V«t JOCH-No.45 SXSfoiL
Austrians Publish - Reparation Views Vienna (iTA)—The Austrian Government , issued its longawaited communique on the progress on Its negotiations with world Jewish (roup* for a lump gum - settlement of hflrleM Jewish property and«<or Improvement of Indemnification fend restitution legislation for Individual victims ol the Nazi regime. The communique, reviewing the — positive result* ot the talks which have been recessed until the early part of September, stressed that Austrian legislation on these matters does not discriminate against any application for property, restitution or Indemnification because of his present nationality or present residence. 'The communique revealed that a solution to the problem of unclaimed and helrless property, the proceeds of which ore to be used for the benefit of survivors, still has to be found. It said that solutions to unsolved problems will be worked out when the talks resume m the fall and expressed confidence that the negotiations will lead to a mutually satisfactory agreement. •
Visiting Days a t Camp Sundays, Aug. 9 and 23, have been named official visiting days at Camp Jay-C-C. Visiting is not permitted on other days. The camp committee suggests that as a substitute parents correspond with the camp-
Jdy Health Club li •»1«N '0 i Re-Ope /CjO|30g The Center IMWWH reopen on Mi . ... regular activities, Harry A. Smith, Chairman of the Health Club Committee announced. The Health Club has been completely renovated for the new season, and many improvements effected. • The Health Club schedule will be as follows; f o r Women—Dally from 8 a. m. until U noon. For Men—Daily from 1 nnlU 9 p. m.; Sundays from 9 nnlll t . Many new activities will-be developed -around the Health Club unit of the Center, designed to promote interest in and use of the Health Club. Mr. Harry Bowman is in charge of the Men's Health Club. Mrs. Adele Rosenberg is in charge of tho Women's Heplth Club,
PuUbUM mn 1*14*7, MI M, KHh. Omahm, MibrxsU. Hum* <rf u m
ael EconomicAid *stored By Senate
W a s h i n g t o n (JTA)—The Senate Appropriations Committee) restored $20,000 In economic a s Camp Jay-C-C- Committee sistance to Israel, the Arab State* and Iran, which was slashed by the House last week, This action brought the total economic aid for the Near East area to $140,000,000, as had been requested by the Administration. At the same time, the Senate unit cut military aid for the Arab VILLAGES ATTACKED states and Israel from $50,000,000 Tel Aviv (JTA)—A scries of to $30,000,000. Testimony in the armed attacks on Israeli villages Senate committee disclosed that In the central part of the country some Senators had manifested a woro carried out last Thursday concern about arms going Into the night, it was announced here by Middle East area in advance of a military spokesman, who said peace. that all of the raids—which he Finally, the Senate body r e said bora a "military technique of stored nearly $20,000,000 which a^ strategic operation"—were rehad been taken from Point Four pulsed by Israel defense forces. funds by tho House. This will non-military vessels carrying nonmean that Israel will receive the The spokesman emphasized that military cargoes. Similar agreefull $1,500,000 requested by the the attack* "must have been car- ments were recently concluded beAdministration for this purpose— ried out after extensive prepara- tween Israel and Syria and Israel if the committee action is finally tions." A large quantity of am- and Lebanon, upheld by the Senate and by the munition and explosives was Conference committee of t h e Philip Rorren found' after tho Arabs withdrew, LOAN TALKS House and the Senate. and It is believed that the raiders Jerusalem (JTA)—Negotiations A spokesman for the American planned to blow up a number of between Israel and the United Zionist Council here welcomed the buildings, Israel has called for an States for a long-term American action of the Senate Appropriaemergency meeting of tho Israelof $75,000,000 to consolidate tions Committee and expressed Norway Welcomes DP's Jordan Mixed Armistice Commis- loan a number of short term obligathe hope that it would be sussion. tions will continue on a Cabinet tained on the Senate floor and As Permanent Settlers Last night, Arab infiltrees from level, a spokesman for the For- Philip Roggen, ot New York later in the conference commitCity, has joined the staff of the Jordan attacked the Tlrat YehuOslo (JTA)—Norway welcomed dah settlement, near the town of eign Ministry stated today, com- Omaha Jewish Federation, as Di- tee. menting on a Washington report rector ot Youth and Children's The Senate group also restored as permanent settlers a group of Fctah Tlkvah. Heavy fire was di- that the State Department had Activities, J. Harry Kulakofsky, half of the $8,900,000 slashed from - JS3 Jewish "hard core** cases from rected at settlors' homes and the turned down such a request. Federation president, announced the U. S. contributions t o the r The Israeli spokesman said that this week. the DP camps of Germany and raiders tried to throw hand greUnited Nations technical assist-, nades Into the buildings. Israel the loan talks will be held simulAustria. The refugees, all of them security forces forced the attackAs Youth Director, Mr. Roggen ance program for 19S4 and /retaneously in Washington and Is- will advisor of the Jewish stored the full $4,500,000 pledged concentration camp survivors and ers to retreat. rael. He explained that In the Youthbo Council, working with the for 1993 which had not yet been members ot their families, consistpast, under similar circumstances, youth groups of the Jewish com- paid out and which had been ' such allocations had been made munity, and also ed ot tuberculosis and post-TB TORAUgSALVAGED direct the vari- rescinded by the House. It al*4 by tho U. S. Government. cases. They arrived here after a ous children's programs and ac- ordered restored $9,000,000 cut Jerusalem (JTA)—As a result (In Washington, meanwhile, it tivities sponsored by tho Com-from the UN Children's Internatwo-day trip from Munich under of joint action by the Ministry for tional Fund and the sum of $4,« was stated that tho State Departa special emigration scheme spon- Religion and the Hobrow Univer- ment had notified the Israel Gov- munity Center department of the 800,000 for 1953 which bad been Federation. rescinded. sored-by the Norwegian Govern- sity 288 Torahs and some 10,000 ernment of tho U. S. negative Jewish religious books have been Mr. Roggen replaces Lawrence ment and the Joint Distribution salvaged from former Jewish cen- decision. A ruling was made by Herlick, present Youth Director, tho Department ot State, the Committee. ters in Europe. Troasury, the Mutual Security who has resigned his post to enter Near East Gels MSA's Under this project Norway Ninety-four of 288 Scrolls and Agency, in cooperation with the" the Graduate Division ot Social Clearing House Service agreed to accept a group of Jew- most of the books were given to U. S. Export-Import Bank to the Service of Indiana University, ish ''hard core" DP's—victims of Israel by the Vienna Jewish Com- effect that no American agency Mr. Roggen is a graduate of the Washington (JTA)—The openNazism whose scars are talcing munity. Ninety other Scrolls were has the authority to lend funds' School of Education of New York longest to heal—as regular immi- contributed by the Union ot Itali- for the purposes Israel has in University, where he also did Ing of a field counseling center in Israel has brought the Mutual grants. JDC in turn met all cos^s an Jewish-Communities and most mind.) graduate work. He was in the Security Agency's contact clear*• in connection with' the transfer of of the remaining Scrolls and books U. S. Army Air Force from 1943 Ing house service into action for the "hard core" group, Including came from Dutch communities, to 1945. He has had teaching and the first time in the Near East, transportation costs and a lump Including four Torahs from the UNIVERSITY CORNERSTONE camping experience.In New York. the MSA announced here: Tel Aviv (JTA)—A block of sum payment for Immigrants to Mr. Roggen, with his wife, the Norwegian Government, which ancient Portuguese Synagogue of granite carved, from Mount Zlon Elizabeth, and their four-monthInauguration of the contact will be responsible for their care Amsterdam. The Torahs will be In Jerusalem was laid as the cor-old daughter," Ann Vivian, are clearing house service in Israel distributed among tho synagogues nerstone of the Bar-Dan Univerand maintenance. "' making their home In Omaha now. will provide a two-way exchange ' Also helping to defray the e x -at Israel while the books wiU be sity In a ceremony at the universiof investment opportunities beMr. Roggen has already report- tween business firms in the United penses of the movement was a divided between the Ministry and ty site at Ramat-Gan, a Tel Aviv suburb. The ceremony was wit-ed for duty and may be reached States and Israel. grant from the Ford foundation, th« University. nessed by several thousand per- daily at the Jewish Community administered through the Office Israel has now joined 13 Westsons. Construction of the first Center Youth Activities office. of the United Nations High Com- FACT BIONED ern European countries and the fivo buildings of tho University missioner for Refugees. Most ot Philippines in utilizing this servTel Aviv (JTA) —Israel and is scheduled to begin before the tho Jewish refugees who-arrived sponsored, American - patterned ice, designed to help encourage Egypt signed an agreement unend of the month and the new today are healthy men and womuniversity in Israel. President and stimulate a greater flow of en, no longer in need of hospital der which vessels of either coun- Institution is expected to be ready Isaac Ben Zvi was among the American private capital and i n care, for whom Job and housing try that enter the territorial wa- for student admission at the start many dignitaries attending today's dustrial skills abroad. opportunities will be provided. ters of tho other nation because of the 1934-1B55 academic year. ceremony. Also attending were the Tho contact clearing house servHowever, nine of tho DP's aboard of engine trouble, storms or any The Bar-Ilan University is be Chief Rabbinate, representatives ice, conducted by MSA's Office of the transport arc active TB cases other uncontrollable factor will ing built in Israel under the aus-of the American and Israeli Gov- Small Business, helps individual who will bo moved to Norwegian be given shelter and will be per- pices ot the American Mlzrachl ernments, officials of Ramat Gan private enterprises—regardless of mitted to continue to their dessanatoria for treatment • tination. The agreement covers movement as tho first Amcrlcan- and of Tel Aviv, and leaders of size—here and abrdad to find poboth the World Mizrachl Organi- tential Investment partners interzation and the American Mlzrachl ested in entering into investment Organization. agreements. On Radio and TV •6T8*
On the Israel Scene
Roggen Named Director of Youth
"Words We Live By," t h e Eternal Light radio program's summer scries, will present the fifth in a series of ten radio dialogues between two of America's outstanding men of letters, Maurice Samuel, prominent author, and Mark Van Doren, professor of English at Columbia University, Sunday eyes. Paul Gltlln, camp director, at 11:30-12 m., over WOW Raofficially welcomed tho youngsters dio. Tho program is conducted to the camp. As the tellers of Shalom blazed in the dunk, the under the auspices of The Jewish Theological Seminary of camp directoi\told the campers America. that for the camVini; season these letters would takcVm added meanSunday's program, a discusing. Tile S wouhtatand for Sin- sion of the symbol of "The Pit" cerity, II for humility, A for ac- in Die Joseph sUjry, is based tivity, L for Laughter, O for Ono- upon Thomas Mann's classic, nc.'i.1!, and M for tliu mysteries of "Joseph and His Brothers," and Nature. is intended to fllvc a modern Mcmli(.T:i of cabin liobo led the reintarprclation of Um familiar Joseph ntory In the Bible. "•niljliil! mid dthri c.nnpi r-, n1 r.totl by counselor Arnie Kaimrin This Sunday, from 0 to 0:30 built the campfire. n. in., over KOIL, "Message of The1 pronrnm ended with a HOUR Israel" will present a broad<md tlie youngsters filed back to cast by Rabbi Leon Fram of then iiihins to spend their fint Temple Israel In Detroit, iiiflht at Clurip Jay C-C.
Camp Jay C-C Shalom spelled out in flaming letters marked the opening night ' Monday at Camp Jay C-C. The youngsters in two groups hiked up to Inspiration Point where they joined and formed in the council rim?. The point overlooking the Missouri Iiivcr made a i.cenic backdrop for the formal opcnini: of Camp Jay C-C. Here, high above the river, the yo'jnc.ter. seated near their campiue joined in the common bond of frliml-
ship. By the flickrnni; rampfire light thry naiij: Juwr.li folk ioni;i "There w.ti a t;.i\p of Mirpii'e OS the word Kh.ilom Middenly .ippoarcd in bmuiri<; [oUci.; MJ pendcd in mid.ill before the rimpci1',
Finaly Youngsters in Israel To Live in Gedera Settlement Tel. Aviv (JTA)—Robert and Gerald Flnaly, the two brothers whose abduction by Catholic priests' in France brought them into i the limelight of the international scene during the past half year, arrived at their new home in Israel and were welcomed by relatives and neighbors who turned put to give the two orphans a warm reception. The boys and their aunt, Mrs. Hedwlg Rosner, who was declaroa their legal guardian by tho French courts, were taken to their home in Gedera, one of the oldest settlements in Israel. ' Under the terms of tho agreement with the French Catholic authorities, which led to the return 1
ot the ohlldMn; i r f f R W W n i
not apply pressure on them to abandon the Catholic religion into which they were baptized five years ago when they were seven and five. When they are older they will choose their own religion. The children were left at * French municipal orphanage by their German refugee parents ' in 1044, shortly before they were seized and murdered by the Nazis. The children were in the care of Mile. Antoinette Brun, a Cathollo social worker at the orphanage, who had them baptized without / consideration ' ot the - possible , wishes of their dead parents. When tho courts finally awarded the Finaly children to their aunt, ' Mile. Brun, aided by a number of , nuns and .priests, spirited the cbil- - ~ dr.eri 5cross" .the Pyrcneo«,to Spain. ,,.,,
I fan*** 1
f refi!
New Bowlers Any new bowlers desiring to be assigned to a B'nal B'rlth team for the ensuing season, contact Sec AI Orach. 4807 South 29th St, OBcfaard 194«. Try out* and meeting on (Sunday, August t, 1K>3, at 10 a. m. at the rortyBowl*
by toe Omaha Jew** VederatteB. • I H n U , n t e aw Ml or Marcb I, M l , ATkatfta MM, HABBY HALFERT,. MA3ON1BXS
.Society editor
A Shameful trend
Classics YS Swing At Top* Concert
Beeent report* from Germany indicate a growing tendency in the eonrta of that country to exonerate nazis bronght before them QD criminal charges as well as to curtail the sentence* of lOchardE.Dv convicted batchers. In recent weeks alone there have been the Omaha Symphony ai least a dozen ease* where criminals were spared by higher and Fred Ebner, member of the court* from serving the prison tern* to whieh they w e n origiorchestra, crossed batons Tuesday nally sentenced, sentences which, incidentally, were aerer realevening at the fourUMte the Starlight "Pop"'Con c e r t Series at ly proportionate to the privity of the crime. Peony Part The musical duel More recently a German eosrt threw out a complaint between classics and swing was against three ex-Nazis who had been instrumental i* organismet with enthusiastic apptaow. ing1 the 'Wncrabnrg- pogroms of 1938. T i e reasoning behind the Swing artists also like classic selections, and to prove his point ilinmiwnl was that there was no proof the mem had directly Mr. Sbnsr led the orchestra w "A participated in the pogrom, even, though it '» common knowlWalk Through Paradise Garden* edge that the instigator of a crime i s as guilty'M the perpetraby Delias. Not to be outdone. Or. tor. In addition the court devised a new theory since the men Duncan retaliated by conducting the swing porHan of the orchestra had eondacted themselves properly since the end of the Hitler in "South Rampart Street," days they were entitled to "jodieial forgiveness." This is a The soloist* were pianist Gladys navel and disturbing thesis. Judicial forgiveness may hare a Hay and trumpet player Stan bearing on the extent of the punishment, bat never, on the quesHarm. ' tion of entertaining a complaint. In keeping with the gay them* of the evening. Governor Robert "If avowed and convicted Nazis are permitted to-esetpe Crosby at intermission time prepunishment, the effect can only be encouragement for the eleThese are exerpts taken from a mental concept of freedom, peace, sented Zhr. Dancan. with a «onv ments in Germany who have not abandoned hope of completing letter by Dick reUaaan. Dfck. past and equality/ for all men. It is mission of "Admiral" in the "Nepresident of the Tooth CswoeU. thia thought that Scouting at- braska Navy." Hitler's job. vlaftad with tte Omahs Sesots a< tempts to illustrate for the entire "Admiral" Dancan then sailed the Jamboree rite near Ssate Ana, world aa it holds Jamboree.' It ft down the musical Mexico way and Temple Israel Schedules Calif. Dick received hat aTagte tab same thought that most boys out under Italian skfca .with Ida Scout award at the agia at 1«V sad take home with them and ex- swing opponent doe* behind him. Hebrew Classes also was given the flrs* Eternal press IB speeches and casual con- Tb« program, closed en a friendly UgU Award m Nebraska far Jew- versations about any Jamboree. note with both men standing side Weekday Hebrew U> Senate Last week, the Boy Scouta dem- by side i-ondncting Cole Porter's Bible and Talmud being; organized at Temple Israel, -Take over 50,000 boys, mix onstrated for the whole world "Begin the Beguine." under the supervision of Mervin well what the word peace can mean, visitors, lumbering? aoBj OR. PHILIP SUED N. Lemmerman, Director of Edu- otherwith 50,000, add uniforms, peg- fa its finer usage. Maybe It is cation. The Hebrew 1 clasies are ent», bands, and exhibitions, « d about time the adult world leanur designed to help the students to place them afl •> Dr. Pfcfllp Bkcr ana ranch of over a lesson from the boys." understand r e l i g > i o u r worship 110,000 acres, on —Dick VeOmaa. the Pacific coast services; to develop an.apprecia- of southern California and you Pleasant word* are's* a hooey- tion for Jewish literature, and to might have some idea of the Imtomb, tweet to the mil and health prepare adequately for fiar.- sod mensity and meaning of the Srd Bas Mltzvab. to the sod?. National Jamboree held at th« Parents Interested in register- Whoso rewarded evff tar good, Washington (JTA)—Diplomatic their children for classes in e*fl shall not depart, from Ms ing Among the 50,000, are sam# 66 officials from countries behind tb* the Hebrew- Department should bdys and leaders from Omaha, Iron Curtain Indicated here that "Sin-. T^mi^H^i »iyi gg Qie TemRejoice not when thine enemy ^pTf of then in ene larg* troop, tbm renewal of relations between ple office, AT TI3X Classes will most fadeth< and let not thy heart lie start In Troop II. the one with swat the Soviet Union and Israel win the week, of September T. of the. Omaha Scouts, are five glad when be stumbfeth. lead to the resumption of Jewish I J a M CkasHeat T « f pv as. Jewish boys. After spending: • Tzbmd emigration from Soviet satellite few hours trying to f i n d Ac countries to the Jewish State and There are three types of per' Temple Ycwni AlfMfl Campsite of the Omaha Troop, ' Sabbath *enrices will be held to the release of Mordecai Oren, Mas who cannot enjoy life—(he which Is located ai ther very corsympathetic, the quick-tempered, Uodenhiplnsritutw in the Lodge room of the leader of the pro-Soviet Kbpam ner of the Jamboree, I was invited tonight Commumity and the delicate. Center at 1M Party in Israel, who has been to track with the Eagle Patrol. Jewish JoanAbrahams a n d Ellen o'clock. Mervin N. Ionium man. i m p r i s o n e d in Ciecboslovakia Rabbi Cans employed sixty tak- Gretnbgriat arc ycprmtnthut tb6 Chief Cook, Gene Kobn, prepared e n during the day add sixty Temple Youth Group at the Na- the cuisine te the finest Omaha Educational Director, will con- since 1S93. The same officials Indicated taken during- the night to make tional Youth Leadership Institute fashion, and everybody seemed to dnet the services. tsead for the needy. Be always sponsored by the National Fed- ( i t well, novflcps XooptVt Slew Throughout the summer season that the question of allowing Sohad Ma hand in his pocket so eration of Templet Youth being Silver, Bennett Hornstebi, a n d Sabbath services will be held at viet Jewish citizens to emigrate la Israel to Join families sepathat it a respectable poor man, held at Youth Camp* Oconomo- Marty Greene, also hi the Eagle the Community .Center. rated during World War II may •ceding relief, should approach woc Wis, July 21 to August X. Patrol, played the role of the per- BKTBI8EAEL • be considered. Many Russian JewMm the latter would not. suffer fect Scout hosts. Together with representatives of embarrassment observing him to ~ Saturday services wot begin at ish: families were separated Is-the 0 During a normal day, fberc are 840 Ukraine and hi other parts of the the act of drawing a coin from youth groups of Kyftw— f^Tgrrf - activities a. m. at Beth Israel and at are happening ev- » a. m. at 18th. and Butt BabU USSR by the Nads during their his pocket. Every comer o( his tions all over the United States, erywhere that on the ranch. (A person Joan and Ellen will participate In house had a door to admit the Croner will conduct the Sabbath Invasion of the USSH. Many Jew* stops walking. H o w a r d afternoon needy. la tuna of depression he workshop sestions. d i s c u s s i o n never Talmud class at 7 p. m. wcxv rcmovca K> concencrauwo Kooper estimated that he walked groups, and -meetings g?*r*A gt left food autiide the house so that Hincha services at 7:30 camps or* slave labor camps in SO miles in the post few Saturday those who hesitated to receive help making for more effective Jewish over p* m. Daily services begin at 7 Western Europe and some of the days.) openly during the day ndghi come youth leaderships a. m. at Beth Israel and at *M survivors ended up In Israel. The Omaha group, after leaving When they return, Joan and Elunobserved to take relief during a. m. at 19th and Burt Dally It was also hinted by the diplolen will report to the Youth their homes, went west through Mlncha services at 7:30 p. m, mat* the dark of night. • . from Communist countries Group, the sisterhood who helped Salt Lake City, then up to the Friday^Mincha at SO0 p. at. Israelis may soon be permake possible their attendance at Pacific Northwest to the dues of The Sunday breakfast mlnyan that mitted to visit some of the counPortland a n d Seattle, finally the Institute, and the entire conand Rabbi's Class in Bible Study tries behind the Iron Curtain, and gregatlon at a special program to reaching British Columbia. Every- meets at 8;4S a. m. negotiations for barter deals and B&P Women Ran one seemed to like the stay in be planned, generally increased trade between.. Canada, the general comment bePicnic HI August these countries and Israel may be ing, 'Britain sticks out all over." BETH EL NEW COLLEGE The local contingent went south Sabbath evening i rvices will be expected. However, weB Informed The Entertainment CommitLondon (JTA) — A college to again, stopping- briefly in l o s An- Held tonight at 7 p. m. source* fat Washington View all tee of the Business and Pro- train young Jews from ITortb Af- geles and then on to Irvine Ranch. Sabbath, morning services will the above indications with skeptifessional Women of Hadassah rica for the rabbinate in their Bellgfous services for boys of all begin at «:15. The Mmcba Serv- cism. are planning* a picnic for all romimmfties was inaugurated at -faiths have been held regularly ice win begin at 7 JO p. m. Ramsgate by Israel Ambassador at the Jamboree and in most caws, Dally services during the week Sfl£U>lb£*p& fiflCs DCDSTICCtiW O l d s ' * ben to be held at 3 p. m-r ESaha Hath. The cortege, estab- the participation was near perfect are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. AOL Director Speaks' lished in the former home of the Jewish services were held both on The Sunday morning service is Sunday, August 23, at Hanscom late Sir Moses Hontefiore a n d .Saturday morning and again on held at 9 a. ra. Park. At Camp MCTHI Meat There will be games and named for Lady Montefiore, is Sunday, when the majority of the contests during the afternoon, Jointly sponsored by the Jewish m vices art held. At the first Seymour H. Kaplan, Director of and supper win be served on Agency* Torah Education Depart- daily SCmday morning meeting of the Antl-Dcfamatlon League Rement and the Sephardle comma- .the Jewish Scouts, the two Jewish the. pavilion porch. gional Office located in Omaha, Chaplains of the Jamboree Staff Mrs. NeincPoOack spent the week In Fullcrton, Ncbr., conducted the main service. Howas a member of the faculty for the Services were held Sunday for annual Y-Tccn Conference - at ever, when speaking: with any of Mrs. NelwU: Pollack and interment the scouts who attended, there Camp Merrill. seemed to be a triple main attrac- was at the Pleasant Hill. Cemetery. Kaplan led discussion groups in Ssadsr. As*. X tion. "Rabbi Norman Sallt, of NewMrs. Pollack, 70, tiled Saturday In the subject, "Man, One Family;* B'rttb Southwest Begional Council—12:00 noon, leaven- ,Yorit City, the president of the Kansas City, Mo. High school girls from all parts ' worth GrOt. She is uurvived by two daugh- of the state attended. Among tha Rational SynaRonue Council of BethJ ferae! PSenic—3:00 p. nx, Benson Park. America, was the main speaker. ters, Mrs. Benjamin Shapiro of other faculty members were high Msoday, Aar. » The Vice President of the United Omaha, and Mrs. Ituth Klein of school teachers from McCook. BeWorkmen's £oan>—S:00 pv re. Center. Slatfi, nicluird W. Nixon, who Kansas City, Mo.; a con, Harold atrice and Grand Island, ai well Tuesday, Aac. 4 visited all of the cervices and the Pollack of Omaha; four brothers, YTVCA ctaff members from Federation of Jewish Women's Club Summer Meeting—15:30, eitirc camp, alco attended t h e S.-m Rosenberg of Omaha, Adolph as Lincoln and Fullerton. Private Home. Motiiovitz of Omaha, Morris HosJewish Lervices. • Monday, Ant 17 As a visitor to the Jamboree, enbcrft and Max Moner of Loa Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m.. Center. rather than a participant, it seems Anf'etcs, and five grandchildren. TRADE NEGOTIATIONS Thtvndir. Anr. 2S Tel Aviv (JTA) — Israel win safe to Bay that everyone, had a Barlnraah Summer Cliapter Board—10:00 a. m., Private Home. start shortly trade negotiations real "i:ood time." The health and Louis Levin Sunday, Ana*. 23 with, the Soviet Union and an sanitation conditions were umazWkvas Ami Membership Tea—2:00 p. m.. Private Home. Services were held Wednesday economic mission will visit MosinK. the food was t'ood, the experiJewish War Veterans Ladies Aux. Tea—2:00 p. m., Private Home. ence was entirely worthwhile. ' ' for tiouis Levin and Interment cow as soon as the Israeli legaTnciday, Anr. 25 la opened In the Soviet capiThere Is only one Item that was at Beth El Cemetery. Mr. tion Bonds for Israel Women's Rally—1:30 p. m., Highland West Club. needs any repetition, for it is con- Levin, 67, died Tuesday. ta1, it was reported here by HaboWednesday. An*. 28 He Is survived by two daugiw kc-r, - newspaper of the General tinually presenting itself. The idea Hsdassah- Group Summer Board—12:30 p. jn.. Private Home. expresses ilaelf at every campfire, ten;, Mrs. Leo Abianuon and Mrs. Zionist Party, whose leader, Dr. .. • • , Monday, Aug. 31 • :. during every swap, and of every Phil Katzman; a SOD, Henry Levin; Pcretz Bernstein, is Minister for • Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m., Center. Trade and Industry. 'large gathering. It is the funda- and eight grandchildren.
Impressions of Boy Scout Jamboree
of the
Enttfjrafwn Front
Iron Curtain lands May Be Resumed
Obituary .
Community Calendar
Frisky, Jaly I t IMS
Rally and Style Show
j'TaHco/Many Things"
The Israel Bond Committee Women's Division Rally and the Children's Bsck-To-Scbool style show will be held at 1:80 p. m., Tuesday, August 29, at the Highland Country Club.
Babies Mr. wad Mrs. Henry Rubin of Kearney, Nebr.. have announced the- birth of their lint child, a ion, Daniel Xdward, born Saturday, July at, Mrs. Bubin-U the termer Barbara Luttbeg. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mn. Barney Rubin of Albuquerque, N. M., and maternal grandparent* are Mr. and Mn. Jack Lutlbeg of Omaha.
Highland Highlites
A son, More, was born Monday, July 20, to Mr. end Mrs. Joseph Plonskl. The Plonskl* also have a daughter, Bonla, . Thoir first child, a son, Mark Edward, m i bom Monday, July 37, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Belmont ot Clarkson HospiWU.. PataraaJ grandparents are Mr. and lira, Harry Belmont, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Dare FredWn. Paternal great-grandmothers are Mn. Beulah RuUtein of Sioux City, la., and Mrs, Rachel Belmont of Albany, Calif. Mr, and Mn. Elmer Novak have announced tho birth of a daugh* tor, Jaynee Lou, ban June ft The couple also have a son, Marc Erving, and another daughter, Cynthia Batae.Paternal grandparenU a n Mr. and Mrs. Ben Novak, and maternal grandparents are Mr, and Mn. Bernard Fisher. ,
A daughter, Brenda Carole, wa» bom Monday, July 20, to Mr, and Mrs. Irving Garbcr of Brooklyn; N. Y. This is tlic Garber'a first child. ' Paternal grandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. Julius Garbcr of Brookx Jyn> and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mn. J. White of Omaha. Mrs. Carper is the former Zejda WWte.
Parties Mr. and Mrs. Mortis Grossman wiB entertain the Cousins' Club Wednesday, August 5, with a 12*) p. m. lunch at the Regis Hotel. The annual picnic of tho club was held July 12 at Benson-Park. Sin. » h e l Betensky of Des Moist*, the former Ethel Solomonow of Council Bluffs, and Mn. William HoUtdn and children from Bt, Joseph ,Mo., were guests of honor.
Vlrclnia Lliofe
Oregon Girl Is Betrothed Announcement has been made of the engagement of Virginia "Glnny" Lltofe, daughter of Mrs. Abe Lltofe of Portland, Ore., to Manfred Slegler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Slegler of Omaha. The bride-elect attended the Univenliy of Washington. Mr. Slegler, who Is now living in Rlchland, Wash- is a graduate of Iowa Slate College. Ho data has been set for the wedding.
Highland Country Club was host to about 80 women Wednesday, July 22, at an Invitational Guest Day. Mrs. Samuel Wolf was chairman for the day and was assisted by Mmes. Stuart Frankel, Milton Lehr, David Bernstein, Seymour Cohn, Larry Plattner, Lee Sloan, Al Fiedler, H, B. Cohen, Albert Newman, Robert Bernstein, Sol Yaffe and Abe Venger. The following were winners of the special -events, Virginia Ewing was the medalist for 18 holes with 03-21—72 low net, in the competition for guests. Mn. David Bernstein posted 89-18—70 for m e d a l score among members. Medalist 9, low net, member, Mn. Larry Plattner, 85-12—43. Medalist 18, low grosi. guest, Mrs. W. O. Larsen, 88. Medalist 9, low gross, guest, Mrs. J. A. Nixon, 34. Medalist 9, low gross, member, Mn. J. M. Newman, 95. Least putts on 0, guest, Mn. W. Bloom, 19. Least putts on 9, member, Mrs. J.-M. Rice, 17. Most putts on 18, Mn. Lee Sloan, 39, Most putU on 9, Mn. Edward D. Brodkey, 22. Highest score on 16, Mn. Dave Market, 129. -Highest score on B, guest, Mrs. Fred Van Valkenberg,
JWV Activities .Epstein Morgan Poet 260. Jewish War Veterans, assisted by the Auxiliary, participated in the carnival held July 18 at the Omaha Veterans Hospital. Hone Racing by means of movies was held, patients received coupon books, and Walter Scott, local entertainer, played the piano. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Beldner, Mr. and Mn. Max Kanner, Paul Crounse, Mel Tepper, Nate Marcus and Mrs. Meyer Kaplan. The Ladles Auxiliary will spon- , sor a bingo party at the Veterans Hospital Aug. 6. Those wishing to attend have been asked to contact Mn. Meyer Kaplan or Mrs. Lewis Asbyl. The Auxiliary will present a check to the Sioux City flood relief program. RELIGIOUS DIVORCE London (JTA)—A rintlsh vorce court ruled that a divorce granted by the Beth Din-Jewish religious court in England was vailed under English law. The decision validated a bill ot divorcement granted by the Beth Din to Mrs. Hannah Bar-Shefi, a resident of London. The plaintiff had married Elchanan Bar Shell, an Israeli citizen, In Israel. The British court held that since Israeli law gave exclusive Jurisdiction in divorce cases to a religious court, the British courts would have to reco-nizc decrees granted by such courts. 69. Highest score on 9, member, Mrs, Jack Raznick, 90. Flag winners, on 3, Mn. Helen Dillon; on 11, MM. W. O. Larson; on 16, Mrs. Lee Sloan.
Mrs. Sol Abramson, the former Mamie Temln of Omaha, returned last Sunday to bar home in Sm-ereport, La-, after • ten day visit here with her parent*, Mr. and Mrs, & Temln. Mr. and Mn. Symour H. Kaplan have a* their guest Mn. Kaplan's mother, Mrs. Harry Dalkowitz of PeanaU, Tex. Mrs. Dalkowfu is making an extended visit to be with her daughter during Mn. Kaplan's recuperation Auui recently performed surgjerjr.
10:00 A . k to 8:J0 P.M.
Mrs. Aaron FetaMatt and children Matflyon and Joel oa* Inglewood.CalUL, will be vjattiag here during the month of August with MnTlWnblatfs parent*, Mr. and Mr*. A. Lewis, and ttatrTamily.
Spending a few weeks at Peaceful Fines, the Estea ] resort of Zthel and Soggy Soglow, are Mr. and Mrs. Hat and daughter Marda and Mrs. Morris Groasman of Mrs. Dm Bm of Lincoln. '
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ptakmrttx left Omaha laat week or • trip to Los Angelea and Phoenix. I n U l L , they wiO vMt with their daughter. Mis* Evelyn Pink; and their aon-in-Iaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Charter. In Phoenix, they will be the guests of Mr. and Mn. Dean Davidson and children.
Change of Address Mr. and Mrs. Ben Minkln and their family are now settled in their new home at MM Western.
Recuperating Max London la to St Joseph's hospital recuperating irom recent surgery. • •
Thank You Pioneer Women wish to thank tbeir members and friends who cooperated to m a k e the linen shower, the clothes collection for Israel and the picnic a great success.
Pioneer Women to Print NY Booklet The annual New tfear Greeting booklet of the Pioneer Women U going to press soon; and Mrs. H. Mlrqwltz, booklet chairman, has asked that rnemben and friend* Who wish their names in the book eaU her at RE 4844.
Happy Birthday Friday, Jaiy 11 Jeanne Minda Cohen, Shirley Ann Feldman, Moury HiUel Gc~ rodeUer, William David Kutty, Steven M. Luttbeg, Murray Mayer, Donna Beth Raskin, Linda Rocenbaum and Albert H. Sabcs. Saturday, Ant. I Doralee Kaplan, Bernard Folikov, Stephen Harry Prlesman, Robert Shapiro, Michael Shricr, Ronald David Wicsman and Aldon Jerome Zdrinsky. ' Bandar, Aug. 2 " Sidney Harold Friedman. Monday, Aur. 3 Ardcen Ronnelle Forbes, Ronald Grey, Thomas Alan (Tommy) Heller, James Mifhai*! Krasne and Jay Shukcrt. Tnesday, Aoi. 4 John Michael Farber and Burton Billie Siporin,. Wednesday, Aag. 5 Edward Cohen and Nell Stuart Simon. Thursday^ An». 6 Jo Ann Cohn, Christopher Howard, Carol Jacobsan, Kaufcc June Kaplan, Sloven Cary Pcrclman, Sandra Rothkop, Joci Isaac Snoldt-r and Mark Steven Trustln.
OIL BIO Hew York (JTA) — The fiat full-sized oil-drilling rig from America to be transported to Israel is being dismantled in the oil Melds of Wichita Falls, Texas, and will be delivered to the new State this summer, it was announced bcrc. Spokesmen ot the oil compnny explained tlint the oil-drilling rifi to bo sent to Israel will be modified so that it will be capable of drilling to a depth of 20,000 feel Shipment, via New Orleans, will require t h e use ot 30 trniki trucks. A full operating crcv/ from Pontlac's Hold staff In Tcxa". 1A summer luncheon meeting of tin I'Vilcr.-ition of Jewish Women's will accompany the rij;. Clubs will be held at 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, August 4, at the homo Monument Dedication of the president, Mrs. Harold P. Farter. Officers and committee chairThe family of Mrs, Hcva Davidson will dedicate n r.rnvtalonc In men arc to (father at II a. m. her memory tlllfi Sunday at 12 m . I'lans for the ensuing year will bo «t the Golden Hill Cemetery. (iltCCILltll
Womens Club Fed. To Meet Tuesday
;for the Natural LegLopk
1-65 , 8 Pair for 4.85 Gorgeous new Form Fitting No-Seam stockings. Grace the • contours—beautify the legs. Sheerest of the sheer but veil .•wearing—and "the colors— • just beautiful! Nude loot, medium length only. SIZM 8'/I lo 11, w f d e n wfelcejMBs) {' • t •' ' « • ' - ,
, Lj
r **»
Jolr si. m i
Youth Council Doings
|Mbther Chapter A Team
T« c* Softool!
ISIavtn, who will soon be moving A.Z.A.No.1 League Standings 'to Florida, The girl* alto held a In the Interest ©1 serving; the farewell party for >U ot the sen* W, L, eommunity, Mother Chapter will ion on June 27th, at the home ot AZA 1A 10 0 attend g r o u n d observer corps Matlee JCatlemam T By Undy Fad Rayim A ,...,»... * I in a tie for second place by **Pcauses attar which the members On the cultural side of Uungs, 1 Independents .........„..„„ 7 I, pine a 1T-4 win over the .AZA IB win be able to help in civil de- the girls held a discussion on the Manager Save Behter and his Haywn B ... .,,,.. .,M. «. 4 9 M n H MH M They finished right up with best Club system. The multi- AZA 1A softball team took their team. AZA 1O0.......... „.. 1 9 A; Z. A. No. 1 i» sponsoring the newsystem was explained, and dis- third straight Youth Council soft- the Rayim A ; team In secdnd AZA IB 1 9 Youth Council tennis tournament ple p l a c e . '.-. '.: •'••. , .••'•. ..• : • • ? • ' ' . • • ' • ball title by inflicting « 10-4 decussed thoroughly. The girls also wttb, the matches to begin soroe- held a "jpeDdown" on Jewish feat on AZA 100. This was an tunt this week. undefeated year for Dfv* Belter words. and his squad and tbsr virtual])' Saturday, July 18th, the T. A-'« ran away with the leafr*. sUny Debka Debs authtr Sblnsiaraaa tai •*•; wen hostesses at a picnic which, Epstein, th*tr.0era»W shortstop, tncrnning freshman girl*. -' Debks Debs and Rajim held a honored led thl.atUck br'Wt}>#io« out ftra HfsWighHng the twfliiht affair, * joint picnic Saturday. July 25th, was a HavduUah service, and three doubles. Terry BejfeateUi and at QmwQOd Park. Before eatlni, friendship circle. Ptrfatt WiiiMthi VattlU* Stan Widwan pitched that, imporeveryone played baseball, and afttant victory. RayXirkeaad Oov erward they adjourned to the Plans are now being made by ry Colnlc were the victims on the borne of John Coldner lor a party. the T. A. for a "fun day" to be Centurymen team. held at Peony Park on August Members of the championship 16th. Royiiim team are Terry Bernstein, Stan 0*e>« Clly;wiic*niln-oiiUik*Ttm*>«ti »5 mll*> fr»M CIIICBI* a Wldman, Larry Epstein, Mike Bayim and Deblca Deba held a Denenberg, M a r s h Denenberg, .-,; • - - .•:-,••. •••.•=••.: F O B JcfjMiHil^Bf$T A N t f K C ^ t l ^ l Q l t ^ ; y . joint picnic at Elmwood Park, Frank Berg, Alan Heeger, Larry July 25th. The picnic featured an 'e Two M«gnlfk.nlLol»», Hooting Swlmmloo I « . , Schwartz, Bernle TurfceL Ed exciting baseball game which was ' • A l l S M O - M &porti-frlva»». H-hok OoK CowW ? Smith, . Jerry Margolin. Next enjoyed by all. Beverage* and e Honebod. Riding . KlaMly Dondno,f • " ' '' dessert were furnished by t h e A. Z. A. Mo. 1, has chosen the year's squad ought to be of chamdubs. After the picnic, they at- six girls to be Sweetheart candi- pionship calibre as only Frank Berg and Alan Heeger will be lost tended a party at John Goldner's dates at Mother Chapter's 20th house with dancing under the annual SWEETHEART DANCE to through graduation. stars. Raylm is planning an out- be held at the Fontcnelle Hotel, The Independent boys finished door Treasure Hunt in August. Sept 12. Rayim's baseball team has not The candidates are Judy Conn, stopped its campaign after win- I Jean Cutler, Ruthie Chudacoff, ning second place in the Youth Toby Okrent, Harriet Soslcln, and Council Baseball league. They arc Shirley Noodell. planning a game with Youth Coun- The girls were selected from cil Alumni sometime next month. the girl? clubs in Youth Council Rayim also plans an inter-dub as those who would make the best golf tournament at Elmwood Park, A. Z. A. No. 1 Sweetheart. -Along the community service Alcphs are well under way line, Rayim has been visiting the Thetheir ad book which is too Blood Bank regularly. The fra- 'with club's only ternity is planning to help with of the year.money making project the beginning plans for the plans for the centennial celebration in Harry HcrsMleld: "History re^ 1654. peats iUclf, but-thc neighbors r e Hayims are pleased to report peat it when it's your persona! that, Sheldon Krantz's broken leg, h i s t o r y . " . •'••:• :--^' - . - - , • •• .••••. caused, by a freak baseball accident, is healing rapidly.
Wins 3rd YC Softball Title
AZA No. 1 Choose Sweetheart Crop
Tikvos Ami On June 21st, they held a nohost luncheon at the Blackstonc Hotel for outgoing member, Huthle
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Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Joe Bernstein Sons Plumbing and Heating
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FLOWERS For Every Occasion Say If With Our, CARL SIEGEL 2323 Dodge
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m \ • 6 Meals were cooked »n both i i Bectric and ficme type tongat— : -^Ihe tett kitchen averaged . 11d«t|re*seoolsf,wlrh91% I S M humidity, wKtti the HH££ pteoli wtrs cooked on an Electric Range
, 7
Brniu* Served BwHct
"TlitM Itborelary-controtltd f n t l w«r« , , , •wduetad r«M«'eh or- ' duetad t » • prlnlt r« qtnhttlo* S f t imdtl d l » n a * i wtr* ttlo*. Sfoet qtnhttlo*. ul»J anil mttUU <nn nn prepartd «• Imtli . raig*i mJtr Identleil e t l e l condition!. diti
All row Core ro Eat
Noon to 3 p. m.
Proof thaf an ELECTRIC RANGE Cooks «i« FOOD... not the Cook Yes, in cooling six ineali under identical conditions, an Electric Range Icept the 1«tC . - kitchen an average of It degrees cooler, 91%less humid than the flame type range tested. Why is electric cooking so"much cooler? Aa electric range needi no combustion, so its oven is insulated on aU six sides . . . ill sur- / face units hug the bottom of the pan— there's no (lame lo crceji up around the tide* and beat up the room. Electric beat isn't waited—it cools the food—not the cook!
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