• f* xxxt-No. 47
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Relationship With Israel Theme of WJC Parley Geneva (WNS)—Lively 'debate on tho relationship between world Jewry and Israel on problem; concerning Jewish life throughout the world highlighted the Third Plenary SeMion of the World Jewish Congress as 278 delegates from 47 countries gathered to survey the Jewish scene in tho lfgtit of the developments of the past five 'yean and tho disturbing world •' situation that lies ahead.
. Keynote
ertlcs of Jews as Individuals and citizens." ' Issue The issue was brought to fore at the first session of the assembly when Or. Nahum Goldmann, acting president of the World Jewish Congress, told the parley that he hoped there would be a revision of view by those Jewish* groups in the United States and other Western countries who were opposing emigration of Jews from those countries to Israel. He said those groups were thoroughly helpful to Israel and concerned about its future but that they were "of the mistaken notion that to urge Jews to go to Israel is somewhat incompatible with the loyalty and devotion to the countries in which they live," adding that "tho sooner this attitude Is rooted out of Jewish life, tho better."
The keynote with respect to Israel waa sounded by the World Jewish Congress in a report which said, in part, that "whilo i t . i s true that from its place as a member of tho United Nations the Government of Israel could challenge Infractions of Jewish rights and call for protection of Jews, It * should not be assumed that the Jewish State Id a natural protector and an obvious political protagonist of Jewish rights, liberties and Interests wherever and whenever these rights be asMiled." Noting the fundamental importance to world Jewry of the establishment of Israel, the report stressed that tho world was "still confronted with grave issue* of discrimination, violation of BED TAPE CUT human rights and Inroads on libTel Aviv (JTA)—The implementation of the West GermanIsrael reparations pact is being out in an "absolutely satMalenkov to Cooperate carried isfactory" manner, Dr. George W!Hi Arab Countries Josephthal, head of the Israel corporation charged with handling London (JTA)—Soviet Premier tho goods assigned to the Jewish Georgi M. Maienkov, addressing State In payment of reparations, the .Supreme Soviet, emphasized declared here today. that the resumption by Moscow of Dr. Josephthal, who has just diplomatic relations with Israel returned from a European trip - need not be interpreted u mean- including a visit to Germany, said ing that the Soviet Government that German officials wero cutwill not continue to strengthen its ting down on red tape all along "cooperation" with the Arab tho line and have cooperated in countries, the Moscow radio re- several other ways. Among these, ported today. he pointed out, has been a tend"The assertions of some foreign ency to approve the purchase of newspapers that the restoration of goods needed by Israel which were diplomatic relations with Israel not Included on the approved list will lead to a weakening of the of reparations items. relations of the Soviet Union with the Arab stales are void of any GERMAN BUNDESTAG foundation," Premier Maienkov Bonn (JTA) — A t least three said. "The activity of the Soviet Jews will bo re-elected to the next {government will be directed also West German Bundestag, it was in the future toward the strength- predicted here today. All of them ening of friendly cooperation with are Social Democratic members. the Arab states." The parliamentary elections will With regard to the renewed re- tako place September 9. Of the 484 West German depulations with Israel, Mr. Maienkov stated: "Striving to case the'gen- ties, half will be chosen by maeral tension, tho Soviet Govern- jority vote in. individual constitument agreed to restore diplomatic encies and half will be elected on relations with the state of Israel. Btalcwido party tickets with the It took thereby into consideration aid of proportional representathe pledge of the Government of tion. Jakob Altmalcr, 64, and PeIsrael that Israel will havo no ter Blochstcln, 42, will both conpart In any union or agreement test the same "safe" Social Demopursuing aggressive alms against cratic constituencies which sent tho Soviet Union."'Wo consider them to Parliament in 1940, the that tho restoration of diplomatic former in Hanau, near Frankfurt, disrelations will promote cooperation the latter in the Hamburg 7 trict. between the two states."
US Embassy in Jordan Balks At Making Property Inquiry Israel Bond Rally Speaker
Washington (WNS)—Secretary* of State John Foster Dulles was asked to answer that question by Senator Herbert H. Lehman when it was disclosed here that an American citizen of the Jewish faith, Elliot L. Biskind, who forwarded a property inquiry to the U. S, Embassy in Jordan received an official reply to the effect that, tho Embassy did not "deem Itproper" to aid "Individuals of the. Jewish faith" because it took cognizance of the "particularly violent onti-Jcwlsh feeling prevailing at the present time in Jor» dan."
Global Report
Mrs. Jonas ISrni't of Cincinnati, (>., it xhown limiting with Prime Minister David Ilen-tiiirlnii, during her recent visit to Israel, as A member of the Ifirucl Itoiul Womrn'H delegation. Mrs. ftannt will be the Rural speaker nt the Children'* Duck to School Style Hhow and Israel lloud ltally Tuesday, August 23, nt Highland Country Club.
Visitor's Day Camp Jay C-C will play host to visitors Sunday, Aug. 23, from 2 to 4 p. m.
Zionists to Convene In New York City New York (WNS)—Tho 56th Annual Convention of the Zionist Organization of . America, which will be held here beginning August 20 through August 30 at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, will center Its attention on issues affecting the structure and tasks of the Zionist movement today, the relationship of American Jewry to Israel and Israel's position in the Middle East, according to the tentative agenda released by the National ZOA headquarters. More than 1,200 delegates representing 003 ZOA Districts In the 48 states will attend the fiveday deliberations,
On Radio and TV
Camp Jay C-C ~ Camp Jay-C-C went on tour to Hawaii last Saturday night as the youngsters witnessed the crowning of tho "Queen of the Islands" (Mil Levltch. Deep sea divers went . penny hunting in tho swimming pool. Feature attraction was the appearance, of Gladys Manlschcwltz, alias Maynard Tatelmon, who stirred tho campers with his fascinating Hula dance. Monday's' night campfire featured the initiation of tho new campers to the second session. The youiii;;tcr(i were seated arouml a bright, sparkling fire and Hutcnd to the grandson of Chief Fontcnullc explain tho hiiitory of the Indians in Fontcnclle Forest. "Kofoin Hood, Tlobln Hood," w(r, tho echoed call throughout the cainjJ Tuesday an thocanipirs portrayed the le/iend of the bandit hero. Mrcssvd in llobin IIooU hats.
the boys and girls turned Fontcnolle Forest into; Serwood Forest and engaged in the pageant with much enthusiasm. The feature of tho program was the jousting in the poor between Robin Hood and Little John and the famous archcry contest to determine the camp's best archer. ' Thursday night was COOKOUT NIGHT and the campers hiked to the cookout area to prepare their own dinner. Hamburgers with mustard, pickles, potato chips and baked beans were eaten with great delight by all. Followliu; dinner the campers cnh'afjed in a pirate treasure hunt in thu forest to.secure the ffeosure of Captain Blackboard. All campers ore eagerly awaitini! the Martin and Coy days. The date is secret and camper'! will participate in competitive activities.
Senator Lehman Raises Question
"Ancient Egypt and the Destiny of the People of Israel" in the age-old Bible story of Joseph will be analyzed by author Maurice Samuel and poet Mark Van Dorcn in the seventh In a series of 10 radio dialogues, to be presented on Sunday, from 11:30 a. m.-12 noon, over WOW-Radlo,as part of "Words We l i v e By." "Words We Live By" is the summer presentation of the Eternal Light radio program and is conducted under the ausilces of The Jewish TheoloKcol Seminary of America. This Sunday, from 0 to 0:30 a. m., over KOIL, "Message of Israel" will present a broadcast by Rabbi Leon Fram of Temple Israel in Detroit. Women's Committee, Bonds of Israel will appear on: .. KMTV—Thurs., Aug. 20 1:30 p. m. (Jean Sullivan S h o w Woman's Hour), WOW-TV—Fri., Aug. 21, 12 noon. Ken James Cup and Saucer Club.
Red Feather Drive Opens October 12 The raising of the Red Feather banner of the Omaha Community Chest Wednesday will mark the opening of the Community Chest campaign, October 12. M. Cooper Smith, general chairman of the campaign stated, "I hope when that banner is lowered on October 29, it -will be replaced by the victory flag of a successful campaign," W. Laurence Shomaker, chalrmdn of the Initial Gifts Division, said solicitations by his group will start October 8. "We have a big job to do and we're starting early," he pointed out. Progress reports during the month of October will tally the headway made by the drive. Mr. Smith observed, "All of our hopes of the 40 Red Feather agencies will be riding on the figures that come out of that final meeting." Tho campaign chairman explained that many key community leaders are devoting a major share of their time to the campaign now. The Federation for Jewish Service is a beneficiary agency of the Community Chest.
Attorney Mr. Biskind, a New. York attorney, had written to the Embassy that he and a number of his relatives were heirs to property situated in the sector of Jerusalem , now under Jordan's aegis and that he was interested in securing information through the Embassy about the registry of the property. The official reply, a copy of which was received by Biskind, said tho Embassy declined to "make either formal or informal queries as to the .possibility; of recording the property of indi* viduals of tho Jewish faith in Jordan." .Action In his letter to Mr. Dulles, Senator Lehman pointed out that the Embassy's action constituted acquiescence in Arab prejudice against Americans of the Jewish faith. The Senator asked Mr. Dulles to state his "justification of the attitude taken by the American Embassy in Jordan in declining inquiries on behalf of an American citizen merely because the citizen happens to be of the Jewish faith." At the same time Senator Lehman noted that it was "repugnant to our diplomacy to tolerate or give comfort to discrimination among American citizens in such matters as this."
Arab Raids Continue In Frontier Territory Jerusalem ( J T A ) - A third attempt within a week by large Arab bands to penetrate Israel territory near Jerusalem was repulsed after a two-hour engagement between a large raiding force and an Israel border patroli Members of the U.N. Mixed Armistice Commission hastened to the scene of the assault for an on-the-spot investigation.
Arab League Prods State Dept. on Ministry Transfer Washington (WNS)—American Intercession against Israel's transfer of its Foreign Ministry to Jerusalem was urged this week on the State Department when six diplomatic representatives of the seven-nation Arab League called on Acting Secretary of State Walter Bedell Smith to press for implementation of a virtually abandoned U.N. resolution calling for tho internationalization of Jerusalem. • Jordan's absence from the delegation was later explained by its Minister to the VS. Yuslf Haikal, who declared, that he withdrew from the mission when he learned that it was to present a demand for the full territorial internationalization of the Holy City, a move he considered wholly Inconsistent with the po-
sition of his government. The Arab delegation told Smith that tho choice is "between allowing Israel to get away with its unilateral acts, thus perpetrating * dangerous state of tendon" or to "establishing an international center where understanding and concord have chance to, develop among all believers in God." spokesman for the Israeli Embassy declared that It was "unabashed cynicism" on the part of tho Arabs to press the U.S. for internationalization in view of tho recorded fact that it 'was only ,"after Arab opposition had prevented the United States and Israel from maintaining the original internationalization plan" that the United States "took the lead in May 1948 in advocating 'the1 non-implementation of tliaj, plan.'
frltmr, Awput U, IM|
9m fMHtlMd Every *WU by Cat Omaha Jewish redenUea k MaOmka. sadat w w c i Mucb I, im
M M u WMWII film sutur at i « — • sniMeflstkH SMB * *uu
Religious News Caaaesr
Happy Birthday Phffip Klutznick ratty, AM. H
Barbara Sue Adlcr, Laurence Henry Greene, -Steven John Riekes, Carolyn Rubin, Jtmirty (James) Sllverman and Chester Stoler. „ i Satarday, Aag. U Emil Block and Alice Kun, Sunday, Aag. U Deborah Maxme Bcrger, Debby Jo Canfield, Gayle Susan Fcliman, Sue Ann Herman, Doreen Joan Horowitz, Leurie Helen Nogg, Myron Sabes, Jeanne Louise Sherman and Arleen Stern. Manday, An*-. 17 Stephen Appel, Sheldon Lynn Lerner, Gloria Okrent and Jerry Slusky. Tacsday, Aag. II James Lloyd Abrams and Bruce E. Muskin. Wednesday, An*. 1» Carol Kay Fleishcr and Sandra Ann Singer. Tknndar, AttsvM Beverly Jo Greenberg, L«rry Steven Katzman, Susan Gayle Ratner and Barbara Joy Hoseman.
Cofls for Unify
Philip Klutznlck, president of B'nai B'rith, in a recent speech in Chicago, stressed the need lor unity in the Jewish community. He pointed out that wo are brought together by a dire emergency only to fall apart when the emergency subsides. Mr. Klutznlck suggested that the men who lead our communal organization* get to know each ota-' er. Meetings of an informal nature should be held without the "encumbrances of staff and protocol." "We need education about Jews—their ideologies, their institutions and their organization*. Whether we agree with each other or not is not half as important t* that we learn through knowledge of each other to respect one an* ' other. . . . We need to recognize by other than a brush of the tongue that there are basic differences, not fancied or Idle, but deep emotional difference* within the Jewish community." - He continued that patience and cooperation are needed. "Certain things seem clear/ . Mr, Klutznick stated, "there to a general and understandable desire, on the part of most Jews to secure the maximum ot continued cooperation between the forces on the American Jewish scene." Pointing a .moral to Jewish leadership, Mr. Klutznick gave an example .from bis own field of endeavor. "I have seen planner* who reach for Utopia in their plan, but never build; I know builders with vision who movt. toward Utopia' but do build. In the first instance, the ideal stays , on paper and people live in alumi. ' In the second Instance, the ideal lives, progress U made toward it, and people live in better and bet let*1 homes*
.Editor -Society Editor VSm* BSAEIi Saturday services will begin at 8:30 a, m. at Beth Israel and at l a . n , s t 19th and Burt Saturday Mlncha service! at 7 p. m. Daily services begin at 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 6:30 a. m, at 19th and Burt Daily Mlncha services at 7:30 p. m. Friday Mincha 8taa0p.ru. The Sunday breakfast rnlnyan lleth Israel Sisterhood lHadossah and -Rabbi's Class in Bible Study Mrs. Isadore Hewitz, president The summer chapter board meets at 8:45 a. m. of Beth Israel Sisterhood, has an* meeting of the Omaha Chapter Bounced the chairmen and mem- Hadascah will be held in the form Tickets to B'nal Jacob-Adas bers ot the sisterhood's commit- of a workshop from 10 a. m. to Yeahuron for the High Holidays tees for the autumn and winter 4 p. HL, Thursday, Aug. JO, at the win be sold at the synagogue, 3028 club seasons. University of Omaha. Plan*, for Cumlng SL Tickets will be on At the recent annual summer the coming year win be formu- sale from 6 to 8 p. m. During the board meeting held at the home lated. Mrs. Morris Franklin, chap- day, tickets will be available at of Mrs. Sam Herman, plant were ter president, will preside. Joe Adler** Delicatessen. Phone made for the coming year. OrieaiattoaOMrK WE 4959. Chairmen are Mmes. Lewis The next " B ^ T 1 ) orientation SoHcho* services — Saturday at Neveleff, Beth IsracLOneg Shab- course will be a UdO p. m. des- midnight. Sept 8, Cantor Reverend bat; Leonard Bernstein, commu- sert luncheon Monday, Aug. 17, Paul Chramoff will conduct the nity co-operation; William* Wolf- at the home of Mrs. Sam Stein- services. Counselor Training son, Bonds (or Israel; Max Green- berg; 122 S. 60th Ave. Mia. J. H. Program at Jay"C"C field, junior congregation, a n d Kulakofsky will talk on the back- BETHEL, Norman Hahn, membership. ground at Badascab; and, Mrs. Sabbath evening service* will Twenty-five Omaha youngsters Others include Mmes. Max Morris aulmaster, chapter mem- be held tonight, at 7 p, m. Sab. arc now busily engaged in a counSommer, notification of.. board; bership chairman, will speak on bath morning service* will begin selor training program for future Henry Appel and Nathan Kaplan, membership. at 8:45. The Mincha Service will staff members of Camp Jay-C-C kitchen service; Morris Shapiro, begin at 7 p. m. A special training program has program; Harold Bloom, publicity; DaOy services during the week been developed which includes Nathan Kaplan and Sidney Feld- Bert a Sisterhood a n held at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m. discussions in the morning and man, monthly publication, and A special meeting of all circle The Sunday morning service is observing camp activities in the Sidney Goldberg, social arrange- chairmen held at 9 a. m. afternoon. The CIT's have been will be held at 1 p. m, ments. busily engaged in a full round of Tuesday, Aug. It, in the "SynaServing on the Synagogue board gogue.social halL activities which includes horseTEMPLE ISKAEL will be Mmes. Sam Kutzman. Mrs, Albert Bimmennan, Ways Sabbath services will be held back riding, swimming, trip outs Leonard Bernstein, Sam Herman and and steak fries.' M*n"f chairman, will disand Isadora Etewitz. The trainees Include: tribute the Silver Jubilee Books tonight in the Iiffifgr Room of Mmes. Sol Ash and Sam Katz- to the circle chairmen, and ctnle the Jewish Community Center at Gene DuBoff, Larry Lincoln. 730 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Marvin Lincoln, Bob Meyer, Mike man head the table decoration* duties * m alto be »—ifn«* » committee; Mmes. Jack Levey and Circle chairmen are Mmes. Mor- Brooks will conduct the service*. Meyer, Mike Mogii, David TepperBen Wnldmnn. table setting; ton Richards, David Manvitz, Abe man, Rocky Cohen, Sandy FeldMines. Morris Rudeiman and Sol man, Janie Feliman, DUnne FellMorris Koom, Julius Stein, Mann, telephone, and Mrs. Rob- Slusky, man, Sandra Fiedler, Judy Green-' George Conn, Reuben Bordy, By Baa* ttaer ert Smith, baby-sitter service. berg, and Midge Greenberg. Charles Kfmniel, Philip RosenOther committee chairmen are blatt. Jade Fot, Aaron Rips, Sam. Others are Roberta Grossman, It was a cool slight with stars on the sky when Metropolitan Mmes. Paul Goldstein, retention; uel JHL Stern, David E. Gnenberg, Kalln. Joan Lefkow, Kay ' Bible and Talmud Barbara Sam Bcrman, courtesy; Eugene Jack Gelfand, Harry Ferenstein, Markovitz, Sharon Smith, Barbara' Opera star tenor Jan reewe «ang' Braun, annual linen shower; Ar- Robert Bimmerman, Ben PerelSobrin, Pauline Stone, Marlenc for a capacity audience At AfcBy DB. r u u I P SHEB thur Parjlman and Irving Forbes, raan, Arthur' Friedman, Harry Swartz, Kay Turner, Linda Verct, Bar-Ben Field. We beard him for the first time on • concert stag* annual book review; Sidney Feld- Rocbmari, Irving Forbes, Irving LenT Wine, and Marda Zalkin. here in Omaha and we mutt say man and Dave Frank, bake sale; Herzcg, Harry Haykm, Sam Steinhi* appearance was a great sucBy Dr. Fbmp Sber Harry Sidman, Chunukah candles, berg, Gary Gross, Dave B. Cohn cess. Hi* voice has a special glamChildren's Program . and Sam Berman, Dave Frank, and Hobert Silver. Bible' our said force of expression; his Max Fromkin and Sam Katzman. of children "too young Do not be a too frequent visitor Parents donor luncheon. public school and too old for training prove* high artistry and in thy neighbor's house, lest he for nursery" will meet at 8 p. m., his muricality and feeling of style Cpncludin( the list are Mmes. Monument Dedication be sated with thee and bate tbee. the superby Wednesday, In Room 25, in the "Win Bloom and Jade Joseph, gift Boast not of Uwnoriow for thou Jewish Community Center. Plans The program included compoaishop; Henry Greenberg, Sidney The family of Mr. Louis Ruben' knowest not what the next day for a pre-school program for chil- tlon* by old Italian masters, Han' Goldberg and Henry Appel; stein will dedicate a gravestone will bring forth. dren will be .discussed, A half day del, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and mother-daughter banquet; Sol in his memory at 11 a. m., SunLet another man praise thec and morning program under trained —perhaps too- much, four opera Ash and Robert Gerelldc, Syna- day, at the Mount Sinai Cemetery. supervision has been suggested. arias by Bizet, Meyerbeer, Flolow gogue; Dave Frank, Sam Bcrman, Friends and relatives are invited not thine own mouth. Talmad The purpose of this meeting will and Puccini. Julius Homstein and Max Frocn- to attend the ceremony. Thrilling performances w c r a A heathen appeared before be to sift different plans and given* Jdn, special contributions. Jacob Goodbinder's family will to two of his encores. Mmes. Ben Burttein, Sam Ep- dedicate a gravestone in his mem- Shammal and said to him: "Con- 'ormulate * program. "La Danza" by Rossini and a For further information, eontacf very popular stein, Dave Sllvcnman, At Keflom- ory at 3:30 p. m-, Sunday, at the vert me to Judaism but an condiwaltz song from Jonick, Albert Steinberg and Ben- Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Myer tion that you teach me the whole David Fogd, Director of Activi- hann Strauss' "Gipsy Baron" wert Torah while ,1 ani V standing on ties, at the center. jamin Groner are board •nembcrt- Krlpke will officiate. extroordinary pearls of interpretaone leg." Rabbi Shafnippl drove at-large. The family of Mrs. Amelia Newtion which demonstrated the high off. Then' the heathen apman Sonuner will dedicate a him artistic culture of the singer. before Rabbi HiUd and Nebraska Lodge Patty gravestone in her memory at 10 peared him to convert bun on the Nebraska Lodge, 1443, of B'nal Mr. Pecrce, however, Is his own Pioneer Women a, m., Sunday, at Pleasant Bill asked same terms. Babbi Hillel made B'rith, wDl bold a card party at announcer, explaining the whole Pioneer Women will hold a Cemetery. Rabbi Myer Kripke and. him a proselyU saying; That 8 p. nv, Thursday, August 27, in program and mixing It with jokes meeting it 1:30 p. m., Tuesday, Cantor Aaron Edgar will officiate. which is hateful to thce do not do the Congregation Israel, 25th and and funny stories in vaudeville Aug. 18, at the Jewish' Community unto thy neighbor; this is the J Sis. Door prizes will be given. style. Many of the audience, not Center. all seemed to like i t Wo have fa whole Torah. The rest is merely Temple Holy this direction a more dignified fancommentary.'' agination of a great tenor of the Services at An ffc Bar Kappara said: "A man B&P Hadossoh Metropolitan O p e n and had YC AH-Stor should teach his son an occupawished to hear less talking, but Jt A board meeting ot the Business Morning and Evening services tion which is clean and easy." Softball Team was an evening under the star*,. said Professional Women of Ha- for Bosh Hashanah and for Ycm What may that be?" Babbl Chisd and it was t cool night. So we dassab will be held at 7:30 p. m., Kippur will be held in the Scot- said: "Needle work." (This may took i t Tuesday, Aug. 18, at the home of tish Rite Auditorium, at 20th and explain why the needle trade lr '(4 votes i* unanimous ? Warner Bass at the piano was the program chairman, Mrs. Julia Douglas Sts., Alfred S. Mayer. followed by so many Jews.) IB—Bcrnle Turkel Jacob* Plans for the coming President of Temple Israel, has (AZA 1A) 3, votes a musical and routined accompanist, wno.fuccestfully contribyear's program will be discussed. announced2B—Larry Schwartz (AZA 1A) 4 vote* uted two piano solo*. 3B—Speedie Zweibnck London (WS)—Alexander A. (Ind.) 3 votes Abramov, Soviet Ambassador to Jacob Riklin S3.—Larry Epstein Finland the years) 1946(AZA 1A) J votes lM8,*a* during Jacob Riklin, former Omahan, been designated as Mindied Saturday, July It, in bis O.F.—Leonard Gaer ister to Israel, according to a (IndJ 4 votes borne in San Antonio, Texas. report broadcast over the Moscow ilikiin was known in Omaha O.F,—Tanny Horwich (Rnylm) _ S votes radio. Fifty women have been chosen shun, L Levin, Leonard Gold- for bis efforts in helping to orAbramov in October of 1040 was . to act a$ hostesses for the Omaha stein, Sam Geifman, David Krantz, ganize the orthodox community in O.F^Fred Segal Ambassador to Sweden, (Rayim) 2 votes named •Women'* Division Israel Bond Ral- Sam Klavex, Ben Handler, Peter the representative croup, the Va.id but he resigned* because of "poor ly and Children's Back-lo-Scbool Greenberg, Herman Bondarin, H'Ochr and throuiih his tervice C—Horsic Zwelbock health" when there began appear(Ind.) _ 2 votes ing signs of official style show being held at 1:30 Charles Guss, Joe Horwich, Sam In lite Omaha Hebrew Club, in anti-Semitfem ., Tuesday, Aug. 25, at High- !L Binder and Miss Evelyn Levy, which he terved as prctldcnt and C.—Jerry Margolin in Moscow. Official announce(AZA 1A) .....2votes ment wfao arc members of the Women's vice-president. Country Club, of the appointment is exey are Mmes. David Blacker,' Division of the Israel Bond ComHe is survived by his wife; *P.—Terry Bernstein by Moscow after official (AZA 1 A) .............A votes pected a Edgar, Albert Fox, A. D. mittee. five com, Isjuir,, B.un und Edwurd acceptance ot the dcslgnee by 10- • •Repeals from last year. k, i. J. Frclden, J. & FriedThe hostesses are mcetinn far of San Antonio, Tex.; Axtliur of rael. Max Grccnberfi, Morris a 1 o'clock coifeo next Tuesday, Houston, Tex., and Dr. H. II. iman, Robert Koopcr, M. F. Auj;. 10, at the liomo of Mr3. Riklin of fdchmond, Calif., and nson, Irwin Levin, Isidore Hubert Somrncr, chilrrnan of Uie two daughters. Miss Sarah Klklin ison,. Jack Marer, Albert affair, to formulate final detailed of San Antonio and Mrs. Annette man, Henry Newman, Jules plans. Invitations to the event arc Minkin of itldiinoml, Calif. Monday, Aujri 17 Newman, Maurice Newman, to be mailed this v/cck to every Workmen's Loan—B:00 p. m., Center. Noes. N. L. Noflj, Joe nice, Jewish woman in Omaha. Thursday, Anr, 20 Aaron Rips, Meyer Rubin, Dave Care of young children v/ill be liadaisah Summer Chapter Board—10:00 a. m., Private Home. Sherman, Julius Slcin, Samuel S. provided for on the Highland « Sunday, Aug. 23 Steinberg, Morris Stalmai-ter, Joe playground by Joanle Abrahams, Allan Paul Cutler, the con ot Tikvas Aral Membership Tco^—2:00 p. rn., Private Home. Tretiak, Ilarry Trustin, M. A. Hocky Cohn, Janle Fellrnan, Mu- Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cutler, Jewish War Veterans Ladicu Aux. Tea—2:00 p. ro., Private Home. Vengcr and Samuel Wolf. riel Green, Ellen Grceribertf, Shel- will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah tit Tuesday, Aag. 25 Also serving will be Mmes. ley Greenberg, Joan Krasnc, Bon- cervices on Saturday morning, Bonds for Israel Women's Jlally—W0 p. m., Highland West Club. Edward Brodkey, William Wolf- ny Haykin and Susie LJpp, mem- August 22, In the Beth Israel Wednesday, Anr. 20 con, Allen Zalkln, Goodman Co- bers of Debka pebs and Tikvas Synagogue. A reception will fol,Hadi)85ah Group Summer Hoard—12:30 p. ro., Private tiurne. hen, Morris Grossman, Harold Am), while their mothers attend low services. No cards have been Monday, Aujr. 31 ' Farber, H. Sllverman, Ben Ger- the rally and jthcrw. Issued. Workmen's Loon—0:00 p. in., Center.
Star Under Stars
Gemso* the
Hostesses Are Chosen for Back-to-School Style Show
Community Calendar
Awtst M, ISM
IWf I l i H
Couple Wed In Chicagp
"TalkofMany Things"] i
The Crystal, Ballroom of the Blackttone Hotel in Chicago was the scene of the August 2nd wedding of Vebna Ann Gannon and Kenneth Sacks. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Gannon of Chicago, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mra.'Sam Sacks of Council Bluffs. The candlelight noon ceieiuoiiy was performed in the presence of tha immediate families under a canopy of white flowers and greens. Rabbi A. Kaganoff of Chicago officiated. The bride wore a white chanUlly lace gown, and her illusion veil,' worn by her mother at her wedding, fell from a Juliet eap of Gloria Marks lace beaded with rhlncsUraes and seed pearls. Her bouquet was of white orchids and stephanotis ~ a white Bible. Miss Ina Jean Gannon, sister of the bride, was maid-of-honor. She' wore a pale pink organza ballerina-length gown and matching linen pump*. Mrs. Melvln Sfegel of Waterloo, la., cousin of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks anwas matron-of-honor. She wore a nounce the engagement of their dusty rose silk taffeta gown bead- daughter, Gloria, to Bernard Oshed with pearls and rhinestones eraff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore from the bodice to the hipline. Osherotf. Both carried bouquets of p i n k roses bordered with blue delphin- Hiss Mark* attended the Uniium. versity of Nebraska and the UniDavid Gallner, brother-in-law versity of Omaha. Mr, Osheroff Peretr Hirshbeia of the groom, was best man. Mil- served two yean with the United A reader's croup meeting land ton Gordon o£ Council Bluffs uab States Navy. He ottended the luncheon was held An*. II at the end. home of Mrs. Ben Corelidc. Mem- Fox her daughter's wedding, University of Omaha.and is enbers welcomed back l l n . Yelta Mrs. Gannon wore a bine-grey silk tering Iowa State College at Ames. Ornstein, who had been in Akron, shautunaj cocktail dress. Mrs. The couple have set December O,, for six months. Mrs. GoreHck Sack* chose • dress of navy blue 20 as their wedding date. was chairman oi the session, and lace. Bath wore white orchid cor• total of $78, to be sent to sages. Following the ceremony, a wedworthy causes In Israel, was collected at this and a previous ding breakfast and reception were held at the, hotel. The conple then meeting. for a trip to Miami Beach. The neat meeting will be held left Aug. 18, they will be at at the home of Mrs. S. H. Binder, After home at 380 Lincoln Ave., Coun33tHf Franklin, at .1 p. n%, Tues- cil Bluffs. day, Aug. 18. Luncheon will be Out-of-town guests at the wed•erred, and all members have been ding included Mr. and Mrs. Sam invited. Roffman, Mrs. Fanny Roffftian, Mrs.' Annie Rosinsky recently Milton Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. joined the organization. David Gallner and Mr. and Mrs. Sacks, all of Council Bluffs; and Yehudl Menuhln: "Flattery is a Mr. and Mrs. Abe Roffman and form of soft soap, and toft snap tardaughter, Barbara, Mrs. Roy Raffmostly lye." man, I Roffman and Jerry Gitnlck, all of Omaha.
Tho wammrr board meeting of the B'nai B'rith Henry Honcky Chapter 470 v u held Aug. 10 at tfie Jewish Community Center. It wag announced that board meetings' for the eomtng, year will br held th* second Monday of each month and regular meeting! will be held the third Wedneiday of each moaih. The aecond •Wednesday of the month has been Mt aside for Adult Wncation Group, In addition to the chairmen previouslyftnH5HirafPTlj|Ih* following have bean appointed to serve for the coming yew: Mrnct. Barney Bobernua, Leo N. Levi Hospital; Gene Osheroff, donor; Sol Susman, National Jewilh Hospital; Carl Legman, veterans' affairs; Charles Stern, alternate veterans' affairs; Dan Gordman, National Youth Service; Charles Fisher, Rochester Center; Max Krlzelman, retention; D. Koscnbauw, social; Max Frank. bowling; Gcorgo Cohen, federation; Charles Stem! community cooperation; MorrU Grossman, Israel bonds; Nate Gltnlck, budget, and Miss Faye Edel, bawling donor.
Gloria Marks Is Betrothed
S. Z. Zakall: "When you feel like exercising, Just lie down tin the feeling goes away."
Rag & Upholstery Chasers Rcos-cuunzrmo
For Every Occasion Say It With Our* EARL SIEGa 2323 Dodg.
LAMP SHADES WWOfWJJJKE CtMHMd (• YOW HCNMI • a a w t • Laying - ttefatriag
ZADEL KATLEMAN Hot moved hU supply of .Jewish books qnd reOgtaa* articles to his residence
931 N. 26th St. New Year's cards, books and articles are now available at his home.
A daughter, Julie Ann, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Morton Frank an August S. The couple also has two sons, Richard Philip and Robert Alan. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Frank, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Meyerson of Council Bluffs.
Mr*. Harry Allen and children, Joel, Daniel and Miriam, of Oak Ridge, Tenn*.are visiting at the borne of Mrs. Allen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Arbttroan. Mr. Allen accompanied his family to Omaha from Denver where they had spent two weeks and stayed here a few days before returning to Oak Ridge. Jack Temia has left for bis home in Cleveland, O., after visiting in Omaha for three days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Temm.
During the Summer Rose Lagman, Bunnie Ravitz and Shelley Greenberg are enjoying camp life up at Camp Herzl, hi Webster, Wise, The girls were winners of Youth Commission campships.
Vacationers Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Hirsch have left on a two week vacation .trip to Yellowstone National Park, Salt Lake City and Denver, where they will visit with relatives.
Parties Mr. and Mrs, Sam Sacks of Council Bluffs will honor their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sacks, at a reception from 7 to 10 p. m. on Sunday, Aug. 23, at the Jewish Community Center in Council Bluffs. Ho invitations are being Issued.
New Civilians Sgt Sol COhen. has just been released from active duty with the Air Force and after being placed in the inactive reserve, he will be living with his mother and sister at 047 N. Tularoso Dr., in Los Angeles. Sol plans on. starting school at Los Angeles City College in the fall.
Jewish New Year Cards Newest and Most Complete line A Cards for Mends and Every Member of t h * Family
Roth Hathanah begiiu on the eve of Septmbtr 9th, but ti'*ruft too tori* to tend the gift that will bring joy to their heartt and prectotu food to their holiday tabU.. \
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New Year's Carda BAD and Bnu Wltzvah congratulations; also for i>H Jewish holidays nnd spcclnl occasions. Mrytrs Ntiwii SUind, 3802 Dodge
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Youth Council Doings Rayim ,
I d Yfjtms "An tk"f*—* wom- Jack Benny: "Some men are I ness, and some just grate upon an «t 80 la neither « U nor 50." . born (real; some achieve great-•you.1'
Youth Council Letter
Culturally and religiously, Rayim has been very Active during the summer months. At a recent meeting held at the home of Murray Newman, Mike Ban, assistant cultural chairman, led a discussion on Origin of Race, Sheldon Rips, religious chairman, gave a report on Jews in the present day. July 31, naylm held a Fun Night Stag at the home of Jack Baker. First, movies were shown, and then a game of Capture the Flsg was held at Loveland School. August 22 has been set aside by the fraternity for the automobile Treasure Hunt. Jerry Zeigman, party chairman, promises an exciting evening. Rayim is planning an evening for the Incoming freshman boys In the near future.
By loan Kraane In a few short days, all Incoming freshmen will receive letters from Larry Schwartz, president of the Jewish Youth Council. These letters will request an interview with each of the frosh. The interviews will be at tho convenience of the new Youth Councllers. They are requested to phono the J. C. C. to make appointments. The purpose of these talks will be to acquaint the boys and girls with the center activities, and also with what the Youth Council has to offer. Different questions as to previous club life, bobbles, and desires for the four years to come will also be asked. It is the desire of the Y. C. director to have a complete record of every member of the Youth Council. Interviews will be started on Tikvas Ami August 28, and they should be finished by September 3. The girls of Tikvas Ami will In order for "Operation Interhold a "fun day" at Peony Park view" be a success, we arc askon August 16. The day will in- ing alltofreshmen for an clude a picnic lunch, swimming, interview as soontoasphone possible. and many other activities. Plans for the Regional Teen' Plans are also being made for age Leadership Seminar are althe freshman tea, Which will be most completed. The conclave will held on August 23. Chairman of be held at Camp Harriet Harding the tea is Fayna: Manvitz. The September 4, 5, 6, and 7. The tea will be held at 540 N. 72nd on will include social events, Ave. Invitations will be issued weekend and discussions which will aid to all freshman girls. Youth Councilors to become better leaders. Applications will soon be sent to. all Youth Council memDramatic Club bers. Buses will be chartered, and The Workmen's Circle Dramatic will meet at the J, C. C. at 12:30 Club will hold their regular meet- p. m., on Friday, September 4. ing at 9 p. m., tomorrow, at the All freshman boys and girls will be invited to attend a "get acLabor Lyceum. Plans for the following year will quainted luncheon" on September be discussed. After the meeting 1, at the J. C. C. Jean Cutler Is the following birthdays will be chairman of this event. celebrated: Mrs. Sarah Schwartz, Mrs. Bertha Ruderman and Mr. Sylvia Sidney: "Figures don't Sam Novak. lie but those of some women do."
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