September 25, 1953

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$50,000 Cash Goal Set Here For UJA New Purge of Officials Reported in Red Satellites iJcw T o * (JTA)—The Com' mtinlsts in East Germany have secretly renewed their antl-Scmltlc campaign, purging s the last handful ol government official! of Jewish origin, dissolving the operations of Jewish community organizations and Jailing hundred* of others, the American Jewish Committee charged. The AJC report declares that the Jewish population - of East Germany has dwindled to a few hundred from a high of about B,000 as most of the Jewish leaders have been purged, have fled or have been sent to Soviet slave labor camps. •The Jewish communities have been broken up to a point where they have ceased functioning," the report asserts. "Vicious public diatribes against 'Zionism' and ^cpsmopolitanlsm': are the order of the day. AH Jews and half-Jews are registered In special police rosters, barred from most jobs and many ot them already have been sent to Soviet slave labor campj."

Zzech courts, it was reported here from Prague. Other reports from the Czechoslovak capital stated that some 00 Jewish leadem who have been In jail for years are how concentrated In one prison InBratlsIava, evidently in advance ot a trial. A new outbreak of antt-ScmItlsm has been reported from Rumania. The latest campaign is apparently going on in secrecy, probably In fear of western public opinion. Refugees from Rumania and other travellers from Bucharest say that five Zionist leaders were recently sentenced to prison terms of ten to 16 years, and that another trial Involving Rumanian representatives of the World Jewish CongretF Is In preparation.

Ceramics Shop Renovated at JCC

Madrid (JTA)—For the first time since 1402, when the Jews were forced to flee Spain because of tho Inquisition, the Chief of State hat received the head of the Jewish Community In Spain, it was revealed here by Daniel Francols Baroukh president of the Jewish community of Madrid. Mr. Barokh, in a statement Issued to tho Jewish TclcRraphlc Agency, thanked the Jewish communities of the United States, Holland and other countries for helping the Spanish community celebrate its first public Rosh Ilanhonali services this year for the first time in 450 years. The Spanish letfder singled out for particular praise Hubbi Jcshurun Cardozo of New York who came to Madrid to conduct the services, which were attended by representatives of the Spanish Government, tho United States Embassy in Madrid, and the U. S. Sixth Fleet. Jews from Israel, United States, Britain and France also attended the historic services as did representatives of Jcw.i living in the ton othor major cities of Rnnin and Gibraltar,

Washington (JTA)—The State Department announced that the Government of Austria has acted to extend to victims of persecution who were formerly nationals of Austria and who arc now citizens of the United States certain benefits previously granted only to Austrian nationals, The benefits involved arc those provided by the "Victims Welfare Law" and those under the Civil Servants Indemnity Law. Expiration date for filing claims for these benefits was announced as August 20, 1954. Under the Victims Welfare Law, as amended, persons who possessed Austrian nationality on March 13, 1938; suffered imprisonment in Austria at any time between March 8, 1933, and May 9, 1943, because ot persecution, and have a present Income pt less than 100,000 schillings per year (approximately $4,845) are entitled to receive compensation.: This compensation generally consists of a payment,' presently amounting to 431.S: schillings, tor each month spent in confinement. Claimants: are also entitled to receive compensation for certain court costs and administrative fees which were Imposed In connection with such imprisonment but compensation for attorney's fees, fines or confiscated property Is not within-the scope of this law••••;'..

Churches1 Council Condernns Report on Wise and Magnes New York (WNS)—The general board of the" National Council of the Churches ot Christ In the U.S.A., representing American Protestantism, this week adopted a resolution that said It was shocked at the action" of the Committee on Un-American Activities of the House of Representatives in making public last week charges that the late Rabbis Stephen S. Wise and Judah L. Magnca had been among clergymen who followed the Communist Party line. Tho resolution declared that 'in releasing accusations against two very distinguished Jewish rabbis, Rabbis Stephen S. Wise an* Judah L. Magnc.i, now dead and unalc even to comment, much less defend themselves," the House Committee had shown an utter disregard of the American tradition of fair play." Tho resolution, adopted by 125 members of the General Board ot the Council which met at the Marble Collegiate Church, was drafted by the Right Rev. Henry

As Economic Crisis Grips State of Israel

Dr. Yoacov Bentor, Hebrew University mineralogist, examines copper ore specimens near a copper mining shaft In the Netev. Hebrew University faculty members and graduates direct much of Inset's program for the development of the Jewish Slate M ' » prosperous and secure nation.

Five Million in Austrian Law Israel Bonds Will Benefit For Jerusalem Ex-Nationals New York (JTA)—A special

Vienna (JTA)—Nine prominent Jewish leaders have been sentenced to long prison terms by allocation of $3,000,000 in State of Israel Bond proceeds to be used for the economic development of Jerusalem as a new industrial center In the Middle East was nnnounccd here today as plans were formulated for a cityWith the moving of the Ceram- wide celebration of Jerusalem's ics workshop to the street level 3,000th anniversary. The celebrafrom the third floor, and the tion, -which Is being sponsorocd p r o j e c t e d installation of new In cooperation with the Greater equipment, ceramic* activities at New York Committee for State the Center arc expected to be- of Israel Bonds, will be held on come a major activity, Mrs. Leo Tuesday, October 20th, at MadiWaxcnberg, Ceramics Workshop son Square Garden. Chairman of the Jewish CommuAmbassador nity Center, announced this week. James G. McDonald, f i r s t The new ceramics workshop has United States Ambassador to Isbeen completely redecorated, and rael and chairman' of the Ad. facilities will include a long work visory Council of the Israel Bond b e n c h , drying shelves, special Organization, reported the speroom for the kiln, and some ad- cial allocation at a conference of ditional equipment. . • •.-,;.' more than 300 Jewish communal ' A comprehensive library on ce- and religious leaders at the Hotel ramicshas• been assembled' and Astor. The conference adopted > will be available to the members resolution urging the "purchase of the ceramics classes. This ac- and sale of State of Israel Bonds" tivity will be opento adults, youth as a means of "lending substance and children under competent In- to our deep faith in the future of the City of Jerusalem and the struction. Mrs. Waxenberg said. State ot Israel." : : • Those Interested In. ceramics are 1 • The $5,000,000 allocation for urged to contact the Activities of- Jerusalem In the Israel Governfice of the Center, since classes ment's budget for 1933-34.'was will be limited to enrollment to described by Mr. McDonald as permit satisfactory teaching and "the most Important stop yet progress. taken in the program to further Jerusalem's development as a new Industrial center in the Middle East."

First Recognition In Spain Since 1492

Development Program

Knox Shcrrill, Presiding Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church and Chairman of the Council's Committee on the Maintenance of American Freedom. The testimony ot Benjamin GltIow, cx-Communist, to the effect that the Rev. John Haynes Holmes and the late Rabbis Stephen S. Wise and Judah L. Magnes were followers of tho Communist Party line was challenged this week by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rlth as "simple hearsay." Henry E. Schultz, national chairman of ADL, pointed out that publication ol tho Gitlow testimony by the House Committee on Un-American Activities was a "reckless attack upon the memory of two great religious leaders revered by most Jews and many Americans. The result, too. is n besmirching of tho reputation of one of the most honored representatives of the Protestant clergy, Dr. John H. Holmes. We believe that such action can serve only to undermine the great freedoms upon which our democratic system Is based."

Major UN Post Goes to Israel United Nations, N. Y. (WNS)— For the first time since it was admitted to the United Nations, Israel this week won her first major post in the U. N. when the head of Its delegation, Ambassador Abba S. Eban, was chosen as one ol the seven vice-presidents of the General Assembly. As a result of his election to this office Ambassador Eban wil sit on the fifteen-member General or Steering Committee of the ABicmbly which fixes the agenda and determines We assignment of agendr items, to the seven committees of the Assembly. • Thirty-seven countries voted for Israel, seven more than those casting ballots for Pakistan,,which was defeated. Israeli delegation members were elated at the election because It Is their country's first Assembly office and because it marked a victory over the Asian-African group which supported Pakistan.. Although the balloting was secret. It was reported that Israel had the support of the Latin-American group, the Scandinavians, some of the Western E u r o p e a n countries, Canada and the Union of South A f r i c a .



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Sharett Speaks on RerqtionsWithUS Jerusalem (WNS)—Differences of view are bound to arise between Israel and the United States but "with all our keen desire for relationship with the United States, wo cannot determine our attitude by the sole criterion of what meets the views ot the United States,"

Foreign Minister Mosho Sharett declared this week in a nationwide broadcast In which he warned that "apart from occasional differences ot opinion on general international issues, such as can occur between any two governments, we must always face the possibility of complications In our relations with the United States of a particular kind as long as the problem of our relations with the countries around us has not been definitely solved." In the event the State Department proceeds to "lay down definite conditions for n peace settlement, new complications may arise, n o t merely between tho United States and ourselves," the Foreign Minister declared, adding that It was "premature to forecast what turn things will take "but that" what we arc witnessing for the time being are only initial groplngs which need not culminate in definite, conclusions."

Tho sum of $50,000 in cash must be raised by Omaha Jewry by Oct. 10, as a part of the n a t i o n a l $25,000,000 cash drive of United Jewish Appeal to meet the economic and financial crisis which has gripped Israel in the last three months, J: Harry Kulakofsky, Jewish F e d e r a t i o n president an* nounced this week. This action was taken by the Jewish Federation Board at a special meeting held Sept. 22, following a presentation of the Israel emergency by Mr. Kulakofsky. Mar Borrow Money The Federation Board approved plans for speeding up collections on current and past, pledges to the Philanthropies, and announced a special collection effort between now and Oct. 10, under the leadership of David Feder, Pledge Redemption Chairman, Mr. Kulakofsky stated. "We hope and pray," he said, "that our community will respond immediately by remitting payments on pledges. Otherwise, it will be necessary to borrow money from the banks, to which: the Philanthorples still owes $05,000. If we can raise the required sum by payments on pledges, we will save substantial interest payments, and Israel will benefit all the more," The Federation Board approved the b 6 r r o w I n g of funds from banks .should it be necessary to raise tho $50,000 oaih .«aal,_Kur „ lakofsky explained. He emphasized that immediate c o n v e r s i o n of pledget into cash will spell untold benefits to Israel. Situation Desperate In his report, Mr. Kulakofsky indicated that at this moment Israel Is engaged in a fundamental and far-reaching battle for economic survival. The country has made great progress In the revision of its price structure, in its tight against- Inflation and In Its drive for agricultural self-sufficiency, Yet as Israel .fights to achieve a stable economy, the country struggles under the vast burden of short-term loans, accumulated in the period when each month saw tens of thousands of immigrants entering the country without resources and requiring great funds for care, shelter, food, and absorption. . He referred to the serious.foreign exchange reserve situation, arising from the fact that "Israel cannot relax its defense precautions and watchfulness amid the present political turmoil In the .• n e a r

E a s t .

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Special billings are being mailed to subscribers In which the present crisis is brought to their attention. Mr. Kulakofsky urged that payments be mailed at once to the Philanthropies office.

On Radio and TV Sunday over WOW Radio, from 11:30 a. m. to noon, the Eternal Light will present "Thirty-Six," written by Joseph Mlndel, it was announced by The 'Jewish Theological Seminary, under whose auspices the program is conducted. The Eternal Light, a coastto-coast radio program, is presented as a public service by the National-Broadcasting Company. ' , "Thirty-Six" Is on Imaginative folk logend about the thirty-six hidden saints who arc supposed to exist In each generation. It is a story of a few simple men who, through their piety, virtue and good deeds, prove to be among the "lamodvovnlks" of their village and their time.


. September 25, ISM


r Pace Two

ADLibbing by Seymour II. Kaplan, Antl - . Defamation League Beglonal Director Benjamin G111 o w' s testimony that the Rev. John Haynes Holmes and the late Rabbis Stephen S. Wise and Judan L. Magnes were • Communist Party followers, was challenged by the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith as ''simply hearsay." In a letter to Sep. Harold H. Velde, the League said it was "distressed" that the House Committee on Un-American Activities would make public the secret testimony of the one-time secretary of the Communist Party because "nowhere in his testimony before the Committee does Mr. Gltlow Indicate that he had direct knowledge with respect to any of these religious leaders."

rabttshed E»«rc Friday by the Omaha Jewish f edenUm tunnl u mnnd-tlm mutir M Omuia. MWull, und» IMKlnl Mutti 1, namtl BuMcrlpUoo, M-00. AJraUiUi Haiti on APi*l<*U««. EOltoiui O(/le»—101 No. *0U> aunCoaulu. Nebr.. ATluUc KM. mm atop Ajarm iitH so. ism SUML ' -Editor HARRY HALPERT_. ...Society Editot MAXINK BESSEH.—


of Booths

Again the joyous eight-day festival of Suceotb. h with us, the festivul upon which we are bidden to eat in special, flimsily constructed temporary booths, as a reminder of our ancestors who had to Bet up these booths in the course of their wandering through the desert of Egypt on their way to the Promised Land. There is deep symbolism in this festival, of significance to modern as well an ancient man: While Rosli Hashonah and Yom Kippur remind us of the transitoriness of human life in genera], the booths of Snccoth bid as remember the tips and downs of Han's fortune during his lifetime here upon the earth. The wanderers in the desert who were unable to construct permanent homes had only recently b<->en living in solidly-built houses, though they were slaves. But they could look forward, if everything went well, to a future in Palestine where they would be free men and have decent housing an well. Hich and poor on Suceoth arc commanded to eat in the same humbly constructed booths as a reminder of their equality before God. The rich are asked to remember their humble origins and the turns of the wheel of fortune which.may drive them out of their mansions in the future. The poor are encouraged to hope for better things to pome. And on this holiday, too, though it is a joyful harvest festival, there enters the pessimistic note of the Book of Kobeleth, or Kcclesiastes, which is read in the synagogues. "All is vanity," we are reminded, and the same inevitable fate—death— By Milton Friedman overtakes both rich and poor. Therefore, let us be modest and Washington (JTA)—Ambassademocratic, free from pride and arrogance, during our lifetime. dor Loy Henderson, In recomThis is the beautiful lesson, the deep symbolism, of the Suceoth mendations from Iran to t h e holiday, which ends with Simhat Torah, rejoicing in the Torah, State Department that economic aid be rushed to the new antithe Constitution of Judaism.

Capital Spotlight

The letter was signed by AOL's National Chairman, Henry E. Schullz, of New York. "Many Americans will draw the inference that be (Mr. GIUow) spoke of personal knowledge," Mr. Schultx wrote Rep. Velde. He pointed out that Mr. GIUow quit the Communist Party In 1929 and therefore had no direct knowledge of any alleged Communist sympathies of the three religious leaders. "Thia was borne out by an examination, which we have made of the testimony" Mr. Bchultz said, adding: T h e result is a reckless attack upon the memory of two great leaders revered by most Jews and many other Americans. The result, too, is a besmirching of tb« reputation of one of the most honored representatives bf the Protestant clergy, Dr. John H. Holmes. We believe that such action can serve only to undermine the great freedoms upon which our democratic system is based.'

made by the House Foreign Affairs Committee when it reported out the MSA Bill. The Committee said "funds for economic assistance will be used to assist Israel to find homes and useful work Communist government of Pre- or its people and provide for ADL renewed "with urgency" a mier Zahedi, has pointed out that ; thlzcd with the Jewish cause were modest capital development for pica that the House Committee Our U. M. Newsletter confident that the state of Israel a, portion of Mutual Security the purpose of helping Israel to preserve "the American bulwarks had come to stay. But as the time funds voted by Congress for Is- move toward establishing a self- of human liberty by rejecting went by and there was no peace rael might serve American in- sustaining economy. The content hearsay evidence, conducting painsettlement, they were not so sure. terests better if diverted to Iran. if the program will be same as it laking investigation and fair and. Mr. Henderson was the archiInsecurity has been for the two prctibus impartial hearings and by allowWhat has exacerbated their un- tect of the anti-Israel plan to rears." Israel received $70,2003100 ing a person, the right to confront scrap partition in 1048. He supcertainty, their insecurity, accordand cross-examine his accusers." ing to these Middle East experts. ported the Arab League and col- In the fiscal year of 1053 and It also linked that secret testimony By ARTHUR LEWIS Is the Arab propaganda to the ef- laborated in efforts to keep favor- $03,500,000 in the fiscal year of not be made public until the Comable mention of Zionist aspira- 952. mittee has weighed carefully the United Nations (JTA)—If any- fect that, as a result of the Re- tions out of the Republican PlatGovernment officials are now "possible unfair impact upon the thing was required to emphasize publican victory In the American 'orm. elections, the United States has ;aying that neither Israel nor the reputations or memory of honorthe need for a peace settlement in Diverted Arabs should have expected any able Americans who can no longer Palestine, it is surely- this sorry changed sides and is now supportAn estimated $15,000,000 has definite sum. They characterized defend themselves." ing the Arab states. Naturally, affair of the banishment of a numilready been diverted to Iran ber Of Arab! belonging to the Abu the Arabs are afraid that they will from MSA allocations voted Israel the Near Eastern total as a "fluid Ghosh clan from their bonier vil- be Judged as collaborators if there For the fiscal year of 1854. Mat- urn" subject to distribution to Is any renewal of the war, any states in the Near East according lage in Israel to the interior of the ters are further complicated by to the latest developments involv- Israel Cargo country, and the anguish that it reversal of the present situation. anti-Israel potentialities latent, That is the probable explanation ing security against Communism. Clears Suez Canal has aroused. hi the make-up of the Zahedi According to a New York Times of the extraordinary action of the Government which has been ran, they now say, has loomed Tel Aviv (JTA)—For the first dispatch from Tel Aviv, veterans Abu Ghosh Arabs in harboring greeted with so much pleasure by as the trouble spot in most imme- time since .the Arab-Israel war Of certain J e w i s h formations Jordanian Infiltrators when at one. Mr. Henderson. Premier Zahedi diate need of: assistance. The cur- and Egypt's enforcement of a time they had fought for the Jews rent expressions about the"fluidwhich took part in the liberation was interned by the British durblockade against ships carrying struggle of 1948,' have formed a and suffered torture on their be- ing World War II because be ity" of the funds do not coincide cargo to and from Israel ports, a committee, "The Friends of Abu half. The only solution, in the plotted to aid a, German attempt with the expresions of Congress freighter has completed a schedGhosh Village," to combat the de- minds of delegates here, is a peace against the Persian oilfields and which voted the monies for spe- uled run from one port of I s portation order* which were Is- settlement In Palestine. Then, the worked closely with the Nad high cific and stated purposes. rael to another through the canal. Arabs would regain' their sense of command in the Caucasus. An sued by the Israeli Army. • ;.••••.•'•'••.•;'-. » e * M « e « ' . . - ' •:•::"-^ '•• The Greek freighter Parnon, security and would no longer be outstanding supporter of the new Villagers blackmailed info supporting their Premier, Moslem extremist* Aya- Administration authorities have which sailed from Haifa Sept. I have declined to comment on The dispatch quotes ex-soldiers fellow Arabs.across the border. tullah Kashani was the only, im- whether further sums may-go to- With a cargo of asphalt for Eilat of the Palmach, the striking force portant Iranian leader to demand Iran or elsewhere at the expense and motor cars assembled In Isof the Zionist organization In the rael for East African ports, disthat his country join the Arab days of the British mandate, as states in fighting Israel. Mr. of Israel. N o r • will they tell charged cargo at EUat and prowhether an equal division will be ceeded on to Mombasa. _ asserting that these .villagers bad Kashani has taken a leading role helped them to break the Arab The ship had been detained by in inciting violent anti-Jewish made of the sum which remains apparently for 41 vision between blockade, of Israel. - It says that the Egyptian authorities Sept. 2 passions among the Iranian peothe Arab states and Israel. f o r m e r , members of the Stern as It sought entrance to the Suez Boston (WNS)—A compromise ple. Secretary of Commerce Sin- Canal. A protest against the de-Group claim that these men or- ormula tor settling the problem of ganized the prison break of some Jerusalem according to wfijch President Eisenhower and Sec- clair Weeks and big business in- tcntlon was filed with too United «f their fellows from British de- neither Israel nor Jordan should retary of State Dulles arc pleased terests, meanwhile, openly in- Nations Security Council by the tention, and; that when two of be prevented from locating its cap- with the Zahedi coup because dicated opposition to the whole Israel Government on Sept. 8. them were caught they did not be. ital In its own area within Jeru- Gen. Zahedi is taking strong ac- concept of economic assistance to Officials of the chipping comitray the. group despite /the fact salem" while the United Nations tion against Iranian Communists foreign nations. A 17-member pany which chartered the vessel that ; they were tortured. Irgun would be allowed to protect the and dissident elements. No heed commission named by President said a second freighter would Zyal Leural veterans recall that interest! of the three religions in has been paid to warnings of fas- Eisenhower is surveying the issue* sail from Haifa through the Sues •one of these deported Arabs sup- the city, was sugested this week by cism in Iran. U. S. funds arc to see if such a program should C.inal toward the end of October, plied them with dynamite for anti- Rcp.Vacob K. Javlts of New York being poured into that country. be continued. These develop- He stressed that maintenance of schedule* in an address at a dinner given by Ironically, a portion of "this eco- ments arc being anxiously ob- regular s h i p p i n g British sabotage. , Yet, the Israeli army, lii order- the Combined Jewish Appeal of nomic support is being taken at served by Zionists as well as through the Suez Canal would the expense of Israelis including others interested in fighting Com- open important trade possibiliing their removal frdm their bor- Boston. some who fled from Iron to Israel munism by raising living stand- ties for Israel, including the marder village, asserts that these Outlining a program for gaining escape men like the new Iran- ards. keting of citrus fruit- In India Arabs have been cooperating with the friendship of the peoples of the to leaders. Nor is Iran satisfied. and Pakistan. Arab Infiltrators from across the Middle East, Congressman Javits ian Gen. Zahedi has made highlyJordan border and have even har- suggested that the United States emotional demands for even more They that dwell under his bored these saboteurs. shadow shall return; they shall Yc shall not be afraid of the seek peace betwen Israel and the aid. About Face revive as the corn, and grow as face of man; for the Judgment i» Arab states and "co-operate in Inquiry the vine.—Hos. 14:7. God's.—Dcut. 1:17. Then, what has happened to every feasible way with the efforts An Inqury addressed to Harold these Arabs who had been r.o of the United Nations to settle the friendly at one time that they had Palestine Arab refugees and inte- Stasscn's Foreign Operations Adrisked their lives for the Jewish grate them primarily within the ministration revealed that grants Cause and had even fought against Near East region. Israel, he said, to Iran announced by President their own people? Why have they must be Included in the Middle Eisenhower on September 5 would Friday, Sept 25 East defense command forces to be taken from funds Israel exthanged so suddenly, if they have combat SUCCOTH—Second Day. communism in the Near pected to share with the Arab changed? Most of the Arabs in and Middle Saturday, Sept. 20 East and warned that states. A spokesman for the FOA Israel voted for the pro-goverri- the U.N. "must Hadassah ZPIl Education American Affairs Oncg Sbabbat—1J:S© not permit regional tnent candidates in the last na. defense to be made an instrument said the $25,000,000 would come p. m., Private home. '.' tional election, and yet now they for regional conflict by giving the from the $147,000,000 total Near Sunday, Sept. 27 Eastern appropriation. Therefore, are vociferous in their criticism of Arab League dominance over It, B & P Hndassah Meeting—2:30 p. m , Center. the government. Why should they or by failing to make effective use these two deductions In favor of Young Adult Evening—8:00 p. m.. Center. ' ' * have maJe such an about-face? Monday, Sept 28 of t h e highly trained Israeli Iran, plus the amount for Africa, would leave Israel and the Arab Pre-School Program—0:00 a. m., Center. In the view of those diplomats forces." states about $100,000,000 to Bikur Chollm Suceoth Tea—1:00 p. m.. Center. and official; here who know the share. A breakdown on the basis Tuesday, Sept. 2* Middle East well, the Arab miOne of the slickest agents in the of the sum which would appear Federation Women Workshop—Parliamentary—Public J-. ~->— nority in Israel has become ni1:00 p. m-, Center. ' ereasingly uncertain of its position movie business nlways dated his to be left would now give Israel Wednesday, Sept U •—In other words, is suffering from checks ahead. When he passed a p p r o x i m a t e l y $50,000,000 Pre-School Program—0:00 a. m . Center. art insecurity complex. This is away several weeks ago, creditors —about $15,000,000 less than Hadassah-Henl Group Luncheon—12:30 p. m.. Center. not due to any possible internal erected a tombstone over bis promised' and anticipated. Definite Statement Hadasssh-Welzmann Group—12:30 p. m., Y. M. C A. suppression, but the very real e x - grave. It read: '•Here lies Gabriel A definite statement about the Hadasssb-Szold Group—12 JO p. m-, Y. W. C. A. ternal threat At the time of the Glantz. Died May 10,, July amount Israel could expect was • *-V Post Polio-Volunteer Meeting—0:00 p, m.. Center, . , armistice, those who hud sympa- First"

Arab Problem In Israel

Compromise Plan For Jerusalem

Community Calendar

iife'Zfaluti zdJ ^r.^jiy.-.*

:• S

Former Omahan ractices Law n Kansas City

Irving; Evsteln

Epstein Returns To Law Practice Irving D. Epstein, who has re cently returned from a tour of duty with the United States Air Force, will practice law here •with his associates, Irvln C. Levin and Donald Brodkoy, at 300 Brandcls Theater Building. Lt. Epstein, a staff Judge Advocate, was In charge of a Air Force base legal oMicc, where he supervised the action of claims against the Government. He also served as trial and defense counsel before courts martial. He was called to active duty In January of '12 and was released In September of '93. He was graduated from Crelghton Unlverlty's School of Law In 1948 and was engaged In the practice o( law before being called to active duty,

'FafB Ihte*


. September 15,1993

Effort to Unite Family

Albert L. Feldman has recently icen admitted o the State Bar >f Missouri and has entered the leneral practice of law in assontion with Carl V. Kretslnger, > Kansas City, Mo. Mr. Feldman also a member of the Nebraska Bar Association, having been admlted in June, 1953. Mr. Feldman is a graduate of Central High School and received ils Bachelor of Arts Degree from .ho University of Omaha in 1950 ind bis L.L.B. Degree from the University of Michigan Law School in June of this year. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David L. Feldman, arid is married :o the former Eleanor Bernstein, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. It Bernstein. The Feldmans are residing at 415 West '40th Street In Kansas City, Missouri."

Bridge Classes Get Underway The adult Bridge Classes will once a g a i n get underway on Thursday, Oct. 8, in room 21 of the Jewish Community Center. Advanced players meet at 7:30 p. . sharp and beginners at 8:4s

C-Day Tickets for Whole Midwest Governor Robert Crosby Saturday thanked Mayor Glenn Cunn ingham and Centennial GeneraChairman Morrl» E. Jacobs lor extending the '127.50 for $10' C-Day Ticket. Book bargain to outslatc Nebraska and Iowa residents, and urged those persons to take advantage of the offer promptly. Fine Spirit 'The Mayor of Omaha and Mr Jacobs have shown a fine spirit of neighborllness in extending this opportunity to attend the 17 top entertainment and cultural events of the Centennial at the specia bargain price of. *10—Instead o the actual bOx-otficc value of $27.50—to all our Nebraska people and our sister state of Iowa. We all fed the Centennial in Omaha throughout all of 1054 wll really be a 'once-In-a-llfetlme' event which none of us will wani to mlfs." / Admission to Union , Governor Crosby recalled tha 1B54 was also the 100th imnlvcr. sary of the admission of 'Ncbras kn Territory* to the Union. "For this reason, every resldcn of Nebraska has a very special Interest in the Omaha celebration as Indeed docs everyone living here In the Mid-West. For It was the organization of the 'NebraskaKansas Territory" and It's admls slon to t h e Union that ma'l( - America, a« <*«o know It today geographically possible." The C-Day 'Once-ln-aXifetlme . Ticket Books went on sale Sept 8 for a limited period. Person - outside Omaha, where there, wil . be no Reservation blanks for thi bdoki mailed to homes nnd businesses, need simply send money or check to 'Centennial Treasure First National Bank, Omaha, nn their orders for the books will b filled promptly.

Tribute to Las* Of Red Hot Mommas New York (JTA)— U n i q u tribute was paid this week ti Sophie Tucker, the "last of thi red-hot mammas," as uhe cole brated completion of 50 years li show business. Four hundred fellow playoi and celebrities of the entertainment world attended a luncheon in her honor given by the Friar:: Club—the first occasion In thi club's long history nt which woman w,is honored. A teiti rnonlal dinner to Mlsa Tucker will be held in New York Oct.

The course, under the supervision of Mr. Leo Ferer, a Life Master of the game, will continue until the end of the year. Thcro is a fee of $5.00 for the course.

A brother and sister are seeking members of their family who may bo living in Nebraska. The sister, a resllent of Israel for 30 years, is looking for her husband's brother and his wife who came to Nebraska. They are Mr, and Mrs. Israel Leeb Pasternak. Anyone knowing their whereabouts .please .contact the Jewish Press at 101 No. 20th st.

Mrs. Grossman Heads Pre-Sciioolers' Group The parents of the children in the Center Pre-School Program held their third meeting last week to discuss problems related to the operation of the program. Mrs. Elolso J, Dillon and Mrs. Audrey G. Cohen, the Pre-School Faculty, discussed programming for the children. Mrs. Paul Grossman was elected chairman of the Pre-School Parent Committee. Other members of the committee include Mesdames Philip Handelman, Dan Miller, Ben Noodell, and Bernard Rubin. The Parents Committee will represent the school and plan monthly parent meetings at which experts in tho field of child development will discuss the rearing of children of tho pre-school

I Oil Painting At Center

JWV Condemns Sen. McCarthy's Use of Methods Washington (JTA)—The Jewish War Veterans charged Sen. Joseph B. McCarthy with "needlessly complicating and endangering the fight against Communism through the use of methods which savor of the practices we con. demn in totalitarian governments of both the left and the right" A statement here by Harry T. Madison,'of Detroit, newly-elected national commander of t h e JWV, assailed the Wisconsin Senator for instituting Investigative procedures "that in a number of instances have led the public to accept mere accusations as actual evidence of guilt." Mr. Madison's statement, issued after n meeting of his group's national policy committee here, asserted thnt Sen. McCarthy has exploited his senatorial office "as an instrument of indictment" with the result that the "public is find, ing lt difficult to distinguish between an informal charge and a legal verdict." •This procedure," said Mr. Madison, "is destructive of the American principle that an individual has a right to be heard on what he is charged with having dono rather than on what he thinks or with whom he associates." The Veterans said they had decided to call for Congressional action next session to adopt procedures that will enable legislative investigative bodies "to perform their important and neces-

"Principles of Art" w i l l be taught in ten weekly lessons by Mrs. Sylvia Curtis* at the Jewish Community C e n t e r beginning Monday at 1 p. m. Oct. 5. This adult oil painting class will be limited to ten students and a fee of $7.50 .for the course will bs charged. Anyone wishing to register may call Mr. Fogel at JA 1366.

First Film Forum At Adult Club "Should Senate Debate Be Limited?" was the topic discussed by Senators Doxnjlas of Illinois and EUander of Louisiana on film, moderated by Marquis ChlldS, at the second general meeting of the Jewish Young Adult Club. Following the showing of the film, members of the club held a discussion related to civil rights legislation and the filibuster. David Fogel, Center Activities Director, served as the moderator. Tha film was the first in a monthly series that will be shown by tho Young Adult Club. This novel approach to current events serves as a stimulator for adult political education. > sary function of safeguarding the nation's security while at the same time affording full protection to nil persons accused of wrongdoing.*

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September 15, 1»5J


Campus News BikurCholim Tea Zeta Beta tan ,

Alpha Theta of Zeta Beta Tau started off the new school year by pledging eight new underclassmen. ' The boys are Dick Fellman, Don Dandy, Joe D w o t k l n , Calvin Linda, Benny Belmont, and Harlan Bercovici, all of Omaha; Maynard Small of Kansas City and Ted Steinberg of Sioux Falls, S. D. ' Srriall was elected prexy of his class while Dandy was named treasurer. The freshles are already participating in campus activities. Two boys are working for their fresfiman numerals, Dandy in basketball'and Belmont in track. - Sol Hosinsky>received the "Best Pledge" trophy for last year. Sol has also pledged Kosmet Klub, men's honorary and theatrical organization on campus. Marshall Kushner Is secretary of KK while Howard Vann and Marv Steinberg are newly-elected members. The fraternity is already planning its first social of the year, a house party at the next home football game against Miami. October 17. Harry Freeman, a'ZBT transfer from Michigan, has entered Nebraska's law school along with Ante Stern and Shell Green. Bruce Hollander will enter N. U. law school next year after he gets his B. A. Arley Bondarin received one of the highest Regent scholarships offered while Mike •reenberg had his Regent scholarship renewed. Green also had his NROTC $1,200 scholarship renewed. ' Nell Miller led the band on to the field last week during the Oregon football game as head baton twlrler. Nell has also pledged the men's pop organization, Com Cobs. The ZBT intramural football team has their first practice scheduled for next week. Len Singer is the Intramural chairman. ' Doran Jacobs is homecoming publicity chairman and is workteg on AUF as head of the booth commitee. Several ZBTs will Journey to Mlsouri to see the Husker-Tiger tussle. Among those that plan .to '"visit Omega chapter at Mlzzou are Jerry Krupinsky, Marv Sternberg, Ron Minkln and Milt MalseL - Recent-visitors at the house were Bob Malashock, Joel Milder, Larry Albert, Lorry Polack, and BUI Xarchmer, ZBT national traveling secretary.

Sigma Delta Tau Twelve girls were pledged to Theta chapter of Sigma Delta Tau. They are Leah Gitlelman and Beth' Feinberg of Lincoln; Edith Naun, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Phyllis Turchln, Sioux Falls, S. D.; Phyllis Kaplan and' Gloria Shukert of Omaha; Gloria Shapiro, Tammy Golding, and Judy Kraft of Kansas City, Mo.; Juli Pinsker, Tulsa, Okla.; Zelda Kaminsky, Denver, Colo., and Renee Roder, Milwaukee, Wit. Theta chapter's new slate of officers for this semester are president, Leta Weiner; flrse vice-president, Connie Gordon; second vicepresident, Lucy Lavine; secretary, Adelle Chasnov, and treasurer, Trudy Bronstcin. ' ,. Gail Katskee was the recipient of a Regents Scholarship for this school year. ^

Sisterhood Dance Plans Progress Plans arc progressing for Temple Israel Sisterhood's a n n u a l Supper Dance to be held Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Highland West Club. Mmes. Alfred Mayer, L a r r y Plattner, Edwin E. Brodkcy, Harold Farber, David Fcdcr, Maynard Grecnberg, Leonard Krasne,' William Kaimnn, Alfred Sophir and Harry Truslln w e r e appointed members of the ticket committee. Mrs. Berrihardt Wolf, over-all general chairman, has announced that music will be furnished by Freddie Ebcner's orchestra. OFFICIAL VISIT New York (JTA)—The Synagogue Council of America announced that its president, Kabbi Norman Sallt. will join a delegation of nine American religious leaders invited by the Bonn Government to visit West Germany. He will be the first rabbi to visit Germany on an official German Government invitation since the pre-Hitler years.

Reveal Plans For Wedding

Monday of Center

The Blkur Chollm Society will hold its annual Succoth Tea on Monday, Sept. 28 at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will speak on "Meditation on the Sukkah." Cantor Eli Kagan of the Beth Israel Synagogue, accompanied by Prof. Hans Baer, will sing appropriate holiday music Members and non-members of the Society have been invited to attend. Chairmen of this tea are Mrs. Elner Abramson and Mrs. Harry Sidraan.

Pearl Sommer has set two o'clock, Sunday afternoon, Oct. 11, as the date of her wedding to A. Ben Jacobson of Sacramento, Cal. The ceremony and reception will be held at Temple Sinai, Oakland, CaL Miss Sommer is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Sommer of Omaha, and Mr. Jacobson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobson bf Piedmont, Cal, Mr. and Mrs. Sommer are leaving for Oakland Sunday night to attend their daughter's wedding.

Israeli Army Tel Aviv (JTA)—The Israel Army of Defense hat Increased Its power in. men and materiel, Brig. Mordecal Makleff. its Chief of Staff, said in a review of progress nude by the defense forces In the past year. He pointed to the Increased number of courses for the training of officers as an indication of how Israel was building tip a reserve.

Sharon Rae Bobrlck

Sophie Tucker: "Of aU the tabor-saving; devices ever invented for women, none has ever been so popular as a devoted man."

Miss Bobrick Is Betrothed

Cornell of JtwIthWommi In UNESCO Comwlulo* •0 New York (WUS)—The National Council of Jewish Women has been elected to membership In the United States National Com. mission for UNESCO, it was announced this week by Mrs. Irving M. Engel, president of the Council, Inclusion of the Council among the sixty American organizations represented in the Commission followed recommendation by t h e membership committee of t h e Commission. UNESCO, one of the major agencies of the United Nations, Is engaged in promoting better understanding among the peoples of the world through educational, scientific and cultural exchange. The National Council of Jewish' Women, founded in 1893, has a membership of more than 100,000 with 245 Sections located throughout the United States. World peace through International understanding has been one of its major ob. jectives for more than half a century. As part of Its own educational program, the Council maintains an official observer,' accredited by the State Department, at the United Nations.

on Rae, to Marvin S. Gorellck, son of Mrs. Betty Gorelick of Omaha. The bride-elect is a graduate of Abraham Lincoln High. School in Council Bluffs; Mr, Gorellck was graduated from Central High Moss Hart! "He's the type of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Bobrick of school. person who keep* the conversa- Council Bluffs announce the enArtie'Shaw: "Give a woman an No date has been set for the tion ho-hummlng." inch and she thinks she's a ruler." gagement of their daughter, Shar- weddinjg.

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Friday. September 15, I K S

"Ta/fc o/ Many Things" On TV - - Former Omahan Mildred Levy can be seen this coming Tuesday at S p. m. on Jean Sullivan's KMTV program. His* Levy, who now makes her home In Los Angeles, will exhibit her collection ot antique foreign picture post cards, including scenes of famous French and Italian operas' and plays of the "Gay 9 0 V era and pictures of Sarah Bernhardt, Mme. Duse and Mary Garden. She will also show views of Israel, emphasizing the country's conversion of waste land into farms and cities.

Back t o School



Judl Levine left last Sunday for Chicago where she will visit with her cousins, the Philip NaUnbergi, before leaving for Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., to begin her freshman year. Judl is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Levine.

Babies Mr. and Mrs. Jack Root of Los Angeles have announced the birth of a daughter, Dcbra Rachel, born Sept. 18. The Roots also have a son, James Leon. Paternal grandparent*.are Mr. and Mrs- Sam Root, also of Los Angeles, and maternal grandparents arc Mr. arid Mrs. Sam Gclfman of Omaha. Moshe Geifman of Mexico City, Mexico, is maternal great-grandfather. Mrs. Root is the former Harriet Geifman.

Visitors Pvt. Lou Goldberg, who ii stationed at Fort Belvior, Va., visited here with hU parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marx K. Goldberg, during the High Holiday*. Recent guests (it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Natenberg, and their grandchildren, Sharon and Steve. The Natenbergs arc from "Chicago,

Musical Notes By Mr*. Hath BelM, Center Music Director Starting In October, the Center will resume « variety of musical programs. Keep posted on tho happenings of these groups in this column. The Mjisle at Home d o b , formerly known as Symphony Circle, will have its first program October 13, at 8 p. m. in Mrs. A. C. Fellmon's home, SGOB Jackson Street. The program will be "Seldom Performed Musical Moster•wotks." Prof. Hans Baer will deliver background material for the program. This should provo very stimulating to nil music lovcri. Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 7:30 p. . ' m. the Center Orchestra will have its first rehearsal. Among those who will be re-activating the orchestra arc Gerald Meyer, Leslie Clinc, LaVonnc Clinc, Dora Cllnc, ' M, M. Franklin, Lora Franklin, Mrs. David Krantz, Mrs. Irvin Rublnow, Roy Gardner, Mrs. Ervln R. Simon,,Joan Krasnc, and . Arnold Epstein. Myron Concn will serve as consultant to the orchestra. A h y o n c interested in playing with the orchestra, contact me at the Jewish Community Center. ' On Oat. 9, 7:30 p. m., the Nur• sery School Music Institute will have its first session. Its theme, "The Use of Music in the Nursery 6chools," will be discussed by tho nursery school teachers of Omaha. They will meet every Monr day evening in October to discuss • musical problems and methods. All pre-tchool teachers arc invited to attend. Thus for those . registered are Mrs. .Elolse Dillon and Mrs. Jack Cohen, who teach the pro-school group a H h c Center, Miss Catherine Giles, of the Joslyn Pre-«chool, Mrs. Robert Harder of the Dundee Prcsby. terlan Church, Mrs: Leoda Trovers, Mrs. Abble Wells and Mrs. C. E. Lee of the YWCA, Mrs. Frank Howard of Bellevue, Neb., Mrs. Mary Hallgrcn of Bellevue, .Neb., and Mrs. Warren Huff. N/o definite meeting date has been set for the'Adult Choral group,. Those Interested, please contact rno at the Center. A data will be set as soon as enough pooplc register.

Brandeis U


Wnlthnm, Mass. (JTA) — The largest student body ever to enroll at Brandcla University registered for tho opening of the 'school's sixth academic year. Som<! 005 yonnj; men nnd women, 305 of them freshmen, arrived from all parts of the country nnd from 12 foreign nations. "This la the sixth year of nuntalned increase In the roi;h;trn'Mm tit nrnndci.1:," nn announcement B.ild. "I!oi;ltuiiriR 'with a fltiu!f.'nt body of 103 nnd a faculty of 13, the University has ntcndily crown, but hns mnlntnincd it.'i favorable faculty-student ratio of one to ten. The expanding physical facilities ot Brandeis have kept pace with the Krowinc student body and fac-

New Group in France

Hadassah Style Show October 8

Plans for the Omaha Chapter Hadassah Fashion Revue which will take place on Thursday, Oct. 8, at the Brandeis Store Auditorium are rapidly progressing, chairmen of the affair have announced. The door prize, donated by Mr. Gene Eppley of the Eppley Hotels, will be a week-end, American plan, at Excelsior Springs. Proceeds from the annual fashIon'show will be used for youth activities in Omaha and for the National Youth Zionist Program. M n . Edward E. Brodkey and Mrs. Ernest Npgg, general chairmen, haveSannounced the following group chairmen: Chaun Weiz? mann, Mmes. Howard Milder, Al Sophir and A. A. Steinberg; Henrietta Szold, Mmes. Dan Llnzman and Louis Ganar; Theodor Herzl, Mmes. Homer' Farter, Seymour Katz and Seymour Cohen. Committee Chairmen are: Publicity, Mrs. H. D . Wigodsky, Decorations, Mm* Sam Green and her •committee: Mmes. David Blacker, Harold Coopcrman, Alfred Mayer, Mike Freeman and Ben Kaslow, and Food, Mmes. Herman Friedman and Edwin E. Brodkey. Music for the afternoon will be furnished by Mrs. Harry DuBoff. Mrs. Edward Brodkey will be the narrator.

Workshop Begins Tuesday at Center

Paris (JTA)—A new Jewish youth movement designed to promote Jewish education a m o n g The Parliamentary Law-Public youth in France and to forgo a Speaking workshop, sponsored by link between the youth of Israel the Federation of Jewish Womens and Jewish youth in France was Clubs, will hold Its first session established here. The group Is at the Jewish known as "The Friends of the Community CenJewish Child In France." ter on Tuesday, The organization whose first Sept 29, from 1 aim will be to Increase the numto 3 p. m. ber of Jewish boys and girls In The course will the Paris area receiving a Jewbe conducted by ish education, plans to send a Phil Allen of group of children to Israel each KMTV. Mr. Allen year for summer vacations. Such has taught school a group of 300 youths returned i at Omaha Unifrom Israel last week enthusiversity, Crelghastic in their praise of tho Jewt o n University ish State. and Central High Phil Allen School. He Is a graduate of the Six days shall work be done: University of Iowa and served in but on the seventh day is a sab- the Naval Armed Guard during World War II. bath of solemn rest. Lev. 23: 3.

Greatest American Jewish Women \ By David Sohwaris American Jews are preparing to celebrate the 300th year of the settlement of Jews In America. We shall hear no end about the contributions of Jews- to American history—about all the great men. But what about the Jewish women? Recently at art- Israel Bond event at which the two Myenon ladles appeared, Oolda Mycrson, tho Israeli Cabinet minister and Bess Mycrson, the former Miss America, tho thought came to me' of compiling a list of ten American Jewish women who have won a place In American history. Rebecca Franks As No. 1 on such a list, I would put Rebecca Franks of Revolutionary day*. I .am sorry to say 'that while sho lived In Revolutionary days, she was herself a Tory. She was ono of the Beauty Queens of the. famous Mechlanaza in Philadelphia for whom the British officers battled In tournament. She was regarded as a kind of Dorothy Parker of her day. She •wrote-poetry and even called George Washington to question in her verse: •' "Thou hast supported an atrocious cause Against thy king, thy coun• try and the laws." Rebecca Franks married a British officer and moved to England. In her later years, she was said to have expressed regret that she had not taken the Revolutionary side. No story of Philadelphia of those times can overlook her. She bc^longs to history. Rebecca Gratx As No. 2, I would list another Rebecca—Rebecca Grntz of the famous' Gratz family. She is of a little later time than the first Rebecca and was renowned for her philanthropy, but earns her place in history principally through the fact or the legend that sho was supposed to be the model for the Rebecca of Sir Walter Scott's "Ivanhoc." Ada Menken A.i No. 3,1 would put Ada Issacs Menken, who died in her early thirties, but managed In. her short life to crowd in enough living for

four ordinary people. She was a three-dimensional "gal" if there ever was one. Sho was the first strip teaser In America, a poetess, a pioneer Zionist, and a captain of the Texas militia. Swinburne wrote of her "she Is the delight of the world." She was admired by about every important personage from Mark Twain to Longfellow. The latter visited her In Paris shortly before her death. She was pToud of her Judaism. She is buried in Paris and on the stone over her grave are the words, !He Knoweth." Ernestine Rose As No. S, I would offer Emos^ tine Rose, little known today, but a pioneer of the woman suffrage movement, who Inspired Susan Anthony. Emma L s u r u s As No. 8,1 place Emma Lazarus, one of whose poems will be read as long as there is an America, for It Is carved in stone—on the Statue of Liberty, "Give mo your tired, your " poor Your huddled masses yearn-* ing to breathe free—" Belle Moskowlts As No. 7, I'would place Belle Moskowlts,, who was quite a political figure 25 years ago as tho chief adviser of Governor AI Smith of New York. Gertrude Stein No. 8 Is Gertrude Stein, the gal who wrote "a rose is a rose is a rose." After that, no one will ever mistake a rose for a sweet potato or a pair of brass knuckles. Miss Stoln's influence on the modern school of literature cannot be gainsaid. nenrletU BtaTd For No. 0, I nominate Henrietta Szold, the founder of Hndassah. Gold* Myenon For No. 10, I have reserved, a place for Golda Mycrson, one of the rarest kind of women—a woman statesman. When a member attacked her in the Knesset, another, defending her, warned that It was useless to throw stones at Golda Myerson, for sho would pick them up and build roads with them. The new roads of Israel are part of. her

F**e Five

Organizations tummuuiiiuiiiniiiiii!

Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club The Workmen's Circle: D matlc Club will hold its regular business meeting at 9 p. m., Saturday, Sept, 26, at the Labor Lyceum, After the meeting, the birthday of Mrs. Sam Sussman will be celebrated. A program is being planned with the choir director by Mr. Ben Miroff. Greetings will be given by'Mr. L, Witkln, director, and various other members. •

Beth Israel Sisterhood The Dr.. Sher Home for the Aged will be the scene of a Succoth party 6 a Sunday Sept 27, at 2 p. m. • Mrs. William Wolfson, chairman of the affair, has announced that the Beth Israel Sisterhood has arranged for the afternoon's entertainment. Mrs. Sydney Goldberg, mistress of ceremonies, will i n t r d u c e accordianlst Milton Goldberg and little Miss Janice Katleman. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will extend greetings to the members of the home and their friends. At the conclusion of the program, tea and refreshments will be served. An Invitation has been extended to all the community to attend.

Epstein-Morgan 260 The Ladies Auxiliary of EpstelnMoroan Post, Jewish War Veterans, will hold their annual 'Rummage Sale, Oct. 5 and 0. All members have been asked to call Mrs. Jack Saylan, chairman, WE 2071, for tho pickup of their articles. Mr. Stanley Kaplan will pick up any Items for the Sale on Sunday, Sept. 26. If anyone has articles they wish to donate, they have been asked to call Mr. Kaplan, AT 07B3.

Temple Israel Sisterhood Temple Israel Sisterhood's first meeting of the year will be held at 1 p. m., Monday, Oct. 5, at the Highland Downtown Club. Highlight of the session will be a skit, directed by Mrs. Lloyd Bank, entitled "Show Business." Co-director Is Mrs. William FogeL Luncheon is being arranged for by members of Mrs. George Spitzer's circle, and Mrs. Warner Frohmon Is program chairman.'

Hadassah The first regular meetings of Omaha Chapter Hadassah will be Wednesday,.Sept. 30. All groups will highlight membership and Introduce new members. Youth commission stylo show, will be discussed with the style show chairmen giving details of the coming event, to be held at Brandeis Auditorium on Thursday, Oct. 8. at a 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon. Chslm Welrmann Chalm Wcizmann group will meet at the Y, M. C. A., 17th and Harncy, Wednesday, Sept. 30, at a 12:30 *p. m. luncheon. Reservations are tielng taken by Mrs, J. E. Kuklln, RE 2448, nnd Mrs. Marvin Sadofgky, RE 0746. A motion picture, "Biography of Henrietta Szold," narrated by Maurice Evans, will, be shown. Mrs. Sydney Novak and Mrs. Edward Zorinsky arc program chairmen. Henrietta Stold The Henrietta Szold Group will meet at the Y. W. C. A. at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon on Wednesday, Sept. 30. Mrs. Owen Meyerson and Mrs. Robert Silverman, program chairmen will present a cast of Hadassah members in a playlet, "A Date With Hadassah." ' Mrs. William Finkle, PL 5830, and Mrs. Sidney Tarcn, RE 0746, are taking reservations. ' ' Theodor Hersl The Thcodor Hcrzl Group will meet at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday Sept. 30 at

12:30 p, m. Luncheon is being planned by Luncheon Chairman Mrs. Louis Alberts. Reservations are to be phoned in to Mrs. Harry Goldstrom, WA 4873, or Mrs. Henry Appel, GL 8838. The Program Committee, headed by Mrs. Seymour Goldston have planned a playlet entitled, "A Date with Hadassah." Members of the cast include Mmes. Arthur Gold, stein, Al E. Schwartz, Ted Sanford, Stanley Silverman, Ben Slutzky, Leon Fellman, Wallace Elkon, Sam Welnstein and Seymour Goldston. The accompanist will be Mrs. A. D. Faler. A sitter will be provided for all members with small children who attend'the meeting.

B & P Hadassah The B & P Women .of Hadassah will inaugurate their Fall program with a meeting in a traditional Succah, In keeping with the Siiccoth Festival, Sunday, Sept.. 27, at 2:30 p. m. at the JCC. Highlighting the event will be a movie and Informal singing by the group. At the meeting, delegates will be elected to the National Hadassah Convention, to be held in Washington, D. C , on Oct. 25-20. Traditional fruits and sweets will be served by Mrs. Fan S. Sherman, membership chairman, who will be hostess for the event, and her co-hostesses, Misses Julia. Motz, Ida Spring and Mrs. Sylvia Ross, will assist her. Members have been asked to bring interested friends. All members have been requested to reserve Thursday, Oct. 22 at 8 p. m. when Molly Lyons-BarDavid of Tel Aviv, Israel, will address them as guests of the Council Bluffs Senior Hadassah, at the Abraham Lincoln High School in Council Bluffs.

JEWS IN SPORTS By BUI Wolf It looks like something, was started when this column wrote about the lack of Jewish, women in sports. Some of the correspond* ence received since has indicated tho truth of one point brought out In tho particular column—that there is a sad lack of information about those women who do take part in athletics. S e v e r a l new names of women athletes have now become available. Doris Dannenhlrsch Tho head swimming coach at tho University of Pennsylvania is Doris Kelman Dannenhirsch, who has been In that post for the past six years. She is not only a coach, but has earned distinction as a swimmer. Doris is a former Rhode I s land and New England A. A. U. champion. She also participated in the second Maccablah in Israel, placing in both the 100 meter free style and 400 meter breast stroke events. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, she majored In physical education there and.later received her M. S. degree. She has referee status on the Philadelphia Women's Board of Swimming Officials. Harriet Harrison In the equestrian field, a young Pennsylvania girl, Harriet HarrlBon.Tias done so well that she was invited to England for the Coronation. The Earl of Athlone, the u n cle of the Queen, invited Harriet to be a guest at the Coronation Horse'Show. ' . Harriet, now entering her fourth year of competition, was the w i n ner at the age of 10 of just about every leading Juvenile event In the Eastern part of the country. At 11 she entered the adult amateur and open. She won the Canadian open five galted championship and threo galted championship. That was the first time In 50 years that a U.S. entry had won. . Last, fall she won the Saddle Horse Challenge Trophy at Devon. Others Who have e x c e l l e d in' equestrian events include Mrs. Wm. Goldberg, in the five gaited division, and Judy Marks and Judy Cohen, who have split between them leading amateur titles in the Mld-wcst.~J. T. A. „'.„.„„

handiwork. She Is an Israeli mlnr., not an American, but she halls from Milwaukee, so I think sho has a place on our list; Others Arc there any others who be-' long to history? Maybe we should find a place for Edna Fefbcr, who will not be forgotten too quickly, and there Is Dorothy Parker, Thou shalt bring: them in, andwhose father was a Rothschild,— plant them in the mountain of thine Inheritance.—Ex. 15:17. J. T. A.


[ rat*

Youth Council Doings

Friday. September « . 1MI

KWUB run


Happy Birthday

Temple Youth Installation

Jack Lieb, son ot Mr. and Mn. Friday, Sept 25 , <. By Joan Knuns . Charles Lie.b, will celebrate bis Steven Bernstein, M c r r y l e e - It .-pleases "» very greatly to Tikvas Ami Bar Mitzyah Friday and Saturday, Crandell, Marc Goodman, James View the already planned activi- T. A. will hold tryouts for a Oct 3-3, in the Beth El Synagogue. Alan Malashock, Joan Rae M*rx, The inauguration Of new officers ties of the Y. C. clubs. There Is Youth Council bowling team on Stuart Kenneth* Nichols, and Mar- for the Temple Youth Group is too time like the present to get Sunday, Sept, 27. Also on the scheduled to take place this eveilyn Welnberg. new projects under way! These agenda is a "Hag Stag" which ning. The Installation will be held •re just a few of our dub events will be held tomorrow night Baiorflsy, Sept. 2« the Sabbath Youth Service at Susan Melinda Berman, Mark at T. A.'s seven new members rethe Jewish Community Center. Jonathan Fellman, Floyd John The A.::. A. No. i cently held a meeting at which officers to be installed Freiden, Pamela Lincoln, Michael are: new Joan Abrahams, president; Mother Chapter held a meet they elected' Laurie Coruch and Irvin Schwartz. Dena Lagman president and secIng Sunday Sept. 20 at the J. C. C. Ellen Grcenberg, vice-president; A fine group of boys numbering retary. Tho girls are planning, a TBYGVE LIE TO SPEAK Sunday, Sept. 27 Sylvia Greene, secretary; Richnineteen in all were accepted as slumber party for Oct. 3, at the New York (JTA)—Tryge Lie, Robert Myron Brodkey, Frank nrd Einstein, treasurer, and Mike pledges. These boys will undergo home of Dena Lagman. ' Norman Goldberg, Ruth Ann Gold- Solzman, sergeant-at-arms. Fola nine-week pledge class in On the social side of things, former Secretary General ol the smith, Janet Beth Bosenstein, El- lowing the services and inaugurawhich they will Icam the history plans arc under way for T. A.'s United Nations, will head a ros- lea Lynne Ross, and Jeffrey Simon. tion, an Oneg Shabbat will be of A. Z. A., parliamentary pro- AU Girls Mixer to be held Octo- ter of prominent American and held. This will include a skit and Monday. Sept. 28 ccdiw. and all the other points ber 18 at the J. C. C. International figures who will adMarer's annual report. Talks Berdlne Green, Lora Rae Free- Jerry He- - ary to enjoy the club. dress an emergency National Rewill be given by Joan Abrahams A"«r.dlng the meeting was the Y. C. Fencing SocUl and Israeli port Conference of the United man, Howard Jay Halpcrin, Sara and Ellen Greenbcrg on their exnev: - elected Sweetheart, Jean Dancing, and Mimeograph Jewish Appeal October 10 and 11 Beth Kalzman, Norman A. Krlzel- periences while attending the Cu' in Cleveland, it was announced by man, John Okun, Betty Barbara Youth Leadership i n s t i t u t e . In Classes, Offered Tl '<• .netting was well run by Joseph Holtzman of Detroit, chair- Rosenzweig, and Rpsandra Turkel. charge of thp services will be Anyone Interested In Youth Ale'Ji Godcl, Larry Epstein who Council fencing classes should man of the Conference and naSuzie Ltpp; refreshments, Gwcn Tuesday, Sept. 29 just 'icfore the meeting had won contact Phil Roggcn at the J. C. C. tional cash chairman of the UJA. Ronald Hugh Kwiatek and Ellse Sloler, and program, Sarah Pepper. the Y. C. tennis tournament. Ari opportunity to learn social Ann Llplon. AZA' No. 1 will have sewn dancing is also being NEW HINISTEK ARRIVES Wednesday, Sept, 30 bowling teams, an inter-mural and Israeli Lists are being signed in Washington (JTA)—Rcuven touch football team, and two offered.' Mary Steinman. the Youth Council office. Shlloah has arrived In Washingfine basketball teams. Thursday, Oct. 1 Mimeograph classes arc also ton to assume duties as Minister The annual hayrack ride will beingSusan Baron, Louis Chunovitz, started. Plenipotentiary at the Embassy of be'held October 10. Judy Kay Jabcnis, Toby Janoviky, Israeli He replaces David Goltcin, The members of A, Z. A. No. 1 The Saturday Division of the who will return to Israel In Octo- Patricia Ann Kimmel, and Phyllis Religious have started working with the Y. C. NEWS STAFF Schol, grades S through Lewln. The Youth Council news staff ber. Mr. Shiloah was Special Ad'54. Centennial committee. 10, will have a special Klddusb, is soon to be organized. Positions visor to. Foreign Minister Moshe in celebration of Succoth followopen are: writers and boys and Sharett ing the Shabbos Services tomorrow New Dean Named for A. Z. A. No. 100 girls sports editors. We're going at 11:30 a. m. The centurymen had a meeling, to try our best to make this CLAIMS CONFERENCE Yeshiva College The Sunday Division of the Re* Sitnday, at which they welcomed paper the blgest and the best Vienna (JTA)—Problems conIlffious School, composed of grades Pete Brodkey, Howard Kooper, cverNew York (WNS)—The ap- Kindergarten through fourth will cerning the reparations talks beHoward Kaslow, Murray Mayer, tween Austria and representatives pointment of Dr. Simeon L. Gu- have a special Succoth Assembly Mike Blatt. Jim Friedman, Neil of world Jewish organizations tcrman, professor of history. State program Sunday morning at 11:30 Sleinte'X Bob Epstein, Allan For- Girl Scouts were discussed here by Chancellor Teachers College, East Strouds- a. m. The Junior Children's Choir, man. Marvin Friedman, Jerry Julius Ttaab and Dr. Nahum Gold- burg, Pa, as Acting Dean and with 20 children in its from grades Rosen Bob Joffee and Allan To Form Troop Professor of History at Yeshiva two through four, will present a mann. Seieal to the chapter. Any youngster interested In Dr. Goldmann outlined to the University's College of Arts and Succoth musical program, and the Al dayman has been appointed joining Sciences, was announced by Dr. assembly will be followed by a Chancellor the Jewish claims upon a Girl Scout troop in the new advisor. (second to fourth grade) which no action has been taken by Samuel Belkin, president of Ye- Klddush in the Sukkah, with rePlans have also been made lor Brownie shiva University. freshments served. and Intermediate (fifth to the the Austrian Government and ob• stag to be held tomorrow night eighth) Tho 45-ycar-old historian who Thb Prc-School group which divisions can contact Phil tained a promise from Dr. Rnab «t the home of Kenney Freed. that the government will study assumes office with the opening started last week under pie direcRoggcn. - A football game is also anticithese claims within the next few of the fall semester, received his tion of Mrs. Doris Haykin has room pated between Rajrlm freshmen days, B. A. (1930) M. A. (1032) and for a few more children ages three and number one freshmen. Debs, TA's to Attend Informed circles take It for Ph. D. (1944) degrees from Har- and four. Miss Gwen Sloler, a . Harold Friedman heads a comvard, ho is the author of "Re- member of t h e Temple Youth granted that the Austrian Governmittee which will work with Services at Beth Israel ment will show greater activity on ligious Toleration and Persecu- Group, and a confirraand last year, A. Z. A. No. 1 on a party to be claims when the repar- tion in Ancient Rome" and of la assisting Mrs. Haykin with this held Oct 10. The girls of Debka Debs and the Jewish talks are re-opened between numerous papers on social studies group. ._ Kenney Freed and Jerry Rosen Tivkas Ami, Senior Young' Ju- ations experts of the Jewish organiza- teaching. He is presently enHebrew classes will meet «s have been named co-chairmen of daea will hold services at U. O. tions and Austrian gaged In writing "The Personal usual tills week, with the exception officials. ' the silver anniversary banquet C, Oct 2. The girls will conduct Law Regime In the Early Midof the liar and lias Mitzvah Class, the services entirely by themdle ARCS." which will not meet this ThursAMSTERDAM COUNCIL selves, and refreshments will be Yeshiva University's College of day due to tlio cb.';crvanco of Couneilettes served afterwards. Parents and Amsterdam (JTA)—Two Jews Arts and Sciences, now entering Succoth. have been elected to the new AmThe first Counctlette meeting friends are invited to attend. sterdam city council. Both of its twenty-fifth year, Is the first of the year was called to order them are Socialists. They are Dr. liberal arts college established in Group Work Positions on September 20. A. de Rods, who heads the city America under Jewish auspices. The, girls are very happy to Department of Education, and Dr. Open at Center welcome some sixteen new memR. Vanderbergh, head of the DeApplications arc now being acbers to the ranks of Councilette. portment of Economic Affairs. In Handicapped cepted for group work positions The date set1 for the annual the list council beforo the war, with the Center's Sunday after"Country Style Barn Dance is Special Slmchath Torah Services four of the aldermen were Jew- Pianist Performs noon children's program. CandiNovember 14. and celebration will be held at ish. The city's Jewish population dates should be 18 years of age or Beth El Synagogue Thursday, Oct. •t that time was 120,000; the presNew York (JTA)—Ray- older for the senior positions and 1, at 7 p. m., in which children of ent population is 12,000. mond Lelzer, Israeli concert IS years of ago or older for the Debka Debs the congregation will participate. I pianist before he lost both assistant's )obs. Applications may The children will be provided UNREPORTED PRISONER hands In a land mine explo- be obtained from Philip Itoggen In ' At the Debka Deb meeting last with Slmchath Torah flags, and Sunday plant f o r the coining will )oin In the Hakofoth (Torah Indianapolis (JTA)—The name sion during Israel's War of the Youth Council ofilca. . Liberation, was acclaimed year were discussed. Aiding the procession).' of Pvt Morris Mesbulam of this The program is scheduled to beare invited when ho played before the Nebraska Children's home, hold- to bring theirMembers was Included on the list of children of all ages, city annual congress of the Inter- gin in mid-October, ing a song contest, and partici- to join with the Americans captured or missing In Closing dat for applications has children In the national College of Surgeons. pating in }fae Youth Council bowl- Beth El Schools for this celebra- Korea w h o m the Communists His performance was part of been set for Friday, Oct. 2.. ing and volley ball leagues were tion. failed to release or account for. a demonstration showing adsome' o f the projects planned. The list was submitted by UN of- vances made in prosthetic deFor Thou art with me; Thy rod They also discussed plans ( o r ficials to the Communists at Pan- vices. and Thy staff they comfort me. their Regional Young Judaea Beth Israel munjam with a demand for an acThou preparctt a table before me The New York Herald TribSabbath to be held Oct. 2 at UOC. counting. the presence of mine enemies; thc, reporting that Liszt's In A DICUIC preceded the meeting, Children's Succotfc Thou my head with oil; Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 my cupnnolnlest and a program on the High Holirunneth over. Surely goodwas among Mr. Lelzcr's seSunday morning, Sept. 27 the EMIGRATION days followed it. New York (JTA)—The reopenand mercy shall follow me all Debs new members arc as fol- children of the Beth Israel'Re- ing by the Joint Distribution Com- lections, said that it was ness in a m a n n e r that the days of my life, and I will 'lows: Nancy Blotcky, Donna Ugous School system will have a mittee of its emigration office In "played dwell in tho house of the Lord gives no hint of the pianist's Canar, Franca Davidson, Sandra succoth party. Teachers will es- Athens was announced' here by handicap." forever.—(From tho Twenty-third Feldraan, Diane Fellman, Nancy cort the children to the Succah. Moses Ai Leavitt, executive vicePsalm.) -Frtedlander, Shelly Green, Rochairman: of the JDC. The new berta Grossman, Brenda Katz- Shrine office will provide aid to those • .man, Judy Lewish, Joan Mayer, Philadelphia (JTA)—The Phila- among Greece's 7,000 Jews who Barbara Nogg, Delorcs Shapiro, delphia City Council unanimously seek new homes abroad. Sharon Smith, Florlnc Sokollf, passed a bill making the Cemetery Xaye Turner, Linda Veret, Leni of Mikveh Israel Synagogue a his- AGRICULTURE . Wine. Marsha Zalkin Marlene toric monument A number of ' Tel Aviv (JTA)—Nearly 3,000 , Schwartz, and Gewn Stole*. prominent personalities, both Jew- workers' families have been transish and non-Jewish, appeared be- ferred to agriculture under the fore the council to support .the Hlstadrut's "Town to Country" Re* itn measure Including the director of drivo, which was initiated last the Atwater Kent Museum, repre- year, It was announced here at n - The Raytm fraternity has been sentatives of Christ Church, of the session of the Hlstadrut executive. • enhanced with the addition of Sons of the American Revolution Nearly half the families. 1,200, fourteen new members nine of and of all the veterans' organiza- settled in smallholders settlements. • whom are freshmen. Pledgeships tions in Philadelphia. Smaller numbers settled in settlewill begin immediately under the Haym Solomon, patriot of the ments conducted by the various • .direction of Dick Frank. Along .the sjmrts line, Rayim is Revolution, nnd many officers religious movements or the Genplanning to play a touch football who foufiht in tlio Revolutionary eral Zionist-affiliated settlement game with A. Z. A. No. 1. Eight War are buried in the enmetory. movement. new bowling teams have been 2 Ktog Q « o r g « S t r e e t entered"- in the Y. C. bowling Tol-Avlv league, and the Rayim basket ball team has been outfitted with Reproduced in this i d It one of a series of Ame»lcanstyle lupormarketi brand new gold und blue uniKtMre recipients of Scrip To lirael gift certificate! choose from a vast supply forms. ot the JrwMi Community Center and varhrty of GUT KOSHER foods Includlni fresh meal), poultry, dairy prodThe Rayim hayrack party, ucts end (rocerles. scheduled /or tomorrow night, 101 No. 20th Street They're bum) new/modern supermarkets where your recipients recent promises to be one of the highthe best In food and in courteous, efficient service, Under Hie direction of Prof. Hans BAER lights In the fraternity's social Prove to yourself by asking your friends and relations In Israel—WHO calendar. The evening will begin HAS THE MOST MODMH STORES AND THE GREATEST VARIETY OF FOOOST Modem Techniques Are Us«d The answer you'll receive? . . . SCRIP TO JSRAU. with a hayrack ride at Ted's Pupil's Recitals to Be Presented Stables. It will conclude with a Send the best! Send a Scrip to Israel cerlllicile today in ( 5 . $10, $15, end $25 denomination,. Enrollment for fall and winter season 1953-1954 tat started • house party at the home of Stan Cohen. g Center. Community Rayim is planning to attend the Call JAckson 1366 or WEbster 8681 ' 101 N. ZOth Bt, i, •. Temple Youth Group's services and their Oneg Shabbat tonight.

Global Report

Temple Israel Religious School

Beth El Service For Children


Center Piano Studio

Friday, September IS, 1IH

Religious News Ufbt Candles: 5:59 p. m.


' With the Folks at Home



Gems of the Bible and Talmud

Eric Mendelsohn Noted Architect

Bj DH.* ttmr.ti

tadrut Ivrith of America which promotes the Hebrew language. As editor of Hadoar, he distinguished himself in developing the publication into one of the best Hebrew-language magazines in the world. Mr, Ribalow was also editor of the American Hebrew yearbook Sefer Hashanah. He was the author of several books n Hebrew and Yiddish literature and editor of an anthology of Hebrew poetry. He also published numerous articles hi New Palestine, official organ of the Zionist Organization of America.

San Francisco (WNS)—Erie M e n d e l s o h n , internationally known architect who designed By Dr. Philip Sher BETH ISRAEL The Sueooth Parly jwerlonsjy notable structures In Europe, IsServices Saturday morning be- scheduled for Thandar, Sept. U, Bible rael and the United States, died gin at 8:30 a. m. it Beth Israel baa been advanced to Sunday, Remove far from me falsehood here Tuesday after a short and at A a. m. at 19th and Bait. Sept « at Z p. m. Tbla affair U and lies; give ma neither poverty Illnesslast at the age of 66. MendelJunior Congregation services In being sponsored by the Beth Is- nor riches; feed me with mine al- sohn, a German Jew who was a rael Sisterhood. the Goldstein Memorial Chapel at lotted- bread. refugee from Nazism, came to 10 a. m. Beth El Sisterhood started the There is he who pretendeth him- this country In 1041. Dr. Philip Eher Home Social SeaH a b b l Benjamin Groner will self rich yet bath nothing; there Between the end of World War with a party on Sunday, Sept. is he who pretendeth himself poor conduct the Talmud class at 9 p. son I and the rise of Hitler In GerDavid Orkow, Home Super* yet hath great wealth. m. Saturday Mincha begins at 20. many Mendelsohn was regarded Mrs. MollieResnick introduced Mm. Jack 5:45 p. m. Dally morning services intcmicnt, Withhold not good from him to as the leader of the m o d e r n Bramson, 'the' mistress of cere, Services were held Sunday for at 7 a, in. at Beth Israel end 6:30 monies.-The program opened with whom it is due, when it is in the school of German architecture, occupying a place in Germany Mrs. MoUie Resnick and Intera. m. at 10th and Burt, Daily aft- Yiddish Songs by Mtes Julia Zu- power of thy hand to do it. ment was at Pleasant Hill Cemecomparable to that of Frank ernoon service* at-6:18 p. to. kor, who was. -accompanied on the . Talmud Lloyd Wright in the United tery. Mrs. Resnick, 57, died Thurs, The Sunday Morning breakfast Stelnway by Mrs. Ben Boasberg. Our Rabbis were taught—Jeph- States and Le Corbusier in day, Sept. 17. minyan and Rabbi's class la Bible Mrs. Harry Wigodaky, who had thah was in hit own generation France. During the Twenties he She is. survived by her husmeets it 8:45 a. m. originally planned to give read- like Samuel in his, Infer from this, built a movie house in Berlin end band, Frank; a son, Henry; a Soccoth services wtU be Wed- ings from Sholem Alelchem, de- that even tho most worthless of department stores in Germany granddaughter; a brother, Dave nesday, Sept. 23, at 8 p. m. Worn- cided i n s t e a d to tell Yiddish worthless men once elected to and Scandinavia which attract- Levlne, all of Omaha; two sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Singer of Ing Service* Thursday and Friday, Stories, of her own and they were leadership should be respected as ed wide attention. Sept 24 and 25, will be at 8:30 very well received by the audi- the highest of the nobility. Intensely interested in Jewish Los Angeles and Mrs. Dorothy ence. Refreshments were served Shrlcr of Lincoln, Nebr. Happy Is the generation in which a. m. at Beth Israel and at O ». m. life, ' Mendelsohn spent several at 19th and Burt Children's serv- by the ladles of the sisterhood and the leaders listen to their follow- years in Israel where ho designed included Mrs, Dave Cohen, Mrs. ers; because the disciples consider the Hadassah-Rothschild Univerices will be at 10 a. m. in tbo Goldstein Memorial Chapel. Eve- Jack Bramson, Mrs. Harry Wlgod- it so much more their duty to heed sity Hospital In Jerusalem, the 75% of World's Jewry British Government hospital in ' New York (WNS) — Seventyning services Thursday and Fri- «ky, Miss Julia Zukor. Among the teachings pf the leaders, those present was Miss Dorothy Habbl Judah said: "One may Haifa and the residence In He- five percent of the world's Ilti day, Sept 24 and 26, will begin Zukor, who Is visiting from Chihoboth of the late Dr. Chaim million Jews live In three counnot cat before he has fed his cat•tip. m,-i cago, 111. Weizmann, first president of Is- tries—the United States, Soviet tle.1 Russia and Israel—according to Blknr Chollm: will entertain the Three things have a great in- rael. When he came to this coun- figures TEMPLE ISRAEL presented in a newlyresidents of the Dr. Sher Jewish fluence on the mind of a m a n - try Mendelsohn accepted com- published guidebook prepared by Servlcea will be held this eve- Home for Aged with a Simchath Music, change of scenery, and 8 missions to build a s t r i n g of ning at 8 o'clock In the auditor- Torah Party Saturday, Oct. 3, at pleasant odor. synagogue-community centers in the World Jewish Congress. AnCleveland, St. Louis, Baltimore, other 2,100,000 Jews, or about ium of the Jewish Community 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Allen ZaUcin, St. Paul, Grand Rapids and Pal- 19 percent of the Jewish people, Center. This Sabbath of Hol-Ka president of the Blkur Chollm Solas. He had recently been com- live In nine countries, while the Less Bigotry Moed Succoa la dedicated to our ciety, promises a gay evening. missioned to design a memorial remaining six percent of Jews are youth. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks Special Klddosh: Montreal (JTA)-Blgotry has In New York to the six million scattered In nations throughout will Install the now officers of the Mr. and Mrs. Malech Katzman the world. in Canada during the Jews slain In Europe. Temple Youth Oroup and mem-treated the Residents of the Home lessened W r i t t e n by Dr. Isaac I. year Just concluded, it Here in San Francisco, where ben of the Youth Group will to a special Klddush on Friday, Jewish Schwarzbart, director of the WJC was emphasized here In a statehe took up residence and lectured share the conduct o( the service Sept. 18. ment by Samuel Bronfman, pres- at the University of California's Organization Department, the, with the rabbi.. Following the Yahiiet: new reference work contains inident of the Canadian Jewish services the Temple Youth Oroup Special Memorial Services were Congress, summing up the de- School of Architecture, Mendel- formation on • Jewish communisohn designed the Maimonldes will present a skit and have a re- held in the Home Synagogue for velopments 01 the year. Health Center and Hebrew Nurs- ties in the Western world, as well ception for the Congregation at an the following: such far-flung areas as InMr. Sam Epstein — TIshri S — Mr. Bronfman said, "The flood ing Home. He is survived by his asin Oneg Shabbot. of bigotry, which had been so widow and a daughter, Mrs. Pe- donesia, Ethiopia, Kenya and the Sept. 12. Belgian Congo. In addition to tragically let loose upon humanRegular Sabbath Services will Mrs. Rebecca Zwelback—Tlshrl ity some years ago has abated, ter Joseph. outlining basic facts about Jewbe held In the morning at 11:30 5—Sept. 14. ish communities throughout the the free citizens of demoMr. Barney Markowitz—Tlshrl and o'clock and will be followed by globe, Dr. Schwarzbart summarcratic nations can live their lives Menachem Ribolow 14—Sept. 23. the customary Klddush. in civic peace, with more comizes the history of the World plete devotion to tho advance- Hebrew Author Wednesday evening, Sept. 30, at Jewish Congress, describes Its orment of humanity and the enstructure and aims, 7:45 o'clock Is the Service for the New York (JTA)-—Menachem ganizational richment of our spiritual heriand concludes with a section Conclusion of Succos and Simchas tage. The enactment of fair em- Ribalow, editor of Hadoar. the highlighting the tasks ahead for Torah. Itafcbl Tlrookn will conployment practices laws feder- only weekly magazine published the international organization. secrate tfie children entering the ally and in a number of Cana- in Hebrew in the United States, Temple Heli/flous School for the At the Memorial Services to be dian provinces is encouraging died here this week from a heart first time. Each consccrant will held ailment He was 58 years old. evidence of this trend." Sheminl Atzcrcth, Thursday, receive a small model Torah and Oct. 1, Beth El Synagogue will Born in Chudnow, in the a certificate rccordlnj; the occa- dedicate Memorial Name Plaques Ukraine, he came to the United sion. Following the services the which have been nfflxed to the But now the Lord tny God hath States In 1921 and took an active Conprepatlon will enjoy a recep- Synagogue Memorial Tablets dur- given me rest on every side, so part in developing Hebrew litertion in honor of the children. ing the past six months. This will that there is neither adversary nor ature in this country, soon becoming vice-president of the Hisfor evil occurrent—I Kings 6:4. Thursday morning. Oct. 2. at 11 Include the names: Michael Blank o'clock. Rabbi Brooks will conHerman Bondarin duct the regular Festival Service, Abraham Bordy and Memorial Prayers (Ylzkor) Max Davidson will be recited. Abraham 8. Friedman For Every Occasion Morris Grossman BETII EL Charles Horwlch There will be a brfef Sabbath IUva Leah Lazarus Service (his evening at 0 p. m. Brian Scott Lincoln Say It With Ours ' The Saturday morning service will Jacob Lipsey berln at 8:45 a. m. Gail MargoHn Reopening Soon Sbemlnl Atscretb aad 8lmchath Bertha Mayper EARL SIEGEL Maurice D. Mleklin Torah s e r v i c e * will be held: Anne Slegel Olendcr Thunday, Oct 1, Morning Service PamSmlme—Mays Louli J. Olender at 0 a: m.; Ylzkor, Memorial Serv2323 Dodge JA 2545 Ckm and IMIIVMMI iMtmcttoa Sam Platt ice,' It 1030-a. m. Memorial Plaques will bo dedicated at this Jacob Raduzlner Ida Rubin service. Mlncha will be at 5:45 Also Morning Creative Dramatic Classes Harry Rubin ; P. m.; Maariv and the Slmchatli for Children 4 ^ and 5 Abraham Jacob Shamberg Torah service at 7 p. m. Ida Shamberg Call Now All children of the congregation Yudls Slegel are invited to attend this service. Omaha's Favorite David Slegel Friday, Oct a, there will bo o 5221 Military Benjamin Stock OL9320 Way to Dine on morning service at 9 a. m. The Naomi Matle Stock late Sabbath Eve cervices at 8 Bess Elps White Sunday Pv m.,,wlll begin Friday, Oct. 2. Members and friends of these families arc especially invited to . The haDpIest man he's met In this-service. yean, Insists Jack Bennny, Is the Mrs. Morris Katlcman Is chairparking-lot ntendant across the man of the Memorials Committee. waj^ from the CBS studio. After ten years of Ju^llng expensive 'Behold, thy King cometh unto Cadillac convertibles and coupes, thec: he is just, and having salhe's finally passed his driving test. vation.—Zcch. 9:8.

Beth El to Dedicate Memorial Plaques


Miriam Shrier


Dramatic .Studio



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B'nai B'rith Bowling Pioneer Uniform , Kalrnan Insurance Wardrobe ..._....-„.,.... Union Frelghtways a.....»..5 IMPCO -.... -...4 Kogg Bros. Paper 3 I^anklin Distr. ......«.•. »2 I-GO-Van „*...... _...2 HUh Games and Series Phil Katzman, 202, 236—621; Dave Greenberg, 204—501; Doc Platt. 509; Marv Tarnoff, 542; Lou Singer, 537; Gco. Schapiro, 215— 541; Ben Blatt, 514; Marry Katzman, 516; Joe Frank, 503; Tony Conn, 509; Norm Bordy, 220—539; Phil Kutler, 204—531; Bob Swartz, 214—574; Dave Rice, 500; Larry Plattner, 514; Paul Steinberg, 500, and Leo Weltz, 535. Minor Clastic W. Wayne Auto & Paint .....8 HZ Vending ..... ,.....~^..S Vcnger & Sons ~..~...5 Best Appliance ...—..._—....—.4 CUquot Club A Forbes Bakery „...._......_.J Paramount Bakery -J Smith Pontlac A nifh Games and Series Milt Parker, 209—506; Sid Taren, 505; Harry Friedman, 515, and Judd Manvitz, 533. "A" Division W. L. Burkahrd-Gerelick 7 2 X«yns florist -7 2 Pepsi-Cola 8 3 Jteb. Furn. Mart _...5 4 Grace-Mayer Ins _ 4 5 Milder Oil Co _ „ 4 S Hlnky-Dlnky 4 6 11-Worth Grill 4 5 Crosstown TV _....4 5 Belmont Jewelry .4 S Greenberg Ins „ 3 6 Morris Paint Store ....„ 1 8 Hlsb Games and Series . Lou Hurwltz, 202—502; Norm Zevitz, 503; Bud Wolf. 513. and Sam Stern, 208. Keller's "B" Division W. L. Jewelry _ 7 2 t Market 7 2 _ t Bros. Van Lines 5 4 H. A. Wolf Insurance Co.... 5 4 Bennett Furniture Co - 4 5 South Omaha Sun _... 4 5 Mid Plains Insurance 4 5 Robinson Iron & Metal 4 5 Ma»i Color Paints (Brandels) 3 8 Slosburp Realty _ 2 7 High Individual Game and High Individual Series of 231 and 542 •respectively rolled by Herb Cohen, Mid Plains Insurance, on Sept. 21 still stands. Conflicting night school schedules have forced Herb to drop out of competitive bowling. Jack Cohen, capt.. So. Omaha Sun. came close with a nigh game of 208 and a hl*h se- rfes for the evening of 527. Othenoteworthy scores for the evenln" are a« fallows: . E. Gorellck—Simon's Jewelry— G. 'Osheroff—H. A. Wo»f—189. S. Rosenblatt—Watson Bros— 186. Benn-U Furni<nreV HTt"- of 820 and HTS of 2?<3. Sept. 22. stir remains unbeaten. «--i<w»r "B" Division W. L Rosen-Novak , ,..7 2 Playland Pnrlt ZZ......Z.5 4 Ritewav TV Service 5 4 'Wblfmrn-Gerber _.5 4 Rank's Army Goods _ £ 4 National Tire ft Supply 4 5 "Philro B'sndels 4 5 Prurka Tmnsportation 4 5 Bonhelm Jewclrv 2 8 2 7 rLlbcr*y C.a* & Oil Sol L«wl5 Co _ 2 7 n'«*i Scorn and Series Ike Friedman. 203—547. new high sorlpv .f/ju Jess. 207; I. Ber— cord 205: By Raznick, 1H!)—471: A. Gorpdetznr, 181—481; D. Slusky,. 178—470: H. Ro«in'-kv. 1B0S. Mnyrvr. 174—477 and S Diamond, 177—474. Ladles'


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7 0 B 0 0 0 5 5 4 4 4

2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5

Varsity Teams Line Up for Basketball The J. C. C. Varsity league will get underway Thursday, Nov. 5 at the Jay gymnasium starting another season of basketball. At a meetIng held last Thursday the captains of last year's teams made plans for the coming season. The teams will be led by Steve Lustgarten, Al dayman, Ben Kutler and Irv Yaffe or Jack Stlss. Last year's captain Ed Belgrade, who led his team to the championship reports for active duty Sep. 29 with the U. S. Air Force. The varsity men will play • preseason round plus five rounds of regular season play. Here are the rosters for each team. Capt Irv Yaffe or Jack SUss, Sol Welnberg, Harry Wise, Bart Rochman, Harlan Rosen, and Gulnter Kahn. Capt Al dayman—SUn Widman, Ray Somberg, Ed Belier, Jake Adler, Sherm Poska, Bernie Turkel. Capt Ben Kutler—Dave Meyers, Harry Halpert, Lindy Paul, Meyer Halpern,/Ernie Saltzmon, Norm Zevitz, and Dave Fogel. Capt Steve Lustgartcn—Ralph Cooper, Joe Belmont, Al Brown, Moo Handleman, Len Lorkis, Lee Bernstein nnd Kevee Kirshen-

Want to Play Varsity Basketball?? Anyone wishing to play in the Vanity Basketball League this coming season, contact Lindy Paul at the C e n t e r . League play starts Thursday, November 5. Games will be played at 7 and 8 p. m.

Y. C, Boys Bowling Soars to 20 Teams

The Youth Council Boys Bowling league will field 20 teams this season as the high school lads will battle It out for honors in Olympic points. The league will be under the direction of a couple of sophomores John Goldner and Murray Newman. Stan Wldman will once again act as Newman announce that the league will bowl In two sections called the American and National league. The boys will alternate their schedules as half of the league will bowl a> 9 a. m. Sunday mornings while the other half wiU bowl at 11 a. m. Buck to defend their team championship from last year will BO- the Rayira- Mezi Sew Grezi team made up of Jerry Ziegmari, Bob Meyer, Fred Simon, Bob Wintroub and Ed BelzerA Tommy Bernstein, who for the past two yean has been the individual average champ, will be out to capture the title for the third time. -Last year Tom won with a nifty 163 average. Last year there: were ten teams In the league and with the 100 per cent improvement in enrollment, there will be one hundred bowlers in The first meeting of the Junior the league. Sports Air Rifle Gun Club will take place Sunday at 1:30 p. m. in the J. C. C. gymnasium. Mayriard Tatleman, a senior at the University of Omaha, Is in charge of the group. Maynard is a certified instructor from the national Tel Aviv (JTA)—The Fourth Rifiory Association and for the past two yeans was in charge of International Maccabiah — the Jewish Olympic Games — opened the Rifiery program at Camp J-C-C, Any boy in the third or •at Ramath Gan Stadium Sunday to .the roar of a battery of cannon. fodrth grade is eligible to attend these sessions which will meet The games were officially declared open by' Israel President Itzhak every Sunday afternoon. Ben.Zvi at 3:30 p. m. after a colTlie following boys have, signed orful ceremony. up to attend the class: Jerry SlusThe ceremony was begun when ky. Gordon Hollis, Bernard Beld- trumpet blasts from nil parts of ner. Edward Trailer. Steven Bo- Israel's largest outdoor stadium gushwal, Stuart Hurwltz, Barry announced the arrival of the Prcs. Krlcsfcld. Bill Bleda and Alex ident. As Mr. Ben Zvi took hU Orkow. xraltion on the reviewing s t a n d together with members of the Cabinet, diplomats, leaders in national affairs and world leaden of the Maccabiah—the strains of "Hatlkvah" were heard and an audience of over 50.000 persons ' A new swlmminj class for rose to sing the national anthem. high school students has started In a place of honor stood the •t the Jewish Community Center, from 3 JO to 5:15 p. m. Mon- symbol of the event, the burning day through Friday. Llfesavlng torch, lighted in Modiln, birthplace will be taught with Instructional of the Maccabees, which had been and recreational swimming also brought across the country to the stadium this morning. President being offered. Ben Zvl took the salute of 1,000 representative members of Israel's Grade School sports organizations and the 600For grade school youngsters odd contestants from 22 other classes are conducted Tuesday countries, who marched past the through Friday from 4:15 to 5:15. reviewing stand. Thiy were pre^ p. m. A youngster may swim on ceded by a color guard carrying any day of his choice. In addition the flags of the 22 nations. Overto these instructional classes mixed head during the ceremony flew swims and splash parties are formations of the Israel Air Force. held every Sunday afternoon The strong foreign confrom 3 to 4 p. m. tingent was led by the 120 American athletes who will participate In the games. The Americans' Adults of white shirts and red Recreational swimming Is open uniform stood out in* the sea of to adults from 7:30 to 9 p. m. trousers color which flooded the arena this Tuesdays and Thursdays. All afternoon. Almost half the forclasses have supervision and in- eign athletes had arrived on two struction and all equipment meets ships that docked past midnight high health standards. thit morning. Grad<* schoolers' yearly fee is For noun before ' t h e gomes six dollars and high school students' eight dollars. Further in- were opened, the roads leading to formation may be obtained at Ramath Gan, satellite town of Tel Aviv were choked with care. the Center, JA 1300. Hundreds of policemen lined the roads and were on duly around 11-Worth Grill 3 6 and in the stadium to direct the Wolf Uro-; .3 6 huge crowd that overflowed the Lyns Florist 3 6 nag-bedecked nmuilhcatre, Hamilton Pharmacy 2 7 Smith Pontiac 1 8 Hlth Series The Junior IJ'nai IJ'rith Bowl Rcv.T Singer 492 I?or.c Oruch 483 iiiR League will bccln the season Annette Franks 478 this .Sunday nt 12:15 p. m , at the Gertie Zcvilr 454 Mii',ic Box. Any boy o r , girl between the acc-3 of 12 to 10 years Hlfh Gamrs Annette Franks 131 is eligible to participate and asked to bo at the Music Box by 12:15 Reva Singer 184 Doris Koom 182 p. rn. sure! For further information please Splits Hac Wintroub 3-7 call Mrs. Ida Sacks AT 0022 or Madeline Kalzmnn 5-7 Harry Colick OR 1544.

Air Rifle Club Meets Sunday

Maccabiah Games Start in Israel

New Swim Class For High Schoolers

Jr. B.B. Bowling


Epstein Nets Tennis Crown Larry Epstein, a Central high senior and a member of A. 2 . A. 1, won the Youth Council Boys Tennis singles championship by defeating Jerry Ziegman of Rayim 6-3, 7-9. Using the smooth type of style similar to Bobby Riggs, Larry let Ziegman force the play and though Ziegman played a fine game, he committed many errors. There were 13 boys eatered in the tourney, representing R a y i m , AJZJi. 1 and A.Z.A. 100. Epstein, in winning the first Youth Council title defeated John Goldner, Phil Schrager, Doug Conn and Bob Wintroub.

On Friday afternoon, Oct. 9 at 4 p. m , the Junior Sports Bowling program will start at the Music Box bowling alleys, next door to tho center..Last year over 50 boys and girls in the sixth through eighth grades participated In the league. Tho winners were the "HIGH HITTERS." Members of the team were Howie Kooper, Tom and Mike Platt. Their averages wcro 114, 106 and 109 respectively. Tommy and Mike Platt will both be back this season. Howie Kooper will bowl in the Youth Council League this year. Any boy or girl in the sixth or eighth grade, wishIng to leam how to bowl and Join the J u n i o r Sports 'Bowling League, are asked to call Lindy Paul at the center, JA* 1386. Boys and girls that have signed up for the league this year are Sandy Gross, Larry Garrop, Martin LJpp, Buddy Herzog, L o u i s Rich, Nancy Richards, Toni Kaplan, Marlys Isack, Alico Kurz, Martin Sncider, Morris Brodker, Cynthia Klein, Charles Wise, Walter Wise, Clark Swartz, Marilyn Hoberraan, John R i e k e s , MUce Fejdman, L u b e t h Shuddelsou, Mike Shrier, Mike Platt, Bilr Horwich, Jerry Lehr and Lynn Singer. The Lord . . . will send bis angel with thee, and prosper thy way.—Gen. 24:40. He hath made with me an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things, and sure.II Sam. 23:9.

' What protiteth the graven image that the maker thereof hath graven it; the molten image, and a teacher of lies? Tho Lord Is in his holy temple. Hab. 2:18, 20. Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: I am the Lord your God.—Lev. 18.2.

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