July 17, 1953

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tX Post. •ma *« M un, OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAT,

Goldmann for Taking Lead In Solving Mid East Problem. Jerusalem (JTA) — The Jews must take the initiative in solving the problem of Arab-Israel relation!, Dr. Nahum Goldmann, cochairman of the Jewish Agency, declared here at a reception given In his honor b y the Progressive Party of Israel. Dr. Goldmann said that although the Arabs are primarily responsible for the existing hostile situation, they are a static factor while the Jews are the dynamic force in the situation and, therefore, must take the lead In a solution. The veteran Zionist leader said that he did not think that a second round

training Course For Camp "J1 Staff . An intensive training course for Camp Jay-C-C staff members will begin Thursday evening, July 23. Julius Samuels, assistant professor of Social Work at the University pt Nebraska Graduate School of Social Work, will lead a discussion on "What is meant by Group Work in a camp setting?" He will speak about the make-up of the group, motivating the group to plan for itself, and tho use of program skills to aid in the development of the camper, As part of the training course counselors will discuss unit program planning with unit directors, Feme Katleman and Llndy Paul. Sherman Poska, assistant director, will acquaint staff with Camp Jay-C-C administrative procedures. During the camping season, a-scrles of workshops will be held dealing with specialized program skills, such as dancing, aria and crafts, and dramatics. • "Emphasizing the relationship of the counselor to the camper," is the discussion that will be led by David Fogel, Director of Activities of the Jewish Community Center. This .session will emphasize understanding the camper, his needs and his abilities, nnd the role of the leader. • The training session which will inolude all phases of camp life will continue until the campers arrive July 27. Registrations are still open for the full season at camp. Applicat i o n s for the second period, .from August 10 to 24, are being accepted. ' Be not afraid . . . for the pas' turcs of the wilderness do spring, for the tree bcarcth her fruit, the fig tree and the vine do yield strength.—Joel 2:22.

of Arab warfare against Israel was imminent, but stated that "the fact is that Israel cannot remain an island in a sea of enemies." Iirael, he continued, must be integrated into the Middle East area "which is of supremo geo-political importance.'1 The Jewish Agency l e a d e r warned the Israelis, especially the young generation, that although they now have the support of world Jewry and the friendship and sympathy of tho non-Jewish world, they must not take this for granted. Israol more than any country in the world needs the sympathy, of world nations, he said therefore Israel must do everything to win and hold the world's sympathy. Dr. Goldmann told the Israelis that they must not expect the Jewish world's support of Israel will continue "eternally;" this support, he stated, must be won anew daily. He pointed out that if American Jews, because of their feeling of solidarity, contribute $70,000,000 to Israel beside t h e hundreds of millions of dollars collected for domestic needs/the aame sense of solidarity must ex* press itself In Israel's attitude to» .ward world Jewry.

Full Registration Marks 3rd Week At Joy Day Capip

|B0fj0|«fH aims J 1 9 N 1 0 V 6 O

f o Jerusalem Jerusalem (JTA) — The Israel Cabinet approved the decision by Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett to transfer the Israel Foreign Office from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The Foreign Ministry was the last major department of the government to remain behind in Tel Aviv. Formal notification of the move was communicated this week-end to all foreign missions i n Israel. The official communique announcing the transfer expressed the hope that eventually all foreign missions w o u l d establish their quarters in the capital. (In Washington, the Department of State said that Israel has no right to declare Jerusalem as its capital. It emphasized that the United States does not plan to transfer its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Such transfer, it pointed out, would bo "Inconsistent with the United Notions resolutions dealing with the international nature of Jerusalem,'1 as well as with the solution regarding Jerusalem Set forth by Secretary John Foster Dulles in his address on June 1, 1953.) < It is understood that in its communication to the foreign missions, the government expressed its conviction that no useful purpose would be served by the separation of the Ministry from the main body of the government a.nd that the Ministry Would be unable to fully discharge its normal functions under such circumstances. The message is also said to have stressed that there is no case in modern history where a Foreign Ministry has been separated from the other organs of a state,

Another week of capacity registration marked the third session of Jewish Community Center Day Camp, remarked Larry Hctllck, director, this week. The response of parents in registering and reregistering their children reflect the efforts of the staff in'providing the campers with fun filled programs .including hikes, cookouts, overnight hikes, special trips, and special activities, the director emphasized. During the past week, events for JORDAN CEN8DBED the Day' Campers included an Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jordan overnight program with outdoor Government was censured by tho supper and breakfast for the old- U. N. Mixed Armistice Commisest boys, > B cookout and nature sion for an attack on an Israeli hike in Hummel Park for the two military outpost in the Judaean older girl's groups, and cookout* Hills during which two Israeli solfor other groups. diers were killed and a third Progress in children's swimming wounded. Tho meeting of the has been noted, Llndy Paul, swim- Commission took place under the ming director, said. chairmanship of Ma], Gen, Vngn Because - registration must bo Bcnnlke, U. N. truce supervisor. limited, in order to assure adequato Commenting on the attack," I s supervision for-the campers, parauthorities said that the disents are asked to notify tbe Day raeli cussions recently held on a high Camp office immediately it they level between Israel and Jordan wish to reregister their children must be viewed in the light of for the fourth week, Jury 20-24. what practical steps the' Jordan-A last minute rush.may mako it ians take to discover the attackImpossible for campers to be ac- ers and in punishing them when cepted, Mr. Herlick said. they are found, Unless practical measures are taken to implement tho high level discussions, they Insisted, all declarations become only "empty words."

Global -Report

, 1851




U O u t * JMUUI

Philanthropies Raise 410405 Welder of a Future

This young man from Casablanca lives In an agricultural settlement in Israel and also works part-time as a welder. Not so Ions ago lie was. one of thousands of Jewish young men, living jobless and without hope in » North African mcllah (fretto). Ills training and settlement in Israel were made possible with funds raised by the United Jewish Appeal, JThe UJA makes possible the programs o f ' t h . e United Israel Appeal, the Joint Distribution Committee and the United Service for New Americans, constituent agencies. BRITAIN OPPOSES London (JTAJ — T h e British Government informed tho Government of Israel that the British Embassy will not be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem which became the seat of Israel's Foreign Office. In transmitting this information through its Ambassador in Israel, the British Government said that the decision is based on the following three points: 1. Britain never recognized Israel's sovereignty over Jerusalem; 2. The moving of tho Israel Foreign Office from Tel AVlv to Jerusalem is not likely to ease the tension in tho Middle East; 3. This move is likely to prejudice future consideration of the status of Jerusalem.

Intensive Effort f o Cleanup Drive A total of $410,405.72 has been raised to date in the 1953 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign, accord* ing to a report released Wednesday by Jack W. Ha'rer, Genera} Chairman of the campaign. This amount was raised by the following campaign divisions: Men's Initial Gifts, $325,886.00. General Men's Dlv., $16,766.84, Women's Division, J64.509.5O. Youth Division, $968.38. National Firms, 1465.00. Christian Glfla, *1,740.00. Intensive efforts arc being made by all divisions to clean up their cards, Mr. Marcr said. It is estimated that at least $40,000 Is still to be raised, which will produce the minimum amount required to provide properly for tho 200 agencies which receive support from the Philanthropies campaign. "Prospects who have riot as yet been seen must realize that this campaign In which Omaha Jewry is engaged eliminates some 200 drives in the community, through this one single effort, every subscriber participates in the greatest action of welfare bringing neces- ' sary help to practically every agency In the United States and in Israel and Europe, Local agencies in Omaha, such as tho Dr. Sher Jewish Home for Aged, Welfare and Health Needs, the Talmud Torahs, War Services Activities, Camp Jay-C-C Scholarship Fund, receive a substantial parl of their funds from the Philanthropies. In this sense, the Philanthropies Drive becomes important to every Jew in Omaha, calling for the greatest*support on the part of all," Mr. Marer concluded,

DP Family Arrives Here

Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Welnstock, and their daughter Yvonne, five years old, arrived In Omaha last week as the first unit of the additional Displaced Persons quota_, assigned to Omaha, Miko Freeman, chairman of the Family New York (WNS)—Under its Service Committee of the Jewish present plans for economic ex- Federation, announced. Housing pansion Israel will have more was provided for the family, and than 1,500,000 dunnms (375,000 a job has been found for Mr. acres) under irrigation by 1060, Weinstock, Freeman said. T h e compared with 500,000 dunams dunams |"Weinstock Welnstock family arrived from at present, declared Israel Fi-1 Munich. nance Minister Levi Eshkol lasu A quota of ten Displaced PerSunday In nn address before 20,00(f] sons units have been approved persons gathered in Straus Square for acceptance by the Jewish Fedon the Lower East Side at a meetGive therefore thy^scrvant an ing sfionsoreH by the Israel Bond eration Board. These families will, understanding heart . . . that I Campaign. The Irrigation planned arrive in 1953 and early In 1954, under the new Immigration Quota portion of its program which has may discern between good and for 1000, he said, will represent Act. Three more family units are not ypt been achieved. There must bad;—I Kings 3:9. almost half of Israel's total.culti-s expected to arrive In Omaha: durbe two organizations, ho declared, vated area. . ing the month of July, one to organize Jewish life in each country and the other to conduct On Radio and TV general Zionist activity. Opposition to changing the "Words We Live By," .the character of the Zionist organizaEternal Light radio program's tion was voiced by Dr. Emmanuel summer scries, will present the Neumann nnd ZOA President Rab- third in a series of 10 diabi Irving Miller, who argued that logues with two outstanding territorial organizations and the men of letters: Maurice SamAlbany (WNS)—An eight-point sonality, Dut found no evidence of limiting of the movement to culuels, prominent author, a n'd program designed to eliminate dis- discrimination on the basis bf raca tural and educational function? Mark Van Doren, professor o f crimination in admission to the or sox. Jewish students, according would undcTmino the ZionHt English at Columbia Univer- nine medical schools in the state to the survey, topped the admismovement outside Israel. Dr. sity. Tho program will bo ofwns announced here by the Board sions i n numbers, but percentage' Neumann proposed instead formafered this Sunday, over WOW of Regents following an 18-month wise itherc was evidence of distion of nn American Council for Radio, from 11:30 a. m. to 12 m. survey to determlno whether the crimination against them. ,' Jurael which would embrace both This discussion, entitled 'The state's ban against racial and reThe survey in effect confirms • Zionists and non-Zionists. InMcunitiK of the parallels and ligious discrimination in medical a recent study by the American sistence on keeping tho Zionist Repetitions of the Joseph Story Jewish Congress which charged schools was being observed. organization Intact was also voiced in the Bible," is based on that the nino medical schools in Ijy Leon CScllman, world Mlzrachl Thomas Mann's classic, "Joseph Tho survey, made by Dr. How- the state were treating Jewish a p lender, nnd Ilubhi Max Kirshnnd Ills Erothcni." The book plicants less favorably. ard E. Wilson, executive assistant blum, president of the Mizrachi gives n modern interpretation of the Carnegie Endowment for The Wilson report urged t b * Organization of America, who of the familiar Biblical legend. International Peace, disclosed that Board of Regents and the medical maintained that activation of the schools to consider the feasibility Protestant students found it easier Thin Sunday, from 0 to 0:30 Zionist movement would enable it to be admitted to the schools than of establishing « central adrtufc a, m.r over KOIL, "Message of to rally all elements In Jewry in Israel" will present a broad- Catholics and that Catholics stood slon bureau to screen all appu* support of Israel. Both Rabbi cast by Rabbi Albert A. Gold- n better admittance chance than cants and an advisory council on Miller and Mrs. Rosa Halprin, stein of Tremont Temple, Jews. The report indicated dis- admissions, with reprcientative* o ] president of Hudassah, opposed Bronx, N. Y. crimination on the basis of reli- education, public and civil right* enlargement of the Jowi«|) Agency , " *• gion, national origin and per- groups.

Jewish Agency Decisions Left to Zionist Action Group 'Jerusalem (WNS) — After .a week of profound debate on the future of the Zionist movement and the Inclusion of non-Zionists in .the Jewish Agency, the fiveday plenary session of tha-Agency concluded with a decision to leave all major decisions to the Zionist Actions Committee, supreme policy-making body during tho interim between World Zionist Congresses, slated to mccl at the end of this year. ' In tho course of tho debate there was -general agreement on the need of some channel to meet now conditions, but there was no meeting of minds on specific measures. Chief advocate of the expansion of the Agency through inclusion of non-Zionists was Dr. Nahum Goldmann. Ho differed however, with Premier David Bon Gurlon on Ilmltini! the functions of tho Zionist organization. The Premier proposed that the Zionist organization deal only with educational and cultural activities and that all Zionist parties be merited Into territorial federations. Dr. Goldmann took the position that tho Zionist organization must remain in existence to complete that

Survey Reveals Admission Bias in NY Medical Schools







>rtdmr, July 17, 1953

Off the Record By Nathan Ziprin ' Published Every Friday by the Omaha Jewish Federation

Running Comment. . .

BBUnd u Mcond-tlua matur at Omaha, Netrm.ua, UDder tin act at MircB », t i n . •laaal SuhutpUon, St.00. Aavnttttai KaUa on Application. Bdltoilal Otnot—101 Mo. SOU atntl. OaiBa, Mitii., ATlaulo MM. Vrutt abop Aosnu—(80S Bo. 15th strut.

.Editor ....Society Editor


Bias In Medical Schools Some weeks ago the American Jewish Congress issued a report on the discriminatory admission practices of medical mhools in New York against Jewish applicants. Although the well-documented survey revealed shocking conditions, some circles preferred to ignore it precisely perhaps because it emanated from Jewish sources. Now that report has been substantiated virtually in full in a study made for the New York State Board of Regents by Dr. Howard E. Wilson of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The gist of the survey is that a'Protestant teudent stands a better chance of being admitted to those schools than a Catholic and that the Catholic student has an advantage in that respect over a Jewish student'. Dr. Wilson was cautious not to use the word discrimination in describing the practice. However, one need be no expert in social trends to detect the true meaning of his findings. Despite the State ban against discrimination in admission, the medical schools seem not only to ignore public sentiment but statute itself through devious devices. We might be optimistic and say that the problem will in the end be solved- But in the meanwhile there are hundreds, and perhaps thousands, of Jewish students whose future is jeopardized l>y those practices, In our opinion the Jewish community of America would do well to give thought to the idea of establishing medical schools for the discriminated. And the more we think of it, the more are we convinced that Yeshiva University wan rendering the Jewish community a great service when it decided to establish a non-sectarian medical school under Jewish auspices.

Obituary Sam Josephson Services were held here Sunday for Sam Josephson. Interment was at Kansas City, Mo. He died Friday at the age of 62. Mr. Josephson, with his family, moved, to Kansas City from Russia in 1894. He became successful there in the hotel business. Mr. Josephson owned hotels in Kansas City and Excelsior Springs, Mo. In 1928, he purchased the Hill Hotel here and moved to Omaha in 1932. Although not well known in local politics, he took an active part in the democratic party's national activities. He was a close Wend of former President Harry S. Truman, dating back to his days*ln Kansas City. He actively participated in local traffic improvement programs and. Jewish Philanthropies. He was a former president of the Northwestern Hotel Association and was state director of the International Hotel Association. Ills associates considered him a "self-made man who bitterly fought all bureau-1 cratic efforts to hinder business.' •. Mr. Josephson is survived by his wife, Birdie; a son, R. L. Josephson of this city; a daughter, Miss Raydelle Joscphson of Van Nuys, Calif.; a brother, Archie of Los Angeles, Calif., and two grandchildren.

Isaac Konecky. Services were held Monday in New York City for Isaac Konecky, 79. former publisher of the Jewish Press. He died Sunday in Hew, York City. • He left here 11 years ago tor New' Vork after 25 years in Omaha, . Mr. Konecky had been a deputy • sheriff and worked In t h e county treasurer's office- He was a member of the Royal Arcanum Lodge. His survivors are: three sons, Paul and Eugene of New York, and Lee of Omaha; and a daughter, Miriam Badancs of New York

Abraham Friedman Services were held yesterday in Sioux City for Abraham Friedman, Mr. Friedman, a long time resident of Sioux City, died Tuesday at Rochester, Minn. He is survived by: four daughters, Mrs. David Brodlcey of Omaha, Mrs. Morris Reuben of Sioux City, Mrs. Morton Phillips nnd Mrs. Jules Lcdcrer, bolh of Eau Claire, Wise; four rislers, Mrs. Gail Margolin, Mrs. Frank TuchBian, bolh of Omaha, Mrs. Aaron Greenberg and Mrs. Jacob Greenberg of Sioux City; a brother Benjamin Friedman of Sioux City and seven grandchildren.

Director of ADL At N.U. Workshop Gems

Seymour H. Kaplan, Director of the Regional Office of the AnUDcfamation League of B'nal B'rith, located in Omaha, has been spending the week teaching at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. His classes were part of a sixweek workshop for teachers interested In improving their methods, of interculture education. The workshop is an annual event held under the auspices of the College of Education, Air-Age Division. Teachers from parts of the midwest attend.1 Kaplan displayed audio-visual resources which 'arc available to the school teacher today, and also showed the techniques which can Litht Quidles: 7:16 p. be used in order to achieve maximum benefit from their use. The theme of his lectures was, "In This BETH EL: Sabbath Evening services will Air Age, the Entire World Is Just Around the Comer." be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:45. The Mincha Service Combined Picnic By will begin at 7:30 p. m. Dally services during the week Auxiliary and JWV arc held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. A combined picnic by the JewThe Sunday morning service is ish War Veterans, Epstein-Morgan held at 9 a. m. Post 260 and Ladies Auxiliary will be hejd at 1:30 p. m., Sunday, at TEMPLE ISRAEL , Fontcncllc Park Pavilion. An Sabbath services will be held to- the talent show for the night in the Lodge room, at the amateur youngsters will bo a feature atJewish Community Center at 7:30 traction. Those wishing to paro'clock. Arnold Kalman will con- ticipate can phone Mrs. Ed Beldduct the services. ner at GL 7202, There will be Services will be held at the games, prizes and refreshments. Center during the summer months. Picnickers will bring lunches.

.. Religious News

BETH ISBAElT Saturday services will begin at 8:30 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 8 s. m. at 19th and Burt. Rabbi Groner will conduct the'Sabbath afternoon Talmud class at 7 p. m. Saturday Mincha services at 7:30 p. m. Daily services begin at 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 6:30 a. m. at 19th and Burt. Dally Mincha services at 7:30 p. m. Friday Mincha at 6:30 p. m. The Sunday breakfast minyan and Rabbi's Class in Bible Study meets at 8:45 a. m.

ftalph Npgg Elected Prexy of BB Council Ralph Nogg was elected president of the Greater pmaha B'nal B'rith Council at a recent meeting. Other newly elected officers are:. Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, vicepresident; Mrs. Max Krizelman, secretary, and Philip Kutler, treaurer. A testimonial dinner honoring Philip Klutalek, National President of B'nal B'rith, will be the first major function presided over by the new officers. The dinner •will: be held October 29.

Monument Dedication The family of Mrs. Anna Janger will dedicate a gravestone in her memory at 2 p. m., Sunday, at Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the ceremony.

Zwibelman, 73, a resident of Omaha for over 40 year.';, died Wednesday, July 8. He is survived by hi3 wife, Emily; four cons, Harry of Chicago, Xlyman and Saul of Minneapolis, and David of Hanford, Max Zwibelraan Calif.; a sister, Mrs. M. Metlleman of Omaha; four grandchildren and Services were held Thursday July 9, tot Max Zwibelman. Mr. one grcat-crandchild.

Walter WinchiU's most recent path is a distasteful one. For once, however, we must -redlt him for a fine accomplishment. A Christian lady had written hli.i a letter asking him to explain Wl.y there were so many Communists among Jews. To prove her point, s'le listed a .number of Jewifh names. Walter replied by giving a long list of non-Jewish CommuBbts and, in addition, reminded the lady that Jewish leadership stood at the helm of the anti - Communist movement in America long before most Americans understood the real meaning of communism. , . . Notorious Gerald L. K. Smith suffered one of his greatest defeats as a result of the flop of the' Washington meeting of his Christian National Crusade. There were exactly nmenrackpots. The rest of the 25 present were paid workers. . . . The anti-Semites of. the country are reported making i n creased use of the MeCarran-Waltcr Immigration Act as a springboard for attacks on Jews. Seeking "new issues," the anti-Semites throughout the country are shouting that opposition to the Immigration act is a Jewish plot to infiltrate into the Bible'and Talmud c o u n t r y . . .Communists . At this writing, there is DO way of predicting whether By DR. PITCLIP BHEB Ike's refugee bill will be passed by Congress. In truth, however, it makes no difference from a J e w By Dr. Philip Sher ish point of view whether It does or not. The only noticeable enthuBible Happy is he that consldercth the siasm for the bill Is to be noticed in Catholic circles. The only ones poor. Tho Lord will deliver him who stand to gain.front the mcos-r in the day of evil and will pre- urc ore Germans. serve him and keep him happy all his life. He who will have pity on the In My Opinion . . . poor and will save not only their Premier David Ben Gurion rebodiea but also their souls, his cently touched off a hornet's nest name Will endure forever. in Israel when he declared that He who Is gracious unto the the Jewish people made no contribution to the world since' the poor lendeth unto the Lord, and Bible, with possible exception Of . his good deed will He repay unto producing a Spinoza or Einstein. him: Tho Premier called on Jewish artists and writers to revitalize the Talmud Rabbi Jose said: "Oh, that my Bible and to disregard the intellot falls among those who solicit lectual creations of the Diaspora. charity, and not among those who Since not even so great a figdistribute it!" (The former arc ure as Ben Gurion can lay claim liable to err and fail to do justice to Infallibility, w e are moved to to the deserving.) remark that the Premier was off There are three kinds of in- the path when he minimized the dividuals whose lives are not literary and creative contributions worth living: He who depends on of the galuth and their effect not his neighbor's support; he who is only on contemporary Jewish hisdominated by his wife; -and, he tory but on Israel itself. In fact, who suffers from an incurable if it were not for the moral, literary, artistic and scholarly creadisease. , tions of the galuth there might Rabbi Joshua said: "A man not have been the wherewithal for should never bring forth from the historic ingathering. In the his mouth an unfit word, for the first place, there was the postScripture uses a circumvention of Biblical wealth, the Mlshnah and eight (extra) letters in order to tho Talmud and the host of eccleavoid an ugly word." siastic works that influenced JewThere are four persons whom ish thinking and Jewish life. There the soul of man cannot endure: A was the great Jewish renaissance poor man who is proud; a rich in Spain. There was the great man who flatters; a lewd old man; period of Jewish scholarship in and, a leader who rules over the Germany. And there was the community with selfish pride.. weaving of a great literature and folklorp and other art mediums by the six million who perished. Temple Youth To. Hold There was Mendele and Sholem Alcichcm and Blalik. There was Cook-Out at Bluffs chossldism and the enlightment movement- Over the centuries Bjr Jerry M»rer since the Bible, there were Jewish The membcrs'of the Temple Is- scholars who enriched our spirrael Youth Group will rendezvous itual wealth with book and voice , at the Jewish Community Center and lesson. There was RashI and Sunday at 4:30 p. m., for an eve- Hambam, without whose commenning of rough riding and hog- taries the Bible might have been tying. Mr. Lemmerman, the youth lost to us. group adviser, will accompany tho ranchers, in their levis and 10-galThere Is no gainsaying that the lon hats, to ride the range at Bible has been the source and Fairmont Park hi Council Bluffs. well of our Jewish life. As much Once there, No. 1 on the agenda as we love and admire the Bible, will bo the building of the camp- both for its ethical, moral and fire, around which the "homo religious value, we cannot concede brought" dinners will be eaten. that it has been the only great After dinner there will be singing, Jewish contribution to tho world. stories, marshmallow roast, games Our Jewish values since the Giving of the Law arc an enduring and a luice popcorn pop. This is the group's major July monument to our Jewish civilization. When those values arc foractivity. gotten, it will be a spd day in Jewish history.

Beth Israel Picnic Next'Sunday Afternoon The annual Beth Israel picnic will be held Sunday, August 2, at Benson Park. The activities will begin at 2 p. m. There will be games -and prizes for young, and old. Refreshments will be served. A full'afternoon of fun is planned. Picnickers will bring their lunches. It will be a. family affair for grownups and children.

Ike Wants Peace For Israel-Arabs Washington (WNS) — President Elsenhower is interested in the advancement of peace between Israel and the Arab States and he "will be.constructive and helpful to all concerned," Rabbi Abba Hillcl Silver declared here following a White House visit during which he and the President discussed a number of public Issues, Including Arab-Israel peace prospects. Disclosing that he had praised the President's Dartmouth speech on "book burning" while simultaneously voicing disapproval of Congressional investigation of the nation's clergy. Dr. Silver said the President is determined to work for peace and freedom abroad and "for true freedom" and "/or clasnic and unintimidatcd American liberties at home." Asked to comment on Drew Pearson's*' recent report that he ind a Protestant clergyman, who ifficialed at the Eisenhower ln.mnuration, were to be subjected to Congressional investigation. Dr. Silver replied he was not aware of the reported step. At the came time he noted that he supported clemency for the Rosenbergs because he felt the death penalty was too

of the


Plans were made for a bake :;a!e, to be held July 20, nt the club's recent meeting held In the community center. The chairmen for the sale are Sandra Krizelman, Eileen Epstein and Joyce Canar. A baseball game with AZANo. 1 wa3 held Wednesday followed by a house party. A tea for incoming freshmen Is being planned; T will give thee . , . hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, tho Lord, which call thee by thy name, nm the God of Israel.—Is. 45:3.

Unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing hi his wings; and yc shall go forth, and grow. —Mai. 4:2.

Mew Year Book Corrections can still be made In' the new year book of tho Omaha Chapter of Hadatsah. Anyono who has moved or is Intending to do to may contact Mrs. David Fertcl, chairman, at AT 0740.

Juij 17, IMS


Mrs. Polldk Gets j B. B. Regional Post

Patricia Anne Korney

Miss Korney Is Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Norman Korney announce tho engagement of their daughter, Patricia Anne, to Gerald "Weinberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wcinberg. They are students at the Unif verslty of Nebraska where Mr. Wcinberg is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu, social fraternity. The wedding date has been set for August 30.

Bikur Cholim Gives Gift to Sher Home An oxygen tent to be used at the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged will be purchased with the money raised at a Bikur Cholim luncheon held July 13 at the borne of Mrs. Allen Zalkin. The gift will be given in ' memory of Mary Abramson and Lena Shafer, Hoatewfg were Mines. Sam Rips, David Parker, Meyer Colnlc, Aaron Levlne, Jake Chorney, Alien Zalkin, Jake Wine, David Baznlck, Sam Fried, Cecil Isenstalt 'and Paul Katiman. The members of Bikur Cholim Wish to thank Mrs. Zalkin for the use of her home, and everyone who came and helped to make the luncheon a success. We also thank those who so generously gave donations.

Mrs: Sam Pollak, past president if the Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 of B'nai B'ritb, was elected to the .General Committee of the Women's District Grand Lodge No. 6, representing this area, at their recent convention held at the Conrad-Hilton Hotel in Chiago July 5, 6 and 7. Membership awurd was also jiven by tho district to Mrs. Max KrlzClman for tier outstanding membership* work for the Henry Monsky Chapter during the past year. Mrs. Carl Lagman, bulletin chairman for the chapter, served as* co-editor of tho "Daily Doings," the newspaper published daily, which highlighted the main events of the convention.



Ellen Ann Bank, Maureen Linda Bordcn and Jerrold Louis Stone. Saturday; July 18 EUene Gay Halprln, Linda Sue Priesman, Jerold Steven Sadofsky and Jeffrey Wohlncr. Sunday, July 19 Kathy Ann Grecnbcrg, Sandra Lou LIpp and Paula Gall Segal. Monday, July 20 Susan- Anita Helsler, Sandra Lincoln, Robert Sterling Nogg and Bette Weiner. Tuesday, July 21 Ronald Steven Epstein. Wednesday, July 22 David Lawrence Bcrcutt, Joan Sari Faler, Harvey Kalman Gorodetier, Robert Barry Guss, Helen (Chasia) Bodicld, Allan Michael Soehnick and Howard Stolcr. Thursday, Job1 IS Marsha Corcn, Richard Philip Frank, Diane Sue Kolasky, Bonnie Enid Venger and Robert Zimmerman.

George S. Kaufman: "Some men divide their lives between trying to forget and trying to recover from the effects of trying to forget*

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Charney and Mr. and Mrs. Irving J. Forbes spent the 4th of July weekend to Kansas City. , Also vacationing is Michael Kntz, eleven year old son of Reverend and Mrs. Alex Katz. He is spending three weeks visiting relatives in Minneapolis and Duluth, Minn.


ElUne Ebrenfelch

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kaplan on the birth of a son, Charles Stuart, July 3. Paternal Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J. Kaplan, and Mrs. Ruth Baron is the boy's great-grandmother. The Kaplans have two other Eons, Michael and David.

A son. Randy Gail, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sanford D. Kaiser July JO, at Clarkson Hospital, They are also the parents of a two year old daughter, Marcy Lauren. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Belman; paternal grandmother is Mrs. Gertrude Kaiser. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Louis Margolin and Mrs, Max Zwlbelman. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser and children moved into their new home at The engagement of Elaine Helen 123 South 70 Street, July 15. Ehicnrelch to Raymond Alvin Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Young Talent H. Brown, has been announced by T[he Legionnaire recently published a by-line story written by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morton Louis Rich, ten year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Rich. The article, Ehrenreich. describing the Fourth of July fire-works display at Municipal StaMr. Drown attended the tlniver- dium, was printed with an accompanying picture of Louis. ilty of Omaha and the University Herbert Kalman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Kalman, was on of Nebraska where he was memthe Fourth of July program at Municipal Stadium. The fourteen ber of Zela Beta Tau fraternity. An early spring wedding is year old accordionist gave a solo rendition of "Lover." ilahncd.

Left for the Service Mrs. Somnter Heads Israel Bond Rally MM. Hubert Sommcr has been appointed chairman of a City Wide Israel Bond Rally, Mrs; 3. H. Kulakofsky, chairman of the Women's Division for Israel Bonds, announced. The rally, to bo held at the Highland Country Club Tuesday, August 35, at 1:30 p. m,,- will feature a "Back to School" style show with children of the community participating* Further announcements -will appear in the Press.

Leonard DcPorte, now serving with the U. S. Army at Ft. Lee, Virginia, sends his regards to club members and friends. Anyone wishing his address can contact his mother.

Luncheon to Be Held Tikvas Ami To Hold For Mrs. Sheldon Coren Freshmen- Picnic

Mrs, Sheldon Coren, who was Tikvas Ami will hold its annual married recently, will be a guest picnic for incoming freshmen girls at a luncheon given in her honor this Saturday. The twilight affair by a group of friends welcoming her to Omaha. Mrs. Coren'ls for- will start at 4 p. on. and continue merly from Kansas City, Mo. She to 8 p. m. It will bo held at Elmis the daughter-in-law of Mrs. wood Park and the girls will meat Dora Coren. The affair will be at the pavilion. All incoming held at 1 p, m., Saturday, in the freshman girls are invited to attend. Regis Hotel.

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Mr. and Mrs. William Gimplo are visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gasper, in Oklahoma City. The Gasper's son Harry is spending his summer vacation in Omaha.





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AZA 1A Nips Independents, AZA No. 1 Notes In the A. Z. A. No, 1 miniature Cinch Tie for First Place golf, tournament last week, Mike Py "Jerry Ferer

By Undy Paul In the closest ball game of the year,' AZA 1A clinched » tie tor the Youth Council Softball league by defeating a tough Independent team, 6-4. A two-run seventh Inning cinched the game for pitcher Terry Bernstein, who hurled one of hi* finest games. In the bottom of the seventh, after Horsie Zwdhack beat out an infield hit to keep the tTnaffiliates1 hopes alive, Terry calmly struck out the next three batten to end the game. Terry Bernstein pitched the victory while Jerry Margolin and Stan Widman did the catching. Speedle Zweiback pitched for the Independents and was caught by hla brother, Horsie. Each team made six bits. • A sharp looking Raylm B team took their fourth game of the year as they racked out a 17-6 victory over AZA IB. Art Novak was the winning pitcher, while his battery mate was versatile Sammy Shukert, R a y l m ' a left-handed catcher. Bemle Ostravlch pitched for the B team and was caught by Hike Blclcher. The Raylm. A team won by for-

felt from AZA 100. Nett Sunday, rained-out games will be played. The feature game will be played between Rayim A and AZA 1A, A win by Mother chapter will give, them their third straight Softball title. Other games will have Independents vs. Rayim B and. AZA 100 vs. AZA IB. LESSENINQ TENSION Washington (WNS)—It Is "essential for our security that ArabIsrael tensions be lessened and that the economy of the area be strengthened and stabilized," Secretary of State John Foster Dulles told, the Senate Appropriations Committee when It considered this week the Mutual Security program.

Correction The phone number for Admiral Drees, loth and Farnaao. was Incorrect In last week's copy of the Press. The correct numbers are HA 8866 and HA 8887.

Dennenberg received second place and not David Widman as stated previously. ' Mother Chapter has planned a terrific week of fun tor their Blephs. July 15th, A, Z, A. No, 1 will play Couneilettes in a baseball game at Elraw&d Park. CoumflleJtcs will hold a party after the game. July 16, Mother Chapter will have their annual bull session at the home of Mike Mogll. Saturday, July 18, Chapter No. 1 will hold a spook party at Hill-Haven with a tremendous ghost movie shown. The members of A. Z. A. have been doing a terrific Job in their ad-selling campaign for t h e i r sweetheart ad book. All alcphs are asked to enter the contest now in progress for the best designs to be used on the sweetheart stickers and dance book coverr If your design Is chosen, for either one, you will receive a free ticket to the sweetheart dance, to be held September 12 at the FonteneUo hotel. All the members of Mother chapter wish Lee Martin and Art Schwartz a speedy recovery from their recent illness. . .


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Yckjitti Councn Softball Standings AZA 1A „ Rayim A .„._.. Independents Rayim B „.„,.., AZA 100 » . AZA IB _.

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