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Camp Jay-C-C Will Open Monday for New Season The lighting of the Council Flro at Camp Jay-C-C Monday will mark the opening of the 1853 camping season. A capacity camper enrollment baa been registered for the first period. This past week the staff waa busily engaged lii nn intensive training program. " The first period of Camp JeyC-C which begins July 27 and lasts until August 10 is completely filled. There are still a few vacancies for the second period, August 10" to 24. Any parent who Is Interested In sending his child to camp for activities, fun and an experience in creative Jewish living Is Invited to register his child Immediately, For complete Information call JA 1366. Campers attending for the first period include: Philip Bally, Arnold Ban. Justin Ban, Lawrence Batt, Gabriel Berg, Sherman Brodkcy, Joel Davis, Joseph Ermon, Donald Fiedler, Barry Frodkin,
U. S. Senate OK's Admission of Nazi
Frank Goldberg, Philip Gorelick, Bobby Gross, Howard Hahn, Larry Hoberman, Gordon Hollis, Michael Homstetn, R o y Katskee, Howard Mulnick, Justin Mulnlck, Douglas Platt, . M a r k plattner, Louis Rich, Stuart Sherman, Jimmy Silvcrman, Howard Slusky, Joel Snelder, Martin Snelder, John Spltzer, Stuart Stoler. O t h e r campers arc: Marsha Corcn, Betty Erman, Francis Erman, Sharon Frank, Joy Frlcden, Judy Friedman, Beverly Goldberg, Judy Goldner, Anabel Graetz, Linda Graetz, Andy Jean G r o s s , Fayne Kate, Sarah Milder, Judy Plattner, Judy Pollack, Judy Jonelk, Judy Sherman, Judy Blegel, Jeanne Silver, Bonnie Tarnpff, Gail Trctiak, June Znelmcr, Suwn Wolfson, Marilyn Hoberman, S?usan Sherman and Marlys Isack.
Global , Report
TALKS POSTPONED (WJJS) — Postponement Washington (WNS)—Overriding to Vienna early September of tho Ausa negative Justice Department trian-Jewish reparations talks was report, tho Senate this week announced here following agreepassed a special bill approving ment on adjournment between the rcadmlsslon to tho country of members of the Austrian German-born Alfred Thcodor Ex, and Dr. Nabuin Goldmann.Cabinet who gave up his American citiIt Is believed, however, that lowzenship out of, love for Hitler and er level talks will go on during the Nazis., the summer weeks by way ot pavPreviously approved by tho Sen- ing the path for the final negotiaate Judiciary Committee, the bill tions. > was sponsored by Senator William At the same time it was reportLanger, chairman of the commit- ed that in their talks with Chantee. Senator McCarran, father of cellor Raab and other high Cabithe act excluding totalitarian*, did net officials, Dr. Goldmann and not oppose the bill, Tho measure Moses Beckelman were assured now goes to the House, where that the Austrian Government was wider debate is expected to de- eager .to find a solution to the velop. problem of Jewish claims, , In passing the special act, the Scna(c ignored a Justice Depart- IHI8H PREMnTEE Dublin (JTA)—The absence of ment dossier which-showed that Ex was a most undcsirablo person. anti-Semitism in Ireland was emphasized hero by P r e m i e r De In 1940, Ex boasted In Germany that he had been a member and Calcra In the course of a conversation which he had with Rabbi officer of the German-American Bund during the years 1020-1937 M. C. Weller, leader of South AfEx became a German citizen In rican Jewry, who is now visiting 1041 and, in 1040, ho was con- Ireland. Rabbi Wciler was accomvicted by a military government panied on-his visit to the Premier court in Germany on charges of by Robert Briscoc, solo Jewish having committed perjury In member of the Irish Parliament. The Irish Premier displayed statements to the Allied forces. Advising rejection of the rc- great interest in South African affairs and was especially interested admlsslon petition, the Justice Department said oi Ex that "when in the position of South African Jewry. He Indicated that he would it seemed to serve his purpose best, be renounced U. S. citizen- like to make another visit to Israel, recalling that he had visited ship and embraced German natho Jewish State several years ago tionality." in the company of Mr, Bciscoc.
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jssia and Israel Resume Relations
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Bamuel Nahshon
Jerusalem (JTA)—The immediate resumption of diplo-, natie relations between Israel and tJio Soviet Union wag anlounccd simultaneously here and in -Moscow. Relations were iroken off by Moscow last February after the explosion of a jomb in the gurd«n of the Soviet Legation in Tol Aviv. The communique announcing resumption of relations — which contained an exchange of letters between Israel Foreign Minister Moshe Shurctt and Soviet Foreign Minister V. Molotov —revealed that contacts leading to an agreement to renew relations took place in the capital of one of the East European countries. Preliminary talks took place in April and May, when an Israel representative informed the Russians of IIIH government's desire for resumption of relations, ' ••
The talks continued and on July 0, Mr. Sharctt wrote to Mr. Molotov. "The Israel Government has, of late, been aware of a noticeable improvement in the atmospheresurrounding international affairs and ot o renewed ond •widespread Paris (WNS)—Solo and full re- desire to arrive at peaceful and sponsibility for the abduction of constructive solutions of major intlio two Finaly orphans to Spain ternational issues still pending. was taken by Father Pergola of Setfc Friendship the St. Leon parish of Bayonne "In pursuance ol its consistent when he told a court In Bayonne policy of seeking friendship with that the two Jewish orphans were all peace loving nations and to kept ill hiding in his parish before contribute to the measure ot its they were spirited away to Spain ability to the establishment of norand that he acted with the full mal harmonious relations with all consent ot the children" who,(he peoples, the Israel Government said, were nqj. only anxious to "be wishes at this luneUiro to ralsa saved" but reluctant to go to Is- the question of resumption ot relations with Israel which were rael. broken oft after the explosion in Father Pergola refused to tell the Soviet legation In Tel Aviv tho court who brought tho chil- of a bomb placed by unknown dren to his parish or how he took criminals, causing damage to per* them to Spain, declaring that sons and property. whatever further details: he has to "The Israel Government recalls disclose will be forthcoming only that ita note of February 10, when, be is confronted by the 1953, In to the USSR Legation in Tel children in court. He said he was Aviv it expressed its profound re* convinced that when he faces tho over the crime committed children face to face "the boys gret against the Legation and offered will change their story." At the its apologies as well as full comsame time he asserted that his pensation for injuries and material role in the affair had been com- losses wlsjch legation and its permon knowledge and that he waft sonnel sustained." baffled why It took the" police to Assurances unearth the open secret. Mr. Molotov's letter, dated July IS, 1053, declared that in view of the assurances given by Israel lhat it would make every effort to apprehond and punish those responsible for the bombing and the fact that It had apologized lor the InMembers of the "Bread Break- cident, the Soviet Union was preers" in the Henry Monsky Lodge pared to restore relations. He of B'nal B'rllh have pledged their made special note of the fact that support to Marvin TreUcr, chait- Mr. Sharctl, In his letter, said Ismnn of the Men's Division of the roe! will not be party to any agPhilanthropies Drive, to help com- gression against the USSIl. Mr., Sharctt informed the Israel plete the solicitation of prospects still outstanding In the Men's •Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee of the resumption of relaDivision, tions. At tin- same time, the Is"Bread Breakers'' can always be rael Government expressed its satcounted on to help bring the cam- isfaction with the new state of afpaign to a successful conclusion, fairs, asserting that this developJack Marcr, General Chairman, ment "will serve t h e cause of stated. From all present lndlca- world peace." It also expressed tlonsrlt is expected that the Men's its "deep gratitude" to the NetherDivision will exceed its quota. lands Government lor protecting The division has secured the larg- Its interests Jn Russia during the est .number .of increases and new period when realllons between pledges in this drive, Mr. Marcr Moscow and Tel Aviv were rupconcluded/ tured. • r-
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Education Director French Priest Took Named at Beth El Finaly Children Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Nahshon have been appointed to the staff of Beth El school, Dr, Albert G Rlmmerman, C h a i r m a n of the school b o a r d , announced. Mr. Nahshon was named Director of Education and Mrs. Nahshon will serve as a teacher in the Talmud Torah. Philip Gorodctzer has resigned as director to accept the post ol principal of the Hlllel School in Rochester, N. Y., Dr. nimmcrman stated. Mr. Nahshon, a native of Israel, Is a graduate ot Hebrew Teachers College of Beth-hakerem, Jen* saletn. Ha was also graduated from Teachers College in' Columbia University, where he received B. S. and M, A. degrees. He is now working for the degree of Doctor of Education from Columbia. Mr. Nahshon specializes J n educational psychology, teacher education ana educational administration. His published articles Include a study of basic Hebrew words. Mr, Nahshon has had fifteen years of teaching, administration and supervision experience in the United States, Israel and Lebanon. He has resided In the United States since 1040. Mrs.. N a h s h o n was born In Grand Rapids, Mich., was graduated from the Hebrew Teachers1 Colicgo of Jerusalem and Columbla University, s h e has taught at Hebrew schools both in New York City, and Israel, where she lived for nine years. They have a ilve-ycar-old, son, Amlkam.
Ike Appeals for DP Bill; Jeff Chandler: "One reason why so many people are'extravagant is that arc a thousand ways"to Wiley Charges Anti-Semitismspendthere money and only one way to
Members of B. B. Help Campaign
Washington (JTA) — President stated, "Is, particularly vile in save It." Elsenhower made a new appeal to connection with this bill, because Congressional leaders who visited so tiny a percentage of individuals the White House for determined of the Jewish faith is involved In On Radio and TV action to secure passage of the any way at all among the potenadministration's bill to admit 240,- tial Immigrants." The conflict between Joseph 000 additional Europeans In the Sen. Wiley said he and 17 fel- and his brother! in the age-old next two years. low Senators who Joined with him Bible story will be analyzed by .Among thote who participated in sponsoring the Administration Maurice Samuel, well-knownin. tho White House meeting to- bill and President Eisenhower author, and Professor Mark day were Chairman William Lan- himself have been targets of Van Dorcnr hi the fourth in a ger of the Senate Judiciary Com- slanderous abuse" from "a poll series of ten radio dialogues (JTA)—Israel will mittee and Chairman Louis E. soned.wcll of anti-Catholicism and to be presented Sunday, from beWashington affected adversely by cuts in Graham- of the Houso Judiciary anti-Semitism." ' 11:36 a. m. to 12 tn., over WOW the foreign aid budget mado by Subcommittee. Acting Senate MaThe Wiley memorandum said Radio, on the "Words We Live Houso Appropriations Commitjority Leader William'J*. Knpw- that "by final favorable action on By" program. This is tho sum- the which reduced the $5,100,000,land mado It known tin Immigra- this bill, we of the Congress will mer presentation ot The Eter- tee 000 Mutual Security program to tion bill, at approved by the Ju- be giving tho only sort of answer nal Light radio program and is $4,443,000,000 rescinded some dicial Committee ot the Senate, which that tiny, poisonous outside conducted .Under the auspices $400,000,000 inandfunds over *>ould be acceptable" to tho ad- minority deserves—a thundering ot The Jewish Theological Sem- from previous foreign left aid proministration. In the House, in- rebuke—a thundering denunclainary ot America. grams. *• formed source*.said there is a tlon of Ihcir vicious efforts. This scries consists of a disFurther efforts will be made to "fifty-fifty chanco" of securing efforts are unworthy o cussion of Thomas Mann's clas- cut the foreign aid program when action on the measure this: week. the"Thoso respected, substantial Indl sic, "Joseph and His Brothers," it comes before the House, it was Senators today received copies vlduals and groups inside and and is Intended to present a learned, but Administration lead61 a memorandum from Sen. Alex- outside the Congress who., for fair, modern interpretation of the ers in the House are confident that ander" Wiley, chairman of the Sen- valid reasons. In their own judg- familiar Joseph story in the they can fight off new raids. Howate Foreign' Relations Committee, ment, oppose the bl|l," Sen.'Wiley Bible. ever, it is unlikely, that any real which charged, that' anti-Semitism pointed out. "I know that these Sunday, Kom 9 to 8:30 effort can bo made to restore the has been injected Into efforts'tp worthy members of tho opposi- a.•This cuts made In the Appropriations m., over KQIL, "Messageof kill - tho Administration's - emer- tion Would disassociate themselves Israel" will present a broad- Committee. gency bill to admit 240,000 addi- completely from the slundcrous cast by Babbl Albert A. GoldWhile It was not known exacttional Europeans in the next two attacks by the bigot*, hnlc-Jttlcd, man ot Isaac M,-Wise T*mpl«< discrimination'-Breaming outsld years. ' ' " ' , ' i'frrytfccted.UtTwa* la Cincinnati. ' :?' • * " ••"The nntl-Seml(l«m," Sen. Wiley minority," he added.--* noted that' he' Middle East "and
Israel Affected By Cut in U. S. Mutual Aid To Middle East Israel appropriation was cut $20,-* 000,000 to a total of $120,000,000. On the basis of the past distribution of cuts in economic aid, about halt this Bum will be taken Irora Israel's gr,ant. . Funds for Point I'our projects were hacked drastically because • substantial funds from previous appropriations wcro never used. In this category the Near East, including Israel, was cut from a requested $42,000,000 to 424,000,000-. Tho $90,000,000 in military funds for the Ara» states and Israel was left untouched. Testimony In committee indicated' that Israel will receive • substantial portion of the economic aid appropriated for it and tho Arab states. However, it ft exthat the Arab" will receive lorTporlloSFw military Uf the ilstanctf funds.
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Friday, Jaly M, 1»SI
m HWUB rans
Jerusalem Issue 'Pabiitbed Pabib Everyy Fridayy by y the Omaha Jewish Federates
• S U M u tMopd-dua n m s u , Mabnuk*. u A r IIM u | el MUCH >, 1SI?. n l t n at aamsu, uAr t l l S SmtaaiMkai, tiMk StOO St.OO. A AivertaJo* i r t a J BMXm BMXmcocoApplication Application. ATUMM MM.
.Editor ,._Society Editor
All Europe Isn't Anti-Semitic A couple of news items that eamc iu last week from European countries have set na thinking. One in I dispatch from Dublin, Ireland's capital, which states tlmt Premier De Valera in the course of a conversation with a South African Jewish leader, Babbi M. C. Weiler, deolored that there is no anti-Semitism in Ireland. Another states that the Swiss Government has granted $30,000 to (he Central ORT Institute for the Training of Jewish Vocational Teachers at Anieres, near Geneva. In recent Tears, following the war and the Nazi destruction of six million Jews in Europe, we have seen numerous displays of friendship toward the surviving Jews from official quarters in Holland, Belgium, the Scandinavian countries, England and Prance. The recent ending of the Knaly affair in France "Was one more exhibit of the traditional sense of fair play which is always in the end triumphant in that country which more than a eentnry and a half ago proclaimed to the world the principles of liberty, equality and fraternity. All of which goes to prove that even today, after years of exposure to the barbarities and cruelties of Fascism and Communism, civilization is far from bring lost on that continent which was the cradle of what is known as Western civilization. The measure of anti-Semitism in a cpuntry is in inverse proportion to the measure of its civilization and one can still name a dozen 'European countries living under liberal, democratic regimes where anti-Semitic feeling in at a minimum, where Jews enjoy equal rights and privileges and where governments are friendly rather than hostile toward the Jewish community. Therein lira hope for a continent whose hnmane ideals,- painfully developed through the centuries, the modern savageries, first of Fascism and now of CommuniKm, are attempting to destroy. ,
Off the Record
Religious News
By Kaifaso Zlprin
Finally Case . . .
light Candles: 7:J0 p. m. BETH ISRAEL Saturday services will begin at 8:30 a. m. at Beth Israel and ,»t 9 a. m. at J9th and Burt Rabbi Croner will conduct the Sabbath afternoon Talmud class at 7 p. m. Saturday Mincha services at 7:30 p. m. Daily service* btgin at ^ a. m. at Beth Israel and at 6:30 a. m. at 19th and Burt. Dally Mincha Krvica at 7:30 p.- m. Friday Mincha at 0:30 p. in. The Sunday breakfast miriyan and Rabbi's Class in Bible Study meets at 8:45 a. m. BETH El, Sabbath evening services will be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath- morning services will begin at 8:15. The Mincha Service will begin at 7 JO p. m. Daily services during the week are held at 7 a. m, and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service u
held at Si.ni,
TEMPLE ISRAEL Sabbath services will be- held tonight in the Lodge room of the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 o'clock. Arnold Kaiman, s rabbinical .student at the Hebrew Union College, will conduct the services. . Services during the s u m m e r ' months are being held at the community center.
Million Dollar Gift For 'City of Hope'
From this distance it seems that the elements in France who are bent on prosecuting the participants in the Finaly abductions, are rendering a disservice to the Jewish cause. The Incident aroused sharp debate and, inevitably, a good deal of anti-Semitism and anti-clericalism. But now that lustice and decency nave triumphed, there is no reason why those' concerned with redeeminf the children should now concern themselves with a purely Icga' angle. It is evident of course that the abductors effected the children's return, once the highest French court of appeal sustained the lower court's finding that their Jewish aunt was entitled to their lgal custody. Whether the action stemmed from fear of prosecution or from obedience to a high court directive is of no real consequence except to the authorities, and if there is no inclination in those circles to prosecute there is no reason why they should be prodded in that direction. The bigger problem is the psychological adjustment of the children to their new environment. It will take time arid skill and patience to re-educate them to their new values. And what Is more. It must be accomplished without leaving any scars, emotional, psychologic or 'religious. Legal proceedings against the a8ductors would only play into the hands of the religious zealots who are. determined to keep the issue alive M long as possible in the hope of delaying the children's readjustment. Time is on their side since the children have been made to imbibe their teachings. The children have gone through enough emotional disturbances and there Is no need of exposing them to the inevitable strains of a court battle. Their future now rests in the hands of their aunt in Israel and from what we imderntand she is eminently qualified to handle the situation. Dilly Hire: "Eve Is the only woman wlio couldn't throw up to her liurljand the better man the mi/Jlit have married."
Lo« Angeles'tyTA)—A milliondollar gift by a -ji'on-Jewish woman 'to the Jewish-sponsored City of Hope, national medical center at Duarte, was announced here. The contribution, which i.i the largest ever received by the Clty'oJ Hope, was made by Mrs. Eliinore Machris, widow of a pioneer California oilman. Mrs.. Machrls announced her gift at the 40ti) annual convention of the City of Hone which was attended by 1,200 dclcc-iic-. The money will E° for tlic construction «1 a new heart surgery building at Ibe City of Hope. Recently, Mrs. Machris donated $80,000 for the Danny Kayc: "There are four Purchase and installation of a "co- kinds of t'.irlz: the mental, lembalt bomb," a Ueep-ray device permcntal, accidental, and experiused In treating cancer. mental." Oscar Levant: "Studying every wt>m-> ^KH.«ir jjuviuit. oiuuyuig ero/icuy x-nuiiurr.: "For j*«r every SKKnics won't keep you out of the an who makes a fool out of come breadline, but at least you'll know man, there's another who: makes •why you're there." a man out of some fool." '
Gems °f the Bible and Talmud Bj DR. PHUJP 8HEB Bible Whoso loveth knowledge, loveth correction; but be who is brutish hatetli reproof* The wages of the righteous if life. The increase of the wicked it sin. Where no wise direction Is, a people fallelh; but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. A-good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. TalfflBd
Babbi Jocfaanan said: "As Ions as the Temple was in existence, the altar was the means of atonement for Israel, but now since the destruction of the Temple each man's table may be the means of atonement" (By inviting poor and needy to his table.) When Rabbi Yannai saw a man giving a coin to* a poor man In public he used» to say to him: "It would have been much better If you had not given the poor man any money at all, rather than to give and put him to shame."' When Habbi Jocbanan was ill, Rabbi Chanlna visited him, "Do you love these afflictions?" asked Rabbi Chanlna. "I desire neither them nor their rewards," he answered. Rabbi Chanlna then said: "Give me your hand." Thereupon, lUbbl Jochanan gave him his band and Rabbi Cbanina made him well. (Jewish science and touch healing were seemingly practiced nineteen hundred years ago.)
Obituary ,
Michael Somit Services were held Tuesday afternoon for Michael Somit and interment was at Mi Sinai- Cemetery. Mr. Somit died Tuesday morning at the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. He is survived by five daughters, Mrs. Benjamin Balaban and Mrs. Jake Siegnl of Council Bluffs,' Mrs. Eleazer Rubinsky, Mrs. Samuel Daniel and Mrs. Isadorc Korz, all of San Francisco, Calif.; 12 grandchildren and seven great-firandchlldrcn.
Abraham J. Shamberg Services were held Thursday, July 10, for Abraham J. Shambcre. He died Tuesday, July 14. Interment was at the Fishers Farm Ccmi tcry. Mr. Sharnbcrfj was a resident of Omaha for 45 years. He was a member of D'nai B'rith and the nclh El Synagogue. Mr. Shamberg i.i survived by a ton, Elmer of Lincoln; a daughter, Mrs, David Katzman of Omalia, and four nrandchlldren. Thou preparest n table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointcst . my head with oil; my cup runneth over, —Pe. 23:5.
Assembly Planned By U. S. Zionists Jerusalem (JTA)—Preparations for the first representative assembly of American Zionists arc under way, it was reported at a press conference here by I. Klinov, Jewish Agency spokesman. "This may herald a new spirit of unity among American Zionist groups," be stated. _ Summarizing the .recent deliberations of the .enlarged plenary session of. the Jewish Agency here, Mr. Klinov enumerated several problems Confronting the Zionist movement, the most important of which, he said, is the enlargement of the Agency and the' future structure of the- World Zionist Organization. Mr. Klinov emphasized that the three principal addresses delivered at the session—by Premier David Ben Gurlon, Speaker of the Knesset Joseph Sprlnzak and Jewish Agency Chairman Dr. Nahum Goldmann—all agreed on the need far "harnessing for work for Israel all sections of Jewry, whether they arc organized in the Zionist movement or are outside it, without weakening the Zionist Organization proper." • "Nobody demanded disbandment of the Zionist parties," he continued, "On the contrary, everyone agreed that the Zionist parties had done a lot to organize Jewish life and assisted Israel, but now the tirne"has come to give expression also to those who-do not care for any party, but arc just Interested in aiding Israel. Thus, the organizational problem is how Ui bund a Zionist Organization in which there would be place both for the Zionist parties and individuals."
Compromise Expected On indemnHicarion Bonn (JTA)—Franctic efforts are being made here to insura last-minute Parliamentary adoption of the bill to indemnify individual victims of the Nazis, many of whom are Jews, which ran into a serious snag when the Upper House of the German Parliament recommended certain changes which the Lower House is unlikely to accept. The Lower House is scheduled to hold one more session July 29, while the .Upper House is to meet two days later. Unless the measure receives a majority in both Houses It 'will have failed of par.tnce, beciuie Parliament will be dissolved at the end of the month. The new Parliament will be elected September 0, but it feared.thnt this time more Naziniindcd deputies, hostile to the idea of indemnification for Nazi victim.1;, will be elected. In any case, the new Parliament could not consider the bill before next year. Next Thursday a conference committee of both Houses wil meet to attempt to reach a .compromise on the measure. It Is expected that come compromise will
By Arttar Lewis United Nations (JTA) — Although the question of the inter- nationalization of Jerusalem would • seem to be a dead issue, ft still lingers on here, like the haunting memory of a tune that has been ' played, and it is the causa of the expressions of concern about the Israeli government's action in moving its Foreign Ministry to the Holy City. It is natural enough that this should be so, for internationalization has a particular ' appeal for an international organization, and this has been demonstrated here by tho number of attempts there have been here to put Jerusalem under some sort of supra-national authority. Question The question of the internation- . ulization of Jerusalem arose here where the Palestine issue first came before the United Nations in 1947. A resolution adopted by theGeneral Assembly then established what was described as a "corpus separatum" for the city and appointed t h e Trusteeship Council:as the administering authority on behalf of the United Natloni. At the time, the Jewish Agency representing the Jewish community in Palestine accepted* the principle, although it meant • major concession on its port, but the Arab states were opposed to it and have always been against it except when it suited their own propaganda purposes. Greatest Blow Actually, the whole idea of the Internationalization of Jerusalem suffered its greatest blow from its own sponsor, the United Nations, when it failed to fulfill the primary duty of the administering authority and its solemn responsibility under the resolution which caned on it to "ensure that order and peace" reign in. the city^at the time at the Arab attack. This' failure convinced the people of Israel and of Jerusalem that they could not rely on an Intcrnfllioosl authority and it was the heroic, efforts of the Israeli army, and of it alone, that saved the hundred thousand inhabitants from annihilation. IaternatieaallsaUeB Despite this delinquency on it* part, the United Nations still sought some sort of Internationalization for Jerusalem—as has been said, internationalization - r*nf si particular appeal for the more starry eyed members of this organization. The. Palestine Conciliation Commission was ordered to draw up a plan, but the Fourth General Assembly rejected thU and passed the buck back to the Trusteeship 'Council.- the statute which the Council worked but for the internationalization of Jerusalem was shelved by the Fifth General Assembly. Finally, there was a proposal for some kind of a United Nations representative in Jerusalem to which Israel agreed but Jordan was opposed, and it was dropped. After the Fifth General Assembly, there were no further efforts to internationalize the Holy City; most of the delegates had come to . the conclusion that it was neither advisable nor practical. That J* why the protests now over Israel's action in moving its Foreign Ministry to Jerusalem' sound rather hollow and forced. SEEK DHFHOVEMENT DuBseldorf (JTA)—The Central ' Council of Jewa in Germany hat expressed itself as being- dissatisfied with the Federal Indemnification Bill coming before the Upper, house of tho German Parliament for final approval on July 17, The Council demands that necessary amendments be introduced when •*> the new Parliament convenes fat the autumn. be reached along the lines sug» (rested by Hamburg, that the present bill'ii formula for sharing the cor.tn of the indemnification lcglSr lation, throwing most of tho cost to the ctatc.i, will be kept for ncttr and that It be modified before March 31, 1955. This in expected to win approvtd Jn the Lower Houic and possibljr force favorable action in the Up» per IIOUM: which will not want tj> be burdened with responsibility for scuttling a bill which Gcfrnany has repeatedly pledged to enact Samuel Goldwyn: "No man has ever been able to convince bis wife that a beautiful stenographer is os efficient as an ugly one."
Faribcmd, Pioneer ' Women to Picnic
"Talk of Many Things" |
A Joint picnic of,the Ttrbani Poale Zion and Pioneer Womer will be held Sunday, at 2 p. m., a' "ilmwood Park. . Pioneer Women, under, the chairmanship of Mrs. Sarah bkun, will serve a kosher dinner. Those j on her committee are Mine*. 1 Kaplan, Jerome Kaplan, Milton ttcarenberg, Sam Rifkin, H. Rich- , Jin, H. WohlneV, Abe Epstein snd ' M. Stirenbcrg. Mr. L. Friedman if. in charge of games. Those serving on the general arrangements committee are Mr. Sam Itifkin,' Mr, Hurry Rifkin and Mr. Abe Cohen' All members and their families arc invited to attend. There will a charge for the dinner.
The engagement of Bliss Gloria Kbhan to Mr. Donald Vann was announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kohah. Mr. Vann H the son of Mr. M. Vann and Mn. Joseph Meyer. Miss Kohan attended the Universities of Nebraska and. Alabaiha and is now a student at Omaha University. Mr. Vann i> • graduate of Omaha University. A winter wedding is being planned. SECURITY SCXESOTNO New York (WNS)—Nazis, Fascist* and Communists should be -excluded with equal tigor from the United States under the bttl pending in Congress for the admission of 240,000, refugee* and displaced person*, thirty-six national and local Jewish organization* this week urged in a letter to the sponsor of the bill.
Nachmi Nachmi Ami By Mrs. Morris Speekter Be consoled my people now Your enemies I will ever smite And I will hold you and protect you As a Father his beloved child might. The Holy Temple you will ro' build With delight and beauty, But forget noLNaosch Vnishmnl Your land you'll have, with every right God the loving Father kept his word. We are now a nation as other nations arc Let us not divided be, and Our land will be ours, our guiding star. Let us stand forever united And with righteousness lead our Holy Land And God will 'give us ilrongtb and help With Bis mighty and ble*scd right hand.
We wish to thank the following people for their help on the Jewish War Veterans' picnic, July 19: Mines. Nathan Marcus, Ezra Beldner,. Paul Crounse, Commander Nathan Marcus, Messrs Harry Hsjpert, Max Kanner, P a u l Crounse, Bill AbVahams, Yale Halperin, and Sari Shukert, Murray Belman and Bernie Feidman of the Jewish Community Center Day Camp staff. Paul Crounse, Chairman, Epstein-Morgan Post No. 260; Joanne Simon, Co-Chslrman •Ladies Auxiliary of Jewish War Veteran* ol the United .States.
Fogels Open New Decorating Showroom,Mr. and Mrs. Lou Fogel have opened their interior decorating showroom which they will operate In conjunction with their commercial sign, service. Mr. Fogel worked in Hollywood for IS yean designing movie sets and producing mural paintings. He has done decorating for* notable personalities therei The Fogels believe In individualized decor that expresses the personality of the owner. Mr. and Mrs. Fogel are natives of Omaha.
acationers Dr. Robert Yudelson of Lot Angeles was a recent weekend guest it the home of his brothcr'and lister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milton ' Yudelson. . M * y e r r * eeBU »; returned from Kansas City, Mo., where ' * h e r C0U8m «- !*• a n d « « . David S.
Scholarship Winner Harold Oberman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Oberman, has been amarded the Charles Pfizer Scholarship in Medicine. Harold will enter his sophomore year at the University of Nebraska School of Medicine In the taU.
Mias Gloria Ball
Miss G. Sail s Engaged The engagement of Mis* Gloria 3all, daughter of Mrs. William W. SaU and the late Mr. Sail of Miami Beach, Florida, to Dr. Harold N. Margolin," son of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin, was announced recently. Miss SaU attended the University of Miami and is a graduate of the Mount Sinai Hospital School of Nursing in New York. Dr. Margolin is a graduate of the University of Omaha and the University of Nebraska College of Medicine, He served his internship at the Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago, 111., and is a resident physician in Radiology at the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City. A December wedding is being planned. TOtST SHIPMENT Bremen (JTA)—The first shipment of German goods furnished under the reparations agreement is expected to leave here in an Isreal f r e i g h t e r this week, Sr. Cbalm Tachil, deputy director of the Israel Purchasing M i s s i o n here, said Dr. TfVha also Indicated that public opinion in Israel is growing more favorable towards Germany, now that it has become dear that the Federal Republic means to carry out the GermanIsrael reparations agreement. Israel, Dr. Ynehil said, looks to the future rather than to the past, The revolt of workers In East Ber-. Un and in the Sovjet zone of Germany has, in the public mind, .absolved Germany of some of the things that happened there tftcr 1030, he declared.
MmTAKYAID Washington (JTA)—The Arab states will receive considerably more military aid from the United States than Israel, it was revealed here when the House Appropriations Committee published previously secret testimony on Mutual Security Aid. The testimony discloses t h a t Assistant Secretary of State Henry Byroade told the Committee that the State Department p l a n n e d heavier arms shipment* to the Arab states than to the Jewish state. "1 think when you compare one-third of the world here with an area of the size of Israel, Artie Shaw: "Marriage is like It should not be secret that our a, prize fight: the preliminaries are plans are to do more In nil the rest generally better than the m a i n of the area than In that one coun- event." try," Mr. Byroade said. Gertrude Berg: "When a woman gain* weight, her charms arc enlarged without being enhanced."
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gcifman recently moved into their new home it 4208 Emmet.
Home From Service Mr. and Mrs. David B. Epstein welcomed home their sons, Lt Arthur Q. and Capt. Bernard Epstein, they have been discharged from the service. Lt. Arthur has returned from Europe where he spent 18 months In France. Capt. Bernard had been stationed at Travis Air Force Base, California. Ho and his wife and Children are visiting his parents before leaving for California -where they will make tbclr home. Lt* Arthur and hi* wife, also, guests of his parent*, arc planning to reside In Omaha.
Mrs. Lee Sloan Wins Golfing Title Mrs. Lee Sloan retained the Highland Country C l u b ladies' golf championship for the second rear by defeating Mrs. Hubert Mbnsky. ' Other winners:, First flight, Mrs. Robert Swartz defeated1.Mrs. Louis Lipp 2 up; second flight, Mrs- M. I*. Pepper defeated Mrs. N. J. Kips 1 up. In the Championship consolation Mrs. Al Fiedler won over Mrs. Robert Bernstein 1 up; and in the first flight consolation Mrs. Joe Rice defeated Mrs. Norman Bordy 1 up.
Council Women to Open Membership Drive The Omaha section of the National Council' of Jewish Women will open its 1953-51 membership drive with a luncheon, Tuesday, July 28, at the Highland Country dub. Guests will be the committee chairman and members of the committee. Mmes. Harold Farber and Edward Levlnson will address the group. I lift up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine understanding returned to m e . . . and I was established la my kingdom.—Dan. 4:34. 86,
New Year Book
Corrections can still be made In the new year book of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. Anyone who has moved or is intending to do so may contact Mrs. David Fcrtil, chairman, AT 0476.
The Lou Fogels Elsie and Lou HOME STYLISTS Announce the Opening of Their Interior Decorating Showroom • WALL APPOINTMENTS • CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE • DRAPEft.ES A COMPLETE INTERIOR DECORATING SERVICE 4018 Lcavenwortfi St.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Katzman are the parents of a daughter, Sara loll, bom July 13 atclarkson Hospital. They also have a son, Steven. Grandparents a n Mr, and Mrs. Max Goldberg, Wichita, Kansas, nd Mr. Meyer Katzman of this city.
Thank You
Misa Clorla Koh«n
Miss G. Kbhan Is Betrothed
Births .
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PhoiM OrcWt VYtkoms)
, Mr M. MM Youth Council Utter
Happy Birthday
Youth Council
AZA 1A Wins 3rd Youth Council Softball Crown
By JOM Knaaa "Friday, July M Softball Standings Larry Alan. Brookstein, RusseU One of the things which was ea Kaplan and Maynard Barry discussed at the flnt ol the sum- Rosenberg. AZA 1A mer Youth Council meetings, was Saturday, lady t5 Raylm A the prtblem of bad sportsmanship Maynard Powerful AZA 1A won its third Speedl. Zwelback pitched hit David Belzer, Ronald on the part ol participant* in Scott Blumkln, Mark William Independents stralght.Youth Council softbaU ti- Independent team to a 9-3 win Rayim, B ~~~ V. C. sports. tle by slamming the Rayim A team over the much improved Rayim B Boasberg, Linda Frank, Richard IB „..-„..„.,.„ 21-9. The boys from Mother team. The win places the IndeIt seems to us right now that Sberwin Mann and Florence AZA AZA 100 „, . Chapter with consistent hitting pendents • half-game behind the ' this problem is most prominent Shrago. and tine clutch pitching by Terry Rayim A team in the race .tor in the boys' baseball league which Sunday, July £6 Bernstein, trailed only in the first second place. Next week U tho . is held on Sunday mornings. Terry Koester, Pamela Fay inning. Frank Berg, in his first last gams and will feature. IndeThis bad sportsmanship seems Perelman, Charles Victor Robinyear on the A team led his team pendents against AZA IB, while to consist of using bad language, son, Diana Singer and Shirley Eta with a home run, triple and two league titlists AZA 1A will face arguing, and unfair tactics. The Swift. By Jerry Ferer doublet In five times at bat This AZA 100. thing which should Impress us as Monday. July 27 was the third title for manager The- Youth Council All-Sta* being the very worst is the idea Stephen David Greenberg and Mother Chapter's spook Patty, Dave Belzer, who did a fine job' SoftbaU team has been chosen by or complete disrespect of the um- Henry Janovsky. which was held at Hill Haven In .developing this, year's squad. Saturday, July 18th, was a huge Only two members will bo lost the league umpires, Dan Epstein pires. These things all lead to Tuesday, July M. Norman Zevltz. The two nonunnecessary holding up of games, Nancy Claire Aronson, Robert success^ Attending the party were through this year's graduation. and managers, Ray Somberg and are usually on the part of Gary Arpnson, Judy Bah, Rochello all the presidents of the clubs in Tficy are Alan {{eager and Frank playing of Raylm and Dave Belzer of Youth Council, who saw Marshall the losing teams. Jay Green, Robert Eric Cummers, Berg. AZA 1A, also made selections. At the Youth Council meeting, Gerald Blake Simons, Harlan Mar- Dencnberg . r e c e i v e the "Best it was decided to set up a com- tin Susznan and Julie Ellen Tarcn. Aleph of the Month" award, for a Job well done as editor of the Wednesday, July ID mittee, composed ol members of Kibltier, tho A. Z. A, No. 1 each clubs, and Llndy Paul, ath- Stephen Ronald White. monthly paper. Other awards were Thursday, July SO letics dlrcctor-.Theso people would given to Stan Wldman for his first Jackie Lou Hakan. decide upon a period of suspension place in Chapter's minature golf for those guilty ol bad sportsmantournament, and Mike Denenship. ARAB ATTACKS berg's second place in the tournaIs this really necessary? Should Jerusalem (JTA)—One watch- ment. we need It? It seems to be the man was killed Thursday night In Nebraska's Only 80,000-Wefr Infra-Red Bake Oven A. Z. A. No. 1 held its regular general opinion that boys and girls when Arab infiltrators attacked a meeting Wednesday at the 3.C. C. of t h e Jewish Youth Council house under construction In, Jeru- Mr. Samuel Swartz, attorney-atshould be able to straighten out salem's northwestern outskirts. their troubles, and get along with- The Arabs opened up a round of law, spoke at the meeting. concentrated automatic fire on two Also this week, Alan Heegcr out bad sportsmanship. Israel watchmen, one of whom was a p p o i n t e d Sweetheart Ad Why not try to be good sports, was killed Instantly. The other, Book chairman. and in this way, avoid losing who was unhurt, returned the atA. Z. A. No. I'll "SWEETHEART valuable players? It would make tackers' fire. DANCE" will be held Sept 12, at a better Youth Council, tool the H o t e l ballroom An Israel Army spokesman said —Joan that this was not on isolated inci- from• Fontenelle B to 12 p. m. Eddie Haddad dent, since a similar attack oc- and his band will furnish the muEDITOR IN DISTRESS curred In -the Jerusalem hills, sic. The new Sweetheart for 1953Youth Council Editor-Reporter when two Israel soldiers were 54 will be crowned. Joan Krasnc is desperate for club killed. "It is clear that the at- Art Schwartz, vice - president news. She has asked that it be tacks were carried out by wcll- and co-charmnn of tho "SWEETmailed to her by Tuesday of ouch or Ban I z e d and trained bands, HEART DANCE" has been taken week. This will be necessary in whose sole aim Is to kill and to ill with a stomach infection. He order for it to appear in The Jew- cabotage," the spokesman said. would greatly appreciate mail. ish Press.
AZA No. 1 Notes
Car and Truck PAINTING Baked Enamel
New Bowlers New bowlers in the B'nal B'rith Bowling League will be assigned to .teams,for the coming season Alter a tryout and meeting at the 40 BowJr 10 a. m., Sunday, August 8. The bowling season will start Sept. 8. New members can contact Secretary Al Orucb, 4507 S. 45th St, OR 1546. I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry.—Isa 46:13.
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