October 9, 1953

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•atand U Moond-CUM MatMf «t . Po»tcii onuhm, Ntbruka, uiuter Art M i n t .


Israel Hafts Operations On Jordan River Project Jerusalem (WN8)—Israel has temporarily halted operations on! the Jordan project following an agreement with General Bennlke, chief of the U.N, Armistice Commission, it was revealed by Foreign Minister Moshe Sharctt. Originally the truce chief demanded cessation of work in the area bo suspended indefinitely until an arrangement had been made with Syria. Sharctt said the suspension was ordered so as to enable General Bennlke and his staff to determine ownership of the land on which the project is located and the respective • water tights in the area. While Syria was rattling the •word over the dralnago dispute, Egypt moved troops up to the Sinai Peninsula charging that Israeli forces had occupied territory ' in the demilitarized zone separating the two countries. The Egyptlon claim was at once dented by Israeli spokesmen, who termed

Foreign Film Survey Made A community-wide survey Is being conducted to determine interest in a foreign dim tcrles showing under center auspices, Jack Sandier, advisor to the project, announced. Mr, Sandier stated "although foreign films represent some of - the finest contributions to the art Of acting and cinematography, the facilities for the presentation of these films Is quite limited." Postcards listing ^twenty outstanding foreign films have been mailed, and persons are to clioosc six foreign films they would like to see.' Tentative plans, Mr. Sandier added. Include a showing of six films for a fee of two dollars or fifty cents for individual admissions. .Anyone requesting further information can contact the Center Activities department at the JCC. CfUlJA 13ga. FRANCE FRIENDSHIP Paris (JTA)—Signs of further strengthening of the bonds of friendship between France and Israel were disclosed here by two announcements dealing with the cultural relations between the two nations. ' Ttio Foreign Ministry reported that It plans to send 3,000 volumes of French classics to Israel schools that teach French, to serve as a nucleus for Frendf-language libraries In Israel institutions of learning. At the same.time, it was revealed that Jean Caasou, director of the Paris Museum of Modern Art. will visit bract later this month to give a series of lectures on "Fifty Years of French Art."

On Radio and TV '

On Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to noon, over WOW Radio, the Eternal Light will present "The Song of Botditchcv," written by Morton Wishengrnd, us the first In a scrips of four outstanding programs, originally dramatized on the E t e r n a l Light, in celebration of Its tenth year of broadcasting, it was announced by The Jewish Theological Seminary, under whose auspices the program Is conducted. The Eternal Light, a coasl-to-coasl radio program, is presented as n public iiervlec by the Nation;*) Broaik'a.'itini: Company. "The Sonrf of Ili;r<litrhev" i'i a musical and dramatic account of how one man—a" learned and faintly rabbi— stood up to defy lilo congregants, defy tradition, and make his wny alone to God. The National Council of Jewish Women will prevent a program from New York describing their activities over WOW radio, NBC, Sunday, at' 10:45 a. m., CST. It will be entitled "Prescription for Two."

the charge "malicious propaganda." This development had its repercussions at tho United Nations in New York, where Abba S. Ebon, Israel's delegate, denounced the Egyptian claim as "completely untrue" and as part of the "hit and run" propaganda tactics of the Arab states. While the dispute was raging at the United Nations, Washington report said it was the intention of the State Department to "vigorously support" the UJf. Armistice Commission in its efforts to have Israel bring a temporary halt to the Jordan River project. At the same time the American Embassy in Tel Aviv was reported to have advised the Israel Foreign Ministry to comply with the U.N. request.

Senator Cautions Cut in Israel Aid Washington (WNS)-It would be "a serious mistake" to divert to Iran, a portion of Mutual Security aid intended by Congress for Israel and such action would, moreover, not be In accord with testimony by the Administration at the time tho funds were voted, Senator Hubert H. Humphrey last week cau'tioncd in- a letter to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. Senator Humphrey pointed out that "while the figures were not mado public the testimony presented by tho Administration to our Senate Foreign Ik-lotions Committee led me and my colleagues to believe that you fully intended to continue our program for Israel along the lines and level of 195203, when the Israel appropriation totaled $70,000,000. The Senator referred to Information released by the Foreign Operations Administration indicating that approximately $15,000,0(10 Is being slashed from funds voted Israel so that It may be given to Iran.

Hisfodrut Upheld By Israel Official Jerusalem (WNS)—A statement taking issue with a pronouncement by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., that the Hlstadrut In ijrapl "get out of private business" was made here this week by Levl Eshkol, Israel Minister of Finance. Referring to the suggestion made by Mr. Morgenthau at the National Economic Conference for Israel in Washington, the Minister said: "The remarks made by my friend Henry Morgenthau at the third State of Israel Independence Bond Conference in Washington in connection with the function and role of the Hlstadrut in the Israeleconomy—as reported In .the press—have aroused considerable astonishment. Everyone familiar with the economic and social life of the country is fully aware of the great pioneering role of the Hlstadrut in every branch of colonization, economic activity, security and development of the country. ^,. "The present economic standing and achievement of the country would have been inconceivable without the splendid pioneering activity of the workers' movement throughout an entire generation. Israel expects that this pioneering movement will continue in the future with It* activities In nil fields and on all fronts of the economic upbuilding In Israel, side by side with ull other constructive forces of the state and Jcwirfi people. "Tin- task of upbuilding t h e country and It.'i economy iff tremendous. It cannot dispense with any constructive force which is capahlo of contributing it:i enterprising power and ability. Everyone Is entitled to the full benefit1:—while at the same time obliged to fulfill oil duties—of tho system of freedom 6f enterprise and equality of opportunity which characterizes tho economic life of Israel. It Is hard to conceive that Mr. Morgnnthou intends to question these principle!."

Lerner To Open Lecture Series The new Center Lecture and Concert Series will feature Max Lerner as opening speaker. Mr. Lerner will speak on "Ideas are Weapons" in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center, Saturday Oct. 17. Mr. Lerner brings with him a rich background in world affairs. He received his education in literature and law at Yale University and economics and politics at the Robert Brookings Graduate School of Economics and Government In Washington, D, C. He has taught at Sarah Lawrence College, Harvard Williams College, was on thefaculty of the Schol of Politics of the New School for Social Research in New.York City and is prcsonty professor of American Civilization at Brandels University. He has been editor of Tho Nation magazine, chief editorial writer fox PM and columnist for tho New York Star. He writes a column for the New York Post and is a contributing editor to the New Republic magazine. His books Include "It is Later Than You Think," "Ideas arc Weapons," "Ideas for the Ice-Age," "The Mind and Faith of Justice Holmes," "Public Journal," and "Actions and Passions." His latest book is "America as a Civilization." He spent the summer of 1049 traveling throughout Europe and Israel. Serlesor Individual tickets may be obtained at the center, Scries tickets are (2 and single admissions are 11.

Claims Talks Strike Snag Vienna (WNS) —The disparity between the material claim demands of Jewish groups and that offered by the Austrian Cabinet Is such as to make a settlement quite remote at this time, it was disclosed here by Moses Beckelman, European director of the Joint Distribution Committee, following examination of the Austrian counter-proposals. The Austrian counter-proposals are to be considered at Paris this week by leaders of the world Jewish organizations which initialed the Vienna talks. At the same time Mr. Beckelman .reported seemingly satisfactory legislative measures by the Austrian Government to provide compensation and indemnification for individual Jewish victims of Nazism in Austria, Including those now residing abroad.


Pul>UilKd « W 7 VHdur, U t H. SOUI.SIIKI* OopT U O H U Omaha, Nrtmika, Pfcb« AT UW Annual Ra& 4 f

hity Chest Drive \onday, Goal Set Women Workers in C Div. to Meet Tuesday

About 100,000- hoiuelew clu. dran lire roaming Korean rirecl. today, Clothn for them arc aoufhi by Amerleau Ilellef for Korea which I* financed l>r Uulled Be. feme Fund throush Conununll. Chen and other united drives.

Global Report BOND RECORD SET New York (JTA)—The final phase of the three-year Israel Bond drive in New York was opened here with an announcement by Abba Eban, Israel-Ambassador, that sales of Israel securities In the United States have surpassed that of any other foreign bond Issue ever floated in this country. Ambassador E b a n addressed 2,000 Jewish community leaders at 11 b r e a k f a s t meetings held throughout the city to launch the campaign and to formulate plans for the celebration of the 3,000th anniversary of Jerusalem at Madison Square Garden on October 20th, under the sponsorship of the Israel Bond Organization. Speaking over a telephone hookup that connected alt 11 meetings, Ambassador Eban. said: "There is no precedent In the financial history of the United States for any government to have sold its securities to the extent of $160,000,000 in cash with great prospects of increase lying before us in tho future."

Institute on World Affairs at Omaha U. Begins Oct. 14 'The 1953 Annual Instltue on Wordl Affairs of the University of Omaha will be co-sponsored by the Federation for Jewish Service, Arthur H. Goldstein, chairman of the Federation Center committee, announced this week. The institute will offer top ranking authorities in the fields of government, international relations, history and philosophy, Hanson W. Baldwin, military editor of tho New York Times, will be the opening speaker Wednesday at 8:19 p. m., in the University of Omaha's auditorium. One of the nation's foremost civilian authorities on military affairs and Pulitzer prize Adnner, Mr. Hanson will discuss "USA—Arsenal for the West." Darrell Itandcll, who spent three years in Africa for the Methodist Board of Missions visiting tension aren.i in parts of the continent, will speak on "Africa—Problems and Perspectives," on October 21. An expert on Spain, Dr. Francis McMahon, will give a talk on "Franco Spain" on October 28. Or. Philip M. Hnuscr, eminent sociologist, having returned this fall from a fifteen month tour

of Southeast Asia, as a statistical expert for the U.N. Technical Assistance program, will appear November 4, and his topic is "World Population In Peace and War." "Latin Ainerien-The Argentine or VS. Wny?" will be discussed by Dr. George I. Blanksten, a pol Itlcal scientist at Northwestern University, on November 11. He has recently returned from a summer trip to'South America with tho Ford Foundation Technical Commission, assessing the Point Four Program. .The closing institute speaker, on November 18, Dr. Hans Morgunthau, will speak about "United Nations, World State, or Power Politics?" Dr. Morganthau Is an outstanding authority on International law and political science and is director of the Center for the Study of American Foreign Policy at tho University of Chicago, ' All sessions of the Institute begin at 8:15 p. m. in tho university's auditorium. Tickets arc being mailed to-Federation members for whom there Is no admission fee. For additional information contact the Jewish Community Centcrv

Mrs. Joe J, Greettberg, chair* man, of Women's Division C of the Community Chest Drive, has announced that a coffee hour will be held for all women workers in this division Tuesday morning at 9:30 a. m. in the Jewish Community Center. ' Mrs, L e o n Alexander Is cochairman of Division C. Majors are: Mmcs. Abe Bear, Ezra Beldner, Jack Bramson, Bennett Cohn, Albert.. Fox, David Frank, Morris Levey, Alfred Sophir, Sam S. Steinberg, Malvln Tepper, Wm. H. Wolfson and Sam Zweiback. The following women are assisting as captains: Mmes. Henry A p p c l , Frank Brookstcln, Max Canar, Max Grcenberg, Ben Kastow, Philip Katzman, Delmar Klein, Leonard Krasne, Jack W. Merer, Adolf Mayer, Alfred Mayer, Bernard P l o t k l n , Irving Schnelderman, J u l i u s Stein. Charles Stem, Paul Vercl, Dave Wine arid Max Wolfson. Additional ifames will appear jn the next issue of the Jewish Press. A goal of $1,104,202 has been set hero by the Board of Directors at the United Community Services. The Community Chest drive in Omaha will start Monday and extend to Oct. 28. Campaign chairman-SI/: Cooper Smith stated: "Our goal is, the same as last year's. But contributions must be at least five per cent greater per person if we are to reach our quotas, because last year's drive fell short by $43,754. We cannot fail all the people of our community again who benefit from the 40 Red. Feather Services," , The local campaign is a part ot the national drive by more than 18,500 agencies in over 1,700 cities and towns. The Federation for Jewish Service is a beneficiary agency of the Community Chest. Red Feather agencies Includes youth and family services, care of handicapped and aged, transients, various aids for children, and health services. The United Defense Fund, in- < eluded for the third year, Is a federation of national agencies providing defense services such as USO and USO-Camp shows. Other member agencies include American Relief for Korea and United Community Defense Services.

Fund Lag Report By Israel Appeal New York (WNS)—Expondl. ture of United Israel Appeal agencies for immigrant and rehabltltatlon programs in Israel were almost one-third, or about $22,000,000, behind the budgetary needk for the first eight months of the year, it was disclosed here this week by Rudolf G. Sonneborn, national chairman of the United Israel ApPeaL Mr. Sonneborn said $27,835,000 —almost half of the expenditures —had been allocated for agricultural development to increase the p'roductlvlty of Israel "so that food would be more plentiful and precious foreign currency would not have to be spent on consumer goods imports." In pointing to the Appeal agencies being behind their budgetary needs, Mr. Sonneborn said that "this lag has been one of the primary causes in the slowing down of Immigrant resettlement, in the protein-poor diet for newcomers and in the curtailment of housing projects." He reported that Israel's housing situation "remains critical due to the fund shortage," and said 122,000 persons still were' living in tin and canvas huts, while some 70,000 dwell In wooden huts and 5,000 recent immigrants were being cared for nt reception centers.


Reception for C. B. Rabbi

gettielj ftfcUsbed Every Friday by the OmsJu Jewish Federation ••Und i s Montf-clui «*utr at onilu, NiCtmalu. uirfu Uw Ml «f lUrck a, Hit lasHi matcnaooD. n . n AHvenxmt RmiM on Application. Edtunal Otnn-vn Ho. SOU K M , Omtlu. W»6r.. ATUMM MM rnai aam Mint*—tut BO. UIH etmt. EdJtoi BABBV HALPERT. MAXIM* ntRSgR -Society CditM

A reception ot 8:30 p. m. honoring Rabbi mid Mrs. David Korb will follow cervices tonight ot B'nal Yisrael Synagogue in Council Bluffs. Mrs. I. Stermhill, sisterhood p r e s i d e n t , appointed Mmcs. Leon Frankcl, M. Wohlner,' Charles Saltzman, and Ben Passer in charge of arrangements. Members of Council Bluffs and Omaha community arc invited to attend.

Every Day, Every Dollar, Counts The United Jewish Appeal this fell require* a minimum oi-*25,000,000 to cash—as, • matter at the most urgent necentty. An intensive nationwide campaign is now under way to make it available by no later than October 10 and 11, when a UJA National Report Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, will serve to "deadline" this moat serious of all recent dollar drive*. Here in Omaha, a cash goal of $90,000 has been set.

and the Middle East and for some 5,000 Jewish newcomers to the United States. , On top of this, there Is the crucial need at this moment for giving an added lift to Israel's economy—which for the past several months has been seeking to struggle free from rationing, austerity, dollar exchange problems, the preponderance of imports over exports and the weight of heavy debts to the United States and other friendly powers. With 330,000 immigrants still to be absorbed and integrated—and 200,000 of them still in camps—Israel has found the road rutted and ofttimes impassable. If American Jews can now provide for these immigrants—with funds that can establish another 40 settlements, build 10,000 housing units, and irrigate another 37,500 acres—Israel will be hi a far better position to concentrate on the factors that con give it strength' and stability, on closing the import-export gap, on developing its natural resources, on meeting its foreign debts.

A swift dance at the statistics of Jewish want, need, misery and frustration in Israel and other areas leads to the conclusion that the special $25,000,000 goal is in every respect a minimum one, and even a modest one. For what is involved is the immediate position ot 515,000 men, women and children—and, added to this, the economic position of Israel itself. With winter not far off, the agencies ot the United Jewish Appeal must provide how far 330,000 dependent immigrants in Israel; for 180,000 destitute Jews in EuHow can you help? With the ropean and Moslem countries, the great majority of them in the need for dollars so critical, this is strife-torn lands of/North Africa a time for redeeming your pledge.

Frldsy, October *, I95J

Music at Home Club Meets Tues.

Capital Spotlight

Administration Pursues Arab Favor at Expense of Israel

Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Fellman will be host to the first meeting of the newly named "Music Af Homo Club." This group formerly known as the Center Symphony Clrcla will begin its activities at the Fellman residence, M08 Jackson Street, Tuesday evening, at 8 p. m. The group is composed of adult* who like to listen and discuss music. Prof. Hans Baer will deliver introductory notes for the first program which is entitled "Seldom Performed Masterworks." A coffee hour will follow the program. Interested persona may call the activities office for details. Call JAckson

Reception for Beth El Director

By HilUa Friedman omy you can help inculcate a widWashington: (JTA)—The Repub- er and more normal respect for The Beth £1 Sisterhood will bold lican Administratioh hat''.trans- Israel's sovereignty and national formed its avowed policy ot "im- rights; for these may well be a reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. partiality'' into a headlong pursuit weakened by excessive and con- Samuel Nahsbon tonight followof Arab League favor at Israel's stant dependence on external aid." ing the services hi the social ball The American Zionist Council of the Beth El Synagogue. Mr. expense. This new policy has Cbanukah gifts were shipped Rabbi Hyer S. Kripke will ad- emerged in a series of official af- notified the Secretary of State Nahshon is the Director of Eduthat it deplored his action barring cation of Beth. El Schools. Mrs. to the Office of the Jewish Chap- dress the Annual Meeting of the fronts to Israel. American diplomats from partici- Nahshon has been appointed to lain, Headquarters, 13th AlnForce, Zionist District of Omaha, this The sequence of anti-Israel acts APO San Francisco, this week, by Wednesday at 8 p. m., In the Jew- was set in motion by Secretary of pation in Israel's "Conquest of the the Talmud Torah teaching Staff. the Federation of Jewish Women's ish Community Center. His topic Slate John F o s t e r Dulles. Mr. Desert" exhibition. Louis Lipsky, Committees in charge of the r e Clubs. is "Our Stake in Israel." Election Dulles directed the American Am- chairman of the council, said in a ception include Mrs. Robert Silver The following articles were In- of officers will be held. A financial bassador in Israel to snub thr message to Mr. Dulles that "the and Mrs. Yale Ginsberg of the cluded; stationery,. playing cards, and committee reports of the past "Conquest of the Desert," Israel's American Zionist Council strongly Talmud Torah committee, and Mrs. Saul Graetz, Mrs. Joe Soahdeplores' your instructions . . ." pocket diaries, wallets, shower year will be given. first international exhibition. Later elogi, ban p o u t pens, pipes, to"This non-government;il exhibi- nick and Mrs. 1.13. Ziegman of the that week Harold Stasscn's ForSunday School committee. ' bacco pouches, chess sets, and Center Orchestra tion, dedicated U > humanity's eign Operations Administration • n assortment of games. announced that invitations had s t r u g g l e to reclaim the w.rMe ' Mrs. Robert Baker is chairman to Hold 1st Rehearsal been extended to Arab leaders to spaces of the earth," said Mr. U p «f the Services' to Armed Forces The newly reactivated Center attend a special study in Arizona, rky, "has been attended by rtr>Committee and is instiled by Mrs. orchestra will have its first re- Tvxas, anjl other states of "Con- rcwcnUi lives of AJllcd government", Harold Pollack of the Federation hearsal Wednesday evening at 7:30 quest of the Der.crt" methods and enjoys Hie participation of • f Jewish Women's Clubs. p. m. at the center. Myron Cohen, 'aimed at helping the Near East- various agencies of the United Na• The following Indies assisted In past director of the orchestra and ern c o u n t r i e s . " Israel was not tions. American failure to be repThe first monthly dinner meet* preparation of .this shipment: Mrs. presently serving as consultant to asked to participate although tho resented on this occasion exhibits Jade Cohen, and Mrs. Ronald the group, made the announce- study had to do with methods of not only an unwarTi'uitcd disre- Inn of the fall reason of the B«th IrracI Men's Club will be held at Conn; Misses: Nancy Farber, ment. "water-spreading" on land "with gard of international amenities, the Beth Israel Social Hal), Tbur*^ Monica Joffe Harriet Shapiro, Under the direction of Mrs. conditions similar to those found but it is also a harsh afront to day, Oct. 15. This month's meejBarbara Sobnn, Donna Steinberg Ruth In the Near East." Next, Mr. Dulles the cause of economic betterment i u ; will take the form of a smokReias, Center Music Director, and Janle Weiner. th* orchestra will play classic and instructed Ambassador Abba Eban in the Middle East to which the er. The business meeting will be Chanukah gifts from the Omaha semi-classic selections. to tell Israel to cease work on a United States is fully committed." ehort with the social program folJewish community to Omahans Policy Goals purpose of the orchestra Is "water-spreading" project within lowing. serving in the Armed Force, arc toThe give amateur instrumentalists a its own territory because the Arabs The State Department is putting Members are asked to send in now being prepared under the chance to play together as a group. objected. foremost among the goals of it't their reservation cords us soon M • direction of Mrs. Baker chairman There are still openings in all secforeign policy the allaying of the possible. Those who may not hove of the Committee for the Federa- tions of the Speakers Stop . orchestra. Arab world's "deep resentment" received cards may make rcserva* tion of Jewiih Women's Chios. . For information call Mrs. Relss Speakers representing govern- of Harry S. Truman's support of lions by calling the synagogue of, The committee asks families of at'the Center. ment agencies addressed every naZionism. The administration's in- fice, n E €288. servicemen t o notify Jewish tional Zionist gathering In Washwere Ett forth by Mr. Community Center, office on adBen Blue says he decided to quit ington since the establishment of tentions Dulles in a rpecch televised last dress changes and on data on new being an atheist There was no Director Mcrvyn LeRoy say*, the state but this practice came to June. He s.-iid that the Arabs "ore servicemen. future 4o i t a stop on September ZS. The oc- more fearful of Zioni.Tm than of "they coll television a medium b e casion was the National Economic Communism and they fear lest the came so little of it is rare or well Conference for Israel, convened to United Slates become the backer done." promote Israel bond sales. The ad- of expansionist Zionism." Mr. llKtiilUKD PY THR ACT ministration sent no one to e x - Dulles Is now apparently con- ttTATEMENT AIJO17HT U. 1*12, AS AMBtfDBO tend the customary greetings, not vinced that he lias founii the needs OF Friday. Oe*. • BT THIS ACT* OF UXllCU 3, 1*M» AND JULY 3, 1016 (TITUS St. UNIT* even to claim that there still exists of stability In the Arabs' dictaFn-Xfndergartea School—«:M a. m, Center. PTATEB CODE. 0QCTION XJJ1 an "impartial" program. State De- torial regimes, particularly in ED WlOWIrtfl THE OWNKItSKlP, MANSataraay, Oct. 10 AflKUKHT, AND ClftCUXATtOlf OS* partment sources explained that those of Gin. Naguib and Col. TUK JBW1BII PHEJ3S pnbUibcd klK HxJassah Oneg Shabbat-American Affairs Educ Cbnv 12:30 the Arabs might not like it if an Shlshekly. at Onuix, Hebnmka, Oetotw W, i t p. xn, Private home. Administration spokesman said Tttt DArat*and aaMr**e** ot tbm Powerful ek-monts within the her, editor, nixn*t}nt *mtor, *A4 too many nice things about Saoday.Oc4.il Administration sought to convince liens ma.tui{;cra are; Zionism. JtwUh Ft4*r*Uon of Hsrtaisah J N F Box Collection Clean-Up—All day. President Eisenhower that we 101•"uMlihcr, N. 20th tl., Oouh*. The Israel Government as well Beth b r a d Sisterhood Supper Dance—8:30 p. m , Beth Israel, must ally ourselves with the hos- M*n«r;lnc Editor, con*. \ as the American Zionist Council tilities of the Arabs In order to yuittor, ilttry JUlpert, 101 W. *pth •*,« Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m.. Center. refused to be nlapped around for win their friendship. This line also mnixL. Monday, Oct. IX Coclrty IWltor. MlftJ U*JrtM Bcawr, 101 the amusement of the Arabs. Am- maintains that we must forfeit W, 20th it.. Omaha. Ere-Klndergartcn School—9:00 a. m.. Center. • UiuIntM Man*(tr, PEUI Vtrtt, 101 Jf« bassador Eban said that "Indul- Arab friendship if we help Israel 20th it., OmahA, Hadatsah Chapter Board—12:30 p. m., Private home. gence to the Arab policy of rec- The American Zionist Council an- Th« owntr !•: (If owne4 by * Cw Adult Art Classes—1:00 p. m., Center. tjpn, II* name and •d4m«'tmut be ional hostility constantly leads to swered that it would "not help any and al*o immMiAtcly th*Twn4rr th* ftam— Temple Israel Bake Sale—All Day, Brandeis Store. painful paradoxes. Thus, a con- of the peoples of tho Near East if and suldrestci of ttockhotetrm owning ttt Great Books Leaders Training Course—7:30 p. m.. Center. ' on* per cent or toon ot toUl structive and entirely innocuous we punish one people or state to holding wujt ot ulock. U not owa*d try m Nursery School Music Institute—7:30 p. m . Center. project for electricity development appease another." corporation, tho vunt* and addrtuta ef B*nai B'rlth Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m., Center. th* Individual ownro ntiut b* tJrto. I t (in Israel) is portrayed as a source Zionists found little logic owned b/ a [ArtAtrahip or other oolncor* Tuesday, Oct. 13 of tension, while plans to give to The porAled firm, l u zuun* and addrtu, M the argument that American well an ttiMi of each Individual mcmb«rK arms to bellicose military dictators Hadassah Group Boards—12:30 p. m , Private homes. of Israel has cost America must b« clven.) are not so regarded. The Security support Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m., Center. the goodwill of the Arabs, and that Hamo—Addrits Councll'3 ban on (Suez) blockade National Council of Jcwkh Women Study Group—1:00 p. m., Jewish Cornmunuy C«nt«r * Wtlfar* would regain that goodwill if Klej&tnm, 101 H. 30Uj i t , Omaha. practices Is defied without evok- wo Private home. were to take an anti-Israel at- J. ll&rry Kuiakotiky, preildtat, 101 X< ing protest or pressure, while the we 20th it.. Omaha, Wednesday, Oct. 14 titude. Someday, the Zionists hope, same council's explicit encourage- progressive Arab elements will Jack W. llnrer. first vt««-precld*Bt, 1OI Pre-Kindergartcn School—0:00 a. m., Center, , 20th it., Omaha, ment of development work, pro- bring peace after realizing that tho N.Robert JL Koop«r, trtasurtr, 101 W«j Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth El. vided land rights arc respected, is real enemies of the Arabs arc pov- ih, «t., Omaha. B'nai B'rlth islonsky Chapter No. 470 Adult Education—8:00 p. m., repudiated ot the first clatter of Harry Tru*tln, MtitUrr, 101 W. 30UI erty, disease, and feudalism rather • t , Otnaha. Private bom<;s. SyTlan threat.'.' Th9 known hanAtorA&tn,raort|UK«*,and than the people of Israel who hold othtr Workmen's Loan Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m., Labor ttairity holder* ownlflC or boMmc "Astonlshlne Theory" out their hands in brotherhood. ana p*r « n t or mnrt of total amouot of Lyceum. n&a, mortracf*, or ttthtr §tcanun t n i Mr. Eban said he heard "the asThursday. Oct. IS t h m are oonr. »Ut* ao.) Now. Joseph Pulitzer, who made his Tbe sxrerac* number of eoptai of f*ctt National Council of Jewish Women Board Meeting—1:00 p. m.. tonishing theory that Israel, Kmallcst and most beleaguered of states, money out of newspapers and left Jiiue of ihl* publication KM or dlxtrlbutm. Highland Town Club. throach KM mall* or other*!**, to p*J4 durlos the tw«lT« month* |>r*Jewish War Veterans Post and Ladies Auxiliary Meetings—8:00 should consider yielding territory part of it to encourage literature, subioibers to the vast and voracious Arab once declared that accuracy is to erilnt th* date ibonrn abort waj; (Tbi» p. m., Center. I* Ttqutrta from dally, wtek* empire." With great seriousness, a newspaper what virtue is to a lBrmauan ly, *«miwe«k)r, *a& (riweckijr * Bridge Club—8:00 p. m., Center. Mr. Eban said, "The Jewish Peo- woman. It is Pauletto Coddard, Friday, Oct. 16 PAITI, VKliET. ple, for whose dignity and r e - however, who points out that the Btulowi* Vanac*r. F*e-Klndergarten School—9:00 a. m.. Center. Btuloibefore V ma a thK r nown Israel has risen, can do statement was inaccurate. . "A •worn to and Mukttrlhtd Saturday. Oct. 17 much to hasten our final consoli- newspaper," she says, "can print a •Kon4 dtr of October, l t s x ^ DAVID F K Center Fonun-MAX LERNER, Guest Speaker, 8:30 p. m., Center. dation. By strengthening our econ- retraction."

Chdnukdh Gifts to Servicemen

Zionist District Will Meet Wed.

Beth Israel Men to Meet Oct. 15

Community Calendar

Wy comsiluton expire* lf«y U.


Friday, October 9, 1*M

Homecoming Readied for Phil Klu+znick

Martha Raye comments Harry i. Truman will go down In the history books a> the man who said, "I'd rather .write than be President."

Delegates at the annual fall mpctlnj of the Southwest IlefilonBl Council of B'nal IVritli have pledged full representation for the Homecoming B a n q u e t honorinu Philip Klutznick tu-bc held in the Blackstonc Hotel, Thursday, Oct. 29, at 7 p. m. The fall meeting was held last Weekend In Council Bluffs. Invitations to members niui nuests have been moiled and local civic leaders have indicated tliuir ac ceptante. B'nal B'rith members from tlie surrounding area have made reservations lor the banquet. Cochairman Mrs/Edward Rosen asks thar reservations be mailed In early to facilitate planning. Philip Klutznick, newly elected international president of B'nal B'rith, has been making a grassroots lour throughout the nation ' discussing B'nal B'rith policies and objectives. Mr. Klutznick studied law at Crelgliton University and was associated with a law firm here. He held several public posts in the city and was active in the Community Chest and the Federation for Jewish Service. Ho married •n Omaha girl, Miss Ethel Rlekes. Mr, Klutmlck now resides In Park Forest, I1L, where he it president of the American Community Builder*. Inc. He Is one of the developers o f the town of Park Forest, Those named to committees are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pollak, Mr. and Mrs. Max Sacks; Mr. and Mrs. Art Goldstein, Mr. and Mr;i. Harold Coopcrman, Mr. and Mrs. David Bcbcr, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bcnulctn, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Halm, Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan, Mr. and Mrs. nay Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Now;. Dr. Abe Grcenborg heads the advisory committee which h composed of presidents of Omaha B'nal IVrith Lodges and Chapters. Members arc Mrs. Aaron Kpstcin, Mrs. Itosc Dnich, David Illcirhcr, Mlltoi Cackln, and Marvin Trailer.

Jack Benny says: "1 always drive my car right up to the screen at a movie drive-in so Charles Boyer"s lower Up can wash my windshield."

* » f » TfefM Larry Adler: "The cutest little dog went to school with the young actress every day, but one day they finally separated. The dog graduated."

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ADL Board to Meet Sun. Dr. Abo Grccnbcrg, chairman has announced that the Annual Meeting of the Plains States Regional Advisory Board, Antl-Dciamatlon League, will take place on Sunday, at the Blackstone Hotel. Community leaders from Iowa Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska anc South Dakota bave been Invited to attend. The Regional Advisory Board establishes policy for the Regions' ' Office of the Anti-Defamation League, which is located in Omuh». Several questions which require policy decision, as well as interpretation to all communities Within the Plains States" Region will be discussed at the Annual Meeting. Among the subjects to be discussed will be Religion In the Public Schools, Arab Propagandists in the United States, Dlscrlmina.tlon In Higher Education and the "Smear" Campaign. ADL's involvement in all these areas or activity will be discussed. The session Is scheduled to begin at B.a. m. and end at S p. m. All interested B'nal B'rith members are cordially invited to attend.

Red Cross Blood Has Daily Needs Blood I3~still needed in everyday civilian life despite the closing of defen»c blood centers after the Korean truce, according to the Red Cross Newsletter published here. The Red Cross has had more responsibility added to its blood collection program. Blood is needed in surgery for mothers in childbirth and to save lives in accident car.es. It is used for f'umina globulin to help in polio, jaundlco and other case;;. I31ood h needed for Kurgery on returning POW's nml other veterans who were wounded on Korean battlefields. In this area, the civilian use of Red Cross blood averages 1,000 pints a month. Gertrude Berg: "He rcad3 Juol enough to keen himself mteln formed.'1

Georgle Jessel comments: "Love is the form of i n s a n i t y which prompts a woman to marry her employer so she-can work for him for nothing."


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Cohen-Bernstein Rites Held at Beth Israel Synagogue

Miss Marks Wed Oct 4

Hra. 1. B. Herosteln

Beth El Ladies Plan Carnival Mrs. Albert Rimmerman, vicepresident and Ways and Means chairman of Beth El Sisterhood, and Mrs. Joe GUM, Projects chairman, have announced the appointment of Mrs. J. B. Hornstein as chairman of Beth El's "Silver Jubilee" carnival to be held Sunday, Nov. 8, at the Synagogue. Assisting Mrs. Hornstein will be Mrs. Seymour Goldston,- Entertainment chairman; Mrs. Morton Frledlander and Mrs. Irving Freedman, Merchandise chairmen; Mrs. Sam Ban and Mrs. Harry Ferenstein, Food and Menu chairmen; Mrs. Irving Schneidcrman, Decorations chairman, and Mr* Ralph Nogg, Publicity chairman. Mrs. Moe Katlcman will be treasurer for the affair.

The wedding of ^Gloria* Marks daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks, and Bernard Osherotf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Oshcroff, took place on Sunday Oct. 4, In the chapel of the Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi Meyer S. Kripke officiated. The bride wore s champagne colored silk shantung ballerinalength dress with a Juliet cap and veil to match. She carried a colonial bouquet of yellow roses and white stephanotis. The sister of the bride, Mrs Irving Epstein, served as matron of honor. She was dressed in a perry-winkle blue pure silk dress, and Wore a wrist corsage of blue carnations. Robert Rubensteln • ferved as best man, and Irving Epstein, the bride's brother-in-law, served as usher. > The mother of the bride wore a beige lace dress. The groom's rather was dressed in a coffee crepe gown. Bqth wore matching corsages of yellow talisman roses. A wedding reception following the ceremony was held at the bride's home. The couple will live in Ames, ., where Mr. Osheroff is a student at Iowa State College.

Miss Klopper Is Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Abe Klopper have announced t h e engagement of their daughter, PhiliJ Marion, to Maurice Brandt Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz. Miss Klopper attended the University of Omaha and Is now Interning at the University of Ne-

Technical Assistance United Nations, N. Y. <JTA)— The benefits which Israel enjoyed under United Nations Technical Assistance program, were indicated here by Israel delegate M B. Kidron, addressing the- Second Committee of the U. N. General Assembly. Among the many successful programs in Israel, Mr Kidron cited a national soil conservation project, aided by the Food' and Agriculture Organization, which he said "has literally changed the face of the country."

'Gay Nineties' A Gay Nineties "Mellerdrama" will be in store for the Beth El Supper Clubbers Sunda/, Oct 18. Fbrllls Bforlon Klopper According to the Entertainment chairmen, Mr. and Mrs. braska hospital as a medical techYale Gotsdiner, the "Supper nologist, l l r . Schwartz was gradClub Flayers" will present a ated frum Crcighton University "hair-raising spectacle to outf where he was affiliated with Pi do the Tbomas System." Lambda Phi. He is now attendBecause of the popularity of ing Creighton School of Medicine the "Supper Club Players," where be is a member of Phi Rho Reservations chairmen Mr. and Sigma, medical fraternity. Mrs. Robert Wagner request A late June wedding is planned. that reservations be made early. They can be made by Irving Berlin:: "She is vogue on calling AT 8978. GL 9104 or the outside and vague on the inW A 3662. I side." .

"Talk of Many Things"

Mrs. Bernard Feinberg

Wedding Is Held m East The wedding of Sally Baltln, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baltln, of Philadelphia, to Bernard Felnbcrg, formerly of Omajia, took place Sept 23. Rabbi Matthew S. Rosen performed the ceremony. The bride, given In marriage by her parents, wore a white satin gown with fitted bodice and bouffant skirt which featured an inset yoke and collar of lace and long, pointed, lace sleeves. Her fingertip illusion veil was held in place by a crown of pearls, and she carried an orchid with streamers on a white Bible. The bride's mother wore an offwhile «heath style lace dress trimmed in sequins ond crystals. ilrs. Ronny Aaron, sister, of tiie {room, wore an off-white faille princess-line dress trimmed in licnrls. Both wore orchid corsages. Miss Brcnda Baltin her sister's maid of honor, was gowned in

At a 7 p. m. candlelight ceremony held Sunday, Oct: "4, at Beth Israel Synagogue, Florene Edith Cohen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Abraham N. Cohen; became the bride of Sandor L. Bernstein, nephew of Mr. and Mrs,-William Epstein. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, assisted by Cantor Eli Kagan, performed the rites under a canopy covered with white carnations and greens. White mums filled planters at the altar, and while aisle candles were tied wijh bows and greens. The bride's gown was of ivory Chantilly lace styled, with a sweetcart neckline, outlined in illusion' folds and trimmed with flowers of seed pearls. The full skirt fell into a full cathedral length train over ivory satin. She carried a white orchid with stephanotls streamers on ail Ivory prayer book. Mrs. Leo Kraft, sister of the groom,-was matron of honor. She wore a ballerina-length gown of royal purple velvet and lavender tulle with a lavender stole and a m a t c h i n g headband of-velvet, hlghtlighled with rhlnestones and carried a cascade bouquet of yellow mums centered with lavender pompons. Gowned In green and carrying yellow and green flowers were tho bridesmaids, Mrs. Morton S. Frank and Miss Barbara Cohen. Miss Florence Shrago was junior bridesmaid. Miss Roberta Meyerson, who served as flower girl, wore, a party dress of 'sheer nylon tulle. Alvln S. Epstein was best man for his cousin. Ushers were A-vin Cohen, brother of the bride; Fred Kolm; Willis Epstein; Alan Lcvlne and junior usher Richard Frank. antique blue taffeta. Mrs. Isadora Fcinberg, sister-in-law of the groom, was matron of honor and wore antique beige taffeta. Both carried red roses. Mr. Isadore Felnbcrg was best man for his brplher, and Mr. Ronnie Aaron, brother-in-law of the groom, ushered. A dinner, reception and dance 'ollowed the ceremony. The couple re spending their honeymoon in f e w York City.

Sin, Bandar L. Bernstein Jack Shrago and Alvln Rosa were candlelightcrs. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Cohen wore a dinner gown of toast crepe and lace accented'with rhinesloncs. Mrs. Epstein, aunt of the groom, chose a' dress of blue nylon net over taffeta trimmed in rhlnestones. Both wore orchid corsages. After a reception in the Synagogue social hall, the couple left on a wedding trip to Denver. Mrs. Bernstein's going-away suit was ' of navy wool with a cutaway Jacket, with red accessories. Mr, and Mrs. Bernstein will be at home in Omaha. Among the out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sycowski and Mrs. L. Pltlor of Los Angeles; Mrs. Molly Morris and daughter! of Chicago; Miss Roberta Wclner, Miss Ellenc Bcrotz and Mrs. M. Brnska and daughter of Sioux City and Mr. 1. Bernstein and Mr. and Mrs. P. Wohlner of Fremont, Nebr.

Center Lecture and Concert Series '



OCT. 17

Will Speak on "Idea* Are Weapons" ' He if a noted columnist, author, Professor at Brandeis University, and lecturer.


NOV. 18

Popular international singer, .well-known interpreter / of songs on stage, radio and TV.

Babies Mr. and Mrs. Hymie Gcndler have named their first child, a son, Lawrence. David. He was born Sept. 16 at St. Joseph's hospital. Paternal grandparents are Rev. and Mrs. A. Gendlcr, and maternal grandmother is Mrs. Ida Frlcdmtm of Denver. Mr. Max Peltz b( Omaha is paternal great-grandfather, and Mr. Bernard Friedman of Denver is maternal great-grandfather.

Visitors Among the out-of-town guests arriving to attend the Bar Mitzvah of Justin Charles Itavilz which will take place at Beth'Israel Syna' gogue the weekend of Oct. 10 and 17 are Mr. and Mrs. Ben RaviU and children Bob and Susan, arid Mr. and Mrs. Morris Gendler, all Of Ottumwa, la., Mr. and Mrs. Edward Weiner and sons Dick and Howard of Villisca, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cohn and children I Sherry and Ronnie of Hock Island. 111.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Shlen- ] Sky and son Stuart of Chicago, and Mrs._Alex Hcrtzrnan of St. Louis i


. • Marilyn Kaplan, senior at Northwestern University, was appointed to serve on its Board of Publications. On the Board are four faculty members, one alumnun, and three students. These students arc Unanimously recommended by a joint student-faculty screening committee. Hiss Kaplan was a nifjht editor ot fhe Daily Northwestern last year. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max S. Kaplan.

Recuperating Mrs. Abe Bear, who r***-'/ uncrwent surgery at St. Joseph's fcospital, is now recuperating r.^tome.


FEB. 24

in a repeat performance. An outstanding reporter of the Israel scene, author and lecturer.



With Leah Ostrojinski, young lyric soprano; Henoch Greenfield, pianist; and Dina Nazah-Tzelet, interpretative dancer.

Jewish Community Center AUDITORIUM Series Tickers $2.00

Single Admission $1.00 AT CENTER OFFICE

Friday, October », MM,

Organizations ' membership chairman, reporting on membership, and Mmes. Max IGrenbenj, Arthur Grossman and Kodlmnh's annual Cuke Suit will be held Wednesday, Oct. 14, ! Sidney Knlcimnn, II. M. O. chalrfrom 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ut the . men, reporting on II. M.-O. The names of Mrs. Ben Zoorwill Brandeis Slore. M e m b e r s and friends who wish to bake or glvs \ and Mrs. William Frleden, cocontributions have been ir.kcd to , chairmen for J. N. F. for the call Mrs. Dave Wine or Mrs Joe Chalm Welimann Group, were IDUtt, co-chainnen, at WA 2087. | advertently omitted f r o m but She Is to be assisted by the fol- week's article. i o w i n g committee: Mmrs. Ben Flnklestcln, Irving J. F o r b e s , Bernard Kaufman, Floyd Perimet- Council of er, Max Sherman, Malvln Tciiper, Irving Stern «md Herbert Win- Jewish Women The monthly board meeting for troub. .Mrs. Floyd Perimeter, Kudi- the O m a h a Section, National Council of Jewish Women, will _ mah's chairman for the Centennial 'Drive, participated-In the door-to- be at 1 p. m. Oct. IS at the home of Mrs. Louis Alberts. 902 North door sale of Centennial coupon booklets along with the following 06th St. Cnrrent Affair* committee: Mrnes, Dan Gordman, The C u r r e n t Affairs Study Charles Guss, Moe Kagan, Nate Kaplan,' Sidney Sneldcr, Malvin Group of the Council' will meet Oct 13 at the home of Mrs. Jules Tepper and Dave Wine.. . Chairmen of standing commit- Shapiro, 8415 Gicnwood Rd. Destees for this year are Ad Boole, sert luncheon will be served. Phil "Mrs. Harry Slref; Hostess, Mrs. Allen of Station KMTV will speak Nate Kaplan; Special Events Tele- on "Outlook for World Peace." phone, Mrs. Dave Wine; Board Assisting hostesses will be Mrs, Telephone, Mrs. Erwln Landow; Marvin Kaplan and Mrs. Harry Monthly Meeting Telephone, Mrs. Wise, chairman of the group. ResIrving Stern: Publicity Mrs, Har- ervations can be made with Mrs/ ry Lewis: Sunshine Cards, Mrs. Shapiro, WA 0030. Sam v Eps(eln; special: Donations, Mrt.%ax Novak; Jewish NaUonal Beth El Sisterhood Fund, Mrs. Al Corodetzer. A regular luncheon meeting of Greeting Cards, Mrs. Sanford the Beth El Sisterhood wiU be Miller; Israel Bonds. Mrs. Charles auss; Transportation, Mr*. Mel- held Wednesday, Oct. 14, at 1 v|n Brown; Bulletin (Editor), Mrs. p. m. in the Social Hall. Mrs. Selwyn Roffman, chairman Irving J. Forbes; Bulletin (Mall' tag), Mrs. Malvlri Tepper; Legis- of the day, has announced the prolation, Mrs. Manny Simon; Bake gram will., emphasize Torah, and Sale, Mrs. Dave Wine; Zionist the, Torah fund. Mrs. Sam Wolf C o u n c i l Representatives, Mrs. and Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg a r c Charles Guss and Mrs. Bernard chairmen for this fund. A skit will be presented called , Km if man, and Federation Rcpre'Schechter," which is based on a \ sc-'ntive, Mrs. Henry Tulzcr. script from an Eternal Light pre^ny member wishing to be on a C'-i-iYilttee has been requested to sentation. In the cast will be: "ttnct Mrs. Bernard Kaufman, Mmes. Irving Kalman, Darwin Marcus, Lazier Singer, I r v i n g J •''dent, ati>L 726S. Sherman, Bruce Grccnberg a n d • : 'Tm. Charles Guss Is the ncwlyrn'«)lntcd Membership chairman, Wallace Elkon. Mrs. S a m u e l and Mrs. Malvln Tepper and Mrs. Nahshon will give the Bible readHerbert Wintroub are the newly- ing, Mrs. Morris Fcllman will be In charge of the Table of Interappointed Program chairmen. An emergency board meeting est, and Mrs. Norman Batt will was held at the home of Mrs. present current events. Mrs. A. C. Sidney Sneldcr, Monday evening, FellmsfT will accompany the program. -"..;Ort:,».• • • The luncheon will bo prepared by Mrs. Harry Rochman and Mrs. Hadassah ' Irving Forbes and their circle. On Monday, Oct. 12; at a 12:30 Telephone chairmen are; Mmes. •.'. Pi m. dessert luncheon nt the homo Ernest Wintroub, Michael Krasne, at Mrs. Ira Whltebook, 2808 S. Norman Batt and Sam Cohen. Mrs. .•;40th, with Mrs. Ralph Nogg a i c o - Irvln White is program chairman. *ostcs», the Omaha Chapter Ha. dassnh will hold its chapter board Henry Monsky 470 meeting. Mrs. PhllClcrellck and The regular monthly b o a r d Mrs. Nathan Nogg, together with Mrs. Alfred Fiedler, will report meeting-of the B'nal B'rithHenry Monsky' Chapter No? 470 will be on the Prowess of the H, M, 0 . Donors. Mrs. Morris Stalmaster held Monday, Oct. 12, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. >wjll report on membership.. The The first Adult Education Group October 22 regular meeting will nlghlighr both membership and meeting wlll\be held on WednesJ>re-Donor, and these chairmen. day, Oct. 14,'at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Si Rife, 6023 Popplcton. : together with the group chairmen, Rabbi Benjamin Grorier of the Will report on their plans at the Beth Israel Synagogue, g u e s t board meeting "In regard to the speaker, will talk on "The Scholplans for the coming meeting at arly Woman of.Valor.* ;which Mrs. Molly Bar. David will Mrs. George Cohen will be co; beith,e'speaker.-.,••'••.•.-•:••.••.'•••• ••..• hostess with Mrs. Rife. All B'nal .AIso~ at th|» meeting, plam for women and friends have the forthcoming National Hadaj- B'rith been invited. Mrs. Sidney I* • fan'Convention In Washington, D. is the Adult Education .- C . will be dljcuEsed and the Snclder Group chairman. .. flamM of the Omaha Delegates Mil be reported. Mrs. Morris ...narikllH; chapter president, will BikurCholim •.preside.'.. . •.•'.;• . The Blkur Chollm Society' will i •'•,.:• Crotap Meetlnn its regular dessert luncheon ,.- The Theodore Herri group will hold meeting Oct. 12, at 1 p. meet at tho home of Mrs. Max m . a t t h e Monday, Jewish Community CenCanar, 5305 Izard, with Mrs. Wil- t e r . • • . . . , . •••.•.: •, ••..••. liam Pollack and Mrs. Itav Simon P. Crandell will give seyas co-hostesses. Mrs. Theodore e rMrs. a l humcrous readings, Mrs. '.'8anford and Mrs. Ervin Simon, Dave Lincoln Is c h a i r m a n of . membership chairmen, will report luncheon arrangements. on membership p r o g r e s s , nnd Reservations are being taken by Mmes. Morton n 1 c h n r d s, Max Mrs. Dave Lincoln, GL 7023, and Canar and Isldor Abramson will Mrs. Elncr Abramson, PL 3103. give the H. M. O. Donor report. The Chaim Weizmann g r o u p •Will meet at the home of Mrs. Pioneer Women Arthur Green, 507 S> 53rd St., with The Pioneer Women's organizaMrs. Joe GUSH US co-hostess, fit tion wil hold its regular luncheon will be a regular business mcotlnfr meeting at one o'clock at the Jewwith membership nnd H. M. O. ish Community Center on Oct. 13. highlighted. Mmes. T. A. Tully, A business meeting will follow. Lou LeVine and Joe Bernstein, H. Two Israeli movies w i l l be M. O. Chairmen, will report on shown after the meeting. II. M. O. and the plan.1 for the Chairmen for the l u n c h e o n pro-donor luncheon on Oct. 22 meetings this season arc Mrs. II. Mrs. Joe Gtiss and Mrs. William Wohlner and Mrs. Jake Kaplan. A l b e r t s , membership chairmen, Members and friends have been will report. Mrs. Morris Newman, Invited. President, will preside. The Henrietta Rzold Groun will meet at the home of Mrs. Lazier Mizrachi Women Singer, 2511 Country Club Blvd., The first meetinf! of the season with Mrs. Dan Lintr.man ns co- will be held Wednesday, Oct. 21, hostess. It will be a regular busi- at the Jewish Community Center. ness meeting with Mrs. J. J. FrledOctober is Jewish National Fund . man. president, presiding. Mem- box collections month. Mrs. Jobcrchin and If. M. O. will be hlRh- seph Batt and her co-chairman, lichlcd wilh Mrs. Stanford I.lpscy, Mrs, Herman Franklin, have asked


*»»• Flv«

CHE lEWISIl PKKBS members to bring their boxes to this meeting.

SAM Mothers' Club The SAM Mothers' Club will be entertained at luncheon by t h e Lincoln, Mothers' Club Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 1 p. m. at the Sigma Alpha Mu house In Lincoln. Officers of the group for the current year arc Mrs. Albert Gaer, president; Mrs. Charles Fellman, vice-president; Mrs, Max Rosen, secretary, and Mrs. JaclTHurwich, treasurer.

ZBT Mothers' Club At its regular meeting h e l d Monday at the home of Mrs. Samuel H. Stem, the ZBT Mothers' Club elected officers for the coming year. They are Mrs. Esther Grecnberg, president? Mrs. Ben Mlnkin, vice-president; Mrs, M. M. Kruplhsky, secretary, and Mrs. Samuel H.> Steinberg, treasurer. Before turning her gavel over to the new president, Mrs. Stem, the outgoing president, welcomed the new members into the club.

B & P Hadassah B&P Hadassah board meeting wlIL bo held at the homo of Miss Myrtle Freeman at 3 p. m., Sunday, Oct. 18. Delegates named to Hodassah's national convention^ being held In Washington, D. C , Oct. 25 through 28 arc Miss Evelyn Levy and Miss Mrytle Freeman.

Temple Israel Sisterhood The Circle captained by Mrs. I. M. Libcrman and Mrs. Harry Alshuler are in charge ot a bake sale to be held Monday, Oct. 12, at the Brandeis Store from 10 a. m. until 8:30 p. m.

Epstein-Morgan 260 The Ladles Auxiliary of the Epstein-Morgan Post 260 entertained patients nt the Veterans Hospital all summer with bingo parties at which prizes were given to patients. Acting as hostesses were Mmes. Dclmar Klein, Frnnk Cohen, Lewis Asbyll, Abe Kaplan, Jack Saylan, Frieda Rlchlin, Milton Margolin and Aaron Epstein, Bingo parties at the hospital will be held once a month throughout the year. Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, Hospital chairman, announced that Orientation classes will be held at the hospital. Day classes will be held from 8:50 a. m. to 4 p. rn, on Oct, 20 and 21.'One night course, divided In two'sessions, will be from 7:15 p. m. to 9:30 p. m., O c t 13, Anyone interested In these classes has been asked to contact Mrs. Kaplan, WA 6202, or Mrs. Lewis Asbyll, GL 5814.

NFTS Director to Conduct Temple Israel Sisterhood Leadership Training Course Miss Jane Evans, Executive Director of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, will conduct a leadership training institute for the Temple Israel Sisterhood in the Jewish Community Center, starting at 1:30 p. m., on October 28 and 29. Miss Evans has served since 1033 as Executive Director of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. It includes 85,000 women in more than 480 Sisterhoods of Liberal Jewish congregations in this country and in Canada, Cuba, Panamat the United Kingdom, the Union of South Africa and Australia: The National President is Mrs. Hugo Dalsheimer, Pikesvllle, Md. Born in New York City, Miss Evans resided fdr a number of years in the Midwest, and was educated at the University of Cln. dnnatl, Hebrew Union College, Xavier University, and New York University. During the San Francisco Conference at which the United Nations Charter was drafted, Miss Evaps served as a Consultant to the United States Delegation. She is a former President of the National Peace Conference, whose membership'included the American Friends Service Committee, the American Association for the United Nations, and a score of other national organizations representing a variety of religious beliefs'and political opinions. Miss Evans has been In the forefront of the movement to old in the rehabilitation of displaced persons and other survivors of Nazi persecution. As Chairman of

Six T. I. Women to Attend Meet

The BI-Annual Regional Convention of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods will be held at Cedar Rapids, la., Sunday Oct. 11 through Tuesday, Oct. 13. Delegates from Temple Israel Sisterhood arc Mmes. Paul Blotcky John Farbcr, Louis Kulakofsky and Jules Newman. Also attending are Mrs. Milton Mayper, outgoing District president, and Mrs. Morton Hiller local sisterhood president Headquarters for the convention will be the Hotel Roosevelt. The theme Is "Sisterhood Buildlth Her Home," and the Workshops will be on •'Sisterhood Builds." Mrs. Irving Hollobow, of Chicago, who is treasurer on the: NFTS National Board, will be the ' convention speaker. ' BRITISH SYMPATHIZE London (JTA)—The "Israel exDelegates from seven states will periment" has the "deepest sym- attend. pathy" of the British people, eKnncth Younger, Mp and former Minister of State for Foreign Affairs in the last. Labor Government,' declared at a meeting of the British-Asian Socialist Fellowship, at Margate where the British LaInaugurating it's social calendar bor Party is holding its annual this year, the Beth Israel Sisterconvention. hood has arranged an informal Morgan Phillpp3, secretary of buffet supper, and dance for its the Labor Party, stressed the- im- members and friends. portant role played by the Mapal It will take place in the SynaParty of Israel in the work of the gogue Social Hall on Sunday, Oct. Socialist International and the 11, at 7 p. m. Bureau of Asian Socialist Parties. Reservations arc being -taken by Melr Argov, secretary general of Mcsscrs. and Mmes. Sam Berman, the Mapal, who is visiting Britain, GL 9348; Sol Ash, WA 2887, and outlined the work of the Israel Sam Katzman, WA 5430. Labor Party in domestic and InAlso assisting on arrangements ternational affairs. are Messrs. and Mmes. M. Shapiro, R. Gcrcllck, H. Grcenbcrg, O. SELF-SUFFICIENT ISRAEL Braun, E. Rubin, and- M. Fisher." United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Scientific surveys seeking additional underground sources of water have contributed materially to the up-building of Israel Dr. Albert G. Black, head of the United Nations Food and Agricultural OrOn Sunday, .Oct. 11, Junior ganization mission to Israel, declared here prior to emplaning for Haddash will hold its annual Membership Tea at the home of Mrs, Israel today at the conclusion of A. Edgnr, 4802 Homey, Senior a period of home leave. advisor to the,club. The tea will Dr. Black emphasized that If sufficient capital were available start at 2:30 p. m., and is open to to exploit all the possible water nny girl interested in joining Junsites already located, tho Jewish ior Hadassah. Guest speaker will be Mrs. M. State miijht bo able to achieve economic self-sufficiency in about I-evenson who has recently returned from a trip to Israel. ten years. He reported that United States technicians who are aidTho 7-ycar-old son of Hnrpo ing the Israel Government believe that the area f r o m Becrsheba Marx held up a plcturo of Abranorthwest to Gaza can be tapped ham Lincoln and gravely declared: at virtually any point for addi- "This is the man who froyed the sleeves." "You're a bit off the tional water supplies. beam," explained Harpo. "Mr. He will keep the feet of his Lincoln Is the man who frccd-the saints, nnd the wicked shall be slaves. The President who frayed silent In darkness; for by strength the iilecvc's didn't come along until shall no man prevail.—I Sam. 2:0. many years later." , , , .,

Sisterhood Dance This Sunday Night

Junior Hadassah Tea This Sunday

Mb* Jsne Evans the American Jewish Conference's1 Committee on Displaced Persons, she headed "delegations to sessions of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation A d m i n i s t ration (UNRRA) which were held In the United States, Canada and in Europe. . \ The National Federation of Temple Sisterhods, whose activities are directed by Miss Evans, is the women's division of the Union of American Hebrew Con* gregations (the < central organization of Reform or Liberal Judaism in America) and is an"affiliate of the World Union for Progressive Judaism, which has its headquarters in London, England.

Hadassah National Conclave Oct. 25 -28 in Washington A special session will be held at the next Omaha Hadassah Chapter Board meeting at the home of Mrs. Ira Whltebook (o name delegates to the National Hadassah Convention which will be held this • year in Washington, D . : C , Oct. 25 through 28. The forthcoming convention will be attended by more than 3,500 delegates and guests from every section of the United States, representing the organization's 300,000 members in 1,100 chapters in every state as well as in Puerto Rlca,and Alaska. The 1053 Washington meeting will be charged with the responsibility of formulating a recordbreaking program of medical, social welfare, child rescue and rehabilitation work and vocational education assistance in Israel for the next twlve months. One of tho highlights of the four-day meet will be an all-Israel fashion show of dresses and gowns designed by young Israeli students in the Fashion Institute maintained in Israel by Hadassah. Another highlight will be a dramatic presentation of various aspects of Hadassah's comprehensive Israel program. ' Hadassah, founded In 1912 by Henrietta Szold, Is best known for its medical projects in Israel. . It maintains seven hospital buildings, including 729 hospital beds, a school of nursing, a medl- s cal school in conjunction with The Hebrew University Hadassah Med- ' ical school, and a -child guidance center, as well as other health and welfare s t a t i o n s and centers throughout the country. Hadassah also maintains a vocational education system • designed to train young men and women to take their place in Israel's expanding industrial economy. Hadassah's members in the United States have organized and participated in Red Cross blood drives, civil defense programs, USO projects and many other l o cal community endeavors, Jerry Lewis: "He is the kind of fellow 'who would marry Hedjr Lamurr for her money." For Fine Tailoring

Norman Marsh Mcmbci Master Tailors and Cutters Association, Uindor., England Custom Tailor to Ladles & Men ALTERATIONS 218 So. 20th JA tUt

c~ '<

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Fr!d«y, October fc


Council Doings

Campus News

ices at Community Chest and Cen- Zera Beta Tail tennial celebration headquarters Guest speaker at the latest meet- The club will also be represented ZBT has started its preparation ing was Marvin Zabln, regional tomorrow at the Chest. Mr. Veret for this year's Kosmct Klub fall secretary of AZA. He informed the at the Jewish Community Center show. Director of this year's skit Chapter that the latest community has received much aid from mem- is llarv StienboiR. He will be asservice project is the raisin* of bers and the new pledges. sisted by Dick Fellmrn who is In foods for the Leo K. Levy Hosof music and Howard Vann Cultural chairman Gene Du Boll charge pital for physical therapy. has contacted a police officer for who is in charge of the choreogA hlg social event will be the the next meeting, who will show raphy. TbU year's lead goes to Marshall Kushner. while the main hajrack ride tomorrow night a movie and speak on "Safety for supporting role is held by Lcn Teenagen." Singer. Raylm's Traveling Troop, under Ben Betmont has pledged PershAZA No. IOC •(ell Steinberg and Howie Koop- the direction of Bob Meyer, will ine Rifles, a national military drill tt have been appointed to the no- perform at various institutions this organization. tifJcmUooj committee. The boys coming year. If there are any The ZBT football team broke a have also started to work with the members of the Youth Council three season losing streak by winwho wish to participate, they are ning their o p e n i n g conference centennial committee. Very soon, the centurymen win urged to notify Bob Mfyei. before game against last year's league \ champions, Theta Chi, by a score have new basketball uniforms, and Sunday. of 15-7. The team was led by they have already entered two the passing of Marshall Kushner teams in the Youth Council League. YouHi Council Letter and the pass receiving of Lcn Howard Kaslow has been apSinger and Doran Jacobs. Doth pointed editor of the chapter newsBy Joan Krasne of the touchdowns were set up paper, "The Century Spot Lite." by the ground gains made possible Of the three bowling teams, two The appointments committee of by the blockingr of the line on a are in first place. the Jewish Youth Council met just special "dedge' pUy. a few short days <*o to decide the Marshall Kushner was ne-apY. C. committee chairmen for the pojnted to the Coancilettes Board coming year. After much delib- by the StudentPublications Council, his secA meeting was held Sunday, eration* they came up with this Oct 4, at the J. C. C. A program choice: boys' athletics, Stan Wid- ond consecutive year of service on was held after the meeting with man; girls' athletics Judy Conn; the Pub Board. Marshall also Israeli dancing and reports on and brotherhood, Sari Shukert was appointed one ef (he top staff Succoth Nut cups are being nude Congratulations to all chairmen. men on the University AFROTC staff. He will hold the position by the freshman for the Halloof Major and will be the Public ween party at the Childrens Me- T. 0. News T» Be Printed Relations officer. morial Hospital. Very shortly, the first edition of The ZBTs held a stag last Monthe Youth Council News will be day night in their basement with printed. The deadline for copy Is the Sigma Debka Debs Alpha Mu's. October 24. All clubs should have The season is under. At the Debka Deb meeting held review ot their summer activi- way, at hunting least as far as Milt Maisel at the Jay last Sunday, three new aties and report of fall events. is concerned. : Milt bagged four members were formally initiated rabbl(* last weekend: on an exinto the club. They arc Fyllis RuWorkers Wanted cursion. His record of ten-ducks blnow, Sandra Fiedler,'and Gweu Group Any boys and girls of high Staler. last year is still intact. school age are now being offered from Last weekend a srour of boys Each upperclassman choose a the opportunity of working with a bigger freshman .to be. her "little sister." young children on Sunday after- travelled to K-State 'Pining the year the active will noons. Information is available at migration is planned for the Missouri game on Oct 24. serve in advisory capacity to the the Youth Council office. The annual Club Zebra Party Is new members. a. week from this Saturday after Dancing and Fencing Chases the Miami game. All alumni have There's no need for anyone to Rayim ; -'. , • sit by and watch others have fun. been invited. \ The Rayim Fraternity, beginning The C. dancing classes will its third year is starting out on teach Y.ballroom, dances including, Sigma Alpha Mu the right foot for the corning year. r h u m b a, samba, and mambo. The strong SDT football team Dick- Einstein, community serv- Come on fellas — let's get regis- has accepted a challenge to meet ice chairman, has made plans for tered! You can also register the Sammy squad this Sunday. the next six-month period. During Israeli dancing classes in the Y. for C Quarterbacks Norm Phillips and the past week, several members Earl Marcus arc getting their pussand pldges here given their serv- office. ing arms in shape for the all-star CsIHnr All Gsris! contest to be held on the UniverHere's your chance to get ac- slty.Moll. quainted with all your Youth To return to more curricular Council sisters. It's the annual athletics, the Sigma Alpha Mu T..A. All Girls Mixer which will Tennis squad Is currently in first be held at the J. C. C. on Sunday. place In the University Intermural 18, at 3:00. The mixer will tournament, having gained five Gwen Stoler and Sara Pepper Oct. refreshments. Israeli danc- out of six possible points in the of the Temple Youth Group arc include ing and a demonstration of the first round. The five members of serving as assistant teachers in the latest hairdos. See you at the the six-man team who have adTemple Israel Religious School mixer! this year, in the new Assistant vanced into the second round arc Teacher Program. Gwen and Sara Marshall Becker, Norman Veitzcr, a n both Juniors at Central High ConsUtotionsi AmtndsoeaU Forrest Posks, Earl Marcus, and FssaM . ~ School and conflrmands of TemBernic Wishnow. Latest amendment* to the Youth ple Israel. Many of the activities on camGwen Js serving as assistant In Council constitution state a defi- pus have a greater purpose than the pre-school group and Sara in nite purpose for each of the stand- just that of an activity. Many of tiie first grade. Tbey help the ing committees. The completely them are associated directly to a regular teachers in conducting the revised constitution will soon be college so they therefore pertain activities of the class and in ad- printed. to the curriculum. In that way the ministrative procedures. participants gain doubly from Mervin N. Lcmmermon, Director Join s Club Campaign them, through both scholastic and of Education, is in charge of the We're very proud as we look activity means. Sammy's partiassistant teacher program, which down the list of frosh and see that cipating in some of these are Gerincludes the actual work expe- almost all of our new Youth ry Fellman, who was appointed a rience plus weekly sessions on Councllers have J o i n e d clubs. member of the Law School Moot teaching techniques and principles Much thanks goes to Suzanne Court board; Maury WclsBurt, who Richards and her "Join A Club was named as News Director of and advance Jewish studies. Committee!" campus radio station KNUS; Al Joan Kenyan, his assistant, and Norm Beth Israel Middle Vcitzer, who was recently elected Youth Holds Elections Nobel Winner Develops lopbomore representative to the Business Administration Student The Beth Israel . Intermediate Basle (JTA)—Prof. T.-ideii".7 Council. Youth Club will hold elections at Heichstein, tin; Jewish scientist Under the leadership of Jerry the next mcctinri tomorrow eve- who received the 1950 Nobel I'ri70 ning aj 7 p. m. The meeting will for his discovery of cortisone, the Slrlckler, Passlac, N. J., and Norm Krivosha, Detroit, Mich., the chapbe Field in the recreation room of drug which has )icm used with the Talmud Torah. The club IK fre.it sum-:« in li-citin;; arthritis. t'r lias been working on a skit, inviting Jewish boys and jjirls in irheumnti/m and oilier di-caw ha"; "From Here to Fraternity," which their first two yours of hif*h .school (U-velopc d a n^vv onrti'.one prod- i'. to be entered in the Kosmet to apply for membership. A :.o- uct, v/hicii is more effective in Klub review, a series of comic elnl will be held lifter the meetiru: the trt.'ttitient of di^e.'j'ie thrin tlie plays presented by campus fra•nd refreshments will be served. orii:in.-il medicament, it w.a re- tenntie.7. Mnrv Friedman was elected [K>rted here. Vice-President of NUCWA, The Nebraska University Council on Milton Ilcrle coimn':ntin/j over a jja'.tr.tmi N.'itulwirh: "A Iwhelor World Affairs. The vice-presit*t>ODe A'l itio to lawn ruui Want A< is a man who knows more «jlx>ut dential position Is an important women than married nien do . . . I one in that the incumbent is chzirJB Ttr Jt"Un frr&ft Current ratr tt M cmti tot racn liner which is one reason why he'f; a j man of the NUCWA spring counUoa. Th+ f'ir*t rY»five* tfi« rtCTii to limit bachelor." ' oil, a mock United Nations GenMM OD e«cf- ativrriiMirrotnt.

AZA.No. 1

Teachers" Aid Program Starts

oral mienilily, which is renowned all over the mid-west. Marv was also elected UMOC candidate by the fraternity. He is especially well qualified for this post, Ugliest Man OM Campus.

Phi Epsilon Pi Alpha Chi C h a p t e r honored their new pledges at a pledge banquet last Sunday at the Leavenworth Grill. New pledries arc Frank Berg, Gordie Elowitz, Merrill Kartrnan and Al Fvllman. Merrill Ka'rtman was eleeted president of the pledge clans while Gordie Elowitz was elected secretary-treasurer. Social chairman Herb White has announced that the social caicucfaT for October will Include a stag this Saturday and the fourth annual steak fry Saturday, Oct 17. Plans are under way for homecoming display on October 31. Fratcr Harry Wise received the Omaha Heal Estate Board Award of $50, given to the top senior in the Real Estate program. Dave Belzer received one of four $200 scholarships given by Uie Omaha World-Herald for outstanding w o r k In the retailing field ot the University. Frank Bern was Phi Ep's candidate for Typical Freshman, while Maynard Totclman received a special award at the Sig Ep Greek Sing for his solo performance.

Sigma Delta Tan

Bar&BasMitxvah Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rayits announce that their son, Justin Charles, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, Oct. 16, and Saturday morning', Oct 17, In Beth Israel Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend Uie ceremonies. Martin Weil, son of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Weil, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at the Temple Israel services in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center' this evening and tomorrow morning. In his honor, his parents will receive the congregation after services. Members of the congregation and friends are invited to attend. Steven Michael Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. Friedman, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Friday evening and Saturday morning, Oct. IS and IT," in the Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the ceremonies.

Happy Birthday Friday, Oet » Bruce Harlan Abrahamson, Abrarri Erllch, Helene Gershater, and Roger Eldon Smith. Satardsy, Oet, 10 Felicia Friedman, Franklin Ray Kalman, David Richer, Judith Myra Turner, a n d Paula Jtae White, Sunday, Oet 11 Carole Cohn, Deborah Susan GCTber, Sandra Hose Gllinslqr. Ridd Roxanne Goodman, and Todd Alan Greenstone. Monday, Oct. U Cheryl Rose Fellman, Robert' Fox, Marlene Friedman, Michael Hakon, Faycanne Katz Caroline Kmllie Mayer, and Richard Kent Sophlr. Tuesday, Oct 13 Michael' S i m o n , and Susan Reneo Sbiegal. Wednesday, Oct. 14 Ifoward Alan Jess, Gloria Raznick, Steven Sojjlln, Barry Stuarl Sherman, and Clark Swartz. Thursday, Oct. IS. Nancy Ellen Brodkcy, Susan Helcne Kaizinao, Alan Howard Slrwrin, and Waller Wise.

Theta Chapter of Sigma Delta Tou is very.fond of their new housemother, Mrs. Ltbby Rottroan from Chicago. Members and alums honored Mrs. Rottman cat a tea held Oct.4. The pledge class of 19S3-54 elected officers. Thcso of fleers arc: Reneo Rodcr, president; Edith Naun, secretary; Zcldo Kaminsky, treasurer; Judy Kraft, social chairman, and Phyllis Turchln, standards committee representative. Oct. 10, Theta will be one of the fifteen sorority houses on campus who will act as hostesses for the YWCA Sadie Hawkins Hop. Hclcne Sherman i:i In charco of the entire affair, a proj;re:^ive fiance with coup!<\s jjronrei-.'nnji from one sorority to ariotlirr. Grourho Marx between cigars: Fran Locke has been elected secretary of the AWS House of "A husband Is a man who never Repre.ventatives Board, an inter- know.T when lie. Is well off . . . bemediary board of the AWS organ- cause he never'is." ization, which enforces rules made by the AWS in all women's houses. Fran will also act as a guide to freshman girls when they go to the Activities Mart, Oct. 14. Hence Rodcr nas been elected cs'an AUF (All University Fund) worker. • Mickey Rabincr was elected to represent Theta in the annual Calendar Girl contest.

, Lyn ys for


A Hebrew teacher, making a trip with a group of children who For Every Occasion live In Hollywood, itoppcd' tar lunch at a restaurant when one youngster noticed a slot machine Say It With Our* and'asked what It vran. The teacher launched into a lecture on the evils of gambling. To emphasize the futility of trying to get someSIEGEL thing for nothing,- she said she'd show them what she meant. She marched up to the machine, put In 2323 Dodge JA2S4S a nickel, pulled the handle, and hit the jackpot.


Want Ads

BAR and lias Milzvah con#raiu« lotions; also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge World Book Encyclopedia 1 st. Choice School, home, library and office Representative Mrs. Mary Agnes Brewer 170 Drake Court Phone HA 0973 •ITRNISHED room in private h o u s e . Near transportation. . Young or middle-aged woman desired 2935 Nicholas. AT 8091.

Center Piano Sfudio at the Jewish Community Center

101 No. 20Hi Street Under the direction of Prof. Hans BAER Modern Techniques Are Used Pupil's Recitals to Be Presented Enrollment for fall and winter season 1953-1954 has started

Call JAckson 1366 or WEbster 8681

2 King O«org« S t r o o t Tol-Avlv Reproduced in tWs id Is one of a series of Amertcin-sijrle supermarkets wfiere recipients of Scrip To Uriel gift certificates choose from > vitt supply and variety of CUT KOSHER foods Including fresh meati, poultry,-dslr* products >nd groceries. ' The/re brand new, modem sopermarVetJ where your recipients UMlw the best in food and In courteous, efficient service. Prow to yourself by asking vour friends and relations In Israel-WHO HAS THE MOST MODERN STOBES AMD THE GREATEST VARIETY OF FOODS? The answer you'll receive? . . . SCRIP TO ISRAEL " Send Uie best! Send s Scrip to Israel certificate today In } 5 , $10, (15. and $25 denomination).

Local Aeent, Jewish Community Center, 101 N. 20th Si, 3U

Religious News Candles: 5:35 p. m.

TEMPLE 1HBAIX Rabbi Sidney H. Drooler, will discuss "God, 1'olio nnd Kabbi:;,11 ft comment on recent discussions of the Problem of Evil in several periodicals, at this evening's service* at 8 p. m., in the Jewish Community Center. Regular Shabbos Morning Services tomorrow will be held at 11:30 o'clock, Martin Weil will assist Rabbi Brooks in the service. The Junior Choir under the direction of Mrs. Ruth Rciss will ring. Klddush will be recited at the end of the service.

Page Seven


Friday, October 9, 1953

Obituary Leon Arkin

Problems Aired

at Conclave!fe

New York (JTA)—Leon Arkin, Members of the Temple Youth resident of the Workmen1.": C'ir- Group a Ctinclavette in le, larger,! Jewish fraternal cr- Lincoln,attended 2-3-4. Representa[izutiun in the world, (iitd here tives of Oct. youth ci'ciups from St. list week nt the, ii|!u of 05. Knnsas City, Des Moines, Horn in Lunnu, IUisda, Mr. Ar- f^iuip, Joreph, Mo., and surroundinn in came to tliis country a:; II boy St. rea artic-ipated. The sessions were if Hi. He lived in I'itt!,bun:ti until itld at the South Street Temple, U2G and there became jiK.Miciated 'here the Omaha Temple Youth ith the Workmen's Circle. In under the chairmanship S20 he went to Huston to manage- rioup I'eppcr presented the Sab.he Hoston Office of t lie Jewish arah ath morning service and served Daily Forward. In the more tlian r. the choir. 10 years he lived in Bo:.ton, Mr. Ilablii II. Hrodl-.s aildr<-.';s<"(l the \rkin was active in Jewi: h eom- roll]) ,ift( rlioon, .ift( r whir )i nunal, philanthropic and cultural : min.uin thi *;c * loll1 \w r< )ir Irl U'ln^ ctivities. s ii lirncrnl theme "What's the In 1948 he came to New York to Fse?" the ftroup considered vtirierve as the Forward's advertis- ous racial problems facing Jt-wing manager, a post lie held until '.h jouth tod.iy SotM-drn.ia was is death. He became ill at the i technique used to portray frc-i nd of a two-day annual meeting luent life situations. Following the >f the national executive comrnit- )lay, the youngsters discussed their ,ce of the Workmen's Circle. caclions to the problem presented.

Music Notes

Beth Israel School of Adult Studies

By Mrs. Kuth Rciss, Center Music Director On Mondiry, the Nursery School Classes are now being organized Music Institute had its first meet- for the Beth Israel School of Adult ing. A discussion was held on the Jewish Studies. The school is method (if presenting and teaching scheduled to open this -Monday a sonc to the children. The teach- evening, at 8 p. m. There are a ers heard tones to teach to their number of openings in all classes. youngsters this week and the re- All who are interested in attend'; sults will bo discussed next week. ing any of the courses offered aro • Also at the next meeting, the advised to register as soon as teachers will learn of the use of possible. . •.,'.';'•. rhythm instruments. This will inThe following courses are being y clude rhythmic movements and offered: • • • . . • : •'•".'•;;-.•;. accompaniment to cones and rec- Beginner's Hebrew—Irving Stem enrri Intermediate Hebrew—Samuel Don't forcet "The: Music At Stone Home Club" which will have its Tanach—Rabbi Matthew M. first ineetinj; on Tuesday, ut the home of Mrs. A. C. Fellman, 5608 Pollakoff Jackson St., and the orchestra Music of the Synagogue—Cantor. which will have its first rehearsal Eli Kagan on Wednesday, at the Center. Those who have not returned the The Jewish World Today—Harrjr Customs and Traditions—RabU reply card, please try to get them in the mail as soon as possible. Benjamin Groner Courses o n e to five will be For Rny further information about any of the groups mentioned, call given from 8 to » p. m. on Mondays and course No, six will be me at the Center. given from. 9 to 10 p. m. Monday*. There will be no charges for Jascha Heifetz claims that among the things most often opened by atending any of the courses and aU are Invited to attend. mistake is the mouth.

BETH EL Services will begin this evening at 8:15 o'clock. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. "To give >ou an idea," says Cnry Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and theLouis Shapiro Grant,"of how fast modern travel Beth El Choir will render the Louis Shapiro, 52, died Sept. 28, is, we left New York the other day musical portions of the service. in Los Angeles, Calif. Services and with two rabbits and when we got ' Sabbath morning services will interment were held at Hollywood, to Los Angeles, wo still had only begin at 8:49 a. m. Mincba-Maariv C a l i f . •"•. .•••..--..•.•• ...,••,• two." service will be held at 5:30 p.m. Mr. Shapiro, "a film executive, Pally Minyan la held on each was the brother of Mrs, Goldie week day 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Faler of this city. He was assoSunday morning service is at 9:00 ciated with the film industry for a. m. more than 30 years and had served as a location manager for: a major film company. , : : BETH ISRAEL ' Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor MrV Shapiro 1« survived by his S31 Kagan and the Beth Israel wife, Lavcrne; a son, Louis, Jr.; Synagogue choir, will conduct late three sisters, Mrs. Goldle Faieir of Friday evening services tonight at Omaha; Mrs. Mollie Madison of 8 p. m. Sabbath morning service* Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Rose Coat Beth Israel 8:30 a. m. and 8:00 hen of Hollywood, Calif. a. m. at 18th and Burt. Junior Service* at 10 a. m., in the chapel. Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Saturday afternoon, Talmud Class at .5 p. m. Saturday Mlncha will start at 5:30 p. m, Dally morning service begins at •Bible and Talmud 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and fl:30 a. m. at 19th and Burt. Dally afterBy OR. PHILIP 8BEB noon services at 5:45 . m. Friday afternoon at 5:30 p. m. The Sunday morning breakfast Bible minyan and Rabbi's class in Bible When the righteous are inmeet at 8:45 a. m. There is a creased the people rejoice; but special Talis and Tephilln Minyan hen the wicked bcarcth rule the for children over 12 years of age, people sigh. and for children that accompany Say not unto thy neighbor: "Go their fathers to the adult minyan. nnd come again and tomorrow I The cliildren's service starts at will glvp," when thou hast It by 8:30 a. m. and breakfast i;; served tliec. to the children after the Service. Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret la pleasant. Talmud Late Evening Service It was said of Uabbl HUlel— When he rejoiced at the ceremony Starts at Beth Israel of Libation he used to say, "If irarry Sidman, President of the I am here, all are here, but il Beth Israel Synaj-.oKue, announced I am not here, who is here?" (Illustrating that even a man like that the first late Friday evening Kabbi liillcl, renowned for modservice of the season will t n k e city, could place tonight at 8 p. m. nabbl megalomania.)develop a form of Benjamin Groncr will conduct the Our Rabbis were taught—There service nnd Cantor Eli Kngan and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir were among them (the visitors at will lead In the recital of musical the Libation ceremony) people portion* of the service. A social who said: "Happy is our youth Uxwy Sfceer 12 Denier 1»65 hour will follow the service. All who do not disgrace- our age." They were the pious a n d the are invited to attend., saints. And there were among Sheer 15 Dmter 1*50 them people who said: "Happy is During a. quickie lunch Milton our iiRc that has atoned for our Bcrle told us, "my dog lived like youth." They were the repentant a king for a while . . . then I found Both used to say: "Happy, IwiMM Stteer. 30 D M I W . . . . ; Io35 out h* was Jiving like King "Far- sinners. those who have not sinned a oujr, so I had to chain him up at arc all, but he who has sinned thai night" repent and he will be forgiven." The proof of the promhe ft In the wearing. BERKSHIRE'S "Money," explains Paulette Goddard, "cant get you friends, but comfortable, stretehable NYLACE TOP adds incredibly it can get you a better class of Monument Dedication enemies," , The family of Max Selleow will more wear to even the sheerest of glamorous stockings. dedicate a gravestone In his memory this Sunday at 2 p. m., at the The nylace top i i I O lacy and fragile-looking, yet you Beth El Cemetery, 84th and L Thank You can poke It, pull It • . . even pierce a hole through i t . . . streets. .


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Sam Canar, president of B'nai Israel Congregation, wishes to express the thanks of the congregation to Joseph lUdinowski for his participation in the High Holidays' Services.

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B'nai B'rith Bowling

Major Clastic W. I* Pioneer Uniform 12 S Wardrobe ~ ~ 10V4 4tt Union Freightways ... 8 6 Kaiman Insur. ...,..,„„.» 0 0 Nogg Bros. Paper ~.~~ 8 9 Larry Schwartz, president of the I-Oo Van ,^.- S 10 Jewish Youth Council lins named IMPCO . .......... .. 4H 10 H Judy Cohn and Stan Widman athFranklin DUtr. .... 4 U letic chairmen for the 1053-4 seaMinorCtude son. Judy is a member of Debka V. L. Debs and Is a senior at Central. Wayne Auto 12 3 Interested in girl's athletics she HZ Vending . „ . . . _ _. H 4 has participated in Youth Council Best Appliance -. 8 7 bowling volleyball, ping pong and CUquot Club . _ 8 7 badminton. Judy was a candidate Venger & Sons HHH....H 7 8 for AZJi. sweetheart this past Smith Pontiae „ 6 9 year.

Fall Swimming Program Begins

Judy Cohn and Stan Widman Named Athletic Chairmen

Paramount Mkt Torbes Bakery '.

_ 5 3

10 12

A Division

W. L. Burkhard-Gerelick . _ 12 3 Nebr. furniture . 11 4 Pepii-Ccu .. ............. 10 5 11-Worth GriU „ S 8 Lyn's Florist 8 7 Belmont Jewelry ........ 8 7 Grace-Mayer Ins 7 8 Crosstowri TV' .............'7 8 Hinky-DInky „. 7 8 Greenberg Ins. ............ 5 10 Uilder Oil 4 11 Morris Paint 2 IS Iliih Game* and Series Jerry Cohn 6-7-10, Harold Kasin 6-7, Al Temin 508, Jack Saferstein SOS, Norm Abramson 552, Sam Roserutein 540, Frank Brookalein 518-223, Jack Belmont 505213.

the All-Star backet boll and would have mode the All-Star Softball team had he not elected to play American Legion ba.r;ebnll last summer. Stan lias participated In just about every Kjwjrt offered In Y.C. competition. Both Chairman have made flying starts in bowling. The Girls Bowling league has Jumi>ed from lO^to 14 teams while the boys have doubled from 10 t» 20 teams.

Stan Widman is a Junior at Central and a member of A.Z.A. 1. For the past two seasons Stan has been a regular on Mother chapters •Softball and basket ball teams. Last year Stan was selected on

YC Bowling National W.

Rayim SAP* , AZA No. 100 , AZA No. 1 Bluffers . . AZA No. 1 Glams Rayim Screwballs . AZA No. 1 Boosers Independents ..... .__.,_ Rayim Strikes .. . . AZA No. 1 No Names American league

.3 .3 .2 .2 . 1. 1 1 0 0

4thMaccabiah Won by Israel

Tel Aviv (JTA)—The nine-day Fourth International Maccabiah — the "Jewish Olympic Games" — closed here last week with a festive .ceremony as a huge crowd of 60,000 persons came to witness the final events and to hear Premier David Ben Gurlon. Israeli athletes won the largest number of individual medals and awards at the games. The United

States squad won the largest number of medals, cups and other a w a r d s among the 23 visiting

Midget Stag •for Hoopsfers

The autumn swimming program at the Jewish Community Center On Sunday afternoon at 2:30 p. for grade schoolers is now m. at the Jewish Community Cenproijrfcss, Sherm 1'o.^ka^ center ter auditorium, the Midget Basswimming director stated.•Classes ketball league will start its season will continue through the winter with a Fulhcr-Son athletic stag. months. They are being held for Explanations of league play, pracbeginners and the advanced pupil.s tice sessions find past performTuesday through Friday, from 4:15 ances, will highlight the program. p. 111. to 0:30 p. m. There will be films shown of the Those youngsters holding junior outstanding college teams during or senior llfesavlnn cards can at- tiie years. I x s Uurkenroad and tend the Junior Ked Cross Aids Sam Ban will be chairmen of the clas3 held Monday evening at the progrnm. They extend a cordial center. The class will be instructed invitation to fathers whose sons In new swimming techniques nnd are in the 5th-8th grades. A special treat will bo the free throw methods. Wednesday evening classes arc basketball tournament for the fabeing held for Girl Scouts nnd thers. testa w^ll be given for swimming Practice r>c;;::ions for the midget and Iifcsriving badges. One class hopefuls will start Sunday aftermeets at 0:30 p. in., nnd the other noon Oct. 18, nt 2 p. m. at the at 7:30 p. m. Instruction is pro- JAY gymnasium. Varsity basketvided to help the uirlji pass their ball league stars will help Lindy requirements. Paul, athletic director, conduct the Mixed adult swimming periods practice cessions,-which will conare being held Tucsdny nnd Thurs- tinue on Sunday afternoons until day evenings, from 7:30 to 0 p. rn. league play starts November 29. Many bring the whole family down All boys in the Sth-Bth grades for a dip In the center pool. who ore Interested in basketball There is also a fun filled piny are invited to join the league. swim tlrrio on Sunday afternoon Champions of last year's league for children from 2 to 4 p. m. was Hoscn-Novnk. Returning to ploy from thnt team are Bob Ginsburg, Arnold Ban, Gene Dandy, Gerry Goldstrom, Mike Sabes, Martin Shcidcr and Mike Sadofsky.

14 Teams in YC Girls'Bowling

Motto on Ed Wynn's wall: " E n Tho Youth Council Girls Bowling league mado its official start joy yourself . . , It's easier than Israeli athletes collected 32 gold Tuesday at the Music Box bowling you thlnkl" .•:•• medals, 47 silver Medals and 23 alleys with a 14. t e a m ' league. W. bronie niedfls, while Americans These gals represent Tlkvas Ami, Independents A .„ 8 won 18 gold, medals and an as-Debko Debs and Councllettes and Parkway B Division Rayim Meal Grezi 3 sortment of cups Including the all are after the Y.C. title of W. AZA No. 1 Oruchs 2 President Juan Peron Cup for the bowling champs. Last year's Rlleway TV 10 AZA No. 100 Gutter Gang .. 2 highest point score In men's track champs are back once again to Richman 'Gordman ....10 3 Rayim M-Jabs 1 and field events. .'•'' defend their throne. They are Bosen-Novak ..... 8. 6 AZA No. 1 Wcs Both the track and swimming Barbara Joffc, Toby Okrent, CnrTVblfsdn Gcrbcr _ _.., 9 8 Rayim K 1 titles went to Israel, partly oit the ole Frank and Jean Cutler. They Playland Park 8 7 Rayim X .0 National Tire 8 7 AZA No. 100 A 0 3 basis of the high scores turned in hre members of the Councilctte by; Israeli women athletes. The Starlets. Ranks Army Goods ., 8 7 Americans won oil tennis titles The gals made an auspicious Prucka Transportation 7 8 except the women's singles where start Tuesday as they were led Philco-Brandeis .; .8 B the V. S. came in second to Brit- by Phyllis Rosen who bowled Sol Lewis Co 5 10 ain. In addition to taking lop po- games of 170 and 151. Borsheim Jewelry 4 11 sition in track and swimming, the W. High Games and Serirs Israelis won championships In coc- Deb.s Nebs 2 Y, Ginsberg 154-175-172-503, J. In preparing for the coming cor, boxing, wrestling, handball Three Strikes and a Sparc ....2 Friedman. 197-484, M. Kagnn 182La Fa Ma Rl 2 473, W. Epstein 157 W. Wolfson backet ball season, t h e Youth and shooting. In the national soccer matches, uter Gals ,.2 161. D. Hahn 174. D. Hobcrman Council Clubs will start a double.2 171-463, I. Forbes 18S, S. Boffman elimination volleyball tournament Israel came out first, followed by Starlets „ Lucky Strikes and France. 1 182-151-189-522. S. Maypcr 175. Jlonday after school at 3.45 p. m., South Africa, rsritain „ 1 M. Halperln 168, S. Ross 158 J. in the center gym. At this writing [in the swimming events, the'Is- Slick Chicks , 1 Bercovid 160, J. Schrelbcr 143. A. 12 teams have signed up for play, raclis nosed out the United Slates Mileroma 1 . Gerbcr 150, M. Herzoff 167-460, J. They are seven teams from Raylm. by a r.coro of 07 to 81 The Is- Lane Lassies 0 Xirshenbaum 165, D. Gordman three from A Z.A.- 100 nnd two raeli men swimmers showed up Alley Cats teams from A.Z.A. 1. Each team poorly, ending up with a com- Scoreless Fourless 0 158, and B. Kaiman 158. must have six players on the floor bined score of 42 to the United Howling Belles „ 0 and no player may be an twoStates' CO. But the Israeli women The All Strikes 0 Kelley's "B" Division rosters. Two o u , of three games swimmers scored 45 point'; against Lucky Losers 0 W. h. decide the match and two losses 15 for the American women, to Mich Series Louis Market JJ' - 4 eliminates the team from t-he Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs 321 H. A. Wolf Insurance.. 10 "~~ ; * • tournament. Pairing! will be made place their learn first. In Water polo, the South Afri- Haruara Joffe, Starlets 301 Watson Bros. Van , Thursday and will be posted at the can team was first, scoring FIX Elaine Jnngcr, Slick Chicks ....28(1 LJnes ......... 9 8 athletic director'i office. Volley1 Simons Jewelry 8 7 ball will be Included - in the wins over its nearest rival's score Malice Katleman, La Fa Ma RI..282 Bennett Furniture-™.. 7 8 "Olympic*" as a competitive sport. of three. In basketball, the Unit- Tcvee Bernstein, Three Strikes ed States team won |i tight game & a Spare 258 South Omaha Sun 7 8 _ Stan Widman,-newlyy appointed p p t e d by a score of 25 to 23 over the Illsh Games Roblmon Iron & Metal 7 8 Youth Council Boys Athletic Israeli quintet. The final Israel Elaine Jangcr, Slick Chicks ....177 Waffi-Color Paint MILDER Chairman is in charge of the score was dropped into the basket Barbara Joffe, Starlets 171 (Brvndeis) _ 6 8 tourney. In the last few seconds of the Phylli3 Rosen, Debs Nebs 170. 151 H i d PUin« Insurance. 6 8 game. The Israeli team nosed out Matlce Katleman La Fa Ma Fti.,100 SIo*b"r» Retlty „ 4 II the American track and field team High Averages H. T. S.—Bennett Furniture. 2,- 54 Grade Schoolers in the first two days of the inter- Phyll!;; Rosen, Deb;; Nebs 160 213. B. T. G.—Benne't Furniture. national meet. Barbara Joffc, Starlets 150 826. H, I. S lack Cohen, 527, H. in Jr. Sports Bowling Sidney Klwitt of New York, 22- Klaine Janger, Slick Chicks ....144 I. G.—Ben Rifkin, 220. ' Hitjh «rore«,for the even'n»:.H. The Junior Sport.'; Bowling pro- year-old athlete who broke a 15t . S.—Ma'1-Chlor. 2.0*7. rT T. G. gram . sponsored by the Athletic yenr mark In the iavclin throw, —South Omrfha Sun. 792, H. I. S. Dept. of the Jewish Community won a Israel bond nnd a kits from Tel Aviv, winner of a local —K. "Irshln'cr. 496. H. I. G.— Center will start thii Friday after ' contest, at a ceremony at HOTTER FUEL Sam Bpn, 219. K. HHhi>n«?pr. Mid school at the Music Box ni xt door Omaha's Favorite Hour.e in Tel Aviv. The Plalnv Tn*urance, 206: Wallv El- to the center. Some 04 boy.s and bond was awarded by Max Cohnn Way to Dine on MORE B.T'.U.'s kon. Wptson Bros.. ?0'Irv Sabes. — . — w . . . » u ~ w . girls in the sixth through the Robln""n Iron & Meta). 200. and j eighth grade have enrolled in theof Chicago.. The kiss was a surSunday prise to the youthful athlete who Alex • • -Frank. • - •Simon Jewelry, 197. program, whlih Ii larger than the • CLEANER HEAT enrollment last year. La-1 year's was -..led for "outstanding athletic "k NEW—Combines the ™iwnen*s l«srne league had 12 le.ims. thiee mem- performance." He set the new qualilloc of No. 2 and No. 3 bers to a team. This year the javelin.hiirllni; mark at 59 meter;.'. fuel oili plui an ADDITIVE league is expected to accommodate Colonv C'"b 10 5 clo*e to 20 team'!. to Incrco.e the HEAT VALUE Country C u b Grocery S 6 T l The League tins year will be Omaha . o >Sin'? 9 6 of I h t fuel and to retard under the direction of D.ivid WidPhilir-: Dcot. Store .... 9 0 full formation. S'.uart KutJer perchcl lil;;h in man, who handled it last year. «>' Kish T»ri '. Mysti-- »"e-">(tv Shop.... 8 7 ' High. School howlers will a'.si.-.t top spot In the hoy's division of David In the instruction, as many the Junior B'nai U'rltli ISowling ShuWl't": Market 8 7 of these youngsters will be bowl- League, after Sunday's lea/rue An»ie'« TVuty Shop... 8 7 Uninterrupted SERVICE ing/for the first time. The first competition at (he Music "Box. He Nation-i! fire 8 7 few week.'; will be devoted to i n - rolled a high game of 155 and R «.- S Shoes 8 Served Bufret Style! 7 A l l u r i n g automatic doliverstruction, le.irning to nine, and netted a 2!)2 series. Maureen Wolf n-n<hi>r« 7' ici of fuel oil throughout Iht ] led the girls with a 14!> Il-W'"») ririll All You Care to Eat 7 fl" the making up teams for league XwWt healing season. Burner lerv- i play. The first tournament will tin Came and a 250 sorios. l.yn'= Fln-i"*-! 9 G the .'econd annujl Tlinnn.sgivinr ice 24 hours dally—Sundays | Illeh Games and Srrlts Dou"'"1' «pTri weIry 9 a | tournament to be held the FriNoon to 3 p. m. .Stuart Kutler 137-155 292 —Holidays Hair'"'"! nrmarv .... 5 10 d.iy dining vacation at the Music Tom Plntt 130-140—285 Smith POT" - - ... ',. . .1 12 Box. Trophic? will he presented Mike Pl.itt 133-132—20.^ Hlrti Serlm to the winner.';. Lait year's winners 131-132—203 n.-.e V'i-'-oub. !>03: B ev Swnitr, were Vlcfci Colick in the girls Jack Lieb 15D- 97—250 SOlrltuth Klein, 49D; DLiiir Itubln, division, while Mll:e Ilcr^og won John RW«-s Maurwn Zcvitz ".. 145-105—250 JQA the hoy's title. in. Stuart Fogel 06-138—234 Hlch names Ruth Klein, 224; Flora nioom. Mlkc'Canar 115-113—228 S07; Rac Wintroub, IOT ; Mcrri.'im Lenora Folk D0-129—225 Cooperman, 183; Diane 1Hubin. 181. Minister to Mexico Eddie Wintroub D.ri-I28—223 Surio Wolfson 92-12(1—2~18 1 A man applying for work as a Mexico City (JTA)-^Joseph Ki- Billy Kaizman 110-100—210 Janitor at on art school, which sari, has been named first Israel Judy Cohen 127- 85—212 HOTEL BLACKSTONt Croucho Marx attends, wanted to Minister to Mexico. The Mexican Muriel Rosenblatt.... llfi- 97—212 know how much they would pay Foreign Office has Indicated its Dave Wintroub 07-114—211 2'4 h o u r s e r v i c e him. "Thirty dollars a week," r e - agreement to the appointment. Mr. Jim Sophir 100-104—210 , piled Croucho, "and all you canKisarl is expected to arrive here Mark Samuelson ilG-107—205 shortly. .Icrrv Shsrni.in 1(|2-IO7—200 t






" • , • • - • • • •



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. • • • .

Y. C. Boys Vie for Volleyball Title

nude? the SUN!

DUAL-FUEL formula 23

l l OIL

Jr. B.B. Bowling








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