UT S, »5S
Aunt Named Legal Guardian To Returned Finaly Children •Paris <JTA>—BObertand Gerald Finaly, the two Jewish or{Ihans whose T>aptlsnv into the Catholic Church and-abduction by their temporary Catholic guardian became a world-wide Issue, were brought to a secludod estate in fit. Leonard, near Parli, after reaching the. French capital from Spain where they had been hidden for about,five months. The estatebelongs to Andre Well, a Jewish lay leader, who was active, in the legal fight for the return of the adopted boys. .Tho return of the two Jewish children from Spain- followed a decision of the French Court of Appeals last week confirming the appointment of their qunt, Mrs. ifedwlg Rosner of Israel,.as their legal guardian. Mrs. Itosner is expected to arrive In, Paris within a few days by air from Israel to join the boys at Mr. Weil's estate. She has promised to give (he orphans a French education atftf to leave them free later to choose their religion. , " The two Finaly -boys were brought back to France as a result at direct action by Cardinal Gerlier, Primate of France.' They had been kept in Gueterla, Spanish Basque country near the French border, where they had been hidden by Basque Catholics since esriy February. •
Day Camp Filled As Program Starts Last minute registration filled the Jewish Community Day Camp to capacity, Larry Herllck, camp director stated, .Activities at the camp include a trip to Rivcrvicw Park, a hike in .Fontcnelle Forest, a fishing jaunt to Carter Lake and a special outing end cook-out. Progress IB being made >in the swimming pool program, Hcrlick said. The children arc learning new techniques in arts and crafts, he continued. , Reservations for the remaining camping weeks should be made early, Herllck declared, so thai provisions for supervision a n d programming can be facilitated.
Conservative Rabbis Aim for Family Courts Atlantic City (JTA)—The Rabbinical Assembly of America, the national association of over 500 American and Canadian rabbis affiliated with Conservative Judaism, voted to- Invite the Reform and Orthodox branches of Judaism to join in establishing a national Beth Din—a Jewish court—to deliberate problems of marriage, the family and divorce. The announced intention of tho national Both Din is "to prescrvo the integrity and advance the welfare of the Jewish family In accordance with Jewish law and tradition."
Staff Members Appointed for Camp Jay-C-C Open July 27 ' Tills yoar at Camp Jay-C-C the staff has been selected for their ability to assume active leaderships Jn 'all phases of camp activities, stated Paul Gltlln, Camp Director. The Director said the emphasis .will be on group activity and counselors have been chosen for their ability to stimulate camper planning snd participation. ; Sherman Poska, for many years associated with our camp, returns this year as the assistant director. Llndy Paul, Director of Health arid Physical Education at the center, will retuiii to camp (o serve as the Director of the Boys' Village. Lindy will ahu be in charge of the t'eneral and cainpwidc program. Serving with Llmlj'fri the Hoy.,' Village will be Muyn,ir<l Talelinan. Mayn&rd, a senior at the UniverBity of Omaha, will anain supervise the camp's riflery program. Arne Kaiman, a graduate of the University of Cincinnati, and at present a rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College, will be ih charge of the camp's religious program. • . ncturnlng to camp, for their third season will be Arley Hondarin, a Junior at the University of Nebraska; Hani;; Dicn.itfrcy, a junior at the University of Chicago, and Murr.iy Uclman, a'freshimin'al Cornell. New to our staff, but by no means new to campinc, arc; Martin Blacker, a senior at the University of Omaha; Paxton Small of, Kansas Clly, a freshman at Washington University, and Marshall Frank of Minneapolis, Jerry Marer has boon selected as a junior
counselor. Feme Katleman, an undergraduate at the University of<Wisconsin Scjiool of Social Work, returns to camp for her fourth season. Feme will head the Girls' Village and will co-ordinate that area of the program. Adcllc Chasanov, a groduato orthe University of Nebraska and an Education major, will be in charge of the camp's swim proKi-am. Marjorle Lcvls, a graduate student at the University of Chicago, will serve as the camps' arts and crafts specialist. Returning to camp for their third season are Barbara Wise and Gall Kntskcc. Barbara and Gail arc students atlthe University of Omaha and Nebraska, respectively. Shirley Gimplc, a student at the University of Wisconsin and a former staff member, is returning this season. Completing our girls' staff are: Janet.Gordon of Lincoln, a student at the University of Nebraska; Martha' Ba.ss of Memphis, a student at Washington University; Sarah Kraft and Shirley Silverinan of Kansas City. Sarah is a student at Kansas City University and Shirley is attending school at Kansas City Junior College. Selected as junior, counselors are Nancy Baron, .Malice Katleman, and Sari Shukcrt, Ref:htr.i(Iim!> arc utill open for the full season at camp. With less than four weeks to the opening of ramp, applications are now' bclnc accepted for the second session only. If you plan to rcirlstcr for camp, please send In yourtapplication Immediately and thus avoid unnecessary disappointment.
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Reparation Claims Readied for Austria
Father Chaillet, representative of Cardinal Gerller, said that the return of the children wan In conformity with the promises made by the Catholic authorities. He said that close cooperation by Basque priests had been important In tracing the location of the children in Spain and their refuge with a Basque family. He charged that despite assurances they had given, it was almost certain that the Spanish authorities had done nothing to help recover the children/ The children were orphaned during Wgrld War II when their parents fell victim to the Nazi anti-Jewish extermination campaign. Previously, the parents had left the two boys for safekeeping In a Catholic home. Their temporary guardian later had them baptized and refused to return them to the family. The case attracted considerable attention here and abroad and numerous appeals were mado to the Vatican and the Catholic hlefarchyfor .their Intercession. An agrcomeiff reached between the hierarchy and the Grand Rabbffiulc of France on March 6 provided that the children would be brought back to France and returned l o Jewish custody. The delay on the part of the Church authorities in Implementing this agreement had provoked sharp criticism*
PablUMd mn ftttar. Ml H. too. Ofattu, Mabrulu. PboM 'AT 1450
Vienna (JTA)—General presentation of tho Jewish claims for reparations from Austria for damago suffered by Jewish, victims of the Nazi regime was completed here at meetings of Austrian and Jewish experts on the .claims submitted to Austria l>y u commission representing world. Jewish organizationsThe technical talks, which had been proceeding in at atmosphere of marked frigidity in contrast to tho top level talks 'between Chancellor Julius Itaab and the commission heads, wound Hp "on a warmer and friendlier note and it appeared that agreement had been reached on a number of points.'
U.S. Zionists Warn Against Arab Arms
David Fogel New Activities Head
New York (JTA)—the American Zionist Council Earned that the defense of the Near East would be gravely prejudiced. If arms were made available to the Arab stales at this time, in view of the continuing refusal of the Arab states to make peace with Israel, their blockade and boycott and the recent belligerent declaration of Arab leaders opposing any kind 'Of'Settlement;' The administrative committee of tho Council, which represents the entire Zionist movement in t h e United' States, issued a statement following a meeting In the wake of published reports from Washington that the U. S. Government planned to give arms to some of the Arab slates. The Council urged that military assistance to the region should be limited to Installations such as airports, communications and harbors. It suggested the establishment of a new link between the Mediterranean and Red Seas over the southern part of Israel to provide on alternative route to the Suez Canal should that channel become inoperative because of military or political developments.
David Fogcl, of New York City, has joined the staff of the Omaha Jewish Federation, as Director of Activities of its Community Center, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Federation president, ' announced this week. Mr. Fogel has assumed his post, and Is now planning tho program of activities for the 105354 season. As Director of-Activities of the Center, Mr. Fogel will develop and supervise the program and the program staff of the community center. Mr. Fogel is a graduate of the School of Social Work of the University of Minnesota, where he received his degree of Master in Social Work. He also holds a Bahcelor of Arts Degree from Brooklyn College, and has done graduate work at Teachers College of Columbia University. Mr. Fogel's experience Include; camping activities,, center youth work, program planning and staff supervision. Mr. Fogel, with his wife, Muriel, Washington (JTA) — Secretary and their three-year-old son, Josh, are making their home at 4410 of State John Foster Dulles indicated that he is neither pro-Israel N. 20lh St. nor pro-Arab in tho course of .a talk which he had In the State Department with Bernard Katzen, New York lawyer, who was.'an active political worker for Mr. London (JTA) — Peter Gluck- Dulles when the latter sought mann, 27-year-old San Francisco election to the Senate In 1049. Jeweler, who set out from t h e "Mr. Dulles ia neither pro-Israel West Coast in a single-engine nor pro-Arab, but pro-American," plane with a 28-foot wing-spread, Mr. Katzen said, following his conto visit his parents in London, ference with the Secretary of landed at Renfrew Airport in State. He added that Secretary Scotland after crossing the At- Dulles, denied a Time magazine lantic in the smallest plane ever report that he allegedly told the to make the flight. Mr. Gluck- Arabs that American Jews voted mann, who left Germany as a ref- Democratic and did not support ugee from th,e Nazis, flew by way Dulles. of Detroit, Ottawa,' Goose Bay, 'I have also been assured that Greenland and Iceland, spending in the matter of arming the Middle in all, 85 hours In the air. Eastern states for defense purposes, the security ot Israel wilfc not be overlooked, and regard will FRENCH TRADE Paris (JTA)—Negotiations for be had to the Tripartite Declarathe conclusion of an Israel-French tion of 1950 designed to discourage commercial . treaty a r e starting aggression in the area," Mr, Kathere at the French Foreign Office. zen stated. Mr. Katzen is active A ^legation of Israel experts rep- In the Now York Federation of resenting t h e Foreign Ministry Jewish Philanthropies and t h e and the Treasury Department ar- United Jewish Appeal and is a rived here to participate in the member of the Board of Governors of the Israel Bond Drive. talks. Israel Foreign Minister Moshe Sharctt arrived In Franco on the between representatives of the IsIsrael ship "Jerusalem." He will rael Government and the B o n n spend several days resting In Government for t h e return of Southern France prior to his re- property in Israel belonging to the turn to Israel on the same ship at Templars, a German Protestant group, will open in Copenhagen the end of this week. July 17, it was announced by Gcrshon Mlron, who will head the PROPERTY TALKS Israeli delegation to the talks. London (JTA) — Negotiations Mr. Mlron, who nrrived here from Israel, estimated that the negotiations would last quite a On Radio and TV while because of the variety and complexity of the problems InThis Sunday, from 0 to 0:30 a. m.,1 over KOIL, "Message of volved. The Templars' property Israel ' will present a broad- was confiscated by the Mandatory Government during World vWar II cast by ftt:bbi Albert G. Mindu of Temple Israel, in Mln- and was later transferred to the Israeli Custodian for Enomy Propneapol.s. erly, . . ' » • " ;
Dulles Indicates No Partiality for Arabs or Israel
1. Compensation will be paid and pensions Will be restored to' former Austrian officials or their heirs who no longer have Austrian citizenship and have'not yet received rehabilitative assistance. 2. The E i g h t h Compensation Law will be amended to extend payments under tho act to those who were persecuted on racial and religious grounds and who up to 1038 were Austrian citizens but arc not longer citizens. At sessions here, the Jewish experts raised the Issue of compen-', satlon for 05,000 Austrian Jews now living abroad, as well as for 12,000 Jews still in Austria, and declared they had not been properly compensated for losses they suffered under the NazCregime in Austria. They pointed out, as an example, that Austrian Jews now residing in the United States or in Israel have received no compensation at all for unjustified imprisonment by the Nazis. They also demand that the Austrian Government should aid Jewish refugees who lost their homes in Austria. At a reception for Adolph Held, chairman of the American Jewish.; Labor Committee, who is a member of the Jewish reparations delegation, Austrian Vicc-Chancellor Adolf Schacrf, Socialist -leader, emphasized that the Socialist Party of Austria, one of the two government parties, will strongly support in Parliament passage of a law providing reparations psymonU tor Jewish vlotlmn-ol.Naz-... ism. However, he ndded that with regnrd Jo heirless Jewish property, the matter depends largely upon Austria's financial ability to pay. (The Manchester Guardian, a lending British newspaper, reported from Vienna that the Austrian-' Jewish reparations negotiations "are likely to prove long and difficult owing to sharp divergencies, over fundamental questions." The report said that the Austrian officials take tho view that when heirless property con be proved to be Jewish, It should bo used for the benefit of the small Jewish communities in Austria and under no circumstances for the benefit of Israel or of Jewish groups outside Austria.)
Leader of Reform Rabbis for Closer Ties With Israel Estes Park, Colo. (JTA)—A call to American Reform* rabbis to" establish closer tics between Liberal Judaism and the people of Israel, was voiced by Dr. Joseph, L. Fink, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis,at the organization's 04th annual, convention. More Ihan 300 Ro» form rabbis attended. 'In urging closer ties between Reform Judaism and Israel, Dr. Fink stated: "No achievement in 2,000 years can Burpass or even' equal the establishment of tho State of Israel. With the excep-: tion ot those inconsequential Jews, who, in effect, have seceded from" the household of Israel, and whoso value is limited to nuisance if not to downright injury, all the Jew» of our country, indeed all tho Jews of the world, look to Israel with thankful and prayerful hearts. I recommend that we tor-' mulate and follow a program of actlva communication between tha • institution and the life of American liberal Jewry and tho people of Israel.",
On the Israel Scene
\\ Every Friday ky the Omaha Jew** 1W
JEditot .JSodety Editor
Behind Closed Doors The revelation that State Department officlajk exhibited marked hostility toward Israel at secret hearings before the House Foreign Affairs Committee i» both shocking and disjsbneerting: The gentlemen who testified, it seems, were not only bent on projecting anti-Israel viewg bnt in advoeating a pro-Arab orientation which in fact and effect would be a complete reversal of American -policy. The guiding architect was Arthur Z. Gardiner of the State Department's Near Eastern Division, who had the impudence to imply guilt to the Jewish people for Stem Gang terrorist activities which were in fact condemned by every decent Jew in and outside Israel. In addition, the State Department experto cleverly resorted to a map which showed the discrepancy between Israel's territory today and tne area allotted it under the U. N. partition plan, while conveniently forgetting the basic fact that Israel accepted partition bnt that it was forced to spill blood in a war that was fought to maintain a United Nations decision. That gentleman also forgot to remind the committee that Israel was more than charitable in applying the adage about the victor and the spoils. The gentleman also Bought to minimize Israel's accomplishments by claiming that cultivation in the land had diminished considerably since the exodus of the Arab refugees. The records are not now before us. But if cultivation has been curtailed, the fault lies with the Arabs and their friends. The. Israel Seeks Stop of Border Raids; hand that carries the sword cannot simultaneously carry the plow. No Prospect of Peace With Jordan The House committee, with small exception, was obviously the Arabs. The Council took note not impressed. If the Gardiner view prevailed, the House Capitol Spotlight pi the continuing refusal of the Foreign Affairs Committee would not have approved aid to Arab states to make peace with By Milton Friedman Israel under the Mutual Security legislation. Israel, their blockade and boycott
Religious News Light Candle*: 7:42 |f. m. BETH ISKAEL Saturday services will begin at 8:30 a. in. at Beth Israel and at t a. rn.it 19th and Burl Rabbi Groner will conduct the Sabbath afternoon Talmud clan at 7 p. m. Saturday Mincha services at 7:30 p. m- Dally services begin at 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 8:30 a. m. at 10th and Burt Dally Mincha services at 7:30 p. m. Friday Mincha at 8 JO p. m. The Sunday breakfast mlnyan and Rabbi's Clan in Bible Study meets at 8:45 a. m, BETHEL Sabbath services will be held tonight at 7 o'clock. Sabbath mominf services will begin at 8:45 o'clock. The Mincha Service •will begin at 7:45 p. m. Dally services during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service is held at~9 o'clock. TEMPLE ISRAEL " Sabbath services will be held tonight »ln the Lodge roosn at the Jewish Community Center at 7:30
Dar Alter Cheder By Bin. Morris Speekfer Small chairs and desks around a TOOT
Where sturdy lads and lechers Jearn; The woudious Chumcsh fn the' gloon. Impresses, and still for play they yearn. The sen Jars, in the midst of Hoiy Torah, Think o£ forbidden puy— Would .cave the study di ancient loie, But the itebbc again sayo— "Stay!' And ho* the birds trill in the trees,. And hearts long for the woods and lakes, "Brashit liara Elohim" falls to please; The liitle scholars grov. weary, nuke mistakes. Though they yearn an., though they ii/iig, ToraJi has the power to swny, The riddkhcr cheder holds them strong— They'll play again some other day!
Gems of the Bible andjalmud By DR. PHILIP 8HER By Dr. Phfll» Sber Bible Hear counsel and receive instruction that thou mayest be wise in thine bid age. Reprove not. a scorner lest he hate thee. Reprove a wise man and he will love thee. The lips of the righteous know what is acceptable; but the mouth of the wicked is all forwaddneti. TUmod Mar Zutra said: "Le-th Metza' refers to the necessity of Irving only in a place where there are sanitary condition/." The sages of Palestine, hearing the various explanations of this passage, remarked that Mar Zutra's view was the soundest of alt Our Rabbis were' taught — It happened with King Monbas, who had distributed bis treasure and that of his parents in the the years of depression, that his brothers murmured against him, saying: "Your ancestors saved money and increased' the savings, of their ancestors, and you distribute thine and that of your ancestors." And he rejoined: "My ancestors stored away treasures here below, where human hands may reach them and values can be deflated, but I stored up treasures in heaven where human hands cannot r e a c h and Values have eternal stability. My ancestors have stored away money in their treanury, but I have stored away the saving of human bodies and coul.i in my treasury. My ancestors had to leave their treasures for their descendants, as they could not take them along with them, but mine will accompany me to the world to come. In fact this 13 the only friend that will not desert me. &s our prophet Isaiah says: 'And thy righteousness fhall go before thce.' "
Auxiliary I9ects •es
Mrs. Ezra Bcldner and Mrs. Nate Marcus were elected as delegates to the national convention of the Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans. The convention will be held in Chicago in September. Mrs. Max llosen was elected as alternate. o'clock. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will conduct flic cervices. Services will be held at the Center during the summer months.
WESTESN n O Q E A n O M Jerusalem (JTA)—Itzhak Rap-> haeL immigration director of the' Jewish Agency, reported that tha Jomt government-Agency immigration coordination b o d y has adopted a number of decisions de-« signed to encourage immigration from the western countries and to ease immigration from North African and other Eastern countries,' One of the decisions to attract immigrants from the West he said, was to provide Improved housing, ————
TRADE AGREEMENTS Tel Aviv (JTA) — Israel and Iran have Signed a barter agreement under which goods up to a value of $300,000 for each country will be exchanged, it was announced here. A Hassoun, director of the Israel National Bank' signed the agreement in Teheran on behalf of Israel. The first trade agreements between Israel and East African countries were reported by M. Somen, Israeli Consul at Nairobi, Kenya. He stated that Kenya, Uganda, Zanzibar, and Tanganyika will start buying goods from Israel this year. He is currently, discussing with the Israeli Manufacturers Association exports for these countries. LUB1E GETS NEW POST Tel Aviv (JTA)—Arthur Lurie, Israel Consul General in New York, has been named first assistant to the Director General of the Israel Foreign Ministry, it was announced here. Avraham Harmnn; head of the Israel Office of Information, In New York, will succeed Mr. Lurle as Consul General in New York; Gideon Raphael, member of the Israel delegation nt the United Nations, was named counsellor for international and United Nations affairs at the Foreign Ministry,
and the recent belligerent declaration of Arab leaders opposing any kind of settlement. A constructive suggestion was made by the Council that military assistance to the region should be limited to installations such as airports, communications facilities, and harbors. It urged establishment of a new link between the Mediterranean and CABINET MINI8TEK8 Red Seas across Southern Israel Jerusalem (JTA) — A decision to provide an alternative route to that all members of the Israel' the Suez Canal should that chan- Cabinet must reside In Jerusalem nel be blocked by military or po- was reiterated at a meeting of the litical developments. Cabinet. It was decided to proWhat the S t a t e Department vide flats in Jerusalem as soon as seems to have forgotten is that possible for those members of the Israel has taken a much stronger Cabinet who do not reside in the position >agaJnst the Soviet Union city because of lack of accommothan has her Arab neighbors. Ar- dations. A similar decision was thur Z. Gardiner, politlco-econom- also taken with regard to memico adviser of the Department's bers of the Supreme Court Near Eastern Division, sought to inferentlaUy link Zionism with UNIFIED EDUCATION Communism recently in testimony Jerusalem (JTA) — The long before the House Foreign Affairs awaited government bill for a naMr. Gardiner said Is- tional unified educational system The Department re-affirmed the Committee. rael's argument that the Arab reftripartite agreement of 1950 as an ufees were a potential fifth col- in Israel was introduced In Parliaassurance against renewed Arab- umn represented "the. party line." ment by Prof. Ben Zlon. Dlnur, Minister of Education. The measIsrael warfare and said that states ure is designed to provide a single receiving arms must promise not state system of education divorced to use them against each other. from party politics to replBcc tne Mr. Dulles suggested in his speech current: four "trend" or party sysof June 1 that the Arabs hate tems. Zionism worse than Communism. TJ)O Education Minister mainHow can the State Department be tained that, tho state could not sure the guns given to the Arabs leave education in the hands of will only be fired at Communists? parties or "trends," insisting that How will the Department control it must be unified to "achieve a the Arabs' use of weapons when horoogenic populace which will be It is seemingly unable to influence one of the most Important achievethe South Korean Army which Is ments of the Ingathering of the actually part of a joint command Attend Weddtnr: exiles." headed by U. S. military officers? Mrs. Llbby Zalkin and Mr. HarIf there is no Arab-Israel settle- ry Bravermari were guests of honment, a flow of war supplies into or at the Zalkin-Pitlor nuptials at WOMEN CONSCRIPTION the area may jeopardize the pres- the Blackstone Hotel, Bund a y, Jerusalem (JTA)—The government bill to conscript religiousent delicate equilibrium and bring Juno 28. women for national service will renewed hostilities. The Arabs Flowers: be introduced In the Knesset In a have shown no inclination toward The dining room of The Dr. peace. They are intensifying eco- Philip Sher Jewish Home. For modified form which it is benomic warfare In addition to in- Aged was decorated wilh beauti- lieved will offset come of the opcreasing provocative border raids. ful flowers all week through the position from religious circles. Puzzled courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Allen The major amendment to the bill provides that the Minister of Sen. H. Alexander Smith, of Zalkin. Defense shall be authorized to exNew Jersey, is puzzled by the De- The Vegetable Patch; empt from service "truly religious partment's approach to this situaOn your next visit, look nt our tion. He said during a M. S. A. little vegetable garden. Mr. Pos- girls who come from religious homes." hearing of the State Foreign Rela- ter's section Is certainly worth tions Committee that he.was at a while seeing. loss to know "how we can help Concerts: cooling the old folks off with good arm the Arab states and Israel Mr. Max Fish, our musical di- music—a good way to xelax la without arming them for their rector, has discovered the famous hot weather. own row between themselves." He concerto series now available at asked, "how arc you going to pre- the Omaha Public Library and is vent them from jumping on each other when you help them to arm? Of course, he said, they "would Tuesday, Jnly 7 , 'V agree to guarantees. But, he pointNational Council of Jewish Women's Summer Board Meeting • ed out, "you would not expect 1:00 p. m., Highland West Club. them to put aside weapons and Wednesday, July 8 keep them inactive when shooting Zionist Council—0:00 p. m., Center. ( began." finnday, July 19 Warning Jewish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary Picnic—All day M The American Zionist Council, Fontcncllc Park and Pavilion, , Monday, July 20 meanwhile, issued a statement EVE OF THE FAST OF AV. ' , warning that the defense of the Tuesday, July 21 Near East would be imperiled If 1 T1SH AB AV. arms were now made available to
Washington (JTA) — While Israel is desperately seeking State Department intercession to stop Jordanian border raids, the' Department is preparing to provide Jordan with additional guns which might find their way into the hands of Arab marauders. Secretary of State John Foster Dulics returned from the Near East with a defeatist attitude toward Arab-Israel peace. Not only was there no prospect for a peace treaty but Jordan had intensified armed assaults against the Israel frontier area. The State Department decided that since peace was not in sight Arab-Israel cooperation against Communism was also not in sight. So the Department proceeded with separate arrangements with individual Arab states and Israel to provide munition* "to strengthen the area against Communism."
With the Folks at Home .\
Community Calendar .
MissZalkin Wed to Robert Pitlor on Sunday, June 28 The Blackstone Hotel w u the •eene of the-Sunday evening wedding'at Win Letha Lea Zalkin •Ad Robert t e e Pitlor, The bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zalkln. Mr. Pitlor is /the •on of Mr. and Mr*. Nathan Pitlor. Piak Theme Habbi Myer S. Krlpke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar performed the candlelight ceremony In a setting of B pink floral theme centered on • canopy of pink gladioli, stock and sprlngcrl, resting on Grecian columns covered with garlands of ipriagerL Beauty baskets of pink gladioli and Majestic daisies and pink tapers completed the setting. Pink tapers and boqucts of gladloli*.; and satin bows flanked the center aisle. . Nonnan Pitlor, brother of the groom, was the best man. Ushers were Sam Goodman, Marshall Zalkln and Joel Pitlor of Omaha, Leslie Krasne- of Council Bluffa, ' and Ronald Kaplan of Chicago. Bride's Gown 1 The bride wore a gown of imported ChanUUy lace over white satin. The basque bodice was styled with an illusion yoke appllqued with lace accenting the deep shoulder line. The sleeves were long and pointed at the Mrs. Robert Lee Fltlor wrists, and the bouffant skirt was fashioned with a sweeping cathe- Mrs. Zalkln chose a coral chiffon dral train. gown. Mrs. Pitlor'8 gown iwas of Her lace Juliet cap was trimmed aqua nylon tulle. Both mothers With braided pearls, and her fin- wore white orchid corsages. gertip veil of French illusion was The candles were lit by Jordan •ppliqued with lace motifs. Lansky•of Los Angeles and Paul The bride carried a white orchid Goldberg. Judy Sue Pitlor and en a Bible, with stephanotls and Steven Goodman served as flower streamers. girl and ring bearer. Attendant* Mrs. Aaron I, Edgar was yoeal.-Mrs. Sam Goodman was the Ist, was accompanied by Mrs. senior matron of honor, and Mrs. Leonard Bush. Paul Goldberg was the Junior ma- For traveling, Mrs. Htlor wore tron of honor. They wore gowns a h o n e y beige costume s u i t of lace and tulle in a hyacinth trimmed in white and white accesblue shade. The strapless bodice sories. was covered with a small lace Onesta . cape, and the bouffant skirt was Out-of-town guests were Mr. of nylon tulle. They carried blue and Mrs. Bernard Sommer, Mr. ' lace-covcrcd satin parasols wltli and Mrs. Joe Bloom and daughblue Majestic daisies and blue and ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rubin, pink feathered carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bloch and famBridesmaids were the Mlsies ily and Mr. and Mrs. Paul HansJackie Bloom of Chicago, Sandra field of Chicago; .Mr. and Mrs. Ben ZaUdn and Jean Katz of Omaha Schoolsky and Mrs. Yetta Shertand Ertelle Zalkln of Los Angeles. xcr of New York; and Mr. and TJiey wore gowns of nylon tulle Mrs. Harry ' Kaufman, Mr. and and lace in a minuet pink shade. Mrs. Jim Lefkovitz, Mrs. Lena The strapless bodice of tulle was Kahn, Mr. and Mn. Harry Kohn, trimmed with lace and featured a Mr. .and Mrs. Lester Kohn and short Spencer jacket The bouf- Mr. and Mrs. Pave Romlnerk of fant skirt was fashioned with a Kansas. pleated panel In front, edged with Also in Omaha for the cerescalloped lace. ' mony were Mr. and Mn. Carl The bridesmaids carried pink Knef t and Mr. and Mn. SaX Stine lace-covered satin parasols with of Missouri; Mr. and Mrs. Art pink Majestic daisies and pink and Kaplan of Sioux City; and Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Zalkin and daughblue feathered carnations. All attendant! wore hair braid ter, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Dotoinlti, picture hats with satin streamers Jordon and Bernard Lansky and Mr. and Mn. Joe Rlchlin of Calito match their gowns. For her daughter's w e d d i n g , fornia,
Highland HighKtes The tournament for the ladies of Highland Country Club Is now under way. Mrs. Lee Sloan and Mrs. Sol Yaffe are tied for medalist in the 18-hole Championship flight. Mrs. Irvine Hcrzog was winner of the medalist on the nine hole flight. Pairings are as follows for the first round: 18 hole Championship flight—Mrs. Lee Sloan vs. Mrs. Abe Vcngcr; Mrs. Phil Fcldmnn, bye; Mrs. Sol Yaffe vs. Mrs. Al Fiedler; Mrs. Harold Chernluk, bye; Mrs. Ilobert Bernstein vs. Mrs. Hub Monsky; Mrs. Morris Kirshcnbaum, bye; Mrs. David Bernstein vs. Mrs. Stanley Fisk; Mrs. Larry Plattncr, bye. Nine Hole First flight — Mrs. Irvine Herzog vs. Mrs. Norman Horcly; Mr.i Louis Llpp vn. Mrs. Marvin Snbcs; Mrs. Sam Green vs. Mrs. Abo Fcllman; Mrs. RobElaine LonlM Novicoff ert Swartz vs. Mm, Joe Illcc. Nine hole second flight — Mrs. Morrlii Pepper vs. Mrs. Ilobert Fromkln; Mrs. Leonnnr Krasne vs. Mm. Leonard Luttbcg; Mrs. Nlclt Itips VB. Mm. James Llpsoy; Mrs. Milton Altsulcr vs. Miss Bca SomMr. and Mrs. George Novlco/f mem. Of Lincoln announce the cngagcment of their daughter, Elaine Freeman Elected to Louise, to Benjamin Milton Nnchmnn, eon of Mr. and Airs. Morris Welfare Post Nachmon of Omaha. Mike Freeman, Chairman of the Miss Novicoff attended the Fnmily Service Committee of the University of Nebraska where rhe Jewish Federation, was elected BB was affiliated with Sigma Delta member of the Exccutivo CommitTau. tee of the Family and Children's Mr. Nachman has recently been Division of the United Community discharged from the Army after Services of Omaha. serving in Korea. t He was elected for a two-year A fall wedding Is planned. term.
Miss Novicoff Is Betrothed
Wedding Is HurwipfirHoffman Marriage Rites Held at the Fontenelle In New York The marriage of Miss Natalie Joan Kaplan, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Nathaniel Kaplan, Brooklyn, N. Y., to.Irvin A. Gendler, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Gendler of Omaha, took place June 28 at the Hotel Plaza in New York. Captain Joshua Goldberg, Chaplain Corps, USN, performed the ceremony. A reception followed immediately. • The bride, escorted by her father, wore a gown of white tulle and appliqued organdy and a fingertip-length tulle veil. She carried a bouquet of white orchids pale pink roles and stephanotls. Mlso Goldle Gendler, sister of the bridegroom, was maid of honor. She wore an ankle-length dress of light blue tulle and slUtbrganza. Maurice Norman Nessen of New York City was best man. Ushers were Edward H,. Rosen, Philadelphia, Pa.i Phillip Borlsh, New York City; Maynard Greenberg, New York City, and* Gerald M Kotzin, Albany, N, Y. After a wedding trip to Northern Canada, the couple will reside in Omaha. .
ladlth SUInhorn
To Wed Texas Girl This Fall Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Steinhorn announced in Dallas, Tex., he engagement of their sister, Judith Steinhorn, also of Dallas, to Samuel V. Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooper of Omaha. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Forest Avenue High School. Mr. Cooper is a graduate of Crelghton University School of Law and attended the University of Omaha and jEQark University at Worcester, Mass. He is a member of Pi Lambda Phi. A fall wedding Is planned.
Ceremony Is In California Josephine Wlnberg, daughter of Mrs, Rebecca- Wlnberg, was married on June 24 to' Morris David Smith of Los Angeles. The ceremony was performed In Los Angeles at Congregation Moen David. , Mrs. Smith, a former Omahon, ns been living in Los Angeles for he past three years, and the couple will make their home there.
Engaged to Z^alifornian Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Sommer mnouncc the engagement of their laufihtcr, Pearl, to A. Ben Jacob:on, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chotlcs fncobson, of Piedmont, Calif. Miss Sommer attended the Unlrslly of Nebraska and Is a iraduatc of Washington Unlvcrity, St. Louis. Mr. Jacobson is ,'graduate of the University of California, School of Law, at Berkeley. No date has been set for the wedding.
Mrs. Robert Lee Hoffman Miss Beverly Ann Hurwlch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hurwich, and Robert Lee Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max S. Hoffman of Kansas City, Mo., were married at a 7 p. m. ceremony in the Black Mirror . room of the Fontenelle Hotel Sunday, June 28. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar officiated at the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. Marvin Bernstein was soloist, accompanied by Mrs. Blumenthal. The rites took place under a stain canopy covered with white mums and greenery, flanked by baskets of wjiile gladioli in front of a background of candelabra. The .aisles were decorated with •white satin bows and white candles entwined with greenery. Bride's flown The bride's gown, of princess design, was fashioned of rose point lace and tulle over satin. The
fitted bodice, styled with high neckline and yoke of illusion, was outlined with French lace and long, fitted lace sleeves with points at the wrists. The skirt was bouffant lace over tulle and satin. With the gown, she wqre a veil of tiers of tulle falling from a bonnet adorned -with seed pearls, and she carried white orchids surrounded by stephanotis.. Attendants Mn. Sol Schwartz was matron of honor for her sister: She wore a waltz length gown of white nylon net over pale blue rayon ace^ tate. The top was fitted and strapless with four rows of pleated net Her shoulders were'covered by a pleated stole. The skirt carried an inset of eyelet with a blue satin ribbon interlaced and forming a small bow at the back. She carried an arm bouquet of yellow carnations and matching head piece. Miss Sue Esgrig of Kansas City was maid of honor and wore an identical blue gown and matching headpiece and carried ail identical bouquet. Bridesmaids were Miss Linda Passer of Council Bluffs and Miss Phyliss Goldberg of Kansas City. They also wore identical gowns in pale yellow; matching headpieces, and carried arm bouquets of blue carnations. Miss Gail Hurwick Was flower girl. She wore a peacock blue gown and carried a basket of yellow rose petals. Best man for his brother was Phil Hoffman of Kansas City. Ushers w e r e Melvin Hurwich, brother of the bride, and Sol Schwartz, both of pmaha; Donald Alpart, Harold Chaikin and Bob Wayne of Kansas City and Harvey Gershonsen of St Louis. The bride's mother chose a dress, of mauve silk organza, and the bridegroom's mother wore a pale blue lace and taffeta gown. Both wore corsages of white orchids. After a cocktail hour and dinner, the couple left on a wedding trip to Biloxl, Miss., and New Orleans. For traveling, Mrs. Hoffman wore a grey and gold shantung suit dress and navy accessories.
"TaWco/Mmvy Things"| Babies Dr. and Mrs. H. S. Wlgodsky of San Antonio, Tex., have announced the birth of a daughter, Ann, born June 22. They also have two sons, John David and Daniel Ellis. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Wigodsfcy, and material grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Pincus of San Antonio. Paternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Lena Rozran of Chicago, and maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Frieda Pincus of San Antonio. A daughter, Helen Joyce, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen June 21/ The couple also have a son, Carl David, and a daughter,. Marilyn Rae. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jacob' Cohen, and maternal grandfather is Sam Baum of Kansas City. The baby was named by Rabbi Benjamin Groner in a ceremony held at Beth Israel. •
Recovering Nathan Levinson is now recuperating at home after a stay in the. hospital. Mrs. Seymour H. Kaplan has been at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., where she has undergone major surgery and is recuperating rapidly. She is expected home some time next week.
Military First Lt E. Gordon Margolin, a doctor in the U. S. Medical Corps, has returned from a tour of service in Osaka, Japan, and visited here last week with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin. Lt. Margolin, now stationed at-Camp Carson, Colo., expects to be discharged in two weeks.
Visitors *
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Sommer from Chicago and 'their children, Mark and Lenls, are visiting Mrs. Sommer's parents, the Reuben Browns of Council Bluffs. Mr. Sommer is returning to Chicago this week, bur Mrs. Sommer and the children will remain in Council Bluffs for a three week visit, Guests last weekend of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saltzman and Mr. and Mrs. Abe Cooper, were Mr. ond Mrs. Stanley Cooper of Minneapolis. Mrs. Cooper Is the former Patty Morris. The Abe Coopers have also had as their guests for the past ten days their daughter, Mrs. Alex Meirovltz, the former Sara Coopet, and her mother-in-law, Mrs. A. D. Meirovltz, both of Minneapolis.
The Council of Jewish Women's innual summer board meeting will Lauren Bacall: "It used to be Arthur Rubinstein: "In Europe o a 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon that two could live as cheaply as girls dress like their mothers; but Tuesday, July 7, at the Highland one; now one can live as expen- in America it's the other, way W t Club. sively, as, two." around."
i F«fe ta
Happy Birthday Youth Council %
• ' Friday, July » Barbara Jean ChudacOff, Nancy Fellman, Thomas Harry (Tommy) Feliman, Netania Eileen Liibman and Jackie (Chtckie) Steinman. Saturday, July 4 ' Michael Gary Canar, Eden Conn, AZA 1A _, Richard Lee Joscphson, K a r e n Rayim A Independents .' Pitcher Terry Bernstein pitched a 7-1 win. Bill Cooper, sophomore Jean Ross and Jane Rae Ehrier. Rayun B Sunday, July 6 «nd batted Mother chapter to n catcher, was the hitting star for 100 ... Marvin Braun, Robert L y n n AZA 14-5 win over AZA 100. Terry the Rayim A team as he drove AZA IB ..... 0 "hit a single, double, triple and out three hits and drove In four Goodman, Richard Louis HUIer, home run as he sparked the un-runs. Art Novak pitched for theElaine Marsha Jangcr. A r n o l d defeated AZA 1A team to vic- B team while Sammy Shukert KlmmeV Jerry Lehr and ^Muriel Senators Seek Action tory. Terry limited AZA 100 toproved that left-handed third Rosenblatt Monday, July « _ seven hits as his learn won their basemen were still in existence On Admitting Refugees Lawrence David Kirke, T e r r"V Washington (JTA)—Members of .sixth straight game. His team- as he performed in a creditable Lynn Mandell and WUlflrd Plot- the Senate Judiciary Committee, mates backed him with a 13-hit manner for the B team. attack, four of which came from The Independents placed them- kin. responding to a White House bis own bat. Tuesday, July 7 selves solidly for third place as emergency plea, were seeking acEd Belzer put Rayim A back they won from the AZA IB team, Beverly Sue Goldberg, Ben Ja- tion on a long-stalled administratipn bill to admit 240.OQ0 refggees in the win column as he twirled a 22-7. Bob Kully and Horsie Zwei- cobs and Shari Lltt, Wednesday, July 8 in the next two years. nifty four-hitter against the stub- back were the Winning combinaFrancine Beth Magzamln, Carol born Rayim B team. His mates tion, while Art Schwartz and Mike Informed sources said President backed him with eight hits and Blelcher performed for the AZA Ellen Simons, Robert Taren and Eisenhower intervened personally IB team. Robert Lynn Welnsteln; after a resolution backed by Sen, Thursday, July 9 Next week's feature game will Pat McCarran was adopted last be between the Independent boys Phyllis Freedman, Robert Jacob- week to prevent the committee Youth Council Letter and the Rayim A team. A Rayim son, Lindu Fayc Joffc, Stephanie from taking action before July 2. By Joan Krasne loss will place the Unaffillates a Morris and Robert Miles ObcrmaQ. Chairman William Langer called Within the Jewish Youth Coun- half game behind their opponents. the Committee: Into a secret sescil, there exists a situation which Bob Kully will duel against Ed Ben Blue: "In the past, a girl sion on the petition ol a majority is hot uncommon to Youth Coun- Belzer, The Rayim B team will was a little dear; now she's a lit- of members who .overrode the Mccils all over the country. This attempt to make it two in a row tle bare." Carran delaying tactic. problem is the one of the breech over AZA 100, while the final between the clubs. By "breech" game will pit the undefeated AZA we mean the feelings which exist 1A team against their B squad. between members of different Joe Bernstein Sons clubs. The members of the Youth Council arc in different clubs, and officers will all have a chance to Plumbing and Heating therefore, there Is not a lot o{ meet. Co. mixing between the clubs. Friends It Is also planned that commitare'mostly confined to sLster and tee chairmen will have a chance , SEE US FOR brother club mernbors. We cannot to exchange ideps. be sure that this is not good, but Gas Incinerators The purpose of these meetings nevertheless efforts have been to will be to exchange programs, and Garbage Disposals bring the people of the Youth to promote belter feelings b e Gas Hot Water Heaters Council closer together. tween the members of the Youth HERE'S THE SUPER G. E. Dishwashers Let us now relate some of the Council. The different clubs have TREAT FOR SUMMER ! Crane Plumbing Fixtures things which have been tried to many ideas which can be e x COOL AND LUSCIOUScorrect this. Recently, Debkn Debs pressed at these meetings. GUARANTEED PLUMBING At the first of these meetings, MAKE A NOTE: held an Oneg Shabbat. At this which includbd all club presidents, affair, girls did Israeli dancing & HEATING SERVICE SEVEN-UP POURED and had refreshments. Was this a general club problems were disOVER ICE CREAM — 2121 Cuming St. step toward making the Youth cussed. The pifxlcs all had their THERE! A FROSTY Council girls closer, or did theown problems, and this proved to 'JA 6132 girls of each club stay together? b a good place to iron them out. tt SEVEN-UP FLOAT"l AFTER HOURS CALL In October, Tikvas Ami held an Such subjects as "best club" and all girls mixer. Girls of all clubs rushing" also were discussed. JA 5779 It was really quite .amazing to and unaffiliates were' invited to attend. We do not know if this watch the different clubs work mixer did anything to unite the together. The prc::i;<- sat together YC gills, as girls usually go into arid talked about topics which would ordinarily bo argued. tKelr own separate groups. Another Sblndtrman Resort It was alto intcicsling to note During the year, three YC mixfar* ers were held. The purpose of the good time th..; was enjoyed these mixers was for a general by all. Perfect Wisconsin Vacation It is difficult fn, us to know "get together" of the Youth Councilers. When these mixers were if anything wa.. n.-fually accomplanned, it was purposely fixed plished at the discussion, but we so that different clubs would work do know that IOD thing Was actogether to plan the mixers. We complished. The people from difdo not know If this purpose was ferent clubs realized that they realized as most of the planning could all have a good time to- Genoa City, Wltcontln — on lake Tombeau 65 mllei from Chicago was done at separate club meet- gether. It was remarked several FOR SUMMER REST AND RECREATION times during the meeting that the • Two Magnificent lakes. Floating Swimming Pool "Were these things successful? prexies were having -"barrels" of • All Summer Sports — Private 18-hole Golf Count That is something which we do fun together. It's quite possible that through • Horseback Riding • Nightly.Dancing, Entertainment. not know. There is the possibility that they were, and there Is also these organizations and meetings the possibility that they only pro- we 'have found the thing which vided an . opportunity for club will bring the Youth Council clubs closer together. members to get together, Let's keep up this great ideal About two weeks ago, another —Joan plan wa.< started. The first of sev(Regular club news should be eral meetings of different YC organizations was held. The first ment to Joan Krasne by Tuesday consisted of club presidents. One of each week. Club reporter* meeting will be held each month please note Ibis.) at which club presidents, vicepresidents, secretaries and other
Softball Standings
By Undy Paul
Bernstein Scores for AZA1 A; Rayim A, Independents Win
Monsky Women in eWeago for Meet Convention-bound this weekend are delegates to the B'nat B'ritlj Women's District Grand l o d g e No. 6 convention to be held at t h e Conrad Hilton Hotel in Chicago beginning sundown Saturday night, July 4, and continuing through July 7. Representing the Henry Monsky. Chapter No. 470 of Omaha will. be Mrs. Aaron Epstein, president;. Mrs, Stanley Shapiro and Mrs. Sam Pollack, past presidents; Mrs. Carl Logman, treasurer; and, Mrs. Max JCrlzelman, dues secretary, alternate lot Mrs. Soyour Kaplan, who will be unable to attend be-, cause ol illness.
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