October 30, 1953

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Vol. X X X I I .•...»>......

No. 8 «. u

EnltrM u Stcnd-Cliiu Mntler «l F<»t„,„,.,, Om»h», Nelirukl. under Act of 18JU.


Reconsideration of Action Against Israel Asked by Z O A New York (JTA)—Sharp criticism of the State Department's ac. tion In withholding financial aid from Israel was voiced In a resolution adopted at an extraordinary session of the Administrative Council of the Zionist Organization of America uttended by more than 500 Zionist lenders from'all parts of the country. The resolution reads: • "We are shocked by tin; action of our Department of State in Cutting off the economic aid to Israel which had been voted after Careful deliberations by the Congross of the United Statra. This unprecedented action against a friendly notion was totally unwarranted. We cannot accept the reasons advanced therefor by trio Secretary ot Stale. "The dispute over Jordan Itlvcr development is yet to be discussed and adjudicated by the United Nations. Prejudging the outcome In this manner is contrary to the American spirit of fair play. Moreover, as American citizens, Wo deplore the uso of economic pressure to coerce Israel into accepting the State Department's views prior to a United Nations

Plan Blueprinted for Middle East New York (JTA)—A group of prominent American Christians proposed a $800,000,000 United Nations program for refugee resettlement and economic development in the Near East as an inducement to the Arab states and Israel to reach a peace agreement. The blueprint was sent to the Secretary General of the United Nations, the president of the Genera] Assembly, and to 00 UN delegations. Among the signers of the pro-, posal were Summer Welles, former U . S . Undersecretary of State; Paul Porter, former head of the O. P. A. and one-time U. S. representative on the UN Palestine Conciliation Commission; Earl G. Harrison, ox-Commlssloncr of Immigration and Naturalization, and James G. Patton, president of the National Farmers Union. The blueprint calls for the investment of $500,000,000 in the development in the Arab-Israel i m of natural and human resources over a period of six years. Tho Arab states, owing to their oil income, would bo requested to help pay for this phase of tho program. The amount of $300,000,000 would be devoted to the resettlemontof the Arab refugees. Icrael would bo requested to contribute toward this sum.

On Radio and TV The first telecast In a series four programs portraying various phases of Jewish faith and culture will be presented Sunday, from 12:30-1:30 p. m., over WOW-TV, as part of the National Broadcasting Company's public Eervico religious series, "Frontiers of Faith," it was announced by The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, under whose auspices this program is produced. Tho forthcoming telecast, " B e t w e e n Two Eternities,'' written for television by Peabody award winner Morton Wishengrad, will dramatize highlights from the life of tho late Solomon Schlcehtcr, renowned scholar and first President of the Seminary. Tho 'story of his life as a young scholar at Cambridge, and of his exciting discovery of the priceless, ancient Gcnizah manuscripts burled in tho Cairo Synagogue forcefully illustrates his contributions to Judaism. "Message of Israel", will bo broadcasted over KO1L Radio this Sunday from 11:05 to 11:30 a. m. Hnbbl David S. Jacobson of Temple Beth El, San Antonio, Texas, will speak on "Light Their Life With Faith."-

decision. This Is In direct violation of frequently-stated American policy toward friendly nations. !'We call ui>on our government to reconsider and to reverse Its hasty and unfair action in withholding the economic assistance which Israel needs and which is also essential for maintaining the larger American objective of Near East stability and democratic progress. We are confident that when all the facts are known our position will be supported by American public opinion." Dr. Kmanuel Neumann, nicmlKT cf the Jewish Agency executive, addressing the session, said that it i.s appalling that our State Departmrnt should have1 blundered so badly in handling' the ArabIsrael situation. He called upon all friends of Israel and all men of Koorl will "to rescue the fabric of America-Israel friendship from malevolent hands intent upon tearing it to shreds."

Sen. Wiley Asserts U. S. Friendship Washington (JTA)—The belief that the clouds hovering over American-Israel relations will pass away was expressed here Sunday by Sen. Alexander Wiley, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, In an address Ijcfore 4,000 delegates to the Hadassah convention here. Sen. Wiley said that the friendship between Israel and the United Stales "Is too deep, too warm— to permit it to be harmed." He asked for patience and understanding. At the same time, he emr.hnr.lzed that Congressional leadership "will not presume to usurp the prerogatives of the Executive Branch" and pointed out that members of the Congress "arc not in the business of day-to-day formulating and Implementing of foreign policy." This, he said, is the province of the State Department. D e c l a r i n g that "extremism breeds extremism" and "raids breed reprisal," the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said that In place of conditions necessary for an ArabIsrael peace, there were "the choking economic blockade, the closing of the Suez Canal to Israeli com^ mcrce, the barbed wire tension, and the host of other artifical conditions which have bred the present crisis." It was the world which suffered as well as Israel and her neighbors from Arab-Israel border war, he stated, adding that the Communist»may exploit the situation to "play their devilish mischief."

Global Report V. S. AID Chicago (WNS)—A resolution deploring the decision of our government to withhold an approved grant-ln-aid to Israel on the ground that Israel had resisted an order of the U. N. truce supervision body was adopted here by the American Jewish Committee at its two-day executive committee session here. The resolution stated among other things, that tho effect of our government's action was to prejudge the Issue without hearing and that "the situation thus created transcends the issue of the propriety of the Israeli conduct," JUDAISM Moscow (WNS)—Judaism, as defined in the latest volume of Uussla'3 Standard Encyclopedia, is ulilized by tho "ruling and exploiting classes as a weapon of spiritual oppression of the tollers." The Communist evaluation said of Judaism that "as ever, it plays a reactionary role and is being used by tho Jewish bourgeoisie of capitalist countries and by international imperialism as a means of, the spiritual enslavement of the Jewish toiling masses."

Give Till It Helps

Friday, 101 N. 2UUj, Slagl* Copy 10 CcnU braik*. t'bone AT Ubo Annu»l K*U 4 "

Expanding Economy Is Planned by Israel Jerusalem (JTA)—A wide range of military, political and economic problems were brought to the attention of the approximately 150 Jewish leaders from various countries abroad who assembled here for a five-day conference to map plan* for incrcuBcd economic aid to Israel. A 300-page plan calling for the development and expansion of Israel's agriculture, industry, communications and housing over the next seven yean WUH presented to the conference. Jt visualizes the population of Israel reaching 2,000,000 Jews.by 1960 and proposes reducing ' the foreign exchange gap by in creasing exports and decreasing

Restitution Court In Berlin Starts

THEY'RE DEPENDING ON YOU! Your contribution to the Community Chest will help these children to be healthy and happy . . . will buy them food and clothing, and perhaps a few toys. They are the neglected, abandoned, or crippled children cared for by many Red Feather agencies. Can you ignore them? Help now . . . Give 'Til It Helps through your Community Chest!

Chesf Campaign Extended t o Tues. The Community Chest campaign in the Omaha nrca has been extended to Tuesday, Nov. 3, M. Cooper Smith, campaign chairman announced at the third Chest report luncheon held Monday at the Fontenelle Hotel. The drive has been extended, Mr. Smith stated, so that solicitations can be completed and reports turned In. At this point, tho drive had reached $870,507, about 74 per cent of the campaign goal, it was announced. The hew monarchs of Ak-SarBen, King Clarence Landcn and Queen Nancy Mlllard, were guests of honor. Tho next report meeting is scheduled for this coming Tuesday at tho Blackstone Hotel.

Call to All Women If you have not already sent in your contribution to the Needlework Guild, please do so now. Additional names of contributors appears on page 7.

Berlin (JTA)—The n o y Supreme Restitution Court ot West Berlin officially began its work Wednesday on an initial group ot 450 cases Involving claims by victims of Uie Nazis—mostly Jews now living abroad—for the return of real estate, businesses and personal property. The court 1* composed of one judge each from the three Western occupying powers, three German judges and one "neutral" presiding Justice from Sweden. Since the West Berlin restitution statute went into effect, some 127,000 claims have been filed, 55,000 of them by the Jewish Restitution Successor Organization on behalf ot the Jewish community in cases involving Jews who died helrless. Roughly half of the Individual' claims have been disposed of by the Berlin municipality and about 12 percent of the JRSO's claims have been settled. Property compensated for thus far amounted to about $40,000,000. . Many of the cases which are now before the court—on appeal from the dccisldns of the West Berlin courts—hinge on the fact that the Soviet authorities have not participated in the restitution program and property lost in the Eastern zone or in East Berlin cannot be recovered through West Berlin. In some instances bank accounts were confiscated from banks which now have branches in the Western zone and their main offices In the Soviet sector, a factor which led thd West Berlin lower courts to rule against the claimants. •PREMATURE Jerusalem (JTA)—All speculation concerning Premier Ben Gurlon's taking a lengthy leave of absence or retiring is "premature," well informed sources said here this .week. These sources pointed out that in tho present tense political situation Mr, Ben; Gurlon would not leave the Cabinet

U. S. Bankers to Serve as Advisers of Jewish Agency Money Policy New York (JTA)—Four leading New York banks have accepted an invitation from the Jewish Agency to send senior officials to Israel to evaluate the Agency's activities and advise on the formulation of Its financial policy, it was announced hero. Georfic T. Newell, vice-president of the'Manufacturers Trust Company, and Harold W. Kasmussen, vice-president of the Marine Midland Trust Company, members of the group, left Monday aboard the S. S. Nieuw Amsterdam accompanied by Gottlieb Hammer, executive director of the Jewish Agency, In Rome they will be joined by II. Harold Whitman, vicepresident of the National City Bank nnd Max E. Gevcrs, assistant vice-president of the Bankers Trust Company. The group will arrive in Israel by air on November 4. Mr. Hammer made the following statement Just before the group's departure: "The four banks that have accepted our invitation to send senior officers' on a tour of Israel have worked In close cooperation with the Jewish Agency. In the course of tho past eight years, these banks have extended to the

Jewish Agency loans and credits in the aggregate amount of many tens of millions of dollars which helped the great humanitarian effort ot resettling in Israel some 760,000 refugees from persecution and In developing the Agency's extensive colonization and construction program in that country, "Formulation ot the Jewish Agency's plans for its Immediate and long-term programs requires the best financial counsel and guidance we can obtain. We arc most grateful, therefore, to the Manufacturers Trust Company, the National City Bank, the Marino Midland Trust Company and the Bankers Trust Company for assisting us in reviewing our work in Israel, evaluating the scope of our program for the immediate future, and advising us in formulating a financial policy for the Jewish Af'ency in 19M. "Our group will spend three weeks in Israel, vi ating the v.u Icus undertakings of the Jewish Agency and tourning the country. "We have a heavy 'cheduli1 on our hands. We are hopeful that the recommendations of this group of financial experts on completion of this tour will contiibutc gicatly towards our efforts."

imports. Mr. Ben Gurlon reviewed the historic partnership between world Jewry and the Jewish community of Israel, pointing out that this partnership had enabled the Infant state to expel six invading Arab armies against whom no nation in the world had demanded the imposition of sanctions for aggression and who then and since have broken • United Nations decisions and agreements with impunity. . Commenting on the transfer of Israel's capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the Premier pointed out that when the Jews took over the city It was a shell battered "by Moslem soldiers and British officers who consider this the holiest city in the world." It is "unimaginable" and "sheer nonsense" that Israel's capital should not be in Jerusalem, he added. World Forces Mr. Ben Gurlon also told his listeners that "there arc world forces which cannot bo reconciled with Jewish independence and with national equality for the Jewish people." He continued: "The world does not accept us as we are, as equals to equals. Things which arc natural and elementary with other peoples arc not linked or not understood among Jews." Reviewing the task of bringing in and absorbing the Immigrants to Israel, the Premier detailed the d i f f i c u l t i e s facing the state throughout its short life, but stressed that while the Israelis knew the dangers of mass immigration, "we also knew our responsibility to our people and to history. We knew in what danger Yemen, Iraqi, Lebanese and Egyptian Jews were." He added that efforts must still be made to bring the Jews out of Libya and Morocco and out of the East European countries to Israel. Future Task* Turning to the future tasks of the Jewish State, he maintained that "we must 'Use all our energy and science" to "enrich and develop this country which the Arabs did not cultivate because they did not consider it theirs, and to convert it to a country flowing with milk and honey. For this we must have power and water," he stressed, "for this goal we drained the Hulch swamp and began the Jordan works, but (UN truce chief) General Bennike says it will give the Jews a military advantage. "We are not looking for any military advantage," the Premier stated. "We look for'peace, we want peace, we love peace, which Is one of the basic elements of the restored Israel."

Sociologist at Institute Dr. Philip M. Hauser, eminent sociologist, who Teccntly returned from a fifteen-month visit in Southeast Asia, will lecture at tho University of Omaha this coming Wednesday at 0:15 p. m. Dr. H.'iuser will speak on "World.Population iu War and Peace." This will be the fourth program of the. Eighth Annual Institute on World Affairs held al the university. The theme for this year's institute is "Problems nnd Problem Areas." On his trip through Southeast Asia, Dr. Hauser spent some time in Burma. During the trip, he served us statistical expert for the UN Technical Assistance Program.

r Pan Two


friday, October 30, 19SS

Our UN Newsletter

Israel-Arab Conf llc+ at UN

PuHUhed Every Friday by the Omaha Jewish FederstlM

• a u t M • • Mconil-clui mutter at Omitim, Nibnikm, undu tta act of Manft a, IIA u a u u HutacrtiAloo. t< uo. AcWtrUBlni Hata oo Applleauoa. Baton*! O m c _ l m No. iouj um.l. OmiU, NeOr., ATluUc l i t * . Frun aao» AddTcu—itud bo. Jim s u m


By Arthur Lewis

_Edito? .Society Edited

United Nations (JTA)—It was the Americans who inlUated the Palestine debate in the Security Council, Uie British and French tagging along for moral support. They did so because of. the "increasing concern at the mounting tension along tho frontier between Israel and the neighboring Arab States," and, it must be said Uiat, at least, they did not prejudice the issue by confining the debato to Uie Klbya incident, a» Uie Arabs wanted to do.

Strange Role There is no condoning the reecnt tragic raid by Israeli •villagers on the Jurelunian town of Kibya, but the alacrity and ire with which our .Secretary of State dragged the infant state c l Isrucl before the knees of the United Nations reflected not so much moral indignation as a calculated policy whoso emergence would only liavo be*n delayed if the Kibya incident did not occur. There lias lung been suspicion with regard to .the political climate in Washington as it applies to Israel. That climate, it now appears, has long been polluted. Mr. IJnlles does not even claim feigned objectivity. His true motive was perhaps nneonfceionsty given away when, in reply to a query whether Israel had .been notified of the decision to withhold aid, he cynically remarked thnt Israel must feel the effect of the decision. Gentlemen don't speak that way and certainly not diplomats. The only explanation for this horrendous example of laek of statesmanship rests perhaps in the all too evident fact that Mr. Dalles seems to have derived personal delight from bis harrassmenta of Israel in recent months. It was he who in recent months revived the virtually dead Jerusalem issue. It was he who would not let us officially participate in the recent Jerusalem fair which was in faet a private enterprise. It was he who so readily lent himself to the whimperings and complains of the Arabs in recent month* while remaining adamant to Israel's complaints of Arab, aggression^infiltration and. violations of border. And now Mr. Dulles had arrogantly assumed the un-American role of being both prosecutor, judge and executioner, He has resorted to sanctions against Israel before the Security Council even had the opportunity to weigh the equities and the facts. He seemingly relishes tho Great Crusader role now that he has so miserably failed in his other role. The effect of Dulles' tactics has only been to intensify the Israel-Arab tension when it was the plain duty of the State Department to ease the strains and to promote conditions for a peaceful settlement.

Between You And Me By Boris SroeUr (Copjrltbt, 195J, Jewish Telegraphic Aceaey, Inc.) V. 1*. SENTIMENTS: There is a feeling of embarrassment in United Nations circles over the fact that the Stale Department is withholding American financial aid from Israel . . . Secretary of State John Foster Dulles' action is Interpreted by some delegates as a step toward undermining the prestige and authority of the United Nations, and it is therefore improper for the State Department to impose "sanctions" against any country unless the United Nations as a whole decides on it . . . Especially since the American sanctions against Israel were taken Under the pretext that the Jewish State is allegedly defying the order of the IT". N. truce supervisor in Palestine to halt work on the -hydroelectric project near the Syrian frontier . . . By ruslilng Into such sanctions, Secretary Dulles not only prejudiced the Israel case even before the U. N had a chance to discuss it, but also has unmistakenly indicated that the U. S. does not care to consult the U n i t e d Nations when she wants to use the big stick to teach a nation a lesson . . . This is a very senritive matter for the delegations Of smaller nations at the U. N., who resent being used merely ns rubber stamps to approve actions taken by the Big Powers . . . Secretary Dulles' move against Israel is considered in U. N. circles a ' poor showing of statesmanship since it is quite obvious that he will have to lift the ban within a * few weeks when the U. N. Security Council reaches a decision on the Syrian complaint against Israel's hydroelectric project. WASHINGTON M O O D S : No1 everybody in Washington agrees With Secretary Dulles' drastic action against Israel . . . Some question the wisdom.of his anti-Israel move, at a time when Israel has proven itself, the only pro-American country in the Middle East . . . It is obvious to them Uiat Mr. . Dulles' present policy can only weaken the position of Israel's pro-A m c r i c a n Cabinet and strengthen Israel's pro-Soviet Mapam Party which is not in the government . . . Thus, Secretary Dulles Is unwittingly playing into the hands of Moscow in a part of the world where Israel, next to Turksy, is the strongest power •gainst Moscow . . . Some think

that he is also playing into the hands of Britain which does not like to see American influence replacing British influence in the Middle East . . . Strong suspicion prevails that Britain is utilizing Mr. Dulles in her attempt to regain position in the Middle East through the old "divide and conquer" system . . . Faced with a situation where Egypt insists on the withdrawal of the British troops from the Suez area. Britain is seeking an opportunity to transfer these troops to near-by Jordan . . . The best opportunity of this kind Is presented by increased tension on the Jordan-Israel border . . . Under a military pact with Jordan, Britain Is obligated to defend Jordan whenever It asks for such aid . . , Thus, the increased violence on the Jordan-Israel frontier—Jordan was found guilty by the U. N. Mixed Armistice Commission of violating the armistice pact with Israel more than 150 times in the course of the last 12 months—paved the way tor Jordan's recent appeal to Britain . . . 11 is noted In Washington that no such appeal was made by Jordan to the United States, nevertheless Secretary Dulles, during his stay in London, joined Britain against Israel . . . France did it too, but the French delegate at the U. N. Security Council tiid not hesitate tc indicate that France did it very reluctantly . . . It is also noted in Washington that w h i l e Jordan provocations on the Israel border have grown during recent months both in number 'and In boldness, no such provocations took place at nil on the part of the other Arab c o u n t r i e s neighboring Israel— countries like Syria and Lebanon where Britain has no foothold . . . This despite the fact that there is a sharp dispute between Syria and Israel over the Jordan hydoelcctric scheme.

Synagogue Offers Baby'Sitting Service Atlanta, Ga. (JTA) — Parents who want to attend Friday evening services at Ahavath Achim Synagogue in future don't have to d a y home because they can't arrange for baby-sitters. The congregation is taking care of that. It has started a story and play hour for young children, to be held in the synagogue vestry room while the Sabbath eve services arc being held. - -

Capital Spotlight Washington (JTA)—There Is a | ton, n.'.kcd the State Department to good deal of disappointment in I tal:e action. A letter written on Jewish circles over Die fact Uiat behalf of Mr. Dulles replied that President Eisenhower approved the Department felt this was not the arbitrary suspension by the a proper matter to bring before State Department of American the United NaUons, that responsieconomic aid recently voted by bility rested with Uie Israel police. Congress to Israel. and to forth. In oUier instances in The President's attitude toward which 421 Israelis were killed by Arab raiders Mr. Dulles similarly Israel is causing dismay to many persons whose love he won when evaded Uie issue. he helped defeat Nazi Germany However, when Israelis dared to and aided Jewish survivors. Only cross the border to neutralize a less than a month ago, on October base from which the attacks were 7, tJie Eisenhower Administration, being launched, Mr. Dulles sudthrough Speaker of the House denly decided Uiat it was Israel Jo.wph W. Martin, Jr., maintained which menaced world peace and that it was a friend to Israel. should be called to account before riedced Support the United Nations Security CounIn a public address in Chicago, cil. When Arabs killed Jews it was Mr. Martin pledged that the pres- apparently "normal" in tho view ent Administration would "con- of the State Department, but when tinue to help Israel solve the prob- JCWB killed Arabs, Mr. DuUcs felt lems Uiat confront any friendly international security was Jeocountry and which have been mag- pardized. The Department issued nified, In Israel's case, by her a statement denouncing Israel and dcternination to give sanctuary to expressing sympaUiy for Uie Arabs every Jew . . . " He stoutly de- who were killed, but raid nothing nied that there had been any of the far greater number of change detrimental to Israel in Israelis who were victims of the Aministration policy. Tho "help" Arabs. which Israel received after this Development Project speech took such a form that IsTile Slate Department encourraelis somehow did not realize Uiat aged foreign nations to help themthey were being "helped." and deIn Uie early months of Uio Ei- selves Uirough irrigation 1 icnhowcr Administration it be- velopment project ;. Israel began a project near its Syrian frontier. came apparent that Mr. Dulles .was relying on such personalities us Although It was within Israel's Loy Henderson, architect of Uie sovereign territory, Syria objected anti-Zionist plan to scrap parti- on the basis of a spurious allegation. Mr. Henderson was named by tion Uiat Jordan River water was President Eisenhower as Ambas- being "diverted." The Stale Desador to Iran and later succeeded partment upheld Syria and Urns in diverting aid funds from Israel sought to impose Syria's will on to Iran. Other anti-Zionists in the Israel. Ironically, the Department State Department who concealed accused Israel of Interfering with their bias during the Truman Ad- water development schemei; when ministration began to assert them- it was the Department which was actually obstructing such underselves. takings. Bad Omen Mr. Dulles directed the AmerA bad omen was seen when o high-level business conference held ican Ambassador In Israel to £nub the "Conquest of Uio Desert," in Washington with Uie cooperation of the Slate Department wit- Israel's first international exhibition. Later that week Harold Stasnessed the unprecedented spectacle of a State Department offi- Jicn'i; Foreign Operations Administration announced Uiat invitacial pinch-hltting for Uie Minister of Iraq. The official, Edwin 116ns had been extended to Arab Wright, read the Iraqi's speech at- leaders to attend a special study tacking Israel, Zionists, and Uie in Arizona and other ttatcs of "Conquest of the Desert" meUiods loyalty of American Jews. "aimed at helping the Near EastAnother sign was a resolution ern countries." introduced by chairman William Not Asked Longer of the Senate Judiciary Committee to investigate Uie Israel was not asked to partici"plight" of Uie Arab refugee.".—a pate, although Uie study had to proposal that could only serve to do with "water-spreading" on land provide a now forum for anli- "with conditions similar to Uiose Zionlst propaganda. The auUior of found in the Near East." Next, Mr. Uie Langer resolution v/as Richard Dulles ordered Ambassador Abba Arens, who as ntaff director of Eban to instruct his government Sen. Pat McCarran's Immigration to cease work on its own "watcrSubcommittee wrote Uie discrim- GprcaduiB" project because the inatory features into the McCar- Syrians objected. ran-Waitcr Immigration Act. When Uie State Department arArab Haiders ranged to have Israel hailed beLast spring two American citi- fore Uio United Nations Security zens, 21-year-old Deborah Gcn- Council Uio case of Arab-IeraM nuer, of Seattle, Wash., and her friction was presumably submitted uncle were shot to death in Israel to an international body which by Jordanian Arabs who crossed would objectively find tho facts. the frontier with intent to murder However, Uie Department preand pillage. Senators Warren' G. judged, the Issue by denouncing Magnuson and Henry M. Jaskson, pnd punishing Israel even before both from the State of Wasbing- the Security Council had a chance

Kibya Incident Still, there Is no doubt that lh« Klbya Incident set off this action, and without It, the Big Three would not have called for a Security Council meeting. The Israelis would have welcomed such a debate and any action taken here to prevent whnt Prime Minister Ben Gurion has described as a "one-sided war" in which more than 400 Israeli ciUzcns have been killed and wounded by Arab marauders since 1850, and 130 in the past year alone. However, coming as it docs immediately after UN attack on the Jordanian village, and as a result of it, the Israeli delegates find themselves inhibit* ed and put in the worst possible' light. At the same time, the State D e partment in Washington has mads it known that the Kibya incident, and other Israeli attacks on the Arabs have been Uie reason for the administration holding back • grant of 413,000,000, the first payment on an allocation voted lor Israel by Congress. Yet, it has been common knowledge for many weeks, long before these Incidents occurred, that Uie United States was holding back this money. "New Look" To observers here, it Mean* that there have been misunderstandings between Uie Israeli Government and Uie administration in Washington with its announced "New Look" policy In the Middle East, and these misunderstandings have been exacerbated by recent events. The State Department has several grouses. It UJ obviously miffed that Uie Israeli Government did not reply to one of its recent notes. But what has nnrtoyed t h e American administration most is that the Israeli Government "has shown no Interest" In co-operating with the United States and the United Nations in developing Uie water resources of the Jordan lUver for Uie benefit of the countries on boUi sides of i t This Is what is known as the Tennessee Valley AuUiorlty (T. V. A.) project whose purpose is not only to provide irrigaUon a n d electric power for Uie neighboring states of Israel, Jordan and Syria, but also to resettle some 200,000 Arab refugees. Adjustment* , The T. V. A. Jordan River project, which was (jiven an offiical imprimatur by being disdoacd at a preis conference here, would Irrigate some 400,000 dunams (a dunam is about a quarter of an acre) of land in Israel, around 500,000 dunams In Jordan, and about 30,000 in Syria, although it would provide Jordan with almost twice as much water as IsraeL However, there Is a catch' to this project, and a very significant catch; it would require minor a d justments in the fronUers, and I s rael would be expected to give up tome of its territory. Now, such adjustments cannot be made without a Palestine peace settlement— and who, but Uie Arabs, are holding up a settlement? AlUiough it la distressing, there Is nothing Irrevocable about the present situaUon which has been caused by misunderstandings Uiat can be resolved. Undoubtedly. Ambassador Abba Eban, in bis conversations with tho State D e partment, has been able to clear up tome of Uie lrrltaUons. It Is expected here too Uiat Uie visit of Sric Johnston, President Eisenhowers personal representative and "trouble shooter," to the Middle East, should help to improve relnUons between Israel and Uie United Slates. to hear evidence and consider the matter. Mr. Dulles, meanwhile, told Uie New York Herald-Tribune Forum Uiat he favored a world society of "concent" as opposed to one of "coercion." Zionists approved Uiis idea and were anxiously waiting for him to put it into practice.


Friday, October 30, 1953

Three Israeli Artists Give 'Remarkable1 Recital at JCC Ily Hans Itacr There was a music festival at the auditorium of the Jewish C'omraunity Center. Throe artists, invited by Hie Zionist Organization of America anil its Omaha District, presented a program with works of Jewish and non-Jewish_ composers. We introduce—ludies first—: The Violinist—Lea Ontrojlnsky Lea, having her home in Israel, for the past three years has been a student at Jullinrd Music School in New York. She is, however, much more than u student. Already now she Is a musician with pulsing musical feeling who was born with on outstanding talent. Her violin tone is of touching warmth, her temperament in spite of her young age is controlled by musical maturity. She played o program with works by Lalo. Wicniawsky, Engcl and the exciting lullaby from Ernest's liloch "Baal Shem." To this gem she gave that deep expression which. joined with an Impeccable technique, alone Is able to transform printed music notes Into an artistic event We sincerely hope. Lea Oatrojinsky will make her way into tho «amc rank with those violinists Who ore entitled for great success. The Pianist—On KoUcnberc Ora Rottenberg comes from Israel too. Not long ago she arrived in America and made her debut at the Miami Beach Municipal Auditorium this past summer. Her technique is dear, bar touch fine and she possesses the

Chess Course Is Offered A seven-week adult course in chess Instruction will start at the Center Thursday, Nov. 5. Thl* course is being given in response to numerous requests. David M. Schcffcr, a U. S. government attorney, will teach the class. Mr. Schef fer Is well qualified as a chess Instructor having been captain and top player for the University of Chicago Chess Team from 1039 to 1041. He has played in tournaments on local, regional, and national levels. In 1952 Mr. Schcffcr won a great "moral victory" by drawing Paul Schmidt the former Berlin champion and high ranking master player. In addition to his hobbles of chess and bridge Mr. Scheffcr is an enforcement attorney for the Omaha region of the Internal Revenue Service and has recently been admitted to practice before the U. S. Supreme Court. The course is open to all Interested adults for a fee of $5 for 7 lessons, The first class will be held on Thursday, Nov. 8, at S p. m. in Lounge D of the Center. Call tho activities office for further information.

Einstein College Ground Breaking New York (JTA)—Ground was broken for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Ycshiva University at the College's site in the Bronx last week. Thousands of people attended the ceremonies including some S00 educators, scientists, and physicians from every state in the union as well as from Canada and Latin America. The Albert Einstein College is the first new medical school to be established in this city In over half a century and Is tho 00th In the country. It will be the initial unit in a $25,000,000 Medical Teaching Center, which will eventually include Colleges of Dentistry, Nursing; Public Health and Post-Graduate Studies. The center will adjoin New York City's new $40,000,000 Bronx Municipal Hospital Center which will bo affiliated with the College and will serve as its clinical teaching center. After the ground breaking ceremonies work was scheduled to begin on the excavation and laying of foundations for the initial $10,000,000 medical college building!) and power plant. The Albert .Einstein College will be a ten-story glass-faced building of contemporary design embodying many new departures in medical school construction. Construction i s e x pected to take 22 months and the first class is scheduled to be admitted September, 1955.

F»re Three

What Is The Jordan River Project? (Editor's note: This information was released by the Information Office of the Consulate of Israel in Chicago.)

pletcd in from two and a half to three years. This phase of the work i s limited to the generation of electric Uilent to give shape to a compower. It is independent of the position. .She interpreted the "AlThe Jordan river project is part drainage project and the irrigation legro Barbaro" by Uela Darlok of a larger l a n d reclamation scheme though a link with the very capriciously but interesting scheme, the major aims of which latter may be made at a future Some unknown compositions inare to drain the Hulch swamps, date. troduced by her were: the excelcreate hydro-electric power on the Objections lently performed virtuous "Tocgeneral plan of the TVA, and pro- The Syrian objections, since accata" by the famed Israeli comvid irrigation for vast stretches of cepted by Major-General Bennlke, poser Paul Uen-Haim and dry, eroded soil. The Hulch drain- are threefold. .•; 'Dant'e.s" by Cairn Alexander. The age project lias been under way a) Part of the work Is being style of this piece is still uncertain for some lime, with the result, to tone on Arab lands, contrary to between Oriental or Arabian date, that a malaria-ridden part of the provisions of Article V, Para idioms and modern' harmonies. Israel has been made habitable 2, of the General Armistice AgreeIJolh works, however, gave us « and rn'ovides a new home for ment which forbids the interferglimpse of the fruitful musical many thousands of hitherto home- ence with normal civilian life. creation in Israel. Ora Kotlcriberg less Jews. b) Arab owned lands dependent accompanied the whole program, The second phase of this work, on irrigation from the Jordan, notbut as an accompanist she should the creation of a hydro-electric bly Iiuteiha farm (which is outsometimes try to avoid a certain station, began on September 2, side the Demilitarized Zone and. emptiness of the touch. 1953, with tile digging of a canal thus not under General Bcnnike's JULIUS BISNO The Tenor—Url Zlfronl some 2,000 yards long, running urisdiction) would be c u t off The last but not the least is the southwards, 100 yards west of and 'rom their source of water. tenor Uri Zifroni. He has an e x parallel to, the present bed of the c) The military position in the cellent voice with really remarkriver. The object of the canal is Zone would be altered to the benable high tones. His main field is to redirect the Jordan to a reser- efit of Israel by the cutting of the Julius BIsno, who has been voir. From this reservoir, the canal (also contrary to the provithe interpretation of Jewish and Hebrew, songs, he demonstrated, named winner for 1953 of the an- water will drop 720 feet to a sions of Article V, Para 2 of the nual Sam Bcber award by Aleph hydro-electric station at the north- General Armistice Agreement.) however, in the aria "La donna e mobile" from "Rigoletto" his abili- Zadik Aleph, a constituent agency ern end of Lake Tiberias. The Israel's Answers of the B'nai B'rith Youth Organi- whole project, (canal, reservoir, ties as an opera singer. He perWith regard to the first and forms his songs with fine expres- zation. An outstanding alumnus and power station) will be comof BBYO, Mr. BIsno Is executive second objections, the fact i s that sion and gestures. Not everybody full care has been taken to a s seemed to like it this way. Some- director of the Los Angeles Jewsure that the work should in no one of the audience said: "Yes, he ish Community Council and memway impinge oh any private Arab has a splendid voice but in his bcr-at-largo of the B'nal B'rith land in the area, nor curtail the Youth Commission. He is the third Yiddish songs there Is too much .use of water lor Irrigation, by land artistry. I think they must have recipient of the award, the others owners and cultivators In the De- V having been Leo M. Cherne, of the more simplicity. I am from WarMrs. Molly Lyons Bar David, militarized Zone. It was for this saw, I know." "Hora»," march by Research Institute of America In very reason that the Chairman of Egan, "Shabath" by Binder, "We New York, and Philip M. Klutz- Israeli housewife and author, e x - he Syrian-Israel Mixed Armistice her ^conviction that Israel Pray for Israel" with words by a nick, President of B'nal B'rith. pressed stop* work on the Jordan Commission, when told of the benon-Jewish poet were some of the Official presentation of the Sam cannot Beber award to Mr. BIsno will be irrigation project. The work is ginning : of construction, on the songs performed. expressed his approval of made In Los Angeles In January. vital: to the new state struggling Canal, for its very existence, she empha- he move. As for the Buhelta lands, the Israel government has sized, and money and much effort The whole concert was remarkhas been poured into i t Mrs. Bar- given the categorical assurance able. We missed, unfortunately that it will guarantee the supply David visited Omaha last week many young and enthusiastic lison behalf of Hadassah telling her of water to the Arab lands in teners who could have given to audiences of the work Hadassah question in the same quantities a» the young artists a much warmer funds have done and are doing In they have always used. welcome than it was the case on Israel. Bjr Hans Baer tho evening of the performance. As regards the question of miliSuspension of Aid tary advantage accruing to Israel, After, two years of absence Dr. Article V of the General Armistice She deplored the suspension of Richard Duncan, founder of the to the new state and said that Agreement defines the object of Omaha Symphony, returned as aid Is not worried about the the Demilitarized Zone as that of the conductor of the orchestra. Syria river, diversion, but wishes to deal "separating the armed forces of 1 The impression of the first con- a death blow to Israel. The proj- the two parties in such a manner cert was excellent. We always ap- ect was begun about five years as to minimize the possibility of preciated Dr. Duncan as a musi- ago, she stated, and it means elec- friction and incident1" Instead of Six outstanding films have se- ci.in of high level. Now, however, trical power and irrigation for hampering the attainment of that lected to be shown at the Foreign Ills conducting—he docs it without two-thirds of the country. It Is objective, the canal can only fafilm scries In the Jewish Commu- a baton—and his Interpretations a life and death Issue, Mrs. Bar- cilitate it since it places one more obstacle in the way of any milinity Center, it was announced by have become more concentrated. David pointed out. Ho played the "Egmont Ovcrtary party bent on aggression. Mrs. Edward Zorinsky and Jack Ortanlicd Raids Sandier, co-chairmen of the series turo" by Beethoven in a comparaIn the light of the foregoing, On the subject of Arab raids, tively very quiet tempo, so stresscommittee. there is no Justification for the ing the classical character of the she stated that thousands of bor- conclusion that tho constructive One Each Month der crossingR made by the Arabs Beginning in December, a film composition, and the r o m a n t i c have now turned into organized and peaceful work now under way will be shown on one Sunday of "preludes" by Liszt got a con- raids for murder and killing. The In the Demilitarized Zone should vincing rendition too. The combe interrupted. The work is of a each month at the center. The infiltration has become more vioseries Is being offered as the re- poser Franz Liszt until nowadays lent and the attacks arc being con- beneficial character and should be ha3 been attacked for his senencouraged rather than hampered. sult of a recent survey which was centrated around Jerusalem, she made to determine If members of timentality and his often empty continued. It is a part of the What b the DemlllUrhed ZoneT the community would be interested technical effects. "Les Preludes" Arab effort to keep the border The purpose of the Demilitarized in seeing the best in foreign films. also show enough of this kind, es- popping, Mrs. Bar-David added. Zone, as outlined above. Is to The motion pictures to be shown pecially In the many repcatings of The Israeli Government has ap- maintain • a buffer area between include "The Bicycle Thief." and tho main lyrical theme. In spite pealed to the UN to stop the Arab the two countries. It lies in both . "Open City" both Italian classics of It there is much musical knowl- raids. Discussing the Kibya inci- of them and the Work under .way that have won first prize at the edge and power in this composition dent, she declared, that the attack is on in that part o i the Zona major World Festivals and the New and even now, many decades after was made by frontier settlers who which Is In Israel. It has been York film critics special award. A its production, it still merit* a formed a vlgilantee group and the contention of the Syrian gov» eminent that the demilitarization reviewer In the New York Times noteworthy production. crossed l i e border into Jordan. of a zone means that no activity, has referred to "The Bicycle Thief" Tho first number of the proFirst Book no matter of how peaceful a natas the "greatest foreign film In 40 gram "Overture and Allegro from A native of Canada, Mrs. Bar- ure,, can be carried on; The anyears. La Sultane Suite" by Couperta David, has lived in Israel for 18 swer to this was given by: Dr. was enough proof that Dr. Duncan years, and took .part in the war Ralph Bunche, who, in his capacity Grand Prize Winner "Torment" was also chosen to gave all musical and technical i m - against the Arabs during the for- as Acting Mediator, had this to be played. This Swedish drama plements to the orchestra. Darius mation of the new state. She 5949-On the matter on June 28, won tho Grand Prix du Cinema at Milhaud, eminent French compos- writes a column "Diary of a Jewthe Cannes International Film er made as he calls It "o free ish Housewife in Israel" for. the also assure both parties Festival. The fourth film selected transcription" of the composition Jerusalem post. Her first "crea- that1may the United Nations, through, Is the French Classical version of for modern orchestra and If It has tive book" the story of a house- the Chairman of the Israel-Syrian not the pure style of the eighteenth wife in Israel has just been pub- Mixed Armistice Commlssoin, will Dostcovski'3 "Crime and Punishment." The fifth in the Center century, it must bo admitted It lished. It Is titled "My Promised also ensure that the Demilitarized Land" and is her account of daily Zone will not be a vacuum or cedes will be "Tight Little Island" sounds extraordinary good. Yehudl Menuhin, one of the most life In the new state. the hilarious British satire about wasteland." Unique Project . a little Scottish island and tho famous violinists of the world, apMinister Moshe Sharett, The Hadassah Medical Associa- InForeign agitated activities of its Inhabitants peared as soloist. Mr. Menuhin a letter to General Bennike when a shortage of Scotch whiskey played the violin concerto In D tion has established an unique dated September 23, 1953, mado develops. A historic musical score Major No. 4 by Mozart with peri pilot project for a community reference to Dr. Bunche's stateby Sergei Prokofiev will furnish feet classical attitude, beauty and health center in the suburbs of ment and then continued: the background for the last fibTi rare finesse. There arc very few Jerusalem, she stated. Five hunthat statement was made which Is "Alexander Nevsky." violinists who have such a cul- dred Immigrant families from 35 ,"Since . New agricultural settlements This film Is the magnificent plc- tivated silky tone, but could he countries make up the group. A have been established In the Zone; rurization of the defeat of the Ger- not, occasionally, exceed these positive effort to promote health roads have been c o n s t r u c t e d ; man Knights who sought to in- bounds and produce more tone is being made there, she pointed wastelands were brought under out. A team of professional work- cultivation; the Jordan rlvcr-bed vade Russia in the 13th century volume and fire? and were repulsed. "Alexander A big surprise was the rendition ers including a doctor, nurse and has been deepened and at certain Nevsky" ranks among the highest of. a so far absolutely unknown social worker work together to point1! its very channel has been teach the immigrants from primiachievements of film art. altered. All these changes havp violin concerto in D Minqf by tive cultures the essentials of sani- taken place with the full concurA cedes ticket will sell for $2 Mendelssohn. "Discovered" by Mr. tation and nutrition. rence of the United Nations auand Individual admissions for 50 Menuhin, he gave it Its first AmerWhat is Israel like? Mrs. Barcents. Tickets will go on sale in ican premiere last season in New David fondly recalls that It is the thorities." York . . . Mendelssohn wa3 not about two weeks. Reservations land of tho Bible, where in her for tickets are being accepted now yet 14 years old when he wrote backyard she kicked into the dirt and only 300 cedes tickets will be this concerto. Truly, It is an as- and uncovered a Roman lamp tonishing achievement for a boy cold. about 2,000 years old. Call the Activities Office for In- even if he was a genius. The work Is charming, particularly in the From Plato to Padercwskl will formation, JA 13C0. second movement and in the finbe the range of discussion of the ale. If it will often appear on conn e w l y organized DOWNTOWN NOBEL PRIZE cert programs remains a future GREAT BOOKS CLUB. This adult Stockholm (WNS)—Dr. Fritz Al- question. There Is not too much g r o u p will meet every other bert Lipmann and Dr. Hans in it of the enchanting character The B'nal B'rltli men and Adolph Krebs, refugees from Hit- of Mendelssohn's music which women of Omaha wish to thank Thursday, beginning November 5, at 0 p. m. at the Center Jn room ler Germany, were Jointly award- overwhelms the listeners. Sally and Eddie Rosen for their No. 32. ed the 1953 Nobel Prize for Medioutstanding and unselfish efAny Interested adult may Join cine and Physiology. Dr. Lipmann, The first concert of this season forts as c h a i r m e n for the Harvard University Biochemist, is got off to a very fine start. We are PHILIP KLUTZNICK HOME- this study group. Miss Winifred Taylor and Mr, John C. Frank a resident of United States, while looking forward to the coming COMING BANQUET. will lead the discussions. Dr. Krubs is a British subject. events. . .i

1953 Beber Award

Irrigation Work Vital to Israel

Menuhin's Playing Has 'Rare Finesse'

Foreign Film Series at 'J

Great Books Club Discussion Group

Thank You


3i3i-y4#.ysas«it *?-::»;».•.*


rridsy. October 30, 195S

rfflf JttWISB FSE88

Wedding Is Announced

Califomians Are Engaged Mr. and Mrs. E. Oscar Welniteln of Hevcrly Hills, Calif., formerly of Omaha, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carole Lois, to Jerome Alfred Corngold. Miss Wcinstcin's maternal grandparents ore Mrs. Max Selicow and the late Mr. Selicow of Om»ha. Miss Weinstein is a senior at UCLA, where she is affiliated with Phi Sigma Sigma and Phi Chi Theta. Mr. Corngold is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Corngold of Los Angeles, formerly of Chicago, He was graduated from UCLA. The couple plan a summer wedding.

The in a r r i n j; v of Avrurn Bondurifj, «;nn of Mr.-, Herman I3ondarin ami the latr Mr. Ht?rn;in Uondarint to Marv Chapped, d;«<ichter of Mr. nnd Mrs. A. B. Chuppcll of Uncoln, Nebr., has been announced by his mother. The wedding, which took place Oct. G in Seattle, Wnsh., was performed by Kabbi Raphael H. Levine of Temple DcHirerh of that city.

CAMPUS NEWS Sigma Delta Tau

Renee Beverly Klppen TheUi chapter of Sigma Delta Tau will be hosts for an open h o u s e after the Kansas game, Oct. 31. Several actives and pledges ventured to Missouri for the game Saturday, Oct. 24, the annual miThe engagement of their daughgration game which drew a crowd ter, Betty, to Martin M. Kolnlck of about 1.000 Nebraska followers. Mr. and Mrs. Harry It Klppen, Of Norfolk', Nebr., has been anThe alums gave a dinner for the nounced by Mr. and Mrs. Alex pledges Wednesday, Oct. 38. The Pasadena, Calif., have announced Lasensky of Sioux City, ta.*Mr. pledges elected Beth Fineberg as the engagement of their daughter, Kolnlck Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. their new scholarship chairman. Renee Beverly,toEdward M. Cut- Harry Kolnlck of Omaha. Both actives and pledges have be- ler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Miss Lasensky attended City gun work on their homecoming Cutler, of Omaha. College of New York. Mr. Kolnlck display. was graduated from Creighton Miss Klppen Is a graduate of University Leta Welner was elected to repwhere he was a memresent SDT in the annual Kocinet Pasadena City College, the Uni- ber of Pi Lambda Phi. versity of Southern California, and Klub beauty queen contest. Nov. 29 has the HunUngton Memorial Hos- wedding date. been chosen as their pital School of Nursing. Ztta Beta Tan Mr. Cutler, attended the UniThe wedding of Miss Elaine and the bouffant skirts of net- Tonight the ZBT* will perform versity of Omaha and wax grad- Otnahan Author of louise Novicoff, daughter of Mr. over-taffeta : were in danseuse before 3,000 university students In uated from : the University of and Mm. George Novicoff, of Lin- I length. Their costumes were com- the annual Kosmet Klub Fall Re- Southern California, where he isNew Child's Book coin, to Benjamin M. Nachman, pleted with short-sleeved Jackets vue. "Pistacclo," the ZBT skit, is now working toward his master's * "Let'i Talk About God" is the •on of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nach- of velveteen with cuffed edge a story of a puppet, played by degree In international relations. title of the third and latest book man of Omaha, was performed at Each carried a cascade bouquet of Marshall Kushner, who becomei.a A June w e d d i n g Is being for children U> be written by l l n , fi p. m., Sunday afternoon, Oct. pale gladioli florets, with satin "real live boy" and is led through planned. Mycr S. Krlpke, a book which, hi tuftj In deeper tones of blue. a life of a fraternity nun. When Hi lit the ballroom of Hotel Cornher own words, "attempts to give Albert Nachman of Omaha Len (The Blue Fairy) Singer sees busker in Lincoln. A white cara Jewish conception of Cod to a peted aisle, the full length of the served his brother as best man, that Pistacclo is sinning, he turns young child." ballroom was marked with tall and the ushers were Donald Gal- him and all of the fraternity men Done in a prose style with a lighted candles and loops of satin emba and Morris Hahdleman, both into wooden puppets again. This rhyme introducing each chapter, ribbon and led to a white satin of Omaha, and Sam Novicoff, and is the fifth time in six years that The last meeting of the Nursery the volume is Illustrated by Bobrl, ZDT hps made the KK show. I canopy which was ornamented Ben Novicoff, of Lincoln. School Music Institute was held famed for the murals he did for The bride, given in marriage by with varying shades of blue blosEveryone had a great time at Monday evening, Oct. 26. The Hablbi, the Israeli night club In soms, and banked with Emerald her father and her mother, chose the .University of Missouri last teachers brought In their books, New York City. and woodwardla fronds. On cither a gown of imported Chantllly lace weekend. Participating In the an- games, Ideas and other program The lichrman House publishers side were fan-shaped arrange- with tulle over satin. The lace- nual migration, the ZBT's jour- material which were discus&cd for have advised Mrs. Krlpke that ments of blue-tinted gladioli and over-satln E l i z a b e t h a n bodice neyed to Columbia were the Miz- possible use in clashes. The nurs- advance orders for the book have in back' with minute self- *ou chapter threw two parties for ery school teachers decided to meet been unusually largo, and they chrysanthemum!, and cathedral closed buttons, and was completed the visitors. candles in seven-branched holders. fabric every three weeks from now on have requested that she do a series with a scalloped lace collar and Whether at home or abroad, to discuss program material for of "Let's Talk About" books tor Two hundred and fifty guests long lace sleeves that narrowed to ZBT's always have their hand in special occasions. The first such them, the next of which Mrs, Were present for the ceremony points over the wrists. The ex- the festivities. Performing before meeting will be Monday evening, Krlpke is already contemplating. which was solemnized by Rabbi ceedingly full tulle-over-satin skin his own home state crowd, Neil Nov. 16, to share program ma"Let's Talk About Cod" sells Harold Stern of the Tifcrelh was fashioned with a double-tiered Miller got a standing ovation for terial for Thanksgiving. All nurs- for $1.50 and Is available in OmaIsrael Synagogue in Lincoln and peplum of tulle patterned with his baton twirling exhibition. Also ery and pre-school teachers arc ha book stores, at Beth El SynaCantor Hyman Siskin. Preceding lace applique, and swept Into an on the field was Moynard Small, invited. gogue and at the Jewish Commuthe ceremony Mrs. Richard Dwor- aisle-wide train. Her tiered veil the university's official photognity Center library. The titles of We still need players for the her two previous publications are »xy of Omaha sang, "I Love You was fingertip length, and was held rapher for the contest. to the head with a satin cap, with Center orchestra. There arc open- "Rhymes to.Play" and "Rhyme* Truly," and "Because." The ZBT football team is getof seed pearls in ting a well deserved rest before ings In all sections. Contact me In to Pray." The three attendants, Mrs. Don- a side-applique leaf motif. She carried a prayer the ald Galemba of Omaha, sister ol the play-offs begin the Activities Office for any adbook marked with single white The all-university the bridegroom, and the matron ol orchid from which afell team finished the regular sea- ditional information. Kirk Douglas'was making "The a shower honor; Miss Carole Marx, the mala of stephanotis. The tentative date set for the Juggler" in Israel when he noticed son with a 3-1 record, their only of honor, and Miss Renee Plotkin loss coming in the last game of the next meeting of "The Music At two Israelis arguing loudly, "Why Following the dinner-dance re- yeartothe league champions. The Home Club" is Tuesday evening, Is it," Kirk asked a native, "that of Omaha, the bridesmaid, wore alike frocks of arcady blue vel- ception Mr. Nachman and his ZBT's will play the champions of Nov. 10. The place will be an- you people have so many arguveteen and net. The strapless brido left for a honeymoon- trip League IV in the first round of nounced next week. The theme of ments here?" the program will be "The Ballet bodices of velveteen were accented to Chicago. The couple are at home the play-offs. "It's perfectly obvious," was the and Waltz." Refreshments will be reply. "It's because so many of with Elizabethan flschus of net. in Omaha. served at the end of the program. us haven't been President yet!"

Marriage Is to Be in June

Iowa Girl to Be Married

Novicoff-Nachman Wedding Rites SolemnizeoMn Lincoln

Music Notes

Sigma Alpha Mu

to Bernsteins Many Sammies appear in the Afghan Award Son limelight on the NU campus. RaMr. and Mrs, Jerry Bernstein

dio-wise, Morse Wclsgurt has been have announced the birth of aappointed News Director of KNUS son, Richard Jay, born Sept 20. campus radio station. Marv FriedThey also have another son, Rob- men, one of the Sammies big activity men, has been elected viceert Mclvin. Paternal grandpar- president of NUCWA which means ents ore Mr. and Mrs. Harry Z. he will lead the big spring conferBernstein, and maternal grand- ence of the mock United Nations mother is Mrs. Clara Chcsneau. Danny Fogcl has been named Chairman of the "N" Club. Elections in the house find Marv Fricdmcn candidate for the "UgliRegistration Open est Man on Campus," Danny Fogel been nominated for Prince for Civil Defense has Kosmet, and Allan Kenyon Is now" writing the articles, for the JewJoanne Simon, Civil Defcnre ish Pre:;:;. chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary, Hard work lies ahead In the EpMcin-Morgan Post, Jewish War next few week;;, as the actives and Veterans, has announced that re;;, pledges work together on the btr.-ition Is still open for llie Civi Homecoming di:<p!ay. The SumDefense course which Auxiliary mi?:; hope to beat last years second and 1'iy-t volunteer:; am attend- place !.tandinj;. Gene Wohlncr nnd im; Monday nights .-it the Filte Jerry Gaer are in charge of the Center he.'idrju/irten:, Anv.Tieai di.-play. .Socially speaking, the Samm Legion Building, 20th jnd Dodge have many parties planned during j.chool y<;ar. A Halloween ParThe fir.st meeting was held In:. Iho ty will he held thi:; coming .SaturMonday night. 'The course run.": and a Sammy party is also for twelve weeks, with a two-day v.-cck Chri.'.lma.'; vacalion. Instruc- being added to the Homecoming tion, which is for both men and festivities. women, is i\\r,n given every night On the sports .scene, Sigma AlMonday through Friday; and Mis? pha Mu has successfully fought to . Mrs. Bobert Wagner is dis- Simon staled that although WV win the intramural tennis champlaying an afchan especially members arc attending on Mon-pionship. Marshall Becker played nights, interested persons may In the finals. ' The lovely lady seen above Is Militia Kosanchlch who will ling made by Mrs. Jack Litftbeg to day for any night by calling the role of Leonora Saturday nltht at Tech HUh Auditorium when be one of the awards riven at register her at JA 1360 during the day, or I know the thoughts that I Dick Walter'* "Celebrity Series" brims to Omaha toe Chas. DL Beth El's Silver Jubilee Carni- at WA 6592 in the evening. think toward you, salth the Lord, Wagner Co.'s complete presentation of "II Trovstore." ' ' val being held Sunday, Nov. g, thoughts of peace, and not of evil. Tickets for the epera. which begins at I p. HL, are an sale at at the Synagogue from t p. m. sie PUno'Coronxny..«I2 DoogUs St. All Mats are reserved.' f -Jer. 5511 Patronize Oar Advertisers, ttUn.


Friday, October 30, 1953

Organizations !IIIIIIIIIllll!llllllllll!lll«!ll!inill!IIIIIIIM

Junior Hadassah There will be a meeting of Junior Hadassah oh Tuesday, Nov. 3, (it 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center canteen. The program for tho coming year will be announced. Also, details for the coming National Convention to bo held in Washington, D. C. Thanksgiving weekend will be Discussed. On October 25 and 26, Omaha region was host to Miss Rhodo Oasbnan, president of the midwest region of Junior Hadassah. Miss Coalman was entertained at a luncheon Saturday noon and a brunch Sunday morning. It- was announced that all Junior Hadassah dues for the year Are to be paid at Tuesday's meotIng. Yearly dues are *3.00.

Bet)i El Sisterhood

Pioneer Women

The Cousin Club will meet for a 12:30 luncheon Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Hill Hotel. Hostess will bo Mrs. L. London of Council Bluffs, If anyone Is unable to attend, they should call Council Bluffs, 7500.

Temple Israel Sisterhood . The second Sisterhood meeting of the year, will be held Monday, Nov. 2, at the Highland Downtown Club at one o'clock. A 11 new members will be honored guests. An Omaha dramatist, Mrs. Walter Key, will provide the program, Mn. Harry Trustln, p r o g r a m chairman for the day, has announced that M n . Key will give a dramatic review of a recent Broadway play, Mn. Morton Hiller will report on the recent regional conference of the National Federation of T e m p l e Sisterhoods at Cedar Rapids, la., and M n . Seymour Kaplan will summarize news of the month in relation to "Peace and World Events." M n . John Farber wiU give the opening prayer. Luncheon arrangements are In charge of members of Mrs. Harry Altsulcr and Mrs. I. M. Libermanrs circle. The regular eleven o'clock board meeting will precede the lunch-

Hadassah Mrs. Harry Goodman of Pueblo, Colo., president of the Mountain Plains Region of Hadassah, will be in Omaha Wednesday, Nov, 4, and will meet with the Executive Board of the Omaha Chapter at a 10 a. m. breakfast session at the Highland Town Club. The Hadassah medical and educational program will be discussed.

Mlsracbi Woman Adopt Budget

Atlantic City (WNS)—The Mizraehl Women's Organization of America concluded its 28th national convention here with the adoption of a |l,065,000 budget and the unanimous re-election of Mrs. Joshua L. Lewis to the presidency of the organization. T h e parley adopted a resolution reaffirming support of the American Zionist Council as an instrument for attaining Zionist unity in the United States. Another resolution called on the U. N. to solve the Jerusalem problem o n ' the "basis of a clear distinction between the status of the city and A Round Table discussion will the capital (of Israel) and the be featured at the next Beth Israel status of the Holy Places." Sisterhood meeting. "Tell ,nic, Teacher" will Introduce the members to Mr. Irving Stern and JUr. Sam' Stone of the I3eth Israel teaching staff. They will be Joined with. Rabbi Benjamin Groner in a discourse 'on the religious school and its activities. By Mrs. Morris Speckter The luncheon-meeting will take

Pioneer Women* will hold Its second Oncg Shabot at 1:?,& p. m., Saturday, Oct. 31, at 'he home of Mrs. F r a n k Rubenatcin, S140 Blondo St. Mn, H. Wohlner will give a reading by Sholom Alelchem, and Mr*. Milton Ncrenberg will render Jewish musical selections. This . gathering Is open to members and friends. Chairman of Oneg Shabots for the >cnUre , season is Mrs. Sam Novak.

Beth Israel Sisterhood

Autumn—For Me and My Garden

Council Jewish Women Criticizes Aid Suspension • Suspension of American nld to Israel was criticized by the National Council of Jewish Women ns a "coercive action" which contradicts and seriously weakens th_ position of the United .States Government in support of the United Nations as the instrument to relieve Israel-Arab tensions. The statement wan issued hy the organization's National Board of Directors, which held its atinti.il ' meeting la^it week. Released by Mrs. Irving M, Engel, of New York City, national president, the Board's statement strongly supported United Nations' conslderatiorKof the recent IsraelArab tensions; it expressed confldcnco (hat the United States would play its part "in tho spirit of reason »nd objectivity."

Ready for RouncMhe-Clotk

Cousin Club

Epstein-M.organ 260

The Council Bluffs chapter of Hadassah will hold a luncheon meeting Thursday, Nov. 5, at the Community Center in Council Bluffs. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Harry Goodman, Mountain Plains Region president from Pueblo, Colo. Luncheon chairmen arc Mmes. Richard Gordon, Joe Gotsdlner and Abe Lelbovitz.

Beth El Carnival To Be Previewed On TV Programs

ttft Five

Monday, Nov. 2, at 3 p. m., in the Synagogue Social on KMTV, Jciin Sullivan will Hall Tuesday, Nov. 3, at one Jnterview Mrs. Joe GUSM, Beth o'clock. Reservations are being i El Sisterhood projects chairtaken by Mrs. Morris Ruderman, { man, and Mrs. Joe Hornntein, HA 4060, and by Mrs. Sol Mann, Beth El Silver Jubilee CarniAT 275D. val general chairman, on her program, "Tin; W o in a n's View."

A luncheon board njeeting of the Beth El Sisterhood will be held Nov. 4, at 12:30 p. m. in the social hall of the synagogue. Hostesses will be Mmes.: Morion Friedlander, Arthur Friedman, J. J. Friedman, Harold Garter,, Jack Gelfand, Yale Glnsburg, Seymour Goldston, Leon Oraetz, Saul Grqetz, Sam H. Greene, Bar. ton- Greenberg and David E. Greenberg. The SUterhood has announced the sponsorship of three Adult Education, classes, open to all members of the Synagogue, which will be held at the Talmud Torah building. There will be two weekly morning classes, starting Tuesday, Nov.'10, at 10 a. m. "The Bible" and "Baste Judlasm" arc the titles of the courses to be Instructed by Samuel Nahshon and Rabbi Myer Krlpke. An evening class will be held monthly beginning Saturday, Nov. 14, at 8:30 p. m., titled "Giants of the Spirit" and led by Rabbi Myer Krlpke. People may enroll by .calling Mrs. Sidney Sneider, The Ladies Auxiliary of EpAdult Education chairman, WA stein-Morgan Post 260 will hold 6518, or the Synagogue. its regular board meeting at 8 p. m., Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the home of Mrs. Abe Miller.

Council Bluffs Hadassah


Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 4 p. m., on WOW-TV, Connie Cook, on her "Connie's Kitchen" program, will feature some of the Jewish foods to be served at the Beth El Silver Jubilee Carnival. Helping with the demonstration will be Mrs. Morris Kjitlcman. During their programs, both Miss Cook and Miss Sullivan will be given aprons made by the "Buttons and Bows" committee of the Carnival.

Mizrachi Donor Affair Is Nov. 5 The annual Mizrachi Women's Donor Luncheon will be held at one o'clock, Thursday, Nov. 6, at the Jewish Community Center. Mn. Joseph Batt and M n . Lewis Gerelick initiated the D o n o r Luncheon Circle, and members entertained at 'dessert luncheons for the benefit of the Children's Village, one of the largest projects of the Mizrachi Women's Organization In Israel. Mrs. Ruth Ackerman took reservations for t h e luncheon from those who were unable to entertain at dessert luncheons. Mrs. William Epstein, Chapter president, has announced that a movie, presented for the first time in Omaha, will be shown. Donors arc Mmes. Anton Adler, Ruth Ackcrmnn, Max Arbltman, Joseph Batt, M. Brodkcy, B. M. Brown, Som Colick, Harry Coopcrmon, A. Diamond, Ben EisenbcrR, William Epstein, D. Estrada, Nathan Fellman, J. Fellman, Rose FORCI, H. Franklin, Rose Frelden, Rebecca Friedman, I. Garsick, I/Cwls Gerelick, H. Goldenbcrg, Louis Greenberg, B. Grossman, D. Gurewitz, Ben Handler, George Kaplan, I. Kirke, Tonl Katskcc, Fannie Korney, A. Lipsman, Joe Morgan, Sol Nogg, Harry Paskowltz, S. Platt, M, M. Polfakoff, N. Resnlck, S. Riekcs, Charles S. Ross, Mcllach Katzman, S a d i e Rothcnbcrg, Alex Sadofsky, M. Schulman, Frank Sekar, J. Sherman, Ben Soshnlk, Clara Tretlak, J. Tretlak, William Wclner, and Mary Znlk, and Miss Kalsh Franklin. Additional names of donors will be published next week.

Bridge Classes in Afternoon Adult afternoon bridge classes will begin Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 1:30 p. m. at the Center. This class will be conducted by a .well-known bridge teacher, Mrs. Harry. Ferer. The Center has had, many- requests from adults to give such a course during the day. The classes will be given on eight consecutive Tuesdays at o fee of $5 for the course. This adult course Is designed for beginners of the game. Register through the Activities Office of the Center. Patronize Our Advertisers.

The yellow leaves fall by my door Reminding me of my long gone spring. It teems I was young such a short time before Dreaming of a life with everything! For the denuded tree I have r.ympathy, in truth. But I envy it, too, and know That the coininj! sprinj; will revive its youth And buds and blo.ssoms will once aj;ain j;row. The future has for me, perhaps, more leave, But I know my spring, once gone, is spent. Yes, my spring is gone—there arc no reprieves So I look to the future, and with that must be conlent.

Sirs. Joiias Stein and M n . Sam Stern, shown left to rlfht above, are chairmen of. the Round-The-Clock committee for the Betb El Carnival. Among the items to be awarded <t the Carnival, which will'be id progress from 1 p. m. to 1 a. m. Sunday, Nov. 8, at the Synagogue, are a Phllco freeser and a Jamestown dUhwanher.

Omaha Women to NFTS 1955 Meet Wili Be in Omaha Attend Meeting Omaha will be host to the regional conference of the National Federation of Temple Sisterhoods at its next biennial meeting in 1959, M n . Morton Hiller, Sisterhood president, announced this week on her return from the Cedar Rapids, la., conference, Mn. Hiller, Mrs. Milton Mayper, retiring "regional president; Mrs. John Farber and Mrs. Louis Kulakofsky represented the local Sisterhood at the conference and extended the invitation for t h e Omaha meeting. Named to the regional board as recording s e c r e t a r y was Mrs. Adolph Mayer of Omaha. Other officers are Mrs. Carl Ettinfier, Cedar Rapids, president; Mrs. Hen Rosenthal, St. Joseph, Mo., first vice-president; Mrs. Max Larlg, Colorado Springs, second vicepresident; Mrs. John T. Giisway, Cedar Rapids, treasurer; and Mrs. Jacob Stolar, St. Louis, Mo., corresponding secretary. Six states and fifteen Sisterhowls participated in the sessions.

Eddie Cantor explains it this way: "According to an article In • national magazine, scientists are experimenting with an electronic brain designed to solve problems of military startegy. It Is said Paris (JTA)—The Joint Distri- the thing is 80 human It has even bution Committee will require begun to Jot down Its memoirs." $27,372,000 for its 1054,aid programs,, it was announced at a press conference here following the close Malben program In Israel, it was of a conference of JDC field di- reported. JDC plans to spend $18,rectors from 18 countries which 725,000 next year to carry out e s was also attended by 31 American sential medical and rehabilitation Jewish leaders headed by Edward projects benefiting sick, aged and M. M. Warburg, chairman of the disabled immigrants to the counJDC. try. Since the founding of the The announcement was made Malben program four years ago, by Moses Beckelman, JDC Eu- more than 100,000 immigrants to ropean disector. He noted that the Israel, Including physically-han1994 budget is more than $2,000,- dicapped newcomers -and their 000 greater than the agency's 1953 family members, have received requirements. ' This rlso was ex- JDC aid. plained by the need to expand urgent feeding and medical programs in Moslem lands and to biiild new hospitals and other Institutions required by the agency's Omaha's Favorite Malben program for sick and handicapped immigrants In Israel. At Way to Dine on the same time, the JDC must conSunday tinue to seek a final solution to the Jewish' DP problem • and maintain necessary assistance programs for Western Europe's warshattered Jowish communities until' they can support themselves, Mr. Beckelman stated. The largest share of the 1054 budget is earmarked for the JDC's

J.D.C. Requires BudgetIncrease for Program

Sunday Branch

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Noon to 3 V m.

Served Buffet Style!

Say It With Ours




For Every Occasion

Package with the kosher



Lyh 9s FLOWERS Feaeh for the DROMEDARY

The ninth Midwest Branch Conference of the National Women's League of the United Synagogues of America will take place Nov. 1, 2 and 3 in S t Louis, Mo. The program will feature workshops on education, religious observance, fund-raising u n d youth. Mrs. Henry Gichner, Washington, D. C , national vice-president,' will conduct the conference, and Rabbi Ralph Simon of Chicago will be speaker for the banquet Among the delegates from Omaha attending the conference will be Mrs. A. D. Frank, branch vice-president, who will conduct a session on education. Other delegates will include Mmes. Myer S. Kripke, A. C. Fellman, Sidney Sneider, Norman Whitman, M. A. Venger, David II. Cohen, Irvin C. Levin, Phineas Wintroub, J. H. Kuakofsky nnd M. H. Brodkey, president of Dcth El Sisterhood. Mr. Samuel Nahshon, director of education at the Synagogue, will also attend.

2323 Dodge

JA 2545

"- '. ~~-


Friday, UcttDW jf, 1*31

n u irwiBB nuns

Bar & Bas Mitzvah Temple Youth

Council Doings

The I3as Mitzvah of Beverly Sue Goldberg, daughter of Mr. and Mr- Harry Goldberg, will be celeThe regular meeting of CounMother Chapter will play IndeThe Temple Youth Group held brated at the Beth Israel Synapendents a week from this Sun- cilettos was held October 25 n its Program Planning Institute at day in a flag football game. Al the JCC. After the meeting there I'ogue this evening. In her honor, the home of Joan Abrahams last was a short program. At the attending Alephs will play. her parents will receive members Sunday. Officers, Executive ComA meeting will be held at the meeting plans were made for servof the congregation following the mittee members and club memCenter this Sunday at 2 p. m. ices which will be held in Novems e n ices. Friends and relatives arc bers who attended were: Silvia Among the other things to be dis- ber. Also a slumber party wil Greene, Gwcn Stolcr, Dick Eininvited to attend. cussed at the meeting will be the be held this Saturday at the home stein, Susie Lipp, Sora Pepper, of Harriet Soskin. "Sadie Hawkins* party to be held Murray Newman, John Goldner, The Barn Dance will be held in November. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rlckes an- Jean Mayer, Jerry Marcr, Mervin A.ZJL will hold its annual November 7 at the "J." The conounce that their son, Stephen N. Lemmerman, Youth Group AdSabbath November. 13 at Beth chairmen arc Eileen Epstelif nnd will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah this visor, and Rabbi Brooks. Chudacof. Tlie commitIsrale Synagogue. Participation Ruthie evening and tomorrow morning, t h e Project Committee, under tees for the Dance arc as follows in the service* will be discussed Publicity . . . Pat Monti, Elaine in Beth El Synagogue. Friends nnd the chairmanship of Sara Pepper, «( the meeting. relatives are invited to attend. Nc has planned a program at the Jangcr, Sandra Krizclman and Jewish Home for the Aged, the Invitations have been Issued. Mike Denenberg tells, u* that Nita Green. Philanthropies Phling, ': Sabbath pledge clam activities have realGifts . . . Eileen Epstein, Lois ly started to roll. Bill KearenMr. and M r s r David Brodkey Services, an inter-falth meeting : berg and Lowell Baumcr helped Moskovitz and Evelyn Levey. announce that their son, Robert, and a carnival. Coronation . . . Belte Walfson. In the Centennial office while The Program Committee,- unwill celebrate his Bar Mitzvah Arnold Weloer has been doing a Nadine Breslov/, and Carole Frank. der the chairmanship of Susie Howard Kooper Friday evening, Nov. 6, and Satline Job of calling for the Center. Entertainment . . . Harriet Sosurday morning, Nov. 7, in Beth Lipp, i s planning debates, quii program^ soclo-dmmaii, a mock kln. ' Refreshments . , . Sandra El Synagogue. Friends and relajury trial, scavenger hunts, skits, Fellman, Judy Gimple, and Shirtives are invited to attend. and a study group with Rabbi ley Noodell. Brooks. Rayim played *n action packed Decorations . . . Deannc MarkoThe Bar Mitzvah of Bernard flag football game with A i A . vitz, Rita Peltz, and Joyce Canar, Gwcn Etoler, chairman of the Polikov, son of Mr. and Mrs. AbeSocial No. 1 last Sunday at Elmwood Toby pkrent and Phyllis FrecdCommittee, indicated thatPolikov, will be celebrated at the her Park. When the final gun sound- m a n . committee will arrange holi» •.'.,• • . • ... • . Y Beth Israel Synagogue Saturday, day programs, Oneg Shabbot, I s ed, the Scoreboard read 27 to 8, Howard M. Kooper, son of Mr. Nov. 7. A reception in honor of rael dancing, and social dancing Dates arid Rides . . . jean Cutwith Rayim on top. President Bay Somberg led the scoring with ler, Phyllis Freedman, Barbara and Mrs .Robert Kooper, will re- the Bar Mitzvah celebrant will be programs, Joffe, Harriet Soskin, Bettc ceive one of scoulings highest held in the Social Hall immediatenineteen points. The Youth Group will send honors,, the Eagle Scout Award, ly after the services. All friends delegates Wolfson and Tevee Bernstein. to the. various regional Raylm's football party last Paper , . • •. Sandra Krizelman this Sunday at 3 p. m, at the Jos- and relatives are invited to at- and national conferences and i n night wsa thoroughly enjoyed by lyn Memorial Art Museum. How- tend. and Toby Okrent.-...: ; stitutes sponsored by the National the members and their dates. An ard, a freshman at Central High Federation of Temple Youth durTickets , . ' . Barbara Joffe and School, has been in scouting since action packed football game was ing the year. '.= '. .' " first on the agenda. Clever invi- Elahie Krants,'.;' he was 11 years old. Ho Is also a The next meeting of the Temtations were made for the girls by member of AZA No, I. The Covple Youth Group will take place party co-chairmen Jerry Marer ered Wagon Council of the Boy P-TA Youth Council Letter Sunday, Nov. 8, at 7:30 p. m , and Sheldon Rips. The invitaScouts will make the presentaThe Beth Israel P-TA will hold tions were decorated Rayim noisetion. Howard is one of four boys it's monthly meeting Thursday place to be announced. By Joan Knsae makers, which provided merriin Troop 75 to be honored. The The Youth Council -meeting of public is invited to attend the evening, Nov. 5 at 8:30 p. m. In ment at the game. The remainder the recreation room of the Talmud of the evening was spent dining October 14 was called to order by ceremonies, ; Torah. and dancing at the home ot Bob the president, Larry Schwartz at Mrs. Dave Friedman, program Goldstein. The third edition of 7 : 4 5 p . ' m . : • • •'; '•'•:':•' •" / . • . V chairman announced that Dr. Victte new Raylro newspaper was Committee reports included the tor E. Lcvino, of Crclghton UniIssued. announcing of a "Coke Dance" Bruce Humble will instruct a versity will speak on "Eskimo near fuThe meeting Is scheduled for which will be held in the Mothers and Eskimo Children." class in mimeographing at the Friday, Oct. 39 Jewish Community Center. Tccnthis Sunday at the home of Ron ture in the canteen. Gerald Alan Gerellck, Gary Al- Movies of Alaska will be shown. ngers may Boys' bowling has now started register Tuesday and Brodkey. A guest speaker will len Parilman, Sandra Hence ParilA social hour Is planned after Wednesday, Nov. 10 and 11. I n with twenty teams entered in the be heard. league. Girls will start volleyball man, and Maxine Lou Zweiback. the meeting. Refreshments will be struction will bo limited to six stuSaturday, Oct. 31 served. All are invited to attend. dents per session. Registration will on November 6. Barbara Ann Brodkey, James H e a r t i e s t congratulations to Cohen, be held in the youth activities ofJeffrey Marks Cooper, HarZwieback and Bob Kully riet Sue Dolgoff, Deborah From- Junior Youth Club fice. . Following a meeting held Sun- Speedy The Beth Israel Junior Youth who have elected as Unaffiliated day at the home of Malice Katlckin, Sharon Fern Gendlcr, Law- Club will meet this Sunday eveman, T. A. held a monthly birth- representatives to Y. C. rence (Larry) Joel Gimple, and ning between G:30 and 8 p. in. The Religious School Theme Youth Council dues must be paid Roger Persoll. ,day party honoring all of the meeting will take place in the recBins who had celebrated their by the third week of bowling. reation room of the Talmud Torah. at Temple Services Sunday, Nov. I birthdays during September and Dues arc fifteen cents per mem- Ncena Beber, Donna Rae Can-The club will send letters to Pen The theme of the Sabbath ServOctober. Also at the meeting ber. in Israel and discuss plans ice and Oncg Shabbot at Temple, Applications for chairmanship of field, Eugene Dandy, Lois Mos- Pals plans were made for a slumber for an outdoor picnic. • Israel tonight will be the Religious party on November 14. Follow- the Youth Council roster may be kowitz, and Douglas Platt. School program. At Services at 8 Monday, Nov. 2 ing the regular meeting was a dis- obtained from Larry Schwartz's p. m. in the Jewish Community Rochelle Rae Adler, Donna Dufcussion on "The Betterment of mailbox in the Y. C. office. Center Auditorium, Rabbi Sidney fin, Aviva Suzanne Fcldman, and T. A. Each club must enter its events Shari The members of the Beth Israel II. Brooks will discuss "Our HcAnn Malkin. The girls recently formed a vol- and club meetings on the J. C. C. Intermediate Youth club enjoyed li.ilous School—Its Problems and Tuesday, Nov. 3 leyball team, and have been hold- calendar, and they must also be Elaine Raskin. dance and party on Saturday Challenges." placed on the calendar in Phil ing several practices. ' evening, Oct. 24. Bernanl Polikov Following the Service the conWednesday. Nov. 4 Final plans are being made for Roggen's office. Karen Sokolof and Charles Alan and Beverly Goldberg were elect- gregation is invited to Join in a Also announced at the meeting the Halloween party to be held ed as temporary co-chairmen. discussion of the Religious School Trachtenbarg. at Camp Brcwster tomorrow was the fact that all club advisors The next meeting of the club will program under the chairmanship Thursday, Nov. S IMgnt. will meet once a month with Phil Hugh Ira Abrahamson Stuart, take place on Saturday evening, of David Blclcher. The program As for community service 'the Hoggen and Dave FogcL ha3 been arranged, a( the suggesFogel, Susan Lee Gilinsky, Nov. 7. At this point i n the meeting, a Jay d u b has again adopted the Creche tion of the Religious School ComTerry Goldenbcrg, Barbara Ann very delicate subject was again Home to make favors and nutcups mittee of the Temple Executive Grecnberg, and Donald Noodell. brought to the attention of the durin Board. Mervin N. Lemmerman, * P e d a l bciU*T* « ^ meeting. This came forward in the A new Arts and Crafts club has director of education,, will report ear been organized at the Beth Israel on new projects developed by the T. A. recently formed an Israeli forth of a motion to abolish BEST Synagogue for girls of the Prim- school this year, and an open disdane* group fm this year, and CLUB. After this motion was ary and Secondary grades. regular practices are now under- passed, it was decided to institute way. The club'6 first meeting will cussion will follow. Teachers will a FORUM (or discussion) System ake place on the first floor of \hc be available for Individual dis• w 2 h £ . c l u b * " ' a t t e n d services If this is passed by the clubs, it "Sundays at The Center" chil- Talmud Torah building from 6:30 cussion with parents following the TbMght at Beth Israel Synagogue. will become a final decision. program got off to a rollick- to 8 p. m. Sunday evening, Nov. meeting. Dancing: classes will start at 3:45 dren's ing start last week with over 40 An exhibit of textbooks, special Refreshments will be served. p. m., Thursday, November 12. registrants from 6 to 11 years of A club for boys of the Primary projects, and arts and crafts work Classes will be held for seven age. The children met with their and Secondary grades is now be-of the various classes has been At'the Debka Deb meeting last weeks. Fox trot, waltz, Jitterbun, counselors and formed clubs. Some Sunday plans for the annual open and possibly the polka will be elected officers, others a g r e e d ing organized and will have its arranged. Refreshments will be served. house to be held December 19 taught. Those interested please upon secret passwords and club first meeting in about 3 weeks. were discussed. contact Judy Cohn in Phil Rog- emblems. The first special event • D e b s also decided to have a gen's office Monday and Thurs- will be held this Sunday which Chanukah party for the members day, November 2-5. Fee will be will be a costumed Halloween .and their families and to make 51.75 for the full session. party to which parents are invited. Thanksgiving favors for a hospiA group of mothers arc baking tal. On November 20 each Birl pumpkin pics a:; an added treat THE CHANUKAH PHIDIL is going to take a non-Jewish girl for the children. Festivities get to fervlces at Beth-El. under way at 3:30 p. m. In the The recently elected officers Center auditorium. After a "Grand of the freshman class are Linda March" a committee of The next mertln;; of United Costume Verct, president: Marsha Zalkln Synagogue judges will award prizes to will be held young Vice-president; Nancy Friedland- this coming Youth the best five costumes. There will Sunday, at 7 p. ro., er, secretary, and Hrenda Katz- in Beth El Synagogue. An execu- be "tricks and treats" for all the Remember the games we used (6 play? Win or lose by the spin of man and Sandra Fcldman. serKe- tive meeting will precede the children. the Drcidel. , ants-at-arms. This class is plan- regular session. Plans for the Registration will remain open We in America are complete winners - a wonderful, country to Hvt ning their own party aril are also regional convention to be held in until November 1. The fee is $7.50 making scrapbooks for University Kansas City will be discussed. in, all the luxuries of life we can afford and an unlimited quantity of for the remaining eight wectei. hospital. the choicest foods. < Tickets for the Beth El Carni- Only children between 0 and 10 Our friends and relatives in Israel are also winners—but they val can be purchased from Nancy may be registered. Call the acBarron, Sheldon Kips and Bobtivities office for further informahaven't "hit the jackpot" — their country is young and progressing tion. Meyer. rapidly but unfortunately, they suffer shortages-and the most acute shortage is food. . • (. . Phoot v i H50 to lnwri rmn Warn A> (D Tbt Jrwi.r. fTcai. Let us spin the Dreidel for them and make them complete winners! •i r * ~ 'n" " ° ° eK "» "" « * » •*•" SCRIP TO ISRAEL, THE FIRST SELF-SELECTION SERVICE ORGANIZAUOB. Tlit Pre«# rrgerves Ui# njrtjl la llmi' « » t on n e b « d » r t u i TION PROVIDING KOSHER FOOD FOR THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL can at the Jewish Community Center supplement their food supply through your needed help. { BAH and Bas Mitzvah congratulations: also for nil Jewish holiA Scrip to Israel gift certificate in $5, - $10, - $15, - $25 denoml. 101 No. 20,h Street days and special occasions. nations and up gives your dear ones the highest quality RATION-FREE, ' Under the direction of Prof. Hans BAER Meyer? News Stand, 1502 Dodge GLAT KOSHER FOODS at the very lowest prices plus excellent amf courteous service through our streamlined American style superftlodcm Techniques Are Used CHANAKAH is Dec. 1. markets located throughout Israel. Pupil's Recitals to Be Presented IiOCnl PLACE your order now for his or her favarite magazine. Gift Enrollment for fall and winter secrsoa 1953-1954 has started •cards furnished. Take advantage of the special offers that arc In Call JAckson 1366 or WEbster 8681 effect this month. MRS. S. J. HORWICH, WA 8D57

&.Z.A. No. 1

Plan Program



Kooper Gets Eagle Award


Beth Israel News

Mimeographing Class for Teens

Happy Birthday

Tikvas Ami

Youth Club

New Girls' Club

Halloween Party Planned for Group

Deblia Debs

United Synagogue Youth to Meet

Want Ads

Center Piano Studio

•.v... i'-.-i—--i

Friday, October 30, 1953

Community Calendar Saturday, Oct. 31 Dick Wnlter Celebrotics—Tech High School. Suruiuy, Nov. 1 Children's Program— 2:00 p. m.. Center. Young Adult Lounge Kvtnin«—8:00 p. in.. Center. Monday, Nov. 2 Fro-Klndergarlen School—-0:00 a. m., Center. Adult Art Class—1:00 p. in., Center. '• Temple Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Highland Town. Workmen's Loan Society—7:30 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. rn., Beth Israel. \ Tuesday, Nov. 3 Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth IsraelYouth Council Basketball Starts—0:50 p. m., Center. Junior Hada&sah Mcitinc—7:30 p. m., Center. Pioneer Women Hoard MeetlnK—8:00 p. m., Center. Wcdnrsday, Nov. 4 Pre-Klndergartcn School—9:00 a. m.. Center. Beth El Sisterhood Hoard—1:00 p. m., Center. Ladies Free Loan Society—2:00 p. m., Beth El. Center Orchestra llehcarsal—8:00 p. m., Center. Youth Council "B" League Basketball—Center. Jewlih War Veterans I'ost and Auxiliary Board Meeting—8:00 p. m., Homes. Beth Israel Board Meeting—8:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Institute on World Affairs—8n5 p. m., Omaha University. Thursday, Nov. 5 Mizrachi Women Donor Luncheon—1:00 p. m., Center. Great Books Course—7:30 p. m., Center. Chess Class—8:00 p. m.. Center. B'nai B'rith Hillel Chairmen—8:30 p. m., Center. ' Beth Israel PTA Meeting—8:30 p. m., Beth Israel. Bridge Class—9:00 p. m., Center. Vanity Basketball—Center. Friday, Nov.« Pre-Klndergartcn School—0:00 a. m., Center. 8»tnnUy, Nov. 7 Uadanah Oncg Shabbat—American Affairs and Education Chairmen—12:80 p. m., Homes. : CouncUetfes Barn Dance—"Country Style"—8:00 p. m., Center. Sunday, Nov. 8 • Beth El Carnival—1:00 p. m., Beth EL Children's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. Young Adult Lounge Evening—8:00 p. m., Center, Monday, NOT. 9 Pre-Klndergartcn School—9:00 p. m., Center. Badauah Chapter Board—12:30 p. m,, Home. Workmen's Loan Society—7:30 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470 Board—8:00 J>. m., Center. Tuesday Musical—8:30 p. m., Central High. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Taesday, Nov. 10 Temple Israel Book Itcvlew—1:00 p. m., Home. Council Study Group—1:00 p. m., Home. Peretz Hinhbcin—1:00 p. m.. Home. Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m., Center. Wednesday, Nov. 11 Pre-Kindereartcn School—9:00 a. m.. Center. Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Center. Zionist Council—8:00 p. m.. Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470 Adult Education—6:00 p. m., Home. Institute on World Affairs—8:15 p. m., Omaha University. Workman's Circle Ladles Auxiliary—8:30 p. m., Labor Lyceum. Thursday, Nov. 12 Hadassah Group Boards—12:30 p. m;. Homes. . Council Women Board—1:00 p. m., Highland Town. Ballroom Dancing—Youth Council—3:45 p. m , Center. Bridge Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Chess Class—8:00 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 34(1 Meeting—8 JO p. m., 26th and J SU. B'nai B'rith Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 Meeting—«:30 p. m.( 25th and J SU. Friday, Nov. IS Pre-Kindcrgarten—9:00 a. m., Center. : Bandar, Nor. IS Children's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Sisterhood Buffet Supper—7:80 p. m., Beth Israel, Youth Adult Lounge Night—8.-00 p. m., Center. Monday, Nov. 16 Pre-Klndcrgartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. Adult Art Class—3:00 p. m., Center. Hadassah Group Board— Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rith Bowling Meeting—8:30 p. m. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. m., Beth Israel Tuesday, NOT. 17 National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m.. Center. B'nai B'rith Women—1:00 p. m., 25th and J Sufc Kadimah Regular Meeting—8:30 p. m., Home. Wednesday, Nor. II Pre-Kindcrgarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. Mizrachi Women—1:00 p. m., Center. ' Youth Council Meeting—7:00 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m., Center. , Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. Institute on World Affairs—8:15 p. m., Omaha University. Center Forum—Guest Artist — Martha Schlamme — 8:30 p. m., Center. Thursday, Nov. 19 Hadassah Group Meeting, Hcrzl Luncheon—12:30 p. m., Center. Hadassah Group Meeting, Wclzmann Group—12:30 p. m., YMCA. Hadassah Group Meeting, Szoid Group—12:30 p. m., YWCA. Beth Israel Men's Club Dinner—7:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Great Books Course—7:30 p. m., Center. Jewish War Veterans Post and Auxiliary Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center. Bridge Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Chess Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Saturday, Nov. 21 Jewish War Veterans Armistice Dance—9:00 p. m., Blackstone, Sunday, Nov. 22 Children's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. Young Adult Lounge Night— 0:00 p. m., Center. Monday, Nov. 23 Pre-Kindergartcn School—9:00 0. m., Center. Golden Age Club—12:30 p. m., Center. Adult Art Classes—1:00 p. m., Center. Workmen's Loan Society—7:30 p. m., Center. •, Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m., Joslyn. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Tuesday, Nov. 24 Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—Beth Israel. Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m., Joslyn. Wednesday, Nov. 25 Pre-Kindergarten School—9:00 0. m., Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rith Monsky Lodge—8:00 p. m., Center. Youth Council Annual Thanksgiving Services. Thursday, Nov. 26


Beth Israel Annual Thanksgiving Services—10:00 a. m*; Beth Israel. , • '•




Religious News



Light Candles: 5:05 n. in. TEMI-LE ISItAI.r, At the regular Siibbalh Service:, this evening i>t 1! o'clock, ltnbbi Sidney H. Brooke will ell- c ii' •. OUK RELIGIOUS SCHOOL, Us Problems and ClMlltiigc:.. rollowing tlie seivlcc the Con;'i(.|Mti»ii i' invited to uttend tin1 first ineellng of the Temple Israel PTA, under the chairmanship 01 David lilcicher, at which time there will he general and inform;il discussion Of the principles arid practice;; in our Temple School. Mrs. David Blelchcr will bless the Sabbath lights. Dr. Eurl li. Wigodsky and Mr. Richard Gummurs will be called to the reading of the Torah. Mr. Lloyd Bank will recite the Kiddush. Regular Shabbos Morning Serv- Joseph Tretiak ices will be held Saturday mornServices were held last Friday ing at 11:30 o'clock.'Rabbi Brooks will conduct the services and for Mr, Joseph E. Tretiak With interment at the Golden Hill CemKiddush for all present will, foletery. Mr. Tretiak died suddenly low the services. Wednesday, Oct. 2l. He was 64. BETHEL Mr. Tretiak, a resident of Omaha for 40 fears, founded the OmaServices will begin this evening ha Jobbing Company. at 8:15 o'clock. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Mr. Tretiak was active in comCantor Aaron I, Edgar and the munal activities. He had ' been Beth £1 Choir will render the mus- treasurer of the Talmud Torah of ical portions of the service. the synagogue at 15th and Chicago Sabbath morning services will streets, for 35 years. He was treasbegin at 9:45 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv urer of the Jewish National Fund service will be held at 5 p. m. group hero and a member of the Pally Minyan is held on each Zionist organization. Mr. Tretiak week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p, m. also was a member of the B'nai Sunday morning- service is at 9 B'rith. a. m.( with breakfast served ImHe is survived by wife, Dora; mediately following. Following two daugtehrs, Mrs. Leo J. Cogan breakfast, Rabbi Kripke will lead and Mrs. Jerry Fellman, both of a study period for adults on the Milwaukee, and seven grandchilTorah portion for the week, with dren. traditional rabbinic commentary. The boys of pre-Dar Mltzvah and post Bar Mltzvah ago will meet Harry Lehman with Mr. Katz for a study period Services were held last Friday in cantiliation and other skills. for Mr. Harry Lehman with Interment at the Golden Hill Cemetery. BETH ISRAEL Mr. Lehman, 54, died Thursday, Rabbi Benjamin kroner, Cantor Oct. 23. EU Kagan, and tho Beth Israel • He Is survived by his wife, a sisSynagogue choir, will conduct Kite ter, Mrs. Ben Soshnick, and a son, Friday evening services tonight at Gerald. 8 p. m. Sabbath morning services at Beth Israel at 8:30 a. m. and D The family of Mr. Lehman a. m. at 19th and Burt. Junior wishes to thank their relatives and Services at 10 a. m. In the chapel. friends for their kindness, and exRabbi Groner will conduct the pressions of sympathy. Saturday afternoon Talmud class at 4:15 p. m., Saturday. Mincha Producer Billy Rose plans to will start at 4:45 p. m. Dally morning services begin at present Orson Welles on Broadway next spring in a repertory of 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 0:30 a.' m. at 19th and Burt. Dally aft- three classic revivals. . . . Ava Gardner back from Paris and ernoon services begin at 5 p. m., ready to begin another film at Friday afternoon at 5 p. m. MGM. The Sunday morning breakfast mlnyan and Rabbi's class in Bible meets at 8:45 a. m. There is a spe- their fathers to the adult mlnyan. cial Tails and TcphiUn Minyan The children's service starts at tor children over 12 years of age, 8:30 a. m. and breakfast Is served and for children who accompany to the children after the service. Friday, Nor. 27 Pre-Kindcrgarten School—9.-00 a. m., Center. Saturday, Nor. 2* Hadassah Over AU Oncg Shabbat—12:30 p. m., Home, Sunday, Nov. 29 Midget Basketball Pre-Seoson Starts—1:30 p. m., Center. Children's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. B & P Hadassah—2:00 p. rn., Center. Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m . Center. Dick Walters Celcbraties—Tech High. Monday, Nov. 30 Pre-Kindcrgarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. Adult Art Class—1:00 p. m., Center. Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—0:00 p. m., Beth Israel.

Gems of Bible and Talmud By DR. PHUJF BBEB Bible He who hath a bountiful ey« shall be blessed, for he giveth of his bread to the poor. Cast out the seorner and contention will go out; yea, strife and shame will cease. Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him. Talmud Rabbi Isaac said: "He who has provoked his neighbor even by words, must appease him." One who reads the Scriptures, studies the Mishnah, and even serves scholars, but speaks not gently to others, or whose purchases and gifts are not fitting, or who deals dishonestly, what do we say of him? "Woe to him who reads the Scriptures and studies the Mishnah! Woe to his parents who have raised him! Woe to his teacher who instructed him In the Torahl" Rabbi Elcazar said, in the name of Rabbi Joehanan: "It is permissible on the Sabbath to decide upon the amount of charity to be distributed among the poor." Rabbi Samuel, in the name of Rabbi Joehanan, said: "One i s allowed to visit the theatres, clr-' cuses and trade exchanges on the Sabbath, i f ' i t be to protect the welfare of the community."

Israeli Justice Jerusalem (WNS) — Professor Simcha Assaf, member of the Israeli Supreme Court, died here at the age of 84, at the Blkur Chollm Hospital In the presence of bench members who interrupted the court's session to visit an ailing colleague when reports reached them of the gravity of his illness. He was the brother of Hyman Osoff of this city. Professor Assaf was a noted Rabbinical scholar in Russia at the time he settled in Jerusalem in 1922. In 192S, the Hebrew University appointed him lecturer and later Professor of Talmudic Literature and Histotry of the Gaonic period. Among the mourners at the services were: President Ben-Zvl, the Prime Minister, David Ben Gurion; Justices of the Israel Supreme Court; Israel cabinet ministers, and members of the Rabbinate.

54% Increase New Orleans (JTA)—The J e w ish population of New Orleans has increased 54 per cent since 1938 and now totals approximately 10,000 according to a preliminary report on the Jewish population study of Greater New Orleans Just completed, A study made in 1938 fixed the total then at 6,472. The study Indicated that the average size of the Jewish housebold here is low in comparison with the rest of the country, working out at about 3.01 members per Jewish household as against a national average of 3.5 persons, per family household. These figures are still tentative and are subject to revision when .their analysis is completed by Columbia University.



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Jr. B. B. Bowling Needlework Guild

B'nai B'rith Bowling

By Llndy I'uul

A Division



20 4 Surkhard-Gerellck ....... 11-Worth Grill , _ ».., IB 8 Nebraska furniture...» IS 9 Grace-Mayer Ins, ..„ IS 11 IS 11 Lyns Florist _ . . Crosstown TV ......._. 12 12 12 12 l ip l „,..< 10 14 Belmont Jewelry ...„...., 10 14 Hinky Dinky Stores... 9 15 Milder Oil Co 8 16 Greenberg Ins. , 6 18 Morris Faint Co. _.„ High Game* and Scries Morrle Epstein, 6-7-10 split; 8am NStern, 223—5S0; Bae Epstein, 206; Ben Raduzlner, 511; Dave Krantz, 209; Jerry Katz, 215—317, Dave Hoberman, 502; Stan Llpsey, 843; Norm Zevitz, 204—511; Irv Rubinow, 203, and Sonny Carber, S07. 'There were three shutouts, Lyns Florist over Belmont; BurkardOcrellck over Crosstown TV; 11Worth Grill over, Nebraska Furniture Mart. The Grill won by seven pins in the middle game and two in the last. Handicaps in the above games were not over eight pins per game. Kelley's "B" Dlv. W. 15 14 13 13 13 12 11 10

H. A. Wolf Ins. ,. LJbuls Market Bennett Furniture . v _, ... So. Omaha Sun _..». Watson Bros. Van Lines .... Slosburg Realty _ _. Simons Jewelry Robinson Iron & Metal .... Magi-Color Paint (Brandeis) 10 Mid Plains Insurance . 9 Even with Robinson Iron & Metal losing two, Irv Sabcs managed to roll a torrid 2Z7 and 533 series setting a new high individual game for the league as well as tying the high individual scries. Slosburg Realty took all three with Bob Passer rolling a 203 and a nice 488 scries. Bill Fried, II. A Wolf Insurance, looked Rood with a 193 and a 503 scries. Kevec Kirschcnbaum, So. Omaha Sun .kept 'em going down the middle Quite consistently with a 481 . rnt Slosburg Realty's 2,HS arid 801 Was :.hlgh team scries and high team game respectively for the evening; but Bennett Furniture's 2,213 and 828 still stand. Parkway League W. L Wolfson-Gerbcr .'. 154 t'A Rosen-Novak 14 10 Playland Park „.. 14 10 Ritcway TV 14 10 Ranks Army „. 14 10 National Tire _ 14 10 PrucVa Tramp. .... 13 11 Riehman-Gordman ,.._. 12 12 Phllco-Brandeis Wi 14Mt Sol Lewis Co 9 15 Borshelm Jewelry 8 16 Liberty Gas 8 16 IUrh Game* and Series Abe SluUky, 162-156-144—512; Wm. Wolison, 171; Wm. Kaiman, 185; D. Dimond, 180—455; M. Richards, 160; L. Bernstein, 176S. Diamond, 174; B. Raznick, 175165-130—470; D. Martin, 165: D. Ravitz, 167; I. Bcrcovid, 164— 435; B. Wiseman, 183—453; L. AsbyU, 168; J. Schrelber, 161—463 L. Jess, 176; M. Herzoff, 162; A Mayer, 194—450; A. Bacr, 167165—468; M. Halpcrn, 183-105— 463, and S. Maypcr, 105—472 Ranks Army Store rolled a new high team game of 824 t

B. B. Ladies Bowling Country Club Grocery Phillips Dcpt Store National Tire & Sup Colony Club Omaha Jobbm : H-Woith Grill Ehukcrts Angles Beauty Shop Mystic Bf.iul> Shop Lyn's Florist Hamilton Ph.irm lty Kish Furs R Jt S Shoes Wolf BroDouplas Jewelry Smith Ponti.ic Iliffh Series Rea Wintroub, 4Gr>; Tit7, 401: Rev a Singer, Ross, 456 IliCh Game Cert Zcvltz, 1B0

W. L. 15 9 14 10 14 10 13 11 13 11



11 13 11 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 *? 1?'A 13 " 11





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G'rt Zc-


Gertrude Berg confided "A sign that the world is beginning to settle down is that there hain't been a new system of bidding at bridge for over six months."

Basketball Leagues Open Season at Center Gym live seasons in years. This Sunday afternoon, tome 70 grade schoolers ure expected to practice for the coming Midget league. League play is expected to start Sunday, Nov. 29. Two leagues are being planned. The "A" league will be made irp of 7 and 8th graders while the B league will feature the smaller and younger 5th and 6th graders. A big season will soon be underway. Parents and friends are invited to attend the games to On Thursday night the Jay cheer their favorites on. varsity league will begin another season of play with a pro-season round. The four squads in the league this year appear to be equally balanced which should lead to one of the finest compctiNext week the Jay will play host to about 170 Jcwkh athletes who will participate in this season's leagues. Opening date will be Tuesday night when the Youth Council "A" league will start Its pre-season piny. It appears to be a three way fight for the- title between Rayim, A.Z.A. IA and Independents. On Wednesday night, the Youth Council "B" league composed mainly of freshmen and sophomores will start their season. The Raylm I) team, with Dave Herzog, Howard Goldstein and Art Novak seem very strong.

Freshmen Top Y. G. Bowling

Jr. Sports in TV Spotlight On the Dick Charles sports program at KMTV last Friday, the Junior Sports Bowling league was shown on film. A photographer from KMTV took pictures of the youngsters as they bowled and the films were shown on the sports telecast. In the spotlight was David Swift, a sixth grader who is bowling for the first time. David was shown releasing the ball and jumping for sheer joy when he knocked down some pins. Official league play starts today. Teams have been chosen and the youngsters hove now bowled 3 times to gain an average. Last weeks "100" bowlers were: Joyce Koom 120; John Rcikus, 116; Chuck Wise, 113; Larry Gllinsky, 110; Howard Welnbcrg, 109; Bill Katzman, 103, and Nancy Richards, 100. Here arc the teams; 1. Nancy Richards, Tonl Kaplan, Helene Franklin and Ton! Fcllinan. 2. Jerry Schwartz, Bud Herzog, Larry GUinsky and Gabby Berg.

A couple of freshmen from AZA 100 are leading the Youth Council Bowling League in individual high game and series. Howie Kooper has the top game of 228 while Bob Epstein bowled a 554 series to lead in that department Meanwhile, Independents E-B-G are leading the American division with a 12TO record, while AZA 100 Centurymen have an 11-1 In the National Division. All teams are now bowling at 10:30 a. m. National Division -

























AZA No. 100 Ccnturyrhcn 11 1 AZA No. 1 9 3 Rayim S . P . ' s ...:.............»-. 7 JS AZA No. 1 Bluffers .............. 7 , 5 Independents Sleepers ........ 7 5 AZA No. 1 Boosers ;..; 6 6 Rayim SOS 4 8 Hayim "H" .: ..._. 4 8 Hayim Scrcwbowls 3 9 AZA No. 1 No Names ...... 2 10 Hlrh. Stan Wldman 109—517 George Sacks 199—511 John Goldner 19G—504 Howard Kooper 181—470 Steve Frankcl 171—402 Steve BrOokstein 175—453 American Division W. L. Independents E-B-G 12 0 Rayim Meal Sew Grozi 10 2 AZA No. 100 " A " - . 7 3 Mike Platt, Tom Plait, Doug AZA No. 1 Gutter Goons.... 5 7 PUtt, and Harold Forbes. Rayim "K" 5 7 i. Raylm " X V 5 7 Dale Kasln, Judy Platthcr, Phyl- AZA No. 1 Gutter Gang .... S 7 'Abrahams and Alice Kurz. AZA No. 1 Zorch's 4 8 5. AZA No. 1 We Goofed . . * 8 Mike Shrler, Steve Guss, Jim Rayim M-Jabs 3 9 Guss and Larry Garrop. nuns 6. Bob Epstein 210—SS4 Joyce Koom, Gall Tretlak, Jean- Jerry Ziegman ...„ 213—543 ne Silver and Joy Frieden. Fred Simon 170—488 1 Ed Bclzet 167—463 Pat Asa, Arlcne Grossman,, Bob Meyer ..177—461 ayle FcUman and Nancy Venter Tom Bernstein 180—455 John Reikes, Bill Hurwieh, Morris Brodkey and Jerry Ciplnko. Larry Hoberman, • Phil Gorellck. Howard Slusky and David Swift 10. Carol Gombere, Susan Baron, Judy Brookstcln and Eden Cohen. 11. Chuck Wise, Mike Sobes, Ed Wintroub and Mike Markovilz. 12. Barbara Adler, Bcltc Wiener Sandy Gross and Cindy Klein. 13. Clark Swartz, Walt Wise, Louie Rich and Howard Welnbcrg. 14. Chrrna Schraiir.r, Rcncc Franklin, Sandra Friedman and Mary Hobrrman. 15. Martin Lipp, Frank Goldberg, Buddy Marcus .'ind Bill Katzman. IG. Sieve Block, Judy Stevens, il.'irtin Sneldcr and Steve Gould.

Y. C. Girl* Bowling Phyllis Rosen, a senior at Central high and a member of the Debs Nebs Bowling team is setting a torrid pace after eight games of bowling with an average of 100. Her fine bowling is the main reason her Debs Nebs team Is unbeaten and in first place, •:




Debs Nebs .,. 8 0 Starlets 6 2 Gutter Gals 5 3 3 Strikes & a Sparc 5 3 Mileroma 5 3 Slick Chicks 5 3 La Fa Ma Rl 4 4 Lucky Strikes u...,. 4 4 Alley Cats 4 4 Scoreless Fourless 4 4 Lucky Losers 3 5 Lane Lassies 1 7 All Strikes 1 7 Bowling Belles 1 7 Illeb 5 Games Matlee Katlemanj La Fa Ma Rl 170 Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, 1C0, 175 Teveo Bernstein, w. 3 Strikes & a Spare 150 Millie Wine r Elafne Krantz, . G No; .c Bros 3 Strikes & a Spare 140 I. C. A. Victor High 5 Averages Mct7. liter Phylll? Hosen, Debs Ncb3 1C0 Brandeis Easy Washer 5 Barbare Joffe, Starlets 141 FJrandcis Klccrchromc 4 Toby Okrent, Starlets 128 "milh Pontiac 3 "ftvee Bernstein, Edwards Jewelry .. . 3 3 Strikes & a Spare 120 High Games and Scries Evelyn Hoberman 450-185, Evvic Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma HI ....125 Rice 432, Audrey Klrshenbaum IllCh 5 Series 425, Flora Bloom 425, and Adeline Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs 341 Sneider 402. Vl Joffc, Starlets 288

Hadassah Bowling

Stuart Kutler led the league with his eparkling 301 .series, while Dave Wintroub took the laurels for his high game of 177. Mike t'eldman and Mike Shrier made headline news this week with some beautiful bowling. Mike Fcldman, an 85 average bowler, fired games of 151 and 97 for a 248 series, as Mike Shrier, with a modest 81 average, put together games of 137 and 013 for a 233 series. Edie Singer led the girls' division with games of 122 and 119 for a 241 series. Jack Lieb converted the 8-8-10 split. • W. L. Nebraska Furn. Mart 6 0 O. P. Skaggs „ 4 2 Gamble Robinson Fruit Co. 4 2 American Lbr. & Sup Co 4 2 Wolfson Gerber Auto Sales 3 3 Maypers .'... 3 3 Morris Paint ..„ 2 4 Industrial Chemical Co. .... 2 4 Playland Park 1 5 11-Worth Grill 1 5 Hlrh Games and Series Stuart Kutlor „. 161-140—301 Dave Wintroub 177-117—2B4 Jack Lleb 146-128—274 Billy Katzman .......... 135-135—270 Mike Canar 127-126—253 Mike Platt ................ 145-107—252 Mike Feldman .......... 151- 97—248 Paul Shykcn 126-121—247 Tom Platt ....,....._... 134-112—246 Edle Singer ......:. 122-119—241 Mike Shrier „....»....». 137- 96—233 Herble Kalman ........ 114-110—224 Bcrnie Grossman O 111-111—222 John Rlckes .,.„.;...., 116-104—220 Muriel Rosenblatt.... 115-103—218 Susan Wolfson ........ 116-101—217 Stuart Fogel ..:.,,-.. 109-104—213 Maureen Zevitz ....... 113- 93—200 Marc Somuelson .... I l l - 94—205 Howard Wlonborg ..:. 108- 95—203

Y. C. Gab Volleyball

Underway Nov. 6 The annual Youth Council Glrlu Volleyball tournament will start Friday, Nov. 6. The league will consist of 8 teams and games will be played on Wednesdays and Fridays after school. There will be two games each day. Games will start at 3:30 p. m. in the JAY gymnasium. The defending chomps of regular league play last year ure Councilettes. The tournament winners were the Dcbka Debs. This year T. A. appears to be very strong and a three way fight for the title will be expected. Schedule for Friday, Nov. « 3:30 p. m.—T.A. vs. Councilctte 1. 4:00 p. m.—Councilettc 2 vs. Debka Debs 1. .Judy Conn, Youth Council Athletic chairman, it in charge of the league:

Seminary Honors David Sarnoff New York (WNS) — Brigadier leneral David Sarnoff, Chairman of the Boards NBC and RCA, was cited last week by the Jewish Theological Seminary, of America, at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, for his vision which has "contributed mightily to Judaism as a fuith, to religion in all its manifestations, to. American democracy, and to civilization itself," This month marks ten years of unique partnership in religious broadcasting between the Seminary, which sponr-ors The Eternal Light radio program and NBC, which presents the program as a public service. The citation, read by The Honorable Edgar J. Nathan, Jr., member of the Hoard of Directors of the Seminary and Chairman of the National Eternal Light Committee, praised General Sarnoff and his N1JC ns.iocialt-3 for env i s a g i n g the potentialities of broadcasting profound Ideas in dramatic form. The Etcranl Light, designed to Illustrate various phases of Jewish faith and culture, pioneered in promoting brotherhood and intcrgroup understanding through the medium of dramatic radio.

Grade School Girls The Jay is sponsoring a Modern Dance class starting Wednesday, Nov. 4, in room 21 ut the center. If you ore Interested In learning about Modrcn and Interpretive dancing, attend the class at 4 p. m. after school. For further information call JA 1366.

Drive Donations

Mrs. Albert Ii. Newman, chairman of the Jewish Charities Section of the Needlework Guild Drive, announces that contributiuns arc coming in daily, but that a number of donors have not as yet responded. It is hoped that all those who have not mailed In their donations will do so Immediately, she stated. The following have mailed in their contributions since the last list appeared in the Jewish Press: Mmes. Herman Auerboch, Abe Baker, Julius Barren, Meycr'Beber, Hyman Bclman, Clarence Bergman, Daniel Bezinan, Dave Bolker, Paul Blotcky, Harold B. Brodkey, Charles Canfield, Abe N. Cohen, Daniel Cohen, Sam S. Cohen, Arthur A. Cohn, Sarah Cohn, Meyer Crandell, Philip Crandell, Abraham Diamond, Harry Dvosin, Aaron Edgar, Richard Einstein, Sam Faier, Robert Fcinberg, David Fcrtll, David Flnkle, Isadora Forbes, Donald Fischer, Frank FIshbcrg, Albert Fox, Sam Freed, Jacob Frcgcer, Ycshia Fregger, Abraham Friedman, Lloyd Friedman, Louis Friedman, Harold Garber. Phil Gllinsky, Leonard Goldstein, Walter Gottlieb, Barton Greenberg, Elmer Greenberg, Arthur M. Greene, Charles Guss, Manning Handler, Mendel Hertzbqrg, David Hoberman, Max Horowitz, Belle Horwich and Joo M. Horwich. Mines. Sam J. Horwich, Jack Hyman, Morton Ivcs, Arthur Joseph, George Kagcn, Irvln Kalman, Jean Kaplan, Sam Kaplan, Maurice Katclman, Stanley Kafelman, Morris Katlcman, Oscar Katlcman, Seymour Katz, Frank Kelberg, Benjamin Klalman, Nathan Kort, Abe Klotz, Leonard Krasne, Michael Krasne, Isldor Lcvlnson, Leopold Levy, Louis Lipp, Harry Locwcnstein, Max Magid, Sam Manvltz, Robert Marer, Alfred Mayer, Jack M c 1 c h c r, Peter Meyers, Philip Miller, Sam Ncronbcri:, Jack Newbcrg, Fannie Newman, and Henry A. Newman, Mines. Albert A. Oruch, David Oruch, Leo Oiitravich, Harry Perimeter, Max Pirsch, David I'ot.ish, Harry I'riesman, Howard Raskin, Molllc Itavitz, Nathan Resniek, Robert RlmnuTinan, Philip Ringle, David Uiseman, Jennie Rosenblatt, Sam Rosenblum, Morris Roscn::tein, Sam Rothcnbcrg, A. S. Rubnitz, Harry Rubcnstcin, Sam G. S.tltzman, Isaac Schwartz, Sam Schwartz, Max Shapiro, Ben Sherman, David Sherman, David Shukert, Jacob Shukcrt, Edward L, Sl.-non, Jacob Shykcn, Abo Slusky, 1.1. Solzman, Rubin Smccrin, Harry M. Spicgal, Paul Surenky, Sam Trotiak, Jake Turck, Reuben Vann, Isadore II. Welner, Sam Werthelmcr, Norman Whitman, Harry A. Wise, Nathan S. Yaffe, J. Lewis Yager, Ell M. Zolkln arid Sam Zwciback. Misses Sally Newman, Sylvia Shykcn, and Beatrice Sommer.

3,000 Refugees Still in DP Camps Paris (WNS)—Eight years after Allied victory over Nazism, soins 3,000 Jewish survivors arc still interned In Displaced Persons camps in Germany and Austria, It was reported here at the annual conference of Joint Distribution Committee field directors in Paris. The disclosure was made by Samuel Ifabcr, of Milwaukee, Wi:;c, director in those two countries of J DC-sponsored relief. Mr. Habcr informed the conference that expanded aid programs arc e.c.:;ential in 1954 "in order to provide n satisfactory ending to tills large-scale tragedy," according to a cabled report received recently by JDC offices In New York. At the same time it was reported that American-supported relief nnd rehabilitation programs aro largely responsible for substantial progress recently recorded in tho fight against squalor, poverty, ignorance and disease that surround 500,000 Jews In the ghcttocs of North Africa and Iran, at the eighth post-war conference of Joint Distribution Committee field representative!. Tho conference report stressed that tho greatest gains have been achieved among Jewish children In Casablanca, Tunis, Teheran and other largo Moslem communities. At the same time it was announced by Moses W. Bccklcman, JDC Director General, that the Joint Distribution C o m m i t t e e budget for 1954 will be $27,372,000, or more than $2,000,000 greater than the agency's requirements in 1053. '

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