October 23, 1953

Page 1

Vol XXXII . «„«. ».

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U. S. Suspends Economic Assistance to Israel Washington (JTA)—The United States has officially notified Israel that economic assistance for the Jewish State is being suspended, according to government sources. Funds voted Israel by Congress for the fiscal yeur 1954 were never specifically listed by an exact amount but were estimated to be about $65,000,000. The suspension was originally visualized in connection witli the canal project near the IsraelSyrian frontier which the State Department viewed as a violation o{ armistice terms and a threat to peace. Notice of intcilt in the State Department action was given Israel abou two weeks ago, sources here said. The question of the canal project was touched upon Monday by Israel Ambassador Abba Kban in the course of a talk he had In the State Department with Acting Deputy Under Secretary of Stale Kpbert Murphy. Tiic Ambassador tald he had not discussed the reported American suspension of economic assistance to Israel with Mr. Murphy. Mr. Eban later told correspondents that Israel would welcome :i discussion ot the hydroelectric projects near the Syrian border and a general discussion of the development of water resources. The project, he said, is not In conflict with any regional plan. The major part of the talk was devoted to United Nations aspects of the Arab-Israel situation, Mr. Eban revealed. He said he had suggested n "balanced view" which would take Into account Israel's views of last week's raid

Johnston's Visit to Middle East Is Suspended Washington (JTA)— Krlc Johnston, who was sent by President Elsenhower as his personal envoy to the Middle East to attempt to ease Arab-Israel tensions, will visit neither Israel nor the Arab •tales until the outcome of the current meeting of the U.N. Security Council which started dl.icusslon of the Israel-Arab problem, It was learned here. Mr. Johnston lit now in Paris and was due to reach the Middle East Tuesday. (In Paris, Mr. Johnston said that ho was empowered to conduct "extremely delicate and sensitive negotiations" but that they would not Involve the current IsraelJordan border dispute. He added ho saw no reason for him to visit the town of Klbya where the Jordan Government claims 08 persons were killed last week by the Israel Awiy. ' "I don't think I should discuss the incident," he (aid, "it certainly lias complicated my problem.") The Washington correspondent of the Manchester Guardian, leadIng British newspaper, today cabled to his paper that the State Department was reluctant to get Involved In the Arab-Israel dispute before the Security Council but gave way before the insistence of the British Government

On Radio and TV On S u n d a y, over WOWRadlo, from 11:30 a. m. to noon, the Eternal Light will present "Mosen Mendelssohn," written by Morton Wlshengrad, as the third In a series of four outstanding programs, originally dramatized on the E t'e r n a 1 Light, In celebration of its tenth year of broadcasting, it has been announced by the Jewish Theological Seminary, The Eternal Light, a coast-to-coast radio program, ts presented as a public service by the National Broadcasting Company, "Moses Mendelssohn" is the story of tho great 10th century German Jewish philosopher and scholar who pleaded for the separation of Church and Stato and who fought for freedom of belief and conscience.

on Jordan as part of a general pattern of events. The "tragic and regrettable event of lust week should not be isolated" from other events, the Ambassador declared

Eban Meets With UN Head United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Ambassador Abba Eban of Israel last night called on Ambassador William Borberg of Denmark, president of the U.N. Security Council, to discuss consideration in the Security Council of the tension between the Arab states and Israel. The head of the Israel delegation has also consulted other delegates to the Security Council. The Israel delegate pointed out that the incidents of last week arc a regrettable culmination of a long series of events marked by a tragic and intolerable loss of Jewish life under armed JordanIan attacks. He pointed out the following facts: 1. Since the declaration in 1050 by Britain, France and the United Stales guaranteeing order and security in the area, Israel ha3 suffered at the hands of Jordan the following losses and damanes: 421 killed and wounded; 120 case3 of sabotage; BOO cases of ormed attacks and 3,203 cases of robbery. The intensity and violence of these aggressions have been increasing steadily since January, 1053. 2. Tho results of this brutal guerrilla warfare organized by Jordan ugalnst Isrnel homes and villages have taken a tragic toll on both side3 of the frontier, and Israel's efforts in July, 1053, to secure effcclivo intervention of the powers were unfortunately without avail. "In the light of recent statements, the question whether the powers.which have submitted the Item to the Security Council feel compunction or sympathy for these Jewish dead, as well ns for Arab victims of this frontier tension, is understandably causing concern to the people of Israel," Mr. Eban said, adding that.he has received instructions from his government to present the full occount of these aggressive measures to the United Nations."

Lea Onlrojimkl

Klutznick D At Blood Ct


The Greater Omaha B'nal D'rith Association will inaugurate the homecoming of Supreme Lodge President Phil Klutznick with a PHIL KLUTZNICK DAY at the Douglas County 13 1 o o d Center, 20th and Farnain Sts., Wednesday, Oct. 28. To dale, more than 100 members of H'nai B'rith in Omaha have pledged their blood on tills one day drive and there is every indication that this will be the largest single day drive in B'nai B'rith history, according to Earl Slegel, B'nal B'rilh Blood Donor Director. Members of the Henry Monsky Lodge and Chapter, Cornhuskcr Lodge and Nebraska Lodge and Chapter, all members of the Greater Omaha B'nal B'rith Association, have been working diligently to fill their individual quotas. The Greater Omaha B'nai B'rilh Bowling Association's men and women are cooperating In making this PHIL KLUTZNICK DAV nn outstanding success. A transportation Corps has been set up to take donors to and from tho Blood Center. Donors should contact Lou Asbyll, AT 5008, or Earl Sicgcl, JA 2545. The Blood Center will open at 11:30 a. m. and remain open for donors until 0:00 p. m. It tnkes approximately 30 minutes from the time of registration until you have been served refreshments and completed your visit at the Center.

No immigrants Here Under New Refugee Act New York (WNS)—Mrs. Irving M. Engcl, president of the National Council of Jewish Women, declared here at a meeting of the organization's National Board of Directors that not one immigrant or escapee has been admitted to this country under the Refugee nelicf Act of 1053. The record to date, Mrs. Engel stressed, should be convincing evidence to Congress that the "so-called emergency legislation has not met the emergency at all" and at best would be only fractionally effective. Unless the law is changed, she cautioned, "it can now be definitely predicted" that "not even half of the 214,000 immigrants and escapees ostensibly to bo permitted entry to this country in tho next two and one-half years will actually be admitted.

Ifrl Zifronl




For Klutznick B'nai B'rith Prexy Banquet Speaker

FtalUp M. Klutznick INTERNATIONALIZATION Washington (WNS)—Disclosure that Jordan was now supporting territorial Internationalization -of Jerusalem was made here by Iragl Foreign Minister Abdullah Bakr when he declared that "all the Arab countries" were now-in favor of the internationalization formula. The Iraqi official made the disclosure following a conference with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, but he failed to explain how so radical a departure from policy was not announced by Jordan itself. Some months ago, Jordan rebuffed its neighbors when it refused to Join a delegation of Arab diplomatic officials in Washington who visited the Stale Department for advocacy of the Internationalization solution.

Homecoming Reservations Reservations for the Philip M. Klutznick Homecoming Banquet should be sent to Sheldon Bernstein, 510 Kecllne building.

Or* Jtottenberr

'Here's Israel-Third Edition' Offers Musicale Monday Evening at Center •Here's Israel—Third Edition" will present a musical program in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium'Monday, Oct. 2G, at 8:.')0 p. in. ' Featured in the caravan will be the prominent Israeli tenor, Url Zifroni; Ora noltenbcrg, talented young concert pianist; and Lea OslroJInskt, gifted young Israeli violin virtuoso. Url Zifronl has sung In almost every country In the world. An outstanding interpreter of Hebrew end Yiddish folk-songs, ho sings in ten languages. His repertoire Includes classic, operatic, folk and

popular selections. He has taken part in concert recitals at Carnegie Hall In New York City, appeared on the radio and has mado recordings. Lea Ostrojinskl, born in Israel, has made frequent appearances as violin soloist with leading Israeli orchestras. While touring t h e United States as a member ot the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, she met the late Serge Koussovitsky and won a scholarship to Tanglewood. For the past three years she has been a student at Julllard School of Music In New York.

A community-wide Homecoming Banquet will welcome back Philip M. Klutznick, recently elected President of the Supreme Lodge of B'nai B'rith. Sponsored by the Greater Omaha B'nai B'rith Association, festivities will be given in his honor Thursday in the Blackstone Hotel. A leadership institute will be held at 12:30 p. m. In the hotel. Officers of lodges from Omaha, Fremont, Lincoln, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, Sioux Falls, S. D., Hastings and Grand Island will attend. Community Unity The homecoming dinner will be held in the evening at 7 o'clock. Governor Robert Crosby is sending a special representative to attend. Other prominent business and civic leaders will include Clar. ence London, Frank Fogarty and Mayor Glenn Cunningham. J. Harry Kulakofsky, president of the Federation for Jewish Service, will be among the guests present Dr. Abe Grecnbcrg, member of the Board of Governors of the Supreme Lodge, will Introduce Mr. Klutznick. "Community Unity," ii the theme Mr. Klutznick has selected for the principal address. Started In Omaha It was here . in Omaha that Philip Klutznick began his career of publlc'service. In a recent testimonial edition ' of the program of the convention of District Grand Lodge No. 6 of B'nai B'rith, Mr. Klutznick's service to the community and nation was summed as follows: "His rare gift for serving men by leading them became evident in his youth.At 16 he was a charter member of AZA's Kansas City chapter, and two years later he was elected international president of the organization. He continued as executive secretary for seven more years. Unusual Ability "The unusual forensic ability he had shown as a member of the championship debating team of his AZA chapter was further developed when he attended law school at Creighton University. He received his legal degree in 1930 and became a practicing attorney in Omaha. In the same year he was married and was elected president of the Omaha Lodge of B'nal B'rith, • "From the beginning, his twin career of public service and leadership In his faith's greatest service organization went forward together. In 1933 he was appointed assistant corporation counsel of the city of Omaha and in tho next ten years his grasp of the gigantic problems of housing became such that he was summoned to Washington by tho National Housing Authority. A year later Preslent Roosevelt named him Commission- • er of the Authority, a position ho honorably discharged in the year* of staggering war-time housing demands until 1940. Still Serving "Still serving his government pn a part-time advisory basis, ha then undertook the job of heading the nation's first privately-developed and completely planned housing development. That Park Forest, 111., is a "dream town," rather than a collection of 5,000 housing units Is in a large measure a reflection of his own dedication to human values. "While he broke new ground again and again in the field ot bousing, he also was accepting ta« creasingly heavier responsibilities in the organization of B'nai B'rith, From the presidency of his Dl*. trict ho was advanced to the presidency of the Supreme Advisory Council in 1941. In 194S he b e . _

Ora Rottenbcrg, talented 20year-old Israeli pianist, was born in Jerusalem, where she received most of her musical training. She played with tho top symphony orchestras in Jerusalem and made her American debut at the Miami Beach Municipal Auditorium this summer. The program sponsored by the Zionist Organization of America will be open to the public with no came a member of the executive charge for admission. The troupe committee ot the Supreme Lodge, is touring the nation offering a (Continued on Page 3) musical vleiw of* Israel.



Friday, October 23, 1053


Ovations for Miss Lipp at Club Concert

%\>t 3etof«l) Pabllshed'Even Friday by Ihe Umaha Jrwlsb federation

4 . » Mrand-olaHl maun >t Otnana, K*hiMM. DBd«r l£t *r< of u»rci) I. l i n AumiU WMerlMfca. H 00. AdvutlsUg IUIM on Application. ppn. Prim a w Addrm

IIM •«. »u> B U


Htm.. *rui.u. MM.

By liana Bacr .Society Editoi

/^Welcome Move President Eisenhower's announcement that he had named Jric A. Johnston as his personal trouble-shooter to the Middle East, could well mean that "Washington is on the right pnth at least with regard to exploring the possibilities of an Israel-Arab understanding. In Israel the move will be welcomed if it is not . encumbered by the many imponderables which have ct-rpt up from time to time and which were as roach a hinderance to settlement AS perhaps Arab obduracy. The president in his statement did not specifically say that Mr. Johnston is to act as a peaee envoy. But the tenor of thu itaetment was such as to lead to the inference that he will explore the possibilities of a peace settlement If that is to be accomplished onr government will have to shed some of the viewpoints unfortunately still existing in certain State Department circles. We must recognize realities. We must take the view that Israel is a going and growing concern. "We must envision the significance of Jerusalem to a State whose origin ~ i s a people that wal born in Jerusalem. We must realize that Israel reborn was conceived not only as a haven for those already there but for potential tens of thousands of others, and that territorial integrity is an essential element in Israel's mission. The Arab states, or rather their politicians, have been inundating the world with complaints when the fact of the matter is that Israel is but a dot on the map aa compared with them, They arc good bargainers,' and they hope to use their trump cards advantageously. Should they overplay them the situation could become serious. It seems to us that if both parties involved were made to sit down at one table they could reach agreement more speedily than through other instrumentalities. Conceivably Washington hopes to be the matchmaker.

Dr. Lerner Points Ben Gurion Silent to the Path Ahead on Retirement America's greatness lies not only Jerusalem (WNS)—Premier DaIn the material things we have vid lien Gurion, according to pUed up, but in the way we have rumors circulating in the coundone It, Dr. Max Lerncr told his try, intends leaving active politiaudicnce at the opening of the | cal life and to devote his encr1953 Lecture and Concert Series, gira during the next few years Saturday evening in thc audilo-. to literary creativity, including rium of the Jewish Community memoirs, but the Premier lumself Center. , I has given noo Indication withh rcg c e _It is our American dream that gard to the verity or inaccuracy of the reports. there ti access for all people to "have the chance to grow, he emNewspapers, columnists a n d phasized. This is an affirmative commentators this week were busy 'weapon in our armory of Ideas, prognosticating _„ _,„ the . P.r, e m i e .r„s u tit. Tjctner added. The danges lies,, plans, and one newspaper, Davar, he pointed out, that we will be- leading pro-Government organ, come' stagnant and inflexible " "" reproached the press for the sensational manner in which it hanStrugtie Today The struggle today is a struggle died the development. The paper for ideas, he continued, and we urged that public discussion of must present to the world a image the development be shunned unof strength and cultural creativity. til there is full clarification. AnThere is developing an anli-intel- other newspaper. Hnbokcr, organ lectuallsm. Dr. Lerner suggested. of the General Zionists, reported He pointed out that a member of that Mrs. Ben Curion had told a Congress had ridiculed a speech journalist that her hur.bnnd inas one given by an egghead. Me tended to quit. There is also stressed the idea that if we arc to I speculation that Ben Gurion's aldepreciate a person because he 'p.?™ decision to quit stems from rences within 'his own party. thinks that the state of affairs have taken a sorry turn. | MeCaxtUyism j cannot be controlled therein loosDr. Lerner waded Into McCar-1'"« « « ht"-ror of an H-bomb war. thyism condemning Die Bcnalor-s i "'^"fS^.iT 0 " o t c n o u e h . Df- La": methods. McCarthy is undcrmin- !, ing our influence abroad, he add- be united. The ctrugRle n^ainst ed. The administration is ignoring the Kremlin must be turned into major charges against McCarthy, a battle of ideas not H-bombs, he Walter Llppman, Dr. Lerner said. We must not be added. Quoting out against McCarairaiiiionpi-aKouiaBamsL raev-ar- '•«• '^- w c U v « '" three worlds, thyism. Dr. Lerner pointed out, for t l )nC American, the Russian and the quoting Pericles "the price of free- " ™rnmilt<?d. We must make our dom is courage " appeal to thc uncommitted world, Credo ^Q. ••>'-'ltcd. We need to win Ihe "I am a liberal," Dr. Lermr at- lfriendship of India, which lies firmed. The deflation he likes n t h c h c : i r t o f A-'la- Dr. Lerner best of a liberal is one he ;;ot from stressed. Many pcopk'3 have just Maury Maverick, former Congress- heard quarter and half trollis man from Texas, ;>nd that is: a about us, he pointed out. The liberal is a man who likes free- war to be won hero is by the dom plus groceries. Vlu should weapons of ideas, he repeated. Era of Negotiation have the opportunity to grow Winston Churchill, thc world'.' shunted neither in mind or body. greatest statesman. Dr. I<erncr Dr. Lerner summed up his credo with a thought taken from Thom- raid. Is Mking us to enter Into a as Jefferson that there is no select era of negotiation. In this congroup booted and spurred to ride nection, Dr. Lerner offered a mankind. He believes in thc dlfj- quote from the English historian nity of man and that the function Arnold Toynbec 'no annihilation of an useful person is to comfort without representation." He made the afflicted and afflict thc com- quip to show the vulnerability of fortable. The professor stated that the British Isles to H-bomb athe is appalled by negativism. It tack. Thc administration's policy toIs important to pick the things we must fight against, he underlined, ward Israel Is changing, Dr. Lcrbut it is also of prime importance ncr stated, to one of appeasing the Arabs. The Arabs want to to nffirm what we stand for. remove thc democratic force of Central Problem Turning to the central problem Israel, he pointed out, because of Of the H-bomb, Dr. Lemer empha- the danger of spreading demosized that we ought to be aware cratic ideas in their backward that there are forces in the uni- lands. Appeasing the Arabs will verse that can smash the world not bring peace, Dr. Lerner delike an eggshell. The danger lies, clared. Our policy should be one he pointed out, in conflicts that of economic not military aid helpb t h the h Arabs A b and fod Israel. I l may arise i between bt countries ountries that iing both

Capital Spotlight 'Washington (JTA)—Three German industrialists identified by the War Department as Important Nazis and one of Hitler's generals have been honored here and decorated with medals in recognition of their "contributions." The Implication* of thc West German election, which some thought spelled the defeat of Hitler-minded elements, point to thc emergence today in respectable guise of many of the same German personalities who supported the Nazis, even prior to 1D33. Interpretation The Administration, in interpreting the McCarran-Walter Immigration Act, has de.clded that Nazis are not subversive and that their presence here is in the best Interest of the United Slates. This month, on the OOth anniversary of he Wright lirotiiers' flight. President Eisenhower welcomed Dr. Willy Mcrscrschmitt nnd other manufacturers of German military aircraft to thc White House as members of a delegation of international air pioneers. The President might hnve recalled the names of some of his guests from War " Department pamphlet 31-110A issued. March 23, 1945. -It advised him to take into custody as dangerous Nazir three of the gentlemen who were this month brought to Washington to be honored. They Include Dr. MesLcrschmitt, Helmut Sachse, and Gerhard Fleseler. The War Department said these specific individuals held the Nazi rank of 'Wehrwirtschaftsfuhrer." According to the War Department they were persons "who, in an outstanding way, thrived under National Socialism, who welcomed it in the beginning, aided (lie Nazis to obtain power, supported them in office, shared the spoils of expropriation conquest, or otherwise markedly benefitted in their careers or fortunes under the Nazis."'Dr. Messcrschmltt is reported to have given public expression to his anti-Semitism, even after the defeat of Germany. A fourth air enthusiast who accompanied ills colleagues to the White House was General Major Wolfgang Von Gronau. His contributions were noted in Uie 1034 edition of "Das Deutsche Fuhrerlexicon," a Who's Who of leading Nazis. Visitors The Germans were inviled to the United States by the National Aeronautical Association. Bonn authorities enthusiastically cooperated. It was part of the program of aviation's 50th anniversary committee under the chairmanship of Lt. Gen. James II. Doolittle. German Ambassador Helm Krekeler was the outstanding diplomat at a dinner dedicated to the visitors and thc German delegation was the largest from any foreign country. Secretary of Commerce Sinclair Weeks said of the foreign guests that ". . . history will remember them. Our generation is grateful to them. This audience honors all of them." There was no question that the audience knew the Germans supported the Nazi military

machine because Gen. Doolltlle joked about this at the dinner. Each of the pioneers, Germans included, received a medal and scroll. Hear Admiral Richard E. Dyrd was chairman of orranBcments. Leading aircraft companies helped pay for thc festivities. Complaint* Made Complaints were made to Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Secretary of Defense Charles K. Wilson against the presence in the United States of persons deneribed by the War Department as Nazis. No response was indicated. Both Mr. Dulles nnd Mr. Wilson were members of the national committee which uponsored the celebration. Thc Department of the Air Force made known In a letter to Sen. Herbert II. Lehman that Nazi officers, Including an aide to Hermann Goering, were entertained by the American Air Force at Wcisbaden on April 21 because "such action is in consonance with the foreign policy objectives of the United Stales in that area in connection with the common defense against communistic aggression."

Zionist Council Calls for Peace In Near East New York, Oct. 19—The following statement was issued toniijlit by Louis Lipcky, Chairman, on behalf of tlie American Zionist Council wliich represents all Zionist croups In thc United States: "The American Zionist Council, speaking in the name of hundreds of thousands of American citizens, deeply concerned with the wellbeing not only of Israel but of all the peoples of the Near East, deplores outbreaks of violence on the borders between Israel and the Arab stales. "We must, however, make it clear that these net1! of violence, which have resulted in the loss of many hundreds ot innocent lives on both sides, spring from the deliberate policy of the Arab ntntci in maintaining a state of war ng.'iinst Israel five yerirs after their initial atfgrcfision and in violation of armistice agreements. "In these circumstances, we must express our alarm that the' Department of State has hastened to simile out one side for rebuke on the eve of the Security Council's consideration of the whole problem of Near East tension. In our view; the Department of State has acted with obvious bias, in disregard of thc traditional friendship between' America and I.Tal, and contrary to the best interests of thc United States. In particular, we regard the Department of Sale's decision U> withhold economic aid from Israel as an unwarranted net of duress. 'This situation underlines the urgent need for peace in the Near East which Israel has tought again nnd again. We call upon our Gov-

In the first concert of the Tuesday Musical Club 1053-54 season,' a new artist was presented to the American musical world—the s o prano Wilma Lipp. Miss Lipp, after having toured most of the great cities in Europe with the Vienna , State Opera and after having been cuest artist at La Scala, Convent Gardens and at thc Dayrcuth, SabtbujrR and Munich Festivals, is on her first American tour. Thc c o n cert in Omaha marked her Amcrl» can debut. IlcllEht In Utar She Is of very pleasant appearance, blond, young and is oblc to dalleht the listeners. She has a sweet voice, not of big volume, but of particular timbre and culture. One feels; however, she might be more attractive as a concert and lleder singer than on thc opera stage. She has been devoting her* self more and more to Iledcr singing during thc past few yean. Echoes of the Part Her whole kind of singing r e minds one of a past time when art and culture were higher valued and more appreciated than the abilities of the singer to impress the audiences through showmanship. It might be that famous lady singers of Ihe part had bigger voices than Wllma Lipp. However, her art of singing evokes reminiscences of Elena Gerhard, Julia Culp, Elisabeth Schumann and others. Brilliant* .Her Schubert group with the lleder "Wohin" (Where), "Nacht undTracunic" (Night and Dreams) "Aut dem Wasser ru Slnccn" (To Sing in a Boat) and her interpretation of songs by Hugo Wolf and Richard Strauss were dellclousness in technique and expression. Her greatest success was the rendition of thc aria of the Queen of thc Night in Mozart's "Magic Fiuto." Her voice whose volume arid expansion f-eemed to be limited in some, of the other conjgs, d e veloped here to dramatic force and her coloratura became genuine brilliance. 'Hie deeply impressed audience got four encores and the Tuesday Musical Club won with this first concert of the season 1953-54 a very- remarkable start. We wi«h Miss Lipp further appreciation on her tour through our country. Very delicate In touch, musical understanding and interpretation was the accompanying pianist Otto Herz,

Anti-SemiHsm Reports

in Mexico Exaggerated Mexico City (WNS)—American press reports of an alarming rise In the tempo of anti-Semitic .-iclivities in Mexico were termed here "greatly exaggerated" by Jewish leaders who said thc unfounded reixirts can only nerve to harm the position of Mexican Jewry. These Jewish spokesmen asserted that they knew of no Intensified .'intl-Semltic campaign in Mexico, that attacks on Jews in anti-Semitic publications was no new development acid that those attacks were hi any event not taken seriously. At thc same lime the Mexican Embassy In Washington, through a letter In the New York Times by its Minister Counselor Rafael Nic-to, denied that Mexico was barring the entry of Jews through an aliened "effective procedure within tile Mexican consulates abroad to keep them out." The letter said tbo reports of such procedure were "absolutely false," that thc question of race and religion never arises in the issuance of immigration papers nnd that "officials of tile Mexican Foreign Service had never received explicit or Implicit instructions that may propound o dir.-" criminatory policy." Jerry Lewis tells us that gambling is a way of getling nothing for something . . . Lou Holtz says citquelte Is learning to yawn with your mouth closed . . . Kecnnn Wynn comments that television is radio with cyeslrain . . , Yehtidi Menuhin adds that a child in u creature that elands halfway between an adult and n television ret... ~ .jg eminent. In concert with other powers, to uxu its influence with the stales of the Near East to convt.-rt thc armistice iigrwrn'-nts Into treaties of lusting peace."

Friday, October 23, 1*5}


Progress Noted in New Temple

If jrman Osoff

Osoff Heads Zionist Group Hyman 0:;of{ wa;: elected president of the Zionist District of Omaha at a meeting held in the Jewish Community Center la:;t Wednesday evening, Other officers elected ore: Marvin Taxman, first vice-president; Joseph llomstcln, second vice-president, and Harry Halpcrt, secretary-treasurer. Guest si>eakcr Ilubbi Myer S. Kripke emphasized the need for continuing BioriLst activities, lie pointed out that the Slate of Israel if by tip means 'secure. Zionists must continue to bend their clfortii toward their goal »f aiding Israel until the new nation lias overcome its economic difficulties und iii no longer threatened by hostile Arab countries, he added. Israel is the second largest Jewish community in the world, the rabbi stressed. European communities have been virtually wiped out, he stated. It wus a cre.it catastrophe in Jewish history when the European center of culture was obliterated, the rabbi said. Zionists, he affirmed, should look fin-ward to the time when the need lor the organization is no more. This will bo when Israel's place In the family of natluns la secure.

Pre-School Parents to Meet in Center The Parents Committee of the Center's Pro-School program will hold a business meeting Wednesday evening, Oct. 2Bth, at 8 p . m. in the Center, Mrs. Paul Grossman, chairman of the group, announced.

New York Visitor Abraham Horowitz, executive Vice-president of the Federated Council of Israel Institutions, Inc., Whose headquarters is In New York City, visited Omaha this " week. The agency functions as Spokesman for the Independent Institutions In Israel and serves in a fund raising capacity. The institutions i n c l u d e orphonanes, homes for the aged, homes for the blind and incurables, hospital:; and Sick aid societies and relief organizations.

The new Temple Israel corner;;tone was dedicated 1in a brilliant ;;unlit uftcmoon late .Sunday attended hy about 31)0 people Itablii Myron M. Meyer, of Temple Ariath Joseph, St. Joseph, Mo., in his dedication ad'lress pointed to the new temple as the fruit of careful planning and a monument to the spiritual value:; of the people. M(':;:MII;O:( of congratulation were lead from J. Harry Kulakof,slty, president of the Federation for Jewish Service, l'ravcrman :uul Ikilperin, architects; and Habbi Joseph Fink, president of the Central Conference of A m e r i c a n Ilabbis. Greetlni:s were offered by Alfred »S. Mayer, president of the convocation; Mrs. liernahrdt L. Wolf in place of Mrs. Morton Hiller, sisterhood president who was ill and Miss Joan Abrahams, president of the youth group. The choral blessing was sung by the youth group. Mfltun S. Livingston, chairman of tlio building committee, Bet the cornerstone. The dedication prayer war: made by the spiritual leader of the new temple, Itabbl Sidney II. Brooks. Rabbi Benjamin Groner gave the Invocation, and Ilabbi Mycr S. Kripke the Benodictlon. Morris E. Jacobs, past president of the congregation, presided.

ECogel Is Dean of Einstein School I)r. Marcus D. Koeel New York (WNS)— Dr. Samuel ttclkin, president of Yeshlva University, announced the appointment of Dr. Marcus D. Kogcl, New York City Commissioner of Hospitals, as Dean of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Ycshiva University. Dr. KORCI has advised the Mayor of his intention to retire after twenty-six years of service. Dr. Korjel ha3 long been interested in the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, having served t»3 n member of its Medical Advisory Council from its inception. The College, to be located on a 10acre site at the Junction of Morris Park Avenue and Eastehester Itoad, Bronx, will be the first unit of a ?25,00O,O00 Medical Teaching Center to include Colleges of Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health and Post-Graduate studies. It will adjoin the new 1,400-bcd Bronx Municipal Hospital Center which the City of New York is constructing at a cost of $40,000,000 and which will be affiliated with the College and serve as Its clinical teaching center. Ground breaking for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine will take place on Sunday, October 25th, and the first class will be admitted In the fall of 1955. In announcing the appointment of Dr. Kogcl as Dean of the new medical college, Dr. Belkin said it was "of great Importance that the academic planning of a new medical school, should be vested in the hands of an expert and experienced medical administrator, a man of great vision and a recognized authority in his chosen field of medical research."

Give Till It Helps!

Open House Rabbi and Mrs. Benjamin Groner will hold open house this Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m., at their home, 1812 N. 52nd Street. A cordial invitation Is extended to the members of the community.

Golden Age Club to Meet

Mas Orounie

Workmen's Circle to Honor Crounse Omaha Workmen's Circle family will honor Max . Crounse on his 70th birthday with a testimonial dinner this Sunday at 0 p. m. in the Labor Lyceum, Mr. Crounse has been an active member of the Workmen's Circle for 40 years during which ho has held numerous -offices. At the present he is still contributing his share toward the common goal of service to Judaism serving as chairman of the Jewish Committee fund raising drive and treasurer of the Workmen's Cjrcvle Midwest District Committee. Representatives from Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City, Dcs Moines and Denver will attend the dinner. Louis Gitlin Is chairman for the program and Louis Witkln will serve as toastmastcr. Mrs. Sam Novak is in charge of the arrangements and she is assisted by Mrs. Sam Binder, Mrs. N. Lerman, Mrs. S. Schwartz, Mrs. L. Witkln, Mr. Sam Susman, Mr. Sam Novak, Mr. L. Gitlin, Mr. A. Stein, Mr. M. Nearenberg, Mr. Max Katz, Mr. Ben Mlroff and Mr. Harry Reznlck.

The first meeting of the Golden ARC Club of the 1053-54 program year will be held in the auditorium pf the Jewish Community Center on Monday, Oct. 20, at 1 p. m. The program of the croup's first meeting will consist of community service work and a discussion of future programs. The members will stuff toy animals for patients at the Children's Memorial Hospital. David Fogel, Jewish Community Center Activities Director, will discuss program methods with the group. Refreshments .will be served.


(Continued from Page 1) and in the years since then he has continued to play a vital role, not only in B'nal B'rith and ADL, but also in Zionist affairs and In welfare, hospital arid youth work. "To merit characterization as a hard-headed visionary, which is a contradiction in terms, a man would have to be a highly exceptional person. Yet such a man Is Philip M. Klutznlck, who in 1953, was elected to the International ITcsidency of B'nal B'rith. Ilalph NogR, president of the Greater B'nai B'rith, appointed Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rosen cochairmen of the affair. Serving on the committee with them are: Mr. and Mrs. Max Sacks, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pollak, Mr. and Mrs. Art Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooperman, Mr. and Mrs. David Bcbcr, Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Bernstein, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Blocked Accounts Hahn, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Simon, Jerusalem (JTA) — More than Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Kaplan and 200 first payments on account of Dr. and Mrs. Abo Greenberg. blocked bank accounts of PalesHe that is perfect in knowledge tine Arab refugees now residing In Syria and Lebanon were made is with thee.—Job 36:4. during the month of September, It was nnnounced here by t h e paid out by the end of September United Nations Conciliation Com- to applicants from countries as mission for Palestine. More than for away as Australia and t h e 150,000 pounds sterling had been United States.


Nationality Group in Centennial Thirteen nationalities who participated in the building of Omaha and this area will take an active part in Omaha's Centennial, W. O. Swanson, Chairman of the Centennial Nationality G r o u p s Committee, announced. The four main events in which the Centennial N a t i o n a l i t y Groups Committee will participate are the Folk Festival of the Nations, the Pioneer Parade, the Tlicmo Center Stage, and the Historical Spectacle. The Folk Festival of the Nations will he held October 24, 1954, at the Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum. Each Nationality Group will present their own colorful dances, choral and band music, or pageantry, all in native costumes. It is an official Centennniol Ticket Book attraction. The Pioneer Parade on August 21, 1954, will be made up of all Pioneer peoples who have contributed to the development of Omaha. Business, industrial and agricultural groups will alto participate in the parade, made up of marching bands, color guards, and floats. The Theme Center Stage, the heart and focal point of the Centennial celebration, to be erected in Turner Park, during the summer months, for .the presentation of Nationality Groups. Each Nationality that has contributed to the building of Omaha will be invited to present a program consisting of music, folk dances, pageantry, drill, band concerts, and a t h l e t i c demonstrations. The Theme Center Stage Committee is under the Chairmanship of Sheriff Richard E. Collins. The H i s t o r i c Spectacle and Pageant will tell the.story of the development of Omaha and the surrounding area during the last 100 years. E d w ar d Borchers, Chairman of the Historical Spectacle Committee, said that it will be a top-flight professional show studded with name stars, but nationality groups whose ancestors helped develop this territory will take an active part. The Historic Spectacle is one of the outstandng attractions in the 'Oncc-in-aLifetime' Centennial ticket book, with $27.50 worth of entertainment for $10. What have I to do any more with idols? I have heard him, and observed him: I am like a green fir tree.—Hos. 14:8. He delighteth in mercy . . . h e will have compassion upon us; he will subdue our iniquities.—Mlc. 7:18, 19.


Formerly at 3812 Farnam

Has Moved to Its New New Address—220 S. 24th St. AND IS NOW



FORBES THEY'RE DEPENDINO ON YOU! Your contribution to (be Commnnltr Chest will hrlp Ihese children to be healthy and happy . . . will buy them food and clothlnr, and perhaps a few tors. They are the neglected, abandoned, or crippled children cared for by many Ked Feather agencies. Can you ignore them? Help now . . . 'Give T i l II Helps through your Community Chest!'

220 S. 24th St.

50th and Underwood



AT 1226

RE 5560


Music Notes 'II Trovatore1

Betrothal Is Made Known Mr. an.l Mrs- Abraham Kurtz of Denver have announced the engeficment (if their daur.htcr, Geraldinc, to Martin Faie-r, of Clilcnrco, !;on of Mrs. John Kaie-r of Omaha. The bride-elwt attended the University of Miami at C o r a l Gables, Fla» Mr. Faicr was graduated from Northwestern University in Evanston, III., and is a graduate of the School of Law of Northwestern University in Chicago. He is now associated with n law firm in Chicago and is a member of Phi Epsilon Pi fraternity, Mr. Faler and his fiancee will be in Omaha over Thanksgiving •weekend. A December wedding is being planned.

Betty Lou Stern

ORT Adopts Plans for Medical Clinics

point Tuesday, Oct. 20, as 5,000 volunteer w o r k e r s throughout Douglas a n d North-Easf Sarpy Counties pushed on to collect a goal of $1,104,202. The campaign officially opened Monday, Oct. 12, when the Employees Division entered the drive. The Business division entered Thursday; the Women's division commenced residential solicitations Monday; and the County division, composed of the eight townships in rural Douglas and North-East Sarpy Counties, held a one day campaign last Tuesday, Oct. 20. The first Chest report luncheon was held Oct. 20 at the Fontcnellc Hotel. Campaign Chairman 11. Copper Smith told the workers that "contribution reports are not coding in asn'fast as they should. We're all e°' K to have to pull a lot harder to supply the Chest agencies with the funds they need so badly." Bright note of the meeting was the report that the employees of several firms have already collected their quota of 100 per cent. All Community Cheit report luncheons are sponsored by local businesses above their regular contributions. The Red Feather campaign will continue until Oct.. 28.

New York (JTA)—Plans to support the establishment in Paris by the ORT of a tcoi-her-traininK school for girls and to finance medical clinics in OKT schools in 19 countries were adopted here at II two-day conference of the Women's American OUT. Representatives of 200 chapters of the organization in 32 states attended the lA'cctlng. The first clinics, to be established soon, will be In Israel, Germany, Morocco and Tunisia. The Paris school will open a year from now and will be patterned after the ORT school of advanced technology for men in Switzerland Only rebel which provides instructors fo- Lord, neither about 300 ORT educational proj- of the land . ects throughout the world. us: fear them

not ye against the fear ye the people . . t h e Lord is with not.—Num. 14:0.

\"TalkotManyThings" Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Harry Man of Lincoln will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary with a reception and open house Saturday,.night, Oct. 24, from 8 to 12 o'clock. Their children. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Mane Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marx, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Marx of Lincoln, and. Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg of Omaha will receive with them at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Marx in Lincoln. All relatives and friends are Invited. No Invitations will be _


; :--

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• .-: ••;.'


Mr. and Mrs. Herman' L. Welnsteln have named their third son, born Oct. 16 at Methodist Hospital, James Lee. His two older brothers are Robert Lynn and Dale Marc. Paternal grandparents arc Mr/ .and Mrs. N. Wcinslein, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fox. Paternal great-grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. A. Stoler and Mrs. S. Weinslcin. Former Omahans Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hirsch, now living in Los Angeles, have announced the birth of a son, David Bernard, born Oct. 14. They also have smother son, Irvin. Paternal grandfather is Mr. M. Hirsch of Chicago, and maternal grandmother Is Mrs. I. Dan.sky. Mrs. M. Brodkey is maternal great-grandmother.

Trips Mr. and Mr'. M K. Goldberg have returned from a vldt with their son, Pvt. I/OU Goldberc, who is an instructor in the Engineer Parts School at Ft. liclvolr, Va. Mr. mid Mrs. Goldberg also visited in Alexandria. Va., with Mr. and Mrs. James P. Batt, former Omahans.

Visitors Mrs. Albert Rlork of Los Angeles arrived this week for a visit *trith her brother and siMt-r-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Max Crounse, and family. Mr. Cr:nirire will be celebrating his 10th birthday this Sunday. Many out-of-towncrs, including Several ex-Omahans, "will be here for the liar Mltzvah next weekend at Eeth El Synagogue of Steven Riekci, son of Mr. and Mrs. ile-nry Hickes, In from Park Forest, 111., will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beber, Mr. »nd Mrs. Philip Klutznick and family and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Titch. Also visiting will be Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Chalt of Torrlngte/n, Conn.; Mrs. Lou Harrison of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ginsberg of S e s Moines; and Mr. and Mrs. David Sherman, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. David Sherman, Jr., and Miss Linda Lesuner, all of Kansas City.

Don't Forget

The- Center Orche-tra hid it first rehearsal on Wednc day, 0<t 14. The group played rl J I u nii-ela::;=i<j .'.elections. The < elicrtra plans to meet c\ery We ii' d.iy evening at I) p. in. in Hoi 3(i for the purpose, of Iil.o inp i < II.u ic together. Tin re nrc ' 'til OIIUHIII:S in oil r.erlions. Anymi interested LVH me- in the letiwtle office.

Janice Rlntle

Wedding Set The 19S3 Community C h e s t campaign passed the h a l f - w a y in February

Mr. and Mr*. Sam L, Stern announce the engagement of their daughter, Betty Lou, to Norman Ray Engman, son of Mr. and H n . Sam Engroan, of Dei Moines, la. ' MIM Stem attended the University of Colorado and was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. She 1» now a student at the University of Omaha. Mr. Engman attended W e n t w o r t h Military Academy and served in the Armed Forces. An early spring wedding-1$ being planned.


By Mrs. Ruth Relss, Center Music Director

Chest Campaign Passes Mid Point

Miss Stern Is Engaged

The first performances of'the'season'of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra will be this Monday and Tuesday nights in the Joslyn Concert Hall at 8:30 to. m. , Yebudi Mcnuhin. famed violinist, will l)« guest soloist

friday, October 23, 1953

The engagement of their daughter, Janice, to Jerry Roslnsky has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rlngle. Mr. Rosinsky is the son of Mrs. Sam Rosinsky. Miss Ringle attended the University of Omaha and the University of Nebraska where she was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tuu. Mr. Rlngle also attended the University of Nebraska where he was a member of Zcla Beta Tau and will graduate in January from the University of "Omaha as a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. The couple have set Feb. 7 as their wedding date. Hadassoh to Attempt Control of Fever in Israel New York (JTA)—The first large-scale a t t e m p t to control rheumatic fever In Israel will be nauKuratcd by the Hadas.sah Medical Organization with the return next week to Jerusalem of an American-trained Israeli phyiilcinri who :;pent 12 months in llu: United States preparing for this mision. The Israeli physician, now enroutc to Jerusalem following advanced studies at Mt. Sinai Hospital and Cornell Medical College in New York City, lit Dr. Ernst Nahum Ehrenfeld. lie was brought to this country by Jtadassah under a Magnes-Warburg Fellowship. The project will be conducted among 250 children of school and pre-schiool ag6 in Jerusalem found by Hadassah doctors to have suffered from rheumatic fever. Under Dr. Ehrenfeld's plan, Blcillin tablets, a new antibiotic drug of the penicillin family, will be given dally for long periods to the young patients. A shipment of 15,000 tables of Bicillln made available without cost to Hadassah by Wyeth International LlinIted,' Inc., a Philadelphia pharmaceutical concern, has been dispatched to Jerusalem for the project. Teachers Institute to Be Established New York (WNS—Establishment of a Teachers Institute for Women by Ycshiva University to train teachers for the Hebrew schools of the country, was announced by Dr. Samuel Bclkin, president of Yeshiva University. Dr. Pinkhoi Clmrgin, Dean of the University's Teachers Institute, who will direct the new Institution, tald the New Teachers Institute would offer three types of programs: I. A four-year course leading to a teachers' diploma; 2. A special two-year course to train klndergartncrs. This program will be offered in the newly-established Institute for Prc-School Education and will lead to a certificate: 3. A combined academic and teachers training course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Religious Education.

Here Oct. 3 I

Teen-ager:;! Clianukah in gi t ting closer, and if we uunt to pu on a Chanukah muiiii.d wt mu Btart toon. So Ret your numd n to me as Loon as po:;rible The Nursery School Music In stilute held its third weekly meet Ing on Monday, Oct. 10. The topi under discussion was "Tho Us^ of Records and Creative Music in; the Nursery School." Hallowcci was also discussed. This subjne. will be continued next week whenj1 the teachers will bring in their books, records and games to share ideas and program material with one another.

CAMPUS NEWS Zeta Beta Tau :

Calvin Marah • as Count DILuna. The Charles L. Wagner Company will present its new production of "II Trovntorc" in the Tech High Auditorium Saturday evening, Oct. 31. Opera in n grand style, the company numbers 75, including its own 20 piece symphony orchestra. The production made Its debut in Bridgeport, Conn., earlier thin month and it has been acclaimed In every clty« they have played. Militza Kosanchlch, known for her beauty as well as her voice, will play Lenora, and Calvin Marsh will be heard as Count DiLuna. Albert DICosta will portray Manrlco. His famous prison scene with Lenora has been called an outstanding example of Italian opera. Tickets are now on sale at Ho: pe I'lano Company, J512 Douglas St. All scats are rcr.crved.

The ZBT's—for the fifth time in six years—have made the Kosmcl Klub Fall Revue. Directed by Mnrv Steinberg and' Arnlc Stern, the ZBT's skit, "Plstacio," was a winner. Twenty-two organizations tried out for the show, and six were picked for the annual allmen's revue. Marshall Kushnet; and Arley Bondarin have the leads, while Len Singer has the main supporting role. Doran Jacobs, Ron Minkln, Sol Rosinsky, ArniO Stern, and Howard Vann play; the parts of five puppets, andj1 Shell Green is the sharp fraternity man. Doran and Ben ISclmont dill a ballet number, white the re* malnder of the entire houre* pari tielpatos as a elancing and ring* nj; fraternity chorus. The ZBT Intramural football earn kept its perfect record intae-l >y rumbling pa;:t the hnplesr, Norf, ris Hou.no club, :i'J-7. Ben Ilel-ji monl .(:et a new all-unive'r:;ity recil New York (JTA)—A 1954 budgord by ,nabbing ftvo touehdowilj of $2,232,1 r.3 to enable the Naasses. By winning this game? th<l UT's advance to the university ional Jewish Welfare Board to football play-offs. Mnrnhall Kuril.. rovidc religious, morale and wclre programs for Jewish men and ner threw four of the five Tilt omen in the U.S. Armed Forces, .asfies. ml to finance cervices to the or» Last weekend ZBT enlcrtainHI the Miami football 1team and all anlzation'i; 315 affiliated Jewish estimated 200 couple. : at the'ir an* Community Centers was adopted, nual Club Zebra party. Manjr >y the JWI1 executive committee its fall meeting, held at the Walparents and friends attended tt# pre-game luncheon held at thlf orf Astoria Hotel. Included in the 1054 budget Is hou;;c before Saturday's fc.ntivitieil. lie cum of $094,000 for JWB's cwish Center Division. $063,800 Eddie Cantor was walking akin); the .street with a friend of his \\t or its Armed Services Division, married man. Suddenly, a horlli .ml $390,000 for its Commission on blew and the friend jumped. Eddie ewish Chaplaincy. These, togcthasked him what was the mattct. r with JWB's Women's Orgnnlza-: The friend said, "The horn reared ion:,' Division, which has $30,030 me." "Why?" asked Eeldle. "Well," llocatcd for 1054, and its Bureau said his friend, "two weeks ago a f Personnel and Training, for truck driver ran oway with my vhlch $72,050 Is to bo set aside, wife, and uvcry time I hear a horlli re the major functional division! rough which JWb conduct! its I think he's bringing her back!" .rogrnm. |

Lyn 's for

Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on Sunday

FLOWERS For Every Occasion Say It With Ours EARL SIEGEL 2323'Dodge

JA 254E

Sunday Branch


Served Buffet Style I All You Care to Eat Noon to 3 p. m.

Center Piano Studio at the Jewish Community Center

101 No. 20th Street Under the direction of Prof. Hans BAER Modern Technique* Are Used Pupil's Recitals to Be Presented Enrollment for fall and winter season 1953-1954 has started

Call JAckson 1366 or WEbster 8681


fs*e Five


Friday, October Z3, 1853


Foreign Students to Be Honored by Monsky Women HiiiHJiinjnif Eiuin;iiMi:. is ::•,. i: i-; L'_.i in- !::L; r: ;.•.:!-:;;:: i:;;;;:-i; :i; i:::: .i::;! LU ::: L; ;,:: i ILNI 11: n IISL: rii'tn rn: u Li I liiil't! ;!ii I i ::;i[|:: [till iit:. :1Krni iirrui •*ntUHi ininmiiunu i»i i int 11 Ti 111 ii ti t i iti i iiiitnt i tt !i ti i!»11 iitii i u suit i) utttnittiQUitmitimninuunnnMiniimtmti wittuui i irmtunn i


Beth El Ladies Get Ready


Junior Hadassah .

Tuesday, Nov. 3, there will be & membership meeting "t the Jewish Community Center fit 7:30 p. m. Anita FeliiTian, cliuiimrjn uf the chapter, annouru:cd tliat tho Junior Hndnssah program set-up for the year will be revealed at this meeting. All cirls interested in Joining Hadassah have been invited to attend.

B&P Hadassah The EusirR'fis imd I'rofeK.slomtl Women of Hada.'isnh will observe United Nations Week by listening to rccordinfis of authentic volees of history from official United Nations records and partaking in konga called "Little Sonus On the UN" nt their regular meetinR Sunday, Oct. 25, at 3 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. N o r m a n Whltrnon will •peak on "We and Our Neighbor.." Mrs. Charles noss, Fund-Raising chairman, will preside in the absence of the president, Miss Evelyn Levy, who, with Miss Myrtle Freeman, is attending the Nationll Convention In Washington, D.C. Plans for the annual Card-Party •fid Country Fair will be discussed, and needs and methods for fund-raising will be outlined.

Beth Israel Sisterhood The members of the Hoard of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will meet Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 12:45 p. m. in the Synagogue's club


. Plans will be completed for the Sisterhood's forthcoming THIS IS YOUR LIFE program and dinner to be held Sunday, Nov. 15.

ZBT Mothers'-Club The Mother's Club will journey to Lincoln next Tuesday, Oct. 27, to hove lunch nt Die fraternity house.

Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club The group held Its regular meeting Saturday, Oct. 17, at the Labor Lyceum. • Tho following' officers w e r e elected: President, Sam Sussman; Dramatic Director, L. Witkin; Assistant to the Director, Milton Ncorenberg; Secretary and Publicity and Welfare committee, Mrs. Sam Novak; Treasurer and Hos-

PfoMer Women Urgo Israel Aid Washington (JTA)—A resolution urging the United States not to curtail its grant-in-aid assistance to Israel, but to continue and maintain it "as long as such assistance Is necessary," was adopte d at the notional convention of tho Pioneer Women, the women's labor Zionist organization of America. Another resolution expressed the gratification of Pioneer Women to the American Zionist Council for Its "greatly expanded field of activity" undertaken as a recult of the Jerusalem agreement of November, 1852. "We welcome," (aid the resolution, "the convoking of the American Zionist Assembly for the beginning of December and trust that it will prove to bo n milestone In tho history of American Zionism, together with all sections of the movement. It is our hope that the American Zionist Council will increasingly prove to be the instrument through which tho grout alms held in common by Zionists in America will be implemented." . The convention accepted a $2,500,000 fund-raising quota on bchnlf of its Bister organization, the Working Women's Council ot Israel, Mrs. Dcba Idclson, member of the Knesset and gencral_sccrctary of the Working Women's Council, traced the growth of the movement In Israel from its inception 32 years ago when its membership •was 500 to today's membership of 210,000 Including all women who belong to the Hlstadrut, Israel's Federation of Labor. Dr. Sara Feder, national president of Pioneer Women, presented a detailed report on the organization's nctlvlties and accomplishments in 1052-53 and projected new undertakings 'or the forthcoming two-year period. Dr. Feder was re-elected for an additional two-year term, as, national president. ' '

pitalcr, Mrs. S. H. Binder; Musical Director, Hen Miroff; Prompter, Sum Novak; Refreshment committee, Mrs. K. II. Binder and Mrs. N. Lerman; and Social Treasurer, S. 11. Hinder. Installation of the newly elected officers will be held at B p. m. Oct. 31, at the Labor Lyceum.

Fed. of Jewish Women's Clubs The first regular meeting of the Federation will be held at one o'clock Thursday, Oct. 29, at the Jewish Community Center. The board meeting is scheduled for 11:30 a. m.

Epstein-Morgan 260

B'nni B'rlth Henry M o n s k y Chapter 470, in observance of United Nations Week, will be hostess at a United Nations Party honoring the foreign students enrolled in Oinnha colleges and universities. The party will be held Sunday, Oct. 25, from 4 to 0 p. m. in the home of Mrs. George Spitzer, 5144 Franklin. The following women are serving on the committee: Mmcs. Sidney Sneidcr, Ruben Ratner, William Abrahams, Harry Friedman, Seymour Kaplan, George Spitzer, Arthur Goldstein, Sam P ollak, Stanley Shapiro, Harry Smith, Aaron Epstein, Harold Kasin, and Miss Faye Edel.

Jr. Hadassah Will M^et Region Head

Two members of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Harry Ferenbtcln, Mrs. Seymour Goldslon and Mrs. Sam Mrs. J. Milton Margolin and Mrs. Ban, the ladles shown, left to right, above, will bo responsible for Sarah Alberts, have volunteered the eating and entertainment to be had at Beth El's Silver Jubilee to help on ithe X-Ray mobile unit Carnival being held at (he Synagogue Sunday, Nov. 8, from 1 p. m. which will be at 21st and Binney Rhoda Gastman, regional chair- to 1 a. m. Mrs. Fercnstclri and Mrs. Ban are in charge of food and Nov. 4. man of Junior Hadassah, will be Mrs. Goldston of entertainment. in Omaha Saturday and Sunday, Featured will be a cake and coffee booth, headed by Mrs. Oct. 24 and 25. The board mem- Theodore Sanford and staffed by Mrs. A. V. Friedman and M i l Council of bers will entertain for her at a Ben Ferelman, and a snick booth which will sell hot docs and luncheon Saturday noon, and on hamburgers throughout the day, both of which are In addition io Jewish Women . The next meeting of the Coun- Sunday morning there will be a the regular dinner being served. cil of Jewish Women's Current brunch In her honor at 11 a. m. at Events Study Group will be a des- the 11-Worth Grill which will be sert luncheon at 1 p. m. Tuesday, open to all Junior Hadassah memOct. 27, at the home of Mrs. Ed- bers. Those who are unable to attend ward Lcvinson, 1811 N. 53rd St. Mrs. Maurice Pepper will con- the brunch have been Invited to come to the 12:30 meet which will duet the program, the second in a series of discussions on the "Out- also be held at 11-Worth Grill. look for World Peace." Group members will assist in an open Annual Convention of discussion. Mizrachl Women Opens Reservations may be made by Atlantic City (JTA)—The 28th contacting Mrs. Harold Kasin, annual national convention of the GL 4371, or Mrs. Marvin Kaplan, Mizrachl Women's Organization GL 7703. of America opened here last night, with more than 1,000 delegates Tel Aviv (JTA) — Within tho from all parts of the country atnext six to seven years, Israel's tending. Income from various mining enElia.';hev Ben-Horin, attache of terprises will reach about $50,000,- the Israel Embassy, told the dele000 annually, and this will alter gates that the current Arab-Israel the country's present financial pic- crisis stems from the lack of peace ture, Dr. Dov Joseph, Minister of In the Middle East and the Arab Development, told n meeting in refusal to discuss any sort of setKchovot. He revealed that de- tlement with Israel. "It in my posits of iron ore had been found deep conviction," Mr. Bcn-Horin In Galilee, and said that the 1054 said, "that If those ajnong our output of potash will be double Western friends who today R e nounce us with alacrity had that of this year. shown a similar concern over the prolonged rcrles of Arab aggressive actions which produced the Seated In a chair which Is among the Items to be disposed of last regrettable incident, they at Beth El's Silver Jubilee Carnival Is Mrs. Irving Freedman, and would have served the cause of standing behind her is-Mrs. Morton Frledlandcr, Merchandise chairMiddle East peace far better." men for the affair. Other Items secured by this committee include a 17-inch Emerson television set, a traveler Kodak camera complete with shoulder strap, a large size bottle of Chanel No. 5, a 26-Inch Moscow Seeks Barter bicycle, a modern hideaway bed loveseat and many types of chilTel Aviv (JTA)—Intorg, the of- dren's toys. ficial Soviet trading company, has The Carnival will be held at the Synagogue Sunday, Nov. 8, invited the Israeli citrus market- from 1 p. m. to l a . m. ing board to send a delegation to Moscow to negotiate the sale of It is not known when 4he Soviet Israeli citrus products in exchange Shmucl Eliashlv, Minister to the for Russian goods, it was an- USSR, who will leave toward tho Minister to Israel is scheduled to nounced here. Beside crude oil end of next week: Although the arrive, but it is known' that the previously offered, the Soviet com- delegation Is not yet certain Soviet legation officials who arpany Is believed to be offering whether tho citrus deal will be rived here weeks ago have been wheat and barley as barter goods fully cash or barter, it would be unable to find accommodations for for the Israeli fruit in a position to negotiate cither a legation in Tel Aviv or vicinity. The citrus delegation, it Is e x - way. Last year, the citrus board As far as is known today, the pected, will go to Moscow almost sold tho Soviet Union 500,000 cases Russians are determined to set up the legation in Tel Avta. . immediately-.- on the. heels o f of citrus fruits.

For CarnivaS Festivities

LONGER These longer, itay-at-home nighti call for more light in the home. School work, reading, lewIngjwd other home taiki place an added bur* den on the precioul eyei of young and old •like. Provide plenty of light'in your home— remember, eyesight is priceless—light Is cheap!








& Bas Mifzvah New Look for Happy Birthday Bar The Bar MiUvah of Kobert Friday, Oct. 2S Norman Fischel, Jeffrey Bruce Shapiro, son of Mr. anil Mrs. Kids' Prograrri Mayper, Louis Allen Rich, Esther Stanley Shapiro, will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue this The "Sundajn at the Center" program tor children from 6-to-13 y e a n of age ••fill have a "new look" thl* year. K i t Hike Freeman s M M . Tile program will tMaatt*&uMiay at 2 p. in. and the flr*t aemester will continue for nine week* at • fee of $7.50. Registration will be held open until late this afternoon. Parent! are requested to come in personally to register their children. The program will feature arts and crafts, dramatics, music, athletics, dance and trip-outs. The "new look" will see the children placed Into groups according to age and sex and do much of their own program planning. Parents who plan to send their children to camp next summer for the first time are especially urged to take advantage of this program. Among the staff supervising this program are Mrs, Louis Paul, Mrs. William Rein, Hiss Sue Ferer, Miss Barbara Pugh, Miss Marcla Morris. Miss Betty Ann Posfca, Ernie Saltzman, Martin Blacker. Bernard Feldman, Frank Burt. and Ben Turket.

United Synagogue Youth Form Committees The first regular meeting of United Synagogue Youth was held October 18, Sheldon Rips presided. At that meetuisjjCommlttees were established, and Therese Kahn was elected reporter. USY is also selling tickets for the Beth El Carnival, which is to be held November 8. Begular TJSY meetings will be held'every other Sunday night at 7 o'clock. The next regular meeting will be held November 1.

Teplitsky and Pamela Ziegman. Saturday, Oct. Z4 Robert Stanley Epstein, Karl Luefschitz, Hedy Hi-Iene Nathan, and Michael Rosenblatt. Sunday, O f t 25 Ronald Frank, Maureen Allyn Givant, GSU Joyce Hurwich, Sharon Kay Miller, and Deborah Kay Nisker, Estellc Schulman.

evening and tomorrow morning. In bis honor, his parents will receive members of the congregation following the services. Friends and relatives are invited to attend.

Mr. and Mrs. .Simon Green announce that their daughter, Berdine Green, will celebrate her Bas MiUvah this evening and tomorMentor, Oct. 21 row morning. In Beth El SynaArnold (Jimmle) Ban, Mark gogue. Friends and relatives are Samuel Singer, and Diane Udes. Invited to attend the ceremonies.

Tuesdar. Oct. 27 Sanders Jay Kasin. Wednesday, Oct. 21 Ellen Gail Batt, Phyllis Ann Belter, Steven Joseph Edward Gottlieb, Linda Sue Kavich, Sharon Leo Uppctt, Susan. Lynn Rips, Lee Aaron Wolfson, and Cynthia Zlegrnan. Thursday, Oct. tt Ann Inda Gomberg.

Zim-lsrael Line Appoints WHtner Helmuth L. Wittner, long a wellknown executive in the shipping and transportation field' In this country and in Europe, has been appointed head passenger agent of the reorganized passenger d e partment of the American-Israeli Shipping Co., Inc., United States and Canadian representatives of the Zim-Israel Navigation Company, Ltd. :•• The appointment coincides with the entering of the Zim Lines in the Transatlantic service; The first" departure of the S. S. Jerusalem in thus service has been set for November 13, 1953, other voyages in February, March, June, September and November.

Friday, October 21, 1MJ


The Bas Mltzvah of Beverly Sue Goldberg;, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harry Goldberg, will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue, Friday evening, Oct. 30. In her honor, her parents will receive members of the congregation following the s e r v i c e s . Friends and relatives are invited to attend. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hlcket 'announce: that their son, Stephen, wlU celebrate his -Bar Mitzvah Friday evening, Oct. 30 and Saturday morning, Oct. 31, in Beth IS Synagouge, Friends and relatives are Invited to attend. No Invitations' havo been issued.

Temple Youth Plan Institute

Youth Council Doings AZA No. 100 At the recent centurymen meetIng, the boys elected two sergeants-at-arms. They are Dob Epslcin and Murray Mayer. New committee chairmen which have been named are: religious, Al Seigal; cultural, Marv Friedman; athletic, Jerry Rosen and Al Fonnan; social, Howie Koopcr and Howard Kaslow, and community service, Pete Brodkey. The boys also plan to participate in the AZA Sabbath to be held <it Beth Israel Synagogue November 18. The annual banquet bas been postponed to December 15. Caoncllettes The Seventh Annual "Country Style'.' Barn Dance will be held at the J. C. C. Music will bo furnished by Angelos Lupos, Dance chairmen arc Ruthann Chudacoff and Eileen Epstein. Candidates for Farmer and Farmerette arc as follows: AZA No. 1, Larry Epstein; AZA No. 100, Kenny Freed; Hayim, Dick Frank; Independent boys, Dick Gllinsky; Councllettcs, Tcvcc Berntteln; Debs, Suxle Richards; TUcyas Ami, Shirley Goodman, and Independent girls, Monica Joffco. Councllcttej will also hold a meeting this Sunday at the Jay. Debks Debs The next meeting of Dcbka Debs will be held this Sunday at the home of Sandra Fcidler. A song contest among the members is now in full swing. This project Is being headed by the new Contests committee. Baylm Ruyim's cultural and religious reports have recently been on an exceedingly high level. At a meeting held last week, religious chairman, Sheldon Rips gave a talk on how the Jewish youth are important to the religion. Cultural Chairman, Gene DuBoff presented Dr. A. C. Fellinan, who dfocus.'ied the medical profession and answered questions from the group. A pledge report w;i;; abo given by Hob

Goldstein. He told how'diligently the pledges had been working, and how much they had accomplished. Each member received a copy of the Constitution, by-laws, Haylm roster, and club songs at the close of the meeting. Final preparations have been made by party chairman Jerry Marer for the Raylm football parly which is to be held October 29. The members and their dates will thrill to a Central High football game, and will then enjoy a house party. The club has arranged to play a touch football game this Sunday with AZA No. 1. Tikvaa Ami Featured at T. A.'s eleventh annual All Girl's Mixer Sunday were hair dressing tips from Aqulla's Salon Francois. A good time was enjoyed by all who attended. Socially, the club is now planning a Halloween party which will be held at Camp Brewster on October 31. AZA No. 1 At the last Mother Chapter meeting, October 18, suggestions were given for programs in the "five "fold and full," lor tho last two months of the current adminlstratlon. Mike Mogil and Tom Bromberg were appointed cochairmen for the November party. It was also announced that the National AZA Sabbath, which Mother Chapter will participate in, will be held November 13. Mike Dcncnbcrg, pledge master, announced that the 1053 had elected its officers. They arc: Tom Bromberg, president; Steve Silver, vice-president; Steve Brookstein, secretary-treasurer; George Sacks and Willard Plolkin were selected sergeanl-at-arms.

The Temple Youth Group will hold a Program Planning Institute Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of one of the members. A buffet supper will be served between sessions. A committee consisting of Joan Abrahams, president; Jerry Morer, ex-president; Sara Pepper, Projects Chairman, Susi Lipp, Program Chairman; nnd Howard Koslow has planned the institute. The sessions will deal v/ith the meaning and purpose of programFriday, Oct. 23 ITIUM A l J<5u to uu«n fool Want ming in Jewish youth croups, and Pre-Kindergartcn School—3:00 a. m., Center. m The Jcwlih ITTML the development of a program Currant rale 14 K> ceaU for Mell Tlower Arrangement Class—10:00 a. m.^Ccntcr. 'm. The I'trMM ftmrrci Uit rtgtit u limit plan for the year for the croup. Kunday, Oct. 25 me on eacti udvenl«rn>ent The officers, committee chairChildren's Program—1:30 p. m., Center. men, and member.*! of the execuB & P Hadassnh—2:00 p. m., Center. I3AK and has Mltzvah congratuB'nai B'rith Monsky Chaplcr-UN Party—4:00 p. m., Private home. tive committee will attend the lations; also for all Jewish holiinstitute, and other members are Young Adult Genera! Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center. days and special occasions. invited to- participate. Detailed Monday, Oct. 20 information regarding time and Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. Pre-Kindergarten School—9.00 a. m., Center. place for the meeting can be se"AH Aboard" was the cry heard Golden Age Club—1:00 p. m., Center. cured by calling Joan Abrahams, last Monday as the Center's Pre- CIIANAKAH Is Dec. 1. Adult Art Classes—1:00 p. m., Center. GL 1552. schoolers embarked at 9:25 a. m. PLACE your order now for his or Great Books Leader Training Court*—7:30 p. m.. Center. from the Union Pacific Station in her favarite magazine. Gift Nursery School Muiic Institute—7:30 p. m., Center. Omaha for an express trip lo cards furnished. Take advantage Omaha Symphony Orchestra—B:30 p. m.,,joslyn Museum. • Council Dluffs. of the special offers that arc In Tuesday. Oct. 27 effect this month. Tliis udventurc in interstate The following officers w e r e National Council Study Group—1:00 p. m., Private home. elected ot the last meeting of the travel was supervised by the school MHS. S. J. IIORWICII, WA 3957 Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—Beth Israel. Beth Israel Junior Youth Club: :,taff and the children's parents. Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m., Joslyn Museum. president, S t a n l e y Greenfield; Mrs. IJen Noodell, Mrs. Uernnrd Wednesday. Oct. 28 vice-president, Frank Goldberg; Kubin, and Mrs. Herbert Wintroub Pre-Kindergartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. corresponding secretary, Harriet uccomjKiniecl the group. The little Temple Sisterhood Workshop—1:00 p. m., Center. Schloff; publicity chairman and travelers met at the center and B'nai B'rith Moiuky Lodge—8:00 p. m., Center. recording secretary, M a r 1 c n o went by taxi cab to the station Thursday, Oct. 29 Friedman; treasurer, Bill Katz- where H. I'. Smith, a Union PaFlower Arrangement Class—10:00 a. m., Center. man; president of the Junior Con- cific Agent met the group of 19. Federation of Jewish Women's Club Luncheon—1:00 p. m.. Center. gregation for this month is Mar- He showed them the workings of vin Kuback; Gabai Itishon for the the railroad station and then put Temple Israel Sisterhood Workshop—1:00 p. m., Center. month is Keva Shykcn. B'nai B'rith Council Dinner—7:00 p. m., BtacksUme HotcL them aboard the MinneapoiisBridge Club—8:00 p. m., Center. The next meeting of the Junior bouiui train. Once aboard the chilRayim Football Party. dren v/ere shown through the youth club will take place on SunFriday, Oct. 10 day evening, Nov. 1. The mem- train and ventured into the bagPre-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. bers of the club will write to pen gage car. The train was one minFlower Arrangement Class—10:00 ». m., Center. pals in Israel. ute late into Council Bluffs co Saturday, Oct. 31 that the trip lasted 14 thrill Dick Walter Cclebreties—Tech High School. The Belli Israel Intermediate packet! minute:;. Youth club will meet this SaturAfter refreshments in the Bluff;*, day from 7 to 9:30 p. m. in tiie the group scurried aboard a NeTalmud Torah recreation room. braska-bound bus and began trio The club will discuss the activities long trip home. The rest of the for the season and elect officers. week in school saw the children acting out the trip in various kinds of play. They sang choo-choo songs, painted train.*;, built ttations out of clay nnd blocks and really "learned by doing." For KDOS—CARPETINO Tel Aviv (JTA)—A demand for many it was their first experience LAMP SHADES free immigration of North African on a train. A trip to a farm is beFUKNITITKE Jews into I;;racl was voiced here ing planned as a future project. at the fifth annual meeting of the Parents are encouraged to lake Cleaned In Your Home! Association of North African Im- these trips with their children and - Lnylng • Repairing migrants. The delegates also in- to* hulp the youngsters con.'ioiidale DON IIEKNSTKIN IIA MM sisted upon measures to effect im- what they experienced in their mediate union of families come of play at homo. whose members have reached Israel while the remainder arc still in Moslem North Africa. THE CHANUKAH DREIDEl The conference also diked that the government provide jobs for 1,000 immigrants from North Remember the ctmes wt ut;<J tt (Hsfi Wm & iott by ft* w>tn Africa who are out of wor): and We in America are complete winners - i wonderful covitry to live la. housing for ccvcral thousand still •II the Juiurlei c* Me wo can afford »nd »a unlimited quJftllly of t M in tents and other temporary quarchoke it /oodj. ters. The chairman of the assoOur Inendt and r d a l ' v r t in tine) are alto wlrtam - but tnly h l r t n ' t '-hit thf J«4». ciation, A':s;jf Ha.Vvin, reported on j,ot'V tfifir country l i younj inrj progressing rapid'/ but unfortunately, they luffttf measures taken by the tfroup to i h o r I j j t i - and trie moil icuto tricrlage Is (oorj. discharge immigrants from returnLet u» tpm the Orcidel 'or thtni and fnakt them cotiplcte winntrtl ing to North Africa. SCRIP 10 ISRAEL. THE FIR5T 'tW SEtCCTIOH StRVICt 0RCAH1ZATI0W PROVlOINQ Gideon Itaphael, member of the K0>H[H rOOO FOR IMC PtOPLC Of ISRMl C*n ti/pplement Ifn'r loM mpply ttarougii Israel delegation to the United Lcadcra of ifae United Jewlfh Appral (trcet former UN Serretarjr General your oeeaei) help. ./ T L , aeeond fr from right, Conference Nations who recently returned to .Tlyftrc Lie, g , al the UJA'a J rrrrnt National Krport p A Scrip to iwacl c<(I cerlldcite in J5, — $10, — $15, — $25 derwnlnit.OAt In4 M . Israel, told the delegates that in d Ohio, h where h l 1000 d i campaigns i | fa Cleveland, more llian 1,000 lleader* representing C<m your detr ones Iha H h ^ l qtiility PATlMTflCE CtAT KOSHCR fOOOS at t M v*ry, throughout tile country joined in pretexting close loJI5.000.000 in community a short time North" Africa would loxett p''c«j plui eicelltnt and coufteout tervict throO{?i Our tl/e*mlifted AnKrluA itytt iwpermtrketi tocited throuehout Israel. proceed! to help meet the Appeal*! emerrrnry need for 125,000,000 in raid become the most important source ; during the Ian four months of the year. The former UN Serreiary Ceneral of immigration for Israel. Ho exLoral Agents 1 ; rationed the UM'« program of human uplift and laid it had murh in common pressed satisfaction that on a reJewish Comraunlly with the United Natloni'. Left lo right: Joieph Holizman of Detroit. UJA cent tour of North Africa he had Vift£ Center National Caib Chairman; Morrii W. Berimleia of Syrsciue. N. Y , UJA discovered that a great number of 101 N. 20th 81. National Campaign Chairman; Edward M. M. Warburg, UJA General Chair. the Jews there spoke Hebrew. JA 1360 • u ; Mr. Lie, and William Kixermald, UJA National Campaign Chairman.

Community Calendar

Want Ads

Pre-Schoolers See Council Bluffs

Beth Israel Clubs



Immigration Asked f o r African Jews

Rug & Upholstery Cleaners

Friday, October 23, 1953

Religious News


1 Million a Month Spent on Refugees


Contributions Flow in for Needlework Guild Roll Call

Israel Immigration

Jerusalem (JTA)—A total of 11,500 immigrants arrived in Israel between October, 1952, and SepParis (WNS) — American aid tember, 1053, a Jewish Agency exceeding $1,000,000 a mouth is Unlit Camllrs: 5:14 p. m. Margolin, Harry Markel, Abe H. A lnrj'e re-spnn.-e 1o 1lic annual making possible the recovery and spokesman announced at a press rehabilitation of thousand.*; of Needle.work G_uiM Roll Call was Markovitz, Ben Martin, Nathan conference. reported by Mrs. Albert 13. New- Martin, Hie-hard Martin, Sam sick, a/~cd and handicapped JewBETH I X On current immigration probish refugees and their families rn.'in, cliriirrnan of the Jewish Meichcs. Jacob Mcndelson, Abe Service:; will begin this evening who have settled in Israel in theChnrilif-:; .Section, a project of tho Meyor, Ilymic Milder, David Mill- lems, he revealed that arrange* .•it 0:15 o'clock, Itabbl Mycr S. past five years, it was reported Federation of J'jwiih Women's er, Herman Miiowilz, Abe Mozcr, nienls were being made to fly to Kripke will deliver the sermon. here by Charles Passman, direc- Club.-;. Stuart Mueikin, Albert Namcn, Al- Israel 170 Yemenite Jews, who are Cantor Aaron**I. Edgflr and thetor of Malben, at the opening sesbert Nepomlck, Alb'-rt Ii. New-still in the desert outside Aden, as Tiie following have sent in their man, Ben Newman, Julc:; M. New- soon ns they are allowedSto enter Beth El Choir will render the mus- sion of the eight post-war confercontributions since the last issue ical portions of the service. man, Maurice Newman, Harry the British protectorate. He *5ai(i~ ence of JDC directors from Jfl the JEWISH PRESS: Mmes. Noodcll, Julius Novak, Sidney these people had celebrated the Sabbath morning, services will countries in Europe, North Africa of Edward Abrahams, Henry J. Novak, High Holidays in the desert. He begin at 1J;45. Junior Congregation and the Near East. Abrams, Kuth Ackcrman, Sam also said that the Agency plans Services, at which the MlnbhaSam Orloff, II y m a n Orueh, to resume immigration of Persian The five-day conference heard AtlsulcT, Sam Applcman, Lloyd Maariv service will bo held at Hank, Joe Bait, Abe Bear, David Maurice Pepper, Alex Plotkin, Jews, using planes during the comMr. Passman report that since 5:15 p. m. Malbcn's establishment four years Bernstein, Robert Bernstein, iBa- Wm. Poster, Abe Pradcll, Wm. Daily Mlnyan is held on each ago by JDC, more than 35,000 ISernsteln, Jerome Bleicher, Max Hocusin, Wm. Raduzincr, Max inC winter months. week day, 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sun- aged, handicapped and sick new- Blotkcy, Wm. Bopsbcrg, Herman Rickcs, Harry Rochman, Dave W. Of the Agency's colonization acday morning service is at 0 a, m. comers to Israel have benefited Bondarin, Jack Bramson, David Rosen, Philip Itoscnblat, Berthold tivities, he reported that 49 setwith breakfast served immediately directly from its extensive net- Brodkey, Frecf Brodkey M. H.R o s e n thai, Frank Rubcnstcin, tlements had been established i n following. Following breakfast, work of hospitals, sanatoria, old- Brodkey, Frank Erookstein. Jacob Morris Rudcrman, Wm. Snforstein, the October-September year, i n Rabbi Kripke will lead a study .age homes and workships. In- Brookstein, Reuben H. Brown, Harry Saltzmnn, Edward Si-hlm- cluding one in the Negev bearing period for adults an the Torah cluding dependents, Malben has Louis Canar, Jay C h e r n I a c k , mcl, Harry Schulman, Edward the name of the late Chaim Weizportion for the week, with tradi- aided in the integration of more Charles K. Cohen, Don Cohen, Shafton, Jules Shapiro, Morris M. mann, first President of Israel. tions) rabbinic commentary. The than 100,000 persons in the life F. S. Cohen, Jacob Cohen, Sam Shapiro, Julius Sherman, Sam boys of pre-Bar Milzvah and post of the Holy Land, Mr. Passman Cohen, Loyal B. Cohn, Seymour Shiff, Harry Shrago, Sam Sbyken, Conn, Snm Colicjc, David Cooper, Harry Sidman, Harold Siegel, Ben Bar Mitzvah age will: meet with said. Harry Coper-nan, Leslie Davis, D, Silver, David Sllverman, Ervin Mr. Katz for a study period in Harry DuBoff; . .'• cantillaUon and other skills. R. Simon, Lester Simon, Max ,' Morton Ehrcnreieh, Harry Ei- Simon, Nathan Simon, Morris Singer. BETH ISRAEL senstatt, Louis Epstein, Sam EpCincinnati—Preparing lot a c a Louis Siporln, Jacob Slosburgi reer Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor stein, David Estrada, Mix Folk, as a Reform rabbi, Arnold G. Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel John A. Farbcr, Dave Feblowltz, Harry A. Smith, Robert A. Smith, Kaiman of 202 S. 70th Ave., h a s Synagogue choir, will conduct late Bible and Talmud David, Feder, Jacob Feldmnn, Sidney L. Sneider, Izadore Sokol- enrolled in the Hebrew Union ColFriday evening services tonight Leon K Fellman, Bernard Fink, of, Abe Sombcrg, Morris Specter, lege-Jewish Institute of Religion, at 8 p. m. Sabbath morning servMorton Fisher, Abe Fishman, Dave Stein, Sam J. Steinberg, America's only seminary of R e Bjf OB. PHBUP 8HEB : i c e s » t Beth Israel at B;30 a, m. Stanley Flak, David C. Fogel, Joseph F. Stern, Robert Swartz, form Judaism, j and 9 S. m. at 19th and Suit. JunAbraham Forman, Oscar Fox, Sam Swartz, Samuel Swartz, J o Kaiman, a graduate of Central ior Services at 9:30 a. in. in the -• . :"• • • - . ' • ' • D. Frank, Dave W, Frank, seph Tretiak, T. A. Tully, Nathan High B i b l e . - •'••'"• A. School, studied at Yale U n i C h a p e l . • • ' - • < • •:•'•;: ••..-.-. ' '• • •' . Better a little with righteousness Maurice Frank, Joe Freeman, Veltzcr, Paul Veret Leo Waxen- versity before coming to the Col« Rabbi Groner will conduct the than great revenue with injustice. Isadore Friedman, Sam Friedman, berg, "Louis Welncr, Sam Weln- lege-Institute campus here last Saturday afternoon Talmud clan Where there is no vision the A. Frohman, Max Fromkin, Sam stein, Abo Weiss, Arthur Wcitz, year to qualify for admission. ' at 4:30 p. m. Saturday. Mlncha will people perish; but ho that kcepeth Gclfman, Arthur Gendlcr, Edward David Wine, Ben Wintroub A l Gilbert, Sam Cilinsky, Harry bert L. Wohlncr Alex Wolpa, •tart at 5 p. m. ' the law happy i s he. Goldberg, Minnie Goldcnbcrg, Richard Wright, Milton Yudelson Daily morning services begin at A fool spendeth all his spirit; Herman Goldstein, Snm Gore7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 8:30 but a wise roan stllleth it within lick, Snul Gratclz, Arthur M. and Seymour Zoob. Misses Charlotte Abrams, Rea. m. at 10th qnd Burt. Daily aft- him. : Green, Jack M. Green, Henry L. becca Bcrcovici, Jean Gendler, ernoon services at 5:15 p. tn., FriTalmud GreenberR, P e t e r GrecnbcrK, Isabclle Gerber, Sara Gilinsky, day afternoon services at S p. m. At home my name gives me my Nathan Greenfield, Gnry Gross, Grodinsky, Rose GrodinThe Sunday morning breakfast proper position; but abroad I am Morris Grossman, Abe Herman- Fannie sky, Jessie Krueger, Sylvia Parilminyan and Rabbi's class in Bible Judged by my clothes. son, Irving Hcrzog, Phil Guggen- mnn, Frances Rutstcin, Rose R. meets at 8:45 a. m. There is o spe- Our Rabbis taught—He who heim, Richard Gummcrs. Sacks, Belle Siegel, Joanne Simon clal Tails and Tcphllln Minyan for judges his associates (in questionFred Halm, Abo Hcrzbcrg, Bct- and Helen Sommer. children over 12 years of age, and able acts) with an inclination in Additional names will appear tle Hess, Jacob Hess, Louis Himfor children who accompany their their favor, will himself be Judged melstein, Morris Jacobs, Herman in next week's Jewish Press. fathers to the adult minyan. The with favor from above. Jahr, Max Joffe, Joe Kahn, 'Win. children's service starts at 8:30 Habbi Hlllcl was very poor. He JERUSALEM FAIR a. m. and breakfast is-served to labored dally earning a Tarpalk a Kaiman, Jacob Kaplan, Seymour Jerusalem (WNS)—More than Kaplan, Ben Kaslow, Frank Katz, the children after the service. day (about fifty cents), half of Maurice Katzman, J. J. Kauf- G00.O0O persons, or nearly half of which he would pay for tuition man, the population of Israel, passed Lazar Kavlch, Charles TEMPLE ISRAEL fees at the academy, while the Kimmcl, Martin Kolm, R o s e the turnstiles of the 23-day e x At the regular Sabbath Services rest was used to support Ills fam- Konckcy, Joseph Koom, Ilobert H. hibit "Conquest of the Desert," it this evening at 8 o'clock, Ilabbi ily. Once, it happened, that he did Koopcr, Myer S. Kripke, Max was announced here at the close of Sidney H. iirooks will discuss not earn anything and he was not Krizclman, Manuel Krupinsky, tho fair last week. "Martin Luther and the Jews." allowed to enter the classes. He, Reuben Kulakofsky, Fred KurtzThe exhibition was termed a The sermon will be additional his- thereupon, ascended the roof and man, Max Kurlzman, Carl Lag- success, despite the fact that it did torical commentary on the life of placed himself over an opening man, Reva Lasher, Snm Lebowltz, not attract the foreign visitors it Martin Luther as portrayed in the where he might listen to the teach- Morris Lelben, Charles S. Lleb, would have drawn had the fair not recent motion picture film. Mrs. ing of the two great scholars, M. F. Lcvenson, Edward Lincoln, been boycotted by the United Adolph Frohman will recite the Shemalah and Abtallon. This oc- Abe Lipsman, Mnurlce Lipsman, States, Great Britain and France blessing over the Sabbath lights; curred on a Friday (preceding the Max London, Philip Lubman, by way of demonstrating their opMilton Abrahams will recite the Sabbath) during a henvy snow- Jack A. Luttbeg, Harry Mala- position to Israel's transfer of its Kiddush and Alex Weinsleln and storm, and he was completely shock, Gall Margolin, J. Milton Foreign Ministry to Jerusalem. Harry Halpcrt will be called to the covered with snow. At dawn, reading of the Torah. S h o m a i a h said to Abtalion: Regular Shnbbos Morning Serv- "Brother, why it Is that every day, ices will be held Saturday morn- at this time, light is visible i n the ing at 11:30 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks acaemdy and today it is still dark? will conduct these services and Is it due to the clouds?" They Kiddush for nil present will fol- lifted their eyes and beheld the figure of a man above the window. low the services. MILDER Finding Hlllel covered with a layr cr of snow three cubits thick, they took him down, washed him, imcarcd him with oil, and placed him in a warm place. "Such a Israeli Justice Dies man deserves that even the SabJerusalem (WNS) — Professor bath should be violated for his -Slincha Assaf, member of the take," the distinguished heads of Israeli Supreme Court, died here the academy remarked. at the age of 04, at the Bikur Chollm Hospital in the presence of FEATURING THE • HOTTER FUEL bench members who Interrupted the court's session to visit an ailFLAIR-OUT SOLE ing colleague when reports reached • MORE B.T.U.'s them of the gravity of his illness. BY • CLEANER HEAT Professor Assaf was a noted Professor Julius Samuels of the Rabbinical*scholar In Russia nt • NEW—Combines the University of Nebraska Graduate the time he settled In Jerur.nlcm qualities of No. 2 and No. 3 in 1922. In 1025, the Hebrew Uni- School of Social Work is conductfuel oils plui an ADDITIVE versity appointed him lecturer and ing an adult course at the Center as part of the University. Extento Increase the HEAT VALUE later Professor of Talmudic LiterIHI MOOT S H O U / M MJM ature and History of the Gaonic sion Division. The course is e n of th» fuel and to retard titled "Skills Related to Group period. ruit formation. Work" and is cot up as a series of Continental styling from 12 workshops for people working in group work, recreation, educaMonument Dedication toe to heeL Here's long tion, and related jobs. Among its wearing elegance afoot Uninterrupted SERVICE The family of Herman Bondariu 37 students are Mrs. Ben Boaswill dedicate n gravestone in his berg, Mrs. Mervin Lcmmerman, —priced to please. A i t u r l n g automatic deliver- ] memory, this Sunday at 2 p. m. at Mrs. Leon Marx, Mrs. William lei of fuel oil throughout the Loofc; sharp—be ecothe Beth El Cemetery, 84th and Ileiss, Louis Paul and Philip Rofihealing joaton Burner serv- J L sts. Relative:: and friends are f'en. nomic, too. Add Ice 24 hours daily—Sundays I invited to attend. these to your The family of Sara Platt will MINING FUTUKE .—Holidays dedicate a gravestone in his mem- Tel Aviv (WNS)—Minister of wardrobe today. ory, thin Sunday at 2:30 p. m. nt Development Dr. Dov Joseph prethe Beth El Cemetery, 84th ami L dicted this week nt a meeting at fits. Relative*: nnd friends are in- Hchovoth that Israel will reach an vited to attend. annual income of $50,000,000 from various mining enterprises within Georjtc Jesscl explains it this the next seven years. way: "I've been very thrilled about Dr. Joseph caid ore deposits had the way they're televising the been found in Galilee and that two horcc race3 at the various tracks. Negev copper mines were estimatOtl»n Now you can cit in your own liv- ed between 300,000 nnd 400,000 ing room with the races on your tons of pure copper. At the Eamo 8.95 to 15.95 television set, figure your own time he revealed that tho potash odds, and you won't have to leave output was ("{peeled to be doubled 2 4 hour service the armchair until the man from in 1054 and that Israel was prothe finance company pulls it out ducing sufficient phosphates for its local demands. from under you." Mn't SboM—Foar-hS Floor

A. Kaiman Enters Reform Seminary


of the

Call MILDER OIL CO. JA. 2111

2 4 hour s e r v i c e





DUAL-FUEL Formula 23


Group Work Class Given at Center



Call: MILDER OIL CO. JA. 3111 1






B'nai B'rith Bowling Major Classic Pioneer Uniforms The Wardrobes Union Frelghtways K»tmin Insurance l « o « Bros. Paper I-Go Van Storage Jfrkl


14 " 13 & 12 12 9 8 8

Friday, October M. 1»SS


I JCC Sports Calendar

Youth Council Basketball Teams Line Up for Season

Sunday, Oct Sunday Oct.25 25 10:30 a. m.—Y. C. Boys Bowling League. 1:30 p. m.—Jr. Sports Air Rifle Club. 2:30 p. in.—Midget Basketball practice. Monday, Oct. 26 3:30 p. m.—Y. C. Boys Volleyball Tournament. Tuesday, Oct. Z7 3:30 p. m.—Y. C. Girls Bowling League. 4:15 p. m.—Beginners S w i m Class. Wednesday, Oct. 18 3:30 p. m.—Y. C. Boys Volleyball Tournament. 4:15 p. m.—Advanced Swim Class. Friday, Oct. JO 4:00 p.m.—Jr. Sports Bowling Program. 4:15 p.m.—Advanced Swim Class.

Jr. B. B. Bowling^ Coming through In that "Fine Katzman tplnl," Billy Katzman, a 102 average bowler, fired the high game of 181 and series of 303, making it possible for hU Team No. 2 to take the League high team series spot with an 1,102. Lcnora Falk led the girls' division with her 155 game for a 239 scries. Beverly Bloom has been choten to serve the league as secretary. Anyone wishing to be placed on the substitute list, should call Beverly at WA 7807. . Standings Team W. I* No 5 . . 4 No. 7 I No. 1 ....._ »...« 3 No. 3 _,..._....„..........»..»-> No. 2 „ „ _....„- t No. 6 „_...„,._—. 3 No. 8 ........._»..»»™ 3

T& 9 9 12 The Youth Council Basketball added Uernie Turkel to their rosIS League will have its most com- ter. A strong rebounder, Turkel 13 petitive season this year as four gives them aggressiveness which A teams battle it out for top honors. The defending champs are should provide the offensive spark Minor Classic AZA 100, Rayim, Independents this season. _ • W. L and AZA 1. AZA 1 will make a strong bid Wayne Auto Paiijt 18 5 This will be a touch year for to win the Y. C. league this seaH & Z Vending 12W 8<A the Centurymcn, as graduation son. Returning vets Include highBest Appliance 12H 8% losses have hit them hard. Only scoring Stan Widman, Larry Cliquot Club 12 8 returning veterans are Ken Fried, Schwartz, Larry Epstein, and up Venger & Sons ..... 9^4 11% Harold Friedman, and Ray Kirke. from the B team and much im•mlth Pontiac .'. _. 8 4 12V4 Fried and Friedman arc juniors proved is Jerry Simon, Marsh and Paramount M k t . . 7 14 while Kirke is a sophomore. Oth- Mike Dencnbcrg. Forbes Bakery 5 16 er hopefuls to bolster the "100" A close race Is predicted in the squad will be drawn from last league this season and the caliber PARKWAY B year's Midget All-Stars. They in- of play is improved contrasting NO. 10 ...,.,MMM.tri...H*M,,MM« A Team W. t . clude H o w a r d Kaslow, Jerry the previous two seasons. Several No. 9 „'..„ ...«....»™..--~ t Wolfson-Gerber HH 6H Rosen, Howie Kooper, Bob Ep- other factors that enter in arc , 4 H.,.,*.M.,..M.>M*.,..,.*m' I Rosen-Novak 12 9 stein and Allan Forman. A lack Rayim has acquired the services Hlfh Ounes and SerlM Richman-Gordman 12 9 of height and experience will han- of Al Corey from Westchestcr, Game* U r i e l Riteway TV Service 12 4 dicap the Centurymen this season. N. Y , and AZA hopes to have the A class featuring the different Billy Katzman 181-132—303 , Last year's runner up Rayim services of Chub Passer and Bob National Tire & Supply 12 4 modern dances will be offered at Jack Lieb 138-139—987 dould win the league this year if Bromberg, who may play for the Jewish Community Center at Ranks Army Goods 12 4 their improving sophomores con- Abraham Lincoln team in Council a future date. The class will be Bernie Grossman .... 148-133-^-380. Frucka Transp 11 10 Wintroub 140-138—278 tinue to support veterans Hay Bluffs, Playland Park . 1 1 10 open to girls in the 0, 7 and 8th David 161-109—270 Phllco-Brandels ™ 8% 12V4 Somber* Dick Frank/and Mike and will be held on Wed- Hcrble Kaimun This looks like a banner year In grades, Solzman. They are Doug Cohn, Stuart KuUcr 153-11S—266 Sol Lewis Co. ..—. 8 13 nesdays and Thursdays at 4:15Steve Rosenblatt, Jamie Shapiro basketball. Pre-Scason play starts 5:15 p. m. Instruction will be Mike Plait 130-130—330 Liberty Gas Ic Oil........ 7 14 and John Goldner. Somberg as a Tuesday, Nov. 3, with Rayim A given in interpretive, square and Lcnora Falk 153- 84—239 Bonhelm Jewelry , 8 IS junior was selected on the All- meeting AZA 100 A and Inde- folk dances. The instructor is Mike Canar 123-111—237 High Game* and Series Youth Council team last year and pendents taking on AZA 1A. Miss Ruth Longvllle, a senior at Maureen Zevltz........ 133-102—235 ' ' S. Mayper, 146-171-168—(85; J should have his finest season and the University of Omnha, who has Nancy Lewis „... 14182— 233 Sehreiber, 145-158-188—487; L. Raylm's chances of winning will had previous experience w i t h Marc Samuelson 131-102—233, Jess, 17L174-156—501; I. Freld- depend on the support Somberg croups in modern dance. All girls Tom Platt 130-100—330 raan, 170-151-163—484; J. Kirsb- Bets from his teammates. interested are nsked to contact Florence Shrago 110-108^-218 enbaum, 165, 5-7-9 split; D. WiseLlndy Paul at the center as the Muriel Rosenblatt.... 113-104—217 man, 171; B. Richards, 108; L. class will only accommodate 10 The Independent team has the John Riekc« 121- »1—212 Diamond, 182; W. Wolfson, 180; most strength; in players returnor 15 Rirls, and is offered on two 118- 92—210 About 130 fathers and sons at- days in order to accommodate Ann Blumbcrg Y. Ginsberg, 170, and S. Herzbff, Ing from last year. That includes Jerry Sherman 12183—204 tended the Midget Basketball SUE those that have Hebrew school on 169. Harlan Rosen, 61 8" center who held last Sunday at the Jewish one of those days. is in line to win scoring honors; Community auditorium. In Speedy Zwelback, an All-star se- starting theirCenter KEIXEY'S «B" D1V. third scacon of play, W. L. lection; Tom Bernstein, Len Gacr the boys arc anxiously awaiting Louis Market ..... 14 7 and Bob Kully. If these lads play the first practice session this SunW. H. A. Wolf Insurance ..'._.., 13 8 consistent basketball and Rosen day at the JAY gynasium at 2:30 13 Omaha Jobbing Bennett Furniture 12 9 finds the shooting range, the Una- p. m. The starting time for pracMystic Beauty ....... .... 12 So. Omaha Sun 11 10 filliatcs could walk away with the tice has been set up a half an hour Colony Club „.... 12 crown. The Independent lads have in order to accommodate the hoys Watson Bros. Van Lines .... 10 The Junior Si»rts Air Rifle Philips Store „ .... 12 Simons Jewelry 10 11 who are iKtwling hi the Junior class held its first practice firing Shukcrt's .... 12 „ Robinson Iron & Metal 9 12 B'nai B'rith league. session at the Jewish Community National Tire 12 Magi-Color Paint 12 Sam Ban, chairman of the Midg- Center last Sunday. Under the su- Country Club (Brandeis) 9 12 pervision of Maynard Tatleman, Angies Beauty ......... 12 et Basketball committee toid tho Slosburg Realty 9 12 10 11 boys and their dads the importance a certified instructor of the Na- 1-Worth Grill • National League Mid-Plains Insurance 7 14 11 10 of sports and the benefits derived tional Rifle Association, the boys .yn's W. L. HH High scores for the evening: H from participation in athletic;. The were taught the fundamentals of Cish Furs 12 , ' T. S. Slosburg Realty, 2,010; H. AZA No. 100 Centurymcn.... 8 1 dads were also urged to help their expert shootinj;. There were two lamilton Pharm. ,.'..1 9 7 z2 bullscyes reported in last week's 9 & S Shoes 12 T. G., Slosburg Realty, 75C; H. I Rayim S. a Fs sons and attend the Sunday names. AZA No. 1 Clams 6 3 session. They were made by Jerry Wolf Brothers 12 H S., Bob Passer, 470, and II. I. G., AZA No. 1 Boosters 0 3 Athletic director Cindy Paul out- Cipinko. and Marvin Ruback. The Douglas Jewelry 8 13 Alex Frank, 105. Rayim "H" 4 5 lined the plans [or the coming sea- boys are in the process of forming Imlth Pontiac 8 1 5 son. All boys in tho 5, 6, 7 and 8th Bennett Furniture won three to AZA No. 1 Bluffers 4 5 an Air Rifle Club and hope to readvance to third spot with Max Independents MB 4 5 grades are eligible to play. They ceive a charter and membership Sacks rolling a nice 456 scries. Irv Rayim Screwbowls , 3 6 s h o u l d bring gym shoos, cym cards from the National Rlflery SabeS of Robinson Iron & Metal AZA No. 1 No Names 2 7 trunks, T shirts, sweat socks and Association. Club members are looked good even in defeat, losing Rayim SOS ...... 1 8 a towel. Every boy should have a Jeffrey Simmons, Mike Simmons, w. h. all three to Bennett Furniture, Last week's highs: Art Schwartz Junior membership. Payment of Widman, Bill Kutler, McU 4 t with a 462 series. K. Hirschingcr 179-471, WUlard Plotkin 197-457, $6 can be made Sunday at the Marshall Paul Kutler, Karl Leffscheutz, Millie Wine „ , 3 8" Upheld the laurels of Mid Plains Howie Kooper 170-455, John Gold- center main dcsl:. Jerry Cipinko, Ralph Groaner. Team No. 7 ,™ 3 3 Insurance with a 191 and a 451 tier 184-454, and Jack Baker, 212Sport films were also shown Justin Mulnlck, Stuart Hurwitz, Nogg Bros. 3 3 aeries even though they lost three and a short talk was given by Jim Krasne, Marvin Ruback, John Smith Pontiac minimum requirements for three - 3 3 Jerry Rosen, who played In the Spltzcr and Howard Hahn. This Team No. 8 , m e m b e r s of the original team 3 3 American League league last year. He told the boys class meets every Sunday after- RCA Victor present to prevent a forfeit. This ™_..»»..J 8 W. how much Midget basketball noon at 1:30 p. in. at the Jay. Will come as a complete surprise nd. Eata-Bita-Cong Brandels Easy Washer .„—. 3 4 9 helped him in acquiring an Into Magi-Color Paint to learn that Rayim Mesi Sew Grezi ...... 7 Hlfh Series . terest and improving his skills in they won three due to Mid Plain's Rayim "K" ..................... ,» Rose Garrop, 461; Liberty Faier, the game. Jerry is a member o[ Nancy Richards Tops failure to produce three original AZA No. 1 Zorches „.„....... 4 432; Dora Welnberg, 423 and Ruth AZA 100 A team. team members. Capt. Bill Fried, Rayim "X's" ,.„. .,..„._...... 4 Jr. Sports Bowlers Sakolof, 418. Refreshments were served. H. A. Wolf, continues consistently AZA No. 100 "A" ;*_..„.... 4 SpUia With a 454 series. Slosburg Realty AZA No. 1 Gutter Goons... 3 Nancy Richards, a 7th grader Lucille Epstein, 3-7. continues on the move, rolling high AZA No. 100 Gutter Gangs.. 3 in her second year, has improved team series of tlic evening, 2,010 AZA N o . 1 We Goofed ....... 3 her bowling to ioll a high game with Bob Passer pacing the eve-- Rayim M-Jabs ............:„.....;. 3 of 124. This was tops for the American Books ning scoring on his team with a week in the Jr. Sports Bowling Last week's highs: Fred Simon w. 470 series which was also high for 94-505, Tom Bernstein 182-487, Debs Nebs program. Next week the 60 young...: 6 Washington (JTA) — American the evening. Congrats to Alex Jerry Ziegman 164-478, Harlan Gutter Gals sters will be placed on teams and ..... 5 Frank, Simon Jewelry, for his high Rosen 177-464, Bob Kully 103-452, Starlets the league will be officially un- Moks nnd- magazines, sent to 5 Israel u n d e r tha International fame for the evening with a 105 and Bob Epstein 167-450. derway. Larry tJilinsky has the Three Strikes and a Spare 5 highest game of the season so far Media Guaranty Program, havo La Fa Ma Ri 3 with a nifty 142. The youngsters caused Communist publications to Mileroma ,. '.3 who bowled 100 or moro last week DO forced out of the Israel market, A Division Lucky Strikes .... „....._... 3 ore: Nancy Richards—124, Mike it was reported here this week by Lncky Losers 3 The Crorstown TV team estabi Platt—118. Clark Swartz — 117, Theodore C. Slrclbejrt, director of Slick Chicks „ 3 lished a new high team game of Dale K.'isin—111), John Rickes— the new U.S. Information Agency. Alley Cats 3" 928 and also stopped the fourteen109. Phil Gorelick—101, and Susan "In Israel, previous to the Scoreless Fourlesa * ;-.... 2 game winning stroak of the NeBaron—100. 1 vicdia Guaranty Program in Scpbraska Furniture Mart by letting The JAY gymnasium is a brc- Lane Lassies All Strikes 0 cmber, 11)52, virtually no U. S. The two f!ame highest average ivp of activity after school as the them take only the middle game Belles 0 belongs to Mike Platt with an jooks or periodicals were availLeague leading Burkhard-Gerelick outh Council Boys are engaged Howling Hleh S Averages ible In the bookstores or on ncwaverage of 120. moved into undisputed first place n a double elimination volleyball Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs tamls, reading material of Russian by slmtini; out Morris Paint and .ournamrnt. A total of 13 team.1 Barbara Joffe, Starlets >rii;in war, on .vile throughout the putting them a little deeper into Mitercd the tourney which has Toby Okrent, Starlets Tito Offers Granite ountry," the report said. It noted the cellar. Sam Diamond missed een 7 of them already knocked Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Ri .... Paris (PTA)—Marshal Tito of that "during the past 12 months high Individual scries by four pins mt due to double defeats. Rayim Tevec Bernstein, Yugoslavia has offered to supply American publishers havo conWith a 211-202—082. Jack Safcr- las the only squads which arc un- Three Striks nnd a Kparc..;... granite free of charge for the con- tracted with Israel firms for books stein's 507. Bud Wolf 532, Phil jeaten. Another Itayim squad, A. IIi(h 5 Games struction of tht; Tomb of the Un- ind periodicals totalling over Sokolof. 525, Max Rosenblatt 513 5. A. 1A and A. Z. A. 100 have Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs 150, known Jewish Martyr in Paris, it S3,000,000, Recent reporLi from «nd Phil SUnv/ 501, were the other >een beaten once and are still in DJa,ne Fellman, Sub he running. Finals will be played wa.i announced here. The Yugo- Israel state that Communist pub- ' rjotabl.' scores bowled. Toby Okrent, Starlets his week. slav leader has also agreed to be- llcations have been forced out of Elaine Krantz, come a patron of the world me- :he market since many book shops All B'nai B'rith' bowlers are Three Strikes and a Spare ... morial to the 0,000,000 Jews an- n Tel Aviv or Jerusalem arc as urged to donate blood to the Red High S Series nihilated by the Nazis. well stocked with American books Cross Hank October 28, the B'nai Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs 329 Isaac Schnoersohn, president of a-s the average Ijookstore In AmorB'rith Blood Day. Any man who Women's Swim Class Elaine Krantz, the world committee for the erec- ica. did not pledge at the alleys can Three Strikes and a Spare .... tion of the memorial, rveealtd that The J, C. C. announces a (till sivc blood by presenting him"Apart from the pocket editions a representative of the committee swim clans for women Monday, Laurie Oruch, La Ka Ma Ri .... »elf at the Blood Bank. has been sent to Yugoslavia to which have been very popular in Wednesday and Friday from 10 Toby Okrent, Starlets Pat Mogil, Alley Cats choose the stone and arrange for Israel," the report said, "the c m a. m. to 12 noon. Mary Volcek Turn ye again now every one Its transportation here. He esti- >hasis has been on serious works— will instruct the class Monday from his evil way . . . and dwell Danny Kayc mentions a certain mated the value of the granite at ihilosophy, politics, economics and nnd Friday, while Wednesday in the land that the Lord hath Hollywood comic who told the $18,000 and said the contribution classical literature as well as medwill be a free swim period. For given unto you.—Jerfl. 25:5. further Information, call the same jokes three nights runninji would be of great assistance. Con- icine, law and engineering. There : . , he wouldn't dare tell them struction uf the memorial U e x - is alfo a large demand for Amercenter at JA 1366. standing still. can books for'children.'* Patronize Our Advertisers. pected to begin soon.

Dance Class for Grade Schoolers

Dads and Sons at Midget Stag

Air Rifle Class Sights on Bullseye

BB Ladies Bowling

Y. C. Bowling

Hadassah Bowling

l 3 7 .










Y.C. Girls Bowling

Rayim Leads in YC Volleyball

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