September 10, 1953: Rosh Hashanah Edition

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t Vof, XXXII—No. f

Y««r'» EdiHon—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roib Ha.honah 5714—, September 10, 1953

Symbolism of Rosh Hashonah By Harry Oushing (Copyright, 1553.) Rituals and ceremonials have been for thousands of yearn part of the1 Jewish religion because of the effort to bring tho existence of a spiritual— snd therefore invisible God—before tho minds of the people. Because Jewish law forbids n pictorial representation of God, the .Irwish. people have developed an intrii1 ite"m of rituals, feigns und ccri-inonials as symbols and reminders of find's omnipresence. Viewed from the perspective, many of the. customs wlflch at first glance seem to be relies of a superstitious period aro actually the impressive signs of a God Who is merciful, just and interested in the works of His creation. Symbolism

for divine aid, whereupon the river disappeared. The Gaon of Vilna concuib with tnu opinion of Rabbi Jacob ben M o s e s Halev (Maharil) that the Jews go to a stream on Rosh Hashonah to remind God of the. merits of Abraham and Isaac and through them win favor for . their descendants,

prayer was offered by Moses when he asked that Israel be forgiven for the sin of the Golden Calf (Exodus 32:11). The Psalms of pavid include numerous penitential prayers. However, it was the Men of the Great Synagogue who fixed the daily recital of the special penitential prayer "S'lach Nah" which is part of the daily Shmoneh Esrei or Amidah prayer. Later, during the Geonic period, the S'lichot for the week before Bosh Hashonah were introduced. The first printed S'licha Book was published at Soncino in 1497 and the second was published in Prague.ln 1629. One of the prevalent customs connected with the Jewish New Year is the sending of Bosh Hashonah greeting cards. These cards usually carry-the Hebrew inscription "L'Shanah Tovah. Tiksawiva Vseichaseimu,"—"May yon be inscribed and sealed for a good year." Known by their shorter name as Shanah Tovah cards, they express the wish that the recipient be written down, for 'a year of health, happiness and contentment.

In feet, the entire month of Elul, which precedes the Hebrew New Year, is dedicated to special supplications, and penitential prayers are recited in the synagogue. On the first dny of Elul, at the end eif the morning services, there begins the blowing of the Shofar. The' Shofar All Mankind blasts at the conclusion of each morn- ~ • The text of the Jewish New Tear ing's service signifies that the season greeting is based on the belief that of penitence is near! .The prayers in God judges all mankind on Bo«h Hathe synagogue are said with deeper shonah—that the fate of each person fervor. There are extra Psalms to be - is written into the great Book of Me* recited. Pious Jews put in more time mortal on Bosh Hashonah and the final studying the holy bonks. j decision is sealed on Tom Kippur, We Solemnity find the first reference to such belief •The solemnity of the month of Elul in the Mishna where according to Rabis evident especially in the cemeteries bi Meir; "Threa books are opened on where visits are made to the graves of ' Bosh. Hashonah. One Is for the out-ar.drelatives and loved ones. Visiting the out wicked; a second for the truly cemeteries and praying before the righteous, and a third for those in begraves during crises goes baek for centween. The righteous are at once inturies. In Chassidic communities it was scribed and sealed for life; the' wicked the custom to visit the graves of Chasfor death; judgment of tlic third group sidic rabbis and leave slips of papers is suspended until Yom Kippur. Should upon which wcri penned petitions and one of that group attain merit during requests. these days he is inscribed for life, otherwise for death." (Bosh Hashonah Generally, the attitude has been 16-A-B). that the p r a y e r s expressed at the graves of righteous ancestors would It is the contention of Isaac Weiss serve us intercession on the theory that in his famous "Dor Dor B'Dorshav" "Z'Chnt Avot," the Merits of the Fa(Book III, page 156) that Rabbi Judah thers, help their descendants. hen Ilai was the one who originated These visits to the cemeteries and the idea that Rosh Iloshonah was the praying to tho dead have become so Day of Judgment. This idea of Judah •popular in modern time* thnt a special ben Ilai, one of the more important il collection have bee'n created Tnnnaim, was not entirely original. .About a thousand years before tho snd is known as "Ma'oneh Lashon," the Jews had established their kingdom Answer of the Tongue. The name of the under David, the Babylonians already •Booklet is based on the verse in Provregarded their New Year as a Day erbs 10:1. "The preparations of the of Judgment. However, Rabbi Judah heart nre man's but the answer of tho was the first among the Jews,to conis from the Lord." ceive that idea. A product of the seventeenth century, thn • "Mn'ant'h Lashon" has apWeiss' contention is quite correct peared in many editions in the past because in the days of Rabbi Akiba the three hundred years, including German, idea of a Day of Judgment on Rosh Yiddish nnd English translation*. A seHathonah was not yet prevalent among quel to the "Ma'avar Yabok," which the Jews. For, according to Rabbi Jose, is a manual of the ritual of death and "a man is judged every day," and Rabburial, find includes also prayers on bi Nathan theorized that "a man is visiting graves, the "Ma'aneh Lashon" judged every hour." specifically contains prayers to be reDay of Judgment cited nt the grave of each relative, i Climax ' Because Bosh Hashonah is a Day of Judgment, the, sentiment against an The month of Elul is climaxed with evil'decree was carried over to the food a s c r i e s of S'lichot or Supplication customs of the holiday. It is the custom services which Wgin on the Sunday to eat sweets and avoid sour foods. This - preceding Rosh Hnshonah. The first custom goes back for more than a S'lichot service is hold on Saturday at thousand years and is mentioned in the midnight before Rosh Ilashonah. After Besponsa of the Geonim. A dish of that the Bcrvices arc held early each honey is 'usually' on- the' table 'during morning until tho holiday,' the several meals of Bosh Hashonah Historically, the first penitential

Sun-Berthed Alley In Sofod

The ten days between the beginning of Bosh Hashonah and the end of Yom Kippur are known as the Ten Days of Repentance. Special penitential prayers are included in the regular prayers. The Sabbath between Bosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur is known" as Shabbat Shuvat-or the Sabbath of Bepentence. This Sabbath ia more solemn than the other Sabbaths of the year and. rabbi's Bennon is usually a special effort to arouse the people to true repente'nee, > Just as the Tashlieh ritual is a characteristic ceremony on Bosh Hashonah, the Kapparot ceremony is a significant feature before the observance of Yom Kippur. The persistence of a custom whieh^holds an appeal for the masses, even though the highest authorities have opposed it, is found in the ceremony of Kapparot, perofrmed two days before Yom Kippur.

Services For High Holidays A prayer Jor tlw >siu VIMI "Oh Lord our ratlin, (n.iiuj ot the Univorfce, how long aic You going to be silent, bPiiiiR Yom Children aro destroying fuch other mid that the ways of the wicked nre succeeding. Open our eyes and gi\c us wisdom to understand one another, and to see that You have ctcated and prouded enough for all Your children. • Let sin cease on this earth, and l^t wickedness be no more , . , oh satisfy us in the morning with Thy mercy, that we may rejoice nnd be glad .a.11 our days. Grant us peace on the New Year1 and to those near and far. Amen."

Beth El Bosh Hashonah Wednesday, Sept. 9— Evening Service 8:00 p.m. Thursday, Sept. lO-i Morning Service 8:00 a. m, , Youth Service ."11:00 a.m. 'Mincha-Maariv Service. "6:15 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11— Morning Service 8:00 a. m. Youth Service 11:00 a. m, Mincha-Maaxiv Service. 6:15 p.m.

Kapparot Ceremony

and for the mwil prior to the Yora Kippur fast. The honey spread on 1 he bread at the beginning of each meal is symbolic of the hope lor a sweet yeurSince Rosh Hashonah is the Day of Judgment there is also the custom in 'many communities to eat the head qf Homo animal, usually that of a sheep, for the head represents leadership. Bat-, ing from tho head of a sheep implies the hope that one would not descend the ladder of misfortune but rather contiuo to succeed, and bo a leader. Perhaps the most characteristic ceremony of Rosh Hiushonuh is the symbolic observance of Tashlieh. On the first day of the holiday, just before sunset, processions arc formed to the banks of a brook or river and the final verses from the Book of Micah which end with the words, "And Thou wilt cast all their iniquities in tho depths of the sea," (Micah 7:19), are recited. Crumbs of bread, symbolic of broken promises to God and sin, described in the Talmud as "the leaven in the dough," are thrown into the water. The first written reference to the Tashlieh custom may be the comment in the Antiquities by Josephus (XIV, 10 par. 23)' when • referring to Halicanasians decree permitting the Jews to "perform their holy rites according-tp. the Jewish laws and have their ' p l a c e s of

prayer by the nea according to the eiustom of their fathers" The Zohar, too, probably r e f e r s to the Tashlieh ceremony when it says that "whatever falls into the deep, is lost forever . . . it acts like the scapegoat for the ablutioii of sms." (Zohar, Leviticus 101A and B). Interpretation The interpretation that the Tashlich ceremony is actually based on the verse in Micah does not please all. Many authorities of Jewish religious lore theorize thaft1 the custom originated rather as a reminder of Abraham and Isaac. Tho "Sefer Maharil" which appeared on J.425" gives Ais the first direct reference where, by the Midrashic legend of tho "Scfer Hayashar" the custom is explained as a reminder of tho Akcdan, the,Binding of Isaac incidentIn the legend, whioh also appears in Midrash Tanchuma (Vaqera 22), Satan made a wager with God that Abraham would not stand the test to offer his son as a sacrifice. He, therefore, made, a considerable effort to hinder Abraham in every way, When Satan saw that Abraham was determined to carry out God's command, ho threw himself across Abraham's path as a deep stream. Abraham and Isaac nevertheless.plunged into ,tho. waters -even'up to th'eir'necks. They prayed

A Yemenite Jew

Much older than the Tashlieh ritual, Tho Kapparot .ceremony was popular among the Jews of Babylonia in the tenth century. The Kesponsa of the Gehonim indicates that in< those days the ric,h Jews used a ram in the performance of the ceremony, as a reminder of the ram of Isaac. Later, a rooster came to be used- The custom consists of -taking a fowl and reciting certain -passages including the following formula: "This,is a substitute for • me; this is in exchimg for me; this is my atonement. This cock (or hen) shall • be consigned to death, while I shall have a long and p l e a s a n t life and . peace" After the fowl is hliuiRlitercd it is eaten during the meal preceding Yom Kippur. Spreading from Babylonia the Kapparot custom was accepted in mnnv Jpwish communities nil over the world Many rabbis warned the people against the custom because of its implied origin in idol worship. For example, the custom of swinging the- biflfl around the head "is an attempt to frighten the devil. The encircling ceremony is based on the concept of primitive men known as tho "mrtgin ring." In studying the development of the ritunls and ceremonials it is noted that JcwisH observances, including those of Rosh Hashonnh and Yom JCippur, are so many links in that powerful, unend• ing chain which1 stretches -from the hoary,past, wl)on out ancestor* still clung to the beliefs and superstitions their pagan neighbors had developed, to tho purified and spiritualized ceremonials which wo khow today. It was the far-sighted Men of the Great Synagogue and the generations of rabbis that followed, who instituted the covenant between Israel and God. The moral and spiritual worth of Rosh Hashonah .and Yom >Kippur are hallowed institutions. T/hrougK the lessons they teach they have sustained Judaism's hopo in, ^will "bring closer tl(8" realization of man's divine mission.

Quaint Entrance

Yom Kippur Friday, Sept. 18— Kol Jlidfe Service ....- 6 : 1 5 p . m . - , Saturday, Sept. 19— ' v Morning Service 8:00 a. m. Yiskor (Memorial) 10:30 a.m. , , Youth Service 11:00 a. m, Mincha-Neilah Service. 4:15 p.m.

Beth Israel and Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Bosh Hashonah 'Wednesdin. Sept 0— Evening bi-nues . . . 6 15 p. m. Thuisday, S»pt 10— Horning Services 7:30 a.m. Sermon 10:00 a. m. Evening Services , 6:15p..m. Friday, Sept. 11— Morn ing Seniecs 7:30 a.m. Sermon ..10:00a.m. Yom Kippur Friday, Sept 18— Kol Nidre Service 6.00 p. m. Sermon 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19— Morning Services . 7:30 a. m, , Sermon 10:30a.m. , Yiskor (Memorial) . , . . 11:00 a. m. Neilah Service 5:0O p. m. Succoth "Wednesday, Sept. 23— Evening Services Thursday, Sept. 24— Morning Services Evening Services Friday, Sept. 23— Morning Services Evening Services

6:00 p. m. 8:30 a. m. 6:00p.m. '" ' 8:80 a. m. 6:0O p. m.

Temple Israel 1

Rosh- Hashonah (Note: "Wednesday and Thursday ' services at Scottish Ilite Cathedral; Friday -services at the Jew.ish Community Center.) Wednesday, Sept. 9— Evening Services 8:0t)p. m, Thursday, Sept. 10—. Morning Services 10:00 a.' ra.. Story Hour , 10:00a.m:-' Children's Service 11 ;00 a. m. Friday, Sept. 11 — Evening Services . : . . . 8:00 p. m. Yom Eippnr (Note: Friday and Saturday services at Scottish Bite Cathedral.) Friday, Sept. 18— Evening Services 8:00 p. m. Sntnrday, Sept. 19— Morning Services 10:0O a. m. Children's Service 1:15 p. m Memorial Service 4:15 p. m.

B'nai Israel of C.B.


The ancient city of Safcd,, located en the Mlli of Cuuan in southern flaluee, U a holy city with » long hUtory ot Jevith reUt;lou* creativity. Adjacent to S&fed 1* Mlron, site of the frsve of Slmn Ben y«ehol, author ot the Kabbala. Became ot It* location fiafed In reoeat yean hM virtually become an artist's colony. ..

Thli I* a portrait of a Yemenite Jnw whojvo>!tved from Arab ! atrocities Immediately after the eitnMlnhmcnT fit I»rael. The expreMlon oh. hi* lace mirror* the two-tUomand-yeamlong JewUh falnth. The portrait wan mnde In a camp In Tlheriila. Language difficulties made It difficult for the artist to oommutalcate with tho subject

, The entrance to the Jewish quarter of Snfed, consisting of narrow, Ialiyrlnthlne alley* Is located on tlio western section of the steep mountain of. Canaan. The ancient street* are dotted with ensdorim, yeshlvoth, lynagogue*, congregation* and kloslm. because of the narrowness of the streets, the donkey'there I» the most Important medium of transportation.

Bosh Hashonah Wednesday, Sept. D— Evening Rorvice 6 30 p. m. Thuisday, ficp^. 10-^ Morning Service 8:00n.ta. Sermon 10:30 a.m. Evening Service G :30 p.m. Fiielav, Sept 11 — Morning Service .'..... 8:00a.m. fk ". .10:30 a. m. Herviec G:30p in. Yom Kippur Friday, Sept lb— Kol Nidru! . . . . . . . . - 6:10 p. m. Saturday, Sept. 1 9 — Morning Service 8:0O a. m, • Sermon . . . : . . . 10:30a.m. Yiskor 11:00 a.m. ' Children's Service . . . . 8:00p.m. Minclui . . . . . ; , . . . . . . . 3:00 p.m. Jlinclia . ' . . . . , . . , . , , , . 4:00p.m,

Neilah , . ; . . . . . ; . . . . . . 5:15p.m.


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few Ywr's t(JMW-THE JEWISH MUSS-**** H«sW«fc 1714—TWday, Sfptawfcw 10, I t j l

The New Year .• • • A New Challenge to American Jewry By Dr. Joseph J. Schwaxtt (Copyright, 1953.) , *


if international events of the recent past have taught us anything, it is to t>hun tho easy prediction and the prohecy that the next morning's news has too often disproved. As we approach the Hew Year 5714, therefore, it must be with w o n d e r and humility, and warenesB of the fact that it is our mission wot so much to predict the future as to help shape it. In the world of Jewish affairs, this is particularly true. American J e w s have demonstrated over the past decade and a half that men are not always helpless against the moving tide of history. By the force of their understanding, made effective through their generosity, they have found if in their power to a l t e r the course of event*. This has-been' demonstrated in on. dramatic episode after another— in the obligation of Europe's DP camps; in the creation of the living state of Israel;'in the accomplishment of the great homecoming of hundreds of thousands of homeless people to the new state. Basic Truth American J e w r y has proven its comprehension of the basic truth that what happens to any Jewish community anyw here in the world is the concern of fhp American Jewhh community—for practical as.well as idealistic Toduy the Jews gf America are involved iu-a continuing, historical process and mu&t corilinife to demonstrate a mature.insight jnto their role. In the year S7J3. news of hostility toward the Jejvs*of the Soviet world was not (ri'eeteil Vith resignation or mute despair, but pm'tiuraged American Jewry to increiw, support of the UJA in the hope of Atrpuptlieniiif,' I s r a e l anil, whenever the opportunity wight come, of speeding tins resettlement of the .Icu< (if Kiistern Europe within the 'borders of .the Jewish Ktutc. Now thai ,.l ..ji.-cs in flip.Soviet government and I In? resumption of diplomatic relations biMHi'ni Israel and the Soviet promise ;i pi-rliuiis less insecure time for Jews in thut part of the world, the real is< >(."! 4i>ii->t not be forgotten in the climate of optimism.

In the coming year 5714, it seems apparent Uhat Israel and Eastern Europe will) remain the two most vital points of Jewish interest. Let it be hoped that it will be possible to arrange for the large-scale immigration of Eastern European Jews to Israel—182,000 of whom are already registered for emigration. Certainly, it will be necessary, at ' any rate, to continue the aid to those , Jews still in need in Western Europe and the help which has made significant inroads among the Jews of North Africa in combating disease, in nourishing the hungry, in preparing young • people for a means of livelihood by education and training. Focus on Israel j But the main f o c u s of attention, whatever the immigration opportunities- that occur, will be on Israel, a country which has made enormous and fabulous progress in its first five yean but which is engaged in a grim if undramatie battle on the economic front. It is important to consider the great advances that Israel has made—to be aware of the far-reaching sifnificance of that progress. Israel is one of the orreat democratic experiments of our time. In recent years we have seen vast areas of territory fall under Communist influence. But Israel is one of the few areas in which the world hag recently seen the rise of a new democracy, and Israel has written p r o u d pages in the story of democrary. In Israel's bustling cities, in the justice of its courts, in its free schools and free elections, in the freedom of its citizens, in the enormous contrast which Israel presents to the surrounding countries of the Middle East, is new testimony to the soundness of the democratic way. But it must not. be forgotten that Israel faces a host of grave problems. Lewis .Mumford once wrote that if you

come into any big city you will really find five cities side by side, in all stages of development between the medieval past and the ultra-modern pres-* ent. Here is an old house, and a family clinging to ancient ways;- here it the plumbing and appointments, of an earlier century; here ia a m o d e r n building; here is another which points to the style of the future. ' This is a thought most applicable to the State of Israel. In are. the customs of attitudes of several ages; communities exist within each community. Ancient Village Here is an ancient Arab village; there a group of Yemenite Jew* reluctant to depart from the, custom^ of their ancestors; there a lettlement of native Israelis as- modern as today's newspaper. One can' see architecture that goes back to Biblical timei, or the architecture of tomorrow on a white street in Tel Aviv. One can see farm* where primitive plough* move ilowly through the fields; elsewhere a streamlined tractor. In Israel, where the threads of history can be traced form the origins of civilization to the current moment, it has been said that one can traverse twenty centuries in the course of a single day. ^ It is necessary to weld these many ways of living into one operative economy. The tauy Is enormous. The problems are not always headline news —that is why it is all the more important that American Jews continue to be concerned. American Jewry's response to the UJA in the year ahead will be pivotalin determining-Israel's future. Imponderable! There are unknown factors, imponderables that make it difficult in tome respects to foresee that future. It is not known bow inueh sid Israel will receive from the United States government in the months ahead. It is not known how Israel will be able to work nut -its relations with its neighbors. It is not known whether immigration will be great or small. But one fairly known factor is that American Jews will continue their magnificent support of the young democracy, through the United Jewish Appeal. "What precisely will be the purpose* for which UJA funds will be needed in the year 5714 T It is too early to anticipate the entire program, but as of this moment, certain projects in the . early months of the New Year clearly will call for UJA funds to make them possible. " It is estimated that in the immediate period abead, some 330,000 persons —all immigrants to Israel «in<re establishment of the state—will require the nervices of the United Israel Appeal, principal agency of me UJA. These services must include maintenance in the maabaroth (transition camps) of nearly 200,000 people j economic aid to 30,000 families (tome 120,000 individuals) engaged jn farming; maintenance help to 16,000 boys and girls in more than 260 educational and vocational centers. Vital Then therf is the area of Israel's irrigation plans, an ambitions^ program vital^to the country's h o p e s in the sphere of agriculture. The J e w i i h Agency, receiving its funds from the UJA, will endeavor to bring an increased area of 150,000 dnnsms under irrigation, representing an addition, of 25 per cent to the present total. 'Much has been written of the marveloh* plans for moving the beds of rivers, for finding ways to bring water from its sources to,dry areas by manufacturing and setting down ingenious networks of pipelines and dams and res-* ervoirs. The dollars must be forthaoming to .mnfinu» this great work which is already under way. At the same time, funds will be needed to establish some 40 new set- , dements for 4,000 families (comprising 16,000 people) who are living in ' the maabaroth, and to move 8,000 mow people to established villages. A successful UJA can mean that 24,000 dwellers in the .maabaroth can be given the opportunity to engage in farming.

It can mean the building of 10,000 modern houses to provide substantial living quarters for 40,000 persons, replacing their cement hut* and shack*. It can mean that as Israel receive* its first payments of the German Separation* Agreement, these goods can be 11veil tor the purposes for which they were intended—the purchase of other essential goods, machinery, raw materials'and equipment, to apeed Israel'* industrialization and further economic independence. A successful UJA also can mean the continuanoe of Israel's hope to develop better relation* with it* neighbors, for a strong Israel will eventually convince the Middle East that the country is not a passing phenomenon of contemporary history. There are other, s p e c i f i c plan* whose importance is self-evident In addition to the program of the

United I s r a e l Appeal agencies, the Joint Distribution Committee in Israel must finance the H a l b e n program which will fender effective aid to some 6,000 people requiring institutional medical care, doctors' services and occupational therapy, while offering economic and social aid to another 4,000 who seriously need i t With JDO rapport, through the OUT training program, the opportunity can be offered to 5,000 others in Israel to learn a trade ai tractor mechanic*, electrician*, radio technicians and the like—helping to develop an important reservoir of l a b o r for Israel'* growing economy. A glance at the situation In Europe show* an argent need for UJA fund* in countries outside the Iron Curtain. Some 65,000 person*, including 15,000 remaining Jewish DP'* in Germany, Austria and Italy require finan-



cial support and Institutional care.'' : State* will continue to be imp The aged, the incapacitated as a re- - M M , " * sult of war and persecution, the" chilFor the past nine years, from . dren living in JDC-opersted h o m e s end of World War II to the signing j will, for aome time to come, depend on the Korean armistice, have constitut UJA funds, often their sole source of a time of dramatic and crucial income and survival. penings. Upheaval and struggle characterized this era, violent cha As for the 2,000,000 Jews behind and new political topographies. In ' the lion Curtain, their future too is midst of this the story of Jewish btill unpredictable, but the greatest construction tins been a bright thr hope for large numbers of them is, as jvovcii through the dark cloth observed earlier, to start again in Isfive events. rael. Here at home- American Jewry ! In the M o s l e m countries, where reached a period where the budget : 500,000 Jewish inhabitants still live is locul needs has to a larcj« extent been the mi dint of poverty and disease, a filled. Many of the postwar envision* comprehensive welfare and reconstruccenters, hospitals and synagogues art I tion program under the auspices of tho realities today. The Jewish community I JDC w o r k * constantly to make life for the most part has prospered. But! more bearable. An irreducible miniIsrael must continue to look to the] mum of 100,000 will need such help in Jews of America for support in that i the months ahead. great venture which is not yet fully] The goal of UJA-flnanced activities realized. in the Moslem areas will continue to We have pledged ourselves to the I be the eradication of contagious dissaving of lives. Looking at what has eases—of trachoma, tinea, tuberculosis. been done one recognizes the pattern An unceasing effort is needed to raise of real progress. Wherever disease has the standards of hygiene, especially in been stamped out, wherever a child I the field of infant care; to give vocacan see or walk or breathe without! tional training opportunities to the pain because American Jews have! young people of the mellas; to expand helped, wherever there is food and) economio aid in the form of loans to sunlight and h o p e where there was! artisan*. darkness and m i l e r y before, is the] Meanwhile, the United Service for mar of what the Jew* of America have J New Americana" program of UJA-fibuilt and must go on building. nanced aid to newcomers in the United

"One of the People "


He sought survival without at-the same time erecting cultural and spiritual ghettos between Jews and the rest of the world. This was the search of Asher Ginzberg, who used the penname of Ahad Ha-am (One of the .People). He hoped to weave the diverse strands of Jewish life into unity. These were the characteristics of his thought and life.

.thought which might serve/as a guide to the members of his generation. » ''. . His was a sensitivity to the plight of Judaisim in its modern setting, an impassioned concern for the survival of the standardbearers of this unique tradition. He sought to plumb the depths of the historic enigma of the Jews in order better to plot a blueprint for the future

"Thus all his life was of one piece; he lived and wrote for a single purpose, to revive the lan-

rehabilitation of the communal structure. Ahad Ha-am broke new trails in exploring the dynamics of Jewish creative expression.

guishing Hebraic spirit through the repossession of the ancestral home as the cultural

New Year's Greetings From the President

views, a reverent believer in the power of

workshop of the Jewish nation."

ideas, he surveyed his world to build for the Ahad Ha-am worked to erect a structure of

. "J am happy *o extend my warmest greetings to all Americans e f the Jewiih faith en the occasion of the Jewish New Year* "Among the greatest lesions your history can ftacFi, a* the world struggle* to find its way feward peaes, an the patience and goodwill thai hava so frequently seen expression in the thousands of years of Jewish life. "May this New Year bring fo peoples of good failh everywhere the reassurance that more tranquil days are indeed near, and that the citizens of all nations will learn to live together with til* understanding and harmony that God-loving people fo fervanHydufrt."

A leader of men and an expounder of daring





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New Y n r ' i ldHI.n-.THE JEW1JH WU-SS-Rosh HashoW, S714—Thursday, September 10, IWJ

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By Hilton rriedman

Washington (JTA)—Will the new administration revise its policy toward Israel f This is the question Btill being asked afti-r almost H jear of Republican rule CongrosHional friends of I s r a e l agree that the United States bhould be impartial. But they are apprehensive lest tin- administration's pursuit of what Mr Dulles described as "impartiality" brings about developments harmful to Israel. American support of Israel was not a controversial issue during the 1952 election campaigns because both Republicans and Democrats a g r e e d in principle that Israel bad- become an Important part of the free world. Both . presidential candidates openly ex. pressed friendship for Israel and devotion to the Zionist cause. The Republicans, however, campaigned with the s w e e p i n g slogan "time for a sbange"." President Elsenhower's victory found Zionist* worried if the "change" would also a p p l y to the brotherly alliance developed by Harry 8, Truman and his Democratic Administration with Israel. Hew Administration The new administration took over amidst reports that Secretary of State John Foster Dulles was preparing a "new look" in American policy in the Arab-Israel area. Meanwhile, the State Departments contemplated heavy munitions shipment* to bolster the government of Egyptian Premier Mohammed Nflguib. Despite Naguib's continued hostility against Israel, Egypt was w n ax a potential stroiigpoint around which to rally the Arab League against ('oniniiinisra. Naguib was praised, and Tsrael i g n o r e d , in "Armed Forces Talks" prepared for the XI 8. armed uprvicPN by the Defense DepartmentBut Ejjypt showed an Inclination to flirt with f'oipmunism while fulminating nginnit Great Britain over the presenee of British troops in the Suez Canal Zone. The II. 8. was forcer] tr» «helti> il« hijj nlrnis for Nag'uib. In February the eyr-u of the world sliiftrd to Israel, as the Soviet Union severed diplomatic relations with that counliy in keeping with an all-ou' <'oiiii:nml»i offenafve aftaiimt "Z(oniut* " Israel turned to President Eisenhower . for support as a free-world ally. Ther* was no HnHwcr- except in very vague term*. Dulle* suited Congress to lone down impressions on behalf of IIIBU oini Jewish victim* of Communism. He explained that he did not wish to give the Arabs the impreorfon that the D. 8. was pro-I«rie1. Stalin's death brought a reversal of< Soviet strategy and diplomatic relations between Israel and Russia have now been resumed. Objectivity The State Department denied that « it was modifying American friendship for Israel. .Administration spokesman said that President Eisenhower was objectively considering the needs of both Arabs and Jews, But anti-Zionists in tho 8tate Department found the courage to creep out of their hotel- One State Department official read, an inflammatory anti-Jewish speech before a high-level Washington conference. The conference was made up of representatives of such big business firms as the Chase National Bank and the Arabian-American Oil Company. Prepared by Iraqi Minister Abdullah Ihrihim Bakr, the speech was read on the Arab's behalf by Edwin M. Wright, State Department officer in charge of Turkish Affairs. It questioned the loyalty of American Jewry and alleged ' that Jews make unreliable citizens throughout the world. Anti-Zionists exploited the "objectivity" formula to urge President Eisenhower to appease' the Arab states at tho expense of Israel. Since the Ad> ministration sought desperately to sc-' enre Arab cooperation in a defense command against Communism, it was urged that Israel be sacrificed for this purpose. But President Eisenhower listened patiently to both sides in his own official family as well as to the formal representatives of the Arabs and Zionists. Ho pledged friendship to both Arabs and Jews while his secre-


tary of state took the initiative by we must ally ourselves with the hostilplanning a flying visit to ||he Near ities of the Arab states in order to win East. their friendship. This line also mainDefeatist Attitude tains that we must forfeit Arab friendDulles returned from his Itrip with ship if we help Israel. The American a defeatist attitude toward Nfear EastZionist Council answered that it would ern peace. His radio report to the na"not help any of the peoples of the tion on the trip was closely stiiidied for Near East if we punish one people or clues to future developments, Dulleb state to appease another." employed Arab League phraseology by The Zionists found little logic to the referring to "expansionist Zionism" argument that American support of Iswithout troubling to disassociate himrael has cost America the goodwill of self from such propaganda catchwords. the Arabs, and that we would regain On the other hand, Dulles (icknowlthat goodwill if we were to reduce aid edged for the first time that Arab ecoto Israel- Arab antagonism against h nomic warfare is being waged against rael feeds on the hope that the United Israel. But he praised Dictatori Naguib States will yield to this propaganda— of Egypt and Shishekly of Syria, the that a c h a n g e in administration in two principaf instigators of the eco- . Washington would mean a decline in nomic warfare. American aid for Israel. Some day, the The Seoretary of State registered Zionists hope, Arabs will come to unin favor of Israel when he said in the derstand that Israel cannot be liquidatsame radio report that the Arlib states ed by propaganda, economic boycott, eventually would have to consider Isand intimidation.. Then, they feel, there rael as a permanent part of the Near will be a chance that informed and proEastern community- However, he regressive Arab' elements may bring ferred in another portion of bis speech peace after realizing that the real eneto "the area presently controlled by mies of the Arabs are poverty, disease, Israel." This phrase strongly connoted and feudalism rather than the people the Arab League's refusal to recognize the legality or permanence of Israel's borders. Policy Shift A conspicuous policy shift was indicated when Dulles said that "some" Arab refugees "could be resettled in the area presently controlled by Israel." The Truman Administration, about two years before, abandoned the mass movement of Arab refugees into Israel as unfeasible and undesirable. Arab leaders insist on mass repatriation to Israel. They have cruelly prevented the rehabilitation and resettlement of their own people in the wide / expanse of Arab territory. The return of huge numbers of Arabs to Israel is an impossible proposal because the .returnees would become a powerful fifth column ready to destroy Israel in the event of renewed Arab aggression. Because Dulles revived this main point of Arab League policy, the Aralis were encourage to resist United Nations resettlement schemes and otherwise continue their recalcitrant attitude toward Israel. Essentially, the Eisenhower high command put foremost among the goals of its foreign policy the allaying of the Arab World's "deep resentment" of American support of Zioniam. The administration's intentions wltre set forth by Dulles who said that henceforth an "impartial" policy would be applied to Israel. He explained thsLhe feels that the Arabs "are more fearful of Zionism than of Commnnlum and they fear lest the United States become* the backer of expansionist Zionism." Powerful Element* Powerful elements within tKe administration tried and are still trying to' convince President Eisenhower that

of Israel who hold out their hands in brotherhood. Regional Approach Dulles indicated during Congressional consideration of Mutual Security legislation, including aid for Israel, that a regional approach to the Near East including common projects might reconcile Arab-Israel differences. The Zionists felt that he was less realistic in proposing arms shipments to the Arabs when there is no present indication of peaceful intentions on their part. In fact, Jordanian raids across the Israel frontier were increased to the extent that Israel formally requested the State Department to intercede. Congress, as a whole, responded to Israel's needs. Israel took aid reductions similar to those applied against other nations. But there still seemed to be no clearly defined policy toward the Near East as the new administration moved toward the end of its first year in office. There was hope of understanding and realism. But there was also fear that the Arabs might interpret vacillation as a eve for an intensification of anti-Zionism.

Upbuilding Houses must be built for new refugees, and refugees must be trained to build houses. Refugees in Israel are still living In tents* tin huta, and sbacki, With funds contributed by the United Jewjth Appeal) this year the United Israel Appeal plans to construct 'tbou* sands of home* for refugee* from Middle Eastern and North African • countries, and for the latest newcomer*, escapees from Sovlet-aouttV nated lands.

The Real Test Is Humility

Anoient Oopptnninat Nearby Elatb are the ancient coppermines of King Solomon, discovered by Dr. Kelson Olueck in the course of archaeological research. Elath has become a quasi official testing ground and laboratory for the conquest^ the desert. Here scientists are testing flowers and plants suitable for the Negeb. Elath boasts of a unique Desert Museum. Caesaria, once famed for its amphitheatre and Hellenio lavishneas is rising from its ruins destined apparently in its present reincarnation to simpler splendors as a fishing center. A huge fishing wharf has been completed. Tiberias, to whose health - giving spas the, Romans travelled in ancient days is another town destined to greater growth. Safed, in the Upper Galilee has a beauty all of its own and it too is developing a peoular uniqueness, For long asociated as a vertable capital of Cabalistic and myataical Judaism, today it has become a rendezvous .for Israeli artists. Indeed, there are many things wanting in Israel, but individuality Beems not to be one of them—at least as far as towns go.

Greetings for the New Year From The Vice President Within the heart of every man and woman, a i ha sees tht dawn of a New Year, is a prayer for peace, igrantfy of soul, hap* plnaii and security for hit family and his people.

Baal ShemTov, better known as Besht, lived in the strife-torn eighteenth century when conflicting trends of thought agitated Jewish life.;Besht taught that life is to be enjoyed not shunned. IHe advocated the joyful attitude of prayer as the spark of true worship. The test of real service of God is the feeling of humility it instills and inspires.




Sprung from the ranks of the poor, he was one of their own. He spoke to the people in a language they could understand and his speech was; spiced with anecdotes and stories which were repeated and spread in the towns and villages. 'i


He understood their yearnings, their deep religious feelings and their desire for joy in worship. Baal Shem's unaffected sympathy, his simple piety and boundless love of his people made him the fitting prophet of the Hasidic movement, with its principles of joy, mutual love, and earnest search for God. a-h.




May ir coma to p a n toon that fhcra will be planted the fast" ing roofs for understanding and brotherhood among peopU af all landi and all faiths, to that mutual fruit will replace doubt and persecution. And may the hand of friendship extend around the globe from one to another, and all the nations of the earth be blasted with the love of liberty so that justice for all will prevail throughout the world.



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*/ JRVISH MttSS-*^



»7I4-Tfar»3»y, f i^iwh. 10, < W

Israels Sheep Industry Grows

Jewish Year at the United Nations

By Arthur Lewi*

Nations (JTA) — The past an eventful one for Israel at Nations, although, at the H i it gave no sign of being In fact, the question of. Palesf was left off the pro\ iiional agenda F/tlte 8evfnth Central Asstmbly, the _ fit time that thii lias ou-urr-ed since ft arose Its om!->M'm \ .i-i pux tally Welcome'! hup, tin. \i u IK me t'uit jet •pother rancorous rt'< on tin., JIITennTal issue would not adwinre the c a u s e o f roil' illation niiil ]>• ucp but, a t the Jast inoiiuiit <iml f o r o ! ) \ i n n s p r o p a g a n d a |iiir|H,si^ tin Ai.ih-, uiMMi-d on its flmui c Mnp. It'iv f\rr, it WH= a case o f tlif b i t ' i lnt ,in<! tlii S o n s of thn Proji'ift finirj-'H ir"iii tli" o n i u i n g i n ternational nn 1- c with t h o i r h o n o r • a v e d onlj b\ <i pn i • o f p a r l i a m e n t a r y trick11 v Must "f the « "rid s u p p o r t e d Israel's appeal f o r " d i n i t n f p o t i n t i o n s " w i t h t h e Aivihi, a n d m a n y of t h e W e s t e r n deleg.itps inudi- it ,ip|).ii<nt t h a t t h e y r e g a r d e d tlif \r,ili K I P - d t o m e e t a s ehildish and absurd. A s a result n' the Assombh'-. cl"l> it.' mi I'ulestine, thp ehftneps of a pf\i' c ^> tt'< incut seemed to have improu'd, but flmv were soon (Spoiled by the late Soviet rampaii'ii against thp .Ions which culminated in the so-call^l miti-Kciintie debate in the seconrl part of t)ir> Assembly, one of the Bloat unpleahant and portentously evil occurrences in Hie short history of the United Nations

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Recriminations ''Among, the other events here, there wWe the usual reuiiiiiii.itJoiis o\er the armistice agreements the usual winitter of notes handed into tin- Hwnritv Council by the Arab roprtsi ntiitues. protesting alleged Israeli MuUtinni Tile onlv (Iem.indie madi- In Isr.iel was « document piunf* a "compb ti> and (() herent" picture of the dupriilations Jjll.ieil bv Aiab niariuuleis, mostly from .Ionian which not submitted to the Soeunt> Council at all, but was ifmilateil as a document to all member states1. The latter had a somewhat spx t n ul.i] effect, for. witlim a few diijs, tlif Jordanian [row rriment ?i|?ned an uri ''ment to present infiltration from its side of the border. One of tl e must construi-tne <1eM'lopnicnN during the past \ear at the United Vilifins was Israel's release of a million pounds sterling of blocked Arab accounts. Although this was negotiated through the Palestine Conciliation Commission, it was done without any quid pro quo whatsoever, and it made- a deep impression on delegates here BS a generous act of statesmanship. Vet. tho Arabs had the effrontery to look this gift horse in the month, and the Jordanian government refused to allow its indigent refugees to collect their deposits unless the wording1 on the application forms was changed. Once again,. Israel demonstrated its deep desire for conciliation and understanding by humoring the Arabg and alterincr the wording. The money is being paid out now. Split in Two ' _ Although it was at the behest of tbe "Arabs, and the Arabs alone, that tie-Seventh General Assembly, which, feetfrnse of its late start wag split in i was forced to debate the Pales'question, Israel took the opport of this discussion to present its $ proposnl, and the Israeli repreentative, Abba S. Eban's speech on tjhjj! matter was very well received. Of 'Wlrte, Mr. Eban went into all t h e wehnieal considerations of a settlement SSSfn; the Arab states, such as security 4iJd;:: the questions of boundaries and ^[fugees. lie proposed a non-aggres•ifln'; pact which would prevent local Otrtbreaks and allow for a limitation of military budgets. He stressed that the fi$h,ticrs could only he changed by ^negotiations and agreement" and sufj-

gested t h a t the parties concerned should consider adjustments which would re mute Milages with their lands and eliminate demilitarized zones- As far as the refugees were concerned, he referred to his government's release of the bloi ked Arab accounts, and he felt that the problem might be solved by "co operatne regional effort." Vision of Future What caught the imagination of tbe diplomats here and the world generally was Mr. Eban's vision of a future in which the biblical lands would become lands of milk and honey. Tbe Israeli representative listed five ways in which economic co-operation could benefit the welfare of the whole Middle East. They included replacing of markets within the region, and cooperation between the states in tbe use _„ , of fetich natural resources as the Dead' Sea and the. rivers of the area, and in stopping the advance of the deserts, Mr. Eban offered the Arabs the service of Israeli experts in various fields to help them in raising the living standards in their countries. The Israeli representative urged Over General Assembly to take -'the historic step of recommending a direct and freely negotiated peace" without "precondtions of any kind" and the subsequent vote in the Ad Hoe Special Committee where the Palestine question was taken up first is regarded not only as an endorsement of this but also an endorsement of the peace proposal. The vote in favor of tht eight power resolution calling for direct He-* gotiations was overwhelming—32 in favor to 13 against with 13 abstentions; this was more than a two-thirds majority and would have meant Assembly approval. Resolution Failed However, the Arabs who had never taken such a whipping before here, worked desperately in the corridors and got the Philippine delegation to introduce an amendment when the mat- ' ter came before the Assembly. This amendment WBB a slick parliamentary maneuver for it would have fettered the negotioations and destroyed the purpose of the resolution. Although it was defeated, by mentioning the "safesruarding of the holy p l a c e s , " the! amendment compromised many of the rrpresentatms of Roman Catholie countries to such an extent that they abstained on the resolution as a whole. Furthermore, the Soviet bloc suddenly switched from abstention to opposition- Thus the eight power resolution. only receded 24 in favor to 21 gained and was defeated as it failed to get the necessary two-thirds majority. Still, the majority of delegates had supported "direct negotiations," but the Israeli position, together with the chances for a Palestine peace settlement, were weakened by a series1 of events •within the Soviet bloc. The Slanaky Trial, with its aBti-Semitio implications, was drawing to a close, and there followed the arrest of the Jewish doctors in the faked Kremlin plot and the Soviet rupture of diplomats re^ lations with Israel. Public opinion was aroused and the Israeli delegation announced that it would raise the question of the Soviet anti-Jewish campaign under the Polish "package" item- duVing the second part of the Assembly. .Vicious Stand The most important aspect of the' "anti-Semitic debate," which was one of the moat vicious experienced here, was the way in which the Arabs took the Soviet stand at a moral justification for their own campaign against the Jews. Despite the fact that Mrs. Oolda Meyerson, who had come ,over specifically to lead the delegation in this debate, made a moderate speech without any particular reference' to tho Arabs, tho Arab representatives used it for a violent attack on Zionism as an alleged conspiracy not only as

far as their own area was concerned but in the whole world. They developed this thesis ad absudam until they were actually claiming that the Jews were responsible for the Nazi murder of the Jews. The Israel stand gained the support of the Western delegates, but what was appalling abont this debate, in which there was no resolution and no vote, was the way in which the A s i a n s gave tacit approval to antiSemitism by saying not a word against The debate was confused by outside developments. The death of Stalin preceded it, the release of the Jewish doctors occurred in the middle of it, and the Polish move to withdraw their resolution which was regarded as a conciliatory act on the part of the

Soviet bloc, came just before the second Israeli intervention. However, Mr. Eban had to answer tbe Arab charges, but his reply resulted in a storm of abuse and vituperation in which the Arabs sank to personalitiesAlthough it was an unpleasant occasion, it was the first time that Israel as a Jewish state had taken a stand against anti-Semitism in another country, and the mere fact that it bad done this in a public debate at the United Rations may have forced the Soviets to change their policy, as they did do over the Jewish doctors. The hope here is that they will carry this to its logical conclusion, the re-establishment of normal relations with Israel, and then this debate will have been the darkness before the light

Care for Children

' Perhaps by the time another New Year rolls around these m m u v t e n , 111 since birth with tnbcrcnlosit, will be well again. Here tfcey are shown resting on the porch of the Ectanbn Children'* TB hospital In Israel, one of the 85 ho«pltal», old age homes, sanitarium* • t t a e i b e r Inttlfntlons In Israel supported by Molben, the Joint Diatribotlon Committee's program on behalf of seed, in and handicapped MRWomers to JUM new state. The Joint Distribution Oasnmlttee H MM «f ttw ttwe cowtttnent ageadea of the United J e w * Appeal.

Lates shipment of sheep, this one totalling more than 1,000, arrived here from the Argentine. Additional sheep have been purchased by Israel from Turkey. Part of the Israel Bond-aided program of helping the young republic attain economic stability through industrial and agricultural expansion, the development of the sheep industry will mean more wool for local textile mill* as well at increased milk and meat supplies.




Bialik Was among those creative personali-

i ties, unique in the annals of literary history,

With his cry of revolt and profest Bialik quickened the pulse of his "people."

who, when the/appear, set their seal upon the * life and spiritual creativeness of their generation. They impart new energy and new values to old concepts and accepted norms. They open-new vistas in the life of their people. Ac-


Tfberias, Israel (DP)—A page of ancient Israeli history is being rewoven into the economic program of its modern counterpart, with a wide scale plan to re-establish the young republic as one of the Middle Bast's f o r e m o s t breeder*jpf sheep. With the assistance of investments from Blale of Israel Bonds totalling IL. 240,000 choice sheep are being imported by I s r a f I from countries where breeding of the a n i m a l is Well advanced. •

He walked "along the vast stretches of Israel's ' history, looking for the fire and collecting the fragments of light scattered in books and manuscripfs."

cording to a Hebrew saying, they renew the

His was the dream of collecting all the spir-

works of creation. Bialik was such a force.

itual treasures of his people and to give them a -

Through his poetic creations he, brought about

new lease of life in the form of "a new

the Hebrew literary renascence of his period

canon which would nourish the ^spirit of his

and the,rejuvenation of the Hebrew language.








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N»w Y«r'« Idl«oi»-,THE JEWISH PRESS—Roth H.tawi.h S7J4-^Tnursd.v, S*pl«mb*r I 0 f ' l « f t ' )

Rosh Hashonah for the Neediest >

» By Hoses A. Leavitt (Executive Vice-Chainnau of the J. D. C.) (Copyright, 1953)

In my capacity as executive vicechairman of the Joint Distribution Committee, there have been many occasions when 1 have found myself fur from the shores of tlie United States as the High Holy Dnya approached. 1 have seen tin; hvpiuning of the new )(.ir in N i a i i , in tin- ( i n a t Synagogue in J'aih, in Ilit < oinpdnj of tlie handful ot .liu-i '•till Humming in Uaree'"n.i, hpain, In ,in am lent Sephardic RMIUI;'I(.'III> in Agudir, French Morocco,

'lo .ill of thise had my work on behalf of .IDC's fai IUinK rvrriieas programs hi ought mo, and in every case I was welcomed as a distinguished guest, givi-n auiiunurt il place and an honored role m the servicesHut the truth ib that it was not me, for mj self alone, whom the Jews of Agadir and of Paris and of Barcelona were honoring — but gather JDC, to which they all freely acknowledged their debt, for JDC's aid, particularly in the difficult post-war years, had meant survival, hope, a\chance for a fruitful life and a future. „ I am spending Rosh Haihanah of 6714 in the United States. But I tannot help but think of-those other memhen of JDC's staff who will be observing the holiday this year in the nearly 20 countries of JDC's operations. And I ahare their pride and gratification, because in many of these countries, in many of the institutions where they will be present, there oould be no observance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur without JDC's aid. Found Security In Israel, for example, there will be observances in each of the 100 institutions financed by Jlalben, the JDC program on behalf of aged, ill and handicapped newcomers (o the Jewish State. In this network of hospitals, sanitaria, old age homes, custodial care _ centers, sheltered workshops and other ' "installations, thousands of men, women and children who arrived in the Holy Land after May IS, 1948, have found a peace and security of which they never dared to dream. Since the founding of Malben, at the close of 1949, more than 35,000 new immigrants havo been aided—through reconstruction loans, through medical and hospital care, through prosthesis sod through clinical care and treatment by an agency which is now second in size only to Kupat Holim, Histadrut medical agenof, in all Israel. In the field of tuberculosis alone, I Malben has built the largest TB hospital in the Middle East at Be'er Taaeov which has 520 beds available for TB's. This .figure become* even more Impressive when you recall that in J949, when Malben was founded, there were only 300 beds in all of the Holy Land. ' Needed Asiiatanoe Picture for yourself what Bosh Hashanah will mean to the 930 TB patient* now under Malben's care. And then imagine what Bosh Hashanah is

like in such Malben institution on Mat Uriel, the Village for the Wind near Uedera, wliere hj blind men and their families are now supporting themselves through their own efforts, or in Kf'ar Zkeuin), m a r Tel Aviv, the rc«cntlyestahlislicd Malben Village for the Aped, l'idun; these and you will beK'in to understand the; m e a n i n g of JDC's aid to the thousands wiio oould not liuve survived without such assistance. It is perhaps nutural for me to think fii'Ht of Malben because this program looms no large in JDC'a current operations and planning- Of the total of $35,491,000 which .IDC has requested us a minimum from the 1953 campaigns of tho United Jewish Appeal, some $12,100,000—neurly 60 per c e n t has been allocated to Malben alone. But JDC's aid this llosh Uashanab will be just as vital to tens of thousands of Jews in other areas—in Iran, French Morocco, Tunisia and other countries of the Moslem world') in the DP camps of Germany, Austria "%nd Italy; in France and other parts of 'Western Europe. More Meanlngfnl In the synagogue in Agadir, I noted with some surprise that the machcor which I was given was printed in the small island of Djerba, some 1,200 miles away. I had visited the small printing shop of Djerba where this maehcor was printed. I had seen how much JDC's help had meant in the revival of Jewish life not only in, that small isolated community, but throughout North Africa. For the Jew of the Moslem world is not only poverty-stricken almost beyond description, but his life. > among the Arabs has been for yean « , life on the edge of a volcano. He had all but given up hope—until JDC came to him. For JOC brought not only feeding programs and medical care and reconstruction aid and loan funds and educational assistance-^ brought*' with it something, intangible but wr, more meaningful—rlt brought with it a reassurance that there were Jews in,' America, as well as in other countries, who did care about the future of these Jewish communities in the Arab world, and who were determined to give whatever assistance was necessary in preparing them for eventual resettlement in Israel or for building new lives'in the countries where they were. Throughout North Africa, the observance of Rosh Hoshanah is]1 according to an ancient ritual, but with overtones of a now faith—a feeling of belonging which began on the day when the'first JDC feeding canteens and trachoma centers and nursery schools were opened. Teeling of Belonging; This feeling of belonging is perhaps even more -vital to the thousands of Jewish DP's still in tho five DP camps of Germany, Austria and Italy. They are only a remnant of the tens of thousands who once called themselves DP's, but in many respects they are perhaps the most needy, the" most unfortunate.' For a large proportion of them are chronically ill or aged or physically handicapped and to most of them virt-


ually all eniigiation chuuniU have been barred, and their continued hurw\al is largely dependent on JDC. On their behalf, .IDG is not only exploring all existing emigration possibilities, but i» utti'inptiiig in i'V<Ty way possible to open new ones. .Snnill groups of DP's, including ex-TIi's and other physically handicapped men and women, have air ready departed for Norway and Sweden, thanks to the generosity of those governments- Today JDC is attempting to find new hones for other groups in such countries as Ireland, the United States and Central and South America, among others. In addition, a group of social workers is now in Germany, seeking to find individual solutions for this group of men, women and children who have suffered perhaps more than any others in history. The observance of Rosh Hashanah in Camp Foehrenwald and in the other DP camps will be at best a grim one But the grimness will be tempered somcwhatiby the knowledge that JDC and the Jews of America have not for-' gotten and are continuing their fighl

*" - <


to give to these Jewish DP'b some opportunity for a decent future. Hopeful Note It is in the countries of Western Europe that the new year will open on a more hopeful note, for in France, where some 15,000 Jews are still dependent upon outside Bources for aid, the Jewish community has begun to take over the responsibility for their care. Sincij the end'of the war, JDC has borne a major responsibility* for this care, but the increased vitality and success of the Fonds Social Juif Unifie, French Jewry's combined fund-raising appeal, glvcB every Indication that in the not too distant future the Jewish 'community of France will be able to assume full responsibility for the care of its own^needy. Similar developments have been taking place in such countries as Belgium, Italy and other areas of Western Europe, Thus, the year S714 opens at a time when to a great degree the worst of the post-war emergencies which faced the JDC have been met. The DP camps have been virtually emptied. Tens of thousands of Jews in such Moslem

JDC must continue to be prepared, as it has in all of itb thirty-eight and a halt year lnstoiy, for whatever emergencies may occur, iSucli an emergency occurred in January of 11)53, when hundreds of Jewish refugees made their way from Kast, Germany to West Berlin, wliere JDC joined with tho Jewish Gemeinde in providing food and clothing and housing until these refugees could be resettled in West Germany or in other amis. S u c h e m c r g t i K i f s h >i \ e i > p < i n i < f l

many times in J D C \ just Tin- wi^t majority of tho three'and 'i half million Jews who have been aided by JDC since 1914 have been victims »f wur and post-war catastrophes of Nazism and anti-Semitism, of homelrssnesb and hunger. But always, in the midst of disaster and catastrophe, they have known that they could continue to depend on JDC, on the helping hand of American Jewry. And on Rosh Hashanah 5714, all over the world even the most unfortunate can be sure that JDC has not forgotten them, and will not forget them so long as they are in need.





SAADYA 882-942


Champion of Saadya, the tenth-century thinker, who ai.ihe

ophy in order to explain, to-deepen, and to

age of 36 was appointed Head of the Jewish

strengthen Jewish thought.

" Academy in Sura, was a man who knitted all


Saadya attempted to show that philosophy

-strands of then current philosophical thought

and religion were not contradictory, but com-

into one system and presented a complete

plemented each other. 'Both religion and phil-

statement of Jewish religious philosophy.

osophy were, of the same divine source, ac-

His main work, the Book of Doctrines and Be*

Th» HideraTtl AVIT Rtllmjr, tint nil llo» to b» completed la Iirwl ilM* Ibe young republic M I eiubliihed t n ^ t i n no, wu conuriuted with Uw iiilmnw of f nveilment eipiul from ilia Staia of Una Bond Iuoe.TO*•>«• rillmr, which « u officially opened l»l week it fpccltl nrenoniei b«ld In Kefir Vltkln, llnJct tha port eillei of Tel Aviv and Half., I dliunca <f it mile*. The roule of the new railroad (ihown on the mip) befina «t Kernel Junelion and eonllnuei along Iirael'j eoaitil pliin lo Tel Avlir. Ai • reiull of Ihe new railroid line, «ho growing Induilrlil ctnttri of Niihinya and Herilia now hive direct rill Krvlce to the port facllillei of Hilfa. The rail route i*rom Haifa lo Kernel Junction wn bull! before Iiriel won ill political independence. The Hadera-Tel Aviv Itiilwiy li th« firit in • chain of nil nrlworh cnviiiied bjr Iirael to connect all of ll« Induilrlil and mlnini etntcn. With Ihe ild of firael Bond proceed*, work on another fiUwir wUl won

countries as Libya, Iraq and Yemen have been evacuated from the worst danger spots to safety m Israel. Mnny of the Jew,s who fled to "Western Kurope for safety have been rehabilitated and are now supporting themselves through their own efforts. But those still in need are by far the neediest, those who will continue to need such help as JDC is now providing for many years, perhaps for the rest of their lives In Camp Koeluenwald alone there are about 1,000 bo-called "hard-core" cases and their families., who eannoj survive without outside help. In Israel there are thousands in Malben institutions who are completely dependent upon this aid for survival, as well as thousands who need Malben's care, but must wait until Malben's fai cilities are expanded to make room for them- In Moslem countries JDC's feediifg and medical programs are vital to the existence of entire Jewish communities. Aid Must Continue In all of these areas, JDC's assis.tance must continue. And in addition,

> ""* 'f •

cording to him.

lief*, was written to guide the people of his

Jhe new system of thought he created stirred

time, whose faith was assailed by doubts and

the whole Jewish world. It brought with i t a

fears. Saadya was engaged^ in a struggle

freshness* and became a source of wisdom, of

against the forces of anarchy in the Jewish

learning and study, not only f o r its own time,

world. He created a unique and original philos-

but for later generations. '

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ried, t h e n a n strong indications that thii rate ia likely to increase. Pre*thre flanrtnl rabtfakMK Then are, of eourse, certain factors Wrtr. which appear to be favorable for our JkristwlM second- *s» matter at Omaha. creative Survival. Among them are the Kabraska, under Die act of March t, narrowing of differences among American J e w 1. That is, more American SOBSCWPHOW PRICE: Jews are thinking, acting and holding Ona Yaw to a core of values in common. The _ Bates Furnished on values, ia certain respects different Application. from those held in the past, are neverEDITORIAL QmCE—Jewish Community theless sources of potential strength. Center, 101 No. 80th St, Omaha. The growing lines of indistinction bePRINT SHOP ADDRESS—4808 So. SStb By Samuel Brown tween Jews who call themselves OrStrart. thodox, Reform or Conservative is like(Copyright, 1953) THE JEWISH PRESS it published by the ly to make for a healthy unity of purJEWISH FEDERATION of Omaha. It used to be said in Jerusalem that pose as contrasted with an unwholeThe opinions expressed In this newson the day before Rosh Bashanah evsome uniformity. . . paper arc those of the editor and ery Jew had a chicken in one hand and should not be construed ss necessarily Though present-day leadership is a melon in the other. Austerity regulareflecting- In any way those of the often weak, improperly motivated and tions are relaxed for the High H o l y officer* of the Jewish Federation or inadequately prepared for ita t a l k s , Days. Last year, the Jews were told .of any Individual or group in the there appears to be an ever-increasthey could have all the melons they community. ing number of up-and-coming laymen wanted, bnt were asked to save the HARRY HALPERT Editor who are beginning to challenge their seedsMAXINE BESSER Society Editor leaders. These younger men and womIn the colorful panorama of Bosh en—recognizing the dynamic nature of Hashanah in Israel, perhaps it is tbe Judaism, unafraid of c h a n g e if it Yemenites, those Jews said to resemble meaus growth and development, aware most our forefathers-of ancient Israel, of the need for spiritualizing their 'who make the most striking impreslives as well as those of their fellowsion. Approaching a Yemenite settleJews, ardent devotees of the democratment from a distance on Bosh Hashaic way of life, thinking in terms of the nah, one might suspect that he is viewJewish Community as the, instrument ing a field of white flowers. It is * through which their lives can be enstrict point with the Yemenite Jews on hanced, and determined to make their Rosh Hashanah to be arrayed from synagogues and temples the spiritual head to toe in white, symbolizing the reservoir of their lives and the lives of purity of heart with which we present By Dr. Albert I. Gordon their children—possess the will to live ourselves before the Almighty on the . as Jews. The State of Israel has helped (Editor's Note: This article it. a High Holy days. us, no end, to develop this kind of Jew. condensation of the lecture delivColorful Panorama Let us not write off the American ered at the B'nai B'rith Institute of Jew as a failure simply because he is, Rosh Hashsnah is a wonderful time Judaism, August 5-9, at 'Wildacres, in many respects, different from his ' for the Israeli florists. - There are Jews North Carolina, by Rabbi Gordon. European grandparents. We are presin Israel who do not go to synagogue Ten B'nai B'rith Institutes o£ Juently entering upon the second half of on Bosh Hashanah but one would daism were held this summer in varthe twentieth century with greater opscarcely find a house without some ious parts of thc-U. S. and in Euportunities than we have ever enjoyed flower's on tbe holiday. before to assure the creative survival rope. Rabbi Gordon is spiritual leadThe synagogues are packed to caof the American Jew. • er of the Newton Center, JIass., Conpacity on Bosh Hashanah -'-" in all their gregation Emanuel.) gradations from the grand Jeshnrun Synagogue of Jerusalem, headed by the The creative survival of the Jew Chief Babbi Herzog, to the numerous and Judaism in America is, by no "•tubtaeh" where a few mlnyanim remeans, assured. The general weakeneite their prayers, .with Chassidic ecsing of the religious base of Jewish life tacy. —a characteristic too of our Western Civilization — has resulted in an em"The "praetlce of dipping the bread phasis upon material things. The "arisin honey, symbolizing the Jiope for tocracy of learning" of the Jewish peoHappy New} Year, seem*'to be univer| pie has all too frequently been supsal among all" Jews. Another fairly planted by an "aristocracy of wealth." By Leo Tolstoy common practice is to design the halleh Material s u c c e s s was most often a to harmonize with the spirit of Bosh What is a Jewt This question is not means towards an end in our grandHashanah. The loaf msy take roundat all so odd as it seems. Let us see parents' generation. Today it lias, in ed shape, symbolic of the hope of a what kind of peculiar creature the Jew ever increasing degree, become the end balanced, well rounded year, someis, which all the rulers and all nations in itself. times poetic imaginations may take have together and separately abused more daring forms, with the loaf being Infallibility end molested, oppressed and persemanipulated in the form of the wings Relieving in its infallibility because cuted, trampled and butchered, burned of a bird, symbolizing the thought that of iti material success, American Jewand hanged—and in spite of all this is God will take us under his protective ish lay leadership often lacks the yet alive t What is a Jew, who has nevwings. Ifnow ledge, the vision or the humility er allowed himself to be led astray by to serve the best interests of our peoall the earthly possessions which his Journey To Water ple. To put it charitably, far too mnny oppressors and persecutors constantly The pious Jew of course will not persons who regard themselves as Jewoffered him in order that he should refrain from Tashlich, journpying to ish leaders are.inadequately informed change his faith and forsake his own sea, river, creek or even artificial resconcerning the Jewish past, do not see Jewish religion? ervoir of water to unload his year's Jewish life as a whole, and, as a conThe Jew is that sacred being who accumulations of sins. In Haifa arui sequence, do not understand the need has brought down from heaven the evTel Aviv, there is the Mediterranean for constructive, integrated planning erlasting fire and haa illuminated with Sea suitable for this purpose. The Jorfor the Jewish future. it the entire world. He is the religious dan and Lake Tiberias will service Though we are becoming: increass o u r c e , spring and fountain out of their adjoining communities. In the ingly aware of the problem on a comwhich all the rest of the peoples have interior of the Negeb, the various resmunity-wide basis, we are still doing drawn their beliefs and their religions. ervoirs created by the new irrigation an inadequate job in Jewish education. system, financed by Israel bonds, will The Jew is the emblem of eternityOurs is still a Sunday School oriented serve the purpose. It was presumably He whom neither slaughter nor torture system. Over 90 per cent of Jewish only with the purpose of irrigating and of thousands, of years could destroy, children of high school age do not remaking fruitful the dry land that the he whom neither fire nor sword nor ceive any Jewish education. But 36.8 irrigation system was designed, but if inquisition was able to wipe off from per cent of the total Jewish school enit also serves to irrigate the souls, who the face of the earth, he who was the rollment attends Hebrew schools. •ball ' . first to produce the oracles of God, he who has been for BO long the guardian • The problem of intermarriage is beBosh Hashanah is a time of spiritcoming increasingly serious. "What few . of prophecy, and who transmitted it to ual stock taking in Israel, bnt it is also the rest of the world—such a nation studies that have been made on the a time of.taking stock of the land of cannot be destroyed. The Jew is eversubject indicate that at least 6 per cent Israel. The press of Israel blossom lasting as is eternity itself. of all American Jews are intermarforth in large editions with surveys of the year past and prospects for the new year. Shining Through The past year has been one of con, tinned austerity in Israel, but the shining through of the sun in many of the dark spots is a harbinger of a brighter year ahead. The greatest advance during the past year was undoubtedly in the field of agriculture. As little as two years back, there was a great shortDuring 5714 American Jewt will ebi'arv* «n important mtleage of vegetables. Now there is an «f one—the 300th anniversary of Jewish settlement on North Ameractual surplus and now a marketing ican shores. Thou first Jews who settled In New Amsterdam (now board has been get up to divert the New York) were the forerunners of "Waves of immigration" which surplus to canning factories for exports. Similarly, a few years back, tuccessively brought Spanish-Portuguese, German, and East Euro-

Hashonah In Israel

A Critical View, American Jewish Community

What Is a Jew?

Rabbi's Message

Israel had to buy from the outside most' of its fodder for cuttle and poultry. ' Today the overwhelming proportion in homegrown and Israel looks confidently to being entirely self-sufficient iu this article in a short time. Qreat strides have been made in industry. From 1950-to 1953, the Investment center of tbe Israel Minister of Commerce approved 1,500 new industrial enterprises, Israel now exports a variety of products ranging all the way from automobile tires and phosphates to women's wear and pencils. Great Snag The great 'snag in the development of Israel as the Israeli Minister of Fiance, Levi Eshkol recently pointed out is Bimply the want of capital. In the days of the Mandate, quite a large proportion of Jewish immigrants came with capital of their own. The hundreds of thousands who have come, in since the establishment of the State were penniless. This lack as Mr, Eshkol pointed out, must be filled now by Israel bondsThe past year has ben heartening in the finding of additional 'minerals in tbe Negev and elsewhere. Among the minerals now known to be found in the country are phosphates, copper, feldspar, aluminum) iron, gypsum, and manganese and copper. Tjhe iron de- posits are more extensive than originally supposed* The manganese may take on strategic and political importance since Russia has in'the past been the ' chief source of this metal. Transportation difficulties h a v e impeded the working of the copper and phosphate deposits, but the completion of the new, year be loaded on ship* to bring Israelk much needed dollars. • . • Perhaps the new year may brinjr some pleaasnt surprises. Should oil be ~ found, as some American geologists be-, lieve it will, it will be a happy year, indeed for Israel.

pean Jews to tho colonies and, after tha War of Independence, to the United States. , Three hundred years do not constitute a frtmendeus period fo a people which traces its history for four thouiand years. Yet in those three hundred years, we have seen the growth of the largest Jewish community in tho world—and the strongest. American Jaws may be proud of our record in bringing help fo persecuted Jewries throughout the world, and in helping to establish and maintain the, State of Israel. We may be proud of our readiness to protect the rights of Jews in all parts of the world. * But three hundred years have not been sufficient fo build a 'Jewish community that is mature and Jewishly intelligent. Thin far, we hold the dubious distinction of being the only large Jewish community in our long history wifh a steady record of large-scale Jewish illiteracy, with a continuing end undetermined battle between education and assimilation, with an appalling laclc of appreciation by our people of their own faith and the contribution of our spiritual giants fo world civilization.

Rabbi's Message With all the fervor of a typical newcomor to the community, I extend a moit cordial holiday greeting to all fellow Jews In the Omaha area. May this now chronological chapter in our lives open for us fresh vistas of service and achievement in tho realm of the spirit.

Should this not be for us a year of decision? Should this not ba for us a time fo determine to coma of age, fo earn our place of leadership not only as a well-established and financially sound community, but also at a community spiritually sound, strong In our faithi Intelligent in our tradition? -

Every Jew, when ho prays in the synagogue during these awesome days, should boar in mind that he is pleading not only for the ' health and happiness of himself and his loved ones, but on behalf of Klal Yiirael as well. In a broader sense, moroover, the Jew comes before fhe heavenly tribunal to intercede on behalf of suffering humanity: coniequonfly, every Jew is charged with a subtime mission; let him not deceive himself Into believing that his responsibilitios can be fulfilled by formal lip-worship. The hour challenges him fo re-dedicate his life to the lofty plateau envisioned by the teachings of Jewish tradition. ' /

Let this be our thought at we welcome the New Year. Let us strive to be worthy of the bounties of this great land, and to deserve 4h» year we pray for—a year of peace and plenty, a year of joy in God's blasting.

May the Inspiration of our venerable High Holiday prayers bring consecration to the lives of our people; and may all of us be ••• Inscribed In the Book of Life.

, 1



, '

U. S. History New. York (JTA) — Establishment of an 18-member Committee on Bevearob and Publications .to handle the scholarly and academic aspects of the celebration in 1954 of the 300th anniversary of Jewish settlement in America was announced by Ralph E. Samuel, chairman of the American Jewish Tercentenary Committee. Prominent historians have accepted membership on the research committee, which is headed by Dr. Salo W. Baron, noted historian. Dr. Baron said his committee now has under consideration a number of projects, among them a 10-voIume decumentary history of the Jews in the United States, ''which will not only serve to ^ provide esential scholarly background for tbe anniversary celebration,'but will also constitute substantial contributions to American and Jewish history and be of great assistance to students and scholars for years

to come in the general field of •historical studies." A series of monographs in American Jewish history, as well a»«ome publications of a more popular nature, are also contemplated.

Scientist in kraal Jerusalem (WNS)—Dr. Milton Bosenbaum, Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine And one of America's foremost psychiatric, teachers, arrived in Israel from, the United States for the purpose of establishing a Department of Psychiatric at the Hebrew' University-Hadassah Medical School. The establishment of tbisdepartment has been made possible by a recent grant of $150,000 from the Julius ana Marie Schcider Memorial Fund for Neuropsychiatry to the Hebrew UniversityHadassah Medical School. Dr. Rosenbaum will remain iu Israel between three and fonr months.

. Rabbi's Message Dear Friends: yFor the first time in many years we approach our High Holidays* in a world that is at,least nominally at peace. However tenuout the Korean fruca may be, we can be comforted by the fact . thitrfor fhe time being, the willful slaughter of man by other men has stopped. Yet, while physical slaughter has abated, social, political, and intellectual slaughter continues in too many areas of our world. We know that fhese abuses lead Inevitably to iha great* est of all sins: the deifruction of human lift. To war's suffering add death are added fear, anxiety, humiliation, and loneliness for those waiting for the men who fight. These are the fruits of our inhumanities unto one another. Such has too much been the fate of our era. To each of us our High Holidays speak of thoie fhomos in terms that are personal and positive. Tho soveroignty of a God of Justico, tho harmony of creation, the sacrodness of life—these are the aisertions of our Faith. So our peoplo have through tho agos voiced thoso ideals in the fervent cadoncos of our prayarbook. In the spirit of our tradition, lot us ropoat not alono with our lips buf with our hoarts tho confoition of our failings, and dtclara our intention to uplift and dignify our actions in tho yoar ahoad. May the penitential seaion teach us thai drawing near unto God, finding peace within ounolvoi, building harmony in our social relationships aro tho suro wayi to peace, harmony and friendship in fhe world. Ono of our great poots doclarod: "Mon aro children of this world Yet hath God sot ofernity in thoir hoarfj." May our High Holiday soason bo tho timo whon wo may realistically and sincerely weld together tho wprldlinoss of our , daily lives and the eternity of our souls. May our prayers bring us close to our God, even at praying fogothor wo bo drawn cloiar fo one another- As w« labor together In fhe yoar ahead, may we find our community ever more distinguished by continued dedication to fho physical welfare, fhe political freedom and the spiritual intogrity of our fellowmen. Thus may we have In somo measure fulfilled the will of our Creator and merit fhe blessing of Life, Health and Peace, for us and all the world.


Faithfully yours,

Beth Israel




MAIMONIDES 1135-1204

that fettered it." Maimonides formulated a philosophy of religion and proclaimed the sovereignty of reason.

"From the time of (the law-giver) Moses to that of Moses (Maimonides) there arose none like Moses." A scion of an illustrious family of scholars in Cordova, Maimonides was born in 1135 the time when Spain's golden area for the Jews was on the wane.

v:> v HA>t?! ?:


"What largely gives the book its timelessness \« • ft-f|f'Sf '*, % "" despite the mutations of centuries, is its implied " ^ > J $ * ' ' » > j & i . c a |j t o freedom, to the emancipation of the mind from the crude beliefs and superstitions hJ^-i


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"After almost a thousand years, Moses Maimon, ides emerges as a titanic figure of the age in which he lived, and with his death a period in w Jewish history may be said to have closed . . . < He was not'an aloof philosopher, Indifferent to the needs and interests of his generation, but a " kind, warm-hearted man who wanted men to be free, and being free, happy. When he saw religion neglected and the To rah in danger of be"j, coming forgotten, he did the brave thing, ere gating a philosophy by which reason and religion ;^might live together in harmfcny."

Maimonides searched for truth when It was safer for men to believe than to think, to follow toir




He explored the Bible, with an open mind and tried to span a bridge between religion and rea, son where before for a thousahd years beliefs and practices had been obeyed blindly. c

Exiled in Egypt, he wrote the Guide to the Perplexed, in which he attempted to harmonize Jewish religious beliefs with the rules of logic. He probed the philosophic spirit of Judaism to vindicate its fruth.



, I





*&+' *C

onsolidation in Israel By David L Manner Copyright, 1958, JTA) " MM Israel's one and a half million Jfcwish citizen* take leave of the year 0718, they look back upon the fifth y«4r of their rebord Statehood at on fc year of consolidation during which t w y endeavored to harness the draniatic and rapid events of the preceding'four years. The strides taken during those years have been conditioned ttl»fnnprecedented influx of more than 700,000 new immigrants who more than doubled the ciisting Jewish community «XB50,000 at the time of the Declaration of Independence. Human Stream , .The last year lias witnessed a halt in (hlf human stream. .Ifirael'K immigration policy as embodied in the Law •£_ the return, whereby every Jew has t.rjght to come to nnd settle in the eyer, the greut strain puf n[>on the resource; available for absorption by tjte preceding influx on the one hand, and the prohihifive res!ri'-tions on \><<imrnif.'i-ant'i from Eastern Kuon the other hand, havi- bniiight a niiirlu-d cleci'f^ase in immi(,'nitlQn- figures -a d^iTcase which be^an already in the middl" of 5712 and continued into 571'!. The slowdown in immigration has afforded the Oovcrnjrtent and the nation an opportunity to Consider more ealmlv and under le^s •pressure some of tin' basic infernal i facing the Stiitc. Quest February lfl.'iL*. the government. y the approval of the Knesset (TarKanjent), .introduced a new economic pelicy aimed at combating inflation, increasing pnxliiHiviiy and encouraging, exports and fon-igu investments. The total Gov.-rnnieiit budget of t 1Mpaot year—including allocutions for 'defense—was finance.1 from current revenue incomes, a ni'-a^ure designed to -curb inflation. .>• Greater economy and efficiency have bfien introduced into the administrat e " . Tin the recommendation of a C'HII-

inft cffieii'in'v I'nnimitti.'o, about 3,1100 Government employees—out of a Vital fil' ^7,0U:'-- tii've Ijeeii discharged withi n ' t h e lust few months. The Israel pound has been brought in line with its real value. This devaluation stimulates the foreign investor to import the Urgently needed foreign exchange and enables the Israel exporter to1 compete on the fi'-ei'/n markets. Overhauling; 'The overhauling of a national economy in Israel's present state, is not a job to be done quickly. However, the results achieved so far are quite encouraging. Inflation has been significantly curbed and therefore most consumer goods have been decontrolled. During the first half of 1953 exports increased by 19 per cent as compared with the same period of 1952. The year 5713 has witnessed the first tangible results of the hundreds.'of mHlions of dollars invested in agriculture and industry. The greatest development has -been observed in agriculture. Locally grown vegetables were almost sufficient to cover local needs. The increase in production of other staples reduced the. country's dependence on food purchases from abroad. Bananas were exported to Europe. The citrus industry, which suffered severely'during World War II and the War of Liberation, is now on the road to recovery. The 5713 season yielded an export crop of .nearly five and a half million boxes as compared with 3,700,444 boxes in the 5712 season, an increase of 50 per cent. Citrus has again become one of the country's most ifportnnt export products and earner of foreign exchange. i»: Great Strides :" Great strides in the implementation Of irrigation projects have been noted doling the past year. The damming of the Beit Natnfa Valley in Galileo ipjll make it possible to store one milljj>n cubic meters of water. The Taritotj-?Tegev pipeline, designed to divert tlje ."paters of the Tarkon River, near $yi 'Aviv, to the arid lands in the S&fjev, is near completion. Shortage of pipes has been greatly alleviated by the -output of two large pipe plants H^uVh started production last year. •*-Phosphate mining in the Negev and Jjfr.additional sulphuric acid plant coin' pleted recently are sufficiently productive to supply Israel's growing agriculture with its entire fertilizer ret i r e m e n t , hitherto imported.. The first trial shipment of phosphate abroad was • JRfrde in June and indicates prospects flj-a profitable export item and earner , ^ ' f o r e i g n exchange, "•ff, Industrial Progress r,' The industrial progress of the conn- • ftff, though less outstanding than the (Ifrowth of agriculture, has nevertheless h*t& substantial. New industrial fcfanohes 'have been established. Tire and rubber plants have already begun production for, the local market, .as Weil as for export. The exploitation of Hie.mineral, resources of the Negev luuf laid the foundation of a prosperous dhcmieal industry/A new 48-mile highwhlcn connectr'the Potash 'Works in • Srtdom at the southern tip of the Negev jth Beereheba, the [Capital of the ," was completed last spring. t h e new road, coupled with the new Installations in tha plants of the Potash *KerkB l a s already enabled resumption ofl-extraetioo of Dead Sea minerals. • > J B addition. Israel's oil'prospects k»va been enhanced recently by the jKgtfvitfes of foreign and domestic oil e}ejnpanleg. Seven, companies have been gtllpfed IMenaes* feeder the Petroleum

Law of August, 1952. Test drillings have begun. Side by side with these lights there Jurk some shadow*. The deflationary measures, the devaluation of the pound with its rising prices, and other actions of the New Economic Policy have naturally brought about a temporary decrease in economic activity. Government economizing has restricted publie works to a minimum The result was an increase in unemployment. At the middle of the year there were 20,000 unemployed. Although this figure amounted to only about four per cent of the gainfully employed (550,000), the situation caused considerable concern. An unemployment tax was levied by the Knesset for the financing of development projects. The liu>tadrut (General Federation of Labor) allocated 0,000,000 Israeli pouuds from its pension funds for loans to municipal governments and other public bodies tor unemployment purposes. A movemen i "from town to village" designed to direct unemployed city dwellers to agriculture which is in urgent need of additional workers, was launched. In a relatively short period of time during the past year, approximately 2,200 nr* ban workers' families were either ab* sorbed by existing villages or formed • new settlements. AU of these measure* combined have resulted in a gradual decrease in unemployment. In this connection it is worthwhile to emphasize that more than two-thirds of the unemployed are unskilled workers. Internal Affairs On 21 IJeshvan (November 9, 1952) the State of Israel and the Jewish people last their Founder-President Dr. (.'haini Weizmann. The great leader and statesman passed away at his residence in Kehovoth at the age of 76. After a month of traditional mourning the Knesset elected Mr. Yitzhak lien Zvi President of Israel. Pioneer, soldier, scholar and statesman, President lieu Zvi has earned the general r admiration, love and respect of all the sections of the nation. The beginning of the'year witnessed another government crisis owing to the withdrawal'of the Agudat Israel from the coalition. Fortunately,-the Government emerged from this crihis strengthened by a broader coalition which includes Mapai, General Zionists, Pro-. gressives, Hapoel Hamizrachi and Miirachi. The. five-party coalition Government and its program were approved by the Knesset in December, 1952. The 20-point program provides for the encouragement of private foreign, investment and the termination, as far as possible, of controls on economic activities. A unified education system is to be Bet up doing away with the ideological trend system of the past 30 years as being incompatible with the new conditions. In the ramification of • the unified state education, religious schooling is to be assured to all children whose parents desire i t The unified education issue has been one of the main .reasons for the. defection of the Agudat Israel from the coalition and they continue to oppose it. On the -other extreme, unified education- is 'opposed by the left-wing Mapam. The predominant majority of the nation, however, considers the measure of primary importance for the integration and consolidation of the nation, composed as it is of immigrants • from more than 60 countries all over the world, of various traditions and. ways of life. Following Ihe passage of an appropriate law in the Knesset, the new school system will come into being in the academic year 5714 and'will mark an .important landmark in the national aijd cultural life 'of Israel. International Relations There Jias. been no change in Israel's main problem of her foreign policy, namely: peace with the Arab states. However, Israel's position, that the primary prerequisite for peace and the settlement of the outstanding issues are. direct negotiations between the Arab states and herself, has gained powerful support in; the 1952-53 session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. An eight-power Draft Resolution called- on the Arab states and Israel "to enter at an early date into direct regotiations for the establishment of the settlement of their outstanding differences." Thirty-two states, amonpr them the United States, the United Kingdom, .

France, 15 Latin American states and many European and British Commonwealth states, voted in favor of this resolution in the Ad Hoc Political Committee. Unfortunately, it failed to get the required two-thirda majority in the Plenary Meeting. The State of Israel, as Jewish people all over the world, has been profoundly moved by the trials and the Moscow accusations accompanied, as they were, by anti-Jewish, anti-Zionist and antiIsrael incitements. In denouncing this campaign, the Foreign Minister, Mr. Moshe Sharett, declared on behalf of the Government, with the approval of the Knesset that "The State of Israel will not rest silent in the fsee of any attempt made by any power to defame the name of the Jewish people and of a danger threatening the masses of Jews wherever they may be." The Israel Delegation to the United Nations exposed this campaign of incitement in the General Assembly of the United . Nations.

lomatic relations with Israel. Following an exchange of notes between the For* eign Ministers, of the two states, the relations were resumed in July. In regard to Israel-United States relations, the Foreign Minister, Mr. Moshe Sharett, in his major foreign policy statement to the Knesset in June defined Israel-Americans relations in this way: "Friendly relations with the United States and the continued efforts to promote and strengthen this friendship is one of the cornerstones of Israel's foreign policy." • Israel's connections with Asian states have jheen strengthened this year by establishing diplomatic representations in Japan and Burma. The year 5713 has been a further step in Israel's constructive endeavors' to solve the many problems involved in the historic paat of rehabilitating an ancient-new nation and country- The trials and achievements of the passing year imbues this young and vigorous democracy with confidence in the future.

In February, the USSB severed dip*

Installing new lclct.% pe uiu:[imtnt. TEL AVIV. Iirael (IIP). — equipment is being initalled Widening lti linc» of commu- in signal stations ihrougHoul nications to link ouUying iho young republic. artu with h«r principal ciThe new equipment arrived tit«. Isratl thii week received e> Israel's telephone lines additional modern radio-Mc- handled a record number of Phon» equipment from the calls during the past It United Siiiei. months. Poit Office officials Purchiied with the here reported 78,000,000 calls •no* of State of Iiraal Bond were placed by Israelis during last year. The length of S3.380.000 Bond expenditure the country's telephone lines for expansion of the country'* increased from 3.138 in 1011 tommunicUioni. the n e w to 3.354 during thai raar,

' !



Parity of

-/v BARUCH SPINOZA 1632-1677.

- Baruch Spinoza's life is the story of an independent man and thinker,, 'who in his humble position as a lens grinder reached out for the true meaning of freedom. . ' , In the words of Professor George Santayana, "Like the ancient prophets of his nation, but with a clearer right, he can end his denunciation •of all falseness with the tremendous words, 'So said the Lord.' For in breaking away from the medieval synagogue, and even from the orthodoxy of the Pharisees, Spinoza returned to the essential insights of the prophets, and to the primary instincts of the Hebrew nation."

Canadian Arrivals Montreal (WNS)—A total of 34,862 Jpws immigrated to Canada from. 1948 to 1952 inclusive, The Canadian Jewish Congress reported. Of this number, the largest group,, about 13,000 eanje from Poland. • •. While 3,307 American Jews settled in Canada during this period, a total of 6,200 Jews emigrated from Canada to the United States. About 1,800 Jews eame to Canada from Israel, while 250 left this country for the Jewish state. Prom Britain came 3,422 Jews to Canada during the five-year period.

Bible Revision Jerusalem (JTA) — The Hebrew University nnnottneed publication of (he first revision of the Hebrew text of the Bible by a Jewish scholar in Jerusalem. The project was conceived by the late Judah L. Magnes, then president of the University, and was car- ried out by Prof. Umberto Cassuto whft died in 1951.

A controversial figure in his day he possessed the sublime purity of heart and a firm belief in spiritual values which helped him overcome the obstacles which were placed in his way. His humbleness and fortitude in suffering combined with an objectivity and coolness of thinking were his weapons in the quest for truth.

.\v, s^tzfj:,



: - -


Ntw Year's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roth Hashonah 5714—Thursday, Septembtr

Washington Resume By Hilton Friedman (Copyright, 1053, JTA) Washington (JTA) —Contro\d'i>il tactics of Congii -MOMUI (ormmttfii concerned with buliwi-iw n>tmti<>drew the attention nf iiin.ior Jewish organisation, sim • li I Ku^li Jlnslinnah. A i n i i U l \ iii inn '-, i i o u t . J e w i s h l e a d e r s tli it ' Mi ( n l l n i^m ' v a s c r e a t i n g mi iiliiiiispln i l o m l u r n e t o a n t i -

Semitism, virluiill.v nil major Jewish groups m nt on i> out against abuses Of the I'll I »t Uijrhs A lj\-pioiini't ot tl» Jdpublican victory at 1 Jit; pulls li:st November was the iiri'i^mc i1 fif Si-n Joseph It. McCarthy as cliairiiinn nf the Senate Committee mi (iuwmiiipnt Operatoins. Thih ga\o tlir Knininr MIccping investigative powers which ho lost no time in pxirtin^ ][i< maintained that,, ha lias suit lj alter Communists and only disloyal pi rsuiii need fi-nr attack. But hii opponents felt tlmt he character' feed as a Commuuist anyone who dls< agreed with his extreme right-wing political conviction*. Tactics ' Elements in the Jewish community raised the question of whether Sen. McCarthy ami other members of Congress who used similar tactics conld properly be considered fitting objects of "Jewish interest." An affirmative answer came when extremists attacks on religious life were threatened. Rabbinical and anti-defamation organisations spoke out In unmistakable terms. Many people wanted to know: "Is McCarthy anti-Semitic?" Some undertook to answer this question by saying . that, if one Mould use his own standj» ardg of g u i l t by association, things k might look pretty bad for the Senator. ' They pointed out his insertion of antiJewish material by Upton Closein the * Congressional Record; aid to Nafci war criminals and efforts to free them from prison; participation in the anti-Semi\ tic campaign against confirmation of "itbe appointment of former Assistant iDefetific Secretary Anna Rosenberg, , and the widespreud support given him by the lunatic fiiiiKe of anti-Semites in this countr,« and neo-Nazis in German} But no responsible Jewish rirgunmitioii offimih di-M nhi'il .S< n Me(\irtl>\ as prejiidiKil iicmnst the Jewish religions faith Careful Consideration The carfful and objective consideration afforded the .Senator on the is«uc of anti-Bcmitism by Jewish organizations apparently did not coincido with the standards he used in judging others. In the course of n "Meet the Press" leletnU he hurled char Ken of V'flagrant niiti-Seinitism" against Sen. A. 8. Mike Monroney, of Oklahoma, ijeii. McCarthy used as the basis for his allegations the assertion that Sen. Monroney was guilty of religious big, otry because he opposed the tactics of *twb McCarthy aides. The two aides, „ whose questionable conduct drew wide- spread scorn, happened to be Jews, »' Sen. Herbert B. Lehman, of New Tork, ' took the floor of the Senate to defend Ben. Monroney while the B'nai B'rith and other leading Jewish groups which Jcnew Ken. Monroney as a fair-minded gentleman sprang to his support. Jewish organizations vigorously opposed Communism and were anxious that the most cfeetive steps possible be taken against subersion. But they feared and opposed the destruction of civil liberties by extremists who, in .the guise of opposing Communism, sought to blur the vital distinction be- *

liuen libciaK and Communists A warning Hint "already the corroMie process lias begun" by which fear is "tnrroiliripr our liberties, turning citizen against citizen" was issued in Harry Truman's last major expression as President. Mr. Truman said that "every dimunition of our tolerance, each new act of enforced conformity, each idle accusation, each demonstration of hysteria—each new restrictive law\-is one more sign tnat we can lose the battle against fear . . . the inquisition, the star chamber, have no place in a free society." Jacob Blaustein, president of the American Jewish Committee, told a AJC meeting in Chicago that "Hew antiSemites are devoting their efforts 'at present to open anti-Semitic propaganda or direct assaults on Jews." Instead, he said, "many of them are operating in the disguise of anti-Communists." Mr. Blaustein observed that "We are facing here a far more dangerous problem than the old-fashioned anti-Semitie agitation—far more insidious and far' more complex." Prudent Dee President Eisenhower s o u g h t to avoid confronting Sen. McCarthy but he did take effective action on two issues.-. They dearly served as rebukes to the Senator. Jewish organizations, painfully aware of what followed bookburnings in Nazi Germany, were encouraged when President Eisenhower spoke out at Dartmouth against American book-burning, activities obviously inspired by Sen. McCarthy. Sen. McCarthy defied even his own ,, committee by seeking to retain an extremist named Dr. J. B. Mattrews as staff director. President Eisenhower took decisive action. The President in-/ formed the'National'Conference of Christians and Jews of his disapproval of Dr, Matthews' broad charges of disloyalty against Protestant clergymen, Or. Matthews found himself forced to resign. Sen. McCarthy accepted the resignation "reluctantly." Dr. Matthews was the same man who helped , Sen. McCarthy launch the red-smear campaign against Mrs. Anna Rosenheri? Itabbi Ira KiHi-nstein, president of the Ilabbinical Assembly of America, (ailed on all rabbis to oppose the "terror and intimidation" spread by the McCarthyitcs. "According to Jewish traditions," said the rabbi, "the true prophets were always those who spoke the truth regardless of consequences. As leaders of our people, we must uphold the sacred right to be different; We Jews'have most to lose from the unchecked forces of conformity as we have most to gain from freedom, from the assertion of individuality." McCarthy ' Sen. McCarthy aimed insinuations of disloyalty at Sen. Herbert H. Lehman and others who questioned his methods. The charge against Sen! Lehman was that the New Yorker made "illegal" nse of Senate free mailing privileges because he mailed out a speech critical of Sen. McCarthy. Sen. Lehman said'he Had no apology J to make for he had only used the same mailing priveleges available to all other members of Congress. Comparing "McCarthyism" with fascism,,Sen. Lehman told the Senate that Sen. McCarthy 'seeks to intimidate into silence those who are afraid to take a chance of being attacked. Comparing Prof. Albert Einstein with the Communists, Sen. McCarthy described him as "an enemy of Amer-

ica." This language was familiar lu ry H. fjchultz, national chairmau of the Anti-Defamation L e a g u e of B'nai the great scientist who was offered but B'rith. "In the ADL," Mr. Kchultz said, declined the presidency of Israel. T.o "we bad had a unique opportunity to Profit. Einstein it was all somehow watch the professional bigots, the sureminiscent of a political fanaticism per-patriots, the dark reactionaries, unhe had once fled. der the pretense of fighting CommuRabbi Bernard Mandelbaum, dean nism—striking not at Communism, but of students at the Jewish Theologioal the free institutions which have made Seminary of America, told an interAmerica great. Such a coalition faces faith conference at Charlottesville, Va., us with a constant threat, for it gives that American freedom is threatened Sanction to bigotry and provides an atwith "spiritual paralysis" because "the mosphere in which organized antiMcCarthys, Jenners, McCarrans. and ' Semitism can play upon the fears of the like invoke the name of democracy, ' people. With the shadow of war over but defy fundamental religious propous, the danger of acute, violent antisitions." Not only did the national orSemitism is always present." ganisations of Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform rabbis adopt resolutions ' There was no question but that but the entire National Community ReAmerican Jews like other Americans lations Advisory Council, embracing concerned with preserving freedom, Jewish g r o u p s from coast-to-coast, are worried lest Congressional investiwent on record. ' gators destroy the very liberties they The issue was met squarely by Henavowedly seek to'protect.

Ein Shemer, Israel At Kfar Zkenlm, the new Mulben Village for the Aged, • Yemenite Jew reads his Bcffr Toruli. A shortage of religious book* In "Yemen caused several men to share one book or scroll, and the practice of reading upside down given them no difficulty now. Kfar Zkenlm, which is now home for 1,000 aged Jewish Immigrants to the Jewish state, Is one of some 100 institutions financed by the Joint Distribution Committee's Malben program on behalf of aged, UI and handicapped newcomers to Israel. JOG receive* the funds for Its overseas programs front the Doited Jewish Appeal.

A New



if f Moses Mendelssohn 1729-1786

Philosopher, critic and transjator of the Bible,


hjm that he was a man "who made the arts and

Mpses Mendelssohn helped lift the cloak of

.sciences flourish, and made liberty of thought

I Medievalism from the shoulders of eighteenth


universal in his realm."

century European Jewry. A new epoch in Jew-


ish history is said to have begun with him. Mendelssohn's impact was that he combined




have changed the wh'ole aspect of Jewish life. By his widening of the scope of education in

He was vitally interested in the modernization

Jewish 'schools, he became the leading expo-

of Jewish literature.


Mendelssohn, by literary revival, was said to


Judaism with the modern culture of mYtime. ' . ' - • '

•v nent of culture. He was'a gentle spirit, moder-

A contributor to the outstanding Jitjrary mag-

ate in his criticisms, this, coupled with the

azines, he aided Jewish literature to take on an '

other traits of his exemplary personality, gave

independent status of its owo. It'was said of

Milk, a aetree camaodky la brad, will soon b* snilabte in increased msfr Idle* 10 m«l the needa of Ihe young republic*! eiptndlng population, whli the aulitince of fundi from lbs State of Iir«tl Bond Iiutc, the Tmm Dairy HII recently completed at • eon of 1,000,000 Iirael Pound*. Here we tee milk, • wliirli has already been paileuriied and procened, belnn cooled in • •peeial ililnlcu tteel machine thai waa purchased with Iirael Bond proceeda. The lry clanl, larxetl In the Middle EaM, ia now produclni 360,000 qn dairy ilk, fourteen Ions of eheew, four tern tl butler. Iwae auantlliea of Milk dI dher prodwla Aarfau a. .I(ht4.e«r ahlft Wit. sdd[(la«I land

, ' ' t :<

* • ' added significance to his achievements. ' ' '

next ten years, however. If the law is earned d outt in i goodd faith, f i its overall cost is variously estimated at between $700 million and $1 billion. Highlights The highlight of 5713 has ben this trio of legislative enactments — the Reparations Agreement with Israel, the pledge of a substantial payment to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims and the passage of the Indemnification Law. The extent of Nazi barbarity, for which they seek tn ah'tic in sonumeasure, wus unparalleled. At the same time it must be acknowledge that, as a voluntary gesture of a state which in this respect is fully sovereign, the. reparations pact and the indemnification bill also have no precedent in history. Great credit IR due to those Germans who labored hard to bring all this about—above all others Chancellor Advnaucr, the late Kurt Schumacher. Professor Fran* Boehm and Dr. Otto Jiuester. The parliamentary deputies of the Social Democratic Party voted to a man for both the pact and the bill, although they are in bitter opposition to the Adenauer government. A m o n g the governmental coalition, only a minority supported the pact and bill wholeheartedly. The moral courage of that minority, as well as that of the Social Democrats, Is all the greater because, as politicians up for re-election in September, they are well aware

' At Luxembourg, Germany pledged herself to unify and improve this hodgepodge of state laws through introduction of a federal law that would incorporate benefits for some 30 specified classes of persecution and pensecutees, while being no more unfavorable to Nazi victims than the statutes now applicable in the U. S. Zone. A sweeping and unified indemnification Jaw covering West Germany ban ben demanded, and promu'-d, for w the Coufeiewc, formed by 23 major years or more. Numerous drafts, at , Jewish organizations of ttie Western \ariauce in detail, were worked cut. world. It is tht- first time that they but it was Only in June of 1051 that have thus, been recognized at the inthe Federal Government introduced « ternational diplomatic level aB the aubill of its own into parliament. Friends thorized spokesmen of the Jewish peoof indemnification found it uniwtiKple outside of Israel. factory in many respect* but. re»«onIndemnification ing that a bad law was preferable to Beyond the compacts entered into no law at all, raUied behind it. Tin' by Germany with the State of Israel bill, whose fate often bung by a thread, snd with the Jewish organizations, she was in the end endorsed by parliament also agreed st Luxembourg to take all st tba last possible minute before tb? possible steps to carry out an adequate adjournment. It will enter into effect indemnification program for individual on October 1. victims of Nazism. A bewildering ar, The law provides for direct payray or compensation legislation bad, it T s true, already been passed earlier by . ment* to Nazi victims, or their surviving dependents, because'of illegal imthe constituent states of the German prisonment (for each month they were Federal Republic and by West Berlin, held, former concentration camp inbut these laws - differed widely and, mates are to receive the equivalent of quite I aside from an administration •35), deprivation of property, lou of often marked by ill will, proved inadeearnings and physical injuries resultquate in many respects. In the British • zone, these deficiencies were most pro- . ing in a disability of a third or more. Payments are to be spread over the nounced.

A Year of Jewish Life in Germany By Sam Miller (J. T. A. Correspondent i s Germany) Bonn (JTA)—As 1953 was ushered in, a prominent German of good will called upon the German people to turn this eighth year after the collapse of Nazism into the "Jahr der Wiedergutmachung" — a German concept which comprises not only the restitution of property, the paying of compensation or indemnification and the furnishing of reparations goods, but also the making of. moral snd spiritual amends. Insofar as parliamentary processes and legislative enactments go, this demand was fulfilled. It is a different question, and one Avlneh hardly a serious observer is pi-ppared to answer in the affirmative, whether any substantial section of the German people is truly anxious to "make good" some small part of the injuries inflicted by Germany upon the Jews of Europe, whether Germans in appreciable numbers have undergone a feeling of contrition, of thnt "collective shame" once demanded by IVdrnil I'rpsident Theo-, dor Heiisn. Reparations In Germany, the your 5713 unrolled In the shadow of t h e Reparations Agreement which, after protracted negotiations in The Hague, had been signed in Luxembourg ten days before the last Kosb Haahanah. On March ' 20,1953, the pact was approved by the German Bundestag. A week later, it entered into effect with the exchange of ratification instruments at the United Nations. In June, Germany issued the necessary implementation regulations, whereupon the first orders could be placed-with German manufacturers. Already in July, tlie first two boatloads of reparations goods left North Spa. forts for Tel Aviv. By August these bhipmentH were readied for use in tic upbuilding of the Jewish State. Today, as the first iron beams with* the "madc-iii-Germnny" stamp are being twisted into place by Haifa con. struc-tion workers, ah the first sacks of (ierman-inade fertilizer are spread upon ,tlie fields of a kibbuts in the liniek, just a year has gone by since two diplomats, stiffly and without • prior hnndshake, affixed to a treaty '

without precedent in diplomatic history the signatures "Adenauer" and "M. Sharett/'

Agreement The Reparations Agreement provides that, in view of the expense incurred by Israel for the integration of destitute Jews uprooted by Nazism and its aftermath, the Germ»n Federal Republic will furnish goods in the value of 1710,000,000 to the State of Israel over a period of 12 to 14 years. The types of merchandise that may be ordered by Israel are listed in agreedupon schedule!, which will be revised from time to time. In general the products should be of German manufacture, although in certain cases they may be of non-German origin. They must be suitable for the economic life of Israel and not to be resold to third countries. To place orders under the reparations treaty and to supervise their execution, Israel established a Purchasing Mission with semi-diplomatic status in Cologne and a branch office in West Berlin. At the present time the Mission has an Israeli staff of about 50, headed by Dr. Pinchas E. Shinnar, who has been granted the personal rank of Minister, and by his deputies Dr. Chaim Yahil and Dr,A. Bergmann. ' Shipment* worth $96,000,000 are to be made by March 19£4. Thereafter, the annual rate of delivery is to range from «60,000#00 to $74,000,000 until 1964 or 1966. The total will therefore run to more than the 1710,000,000 agred upon—to •817,000,000 to be e s - s act. f '.

the prevailing mood of the people. < OrosMbetlon When a cross-section of were asked, in a public opinion, vey taken in the winter of 19"1 whether they considered the „ , Agreement or Arab trade relation more important for Germany, only percent iu Western fiermany and percent in West lierlin came out the former, liven when all refer to Arab protests was omitted, only West German in four thought that _ Urael Agreement ought to be ratifi U n d e r these circunibtanccs, w Germany carry out the obligations shi has assumed? To anpwvr the question we must take into consideration cei tain political, psychological and mora factors that militate in favor of fu] fillmcnt, as well as the momentum ani the vested interests generated by an; large-scale program once it is undei way. Prospects are better than the* were a year ago that, as long as ee^ nomic prosperity is not impaired there by and as long as the neo-Nazi rerot gence can be kept within bounds bj the dedicated democrats who still bol( a number of key positions, Garmanj will indeed honor her undertakings to ward Israel, towards the Jews of t b world and towards the individual yif tims of Nazism; <




'. it?.

' The added $107,000,000 constitute a second obligation , assumed b.y> Germany. Tn addition to direct repara* tions to Israel, the Federal Republic undertook to pay this stun to tHH«Con-' ference on Jewish Material C l a i m s Against Germany" for the* relief and rehabilitation of Jewish victims of Nazi persecution who do not live in- Israel, as partial compensation for those material losses which were inflicted upon the Jews of Europe by Nan Germany and which cab now be made good no longer. This'payment Germany will make in the form of supplemental reparations deliveries to Israel, which in ' turn will transmit the -value thereof to

The Jewish Year in E n g l a n d . . .

that 0n thesi-Jawes they do not




, I)




' * >:>




V ^ ' • • • / :




- *

, *?

JOSEPH KARO 1488-1575'

By Geoffrey D, Paul (Chief of the J. T. A. Office in linden)


facts about the internal organbaHon , of the Jewish religions court* came to light There %have been ocasions on which the authority of the Chief Babbi London (JTA) — Arabbi leaving South Africa has predicted the end of - l}as been questioned. Vital Matters ' that country's Jewish community within relatively few years; Zionists in , "-. Even some Zionists feel slighted. When the Jewish Agency* Executive America, we are told, are apathetic. met in plenary session in July,'AmeriThis has been the year of the critics, can leaders were invited to* attend the . with Britain no exception. Anglov sessions in which matters vital to ZionJewry, declare the detractors, is a secists in all countries were discus»ed.,, ond-rnte community. There was no representative of British For many in this country the phrase / Zionism present at those meetings. Ishas an air of truth. Recent years have s rasli leaden in their references' to Diaseen Britain's«Jewish community playspora rapport have always made diing a minor role in the international rect reference to the United States, affairs of the Jewish people. America with no. mention of the contribution >• has produced the Jewish leaders ana of Anglo-Jewry which is part.of a has priven the lead. Anglo-Jewry, lastgreat English-spiaking Jewish commuing leaders with forceful personality, nity in the British Commonwealfhv < has been forced to hitch its wagon to When the role of British Zionists American caravan, ' has been acknowledged, it has' alwayw Finn Stand been in the historical sense. "We shWl Xot u little of the criticism beard never forget what you did for ps dur_, here is part of the 'British'—in the naing the fight against the Mandatory tional sense — consciousness that this authorities." But what of the things country's leadership in general interwe are doing now? Anglo-Jewry asks. " national affairs has passed to the UnitProudly it points to its hachsharah ed States. And yet, in many ways, farms, the finest training establishthe Anglo-Jewish community has taken ments for young Tsrael-bound pioneers » firm and united stand on matters that exist anywhere in the world, with afecting Jewish life which has in no an "outpnt" record far greater than wise been paralleled in the States. that of the, United Stntes. It can also » It was Anglo-Jewry that first raised draw attention to the number of its its •voice in protest against the rearmasons serving Israel's national life as ment of'Germany and pointed to the diplomats and as experts in many dangers of neo-Nazi elements still acspheres. tive in that country. Outside of France, Anglo-Jewry wns the first Jewish comIdentification munity to take an interest, in the affair Continued refns.-d hv the American of the Finaly children. Nor has sufand Israel JewM, in recognize ficient tribute been pnid to the "bacltthe great part that can still be playe<" roonj" >role:plnyerl by members of tliis J>y Anglo-Jewry will result of two hapcommunity in securing .support for the penings. British Jewry will either go Israel-German reparations agreement isolationist (which is doubtful in the iirnong German Socialists. extreme) or there will be closer idenNo One Man tification with Commonwealth Jewry and the formation of a third Jewish But. the community lias remained power bloc. . without a driving force. Since the ticCloser unity of the great Jewries purture from these shores of the great of Britain, South Africa, Australia and. Zionist leaders who made London their possibly, Canada could only be for the headquarters there has been no one good of Israel and the Jewish people man to command the attention and as ft whole. Israel's position Is not.yet backing of the community. Joint Palso secure that she can dispense with • estine Appeal campaigns have powerful advocates in the major capiachieved fair results. Jewish National tals of the world;, the position of the Fund endeavors have been well supJewish people is not so: tenable thnt ported and the many other appeals they can sit back and say 'we are safe have received: lesser donations. But —we are free.' :. '.. . jt has been a Judaism-identification" Of the pocket and not of the heart. I There ore growing'tip in AngloJfiwry today men nnd women who will Tlie year has been" marked by-.angdemand n moro vigorous "role in t', , '' ry, and traditional, bickering between world affairs of Jewrv. Tlvv will not » ( the Board of Deputies, thn ropresentn1 be .prepared to net"—' i" •'7'v>fnfi|fro'Jn . tive body^ and the Anglo-Jewish Assoi<ny quarter nor will they allow;'t* '' ' elation*;.; There was aHigh Court case

A Beacon of Faith About 400 yean ago, a Jewish DP by the name

The SHulchan Aruch is torday the embodiment

of Joseph Karo compiled a book of laws which

of Jewish practice, the beacon of the Hebrew

became the standard of religious practice

' faith. The emergence of the State of, Israel of-

among the Jews all over the world. Its name,

fers greater opportunities than ever for its ap-

Shulchan Artieh (The Prepared Table) has be- .

plication on a broad national scale, and Jews

come synonymous with the authoritative, and

rejoice that something native to their own ge-

"""the term implies the accepted norm of cjbn-

nius presents an alternative to Roman jurisprudence or British common law for building the

duct, the recognized fount of decision.

new government. Both outside the boundaries ' The Shulchan Aruch set down the formulation

of Israel and within them, it serves as the high

of Jewish laws on matters of charity, labtor,

tower of positive Jewish attitudes, the con-

.. family relationships, worship, communal insti-

stant summons ,to the devotion of our people

tutions and duties.

'/ *



'• -


, ^V

..» T - l » >


to our Torah and to our way of life.

, •'

N 1












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Makers of SUPREME SALAD WAPIRS ",C^ '0$$-\^ •u*.


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I?* ,=«*


Best Wishes For A Happy New Year






.... H. Brown, Treasurer

:"H.;Kooper, President ,5*'

A. D.Frank, Vice-President Max Agor Art Antony thelma Applebee C. O. Bangston, Vera Boell Audrey Blossic Paul Blumer Ffna Catalano . Don Dixori \ \, Ed Fletcher Norton L Garon V , Gordon Gross Paul Grossman Roselle Handler Richard J. Kohan Margaret Leary



f,*¥fe l



; R. Wolf, Vice-President Fred Loehr Opal Marshall Jim Murphy Catherine Oshel Sylvia Parilman Dorothy Pifzl Norman Rips Sam Rochr^an Dorothy Rosenthal Agnes Seay Viola Selden Corrine Smith Rosalie Speicher Phyllis Spellman Martin Staenberg



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"*Sgjg|^fjPr.. "704 Douglas <•/=-




1209 Federal Securities Building Lincoln


Vw*'* MHw—THE JEWISH WESMUdi HtitiMah S7<4~Tto*4.y, *«p*»mb«r 10, ( W >*&*. •


Hundred Years of New York Jewry By P. Hflrar

Before the arrival of the threat BastEuropean, Yiddish-speaking immigraThe City of New York, largest city tion, Jewish life in New York had been in the world, with a population of more developing slowly and in a fashion tban 8 million, is this year celebrating more akin to that of other Jewish comlU thrte-hundredth birthday. The small munities in "Western lands. The Jewtown under Dutch rule, whieh win ish population was then small in comthen called New Amsterdam, (it acparison with tlie non-Jewish populaquired the name of New York eleven tion (today Jews constitute nearly 30 yean later when the British occupied per cent of New York's population) the town) exactly three hundred years and its growth was very slow. Jews ago received the right of local selfthen kept more or less to their tradigovernment. tional, European ways. The iSpanishPortiifruese Jews, the "fiefardim," desA year later, in '(354, there arrived cendants of the earliest settlers, held in New Amsterdam the first shipload on to Orthodox ritual. The Oernip" of Jews, 23 in number, the first Jewb In lanil on the soil of what is now the Jews who followed the Sefardim and United States of America, They came who a century ago were more numerto these shores from Brazil, fleeing ous in New York City than the Rusfrom the Portuguese who had seized fiinn-Polish, Jews also adhered to their this colony from the Dutr:h and had European Jewish ways, even when they begun to install the inquisition there. " made certain reforms in Jewish religi'A month earlier this group had been ous practice. In those days New York preceded in New Amsterdam by the City still maintained the- atmosphere arrival there of Jacob Bar-Simeon, who of a provincial town—friendship, famhad come directly from Holland and . ily loyalty and a feeling of responsiulio was the first Jew to land in North bility for one's fellow-man were still Amerir.i felt keenly, among Christians as among No city in the world has grown BO Jews, -In such an atmosphere a strong fast during the past three hundred . feeling for Jewish survival could also years as has New York. And if the flourish. city as a whole made giant strides, its Jewish population, particularly durinp In the space of this article it is imthe last seventy years when the great possible to give more than a cursory East European immigration to the idea of the colorful 300-year-old his, United States b>-giiii, t'n'W even faster. tory of the New York Jewish commuThe ni|)iil <rroutli of the city generally nity — if the word "community" can gave New York Jews an opportunity to be properly applied to New York Jewdevelop ami malie economic progress ry, which to this day has no central and instilled in them a desire to recommunal organization authorized to inain in this port city where they had speak in behalf of-all New York Jews. landed from Europe, instead of settling f Attempts to create such an* organizafurther'. tion have been made from time to time, but they always resulted in failnre). Giant Growth Perloda However, New York's giant growth also served to uproot from the city, to The history of 'New York Jewry, a large extent, its American religious- .like the history of the other older Anglo-Saxon cultural tradition and to American cities on the Atlantic seacreate the atmosphere of a place of board and like the history of British wealth-and-pleasure seekers. In such Jewry, can be divided into three pean atmosphere it ivas difficult for the riods: the period of the hegemony of Jewish iiinnitrrant to transplant in the the Spanisb-Portupiese Jews, which New York soil—even if in a different lasted around 170 years from the esform — that reliprious-eultural Jewish tablishment of the Jewish colony in tradition he had brought with him New Amsterdam until around 1825, from the Old Country. "Were it not for when the German Jews became more the constant influx of new immigrants, numerous than the Sefardimj the era were it. not for the prent quantitative of the German "Yahodini," and finally rise in numbers of New York Jewry. the period of the last half-century when its quality would have truly remained the Jews of East-European descent weak, a s t h e quality of Jewish life that came to the forefront by sheer force existed here before the great immigraof numbers. Though the East-Eurotion of the Eighties began attests to. pean Jewish population in New York It was tliu mighty stream of immihad become larger than the Germangrants which kept up the Jewish heartJewish population, atthet beginning of beat of New York Jewry. the Nineties of the last century, and

perhaps somewhat earlier, the (jerman Jews still kept up their leadership of New York Jewish life because of their wealth and influence, in contrast with the poverty and insufficient Americanization of the Russian, Polish, Galieian and Rumanian Jews. First Shipload In ]<;">4, when the first shipload of .Jewish iininif-'rant refugees landed in New Amsterdam. I'ett-r .Stuyvcsant, the anti-Semitic governor of the Dutch colony, did not intend to let them remii" in the colony as permanent residents. Hut the directors of the Dutch West Indies Company, a private corporation which was the real ruler of this American colony, interfered in their favor and the Jews were allowed to remain and conduct business. Nevertheless Jews were not allowed to erect synagogues, being permitted to pray only in private homes. Only a generation later under British rule, when New Amsterdam became' New York, did the Jews receive permission to erect their first synagogue, t h e Spanish - Portuguese Shearith. Israel, which functions to this very day and, whose old cemetery can still be found in the heart of Manhattan. At the beginning of the eighteenth century New York Jews received citizenship rights from the British colonial legislature. Strange to say, while Jews received the privilege of citizenship, that right was still withheld from Catholics. Colonial Period During the American colonial period New York Jews were mostly engaged in foreign trade. They were very well adapted for this kind of business because of their family connections with the American "West Indies islands and with Europe. The richest Jew of those days, Louis Gome^, was the owner of a number of ships that would carry wheat to Portugal and other products to Amsterdam, Hamburg and Dublin. When the American Revolution started and the thirteen British colonies declared their independence of England, New York Jews were divided in their sentiments, some siding with the revolutionaries, others with- the loyalists. Immediately after the revolution the small New York Jewish community began to rise in wealth and influence. Jews were among the founders in 1782 of the New York Stock Exchange, today's world-famons "Wall Street." Jews became wealthy relators, entered the fur business, established factories of various torts.

For more than & century and a half the Safardic Shearith Israel was the only synagogue in New York City. It was strictly Orthodox and exercised a rigorous control over the private religious life of its members. In 17.Y7, for instance, its trustees announced that Jews who do not attend service.-., who keep their places of business open on the Sabbath, who cat nun-kosher food or commit "other terrible crimes" will he refused Jewish burial. Gradually however these strict regulations were abolished. • The first Jewish school lor children in New York was established by Congregation yhearith Israel in 1731 and was called "Yeshivath Jlinhath Erev." At the beginning of the nineteenth century it was converted into-r day school where the children were taught rem. ing and writing, English and arithmetic, as well as Hebrew. Out as the Jewish population kept growing t state of Jewish education in Sew York became lew and less satisfactory to those who had Jewish survival at heart. Many parents became indifferent to the matter of giving their children a Jewish education, and so the number of Jewish educational institutions was very small compared to the real need, while tha few that were established did not receive sufficient support. And even in the present East-European era, when Talmud Torahs, late-afternoon supplementary schools, a r e closing, when the Orthodox Day Schools have hard sledding financially and when • Reform a n d Conservative Sunday Schools are found to give too meagre a Jewish education, Jewish education remains the sorest Jewish problem in New York. German Jews In 1825, as mentioned before, the hegemony of the Safardim over New York Jewish life came to an end. - In that year the German Jews, who .In. became a majority of the New York Jewish populatiou, established their' B'nai Jesburun Synagogue which UKCI, the Ashkenazie, rather than the tjefardie, ritual. This synagogue, which still functions today under the leadership of llabbi Israel Goldstein and is one oi the leading Conservative congregations in the country, was in the beginniiiistrictly Orthodox, in its early years it would correspond with the Chief Itabbi of England and ask his opinion on matters of Jewish religious law, matters relating to marriage, divorce, mikvah and so on.

More than a century ago the German Jews became influential in the general life of New York and began to put into the shade the rich, assimilated Scfardiin. They eondueted large bus nesses ami were leaders in the eon: immal life. Hut their Jewish edli'.atio was slight. l,sa;ie M. Wi.i", founder ( Ameriean lieform JudniMii. stilted in 1947 that exeep! lor two men, I.eo Merzbaehei- und MIIJS l.ilieiithiil, there wasn't one Jewish eoiiiiiiiinal leader who eould read Hebrew without the viral indication* or who knew anything about the literature or history of Jewry. Civil War During the years of the American Civil War, 1801-65. New York Jewry had grown to such an extent that 2,000 Jewish soldiers from New York City were t9 be found in the Northern armies that were fighting the Southern Confederates. During this war the banking firm of 8eligman was for a time the financial agent of the Federal Government. On the .question of main.taining Negro slavery American Jews were then divided in their opinion, just as their opinion had been divided during the Revolutionary War t>n the matter of Aine,rican independence. One New . Tork rabbi, Michael Halperin, during the Civil War conducted a verbal battle with another rabbi who had maintained that the Bible tolerate* human slavery. Reform Judaism in New York started among the German, not the Sefardic, Jews, even though the Safardim were a more Americanized and a wealthier element than were the Germans in the heginning. Even before the. Civil War there were established the German Reform synagogues, Bcth-El and Emanu. A. 'Today Temple Emanu-el, which stands on aristocratic Fifth Avenue and was built at a cost of $7,000,000. is the richest Jewish synagogue in the world, * The first Orthodox synagogue of Eastern Jews in New York, the Beth Medrash Ha'GodoI, which today remains standing on its original site on. the Lower East Side, wax also founded before the Civil War, in 1BS9. Although the Russian-Polish Jews were then small in numbers, they already had enough numerical strength to erect an. imposing synagogue structure, to quarrel among themselves over a "shohct" and to start a second shul. Wealthiest The last phase of New York Jewish history, the East-European one, is so recent that many people who arc still

alive have themselves experienced «M most its entire course. During this erw New York Jewry received a mighty? blood transfusion from Russia, Poland.; Galieia and Rumania and became the greatest, wealthiest and most infill' ential Jewish community in the whoW world. During this era New York Jewry began to exert a tremendous influence not only upon the rest of Amcriean Jewry but also upon the, Jewries of other eountries. From New York was eoiulueted the great relief effort on behalf of European Jewry during ami after World War I, mainly through the Joint Distribution Committee. And from New York, too, there came the leadership after World War II in the fight for the establishment of the btate of Israel. New York is the headquarters of the World Jewish Congress, of the World Congress for Yiddish Culture, of the Yiddish Scientific Institute andj of every leading American Jewish or4 gan Station with the exception of B'nai B'ritli, whose general headquarters arc in Washington, though its Anti-Defamation League's main office is also in New York. Here are to be found the] main American Jewish theological sem inaries and the national headquartei of Conservative, Reform and Orthodo Jewries. The two lending Yiddish|; dailies, "Forward" and "Day-Journal," are published here, ns well as a ;ium-> bcr of Yiddish weeklies and monthlies and Jewish books, in English and Hebrew. Here are to be found most Jewish actors, musicians and painters. World in Itself It's a world in itself, this Jewish New York, yet bound with a hundredj, tic* to the rest of world Jewry, It it the cultural center for American Jew. ry, and to a large extent also for thi Jewries of Latin America and othei countries. From here Jewish cultural antennae are spread out to the fou: corners of the earth. It is some com fort that such a center exist after th decimation of six million Jews in Eu< rope. Next year, the 300th birthday o the oldest Jewish community in Nort America, will be celebrated by al American Jews as their own holiday. Great preparations arc now in probrcs< for this celebration. Jews in other countries, to whom Ainprirn during the past couple of centuries symbolized freedom, hope, rescue, opportunity, will no doubt want to partake in this festival, the celebration <.f tin; birth of Jcwiih New York and of American Jewry.

New Year's Greetings from Hymie Milder and Associates SKELLY DEALERS Acme Transfer Company. .5026 S. 24th St. Bellevue Slcelly S e r v i c e . . . 1008 W . Mission BlaclcstoneTerminal. 36th and FarnamStJ. Capitol Garage 202 North 19th St. Cherry Garden Garage.3701 Leavenwbrth Commodore Garage 24th'and Dodge Davenport Garage 1814 Cuming St. Easy Parking Company. . . . 1415 Dodge St. 15th and Harney Sts., 1622 Howard St., 107 S. 18th St., 14th and Douglas Sts., and 1711 Dodge St. Fairway Auto Service. . 25th and " O " Sts. Fournier Motors 4526 South 24th St. Ha dan Auto Service 8516 Blondo Wayne Hogg (Slcelly) . ...38th and.Farnam , Hutchinson Slcelly Service, 6901 Railroad A v

Xouis Illis Service. . . .42nd and Center Sts. " 'Irvington Mercantile C o . . . .Irvington, Nebr. Frank Kavka ( S k e l l y ) . . . . 18th and Burt Sts. . Joe Kosiski 47th and " L " Sts. ' Henry Kough Service 8601 Maple St. Charles Laushman 616 Center Street Loop Parking C o 19th and Cass Sts. Maple Hill Service 7076 Maple Meeks Rent-A-Car 801 South 16th St. • RoyMenchetti. . .3502 " F " St. (Residence) Morrell Service Station 202 So. Saddle Creek Rd. National Tire and Battery Co.. 1502 Capital N. A. Nelson. . 2402 S. 24th St. (Residence) Joe Nigro Service. 11 th and Pacific (Trans.) O'Connor Service Station 1402 No. Saddle Creek Rd. Otto's Service Station. . .41st and " Q " Sts. Paxton Auto Service 14th and Harney Sts. Pierce and Thomas 102 East Locust Carter Lake, la. Reno Service Station 3229 S. 24th St. (Tr.)


Ratner Super Service 428 So. 24th St. Sandy's Skelly Service (Skelly) 40th and Dodge Sts. Tiptoii and Lee ( S k e l l y ) . . .20th and Harney Tuttle Garage 4426 So. 24th St. Villone Service (Skelly). .2601 No. 24th St. West Side Garage 5636 Center Monte White K-F Motors, Inc. . .'. 32nd and Leavenworth 50th and Underwood Wilson Truck T e r m i n a l . . . 27th and " M " Sts. Wrasse Radiator S h o p ' . . . . . . . . .3804 " Q " Young's Service Station 27th and St. Mary's Ave.




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JEWISH r>ftE5$~JU»h H.«f.<>ii«h S7J-I—Tr,ur,d,y, S*pt«mW 10,'1911


From Ike's Boyhood

i H nirlft ByT Tlr Dr. Mflcnnna Maeanna f!h«iEPrtivn.Mfl. Oheserton-Mangle


in Hast Germany By Arthur Oreen (Copyright, 1953, JTA)

H'hiisc sciiti'iiecs, although often unduZ<jm\ When hi; was rek'HMcd, his frii-nd.-i ly severe, are not wholly arbitrary. urged liiin to move to West Berlin, Black-marketing on a lurge seiile may "'Veil otirrcd him a position in .Jewish he involved. These activities wen: not social work. Hi: refused, con fi (lent thai infrequently earned out by .Slavic' lie would be completely rehabilitated. speaking IJP's with the connivance ol' One day, tlie Communist, authorities .Soviet nnrl Herman (.'oiiimiini^t trade cracked down again. This time, they officials, until one day {here wii* sent him to the penitentiary at limit falling-out among the partners, zen, .Saxony, for a 15-year term. HiV i Those convicted on trumped-up ecowife reei'iitly fled to West Germany nomic charges compose a third catewith her son. gory. They may have the best chaneeb Ijittle more than three months ago, for relief in the temporarily milder at the Communist authorities in East Germosphere of the moment. A fairly typimany were contemplating the estabcal case is that of Adolbcrt Kaba-Klein, lishment of special internment camps former Soviet Zone chess champion and for Jews, These plans have b e e n a hotelkeeper on the island of Ruegen, who in April of this year was sen ! dropped since the Moscow doctors were freed. "Will Semenov also open the jail fenced to ten years' penal servitude doors for the Kaba-Kleins and Pikars. for asserted violation of rationing re: kis, and especially for Erich Nelhans ulations. The verdict against KabaKlein, who was known for hiR adher- sand Fritz Kattenf Jews everywhere ence to regulations, was generally reshould keep asking the question, Insisgarded as a means of intimidating and tently and persistently, until he doea. driving out of business other private hotelkeepers on the island. Similarly, the February sentencing of three .Tews in the Berlin suburb of IKcin-Maehnow on charges which dealt mostly with the alleged .violation of housing regulations was a device to overawe and cow the rebellious residents of the town. Klein-Machnow's postwar mayor, Fritz Rosenbaum, was Rent down the river for six years, Nathan Pikarski forf our years and Willi Stein for ten years.

Berlin (JTA) — The W'eni Benin Jewish Community hiis addrescd a letter to Soviet Ili(,'li Commissioner in Germany Vladimir iSnncnnv, tlie polished diplomat wlio since his appointment sevnnil months af?o lnis steered nn ostentatiously moderate course in Kast Gcrmnny and under whose auspices several thousand Germans are being discharged from pribon. The letter wan a moving appeal for the release of Jewish prisoners now held; in Soviet or Soviet zone jails. So far there lias been no reply and none of the Jews behind bars hag been set at liberty. But the petition of the Berlin kehilla has at least drawn attention to the fate of those half-forgotten East German .Tews who, having suivived Hitler, fell victim to Stalhi and his slariuh would-be imitator in Germany, Walter Ulbrieht. l e w Facts Few facts arc more effectively suppressed behind the (K'rman iron curtajn than the lot of those arrested by the secret police, th« dreaded SSD. Interestingly enough, and in contrast to the situation in Hungary or Rumania, BSD boas Wilhclm Zaiser never tolerated a single Jew in the ranks of his organization. It is as impossible to make a none count of arrested Jews as it to ascertain what happened to those who are Martyrs for Judaism known to have been clapped into jail The most tragic group, the fourth Some have certainly died, a few have one, is that of Jews who were among lieen taken to the Soviet Union, a numthe handful managing to survive in ber may have been released with strict Germany herself, only to be thrown instructions not to communicate with, into Commqnist jails because of their any friends they may have had in the devotion to the cause of Judaism. West. Several scores are atill in cusOne such man appears to be Dr. tody, a number that is not inconsiderHese, a Halle lawyer now serving a 20able when it is borne in mind that the vear sentence. Another ts the unknown total number of Jews in East Berlin Magdeburg Jew who last February and East Germany was always well spoke up for the Jews then, under bifbelow £,000. ter Communist a t t a c k as "Zionist Four Types agents," In imposing a three-year jail Those who rot in the prisons of the term upon him for — "incitement to German Communist regime and of the racial hatred," the judge, used this Soviets may be said to fall into four A licc-in-W o n d c r l a n d "dialectical" categories, ranging from the Jewishlogic: born apostates, who but yestrrday ".Spies, and agents constitute A served as the jailers' willing-henchmen separate race. By their behavior and apologists, to martyrs of the Jewthey have excluded themselves from ish cause about whom far too little in the race into which they were born. known in the West. Let us connider Criminal Zionists are not Jews. On a number of typical. caRes. the contrary, it is anti-Semitic to Most of (he Communists who hive, speak up for Zionists." run afoul of the party line, perhaps But it is the- names of two deeply only because they headed West in their religious' and dedicated Jews in this flight from Hitler or because they havo category that should be written in the relatives in the free world, never idenhearts of Jews everywhere, for they tified themselves! as Jews or maintainwent to their doom "al kiddush hased tics with the Jewish community. hem." Eriuh Nelbans and Fritz KatAmong them are high ex-government ten, both of whom had undergone the officials such as Paul Bacnder. former nerve-racking experience of living "unState Secretary in the Ministry of derground," with false papers, in Naii Trade nnd Commerce, who may perBerlin. # ' haps escape a heavy sentence for "ecoAfter'the collapse of Nazism, Nelnomic sabotago" now that the planned haiiR became the. first president of the trials of several former Cabinet Minispost-war Berlin Jewish Community. ters seem to have been abandoned. When Polish Jews approached him for * Others were party functionaries help in getting to Palestine ao that pure and simple, such M Josef Schleifthey' could fight in the Haganeh, he stein and his wife, who jointly headed helped without checking their crethe "Department for Indoctrination" of dentials'too closely. Be'catuo of 1hlthe Communist Party in West Germany a Soviet military tribunal charged him Until they were lured to East Berlin with aiding-members of the Red Army And arrested a. few years ago. HanR Sehrecker, editor of a Leipzig Commu- - to desert. A man 'even then of. ain'os TiO and broken' in health, he was sent nist paper, belongs to those whose off to a Siberian labor camp, All inwritings, while in full accord with the tervention availed nothing, and there party line, did not anticipate its next ha's been no word from him in many hairpin curve. Finallly there are those years, . > . who, because of' their wartime stay in Mexico or Switzerland, are. particularArrested ly suspacted of having been infected Fritz Kattcn was a younger v— by Trotskyism, Titoism and Americanwho, after the war, rose to bo a viceism. This sub-group comprises t h e president of the Berlin police and former boss of the- Bavarian Commit, of the, Berlin. Jewish Community, An nist Party, Sperling; Saxony-born Odthodox Jew, he also headed the BerBruno Goldhammcr, ox-manager of the lin Mizrachi. In 1948 he was arrested, East Berlin Radio Station; and the stain good part because he had used tho tion's erstwhile editor-in-chief, Polishauthority of his office as a vice-presiborn Tjeo Bauer, whose real name seems dent of the Berlin police to facilitate to he Ttndoif Katz, and expedite JDC relief shipments to the Jewish communities of the Soviet The second group includes those

An American Jewish Press Feature One autumn afternoon, in the early 1900's, a lad about 18 years of age, walked down the street of a sleepy little town in Kansas. It was a beautiful day with white fleecy clouds lining tin; sky; but the boy noticed nothing. II'1 had s'omi-tliing on his mind, something that, was making him frown. "Jlello there, young man, don't, you recognize your old friends any more?" The "young man" looked up, startled, "(lolly, I)r. Forrester," lie exclaimed. "I never saw you." "How could you?" teased the doctor. "You were miles nw»iy." The older ; man's eyes twinkled. "Here I was expecting you to be pleased as punoli. Not every boy in this town gets to be captnin of the football team. Instead, you look positively glum—as if you had the troubles of the world on ^our •shoulders." The lad smiled sadly. Dr. Forrester was his history teacher at school—* wise, sympathetic man. It might heli> to get some of his worries off his chest. "I was proud sir—very proud, when the fellows elected me captain a few

wepks; weeks fifrn ago;• hnf but Knmpfhinfr'H something's r'.nnip come IITJ up iiow that's taking all the joy out of life. We've got a big game scheduled for next week with Cailtou High School and the team lias refused to go through with it, just because one of ('arlton's players is a Negro." His voice rose with auger, " d m you beat that? What's fin; color of a guy's skin got. to do with his being able to play football1; We were all created by (lie name (iod. weren't we? That makes us all equal—doesn't it? Hoy! Those guys make me sore!" Or. Forrester nodded approval. "I know exactly how you feel, my boy; but what are you going to do about it."" The boy said shortly, "Well, I've given this thing a lot of thought, and I've decided that I'm going to have it out with the team this afternoon I'm going to tell them that I won't have any part of the kind of deal they're, planning to pull. They may turn against me, but it's worth it. The way I see it, it's more important to be true to myself than to be captain of a football team." Dr. Forrester seized the boy's hand and shook it vigorously, "Good boy," he beamed. "Good boy—go to it I'

That afternoon, thli tho young T h a t afternoon, VOUDflf Ccaptain waited until a f i t r football p r a c t i c e W H over before he entered t h e dressing room to annouiiK Ins du'ision His throat felt sfidiigil) dry und his h a n d s trembled but he in allowed h a r d a n d pitched in. At lirst he spoke q u i e t l y ! lie stormed out but finally I N ( o u i a ^ i mounted a n d "I'm ashamid ot \ o u i \ c rv last one of you—preti inline *"» I' ' l ( f l ' " f air play am! JIIMIK and t h i n calling off a game because a p l . n e i is l o l n t i d . • better get youisclf a n o t l n i <aplain— I'm t h r o u g h ' " He s t a l l e d out of the room and slammed the door For the next l(w seconds the h o i s stood motionless, as if stunned 'I lien the quaHerb iik. M u k u ( l o l d t c t n a big earnest-looking boj u i t h blond hair, said. "How a b o u t it, felbi .—let's

call him back. I think I'd like to play the game his way" The others nodded silently and lowered their heads They weren't pleased with themselves Mickey ran to the door, flung'il open and shouted, "Captain—come back—we're all with >ou " His voice #:ang out through the empty corridor. ''Come back, Ike, do you hear rae- -Ike Eisenhower I"


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• <-'-V|

First Rosh Hashonah In America — By David Bchwartx (Copyright, 1M3, JTA) The new year will mark the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Jewish settlement in America. How did the first Jewish settlers —the Jewish "Pilgrim Fathers" feel and celebrate their first Bosh Haghanah in America back in 1653 and 1654?

I call them "Pilgrim Father*." That tag his usually been reserved for the English settlers who came over on the Mayflower thirty years before the first Jewish settlers. But the Jewish settlers of New. Amsterdam have also the right to be called Pilgrim Fathers. Mew Amsterdam There were many groups of Pilgrim

Israel's Cities — A Blending Of Past And Future By D. Shocher Israel cities have personality. Coifgidering especially tlie small area of the Jewish state, Oie towns manifest striking individuality. Kvr-n tin- Mmiller towns seem to possess their own special charne.ter. In tin- dark, one ean tell the difference between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv or between Tel Aviv and Haifa. .Joriisiil'-in and Tel Aviv, only un hour's ride npart, are like, children, one of whom resembles liis mother's family and the other liis father's. Jerusalem is a I'iensM, painting. Geometrical designs. Hills and valleys juxtaposed. Many j ihiin-» and oft rimes startling colors.

Beside Mediterranean Tel Aviv is a cover of the Saturday Evening I'osl. Lying Inside, tlie Mediterranean, all in one plane. Modern. Comfortable. Tlie thoughts you Inive in Jerusalem are not. the-thoughts you have in T'l Aviv. Nor tlie clothing you wear, [u winter, you are in your overcoat in Jerusalem, huddling bofiide the naphtha heater. In Tel Aviv, your white suit, will do ;ind you can go hathin?. Jerusalem is antiquity plus the future. Tlie Wailing Wall", the Tower of David, the streets a panorama of the world, monks, and priests of all faiths, rabbis in lcapotcs. In the cafes sit diplomats, politicians, men with schemes. Dreamers who will prove to you that the Lowdermilk plan will bring those lakes to Jerusalem, which the Bible nays are due in the Great Day. Dynamic Tel Aviv is bubbling, throbbing, dynamic. It is as pragmatic as the Perek which ^KWS read on Sabbath ' afternoon. It repeats with Hillel, "If not now when?" It cares not for antiquity and is not concerned with the far away future. Haifa is a sister city which has some of the features of Jerusalem and some of Tel Aviv. Haifa has the mountain and the sea. Standing in her port, now being enlarged by funds of Americans subscribed to Israel bonds, one gets a sense of the flow of the world. Perhaps this is the great bridge between the west and the newly awakening giant of Asia! ' "City of Yesterday "Jerusalem is the city of. yesterday, Tel Aviv the city of today and Haifa the city of tomorrow," says the epigram. Abba Hnshi, Mayor of Haifa,

talks of building the broadest boulevard in the world and plans a free port for Haifa. lieersheba, gateway to the desert, five years ago was a small hash of Ariib mud hovels, but it goes back to the primeval days of Israel's past. It is the city associated with the patriarch Abraham who sojourned there attracted by the fact that he found water 'there. He dug seven wells, hence the name Tiecrfiheba. Mr. Ileriry Morgenthan, Jr., head of the Israel Bond campaign, visiting Beersheba laBt year picked up a handful of the yellow sand and let, it pass slowly through his hand, saying. "This is part of the fortune of Israel." Not the water, but the sands near Bccrsheba, which have been found rich in kaolin and for a •variety' of jrfass-making purposes, are the attraetion of Beersheba today. Farthemost Outpost \ Elath, farthemost outpost of-.the N'cgeb is but an infant town: yet,-btat it. has the seeds of growth, Blath is an early rising town. At six in the; morning, everyone is-at work. .Later in the day, it become* very •warm. It is best to take advantage 'at the <spol of the early morning and knock off later when the sun come* down in all of its intensity. The nights are cool and if the afternoons are very warm, you can go fishing. Catch a shark or two. At Lake Kinereth, there Is sardine fishing. It's very different at Elath. The Israelis have ideas yon ean do things with sharks. Their skins make good leather for shoes and for handbags and they are a rich source of vitamins. Sharks are tricky too. Everyone knows what to be "a shark at cards" means. Perhaps its a good place for poker players.

Fathers, the Swedes who came over to ' Delaware, the Quakers who came to Pennsylvania. They were all Prigrims and fathers of the world that was to be America. Pilgrim means to journey, to wander and in that respect, the Jewish settlers of New Amsterdam were far more Pilgrims than those who came on the Mayflower, for the Jewish settlers were several times Pilgrims. They had wandered from Spain to Holland, from Holland to Hrnzil and had fled froTn the South American country to New Amsterdam. And when they arrived at New Amsterdam, they still were not sure that they had found a have.n. What was the trouble t The same trouble as today. Immigration troubles. There were only 23 Jews who came over in that first settlement in 1654 but Governor Peter Stnyvegant, the Dutch governor of New Amsterdam, was afraid they might prove a menace to his way of life. Of course, the Dutch

veawt certainly possessed little of this fine quality. He sot only did not like Jews, he had wanted to prevent any settlers except those of his own church establish themselves in the new world. He was one legged but swell-headed. He had vanity enough for four legs. It was not the Jews, but others of New Amsterdam who said that he aspired to be another "Grand Duke of Muscovy." StuyvesKiit urged us a pretext for the deportation of the Jews from New A m s t e r d a m , that th y mii.'ht become public cliHJ"(_'e Hnd h tried to do everytiling- possible to Ml like his predictions eome true. Th'-y '-re forbidden \<> open Htore.s or trudi with t h e Iniliuns. Hut the Jewish scttl TK wert' no KIIpint Int. They niudi1 P it •r Stuvvi-siiiit "eat crow." They appealed to the Dutch Kaat Imliu company anil Stuyveaant .. nu< o\( n u b d

Butcher Shop There " a s a Jew wlio ran a butcher .shop on what is now "Wall St His name was Ai>ser Levy. There is some reason to believe that Asser Levy wa» also the shohet. One day, the sheriff

came around to Levy with a^bill for a special tax. "What is1 thist" asked Aaser Levy. This is a special tax placed on Jews by Governor Stuyvesant In -view of thefaet that they do not join with the others in standing guard. "T will not pay

the tax sad f 'demand' «hostand guard," replied the J r bet Asser Levy won hi» point Sfcuyvesant did not permit the Jew* to build a synagogue, but it is probable that on the first Rosh Hashanah in New'Amterdara, they held services at t h « homes of one of the settlers and it is also very likely that the Chazan V " Asser Levy. Brave Man Assi-r Levy wan not only a brajM man, but apparently an honest matt, as is indicated by tlie fact that several Chrihiiims of New Amsterdam mimed him as executor of their wills. Jl was a tense ami vital time — this period of »!•<• first Jewish settlement in America. A time of many wars, but •A time also when tlie mind seemed. U>

he throwing off the old fetters. Newton had astonished tlie world as Einstein today, Spinoza vas Hazing new paths in philosophy. Rntionalism flourished alongside of an intensified mysticism. Shabbathai Zcvi was to come forth in a few years to proclaim himself the Messiah. Spinoza's friend, Henry Ordcnburg, wrote to the Dutch philosopher that there was a growing belief in the restoration of the Jewish State and Spinoia himself wrote that he thought it entirely possible that they might return to their ancient law a^ain, "they might be chosen by God.

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Milk-Bottling Plant Paris (.JTA)—The Joint Distribution Committee dedicated a modern milk-bottling plant in Casablanca for the bottling of milk for poverty-stricken Jewish children in the city's mellab —its ghetto. The.plant will begin operations on the basis of 2,000 bottles a day and will reach a high of 4,000 bot%" ties daily by the end of the year. The plant's equipment was made available by a contribution of the Netherlands branch of the United NationsInternational Children's Emergency Fund. The milk will be produced from skimmed, powdered milk contributed by the TJnitcd States Department of Agriculture.

themselves were but a very small number and the Indiana didn't like their immigration either. The Indian* were the original Americans and all the white men who came to America, they regarded as upsetting the American way of life. Immigration Problem The immigration p r o b l e m that troubled these first Jewish settlers of New Amsterdam three centuries ago is probably still the major problem not only of the Jews, but of the whole world today. A world where immigration is fluid is like a man with good blood circulation. It is fundamental-' ly Bound. Consider today, if the surplus populations of Italy, Japan and so on could flow freely to the less densely populated countries, the tensions of the world would be vastly reduced. But no one loves an immigrant. The only immigrants we have any praise for-are those who immigrated long ago. If the Pilgrim Fathers who came on the Mayflower or the Jews who came to New Amsterdam were to come in .today, I am afraid, we would look with the same contempt on them ai they were subjected three hundred years ago. Btuyvesant The Dutch were relatively more tolerant in those days of the first Jewish settlers, but Governor Peter Stuy-

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hook closely at ttt» smag man. In hi* features are written the fttrenfta sad detennltutlon with which Israel will meet the New JTean. Ovefbartened With eepnomlo re>pon«lbUlti<», aurrounded on si) Mm* tar Hostile nation*, the young democracy must be kept ttnng tot whoever maar wlih to come, Xhrongh the United Israel Appeal, a VIA «in*tltqent agme/f, macb ha» been done to tide it over the v , |Js »ota, T >'



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Year of

XSreat Needs and Deeds' • By Bdwwd M. M. Warburg 'general Chairman, United JewUh -• Appeal ' For American Jews, whose deep Kid continuing interest in Jewish events abroad has been amply demonstrated many times, the year 5713 was one of the most challenging in recent times. 5713 opened on a note of emergency in Israel. Jack D. Weiler, UJA National Campaign Chairman, who surveyed conditions in the young State at the time reported that it was facing a desperate dollar shortage which seriously threatened tlie nation's economy. Swift Measures Jn a cable from Jerusalem lie urged that nwift, broad-scale measures be taken to improve the situation of more than 21",000 immigrants Ktill living in tents anil flimsy shelters, to prevent, further outs in the limited Israel food ration and to provide means for muchneeded irrigation and land development. Aid was sorely needed also, he indicated, to further programs of welfare, relief and training in North Africa. The call for dollars was urgent. Thus a campaign for cash with a goal of $35,000,000 was pet in motion, energetically led by HJA'g national chairmen, cabinet, members and a National Cash Cabinet of 1C0 community leaderg. First Results ,. First results of this drive were most heartening. More than half the required sum in cash was turned in at "Washington at a UJA National Leadership Conference on Oct. If. Imbued with sympathy, understanding and zeal, American Jews e v e r y w h e r e sought to holp in overcoming the effects of what Ambassador Elian described as "the sharp pangs of rapid growth" in Israel. Then in November as community drives were moving forward to gather in the balance of the cash sum required, there came with dramatic suddenness tlie news from Eastern 1 Europe: Anti-Semitism was erupting behind the Iron Curtain. Prague Trials The Prague trials and executions •which followed were succeeded by a series of grim events, including arrests and imprisonments in the Soviet Union and the satellite countries, an organized campaign of anti-Semitic propaganda, and the severing of diplomatic relations between the U.S.S.R. and Israel. . From November through March the tension mounted, and the deepest concern was felt, here for the eventual fate of 2,500,000 Jews in the Soviet world. Determined to do everything possible to provide practical means o£ aid for those who might emerge from behind the Tron Curtain, American Jewry immediately swung into action. The officers of the United Jewish Appeal immediately organized the Campaign on an emergency basis calculated to enlist the best leadership in the country in the most effective manner. The three National Chairmen, who had in the past served as representatives of the constituent agencies were augmented by five National Campaign Chairmen and the National Campaign Cabinet was expanded so that every part of the country was represented on it by one of its outstanding leaders. Finest Leadership This gave the Cabinet the benefit of some of the finest leadership in the country. Elected to the Cabinet were Morris W. Berinstein of Syracuse, a former chairman of the UJA National Campaign Cabinet, Joseph Holtzman of, Detroit, Sol Luckmnn of Cincinnati and William Roscnwald and Jack Weil<<r of New York. . The three National Chairmen representing the constituent agencies were Walter Bicringcr of Boston, for the United Service for New Americans; Rudolph O. Sonneborn of New York f(Jr the United Israel Appeal; and Rabb( Jonah C. "Wise of New York for the <T6iut Distribution Committee. ' The Cabinet was further strengthened bi" the appointment of Samuel H. Daroff. Honorary President of the Alliffl Jewish Appeal of Philadelphia and 19.i3 Co-CIyiirman of Special Gifts, to leadership as the Cabinet's Chairman. Mr. Daroff had been one of the most dynamic members of the Cabinet since its inception. Fully Girded ': Thii"! American Jewry was fully (riJ-dcd for any eventuality. This time, jj< contrast to the Hitler emergency, there was a UJA ready and able to channel aid to those in need. And this tiine, too, a State" of Israel existed to offer haven and -succor to -the oppressed. , . ,•.,.. >• The gravity'of the developing erisis i wi* reflected at- the Annual National Conference of the UJA in December, wjJch marked the beginning of the XM.U&. Jewish Appeal's 15th year of iitviorr. The spirit of decision and deitjon of UJA.snpporters was eviin a surge 'oi increased giving the weeks that followed. From city :er city came encouraging reports of hU gains in opening campaign efIn a moment of crisis then, there ft. retifirmation of what those are lno«tJf»mflla,r with.ths AnuriAwfeh mmamr BAT* always 'fef •• - y v " - •«

known—that the roots of the UJA go broad and deep in our community life. Record Outpouring Similarly encouraging were the results of the National Inaugural Conference in Miami Beach in February. which produced a record outpouring of gifts totaling the unprecedented sum of $14,150,000—an accurate measure of the deep sense of responsibility felt by .American Jews for their threatened and helpless fellow-Jews overseas. A nationwide Freedom Mobilization late in March, highlighted by a mas3 rally in New York and linked by a radio-telephone hookup of principal cities, further demonstrated the determination of American Jews to stand together "united in mercy." Changes In March, changes in the U.S.S.R. following the death of Stalin produced the release of the arrested Jewish physicians and the apparent easing of official pressures on Jews in Soviet and satellite Europe. But it was evident that for tens of thousands of Jews in Eastern Europe, Israel wmained a longed-for goal. Israel'i doors were, and continue to be, wide open to Jews from the Soviet world. For a brief period in December and January, several hundred Jews, of East Germany managed to reach 'Western Europe. There they were aided by the Joint Distribution Committee and later by the United Jewish Appeal, with UJA funds. When and ai farther end* gration becomes possible, all are agreed that we must stand ready jto offer means of survival and resettlement to those without other sources of aid. Objectives Meanwhile, other far-reaching objectives of the UJA's agencies were steadily advanced through the devoted action of the American Jewish community. ••••'..'• The effectiveness of this action/was manifested again this past spring, when a call for cash was sounded to meet current and critical needs in all the areas of our effort, but especially in hard-pressed Israel. Climax of this drive was the National Action Conference early in June, when $20,391,000—the greatest cash fund ever gathered at a single meeting—poured in, in a mighty demonstration of devotion to the UJA's humanitarian aims. Standing together and Berring together in 5713, the men and women of the UJA have improved the lives of more than 500,000 persons i nmany places. Through the United Israel Appeal and its beneficiaries, the Jewish Agency and Keren Hayesod, 335,000 received help. The Joint Distribution Committee, operating in Europe, North Africa and under the banner of the famous Malben organization in Israel, aided 180,000. And in the United State* additional thousands of recent newcomers were assisted. Tremendous Odd* In print, these are the eold Bgures. In actuality, the numbers translate into individual human beings, most of whom have Buffered and struggled against tremendous odds—all of whom have dreamed modest dreamt of freedom, peace and some measure of security. It is of the individuals that most UJA contributors think when they make their generous gifts. For these individuals, NJA aid took various forms. UJA funds made possible assistance in the form of food, clothing and temporary shelter, as well as in small cash grants and loans. This included aid in Israel's ma'abaroth— transit camps—where 200,000 newcomers dwell in canvas huts and makeshift shelters until basic housing and better work opportunities are opened up to them. In another direction, UJA funds allocated by the United Israel Appeal provided much-needed assistance to Is-

rael's expanding economy by making available economic aid to 23,000 fanning families comprising about 100,000 persons, and extending credit, the veritable muscle of business, to 20,000 artisans, merchants and other email businessmen. Parched Negev Funds raised through* Hit UJA also helped to provide machinery and equipment to build roads linking Israel's towns and villages, and brought under irrigation an additional 110,000 dunams or 27,500 acres. This brought to total number of dunams in Israel under irrigation to COO.000, or 125,000 acres, many in the once parched Negev. In terms of relieving Israel's- economic burdens this means that the growing of basic foods could be. substantially increased, thereby reducing the need to import these items at a heavy cost in vital dollars. /•UJA funds also helped to build 10,-

000 new permanent houses, lifting the Btigma of transiency and hand-tomouth existence from the lives of 40,000 personB who had known nothing but temporary housing for the past ten years. Medical Program UJA funds were utilized for broad and sweeping medical efforts that directly aided 9G,000 men, women anil children, made remarkable strides in the battle against such crippling diseases as tuberculosis, tinea and trachoma—and helped thousands of the aged, invalids and incapacitated persons to a degree of physical improvement few had hoped to attain. UJA funds also helped to provide training for 14,000 boys and girls in the 240 educational and vocational training centers conducted under the Sponsorship of Youth Aliyah, As fullfledged farmers these young people will bring their youthful energies and

New at

Children's Village Haifa (JTA)—A children's village on the slopes of lit. Carmel named Yemin Orde in memory of the late British General Orde Wingate was dedicated at ceremonies attended by Preimer David Ben Gurion, t h e widow of the beloved pro-Jewish general, the British Minister to Israel and a number of government officials. The Premier recalled the constant help given the Jews of Palestine by Gen. TpVingate, who died in an air crash in Burma in 1941. Mrs. Wingatc rend a message from Prime Minister Winston Churchill had then told tbe assemblage that her late husband, who did not like monuments but who loved children, would have beei- happy to see. children in this village raised in the Jewish tradition.

Hebrew Course New York' '(JTA) — Intensive courses in Hebrew "an it i« spoken in Tsrael" are being conducted here under the joint anspiccs of the World Zionist Organization an 1 nisMr'ruth Ivrit. Courses are restricted to persons who plan to work in Israel or settie tle mere there permanently and are of nine months' dwatkm. Conversational Ho* brew fc ttwwed.


newly-accraind skills to giving life to the onee-barren tract* of land that are slowly being revitalized throughout Israel. An additional 4,000 boys and girls, who acquired new skills through a special program st ORT schools in Israel, also were aided by UJA funds passed on through the Joint distribution Committee. Unusual Village American Jews through UJA also helped establish a unusual village in Israel—JIJC'S Kfar JWt.-im, the Village of the Agfd—v,-li>'r<- 1.000 men and women 50 years mid uldnr, without rela tiveh or any im-ans of Mipport, have found luiven. expert <-ar<', work for those who run do it, (•(iinpimiotifihip and assurance tlint tbeir hvili^'lit yrurs will \)i: peaceful nml secure. In addition, Amcrii'Hii Jews helped give thousnmls of babies tticir milk RU(\ school children their hot lunches in North Afrira, and youngsters their schooling there, in Israel, vin Europe and in the United States. In all these places, we helped to create homes, health, jobs, opportunities—mid shining hope. ' Stage of Maturity These are but the highlights of tbe roster of UJA achievement in 5713. They reflect well and truly the stage of maturity readied during the United Jewish Appeal's 15 years., Behind thin recprd of progress and achievement lies the great dream of

the American Jewish community: peace and security for Jews ererj^ where, and a strong and prosperous Israel to stand as a bulwark agaiiua tyranny and persecution and a monument to human perseverance and ingenuity, The dream is strong and, although it has sustained American Jews for 15 years, it is still in the building. With others, American Jews look for tlte day when we will see an Israel without barren stretches of earth thirsting for water, without temporary immigration camps filled with families who have not yet found relief from homclessness, without unemployment " n(1 rationing and the continuous spectre of austeritv. We envisage an Israel of farms, settlements, industry, new towns and busy streets—with roads, schools, hospitals enough for all the people's needfi —with a feeling of freedom, warmth and happiness in the air. Tbat is thr Israel we look forward to, and that is the democratic Israel we are helping build. It is in this dream tbat thn American Jewish community has put The. .establishment of the UJA 15 years ago gave us a powerful instrument for tbe expression of that faith. Today, because of this, the United Jewish Appeal is an integral part of Jewish comnrahitjr life, an expression of modern participation and an old and very wise tradition of help.

What Phil By M«x Baer

When B'nal B'rith elected Philip M, KJulznick a> its international president, it (elected a man whose hard-headed approach to problems does not obscure his good humor, his optimism, and his sensitive regard for the human ele' ments that underlie'every t:ltuation. A successful lawyer, and an authority on public housing who capped a brilliant career in the federal government by buildinf the prize-winning community of Park, III.. Klutznick ha rilsri been a vital force in B'nal B'rith for more than 20 years Ifir> .special intorcrt llc.i in American Jewish youth, and at <1G, he Is still young enough to understand and appreciate Its needs. Youth "The development of our youth as informed and intelligent Jews is fundamental to the realization of.our ambitions for our life in America. The work Ir. not alone one of formal education. We need to inspire and to attach more and more Jewish young people to the forms and the practices of Jewish life In America. We need1 to give them n rensc of enrly belonging and of parlieipation In the great nnd moving events that are on us and before us," Klutznick told a recent B'nal B'rllh District Grand Lodgo^ convention. '' Philip Morris Klutenlcfc'. was horn in Kansas City, Mo., July 0, 1907. He Is the son of Morris (decensed) and Minnie Klutznlck. who Immigrated to the United States from eastern Europe at the turn of the century. Honor Graduate t Klutznlck was an honor graduate of Crelfihton University Law School In Omaha, Nebr. His move from Kansas City to Omaha, his marriage to Ethel IUekes at the , ano of 22, nnd his introduction to n'nr.l B'lilh, all had their origin in his affiliation as n charter member of. Kansas City Chapter No. 2 of the Aleph Zadlk Aleph (Junior Il'nal B'rith), which was organized in 1024. The next year he was elected Grand Aleph Godol (President of AZA). At the same linn: lie became the first editor of the official A/.A ortf,m, The Shofnr, He also nccepted the invlt.itlon of Sam Beber, founder of tho AZA, to serve as the parttime executivo secretary of the rapidly growing Junior B'nal IVrith. Klutznlck's active Interest In the work of the AZA and related youth organizations has never

diminished. When Beber resigned as president of the Supreme Advisory Council of AZA in 1941 after 17 years of service, he wat succeeded by Klutznick, wlio held the office for three years, then served as a consultant to the Youth Commission. In 1951, Klutznick became by the unanimous vote of the 28th International AZA Convention, the first recipient of the Sam Bebcr Distinguished AZA Alumnus Award.

Pioneered In the years when Klutznick pioneered for the AZA, he did not overlook tho possibility of a career in Jewish communal service. The call of the law, however, still rang Insistently In the young man's ears, to he hung out hi shingle. In his long career as an authority on housing, Klutznick has held many state and federal offices. In May 1944 he was appointed by President Franklin D. Kooscvelt to serve as Commissioner of the Federal Public Housing Authority. In this highly responsible and vital work he had the complete confidence of the Roosevelt and Truman administrations, and earned the respect of key senators and representatives from both sides of the aisle. In 1047 he received a Certificate of Merit from President Harry S. Truman for "outstanding fidelity and meritorious conduct in aid of the war effort against the common enemies of the United States and it* Allies in World War II," After the war, Klutznlck accepted the presidency of American Community Builders and related private companies. • Under his direction they built nearly 10,000 dwelling units in Park For' est, a town 30 miles south of Chicago. It now has nearly 20,000 residents, with the ultimate population estimated at nearly 30,000 Public Life Klutznlck's prominence in general public life has never resulted In any diminution of his activities n Jewish life. The new head 'of tho B'nai B'rith is intensely interested in the development of the American Jewish community. He believes that It must bo based on he primacy of religious and splrtual values. "It is Inconceivable that we could ever have an American Jewish community that was not based on religion," he once aid In o synagogue addreis. He believes that Jewish education ranks high In importance with the synagoguo or temple in responsibility and is a community

NdtionJl Jewish Committee on i btoutink and of the National Counu i l of the Boy Stouts of America 1 Lubt jtLr, U'nji B'nth Dislnct Grand \ odge No 0 pave him it Awuid'for Suviix to Humanity Ktsponsfbllll) Klut/|mk sets the icspon lljilit of the B nth <jb one Knowing the weight of its strc n; t in merrtbut and tradition and i souice }n favor of tho^e cauit [ which can best promote the velopm^nt of the finest type i American Jewjsh community. "W liave people, several hundre thousai}|i of them, who have foun in the jB'nai B'rith that mediu through which they can expre their devotion to human causes To lead, such a complement of hu Philip Klutznlck man beings in so holy a cause is responsibility. Some years ago, privilege as well awesom when he was president of the responsibility.": Omaha Board of Jewish EducaIn t)te controversy over thi tion, he said: "I believe that one of Maclver Report, Klutznick becami the fundamental tests of the kind the spokesman for the Anti-Defaof Jewish community we shall de- mation League of B'nal B'rith ir velop will rest in our ability to the batlle to, present'the? Rational find the kind of fewlsh education Community Relations AdvAry program which meets with gen- Council1 from being transformed eral approbation. Implicit in this Into a control council. The deciapproach is the need to clarify sion against affiliation with the our objectives, improve and mod- new organization was • a painful ernize our methods and spread the experience. "I-was among those beneficial Influences to an In- who sought with all heart to creasing number of young people." avoid tlie departure of the AD ' ' •. Zionist ' • ; • ; • : . . ' v ; , ' from this NCRAC," he assured Klutznlck's .concept of American group of local communal 'leaden Jewish community life Includes "It was with the greatest reluctstrong support for the State of Is- ance that I had to agree that foi rael. He has been « Zionist for. a the time being there was no other quarter of a century. At the age of alternative. To me it appeared 22, he1 was elected'president of the that the forum of the NCRAC had Omaha Zionist District; and at 24 been changed from a voluntary h* became vice-president of the cooperative platform in which orSouthwest Region of the Zionist ganizations could, without comOrganization 61 America. pulsion aeek areas of agreement tc Klutznlck sees no "dual loyalty" conflicts as between Israel and America. "We are completely conscious of the spiritual and cultural ties with our brothers in Israel. We are no less conscious of our single national allegiance to our own land. Any other notion would do violence to the unalloyed patriotism of the American Jew and would be contrary to the best Interests of both states." In addition to his Zionist and Jewish education activities, he has been interested in tho Jewish center movement and was at one time very active in the Jewish federations a n d welfare funds. The new president of B'nal B'rith Is a vice-president of the National Jewish Welfare Board and of the World Federation of YMHA's and Jewish Community Centers. He has long been a member of the

Jacob Goodbinder Mrs. Reva Davidson Mrs. Sadie Fish Joe Gilinsky Jeanne Louise Sherman Mrs. Sara Simons Mrs. Jennie Kutler Mrs. H. Rothkop Herman Speler Irvin Stalmaster Max Selicow Mrs. Harry Abramson Herman Bondarin Mrs. Louis Moskovltz Mrs. Anna Olender Mrs. Clara Wolf Max Davidson Mrs. Jack Epstein Mrs. Louise Goetz Mrs. L. Turkel Mrs. Etta Litman M. D. Brodkey Samuel Platt • Mrs. Fannie Friedman Mrs. B. Margolin Mrs. Chaiya Shapiro Mrs. Rose Rubin Mrs. A. Fisher Miss Ethel Gre.en Mrs. V. Zucker Mrs; B. A. Simon . Mrs. M. Mozer Arthur A. Smith . Morris Spivak Harry Slutzky Maurice Micklln Dr. David Rosenberg* Dr. H. Baruch Solomon Lewis Mrs. Bess Lazarus Dr. Manuel Grodlnsky

tional load of cooperation without preparing for it would result in strained, over-worked and oversuspicious personalities entering the arena of cooperation uncondllioned for participation in it. 'We need to recognize these facts and prepare for them in each of our organizational efforts," The kind of leadership to which Kluiznlck would have others aspire must exemplify more than breadth of interest. "It should be axiomatic," he declared, "that those who lead, have to believe In the integrity of Jewish life and the Jewish religion and education which are essential to its fullest development. A leadership which believes in form alone without content Is offering itself to pagan gods . . . I think it is consoling that we are learning to strengthen out affiliations with the synagogue and {the temple, that we are searching for better means to educate in our classrooms and to develop instruments of Informal education, such as the Jewish Center, B'nal B'rith Hillel Foundations, B'nai B'rith Youth Organizations and others. These instruments should tend to provide in greater numbers the kind of leadership which our communities demand."

STEEL PACT New. York (JTA)—Representatives of the Israel Government and the United States Steel Company have signed an agreement under Which the company will supply Israel with a total of 100,000 tons of steel during ,the next three years, it was announced here. The steel will supply 40 per cent of Israel's steel needs for the threeyear period. The steel will be fabricated in Israel, chiefly for uie in water one in which as a practical matter pipes for major irrigation projcompulsion would become inevi- ects. It will go to three Israeli steel plants at Migdal-Askelon, table." Sarafand and Acre. The failure of the NCRAC negotiations has not disillusioned the B'nal B'rith leader in what has always been his unswerving belief in cooperative action among organizations in matters of common purpose. / Cooperation In a recent address on community organization, he declared We need more understanding ol the simple Idea of cooperation, Many people who speak about cooperation fail to recognize what il Implies. This is one of our difficulties. Cooperation Is Itself a program and a job. It needs staff, money and time. The demands that are normally made on the president of a national organization are so great that to take on this addl-

U. S. Experts to Give Study Program in Israel New York (JTA)—A year-long work and study program which will give yourig Americans with degrees in Industrial engineering or production management a period of apprenticeship in key industrial plants in Israel, will begin in September, it was announced by the Jewish Agency. The program will be supervised by four American industrial engineering experts supplied by the United States Technical Cooperation Administration. The experts will conduct a two-month orientation course, after which members of the group will be assigned to 50 industrial plants chosen among

Mrs. Gertrude Mazte Mrs. Sarah Paradise r Anton Adler !r Gail Margolin • ! 4 Mrs. Leah Goldware s. 1 • David Klein Louis Kendis , f Brian Lincoln Robert Ruben Mrs. Lena Shaf er Isadore Bernstein A. Herzberg i Mrs. Lena Feldman ? ; Phihp Trochtenberg 5. Sam Helphand *( ^ ' . Mrs. Alfred Reck Israel Gilinsky Harry Frankel ' f Mrs. Hyman Gerber ' ; ( Cdman Finkel . . ... ..£..,. Benjamin Herehorn Herman Moskovitz Arnold Levin Sol Smith Isadore Swartz SamJosephson 1 "•' . Isaac Konecky j •'. ' • • ' • " . •'•'• ' i » t i '• Abraham Friedman r ' V - ; ' , ' " ' -.•-• '••'•"••'.'• '••:•'']•.'.'''' Max Zweibelman Michael Somlt • • " ' • • • • • V • • • •;"• •"••.''^•• Lv -Abraham Shamberg '•-• " i i Mrs. Nellie Pollack . • ' •[! :-.;...-''jv.':-: ..:.-.,'.;--?.:v-:;t: Louis Levin Mrs. Meyer Tatelman V.- ,:' K;"-.:.-.:'.....''i|..'T: •







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• • . . : .






• . ;

: , •



• ' - '

' • " '


' -


J a c o b Berkowitz Jacob R l k l i n .


• • . ' - .


Morris Grossman Mrs. Dorothy Milder Dr. Harry M. Levin Mrs. Helen Rosenblum

key trades. Their project under the supervision of the TCA e x perts will be to investigate the planning, lay-outs, material handling systems, costs, and personnel procedures in these plants with a view to increasing productivity and efficiency. The group will be limited to 60 industrial engineer graduates of American universities and of the Israel Institute of Technology In Haifa. The Americans will be quartered at Bet Bcrl, Kfar, Saba, with all expenses paid, including a spending allowance. Transportation to and from Israel is included, The program, designed to meet Israel's growing needs for skilled industrial planning and production personnel, was established


' ,




'• •




the Eternal Light


ning to morning before the LORD; it shall be a statute for ever throughout their generation* on

Prosperous New Year , "THIS lamp, which hat hung In synagogues all over the world since the origin ' of the Bible itself, is,an inspiring symbol of the profound, unceasing faith of a great people and their untiring efforts toward a better tomorrow, ' Ifl thirty scattered lands, this lamp of faith burns with the same inspiration for all these on whom Its light falls, be their place of assembly a synagogue of stone or a tent of goatskin. If has been so through tho ages. We need look no further for a batter symbol for tho uncertain times today than faith Ilka this . . . the knowledgo that man, with the holp of God, can solve his own problems . . ' . that world peaco will como to us only when the princi. .pies of charity and justices govorh tho actions of man. It is hoped that this now year will bring tho answor to prayors of men of all faithi that WB havo begun at last tho poaceful solution of the world1! problems. . . . that Rosh Hashonah 5714 will bo rocordod as the beginning of a new era for man . . . that within it ho will roach a groator dignity through a more complete realization of the purpose for which he was intended. •'I1*'.. '






• ' 4 . : ' \ \



j . .









' i .








Patronize Oun Advertiser*.

the behalf of the children of Israel.

Nebraska Wholesale Liquor Distributors Assn.

* • • • : ' • - ' -

Judy Holliday tells us about the' elderly movie player-who sought the aid of a psychoanalyst, « x - ' plaininb that he found himself., slowly going mad over beautiful: women. "Doc," he begged, 'Isn't; there some way of speeding; up; the process?11 ,;

Hit ions shall set it in order, to burn from •v«<



" • " . . • • •

this year by the National Productivity Institute of the Israel M i n istry of Labor. Cooperating' «r«, the Manufacturers Association of Israel, the Israel Federation of: Labor and the Israel Association of Engineers and Architects. The program is sponsored in the United States by the Jewish Agency. -

ually 21. In the Tent of meeting, without the / .




.vail which is before the teitimony, Aaron and .

' ' ' ;


for the light, to cauie a lamp to burn contin-



•'• • "

And thou.thalt command the children of liraal,


- . » .

• . - : ' •




that they bring unto the* pur* oliva ell b«at«>n

a Happy and


. r - "


difference nor hostility could dim it • . ,



• -


symbol of a belief so profound that neither In-

Best Wishes

* * ' < • ' '









HaiWJi l7l*_TW»d.v, SaptamW 10, I»5J

The Year In Israel By Jacob Awrtweb

(Copyright, 1953, JTA) Many method! are used to gauge the progress of Israel a* one year ends and another begins. Statistics «re employed to show the number of dunams under cultivation, the »ums of foreign capital inverted, the total kilowatt-hours used by Indvstry or the tonnage of ship* e n d i n g Haifa port Photographs contrast the tents and corrugated huts; of twelve months ago with the growing number of stone and concrete immigrant dwellings today. These methods are good ones. But they merely pinpoint certain very tangible aspects of Israel's development There are many other-facts: The social and culturaVlnlegration of immigrants for example, or the growing impact of Israel's culture on the rest of world Jewry, which are equally important but which must be viewed over a period of many years in order to be properly evaluated. Jewish Agency Among the best indices of Israel's over-all progress are the activities of the Jewish Agency. The Agency plays a part in virtually every phase of Israel's growth, from the purchase of American tractors and combines for agricultural, development to the propagation of Hebrew language study and cultural exchanges between Israel and communities abroad. The multitude of Agency activities;, of course, is carried out with funds contributed to the United Jewish Appeal in America and to 'milnr appe t! throushout the world.

Agricultural Colonization Department i i most evident By midsummer the Department bad set up SO new agricultural villages accommodating more than four thousand families. Nineteen, located in the Negev, «r« of a new type, owned outright by the Jewish Agency The settlers who work the land wijl take over ownership when their numbers increase and their financial position becomes secure.

Phosphate Output

Negev Villages These new villages as well as hundreds of older settlements in the process of expansion, benefit from the activities of the Jewish Agency's Procurement Department in New York which lias purchased 570,000,000 worth of material fur Israel, mainly agricultural and irrigation equipment and livestock. This equipment iy stored in Agency compounds throughout Israel mid distributed to settlements as their needs arise. Last spring the Procurement Department shipped L',000 mules air: mares to Israel for plowing In areas unsuitable fur tractors.

Like agriculture; Israel's industry has developed rapidly. FOIXIJ;II investments in the neighborhood of $150,000,000 were made during the past five years. The Jewish Agency's Economic Department set up to promote American investments in Israel, aids potential investors with facts, figures and advice on every aspect of Israel's economy. Virtually every new project initiated by an American investor passed, at one stage or another, through the offices of the Jo H'I Agency'1* Economic De[ p n trm i,t in New York During the last 12 months, the Economic T h e j i . n h a b( «n J p i - Dipaitncnt icport«, American inM •tr'i'-nts in Israel have totaled nod Of crj'i oil' ilion foi I I ibout 510,000,000. Mass Immigration, v . l ' i i h i r n , i ' . its peak in 19*50-51. h a l.ipcrcl Center of Culture off for t>'' til' f N nit! I lie h t lie of Paralleling its physical progI ' r a c l . P I tli' I • ' h A | ' i i r \ h a v e 'i . i . tin1 growing awareness of bi'on c r t c i t i il " ' t'"« . iff' i t Israel as a center of Hebrew culnn II >• •• M< i nt 'ii tin 1 in v i m - iurc. and Jewish religious heritage. I ' . i ' l i n t pupul • on V.IIILII, d u n n i ' Last June a group of leading ti i M i I ' I f ' t 700,000 marlc American Jewish educators, reC i ' i l i i p u In l—1,'iUOOflO) S p o - searchers and school executives I b a n p L . c c d (in went to Israel to participate in a il il t - p i . c m week lecture, study and i>lt-Lceins tour under the ausr.j i' 'Ih \snculttiral 111 u llj nn j i g m u l - pices of the Jewish Agency's Department of Education and Cul11 ii \ <- i • O'IO.OOO acu i i i ri r ii ti\ ition l a ' t j c a r , ture. The same Department in New i i ' • n,' u UL t".an 500 Jewish York conducts an annual seminar •n'ii mi's I'l.'(.onMdcrable areas on Israel culture for Jewish eduri'innin tu be settled and culti- cators who are unnble to travel vated, mainly in the Jerusalem to Israel. This year's event took Corridor, the Negev and Western place in Ellenvllle, N. Y., with Galilee. It is in these areas that lecturers from the Hebrew Unithe work of the Jewish Agency's versity, Jerusalem, participating.

Far to the north of the Nrgcv mining operations. Is this plant in Haifa which U utilizing Negev phosphates for production of fertlllzer. At least 85 percent of the phosphate output U earmarked for export to helpl redrew Israel's advene trade balance. Hebrew seminars for educator! and students were also conducted in England and . other European countries this year. Earlier In the year a group 29 undergraduate student! of leading Hebrew teachers colleges ' the United States returned home after six months of study In Israel under the auspice* of the Department of Education and Culture. The courses which counted credit toward their graduation, were designed to acquaint the future teachers with Israel's teach' ing methods and school system.

culatcs to over 1,000 students and educators each week. Exchange Program An event of a different nature was the Israel Summer Institute, a cultural exchange program, for young Americans which has been an annual project of the Jewish Agency's Youth and ChaluUlut Department for the past five yean. The curriculum provide* for about seven weeks in Israel including three weeks of lectures and study, extensive sight-seeing tours and a week or so to participate in life •*

at a typical pioneer agricultural settlement The Summer Institute is one of the most popular Jewish Agency projects. This summer's enrollment of 136 was the largest to date. Americans and other visitors who have five or six months to spend in Israel can learn Hebrew quite fluently by enrolling in one of several "Ulpanim," Intensive study courses, conducted by the Jewish Agency in various parU of the country. The "Ulpanim" were devised four years ago as a means of teaching Hebrew to immigrants. Last year they were open to tourists and about 80 Americans have taken advantage of the courses so far. Registration Is handled by the Jewish Agency's Allyah Department in New York. Major Event The "Ulpan" has proven a boon to American professions seeking Jobs In Israel, They are also aided by the Professional and Technical Workers Allyah (PATWA) office of the Jewish Agency, on sue]) matters u bousing and job placement A PATWA Organization numbering some 300 American college graduates^and undergraduates has grown up independently during the past year. The members, who join vountarlly, are helped by the Agency's PATWA Office to plan future careers in Israel. Perhaps the major historical event for Israel and Jewry during the pait year was the successful conclusion of an $622,000,000 restitution agreement with Western Germany. The negotiations were initiated by Dr. Nahum Ooldmann, chairman of the Jewish Agency. The Agency was'one of the 22 major world Jewish organizations comprising the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany which negotiated restitution for individual and community property plundered by the Nazis.


Congratulations Mr. and Mr*. Leroy E. Belzer Mr, and Mrs. Ben Rifkln Mr. and Mr*. Sidney Kwlatek Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kalman Mr. and Mrs. Herman KrUlal Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Roseman Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bclmont Dr. and Mrs. S. E. Jli-rshon Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kox Mr. and Mrs. Henry Malashock Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard Margolin Mr. and Mrs. Myer Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winer Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Solz Mr. and Mrs. Karl Glvunt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turkcl Mr. and Mrs. Edward Milder Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gerlx-r Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Feldman Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bernstein Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shlensky Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Fox Mr. and Mrs. Saul Llbowski Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Brown Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crounse Dr. and Mrs. Earl Wlgodlky Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Boasters Dr. and Mrs. Marvin I. Pizer Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Malashock Mr. and Mrs. Larry Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Diamond Mr. and Mrs. Irving Malashock 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bramson 'Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kulakofsky Dr. and Mrs. Edward Chernlu Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cohen Mr. and Mr* Stanley Kaplan Mr. and Mrs, Sanford Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Polanskl Mr. and M n . Joseph Belmoht Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Newman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Cohen ' Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lehr Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Sherman Daughters

Mr. and Mn. Ben Miller Mr. and Mrs. Irving Gendler Mr. and Mrs. Norman Batt Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Raduziner Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Dienstjrey Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rice Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Temln Mr. and Mrs, Julius Novak Mr. and Mn. Milton Belzer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Uubaek Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lustgarten Mr. and Mrs. Philip (Jorodetzcr Mr. and Mrs. Ix-tter Kox Mr. and Mrs. Frank Plrsch Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Jack .Solomon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sigoloff Mr, and Mrs. Louis Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Iz Makovsky Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cassman Mr. and Mrs. Sol Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Krnsne Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Epstein Mr. and Mrs. Morris Blttner Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fox Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Camel Mr. and Mrs. Moivy Lnndman Mr. and Mrs. Ira Trachtcnbarg Mr. and Mrs/Stanford Llpsey. Mr. and Mrt. Bernard Cheilcr Mr. and Mrs. Judy Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Martin Herzoff Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Cohn Dr. and Mrs, Sol Kutler Mr. and Mn, Robert Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Artlfur Pinkovitz Mr, and Mrs. Joe Berger Mr. and Mrt. Julius Cohn , Mr.'and Mrs. Stanley Katelman Dr. and Mn. H. S. Wgodsky Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen • Mr. and Mn, Daniel Katzman Mr. and M n . Elmer Novak Mr. and Mn. Irving Oarber Mr. and Mn. Herman Barnon Mr. and Mn. Morton Frank Mr. and Mn. Bernard Bogdanott Twin* . j

Jo« Frank Mr. and Mn, Owen Meyerson Dr. and Mrs. Invin Sunshine

Martin Welnzveg

Intermarriage Rises in Canada

In the quinquennial period 192630 there were 338 mixed marriages; 1831-35 thtre were 390 mixed marriages; 1830-40 there were 962 mixed marriages: 1941Montreal (JTA)—Intermarriage , _ . , . « there were 940 mixed maramong Jews in Canada is on the r | l g e i i a n d , i 0 ) 5 mixed marriages Increase, according to figures re-j during the years 1840-50. leased by the Research DepartThe research department of the ment of the Canadian Jewish Con- Canadian Jewish Congress also grcss. During "the period 1926- released data on Jewish birth and 1930, mixed marriages averaged death rates In Canada. The data 4.9 per cent of all marriages in indicates that (he general trend which one or both partners to the, of Jewish birth rates in Canada marriage were Jewish. The cor-| has been on . the Increase. The responding figure for the year figure was ISA per 1,000 In 1920 1944 was 11 per cent and in 1930 and 19.9 p*r 1,000 in 19S0; there 10.1 per 1,000. , .was a'period of decrease during Canada is the only country in n» «ea.s 1830-1040. when the rate Moss Hart: "Every man has his the English speaking world for .fell to an all-time low of 12.5 per uses, and every woman her ex- which officials sUtlitlci concern-j 1,000 (In 1937). cuses." Ing intermarriage are available. < The Jewish death rale has been


Increasing steadily, the figure* show. It was 4.4 per 1,002 in 192.B, and 7.9 per 1,000 In 1949. The death rate of the total population was 11.4 per 1,000 In 1928, and 8,9 per 1,000 In 1930. Th» rate of natural increase — excess of birthj over deaths — of Jewish population In Canada was 11.1 per 1,000 in 1928; S.9 per 1,000 In 1937, and 12.4 per 1,000 in I860. The corresponding figures for tht total population were 10.7 per 1,000 In 1926; 9.5 per 1,000 In 1937, and 19.2 per .1,000 in 1947, Turn to the Lord: say unto Him, lake away all iniquity, and receive us graciously.—-Hos. 14:2,

The Department of Torah Cu turc and Education which inaugurated Torah Study Month in Jewish communities throughout thi United States last winter, conducted a world-wide conference of Orthodox Jewish educators Jerusalem in August. The Department also ran an international Torah essay contest for teen-ager* and young adults. A' correspondence course in Torah and Talmud, prepared by the Department d r -

Upholstered Furniture


Jjervice Representative Kay Wallace Always glad to lend a hand—or a voice!" scanned the note. Puzzled, she looked at The story you've read here was taken the man who had brought it to her desk in from telephone files. Names have been ' the telephone business office. He touched changed to protect the privacy of people his mouth and his ear, then shook his head. in it. You might meet Kay Wallace, the "You're deaf and can't speak?" she service representative, in your telephone wrote on a slip of paper. He nodded, office. You're sure to meet someone very reaching for the pencil. like her—for her helpfulness is typical of Mrs. Wallace soon learned his need. The telephone people in every town we serve. To attract and hold good workers like handicapped man's wife was ill; he wanted Kay Wallace, to provide them with good to call relatives out of town. Quickly she put the call through. "I'm equipment and proper training to serve you speaking for Mr. S a m s o n . . . " she began. well—your telephone company must have Then as penciled notes were exchanged, she reasonable rates for service. We must 6tay financially sound to continue to bring good continued a six-minute conversation. When the call was finished, her customer1;! telephone service to everyone who needs gestures conveyed his thanks. Kay smiled i t . . . to continue to make your telephone add Wttrte a last note. "You're welcome. worth more than it costs.



Doyoi Jbuu a tru* ttttphmt ttory likt Mil Stni •tttoWortAOTftomBell TtUfhont Company,

Northwestern Bell Telephone Company

You Choose Your Own Cover and Other Features Manufactured in Our Own

Nylon Matelasses, Nylon Boucles, Nylon Friezes, Nubby Weaves, Mohair Friezes For upholstering:—choose from LATEX . . Rubbersized H a i r . . Springs . . Down. For Trimming:—Bullion Fringes . . . Skirts . . . Boucle Edging and Button Tufting.

Omaha Factory

Wood Finishing Blond or Traditional Mahogany or Walnut as well as the in between Provincial Finishes. All this enables you to correlate all the furniture in your living room. NO "CUSTOM" CHARGES. You pay only for the Cover, Trim, Finish, Latex, Hair, Down, Spring or Upholstering selected higher or lower accordingly.



N . w Y i i r 1 . Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Reih Hishonah 5714—Thursday. S.pfemb.r 10, 1953

Histadrut -World's Most Unique Labor Union By Eliezer VVhartnun One of the first words a visitor icars upon reaching Israel is 'Hictadrat." It is not surprising, 'or the history of Israel is reflcctcl in the history of the Histadrut, .:id one is inconceivable without he other. Israel's General Fed-ration of Labor—HUtadrut Ovn'm—is a unique creation thnt las no parallel in the world. It i.-> at once a representative ond mploycr of labor. It owns and operates vast producer ond consumer cooperatives. It runs the nation's largest health organization. It maintains a complete network of schools. Its food marketing cooperative feeds a major part nf the population. Its transport co-ops carry almost nil of the traveling public. Half the Population When the traveler to Israel descends from his plane, if he flew via Israel Airlines, he was patronizing a partially Histadrut financed enterprise. Chances are. If he came to stay for some time, that his heavy baggage was carried on a Hlttadrut managed freighter. He will travel to near-by Tel Aviv by bus or taxis, both run by cooperatives affiliated with Hiitaarut. On the way he will tee HisUdrut run schools and hospitals, giant factories and small workshops, all controlled by the labor organization. His driver will be a union man, as will be th trucker coming in the opposite direction. The doctor seated across the aisle, the Government cleric in front of him, the laborer repairing the road, the policeman directing traffic, the farmer In the field, the housewife on the btrcct corner—all are members of the Histadrut. Half the population and three quarters of its wage earners enjoy the union's facilities. The heads of the Government, Including Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, Preslden Yitzhak Ben Zvl and Speaker o the House were at one time leaders of the Histadrut and arc still members. From the moment of his arrival, to the time of his departure, the visitor to Israel wll be confronted at every turn bj Histadrut enterprises and people He simply cannot move wlthou coming Into contact with some phase of it. Over 500,01)0 Little did the imall, determined group of men who assembled in the auditorium of the Haifa Institute of Technology in December 1020 to create a union dream that • scant 33 years later the membership in the organization would swell from 4,400 to over 500,000 and Would provide welfare and health services to half a million more. It was as unorthodox a col. lection of workers as could possibly be Imagined that turned up for the Haifa meeting, with most of them consisting of newly arrived intellectuals who, for Ideal* istic reasons, had turned their backs on the clerical type of work that they had previously performed and had deliberately cho, sen manual labor in its stead. Rather than its being a case of a working class creating a labor movement, It was a case of a labor movement creating a working class. In most countries of the world, including our o w n / it is usually the urban workers who found unions. Farm workers rarely participate and are usually among the last to be unionized. In the cate of the Histadrut, however, it was the farm workers who took the Initiative, drawing in after them the workers in the city. Its founders victallzed the Histadrut as an organ which would not only protect the interests of the worker, but which would also radically change the Galut pattern of Jewish life that had existed since the time that Rome had conquered Judea and dispersed Its Inhabitants to the four comers of the ;;lobe. For two thousand years the Jewish people in the various lands in which they had settled had had i lopsided economic structural thcro was no urban or rural worker base to the society. Rather, it consisted, in the main, of the mercantile and profesiional classes. Manual labor was looked down upoh.

Big Bricks From Israel's Soil

Quarrying for building materials HAIFA. Iirael (IIP). — Quarrying for local materials in lh« North and South of Israel is an important phase in iho country's expanded building program to provide housing and employment for its new comers. Much of the financial backing necessary for the un•arthlng of minerals for construction purposes is provided by appropriations from Slate of Israel Bond investments. Smaller quarries, like the ont aboT* In th* North hslp augment the major mlninq activities of the voung republic located in th* NiffOT and Uilited by. IL.10,780,000 . p proprlation from Slat* of Iscooperatlves with 412,000 members, 373 producer and servlci co-ops with 19,000 members. Its flint Selel Bench trade union which builds many of the coun try's homes, factories and roads alone contains about 40,000 members. The factories which Histadrut owns or controls turn out a large share of the nation's rubber products, soap and detergents, cement, c'ass, building materials! porcelain", pipes, electrical supplies, processed food, textiles, etc Commanding Position Histadrut's rise to / t s pruscn commanding position, though tpec. tacular, has not been easy. Tii organization, especially during its early years, had to work against tremendous odds. Founded at time when an antagonistic British Mandatory Government was in tent on perpetuating the feudal practices of its Turkish predecessor, the Histadrut found it necessary to create an economy within an economy. Faced with the prospect of dealing with employer* who took a dim view of hiring Jewish labor, preferring rather to take on cheap Arab labor, the Histadrut began an educational job— backed up by occasional strikes— which still goes on today. Seeing that the British, like their Turkish forbears, were adept at taxing the Jewish community without In turn providing basic necessities such as schools and hospitals, the Histadrut founded its own educational and health services. Travel facilities then being primitive and dangerous, the Histadrut encouraged the formation of bus cooperatives operating in and between cities and settlements. Noting that private capital was unwilling to enter undeveloped areas, or invest in industries where there was no assurance of a quick profit, the Histadrut or;an!zed industrial cooperatives. In sense the Histadrut grew to power through the default Of private industry to invert In pioneerng fieldr. v Friction This securing of monopoly through default continues even today with Histadrut investing in such outposts as Becrsheba and Elat. Though considerable friction has developed between private enterprise, which maintains that Histadrut, by virtue of its huge exchequer, is monopolizing whole segments of Industry, and the Histadrut which claims that private industry has shown little initiative and less idealism, the two often manage to go Into partncrchlp, usually with Histadrut becoming the junior partner. The labor organization does not, as some rumors would have it, seek agreements whereby it will control the majority of the stock. Thcro have icen cases where it has even loaned money to private industries who were threatened with 'allure. Though the action was prompted less out Of a love of the industrialist ond more out of a lesire to keep Histadrut members Irom being thrown out of work, he union's movo did, neverthcess, save n number of firms.

Dignity The restoration of the dignity of 'the working man was one of Hie cardinal principles of the new union. Membership was opened to anyone who was not an employer. This has brought Into the union's ranks people of all classes: lawyers, butchers, farmers, doctors, candlestick makers, politicians, street cleaners, Judges, etc. Under the Histadhit's encouragement ond direction, the number Immigration of collective and cooperative setLabor unions arc usmillj the tlements affiliated with It has ast to press for an expansion of grown to almost five hundred. Immigration Into their country, II now bogsti of 90S consumer taking the view—rightly or wrong-

rael Bond investments. Cracking open iho young republics hills to quarry for siona ii however mostly done in the Horlh. At TIrath Yehuda, Muirei Even Ltd.. with the nid of n.IL.90,000 loan from Stale of Israol Bonds bai reached a crushing capacity of 3,000 ions per day, which ii B third of lh» counlry'i present consumption. Th* roai of dynamite has a dtff*r*nt message for lh* residents ol Haifa than thos* of Jerusalem In Haifa, it m«an« th* tint stag* in consiructlon in J*ru< sal*m It brings a m*nag» ol destruction. ly—that cheap immigrant labor will become , a threat to their own workers. They often hold that the flooding of the labor market will bring down the price of labor. Not so the Histadru From its inception it realized that only by immigration would the country develop. Realizing that a progressive government couli be ensured only by there being Jewish majority in the country the Histadrut vigorously threv Itself into the work of orgnnizlni the now famous "Aliya Bet," thi .'O-collcd "illegal immigration1 Palestine. Today an immigran entering Israel is given free medlcai care by the Histadrut for three months. Ills wife and children arc frequently cared for by Hista drut social workers serving in th< mn'abarot work' camps. He and hi! family can often find Histadru sponsored trade schooli availali to them. Histadrut managed em ployment centers help him find job. A mobile Histadru^ van wi come to his outlying ma'abara from timo to time to pick up his farm produce for sale in the city, sell him commodities that he needs, or simply lend him boeka. Frlvlllges The new immigrant receives the identical privileges as the veteran Histadrut member as. soon as he joins the labor organization. Thes privileges Include membership foi him and his family In the Kupat Hollm, the largest health service In the country, and cllgllllty foi sickness, unemployment and old age benefits. If he Is Invalided through an Industrial accident, hi will receive a monthly pension, and should he die, his widow and orphans will be given a cash grant. The Histadrut will often help him out with housing and loans, and encourages him to send his children to Histadrut sponsored schools. His wife can, if she desires, receive training In sewing, spinning and the domesti: sciences. The Imahot Ovdot, the Working Mothers of Israel, run nurseries for children where she can leave her pre-school age children while she helps support the family. For single girls (46 per cent of the HIsladrut arc women) hostels arc available to help see them over the critical housing shortage until they find permanent homes, And for the working boy or girl special evening schools have been set up to enable them to get an education while they work.



due;, do not cover lluj Hitladrut'i expenditures, and the union lias been forced to turn to its friends abroad for additional help. Structure The struttuiu of the lii.l.,dr I differs considerably from that t the American trade union m ment. A man joining the Uista drut does not join a specific tr union, as he does here, but be comes a member of the Hista drut as a whole. Only then does hi become a member of a local an< national trade union. The pun trade union matters are handlec on three levels: locally throug the local union which operates under the local council; nationall through one of the 231 nationai trade unions; and on such matte: as wage and hour policy, he is rep resented by the Trade Union De partment operating under the Ex ccutive. Officers are elected b; secret ballot, with the worker vot ing for candidates put forward b) various parties within the organization. The Executive Committee is elected once every foui years by a national convention o: representatives of the local councils. In turn, the Executive Com mittee elects a Secretary-General, whose position corresponds to thai of the President of the C.'l.O. oi the A. F. of L. The present Secretary-General is Mordechai Na< mir, who Is also a Mapai mem. ber of the Knesset (Parliament) In the past this office had beei filled for many years by Davii Ben Gurion, the present Primi Minister,: and by the late Davl Remez, a former Mapal Knessel member and Minister of Education. Speaker of the House, Yose: Sprlnzak, also has served as heai of the far-flung labor' organlza Uon. Today Mapai, Israel's larges political party, controls 114 seats on the 201 man Council. Mapam its closest rival, •holds 60 seats, trailed by the Progressive Workers (Haoved Hatzionl) and thi Religious Workers (Hoover Ha datl). The Communist Part; which formerly held eight seats was recently expelled from thi organization. Close Affinity' The close affinity between thi Histadrut and the Governmen resulting from Mapal leadershl; of both, has led to some awkwan and troubling problems: Mapal led Histadrut Is duty bound tc protect the Interests of Mapal-le Government. Should the workers of a particular trade have a griev ance which the Government falls to satisfy, it is difficult for them to turn to the Histadrut to tak action as would be the normal procedure here. Then again, Histadrut being the owner of many plants, the labor organization I at once the representative arid boss of the worker, putting him in a ticklish spot as far as col lective bargaining is concerned. Mapal's open conflict with M^pam has led to the latter's backing a number of unauthorized strikes against the Histadrut, which . i s straining worker, unity rather badly.




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Praia* Histadrut's work has been singled out for pralt* • by many American leaders of Industry and labor, both Jew and Gentile. Probably the most succinct tribute paid to it was by Y l c t o r Reuthcr, director of the Education Department of the United Automobile Workers of America and brother of the President of the C. I.O. Walter Rcuther. After a visit to Israel, Mr. Reuthcr summed up his impressions of the country's abor organization thus:

"I doubt if anywhere In the world there Is or ever has been a nation In which the trade union movement has assumed so large a responsibility for housing, health, for vocational training, as well as cultural activities, for the operation of employment agencies, for he rosettloment of immigrants, for old age security, and even for the financing of industrial and agrl Publishes Dailies On the cultural side, the HIE- cultural developments. tadrut publishes its own dailies— "In other words, the union has "Davar" for those who know He- assumed a direct responsibility for brew and "Omer" for those who the entire range of social and ecoarc learning; it runs its own thea- nomic activities which by political tre, Ohcl; it has its own publish- evolution have become In most ing house, Am Ovcct, which has :ountries the exclusive domain of turned out over 1,000,000 copies he Stale. The result of this has of 360 titles during its nine year een, I believe, a tapping of treexistence; It has its own mobile mendous reserves of democratic record and movie services; and lartlcipatlon by the people in the it has done pioneer work In mak- solution of their common probng for better relations between e m s . . . . After seeing at first hand lews and Arabs, both of whom his young and vigorous new naire given the same membership lon in the building, and especially Ights. ifter talking to the men and womTo finance all these services, n of the HlBtadrUt, I was overIlstadrut members pay five per hclmed by the illusion of having :ent of their salaries to the un- it last come home to the future. on's treasury. However, because t the end of my visit I felt as the extensive nature- of the hough I were leaving a newsocial and health services the oriund homeland and returning U ganization renders, membership n older era."


and electric





To celebrate the introduction of the new model Laundry Twins, Westinghouse will award, without charge, the new Laundromat and Clothes Dryer to the parents of twin babies on Sept. 23, 1953 and Gerber's will award a year's supply of their famous baby foods. See us fordetails.

LAUNDROMAT1 - Completely Automatic, Full Size, Agl-Tumble Action It's now! It's low priced! It's loaded with features that make wnshday completely automatic nnd aasuro cleaner, whiter clothes.

95 Convonlonl, Easy Terms


Slanting Front, Fully Aulomalle, Fattor Dryino

It enda heavy lifting, tiring hanging—oil tho hard wort of line drying clothes—and it' driosyourclothesaflyouwant them, dry or damp-dry.

Convonlonl, * » y Tero,,

A Short Story"

The Surprise sighed heavily. It made David very melancholy to cee him. It hud been In the middle of last winter that his father first mentioned moving to the country. He had come home very excited and red in the lace. "There is this new pipeline," he told them at dinner, ''that will carry water into the Northern Kegev. Here." He took out a map of Israel and pointed with his finger, to a space between the Hebron Hills in Jordan and Gaza. "Beside the pipeline they are going to build settlements, Shuvals, 'and by next Spring they will farm barley and

DaW4 l a / iuHy drewed on the cot in the front room of the canvas house. He did not want to go out Instead, he stared blankly at the makeshift roof through which shafts of bright sunlight darted downward and p l a y e d along his legs. "David," his mother called from the vegetable garden in front o£ the house. He hesitated, not want' ' ing to answer, content with the silence of the small room. Only "the sip of the sprinkler in the r;ar•, -den intruded upon his thought;;. ' "Why don't you come out and get "That is a year away," his 'name sun?" mother had said, sensing that his tie had had enough of the sun, father had already made up his he thought. The image of the mind. "There is plenty of time heavy globe of fire that hung like to think about It." . a yellow balloon in the sky above "No! If we decide, we must go the settlement made him close his __ at the beginning of June to help v eyes with disgust. He had fought buil(1 this sun with his heart, he told'j the permanent buildings and himself. He had fouRht it an Da- j c x ^ n c J t l ) e Pipeline.1' your job. How will w e yid had fought Goliath, as Jacob :. had fought the ang.jl, and now he Ijlive'.'"' "We will be paid for our labor. " tould not stand the ;;i^ht of it. The funds will come from the '-"How long can thh; go on?" hi:.. United Jewish Appeal in America. . mother asked, poking her head Of course, it will be hard. But ". • into the entrance of the hou;:e, think of it. A new life. We will her eyes .saddened with crmeein. have a new life." He turned hir- face toward the So they had come to Shuval 1. canvas wal1. They had found there a neat row "'This is very -illy, David. Your of white-washed canvas two room father and I aie very disturbed." houses. In front of the houses the Then when there was still no an- p j p d j n c threaded past through' y.for. "Don't you care if we're I{hl. s e t t l e m e n t a n d i n t 0 fre p a r c h . .•disturbed?" Bcnriin;; over the cot, ( . d N ( . g e v l u r t h c r ^ toe E a s t -.he put a cool hand on his fore- jF c e , l c r s stre tched from the 'pipehead. Then, when he did not stir, :„„„ Mo e a c h h o u s c ,„ f r o n t i a she shook her head and went back , p r i , , , : I c r w a s p r o v i d c d t o irrito the vegetable garden. He was iRaie a s r n a I 1 v e g c t a b l c garden. In sorry that, he did not answer his , h e b a c k Q , , h ( , h o u M J s t r c t ched mother. But he was afraid that b ; i r r e n f i c l d S p w h l c h i w h e n t h e the first words to come out would r i g a t i o n , e e d e r s w c r e e x t e n d e d be followed by a torrent of tears. f r o m , h e p j p C i w o u U b e t h e s j t e He could do nothing right, he told of the barley fields. • himself. Now the whole Shuval But before David had left Tel knew all about what he had done. Aviv he had gone to the seed '"Hah, there noes the great paint- store. There the man had given ,er," they would call after him if him the best seeds. With the "they saw him. But they would seeds tucked away in an envelope, .not. see him. He would stay put he felt a great flush of anxiety right here on the cot and they and could not wait until he had 'could call him what they wanted. planted them in the ground. Aft/ ' Ivfaybe it would be better if he er all, he was going to be a farm' went back to Tel Aviv. r. . In Tel Aviv the family had' had He had decided that the beets ''••t- little apartment always heavywould be a surprise. Counting on * w'itfi the smell of fish. His fa- his fingers, he estimated that the ther had worked as a mechanic in beets would be ripe in Septema bicycle repair shop and when he ber, perhaps by Rosh Hashonah went home he would sit for hours Then his mother would make out on the little terrace overlooking of them delicious borscht and his the narrow noisy street. His fa- father would be a happy man. ther seemed always to be brood- The sadness of his father had aling about something. Even the ways troubled him. He rarely lines on his face had arranged smiled, but David knew that when themselves into a sad expression. he would see the borscht on the "I have lived in cities all my life," table he would certainly smile. lie would say. "In Roumania. Now Of course, in order to keep thi in Israel. Do you remember Rousurprise, he had to plant his seeds mania, David?" far out in the field behind hi A faded image of an old house house where the barley was to in a wider street, with the clip be. He picked a spot near a littL clop of horses hooves going past rise in the ground and planted a' at night floated by. He had not the far end of the rise so that th> answered t h e n , shrugging his patch would not be visible from shoulders, unsure of the mem- the settlement. His great prob ory. He had been in Israel near- lem was the water. The vegely half his lifetime, arriving six tables in the garden with th sprinklers spraying them with wayears ago. Sometimes his father would sit ter throughout the day was one back in the chair on the terrace thing and his little beet patch fa' out in the field with no wate and look at the sky. "There were things . . ." he said except what he would bring to i with nostalgia. "It is silly to think was another thing. He would keep about it. But years ago in Hou- a can under the sprinkler in the manla on hot days we would have corner of the vegetable garden cold borscht, ice cold, delicious where it would attract little noand sweet. Sometimes I think that tice. Then when it had filled up a plate of that borscht would he would wait for the opportun make me a happier man." He put moment when no one was around his. hands behind his head and and run with his can of water to

the beet patch. The other children sometimes asked him where he was taking the water. "I will tell you later," he would say, rushing away with g r e a t haste. Once when his father had come home from a hard day's work, exhausted and broken in spirit, David would try to cheer him up. "You- wait until Rosh Hashonah, poppa. Then you will see the surprise I have for you." His father would then pat him gently pn the. head and quickly fall asleep. Day after day in the blistering hot sun, David would carry the cans of water 1o the little pitch of ground. Before many d»yi he saw little reddish (talks p o p through the sandy thin soil. He w»s certain that his beets would be ready in time, ~ As the stilVs grew larger, he noticed that they were beginning to get browrj around the edges. This meant that he must gtep up his water trips. If only there would t e some rain, he found himself wishing. If only the tun would stop burning for a few days, even a few hours. The trips in the hot sun weren't doing David any good either. By the end of the day he' would be bent and weary and drag himself heavily to bed. •There it something v e r y itrange going on with David," he heard his mother say to hit father one night "He disappears for a short time many times during the day. Do you "know where he goes?" There was no answer. But the brutal summer sun did not let up nor did it rain and David found himself bringing more water to the faltering plant*. He felt tired and sick inside, but, told himself that he must see that the plants got their water. That was the most Important thing. He shook his fist at the yellow ball of sun that burned down mercilessly on his little plants. It was virtual war. He would not let the sun defeat him, he vowed. Didn't the sun know what he was doing? he asked himself. Didn't it care? Then finally as he. carried the water to the plants, he collapsed with exhaustion and fatigue. One of his playmates found him stretched out beside the dying reddish stalks, his hand still poised where it had begun to loosen the earth around a imall shoot That had been two weeks ago and he had stayed inside the house ever since. He had talked to no one. Outside the sprinklers still zipped around i n their sockets. He could hear the voices of the children playing near the pipes. "Is he still inside " His father's bronzed face looked into the entrance of the house. "David," he called. No answer. "David." Still no answer. "There is something you must see. It is a surprise." The word seemed to revive him into enthusiasm. "Surprise," he told himself. But no.

he had seen the dry stalks himself. He had seen that they had died. "David, you must come with me," his father said firmly but with gentleness. There was an unfamiliar ring of joy in his voice. David sat up slowly In the bed and looked at his father. "There is something that you must see." His father turned and beckoned with his hand. David followed. Passing through the vegetable garden, David's mother looked up from her weeding chore a n d watched them cross the newly plowed fire-break into the field where. David had planted h 1 * beets. When they had reached the little rUe in the g r o u n d near where the beet patch had been, David's lather stopped and looked over his i h o u l d e r at the boy. "There," he pointed. "Do you see that?" David followed his father's finger. For a moment he h«d thought it would poult out his beet-patch filled with ripe plants, but it went beyond that to a sliver of diver, caught in the glare of the sun. "A pipe," David's father said. 'A feeder-from the main pipeline. In the Spring there will b e water in tils field and we'll be able (o plant." D a v i d nodded looking about the barren field that would one day be rich and fruitful. T h i s is the first feeder put in," David's f a t h e r explained. "It seems that everyone insisted that this would be the first feeder. See it goes right 'to the spot where you had planted your beets." "Then my spot will be the first Irrigated." David (aid. He reached for his father's hand and looked up Into his smiling face. • 'Are you happy now. Poppa?" he asked. The father looked down at the boy and squeezed bis hand. "Not only am I happy," he said. "I am expectant Because 'of you I am going to have my cool delicious horscht this Rosh Hashonah: Someone who has grown beets in his Vegetable garden is sending them over to us." The father and son stood there for a while looking over the barren plains that ovept outward to the Hebron Hills. And David looked up at the tun and discovered that he was no longer angry. MORE SIGNIFICANT Johannesburg (WNS) — South African.Prime Minister Daniel F. Malan, addressing a dinner (ende n d in his honor at Capetown by the South African Zionist Federation, ' called Israel's resurrection "one of the most important and significant events In modern history." The Prime Minister said he was most impressed by what he saw in Israel during hlj recent visit there, particularly by the "nationwide determination to shoulder bravely all the difficulties inherent in the attempt to consolidate widely differing elements into a national unity."


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look of These Wonderful Features! •

Automatic Deep-Well Fryer. Profcslional-style unit for chef-type rciults with french-fried potatoes, chicken, fish, etc.


RolO'Cold Rofrigcrolion. Cold air circulates in refrigerator teclion so lhal all paris of it are uniformly cold! No Defrosting. Frost nevir builds up in the refrigerator jeetion! Molit'Cold. High humidity keeps foodi cxtra-frc^h . • . even without covering—yet refrigerator walls stay dry! • Blyo«r, Roomier Than Ever. Has Yl'.'c mure storage space per square foot ol floor space tlian older modch!

New txtro-HiSpeed ColrodS Units. 'The fastest domestic electric cooling unit, according to impartial tetu of standard-size units of 5 leading brands of electric ranges,

New Thrat-Woy Oven with All-Colrod Cooking Unit. Bigger than ever. Huge new Master Oven can cook entire oven meal for 18—smaller Speed Oven (or thrifty one-shelf cooling—Super Broiler for charcoal results.

So new and beairtHull So different! You'll be amazedl

Pushbutton Controls with Tel-A-Cook Lights.

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.farcttL—WiJbonly fotu comparable undertakings txisiiay in tho entire world today a major *i«p forward ; n the Industrialisation of the young republic was ialcn wa«k as Saphen Ltd., !i:i $3,000,000 mssonile plant here neand final stages of completion. The new factory is scheduled Jo bring into lho country ntor* than $ 1,000,000 in foreign currency per annum when full production capacity is achieved. Constructed with the aid of an 0.200,000 ioan from State cfleratlBond iaTM»m»nis,lhe

board products, including ma sonilo, celolex and gls:uri:o The Bond-aided r^nl hoi • cspssily ouipul of 3,000,00' "T-iare fsot of insulating anc half of which nave beon ear -nj ~ZA icr c^c.r.. All rav materials ncedsd areavailabl' wilhoul any outlay of foreigr currency from waslo orc^ucf of the Kolef plywood facioty leafed almost next door. Th' sites of Ihe Jwo pHnis were cwo:'-' r i by oxpe"'""" . "-!ti> ar' £'o in p r od u c t i or mtlhcxis.


AT 2626






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New Year'* Editfon—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roih Haihonah 5714—Thursday, September 10, 1953

Rosh Hashonah For Israel's Helpless

The laiidmaiks ol' the past year are: the abolition of waiting Hsb for TB patients—no mean achievement considering that a known 4,000 TB sufferers have entered Bar Mitzvahs David Goldstein the country since 1948, at a time Bennett Hornstein Sheldon Cohen when existing bed capacity for Bernard Grossman James Friedman Bernhardt Wolf, Jr. James Spltzer TB patients was only 500; the Michael Graetz Steven Frankel completion of the largest TB hosHarold Kaiman Robert Joseph ! pital in the Middle East, which Irvin Taub Howard Kooper PaulShyken William Nerenberg By Charles Passman, ! Malben established at Be'er Yaacov Ronald Simons Ein Shemer, Israel Gary Plotkin Director of MALBEN, JDC Wel; and opened in stages from midGerald Freedman Stephen Silver fare Program In Israel 1951 onward; and the opening of Bernard Bloom Larry Zacharia Bruce Bloom Arnold Davidson 'a unique institution—a home for As dusk begins to .settle over the Michael Canar Michael Blatt aged, chronic TU patients who. Michael Kuiiy Willard Plotkin hills of Ephraim, o long procession I while able to walk about, cannot Jerrold Stone Martin Greene of white-clad figures begins to ! mingle with the community at Gene Kaplan Marvin, Freedman 1 Allan Cutler Irvin Belzer Wind its wuy through the. lanes of large because of the danger of inBas Mltzvulu Nelson Gordman ! fectlon, yet do not need hosEln Sliemer, a small village halfJudith Marie Kutler Arnold Ban j pltal care. Sallie Kay Markovitz Gerald Sherman way between Haifa anil Tel Aviv, Kaye Turner Edward Schneider 1 Milestone on the edge of the Israel eoaslal Howard Weinberg plain. The procession is remark| Another milestone was the official inauguration of the Ein able not only for Its raiment—the Shemer "Village for the Aged," a traditional garb worn by Orthodox ence of the United Nations and complete community of a thousand shops and services with the aid of Jews on Roih Hashonah and Yom foreign embassies. old immigrants.' Its facilities arc their families receive long-term During Marwlck's four-year adKoppur—but also for the ago of being further extended so that loans and training to enable them ministration, the Division has had those in It. Everyone In the long reference inquiries from foreign another 500 aged will soon be able to establish such enterprises. No line is more than 60 years old. In the language of libraries, countries. Marwick instigated the to leave their tents or corrugated less than 2,000 families have been is the category under .first international loan . of HeFor this Is a unique village In a Iron huts in immigrant camps, rehabilitated by this project, while "Hebraica". which falls any collection of ma- braica, which was dispatched to 500 handicapped workers, includunique country—a complete comwhere they may have spent up to terial dealing with the Hebrew Mexico. Microfilm copies of the three years since their arrival in ing more than a hundred blind, language and culture. Yiddish, Division's resources have been sent munity of aged, all of them recent have now been found employment Judaism, Zionism, the,Bible, Jew- to Israel. the country. Life in the "Village immigrants. Exclusive Stacks ish art, literature, music, law, sofor the Aged" will mean for them in 20 sheltered workshops. Marwick took us to the Hebrai1 cial' and political treatises, etc. Old Folk. Marking Time not only an improvement in acThe Hebraica Division of the Li- ca reserves in the Library's e x I'm- most of them this Is the commodation, but a move to what Thus, to thousands the past year brary of Congress, formerly part clusive stacks, where w e walked Among thuM- Dimming IEONII llnshuimli Ml4 at the Mulbrii VIIIiiB" for the Agr.d here sre first New Year which they arc will be their home for the rest of has brought health, work, or a of "Orientalia,", a word derived past enough Bibles to supply (left) mi Orthodox Jew from Kmtrrn Kuropc, ami (right) a lr>jnenitfl woniun hfrc being taught a by similar literary gymnastics, every synagogue in Tel Aviv. He spending in the village, which has new linndlrrnft by line of the Village'* social worker*. Mori- thun 1,000 «g«d men and women are their lives, integration into a per- place for the evening of their lives. composes three Unassuming rooms said that many of these had.been been established by Malben, the living1 In the Village, one of n'network of home 100 old-ugn homen, custodial cure centers, sanimanent community and the chance But to thousands of others it has on the periphery of the enormous published in various European taria, sheltered ivoi'kkhops, clinic* and other Installations financed by Malben, the oJInt DistribuJoint Distribution Committee's to be as useful and productive as meant marking time, waiting im- reading and research room Irl the cities, and although he has n.ever tion Committee program on behalf of aged. III »nd handicapped newcomers to the Jewish state. program In Israel. Most of the old their physical condition permits, patiently for their turn to come In Jefferson annex, and i s headed by undertaken the labor of counting Funds for JDC'» overseas relief, reconstruction and resettlement programs are provided by the them, he said, "you can safely say D r Lawrence Marwick. folk have been in the country two United Jewish Appeal. For nearly all the work of the the long list of those still awaitMarwick is a professional ex- that you saw hundreds." To supor three years. But, because they village—from vegetable-growing ing, treatment and services. Some plement the Bibles, an adjacent pert on the Middle East, having had no mean* and no place to go, stroll through the bustling streets room, ure not able to read at all earnestly with visiting airmen the to bookkeeping—is done : by the5,000 aged are still in immigrant studied the subject at the English section consisted of related books, because, since women do not play mechanics of jet propulsion. • until now they had been unable to of Tel Aviv. such as philological, concordances, National University In Cairo and residents themselves, camps; hundreds of invalids need Services at the University of Chicago. He Indices and grammars. At the end leave the tents and corrugated iron Brings Hope an essential part in Orthodox Jewcare and attention, and 3,000 received his Ph. D. at Dropsle Col- of the battalion of Bibles lay, in Economic Climate fnacjtt-of the immigrant camps, In In Eln Shcmer, for example, ish ritual, it was considered unAnd the new year also brings Hebrew and Cognate contrast, a pile of periodicals, each The changes in Israel's economic handicapped workers long for the lege for 1 which their more fortunate fcl- services arc held in the Ashkenazi necessary to teach* them to read." hope to the many who are still climate that- have taken place of chance to become useful citizens. Learning in Philadelphia, then with a young Israel pioneer on its low-lmmlgrants spent shorter pe- (Western European tradition, in did intensive research at the Brit- cover. waiting for their turn—the thou The new year offers hope for ish Something to Offer late have Increased the difficulMuseum in London. After furWe walked through the Golden riods. And, were It not for Ameri- Sephardlc style" by Jews from' sands of aged, the hundreds o many of them. Malben is already ther years of study at Oxford and Age of Jewish L e t t e r s , which Another group of Malben pa- Invalids and the handicappei ties of integrating into the econcan Jewry and Its contributions to Greece, BuJgailu and Turkey Cambridge! he Joined the army constructing two large new homes flourished under Arab rule, to the th» .United Jewish Appeal, none whose migration fiom Spain hun- tients who are particularly Joyous workers. For Malben is bulldlni omy those immigrants with perand spent five years as a para- modern Hebrew literature known manent handicaps, who might for an additional 1,000 aged,.which trooper, then was .called to direct as Haskalah, which began •with the - of the 1,000 aged of Eln Shcmer dreds of years ago is proclaimed this New year are the residents new homes for old folk, expandln have found 'work when all labor will bring the' total number of old the Hebraica Division of the Li-Mendelsohn period. Volumes of nyould be able to spend their first by tho fact that they all know of the Jaffa old-age home, be- its facilities for those who neec Hebrew poetry, rare pamphlets, was at a premium. These are the folk, under Malben care to well brary of Congress. New Year's Eve in the village that Ladlno) and in Yemenite fashion cause they have been able to e x - inititutional care, and seeking new The Hebraica Division had its and an extensive collection of legal blind, victims of trachoma, the over 3,000. Another custodial care ' Will be home to them for the rest Walking Into the Yemenite syna- tend the hospitality of their syna- ways and means of Integratin, inception with a gift of 10,930 volwriting and responsa (court decicenter is nearlng completion, new gogue, one-is immediately struck gogue to residents of a near-by those with permanent handicaps Oriental eye-disease; the hundreds' workshops are planned and under umes and pamhplets brought to- sions) in epistolary form, e x , of their lives. suffering from severe Internal disgether over a period of many years emplifying t h e development of by one phenomenon—that half the housing project for new immi- into the economic life of theli Eln Shemer by Ephralm Delnard and Jacob Hebrew law in the course of 12 eases contracted In concentration tonstructlon. 1 And so in the synagogues of Eln men appear to be reading the grants. Feeling elated that'they new country. To thousands throughout Israel, H. Schiff of New York City. In centuries, were among the many camps or as the result of starvaprayer books upside-down or sidecan offer something to the younger Shcmer (there are four small ones It is just over three and a hal tion arid miserable housing condi- Rosh'Hashonah 5714 thus begins a the 40 years since the establish- treasures there. ment of the collection, 45,000 volto permit immigrant groups from ways. This does not mean that generation, they have, gladly years since Malben was founded. tions in Oriental ghettos; arid the year which may bring them the ume? in Hebrew, 10,000 in Yidall parts of the world to celebrate! they cannot read—on the con-opened their doors to their new In this period, no less than 35,00( many amputees, cripples, and par- security and the happiness which dish, and 150,000 miscellaneous the High Holidays In the manner trary.., Their strange ability was neighbors. new Immigrants have benefits tially paralyzed who form a grave have been denied them for so long. volumes have been added. Its scope covers a period of three and to which they have been accus- born in years of training in the Stories of this kind could be directly from Malben services— problem even in a more absorpone-half millenia. small cheders of the desert vilBen Hecht was persuaded to at- Marwick furnishes Hebraiea reftomed all their lives) as well as in told about Rosh Hashonah ob- by receiving hospital trcatmen' tive economy. tend the dress rehearsal of a very erences and information to Consynagogues in nine smaller old- lages, where books were a rare servances at a great many of the often for prolonged periods, b; Redouble Efforts serious play by a very serious gress, the Departments of State, ace homes set up by Malben In treasure and a dozen or more pu- hospitals, custodial care centers attending one of the out-pallcn Malben therefore has had to re- youngViramqUst, but unfortunate- Defense and Interior, the Army other parts of the country—a thou- pils had to share one copy seated and sheltered workshops which clinics which supply orthopedl Map Service, and the Veterans n n circle ,around their teacher sand old men and women nre Malben has established for sick, appli, , artificial limbs, spec double its efforts to find work fo? ly clept through a greater part of Administration. M a r w i c k said Beaut/ of Scroll thinking this Rosh Hashonah, of invalid and handicapped immi- taclcs, dentures, and even motor them, to establish additional shel- the performance. The outraged many of these requests. are for all those across the sea who have Equally striking in their syna- grants all over the country—such lzed tricycles for the legless an tered workshops where they can dramatist chlded him later, "How information about Israel, particumade it possible for them to find jogue is the beauty of the Scroll as the story of wheelchair pa- paralyzed; or by entering a cus be given jobs suited to their physi- could you sleep when you knew larly in the areas of nascent nationalism, colonial controls, and shelter for the evening of their of the Law, written on thick leath- tients of the Machaneh Ylsrgel todlal care center for chronic pa cal condition, and to extend itr how much 1 wanted ypur opin- administration. The Division has ion?" H e c h t reminded him, constructive loan project, under lives. •• • leading current Jewish, and Israel er with an ink derived from native hospital, who mingle on New tlents or one of the ten old-agi 1 'Young man, sleep IS an opinion." newspapers on file for the referA wnlk through these little syn- plants of the Yemen and inscribed Year's Day with personnel from homes for the thousands of old which those able to operate sma ' agogues would reflect the diverse by means of goose quills or other the near-by airport of Lydda, giv- folk who came to Israel with no •trains in Israel's present popu- feathers. On the other hand, their ing to youngsters recovering slow- money and on one to welcome lation no less vividly than docs a women-folk, seated in a separate ly from polio a chance to discuss them.

Bar and Bas Mitzvahs

Congress Library 'Hebraica' Section


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> W Y..r'» M«o«~.THE JEWISH PRESS-Ro.h'HisUah S7I4—TnurKl.y, S.pUmb* 10. It51

Facing The ew Year Br Dr. Israel Goldstein ^ American Jewish Contrtii"»nd Chairman, Western Ezecatlve, World J«wls> Congress.

cerely hope, will soon be brought to realize that the common prosperity and progress of the entire Middle East depend on a stable i and enduring peace. We pray tha the good offices of the free nations, In tnis solemn High HoJy Day will be exerted toward promoting xasuo, •'' Jews everywhere are this end. At the beginning of thU Aeighteg the experiences of the New Year, it is* fitting that we past H^r in order to fix tlieir renew our determination to rendei sightseer the year 5714 which our utmost financial and moral lies afiSsM. We have witnessed mosupport to Israel so that she may mentduV developments in many achieve durable peace and ecoareas jof the globe. Together with nomic security. £,11 peoples of the world, w e join in hailjng the truce in Korea and Undermine devoutly pray that, through the At home, Americans who venasency^of the United Nations, men erate the noble traditions of freecan once again resume the thread dam and equal opportunity inherof their lives without fear ol war. ent in our way of life have been While this stirring event must dismayed by the efforts of sijme hearten men of goodwill everymen to undermine that precious Storm's Aftermath where, we ruu:t s'.ii! contemplate heritage. Americans of all faiths a future in which the dark menace and political groupings have been The storm has beaten the soil Into mud, leveled tents to the ground and made life still more misof totalitarianiMii <on!niu-::i to cast appalled by the abuse of Congress' erable for families who must be moved out of Israel's temporary work camps Into permanent homes la its evil thadow. 1953. Through the United Jewish Appeal -111,000 immigrants must be settled on the land this year to j legitimate right of investigation to start productive lives, bat tens of thousands of other new arrivals,, Including escapees from SovietProfoundly Shocked spread fear and intimidation and dominated countries, most taJce their place. During thi; pa'l year, .tew:> and to suppress freedom of expression. free people throughout the world We have been horrified at the were' profoundly chocked and spectacle of some Americans adalarmed by events in the Soviet vocating the .resort to the totaliUnion and its satellite states where tarian extreme of book-burning. it appeared that Jews had been However, it is gratifying that in tingled out (or especially ruthless recent months there have increas- By Philip B»um, Staff Counsel, State ultimately rule that-"ethnli red carpet. Is spread before the American Jewish Congress treatment. The repudiation in re- ingly appeared vigorous condemaffiliation" as used in the immi- Nazis. cent months by the Communist nations of those excesses by leadDuring the year 5713, the eon' gration laws would not be con Meanwhile, the original propowers of this anti-Jewish policy ing statesmen, clergymen, educa- troverslsl and discriminatory Me strued as referring to religious ponents 61 the McCarran-Walter has brought us immense relief. tors and publicists. Let us pray Carran-Walter Act has been rov attachment and that Jewish visa legislation betray no sign of willWe pray that the resumption of that this will strengthen our de- ernlng the nation's Immigration ingness to modify or alleviate the diplomatic relations between the termination to withstand further policy and procedure. .In this applicants would not, therefore, Act's racist provisions. For tin be subjected to interrogation USER.and Israel augurs that a un-American onslaughts on our feature article, Mr. Banm analyses part year, the McCarran-Walter more enlightened, and ulimane freedoms. clique has met every suggestion the provisions of the law and ex about their Jewish background. policy will be adopted by the The cynicism of the McCarran fora change in the national ori plslns Its many Inequities.—Bdl Fundamental Task Kremlin toward its Jewish comWalter Act Is underscored by its gins quota system, the keystone o: tor's Note. We are also confronted with the munity. We must not, however, be so-called screening provisions, our present immigration laws, lulled into relaxing our vigilance fundamental and inescapable task with virulent if not slanderous A little over a year ago, liberal supposedly drawn to protect us »nd intense concern for our breth- of bringing our immigration law against infiltration by subversives, opposition. civic agencies by the narrow marinto conformity with American ren behind the Iron Curtain. current Interpretation which flatRacism Issue democratic principles and ideals. gin of three votes in the Senate Thls end is hardly achieved by its Epochal Event The national origins quota sysThe passage of the emergency ref- lost their bitter fight to sustain ly excludes ex-Commuhisfs bui tem under which the overall an \Kr- have aLo witnessed during ugee bill may help to regain for then-President Truman's veto o: he past year an epochal and un-our country some of the stature the McCarran-Walter Immigration permits the free and unimpeded nual quota of 154,000 Is allocated paralleled event In Jewish history we lost abroad through the enact- Act As a result, since December, entry of cx-Nazl» and ex-Fascist*; among the various countries of the v.'ith the iuc':e;,.i.ful conclusion of ment o£ the McCarran-Walter bill. 19S2, when the new law took Unlike earlier laws, the McCar- world In the same proportion the reparation'; negotiations with but we shall never fully undo the effect, we have been living under ran-Walter Act limits the defini- which persons deriving from those West Germany. This agreement harm wrought by that legislation an immigration measure that has tion of excludable "totalitarian' countries bore to the total white w4s made possible only because until its discriminatory provisions, subverted our prestige abroad and groups to those which have urged population of the United States in disparate Jewish groups enthusi- and. particularly the racist na- imperilled the security and stand- the creation of a totalitarian gov- 1920,'was enacted in 1924 by i i'.jflcally joined force:; in a most tional origins system on which it ing of aliens and naturalized citi- ernment "in the United Slates.' Congress caught up in the anil By invoking the astounding the- alien excitement of World War I. Inspiring demonstration of unity. rests, are repealed. Let us earnest- zens at home. ory that the Nazi parties and the It represented then and represents We fervently hope that such unity ly hope that the President will be Narrow Margin Fascist parties confined their ag- today a blatant attempt to shul will be further strengthened and encouraged by the successful enThe bill was passed in June gressions solely within their own consolidated in the year ahead. actment of the refugee bill, which 1952, to take effect Dec. 25, 1952 national borders or within the out the so-called "new ImmiIn recent weeks, Jews the world he sponsored, to redeem his elec- In September, months before the continent of Europe, immigration grants" from southern and eastern over have noted with deepest i n - tion pledge for the revision of law was to become operative, Jew- authorities in practice have been Europe and to encourage Immlgra terest the proceedings of the Third the McCarran-Walter Immigration ish organizations received word able to avoid classification of these tion of those of presumably "superior stock" from northern and Plenary Session of the World Jew- lav/. that the Visa Division of the State groups as "totalitarians." western Europe. ish Congress, where the representDepartment had concluded that Exclusion We Jews, who have throughout atives of Jewish communities of. the McCarran-Walter measure for The racism of the national origin the century been among the foremore than G5 nations met to delibOn the other hand, some per- quota plan is supplemented by B most in cultivating the Ideals of the first time would require proserate on matters o£ mutual conhuman freedom and dignity, must pective immigrants to furnish in' sons havo been excluded with provision which Imputes to peocorn. This conference dramatically in the year ahead rededicato our- formation regarding their "ethnic" even greater rigor than before ples deriving from the so-called arid concretely expressed the will selves to the continuing struggle classification and that this pro- But the nature of the excluded 'Asia-Pacific Triangle," a' con'o, unity of the Jewish people and for the triumph of those ideals vision would require the listing of classes only highlights the imperi- aminatlng ancestry from which provided, as well, a vivid demonwhich are inextricably linked with Jewish visa applicants as a ''spe- ous character j)f the new law, Un- they cannot escape no matter to stration of its will toward crcativ'e der the prc-McCarran-Walter law, what ends of the earth they may the heritage of Judaism. This cial group." survival. exclusion -because of a criminal flee. In apparent contradiction to precious religious and cultural There was not the slightest in; Highest Ideals heritage wemust zealously guard timation that such data had anyrecord could occur only following the national origin system, the ^Events in Israel give us added and enrich as we aid in promoting relevant or legitimate connection conviction of a crime involving ,ew law requires that persons WIK assurance that the young nation is the world-wide dream of peace, with the issuance of entry docu- 'moral turpitude," that is, a crime derive as much as one-half of Which our own judicial system their ancestry from countries continuing to develop in conso- progress and social justice. ments. On the other hand, the would regard as reprehensible or within this ••Asia-Pacific Trinance with the highest ideals of dangers implicit in the official inblameworthy. By dropping the nglc," which Includes the whole democracy and Judaism. I t ' is Ray Bolger: "There's no place quiry into religious or "ethnic" "moral 'turpitude" qualifications f Arghanlstan, Burma, Chinai' struggling heroically to overcome like home, and many a man is glad affiliation were obvious. As Rabbi ind by permitting exclusion upon indo-China, Korea, Japan and Inits grave economic and political of it." Goldstein, President of the Amerionviction of any so-called non- ia, are required to obtain visas difficulties. Israel is still ringed can Jewish Congress, reminded the political crime, no matter how ndcr the mlniscule quotas grantby hostile notions who, w e sinState Department: "The risk of Patronize Our Advertisers. trivial, the new law for the first ed these countries, no matter in possible perversion of information ;!me vests foreign courts with the hat place they actually were of this kind for the appeasement power to screen our immigrants. 3orn. of bias and prejudice'is no less It commits ui to ratify the verTo keep out Italians, Greeks great in the field of immigration than in the fields of employment dicts of totalitarian tribunals that nd Slavs, the. McCarran-Walter iperate on premises hostile to our ct relies on place of birth unand education where it consistentfrom ly has been deprecated or forbid- emocratic concepts. To take but er the national origins quota >ne of many instances, the BelIan; to keep out Asians the law den by the Federal Civil Service Commission, the President's Com- :ian war-bride of an American gnorcs place of birth and relies mission on Higher Education and irman has been denied entry un-* n ancestry under the "Asia-Fathe President's Committee on Civil er the new law because, while at ific Triangle" provision. In either lave labor for the Nazis, she was case, the Act treats individual Rights." :onvicted by Nazi courts of falsi- worth, merit and need as comCondemnation ying documents to obtain food pletely irrelevant. Only after condemnation of this •ation tickets. We are saddled with New Emergency DP Law requirement by an aroused Jewish ,n Immigration act that excludes Despite the unrelenting oppocommunity did the Department of •ictims of Nazi courts while a :ltion of the McCarran-Walter

The McCarran-Walter Act

pealed. President Elsenhower, rec- deem his election pltdges tot basis pgnizfld that iact'during his cam* revision of the permanent Immigration lawi. . ••". ' paifn for the presidency last F 11 when, he repeatedly promised to lead the fight against the national origin plan. Last April, the President sent a "We are determined that 4h# personal message to Senator WatJews in the Iron Curtain countrlaa kins, as chairman of the Senate shall be saved for a full Jewish Judiciary Committee, urging early life. . . . Therefore w e most Congressional consideration be strengthen our efforts to obtajj given to changing ten of the most it-lease for as many Jews as pos« serious shortcomings of the periible from those areas. manent McCanan-Walter Immi"The nates ore closed in some gration Law omitting, surprisingb'j any li-fciencc to ttic national of thete countries, but not in all uri;;n:.s system. To di.le nothing of them. We have to speed up emigration. The otiuvcincy i-fut-•a::- j lias bet.n done. ure may pos:>ib!.v help 1 "We pledge to the Jaws in tho** ;ain j Enactment of the emergency bill some of the status this counti} demonstrates what the President countries today that wo will n»r: iost abroad through ihf: enact- can achieve, even in the face of er, never forget them or abandon i rnen( of the McCarran-Walter law, determined opposition, when he thorn. We will not retreat bcfBft | but we can never fully undo the chooses to exercise forceful lead- any sacrfice to have them with I harm wrought by that legislation ership. It is earnestly to be hoped us."—Dr. Giora Josephthal, TrM*> until its basic concepts, particu- that the President will be spurred urcr, Jewish Agency for P«l«tln», p l l larly the national origins quota | by the successful passage of the at the Annual National Confer, system on which It rests, are/ re- I temporary refugee measure to re- ence, Dec. 14. bioc in Congress^ advocates of a humane and civilized immigration statute have been untiring in pressing for revision of the law. During the closing days of the last session of Congress, President Eisenhower and the present Administration succeeded in enacting an emergency refugee bill granting 214,000 extra quota visas to expellees and refugees during the next three and one-half years.. The emergency bill, however, leaves intact the worst feature* of the McCarran-Waltor Act aivl dis;urbs none of it', fii.. nniin.iioiy

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'Personality' A Cover For Bias By Joseph B. noblsou much tlie same resuHi; a* the 8«nler Staff Counsel, Commls.sloii AJCongres3 study. Wilson Study »n L»w and Socltl Action, The Wilson Ltudy divided the American Jewish Congress applicants into three religious Despite the 1048 Fair Educa- • groups, Protestant, Catholic and tional Practices Act, Jews still [Jewish, nnd into several chi^Mfihave more difficulty In geltlnc j uitions according to collcgi; acaa medical education at New demic records. The Jews had a York State medical schools than fiir higher average scholastic recnon-Jews. According to the ord than the Protestants who, in New Vork Slate Regents, tlic turn, led the Catholics. Neverthedifference in treatment may be less, the 1950 chart shows dimindue to "personality" factors. Mr. ishing rates of acceptance from Roblson here discusses the ques- Protestant to Catholic and from tion of "personality" anil con- Catholic to Jew at almost every cludes that It is belnr used by level for each of the seven schools. acme medical schools as a cover In 1952, the difference between f o r discrimination, — Editor's Catholics and Jews was greatly Note. reduced. : Dr. Wilson does not think that the discrepancies In the treatment of religious groups so clearly shown In his report add up 'to proof of discrimination. Rather, he argues that admission officer* have taken Into consideration certain personality factors "so loose and vague at present" that discrimination, cannot be proved "on « group basis," The key yprd-Is "personality," Dr. Wilson points out that' medical schools consider not only scholarship but also such vague characteristics as poise, maturity, diction and social ease. The difficulty of measuring these factors makes it Impossible, he says, to draw "dogmatic" conclusions. ; One of these two studies was. ' : ; - ; Personality Factor. '/ '.}• • ' made by the American Jewish Can the personality factor really Congress. It summarized surveys explain the discrepancies revealed made from 1930-92 of hlw nine by the studies? Not unless we acmedical schools In the state treat- cept either of two possibilities. ed students who had won state The first Is that It Just happened medical school scholarships. Two that those among the applicants of the nine schools—New York who were too gauche to be acceptUniversity nnd the State Univer- ed were concentrated, by remarksity Medical School in New York able coincidence, in the Jewish City (formerly known as Long group, For example, at the.State Island), made good records In this medical school in Syracuse, 25 study. The remaining schools ac- scholarship winners in the AJConcepted more than three-fifths of grcss survey aJl had high ccholajthe applications filed by non-Jews lic rdcords.. The seven non-Jews and less than one-fifth of those were all accepted. Ten of the 18 filed by Jewc A few weeks after Jews were rejected. It is simply the AJCongrcr.s study was pub- Incredible that such an unfortulished, the ficgenls published a nate distribution of applicants report written by Dr. Howard Wil- could occur by chance. This must son, on two surveys they harl Initi- bo rejected as wholly improbable ated. Thu report cartje up with and should have been so rejected Two recent studies of the admission practice* of New York State medical schools show* that despite the 1048 Fair Educational Practices Act, Jews still have more difficulty in getting a medical education than non-Jews, To most obsservers, this appears to be plain evidence of illegal discrimination. The official view, however, expressed in a report to the New York State Regents, Is that the difference In treatment Is not dear proof of discrimination because It may be due to "personality" factors which, unfortunately, cannot be accurately measured. Two Studies

in the Wilson study. This brings us to the second possibility, that Jews, as a group, as well as Catholics pf Italian origin, consistently have below-average personalities. There is no evidence for this supposition. Proof uf DlM-riminatlon There is one striking proof that the medical schools are discriminating. The selection process at the schools has two stages. First the schools look at the paper records submitted with the applications and decide which students are to be interviewed. Then they choose from the smaller group those that are to be admitted. At the first itage, the schools have relatively little information as to religion or national origin—only the clue which may, be supplied by the applicant's•; name. At the interview, a relatively sound guess can be made..One would expect then that, If the school discriminates, discrepancies would appear at the second stage, but not at the first that is just the way it came out in the:AJCongress study. ; :'^;V A Device .'','.'.: As a device for Judging future prospects for doctors, the single short Iptwviewj given by the school; is manifestly useless. No scientifically trained person can possibly place any reliance on one brief conversation as any Indication at all of character or ability. On the other hand, the short Interview frequently suffices for an accurate guess as to the student's origin. It can be used to facilitate discrimination by any school that deslijcs to do so. The evidence is strong that It Is so used, Dr. Wilson, made nine recommendations in hi* report to the Regents, only one of which bears on the crucial question of "personality"; the suggestion that the Regents undertake "basic studies on charterlstlcs and measurement of personality." True, such studies might have long-range benefits, They might ultimately shake a few medical school admissions officials Into a greater appreciation of the country's need for good rather than charming doctors. But the Immediate problem Is to find out

Colorful Latin American Jewry By MIRON J. SHIiSKIN

(Editorial Note: Not loo much is known by the Jews of the United States about their ro-rclleionlsls In the I.atln American countries. Few are better unjuaintcd with the Jews in the Southern hemiwhether some qualified applicants sphere than Mr. SheslMn, Director to medical school are, at this time for Latin America of the Iisrael illegally deprived of medical train- ISond orcjnli.itum ) ing because of their race, religion or national origin. South An,' nui has .i total JewThe medical schools should be ish population of oiound 'IOO.OOU About a >c\ ,<•, 1, n >' ••'> Noith called upon to do some explaining. America Jcv.iy, it offus comThe Regents should study school pensations for its numerical inrecords and ask admissions offi- feriority by possessing something cials to explain why some students of that truly exciting quality with high academic ratings and which the term Latin America always suggests. excellent recommendations from Its story Is replete with parapast teachers were rejected while dox and strange contrasts. It is others were accepted. at one time the oldest and newof the Jewries of America. Each of the medical schools in est In another year, the Jews of New York State: which has an un- the United States will celebrate expjalfied records of disparate the 3.00th anniversary of the first treatment ,'.•• of religious groups Jewish settlement in North America. It is well to remember that should be called upon to show, these first Jews to settle In New/ from its' own files, that it lias been Amsterdam, now New York, in applying Its .criteria' for admission 1654 came from Brazil. fairly and in compliance with the Were the Jews of the Latin law. The Regents have a duty to America countries to observe the anniversary of their first comdemand this showing without furIng, they would have to turn back ther, delay. Despite » 3d year to the days of Columbus himstruggle, the quota system 4s still self. Arriving in Cuba, Columbus flourishing In New York. A stern- sent, the Jew, Luis de Torres, master of many languages, to neer and more vigorous application gotiate with the reigning sovof the sanctions of the law is need- ereign. Columbus, of course, be-, ed against those medical schools lieved that he had come' to India, still resisting the state's policy of not to a new world. History credits de Torres with having been fair educational practices. the pioneer to Introduce tobacco from the new world to Europe. De Torres himself settled in Cuba. Escape from Inquisition But the pioneer, Jewish contacts with Latin.America did not terminate with the Jews involved "American Jews are beginning in the expeditions of Columbus. to get used to the Idea that build- The Marranos of Spain were quick tag Israel will,be a long jot, a to think of the new world as a haven of escape from the Incontinuing piece of work for bur quisition and hundreds of these generation. And I think if our hidden Jews shortly followed. The generation finishes that job) It will Venezuelan General Antonio Jose represent one of the greatest De Sucre, who served In various wars for South American Indeachievements In human history.' pendence' and became the first "When Our generation, by one President of Bolivia, was of Jewish descent. In Mexico, there is a of those; great historical decisions tribe of Indians with its own which a generation sometimes ar- synagogue which claims to be of rives at, decided to make an end Marrano descent. The late Presito the situation in Palestine and dent Madero of Mexico was said to have had Jewish blood and the demand the creation of a Jewish famous Mexican artist, JQiego State, and proclaim the State and Rievera, professes to be of Jew. . . support it, we took on colossal re- ish stock. sponsibilities. ':• i -•'•'• Alongside of the faded" Jewish "The generation which has made this decision will not see its responsibilities discharged in four or five years. It will take at least a lifetime. "If our generation hands over to tho next a Jewish State which has not only the outward form pf an independent state, but which is a solidly established and really economically independent state, then we will have done something unforgettable in Jewish history." —Dr. Nahum. Goldmann, Chairman, Jewish Agency for Palestine, at the Annual National Conference, Dec. 13.

Outstanding Quotes of '53

Hilltop view of the mining camp nt B'cr Ora about ten miles from Elutli shows the quarters housing the workers and engineers of the Negnv coppnr and manganeze mines. United Israel Appeal agencies help bring to Israel the new immigrants who are doing most of the mining work In the Negev. life of this antiquity, .flows a Jewish life of a unique'vitality, the product of the more recent Jewish immigration. Latin America possesses a live Yiddish press. The Yiddish theater continues to flourish. The Jewish child studies Yiddish along: With Spanish and Portuguese in the:schools. , : . The staunchness of its devotion to Jewish interests is manifested in other ways. The Israel Bond Organization is at presertt operating in nine South American'countries; There are handicaps, but they are not due to want of. devotion on the part of the Jews themselves. They inhere, rather, in the almost world wide restrictions now prevailing about taking money out of a country. When the government In the relatively srrroll Dutch; West Indian colony of Curacao, for example, placed a $100,000 maximum on the money for Israel bonds that could be taken out of the country, the sum was Immediately oversubscribed The N(lzis during and after the war Introduced some of the western ideas pf anti-Semitism In the Latin American lands. THe na-1 tives of themselves have on the Whole been relatively immune to racial tensions. The colored .races, the Negro, and the Indian, have been assimilated to an extent al-

most unthinkable in the United States. The prejudiced Latin American is not so much antiSemitic, as anti-foreign. The Jews are referred to as Polakos. He is against the Polakos, rather than against the Jews. Most of the recent Jewish immigration was from Poland. Much Good Will For all of its differing, quality, we cannot, of course, discount this, prejudice, particularly In lands so prone to frequent and sudden political acrobatics. Yet the presence of much good will on the part of the natives :can hot be gainsaid. In one small town of Guatemala for example, I had the unique experience of the head of an Indian tribe of sun worshippers voluntarily* offering to subscribe for an Israel bond. : :, • » \ . Zionism has a very strong hold' on the Jews of the Latin American countries. In;Chlli,; the. Zionist Federation controls all of the Jewish organizational activities of( t h e c o u n t r y . • • . • " . , ' • • v •:

' • ' '

Argentina, with 260,000 Jews, has the largest Jewish population of aily of the Latin:American' countries.1 Jewish settlement there, it will be recalled; was first presented as an alternative to Zionism. Theodor Herzl. sought the aid of Baron de Hirsch, but the

great Jewish philanthropist turned his eyes to the new world Instead, hoping to establish the Jewish masses on the spacious and sparsely settled pampas of South America. Some of these colonies established by Baron de Hirsch „ have become very successful, but they have not extinguished the love of these Jews for Ziorr.' If Baron de Hirsch could come back today, he would find in of these colonies active Zionist groups. For too long, Latin America Jewry has been something o£ a "forgotten Jewry." Today, we must discard this point of view.. It is one of the hopeful streams of Jewish life in the world of today.'

. . ' • " .

• .


' A movie director who cannot re? sist the lure of roulette wheels and slot machines stopped off at Las Vegas on his way to New, York from the coast, and bumped into George Burns. "Fancy meeting you here," exclaimed Burns. "What hotel are you staying at7" "Hotel? echoed the director, as hebought a new stack of chips. "My dear George, I've only been hero four days!" ./• "


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"Today, 15 years after the founding of the United Jewish Appeal, the center of our concern Is with the fate of a proud and democratic republic—the State of Israel—where Jews may enter as a right, and Jews in need of refuge and of a home may have it. "This state Is confronted with many problems arid with great financial, economic and social difficulties. But these are the kind of difficulties that we feel privileged to "grapple with, because in their solution are hope, happiness and security for people who over the years have been living in dozens of no man's lands without hope, without o p p o r t u n i t y , without peace, without security, "In 1953 let there be no more no man's lands, for the Jews of Europe, the Jews of North Africa, of the Middle East or of any other part of our disturbed world. The only way in which we can make this possible is by maintaining a Strong Israel, a viable Israel, an Israel able to house and to put to work thousands of newcomers, and knit thousands of homeless people Into one great, strong and selfreliant nation." — Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, Executive Vice-Chairman, United Jewish Appeal, at the Annual N a t i o n a l Conference, Dec, 14. 'Is It intelligent to assume that by the fifth year of its lite Israel should be expected to have repulsed its Invaders, to have consolidated its full political and diplomntlc position, to have doubled its population, to have founded Its free institutions—and also to have achieved a balnnco between production nnd consumption and a well-ordered fiscal and administrative system? "We depend most urgently upon tho United Jewish Appeal. Tho free dollars, uncommitted to specific investment enterprises; hnvo "a vital place in the complex structure of our financial plan. Homes, food and health arc the sacred missions of this great enterprise. Down through tho ages, as we face this task comes the resonant voice of Jewish optimism, speaking to us in eternal accents: 'Be strong and of good courage; fear not, neither be dismayed!'"— Abba S.. Eban, Ambassador of Israel to the U. S., at tho National Leadership Conference, Oct. 18.

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PersonalGreetings for Rosh Hashonah MB. and MRS. JOB ADLER and family take this means of ex* pressing their best wishes for Rosh Hashonah, Yom Kippur, and the whole year to the Jewish community of Omaha.

MR. and MBS. MAX ABBITMAN and family extend to all friends and relatives their heartiest wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MR. and MBS. PHILIP CRAMDEL|* take - this mf*ii of ex* pressing their best wishes tat the New Year to their friends and relatives.

MB. and MBS. BAM EPSTEIN and LESLIE and BOBBY. 8127 Charles Street, take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year, to their friends and relatives. .

MB. sod MRS. A. B. OENDLEB/and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friend* anil relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

LEWIS and PAUL GITUN extend their greetings and' good' wishes to friends and relatives tor Hiwlthf Happiness a n d Prosperity*

MB. sad MRS. NATE HOBWICH and son, JUIXtN, wish their friend* both far and near • Hap* py and Prosperous New Year.-

Best wishes for a' Happy New Year to all our friends, THE

May the sound of the shofar be a response to your prayers for a Happy 'and Prosperous New Year. MBS. JOSEPH BATT and family.

MRS. JACOB GOODBDfDKB sat HAE*BY GOODBINDEB take •M« lYifpDf of expressing their Best Wishes for the New Year to. their friends and relatives. DB.and MBS. ABED.FAIEB and sons, MATTHEW and JERRY, take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New ' Year to their friends and relatives.

MB. and MRS. SAM BEBER and family extend to their, friends and relatives sincere wishes for " a Happy1 New Year.

Best wishes for peace and happiness for the coming year. MB. and MBS. ABE BEAR and sons, AAKON DAVID and MAX.

MB. and MRS. M. A. BEBCOVICI extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Pros- # perltjr.

MB. and MBS. MAX BITTNEB • and son, DAVID, wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

MB. and MBS. SAM BLOOM and family take this means of expressing their best wishes for • the New Year to their friends and relatives.

MB. and MBS. BAM FAIER and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity, "

Best wishes for Prosperity in the New Year to all officers and yrtfrflbfrit of the Adas YeshurenB'nal Jacob Synagogue, the Jewish Welfare Federation, and all our friends in the Jewish community. BABBI and MRS.' N. FELDMAN..

DB. aad MBS. ABE 0. FELLMAN and family take this mexns of * expressing their best wishes for the New' Year to thetr'frlend* , and wlatives.- ,

MB. aad MBS. MORRIS FIBESTONE and family take this ipfuwg of extending Greetings and Hearty Good Wishes to all their friends for Happiness and Health In the coming New Year.

MBS. M. BRODKEY, 4003 Underwood, Apt. 2, takes 'this means of extending greetings and hearty good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous year to her friends and family far and near.

BABBI and MBS. S I D N E Y BROOKS and daughter, MIRIAM, extend their greetings and best wishes to the community for happiness and health In the coming New Year.



COBNHD0KEB LODGE NO. 176ft of B7TAI WRTTH extend* Best Wishes for the Hew Year to the ' Jewish community of Omaha.

MB. and MBS. I8ADORE FORBEB and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends' and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MRS. StMOlf OOBBUCK a n d sons wish their^friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

DR. aad MRS. A. wish their friends and relatives both far and near a. Happy New J • Year. *>

FROHMANS extend greetings and good wishes to all their friends and relatives throughout ^ the Jewish community.




. ' -

MBS; T.SHERMAN extends greetings and good, wish** on this Holy Day. May' tb* New Year bring our relatives and friends peace and happiness.

N MR. aad MRS. GEORGE KAP. IAN wish their friends and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

ME. aad MRS. fcESTEE SWON and sons, ALAN, FREDDIE and STEPHEN, take this means of expresring'iheir best wishes for the New Year to their Ifriend* and relatives. ~

MR. aad MRS. PAUL KEREN. BBBG and*son, BARBY, of "MonUbeUo, Calif, wish to extend heartiest greetings for a happy New Year to all their friends.and relatives In Omaha.

MB. and MBS. NATHAN STEIN. BERG extend to all their friends and relatives htartlest wishes for a Happy «nd Prosperous New Year. ' ;

MB, and MRS. JO8EPH KIRSHENBAUM and family take'thls meant of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. f

ME. and MBS, SAM KLAVEB and son, LINCOLN, take this mean* of expressing their best wishes for tits New Year to their friends and relatives,

and son, DONALD, wish their friends' and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year.

DR. SAMUEL Z. STERN wishes his friends and relatives a Happy New Year. ' . f MB. aad MRS. LOTUS PAFEBNY - and fsmlly extend their ft*** ings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness, and Prosperity. , . . *

MB. and MRS, BARTON ORBENBERG extend to all of their friends their best wishes for • New Year filled with health and happiness.

MR. WILLIAM GRODDfgRT wishes all his friends a Happy and.Prosperous New Year.

MB, and MBS. MARTIN KOLM and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Hsppi, ness and Prosperity.

BABBI and MBS. MXER S. KBIPKE and family take this means of extending greetings and h e a r t y good withes to friends for Health, Happiness and Prosperity In the coming' year. ' *

RABBI and MRS. BENJAMIN GRONER and children ejrtend their best wishes for a Happy, and Healthy New Year.

MB. and MBS. H. GUBS and family extend their greetings and good Wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity., /'

MB. and MBS. OSCAB FOX extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness a n d Prosperity.

MBS. 1. J. FBEIDEN extends to her friends sincere wishes for • Happy New Year.

KR. and MBS, BEg MORRIS wish their friends -and relatives both far and near a Happy New Year."


MB. and MBS. PHIL GUGGENHEIM extend greetings and good wishes to friends and relative* for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MB. and Mrs. A. B. BBODKEY and family extend their greetings' and good, wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness anbyprospcrity.

> MR, aad MRS. R. SHAPIRO take this means of extending greet-* ings and good wishes to their ' friends for the coming yesr.



THE OMAHA CHAfTEB ef MB- „ RACHI WOMfcN wishes all of its members'and friends a ftappy and Prosperous New, Year.

MB. sad MBS. SAM M. SOTLER and children, CAROLYN and BENNETT, extend their best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

MBS. SOL LEWIS and .family take this means of expressing their beit withes for the'New Year to their friends and relatives and to the entire Jewish community.

H MB. DAVE HAHN and mother wish their friends and relatives both far and near a/lappy New •Year.-

• • • . . .

MR. and MRS. S. HALPRIN and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. and MRS. BEN MARTIN take this means of extending greeting and h e a r t y good wishes for a Happy and Prosperous year to their friends and relatives both far and near.

MR. and MRS. ITARBY MENDELSON take this*; means-of expressing their beat wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

MR. and MRS. D. PARKER and family wish their relatives and friends ^oih far and near .a Happy and 'Prosperous New Year.

It*, and MRS. L STMS and sons, JACK and SOL, take this means of expressing their best wishes for' the New Year to their friends and relatives.

MR. aad MRS. SAHOX STONE •and family extend best wishes • for a very Happy and Healthy New Year. , '

HE. and MRS. SAM RICE sn4 family, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health,'Happiness and Prosperity. <•

MB. and MRS. DAVID "SONNY" RICHARDS and family take this means of fxprfnlpg their' best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives.

DR. and MBS. AL RIMMEBMAN and daughters. BENEE and ALLEEN, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. and MRS. BEN L. ROSEN and sons, PAUL and BILLY, extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for health, Happiness and Prosperity.

MR. end MBS. LEONABD SEGAL and sons, DICK and FRED, with sll of their friends a Happy New Year.

MB. and;MRS. JOE TBETIAK ' andsfamlly extend their graet: Mngt-and'good wishes to friends , and relatives forHetlth, HtppU nets and Prosperity.

MB. aad MRS. PAUL VEBET and children, BABBY, LINDA and JUDITH, of 120 South Slst Avenue, extend to their friends sincere wishes for a Happy New Year.

w THE WORKMEN'S CIRCLE DRAMATIC CLUB wishes I a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all of its members and friends and to the Jewish notion as a whole.

THE WORKMEN'S CIRCLE LADIES AUXILIARY wishes oil its members and friends a very Happy New Year.





Extract from**

Another Family Arrives in Israel

How Shall I Tell My Child?

'Childhood in Exile By DR. SHMARYA LEVIN ,

Pag* On»> *

N l f Y l l t ' l Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roth Hathonah 5714—Thursday, September 10, 1953

The week before the New Year we were told not to be terrified if, In the middle of the night, we heard knocking at the window. These were the wakere of the night prayers which usher in the beginning of the New Year. These night prayers were only for the ;lders, and we children could iteep on, unless we felt a special urge- to come alonu. I hod never attended prayers thiit were said so early In the morninn, before there was any light. And that night I hardly closed my eyeE, for fear of deeping through the call. I heard it, leapt into my clothes nnd went Into tho living room. The samovar <il ready stood on the table, and my father, my molhcr, and my older brother, and myself took glasses of tea before going to the synagogue.

By Mrs. Arthur II. Guldstelu How shall I tell my child His heritage and what it means To be descended from an Abraham? . Shall I tell of martyrdom and death, Of persecution and of ghetto walls, Of all things sad, and bitter memories? Or, shall I tell of valor and of joy, Of prophets bold, a Daniel brave, a patient Job, A lovely Esther and a faithful Ruth, Of Moses with the tablets of our God, Of Maccabees and Temple lights relit, Of Israel renewed and open-armed? If, honest I must be—It must be both, For Israel is old, and in it's past Are myriads of smiles and of tears, A heritage, I tell my child— Like, all of life, must be— Part tragedy and joy, part sadness and delight. But, I must tell him, too, That all these things we have survived Because we believed in God, And God Is good.


/aces among these visitors from the remote villages, but many of them were new. We did our best to make them feel at home, gave up to them our nicest rooms, and | in the synagogue assigned them to the places of honor by the eastern well. It was not so easy to find room for all of them. Sometimes they had to sit by threes In | the chairs of honor by the eastern ] wall, but the glory was theirs. We children, too, received the youngsters from the backwoods with all friendliness. Some., of them were wild creatures, terrified by the vast crowds, and unable to utter a word; But the elders That goodness ever triumphs over' evil, • took special pains with them. My And that a Jew survive* because In this ' father would take'some of them He believes and passes on his faith on his knee, caress them, and tell From generation unto generation. them not to be frightened. And And, my child, knowing this / we would give them some of our Shall be strong and brave and free! The night was cool and clear, toys and teach them our games. and in the deep-blue heavens the And so New Year would have stars shone, countless and bright. been a very jolly holiday If they In my mind, as In the rnlnd of had not told us about/the Day of every other Jewish child so Judgment. This was the Day of brought up, there was not the Judgment. God sat enthroned in slightest doubt that there above, the midst;of the cohorts and anbehind the stars, God eat: our God, gels, and one after another the of course, for there was no other tremendous account-books were god: and from between the stars laid before Him, with their debit He looked down and watched the and credit columns of evil deeds Jews rising so early to go to night and good deeds. Every Jew, the prayers. And I was happy that I By David Schwarts "that the Holy Ark of the Temple children as well as the grownwas there among the older people, itself sheds tears when a man (Copyright, 1953, JTA.) ups, had*!s special account there, passing In review before Him. parts from his wife." and every account was examined, As this is being written, the new Dr. Shmarj* Levin The Stichoth, or prayers of for"I would-rather that the Holy the balance drawn, the'sentence Kinsey book on sex and the hugiveness, mado tin even deeper Nebuchadnezzar was mentioned, tne midst of some village or set- delivered accordingly. With the man female is the big noise. It Ark shed tears than that I do so," impression on me than tho lamenno Titus the wicked. There was tlement, alien figures in a world account-books before Him, God is something new, almost unprece- said the man. tations of the ninth day of Ab. The rabbi could only try to disThere was something too simple only God enthroned above the not their own. Months may pass decided who should live out the dented. In fact, the only prece- suade the man. Yet, despite the before they see the face of andent I can think of is the Tractate(tan, and toward Kim our prayers next year land who should'' die, about tho lamentations. The Tem'lack of restrictions, divorces were ple had been burned, and It was streamed. And all that was mystic other Jew. Only on the High Holl- who among the living should be "Yevamoth" of the Gemara, which very rare among Jews. came out about 2,000 years ago. clenr enough even to mo that in me woke in response to the days they leave their occupations, sick and who should remain" well; Maybe w,c need a Jewish Kinand flock to the nearest Jewish and the prayers went to such de- "Yevamoth" deals entirely with sey to go into the matter of Jews after such a firo anybody would midnight prayers.' sex in the female tdb. I don't center. lament. There was no mystic idea tail that my soul trembled. Young Th« "Vlslmvnlk" suppose it has been read as much and sex. In it. But here, for prayers which On^Hosh Hashonah, the New On such occasions the Yishuv- as wo .were, our ciders breathed as the new Kinsey book. There are repeated on the week before Year's Day, the Yishuvnlks came nik, returning to the family or into us the terror of death, and Is some good reading in the old Students Ignorant the New Year, the prayers whlcrT to town. There is no word .for friends from which the search for broko up tho pure peace that had books, it seems, but you've got to beg forgiveness, I saw a syna- Yishuvnik in English, for the type About Judaism bread has driven him, was re- been in our minds. We were epir- know Hebrew to do it. goguc packed in the dead of night Is unknown to the language. They West Shokan, N. Y. (JTA) — ceived in our town with genuine itually careworn in days which Sex is a topic usually left to the with tho Jews of the town: no are Jews who live abandoned In hospitality. There were familiar should have been utterly carefree; sensationalist and I think the sig- Most of the American Jewish stuand the Days of Awe, as they were nificance of Mr. Kinsey's work dents affirm their Jewishness and called, became for us Days of lies in the fact that he, a tralnc most of them are pro-Israel, but organized Zionism on the campus Terror. Our parents seem to have university man, has taken th been afraid that they could not subject and dealt with it sdentif. has few. adherents ,today. Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, national direcInstill the feeling of fear into us ically and realistically. tor of the B'nal B'rith Hillcl early enough. We were too young Beallstlo Miriam Weiruteln ana Lawrence Cohen Foundation, declared in his keyElayne Conn and Leonard Stoller for such emotions, and I was The Jews have been from anPauline Sklarln and Dr. Oscar Carp Darlenc Kanner and Max Miller scarcely more than a baby when cient times quite realistic abou note address, at the 8th annual naRuth Sobel and Harvey L. Davis Esther Bernlce Wintroub and Herschel Prcmack Hetty Lee Kntzman and Barry Segoll 1 lay awake the Night of New sex, The ancient Jews nevei tional Hillcl Summer Institute at Carol Zempsky and H. Lee Gcndlcr Camp High Point. More than 160 Audrey Grccnberg nnd Lt. Jack Cohen Syvta Krasne and Alan KaUkee Year and Implored God for mercy blinked the fact that you couldn't Elaine Hummelsteln and Stuart Frankol student leaders from various uniDavida Kartman nnd Richard Wintroub just deny sex or try to push I on my father and my mother. Martha Simons nnd A3c Joseph Schneider Lorraine Barcnblit and Isadore Diimond versities and colleges are attendaway as something unworthy.' Joan Rosenstock and Robert Stein Judith Bercovlcl and Stewart Tully ing the Institute. Roberta Mac Giller and Mlchncl WIshcngrad The fact that the Jewish religion Barbara Turck nnd Edwin Gorellck Esther Noodfl nnd Bernard Gogdanoff Rabbi Lelyveld a l s o reported nitz Krantz and Harold Novak put such an emphasis on marriage TMcbllch Ceremony Jerc Sllvermnn nnd Hy Holllnger Letha Zalkln and Robert Pitlor is proof of this realism. Jewish that "most Jewish students are alThe first Taschllch ceremony, Rutliann Lnvine and Lt. Leonard B, Buth Natalie Kaplan and Irvin Gendler netty Utninn and Harry B. Llebcr when we went dowji to the river thought regarded lt an obligation most completely Ignorant about Josephine winberg and Morris Smith Judaism He Mono Felnberg nnd Solomon Crandell c Ia ed and a t Jewish the J whistory." Bovorjy Hurwich and Robert Hoffman to ^hake off our sins, Is clear in to ge^marrled. Some rabbis held « l s h s t u d ent Janclte Chnsanov and Arthur Salkin Myra Grossman and Norton Garon that a man could be brought to • « I i" " hunger my memory. The place we chose Martha Lincoln and Kerry Bird security" " 'or spiritual Velma Ann Gannon and Kenneth Sacks was the spot behind the Castle court if after a certain age he had Shirley Gorellck nnd Hyman Lewis Phyllis Bernstein and Harl Weiss ... Elinor, RosenBtijck ond James Rlcger Connie Perimeter and Robert M. Singer Hill, where the Swlsla falls Into not done so. The significance of this is plain. It meant that sex Bnylamoe Grodinsky and Dr. Mclvin Tatclman the Beresina. It seemed to me a was a,fact of life, an inescapable first-class Idea—this of being able experience which no one should to shake the skirts of our gar- seek to escape. menU over the -water. Put one'r The same thought is stressed by sins Into the water, and get rid of them for ever. The usual cere- the emphasis put on helping \ mony was to flap the coat-tails girl marry. According to the but In an excess of piety many Ethics of the Fathers, which every good Jew reads on the Sabbath, of us turned our pockets inside helping a girl get married is such out and shook them over the a great mit^vah that you are rewater too. paid for lt by God in this world I do not know what my sins and even get a little interest on were then, and how many of them lt In the world to come. I had, but I shook my coat-tails Perhaps marrying off everyone and my pockets mightily. And irrespective of other considerations when I -left the river brink with Is not the complete ideal solution my father, I did feel considerably but it certainly was comprehenlighter. I had been relieved of a sive and perhaps about as good as great weight. any generalized solution can be.

A View of the, Kinsey Report

5714 Is bound to be a better year than the last for these newly arrived immigrants in Israel. They were eared for at an emergency (helter set up by the Joint Distribution Committee, one of the tbrea constituent agencies of the United Jewish Appeal.

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The New Year

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B y Dr. Joseph H. Ilerti Late Chief Rabbi of Great BriUIn The New Year festival is far other than the mere opening day, according to the olden Jewish reckoning, of another year in the flight of time. Unlike the New Year celebrations of many ancient and modern nations, the Jewish New Year is not a time ol revelry. It is a solemn season ot self-examination nnd self-Judgment in the life of the Jew. Scripture prescribes n special symbolic rite for this day, the sounding of the ram's horn, tho Shofar. Plnco days immemorial, t h e sounding of tho ram's horn on the New Year has been interpreted in Israel ns the clarion call to repentance and spiritual renewal. And on the HlRh Festivals the Jew thinks not only of himself, but of pence nnd blessedness for all mankind. In the most nncicnt nnd solemn port of tho services, both of tho New Year and tho Day of Atonement, ho prays God to hasten the time when the mighty shall! ho just and the just mighty; when all the children of men shall form one bond of brotherhood; when national nrro'ganco and oppression shall have passed away, like so much smoke from-the earth.

It assured sex experience for ail. 'Interesting It is interesting to note that the church which took over so much from Judaism did not altogether see eye to eye with Judaism in this matter of sex. To the church, sex. is essentially sinful. To the Jew, sex itself, when It is legitimate, was not so regarded, although there were apprehensions nbout its excess. Judaism tried to sanctify instead of forbid sex. Legitimate relations were not only forbidden, but sometimes even encouraged. They were "Milzvoths.1 "It Is better to marry than to burn," said Snlnt Paul, but the Idcnl state, ho held, was celibacy. That Is not tho Jewish view, and seemingly It is not the view of Kinsey, who maintains that even the school teacher is n • better teachei, if not -ox starved. I haven't seen the new Kinsey book. I don't know whether lt takes up the matter of divorce. II seems to me that hero too the Jewish experience is singular. It is extremely easy for a mnn to Set a divorce, according to t h e Jewish law, nnd yet divorces were very rare. The man had little more to do than to say he didn't want the woman. The rabbi of course would try to discourage divorce, There Is the story of the Jew who applied for a divorce, and the rabbi who quoted to him tho statement of the Talmud)







Bonds Help Israel Build For the Future






Pooghten o l the Son

OfHhs Record ! U Natbsa SUpria

The J irusalem Issue

what i s beyond, fhillas' sudden revival of the intemaUonaUisUon issue, but he seems to be out of step with t h e United Nations sentiment itself! True the issue was a living one at one time. But it has been discarded both by tbe Sixth and Seventh Sessions of the General Assembly. Had there been some concrete sentiment i n the U. N. for lliat move, the issue would surely have been placed on the agenda of one bloc or another. Tho mere fact that it wns not, proves that men of the U, N. are more realistic than our Secretary of State. What Mr. Dulles is seemingly trying to do is to foist a solution that is neither satisfactory to Israel nor the Arab stales. Is that his concept of neutrality'

Secretary of State Dulles is officially slili a novice in the field of diplomacy but you wouldn't know itjfrom the ikill with which lie is killing semantics, a recognized symbol of diplomatic m a turity, y.'e have particularly in Tne new map of Israel encom- Lake Huleh. Here the pioneers being built to relieve congestion Ascalon, once known mainly as mind liii! recent utterance on pass** mar* than the treasures of are engaged In tbe massive opera- and open wider the gateway to the city where Samson destroyed Jerusalem ami thu tiuiisftr thereto the • past . . . more then the tion of clearing the Huleh swamp, the Middle East. the temple of the Philistines, will oj the jil.Tudi Koicii-ii Ministry. problemi of the present . . . tt 25,000 acres of i t , i n an impresHaifa has scores of new indus- be the terminus of a projected The Kcnklcrniiii has many burdens discloses the shape of the future, 6ive demonstration of Israel's en- tries: the Kaiser-Frazer plant, a s - railway line from Kurnub and on his tjvjul'.iers tlutf daj't and it formed by a vibrant people in gineering skill. Thousands of fam- sembling 6,000 cars a year, and Bcersheba. is cjuite:!EJOi.',ible thticfore that lie partnership with fanlghted Amer- ilies will some day find homes on exporting them to Europe, Africa South in the Negev stands Beerlias forgotten many of the thinits icans, Investon In the State of this reclaimed land. and Asia . . . the iron foundries sheba, the reborn Biblical v i l lie heard and taw during his vhit Israel $500,000,000 Independence On t h e Mediterranean is th . . . the Neshcr cement plant' now lage. Four years ago u dusty hamto Israel. But how could he have Bond Issue. home of Israel's heavy Industrie producing 400,000 tons of cement let of a few thousand Arab souls, fwfiottep so bmic and inipurtnnt Bond* are building a new I s -Its overtaxed harbor is in thi per year . . . the synthetic d e - It is now a thriving community an issue as the transfer of the rael for Bond dollars have e n - midst of a development progran tergent factories . . . and the great of 20,000 Israelis, and is well on Foreign IMlnlitry when in fact he abled the Government of Israel to increase the port's capacit; plant of Fertilizers and Chemicali, the way to becoming the industrial had bt|!i) advised about it by to embark on major public proj- from 1,300,000 to 4,000,000 ton. Ltd., which will soon be produc- hub of the Negev — thanks to none other than the Israeli Govects—irrigation, harbor expansion, a year. A free zone for the trans^ ing all the chemical fertilizer! American partnership through Isernment itself?. A cautious diplo- Travesty land improvements. Loans of shipment of goods to neighborly needed for Israel's agriculture. rael Bonds. For here, on the desmat. Dulles (aid the only knowlBond money by the Government countries is contemplated as pai With the help of Bond financing, ert's doorstsp, there are being edce tin State Department had of President Eisenhower's appointare helping private Industry to of the hiiibor; a s a result, Half* these facilities for the conversion built the n«w Kharsa ceramics the contemplated move came from ment of Governor Byrnes to the expand, so that production can will ultimately become the mos' of primary products Into finished plant, a new glass factory, new "rumors" reaching the American U. N. is a baffling and grievous keep pace with the needs of a important shippings and commer. products will make possible t h e auto workshops—and more to challenge to man's striving for Embassy In Israel. elal center of the entire Mlddli export of ammonium sulphates; come. . These two girls aren't juit posing for their picture. Tlify »re growing nation. If he believes what he said, equality Within the national and members of an agricultural •ntllrment In Uriel and are on thrlr East. At the mouth of the Klshoi Farther down i n the desert are In the north, the Jordan flows superphosphates, a n d potassium Way to work In the hayfirld. Funds of the United Appeal have he will have to redefine the word international pattern. How can a the mined which have already be- helped to establish 298 agricultural settlements in Iirurl and Inthrough the five square miles of River, new canals and dock* an sulphate. "rumor."' Arc newspaper reports gentleman who has consistently creased acres under production tenfold. This year the United Israel Due south of Haifa it Tel Aviv, gun to exploit hug* deposits of Appeal, rumors?! Are statements by the'advocated and practiced racial WA-flnanced agency, will settle 111,000 additional Immianother focus of industrial activ- kaolin a n d glass sand, materials grant* on the land and carry on other agricultural expansion. Foreign Minister of Israel rumors? inequality and segregation be a ity, and the nation's food distrib- soon to be used by Beersheba's Is a decision by a government spokesman for the ideals of Ameruting center, TeT'Aviv Is the site new ceramic and high-quality Cabinet a rumor When it ha* been ican democracy on the interna—fields cultivated by mechanized grams presented In our develop- fully publicized? We realize Mr. tional rostrum? The naming of of tbe new Phflco refrigerator glass factories. Southeast of Beersheba is Kur- equipment purchased with Israel ment budget depends In l i n e plant, a s well as textile factories Dulles these days may be tooByrnes is mockery of our submeasure on dollars to be ob- busy to read newspapers. But, he scription to the U. N. Charter producing ilhe fabrics, the cigar- nub, where Bond money is pro Bond dollars. tained through Israel Bonds. wasn't too busy in Msy of 1952 and its pledge to take joint and ette factories and food.processing viding the equipment to exploit ' ' - Oil exploration! are continuing plants of Assis L t d , the "Pala- the phosphate depsoiU in the—there are additional mineral re- We face In the months ahead the when Ilirael announced that the separate action for the achievelum" Aluminum Product! plant, desert At the nearby Mahtesh sources to be tapped, new fac-most urgent necessity to con- transfer of the seat of govern- ment of universal respect for, and the "Saxonla" Viscose Baron crater a n e w plant will soon tories to be built, new areas to be solidate our economy to take full ment and of the Foreign Ministry observation ot human rights and advantage of the antl-lnflatlon- would be effected as soon as the fundamental freedoms for all plant, and numerous important process these phosphates. S'dom lies due east on the Dead irrigated—and most of all there a r r policy, of the last year and government offices in Jerusalem without distinction as to race, sex, machine shops. Tbe new railway Sea, at whose southern end 188,- is the working partnership of Is- of the reparations materials now were ' constructed. And Vbsd h » language or religion. The presence line from Hedera to Tel Aviv, rael's courageous pioneers and nanced with Bond dollars, forms • 000 tons of potash will be mined American capital Invested in the btrinnlnr to arrive. It seems examined his-own State Depart- of Byrnes in tho U. N . will not vital link in Israel's transporta- every year, with new equipment State of Israel Bond Issue. It is to me that after this our road ment files be would have discov- only impair our prestige and morspecially purchased for the operawill be easier. I see it as a sa- ered that the moving of the Israeli al leadership among tbe nations tion system. tion. Like the Big Canyon's phos- a partnership that has witnessed cred dulr. ours and yours, te ministries to Jerusalem started at of tbe world, but may also compel On t h e Yarkon River, just out- phates, the potash will be shipped an Increase in the number of peomany of them to look in other do the maximum and more than the end of 1949 In fact side Tel; Aviv, one ol the new' up to Haifa, there to be converted ple employed in industry from possible to help us cross this We have no way of determining directions tor leadership. power plants, symbolizing the into thousands of tons of potas- 69,000 in 1 » « to 118,000 in 1952; chasm. Urge upon alt friends to coming maturity of Israel's young sium sulphate. that has seen the national Income mobilise for us millions of dolindustry is nearing completion* rise by ^ 5 per cent in the course Just above. Elath, at the southlars In Bond proceeds." It represents • portion ot the of one year; that has seen; the ern t i p of the Negev, i s t h e r o practical results of the more than amount of land under cultivation from mantic area known from Biblical In Omaha, Morton Richards is $10,000,000 in Israel Bond money multiply four times since IMS. times to the present as King Soloalready allocated to the job of H is, a partnership that is forging chairman of the Israel Bond Common's Mines. Here a vein of copboosting Israel's power-generator the future, before our very eyes! mittee and Mrs. J. H, Kulakofsky per ore has recently been discovis chairman of the Women's Diviopacity for industrial and do-, With thebeginningof the Jewered, and here Bond dollars have sion. To date, approximately 1,750 mestic use. been put to work at the dramatic ish New Year, the campaign for Bonds,. t o t a l i n g approximately Lydda Airport, near Tel Aviv, task of discovering and exploiting the sale of Israel Independence hai become one of the major Israel's long-buried treasures of Bonds will begin its final phase $400,000, have been purchased by about a thousand men and womtransportation hubs of the entire natural wealth. — Israel's first Bond issue-will terMiddle East. The shops of El Al Throughout Israel, industrial minate Its drive on May 1, 1954. en. Headquarters are at 713 City National Bank Building. Israel Airlines are among the growth is complemented by agriThe treasury of the State of Ismost modern in tbe world. El Alcultural development. Eight r e rael Is hard-pressed by financial George Jesscl; "There's a brilhandles more than 40 per cent of gional irrigation projects of the obligations that must be met in liant future ahead for my nephew. passenger and freight traffic at Mekoroth Co. are in progress, f i the coming months. The other day he found a purse Lydda. nanced by the Bond program. EvLcvl Eshkoi, Finance Minister, containing a ten dollar bill. He On the Tel Aviv-Jerusalem erywhere there a r e fields where has sent this urgent message to the returned the money to the owner road, workmen are finishing the new crops are being raised to pro- State of Israel Bond Organization: . . but first changed the bill to two new plants of the Shimson vide food for the people of Israel "The realisation of (he pro- ten ones." cement factory, where modern mass production methods will be applied to the task of producing cement for the building trades. The first plant will soon be producing cement at the rate of 300,000 tons a year, Jerusalem, capital of the nation, hallowed by tradition for many centuries, i s now becoming a hub of Industrial production. With the influx of Investment capital from the State of Israel Bond drive, Jerusalem has beSALES SERVICE come the home of many shops, at well as a watch-making plant, a pencil factory, the country's most up-to-date flour mill, and many other enterprises. At t h e new plant of the Jerusalem Shoe MA 67*1 Corporation, new citizens from a QUALITY FARM score of different countries work EQUIPMENT side by side, producing 3,000 pain of shoes a day. These shoes are of such fine quality that they are 27TH AND L ST& TRUCKS MA M i l now being sold in the United States; unskilled workers, aided by American training, equipment , KNOWN AND RBSPCCTBD and financing, are mastering a high grade of craftsmanship. MA 2!3» The Ascalon-Migdal area on the Mediterranean south of Tel Aviv, is the home of a giant new pipe plant whose production will meet South Omaha's FORD Dealer all ot the pipeline needs of Israel's growing irrigation system



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Yaar's Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roih Haihonah 57J4—TJiur*d«y. Saptambar 10, 1953

Bttii El Supper Club Leaders

Message from YC President A* the Jewish Youth Council enters ite twentieth year of operation, we took forward to continuing our program of providing for the Jewish youth of Omaha, giving them the opportunities that are offered in a Jewish youtk organization. The needs of the youth of today are all recognized and supplied in the program offered in a Youth Council club. The Youth Council acts as u rnenting jjround where representatives from .ill the elubs convene to try to keep improving club ]iroi<r;imming and to supply all the activities Unit are e^ential in a l(:f:ii-jicer's four years in high school. The Council began this year by sponsoring a regional youth leadership seminar, which lasted for four days, al Camp Harriet HardIng near Omaha. TJie conclave proved a hui;c success na it gave the 60 loin-,i;:u., from al] ovoi the mid-wcslmi IIM.I new idc.i: In successful club programing. .Some of ttip ..ctivilus will . be offend to all Jewish youth club members during the coming year are a ba'kdball, '.juwhng, baseball, and volleyball tongue; swimming, wrestling, ping-pong, hnndhall, and a track tournament. In the social aspect, the Council will sponsor, besides the annual Con-

well u an informative four year* need only to belong to a Youth Council club and to take an activi interest in the club's activities —Larry Schwartz

For Rosh Hashonah

God Is King From Ihr Uulyday I'rayrrbouk 'J'Jie Lord was Kin;;. The world about us did not sprini Frum forces uncontrolled and free And man is not caprice or whim Created without thought or form Before the mountains were brought forth,

clave Dance, which ends the Youth Council year, many mixers, luncheon', dances and st.ige night. I'jiicl discussions, spcakei.s, and MOgKun (,n subjects such as ri-ll;ion, dating, brotherhood, current events, vocations and Judaism will continue throughout tho year. The Youth Council also presents annual career conferences, Brotherhood Week programs, award dinners, Thanksgiving serviced and Against a 1blind and helpleas fate. Not will o wisp nor beast to prey, Baccalaureate services. Anyone wanting an enjoyable as Not slave to passion, greed, or power, / Endowed with reason, man obeys A higher law of governing. The Lord is King.


MARTIN'S DRUGS Council Bluffs, Iowa


A Happy New Year •

The Lord forever will be King. His moral rule awakening -Man's conscience 'gainst debasing vice That breeds disease and blinds the eye, And keeps men bowed in servitude. When man will take his brother's hand, , • ' t Whan hate will cease and peace hold sway, Whert nations Join. to walk His way ' And' all to righteous precepts cling, The Lord forever wUl be King.

Rosh Hashonah v

By Mr*. Morris Speckter

Now the New Year Is ijshered in • With the ten days of forgiveness and release We go to Shut praying our Creator, forgive our' sins. Out blessed Merciful Father accepts our pleas. Of us is commanded forgiveness, too Al in our Holy prayers U related. Let us love, embrace, and bitterness eschew, And with God's mercy rule Israel, through his Hply powers created With courage and right we will aid our Holy Land In strength and Independence the State will ever stand. ' A Happy New Year shall God give us, of Joy with no surcease, And soon we'll have Jerusalem with honor and with peace.

Council Bluffs, Iowa

KOWH Extends Best Wishes

A Bank for Young Men and M*n With Young Ideas

For a Happy New Year!




standing memorial. Herzl and Balfour Forests are among the major tree-planting projects completed in Israel. The newest tribute, sponsored by the Jews of England, is the Coronation Forest honoring Queen Elizabeth'" II. The above is the Coronation Forest emblem.

Season's Greetings

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N e w a r k (WNS) — In the years that lie ahead of her, young Miss B. Steinberg will probably encounter many interesting" personalities, but she will never forfjet her meeting with Professor Einstein, not alone because she was among the privileged few to be received by him, but also because of a lesson the learned from the world's £reatest physicist. The young lady, a high school student, was taken to Einstein's home in Princeton by her father, Norman Sternberg, vice-president of the local Zionist Region here. On leavini; Einstein's home, the young lariy said that when she told her host that she was having difficulty with geometry and taw no usefulness in the subject, the Princeton sage smiled and told her that geometry not only disciplines the mind but is also a factor in personality development.

Ray Bolger: "A television com-1 Danny Kaye: "My baby w«k*# erclal is tbt p a u s e that d e - j u p in the wee wee hours at presses." 'morning."

State Savings Bank


Mr. and Mrs. Barton II. (Ducky) Oreenberg

The Grcenbcrgs are leaders of Beth El Synagogue's supper club Before the sun and moon and series for the coming year. stars, Before the waters In (he deep, Coronation Forest: personalities. Ramat Yochanan, Before wild beasts or birds on A Unique JNF Honor one of the leading colonies In Israel, was established in tribute tc wing, For the New Quetn Jan Christian Smuts. Kfar Truman The Lord was King. Leading world statesmen and —a new vllliage—honors our forThe Lord Is King. outstanding occurrences have been mer President. His spirit ever hovering honored In Israel in many waya, There is •• Washington Forest Above His world, above mankind, Streets and settlements have been in Israel. King George V Jubilee named in honor of distinguished Forest at Shlmron is another outTo guide the destiny of man

A Happy New Year


Mind Your Math Einstein Tells Miss

thv KOWH frequency, which af. fordt a claar signaMo this sta-



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ikk^-- • < N.w W a BdiHt*-THE JEWISH ntE5S-4UA rUiWI. 57l4_TW«iayi S^nb.r

?§§» H*

The Year in Jewish Sports will return with plenty of motion to a i s l o w start hurling for the the game of chess suddenly shot into the headlines with plenty of pictures in color so that «ome of Chicago W h i t e S o x . . . interest for Jewish tports fans. The biggest event of the year the spirit of the games can be reBASKETBALL—Top basketball The reason: A match was schedtor fans Interested In Jews In captured for audiences in this story of the year was the ordeal uled between the U. S. chess team sports takes place from Sept 20- country. suffered by Nat Holman, one of and the Russian chess team, with 29 in Israel the leading figures in basketball. Jewish players as the chief conSome 1,000 athlete* irom aU BASEBALL—The biggest base- Holman, who piloted the Cii" Col- tenders. For the U. S. team there part* a* the world will father to ball news of thia year> season was I lege of New York squad, was sus- was Samuel Reshevsky, backed up Israel to compete in the Macca- the tremendous performance of Al pended following the basketball by several other Jewish stars. For b u h G a m e i , held e v e r y t h r e e Rosen, Al, playing one of his best scandal. College authorities ac- the Soviet club there was world's year*. '' years, was hitting practically ev- cused Holnisn of ntykct of duty champion Milhail Botvinnlk, with A team of 100 athletes from the erything in sight. He s h o w e d and improper conduct. Holman several other Jewish players also United States will participate, in- promise of being the American protested vigorously, said he was starring on the Rutsian team. The cluding a number of leading non- League leader in both the home being made a .scapegoat and fought match appeared slated to be Jewish Olympic champions who run division and the runs battud good opportunity to Improve inI back Jn a drparlniental trial . . . are going along to give exhibition in competition, us well as finishternational s ports relations and Abe Saper.stein's Harlem Globe- see some Jewish sportsmen from performances. There will be large ing high n t;.e b u t t i v .i\i'.,,jc learns from England, South Africa, column. Russd in adion I ill tt ), I,, ;it J:P.I.|J at its hisand as at the previous Maccabiali, However, the match never came Other li.i c b u l l i.ut' C\.l U r> v\ 11. ! n f; p re, p l a y i n g Israel is expected to field the U.rfiAbrams au< l,ilti ufU' ij'in,; '.' ir, .I.OIII the \ oild and setting off. For some reason the U. S. est aggregation. switched t , a Put b a n h unjfoin ii i 'i\ uv w attmdunce records. State Department ruled that the In all, there will be; competition in a tr< lit- fiou t!.< C'1IK -lull Si;>tr',win was portrayed in a Russian players could not live at In 19 sports. This eyes of athletic Her!;; . , J ( e tutf hhCttijC |Hnll_.v.oiiJ film about the Globe- the Russian Embassy home at enthusiasts f r o m all over the improved . ti'i ' i\v n ore <iction is ti o'teii Glen Cove. Long Island. They world will be on Israel durinr; a catcher ft r t e C'leveljnd InTnere weie many Jewish stars, would have to live in a New York the p e r i o d of the Maceabiah, dians. Jr.t 1 cl bien ti.Kkd from too numerous to mention, on col- hotel. The Russians resented the which has aU the trappings of a the Detri'it 'Iigus Sid Goidon i lege a n d university basketball restrictions, said they were insult"little Olympics." , continued a valuable player for 1 teams throughout the country. One ing, and called off the trip. It is expected that the Ameri- the Boston Braves . . . Sol Rogo- of the outstanding coaches was can team, sponsored by the V. K. vln failed to hit the stride that Tubby Raskin, -who had a leave HERE AND T H E R E — T h e r e Committee for Sports in Israel, was (.xppcleii of him as he got off of absence from Brooklyn College were numerous Jewish athletes to pilot the Israel baskefoall team holding down important positions at the 1932 Olympics in Finland... on college gridiron teams across Israel's basketball team did it- the country last fall . . . Sam self proud by making a powerful Gerson of Philadelphia, who is * showing in,the European basket- former Olympic star and a beball tournament held in Moscow. liever in keeping up friendships Comrjetinj against some of the between the athletes of many nabest court dubs in Europe, the , tions, continued his organizational A J the State of Israel grows . . . JO growj her Israelis • placed fifth and aston- J efforts. Gerson worked to exstature as a nation . . . many problems have ished observers by their ability. , pand the United States Olympians, been reiolved . . . many more remain. Israel The team from Israel had learned Ian organization for past Olympic gathers strength with each coming year. much since the days when basket- I stars, and started work on a new ball was not very popular in the project — a similar organization 'country. A lot of credit goes to. on an international scale , . . W i t h the conning year increase your happiness Nat Holman and" Tubby Raskin for by using ADLER'S products exclusively . . . Let Tragedy, s t r u c k a promising furthering the sport to the point them crown your year with goodness. that it is one of the top games baseball star. Herb Gorman, who had been.wlth the S t Louis Cards in Israel at the moment but was back playing for San Diego in the minors, passed out in CHESS — This isn't usually a the midst of a game and died hi sport that attracts a lot of atten- a hospital shortly afterwards. Gortion. Matches are usually held man, an outfielder, was only 27 minus a lot of fanfare with only years old . . . those who closely follow the game Brandels University got a huge paying attention. But this year gymnasium that holds 3,000 spectators for basketball c o n t e s t s . Brandels continued its policy of playing football on Saturdays, and further expanded Its athletic program . . . Yeshiva University announced an expanded athletic setup for the coming year. Yeshiva said the emphasis would be on the athletic development of the players . . . The Hcgo Park Jewish Center of Queens, New York, was the victor in the annual national basketball tournament of the National :">* Jewish Welfare Board. The victory earned the Rcgo Park players the honor of participating in Br M l Waif (Copyright, 1B53, JTA.)



Charles J. Assmann DODGE AT FIFTIETH


the Maccabiah on the U. S. a«wd. Lou Spindell, one of the great ewUh basketball players w h o was outstanding 20 y e a r s ago, joined those who fell victim to the McCarthyite investigations of the school system. Spindell was dismissed from his teaching post In New York . , . The wrestling rabbi from Israel made a hit in the grappling arena. Raphael, "Mr. Halpern, who was graduated from a Jerusalem rabbinical school, met some of the top wrestling attractions in the country . . . In the book world, two volumes of interest tu Jewish sports fans were published: "The World's Greatest Boxing Stories," an anthology edited by Harold Ribalow; and "Bullfighter from Brooklyn," an autobiography by the famed Jewish bullfighter, Sid ney Franklin.

Jack Benny tells a good story On* himself that came' out of his personal appearance In London's famous Palladium Theatre. The whole town turned out for the event, including London's No. 1 drama critic and his wife. The critic liked Jack fine, but hU wife matched him with a puzzled frown for a full twenty minutes and then whispered to her husband, "Tell r< dear, what does Mr. Benny do?"

Harry Hershfleld tells us about the Brooklyn kid who watched six Wild West programs on TV every day. His mother sought to lure him away from the machine and in to dinner, but the kid shot hit pistol into the air and s a i d , "Thanks, pard, but I reckon I ain't got any hankerin' tonight tot matJoe E. Lewis: "There are three zo balls." major parties in the United States. . . . the Democratic Party, the ReClifton Fadlman: "A 'vacation publican Party, and the cocktail folder is a trip t«MJt" "•; ,,-:.:''<•...r party."

AD oificiou* lady at th* Brown Derby in Hollywood ptiahed -» •waiter aside, leveled a finger at Groucho, and demanded, "Are you Harpo Marx?" Groucho raised an eyebrow and replied, "No. Are you?"


Recipe of The Week



Kreplaeh Baked In Honey (Silt Free) Willing l f t cups finely chopped •boiled chicken eggs tablespoons Minischewitz Unsalted Matxo Meal teaspoon chopped parsley small onion, finely diced tablespoons Manifat Saute onion in fat Mix rest of ingredients together in order given. Add sauteed onion and mix well. Dough 1-2/3 cups flour 2 eggs • •" 1-2 teaspoons cold water Sift flour into mixing bowl Make a well in the center. Adr' eggs and combine with a fork adding water as necessary to forrr a ball of doughy that is compac* but not hard. Knead until smooth and elastic. Roll out thin on r lightly floured board. Cut into I % -inch squares. Place 1 teaspoon filling in center of squares. Fold one comer over diagonally to form a triangle and press edges together. Pinch two points together. Drop into pot of boiling water. Cook 10-15 minutes or until they rise to the tor Skim out. ' To Bake K cup honey M cup Manifat Heat honey and Manifat In i large casserole. Place kreplaeh into boiling mixture and bake in oven until light golden brown (about 15-20 minutes). Serve hot. Serves six.


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U*vf Yor'i Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—fteih Htthoiuh S714—Thursday, S.ptemb.r 10, 1953

Our Israel News Letter^

Babies, Just Babies T

Progress Versus Strain By Aleph Sherman The past Jewish year has been I year of strain for Israel, In both foreign and internal a/fairh, and though progress has been made In many fields, the strain un'l •tresses continue

was then worth $2.80, is nowen everything they needed, and pegged at 55 cents and the Gov-came to regard care and attention ernment's main aim in the follow- t h e i r s by r i g h t w i t n o u t f i f i n g t i n ing yi nr will be to ketji the n e r d t o ft m l f o i t l i f m < l v t i . I t pound's internal and external val\ \ J 1 t . i l ' ti'Tjf, h u ^ L v t l , before ue from falling further. Thounh 4 tiiiil'i,;

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I n t e r n a t i o n a l rc'.iti'rn i m n I - II i i ' . n d l i i l f o l 1 1 K j i . n , I ' . i S' t i l l ii.i n l c the I nd h , I n n iirally stolen Hit- 1I<J>MIIH fm t l r i i f' f , t i l v , , I I I I I O w i , 11 1 i 1' ri i v i the n h i d b i n m u c h of the j i . u , n j • n.<i s * J 1 1 1 n j i , , i ' I t i n < o n i n ; } < i i ' r o u n t i y Mirif.i niit'i b\ i n • M , .' i l l n i l ' i ' I i ( 1 ! ! I | M i i d ' i , > o n V i p i i i n i t , ' i l v t c n i i f (J f ,i ],,(}/ if f u n d foi ttlliri i n l , mi n i l « iri f o i ' d e p e n d e n t for n n >,ii M I L I M i - f< i •jnrc o n t h e We t, a i . d el< e, I , c ' i - pmji < 1 i i l uf it fuod un- i iluii Tuv,, ills tin (ml fif the ,i if, 'mm in w irulemeiits her ccineei w i t h t h e v.clfaic- of 11s |,oit' to IJI t thf ii water for initiation t w o a n d a half million fillow J e w 'il.ijuijh the fillln,' fi'f and if plans foj next year an i n d p o t e n t i a l lnuniKrunts in the i of thf ' Jf ft-v i n , ; ' Eastern blue which folloutel t h r I'l.iruu t u a l fulfilled, v.ater fiom the nortl The whole year h.14 been domi- has pi evented ,niy mass 'Irikck will be piped down to the south On the bright side, the yea nated by the Prague trial, where e>r oigamzcd unit st, t h e labor hltuJewish Communists were accused ation h a s In m a n y Nays wor'-ened hi ought plenty of fruit and vege

Softly, as I light the way for the coming Sabbath bride, There, in the glimmering (shadows on the cloth of while, I s « \ poined iiantl in hand with me, S h a r i n g this n l u . ' l so d i a l t o .ill mv f a i t h , A lonis rjior, SMOII, t l ic>( m y ' j s t c i s o l Ihepafct ' S d i a , In dt sc 11 n f^ h lu'.irl o f A h i a h a r n , lit I), i n lo i l l .nirl so i tin! a 1 d i'licliil L m U j ' h t | .,11 iji n • I 11 he. id, M m . m i ,i ii, l n in i, i voilu., And 1)i \, >i n v p \ (;f, fjin, n, I tin i, v l . o foi^ol not I-., ,, I, Ami Ki.Hi ,ihi n \ u dioosnif; Hie l i e d i t i o n of o u r p e o p l e — Illts< .<• c m y s a b b i t l i s l s l i i s I IK >c . a n d oh so m a n y moi o— And a s I | i i j j , In tin l l u k u m j s candle, light, 1 o r s i n c t i l K u t i o n of m y babbatli,

of t h e Oithticlox c o m m u n i t y t , n d ai'ain l a i ed tjilte i i e'ciiin'riutiun-, u l i u l i h fl tcndirl to b e iluini.e nee! ilovwi i ( c t 1 f f u n i iln n of t h e S .n V, ilh Hi c !<•> ut i ( i 1 ' 11 i i ', h V i . v ' o n llu p 11 u < JJJ n i . l l t

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My Sabbath Sisters By Mrs. Arthur II. Goldstein

The bill brought anli-iioveniment demolishution L by a


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t h e t x t i t m e O i t h o ' o y o p p o i d 7i

1 hi y Join me, stepping gently from the past; "-till t o be e x o n l ' i d For no one of my faith will ever pray alone, Arab Relations The prayers of all the ages echo in each Sabbath blessing; Relations v/llli the- Aiubj. hive And ever will as long as Sabbath lights are kindled anywhere. become1 more difficult dunntf the course* of the >e ir rollowini,' antiSemitic and nntl-i 1 1 ael activities by the Coinmunrt state, the Aiahs tables, and some tomatoes wen *I'lielr» Is the glory und (lie future in Israel. Infant care in Israel duilng the year. Unemployment of having spied on behalf of American imperialists and Zion- has Increased especially umong the even destroyed to keep the price: began to step up their campaign Is conducted nt u Iiltfli level of proficiency despite the complexity UN Expert Lauds raising productivity In the facof prohlrliiM brought on by tile arrival in the past five yeurtt of more ists, and Israel clllzSrra forced to unskilled laborers, who have been up. Though there was an outcry of attacks aciosi the Israel bor- than 71)0,000 lniinl^rautK from Kuropran and Moslem danger lands. tories and in training foremen. ders, In the course of which scores over this, and steps are to be Israel's Achievements testify to espionage activities. Its brought in in large numbers with The IJIIMIKI Jewish Apjicul hiijiporls iniiny institutions in Israel for "'.'5 The Swedish technical assistance of Israel civilians have been taken to prevent its recurreno child nnd infunt cure. effects in Israel were both to mass Immigration from Oriental United Nations, N, Y. (JTA)— expert, who is a professor of civil killed, tens of thousands of dolthe psychological effect of a glui weaken the pro-Soviet elements, countries. Relief works, which are Israel has developed soil conserva- administration, said that the outlars worth of property stolen or and to encourage the formation of such a strain on the 'country's of any kind was encouraging to tion to a greater extent than any standing problem in Israel was th<V her of emigruiils, usualy skilled o: Israel Bachelors a wide national coalition. Though economy, cannot employ them all people'for whom the word short- destroyed, and hundreds of Arab other country on the Mediterranemarauders killed or captured by professional people, exceeded thi lack o£ what he described as "nonthe Soviet anti-Semitic drive has building hat slackened oft for lack age is a kind of watchword. Want Women number of Immigrants. Wlthou' an, Sune Carlson, Swedish head of been temporarily halted, the of funds; so many of the new i m - While the difficult economic Israel forces. At the same time, Jerusalem (WNS) — T h e tho United Nations technical as- commissioned officers.": The rearadical changes in Soviet polle the Arab diplomatic campaign changed attitude in Israel has out- migrants have just hung around situation has led to cuts in health, Leanuc lor the Defense of son for this, he said, was that certhis coming year's situation will Bachelors' Right to Marry pro- sistance program in Israel, told a lived it. As a result, several eco- hi the immigrant camps and urban education, and welfare services, against Israel especially in the tain trades and professions were probably be very much the same ceeded to implement its proUnited States has been strengthpress conference here. This sucnomic measures desired by theslums, selling their children'i ra- and the civil service has been cut Mass immigration of poor, aged gram with a petition to the cess was due to a technical assist- not taken up by Jews, General Zionists have been car- tion*, pilfering orchards, and oc-by some 2,000, the general social eped. Government demanding that it and paupers from North Africa if For Instance, Mr. Carlson e x take measures to encourage ance team of four American exried through including the ending casionally rioting at labor e x - structure of Israel remains « re- Following the visit by John beyond Israel's absorptive capaci' plained, there were good departgreater migration to Israel of perts who have been aiding the of many controls, and the slowing changes. flection of the Galuthr the pro-Foster Dulles to the Middle East ty, immigration from Jews in Eu womenfolk from all parts of Israeli Government in planning ment heads In the Israel Govern' down of inflation. portion of the population engaged this spring, and subsequent state' rope, the United States and Brills! the world. New InunigrsnU new farms and preparing agricul- ment, but a lack of clerks and stePrice Level T h e apparently reluctant purlng the year many'attempts in industry or agriculture remains ments py him and his deputies Commonwealth is unlikely. Thi nographers; there were; excellent tural land and in training techbachelors pointed out that there Now the general price level is were made to remedy former mis- low, the number working In of- that increased aid would be giv- restoration of relations with thi doctors, but a lack of nurses; theie is a great disparity, to their nicians, he said. Just double what it was in Sep-takes In the treatment of tho new fice jobs or petty trade abnormal!, en to the Arabs, Arab hostility Soviet Union, undertaken primari were good neighbors, birt a lack of disadvantage, between men and tember 19JI, tho I«rael pound immigrants, when they were giv- high, and the need to do some- towards Israel Jumped still fur- ly to strengthen Israel's diplomats women In the country and that All together, there are 28 spe-draftsmen. He pointed- out that thing about this will dominate thi ther. position in view of real or I m g many agricultural settlers were cialists sent out by the United the solution to this problem was a leaving for other pastures beyears to come. Towards the close of the year ined United .States coldness, i: cause of a dearth of women Nations and UN agencies now |n matter of education. Israel's Foreign Ministry was at looked to to bring in immigra ready and willing to share their Israel, Mr. Carlson reported. SevInvestment from abroad has chores, Patronize Our Advertisers. fallen off during the year; meas- last moved up to Jerusalem, in tion, but Its efficacy i s doubtful eral of these experts are helping in In this case Isra'el will be be ures are now being taken to at- face of opposition from the U.S.A. tract the medium investor, espe- France and Britain. Tho Arabs ginning a new era of dependence 1 cially if he comet And setttrs down and certain other forces have been on its own internal forces, digest i together with' his capital, and thecampaigning strongly for the i n -ing its heterogeneous Jewish popfollowing year will show how ternationalization of Jerusalem, in ulation of a million and a half a much success the new policies ca accord with the United Nations best It can, with the financial aid achieve. It i> worthwhile remem- decision of 1947, It seems just as from world Jewry, on which i bering, in this connection thai unlikely now as it ever did, how- will bo as dependent as ever durdurlng'the-course of the year the ever, ihat anything will be done ing its period of settling down. Ministry of Trade and Industry to-revive internationalization as a t, '-' which Is his chief rcsponslbllit. real issue and not just a talking 'In preparing fot the worst, ai in this field, has been transferred point. far as the Jews who live In hazard Epoch Ended from the hands of Mapai to those With the death of President are concerned, we must seek, to rl the General Zionists. Chalm Welzmann during the year, the best of our ability, to pr&vld New Education Act we were again reminded that the Immediate means for their cxi At the end of Its annual session old Zionist epoch was at an end from their preaent lands. W the Knesset passed the new state and that Israel would be judged should' keep In mind, as we g education act, ending a five yea: by how it could tackle the tasks about this task, that as we rescu controversy, and introducing of statehood and the moral obli- the enslaved and the victims oi uniform educational system ir gations connected with it. The persecution and threatened perse1 over 90 per cent of the country ! coalition and the education act, cution, wo" are, at the same time elementary schools, instead of th as well as a weakening of the role recruiting men, women and chil independent political and reliof political influence in job find- dren for the legions of tho free, fo gious "trades" which hitherto con Ing, have helped somewhat, but the forces of liberty and democtrolled the schools. Next year the , the entrenched strength of the racy. new system will get into operaThe practical miracle of the reparty groups in many more tion, and should be a step forlife than In cent past must be repeated in the ward in the task of producing a '•' , . ' • " " , Western countries and inside the present—Israel must be * p r o v i d ( ; d unified nation. Jewish Agency departments, still with tho means of receiving and Government relations with the sets urgent tasks for the newabsorbing the new refugees In extereme Orthodox parties have year, whatever numbers they come. worsened following the IntroducOnly recently a report on e x - "To provide for a huge new Intion of the National Service Act. penditure and establishment in flux of immigration will require Until now religious girls were e x the foreign service was published, efforts dwarfing those made In the from military service, but showing more waste and unneces- past. Yet lot no man say that it since Ittogenerally held'.that this sary expenditure than is justified annot be done, when it must be privilege has been abused, the in a poor country receiving foreign done. What has been accomplished Government Introduced a oil Id. The report in many ways must be an augury of. what can whereby religious girls can opt symbolizes the year, both in the gain be accomplished, for civilian service in hospitals facts unearthed, and in the way "As we love freedom and securNothing emphasizes the importance of Dairy Month like a schools, etc., under the aegis of the It was published by the press, ity and well-being for ourselves, Ministry of Labor. let us open our hearts to those giving reasonable assurance ihat visit to the Jo-Be Model Farm at 90th and Maple streets, for Hersome action would be taken on it. •ilh few blessings."—Senator 1 jert H. Lehman of Mew York at For the first time in many years, ' here you become aware of an industry that has been built too, the flow of immigrants slack- ,hp National Action Conference, Fune 6. ened off so much that the numup by highly trained personnel, the finest equipment and the onlMn



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PMMutzniek Issues Call To Create a Golden Era

W«t « u t a n , » , * ~ * call to Aratrteia JT*ws to create a golden e n e* literature, art and philosophy comparable to the great cultural flowering* of part ages In other.lands was Issued here, by Philip M. Klutealck, President "of B'nai B'rith. Speaking at the Eighth Annual National Hillel Summer Institute at Camp High Point on th* occasion of the 30th anniversary of the B'nal B'rith -HlUel Foundation! movement, Mr, Khitmlrfc denied that America wa» merely an "intellectual Bu>t«i" for himself and his corellgioateU, or that they were living In e*ile. •. • Inheritance "Vf«T«ed to make of our Jewish Inheritance something more than a past VTe have thinkers, artiste, philosophers here in our rnid«t—we must find a way to encourage them to make a golden era of positive rich content of Jewish living in America. American Jewry must not become the cultural parasite of Israel as it once was of Europe. "We must not only give as our heart and our mind dictate to the preservation of that modern. land of antiquity, but we .must have the intellectual prowess and the will to create our own culture which can give to them as well as receive from them," Mr. Klutznick declared. Theme The theme of the National B'nai Biith Hillel Summer Institute is:

Toward • Program of Jewish •( Living Today." In thli connection, Stone for New Foundations the President of B'nai B'rith stated that where Israel is involved American Jews find themselves in a maze of contradictions when they try to explain their innci motivations and thinking as Amer lean citizens. They have tough against the McCarran-Walter At and similar restrictions on immigration taken by other, nations because these acts said, in effect that Jews are not wanted, Mr. Klutzniclc continued. He went on to soy: Lrnbarra&sed "It seems to me somewhat odd therefore, to find some American Jews jumping on Prime Minister Ben Gurion of Israel because h wants American Jev.-s to emigrate to his country. Why should some of us feel emb.irra;:?cd by such public invitation? There are those who will say that the situations are not parallel. Quite true; but, if they feel as I feel, that Israel, as a state or a government, is wholly independent of America, then why doe:n't the Prime MinA critical need far Israel Is housing;. This worker, operating a ister of that state have the same pneumatic drill In an Ianel stone quarry, learned his trade through programs financed by the United Jewish Appeal. He Is one of 400,right to encourage Immigration of 000 refugees from Iron Curtain countries helped to reach Israel In a particular type to his state as the last seven years. In 1853. 88 new farm village* most be built in others h:ive to theirs? "We Ameri- Israel with WA funds. can Jews should be flattered that our competence and our skills are to come when they realize and Hillel Summer Institute. so well recognizer! that another Warning against extremist viewnation is eager to have us. Per- appreciate what the Jewish impoint* on the relAion of Israel haps other nations will follow the migrant from various countri leadership of Israel in the years can do to build a land when' he to American Jews, Mr. Klutznick

New Year Greeting To Our Friends and Relatives

Bennett Furniture Co. 2610 Loavenworth Street JA 0740

Joe Honute.n, Mgr.

is uninhibited," First HllldGroup The first B'naiB'rithi Hillel foundation was established at the University of Illinois; in 1923. Sponsored by B'nai B'rith, America's largest and oldest Jewish service organlzatlon,-~the H Foundations today serve nearly 190,000 Jewish students on more than 200 university and college campuses here and abroad. Approximately 200 student leaders and students from colleges a n d universities in the United States, Ireat Britain, Canada, and the Union of South Africa, ara attending this National B'nal B'rith

Our best wishes . Thaf you may enjoy greater happiness, security and prosperity in the year ahead. May you look to this year "Us one of hope and opportunity . .". at a time of peace" and tranquility. Si "."


Sincere Wishes for a Happy New Year to All of Our Jewish Friends Zt'l


Omaha, Nebraska

GLendafo 7222

gave the following as his attitude on this question: v ' U r a e l a s a new slate is a bleued reality. I cannot and will not dissociate my religious and cultural interest from that4 piece of land and the people who inherited i t We are the descendants of those who first made of Israel a holy place. To do this is to deny history, To do this i s t o cut myself adrift from my past and leave me only part of a person. Chris. tlanj and Moslems have no less an interest in their holy places in that Holy Land. Should M t Sinaj, should Jerusalem, should the Walling Wau, mean less, to me? What is more important, how can anyone justifiably challenge my loyalty to the land of my birth and my allegiance because I refuse to forget the history of the people from whom I have sprung? Given New Life 'Israel has been and is now a land which has glvpn new life to those of my people who might have been destroyed in spirit as well as in body in the aftermath of World War 1L It has a Just claim on all right-thinking people for the contribution that it made and is still nt^^Tg to the solution of one of the aggravating problems of the homeless and the refugee. For tbesa and other reasons. I,find it consistent with everything else I believe to support the Strengthening of this state to the extent that my resources and my mind permit "I am a Jew living in America, a great and a free country where now there lives the largest aggregation of Jews In the history of mankind. This is not exile to me! This is not the Diaspora to me! This is my home! I have traveled the length and breadth of it. While yield to no one in my affection and devotion to Israel, America is not an 'intellectual motel' for me. It Is not an 'intellectual motcr to many many of my coreligionists who are mental giants and who are great students.

Our History *'We five million Jews may never forget our history, our present, nor our tie to the state of Israel, mt we must ever remember that we have no right to claim the dignity of men if we do not develop here, in America, no less a rich ind responsive culture than we ixpect to see developed in Israel. We need to quit relying on the lypodermic shots of culture and •eligion from abroad to enrich our personal lives. We need to en:ourage the thinkers and the art- j ists and the rabbis among us here | o mold in this blessed land no less literature, no less an art, no less philosophy, than we expect to ice developed in Israel. Let them •eflect the richness of the soil ind of the tradition in which we ive as Americans, just as what lappens aver there will indeed eflect its own atmosphere." Comic Phil Silvers, a ncarsightd gentleman, was heard moaning a racetrack, "I've got to get these glasses fixed fast. I've Just walked into seven fellows I owe money to!" Sam Levcne adds, "this new medium of TV isn't a countrywide mania—yet. There are still several slates where they think television is jusC a city in Israel."

> ^ i

vant h» was referring to himself York Timw, which japped him

From Urn Lyoa's D M

ai The World's Oldest Prodigy. A young pianist asked him "How do you become a prodigy?" and Oscar told him: "It's easy. Just lie about your age." Th« mother of a

Oscar Levant's Levities By Leonard Lyon One day Oscar Levant wai 51 pended from the musician's union ! by James C. Petrillo. Leonard l.y! ons went ell out in attempting t<have the pianist's union card restored. Lyons met Levant his first week as a columnist and admlt3 that he has learned much from the musician-humorist. Some of his Levant anecdotes, written in his column, "The Lyons Den," in the Ntw York Post, are: Levant said of Arthur Rubencteln: "He plays better than I do but I don't like him as well." Alfred Cwynne Vanderbilt is one of his oldest friends. He told Leo Llndy: "I bring Alfred in here as

boy pianist asked him if there were some short-cut to eliminate the drudgery of practice and Oscar s»ld: "I've been looking for a short-cut for 20 years. Now I'm practicing." His nephew once ibid he didn't need to practice "btfcuuM: muiic runs in the Levant family." Oi'tar warned him: "And if you don't practice, it'll run right out a£ain."

He once said he dislikes playing concerts, because it interfer** with his piano practice. Levant always suspects immediate hostility v.'hr-n he enters a room, and says: "With me, one's company ond two's a crowd." He dedicated Levant and Lyol.s om.e tat up his, book to President and Mrs. bll night, waiting for the notices Ruo&cvclt because he liked them of a performance he'd given. They and, he confided: "Also, if anyone were all food, all but the New sues me for libel, they're In on i t "


A Monument

a thill, so I can get better service" Lorna Levant once said son thing unfriendly to Vanderbilt and Oscar told bis daughter; "Lorna, dear, you've Just talked yourself out of a million dollars." When Vsnderbllt reported that bis own daughter bad Just crawled across the room, Levant asked the owner of Native Dancer: "With who up?" . ,

to STRENGTH ft* tkei VW H W

strtnf ft «f H I M * wtoiavt (tarn

After Levant and his wife, June, dined'at the White House, he said as he left: •'Well, dear, I guess now we owe the Trumans a dinner." During the same visit to Washington, a lady asked him to-recommend a good teacher for her young pianist son. Levant told her: "I will quote one of my old teachers who told roe, There are no such things as good teachers— only good pupils'." He said of New York's night life: "This is organized boredom."

•r«atntu—nwiumtatt that «r* m llualrartoa H Hmtt wfc* Mtew.

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A movie producer who wanted Levant for a film asked him to name his: rock-bottom price, and Levant wired-back: "Sorry, but I don't live at rock-bottom." Once, after a Carnegie Hall recital, he was reminded that he had left his music behind—and sighed: "Freud will. understand." He has been vu/itlng psychoanalysts for years, and when his hair is more ruffled than usual, Oscar explains: "It's my analysis coiffure." Vladimir Horowitz was curious about his sessions on the couch and asked if going to analysts did him any good. "I don't know," Oscar said, "but at least it gives me some place to go every day." The first time Lyons saw Le-

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severely. "I thought t * a i my own worst critic," be said, "until I read the Times.' He felt that legal phrases are too cold and i m personal. That's why hi* recording contract was changed to read: "The Columbia Recording Corp. la HAPPY to agree . . . "

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KUw Y W s feilttoti—THE JEWJSH PRESS—Ro.h Hathonah 8714—Thursday, 10. 1183

Prelude To Rosh Hashonah

-price his foods, how to cut ration camp in Germany, who "look des- primitive lathe. Each night,*"li? peal—make the work of the Joint ened his feelings of being part of •• coupons and keep accounts. perately to JDC for help in bring- Nessim carries on his bent and'; a real family again. Distribution Committee possible. Dirac(or>OMisr«t for Overaeaa Bouncing First Generation Just before Rosh Hashonah the ing to an end their years of home- weakened back the wooden pranks: •_ A second drawing by Noel, 12 Story of Noel Kempler Operations Joint DlatribuUoo grocery store opened. Jacob will lessness? What of the 10,000 Jew- at which he works, he passes the Among the paintings hung in months later, indicated improveCommittee. pay back his loan, because he's ish children of Iran, ragged and Jewish cemetery of Marrtkecltw ment; and in the third eelf-porthe Paris salon are ttvortil by assured a 6teady clientele and sev- hungry end afraid to leave the It is a cemetery of the living »* It was an ordinary day in the Noel Kempler, 14 years old, one trait the psychiatrist asked him eral hundred customers. (Under ghettoes they have been born into, well BS the dead. In little-'huts', history of the Joint Distribution of nearly a thousand Jewish war to do n year after that, Noel an agreement between Malben and who plead for a glass of milk and near the cemetery gates livi'th* Committee. With Rosh HaEhonah orphans still under JDC's care showed his rehabilitation was the Jewish Agency, all the stores a chance to go to school? When Jews born 50 years too soon, the" 5714 a little more than a week in France. In 1U45, when Noel first complete. The picture revealed a and services that are opened ev- will the Perez triplets, three tiny Jews born before the JDC came ' away, an art exhibit opened in entered the JDC orphanage which smiling youngster with cheeks the ery time a new immigrant camp images of humanity born not long to Marrakech. They are old and Paris featuring drawings done by has become his liome, the psychi- color of apples; behind him war. or work village or farm colony is ago into the hara of Tunis, get blind and sick and weary, and lome 1,000 Jewish boys and girls, atrist attached la the institution a big red house; two roads led to founded—the grocers and butchers their first bottles of milk? death for them will come as relief Tiost of them orphans, who live in iiiiked tlie child to draw a picture it and a bright tun shone on a and tailors and shoemakers—come from pain, surcease from sufferJDC-supported homes and insti- of himself and of the house happy scene. Today Noel's guardiWhen will the next "hard core" from Malben lists, forrfier patients ing. Each night, as Nessim trudges • tutions in France. In Munich, Ger- lives in. NOL>1 sat -down and ans know him to be a friendly and able to take up new lives of dig- transport leave Germany? And back from work, he sees them. many, a transport of "hard core" .sketched it house suspended in affectionate child and a good stunity and usefulness.) Thus far, will there be a place in it for They sit patiently in front of the cases—young people und old peo- space, constructed almost entirely dent. This Kosh Hashonah Noel is there are more than 2,000 store- Heinrich Hubennan? Heinrich was gates of the cemetery and waitto1• ple, the victims of Nazism whose of bars. The self-portrait showed a still under JDC care and must rekeepers like Jacob across the face snatched off the streets of his die. Bears are taking longest to heal— thin, sad child dressed in the main at the home until he Is of Israel whom Malben has helped native Warsaw by the Nazis when boarded a train for Norway. In striped clothing of a concentration graduated from high school. Then set up in business-*—"hard core" he was a child of seven. Today he One day Nessim will be sitting • Casablanca, Morocco, a new class camp prisoner. he'll go out into the world, strong cases who don't have to be relief lies in a hospital near Munich. where they do now—unless JDC of ragged ghetto children enrolled and eager to make his mark. What was the Etory behind this cases and drains on Israel's econ- Doctors say he has no lung tlsEUe aid reaches him too, unless JDC' in the local Alliance Israelite tortured child? When Noel wa Story of Julius Z. omy the rest of their llveB; hard left. Only his fierce longing to can bring a decent future to this School. In Beersheba, Israel, a four years old, living in Paris, durcore cases who can make their quit Germany and come to Israel human motor as it has to other While the children's art work grocery store opened in an immi- ing the war, Nazi troopers arrested own contributions to the building keeps him alive. Shall this boy Jewish boys and girls in the Moswas still on -display, a group of grant camp. his parents and deported them to a Jewish DP's stood on the platform of Israel. with the pale, drawn face and the lem world, In Europe and in IsThesu were ordinary events in concentration camp from which of the Munich railroad station. Tasks Ahead .-.," glittering eyes, one of those Jews rael. the history of JDC because they they never returned. Noel, visiting They were "hard core" cases— The four- events described took who bears Nazism's d e e p e s t The story of Heinrich Huberhappen every day. But to the hu- an aunt at the time, was saved. former tuberculosis patients arid place in a single day recently, as wounds, be denied a bed in Is- man, lying on a bed in a German man beings whose lives were But from that moment until the their families, waiting for the a year ended. But what of the rael? hospital; of the Perez triplets of touched by them, they were mo- day of liberation, the boy spent train, that would take them to year ahead? What of the events When will Nessim Ablgessis, a Tunis and of Nessim • Ablgessis, ments of high drama. They made his days confined to one room In Norway In time to begin a. new These bouncing first generation Israeli's are the key to Israel's which have not yet taken place? 12-year- old human motor of Mar- trudging home from workln Marup those brief instant! in time a boarding house to prevent his year In a new land. future aa the New Year S714 approaches, Pictured here at a nursing" What of those futures that have rakech, put down his weary arms rakech are one story. These are when an old life is ca«t aside, discovery by the Nazis. Images of home near Tel Aviv, they can look forward to & brighter future not yet been charted, the stories ready to be forgotten, and a new concentration camps began to The Norway-bound DP's in the thanks to the great effort of American Jewry In Its support of the whose endings have not yet been and take up spade and hoe? Ncs- the stories the Jews ot America, transport were not the first group United Jewish Appeal. slm sits in a dark alley in the are writing through their' support, life begins. It .was fitting that haunt him. The world—the four written? to resettle In Norway; other DP's mellah of Marrakech every day of JDC via the United Jewish Apthey took place only a short time walUr'of his room—closed. In. , What of the remaining Jews in had left last year for the same —last remaining Jewish DP camp regular health examinations and peal. Perhaps by Rosh Hashonah ,before the old year ended, and a When Paris was (reed, Noel was country. Other groups of TB and in Germany—until a special re- treatment, It hs needs It. (Large Camp Foehenwald, observing Rosh of the week except the Sabbath, 5719 there will be new—and hapflailing his little arms to furnish new year opened. placed In a JDC home (or Jewish jost-TB eases from the DP areas settlement plan worked out by numbers of Jewish children in Hashonah in the last Jewish DP the human energy that turns' a pier—chapters in these stories. These ordinary and extraor- war orphans. Then, he began to have been accepted for resettle- JDC and the Norwegian Govern- Morocco suffer from trachoma, dinary events are bound together. »;now gentleness and kindness ment in Sweden under a similar ment afforded him an extraor- tinea, a form of scalp ringworm.) connects the Jewish or- again. The director! of the'home, scheme worked out by JDC anddinary opportunity to pick up bis which leads to blindness, and phan In France to the grocer, in a young married couplo, made the Swedish Government. JDC life again. He'll learn a Hebrew song and Beersheba. One chain holds "the sure Noel ate hot, nourishing' meets all costs in connection with dance and know how to plant a Story of Mosbe Zonbib tuberculosis OP, bound for a new rn*»ls, they sent him to school, the'projects, including transportaWhile Noel's drawings were on garden and how to gather crops. home In Norway, to the street' encouraged him to Join the other tion charges and a lump-rum payAnd some day, perhaps, if all urchin in Morocco. That link) that children at play, The -warm, at- ment to the government for each display, and Julius Z. stood on goes well, Moshe Zoublb will harthe railroad platform waiting to chain has been forgod by the Jews tractive way In which the Jewish immigrant accepted. board a train for Norway, a 13- vest fruit on Israel's sol), where of America who—through their holidays were celebrated awoke a 1 he and scores of thousands of support of the United Jewish Ap- new Interest in the child, strentfrr Among those standing on the year-old product of the sunless Jews now living In the Moslem platform was Julius Z, and by mellah (ghetto) of Casablanca enhis spirited Interest Jn the com-rolled in the local JDC-sponsored lands hope to settle. ing event, It was hard to realize Alliance Israelite school. For him, that here was * man who had lost too, it would be awonderful new The Story of Jacob , two families In two generations. year. On the same day that little Noel' Julius was a boy in Poland when Mdshe Zoublb lives In a one- Kempler's crayon drawings went his whole family—his parents and room hovel with his parents and a on exhibition in Paris; on the six brothers and sisters—perished half-dozen brothers' and sisters. very morning that Julius Z. boardin a typhus, epidemic following There Is no running water and ed his train for Norway and Moshe World War I. Raised in a Warsaw no electricity where he lives; o Zoublb registered for the AlliThe Most Complete Stock in the Mid-West orphanage, he learned the trade slit in the wall lets in a shaft ance school in Casablanca, a gro: a mechanic; by the time he of light. Still, Moshe Is one of cery storo opened in Beersheba. » ' was 24, Julius was married and the luckiest Jewish youngsters. in There isn't much excitement or the father of a little girl. Then North Africa. He lives in the street drama about a grocery store. But Poland fell to the Nazis; Julius where JDC undertook recently its Jacob A. thinks there is. Jacob was thrown Into a concentration experiment in macs trachoma is from Rumania. When the Nazis camp and lost contact with bis treatment. His father—a cobbler— came he took his wife and son and Visitors and Purchasers Always Welcome family. Returning after the war, recently received a JDC loan to went into hiding. When the Nazis be found his wife and daughter buy new tools. Most important— left he crawled out of the cellar bad died In the Warsaw ghetto. Moshe has had the chance to enter that had become the family home Dixon't if famous for the bait In Everything for the Beautiful Holiday Table Nothing remained to keep him In an Alliance school. and determined he would go to Poland; he made his way to a foods and courteous service. Day or There he'll learn to read and Palestine. There was a st^p-over DP camp in Germany where, In write and how to do arithmetic; in Cyprus first. That's where Ja1948, JDC doctors recognized senight, you will enjoy the finest foods he'll study geography and history, cob first noticed the cough he rious TB symptoms In him. and even a little Hebrew. Soon, couldn't seem to get rid of. And; and friendly atmosphere—at Dixon's. Julius was assigned to a JDC- in the training farm in. back of in 1948 when the. family landed' supportcd sanatorium in Germany the school, he'll be doing; spring in Israel the cough became worse. ?where he was slowly nursed bade plowing and picking oranges, from The doctors called It tuberculosis. A happy and prosperous New Year to to health. Rejected for immigra- orange trees. He'll have a hot Jacob was referred to Malberi tion to half a dozen countries tic- lunch at school each noon and a and admitted into a Malben TB all. May it bring peace and happiness cause of his lung condition, h'e new pair of shoes when he needs sanltorium, one of nearly 100 hosremained in Camp 7oehrehwafd, them. He'll undergo frequept and pitals and other institutions operto you and yours. ated by JDC in behalf of thousands' of sick, handicapped and disabled immigrants to Israel It was 22 months before he could' be released, long months of medical treatment and X-ray examinations and rest But Jacob was cured and released as fit to do' light work. Never again could he compete In the open labor market—his physical condition.would never permit it. But Jacob could work, could support bis family, could escape being • relief case 1 *"* I \ for the rest of bis life if only there was a way. Malben found that way. A JDC welfare worker suggested that, with the help of his wife and teen-age son, Jacob could probably operate a grocery- store. A Malben loan was arranged; premises were found in a now Omaha immigrant camp; and a Malben Instructor taught Jacob A. how to; ACROSS FROM THE 1812 N. 13th St. buy replacement stocks, how to Bjr Moaet W. B*ck«lman



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Holiday Nuggets

Thoughts v On the New Year

By »farti* SOrer

wa» observed by many Jew* i n Germany during the Middle Age*, and there are distant Jewish com' and«nt day* Yom Klppur »» a holiday of rejoicing as weU munities today still adhering to pMfSfttag. The Talmud relates that practice. pMt on that day it wag customary IN SEASCH OF A DRUNKARD *ot tb* youth to make merry, and It is told of the laddik Levi to ;Ma*refste in vineyards for Itzhak Berdicbever that once, as meeting destined mates. Remnants he was readying himself to chant ft-that; custom are *tlU retained the Kol TJidre, he suddenly paused, py Caucasian Jews whose daugh- lit a candle and proceeded with f&» and sons gather in the streets what appeared a diligent a n d mi dance to the tune of fifes and thorough search for some mysOther native instruments played terious object under the synagogue by pre-arrangement by non-Jew- chairs and benches. The chassiish musicians. In Tripoli it is dim had. known the ways of the customary for youngsters between great saint, yet they were sorely the age* of nine and twelve to baffled by this prosaic conduc gather in the synagogue Yom Kip- moments before the most awepur afternoon and to dance to the some minutes of the Yom Kippur tune of wedding songs. The danc- ritual. Finally one of the oldest, ing custom still exists among Jews and most respected worshippers In Abyssinia, but there both men rose from his pew and braved the and women partiefpate, separate- question: "Rabbi, what is it you ly of course. The custom of youth- are looking for?" Curtly Lcvi ful rejoicing and dancing on Yom Itzhak replied that he was lookKippur once prevailed in come ing for a drunkard. The congreJewish communities in Rumania, gants were stunned by the reply, but it was abolished on rabbinic but not for long, for the rabbi a decree. During the Middle Ages once stepped to the altar for one It was customary for children and of his famous remonstrations with Children of rffii^rfs planting seedling* In utiat will eventually adults to play games of nuts, a the Almighty. "Master of the UniIiwonm a forest in their new liomrluml—Innul. Vattt Irrigation prodevice designed no doubt to ease verse," he whispered softly, "do JectH ivhirli will bring hack lo fertility tens of thousands of acre's tell me, is there another people in neglected for ccntiiriiit, Ihn dlveralnn of the. Varkon Rlvrr which Hill the burden of fasting. the world like thy people Israel? put Into production whole urctlom of the Krgn; have b«en made Ancient Days You have decreed that one must poMlblfl through the United Israel Appeal, one of tile three constituent agenrim of the United Jewish Appeal. In ancient days it was customary eat and drink every Yom Kippur to wear while robes on Yom Kip- and that the mitzvah of regaling pur, since the color white is a on the ninth day is as great as rabbi's admonition, they proceeded averoth you committed against me. tymbo! of rejoicing. This custom fasting on the tenth day. Had you to the tailor's house, where they If justice ia to guide our reckonis still retained, though in most set aside stlch a day for the other placed themselves under the win- ing; you owe me more than I am communities it is only tyie cantor, peoples of the world many drunk- dows in the hope of detecting the indebted, to you. However, since the rabbi and the extremely pious ards would be wallowing in the concealed virtues of the man. The it is erajr Yom Kippur, when It U who wear white kaftans, or kit- Butters toward the evening. But tailor and his sons at the time customary to forgive each other, tels. In extremely Orthodox syna- that is not the way of our people. were in the midst of prayer. When 1 forgive your averoth against me gogues, most women wear white They all of them observed the they were through davening they and my household and all I ask dresses or at least white shawls. mitzvah and now they are all here put on their Sabbath raiment, lit of you is to forgive us for the During the years of the Second n the house of worship. There candles and set the table. The transgressions we c o m m i t t e d Temple the new month would be isn't a s i n g l e drunkard to be eating ritual w a s attended by •gainst you." announced by messengers w h o found, nor has any one overslept. much rejoicing, but when it was The tailor then filled a glass kept watch over the moon in Jeru- They are all here dedicated to dp over, Berl the tailor proceeded to , snlern. Messengers would then be confession and to beseech forgive- a shelf and pulled out a book in with whiskey, made the approfent to the Jewish communities ness from you. What other choice which he meticulously recorded all priate benediction, and proclaimed "chutz l'aaretz" to ndvise them of save you, Almighty, than to con- the transgressions he committed loudly: "L'chaim, Master of the Universe, we have condoned each the approaching holidays. Because done them and enter their names during the year. others' sins and all averoth, thine It was realized that the messen- in the Book of JJfe 'or the year Raising his eyes heavenward, and mine, are wiped out" g e r s might arrive too late the ;o come." A w e s o m e silence the tailor reminded the Master of When the"puplls returned they practice developed nmorig the out- gripped the worshippers, for now the Universe that this was "the told the rabbi that they considered fide communities to add a day to they were sure their prayers would day of reckoning between us" and the tailor's conduct impudent and not go unanswered. the holidays, a practice which still then he proceeded to read off the desecratory of the occasion. But txists in Jewish communities out- LESSON FBdM A TAILOR . . . sins he committed throughout the the rabbt of Llzensk thought othside of Israel. This custom, howRabbi Elimelech of Lizensk once rear. When he finished reading erwise, for he told bis pupils: ever, was never applied to Yom he list of sins, the tailor sobbing- "The Holy One, blessed be He, Klppur, probably because it in- ;old his pupils that if they wished ly went to another shelf and, puli- and His sacred retinue had come volves fasting on two days. Yet .0 learn how to conduct themng out another and heavier ledger, to hear the words of Bcr! the tailor the Talmud records that there selves erev Yom Kippur they lurned again toward heaven and as he conversed In great simplicity were in fact many pious Jews who could take a lesson from the poke: "Master of the Universe, and humility with the' Almighty. observed Yom Kippur two succes- humble but pious tailor on the low that I have listed my sins His utterance brought r»joldng to sive days. The two-day custom outskirts of the town. Sensing the importance of the igainst you, I shall read off the all heavens and the Almighty had granted him forgiveness and to all Israel."

And the Desert Shall Bloom Again

A Happy New Year.'

A film producer's wife told Milton Berle, "It's not true that I married a millionaire. I made him one." "What was he before you married him?" asked Hilton. The wife answered, "A multimillionaire.1*

To Our Friends (and Little Friends)

Kirk Douglas comments: "Some people are supporting this country while others are only trying to hold it up."


Ben Hecht: "Egotism is usually just a case of mistaken nonentity."


By Nathan Ziprln ROSU HASIIONAH . . . As we enter the year 5714 there are encouraging signs of sanity in the world. The madness in Korea has abated and the mastcis of our destiny in the United Nations are grappling with establishing at least a modicum of amity in the world. Tiiere is still discord and grave tensions, but as long iis men are sitting at the table instead of on cannon tops there is at least hope that the differences may be resolved by resolution and common purpose. Light and Siiadows In I T . t l tl.i1 >i\ir oi 13 \,w, one o* li£jhl ;.:>A i^ui'i'j'.vh Ik fore four leaves were torn from the calendar, the country was plunged into rn uvrr tin.1 de.-tlh of its first and beloved President—Dr. Chalm Weizmann. The country was also befct by grave internal and foreign problems. Internally t h e country was troubled by political dissensions that are the inevitable appendage of multiple parties. The problem of synthesizing the conflicting points of view of a population at once modem' and ultra-religious was testing not only for the state but for the populace Itself. Yet in the midst of its great social and religious strains, the country struggled to improve 1U economic status, Its agriculture, housing and financial structure— and with a good deal of success. It would be foolish to say that I s rael has attained economic freedom, but there is no ga)nsayln( the fact that It has made huge steps in that direction In the year that has passed with the aid of the Bond Drive In the United States, the United Jewish Appeal and the goods that have begun to reach the country as a result of (ho reparations pact with Bonn.



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HOLLYWOOD— Kirk Douglas: "His salary runs into three figures . . . his wife and two daughters." Sylvia Sidney: "They live in a beautiful little i.partment overlooking the rent." S;im I.cvemon: "I like work; it fascinates inc. I can .r,it arid look at it for hourk." Gioucho Mark: "A man picks a wife the same way tin apple picks a farmer." Harry Hcrshficld: "If all the automobiles in the world were placed end to end . . . it would be Sunday afternoon."

B O l U U i n W RESTORED Frankfurt (JTA)—Jewi In Germany marked the restoration of > number of Jewish institutions and buildings destroyed by the Nazis or in air raids during the war. In East Berlin, a synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in 1938 mud rebuilt within the last four months wes dedicated. On the site of the f o r m e r Wiesbaden Synagogue razed by the Nazis In the Nov«m» btr 1938 pogroms, the city admin* islration has erected a memorial which was dedicated by the mayof and n representative of the He»s« provincial government. In the ancient town of Rothen* burg, near Nuremburg, where no Jews live now, the city has r e stored an ancient structure known as the "Jews' Dance House." The building, which has been declared a notional monument, was built in 1029 as one of many meeting places of the "guilds" in the town. It was partially destroyed In Hi air raid hi 1845.

HAPPY NEW YEAR May this year t>ring peace, to the State of Israel retorn a . haven for the oppressed. It is a land of stalwart people, where wanderers from far flung countries work together to ,'; build their future. Let us look with,faith and belief.toward the tomorrow. We are proud to have a part in the construction of this new . democracy in the Near East.

• •



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w e eao be proud of our achievements. Years of living i n new surroundings have modified our ways but have not obliterated our identity—the true touchstone of a people's character. What lies ahead In the year to come is in the realm of projecture. We can only pray that the year 5714 will bring peace to our land and tranquillity to tiie world.


Distributors of

May the Coming Yoar Bring Peace to All Mankind and Assurance That All Men May Live in That Al

Yet tile American Jewiih community was remirs In u field v/hoie yield is essential to our cultural, tjjiritual and religious wellI being. We have failed to build .'» j culture that could be described a;; the unique product of American Jewry. We have failed to create a distinctive art and folklore. We have abandoned tme scholarship. The edifice has in many ways replaced the spirit and form has given way lo content. Yet as we enter the new year.

Encouraging The year 5713 was also an encouraging one on the Amerlcap I Jewish scene. True enough the J year was not marked by that unity which is esential to the Implementation of-the preservation and defense program, but neither wa« there the chaos the pessimists predicted. The quarrel between the affiliates in the NCRAC on the ne hand and the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Deamation League on the other, did not produce the predicted catasrophes—a sure sign of and tribute to the mature strength of our American Jewish community. And n the philanthropic field o u r community set an example in giving that Was the admiration of our eighbor*. We responded to our local needs with a generosity e x ceeding our means and our hands did not waver in helping Israel either through purchase of bonds contribution* to the United ewish Appeal; Nor were wo adamant to the needs and situations of J e w s in the rest of the world. When the wave of antl-Semftitm


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• a d anU-Israelism broke ovtr the satellite lands thera was sensitive fear and apprehension and, yes, lamentation too. And when the evil wave passed, we were as brothers in rejoicing with the Jews In those countries. There was the burden and the task and the travail but there was also the satisfaction. Without a great, virile and conscious Jewish community in America what would have been the lot of our brethren overseas and of Itrao] Itself? Remits

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Deadwood, S. D.


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Lalce Andes, S. D.


Cozad, Nebr.

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Hot Springs, S. D.

Crawford, Nebr.

Custer, S. D.

Chadron, Nebr.

Belle Fourche, S. D.

North Omaha'r FORD Dealer 4719 N. 30th St.

KE 0830




NewYaar 1 * Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roih Hashonah 5714—Thursday. September 10, 1953


eration, 5713

The Omaha

Taul Vcrtt • K.verlitlve Dlrrotor

Harry Truatln Secretary

The Jewish F iteration of Omaha has never been (inly a fiscal Or administrative a p p a r a t u s . Throughout almost fitly years bt *"<*rvlcc. it liiis become thoroughly saturated with the spirit t h a t characterize!! the Omaha Jewish cuimminily. This spirit Is one o£ conscious Jrwishnesn, desiring to pcrpctuntc Jewish life nnd Jewish tradition in our community; The implications ol Jewish life and Hit meaning of Jewish living have not merely been a wishful philosophy in our community, but rather a nvyslal-clear beacon by which the Federation charted it* course. This spirit of Jewish living find Jewish practices is manifested almost In every aspect of Federation, activity. . ;. . ,: Bureau of Jtwl»h Education This attitude reflects Itself foremast In the Jewish education program in Omaha. Jewish education here is fostered and jponi'urcd jointly' by the Jewish Federa(ioi) n n d t h e synagogues, through a community Bureau of Jewish Education. Thl» type of approach places proper emphasis on the Importance that our community attaches to a clty-wjde program of Jewish education, desinned to reach the maximum of Jewish children. During the year 1052-53 there were enrolled In the schools, supported by the Federation, a total of 774 children. It Is estimated that some 83 per cent of all school children are In attendance.

Average enrollment in the respective schools during the year were ai follows: Beth'1 El Talmud Tornh —205; Beth El S u n d a y School—146! Beth Israel Talmud Torah— 108;- Beth Israel Sunday School—98; and Temple Israel Religious School—US. The number of pupils attending the schools reached a new high during the past •year, There has also been an Improvement In the staffs of the varlotji schools, which; resulted In better Instruction.•'•.'•; ,, Jewish Community Center Not far;>ehln,d in this, philosophy Is bur Community Cepter, which Is the common denottilnator of Omaha Jewry,serving as it does' the collective Jewish group in Omaha. [ There has been a prpnouqeed Intensification of Jewish content in 1Uprogramming; Emphasis has been placed on Jewish identification Jewish problems, Jewish arts and values, all of which help to maintain the dignity of Jewish living today. There has been too, during the past year, more planning for members of our community, particularly for our children, throuch p r o g r a m s of Junior activities, which provided satisfying outlets for the leisure time of our youngsters. Participation on the part of children and teen-agers In the physical education program hns been increased considerably. One hundred and thirty-eight children attended the Center Day Camp at Peony Park, I

Our Jewish Youth Council, the organized Jewish Youth Community, embarked uprn its 20th year of continuous existence with a reasonable and encouraging program of bringing up the Omaha Jewish Community of tomorrow, teaching them how to plan together and live together, and in the J. Harry Kulakofsky, President of Omaha Jewish Federation process training Intelligent leadMany bibliographies and helpful its aged and infirm members, who ership for the futurereferences were p r e p a r e d and are In need of custodial and ConJewish Community Llbrtrr , made available to teachers, club gregate care. Since we believe that (he future Ctrap Jsy-C-C of the American Jewish commu- leaders, and students. Jewish content at Camp Jaynity lies In the foiterlng of Jew- Dr. Philip 8 h « Home for Aged C-C during Its .1853 encampment The fulfillment of the Fifth ish knowledge, and Jewish culfunctioned not as a thing apart of ture, we have been doing some- Commandment, "Honor Thy Fa- camp program, but rather as an thing about It. : The Jewish con- ther and t h y Mother," also found integral phase of cfl^ipmg expericept of AM HASEFEH, the People expression in the Dr. Philip Sher ence. The finest.Jewish traditions of .the Book, llnds tangible ex- Jewish Home for the Aged. Dur- were maintained through services, pression in the form of pur Jew- ing 1952-53 the Home served 59 both Sabbath and weekday, Jewish Commiinltjr Library.; A verit- individuals. Since the Home was ish music, Jewish dance,.Jewish able treasure of books, record*, founded, it ''has served altogether ; stories, and Jewish observances. In . , ; and films b{ Jewish interest and 109 residents, this respect the camp certainly Plans for the Installation of an content Is 6t the service of the offers, a wonderful opportunity to community. Increasingly, we are elevator have been completed and complement the program of rebecoming aware of its importance work on it will begin alter the ligious schools by furnishing a in.the community, helpful in plan- holidays. When completed, it wll natural atmosphere f o r ' Jewish ning many Jewish cultural activi- enable the residents to reach the living and Jewish expression. ties and projects for schools and various facilities of the Home A total of 149 children were at easily. Funds for this project were the community at large. camp this summer. Included for The Jewish Community Library underwritten by the Blkur Cholim the first time was a firoup of teentoday is recognized as one of the Society. Contemplated now are agers who received a s p e c i a l most complete Jewish libraries In special facilities for residents wh< camping period. This.initial exthe country. In addition to the require specialized care. The residents of the Home are periment met with considerable wide selection of Judoica books, success, which again is focusing the library also maintains a Mo- enjoying a varied program of recour attention on the urgency- of tion Picture Department of films reation; a program of occupationsecuring a site for our own. camp. of Jewish interest; a collection of al therapy is now being planned. A camp of pur own will open up recordings of J e w i s h interest, Through this Home, Omaha Jewry new vistas for teen-age camping, film-strips, pictures, and other Is making an important contribuyoung adult camping, camping.for program a n d educational aids. tion to the welfare and comfort of*| the aged, family camping, and winter camping. I Our Federation has always believed that its camping- program must be wholesomely Jewish, so that through there camping experiences Jewish children may benefit not only from the general advantages that camping often, but in addition may be more firmly attached to Jewish tradition and living. . Jewish Philanthropies The Jewish Community of Omaha gave expression to the age-old tradition of ZEDAKAH ^through its annual Philanthropies Campaign. It Is through this yearly all-in-one drive of the community that Omaha Jewry is able to do its share for the- United Jewish" Appea], for bur civic-protective agencies, o u r national Jewish hospitals, our cultural and religious institutions, and help preserve and maintain Jewish life in Omaha, In America, in Israel, and throughout the world. At this time, the drive raised a b o u t $520,000, contributed by come 4.500 subscribers. The campaign itself is still in progress, since it* objective is to~rcach every Jew In Omaha for his share in this great human enterprise of the Jewish community. This effort was achieved under the capable leadership of Jack W. Marer, General Campaign Chairman, and Mrs. Hubert Sommer, Chairman of the Women's Division. Associated with them in the campaign were Tloberl H. Koopcr; Initial Gifts Chairman; Marvin Treller, Chairman, and Harold Zel|nsky, Associate C h a i r m a n , Men's Division; Mrs. M a u r i c e Bernstein, Mrs. Stanley Fisk, Mrs. Arthur H. Goldstein, Mrs. Max Greenborg, Mrs. Morris Levey, and Mrs. Samuel S Steinberg, cochairmen of the Women's Division; Richard Follmnh, Chairman of the Youth Division; and hundreds upon hundreds of volunteer worker? and solicitors. Jewish Prrsi


That's Why 60,000 Omaha Women Prefer GAS


ill ,

* •"''

Hobert VL Kooper Treasurer

Jack W. Marer First Vice-Prcsident

During 1052-53, the Federation continued the publication of the Jewish Press, which has* served as a medium of Jewish news, locally, nationally and internationally. Through the columns of the Jewish Press, life in the community Is constantly reflected; activities ore brought to the attention of the community nnd material of Jewish educational and cultural value brought to the readers with regularity. Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs

Under the leadership of Mrs.

' i '•*


Harold P. Farber, Jewish women's organizations continued to perform important tasks through the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. As in the past, they participated in Community Chest, Red Cross, Needlework Guild, and other fundraising and community functions. A Holiday Party program at the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged was continued' In which all women's organizations participated, A Workshop Series was held which consisted of aids in programming, publicity bulletins, jparllamentary procedure, decorations and public speaking, Jewfah Family Service : Our community has luliilled another "Mltzvah,1.' That is the mitzvah. of Haehnosas Or'chim. We continued our open door policy in the matter of accepting displaced persons into our midst. During the year 1952-53, the Omaha Jewish community received 18 displaced persons of all ages. During the year, the Jewish Family Service Department had a service case-load of 143 families and individuals. About half of the families consisted of .New Americans who were being helped to an effective resettlement in Omaha Most of these units became selfsupporting and independent. The department was constantly prepared to assist in finding homes and Jobs and provided such auxiliary services as medical care, school planning, and other adjustments. An increasing number of local

Dr. Philip fiher Honorary fresideint

families came to the service for Chairmen of the various Fedhelp with problems related to their eration departments and commitpersonal'and social adjustment tees are: Anti-Defamation League Advisory Committee, Milton R. As a functional . Federation, Abrahams; Bureau of Jewish Eduwhich encompasses all facets of cation, Dr. Morris MatgoUn', Camp Jewish services, .we have tried to Jay-C-C, Alfred Sophir; Dr. Philip have a balanced approach to all Sher Home for Aged, David E. needs in the task of meeting re- Beber; Community Center, Arthur sponsibilities that'are ours. While H. Goldstein; Family Service, Mike building 'and strengthening our Freeman; Free Loan Fund, Wilown community in Omaha, we liam Grodinsky; Jewish Philanhave tried to be equally aware ol thropies Jack W. Marer; Jewish our problems in the United States, Press, F. Ralph Nogg; Jewish as well as abroad and in 'Israel. Youth Council, Larry Schwartz, : .y. Federation Board President; Federation ol' JcwteVi The following are officers of the Women's Clubs, Mrs. Harold P. Federation: President,. J. Harry Farber, President. Nathan L. Kulakofsky; Vice-Presidents, Jack Nogg is chairman of the Budget YT. Marer*and Dr. Abe Greenberg; Committee; S. Elmer Gross, chairTreasurer, Bobert H, Kooper; man of the Committee on FederaSecretary, Harry Triistin; Execu- tion Properties; Harry B. Cohen, tive Director, Paul Veret; and. chairman of the Legal Committee; Honorary President, Dr. Philip and David Feder, chairman of the Pledge Redemption Committee. Sher. The following are Executive Paul Veret, Exeoittoa Director Committee members: Milton H. of the Federation, has continued Abrahams, Moses A. Bercovici, to serve the community, working David Blacker, Abe H. Brodkey, with a staff including David OrMrs. David Brodkey, Isadore kow, Superintendent of the Dr. Chapman, Harry B. Cohen, Jack Sher Home; David Fogel, Director G. Epstein, Mike Freeman, Ar- of Center Activities; Louis Paul, thur H. Goldstein, B. Elmer Gross, Director of Health nnd Physical Morris Levey, Dr. Morris Mar- Education; Sherman Poska, Swimgolin, Mrs. Lewis Neveieff, Er- ming Director) Harry Halpert, Ednest A. Nogg, F. Ralph Nogg, Na- itor ot Vo& Je-wtsh. Piess; VMUf*. than L. Nogg, Sam A. Rice, Mor- Roggen, Director of Yotjth and ton A. Richards, Edward R. Rosen, Children's Activities; Miss Kalah Harry Sidman, Earl Siegel, Louis Franklin, Administrative AssistSomberg, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, ant; and, Mrs. Sam Colick, FedRabbi Sidney H. Brooks, Rabbi eration Financial Secretary, in adNathan Feldman, Rabbi Benjamin dition to other members of the. Groncr, Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke and stalls ot the various Federation Mrs; Harold P. Farber.' departments.

•i ••§

: |

1 S I



W1 '*£•'•'IS1'* Sv-*"1-1






Notfond Council of

Judaism, in the local communities. Through an integrated program of •hiwfon WORMII education, service, and social action, it provide* essential services Proddcst, Mn. Barry A. Sloler. to stimulate and educate the Indi1 ' « n « VlM-President, Mrs. U w d vidual and the community toward Friedm*a. their responsibility in advancing g«eon4 Vice-president. Mrs. Da- human welfare and the democratic wayioilile. rM Bener, Third VIon-rmKUnt, Mrs. Ed Tba progrsftn of education and OObtrt. social action la geared to keep Council members informed on ) RMCB. . . ..,. current legislation, immigration, -. Fifth Vlee-President, Mrs. I w International relation!, health and srdKnlskoftkr. child welfare. Council also offers Does secretaries, Mn,' Hhrftrft each of its members the opportuD. Srodkey and Mn. Samuel nity to participate in the work• Zsohsria. \ ' • ... .='-• , '.. .. ings of these projects, so that

community drive* end participate | in civic activities.

1953 was held last February at the Blackstone Hotel. Mrs. Calvin Newman was general arrangements chairman, and Mrs. Morris Ktrshenbaum and Mrs. Philip Fox were ticket chairmen. Plans are being made for our next Annria! Supper Dance in February of 1954, P.lrs. Richard Hiller a n d Mrs. Richard Seitner ere general arrangements chairmen. Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg and Mrs. Lazar Kaplan are ticket chairmen.

H o m e - f o r * A^ed chairman is Mrs. Max Scheuermann. We have an annual party for the resident* of the Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged. Service - to - Foreign Born chairman Mrs. Julius Kcwman Is continuing her work in this field. Well-Baby clinic chairman Mrs. Jack Cohn will supervise Council's work here. Veterans Hospital chairman ii Mrs. Max Rosen. Children: Memorial Hospital volunteer workers include Mrs. Hsrry V/cinbcrg, Mrs IJ<?ter Grec-nbtrg, Mrs. Sidney Kpstein and Mrs. Harold Farber. Our day for this year is the third Tuesday of each month, morninR and afternoon.

M Auxiliary N0T26O

Israel Sisterhood

OFFICES?: HoBorarr PreaMeat, Mrs. Loals Neveleff. President, Mrs. Isadora Ktewiti. j-lrst vice-President. Mrs. Sam Herman. Second Vice • President, Mrs. Norman Jiahn. Third Vice-President, Mrs. Morris Shapiro. Treasurer, Mn. llenrr AppeL Recording secretary, Mrs. Leonard Bernstein. financial Secretary, Mrs. Sober* Gerellck. Corrcspondlne secretaries, Mrs. Nathan Kaplan and Mrs, Sidnejr i'eldman. Parliamentarian, Mrs, Morris Franklin. The activities of the Beth Israel Sisterhood this past year Included asiisling at all Synagogue affairs. The sisterhood participated In the Hititanding "Evening of Memo-

OFF1CER8: President, Mrs. E. M. Beldner. Senior Vice-president, Mrs. N»te Marcus. Junior Vice-President, Mrs. Delmer Klfin. .Secretary, Mrs. Nathan Fellman, Tri-aiurer, Mrs. Daniel Goodman. Chaplain, Mrs. J. Milton Marlolln. Conductress. Mrs. Aaron Kp«(<<lii.

Trustees, Mrs. lid Munis Mrs. Max Hdsrsdc, Mrs. Helty KabinoHitz. Guard, Mrs. Jack Kayian. r»triotic Inttrurtor, Mrs. Sarah Kehman. Mn. Y- M. Beldner Bndtet Secretary, MM. Norman each member will be alertly and The Golden Age Club ii. once Historian, Mrs. Uadorc f.ewi.s. : flalui. . • Intelligently Informed of her reyear 'round doing whatever taik; igaln being led by Mrs. Joseph : This Auxiliary serves the Oma- they con to moke the patients Recording secretary, M n , Bur. sponsibilities as an American JewTretiak and her co-chairman, Mrs. 17 Hsykln. ish Woman in her community. Mrs. Irving Malashock and Mrs. Charles Stern. Assisting them will ha Veterans Hospital by holdiny more comfortable and kcq> tho Mrs. Harry A. Stoler Aaron Levitt are in charge of be Miss F. Grod!n5ky and Mrs. monthly bingo parties and fur- hospital running smoothly in coCorresponding secretary, Mm. Council is prominent among orRay Simon. ganizations interested in maintain- In developing an audio-visual cen- Bake Sale at each meeting. Mrs. Howard Milder, director. They nishing all workers and prizes operation with the hospital offiTreasurer, M n . Abe Bear. ing public sentiment in America in ter in the University through Its Harold Farber continues her work have 70 members and meet the for these affairs. They nponsor n cials. Tlic Auxiliary as.'lstcd the Auditor, Mr*. I. H. Welner. support of the United Nations. purchase of necessary visual aid ceiling personal stationery, assist- third Monday of each month at monthly" "Hello Mom" door prize Post in movie horse racing at the ed by Mrs. M. Krupinsky. Score J.C.C. Birthdays of each of the at these bingo parties of a 'phone annual carnival in July on the Parliamentarian, Mrs. Ernest A. Through its officially accredited equipment. Council has a scholarNonr. ibscrvcr, Council supplies Its ship program whereby young stu- pads are being sold by Mrs. Irvin members are celebrated monthly, call home or anywhere In the Omaha Veterans Hospital grounds. Sherman and Mrs. Ernest Win- and they have made a great va- United States by the lucky paTho Lincoln Veteran Hospital Directors, Mrs. Louis Katz, Mrs. nembers nt all times with flrstdents from abroad are given en tient Also this past year, five is also serviced by this Auxiliary troub. Year Book ads have been riety o{ attractive articles. Edward Levlnson, Mrs. Harold land information and analysis of opportunity to do graduate work pictures with name plates were •elicited by Mrs. Jerome Milder contributing several cases of cigarFarber and Mrs. Sidney Brooks. Jnitcd Nations developments. A campshlp is provided yearly in American universities in the for Camp J.C.C. We have con- donated to the mental wards at ettes last year and by donating a The National Council supports diversified fields of social work, and her committee. A national organization, with a the Omaha "Veterans Hospital. A collapsible wheelchair at Christhe School of Education of the pediatrics, medicine, dietics, and On Tuesday, Oct. 20, our An- tributed to Girl Scouts and Camp membership exceeding 100,000 in Herbrew University in Israel, and other related fields. Specialized nual Overseas luncheon will be Fire Girls. A scholarship wai cash contribution was: made to mas time, which was needed due its 247 sections, Natiomil Council u s helped build up the library training, which has been so dif- held. Mrs, Maynard Greenberg, given to a young displaced per- the Central Issue fund. In cooper- to the. large number of polio of Jewiih Women is a non-politiif this f-'rhool through the pur- ficult to obtain in other coun- Mrs. Bennett Cohn and Mrs. J. J. son for private tutoring to enable' ation with the Post, individually cases last fall. cal and non-partican membership chase of numerous selected books, tries, has been made possible for Levey are In charge. All proceeds the student to enter Omaha Pub- gift-wrapped ball point pens were Last Thanksgiving, In conjuncgroup, dedicated io the furthering 0 aid the students in their studies. these students through this edu- from the luncheon go for' our lic s < ± o o i s t h u m ;;>;;• }•;•; given to each patient at the Oma- tion with the Post, a turkey with of human welfare, in the spirit of ha Veterans Hospital at Chanukah . . . . . : • •.EdneaHen-:^':'.••.'. r-: Council has also been Instrumental cation program. overseas projects. Scholarship fund all the trimmings was presented ' Third Vice-President Mrs. Ed and Christmas time, the Jewish to a local Jewish war veteran chairman is Mrs. A. V. Venger; In response to urgent calls from Service to Foreign Born fund Gilbert heads this group/ boys receiving theirs during Chawhose family had been hit hard Israel and North African coun- chairman Is Mrs. Yale Richards, nukah and alt patients on a n o n Current Events study group by polio. . tries, the Ship-a-Boz program has and Motile Schlmmel fund chairsectarian basis at Christmas. Packages of goodies were mailed served not. only a nursery in I s - man is Mrs. Edwin E. Brodkey. I meets the second and fourth Tues- Five of our members worked rael but also Jewish schools in Chanukah clocks are .under the day* of each month at members' seven hours each on December 23 for delivery at Chanukah and Mrs. Indore Blewits India. Children who had never supervision of Mrs. Irving Freed- homes for dessert luncheon. He- and 24 at the hospital sorting and Passover to all Jewish serviceexperienced the pleasure of play- maa. Mrs. Sidney Schwirtl Is ports, followed by a discussion, are delivering mall to patients) Six men from Omaha stationed overrles Dinner" as well as the "Anpresented, Mrs. Harry Wise is seas, ing at games, youngsters who had chairman of the "Remember Your nual Dinner." The sisterhood prechairman, assisted by Mrs. Harold ladies baked cookies, for the only tattered rags to wear, school Plate" Club project J e w i s h servicemen Rationed sented its annual "Mother-DiufliJCasln, Mrs. Marvin Kaplan and Christmas Day party. Five memchildren lacking essential work nearby were invited to private ter Banquet," "Linen Shower 'Mn. Sidney Brooks. Religious bers helped with the party/Other facial Welfare and play materials, these are the homes during the High Holidays members worked on Christmas Luncheon," "Book Review LunchSecond Vice-President Mrs. Da- chairman Mrs. Abe Slutky probeneficiaries of Council's Snip-aand at Passover. Packages of Eve In conjunction with the Post eon" and "Donor Luncheon.'/ Bcx program. Coundlettes i n vid Beber is in charge of social vides an invocation for each regu- on a Christmas Eve party for pa- home-made goodies were presentThis organization prepared and Omaha contribute of their time welfare activities. Ship* a - B o x lar meeting and is In charge of tients. Our volunteers work the ed to Jewish servicemen stationed served the dinners for the Men's in collecting and packing clothes chairmen Mrs, Albert Gaer. and Council Sabbath. Program chair1312 FARNAM near Omtha at Chanukah^ Club monthly meetings'. for Morocco and other countries. Mrs, Max Watt have sent toys and man is ' Mrs. Seymour Kaplan In February, as part of our Other Important work included school materials to a nursery In Those assisting her are Mrs. Hy with exception of ads. Is Mrs. Americanization p r o g r a m , an Wars and Means Israel as well as clothing and Shrier, Mrs. Oscar Carp and Mrs, Mclvin Dolgoff. Scrap Book chair- American f l a g was donated and Community Cooperation, thetfunFirst Vice-President Mrs. Lloyd books to where they are most Nate Kartman. man is again Mrs. Ernest Priespresented to Corrlgon public lor Congregation, Sunday School. Friedman and her;chairmen for needed. Community cooperation, Telephone committee Includef man. Talmud Torah, P.-TA, and the school. the coming, year help rale* funds including Red Cross and Commu- Mrs. L Schnelderman, Mrs. Charles Personnel file chairman is Mrs Gift Shop. A party atthe Philip Sher for maintenance of our program. nity Chest| chairmen are Mrs. Stern and Mrs. Samuel Orloff. Bruce Greenberg. Courtesy chairGREETINGS— The sisterhood again served n> Home for the. Aged was held In Our Annual Supper Dance for Gordon Gross and Mrs. ; Albert who, with their workers, call each men are Mrs. Julius KaUman and April. Refreshments,' Including a hoist at the city-wide Women's of our 700 members before each Mrs. Harry Altsuler. cake with'small Israeli Flags ^m Philanthropies Luncheon, held s< monthly meeting. Luncheons thle Counciictte advisors are Mn each individual piece, were served Beth Israel Synagogue. year will be in the hands of Mrs Robert Silver a n d Mrs. Peter in commemoration of Israeli Day. Louis Albert a n d Mrs. Joseph Greenberg, This year's Councllette WHOLESALE Rabbi Myer Kripke showed movies Amwicait'lsrael Freeman. Decorations chairmen president Is Miss Jean Cutler. of his trip to Israel. Chamber of Commerce are Mrs. Milton Abrahams and Membership Our civilian defense representNew York (JTA)—The estabMrs. Joseph Llpton, who proCigars - Cigarettes - Tobacco - Candy Fifth VIce-Presidcnt Is Mrs. ative served with the Alert Amer- lishment of «n American-Israel vide original decorations at each Leonard Kulakoftky, who Is In ica convoy at the fieldhouse of Chamber of Commerce nnd inmeeting. Council's state legislaFountain Supplies and Specialties charge of membership. Her com- Omaha University last fall. Num- dustry was announced here by tive chairman is Mrs. Charles mittee Includes Mrs. Mox Green- bers of our members have taken Nathan Strauss III. who was elected first president of the new Schneider and her co-chairman i' berg and Mrs. Samuel Goodman volunteer courses, and our organi- American-Israel organization. Mrs. Julian Lyons of Lincoln. Operators of Cigarette and Candy )'. Others working under Mrs zation is on call. Some of our Mr. Strauss revealed thnt the Public Relations Stoler are Mrs. Irvin White, Fed members have worked as volun- American-Israel Chamber of Com. Vending Machines Fourth Vice-President Mrs. Jcr, cratlon representative; Mrs. Ma- teers at the Civic Defense office mcrcc and Industry was sponsored aid Rosen handles public rela- Wolfson, chairman of the board it the City Hall taking medical by The Manufacturers' Assocjutlon. Chambers of Commerce »nd tions. Mrs. -Richard HUlcr, Inter-Club inventories. The Fanners Federation of Israel 1109 Howard St., Omaha/Nebraska Bulletin chairmen are Mrs. Sam Council representative; Mn. Peter Our Child Welfare chairman which, together with American leading business concerns, formed uel Welnstein and Mrs. Rober' Greenberg, Israel Bond Drive' ALWAYI A «OOD MOW AT RKO! and volunteers have made a num- the Chamber as an American Paler. Publicity chairman is Mn Mrs. Louis Katz, retention, and ber of hand made toysHo be premembership association Incorpo{ I. Llberman, assisted by Mrs. Sid- Mrs. M. Roltiteln, "Citizens Comsented to a. children's rated under the laws of the Suite ney Epstein. Year Book chairman' mittee" on Juvenile' Court of New York. hospital. Money was provided (o Mr, Strauss pointed out that ac.send two children for one week tual trading activities between tineach' at the J. C. C. day camp. V.' 8. and Israel have already New toys were donated by mem- passed the $100 million mark anbers last Christmas to be sent to nually, and that over one thousand poor children in a local charity American firms are doing business—"and good business"—with hospital A donation was made to Israel. He emphasized that the tho Children* Opportunity Center. Chamber has been assured, full A contribution was sent to the assistance by tho U. S. DepartChlldrens Israel milk fund. Also ment of Commerco and was established with the full support of the a donation Is made each year to Israel Government. i Children* Memorial Hospital. Mrs, Harold Farber Is Ways and Means chairman. Chairman of the Gift Shop is Mrs. Homer Farber, and assisting her as cochairman is Mrs. Jerome Katz. They have had many workers making aprons and knitting.




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A picnic was'held on: July 10 Sioux City this summer for presat Fontenclle Park for members entation to the local flood auand 'their friends. Games were thorities there. held and prizes given. An amaThis Auxiliary yearly engages teur kiddle contest was a feature in three main fund-raising projattraction. ects. A rummage sale is held in Much time was devoted to com- the fall, a bako talc is held In munity service projects such as the spring, and a Flag Day sale stuffing envelopes for both the is held on Flag Day in June. Community Chest and Tuberculo- We instill patriotism by remindsis Association drives and helping ing citizens of Flag Day by sellwith the Philanthropy, Israel Ing miniature flags on that day Bond, Red Cross, March of Dimes for them to wear. Proceeds from and Community Chest drives. the Flag Day sale enables our Donations were given to the Auxiliury to carry on KB activiPhilanthropies drive, Red Cross, ties at the Omaha nnd Lincoln Aid to Israel, Brandcls Scholar- Veterans Hospitals. The other ship fund, and March of Dimes. fund-raising p r o j e c t s provide During the past year this Aux- funds with which the Auxiliary iliary sent money for equipment carries on Its varied service prothe Aid to Ir.rael Clinical He- grams for the community locally, search Institute and also con- and othor services nationally and tributed to the National Building internationally. 7 und In Washington, D. C. A membership tea was held on A check for flood relief was Ati|j. 23 at the home of ourprcsi;cnt to our older auxiliary In dent.

2509 Dodge Street

cKunolL WE 4433

Omaha, Nebraska

>/ ;


Pag* ThfM, *

N*w Y«.r'» Edition—THE JEWISH PRESS—Roth Heshonah S7I4—, September 10. 1953

Women's Organizations Hadassah

a medical school and a Hi-brew university.

Omaha, Chapter

Iladassali Medical Organization

Or FICERB: President, Mrs. M o r r l i M. I rinklln. IJonor»rjr President. Mrt. J. lUrry Kuliki/fsky. Ex-ofllrlo, Mrt. Inador I.rvln-

'I he Itn-tliuu-uii'ith p.itli lit v,,i' udmitttd ttiii past E i b i u d i y to the Hpdaiuh-YdLbky I I o , -

|.lt<ll III UtCl >l(l),i( t il.ll h(fl CJIllj ' t l i u e y i d i s d(,o A fi.w i i j a n l l , u its i t u f f ptiid tiibtitt 1 <ii.d Van

10 n. I Irst Vl< c-I'rrivldcnt, Mrs. A.tron lilpj.

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Srcond Vi« c - Pr< sldrnt, Mr4). I'lilncu \Mntrouli. * Vlce-Prr«ldrnl9, Mines. J. J. I rlrdman, Maurlir Ncuman and Wejtr Riilnn and Mis* Licl)ii l.ciy. Kf (online butrtuM. .Mr*,. lUlph

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njii lepoits the complctlion o/ Bikur Cholim Society Ino Keth El Synagogue Sunday S<hoc<l tree puichaEes of 1,000 OFFICERS: t'Lf- Mis Jack Kaufm,m repoits Honorary President, Mrs. Lewis \,(i cjuutd WdS inoic tli«n filled NeveleH. 'J lie Youln,, of wind '"He wus ('b'-i'ted by Mint* Lton President, Mm. Allen Zalkin. Iladi's i l l is tin' offKMl A I M lie.m j 11, 1 IJ Zcicn. n .ir.d Pmi First Vice-Presldcnt, Mrs. Jake upic-r-itatiw, i> li,L l,ioup L'nU'lne. (1( 1 W'lid t CM i J( V lj) I l.ll( J J( II n u i n b i i of jjdtioiltil i p e j l . c r s Second Vice - President, Mrs. -ctic 1 b'-foic Hjd.i^^du c.ur- Harry Sldman. h . ' v t ])< i n I I U t k a " ' i d H h . i J j i ! l I i . d S"j(i ii liinptKin | in," tin. p.i t j l u r , liiclu'li'i,'; M r Tiilrd Vice-President, Mrs. llarY t u t l , A l i j . ' i Ik > i c i J u l i . u i AIISLII, a n.ilioiidl vicc- ry Llppett. | i c i'li ut li.iblji J o IIUJ faturnpfi i, l (lniiiL'I ^oii o bU.dbU c h i l d i i i i , [!/• Treasurer, Mrs. Charles Koss. ' ln( r I lit in i Hi1' o[ i ( u n l v, , I H I ' l ("ncitoi uf Hit U n i u i t . t j liHjmUl secretary, Mrs. Wil' li'i'iii, J I I (dm .ilinn uiitl ,i pi u o f ; , ( b i , L.i. IJi Lilli H.i'm, p i t i- lium Kiistcln. J | ( ' u c t i v c 1 j ft i n .i l , . m l w h i c h IK< j [ (Jt ut nl th( LJouiitnln I l.iln^ R e Kccurdii'4 secretary, Mrs. Mjer I , ' i n , Mi M j t i K I I J I I C , i ( ( t i i l Linda. e l l honif Oi{Miii/nJ oiifin.illy d ^ . I V L J< w i ' - h ( h i h j i i n f i u i n Uil- j if tin in c fioin I^i, i l l , P h i l l l j Ziftoritspolltllne srciclJrj, Mrs ' l l ' o JJ( I (ClllKj'l, tllC Mi(lV( MM M fiM, piOtii.iin e h . l l i n . i n foi t h e Jack Kalinan. Mib. Leon Criaeti weie cluiiinen Swcutei^ and other itemb were n,adu and .sent to Itiael under the direction of r.Irr n>ir.n Ii' hndn Youth Alijali

1 .i ('il u, i I to the pull) 1 \\ h( II IMI.IJ it Uou,illt CIlllrll I II t( I i ai 1 fioin 70 cllM< i( nl < ounti K In On h i, You Ii Aliv ih g u m it allotted throiij'li the Jewish P h l LinlhiojHi L 1 he cujjiniltief l u n c tloii'i tluou,,li the e n t n e >uir under the d n c ' t l o n of M i . Juliu^ •Stein .ind Mi. Meyei Kieeman Hundicils of bundles of used clothing hti/c been sent lo Lsiael by the ( o m m l t t e c

,iii M ( d l i

drpiirtnunts and l.ibui.itoilcs d u i - , H.R 1052 .ilone Of tlit .-, tlic e x ]>crim«nt<il neurology di-piirtniwit ' ( U1«M l.ihoi.*t(jry, I'olop

, , ' . . ' , ' '

program of helping those less fortunate. An additional $1,000 has been turned over to the Federation towdid the fulid.-. for the erection of .in elcv-itui !m the Home for tut Accd The entne cost of this fiiv.itoi l>js been undei written by tin Uil m Chulini oigjnl/.atifju uiul .irldituii.jl funds will he iai cd to covei the balance 1 . I his oi ,^.ir»j/«itiou LUjipoits the intil.1,.1 Mipphc. .nid e q u i p m e n t eo t> .it die Jlomi' l'o rldte this j( II, bills ,iii ounuiifi to $1,030 31 lin\e bctn jj.ild He'ruldi Wjlt"- to the Vtilious ho pitdls ,nid ( o m , , l ( cent h o m e .m made,''iind I'O'hu foods a i e piovnltd fui J t v i ^ h patients in

I.oi A n , ' les H.iti.r ah c h . i ] j t i l , T)ie IJikur Cholim Society of lw-piluls v^hen uqucbtud. MonthN.iIiLiin A, \ i c i - c o n s u l of Jiinel jis Clutdijo, .mil M i l I'-iul Onidli.1, Jii organization acdicated ly vi-its to the St.itc Hospital in, p j s t p i e ' i d c n t u l t h e to licliJlng the sick and needy of Limoln are made with refreshour community, has continued its ments and gifts foi the inmates. I\ifific Co.ibt I t c i i o n

Mrs. Maurice Newman In July, a luncheon wab given Omuh.i 'cm (iclc-G'tc^ to (he n.iby d group of members Protioiial convention, which held Green. voluntary contributions, have fulMrs. Abe Fellman directed the ceeds raised at this affair are to ut Detioit, Mich. The delegate filled their pledge to provide for choral group and presented many be used topuiehasc an oxygen weie Mmes J. Hdiry Kuliikdbky, the Center's eye, nose and throat 'Ihe Zionist Public lit Ijtion? tent for the Home. This gift will M M Fiankhn, J J Frcidnun, programs. .;nd doctors' room. Mrs. A. D committc pi<">ont(d c u r r e n t Radio and TV programs were be given in memory of Mnry A V. Venger, N. L Nog({, Jull.i Frank, with Mmes. David Drodevents to the mcinbuis nnd took | Jacobs and Charles Ho^s The arranged for by Mrs. M. M. Ja- Abramson and Lena Shafer. key, Max Canar, Lazar Kaplan, charge of a joint evening mcelmr | Mountain Plains Region of Hadas- benls, Je\vl»h National Fund J. Harry Kulakofsky, David Sherof all four Hudat'jh giouns di The telephone committee funcsah held its convention m DenFoi moi e t l u n 50 y(iiir.s the man, Julius Stein, Sam Wolf, Meythe Jewish Community Center tioned under the dire'etion of Mrs. Peretz Hirshbein ver, Colo, with Mmet Alfi ed Jewiih National Fund has reer Rubin and Edward E. Brodkcy Ml) J. Harry Kulakofiky, Mrs, Ernest Nogg, assisted by Mmes. This organization holds reguare a special fund-raising com- claimed the deserts and the wastc- Frank, Lottie Bogurd, M. M Harry Krantz, Henry Appel, Ben Albert Fox, Mrs. Henry L Stern lar educational, discussion s a d Franklin, Maurice Newman, Lewis lands of Palestine and Israel; and, mittee for the Medical Center. and Mrs. Isidore Elcwitz v/cic in Kahn, Jack Levy, Ben Zoorwill/ reading group cessions. Money is Hadassah has helped raise money Asbyll, Meyer Rubin, Leo Weilz Vocational Education charge. 'llirodor Ilcrzl Group J. E. Kuklln'and Milton Mintz. also raised at these /neetings and for this project. Through its rec- J. Harry Kulakofsky, Julia Jacobs. I'icsident, Mis Meyer N. Rubin Hadassah Is making an effort to Election material, Intept bills beLunchoon arrangements wore sent to many varied worthy i n Paul Veret, Sidney Hollis, Sam rirst Viie-Presldcnt, Mrs Sid- fore Congress, and vltjl informahelp fill Israel's pressing need'for lamation program, JNF is making 1 Green, Morris Jabenls, J. J. Fried- taken care of by Mmes. Sam Ban, stitutions and groups in Israel. ney Hollis trained technicians and personnel a signal contribution to Israel ! tion on local affairs were dis man, William Lipsman, and the Louis Alberts, Dave Rosenbaum Last year the group collected over economy by opening up thousands becond V ice - President, Mrt. cussed by the American Affalrr through its comprehensive systeir and Harry Ferensteln. $400 for this pui pose of previously useless acres to ag- Misses Evelyn Levey and Myrtle .' Mnx Caiun. of vocational education in Israel. conynjttee In all groups This Freeman as Omaha delegates. ricultural productivity. The land Tieasurcr, Mrb Albert Wohl- work was under the supervision Israel's economy Is undergoing redemption prograrn of the JNF Mrs. Alfred Frank was elected a ner. a rapid Industrialization, and Haof Mmes. Jack Zysmun, Jacob has played an important part in vice-president and Mrs. Isador ruidiiildl scc-rclarics, Mme». Friedman, Harold Knsln and Nordasiah has sought to attune its absorbing the tremendous immi- Levlnson a board member. Sam Rothenbcrjt and William Pol- man Whitman. vocational guidance program to gration . that has poured Into IsLast year' the membership wan lack this trend. The future soundness Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofikf Scholarships Were awarded by rael. It has provided land for new well over 1,200 members, with Itecoidlng secretary, Mrs. Ben villages and urban housing devel- Mmes. Abe Venger, Ben Slutsky laboratory end treatment center, 5lulsky. opments in addition to" providing Max Greenberg and Maurice Newmycology laboratory, skin patholo Directors, Mmes. Morton RichFOR HIGH CLASS HOMES employment for Immigrants and man as chairmen of the membergy laboratory, urologlcal surgery ards, Alfred Fiedler and Arthur sites for Industries, thereby openMake Your Selection From ship Vommittee. department and pedlatric surgery 'Joldstcln. ing up additional fields for em- Chapter programs were ardepartment are the only ones of the Largest Display in Omaha ployment. ranged by Mrs. M. M. Jabenis, astheir kind in Israel. Three othcrr Henrietta 8«old Group Two box collections were made sisted by Mmes. Seymour Goldare only the second of their kind. President, Mrs. J. J, Friedman. in the spring and the fail of the ston, Irvln White and Norman Despite crowded conditions in Vlco- President, Mrs. M a x year under the direction of Mrs. Dsnenberg. our hospitals, bed capacity has jreenberg. Edward E. Brodkey, assisted by Publicity was handled by Mrs, been increased from 70 to : 10S AT 7649 1309 Farndm Vice - President, Mrs. Arthur Mmes. D. W. Frank, Reuben Bor- Harnr Wigodsky. beds In Beeriheba Hospital and Ciroitman. dy, Meyer Linda, Leo Taub, Joe Trie chapter bulletin was pubfrom Dp to 131 beds in our JeruRecording secretary, Mrs- Lazier Ei-.-nstein and Sam Green. ished by Mrs. Barton Greenberg, salem Hospitals, for s^n average Singer. Tree and Gift Fund assisted H>y Mmes.' Ray Simon gain of 30 per cent A thousand Corresponding secretary, Mrs. The Trie and Gift fund chair- Meyer Rosenbaum .and Edward patients a day now use our clini' Our Best Withes for a Happy and William Llpsman. cal outpatient services, and our Proiptrout New Y»ar Treasurer, Mrs. Daniel Llntzresearch laboratories have been •nan. expanded 200 per cent. Financial secretary, Mrs. Jack Community Ilealtfc Center '-cvey. •». J. J. Friedman Mrs, Meyer N. Rubin Btssf Withes for a Bet Mazmll swung into full opDirectors, Mmcs. Harry Sidman Life Insurance and Annuities eration in Fobrudry although It of Israel's economy depends on Sidney Katlcman and Sam Cell- the Zlonht Youth Commission to wai not slated to be in operation its ability to Increase its indusR«pr»ienfing fh« Penn Mutual man. Shcllay GrcenborK, Bunny Ravltz ntil May, but the need for this trial production and to achieve and Hose Lagman to Camp Hcn.l Lift Iniuranc* Company community health center was too its goal of skilled personnel. Toat Webster, Wls. Those rocclvitif Chalm VVelimann droup jjrenl to permit further delay. The day its facilities include a prePresident, Mrs. Maurlco New- scholarships to the national con- incdlcil team was comprised of cision Instruments workshop, o vention of senior Young Judaea, man. South Africans, Americana, Ger- printing workshop and a voca• •. Vlcc-Prcsidents, Mrs. T. A. Tul- 'held at Tolland, Mass., wcro Mat- mans and Israelis. The operation Ceatral Agent tional guidance bureau; and two lee Katolman, Tcressa Kahn, Fayly and Mrs, Joe Gus. began with comprehensive health institutes on a junior college level, 420 Barker Building na Manvitz, Suzl Richards, Lora Recording secretary, Mrs. Louis examinations. the Hotel Management and FashFranklin and Marilyn Rice. Mur> Lewis. Medical history is in the mak- ion Design Institutes. These accla Waxcnbcrg, regional presldcm Irving Fretdmai Corresponding secretary, Mrs ing at Bet Mazmil. The eyes of tivities arc directed from the of senior Young Judaea, and DoNathan Turner. foreign as well as Israel 'medical Brandeis Vocational Center in Jeris Raduzincr, national vlce-prcsiTreasurer, Mrs. Sam Ban. authorities are on Hadassah's rev- rusalem, and tbc Alice L. Seligs36th and FamamHA 6616 d«nt from the Far West region, Financial secretaries, Mrs. Arolutionary coir&nunity health cen- berg Trade School for Girls which also attended. thur Green and Mrs. Loul* Hurter there. • was ppened in Palestine in 1942. Omaha youths have worked wltr. Fund* for HMp from the local Funds for vocational ^education Directors, Mmcs. William Al- hard to further the Zionist pro- chapter were raised through tho are combined with the HMO funds. bert, Charles Fellman and Harry gram through the-Omaha senior combined effort* of Mrs. Phil Parefassittsr >nd Supplies Young Judaea Clubs—Tikvas Ami Wise. Gerelick and Mrs. Nathan Nogg Hadasiah Supplies and Purand Oebka Debs. and their committees: Mmej.J. J. chasing project has Expanded from The coming year will be the Through the American Zionist sixth year of independence in Is- Youth Commission, Hadamh leekr Friedman, Arthur Grossman, Harcommunity effort to the point rael and the fifth decade of Hadas- to build up a Zionist youth move- old Cooperman, Dave Stein, T. A. where today more than a million sah service in the new republic ment in America. The Commis- Tully, William Alberta, Morton dollars worth of material is The growing Importance of Ha- sion stimulates, guides and di- Richards, Max Canar and Alfred shipped by Hadassah from the j ) dassah on the Israeli scene haa rects the development of the Gen- Fiedler. United States to Israel. Medical Center proved itself during the past years eral Zionist youth groups, Young Last year the local linen shower in n comprehensive health and so- j\idaea, Junior Hadassah, and the Construction has begun on the as held in February under the cial welfare program, refugee re- multi-party group, the Inter-Col- new Hadauah-Hebrew University :balrmanshlp of Mrs. Morris Kathabilitation, vocational education lcglate Zionist Federation of Medical- Center in Jerusalem. The eman, ..with the , assistance of. and land redemption projects. The America. Acting on this com center will consist of a 430-bed vimes. I. Abramson, M. Bercovld, Hadassah "JOB" requires the com- mittee during the past year "were hospital connected with the Ha- iam Geifman, Abe Roffman, Isabined maximum effort* of every Mmes. Sol Slavln, Harry Wise dassah-Universlty' school; an out- lore Brookstein, Morris Arkin, member, not only In helping the Seymour Kaplan and Bennel patient department, a school • for Tale Glnsburg a n d George membership become interested in Cohen. Funds were raised through nurses and a medical school. In Ipltzer. " new ways of being Jewish, but the annual style slfow under th Conjunction with the Medical CenSewing groups made garments A Delicious Laxative Cereal Blended also by taking nn active part in direction of Mmes. Henry Rieker ter, Hadassah members arc con- hat were sent to Israel through Zionist public relations, Ameri- David Ik-bcr, Eugene Coopc" ributing to a bio-chcmlcal labora- lodassoh sewing groups which From Toasted Whole Wheat Flakes and can affairs, education and many Howard-Milder, Louis Canar, Do; tory in memory of and as a trib- net every week at Beth £1 Synaother fields. Whole Flaxseed. Ask Your Grocer for a lntzman, Larry Platner, Seymour ute to the late Chalm Welzmann. ogue and the Jewish Community The Omaha chapter, through Center. Mrs. J. J. Freiden and The past year in Hadacsah, on C'ohn and Louis Schrior. Package Today! the local scene, has proved the T1H» bowling league, inllioter' success of the group plnn. The >y our local chapter, raised a Omaha membership of over 1,201) ar;;e portion of the funds for women was guided by four croup Zionist youth activities. It is sponpresidents in addition to the chap- ored by local merchants. Omaha ter president nnd was led by the //us awarded the trophy at the four croup bonrds In addition to Mountain Plains rcKional meet. .lie chapter board. Mrs. David D. Wcinbcrj; sponsors RALPH NOGG ' The Education committee, led .he bowliiifj league by Mrs. Joseph Soshnlk and Mrs, Yearbook editor wa3 Mrs. Joe IRVING NOGG Mycr Kripke, who were assisted uss, with the assistance of Mrs. ERNEST NOGG jy Mines. Sidney Hollis, Leonard Adolph Mayer and Mrs. Jack Uould nnd Edward Zorinsky, Levey. iponsorcd a series of OncK ShahIn Israel, Hadassah .'ilds in hcaloats for new board members, .ng, teaching and research. Haiuided the reading of the worn; nssah was the first to set'up m who participated In tho Hon- urscs' training, run an Amcrlcanirs Course, and presented book ype hospital, Inntltutc school hy>lalcs to all who participated and lene, build a medical center, un•omplclcd the course. They dl- lertako important research to lick •cctcd sludy groups and an orlcn- 'alestlnian problems and found frrzaurrr, ,Mrn Ira Wliltrlioak. Corresponding secretary, Bin, Mejer I Auditor, Mr». Julius hlrln. IVrlliinriit.irlaii, Mr*. 1) a l 111 Hrodkry. Directory, .limes I.eo lVcllz, A! I". Lctrnhoii, Alfred rrank, himurl Wolf. I. LrWn arid A. I) I rank.

t i l i o n eoui e nu mlj^i


t(.i foi new







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Wish You a Most Happy and Prosperous New Year


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Women's Organizations Htbraska Chapter 346, B'nai BVirii President, H n , Albert Orach. • "first Viee-President, H n . Phil Butler. , Second Vice - President, Mrs. Goodman Cohen. Treasurer, Mn. 8am Manviti. Financial secretary, M n . Marvin

KapUn. Recording; secretary, Mrs. Nate Vfarcus. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. William Stone. Sentinel, Mrs. Joe Epstein. Guardian, Mrs. Leo Taub. Mrs. Albert Orucb Trustees, Mrs. Harold Siege], Much work has been done b Mrs. Morris Franklan and Mrs. the chairman of Vtteia.-.b Affair: Fred Hahn. and her comn.itt' e A Lingo party Nebraska Chapter 340 mcetiiu:s v/us helti each month for tlie pasre held monthly in conjunction tients at the Vi.tuans Ho-pilal. with tho Nebraska Lodge 1445. me of our v.nuitri ..:*i ltd with , Our members have :.ervcd at: the Cl iris tin a I;VI- p.uty held at volunteer workers on thu Commu- the hospital. Th' i- v.lio completed iiity Chttt and Ht-d Croai drives, the orientation course at the hos and tho Nebraska Tuberculous pital arc t o \ ir.;* a1, volunteer e:amp;j>£n, Cliristm;^ Seals and workers on the djj.s assigned March of Dime:;. Al.'-JO they vol- them. Several of our women work linteered as Mood donors for the 'here as Graj Ladles ,B'»»i B'ritii Blood Donor Diijs The annual Purlrn Party , fo; ,;wg had the pa:;t year, mid other? tlie residents of the Dr. Shcr ...wprked as regiitran; and !io:;U Home for the Aged was held in | March, with a program presented


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New Year Greetings

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New Year Greetings to Our Jewish Friends

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JAckson 2323

Women's B'nai B'rith Bowling Association

secular, and rellgloui tralnin(. There they arc fitted to cope with Hfe'i battle*. There they learn to love the Orthodox way of life. The Omaha Chapter began the past year's activities with the Donor Luncheon in September. The guests were welcomed by the chapter's president, Mrs. William Epstein. Two movies, ^The Earth Sings" and "Song of Tel Aviv," were shown. In October, the annual fall collection of JNF boxes was held with Mrs. Joseph Batt and Mrt. Hdnian Franklin, co-chairmen, j Tlit gueit speaker, Mrs. Ella Fleishman Auerbach, described her in If>ntt-'1.

FonteneUe Hotel About 800 dele' gates are expected to attend from Chicago/Detroit, Milwaukee and S t Paul.

OFFICERS: President, Mrs. Bernard Zevitj. Historian, Mrs. Charles Stern. B'naiB'rith Henry First Vlee-Presldent, Mrs. Rob-Business & Professional Guardian, Mrs. Harry Bush. ert Swartz. Monsky Chapter 470 Monltress, Mrs. Stanley Shapiro Women of Hadassah Second Vice - Pre»ldent, Mrs. Trustees, Mrs. Nate Gitiiick, Mrs. OFFICERS: OFFICERS: Max Frank. Morris Grossman, Mrs. Dan GordPresident, Mrs. Aaron Epstein. President, Miss Evelyn Levy. Treasurer, Mrs. Louis Sinter. First Vice-President, Mrs. Sey- ma.n. Vice-President Mrs. C h a r l e s Secretary, Mrs. Albert Oruch. This year, a;, in the pa:,t, the mour Kaplan. Second Vice-president, Mrs. Sol Henry Monsky Chapter 47u is fulKccordinj secretary, Mrs. Joe lUlHH. Treasurer, Airs. Jrnnir Robcllfilling its obligations to tlie many Isark. Dolguff. jblatt. Third Vice-President. Mrs. Har- project:; of Wnai B'rith. Sergeant-at-Arms, Mrs. Mau- | financial secretary Mi>s Mjrlir I.lcctincs were held the last rice Sachs. ry Friedman. ] i'Yceman. Recording secretary, Mrs. Ituben Thursday of each month with proPublicity, Mrs. Harold IJloch. ! Ileeording secretary. Mrs. Lotgrams highlitflHinf; tile different Itatner. I5J4 Tournament chairman, Mr». tie Ilugrad. Corresponding secretary, Mrs, projects through film and tpeakMax Sacks. Corresponding i.ecrct^ry, Mr* Harry Smith. At the November meeting, a Jean Kaplan. Treasurer, Mrs. t'arl I.asnian. Thanksgiving skit was presented Tlie B'nai B'ritii Women's BowlHistorian, Mis:, Kosillr Handler, Financial secretary, Mrs. Ilarry by members of the chapter. ing League, now in Us fifth year, Evelyn Levy rarllarntnlariaii, JIlss Elizabeth Sidman. is composed of the members of Hart. A Chanuhah lotke parly was organized, and our total bond Dues secretary. Mm. Max Krlthe two B'nai /B'rith Women's held at the December meeting. Activities Cbairmeu sales to date amount to $4,050.00. zelman. Chapters, Nebraska 346 and Henry Tlie parly was given in honor American Affairs, Miss Sylvia We served on the Youth ComSentinel, Mrs. Ben Blati. Monsky 470. There arc 16 teami of Mrs. Julius Sherman, who initiCline. mission and at Dt. Shcr's IJomc that bowl each Tuesday nigh ated these affairs. Mrs. Sherman Courtesy, Miss Esther Nathan. for the Aged. by children. The Chapter furfrom 0 until 11 at Kelley's. was presented with a tree cerEducation, Miss Mildred Levy. nished refreshments. We contributed to H. M. O., Besides bowling, this group, 01 H. M. O , Miss Geraldine Glm- Youth Services, Hadassah Medi- tificate. Mrs. Myer S. Kripke, the Books apd Pamphlets were speaker on the program, told the women have been actively par- ple. placed in local; schools and lical Center, and Israel Supplies. members about the visit she and ticipating In many local philan Hadassah Supplies, Mrs.,Sally Our participation in the J. N. F. braries by the A , D. L. office, at lUbbl Kripke made in Israel. thropic projects such as: Good Meyer*. our request. Box Collection netted $64.24, and Mrs. Kripke had visited the Chilfellows, Children Memorial HosHospitality, Miss Julia Mots and our Tree Fund tales totaled Our Sewing Group completed dren's Village in Haantina and pital and March of Dimes. During Miss Belle Siegel. many articles including another $148.00. Our members also knitted gave a detailed description of the the flood last year, many of these Interclub, Mrs. P h i l i p D. sweaters for Israel. patch' quilt. Plans are being forVillage and the life there. women worked i t the Salvation Schwartz. , mulated for a luncheon in the Our annual B. i t P. fund raisArmy Headquarters making sand In January, Hamisha Asar Israel Bonds, Miss Evelyn Levy early fall. ing party was a success, financial- b'Shcvat was observed with apwlches for the volunteer workers, (pro tern). A Leo N. Lcvl Hospital linen ly and socially, due to the efforts propriate fruits ol Israel and a 'The bowling season is climaxed J. N. F. and Trees, Mils Ida shower donor luncheon was held and co-operation of all members. skit in which members took part. with a banquet at which time the Spring. v ( this spring. Mrs. Aaron Epstein election of officers and the awardWe participated in American In February, contributions wcro Liaison, Mrs. Charles Ross.' A tea was held for girls In the ing of trophies to the winning Medical Center, Miss ,Julia Affair* arid Education programs, taken for the Moes Chilim fund B'nal B'rith girl age group to re- ers, with social hours following teams and individuals takes place. and our monthly programs were Mrs. Irving Stern, a teacher at Zuker. Much work was done by the activate a chapter in Omaha. The On reb. 12, 13, 14, 1834, the Membership, Mrs. Lillian Berh- arranged to present all phases of Beth Israel Talmud Torah, gave two mother chapter*, Henry Mon- Veterans Affairs chairman and Omaha Women Bowlers will bo Kadassah work. At the Chapter- a talk on the Mltzvah of the Moe.i sky 470 and Nebraska Chapter her committee at the Veterans hostesses to tht Fifth Annual Dis- Sleln and Mrs. Fannie Sacks Sher^ Croup evening affair our group Chltlm. Hospital in Omaha, where they trict 6 Bowling tournament at the man. 346, are sponsoring'the group. Dr. Sher Home for, Aged, MU» had practically, a 100 per cent atThe Bake Sole was held in FebOur chapter was well represent- have held blngp parties twice a tendance. ' ' Elizabeth Hart. ruary at the Brandeis Store. Mrs. ed in the Omaha B'nal B'rith month. A Halloween and ChristIn Public Relations work, Julia Lewis Gerclick and Mrs. Joseph Program, Mrs. Julia Jacobs. sent In time for Chanukah. Ladies Bowling League and par- mas party were also held. Jacobs servefl » i chairman of the Batt were chairmen of the affair, Publicity, Mrs. Eve Konecky. Our Hlllel chairman planned ticipated in District S bowling Our Aid - to - Israel chairman Special Fund (Napkins), Miss B. & PC Philanthropies Drive. We which was successful because of tournaments. ' raised enough money to enable HUlel night, which was presented also worked with the Red Cross, the large amount of pastries conAgain this year our chapter par- our chapter to tend a sewing ma- to our Chapter in April, and many Myrtle Freeman, Special Veterans Program, Miss LlghU-On, March of Dimes drive. tributed and the help of the comticipated in joint fund-raising chine to the B'nal B'rith Chil- new members have been added to Blood Bank, Easter and Christ- mittee. Minnie Frey. , . ' our roster, , with the -women of the Henry dren's Home 1n Israel. Telephone, Mrs. Frank Brook- mas Seals sales; an'd,\we served Monsky chapter. An Ad Book was At the March meeting, Mr. DaOur Bellefalre chairman and her Our women participated in the at the Veterans Hospital published, and a George Wash- committee sponsored a shower for bowling program with enthusiasm, stein and Miss Sylvia Parilmanf vid Grayson, Director of Family Wills and Bequests, Mrs. Philip and our Adult Education group Our outstanding public rela- Service and Consultation, adington Cherry Tree Bazaar and the children in Bellefalre. Many tion! feature is our annual .Inter- dressed the women on the work Card Party was given. books, crayons, games, etc., were functioned successfully for cul- Schwartz. ' tural evenings. Youth Allyah, Mrs. Alyin Goro- club Affair whlch'< consfsls o l Is- done by his department. , Our A. O. L. chairman worked deteer. raeli music, dances,'< prominent In April, the annual spring colto place vital materials in the pub- Youth ,Commission, Mrs. Carl speaker and social hour. lection of JNF boxes took place ' - • lic libraries and'all branches. We Lagman. with Mrs. Joseph Batt and Mm. have held a series of seminars led Youth Vocational Activities, Misn Herman Franklin and their comby Seymour Kaplan, A. D. L. Miss Rena Gross. Marachf Women mittee In charge. office head. Zionist Council Representative, The annual collection for the OFFICERS: We have cooperated with other •Irs. Philip Schwartz.' linen fund was held in May, and Zionist public Relations, MLss B'nai B'rith lodges and chapters. Honorerjr President, Mrs. M. election of officers was held. QUICK COURTEOUS SERVICE Brodker. Through Greater' Omaha B'nal Dorotliy Rosenthal. In June, at the final meeting of B'rith, we participated in the In accordance with Hadassah's President, Mrs. William Epstein. the year, Mrs. Abraham M. DanBlood Bank drive, and our co- cachings, we have tried to carry First Vice-President, Mrs. M. M. zig, a national vice-president and M O I U . T H A N SO W . M t S | s lll»IV|s* operation was given to the Red mt the many phases of its work. rollikoff. president of the Southwest Region, 10'; Uiseount for Cajh b Corry. Cross, March oK Dimes, CommuWe participated in the Israel Second VIce-Presldent, Mrs. Sol waB guest speaker at a luncheon LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS nity Chest, Easter Seals, Cancer •ond sales drive, and 98. per cent given In her honor. 2311 Nl.Sr. .. MA 4750 Drive and various other local com- >f our board members bought Nats. Throughout the year, members Third Vice-President, Mrs, Ruth munity drives. jonds. -Three Bond Clubs were iolncd the Dor.or Luncheon Circle. Ackcrman. Recordlni secretary, Mrs. SamThey gave luncheons for the benefit of the Children's Village and Collck. Membership s e c r e t a r y , Mrs. other projects. Those who were unable to give luncheons joined Harry Paskowltb tho Circle by contributing $12.00 Corresponding secretary, Mrs. FROM The Donor Luncheon will be held May We Express Frank Selcar. In October, Mrs. Joseph Batt and Treasurer, Mrs. Ben Handler. Mrs, L. Gerellck are co-chairmen. Moit Sincere Withe: Federation of Jewish Women's Mrs. R u t h Ackerman i t taking Clubs representative, Mrs. J. reservations for the cash contribufor, a Happy and Goodblnder. tors. • ••'.•.,. .': ••..;.; . ' _ .'-'.;::;.'..-. •• . JOHN S. ENGDAHL, President Board members: JNF box colProsperous lections, Mrs. Joseph Bait and Mrs. T h e chapter l i very proud thai J. FALTON ENGDAHL, Vice-Preiident Herman Franklin; F r o m m s , M n , among its members are two Mew. Y«ar "IF INGDAHL DOES IT, IT'S DONE RIGHT' M. Jit. PolIiJtofr; Publicity, M n . groups of three generations. T h e / Ben Elsenberc; Children's Villtce, ore Mrs. Joseph Batt; h e r daugh414-16-18-20 No. 18rh AT 5944 To Oiir Mr*. J. Goodblnder; Monthly ter, Mrs. Harry Paskowitx, and Night Phone KE 4442 Luncheons, M n . Anton Adler, her granddaughter, Rita Lynn Many Jewish . Mn. B. Grossman, Mn. Hen Soih- PaakowiU; and, Mrs. Maurico nlk and Mrs. Ada Marsh; Door, Fogcl (Rose, at she is known to . ' Friends and Patrons Mrs. Rose Focel; Synnto/tue col- all the members), her daughter, lections and ticket sales, Mrs. Mary Mrs. Sam Levine, and her grandZalk and Mrs. B. M. Brown; JNF daughter, Jackie Hakan. • * * * The chapter contributes to the Trees and Bonds for Israel, Mrs. : Ben Handler; Members at Large, Jewish Philanthropies, to the Mmes. I,. Neveleff, Nathan Itcs- Community Chest, and to the Red Cross. Its members helped tho nlek and Abe (Tonl) Katskec. FROM Christmas Seals and the £a»tcr Mizrachi Women's Organization Seals organizations. The members of America, tho Orthodox branch also contribute to the Chlldrens of the Zionist Organization, is an Hospital and assist at the Vet— AT — official agency of Youth Aliyah. erans Hospital. To help tho victims of terror am! Mrs. Hen Handler, the writer ol 108-1110-1112 Homey St. persecution, M i z r a c h i Women this report, acknowledges with 1424 DOUGLAS maintain more than 50 project.'!, deep gratitude the work done by JA 0466 children's homes and villages In the other officers, chairmen and every part of Iirael. There thn their committees, and the loyalty children arc given vocational, I and devotion of all the members.





Best Wishes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR'





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N«w'i Edlflon—THE JEWISH PRESS—Riith Haihpnah 5714—Thursday, S«pt«mb*r 10, 1953

Women's Organizations Beth El Sisterhood OFFICERS: President: Mrs. M. II. Brodkej. First Vice-president, Bin. AlVert G. IUmmermxn. Second Vlce-rresldcnt, Mrs. Ir?ln While. Recording secretary, Mrs. David R. Cohen. Corresponding herrclarj. Mrs Sam Ban. Financial secretary, Mrs. David Kitleman. Financial secretary, Mrs. A. C. Fellnian. Treasurer, Mrs. M. A. Berrovlcl. Auditor, Mrs. Lou KOEOIOW.

Parliamentarian, Mrs. A. D, Frank. Directors—1352, Mines. Jacob Mrn. Philip Crandell Bernstein, Philip Rosenblatt and Harry Smith. Pioneer Women Directors—19!>3, Mmes. Arthur Grossman, Morris Katleman and OFF1CKKS: President, Mrs. P. Crandel. M. A. Vengcr. Financial secretary, Mrs. M The year 1053 marks the sllvei Ncrenberg. . t Jubilee year uf die founding of the Corresponding secretary, Mrs. F. Beth El Sisterhood. The aims and Rubinstein. ' purposes of the sisterhood ttre the Recording secretary, Mrs. S. Nostrengthening of traditional Judavak. • • ' . .•'.;,.•-••;•' <sm by furthering the spiritual Treasurer, Mrs. II. Wohlner. Pioneer Women is part of a national organization that Has spread all over the country, It was founded in 1024 when there was a shortage of water in Galilee. Mrs. Ben Zvl, Israel's first lady, wrote an American friend In New York asking' her to get:in touch with some friends arid arrange to lend them a hundred pounds to build a cistern.'It was this loan that made possible the establishment of the American Pioneer Women, the sister organization of the Israeli Working Women's,Council.

Mrs. M. II. Brodker material and .social interests of the Synayofjuc; by advancing Jewish education among its members; by assisting in every way possible in bringing its youth closer to the Synagogue and Judaism, and by strengthening the religious life of tiie local Jewish community. We have at prevent a membership of 520 women, who, under the direction of the first vicepresident, are divided into 13 circles. Every member Js called an to participate in Synagogue activities. The circle chairmen, together with tho executive committee and special events chairmen, plan and execute tho various fund-raising projects throughout tho year. Funds raised are used for the maintenance of the Sunday School, to provide Echolarihipj to send young people to Synagogue-jpon• sored summer camps, and to beautify and furnish additional equipment for the new building.'•,:'• V ; Congregational dinners, a Jubilee carnival, Jubilee Ball, Silver review and card party, luncheons, the annual concert of the Beth El Choir, and a Torah Fund donor tea will provide opportunities for the members of the entire congregation to participate In social events this year. Sisterhood members serve on the Sunday School and Talmud Torah committees, and plan and assist in the celebration of all Jewish holidays. Sisterhood members are In charge of the Nursery School, which Is rated one of the best nursery Echools in the city. It Is recommended by several pediatricians and approved by Omaha University for credit to practice teachers. Our monthly programs, presented at our regular meeting:;, follow a designated theme and arc

Pioneer women maintain a network of children's homes, day nurseries and home and reception centers for Immigrant women as well as trade * and vocational schpols in Israel. In the last four years, PJoneer Women, the women's Labor Zionist Organization of Amerifa, has shipped to Israel 1,000,000 pounds of clothing, or an average of more than one garment for each of the 1,500,000 men, women and children In that country. Clothing is collected from Jewish and non-Jewish individuals and organizations throughout the world. The items are assembled in a warehouse at New York for disinfecting, sorting and baling for shipment. Omaha Pioneer Women have this past year shipped 38 large boxes oi clothing. The clothing, some new and some used, ranged from baby shoes and layettes to overeats, raincoats, work trousers, designed to be educational as well as entertaining. A series of evening study Croups was held last year, and plans are being made Xor a similar series this coming year. Our c o m m u n i t y cooperation chairmen represent us at the Womeni Inter-Club Council, on the Bonds for Israel committee, at the Federation of Jewish Wornens Clubs, and at the Veterans Hospital..They bring matters of local and national importance to the: sisterhood's' attention and stress social actions on occasions when the group can take steps along those lines. Our group sews for the Synagogue, for Israel, and for the Dr. Shcr Home for the Aged. Our Gift and, Book Shop makes ivailablc many articles and books if traditional Jewish meaning. Our sisterhood, together with he other sisterhoods In tho National Women's League of the United Synagogues' of America, helps support the Jewish Theological Seminary by raising funds for scholarships for rabbinical tudents.

Best Wishes for a Happy New Year

suits and children's clothe. Chairman of the clothes drivi was Mrs. S. Binder und cu-chair man was Mis. II. Mlrowitz. The year 1952-11)53 lias been . rcM accomplishment for Florist Women. Our main proceeds umm from the fid book, headed by Mr; II. Wohlner, which were diLtrib uled at the Annual Donor dinnei Other project.1; of the p:i;;l yea '.'.ere the L'liild I(e:i:iii: Fund headed by Mv;.. I]. .Sliraj:o am cu-chairman Mn;. J. Kaplan; . rummage sale, headed by Mr: 11. liiehliu; a linen .shower, heart ed by Mrs. II. Itichlin and ui chiannan Mr.-, J. Kaplan; a bak> sale, headed by Mrs. J. Kaplan and flower tag day, headed b> Mrs. S. Okun. The Pioneer Women hold ri-gu l.'ir meetings the becond Tucsilaj of every month. Hoard meeting are held once a month. The One;; Shabat, a literary gathering, is also held monthly. We have a loeul speaker and readings done by tin members. Locally, we contribute to Jewish- Philanthropies, Community Chest and Red Cross and help in their drives. We also contribute to the Jewish National Fund and Chlldrens Memorial Hospital. Our annual picnic, held at ElmWood Park, was headed by Mrs S. Okun.

Temple Israel Sisterhood OFFICEJIS: ,. President, Mrs. Morton Illller. Vice-Presldents, Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf and Mrs. Edward Gilbert. Recording secretary, Mrs, Herman Friedman. Treasurer, Mrs. Stanley Flsk. Corresponding secretary, Mrs. Maurice Frank. .• Dues secretary, Mrs. Richard Miller. Auditor, Mrs. David Goldman. Parliamentarian, Mn;*" t o a 1 s Knlakqfsky.

• •-.;• •; • : .:; . ' - . . ; . -

The second year of coordinated effort has already, beguhifor the officers listed above, the circle heads, and the various committee chairmen. The annual summer board meeting in June set the stage for the 1853-1954 undertakings. The final project of the 18521953 season was a very successful barbecue chicken dinner out in the country. Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, woys and means chairman, was in charge. The fund raising projects of the four circles included o cocktail supper dance, o series of four book reviews, a' dessert luncheon, a bake sale, a social

OI I K I IIS. I'residcnt, Arlnie Meyer. Ilibt Viet - T i l icLiit, I lorcnr Cohen | .Stcond Vice - President, Jean Katz. Third Vice-president, IJcttv Ann I,..

I,ank, Ireasurii, ( K.iU

JA 2260

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OMAHA 4, NEBR. G. C. BAKER, Manager

- u— l i l t lit Hi Israel Junior Youth Clu

OI IK I II1!. I'rrsidrnt. Lugrno Dandy. \ iic-1'rrsldpiit, I Goldbcr 'treasurer, Kew bhjken. Corresponding secretary, Stan lej Greenfield. Kctording secretary, Steven Ap pel. Club Council representative, Eu sene Dandy. Editor, Marlene Friedman. The Beth Israel Junior Youth Club enjoyed a successful yea Club members held programs at their meetings, and several dances and picnics were given. The Beth Israel Junior Youtl Club is sponsored by the P-T7 for children between ihe agi of 9'and 12. Most of the clul is comprised of children from the Talmud Torah, although Jewish children who are not memberc of the Talmud Torah are also invited to join. Leaders of the clul Arlene Meyer are Samuel Stone and Irvin square dance was held at Inspira- Stern, Talmud Torah teachers. tion Lodge for all paid-up members. Fund-raising quotas were met Beth El United from a style show and selling perfume and Jewish New Year cards. Synagogue Youth /The girls participated in swim- OFFICERS: ming and other sports at a "JugPresident, Sheldon Rips. nlt«" held at the Jewish CommuVlce-Presldest, Robert Meyer. nity Center. A Chanukah party Recording secretary, M u r I e and a party meeting also was held Green. Several Hadassah girls'attendCorresponding secretary, De ed the regional seminar in Kan- anne Markovlti. sas City, and also'the regional Treasurer, Nancy Barren. conference in St. 'Louis. Reporter, Stanley Fellmui. Serjeants - at - Arms, K o b e r Goldstein and Shirley Goodman.

Beth Israel Youth Clubs The Beth Israel Intermediate Youth Club

OFFICERS: President, Judy Cutler. Vice-Fresident, Mike Blatt. Corresponding secretary, Bernard Grossman. Recording secretary, Stuart KutTrtasurer, Payne Sliyken. The Beth Israel Intermediate Youth Club was organized to meet the social and recreational needs

The Beth El Synagogue Youth group consists of boys and girls of high school age. The purpose of the United Synagogue Youth movement Is to . offer teen-agers the opportunity to continue ani strengthen t h e i r identification with Judaism and with the Syna gbgue as thd central agency of Jewish life in America. It also gives the teen-ager' an awarenes of the essential harmony between the ideals and traditions of Judaism and American democracy. In




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accordance with this aim, the U. S. Y. seeks to develop a program based on the personality developments, needs and interests of the teen-ager. Programs of the group center Outside of the group-sponsored activities, the members take year Victor Borge predicted about B around advantage of the facilities psychiatrist: "That doctor is ridaround study, prayer, Israel, Syning for a fall. He's getting too agogue, and the American scene, big for his couch." of the Beth El high schbolof Hebrew studies. . . In order to strengthen their bond with the Jewish youth of the rest of the country, members of the group will attend a regional convention in Atlantic City, N. J., -as well as a number of smaller conclaves, and the Midwest Regional Camp at Aitkin, Minn. At these affairs the boys and girls study and learn Judaism by living a Jewish life. Pick Peter Pan In <

We Wish You a



.111(1 *5

Greetings and, Best Wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year



l l l l , )1 i Illlj l< cii

Jurii'n I I i|, ill l,i, .ii II i M with j MM nibi i hip U i fui d nuw iiirTiiui-T.';. Following thi.%

Airs. Morton Hlller

OFFICEIIS; President, Sam Tarnoff. Vice - President, Morris, Goodman. Secretary, Men Martin. Dramatic Director, Milton Ner-I enbenr. Literjry director, Abe Schneider Trea&urcr, Mrs. Sam Canar, Welfare, Mrs, Sam Tarnoff. In its Tl ycjih of existence, thi Chou and Didrrwtlc Clul) given-scores of Jewisjh play. .•luding ploys by Sholcin Ale em, Jacob Gordon, Leon Kobrin <] many other:;. Proceeds from these plays liav been donated to worthy .world or ganizations and Jewish;and non Jewish organizations of Omaha. Current events are discussed at regular meetings which are held every two weeks at member; homes. Refreshments are served at the meetings.

i/l buj , , nd t;irlb jLout 13 yean old and to conduct the Junioj | Cui i,'iCt'ition on SaturJj.ri .n,d hohd. y inoinings. Dur m(; the jti'i tho ilub member; n Elmwoo P.,in, ,i P i m m M - uerude Par I , (i I1.!1 nvt P.nti, nd severs

Itccuicl suict.uv \int.i 11 llin.ui, ( > M s;'i ntiinr M ( ri I M v I dttl

WOLF BROTHERS 507 S. 16th St.

Youth Groups Junior Hadassah

t u n i n g in ,i private liunif, .inliu.ue silver tea, and the of fant.-y apron;;. Head.1; of thi four circles are Mis George Spitz (i, M r ^ L t o EisenLlutl, Mi J Ubrrman and Mrs. Edward Itoser The excellent Friday night din ners preceding services were i charge of Mrs. William Kairnun Mrs. Julia Jacobs was again chair man of the Ministers'' Instltuti luncheon. Mrs. Hattie Mantel con tlnues as braille chairman. Thi five lovely receptions followini services were arranged by Mr Alfred Mayer, hospitality chair man, and her committee. The revision of the. Sisterhood Constitution has been complete by Mrs. Edward Gilbert and her committee. This coming year Mrs. Gilbert will serve as Union Gram chairman. ' I This year's programs art under the chairmanship of Mrs. Warner Frohman. The administrative board includes Mrs. Sam Appleman, Mrs Ben Shapiro, Mrs. Harry Trustln, Mrs, Harry Rosenfeld and Mrs. Sam Josephson, and two honorary members, Mrs. Sidney Brooks am Elizabeth J. Hart. Until the new Temple is com pleted, luncheon meetings will be held each month from' October on at the Highland Downtown Club on the first Monday of the month With the removal of the Tempi offices to the Jewish Community Center, The Judalcn Shop, unde the chairmanship of Mrs. Hyml Milder and Mrs. Sidney Brooks Is centrally located. Honorary memberships wer given to members of the sister, hood and of the congregation win had celebrated 80th birthdays. Six members were so honored thi year.

Omaha Choir and Dramatic Club


1419 Fornam St.




eat» Bay Banquet honoring par- each member invites a non-Jewish ent! and the anniversary ol AZA girl to attend cervices with them. No. 1. This year, Alan Heeger Each year Coundlettes sponsor and Mike Bleicher were recipients panel discussion*. The Youth of the Best Aleph of the Year Council' is invited, and members was held Aug. 23. The girls also award, while Larry Schwartz was of other clubs participate. held a "fun day" on Aug. 18. This winner of the Best Athlete troWe have hikes, roller skating Omaha Zionist District omens: included a picnic, swimming, and phy. Both awards are given out parties, swimming parties, and OFFICER8: at the banquet. regular business meeting. enter all Youth Council sports so j msMansa, Jerry Tuner and Acting President, Sam Rite At the Youth Council Conclave as not to ntglect the athletic part The new committee chairmen |' Rimon Bomberf. Secretary - Treasurer, M o r r i s this year, Mother Chapter again of life. have already taken over their SUlnMster. ' VtM-rreaUento, Samoa 8amduties, and plans have been made came through with top laurels— This year Coundlettes will be berf and Mek Prank. the Best Club award. Mike Bk-ich- working to help our younger The Omaha Zionist District has for the coming year. Secretaries, Bob Goldstein and er, Alan Heccer and Frank Eery group, Council-Littles, get com- in the past year presented eveJ»rk Baker. were Mother Chapter's represent- pletely stabilized. nings of cultural value and interTreasurers, Dick Frank afcd Jer AZA No. 1 atives of Kovod Keys, given for est. "Here's Israel—lt)53," featurry Afarer. OIT1CE11S: meritorous work in the Youth ing Miss Dinah I'crkin. ?.irj:hc 6tr»e»nt»-»l-Arm«, Phil Schra Debka Debs President, Larry Epstein. ; Council. I Fenhko, Israel, ami Moit Ctt and Ren Brodkor. Vlcc-I'residenl, Art Schwartz. ! Next prujert li the -Oth Annual OFFICERS: I Freeman, burit<;n(- , uppci itfi beA6 itated In tlie Hayim constiSecretary. Stan Widman. 'sweetheart Dance at the For.tefore a capacity audience at the President, Suiannc Richards. tution, the functions of the club Treasurer, .Stan Fellman. lm>lle Hotel, Sip!. 12. First Vice - President, Manila Jcwhh Community Center. Jointare> divided into five main cateScrgcants-at-Arms. Jerry Fcnr Waxenberf. ly with Harjisrah, the Omhha Zigories: religious, cultural, athletic, and Dave Tepperman. Second Vice - President, Judy onist District tent a number of CcunctlcSfes community service and social. By Kosen. Chaplain. Larry Schwartz. Young Jucicans to Camp Herzl carrying1 these out, Hayim war Editor of Chapter paper, Mar- j OFFICEES: and the Young Judca Convention. Secretary, Sari Shukert. named a Eest Club by the youth President, Jean Cutler. , shall Denenberff. The Zionist District In cooperaTreasurer, Marilyn nice. Council in the.fraternity's tecond Flrtt Vice - President, Harriet Sergeants-at-Arms. Fayann So- tion with the Omaha Zlonkt CounRamon Sombtrc On this, the "tve" of Mother Soskln. complete year in existence. The cil helped make the Israel booth koloff and Jjj Cbernlak. club owes its great ruccecri to the Hay Rack Hide. The outstanding Chapter AZA No. l's 30th anniSecond Vice - President, Tevec Iteporler. Sylvia Greene. versary as a member of the Aleph outstanding leadership of its offi- (.-vent in Rayim's social calendar Bernstein. cers and to the co-operation re- was the June formal dinner-dance Zadik Aleph, we take pride in , Recording: secretary, Shirley Debka Debs, affiliated with nacelvtdfrom each member. As the at the Highland Country Club. almost 30 years of fraternal prog- Noodcll. tional Senior Young Judaea, began .'chopl year be^an, Rayim achieved The highlights of the dance were ress. Corresponding secretary, Elaine their fifth year by adding to Its Just 30 years ago this .May, Sam Krantz. h total membership of 59 -with the he* announcements of the now membership 17 frcihmen and two addition of its cecond plcdnc class ifficers and best freshman and Beber first conceived the idea of Financial secretary, Belle Wolf- sophomores. The new members plus the 38 actives, made Debs of 23. ophornore award winners. A AZA. Now there nre over 800 son. 1052-53 year the largest in its Kaylm's community service, tho precedent was set with the an- chapters in every corner of the Treasurer, Barbara Joffe. i Sergeants-at-Arms, Pat Moci! history. group felt, was an example of th nouncement of a Rayim Dream world. Originating a five-point pro- and Rita rcltz. Debs' activities started nt the civic trplrlt of the American youth. Girl, Suzanne Richards. The seAround the JCC, there was hard- lection will become an annual af- gram. Mother Chapter has tried Historlan-Parllmentarlan, Carol beginning of September. As one of their projects, the club "adoptly a moment when someone v/a fair. The formal climaxed the year to make each of her alephs take Frank. an active part in club affairs. ed" the Nebraska Children's Home, not aiding the Center islafl in one for Hayim. Reporter, Sandra Krlzelmun. Individuality plays no part in way or another. Members also Youth Council representative, and throughout the year the girls AZA No. l's program J-^ch ulc,)!) Untne Janger, presented programs for the chilhelped at the Douglas County Ret Cross Blood Dank and stuffed en- Tikvas Ami Youth Council alternate repre- dren on special holidays and sent them reconditioned toys. Other velopes for both, political parties OFFICERS: sentative, Nadlne Breslow. community projects were making during the presidential campaign. President, Therese Kahn. Councilettes start the new year tray favors for hospitals, stuffing Dick Einstein, newly - appointed Vicc-Presldent, Joan Kraane. by planning their annual barn envelopes, and selling tags for community service chairman, has Secretary, Fayna Manvltx. dance, "Country Style," which Is various charitable organizations. made many plans for the future. Treasurer, Annette Kosowskjr. open to the public, Many private Religious activities i n c l u d e d These are a few of the places he Sergeant - at - Arms, S h i r l e y 8nunne Rlebarda parties arc held during the year services once a month at a difhas contacted for work: the Com- Goodman. including a winter formal dance, ferent synagogue and an Oneg volleyball Debs also participated munity Chest, Veterans Hospital Reporter, Bose Lacmui. a spring party, a Mother's Day Shabbot for t h e entire Youth in, and attended, all Youth CounChlklrens Memorial Hospital, Civil Historian, Rosalie Cohen. Tea-Installation, and a luncheon Council. Skits and discussions on cil-sponsored events and iook secDefense and the Nebra:-ka Heart for the outgoing seniors.; holidays and Judaism, as well as ond place in Stage Night. Association. During 1052-53, the girls of TikMuch time Is spent on commu- learning Israeli songs and dances, Debs sold trees for the Young Itayim's Traveling Troop, orig- vas Ami held a full calendar of nity service projects. The girls made up the cultural program; Judaea JNF drive, and they raised inated by Past-President Jerry social events. Among them was an made favors for hospitals, stuffed Many of the girls'also attended money for Tsofim, the scouting Turner, will consist of talent from All Girls Mixer, which was held envelopei for the Community the regional Judaea convention movement in Israel, by holding a the entire Youth Council and will in late October. This mixer inChest and the^Tuberculosli Asso- in Des Moines. raffle and a style show at a local perform at various hospitals and cluded refreshments and Israeli ciation, helped the Hed Cross once the highlight of the social sea- department store. In March, Debs homes. Collections cif money were dancing. a week, helped the Mobile Unit son was the "Royal Flush," an held their election of officers for In January, they held a lunchI'flcn made during the year. Some and gave flowers to hospitals. W< open dance given in December at the coming year. In Addition to the •it the places that received aid eon for the installation of officers sold tags for many organizations the Jay. A mixer given with AZA, positions listed above, commlttto were the Korean Relief Fund, Op- and new members. and also collected clothes to send house parties, and a brunch—tn chairmen and Youth Council repAlso in January, the girls held portunity Center and the Holland to Morocco. , honor of the outgoing seniors resentatives were also elected. Kellef Fund. Magazines were also a slumber party with services first The religious aspect of life is were also held. December brought a "Buttons works as a unit—co-ordinates with A successful ending to the ycar'c collected and sent to the ChilIn athletics Debs placed second activities was when Dcbka Debs and Bows" date party which was other members. And every goal not overlooked, for Councilettes drena Memorial Hospital. has one contention—to better the has %iany Sabbaths and attends in both bowling and swimming, received one of the Beit Club At every meeting, a special re- held at the home of Matlce Katie- name of AZA and not the indibut their greatest achievement was plaques at the Youth Council conligious session was held which in- marl. winning the Governor's Trophy in clave in June. Another date party was held at vidual. cluded a discussion on the present Mother Chapter started the »nd future Jewish holidays. Ile- Camp Brewster in March. The name of the T. A. Stage school year last fall with her 7 ports and panel discussions were 19th annual Sweetheart Dance at also presented on Jewish life and Night skit -was "Bottoms Up." Aft- the Blackstone Hotel. The tradion how the Jewish religion affects er Stage Night, the girls held a tional and spirited throng saw each member. Attendance at Fri- slumber party at the home of Miss Marilyn Nearenberg crowned day night services and special r e - Rose Lagman. A Mothers' and Daughters' tea as AZA Sweetheart. AZA No. 1 ligious Youth Council functions also held various parties through was held in late May. u-as encouraged. Meetings ended the year. Take this opportunity to wiih their mtny fritndi Candlelight set the scene for the with a prayer given by one oi the On the athletic scene, AZA No T. A. dinner-dance, which was and customers a Very Happy and Prosperous New members. I won the coveted Olympic troph> Year. ' . *• , On the athletic field, this pas' this year for the most garnered yvir, Raylm was also successful. points in athletic competition. It Visit our Branchai at Central Mtrktt-^-6066 MiliIn basketball, Rayim's A team tied was also Dave Be!zer"s third tary—Brandtis Pastry Deph—Kresgt Btktry Dept. for top' honors but lost in a playstraight Youth Council softbal! and Hinlcy-Dinky, 50th and Underwood and 42d off jj.-fi.-nc. Hayim's A team in crown for Mother Chapter in as and Leaven wort)). biii>ebJ*s.}I -iinbhed in second spot. many years of coaching. Two'of the club's teams took first AZA No. 1 also copped the and' third places in the Youth Convention Softball plum in LinCouncil Bowling League. In the coln this summer. Jean Cutler various" Youth Council meets, RayAnother big event for alephs is im jrcccived first place In swrirothe semi-annual convention. AZA Friday evening services. Meetings TO ALL OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS ininj; and track and a second place spirit certainly was typified at are always opened with an origiin ;t!§>, wrestling meet. Both a this year's AZA conventions in nal prayer written by one of the firs} and a second place in the Sioux City and Lincoln. members. Irraeli dancing, stories singles and a first in doubles were Perhaps the biggest affair of and discussions on Jewish holimaintained by two freshmen memMother Chapter comes toward the days are hold at meetings. During May you and yours be blessed with health and berj in the Badminton- Tournaclimax of the school year. On May Brotherhood Week, Councilettca ments, Gene Kohn and Mike Solzhappiness and may this yoar bring you.all you II of each year, we hold our Par- holds a special Sabbath to which mai, past athletic chairmen, spondesire for a richer, fuller life. sored 'van inter-club volleyball league.^ Eddie Belzer, newly-appoiated athletic co-chairman with Therese Knhn Gene, has already arranged and held May 30 at the Birchwood played a baseball game with the Club. Installation of new officers 324 So. 16th St. Omaha, Nebraska Youth .Council alumni and has highlighted this event. Yuth C u c The girls of Tikvas Ami parplanned; an intcr-club coif tourticipated in " all Youth Council nament.I Ip-the- past year many guest sports. They also sponsored an GREETINGS FROM spe{ikj«TS visited the club. Movies, inter-club ping-pong tournament Onceieach month, the girls atparjcj'dlscussions and reports were given on a trip to Is- tended services at various synaoccupations, and the gogues. Havdullah services and FRANK ODORISIO ccitnitry's naturMl resources. Jer- Oneg Shabbats also highlighted ry' Marer, past cultural chairman, the T. A. religious program. (20 So. loth St.—HA 45S0 1825 FARNAM ST. Along the community service often gave lectures on the American government at the meetings. line, the girls sent toys to Israel, Distributors for (A new addition to the main did Israeli dancing for organiza' Chicago American functions of the club is brother- tions, and made Thanksgiving and hood, which is maintained to pro- Valentine favors for the Creche Shopping News mote fraternity spirit. A scrap- Home for Children. South Omaha Sun biok containing the club's history Over half the club attended the is'belng compiled by the historian. Ihird annual Young Judaea conA Rayim handshake, honk, and tention which was held in Des honor have already been estab- Moines. lished. *• A T. A. TOOTER, club newsJAmonjt the parties given for the lapcr, was printed regularly. members and their dates during This past summer, the girls have the year were the Haunted House een hostesses to two membership from the party, Valentine party and the ivents, a picnic, and a tea which

Youth Council

Organ izations

Ortolan's Bakeries

at the World Trade Fair a huge advised of the great ImportanctlJ success. Through the- efforts of supporting Zionism, The local district has continual Mr. Dell Feuerllcht, director of the Committee of Economics and its efforts in selling Israel Boads Trades of the National ZOA, many through the chairmanship of Jo»» Israel-made clothing, arts and eph Tretiak. Sam nice is acting p r e s i d e crafts, gifts ar.d stationery, were sent to' Omaha for the purpose of of the Omaha Zionist District, !•» I introducing these items to the placing Mr. Philip Gorodet««li i merchants and general public. AF who left nur city to auumo tltf I a result of this showing, many lo- position of principal of the HiUtt! ! cal merchants are featuring and (All-Day) School in Rochester, N. Y. will feature Israel-made items. A few months ago the ZOA was officially opened in Is- •rim; COMPANY rael. The ZOA House bus assumed New York (JTA)—The flnpt the role of Tourist Information year's operations of the Alliana* center for tourists coming to Is- Tire and Rubber Co., Ltd., jAincer American-Israeli enterprise, rael froim America and other lands. not only measured up to original Its purpose is to help the visitor production estimates but exceedarrange tours, hotel accommoda- ed even the most omptlmlstic foretions and other important data casts, Arthur Taubman, president of the company, declared at • that will make the visit to Israel e^s conference here. an enjoyable und pleasant experiTaubman, who headed tha group of investors which raised the ence. American hnlf of the $3,000,000 The national ZOA has under- capital of the enterprise, said the taken numerous projects thet are ultra-modern American equipped financed through the American Alliance plant, located on a 25site at Hadern, on the main Zionist Fund for the purpose of acre road between Haifa and Tel Aviv, aiding Israel economically. began complete start-to-finish The importance of membership Ire a n d lube production last September. Bus and truck Urea and the role of Zionists was point- are taking about 85 per cent ttt ed out in an illustrated lecture by Alliance production; passenger Habbl Myer S. Kripke. Rabbi Ires the remainder. Production of Krlpke had shown slides of his ubes has now begun, using thft trip to Israel and. through them most modern equipment.

Best Wishes for a

HAPPY NEW YEAR •, • * All Mokes Typewriter Co. Stt»l Flits — Dtsks — Chain —Jfcrftt 1918 Farnam St.



Best Wishes for The New Year

A Very Happy New Year


Greeting for the New Year


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Greetings From

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r Year'i E<fl«on—THE JEWISH* PRESS—Roth Ha>hon«li 5714—Tfiurnhy, S»pUmb»r 10. I?B3

izations B'nal B'rith Htnry Moniky Lodge

Jewish National Fund Council of Omaha

OFFICERS: Preaident, Marvin E. Treller. Flr»t Vice - President, B * v l d Grcenberf. Second Vice - President, Harry tt'elnberj. Third Vice-Presldent, Sam Pollack. Treasurer, Lewis Aibyll. nccorditifr secretary, Ruben LIppett. FInancloI secretary, MOSCB Ka;>n. it Warden, Carl Lagman. Guardian, Olto Morgenthau. Chaplain, Hurry Collck. Trustees, Dr. Abe Greeiiberg Alfred Frank, Ralph

OFFICERS: Treasurer, Joseph Trctiak. Secretary, Mra. Bamucl S. Klein ber£. Illuc Box Chairman, Mrs. Irv C. Let'in.

many tuosing in i J 11K JNB especially created for this purpose, is able to devote its undivided attention to the soil, which is the nitiin social and economic stay of the nation's procross. The greater part of the country is still undeveloped and mutl lie freed from tho grip of wilderness before it can be ,'idtled and cultivated. This Is the la: k of the Jewish National Fund. The SUCCCE:. or failure of its mission will depend on the.- support of world Jewry. The time-honored mean; uf JNF fund-raising are not only of financial import, They have become a significant educational factor by giving every Jew, wherever he is, the opportunity of participating in the upbuilding of Israel in a definite and practical David B. Blclchcr manner. Most familiar among tho JNF brought out a great many donors. traditions are the Blue Box; The About 100 people gave blood, and Tree plantings, at $1.50 per tree; tho Lodge was given a Certificate tiie Childrens Golden Book; the of Appreciation from the Red Kefer Ha' $15.00 per in- Cross. This was brought to the criptlon; the Sefer Ha' Bar Mitz- Lodge by Mr. Harkness, who vah fit ?25.00 per Inscription; the spoke to the group at that time. olden Book In Jerusalem at $100 There were several good proper inscription; Bequests and Liv- grams during the year, among ing Legacies, and Nahlaot or set- them talks by Judge Carrol O. tlements sponsored by cities or Stauffer, Truman Clare and Sam organizations. Berek. Omaha Jewry as always re- "Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 took sponded to the appeal of JNF. part in the Philanthropies Drivo Blue Box collections are held and the March of Dimes, twice a year, in the spring and At the District Convention, the fall, and the date of the fall box collection has been set for Oct. 4. Lodge received awards tor memRepresentatives from all the local bership and tor conservation of .organizations will participate in their members. The year was concluded with the drive, and upon tho generosity of the people will rest the success the installation of the new officers by Harold Zelinsky, followed of this tremendous program. In the words of David Ben by a report by Dr. A. A. GreenGurion: "We are under no obliga- berg of the National Convention. tion to accept the heritage of desolation from the past, for It Is Supper Club Leaders within our power to afforest the wastes, to fertilize the Band dunes, Mr. and Mrs. Barton "Bucky" to dig wells, to exploit hidden re- Greenberg u s , this year's leaders sources, to build and to revive the of the Beth El Supper Club. very earth. This is the true conquest of the land; and this is tho great mission of the Jewish National Fund."

The Jewish National Fum Council of Omaha is the ovci-.ji body through which all Jcv/i:: National Fund monies collects by the participating Ziunist or gaulzations are cleared. Althou;; the different Zionist organization have their own projects whicl they sponsor and support in I rael, the work and scope of th Jewish National Fund is retof; nized to be of such Importance Marvin E. Treller Ncwly-elcctcd of/icers for Ihc that for this project all effort rircadbieokerB aie: President, Da- Dcrcovici, Harry Duboff, Joe arc combined to produce Die max vid Richards; vice-president, Iz Hornstein, Moses Kagan, Earl Sic- imum results. Tho::e organization ncrcovlcl, and secretary, Lewis gel and Hy Shrler—presented the participating in Omaha ore: Asbyll. -Initiation. Mizrachi Women; Mizrachi Men Dr. Abe Grecnberg received a Past President Harry Colick in- Pioneer Women; Kadimah Ploneej National Membership award. augurated a Junior Bowling Women; four groups of Senlo During (ho past year, programs League. II a d u B s a h — Clinim Weizmann covering brotherhood, AmericanHenrietta Szold, Theodor Herzl Arthur Green and Sol Yaffc ism, community service, memberBusiness mid Professional Worn served as Press, and Publicity ship, A. D. L. and entertainment en; Jewish National Workers Al chairmen for 13'nai B'rith activiwere presented. Marvin Treller liance; Poale ZIon; Junior Ha ties. wa« program chairman. The Executive Board for the dassah; Young Judaea, and ZionOur membership campaign was year ID53-1054, In addition to the ist Organization of Americn. successfully completed under the officers listed above, arc: The scope of the Jewish Nachairmanship r>f David Greenberg, Special KvcntB—Moses Kagan, tional Fund has vastly increased who was city-wide chairman. chairman; Lou Canar, Yale Gins- since the establishment of the Chairman Greenberg and Moses burg, Myron Tarnoff and Nathan State of Israel. In line with this Kagan will receive National Mem- Turner. Antl-Dcfamation League increase of responsibilities as well bership awards. —Harold Slosburg, Horace Hosen- as opportunities, the Jewish NaHenry Monsky Lodge has a rec- blum a n d Arthur Goldstein. tional Fund Is now carrying forord of Gold Menorah members, Americanism and Civic Affairs— ward a substantial number of snd credit for this goes to Harry Myron Milder and Mlllard Rosen- much-needed enterprises, among Welnbcrg, who served as Con- berg, Ald-to-lhe-People-of-Israel them the Huleh drainage project servation chairman. In the north, the afforestation plan —Henry RIekes. Sam Pollack, secretary during Athletics—Moe Grossman and in the Negev, and the land acqui.the past year, with his co-chair- Eugene Braun. Adult Education sition program in the hill coujptry man. Otto Morjcnthau, took care —Stanley Hoss. Hlllel Founda- on the northern border. In addiof Lodfic welfare. tion—Sidney Hollls and Mervin tion, they are financing the plantMoses Kagan, our financial sec- Lcmrnerman. B. B, Youth Or- Ing of the Judean hills, on both retary, has ferved the Lodge for ganization—Sidney Hollis, Harry sides of the Jerusalem Corridor, many years In this capacity and Collck and Dr. Norman Bailey. of the Forest of the Martyrs, has kept us within our budget. Budget and Fiscal—Morris Sha- which, when completed, will be B'nal B'rirti Nebraska Supervising these financial mat- piro, Alfred Frank and Lewis an eternal memorial to the six ters was Lewis Asbyll, treasurer, Asbyll. Conservation—Sam Pol- million Jews who perished In the Lodge No. 1445 The Ai>Ki*lcanlsin and Civic Af- Ink and Nate Cooper. Henry Hitler holocaust. OFFICERS: fairs committee was headed by Monsky Foundation — Dr. Abe Agricultural settlement on JNF President, David B. Blelcher. Alfred Fiedler and Lou Canar Grecnberg, Indoctrination — Ed- land has been the cornerstone In First Vlce-Prealdent, Ezra BeldThrough the efforts of this com- ward A. Rosen and Hy Shrier, the building of the Jewish State ner. miltce, Henry Monsky Lodge won Lodge Program — David Green- Now these settlements guard IsSecond Vice-Presldent, Oscar tlio Southv/er.l Regional Ameri- berg, Sol Dolgoff, Jerome Kalz, rael's long-winding frontiers and Diamond. Cinimii trophy. Morris E. Jacobs Arthur Green, Gene Rich and Sol are the focus of the country's Financial secretary, Phil Kutter. wus presented the D'nal B'rith Ynffe. * ever-expanding agriculture. About Recording secretary, M a r v i n Americanism citation. T h r o u g h Vk million dunam3 of JNF land Lodge Welfare—Otto Morgcnthis committee's efforts, the Lodge thau and Max Glvot. Member- arc cultivated ns farm land In Is- Kaplan. Treasurer, Al Hoffman. participated In putting up the ship—Harry Wclnberg and Charles rael today. The need for low cost Trustees, Max Ontman, Sol posters throughout the entire city Lleb, Press and Publicity—Ar- housing In Israel Is still parafor "Mother's March Tonight" and thur Green end Eugene Rich, mount. By allocating land for rlartln and Harold Sleecl. Chaplain, Abe Bear, also for the Cancer Drive. Veterans Affairs —Harry Smith popular housing projects In towns Guardian, Al Orach. The Dreadbrcakcrs of Henry and Barney Hobcrman. Vocation- and villages at minimum rates, The Nebraska Lodge of B'nal \ Monsky Lodge have participated al Service — M a r v i n Taxman. tho JNF goes far towards help[actively In every Lodge project. Women's Chapter Cooperation— ing to solve this problem. The J'rlth had a very successful year JNF Is an active partner In the inder the guidance of its presl?They sponsored New Year's and Carl Lagman. I Valentino Day parties. The men Also all p a s t presidents are National Water Planning Com- lent, Abe Bear. mission and the Mekorot Water Nate Marcupr-as chairman of the ;who headed this group during the executive board members. Company, which Ji in charge of reterans committee, conducted j past year were: Ruben LJppett, the diversion of waters of the leveral parties at the Veterans I president, and Lou Asbyll, trcasBeth Israel Men's Club Yarkon river which will make iospltal, end the Lodge received furer. . ' • '. . : possible the irrigation of all culletter of commendation from the Seymour Kaplan, the A. D. L. OFFICERS: tivable reaches of area in the 'eterahs Administration. E director of the Plains States Re- President, Dave Broun, Negev. The Blood Donor drive, under Eglon, was assisted by Past PresVIce-Preildent, Moe KMan. The State is preoccupied with ie direction' of Max Marcus, ident Arthur Goldstein and Harold Second VIce-Preildent, I. f. fSlosburg. Henry Monslcy Lodge Instituted Kraft. Recording- secretary, S t a n l e y I another project last year. Through Ithe efforts of Sidney Hollls, Hillcl Diamond. (chairman, an effort Is being made Corresponding secretary Lou I fto obtain a Hillcl director for the Klein. Ihundrcds of Jewish students atTreasurer, Max Greenfield. l tending Omaha universities. The Men's Club of the Beth Earl Slcgal, our Blood Bank chairman, broke three records at Israel Synagogue enjoyed a suc- Omaha'* Oldest- Pontiae Dealer \ the blood bank this past year on cessful year. It continued Its acDistributor of Chris Craft Motor Beats the three days that B'nal B'rith tivities In full and gave of its took over. time, money and effort in helping SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OF CARS The Lodge cooperated with the other lodges in the city in sup- the Synagogue maintain and conVisit Our Ultra Modern Used Car Lor tinue all its programs. plying entertainment and gifts at New Location, 20th and Leavonworth Veterans Hospital. Among the highlights of the The Lodge offered its services year were the annual Chanukah in aiding displaced persons to find Dance, the Dance of the Month seemployment and obtaining voca- ries, the assistance given at the , tional guidance literature for annual Synagogue picnic and at 21 i t and Lcavtnworth Phone WE 2400 schools and libraries. Vocational the Talmud Torah picnic, tho ushService chairman was Ernie Nogg. ering done at the High Holiday OMAHA, NEBRASKA The Lodge's publication, "Brev- cervices and at the regular servities,!' was enlarged and eight edi- ices, and the annual citation dintions were issued. Editing this ner honoring the graduates of the paper was Gene Rich. Talmud Torah. Serving as United States DeThe Men's Club sponsored Boy fense Bond chairman was Sol Scout Troop 22 and provided the YaMe. young scouts with varied activity. Trustee Ralph Noge was re- Tho stage curtain was presented cently elected president of the to the Synagogue, and the Talmud Creates Omaha B'nal B'rith Coun- Torah Building Fund was helped. •-•II. He alto headed the Aid-to-theMany of the club's monthly Peop!c-of-Israel committee. meetings were dinner meeting? Tho Indoctrination committee, at which programs were presentheaded by Karl Slcgcl and Hy ed. Members of the Men's Club Shrier, sent pamphlets to tho new actively participated in all Synamembers. The Degree Team—Iz gogue activities.


OFFICERS: President, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofslty. Vice-Prcsident, Joe Radinow6ki. Secretary, Betty Ann Poska. Treasurer, Joe Guss. The Omaha Zionist Council, formerly the Zionist Emergency Council, is an Integral part of the American Zionist Council and, was reactivated last fall, after a year or more of inactivity. The officers the pact year were: President, Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofeky; vicepresident, Joe Itadlnowrid; secretary, Philip Gorodetzer, and treasurer, Mrs. Charles GUGS. ii The purpose of the Council is to serve as a central body for all Mrs. J. Harry KulakofsUy Zionist groups In the community and to help develop a climate of ister irom Israel to the United public opinion favorable to Israel States. Dr. Goiteln was the fiuest and its political and economic as- speaker at a Public Affairs lunchpirations. The Zionist groups rep- eon of the Omaha Chamber of resented in the Omaha Council Commerce and spoke in the afterare Farband, Hadassah, Junior noon and evening at Omaha UniHadassah, Kadimah Pioneers, Miz- versity. rachi Men, Mizrachi Women, PioThe Council participated in the neer Women, Poale Zlon and Zioncelebration of the fifth anniverist Organization of America. In sary of the State of Israel by araddition there are a number of ranging for radio and television members appointed at large. Meetbroadcasts from practically every ings are held on the second Wedstation in Omaha. The Council nesday evening of each month cooperated with the Omaha Israel from September to June. Bond Committee at various times The Council has maintained n during the year. close contact with the Nebraska The closing project for the year senators and representatives, send- was the sponsoring of the Israel ing letters and telegrams to them Exhibit in the World Trade Fair whenever matters of important held in June at Omaha Univerconsequence to Israel and to the sity under the auspices of the JunJewish people in general were ior Chamber of Commerce. This being debated in Congress. The was an outstanding example not Council was especially active when the Foreign Aid Bill was up for decision. The interpretation of Israel to America Is the Council's greatest responsibility. To serve this objective, the Council sponsored last fall the appearance in Omaha of Dr. David Goiteln, Mln-



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Every member of our organization joins in expressing the wish for a



bright with happiness and joy for you.









Attend These Thaatrat Regularly Where You Can Relax Jn Comfort Always Hit Best In Stags and SerMn inttrtalnmeit

took unto the heavens, and see; and behold the clouds which are. higher than thou.—Job 35:5. ' ' ' '

Happy New Year. May it be a year


Wisdom strengthened the wis'e more than ten mighty men which' are in the city.—Eccl. 7:19.

Phont JAckson 6775



The God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore we his serv-^ ants will arise and build.-rr-Neh. 2:20. ,..,•.

Best Wishes for a



MEAT INDUSTRY ' ': New York (JTA)—The -American-Israeli Cattle Corporation,-a. new 52,000,000 firm, has been formed by a California syndicate to expand Israel's cattle-raising and meat-packing industries, • the Jewish Agency announced-here,, The new firm plans to establish, one or more Israel corporations to , engage in cattle-breeding, meatpacking, and related enterprises: •• It will also supply a revolving . fund to finance the Israel corpora- , tion's h a r d currency purchases. ' The corporation Is expected to aid in the consolidation of Israel's economy by reducing tho volume.• of meat Imports. ' - ,

Ventilating — Air Conditioning



only of Zionist public relations but of the potential for economic aid to Israel by such a community' as Omaha. Many of the stores are now carrying or will carry In the near future one or more of the articles of merchandise displayed during the Fair. In this way the. export trade of Israel, and therefore the ecenomy of the country will be developed. Much more remains to be accomplished by the Council..It is the plan of its members to bring more members at large within the framework of its activities .in the coming months so that it can bet-, ter serve the purpose^ for which the Council exists.

Omaha Zionist Council








your meals get a Uff. When you serve new Peter Panl


AT 7773

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HA 8905


The Year In Israel's Immigration

Ntgtv Horfamts

Foundation for New Year of Progress

By Zrl Hw Ebaa Further to tbe south of Israel's Negev, geologists report th» presence of some 200,000 tons of copBr Alepb Hunan j in any European or America per. Two underground mines and fJTA Correspondent In Iarul) I country. one surface mine are already in operation and although, again, Problem* at employment also T«J Aviv (JTA)—The brael production methods are comparaloam* large, and there ii the usual public b«* been swatened aid. tively primitive, and the or*- itlenly from it* dreams of reach- difficulty of tbe newcomer la i_* self has a great deal of impurities, the annual "crop" is expected to teg a population of 4,000,000 be- country; though Israel welcomes reach 3,000 ton.';. Iron ore in conton the end of the decade, by all Jewx, the institution of seniorsiderable quantity, but of impure tilt newi that for the first six ity is also very strong, and it is quality, is available as is ninngamonths of this year there were not so^easy tor the newcomer tc ne.'-e, both of which require largercale expenditure;, both to bring BSOf# emigrants immigrants. adjust to his changed status. Backward Countries out of the ground and to process. tB« Immigration Council, a. public The mass' immigration from body representing the Jewish Transport Growing ~ kgency, Zionist organizations, and backward countries, which ha i At the same time, to t-pc-ed debrought in large numbers of chil j vnlopment projects, transport fa(OTtrnment departments, met in Icililies are growing rapidly. An TuJy to consider the problem, but dren, old people, sick, rnenta ! important railroad connecting the !ail«d to reach any elear-cut con- cases, and social cases, consists ifouth with the polls of Tel Aviv mainly of petty tradesmen who j and Haifa in now in the early ililslons which they could press stages of construction. Mator and in the Jewish Agency and the show no marked inclination to gc auxiliary roads are Hearing comGovernment. This year's figures, into agriculture, and who swei; pletion. Potn.'h production, which hnd been suspended following the tn fact, seem to set the teal once the ranks of the unskilled workWar of Liberation, has begun ind for all on the ending of the ers for '-'horn work has to be ngain following the completion of made at a time when there is period of mass immigration, and the road to S'dom on the Dead •mphasizes the need for a new already heavy unemployment. All Sea, this takes money and increases the itocktaklng. Water Protilrm taxation which weighs on the midAn abundant Eupply of water, Fall Sharply dle classes and professional peoneeded not only for mining and Immigration had already begun ple. In this way moss immigration industrial purposes, but to ease to f»U off Eharply lost year, when is a contributory cause to emiliving conditions, is one of the chief problems. Newly constructIt totaled come 23,000, just twice gration. ed pipelines are bringing fre;.h u much as the estimated 11 or water from wells in the north and Besides shortages here, there 12 thousand emigrants. For the transforming the derolate arra Into Kiriath Bialistock Resettlement a habitable and productive region. first six months of 1053 immigra- are controls, and many sections of the business world have usualThe irrigation network, built by tion is down to 5,300, while emiHere Is the /uturi- of Kiriath Bi.illstock M the Xew year 5714 approaches. The wttlemcnt In the the Jewish Agency, is n vital link ly been extremely critical of govgration is estimated at 8,700. llrf" mils li named In honor of the famed Polish city. Tbcse healthy youngster*, most of them born 'n the productive chain. Tlio pouring of a mnv rfjiiPiit (<nin<lafl<iM for a lioinc In one of while their parents were fleeing from tyranny have known only transient life and living from hand to If one looks nt quality instead ernment policies, so that somr mouth tin* niflny lu-vv HrtflrmrntM bcinj; huill In Ihnirl tltroitf^li tlie United In temporary housing. Their finnl resettlrmcnt In Klar Btsllntock waa made possible liy AmeriNtgev Important of quantity the situation is far have felt that they would be better can Jewry's contributions to the United Jewish Appeal. IftruH Appeal, a eoiiatlttirnl n^'-my of IMA, rrprrNf-ntn thn solidity So important to the economy of upon uhlrh Israel builds Us rim life un it *-inliarKs on fhe New more serious. Three-quarters of off elsewhere. Whether representhe country is the exploitation of Year, tation of the German Zionists (the r>714. the Negev that all of the projects those leaving immigrated after the land and some machinery from the businessman's party) inside the Ous Israel Newsletter —fanning, mining, the establishfounding of the state, but a quargovernment, and they ore being ment of settlements, irrigation— ter are: veterans. Whereas most Government will alter this to any taught modern methods ana to arc the product of Joint efforts and great extent remains to be seen immigrants have been brought II, resources channeled from many Suggestions made at the ImmiTel Aviv (JTA)—Although Is- ious part* of Israel will be pub- improve their water supply. They diverse sources. Working together here at public expense, and large continue to work hard, consume rael's agriculture, particularly in lished. The network of experimento create an area rich in food and numbers of them come from back- gration Council for altering the the Negev, was hard hit by tal stations i* expanding rapidly, little and save a lot. minerals which will move Israel ward countries, and include wom- situation include the relaxation of drought d r h t and d other th factors f t this i and its coordinating centre at necloser to sel-sufflclency are: the The Army channels manpower en, children, aged, sick and illier- "selectivity" rules for immigrants, year, the national food and feed- hovoth is to more to more' spa- into agriculture by growing Its own Israel government, private InvesWithtt You the introduction of special faciliproducing industry of the nation cious grounds. tors from all over the world, for»te; those leaving arc mostly peovegetables; detailing some draftees ties for immigrants from Englishis definitely on Its way to meeting eign experts, immigrants from'the to special units which assist fronple in the "prociuclive" aj;e groups, the needs of the state. In all ways A new soil conservation departsettlements; manning experi- Arabian Peninsula and North Afprofessional people or others who speaking countries, and the ban- improvements are being made and ment hopes to study all soil suit- tier ning of emigration. for intensive cultivation in mental stations in the southern rica, as* well as from Europe, and shortages of minerals and other able are confident that they can gel Negev, on a voluntary basis, Dy 'he financial aid of American ten years; It already received more '•Selectivity" was introduced last materials are being mei; even request! tor advice than its present relays of Its teen-age battalions; 'ews provided through the Unitr into the countries of their destinashortages seem less intense. and through the latter sending ed Israel Appeal, chief beneficiary tion, often Canada or the United year, when the numbers of sick, labor To ensure proper handling and personnel could handle In nve from immigrant villages of the nationwide United Jewish States. Most possess skills the aged and unproductive people maximum utilization, mechanical decades. It is gradually introduc- children ing contour plowing, restoring an- to the growing number of agricul- Appeal campaign. country can ill afford to lose, pouring into the country began to equipment gradually passing from cient As Israel completes its fifth tural boardin schools. The first terraces, and putting an end whereas mo:.t new immigrants arc pall even on the stalwarts, espe- Jewish Agency ownership into to excessive use Ot sparsely settled Arab students were this year ac- ear, Ihe words of the Bible are that of smallholders is progressiridging the centuries to be transcepted at a Hebrew-lanuage school cially since Israel's economic diffi• • ••" ' unskilled. ively concentrated at regional sta- l a n d . as none exists as yet tor the Arabs. lated Into the living reality of toculties are forcing it to cut its tions Villages (mainly Kibbuziro) owned by the villages. The lay for, as it is written in DeuteMeasure of Agreement All sorts of courses are also conwelfare and education budgets. As shortage of Insecticides, mmeral which rented Arab-abandoned "This is a land where . The immigration Council, and a result, medical examinations feed mixture! and chemical fer- land, get new development loans ducted for adult, some of them at- ronomy, (tones are iron and out of whose public opinion generally, show a were introduced in the country of tilizer is becoming a thing of the only to replace fodder gains by a tended by foreigners under United lilla thou mayest dig brass. four-year rotation of vegetables, Nations auspices. Some. Israeli greater measure of agreement over emigration, and immigrating fam- past with the gradual completion sugar "OMAHA'S WASHWOMAN" beets and legumes, requir- specialists already Instruct fishof chemical plants at Haifa and the causes of the present loss of ilies were expected to contain a Beershebe, based on Negev and ing IS times as much labor nut breeders and foresters abroad. The Lou Holtz was teaching his girl manpower than over its cure. First bread-winner, under 35 years of Dead Sea chemicals. With the less elaborate Irrigation arrange- contribution of UN and American lend to drive, when the brakes to all fields of Israeli ag- uddenly failed on a steep downcome material difficulties, espe- age. However, the regulations were completion of the new Sodom ments than were popular hitherto. experts salt is a^ain being quarried. While some agricultural land has ricultural development is very ex- ill grade. "I can't stop," she cially housing, since there is no interrupted very liberally, to say road, been requisitioned from Arabs for tensive owing to the fact that we j shrilled. To alleviate the desperate lack of housing available for rent, unless the least, so that a considerable manure, some cities are implemen- lo-'er settlement, ancient Jewish are the only agriculturally under- j .,, "What'll I do?" "Brace . ' advised Holtz, "and try the newcomer can pay key-money proportion of new immigrants are ting projects for putting their KJI- :olonies part with their surplus developed country in the world!5 i'o hit something cheap." of several thousand Israel pounds, still hospital cases, social cases, bage and sewage at the disposal amis only for water and power In- able to state its needs clearly. Laws are being preunless he can buy a flat out- aged or sick, though less so than of surroundin farmland, and Hu- stallations. pared to forbid the diversion of leh peat may coon be added. :;pil to othi r rind * jf5r!irlght. Living standards in Israel before. Pumps arc being installed to urablc the eviction-from public are low, and the professional ' l l t h and Douglas—JA 0243 Selectivity carry to the Negev Tel Aviv's s w - ; jermit W.'Jt • aid of fttth-rs whu do not take worker or high government offi- Opponents of any relaxation of age and water from her Yarkon their task seriously. cial finds that he earns little, if selectivity point out that its re- river. Experimental diKes «io 41st and Leavenworth 71st and Dodge Kij.iiif: unrmployemnt in the anything more than his doorman laxation might help make immi- being built to store both regional cities greatly reduced the tendency floods and the Jordrin headwaters or chauffeur (who is, of course, gration statistics look larger, but for transfer to the south. Consider- of immigrant settler:; to desert or TO OUR MANY FRIENDS a "government, not private, em- they would only make the coun- able quantities of good water ot nojik-ct outlying locations. It is hoped that m.'iny of the hired \ FROM ployee). Though the food situa- try's difficulties greater. "Look low depth reward the efforts of h.inds on various femi-public estion has improved a good deal, after those who are already in the drillers at the country's :'outnern tates administering abandoned lands tip. The main object of ralnmaKSaul, Roselle and Jeffrey Libowslci and clothing is plentiful for those country better, especially skilled ing experiments i;: to lengthen the will become permanent settlers. who have money, problems of ser- immigrants from the Western too short and violently rainy rea- Immigrant families whose head if under 35 years of age can now rent vants, schooling, and replacement countries," runs their argument, son. A dew measuring method ev- publicly financed housing only in ot furniture, to mention only a "and when the country's absorb- olved by an Israeli to being arc- agricultural areas, while townsopted all over the world. Overly few, are more difficult here than tativo capacity rises in this way, salt water is diluted with ?:w<.et men net full severance pay on TELEVISION & RADIO SERVICE resigning from Jobs in public inimmigrants will be forthcoming." on an area basis. Springs and an- stitutions 1705 Cumin St. in order to settle ofi the JA 6855 cfent cisterns are being recondiI spoke in the beginning about tioned. Several brand Middleclass settlers from pipe bnri. abroad get easy loans and good a new stocktaking. Israelis look factories are already ncw producing soil, and tome foreign Jews wisharound them; Russia and Eastern water pipe. ing to introduce new strains have Europe is beyond scope of their The JNF is continuing to remove I been granted lenses on relatively tones from nood farmland, warn j large tracts. Farbcmd Labor Zionist policy, at present, and they can away salt, and drain the j In spite of some disabilities unonly hope or pray that eomeday Hulch excess marches. Order Branch ^4 der which they start, Arab farmers the reservoir of Russian Jewry In a few months a detailed r- j, are growing ,,... to ...... rich *.. in Israel, Many will again be allowed to serve IsPoateZio» • ot • trwe •• vey of the crop suitability of var| who need• t i rent rael's needs. If the poor and de. . . to our fellow American! of the Hebrew faith. pressed Jews of the backward BadinowsU. countries are no longer to provide From your ancient religion sprang our code of morali k vrdlnjr xxiA Sam Klf- 'underpriviliged" immigrants, Island our conception of the rights of man. As the source rael will have to look, once again, Poale . > YWtieUry, Harry IUf- to Zionist movements abroad to of the basic ethical philosophy upon which it has grown We join you in extending Best Wishes Un. send young and skilled people, not great, our country owes you eternal thanks. for the New Year Financial secretary, Benjamin only from English-speaking counKlairaan. tries and Latin America, but also Hesplioller, Jacob Feldman. from the middle-classes of North o National Fund chairman, Sam Africa and Egypt, most of whom Harry Trustln 14 Pearl St. Phone 2-2577 Ed Carlson look to France rather than to "Treasurer, Louis Friedman. Israel. Council Bluffs, Iowa V Executive Board: Abe Cohen, I. Just recently, in fact, the JewForbes, Herman Mlrowfti, Mmes. ish Agency met in plenary ses2319 N, 18th ST. Men's Clothing Our Omaha Phone Is HArney 7868 Marion Bondarln, Rose Cohen and sion to discuss reorganization of Tins; Feldman. 1409 FARNAM the Zionist movement to meet John N. Eddy T. "Joe" Smith Although many members of the present - day needs, Including group moved from Omaha, our "quality" immigration. But this is branch increased in membership. quite an involved subject in itself, Among its many activities, the which we will have to leave till organization participated in the another time. Israel Bond campaign, in the collection of outstanding pledges for I applied mine heart to know, Bonds and the Jewish National and to search, and to eeek out fund collections. Our organization wisdom, and the reason for thingf;. also took an active part in the —EccL 7:25. tnnual Philanthropies Drive. The Branch meets monthly at Ruth Roman: "Some people nevthe Jewish Community Center for er get homesick because they never stay there long enough/' business, social and literary meetIn Their ing*. Patronize Our Advertisers.



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