August 21, 1953

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'Operation Interview1 Planned For High School Freshmen


Youngster's School Style Show To Highlight Israel Bond Rally

Jewish High School freshmen, Council and various club proentering High School In Septem- grams and activities. ber, will have an opportunity to Individual interview* and condiscus* youth club affiliation prob- ferences will be conducted by Dalem* a* well as other matter* per- vid Fogcl, Center Activities Directaining to entering high school tor and Philip Roggen, Youth with members of the center staff, Council Advisor. during a special period from Au-'| Freshmen may call the Center .gust 26 through September 3, to be known as "Operation Inter- Activities Office, Jackson 1308, to Sixty children ranging in age arrange an appointment. view." "rom four to fourteen will model This plan is being tried out in he newest fall fashions for the response to Jewish Youtn Counichool boy and girl from live of cil action calling for individual he leading stores in Omaha at the Interviews with prospective cjub Women's Division Israel Bond members. It is hoped that through Rally and Children's Back to these interviews, incoming freshSchool Fashion Show at the Highmen will be helped to orient land Country Club on Tuesday, at themselves to the Jewish Youth 1:30 p. m. The narrator' for the A Young Adult Club was forshow will be Mrs. Arthur Goldmally established at a meeting stein, accompanied by Mrs. Harry attended by twenty-four* young Duboff. Fifty Omaha and Counpeople on August 11, at the cenWorkmen'* Circle cil Bluffs women will serve as ter. Dave Dubln was elected temTo Convene tn Denver hostesses, including members of porary president. Other officers the Omaha and Council Bluffs chosen at the meeting are Stan Members of the Workman's Cir- Gorbcr, vice-president; Marilyn Women's Divisions of the Bonds cle Will attend the 24th District Meyer, treasurer; Joanne Simon, for Israel Committee. A "Back to "Conference in Denver on Sept. recording secretary; Joan WiseSchool" theme will be used by 0-7. Delegates will include those man, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Milton Abrahams, decorab o m Lincoln, Sioux'City and Dcs Laura Handier, chairman of the tions chairman, in setting the Molnes. background tor the show. social committee. Children to Modeller Israel Bond Rally Representatives, f r o m Omaha Guest Speaker " "The purpose of our club Is to and Council Bluffs will be L. meet Mrs. Jonas Bcnet of Clndlnnatl, These are some of the children with Mr*. Sommer who will the needs of Jewish Young Witkin, Morris Goodman, Max Adults in Omaha," Dave Dubln, Uke part In the "Back to School Style Show" featured In the Israel O., will bo the guest speaker for Crouse, Milton Ncrenberg, H. Res- club president, "Our Bond Rally to be held Tuesday at the Highland Country Club. (I. to the afternoon. Mrs. Benet, a gradnick, Sam Susman and Mrs. M. club will have a explained. double barrelled r.) France* Hornsteln, daughter of Mr. »nd Mrs, Joseph Hornsteln; uate of the University of Cincinftefenberg. program, providing for the social Tommy Klrthentwum, sou of Mr. knd Mrs. Joseph Klrshenbaum; nati, is a past president ot the Guests attending, the confer- and cultural interests of our mem- Mrs. Hubert Sommer. chairwoman of the bond drive; Joan.Simon, Cincinnati Chapter Hadassah and ence from this area will be Mr. bership." daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Stoart Simon; and Nancy Herxoff, daugh- is currently Vice President ot the and Mrs. N. Lerman, Mr. and Central States Region of HadasA special project of the club ter of Mr. and Mr*. Martin Henoff. Mrs. P. H. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. will be Young Adult Evening, to sah. She has been an active workSam Novak, Mrs. S. Susman, Mrs. be held weekly, on Sunday eveer for the Jewish Welfare Fund, H. Rudcrman, M n , A. Forman, nings, at the eenter. The gym, Jewish National Fund, Community Mr*. G. Rlfkin and Mrs. Sam swimming pool, canteen and other Chest, Red Cross, and the UniverRuderman. sity of Cincinnati Fund Campaign. facilities will be open for the In the spring of this year, Mr*. exclusive use' of young adults, Benet went to Israel a* a memabove tho high school age. This Farband Board Meeting project will be inaugurated Sunber of the Israel Bond Delegaday evening,-August 30. Washington (JTA) —President discussions with political leaders tion which consisted of ten womSpecial executive ..meeting of Genoral membership meetings Elsenhower indicated in a report of each country proved fruitful en representing eight communities board of Farband Paole-Zton will to Congress on the Mutual Secur- and beneficial to all concerned," in the U.S. She visited many of will be held the fourth Sunday of be held 8:30-p. m. Tuesday at the ity program that the U. S. is the report stated. "We leihui the projects developed by reason home of Mrs. Marlon Bondarin, each month. The first meeting is inclined Mo continue it* program much, of their point of view, and of Bond dollars, such as the copscheduled for Sunday, August 30, 2308 Country Club nv. \4f financial and technical aid to they1' in- ruth became better in- per mines and the site of tha All member* 'arc requested to at 8 p. m., In Room 25, at the Cen-* I S o Near East, while "avoiding formed on United States inten- smelting plants being built/ the ' attend. Flans for the coining sea- tcr. '.'Great Crater" In the Negev pro^ David Fogcl, Center Activities any unwanted interference" in tions, and attitudes." son will be made. duclng phosphates, the Haifa port Director, is advisor of the group. area political disputes. with its expanded facilities and Any young adult interested in this Regarding these disputes, among nearby chemical and fertilizer B'nai B'rith Women's club is invited to contact Mr. which ho numbered the •Arabplants.. I Israel differences, the President Mixed Doubles Tourney Fogcl at the Center. Impressions said: "We have been ready at all Mrs. Bcnet will present her imtimes, however, to aid in finding .The 1934 B'nai B'rith tourna- Dance Planned pressions of Israel on Tuesday peaceful solutions, and-our good ment committee announces #mt afternoon,at the Bond Rally and offices have always been availanother "Mixed Double* TournaA dance for young adults will Back to School Fashion Show. LAST CAMP ment" will be held at the 40 Bowl, take place on Yom Klppur night, able to Interested parties." The Committee has made arMunich (JTA)—The Bavarian On the Arab-Israel problem, the 9 p. m., Tuesday, Sept. 1, Those Saturday, September IB, at 8:30 rangements so that everybody can wishing to participate may call p. m., at the J.C.C. auditorium, report noted: "There is the bitter authorities instructed officials at attend. Those desiring transporMrs. Ida Sacks, AT 0602; Rose Laura Handler, chairman of the feeling between the Arab nations tho Foehrenwald camp, last re- tation to Highland may call Gl. Oruch, OR 1540; Rcva Singer, GL social committee of the newly and Israel. The Arab people feel maining DP camp for Jews In 1317; those in Council Bluffs may 7971, or Beverly Swartz, WA 3008. formed Young AdulU Club an- that Israel will expand to threat- Germany, to complete a thorough call 8774. Women bringing chilen their interest and territories census of the camp population by dren will be assured full play nounced. Awards will be given. tomorrow afternoon. The move "We arc planning this event The Israelis feel that the Arabs followed a sit-down strike here facilities for them on the Highboth in the tradition of frolic may try to clamp a military vise of 200 "Illegal", returnees from land Country Club playground, Nebraska Lodge Party after Yom Klppur, and as a 'kick- on their country and ultimately Israel and other lands to Ger- with volunteers from Tikvas Ami squeeze It out of existence. AniNebraska Lodge, 1449, of B'nai off event of our new club," she mosities are further intensified by many, who protested their threat- and Dcbka Debs supervising their play. In cooperation with the ,B'rith, will hold a card party at said, "and irom the Interest shown. the Arab refugee problem." ened deportation. Omaha Crusade for Safety, arB p. m., Thursday, in the Congre- In tho project we may look for"Despite, the heavy frictions rangements have been made for gation Israel, 25th and J Six. Door ward to a successful beginning of Young Adult activities in the com- within the area," the President c i i i m c n M E N traffic and parking control at the prizes will be given. said further in his report, "the Washington (WNS)—Secretary club to avoid any possible misThe public 1* invited to attend. munity." peoples of the Near East share of State John Foster Dulles' views haps. common aspirations for better liv- on the Jerusalem Issue were, critiCooperation ing standards, and these aspira- cized -this week by five leading Mrs. Hubert Sommer. general tions can no longer be ignored. American churchmen,' who de- Chairman, and her committee have Of course, it is the governments clared In a letter to Mr. Dulles been able to enlist cooperation and the peoples themselves who that his critical remarks nnent Is- not only of all thethe wommust carry forward the talk of rael's transfer of its Foreign Min- en's organizations InJewish the commubringing about a better way of istry to Jerusalem may have the nity, but have been fortunate in life. The United States, however, effect of encouraging "further obtaining donations of both servcan offer useful assistance, hot Arab intransigence towards a ices and merchandise from a numwith the expenditures ot dollars peaceful solution ot the future of ber of the men. alone, but by demonstrating prac- Jerusalem." From the opening of tho Israel ticable applications of modern Bond Drive in May, 1951, up to knowledge to problems ot irriga- FIB8T SHIPMENT Martin or Coys? Martin or Coys? The horseback riders were giv- tion, disease control, food growJerusalem (JTA)—The f i r s t the present, there has been -sold Renewing the ago old feud be- en a special lesson In baseback ing, and other specific fields." shipment of goods from Germany in Omaha a total of! approximately 1,700 bonds amounting to $400,riding. It proved to be fun for all tween the hillbilly families was The President said Secretary of under the terms of the German 00ft. Of these, bonds amounting to replayed at camp lust Wednesday the youngsters. State Dulles' visit to the Near East reparations pact arrived at the about $250,000 arc owned by and Thursday. Half of the camp Advanced riders participated in in May "inadc a deep and favor- Israeli port ot Jaffa this weekand Council Bluffs -womwere Martins while the other half an overnight ride. They were Don able impression on its people." end. The vessel, originally sched- Omaha en, Under the terms of its regiswere Coys. Tho campers competed Tllfas, Dick Roscnthal, Larry Ho- Mr. Dulles' "frank and Intimate uled to dock at Haifa, was divert- tration with the U.S., this Israel ed to Jaffa by the authorities to in a baseball came, twim meet, bcrmnn, Janice Cohen and Judy foil a planned demonstration by Bond Issue must be terminated b y ' rifle meet, urchcry .-onlcst, village Lcvlnson. the Herat Party, right-wing group May, 1954. The Rally on Tuesday Last week the senior boys and bulldlni! ami arts and crafts proj- cirla went on-a two day overnight which has opposed dealing with will launch the third and final On Radio and TV ect, Thursday nljjht was «kit show hike to Cowles Lake where they year of the Israel Bond Drive for the Germans from the first. this vicinity. time as each family portrayed the swam, fished and went rowing. This Sunday, from 9 to 8:30 history ot tho feud. Door Prizes The intermediates also went on a GOLDMANN ELECTED a, m., over KOIL, "Message of Bonds purchased since August I" Geneva (WNS)—The Third The Junior boys left Tuesday two nlcht trip to Llnoma Beach. Israel" will present a broadafternoon for the first overnicht The youngsters experienced the cast by Rabbi Leon From of Plenary Assembly of the World find at the rally will give t h e . Jewish Congress concluded here purchasers on opportunity to o b - , hike at the Boy Scout camp Ka- fun of sleeping out-of-doors and Temple Israel In Detroit. ono of the throe door prize* preparlnc their own meals. We Women's Committee/. Bonds With the election of Dr. Nahum totn Kon-IJali. The boys were Howard are sorry to report the size ot fish Goldmann as •president and with being offered. The prizes are ». of Israel will appear on: ' Halm, Stuurl Sherman, Dan Kats- caught vacuum cleaner, a set o,f jewelry, could not be measured in WOW-TV — T o d a y at 12 the adoption of a series of reso- from Israel and a set of table Icee, Stan .Shrado and Joel Ermah. this space, but the trips did sucFeature attraction was the treat ceed in teaching young boys and noon, Ken James Cup and lutions reflecting the organiza- linen. '. , •' , - j ' t tion's views on manifold Jewish .Saucer Club. of rib stu.ihs which the boys pre- girls how to fish. No ndmjgslon.will,be c h R t p e ^ , problem*. | . • i, • i

Sixty Children To Model Apparel

Young Adults Form Club

Eisenhower Indicates More Financial Aid for Near East

Global Report

Camp JayC-C

pared for lliejr own dinner.

Ms**, 4HM H. MM

he Omaha Jewish fedcratlM Nttra**, nter M u m Van* I. i n HAHHY HALPEHT-. MAXHJB B E S S E R _

Religious News LUhl Candles: t£4 p. m. TEMPLE I8EAEL Sabbath services will'be held tonight In the Lodge Boom of the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the services. BETHEL Sabbath evening services will be held tonight at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning services will begin at 8:45. The Mincha Service will begin at 7 p. m. Dally services during, the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday nwrniog service Is held at 9 a. m.


-Society Kdlhn

Happy Birthday Friday, a w . i t Barry Daniel Adler, Matcial Gall Cohen, Dorothy Lynne Gerber, Stuart KuUer and Gail Poliakoff. Sstanby, A a c . » • Lola Greenbefa* fflnrUy Eileen Smith, Cheryl Jean Stern and Harry (Hershel) Wlsbnia. Sunday. Aag. 2S ROM Mary Abramson and Diane Eileen Epstein. Monday, Aag. M Harlan Stuart Abrahams, Stanley Grayson, Jacqueline Sue^mftn and Johtt ftfl^n'iwii Xaesdsy, Aag. U Fred Amster, Marvin Gene Cohn and Leslie Myles Joseph. Wednesday, Aag. tt Carol Meredith Caplane, Mark Steven Goldstrom and Diana Tharsday, Aag. 27 Jean Gross, Frances Esther Halber, Thomas Gene Mulnick, Jeffrey Alan Passer and Donald Wiseman.

Bernstein-Weiss Wedding Held at Blackstone Sunday At a noon ceremony bstd Sun- carried a nosegay oi the same day, Aug. 1«, in the House' and flowers. Garden room of the Blackstone Maid of honor was Judith TheoHotel, Phyllis Anne Bernstein, dore of Beverly Bills, Calif., who wore an off-white nylon waits daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul U length dress embroidered hi Bernstein, became* the bride of shades of pink which held a full Harl Maurice Weiss, son of Mrs. skirt and pleated bodice. Her Irwin D. Weiss. headdress and nosegay were of Rabbi Myer S. Krfake and Can- blue daisies. lor Aaron Edgar officiated, at the Mrs. Bernstein chose a numve rites which were held beneath a silk shantung dress trimmed in canopy covered with honeysuckle rbioestones for her daughter** vines. Harry Du Bolt was vocal- wedding and Mrs. Weiss a dress ist, aeconvjaled by Mrs. Da Boff of French blue silli shantung at the organ. trimmed with rhinestones and The bride's gown was waltz pearls. Both worn pink glamellia length, fashioned entirely ot white corsages. , tt featured a fitted Dr. Karl Wigodsky, brother-inbodice, portrait neckline, push-up law of the groom, was best man, sleeves and a bouffant skirt over and ushers were Pacey Wohlncr taffeta with a scalloped hemline. of Fremont, -Nebr., and Robert She wore a white Juliet cap of Xrasne and Virgil Wild ot Omaha. hand-smocked illusion caught with After a wedding breakfast, the double pearl and outlined with couple left for a trip to Colorado flowered beading which held a Springs, Estes Pork and Denver. shoulder-length circular veil of For her going-away costume, Mrs. white pure silk musion. Weiss wore a black French wool Mrs. Karl Wlgodsky, sister of suit, complemented with black the groom, was matron of honor. velvet accessories, and a corsage She wore a blue nylon net Waltz- ot white roses. length dress with a fitted bodice The couple will be at home at and pleated net side peplum and 440 N. (1st St in Omaha after a headdress of pink daisies and Sept 1.


Morns Grossman Services were held Sunday for Morris Grossman with Interment at Beth Abraham Cemetery. Mr. Grossman, Omaha and former Council Bluffs merchant, djed Thursday afternoon in a local hospital. A former resident of Lincoln, he was one of the croup who undertook the building of Tiffereth Israel Synagogue there in 1913. Mr. Grossman made his home in Council Bluffs from 19U to 1050, where he wot Instrumental in rebuilding the community's synagogue which was destroyed by fire. He participated in. fund raising to pay off the synagogue's mortgage which resulted in the members burning the mortgage. Mr. Grossman took an active part in the' building of a South Omaha synagogue, Beth El, Beth Israel In this city and TUferclh Israel in Lincoln. He was an" active member of the Zionist Organization of America and helped organize the Council Bluffs Jewish Community Center. Mr. Grossman was a member' of B'nai B'rilh, Old Fellows, Masons, Scottish Bite, Shriaers «nd the Commercial Club of Benson. He is survived by his wife, Lena; two daughters, Mrs. David Olen of Los Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Stuart Muskin of Omaha; a sister, Mrs. Dan Hill and two brothers, Charles and Nathan, all of Lincoln? and three grandchildren.

BETU ISKAEL. Saturday services, will begin at 8:30 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 9 a. m. at 19th and Burl. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud class at 6:15 p. rri. Saturday Mincha service at Bible and Talmud 6:45 p. m. Daily services begin at Beth Israel and at 6:30 Rayim By OB. PHILIP SHE8 a. m. at 19th and Burt. Daily Belli Israel Sisterhood Mincha services are at 7:15 p. ro. Raylm will hold its automobile Treasure Hunt tomorrow night. In co-operation with the BondjBy ttr. Philip Sher Friday Mincha at 630 p. m. Every car that finishes will be for-Israel rally, the'members of Sunday Breakfast Mlnyan and a winner. At thi* party, a club Bible the Beth Israel sisterhood board Rabbi's class in Bible study meets newspaper, the RAYIM ROOTER Learn to do well, seek Justice, have changed the date ot their at 8:45 a. m. will be distributed. relieve the oppressed, judge the August meeting. Last Tuesday night, Rayim held orphan rightly and plead .for the Mrs. Isadorc Qewltz, sisterhood Tickets to B'nai Jacob-Adas an evening for the incoming fresh- widow. , president, announced that the Yeshuron for the High Holidays man boys. The dub's executive Prosperity retards and weakens board meeting win bo held on win be sold at the synagogue, 3028 council led a discussion on the religion, while depression pro- Thursday, August XI. at 12:45 Cuming SL The tickets will be on Youth Council dubs as a whole, motes and strengthens i t p. m. in the Synagogue dub room. sale from 8 to 8 p. m. During the and individual clubs were also It is not enough to deal bread discussed. Then, questions were day, tickets will be available at the hungry and to bring the HodotMh Joe Adlerti Delicatessen. Phone presented to the council. A thor- to ough pledge program has been poor that are cast out to thy WE 4958. On Wednesday, Aug. 28, all planned by vice president^ Dick house; but thou must draw out Sottchos services—Saturday at Frank. thy soul to the hungry to satisfy Ttariassah group, presidents will midnight. Sept. 5. Cantor Reverend their afflicted souls. Then, snail entertain their board members'at Paul Chromoff will conduct the At a recent meeting, Mike Ban, thy light rise in darkness and Informal dessert luncheons startamlttant cultural chairman, lead thy gloom be as the noonday. service*. ing at 13:30 p. m. The purpose a discussion on, 0- cultural subof these summer group board ject. Sheldon Rips, religious chairmeetings is to introduce board man, gave his report on the high YouHi Council Utter Rabbi Joshua sold: "Woe unto members to each other and to holidays. One of the things that the age whose leaden you are. their work. > was discussed was the. September You do not know the cares with B j Jaan Krasae party. The Idea of a party for the which the scholars arc burdened The Theodore Herd group wlil Friday, Sept. 4, will mark pledge class was submitted. and whence they derive their live- meet st the home of its presi- Mrs. Dorotfay MiMer opening of the Midwest Regional dent, Mrs. Meyer N. Bubin, 8115 Rayim's handicap golf tourna- lihood." Services were held Sunday tor Teenage Leadership Seminar. This ment is now being played. Jackson. The Henrietta Szold When Rabbi Eliezcr became ill group will meet at the home of Mrs, Dorothy Milder with interseminar will be held at Camp his disciples vudted him saying: Harriet Harding, and will run its president, Mrs. J. J. Fried- ment at the Golden Hill Ceme"Teach us- the right way of life man, 4907 Farnam. Co-hostess will tcry*Mrs. Milder, 84, died TuesTikvas Ami through Sept. 7. so that we may deserve to inherit be Mrs. Alfred Frank. The Chaim day at Winnipeg, Canada, while The girls of Tikvas Ami held a Recently, Youth Council execueternity." He said to them: "Be Weizmann group will meet at on vacation. tive*, with the aid of Y. C. direc- fun day" at Peony Park on Sun- careful to honor TOUT comrades; the She was the wife of Ben home of its. president, Mrs. day, Aug. 16. The day included restrain your children from frivoltors, planned this seminar. before eating, swimming, ous thoughts; let your children Maurice Newman, 5151 Decatur. Milder, on associate in the Milder Then plans include Sabbath ac- prayers Mrs. Ben Newman and Mrs. Mor- Oil Company. Mrs. Milder was and many other things. .with learned people; know ris Stalmaster will be co-host- active In the Scottish Rite Womtivities, elaborate parties, swim- baseball The girls will be hostess to a' mingle what and to whom you pray. By esses. ming, hiking, and many other ex- membership an's Club and the Shrine Auxtea this coming Sunciting things. The teenagers will day. The tea will be held at the these means you will deserve eteriliary. Orienlallan Course have a chance to plan their own home ot Rita Katiman, MO North nity." Besides her husband, survivors The next Uadassah orientation parties. Havulah services and 72 Avenue. Rabbi Chama said: "Parents two brothers, Henry Donocourse for new board numbers are, Oneg ShabbaU will highlight the should never show preference for Transportation will bo provided one child over their other chil- will be held following a 12:30 vltz of Los Angeles, Calif., and Sabbath activities. Stewart Donovltz of Deadwood, from the busline to the tea. p. m. dessert luncheon at the D.; and a sister, Mrs. Bern Most important part of the Chairman of the event is Fayna dren." home of Mrs. A. V- Ven»er, 1805 S. Rabbi Judah said: "In a town Stine of Chicago. weekend will be the discussions. M a n v i t z . , •• <• that is hilly and has slopes and tt. 54th on Monday, Aug. 24. They will be lead by experienced valleys a man will become old Mmes. Henry Stern, Joseph speakers; and will include: club ' . prematurely." (Because of the Soshnlk and Norman Whitman Dr. Harry M. Levin programming, training new mem- CowncHettes will speak on education, Zionist Services were held Sunday .for bers to responsibility, and the ,' CouncUettes had a meeting re- strain on the heart) functioning of the club Jtcelf. Dif- cently at which they did Israeli public relations, American affairs, Dr. Harry M. Levin with interferent classifications of these sub- dancing and wrote articles for the and programming. A discussion ment at Fishers Form Cemetery/. jects will be held daring each aft- Cbuncfletter. the'club's newspaper. hour will follow. Dr. Levin, 58, a graduate of ernoon, with final evaluation ses- i.Rita Pcltz and Phyllis FrfedCrelghton Medical School and a sions at the end of each day. man, went to help at the Mobile former resident of Ornsha, died . Thursday In Waterloo, Is. . Fine food and lodgings will Unit at the Armour PlantCouncUettes plan a swimming also be included. He is survived by his wife, A tea will be held by the Epparty to be held Stmday at Peony Lola; a daughter, Mrs. Harriet Teenagers from the midwest stein-Morgan Ladies Auxiliary Lehrman of Calif.; two sons, will meet at the J. C. C. on No. 280 at the home of president Friday at 1 p. ro. Chartered buses The girls also held their "big Mrs. E. M. Beldner, 6224 Rees St., As a summer feature of its lottery and Allan/ both of. Wasister" tea August 18 at the home will go out to the camp. Sunday afternoon, August 23. membership drive, the Business terloo; four sisters, Mrs. Esther Applications will soon be tent of Deanne Markovitx. Members and relatives of Jewish and Professional Women's tfroup Marks of Pnlo Alto, Calif., Mrs. • to Omaha Youth CouncMers. These of the Omaha Chapter Hadassah Ilosc Levin of Augusta, Ga., Mrs, war veterans-will be guests. should be filled Out, and mailed as Monument Dedication In charge is Mrs. Dclmer Klclri, will hold a Story-Tellers' Contest Nell Boasbcri: of Omaha, and Mrs. soon as possible as the seminar The family of Joseph Cohen will junior vice-president, assisted by picnic at Park Sunday, Gertrude Potter of Chicago. will accommodate only fifty peo- dedicate a gravestone in his mem- Mrs. Bernard Piotkih, co-chair- August 23, starling at 3 p. nt. ple. This is a wonderful oppor- ory 11 a. m. Sunday at the man. Others on this committee I Arrangements for the pames, tunity 'for us to better ourselves Golden Hill Cemetery. Kabbl include Mrs. Daniel Goodman and prizes and supper arc being made Mrs. Helen Rosenblum by this Midwest Teenage Leader- Benjamin Croncr will officiate. Mrs. Nate Marcus. Mrs. William by a committee consisting of Services were held Thursday for ship Seminar! Friends and relatives are invited Abrahams, a past president, will Mmes. Julia Jacobs, Solly Mey- Mrs. Helen Koscnblum with inAll incoming freshmen are to attend the ceremony. pour. The board members ot the (•r:r, Sylvia Rocs, Fannie Sacks terment at Pleasant Ilill Ceme» asked to phone the Joy for inAuxiliary are providing the re- Shermnn, and Mi.v;es Myrtle Free- (cry. Mrs. Ilorcnblum, 67, died terviews at their earliest con- IKE ANNOUNCES freshments. man, Elizabeth Hart, and Evelyn Tuesday, August 11. Survivors are: her husband, Javenience. " "Operation Interview" Denver (JTA)—In a move dcLevy. should be finished by Septem- Kned to underscore the AdminTlie organization's Membership cob; a brother, Jacob A. Glick of Omaha; a cistcr, Mre. Jennie Eslber 3. istration's concern with the probchairmen arc Mrne.i. Lillian UcrnFreshmen arc also invited to lem of checking discrimination in Etein and Fannie Sherman. The ler of Los Anceles, Calif. Allan Paul Culler, the son of Hospitality chairmen are Misscn attend a "get acquainted lunch- employment on work provided by Joe E. Lewis: "A patient In ths eon" at the Jewish Community government contracts, President Mr. und Mrs. Louis A. Cutler, Julia Motz and. Belle Slcgcl. Center on September first. This Eisenhower this week-end ap- will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at Reservations for supper, to be hospital may have few friends, Win provide freshmen with a pointed Vice President Richard M. services on Saturday morning, served on the porch of the pa- but he has plenty of enemas." chance to acquaint themselves Nixon chairman of the 15-mcmber in the Eetli Israel Synagogue. A vilion, are being taken by the with the various club programs, government committee to fight reception will follow cervices. organization's telephone commit- Mmes. Elizabeth Fried nnd nose *nd also with other boys and discrimination by government contee conslling of Mrs. Flo Brook- Schik. Is. Jean Cutler is chairman of tractors. The order establishing I will gather them that arc ctein and Miss Sylvia Parilman, Members, their friends and such a committee w^s issued last luncheon. sorrowful. . . I will undo all that chairmen; Misses Minnie Eisen- prospective members have been ctalt and Lee Greenberg, and Invited Joan week. af/Iict thec—Zcph. 3:18,18,

Youth Council

Gems of


Auxiliary Tea Is Sunday Afternoon B&P Group Picnic To Be This Sunday


the «Ojr mug «w

h\ Shfltan Afdu "A auin «M»otl J%fl Sttnat ' j U a n m tfii\bt too carefnJ.lsi tba ctwic* of IdcliVw «nd «gval tat ram ct Igrow up and fet unrrM."

Newcomers Velso

w« r?? * O»»l« to Mr. tad Mrt. Raymond Core* and their efcijdren, AHan, Dorothy and Harriet. The Coreya, formerly t W V Chester, N. V, will bo waking their new home at tSS6 Caw,

Visitors . , Bads In Dublin, Ireland, after flying to the United State* lor » J?MJ?*uhl?JtallUljr u J a c k Manat w b o • » « * t tew day in Oman*1 lpta his brother and stoter-ta-Jaw, Mr. and Wit. Rubin Marcus, and toeir son, Fred. vl

Mr. .and Mrs, Harry Xiuhner of Council Bluffs have at their tuesis their two daughters, Bookie. Kushner of San Francisco, Cattt, «nd Mrs. Samuel Baker ol Balllmore, Md., and her two m u , Allen and Henry, all of whom arrived lut weekend for a two week visit. Tn Omaba for • few week* stay with Mr. and Mr*. LeRoy L, Canfleld are Mr. and Mw. Ronnie Aaron and daughter, Dareen, of Philadelphia. . ,

Vocations . Gloria Friedman, daughter ot Mrs, Sum Friedman, Is spending a three-week vacation in Los Angeles, visiting with-relatives and friends.

Lads and Lasses To Model 'Last Word*at Bond Rally What fashionable Master and supervising the children's playHiss Omaha will be wearing ground. around the school room this SepEvery bond purchased since Autember will bo modeled by sixty gust 1 and at the Rally will entitle Omaha boyS and girls at the Isrocl tho purchaser to a chance on the Bond Rally and Back-To-School three door prizes, Tho first prize style show. la a Lewyt vacuum cleaner, last Showing us what's now, as they year donated by Major Appliance usually do, will be Phyllis Ann Company and won by Mrs. EthAbrahams, Barbara Sue Adlcr, elyn Kaplan and redonatcd by Carol Ann Altsulcr, Deborah Sue her for this year's Rally. The sec-t Baker, Neona Beber, Rosalind Kay ond prize it a set of Jewelry Bordy, Barbara Ann Brodkcy, brought recently from Israel and Susan Brodkey, Ellen Cahar, donated by Mrs. M, F. Levenson. Lynne Chcrnlack, Jo Frances The third prize i> a set of table linen donated by Mrs, Aaron Rip*. Cohn. Trances Cooperman, Ellen Hose The otfair is being held at ffigbDavis, Laurie Sue Davis, Sally land Country Club at 1:30 p, in., Ruth Davis, Linda Sue Eiscnstatt, Tuesday, Aug. 23. Arlene Sue Epstein, Bcttn Ben Ermann, Alice Ann i'ellmnn, Marsba Ann Fellman, Diane Fogcl, Renee Franklin. Sally Mac Freeman, Joy Frledcn, Holly Sue Gercllck, Susan Gllinsky, Kay Ellen Goldstein, Diane Groner, Andy Jean Gross, Nancy Mrs. Robert Bernstein won the Herzoff, Frances Komstcin, Tonl Highland Country Club Ladle** Kaplan, Madeline Kripke, Judith Medal Play tournament title Wednesday, Aug. 12, With 209-5O-I88. Ann Nogg. Terry Lynn NOESIrving Herzog had U5-34—81 Nancy Richards, Lynn Sauadcrs, Mrs. Jo Anne Shrter, Joan Simon, Shel- to win tho nine-hole division. Results: ly Sommer, Suzanne Sutla, Nancy U-IIole Division Vcngcr, Judith Verct, L« Verne Wolfson, Ronald Scott Blumkin, Mrs. Robert Bernstein. JOfl-50—159 Mrs. At Fiedler .....,...,..22S-fl2—1M . Sherman Brodkey, Donald Goldstein, Robert Hahfl, Richard Jos- Mrs. Philip Feliman,..,2n-W-US Mrs. Lee Sloan lfiB-30—185 ephson. Nine-Hole Dlrfslon Alan Kulakofsky, Gary Katcl- Mrs. Irving Herzog 115-34—81 man, Tommy Klrshenbaum, Rob- Mrs. Irving MaIajJhock..H8-36—B3 ert Llpsey, Lance Rips, Paul Mrs. Stanley Fisk 110-32-67 Rosen, Joel Sneldcr, Jeffrey Mrs. N. J. Ripe 125-36-88 Swarti, Dale Wcuutcin, Arnold Weltz and Mark Zalkln. Pinky Lee: "Modern girls would In addition to those listed in be well formed than wclllast week's Press, the following rather Inlormcd." women will also serve as hostesses: Mmcs. D. notenbaum, Lawrence Krasne, Leo Mcyerson, Isaac Bud Abbott: "In the movies you StemhUl and Saul Suvaltky. con applaud safely without fear Miss Jane Brodkey will aid in of an encore."

*' America wftwi, •oil comfortable casual

Highland Highlights

Jewish New Year Cords Newest and Most Complete Line Carat h* Frtatfe mi Every Mtntbwr of Hie Family

ISRAEL Rosk HaaUnah begin* on the eve of September 9th, butit'i not too ewiy to eend the gift that will bring joy to mtrkearti and prettout food to their holiday table.,1

between for their tuwestricied choice of ration°tree kosher foods and other necessities In our gift shops in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem

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which they exchange at our convenient pick-up centers for your choice of these seven new and improved kosher gift parcels, packed in Israel and ready for delivery after August 10th. Hwlw revised to give you even more variety and greater value in each and every P«*ag» ..,Standard, f 10.60; Glatt Standard, llWff Special, 114.50; Glatt Spedal, IU.60;Super, $1030 Select, *20.60 and Family, 188,60.'


Miriam Shrier


Dramatic Studio Reopening Soon Readings—llecord Pontlmlme Pfayt Ckrn and Individual IntmreriMi


Als* Morning Creative DruuUo C3w*«« for Children * mod 5 Odl Jfow


1307 Howard St, MtlHwy

Agents for Service for Israel, Inc.

Phone AT 0340

MrtajB radloaetiYe preparations --is already en rout* to the Jew- BheBey Whites: "The trouble iudy Bolllday: "Women haw a KUMOACOTK Haw York (JTA)—A complete needed for research in various IshSUte. Operations will begin In with (iris who have Me hearts U keen sens* at humor; th* more that they usually hswe hipt oj the you humor them, the better they plaat for to. production at the fields of science, Including medi- the near future. v Ilk* It," same size." fttMlfrii^Mfr ^ifnifnt 'polonium for cine and physics. The Installation, • use by< Israeli scientists and re- ••"•'••rtfrU 1,000 pounds of radiosearch iniUtutions has been pre- active lead as a primary material sented to Iarael by Dr. BorU Precel of New York, president of the Canadian Radium and Uranium Omaha's Favorite Corporation. TOrtfie Way to Dine on The plant, worth $150,000, will At MM to mot TOOT Wat enable Israel to produce for Itself a n * J«wut Pm.

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Has movtd Ms sapply of Jewish books cmd rtiigloM arrlcW* to his rtsidMC*

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Education/ Entertainment.' Excitements


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at toe Jewish Community Center

New Year's cards, books and articles are now available at his home.

SEPT. 6ti»ll

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Under * • direction of Prof. Ham IAEH Modern Technique! Are Used! Pupil'* Recital* to Be Presented

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Jewish New Year Cards

How Electric Cooking keeps kitchens coder* OVEN COMPUTILY

The oven of .an Electric Range is insulated on ALL SIX aides, since Electric cooking, unlike flame, needs no combustion—requires no air to work. This thick blanket of utsu-v lalion scab in oven heat so efficiently that current is only used 10 minutes out of every biking hour. Means COOL batdng and roasting and oven ECONOMY, toot


N. S. Yaffe Printing Co. Sine* 1906

116S. 17tfiSt.

Phone JA 0770





The surface units of an Electric Range have flattened coils—die heat unit hugs the bottom of the cooking ulensil all the way across. Meal goes directly INTO THE PAS —there's no flame to creep out around the edges and tteat up your kitchen. * tUtfti UnM k«* tk( M M



Beligious tradition teaches us that • • the New Year C-d inscribes our names in the book of Its*—for happmes* and good fortune, we hope! • We too can play a small part in making others happy through the provision of highest quality RATION-FREE CLAT KOSHER FOODS at the very fewest price* to your friends and relative* in Israel. • The NEW Scrip to Israel Service, which guarantees to you proof of receipt by your dear ones in Israel, assures a (joyous and festive New Year. Don't forget! Rosli Hnslionah starts on the eve of Sept 9, much earlier this year than usual. Saad a Scrip to Israel ' Certificate today—availablo in S5-SI0-S15-S25 denorainajlions. Call or writ'

Tests show up to four pints of water a n produced daily in cooking meals for a fan* ily of four in kitchens where flame typt ranges are used. Electric heat has no combustion—produces no water vapor—your kitchen is less humid. Someday You'll Cook Electrleolly— WHY NOT NOWI Your Electric Appliance Dealer has aa Electric Range for any tize family— any size Budget—Visit him toon.




' JA 136«

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