-acond-ciua MWUr at P»tII» Ntbrulu, outer AM of U7».
Phil Klutzniclc To Yisit Here Philip H. Klutzoick will be hon-. ored at a Homecoming Banquet by the Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Association, Thursday, Oct. 29. This will be his first visit to the city, since he was elected international president of B'nal B'rith.. r Ralph Nogir, president of the B'nai B'rith group, announced the appointment of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosen as chairman for the banquet. At an organizational meeting, program plans were discussed and invitations will be sent to state and national dignitaries. Mr. Klutznick is engaged In a grass-roots tour, to discuss B'nal B'rith policies with members of the organization. He will also conduct a Leadership Institute during his visit here. It will be held on the samo afternoon of the banquet.
Center Max Lerner Wil Lecture and Concert Series Program Announced
Emigration More Than Immigration Official Claims
M»x Lerner Washington (JTA)—Emigration from Israel now exceeds immigration entering the country, David House Group Asked Horowitz, governor of the Central Bank of Israel, told delegates at To Hear Wise Defense the closing session of the National Washington (JTA)—Rep. EmanEconomic Conference for Israel, The way to check this trend, Mr. uel Ccllcr asked the House ComHorwlU said, was to improve eco- mittee, on Un-American Activities nomic conditions through support this week to hear testimony in deof the State of Israel Bond Issue. fense of the late Rabbis Stephen The last sessions of the confer- S. Wise and Judah L. Mngnes. Two ence were devoted to the inaugura- rabbis were accused before the tion of the final phase of the first committee by Benjamin Gitlow, Israel Bond Drive. Delegates to former secretary of the Commutho conference reported on plans nist Party, of carrying out Comfor Israel Bond-sponsored celebra- munist instructions or collaborations of the 3.000th anniversary of tion with the Reds. Jcrsalem in New York and other cities during October and NovcmRep. O i l e r wrote Rep. Harold 1 bor. Former President Harry S. H. Velde, chairman of the ComTruman will be the guest of honor mittee, that "to malign the dead at the Chicago celebration on No- Jis easy virtue." Rep. Voldc was vember 28. These celebrations will told "its Is Incredible that in view be the occasion for cxtraordlnnry of the nature of the charges leveled campaign activity to obtain largo by former Communist Benjamin sums of investment cnpital for Gitlow against Rabbis Wise and Israel through bond sales. Magnes in testimony before your Committee, that such charges go Attack >* , unchallenged." An attack on the Hinadnut by Rep. Ccllcr asked that the ComHenry Morgenthau, J r . chairman of the board of governors of (ho mittee call a mealing to hear wit-* Israel Bond Drive, during the con- nesses who knew both rabbis. H6 ference, today elicited strong state- said "they cannot now, unforments in defense of Hlsladrut by tunately, speak for themselves but a spokesman for the Labor Zionist pthcrc arc others who can.'VRep. , movement and CTarold J. Golden- Ccllcr emphasized he could not berg, of Minneapolis, Minn., di- recall any charges by Mr, Gitlow rector of the investment center In against the rabbis when they were olive. "This," he said, "is a curious Israel. aspect of so much of the testimony "Get Out" Mr. Morgcnthnu told: the con- given by ex-Communists both beference that he."would liketosee fore your Committee and others." the Hlsladrut get out of private He added he thought "It is time" business." Today Mr. Goldonberg that thin bo explored. declared Mr. MorgcnthaiPs reRep. Vclde laid the request for marks about Histadrut rcprcsnted o special hearing would be put be"a mistaken notion of everything fore the other members of the which is good in Zionism." Committee, he said.
Israel and Syria Clash Over Jordan River Canal Project Jersusalem (JTA)—Tho Israel Cabinet met Monday in special session to, consider the latest Syrian threats against Israel in. connection with Israel's drainage project in tho Lake Hulch region. It was reported that the Syrians had presented a second ultimatum • t o the headquarters of the United Nations truce supervision machinery demanding that I s r a e l cease immediately the digging of a nine-mile canal for tho diversion of a portion of the' Jordan River waters to a hydroelectric station. The Syrians specifically object to a ninc-mllc canal now being dug by Israeli workmen to bring water from the Jordnn to a power station to be built on tho northern end of Lnke Kinncrct. The new channel, built nbout one and a quarter miles from the present river bed of the Jordan, will divert only a small portion of the flow and will permit most of the water to continue along Its historic course.
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Publlibed tratr Mdalr, 101 N. aOlh.SiniU Cow '10 CMoM OnuU. tftlmak*, P b o u AT MM Anncn! IU& « - -
Washington (JTA)—Secretary of State John Foster Dulles discussed with Israel Ambassador, Abba Eban .the controversy involving Israel's use of the waters of the Jordan River. This question, however, was only one of a number of subjects discussed. Mr. Eban sold that, In view of hl» recent return from Israel, a "detailed survey of AmericanIsrael relations in all aspects" was entered into, ' ; Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel Foreign Minister' Moshe Sharett conferred with MaJ. Gen. Vagn Bennike. United Nations truce chief In Palestine, and his political advisor, Henri Vlfiicr, on the IsraelSyrian dispute over tho Israel Hulch reclamation project. At the conclusion of the meeting, a joint statement was issued reporting that Mr. Sharett had presented to Gen. Bcnnlke information concerning Israel's position en the dredging of a canal in the Uuleh Valley..
Msrtlu Schlamme
Encouraging Response to Cash Appeal An encouraging response to the emergency appeal for $50,000 In cash, as Omaha Jewry's share in the national United Jewish Appeal cash campaign for $25,000,000, was reported by David Fedcr, chairman of the Pledge Redemption Committee, who is in charge of tho special cash collection appeal in Omaha. "If the response'to our special billings continues at the present rate, w e ought to be able to raise the cash quota in the 10 days remaining in tho national effort to collect the sum urgently needed to meet the crisis in Israel, The deadline is October 10, and I hope that every subscriber will respond by sending in payment on pledges." A substantial part of the *23,-: 000,000 cash fund now being sought will bo used' for immediate construction of 10,000 homes with a combined population capacity of 50,000 persons and of 40 new agricultural settlements. This is a most crulclal phase arid, is essential for Israel's welfare and progress. . • • "'-, • ,"\ : •' '-• '• 'In Israel," Mr. Fcder stated, "a total of 200,000 Jews live in sukkah-like huts not during 'the holiday of Succoth alone, but all year round. These huts are as much a symbol of suffering today as they were in the time of Moses. We cannot rest pur efforts until these huts are ripped away and are replaced by recent, permanent housing." • ••.-:. : '...:'; '
On Radio and TV ' : On Sunday,'. 11:30 to noon, over WOW—Radio, tho Eter-, nql Light will present "Bar Kochba: Prince of Israel" written by Marc Slcgel, and presented in commemoration of the three thousandth anniversary of the founding of Jerusalem, it has been announced by The Jewish Theological Seminary, under whoso auspices the program is conducted. The Eternal Light, a coast-tocoast radio program, is presented as a-public sorvlco by the National Broadcasting Company. "Bar Kochba: Prince of IBracl" is based on Ellas Gilncr's recent novel, "Prince of Israel," published by The Exposition Press, and is the story of the battle to redeem the Holy City of Jerusalem from tho Romans, and the struggle to rebuild the destroyed Temple under the great leader, Bar Kochba.
IlaJ Xehrnwn
Fed. Women In Chest Drive Omaha Jewish women will take an active part in the current community chest campaign through volunteers furnished by the J7 organizations affiliated with the Federation of J e w i s h Women's Clubs, Mrs. Harold P. Farber, Federation president announced. Serving as co-chairmen of Division C ore Mmes. Joe J. Greenberg and Leon Alexander. Districting chairman is Mrs. Hubert Sommcr, assisted by Mrs. Edward E. BrtSdkcy, vice-president of the Federation, in charge of this phase of activity. Assisting as majors are the following: Mmes. Abe Bear, Jack Bramson, Bonnet Conn, Alfred Fox, Dave Frank, Morris Levey, Alfred Sophlr, Sam Steinberg, and Wm, Hi Wolfson. The campaign goal for tho chest drive Is $1,194,202, and it represents the barest minimum amount needed by the 40 agencies benefiting from the drive, which carry oh a program of health, welfare and recreation activities In Omaha, "The Jewish community of Omaha has a vital interest in the success of the campaign of the Chest," Mrs. Farber said. "For one thing, this annual campaign represents a human adventure in which all faiths and groups In the community band together for the common welfare of all people of Omaha. "Then, too, the Jewish Federation is a berieficlaty agency of the annual chest drive, which furnishes a substantial grant toward the welfare and recreational program of the Federation."
Max Lerner, professor at Bran* dels University, foremost speaker and political analyst, will open tha 1953-54 Center Lecture and Con* cert Scrici Saturday night, Oct. 17, Mrs.. Samuel..N. Wolf, chairman of the series, announced today. '^Everyone agrees that we are very fortunate to have been able to secure Mr. Lerner as our open* ing speaker," Mrs. Wolf said. "Max Lerner is recognized as one of the most provocative speakers and in* cisive thinkers of our days. His appearance here will be a real treat and stimulation to the mern* bers of our community." International Singer Martha Schlamme, popular international singer, a native of Vienna, will follow Mr. Lerner, She will appear Wednesday, Nov. 18. Miss Schlamme has been wide* Iy acclaimed throughout the world, and has' won recognition as a noted interpretive singer on stage, TV, and radio. Many albums of her songs have been issued by the Columbia Records Corporation. Her program will include selections of appeal to the entire com* munity. L e h m a n in Repeat Appearance Hal Lehrmnn, noted author, lecturer and reporter will make a r e peat appearance on Wednesday, Feb. 24. Mr. Lehrman, whose writings have appeared in numerous magazines, spoke in Omaha last year and made a deep impression upon his listeners. He is being brpught back by popular request. " The Israel Trio, consisting of three outstanding young Israeli artists, will conclude the series Wednesday, March 24, with a unique program of Israel dance and music, under the general motif of a "Night in Israel." The troupe includes Miss Varda Razi, Israel's outstanding d a n c e r ; Benjamin Orcn, young Israel pianist, and David Loin a most promising Israel violinist. "We believe* that we are presenting an outstanding combination of speakers and artist, with a balanced program which will appeal to a wide audience," Mrs. Wolf said. Tickets for the entire scries are $2.00 and may be obtained at the Center office. Single admissions to individual programs wilt be $1.00 each-
Temple Israel Cornerstone To Be Dedicated Sun. Oct. 18 The cornerstone oi the new Temple Israel will be dedicated Sunday, Oct. 18, at 2 p. m. at the site of the Temple, 69th and Cass Sts:
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Morris E, Jacobs, a past president of the congregation, has been named chairman for the ceremonies. Mr, Jacobs announced that Rabbi Myron M. Meyer of St. Joseph, Mo., will deliver the dedication address. Other spenkers include Alfred Mayer, president of the congregation; Mrs. Morton Hllier, president of tlic sisterhood; and Miss Joan Abrahams, president of the Tcmplo Youth Group. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, the congregation's spiritual l e a d e r , will dedicate the cornerstone into which will be placed items of religious and historical significance from the old Temple. A parchment scroll with the sig-
natures of the Temple members, and their families will also be placed in the cornerstone. The scroll is in the Temple office at the Jewish Community Center and congregation members'. are asked to come to tho office and place their signatures on the scroll1 a» soon as possible. " . Rabbi Benjamin Groner, of Both. Israel, will deliver the invocation: and Rabbi Meyer Kripke, of Beth El, will ask the benediction. Members of the community aro invited to attend the ceremonies. The new $500,000 building will be contemporary in design. Th« sanctuary, seating 300, will open onto the social hnll, with seating accommodations for another SOt persons. An entrance from 72nd street will lead onto a parking area with space for ISO cars. Tha school wing of the building wilt include classrooms for kindergarten, a nursery and a clubroont.
<FrU*y. October I, l » 5 l
OurU.'N. Newsletter,
Major Post Goes to Israel
JTaMhhed Cvrrr FrUaj b> Ibc Omaha Jews* jrederatimi a u m M i a oatttt M Qauuu. IMniu, aria UK « i « Ilint *. Ul» Adrartwu Eatas o» Apptteuon
• • g Bl aatacrtpuoa. t f S ? * *MM. **
-Society EdHoi
Your Child's Jewish Education
' United Nations (JTA)—Israel gained not only honor and prestige out of its election as a vice-president of the Eighth General Assembly of the United Nations, but also confidence. The vote at the beginning of the session resolved some of the uncertainties in the minds of the delegation at,to how their government's policies would be regarded at this meeting. "New I * * " To understand their qualms, it must be pointed out that the Eighth General Assembly is tbe first full Assembly since the new Republican- Administration has taken over in Washington, an administration, which, in tbe words of tbe Secretary of State, John Foster Dulles, said that i t would have a "new look*? at the Middle East. {The prior meetings of the Assembly this year (the second and third part of the Seventh General Assembly) did witht he Palestine problem.' Furthermore, - Ibis session follows closely on the transfer of the Israeli Foreign Ministry to Jerusalem, a move which was only the conclusion of a step taken years ago, but which n e v e r t h e l e s s aroused a good deal of adverse comment in the Western World. At the time, Mr. Dulles said that the "world religious community has.. claims in Jerusalem which take precedence over tbe political claims of any particular nation." If a man's words could carry more weight than the; representative of the United Stales government, it was Mr. Dulles, for beside his official position, he is a leading layman of the Protestant Church. It came as something of a shock to .members of the delegation here to discover that Protestant Churchmen . who have normally been friendly and sympathetic toward Israel's alms and aspirations, were up in arms over the transfer of he Foreign Ministry to Jerusalem.
The opening of the school year and the end of the Jewish holiday Reason are occasions upon which Jewish parents are reminded of their duty toward their children, the obligation to give their children a Jewish education. Jewish parent* are . told that their children will in later life be better able to eope with the problem of their Jewishness if they, the children, will be made aware of their origins, their people's history and religious beliefs, its past sufferings and its aspiration! for the future. More and More it is becoming necessary to remind American Jewish parents of their duty in this connection. A s assimilation makes ever greater inroads upon American Jewish .life, a more vigorous counter-attack in the form of information for Jewish education becomes necessary. American Jewish parent* must be made to realize that no matter how much their children, may in the future become integrated in the life of American society a core of Jewishnesa will inevitably remain with them which their Gentile neighbor* and feUow-eitixens will be quick to notice. To lift this so-called racial Jewiahness, these uneonseionff, specially Jewish, responses by the individual, to a higher plune, to the level of a cultural tradition of which the individual is aware and which he bears prondly, is the great thing that Jewish education can accomplish for the American Jewish child. If this can be properly explained to American Jewish parents, we believe that this year's enrollment in Jewish school* Baltimore (JTA) — Philip ft threat that s<wie peismis may _bc of all sorts can be made to surpass the enrollment of previous years. We who arc firm believers in the valne of Jewish edu- Perlman, who was Solicitor Gen- deported to homelands they fled eral of the United States for'many to avoid religious or political percation should take it upon ourselves, should consider it our years, described the Eisenhower secution. sacred duty, to enlighten parents on this vital matter. Administration's Refugee Act last 5. The law is "replete with conweek as even -worse than the Me- ditions and prohibitions and qualCarran-WaKer Act Mr. Perlman ification** which requlro Immisaid the act, which was described grants to give proof they are not by the new Administration as a displacing other persons in this "liberal achievement," was actual- country from housing or employly "the most discriminatory, the ment. most restrictive and generally the 8. The law—and Mr. Perlman wont piece of (immigration) legemphasize* this point—allows conMew York <JTA>—Details on Ms soberNand realistic. appraisal of islation" in the nation's history. sular and immigration officers to talks with the Austrian Govern- Austria's financial capacity. It -The Refugee Relief Act of 1953 aliens visas if the officer ment o n Jewish claim* against would be morally indefensible, on expressly adopts the discrimina- refuse has "reason believe" the alien Austria were given faexc by Dr. the other hand, to abandon these tions and the other abuses of the is Ineligible. to This gives such ofDalles Nabum Gokbnann, chairman of the lasses. Thousands of p e r s o n ! McCarran-Waltcr Act, nnd then ficers dangerous arbitrary powers, In a k-ttcr to Mr. Dulles, as head Jewish Agency, following his re- throughout the world, many of adds new ones, so drastic in scope he said. f the American delegation to the turn XromVienna where be met them i s destitute condition, have as to destroy the hopes of many e m Mr. Perlman made these re- Assembly, the National Council of waited for years,for compensation who have been dreaming of a nafe with ith Austrian A t i Chancellor Or. for pensions, insurance, bank sav- haven m the United States," he marks in an address before the ^lurches of Clirbt In the United ' JuiiUS ^BnK' ings and other assets criminally said. As head of a seven-mem- Baltimore chapter of Americans States, a Protestant organization, seized frrom them by the Ansch- ber commission appointed by for- for Democratic Action. An expert ecalled what he had said at the •-- -',Dr. ; Goldman said : that four luss government of Austria." mer President Truman to study in the field of immigration law, ime of the transfer of the Formajor claims against Austria for g Ministry. It then declared legislation, Mr. I'crl- Mr, Pcrlman has been highly commaterial losses sufferred by Jews Dr. Goldmann also reported immigration man January turned in a re- mended by major Jewish organiza- that "the great majority of the under Nazi rule are now being that the West German govern- port last tions for his work as chairman of people of our churches" would like urging complete revision of -stodJed by the Austrian Cabinet ment, with whom he had negotiat- the McCarran-Waltcr the commission established by to see the "internationalization of Act. The claims presented by the Com- ed in 19S1 and 1952 on behalf of President Truman to study immi- Jerusalem," and it added that mittee for Jewish Claims oo Aus- the Israel Government and the Mr. Perlman said that there has gration and' naturalization prob- steps might be taken by yuu and ' tria, of which Dr. Goldmann Is Conference on Jewish Material been an attempt to confuse the im- lems. 'our colleagues toward the represident and which represents the Claims Against Germany, has as- migration Issue so that the public icwed discussion of this question major Jewish organizations of the sumed obligations' approximating would think the new Refugee" Heiy the General Assembly." Westerrn world are; ; $2,200,000,000 in indemnification, lief Act is a revision of the UcNo wonder, therefore, that the L Present Austrian legislation restitution and reparations, to pre- Carran-Waller Act in line with members of the delegation apto indemnify victim of Nazi per- sent and former German nationals. President Eisenhower's campaign roached the new Assembly with pledge- He-espedauy decried a letsecution in Austria should be ex•ome trepidation. Although the ter Written to President Eisen.>. tended to embrace thousands of This figure includes the »8J2,- hower on August 31 by Sen. Ar;ucstian of tbe "iniernatianaliza•former Austrian* who have reset- 000,000 which the West German thur V. Watkins, chairman of the CANADIAN LABOE lion" of Jerusalem bad not been - tied and acquired citizenship m. Government undertaken to Senate Immigration SubcommitMontreal < JTA)—"We shall con- put on the agenda,%nd they knew other countries. There.appears to pay in goods has to Israel under the tee which urged that nothing be tinue to cement ever stronger the hat the Arab states were opposed be agreement on this point between Boon-Israel agreement signed last changed m the McCorran-Walter bond of friendship between the o it, there was a possibility that ' th Austrian goverrnrment and the Some 1,000,000 persons of Act until the new 1953 emergency Canadian Congress of Labor and t might be raised by someone else. -Committee. Dr. Goldmann said, year. aU faiths both inside and outside law expires in three and one-half the Histadmt in Israel," A. R. It the same time, they Were con' the Raab government: has taken Germany, will be beneficiaries years. Mother, president of the 375,000 cerned by maneuvers going on some initia) steps, to meet this de- a Federal Indemnification Law of to ; member Congress, said at its 13th behind the scenes. . mand. compensate persons who suffered "It is to be hoped," Mr. Perlman annual convention held here. 2. Tbe The division of offices at the be Committee for' for Jewish incarceration and physical muti- said, "that the President will put li "We are proud to'have been \ssembly ty usually agreed to be-? t i iis seeking ki a <et- lation under-the Nazis. The Fed- Sen. Welkins' letter into the Claims on A Austria ttemcut for heirrless Jewish prop- eral Indemnification Law wag wastebasket where it belongs." Mr. friends of the Histadrut for quite orehand and is by rote; it was erty. The funds accruing under adopted by the German Parliament Perlman's criticisms of the Ad- a few years and we are doubly sraol's turn for a place and It was such settlement would be used to this summer in accordance with a ministration's Refugee Relief Act prroud of the active friendship— have the vice-presidency. Veti finance Nad refugee rehabilitation pledge given to the Conference on were many and specific. He point- not lip service—which our parent aklstan, a Moslem country and organization the Congress of InJewish Material Claims Against ttaugiaius abroad. Some of this me of the few pro-American Asian ed out that: dustrial Organizations has extend- .tatcs, announced its candidature money would go into a special Germany. 1. The law admits about 51,000 ed to Israel's Fedcration'of Labor," or the seat. fund to assist indigent members of ;•"••.. Additional legislation for a set- immigrants annually, although Mr. Mosher added. The conventhe present Jewish community in However, the vote, which was Austria. Before the Anschluss, tlement of Individual restitution President Eisenhower had asked tion which was attended by 1,000 j secret ballot, provided a clear Austria had a Jewish population claims against the former Third for 120,000 per year. In this re- delegates, heard fraternal greet- ut victory for Israel, 3T being: of 190,000. The survivors found Reich wMI be submitted by Chan- spect,, he noted that the 58,000 ings from Mosh Bitan, representa- ast for her to 30 for Pakistan, and refuge in other loads. The.pres- cellor Adenauer to the new Ger- docs not absorb the unused im- tive of the Histadrut executive he members of the delegation felt ent Austrian-Jewish population is man Parliament, scheduled to con- migration quotas of the north and committee, who is now on a spemuch relieved. A sidelight on this cial mission to this continent. estimated at between 0,000 and vene early next month. These west European nations. claims involve sequestered bank ffnir which may be regarded as a 10.000;' 2. The law, originally intended accounts, securities and other to help eolve over-population ,'ood portent; It was by exactly the FROZEN HERBING . I . The Nazi government seques- properties. nmc 37 votes that the partition problems as well as provide for The Hague (JTA)—Five hun- evolution was passed in the Astered: all Jewish bank accounts. more refugees, was "emasculated dred tons of frozen fresh herrings cmbly and the State of Israel esand the Committee demands that in the Senate" to such an extent will be delivered to Israel, begin- -abllshed. these be unfrozen and returned to Cardinal SpeHman that a limited number of visas for ning next it was reported their legitimate owners. The Ausnon-refugee Italians, Gretits and here today.week, fish, valued nt trian . government maintains that Contributes to Clinic Nctherlanders who are close rel- about 100,000Tluj Israel pounds, nrc ranch office In West Berlin, came these accounts arc no longer avail. atives of American citizens and being supplied under terms New York (JTA)—The Charles of the ere to put the finishing touches able, having been withdrawn by resident aliens are "the sole ves- Dutch-Israel trade agreement. the German Reich. Settlement of II. Silver Clinic of Beth Israel tige left." the proposed reparations purHospital here was dedicated in a Ibis issue may require negotiations hasing schedule for the 1954-59 3. The law allows Congress to REPARATIONS GnOUPS latwceu the German and Austrian ceremony attended by over 1,000 iscal year. persons this week. The $000,000 'usurp" executive duties by orCologne (JTA)—A parrty of ofsjDvemmcnts. six-story structure was named in dering deportations; if Congress ERMAN~ RADIO 4. The Committee is also de- honor of Charles Silver, president so desires, of aliens who entered 'icials of the Ehilumlm (reparaions Corporation cct up by the manding the return of, or compen- of the hospital and well known this country before July 1 this Hamburg (JTA)—The NorthIsrael Government to order rcsation for, furniture and other philanthropist. est German Radio network will year, as non-immigrants. parartions goods frrom West Ger- ach week carry a quarter-hour Jewish household Roods sold on the 4. The law falls to state to Former Vice President Albcn W. .-nany and to distribute these goods block by the Austrian government roRram dealing with come aspect Barkley presided over the cere- which countries persons falling to '.n Israel arrived here this week for f the Jewish contribution to Gerafter the Anschluss. mony. Among the speakers were win Congressional approval will ;onfercncC3 with officials of the lan cultural life, past and presEstimated Lasses be deported. Thus, there is the Bernard Baruch, Mayor Vincent Israel purchasing mission. :nt, it was announced here, Start"Jewish material losses in Aus- R. ImpeUittcri, Milt/in Weill, presThe visiting party consists of ig Oct 10, the broadcasts will be tria under Nazi rule exceeded ident of the Federation of Jewish SpeHman and a $10,000 check Hillcl Dan, chairman of the reuadc each Friday. Jl ,200,000.000," Dr. Goldmann said. Philanthropies of New York, and from the Cardinal and the Alfred parations corporation, Dr. Ashcr "As in the case of Germany, the the Right Rev. James J. Lynch, E. Smith Foundation. Mr. Weill executive secretary, and Yc shall.not respect persons in Jews are asking repayment/or only executive director of the ftew told the gathering that the clinic Citron, Joseph Pecker, a member of the udgment; but yc shall hear'the a fraction of these stupendous c c ar£ careForioO,Oo6"persons an- board of directors. The three men, mall as well as the great,—Deut. / •.? , ' h ««2s who (would Josses. Our claims ore based on a h greetings from Cardinal inal 'nually who will- later visit the mission's 17. ought 'nually.
Refugee Act Attacked As 'Discriminatory7
Dr. Goldmann Reportson Austrian Reparation Talks
Global Report
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Friday, Octatwrt. l M t
Post Polio Swimming Post polio swimming classes for preschool children will begin Thursday, Oct. 8, at 10 a. m., at the Jewish Community C e n t e r S w i m m i n g pool, Mrs. David Bleicher, chairman of this activity announced. Volunteer leaders, participating In this project met this week and mapped out pious for the coming season, which is the second year - in the operation of this conunu. nlty-wide program. Mrs. Blefcher reported that this activity meets - ah important need in the community, and that the Center was widely commended by parents whote c h i l d r e n have benefited from this activity.
Hearing School Serves Both Nebr. and Iowa The Omaha Hearing School also serves children m outstate Nebraska and western Iowa, Mrs. Jean Gallagher Crelghton pointed out Wednesday. Of the IS children enrolled In the non-profit school when the fall term began last Monday, onefourth live outside the OmahaCouncil Bluffs area, she said. There are children from Grand Island and Hartington, Nebraska, Bed Oak and SUnton, Iowa. Mrs. Crelghton is chairman of the school drire to raise $10,000 to meet a budget deficiency for the current school year. Contributions should bo mailed to Omaha Hearing School, 340 south 37th, Omaha, Nobr.
Bridge Classes, The .adult Bridge Classes will onco again get underway on Thursday, Oct. .8, in room 21 of the Jewish Community Center. Advanced players meet at 7:30 p. m. Sharp and beginners at 8:45 p. m. The course, under the supervision of Mr, Lee Ferer, a Life Master of the game, will continue until the end of the year. There is a fee of $9.00 for the course.
Musical Notes
enough? TH10U6HYPM
by Mrs. )taih Idas, Ceatev Mask OlrecUr The firrtsnecting of the Nursery School Music Institute will be held this coming Monday at 730 p. m. lo rxun 29, at the Jewish Community Center.' The talk and discussion will be on "Musical P r o b l e m s in the Nursery School." Refreshments win be served oftev each meeting. To all Youth Councfiers who enjoy music and like to sing. We would like to form a Youth Council Choral Group in time for a musical presentation for Chanukah. Those interested sign up in the Youth Council office.
Special Institute To Teach Music
Plans for the orchestra are being completed. Classic and setnielasslc music has been secured. There are still Openings in all secThe problem of teaching music tions ot the orchestra, so sign up to pre-school children will be the at soon as possible in the activities subject of a special institute, to be office or call me at the Center. conducted by Mrs. Ruth Betas, music director of the Jewish ComPlans are progressing for the munity Center, beginning Monday, first program of the Mute At at 8 p. nL, at the center. ffotne Clob. The theme will be TOUT weekly teutons will be "Seldom Performed Musical Masheld treating the following topics: terworkst" The program will take method of (electing and teaching place fit tbe home of Mrs. A. C. a song; the use of the rhythm Cellman, 5608 Jackson - street, band; use of recorded music, and Tuesday evening, Oct. It, at 8 p. m. music problem* In the' nursery Refreshments will be served aftschool. fourteen nursery school teach- er the program. ers and interested parents have already registered for the institute, Gary Grant: "Her face Is her representing six nursery schools fortune.. . and it runs into a nice in Omaha. figure."
Tho offer of a free membership for ono year to Korean veteran;] was announced by Note Mnrcun, post commander of Epstein-Morgan Post No. 240 of the Jewish W.'.rs Vetcrani. Interested vela can contact Marvin K a p l a n . 5117 Woolworth street, GL B49B.
Art Class "Principles of Art," will be taught in ten weekly classes Moo* day, Oct. S. Mrs, Sylvia Curttss who is associated with the Jotlyn Memorial win conduct this course. The group •will begin with pastels and stfll life. jyfft l open.'The p Is still class will meet on Mondays Md ffrom 1 to 2:30 p. m. Call the Activities Office for regLeo Eisenstatt annntny— the istration information, JA US8. ' formation of a paraership for the general practice of law with Louis Seminara. Tbe new firm will have IU office in the City National Bank Building. Mr. Eisenstatt, a native Omahan, received his education here. -He The Combusker Lodge of B'nal attended Central High School, Uni- B'ritfa will hold its installation of versity of Nebraska and Creightoo officers this Thursday evening at University's School of Law, where t o'clock in the assembly room of he received bis LLB degree In the Blackstone Hotel. 1941. ' IVIs the group's first fall meetHe was formerly associated with Ing and a drawing for a door prize the firm of Kennedy, Holland, Dewill be held promptly at BM p. m. Lacy and Svoboda. Cards and refreshments will folMi*. Eisenstatt served as a member of tbe armed forces during low the business meeting. World War a, where he rose from the rank of private to Lieutenant A Hollywood producer, who has Colonel. • • ' never learned to read or write; reHe Is a member of the Henry cently endorsed bis salary check Monsky Lodge of B'nal B'rtth. with three crosses. "What's hap-, Mr. Eisenstatt is also a member penedr" asked his banker. "You of tbe Anti-Defamation L e a g u e usually sign with only two crosses." here, and serves on the executive Replied tbe producer: "My wife's board of the Plains States Advisory got social ambitions. She thinks t ought to have a middle name." Committee.
Low Partnership Announced Here
Comhuskers to Install Officers
Thanks Omaha!
Rare Hebrew Books ^
free Membership To Korean Vets
Lei Burkenroad and Harry Trustin wish to express their hearty t h a n k s » t o the many friends who made their sixtieth birthday party a huge success. Who also through generous contributions made it possible to present a liberal gift to tbe American Bed Cross and cancer fund.
Painting Class Begins Mon.
Arthur Froog'was appointed Coordinator of Speech Therapy'for the Omaha City Schools and not' for Central High School as previously stated in the Press.
•• He docth according to his will in tho army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and npno can slay his hand,—Dan. 4:35.
Thank You
New Haven, Conn. (JTA)—A collection of 10th Century Hebrew books printed in Italy "Were presented to Yale University by Louis M. Rablnowltz, of New York, it was announced by James T, Babb, Yale Librarian. The gift includes many editions marked by Italian ecclesiastical censors who 'crossed off. words and sentences to which they objected and then certified in their own handwriting that they had read the books. The censorship was Imposed by ecclesiastics who were determined to eradicate any utterance they considered- hostile to the Church. However, in a number of cases the censors' ink has worn thin with time so that today the original Hebrew characters can be lead dearly in the expurgated sections, Mr. Babb said. The new Rablnowltz gift Includes Imprints of the Conti press, at Cromoa, where thousands of Hebrew, books and manuscripts were destroyed in a great bonfire set off in the middle of the 16th Century by order of the Inquisitional censors. A number of first and rare editions of important works on mysticism, theology and exegesis Is Included In the -new acquisition.
The biggest Ford day in our history. We have • the nicest selection of one-owner Used Cars in bur history. USEOCARS
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BURKHARD-GERELICK, Inc. 30th and Sprague Home of A-1 Used C a n and Tracks—Open Evenings
PL 1155
frldsy, October t. 1»5»
Wise-Paul Ceremony Is Solemnized At Fontenelle White gladioli, palms and candelabra formed the background f< a canopy of white gladioli and yellow end white chrysanthemums under which the wedding of Bar bora Elaine Wise, daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Harry A. Wise, and Louis Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Paul of Chicago, was solemnized Sunday evening at the Fontenel' Hotel. Rabbi S i d n e y H. Brooks of Teihple Israel officiated at the o'clock ceremony. Miss Phyllis Potash, maid o. honor, wore a ballerina-length gown of rose quartz silk taffeta fashioned with a fitted bodice, brief sleeves and wide V-neckline. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Dwayne Kushner, Lincoln, sister of the bridegroom; Mrs. Harry A. Wise, Jr.; Miss Audrey Hoberman and Miss Joanne* Jacobs, cousin of the bride, who wore identical gowns of azure blue. All carried baskets of dubonnet chrysanthemums with streamers and talisman rotes. The white satin bridal gown was fashioned with a bateau neckline bordered with seed pearl and iridescent sequin embroidery. The full skirt formed a cathedral train. The bride's fingertip veil of Illusion was held by a satin cap tcoMuu< not* trimmed with seed pearls, and she Mrs. Louis Paul carried white roses and streamers of stephanotls. Among the out-of-town guests The bride's mother chose u were Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Cowan, dance-length dress of cloud blue grandparents of the bride; Mr. and silk organzlne trimmed with chan- Mrs. Fred Paul and daughter Martilly lace and iridescent sequins. cia, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Spielnun The mother of the groom wore a and son Lester; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. gown of lilac taffeta trimmed with Aaronson* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph deeper lilac velvet Both wore Lichter, Mrs. J. Bclofjky, Gordon B. Wcad, Ronald Bernstein, Gilorchid corsages. Rosenberg, Alvin Mincer, Fred Paul of Chicago was best bert man for his brother. Ushers were Sidney Garfinkcl and Harold David Meyers, Albert dayman, 'reenfield, all of Chicago. Harry A. Wise, Jr, Ronald BernFrom Lincoln came Mr. and stein, Gilbert Rosenberg and Har- _rs. Dwayne Kushner and chilold Greenfield, the latter three «5T Iren Brln, Jeffrey and Sherrill; Chicago. JUrs/Edwin Katskee; Miss Gail Charles Wise and Walter Wise, ftatskee; Lewis Beriowjtz and brothers of the bride, were can- 'Tarshall Kushner. dlelighters, Other out-of-townen were Mr, After a reception and dinner at Mrs. Jack Chester from Wilmthe hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Paul left and ington, Del.; Mr. and Mrs. Shelon a wedding trip to Minnesota. don Kushner Hamburg, Ia_, and Upon their return they will live at Mr. and Mrs. of Louis Zabel of Sioux 3300 Burt S t ''alls, S. D.
Memorial Recipe off World Campaign Started The Week
Paris (JTA)—The launching of a world-wide fund-raising campaign for the World Memorial lor Jewish Martyrs in Paris wa^s By Mrs. Mas-Sacks (•marked here at Yom Kippur servCrmt . ices. The memorial will include a 24 crushed graham crackers Tomb to the Unknown Martyr of % stick melted butter Nazi persecution, a museum and a Blend the crackers and butter with a fork. Reserve about *4 cup- documentation center which will ful for the top. Pat the remaining house documents concerning the crumbs into a 0 or 10-inch pic persecution of European Jewry by plate or any other desiigd shape the Hitler regime. pan. Set to one side while the Construction of the manorial, filling is prepared. which was dedicated last May, Is expected to .begin in November Filling and—it Is hoped—will be complet, 4 small packages c r e a m ed by the end of 1954, The projI cheese (room temperaect will cost an estimated 150,000,! ture) 000 francs. Although Jews In 3 eggs France, Britain, Belgium, Switzer% cup sugar land, Scandinavia, South Africa 1 teaspoon vanilla and Belgian Congo will be Blend cheese, sugar, eggs and askedthe to contribute, it is estimated vanilla. Beat until smooth. Pour by Isaac Schncerson, French Jewinto prepared baking dish and ish leader who Is. the moving bake for exactly 25 minutes in a spirit behind the project, that 375 degree oven. Remove from most of the money will have to oven and allow to cool for a few come from North and South Amerminutes. Raise the orcn tempera- ica -with the largest share from the tore to 473 degrees and prepare United States. the topping. Topping 1 small-carton thlok sour • West Germans cream Bonn (JTA)—The West Ger2 tablespoons sugar man Government has ratified the Vi teaspoon vanilla 1951 United Nations Convention Blend and pour over cooled pie. Sprinkle the Vt cup of reserved on Refugees, which extends legal, employment social welfare crumbs over the top. Return to protection toand political refugees the oven for exactly 5 minutes. irrespective of nationality. PresiCooL dent Theodore Hacss signed the convention for the Federal Republic. International Science The convention, ratified by Istanbul (WNS)—The Interna- only two other states, also assures a decree of legal equality tional Institute of Administrative Sciences at its world con- within Germany to those Germans now living abroad who lost gress here chose Prof. Rene Cassin, noted French Jewish leader. their nationally without acquiras Its president. Vice-president of ing cilizcM.liIp of another counthe French State Council, Prof. try. Most of the persons now Cassin Is also president of the tuitclcss in that category a r e Alliance Israelite Unlvcrcclle. Tews who fled Germany during Thirty-cighr countries, a m o n g the Nazi regime. *them Israel, were represented at the congress. Phil Silvers stopped long enough to let us know about the frustratHarry Richman: "Washington Is ed comic who sought an analyst would moke him neurotic bethe only place where sound travels who cause without complexes be felt laster than light." like a nobody.
Bracha Estrada1
Will Marry This ^ f Mr. and Mrs. Dave Estrada announce the engagement of their daughter, Bracha, to Mosbe Mishacl of Jerusalem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ahron Mishacl. Miss Estrada is a graduate of the University of Omaha and was formerly society editor of The, Jewish Press. Mr. Mishacl is director of Land Transportation in the Israel Ministry of Defense. A winter wedding is planned. Fannie Hurst: "A chrysanthemum by any other name would be easier to spell.*
Dr. Daniel Miller leave* Sunday ovsky, were Mr. and Mrs. William for Chicago where he will attend Welner. the annual session of the American College of Surgeons -being held May Tucker from Washington, Oct 5 through 10. D. Cj, is visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Tucker, and her brotherToby Castle has returned from a in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. I month's vacation in Hollywood, Lou Lewis. Calif., where she visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Shortage of Dentists Mrs. Jules Wail. London .(JTA)—The shortage of Spending the holidays in Los dentists is so acute in Israel that Angeles with their son-in-law and the Israel Government has granted daughter, Rabbi and Mrs. I. Rack- licenses to practice dentistry to 400 dental technicians, according to Dr. B. Schrottcr, chairman .of First City the World Federation for on Israoll Denver (JTA)—City ot Denver Dental School, has adopted an ordinance governAddressing a meeting of a denting the submission of real estate al group of tho Friends ot the development which pro- Hebrew University, Dr. Schrotter hibits the Inclusion of discrimina- said that the average age of.Israeli tory restrictive covenants based dentists Is almost 60 and that no upon religion or race. immigrant dentists have qualified The action of the cfty council later than 1938 when European makes Denver the first city in tho schools were closed to them. The United States to give substance to dental group has undertaken to United States Supreme Court de- raise 5,000 pounds by the end of cisions declaring real estates cov- the year in o rder to provide equipenants which discriminate on ment for a dental school soon to grounds of race, color or religion bo opened by the Hebrew University. legally unenforceable.
Air Sltp tathlit b tht tomfert •# * •
The Burnished Look in * : Air Step's Famous Tatoo Pump Wafl-lnd Compoaioa for Aotama Tweeds
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M a d e of deeply-dyed aniline calf, noted ' f o r high Igtter that brings out the rich texture' of tht _ leather. Good' looking. Good feeling. Every step ' is cushioned with the com- ' fort of the Magic Sole,
• '* Totoo ftsmp h Hade.
v;; • OHMT ttyln MS »o 1 U I
Friday, October I. IMS
Stage Call
Hadassah is once more offering an opportunity for all stage-struck Omahans to appear behind the limelights. At 1 p. m., Tuesday, Oct. 6, anyone who can sing, dance or just wants to'work with the backstage crew is invited to Beth El Synagogue to hear a reading of the script of the group's coming production, the musical comedy opera, "Yom Banditin." The show will again be directed by Mrs. A^ C. Fellmon, who put on Hadassah's lj)51 musical show, "Liberty Unlimited."
IIIIIIIB—IIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIII BBwaiiMiwBwiDtnmBoiawniwatHmwiiiwwiaimBinwMMaiiaBiBMiiiamiiBamiiBMMiiMini i iminu -
Beth El Sisterhood
ZBT Mothers' Club
The regular luncheon board meeting of the Beth El Sisterhood will be held Oct. 7, at 12:30 p. m. at the Synagogue. Hostesses for this meeting will be Mmes. Sam Cohen, Arthur Conn, Bennett L. Cohn, David R. Cohen, David B. .Cohn, George Cohn, Aaron Edgar, Morris Fellman, Harry Fercnsteln, Herbert H. Forbes,.Irving Forbes and Jack Fox. Reservation* are being taken by Mrs. Sam Cohen.
The ZBT Mothers' Club will hold its regular luncheon meeting at 1 p. m., Monday, Oct. 5, at the home of MrB. Samuel H. Stern, 0484 Cumlng.
Beth Israel Sisterhood
Nebraska Lodge 1445 Nebraska Chapter 346 B'nal B'rith Tho first meeting of the club year will be held Thursday, Oct. 8, in the social hall of the Congregation of Israel . Synogoguc, 25th and-J streets, at 8 p. m. Reports will be mode by Mr. and Mrs. Sol Martin and Morris Franklin of the District No. 6 Convention which was held in Chicago last July. A social hour of refreshments and cards will follow the business meeting. Mr. and Mrs, Ezra Beldner, program chairman for the Lodge and Chapter, are in charge of refreshments. _
"Cerebral Palsy" will be the topic of discussion by Mrs. Albert Hcdclund, guest speaker at the October meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood. The luncheon-meeting will be held Tuesday, October 6, at one o'clock In the Synagogue Social Hall. Also featured at this meeting will be the new monthly Bake Sale offering home-baked delicacies. Council of Jewish. Mrs.'Robert Smith will be in Women charge of Child Care. Reservations are being taken by Plans for the Annual Council Mmes. Morris Huderman, HA Overseas luncheon are being com4W9, and Sol Mann, AT 2739. pleted. Tho affair wlU be held October 20 at the Jewish Community Center. Pioneer Women Co-chairmen' In charge are Pioneer Women will have Its an- Mmes. J. J. Levey, M a y n a r d nual Tag Day Sunday, Oct. 4. Greenberg and Bennett Cohn. Member* will go from house to Luncheon will be $1.50, and resbouse, and all proceeds will go ervations are being taken by the to the Child Rescue Fund. Pioneer above women. Women are affiliated with Moatloth Hapoaloth, Working Women's Council of Israel. Mrs. Zena Feld- Cousins' Club man U Tag Day chairman. The Cousins' Club will meet at The group met Sept 28 for an the home of Mrs. Ben Oershun, Oneg Yontef at the home of Mrs. 200 Keellne, Council Bluffs, for a Sam Novak Who spoke on her re- 12:30 p. m. luncheon on Wednescent trip to Israel. day, Oct. 7.
pampus News SDT at Iowa The pledging of 21 girls climaxed rush week at Pi chapter of Sigma Delta Tau at the State University of Iowa. Newly pledged are Corrine Draverman, Iowa City; Nancy Bernstein, Louise Chapman, Barbara Welner, and Rhoda Nussbaum, Des Molnes; Edith Blot, Waterloo; Sandra Fisher, Omaha; Anita Frank, Sandra Miller, Minnie Morris and Evelyn Sirota, Davenport; Barbara Frankcl, Council Bluffs; Beverly Clnsbcrg.vOttumwa; Sandra Goldberg, Shenandoah; PhylUs Haft, Shirley Llpkowitz, Ethel Marblestone and Ann Htmmcrrnan, Rock Island, HI; Rochellc Jacobson, Cedar Rapids; Carol Rawson, Chicago, and Sally Shapiro, Sioux City, Activated Sunday, Sept 27, were four girls, Sue Fishman, Chicago; Beverly Melchcr and Gloria Newman, Sioux City, and Jill Stein, Des Molnes. Many Pi members are already busy with campus activities. Marcin Gordon, Council Bluffs, was in charge of the teas held at the President's home during Orientation. Janlc Slegcl, also of Council Bluffs, is Radio Chairman for the campus YWCA and attended a retreat at Palisade Park to plan the V» program for the school year. Among new girls in tho house are Rita Olesker and Rogcnc Manvltz, both of Omaha, who are transfer! from the University of Oklahoma.
Sigma Delta Tau Chairmen of various house functions have been elected for the coming term. They arc activities chairman, Janet Gordon; social chairman, Shirley Rosenberg; cultural chairman, Hclcne Sherman; historian-parliamentarian, Carole Marx; rush chairman, Zoo Sw.irtz; athletics chairman, Sara Lehman; house manager, Fran Locke; torch editor, Gail Katskcc, and song leader* Adelle Chnsnov. Janet Gordon and Carole Marx were elected co-chfiirmcn of the Homecoming display. • Shirley R o s e n b e r g has been elected as a representative of Tassel, the University's organized pep club.
Zeta Beta Tau • Two more ZBTs gave up their freedom this past week. Jerry Rosinsky announced his engagement to Janice Rlnglc of Omaha. Janice attended Nebraska where
the was affiliated with SDT. Shell Green of Chicago surrendered his pin to Zoe Swartz of Los Angeles. Zoe is a sophomore at Nebraska and la also an SDT. The executive committee appointed committee!! for the following year. They arc Mike Greenberg, scholarship; Marv Steinberg, social; Marshall Kushner, cultural; Bruce Hollander, housemanagcr, and Sol Rosinky, song chairman, This year's executive committee l! composed of Shell Green, Doran Jacobs, Mike Greenberg, Ron Minkin, and Howard Vann. The second annual Club Zebra party is set for Oct 17 after the Miami football game. The ZBT football team opens its campaign this Week against Thcta Chi. Those on.the roster are Arley Bondarin, Don Dandy, Ben Bclrhont, Bruce Hollander, Jerry Kruplruky, Lcn .Singer, Marsh Kushner, Howard Vann, Doran Jacobs, Mike Grccnberg, and Shell Green. Joe Dwoskin has a radio show on KNUS while Dick Fcldman has started his activity work In AUF. Ted Steinberg has pledged Kosmct Klub along with Sol Rosin«k.. The ZBT's attended services and a dinner held last Sunday at tho South Street Temple in Lincoln. ZBT's Hlllcl representatives arc Joe Dwoskin, Calvin Linda, and Harlan Bercovicl. Mayhard Small is taking sports pictures for the Ncbraskan and photo lab. Kushner, Arnle Stern, and Vann are all columnists on the -Nebraskan while Jacobs works In tho business section as an assistant business manager. Stern attended the football game last week at Illinois where he visited RHO chapter.
Pictured above are lladassali style show models Mmes. Leo Elsenstatt and Ralph Nog*, seated below, and Mmes. J. J. Greenberr, David Cohen and David Sherman, seated above. < Not pictured Is Mrs. Nathan Nnjr.
Hadassah Women to Model In Thursdays Style Show It has been announced by chapter c h a i r m e n Mrs. Edward IS. Brodkey and Mrs. Ernest Nogg, that plans are being completed for the Hadassah annual style show being held at the Brandeis Auditorium Thursday, Oct. 8. A preview of fall and winter fashions will be shown, with Miss Jennie Fcldman of Brandeis as narrator. ^Proceeds from the show will be used for youth activities in Omaha and for National Youth Zionist Activities. Miss Shelley Greenberg, daughter of Mrs. Esther Greenberg, who attended Camp Herzl as a schol-
Couples Honored A t Dinner Dance Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Belman and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Fogcl wcrcr honored with a no-host dinner dance at the Highland Country Club celebrating their- 25th anniversary. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. L. Margolin and Mr. and Mrs. Mlllard Margolin of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Margolin, Mr. and Mrs. A. Finkel, Mr. and Mrs. Al Feldmnn, and Mrs. E, Bcitchman, all of Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs, Frclich of St. Louis; Mrs. Bernard Diamond of Wichita. Kans.; Mrs. Gertrude Kaiser of Milwaukee; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Cassmon of Frceport, 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Werfel of Essex Falls, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Max Mozcr, Mr. Forrest Mozer and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Breslow of Lincoln.
Half Million
' Baltimore- (WNS)—A half-mlllion-dollar gift to the Sinai Building of tho new Jewish Medical Center by Mrs. Rose F. Welnbcrg and the late Louis Wcinberg was announced by J. Benjamin Katzncr, chairman of the Jewish Medical Center Campaign, at a meeting of the workers of the Special Gifts Committee of the Jewish Medical Center- Campaign hero. To be known as the "Louis, Rose and Morton Welnbcrg Memorial,"- the gift will provide for the second floor patient area of the new Slnal Hospital comprising seventy-nine ward and semi-private type beds and the attached nursing stations, floor laboratories, treatment rooms, kitchens, solaria and offices', This gift brings to $12,629,000 the funds available for the new $18,000,000 medical building program of the Associated Jewish Charities, Mr. Welnbcrg, who was In his middle sixties at tho time of his death, came to this country from England as a child.
Tho Sigma Omlcron Chapter house has gained new charm and personality In the form of housemother Etta Rosen. This subject has been a delicate one to the members because of their long search for a housemother. It was therefore a great pleasure to tho fratrcs to find such a competent and likeable person. They hope she will be able to bo with them for many years. On campus, S. A. M.'s Marshall Becker and Forrest Foska havo garnered first-round victories In the Intermural Fall Tennis Tournament over Phi Delta Thcta and Delta Chi respectively. Marsh won
his match, 0-1 and 6-1, while Forry advanced by default. Ira Epstein was recently awarded the annual Law Review scholarship, given to the most promising applicant from Law Review. Ira was presented the award by the Dean of the Law College. Mel Hurwlch and Marshall Becker, social chairmen, have announced tho SAM party, T h e Moon Is Blue" will be given Oct. 17, the night of the Miami football game. Jimmy Philips, Lincoln bandleader, win provide the ent e r t a l n m e n t . More information next week. ,
Sunday Is JNF Day
Plans for the Omaha Chapter Hadassah Jewish National Fund drive have been announced by the chapter chairmen, Mrs. David arship winner of the Senior Young .Stein 'and Mrs. Jack Kaufman, Judaea, and Miss Suzi Richards, and their committee, Mrs. Wallace daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Elkon and Mrs. Max Shapiro of Richards, who attended the Sen- the Theodor Herzl group, Mrs. ior Young Judaea convention at Sam Green of the Chaim WelzCamp Tel Yehudah, will speak mann group and Mrs. Meyer Linda and Mrs. Leo Taub of the Henabout their experiences. Besides professional m o d e l s rietta Szold group, from Brandeis Store, there will Cards have been distributed to also be Hadassoh models. Mmes, all workers; and Sunday, Oct. 4, Nathan L. Nogg, J. J. Greenberg, has been designated as Jewish NaDavid Sherman and David Cohen tional Fund Day, when a house will model clothes for the mature to house canvas will take place. woman, while Mmes, Ralph Nogg Thousands of acres of desert and Leo Eisonstott will model wastelands in Israel have been clothes that foretell a coming transformed into farmlands and >. event. v dairy pastures during the past Tickets may be procured from fifty years through the work of any committee member. the Jewish' National Fund, and Hadassah has raised more money for" this project than any other American Mbrochi to Hold group. Convention in Atlantic City Hadassah is now reclaiming a of land near the Lebanese New York. Sept. 28 (JTA)—The parcel, border Western Galilee arid a Mizrachl Organization of America tract of inswampland the Sytoday announced it will hold its rian border. They near arc also at33rd annual national convention tempting to gather funds to comNovember 4-8 in Atlantic City. plete the planting of another More than 800 delegates from all 000 trees In "The Forest of300,the: parts of the United States, repMillion" in the Jerusalem-Tel resenting 70,000 members in 300 Six Aviv corridor as a living memorial chapters, will attend the five-day for the 6,000,000 Jews who perconclave at the Breakers Hotel. ' ished in Hitler's death camps; In announcing the convention, Rabbi Mordecai Kirshblum, naThe Lord is my shepherd; 1 tional president, declared that a shall not want. He maketh me to major goal would be that of pre- lie down green pastures: He senting to the delegates a compre- Icadeth meInbeside the still waters. hcnsjve analysis "of the unabated He restoreth my soul; He leadcth difficulties" which the State of me in the paths of righteousness Israel faces at present for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the Helena Rubinstein: "Many peovalley of the shadow of death, I ple's tombstones s h o u l d nod: will fear no evil:—(From the 'Died at 30. Burlttd at 60/ " Twenty-third Psalm.)
Make Your Reservations Now To Hear
Max Lerner Noted Columnist, Author, Professor at Brandeis U., and Lecturer
Saturday, Oct. 17 at 8 p. m. Jewish (Community Center Auditorium
Top,c-"ldeas Are Weapons" Opening Speaker in 1953-54 • Lecture and Concert Series Series Ticket* $2.00
Single Admission $1.00
Council Doings By JMUI straaae
Some of these are mimeographing a list of members,, and a list of th constitution titti ffor by-law* off the each ch member. Rayim's ' volleyball l teanu have begun practicing for the Youth Council I<agiif, Eight bowling teams nave been entered by the club in the Youth Council league.
A. Z. A-'s one and one hundred will hold a hayrack ride Oct. 10 With a party at Camp Brewster following. to Stan WldCtingratulatiofu znan on two counts. The lint being his appointment to chairman of the. Youth Council Athletic Tihvas Ami Committee and the second, bit T. A. will take part in services high game of two hundred in the tonight at the Beth Israel SynaYouth Council bowling league. gogue. The services are being held in honor of the Senior Young Judaea Sabbath. A reception will Debfca Debs follow. Everyone is invited to attd . The next Deb meeting will be tend. agenda for th s on the agenda held Sunday at the J. C. C. ReAlso for this: slumber ports will be given on the Nation- weekend k d iis th ipledge hled t att th h thelmber home al Y o u n g Judaea Convention, party tomorrow night Herzl Camp, and the Youth Coun- of Dens Lagman. The date for the Annual All cil Leadership Seminar. The Debs helped gift w r a p Girls' Mixer Is October 18. All packages for the Jewish service- Youth Council girls arc invited to men, and they organized bowling attend. and volleyball teams for the Youth Council league. Councneftes The pledges of Coundlettes held Rayim their first meeting last Tuesday where elected the following Rayim's Hayrack Ride, held last •s theirthey officers: president, Kay Saturday night, was a huge-suc- Markovitz; . v i c e - president, Ina cess. Forty-three members and Margolin; secretary, Harriet Eptheir dates spent an enjoyable stein; calling Patsy evening at Ted's stables and at a Greenfield; andcommittee, sergeant-at-arms, house party at the borne of Steve Harriet Breslow. Cohen. Jerry Marer was appoint- The date of the annual "Bam ed chairman for the Football Par- Dance" has been changed to Noty which is to be held Oct. 20. Last weekend, Rayim had their vember 7. second meeting of the year at the J. C. C. Included among the reports were a passage from the Bible of Cohclith. and a movie about Atomic Energy, Rayim's newly-acquired pledges have been kept extremely busy doing various jobs for the club. Washington (JTA)—Israel Ambassador Abba Eban, addressing the National Economic Conference for Israel which opened here Sunday, indicated that he saw little Friday, Oet, t prospect of peace with the Arabs Shane Adler, Barbara Jo Bog- in the next five years: The threedanoff, Broderick Morris Epstein, day conference is sponsored by the Sandra Kay Gendler, Steven Lane organization directing the sale of Pitlor and Carrie Jean Raduziner. Israel bonds in the United States. Saturday, Oct. i The Ambassador told the 800 Gabriel (Gaby) Berg, Phyllis delegates that the Israel GovernAnn Bernstein, Barbara Herzog, ment had decided to call on Henand Leon Kenneth Polikov. ry ' Morgcnthsu, Julian Venezky and Henry Montor "to accept the Bandar, Oet 4 responsibility4 for planning and 'Constance Nichols. John Peter 1 launching a new Israel bond isSlosburg, and Dene Sue Stoler. sue In the United States in 1SS4. Monday, Oct. 5 Susan Doris Brodkey, Marilyn Mr. Eban added that Israel's first bond issue, launched in this counDvorUn, Donald Lewis Mann, Wil- try in May I9S1,- brought $180,liam Howard Pinkovitz, J u s t i n 000,000 in new capital to' the JewPlotkin, and Robert Singer. ish State. Ttttsdir, Oet 8 Abraham Brunntngraber,. Alice International Indulgence Ann Fellman, Nancy Lou Harding. The Israel diplomat scored what Alan Rickey Sherman, and Gerald he described as "international inKeith Temia dulgence to the Arab policy of Wednesday, Oct. 7 regional hostility." He said that Rosalind: KaJ Bordy, and Mari- signs of reduced tension hi other lyn Jo Katzman. sectors of the world are not eviThursday. Oet. t dent in Arab policy "which finds Cheryl Kay Milder, Deborah itself increasingly out of harKay Potash, Julie Ann Simon, and mony with the conciliatory atmosJeffrey David Swartz. phere of contemporary international relations." Referring to Syrian opposition to Israel's-Jordan River project, Mr. Eban noted that "the Security Council's ban on blockade Is defied without evokConsecration ceremonies for new practices protest or pressure, while the students of the Temple Israel Re- ing same Council's explicit encourageligious School were held Wednes- ment of development work, proday evening, as part of the Sim- vided land rights are respected, is chas Torah evening service. Rabbi repudiated at the first clatter of Brooks consecrated the boys and Syrian threat" girls, and presented each of them Make Israel Secare with a special certificate marking the occasion, and a miniature In view of the Arab attitude, Torah scroll. Mr. Eban stated, Israel "mxt no Children consecrated were: Nan- virtue in entreating its neighbors a peace settlement, which cy Aronson. Mark Chernlack, Jo for redound as much to their France* Cohn, Ellen Davis, Joan would advantage to our own." He Ann yifber, Ann Friedman, Steven stressed theas importance of conGottlieb, Richard Josephson, Law- centrating I s r a e l ' s energies to rence Kaplan, John Katclman, make the state secure. Alan Kulakbfsky, Deborah Lipp, "We are Jujt as .capable of reLanny Rips, Tommy Rosen, Nancy Silvcrmah, Susan Waldbnum, and doubling our strength in the next five years as we were in tba first Mark Wolfson. nany other avcThe Bur and Bas Mitzvah Class five, and have many Of the Religious School will resume their Thursday afternoon Teen-Age Advisors classes next Thursday, Oct. 8 at 4 p. m. In the Jewish Community To Held Luncheon Center building. They did not meet in the past two weeks, due to the Adult advisers of teen-age clubs observance of SuccoUi. will hold a set-acquainted luncheon meeting on Thursday, Oct. 8, fit HIP Jewish Community Center, Howard Kaplan, chairman of Youth Activities announced. Junior group workers (junior Common areas of concern to counselors) arc needed for Sunday Omaha's Jewish youth wUI be disafternoons, 1:30 to 4:40 p. m., to cussed at this meeting, and Philip work with children ages, 0 to 13. Rocnen, new Youth Director, will Tb© program befiia1* this month be introduced. and will continue throufjh to May. In addition to Youth CounrU These are salaried positions, In- club advisors, Hie B'nai B'rith terested persons can contact Phil Youth Committee, headed by SidRoggen, Youth Activities Director. ney Hollis, and Omaha Zionist Registration is still open in Youth Commission, headed by ballroom and Israeli dance classes. Mrs. Harry Wise, will bo represented at the meeting. Call the youth activities office.
Bar &Ba? Mitzvah Jack Joseph Lleb, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lleb, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah this Friday night and Saturday morning in the Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the receptions which will follow both ceremonies.
Temple Children Consecrated,
Call fo Teen Agers
Beth Isitoel News
MIDDLE YOUTH CLTJB The first meeting of the Beth Israel Intermediate Youth club will take place Saturday evening at 7 p. m. Oet 10. Tba club will meet in the recreation room of the Talmud Torah. Jewish students in their first two years of high school are Invited to apply for membership. An interesting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ravitz an- program has been prepared. nounce that inch- son, Justin Charles, will celebrate his Bar NEW STUDENTS Mitivah Friday evening, Oet 18, and Saturday morning, Oet 17, A special Consecration service honoring all the new students In in Beth Israel Synagogue. the Beth Israel school system wUI be held In the main synagogue . Martin Well, son of Mr. andTStrs. Sunday morning at 10 a. m- Ail Herbert Well, will celebrate bis the children, their parents arid the Bar Mitzvah at the Tempi* Israel staff of teachers will participate services in the auditorium of the in the service. Cantor Ell Kagsn, Jewish Community Center Friday Rabbi Matthew M. Pollakoff. evening and Saturday morning, Rabbi Benjamin Groner will and ofOet B and 10. In his honor, bis ficiate. Everyone is invited to atparents will receive the congre- tend. gation after services, Members of All Sunday school students will the congregation and friends are meet in their regular class rooms invited to attend. at 10 a. m. Talmud Torah students will meet in the Goldstein Memorial chapel at 10 a. m.
T. A/s and Debs Hold Services
Everyone is cordially invited to attend the services to be gives by the girU of Tlkvas Ami and Dcbka Debs tonight at Beth Israel Synagogue. The services are in honor of the Southwest Regional Young Judaea Sabbath.
Prospects for Arab-Israel Peace Remote Eban Asserts
Nappy Birthday
Friday, October t,
nucs of political and economic consolidation to, occupy our effort and resource In the coming years," he said. "Having endured two millenia without statehood, we should not lack the patience to endure a mere decade without peace if our neighbors so decree." • Mr. Eban noted that in some circles "we still read and hear the astonishing theory that Israel, smallest and most" beleaguered of states, should, consider yielding territory to the vast and voracious Arab empire." Leon H.'Keyscrllng, f o r m e r chairman of the President's Council of Economic Advisers, told delegates that Israel's improving economic position lays the basis for the floatation of a second Israel Bond Issue in the United States. Israel is now in a much better position than ever before to fulfill Its economic objectives, tie said. He pointed out that the initial absorption of immigrants has virtually been completed and the foundations o t n s laid for a wellb l d economy. balanced It of Bonds Central Bank of Israel and former director general of the Israel Finance Ministry, who arrived in the United States to report on the Israel economic situation, said that Israel suffers from a scarcity of two commodities "without which Integration of new immigrants is impossible—time and capital." Stressing the importance of the bond issue, Mr. Horowitz said that funds from that source were used to establish 1,466 new industrial plants now producing a widerange of commodities. The phosphate deposits of the Ncgev, he said, are already supplying the needs of the country for that kind of fertilizer. He said the exploration of copper and iron deposits was already, in full swing. Rep. Emanuel Celler told delegates that he felt the new Administration, would be mistaken to send amis to the Arab states, for such an act "would be a strike against peace." He told the deleSates of the Arabs' hostile attitude and warned ned that at they t e y might m i g t rere sume hostilities htiliti If given i hheavy American arms supplies. He said that the Arabs, instead of directIng their hostility against t h e Soviet Union, have continuously hammered away at Israel.
r-TASamuel Kaplan, President of the Beth Israel P-TA, announced that the lirtt meeting of the new term will take place on Thursday evening, Oct. 8, Rabbi Benjamin Groner will be the guest speaker. His topic will be "What the Home Owes to the Talmud Torah." The meeting will be held in the recreation hall of the Talmud Torah building and will begin at 8:30 p. m. Parents of children in the Beth Israel Religious School are invited to attend. Refreshment* will be served. INSTITUTE OF JEWISH 8TUDIES The Beth Israel Institute of Adult' Jewish studies announces that the opening session of the new semester will take place on Monday evening, Oet 12, at 8 p. m. Duo to many requests, several new courses are being offered for the first time this semester. The following classes will meet in the Talmud Torah building every Monday evening: I. Beginner's Hebrew—Members of this class will learn to read and writs Hebrew within a short period of time. This class is also recommended as a rcfrehcr course. Beginner's Hebrew will be taught by Irving Stern of the Talmud Torah Staff. II. Intermediate nebrew—This course is recommended for those who know the basic elements of reading Hebrew. It will result in a greater fluency in reading and a better understanding of t h e Prayer Book. Samuel Stone of the Talmud Torah will teach Intermediate Hebrew. * m . Tanaeh — T h e fascinating
-»A novel and informative study of famous women in Jewish history. Women especially will enjoy this unusual study of Israels famous daughters. Ida Stone of. the Talmud Torah Staff will teach this course. V. Music of the BrnafegM — Cantor EU Kagan will explain the liturgical portions of the synagogue melodies. ' This class is recommended for those who would like to lead the congregation in prayer, for those who would like to learn to recite the Haftorah, and for those who desire a better understanding of the role of music in the synagogue service. VI. The Jewish World Today— A lively discussion of current Jewish affairs. The story of our people as they live today and personalities in the news. Harry Halpert, editor of the Jewish Press, will present "The Jewish World Today." VII. Customs and Traditions — Rabbi Benjamin Groner will explain customs and ceremonies of the Jewish people. This interest* ing and informative class is recommended to all those who would like to know a little more about their religion. Courses numbered I through VI will meet In the Talmud Torah building, 93rd and Charles, from 8 to S Monday evenings. Course number seven win be taught from 9 to 10 in the Talmud Torah building Monday nights. There will bo no charges for registration or tuition. The cost of text books will be the only expenso involved for participants of the institute. Those desiring to register may do so at the Synagogue on or before October 12. For further Information call the office of Beth Israel, Regent 8288.
Group Work Positions Open at Center Applications arc now being accepted for group work positions with the Center's Sunday after-, noon children's program. Candidates should be 18 years of age or older for the senior positions and IS years of age or older for the assistant's jobs. Applications may be, obtained from Philip Roggen in the Youth Council office. The program Is scheduled to begin In mid-October. Closing date for applications has been set for Tuesday, Oet 6.
aBi?jsss pant a deeper appreciation of the precious jewels of Israel's splritw l treasury. Rabbf Matthew M. Pollakoff will teach this course. W. Heroines of Jewish History For Pine Tailoring
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m i twmsa nusa
October 1.1151
Friday, oet.*
... r '
With the Folks at Home
Gems of the
Bible and Talmud Saturday, Oct S Temple Iarael Dance—Highland Town Club. Mint Candles: 5:47 p. m. By DB. PHILIP BBEB Sunday, Oct. 4 Hadassah JNF Box Collection Day—All D«y. U. S. Y. Meeting—6.00 P. a., Beth El Synagogue. Late Sabbath Eve services win - Bible C»trib«tlens to the Home begin this evening, at 8:15 o'clock. The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish A fool despiseth his father's Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m., Center. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke wlU deliver ' . Hondar, Oct. 5 Home for the Aged gratefully ac- correction; but he that regardeth the sermon. Canton Aaron I. Ed- knowledges Pre-Klfldergarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. contributions received reproof is prudent gar and the Beth El Choir will during the month Temple Israel Si«terhood Board Meeting—11:00 a. m., Highland render of September, Happy Is the man who flndeth the musical porrtions of the from the following: Town. ' , wisdom and the man who obtainservice. Temple Israel Siiterhood Meeting—1:00 p. m., Highland Town. eth understanding. Memorial Contributions Saturday morning services will Mr. and Mrs. .Reuben'H. Brown D e b a t e thy cause with thy Adult Art Classes—1:00 p. m., Center. begin at fl:« a. m., Mlncha-Maariv in memory of Goldle 'Katclman, neighbor; but reveal not the secret Workmen'* Loan—7 JO p. m., Center. service will be held at 5:45 p. m. Anna Handler and Ellna Swanson. of another. Nursery School Music institute—7:30 p. m., Center. Dally Mlnyan is held on each Alex G. Buchanan and son in Tuesday, Oct. 6 Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. week day 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun- memory of Sol Degen. Talnrad day morning services is at 0 a. m. Elevator Girls of Stock Ex- Politics kills the politician preGreat Book* Leaders Training Court*—7:30 p. m., Center. change Building in memory of Sol maturely. Pioneer Women Board. 7 Beta Israel Degen. Wednesday. Oct. 7 / Man enters the world naked, v Daily morning services begin at Mr. and; Mrs.' M. Katleman inand naked be leaves It. O, were Pre-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. tn., Center. 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 6:30 memory, or Nellie R. Pollack. he but as clean when ha leave* Beth 21 Slsterbood Board Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth El. a, m. at 19th and Burt. Mlncha Mr. E. V. Lorig In memory of it as when he cams in! Ladles Free Loan Society—2:00 p. m., Center. If one says: "I will sin, and the Jewish War Veterans Post and Auxiliary Board Mcetings^-ftOO services every afternoon at S:49 -Augusta Feller. p. m. Young Judea Oneg Shabbat Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Newman In Day of. Atonement will cleanse p. m., Private homes. Friday evening at 8 p. m. Satur- memory ot Anna Handler. me ofraysins," the Day of Atone* Temple Israel Board Meeting—8:00 p. m., Private home. day morning services begin at 8:30 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rochman ment will bring no absolution for Zionist Organization Annual Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center. a. m. at Beth Israel and 9 a. m. at In memory of Anna Handler. him. Only for sins affecting the Thursday, Oct. 8 19th and Burt Junior Congrega- Mr. and Mrs. David W. Rosen In relation of man to God does the Hadassah Style Show—1:00 p. m., Brandcls Store Auditorium. tion meets in the Chapel at 10 a. m. memory of Morris Grossman. Day of Atonement atone; but sins Bridge Club—8:00 p. m, Center. Rabbi Groner's Talmud Class will Mr, and Mrs. Fred Boscnstock affecting the relation of man to Friday, Oct. 9 meet Saturday afternoon at 8 in memory of Anna-Handler. his fellowmon are not atoned for p. m., and Saturday Mlncha will •Dr. Philip Sher in memory of by the Day of Atonement until he ^re-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. start at 5:49 p. m. Ellna Swanson. Saturday, Oct. 10 first appeases his fellowman. Hadassah Oncg Sbabbat-Americnn Affairs. Educ. Chm., 12:30 The Sunday morning breakfast Mr. and Mrs. Sol Sherman in In three respects Is social servmlnyan and Rabbi's class in Bible memory of mother Rachel JYeiden. ice greater than charity; Charity p. m., Private home. meets at 8:45 a. m. There is a Mr, Louis Sommer and Beatrice is performed at the mere sacrifice Sunday, Oct 11 special Tails and Tepnilin Minyan in memory of Sol Degen. of money, while social service reHadassah JNF Box Collection Clean-Up—All day, for children over 12 years of age Stock Yards National Bank, c/o quires both money and personal Beth Israel Sisterhood Supper Dance—4:30 p. ro., Beth Israel. and for children who accompany John M. McCumber. vice-presi- service. Charity Is only tor the Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m., Center, their fathers to the Sunday morn- dent, in memory of Sol Degen. poor, while social service is for Monday, Oct 12 General Contributions ing breakfast mlnyan. Breakfast both rich and poor. Charity Is Pre-Kindergarten SchooI—fliOO a. m., Center. is served to the children after the Mr, and Mrs, Albert Steinberg. only for the living, while social Hadassah Chapter Board—12:30 p. m., Private home. service. service is for both the living and Adult Art Classes—1:00 p. m., Center. Saturday Night-October 3rd: the dead. Temple Israel Bake Sale—All Day, Brandeis Store'. You have a date for a SImchath Temple Israel Great Books Leaden Training Course—7:30 p. m.. Center. Torah Party at the Dr. Philip Sher At Temple Israel Sabbath Serv- Jewish Home for Aged, sponsored Beth Israel Late Nursery School Music Institute—7:80 p. m., Center. ices this evening at 8 o'clock, in by the Blkur Cholim S o c i e t y . B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p.m., Center. the auditorium of the Jewish Com- Time: 7:30 p. m. Friday Services Tuesday, Oct. 18 munity Center, Rabbi Sidney H. Snecolh Party Held: The Beth Hadassah Group Boards—12:30 p. m.. Private homes. Brooks will discuss "What's the Israel Sisterhood Succoth Party Rabbi Benjamin Groner, anPioneer Women—1:00 p. m.. Center. Use?" was a huge, success due to the nounced that the first late Friday National Coundl of Jewish Women Study Group—1:00 p. m., evening service of the season will Regular Saturday Sabbath Serv- large turnout of sisterhood memPrivate home. ices will be held in the morning bers and their husbands. The pro- take place on Friday evening, Oct,t Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 11:30 o'clock and will be fol- gram was opened by Mrs. William 8. Cantor Eli Kagan and the Beth Pre-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. lowed by the customary Kiddush. Wolfson, chairman of the party Israel Synagogue choir will rendBeth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth EL committee. Mrs. Sydney Goldberg er the musical portions of the sery* B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470 Adult Education—8:00 p, m., "was histress of ceremonies and ice. The service will begin at presented Rabbi Benjamin Groner, 8 p. m. Private homes. Mrs. Isadora Elcwitz, Miss Janice Workmen's Loan Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m./ Labor Katleman and Milton Goldberg. Lyceum. \ Thursday, Oct. U Refreshments were served by Monument Dedication National Council of Jewish Women-Board Meeting—1:00 p. m., the ladies of the .sisterhood in the The family of Mrs. Mary AbramServices were held last Friday Highland Town Club. ' main dining room of the Dr. Philip son will dedicate a gravestone in JewUh War Veterans Post and Ladies Auxiliary Meetings—8:00 for Harry Rimmerman and inter- Sher Jewish Home for Aged. ment was at Beth El Cemetery. her memory at the Golden Hill p. m., Center. The Birthday Party: There have Cemetery Mr, Rimmerman, 60, proprietor of been Sunday at 2 p. m. Rabbi Bridge Club—8:00 p m., Center. mnny requests about our the Benson Hardware. Store, died birthday party, so here are the Benjamin Groner and Cantor Ell Friday, Oct. IS last Thursday night at his home. facts: Kngan will officiate. Prlenfls and Pre-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. He is survived by his wife, Es- TIME: Thursday evening, Oct. relatives are invited to attend the Saturday, Oct. 17 ceremony. ther; two sons, Dr. Albert and 8, at 7:30 p. m. ^Center Forum-MAX LERNZR, Guest Speaker, 8:30 p. m., Center. Robert of Omaha, and a daughter, PLACE: The auditorium of the Sunday, Oct. IS Mrs, Marvin Dlenstfrey of Yon- Dr. Sher Jewish Home for Aged. Fund Shekel Children's Program—1:30 p. m., Center. kers, N. Y. THE CAST: LADIES: Mesdamcs Midget Basketball Stag—2:00 p. m., Center. .. ' Epstein, Falls, Gitnlck, RosenJerusalem (JTA)—Government Temple Israel Cornerstone Laying—2:00 p. m., 69th and Cos SU.. baum, S p i v a k . GENTLEMEN: assent to « plan to mint a gold Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m., Center. Oldest Vet Dies Ackerman, Cohen, Fish, Patrick, Shekel for sale throughout the Monday, Oct. If • , Baltimore (JTA)—Ike Dublsky, Rotdnsky, Weidman. world to commemorate the fiftieth Pre-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. \ ENTERTAINMENT: To be an- anniversary of the Jewish rationBrandcls University Annual Luncheon Meeting — 12:30 p. m., who was Believed to have been the nounced. nation's oldest Jewish veteran, was al Fund was disclosed by the Fund. Blackstone Hotel. buried last week In the Hebrew Sneak Preview: The pictures In It announced that the comAdult Art Classes-r-l:00 p. m., Center. color of the previous birthday memorative Cemetery here. He was 99 years coin would weigh 7.3 GreatSooks Leader Training Course—7:30 p. m., Center. old and had a record of service parties. the same weight as the Nursery School Music Institute—7:30 p. nu. Center. Vahoelt: S p e c i a l Memorial fframs in the Spanish-American War and English Sovereign. It will bear the Tuesday Musical—8:30 p. m., Central High. subsequent activity in Baltimore Service* will be held in the Home words "Gold Shekel," and "JeruToesday, Oct. 20 SynagOBTje ior: Mrs. Lottie Silver- salem," in English, and the name patriotic celebrations. National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m., Center. stone—Tlsbri 29—October 8. in Hebrew of the Jewish National Mr. Dublsky, a Russian-bom , Wednesday, Oet II baker, enlisted with the 4th RegiPre-Klndcrgarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. Kccnan Wynn asked us if we Fund, Keren Kayemeth Lelsrnel. ment of Virginia Infantry and Flower Arrangement Class—10:00 a. m., Center. heard about the' Beverly Hills served with that unit in the Span- street cleaner who was dropped Mizrachl Women—1:00 p.-in., Center. ish-American War. He was then 44 from the force because he couldn't B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m., Center. years old.' ' . Thursday, Oct 22 keep his mind inihe gutter. Omaha's Favorite Flower Arrangement Class—10:00 a. m., Center. Hadassah Paid-up Membership and Pre-Donor Luncheon—12:30 Way to Dine on p. m., Center. Bridge Club—8^)0 p. m., Center. - , Sunday
Harry Rimmerman
Friday, Oct 2S
Pre-Kindergarten School—'9:00 .n. m., Center. Flower Arrangement Class—10:00 a. m.. Center. Sunday, Oct J5 Children's Program—1:30 p. m., Center. B It P Hadassah—2:00 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter-UN Party—4:00 p. m., Priyate home. Young Adult General Meeting— 8:00 p. m., Center. Monday, Oct 28 Pre-Klndcrgartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. Golden Age Club—1:00 p. m., Center. Adult Art Classes—1:00 p. m., Center. Great Books Leader Training Course:—7:30 p. m., Center. Nursery School Music Institute—7:30 p. m.. Center. Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m., Joslyn Museum. Tuesday, Oct. 27 National Council Study Group—1:00 p. m., Private home, Beth Israel Sisterhood Hoard Mooting—Beth Israel. Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m.,i Joslyn Museum. Wednesday, Oct. 28 ' Pre-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. Temple Sisterhood Workshop—1:00 p. m.( Center. ' B'nal B'rilh Monsky Lodge—8:00 p. in., Center. Thursday, Oct 20 Flower Arrangement Clasr—10:00 n. m., Center. Federation of Jewish Women's Club Luncheon—1:00 p. rfl., Center^ Temple Israel Sisterhood Workshop—1:00 p. m., Center. B'nal B'rith Council Dinner—7:00 p. m., Blackstone Hotel. Bridge Club—8:00 p. m., Center. Rayim Football Party. Friday, Oct 10 Prc-Kindcrgarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. Flower Arrangement Class—10:00 a. m., Center. 8aturdsy, Oet 31 Dick Walter Cclcbretlcs—Tech High School;
Sunday Brunch
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Major Leaguer Skips Game for YomKlppur
OCTOBER 10, II Hmtrl ttmHtf. Clunk**, OV<
Tel Aviv <JTA)—Israeli and United States athletes fought neck-and-neck battle for leadership in the Fourth International Maccabiah here this week. At the end of two days of competition in track and field events, Israel beld At ASSURE a (light margin of 138 points to the United States squad's 124. Both teams were out far ahead of the contingents from the 21 other nations competing in the Jewish Olympics.; American athletes broke a number of records in the first two days. Dr. Irwin N. TekuUky of New York took first place in an "English Shooting Hatch." scoring 888 points out of a possible score of 600 and setting a new Maccabiah record. Martin Engel of New York set a new Maccabiah hammer throwing mark of 163 feet six Inches to shatter the old record by 31 feet Henry Laikau of Mincola, New York, beat his own record in 3,000 metre walk to set a mark of 13 minutes 45 seconds. Jack Goldberg of Dorchester, Massachusetts, won the 110-metre hurdles In 14.8 seoonds to beat the old mark by three-fifths of a second. In gymnastics, Abraham L. Grossfleld of New York took first place in all events but one, while in fencing, Forty-five boys and girls opened A new swimming class for high Allen S. Wartlerr of New York took flnt place. An American the Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling school students has started at the season off with a bang last SunJewish Community Center, from team came in first in the semifinals of the 4001-metre relay race. day at the Music Box. Regular 3:30 to 5:1} p. m. Monday through teams will not be set up until Friday. Lifcsaving will be taught averages have been established. .with instructional and recreational There is still room for boys and swimming also being offered. girls between the ages of 12 and 14 to enter this fine, wholesome, . ' competitive sport. Each team will GRADE SCHOOL For grade school youngsters represent a sponsor and the enclasses are conducted T u esday tire league will wear similar shirts. Members of the Youth Council Bowling starts promptly at 12:15 through Friday from 4:15 to 5:15 p. m. A youngster may swim on Bowling League touched off the p.m: any day of his choice. In addition new bowling season at the Music HUb Berries for Two Games to these instructional classes mixed Box Sunday, where the teams Games Series swims and, splash parties are held Jockeyed for their bowling aver- Jack Leib 133-165—298 ages. AZA No. 1 Glams won out Judy Cohen ................133-145—278 even Sunday afternoon from 3 to with a 801 series and a 11,880 to- Mike Platt 127-148—275 4 P.m. tal for three games was captured David Wintroub 148-115—263 ADULTS —-—*• by Raytm Mcsi Sew Grczl. League Stuart Kutlcr 139-122—281 Recreational swimming Is open competition will start this Sunday. Mickey Sacks 126-125—251 HUb Game and Series Larry Hobcrman 133-100—233 to adults from 7:30 to 8 p. m. 107-109—216 Tuesdays and Thursdays. All John Goldner, 191—515; Ed Bel- Bemlc Grossman 108-107—215 classes have supervision and inzer, 185—608; Tom Bernstein, 181 Tom Platt 98-121—219 struction and All equipment meets —488; Stan Widman, 200—188; Maureen Zevitz Jerry Sherman ....118- 95—211 high health standards. Fred Simon, ISO—486; Jerry ZiegGrade schoolers' yearly fee Is man, 163—460; George Sacks,1 177 Marc Samuelson ........114- 93—207 09-104—203 six dollars and high school stu—458; Art Schwartz, 154—442; Muriel Rosenblatt dents' eight dollars. Further inDennis Schulman ...;..11983—202 Dave Widman, 160—434; Bob Ep112- 90—202 formation may be obtained at the stein, 148—433; Bob Meyer, 148— Eddie Wintroub C V JA 1366. Jim Spltzer * .10299—201 420; Larry Schwartz, 161—425; Lenny Cacr.152—415; Ray Klrke, 177—412;Morrlfi Shrago,, 144—412 Israel Army Head On S. S. Jerusalem, and Al Rosen, 155—105,
Cleveland* < JTA)—Al .Rosen, slugging third baseman of the Cleveland Indians, asked for and received permission to skip the Indians' game in Detroit because of Vom Klppur. Rosen, outstanding candidate for the most valuable player award, and leading contender for the National League's home run crown and batting title, stayed home although loss at the one game threatened his chance to win the home run and batting titles. "My wife and I talked it over," Rosen explained, "and decided it was best There are more important things in life than winning batting titles."
Junior B'nai B'rith New Swim Class Bowling For High Schoolers
YC Bowling Starts Sun.
Keller's "B" Division W....L. Louis Market ........................ 10 2 i Simons Jewelry _ 7 5 Watson Bros. Van Lines „.. 7 5 H. A. Wolf Insurance 7 5 South Omaha Sun 6 6 Bennett Furniture 5 7 Mid Plains Insurance . 5 7 Bobinson Iron & Metal 5 7 Magi-Color Paint (Brondeis) 4 8 Slosburg Really 4 8 Illfh Scores H. I. • G.—B. Wintroub, MagjColor, 188. H. I. S.—B. Wintroub, MagiColor, 474. H. T. G^-Magi-Color Paint, 74B. H, T. S.—Louis MarlAt. 2,027. Bennett Furniture H. T. S. add H. T. G. of 2,213 and 828 still rcmains^unbeaten. Due to Herb Cohen's dropping out of bowling for the season, bis season's higli On Friday afternoon, Oct. 8 at individual score to date of 542 has 4 p. m., the Junior Sports Bowling been replaced by Jack Cohen's, program will start at the- Music South Omaha Sun, 527. Box bowling alleys, next door to the center. Last year over 50 boys Parkway B Division and girls in the .sixth through W L eighth grades participated in the Playland Park 8 4 league, The winners were the Bosen-Novak .?.:..._ 8 4 "HIGH HITTERS." Members of Bichman-Gordman ...» 8 4 the team were Howie Kooper, Tom Bitway TV Service „ , T 5 and Mike Platt, Their averages Wblfson-Gerbcr ._ _...... 7 5 were 114,106 and 109 respectively. National Tire _ :.... 7 5 kToromy and Mike Platt will both Banks Army Goods B 8 oe back this season, Howie Kooper Philco-Brandeis 6 7 will bowl in the Youth Council Prucka Trans „ _ 5 7 League this year. Any boy or girl Liberty Gas _ ., 4 8 ri'thc itixth or eighth grade, wishSol Lewis Co i 8 ing to learn how to bowl and join Borshelm _..._._ _.„ 3 9 (he Junior Sports Bowling League, High dame and Series \ ore asked to call Llndy Paul at Bob Wiseman set a new high the center, JA 1300. series 188-201-160—560.^ S. Rife, Boys and girls that have signed 202—517; O. Diamond, 208—450; lip for the league this year ore Stan Merzoff, 180; L. Jess, 178— Sandy Gross, Larry Gnrrop, Mar494; Moe Kagan, 188—514; B. Ho- tln Lipp, Duddy HorzoK, L o u i s berman, 1D8 and 7-9 split; By Ray- Itich, Nancy Richards, Toni Kapnick, 184; Joel Sacks 108—473; S. lan, Marlys Isack, Alice Kurz, Mayper, 174—435; Lee Bermstein, Martin SncMcr, Morrin Brndkey, 172—452; Dan Gordman. 186—403, "lynthia Klein, Charles Wise, Waland Arrt Cohn, 8-10 split. ter Wise, Clark Swartz, Marilyn Hoberman, John Riekts, Mike Women's Division Fcldman, L u b e t h Shuddelson, W, L. Mike Shricr, Mike Platt, Dill HorCountry Clul) Grocery 3 3 wich, Jerry Lehr and Lynn Singer. Klsh Furs 8 4 Angles ncauty Salon 8 4 Martha liaye: "A hick town . . . Shukcrl.c 8 4 one where, 1/ you sec a girl dinR Sc S Shoes ,'. 7 0 Omaha Jobbing 0 G ing with a man old enough to be Philips Dept. Store ....: fl 0 ler father . . . he is." Douglas Jewelry 0 6 Mystic Beauty Shop 5 7 Wolf Bros 5 7 National Tire & Supply 5 7 11-Worth Grill 4 8 l y n s Florist 4 8 Hamilton Phmcy 4 8 Smith Pontiac 3 0 Hndasstih Bowline L e a g u e Ili£h Series will start at the Forty Bowl, Rae Wintroub 470 Friday, Oct. 0. Sonia Forbes 452
Jr. Sports Bowling Set for Oct. 9
Hcsdassah Bowling
JEWS IN SPORTS By Bill Wolf This being the end of the baseball season, it is an appropriate opportunity to take a look at what has happened to some of the i m portant Jewish players in the majors. On the, basis of these observations there can be some i n sight into what the 1954 season will hold. / All of the statistics are not in at this writing, so it is impossible to give the final averages in th« Various departments. But enough Is In to establish the pattern. No one will be able to dispute the fact that Al Rosen stands out by far as - the most sensational Jewish player of the year. As a matter of fact, he Is one of the best players generally in both the A m e r i c a n and National Leagues. For Rosen had himself one big season. In the batting average column. In the runs-battcd-in division. In the home run race. In all important categories Al Rosen left a powerful imprint in the record books. The only question that remained toward the closing days of the baseball campaign was • whether Al would be able to tuck away the triple batting crown of the American League. He had the runs-battcd-ln title firmly in bis grasp, with virtually no possibility that it could be wrested from him. He had a good chance of running off with the round-trip honors, although • the lead was changing hands between Al and Zernial of Philadelphia.. In tho bating average department, Al was a few percentage points behind Vernon of .Washington, The* final percentages•; will tell the story but there is no getting away'from the fact that Rosen proved himself one of the most valuable players In both league*. Ills performance this season makes him one of the best Jewish players in the history of the- game. He looms as a powerful factor in the roster that will shape up for next s
Relaxing aboard the S. S. Jerusalem on a recent Mediterranean cruise Is General Mordeeal Maklef, Commander-in-chief of the Israeli Army, shown, above (left) with his young son and Capt. Ellezer Axeel, skipper of the Zim-
Israel Line's trans-AUanllc passenger liner. In the background h Brig. Moshe Dayan. The S. S. Jerusalem Is scheduled to sail on November 13 from New York to Haifa, Inaugurating r e g u l a r l y irhedaled sailings between the tJnllrd States and Israel.
In sharp contrast to Rosen's performnncc, Saul Rogovln of the Chicago While Sox was a disappointment. At the beginning of the campaign Saul seemed headed for another big season. Saul earned the reputation as one of tho key pitchers on the White Sox staff and he was counted on to help the Sox in the pennant drive: However, Saul went into a slump, losing almost twice as many game* as-ho won. It is a question as to whether his career in the majors can survive the blow. However, Saul should not be written off the books. It is possible to have a bad your, then bounce back with more stuff than ever before. Another player who could have done a lot better was Sid Gordon of the Milwaukee Braves. Gordon has the potential of being one of the big power hitters In the game. In fnct he and Al Rosen wcro viewed in somewhat tho same category at the beginning of the) season. But Gordon's hitlng was only so-so, and he will have to perform much better In the coming season If he is to make any kind of a mark to match his performances in some of the past years. Cal Abrams moved upwards in his Bwltch to a Pittsburgh uniform, •and Judging from his performance thin season, he Is a i;ood prospect for next year. Another man who seemed to benefit from the trado was Joe Ginsberg, who wa3 shifted from Detroit to Cleveland, where he was used with more frequency. Next en the agenda will be a c o m p l e t e;json statistical wrap-up'that will Just about clear the decks for the onslaught of gridiron news.
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