tf . j g y OMAHA, KEBKA8KA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMIUW «, * . „
AnnoU B a u < DMlan •UXK Cow 10
UJA Initiates 25 Million Cash Drive Schedule for High Holidays Beth El
Philanthropies Map Emergency Campaign Plans For Clean-up Launched This Week
EMt Budiatub Plans for » speedy clean-up of forts will bf pushed forward The United Jewish Appeal this week launched an'eraer. Wednesday Sept. 9— the 1893 Jewish Philanthropies through a scries of mall appeals Evening Service ...:. 8:00 p.m. Drive are now being mapped out and individual follow-ups to gency drive for $25,000,000 in cash to meet urgent welfare, •ThurSday, Sept. 10— by the campaign committee, Jack reach every member of the Jewish medical and resettlement needs of 515,000 refugee and disMorning Service 8:00 a. m. W. Marer, General Chairman, an- community for his share in the tressed men, women and children in Israel, Europe and the Youth Service 11:00 a.m. nounced today. 1053 drive. Moslem lands, Edward M. M. Warburg, General Chairman of" Mittctw-Maartv Service.. 6:16 p.m. "Eoonomio Freedom" the UJA, announced, Friday, Sept. 11— with Morning Service 8:00 a.m. "Rosh Hashonah begins Mr, Warburg called special attention to the opening of the Youth Service 11:00a.m. the people of Israel fighting bard notion-wide cash collection campaign at a time coinciding closefor economic freedom," Mr. Marer Mlncha-Maariv Service.. 8:13 p.m. said. ly with the start of Bosh Hashanah,' noting that High Holy "Surrounded by hostile naV»m Bippur tions, bearing the brunt of severe Day services next week will hear special picas in behalf of the Friday, Sept, 18— austerity, burdened with food prof-UJA in temples and synagogues .Kol Nldre Service 6:10 p.m. duction, shortages, Israel strives throughout the country. Saturday, Sept. 19— forth to establish itself as an eco- AUSTRIAN TALKS The pulpit appeals will be made Morning Service 8:00 a. m. nomically sound country, giving a Vienna (JTA) — The Austrian New Year's Edition in response to a cable from Chief Visitor (Memorial) 10:30 a. m homo and a haven to 1,600,000 Government Invited Dr. Nahum Rabbi Hcrzog oflsrael, who has* The next edition of the Jew- asked Jewish Youth Service 11:00 a.m. Jews." religious leaders In' Goldmann to reopen on Sept, 12 Mincha-Nelloh Service.. 4:19 p.m. Stressing that .Philanthropies the reparations talks started this ish Press will be the nosh this country to remind their con* issue. The paper will grcgations that "thousands of Jewdollars reaching Israel have summer by leaders of world Jew- Hashonah be mailed early so that sub- ish children in the ghettos of brought about much progress, he scribers will receive it before- North Africa and Europe, and in said "the past year has shown ish organizations and adjourned, New Year's Eve. Please hold Betft Israel and considerable stability and im- last month. local copy for the next regu- the new settlements of Israel, desprovement In Israel. Bert Hamedrosh A government spokesman de- lar edition, which will be pub- perately need not only medical aid and community child care centers, "lightened' Burdens" clared that Dr. Goldmann was lished Friday, Sept. 18. . Haqbdol but, institutions which can foster "In addition, our funds have asked to meet on that day with their spiritual and cultural life as also lightened the burdens of the Dr. Julius Raab. Austrian ChancelRotU IUihonsh well." suffering and the needy in the lor, to discuss the general line of Wednesday, Sept. 9— Where Help I» Needed ghettos of North Africa and Mosreparations talks which will Center Choral Group Evening Servlco 6:19 p. m. lem lands, and helped Jews who the Mr. Warburg pointed out that of be continued Inter by experts of Thursday, Sept. 10— the 515,000 men, women and chilWere exposed again to suffering the Jewish organizations and the And Orchestra Set Up Morning Service 7:30 a. m. In Eastern and Central Europe. dren who this fall Will require Austrian G o v e r n m e n t . The Sermon ...,10:00 a. tn. "And In America, too, national The Jewish Community Center's UJA assistance, 355,000 are in IsEvening Service 6:19 p. pi. agencies, health, religious, wel- spokesman expressed confidence Activities Department announced rael. More than 200,000 of them live In sub-standard h o u s - i n g Friday, Sept, 11— fare and educational have bene- that the negotiations will lead to Morning Service 7:30 a. m. fited from our help. Vital Jewish a mutually satisfactory agreement. the reorganization of the Center largely made up of tin huts and Choral Group and Orchestra un- wooden shacks, 130,000 still reSermon 10:00 a. in. community services in Omaha have also been supported through HIKERS KILLED der the direction of Mrs. Ruth qure economic assistance to make Tom Klppur them self-supporting, and 25,000 these funds." Frldoy, Sept. 18— Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jordan- Relss. are sick, disabled or aged lmmi-. K61 Nldre Scrvjce 6:00 p. in. Under the slogan "A Common ian authorities this week turned Mrs. Heiss i s , a "graduate of grants in need of medical ,voca- ' Sermon' -..,... 6:30 p. m Cause Unites -our Community," over the bodies of three boys and Duquesne University's School of tional and welfare aid. V Mr. Marer Indicated, Atoewed cf- twojjirls, all about 10 to 17 years Saturday, Sept. I d In addition, 95,000 are In variMusic, and has taught music in of age, who were slain by Jordan Morning Servlco 7:30 a. m ous Moslem countries, including troops while on a hiking trip In the New York public schools. She strife-torn Sermon ..•.„....;,,...10:30 a. m Morocco and Iran; 60,-' the southern Negcv. The bodies, has also served with the Hebrew 000 in 'Western Visitor (Memorial) 11:00 a.'m. TV Commentator Europe, and 8,009 now at Elath, have not yet been Wcltah Service 5:00 p.m. To Conduct Workshop due to arrive in the United States Institute of Pittsburgh and other identified. Suceoth as disnlnced persons, The Jordanians claimed that the Jewish organizations. Feder Leads Cash Drive Mrs; Seymour Kaplan, chairman Wednesday, Sept. 23— Both musical organizations will Spurred by this announcement, Evening Service 6:00 p. m. of Leadership Training for the five were members of an Israel Federation of Jewish Women's Army unit found on Jordan ter- be on the Young Adult end Adult the Omaha Jewish Federation Will Thursday, Sept. 24— Morning Service 8:30 a. m, Clubs, announced that Phil Allen, ritory by an Arab Legion unit, level. Anyone interested in cither put into high gear an emergency Evening Service 8:00 p. m. veteran radio .and TV commenta- which promptly opened fire. The group please contact Mrs. Reins at collectlon'program, J. Harry Kulator, will conduct a workshop in Israelis denied that there were kofsky, Federation president, anFriday, Sept. 25— the Center. nounced. Morning Service 8:30 a. m Parliamentary Procedure a n d any troops in the area in question and said that the youths ricre ciPublic Speaking. "As.1 Rosh Hashanah will be obEvening Service 8:00 p. m served throughout the world in The first session will be held vilians who had apparently wan- Zionist Group to Meet Just a few days, it will be heron Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 29, dered over the bordcr^by accialded as a lime for rcdedicatlon from 1 to 3 o'clock, at the Jewish dent. The Omaha Zionist Council will Temple Israel to the ancient Ideal of aid for the Community Center. hold its first meeting of the 1053-needy and oppressed," Mr. Kula•- p The course is, open to all wom- KABBI MURDERED Ro»h Iluhonitb 54 year on Wednesday, Sept. 10, kofsky said. "At this solemn peen In the community. A special London (JTA)—A report from (Note: Wednesday and Thursday at eight o'clock at the! Jewish riod,'as we pray for our welfare, Services at Scottish Rite Cathe- notice was mailed announcing the Beirut published here said that Community Center. A report of we must extend ourselves genRabbi Ltchtman, chief rabbi of the s u m m e r activities will be erously, ond share of our blessdral; Friday Services at the Jew- workshop. - A registration fee of one dollar Lebanon, was found murdered In ish Community Center.) Is payable on enrollment at the his home last week. According to given and plans made for the com- ings with those in suffering and Wednesday, Sept. 9— opening session, Mrs. Kaplan stat- the Beirut police, the crime had ing year. All representatives from need everywhere." Evening Service 8:00p.m. ed. For additional information, no political significance. About all the Zionist groups which comDavid Feder, Pledge Redemp.- Thursday, Sept. 10— contact the Jewish Community 6,000 Jews, most of them of Sep- prise the Council are urged to be tion Chairman, will direct the inMprnlng Service 10:00a.m. Center, JAckson 1360, tensive cash collection campaign present. hardlc origin, live in Lebanon. in Omaha, to be held within a Children's Story Hour....10:00a.m. period of three weeks, in order to Children's Service 11:00 a.m. meet the quota asked of Omaha Friday, Sept. 11— AZA No. 1 Sweetheart Candidates Jewry. Evening Service 8:00 p.m. In the meantime, special billings -, Yom Xlppnr have gone out to Philanthropies (Note: All Services at the Scottish subscribers urging them to send Rite Cathedral.) In their payments at this time. ' Friday, Sept. 18— Evening Service , 8:00 p.m. ' Saturday, Sept. 1 B-rRosh Hashonah Morning'Service ! 10;00 a. tn. TV Feature Children's "Service .., 1:15p.m. Memorial Service .......... 4:15p.m. Station WOW-TV, Channel 8, will salute the opening of Rosh Hashonah 9714 on SunB'nal Israel of C. B. day evening, Sept. 13, at 10:30 p. m., with the presentation of Roth Hubonah a star-studded, drama-packed film entitled "ThreeLives." Wednesday, Sept. B— Hollywood - produced espeEvening Service 6:30 p. m. cially for television, the 20-Thursday, Sept. 10— minulc drama features Jane Morning Service ,..;. 8:0Oa.m. Wyman, Churllon Hcston, RanSermon 10:30 a. m. dolph Scott and Arthur Fran*. Evening Service 0:30 p. m. These stars head a large'cast Friday, Sept. 11— of well-known players who. Morning Service 8:00 n.m. will bring to life the true Sermon 10:30a.m. stories of three refugees from Evening Service 6:30 p.m. tyranny nnd oppression who Tom Klppur found sanctuary and hope in Friday, Sept. IB— the United States and -Israel. This completes the group of delegate. She Is also a member of Harriet S o s k l n (right), 17, Kol Nldre Service 0:10 p. m. sweetho.irt candidate-;; from which Central High Players,1 Y-Teens, daughter of Mrs. Anna Soskln, is An unusual prologue keyed Saturday, Sept. 10— on AZA No. 1 Sweetheart for and Colleens, to nosh Hashonah 5714, which curently vice-president of CounMorning Service 8:00n.m. 1953-54 will be selected ut'AZA Toby O k r e n t (center), 17, cilcltcs and very active In nil Y. begins Sept. 10 and II, intro"Sermon ...:. 10:30 a. m No. l'fi "Sweetheart Dance" Sept. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. functions. ^Shc Is also a mem- duces the film. At tile close . • • , . . . Ylskor (Memorial) 11:00a.m.' 12. Okrent, is editor of the Councllct- ber of the progiam, a special mesof Colleens, Central High sage will be delivered Children's Service 3:00 p. in. Shirley No o d e 11 (left), 17, tcr, and active In all Youth Counby Jack Mincha Service 3:00 p. m. daughter o( Mr. and Mrs; Harry cil sports. She in member of. Col- Players. French Club, and IB ac- W. Marer, Jewish PhilanthroMincha Service 4:00p.m. Noodell, in recording secretary of leen.*, O. A. R., French Club, and tive in the instrumental depart- pies Campaign. ment of Central High. Ni'iluh Service 3:15 p. m Cour.cllettes nnil Youth Council Central High Players.
Global Report '
rmr reman r u n
LABOR S>M,»U n> Ike Ornate Jewish federstioa •a. SMftSJMM.
In R e m e m b r a n c e
JSodetjr Kitoj
' T h i s month of September, 1953, The Jewish Theological Seminary of America marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of the late Doctor Cyrus Adler, President of the Seminary from 1915 until his death in 1940, and throughout hU life one of the inost eminent leaders of American Jewry and a beloved national figure to all groups. It seems appropriate for us to join the Seminary in com' momorating an anniversary of such importance. Doctor Adler, who was appointed by the late President Roosevelt to represent the Jews in the religions conference on conditions affecting a lasting peace, was always concerned with the vital role of religion in national and world affairs. It was in conviction that Jew* hare a greater stake than any of the peoples of the world in the preservation of democracy. To encourage a spiritual ethos in which democracy could flourish, he strove to "inculcate an understanding of Judaism among Jews and to promote a better understanding of Jews and Judaism among Christians." Today, when we are often at a loss and seek advice on where to turn for guidance and help in sorving the many problems which beset us, we would be well-advised to think of Doctor Adler, and recall his words, "It has been the men of religion, the theologians, who have spoken out against the invasion of human rights and who have consistently opposed the desecration"of the things of the spirit and have steadfastly espoused the cause of liberty and freedom."
Capital Spotlight By MUton Friedman Washington (JTA)—The complexion of the new Iranian regime of Gen. Fazollah Zahcdi is being observed by interests anxious to know it the precarious circumstances of Persian Jewry will be adversely affected. Fear has been Indicated in come quarters that Premier Zahedl may call into his government the fanatical Moslem religious elements which demand action against Jews and Israel. A leading role in the coup against Mossadegh was taken by ' Ayatullah Xashani, an extremist religious leader who emerged as a supporter of Zahedi and the Shah, y «>»•**, like the new Premier, actively cooperated with the Mails in a frustrated plot to aid a German offensive against the Persian oilfields. But Kashani's extremism did not end with the defeat of Germany. During the Palestine dispute he Incited antlJewlsh passions among the Iranian people and was the only lmporant Iranian leader to demand armed action in cooperation with the Arab League against Israel. Kashani's: influence In the new government therefore will not likely be used toward the end of inter-faith amity. Beat Danger The real danger U that Zahedi, in Ms enUiusiaim to strike at Iran'* Communist Party and. lettering influences, may unleash fascism. The Jewlih Cultural and Social Association of Inn not long ago addressed a petition to the authorities to aik that a stop be put to anti-Semitic agitation by ftscist organizations. Incitement against Iranian Jewry if centered in the "National Socialist Party" founded in 1052. The leader of this group is Davoud Monchi Zadeb, who spent some twenty years la Germany and adopted Hitler's ideology. Another dangerous organization is" the "Pan Iranian Party," which has a Fascist approach and a "Greater Iran" program tor expanding Iranian iron tiers. vThese movements are in accord with Fascist principles, both anti-democratic and anti-Communist The Fan Iranians In particular are active in combatting the Communist Tudeh Party. There have been frequent clashes between the Pan. Iranians and persons they accused of being Communists. The father of the present Slmh planned to turn Iran into n Nazi base to help Hitler's forces driving through the Caucasus tow.frd Iran. This plot was frustrated by Anglo-Soviet military intervention. Information Inter reached the British that Zahedi intended aiding the Nazis in a projected airborne attack on the Allies. A British officer who is today a Conservative Member of Parliament, Brig. Filzroy Maclean, was assigned to foil the scheme. Describing the Nazi fifth column
In Iran, Brig. Maclean wrote that 'a sinister part was being played in all Oils by a certain General Zahcdi, who was in command of the Persian forces in the Israhan area. Zahedi was known to be one of the worst grain hoarders In the country. But there was also good reason to believe that he was acting In cooperation with the tribal leaders and, finally, that he was hi touch with the German High Command in the Caucasus. Indeed, reports from secret sources showed that he was planning a general rising against the Allied occupation force, in which his troops and those of the Persian general In the Soviet-occupied northern zone would take part and which would coincide With a German airborne attack on the British Tenth Army, followed by a general German offensive on the Caucasus front In short. General Zahedi appeared to be behind most of the trouble in South Persia.". Brig. Maclean headed a commando force which kidnapped the Quisling General who bis now emerged as Premier. Among his effects were found Nazi communications which referred to Zahedi's activities in.terms of general approval. The British removed Zahedi to Palestine lor safekeeping. Zahedi's record as a lifelong anti-Communist la being mailed in Washington. When be led the forces of the Shah in overthrowing Mossadegh, State Department circles -were pleased. The New York Herald Tribune said that "United States officials, outwardly neutral, were privately elated." A New York Times dispatch reported that "Iranians themselves were making charges of U. S. connections With the Shah's plot" Jewish Population Iran's Jewish population is estimated to number «bout 80,000. Living conditions affecting them are described by the World Jewish Congress as even worse than In the mcllahs (ghettos) of Morocco. Under Iranian laws of the last three decades Jews have not been subjected to outright official persecution by the government. However, certain restrictions are enforced. No Jew may be elected to Parliament by Moslems; only one Jewish member represents the Jewi;;h minority. No Jew may become a judge. Civil service rosters .ire largely clored to Jews and It is virtually impossible for them to secure employment as teachers. A majority of Iranian Jews desperately requires ai'.hlance. Their conditions are even worse than the pitiful standards of the Iranian Moslems. For ten hours' work a day, Jews, when they are fortunate enough to find work, earn about the equivalent of eight to ton cents.1 The brightest hope in the heart. ; of Iran's Jews is migration to Israel. About 25,000 have so far been accommodated.
m mv wry. CommunityCalendar . Friday, Sept 4 Omaha Teachers Conference—9:40 a, m., Center. Pre-School Program—Registration—All morning, Center. Saturday, Sept. 5 Hadassah Oneg Shapbat-Orientatlon No. 5—12.J0 p. m., Prlpate home. Bandar, Sept « Young Adult Evening—8:00 p. m., Center. Monday. Sept 7 LABOR DAY. Tuesday, Sept. 8 Pre-School Program—First Day—9:00 a. m., Center. Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m., Center. Youth Council.Herllck Send Off—3:30 p. m, Center. Wednesday, Sept. I Pre-School Program—8:00 a. m., Center. POSH HASHANAH EVE. Thursday, Sept, II ROSH HASHANAH. Friday, Sept 11 ROSH HASHANAH—Second Day. Saturday, Sept U . . Hadassah Oneg Shabbat Orientation No. 0-^U:SO p. m., Private home. AZA Sweetheart Dance—8:00 p. m., Fontenell* Hotel. Sunday, Sept 1J Tikvas Ami—1:00 p. m.. Center. ,• • ; Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary Board Meeting—1:00 p. m-, Private home. Youth Adult Club—8;00 p. m., Center. Mauds*. Sept 14 Pre-School Program—9:00 a. m., Center. Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m., Center. B'nal B'rith Honsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m., Center. Taesday. Sept 15 National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m., Center. B & P Hadassah Board Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center. Wednesday, Sept M Pre-School Program—9:00 a. m., Center. Mizrachl Women—1:00 p. m., Crater. Zionist Coimdl—B.-flO p. m., Center. B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m_ Center. Thursday, S«pt 17 . Hadassah HMO Captains Tea—1:00 p. m., Private borne. Jewish War Veterans Post and Auxiliary Meeting—8.00 p. m-, Center. Bridge Club—8:00 p. m., Center. Friday. Sept 18 Pre-School Program—9*0 a. m., Center. YOM. KIPPUR EVE. Saturday; Sept It YOM KIPPUR. Young Adult Yom Klppur Dance—8:30 p. m., Center. Bondsy, Sept 2* Depka Debs—1:OQ p. m., Center. Young Adult Evening {General Meeting)—8:00 p. DL, Center. Monday, Sept 21 Pre-School Program—9:00 a. m., Center. Hndassah Chapter Board—12:30 p. m.,Private twine. Workmen's Loan—8:00 p. m., Center, ' \ Tuesday. Sept 22 Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel Kadimah—830 p. m., Center. "Madam Butterfly"—Omaha Theatre. Wednesday, Sept 2 | Pro-School Program—0:00 a.jn., Center. Hadflssnh Group Hoard—12:30 p, m., Private home. SUCCOTH EVE. , Thursday, Sept 24 SUCCOTH. Friday, Stpt 25 SUCCOTH—Second Day. Saturday, Sept It Hadassah ZPR Education American Affairs Oneg Shabbat—IStSO p. m., Private home. Sunday, Sept' 27 B & V Hndauah Mcctin;:—2:30 p. m., Center. Younfl Adult Evening—0:00 p. m., Center. Monday, Sept 28 Pre-School Program—9:00 a. m., Center. Blkiir Chollm Succoth Tea—1:00 p. m., Center, Tuesday. Sept. 29 Federation Women Workshop—Parliamentary—Public Speaking— 1:00 p. m.r Center. Wednesday, Bept 30 Pre-Schooi' Program—0:00 a. m., Center. H.idnsr,ah-Herzl Group Luncheon—12:30 p. m., Center. Hadassah-Welzmnnn Group—12:30 p. m., Y. M. C A. Hadassah-Szold Group—12:30 p. m., Y. W. C. A. Post Polio-Volunteer Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center.
, September «, IKS
Our U.N. News Letter By Arlhw Lewis United Nations (JTA)—The division of the United Nations Into blocs or regional groups has been apparent for some time now, and with the eighth session of the General Assembly in the offing. It may be as well to consider this development, especially as far as Israel is concerned. With the exception of the Soviet bloc, these coalitions are not rigid and sometimes shift but are usually taken into account when voting occurs. Possible the best known of the** blocs Is the Asian and Arab croup, or Asian and African group as' it Is sometimes called, w h l e h varies in strength from; eleven -to sixteen. Of course, there are blocs within blocs, and the Arabs have _ their own caucuses, although they generally find support for any move among, the Asians. Largest Group Without doubt, the largest croup is the Latin American which caa count on a minimum of fourteen to fifteen votes and can read) the maximum of twenty, the total number of Latin American states in the United Nations. Tb» British Commonwealth countries are very loosely allied, the trouble being that South Africa Js at odds with India and Pakistan which are leading members of the Asian and Arab group. The Scandinavian countries usually vote as a unit, and they art often joined by other European countries. The United States can rely on. the Latin American group to support It in almost any venture, as well as such countries dependent on it as Greece, Turkey, Thailand, the Philippines, and Nationalist China. Thus It can count on at Jeast twenty votes, enough to prevent any resolution getting the two-thirds majority needed for adoption In the Assembly. Independent Stale Israel is one of the few independent states at the United Nations. Although it Is In the Near East, it Is, of course, excluded from the Asian and Arab group. At the same time, while the newstate regards the United State* as a great and good friend, It docs not always sec eve to eye with it on oil matters effecting the Near and Far East. An example of this was the way that Israel found itself In opposition to the United States over the composition of the coming Political Conference or Korean Peace Conference. It was not without significance that t h e Israeli renrcsentntive. Ambassador Abbn S. Eban, ihould have agreed with the Yugoslav delegate In speaking during the special meeting of the Assembly. He itaid: "My delegation Agrees with the v i e w s expressed on behalf of France, the United Kingdom. Canada and Yugoslavia that the Political Conference should develop a different atmosphere from.that' prevailing when the representatives of hostile armies confront each other as opposing sides at • truce negotiation." The Yugoslav delegate. Ambassador Leo Mates, made perhaps) the m o»t eloquent plea for a round-table conference —• he said that the United Nations could not be put In the position of one side at such a conference, that it would destroy the United Nations a* a peace making organization. The reason for his appeal was that Yugoslavia put* the greatest store In the Untied Nations not only a* a,peace making organization but as a collective security organization and has refused to join any outside alliances. Like I s r a e l , Yugoslavia Is n member of no blocs or Krouplnijn at the United Notions; and like Israel, Yugoslavia Is one o< the few independent stales which must Judge a situation on its merit alone.
B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshuren Services Tickets for the High Holidays Services ot the B'nal Jacob Adas Yeshuren Synagogue, 3028 Cuming Street, arc still available, Reverend H. Shromoff, noted cantor from Chicago, nnd his choir win chant the first SUcahs, Ho«h Rnshonah nnd Yom Klppur JKTVIces, Tickelfi may be obtained at the Joe Adler delicatessen utore or at the Synagogue from 0 to 8 p. In. CASUALTIES The latest casualty figures to be Issued by Washington shows 141,— 705 Americans killed, wounded or missing In the Korean Wnr.
«ra JIWMH nuwf
Critter. Sepjouter 4, IMS
race rare*
Joe Kirshenbaum Called to Duty
Beth Israel News TICKETS Katlun Levinson and members of bii committee, Joe Sokolof and Harry Oreenblatt, will be at the •ynagofue it IBth and Burt to sell tickets tor seats for the High Holidays, the committee will also BCeept payment* of duel. ' ' Lou Katz, Chairman of the Beth Israel Conservation Committee, and committee - member* Henry Appel, /Maurice Katzman, Harry Sldman, and Gene • Braun, will meet in the Beth Israel Synagogue Sunday morning, Sept. 6, from 10:30, and on Tuesday, Sept. 6, from 7 to 0 p, m.
Foil Enrollment Starts At Center Piano Studio
The Center Piano Studio at tho Jewish Community Center under the direction of Professor Hans Daer was founded-in fall 1949. Since then several successful pupil's recitals have been given at the center auditorium. The number of pupils increased from year to year. Two students' recitals are planned for the school year 1053-1954. Hans Baer concert pianist and piano Instructor, arrived In summer of 104° from Shanghai, China, where for ten years he had been Bur Your Centebnlal a concert pianist and a piano "Onte-ln-a-UfeUme" teacher. He left Shanghai a short time before the Communists oc• Season Ticket Boeks . . , . PBE-KINDEBGABTKN cupied the city. '.Bale Start* S e p t « . . . A VtiM Value for Only l i t . The Beth Israel Sunday School In Omaha he played in several has added a Pre-Klodcrgarten .concerts and in October and November of 1961 he presented eight class to it* Sunday program. The radio performances on KBON. He Pre-KIndergarten class will meet was Invited to join the "Omaha on Sunday moraines at 10 a. m. Music Teachers Association" and Application! for enrollment tor since that time a number of his this elass and other Sunday School pupils appeared and will appear daises are still being accepted, on the student programs of the further Information may be had New York (WHS)—the Zionist association. at the school, 53rd and Charles, Organization of American concluded its 56th annual convention The enrollment of piano pupils ' or by calling Re. 6288. here with the re-election of Rabbi for the fall and winter semester Irving Miller to the presidency 1953-1954 has already started. For and the adoption of a scries of enrollment call the Center Piano Beth 0 Schools major resolutions affecting the Rabbi David Korb, of Middle- The new ManUchewltz Wall Studio, Jackson 1300 or Webster 8681. town, O., was named spiritual world Zionist movement and the Calendar for 1953-54 commemorSamuel Nahshon, Director of leader of Chevra B'nal Ylsroel ates the historic 8,000th anniverEducation of the Beth El Syna- problems confronting Israel. Synagogue in Council Bluffs, Abe gogue Schools, asks parents of In a declaration delivered at the president of the syna- sary of the founding of Israel's new pupils of Beth' El Talmud closing session; Rabbi Miller re- Katclman, ancient capital with a striking Torah who have missed the an- affirmed the vitality of the Zionist gogue, announced. nounced registration, to call him ideal "as the most potent force in Rabbi Korb succeeds RabbLJ. full-color reproduction of "The at the synagogue office, OL 3221. American Jewry"jmd rejected the A. Wachmaan who hai accepted Spirit of Jerusalem," a painting so that children wishing to attend notion that Isracrs establishment a pulpit at Tacoma, Wash. Rabbi by the famous Jewish artist Ezemay be registered before the open- Implied "the spiritual and cultural Korb will also be to charge of Mel Schloss. ing date Sept 13. disintegration ' of American Jew- the daily Hebrew and Sunday Beautifully printed to retain all Additional registrations for Sun- ry;1 At the same time he asserted schools. Rabbi Korb Is the son of Rabbi the detail and glowing color of day School may be made on the that American Jewry had an un- Chalm I. Korb, formerly head of the original painting, tho Manlsopening date, Sept. 20, from 8:30 precedented opportunty now "tothe Talmudlc faculty of the He- chewitz Wall Calendar contains to 9:30 a. m., preceding the class create a richer, more meaningful brew Theological College in Chi-many other features that have American Jewish life, In which sessions. made it popular as a handy source Israel will serve AS sustaining cul- cago. H«-was ordained there and of year round information, among received his secular education at tural Influence." Illinois Institute of Technology them tho convenient "week-at-aMemorial Services Among the resolutions adopted and the Roosevelt College in Chi-glance" arangement that provides ample room for personal memos Rabbi Benjamin Groncr an- was one calling on the Govern- cago. and notations; the correct times nounced that the Annual Beth Is- ment of the United States to confor lighting of Sabbath and holirael Memorial Services will lake vey to the Arab states that it Junior BB Bowling day candles; a complete listing of place on Sunday. Services at the views their present tactics unfavorably, nnd to call upon them Golden Hill Cemetery will becin Plans are underway reorganiz- Jewish and national holidays; and at 11 a. in. and at BI1H Cemetery lo engage in direct peace negotia- ing tho Junior B'nai B'rith Bowl- the Hebrew dutcs corres|Kmdinj; at 2 p. m. Rabbi Dcnjnrnln Groncr tions with Israel. The convention Ing League. Tho youngsters will to the English days of the year. and Cantor Ell Kocan will con- aim recorded unalterable opposi- again bowl two games each Sun- You may obtain your free copy duct the services .it both ceme- tion to the supply of arms to any day nt 12:15 p. m. in the Music of the calendar by writing to: of the Arab states as long ns they Box. teries. Manlschewltz, Box 208, Jersey Memorial Services will bc-Jicld persist in their refusal to come to Arrangements arc being made City, N. J., enclosing your name address, together with one at Beth El Cemetery, 81th and L terms with Israel. Education/ for sponsors for the teams. Any and boxtop, jar cap or label from any Streets, Sunday, at 11 a. m. Rabbi boy or girl between the ages of product .Entertainment/ of the D, Mnnischcwitz Myer S. Krlpke and Cantor Aaron 10 to 15 years of age is eligible. Company, world's largest rnntzo Excitement/ E. Edgar will officiate. Workmen's Circle They con get further information bakers a n d producers of fine It is traditional to visit the cemSurfaced Parking Lots by phoning Mrs. Ida Sacks, At. kosher foods. etery during the month of Elul, To Convene in Denver Picnic and Camp Grounds 0G62 or Harry Colick, Or. 1544. preceding the Ilieh Holy Pays, A tentative starting date for the and this service is provided so that Members of the Workmen's Cir- season Nebraska's Biggest Eventl NOT LONG ENOUGII hat been set for Sept. 13. families may fulfllftholr tradition: cle will attend the 24th District Pcowitt — When that elevator al obligations at a solemn public Conference in Denver on Sept fell with you I suppose all your 0-7. Delegates will include those service. sins flashed before your eyes. from Lincoln, Sioux City and Des Foette—Well, not all of them— Mokes,, LINCOLN A n n u a l Memorial Service at we only dropped five stories. Pleasant Hill Cemetery will be Representatives f r o m Omaha Mrs. Sol Handler held Sunday, September IS, at 2 and Council Bluffs wUl be L. Services were held Sunday for p. m. Witkin, Morris Goodman, Max Mrs. Sol Handler with interment Shsbbos Shuvah Service—Fri- Crounsc, Milton Ncrcnberg, H. at tho Beth El Cemetery. Mrs. day, September 11—at 8 o'clock- Itesnlck, Sam Susman and Mn. M. Handler, 74, died last Thursday at Jewish Community Center Audl- Ncrenberg. her Rome after a lingering illness. at the Jewish Community Center UHum. . Guests attending tho confer- She is survived by her husband, ence from this area will be Mr.four sons, Manning of Omaha, 101 No. 20th Street and Mrs. N. Lerrrmh, Mr. andPhilip of Minneapolis, Allen of Young Adult Club Under the direction of Prof, Haas BAER Mrs. P, H. Miller, Mr.' and Mrs.Los Angeles, and Sam of-StockThe general meeting of the Sam Novak, Mrs. 8. Susman, Mrs. ton, Calif.; -three daughters, Mrs. Modem Techniques Are Used Young Adult Club was attended H. Rudcrman, Mrs. A. Forman, H. M. Xorbholz of Stockton, Calif., Pupil's Bedtals to Be Presented by 35 people. Anyone) above high Mrs. G. Rifkln and Mrs. SamMrs. Ben Kajlow of Omaha, and Miss Rosellc Handler of Omaha; Enrollment for fall and whiter season 1953-1954 hat started school age U. welcome to join Rudcrman, the.'group In its activities each Mrs. S. Novak will report oh her a brother, Henry Shampanler of Clifton, N. J,; ten grandchildren trip to Israel at the conference. ' Supday evening at the center. Call JAckson 1366 or WEbster 8681 A big dance, featuring a name , Mrs. L. Witkin and Mrs. H, Ru-and one great-grandchild. band, will be sponsored by the dcrman will represent the WorkYoung Adult Club Sept. 19. Themen's Circle Auxiliary. Permits admission pjrioi will be $1 for non- Sioux City will be represented members and 79 cent* for mem- by Mr. Dorvln and De> Moinea by The Metropolitan Utilities Dis\r. Osherofe, trict this week urged Omahans bers.. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 10:30 P. M.. planning gas heating Installations WOW-TV, CHANNEL 6 ' Joe E, Lewis: "If there lan't any to get their permits now so that Melvyn Douglas: "It's dangerhell,,where, has all the business installations can bo mode in time for the coming heating season. gone to?"
Zionists Re-elect Rabbi Irving Miller
Omahan Joe Kirshenbaum, son of Mr. Abe Kirshenbaum, has been called to active duty in the U, S. Army. Kirshenbaum r e c e n t l y graduated from the University of Omaha, where he earned several scholastic awards in real estate. He was also one of the top athletes around the Jay circles. As a past member of A.Z.A. No. 100 he "won wrestling championships four years straight, anil also was named to the AZA All-Regional teams in Basketball and Baseball. He was a member of tho bomber squad which took tho varsity league honors last fall. Joe', the scrappiest forward ever seen around the Jay, will be sorely missed. We wish him the best of luck while In the service. He is now stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo.
New Calendar Rabbi Kbrb Heads Commemorates Jerusalem C. B. Synagogue
A vacation treat if, •forthe " " entire
SEPT. 6**11
Center Piano Studio
Opening of His Offices
277 Aquila Court
Tht powtrful ilory of thrtt you saved from despair*
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Dirtcttd by Edward Dmylrylc Wrlllm by Aead«my Award w\nntn H » o r d and Edna Anhalt
* Chartered Property and Caiualty Underwriter
' . ,. :.;•. •. ' • J!
B. B. Women's Bowling Starts
Miss Goodman Is Married In a Double-Ring Ceremony
Back home after 16 months service in Korea Is Aaron David Bear, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear. Mr, Bear was a first lieutenant with the Army' Engineer's 40th Division. En route home, he visited for a few days in Studio City, Calif., with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jules Wail. Richard Rosenblatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rosenblatt, is back in Omaha with his family after IS months of service in Korea. Mrs. Rosenblatt and nephew Jay Milder accompanied 1st Lt. Rosenblatt to Camp Carson for his discharge and they spent a ten-day vacation in Coloradq before returning home.
Bride's Gown The bride, who was given marriage by her father, wore gown of rosepoint lace and tulle fashioned with a portrait shoulder line, fitted badice.and long, pointed sleeves. The floor-length bouffant skirt «f lacc-over-tulle fell into a chapel train. Her silk illusion veil was held with a Juliet cap of smocked tulle embroidered with seed pearls. She carried 'bouquet- of white orchids and tuberoses. Mrs. David Braverman of Iowa City, la., was matron of honor. Her waltz-length gown of Wedgewpod-blue organza was styled with a portrait neckline, and she carried a bouquet of pink gladioli. Mrs. Seymoar Blaar The bridesmaids, Mrs. David Goodman of Omaha and Mrs. Sidof San Bernardino, Calif.; ney Weiss of New York City, wore Dejez Morris Kstz, the Misses Margowns of azalea-pink organza, and Mrs. and Shirley Katz, Helen the Misses Arliss Goodman and lene Nancy Stroud, Irene FarNatalie Blaug of New York City Spack, Inger, Harold Green, and Mr. and were gowned in shell-pink orMrs, Earl Goodblnder, and Miss ganza. All carried bouquets of Nancy Slcgcl,, all of Kansas pink gladioli. City,..Mo. Sidney Weiss of New York City was best man/Ushers were David Goodman of Omaha, Irwln'Pesetsky and Newtol Press of New York City, and Richard Braverman of Iowa City. The mother of the bride wore a DuBarry dress of reseda green Entertaining with various muorganza, and Mrs. Blaug, mother sical acts their parents and other of the groom, chose a gown of members of B'nal B'rith Nebras, toast-colored lace. Both wore or- ka chapters 340 and 1445 at their chid corsages. oint picnic held last Sunday at 'ontcnclle Park were Sam BlcichReception A reception, was held in the ', More Kaplan, Rcncc Franklin, Helene Franklin, Jackie Mitch nlk, House and Garden Room of the Blackstone, followed by a dinner Lyne Beldncr and Butchic Beldner. and dance in the ballroom. . For her golng-away outfit, Mie Sam Cohen, oslsied by Al Oruch new Mrs. Blaug chose a three- and Oscar Diamond, directed nupiece suit of oxford gray and green merous prize-winning games for tweed complemented by black ac- the children, and the picnic ended with a community sing led by Ida cessories. | After a wedding trip to Denver Sacks. and Colorado Springs, Colo, Ihc couple will be at home Sept. 15 in Pre-School Program Iowa City.
hildren Entertain Parents at Picnic
"Talk ofMany Things" Back From Korea
Miss Babette Goodman, daugh tcr of Mr. and Mrs, Morris Good' man of Council Bluffs, became (he bride of Seymour Blaug, son of Mrs. Charles Blaug of New York City, in a double-ring ceremony performed Saturday evening in the ballroom of Hotel Blackstone*' Babbl Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron A. Edgar officiated a the 8 p. m. cereroony.TJr. Melvln Tatelman was vocalist, and Mrs. George Eisenberg played the or-
- Guesta from out-of-town were: Mrs. Charles Blaug, Miss Natalie Blaug, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Weiss, Miss Andrea Weiss and Andrew Weiss, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony CaOero, all of New York City; Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Solomon of Chicago, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. David Braverman, the Misses Corrlne and Elolfe Braverman, Richard and Myles Braverman, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Mciran, Mr. and Mrs. .Newtol Press, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kair and Augene Worton, all of Iowa City. - Others attending Included, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sherman, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Lotman, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Bernstein, all of Lincoln, Neb.; the Misses RocheUe ~and Elinor Dcjcz and Mrs. Aron
Friday, September 4 1B5J
" ~~
The Misses Tevce Bernsteui, Ruthann i Chudacoff and Harriet Soskin will again be hostesses at their 'third annual Coke-tail party to be held preceding the AZA Sweetheart Dance Saturday, Sept 12. The affair will be at the borne of Mitt Soskin, SI IS Lincoln Blvd., between the hours of 8 and 0:30 p. m. The girls are seniors at Central High and are members of Councllettes. No invitations are being issued. '
At Home Rabbi and Mrs. -Sidney H. Brooks will be at home from three to seven o'clock Rosh Hashona afternoon to members of the Congregation of Temple Israel and their children. Rabbi and Mrs. Brooks will receive at their home, 4323 Shirley St.
Babies A son, James Alan, was born Aug. 20 in St. Louis to Mr.-and Mrs. Bernard Susman. The couple also have another son, Robert Mark, and a daughter, Susan Ellen. Mrs. Susman Is the former Lorraine Abramson of Omaha. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Abramson of Omaha, ( * • u>4 Mrs. Dave Beber have announced the birth of a son, Nathan Ray bom Sunday, Aug. 80. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Albert Beber, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Uchard SpiegaL Maternal great-grandparents are Louis Behn, Mrs. Bessie Behn of Omaha and Mrs. H. L. Gilbert of Los Angeles. A daughter, Angela Kay, was bora to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Minkin of Denver, Colo., on Aug. IB.
Vacations Mr. and Mrs. Hy Shrier have left for a few weeks' stay in Denver and some of the surrounding mountain areas, While in Denver, Mr. Shrier will attend the International Toastmastcrs Convention. Dr. and Mrs. J. Milton Margolin and children Jerry and Ina and niece Marilyn Felnblatt have Just returned from a vacation at Camp Gan Aden near Park Falls. Wise Camp Gan Aden is operated by former Omahans Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mlrvlss. Other visitors at the camp included Mrs. Ben Margolin and children Alvln and Patty of Los Angeles, also former Omahans; Max Mozcr and son Forrest of Lincoln; and Mr, and Mrs. Meyer Bloom of Milwaukee. Mrs. Bloom, the former Judy Mlrvlss, was a counselor at Camp JCC In 1950. Mrs. Ben Margolin and family will be In Omaha as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin over the Rosh Hashonah holidays.
-'^S of Former Omahans Dr. and Mrs. Irwin Spector and sons Jerry, Alan and Harlari arc sailing today on the S. S. United States for a year In Paris, France. )r. Spector is associate professor of music at Illinois State Normal University, Normal, HI., and Is taking his sabbatical leawo. He will study at the Sorbonne and do research in music. The Specters will make their home in Paris but plan to travel In England, Switzerland and
,.,:• • , . . , , . . : • . . . - • . • ,
. • . . ' . • • • : • . > . • . •
Mrs. Spector Is the former fane.Hoffman, daughter 6f-Mr."and A Pre-School program for five- Mrs. Al Hoffman of Omaha. : ^ v year-olds will begin Tuesday, Sept 8, Mrs. Paul Grossman, temEn route tothe University ot. Berkeley at Berkeley, Calif., are porary chairman of the Pre-School >r. and Mrs. J; C. Polrler and their son Mark. Both Dr. and Mrs. Parents' Committee, announced. Ppirier hold degrees In cUrtical chemistry. Formerly at Yale UnlverMrs. Eloise DilUon, graduate of Ity.JDr. Porter will continue doing research work In clinical chem: :-,•;?-. the University of Nebraska and an. istry and science at Berkeley. experienced pre-school' teacher, •The Poriers will be to Omaha Sept 8 for a two-day visit with will supervise the program. Mrs. heir parents Mr. and Mrs. Max London. Mrs; Porier is the former Audrey Cohen, graduate of the M a r s h a . L o n d o n . ; ' - . • • . : ' •'•..: •• • •• ' • •• • ' • . ' • • • • • • ' • • •.:••••' University of Omaha with training in elementary school educaJoseph P., Kauffman, former director of the Anti-Defamation tion, will also join the faculty. League office In Omaha, was appointed to the post of; administrative : • Registration begins today. Par- assistant to the president of Brandels University. ents of the children enrolling will be interviewed by the faculty. The fee is H per week plus transportation charges which the center staff Is arranging. Mrs. Hubert Sommer wishes to Elmwood park was a beehive of thank the many department stores, TIT FOB TAT He—I wish I had some old- golf activity the past weekend as the business men and her comfashioned . biscuits like mother 25 members of Rayim took part mittee for the cooperation they In the Interclub golf tournament. extended to her for. the Israel used to make for me. She—And I wish I had some Doug Cohn, a sophomore at Cen- Bond Rally arid Bact-To-School new-fashioned clothes like father tral and a member of the Central style show. She also wishes to blfih fiolf torn took first place fhank the clrls of Tikvas Ami nnd used to buy for me. lonors by shooting a 72, four over Debka Dc-bs, the hostesses, and the mr. Tied for second was Jamie Shapiro nnd Marv Fercnstein. Ed staff of the Highland Country Belzer was chairman of the event. Club for their services.
DougXohn Wins Interclub Golf
Thank You
The 1953-51 Bowling Season got under way last T u e s d a y at Kcllcy's. Two more learns have been added to the League, making a total of 10 teams. A substitute list is being maintained, by the league secretary. Anyone wishing to bowl in the event a substitute or replacement is needed, should call Rose Oruch at OR. 1946. The following includes\the captains and sponsors for the forthcoming season; Sponsor Captain Shukert'a Helen Bhukert National-Tire & Supply ....„, Esther Ress Angle Beauty Salon - : _, _ Annette Frank 11-Worth Grill Sue Grecnber* Douglas Jewelry.Jitfcy Hoberman Colony Club -. Ruth Klein Wolf Brothers -Ann Schulman Hamilton Pharmacy Helen Tarnoff Kish Furs Gertie Zevit* Philips Department Store • .....„„ „.„ Diana Rubin Omaha Jobbing .... Bae Wlntroub Country Club Grocery Marge Fromkln Smith Pontiac Pearl Herzog Mystic Beauty Shop Jay Edcl Lyn's Florist .Beverly Swarte H & S Shoes Rose Orach The following women were elected at the annual league banquet last May to serve as officer* for this Bowling season: : President Gertie Zevlts 1st Vice PresidentJBeverly Swartx 2nd Vice Presldent-Annette Frank Treasurer _..,...- Reva Singer Secretary — Rose Oruch Recording Sec'y. _ Dorothy Isack Sgt. at Arms .: Llbby Sachs Publicity - Lottie Bloch
Campus News Sigma Alpha Mu
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Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday
Sunday Brunch
Served Buffet Stylo!
All You Core to Eat
Noon to 3 p. m.
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WE 7281
The Sammy house will hnvq a new look this fall. A fresh white trim will ndom the brick exterior. The second floor hall and stairway has also received a paint Job. Two new sofas as well as new tables nnd chairs for the dining hall will arrive during the first week of classes. The remodeling, which began during the last school year, was directed by Mrs. Lou Fogcl, Among scholarship winners announced recently is Len Rosen who was awarded an N R O T C Scholarship. R e g e n t s Scholar? ships were won by Moe Upton, Norm JShyken, and Marv Friedman. Sol Stiss received a special award valued at 1130. During the summer Paul Gal* ter and Joe Polack, graduate- at* tornles, were admitted to the Nebraska Bar for the practice of law, On the social side, co-chairmen Marshall 'Becker and Mel Hurwlch have announced that plans, are being-made for a novel party to be held early during the school
Friday, September t, 1953
Organizations Epstein Morgan 26,0 •'•;. Mrs. Ezra Eelduer, president of Ihe Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary,,and Mrs. Nate Marcus, senior vice-president, left this week for Chicago where they will attend sessions of the National Convention of the/Jewish War Veterans of the United States being held at the Sherman Hotel in Chicago Sept. 1 through Sept. 7. The first board meeting of the New Year will be held at the home of Mrs. Nate Marcus, 1515 S, 58 St., on Sept. 14 at 1 o'clock. AH board members have been • urged to attend. < The regular tneeling of the Auxiliary will be held Sept. 17 at 8 p. m. nt the Jewish Commu* nity Center. Mr. Richard Bell of the Bobbitt Frame Co. will lecture on picture framing..
Korney-Weinberg Wedding Held Sunday at Synagogue Miss. Patricia Anne Korney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Korney, and Gerald Marvin Weinbcrg, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weinberg, were married at 7 p. m. Sunday at Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke officiated. Ramon Pred of Fort Riley, ICans., was best man, and ushers were Barton Rochman, Gerald Gehr, Dan Fogel and Howard Dandy. * Weddinr Dress The bride wore a Maurer original fashioned of lace and tulle over satin. The oval neckline of the fitted bodice was outlined with pleated tulle and appllqued flower motifs. The bouffant floor-length skirt was overlaid with a handkerchief tiered oversklrt edged with lace, and the cathedral train was finished with a panel of lace extending from the waist. Her fingertip illusion veil was caught with a bonnet of lace and satin with pearl decoration. She carried white roses and carnation!. • Attendants Miss Sharon Lee Korney, maid of honor for her sister, wore a white floor-length gown of net made with a fitted bodice, stole and a skirt finished with double duster ruffles. She carried American Beauty roses. In identically styled dresses were the Misses Monica Joffcc of Omaha; Mona Lee Smith of Laramic, Wyo.; Charlotte Weinberg of Milwaukee, Wise., sister of the bridegroom; and Barbara Rpffman of Omaha, bridesmaids. Cheryl Weinberg, also a sister of the groom, was Junior bridesmaid. She wore a white organdy
Mr«. Gerald Marvin Welnbcrr Plnru are going forward (or a floor-length dress. Captains' Tea to be given by the The mother of the bride chose a Hadassah Medical Organization rose mauve embroidered tulle and Vocational Education of Hadress. The mother of the groom dassah. The tea will be held at wore a champagne colored gown the homo of Mrs. Max Canar on of nylon organza with a shirred Sept 17. bodice and appllqucd over-skirt Chapter chairmen will b r i e f over taffeta. Both wore lavender group chairmen and captains on orchids. the technique and object of the Reception H. M. O. and vocational education. A reception was held following Meetings have been held all sumthe ceremony in the social hall of mer, and chairmen and captains the Synagogue. The couple will be have been chosen. This affair Is at home in Lincoln after Sept. 14. to start the work which will culOut-of-town guests' included Mr. minate in the H. M. O. Donors' and Mrs. Joe Weinberg of Cedar affair to be held in December this Rapids, la,; Miss Tonl Poster of year. Chicago, and Leonard and Michael Orientation Course Korney of Los Angeles. The tost in the series of Hadas• i h orientation courses will be held at 12:30 p. m., Saturday, Klurznick Addresses Sept, 12, at the home of Mrs. Paul Veret. 120 S. 51st Ave. A dessert B'nai B'rirh Youth luncheon will be served. Friday. Sept. 4 Urbana, III. (JTA)—The 30th • Discussion will be centered Karen Louise Kimmel, Alan annual national convention ol around Youth Commission, Youth Alephu Zadlk Aleph, B'nai B'rith Robert Muskin and Alan Roginsky. Ali/ah and Vocational Services. youth organization, opened here to Saturday, Sept. S discuss problems of "basic JudaLazier Fcder and David Allen ism." About 250 leaders of the Council Bluffs Kntz. / organization nnd their adult adHadassah Sunday, Sept 8 visors are participating in the parCouncil Bluffs Chapter of HaBonnie Flck and Maynard Har- ley. Philip M. Klutznlck, national dassah opens its season on Thurs- lan Weinberg. president of the B'nai B'rith, told day, Sept. 3, with a 1 o'clock Monday, Sept. 7 leaders of the youth organization luncheon at the Jewish CommuDonald David Slosburg, Janet that "the American Jew wants nity Center in Council Bluffn. The luncheon will be headed by Ellen Trachtcnbarg and Richard and needs the building of a dignified Jewish community" and B'nai Mrs. Edward H. Tcpperrnan; the Zacharia. B'rith youth can greatly contribute Tuesday, Sept. 8 menu will be planned and prepared by Mrs. J. J. Brown and Laurence Mark Blumberg, How- to the achievement of this aim. Mrs. Cclia Braunistcln, and Mrs. ard Michael Gcrcllck, Thomas He also called for consolidated efMax Steinberg will be in charge William Levitt, Sydney Alvln Fes- forts of Jewish community workers and laymen "to generate conof table setting and decorations. sen and Susan Scglln. structivo forces to bring about a Taking part in a skit will be Wednesday, Sept. 9 renaissance of Jewish cultural life Mmes. L. Blnsticn, L. Marcus, R. Judith Ann Cohn, Madeline Sclo,. Ceil Chcrnlss, S. Suvalsky, Faith Krlpkc, Sandra Lipsman, in America." C. Saltzman,' A. Maltz, A. Krasno, M. J. Bobrlck, M. sWohlncr, L, Henee BetnRatner, Harold Marc Ed Rosen Director Finklc, L. Krasne, B. Schneider Shrier and Richard Zevltz. Of Parking Study Unit and S. Lee. Thorsdajr, Sept. 10 At a recent meeting in Detroit, Frieda Cohen, Majfilyn Barbara Forbes, Sidney Earl Heisler, Jac- Ed Rosen, of Rosen-Novak HudTemple Israel queline Seine! and Susan Joy son, was appointed one of eight directors on the newly formed SluUky. Sisterhood Hudson Dealers National Parking Plans have been completed (or Study Council. Patronize Our Advertisers. the annual supper dance to be The purpose of the council was given by Temple Israel's Sisterto help the American car owner hood Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Music fpr the evening will be by find a place to park in commuHighland Country Club. nities throughout the nation. Freddy Ebener's orchestra. Mrs. Bernhardt WoU Is general chairman, and will be assisted by a committee that includes Mmcs. Clarence Bergman, Jock Cohen, Milton Abrahams, Sam Josephson, Edwin E. Erodkey and Ben Shapiro. Newest artd Most Complete Line Circle heads who will meet at the Shapiro home today to orCards for Friends and Every Member ganize the ticket rale are Mmen. I. M. Libcrman, Harry Altsuler, of the Family Joseph Levey, Gcorfie Spltzcr, Leo Efeenstat, Herman Goldstein, Harold Brodkey and Edward Rosen. , The affair i3 the annual fundraising project of the Sisterhood.
Pate 1 pound ripe honeydew ' ' ' 1 pint blackberries ' 1 cup Manischewltz C o n c o r d Wine Cried mint With French ball cutter, scoop balls from cantaloupe and honeydew melons. Add berries. Pour wine over fruit and chill in refrigerator about 1 hour. Serve Wine Puddinc (Salt Free) in sherbet dishes. Sprinkle dried 1 cup taanischewitz Concord mint over tops just before serving. Wine Serves 6. 8 Manischewltz Unsalted Matzos Whipped Potato Pie 3 eggs, separated 6 medium-sized potatoes 'A cup nigar ' , 3 eggs r 'A cup Manischewltz Unsalted .Salt, pepper to taste Matzo Meal Grleven (cracklings) 3 tablespoons honey ' r ' 1 tablespoon Manifat 3 tablespoons Manifat (To Grieven— cut fatty 10 tablespoons strawberry pre- skin andmake other fat clusters ot poulserves try Into small pieces. Add 1 small 'A cup chopped walnuts sliced, onion to each cupful. Place Vi teaspoon cinnamon mixed in covered saucepan and simmer with 2 teaspoons sugar until onion Is golden brown and Break matzos into pieces, and the cracklings are dry and crisp. soak in- wine for 15-20 minutes. Let cool slightly before straining Beat egg whites with sugar Until to separate cracklings from renstiff. Carefully fold In egg yolks dered fat) and matzo meal. Heat honey and Peel and, boll potatoes. Mash or fat in deep casserole (10 inches In diameter). When matzos have ab- grate fine. Blend well with eggs sorbed all wine, fold into egg bat- and seasonings. Melt Manifat in a 9-Inch pie plate and spread hall ter. the poattb mixture in bottom. Add Pour half of this mixture Into layer of grieven. Cover with re-, hot honey in casserole. Spread malning potato mixture. Sprinkle strawberry preserves over this. paprika over top If desired. Bake Cover with remaining batter. in medium oven (350 degrees!F.) Sprinkle top with walnuts and for about 15 minutes. cinnamon-sugar. Bake in moderate over (350 degrees F.) about 30 minutes. Serve warm. Serves MERCHANDISING 6 to 8. Customer—Ten years ago I onljr had to pay ten cents a pound for these prunes. Fragrant Fruit Cocktail Grocer—Not these prunes. TheM 2 pounds ripe cantaloupe are less, than seven years old.
Recipe o£ The Week
Happy Birthday
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It's the one £c/iltc Osli with that homemade taste aoO quality you remember frflm the good old days , . . (he kind of ^cfilte fish you've lorded to enjoy a .pain! Try it — and sec for yourself how ^cfiltc fish should taitc!
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"He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock . . . They shall come and sing in the height of Zlon . . . and they shall not sorrow any more at all." We shall repeat Jeremiah's prophecy during the Rosh Hashonsh service... and rejoice in it For we have seen its first fulfillment in our own day, in the nearly 800,000 men, women j»nd children who have been gathered from the ends of the earth and who do "not sorrow any more at all"-because they are in Israel.
But even in this great joy there is still much sorrow . . . 200,000 immigrants still languish in the transient camps . . . millions of Jews in Europe, North Africa and Moslem lands still long for the weight of fear and persecution to be lifted from their hearts . . . thousands of sick and dependent Jews still hunger for our aid. Will the year 5714 bring nn end to their grief? So much depends on y o u . . . OD your support of the United Jewish Appeal. Through our community campaign for the UJA, you can lift the hopes of an who sorrow... save the Urea of many In danger.-.. ' strengthen Israel as it renews the weak. This u a time for prayer, remembrance, dedica- . tion. Let us remember all who need h e l p . . . today. Lei us do more, give more, throughout 5714. And let us begin today with a gtneroos pledge, and Us prompt payment in cash. >
Because Lives Depend on Us
•United Jewish Appeal Mu»f RoUeMor* in 1953 • betfU «f United fanel Appeal • Joim Distribution Committee • United Service (or New Aawricu*
Jewish Philanthropies Campaign of Omaha
Friday. September 4, 1953
Religious News I,lgllt Candles: C:4C p. in. BETH EL Sabbath evening service;; will beheld tonight ut 7 p. rn. Subbath morning cervices will bcein nt 8:45. The Mincha Service will begin at 0:30 p, in. pally services during the week are held nt 7 a. m. nnd 7 p. m. The Sunday morning .service Is Ltld at 0 a. m. BItchoth Services will be held tomorrow at Midnight at Beth El Synagogue. Cantor Aaron I. Kdj;ar and the High Holy Day Choir will present the musical portion of the service. liabbi Mycr S. Kripkc will introduce Die tervice and interpret iU theme. The communlly is cordially Invited to attend this traditionally important and beautiful service. BETH ISRAEL Saturday cervices will benin at 8:30 a. m. Itabbi Benjamin Groner will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud Class at 6 p. m. Saturday Mincha at 0:30 p. m. Daily services begin nt 7 a, m. and 6:45 p. m. Friday Mincha at 8:30 p. m. The Sunday Momini; Breakfast minyan and Ilabbi's class in Bible study meets at 8:45 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ell Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct the Sellchos Services on Saturday, at 12 Mld-nlcht. BETH HAMEDnOSII HAGODEL 6aturday services benln at 0 a. tn. Saturday Mincha will litart at 6:30 p, m. Daily cervices at 6:30 a. m. and 0:45 p. m. Nathan Lcvinson, Chairman of the Rellglou3 committee, announces that Marvin Parilman, •on of Mr. and Mrs. Irvlnj; I'arllnian, senior at the Ycshiva University, will officiate during the High Holiday Services at Beth Israel, 19th and Hurt. Rev. M. Lonsman will lead the Penitential prayer3 nt .Selicholh on Saturday, at 12 mid-night. Ilcv. Lansmnn will lend the JIip.li Holiday Prayers during nosh Hashojiah and Yom Kippur. Special High Holiday services will bo held for the children in the Goldstein Memorial Chapel of the Beth Israel Synagogue. Junior Services will begin at 10:30 a. m. on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 10 and 11. Saturdays the Junior congregation meets at 10 a. m.
Youth Council Letter Hy Joan Krasne Are we of tlie Jewish Youth Council concerned with tiic future of parent.1; or inroniinu freshmen? .Should we hold our tncmljcrrhip events for parents or future Youth Couiicilcr^? Parents want to guide their children in the ri|.;ht direction toward ii Kiit-ct-Esfii! and happy life, but, sometime, in so dolnu tliuy can perform a ureat injustice. The average teen.'ijjer, upon entcrini; hijih school, is confronted with the problem of deciding wliirli of the Youth Council clulw to join. This Is where the parent:: pl;iy an Important rule. A parent may influence his child to join a club for, Ihinj;:; other than companionship. In u) doin£, the parent may wparatc Ids child from present corrpnnions, and rnny force him into an environment where he is not best suited. This Is the first mi.'.lake made, and may prevent the child from beinj; happy in this new social situation. I)y the time a youngster is old enough to start high, .school, he or she should know in which of the clubs they want lo spend their next four years, 1'artie.i, stags, and other "rushing" events are held before the beginning of the school year. These enable incoming students to acquaint themselves with club programs and members. At the present time, the Youth Council has a program which will place the student in the proper club. This Is an interview by the Y. C. director at which club choice Is discussed. Parents should help to advise their children, keeping In mind the merits of the club, and not the financial or social standing of the members. All of our club:; arc to be considered ns they all contain fine, upstanding boys and girls. Leadership Conference At this time, the Y. C. sponsored Midwest Teenage Leadership Seminar is in full Bwlnn at Camp Harriet Harding. This evening will brinf! Sabbath services. Tomorrow will be discussions with parties, swimming, hiking and cookouts making for a well-rounded leadership weekend. "Get Acquainted" Luncheon Last Tuesday was the "get acquainted" luncheon for Incoming frosh. Highlighting the luncheon was a welcome by Al Frisble, World-Herald youth activities director. Anyone interested in a Y. C. choir or dramatic classes should contact Mr. Dave Fogel at the J. C. C. —Joan
Gems Bible and Talmud Hy l)It. I'lIILIl' SIIICK Ily Dr. Philip Shcr Illblc To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. There are .friends that one hath to his own hurt; but a loving friend sticketh closer than a brother. Even a child i.s known by his doings, whether his work be pure and whether it be- right. Talmud lUibbl said: "Do not try to make too many intimates of friends; you will not be able to please all of them, and their friendship will turn to hatred." The Rabbi of Jabneh was accustomed to say: "I am a human being, so is my neighbor. My work is in the city and hir. In the field. I rise early lo my work and he rlse3 early to do his. As he does not excel in my work, so can I not surpass him in his. Shall I cay that I run superior because I am advancing the cause of learning more than lie? We arc, therefore, taught that whether one offer.-, much or little is not vital as whether the intention of the heart be for the sake of Heaven." Jeremiah ben Eleazar said: "Sovereign of the universe, let my food be as bitter as the olive leaf but direct from your hand, and not from the hand of mortal man, be the lalter's food as sweet as honey."
Rayim Rayim's Automobile Treasure Hunt, held August 22, was a huge success. After the treasure hunt, a house party was given at the home of Phil Schrager. A party for the new pledge class is tclng planned for this month. August 27, a Baseball Stag was held. First the members enjoyed an exciting Cardinal baseball game. A stag followed the ball game. Rayim is participating in tho Youth Council's Join-a-Club Campaign. A committee has been appointed to work on the campaign to get each incoming freshman to join a club. A great number of the fraternity's members are partaking in the Youth Council Tennis Tournament.
George Burns: "Always forgive Vanessa B r o w n : "A husband often shows his worst side to the your enemies, especially it they TEMPLE ISRAEL better half." are bigger than you." Sabbath services will be held tonight in the Lodge Room of the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will conduct the services. B'NAI JACOB • ADAS YESIIUREN First Sllcoth Services tomorrow at 12 p. m.
Monument Dedication The family of Mrs. Sarah S i mons will dedicate a gravestone in her memory 11 if. m., Monday, at Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Mycr Kripkc and Cantor Aaron Edgar will officiate. Patronize Our Advertisers.
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WITH THE FOLKS AT HOME Synagogue Donation: A special donation was made to Tile Synagogue of The Dr. Philip .Sher Jewish Home for Aged by Mr. and Mrs. Roland Lewis in lonor of the birth of a daughter —Zlata. Yahridt: Memorial cervices were • held at The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home Synagogue for the following: Ychadas Siegel, 10 Elul (Aug. 30); Rebecca Glnssman Epstein, 23 Elul <Sept. 3). New Memorial Plaque: Mr. Morris Nogg. '::'.'••• Record Donated: The Eleanor Whitman 1052-1853 Sunday School Class at Beth El Synagogue donated a record'to The Homo Eccord Library. Those who participated were: T h e Misses Faye Ann Katz, Phyllis Ilcrnsteln, Brenda Katzman, Shelly Green, Ann Blumberg and Andy Jean GroijS. • Cantor: Alex Sand will,once again be the Cantor at the Home for Bosh llashonah and Yom Kippur. New Year's Greetings: The residents and staff of The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home For The Aged wish, to take this opportunity to wish Tho Jewish Community of O m a h a - A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR—6714. Contribution! to the Home The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged gratefully acknowledges contributions received during the months of July-and August, from the following: Memorial Contributions Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown in memory of Sam Josephson, Abraham Shambcrg, Dr. Harry Levin, Arnold Levin and Dorothy Milder. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Conn in memory of Dr. Harry Levin and Dorothy Milder. Mrs. Herman Franklin and Kalah In memory of Arnold Levin. The Grodinsky's in memory of Arnold Levine. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Johnson in memory of Morris Grossman. Mr. and Mrs. Hen Kaslow in memory of Arnold Levin. Miss Mary Klrkman in memory of Morris Grossman. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky in memory of Arnold Levin. Mr. and Mrs, Albert B. Newman in memory of Arnold Levin, Jake Bcrkowitz, Anna Tatelman, Dr. Harry Levin and Dorothy Milder. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg In memory of Arnold Levin and Nellie R. Pollack. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Petersen in memory of Morris Grossman. Mr. and Mx«. Harry Rochman in memory of Arnold Levin, Morris Grossman, Dr. Harry Levin,
Goldie Kalclman and Dorothy Milder. Mr, sind Mrs. Fred Rosenstock in memory of Sam Josephson. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sawtell la memory of Nellie R. Pollack. Dr. Philip Sher in memory of Arnold Levin and M. Somit. Mr. Louis Sommer and Beatrice in memory of A. B. Friedman and Porothy Milder. Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Stiefler tn memory of Arnold Levin and Dr. Harry Levin. I. B. and : Blanche Zlmman in memory of Arnold Levin, Sam Josephson, Dr. Harry Levin and Dorothy Milder. :: Hon6r Contributions Mrs, Hae Braunstein in honor ot Orvel Milder's safe return from Korea-. General Contribution! Capitol Liquors, Inc. ' •' Mr, George Kaplan. The Estate of Anna Siegel Olend e r .
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