Vol. XXXI—No. 6
< rtn an Hramrl-Clftaa Matter at 1'oetulluc Onsalin, XJcbrnnKfl, undrr A t l of 1870.
t.Tlnljed every Frida
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Dr. Lerner Will Speak Saturday Night atJCC
101 N. 20Ui.
Blncle Copy M 0«aU Annual R A U « DolUB
"Ideas me Weapons" is the provocative subject Dr. Max Lerner, professor of American Civilization at Hrundcls University, will discuss at the opening of the 1953-54 Jewish Community Center Lecture and Concert .Series Saturday evcnlni; at 8:30 p. m. in the auditorium of the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Art Goldstein, chairman of the Jewish Community Center Committee will i n t r o d u c e the speaker. This will he Dr. Lerncr's third rpeaking engagement before Omaha audiences since 1041. Dr. Lerner, author, editor and lecturer was educated in literature and law at Yale University and economics and politics at the Robert Brooking.1, Graduate School of Economics and Government In Washington, D. C. During the past twenty year:; he has alternated between teachlnf! and newspaper work. Since 1D38 he has authored six books on the American political scene. "Ideas Are Weapons," the title of his second hook furnishes the theme for Dr. Lerncr's lecture. lie has been editor of The Nation, chief editorial writer for I'M and columnist for the New York Star. He is now* a columnist for the New York Post and a contributing editor of the New Hepublic.
Will Be Dedicated Sunday Rabbi Wiill Give Dedication Speech
Rabbi Myron M. Meyer, of St. Joseph, Mo., will deliver the dedication address at the cornerstone laying ceremonies on the new Temple Israel this Sunday at 2 p. m., at the temple site, 09th and Cass Sts. Morrle E. Jacobs, past president of the congregation will preside and Milton S. Livingston, chair- , man of the building committee, will participate in the laying of. the cornerstone. Included in the program are greetings from Alfred Mayer, president of the congregation; Mrs. Morton Hlller, president of the sisReservations terhood, and Miss Joan Abrahams, president of the Temple Youth B'nal B'rlth members arc Group. Ilabbl Sidney H. Brooks, the conasked to mall their reservations spiritual leader, will for the Philip M. Klutznick Cleveland (WNS) — The two-gregation's dedicate the cornerstone behind Homecoming Banquet as soon day' National Report Conference which will be placed a m e t a l as possible to facilitate the of the United Jewish Appeal con- box containing articles of religious Tel Aviv (JTA)—The tenth atcluded here with contributions of and historical significance from the planning of arrangements. $14,973,000 to the UJA by Jewish tack by Jordanians within the last temple. A parchment scroll communal leaders representing old ten days took place Monday when tearing the signatures of temple scores of cities throughout the members and their families will be an Israeli police patrol was fired United States. placed in the cornerstone. on In" the Beit Naballah area, The sum constituted 60 per cent Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth southeast of Tel Aviv. of the $25,000,000 goal the UJA is Israel, will offer the invocation seeking to attain in the lost four and Rabbi Mycr Kripke, Beth El, Sunday Arab marauders killed a months of this year. Total UJA will ask the benediction. Jewish settler in an attack on the Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, chairwomreceipts since. January 1, 1953, Neve lllan collective settlement, an of the Center Lecture and ConThe Temple Youth Group, will York (WNS) — Itabbi Irv- were reported at close to sixty sing near Jerusalem. An observer from cert Series, staled that "Dr. Ler-ingNew Bnruch Ha-ba (Blessed Be Miller, president of the Zionist million dollars. Addressing the You Who Come). the United Nations truce observa- ner's appearance here will be a Organization of America, this week 1,000 campaign loaders, Edward real treat and stimulation to the Three sculptured panels s y m tion staff la investigating the Incivoiced concern of "certain actions" M. M. Warburg pointed out that bolizing the Torah, Peace and dent. One of the cottiers, who members of our community." the UJA "started out as a tem- Truth form a part of the semi-clr-, came on the scene after the ma- Martha Schlumme, popular in- of the Stale Department which, he porary measure nearly f i f t e e n rauders fled, said that their tracks ternational sinner, a native of Aus- said, "are likely to bring about years ago to meet emergencies cular front wall. Mrs. Esther tria, will be presented in the sec- a regrettable change in the atmo- brought on by Hitler's oppression Samolar, well known sculptress led to Jordan territory. commissioned to do the panels. ' Egyptian fotccs tried last week ond program of the series, Wcd- sphere of American-Israel rela- of European Jewry and today has was Another feature of the n e w temple to'pcnetratc the dcmllitari/.cd Gi- nwlny, Nov. 10. Miss- Schlaminc tions." become a power of enduring good." will b e an open forecourt reminisVat Itachel zone emHvcrc repulsed, has traveled extensively on the cent of the Temples in King SoloAddressing some 150 Zionist an Israel military 3i>okej:man re- European . and North American mon's time. ported today. Ho emphasized that continents. Included in her reper- leaders from all parts of the coun- Gov. Crosby Supports The wing in which the temple tiiC attacks "severely violated the toire arc :;oni;s of many languages try attending a meeting of the Tercentenary Stamp proper Is located will be on one armistice agreement" and ex- .She has appeared at the Player;- ZOA Administrative Council, the level. In addition to the sanctuNow York, N. Y.—Governors of pressed "astonishment" that the Theater in London and toured the ZOA president said these actions 25 states including Robert B. Cros- ary and social hall, It will include chairman of the Mixed Armistice United States and Canada. 'have produced considerable be- by of Nebraska have none on rec- a parlor or chapel, administrative ; a kitchen, check rooms, rest Commission, who was informed of wilderment and havo encouraged ord supporting the issuance'of a areas, stamp next year rooms and storage areas. The sane-' the raids, "had not acted accordanti-Israel propagandists in their commemorative tuary, seating 300 persons, will" to mark the American Jewish ingly." efforts to make It appear that a Tercentenary, Ralph E. Samuel, open onto the social hall, with Mcnnwhllc.'U.N. truce chief Gen. major change in policy has In fact chairman of the national Tercen- sealing accommodations for an; Bctinlke paid a visit to the Givat .'•• . "-,-•' taken place." Rabbi Miller reject- tenary committee announced here. other 500. Rachel area, located alow! the Randell, who spent three ed "the notion that the AdminisThe schol wing of the'building 1 , The commemorative stamp is Israel-Egyptian frontier. The car Darrell In Africa for the Methodist tration is motivated by unfriendly also will be on two levels, containing in which he was traveling to the year.-i being advocated by G O memsettlement collided with an Israel Hoard of Missions visiting tension attitudes toward Israel," but that bers of Congress, including 17 Sen- seven classrooms oh t h e upper civilian vehicle, but no one was areas In parts of the continent, he was "fearful that some mistak- ators, and by national organiza- floor, a kindergarten, nursery,,: will speak on "Africa—Problems hurt. trade unions, and individuals clubroom and additional classund Perspectives," this coming en tactics will produce such an Im- tions, rooms on the street level. all over the country, he stated. Several International air car- Wednesday at 0:15 p. m., at Oma- pression." Over-all height of the building riers—Including KLM, UOAC, Sa- ha University. His is the second will bo 27 feet, and a pylon display1- ; bena, Swissair Scandinavian—are of six lectures offered by the Ining a carved Menorah will extend: considering by-passing Israel's stitute on World Affairs at the unifor several feet atop the structure. Lydda Airport and using Cyprus versity. The theme of the 1053 An entrance from 72nd street wilt Instead, owing to an ultimatum ex- series Is "Problems and Problem open onto a parking area to p r o tended by the Lebanese Govern- Areas." vide space for 150 cars. ment, which warned that carriers The Federation for Jewish ServContemporary in design, plan* using Lydda Airport will not be ice is a co-sponsor of the Institute. the building were drawn by sions, will take part in the cam-for extended l a n d i n g facilities in Sigmund Braycrman, member/of paign. Beirut. Philippine Airline.-; has dev the architectural firm of Bravercided to use Beirut Airport on its Ike Assures NCRAC Mayor Glenn Cunningham, in man and Halperin, of Clovcland. ,'• Far Kast-European route, by-passhonor of the Chest drive, officially A spokesman for the firm stated • ing Lydda. of Anti-Bias Goal proclaimed October to be "Red that the $500,000 building is close Feather Month1 in Omaha. to the halfway mark toward com- • Chicago (JTA,—President EhcnA special eight page tabloid sec- pletion. The building Is scheduled hower and hi.- administration "will tion appeared in the Monday to be finished by next summer. On Radio and TV constantly move forward toward
10 Jordan Forays Reported by Israel
$15 Million to UJA Parley
ZOA Head Hits State Dept. Policy
Africa Topic at Institute Session
1953 Community Chest Drive Gets Off to a Flying Start
On Sunday, 11:30 a. rn. to noon, over WOW-fladlo, the Eternal Llijht will present "Mrs. Steinberg's Partner in Heaven," written by Sylvia Berber, the second in a (scries of four outstanding programs, originally dramatized on the Eternal Light, in celebration of Its tenth year of broadca:;lln(!. It was announced by the Jewish Theological Seminary, under whose auspice.i the program Is conducted. The Eternal Light, a coast-to-coast radio program, is presented as a publie service by the National Broadcasting Company. "Mrs. Steinberg's Partner in Heaven" la a humorous fantasy of a womnn who spent her life helping other people with her nood deeds, and bringing cheer into their lives with her fine humor.
the goal of human freedom and equality of opportunity for all, without regard to artificial and arbitrary distinctions of ancestry, form of religious worship, or place from, which a person or his forbears may have come." This statement was mudc here by Maxwell M. Itabb, assistant to Sherman Adams, chief White House aide, in the course of an address he delivered at the plenary session of the National Community Relations Advisory Council which represents six national Jewish organizations and 30 Jewish Community Councils engaged in combatting anti-Semitism. The 1053 Community C h e s t Mr. Rabb read o message of campaign in the Omaha area cot greeting to the conference from off to a flying start Monday, Oct. President Elsenhower who said in 12, when opproxlmately 2,500 volpart: "In your intcrorganizutional unteers from the Employee divico-operation you manifest thai sion began solicitations. The drive dedication to common purpose will continue until October 28, and, which is the only sure basin for will aim for a goal of $1,104,202. progress toward attaining equality Approximately 5 , 0 0 0 volunteer of opportunity for all." workers, arranged into six divi-
World-Herald. It explained with case h i s t o r i e s the tremendous needs of the 40 United Commu- Dulles-Elban Discuss nity Services. "Life Begins With 40," a special Israel Relations Community Chest program, was simulcast over all Omaha radio W a s h i n g t o n (WNS) —The and TV stations from 0 to 9:30 "whole atmosphere of I s r a e l p. m. last Sunday evening. M. American relations" was discussed Cooper Smith, General Campaign here this week at on hour-long Chairman, ended the program with conference at the State .Depart-, an urge to "Let your heart be ment between Secretary of State your guide. W h e n your Red John Foster Dulles and Israeli Feather volontecr calls on you, Ambassador Aba Eban. The conferees, including Rcuvcn don'Murn him down. Give from the bottom of your heart." The Shlloah, Israeli Minister pleniprogram wa3 a combined presen- potentiary, and Henry A. Byroade, tation of the Omaha radio and Assistant Secretary of State for. television broadcasters and the Near Eastern Affairs, discussed the question of U.S. arms shipments Omaha Advertising Club. A giant red feather was placed to Arab League stales. Later Mr. on the Douglas County c o u r t Eban said that the arms question house lawn Monday to record the did not constitute, the principal part of the conversation but that the progress of the drive. The Women's division will com- it was included in the "general mence Its campaign Oct. ID; and survey" of issues which, he said, the County section will hold a one were discussed in a "friendly and constructive spirit." day campaign Oct. 20.
friday. October 16, 1V5S
Between You and Me FabUsJud Every Friday by the Omaha Jewish Federation
• I M n d * • Mcon£&a«i ECAtter at Omaha, Nebraska, under tkc * d ol Marcli «. 1CII Annual BuBKriliUcD, 34 00. Advertlafci* Bate* on Application. Cdllortal Olflo—101 No. torn Stint. Omaha, Netr.. ATlanue H50. ---— --~ 1 S*. Utfc *UMt.
..Editor .Society Edita
The Green Light There was a mass of statistics and -data about the economic •ituation in I«rael presented at the just concluded sessions of the National Economic Conference for Israel All of such collations, of numbers and facts wind up naturally with the question—what of tbe future) Even the economist—perhaps the economist above all—will not attempt to venture into the realm* of prophecy except per haps to indicate certain trend". And in this connection, the address of Leon Kejverling was fllununating. Mr. Keyst-rl ttrcmed the point that Iirasl is now in a better position than ever'to realize her economic objective*, since the non-produc tive task of t i e initial absorption of immigrants has been virtually completed. ' ; ' The fact* already bear oat something of the validity of this tliesi*. With the load of absorbing the immigrants litflifen there has already been en tipturn in certain very decisive realms of the Israel economy. „ David Horowitz, Governor of the Central Bank of Israel, noted that there has been a substantial increase of exports daring the current year and, what is perhapa even more graiifyins; a very decided decrease in Israel importe, atnotniting to niore ttan-$50,000,000 for the year. That is very gratifying. 8ome of this is undoubtedly doe, as in Uie case of phosphates, to. this working of Israel Bonds, which trill save Israel many Bullions wUeh heretofore hat* been going abroad. Mr. Horowitz revealed that Israel bond* have hcl|>ed,e«tabli8li approximately 1^00 new industrial -e8tablishments,i_r • -.-.: ..';.';:-v '•••.. The .obstacles to concentration on economic development have apparently been very considerably lessened, if not entirely removed. The road is dear. We cannot foretell whether prosperity is ahead or not, but one thing nwirn clear—the green light is on for economic development in Tsrael as never before!
Off the Record By Naflan Zirpin Agency was quite a prodigy when he attended the Ycsliiva and he Arab Taetfas •was barely more than a teenager The newest sword-rattling art by ifae Arab states is raid lo dis- when he joined the staff of the Jewish Morning Journal and pubturb our State Department as it grapples with what it considers lished a Yiddish book of verse which placed him among the forcmore momentum problems in other areas of the world. But the mort young poct.i. The country's fatt it that the sudden display ul most unirjue greeting cards, prodistributed by Inkbelligerency by the Arab :.tales is duced and 1 os much the culminaUun of Waih- wcod Art. ;, are (he artirtic product of my children Lionel J. 7.irpin infton as of Arab policy. For month! now there has been evi- I and his wife Joan. . . . Martin | Bnol!.";, the young actor who is dent in Washington a Irene] toward anppcasinR the Arab', .-it the ex- I rapidly rising to the top of-the theatrical ladder, was bo>?i liaum. pease ol Israel and the chief of our State Department has token . . . Dr. Theodor Lewis, progresthe lead in reviving what the sive rabbi, was Teddy Lifchitz United Nations itself fhas virtually when he attended the Isaac Elconsidered a dead is.. :uc—the Jer- thiina Theological Seminary, foreusalem problem. This and Uic runner of the Ycthiva University. State r>epartmcnt's rcfu-'ial lo per- . . . David PolarJiu, co-ttar in mit official United States repre- E7J0 Plnza's TV show Bonino, is sentation to a Jcnisalm fair which the ton of the noted Yiddish novelhad no government status served ist Joseph Opotii^hu and himself to incite the Arab litotes to a pitch a highly regarded author of Yidwhere they.even threaten renewed dish short sLorics. assault on JsrotL Their complaints Keep the Scoundrel Out about the Huleh IjaJke project are Unless there is proper voicing of merely preludes 1o justification in the event of real trouble. Although resentment the chances are that the situation is tense, it is not A. Artukovic, the Himmler of serious since the Arabs arc* aware Croatia, will become a citizen of that the military balance at the the Uniled .Slates under a rpecial moment Is to their disadvantage. bill to be presented to Congress Their impudence at the moment when it reconvene;;. Former Minderives likely from the fact that ister of Justice in the Nazi puppet they expect the Browing supplies state of Croatia, Artukovic is' a of arm* with which they hope to major war criminal whose proper lash out against Israel. What w e place is a prison and not the are now witnessing in a cold-war United States. The proponents of against Israel which could cul- the special bill will try lo push it minate in a fhooting war only through without a hearing realizif there is continued political en- ing that enough witnesses could couragement nnd military nid from he brought to testify to his crimin;Jily. locked safely in the offices abroad. of the World Jewish Congress arc photastatic copies of the original official minutes of his government Ainmi People If you are at the office of the conclusively showing that Artukovie advocated solution of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency and. KCC a man munching nt an npplc Jewish problem through liquidation. Moreover, Ihe American the chances ure he in JTA president Louis P. Iticl&er, v/lio grows; Jewish C o n f e s s has in its possession a document £ij*ned by apples on his New Jersey farm. . . . President Eisenhower's newest; Artukovic proving Uie criminal administrative assistant I. J. Mar- role he played in solving the Creatin comes of an old Jewish family tion Jewish problem through exin Cincinnati. Martin will be lice's termination. To permit this crimliaison between the While House! inal to become an American citiand ConRrcss where he knows his zen would not only be an insult way around as well, if ngt better to the Jewish community but a than anyone in' Washington. . . . betrayal of the very ideals for Dr. J. t. Teller of the Jewish which we fought. BERNARD BAEDCU IIONOBED New York (WWO—Bernard JL Baruch was honored here this week when City College, the (cnool from which he was graduated shcty-four years ago, named its School of Business and Public Administration after iti most renowned graduate. President Eisenhower, in a message to Dr. Buell G. Gallagher, president of City College, said he experienced "considerable diffi-
culty in adequately expressing" his "deep regard for tills great American." Among the laudatory messages was one from Winston S. Churchill.. .^ A recent investigation carried out by major studio executives found a shocking amount of duplication of effort in Hollywood film factories. The duplication was everybody doing nothing.
Restitution Our Foreign MewslcSter *• By Arthur Green Nuremberg (JTA)—The United Stater. Court of Restitution ters affecting tlie restoration of Appeal:;, hij;iic.';t tribunal in matJewish i)roiK-rty m the American Zone of Germany, will have to decide a vexatious intra-Jcwisii dispute when it rult-i; on ail appeal filed by the Jewish Restitution Successor Organization. The nSC asks reversal of a Munich uperior Court decision awarding to the newly-constituted Augsburg Jewish Community the property of the pre-Hitlcr Augsburg congregation. Normal Criteria ' By the normal civil law criteria of inheritance legislation, hfclrless property passes into tJic hands of the national treasury. It would have been intolerable, however, if Uie German state, In whole name Jewlr.h families, communities and organizations nad been extirpated root and branch, were to fall heir to the property of Its victims who left no relatives or successors. Hence he jrtSO, which is incorporated n Ifew.York State, was set up in 1018 I J V - 1 2 major international Jewish..bodies, with the sanction and rupport of U. S. Military Government, for the purpose of acquiring title to heirlesi Jewish property a/id to the assets of dissolved Jewish organizations. All "unds accruing to JRSO arc split etween the Jewish Agency and the American Joint Distribution Committee. Contending tliat the pre-Hiller Aui«bur£ community ceased to exist when it was dissolved in 041, JIISO seeks to recover its property, which consists of real state worth $20,000. Against this claim the Augsburg community brought suit, insisting that it was never in fact dissolved, certainly not by an anti-Jewish Nazi deree it considers invalid, and that he Identity of prewar and postwar community has been . formally recognized by the Bavarian Stale. In thb opinion it was ustained first by the local court, and in June of this year by a German Superior Court In Munch. Only where a Jewish Community has completely disappeared, reasoned the court, can "RSO he considered ihe rightful ecal successor to the old congrecation. Appeal From that judgment, JRSO has appealed to the top American tribunal. "In the five years of our existence, we have not taken any issue to court against a Jew or a Jewish organization," e x plained JIISO director-general Benjamin B. Ferencz, a New York attorney and former prosecutor at t h e Nuremberg war crimes trails. 'But in this case, which was forced upon us, we have no alternative, unless we wish to jeopardize all the amicable seltlcmcns already concluded with most of the communities in the American Zone." The prewar Augsburg community boasted of 1,100 members, with perhaps the same number living in the smaller townships of Swabla province, of which Augsburg U the capital. Today Ihe number of Jews in nil of Swabia, Augsburg included, has shrunk to some 125, many of them partners of mixed mar-
riaflc-s, v.-liilo about 50 are Polish Jev/uh DP':; who were not members of the community until very recently. Of old Auj;.':burgt:rs there may be 15 or to, almost all of whom have married out of the faith. In Uie rert of Swabla, a litlu more than a score of oldtimers can be found. JKSO poiuts out Dial Uie present Augsburi; community. Quite aside from the Jcnal Issue i n volved, is thus only a palVj fragment of Uie fonner congregation, whereas. JKSO Lcrvcd as trustee for Uic Jewish people as a whole, distributing all funds its receives for the rehabilitation of Jewish survivors, not excluding those from Augsburg. Twothirds of the Jews In Swabia succeeded in emigrating' about 30 percent perished. Uy what moral right JRSO asks, should the pitiful remnant inherit all the remaining communal property, which produces an annual revenue of SB.O007 JRSO was and Is willing Jo assign lo the new Augsburg community that share of Uie communal property which JRSO considers necessary for the upkeep of th community's religious and other needs. This compromise the Jews of Augsburg have rejected, although agreements along Uiose lines have already been concluded with the newly - constituted Communities In Uerlin, Munich, Stuttgart, and ten lesser cities. Among the major Communities In the American Zone, Uiere arc only four holdouts. One of thrae is Frankfurt, whose assets ore greater Uian the amount abtaincd by JRSO from the other 13 icUcments combined. Liquidate Many German-Jewish leaders, on the other hand, believe that JRSO is motivated by vested Interests of its own and by a covert desire to liquidate what Jewish life remains in Germany. Former irrigations now come home to ront; many German Jewc resent ttie "high-handed" otltudc which JIISO is supposed to have evinced in the part. They Insist that "we don't need to bo put under tutelage," and complain' about the Emallness of the influence they exercise in the councils of JRSO, "which, after all, disposes of our property." Members of the present Communities arc largely old and indigent people in need of relief and unable to contribute to Uie community coffers, these leaders further point out. They also argue that the upkeep of a largo cemetery, for instance, costs the same sum, whether 200 Jews live in a city or 10,000. They arc duty bound, these leaders affirm, to carry on the heritage of German Jewry in all those places v/here functioning congregations still exist. To that end, they feel that they must retain more of the property than JRSO deems adequate. Within the past month, the Court of Restitution Appeals has had a complete staff turnover. The three new American judges, although unfamiliar with the complexities and pitfalls of restitution maters, arc yet the supreme arbiters in the effort to untangle one aspect of the tangled villainy left In the wake of Hitlcr'B crimes. In the pending case in which the Augsburg Jewish Community is the claimant and JRSO the appelant, the judges will have on
(Copyright, 1053 JTA) Israeli Tides: Leaders of major American Jewish organizations and of many Jcwir.li Federations and Wclfiire Funds have received personal invitations from Israel's Prime Minister David Itai Guriwi to corne to Jerusalem for an extraordinary conference. . . . 'I'htt gathering, wliich will open on October 25, will last for a few days. . . . It will also be attended by representative Jewish leaders from tho British Commonwealth, South America, and Western Europe. . . . In Uie United States, the invitations were sent out by A m bassador Abba Eban. . . . Participants at the gathering will, it is understood, spend two days on i n intensive study tour of the country's economic development. . . . They will then meet for two days of report sessions at which a detailed account of Uie country's economic progress In Uie past three years will be reviewed. . . . The Government and Jewish Agency leaders will review tha concrete economic plans envisaged for the years ahead to put Israel on its feet. . . . No new financial schemes are to be considered nor any organizational questions. . . . Tlio gathering will not result in resolutions but will give people, who have been laboring long and hard for Israel In recent years, a clear perception of what their work has accomplished and of Uie t.L';)& still ahead. . . . These scheme; to be in line with ll»e general need for inns slogans and more * of a sustained approach grounded in a complete understanding of all the factors Involved. . . . The ' character of Uie gathering will also accord with the new rpirtt in Israel where economic conditions ore incomparably more stable than when the first Jerusalem Conference wan hold In September 1050. The American Scene: New efforts to pave Uie way for the return of the American Jewish Committee and the Antl-DcfamaUon League of B'nat B'rith to the ranks of Uic National Community Relations Advisory Council were made shortly before Uie NCRAC held Its annual plenary session this week in Chicago. . '. . The lop leaders of Uie NCRAC. American Jewish Committee, Anti-Defamation league were brought together by the possibilities of reconciliation. . . . However, the discussion brought no results.. . . Both sides Eccra to be clicking to their suns, although they do not intend to fight each oilier. . . . In fact, Tram time to time they may even be Inclined to meet together, under neutral auspices, on special situations which may require united Jewish action. . . . This, for instance, was the case when Senator Herbert H. Lehman appealed to them to co-ordinate their campaigns for liberalization of the present immigration la,ws. . . . It was at Sen. Lehman's Initiative that the leaders of these two groups agreed to meet for an exchange of views. . . . However, the meeting took place on "neutral cround"~in one of New York's leading hotels, and not in tho offices of any of Uic'organizations. . . - T h e plenary session of the NCRAC this week was the first such cession held by the NCRAC since tbo American Jewish Committee and the AnU-Defamattao League left its ranks in the dispute pver Uic Melvcr Report. . . .
Music Notes iby Mrs. Both Belts, Center Bluslc Director The second meeting of the Nursery School Music Institute was held on Monday, Oct. 12. The subject under discussion was "Use of RliyUim Instrumente" which included rhythmic movements and rhythmic accompaniment to sbnxs and records. The teachers experimented with Uie rhythm instruments by playing come accompaniments to familiar eongs. Wo still need teen-agers who are interested in n Chanukuh musical. See mo nbout it In the acUvitien office. The Music At Home Club had its first gathering Tuesday, Oct. 13, at the home of Mrs. A. C. FcBman. The theme was "Seldom Pexf o r m e d Musical Mastcrworts." Professor Hans Baer introduced Uie program. Selections by BeeUiovcn, Schubert Aflriaga, and Bizet were played. It w a s an e n joyable evening for all attending. The next program will be on "The Ballet and Waltz," invidious and Knotty, problem to resolve. .
Friday, Oefaber II. IMS
Over 200 Women Participate B'nai B'rith to Hold Blood Drive Oct. 28 Omaha in C Div. of Chest Campaign 'The Greater Omaha B'nal B'rith
Has Given Five Leaders to B'nai B'rith
Association will hold its blood Over two hundred women are Walter Jacobson, Sol Yaffe, Harry drive Wednesday, Oct. 28. To pay participating in Division C of the Colick and Byron Baznlck. tribute to the visiting B'nal B'rith Community Chest drive under the Working for Mrs. Steinberg arc: president who will be in Omaha Omaha has nurtured five lead- ganization as one.of. throwing, the auspices of the Federation of Jew- Mrs. Ben E. Kaslow, captain, that weekend, the day has been Ing figures in the B'nai B'rith or- weight of Its ifrmgth In memish Women's Clubs,.Mrs. Joe J. named Phil Klutznlck day, Earl ganization. They are the late Hen- bers and tradition and resources Mines. Hay Simons, Bruce GreenGreenberg and Mrs. Leon Alexberg. Sam Stern, Max Moskovitz, fiicgcl, chairman of the blood drive ry Monsky, the late Sam Leon. In favor of those causes which ander, co-chairmen announced. Sam Beber, Dr. Abe Greenberg can best promote the development Irving Goldcnbwc announced. At a meeting Tuesday morning Jack Schragcr, Gross, Eugene Cooper, RobThe need for blood is still great and Philip M. Klutznlck. Two men of the finest type of American at the center, plans were com- Gary have gone on to serve as national Jewish community. "We have peoin everyday civilian life. The Red ert Feinbcrg, and Leon Fell man; pleted for Division C to begin their Canar, captain, Seymour Cross has had more responsibility presidents of the B'nal B'rith or- ple, several hundred thousand ot solicitation Monday, Oct. 19. Mrs. Max added to Its blood collection pro- der. The first being the late Hen-' them, who have found In the B'nal William J. Feller, Women's Divi- Cohn, Elmer Gross, Gerald Gross, gram. ry Monsky and Philip Klutznick B'rith that medium, through which sion Over-all Chairman for the I. B. Zicgman, Leonard S e g a l , In this area, the civilian use of who was recently elected interna- they can express their devotion to Community Chest and Steve C. Robert Koopcr, David Blacker, Red Cross blood averages 1,000 tional president of the organiza- human causes. To lead such • Brace, General Secretary of the Phil Felrfman, and Louis Shrier. pints a month. tion. • complement of human beings in With Mrs. Wolfson and Mrs. YMCA spoke on behalf of the A community-wide Homecomso holy a cause is a privilege as Frank is Mrs. Malvin Tcpper, who Drive. ing Banquet, sponsored by t h e well as an awesome responsibilWorking with Mrs. Greenberg has: Mrs. Dave Wine and Mrs. Article Published Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Asity." ' and Mrs. Alexander are the fol- Henry Appel as captains, and sociation will be given in Mr. In a recent address on commulowing majors: Mmes. Ezra Beld- Mmes. Nathan Martin, Dan Gord- David Fogel, Center Activities Mutxnick's honor at 7:30 p. m, nity organization, Mr. Klutznick has his article on social ner, Jack Bramson, Bennett Conn, man, Irving Stem, Nathan Kraft, Director, 29, in the Blackstone HoteL emnhasized: "We need more unup work with Young Adults Oct. Albert Fox, David Frank, Morris Raymond Corey, Ben Lcfit,,Syd- group Mr. Klutznick will outline his pro- der-standing- of the simple idea of Uabedin pub] the October issue of Levey, Alfred Sophlr, Sam S. ney Sneider, Julius Schrclber, Sidgram for B'nal B'rith stressing the cooperation. Many p e o p l e who Steinberg, Malvln Teppcr, Wm. H. ney Goldberg, Morton Fisher, Snrn the Jewish Center Program Aids. need for community unity. speak about cooperation fail to Berman, Nate Kaplan and Aaron The magazine is published by the Wolfson and Sam Zwciback. In line with his policy ot "grass- recognize what it implies. This is Levine; Ezra Beldner, Delmar National Jewish Welfare Board. With Mrs. Fox are the follow- Klein, roots" contact with B'nal B'rith one of our difficulties. CooperaPlotkin and Charles ing: Mrs. Leonard Krasnc, cap- Stern, Bernard captains, Nate Marcus and Izadore Elewitz, Harry Scgall, members, h» will meet with of- tion is itself a program and a job; tain, and Mmes. HarRr Altsuler, J. Milton Margolin. Others are Jay Barney Kaufman, Aaron Epstein, ficers of the lodges of the South- It needs staff, money and time. Lloyd Bonk, Harold Brodkey, Wil- Lazenon, Kanner, Ralph Albert' Nepomnlck, Julius Hom- west Region at a luncheon in the The demands that are normally liam Fogel, Gordon Gross, Phil Emlnmow, Max Frank Cohen, Morton steIn,,Jack Levey, Irving Brook- afternoon. Following the lunch- made on the president of a naLaser, I. Llberman, Morris Hi Ida Simon, Jack Say- stein, Phil Kutler, JPbil Mulnick eon, Mr. Klutznlck; assisted by tional organization are so great nick, David Relss.TMward Rosen, Ehrenreich, Ben Z. Glass of district Lodge No. that to take on this additional load Harry Smith, Freida Krlzel- and W. T. Hays. * Lee Sloan and George Spitzcr; Ian, 8, will conduct a Leadership Insti- of cooperation without preparing man, Sidney Znelmcr, Bertye Paul Veret, captain, Milton Abra- Lnzar, Libby Rifkin, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey and Ida Kaiman- Mrs. Hubert Sommer are also as- tute. An open discussion of B'nai for it would result In strained, hams, David Blelchcr, Paul Blot- Rose Fredkln and Miss B'rith programs and purposes will overworked and over suspicious Evelyn cky, William Kalman, Lazar Kappersonalities entering the area ot be held in the afternoon. Mrs. Sam Zweiback has for sisting Division C. ~ lan, Arthur Kulakofsky. Joe Levey, Levy; In an article by Max Boer, the cooperation unconditioned for par* captain, Mrs. Frank BrookHarold Pollack, Jamas Samuelson, her The fear of man brlngeth writerpolnts out the beliefs of tieipatlon in It We need to recogstein, who has the following womL H. Weiner and i. Lewis Yager. en assisting her: Mmes. Abe Gend- snare: but whosoi putteth , his tn trust Mr. Klutznick regarding B'nai nize these facts and prepare for With Mrs. Levey are: Mrs. Adolf ler, Max Frank, Jacob Friedman, in the Lord Shall be safe.—Prov. B'rith. Mr. Klutznick, he says, them in each of our organization29:25. sees the responsibility of the or- al efforts." Mayer; captain. Mmes. Steffan Diamont, David Hoberman, Max Grossman, Jerome Katx, Ruben Lippett. Hubert Monsky, Henry Newman, Ernest Prleaman, William Raduziner, Harold Stem, Adolph Tros* and Philip Turek; 4 Jack W. Mirer, captain, Lawrcocn Caplane, Edward Green, Harold Kasin, Orvil Milder, Leo Nogg. Nathan L. Nogg, Harry Staler, Oscar Sutin, Harry Welnberg and Sam Zacharia. Working with Mrs. Sophlr are: Mrs. Alfred Mayer, captain, Mmcs. Edwin E. Brodkey. Edward E. Brodkey, Harold Chernlack, Max Cohen, Isadore Chapman, Herman Whaf is the quality of mercy7 Friedman, Stewart GIHnsky, Manning Handler, Lazier Kavich, Moe Llnsman, and Herman Goldstein; Max Walfson, captain, Edward D. It has been described many times in many ways Brodkey, Leo Elscnstatt, Julius and words. To some it is a kindness where kindness was not Goldnor, Edward Lcvlnson, Edward Malaihock, Ted Newman, expected. To others it is compassion. And to still others it Alex Oppenheitner, Maurice Pepper, Herbert Weil, Harry B. Cohen, is forgiveness. ' . ' ' Milton Yudelson, Jcrold Rosen, and Marvin Trcllcr. But always the quality of mercy is the heart of Mrs. Jack Bramson's team includes: Mrs. Irving Schncidennan, one man reaching out to the heart of another to share forcaptain. Mines. Horace Bosenbluro, Jack Luttoeg. Bos* Kramer, Aararr tune with misfortune. Rips, Albert Wohlner, Phil Rosenblatt, Julius Abrahamson, Harry Wigodsky and Barney Stark; The quality of mercy is giving for need: Julius A. Stein, captain, Leo Wajcenberg. Harry Ferenstein, Sam Ban, Reuben Bordy, Louis Alberta, Year by year need is with us . . . an oppressive Wm. Baduziner, Arthur. Conn and Dave Stein. and unrelenting foe made more demanding by existing,side Under Mrs. Bennett Conn are: by side with plenty. It can only be conquered by giving and Mrs, Max Greenberg, captain, Mmes, Norman Bordy, Jay Bcrthe action that comes from giving. earld, Sam Green, Sidney HolUs. Jack JTacobson. Charles Kimmol, M. M. Krupinsky, Ben MlnUnited Community Chest translates giving into ldn, Harold Perelman, Meyer Ruback, Robert Sllvermon, Joe Soshaction . . , action that can and does mean a newnfe-for a -nik, Nathan Turner. Sydney Sneider and Miss Rose Grodinsky, Mrs. man . . . a better life for a woman . . . a chance at life for Phil Katzman, captain, Mmes. a child. Behind the name United Community Chest are 40 Louis Canar, Dan Lintzman, Irving Forbes. Ma* Plait, Ell Zalkln,
The Quality of Mercy
Diabetes Classes Start at Center The West Central Diabetes Asr •octatlon, Inc., will resume the courses of Instruction for diabetics at the Jewish Community
Center. Class will be held Thursday, Oct. 22, at 7:30 p. m. ' These courses will be the same si given last spring. Each course Will consist of two class periods on the third and fourth Thursday of each month. The material used for Instruction, is composwl of lectures on records with film strip illustrations prepared by the American 'Diabetes Association nml produced by the Health Educational Institute, Inc. A dietician and nurse will attend to answer questions. There is no charge for Instruction, and further Information may bo had by calling either Mrs. Patricia Haswel), KE 3915, or Mrs. Ethel Huntzlngcr, JA 5000. New dhibftlcs arc especially welcome to take advantage of this opportunity ot learning how to Uvc with diabetics.
different local agencies serving our community needs without thought to race, creed or color, binding us ever closer as friends and neighbors. '. "The quality of mercy is not strain'd. t It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon-the place beneath. It is twice bless'd: It blesseth him that gives and him that takes."
Give Onee... Help A l l . . . Contribute to UNITED COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGN! The Federation for Jewish Service is a Beneficiary of the United Community Chest
Molly Lyons Bar-David Will Speak to JHadassah Women at Luncheon Meet Thursday Omaha Chapter Hadassah will have as it» guests at the next chapter meeting, a 12:30 p. m. luncheon at the Jewish Community Center Thursday, Oct. 22, all paidup members. All new members also will be honored. Mrs. Morris Stabnastcr, chapter Membership chairman; Mn. Theodore Sanford and Mrs. Ervln Simon, Theodor Herri Group, Mn. Joe Cuss and Mr*. William Alberts, Chalm Welznoann Group, and Mrs. Stanford Llpsey and Urs. Arthur Adler, Henrietta Szold Group, membership chairmen, will be hostesses to all paid-up and new members. Mrs. Molly Lyons Bar-David, Jerusalem Housewife of Hadassah Newsletter fame, known to Hadassah's 300,000 women readers of the Newsletter for her monthly letters about "homey" life in Jerusalem will be guest speaker. Mrs. Bar-David is a gifted writer with an appealing sense of humor. Her three young daughters are familiar characters to readers of her "Diary of a Jerusalem Housewife." In addition to raising her own family and her literary pursuit, she has cared for many refugee children and was active In the Israel war of Independence. Mns. Jake Wine and her committee will be in charge of the luncheon. Reservations will be taken by Mmes. William Finklc, PL 3830; Sidney Taren, RE 0746; Ben Kahn, KB 6035; for the Henrietta Szold Group; David .Bodln, RE 1315; Seymour Zoob, GL 3472; Harry Goldstrom, WA 4673; Henry Appel, GL 5838; for the Theodor llerzl Group; J. E. Kuklin, RE 2448; Marvin Sadofsky, RE 3628; Milton MJntz, OR 087S; lor the Welzmann Group. Urs. Morris M. Franklin, ChapIre president, will preside.
Mrs. Moll/ Bar-David Mrs. Bar-David was bom and raised in the Canadian province .ol Saskatchewan and affiliated herself with Jewish people from an early age by Joining American Junior Hadassah by mail. In 1936 she followed her family to Israel, and as the 1036 riots broke out, became a member of Haganah. She quickly resumed a literary career begun aL 16 in Canada, and in 1947 begun writing her "Dairy of a Jerusalem Housewife." / Two days after World War II broke out, Molly was married to Jaap Bar-David, a Dutch Jewish settler in Israel. This is Mrs. BarDavid's second trip to the United States, an appearance which coincides with the publication of her first book, "My Promised Land," the story of her litf. Judy Holliday postcards, "New York is very celebrity-conscious. Now if only it had some conscious celebrities."
Also to Be in Council Bluffs Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, Chapter chairman of American Affairs has announced that the Council Bluffs Chapter of Hadassah will be hosts to Molly Lyons Bar-David of Israel Thursday, Oct 22. Mrs. Bar-David will speak at a city-wide meeting at 8 p. m. Thursday evening at the Abraham Lincoln High School auditorium. Her subject will be •Life in IsraoL" There will be a social .hour following in the school cafeteria where the public can meet informally with Mrs. Bar-David. Mrs. Suvalsky is in charge of program arrangement, assisted by
Mrs. Jennie Marowitz, Chapter president. Chairman of the social hour Is Mrs. I. SternhilL On her committee,- are Mmes. Ben Cohen, Ben Telpner, Seymour Lee, Sam CoHftk, Lloyd Krasne and Sclwyn Suvalsky. The Council Bluffs school set who will serve'as ushers during the evening are Linda Passer, Natalie Marcus, Sharon Bobrick, Elaine Falkin, Peggy Bromberg and Joanne Krause. Cantor, Steam of the Chevra B'nai Synagogue will sing some Palestianian songs.
Seven Hadassah Delegates To Go To National Meet Leaving Oct. 25 for national Hadassah's 39th annual convention being held in Washington, D. C, Oct 25 through 28, will bo Mmes. Morris M. Franklin, J. J. Friedman, Meyer N. Rubin, Alfred Fiedler, and J. Harry Kulakofsky. Representing B and P Hadassah will be the Misses Evelyn Levy and Myrtle Freeman. Heading the list of speakers who will address the convention arc V. S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson; Lt. Gen. "William E. Rilcy, Deputy Director of the Foreign Operations Administra"Flctared from left to right are Overseas Luncheon chairmen tion and former United Nations Hme*. Msynard Greenberr, J. i. Levey snd Bennett Cohn. Truce Supervisor in Israel; U. S. / Senator Alexander Wiley, of Wisconsin, Chairman of the Senate F o r e i g n Relations Committee; Israel A m b a s s a d o r to the United States Abba S. Eban; Israel Minister Plenipotentiary Arthur Lourie, and Dr. Nahum Goldmatln, Chairman of the AmerThe Omaha Section, National insky, Joseph Hornsteln, Morris ican Section of the Jewish Agency. Council of Jewish Women, will Upp, Gilbert FreMen, Is Tretalk, The delegates will hear reports sponsor its a n n u a l "Overseas Lloyd Friedman, Homer Farber, on latest ecofcomlc and political Seymour Cohen, I. H. Trctiak, developments in Israel, a review Luncheon" Tuesday, Oct 20, at the Julius Newman, Jerome Freeman, of the international situation with Jewish Community Center at t Louis Katz, Harry Altsuler, Robm. ' . ert Franklin, Stanley Shapiro, • special emphasis on Israel's role A conversational book: review George Spltzcr, Harry Krantz, Aba in world affairs, and a study of the effects of Hadassah's'$9,000,000 of 'The- Sabbath," by Abraham Slusky, Samuel Zeeherla and Sammedical, social welfare, child res- Joshua Hcschel, will be presented uel Orioff. cue and vocational education pro- by the three Omaha rabbis, Rabbi Proceeds from the luncheon go grams on the economy and well- Sidney Brooks of Temple Israel, to five Council projects which are Rabbf Benjamin Groner of the on extension of Council's total probeing of IsraelIsrael Congregation, and gram of service and education. Special emphasis will be given, $eth Mbbi Myer Kripke of the Beth Funds will go toward the support too, to the American phase of the El Congregation, ot the School of Education of the Hadassah program, with several The following women have par- Hebrew University to aid in trainworkshop sessions scheduled to be ticipated ing of teachers; scholarships are in arranging for the devoted exclusively to > discussion luncheon and reservations: Chair- awarded to students from Israel designed to strengthen the Amer- men in charge, Mmes. Bennett and Europe for training: in social ican program. Cohn, J. J. Levey and Maynard welfare in,United State's univerOne of the colorful highlights of Orccnber, and Mmes. Oscar Sutin, sities, including the training of lay the convention will be the Amer- Joseph Soshnick, M. M. Krupln- leaders; and Council will continue IcanT>remlcre of a new all-Israel sky, Harry A. Stoler, William Kai- its scrvl-c in the United States to Fashion Show, composed of .after- man, Irvin White, Jules Shflplr*, the foreign-born. Other projects noon and evening wear designed Louis Sogolow, Max Crcenberg, are the maintenance to Paris, • by young Israeli students .at the Harold Farber,, Edward Lcvlnson, France, of the Home for Jewish fashion Institutes hi Israel main- Aaron Levitt, Edward D. Brodkey, Girls and the Shlp-A-Box program , tained by Hadassah. Constance Edward Gilbert, Max Wolson, through which Council groups regBennett, stage and screen star, will Louts Kaii, Peter Greenberf/Ger- ular)/ send work and play mate* be mistress of ceremonies of the ald Rosen and Robert Falcr. rials and clothing to Jewish chilfashion show. Also participating are Mmes. Al dren's groups in Israel, Morocco, More than 4,000 delegates and Fiedler, E. Leo Nogg, Stewart Gil- Tunisia, Algeria and India. guests, representing upwards of 1,100 chapters in each of the 4P rtates and Alaska and Puerto IUeo, will attend the four-day deliberations' which will chart Uadistah's I*P£t«,ms in. Israel and the United States for the coming year.
Council's Annual Overseas Luncheon Tuesday at Center
Danny Kaye tells us he met a dumb starlet with a book on Abe Lincoln under her arm. Just to make a little conversation, he asked, "Did you read the part where he was assassinated?" The young actress was furious. "Did you have to tell me the ending?" she screamed.'
Organizations Mrzrochi Women
Henry Monsky 470
The Chapter will hold iU annual The first meeting will be Wednesday Oct 21, at the Jewish Bake Sale Monday, Oct. 26, from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. at the Brandeis Community Center at two o'clock. Mrs. Joseph Batt, 'assisted by her Store. All members who wish to bake of contribute have been nsked committee, will receive JNF boxes and contributions. Mrs. H. Frank- to call Mrs. Sol Sherman, chairman, WA 1552. lin is chairman of the eouthside. Members arc to bring their boxes Mrs. Sherman will be assisted to the meeting. by Mmes. Morton Ehrcnrcich, Sam Following a talk by Rabbi Ben- Shykcn, Harry Grccnberi;, Berjamin Groner, tea will be served. nard Dcncnbcrg, Charles Fisher, Mmes, Ruth Ackerman, lien Sosh- Gene Oshcroii, Harry Smith and nik and B. Grossman will pour. Abe Kaplan. This committee will Plans will be completed for the pick up hake goods Sunday, Oct. 25, Donor Luncheon to be held at Die The Henry Monsky Chapter and Center Thursday, Nov. 5. Mrs. the Nebraska Chapter held a binco Frank Si'kar Joined the donor party at the Veterans Hospital circle by entertaining at a desert Monday, Oct. 5. $10 canteen books luncheon .-it her home. It was an- were (jiven as prizes, and cigarettes nounced that nnyune wishing to were ;:iven to patients-. Assisting jojn may still do so by giving a S12 were Mmes. Esther Marks, Carl ensh contribution in lieu of a de:;-. L;ii:man and Eva Llcbowitz. Mrs. sort luncheon. Mrs. Ftulh Ackc-r- Lagman is B'nai B'rilh V.A.V.S. man, JA VSlCi, i:; taking n.rerva-representative to the Veterans tionr,. Hospital, and Mrs. Charles Stern is alternate.
Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women The regular monthly meeting of the group will be held at 0:30 p. m., Thursday, Oct. 22 at the home of Mrs. Max Sherman, 4528 N. 40th Ave. Hostesses for the eveninc will be Mmes. Charles Guns, Dave Wine and Herbert Wintroub. Any member desiring tranr.portanlon has been asked to contact Mrs. Melvin Brown, transportation chairman, HA 8340.
Epstein-Morgan 260 Mrs. William Abrahams, Overseas Gift chairman for the Auxiliary, has announced that f;ift packages v/ill noon be. sent to service men overseas. Anyone, knowing nf a soldier overseas is asked to immediately contact Mrs. Auraharne, GL 1335.
B&P Hadassah The B&P Hadassah board meeting will be held'at'the home of
Sridsy, October 16, 195S
Miss Myrtle Freeman, 1005 S. 38th, at 3 p. m. Sunday. Arrangements are being .made for the group to attend, as guests of the Council Bluffs chapter of Hadassah, the Oct. 22 evening Council Bluffs meeting which will be addressed by Mrs. Molly Lyonr Bar-David. .
Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs
Babies . Howard Fred is name chosen by Mr, and Mrs. Jerome Cohn for their son bom Oct. 8. The Conn's have another son, Barry, and a daughter, Claudia. Fctornal grandmother is Mrs. Nettie Cohn of Chicago, and maternal grandmother Is Mrs. Rose Blumkin. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs. Chasia Gorelick of Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turltz, former Omahans, have announced the birth of a son, Michael Lawrence, born Oct 3 in Los Angeles where the couple It now making their home. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Turlti, also formerly from Omaha and now living in Los Angeles, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kolow of Los Angeles. '
Trips Mrs. Sadie Rothenberg has left for Dallas, Tex., to spend the winter with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mn. Sam Benjamin Bland, and with her grandson.
Don't Forget - The first'Toerfsr Mnsical tor tiie year will be at 8:30 p. m» Monday, Oct. 19, in the Joslyn auditorium. In her American debut will be the Viennese coloratura soprano WHma Llpp whose program will include songs by Haydn, Schubert, Richard Strauss and Johann Straus*, Miss Llpp, still in her twenties, was a member of the Vienna. State Opera and Is especially well known for her role as Queen of . the Night in Mozart's "The Magic Flute." Her tour, which, begins here, will end up in December in New York's Town Hall.
There will be two one-Jay orientation courses at the Veterans Hospital, a prerequisite for working nt the hospital. Friday, Oct. 16 _ ., ' The courses will be held Tiles-* day, Oct. 20, and Wednesday, Oct. Prc-Kindergartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. Saturday, Oct. 17 21, from 8:50 a. m. to 4 p, rri., with nn hour out tor lunch. Lunch may Center Forum-MAX LERNER, Guest Sneaker, 8:30 p. .m., Center, be purchased at the canteen. Sunday, Oct. 18 Anyone interested in this course Children's Program—1:30 p. m., Center. has, been asked to call Mrs. Sam Midget Basketball Stan—2:00 p. m., Center; Steinberg, WA 9754. Temple IsrSel Cornerstone haying—2.00 p. m., OflUj and Cast Stfc Young Adult Lounge Nicht—8:00 p. rn., Center, Golden Age Club Monday, Oct. 19 • Prc-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. The Golden ARC Club will reBrandc/s l/nivers/fy Annual Luncheon Meeting — J2/30 p, Ja» sume its Fall activities Monday, Oct. 20, in the Center's Audito131ackstonc Hotel. rium. David Fo^cl, Activities DiAdult Art Clasr,cr—1:00 p. m., Center. rector of the Center, will be guest Great Hooks Leader Training Course—7:30 p. m.. Center, speaker. Nursery School Music Institute—7;30 p. m.. Center. Tuesday Musical—8:30 p. m., Central Hich. Tuesday, Oct. 20 Junior Hadassah National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m., Center, Junior Hadassah girls will hold Wednesday, Oct. 21 a house party at the home of Rita Prc-Kindercarlen School—9:00 n. m., Center. Rosen, 709 N. 57lh Ave. at 11:30 Flower Arrangement Class—10:00 a. m.. Center. p. m. Friday, Oct. 10. All girls Mizrachi Women—1:00 p. m., Center. have been invited to attend this B'naf EVith Monsky Chapter No. 470—0:00 p. m., Ceotsr. Jean party.
ftfctey, OeloBer 16. 1953
Civil Defense Help Needed
Mn. htala I. Kramer
Brandeis U. Meet to Hear National Head . Mr*. Louis I. Kramer, national president of the Women'! Committee of Brandeis University, will lie tho speaker, at the luncheon of the newly organized chapter of Branded University women to be held at the Blackstone Hotel Oct. IS. Mn. Kramer Is a native of Provdence, sraduate of Bryant College in Providence and of the Hebrew Union College School for Teachers Jn New York. She la a former president of the Brooklyn, N. Y., Junior Division of the National Council of Jewish Women nnd a former national secretary of the Junior Division. Mrs. Kramer is also a port president and now honorary president of-the Women's Association of the Providence J e w i s h Community Center- which she organized In 1034/ She has been active for Several years In, and' a former member of the executive committee of Beach Pond Camps, a nonscctarian comp for undcr-privUeKeS children in Rhode Island. She olso was a member of the first board ot directors that organized the World Affairs Council .of Rhode Island In the early thirties.
Thank You Mm. Jack Soylan, chairman of the Epstein-Morgan Ladles Auxiliary 260's recent annual rummage sale, wishes to extend thanks on behalf of the Auxiliary as well as for herself to Mmes, Sarah Izenstatt, Dclmar Klein, Frank Cohen, Betty Rabinowltz, Ed Simon, Abe. Kaplan, Ezra Beldner and Nate Marcus and to Messrs. Stan Kaplan and Nate Marcus of 'the Post for their help. I/O, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions—Ecd. 729,
Omaha's Favorite y to Dine on Sunday -
Siiday Briieli
*•><« Five
Joanne Simon, Civil Defense chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary, Epstein-Morgan Post 2C0, Jewish War Veterans, Is mnkini; preparations for those who have signed up for the Civil Defense Voluntary Course to be held Monday evening, Oct. 26, from 7:30 to 0:30 p. m. at the Filter Center Headquarters, American Legion Bldg., 20th and Dodge Sts. The course will run for 12 consecutive weeks, with a two weeks vacation at Christmas time. Applications or further information may be cbtaincd from Miss Simon at the Jewish Community Center, or by calling her at JA 1360 during the day or WA 6592 in the evening. All applications must be in a week before the course starts. Those now e n r o l l e d are Mmes. Max Rosen, Meyer Kaplan, J. M. Margolin, Danny Goodman, Eddie Beldner, Nate Marcus, Edward Simon, Lewis AsbyU and Mike Ni»ker, and the Misses Betty Rablnowltz, Sarah Feltman and Joanne Simon. This course Is for bo<h men and women. Additional names of volunteers will appear in next week's Press. -
Food and Fun Planned for Beth El Fete
Sigma Delta Tau The S.D.T. house was the sight ot the formal pledging Frid;iy, Oct. 9, of Leah Citlclmun, Edith Nauen, Beth Feinberg, Tammy Goldinc Phyllis Turchin, Hence Hiiotcr, Gloria Snukert, ZeWa Kuirilnsky, Judy Kraft, Gloria Shapno, Phyllis Kaplan and Julie Plnskcr. One extremely high honor came <o two very deserving active members of Thcta. Janet Gordon and Gail Katskec have both received Invitations to join Alpha Lambda Delta, national freshmen honorary sorority for girls obtaining high scholarship during their freshman year. Intramural sports have taken their place in the S.D.T. house. Janet Gordon and Carole Marx, doubles partners in the tennis tournament, won their first match Friday. Sara Lehman and Renee Rhoter drew a bye in the first round of play.
Both Miller
Miss Miller to Be Wed
lean SalUvan *
Jean Sullivan Zeta Beta Tau Will Address ZBT' took over first place in Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Miller their football league with an 18-0 have announced the engagement triumph over Sigma Alpha Ma. It Monslcy Meet of their daughter, Ruth, to. Judge was a case of too much sharp Irving R. Brand of Minneapolis, son ot Mrs, Irving Epstein, St. Paul, and the late Marry R. Brand. J u d g e Brand was graduated from the University of Minnesota Law School. A December wedding is planned.
Pre-Scfiool Parents Hear Psychologist
Dr. Herbert &. Humphreys, Professor of Medical Psychology ott the University of Nebraska and acting Director of Chlldrcns Service of the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute discussed the film "Frustrating Fours and Fascinating Fives" at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday evening. The film was shown at the first monthly program on child development sponsored by tho Center's PrcScliool Parents Committee. Mrs. Paul Grossman, chairman of tho Pro-School Committee in chargo of tho program was assisted by Mrs. Dan Miller, Mrs. Bernard Rubin, Mrs. Bon Noodcll and Mrs. Philip llandelman.
blocking, the passing of Marshall "Tooshie" Kushner, and the gluey fingers of Lea Singer that spelled victory number two for tho blue and white. ZBT serenaded Zoo Swartz, Shell Green's piamate at the SDT house and Journeyed out to West "O" Street to sing to AEPhl's Enid Levy and Judy Milder, the latter being Howard Venn's plnmate. Arley Bondarln has made tho" second flight finals of the university tree throw contest, while Arnle. Stern and Doran Jacobs haVc advanced'to the third round of the third bracket of competition. Tryouts were held Wednesday night for the Kosmet Klub show; 2DT and their skit, 'Pistacclo," are anxiously awaiting the judges' final decision.; ZBT has been In the show for the past five years. Len Singer is ZBT's nominee for Prince Kosmet. Howard Vann will be ZBT's Ugliest Man On Campus" candidate. Don "Dude" Dandy has been moved up from the fifth freshman cage squad to a second team berth. This weekend is the annual "Club Zebra" party. The party will start at 9 p. m. Saturday following the Miami football game. Doran Jacobs Is the manager of •tho "Best Dressed Man On Campus" contest, and Marshall Kushner will serve on the judging committee.
The women ot Beth El Sisterhood are completing their plans for providing food and entertainment for their Silver Jubilee Carnival taking place at the Synagogue from I p. m. to 1 s, m. Sunday, Nov. 8. Food chairmen Mrs. Sam Ban and Mrs. Marry Ferunslcin will be assisted by Mmes. Ilobcrt Rimmerman, I. Bernstein, Joe Bernstein, Moc Vcngor, Moc Katlcman, Simon Rife, Irving Schnelderman and a committee of members from several Sisterhood circles in the preparation of such foodstuffs as shopped liver, stuffed cabbage, "tzlmmes,". "varnlshkcs" and "Jiu- movies, a kiddle talent show, a tel" puppet show, an exhibition of auUnder the direction of Mrs. thootlc Indian war dances perSeymour Goldston, Entertainment formed by a Boy Scout group, live chairman, Mn. Morcly Zipursky ponies outdoors and mechanical and Mm, Ray Simon and a com- ponies and rocket ships Indoors. mittee of Supper Club members "Jolly" Joe Martin of "Snicker Yet will I rejoice in tho Lord, will handle the continuous enter- Flicker" fame, c o m p l e t o with tainment for children to take place Cassy the Cow and Corky t h e I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God Is my Ldmb,-wlU be present to pose for on the upper floor of the Talmud strength.—Hab. 3:18, 10. Torah. building. There wUl be Vcturca with his fans.
Miss Jean Sullivan, KMTV'i women's commentator, will be the guest speaker at the B'nai S'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter meeting, Wednesday, Oct 21, 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Miss Sullivan .will be Introduced by Mrs. Arthur Goldstein. Miss Sullivan's program "Woman's View," which Is televised dally, is a discussion of news and views along with presentations of civic organizations and visitors to Omaha. Following "A Woman'B View," Miss Sullivan will conduct a discussion period. A Bocial hour and refreshments will follow the meeting. Guests! are welcome. Miss Sullivan is a star of her Interview television s h o w on KMTV from 3 to 3:30 p. m. every weekday and is the winner ot national awards for outstanding contributions to radio and television. A native mldwcstcmcr, Miss SGlllvan is a graduate of Crelghton University and is now'a member of the Radio-TV department of the Buchanan-Thomas Advertising Agency.
Betrothol Is Made Known Mr. and Mrs. Abraham J. Jacobson of New York City have announced the engagement of their daughter, Vivian, to Perry London, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Max London ot Omaha.
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Frfsay, October U. IMS
Youth Council Doings
Beth B Offers Jewish Courses
Young Adults Sculpturing of Center Sundays Splash Party Sculpturing clay.Menorahs wiU
varied activities. The pledges have By JeaaOnaae been working diligently on all All Jewish students attending "Heartiest congratulations to Bob Rayim parties and the club's com- public Schools in Omaha are The Center's pool will provide be one'of the "projects that has been Meyer tor bis appointment .to the munity service projects. They are InvitedHigh to enroll in the Beth El the letting for the Young Adult played for the ''Sundays At The Youth Council Canteen committee. also required to be familiar with High School Club's "Splash Party" this Sunday Center" program for grade school of Jewish Studies, evening Application* are now being ac- the club's history, constitution, and which will open starting at 8:30 at the children, Mrs. Mike Freeman, October 24. cepted for the Y. C. Roster com- activities. Jewish Center. An chairman of the Centers Children A minimum of three years of evening Community mittee. They may be obtained in The girls of TIKVAB AMI have of fun in the water has Activity Committee wnnminced. education and a fair knowl- been planned the Youth Council office. by club's program The purpose" of the program is to been busy making plans for their Jewish of reading of Hebrew is a committee. Special feature! of the AZA NO. 1 held their annual •annual All Girls Mixer which will edge prerequisite for admission. "Splash Party6 will include diving provide a Sunday aftcrnon expehayrack ride but Saturday eve- be held Sunday at 3 p. m. A special preparatory course In for> coins, water tag and other rience In Jewish living for grade nine. After the ride, they held a Also underway are plans for a children. The children will party at Camp Brewster. At this Halloween party which will be reading and the rudiments of the gomes. No business meeting has school assigned to groups according party, Mike Mogil received the held OcW 31 at Camp Brewster for Hebrew language is o f f e r e d to been scheduled for this evening. be to age sex under the superthose who do not meet the above AU young adults of the commu- vision ofand Beat Aleph of the Month award. the girls and their dates. a. mature counselor. At nity are Invited to an evening *>f far as possible Mother Chapter will hold a pro. On the athletic side of things, requirements. the group* will do A rich and varied curriculum is frolic at the Jewish Community their own program gram meeting next Sunday at the the club has entered two bowling planning asJCC to plan its activities for the teams In the Youth Council league offered this year, announced by Center. sisted by their counselor. The pronext six months. and will soon hold tryputs for a Mr. SaViuel Nahshon, Director of gram wiU Include trips which are the Beth El Schools, which inAZA. No. i received a tine group volleyball team. designed to acquaint the children cludes: of potential Alephs at their last with tho operation of our commu-. •meeting. Numbering nineteen In Two courses in Bible; four in nlty. .Visits are planned to locar all, they arc: Steve Silver, Bill Jewish' Religion; six in Jewish fire and police stations, industrial Ncarenbcrg, Larry Knhn, Alan History, and three in Hebrew Lanfirms and railroads. Other activiYouth Clnfc The Temple Youth Group, will Krlzelman, Gary Ploticin, WiUard guage. The Beth Israel Junior Youth meet Sunday afternoon at 4 p. m. ties scheduled are work in arts and PloUdri, Arnold Weiner, Lowel these studies wiU entitle the crafts, music, drama, dance and Bomer, Gene K a p l a n , George Club will hold its first meeting of student to Confirmation after two at the home of Steve Cohen, 117 Sachs, Larry Green, Jim Spitzer, the season Sunday between 6:30 years and to graduation after four North Happy Hollow Boulevard. athletics. Joan Abrahams, newly elected Parents are requested to register Steve Brooksleln, Biff Bobrick, and 8:30 p. m. Boys and girls of Steve Frankle, Chuble Passer, Ar- ,he Intermediate and Junior classes years. president, will preside at this their children at the Center SunA rally for all Interested jotmi meeting nold Davidson, Tom Bromber and of the Talmud Torah arc invited to people where plans will be made day, Oct. 18, from 2 to 5 p. m.} will be held In the Beth El for a Program Eddie Pekeris. attend. The club will discuss plans Planning Institute. Monday, Oct 19 and Tuesday, Oct Synagogue Social Hall Monday at At 2 p. m. the for the current season and elect same afternoon 20, from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. In room The bojrs of AZA NO. IN have a officers. The meeting will be held I p. SB, for a foil discussion of the the Youth Group Chorus will sing 23 or Lounge . There will be a bowling team which ia in first goals of this school, a description at the Cornerstone in the recreation room of the TalDedication fee of $7.30 for a 9-week session. place, and arc taking part in the mud Torah. Refreshments will bo of the courses, entrance require- ceremonies for tho new'Temple The program will begin Sunday, Y. C. volleyball league, ment*, schedules, ete. Everyone Israel. Members of the chorus arc: Oct 25, at 2 p. m. All 100 pledges have served their served. Interested ts Invited to attend. Jerry Marer, Fred Simon, Dick plcdgeship, and are now active Adult Institute Einstein, Ellen Greenberg, Joan The Beth Israel Institute of members of the club. Abrahams, Sara Pepper, Donna C0UNCILETTE8 h a v e chosen Adult studies began its winter Steinberg and Susan lipp., their candidates for farmer and scries 8 p. m., Monday, Oct 12, farmerette for their annual Barn with a heavy enrollment in all Friday, Oct. 16: dance. They are: Suzi Richards, courses. Mrs. Samuel Kaplan, Robert Sol Joseph, and Amy Jo Debka Debs; Shirley Goodman, Registrar of the institute, . an- The date Is Oct. W, the time—3 Meyenon, Tikvax Ami; T e v c e Bernstein, nounced that registrants who will p. m-—and the place Is the JCC. Saturday, Oct. 17: Councilettoa; M6nica*J6ffee, Inde- be |n attendance at the next ses- Yes, Jt's the Annual All Girls** Strikes ...._ .4 4 pendents; Larry Epstein, AZA No. sion on Monday evening will be Mixcf which is given by T. A. for Three Saul Zcldin Kaiman, and Dale Debt Nebs Starlets „._..., .'4 1; Kenny Freed, AZA No. 100; entitled to full credit. Phyllis Kasin. Y. C. girls. Milcroma .3 Dick Frank, Rayim, and Dick Gil- Classes in Beginners Hebrew, allFeatured on tbc program will be Sunday, Oct. 18: Gals ... .3 insky. Independent*. Intermediate Hebrew, T a n a c h , the latest hair s t y l e s from Gutter Beverly Bloom, Judy Ruth GinsFa Na Rl... .2 Ruthann Chudacbff•; and Eileen Music of the Synagogue, and the "Aqufla." There will also be slng- La burg, Brenda Lee Katzman, Thorn.2 Lucky Strikes Epstein are dance chairmen. "Jewish World Today," meet from ing, dancing and refreshments. as Roes Kully, Meyer Eiser LandsLucky Losers . 2 The KAXIM fraternity is partici- 8 p. m. to 0 p. m. The class in What's the admission? Why, Alley Cats man, and Irene 'Winer, „2 pating in the Youth Council events. customs and traditions meets from lfs free! Monday, Oct 19: Slick Chicks .... 1 The club's eight bowling teams 9 to 10 p. m. every Monday eve_ 1 Jeremy Hollis, Jerry Clplnko, Lame Lassies ... have done very well, and some of ning. There are no registration 11 Scoreless Four. Johnny Freiden, Larry Lee Land-,...... 0 these .teams hold top.positions in or Tuition charges. man, Michael David Melehes, AU Strikes 0 the league. Rayim entered seven James Michael Roaeman. Edward Bowling Belles ......... 0 teams In the volleyball tournaRalph Shrago, and Jeffrey Stem, ment which got under way last USY Group to Meet Tuesday, Oct 20: MGM's toprenking director Mcrweek. The club is planning to sup- Sunday at Belli El A dreary and dilapidated hotel Richard Harris Chudacoff, Rob-* port three teams in the basketball vyn LeRoy says his friend, • famthe New England scacoost is The first fall meeting of the on league which is to begin in ffle the setting for George Bauson's ous toy manufacturer, is'getting ert Steven Kulakofsky, Larry United Synagogue Youth will be 3-oet mystery farce, "Ramshackle out a new gadget for kids which Steven Kurz, Gayle Martene Lernear future. Sunday at 7 p. m., In the Inn." The play, under the direc- he enthusiastically believes will man, James Lewis Rice. The Rayim pledge class of 1953, held this room at Beth El Synagogue, tion of Mrs. Amy Sutton, will be go like the proverbial hot-cake. Wednesday, Oct 21: under the direction of Bob Gold- vestry Eruldon Rips, president of the presented in. the Central High "It's an educational toy," explains Jeffrey Alan Fox, Susan Jan* stein, has been kept busy in many group announce J. Schol auditorium at 8 o'clock on Mcrvyn, "designed to adjust a Sanford, and Julie Lee Shrler. child to live In the world of today Activities will be planned and the evenings of Oct. 27 and 28. Thursday, Oct 22: . anyway he puts it together is Diana Schrelbor, and Ronald discussed and ail members are Included in the cast arc Jerry asked to attend. Hobermon and Eugene Zwelback. wrong." Wolfson. ' Steven Michael Friedman; son of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Friedman, will celebrate his Bar Hitzvah this Friday evening and Saturday morning in the Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited at the Jewish Oomnmnlty Center to attend the ceremonies.
Temple Youth Unit to Meet Sunday
Beth Israel News
All Girls Mixer to Be Held by TA's YC Bowling League w.
Happy Birthday
'Ramshackle Inn at Central High
Bar & Bos Mifzvah
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ravltz announce that their son, Justin Charles, will celebrate his Bar Mltzvah this Friday evening, and Saturday morning in Beth Israel Synagogue. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend the ceremonies. The Bar Mltzvah of Robert Shapiro, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, will be celebrated afthe Beth Israel Synagogue, Friday evening and Saturday morning, Oct. 23 and 24. In his honor, his parents will receive members of the congregation following the services. Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greed announce that their daughter, Berdine Green, will celebrate her Bat Mltzvah Friday evening, Oct. 23 and Saturday /nornlng. Oct. 24, in Beth El'Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the cereinon Ics*
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BAR and lias Mltzvah congratulations: also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand. 1SD2 Dodge World Book Encyclopedia 1 st. Choice school, home, library mid office Representative Mrs. Mary Agnes Brewer 170 Drake Court Phone HA 0973 CHANAKAH Is Dec. 1. PLACE your order now for his or her favarite magazine. Gift cards furnished. Take advantage of the special offers that ore in ' ' 'effect this' month. MItS. S. J. HORWICH, WA 3057
.Jet it do MORE for YOU!
:>JCV..... ...
Friday, October I*.
With f he Folks at Home The Bikur Cholim Society rixn an active week at the Dr. l'hilip Sher Jewish Home for the Aped holding parties Oct. 3 und 0. The Oct. 3 party's mm:ic&l entertainment was provided by a group of seventh prnde pirls from Girl Scout Troop 120 ;it Monroe School. Miss Hozanne Slporin was mistress of ceremonies and presented a variety musical ihow. A pfano solo "SUirdU-'A" was played by Miss Siporin, followed by a Chinese dance in which Mitres Sandra Bloom, Susan Davidson, Sharon Karr, Joyce IVtorson and Diane Morey parliejpsted. Miss Diane Morey played the -selections "Desert Sonu" and "Moonlight and Roses" on the inai'iinba. "Noln" was tap danced by Sharon Karr flnd Sandra Bloom. The "Mtirclve Milltalre" wns played as a piano duet fay Linda Ixm Mathicon and Susan Davidson. Iri.'h tunes were tune by Dixie Parkard. About one hundred people attended the Oct. 8 birthday party. Movies of previous parties were thown and new pictures were taken. Refreshments included a many layered cake with the names of the eleven residents on it. Guests and residents took part in the dancing and sinning which followed. Tahnett—Special M e m o r i a l Services were hold for: Mr*. Sadie Fish—Herfivari 2— Oct. II. Mr. Joseph J. Grccnberfi—Ileih>an—Get, 14. Mr. Irwin StnlmaEter—Ilcshvan 5—Oct. 14. 'During the coming M-edc, special memorial services will be held Jor the following In the Home Synagogue: Mrs. Sarah Farbcr—Heshvan 7 —Oct. IS. Mr. Herman Krasnc—llcihvan 9 —Oct. 18. Mrs. Morris Grtn.s—llcshvan 13 —Oct. M. Mr. Ben Handler—Hcshvan 18— Oct. 24. Mr*. Batla Sadofdcy—Heshvnn iB-Oct. n. Mincha and Manriv Services tire now being toeld jn the Home Synagogue at 530 p. m.
Obituary Mrs. Bessie Katz Services were held in Rock Island lor Sire Bessie Katz. Mrs. KaU. 74. died Thursday, Oct. 6. She is survived by three cons, Herman, Icadcrc and David; three daagUers, Mrs. Milton Itenick, Mr*. Harry Karon ana Mix. Sidney Blilt; a brotlier, Charles PearlItcin; fourteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Nathan Cohn Services were held here Friday, Oct 9 for Nathan Colui. Mr. Cohn, 77, died Tuesday, Oct. 0, at Springfield, 111. He Is survived by his wife, Sarah; a son, Arthur of Omaha; a daughter,' Mrs. Julian Teller of Los Angeles; four grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.
Religious News Light Candles: 5:21 i>. in. UKTII ISItAKL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kajjan, and the Belli Israel Synagogue cljuir, \vill conduit lute Friday evening ?>t*rvice.(; tonight at 1) p. m. Sabbath morning tervlces at Belli Irrnel at B:30 a. in. and 9 a. m. at 19th and Hurt. Junior icrviccs at 10 n. in. in the chapel. Ttabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud clats at 4:30 p. rn. Saturday Mincha will start at 5:15 p. m. .Daily morning services begins at 7 n. ni. at Helh Israel and at C:30 dt l!)th and Hurt. Daily afternoon services at 5:30 p. in. Friday afternoon at .5:15 p. in. The Sunday morninfi breakfatt minyan and rabbi's elars in Dible study meets at 8:45 a. m. There is n "jpecial Talis and Tcpliilin Minyan for children over 12 years of •a^e, and for children tliat accompany their fathers to the adult minyan. The children's service starts at IS:M a. in.'rind breakfast is served to the children after the service. TKMIO.E ISRAEL At the regular Sabbath services Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will discuss "We Make History." The sermon will present reflections on the historic implications of the new Temple Israel. Kiddunh will be recited by Dr. Joseph Ilorwich and Abe Goldstein'and Harry Willncky will be called to Uie Heading of the Torah. Regular Shabbos Morning Services will 1M: held Saturday mornin>; at 11:30 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks will conduct the ecrviccs which will include special praycrn on the occasion of the dedication of the cornerstone of the new Temple Israel. Kiddush for all present will follow the services. BETH EL Services will begin this evening B:15 o'clock. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Choir will render tile musical portions of the iscrvicc. Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:45 a. m. Minchn-Maariv service will be held tit 5:15 p. m. Daily Minyan is held on each week day 7 n. m. and 7 p. jn. Sunday morning service is at D a. vn. with breakfast served immediately following. Following b r e n k f a s t , Rabbi Kripke will lead a study period of adults on the Torah portion for the week, with traditional rabbinic commentary. The boys of the preBar Mitrvah and post Bar "Mitzvah age will meet with Mr. Katz for a study period in cantilatlon and oilier skills.
Needlework Guild Will Open Drive for Clothing for Needy The Jewish Charities Section of the 1053 Omaha Needlework Uuild will be directed by Mrs. Albert 1J. Newman, with Mrp. K i c l i a r d V/rir.lit as table riirplny chairiniin, Mr::. Harold V. K.-irbcr, preijdnit of the 1-Yderalion of Jewish Women's Clubs uuu'AtnvLd. TJiir. h lin ;.nnu;il event t^ponf.ored by all elinri(:iljle groups in the community to furnir.h clothing iiud linen tiipl'iif-^ for needy families. Leltf-rs were sent out to all Jcwi.1 h women of Oinriha requesting contribution.';. All e(jn1rii)utionK will bf: aeluiuwlerirjed in the Jewish Pre::s. "The results of the ingathcrinn ar<- lookf'd forwarrl to by all needy f.-imilie:;," Mrs. Newm.'m :rta1cd "To Ojern it me.'ins linejjs, underwear, towel r, anrl rnueli needen clothing. I hnow that the Jewi.sh womej) <>f Omaha will do their ^•hnre in supporting this worthwhile project." The following have rent in their ccmuibutiuns as of Tuer.day: Mes<iame£: Heil W. Abr:iham.';on, I::atlure Abramftdn, I»uis J. Abriim.•.orj, Jacob AtJler, Frank Jack Alberti, Aliek Altmnn, Alfred Axelrod, Ilae Iii.;ei:on, Henry liehnout, David Dlaeker, Simuu Hordy, Harry llurnstein, Isaac Cherniss, A. Louis Cohen, Abe II. Colin, Ben Cohn, Sidney Cortn, Isadora Dansky, Sam II. Davis, Morris Erman A. D. Faier, Harold P. Farber, Nathan Fcldmun, Will Feldman, Cliarlca Fellinan, Jacob Fcllman, Hyinan Ferer, I^eo Fox, Abraham FraiUc, Sarn Frank, John J. Freidcn, E l i z a b e t h Fried, Robert Fromlun, Carl Furtli, Irvinj; F. Gcndler, Albert. E. Gilin:Jiy, Stewart Gilinsky, Natlian Gimple, and Marx Goldberg. Others are J. C. Goldncr, Abe G. Goldstein, Isadorc Goldstein, Jacob Goodbinder, Henry Grabois, Edward B. Green Nathan II. Greenberg, Harry Greene, Gerald S. G r o s s , Ben Handler, Harry D- lliykin, Martin Ilerzoff, Harry Janger, H. Jiuil, Max Kadis, Harold Kasin, Ardile Kavich, Bernard Kaufman, Joseph Kirschenbaum, Tevil Klotz, David L. Krantx, J. Harry Kulakofsky, William A. Levey, Aaron Levine, Dave Levinf, Sol Lewis, Edward Lincoln, Milton Livingston, Jay M.
New York (WNS)—Anna M. Rorienberg. former Assistant Secretary of Defense, has been nam/3 to receive Yeshiva Univer.sily's annual Charter Day award which will be presented Sunday, Nov. 0 at the Hotel Afitor, it was announced by Dr. Samuel Belkin, president of the University, The Charter Day celebration will mark the eighth anniversary of the elevation of Yeshiva to University status to become the first American University under Jewish auspices.
B IS g « S X »
T i ! i / r J X 5 £ S M W , tnodwn inpeniuitati Where »our recipients reteivt
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309 S. 4»Hi St.
Immediate l'ossraslon G-room stone & frame, 10 yrs. old. Just completely redecorated inside and out. 3 bedrooms, living and dining rooms, kitchen, finished basement, attached garage, gas heat, lot 50x 130. With furnishings if desired Reasonable terms. Call owner, GL 3399.
Say It With Ours EARL SIEGEL 2323 Dodge
JA 2545
for 1953-54 • MAX LERNER
OCT. 17
Will Speak on "Ideas Are Weapons" He is a noted columnist, author, Professor at Brandeis University, and leciurer.
NOV. 18
Popular international singer, well-known Interpreter of songs on stage, radio ana TV.
FEB. 24
With Leah Ostrojinski, young lyric soprano; Henoch Greenfield, pianist; and Dina Nazah-Tzelet, interpretative dancer.
j td l» we of i series «»American-sMc wpetrawkeu
in a repeat performance. An outstanding reporter of the Israel scene, author and lecturer.
a Mag O«0i-«« Str.et T.t-Avlv
llililc As <i troubled fountain and ft corrupted coring so is a rigliteom man Uiat giveth way before the wicked. Seesl (hou a man wise in his own eyes? There ia more hope ol a fool than of him. A prudent'man seelh the evil, and protecteth himself; but the thoughtless pars on and are punished. Talmud If one studies the Law for the cake of knowledge and to teach others, it becomes a law of kindness; but if he studies only for the nake of knowledge for him- r self and not to teach others, It be« ' comes a law of unkindness. Rabbi Judnh said in the name of Rub: "A leader who imposes extraordinary awe upon the com» munity in order to protect hlj leadership, will never have a scholarly son." (His children observing his conduct, will despise both him and the learning which he used to maintain leadership.) liabbi Joehanan said: "Whoever studies the Torah but docs not teach it to others, is likened unto a myrtle in the desert from which no one enjoys any benefit."
lly OIL r i l l U l '
Near Beth El Synagogue
Bible and Talmud
Center Lecture and Concert Series
Tokyo Club
New York (JTA)—Opening of th Tokyo Armed Services Center of the National Jewish Welfare Board to serve the post-armlstlcc, long-range welfare needs of Jewish military personnel in Japan and those there on leave from Korea was announced here by flarry D. Hcnshcl, chairman of the JWB's National Armed Services Committee.
Mfilashock, David Manvjtz, Adolf Mayer, Maurice D. Mieltlin, J. Milder, Calvin M. Newman, Nathan I*. Nogc, Harold Novak, Max Novak, Sam Novak, Sam Ole.k"kcr, Alex Oppciuiflmer, Sol S. Parcow, Maurice H. P(.T.:,en, Krun I'lalt, Melvin S. 1'Jotkin, Morton I'lotkin, Sol J. Wolkin, Harold Pollack, M. I'olonrky, Sam D. Poiica, Kftrman M. Uice, David Richards, Carl Dicker, Sam liy:,enstoin, Dave no:;enrtock, Morris M. Segal, L. Kecelman, Richard J. Seitner, Jacob Shapiro, Tillie Sherman, Harry SilvcriMji, lAuis Sombfrg, Hubert Sormner, lien Souhuik, Millard Speier, Albert Steinberg, Muriel Steinberg, Nathan Steinberg, Sam S. Slcinbern, Sum Temin, Hnrry Trustin, Philip Turek, IXJO Weitz, Harry Wilinsky, Ben A. Zcorwill, and Max Zwcibelman. Misses Gertrude Hollander, Henrietta Kohn, Bertha Newman, nose Jtothkop, Maurine E. Sherman, Rose Steinberg, Fannie IVcv.elman, Blanche Zimman and Sarita Zoorwill.
Gems of the
Jewish Community Center AUDITORIUM
W K W I STOTES AND THECRWCSI VARIETY OF WOOSJ Voctl Atrat, Jewbh Conunuidtr Center, 101 N. ZOth S t • IK USD
Series Tickers $2.00
Single Admission $1.00 AT CENTER OFFICE
Sridar, October 16, 1»S>
m i rewisn PRESS
Jr. B. B. Bowling/
BYith Bowling
, • . - • • • ' • - • • • .
" " • • • •
Wayne Auto Paint HZ Vending
Cliqubt Club «............ Best Appliance ..... Vengcr & Sons ... -. Smith PontUc ....._.„...... Paramount Mfct,... . »or>e» Bakery ...-..^_... ;
A Dlviilon
By LJndy 1'aul
Father-Son Stag Will Open Midget Basketball Season
Major Clastic . W. Pioneer Uniforms 14 Wardrobe 12& Kalrnan Insur .. 11 Union Frelghtways 10 Nogg Bros. Paper .,._ 1 I-Go Van 7 IMPCO ....... 5tt 'Franklin Distr 5 Minor Clude
L. 4 5V 7 8 11 This Sunday afternoon at 2:".i(lthrough the years. Refreshment 11 12«, p. m. in the Jewish Community will be .served ailer the program The puri)(i.',e of the stag Is ti 13 Center auditorium, the Mid/'et give tlm boy:; an opportunity -1 Basketball league will officially Btart with a Father-Son booster get acquainted before league playtart:;. I^i:;t year Mine 00 boys Stag, according to Sam Ban, chair15 3 man of the Midget Basketball com- participated on six teams. Any t-oy 11V4 6 V, mittee. m the 5lh through 8th grade ij 10 8 will be basketball films eligible to play. Official practice 10 Vi IVi a There ttarU; .Sunday, Oct. 25 at 2 p. m. discussion on this year's league B'/i 8% plus a free throw tournament for in the Jay gymnasium. Every boy 7H 10V4 the dads to sec which one has re- should bring the following equip5 13 tained the best s h o o t i n g eye ment: gym :;hoe.'5, gym .shorts, T 4 U shirt, sweat Locks and a towel. For further information, eo Lindy Paul at the center, JA 1300 L
Burkhard-Gtrellck Nebraska Furniture Pepsi-Cola ......... 11-Worlh Grill Crosstown T V. Lyns Floiiit :..„... • Bclraont Jewelry . Grace-Mayer In*. .... .Kinky-Dinky Stores . Greenberg Inf. . : Milder Oil ..„..„., Morris Paint ...... , ' H i e * Scores s a d Series Sam Minkhv 531; Harold Wolfson, 210—508- Jack Scbrager, 500; Sam : Diamond, 203—524; Sam Berman, 807; Stan Sherman, 520 and Norm Abrairuon, 503.
I'j.. kway B Division W. WotooniCcrber ..„,... ..... 12 Blchman-Oordmon ...11 Hlteway TV ..._....._.......;.... 11 10 Hosen-Novak ..... National Tire 10 Bank's 10 Prucka Army Transp.Goods Philco-Brandcts Uberty Gas & Oil i Sol Lewis Co i Borehcim Jewelry i Illch Scores and Scries S. Diumond, 102; J. Conn, 1,515 Al Gorodetzer, 160; D. Martin, 157 E. Nogg, 163; D. Hcbcrman, 17!! 195—480; A. Bear, 170—101; K Martin, 165; J. Schricber, 1G2-145.170—477; Dr. M. Sacks, 107; D Gordman, 100; S. Herzoff, 159170-153—482; M. Hulprin, J78; S Boffman. 193—400; W. Epstein 189; H. Wolfson, 101; L. Freidman 1«5; M. Herzoff, 170; B. Jonisch 161; M. Trachtenberg, 170, and B Raznick, 186. , Kelley's "B" Dlvlnlon W. L Louis Market 13 f H. A. Wolf Insurance 11 7 Watson Bros. Van Lanes .... 10 B Bennett Furniture D 9 Simons Jewelry „ 9 f •So. Omaha Sun 0 p Bobinson Iron & Metal .... 9 S Mid Plains Insurance 7 1' Slosburg Realty 7 1' Magi-Color Paint •;.'.'•-(Brandcis)'.„„•„ 6 IP Meyer Meyerson, Bennett Furniture, rolled a 533 to set a new high Individual scries for the di vision previously held by Jack Cohen. So. Omaha Sun. Meyerson's 200 was high game far the Evening followed by Irv Sabes ! Bobinson Iron & Me'ai. with r 201 and a 494 series. Larry Alber of Louis Ma-ltet, a newci'mer li-1 the league rolled a nice 181 Riirri' to wind up with a 409 (.erics wliiel ii> not bad in any league. Jack CoJicn, So. Om;,h.*» Sun. who has ;>1 ready established hinvelf as one of the better bowlers'of this division al*o ro'hii a 101. Little "Mighty Joe" B«;lmont, a power to reckon v/i'.li, rolled a nice 47f •cries. ~-Robinson Iron & Metal wjlkc-' off with.Jiinh tci'iii game for th' evening'of 705 still short of Bennett Furniture's S2G and Slosbur Bcalty aVo fell short of BenncttY 2,213 v/l'h 'he evening high leanEcricB of 2 100: and a tip of thr hat to f'uT' 'fir breaking out of thr cellar by v.'inrllns all three.
fcsr::?"! Bowling W. L. Millie W.IK 2 i -Team No. 7 2 1 Nogg Bros 2 1 Motz Beer 2 1 Smith Pontiac 1 2 Brandeis Easy Washer 1 2 Team No. 8 , 1 2 BCA Victor 1 2 Illch Series Rulh Sokolof, 458; Diane Rubin, 434; Flor^i Bloom, 421 and Adeline Sneider, 410.
Jay Air Rifle Club Underway
The Junior Sports Bowline pro gram Air rtitlc Club met last Sunday ot the Jewish Community Center. Members in attendance were Stuart Hurwitz, Karl Leufschuctz, John Spitzer, Marsh.-ill Widman, Paul Kutlcr, Bill Kutler, Jim Krasne, Justin Mulnick, Howard -Halm, Hapheal Groncr and Marvin Huback. Under the direction of Mayniird Tatlcman, the clul: will learn the fundamentals of riflery, parti of a i;un, safety precautions and sighting. Next Sunday, the boys will take part in their first shooting with B-B nuns. Many of the youngsters in Uie club were members of the Camp JayC-C Club which war, held last summer at camp.
Jr. Sports Bowlers Roll for Averages
Mike Platl led the league with u sparkling 177 game for a 331) two-game scries, lleibie Kaimun ran him a close second. Ilerhie, a 'J'J average bowler, fired names of 172 and MG for a hefty 318 series. Muriel Iioseablatt paced the girl:;' with her 114 game which led lici into a 220 eerie:;. Each team will be represented by sponsors in the next few wei;]'.;;. The ten hif:h league scorers will ;.erve each team as Captains. The ten ure: Jack Lleb, Stuart Kutler, Tom Platt, Judy Cohen, Mike Platt, David Wintroub, Maureen Zevitz:, Larry Hoberman, Mickey Sacks and John ltlekc:;. W. L. Team No. 1 2 0 Team No. 3 2 0 Team No. 5 2 0 Team No. 7 1 1 Team No. a 1 1 Team No. 9 1 1 Team No. 10 1 1 Team No. 2 0 2 Team No. 4 0 2 Team No. 0 0 2 Well (iamrs and Series Games Scries Mikfj I'latt 177-IC2—330 Herble Kaimun 172-140—31B Tom I'latt 133-110—251 Jack I.icb 133-117—250 John riiel-.es 122-117—239 David Wintroub 121-107—220 Paul Kliyken 103-121—227 Jerry Sherman 107-110—223 Muriel Rosenblatt.... 114-100—220 Stuart Kutler" 101-112—210 Mickey Sack;; 120- 01—211 Howard WienberR.... 102-107—209 Howard Slusky 89-110—201) Billy Katzman 00-109—200 Ann Blumberi? 108-100—200 •Steve Friedman 117- 09—200 Eddie Wlnlroub 09-104—203 Judy Ban 80-113—20!
Some 50 youngsters attended the firs'. :,e;:::lon of the Junior Sports Bowling league nl the Mu:;ic I'ox att Friday. It topi>ed the number of bowlc-is l;i.l;t year by 10 bowler;;. AlrnoM every alley wa<; u;;ed by the Junior onthur,ia;,ts a;; they readied themrelves for a :;ea:.oi of determined bowling. Next week the youngsters will bowl once w;aln t<> e:,lab!ish averages btfon they are to be divided into team; for league competition. Last weeli at the opening session there, nine young.slers Ecored 100 or better Many of the;:c youngsters are l>owling for the first time and improvement;; will come will: practice. The following bowled 100 r more: L;irry Gilin;,ky, 142; Chuck Wise, 125; Mike Platt, 123 Gail Tretiak, 2 17; Carole Gombcrg The strong Independent bowling 110; Joyce Koom. 113; John Hiekes team is leading the Y, C. American 111; Howard Slusky, 107, and Colony Ciub Division of the1 Youth Council Nancy Hlchards, 103. '>m;iha Jobbing Bowling league with a record of !>hillips Dcpt six win;;, no losses. Members of Lcavenworth Grill hat team are Tom Berti.'ilein, I!ob National Tire Kully. Lon flaer, Harlan Iio'ell Sports Calendar Annies Beauty and Sjtcedy Zv:eiback. The CenKUh Furs turvmen of A.Z.A. 100 are on top Sunday, October 18 .lystic Beauty of the Y. C. National Division. l l a . in.—Youlh Council Boy; Shukorls Members of that team are Haroli! Howling Leacue. Country Club Ko:;ow^hy, K<rnny Fried, Hov.fie 1:30 p. in.—Junior Sports BD R k S Shoes Koper, Harold Friedman, Ray Gun Club. Wolf Bros Kirkc. 2:30 p. m.—Father-Son Midi;- Lyn's Flori:;t National League ct Basketball ctacHamilton Pharm W. Monday, October 19 Douglas Jewelry AZA No. 100 Centurymen.... 5 3:30 p. rn.—Youth Council Smith Pontiae AZA No. 1 Glams 4 Boys Volleyball Tourney. Illch Scries Kayim "H" 4 Tuesday, October 20 "lerl Zevitz ItayJm S. A. P.'s 4 3:30 p. m.—Youth Council 'lora Bloom AZA No. 1 Boosers 4 Girls Howling League. felher Hn:« AZA No. 1 Bluffers 3 3:30 p. in.—Youth Counei' Evelyn Temln Ftayim Scrcwbowls ...3 Boys Volleyball League. Marge Fromkin Independents MB ., .2 Wednesday, October 21 itae Wintroub "... AZA No. 1 No Names 1 Hlch Game 3:30 p. in.—Youth Council Hayim SOS „ 0 •large Fromkin Boys Volleyball Leacue. American League ionla Schrager Thursday, October ZZ W. 3:30 p. in.—.Youth Counei' Independents A 0 Boys Volleyball League. Raylm Mesi Sew Grezl 5 Friday, October 23 AZA No. 1 Oruch^s 4 4 P. in.—Junior Sports BowlRayim X's 3 ing Program. rtayim "K" .... 3 AZA No. 1 Gutter Goons .... 2 Future Events AZA No. 100 Gutter Gang.... 2 Sunday, October 25—Midgc-i AZA No. 1 We Goofed 2 Basketball Practice at 2 p. m. AZA No. 100 "A" 1 5 Tuesday, November 3—0:00 Itayim M-Jabs : 1 5 7). rn., Youth Council Hoys BasLast Weeks Ilichs ketball negin:;. Jporjjc Socks 189—509 Thursday, November 5—~ lerry Zicgmau 177—48!) TI. in.. V a r s i t y Iiaiketb.il! itnrlan Rosen 102—47!) '.erijjue begin;;. :Job Epstein 107—472
Independents and A Z A 100 Lead League
Modern Dance Class to Start Girls in the Cth, 7th and 8th grade:) will have an opportunity to join the new Modern Danca class which v:ill Oe.held at the Jewi.sh Cummunily C e n t e r on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school starting at 4:15 p. in, Misa Kuth Longville, a senior at the Univeisity of Omaha, will Instruct the class. Miss Ixjngville is experienced in Modern Dance and lias instructed in grade tmd high tchools. All girls are invited to .'ilen up soon as the class will be limited. Instruction will be in Folk, Interpretive and square dance. For further Information call Lindy Paul at the center, JA 13G0. The starting date will be announced in the near future. A center yearly membership "of $0.00 will be the only requirement.
Youngsters Swim Program Expanded
Many youngsters are taking advantage of the center's Boy Scout swimming class every Monday evening from 0:30 to 7:30 in passin;! thor.e necessary swimming and lii(;;:avjng tests. A new addition to the swimming schedule is the inclusion of the University of Omaha's Water Sports Club that will meet at th« Center every Tuesday evening. What with school routines «Ct» Him; down to normal more youngster;; are joining the utter-school Instructional classes that meet every afternoon, Tuesday through Friday from 4:15 to 5:15 p. m. Help is still needed for tho handicapped swimming classe;!. If you would like to assist, call the Center at JA 1300. Youngsters can look forward to the splash parlies that ore to be W. L. offered this winter on Sunday aftII 7 ernoons. A record board has been 1 7 set up at the Center showing tne 11 7 best times for young swimmers. 10 B Two ogc group.-, swim for records, 10 8 under 10 age group and the 11 und 10 8 Any youngster can qualify OH 8\4 above. for these record:; by swimming 0 9 at the center. Sunday afternoon 9 0 from 3 to 4 p. m. U a good time for 0 9 youngsters to come on down and 9 0 try to set a new record or to im6'h 0U- prove their own skill. 8 10 7 11 7 11 Tel Aviv (JTA) — The World 5 13 Maccabi Union voted tills week that the fifth Maccabhih would be 524 held in 1957. Jewish athletes from 400 all parts of the world were urged 482 to participate In the next compe472 tition. A plan for the establish460 ment of a permanent Maccabi vil452 lage to serve as a boarding place for Jewish youth (rom all parts ot 192 Uie world studying and working 188 in Israel was also put forth.
B'etoi B'rith Ladies Bowling
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