_ MMUI M Fotf **—*IU •CUM, OaMfta, MbnMK. tbdw AM M t i l l .
M. 1tM* jqon '8
biuud i m rrtdv, i n M. ton. Aani*| B t u « DoUua Slutl. (tot* M Omu «. t U t u U . FboM AT IIH
Council Host at Leadership Institute
Religious Schools Get Fall Programs Underway
high class will meet on Tuesday and Thursday at 6 p. m. and The Jewish Youth Council of Omaha will play host to represenBeth El Synagogue Talmud Sunday morning at 8:30 a. m. The tatives of Jewish teenage clubs from Midwest cities at the Fourth Torah class sessions will begin seniors will meet on Monday, Annual Club Leadership Institute on Labor Day Weekend. Tuesday and Wednesday at S p. m. Sunday, Sept. 13. The emphasis at the institute, which will be held at Camp Har. Registration'for new pupils will and Sunday at 6:30 a, m. The riet Harding, Louisville, Nebr., will be on improving club program" be held on^Tuesday and Wednes- Juniors will meet on Monday and ming uiiu nnd nuiiuiuauauuu. administration, statod Herllck, t/CvflBn Jewish (JCommit* day, Sept. 1 and 2, from 2 to 5 Wednesday at 6:45 p. m. and SunHung s w w u Lawrence Ajawicucu racrilCK, OIX p. m,, in the synagogue office, un- day morning at 8 JO a. m. The : nlty Center Youth Activities Dli«ctor. In addition to business sesder the direction of Samuel Intermediate A and Intermediate f sionii, cmple opportunities for recB win meet on Monday; and Nahshon, Director of Education. reation will be available at the nstltule, . PupUa who attended last year Wednesdays at 4:15 p. m. and were notified ot the date find time Sunday Morning at 10 a. m. The Weekend Conclave secondary group will meet or schedule of t h e i r individual Delegates to the weekend'cong weekendcon Tuesday and Thursday at 4:15 classes. clave will meet at the Jewish Sunday School sessions will be- p. m, and Sunday at 10 a. m. Paris (JTA) '— An attempted Community Center Friday, Sept. gin Sunday, Sept 20, at 10 a. m. Primary group A will meet on raid by a column of Arab nation- 4, at 1 p. m. to board buses for On their arrival, they will Registration will take place Tues- Monday and Wednesday at 4:15 alists on the Jewish quarter in camp. )e assigned to different commitday arid Wednesday, Sept. 1 and 2, , m., and Sunday morning at 11 Rabat, Morocco, waa successfully Mr*. Samuel N. Wolf tees to take charge of different .. m. Primary groups B and C from 2 to B p. m in the synarepulsed' by French police, the aspects of camp programming, will meet on Tuesdays and Thursgogue office. One of the first of these will be a Inqulries about registration and day* at 4:15 p. m., and Sunday Paris Radio said. The announcecommittee to organize Friday eveother matters pertaining to theat 10 a.' m. Only student* who ment added that police had dis-ning and Saturday morning Sabschools ma*y be made by telephone have Tuesday classes are required persed the crowd without 'casual- bath services. to the synagogue office, Ol 3221.to attend on opening day. On Saturday evening, the teeni Nursery School'sessions will beMrs. Samuel N . Wolf, active ties. The Beth Israel Sunday School gin Monday, Sept. 14. Mrs, Solwill open on Sunday morning, communal worker, will serve as Heavily armed police s t o o d agers will participate in a traditional Havdalah service to closo Pirsow, Be 3211, is Nursery Sept. 13, at 10 a. m. Chairman of the Center Forum guard outside a synagogue in i School' Chairman. Inquiries r e Registrations for the Religious Committee for 1953-94, Arthur H. Ouja, In Eastern Morocco, while the Sabbath. garding Nursery School registra- schools will be accepted for a Goldstein, Chairman of the Cen-funeral services were held- for Dhcusslon Series ter Committee of the Jewish Fedtion may be directed to her. four Jews—including an 11-yearshort time only. Parents interested There will be t w o discussion old girl — killed in rioting last series of three sessions each. The in enrolling their children are eration, announced this week. requested to get In touch with the Mrs. Wolfs current activities week, it was reported here. A first of these will include talks school as soon as possible, For include the post of Fund Raising, Jewish-owned p h a r m a c y was designed to help teenage club Temple Israel Religious School further Information call Re. 6288. Coordinator of Hadassah, a n d burned down: Ouja, which is lo- leaders plan more Interesting and A new class for children of pre- Chairmanship of the Omaha Cen- cated near Algeria, was the scene worthwhile programs for their classes will begin* Saturday and Committee of the Federa- of a pogrom In 1948 when the clubs. Different ways of using Sunday mornings, Sept. 5 and 6, klndcrgarten ago has been or- tennial of Jewish Women's Clubs. Jewish quarter was devastated by Jewish content, cultural content, .classes will meet (rom 9:45 a. Jn. ganized at Beth Israel Sunday tion She. Is a past president ot the a mob. Five Jews were killed and community service will be to 12:19 p. m. Kindergarten grades School. This class - will meet on Omaha Hadassah and of the Belli and 30 injured at that time. presented to the teenagers. to fourth will meet on Sunday Sunday mornings' at 10 a. m. Reg- El Synagogue Sisterhood. Last The second series will include Although the new pro-French mornings, and erodes S through 10 istration applications for this class year, she was chairman of the of Morocco Is reported to seminars on club administration, will meet .on Saturday mornings. arc stlil being accepted. Community Chest unit of the Fed- Sultan They are "Delegating and Assum- . be friendly towards the country's The weekday Hebrew Departeration of Jewish Women's Clubs. Jewish citizens, apprehen- ins Responsibilities," "Training ment will begin classes the week Young Adults to Hold / In connection with the planning 200,000 Younger Members for Office," and sion Is still felt here over the posOf Sept. 14, and clashes will meet of the 1053-54 Forum Series, an sibility that the deposed nationa- "Duties of Officers and Parliafrom- 4 to 5:30 p. rn. The Alcph First General Meeting mentary Procedure." inlcr-city conference will be held list Sultan might suddenly reCliiss for fourth nnd fifth traders The first general meeting ofthc in Omaha on Sunday, August 30. turn and seize pojyer again. It is Problems < > will meet on Monday afternoons. newly formed Young Adult Club "Representatives from Central generally believed that if tho new All discussions will be led by The BA1S Class for sixth and sev-will bo held Sunday at 8 p. m.. In Nebraska, Sultan remains In power, the Arab trained 'professional workers who Council Bluffs, Kansas enth graders will meet on-Tues- room 25 of tho Jewish Community .City, Lincoln, and Sioux City will attitude towards the Jews here are familiar with the problems of day afternoons. A special class for Center, David Dubln, temporary meet In Omaha to plan jointly the might improve. teenage club leadership. Bar and Bast Mllzvah students president, announced. A social and selection of speakers and artists Topics for discussion, Mr. Herwill meet on Thursday afternoons. dance period will follow the busi- for the coming season. Through «ck fold, were selected from a such cooperative planning, we arc Post-Polio Swimming All classes of the Religious ness meeting. questionnaire which was mailed to Sdhool will meet at the Jewish Miss Laura Handler, chairman enabled to secure top talent, and Post-polio swimming classes club leaders In the Midwest area, Community Center building at of tho Social Committee, stated save expense through arranging conducted Thursday at the J e w - thus assuring a discussion profor group booking," Mrs. Wolf 20th and' Dodge Sis,' that "with this meeting something sold. ish Community Center will not gram ot senuine Interest. new gets • under way in young be held during September due to In addition to sessions on club adult life in Omaha. We will the observance of the High Holi- "•ogramming and administration,Beth Israel have the center pool, gym, can- AZA Regional Meet days. Mrs,.David Blelcher, chair- Uipre will be a workshop on proThe Beth Israel Talmud Torah teen and meeting rooms at our Larry Schwartz, regional presi- woman of the Instructors' group, duction of the^ club newspaper. will open on Tuesday, Sept. 8. disposal in addition, to films, art Interested teenagers will learn by of AZA, and Larry Epstein, announced that classes will re- doing, Tho following schedule has been groups, and dances each Sunday dent as thev produce a camp sergeant-at-arms, attend- sume Oct. 1. newspaper which will come as announced*; The post graduate evening. We hopo to mako every regional the AZA Cornbelt Regional The American Red Cross; will close-as possible to being a good class will meet on Tuesday at 4:30 Sunday -evening at the Center a ed Association's. quarterly delegates conduct its post-polio swimming club paper. , - p . m., Thursday at 8 p. m. andpopular gathering place for Oma- meeting held recently In Sioux program in the center pool during Sunday at 8:30 a, m. The junior ha's Jewish young adults." Larry Schwartz, president of Falls. The delegates of the three September due to repairs underthe Jewish Youth Council, point- ' The club's "kick-off" affair will state area devided to hold their way at Its usual facility* at the be a dance on the evening of winter convention in Des Molnes, Omaha Athletic Club. The classes cd out that representatives from other cities had been dnvlted to Sept. 19, at the center, featuring a where AZA Chapter 4 will play will be held from 8:30 to 7:30participate In the institute orname band, entertainment and host at the conclave. Omaha's p. m. each Tuesday of the week, der to provide different In refreshments. Anyone above high Mother chapter will welcome the under the supervision of Art John- points. He indicated that a viewplace school age is Invited to join the members to the '54 summer con- son,'Douglas County Water Safety had been reserved op the agenda vention to be held here. Director. Lcland s. Fercr, holder of a Life group. for dlscuislon concerning the orMaster Award for tournament Kanbatlon of a West Central Jewbridge play, will instruct classes ish Youth Conference, 'a protect AZA No. 1 Sweetheart Candidates in, brldgo playing at the' Jewish which has been discussed nt other tatercity meetings in past years. Community Center, Representatives from other cities . Mr. Fcrer has played on n n a would bo needed for the Oroper tional level since 1048 and has organization of a functional? i n won 30 events in tho last three tercity body of Jewish teenagers, nnd a half years. As one of the i T e , ? n a B e " interested In attend* nation's two hundred top ranking Ing the Institute are asked to anplayers he went to the semi-finals oly to Larry Schwartz, Jewish with tho national team of' four Youth Council, 101 N , 20th St Champions in 1S5V in Chicago Registration is limited V n d only eliminating Charles Gorcn's team a few places are now open. in tho quarter finals. Classes will «tart Thursday, Sept. 3, at 8 p. m. in room 21 of tho center. Those interested from beginners to veterans'can contact Dave Fogel, Center Activities Director. Itcf'istriilioiui will lie limited. The classes 1will run for 12 weeks and n fee of flvo dollars Comljig soon . , . the rewill be charged. sumption of the Center Symphony Circle . . . a Pre-School three day a week program for Freshmen Interviews •> year olds, and a Mother's Child Development Study To Conclude Sept. 3 Group . . . reactivation of the Center Orchestra . . „ begin"Operation Interview" cot off ning of a Center Choral Group to a flying utart with 02 per cent of the incoming freshmen having These arc some of the lovelies tary-treasurer of the Jewish Youth Athletic Association, and the In- . . Gnldrn Circle Meetings to already made appointment!!," Lar- who will give the judges a dif- Council. ter-American Club, begin soon . . . Adult Art ry Schwartz, Youth Council Pres- fli.ult time in selecting a sweetShe is also active in tho Cen- Jean Cutler (left), 17, daughCLissci in portraits, still life ident, announced". All interviews tral High Players, Science Math ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louir, Cutler etc Bridge Classes . . , will be concluded on Thursday, heart at the annual AZA No. 1Club, Colleens, French Club and Is currently president of CouncilForeign Film Series . . . Lec"Sweetheart Dance." The other A Cappella Choir. Sept. 3. cites and chairman of the 1053 ture «nd Concert Series . . 1 Judy Cohen (center), 17, daugh- Freshman luncheon. Besides beAll freshmen, who have not candidates' pictures will appear Yiddish Films . . . scheduled their interviews, arc in tho noxt edition of the Press. ter of .Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Cohn, ing a inembcr of Central High's If any of the above pro-' tennis team, she belongs to Is social committee chairman of Ruthann Chudacoff (right), 18, asked to do so Immediately by grams especially interest'you palling Center Activities Depart- daughter ot Mr. and Mrs, Harry Dcbka Debs, and is very active G. A. A., Colleens, Central High call Mr. Fogel at the center ment,' JA 13G6, for an appoint- Chudaeoff, Is a past prcsldont of in all Youth Council (ports. She Players, and to Junior Honor So for further information. " • i <•ment. , , . ; , . ;,.„ , . Councilettes, and i i now secre- Ls also a member of Colleens, Girls e!et)v
Beth El
Four Deaths in Morocco Riots
Mrs. Wolf Heads Center Forum Unit
Temple Israel
Expert to Instruct* New Bridge Class
Looking Ahead In Adult Doings
r tag* SIM
Amtp* U. Mil
any Things" vc* .SUtfft,
ot SAB VSSUCIMJO Itttf bcsfi vlsttfauf1 tbr tfW1 Mir. s a d M n , Hany- Kushner of CUmeU
BtEgious . Hews UtU
Caadkas tiiM p. m.
WitUHlty scrvieea wilF begbr a# with, their parents, Mr. a n * Mr*. Loui» BOO. a. ta. at Bath Jsraek and at WrinatberBBd' sister-im-law,. Mf. aad:Mn. Morey a a> m. at lttbi and. Burfc. Habbt Mfc aocS Mm. Mike LMMbnm of Boslyn' " ' Haignta, .Btowr wiuVsowructtoarSefcuraajr afternoon Talmud daw at fl p. m. Saturday Mincha sendee at B:e» :p../mi SlaOr aorribB* begtBi at T l r Sinctaia of MHwaukae, Wise, hav« been ehUarem.Mr. and Mn. Sherman 2T. LltMein a, (pn. Btitttt Israel and at V.39 . . «t l»th and Burt. Dally smttNivid. iMIncha services are aft 7 pj. n t and anyone wishing to help Is Council of _ o f Brooklyn, W. T^ b a n ar- Fridasr Mincba at 6 d O > m. 'asfcsdi to- oontBot Mcmv samenan JIMI zissadi h s Chnafta to wiaU*. tikekt aoBHn-law- and' daughter Mr. and* Mfcw , Sundtajf BMakfatt Mtayan and. B T BXF I n t o A . OmHeit Tte> Caniffwe, who were married: Jim* IX, a r e BabU's dass te Bible study nwata A. Staler, president. at 8:44 a. m. p m-tinn. National at the B&bht Benjamin (^roinr anJjawisb, star w i » his parents, MK. and Mn. Harry aounced' that ttte- Annual1 B«a» Jftv Aftara.sfac MU ^i*fr. BfU Bmnberf haa returned- to. hiv home boinv ,rael .. Memorial' Services wffi> tea* rCQaMlfltlQ^ QsC (aw8t ft thy e BUB twHusfteff. ta. June from Denver OiuVerstty Law m|ace> on Sunday; Sepfc 0, 8eww. fau sxxnounccd te» m snd.ic.ojBimtnBta-ptactios.law in Denver this year. Ices at tha GoiUen Hlfl CemeteiT CnmmlttXB under Mrs. Lloyd bl Benjamin G religioiu Schoat will begin at 11 a. m. and' at Friedman, Ways and Mean* vlca- leader of thvi Flsber Farm Cemetery- at * pi m. president, am ai fallows: Mr». guest speakec. Rabbi' Benjamin OoneramtCaiw Harold Farber, Ways and Means first meeting; of (ha- fm. .. , H w t son of. X n , Saixy Rudecnnait, b u tor Elf b e a n wiU condurt tB* chaixmau; Mts. Jeruma. Milder,. The ItraefieotMaeetiax wflT be services at both cemeteries! ' Year. Book Ada;. Mrs. Ernest. Win. held in the synagogue social ball honai to. Oiiianii' afier twv jejua, otf servics? witb tfae- Annp i^mb nwii Mrs. Irvhv Sherman, on Tuesday, Sept 1, atone o'clock. Beftnv leaving: ftr Germany, Pvt Harlan Lincoln cam*- from Store Fids; Mrs. Harold Farter Beaervations a n being taken By Camp- Plckctti. Vav to •paat t»«o. w«eks here- with- his patent*;, Mr. TKatVU INUUKL andn Mrs,, M. M Bjupinsky, personal Mrs. Mauls w<ni»—w»n, HA 4M9i and Mrs. Edward tincoln. Pvt Lincoln ir with. Company B ol the Sabbath, aerviee* wUl bt. bald, t t l ;y; M w FFarber b and Mrs. Sol Mann.. AX 376»*. 376» atatlonary; Met. tonight: in the Lodga Boom. o£ ' Mrs. Bobert Smith has arranged 2nd Medical Bascrve- TMnadng Battalion. d Mrs, M Jerome J S tmd Katz, Gift Shop; the Jewish Community Cantac* at Mix. 1 BTvJng; Mal&shock and U n tor baby-sitter service for this TM o'clock BabU Sidney. H*. Aaron. Levitt, Bake Sales; Mra,*A. meeting; and- for an the meetings Brooka wall, conduct tha aervioitv V^ Venger, Scholarship Fund; **••« throughout tha yeefc A. daughter, Sandra Lymv waa born Aug. IS to Mr. and. Mrs. Yale Richards, Service to Foreign. iBemand ^ejf^"«y^ at SI; Cathetdns/fe BbspibU* Fatexnal1 giwidpar^ Bant' Fund;; Mrs. Ed. E. Brnrikry, 'enia are Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Bogdanoff, and maternal' grandparents y, B&P HodcusoJi Sabbatb. evening serviees vrili i^h^u h i l F d M ^ ^ SSchimmel. Fund; Mrs. M May- At the group's picnic held Aug; are Mr. and' MX. Harry HoodelL b« held! tonight s t 7 B' mi Sab> nacd. & Creenberg, Mis. Ben- 23 in Hanscom Parks, Jfflss CteraU Mr. aniMrs, Selwin SUvolskyof Council Bluffs, have announced' bath, morning service*, will begin net Cobn, Mn. J. J. Levey, Over- dine Glmple won' the'Staryteuer's tne blrtn. of a son, Staven-Davidl The couple also have a- daughter, at 8:40. The Mincha. Service) wilt seas Luncheon; Mrs, Btehard HH- prte for her Yiddish tate Ronda Ecc. FatemaL grandparent* a n Mr. and' Mrr. Sol Suvalsky begin at «!«* p. m. loc and Mrs.. Richard Seitner, Ar'of Conncir Bluftt^ anrl' maternal grandparents are-Mr. and Mr»: Frank Dai^F services' during, tha weak , Mts» Ernest A. Mogg g laha. Mrs. Ida Goldberg-o" of Omaha. udberg- or Chicago I* paternal' greats are held at 7> at m. and 7 p. m. iWABShNriiood g a u l M B S . ^ y f yy l p p j Tik The Sunday morning service i»Owktell. Supper Dance; Mrs. Jt loraneon board; meetimr of held at f e . m: FTd Chanuka- docks. the Beth- Et Sisterhood- will' be Committees under Mn. David .held on- Sept 2 at 12:30- p. m. in Tickets to Stoat Jacob-Adas! Better. Social. WeUan vice-pros^ jtheSynagogue social BaRi Fred Barson, son op Mr. and; Mrs. Harry. E. Bacson, will' receiy4 Yeshuroa for tha Blab Holiday* dent: Mrs. Albert Gaer and! MO. Hbatesses1 for the luncheon, turn ;a> degreeof Master of Science- In. Physics, at Iowa State College tnii will be sold a« «he-synag«guei.aosa , mer. Arthur- Adler,. William. Air enmmg. He- will continue to.wodt toward a. doctorate at the unlT S t t h e ticket* wilC be on and Mrs. beds, Leon Alexander, Morris Ar- venaty. Mr. and Mrr. Baraoii' have left to, attends the graduation cumingsale- from « to 8 p. m. During: the,kfiit. Horman Batt; Dave Bern- ceremonies. dny, tickets wUl be available' at tfcn;. Mrs. H a s Scheiu stein, & £ Bordy, Jack- Bramaon; ^ Hhjnw* for AgBd' party>- MBS» Joints David Brodkey, EdWard. Bi'edkesr, Mr-, and' Mrs. Max Condon have received, word that their con Joe Adlcr'n D«llcatesscn. Phone Sewman, Service-to Foreign Bocnt David BZ Brown and Louis Canac: {Ferry: who i» attendUig- Columbia University in. Hew York, was WE 40flD. Mta. JadtCbbn, WU1 BaoyCunic; Reservations are being- taken by |awar<tedthe-ir. S Public-Health Service stipend of »1,800.00 for work Mat H a s Rosen, Veterans Hos- Mr». Sam' Cohen» the coming academic year in clinical psychology. pital; Mn. J. Trenak, Mn. Charles Perry's younger- sister; Sylvia, now home on summer vacation Stern, Mitt K GMdlhsky and Mn. from Barnard' College and' the Jewish. Theological Seminary in New Howard Milder; Golden Age Club:. COMBXa Malffs York, will return, to Mew-York right after Bosh Hashannah. From B K Harold Farber, Children's there, she win sail on Sept 26" for Israel with a group of 69 other Bible and Talmud Memoriat Hospital! young people. Mrs. Henry Newman off Kansas, Committee*! under. MM. ES; GilBy DR. P m U F ' S U B t Betti -Education vice-presidcnc: City, Mo.,: national viaa-chalrraan I s Harrj Wise,. Mac Harold, of the UJA 1Women's Division, will) TacoifoB& Mr. and< Mis. Morris Rudratnan and daughters Sheila and Gall be principal speaker following-tne l&in,, iw^«.| Sidney. QEOJOKJI and By Dr. Philip Sber Marvin ' Kaplan,. CurEent: Sunday noon brunch in. tne Jewish have returned) from. a> visit with; Mrs. Budermaix'a. parents. Me and : Events Study Group;. Mo* Aba Community. Center in Coutrait ;Mnt- Charles; Mann, off Hollywood;, Calif.. They; also. Visited! withBible 'Mm Rud«man^bromeirsiidlsister4nvlaw,,Mr..and.Mra. I. Hi Maun, < y^»"fcy^ ^i>iiyj#*ii»* yjtw. Chades ,Blu/tk,. He who U sldw to .anger is of Long Beach, and with otherrelatives and foTm«f<Jmahan» nowMr*.'Saul Suvalskji- is, Council living In- California. better than the mighty; and ha ,fl)iHnfir1nr and. Mrs. Julius Lyons, that rulcth his emoOans is mightiTkinf^ftt stn*»' Legislation^ Mrs. Bluffs dlrectoc at the Woman!* < < r an Divisionoff th» Unibsd. Jewish. Apthan, he that taketh. a city. L.. f*i*h^pf ^ » TiT t i Mwt Charles Just back. from, a vacation* at Yellowstone- National. Park, and' a erTha highway, b£ tile upright U StSJQZ,, V tour oft Grand Felon national: Park in Wyoming am Mr. and. Mr*. Mts.. Julea "R^f^rO; Telephone; Assisttng. har- a w Mines; L*> Philip- K. Blrsch- While at. Yellowstone;, tha, Hbagba. stayed at. hte to depart from evJL Ha that keep*- • Meyenon, Ben Gecshunt. Oscaxr eth hit way urocrveth bis souL Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, Mr*. Hj» CIuLfcUtnlUlHotet <. Shriec, U c t . Nate Kadman. andi Gbeennenc Ban Telpner;. Harry A rebuke ontercUi. dcopcx' into T. Mrs. Oscar Carp, .Program; Mec Coheoii Morris. Wbblner,.'£. , Mr.Iand.Mlx lrvlh.'Wluta Have nanitneAto Omaha.attw a.aruise a . man. of underttandlnji than a B S B f f l T M Louis. Alb*rt and. Mn. Joseph Bixjwn, Sam-. Bofflnan, Tjtm 'around the New Englandl coast on the yacht of We. and Mrs. At hundred siribes Into a fboL ^h T ^ M Mil cue, Ikaas' Stembilli. Ben. Passes; Simon,. Jr. The. ten days of yachting Included, slops at Hampton tbn Absanaipa sndi Josepb Opton} Sssn Meyesaon) Celisv B t i .Bay;, Mbnteuk. Pbint; Black. QuanoV Meoemsha. Bight at Martha's In three ways 'caa a manU Vineyard' and' Nantncket fescorations.. / charaoter be racognixedr BlEoisai Cells Cheaiisai. Morris Goodmansr (by his. cup», when drinking]!; - C CommittBcs' II D s Jeraltf nawBenor Kxasne. ffinsen, Publle'under delations c e andt (bj his purse); B'Klatt five point program- or aodal, ath- B'Ksaaii Want; i t s Melviir Dotiptt, Yeac TBia. Mbwman>rae«iny retunje* (by his anger). letic, community servicav religiB k M t ^ a n y , AUaulSt and. and Israel welfare lnftituUons; Ac. , KabbL Ishmacl said: "He.who ous, and cultural activities. The te C Mrs.- JUtUir K Katemam" Courtesy.; tiro to- Kansas- City- -welfare work-, •B'nai B»rith sponsorr A. Z. A. and wants to W wise should study the Mr* SamuaT Welnstein and Mix she mpplles adult advisors for t h e civil law,, for Uiore is no'ttare is a member of the board oft Sober* Faiar; Bulletin; Mrs- Zt<- governors (of windom) in the entire Torah of the Jewish FederaA. Z. A. Nb. I> will) bold their club. HRK «i»4VB(]lBX1^ <JU4|f DOOK, flu*, tion and Council and is on its Tho co-chairmen of tho ''Sweet- richer than civil law,, which la annual.formal "Sweetheart Dance" II ILUtertnan and* Mrs. Sidney Eb» like a flowing aprinc" a t the: Fontenalla Hotel, on Satur- heart Dance!': are Larry Epstein ateim i FbfaUottyj;.' Mrr. Bruce Babbl Chisda said: "If a. man day night. Sept 12. and Arthur Swarti '' Gtmnberg; Pcrsonner FUa^,- Mrs. inrttor second: term ar president Music wllr.be suppUed by Eddy sees that troubles arc coming Unto TBe main event will be t h e Robert- Silver and Mts,' Peter off mcKansai, CUy- School of Jewish. Studies- and was one of the crowning of the A. Z. A.. Sweet- Haddai Tickets, are u.78,'anil him,, let him search his deeds, Grcenberg, Councilfettes may be purchased' at the'door. • mid, .if" he has found nothing organizers of theKansas City heart for the year of 1953-04 by Committees under M wrontf, then let him attribute; them W of Brandeiii University.. the 1S5Z-53 Sweetheart, Marilyn ard KulnWofliky^ Membership viceneKlcctlnc the study of flie Hearenbcrs, daughter of Mr. and uiesideurV Mrs Max Greenberg Toralu" Mrs. Milton Nearonberg. The new and. Mts,, StnnueL Goodman. Rabbi ben Mcchasia- said: "A Sweetheart becomes a "brotiicr" Other Officers as follows: Mrs. man should always try to make member t o j h c A. Z. A. boys. The Friday; Aue. 28 Edward1 D. Brodkcy and Mrs. his residence In a place of recent candidates for swectlieart a r e Dcbra Ilcneo Cbldberff,-Joseph Samuel.. iZacharia, Dues Secre- Mrs. .Gofdfe Katelmon chosen by the A. Z. A. No. 1 offi- David Grcenberff, Philip Avrum settlement, because being a newtaries; Mrs. Ray Simon, CorreStrvicM were held Tuciday for cers and. the advisors for their Greenberc, Larry Herman and Jill ly founded,community, it in likely sponding- Secretary, Mrs. ILirry Mrs. GflUiic ICdtclman with lnterto have progressive municipal attitude, and work in A. Z. nose Slosburg. Haykin, Recording Secrul.iry, Mr1,1, miiit at the Golden Hill Ceme- spirit, fioveniment." A. and the Jirjvish Ynuth Counte Okoalkft ste •>
Gems oi the
Happy Birthday
Norman. Hahn, Budget Secretary; | ti-ry. Mr-. ILjlelmnu, 54, a native Mrs. Abe Bear,1 Treasurer; Mr::. of Council Dlu/fM. died Monday,. Ernest A. Nogc, P;irliamentarKiii; Sliu wnsii mumiier o£ Hacinfjcal), Mtst X H. Weiner, Auditor; Sim. Cuuncil Tiiuitn: Sii;torhood and. Louil IC^tz, Mr!. Edv,.iirl Lcvin- Che\ra I3'inu Ylrroel Synaijocue; son-, Mrs. Hnrold Farbur .(ml Lin. Mrs. K^ldman i/, rurvivc-d by (Sidney Brookb, Director;; Mri Ir- lier hu' bund, Sum; a d.'iuRhtcr, Bto. VUT White, Fcdcralion Heprt:uity- Siim Evt.'hjfi; two cons, MilUin ttVe; Mrs. Max Wolf tm. Chair- ;ind Stanley, and six cranddiillman of the Board; Mrx. Illcliard dren. Bluer, Inlcr-club Council Hei>reItabbi:; Sidney II. Brooks and sentalive; Mrs. Peter GrienUr/r, David Korb officiated.
IsroeT Bond Drive; Mrs. Louir. Katz, Ilctcntioa Chnlrman; Mm. Morris Roitstcin, "Citizens Coinsoittce"' on Juvenile Court.
Epstein-Morgan Posf 260 Mrs. Herman Silvcrman, C(-nfenniol chainnun, ha;; allied for (Volunteers to help cell Centennial MWks. The eala jsUiris Sept. 0,
Services were held Wednesday, Ann. 19, in • Berkeley, Calif., for Mrs. Miix nravlroff. A former resident of Omnha for 50 years, Mrs. I3raviro£f died Auff. 17 at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Esther Naibeery of Berkeley. She is £urviv«xl- by n brother, Ellin Goodson of Bcrkck-y, Cilif.; a flstir, Mrs. nnchel Dclmont of
The girla are Hutiiie Chudacoff, dauKlitcr of Mr. nnd Mrn. Ifarry Chudncoff; Jean Cutler, dauchtec of Mr. and Mrs. Louia Cutler; Judy Cbhn, daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. Bennntt Cohn;T«by Olirent,. dautihter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Okrent; Shirley Noodell, dauRhter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noodoll; and Harriet S o 3 k i n , dauuhtcr of Mrs. Anna Soskin. Omalia A. Z. A. Chapter number one was the first A. Z. Achapter to be orfianizcil. Now, Uiere are hundreds of A. Z. A.'s n the United States and all over he world. "Mother Chapter," as A. 2 . A. No. 1 is known, line a
Berkeley; a ton; Harry of San Bernardino, Calif.; eight grandchildren, - four great-grandchildren; and n daughter, Mrs. Louto . Kcndis of Omaha.
Saturday, Aiuj. 23 Michael Erie Bdlj;,. Michael Henry Bram, Dale Deboralv Brodkcy, Cecily Gnil Eisenber,-!, David Jerome Fqllman,. SU:v/art Wayne Forbes, Joy Freiden,. Stunrt Mark Frohm, "Lawrence Ualpli: Mayer, Juttin Charles Ravltz, Stephen Rose, 'Jerry Schwartz . nnd Lton Ian Sloan. Sunday, Ane. 30 Howard N«il Epstein and Susan Makic.iky. Monday, Acar. 31 Daniel Aiiramcon, Jamo3 Melvin KiiKen, Barljara Lynn ICimniel and Stuart Smith. Tuesday, Sept. 1 Amy Sue Blumcntlial, Arlene Epstein, Carol Rao FiEher, Sharon Frank, Michael Edwih Litt; Gary Michael IUfkin. and Alan Tloss, Wedneiday, Sept. 2 Jo Anne Shrier, Judy
Monument Dedication Tho family of Mrs. Gutslo Tuckel will dedicate a Bravciitono to her memory at 11:30 a, m. Sunday at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate. The family of Mrs. Gertrude Seiner Marx will dedicate a gravestone In her memory at 12 n)oon "undoy at tho Golden Hill Cemetery. Tho family of Morris Segal wlU dedicate n j;ravc:,lonu In his memory at 11 n. m. Sunday at t h e . Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will officiate. and Stoven Silver. Thursday. Sept. 3 Marilyn ICay Katz [ind Joan Ellen Yaffc.
Avari tt. MSI
rnoirrHhGirb B'nsd B"rifl» (Urts. will meet to organise; Wednesslax cvttUBd Sept. 2, at 7 p. m. at the Jewish' Community Center. The Henry Monsky and Nebraska Chapters are sponsoring the BBG'a who wfll take part In • cultural, civic and focial program this coming year. The BBO's wUl be affiliated with the Youth Council andwill hold CIMMIIISOAW ' to different dtlc* yearly. AU Ugh Mhool (tri* toternted in joining are invited to attend fee neetiaft. Ttanspor-' Utton home wfll be provided If necessary. -
$12,000 Worffc of Bonds Soldo* Holly
•ttrn Hated Israel Bead Rally, sponsor** b r * • Vejnesfi Division, brought out 889 Omaha and Council BWfc waste* to the Highland Country d o b Tuesday afternoon for a eUWrsaVB BaekTo-Seao*i style show' aad a "Woman's View of Israel" aa related bj.Mtrs. Jonas Benct eX OnetanatL Mrs. Oajbett Sommer, chairman, introduced Mr*, Arthur Goldstein, who narrated toe style show featuring the >'-*st fall fashions modeled; by M boar* and gfrat Th« guest speaker was introduced by Mrs. I. K K&takofthy, chairman of the Women's Division, l a n d Bond Committee. In her talk, Mr*. Bcaet spoke of recent trip to toad, always B'nal B'rith Nebraska Chapters her stressing the magnificent projects MS and 1445 will hold a picnic it. made possible by Bond money and RmaeodfePark SoBday. Aug. av, the hope of Israelis to estabHshfrom 1 to • p. ra. . Ing more industries) etc., through Member*, have been asked canttaed support of this Bond isbring mete- own picnic baskets. sue. Molly* IVanUm aad Oscar 5 a - Eleven thousand dollars worth 1 snond, chairmen, assisted by Base> of bonds were sold at the alfair, Orouch and David Blelcbcr, a n bidngiog tbe total value of bonds planning the program for the aftby women in Omaha to ernoon, including- the awarding; of bought than one-quarter of the total a door prize Games for the ehU- more amount dren with prizes will be super- Omaha. of' bonds sold to date in Vised by Sam. Kohn. The main attraction of the afternoon w01 consist of entertalri- tact MoHye franklin at OR 1209. snent yturlded by various children Abo on the program, will be a «f chapter members. Any mea- community star led by Ida Sacks. ber who 1* interested in having " In case- o t rain ,the picnic will feer child perform is asked to con- be held on the pavilion.
Campus News MAMSCUEWITZ SlOjfflQ A^tftQ RW Sigma Alpha Mu at the University of Nebraska ranked third scholastlcally among ail fraternities on campus. The """""tr* placed fifth during first semester. Two fratres were tops to theirrespective colleges. Alan Gsrfinkle of Leavenworth, Kansw finished first in his freshman law rinat Jerry Weinberg led an students in his class in the College of Arts and Sciences. /Four Sammies are looking forward to big years to their respective varifty sports. Len Rosen is on the varsity football team; Dan Fogel, a two year letter man in gymnastics, leads his team in several events, and Marshall Becker and Norm Veitzer, intra-mural tennis doubles champs, are good bets for first team varsity teailis spots. • At the last Sammy party, two pinning* were announced. Tbe couples are Pbn Alberts and TeUcia Abramson and Dan Fogel and Monica Joffee. August 90 is the wedding date of Jerry Weisberg and Pat Kbrney. Attending the four day International Sigma Alpha Mu convention in Miami at the end of August are Marshall Becker, Ira Epstein, Marv Friedman, Norm Shyken, Don SUvetman, and Norm Veitzer.
IB 346 and 1445 Picnic Is Sunday
Jewish New Year Cards Newest anti-Most Complete Line '
msf aTwaaT
Cenfer Piano Studio
Mrs. Bobert M. Singer
Wed Tuesday AfFontenelle Connie Perimeter, daughter of Mr. tad Mrs. Harry Perimeter, was married Tuesday evening, Aag. 33. to Robert M. Singer, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Singer of Du Bols. Pa. The ceremony was held in the Black Mirror Room of Hotel Fontenelle. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiated at the *? p. m. ceremony. The bride wore a dress of offwhite Battenburg laco. Mrs. Perimeter was matron of honor for her daughter. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Stanley Perlmeter, steter-in-lnw of the bride; and1 Miss B a r b a r a Nogg, the bride's cousin. Mr. Singer was best man for his son, and groomsmen were Stanley Perimeter, brother of tho bride; Philip Singer, brother of the groom; Charles Ceilieh of Brockton, Mass., and S t a n l e y Goldman of Bcufonte, Pa., both cousins of the groom. A reception was held after the
rites, followed by a family dinner, For her going-away outfit, the new Mrs. Singer chose a black and white suit and velvet accessories and wore an orchid corsage. ' After a Wedding trip to Wisconsin, the couple will live in CoItunbus, O.
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