June 26, 1953

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Men s Div. to Hc_?_ -..nergency Session House Passes Mutual Aid Bill; Arms Allocation Still Intact Washington (JTA)—Aid for Israel, estimated at approximately $611,000,000 in economic support funds and a potential share in military allocations, remained intact in the Mutual Security Bill following a vote by the House ot .Representatives which approved the entire ^4,908,732,500 measure. However, this represented only the .first step the bill must hurdle before it Is translated into law. It now goes to the Senate. Later the actual allocation of funds must again be approved by: both houses •nd it Is expected that this last phase may see the most determined efforts to reduce the amount of the appropriation. Meanwhile the Senate Foreign Delations Committee Issued a report on the Mutual Security ActIn which the Committee declares that it "is hopeful that a Middle East Defense Organization Will come into existence during the fiscal year of 1054 and that a durable peace settlement can be arrived at between Israel and the Arab states." T h e Committee said It w o n mindful of the unrest within the•rea and "strongly of the,opinlon that, In the absence of a collective organization and an Israel-Arab peace, the strictest controls and supervision over military endltcm asistancc should be exercised." Assurances that this will be done were ^received by the Committee, U reported. : Israel-Arab pence, the report said, "would bring nearer to realization the hopes for a Middle East defense organization and would 'also make possible a better coordinated regional attack on the economic problems of the area."

Churchill Says Bermuda Club Admits Jews

Washington (JTA)—High State Department officials indicated that Arab states will receive no priority over Israel In any granting of arms by the United States .to countries in the Near East. The Jewish Telegraphic "Agency learned that p]ans for a Middle East Defense Command • were shelved and individual arrangements'with separate Arab Btates and Israel were decided upon at a meeting held in the State Department on June 16. Officials of the Defense Department participated. A State Department official, who could not be quoted directly, called attention to the June 1 speech by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles as the key to what Israel should expect the arms policy to be. Mr. Dulles said in this speech that "while ^awaiting the formal creation of a security association, the United States can usefully help strengthen the Interrelated defense of those countries which want strength, not as against each other or the West, but to resist a common threat to all free nations."

Israeli Villages. Threatened by River Diversion Tel Aviv (JTA)—Grave concern over the future of Israeli villages In the Jordan valley which have been using Yarmuk River waters is felt here following announcement of a Jordan-Syrian pact for use of the Yarmuk River for pow-t er stations and irrigation projects In the Arab states. Diversion of the Yarmuk for these purposes would dry UP irrigation systems In some Israeli'villages. Haaretz; independent newspaper reported that the World Zionist Organization had demanded international action to prevent damage to the Israeli settlements. The paper added that the Israeli. Govern^ ment has already contacted United rStates " authorities responsible for the Point Four program, under which the Syrian - J o r d a n scheme would be financed." .Israel circles point out tha^if this plan goes through* Point.Four funds pledged tp develop underdeveloped areas would be used to turn flourishing fields Into a desert; j The•: Israelis iclalm that the area watered' by ther.Yarmuk could be Irrigated by a major change iri the irrigation system and a diversion of the course of the Jordan River. Such action, they point out, would deny water now used by Syrian villages on the eastern bank of the Jordan River. T o guard against . major: dislocatipns to all parties,, the Israelis .would like a trl-partite agreement covering the use of Yarmuk River waters.- ••.: |. ;•.. •._y •;•;••, •,.•

London (WNS)—Prime Mlnlrter Sir Winston Churchill, reply• ing to charges on the floor o f Parliament that the Mid-Ocean •Club In' Bermuda, site of the •forthcoming Big Three parley, waff practicing discrimination against Jews, declared that he had been .assured that the:club Is not engaging in such practices. : , • Sir Winston made the assertion .when Ian Mikardo, a Loborlte, asked that.the Prime Minister consent to switching the meeting ' place as an indication of "his •disapproval of this form of dis- crimination." When Sidney Silverman, another Laborite, .taunted Churchill to drop Lord Reading, a Jew, from the British delegation ; if he were not completely satisfied that the charges against the . dub were "wrong," the Prime . Minister replied: "I don't sec the sense of thu' We have happily got : well abovi. senseless and malignant antl-F imisism ki this country. Why make such a point?" At Here me, O Lord, hear me, that . the flame time he asserted that al- this people may know that Thou • though his "Information is U> the has turned their heart back again. contrary" he "would gladly ac- —(I Kings XX, 37.) -cept any additional contribution to the evidence." In the meantime it was reported On Radio and TV from Bermuda that Sir Howard Trott, president of the Mid-Ocean This Sunday, from 11:30 a. Club, had denied thnt the club m. to noon, the Eternal Light was barring Jews from member-. will present "Samuel and the ship. He ssnld the club, in fact, has King." It is (he story of Israel's Jewish members, but that it did first king, Saul, who had to not accept Jew or non-Jew win learn through his own miswas "not satisfactory." takes, and by the guidance of Samuel, that a king, too, is Jerusalem (JTA)—The United only a man humble before Nations P a l e s t i n e Conciliation Gorl. Commission issued a statement This Sunday, from 0 to 0:30 here announcing that nrntnuea. in., over KOIL, "Message of " ments for the resumption of the Israel" will feature » broadscheme for the transfer to Arab cast by Rabbi Samuel H. Mar refugees of their iiccnunts blocked kowiiz of Congregation Beth , In bank.'! In Israel lias now been David in Philadelphia, completed.

Needed One hundred men are needed urgently V> attend the breakfast meeting of the Men's Division of the Philanthropies campaign, on Sunday, June 28, at 10 a. m., at the Jewish Community Center. Your presence will enable us to make plans to bring the Campaign to a successful conclusion, within the next 10 days. Please attend the meeting this Sunday, at 10 a. pi., at the Center.

Breakfast Meeting At Community Center Sun. Again

Education Director Of Temple Israel Arrives in Omaha Mervin N. Lemmcrman, named Director of Education at Templo Israel, has arrived here to assume his new post. He will be responsible for the new program of Hebrew instruction as well as teacher training and direction of classes at the Temple Israel Religious School, Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, spiritual leader of the congregation, announced. Mr. Lenimorjnan with his wife, Sydelle, and their two-year-old son, Alan, arrived In Omaha J u n e


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Jews are under attack in dictator countries and again they are on the move. This old man has been a survivor of the war and post-war years, anil now awaits the last leg of his journey to Israel. Funds supplied by the United Jewish Appeal have moved 150,000 Jewish men, women and children out of danger spots in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa durlnr the last five yean The TJJA finances the programs of the United Israel Appeal, the Joint Distribution Committee and the United Service for New Americans, constituent agencies.

He received o Bachelor of Arts degree at Upsala College in East Orange, N~J., and a Master of Science In social work at Columbia in New York CHy. Ho also was awarded a teachers certificate from the Hebrew Union Rellgiour School of Education. He studied at the Jewish Theological Seminary* in the School of • Jewish Studies. ' r Mr. Lcmmerman, a native of Newark, has taught in religious schools in Newark and South Orange for a period ot eight years, serving as assistant principal for the, past two years. He was also Emergency relief funds were dlrectof of Jewish activities at the sent by B'nal B'rith to three cities Jewish Community*'Center in recently devastated by tornadoes. Trenton, N. • J. It was announced in Washington, D. C , by Philip Klutznick, PresiTel Aviv (JTA)—Israel a n d dent of B'nal B'rith. Italy have signed a "most faA special appropriation of $1,000 vored nation agreement" permit- was made for relief; of flood victing the vessels'of, each country tims in Sioux City, Iowa, where to anchor in the other's harbors. the rampaging Missouri river left Walter Eytah, director-general of scores homeless earlier this month. the Israel Foreign.: Ministry, and Dr. Abe Greenberg, a member Giovanni Stcfano Rocchi, Italian of the national Board of Govercharge d'affaires, signed the agree- nors, heads the B'nai B'rith relief ment. . , ' ;..'- ' . .',•'. :'•• •• . committee in this region.

Emergency Fund For Sioux City

Global Report HARD CORE \ Munich (JTA)—The Swedish Parliament has passed a measure to admit 25 tubercular displaced Jews from Germany and Austria, together with 55 of their dependents, it was reported here from Stockholm. The TB cases will be admitted t* sanatoria until they are cured, after which they will be Integrated into the Swedish population^ Last week It was announced that the Norwegian Government mission, which currently visited Germany and Austria, had chosen 61 Jews from DP camps and hospitals In the two countries for settlement in Norway. Most of the 61 are currently residents of the Foehrenwald camp here. Many of the people chosen by the two Scandinavian nations were socalled "hurd-core" cases who arc barred from migration to other countries. NEW ORGANIZATION New York (JTA)—The creation of an organizational framework to embrace oil pro-Zlqnist or proIsrael forces in Jewish life was advocated hero by Dr. Emanuol Neumann, member of the Jewish Agency executive, addressing the annual conference of the Manhat-

tan Zionist Region at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. Expressing the opinion that the reconstruction of the enlarged Jewish Agency along the old lines was not feasible at this time, Dr. Neumann tentatively suggested as a first step, the formation of an American Council for Israel to consist of representatives of important national organizations and of communities all of whom shall be democratically responsible to : their constituency. .: The proposed Council would serve at first as a consultative and coordinating body and assume wider functions as time went on, Dr. Neumann said. He envisaged, "an organic development" leading eventually to the formation of a World Council for Israel in close cooperation with the World Zionist movement. SEEK SUPPORT Vienna (JTA)—The delegation of Jewish organizations started the actual deliberations with representatives of the Austrian Government on Jewish claims agalns Austria, submitted a memorandum to the Allied Commission here asking the Allied Powers to support the Jewish claims, as presented last week to the Austrian Chancellor, it was reported here.

An emergency breakfast meeting of Men's Division workers of the Philanthropies Campaign has been called for Sunday morning, June 28, at 10 a. m., at the Jewish Community Center, Jack W. Marer, General Campaign Chairman, and Marvin Treller and Harold Zelinsky, Co-Chairmen of the Men's Division, announced. The meeting will be devoted to working out plans to complete the solicitation of the cards still outstanding in the Men's Division. , Crucial Phase > As matters stand today, Mr. Marer indicated, the campaign has entered its most crucial phase. Success or failure of the drive/ hinges on the coverago of tin pledges that must be seen wlK out delay, he said. 'Failure will mean but one '"*• thing; reduced help to the State of Israel, at a most critical stage in its five years o^ existence; re- , dueed help to the many agencies— health, welfare,'religious, Jewish community relations—which . depend upon our all-in-one drive to carry out their important activities 'Failure may also mean that our local institutions, the Talmud Torahs and religious schools, the Home for Aged, welfare and health services to our fellow Omaha Jews, may suffer because we may not bo able to provide for their minimum needs, Mr. Marer continued. Success Still Possible 'We can still -make our campaign a success, if only the outstanding cords are covered fully. To reach the prospects we must have additional workers, who will devote a few hours to help clean up the cards. 1'Our Philanthropies campaign represents the very essence and basis of the Jewish community. It cuts across all differences in Jewish life, and supports causes of'direct concern to every Jew," Mr. Marer concluded. ' '. •:. Urgent messages have gone out to a special group of campaign workers inviting them to attend a breakfast meeting on Sundaymorning, June 28, at 10 a. m., at the Jewish Community Center, at which time plans will be made to wind up the Men's Division phase of the Philanthropies campaign.

Center Day Camp Begins Monday Jewish Community Center Dar Camp will open Monday; After being picked up at the convenient pickup stations of the Jewish Communtiy Center, and the Beln El -and' Beth. Israel synagogues, the campers will travel In special b u s e s to the camp location in Peony Park/ Campers will participate in a great variety of activities such as arts and crafts, dramatics," nature hikes, singing, special trips, and camp skill sessions. Swimming classes every day will be under the supervision of Lindy Paul, center athletic director, with the counseling staff assisting. A staff of experienced counselors will lead the children In their activities throughout the day. The counselors "include Barbara Wise, who has been a Day Camp, Camp Jay-C-C, and Funtlme leader, Sari Shukcrt, a past Camp Jay-C-C and Day Camp Junior Councelor, Pat Kornoy, David Solzman, Murray Bclman, and Bob Glsler. They will be assisted by junior counselors M a r s h a Waxenberg, Donna Steinberg, and Judy Dimple. On rainy days, the Day Camp will hold regular sessions at the Jewish. Community . *»->

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Vrlday, June 26, 19»»


Our U.N. Newsletter

New Truce Chief VobUtbed Every Frldij by the Omabs tewitk


Hy Arthur Lewis

•own* u mooa-clui nutut u oauu, Ntfmika, w*«r OH MI of Mmtcti 1. li< Annul SatMnpUoii, M 00. AavtrUMu Rita «a AppHeMJon. MM Bt» AdflnM IMS ML »U> BtlMC, ..Edlto> l"_...JSociety Bdltor


The Wollheim Case The ruling by a German court that L G. FVben must pay compensation and wages to Norbert Wollheitn, a Jewish concentration camp inmate whom the Nazis assigned to slave labor in «ne of the company's plants near Oswiecim, is not only important as an expression of basic justice bat for the formulation of the thesis that companies which employed slave labor to their emolument cannot divest themselves of legal responsibility for tbe hideous practice. The decision, as so aptly stated by Dr. Israel Goldstein, "brings into proper perspective the moral and legal responsibility of those who conspired with the Nazi regime to exploit for their own profit the tragedy of those whom the Nazis held as captives and who have sought to escape responsibility by shifting the blame for their -wrong-doings to an incorporeal entity—the Natl state." The Farben company, notorious for its use of slave labor, employed a battery of legal experts who could find no other defense to the suit than the claim that Wollheim had been in the custody of the SS to whom, they alleged, payment had been made. The defense however was 80 obviously thin that the court could not escupc making the only posible decision. The unscrupulous Farben gentlemen who had no moral qualms to enrich themselves through slave labor are now planning to appeal for "justico" to a higher court, thus demonstrating that regeneration is as alien to them as decency.


Reproductions from the pare* of "Al TihrJr" containing el DaU'» original mrticle, rtowinr the •protperou" way of life of the Arab refugee* In G u a

Crux of the Near East Problem

Suez Canal, Arab Feudalism Attacked (An AJP Feature)

| the pale, sickly babie* which you

But lhelr_exlstence, as.refugees

arc no, refugees." The writer believes that should there be a struggle, it should b e in the Canal Zone, and not in Palestine — that the "Imperialists . . . divert ua on the wrong road, a road that leads not to the Canal Zone, but to Palestine." Reporting further on his trip, el Dull writes of the great wealth of many of the Arab landlords, making a list of the wealthiest while telling of poverty among the people. He relates the story of Mohammad Abu Selim, the richest man in Gaza, -who In one colony alone possesses 1,500 dunams of green gardens and groves. Mohammad wanted to help solve the refugee situation, so he spent 15,000 pounds to build a mosque. "He Invited the deputy governor to the opening ceremony and wanted to hand him tile keys to tlie mosfiue. Hie Governor refused. He had asked (lie rich Palestinian to allocate some of his lands to the poor, but the rich Palestinian refused." Despite thH" life of apparent case, the writer adds, the refugees are not happy with their plight. They have ties elsewhere in lands where entry js refused. They .ire tired of being beggars, constantly seeking United Nations aid.'

or their own wealthy landowners, who contribute mosques, but refuse to give up portions of their land to aid their fellow men-

The concern of Arabs in the see in our village!, where there U not aided by either the British

Middle East is not Israel, nor Palestine, nor the refugee camps which border the Jewish state— the problem is the Suez Canal. This Invective against British rule in the Canal area is part of a report written by All el D a l i an Egyptian, writing in the Egyptian Army weekly, Al Tabrir. The report was translated into English, and recently appeared in the Xondon Jewish Oscrvcr and Middle East Review. It ihould be thoroughly underStood that the writer is neither a lover of Israel nor the Jews. Nevertheless, his observations, as an Arab, would indicate that the trouble and unrest which exists in .the Middle East today is not in the refugee camps (from which redound tales of squalor and inhumanity), but actually in British ownership of the Suez Canal and in the unwillingness of rich Arab landowners to aid their fellow humans.

On a trip to the Gaza Strip, ^riiich is the basis for his article, •1 Bali wrote: "Hunger, misery and distress arc not lo be found in the rcfu• fee camps; the; are in the vlllaEes and hamlets where the fellaheen (peasants) live. In the countryside of green Palestine where gardens and o r a n ire (roves flourish amidst feudalIsm; for feudalism breeds hunger and misery, Jn the refugee tamps, there Is security and plenty. "I visited seven of them: Al Barege, Al Nusseirat, Deir1 el Ealah, Khan Yumls, Gabalia, Caza, Haffah, Al Mughazzl. In all of them I have seen the people eating their fill, drinking milk and living in comfort. The men lie on their backs in the •warm sand and sunshine, or play dice; happy women carry their healthy. Dink-cheeked babies," not

COORDINATION Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's Finance Minister Lev! Eshkol reported to a meeting of the Jewish Agency executive on his talks in the United Stales regarding the need to coordinate the United Jewish Appeal and the Israel Bond drive. He stressed the importance of increasing the Income of both drives to at least $150,000,000 a year, '.. . ..

Capital Spotlight By Milton • Friedman Washington (JTA)—Jewish organizations, painfully aware o£ what followed book burnings in Nazi Germany, are waiting anxiously for President Eisenhower to take action to back up his remarks at Dartmouth against book burning. Meanwhile, Sen. Joseph McCarthy has aimed violent insinuations of disloyalty against Sen. Herbert Lehman and Prof. Albert Einstein. The pro-Eisenhower Washington Post commented editorially that when American officials purge United States liberties that are supposed lo be symbols of freedom, it is no wonder that foreigners n:;k whether this country is going Fascist. The question may seem to us to be irrelevant and irreverent, but the memory of fascism is kech in Europe and Europeans know that book burn ing marked the beginning of fascism in Italy and Germany. Anti-Nail Anti-Nazis are terrified by the purging of books in the U. S. Information Service libraries in Germany. A New York Times dispatch said that the book purges and other U. S. censorial activities "have .done much to undo the herculean efforts of U. S. occupation forces in the postwar years to present American democracy to the German people as a magnet to draw them away from totalitarian attitudes." In his final report as High Commissioner, John J. McCloy Bald that one of the basic tasks of the American libraries W03 to combat the Intellectual stagnation of the Nazi pe-

riod and the effect of 12 years "of isolation and one aided information." ' . Attacked McCarthy attacked Lehman for "illegal" use of the Congressional free mailing privilegs, objecting specifically to Lehman's distribution of a speech attacking McCarthy and the McCarran-Waltcr Immigration Act. Shouting that Lehman was "one of the wealthiest men in the Senate," McCarthy sought to link the New Yorker with the Communist cause. Lehman replied that he had no apology for he had only used the same moiling privileges available to all members of Congress. He added, "I am going to fight McCarthyism so long us I have the strength, and I am going to fight against the kind of an immigration policy that is set forth In the Immigration Act, and I shall do «o regardless of the Senator from Wisconsin." The 75-ycar-old Leh man, who lost a son in the war against fascism, told the Senate how McCarthy and others were seeking "to silence those who would oppose tlie effort lo impose complete conformity and complete orthodoxy on every thought and every action of the people of this country." He told of how freedom would be endangered if extremists would be allowed "to Intimidate the others into silence because the others do not want to take the chance of being attacked." "Creeping McCarthylsm" The speech to which McCarthy objected was one In which Lehman described "creeping McCarthylsm" as "a subtle poison which has already eaten deep into the muscles and sinews of our entire body politic." He said that "while we continue to strive for equality of rights for all our citizens, we date not overlook tho creeping blight which threatens to destroy, with equal disdain for all, the very structure of all our liberties . . . step by step we have retreated . . . presumption of guilt now surrounds anyone accused by McCarthy, Jenncr, Vclde, nnd their ilk." The total impact of the McCarthyite efforts, he said, is not confined to the headlines but "finds its way into the body of our laws" and is responsible for the McCarran-Waltcr Act."

United Nations*(JTA)—For live nights in n row just prior to Mnjor General Vajjn Hennikc's taking over his new post of chief of slaff of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization in Palestine, armed marauders from Jordan crossed the borders and killed villagers and destroyed houses in I rael. The attacks were organized mid were of such a serious nature that the Israeli Foreign lini.ster, JMoshe Sharctt, had to warn the Jordanian government of the consequences of such international crimes. These troubles served as a poor \ elcoinc for General Uennike and were hardly expected as a local commanders' agreement, hud just been signed to prevent such occurrences; but, if they were meant to daunt him, they failed, for the Dane, as a soldier of great experience, has faced much greater difficulties than any presented by_ Arab infiltrators, Appointment Welcomed Israeli delegates here welcomed tho appointment of General Ben nike, whom they regard as a most suitable man for tho job. At the same time, they are sorry lo see tieut. Gen. William E. Itiley of the United States leave as they have always considered him a very honest and fair mediator; at no time did the Arabs hide their dislike for General IUlcy, but that would be typical of them for they could not Bland anyone impartial. Their morality, or hick of it, was shown In the local commnnders' agreement; within 12 hours of its being signed, armed infiltrators from Jordan killed a farmer in Tiral Yehuda, a village two and a Id g A i t half miles from Airport, General limnike, l , who la C5 years old, is the son of a foirmer lieutenant colonel of tho Danish Army, and led the life of an officer, rising steadily through the ranks, until lie reached the rank of his father at the time of tho Second World • War. He served mainly In units of the engineering and telegraph corps, and is u leading military engineer, having on several occasions taught military en(|inetring in Denmark and abroad. Leader of Resistance At the Danish newspaper, Berat tho HiiKske Tldende, reported p t head hd time of his appointment to the truce supervision, organization, General Bcnnike is best remembered os the leader of the resistance against the Germans in D e n mark. Ho organized the sabotage of the railway lines in Jutland during 1944 and 1045, and he was so successful at this, causing so much havoc for the German army of occupation, that the Nazis put a high price on his head. When the war ended, he was made a major general, an exceptionally high rank in the Danish Army, nnd was appointed tho military commander of the Jutland-Fumon area, which is hall of Denmark. The following year, he was named the chief of his ow» unit, the engineering corps; short ly afterwards, he reached retirement oge and left active service. However, his ability and special knowledge were still required ond he served as an instructor for the Danish Homo Guard in railway and land mine explosion techniques. GRANTS Haifa (JTA) —Grants totaling more than $125,000 have been approved by tho Ford Foundation for (scientific research at the I s rael Institute of Technology, it was announced here by Technlon authorities. Tho research, which will for the most part be carried on by Tcchnion personnel, will deal with various aspects of tho economy nnd future of Israel.

Community Calendar Saturday, June 27 . Workmen Circle Dramatic Group—0:00 p. m., Labor Lyceum. Monday, Juno 29 Children's Activities—Day Camp Starts—9;00 p. m., Center. Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m., Center. Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Ass'n—6:00 p. m., Center. Tuesday, July 7 National Council of Jewish Women's Summer Bonrd Meeting—, 1:00 p. m., Highland West Club. ' Wednesday, July 8 Zionist Council—8:00 p. m., Center. Sunday, July It Jewish War Veterans and Ladles Auxiliary Picnic—All day ut Fontcnelle Park and Payilion. Monday, Joly {• EVE OK THE FAST OF AV. Tuesday, July it • TISH AB'AV. . , ., • '

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Friday, June 26, 1*53

face Tfcre*

'From tfie Diary of Dr. Philip Sher'

Greater B'nai B'rirh

(This review of Dr. Sher's book l& presented by Or. Victor E. Irvine, Professor of Biological Chemistry and Nutrition, at Crelghlon University's School «f Medicine.)

The final meeting of the club year for the Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Association will be held at 8 p. m., Monday, June 29, ut the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Max Sacks, president, has announced that election of officers for tho coming year will tuke place.

Scouts, Campfire Girls Served by Community Chest

"On my honor, I will do m f best . . . " "Worship God, seek beauty, A biography comprises material give service . . , " gathered from secondary sources. "On my honor, I will try; To An autobiography is a more valudo my duty to God and my able literary contribution because country . . . " it Is written by an individual wtm The above three paragraph! are is aware of- his own emotions, of he opening words of the pledges his'own accomplishment!;, and of and laws of the Boy Scouts, the tho»driving forces of his own life. Camp Fire Girls and the Girl It is for this reason that 1 became Scouts, three organizations synonInterested in the very careful ymous with youth. perusal of Dr. Philip Siier's book, The Omaha Zionist Council held entitled "From the Diary of Dr. In this area, all three groups are their election of officers last week. Shcr." Red Feather agencies of the Oma- • The newly elected officers are: ha Community Chest. All three Unliiuc Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, presihave grown nationally and locally Dr. Sher's book is an autobiogdent; Joseph Hadlnowski, viceas honored American institutions. raphy to be sure, but it differs president; Philip Gorodetzer, treasEach offers a constructive and e n from all other autobiographies in urer, and Miss Betty Ann- Poska, joyable program for the proper •> the unique method of presentation. secretary. The next meeting of tho molding of young minds and Dr. Sher does not write about himcouncil will be held in September. "The most spectacular display of bodies. self. He prefers indirectly to tell Dr. riillip Sher Members of the council sent a iireworks ever seen In the Midyou of his life by his writings, resolution to Senators Butler and and curative medicine. Griswold and to Representative west" is tho piomiso of Omaha by his work in the community, preventive "On my honor, I will do mr 1 No. 1, The America/! Legion, and by Individual cases in which A. : a voluntary social worker in Hruska stating their belief that Fost the annual Fireworks Show at be»t • . , " he was involved as a volunteer the community with more than the aid to Israel, both economic of To a Boy Scout, those words S t a d i u m Saturday, social worker. The reader Is left half a century of fruitful experi- and military, "is urgently needed Municipal mean a great deal. As the open, to Judge for himself the worth ence, he recognizes the necessity to strengthen the democratic forces July 4. Donald Duck, beloved cartoon ing words of the Scout Oath, they ot the man, and to evaluate the for cure as gleaned from the way at work i n that part of tho favorite of millions of grown-ups are one of the first things learned majesty of a life devoted whole- he attacks the problem of juvenile world . . . " as well as youngsters, will fly when he joins his friends in scoutheartedly, unselfishly, and uri-delinquency. He at the same tune The message continued, "We feel from Hollywood to head up aning; And from there, the boy stlntlngly to the service of his recognizes the extreme value of learns the true meaning of the that drastic cuts In the amounts ail-star program. fellow men regardless of race or preventing youth from falling into and translates them into the Besides an hour-long display of words evil ways and untoward circum- requested by the Administration creed. character-molding deeds that typistances. Such prevention he com- under the Mutual Security pro- aerial fireworks, In which one ton fy Scouting. Leader gram would imperil the goals deof powder equivalent to 55 sticks pares to the methods in medicine My personal interest in the of immunizing young individuals sired and needed by the demo- of dynamite will be used, a va- There are over 5,500 Scouts book stems from the fact that I against infectious diseases. cratic forces in the world . , , " riety program of outstanding per- from age fl to 18 in Omaha and have always admired Dr. Philip Douglas County. And to most ot formers has been booked. Untiring Activities Sher as a leader in the community Johnny Rivers and' his trained these boys, summer means camp, Ills untiring activities in bringwhose motivation for leadership is ing. Over 2,000 will attend Car Palomino horses will star in disnot vainglory or self-aggrandize- ing religious education to the foreplays of riding and daredevil per- Cedars at Cedar Bluffs, Nebr,, ment, and not for the sake of a front in our Omaha community formances. Local television stars year. Other thousands will trek to desire to make himself active in is prompted by the important psywill appear in their well-loved one of four other regular Boy communal affairs In order to in- chological fact that craving for Scout campsites. , The National Federation of Mu- roles. Sailor Dan . . . Uncle Tom crease his professional status as n religious and for intellectual food practicing physician. It is sad hut is just as important as the physio- sic Clubs has informed Prof. Hans . . . Frank Peddle and his weath"Worship God, seek beauty, true that communities! very often logical desire for nourishment by Baer, Director of the Center Piano erblrd Beanie . . . and Lew Jeffelve service . . . " lack such type of leadership, lead- way of proteins, fats, carbohy- Studio, that his article "Remi- rey. Those opening words of the nisces and Musical Experiences" The program will begin at 8 ership which given unreservedly drates, minerals and" vitamins. In of time and money to worthy matters of religious education, he will be published In either the p. m. Plenty of free parking space Camp Fire Girls' law point up the bond of service and good citiof the Torah, September or November issue of is available at the Stadium. causes, und even free professional envisions the study 1 zenship uniting more than 200,000 service to the needy, leadership which comprise. ; the Bible and the their magazine. girls 10 years or older in this devoted to the good of mankind, Talmud, as the taking of intelProfessor Baer delivered the adcountry. A Camp Fire Girl is also leadership which tinds pleasure in lectual vitamins for the growth dress before the Piano Forum of pledged to "pursue knowledge, be and well-being of the human the reward of the good deed itthe Nebraska State Music Teachtrustworthy, hold on to health, self, leadership which gives and "soul." The study of the Torah ers' Association at their annual glorify work arid bo happy." is as important for the mental meetlru» held In March in the Paxasks no return. and emotional health of Jewish ton Hotel. With summer knocking at the New York (JTA)—A group of Recognition youth as the taking of a multiple 72 young Americans, most of them door, Omaha Camp Fire Girls are Dr. Sher has received recogni- vitamin capsule. This particular looking forward to outings at undergraduate and post-graduate tion beyond his own city limits. multiple vitamin capsule, which students, will leave for Israel by Camp Harriet Harding, located In 1911 Chester II. Aldrich, Gov- the Torah with Its everlasting vigplane to participate in a cultural south of Omaha overlooking the ernor of Nebraska, appointed Dr. or and vitality provided, contains exchange program'in Israel. An- Platte River. Shur delegate to the National Pris- the five vitamins: vitamin T, vitaother group ot 64 will leave for on Congress held that year. In min O, vitamin It, vitamin A and Central Nebraska Lodge No. Israel early in July. "On my honor, I .-will try; T» 1946 Tom Clark, then Attorney vitamin II. 1015 B'nai B'rith of Hastings and do my duty to God and m r General of the United State;;, Grand Island, Nebr., held its an- The two g r o u p s , including country . . . . " eleven Canadians, comprise the placed before the Advisory Panel Beady Wit nual election of officers on TuesAs with the Boy Scouts and to the Attorney General on JuveAs an illustration of the ready day evening, June 16, in Hastings. largest number to participate, since the Israel Summer programs were Camp Fire Girls, the Girl Scout nile Problems suggestions and wit of Dr. Shcr's, let me cite one Yale Kully of Hastings was launched live years ago by t h e Oath Indicates the characterplans of Dr. Shcr relative to theof his 73 human stories. Since Dr. elected president for the 1053-54 handling of such problems. Sher'3 generosity knows no bounds term. Other newly-elected officers Youth Department of the Jewish building aspects of the : program. Measure of a Man of roce or creed, he once came to are Dr. Hans Meyer, Hastings, Agency. They include members Dozens of helpful, supervised a c of Junior Hadassah,'the Intercol- tivities for hundreds 8f active, The desire to' lift a man up-a clergyman's financial assistance. first vice-president; Harry B. legiate Zionist Federation, Young eager-to-Ieam girls highlight the ward Is a divine quality and also A year afterwards he met the cler- Wiseman, Hastings, second vice- Judaea, Mlzrnchl H a t z a 1 r andGirl Scout program in the Omathe measure of a man. With such gyman. The clergyman introduced president; Jack Kutchcr, Grand B'nai B'rith Hlllel Foundations. ha area. desire as a yardstick, Dr. Sher Dr. Sher as a Jew with a Christian Island, secretary; Maynard Kully, Each summer, hundreds of The majority are enrolled in the measures up very well. He most heart to one of his colleagues. Dr. Hastings, treasurer, and Saul Israel Summer Institute. They Omaha Girl Scouts spend time at lives j v h o thinks most, feels the Shcr smiled and hastened to re- Goodman, Hastings, chaplain. Camp Maha, a well-organized and ply:. "I beg your pardon. There Is range in age from 18 to 35. The noblest and acts the best. This Retiring president is David Rostatement sums up the quality of no race or creed which has a senberg of Hastings. Retiring sec- curriculum provides for t h r e e supervised site'near Omaha. of lectures and study groups Dr. Sher as a man and as a monopoly of kindness of heart." retary is Fred Teller, Jr., of Has weeks and an extensive tour of the councommunity worker. Dr. Sher's book 13 one well tings, formerly of Omaha. try. Lecturers and study group worth reading by everyone, young The book is written in a clear, Central Nebraska Lodge is startinclude outstanding e x lucid and interesting manner. The and old. It boars a message for all ing its fifth year of B'nai B'rith leaders perts in Israeli economics, sociollanguage is fluent, and the style who ore concerned in the way in service in the Grand Island, Has- ogy and ancient and contemporary sustains the Interest of the reader which tho brotherhood of man and tings and Kearney areas of central Hebrew culture. A n o t h e r two to the very last page. Dr. Sher the fatherhood of God can be made Nebraska. weeks arc devoted to a pragmatic displays in his writings a flow a practical reality. study of Israel pioneer life. Dur—Victor E. Levlne of ready wlt^ and humor, which is June 1« ISRAEL LABOR. ing this period the students will on a high intellectual plane, and " ' Tel Aviv (JTA)—A decision to reside and work in Israel's model To Uie Jewish Press: which reveals tho deep scholar I would like to'take this opporjoin tho pro-Western International collective settlements. Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek and thinker. He draws upon meditunity to thank you for the e n Confederation of Free Trade Uncine, science, and religion in a of the earth, which have wrought ions was adopted by the Histadrut, joyment I get out of reading Tha very ingenious way to illustrate this judgment; seek righteousness, Israel Federation of Labor, at a munlst-controlled World Federa- Press, It's great to know what's seek meekness.—Zeph. 2:3. a point. session ot its council. Members of tion of Trade Unions in 1950. As going on back home, and I'm glad the left-wing Mnpam Party and of a result of today's decision, or- I'm still remembered by The JewSocial Work His labors In the field of social They gave after their ability the Communist Party fought the ganized Israel labor may be rep- ish Press. I want to thank you for, work reveals the point of view of unto the treasure of the work.— decision but were defeated by a resented at the convention of the sending me The Press, Thanking .you agin, I remain, large majority composed of Mapal International Confederation of the physician interested in both Ezra 2:09. Yours truly, and General Zionist laborltes. Free Trade Unions which opens SOL COHEN The Jtlistadrut left the Com-on July 4 in Stockholm..

Zionist Council Elects Officers

legion Fireworks Show to Be Held at Municipal Stadium

Prof. Baer to Have Article Published

Students Leave for Study in Israel

Central Lodge Elects Officers

Letters From Servicerrkn



w i


i SPEED KINO IN OFFUTT RACES—"Gentleman Jim" Klmbcrly, of Chicago, HI, In shown In his $17,000 Italian-made 4.1 Iltro Ferrari which hold* the U. 8, airport speed record at 108 MFII. Jilrnberly will bo one of many outstanding Sports Oar Club ot America driver* who will compete in the National Sports Oar Bacon at Offott Air Force"Baae, Omalia, Nebr., on July 6th, Proceed* from the raco program will go to th« Offutt Airmen's Living Improvement fund.


.' • .



Frldny, June 2«, 1953

Couple Wed In Georgia At a ceremony solemnized Sunday, June 14, Miss Lorraine Sharon Barcnblit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Barenblit of Atlanta, Ga., became the bride of Isadore O. Diamond, son of Rev. and Mr*. A. Diamond of this city. The marriage was performed by Rabbi Harry Epstein of Atlanta. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street-length dress of white lace with matching hat. She carried a white Bible covered by a white orchid and stcphanotis. Best man was Dr. Samuel J. Sinkoe, uncle of the bride. Miss Barbara Faye Miller, cousin of the bride, served as maid of honor. A dinner was held for the wedding guests Immediately after the ceremony. Following a trip to New Orleans, the couple will reside In Omaha.

Miss Turek June Bride Mrs. Richard L. Wintroub

Kartman-Wintrogb Wedding Rites Held At Highland Club Miss Dayida Joan Kartman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan B, Kartman, became the bride of Ilichard Lewis Wintroub, lion of Mr. and Mrs. Phincas Wintroub, Tuesday, June 16, at C:30 p. m Rabbi Myer S. Kripke officiated "at the Highland Country Club, as•lsted by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar. The candlelighlcd ceremony was performed under a canopy of 'white satin covered with white pompons and baby mums against . a background of woodwardla and .urns of white gladioli flanked by candelabra. ' The aisles were marked by garlands of white sat, in ribbon connecting white cathedral candles which were entwined "With greens and decorated with •white satin bows. White Laee Dres* - The bride -wore an Abby gown ,*>t -white imported-ChanUlly tact and nylon tulle. The illusion neck'-line wax finished with a narrow * ruffle held In place by pearls; and, •the- white bouffant tulle skirt, ' which was appUqued with lace • birds, formed a cathedral train. The bride's fingertip veil of Im' ported silk illusion, with wide , border embroidered in silk thread, was held by a coronet of seed pearls and sequins. She carried a ' -white Bible with a white orchid j n d stephanotls.

Maid of honor, Miss Gloria Rae Kohan, wore a ballerina-length gown of.white silk organza and a white picture hat with blue streamers and carried a ribbon basket of red roses. Mmcs. Norman Pred and Herschcl Premack, both of Aberdeen, S. D., were bridesmaids. They were gowned in white with hat and flower streamers of pink. Mr. Fred was best man. Ushers were Mr. Prcmack and Gerson Karlman, brother of the bride. Dr. Harold Margolin and Miss Marlenc Stacker of St. Paul, Minn., a cousin of the bride, were candlelightcrs. Mrs. Kartman wore a beige ChanUlly lace gown with scalloped neckline, fitted bodice and cap ; sleeves.- The bridegroom's mother selected a gown of azure, blue nylon net over taffeta, which had a strapless bodice with re movable stole. Both mothers wore orchids, as did the two grandmothers. Canadian Trip After a dinner at the Highland Club,, the couple left on a trip to the Canadian Rockies. For traveling, the bride wore a cocoa brown linen suit with brown and white accessories. After July 1, Mr. and Mrs. Wintroub will live at 4703 Cass.

B'nai B'rith Girls Group . Is Planned

Israel HMO Head Reports on Work


The B'nai B'rith women of Omaha, consisting of,the Henry Monsky and Nebraska chapters, will ' five a tea Sunday afternoon, June 28, from 2 to 4 at the home of Jtfrs. Stanley Shnpico, 2G15 N. 51 Ave. All girls from 14 to JO years . of age who are interested in joining a B'nai B'rith Girls Group liave been invited to attend. I The group will be part of the B'nai B'rlth Youth Organization •which has a program consisting of cultural, religion:;, social philanthropic and athletic activities. It Will be affiliated with the Youth Council and with the regional and national fi'nai B'rith youth croup; which hold jcailj lonvcntions Any B'nai 13'rilh girl will be •llcible foi the 5200 ,i je.n scholarship* award fiiven for outstanding tcholri'itir ability.

Situation Wanted Widow, newcomer to Omnha, well educated, desires position as companion to elderly woman. Coll Mr. Grayson at JA 1300.

New. York ( J f A)—The State of Israel is pioneering a revolutionary advance in public health medicine as a result of an experiment inaugurated in that country six months ago by Hadassah, it was reported by Dr. Kalman J. Mann, director general of the Hadassah Medical Organization in Israel, who had just arrived In this country.. The purpose of Dr. Atann's viint to the United States is to report to the national hoard of Hadacsah on results of Hadassah's Community Health Plan in Israel and to conclude negotiations leading to the appointment of an American expert to direct the building operations of the new $10,000,000 Iladab-sah-Iicbrew U n i v e r s i t y Medical Center in Jerusalem. Dr. Mann announced the appointment of Dr. Michael S. Grob•mith, executive director of Miriam Hospital in Providence, H. I., .ind a recognized authority on hospital administration and architecture, as coordinator of the Medical Center's building operations. Dr. Grobnmilh will leave for Iaraci on August 1. I will strengthen them in the Lord; and they shall walk up and down in His name.—Zech. 10:12. Surely God will not hear vanity, neither will the1 Almighty regard Jt.—(Job XXXV, 13.)

Beth El Synagogue was tho scene of tho 8:30 p. m. wedding Saturday, June 20, of Miss Barbara Darline Turek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Turek, and Edwin Gorellck, son of Mrs. Betty Gorelick and the late Simon Gorellck. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke performed the candlelight ceremony, assisted by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar. Tall pink candelabra, greenery and pink and white flowers formed the decorations. The bride wore a powder blue suit of imported silk with navy blue accessories and a hat of blue straw and red velvet. She carried a colonial bouquet of red roses. A family dinner followed at the Orleans Room of the Blackstone Hotel. After a wedding trip to Texas, New Mexico and California, the couple will reside in Omaha.

"300 Hours" At the Award Ceremony held June 18 by the V. A. V.S.,-Mrs. Abe Bear received a 300 Hour Award certificate for her volunteer work at the Veterans Hospital over the : past two years.. • •'.-'. - ••-. . Mrs. Bear is a member and past president of the B'nai B'rith Nebraska Chapter.

Mrs. Stewart M. Tully

Judith Bercovici Married On June 23 to Stewart Tulley The Highland Country Club was the scene of the Tuesday evening wedding of Miss Judith Louise Bercovici and Stewart Malcolm Tully. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bercovici. Mr. Tully is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Tully. The 0:30 p. m. ceremony wa.1; performed by Habbi Myer S. Krlpkc and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar. Barton Greenberg was best man. Ushers were Bernard Greenberg, Jerome Rosinsky and Gerald Venger. The bride wore a gown of ivory Chantilly lace over net and satin. It was fashioned with a net yoke appllqued with lace and a bouffant skirt which fell into a cathedral train. The bride's fingertip veil of illusion fell from a cap of laced studded with pearls and paillettes. She carried a bouquet Of stcphanotis centered with white orchids. Mrs, Barton Greenberg was matron of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were the Misses Myra Abramson, Shirley Greenberg and Sarlta Zoorwlll.

They wore gowns of Mediterranean blue silk organza designed with dipping hemlines and halter bodice* and matching caps embroidered with pearls and rhlnestones and carried happiness roses. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Bercovici chose a gown of silk organza shading from light to deep orchid. Mrs. Tully's dress was light blue with a beaded bodice. Both wore orchid corsages. The ceremony was followed by cocktails and dinner at the Highland Club. For traveling, the bride wore a navy raw silk suit with navy and white accessories. A famous writer Is continually annoyed by questions, mostly irrelevant, and that more renowned ho is the more questions he receives. At parties, the annoyance is doubled. Having George Jean Nathan, the guest of honor, at her mercy the other evening," a young matron gushed, "Do clever men make good husbands?" ' "Clever men," Nathan answered, "do not become husbands."

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niyi things" t Babies


Mr. and Mrs. Julius Cohn have announced the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Ann, born Sunday, June 21. The Cohns have two other daughtera, Jo Frances and Doris Marie. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Dave Cohn, Mrs. Cohn is the former Marilyn Brodkey. A son, Marc M., wai born to Mr. and Mrs. Sam S. Cohen 'on Sunday, June 7. They also have a daughter, Jeanne Minda. Mrs. Cohen is the former Rose Klrshenbaum. Twins', a son and a daughter, were born June 7 to Mr. and Mrs. /lurtin Wienzveg of Culver City, Calif., former Omahans. The boy /as named David Aaron and the girl Bonnie Gail. The couple have another son and daughter, Sharon Terry and Aaik Allen. « . x Paternal grandfather Is Sam Wienzveg of Burbank, Calif., and Tiateinal grandmother is. Mrs. Sophie Friedman of Chicago. Deborah Ellen Is the name chosen Catelman for their daughter born Juno Gary Andrew. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and atcrnal, grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.

Mrs. Harold Novak.

Rita Krantz Becomes Bride Of Harold Novak at BethEl Miss Itltit Kranlz, daughter of Mr. nml Mrs. Abe Krnntj;, nnd Harold Novak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Novak, wore married at a 7 p. in. ceremony at Beth El Synagogue on Sunday, June 21. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar officiated at the double ring ceremony. Dr. Melvin Tatlcmnn was soloist, and Mrs. George Elsenbcrg was organist. The ceremony took place under • satin canopy covered with white gladioli, stock nnd greens and Hanked with altar baskets of White gladioli. White cathedral candles lined the aisle. Satin and Luce Gown _ The bride wore a gown of imported Chantilly lace and nylon tulle over white satin. The basque bodice was styled with, dloiw scoop neckline trimmed with a ruffle of scalloped lace and embroidered . In pearls anda nsequins. The sleeves' were, lone d pointed at the wrists. The bouffant skirt o f l a c e separated In front over a pleated pane] of nylon tulle and cascaded into a long cathedral train; . H e r scalloped lace crown, trimmed In seed pearls and Iridescent sequins, held a fingertip veil of French 11' luslon. She carried a white prayer book covered with a white orchid and streamers of stephnnolls. Attendant* Maid-of honor for her sister . was Elaine Krantz, and Mrs. Max Krantz, sister-in-law of the bridegroom, was matron of honor. They wore gowns of antique silk tnffota and nylon tulle, ballerina length, in a cyclamen pink.shade. The shirred taffeta bodice was strapless and featured a shoulder drape which formed a portrait neckline. The skirt whs bouffant with alternate panels of tulle and taffeta. Bridesmaids were Miss Shirley Greenberg and Miss Cheryl Ncrenbcrg. They wore gowns like the

Highland Highlifes Mrs. A. H. Brodkey was double flog winner at Ladles Day at Highland Country Club Wednesday, Juno 17. Other winners were Mr:;. Morris Klrshenbaum, Mrs, Lee Sloan nnd Mrs, Larry Plnttner. Mrs. Manning Handler had least putts •with 14 for nine holes.

Mrs. Max Sucks was elected .ic.nd v'..v-iii-csi k m of the "Gmior Club" ut u meetini; IielrK.Stindny, June 21, at me Bircnwood Club. Tho "Gallon CU.U" Is sponsored by the American lied Cro.u Blood Center and conclcts of jicoplc who nave nlvci at len.it eight pinls ut blood. Mrs. Sni'hs hiii given ID plnta of bl.ioil.

icnor attendants In a hyacinth >luc shade. Miss Sheila .Novak, unior bridesmaid, wore a gown n cyclamen pink nylon tulle with i fitted bodice and an off-lhchmilder nei-kline, accented by a ;hirred drape. They carried colonial bouquets of Johanna Hill roses and shattered carnations. Miss Beverly Weisberg, flower girl, wore a dress like that of he Junior bridesmaid in hyacinth blue. She carried a basket of pink, blue and white daisies. ' Best man for his brother was Max Novak. Ushers were Sheldon Krantz, brother of the bride, Hugo Knhn, John Kolm, Jerry Novak and Jerry Belzer. Mr. Belzer is from Los Angeles, Calif. Candlelighters were Howard Krantz and Norman Veltzer. • • W P to California After a reception at the Paxton Hotel, the couple left on a motor trip to California; The bride's golng-away , dress Was luggage brown linen with a white Jacket with which she wore white and luggage brown accessories. •: Mrs. Novak/ch'ofie a blue silk dress and wore a lavender orchid corsage for her son's wedding. Mrs Krant* • wore a dusty aqua silk dress with a lavender orchid corsage. •'" •>•• •:' • After July-15, the couple wil live in Omaha. /

Arab-Israel Peace Defense Need Washington (WNS)-T-An Arab Israel peace settlement "would bring nearer to realization the hopes for a Middle East defense organization and would also make possible a better coordinated re: glonal attack on the economic problems of the area," the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee Oil week declared in its report on th' Mutual Security Act. The committee s a 1 d it wai "hopeful that a Middle East Do fense Organization will come inl( existence during the fiscal year n 1054 and that a. durable peace settlement can be arrived nt between Israel and the Arab states." Tnking congnlzcrnce of the unrest in that orea of the world, the conr rnlttee said it was "strongly of the opinion that, In the absence of o collective organization and on Is r;icI-Arab peace, the strictest eon trols nnd supervision over military assistance should be exercised.1 Tile Hollywood agents wer seated at a table in Mike Roman off's new Beverly Hill.1; restauran' watching Edward G. Robinson Danny Knyc, Jack Benny nni GroucholVTarx (line lengthily atii well. "Look 1 at them," sighed on' of the agent. ;. "How'd you like t have 10 per cent of their sal ariec?" The other said, "The wa; i i g are in thoo film busincs today, I'd be satisfied with per cent of their dinner

Mrs. AI Oruch

Nebraska Chapter nstalls Officers .

by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 20. They also have a son, . . Mrs. Al Oruch was installed as Mrs. S. H. Katelman, and president of the B'nal B'rlth NeLouis Kulakofsky. braska Chapter 340 for a second 'ear by Mrs. A. Mark of Minnepdlis, Minn., at meeting held last During the Summer month. Leaving June 28 for eight weeks at Minokemeg Camp at Clam Other' officers installed w e r e ,ake, Wise, arc Janice Katleman, daughter o f Mrs. David Katleman, Mrs. Phil Kutler, first vice-president; Mrs. Goodman Cohen, sec* nd Judy Wohlncr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Wohlner. The girls wll) spend a few days in Chicago before going up to ond vice-president; Mrs. S a m Manvltz,. treasurer; Sirs. Marvin amp. {apian, financial secretary; Mrs. Jack Katz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Katz, has left for Ran- >fate Marcus, recording secretary; dolph Field, Tex., for four weeks of summer camp training. Jack Mrs. William Stone, corresponding was a lieutenant - colonel in the Army Air Force Cadet school at secretary. Omaha University ond commander of the. Arnold Air Society. Also • Installed were Mrs. Sol Martin, monitress; Mrs. Joe Epstein, sentinel; Mrs. Leo Taub, Honors guardian; and Mmcs. Fred Hahn, Harold Slegel a n d Morris J. Norman Bloch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bloch of Los Angeles, 'ormer Omahans, recently passed the Nebraska State Bar examina- Franklin, trustees. A buffet supper was served folion. lowing the installation ceremonies. Mrs. David Blclcher was installatVisitors , ' ' ion chairman, and Mrs. Sam Manvltz was chairman of the supper. In Omaha for a visit and to attend the Bar Mitzvah of Jerrold Stone son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stone,' arc Mrs. Fannie Tarasow, Mrs. Stone's mother, and Mrs, Ethel Hlrsch, Mrs. Stone's cousin, both $50 Millions Will Be of Chicago.

Asked in Reparations

Tel Aviv (WNS)—The Jewish Mrs. Ray Belzer of Chicago and her son, Avrum Philip, are spending a week with Mrs. Belzcr's parents, the Harry Kulakofskys. delegation currently negotiating reparations claims with the Austrian Government will demand fifty million dollars, it was disclosed here by Dr. Nahum Goldmann.

Omahan Attends National Conclave

Annual Israel Linen Shower This Tuesday

Pioneer Women have completed plans for their annual linen shower for Israel to be held Tuesday, June 30, at 1:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. H. Hlchlta, chairman, has announced that an Israeli movie will be shown. Refreshments will be served and the public is Invited. • Through its sister organization', the Moetzet Hapoalot, (Council of Working Women In Israel) Pioneer Women maintains a network of more than 110 institutions, for women and children In the Jewish State. Because of the increased flow of immagranta into Israel, linens are badly needed in these institutions, Mrs. Richlin stated. Come now, and lei us reason together, saith the Lord: though ytiur, sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white a s . snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be" as wool. — (Isaiah I, 18. - ' ,

Mrs. A. D. Frank, representing the Midwest Branch of National Women's League of the United Synagogue of America, attended the annual Branch Presidents' Conference of the organization, which took place in New York City, June 16 and 17. Meeting w i t h representative women from all over the country, Mrs. Frank participated in seminars and discussion groups on the national program of the Women's* League, which represents 130,000 women in its 560 affiliated - sisterhoods, Plans for the coming year in the fields of programing, adult education, religious observance, fund - raising, youth and related activities were included in, the agenda. Mrs. Frank was a dlnffer guest at the Long Island home of the national president, Mrs. Emanuel Slner, during tho conclave. Nathan Turner Goes To Lot Angeles Nathan Turner Was called to Los Angeles because of the death .of his sister, Mrs. Miriam Deitch

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Triiar, twmt H, 1MI

Your Contribution to the

Supports these Agencies and Institutions FOR RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS IN AMERICA


United Israel Appeal

[ Beth Jacob Schools

Jewish National Fund

Hebrew Theological College

Joint Distribution Committee


Jewish Theological Seminary

- American Jewish Congress

Mizrachi Israel Fund

Mizrachi Education Committee

Anti-Defamation League, B'nai B'rith*

General Zionist Fund

Torah Umesorah

Jewish Labor Committee

United Services for New Americans

Union of American Hebrew Congregations

National Conference of Christians & Jews

World Union for Progressive Judaism


Yeshivah University ,


Yeshivah—Chachmey Lublin Yeshivah—Chofetz Chaim



American Fund for 51 Israel Institutions

Bellefetre Jewish Children's Home, Cleveland


City of Hope, Lot Angeles

American Ort Federation


Ex-Patiejits Tubercular Home, Denver

Ezras Torah Fund

Yeshivah—Rabbi Israel Meyer Haeofce* '

Jewish Coniumptivo Relief Society. Denver

' Yeshivah—Shearith Haptetah

Federated Council of 144 Israel Institutions

Leo N. Lev! Memorial Hospital, Hot Springe

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society


Hebrew University in Jerusalem

Yeshivah—Tifereth Zvi

National Jewith Hojpital, Denver



Institute of Technology in Haifa National Committee for Labor Israel National Council of Jewish Women Pioneer Women's Organization Weizmann Institute of Science

,',,. -•



National Home for Jowtsh Children, Denver

'Armed Service* Activities

^ American Zionist Fund

Youth Aliyah

B'nai B'rUh Hillel Foundations

\ \


B'nai B'rith Vocational Service Bureau

FOR NATIONAL SERVICE AGENCIES American Association for Jewish Education Jewish War Veterans,

B'nai B'rith Youth Organization* Dropsie College '


Jewish Chautauqua Society Jewish Teachers Seminary

National Jewish Welfare Board. Synagogue Council of America


Histadruth Ivrith

- „

Bureau of Jewith Educetlon

, Natfonal Agricultural College . Yiddish Scientific Institute

" .' •

Beth-El Talmud Torah


Beth Israel Talmud Torem ' Temple Israel Religious Schoo


.*•'• '

'Jewish Community Library CampJay-C-C Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged Jewlsh*Medical and Welfare Service* Milcvah Refugee Aid in Omaha • ' - • ' .

. Religioas Institutions and Traditional Welfare Agencies in Israel receive support through your contribution to K M Jewish Philahthropies. A complete list of rile beneficiaries is available from the Jewsh Philanthropies office.





Jewi 101 No. 20th Street


lanthropies Omaha 2. Nebr.

Friday, Jane U. 1BSS

Religious News


With the Folks at Home

Happy Birthday AZA Convention Friday, June 26 Held in Lincoln Jerry Wayne Katskee and Mark

Gems of the

Bible and Talmud Edward Wolpa. The annual AZA Cornbelt sumSaturday, June 27 mer convention was held June 14, Light Candle*: 7:42 p. By DB. FHHJDP Phyllis Ann Abrahams, Gall Ei- 15 and 16 at Lincoln, Nebr. leen Diamond, David, Stephen RifSunday,. Junei.,14, registration kin and Linda Sara Veret. . BETH EL B'nal B'ritb Auxiliary began at the Comhusker 'Hotel By Dr. Philip Sher Sabbath services will be held to- Entertains Sunday, June 28 followed by the regional meeting. Bible night at 7 o'clock. Sabbath mornHurt Epstein, Steven Ronald EpMother Chapter's Larry Schwartz, The ladies of the Henry Monsky The end of a thing is better than ing services will begin at 8:45 Chapter No. 470 of B'nai B'rith stein, Craig Martin Fisher, Rita a past Aleph Godol of the chapter, o'clock. The Mincha Service will entertained residents- at the Dr. Green, Ellen Kay Kaplan and Na- was elected Aleph Godol of the the beginning; and patience sucbetter than passion. begin at 7:45 p. m. Cornbelt region. Larry Epstein, the ceeds Philip Shcr Jewish Home for Aged omi Ann Rothenberg. Words of the wise are graceful; Dally services during the week on Sunday, June 21, Father's Day. present Aleph. Godol of Mother Monday, June 29 but a fool's -words are harmful. . aro held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Shela Sandra Daskln, Michael Chapter, was elected Junior BerSpecial boutonnleres were preH e t h a t denounceth his friends The Sunday morning service is r sented to all male residents. Miss Darwin Givcnter, Harlan William geant-at-arms. for the sake of flattery, even his held at 0 o'clock. Pricsman, Elisse Regina Stern and Sunday evening a mixer was own children will despise him, Fay Edcl entertained with her acheld at the Comhusker. cordion, and she was very gener- Sheldeen Strauss. Talmud TEMPLE ISEAEL Tuesday, June 30 ous with her renditions of Yiddish Monday, June 15, the track meet Whoever is able to pray for Sabbath services will be held to- songs to the delight of our folks. David Archie Bloch, Ronna Mae was held at the University of Ne- mercy o n behalf of his friend and night In the Lodge room at the The ladies of the auxiliary served Halpcrln, Phyllis Katzman, Alan Jewish Ccnmunily Center at 7:30 refreshments!! in the main dining Konecky, Danlta Cheryl Schwartz, braska, with Mother Chapter com- does not do so, is a sinner. ing in second.O'clock. Rabbi Sidney Brooke will Rabbi Jochanan said: "When a Sandra Siporin'and Frances, Rae room. Following the meet, baseball man must apply for help to his conduct the services. Stein. was pla^sd at Muny diamond. fellow men, his face changes like Services will be held at the At Party "Wednesday, July I AZA No. 1, led by the superb Center during the^nimmer months. Lynn Clair Bernstein^Jean Lin- pitching of Dave Bclzer, beat Des a chameleon." Mmes Kagan, Mlnkln and Perils The entire community should be 1 da Goldstein/ Arlene Claire Gross- Moine» and Lincoln chapters In attended a special luncheon on consulted' first in selecting a BETH ISRAEL Tuesday at the Colony Club in man; Richard Alan Hoffman and two hard fought baseball games, leader. - Saturday services will begin at honor of Miss Rita Krantz. Barry Zoob. to cop the. championship of the Our rabbis taught: Four things 8:30 a. m. at Beth Israel and at Cornbelt region. Thursday,.July I require fortitude in their observ9 a. m, at 19th and Burt. Junior Jack Lieb, Dennis' William SwltTennis matches were played at ance)— The Torah, good deeds, ' . conKrt.gaUoniit.9i30 a. a , Satur- Attend Wedding' day Mincha services at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Mollle Perils and Mrs. Rose zky, Franco Lynn Udes and Mar the* Nebraska U. tennis courts. prayer and social service. „ Larry Epstein of Chapter 1 played Daily services begin at 7 a. m. at Kagan attended the' wedding of tin WeU. Rabbi Chiyya said; "He who beautifully, but was beaten in the supports his family through the Both Israel and at 6:30 a. m. at Miss Rita Kranfcs to Mr. Harold semi-finals. Art Schwartz and Jer18th and Burt. Daily Mincha serv- Novak at the Paxton Hotel Sunlabor of his hands is even greater , ry Margolin, also of AZA 1, en- than ho who fears and serves ices at 7:30 c, pu- Friday Mincha dayj Juno,21. tered the doubles but were beaten. God." at 6:30 p. m. Golf matches were held at PJoRegistration The Sunday morning breakfast Special Kidduah ncer Park with AZA 1 having one mtnyan and rabbi's class In Bible A Kiddush was donated to the entrant beaten in the quarterEnrollment applications are still study meets at 8:45 o'clock. There residents of the Dr. Philip Sher is a , special Tails and Tephllln Jewish Home for Aged Saturday, being accepted for next semester finals. That evening the Lincoln Sweet*) Gene R. Kaplan, son of Mr. and service tor children 12 years of June 20, by tho Novak family to for the Talmud Torah and Sunday Louis Kaplpn of Columbus, age and older, and children who celebrate the wedding of their School. There arc four grades of heart Dance was held a t the Com- Mrs. Sunday S c h o o l : Kingcrgarten, husker ballroom, Leah Glttlemon Nebr., will celebrate his Bar Mitzaccompany their fathers to the son, Harold, to Miss Rita Krantz. vah Saturday morning at 9 o'clock adult service. Breakfast is served Hostesses were Mmes. Perils, First, Second and Third. Children was voted sweetheart. five years of age and older will Tuesday evening "the farewell at the B'nai Israel Synagogue, 25th to tha children after the service, Kagan and Mlnkln. and J Streets. Friends and_jclabe accepted for enrollment in the banquet took place at the Cornwhich belns at 8:45 a. m., Sunday. Sunday School. The Talmud Torah husker ballroom. Awards were, tlves are invited to attend. Spice Box Donated department will accept children presented for various sporting Mr. Meyer Brooksteln, one of seven years of age and older for events and other worthy achieveJcrrold Louis Stone,,son of Mr. our own residents, donated a ster enrollment in the beginners grade. ments. Mother Chapter took the and Mrs. Samuel Stone, will celelinn silver spice box to the Home baseball trophies and several brate his Bar Mitzvah tomorrow A special Junior High School Mrs. Ilyman Gerber Synagogue. The box was purmembers received positions on the Services were held Monday aft- chased from the Beth El Gift Shop department will be opened for post regional baseball team, They were morning in the Beth Israel Synaernoon for Mrs. Hyman Gerber. through Mrs. Dnvid Sherman. Mr. Bar Mitzvah and post Das Mitz Dave Belzer, Stan Wldman, Bcrny gogue. Mrs.-Gerber, 53, died early Mon- Ed Drodkey of Edwards Jewelry vah students. This course will lead Turkel and Larry Epstein. to graduation and a diploma from day morning. Interment was at Co. arranged for the engraving. A hayrack ride.followed the the Junior High School DepartGolden Hill Cemetery. ment. A post graduate'division Is banquet, which was a fitting windShe is survived by her husband, Coming Events up to the convention. ulso being started for recent gradHyman; a son, Marvin; a daughThe final party of the Federa- uates of the Talmud Torah DeRuben Lackow of 628 N. 47th ter, Marilyn, and two grandchil- tion of Womcns Clubs for the partment. '.'..•• Rayim Holds Formal St., Is moving out o{ town, His dren. season will be a Fourth of July house is for sale. It is a 5-room Applications are available at the party sponsored by the Workmens Talmud Torah or Synagogue of- And installs Officers bungalow; close to Beth El and Colnun Finkel Circle Auxiliary. Beth Israel Synagogues. fices. For further Information call Services were held Thursday Rayim climaxed its year's acRE 6288. Open for Inspection Sunday, morning for Coltnan Finkel and Contributions to the Home tivities at Its second annual For2 to 6 p. m. interment .was at Golden Hill mal held at the Highland CounTho Dr. Philip Sher Jewish For information call agent, Cemetery. Mr. Finkel, 78, a resi- Home for the Aged gratefully Youth Clubs try Club, June 20.. Morris Brick, RE 1420. dent of Omaha 50 years, died acknowledges contributions reThe Beth Israel Junior Youth Club officers were installed at Tuesday, June 10. Club has recessed for the summer the dance attended by more than eclved during the month of June: He was a member of B'nal and will resume again in the fall. one hundred persons. New offiMemorial Contributions B'rith and Beth Israel Synagogue. The Intermediate youth club is cers are: Ramon Somberg, presi1 Dr. Ethel Adler in memory of planning an outdoor affair which dent; Dick Frank, vice-president; Mr, Finkel is survived by his wife, Rose; a daughter, Mrs. Fan- her father, Anton, on Father's Day. will be announced during the Jack Baker, secretary; Jerry MarMr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown week. nie Weltzmnn of Omaha; four sons, er, treasurer; Ronnie Brodkey, Max of Chicago, Abe of New York, in memory of Isaac Gillnsky and sergeant-at-arms; a n d Edward Albert and Meyer of Kansas City, Harry Frankel. Belzer, Youth Council representafor Mo.; a brother, Marris, of Council The Grodinskys in memory of School Picnic tive. Plans for the outdoor picnic at Bluffs, and a sister, Mrs. Rose Meyer Potash. Dick Einstein was judged the Playland Park were cancelled beSchwartz, of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown Best Freshman and the Best Sophin memory of Isaac Gillnsky and cause of the weather. Instead the omore award went to Bob Goldgala picnic and film party was stein. The awards are given on a Harry Frankel. Benjamin Ilerstiorn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roccnstock held In the Synagogue social hall, basis of interest in and attitude Services were held Sunday aftFor Every Occasion ernoon for Benjamin Hcrshorn and in memory of Abe Herzberg and on Sunday, June 21. After an hour toward the club. of cartoons and comedies, races interment was at Golden Hill Isaac Gillnsky. Susie Richards was chosen the and contests were held. Pop and Cemetery. Ho died Friday, June Mr, Louis Sommer and Beatrice First Annual Dreamgirl of Rayim 19, at the age of SO. in memory of Abe Herzberg and popslcles were distributed to the because of her Interest in her club Say It With Ours children nnd parents who enjoyed Mr. Hcrshorn was a member of Harry Frankel. and her friendliness. the picnic lunches without a sinMasonic Lodge, the Shriners, the I. B. and Blanche Zlmman In gle ant to disturb them. Balloons A song fest was' held on the Grocers Association and B'nal memory of Abe Herzbere. and fish pond prizes were given to fairway of the golf course. —*EARL SIEGEL B'rith. Honor Contributions The dance brought to u close a all the children. Ho is survived by hl3 wife, LilMrs. Herman Franklin and Kayear which saw Rayim win Stage lian; a daughter, Mrs. Helen Kros- lah In honor of the Max Minklns' 2323 Dodge JA 2545 Night, the annual Youth Council ne of Lincoln; a son, Capt. Simon 00th wedding anniversary. s w i m m i n g meet, YC bowling Talmud Torah Vacation Hershorn of Columbia, S. C ; a Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Llnsman The last session of the Talmud league and the Best Club award. brother, • Leo, of Wichita, Knn3., in honor of the 00th birthday of Torah was held on Thursday, June and one grandchild. Mrs. Fannie Newman. 25. The Talmud Torah is now Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg in closed for the summer vacation honor of Mrs. Fannie Newman's and will open again in the fall. 00th birthday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sam Novak in honor of son, Harold's, marriage. General Contributions Mr. nnd Mrs. Max Minkln. PbODS AT 1*60 to tnaen youi Want ATbe^cwlsh Preu. In Nebraska's Only 80,000-Watt Infra-Red Bake Oven Mrs. Goldlc Splvak. Current retl U 50 cent* fOT eacb Iniet Estato of Esther Wolfson. lion. Tb* Pt*Mt reservea uie right to limn

Beth Israel News

Bar &Bds Mitzvah


Home for Sale'



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Director of Education at Tomplo Israol Wants to Rent a 0-room apt. or house. Coll Temple Israel, AT 1733, or Mr. Lemmernuin, IIA 0945.

Auto and Truck Painting also Body & Fender Repairs Omaha, Nobr. Phone AT 3272

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8 and 9 Graders to Hold Splash Party -**"-•*-

By Uady r»al

A2A-1A Topples Rayim A Scoring 10t Runs in Sixth By Undy Paul Rayim's A team'almost pulled the upset of the year as they were leading A. Z. A. 1A 11-7 going into the final inning, when suddenly the roof fell in on Ed Belzer, Rayim pitcher, as the booming bats of the lads from Mother chapter went to work. BelzerVn wildntss, plus some shady fielding by the Rayim infield helped account for the big inning. The big blow was staruck by Larry Schwartz, the A. Z. A. atcond sacker, when he drove a hard smash down the left field line for a home run with the bases loaded. Larry Epstein followed Schwartz and did the same thlrifi as he smashed a line drive between Qreenberg and Segal which went for a home run. 1 Rayim scored early mainly on the wildness of Terry Bernstein and some timely hitting by Freddy Segal- The AZA lads fought back with the hard hitting of Terry Bernstein and a borne urn by Mrs. Ida Sacks, chairman of Harsh Denenberg. the 1934 B'nai B'rith Bowling Tournament, announced h e r Therein postponed the garni temporarily, after the fifth Inning, committee will sponsor its secwhich seemed to give the AZA ond Mixed Doubles Bowline lads a chance to rest as they all Tournament this Tuesday at 9 hit the ball hard in the sixth p. m.. in the Forty Bowl. inning. For information call Mrs. Ed Belzer pithccd a good game Sacks at AT 0S82 or Rose Oruch except for one inning, while his at OR 1546. mound opponent, Terry Bernstein, was off his regular game. The victory puts AZA 1A on top of the league. These two teams will meet once again July 19, The Independent boys had tough time with the scrappy lads from Rayim B but won the game, 21-14. Late inning rallies paved the way for the win as Speedy Zwelback bested Art Novak and Tanny ^iorwich. AZA 100 won (heir first game as they beat AZA IB, 17-3. Harold Freidman was the winning pitcher while the Ccnturymcn .pounded Art Schwartz, the B team pitcher, for their Initial win

B'nai B'rith Mixed Bowling

It was announced by Lent Vine, chairman of the eighth grade activities committee that a splash party and dance will be held tomorrow at the J. C, C, for the eighth and ninth graders. The splash party will start at 7:30 p. m. followed by a dance at 8:30 to 10 p. m. in room 29, An admission ot ten cents will be charged. , Refreshments will be served. Mr. Dan Qreenfield will be the life guard. Committee members are: Dlanne Fellman, Sharon Smith, B e r n i e Polikov, Bob Shapiro, Vickie Colick, Patsy Greenfield, Deena Lagman, Bernie Grossman and Marty Greene. V. N. ACTION ASKED Tel Aviy (JTA)—Requesting the restoration of a "lawful situation in the Mount Scopus arca^'in accordance with the Israel-Jordan agreement of July 7, 1948, the Israel Foreign Ministry has asked U. N. truce chief General William Rlley to take the necessary steps to bring about the agreed-upon situation in the village of Issawiya, In the Mt. Scopus region. What meanest thou, O sleeper? arise, call upon thy God.—Jonah 1:6.

LincolnitesWin Conclave Honors

YouHi Council Softball Standings W. L A.Z.A. I A

Rayim A Independents Rayim B AJZ.A. iOO A.Z.A. IB ._



5 3 2 1 0



1 2 4 4 S

Schedule June SB Independents vs. A.Z.A. IB (Center). Rayim A vs. Rayim B (East). A.Z.A. 100 vs. A.Z.A. IA (West).

Committee Chairmen Elected by AZA No. 1 An officers' meeting of AZA No. 1 was held at the home ot Art Schwartz at which the following committee chairmen were elected: Pledge master, Mike Denenberg; social chairman, Berny Turkel; athletic chairman, Dave Widman; community service, Mike Meyer; cultural committee, Lee Martin; religious committee, Gary Gltnick; notification, ftflke Mogll; publicity, Jerry Ferer; phoning committee, Jerry Gordman, and properties committee, Berny Ostervich. Larry Epstein and Art Schwartz were named co-committee chairmen of the Mother Chapter Sweetheart Dance.

'Stan Schrier and Leah Gittelman of Lincoln won honors at the recent AZA Convention in Lincoln. Stan Schrier was named the outstanding regional athlete of Aleph Zadik Aleph, youth organization of B'nal B'rith. Leah Glttelman was chosen the sweetheart of Aleph Zadik Aleph, a fraternal orgalUzation. More than 125 boys from five midwestern cities, representing the Corn Belt region in District 6 of the national "AZA, registered for the three-day convention. BABBI SALIT New York (JTA)—The Synagogue Council of America, overall body representing Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Judaism in this country, elected Rabbi Norman Salit of Lawrence, N. • Y , as its president. Ordained by the Jewish Theological Seminary in 1920, Rabbi Salit has been an active Zionist and was president of the Intercollegiate Zionist Federation, and a member of th« national executive and the administrative committees of tb* Zionist Organization of America. He is a member ot the bars ot tho State of New York and the Supreme Court of the United States/




Swimming and Stfftball News


Exciting boll games are highlighting the new Softball and swimming p r o g r a m Monday through Thursday. Some 20 boys ara engaged in Softball games at the Central High fieia starting at 1:30 p. m, and after the games take a refreshing swim in the JAY jpool. The lad* have formed teams > and are now engaged in a threegame series. •i New boys who h»ve Joined the -' activity are Mike Markovitz. Alan KOnecky, Steve SegUn, Butch Levy ' and Mathew Falcr. Any boy in (the 5th-8th grade can. register by "signing up with Dan Epstein at . the Central High field, 1:30 p. m., "Monday through Thursday. For further information call the Center, JA 1360.

Softball Crown Won By AZA No. 1 at Lincoln


La$t week, Lincoln A.Z.A § Chap er No. 3 played host at ithe •' regional summer convention ond the lads from Mother Chapter won themselves some fine honors They walked home with the Softball title, finished second in track and placed five.mernbers'of their softbail team on the ail-star team. The boys defeated Des Moines in their first gumc nnd went on to defeat the host Lincoln team, 8-6 to annex the title. In beating Lincoln, they bested n one-time Mother Chapter aleph, Moe Liplon, who took the mound for Lincoln. Dave Belz*r pitched both vicotries and , It was a fine vic'ory for the veteran chucltcr. Dave servos ni Coach for A.Z.A. 1 softbiill team, 'whi';!i is on Us way lo its third .chenvionship, and he doffed hl.'i man"e»'s robes ami lid Ins tcun to 1' e title For In. fsne pl.iy, he was honored as captain of the allStar :ctm. The oilier Omaha boys selected on the all star :;quad were Bart Rochinan, Larry Epstein, Bernie Turkel anil Stan Widrnan. Des Moines won the annual track meet apd A.Z.A- 1 finished Second. Larry Schwartz took the only first place for Omaha, winning the 800-yard run. Other lads, Who contributed to the Omaha Scoring were Bernie Turkel, Stan Widman, Larry Epstein and Mike Denenberg. Idfl Gulterrnnn; "Cod cures, but the doctor takes the fee."

EN KEYS 10 HAPPINESS «* thJnat to ««o with olhw eh|ld»*nr'•'•< "'-V?*-.*' • *-'

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SAFETY Y-'.r"".- ,•} y * w r cfilld B«t» c*r«ful »dult attention.

?.4. F R I E N D S - h»'p y»w «ww«» •long with othart and make n«w frlundi.

5. SUPERVISION stonal staff direct! the children *i pity.



7. SKILLS AND tf^" •


v T O p £i£ks



DAY CAMpil June 29 - July

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