Campers to Plan raysbn Accept* Program Activities Pittsburgh Post Jay-C-C campers, UiU summer, will take an active role In planning their own activities, Al Sophir,.Camp Chairman, announced. While in the p u t campers participated In activities planned tor them, this Bummer campen will help formulate and carry out their own Ideas for program activities. More Flexible Paul Gltlln, camp director, explained that this procedure* will make the programs more flexible, and will encourago the campers to be more resourceful. It will stimulate the youngsters to moke their own decisions. Aa members oil a group for the part of the day, under supervision of mature counselors, the-individual camper will learn to share In the planning nnd carrying out of activities that make (or enjoyable camping, he continued. Individual Approach Mr. OlUih also stressed the individual approach to camping, and said that many parents arc taking advantage of the opportunity to discuss with him the camp program and how It relates to their children. Through these Interviews parents arc helped to prepare their children for the camping experience, and the staff Is enabled to better understand the children on an individual basis. Registrations are still open for t full season at camp. Applications for the second period, from August 10 to 24, are being accepted.
Dt-'U M. Grayson, Direct* the Jewish. Federation' H-a m 11 y Service Department, has resigned his position effective July 31, Mike Freeman, chairman of tbe Family Service Committee, announced this week. Mr. Grayson has acepted a position as district secretary of the Family and Children's Service in Pittsburgh. He has been? in charge of the Family Service Department here since April 1951. During thb period the department offered service in the resettlement of "displaced persons, counseling to families and individuals with personal problems, and provided application service for the Home (or the Aged. Aid also was extended to transient*. The department established a working relationship With the University of Nebraska's School of Social Work. Mr. Grayson and his family will be leaving Omaha at the end of July to assume the duties of-his new pott.
Bondcuin Awarded ZBT Scholarship Arley Bondnrin was awarded this year's Edwin N. Sonuner Zeta Beta Tau Memorial Scholarship at a fraternity affair held July 1 The presentation -was made by Louis Sombcrg, who was recently elected a Notional Supreme VlccPrcstdcnt*of Zcta Beta Tau. ' This award, of a year's tuition to the University of Nebraska, Is made annually In honor of Edwin Sommcr, who passed away in October, J949. A graduate of Nebraska University, he was an outstanding local and national leader of Zcta Data Tau. Last year's award was given jointly to Ber nard Creenberg "and Leonard Singer. ' Guests at tho dinner, at which the award was announced, were graduates of tho local high schools and their fathers. Principal speaker was Morris Jacobs. Howard Kaplan presided. Other speakers were Sam Steinberg and Howard Vann, rushing' chairman of the Lincoln chapter. Leonard Frlcdcl was in'charge of the Affair as president of the Omaha Alumni Club of Zeta Beta Tau.
Day Camp Expands Play Activities The second week of the Jewish Community Center Day Camp was marked by increased activities by all campers:' Most popular of these -was tbe overnight hike and itoepout by the older boys' group -which includes Sherman Brodkey, K a r l Lliscbutz, Irvin Nathan, S t u a r t Hurwlti, Raymond' Mott, D a v i d Swift, Robert LohrmajJ, Michael Farhart, Lynn Laxenon, D a v i d Girard and Charles Fried. With their senior counselor, M u r r a y Belntan, this group plans an all night outing at Lanoma Beach. The other groups took part in special outings including cookouta in Fontenelle Forest, trips to the Rivcrview Park Zoo, and hikes and nature trips. Progress has been pronounced In swimming in all groups, Swimming Director said. Denny Goldstein, a six and one-half year old, "Was one of the first to jump from the high diving board at Peony Park. Campers.who distinguished themselves with jumps from tho high platform included Judy Vcre and David Swift. The capacity enrollment in the Day Camp continued into the second week making It necessary to continue the camp policy of reserving places for the campers in the order'of their reservation. Parents are asked to notify the Day Camp director at JA 1360, if they wish to enroll their children foi the next.week.
French Commuity Divided On Future of Finely Children Paris (WNS)—A deep rift is developing in the Jewish community here over the future of the Flnaly children,-the two Jewish orphans who were returned to France and Jewish custody after spending several months In Spain, whence they were abducted by clerical elements whan 'a local court placed them in the custody of Jewish relatives. . Cause of the rift Is the quest i o n whether the children should be sent at onco to Israel, where their aunt and legal custodian now resides, or whether they should remain in. France for an Indefinite time pursuant to March G agreement between Jewish and Catholic leaders. M. Keller, a leader in tho fight to have the (children, restored to Jewish custody, "' declared that the rcccpt Supremo Court ruling affirming the lower court's decision in fact vitittcd the agreement. He said the children must be turned over to their aunt, Mr*. Hcdwlg Hosner of Israel, who Is now in this
country, and that she alone ha the.right to decide how long the children should remain in France. However, Andre Weil, noted Jewish banker and philanthropist in whoso summer home the children are now vacationing, asserted that It would not be tactful to send the children to Israel now because of the effect It woul have on French public opinion. Hi said the children must be handled delicately In view of thi physical nnd emotional expert ences they went through while ii concealment. Immediate transfe; of the children to Israel and before they have been able to adjus themselves to their aunt and become acquainted with the Jewlnl faith, Mr. Weil asserted, mlflh prove psychologically harmful them. In the meantime it was rcporlw that, after visiting the children to the first time, Mrs. Rosner de clarcd that she intends ta! to Israel but that she would "no leave France Immediately will her nephews.
M. M
Clean-up Effort; $6,500 in One Week -+
Campaign workers In the Men's Division pledged an all-out effort to complete solicitation of their ards within the next two weeks, as the total of division soared to' he sum of $15,240. Of this amount, some $0,500.00 was raised in seven days following the men's emergency meeting held Sunday, June 28, Marvin Trcller, Men's Division Chairman, explained. The divliion is running 10 per cent ahead n increases over last year on the fame cards, he said. • Determined "We arc determined to cover our cards, because each one of them eprescnls much needed help to Israel, national agencies, and local needs. We hope that before long, every JcW in Omaha will nave been solicited for his share in the obligation of our community toward the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign which supports some200 agencies." , Achievements Praising the achievements of the Men's Division, headed by Marvin Treller, chairman, and H a r o l d Zelinsky, associate chairman, Jack W. Marcr, general chairman of the campaign, said that the wonderful results of the clean-up effort of the Men's Division demonIsrael Copper Mining strate that people will respond, This new Immigrant wbo worked In the Casablanca phosphate when contacted. Main Problem " mines is a. copper miner In, Israel. Mineral mining^ projects are manned by newcomers brought to Israel and rehabilitated with the "Our main problem is to reach »ld: of United Israel Appeal arencles. all members of the community, in. order to secure their pledges In this important effort. I am confident that when the results of the campaign activity arc totaled, they will measure up to the reputation « DIFFERENCES end the five-month "Ulpan" for established by Omaha Jewry for Vienna (JTA) — Major differ- English-speaking students at Maa- Its understanding and generosity." ences are reported to have do- yan Zvl, a settlement on Israel's In the meantime, Mr. Marcr reveloped between members of the coastal plain south of Haifa. The ported that clean-up operation* Austrian'Cabinet with regard to teachers have enrolled in a spe- are. going on In every campaign the Jewish demands for repara- cial Jerusalem "Ulpan" of two division, which have already retions which "are now being negoti- months duration designed to pre- sulted In many additional contriated here. While It is known that pare . them for positions in Israel butions for t h e Philanthropies' Chancellor Julius Raab is inter- school!. Arangcmchts for Ameri- Campaign of Omaha Jewry. ested in bringing the negotiations can enrollment in "Ulpanlm" are to a satisfactory conclusion, For- made by the Jewish Agency's Alleign Minister Dr. Karl Gruber ab- yahDepartment' In New York. Carnival Tomorrow >. stains from displaying any Inter- Courses arc of five or six months duration running consecutively At Vets Hospital est in them. The attitude of the Foreign Mln-' throughout the year. Members of the Jewish War ister is provoking a good deal of Veterans Epstein - Morgan Post speculation here as to' his stand. TECHNICAL AID 260 and- the Ladies Auxiliary will A more positive interest In tho United Nations (JTA)—Techniin a carnival to be held matter was expected from him as cal assistance provided Israel by participate tomorrow at 8 p, m. In the Vetthe person who is watching de- the United Nations and Its agen- erans Hospital. velopments a b r o a d concerning cies, increased BIX times during Canteen tickets and pen and Austria, the past year, according to the pencil sets will be awarded to vetfifth annual report of the Techni- erans.-Taking part in the program TEACHERS TO ISRAEL cal Assistance Board. Israel's case from the Veterans Administration Now York (JTA)—Twenty-two was not unusual, and technical as- Volunteer Service are Max KanAmericans who hove enrolled in sistance rose sharply throughout ner, Mel Topper and Mrs. Mickey "Ulpanlm," intensive Hebrew lan- the world. In no country, the re- Kaplan. guage courses for foreign visitors, port says, the 1052 program was sponsored by the Jewish Agency smaller than in 1050-51. a variety, of projects during the for Palestine, sailed for Israel this During 1052, $001,252 were spent year and more than 100 fellowweek-end. The' group includes several ; teachers. from New York, on UN aid to Israel, compared ships Were awarded to Israel. Tha Philadelphia and Chicago w h o with less than $100,000 in the year report indicated that Israel will plan to enter Israel's school sys- before, Including the resident rep- get about the same amount of aid tem after completing the course resentative, 43 experts worked on during 1953. and a number of other professionals. Most of the Americans will at-
Global Report
On Radio and TV Maurice Samuels, well-known author, and Mark Van Doren, Professor of English at Columbia University, will discuss "The Human Problem in the Joseph Story" In tho second of a scries entitled, "Words We Live By." "Words We Live By" Is the Ectrnal Light radio program's summer presentation offered Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to 12 m., over WOW Kadlo. The scries consists of a discussion of Thomas Mann's clasr sic, "Joseph-and His Brothers." It is a modern interpretation of the Biblical story of Joseph. This Sunday* from 0 to 0:30 a, m., over K01L, "Message of Israel" will present a broadcast by Rnbbi Jacob Polish of 'the Hebrew Tabernacle In New York City.
Premier of Israel Launches Project for Unified Schools
Tel Aviv (JTA)—Launching what he called a "persuasion campaign" regarding a unified system, of education in Israel, Prime Minister David Ben Gurlon told a Mapal teachers' conference that "state education is the most important step to mold our presently divided tribes and sections into one Israeli nation." The Premier emphasized t h a t statehood was "labor's glorious achievement since the majority of Israelis are laborers." He pointed out thnt there exist wide gaps In educational approaches In Israel, and noted that a father in a certain settlement cannot send his son to a school of his own preference. Internal differences in the labor movement in Israel, Mr. Ben Gurlon said, prevent even a unified form of labor education.
| j. '•
State education, Mr. Ben Gurlon continued, would "serve to create ' one united nation, and- would ' also-brlng about one united labor nation." He emphasized that state ' education did not aim at totalitarian education, since "we believe in , human freedom." The Israel leader | said thnt under a system of state . education, students would study '. agriculture, handicrafts and would I " receive Chalutzlc training In order to "create citizens who believe in freedom, equality, justice and love • for others." . i Education Minister Ben IZloit Dlnur said that the education bill now before the Knesset Is aimed at creating "an Israel citizen wh« i . Is beyond any class or party differences." He said that: under: In*) proposed law, "teachers would be obliged to teach according to th« country's education program," , i
10, J95>
U.N. Appreciates Israel's Good Faith
Jft* Published Every Friday by the Omkba Jewish federation
• a l m a a* •rana-clM matut at Omaha. Nataaaka, *B4n toiml I *uftacripuon. 94.00. Advntlalas Bal«a on AppUcatJoo.
Kanfe 1, 1SB.
.JSdttor _8odety Editor
Bible and Talmud
Religious News
Lisbt Candle*: 7t« p. m.
Gems <>f Bible GWe Instruction to a wise man and be will be yet wiser. Teach a righteous man and he will increase In learning. A virtuous woman Is a crown to her husband; but she that docth shamefully is as rotteness in his bones. In the multitude of words there wantcth not transgression; but he that refrainelh his lips Is wise. Tihnnd • Our Rabbis were taught—When the Jewish people arc in distress in any part of the world, it is the duty of. Jews everywhere to unite and lend moral and financial aid to protect the good name of Israel. A Jew who says he is not concerned with, what .happens to tha Jewish people; that he is only interested in his own family and relative*, and feels that he is fulfilling his entire duty by taking care of them, is visited by two ministering angels (social Vcrvicc volunteers), who put their fingers of tcorn dp on his bead, and say to him: "You, who are not interested In helping your brethren in distress and suffering, shall not live to see the day when the Jewish people wiU attain its destiny and become a blessing to all mankind." Rabbi Gamaliel ben Judah said: •"Be careful with politicians and their superion. They will appear close to you when they need your services, and will pretend to be your friends in order to promote their selfish interests; but when you are in distress they will not • extend a helping hand."
TEMFLS I8RAKL Sabbath service* will be held tonight in the Lodge room at the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 o'clock.' Rabbi Sidney Brooks will conduct the services. Services will be held at the Center during the summer months.
BETH ISRAEL Saturday services will begin at 8:30 a. m. at Beth Israel and at Da. m. at 19th and Burt. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Sabbath afternoon Talmud class at 7 p. m. Saturday Mincba services at 7:30 p. m. Dally service* begin at 7 a. m. at Beth 'Israel and at 6:30 n. m. at 19th and Burt D a l l y Mincba service* at 7:30 p. m. Friday Mincha at 8:30 p. to. (This is a eeaatansaliaa «f aa theory maintains that certain The Sunday breakfast minyan outstanding eaasy written by "races" are naturally inferior. The and Rabbi's Class In Bible Study lt-year-old Baal Kiftfte, 8»«I most inferior of the "inferior was a member of ill* Cheth etas* races" U the "Jewish race." In meets at 8:45 a. m. at the Beth El Talawd Tmh, order to not contaminate "suwhich recently held Its gradut- perior" races (NordK? or Aryan), BETH EL lag ceremonies.) Jew* must be either isolated or Sabbath service* will be'held exterminated. This form had the tonight at 7 o'clock. S a b b a t h advantages of being scientifically By 8«nl Krlpkc morning service* will begin at impressive yet simple of absolving 8:45 o'clock. The Mincha Service Since time immemorial antino Jews from blame. will begin at 8:13 p. m. Semitism has plagued Jews 'and To analyze anti-Semitism, one Dally services during the week must know not only the superficial are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Judaism. reason for the earliest form but the Inward causes of antiThe Sunday morning' service Is of The anti-Semitism is obvious. Its Semitism. What were these causes? held at B o'clock.: * motive was exactly what it said. - Tr»ubl« ' The Egyptian Pharoahs, Antlochu* the Syrian, the Romans, and other ' In time* of trouble, the popuancient rulers all opposed Jew* as lace win readily listen to an antipart of a policy to maintain na- Semitic .politician, who ha* ready tional unity. They were not against a scapegoat,, and promises that Herman Moskovifx Jews as such, but opposed them once the Jew* are gone and he is Services wore held Tuesday for since rather-than being assimi- put in office, aa their trouble* will Mr. Herman Moskovitz. Interment lated into the national religion* and be over. Tnt Jew* lend themselves was at the B'nal Sholem Ceme- culture, they remained a distinct readily for sucft a purpose. As a people—with their own religion' minority, with'a separate religion tery. and culture, they are subject to Mr. Monkovitz, 80, died Monday and culture. dislike of the unlike. Having a in a local hospital. He was a naPattern tive of Kansas City, und was a A pattern for anti-Semitism is different religion and culture, they croccryman In Omaha for 25 provided in the Book of Esther. are disliked by their Gentile years. The anti-Semite recounts the facts neighbors. Anti-Semitism is also Indocthat the . Jews "arc " scattered abroad and dispersed among the trinated. Many anti-Semites have Arnold Levin peoples . . . and their laws ore been taught since childhood, either from those of every other directly or by example, to s hate Special Klddtuh Services were held Friday, July diverse But he follows this with Jews. Mr. and i l t i Allen Zalkin treat- 3, for Arnold Levin, and interment people." in outright lie—"neither keep 1they To prevent Jew-hatred' from -ed'the residents of the Dr. Philip was at Fisher's Farm Cemetery. the king's laws." •Therefore,' he spreading, we m u s t educate Sher Jewish Home for Aged to a Mr. Levin, 93, died Wednesday, concluded, "it prOfiteth not the against it. We must tell the Gentile special Idddush to celebrate the July 1. He was a resident of Oma- king to suffer them.1*. All anti- world the truth about Judaism, wedding'of their daughter. Mis* ha for 72 years. Semitism follows this pattern. Letha Lea Zalkln. to Mr. Robert He is.survived by four daughand show the falsity of Jew-hatFirst Record "Lee PiUor. ing. ters, Mrs. Harry Marks of Los Tafaneil Alto), Calif.; Mrs. Stanley F. LevTo find the tint recorded inWe murt place our trust in deMemorial services will be held in of Augustat Ga.; Mrs. William stances of anti-Semitism, you must mocracy and fight for civil rights In the Home Synagogue for Mrs. Boasberg of Omaha,- and -Mrs. go back .even further in the' time legislation. Morris Turner—AB 1.—July 13 Lewis Potter of Chicago; a ton, of Moses, and centuries later Syri- Through'cooperative efforts by and Mrs. Fannie Steinberg—AB 4, Dr. Harry M. Levin of Waterloo, an anti-Semitism in Maccabean both Jew* and Gentiles, antl—July 16. la.;' ten grandchildren and 11 times'-may be classified as "Rc- Scmltlsm, as. well as all other Nglo-nnUonal." Since the Jew* racial and religious prejudices will Mincha service is at 3:15*p. m great-grandchildren. have their own distinct religion be eliminated. Maarcr service is at sundown— and national life, they cannot be •bout 8 p.m. Sol Smith patriotic and are a danger to naMorning service is at 7,-15. tional unity. This form of antiIn Memorium Services were, held Monday aftSemitism also existed In Roman Israel President Says Mr. Arnold Levin. ernoon for Mr. Sol Smith, and time*. Land Still'Besieged' interment was at Golden ill CemLater, purely relifious Jew haetery. Mr, Smith died Sunday at tred was'widespread. Medieval Jerusalem (JTA)—On the occaa nursing home. He was 68. He Christians Moslems thought sion of the 49th anniversary of wax a .resident of Omaha for 32 that Jew*, and Uko all members of the death of Dr. Theodor Herd, years. faith* other than their own, were founder of the Zionist Political Munich (JTA)—In an effort to Mr. Smith U survived by his "unbelievers" in the "true faith." movement, a manifesto was Isdisband Foehrenwald, the last re- wife, Ida; a son, Aaron, both of As a block to'Universal accept- sued by Israel President llzhak maining Jewish DP camp in Ger- Omaha; a daughter, Mrs. Hy Dia- ance of the "true faith," they Ben Zvl emphasizing that Israel many, the Bavarian Government mond of Des Moines; a sister. Mr*. should either be converted or die. is still a country besieged by»the lias now called for the registra- Lazar Bereskin of Burbank, Calif., ' Pretext Arabs. H 0 ".?' » o l u n t « « ^ ftwn among A04 three grandchildren. > As time passed on/it was evi"Let us remember on'this day the "legal" and "old-estabUahM" dent that anti-Semites needed a that our young state is still beresidents, for resettlement in Car- Isadora Swartz new pretext for their .enmity tosieged and that our enemies do *oan cities* ward Jew*. A Jew could no longer not cease'threatening* us with a - The response has been luke- Services were held Sunday for be blamed for refusing to accept second\ round," t h e President's , trarm, .however, because most of Isadora Swartz and interment was the "true faith," for now there manifesto stated. "We must also the DP> believe that their chances 'at the Beth El Cemetery. Mr. were many irreligious Jews and remember that 90 per cent of our c£ emigration will be better as Swartz, a former Omohan, died Gentiles. people arc still dispersed among Jong as they remain in the camp, Thursday, July 2, in a Los An- The religionist Jew-haters tried the nations of the world, port of thus constituting a challenge to geles hospital, after a lingering to revive religio-nationai Jew ha- them still under threat of exterthe conscience of the world' in Illness. tred as a new approach, but It mination. Let us strive for Dr. general, and of world Jewry in He came to Omaha in 1913 and was obvious that this argument Herd's ideal to redeem the Jewish particular. Also, plans .to pro- was could be used only in the age nation through tolerance and in the founder of the Swartz vide housing for those willing to Furniture Company, now the Rob- when religion spirit of Moses and the wa3 controlled by the lofty be resettled in German cities have erts Supply Co. In 1948, he moved Oic state. Prophet1:. Lei us unite on this day not really progressed beyond the to Los Angeles, where he organized because the /ate of our nation So religion was completed omittalking stage. and served as president of a syna- ted, and pure nationalism was dericmk on our unity." At the snme time, .the 380 "il- gogue. tried. According to Oils form, dncc legal returnees" in Foehrenwnld, Survivors arc his wife, Jlachel Jews possessed distinct cultural most of whom came back to Ger- of Los Angeles; a ton, Robert of and national Ideals, they could not many from Israel, have been Omaha; two daughters, Mrs. Eileen be fully patriotic. But this, too, Workmen's Loan asked to agree to removal to a Sax of Lincoln and Mrs. Dorothy was not good enough. There were Munich barracks, Although they Keltman of Omaha; nine grand- many undisputably patriotic Jews, Meeting Schedule iiave been offered "legalization" children and one great-grandchild. who had 11 long record of service Djjrtng the summer months, the •f their status and a pledge that to their country. Omaha Workmen's Loan Associathey would not be deported, they Larry Adler: "The girl who Need are distrustful and have no far looks sweet enough to eat prob- To satisfy the need, Nazi racial tion will meet on the following Mondays: July 8, 13; August 3, 17, fought the proposal. ably does." anti-Semitism grevt up; The racial 31; September 14 and 21.
wi+iTthe Folks at Home
Effort to Disband Jewish DP Camp
Anti-Semitism in Jewish Life.
- By Arthur LtwU , United Nations (JTA)—If anything demonstrated the good faith and conciliatory attitude of Israel to the members of the United Nations, it was the arrangement worked out recently by an Inter- , mediary, John Reedman, the special representative of the Palestine Conciliation Commission, whereby the payment of the blocked accounts to the Arab refugee* in Jordan was resumed. Money The Israel Government was under no obligation whatsoever to alter the application forms for this money in any way; after alL it had offered to release them blocked bank accounts without any quid pro quo, without any reciprocal understanding with tho Arabs. It was just as if a man gave a present to his-neighbor and the neighbor said "I don't like the way you give it to me, 1 want you to give It to me in a different way." Some of the members of the Israeli Government were Incensed by the objections of the Jordanian, Government and took the attitude) that if the Arab refugees wanted the money, they should fill In the | forms as then worded, and If they refused to fill in these farms because of the political machination* of their government, they would have to whistle for their money. Intercession Such an attitude was natural enough, but tho government agreed, oil Mr. Reedman's Intercession, to rephrase the application forms so that an Arab applicant would not seem to be "recognizing" the State Of Israel a* the Jordanian Government claimed. There was no point In allowing • mere matter at wording- to spoil • genuine humanitarian act. A* a result, Mr. Reedman was able , to Issue « statement saying that the Jordanian Government h a d passed a resolution permitting Jordanian citizen* to sum the revised application forms, OhJeettatt \ The twp other objections of the Jordanian Government " to the transfer of'the blocked accounts, the allegations that 10 per cent of the money which was in compulsory loans would not be paid and that all money over BOO pounds would be confiscated, were simply canards. The compulsory loans were to be refunded under the scheme—it should be explained here that 10 per cent of all bank accounts in Israel, whether Arab or Jewish, bad to be put into compulsory loans. "Tho payment of amoun|« over 600 pounds sterling," Mr. Reedman's statement' says, "is in no way affected by their transfer to the Custodian of Absentee Property. These account* will be fully available in future releases that are made." Release ' Some idea of the amount involved in the release of the blocked accounts to Arab refugees in Jordan alone is revealed by Mr Reedman. In hl» statement, he says: "By the end of June the transfers of sterling on approved accounts, at tho rate of 50 pounds sterling per month on each account, will amount to approximately 90,000 pounds sterling." This agreement oh the release, of the blocked Arab accounts, and the way In which the Israel Government altered tho application form* to meet the wishes of the Jordanian Government, has impressed delegates here considerably. Such a concession as that, it Is recognized, Is only made by • government which is strong and sure of Its position.
Monument Dedication The family of Edythc RadJnowskl will dedicate a gravestone in her memory at Fisher's Farm Cemetery, Sunday at 11 a. m. Rabbi Mycr Krlpke and Cantor Ell Kngan will officiate. Friends. and relatives are invited to attend the ceremony.
Workmen's Circle Club Will Meet The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will hold their next regular meeting tomorrow nt 8.30 p. m., In the Labor Lyceum, 30th nnd Cuming SU. Election of officers for the coming year will be hold, Lou Hollz: "Many a man live*
^y tlui hivaf** eJ bjs frau."
.Friday, ltd,
X*. W *
I "Talk o/ Many Things^ Visitors Dr. and M a , Erwln Witkin and'ion Robert have returned to Baltimore, Md., after a visit here with Dr. Witkin'g parents, Mr. and - Mrs, Louis Witkin. Dr. Witkin is a resident in obstetric* and gynccoiogy at the Baltimore Sinai Hospital. Also-guest* of the Witkin* are their son-in-law and daughter, •Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Orgcl, of EUzobeth, N. J., and their children, Steven and JCate Susan, who will be returning home next week. Mrs. Orgel is the former Fannie Witkin. . Mr. and Mrs.'A. S, Gould, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gould and Mr. ap<> Mrs. M. Glvot have as their guest Mrs. Rose Marks from London; England. Mrs. Marks Is a sister of the late Mrs. H. R. Gould. She arrived May 9 and has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. William Wolf, of Lincoln. Before returning to England this fall, Mrs. Marks will spend several weeks In Chicago with her brother, S. L. Mnndelbaum, a former Omahan. Mrs Uri Miller of Baltimore, Md., and her daughter Batya are in Omaha for a visit with Mrs. Miller's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Shafer. Mrs. Miller Is the former Rose Shafer of Rabbi Miller, Who formerly' served an Omaha congregation, will Join his family for the weekend of July 17th. Also guests at the Shafer home are .Mrs. Shafcr'a parent*, Mr. •nd Mrs. ,J, Hides, of Chicago.
The Jascha Heifetz Incident First Pop Goes
Was Jascha HeifeU Justified in defying protests against his playIng objectionable German music in Israel? Two editorial comments are of special interest. The Reconstructlonist commented! "The recent attack by a terrorist fanatic on Jascha. Helfetz In Israel Indicates that the terroristic Impulse onco unleashed is difficult to control and subdue. To be sure, f*iHtlfAt n e e a n o t have played Strauss piece which occasioned the Incident He Jffid been warned of possible extremist reaction. He knew of the longstnding Israeli attitude towards G e r m a n music, especially that written by Nazi sympathisers, and there was no great principle of esthetic Integrity involved. But this is no way excuses an act of terrorism. The problem of the terrorist is, in a sense, peculiarly characteristic of our time. He is a product of an age of violence, where the acceptance of political decisions and parliamentary actions Is limited to a few democratic countries. Particularly in lands emerging from colonial rule, terrorism exists as a potent political weapon."
• PhyUs Margoles of Winlpcgn, Manitoba* Canada, has been vlsltini- the past few weeks with Mr. and Mrs.. IryiD^WhitftjM}d.TW«l Spend 0 > ? « s t orher Visit In Omaha with Mr,>nd Mrs. JosepTwblCe, -/This is the especially interesting viewpoint of the Jewish Observer and Middle East Review: "Few will fall to deplore the Omahans who will be escaping the beat the next few weeks out vandalism of the attack by young hooligans on violinist J a s c h a •t Peaceful Fines, the Estes Park resort of Ethel and "Soggy" Soglow, are "Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gerelick and daughter Halljr, Mrs. M. Gross- Heifefz for playing R i c h a r d man and her sister, M n . HIU, of Lincoln, Mr, and Mrs. Phil Schwartz Strauss music in Jerusalem. His on the university of art is •nd ton Arthur. Mr. and M n . Walter Sharp and daughter Judy and stand one that, with certain reservations, M n . Grace Lenk and her. mother. Mr. .and M n . J»y Malashock, re- alj reasonable people will endorse, cently spent a day visiting with the Soglows. nor will anyone seriously dispute the violinist's benevolence to muMiss Cella Fellnian left July 4th for Denver for a two-week sical causes In Israel. Yet it would visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Aronoff. seem that in this instance Mr, Heifetz upheld rattier too rigidly Dr. Daniel MiUef i* back in town after attending the "7th Annual the banner of artistic integrity. pocky Mountain Cancer Conference i n Denver -Julr 8 and 9. • "It was surely principle, not iruenaiUvlty. t h a t m a d Y Mr. HeifeU Insist on performing mulock Home sic by a well-known pro-Nazi L i Leslie Schneiderman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving SchneUer- composer, who dedicated one of tnan, is back in Omaha, newly discharged from the A n y after serving In Japan. Also borne with his parent* for the summer is Meal Sehnelderman, a medical student at Northwestern University.
Recipe of The: Week
Pioneer Women to Install Officers
The Years Gone by
t Y e a n Ago Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passer of Council Bluffs announced the. enNever-Fall Strawberry Preserves gagement of their daughter, Eleanor, to Stanley J. Slosburg, . . , The B i s Miirvah of Judith BerIngredient* covici, daughter of Mr. and Mm. 1 quart strawberries M. A. Dcrcovid, was celebrated. S cups granulated sugar. . . . Mr. Aid M n . Joe Roznlck anJuice of one lemon nounced the birth of a. son, Phillip Lee, . , . Charlotte Ann Skull beMethod Wash and hull the berries. (Be come engaged to Allan S. Blank, sure that it is a full quart.) Put on to cook in a large kettle with the sugar. Stir very little. it, l e a n Ago Instead, shake the kettle. HowMr. and Mrs. Jack Garfinklc ever, if you feel that you must announced the, birth of a son, Lylc stir, use a large wooden spoon Jason. .',•, .Charlotte Fleach was and stir carefully. married to Samuel Kaplan. . . . Cook *ix minutes to a full roll- A daughter, Linda Barbara, was ing boil, then add the Juice of one bom to Mr. and Mrs. ZU M. ZaU lemon and cook three minutes kin. . . . It was announced that more, nine minutes in alL Have ready a large bowl and Professor Albert Einstein was an empty each quart of preserves as employee of the Ordnance Bureau you cook them into this bowl. Let of the, Navy and was working on set M hours. Stir these preserves explosives. with a -wooden spoon every time you think of it. The preserves will to Years Ago absorb the syrup »nd fill out, Dorothy JUistgartcn became the and the Jelly- will become thick if bride of Max IUckes. . . , Helen these directions are followed. Put into Jars or glasses the next Jane Chapman left for a week's day. DO NOT REHEAT. Seal with tour of the Chicago World's Fair paraffin wax. If the**-direcUons and a summer at Camp Burr are carefully followed, a quart Oaks. . . , LoUisc Zicgler, daughof berries will make • full quart ter of Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Zlegler, of preserves, Do not cook more graduated from Wellesler- College than one quart at a time. and returned to Omaha for tho summer. . . . Mary Plckford and Leslie Howard were starring In "Secrets" at the World Theater, i
By Mrs. U. D. WIcodsky
Israel Aid May Be Affected by Vote Clifton Fadlman: "Only the man
Washington (JTA) —The Senate voted a $5,318,000,000 authorization for Mutual Security Activities in 1054 — Including approximately $03,000,000 for Israel—but at the same time a d a p t e d nn amendment to cut off tho entire MSA program throughout t li o v world in two years' time. The surprise Senate amendment ordered MSA to start cndini; both the economic and military phases ' of its operations on June 30, 1055. All operations must bn terminated by June 1950. The authorization bill is the Senate version, of a $4,098,000,000
who's been married a long time knows that there'arc some things you can't say with flowers." bill passed previously by t h o House. The House bill contains similar provisions In behalf of Israel. Differences between tho two Ijlih will be rccolvcd in a SenateHouse conference. The present legislation, however, does not provide for the actual transfer of funds. This must be accomplished an appropriations bill and it is expected that, nny opposition to aid for Israel will materialize then,
ANT* Xhrt*.
New officers of the Pioneer Women will be Installed at 1 p. m., Tuesday, July 14, at Elmwood Park by Mrs. S. Okun. The new officers arc M n . P. Crandcll, president; M n . H. Mirowltz, vice-president; Mr*. H. Bondarin, Israel Bonds chairman and advisor; Mrs. M. Neronberg, financial secretary; Mn.'H.'Wdhl~' rier, Ways and Means chairman and treasurer, and Mrs, S. Novnk, recording secretary. Also being Installed will be Mrs. S, Okun, National Fund chairman; Mrs. J. Saylan, publicity; Mrs. J. Fcldmun, Child Rescue fund; Mn. F. Ilublnstcin, corresponding secretary; M n . J. Kaplan, membership chairman, and Mrs. H. Rlchlln/tclephone chairman. Serving on Mrs. Richlin's committee will be Mmcs. A. Cohen, I. Forbes and I, Goldstein. Momben have been asked to bring their own lunch to the installation ceremonies, and coffee will be served.
Phi Ep Mother's Club Tea Sunday Phi Epsllon Pi Mother'* Club will hold it* annual summer tea at the home of its president, Mn. H, A. Wise, at 2 p. m., Sunday, July 12. Guests of honor will be the mothers of prospective rushces to }ho Omaha University fraternity. Mrs. Henry Cooper Is chairman of the affair, and she will be assisted by Mn. Morris Rubeiurtein, Mrs. Ben Kahn and Mrs. Martin Kolm.
Guest Cantor at Jacob Adas'Yeshuron Cantor Paul Chrornoff of Chicago will bo guest cantor at the B'nal Jacob Adas Yeshuron Synagogue, Joe Adlcr,'^synagogue president, announced. The cantor will Offlclnto at the high holidays of nosh Hashnna and Yom KIppur, and will also conduct the Slichas services. Groucho Marx: 'The old silent films hot) their: advantages: you could ice w o m e n open their mouths without talking."
Off With a Bang
HKIFETZ his works to Frank, architect of 1hc massacre, of Polish Jews, in a country in which (a) many thousands of people lost all their kith and kin In the Nazi extermination centers; (b) many of its citizens had suffered personally at the hands of the Germans; and (c) only a few days before the violinist's visit the entire nation had commemorated the tenth anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Rising. "As a Jew and an artist of e x ceptional intelligence, Mr. Heifetz cannot be unaware of the deep 'wound in the mlnd'incurred by survivors of the Nazis. Music may well be universal, but not an music fits all occasions. In Jerusalem, at the earnest request of moderate and responsible opinion, Heifetz should have been big enough to dispense, with .Straus*. Few would have interpreted that a* a sacrifice of principle."
Omaha welcomed back Dr. Rich* ard Dunpan in a manner which would delight any musician by providing him with a StandingRoom-Only audience as he conducted the Omaha Symphony orchestra in it* first pop concert of the year. And the program and atmosphere p r o v i d e d Justified Omahan's choice of this delightful way to sepnd a summer evening. Carrying out a "Viennese Night" theme, Dr, Duncan opened the program with the "Rosamunde Overture" by Schubert and closed it with "Vienna Life" by Strausi. The audience seemed to greatly enjoy these and the other familiar strains which included Strauss' "Marchc Militalre," and "Artist's Life," and Kreisler's "The Old Refrain." Among the highlights of the program were the solo performances of Kathleen Shqw Miller and Bob Cahill who sang selections from. ?The Merry Widow" and "The Chocolate Soldier." Mrs. Miller's voite was particularly appealing. The concerts, held in the Royal Grove at Peony Park, will continue for five more T u e s d a y nights, each featuring a different theme. After the program, there Is dancing, and I hope f u t u r e "pops" will provide, as did last night's, the unusual and delightful opportunity of dancing to a waltz and a polka played by • symphony orchestra. M.B.
Jewish Agency Expansion Asked At Plenary Meet
Jerusalem (JTA)—The expan—American Jewish Press. sion of the Jewish Agency by inviting several outstanding nonZionists to Join the Agency'*: e x ecutive was advocated here by Dr. Nahum Goldmann, addressing the plenary session of the Jewish v Agency to -which the president* of all Zionist groups in the United States are participating. Premier Ben Gurion, addressing ACTIVE MEASURES Tel Aviv (JTA) —'Brig, Gen. the same session, advocated the Mardecal Maklcff, Chief of Staff merging of all Zionist parties into of the Israel Army of Defense, said territorial Zionist federations into that he welcomed tho position wh/eh all person* who support I s taken by the Jordan authorities rael could be organized, while the Zionist organizations would conat a top level Jordan-Israel meet- tinue to represent only organized ing and their promise of active" Zionists. measures to prevent infiltration of The Israel Premier emphasized Israel territory by bands from tho "personal responsibility" of Jordan. The Israel defense chief said every individual Zionist to Israel, that there could be improvement indicating that every Zionist must, strive to settle In Israel In the security situation If the ultimately to contribute to the upbuilding Jordanians r e a l l y implemented ami and consolidation of trie state. He their commitments. The meeting, also urged intensified Zionist and. held under the chairmanship of Jewish traditional education in UN truce chief, MoJ. Gen. Vagn order to prepare—psychologically Bennike, brought together at Gov- and morally—every Jew for ultiernment House, in Jerusalem, for mate settlement In Israel. the first time in many months, top Joseph Sprinzak, Speaker of the Israel and Jordan commanders to discuss the border situation. Brig. Israeli Parliament, told the meeting that In order to meet new Gen, Moshe Dayan, head of Army conditions it is necessary for the operations, led the Israeli mission Zionist Organization to convert its and Brig. Gen. Enab Radi el Adam structure to include not only the of the Arab Legion General Staff, Zionists but all of tho hundreds the Jordanian. of thousands of Jews who assist The four-hour session was con- Israel. Such an organization, be ducted in what was described as added, must fulfill three functions: an atmosphere of cordiality. .The 1. It must assist politically and Jordanian spokesman said his gov- economically in Israel's consolidaernment was determined to halt tion and prosperity; the border infiltration. The Is2. It must work for Jewish eduraeli chief promised the full co- cation throughout the world; operation of the Israeli forces. A It must strive to make Hebrew further meeting, to be attended by the3. language of world Jewry. officials of both countries, was scheduled. Plans were also to be Edd|e Cantor: "Nothing annoy*' concerted for cooperation between the Jordan and Israel forces to a woman like having her friend* drop in unexpectedly to find the prevent border violations. house looking as it usually does?" ' TRANSFER " Jerusalem (JTA) — An agree- irrigation system and permanent ment to transfer 3,000,000 dunama houses. of abandoned land to the Jewish National Fund was signed 'between YOUTH ALIYAU the Israel Government and the Jerusalem (JTA)—The -Jewish JNF. The bulk of is Agency's plenary session heard agricultural on which nearly 400 Moshe Kol, head of Youth" Jewish settlements have already report that the organization been, established. The land was maintains 240 educational officially handed over by the gov- tutlons.with 13,500 pupils, ernment to the Jewish National of them from Moslem countries. Fund. Halt of the Youth Aliyah bd»A smallholder-typo of settle- get is covered by the Jewish j" — * ment for Iranian Jews who are cy and the rest by various scheduled to arrive In Israel In palgns, led by that of Hadi three months—and who will con- in tho United States. Mr. tribute to the cost of the settle- urged that tho Youth Aliyah ment—was inaugurated in south- permitted to conduct it* own At ern Israel. It is expected that by railing campaigns and urged the time the Iranians arrive here, Zionist federations to aid'tb* 1 the settlement will have its own gnnlzation'* program*.
On the Israel Scene
Home Courses in Hebrew Planned B* LuUy * • * !
Independents Beat Rayim A; A.Z.A. 1A W ns 7th Straight A fiery Independent Softball team, with idea* of winning the Youth Council Softball League chamnioiiship, canoe up with a j 19-4 victory over second place Rayira A. Bob Kully was the winning pitcher and he limited hi* opponent* to eight hits, Tbe Raylm pitchers were unable to find tbe plate and their wilctnesa, ~ i some timely hitting by Eernle , Harlan Rosen and Lenny -were all the Independts __d, Bob Kully received fine T •Upport from his mates, especially Horsle Zwelback, Hany Pollack and Lemur Gaer. A. Z. A. 1A expected an easy win from their B team, but ran into early trouble and had to ruth their *ttt pitcher, Terry Bernstein, into the game. The Mother Chapter B team put on a surprise showing before succumbing, 12-6
YotiHi Council Letter B» Joan Knsne On Tuesday night, June 23. at 7 o'clock, the first regular summer meeting of the Jewish Youth Council W»s called to order by the new president, Larry Schwartz. Attending the meeting were new Youth Council representatives and officers. The agenda, which was planned by the newly-elected executives, included many subjects which will be of interest to Youth Councllers for the year to come. Tint item of interest was the Youth Council convention which will be held over the labor Day weekend. The people at the meeting also fllt^.ff^ athletic suspensions. - Other items at interest were the Join A Club Campaign which will be started soon, and the- prospect of having all club meetings on Sunday evenings. These items, which are all of Importance to Youth Council members, will all be discussed in future weeks in this column. This meeting was really a great way in which to start the Y. C. summer. • Let's keep up the great work! , —Joan
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
AZA No. I By Jerry Fern AZA No. 1 held a miniature golf tournament the last week of June, with Stan Wldman winning the tournament with a score of 54 and David Wldman coming in second with a score of 59, and Larry Epstein -was third with a 61 score. Mother Chapter's annual Sweetheart Dance will be held Saturday, September 12, at the Fontcncllc HotcL Larry Epstein and Art Schwartz who are the estcbairmen of the dance, have named these committee chairmen for the dance! Mike Mogil, photography; Frank Berg, gifts; Stan Kaiman, stickers and t i c k e t s ; Marshall Dennenberg, printing: Larry Schwartz, band and ballroom; Bernle Turkel, flowers and decorations; Ed Smith, march and coronation: Jerry Fcrer, publicity; David Wldman, transportation, and Stan Widman, ad solicitation. The dance advisors are Sam Epstein, Dave Belzcr and Mike Blelchcr. Stan Fellman is the dance treasurer and Stan Widman is secretary, Tbe Sweetheart candidates will be selected tbe first Tuesday in August Since AZA No. 1 is allowed only one fund-raising event in the year, all the talents of the club will go into the dance to make it ah
Mr. Harry G. MendeUon has announced that he is planning to organize classes in Hebrew, Yiddish (it desired), Jewish history, custom* and rituals for children 8,yearf old through high school age in different part* of the'city, preferably in tba outlying sections pi the community. Classes « m be toall; Individualized toacbrinrai tertrewed. awH classes win piaet in the homes of tb* Mr. MafldrtwHr^ dent of Omaha, r*e#Jve<r« dafree and teaching from the University of Nebraska in 1024. On graduating, ha sptot five years in Palestine as a student of the modern Hebrew culture, as teacher of English literature in a Haifa high school, and as a farmer in Balfouria, five miles below Nazareth. On returning to the States, he served as private Hebrew and Yiddish teacher in the city until 1910 when he became associated with a local wholesaler with whom he is still connected in the sales department. During the MX, Mr. MendeUon was a periodic contributor to the Omaha Jewish Press, ot which he became editor during World War II. Many of his translations from the Yiddish and Hebrew have appeared in national Anglo-Jewish magazines and newspapers. Anyone interested in luch classes for the Fall season, can call evenings, WA 088L.
Youth Council Softball Standing A. Z. A. 1A Raylm A ..Independents Raylm B „...._, A. Z. A. 100 , A.Z.A. IB :. ,
1 0
Jtrome KeWn Faler, Robert H. Ginsburg, HanhaU Michael Kaplan, Steven Katz, Karen Magzamln, David Charles "Swift and Pamela Sue Weiss. Wednesday. July IS Frada EUa .Goldenberg and Michael Robert Sherman. Tfannday, July 10 Michelc Beth Halprln, Ellen Kay Hurwlck, Cheryl Sue Kraft and Judith Veret. ,
New Manager ' Lao II. Bcrman is the now manager of the recently purchased Admiral Drug Store, formerly Beaton Drugs. Mr. Bcrman is a native Omahan. Several new' departments have been added, tie stated. The store Is completely air conditioned and offers a dally delivery service.
Scouts Leave For Jamboree Among the more than J00 boy* from Omaha and the surrounding area, who 3eft Tuesday evening for the Third National Boy Scout Jamboree, were Eugene Kohn, Steve Silver, Bennett Horstein, Howard Kooper and Marty Qreen. Michael Solzman of Omaha left earlier for the Jamboree site i d Santa Ana, Calit Mayor Glenn Cunningham, Id Pettis of the Centennial Committee, and H. W. Haun, Scout EcecU' tive of the Covered Wagon Council, were on hand at the Jewish Community Center to give the Scouts a rousing tendott. More than 50,000 Scouts from the U. S. and 27 foreign countries will participate in the Jamboree. The boys letl aboard a special train and will visit Bonnevllle Dam, the cities of Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City and Los An« geles, and take a boat trip to Victoria, British Columbia. The Scouts will return July 20. Out of the depths I cry to Thee, O Lord; O Lord, bear my voice! —Ps. 129, 1.
Lyn's for
A Lupescu Story
W. L. 7 0 S S 3
rriday, July II _ Karen Sue Brodkey,' Richard Barry Conn, Lawrence Marshall Grossman, Robert Gregory Hahn and Donna Rae WoUson. BatonUy, July 11 Peter Brodkey and Ernest Foster Shwidelson. Banday. July U Marion Evelyn Dlmant, Gary Lee Green, Sharon Eve Kraft, Sarah Milder, Howard Siirier and Mark Wolfaon. KwHUy, Inly IS Hif^y.1 tinkle, Jimmy Leopold : *Mad. Jamas Joseph Ouss, Howard and Judith Elaine
« 2 8
8 7
even bigger success than it has been in previous yean. Looking again into the future. Mother Chapter has a bicycle race scheduled for the month of August.
Leonard Lyons .relates this story about the late Jewish paramour of the King of Romania; Magda Lupescu's father objected to her romance with King Carol, and complained: "What does Magda see in him?" . , . One night, in the palace, Carol and his brother Nikolai fjsd a fist fight and Magda sent for her father and brothers to stop the fight and protect her. Her father watched the embattling King and Prince, then told her: "A fine family you've dragged'us into."
Call Bin. M. Qroaamaa, . HA 7816 1101 Uamln Blvd.
For Every Occasion Say It With Ours / EARL SIEGEL 2323 Dodge
JA 2S45
YOU'LL HAVE famous SCHWAKTX rfOTfll Jut * few boon Wond«ful CuWae*
Room for Rent Bedroom for rent, near bathroom. Clean, nice—for couple or tingle man. Near transportation,
EntttUinmtnt, Dancing, Swimming, Goli,fcnni>.Hombwk, Boning. Fuhlag. Btuh psitict. Hug* prime siad betch. Ttiintd govern' CM foe the children.
Serve* Buffet Stytol All you Cor* to Cot Noon fo 3 9. m.
Bernle Turkel started tor the A team and was belted hard as the B team took an early lead, but the league leaden began to look like the Yankees as they clubbed Stan Wldman to gain the win. The Rayim B team* cinched fourth place by taking a forfeit win from A. Z. A. 10Q. The Centurymen were unable to field enough men to play a league game. This Sunday, A. Z. A. 1A will face a serious threat when they take on the much-improved Independent team. This wlil be the feature game and an Independent victory will give them a chance to win the title. If the A. Z. A. 1A lads win, they arc assured a tie lor first place. Terry Bernstein will pitch for Mother Chapter while Bob Kully wlU chuck for the Independents. Ilayim B will play A. 2. A. IB and Raylm A will take on A. 'L. A. 100 in the other league games.
Happy Birthday
tf|aaa*d ia Year Horn*! niaOoi ' Laying • Bepalring DON BEttNBXEHi HA V»t
Admiral Drugs Formerly Beaton Drags
Want Ads'
BAH and Bis Milzvah congralu. lations; nbo for all Jewish holi. days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge MftS. CLEO JONES 65c an hour 'or ironing. 75c an hour for cleaning. Prefers whole day work. 42C N. 23rd St. WE 7280.
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LEO BERMAN ' ntat Al J»SO to luKrt rout W«BI A. » Tin Jt«UB JTeM. Oomat nie u SO ctati for •«»» bwcr Hoa. 11H frw rnirvrs Uii rtsSI to limn
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