November 6, 1953

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Bnai Jacobs-Adas Yeshurun Raise Funds for Children ,Tho sum of RIX hundred dollars was raised by the members of the B'nai Jacob Adas Yeshurun Synagbgue for children's rescue operations and activities, and rushed to the Joint Distribution Committee and trie United Israel Appeal. It will be used in their special children's rescue and rehabilitation programs, Joe Adler, President of the Synagounc announced this week. ."The membership of our synagogue has always been interested In aiding the Important activities of the United Jewish Appeal agencies especially in the field of child saving activities in many lands,

"Jewish children the world over benefit through children's institutions and homes, special feeding stations, children's health centers, and migration to Israel programs, supported through the United Jewish Appeal. We are Clad to add our share in this task of saving and rehabilitating Jewish children everywhere," Mr. Adler said. The Board of Commissioners Is composed of: Abe Kirshenbaum, chairman; Joe Adler, president; Izzie Barslck, vice-president; El Bittner, secretary; Joseph Kirshenbaum, treasurer, and Ben Lindenbaum, Sam Levin, and S. H, Binder, trustees. Rabbi Nathan Feldman is spiritual leader of the congregation.

Yiddish Series Offered at Jay Tribute Paid A Yiddish Cultural Series will Weizmann be presented at the Jewish Community Center, starting Sunday, Nov. 22, J o s e p h Radlnowsky, chairman of the committee, announced. The program will include three Yiddish films, two concerts and a lecture on a Yid' dish theme. Motion Picture The first program of the series Will feature the motion picture, "The Unfortunate Bride," which is adaptation of the stage play, "Broken Hearts," by Z. Lubin. The film stars Maurice Schwartz flnd LUa Lee and is a trafjl-comedy of life in Russia and America in the early lOOO's. • ' "The Matchmaker," a comedy b y Sholcm Alelchcm, will be offered Sunday, Dec. 13. The film presentation features Mcnnchcin Mendel. On Tuesday, Jan. la, Dr Israel Knox, n Jeadlm; authority on Jewish culture, will speak on "Toward a Philosophy of Jewish Life in America." Concert The fourth in the scries will be a Workmen's Circle Concert featuring Israel Wolichnntky. wellknown Yiddish actor; Masha Benya, popular soprano, and Pola JCndlson, pianist; in a program entitled "Threo Hundred Years in America " Sholem Alelcbent Stories The Y i d d i s h film "Laughter Through Tears" will be shown Sunday, Feb. 21. It is collection of, Sbolem Alclchem stories presenting an unforgclablo picture of Jewish life in old Russia. The final program will bo a Fnrband Labor Zionist Concert wjth Ozlgen and SchUmmacher, Internationally known dramatists, Mina.Burn. s o p r a n o ; and Ben Bpmu*, Yiddish actor and singer. The concert will be held Tuesday, March 2. The programs nrc scheduled for 8 1 5 p. mi, in the center auditorium and the scries tickets arc $2. Committee members arc Mrs Marion Bondarin, Max Crousr Ben Martin, Sam Tarnoff, K n r 1 ' Rosenberg and Morrii Gnndmnn

Tel Aviv (WNS)—The late President Chalm Wclzmann's place in Jewish history is "alongside the great rulers and kings of old and as the foremost architect of our sovereign statehood in these days," Premier David Ben Gurlon declared this week amidst nationwide observance of the first anniversary of the death of Israel's first chief of state. Addressing several thousand people, among them outstanding defmestic and foreign personajitics, who gathered at the grave of the first President to pay homage to tho deceased leader and to participate in the formal opening of Yad Weizmann, the Weizmann memorial park located in Rehovoth on the site of the late President's home and the grounds of the Weizmann Institute of Science, the Premier declared that Dr. Weizmann was "the only practical man .unoni; all the Zionist leaders" who discerned at once the implications of Hitler's coming to power and, hence, demanded that the gntcs of Palestine be opened to European Jews. Dr. Weizmann, Ben Gurion asserted, was not only a seer but a man of action who grappled with reality and the obstacles to the great vision.

Published every Friday, 101 N. 20Ui.Single Copy 10 Omflba Nebraska, Phone AT 1.4MJ Annual Katl 4

el Bond Dinner Planned for December Plans were formulated for an Israel Bond Dinner to be hold here in December at the meeting of the Board of Governors of the .Federation'for Jewish Service Wednesday evening at the Jewish Community Center. Morton Richards, chairman of the Israel Bonds Committee, gave his report on tho past bond drive and introduced the guest speaker Leo Bernstein. ' Mr. Bernstein, national field director for the State of Israel Bonds,

Latin America Topic at Institute Rabbi Isaiah Kackovsky

Rabbi Rackovsky To Speak Here Rabbi Isaiah Rackovsky, formerly spiritual leader of the United O r t h o d o x Congregations of Omaha, will be the guest speaker at a public meeting sponsored by the Omaha Mizrachl Organization Wednesday evening, Nov. 11, at 8 p.- m. in the Beth Israel Synagogue, 52nd and Charles. Wm. Wclner, President of the Mlzrachi, announced that Rabbi Rachovsky will bring a report from the national Mizrachl convention, held at Atlantic City, on the current state of affairs in Israel, Cantor Eli Kagan and the choir will lead the musical portion of the program. Dr. Abe Greenber/; w i l l bo chairman for the evening.

Call to All Women If you have not sent in your contribution to the Needlework Guild, please do so now. The Ingathering Tea will be held Friday, Nov. 13, from 2 to 5' p. m., at the Dundee Presbyterian Church, Underwood and Happy Hollow Blvd. Additional names of contributors appears on page 7.

Dr. George I, Blanksten, political scientist at Northwestern University, will discuss "Latin America: The Argentine or U. S, Way?" at the Institute on World Affairs this coming Wednesday at 8:15 p. m. at the University of Omaha. It will bo the fifth program of this year's Institute series. The theme of the series is "Problems and PrqbIem*Areas 1953." Dr. Blanksten has recently returned from a summer visit to South America with the Ford Foundation Technical Commission, a s s e s s i n g the Point Four progratn. The Federation for Jewish Service Is a cosponsor of the institute.

Gov. Crosby Sets Up Human Relations Unit Governor Robert Crosby announced the appointment of a Human Relations Committee to survey the extent to which citizens are denied opportunities "for a wholesome and constructive life of race, creed or nationality." The committee will recemmend to the Governor measures necessary to assure the realization of the objectives set up by them. Members of the committee are: Arthur R. Goodlet, Morris E. Jacobs, Rev. John P. Markel, W. Otto Swanson, Mrs. Vcrn Vance, Whitney Young, all of Omaha; Rev. John R. Harris, Leo,YHill, Dr. Leroy T. Laase, Rev, Carroll Lemon, all of Lincoln; Sam I. Berck of Fremont, and Robert H Sanford, of Lyons.

Bikur Cholim Circle Presents Oxygen Tent to Home for Aged

What is needed Is to change tho armistice agreement into a peaca settlement, Mr. Bernstein continued. Then the work of building Israel can proceed unham- ' perod by the constant t h r e a t against It, he concluded..,, '

Mary Lyrle to Speak On Fun for Children "Recreational nciih of four .ind five-year-old children us roliili il to their physle il ami --nci il development" will provide the dl icilBsion topic on the Center's Pr< School Parents Committee Program Wednesday, Nov. I ltd. MrPaul Grossman, chairman of (he group, announced. Mls.'i Maiy Ellen Lylle. tr.ilnrd 'oclil c i e worker, will i;pe:ik and answer questions. Mlsfl Lytle received her Master Degree In Social Work at the University of Chicago and has ton years of experience in the child welfare field. She is presently a family counselor for the Kumlly nnd Child Service of Omaha. This second monthly program meeting of tho Pre-School Parents is open to the public. The program will also feature a film produced by Columbia University entitled "A Day In the Life of a Five Year Old." The meeting will begin promptly at 0 p. m. in the Center, Mrs. Philip Handelman and Mrs. Bernard Rubin are members of the Parents Committee,

told the board members that Israel Bonds represent a" way for us to carry through a partnership with the new democracy in. the Near East struggling for its very survival. Economic Attack The Arab states have turned the war against Israel into a diplomatic, and political struggle, Mr. Bernstein stressed. 'The Arab nations are unwilling to recognize the independence of Israel- and have adopted as their policy an attack on the economic front aimed to undercut the new democracy In their midst, he continued. They, are playing for time, Mr. Bernstein added, hoping to subdue Israel by an economic boycott. The greatest n e e d now, he ' pojnted out, is to put Israel on a sound economic footing. This in the purpose to which Israel Bond dollars are being put to use, Mr. Bernstein said. He contrasted the use of United Appeal funds to that of Israel bonds. The UJA dollars are used to save lives, for medical .care and training; The bond dollars arc being used to help the immigrants build a constructive life for themselves in the newstate. Perspective Ahead Tho perspective ahead for Israel is building the new state's Industry so that the people who were saved can build a useful life for themselves, he repeated. Basic industries are being developed with bonds and more capital ln« vestment is needed to continue this work, he reiterated. The economic struggle with the A r a b states is costing Israel from 60 to 70 million dollars a year, Mr. Bernstein pointed out. Arab Refugees The Arab refugee problem has not been settled because the Arab nations will not admit the rcfu- i gees, ho went on to say. The Arab refugees ore being ' deliberately kept on the border of Israel to harass the new state, he added. The Arab nations have not accepted the State of Israel and are trying by means short of war to eliminate the new nation, Mr. Bernstein emphasized. Thoir Is no real threat of a military war, he continued, Because of the general feeling that tho United States, Great Britain and France .will not permit it, Mr. Bernstein said. That is why the Arab states have resorted to their economic boycott as the mehns of eliminatnifr Israel, he stressed.

Blot on Civilization

Above Is shown the formal presentation of an oxygen tent by members of the Blkur Cholim Circle to David E. Bebcr, chairman of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for Aged Committee of the Jewish Federation, to be used In the Blkur Cfaolira Infirmary Unit. This gift was presented In memory of Mrs. Mary Abramson and Mrs. I.cni Shafer. Members of the Blkur Cholim Circle who rals ed the funtls for the tont through special projects ore from 1 to 2: Mesdamcs Paul Katzman, Meyer Colnic, David Parker, Sam Fried, Cecil IzcnsUU, Aarorr Lcvlnt, David Rainlck, Sam N. Rips, Jake Chornev. Standing in the second row hre Mrs. Allen Zalkra. Blkur Cholim president; Mrs. Jake Wine, vice-president, and Darid Orkow, Home Superintendent. Not shown In the picture are Mrs. Harry Camel and Mrs. Lewis Neveleff, "This oxygen lent Is a most valuable addition to oar medical equipment and it certainly will be of tremendous help In the medical program of the Home," Mr, Beber said. "We are very rrtleful to the Blknr Cholim Circle for their thoufhtfulnes* • nd tteep ooactrn for the health and welfare of the resident* at the Hom.e". • •

Toronto (WNS)—Anti-Semitism is a blot on the whole of western civilization n nd the symptom of a disease which has infected all of us more or less," Vincent Massey, Governor General of Canada, declared here In an address at a Canadian Jewish Congress gathering. Referring to "the recent Jewish tragedy' which, ho said, tho world must not forset, the Governor General wondered whether "we Canadian Gentiles are fully aware of the magnitude of this crime."

On Radio and TV "Message of Israel" will be broadcasted over KOIL Radio this Sunday from 11:05 to 11:30 a. m. Rabbi Milton Roscnbaum of Congregation Beth El, Fort Worth, Texas, will discuss "Why Do the Innocent Suffer."

I hp

Friday, November 6, 1953



Our U. N. Newsletter


Approaching Agreement

Published Evcrj Friday by Uic OmahaJewish Fedentton

«ot«rw • • Mnnd-cjati suttti » Om.lA Niferuu. radw W u a l JUuuu SuMCdpuoD. 94 ou. Atsvtruiiicg R»t» on Application. Bdllami OltR«—101 No. JOUi s u m . Omilw. Wibt., itTUBOe MSA, Pnol Sbop Addrru—|8U6 So. 2MH tttrMt.


Muck *, _

_EdiU>' -Society Editoi


Jewish Book Month The eleventh annual observance of Jewish Book Month began on Oct. 30 and it is anticipated that hundreds of Jewish organisations will join in a literary salute to the Month. The Jewish Book Council of America, coordinator of the Jewish Book Month, and the National Jewish "Welfare Board, the Council's sponsor, have nurtured Jewish Book Month into a beautiful and meaningful celebration. Jewish book events will be held in all sections of this country and in European countries outside the Iron Curtain, Latin America and Australia. It is heartening to note that local Jewish book councils arc springing up in many parts of ths country, the number of readers of Jewish, books is growing (and there is still a long way to go), libraries are increasing their stocks of Jewish books and home libraries of Jewish books are growing. Jewish Book Month has an important place in the program of the Jewish community Center, the Jewish school and the Jewish library. Synagogues now regularly mark the month through Book Babbath and oth(-r literary events. In large cities and even in the smallest communities, Book Month is a time of literary hustle and bustle, when all have a chance to hear lectures, view ex liibitr of Jewish books,, take part in symposia or listen to a • (stirring sermon on Jewish books in the synagogue. 'Whatever the nature of the activity, it is generally edifying and enjoyable. Jewish Book Month, which in many communities spurs some remarkable intcr-organization, and even inUrfaith literary activity, is helping to focus attention on the literary treasures of the past and present and is thus helping to create that favor_able climate in which Jewish books and authors may flonrish. While Jewish Book Month is of primary interest to Jews, it also serves to highlight the facts that the ethical principles and precepts in our Jewish literature have become the heritage , of all peoples.

Jerusalem Parley Votes for Raising 75 Million Loan Here Jerusalem (WNS)—The fiveday economic planning conference attended by Jewish leaders from the United States and other countries concluded with the adoption Of a plan to float a $75.000.000 loan In the United States for the consolidation of Israel's short term indebtedness. Under the plan. American Jews and Jewish communities would guarantee bank loans to be repaid In five yearly installments out of United Jewish Appeal receipts. The final session was attended by Premier David Ben Gurion and his entire Cabinet and by the members of the Jewish Agency Executive. At the same time the conference adopted a resolution calling on American Jews to give on an Increased scale to the United Jewish Appeal and to support in fullest measure the new issue of the State of Israel bonds. At an earlier session, lh« parley c o n s i d e r e d . t h e possibility of American Jews complying with Finance Minister Lev! Eshkol's proposal that it raise annually between $125,000,000 and" % 150,000.000. During the discussion, in which the chief participants were the representatives of the UJA sod the Israel Bond drive in the U.S., Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz declared that there was basic unity between th UJA and the bond

Indemnification Advance Payment DussclJorf (JTA)—The British tone state of North Rhine Westphalia will make some advance . p a y m e n t s on indemnification claims in certain hardship casts, according to an announcement by the Ministry of the Interior here. Some $600,000 has been made available for Nazi victims, perhaps hall of them Jews, who can meet the stringent-requirements. In addition to the existence of a recognised claim under the Federal Indemnification Law and acknowledged pCTsecutees status, the requirements include physical distbility rated at 50 per cent or %iore, in cases where income from M sources is very small. Also eligible are applicants of over 70 whose economic position is unsatisfactory. Advance payments may as a rule not exceed $2,000 or 80 per cent of the fact value of the claim, whichever is lower, with all compensation and relief paid out so far to be deducted. "Special urgency" is another prerequisite.

drive in their common goal of raising money for Israel. He said there was tome conflict with reKard to timing of local campaigns, but that in general "we have achieved a degree of unity in the United States which is remarkable." He termed the report* of disunity as "not only an exaggeration but a distortion." At the same time he warned against clianges in the organizational structure of the UJA and the bond drive, declaring that less, and not more, money would be raised" if one overall Israeli drive were set up. He said Eshkol's request would be difficult to meet Henry Montor termed Eshkol's enormous one and he pointed out the fact that Israel to the past year had received only 100,000,000 from American Jews from all sources, Including the UJA and bond sales. He said there "is a- vacuum in the United States Interim of unified, organized action for Israel" and that "If the vacuum Is not filled the dangers to Israel and to the organizations helping it arc great. If we fill the vacuum and mobilize American Jewry's great goodwill we can raise more money for the UJA as well as for bonds. What is Involved here is not a matter of the UJA versus bonds but a strengthening of both." UN DEBATE United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) Leslie J. Carver, acting director of tlic United Nations. Relief and Works agency for Palestine Rcfucecs, told the Ad Hoc Political Committee that the programs on his agency's long range plan to resettle the refugees had been "disappointing." Mr. Carver's report opened the debate on the Palestine refugees. The acting director said that this was due to the attitude of the refugees and the Arab governments. The United Nations, he said, could not compel the refugees to accept facilities which they were determined to refuse. He said that whenever he spoke to the Arab refugees about this matter their request had olways been the came: "Tell the United Nations that we will not accept anything but the return to our homes, which the General Assembly approved in 148." Fear not . . . be glad and rejoice: for the Lord will do great things.—(Joel 2:21.), And ye my flock, the flock of My pasture, are men, and I am your God.—(Ezek. 34:31.)

Between You and Me

US Plan for Jordan Rejected by Israel

OOUNTBT TRENDS: The suspension of American financial.aid to Israel will, naturally, place the Tel Aviv (JTA)—The AmerlJewish Bute In a position where Tennessee Valley it will depend more than ever on can-sponsorcd Authority plan for regional develfunds raised through the United opment of the Jordan River is Jewish Appeal and the sale of "impracticable" and is aimed not Israel Bonds . . . In this connec- at development of tho river's retion, it Is interesting to note the sources but at preventing Israel's results of the 1953 fund-raising use of them, Pinchaa La von, Iscompalfns in the Jewish commu- rael Minister without portfolio, nities in this country . . . Although charged. He spoke at the second it Is still too early to assess these annual meeting of the represenresults fully, reports from 88 com- tatives of Mapai settlements. munities show 1053 campaign He averted that Israel was prepledges of $50,248,774 as compared pared for "every conciliation" but with 158,799,612 pledged last year strer'rd that it would not give up in the same cities . . . This decline its "icry ni;ht to existence." He of four percent may possibly be emphasized that Israel has alchanged upward when more com- ways wanted United Slates friendmunities have reported, and when ship, but not as "friendship by all campaign are completed . . . dictate." The availablo information does, (The New York Times reported however, show the nation-wide from Jerusalem that Eric Johntrend, which is expected to change ston, President Eisenhower's perin the light of the present interna- sonal envoy to the Near East, who tional complications facing Israel has been visiting Israel and the . The Council of Jewiih Fed- Arab slates in a naltempt to cell erations and Welfare Funds, which them the TVA plan for developconducted the study, draws at- ment of the Jordan's water retention to the fact that the decline source;!, believes that "skillful could obtain Jordan's of four percent this year compares diplomacy" and Syria's support of the plan. with a decline of 11 percent be- Mr. Johnston was reported ns bctween 1951 and 1952, and even n lievinc that It is the political cligreater decline in the previous mate in the Arab countries which year . . . This levelling off of the forbids their leaders from supportdownward trend is generally inn the r e g i o n a l development viewed by Jewish community plan.) leaders as a sign of growing staLcvl Eshkol, Finance Minister, bilization of community fund- called for the settlement of 40,000 raising . . . The survey established additional families on the land to that despite the early widespread solve Israel's aprlcultural probfactor of Soviet anti-Semitism in lem. He urced heavy settlement campaign themes during 1053, In the Jerusalem area. communities arc increasingly rePremier Ben Gurion devoted lying on the solid foundation of most of his address to the probtotal Jewish needs and an appeal lems of youth and the Immigration based on the growing maturity of of pioneers to Israel. He called their givers . . . This was indi- for an increase In the size of the cated by many of the communities averaco Israeli family, asserting which cither held their own, or that It should have at least four children. topped last year's results .

Community Calendar Friday, Nov. 6 Prc-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. Saturday ."Nov. 7 Uadassah Oneg Shabbat—American Affairs and Education Chairmen—12:30 p. m.,Homes. Councilettes Barn Dance—"Country Style"—8:00 p. m,' Center. Sunday, Nov. 8 Beth El Carnival—1:00 p. m., Beth El. Children's Program—2:00 p. m.. Center. Young Adult Lounge Evening—8:00 p. m., Center. . Monday, Nov. S Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 p. m., Center. Hadassah Chapter Board—12:30 p. m., Home. Workmen's Loan Society—7:30 p. m., Center. B'nai B'rlth Monsky Chapter No. 470 Board—8:00 p. m., Center. Tuesday Musical—8^0 p. m.. Central High. Beth Israel Adult Inf tltutc—3:00 p. m , Beth Israel. Tuesday, Nov. 10 • Temple Israel Book Review—1:00 p. m.. Home. Council Study Group—1:00 p. m., Home. Pcretz Hirshbcln—1:00 p. m., Home. Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m., Center. Wednesday, Nov. 11 Prc-Klndergortcn School—9:00 a. m . Center. Beth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Center. Zionist Council—8:00 p. m., Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m.. Center. B'noi B'rilh Monsky Chapter No. 470 Adult Education—8:00 p. m., Home. Institute on World Affairs—8:15 p. m., Omaha University. Workman's Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m.. Labor Lyceum. Thnnday, Nov. 12 Hadassah Group Boards—12:30 p. m., Homes. Council Women Board—1:00 p. m.. Highland Town. Ballroom Dancing—Youth Council—3:45 p. m., Center. Bridge Class—8:00 p. m , Center. Chess Class—0:00 p. r e Center. B'nai B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. 346 Meeting—8:30 p. m., 25th and J Sts. B'nai B'rlth Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 Meeting—6:30 p. m., 25th and J Sis. , .

By Arthur l*wls United Nations (JTA)—It is to . the credit of tne Israeli delegation and its diplomatic savvy that Israel was able to emerge from the first few days of the "Trial by Security Council" here with Us bead Mfh and its honor bright, If not a victory won,: Ambassador Abba Ebari's announcement that work on the Jordan River hydroelectric project, which Is the subject of a complaint by Syria, would be temporarily suspended during the consideration of the case here was noted "with satisfaction" in a resolution adopted, unanimously by the Council. Important Fact That, in itself, was an achievement, but the Important fact i» that in doing this, Israel was not giving way to any Arab or West- em pressure, that it was not. even making a conciliatory gesture to soothe public opinion at a difficult time. The Israeli government bad made substantially the same offer to General Vagn Bennike, the head of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Yin Palestine, almost a month.before and had repeated It in writing on October 13, but this offer had been rejected because the U. N. official Insisted on an undertaking not to resume work until an agreement had been reached with Syria. Naturally, the Israeli government refused to agree to this; it would have put a veto on the Jordan Itivcr hydroelectric project in the hands of Syria. In aoecpting Ambassador Eban's offer of & temporary suspension, the Security Council, in n sense, was reversing the ruling of General Bennike. Thus, Israel could be said to have won the first point in the argument over this case. Consideration v The diplomatic savvy cf the Israeli delegation was shown in the way it handled It. Ambassador could have announced his government':; offer to do thlj at the time the Pakistan delegate, Zafrullnh Kahn, proposed that the Security Council nsk for a temporary suspension of work while it considered the matter, but he saw that come of the members Of the Council, particularly Sir Gladwyn Jebb of the United Kingdom, were taken aback by this manocu- . ver coming as it (lid before the debate on the issue had begun, A diplomat has to be fast thinking in the conference chair, -and • Mr. Eban decided to sit tight and even protested mildly at the proposal; then, luck came hli way, The Arabs were insistent on pressing this point, they felt they had an advantage; and the Security Council decided to meet again to discuss the Pakistan proposal Immediately after General Bennike had read his report on the Kibya incident and other recent acts of violence in Palestine. Mr. Eban waited until after General Bennike had spoken to make his announcement, and ho picked the psychologically right moment to do it. Although the report of the head of the United Nations Truce Supervision Organl zatlon bore out many of Israel's contentions, the charge that a regular Israeli Army unit carried out the Kibya raid was obviously damaging. Mr. Eban's announcement, and the reasonableness and goodwill that it Implied, coming mmedlatcly after the r e p o r t helped to take away Its sting. The Israeli delegate did it with such finesse that even the Arabs lad to congratulate h i m . Dr. Charles Malik of tho Lebanon said: "Wo are approaching formal agreement for which we should thank the representative of Israel, Mr. Eban, and congratulate ilm on Ms initiative." And that I* extraordinary praise from on Arab. Furthermore, this move, he timing of. which was so brilliant, has created a constructive atmosphere for the Security Council debate on tho Jordan River hydroelectric scheme. BRANDEIS MEDALS New York (JTA)—Dr. Sciman Waksman, discoverer of streptomycin, end Prof, William H. KUpatrlck, noted educator, received Justice Louis D. Brandeis gold medals of the Jewish Forum Oils week-end. The presentations were part of the 35th or.niversary observance of the Jewish Forum Foundation, The awards wcro made "in recognition for services to humanity."

Klutznick Slates—

Challenge ~ Of Cold War

Now Is the time to clip your November 1953 coupons from your Israel Coupon Bonds. Unclipped coupons do not benefit the State of Israel.

Armistice Dance ByJWVNov.21

Beth Israel Club Elects Gordman

Foreign Films Being Booked!

Greetings wero also extended by Clarence Landen, Frank Fogarty Afternoon Bridge and Dr. A. A. Grecnbcrg. Rabbi Mycr S.'Krlpke gave the In- Class Registration vocation and Rabbi Sidney H. The afternoon bridge class' can Brooks offered. the Benediction. still accommodate one more table of players. The first session of the course will begin Tuesday, Nov. Zionist Council 10, at 1 p. m. In the Center. Mrs. Will Mett Wednesday Harry Fercr, the well known bridge expert, will t e a c h the Om&ha Zionist Council will hold its regular meeting Wednes- course. Among those already registered arc Mrs, Nathan Marcus, day, Nov. 11 at 8 p. m. in the Jewish Community Ontcr. Cur- Mrs. Adolph Trost, Mrs. David Gross, and Mrs. Ben Morris. rent issues will be discussed. Call the activities' office in order to register.

Jerusalem (JTA)—The Intention of Premier David Ben Gurion to give up his office by November 20 was indicated here as he began his "final round" of negotiations with leaders of his own party and with other parties of the coalition government regarding the future of the Cabinet following his withdrawal. The Premier said he expects replies from the government parties during the week In order to be able to report to the President of Israel his plans, as well as tho composition of the reconstructed C a b i n e t . There is much speculation as to who will succeed him. It is reported that Lcvl Eshkol, yi-, nance Minister, ia favored by Mr. Qcn Gurion us hUs successor. Premier Ben Gurion's desire to give up his office has been known for some lime. It has ulso been known that hi.i move is not motivated by poltical considerations but by a personal desire to devote himself to other work.

Creative Thinking And New Patterns Needed. Klutznick

Attention, Israel Bond Holders

The alertness and vigilance of the people and their return to their respective faiths will help solve the problem of the cold war Philip M. Klutznick informed the some 400 guests gathered at the Blackstonc Hotel, Thursday, Oct. The Epstein-Morgan Post No. 29, to welcome him back to 200, Jewish War Veterans of OmaOmaha. ha, Nt'br., announces their "Annual Armistice Month Dance," to Delicate Balance This is a new type of Interna- be held at the Blackstone Hotel tional relationship, he stated. It Ballroom, Saturday evening, 0:00 lnvolvei elements of our internal p. m., Nov. 21. Admission is $1.25 security and our freedom, Mr. per person, tax included. Music Klutznick added. There must be is furnished by Tony Bradley and maintained a delicate balance be- his fine Orchestra. Proceeds of this dance are used tween the two that is both a challenge and a task, he continued. It for the service and rehabilitation will not be decided in the news- of veterans, hospitalized and othpaper* or in Congress, but in com- erwise, of every race, creed, and munities such as ours, he empha- color. The Post will also furnish sized. Communities united for the show3 for the entertainment of good of the people, well informed hospitalized patients at the Veterand alerted to protect the vital an Hospital, the major one being balance between our internal se- the annual Christmas party. curity and our freedom Is what Dance Chairman Bill Abrahams we need, Mr. Klulznick stressed. invites all of you to the dance and Reiurrance bring your friends. Tickets can or phone Signs on the horizon arc stimu- be purchased at the door, • lating, he said. He felt the warmth PL 7871, of the growth of faith, a resurgence In the religious life of all faith* are hopeful omens, Mr. Klutznick told of his debt to our city "a unique community" he called It. Ho added that he is Dan Gordman was elected presiwhere he is because of what he learned and (aw here. Mr. Klutz- dent of the Beth Israel Men's nick pointed out that one of the Club to succeed David Broun. greatest leaders of D'nai B'rith, Other officers are: Moc Kagan, 1st Henry Monsky, was born sod vice-president; I. J. Kraft, 2nd vice-president; D a v e Dworkln, raised here. corresponding secretary; Stanley Greetlnn recording secretary; and Mayor Glenn Cunningham pre- Diamond, Greenfield, treasurer. Manny sented greetings from the City of Max Simon and Harry Slroff have been Omaha. Ray McGrath, a classmate of. Mr. Klutznick and special rep- oppointed members of the board. The special naming of a presiresentative of Governor Robert Crosby, gavo Mr. Klutznick a cer- dent was necessitated by the resigtificate naming him a Admiral in nation of David Broun. Mr. Broun, the Navy of tho State of Nebras- who is leaving tho city, was an ka. ' This token was the means of active participant In Beth Israel extending the hand of friendship activities. of the people of Nebraska, Mr. McGrath said. Maurice Bisgyor, Secretary of the §uprcme Lodge, said that Mr. Klutznick was guided by tlie star of Omaha. This city, he staled, The Foreign Film Scries com' served as a training ground for social consciousness and creative mittce chairmen, Mrs. Edward thinking. Mr. Bisgyer took a state- Zorlnslcy and Mr. Jack Sandier, ment recently made about the new announced that negotiations arc president of Harvard University now in progress for booking the and said It served as an excellent films. description of Mr. Klutznick. The The films selected by a community survey are "The B i c y c l e statement being; "He excites people to think. Thief," "Open City," "Tight Little Island," 'Torment," "Crime and Klutznick, he added, has a sense Punishment" and "Alexander Nevof urgency for tho cause of Jus- sky." tice about him.

Ben Gurion Plans To Resign as Premier

Face Thre*

no* JEWISH rans

Friday, November t, I95J

Foundations of strength IDEALS are the strength

of our'nation. Are JJOU helping your school to build sound ideals? VISIT YOUR SCHOOLS Spcuwrad by Outdo Ed«c«tlM AtMchtfM. Amrlcm U f le», and O-u>«

Beth Israel Men To Meet Nov. 19 The monthly meeting of the Beth Israel Men's Club will be held at tho Beth Israel social hall, Thursday, Nov. 19. The speaker will be the well-known news editor of radio station KBON, Dick McCann. A smoker will follow the -regular dinner meeting. Because of the New Year's Eve gala Dinner Dance, there will be no regular meeting in December. All members tiro asked to send In their reservations for the November meeting as soon as possible.


C N M > *f PTA

Comhuskm to Meet Thursday at Center The Cornhusker Lodge of B'nal B'rith will meet Thursday, Nov. 12, at 8 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. Following the regular business meeting, the Cornhuskers will present a quiz panel with prizes going to the men with the right answers. Refreshments will be served. The attendence prize now stands at ten dollars.

Religious Leaders For Centennial Forum Three of the outstanding religious leaders in the United States have been chosen to represent the three major faiths in tho 1954 Omaha Centennial Forum of the Future on Religion. •-' They were Invited by the cochairmen of the Religious Participation committee, the Very Rev. Carl M. Relnert, Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke, and Rev. Thomas Nivcn. The Very Reverend Robert I. Gannon, S. J., pastor of St, Ignatius Loyala Church of New YorkCity, Catholic; Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver of Cleveland, Jewish; and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale of New' York of tho Protestant faith, will conduct the Forum.-All three men wore named recently in Life Magazine among the 12 most eminent preachers In the U. S. today. The Religious Forum is one of tho most significant events included in the Centennial ticket book, the "Once-In-a-LifeUme" value of $27.50 for S10.

Hadassah Adopts 9 Million Budget Washington (WNS)—Adoption of a $9,000,000 budget for 1953-84 and the election of Mrs. Rebecca Shulman' as national president marked the closing business session of the 39th annual convention of Hadassah. Mrs. Shulman, addressing the banquet session, voiced hope that the United States Government, "which is In the forefront of the strugglo for a free world, will continue to view America-Israel partnership as one of the best guarantees for a free world." Arthur Luries, assistant director general of the Israel Ministry for Foreign Affairs, told the overflow dinner audience that the U. S. decision to resume aid to Israel did not resolve the problem of permanent peace between Israel and the Arab countries. He said Israel was anxious to end its dependence on outside aid however generously tendered.

Israel Trip Winner Service for- Israe.l Inc., held a public drawing with the winner getting a free trip to Israel October. 29. H. Mines, 4119 Grenshaw street, Chicago, I1L, was the lucky contest winner. And on the first day of the fifth month came he to Jerusalem, according to the good hand of bis God upon him. For Ezra had'prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it.—(Ezra. 7:9, 10.)

Peace Necessary In the lpng run the status -of Israel depends on peace with the Arab nations and mutual trade. In conclusion, Mr. Klutznick said: "He believes there is hops in a policy to secure peace in the Middle East by showing impartiality to both parties. But, the United States cannot show Impartiality by depriving Israel of the things important for her wellbeing. There are other means by which the U. S. can demonstrate its determination to be fair to both parties."

Boy Scours To Start One Day Fund Drive Boy Scouts in Nebraska will conduct their first state-wide financial campaign November 10. This one-day campaign will ralso funds, for the 19S4 opera* tions. Separate campaigns will be conducted in 242 communities in the state. The goal for the state campaign Is $142,548.00. This amount does not include funds from the towns which have Community Chest Drives. Governor Robert B. Crosby is the Chairman of the state-wide campaign. His coordinating com* mittee comprises Harry B. Coffee, President of the Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha, vice-chairman; Edwin N. Van Home, President of the Federal Land Bank of Omaha, public relations chairman,' and Kermit Hansen, Allen & Reynolds, publicity chairman.

By Special Arrangement— The Concert and Lecture Series

Diabetes Detection Week Set for Nov. 15 The week of November 15 was named National Diabetes Detection Week. It is set aside In an effort to find the more than one million diabetics In the nation who arc not receiving treatment. Dr. Floyd L. Rogers, of Lincoln, chairman of tho Diabetes Committee for the Nebraska Stale Medical Association says plans for the state campaign are being rapidly completed.


We should be seriously con* corned with the building of the* A m e r i c a n Jewish Community,, Philip M. Klutznick pointed out to the Executive Board of Federation for Jewish Service last Friday afternoon in the Highland Town Club. It constitutes the single largest Jewish community in the world, he informed the group. We cannot let an apparent hunger and void exist in our communities, Mr. Klutznick said. Opportunity This is an opportunity for constructive thinking and finding new patterns to build a rich Jewish life, he related. The genesis of withholding aid to Israel was based on the report made by U. N. truce supervisor, Major General Vagn Bennlke, Mr. Klutznick replied in answer to a question. Work stoppage was conditional on agreement with Syria not the U. N., a provision to which the Israeli government would not agree, Mr. Klutznick said. Israel offered to stop work pending a V. N. decision, he emphasized. When asked what he thought our foreign policy in the Middle East should strive for, he repled, that U. S. should pursue a course fair to both Arabs and Israel. Peace in the Middle East is important both to the UN and the future of Israel, Mr. Klutznick added.




"Songs of Many Lands" ACCOMPANIED BY


IN JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER AUDITORIUM From London to Lot Angeles, on Stage, TV, Radio and Night Clubt M i i t Schlammo Has Earned the Title of One of the Most Popular International Singers



FHdajr, November J, 1B5J


Miss Kolnick Is Betrothed

'Talk o/Many Things"

Mrs. Bessie Kolnick has announced the engagement of her daughter, Esther to David Dubin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dubln of New York City. The wedding has been set for Dec 20 at Beth Israel Synagogue.

Engagement Is Made


Babies Barbara Goye ia the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Herzoff for their.daughter born: Wednesday, Oct. 28, at Methodist HospintaL The couple also have another daughter, Beth Hence. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Herzoff of Siofax City, la., and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Milton Resnick.


B. B. Nebraska Lodge And Chapter to Meet A regular meeting of Nebraska Chapter No. 346 und Nebraska Lodge No. 1445 of B'nai B'rith will be held Thursday, Nov. 12, at 8:30 p. m. at the Congregation of Israel Synagogue, 25th and J Streets, Symour H. Kaplan, Regional ADL Director, will show n film. Refreshments will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Beldner are in charge of the program. All member* are inviied to attend this meeting.

Barbara Lee Blacker

• Announcement has been made of the engagement of Barbara Lee Blacker, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. David Blacker, to Annon Kamesar, of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Kamesar of Milwaukee, Wise. An Ak-Sar-Ben princeu In 1991, Mis* Blacker Is a graduate of the University of Missouri In Columbia where she was affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority and Kappa Epsilon Alpha, women's scholastic honorary.

She received her Master's Degree from Columbia University In New York City and was elected to Alpha Delta PI, national women's honor society In education. Miss Blacker if now W ^ l p f i Northfleld, HL Mr, Kamesar, recently returned from a trip to Europe and Israel, was graduated from Oklahoma A. and M. in Norman. A December wedding is being planned.

Mr. and Mrs. Abe Bear and son David Journeyed to Champaign, 111., last weekend to Uke part in Dad's Day at the University of Illinois, where their son Max Is a freshman student, and to attend the Illinois-Purdue game. Max has pledged Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity.

Don't Forget The Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar is being held tomorrow at the Fontcnelle Hotel from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mrs. Jay Chernlack is publicity chairman 'of this fifth annual affair. Ye shall know that I am the Evil men understand not Judgment: but they that seek the Lord Lord your God, which bringeth understand all things.—(Prov. you out from under the burden 28:8.) of the Egyptians—(Ex. 6;7.)


Women's Play Shoes

Hadassah Honors Course N a t i o n a l Hadassah has announced its new Honors Course for 19S3-S4. - Each person taking the course reads five books on the Hadassah Honors list and then presents either a short written book review on the theme, "Which book appealed to me most, and why I think it should be continued on the Honors List for next year;" or an informal, oral book review on the same theme at a book review group session or any other mceting. Everyone who fulfills the course requirements receives a set of bookplates designed for Hadassah by the noted artist, Ilya Schor. The bookplate design has been developed from an authentic Jewish motif. The Honors book list consists of "Adventures of Mottel the Cantor's Son," S h o l o m Alelchem; "Basic Judaism," Milton Steinberg; •The Five MegUlot," Rev. Dr. A. Cohen (Editor); T o o t of Pride," Malcolm Hay; "From the Land of Sbeba," S. D. Goltein; "Fulfillment: Epic Story of Zionism," Ru?\u Leani; "The Golden Mountain." Meyer Levin; (-Henrietta Szold: Record of a Life," Rose Zeltlin: "The Last Revolt," Joseph Opatosbu; "Life Is With People," Elizabeth Herzog and Mark ZborowsW; "Lore of the Old Testament" Joseph Gaer. i "Modem Hebrew Literature," Mortimer Cohen (Editor); "Pilgrim People," Anita Llbman Lebeaon; "Prince of the Ghetto," Mau,rice Samuel; "The Prince of Israel," Ellas GJlner; "The Second Scroll," A. M. Klein; "A Short History of the Jewish People," Cecil Roth; "Strange Lands and

By Dodson Fisher

Friendly •People,1' W i l l i a m O. Douglas; "Theodor Herd," Alex Beln; "Ticket To Israel," Judy Shepard a n d Alvln Hosenfeld; "Trial and Error," ~Chalm Weizmann; "The Wall," John Herscy, and "The World of Sbolom Alelchem," Maurice Samuel. All of the above books can be obtained from the Jewish Community Center Library.

7.95 Walk on bubbles of air In

United Synagogue To Convene in Fla.






. , .

•. . ,



leather, with steel shank for

A special session on Israel will be held at the forthcoming National Convention of the United Synagogue of America, it w a s announced by Mr. George Maislcn of Frceport, Long Island, National Convention Chairman. The Convention will be held from Sunday, Nov. IS, to Thursday, Nov. 19, at Miami Beach, F l a ;


able shoes of glove tanned extra support.


to 10/

A A A to C ,


The United Synagogue of America is the overall organization of Conservative congregations in the United States and Canada totaling now over S50 member congregations. , The Convention will be addressed by Reuven Sbiloah, Minister Plenipotentiary of .the State of Israel. > They shall march every one on his ways . . . Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path.—(Joel 2:7, 8.) They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work.— (Ezra 2:09.)


A treat for your feet, In thV i. L. ItllANI)l:l,<& HONS, Omaha, Ncbr. I'lr-'iflo Send Me: . . . I'loy Nliora ' . . . Glov-Ktt Oxford* Quantity



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now for the wintor months ahoad". 4 / 2 , N and M .

Muifs. Maurice Sacks, Irvine W. Forbes, Harry Bochman and Robert Kooper, shown left to rlcht above, are waiting to serve you • t Beth El's Silver Jubilee Carnival being held Sunday from 1 p . m . to 1 a. m. at the Synagogue. Sirs. Sacks and Mrs. Kooper are chairmen of the Buttons and Bows Committee which will feature hand-made items, and Mrs. Forbes and Mrs. Bocbman are in charge of selling kitchen gadgets.

Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . « . * • • • * • • . City...... State . . . . . . . . . ...Check ...Charge ...COM. Dopt. 14 11-5-53

Mall and Phone Orders Wclcoma WomM'» Shoes—Main Floor


n J 111 if t^ nn !u i u n 11 it ii n t MI i u t tt i >« >: ttn i (it tun tit f tini i n i uitriif tin i nil i • CTinuitrurmtrtiiu mmzittui I rRttiitmntttRttiiinRiiiiii ttintii ritum*

Plans Completed for Beth EB Silver Jubilee Carnival

Organizations Henry Monsky 470 Tho regular monthly board meeting of the U'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will be held Monday, Nov. 0, nt the Jewish Community. Center at 8 p. m. The second in a scries of Adult Education Group meetings will be held Wednesday, Nov. l i ; at the home of Mrs. Abe Kaplan, 1024 North 31st Ave., at 8 p. m. The guest speaker, Dr. Lewis Yager will have as his topic, "Vora«tional Guidanco and Vocational Adjustment." Dr. Yager Is Chief Clinical Psychologist at the Veterans Administration Hospital and Is on tho staff at the University of Nebraska Medical School. Mrs. Sidney L. Sncidcr Is the Adult Education Group chairman. Mrs. Kaplan will have as her cohostesses Mrs. Aaron Epstein and . Mrs. William S. Abrahams. The meeting is o p e n to all B'nai B'rlth members and their friends.

of Jewish Book Month, the Table of Interest will be arranged by Mrs. Aardh I. Edgar, Chairman of the Sisterhood Book Shop. A presentation, based on "A Journey Through the Book," compiled by Rabbi Morris Adler, will include the following participants: Mrs. Myer S. Kripke, Mrs. Seymour . Goldstpn, Mrs. Norman Whitman, Mrs. Aaron Edgar, and Mrs. A. C. Fellmon. The luncheon will be the charge of Mrs. Dave B. Cohn, Mrs. Robert Silver and their Circle No. 12. Telephone Chairmen are Mrs. Ernest Wintroub, RE 3450; Mrs. Michael Krasne, WA 0987, and Mrs. Norman Batt, WA 5854.

B & P Hadassah


A. D. Frank

Sunday afternoon, Nov. 8, at 3 o'clock, a board meeting open to the entire membership of the Business and Professional Group of Hadassah will be held at the home of Elizabeth Hart, 815 S. 36th St. Mhrachi Women Work will continue on the anThe name of Mrs. J. GoodblndMrs. A. D. Frank was electnual fund-raising event to be held er was inadvertently omitted ed president of the Midwest from the list of donors -in last in January of 1954. week's Press. Mrs. Goodblnder is Branch of the National Women's chairman of the Children's Vil- Bikur Cholim League of the United Synagogues lage fund. The regular monthly dessert of America at its ninth conference Additional donors are Mmes. Louis Fapcrny, Sarah Gorcllck, luncheon meeting of- the Bikur held Nov. 1, 2 and 3 In S t Louis Cholim Society will be held Mon- Mrs. David R. Cohen was electLouis Segtlman, Isadore Goldstein, Archie Kavlch and Allen Zalkin. day, Nov. 9, at 1 p. m. at the Jew- ed Branch secretary. . The regular November meeting ish Community Center, The Midwest Branch is comA short film will be shown, and of the chapter will be held WedPaul Veret will speak on posed of Iowa, Nebraska, Colonesday, Nov. 18, at tho Jewish Mr. rado, Minnesota, South Dakota Community Center. It will be "What Omaha Is Doing for the Wiscosln and Missouri. preceded by a dessert luncheon at Aged." Mrs. Frank is past president of 1, p. m. Beth El Sisterhood, past presi'The chapter's members arc Council of Jewish Women dent of Omaha Chapter Hadascontributing articles for the Chilwas co - chairman of the The next meeting of the Cur- sah, dren's Hospital Bazaar. Up to Women's Division of Jewish date, hand-made articles have rent Events Study Group will be. Philanthropies and has held varbeen donated by Mrs. Leo Ostra- at 1 p. m,, Tuesday, Nov. 10, at a ious regional offices, including Vich. Contributions arc being re- dessert luncheon at the home of the vice-presidency, in the MidEd Gilbert, 0009 N. 52nd St. ceived by Miss Kalah Franklin at Mrs. Mrs. William L. Frederick, west Branch. the Jewish Community Center. president of "Federal Fair Employment Practices," will be guest Council Bluffs Hadassah speaker and will present discusThe Council Bluffs Chapter of sion on the the latest developHadassah will hold a Cabaret ments in the present local camDance Nov. 15 at 0:30 p. m. at paipn for "Equal Job Opportunities." A discussion and question the Jewish Community Center. The Beth Israel Sisterhood has Mrs. Phillip Falken is chairman period will follow. announced that the person to be Of the affair. Mrs. M. Wohlner Mrs. Charles Stern will be co- honored at their forthcoming nnd Mrs. M. B o b r I c k arc in hostess. Reservations ore being "This Is Your Life" program has charge of fowl preparations. taken by Mrs. Marvin Kaplan, been chosen. The event will take GL 7793 and Mrs. Harold Kasln, place at 6:30 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 15, In the Synagogue's Social GL 4371. Sigma Alpha Mu Hall. Mothers' Club In order to accommodate the The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers' travel schedules of the out-ofClub will hold Us monthly lunchtown guests- who were part of eon meeting at the home of Mrs. the chosen person's past, the proAlbert Gacr, 2021 N. 53d St. at 1 gram will start at 7 p. rri. By Mm. Ruth Reiss p. m., Tuesday, Nov. 10. . Center Musis Director Immediately following dinner, An Invitation has been extend- , The next raccting of "The Music prepared by Mrs. J. Wine arid her ed to the Lincoln mothers. committee, will be served. At Home" will take place TuesReservations are being taken day evening, Nov. 10, at the Jewby Mrs. R. Endelman, PL 3551. ish Community Center. The theme Hadassah will be "The Ballet." Among the Oner Sh*bot Comic Jerry Lewis told us about be "Swan Lake" by An Oncg Shabot will be held at selections will "Concerto Barrocco" the two Russian Jewish workers 1:30 p. m., Saturday, Nov. 7, at Tchaikovsky, who were walking along side by adapted from "The Double Violin the home of Mrs. Joseph Soshnlk, Concerto" by J. S. Bach and side. Their heads were bent low 308 S.'52nd St., for. Education, by Jascha Helfctz, and and their faces were sad and Zionist Public Relations, Ameri- played "Fancy Free" by Leonard Bern- drawn. They were not talking to can Affairs a n d Programming stein. other. Suddenly one of tho The introduction and pro- each chairmen. Hadassah delegates to Jews/pat on the ground and the notes will be given by Mrs. other the recent national convention will gram immediately did the same. Fogel. The public is cor- "That's enough," said one to report on the national activities David invited. Refreshments will the other, "If we continue, they'll and information relevant to these, dially be served following the p^gram. think we're discussing politics." zour committees. The orchestra will meet as usual oil Wednesday evening, Nov. 11, in Chapter Board Meeting I will heal their backsliding, I The Omaha Hadassah Chapter Room 36. If you play a string, will love them freely . . . I will board meeting will be held at the wood-wind, or brass instrument, be as the dew unto Israel: he shall home of Mrs. Nathan L. Nogg, 658 we have a place for you in our grow as the lily, and cast forth his N,,55th St., Monday, Nov. 0. A group, • • roots as Lebanon.—(Hos. 14:4, 5.) 12:30 p. m. desert luncheon will be served. Shelley Winters tells, of the time Mrs. Jack Kaufman and Mrs. visited Israel and a man took Met Opera Star Dave Stein, Chapter J. N. F. chair- she a cob to the home of the Prime men, will report on the wind-up Minister, where ho asked the To Appear With of the Jewish National Fund drive. to wait for him. The driver Tuesday Musical HMO and Youth Services will be driver saying he didn't have highlighted, with Mrs. Philip Fcld- refused, time. "But you wait for me," Tuesday Musical's second man reporting on plans for the said the passenger, "I am the new concert of the season will feaHMO Donor to be held in Decem- member of the Prime Minister's ture baritone Mack Harrell In ber. ;ablnct." a program Monday nlfiht at the Reports will also be given by that case," replied the drivCentral High School auditodelegate:; who have Junt returned er, "In "I'll wait, You won't be in rium. from the national IIadas:;ah con- :hcre long." Mr. Harrell, known as n convention held in Washington, D. C. ductor's ' singer, appeared in concerts with more symphony Beth El Sisterhood orchestras than any other siriKer ant year. Born and raised The Beth El Sisterhood lunch- Just Like Mom in Texas, he won tho Metrocon meeting to be hold on Wed- Used To Make politan Opera Auditions of the nesday, Nov. 11, at 1 p. m., In the A now adult cla:;s, "Jewish Air In 1U3I) and last season Social Hnll of. the Synanofiuo, wilt plnyed the baritone role in Cookery," Is beginning Thurshonor new members. The Memthe Mct's production of Stravday afternoon at 2 p. in. at the bership Chairmen, Mr:;, Arthur insky's "The Itoko's Pro/ire:;s." Jewish Community C e n t e r , Grossman and Mr;;. Irvin Levin, Featuring recipe; for "vcrchave announced that forty-seven His program Monday nlRht new members will be welcomed, • nlkcs," "knaidloch," and "gowill include Seven Son/is from filte" fish, the sessions will be and wll he luncheon quests. "Wintcrreise" by Franz Schutaught by Mrs. Jake Wine. bert, Chansons Gaillardes (JovFollowing a short b u s i n e s s ial Songs) by Francis Poulcnc, meeting at which Mrs. M. H. BrodThere will be a fee of SB for Blue Mountain Ballads by Paul kcy, Sisterhood President, will the course of 8 lessons, which Bowles and a set of Negro preside, the program will be preincludes food and materials. spirituals arranged by Hall sented by Mrs. Sidney Sneldcr, Only ten students will bo acJohnson. Chairman for the Day. Mrs. Alcepted. Reservations can be bert Fox will give the Bible Readmade by phoning the Activities The concert will begin at ing. Mrs. Neyer Rubin will talk Office of the Center, JA 1300. 8:30 p. m. *

Mrs. A. D. Frank Elected President Of Midwest Group

'This Is Your Life" Program Planned

Music Notes

on current events. In observance



Friday, November 6,1953

Plans for the Silver Jubilee Carnival of Both El Sisterhood, the croup's big fund-raising event, have been completed, it was announced by Mrs. Joe Hornsleln, general chairman. The Carnival, one of the many affairs to commemorate the twenty-fifth year of the Synagogue, will be held in the Synagogue social hall and recreation room Sunday, Nov. 8. Proceeds will go towards the Beth El Talmud Torah Building Fund. There wjll be no admission charge. t Fun To appeal to all pges, entertainment will be continuous from 2:30 to 7 in the evening. Charles Guss, well-known Omaha magician, will present two shows at 4 and 4:45, Howard Kooper, assisted by Bennet Hornsteln, will direct his puppet show from 4 to 6. Pony rides, outdoors if weather permits, will be continuous from 1 to 5 under the direction of Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt and Mrs. Jack Fox. Movies for both children and adults, will be run from 2:30 to 4:30 by Douglas Cohn. A bona-fide fortune teller will describe past and future by means of cards, from 2 to. 4 and from'5 to 7. The children's talent show will present performances at 2:30, 3 and 3:30 and will include the following children: Carolyn Kagan, Betty ZoorwiU, Sandy Friedman, Nancy Fellman, Gail Shrlcr, Tommy Fcllman, Sally and Fritz Schrelber, Helene and Renee Franklin, Lora Freeman, Joann Shrler, Susie Sutin, Maureen Borden, Susie Richards, Kathy Adler, and Christine Perrin. The children's talent show will have Mrs. Russell Blumenthal as accompanist. All entertainment for the Carnival was planned and prepared by . a Supper Club committee headed by Mrs. Morley Zipursky and Mrs. Ray Simon, under the direction of Mrs. Seymour Goldslon. Food Food Chairmen, Mrs. Sam Ban and Mrs. Harry Fcrenstein, assisted by Mrs. William Alberts, have arranged for food to be served throughout the day and* in addition, will have snack bars featuring hamburgers, hot dogs, candy, candy apples and soft drinks. They will be assisted in MEMORIALS Berlin, (JTA)—A simple blackgranite monument to the Jewish victims of Nazism was unveiled on the Weissensee cemetery here, In the presence of representatives of Jewish organizations, and the East Berlin city administration. The extensive cemetery, although located in the Soviet Sector, serves all of Beilln. On its grounds, hoodlums toppled over several tombstones only last month. On the Jewish cemetery in the Ruhr city of Hagen, a memorial to the victims of Nazi persecution was dedicated by Chief Rabbi Dr. Paul Holzer of the British Zone in the presence of numerous Jewish and German dignitaries. The simple monument was unveiled by Rlcfiard. Hirschfcld, president of the Hagcn Community, and by

the cooking and serving of food' by Mmes. I. Bernstein, Robert Himmerman, Joe Bernstein, Moo Venger, Moe Katleman, Simon Rile, Irving Schnelderman, Rue* ben Iiordy, C h a r l e s 'Kimmel, Julius Stein, Dave Rosenbaqm, A. V. Friedman, Ben Perelman, Dave Greenbcrg and Jack Gelfand. Mrs, Ted Sanford has headed the committee which procured all cakej for the carnival. A booth commemorating Omaha's Centennial celebration will be manned by the Beth $1 Boy Scout Troop under the leadership of Richard Wintroub., ' Features The Gift and Book Shop of the Sisterhood, under the direction of Mrs. Dave Sherman, Mrs. Ape Hoffman and Mrs. Aaron Edgar, will feature the latest book of Mrs. Myer Kripke, "Let's Talk About God.1' Mrs. Kripke will personal* ly autograph copies of her book. The "Buttons and Bows" booth will feature the needle work of the Sisterhood members in the form of cocktail and everyday aprons under the planning of Mrs, Maurice Sachs and Mrs. Robert Kooper and their committee. Numerous kitchen gadgets will b*. for sale in a booth manned by Mrs. Irving Forbes and Mrs. Harry Rochman and their committee; Games for the children, as well as photograph poses with "Jolly Joe" Martin of TV fame, are being planned by Mrs, Sam Steinberg, Mrs. Gary Gross, Mrs. Morton Richards and Mrs. David Man* vltz and their circles, Penants and balloons, as well as Children's toys, commemorating Beth El's Silver Jubilee Will be sold under the chairmanship of Mrs. Harry Haykln and Mrs. living Herzog. Authentic Indian War dances will be performed by a Boy Scout Troop, arrangements for which were planned by Mrs. Dave Cohn and Mrs. Robert Silver. These performances will take place at 3 and 3:30 p. m. All merchandise for the Carnival was secured by Mrs. MortonFriedlander and Mrs. Irving Frcedman and a committee consisting, among others, of Mrs. Ben Rosen, Mrs. Irving Kaiman, Mrs. • Allan Wolfson, Mrs. Leonard Luttbeg imd Mrs. Harry Weinberg.

Hadassah Meets Changed

The date of the Hadassah Group board meetings h i s been chanced from Nov. 12, as previously scheduled, to Monday, Nov. 16. The time •and places of meetings will be announced later. Siegfried Helmberg, chairman of the Association of Jewish Communities in Westphalia.

Seek good, and not evil, that ye may live: and so the Lord, the God of hosts, shall be with you.— (Amos 5:14.) Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.—(Eccl. 7:0.)

Celebrating United Nations Week

B'nai B'rlth Henry Monsky Chapter 470 commemorated United Nations Week with a party at the home of Mrs. George Spllier, honoring foreign students attending Omaha's colleges and universities. Pictured above are somo of the students and hostesses. Left to right arc Luis Plcard Ami, Panama, Crclghton University; Mrs, Seymour Kaplan; Bal Banadurslngh, Trinidad, B. VV. I., University of Nebraska; Mrs, George Spitzcr; Ghlm Yeoh, Malaya, University of Nebraska; Mrs. Arthur Goldstein; Phil Nyl Kwak, Korea, University of Omaha; VlvlU Krien, Latvia, University of Nebraska,



Youth Council Doings

Friday, November 8, 1953


No Classes Sunday At Beth El

Silver Gets Eagle Award

Happy Birthday

Friday, Nov. 6 Barry Elliott Bclmont, Morris Irvin Brodkey, Betty Bca Ermami, The Centurymen basketball AIANou I Marsha Ana Fellmnn, Bobby Hasleant has recently acquired new Harry Silver, son of Mr. and TUJ week AZA beld Urn resju- uniforms. Recently, the boys selbalch, Carolyn Sue Kraft, Fatti Mrs. Robert Silver, reached the ]ar bi-auothly mectia* at tbe played Bayim in a brilliant footNovak, Monica Susan Parker, highest rank in Scouting Sunday Jo JCC. The btghUtht at toe aneet- ball guae. Cenlurymen will take Edward Reiss. afternoon, when be was presented and Joseph in< -was «UMt weaker. Harry part in the International AZA Saturday, Jin. 7 the medal of an Eagle Scout. HarMrndrtmn. pact Jewish Frew edi. Sabbath. Martin Bercoviei, Howard Dary received his award along with tor and Hebrew teacher and The boys will bold a party on IS other scouts at a Begional vid Borden, Malka Maurer, Allen scholar. Aaoag hi* bards he Saturday, Nov. 14, at the home at spent a great deal of time in l a n d Mark SchlmmeL Court of Honor beld in the Jos- Ostravicb, and Catherine Jano acquiring a Jmowledfe at Ms Flsnj arc now Underway for Mr. and Mrs. David Brodkoy lyn Memorial auditorium. lU people. Suaaay, Nov. < Eagle Scout Silver was one of the 2Sfh anniversary banquet announce that their son, Kobcit Meyer Coren, Carolyn Dolgotf, He spoke on tbe subject "Jewish which will be held at tbe Highland will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah the few Omaha boys to attend the this evening and tomorrow movWorld Scouting Jamboree held in Paul Alan Epstein, Michael HowHumor." Country d u b Dec 5. A dance in Beth El Synagogue. Friends Austria two years ago. He is now ard Green; and Bruce Wintroub. November t l marks the night will be held afterward with Ao- ing a leader in Troop 82, sponsored MdMUy, Nov. » of tbe international AZA Sabbath. gelo Lupo's Combo providing the and relatives are invited to attend by the Beth-El Synagogue. Mother Chapter will bold their David Michael Forbes, Bence The Bar Mitzvah of Bernard service! at the Beth Israel SyctaMarda Franklin, Roger Dale Poiikov, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe fogue alon(' "with the century Tftvm Aanl Friedman, Zorlnne Kay Friedman, Rriikov, will be celebrated at the chapter. Girjr Gtotfk, chairman Camp Btewstefs "Inspiration and Jay Robert Goldberg. of tbe Sabbath, cave out toe parts. Lodge1 was Oat scene at T. A.'a Beth Israel Synagogue tomorrow Tuesday. Nov. X* . Tbe Aiepb* and pfedsjes assistina; Halloween party Ociobr *X The morning at 830 a. m. A recep- Intermediate Tooth Club ia the service* are: tarty Bfcctein party, a huge mterrm, was pJnnned tion in honor of the Bar Mitzvah The Beth Israel Intermediate Jeffrey Altsuler. and Kenny fted/chapter prcsi. by Matles Katlenun and her ao- celebrant will be held in the So- Youth club will meet Saturday at Wedaeaday, Ncr. It rtmtn • and Jerry Ferer who win dal eonmlttee. Friday night serv- cial Hall immediately after the 7 p. m. in the recreation room of Marilyn Diana Braun, Jo Tranthe Talmud Torah. Election of club ioes wan also attended by the service*. All friends and relatives ting tbe ktddish. ces Conn, Isaac Mark Klein, Hell officers will be held. girls OeLtO. are invited to attend. Miller, Lynne Louise Nogg, Brian T. A.'« arc now bnty planning t e e Poster, and Strren SokoJofc a slomber party to be held on .Mr. and Mrs. Louis 8hrier an- rhotorriphy Project Nor. U MOT. i t nounce that their son. Michael, Members of the Beth Israel St. HarryThursday, Isaac Friedman, Barbara On tbe athletic side, the gMs will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah at Youth Club participating in the Ann Betty Lou Katskee, of Hkvas Ami arc now organiz- Beth O Synagogue Friday, Nov. club's photography project will AileenKatskee, IUmmemura, John Marshall Sunday afternoon, from 830 ing a volleyball (eisa. It, and Saturday, Nov. 14. friends meetto 8 p. m. Ham for file United Synajpcue and relatives are invited to atTooth Regional Convention wan They will develop and print p i c tend. discussed at the meettof recently tures that were taken during the Mimeograph liutntctfoi held by the croup. Tbe conrenweek. Dave Dubin is in charge fjoa will be held In Kama* City of the club's photography project. ClasMf to Start COUK9 front Kovember M to SO. MemMimeograph Instruction classes ban who wuh to «o to the conArts and Crafts Club for GMs dave can apply to TJeanne MufcoThe newly organized Arts and wlU be beld in the Youth Council office Tuesday and Wednesday., witE. Crafts club far the younger girls Washington, D. C. — Teen-age of the Beth Israel Talmud Torah Nov. 10 and II, from 830 to 490 Israeli dancing and singing were The youth program should be and young adult members of the held its first meeting Sunday eve- p. m. Six representatives from some of taw highlights of the pro- made the focal point of adult inthe Youth Counci Boys' clubs are Bflth Youth Organization nlnff, Nov. 1. i m piesentwl at tbe meeting. terest in tbe community. Philip M. B'nal for the Tuesday session arc actively supporting the philsTaatmick told the members of the The first session was devoted to scheduled Member* of the club are hdphis; projects of their parent making Menorahs, Torahs, ash and six girls for the Wednesday with the Beth El Carnival, which Youth Council last Friday morn- anthropic class. ' • '• ••'.•• •:,. organization, according to figures will be beJdttis Sunday at 1 p.m. ing in the auditorium of the Jew- released by the BBYO National trays, and other articles at ceish Community Center. The great ramics. at the synagogue. assets of tbe community lies with Office here recently. The next session of the club Win Turkish Jew ' < TTie jwe-conreotion meeting win its yoBth, he pointed out. A total of f 11,300 has beep be devoted to the completion of ' be held Monday, Nov. IS. and an It is with a special feeling of raised by the tlircc constituent the ceramic project and splatter Istanbul (JTA)—A Turkish Jew nnsfagtis that I meet with this asenclc* of DBYO—Alcph Zadik paintinn. Mrs. Philip Blum is ia who served with the Turkish demembers are asked to attend. group, he added, for I helped crr- Alrnh, B'nni B'rith Girls and B'nai chnrce of the club. Girls in the tachment in Korea, was one of AZA CMM To Hold gnnue the Youth Council here. In fl'rith Younf; Mcn-Younp, Women Primary and secondary grades of three Turkish Army officers to period for the Talmud Torah are invited to receive the United States military 1 his intensified travels vicilinr —over a three-year f ^ f BwHi decoration, the Bronze Star Medal, Jewish communities, Mr. Klutz- major B*nni B rith-pponr-ored in^ attend. the report showed. This tor meritorious conduct in Korea, , The akphi and pledges <tt nick saitl he sensed that people •Ututlons, um doe* not include additional "What meane.'.t thou, O sleeper? at Imposing ceremonies here. Ho Mother Chapter AZA No I and Jfelt things arc not at Rood as tlu/y contribution.'; made loc;illy, whirh nrisc, call upon thy God.—Jonah i:; IJcut. Haun Ucnbnssat of Istanused to be, This, be tUtcd, n < eeatta-ymen of AZA No, I Off will arc not centralized at liDYO head- 1:6.) bul, a reserve officer. • bald irs AZA "Shabbos- at tbe a longing for the normalcy oj yes- quarters. • Bttb Israel Synagogue Fridny, torday. To emphasize this point, Benc/ici.'ilies of Ihc BI5YQ tundbe raid an ancient tablet recently Jfev, U. OWs event is held by ihc lninff were the IS'nai X3'rilh ChilMO AZA. chapter* an over tbe excavated when decipered told the sasic story, that being, a dren's Home in Israel, supported world* and mainLauied by the li'nai B'rith Ian gins (or the good old days. The - ' Larry Epstein, president of youth today has a greater op- Women's Supreme Council f o r AZA No. 1 and Kenny Treed, Rug & Upholstery now than ever befor*. children In need of psychiatric -president of AZA Wo. 100 will portunity treatment; the National Jcwir.h Cleaners •. oclAvtr •pennons ou;. youth In too Mr. KJulznlck stressed. This gen- Hospital at Denver, whirh spec' Synagogue. Jcnr ferer will say eration has the golden oppor- iali2C5 in the treatment of tubercutunity to boUd a more meaningJttDGS—CAKPEftNO the XJddtah. The foUowlnj memlar patients and has been a mabers will take part In the senrice; ful life, he added. We may well be jor B'nal B'rilh project rince lliliO; LAMP SIIADE8 Stan Felfanao, BiU Meajmberj;, entering the Golden Age of Jew- and the Leo N. I^cvi lf<j!:pllal at FTJUNITimE Harold JHedman, Store Silver, ish life, Mr. Ktutznick continued. Hot Sprine.i, Arkansas, the only Cleaned la Year Homcf Steyc Brookstein, Art Schwartz. There is hope and future herr non-sectarian hospital irj the naAllan Siegtd, Larry Schwartz, and it is a stimulating experience tion devoted specifically to the , - Laying""- nepahteg Btan "Wldman, fioward Kooper, speaking to youth, he pointed out. care of arthri'is and rheumatism. OON BERNSTEIN HA MM The atomic age opens new vistas and Morris Freolman. us on to greater heights, Chief beneficiary of the tecnRabbi Benjamin Groner, and beckoning ace contributors is the Children's Cantor Oi Edgar and choir wlU Mr. Khitznick said. * Home in Israel, which has reassist in tbe atrvfae. Summing things up following a ceived $9,400 since 1051. The reQuestion and answer period, he Everyone isr «ontfaUy invited to mainder has rone to the Denver attend. *W f«>'rmT'f will be concluded that fair play and and the Leo N, Levi hospitals. served. sportsmanship are essential in American life We must Irani to I have broken the bands on compete and still be friends and their yoke, aiid . . . they Shall live in n democratic progrcs.'ive dwell safely, and none shill make $400 MONTHLY spirit, them afraid,—(Eiek. 34:27, 28.)

AZA Mo. 100

No Talmud Torah or Sunday School classes will be held Sunday, at Beth El Synagogue because of the Silver Jubilee Carnival to be held on Uiat day.

Bar & Bas Mitzvah

Beth Israel News

USY to Attend Regional Conclave

KJutaridk TeVs BBYO Contributes Youfli Of Opporfumties For Youngsters

SPARE TIME FttfrUisc « 4 collacfag ai a a a r Aw* #*r fin-ctnt High Gradt Nul Machinal is thli aria. No tailing! T« «tw«fifv for worV you mutt har« C«, nlafaaca*. $400 c»h, taeuraj

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Friday, November 6,I95J


Religious News


Gems oi the

Pag* 8eTCB

Needlework Guild Ingathering Tea

Obituary Harry Camel

Bible and Talmud Services were held last Friday The annual ingathering tea for for Harry Camel with interment the Omaha Needlework Guild will The big newi; this week from at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. be held Friday afternoon, Nov. Light Candles i-.iO P. m. liy UK. nUISP 8IIEB Camel, 61, a salesman for an 13, from 2 to 5 o'clock, at Die Pun1345 It Street in Lincoln is the Omaha wholesale grocery, died dee Presbyterian Church, .Underfine showing that the 7-IIT'E made Thursday, Oct. 211 at i Omaha wood and Happy Hollow Blvd. BETH ISRAEL in the annual KoKint't Klub Fa" Bible Ilabbi Benjamin Oruner, Cantor Revue. Performing before one of Incline thine ear, and hear the hospital of a heart attack. An invitation is extended to everythebienert crowds ever tri attend He Is (survived by his wife, one to attend. Ell Kagan, and the Hctli Israel words of the wise, and apply thy Fanny; a son, Dr. H. Marvin of Synagogue clioir, will ccnuluct late a KK Kail show the ZBT's gave heart unto knowledge. Mrs. Albert B. Newman, secreFriday evening services tonight at their rendition of fraternity life, Eat thou not the bread of him St. Louis; two daughters, Mrs. tary of the Omaha. Branch of the 8 p. m. Sabbath morning services "puppet style." The crowd showed tli.-it halh an evil eye; neither de- Sol Yaffee and Mrs. M. M. Ro- Needlework Guild, is chairman senblatt, both of Omaha; and four for the Jewish Charities Section, at Beth Israel at 8:30 a. in. and their approval by their applause Mre thou his dainties. 9 a. m. at 10th and Burt. Junior when the final curtain fell. which is a project of the FederaApply thy heart unto Instruc- grandchildren. Mr. Camel was a member of tion of Jewish Women's d u b s ; After the show, members of KK tion, and thine ears to the words services at 0:30 a. in. in the chapel. Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Groner will conduct the attended a party at the Italian of knowledge, Mrs. Richard Wright is table dist Saturday afternoon Talmud class Village. KK social chairman Marplay chairman. Talmud at 4 p. m., Saturday Mincha will ihnl] Kushnnr made all of the nr- Rabbi Eliezcr said: "Repent one Contributions continue to come start at 4:45 p. m., and will be fol- rangemrnts for the Klub. Howard <iay before thy death." His'dis- Mrs.Eva Markel Services were held Sunday for in, although,a cumber of donors lowed by Sholonh S'cudos and Vann and Marv Steinberg also at- ciples asked him: "Does a^rnan have not yet responded to the Mrs. Eva Markel with interment tended the party as junior mem- know on what day ho will die (to Maariv. at the Beth El Cemetery. Mrs. call. Mrs. Newman asks everyDaily morning services lici'.in at bers of KK. one who has not already contribrepent before that day)?"'Where7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at C:30 The fotball team ended their upon liubbi Eliezcr said to them: Markel, 80, died Saturday, Oct. 31. uted to do so Immediately. Surviving are: three daughters. a. m. at 10th and Durt. Daily aft- best season in many years on a "So much the more let him deThe Needlework Guild Is an Ella. Markel, Mrs. Gertrude ernoon services begin at 5 p. m., four note last week. The Blue pent today, lest h e die tomorrow: Miss annual event sponsored by charitand White fell victims to one of thus it will be that he will repent Wolf, both of Omaha, and groups in the community to Friday afternoon at 4:45 p. m. Cecilia Martin of New York City; The Sunday morning breakfast the powerhouses in the univer- every day of his life." two sons, Harry and David, both furnish clothing and linen supminyan and Rabbi's class in Bible sity. I'hi Psi. Members of the of this city; four grandchildren plies for needy families and instiRabbi Jose said: "I never acted study meets at 8:15 a. m. There football team who played during contrary to the wishes of my col- and three great-grandchildren. tutions. i j a . special Tails and Teuhilin the season and in the play-offs leagues. Although I know that I The following have mailed to Minyan for children over 12 years were I.en Singer, captain; Marsh am not a priest, still, If my coltheir donations since the last list of age, and for children who ac- Kushncr, Ben Belmont, Howard leagues should ask me to go up Adobh Merritt appeared in the Jewish Press: company their fathers to the adult Vann, backs; Doran Jacobs, Arley Adolph Merrltt, 77, native of Mmes. Morris Abramson, Wilthe platform, I would do so, for minyan. The children's service Bondarln, Arnle Stern, ends; Don on I never said a word that I had to Omaha, died Monday, Oct. 26. at liam Alberts, Maurice Bernstein, starts at 8:30 a. m. and breakfast Dnndy and Jerry K r u p i n s k y , repent a Santa Monica Calif, hospital Louis • Bloteky, Eugene Braun, afterwards." . : is served to the children after the guards; and Bruce Hollander, cenfollowing a heart attack; Mr. Charney, Bennett U. Conn, Four groups of people will never Merritt, a retired druggist, moved David ter. The ZBT's ended up second Service. Dave Conn, Michael Colton, Lawsee the Gehlnani (Hell. Those who to California about three y e a n rence Epstein, Morris J. Frankin Uielr league. ' Bowling started this week and suffer from poverty., Those who lin, Mike Freeman, Jack GeUand, TEMPLE ISRAEL suffer from cancer of the stomSurvivors Include a daughter, David Goldman, Morris Green, At the regular Sabbath Serv- the ZBT's will try to recapture ach. Those who suffer from usuritheir first place trophy from. last David Greenberg, Max Greenberg, Mrs. Edward Wirthsafter, of Sanices this evening at 8 o'clock, creditors. Those who are mar- ta Monica, Calif.; two brothers, Maynard Greenberg, Max GreenRabbi Sidney H. Brooks will dis- year. This year's team Includes ous ried to mean wives. (They already Joseph of Omaha and Dr. M. J, field, Nathan Horwlch, Ell Kacuss "Behind the Israel Bead- Marv Steinberg, Jerry Krupinsky, gan, Edward Kahn, Max Kirsheulines." The sermon will concern Arnle Stern, Arley Bondarln, and have the Gehinam in this world.) Merritt of Los Angeles, Calif. baum, Millard H. Krasnc, Max. Itself with comment on Israeli cur- Ted Steinberg. Lashinsky, Joe Levey, Sarah LevDick Fellman won his debates at rent events. Mrs. Paul Vcrct will The Sammies highest office of Mrs. Harry Rimmennan recite the blessing over the Sab- Hastings lost week. Dick, one of Prior was vested upon Jerry . Services for Mrs. Harry Kim- inson, Harry Lippctt and Irving Malashock.bath lights; Paul Veret will recite the boys that represented Omaha Spitzer of Omaha, a pre-med stu- merman were held Tuesday the Klddush and J. J. Friedman in the National high school debate dent in the Arts and Science col• Mmes. Milton Mayper, Arthur and Willard Friedman will be tournament last s u m m e r , has lege. Marshall Becker was elected morning with interment at the Meyerson, Betty Milder, Julius Beth El Cemetery. Mrs, Rimmercalled to the reading of the Torah. shown much promise for becoming to the position of Recorder. He man, 50, died Monday morning at Newman, T h e o d o r e Newman, Robert Noddle, Sol Nogg, Hyman Regular Shabbos Morning Serv- one of the university's top debat- was previously alumni record- a local hospital. '' • •-• ices will be held Saturday morn- ers. er. The office of Exchequer husband, the proprietor of Osoff, Louis Radiuhier, Aaron Shell Green, Ron Minkln, Hor- is still being' handled by Sol Stlss. theHer Rips, Julian Rips, Paul Rips, Howing at 11:40 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks Benson Hardware Store, died ard Ross, Harry Segall, Gary will conduct the services and Kid- lan Bcrcovlcl, Cal L i n d a , Joe The Sammy pledge class also has September 24. Dwoskin, Sol Roslnsky, Neil Mil- a new leader as Earl Marcus was Sherman, Louis Shrler, Ray Simon, dush will folow the services. Survivors include two sons, ler, and Maynard Small went on elected pledge master. The new Robert Dr. Albert, both of Stuart Simon, Ben Slutzky, Louis a trip through the new Nebraska officers, \vho promised to do a Omaha; and Sokolof, Joseph Soshnik, Barney BETH EI< and a daughter, Mrs. Services will begin this eve- Historical Museum and will give great job leading Sigma Alpha Marvin Dicnstfrey of Yonkers, Stark, Harry Stoler, Isadore M. Weiner, Ira Whitebook, Fhineac a report to the chanter at the next ning at 8:15 o'clock, Rabbi Mycr Mu, will hold office until the elec- N. Y. Wintroub, Samuel N. Wolf, Isidor S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. meeting on their findings. tions in the spring. Ziegler, and Hymle Zorinksy and Mike Greenberjt closed another Cantor Aaron I. Kdi;ar and the Norman Shykcn, one of the Miss Minnie Eiscnstatt. Beth El Choir will render the successful month for the Red Cross Sammies engineering majors, has With the Folks as chairman of the blood donor musical portions of the service. been elected to pledge Sigma Tau. Sabbath morning services will committee. Mike is also co-chair- national honorary engineering fraAt Home begin at 9:45 a. m. Mlncha-Maariv man for the Homecoming float ternity. ZADLE KATLEMAN services will be held at 4:45 p. in. parado committee. Trees Donated: Mr. and Mrs. AlNorman has also been asked to Doran Jacobs Is In charge of Daily Minyan is held on each len Zalkin have donated three Has Just Received pledge. Pi Till Sigma, honorary week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. ticket sales and publicity for the mechanical engineering fraternity. fruit trees to the Dr. Philip Shcr a Large Assortment Sunday morning service Is at 0 homecoming dance featuring SauJewish Home For Aged. On the theatrical scene, Al Kena, m. with served im- tcr-Finnegan. of Lovely Chrome Y a h r z e l t : Special Memorial yon and Morse Wiesgurt have mediately following. Following parts in the University of Nebras- Services will be held in the Home breakfast, Rnbbi Kripke will lead Sigma Delta Tau CHANUKAH LAMPS, Synagogue for: Mrs. Joseph Koka theater production, "The Male a study period for adults on the sowsky—Kislev I—November 8. The Slg Dclts were well rep- Animal." CANDLES and Torah portion for the week, with Comuifr Events: November 24: Aa the social scene gets in gear traditional rabbinic commentary. resented at the annual Panhellenie Thanksgiving Party being sponGREETING CARDS The boys of pro-Bar Mitzvah and banquet held Nov. 4. Fran Locke on the N. U. campus, we find the sored by the Omaha Council of was elected new song leader of Sammies planning many parties. post-Bar Mitzvah age will meet Priced Reaionqbly The homecoming party promises Jewish Women. For further d e with Mr. Katz for a study period Thela chapter. tails contact Mrs. Max Scheuer-i Honored alumnae were guests to be a big success. HI Ml » t k St. In canfillatlon and other skills. man, chairman. at a chapter dinner and meeting November 20: TEA-DANCE. November 2. The alums were Mrs. Hear the causes between your Monument Dedication Betty Polsky, Mrs, Shirley Grant brethren and Judge righteously between every man and his brothThe family of Mm. Harry Hotti- and Mrs. Annette Markel. An exchange with the SAM'S er, and the stranger that Is with kop will dedicate a gravestone in her memory this Sunday, at 2:30 will be held Nov. 6, with a dinner blnv—(Deut 1:10.) p. m. at the Golden Hill Cemetery. and a skit presented by the pledges Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will offi- of Sigma Alpha Mu and the And Abram said unto Lot, Let Catc. Friends and relatives arc in- pledges of Sigma Delta Tau, there be no strife, I pray thee, bevited to attend the service. SDTs won their first game in tween me and the* . . . for we be the intramural volleyball tourna- brethren.—(Gen. MAX The family of Arthur Smith will ment. dedicate a monument in his memory at 11 a. m., this Sunday, at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Sigma Alpha Mu Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron The ballot box was the main Omaha's Favorite I. Edgar will conduct the me- issue for the Nebraska Sammies morial service. Friends and rela- Monday evening as they cast balWay to Dine on tive* are Invited to attend. lots in their annual fall election. Zefa Beta Teu

a g o . . .






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Friday, November • . 1951


B. B. Mixed Doubles Bowling Tourney

B'nai BYith Bowling

Jr. B. B. Bowling

Stuart Kutler was high after The 1054 Tournament Com- last Sunday's competition. He mittee announces that its 4th compiled games of 161 and 120 for Mixed Doubles Tournament a 207 series. will be held lit the 40 Bow], Maureen Zevitz led the girls"A Division" Saturday, Nov. 14 at 0 p. m. v.-illi her high game of 128 for a I W. h. Prizes will be clven to en- 225 series. Burkhard-QereUclc «...—., 22 5 tries. Anyone Interested in Howard Slusky converted the It-Worth Grill -. 17 10 participating In this tourna- •i-5 split. Mebr, Furo, Mart 16 11 ment, can call any of the folStanding* Grace-Mayer Ins. . _ _ _ _ . 14 13 lowing c o m m i t t e e : IDA L. A team of Rayim "Roughrld- Stan played a fine game but only T&VTM Florist SACKS, AT 0002; nOSK Olt- Nebraska Furniture Mart..; W. M,M««» 14 13 received scoring aid from Jerry 7 1 Pepsi Cola . ...»„.__.. 14 18 ers" rode herd on AZA 100 in the Simon with 3 points. UCH, OR 1540; REVA SINGopening game of the Youth CounO. P. Skaggs 0 2 ER. GL 7571; or BEVERLY Crosslown TV „..__. 13 14 Next week, the Independents Gamble Robinson Fruit Co. 6 2 SWARTZ, WA 3008. Belmont Jewelry . 12 15 cil pre-seasoh basketball league will take on AZA I00A and by shellacking them 55-13. Using American Lumber & Hinky-Dlnky 11 16 platoon system, with 11 play- shouldn't have much trouble, Supply Co 5 3 Milder Oil _ — . . . 11 16 the seeing action, tbe Century- while the Rayim A game with Morris Paint 4 4 GweJiberg Ins . — 10 17 ers men, were unable to muater any A2A lA should be a close one. Moypcrs 4 4: ' Morris Paint 8 19 offense or defense. Bay Somberg Wol f:son Gcrber Auto Sales 8 5 " Blcfc Scores and Series was the big gun for Rayim scorIndustrial Chemical Co 3 5 Bob Chapman, 229—572; Sam ing 20 points. Bis support came Playland Park 1 7 Jerry Zicgman, Raylm's t o p 11-Worth Grill Diamond, 232—541; Bud Falk, 525; from Al Corey with 9, Ed BeUer 1 7 bowler, Is moving along in fine Al Temin, 510. There were no had 8, while Gene Kohn and llltli Games and Series fashion. The southpaw anchor Stuart Kutler shutouts in the division last week. Doug Cohn notched 6. ' Howard 161-126—287 marj threw a 613 scries last Sun- Jack Licb Kaslow, freshman center .-from 140-134—274 day and is leading the two leaguer. Tom Piatl ,...132-129—261 A£A 100 played a scrapby game Parkway B Div. Three groups of- basketball for AZA 100 and contributed 7 hopefuls worked out in prepara- with a sturdy 160 average. Howie Jerry Sherman 145-112—257 W Y 136-108—244 tion for the coming season which Kooper, a freshman from A..Z. A.Bcrnie Grossman Woltson-Gerber 17 M 9ft points. 100, tops the National division David Wintroub 132-112—244 will start Sunday Nov. 29. The The top game of the evening Rosen-Novak ............ 16 11 a nifty 153 average rolling a Paul Shykcn 123-111—234 featured AZA 1A and Independ- 5th graders practiced from 1:30- with Ranks Army Goods ..._. 16 11 Stuart Fogcl 127-106—233 ents. It was a dose affair all the2 3 0 p . m.; the 6th graders from 473 scries last week. National Tire - 16 11 National DlvUlon Maureen Zevitz ........128- 97—229 way until the last quarter when 2:30-3:30 p. m, and the 7th and Richman-Goodman ..... 13 12 Joyce Koom 123-100—223 the Unaffiliates pulled away to 8th graders worked out from 3;30Klteway TV 15 12 Howard WIcnberg ....114-106—220 gain • 30-26 win. Harlan "Tiny" 4:30 p . m.* Prucka Transp. 14 13 AZA" No. 100 CenturyMike Platt 133- 86—219 Rosen led tbe war. for his mates There were 60 boyi in Sun- men 12 3 PlaylandPark _ 14 13 Susan Wolfson 10G- 98—204 with 15 points before h e fouled day's session and the workout AZA No. 1 Glama 12 3 Liberty Gas & Oil 11 16 Charles Wise ...„ 113- 91—204 10 6 Philco-Brandeis 1QM 16Uout of action in the 4th quarter. proved vigorous and beneficial. Ind. Sleepers Billy Katzman 115- 89—204 However, the lad* from Mother Fundamentals were featured with AZA No. 1 Booscrs 9 6 Sol Lewis Co _ _ 9 18 Marc SamucUon 111- 92—203 chapter were not able to take ad- stress on ball handling, dribbling Bayim SOS 7 8 Borshelm Jewelry .._. 8 19 Mike Canar 115- 85—200 and passing. Two leagues are vantage of Rosen's loss and went Rayim S. a P.'s „,.. 7 8 A new high individual game planned with the 6th and 6th 8 and series was set by Stan Dia- down to their initial loss. Bcrrilc graders in one league while the AZA No. 1 Bluffers >. 7 Turkel, ex-AZA center helped RoRayim Scrcwbowls .... S 10 mond with 231 and 564 scores. 7th and 8th graders will play In Bayim "H" ...„. sen with 9 points and did a fine -.. 4 11 ' B l f h Games and Series rebounding Job. The lads from the other. Here is the Midget AZA No. 1 No Names.. 2 13 Stan Diamond 231-174159—561; AZA 1A were led by their cen- roster for the coming season. All Hllb Osme and Series By Ramick, 165-191—512; M. ter The second Annual ThanksgivStan Widman with 14 points. payers are asked to attend pracTracktenbarg, 165; D. Diamond, tice sessions if they wish to be Howard Kooper 190-473. A r t ing Bowling Tournament for the Schwartz 170-467, Morrie Shrago placed on a team and'receive a bowlers Jn the Junior Sports 160; Sel.Roffman, 185; M. Her162-459, and John Goldner 172- Bowling program will be held full uniform. zoff, 178; S. Rife, 186—489; M. 431. Friday morning, Nov. 27 at 10 Melches, 177; B. Wiseman, 164; 5th Graders American Division a. m., it was announced by David 8, Martin, 164-183—477; J. SchreiDick Zacharla, Howard ChudaW. L. Widman, chairman of the league. ber,J74—475; D. Gordman, 172; coff, Dick Kaslow, Mike Green, E-B-G „ 14 .1 The younjrstors will bowl two S. Heraoff, 183—472; L. Katz, 184; Mike Platt, a 7th grader bowled Karl Lcufscheutz, Howard Feld- Ind. Rayim Mesl Sow Grezl 12 3 lines and the tournament wjll be D, Hobcrman, 178—493, and L. a 158 gome last Friday, which Is man, Bob Lohrman, Mlko SadofNo. 1 \A" 9 6 a handicap affair. Rules of the Albyll, 181—494. the top individual score of thesky, Don Fiedler, Steve Gould, AZA No. I Gutter league state that in order to bo league this year. Last year, Lau- Jeff Wohlncr, Steve Kutlcr, Har- AZA Gang ,;,. , . ,.,.. 6 9 eligible, each bowler has to bowl rie Oruch bowled a 183 game for old .Forbes, Ed Levy and Jerry AZA Keller's "B" Div. No. 1 Gutter at least four times in previous Hecgcr, the all-time high in the league. Standings Goons 6 9 bowling F.eysiflns. A trophy will Standings 6th Graders / W. L. Rayim "X's" 6 . 9 bo awarded to the boy and girl f W. Mike Markowltz, Bob Nogg, Rayim "K" Bennett Furniture 15 12 who makes tbe hijihe.^t two-game 6 9 Bud Hcrzog, Martin Meyers, Ke- AZA No. 1 Zorch's ...... S'A 9% averane. H, A; Wolf Ins. ...„..,..._..... 15 12 Team 2 va Shykcn, Ed Sidrnan, Doug AZA No. 1 We Goofed 5tt Ott Louis Market ......... 15 12 Team 3 Last year's winners were Mike Platt, Justin Ban, Bill Horwich, So. Omaha Sun - 14 13 Team 5 5 10 Hcrzoj; nnd Vicki Collck. Al Konecky, Bruce Goldstein, Rayim M-Jabs Watson Bros. Van Lines .... 14 13 Team 8 Hllh Game and Series Frank Goldberg, Lauren WasscrTeam 10 Slosburg Realty 14 13 Team Jerry Zlctfman 213-513, B o b mnn, Joel Davis, Larry Kohn, II ...„.„ Robinson Iron tc Metal 13 14 Team 13 Howard Stolcr, Al NcwiicrK, Mar- Meyer 175-505, Harlan Rosen, 18B• ± Magi-Color Paint tin Snclder, John Hleke.s, Walter 502, Bob Epstein 180-500, B o b Team 16 . (Brandeis) . 12 15 Team 1 Wise, Albert Sabes,- Bob Gins- Kully 180-482, Fred Simon 1080 Mid Plain* Insurance 12 15 Team 4 burg, Louis Rich, Sam Bleichrr, 400, Nell Steinberg 188-403, and "ZZ o A meeting is planned by the Simony Jewelry .».»............' 11 16 Team 6 ....i.».«.......„,......i 0 Gaby Berg, Gene Dandy, Marvin Ed Belzer 170-403. 1054 Tournament Committee, for Rubock, Arnold Altsulcr Jerry Irv Sabes continues to burn up Team 7 ' ..„„,.....,.,.„ 0 Monday, Nov. 14 at 8 p. m. in Goldstrorn, Dan Hollis and Don Hadassah Bowling the alleys and was again high man Team 9 'J.....M...»•>.... . . . . ! . . 0 Forman. for tbe week with a 186—501, and Team 12 W. L. the Mahogany Room of the 40 _ 0 was very instrumental hi Robin- Team 14 Millie Wine 8 4 Bowl. The purpose of this meet„„._ o 7th Graders is to discuss the procedure son Iron Sc Metal winning all three Team 15 7 5 ing, „ o Stan Greenfield, Jerry Nogg Bros. to be followed in the tournament, w|th high team game and high .....1 5 which lftD Gtnus • Schwartz, Steve Scglin, Bob Ep- Brandeis Washer is scheduled to tako place team series for the evening of 782 Mike Platt 6 8 in Omaha 158 stein, Bob Fcllmon, and Clark RCA Victor on Feb. 12, 13, 14. All add 2,094, respectively. Bill Fried Tom Platt Met* Boer ;.....:. .6 6 members of the B'nai B'rith „ 142 Swarlz. and Gene Oshcroff, H. A. Wolf Howard Wcinberg Brandeis Klecrchrome - . 5 7 Woman's Bowling League are in8th Graders 130 Insurance, both had a bad evening Dale Kasin 5 7 vited to attend, this important Arnold Ban, Stuart Kutler, Jus- Smith Pontiac „ 128 and found little solace In the fact Joyce Koom .,_ ...4 8 meeting. Invitations are extend„ 126 tin IUvllz, Chuck Wise, Jeff Edwards that even the top team can lose Larrf Gilinsky .lUfb Series 115 Swarlz, Howard Wclnbcrg, Tom ed to women who have a bowling sll three. Diane Rubin 442, Esther Mar- average and belong to B'nai Carol Combcrg , 109 Elstt, Ed Schneider, Bruce Bloom, »»..„ 107 Bernard Bloom, Rpnald Simons, cus 430, Dlna Bloom 427, Kitty B'rith. . Dick Wintroub, Simon's Jewel- Doug Platt .' „....„ ,107 Harold Kalman, Jerry Sherman, Asbyll 413, Minnie Frank 402, ry, was the only bright spot in John Ricke* ...,:_ ^, ,.., 106 Bob Shapiro, Sidney Pcsscn, Ruth Sokolof 401, and Addle their losing all three with 183— Jerry Schwartz -L.....^. 101 Alan Cutler, Mike Pcrsell, Phil Snelder 400. Splits—Lucille Ep454. Kurt Hfrscblnger, Mld-PIalruj, Walter Wise stein 5, 8, 10, and Kitty Asbyll Bally and Irvin Belzer. remained consistent with 162—161, 5, 7. Practice Sessions Sunday and Mid-Plains made i t a clean 1:30 p , n v - S i h graders. sweep winning ail three against 2:30 p. m.—<IU) graders. Simons. Thanks to the "visiting 3:30 p . m—7th and 8th graders. The first qualifying rounds to(JTA)—The meetings firemen" from Parkway, Ernie JCC Sports Calendar of Jerusalem local commanders In the IsraelNogg and Jordic Lagman, whose wards the Pro-Marksman Awards were made last Sunday at the Jordan borders areas, which were presence complimented the South . C. Girls Bowling 8unday, Nov. 8 after the Kibya Incident, Omaha Sun Team; and my appre- Junior Air tliflc Club, Maynard Barbara joffc, a member of the 10:30 p. m. — Youth Council halted Tatclman, instructor of the class have been resumed along the e n ciation t o Harold Bloom who sent Bowling. at the JAY, announced. The boys second place Couttcilette' Starlets tire length of the demarcation them down* 1:30 p. m.-4:30 p. m.—Midget line, are Stuart Hurwitz. Paul Kutlcr, rolled the highest game this seaBasketball, practice.. Bill Kutlcr, Marshall V/idtnan and ton, ISO, while Phyllis Rosen, had Meanwhile, J o r d a*n officials a two-game scries of 303. The 1:30 p. m.-2:30 p. m.—Jr. Air John Spltzer. have defended the action of Arab B.B. Ladies Bcwling Debs Nebs have still to taste de•Rifle Club. l-cgion troops who lnst Thursday A bullseyc w a s recorded by feat as they lead tho league with 3:30 p. m.-4:30 p. m Swim- fired on an Israeli officer who e n vt. u Stuart Hurwitz in the afternoon a record of 10 wlns.'O defeats. ming Period. tered no-man's area near Budrus shooting. The following boys atCountry Club Grocery 17 10 . Tuesday, Nov. 10 W, L. while en route to a meeting of tended the ECision: Paul Kutler, National Tire & Supply 16 11 3:30 p. m. — Youth Council local commanders. The officials Debs Nebs i....,,,.. l o 0 Bill Kutlcr.. Howard Halm, Ray ShUkertJ 16 .11 Girls Bowling league. Starlets ., ' 8 2 Imitated that the Jordan forces had Groner, John Spitwr. Marshall Omaha Jobbing IS 12 4:15 p. m.—Beginners Swim not been given advance warning , „ 7 3 Wldrnan, Kail I.ruf'.UiLiilz, Jerry Slick Chicks Phillips Dept Store 15 12 class. Mileroma _ 0 4 that the Israeli was comlni;. Slusky, Marvin Rubnck, Don NooKlJh Furs ....:. :....14»s 12% 6:50 p. m. — Youth Council dcll, Justice Mulnick and S c o t t Gutter Gnls '6 4 Colony Club 14 13 An Israeli military spokesman Boys Pre-Scnson BasketIf.iykin. Scoreless Fourlcss 5 5 reported that two attacks hnd takLyns Florist 14 13 ball. Lucky Strikes ;.;... 5 5 en place this week-end on Israel U-Worlh Grill 14 13 7:30 p. hi.—Mixed Swim Cla;.s. M'ruiity forces on a road near the Thito Strikes & a Spare ..., 5 5 R It S Shoes 14 13 Wednesday, Nov. 11 Lucky Losers 4 6 Lebanese frontier, w i t h i n the Mystic Beauty Shop 13 14 3:30 p. m. — Youth Council .'pace of 48 hours. .One Israeli Alley Cats . ' 4 ' B Angles Beauty Salon ... 13 14 Gills Volleyball le,i;;ue. La y.t Ma IU 4 6 .'dlclier was wounded in the first Hamilton Pharmacy 12 15 1 4:00 p. in.—Grade School gill : Incident when snipers opened fire All Strikes 3 7 Smllh Pontiae 10 17 Modern Dance rhirs inn an Israeli vehicle. There wero 2 8 Wolf nros 9',4 17'i An expected brittle for theLane L.t"ics 4:15 p. m. — Advanced Swim no casualties In the second attack. J 0 Doug!a-s Jewelry 0 18 Youth Council Volk-yll.-ill chain- Bowling Hclics class. Israeli authorities investigating the High 5 Games High Scries pion:;hip between AZA 1A and 0:50 p. m. — Youth Council two Incidents'.noled that the at180 Ruth Klein 474 Iw'tyim A failed to materialize a.1; Barbara Joffc, Starlets Hoys Prc-Scason Baskettacks came immediately a f t e r Gcrt Zovilz 473 (lie inspired lnd.'i from Mother Phyllis HiKcn, Debs Nebs 150, 153 ball. ' truce superviElori'-chief MflJ. Gen. Rcvj S:nr;er 4G4 chapter played ;ilmost errorless Vickl Collck, Slick Chicks .... 151 Thursday. Nov. 12 Vaj;n Bcnnikc had "rciiorted to tbe Annette Frank 401 ball fo win easily, 15-2, 15-4. Toby Okrent, Starlets 151 4:15 p. m. — Beginners swim United Nations "Security Council Lorraine lielss 458 High 5 Scries Member3 of the championship there was n comparatively class. team are David Widman,. Mar- Phyllis Rosen, 1 Debs Nebs .... 303 7:00 p. m.—Varsity Basketball quiet situation along tbe Lebanese* 2BG In the day of my trouble I shall Dcncnbcrg, Mike Denenberg, Barbara Joffc, Starlets Israel border. lea/iue. 2G1 Sought the Lord; my sore ran in Art Schwartz, Jerry Simon, Stan Toby Okrent, Starlets 7:30 p. m,—Mixed swim'class. 245 the night and ceased not; my sou! Widman and Lnrry Schwartz. Judy Colin, Debs Nebs Friday, Nov. 13 Turn to the Lord: say unto Him, refused to be comforted.—(Psalm Mother chapter gave the Rayim Vicki Collck, Slick Chicks .... 242 3:30 p. m. — Youth Council lake away nil iniquity, and r e cquad their initial loss In the douIlljh 4 Averages LXXVH, 2.) Girl3 Volleyball leaRuc. ceive us graciously.—(Hos. 14:2.) ble elimination tournament and Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs .... 158 4:00 p. m. — J u n i o r Sports 141 Give therefore thy servant an last Wednesday before a fine turn- Barbara Joffe, Starlets ' Bowling league. Surely God will not hear v a n 12P understanding heart . . . that I out of Youth Council fans. Royim Toby Okrent, Starlets 4:15 p. m. — Advanced Swim ity, neither will the Almighty roteams won second and third Tevco Bernstein, Three may discern between good and class. (jard It (Job XXXV, » . ) places. Strikes & a Spare 123 bad.—I Kings 3:9.) By Undy Fiuil

Rayim and Independents Impressive in Opening Tilts

Midgets Hold Scrimmage'

Y. C. Bowling

Thanksgiving Tourney Ser for Jr. Sports

Mike Platt Scores 158 in Jr. Bowling

B.B. Bowling Ladies To Discuss Meet

Jr. Air Rifle Club

AZA 1A p Vo.EybG.1 IKle

Border Officers Resume' Meetings

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