributions to the year's activities, while the clubs will be named for Best Club Awards and the Olympic trophy, which will be given to the club having the best cumulative total in all the Youth Council sports. The first Conclave was held in 1941 and the dance has been held each year, with one exception, since then. Originally, the Conclave was a lull- day affair, comprising a vocational guidance prograin, panel discussions on the role of the Jewish teenager in contemporary affairs, and seminars in iyouth leadership. Since its formation as anrfnylo program, each of thtse individual events bos been expanded into & lull activity, such as the Careers Conference, the many panel discussions held during the year, and the annual Leadership Training program held in the early autumn. An innovation in the dance this year will bo the announcing of next year's Youth Council officers. A special election meeting will be held before the dance begins at which time the officers and representatives of this year's council will elect the officers for next car. The parents of all Youth Council members and any other interested adults are invited to come. Patronize Our Advertisers.

Be$h ES Talmud


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FrMay, Mar *8,195J


With the Folks atHome

Religious News Mclit Candles :7:29 p. m. Temple Israel Evening services will be hid in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 p. m. Iiabbi Brooks will officiate. Services throughout the summer will be lieSd at tlie community Center. Beth Israel Friday evening services start at 6 p. m. Sabbath fccrvices begin lit 8:30 a. ,m. at Both Israel and 0 a. m. ut l'Jth and Hurt. Saturday morning services begin at 7:30 a. rri. followed by Shalu3 Shudcs nnd Maariv. Daily morning services at 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and 6:30 a. m. at 10th and Burt. The Sunday Morning breakfast ]ninyan and da;;.i in !3il)le meets at U-.45 a. m. The Sunday Morning Junior breakfast minyon begins at 11:45. Children who accompany their parents to Sunday morning (services are invited to join the Junior Minyon and breakfast. Beth El Services this evening, beginning at 8 o'clock, will include the Confirmation and Graduation of pupils of High School Department of the 13cth El Schools. This will be tlie concluding Into Sabbath service for this synagogue -season. Beginning next week, the summer schedule will be followed, with a short Sabbath service at 7 p. m,

, Contributions tu the Home The Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the At!cd gratefully acknowledges contributions received during the month of May, from the following: Memorial Contributions Mr. and Mrs. Reuben II. Brown in memory of Gail Margolin. Itev. and Mrs. A. Gendler in memory of Gail Margolin. Mrs. M. Gilinslty in memory of mother, Mrs. Morris Frciden, on Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldware in memory of Mr:;. A. Goldware. Mrs. Hen Handler in memory of mother, Stella C'halkin's yahrzeit. Mrs. Sol Lewis In memory of Rosalie Epstein and Mr:;. Turkel. Mr. nml Mrs. Henry Newman in memory of Gertrude Mazic and Meyer Potash. Mr. and Mrs. Jule M. Newman In memory of Gertrude Mazie and Meyer Potash. Mr. Louis Sommcr and Bca in memory of Dr. Manuel Grodinsky and Iiouis Kendis. Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Stlcfler in memory of Gertrude Mazie.

Israel Scene

j Gems

of the

Bible and Talmud

Obituary Louis Kendis Services were held Sunday afternoon for Louis G. Kendis. Interment was at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Mr. Kendis, a long time resident of Omaha, died at his home Wednesday night, May 20. Ho Is survived by his wife, Mary; o daughter, Mrs. Morton Hillcr, both of this city; n ton, Harold J. of Los Angeles; five brothers, Dr. Michael B., of Kan«as City, Mo,; Philip of Pasadena, Cal.; Simon, Julius nnd Charles, oil of Los Angeles, and one (,'randton.

Brian Lincoln Services were held last Friday morning for Brian Lincoln. Interment was at Beth El Cemetery. He died Thursday, May 21, in a local hospital. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Lincoln; a sister, Stephanie; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs; Jack Lincoln and Mrs. Grace Lenlc, and a greatgrandmother Mrs. S. Rombcrg.

Robert Ruben Services were held Sunday, May 17, for Robert Ruben, 70. He died FHday, Mny 15, In a local hospital. Interment was at the Gloden Hill Cemetery. He is survived by his -wife, Bessie; two sons, Hyman nnd Sam, oil of this city; two, sisters and throe grandchildren.

Mrs. Lena Shaf er Services were held Monday, May 25. for Mrs. Lena Shafcr, G4. Sho died Mondny In n local hospital following a lingering. • Illness. Interment waa at the Golden Hill Cemetery, Mrs. Shafcr Is survived by her husband, Aaron of this city; two daughters, Mrs. Louis Kntz of Omaha, and Mm. David Itomanlk of Leavenwortli, Kons.; two brothen, Henry Krosnc of Omaha and Marcus Krasne of Burbank, Calif.; and five grandchildren. Danny Kayo: "A hlchbrciw Is a nan who has found something more Interesting than women."




lly Ult. riMLIP SUEK By Dr. Philip Slier Bible Wisdom is better for a country than weapons of war; but ignorance, even among a small number, is a great loss to a country. Train a child according to its tendencies, and even when lie is old he will not depart from them. The word3 of the wise spoken in quiet are more acceptable than the cry of a ruler among fools. Talmud Rabbi Chlyya said: "Although women do not study the Torah, they deserve divine grace, because they bring their children to study in the Talmud Torah." Rabbi Jocbana said: He who has the power to protest (against wrong) in his house and does not do so, he becomes responsible for (tlie sin of) of everyone in the house. And the same is true of a city and even of the world at large; if one's protest 'might be heeded and he does not protest, lie becomes accountable for the misdeeds of the entire world." Itabbi Simeon said: "If thou sccth a scholar who is even revengeful and angry like a serpent be not afraid of him; but if an ignorant man appears to be pious do not live in his vicinity, for he know3 not what piety means and may make life very unpleasant for thce."

Saturday mroning services will CrMs

begin at U:45. Junior Congregation services will be at 10:45 a. m.; Mincha will be at 7:30 p. m. Daily services are conducted at 7 n. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning services will be at 0 o'clock.

Pag* SevcB

Because American Jews have contributed funds to the United Jewish Appeal, this tiny Jewish child will have a brigtcr future. She is one o r the hundreds of refugees from CommunLst controlled countries being cared for at an emergency aid station set up by th« Joint Distribution Committee. '

Jerusalem (JTA) — Tile Israel Government was plunged Into a new crisis when the four General Zionist Ministers handed their resignalions to Premier David Ben Gurion, thus brlnrinR to an end the five-month old Laboritc-centrist coalition. The immediate reason for the resignations was that tlie Mapal Party council had overruled a General Zionist demand, supported by Premier David Ben Gurion, that only the Israeli flag be flown In all schools in the country and that only the national anthem be sung .by school children. The right wing Socialist Mapal council voted CO to 21 to permit the flying of a red flag and the singing of the "Internationale" at schools where a majority of the parents of the pupils request it.

PUBLISHERS Washington (JTA)—The 10th annual convention of the American Association of English-Jewish newspapers closed here with the adoption of numerous resolutions concerning Jewish life in this country and in Israel, and with the re-election of Philip Slomovitz, editor nnd publisher of the Detroit Jewish News, as president for his tenth term. The resolutions urged ArabIsrael peace; pledged support of the efforts of the United Jewish Appeal and the Israel bond campaign; promised to cooperate willi the organization preparing the celebration of the 300 years of Jewish settlement In this country, but called on this organization to avoid, if possible, the necessity for n national fund-raising drive By utilizing the facilities of existing Strencth national organizations, including Tel Aviv (JTA)—The strength the English-Jewish press. of the modern Jewish nation lies In the Jewish State and In the Bible, Premier David Ben Gurion and that a small number seem undeclared here in an address to able to adjust to Israel's pioneerMHo. a club of artists and writers. ing life. In the past, ho added, tlie Jewish nation survived because of its re- Immigrants ligion and because of the hatred Tel Aviv (JTA)—A party of 85 which surrounded it. Immigrants arrived from India. Asserting that both the state Among them was one man who and the Bible were of come sig- had immigrated here once before nificance in the life of the Jewish and then returned to India a few people, Mr. Ben Gurion urged the months ago. This immigrant said that all Inwriters to "revitalize tlie Bible— that wonderful, powerful b o o k dian Jews who have returned to India from Israel now wish to which has influenced many tuitions, but which has.been to the come to Israel again. He added that most of tho returnees had Jews the very source of life." He stated that the Bible should be protested to the Indian Parliament "actualized" in the letter and spir- against the "unjust" charges by an it in which it had been conceived. Indian Governmcn spokesman that the Indian Jews had left Israel because of color discrimination. Adjustment Tel Aviv (JTA)—The Israel Foreign Ministry took exception Military Mission last week to a statement in the Tel Aviv (JTA)—A seven-man Indian Parliament by an Indian Yugoslav military mission arrived Government spokesman that a here headed by Lt. Gen. Mihailo large number of Indian Jews who Apostrolsoky, commander of the hail migrated to Israel hod re- Yugoslav Military . Academy In turned to India because they met Belgrade. The members of the a "color bar" in the Jewish State. mission, who will remain In Israel The Israel spokesman accused for seven days, was met by Israel's the Indian representative of hav- Chief of Staff Gen. Mordecal Making spoken hastily without a prop- leff, and will be the guests of Iser Investigation of the charges. "It rael's Army. An Israel military Is known that only the smallest mission visited Yugoslavia scyeral portion of the Indian immigrants months ago. to Israel have returned to India, while the majority ore Integrated in Israeli life nnd are now happy" New Settlements Jerusalem (JTA)—The estabcitizens," the Israeli declared. He pointed out that the problem of lishment of new settlements in returnees' from Israel is common Israel at the rate of one every to Immigrants from all countries other day Is being maintained despite the critical lack of funds and despite the fact that the Jewish Agency Is forced to borrow Monument Dedication money in anticipation of funds from the United Jewish Appeal in Tho family of Mr3. Goldie Swengil will dedicate a gravestone in the U. S. to keep up its present her memory this Sunday at 12 colonization tempo,' Dr. Gcorgo p. m., at tho Golden Hill Ceme- Josephthal, Jewish Agency treasurer, said here today. tery.

Tho family of Wolfe Krnsne Sholem Asch: "You can never got ahead of a person by trying to will dedicate n gravestone in his memory this Sunday at 2 p. m., get even with him." at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Harry M. 'Warner: "Experience Rabbi N, Feldman will officiate. Relatives and friends are Invitig the name men give to their ed to attend the ceremony. . ttUstakcs,"

Ray Bolger: "Believe everything you hear about tho world; nothing Is too Impossibly bad." , Jack Benny: "TImo was when tp get on the stage all a girl had to show was ability,"

THIN — complete this simple statement in 25 word* or Um



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Frld»7. M»r


Outstanding dJayy Athletes Ily I.incSy Paul

Award Night Honors Outstanding Athletes Rcayim Ccep-fares Y. C. Trcocfj Crov/n

Ed Belgrade

Bob Oberman

Murray Bel man

Ed Belgrade Gels Greenberg Prize Belman Receives Burkenroad Award Goes to Oberman Trustin Trophy For the second time in the Jay':; athletic history, an athlete has captured both the Trustin and Burkenroad Awards. Ed Belgrade, one of the Jays finest basketball stars has won for himself the Jay's top athletic honor. In 1949, as a high school senior ho was selected as the outstanding junior athlete and won the Trustin trophy. This year for his 'brilliant performance In the varsity basketbaii league, he was presented the Burkenroad Award. The other athlete to capture both awards was Mike Landman, who won the Trustin trophy in 19-11 and the Burkenroad award in 1048. Ed captained the I!eljsr.-i<le Bombers to win the Vanity league championship with a 13-2 record. H» also led the scoring with 211 points for an average of M points per game. This week Ed will get his Bachelor of Science degree from Omaha V. and sometime this summer will enter the service as a second lieutenant in the United States Air Force.

Camp Jay-C-C (The 2nd in a scries ol articles about Camp Jay-C-C.) Camp Objectives Camp Jay-C-C, like most things of value, came into existence inresponsc to certain felt needs. The outcome of these needs, derived from the camping experience, an; called* objectives. Camp JayTC-C has set up the following objective for your youngster: a. Provide for the health and safely of'the'youngsters. b. Social •Adjustment: Individuals' learn through experience to become socially competent. c. Development of Knowledge, Skill's and Interests: Numerous a c t i v i t i e s — sv/imminfj, Camp* craft, nature lore, horseback riding, rifkry, special programs—will help a yoim^stor to find: such .satisfaction in the ;ictivi y 'as will lead to a lifelong pursuit of the interest, and at the same lime will provide elements- of achievement helpful In .a boy'3 and girl's normal development. d. -Habit Formation: Such hubits as thoroughness neatness, oii^inuliiy, dependability, unselfishness, resourceful ne:;:>, and tolerance may be acquired under Ihe /guidance of a wlsep«*t:en. and understanding counselo-. e, , -"vrjrrr; in Democrat ic liivin^: As a member of a cabin gro ;, a CM:Id lias Hie opportunity to plan, to surest, to carry t.'.;t, r.nd to evaluate acttvi ic; in which he or she p;irtldp;.^.;. f. Appiecia'ion of the Finer Things in Life: A child may learn ' fiic rcf 1 .satisfaction of wholesome companionship and may develop a love of beauty as it is found in music, in literature, and above all, in nature. Canip Program The Jay-C-C program is geared

Bob Oberman, a 13-year-old eighth grader js tlie first winner of the J. J. Greenberg Memorial Award for his achievements as the outstanding grade school athlete during the 1952-53 basketball season. Bob led his Rosen-Novak team to the championship of tlic league this year as he scored 13 of his team's 15 points in beating 11 Worth 1;rill, 15-11, in the playoff game, lie nlso led the scoring during the season as he totaled Ut> points for 10 games or a 13.C scoring record per game. His favorite shot is a hook shot wnich he has become quite adept at. Last year as a seventh grader he a member of the Rockets In the midgc-t league which finished in the runner-up spot. He shows a fine potential iJi basketball and should develop into a top-notch athlete in Center and high school sports.

Jews in Sports A nationwide fund drive is under way to raise the money needed to send an American team to the IVlaccabiah games to be held in Israel in September. The required expenses should approximate $100,000 if the pians for the team are carried out. Under ideal conditions, sponsors of the American squad would like to see a delegation of about 1(10, including participating athletes, officials, and athletes who'll be ijiving exhibitions. The bill to maximize the growth potential in camping for your child. Each cabin, with its counselors, plans its own program; and, though there is considerable direction from counselors, the children fee! [hat they have an important say in v/hat they are doin/j. The program is geared to what has real meaning for the child. As there is no rigid schedule of activities created from on top, there is a flexibility in program and a relaxed atmosphere. Of course, all of the traditional activities are available to your youngster at Camp Jay-C-C. Thur there is swimming, photography horseback riding and arls anil craft;;. There's sports and games, rifkry, archery, tennis, and camp craft. Dramatic:', rhythm band, and dancing are some of the others. Camp is not interested in activity for the sake of a varied program—but rather, in how an activity can be ' used to most effectively help the child. Further, we're interested in those4 activities which are not acccssable to children in the city. There is much to appreciate in the countryside around camp, and Kome of the most exciting times for children are when they are cooking and sleeping out. By the end of the season, therefore, we hope that the children will have developed and achieved a sense of "at homehess" in "the out-of-doors. (Next Issue: The Staff and Health at Camp Jay-C-C.)

-Rayim's fine all-around athlete Murray Belman is the 1953 winner of the Harry Trustin trophy as the outstanding high school athlete. The 17-year-old senior had a banner season in athletics the past year. He was the driving force behind the Hayim basketball team and led them into second place. Me led the league in scoring and was a unanimous selection for the Y.C. all-star team. Murray won two successive wrestling championships in his junior and senior year. lie took two first places in track, a first and second in swimmine and finished second in the trad: pentathlon. This was a terrific .<:en:;on for Murray and Ids interest in athletics is a tribute to his all-around participation during his hitlh school career. He follows his former teammate Gordon Rubin, last year's winner of the Trustin Award.

will probably come to auout $1,000 per person. Dinners will be held In key cities from coast-to-coast in an attempt at fund-raising. Other projects vill also be tried. There is an additional possibility of playing exhibition contests in Europe en routp to Israel. As for the selection of the team, the naming of athletes wno will participate is not yet completed. The basketball team is partially chosen. Iiego Park, the Lone* Island club that v/on the National Jewish Welfare Board's annual tournament, automatically makes up half the squad, m e other half will he chosen from among college all-star:;. An exhibition game was played last .Sunday between Reno Park and a team of college seniors to give thore making the selections an opportunity to see which college alhleter hnve the most on the ball. The winning team of the JWH volleyball* tournament was also slated to go lo Isrtwl. The American team is being spour.oiod by the U. S. Committee for Sports in co-operation with the National Jewish Welfare Board. £



Bernard Barlzen has made a name for himself as one of the nation's up-and-coming tennis players. He Is ranked 1 lth in (be U. S. Lawn Tenni:; Association ratings. Now he has added another feather to his cap. Bnrtzen traveled to Franco to take honors at Cannes, where he won the men's singles in the international tournament. He captured the title by defeating the Swedish star, Sven David:;on, who v/as on the Swedish Davis team. The score was 0-2, 0-4, 7-5. Thin would have been enough of a record to brinfi home, uut didn't stop. lie also was part of the winning mens doubles combination. He teamed up with Armando Vicjra, the top piaycr ot Brazil to take first place.'They defeated Orlando Slrola and Lrianni Clcrlei of Italy, 4-G, 7-5, 0-3 and 10-0. Jerry Lev/is: "Many a girl Is the picture of her father and the talkie of her mother."

A powerful Hayim track team led by senior Murray Belnujn and freshman Coleman Greenberg won the annual Youth Council track and field meet at the Tech High 1track. They scored a total of 3G ,;. points while runner up AZA 1 made 15 points. The independent boys collected lOli points while ' AZA 100 finished fourth with 1 point. Murray Belman tied for first in the 00 yd. dash, won the broad jump and was a member of the winning relay team. Coleman Greenberg, a member of the Central high freshman track team Held Belman in the 00 yd. dash, won the 100 yd. dash and also was a member of the winning relay team. There were no Youth Council records broken at the meet. A total of 42 hoys participated in the meet. Here is a summary of the meet: CO yd/ dash Winners Murray Belman, Coleman Greenberi; 7.3. Third—Stan Widman. Football Throw Winner—Stan Widman 121% feet. Hunncr-up—Av Greenherg 121 feet. Third—Dave Herzog 120'.4 feet. 880 Yd. Kun Winner—Al Fellman 2.42.-1. liunncr-up—Bill Novak. Third—Larry Schwartz. Shot I'ut Winner—Marian Kosc-n 34' 7',i" Runner-up—Av Grcenberg 32' 9" Third—Don Dandy 30' 4%" 100 Yd. Dash Winner — Coleman Greenljerg 11.4. Runner-up—nay Somberg arid Hernie Turkel Broad JumpWinner—Murray Belman 15' 8" Runner-up—Alan Heegcr 14* 10" Third—Bob Kully and Ed Belzer 14' 1" 440 Yd. Relay Winner—Rayim (A. Greenberg; lielman, Novak, C. Greenhorn) 1.04.2 Runner-up—AZA 1 (Widman, Heeger, Schwartz, Turkel) 1.04.2 Third — Rayim (Levine, Somberg, A. Novak, Krantz) 1.0G.5.

Central Tennis Star Graduates Fred Segal, ;;rnduatlng senior has ended his tenni3 career at Central high. He was a member of the Central high tennis team for three years, winning letters in the past two season:;. A fine southpaw player, Freddy plans lo continue his tennis at college, Right now, he is leaning toward the University of Oklahoma. Fred is a member of Hayim and, participated in .soflball, basketball, ping pong, bowling and wrestllrlg. He gives a lot of credit to Camp .ICC where he .sharpened up his playing and attained n deep interest for the game. We expect to hear about Fred's tennis accomplishments in tbn next few year:;,

t\ capacity audience of some .'iOO people witnessed the annual athletic award night at the JCC auditorium last Tuesday night as some 100 athletes received awards for their achievement. An exhibition of Judo by the Physical Fitness instructors of Offutt field and a Ping Pont; exhibition by John Tatom, former National champ and Max Oudrn, Nebraska slate champion, preceded the presentation. The ;;Liest speaker was Lloyd Cardwell, former Nebraska U. football .star anil now head football coach at Omaha University. Cardwell told the audience the importance of sports and sportsmanship. Bucky Greenberg. served ng master of ceremonies and awarded the J. J. Greenberg Memorial trophy to Bob Oberman as the outstanding m i d g e t basketball player. The Outstanding Junior award was presented by Harry Trustin to Murray Belman as the top high school athlete. Le3 Burkenroad, chairman of the .ICC Health and Physical Education committee awarded the best senior athlete award to Ed Belgrade. For outstanding service to the athletic department in helping; promote alhletep rograms, three high school students received a service medal. They were Jack Oruch, Sandra Fisher and David Widman. ( Other top awards went to Belgrades Bombers, varsity league basketball champ:;, Ko:;en-Novak, Midget Basketball champs and AZA. 100 Y.C. champs. AZA 1 won the Y.C. Softball league. AZA 1 was the winner of the Youth Council Olympic trophy for the top Inch school club in athletic! during the past year. Councilette Starlets were named the Y.C girls Bowling champs, while the boy's league was won by Itayim Mesi Sew Grczi.

Y. C. Softball League News AZA 1A will take on AZA 100 In the feature game at Elmwood Park this Sunday afternoon. Rain has cancelled games for the past two Sundays and the boys are beginning to plead with the weatherman. It is hoped that the cancelled games will be played during twilight hours ort weekdays. Other games schodulcd for this Sunday are Rayim A vs. Itayim B Independents vs. AZA IB. * Ed Belzer is expected to take the mound for Hayim A against (he Centurymen. He will draw either* Ray ICirke or Jerry Colnic as his mnund opponent. This will be the big test for Rayim A as Ray Somberc's squad is a dark burse to win the league. AZA 1A with Terry Bernstein' as their ace pitcher are league favorites. Terry was the top pitcher in' the loop last year and is expected to be tougher this season. The mother chapter lads lost one game last year.

US Squad Goes to Games in Israel New York (JTA)—The United States will send an 8fi-man squad to the fourth World Maccabioh Games in Tel Aviv in September, the United States Committee for Sports in Israel announced. The Committed in also mining funds to send a squad of 12-nonJe-wish Olympic champions to Israel to participate in an International sports exhibition and various pvehta and to give Israeli sports fans an opportunity to see some of the world's finest athletes In action.

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