owta u iNUd'Clta IIIUII tl ton•tlto. oatM. Nrtnuk*. oadri »ei <* im,
^ W W T l B j
New Year's Deo.
Mdemrtififeatidh Measiire
Copy deadline for organizational matter1 for the >few Year'* Edition has been set for Monday, August 17. Copy must be typewritten a n d double
approximately $35 for each; month that they were;imprisoned/ :/''•'••'•:•. s p a c S d . - v ;.'.•'• '.'-• '. * : - ' : ' * / ' :'•-• • Compensation legislation Is already on the books in the Gernian states, which so far have paid out about $150,000,000 to Nazi victims. German Jews in the. United States zone will be least affected by the new. bill because it Is modeled after restitution Mrs, Hubert Sommcr, chairman legislation in .effect In tlujt ione. of Omaha Women's Committee for Improvement will result for Jews Bonds of Israel Rally and Chilin the French and British zones. dren's Back to School Style Show, to be held at 1:30 P. m. Tuesday, August 25, at Highland Country Club, has announced that Mrs, Arthur Goldstein will narrate for the style show, accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Harry DuBoff, This rally will be the final one for Omaha, as the bond issue will close May, 1054. • ISRAEL BUDGET Mrs. Milton Abrahams will be Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's 145;000,000 pound development budget in charge of all decorations, and was introduced in Pariament by Mrs. Sidney Sncidcr is -publicity Finance Minister Lev! Eshkol who Chairman.' All women of the outlined the country's economic Omaha and Council Bluffs area I achievements and emphasized'the are Invited to attend. Summer progress made during the year in refreshments will be served, and each bond purchased between now industry and agriculture. and rally time will make {he buy"We have already passed half er eligible for one ot several door way to our economic indepen- prizes, Including a Lcwyt vacuum dence," he said. "But the second cleaner and Israeli jewelry. half of the way Is more difficult Transportation w i l l bo furand we will have to tighten bur nished upon request. C o u n c i l belts to make headway." '•';•;.... Bluffs women wishing transporThe economic policy of the Israel government aimed at liquid- tation arc asked to call Mrs. Ben London Paper Favors Gershun, chairman of C o u n c i l ating inflation and stabilizing the economy of the state, tho minister Bluffs Women's Israel Bond Com:/ \ Ministry Transfer "We achieved these ob* mittee, at Council Bluffs 8774. ••••••\'-'.> ;;LdhdOnt Aug. 3.: (JTA)—"the declared, Sitter service will be furnished Jcctlves to a great extent by eas• emotional hold which Jerusalqjn ing new emissions, limiting credits, at the Highland by members of : ,t. h4s over Jewish affections makes balancing our budget, and Intro- Young Judaea. • : :;. the Jewish city, the onl* possible ducing a dollar-rate nearer to the _ Mrs. .Jonas Benet of Cincinnati, capital for Israel," the Times of market's reality; Also by «i de- who was one of a group of ten ; /./ London says In an : editorial to- crease in imports, Increase in ex- women to go to Israel under the day commenting on i the transfer port* and stabilization of prices." sponsorship of ..the National Israel ! of Israel's Foreign Ministry from Pdlntlng out. that the : invest- Bond Committee, will come to • Tet Aviv to Jerusalem. , ; ments made /"are already begin- Omaha to speak at this affair. •••••;'•" The" editorial 'pplhts out that ning* to shew results,'' Mr, Eshkol • .. both, I*reel and Jordan/ the two said: "The tent has already disap•i;.:. >v countries between which the citypeared from Israel's horizon: Huge .: '•'• of, Jerusalem is now divided, are building', schemes are providing willing to give Christian pilgrims dwellings for tens of thousands of every possible facllIty to visit the I old residents as well as for newJerusalem' (JTA)—A special Holy -Places,. "Indeed, they are cofners. However, because of lack, willing to allow' some form of of foreign currency;1 building ac- Ministerial committee met here . -International supervision over the tivities in the country will have to to consider the proposed governactual Holy Places, if the United be curtailed. On the other hand, ment election law limiting the In Parliament to Nations so wish. But further than the; government Will Increase e x - representation those parties which command ten thU neither can go," the article penditure on enterprises- which per cent of the total vole in a bring Immediate results, and In national election. •;.s t a t e s . • ' •• . ,.• [ • • • ••• • •;.''. •',.••'"• The Times urges the United the first line arc agriculture and The committee, consisting of ::'•.••':••'•..-,-'-.. •• • • > •'• Nations to rc-cxamlhc its position I r r i g a t i o n , " : . : representatives of the four fartles -;;'" with regard to the Jerusalem Issue ; in tho coalition, came to no deci•> f'lh :thC ,Ught of,exlsting :facts;" JOrtDAN CABINET <! sion. Minister without portfolio .'••. il|i says, that there Is a growing London (JTA) • — The : Jordan Pinchas Lavon and Minister of -"•. • feeling that the real object of the Gpvernnicnt announced its deci- Health Joseph Serlln, represent.:: (United NatiohB would be fulfilled sion to bpen^6fflces of all Its Min- ing the Mapal and General Zion; r by 'setting up "a;system of Interr istries in the Old City of Jeru- ists, respectively, favored the law • •-•; national ''supervision: arid cuatodi- salem and 1o make Jerusalem the Minister of Justice Dr. Pinchas :'••' anship of the Holy Places without administrative center of Western npscn and Minister of Religion . setting up a corpus separatum un- Jordan, followlnb the ..Cabinet's Moshc Shnplra, of the Progressive first meeting In the QkTCity this '.S'-' dcr.International sovereignty." Poalc Mlzrachi Parties, opwecki It was reported here from and posed the law. The General ZionJ o r d a n . / : '.•- .-.:^":"\^:-' .-, -.'• '.; ist? entered the coalition on the Young Adult Club In a statement opening the Cabthat such a measure Young adults between the ages inet meeting in the former Palcs^ understanding would be proffered by tho govof. 18 and 39 will hold an organi- tine Government House, some 700 ernment. zational meeting at 8 p. m-> Tues- yards from,the armistice lines, day, in the community center. Jordan Premier Dr. • Fawzl el .Plans for a Young Adult Club will Mulkl declared: "We aro deterbe discussed. Interested persons mined to defend' the city at all On Radio and TV s> can contact David Fogcl, Activi- costs arid we are going to strengths ties Director at the community en it economically..- Jerusalem Is center. Maurice Samuel, prominent dear,to us and to all the world,' author, and Professor Mark Van Doren, well-known poet, will discuss "Egypt and the Destiny of the People of Israel" as it appears in tho story ot Joseph, on the sixth in a s c ries of ten radio dialogues entitled, "Words We Llvfi By," l 'v':'flr«»hlngt6nXJ TA)—The Senate to relieve Europeans, a claim was to be heard from 11:30-12 noon, voted this week to admit within mado that It "discriminated" over WOW Radio, Sunday, on a three /years 209,000 above-quota against Palestinian Arab refugees. coast-to-coast network of the immigrants In response, to Presl- An amendment favoring the ad- National Broadcasting Com-fU dettt ysisenjibwer's request for mission of 2,000 Ara'bn was written pany. "Words We Live By" Is the °>" emeriency^ legislation to : admit into the House verslonr Eternal Light radio program's Matter of Principal victims of. Communism and; overThe present bill actually bene- summer presentation and Is .''. crowding . In Europe.' The vote conducted under the auspices • : a / W M ^ « 3 . t o : 3 0 . - . ; : - ' : V / • / - / • : ''. '. fits extremely few persons of the Jewish faith, but It is being sup- of the" Jewish Theological SemrS':i-:''"^';- ':.House Version •:; Earlier, the House passed a ported as a matter of principle inary ot America. This scries version of the same bill calling by major Jewish organization!). consists of a weekly discussion for admission of 217,000 over o Son; Herbert H. Lehman said: of Thomas Mann's classic, Jo^.Vpcrlpd of three years, Tho two "To present this bill as a fulfill- seph and His Brothers, and is .' versions now go to a Senatc- ment, of the promises made in the intended to present a modem Interpretation of the familiar J House c o n f c r e n c o committee past or as a remedy for the defects Joseph story In the Bible. > where differences Will bo com- noted In the McCarran-Walter Act would he a fraud upon the AmeriThis Sunday, from B to 8:30 promised and ironed out. The a. m., over KOIL, "Message of '•'; President's original 'request* was can people." Ken. Lehman pointed Israel" will present a broadr" for 240,000 persons to.be admitted out that "this bill not only does nothing about the basic defects cast by Rabbi Leon From ot In the .next two years. •: Although President Eisenhower in the MrC'arr.'in-Wultei- Act—it Temple Israel in Detroit. i envisioned thy mea.'airo tii .'i move .incpts ind .nlopts those (Meets. Bonn (JTA)—Jews will constitute more than SO per cent of the persons who will benefit from the bill to indemnify Individual victims of the Nazis which was passed u n a n i m o u s l y by the Bundcsrat, the Upper House of the West German Parliament, at its last session marking the end of Its four-year legislative term, Pledged The measure, which goes Into effect October 1, was pledged In the reparations agreement be^ tween West Germany and the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany. It Is estimated that if all payments are carried out in good faith, the total to be paid the Nazi victims will range between $700,000,000 and »1,000,000,000 during the next ten years. Direct Payments The law, previously passed by the Lower House, provides for direct payments to Nazi victims, or their surviving dependents who were illegally detained by the Nazis or who lost property or suffered physical injuries resulting in disabilities as a result of Nazi persecution. Former concentration camp inmates will receive
Israel Bond Rally To Be Held Aug. 25
New Election Law Proposed in Israel
Senate Votes for Admission O f 209,000 New Immigrants
PublUbad mrj ttMtr, 101 M. SOUL Onulia. MibruKa, PhOM AT UK
m«at. Cow 10 O n u ' Aanini Rau « , —
f Immigration Bill in Congress Washington (JTA)—Opponents of. the McCarran-Walter. Act Introduced a sweeping new immigration program In Congress to wipe Out the ''cruelty and in-
equity" ot the existing Jaw. The new legislation would Implement the recorninendations of the Perlman Commission which was appointed by former President Harry S. Truman to iecommend changes in the controversial act which < was forced through Congress de- '•'.•• spite a Presidential Veto. , Sen, Herbert H; Lehman intrb* duccd the bill today along with Senators Hubert H, Humphrey, Wayne Morse, Tom Pastore, Theodore F. Green, James E. Murray, John F. Kennedy, and Warren Maghuson, In the House of Hepfesentatlves, 24 members Joined simultaneously in a similar move. •'"'. New Approach The bill envisions a basic new approach to immigration problems. It would do away with the so-called "national origins quota system." It would admit, without regard to race, religion, or national origin, all those who would make desirable citizens. Sponsors of the Omnibus Irnmi- ' gratlon Bill issued a statement describing eight months of intensive drafting. work which went into the measure. They said it Jewish Pioneer carries out the pledges made last ; It takes brawn to build a new year by the spokesmen of both country. The nun In the picture major political parties, to remove la seen leaving; his work at a the inequities and discriminations Neeev copper mine. The United from our .basic immigration and: - : .''• Jewish Appeal, with American naturalization laws,Jewry's foil support, can sub''•"•':• •' •" M a j o r D e f e c t s * '•'•-'' - ' k '•;.•' sUntlally develop Israel's econThe major defects in the M e - • :: omy thrown establishment of •Carran-Walter Act which would , new roads, Irrigation projects be ebwected by this hew law and new farm villages/ Include the national origins quota . system with its discriminatory and racist features; the confused and Israel Ministry overlapping administrative proce-' ;•'•• dures which assign the DepartChange "Inopportune' ments of Justice and State virtually Washington (JTA) — Secretary duplicate jurisdiction over immiof State John Foster Dulles told gration; lack of adequate appeals ' a press conference that the United and review procedures, and harsh, States "regrets" that the Israel Inconsistent and ambiguous standGovernment has seen fit to move ards of eligibility for admission. Its Foreign Ministry from Tel Aviv to Jorusalem. The United States, said Mr. Day Camp Enrollment Dulles, feels this particular-action by Israel at the present time to Of 139 Youngsters be "inopportune" and believes it The ydar of 1053 saw 139 youngwould add to rather than relax sters attend the Jewish Community the tensions in the Near Eastern Center Day Camp from June 20 area. As a consequence of the to July 24, where they participated Israel Foreign Ministry move, ho In a program which included said, other nations share America's swimming, games, singing, Israeli concern over goodwill and peace dancing, and arts and crafts. They "in that part of the world." also made a number .of trip-outs The United States regrets Is- to places of industry as well as rael's action because it would camping sites in city and state "embarrass" the United Nations parks. which has the primary responsiA group ot the older boys took bility for determining the future part in an overnight hike during status of Jerusalem, Secretary which the boys cooked supper and Dulles said. He recalled what he breakfast oncl slept in their tents. described as a standing U. N. Mr. Fogel, Director of 'Activities, resolution that provides to a large stated that parents may arrange extent for the treatment of Jeru- for appointments to discuss; their salem as an international city. youngster's progress at day camp.
WJC Assembly Attacks Red Satellites for Negative Views Geneva, Aug. 3. (JTA)—The negative attitude displayed by the Soviet Union and its satellite countries towards appeals for indemnification for huge losses sustained In their territories by Jews during the Nazi occupation is cited as "grounds for anxiety" by the World Jewish Congress in a report disseminated here. The report was issued in connection with the Third Plenary Assembly of the World Jewish Congress which opened here Tuesday to discuss problems concerning Jewish life In every part of the world. About 275 delegates from Jewish'communities in 47 countries arc attending the parley which will .continue for a - full week. Emphasizing that It wag in' Soviet-controlled territories where the Nazis inflicted the "vast majority of Jewish material losses and murdered millions of Jews, the WJC report points out that although peace treaties between the Allies and successors of Nazi governments of. .Jtumania,, Hun-
gary and Bulgaria obligate the latter to transfor helrloss properties of persocutces' for, thepurpose of rehabllitationg survlying victims of the Nazi persecution, no: single-act; hasbeen done by . these. states to Implement their obligations.
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"Poland," ^ays the; 'report, ••;"•• "which was the flcst; target of ' ' the Nazi attack and the supplied of 3,000,000 Jewish victims for ;. . Nazi gas chambers/has not: only .; failed to restore one single; m i - ; , , , / / nute fraction of the vast heirless property of the Polish-Jewish. / victims of mass murder, but: h a 1a " ; : : itself nationalized aueh property.' '•';> - , ; In contrast to West Germany's ; agreement with Israel and w'orld / • Jewish -! organizations to make ' material compensation for the,- ; , / crlnies committed by the .Nazisi- -...•'•. against Jews.V Moscow; made no '; / '/ response>to all requests -that'; V,,." Soviet-held Eastern /.Germany/'•'"•. "•': should bear a.proportionate share ; - • : of the-total German liability:vfor'V..- ,-,.: reparatloiis.: tqi; the Jewish;people ;/,-:' for> losses 'lnfDetect by,; the .Haziv1 ;.• *:
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rahUsUed every taunt u ''
Nursery School i Starts Sept. W - i by the Omaha Jewtsb Federate
The Beth El Nursery School comxnttiec haxi annaunccA that registrations for the new term, beginning September 14, are now being accepted. Children between the ages of three awl tWe year* old are eligible to enroll. Mrs. Alex Katz and Miss Phyllis Bernstein wOl be the teachers In.
- IMniU, uabr tM *ct «f Mart) i. in*. utl Otttrt-lH itg. SMI abtSTauka, Mite, ATUai* MM. tfem Arfdn-a-tsts ETjott BUM*. '•.' . . . , ••. ... :
-Editor ..Society Editor
The Passing of a Great American
- • •:..: r \
'••• ' :'
The school meets five days a week, Mondays through Fridays, from 0 a. m. to 12 m.,.and runs paraUcl with the public school calendar. The program is geared , to the pre-kiadergarten requirements a* set down by the Omaha Board of Education/, ; < . .' : ••*• , parents can enroD their chBdrcn by contacting the Synagogue office, GL J22L, or Mrs. Sol Par- i-. sow, chairman, RE 3211. • •• : Registration Ice per • semester:: (September to January, January to June) is | M for members and *73 for non-members. Early reglitruUor* wUVenaUs satixiattory arrangement* for car pools, if
In the death of Senator Robert A. Taft the country has lost one o£ the leading political figures of the generation and the Jewish community one of its best friends. Taft in recent yean was a tragic figure. Not alqne because he twice failed of attainment when the highest office of the country was within his grasp, but because he lived in a world that was passing him by rapidly- He was 0 traditionalist by training and inclination and the changing world he was witnessing baffled him as mnch as it hurt him. But if he was out of step with the times, it was not because of personal advantage but because of ingrained faith, honesty and deeprooted conviction. There were times in Taft'a life when he was so* manifestly inconsistent that he baffled country, world and political alliances as well. But h'is inconsistency was tins inevitable byproduct of an honest man's groping for the truth. There Was nothing inconsistent however in his long and honorable career of dedication tfl country in his love for tbe Jewish people ah<l their striving for national independence. He was one of the stauurhest advocates of Jewish statehood and the most outspoken defender of Israel's interests in places where it most eonnfd. Senator Taft's premature demise will b e mourned by the minions of all faiths who knew him as a man to whom the world prejudice was completely alien.
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The first of o series of orlentation courses, especially designed for new Hadassah Board Members anil ell other members who may be interested, will be held at the-home' of Mrs,; Phlncas Win-. Uoub, U5 S. 50 Ave, on Monday. Aug. 10. at l230in the form of a : dessert luncheon.
>:•••',,. '•".'-'..
Mrs. A. D. Frank will discuss "The Background and Structure 9t Zionism*' and "The Workings of the Jewish National Fund." Friday, An* 7 Mrs. Paul Vcrct, with the.as- : Bible and Talmud Brcnda" (Braindl) Branddetter, Bistahee at Mrs. Henry Stern, is • News The first week at Camp Jay C~C in charge of the scries. Marilyn Marie Cohen, Alien StuBy OB. n m i r 8HER was highlighted by Kamp Karriiart Conn, Sandra Ellean Davis, Mrs. Veret 1« Hadnssah chapter lift* Cawttei: 7:1« p. m. val Kapers and a championship educational chairman, with Mrs. Shirley Janovsky, Stephen Howbaseball game held Sunday.; ard Lewis, Esther Mauer and AlJoseph Soahnlk as e d u c a t i o n • By Dr. FhiOp Sher len Noddle.: BETH FA Festive booths designed a n d Chairman* of the Henrietta Swld Sabbath evening services will Saturday, An*. ( built .by: the camper* featured: group, Mrs. Sidney Ilollls, educabe held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath Gena Brunnengrabex and Na- Thus, sayethtte Lord:; "Let not spook; shows, sponge throw*, duck- tion chairman of the Thcodor the wise man glory in his wisdom, ing'foT apples and a shooting; gal- Herzl group, and Mrsv.Ai;'v1lit-. morning service* will begin at than Wolder lintzmanCtceiic, edutalion chairman pt the/ neither, let the mighty man glory lery. : The lodge room, was g«Uy <:«. The Minchs Service' will Sugday, Aug. • " Chaim Welzmann group, ' f ' V begin at 7:15 p. ra. in M* might Let not tbe rich man decorated for the occasion. .: Jeffrey James Taxman. glory In his riche*. but let hhn Senior girls accepted the boy's All new .board' members have Pan? service* during the week Monday, Aa*. l i that glorleth glory in this that he challenge ere heM at 7 a. m. and 7 pv mto a baseball Wfne in i been askecT to reserve the foBow-' v The Sunday morning service is Karen Eeilman, Bobert L o u i s undefftandetb and knoweth Me, the momteig to determine t h e ing. dates when the rest ot the seheld at « a. m. that lam the Lord who exercise* camp champions. With the rest of ries "of orientaiion. courses will : Frank, Richard Friedman, M y r a 1 Llpp, Marvin Pollkov and Robert mercy, Justice and righteousness the units cheering on their respec- take place: Monday, Aug. 10, 17, u p o n earth." •.:'•-•.''.'. ".,' .:••-.'• tlvo teams, the boys came-.out on 24, 31; arid Saturday, Septi 12. *TtMHJB ISRAEL Earl Stein. Thou hast been a stronghold to the loog end of the score 15-11. .They Will be notified where each Sabbath (ervices will be held Tomday. A « . 11 the poor,« stronghold to the needy! The heavily favored boy^s team meeting will' take' jrtacev- It.wa* tonight in the lodge Room of the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 Jeffrey Mark Conn, Hare Vcll- In his distress, a refuge front, the led. by piteher «TJny" Joel Davis announced that the committee ha* survived an il-nm Uih-d toning made a special effort to schedule o'clock. Mervin Leromerman, Ed- man, Barbara Pitalis and FhUlip ttorrn.a shade frcro tbe heat. Understanding J» 0 fountain of nfly to win the mne. Larr^ all meetings in air conditioned , ucational Director, will conduct H. Sokolof. .. lite unto him that hath It; but the Hoberman. caught |pr the boys;. Wednesday, KM- Vt the cervices. • Instruction of, fobli i* folly. . While June Zneimer and Sally Solomon. Jacob Mclaned. Freeman made iip tho battery for Thursday, Aaf. 13 HOLY DAY SERVICES Kadima* Wienie Roost AT SCOTTISH KITE Alan Lorry Benuiein, Judith ' ••'•;•:••. '..- T a l m u d ; ''•'"/ .'.' ] . AUDITORIUM Davidson and Susan Jo Endelman. Rabbi Samuel taid: "He who A western movie was shown in PlannedMet August | 5 Homing and Evening services lowers himself (exposes bis ignor-: the main lodge Saturday night for Roth Kashanah andforYom anco) for the sake-of learnlns the followed by a senior camper party. ^:ndlmah Women's annual, sum- : Klppur will be held in the Scot' Youth Council Letter Torah will finally be eJcyakd; but Campers :• from Hebrew : study mer.affair will-be' a Menie roast tJsh Bite Auditorium, at Twentieth he why m u z z l e s his mouth groups with; the tamper choir con- at Elmwood Park SaVurdiiy nighVj - ; By Joan Krasne nnd booglat Streets, Alfred S. (ashamed to expose his Ignorance ducted (he Friday nlfiht Sabbath Aug. 15, starting a t S p , rrt. , : I Mayer, President of Temple IsThe second summer meeting of to his teacher) ;will have to put s e r v i c e s . " ' " . ; ". - .- :./•"" '..-• '••.. •'•: •. Working on' t h e committee lot rael, has announced. his hand to bis mouth (when he Cook-outs at Inspiration and the affair are Mmcs. Adeline the Jewish Youth Council was Sunset Points were held by cabm Topper, Rose Kaufman, Chartottls ' ' called to order by the president, in turn shall be questioned)." BETH ISRAEL groups. Teams of campers also Kaplan, Gertrude Kflgan, Marion Rabbi.Ablnsaid: "He who forces participated Saturday services will begin at Larry Schwartz, on July 29. in a: nature scavenger Wfie, Doily Kutler,. Esther Simon • tune will in turn be pressed by 8:30 a. m. at Beth Israel and ot First item of importance was the time; but he who gives way to hunt. Armed with a list, t h e and Sylvia Sirof.': ..r •• 9 a. m. at 19th and Burl. Rabbi introduction ot the new Youth time .(yielding patiently to cir- youngsters s c o u r e d the camp ' The committee announced i h i t ..'.'• Groner wilt conduct the Sabbath Council Director, Phillip Roggcn. tcunutahces), time will give way searching for tare and e^dting members are to bring their own afternoon Talmud class at 7 p. m. Mr. Rogsen has already taken up plant, life arid; minerals. . A four food and meet at the pork pa- V : . . . ' • ' • • • • . •'.•• :; Saturday Mincha services at 7:15his duties, and is very anxious to t o h i m . " leaf clover brought victory, to a vitlo'ri atid' that after the welnio ;: p. Ri. Daily services begin, at 7 meet with Youth Councilors. Ho Our Rabbis taught — I t is not keen eyed group 0/ campers. rbastj everyone has been inytted ; proper to start to pray in a mood A. m. at Beth Israel and ot 830Is a graduate ot the School of The closing of the llrst week nt to. Marion Wine's for coffee and .';• \. ' 'a. m. at I9th and Burt Daily Education of Hew York Univer- of either, sadness: or o£ laughter, camp found the youngsters making nor-<-In a mood of Wle and low Mincha service* ot 7;30 p. m. sity. Rcscrvstlons can be made by talk; but In a mood of joy caused plans for. the second fun fined Friday Mincha at 830 p. m. Amendments to the Y. C. con- through•••the perforoiance of a week...;.- :-.,:,.-:, r.-;.; - '.-.';•:-•• calling Rose Kaufman, PL:728S^: •'•' The Sunday breakfast minyan stitution look a very interesting meritorious deed." -••:•' Adeline Tepper, GL 5937, or Syl- ,• :* nnd Rabbi's Class In Bible Study spot at the Teccnt meeting. These v I a ; : S i r e f , J A ; ! B 3 W . . •••-;, •••X-\:^,y Debs end Tikvas Ami meets at 8:45 a. m. bad to do with the meeting! Attend Regional Meet which unaUiliated boys and girl* "Ticket* to B'nai Jacob-A d a s will have to elect representatives Yeshuron for the High Holidays to Youth Council. 1 The girls of Deblia OSii-aii'd will be told at the synagogue, 3028 Also on the agenda was theMrs. MeyefTahBlmdn Tlkvfls Ami qUended a regional Cumin* St Tickets will be on discussion of the Regional Teenage '•', Service* were held Sunday aftSenior Young Judaea board meetsale from 9 to 8 p. m. During the ernoon for Mrs. Meyer Talelman ing August 1-3. The meeting was - -.New KMideBt: On July 20, w e Leadership Seminar which will be : day, ticket* win be available at with interment at tbe pleasant In -Kansas City. .Attending welcomed . Mr. Samuel, S»mmer"• • Joe Adits'! Delicatessen.- Phone held at Camp Harriet Harding, p u v C e j n e t t r y , .->:'•"'•,,•.:.'O,'^ '•-•:•: held the meeting were: Doris Badu- Into our midst Mr. Sommcr has • September 4, 5, 9, and 7. This WEM59 conclave will include social, reli- MrC'Tatelman, who died Satur- ziner; National Y . J i vice, presK lived' iij- Omaha for- seventy-two . : / SoUchoa services — Saturday at gious, day nfght, had been a resident of dent.Marsha Waxenberg, regtohal and cultural events. •midnight, Sept. 5. Cantor Kcverend Omaha for 33 years, :•••"..' president; land Suzanne Richards, YahrseU: Memorial s e r v i c e s Paul Chramoit will conduct the Before the meeting was ad- ; Surviving are a son. Dr. Melvin president of Dcbka Pebs. At-the were held at Tbe Dr- Philip Sher journed, representatives and of/J- Tatelman of Omaha; three'daughservices. Home Synagogue for the follow, eers of the Jewish Youth Council ter*, Mrs. Harry: Janeer of Omaha, meeting; the coming: convention to ing: Mr. Harry Friedman—U Abbe held in Kan»a» City, and the said "goodbye" to Lawrence Her- Mr». Shelton Schatz of pea Moines, general problems of the region —July 23, and Mr. Harry AdelLincoln Rabbi Chosen Uck, Y. C. Director who will soon la., arid Mrs. Gerchon Barenblat were: t^ntisf*^, It /was also desehteln—15 Ab—July 27. leaving to efiler the graduate of San Antonio, Texv and «I? State Uglon Chaplain be cided to have October 2 as a re- Plaques added, to the'memorial division of Social Service of Indi- grandchildren. : .'.'"•'•••• 'gional Y. J,>^abbath when ail tablet during July: Mr. Joseph , Abba Felnberg, Lincoln rabbi, ana University. glrUrwpuld attend services. KoaoWBky, xi*a cboten Department Chaplain The meeting was adjourned tor for-the State of Nebraska of thea social hour honoring Mr. Roggen. Jacob Berkowitz American Lesion at the 35th AnServices were held Tuesday in nual Slate Convention held here Chicago for Jacob Bcrkowitz. Mr. this week. Rabbi Feinbcrjr ii An Invitation to Berkowitz, 73, owner of a grocery ' Monday, Aug. 17 elaplain of American Lesion Post store here for many years, died Workmen's loan—8:00 p. m., Center. 8 in Lincoln. Monday. Ho moved to Chicago ten Cooking School Thursday, Aue. 20
Happy Birthday
Camp jay
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Community Calendar
New Plumbing Co. ••• Irv Hotwman announces the opening of Ifobermnn Plumbing "Company located ai 317 North IClli St. Mr. Jloberman has had 30 years expedience in the plumbing ' field. His company otters complete service on piumbiriK installations.
Members of the Ludu .i Auxiliary ;ind friends of the Jewish W.'ir Veterans, Epstoiii-Mnrcan Post 250, are invited to attend the Martha 'Logan Cooking School at Swift & Co. The session will be held Thursday, Autf. 13, at 1:15 p. m.
years n^o. Survivors include a son, Herbert of Omaha; iw> daughters, Mrs, nernar'kSnnn ot Chicnjjo and Mrs. Ab Lcvmc- of LaSallc, 111.
The fear of the Lord is the beKinninj; ot knowledge; but -fools despise wisdom and instruction.— Prov. 1, 7,
Hadassah Summer Chapter Board—10 00 o m., Private Home. Sunday, AUK. 23 Tikvas Ami Membership Tea—2 00 p m , Private Home. Jewish War Veterans Lndics Aux. Ten—2:00<p. m., l'rivatc Horn* Tuesday, AUff. 25 Bonds Jot Israel Women's Rally—1:30 p. «i., Highland West Club* Wednesday, Aur. 20 JIadassa)) Group Summer Hoard—12-30 p. m., Private Horn* Monday, Ai»(f. 31 Workmcri'F Loan—It 00 p. m , CenWr.
Mcty, Aaml 7, MM
Grassman-Garon Rites Held At Louisville Country Club the wedding Monday, Aug. 3, of Myra -Grossman to Norton L. Goran. The bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Irvine Grossman of Louisville, and Mr. Garon is the son of. Mr. and Mr». Jacob Garon. The 7:30 p. no. rite* were performed by Babbi J. 3. Gittleman and Rabbi Baruch Hablnowitz. A dinner followed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a white imported Swiss organdy gown and a fingertip Oluclon veil. Her bouquet was ot white orchids with slcphanotls. Mr«. William F, Gllck, sister of the bride, who served as matron of honor, wore a gown ol yellow organdy. Bridesmaid! were Marie Kohn of Louisville, Ceeele Sommcrflcld of Chicago and Elaine Evens of New Orleans. Mrs. Grosunan chose a dress of slnto blue organza and Mrs. Garon u gown of mauve silk organza for their children's wedding. Lamar E. Garon was his broth-' c r t best man. Ushers were WilUam F. Gllck, Leonard Abraham and Mclvlri Bcnovltz. Mrs, Goron selected a gray silk shantung suit and black accessories for the wedding trip to Mm. Norton X . Garon Lake Tuhoc find Snn Francisco. The Standard Country Club In After their honeymoon, the couple Louisville, Ky., was the scene of will reside In Omaha.
Organizations Beth El Sisterhood Beth El Sisterhood's summer board meeting was held Thursday, Aug. 0, at the Synagogue. The program committee announced that the theme of the year will be "Milertone*." There wilt bo a ihort current events review and a "Table of Interest'' highlighting a holiday or any special project of the month at each meeting. Mrs. Irvin White is chairman; Mrs, S. Roffman is cochairman, and serving on the committee are Mmcs. Mycr Krlpkc, Norman Whitman, Sidney Snelder, Leonard Gould, Morris Roltelein, Sidney Schwartz, Wai-
lace EOcon, Stuart Muskin and Sidney Hollis. Also announced were the projects for the year. Mrs. Joseph GUM is chairman of tha projects committee, and members arc Mmcs. Joseph Hornstein, Morton Frledlamlcr, Sam Ban, Seymour Goldston, David Bernstein, William Raduzincr, Arthur Adler, Ben Slutzky, Louis Hurwitz, Barry Welnberg, Lou Canar, Sam Newman,' Irving Schndderman, F. naiph Nogg and Morris Kcttomah. v Hostesses presiding at the meeting were members ot the Executive Board, which consists of Mme*. M. Brodkcy, A] Rlmmermon, Irvin White, D. R. Cohen, 8am Ban, David Knllcmon, A. C Tellmsa), M. A. Bcrcovlci, Lou Sogotow, A. D. Frank, K. A. Vengert Arthur Grossman, Morris Katleman, Harry Smith, J. Bernstein, Phil Rosenblatt and P. Wintroub.
B'naiB'rith Henry Monsky Chapter 470 The summer board meeting of the B'nat B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter 470 will be held on Monday, August 10, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. President Mrs. Aaron Epstein has-asked all "board members to please attend this meeting.
Council of Jewish Women Tho annual membership campaign meeting of the Omaha section, National Council of Jewish
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"TalkofMany Things" Babies A daughter, Barbara ADO, yru born July 28 to Mr. and Mrs. icrman Barron. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Julius iarron, and maternal grandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Danser f Brooklyn, N. Y. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Calvin M. Newman have announced the birth of • •en, Peter Bruce, bom July 37. Paternal grandparent* are Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Newman, and roa•rnal grandmother U Mrs. Hayon Belter ot Chicago. Mrs. Fannie Jewman, who recently celebrated her Both birthday, is, for the first time, great-grandmother. Former Omahans Mr, and Mrs. Joseph L. Cohen have announced he birth of their fourth child and third son, Michael Neil, born July ; in Denver, Colo., where the Cohens are now living. Mrs. Cohen if lie former Alta Elkin,
Honors t'ueryl Ncrenberr
Mrs. Abe Bear served as a page at the state-wide American Legion Auxiliary meeting held Sunday at the Fontenelle Hotel.
Plan Wedding In November
Mr. and Mrs. Moynord Grcenbcrg of New York City recently visited here with Mrs. Grecnberg's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mendelson. Mr. Grecnberg is now associated with Batten, Barton, Uurstine and Osborn Advertising as assistant director of consumer The engagement of Cheryl research. erenbertf to Hnrry IHcliman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sum lUchman, Guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Levine are their son-in-law and has been announced by her par- laughter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold A. Lasser, and their granddaughter, ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Wendy Diane, of New Bochelle, N. Y. Mrs. Lasser is the former tferenberg. Hulhic Levine of Omaha. . tJ Miss Ncrenbcrg attended the University of Nebraska where she Mora former Omahans visiting in the home town arc Mr. and served as president of Sigma Del- Mrs. Robert D. Slijtzky and daughter, Ruth Ellen, who now Jive in ta Tau. Flushing, N. Y. They arc guests of Mr. Slulzky's mother, Mrs. Harry Mr. Richman attended the Unl- SluUky; Mr, Slutzky's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ami Mis. Chariea erslty ot Nebraska and the Uni- Slutzky, and other relatives and friends. versity of Omaha. A November wedding Is being Vacationers ilanned. Allan Levine, ton ol Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Levine, returned home this week from California where he spent sir weeks visiting hi* New Picture Magazine cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Green of Santa Monica and his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sycowski of Los Angeles.
To Be Published
Beverly Hills, Calif. (JTA>—A national Jewish picture magazine, entitled "Wisdom," and modeled after Life Magazine, will be launched here in December, it was announced by Leon Guttcrman, president of the corporation which will publisfi the monthly, Mr. Oatterman will also be the editor and publisher of the magazine. Emphasizing that the magazine will bo "completely Independent," Mr. Guttcrman, in a statement issued here, said: "Each month Wisdom will present the story of American Jewry in pictures and words to the widest passible audience of Jews and Christians alike, Women, held. Tuesday, July 28 at the Highland Country Club was attended by captains, Mmcs. Leonard Kulakofsky, Sam Goodman and Max GreenbcrR and their co-workers, Mmcs. Yale Richards, Ted Conn, Yale Gotsdlncr, Millard Rosenberg, Charles Monaccy, Ell Zalkin, Jack Jacobson, Ted Newman, Ervin Simon, Lazier Singer, Martin Kimmci, Ernest Pricsman, AlvJn Nogg, Ejncnt Nogg, Stuart Simon, Edward Zorlnsky, Robert Levine, Irvlns} Schneidcrmon, Arthur Kulakofsky, Robert Baker, Norman Ripjr, Millard Speicr, Irving Lincoln, Sam Wclnsteln, Sidney Toren, Leon Alexander and -Barwin Marcus, The Omaha section also announced that it has awarded a scholarship for private tutoring to a young displaced person recently brought to Omaha, enabling the student to enter public school in September. A scholarship to Western Reserve University was also awarded to an Omaha social service student who would otherwise have been unable to continue his studies. These aids were mfldc available through the Council's scholarship fund, headed this year by Mrs. Abe Vcngcr. A eampshlp to Camp Jay^C-C was also given as well as local assistance to the Girl Scouts and the Camp Fire Girls. Throughout the country, students from Israel and other foreign countries arc studying and receiving ' training through Council so they can aid in rehabilitation and- education upon returning to their respective countries.
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Pimt AT M M to liu<n your w u t • Thi Jtwlib Prtu. Onnnl r»U li &o g n u tor t u n » • « • loa. TUt Pron riMtvta Ui« rlfbt to Umll IM op Mcb advartlumtat
Rabbi and Mrs. Mycr S. Krlpke and their family are spending a brief vacation i s Wisconsin. Undoubtedly the cheapest and most unusual travel tour eve* to fce enjoyed by Omahans was the Omaha symphony pop concert's "Around The World in 80 Minutes" offered Tuesday night out at Peony Park. Last concert of the season is next week. JUNCUB WEED London (JTA)—A Scottish paper mill has succeeded in producing three different types ot paper from the Juncus weed w h i c h grows abundantly in Israel's Negcv area, it was reported here. The papers produced from the weed, which has a cellulose content varying between 47 and 58 per cent, have good bulking and handling properties and a l l o w smooth finishes which arc likely to be suitable for lithograph printing, the report said. The plant can be converted to paper with existing machinery used by British paper mills and Israeli Experts believe that as a raw material for paper production
the weed can compete successfully on the British market. It grows in the desert area and can be 1 watered •with saline water, o l •whisb. there is far too much in the Negev and which can be used by few other plants. The upright shall have good things in possession.—Prov. 28:10. Fot t i n t Tutlortni
Member Master Tailors and Cutters Association, London, England Custom Tailor to Ladles * Men ALTERATIONS 218 So. 20th JA Z422
ni: ON ROSH HASHONAH IT IS WRITTEN... . Religious tradition teaches us that «• the New Yea»i G-d inscribes our names in the book of Us—for happiness and good fortune, vie hope) We too can pky a small part in making others happy through the provision, of highest quality RATION-FREE GLAT KOSHER FOODS at tht very lowest price* to your friend* and relatives in brad The NEW Scrip to Iswel Service, which guarantee* to you proof of receipt by your det' one* is brad, assures • joyous and festive New Year. Don't foigetl Rosh VUsHonih tUrte on * • we ol ScpV9, much earlier this year than usual. SMKI a Scrip to Israel Certificate today—available in $5-$10-$l5-$25 ^ tions. Call or write
BAR and BQS Mltzvah congrata latloris; also for all Jewish holl days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Apartment for Kent Five room furnished apartment to rent for six monttis to a re-, liable couple. Phone WA 397P.
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JEWISH coMMimrnr CENTER 101 No. 20 St.
Norman Marsh
AZA No* 1 SwcotMOrtf
month. These include cultural, freahmon will be held Aufust 16, at the borne of Deanne Martovitx. athletic, and religious events. The over-all chairmen are: Harriet Soskin and Tevee Bernstein'; Councileites Invitation, R l U F e U x and Elaine The Big Sister Tea which Is Janger; food, DeanM Markoviti held every year for the incoming and' Nadine Breslow; program.
Harriet Soskin and Tevee'Bernstein. All incoming freshmen are cor* dlally Invited, Fannie Hunt: "To err Is human, when WE make the mistake."
»•**• Mtetie* • » • » • • • , • #4«M • * • ! •
1 This bevy of sweetheart beauties was chosen \ij members af AZA No. I. The firb .were (elected from Youth Council club* aa those who would make tue best AZA No. 1 Sweetheart. They are! (left to rltht—front row) Judf Cohn, Buth Ann Chudseetf and Toby Okrent; (back row) Je»n Caller and Harriet Soikln. The sweetheart: candidate not shown 1« Shirley NoodelL
Youth Council Doings sists of Dick Frank, Sob Goldstein, and Jerry Zclgman.
Debka Debs The girls of Debka Debs will be hostesses at a freshman girl's ten this coming Sunday, August 9. The tea will be held at the home of the president, Suzanne Richards, 301 So. 54 St. Judy Cohn is chairman of the event The purpose of thi» tea is to provide a chance fof freshman girls to meet older club members, and become acquainted with the club program.
Rayim '
The induction of Eddie Bclier look ^place. The collection of money for the Korean Relief Fund wai held. Final preparations for Raylm's August Treasure Hunt arc being organized by party chairman, Jerry Zeigman. The newly appointed committee chairman arc: cultural, Gene DuBoff; religious, Sheldon Rips; community service, Dick Einstein: athletic co-chairman, Eddie Bclzcr and Gene Kohn: philanthropic-, Mike Solzman; c o u r t e s y , Bob Krasne, publicity, Murray Newman;-and historian, Davo Herzog. The cltib paper is edited by Bob Wrntroub. Pledge Council con-
A.Z.A. No. 100
W signature t
The Centurymen have really started off the summer le.ison rifiht! They began l>y recently electing new officers They are: president, Kenney Freed; vice - president, Harold Friedman; secretary, Harold Kosowsky. and treasurer, Ray Kiik. * The No 100 boys plan to hold two events honoring Incoming freshman boys, A stag, August 15. and a splash party, August 29. These affairs will both be held the J. C. C. The Ccnturymen already have four new members. They are Jim Friedman, Mike Blatt, Arnold j Weliier and Allan Krizelman.
Tikvas Ami The girls of Tikvas Ami will be hoitcsses at u membership tea to be Held August 23, at the home Of Rita Katzman. At a meeting which was held Tuesday evening, the girls made plans for activities for the coming
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