June 12, 1953

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Vol. XXXI—No. 39


Administration Unfolds Plan for Israel, Arabs Washington (.ITA)— The Kkenhowcr Administration has decided on a "stcp-by-step" program-to attempt gradually tu resolve IsraelArab differences with concentration on the Arab refugee problem enviconed as the first step. This was made known this week by a high Slate Department source'who sought to clarify American aims in the Israel-Arab area. It was decided in the wake of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' return from the Near East that this government could do nothing dramatic "overnight" to bring Arab-Israel peace.' In some ways, it was found, the situation has deteriorated rather than improved. Consequently, u formula o( approaching individual problems one at a time has been decided upon. An early development indicated was an approach to Arab leaders alined at "breaking the back" of the Arab refugee proglem. Also visualized arc moves to absorb the Arab refugees through development schemes facilitated by the Mutual Security Aid program, to solve Arab-Israel border problems, to work out Israel compensation to Arabs for abandoned properties, consideration of the internationalization of Jerusalem, and re-assurances to allay Arab 1 ears. "• ~ N The State Department believes peace might be expedited as a result of the rcaffirmatlon by the Administration of the tri-partltc non-aggression agreement of 1950. The need for economic aid for the Near East was stressed and military assistance was mentioned in Agreement this connection. Concern that ConJerusalem (JTA) — Agreement gress may reduce Mutual Security on early submission to Parliament Aid economic appropriations was of a State Education law which indicated by top department offi- would prohibit display of any flags cials who expressed fear not only in Israel schools except the Israeli for the Near East but for the en- or the singing of any anthems extire economic program through- cept the Israeli, this week had ended the c a b i n e t crisis and out the world. brought return of the General Zionists to the Government coaliIt was revealed that the State tion. Department has asked Congress The General Zionists also refor funds for Israel and the Arab ceived further assurances that the states which represent about the Minister of Education would issame amounts previously allocat- sue instructions on t h e flaged. Tlie State Department made anthem issue pending enactment known that it felt it had reduced of the new legislation. the aid program as much as was The General Zionists had walkprudent. It indicated that further ed out of the government in procuts might endanger world secur- test against the display of the Soity and foreign policy objectives. cialist Red Flag and the singing It has been noted by the archi- of the "Internationale" in some tects of the present U. S. foreign schools on Labor Day. policy that there ha3 been very slow progress in the Israel-Arab Unemployment Tel Aviv (JTA—Finance Minisarea. They feel that the American people are getting a better ter Lcvl Eshkol revealed that the government has "almost succeedcducotion "in what both sides add up to." It Is held that no real ed^' in resolving the unemployprogram existed during the Demo- ment problem in the country. The cratic Administration to solve the actual number of unemployed in •Israel-Arab situation. On the oth- Israel, he said, is about half of er hand, it was stressed that the the anticipated 30,000. Republican Administration cannot Restrictions on the use of electake the position that what has tric power in Israeli homes may happened in Palestine can be un- be ended and it will be possible ~ done because the new Administra- to extend irrigation activities in tion maintains that it does not feel the arid regions of the country Israel should be undone. now that Tel Aviv's Reading Power Station has been opened. The new turbine, which began operatEXPORTS ing thi3 week, has a power rating '. New York (JTA)—Israeli firms of 50.000 kilowatts. exported goods worth $12,073,000 to tho United States during 1052, Leaders Meet tho Israel consulate disclosed here. Jerusalem (JTA)—A meeting of Tho diamond a n d precious leaders of the United Jewish "Apfitoncs industry exported goods peal and the Israel Bond Drive In worth $10,028,000 to lead all other the United States will take place Israeli Industries. Books, maps, in Jerusalem In the near future to pictures.and stamps came second1, prepare for representative Jewish accounting for $4G2,OOO worth of gatherings in the Fall, it was anexports, and wool manufacturers nounced at a press conference here and cotton products were third by Finance Minister Levl Eshkol, and fourth, respectively, with who was just returned from a visit $107,000 and $00,000. lo the United States. -

On the Israel Scene

Provisions M ®de f o Return Park (JTA)—Tho text of the agreement among tho Catholic hierarchy In France, the Grand Rabbinate of Franco and representatives of the family of tho Finaly boys providing for tho return of the two kidnapped Jewish children, was made public hero, after Grand Rabbi Jacob Kaplan released a statement questioning the good faith of the Catholic authorities and pointing out that uftcr three months the children still have not been relumed to France. Tiio agreement provided for: 1, Dropping all criminal charges against the persons who kidnapped tho children onco they ore returned to France. 2. After the children arc brought had-, lo Fiance, without publicity or police intervention, they will l;e i.'Jcjn 1o the home of Andre

Well, leading French Jew, where they will be joined by Mrs. Hedwig Rosnor, their aunt, who is now in Israel. 3. Mrs, Rosner agrees to bring up the children with the asslstanco of a social worker chosen by agreement between the Grand Uabbi and a representative of French Catholics. No religious pressure of any kind will be brought to bear on tho children. 4. Within four months another agreement will be reached bearing on tho upbringing of the children and tho respective rights of 'all parties in tho affair. The children will remain in M, Weil's home. 5. After tho four months, the children will enjoy full religious liberty In a wny that will mnko It possible for them later to choose, whatever religion they wish to observe.

Israel Pr< At Trade


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tii oo» 10 omu •MU R»U I DOOtn

JA Conference Gets $ 2 0 Million

•"ION 'C uioourr

Beautiful patina ware is among the many items displayed at the Israeli exhibit at the opening of the World Trade Fair Tuesday Dishes, ash trays and pitchers reflected their aqua coloring which simulate oxidation of centuries These are patterned after the bronze dishes which were excavated after being burled for centuries in time. Shoes made in Israel are also on view. Ladles' slippers exquisitely hand embroidered with gold tlirend, are shown with designs traditionally Jewish, which may be as.old as the Temple of Solomon. The embroidery is done by Yemlnlte Jews, many of whom were flown to Israel by means of the operation "Flying Carpet." Other items on view Include figurines depleting, biblical characters, candles, New Year cards, gloves, sweaters, men's and women's, raincoats and ladles' topc o a t s .

On>u>«. Nebruuu ftww AT KIM)



Dell Feuerlicht, Director of the Economic Department of the Zionist Organization of America, stated the purpose of the exhibit is to acquaint the buyers with Israeli exports and the stores which arc stocking them. He continued, the fashion line exports are showing a steady increase. These include sweaters, jersey suits and children's wear. The stress is on exports to the U. S., Feuerlicht added, for Israel has to buy consumer goods and is trying to close the Rap between consumption nnd production of goods. The great problem, he said, is in supplying the domestic market and many products are rationed.

Global Report Stevenson ~ iKindon (JTA)—Former Governor Adlnl Stevenson, winding up a 3ix-day visit in Egypt, spoke come blunt truths at a press conference in Cairo and gave t h e Arabs some advice they found unpalatable. The Democratic standard-bearer told a press conference la t h e Egyptian capital that "Israel Is here to stay—and so arc the Arab States." He advised that "Israel and the Arab States should come to some arrangements on their problems pending a settlement." Mrs. Hobby Washington (JTA) — R a c i a l prejudice is costing the United States from 15 to 30 billion dollars annually, Mrs. Ovcta Culp Hobby, Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, declared in a speech prepared for delivery at gradua'tion exercises at Ohio Wesleyan University. Secretary Hobby declared that I'the Indulgence of this prejudice Is costing the U. S. tax dollars in what must be a s t r o n o m i c a l amounts." She added that because "people are not allowed to reach their full potential, not permitted to earn the salaries their work merits" they cannot reach their full potential as consumers and taxpayers, First Time Cincinnati (JTA)—For the first time In Its 70-ycar history, the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of R e l i g i o n this week awarded e a r n e d Doctorates in Philosophy to a Christian clergyman and an Israeli scholar, both of whom have been studying at the Reform college since 1950. In addition, 13 graduates were ordained rabbis at the college's commencement exercises here.

On Radio and TV This Sunday, from 0 to 0:30 a, m., over KO1L, "Message of Israel" will feature n broadca.it by Rabbi Bertram W. Korn of Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel, Wyncote, Pa.

Abba Eban

Report by Dulles Provokes Criticism New York (JTA)—The report on the Middle East broadcast last week by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, following his tour of the area, provoked lively criticism this week and raised considerable doubts. The Times of London, in a caustic comment, advised Mr. Dulles that government with more experience "may seek impartial policies, too, but without any illusion that this will automatically win them respect and regard on all sides." It warned him that "there is no ready-made key to International harmony lying on the ground to be picked up and used." Official Israeli circles were definitely not pleased by the Dulles report and there was some concern that Mr, Dulles might expect too many concessions from Israel to appease the Arabs. The Secretary of State's apologetic attitude toward the Arabs for American aid to Israel was also criticized and the view was expressed that the United States did not have to apologize to the Arabs for any aid to Israel. One Arab reaction to the Dulles report was voiced by Mohammed Fuad Gala], Egyptian Minister of National Guidance, who said that "if there is anything to be understood from the statement of Mr. Dulles, it is that America's assistance to Israel Is considered as a danger by the Arabs."'•••••• ".: When the Brown Derby Waiter asked Phil Silvers, "How did you find your steak, sir?" Phil replied: "It was just luck. I happened to move that piece of potato and there it was."

Washington (JTA)—The twoday national emergency conference of the United Jewish Appeal concluded here with contributions in cash totaling $20,391,000 toward the special cash drive for $25,000,000 proclaimed by the UJA. Mutual Security Administrator Harold E. Stassen commended the UJA delegates lor "the remarkable effort".: they have made through the years, but declined to discuss the "many difficult and complex controversies and policy problems" in the Near East Whence be recently returned with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Mr. Stassen told the UJA that it was not the occasion nor was he the spokesman to take up 'any of these specific policy problems." Eban Speaks Israel Ambassador A b b a S. Eban expressed apprehension over efforts now being made to work out the "security problems of the Middle East." Mr. Eban said a nation's claim for freedom deserves respect "but a claim to. deny lor resent or restrict or mutilate the sovereignty of another people merits firm rebuke and specific disassociatlon especially by those who seek to help'our region heal its wounds and forget its rancors and its hates." The Ambassador told UJA delegates that he could not understand "why American support for Arab independence in eight countries should merit praise, while American support for Israel's independence justifies resentment." With obvious reference to the radio report of last week by Secretary Dulles, Mr, Eban said there was "no just comparison between Israel's valid fear of Arab assault and the alleged Arab fear of Israeli aggression." ; Eadlo Report Senator Herbert Lehman, addressing the conference, said that the U, S, Government will "serve no high purpose" by suggesting that Israel be deprived of territory or by proposing that significant numbers of Arab refugees be resettled in Israel. Referring to the radio report by Secretary Dulles citing the plight of the Arab refugees, Sen. Lehman said that "these refugees can and must be absorbed In tfee great land spaces of the Arab countries of the Middle East." He urged U. S._ and United Nations assistance t o ' advance their resettlement; Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency, told the delegates that Secretary o( State Dulles' Middle Eastern report Indicated the urgency of problems facing Israel and called for American Jews, united in the UJA, to pledge themselves above ideological differences to support Israel in all spheres in which their support may be required in the very near future.

Jewish Groups Favor Early US Ratification of Genocide Pact New York (JTA)—Prompted by concern over the favorable action of the Senate Judiciary Committee on the so-called Brlcker amendment to limit the treatymaking power of the President, 34 national and local Jewish organizations this week-end, in a joint statement, urged early United States ratification of the United Nations Genocide Convention. The Jewish groups deplored the recent announcement by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles that the Administration would not press for ratification of the genocido convention. They called it "a tragic irony" that ouch a position should be taken at this time, "when so mnny of the captiVc peoples of the world nre threatened by Soviet tyranny." Failure of tho United Stales to ratify the convention, the Jewish organizations declared, "can lead only to a

cynical questioning of our support of international cooperation as an instrument of justice and morality." "Tho people of the world have long looked to the United States for action on this great humanitarian issue," the 34 organizations said, "the objectives of which are in keeping with the spirit of our great Dill of Rights and with the Judaco-Chiistian concept of tho sanctity of human life." The statement was signediby the American Jewish Congress, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish War Veterans at the United States, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, United Synagogue of America, and 20 local Jewish councils. It Was released by the National Community Relations Advisory Council, coordinating body for all the signatory groups.



Friday, Jane 12, 195S

Our U. N. Newsletter By Arthur Lewis (Copyright, 1053, JTA, Inc.)

Published Ever* Friday by the Omaha Jewtah Federation * *M nwini i < n i « u i a at r f t t i . Tlii>r>ifc«. —<«» DM act X tUMfc J, lOi. MHwaf d i m i - w i iia Mat suwi. A T U s l l l U t O , •-.;, ' -. - . . '.: i »<|I1»M H o t go. »m ao»tt. HARRY HALPERT., , „, , .,. MAXDNE B E S S E B _ -





























United Nations (JTA)—A recent hearing of a Senate Foreign Relations' Subcommittee, during which bitter attacks were made against Israel, is taken as a sign here of Washington's growing i n .erest in the Palestine question, and particularly that part of it relating to the Arab refugees. When he was on his tour of the Middle East, the Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, visited a refugee camp and is reported to have commented afterwards that it was one of the most terrible things he had ever seen. Witnesses


.JJjodety Editor


Heine and His Home Town

A prophet, as tbe saying goes, is without honor in his home "town. Usually, however, after tbe lapse of a certain number of years, even the home £own accords due recognition and honors to its native-grown prophet.^ But in the case of Heinrich Heine, the world-renowned German-Jewish poet and prose-writer, one »t the glories of German literature, who has been dead more than a century now, even at this late hour his native city of The witnesses before the subDusseldorf begrudges him that recognition which is his due, committee were heavily stacked which the world of letters has long bestowed upon him. against Israel; they included Utt well - known Arab propagandist, More than 65 years ago tbe Dosseldorf City Council did George M. Barakat, and a Couple decide to honor Its most famous native son by erecting a Heine of Westerners who take ttic Arab statue. JBtrt in 1868, shortly after the resolution was adopted, _ use as their own. What they said was not much different to what tbe then German Kaiser Wilhelm II objected to honoring Heine, the Arab delegates have said so who in his time had denounced German nationalism, and since often at the United Nations, but then German nationalists continually voiced objection. Duririg diplomatic observers here . aro tho murderous Nazi regime "even the books of Heine were afraid that they may have impressed the Senators who don't barred as "Jewish," in Dugseldorf as well as everywhere else in know the background of the PalGermany. This despite the fact that Heine himself had at one part of the Near Eastern commu- estine situation. time embraced Christianity and later on called himself a Greek Capital Sporik|ht nity. But he referred In another Mr. Haksrat even went beyond pagan. portion of his speech to "the area the Arab representatives here in By Milton Friedman presently controlled by Israel," demanding not only the "internaRecently a statue of a female figure entitled "Harmony" was,presented to Dosseldorf as a Heine memorial. .Though Washington (JTA) — Secretary This phrase strongly cennoted the tionalism" of Jerusalein but also of Stale John Foster Dulles' radio Arab League's refusal to recog- an "internationalized corridor* there seems to be little connection between the statue and tbe report on his Near Eastern trip nize Ihc legality or permanence connecting Jerusalem with the poet'g personality and work, it was believed that the very in- I t i r n ^ that U)c Administration of Israel's borders. Mediterranean. None of the ArabJ noeuousness of the monument would serve to lessen nationalist does not feel it can bring about A ' hint was provided by Mr. iiere, as far as can be rememopposition to it. Yet even so, the mayor of Dusseldorf was con- an early Arab-Israel peace and Dulles that the United States bered, has proposed such a monwill consequently asume a neut- might favor the internationaliza- strous device, at least recently and spicuously absent from the unveiling ceremony 1 ral posture while bidding for the tion of Jerusalem when the ques- only an irresponsible individual And so Heine, the "pagan" Jew, the nnconventioal poet friendship of the Arab states. tion comes b e f o r e the United uch as this Arab propagandist and essayist who was not afraid to speak his mind and who Congressional friends of Israel Nations next Autumn. This is an- would suggest it after all the other project unfavorable to I s -unhappy experience there has agree that the United States must made many enemies during his lifetime, is still not quite rebeen with "internationalized corspectable in his home town of Dusseldorf, even though Nazism bo impartial. I3ut they arc aprc- rael which has been dormant for ridors." hensive lest the Administration's a long time. is gone and democracy is supposedly re-established there. Butpursuit of what Mr. Dulles doDemands Deep Kcscnlmcnt those who cherish literature throughout the world have long scribed as "imparliality" produeo'i E'sontully, the Eisenhower high There is not much point in codevelopments detrimental to I:.•ince recognized Heinrich Heine as one of the brave spirits command officially put foremost ing into all that Mr. liarakat said among the purposes of its foreign •—lie trotted out all the stale among men, as one of the greatest artists in words, whose work racl. '•olicy Shift I l i c y the allaying of the Arab Arab demands for a readjustment will endure. A con'piujoir" polny ihift was w o r 1 d's "deep resentment'' of of Israel's borders nnd the return

revealed when Mr. Dulles said that American support of Israel. The of all the refugees—but it should Israel . . . The report was pre- '.some" Arab refugees "could be Administration's intentions were be pointed out that this gentleman sented by Col. Herzog, military resettled in the area pre.renlly con- set forth by Mr. Dulles who said doe:; not even keep abreast of tho henceforth an ' 'impartial" news. He asserted that Israel By Btrli Snolw • I attache of the Israel Embassy in trolled by Israel." It is signifi- that Washington . . . Those present re- cant that the Truman Administra- policy would be applied to Israel. should release ( Arab funds and Mr. Dulles explained that he feels apparently doesn't know that I s tion, about two years ago, abanWuMnrton Trends: ceived a clear picture of the meanhas already agreed to do this Opinion is divided among Aroer- ing of the Arab attacks on Israel's doned the mass movement of Arab the Arabs "arc more fearful of rael without any reciprocal undertak, lean Zionist leaden on the views frontiers which seem incidental, refugees into Israel ns undesir- Zionism than of Communism and ing on the part of the Arabs. they fear lest the United Slates able. Rehabilitation and resettleon Itrael expressed by Secretary i are actually part and What is surprising about this of State John Foster Dulles in his ^ ^ , ' a n organized Arab plan ment in Arab countries have been become the backer of cxpanlonkt Zionism." testimony before the Senate Forradio report to the nation on hie led by trained military lead- cruelly prevented as Arab leaders trip to tbe Middle East . . . Some . S^Jsrael Ambassador Abba nsist on mass repatriation to IsPowerful elements within the eign Relations Eubdmmittec is tbo consider certain aspects of bis re- Eban, who was planning to take rael. This is an utterly impossible Administration are trying to con- way that Monsignor Mchfahon, port very unfriendly to Israel . . . his vacation in M e x i c o , may proposal since the returning refu- vince President Eisenhower that representing the Roman Catholic Especially, his remarks that the change his plnn and remain in gees would become a powerful we must ally ourselves with the Near Eastern Welfare Society, Arabs are more afraid of Zionism Washington to be on the spot for fifth column ready to destroy Is- hostilities of the Arab states in or- should second Mr. Barakat in althan of Communism, his insistence any developments that may result rael in the'event of renewed Arab der to win their fricndsliip. Thi: most everything, including his dethat Israel must readmit some of from Secretary Dulles' r e t u r n aggression. Because Mr. Dulles re- line also maintains that we must mand for the "internationalization : lbe Arab refugees, and his hint from the Middle Eart . . . Irrrael vived this main point of Arab forfeit Arab friendship if we help of Jerusalem." This prelate, who that Jerusalem should be interna- Minister in Washington, David League policy, there is fear that Israel. The A m e r i c a n Zionist was careful to say that he wan tionalized . . . Others, who try Goitcn, may soon leave for Jeru- the Arab states will now be en- Council has answered that it not "anti-Semitic" i but a humanito 6ee the silver lining in Mr. salem to become a member of the couraged to resist United Nations would "not help any of the peoples tarian, apparently had not taken Dulles' remark;;, find that although Israel Supreme Court . . . The Is- reieltlemcnt programs. A fake of the Near East if we punish one the trouble to find out that tho the Secretary of State was very rael Government has received or- hope of entering Israel has been people or state to appease an- Arabs themselves are opposed to the internationalization of Jeruoutspoken in his pro-Arab views, ders for concrete airfield con- instilled in the hearts of Arabs in other." salem, that Jordan would be furihe was not exactly anti-Israel... struction from the North Atlantic refugees camps. There is little logic to the arguous if this proposal got beyond a However, the latter, too, admit Territorial Organization and is I'ropa»;mcla ment that American support of mere epithet to be hurled at tho that they cannot, understand why seeking to secure -more orders from There is concern ovei' the fact Israel has cost America the friend- Jews. Stephen Pcnrose, the presithe Secretary found it necessary Such orders would that Mr. Dullci employed Arab ship of the Arab world, and that dent of the American University to drag Zionism into his address NATO • . . He could just as well have mean millions of dollars income Lcauge phraseology by referring we would regain that friendship of Beirut, could hardly be expectfor the Jewish State, since Israel lo "expansionist Zionism" with- if we were to reduce nid to Is-ed to be an objective witness and s a i d ' that the Arabs are more "afraid of Israel" than of Commu- is in a position to produce and out troubling lo disassociate him- rael. Arab hostility to Israel feeds also took the Arab stand. Slate Department nism rather than to state—as he supply many of the material self from such propaganda phrases. on the hope that the United State:; On the other hand, Mr. Dulles ac- will yield to Oils propaganda — by i,,u the ucinisc df i , „.„,. w o^m.—«j in- ] needed ^u uj organizaSome of the Stale Department knowledged for the first lime that that a change in the Administradid—that they arc more "afraid | "on of the Western powers . . . Arab economic warfare is being tion in Washington would mean a officials appeared before the rub• of Zionism" than of Communism t ~ waged against Israel. B u t he decline in American aid to Israel committee, inculding Walter He. . . Zionism is, after all, world- European Developments: dell Smith, who urged Hint tho wide Jewish movement with many By the lime these lines are read, praised dictators Naguib, of Egypt, Once the Arab states come to un- United States should continue its and Shishekly, of Syria, the two derstand that Israel cannot be liqfollowers in the United S t a t e s . . . three American Jewish leaders Those who wish to be less pessi- will be on their way to Vienna to principal leaders of the economic uidated by propaganda,, economic support for the United Nations mistic about Mr. Dulles' views on start reparations talks with the warfare a n d political agitation blockade and intimidation, then Relief and Works Agency in Its against Israel. there will be hope that informed efforts to resettle the Arab refuthe Arab-Israel issue, c o n s o l e Austrian Government They progressive Arabs who know gees in the Arab countries to themselves with the fact that his are: Dr. Nahum Goldmann, Jacob Mr. Dulles registered in favor and report was no declaration of im- Blausteln and Adolph Held . . . of Israel when he said that the that poverty, disease, and feud- which they have fled. He recommediate policy, but rather an out- They will meet on Sunday, June Arab stales eventually will have alism—not Israel—are the real en- mend«l that the agency's actual relief work bo given a longer line of principles . . . They point 14, in Paris to coordinate their lo consider Israel as a permanent emies, may bring peace. lcrm of life, till June 30, 1950. out that while it is true that Sec- views and will then proceed to According to the latest report, retary Dulles wants Israel to ad- the Austrian capital where they UNHWA has been able to resettle mit some of the Arab refugees, will be received by the Chancellor some 12,000 refugees in the past he accepts the position that most Julius Raab on June 10 . . . After year, whereas the annual birthrate et these refugees cannot bo retheir talk with the Austrian ChanSaturday, June 13 among the refugees amounts to patriated . . . Also that while he cellor, at which top policy matters Holiday Dance Club—9:00 p. m., Paxlon Hotel. 25,000. Thus, the agency is fight-hints af the internationalization of will be discussed, the negotiations Workmen Circle Dramatic Group—9:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum. tag a losing battle in this truly Jerusalem, he formulates his view on details will be conducted by a Monday, June IS humanitarian venture, and nil duo on the regilious aspect by stating staff of experts headed by Moses Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m.. Center. tn the refusal on the part of tho that all three major religions have Deckelman, European director of Tuesday. June 16 Arab governments to cooperate. an interest in the city . . . This, the Joint Distribution Committee National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m., Center. they say, is in accord with the . . . The sum which will be asked B & P Hadassah—'7:30 p. m., Center. suggestion long advanced by I s from JERUSALEM Austria for reparations to Wednesday, June IT raat that the Holy Places in Jeru- Jews who suffered under the Nazi New York (JTA) — Jerusalem Mlzrachi Women Luncheon—Guest Speaker—1:00 p. m., Center. has almost doubled its population salem—hut not the city itself—be regime there cannot be revealed placed under international super- for the time being . . . But it will B'nal B'rith Monsky Lodge Dinner—7:00 p. m.. Highland West and has become a center of modvision . . . The Veal good point reach into the millions of dollars Club. ern industrial activity since tho they see for Israel In Mr. Dulles' . . . JewiEh observers in the UnitThursday, June 18 establishment of Israel, Dr. Abrareport is his indication to the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary—8:00 p. m., Center. ed Stales who arc interested In ham Biran, the Governor of JeruArabs that they have to get used the German - I s r a e l reparations Beth Israel Men's Club Supper—7:00 p. m., Beth Israel. salem, reported at a conferenco lo the idea that Israel is a part of pact are now watching with th Saturday, Jane 20 here this week. Dr. Biran, who Is the Middle East. Highland Junior Dinner Dance—7:00 p. m.. Highland West. greatest of interest Uie parliamenhere in behalf ol tho Israel bond Workmen's Circle Dramatic Group—9:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum. tary election campaign which is drive, said that close to 150,000 developing in West Germany . . . Monday, lone ZZ persons live in and around JeruIsraeli Echoes: No doubt exists that neo-Nazis Workmen's Loan—fl.00 p. m., Center. salem today. In 1948, the populaTop American Jewish loaders— and other groups will utilize the Tuesday, June 23 tion was 70,000. He credited the Zionist and non-Zionist — heard campaign to attack the presen Council Women's Current Events—1:00 p. m., Private home. population increase to the develthis week, at a closed meeting in Adenauer Government for t h i Belh Israel Board—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. opment of new industries "through N e w York, a very interesting re- reparations agreement . Thursday, June 25 the aid of Israel bond proceeds" port on the military situation In B'nai B'rith Nebraska Lodge 1445—0:00 p. m., 25th and J fits. during the past two years.

Between You and Me

Community Calendar


Friday. June 12, 1953

Henry Monsky Lodge Graduates of Universities To

Members uf the Henry Monsky Lodge 354 of li'nai D'rith will hold its annual instal lation of officers din ler in the Highland Wci;t Club at 6:30 p. m., Wednesday. Amend U"iu officers who will be installed arc: Marvin Treller, president; David E. Grcenberg, first vice-president; Harry Weinberg, second vice-president; Sam Pollak, tliird vice-president, and Eeubin Lippctt, secretary. Harold Zelinsky, president uf the Southwest Region, District No. 0 of li'nai D'rith, will introduce the guest speaker, Irwin Levitas of Kansas City. Mr. Lcvitas is director of religious education at Congregation B'nai Jehudah In Kansas City and is an instructor of Jewish History and Medieval philosophy at the University of Kansas. There will be dancing -to the accompaniment of Dick Tollman's Combo. Dr. Abe Greenberg will serve as master of ceremonies and Harold Zelinsky as the Installing offi-,


UNIVERSITY OF OMAHA Among the graduates from the University of Omaha are; Collecre of Business Administration Ilaclielor of Science In Business Administration— Morton L. Glass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Glass. Hugo Kahn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kahn. Joseph Kirshenbuum, con of. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirshcnbaum. Martin Nearenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nearenberg. Marvin J. Newman, son of Mr. nd Mrs. Sam Newman. Edward L. Belgrade, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Belgrade. Harold I). Novak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Novak. Burton L. Oberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Oberman. Bachelor of Science n nctallinir— Robert Iiubenstein, son of Mr. md Mrs. Morris Rubenstein., College of Arts and Sciences Bachelor of A r t s Marvin Treller , Margaret Ann Bromberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Btomberg. Jack Leonard Katz, son of Mr. and Mm. Frank Katz. Leonore Ann Man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon. Marx. Blaster s( Science In Education— Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nearenberg Mrs. Murray Howard. are celebrating a triple graduation Master of Arts la Education— of their children. Their son SidJoseph Flcdel Beck. . ney, receives his degree as Doctor UNIVERSITY OP NEBKASKA of Medicine tomorrow .afternoon Graduate from the University from the College of Medicine of of Nebraska include: the University of Nebraska. The Collcre or Arts and Science* other son Milton, was graduated Baciclor of Arts— : from the U-; 'v of Omaha, Philip S. Alberts, son of Mr. and College of VJmlnistra- Mrs. William. Alberts. Lois A. Gerellck, daughter of Uon with . of Science Mr. and Mrs. Jules Gerelick. degree. Tl.. . ._;r Marilyn Syvia J. Krasne of Fremont, was graduated i.om Central High Nebr. School. College of Business Administration Dr. Nearenberg will Intern at Baelielor of Sciencetho King County H o s p i t a l in Bernard E. Greenberg, son of Brooklyn, NYC. Mrs. Hyman Greenberg. Martin Nearenberg will report Milton J. Lehr, son of Mrs. in the near future as a second Sarah Lehr. Lieutenant in the US Air Force at Harry Lcvinson. the San Antonio Air Base. Robert L. Pitlor, son of Mr. and Dr. NcarcnberR was a member Mrs. Nathan Pitlor. of Omicron Delta Kappa Honor Teachers College Society, Phi Eta Sigma, Beta Tau Bachelor of Mule— v Kappa at University of Omaha. Ruthann L» Bush ot York, itebr. lie is a member of Phi Delta Epsi- Baefaelor *f Science lon, a mcdicnl fraternity. In Education— A party is planned to honor Mnxlne E. White Poliky, daughthe three Rrafluatcs. ter of Mr. Morris 'White. College of Law Biehclor of Science in L a w Joseph Polack, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Polack. CoIUre of MedfebM Doctor of Medicine— Theodore Henry Lehman of Lincoln. The Greater Omaha B'nal B'rlth Sidney Nearenberg, »on of Mr. will sponsor the Omaha Cardinal- and Mrs. Milton Nearenberg. Sioux City Giants game to be held Mrs. Emanuel Racher. at 8 p. m., Thursday, in the MuBenjamin Robinson, son of Mrs. nicipal Stadium. Louis Robinson. Proceeds of the game will go to the B'nal E'rith program and CRKIGI1TON DNIVEKSOT will be sent to the National JewAmong the graduates from the ish Hospital in Denver. Crcighton University are: It will serve a two-fold purpose, College of Commerce staled Ralph N o g g, committee chairman, in assisting the Nation- Bachelor of ScienceDean E. Frankcl, son of Mr. and al Jewish Hospital and showing Mrs. Harry A. Frankel. our support of our ball club. School of Law Tickets are available at Loyal Clothes Shop, Forbes Bakery at Bachelor of Law— KTorman Bloch, son of Mr. and 43th a n d Underwood, Lippet's Market, Plumbers Specialty Co., Mrs. Joseph Bloch. School of Dentistry and Paramount Market. Tickets also may be had by calling Ralph Doctor of Dental Sorcery— Herman Borowsky of Island Nogg, JA 3292; Abe Bear, OR 0100; and Ed Dolgoff. JA 0«iG. City, N. Y. School of Medicine Scats ure reserved and are $1.10. Doctor of Medicine— Donald Erwin Green, son of Mr. Dr. D. Green Will Intern and Mrs. Morris Green.

Triple Graduation

Beth Israel Men's To Be Celebrated Club to Hold Fete The Men's Club of the Beth Israel Synagogue will hold its first annual Bar Mitzvah Dinner in conjunction with tlic club's June meeting, Thursday, June IB, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. I. Elewilz, this month's p r o g r a m director, announced that the main address would be delivered by Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, newly designated spiritual leader of Beth Israel. The presentation of the awards will he made by Rabbi Matthew Poliako/f of the Talmud Torah utaff. Boys and glrlj who have celebrated their liar Mitzvahs nnd Das Milzvah.i (luring the past year will be the guests of the men's club. Those to be honored arc: Bernard Bloom, Bruce Blnom, Michael Blatt, James Friedman, Jerry Frecdman, Martin Greene, Marvin Frecdman, Nelson Gordman, David Goldstein, Bernard Grossman, Robert Joseph, J u d y Kutler, Gary Plotkin; Payslc Shyken, Ronald Simons, Jerry Stone, and Krvln Taub. Members of the community ore invited to attend the dinner. Reservations can be made by contacting the synagogue office.

Sponsor Cardinal German Payments Game on Thursday Tel Aviv (JTA)—The German reparations funds will cover half o( the Israel development budget for the next four years, Hillel Dan, director of the Israel Government's reparations corporation «ald here. Ho reported that the development budget lor the next four years will come to 550,000,O00 Israel pounds. Projects to be financed by the development program, he continued, will make it possible for Israel to save In the next four years $120,000,000, both by avoiding certain imports and increasing exports. The present deficit in Israel's balance of trade, Mr. Dan said, is $200,000,000 annually. After three yeara, he predicted, Israc' will be able to close this gap. Reparations fund3 will bo invested principally in electrical installations, land and sea transportation, a Negev railroad, and other basic industries. Mr. Dan raid that raw materials will be imported not only from Germany but from other countries through the reparations, agreement. All formal arrangements for the first delivery of the reparations goods will be completed this week and by the end of May, 1054, Israel should receive some $05,00.0,000 worth of German Eoods.

Groner Welcomed At Beth Israel Fete Rabbi Benjamin Groner and bis family were formally welcomed to our community at the reception held in the Beth Israel Social Hnll Sunday afternoon. Rabbi Groner has taken up his duties as spiritual head of the Beth Israel congregation. The rabbi and his family ore making their home at 1812 N. 5J!nd st.

At Cedars of Lebanon Donald E. Green, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green, was graduated from the School of Medicine of Crefghton University. Dr. .Green will leave for Los Angeles at the end of the month where he will intern at the Cedars of Lebanon Hospital.

Zionist Council To Meet Wednesday The Zionist Council of Omaha will meqt Wednesday at 8:15 p. m., in the Jewish Community Center Election of officers will be held. S. Z. "Cuddles" Sakall, the rotund film comic, asked a pintsized dancer how much she weighed. "A hundred nnd one," slic told him. Sakall sighed and pointed out, "I ate more than that for lunch." ' • '

Ian Holds Sessions Of Y-Teen Conference Seymour H. Kaplan, Regional D i r e c t o r of Antl - Defamation League, conducted the opening work sessions of the Y-Teen SetlinK-Up Conference. The Conference, held at Camp Brewster, is an annual event of the Y\VCA. It ultracts many high school girls and their teacher-advisers. Mr. Kaplan also conducted the opening work sessions at the conference last year. The main objective of these conferences is to Introduce the program chairmen of the many Y-Tcen clubs to human relations and public affairs materials available for club programming. Kaplan instructed the delegates in "Roots of Prejudice," Happy Intcrgroup Relations and Techniques of Group Relations.

Face Three

Zelinsky Elected President Of Southwest B'nai BVith

Ilarold Zelinsky

A. Kaiman Wins Graduation Honor Arnold Kaiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kaiman, was graduated from the Liberal Arts College at the University of Cincinnati in May. He was awarded the William Howard Taft Fellowship given the graduating senior attaining the highest scholastic average in the school of liberal arts. Mr. Kaiman graduated with a straight A average. He received the award from Senator Robert Taft, son of William Howard Taft. He was the 88th student in the school's 200 year history to graduate with a straight A average. Mr, Kaiman will continue his [raduntc psychology work at the university. He was elected to the Phi Beta Kappa fraternity and gave the valedictory address at the annual Midwestern Council Convention in Cincinnati. He is also continuing his graduate rain binlcal work at the Hebrew Union College. Next year, he will be bead graduate assistant in clinical psychology at the Ohio State Mental Hospital. Mr, Kaiman is a past president of the Jewish Youth Council and Aleph Godol AZA No. 808. He Will' teach Hebrew at Camp Jay-C-C this summer.

Epstein-Morgan Post Plan Show for Vets Members of the Epstein-Morgan Post 260, of the Jewish War Veterans will sponsor an evening of entertainment at t h e Veterans Hospital Monday evening. The musical program is a feature of the hospital activities undertaken by the veteran's group. Entertainers will Include:, vocalists, Miss Maxlne Kay and Frank Payne; and Rossi and McDermont, known professionally as the metronomes. Mr. Payne win have Miss Betty Jane Bilurias as his accompanist Max Cantor is chairman of the program committee and committee members arc Milton Goldberg and Met Tepper. Jules Nathan helped organize the program. Rabbinical Council Fallsburg, N, Y. (JTA) — T h e 17th annual convention of the Rabbinical Council of America adopted a resolution calling upon the Soviet Government and the governments of other countries behind the Iron Curtain to permit the emigration of Jcw3 to Israel. The rabbis also adopted a resolution calling upon the United Nations to speed peace between Israel and the Arab states. The resolution pointed out that "continued internecine attacks by t h e Arab rulers on Israel are n menace to world peace and tho relationship between Moslems a n d Jews."

Harold Zelinsky was elected President of The Southwest Region, District S, of B'nai B'rith at tiie Spring convention held in Omaha, May 30 and 31. Mr. ZelfnSTry is an active memjer of the Cornhusker Lodge and was chosen first president of the odce when it received its charter in 1048. Other officers elected were; First vice-president, Sid Baumstcin, Sioux City; second vicepresident, Ben Novicoff, Lincoln; bird vice-president, Max Prostok, tastings; secretary, Yale Richards, Omaha; treasurer, Hans Nauen, Sioux Falls, and scrgeant-at-anns,. I3cn Schneider, Council Bluffs, The convention culminated with an Installation banquet at the Fonlenelle Hotel during which Henry Monsky Lodge of Omaha ( was presented with an American* Ism Award. This award is based on _ merit system regarding projects completed during the year to advance Americanism. The Sioux Falls (S. D.) Lodge was also given an award for the work done by their Americanism committee.


The real art of being a new parent consists in being able to sleep while the baby isn't looking. Happiness: That peculiar sensation you acquire when you are too bus; to be miserable. Duty: Something we look forward to with distaste, do with reluctance and boast about, forever after. Desk: A w a s t e basket with drawers. Pessimist: The guy who finances an optimist. Repartee: What you think of on the way home. Marrying an umpire must be t fright;: Imagine a husband who's always right. Habit: Trait Jacket. Modesty: The feeling that others will discover" how wonderful you arc. Have you used the new all purpose cream for bands, face and sandwiches? Where, do the folks In Hndes tell each other to go? Don't kick a roan when'' he's down — and for sure not when he's up. Some women arc more to be petted than censured. Pharmacist: A plllcr of the community, A draftee recently claimed exemption on the grounds of poor eyesight. Ho brought his wifo along as evidence. Worry Is like a rocking chair —It doesn't get you anywhere, The most Inflammable kind of wood is a chip'on the shoulder. There arc three kinds of people. —the fits, misfits and counterfits. A show-off is always showh-up In a showdown.

Marriage is a capital idea—If you have enough capital. STUDY PLAN New York (JTA)—A unique The sap runs in the spring but agreement, which for the first the girl catches him anyhow. time makes it possible for underl graduate students in the field of Sarcasm: Barbed ire. Jewish religion, education, history and literature to receive bachelor's Worry of the month—Will those degrees from both*1 a liberal arts noodle haircuts attract fleasT college and a theological seminary after following a combined course The best time to live U while of study, was ratified by Colum- your still alive. bia University and Jewish Theological Seminary, That's all. , ()•

Friday, June 12, 1»5S




Choose Members Of Wedding Party

Miss Kanner Is Married

Emily Louise Lapowskl

Darlcne Kanner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Kanner, and Max M. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Gordon of Lincoln, were married Sunday, Juno 7, at 0:30 p. m., at the Fontenclle Hotel. Rabbi Joshua Stampfcr of Lincoln officiated, assisted by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar. The bride wore a gown of Chantllly lace and nylon tulle over satin. A tiara of orange blossoms held her illusion veil, and she carried a white orchid on a Bible with streamers of stcphanotis and ribbon. Mrs. Harold Abrahamson, matron of honor, wore white marquisette and a white net picture hat. Bridesmaids, the Misses Elaine Novieoff of Lincoln and Jean Katz,

Barbara Wise

To Wed Texas Girl June 30

Miss Wise to Marryin Fall

Mrs. Errold B. Lapowski of El Paso, Tex., has announced the engagement of her daughter, Emily Louise, to Paul Schapiro, son of Mrs. Vera Schaplro of Omaha and the late Mr. Schapiro. The bride-elect received a B.S. degree in physical education from the University of Texas where she was a member of Alpha Epsllon Phi sorority and of the Racquet Club. Mr. Schapiro, who has resided in El Paso for the past two years, was educated in Nebraska schools and served for two years'in the V. S. Army. ' June 30 has been set as the wedding date.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Wise have announced the engagement of their daughter, Barbara, to Louis Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Paul of Chicago, at a family dinner held Saturday, June 6, at the Fontenelle HoteL > Miss Wise attended the University of Colorado and the University, of Omaha. Mr. Paul was graduated from De Kalb State Teachers College In Dc Kalb, 111., and received his master's degree from the University of Nebraska. He is now athletic director at the Jewish Community Center. An autumn wedding Is being planned. • ' Mrs. Max M. Miller

20 Yean Aco v -Ida Citlin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gitlin, was awarded c World-Herald ; scholarship. . . Wathan S. Yaffec was named pres ident of the Omaha Hebrew Club. . . . Tobye Steinberg became the bride of Dr. Henry Rosner. . . The Bar Mltzvah of Norman Kuklin, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kukiiri, was observed. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Kaplan announced the birth of a son.

wore gowns of yellow lace and net with matching picture hats. All carried bouquets of carnations. William Wolff of Lincoln was best man. Frank Brookslcin and Mr. Abrahamson ushered. After a reception in the hotel bajlroom, the couple left on a wedding trip to Colorado Springs Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will reside in Lincoln.

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Who are thou,-O great mountain? , . . Thou shalt become • plains—Zech. 4:6, 7.

In the day of ray trouble I sought the Lord; my sore ran in the night and ceased not; my soul refused to be comforted.—(Psalm LXXVII, 2.)

j "Talk of Many Things" Babies Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Sloan have announced the birth of a daughter, Renee Lisa, born Thursday, June 4, at St. Joseph's Hospital. The couple also have a son, Leon Ian. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Max Sloan of Milwaukee . wise., and maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Leon Greenberg. A daughter, Debra Lynn, was born May 31. to Mr. and Mrs. . Arthur Plnfcovilz. The Plnkovitzs also have a son, William Howard. • Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Eader of Gliddcn, Wise. 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kulakofsky announce the adoption of a son, Robert Steven. They also have another son, Martin Lee. „ , Paternal grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky, and maternal grandparents are; Mr; and Mrs. Louis Bernstein of Council Bluffs. Mrs. Bessie Levy it paternal great-grandmother.

Officers Installed By Beth El Women At the last regular luncheon meeting of the Beth El sisterhood held May 13, Mrs. M. H. Brodkcy was installed as president. Other new officers arc Mrs. Al Rimmerman, first vice-president; Mrs.Jrvin White, second viccpresment; Mrs. D.. R. Cohen, recording secretary; Mrs. Sam Ban, corresponding secretary; Mrs. M. A. Bcrcovici, treasurer. Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt and Mrs. David Katicman, financial secrctnr<es; Mrs. Lou Sogolow, auditor; Mmcs. M. A. Vengcr, A r t h u r Grossman and Morris Katleman, directors for a two year term; and Mines. Harry Smith, Jacob Bernstein and Philip Rosenblatt, directors completing a two year term.

JWV Auxiliary

v The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of Epstein-Morgan Post No. 200, Jewish War Veterans, will be held at 8 p. m., June 18, at the Jewish Community Center. , Delegates will be elected to the national convention which will be held in Chicago during Labor Day week. A social hour will follow,, and refreshments will be served. A bingo party was held June 4 at.the Omaha Veterans Hospital at which canteen coupons were given. as prizes. Hostesses were Mmcs. Frank Cohen, Dclmar Klein and Meyer Kaplan.

' Home

Rita Krnntz and Harold Novak have selected Hie- attendants for their wedding which will be held at 7 p. in. on June 21, at Beth El Synagogue-. Rabbi Mycr S, Kripkc and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. A reception and danee at tho 1'a.xton Hotel will follow he ceremony. Mir.s Kranlz is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krantz. Mr. Novak i.s the son of Mr. and Mrs. • m Novak. Mrs. Max Novak, sister-in-law of the fiioom-elect, will be matron of honor; Elaine Krantz, sister of the bride-elect, will be maid of honor; and Shirley Grcenberg and Cheryl Nerenberg will be bridesmaids. Sheila Novak will be junior bridesmaid, and Beverly Weisbcrg will be flower girl. Mr. Novak has chosen his brother, Max Novak, as his best man. Ushers will be Jerry Belzer of Los Angeles; Sheldon Krantz, brother of the bride-elect; Hugo Kahn; John KoLm; and Jerry Novak. Howard Krantz and Norman Veitter will be candle-lighters.

fiecipe of Week By Mrs. II. D. Wif odskr

Yummy Beet Borscht Ingredients 2 cans shoe string beets 2 tsp. salt Juice of 2 lemons M cup sugar 3 to 4 cans of water, depending on how thick you like it. (Use beet cans an measuring utensil.) 3 eggs 1 carton sour cream . Mrthod Boll beets, salt, lemon juice, sugar and water together 15 to 20 minutes. While that mixture is cooking, beat in electric mixer the eggs and carton of sour cream. When borscht has cooked long enough, add it to the egg and cream mixture, beating continually to keep t from curdling. This borscht wilt keep In the refrigerator at least ten days. Serve ice cold with diced cucumbers and sliced hard boiled eggs.

Pioneer Women to Give Linen Shower Pioneer Women have set Tuesday, June 30, ns the date of their annual linen shower for Israel. The affair will be held at the Jewish Community Center starting at 1:30 p. m. Mrs. H. Rlchlin is chairman, and Mrs. J. Kaplan is co-chair-

Engagement Is Announced • Mr. and Mrs. Abraham N. Cohen have announced the engagement of their daughter, Florene Edith, and Sandor L. Bernstein, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. William Epstein, and son of the late Maurice and Leah Bernstein. The couple's betrothal was revealed at a dinner for the immediate families held Sunday, Mar 31, at the Cohen home. Miss Cohen attends the University of Omaha. Her fiance is • junior at the University of Omaha where he is affiliated with Phi Epsilon Pi. An early autumn wedding is planned.

The Years Gone by 5 Years Ago Betty Schwcrscnz of Berlin, iermany, became t h e brldo of Philip M. Hirsch. . . . Warren Zwciback, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zwieback, celebrated his Bar Milzvah. . . . Mr. and Mrs. Nor? man Eatt announced the birth of a son, Kobcrt Alan. . . . Barry Vcret, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Verct, observed his Bar Mitzvah. 10 Years A t o ' Erwin Witkin, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Witkin, won a full tuition scholarship to Johns Hopkins. . . . A. Lincoln Klavcr, son of Senator and Mrs. Sam Klavcr, was appointed to the United States Mill-; tary Academy at West Point. . . , Beatrice Krause became the bride of £>vt. Ben Schneider. . . . Ma* Sachs was elected president of tho South Omaha B'nai B'rlth. '

Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost Epstein are serving on their comn o t enquire wisely , concerning mittee. A program is being planned, and this.—Eccl. 7:10. refreshments will be served at the affair which will be open to the public. man.

Mrs. H. CUES and Mrs. A.

Thou hast also given me the shield of Thy salvation: and Thy gentleness hath made me great, II Sam. 22:30.

Another Shindermon Resort for a Perfect Wliconiin Vacation

Jean Lcvenson, daughter of Mrs. Ethel N. Lcvcnson, has returned - to Omaha after being'abroad'for a year. Miss Lcvenson spent eight months,in Israel and the rest of the time touring Europe.

Florene Edith Cohen

Omaha's Favorite

Way to Dine on Sunday

Sunday Brunch


•Visitors In town are Mrs. Henry Maduff of Hollywood, Calif., and Mrs. ' Irving Macluff of Los' Angeles who came lo Omaha /to attend the • wedding last Sunday of their niece, the former Elayne Colin, to Leonard Stoller. Mrs. Philip L. Na'cnborg of Chicago, the former Evelyn Green of Omaha, and Mrs> M.'X J.itobi of Sioux City visited Mr and Mr:. Morris Green aril f.iimly heic List week. Both Mrs. Natcnbcrg and Mrs. Jacobs tame to Omaha to attend the graduation of Dr Donald Gii:en, Mrs Natcnbcrg's brother, from Crcighlon University Medical" School ,ind the high school graduation Of Judy Lavinc, dnuiililcr of Mr. iftid Mrs, Hyman Lavinc, and Sandra Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Green. Mr. and Mrs L'ui Kililin, now re'idin/; in Phornix, A n / , are •pending two v,<e'le, in Om.iha as j;ue .1-, of Mr. arid Mi', Al Fiedler Ihcy-are auoinpamid Ijy tlmr (hildrcn, Cheryl and Mieliacl. After leavin;; Om.iha, the Icikms will take an extruded trip through the Wcit before illuming home. Mrs. Julia Wnllerslein has returned to her home in New York a/lor fl two week visit here with her son-in-Jaw and daughter, Mr Bnd Mrs. Irvine Stern.

Genoa City, Wifcomln — on toko Tombsou 65 ml lot from Chicago


• Two Magnificent Label, Floating Swimming Pool • All Summer Sports—Private 18-hole Golf Course• HonebacMlidino, •• Nightly Dancing, Entertainment.

Served Buffet Style! All You Core to Eat - Noon'to 3 p. m.

ORLEANS ROOM ShMethian Mcwqqenienf 675 N. Michigan Av>., Chicago I I , III. • MO hawk' 4-A440




Friday, June 12, 19S3


Mizrachi Women's Affair Wednesday Aniin^cnicMt.'i have been completed for the luncheon nt the Jcwi h Community Center .'it one elex It WldiK'Hlny, June 17, honin, Mrs. Abraham M. Oanzif, witi »t Iiabbi Danzii! of K:in: .f. Citv, Mo. Mra, Uanzii: i.-, :i uratlu it' of Columbia Unive-r:;ily, a n itiun I vice-president of the Mi/l lehl WoniL'ii's Onjnnization of America and lejjioiinl president of (he Southwest region. Workinj; with the co-ch:iirim<ii o( the kitchen committee, t li i Mines. Anton Adler, Jacob Goodbinder, and Herman Franklin, wjll be Mrs. Aclie Seals and the Mmcs Max Arbitman, B. Grossman, A. Llpsman, ' Ada- Marsh " and Sol To attend convention—(Handing, Suzi Klclianls, r>ora Franklin, Marilyn Bice. Sitting, Teresa Kahn, Mutlte Katfeman, Fayna Munrltx.


Assisting Mrs. Harry Paskowil/, chairman of table arrangements, will to Misi Kolnh Franklin and the Mmci. Dave Forman, II. Fer-

Young Omahans Are Honored By Zionist Youth Commission On behalf of the Omaha Zionist Youth Commission, Phillip Goiodetzcr, vice-president of the group, •warded scholarships to several Omaha youths who have been outftnndlng in Ability and Interest in working to further the Zionist program through the Omaha senior Young Judaea clubs — Tikvas Ami and Dcbka Debs. Awarded scholarships to Camp Ilcrzl, Webster, Wise, from Aug. 3 to 23, were Shelley Greenbcrg, Bunny Ravitz and Rose Lawman. Receiving scholarships to the national convention of s e n i o r Young Judaea to be held at Tolland, Mass., were Matlce Katieman, Teresa Kahn, Fayna Manvitz, Buzl Richards, Lora Franklin and Marilyn Rice. Marcia WaxcnberR, regional president of senior Young Judaea, and Doris Raduzincr, national vice-president from the far west area, will also attend.

Name Chairmen For Auxiliary; Flag Day Monday Mn. Ezra Bcldncr, president of the ladies Auxiliary, EpsteinMorgan Post No. 260, has an. Bounced the following chairmanship appointments: ' Mr«. Bill Abraham.1;, overseas package chairman and parliamentarian; Mrs. Max Rosen, Israel ' bond chairman; Mrs. Milton Margolin, chaplain and visitation • chairman; Mrs. Nate Marcus, senior vice-president and fund-raising chairman; Mrs. Delmer Klein, junior vice-president and tnem' bership chairman; Mrs. Nate Fellman, secretary and co-chairman of overseas packages; Mrs. Dan Goodman, treasurer and banner . bearer; Mrs. Aaron Epstein, conductress; Mrs. Betty Rablnowitz, trustee; Mrs. Max Belgrade, trustee and color bearer. Mrs. Abe Miller, publicity and musician; Mrs. Sarah Morris, trus•1 tee; Mrs. Jack Saylan, guard; Mrs. Iz Lewis, historian; Mrs. Sarah Feltman, patriotic instruc tor; His: Abe Bear, Americanization chairman; Mrs. Dorothy Piotkln, chid welfare and civilian defence; Mrs. Herman Silverman, community relations ana centei.nlnl chairman; Mrs. Max Kanner, board lolep'.one chairman;. Mrs. Max pirsch, ..icmbcrshlp telephone ehairnun.


The camp situ at Tolland it a permanent one which has just been purchased by the national Young Judaea movement. Junior and senior Young Judaea group leaders w h o received a token of/ appreciation for their year's work in the groups were Shirley Goodmnn, Florcne Cohen, Matlee Katleman, Joan Krasnc, Teresa Kahn, Bette Ann I'oskn. Rosalie Cohen? Jo Anne Freeman, Jean Kalz and Florence Izcnstalt Other leaders who served at some time during the year were Laya Edgar, Ruth Slavin, Barbara Wise, Marilyn Nearenberg, Marlene Stnenberg, Pat Noodell, Warren Do^jenberg and Art Lefltz. The American Zionist Youth Commission,' which in Omaha is composed of representatives from Hadassah and the Zionist Organization of America, Is a croup seeking to build up the Zionist youth movement in America.

Mqnsky President Names Chairmen Mrs. Aaron Epstein, ncwly:lected president of D'nai B'rlth tlcnry Monsky Chapter No. 470, las announced the following :hairmen to serve for the coming car: . ' Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, program •hairman; Mrs. Sol Dolgoff, fund•alsing chairman; Mrs. Harry •"rledmnn, membership chairman; klrs. Milton Mintz, telephone chairman; Mrs, Bernard Goldstrom, Bellfaire Children's Home chairman; Mrs. Sidney Znelmer, bulletin chairman; Mrs. Nate Gitllck. Aid to Israel chairman; Mrs. W. S. Abrahams, publicity and welfare chairman; Mrs. Joe Guss, nnti-dcfamatlon chairman; Mrs. Sidney Sncidcr, adult education chairman, and co-chairmen, Mrs. Sy Rife and Mrs. George Cohen. Further appointments will fee made later. Leaders Leave '' New York (JTA)—Dr. Nahum Goldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency and principal negotiator of the German-Israel reparations agreement, left for Europe to launch negotiations with the Austrian Government for a settlement of Jewish claims ' against Austria, arising from Nazi confiscation of Jewish assets. Other Jewish leaders who nrn leaving for Europe to participate in tho negotiations a r c Jacob BInustcIn, president of tho American Jewish Committee; Dr. Israel Goldstein, president of the American Jewish Congress; and Adolph Held, chairman of the Jewish Labor Committee.

Mrs. Cole Bush, legislative chatr• man;'Mrs. Ed Simon, refreshments; Mrs. Louis Asbyll, vcteiorts service and alternate to Omaha Veterans' hospital; Mrs Mike Nisker, program and color bearer; Mrs. Jack Lultbeg, servicemen's service; Mrs. Frank Cohen, religious chairman; Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, Omaha Veterans hospital chairman and color bearer; Mrs. Paul Crounsc, bulletin, chairman and color bearer; Mrs. Stan Kaplan, welfare chairman and ilag bearer; Miss Joan Simon, Phoni AT 1460 to Insert your WaDt AI picnic chairman, and Mrs. Pau in Tho Jewish Presi, Current rate la HO cents for each truer Crounse, picnic co-chairman. [Ion. Toe- TreBS reserve* Uis right to limit

Want Ads

Mrs. Newman

'In Omaha, Life Begins at 90*

So said my hostess the other o be donated to the Children's afternoon in parody of one of her Memorial Hospital bazaar, a donafavorite TV programs, and she tion she has given them every should certainly know. This Sun- year for the past five years. In day, Mrs. Morris Newman will year for the past tiyp yearn. celebrate her 00th birthday; and Putting her skill to even more her life, full of energy, humor and important purposes, Mrs, Newman love for and from all who know could be found two days a week her makes this 50 year improve- all during the last war rolling ment on the adage about to come bandages at the Union Pacific, ue. Much else besides her handiLooking for/ard to her own work and her visits with her famcentennial celebration, F a n n i e ily keep "Grandma" Newman Newman has been living in Oma- busy. Reading the daily paper and ha since 1888. She came to Amer- watching TV are two of her faica from Hungary in 1881, spend- vorite occupations. Besides "Life ing seven years In Cincinnati be- Begins at 80," she likes "Strike fore coming to Omaha to join a It Rich" and "Welcome Traveler," sister. Here she met and married but her real enthusiasm is for the Morris Newman, and together they Kate Smith show. Not long, ago she started a grocery business, fam- sent Miss Smith two of her hangily and life, all equally successful ers, receipt of which was acknowlenterprises. Today her three sons edged by the singer via her teleare three of the four co-owners of vision program. Mrs, Abraham M. Danzig the Hinky-Dinky chain of retail I, of course, asked Mrs. Newman grocery stores, and two of her ensteln, Charles Slutzky, and Irv- grandsons have already entered her recipe for achieving such a fruitful and happy life, and reing Stein. the business. ceived very practical advice. "Keep Mrs. Frank Sekar has charge of For a short while, the couple busy, but do the hard work in decorations; Mrs. Rose Fogel of lived in .Sioux City where three your/ younger days so you can' the hospitality committee; Mrs. Sam Levine and Mrs. Joe Batt of of their children were born, but relax and enjoy yourself when you the door committee; and Mrs. Ben they soon returned to Omaha get older." Neither a smoker nor Elsenberg of publicity. Mrs. M. M where "they really felt at home" a card player, she will take one —an Omaha, fond remembrances of the drinks which her grandsons Polinkoff is program chairman. Tho name of Mrs. Sam Colick of which include a Brandeis store like to mix for her—although she recording secretary, was inadvert- which was housed in two small admits she most often orders a antly omitted from the list of of- buildings on S. 13th Street, and n "Missouri Highball"—plain water. A reception honoring her birthficers announced in the Press last ferry boat which was the only means of transportation to Coun- day Is being given this Sunday week. cil Bluffs. from 2 to 5 p, m., In the Black The day I went to see "Grand- Mirror Room of the Fontenclle At one of our lavish Hollywood Hotel, by her children, Miss Sally ma" Newman (she has four granddinner parties, a shrewish movie star fell Into a violent argument sons and Is expecting to be a great- Newman, with whom she lives; Mr, and Mrs. Albert B. Newman, with Groucho Marx, who was grandmother), I interrupted her at seated by her side, Finally, as a .one ot her favorite pastimes- Mr. and Mrs. Jule M. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Newman. crowning blow, she snapped, "If making entirely by hand padded I were your wife, I'd give you silk dress hangers In which every No Invitations are being issued. M. & poison." Undaunted, Groucho re- stitch Is perfect. The large group plied courteously, "Madam, if you of blue and white ones she was working on that afternoon were were my wife, I'd take It." Patronize Our Advertisers.

you'll have Vacation you'll long remember,, .Golf, Riding, Swimming, Beach Parties, HayRidti, and 5 wperb cnealf daily; For the youngitert: gov* ernciiei and lupervjied plar. Planned entertainment, ddsk till duik. Thii Summtr Vacation of


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•Ize OD eaca advertisement.

The Auxiliary will hold Its an- BAR and Bag Mitzvah congratunual Flag Day June 15 with ul lations; also for all Jewish lioliproceeds going to Veterans llos daya and special occasions. pital services. Meyers New/i Stand, 1502 Dodge Mrs, Nate Marcua is general MRS. CLEO JONES chairman, and Mrs. Delmor Klein 05c nn hour for ironing. is workers' chairman. Serving on 76c tin hour for cleaning, the Flag Day committee aro Mrs. Prefers'whole day work, . / b e Miller, publicity; Mrs, Max -426 N. 23rd St. WE 7200. Rosen and Mrs, Frank Rcsnlck,

"This Is the best time."

Inuudmg I ntlalt a WEEKLY RATE5 a i tow o l $ 7 7 . 0 0


ox for Brochure and Raft* CHICAGO fWOW-Kfyitorit 9>4*t!9

r n*e sis •

Day Camp Plans Being Completed

Friday, June 12, 1851

n u iswise russ

Beth Israel News

Community Chest Serves Children

Youth Council Letter

By Joan Krasne New Youth Council Officer* bath morning Junior CongregaInstalled JwHOf Youth Chib tion. Awards were also given to Another year has now come to Editor's Note: This Is the first The Junior Youth Club will Edward Levey and Burton Epstein, Louis Paul, Athletic Director of a close, and the ending of the the Jewish. Community Center, hold its wiener roast in Elm wood who have a 100 per cent attend- in a series of articles about the year's Youth Council activities will supervise all swimming in- Park this Sunday at 4:30 o'clock ance record at the Talmud Torah. Community Chest acenclcs serv- would not Ecem complete if we struction at the JCC Day Camp, in the afternoon. Marlene Fried- These children were present at ing Omaha and vicinity. didn't have the excitement of the it was announced by Day Camp man, chairman of the committee, every session of their classes for For many hundreds of school Conclave. director Lawrence Herlick. Under announced that all members in the entire school year. Sandy F i s h e r and L a r r y The following children received lildrcn in Omaha and vicinity, Schwartz planned it for weeks, Mr. Paul's direction, the camp per- good standing are invited to atis one of the happiest times sonnel will take part in assisting :end the wiener roast. Club mem- awards for having 99 per cent at- !is the and now it is oil over. year. The long summer the camoers in their swimming oers will meet in front of the tendance: Arleno Epstein, MarThe Conclave this year was held instruction, insuring person atten- Talmud Torah at 4:30 p. m. Mem- shall Kaplan, Jerry Freedman, acation \\i\r, just begun, and to a in the ballroom of the Fontenclle bers of the P-TA will provide Kcva Shyken, Saul Kaiman and ounf^tcr, three months of "no tion where needed. transportation to and from the iore teacher:;—no more books" is otel. Other activities in the Day park. The children will be re- Michael Simon. These children After dancing to the music of period of time that can't be were absent once during the enCamp schedule will include arts ;urncd to the Talmud Torah at kippy Andersen, the people In tire school year. Also presented iarked on a calendar. and crafts, dramatics, group singic ballroom 'suddenly become with awards for attendance were: That "no school" look al:;o dec- jshed and still. Everyone was ing, and trips to points of interest Frank Goldberg, 98 per cent; Eu- rates 23 young faces at the Hat- ill of wonder and anticipation. in the Omaha area. gene Dandy, Jerry Stone and Ber- e B. Munroe Home for ConvaAn important phase in the day At a secret meeting which was nard Bloom, 97 per cent; Paul cing and CrippIeY! Children, a ist a few hours before the Concamp schedule will be the empha- Junior Awards Kutler, Larry Elewltz and Allan Children of the Beth Israel Talambling two-story brick strucsis on nature and camping skills lave, the Y. C. officers for next which will give campers an op- mud Torah received awards for Epstein, 96 percent; Steven Appel, jre at 2824 North 66th Avenue, ear were elected. Now, it wa« portunity to become familiar with attendance at Junior Congregation Bruce Bloom and Maureen Ep- he Home is a Community Chest ime for the new officers to be led Feather agency managed and installed. At the assigned tune, • various io activities used in woods services from March 1 to June 1, stein, 95 per cent. 953. The awards were made posil Shelley Adler of the Sunday iperated by the Orthopedic Asso- ach of the old officers walked ilvuv; sible through t h e I. Goldstein School department received an intlon of Omaha and dedicated to ito the audience, and brought will T' T.IL JCC Day Camp w i l meet Scholarship Fund. Mr. Goldstein award for being present at every le care and rehabilitation of han- jrward the officers for next year, every Monday '• Friday, M d ' through t h h Fid ew officers ore; President, Larry from June 29 to July 24, in Peony presented the children with spe- session during the entire Sunday ,capped children. prizes consisting of books of School term. The following SunTwelve of the 23 youngsters will Jchwartz; Vice-President, Susie Park, where play and swimming cial Jewish Interest and special Junior day School children were absent Me h a r d s; Secretary-Treasurer, facilities are available. OOD be saying good-bye to Miss Congregation pins. Mr. Goldstein only once: Judith Strauss, Larry Frieda Dieterichs, the Home's dl- "uthle Chudacoff, and" RcporterChildren will convene at the stated that he could think of no Lefitz, Fradelle Stone and MariSditor, Joan Krasne. ector, their teachers ( f r o m - t h e Beth El and Beth Israel syna- better w a y f o r children to develop lyn Kaplan. 5maha Board of Education) and: Next on the program was the gogues and at the Jewish Commu- fine Jewish attitudes than by parRabbi Matthew M. Poliakoft, a their nurses arid friends. The indentation of the BEST CLUB nity Center .each morning where regularly in Junior Con- chairman of the Talmud Torah welve will be going back to their iwards. These awards were made special camp buses will pick them ticipating committee, congratulated the chil- jarents and guardians for t h e iy Harry Kulakofsky, president up to transport them to the camp gregation services. The following received awards dren for their fine record ol ummer. Some will return in Sep- >f the Federation for Jewish Servarea. On rainy days, the Day Camp will meet at the Jewish Commu- .'or perfect attendance: Steve achievements during the school tember to begin another session ice.'• Awards were presented to Bernstein, Larry Elewltz, Jerry year. Mr. Izadore Elewite pre- f regular education for active )ebka Debs, Councliettes, A, Z. A. nity Center. Freedman, B e v e r l y Goldberg, sented special awards to children -ilnds and special treatment for To. 1, and Rayim. A hot lunch will be prepared at Frank Then came the moment that Goldberg, Stanley Green- proficient In the various Talmud rippled bodies. the Jay and served to the chil- field, Saul veryonc was waiting for. Th» Kaiman, Marshall Kap- Torah subjects. dren in the Day Camp location. lan, Judy Kutlcr, For m a n y ol the remaining oronation itself, following the Marvin Ruback, Rabbi Benjamin Groner, spir- oungsters, the c o r r i d o r s and Registration for the Day Camp Is Bob Shapiro, Keva Shyken, Paysic larch of club presidents and Y. $10 per week, which includes all Shyken, Jerry Stone, Steve Appel, itual leader of Beth Israel, and ards of the Hattie B. Munroe !. officers, Kovod Keys were pre« ome are a year-round residence, en ted to outstanding seniors. They expenses. For further information, Patsy Greenfield, Neil Bloom, Fra- teachers of the Talmud Torah, Mr. parents should contact Mr. Her- delle Stone, Bruce Goldstein, Ber- Samuel Stone and Mr. Irving nd for them, the summer will be re: Marlene Dloogoff, Sandra lied with a busy routine of play ishcr, Doris Raduzincr, Lois Shalick at the Jewish Community nard Grossman, Bob Joseph, Gary Stem, addressed the children. ind treatment designed to help iro, Franklyn Berg, Mike BlcichCenler. Parilman, Bernard Bloom and Salhem in their fight for normalcy. r, Alan Heeger, Ruth Slavin, and ly Freeman. About one-third of the children 3ick Fellman. The following received awards reated each year suffer from .'or excellent attendance: Michael Friday, June S olio. Rheumatic fever accounts The coronation of Ruth Slavin Blatt, Steve Bloch, Bruce Bloom, Lyne Marcia Beldner, Nancy or another third. The remaining Beverly Bloom, Meyer Coren, Bur- Beverly Blotcky and Sheldon hildrcn battle such tbtans as nd Dick Fellman as King and 3ueen of Merit recognized their ton Epstein, Bob Epr.teln, Billy Krantz, ercbral palsy and even malnutri- utstanding service as members of The semi-annual A.Z.A. regional Katzmun, Sandra Parilman, SydSaturday. June < ion. About 95 per cent of all fouth Council. The records of convention, this year, will be held ney Pcssen, Justin Ilavitz, Jerry Robert Alan Batt, Frances Lee latients at the Homo arc between lie reigning King and Queen show in Lincoln, June 14, IS and 16. Schwartz, Ronald Simons and Gail Ermann, Stephen Fisk, Lawrence he ages of two and twelve. lany hours of extra time and hard The various chapters will par- 'oliakoff. Steven Homstcin, Stewart HurVisitors at the Home usually /ork put into Youth Council. ticipate In athletic events, which The following received certifi- witz and Shirley Shift. ask "Where do the children come Stanley Fellman served as mitlinclude baseball, tennis, golf and cates for good attendance: Daniel p Sunday, Jane 1 om?" And the answer points out er of ceremonies. track. Trophies and medals will Abramson, Ben Abramson, Eugene Doris Marie Cohn, Linda Ann he work of other public and pribe fliven to the winners. This was really a wonderful way Dandy, Jimmy Friedman, David Orkow, -Helen Vann and Vicki ate agencies in their year-round The social events include a mix- Goldstein, Nelson .Gordman, Maro climax the year! iar on human suffering. Many er at the Comhusker Hotel, Sweet- :in Greene, Ronald Greene, Mar- Welsberger. Congratulations to the new King Monday, Jane 8 f the children are referred by the heart Dance of. Lincoln No. 3, gin Kirke, Stuart Kutlcr, Donald Joel Davis, Gordon Philip Katz, 'kiting Nurse Association, phy- nd Queen, recipients of the Kofarewell banquet and house par- Noodell, Frvln Taub, Judy Wohl- Kay od Key3, new officers, and to Jeanlne Konecky and Sandra icians and the Juvenile Court. ties. -arry and Sandy who really did ner, I>en? Lagman, Vickl Colick, Krevoy. Sometimes the parents of the cripgreat job of making this yeart' Along the political line, there Eva SauJs, Jeffrey Simon and Tuesday, June 9 ilcd child seek out aid. Conclave a huge success. will be a regional meeting at Use Ronald Kaiman. Frances Adelle Cooperman, JosAnd the casual visitor also asks Everyone have a w o n d e r f u l Cornhusker Hotel. eph Jay Mlntz, Rita Joy Peltz, ow the crippled or handicapped Delegates will be housed by two Sonla Lee Rothkop and Arnold ihild feels about suddenly being summer! Nebraska University fraternities: Award Assembly Joan. Winer. ilaccd In n startling new world Sigma Alpha Mu. and Zeta Beta At a special assembly conducted Wednesday, June 10 >f braces and ramps, hydro-thcrTau. • on Sunday morning, June 7, Helena Factor, John Arthur awards were presented to chil- -aser, Judith Lazer, Sally Kay ipy tanks and playhouses. To and Mr. J. A. M u n r o e , who dren of the Talmud Torah having .ilarkovitz, Aivin Newborn, Jeff- this, Miss Dieterichs explains that planned the home as a memorial perfect and excellent attendance. rey Alan Oshcroff and Thoma3 ttie children usually adjust quick- tor liLi wife. The policy has been ly and easily to their new sur- continued by the directors and adThe awards were presented to the Edward Rosen. oundings , but it's sometimes ministrators. Michael Phillip Kully, son of children by Mr. Samuel Kaplan, Thursday, June It hard for the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Kully, President of the P-TA. Marshall Bernstein, Sherman No one has ever been turned celebrated his Bar Mitzvah, SatWinner of the first prize for Brodkey, Jerry Freedman, Ellen urday, May 30, in Grand Island, outstanding attendance was Mar- Marsha Fried, Robert Alan Gross away from the Hattie B. Munroe Home because of race, creed or vin Ruback. Marvin Ruback was Nebr. .arry Newman and Holly Marilyr financial condition. not only present at every session JegaL That kind of democratic thinkEvil men understand not judg of his own class but attended 52 Friday, June 12 ing was inaugurated by the foundBunt: but they that seek the Lore extra sessions. Marvin also has a Diannc Denenberg, Janice Mu ers, the late Miss Clara E. Eldei understand all things.—Prov. 28:5. perfect attendance record at Sab- riel Janger, Charles David Katzman, Karen . Susan Rice, Laur; Suzanne Segal and Stanley Wezel Zoo Receives Contributions Your friends and relman. Saturday, June 13 atives in Israel will Muriel Elizabeth Adler, Stcvei Richard Bloch, Bmce Wayn< welcome it. Goodman, Arnold Manvitz, Nanc; Ann Stern and Linda Barbar; THE PACKAGE CONTAINS: Zalkin. Sunday, June 14 8 lbs. Sugar Steven Bruce Goodman, Elain Near Beth Israel Sue Hess, Dorene Joyce Kraf Charlotte Luefschitz, Bruce Alia 3 lbs. Crisco Miller, Philip Lee Raznick, Jimm Synagogue and Sophir and Marilyn Faye Whiti 2—14-oz. Cant Monday, June 15 Harrison School Kosher Beef Sharon Lynn Cohen, Abram Fa tor, Robert Max Lipsey, Madely A 3-bcdroom brick house. Miroff, Cory Richards, Sheir I Ib. Pure Honey Sommer and Arnold Norma These rooms can easily be Weintraub. converted into 4 rooms. Has I—8-oz. can Sardines Tuesday, June 1C • Allen Epstein, Deborah (Debby attachod garage, I '/> bathLee Kognn, Howard Nathan Kap 10 Candy Bars rooms plus shower in finIan, Justin Harley Lev/is and Kev Shykcn.. ished basement, incinor, outI—8-oz* can Sweet Wednesday, June 17 door fireplace, carpeting and Barbara Rochelle Kuller an Cocoa Venetian blinds. Ono block Louis Irving Wolfson. Thursday, Jane IS to transportation and 3 ' At the annual Camp Fire Girl,ton Hill School, with Mr. Lloyi Susan Ash, Dinah Krone, Brui You Get More blocks from shopping center. outing at Elmwood Park this week. Skinner, President of the Oman Passman and Robert Lipton Wolfi •ome 700 Camp Fire Girls col-j Council of Camp Fire Girls. for Your Money at Mr. -Wheeler, in thanking th FEIXOVVS10PS lected one-penny for each year of their age to accumulate a con- Camp Fire Girls ot Omaha, statci Paris (JTA)—The French Go' For Sale tribution of 4,000 pennies to the that the Zoo drive for funds ha ernment will grant a number Omaha Zoological Society's cur- reached nearly $4,800 of an antici fellowships to students from th by Owner rent fund drive for a bigger and paled $15,000 goal. "Immediate Hebrew University of Jcrusalci improvement iri the form of nev to undertake research and a. . better zoo for Omaha children. Call GL 1547 or Shown presenting the $40-odd animals, cages, and a concessioi vanccd study in France durin 1314 N. 24rii St. dollars in pennies to Mr. Cai stand are underway at the River the academic year of 1953-54, GL 7981 Wheeler, Vice-president of t h e view Park Zoo. The concessioi was officially announced hen JA 3476 Zoo Society, is Camp Fire Girl stand and new monkey cage wi Each fellowship will pay 25.0C francs a month. Miss Judy Myers, age 12, of Clif- be open shortly."

AZA Convention To Be at Lincoln

Happy Birthday


$5 Package to Israel

For Sale


Friday, Jane U, 1951

Religious • News Light Candles: 7:38 p. m.


With the Folks at Home



MinUfn Anniversary The /lutfs will be flying this Sunday at 7 p. m., lo honor Mr. and Mrs. Max Minkin on reaching another important milestone in their life—their tlOtli wedding anniversary, They will celebrate the occasion at the Dr. Philip Khcr Jewish Home for Atfed, 4U01 N. 52nd St. The Minkin family invites the entire community to share thiu memorable occasion with them. KIddusli Donated BETH EL Mrs. Mina Krestul, one of our Sabbath evening services will be own residents, donated a Kidduuh, held tonight at 7. Sabbath morning services will in honor of the birth of a tfreatbegin at 8:45. The Mincha Service grandson, Willinrn Harris Malawill begin at 7:45 p. m. shock. Dally services during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service Is held at 0.

Gems of the Bible and Talmud By DR. PHILIP SIIER

Bible Lord, p r o t e c t me from my friends, and I will get even with my enemies. Wisdom is better than strength, nevertheless, a poor man's wisdom is despised and to his advice nil ears arc closed. In the day of prosperity be joyful; in the day of adversity be hopeful. Talmud Ben Zama said: "Behold, how much did Adam, the first man, have to labor until he got bread to eat He plowed, cowed, reaped, heaped t o g e t h e r In sheaves, t h r e s h e d , winnowed, cleansed, ground, sliced, kneaded and baked. Only after all these labors was he able to eat bread. But I rise in the morning and find all this done As I was with Moses, so I will and prepared for me. How thank- not fail tliee, nor forsake thce. ful I have to be for that." Be strong and of a good courage. RabbiJ^ 1 e a z a r said: "Never —Josh. 1:5, 6. should the blessing of even a common man be considered insignificant In your eyes." During the administration of Rabbi Gamaliel the announcement was made: "Every student whose interior Is not like his exterior (that he is not what he pretends to be) should not be admitted into (Ralph—Ernie—Irv) the academy."

P. Trocktenberg

Mr. Trocktenberg is, survived by • a daughter, Bliss Davida Trocktenberg of Omaha; a sister, Mrs. Stella Meyer of this city; and a brother, Max E., of Los Artfeled.

Sam Helphand

22-Year-Old Miss Elected to LA Post

Los Angeles ( J T A ) — A striking 22-year-old brunette, making her first venture Into municipal politics, had upset the politicians, the opinion polls and the smart money to take her seat on the Los Angeles City Council as the first woman member in 36 years and the first Jewish member in 53 years. When Rosalind Wiener, a youth guidance worker and a recent University of Southern California graduate, announced her candidacy from the 5th District, she wasn't given a chance. But the attractive young woman was In dead earnest and began, singlehanded, a house-to-house campaign to carry her message to the voters. Her four-point program called for clean and honest city government, reduction in municipal taxes, a program to combat juvenile delinquency, legislation to halt the narcotics traffic and adequate storm drains. Housewives were intrigued by her appeal and before the campaign was over. Miss Wiener had a devoted band of volunteer workers pressing he: cause. A native of Los Angeles, Miss Wiener took her college degree In public administration. She will be the youngest member ever to sit in the City Council.

Telling of her harrowing escape from Communist-controlled East Germany, this Jewish mother now Ilvlnc with her family In a tent In Israel can look forward to freedom. With funds from the united Jewish Appeal she was cared for In West Rerlln after flleht from Soviet-inspired anti-Semitism and transported to Israel. "

The Jewish Quiz Box By Rabbi Samuel J. Fox Question: What is the "Cave of Machpclah?" (RS—Boston, Mass.) Answer: This is the name of the cave bought by Abraham as a burying place for his wife, Sarah. It Is situated near the city of Hebron in Israel. The term implies that it was a "double" cave. This is because "pairs" were burled there, i.e. the matriarchs and the patriarchs, such as Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob and Rachel. In the 12th century it began to attract visitors and pilgrims. Besides having pairs it ••'' 'he name "double" because

Services were held Sunday for Sam Helphand. He died Saturday, Interment was at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, Josephine; a sister, Fannie Minkoff of Los Angeles, and a brother, Julius of Sioux City, la.

Monument Dedication

it has two stories. According to the Rabbis in the Talmud, Adam and The family of Mr. and Mrs. Eve were once burled there, too. A. Herman will dedicate a gravestone in their memory at Fishers Farm Cemetery at 11 a. m., this Question: Sunday. Rabbi Benjamin Groner Why dfd Abraham select this will officiate. Friends and relacave as the family burial place? tives are invited to attend the Answer: ceremony. The rabbis have a very interesting reason for his selection. When Abraham went to get a Seek good, and . not evil, that calf for his guests, it Is said that ye may live: and so the Lord, the calf escaped and he followed the God of hosts, shall be with it to the mouth of this cave. When you.—Amos 6:14. he ran into the cave after it, he found Adam and Eve there, who that he had to promise the Jebuappeared to be sleeping away sitcs that his descendants would peacefully there with lighted can- spare their city when they condles surrounding them and a quered Israel in later yean. It pleasant odor enveloping the cave. is claimed that this was the reason He, therefore, became impressed why the tribe of Benjamin did with the desire to purchase this not drive out the tribe of Jebus cave at any price. It is claimed when they took over Jerusalem.


Coll the Nogg Boys

Oscar Levant's nine - year - old daughter, Loma, hears the names of famous movie personages used in casual conversation .it all hours of the day. Small wonder that when she saw a pair of twin boys dressed exactly alike, in a carriage In front of their house, she qiclalmed brightly, "Look, Daddy! The Warner Brothers!"

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Services were held Tuesday In Kansas City for Philip M. Trocktenberg. He died Monday, June 8, at home in Anita, la. Mr. Trocktenberg was a former resident of Council Bluffs. He was a member of the Masons, a past commander of the Iiorger American Legion Post in Borgcr, Texas, the Forty and Eight Club, the Elks, Knights of Pythias and B'nai D'rith. He was graduated from Creighton Law School in the class of '24.

BETH ISltAIISaturday services will begin at 8:30 a. m., at Ileth Israel, and at 0 a. m., at 10th und Burt. Saturday Minclia cervices will be ot 7:30 p. m. Dally Minclia services begin at 7:45 p. m., and Friday Minclia at (i:30 p. m. The Sunday morning breakfast mlnyan and rabbi's class in Bible study meets at 8:45. The junior breakfast minyan will be held at 8:45 Sunday morning.

TEMPLE ISRAEL Evening services will be held tonight In the Lodge room at the Jewish Community Center at 7:30. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will conduct the services. Service: will bo held at the Center during the summer months.


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Point*—Famous Fifth


rnnsB russ

Friday, June It, IK!


By Llndy Paul

AZA 1A and Rayim A Tied For Top Spot in Softball Defending champions Mother Chapter A.Z.A. 1A and their top rival Rayim A arc on tup of the - Youth Council Softball league with , record* of four wins and no losses. Each: dub won double headers Sunday and they will clash Sunday, June 21, for possession of first place. Dave Belzer's lads had easy picking Sunday as they crushed Jtayim B 18-5 and defeated Independents 9-2. Ace pitcher Terry Bernstein pitched both victories. He gave the UnaffiUatea only three hits and then threw a fourhitter at Rayim B. Rayim A toyed with A2A.~ 100 as they won handily 34-5. Phil Schrager was the winning pitcher. In the second game, Ray Somberg's squac bombarded A.Z.A. IB 23-6. Ed Belzer was the winner. The Independent boys took their second game from A.Z.A. 100 16-8 behind the chucking of Joe Lincoln and Speedle Zweiback. Rayim

Jews in Sports Pro basketball iiat Majc Zaslofsky Is probably out for the remainder of the ieason. Recovering at Ms home from the Injury he suffered, Max told JTA, "My hand is in a cast and it looks as if I won't be able to hold a ball in time to play." Max sounded disappointed. He began the season after a prolonged squabble about how much money he was to be paid by the New York Knickerbockers. When the financial headaches were finally ironed out he started off In good form and once again appeared headed for a successful year. Then he was knocked out of action as a result of a rib injury. He recovered and went back on the floor only to suf/er a broken hand. So at the moment it looks like it is "wait until next year" for Max Zaslofsky. A new star has appeared bn the professional basketball horizon. He's Sherwin Raiken, recently brought up i Into the big circuit by the Mew York Knlcks of the National Basketball Association. The question is whether or pot Raiken will be able to hold his own, or eventually be eclipsed. Raiken has a background of college ball and is a Vnianova graduate. Recently he got out of the army and was snapped up by the Knlcks. ' The addition of Raiken came at an important time. When Max Zaslofsky Suffered his second injury of the season, a fractured hand that will-bench him for the rest of the campaign, the Knicks had a big gap to fill. Raiken has been seeing action part of the time in an effort to replace Max. The word has gone around that Raiken's best sport Is baseball. There's a possibility he mifiht forcsake the court game to £o into the diamond sport, Several m.-ijor league teams are believed tcj have their eyes on him. Nice when you ' can choose your sport that way.

q, Wichitai. ••In'Legion Baseball In the summer American Lesion baseball tournament, two fine Jay athletes are competing as members of the Storz team. They are Ramon Somberg and Stan Widman. Somberg Is a senior at Central high and has played for the past two years as a member of the Central baseball team. He won honorable mention h o n o r s this se— • -» i '•; All-Cily .tc.-im. He plays first base and by next season should be one of the intercity's top players. Hay is also manager of the Hayim Softball team in the Youth Council leanue and was selected for the youth Council All-Star basketball team. Stan Widman is a top athlete in A. Z. A. I. He is entering his junior year at Central and is playIng the outfield for the Store club. Stan Is a sure bet to win a startBig berth on the Central team for the next two seasons and intends to try his skill at football in the fall. He was also a top notch basketball player as he was also chosen for the Youth Council AllStar basketball team.^ •

IJ won their second game from A.Z.A. 11! by forfeit. Next Sunday only Rayim teams will play as the A.Z.A» teams will be in Lincoln for the Summer A.Z.A, convention. Rayim B, 7; A.Z.A, IB, 0. A.Z.A. 1A, 9; Independents, 2. Bernstein and Smith; Kully and Moscowitz. Rayim A, 34; A.Z.A. 100, 5 Schrager and Cooper; Friedman Klrke, Bernstein and Fried. Rayim A, 23; A.Z.A. IB, 6. Bclzer and Copper,' Frank; Rips, A. Schwartz and Blcicher. Independents, Iff1, A.Z.A. 100, 9 Lincoln, S. Zweiback and H. Zweiback; Friedman and Wolk. A.Z.A. 1A, 18; Rayim B, 5. Bernstein and Smith, Margolin; Novak and Kohn.

Softball Stars Of the Week Terry Bernstein (A. Z. A. 1A) He pitched his team to two victories in Sunday's double-header with a 3 and 4 hitler. Tanny Horwlch (Rayim B) He got 3 hits off Bernstein including a two run homer. Ed Belzer (Rayim A) He pitched Rayim A to win over A. Z. A. IB. Larry Schwartz and 'Mike Dcncnberg (A. Z, A. 1A) They hit important home runs in 9-2 win over Independents.

Israel- - Five Years Industry Industrial development, is a long-range enterprise and the young State of Israel, hampered by lack of local raw material, foreign currency and skilled manpower, has entered only upon the Initial stages of Industrialization. During 1052, total investment in the country amounted to $250,000,000. The industrial labor force ranged in the neighborhood of 126,000 workers. Industrial consumption of electrical power reached 165 million kw. as against 89 million prior to the establishment of the State. Production figures in various branches of industry showed gratifying results: phosphates, close to 25,000 tons; sheet Slavs, 900,000 square meters; cement, 440.000 tons; export of cut diamonds, more- than 130,000 carats. American firms have been among the pioneers of industry in the new State. The Kaiscr-Frozcr assembly plant at Haifa, the Alliance Tyre und Rubber Company at Iledera; the General Tyre and Rubber Company at Petah Tikvah; the Jerusalem Shoe Corp.; the Philco plant; the Israel-American Paper Mills which will start operations in 1953-54—all these are bound to make a substantial contribution towards the improvement of Israel's precarious foreign trade balance. Yet, the must important factor n the over-all development of the 'country's economy are the* natural resources of the Dead Sea and the Nccev, which are only in the nitinl stages of exploration and exploitation. During the current year, Eomc 60,000 tons of potash will be extraccd from the Dead Sea and 80,000 tons of phosphate rock, 20,000 tons of glass sand and 10;000 tons of ceramic clay II be derived from Negev deposits. The mining of copper and feldspar may enter the commercial stage in the near future. Danny Kaye explains it to us this way: A German novel is a book in which two people want ench other in the first chapter but do not get each, other until the last chapter. A French novel is r book in which two people get each other in the first chapter and don't want each other for the rest of the book. A Russian novel is one in which two people neither want ench other nor get each other and about this 1,500 very melancholy pages are written.

Our counselors are college people, many studying for a career in social work or in a related fiel such as education. Many of them choose employment at Jay-C-C because of the camp's focus upon the needs of children. They conv to us to learn, and because they wish to learn, they approach thei job as craftsmen, hoping to make a real contribution to the children with whom they work. Tiie uni heads and the Camp Director are all trained in social work and are specifically oriented to understand the needs of children. There Is a thoroughly trained and supervised waterfront staff. A registered nurse is on duty at al times in the camp's well-equipped Infirmary and a licensed doctor Is on call. In our kitchen, on experienced staff operates under quailfled supervision. , HEALTH AT CAMP We give special attention to all factors entering into the maintenance of the campers health; sufficient food and well-balanced meals, adequate rest, the mainteT-Shirr Winners nance: of sanitary precautions and For participation and skill in swimming- events the following careful supervision of safety hiles. have won Frogmen Club T-Shlrts during the school year: Dick In addition, Camp Jay-C-C has adequate infirmary faculties with Freedman, Nek Zacharia, Connie Nichols and Mike BlatL OUietk T-shirt winners were Larry Zacharia, Arnie Werner, Faye Anm a registered nurse always on duty and a qualified physician avail- Katx, Saul Kalman, Mike Berger. NeUon Gordman, Karl LeufshUc and Jerry Schwartz, able on call. Many other Frotmen members won patches and other sward*. We keep in close contact with you in case a child is required Jo And ye my flock, the flock of Be not hasty in thy spirit to b# be In the infirmary because of colds or other illnesses. In case of My pasture, are men, and I am angry: for anger resteth in the ' bosom of fools.—Eccl. 7.8. more serious illness, parents are your God^-Ezck. 34:31. notified immediately' either by telephone o r telegraph." - If you are planning a motor trip or vacation during the time your child is in camp be sure to register with the camp office your vacation address or the name and address of the person who should be notified of the child's illness in the event that you c a n n o t be reached. If your child has any physical disability that may limit his activities, make these known to the camp by including a statement to that effect on the child's personal information sheet, and medical and health form. Give the camp all the IT'S SIMPgEr-ITlS EASY — necessary information. Clear any schedule of medicine or serum injections for which the camp nurse is to be held responsible.



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Youth Council Softball Standings A. Z. A. 1A Rayim A





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