November 13, 1953

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Vol. XXXII—No. 10

Kmrrcd aj Becond-Clnst Matter at I'octnfffco. Omalil. Nebmvlm, under Act of 1M7U-


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Jordan Attacks on Israel Border Have Been Increased Tel Aviv (JTA) — Since the Big Three ForclKn Ministers decided on October 17 lo raise the issup of Israel-Jordan bolder tension in the United Nation.! Security Council there have been 12 more aggressive fictions by Jordanians against Israeli;?, an Israel military spokesman announced here. The spokesman charged that these attacks, which bear the stamp of military operations, are undermining security along the Israel-Jordan border. In a detailed listing of the attacks by regular and irrcguar Jordan forces, the Israel spokesman Including the mining of ii train on Israel territory, the firing on Israeli officers going to meetings Of local commanders of both sides, the killing of a railroad watchman near Hadcra ami the kidnaping of three Israeli Bedouins and their flock of 350 sheep from a

Congressman Lauds Progress "Israel, which has elevated itself and Its standard of living with the aid of State of Israel Bond funds, represents'a prime example of the constructive approach to peace In the Middle East." This is tho viewpoint of Congressman John A. Blatnik (D., Minn.), who returned homo this week after spending two weeks in Israel investigating ogrlcultural, industrial, commercial and municipal developments, as part of a two-month fact-finding tour of Europe and tho Middle East. "Having witnessed the birth of irrigation and deep-well water projects during my short stay In Israel," the Congressman stated, "it is inconceivable to believe that the new State will fail ir: Its attempt to achieve economic Independence within the next few years. Progress seems to be the country's by-word and, thus far, it Is certainly living up to Its expectations." "When you realize the short time the people of Israel have had to accomplish all this," Congressman Blatnik stated, "the results are really startling. I believe the way toward world peace i.i through constructive doing—not through arming. Real security is to be had id the .Middle East with the raising of the standard of living in all countries. In Israel, I have seen a prime example of this sincere effort."

AZA World Sabbath Mother Chapter AZA No. 1 and the Ccnlurymcn of AZA No. 100 •will hold their annual AZA Sabbath at the Beth Israel Synagogue today at 4 p. m. At the same time tho 500 AZA chapters all over the world will attend synagogues to be united with their brothers in prayer. The Alephs of both chapt a n will participate In the services at Beth Israel.

point two-and-a-half miles inside Israel. One Israeli soldier was killed nncl a second wounded today in a flare-up of violence on the Gaza strip border, an area which has been r|iiict for some time. The incident occurred when an Iiiraeljtlirec-inan border patrol stopped to exchange cigarettes and conversation witli an Egyptian patrol A second group of Egyptians suddenly appeared and opened fire. Two men were wounded and one escaped with the third, unhurt, member of the patrol. Israel has lodged a protest with the Mixed Armistice Commission and has asked for an emergency MAC session to consider the incident.

Jewish Congress Honors H. Truman New York (JTA)—Resolutions calling for basic revisions in the existing immigration laws, for tho enactment by the Congress of the United States of a Fair Employ' ment Practices Act with appropriate enforcement powers, tor full enforcement of civil rights by public officials, and tor uncompromising separation of "church and state were adopted here at the closing session of the biennial convention of tho American Jewish Congress. At a banquet honoring former President Harry S. Truman, Dr. Israel Goldstein who was reelected president of the American Jewish Congress, presented Mr. Truman with the Stephen S. Wise Award for his "consistent and courageous leadership In the cause of civil rights during his terms of office n.i President of the United States," Mr. Truman's efforts to combat racial and religious discrimination, as well as his active Interest in Israel, were emphasised by Dr. Goldstein.

Mizrachi Re-elects Rabbi M. Kirshman Atlantic City (WNS)—The Mizrachi Organization of America concluded its 33rd annual convention, here with the re-election of Rabbi MOrdecal Klrshblum to the presidency and the adoption of a 1054 budget of $3,050,000 of which one million dollars Is to go for the Mizrachl-sponsorcd Bar-Ilan University in Israel. The more than 800 delegates approved a series of resolutions, among them one calling on thq Big Three to make it "unmistagably clear" that their recent criticism of Israel must not bo considered as an indication of tolerating the continuation and extension of the Arab policy of marauding and violating Israel's borders."

U.N. Security Council Hears Truce Chief on Israel Tension UnlWd Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— Ocn. Vagn Bennike, United Nations truce chief In Palestine, told tho Security Council that the Israeli border villages were armed but not with the offensive weapons Which were used In the Klbya raid. Ho was answering a question put to him by Abba Eban of Israel who had asked whether U.N/ observers had examined the defense system of the border villages. Gen. Bcnnlke said that his observers had visited many border villages and had never reported seeing weapons other than machine guns, grenades, rifles, submachine guns and side arms. The records of complaints and Investigations of the Mixed Armistice Commission from 1049 contained 10 evidence that border villages

were ever furnished witli Uangalorc torpedoes, mortar bombs and demolition charges, he added. Gen. Bcnnlke alleged that such weapons were used in the Kibya attack. In reply to a query by Sir Gladwyn Jebb of Britain who asked about Prime Minister Ben Gurion's statement that no Bingle Army unit was absent from its base on the night in question, Gen. Bennike merely said that his report of the Kibya Incident was based on reports of U.N. observers. He added that he had no further information on which to base his reply. General Bennike agreed that the armistice system in general was a "transitional arrangement" to a permanent peace. However, he said in reply to Mr. Eban that it was not his duty to bring this to tho attention of the Arab stales.

Thank You General Chairman of the 1953 Philanthropies Campaign, Jack W. Marcr, wishes to express his thanks to all those who contributed and worked in this year's drive.

ny Lands'' Program in Concert Series Wednesday Night At Jay Auditorium

Global Report U. S. AID Washington (JTA)—Israel Ambassador Abba Eban this weekend discussed technical details related to the transfer of the first Installment of $26,000,000 in economic aid to Israel In a meeting with Henry A. Byroadc, Aaslstant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, at the State Department. Mr. Eban said after the meeting, which lasted over an hour, that it had been a routine conversation on Israel-American relations, including specifically plans for the transfer of the newly-restored aid. The program for the Immediate future was outlined. Actual project* will be worked out with tho foreign operations administration. Mr. Eban, was accompanied by Rcuvcn Shiloah, Israel Minister Plenipotentiary. JEWISH CLAIMS Vienna (JTA)—Government circles reported receipt of a new proposal from world Jewish organizations to re-open negotiations on reparations demanded from Austria for Jewish victims of the Nazi regime. The negotiations have been stalled for several weeks. The government spokesman Indicated that the Jewish proposal appeared reasonable and acceptable to the government and the Austrian reply Is expected within a few days. The proposal was said to call for payment by the Austrian Government of an advance against the lump sum demanded by tho Jewish organizations in settlement of Jewish hcirless property claims, the amount of this lump sum to be settled in subsoqucnt negotiations. CHRISTIANS AND JEWS Washington (JTA)—The fourday annual meeting of the National Conference of Christians and Jews opened here at the Hotel Mayflower to discuss various problems concerning the promotion of goodwill among Christians and-Jews in this country. Among tho more than 800 delegates and guests who attended the opening session were leaders in government, industry, education and r e l i g i o n . The gathering closed on Armistice Day with a luncheon at which tribute will be paid to Rogers W. Straus, In recognition of his serving as the Jewish co-chairman of the organization without interruption for 25 years since the Conference was founded.

On Radio and TV This Sunday, from 11:30 a.' m. to noon, over WOWRadlo, the Eternal Light will present "Good Soil," written by Joseph Mlndcl, it has been announced by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, under whose auspices the program Is conducted. "Good Soil" is the story of Dr. Sclman Waksman, Nobel Prize-winning scientist. This program will dramatize his discovery of streptomycin, the first effective remedy against tuberculosis and his pioneer work which led to this tremendous contribution to the science of medicine and to all mankind. "Message of Israel" will be broadcasted over KOIL this Sunday from 11:05 to 11:30 a. m. Rabbi Harvey E. Wcsscl of Temple Beth Ei in Tyler, Texas, will discuss "Love In 1053." . •. '

Martha Hchlamme

Final Institute Session Wed. 'UN vs. Power Politics" will be discussed at the closing session of this year's Institute on World Affairs at the University of Omaha, Wednesday evening at 8:15 p. m. The theme for this year's institute is "Problems and Problem Areas 1953." An outstanding authority on International law and p o l i t i c a l science, Dr. Hans Morganthau, director of the Center for the Study of American Foreign Policy at the University of Chicago, will speak. The Federation for Jewish Service is co-sponsor of the institute.

Chest Agencies Need Outstanding Funds Tho Community Chest Drive reached Its goal November 3, but many "promised" contributions were included in the announced $1,108,408 total, and some of these funds still have not yet been turned-in. "The money still outstanding is badly needed by the 40 agencies supported by the Chest," said Drive Chairman M. Cooper Smith) I urge everyone who p l e d g e d money during the Drive to please turn it in as soon as possible, The full total announced November 3 ia 100.1 percent of the Chest goal of $1,194,202. Chairman Smith says: "I thank the people of this community from tho bottom of my heart for recognizing the tremendous needs of1 the Chest Agencies and for giving so generously of their money and their time to the Campaign." Mason Bcmncr, Director of the Chest, thanks the 5,000 Red Feather volunteers for "a job well done." 'As a result of your work, the 40 United Community Services will have the money to carry on their Important work," he declared.

"Songs of Many Lands" featur* ing the talents of Martha Schlanw me, -International favorite, is th« second program of the current Concert and Lecture Scries to be presented this coming Wednesday at 8:30 p. m., in the Jewish Com* muntty Center auditorium. Musical Stndlcs Miss Schlamme was born to Vienna. During the Nazi oppression uho fled to England where she began her musical studies with the eminent lieder-slnger Emmi Helm. At the age of 18, she began her concert career and was frequently a soloist for the British Broadcasting System and also a popular performer at the Players Theater in London. Concertlxed Since her arrival In the U.S.A. she has concertlzed at Town Hall and has toured both our country and Canada. She has appeared on the Eternal Light radio series and recorded for a leading company with the foremost Israeli "composer Naum Nardl. It Is said that the most exciting thing about Miss Schlamme's appearances is her manner of presentation. Her simple introduction leading naturally into each song—whether a tender little love song from Czechoslovakia or a fighting song from Israel—gives a full picture of the situation, and adds to the drama/ of each song. This program will be a raro< treat for Omahans, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, chairman of the Jewish Community Center's Concert and Lecture Series announced. Mrs. A. C. Fellman will be chairman for the evening. By special arrangement Misi Schlamme will also appear under tho auspices of the Lincoln B'nai B'rith Lodge No. 377 at the Cornhusker Hotel in Lincoln during the same week.

Ben Gurion Conveys' Resignation to Cabinet : Jerusalem' (WNS) — Premier David Ben Gurion has officially conveyed his decision to resign at a session of his Cabinet where he declared that when the next session Is held he would no longer be one of the participants. The Cabinet is expected to meet this week In special session to name a temporary presiding officer until a new Premier has been designated, No lntcrparty talks with regard to a successor have yet boen held though the Premier's resignation coincided with a widening rift within ' the coalition between Mapsi and the General Zionists. The latter were reported demanding the deputy premiership and other high Cabinet posts. However, Mapal leaders assorted they would moke no new concessions to the General Zionists, who threatened to quit the coalition in the event Ben Gurion resigned.

Former Ambassador Charges Bennike and Dulles for Crises New York (WNS)—The current crisis between Israel and the Arab states has been brought on by the hasty and Ill-considered actions by the U.N. Chief of Staff In Israel and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in penalizing Israel for its work on the Huleh project, James G. McDonald, the first American Ambassador to Israel, charged here at the three-day national biennial convention of tho American Jewish Congress. Analyzing the cause of the current conflict, Mr. McDonald said that tho actions of Major General Vagn Bennike In forcing Israel to cease Work on the Hulch swamp reclamation project, and Mr.

Dulles order stopping American grants-ln-aid to the Jewish state, althoug done in the name of "impartiality" have served to encourage Arab resistance to reaching a peace oettiment w i t h Israel Dulles' actions, he declaied, only intensified the "very crisis he sought to ease" since it hurt Israel's feelings and "encouraged the Intransigence of the Arab leaders who adroitly interpreted thla action as an indication of a fundamental change in tho U.S. policy toward Israel. Arab leaders can now reason with confidence, the former Ambassador pointed out, that "similar sanctions could ba used to force Israel" into acceptance of a predrawn peace treaty;

Friday, November 13, 1»3J


Our U. N. Newletter

Palestine Refugee Plan

rablisbed Every Friday by lae Omaha Jewish Federation — l w maiur u Oamut, NtDruka. tttef I M K I S I lUrab a. llrt .at.**, u m M i > > M «.*MO| • HABBT HALPERT, M A S K S BB8SER—

_Edito< .Society Editor

£orty Years of Service The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith will celebrate its 40th anniversary in Washington next week with a four-day program climaxed by the presentation of the 1963 America's Democratic Legacy Award to President Eisenhower. The silver medallion is presented annually by the ADL to an American who has made "distinguished contributions to the enrichment of America's democratic legacy." The history of ADL's four decade* of service is essentially a story of man's struggle against his most pemicions evil—the evil of prejudice. For .40 yean ADL has been an educating force in American life. Its program is one of action fpr democratic living. It* philosophy adheres to the ideal that the future of American Jewry is rooted in the future of American democracy. The organization is built on the proposition that bigotry which harts any American hurts all Americans. The league utilizes three dynamic forces of democratic action—edncation, community action and law. They are interacting and aim for the objective of building a greater America. The positive educational task of ADL is to cultivate a climate of public opinion favorable to the ideals of a democratic America so that Jews and other minority groups can live together without fear or tension. • To achieve this, ADL abides by Emerson's wisdom that Washington (JTP)—A group of "the secret of education lies in respecting the pupil." . . . Hungarian Nazis, intent on resuming their anti-Semitic, activities, have been welcomed to the United States as desirable "anti-Communists," according to a documented r, Nov. U expose currently distributed by Pre-yindergarteo—»«0 a. m. Center. the B'nai B'rith Anti-Defamation Smidar. Nov. 15 League through the medium of the Children's Program—2:00 p. m.. Center. ADL Bulletin. Beth Israel Sisterhood Buffet Supper—7:80 p. m, Beth Israel. Not only are Hungarian Nazis Youth Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m- Center. ftirring up anti-Semitism here, MotMUr. N«v. 16 said the ADL report by Dr. Joseph Pre-Ktadergarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. L. Iichten, but they have peneAdult Art Class—1:00 p. m., Center. trated, such organizations as the Hadassan Croup BoardNational Committee for a Free EuWorkmen's loan—7:30 p. m.. Center. rope which operates Radio Free BTnat B'rith Bowling Meeting—8:30 p. ni. Europe; financed by the Crusade Beth Israel'Adult Institute—9:00 p. m., Beth Israel. for Freedom. v Tdrsdiy. NOT. 17 Wbolesale Admission National Council of Jewish Women—1:00 p. m., Center. B"nal B'rith Women—) ffl p. m., 25th and J Sts. The ADL has devoted much Kadlmah Regular Meeting—8:30 p. roM Home. space in its last two bulletins to Wednesday, Nov. 11 the wholesale admission to the Pre-Kindereartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center United States of persons described Mizxachl Women—1 .DO p. m., Center. X by the ADL as "pogram inciters Youth Council Meeting—7:00 p. m., Center. who are waging a propaganda bat, B'nai ffrfUi Monsky Chapter No. 470—8:00 p. m . Center. tle for support of a future, Fascist • Center Orchestra Rehearsal"—S.D0 p. m., Center. . . . ' Hungary." It called the new arInstitute on World A flairs—8; 15 p. m., Omaha University. rival* "the weird flock of HunCenter Forum—Guest Artist—Martha Srhlnmrne—8:30 p. m-. garian Nazis who as "displaced 'Center. ' ' • ' , • • • . •'.- . -• • • ••"'•''• • . persons' found propaganda haven . . . .'. :I:.-.J.. ... •.-,'• • to the United States." The scries Hadassah Group Meeting, Herzl Luncheon—12J0 p. m-, Center. is entitled, "Who let them in?' Hadassah Group Meeting, Welzmann Group—12:30 p. rru, YMCA. This question is rhetorical since the ADL knows that the Stale DeH"t»ffh Group Meeting, Siold Group—12 JO p. m./ YWCA. partment Vif.a Division li.cs clearBeth Israel Men's Club Dinner—7:00 p. m , Beth Israel ly said that it feels Nazis and othGreat Books Course—7;30 p. m . Center. Jewish War Veterans Post and Auxiliary Meeting—«:00 p. m er varieties of Fascists represent no threat to the security of the C e n t e r . ' • •• '•'.'•• . .- ' • . • . • " • . . '• . •• . ...'.''• •. •.. United States. Bridge Class—8:00 p. m-Center. ; ; :/ Chess Class—8*0 p. nu. Center. An important point made in the ADL. series is that "hundreds" of individuals recently admitted arc YfcMsh Series to Open Phi Epsifon Pi not former Nazis but still active ones." Named specifically were Sanday, Nov. 22, ar Jay Harvey Cooper has been elected men as Laralo Agh, whom The first program of the Yiddish president of the Retail Club and suchADL bulletin described as a Cultural Series will take place Dave Belzer was elected treasurer. the commander of a Hungarian farced Sunday. Nov. 22, in the JCC au- Harry Wise has been promoted to labor battalion which contained ditorium. A Yiddish film entitled Captain in the ROTC, "Jews and those Hungarian liberT h e Unfortunate Bride" (Die als who had protested too much." Oct. 31 was Phi Eps Halloween tlngUkliche Kalah) will be preAgh was colled "a man of sasented. The film depicts Maurice Party which was held at Camp Mr. distic cruelty—as records and afErcwsU*r. The weekend of Nov. Schwartz and Lil.i Lee in a tragic now prove. His defensecomedy of life in Russia and 25, 27 and 28 in Founders Week- fidavits less victims were beaten regularly, America In the early lttOO's. The end. The Weekend Claris with an kicked with heavy military boots film is an adaptation of the stage overnight at Camp Drowsier on until they sank in unconsciousness. play "Broken Hearts" by Z. Lubin, the 25. Coming up on the 27 will On occasion he forced them to cat l^»gli»h titles accompany the dia- be services at Beth El, followed by tbelr own excrement. Once, in a a stag. To end the weekend, a dinlogue. ner-dance will be held. The place moment of frenzy, he ordered that 'Scries tickets, for six outstand- will be announced later. Dr. Ferdinand Deutch, a prominent ing events cells for' $2. Call the and liberal, he hoisted Maynard Tattlman was chair- lawyer arid activities office for further intossed out of n window. man of the Homecoming affairs bodily formation. The victim died instantly." arid is presently chairman of the Mr. Ar.h is living today In the Migration Day. Frank Berg took YUGOSLAV MONUMENT part in the half-time ceremonies United States. "He is quite busy .Vienna (JTA)—A monument to of the No. III. vs. OU game by rid- too," said the ADL Bulletin, "servJewish victims of Italian Fascism ing a horr;e. ing as the official representative was erected on Hab Island, in of the Magyar Harcosok Baj~ Harvey Cooper has announced here Yugoslavia, site of a large prison tarsi Kozoisege (Hungarian Vethis engagement to Audrey Hobcr- trans camp during the war, at a cere- man. A-'ssociation), whose memmony attended by 12,000 inhabilierfhip includes Hungarian Nazis tants of the island, representawho escaped retribution and are tives of other parts of the coun- Fed. of Jewish Women's living in exile, mostly in Europe, try and relatives of victims, it was Clubs marking time while they nourish reported here from Belgrade. the hope that a new war will open Among those who participated in the path for their return to powThe Federation of Jewiih Womthe ceremony, sponsored by the en"s Clubs participated in the fifth er in Hungary." Union of Fighters of Slovenia, annual Children's Memorial HosCleared for Entry were representatives of the vari- pital baxaar held last Saturday by Expert observers ire quoted no ous Jewish communities in Yugo- collecting salable merchandise and raying conservatively that at least slavia. bakery goods. 2,000 Hungarian Nazis have been During the summer of 1343 the Mrs. Henry A. Newman was cleared for entry by the American Italian occupation authorities in vice-president in charge, Mrs. authorities in Germany. We arc Slovenia set up a separate camp Hichard H. Hillcr was chairman, also receiving the benefit of Gerfor Jews from various parts of and Mmes. Leonard Bernstein, J. man Nazis and their fellow travelYugoslavia on Rah Island. The M. Horwlch and Charles Kirnrael ers among other n a t i o n a l i t y Slovenian liberation movement were co-chairmen. groups. An outstanding example is made contact with the Jewish Andrija Artukovic who participrisoners and organized t h e m Cary Grant: "The greatest gen- pated in the extermination of Jews within the camp, giving them in- eral to emerge from any war is as Police Minister of Croatia. He structions in medical corps work. General Taxation." s now appearing &s an "anti-Corn^

By Arthur Lewis United Nations CJTA)—Even though the Three-Year $250,000,000 Plan for resettling the Palestine refugees was not expected to make all of them self supporting, it can hardly be said to have achieved what it was meant to do —namely, to decrease greatly tho number of Arabs on relief rolls, directly dependent for their livelihood on charity. This is not a hasty Judgment for the project, which was launched by the Western Powers, is now entering its third and last year. Number of Hefugtes So far, the number of refugee* who have been found jobs under the Plan hardly equals the natural increase among the Arabs, his was borne out by the fact that Leslie J. Carver, the acting head of the United Nations Relief and Work* Agency for Palestine, is asking for more money to provide C3.000 additional rations. As an International civil servant, Mr. Carver could not male* the assessment that is made here, although he went as far as he could when he said: "As regards the main object of the Plan, that of creating self-support opportunities for the refugees and theremunlst" lecturer before Los An- by reducing the cost of relief, th« geles civic groups. results ore disappointing." The act"The absurdity of our immigra- ing head of UNRWA blamed this tion policy,1* said the ADL Bui' partly on the time taken In findletin, "hu allowed hundreds of ing suitable projects such as Fascist leaders to infiltrate simi- reservoirs, darns, buildings, canals, larly the Slovak and Lithuanian and so on, to provide work for the communities in America, as well refugees. as. those of other foreign-language Main Reason groups. Most shocking of all, howHowever, he could not escape ever, is the manner in which these Nazis and collaborationists have Hie main reason for this failure moved into dominant propaganda and that was the attitudo of the spots with such important organ- refugees. He described how he had izations as the National Committee visited many of the camps and been impressed by the way in for n Free Europe." which the Arabs there made the A bitterly anti-Jewish Hungar- same slaltments to him. "Everyian publication now printed in where," Mr. Carver said, "the reWect Germany is called "Hid- fiuc-.t has been the same: tell tho verok." One of its editors is Fer- United Nations that we will not enc Mariassy, Jr., whose articles accept anything but the return to discuss "The Jewiih Secret Gov- our homes which the General Asernment of the United Stales." A sembly approved in 1B4D." "refugee from Communism," he Obviously, the United Nations writes from Cleveland, Ohio. Agency cannot resettle unwilling Baron Peter Schell is in the refugees; il cannot use force, it United Stales. He found employ- cannot compel the refugees to acment for a time with the Mid- cept something which they are European Studies Center, a divi- determined to rcfur.e, as Mr. Carsion of the National Committee ver pointed out. Hut who is putfor a Free Europe. The Haron's ting the Arab refugees up to this? previous service to freedom was The head of the UNHWA could rendered as pro-Nazi Chief of the not cay directly that it was the Province of Kansa in Northern Arab government1;, although readHungary. The ADL Bulletin said ing between the lines of his re"he wa3 the man very largely re- port, it Is clear that he considered! sponsible for the inhuman method:; them to blame. At one point, he used to deport Jews from Kassa, does cay that the poor results at where the Nazi:; operated a sort tile resettlement plan arc "due to of staging area for shipping vic- the altitude of the refugees themtims to Auschwitz." Later, "as a selves which tho Arab governMinister of Interior, the Baron at- ments cannot avoid taking into tended a cecrct government parley consideration." en September 11, 1044, at which Combined Kffortj Admiral Horthy, the Hungarian Regent, suggested the possibility Mr. Carver asserted that the of negotiating a truce with the Al- agency itself could not do much lies. The tide of war had turned to change the altitude of the refby then but Scheell argued vio- ugees or of the citizens of the boat lently and bitterly against any dc- countries. He added "it will require the combined efforts of the itiun from the Hitler cause." governments Identifying themNazi Group A leading Hungarian "anti-Com- selves with the agency to make munist" group calls itself the any tangible headway." However, "Hungarian Liberty Movement." he did i;ay tliat "the" willingness II Is headed by General Fercnc of the host Bovernments to coKarkns de Kisbarnak, who served operate fa shown by the signing of as a member of the court martial four programs" during the past committee that sentenced to dentil year. Thai in itself is revealing—four most of the leader:) of Hungarian resistance. It was this court which programs In a year. By being coarrested and detained Cardinal operative in this paltry manner, MJndszcnly for hir, part in anil- ihe Arab governments'appear to Nazi activities. The "Hungarian bo conciliatory and derive what Liberty Movement," said the ADL benefits the plan does provide In Ilullctin, "is un out-and-out Nazi the shape of public works,.while group . . . But that didn't prevent ot the same time preventing the General Farkas from visitinj; the efugces from becoming resettled United Suites in 1852 to make an in large numbers. Thus, they have 'anti-Bolshevist" speech at Man- heir cake and cat it too. It is tho ild story which Israel has been hattan Center in New York." to impress on the world: Instance after instance is cited trying that there will be no solution to in the report revealing how Hun- the refugees their problems garian unii-Scmitcs have boldly until the Arabnnd States have given begun to organize the Hungarian up hope of recalning the whole of community in the United States. nnd are no longer ready Some are "noblemen" like Count Palestine to use these wretched people' as Bcla Telckl who is greeted in eo- political weapons. ciety circles. Istvan Eszterhaus, who actively served with Nazi extremists and wrote a Hungarian "is tho tra^c naivete of many book demanding extermination of Americans mistakenly accept Jews, is here. So is Denes Kacsoh, the premisewho that anyone who proonce a member of an extermina- fesses anti-Communism is intrintion squad that maintained 'disour natural ally against Red cipline' in a forced labor battalion. sically So is Albert Wass, an anti-Semitic totalitarianism." writer from Transylvania who Bums: "My uncle saw made It here from Argentina. So' a Gcorpe specialist about his attack of are n lot of others." klcptomnnla. The specialist said "At the root of all this 'danger- my uncle should take tiilnes more ous evil," said the ADL Bcullclin, quietly."

Capital Spotlight

Community Calendar

Friday, November 13, 1953


Power Project Is Vital to Israel

Five Locations for Book Discussions

The Jordan River hydro-t'k'cT'ivo locations have been nntric project is one of the ii:; nounc-ed by the Omaha Public lithat touch the very eiucncL' of our brary for the meeting of Great exisU-ni-tf. Ezra Ilayut, uUricho of Boole; Dj.-;cu::sion Group:;. The the Israel Embassy in Wa:;hin£- North liranch Ijibnuy Group will ton, told the member:; of the ex- meet on alternate Wednesday eveecutive committee of the Fodera- nines from 7:30 to SKiO o'clock. ..tlon for Jewish Service; and i;UL-;;t.'; The next meeting will ha held ot a dinner meeUnj; la:;t TliuncJay Wednesday, Nov. 18. The Jewish evening. Community Group gather.*; on al• No 1*03.4 ol Water ternate Thursday evenings from There lias been :,oiiie niisiinilcr- 7:30 to U:30 p. m. The next sesfitandin;; ,'ibout the hydro-ch.'ctric sion is scheduled for Thursday, '•. power project, Mr. H.-iyut stated. Nov. 19. The-Girl Scout HeadThe waters of the river will not quarters unit meets on alternate be consumed ;it nil IT; tluru is no Thursday evenings from 7:30 to • Joss of water in using it to man- 0:30 o'clock. The Lowland group ufacture electrical power, he em- comes together the second and phasized. The use of the Jordan fourth Tuesday evenings from JUver for irrigation is not a part 7:30 to 9:30 o'clock, and the Uniof the hydro-electric project upon versity of Omaha unit, the secWhich work wa3 recently halted" ond and fourth Monday afterIn. response to a request by the noons from 1 to 3 o'clock. United Nations, the ultache pointed The Loveland and University out groups have almost completed the _ A regional plan for irrigation first year readings and will soon "The little TVA" has been brought begin the second year. Other forth, Mr. Hoytit said. But, he groups are starting at the beginadded, any plan for a regional ir- ning. rigation project presupposes peace. All interested persons are weJJ Israel is, he pointed out, ready to come to join any of the groups. •••„•• enter Into negotiations with the No educational requirements arc Arab states. Stressing the need In necessary. ; Israel for electrical power, the The program U designed to attache said that electricity is still stimulate thinking about basic hu, being rationed. This power is vital man problem* through group disfor the development of the coun- cussion of reading which has been :••• try1* industry, he said. done In advance. Will Not DUctu* Peace Tho Public Library, JfA 5«B, " The Arabs will not sit down and will supply further information. discuss peace because of their policy of economic warfare against the new little state, Mr. Hayut declared. This includes applying Choose Your Sport pressure against nations trading at the "Jay* with Israel, he continued. Will the UN vote in favor of Sunday, Nor. 15 continuing the work on the hydro10:30 p. m.—Y. C. Boy's Bowlelectric project? Mr. Hayut cald ing League. that he didn't know. But, he felt 1:30 p. m.—Midget Basketball that if the project is allowed to be Practice. completed, the Arabs would see 2 p. m.—Junior Air Rifle Club that Israel is here to stny nnd Tuesday, Nov. 17 would be more willing to lit down 3:30 p. m.—Y. C. Girls' Bowlat the peace table. ing League. Speaking of the Kibya incident, 0:D0 p. m.—Y. C. Boys' BasketMr. Hayut dated that it was not ball League. planned or prcmedlatcd. It was 4:15 p. m.—Beginners Swim not committed by a unit of the Class. Israel Army as reported previousWednesday, Nov. 18 ly, he declared. Land la dear to in.—Advanced Swim Class. Israel, lie stated, and that is tile 44 p, p. m.—Grade School Modern reason for border settlements. InDance Class. filtration has bex;>me a fight for 0:50 p. m.—Y. C. Boys' Basketpreservation, the attache added, ball League. and incidents like Kibya can be Thursday, Nov. 10 eliminated by removing the cause; 4:15 p. m.—Beginner's Swim by a peace settlement. Itcprlsals Class. <• only breed more attacks such as 7 p. m.—Varsity Basketball the Kibya raid, where Israeli League. frontier settlers crossed the JorFriday, NOT. 20 dan border after repeated attacks 4 p. m.—Junior Sports Bowling on their own settlements. League. , . -4:15 p. m.—Advanced Swim HEBREW UNIVERSITY Class. New York (JTA)—Israel's first Coming Events Dental School, a new School of Friday, Nov. *7 Pharmacy and a social science 10 a. nt.—Junior Sports 2nd were opened at tho Hebrew UnlAnnual Thanksgiving Bowlversity-Hadassah Medical School Ing' Tournament with the beginning of the Unlver- 1:30 p. m.—Swim Party and flty*« now academic year. The Movie Jamboree. •ocla! science faculty will include 8uod»r, Nov. 2» courses in economics, sociology, 1:30-4:30 p. m'<—Midget Baspolitical science and public and ketball League Opens. business administration.

Mack Han-ell's Interpretation Outstanding

Face Three

Israel Bond Dinner Set for Dee. 13 A gala Israel Bond Dinner will be held Sunday, Dec. 13 at the Blackstone Hotel.

Men's Health Club Reopens at Center

The Men's Health Club at the Jewish Community Center is now open again, Los Burkenroad, chairman of the Physical Education Committee, announced, By Hans liaer Frank Agee, of Kansas City, Cornhuskers to Hold was appointed as the masseur and The Tuesday Musical Club after New Year's Affair Is now ready to serve the member* the successful song recital of Wilship. Mr. Agee has had considerma Lipp, a member ot the Vienna The B'nal B'rlth Cornhuskers able experience, and comes,highSlate Opera, had another surprise announce their sixth annual gala ly recommended. for its second concert by present- New Year's affair will be held at The Center Health Club has been ing the American baritone Mack the Fontenelle Hotel. Reservations recently and renovatHan ell, whose name was so far arc open to members and. non- ed. Forremodeled massage appointments unknown in Omaha. His achieve- members and the'number of res- call Mr. Agee at JAckson 1368. ments, however, ervations will be limited. put him. immeTickets are $10 a'couple and d i a fe 1 y In the there will be no extra charges. Foreign Films Booked, first rank with Co-chairmen for th affair are , the great vocal- Gerald Bernstein and Walter Series to Open Dec. 20 Mr. Jack Sandier and Mrs. Eds tats. His voice i« Greenberg. ward Zorinsky co-chairmen ot the T; of exquisite fiForeign Film Committee annesse, well nounced the bookings .for the Centrained and ter's Foreign Film Series for tho Mr, Baer shows occasionyear have been completed. ally the timbre of a bass-buffo. His kind ot interpretation and his The activities Office will now . versatility arc particularly striktake reservations for series tickets ing. When he performs old mu- The JCC Young Adult Club is which sell for $2. Only 250 series sic of the eighteenth century by busily preparing for a gala ex- subscriptions will be void. InterPergolesi or licder by Schubert, change weekend with the Kansas ested persons are asked to call Poulenc, American songs or Negro City Center's Young Adult group JA 1368. All films showings will spirituals, he always offers per- on tho Chanukah weekend. About take place in the Center Audi20 young Kansas City members torium on Sundays at 8:30 p. m. fect renditions. will come to Omaha as house guests of our club members for a He sang Schubert w i t h the classical romanticism of this mas- weekend of d a n e e , recreation, Jewish Books at sports, and swimming. The Omater in dear German diction, although he could have given just ha group expects to return the Public Library those compositions more dramatic visit around Passover for a simiA special display of books lar program In K. C. • feeling. -dealing with Judaism, Zionism Miss Betty Ann Poska,StanIcy and Israel will be shown at the The interpretation of s e v e n "Chansons Gaillardcs" 'by t h e Gerber and Miss Joanne Wiseman Omaha Public Library for two members of the arrangements Frenchman Francois Poulenc and ere starting Monday, Nov. committee for the JCC Young weeks the "Blue Mountain Ballads" by Adult 16. This showing will be held Club. the American Paul Bowles was In conjunction with the celeoutstanding and fascinating. bration of Jewish Book Month. Poulenc Is a very Interesting Lou Holtz: "When I asked my The books were presented to personality. He was a pupil of doctor why he was charging me tho library by members of Eric Satic whose idea of music ten dollars Just to have my throat Hadassah, who give a book a was that it flow3 simply as out of painted, he replied, ,'What do you month as part of their educaa clear spring. Poulenc who at want for ten dollars . . . wall- tional program. the beginning of World War I was paper?'" about 25 years old, followed the aims of his teacher by renouncing romanticism and French Impressionism. II i s "Chansons Galllardes" with texts from the seventeenth century Is the result of Jewish War Veterans of Omaha, Nebr. fhia conception. His music with Uie mnrk.i of originality shows PRESENT THEIR sometimes the charncler of street sinning which through his form lifts up the vaudeville style into the nrtlstic sphere. This peculiar style was excelSaturday Eve., Nov. 21 — 9 p. m. lently pointed out by Mr. Harrell. We admit, however, that PoulBLACKSTONE HOTEL BALLROOM enc'a "Chansons Gaillardcs" might be a heavy morsel for the listener Music by Tony Bradley and His Fine Orchestra . to digest. Paul Berl was u solid and musical accompanist S 25 The concert was a very great '- ( T« success and one of Mr. Horrell's extras, a scene from. Stravinsky's PHONE PL 7971 . o p e r a "Tho Rake's Progress' rounded off the program.

Young Adult Club Chanukah Host

EPSTEIN-MORGAN POST No. 260 "Annual Armistice Month Dance"

MVT Come One, Come All


Danny Kayo: "A small town Is a place where everyone knows what everyone else is doing . , . and they read tho local paper to see who's been caught at it*

Yiddish Cultural Series

Kirk Douglas: ."Some girls will scream at the sight of a mouse, but will get Into a car with a wolf."

By Special Arrangement-"


SUNDAY. NOV. 22 Film — "The Unfortunate Bride," Maurice Schwartz in Tragic Comedy of Life in 1900.

SUNDAY, DEC. 27 Film—"The Match Maker," Sholem Aleichem Comedy.

TUESDAY, JAN. 19 Lecture—By Or. Israel Knox. Topic—"Jewish Life in America."

MONDAY, FEB. 8 Workmen Circle C o n c e r t . . . Theme—"Three Hundred Jewish Years in America."

SUNDAY, FEB, 21 Film—"Laughter'Through Tears," Life in old Russia.

TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Farband Labor Zionist Concert Dramatists and Singers

The Concert and Lecture Series PRESENTS


"Songs of Many Lands" ACCOMPANIED BY


IN JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER AUDITORIUM From London to Los Angolas, on Stago, TV, Radio and Night Clubs Miss Schfammo Has Earned the Titlo of Ono of tho Most Popular International Singers


Jewish Community Center

Friday, November 13, 185S


Betrothal Is Made Known

Omahans To See Famed Ballet Croup

Ceremony Is At Beth El

Mr. and Mrs. Isidore Abramson have announced the engagement Following a ceremony Nov. 7 in of their daughter, Myra Joy, to the Beth El Synagogue Chapel, at Richard Lee Goldman, son ot Mr. which Rabbi Mycr S. Krlpko and and Mrs. David Goldman, Cantor Aaron I. Edgar officiated, Miss Abramson attended North- Mr. and Mrs. Irving Hoberman entertained at a buffet supper ot western University in Evanston, 111., where she was affiliated with their home for Immediate family in honor of the marriage of their Alpha Epsilon Phi sorority. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee Mr. Goldman attended the Uni- children, versity of Nebraska, where he was Hoberman. a member/of Zeta Beta Tau, and was graduated from the University of Omaha, The couple Is planning a January wedding.

Audrey ) C M Hobennao

Music Notes

Texas Scene Of Wedding

Miss Judith Stcinhorn of Dallas, Tey., became the bride of Samuel V, Cooper of Omaha at on evening ceremony performed Nov. 3 In Temple Emmau-EI In Dallas by Rabbi Lcvl Olan. The bride is the sitter of Raymond Stcinhorn of Dallas who

Lovers of ballet, music and the drama will all be provided with a rare treat when the Agnes De Mille Dance Theatre come; to Omaha Sunday night, Nov. 22. The first of his shows that lie has ever put hi3 own money into, Sol Uurok has booked the production, following Uils road tour, for New York in April and on European tour the fall of 1054. Of interest to those who read Miss De Mille's best - seller, "Dance To The Piper," will be her remark that she considers this show the living next chapter of her book. If anybody considers bullet 'sissy stuff," Miss Dc Mille's unique repertory "of scenes and dances will quickly dispel such notions. The only classic ballet Is "From the Golden Era," which Is in reality an elaborate spoof of the ballet styles of tho Degas era. The show opens with the dances Acnes De Mill* from the famous Broadway musicale "Brigndoon" and features railroads across the plains. "Hell-On-Wheels," the story of Tickets for tho show, which will the women who were brought be presented at Tech High audiwest in the caboose of trains to torium, are on sale at Hospe Pi* entertain the men building the ano Co., 1512 Douglas.

Mrs. Bath Kefes, Center Masfe Director The second meeting ot The Music At Home' club took place Tuesday evening, Nov. 10, at the Jewish Community Center. The title of the program was T h e The engagement of Audrey Jean Ballet" Hoberman to Harvey Lee Cooper The classic ballet period was has been announced by her par- represented by "Swan Lake" by ents. Mr. and Mrs. David Hober- Tchaikovsky and the contemporman. Mr. Cooper is the son of ary1 period by "Concerto Borrocco* adopted from T h e Double Mrs. Sarah Cooper. Concerto" by Bach, and Miss Hoberman attended the Violin "Fancy Free"-by Leonard Bernple, who were married in Lincoln, University of Colorado. Mr. Coop- stein. Visitors Mrs. David Fogel gave the was attended by Mr. and Mrs, er is a student at the University program notes Mr. and Mrs. Yale Dubnofi of Julius and led the discusNewman, Mrs. Marx's of Omaha where he Is a member sion on each ballet, explaining Los Angeles, former Omahans, are brother-in-law and sister; their and past president of Phi Epsilon the story, mood, and Interpretain town for a month's visit with son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Pi fraternity. He will graduate tion of each'. relatives and friends after a'trip Mrs, Sherman Upstein, and the in June. to Chicago to attend the Bar Mlte- Marx's daughter and son-in-law, If anyone is interested In a BalThe couple are planning an let Music Appreciation course, vah of their grand-nephew, Stew- Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Steinberg, all early summer wedding. art Golden, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omaha, From Milwaukee camewhich would be led by Mrs. FoBernard D. Golden. While in Oma- of gel, contact me at the Center. If Mrs. Marx's brothers, Edward and ha, the Dubnoffs will be staying Harry enough Interest Is shown, luch a Snader and their wives, and Zeta Beta Tau at Hotel Logan. group will be formed. another brother, Louis Snader, was In from Los Angeles. Arnie Stem has been judged And don't for?et-<-the Agnes Do "The Best Dressed Man On Cam* Mllle Dance Theatre will be in Family Reunion Completing Mm. Marx's Immeput," in a contest held last week. Omaha for .one night only, SunThere was a real family reunion diate, family were her three sons Competing against 18 other frater- day. Nov. 22, Tickets are on talc at the golden wedding anniverand (luui:htcrs-ln-law of Lincoln, nity representatives. Arnie walked at Hospe Piano Co. sary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. and Mrs. Louis Marx, Dr. and away with the first a n n u a l Nurserv School teachers interHarry Marx of Lincoln, which was Mrs. Paul Marx and Mr. and Mrs. BDMOC title. ested in Music will meet this cornMrs. Samuel V.'Cooper held Oct. 24 and 25 in that city. J. J. Marx, nnd the couple's nine Everyone is hard at work con- in? Monday, New, 16, at the Jewtfrandehlldren. The affairs honoring the coustructing the two homecoming ish Community Center. They will gave her in marriage. Mr- Coopdisplays. The house decoration discuss Thanksgiving p r o g r a m er is the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Cooper. c.-irolcr Christmas Seals with a theme is, "Behead The Buffs," and material for pre-school children. Jewish Women Aid letter of explanation about tho the float theme is, "Glassford's Anyone Interested-may attend. Jack Cooper, brother of the program of the Nebraska TuberInferno." This year's co-chairbridegroom, was best man. David Xmas Seal Mailing culosis Association. men are Sol Rosinsky. and Bruce tween Sigma Aloha Mu and Alpha Cooper, another brother, find Mor- The Federation of Jewish WomThe Christmas Seals will reach Hollander. Friday night, all of Tju Omega ended In a high scor- ris Miller of Dallas were ushers. en assisted in tho opening phases . the ZBT"» and their dates arc big<~resu,lt with Alpha Tau Omega In addition to the bridegroom's of the 1053 Christmas Seal Sale •the homes of Omahans durifig tho gathering for the annual float the victor teont,, parents and brothers, other Oma- in Omaha by helping to prepare week of Nov. 10. stuffing party. Earl Marcus, this year's basket- ha guests at the wedding were Mr. 75,000 letters to Omaha and DougZBT is holding a cocktail party ball coach, announced to the and Mrs. Harry J, Cooper, and las County residents. b e f o r e the homecoming dance chanter that a combination of such Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Cooper The following women volunSaturday night in honor of the basketball talent as Norm Philips, and Mrs. Ray Simon. teered their services at the offices visiting ZBT chapter from Colo- Jerrv Colnlc, Sol Stlss, and Mar- The couple will be at home at of the Nebraska Tuberculosis Asrado. shall Becker should make a hard- 3701 Davenport In Omaha after sociation; Mmes. Morris Appcl, A meeting is planned by tha Ben Belmont has been chosen to-beat combination. their wedding, trip through the Samuel Appjeman, Sam Barren, 1054 Tournament Committee, for us f l i g h t commander for this A special panel discussion .was South. David Z. Bebcr, Abe Bernstein, year's edition of The Perching held Sunday in the Sammy library Paul Blotcky, Leo Eisenstatt, -Al- Monday, Nov. 16 at-8 p, m. in Rifles, a precision drill unit. bert Fox, Samuel Friedman, Max the Mahogany Room of the 40 In'which Stan Magid. Al Kcnyoti, The.bowling team has compiled Gerry Fellman, Earl Marcus, Moc Sam Levcnson: "Some husbands Kaplan, Nate Kort, Harry Men- Bowl. The purpose of this meetsn early 4-2 win-loss record for Upton, Jerry Striekler, Leonard are henpecked because on payday delscn, I. Roscnthal, J. A. Solo- in. Is to discuss the procedure to the season. Arley Bondarin lead Rosen and Jerry Gaer discussed they bring homo chicken feed." < mon, Alfred Sophlr, B. L. Stark be followed in the tournament, the ZBT'i last week with a 524 various phases of university life. and Harry Wlgodsky, Mrs. Alt which is scheduled to toko place At the discussion Earl Marcus gave dining tables in the basement din- Fcidler served as chairman of this in Omaha on Feb. 12, 13, 14. All • series and a high game of 214. a special report on the fluid asHoward Vann and Marv Steinproject for the Federation of Jew- members of the B'nal B'rith, ing room. Woman's Bowling League are inoefg will be ushering for the sets of the Diamond B&G. On the religious scene, Marv ish Women. Plans for new furniture in the homecoming game against ColoFriedman of Lincoln has been do- This mailing represents a half- vited to attend this Important rado. Doran Jacobs Is in charge Sammy house are in the making. ing work foe tho HUlel Founda- month's work by the Federation meeting. Invitations are extendot the homecoming dance while Thus far two couches have been tion.* As religious chairman, Marv of Jewish Women and nine other ed to women who have a bowling Mike Greenberg is In charge of added, to the living room. "Plans Is doing a fine job on all relig- Omaha Women'* organizations. average and belong to B'dd the homecoming float parade. Noil are also-being made to put new ious matters. The letters contain the 1933 boy-B'rith. Miller will be leading the NU band with his bafon twirling, and Ben Bclmonf will be parading with the color guard. Ma'ynard Small rounds out the homecoming activity on the part of ZBT's as the-official university photographer.

Plans to Wed Are Revealed


B.B. Bowling Ladies To Discuss Meet

Sigma Alpha Mu Norm Shykcn and Norm Philips were-elected to the positions of House Manager and Assistant Exeheuquer, respectively, to wind up the Sammies' spring elections. The play-off football game be-



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Friday, November 13, 1953

race Five

Council Membership Affair This Tuesday at the Center

Organizations Nebraska Chapter 346 The Sewing Circle of Nebraska Chapter No. 340, B'nai B'rith, will sponsor a dessert luncheon and card party Nov. 17 at 1 p. m. at the Synagogue at 25th and "J" Sts, There will be table prizes, and a hand-made quilt will be given away as a door prize.

Hadassah Board Meetings Omaha Chapter Hadassah group board meetings will be held Monday, Nov. 16. All will be dessert lunchcpiu at 12:30 p. m. The Henrietta Szold group will meet at the home of Mrs. Sidney Katelman, 5014'Dodge, with Mrs. IiVlng Brooksteln as co-hostess. The meeting will bo in the form of a Chbnukah P a r t y . Mrs. J. J. Friedman, group president, who has just returned from the Hadastah National Convention, will give a report on what took place there. H n , Max Grccnbcrg and Mrs. Arthur Grossman, Hadassah Medical Organization and Vocational Education chairman, will report on the Donor affair which will be in December. The Thcodor Horzl group board will meet at the home of Mrs. Seymour Katz with Mrs. J. J. Greenberg, and Mrs. Albert .Fox as co-hostesses. Mrs. Max Shapiro and Mm. Wallace Elkon will report on the windup of the J. N. F. t i n , Morton Richards,, Mrs. Max Canar and Mrs. I. Abramson will report oil H. M. O. Mrs. Meyer Rubin, group president, and Mrs. Sidney Hollii; vice-president, will toll' about the Hadasjoh Convention which they attended at WaBhlngion, D. C. The Chalm Wclzmann group board meeting will bo held at the homo of Mrs, Arthur Greene, S52 S. 88th St., with Mrs. Adolph Trost ond Mrs, Sam Ban as cohostesses. Reports on the National Hadassah Convention will be given. A discussion on Arab-Israeli relations wlfl be led by Mrs. Arthur Greene, Education chairman; Mrs. Lewis Yager, Zionist Public' Relations chairman, and Mi's. Norman Whitman, American Affairs chairman. Reports by chairmen of committees will be given. Mrs. Maurice Newman is president of the Chaim Wcizmann group. Croup Meetings The Thcodor Hcrzl grout) will hold its November meeting Thursday, Nov., 19, at the Jewish Community Center nt a 12:30 p. m. luncheon. Mrs: Meyer Rubin, president of the group, who has recently returned from the National Hadassah Convention ut Washington, D. C , together with Mrs, Sldnoy HoUis and Mrs. Leo WciU who aUo. attended the national session, will report on convention happenings. A new film, "A New Morning," which shows the latest developments of Hadasiah projects in Israel, will be shown, Mrs, Harry Goldstrom and Mrs. Henry Appel are in charge of reservations. Mm. Louis Alberts and her committee are in charge of the luncheon, and Mrs. B. L. Stork is in charge of the dining room. H. M. O. will be highlighted, and reports of the progress of the Donor Affair will be given. The regular meeting of the Henrietta Szold group will bo held Thursday, Nov. 19, at tho YWCA starting with a 12:30 p. m. luncheon. A new film, "A New Morning," wliich shows the latest developments of Hadassah projects i n Israel, will be shown. There will be a report on the national Hadassah Convention. H. M. O. and Vocational Education will be highlighted. Mrs. J. J. Friedman, president, will preside. The Chalm Welzmnnn group will meet at tho YMCA for a luncheon meeting on Thursday, Nov. 19, at 12:30 p. m. Mrs. Ed Zorinaky and Mr3. Sid Novak, program chairmen, will present n Chanultnh dramatization, "You Arc There," with Mmes. Martin Slaenbcrg, Richard Wintroub, Gerald Cohn, Sol Cutler, and Melvin Tatclman taking part in the eklt Mmes. J. E. Kuklin, Marvin Sadofsky and Milton Mintz In charge of reservation!). H. M. O. will be highlighted and tho windup of the J. N. F. will be reported. Reports on the Hadnssah national convention will bo given. Mrs. Maurice Newman, president, will preside.

Mrs. Bernard Goldstrom, Bellefalre chairman, will present the Belleiatrc project, and a movie will be shown. Members will bring a Chnnukoh gift for a child at Bellcfairc. These gifts will be displayed at a party following the brief business meeting and program. Mrs. Goldstrom has announced that sweaters, pajamas, socks, mittens, gloves and scarfs are especially welcome. The theme of the evening will be "Make A Child At Bellefaire Happy At Chanukah Time." ; Members arc to bring their own cards and mah Jong sets.

Mizrachi Women

H n Jake Wine

The regular meeting will be held at the Jewish Community Center Wednesday, Nov. 18. It will be preceded by a dessert luncheon at one o'clock. Those who have not yet turned In their Blue boxes are asked to bring them to this meeting. A complete report will be given on the parties given by the Donor Luncheon Circle and on the Donor Luncheon held Nov. 5. Mrs. Joseph Battvwa* the first to join the new season Donor Luncheon Circle with a dessert luncheon at her home Nov. 12. The Mizrachi movie, "Window on Jerusalem," will be shown.

Tho regular monthly meeting of Kadtmah Chapter of P i o n e e r Women will be held :ThUrjday, Nov. 19, at ?:30 p. m. at the home of Mr«. Heriry Tutjcr, 4302 Barker Ave. Anyone desiring transportation is asked to call Mrs. Melvin Brown, HA 8340. Dr. Herbert H. Humphreys, assistant professor Of Medical Psychology at the University of N e braska and acting director of Children's Service of the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, will speak on the social and emotional development of children. A question nnd answer period will follow. Dr. Humphreys,, a child psychologist, has had 10 years' experience in the child development field and has taught at Michigan State University, Kansas University and Kentucky University. Refreshments will be served. Board -Meeting A special board meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 10, at 8:30 p. m., at the home of Mrs. Harry siref.







Epstein-Morgan Post

Of interest to the "Old Timers," and the young ones too, is the forthcoming "This Is Your Life" program planned by the Beth Israel Sisterhood: It was announced that an outstanding personality, known to all, has been chosen for this honor. . •'-, .:"••'.' The event will take place In the Synagogue Social Hall Sunday, Nov. IB, at 8:30 p. m., and the program will begin immediately at 7. A dinner prepared by Mrs. J. Wipe and her committee will,be served Immediately following the show.


Table arrangements are being handled by Mrs, S. Ash, Mrs. A. Goldstein and Mrs. J. Levey. Mrs. R. Endelman^ PL 3531; Mrs. O. Diamond, PL 8D22, and Mrs. J. Wine, AT D024, are taking reservations for the affair. Because of the Interest shown in this program, Sisterhood members have urged early reservations.

Clothing Drive Is Planned for Nov. Pioneer Women and Kadimah Chapter of Pioneer .Women are planning their annual clothing drive during November for the benefit of Inhabitants of Israel. Mrs. Herman Mlrowltz is Pioneer Women chairman, and Mrs. Dave Wine is Kadimah chairman. Clothing will be picked up during the week of Nov. 15. Mrs, Wine has advised that any usable clothing, with the exception of hats, shoes, neckties and fur coats, will be acceptable. Linens and bedding arc also desired. Members of Kadimah, Pioneer Women, or anyone else wishing to contribute .have been asked to get in touch with cither Mrs. Wine, WA 2087, or Mrs. Mlrowltz, RE 4644, who will furnish any desired information. Anyone wishing to assist in picking up clothing or any other manner has been asked to contact either chairman.

The '-regular meeting of t h e Jewish War Veterans EpsteinMorgan Post Ladles Auxiliary will be held Thursday, Nov. 19, at the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. rn. Business matters Will be discussed, and refreshments and social hour will follow.. ; The: regular monthly bingo party-was held Nov. B at the Omaha Veterans Hospital. Cigarettes and cigars were given o» prizes and a patient was awarded to Long Beach, Calif., as a door prize. Hostesses were Hospital chairman Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, Mrs, Delmor Fannie Hurst; "Everyone will Klein and Mrs. Jack Saylan." Mrs. Kaplan has asked for vol- fight and die for religion but I haven't anyone who will unteers' to work at the hospital. live for found It." Anyone interested has been requested to call her at WA 6202.

Miss To Wed Texan Mrs. Besse Farber Messer has announced . the engagement and approaching m a r r i a g e of her daughter, Sally Ann, to Ensign Alexander Hart Halff, II, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Halff of San Antonio, Tex. Miss Messer attended Grinnell College, Grlncll, In., and was graduated from the University of Texas ot Austin where she was a member of Alpha Epsllon Phi sorority. Ensign Halff attended the University of Colorado at Boulder, Colo., and was also graduated from the University of Texas where he was a member of Zeta Beta Tau. At present, he Is stationed in San Diego. An early December wedding is being planned. •-

Sfgma Delta Tau Another open house will be held at Theta chapter Nov, 14, after the homecoming game with Colorado. Gall Katskee received a certificate of award for her outstanding service to AUF (All University Fund). Fran Locke was awarded a plaque for outstanding solicitation for the AUF organization, as well as a certificate of award for outstanding service to this campus organization. Mickey Rablner was chosen as director and Tammy Goldfng was chosen as technical director of the annual bouse Coed Follies skit. SDT's lost their semi-final volleyball garrle'to Sigma Kappa by a score of 25! to 24.

Bin, B y Shrler Kaplan, Orvllle Milder and Met* vin Tatelman. In charge of table decoration* are Mrs. Milton Abrahams, Mrs, Joseph Upton, and Mrs. Howard K










• • •









: • ; • : • . ' '

Anyone knowing of new members whose names are not mentioned abovo or of 'any women wishing to join Council may bring them to the luncheon as Council's guests, Mrs. Leonard Kulakofsky. Council membership chairman, has announced.

Supper Club Meet Lloyd Bank, Supper Club chairman, has announced that the first dinner meeting of the Temple Israel Supper Club is Saturday evening, Nov. 21, at 7 o'clock at the Highland Town Club. Mrs. M. L. Peppcr is in charge of the program. Reservations are being taken by Mrs. Den Shapiro, WE 1301.

Thick... Rich.. Satisfying... and so deliriously smooth! Aho Tor Miilschtwiti Kirti Soup, MmlichiKlU

Cklckin Soups. MUM


Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on


Beth El Sisterhood The Beth El Sisterhood Is sponsoring three Adult Education classes, open to all Synagogue membenj, which will be held at the Talmud Torah building. There will be two weekly morning classes starting Tuesdny, Nov. 17, at 10 a. m. when Rabbi Myer S. Kilpke and Samuel Nnhshon will Instruct courses in "The Bible" and "Basic Judaism." Canton Aaron I. Edgar will offer a course in "Congregational Chants" on Tuesdays at 1:30 p. m. An. evening class will be held monthly beginning Saturday, Nov 14, ot 8:30 p. m., tilled "Giant? of the Spirit" and led by Rabbi Krlpke. People mny enroll by calling Mrs, Sidney Sneldcr. Adult Education chairman, WA 6518, or the Synagogue.

Martha Hayc: "My father loved children. Ho loved to hear the patter of little feet. But he was B'nai B'rith Henry M o n s k y disappointed in all of us. We Chapter No. 470, will havo a prc- all had big feet." Chanuknh party dedicated to the children of the Bcllefaire Home Irving Berlin: "Several million at its regular meeting Wednesday people in this country cannot read evening, Nov. 18, at the Jewish or write. They devote themselves Community Center at 8 p. m. o writing our popular songs."

Henry Monsky 470

Plans Completed For Honoring of 'OutstandingOne'

The Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, will have its annual membership meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 17, nt the Jewish Community Center, beginning with a luncheon at 1 p. in. Mrs. Louis Alberts is in charge of luncheon arrangements, with Mrs, I>ouis Singer and Mrs. Robert Schwartz assisting. Mrs. Oscar Carp, program chairman, will Introduce Mrs. Miriam Shrler in two dramatic monologues, entitled "This Is Friendship?" and "Mother's Club Night." New members will be presented with corsages, and they wilt be welcomed through an original verse prepaped by Mrs. Arthur Goldstein and presented by eight of the incoming members. New Council members are Mmes. Peter Greenberg, Aaron Edgar, Charles Monacey, L. Kwiatek, Nathan Pitlor, Robert Pitlor, Richard Wintroub, M. A. Blank, Frederick Cohn, Isadora Diamond, Harold Epstein, Norton Garon, Sam Goifman, Irvln Gendler, Jack Goodrich, Edwin Gorelick, Gerald Gross, Norman Lincoln, Frank Llpp, Besse Messer, Harold Novak, David Potash, Abe Pradell, R. Schneider, Joseph Soshnik, Harl Weiss, Morris Franklin, Henry Appel, Sam Barron, A. Ginsburg, -Henry Ginsburg, Arthur Gould, Charles Kimmel, Bernard Ruben, Maurice Udes, Samuel Greenberg, Ed Rosen, Alfred Axelrod, Sheldon Coren, Ben Roasberg, Sam Cohen, Steffan Dlamant, Sam

Fine Bakery* Fancy Delicatessen

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Served Buffet Style! All You Core to Eat



220 S. 24th ST.

Noon to 3 p. m.


OPEN SUNDAY —AT 1226 Parking Is Now Available at Eagle'* Parking Lot Directly Across the Street From the 24th St. Store


Friday, November 13, 1853


Youth Council Doings AZA No. 1 The Afcpbs of AZA No. 1 and their brothers of AZA No. 100 will hold their annual "Sabbas" at Beth Israel tonight <tf 8 o'clock. Mother Chapter, received acclaim from the National AZA pa. T h e Shofar" tor their paper i b i t i " which h i h was edited ditd ^K Kibitizerby Stan Fellman.

AZA No. 100 The Centurymen wilL hold a date party tomorrow night at the home of Marty Sophir. *The boys have welcomed Earl Siegal, Dr. Yager, and Sid Holiis as their new advisors.

Couneilettes The girls of Coundlettcs held their annual barodance last Saturday night at the JCC. The dance was, as usual, a great success. ' A meeting was held last Sunday at which plans for the coming month were made. The girls will attend services November 20 at Beth Israel with a house party following. Plans are also being made for a Chanukah party which will be held in December. On the athletic side. Couneilettes formed a grand number of three volleyball teams.

Debko Pebs The biggest project for Debs is their 4th annual vice, The Top Hat" It will be held Saturday night, Dec. 19, at the Jay. During the dance, "Mr. Topper" will be chosen. Sari Shukert Is In charge of the dance, assisted by: Lora F r a n k l i n , co-chairman; Linda Veret, freshman chairman; Janle Fellman, program c h a i r m a n ; Muriel Green, Donna Steinberg, and Judy Cohen, decorations, and Ilene Sachs, refreshments. Ticket! are available from any Deb member.

a December Boiler Skating event are being discussed. The meeting scheduled for this Sunday will feature an extremely informative discussion. Instead of having a separate religious and cultural report, the two will be given together. The discussion will be on the Pro and Con of Interfaith relationships. The entire club attended en masse the Bar Mitzvah services of Bob Brodkcy last Friday night.

Tikvos Ami

Saturday night. Nov. 14, T. A will hold- a slumber party at the home of Paula Block. During the evening the pledges will be informally initiated. The girls are also planning to attend Friday night services en masse very soon.

Temple Youth Unit To Meet Sunday A series of impromptu humorous skits selected from Bible stories will be presented at the next meeting of the Temple Youth Group Sunday evening, Nov. 22 at 7 JO p. m. £llen Greenberg and Susie Upp, co-chairmen of the group's Program Committee, will be in charge. There will also be • novel presentation on the coming Regional Temple Youth Conclave in St. Louis December. 23-37. which many of the Youth Croups members are planning to attend. Joan Abrahams,- Youth Croup president will preside at the business meeting prior to the program. Social dancing and refreshments will conclude the evening.

Afternoon Bridge Class Starts at Jay

The afternoon bridge classes under the supervision Of Harry Fcrer began last week with a full table of players. These classes will meet weekly for eight sesslons. Instruction begins at 1:15 Royim p. m. Interested adults may regin the activities office ol the Baylm won a football game from ister Center. There is a fee of $5.00 AZA No. ] 00 in a very exciting for (he course. game. Rayim is planning their social functions far into the future. A November Auction Party and

Needlework Guild Bar & Bas Mitzvah Happy Birthday - Friday, Nov. 13 Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kutler anHolds Tea Today nounce Irvln Ciary Iilumkin, Gary Althat their ton, Stuart, will Tills year's Ingathering Tea o the Omaha Needlework Guild wil take place tlii:; afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock, at the Dundee I'resbyterian Church, Underwood and Happy Hollow blvd. Mrs. Albert B. Newman, chairman of the Jewish Charities Section, a project of the Federation o( Jewish Woman's Clubs, invites all women to attend the lea, Mrs. Itichard Wright is Table Display Chairman. Mrs. Newman asks all those who have not responded as yet to do so immediately. In addition to those previously listed, the following have contributed through Tuesday: : Mines.: Max Arbiunan, Sam Ban, David & Beber, Sam Bcber, David Becker, Jacob Bercovlci, Joseph Bernstein, Edwin E. Brodkcy, David M, Chapman, Isadore Chapman, H a r o l d Cherniack, Frank Comisar, Ben Eisenbcrg, Sam Epstein, John Faler, Herman Franklin, Herman Friedman, Morris Cordon, Morton Hiller, Richard Hiller, waiter Jicobson, Julius Xatzman, Jack KomJnsky, Louis Kulakofsky, Morris Level, Saul Levy,,Harry Lobel, F. Ralph Nogg, Nathan Pitlor, Sarah W. Potash, Harry Ravitz, Joe M. nice, Hymon Richardj, Morton Richards, Sarah Ringte, Abe Rochman. I. W. Rosenblatt, John Rosenblatt, Meyer Rubin, Leonard Segal, Abe Shrago, Milton Simons, Stanley Slosburg,

Y.C. Thanksgiving Services Planned Co-chairmen, Sheldon Rips and Sara Pepper, have announced that final plans arc now hi order for the Jewish Youth C o u n c i l ' s Thanksgiving service; The services will be held November iS. Sneakers for the event will be Ruthnnn Chudacoff and Ramon Sombcrg. Ray will discuss, "Who Should Give Thanks?" Ruthann will speak on "Will They Thank Us?" A social hour will follow. AH Youth Councilors are invited to attend.

Center Piano Studio at the Jewlili Community Center

101 No. 20th Street

Under the 'direction of Prof. Hans BAER Modern Techniques Are U*ed Pupil's Uccltnls to Ite Presented Enrollment for fall and whiter season 1953-1954 bos started

Call JAckson 1366 or WEbsfer 8681

celebrate his liar Mllzvnh Friday evening and Saturday niormni:, Nov. 20 and 21, in the Deth Israel Synagogue. In his honor his parents will receive members of the congregation following the services. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend.

The Bar Mltevah of Michael Shrier, son of Mr. and Mrs: Louis Shrler, will be celebrated at Beth El Synagogue this coming Friday and Saturday morning. Friends and relatives are .invited t o attend. .; >..•.-,/ .; ;....;; Dr. and Mrs. David C. Flatt announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Tammy, will be celebrated at the Beth El Synagogue Friday evening, Nov. 20 and Saturday morning, Nov. 71. Friends and relatives are Invited to attend.

Council-little RaVy Will Be HeM Nov. 22

The Second Annual CouncilLittle Rally sponsored by Couneilettes will be held November 22 at the Jewish Community Center in room 25 at 2:30 p. m. All girls in the seventh and eighth grades arc asked to attend. Refreshments will be served. • ' Harry L. Sommer, Adolpb Trort, Harry Weiner, E. I. Widman and Abe WoUson. Misses Tens Felt* man, Dorothy Ringle, and Surah ; Slobodlsky.

vin Colick, Anne Friedman, Don* uld Goldstein, S;ml Aaron Kripke, Mark Alan Mcichcs, Thomas Platt, Joliti Herbert Rubin, and Beverly Wci!>birg. Saturday, Nov. 14 Shaion Lee Bernstein, and Carol Jean Minkin. tiunday, Nov. Iff Carole Ann Adier, M i c h a e l Steven Kaplan, and Bonnie Louise Trostin. Monday, Nov. 1» David Nell Berman, and Mare Goldston. Tuesday, Nov. IT Maureen Epstein. Wednesday, Nor. 18 Maureen Zeviti. Thwsdsy, Nor. IB Richard Fried, Donna Kalman, Melvin Robert Katskee, A l a n Stuart Prlesman, Michael Shukert, Jerry Smith, and Mare Sorkin.

P«feH Hlrshbein A reading group meeting' was held Nov. 8. Mrs. Yetta Orenstein was hostess, and Mrs. Ben Gore* lick was chahrman of the session at which Mrs. J. Cohen gave a reading. Mrs. Anna Kelberg of California sent a donation to the group, and total donations from the meeting amounted to $28. A new member, Mm. Sam Levine, has been welcomed into tbe organization. The next meeting will be Nov. 24 at the home of Mrs. J. Cohen, 1121 N. 40th St, to which all members are invited.

FREE TOYS FOR THE KIDS IN ISRAEL THIS CHANUKAH You can perform a DOUBLE MITZVAH for tfit coming Chanukah holidjyl W« ill are aware of the acute shortaft of food in Israel. The problem of supplementing the food requirements 01 our friends and relatives Is tn important one lo ui in America-but did yott know there was also a toy shortageand what is more wonderful than a toy to a child? SCRIP TO ISRAEL, THE FIRST SELF. SELECTION SERVICE ORGANIZATION WOVIDING KOSHER rOODS FOR THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, is mating ChanuktO a double holiday for them A Scrip to Israel gill certificate In 55510 515 525 denominations and up. gives your dear ones the highest quality RATION FREE GUT KOSHERr FOODS at the very lowest prices plus enccllcnt and cour'teous servitt) through our streamlined American stylo supermarkets located throogneut Israel. When your dear ones redeem the certificate you send, their children wilt receive TOYS ABSOLUTELY FREE. '< That's Iht DOUBLE MITZVAH in honor of feslivf Chtnukah. FOOD AND Send a Scrip lo Israel gift certificate lodayl

JnrM '

101 M, < M ST. M 11M

SAFE-WAY Rag & Upholstery Cleaners BOGS—CARPETING LAMP SHADES FUKNlTUltE Cleaned In Tour Home! Binding • Laying • Repairing DON BERNSTEIN HA 1HM |lr» ywr family end frftndi la footf-sfnrl IWHI MM mod predoui sjft of o i l . . . VK jownunittfepprorstf, ration-frit Strip CtrtiHco1«,J10,$15,(HKlJJ5,foi ftttrdwtoolKoslHr foods In m Isrotl gill shops... or a ctrtlflartt for vow diotc* ol iertn

Want Ads > Al 140b to roacrr root Want A< H TW Jtwiui f r m . Gofrrot r&tt u 50 crnu for e&el) IDKT Horn, T&# Pre*» KMrvti ui« rfs&t to Umi' Slat 00 Mrb aavertlaemmL

WANTED—Ride to St. Louis, Mo., over the Thanksgiving holidays. Will share expenses. Call Miss Besscr. Office, AT 1450; Home, WE 6883.

•'¥ "

M W P O T O M I O J O to $38.50.

BAR- and Bas Mitzvah congratu: latlons: also for all Jewish boli. day? and special occasions Chanukah Cards and Clinnukah gift wrapping paper. Meyers Mew? Stana. 1502 Dodee CHANAKAH is Dec. 1. PLACE your order now for his or her favorite magazine. Gift cards furnkhed. Take advantage of the special offers tliat are in effect this month. MRS. S. J. HOHWICH, WA 3057 BABY SITTER Reliable woman for baby silting, day or evening. Call JA CB01.

1307 Howard St.

AT 0340



Friday, November 13, 1953

Religious News

Gems of the



«Pafe Seven Monument Dedication

Beth Israel Men to Hear Radio Editor

The family of Clara 13. Wolf Reuben W . Narelson will dedicate a gravestone in her The regular monthly d i n n e r 3ible and Talmud Services were held Tuesday aft- memory 1:30 p. m., this Sunday meeting of the Beth Israel Men's ernoon for Reuben W. Natcliion at Hie Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Club will be held at the Beth IsLicht Candies 4:50 p. m. and Interment to bo in New York Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron rael social hall, Thursday, Nov, u j o n .riiiLip SHKR City. Mr. Nalelson, 57, died Sun- Edgar will officiate. Friends and 10. The guest speaker will be day in a local hospital after a tenBETH EL relatives arc invited to attend the Dick McCann, news editor of raBible month illness. dio station KBON. A smoker will Services will begin tills evening Buy the truth and sell It not; He was a native of Omaha nnd service. follow the business meeting. at'8:15 o'clock, ilobbi Mycr S. also wisdom, instruction, and un The family of Tibbie Moskovitz Mr. McCann was superintenpresident and manager of C*»rKripke speak on "Who's Altur the derstandlng. will dedicate a gravestone in herdent of the McCook school sysmens ready-to-wear store. Mr. Schools?" Cantor Aaron I. Edcnr memory 2 p. m., this Sunday at tem for eighteen years before My son, give me thy l\cart, and Nalclson founded the f i r m 28 and the Beth El Clioir will render the Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Mycr coining to Omaha. He has been the musical portions of the service. let thine eyes observe my ways. years ago. S. Kripke and Cantor A aron Edgar with KBON since its inception The heart of the wise teacheth Surviving are his wife, Maurine; will conduct tile memorial service. Sabbath morning services will twelve years ago. For the past begin at :4S a. m. Minch-Maariv his mouth, and addeth learning to a brother, Lewis, of New York; Friends and relatives are .invited ten years, Mr. McCann has been his and two sisters, Ida and Mollic, to attend. Services will begin at 4:45 p. m. lips. re-elected first vice-president of: also of New York. Dally Minyan Is held on each the Nebraska Congress of ParTalmud week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. ents and Teachers. All members his home. are asked to attend the NovemSunday morning service is at !) Rabbi Judah said: "The Torah Mrs. Roy Hoffman He was a partner for 40 years ber meeting and hear Mr. McCann a. m. with breakfast served im- endured with the Judeans beServices were held last Friday in the Epstein Amusement Com- speak on a subject of vital immediately followini;. Following cause they paid strict attention to In the movies' boom period portance to all of us. breakfast. Rabbi Kripke will lead the exact language they received for Mrs. Roy Roffman with inter- pany. company operated 10 suburban a Study period for udults on the from their teachers, but the Gali- ment at the Beth El Cemetery. the theaters here. Torah portion for the week, with leans paid no attention to the ex- Mrs. Hoffman, 53, died Thursday, For Fine Tailoring Mr. Epstein served for 25 years traditional rabbinic commentary. act language they received from Nov. 5, at an local hospital. on the board of B'nai Israel SynaThe boys of pre-Bar Mitzvah and their t e a c h e r s , therefore, the Norman Marsh She is survived by her husband, gogue and was a member of the post-Bar Mitzvah aye will meet Torah did not endure with them." Roy; two sons, Harvey and NorMember Master Tailors and with Mr. Katz for a study period Itabbi Joshua said: "During my man: her father, M. Wintroub; a committee which began plans for Cutters Association, In cantillation and other skills. life I was frustrated once by abrother, Nathan; two sisters, Mrs. the new synagogue. England He is survived by his wife, Min- CustomLondon, woman, once by a boy nnd once Jack Hurwich, all of Omaha, and Tailor to Ladles & Men by a little girl." (Illustrating that, Mrs. Sam Roffman of Council nie; a son, Sidney; two daughters, ALTERATIONS Brrn ISRAEL Mrs. Ben Simons nnd Mrs. Henry 216 So. 20th even a wise scholar may not beBluffs. JA 2422 Greenberg, all of Omaha. Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor able to match with with ordinary Ell Kagan, and the Beth Israel folk.) Synagogue choir, will conduct Into Our Rabbis were taught — ALouis Epstein Friday evening services tonight at man should sell all that he posZADLE KATLEMAN Services were held last Friday 1 p . m . Sabbath morning service? sesses to marry the daughter of • t Beth Israel at 6:30 a. m. and a learned man. If he cannot se- for Louis Epstein with interment Hat Just Received 9 a. m. at 10th and Hurt. Junior cure the daughter of a learned at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Mr. TV & Radio Service a Large Atiortment services at 0:30 the chapel. man, let him marry the daughter Epstein, 70, pioneer movie theater Rabbi Groner will conduct the of a prominent man. If he can- operator, died Thursday, Nov. S, at of Lovely Chrome SOLtROSEIXELIBOWSKI Saturday afternoon Talmud chis.'; not get the daughter of a promiCHANUKAH LAMPS, at 4 p. m., Saturday Minclia will nent man, let him marry the some benevolent organization. If (tart at 4:45 p. m. daughter of one of the elders ot he cannot get the daughter of a BONDED & INSURED CANDLES and Dally morning services begin at the congregation. If he cannot get supervisor of a benevolent organiFOR YOUR PROTECTION 7 a, m. at Beth Israel and at 0:30the daughter of one of the elders zation, then let him marry t h e GREETING CARDS daughter of a school teacher. But a. m. at 19th and Burt Daily nft- of the congregation, let him mar1705 CUMING emoon services begin at 5 p. m.,ry the daughter of a supervisor of he should not marry the daughter Priced Reasonably of an Am Ha'aretR an ignoramus. Friday afternoon nt 4:45 p. m. JA 4855 •11 N. 24th St. (Heredity will greatly affect the The Sunday morning breakfast character of his children.) . minyan and Itabbi's class in Bible study meets at 0:45 a. in. There MAN WANTED Is a special Tallis and Tephilin at Minyan for children over 12 years of age, and for children who acB'nai Jacob-Adas company their fathers to the adult minyan. The chlldAen's service Yeshuron Synagogue starts at B:30 a. m. and breakfast is served to the children after the For Position of Service.

Cross Town


Shamus TEMPLE ISRAEL, Report to Synagogue At the regular Sabbath Services this evening at 8 o'clock, Rabbi Office, 3028 Cummg Sidney H. Brooks will discuss "Let's Read Jewish Books Again," a sermon in recognition of Jewish Book Month. There will be a THE PERFECT display of Jewish books nnd periodicals for both adults and CHANUKAH GIFT children in the auditorium. Mrs. prcetlngr or tnctsaxe on thl* Mervln N. Lommcrman will recite A beautiful notepnper from Iiracl the blessing over the Sabbath has a quality all Itf own. I-nndsrnpc scenes or Floral jetsiortlights and Mr. Lcmmerman will mentn In rich colors. recite the Klddush and assist RabSO Foldrr Shrrts and Envelope*. bi Brooks with the Torah. (July | | , i o IV r Packtt I*pd. Send check or money order. The services will be followed by No C.O.D. I'leaflc! a reception given by the Temple Sisterhood for Mr. and Mrn. MerVin N, Lemmerman, at which time the Director of Education and his wife will be introduced to the congregation. PtODUCTS OF ISRAEL Regular Shabbos Morning Services will be held tomorrow mornKent. « ing at 11:40 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks WUI conduct the services and Kld- 1135 Ktcrlinc I'l. Brooklyn U, N.T. dush for all present will follow. Special IUtcs for Fund lulstaff

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Snow and mad-filled roads arc no longer a problem with Cooper Weather Masters on your car. No slipping, spinning1, bogging down like conventional tires ore sure to do. Cooper Woather Hasten) bite and hold like a gear. Give you super pulling power, miner trnctlon in deepest snow and slippery mud. Smooth-running. No excessive noise. Long-mileage C-41 cold rubber trecrf. Modestly priced. Stop your worry •bout bad road driving. See us for Cooper Weather Masters today.

Star Auto Parts &Supply Co. AL CLAYMAN. MGR. 1701 Cuming St.

OTHERS 17.95 TO 22.95 M n ' i Stott

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Tom* Boor

wmwm , wovemoer IS, 1991


dayman Leads Star Auto to Win; Yaffe Sparks Kutlers Over Lusty's

B'nai B'rifh Bowling

Hy Undy I"nul

A Division

Mother Chapter Captures YC Volleyball Crown

A! dayman, who for many years has been one of the Jay' lop bn.'.ketball performers dropped In 14 b.iikets and 9 free throws for a total of 37 points to lead Ins Star Auto Parts U nin to a 57-51 win over the Coltefjl.'i winner of lar.t year's league. The Collegians playin/i without th service.1; of Kd Ilcl;:rado and Joe Kirshciibnurn, who arc now in our Armed Forces, were leading during the fir;;t three ciu.'trU'rs and then nm out of stcntn. Claymrm, plyinn with the Youth Council's best players namely Kd Helz Hay Somber,;, Bernic Turkel find Stan Widmnn v/on the /jnine witli fine rebounding play. Shcrm I'o.ska aided the Star Auto Pa cause with 10 points, while Widman contributed 5. Jack "DeadEye" Stis.i was at his sharpiihootinjj best os Ut* connected for 25 points to keep his team in the game, Leroy Katz, back from

W. 25 • Burkhard-Gerelick ...... 17 : 11-Worth Grill ... 17 . Kebr. Furn. Mart .. 16 Crosstown TV My ' Grace-Mayer Ins -... ,_ 15 Florist — IS Pepsi Cola - . 14 .Belmont Jewelry .. 14 Hbiky-Dinky 14 Milder OH 18 ' Greenberg Ins — 12 Morris Paint 8 . High .Games and Series Jack Schrager, 320; Dave Hobcrman, 509; Norm Abrahamson. 232—579; Jerry Milder, S17; Al Temln, $30; Leo Abramson, 525, and Dan Cohen, 6-7. K«lley* "B" Dlv. W. Louis Market _ 18 Bennett Furniture H. A. Wolf Insurance 16 14 Slosburg Realty _.. 16 14 Robinson Iron & Metal...... 15 15 South Omaha Sun 15 15 Watson Bros. Van Lines .... 15 15 Magi-Color Paint 14 16 Mid Plains Insurance 13 17 Simons Jewelry _ 11 19 Bennett Furniture rolled high team series of 2,084 and high team game of 717 for the evening wtaing'two from South Omaha Sun with Meyer Meyerson pacing the winners with a 169-483. Harold Abramson picked up an extremely difficult but beautiful 7-9-10 split. Norman Denenberg is apparently taking'his bowling serlousW rolling a 189-505. Louis Market won all three from Simon* Jewelry becoming undisputed lo-»u<> leaders after a threeway tie fir first place with Bennett and H. A. Wolf the previous wceV/i winner. Slosburg Realty continues to climb winning two from MIrl-Plalns with Bob Passer's 188-517' standing out as the hleh individual game and high Jndivld'ml series for the evening. Paul Rifkfn's 171-471 and Irv • Sobc.1'1 1(15-457 helped Robinson Iron & Metal win two from Wataon Bros., boosting them Info n three-war tie for fourth place with South Omaha Sun and Watson Bros. The league continues tight with onlv six Mines nennrn'ing fty) top and bottom teams. H. A. Wolf and Slosbure -are tied for ^ r d noslllon, and,"the remaining positions i>re all being vied for very closely. Parkway B Dlv. Wolfson-Gerber Rosen-Novak _ _ National Tire Bahkt Army Goods .„... P w k a T-ans mrc v o d m a m Plavl-nd Park Hiteway TV _ Llb»rlv r-as ,; Phlli-i '"rurtfleU) Bor-1">'") , Sol r -'•/=- Co. ~_ .


W. t. 19tt 10 4 II) 11 19 11 17 13 16 14 16 14 15 15 15 15 13 17 11 Vi W,i JO 20 B 21


IJte FrMman.* 164—'81; Yale Clnsbcrp. 109—482,; By Raznick. 188—8M: B. Wolfson. 173—4946. Pnllnlr. 171—'66; S, H"ziff 184; Doc SvOn, I7flrR- Po-in»ky 185—4*1; R. Jonlevh, 173-^95J K<r.hen>i»"m, 4M; A, Perber I. 'For*"1*. J«9—1*$, and Tiamoy J6B—*87: D. »ftor~*-tn, 168-i487Hobermin, 160—169.


6. ". • "-"-fes Bcwl'ng

W.' L. Couatr" Club Grocery ....20 •10 12 Shuker!* IS 12 Phillip D<">t. Store 18 13 LynV F'Ti't 17 13 H & S S'lO'i 17 w 14 Omaha .'o >in? 1(! 14 National T'r^ & Supply..IS 14 11-Worth Grill 1C 15' Colony Ciub 15 Klsh Fur14'i 15'.4 Hamilton Fhnrmncy 14 in Mysfic Beauty Shop ....13 17 Annie*- T3'.:auty Salon .,..13 17 Wolf IV-,; UK 17(4 Smith roiitbc 10 20 Ooliglas Jf'-olry 10 20 IHeh Scries Flo f j r n o k s t e i n , 480; Ror-e Jrouch, 4(12; Rcva Singer, 473; flora Bloom, 400; Ruth Klein,, 458. Phil Silvers: "When people go 3 summer hotels for a change nd a rest, the bellboys get the nance and the hotels get the est." Ed Wynn: "Too many prescripons for glasses are filled by tiarnders rather than ihc optomeIst*."

These happy grins btlonr to the new youth Council volleyball dump*. From left to rUht (fending In rear are: Arthur Schwartz. Jerry Simon, Marshall Dentnberr and David WUmin; front row (left U ticlit) Michael Denenberf, Stan Wldnum and Larry Sctawirts.

Mother Chapter Volleyball Champ A scrappy team of volleyball players representing AZA 1 put on a Cinderella finish as they defeated a favorite Rayim A team, 15-2, 15-5, to annex the title as Y. C. Boys volleyball champs. The double elimination •tournament saw Mother chapter.defeated In an early round by Bayim A but playing almost flawless ball, the lads from Mother chapter came right back in the finals to win the title,


• •:-•-'••:••:•


Members of the championship squad are Art Schwartz, David Widman, Stan Widman. Jerry Simon, Marshall Denenberg, Mike Dcncnbcrg and Larry Schwartz. These boys will receive medals for their victory. There were 12 teams In the tournament representing AZA 1, Rayim and AZA 100. The interest and spirit shown during the tournament illustrate), the quality of the performances of the players and a regard for the sport of volleyball. It is sure to be an annual event in Y. C. competition.

Rayim Squads Ahead in YC Race It wax a successful week in basketball for Rayim, as their three entrants; In the. Youth Council A and B league were victorious In their debuts. Last Tuesday night the A team beat AZA 100 A, 95-13 and in Wednesday's B league opening session, their B and C teams won. Rayim B paced by sophomore Mike Bans 9 point* defeated the AZA IB team. 31-20. Mike received a 0-po|nt support from Howard Goldstein and Howard Lipton. All three of these boys aro Midget. League graduates. Stan Kaiman, another former Midget leaguer led the Mother chapter in scoring' with 8 points, A tall Rayim C team spurred on by Dave Herzog's 18 points won from tile AZA 10O B team by the score of 31-20. The game was ex(remcly close for three quarters when HCTZOR'U fine shooting under Ihfl basket spelled thrr difference/ Ray Kirko and Hob Epstein led the attack for Centurymon with 9 &nd 8 points respectively. The B league competition appears be an close as the A league which will prove to be an inttrc-rfing year in basketball competlon. Schedule for high cchoolcr-j: Wednesday, N'ov. 11 C:50 i). tn., Unyim B vs. AZA 100 B. 7:40 p. m., Itayim C vs. AZA IB.

B. B. Mixed Doubles Bowling Tourney The 1954 Tournament Committee announces that its 4th Mixed Doubles Tournament will be held at the 40 Bowl, Saturday, Nov. 14 at 9 p. m. Prizes will bo given to entries. Anyone interested In participating In this tournament, can call any <,! the following committee: IDA SACKS, AT 0062; ROSE ORUCII, OH 1548; REVA SINGER, CD 7571, or BKVERLY SWARTZ, WA 3008.

YC Bowling Jr. B. B. Bowling

A surging Mesl Sew Grezl team, last year's winner of the Y. C. Bowling league has moved into a Hodassoh Bowling tie for first place witli the Independents, who have been in first place since league play started. Soot Bros. „.,.,..„ „ 10 5 Returning to lead aro yets Bob Millie Wine ........................ 8 7 Meyer, J e r r y Z1 fgman, Fred Brandeis Kleerchrome . . _ 8 7 Simon, Bob Win'xoub and Ed Smith Pontlac „.„;.........„., 8 7 RCA Victor •.,„-.,„..„.-.„,''.'%• 8 Morrie Shrago led the NationBrandeis Washer ....._„....„ 7 8 al division with a 189-524 series, Edwards :„..„,„.„;..,„........,...„ • « 9 white Ed Bebar,' in the American Metz Beer-«....*,....„.............„ 6 9 division hod 8 191-485 series in Bltb Series last week's play. Ann Schulnun 456, Esther MarNational Division cus 424, Mln Frank 419, F l o r a Bloom 412, Rose Garrop 404, - ^ - v - ' ; • • • • • ; ; • v , u AZA^fo. I Glims .........HH 3>A AZA No. 100 Century men .......„....„..,„,...„ .....12H S'A Rayim SOS ..._ 10 8 AZA No. 1 Bluffers ,_,..1O 8 AZA No. I Boosers ........10 8 Ind. Sleepers , ,..,.10 8, Sunday afternoon the JAY gym9 9 nasium is a real beehive of bas- Raylm S. a. P.'s Maylm "H" 6 12 ketball activity as the Midget 5 13 hopefuls for the coming season Rayim Scrcwbowls practice in preparation for this AZA No. 1 No Names .... 3 15 Illfhj year's action. Last Sunday under Morrie Shrago, 189—524; Ray the direction of Llndy Paul and 172—493; Howard Kooper. Morrie Handlcman, the boyi» Kirke, 203—492; Mike Yudelson, 105— worked hard on passing, shooting 478; Stan Widman, 171—477; and team play. This Sunday will George Sacks, 177—474; John be the final practice session be- Goldncr, 178—4C3, and Howard fore teams will be chosen. The Goldstein, 172—459. following boys participated in American Division last week's session: W L 5th g r a d e r i — D i c k Zacharfa, Rayim Mesi-Scw Grczl 15 3 Howard Chudacoff, Dick Kaslow, Ind. E-B-G 15 3 Mike Green, Karl Leufschcutz, AZA No. 100 "A" 11 7 Bob Lohrman, Don Fiedler, Steve AZA No. 10 Gutter Gould, Steve K u t l e r , Harold Gangs 8 10 Forbes, Ed Levy, Jerry Hecgcr and Raylm "X'S" 8 10 Marshall Kaplan. AZA No.-1 Borch's 1% 10i4 9th graders—Mike Markovltz, AZA No. I Gutter . Goons 7 ji Bob Nogg, Martin Meyers, Ed Sldman, Justin Ban, Bill Horwlch, Al Roylm "K" ................... 7 11 Konecky, Bruce Goldstein, Frank AZA No. 1 We Goofed tVt 11M .„ 5 13 Goldberg, Joel Davis, Larry Kohn. Royim M-Jabs Howard Stoler, Al Ncwberg, Marnirtu tin Sncldcr, John Riekcs, Waller Ed Belzcr, 191—485; F r e d Wise, Mike Sabea, Sam BJeicher, Simon, 211—482; Lenny Gaer. Gene Dandy, Marv Rubnckj Dan 77—489, and Jerry Zlcgman. Hollls, Don Torman and Jerry 88—465. Clpinko. 7lh graders—Slan Greenfield. Jerry Schwartz, Steve Seglln, and Laurel Oruch, q frcshmrm and Tom Kully. 7th graders—Stuart Kutler, a member of the T. A. bowling Chuck Wise, Ed Schneider, Bruce team rolled a 109 game ond tlnBloom, Bernard Bloom, Ronald tehed. with a two-tfunne series of Simons, Howard Kaiman, Bob 348 to top the Y. C. RIIIS high came Shapiro, Sid Pessen, Alan Cutler. and series. Laurie also liolila the Mike Pcrsell, Phil Daily and Nel- hi([h Individual gume ever bowled n List year's Junior Sporls bowlton Gordrnan, The bii.'-ketball season will of- ine :>nd the record still stands thir ficially open Sunday, Nov. 2l>, with year. The Debs Nc-b.i, holder of the pre-scason play. Practice irsl place since the openine sesgames will be featured in order sion, suffered two defeats at the to give the teams opportunities to hands of the Councilctte Starlets play together before the regular and nre now sharing first place season. Uniforms have been or- v/ith them. dered and will be distributed beW. L. fore the opening of the season. « Nebs 10 2 Starlets 10 2 Gulter Gals 8 4 Slick Chicks 8 4 Lucky Slrikes 7 5 Qualifying for marksmanship Is Mileromu , , „,„ 7 5 the goal for the members of the Three Strikes & a Spare .... <J 0 Junior Air Itifie sports club. La Fa Ma Hi 5 7 Practicing every Sunday afternoon Scorelcsn Fourlcss fl 7 at the Jewish Community Center, All Strikes 5 7 the lads are becoming quite adept Lucky Losers 5 7 at the art of marksmonship. Un- Alley Cats 4 8 der the watchful eye of Maynard Lane Lassies 3 8 Tatelman, the boys are now shoot- Bowling Belles 1 11 ing to attain the marksmanship Men Five Games emblem. At last Sunday's session, Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Rl 109 Marshall Widman and Raphael Carole Frank, Starlets 109 Groner qualified with their sec- Sarbara Jo/fe, Starlets 103 ond targets and Raphael Groner Bonnie Haykln, Lucky Losers 101 hit the only bullseye. In attend- Bonnie SpeiRal, Substitute .... 151 ance at the session was Marshall lilsh Five Series Widman, John Spltzer, Raphael Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Ri 3)8 Groner, Jeff Simon, Martin Si- Judy Conn, Debs Nebs 300 mon, Morvin Ruback, Don Noodcll Barbara Joffe, Starlets 285 and Jerry Slusky. Assisting May- Bonnie Haykln, Lucky Losers nsrd wero Marvin Polikov and Elaine Krantz, Three Strikes 177 . Howard Slwky. & a Spare .:.., 27S • • .





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B e l z e r .







Midget League Play Starts Nov. 29

YC Girls Bowling

Jr. Air Rifle Club

the Navy, made 12 points. Kutlers Klowns, second place winner in last year's ploy, is iriaklnn a strong bid for the title thlt year as they slapped a 39-33 defeat over Lusty'J Irv "Old Man" Yaiue led the attack with 12 points while Ben Kuller contrlbutcd 7. The game was close all trio way, but Kutler squad was never behind. Al Drown wos the hi«li scorer witli 13 points, while Morrie Hamlleman and Kovce Kir-Oii-nbaum corralled 9 and 8 points respectively. Jake "The Kid" Adler was also in action in the Varsity league opening scsr.ion. It w;i3 good to see Jake once a/;aln am! to prove he hadn't lost Ms touch, he hit 2 boskets to help the Kutler cause. Next week, garne.'i will feature Col* leglans against Lusty's at ,7:15 p. in., while the second game will f e a t u r e the two undefeated squads, Star Auto and Kutler Klowns.

Jack LJcb paced the league with games of 169 and 139 for a 308 scries. Susan Wolfson led the girls with her high same of 130. Edio S i n g e r , the small but mighty kegler, led the girls, for the second week with her series. She put together games of 133 and 129 for a 262 scries. We would be remiss, If we did not mention the accomplishment! of Harriet Schloff. Harriet, a newcomer to the bowling lanes this season and who carries a modest average of 47, proved that "practice helps make perfect," with her beautiful game of 103. ' Howard Slusky, like a veteran, mastered the 4-0 split. Standings W.I* Nebraska Furniture Mart......8 1 O. P. Skaggs : .....8 2 Gamble Robinson Fruit Co.....6 4 Morris Point ,,...S 5 Wolfjon Gerber Auto Sales....! S Industrial Chemical Co. ......;...5 8 American Lumber & Supply Co .,. 5 8 Maypcrs ,,..4 6 Il-Wortli Crill 2 9 Playland Park 1 9 Jack Lleb 169-139 308 Stuart Kutler " 137-131—208 Edlc Singer 133-129—282 Bernie Grossman 138-100—244 Mike Fcldman 142- 92—241 David Wlntroub 118-117—235' Tom Platt 125-108—233 Ann Blumberg .122-111—233 Susan Wolfson _...130- 97—233 Paul Shyken 134- 94—228 Howard Welnberg ....128-107—227 Jerry Sherman 114-112—226 Mike Shrier 132-93—229 Harold Meyers ...127-97—22* John Itiekcs .„.. 113-105—218 Mickey Sacks .........,..110vl07—217 Marc Saniuclson ...108-106—2U Maureen Zcvltz ..........109-104—213 Bob Shapiro ................120. 81—211 Chuck Wise ........ ...115-95—210 Sandra Lincoln .........116- 93 209 Karold Kaiman .........103- 97—200 Billy Katzman .... ....108- 92—200 (Because of space restrictions.' and because of the continued im- • provement of the members of thl» league, hereafter only scries of 220 and over will be mentioned In this column.)

Moscovifz Powers Rayim Past AZA Milt Moscovitz, a O'-2" sopho* more and a member of the Rayim Houghridcr.1 led his squad to their second win by scoring 11 points m Itaylm's, 35-28, win over AZA 1A. Tlie tall center was a bulwark under both backets as ho nabbed rebound nfter rebound. His chief lielp came from Al Corey, with 7 points while Ed Belzer and Doug Conn made 5. Stan Widman was the only offense Mother chapter could muster as he looped in 12 points, A scrappy squad of AZA 100 Cvnlurymcn made it real tough for their older and more cxperl* enced opponents, the Independents, They went down to a 31-19 defeat but played a fine brand of baskolball. The 100 boys have no seniors, 2 juniors, 1 Eophomore, while the rest of the team are freshmen, Jerry Rosen, freshmen on AZA 1O0 played a terrific game. The hard playing frosh countered with 0 points and drove consistently around tlio defensive guards. Tom Bernstein, and Harlan Rosen topped Ihe Independent scoring with 10 and 8 points respectively. Next week Is showdown wrek for Rayim A and Independents. They tanglo Tuesday night in the finnle of the prc-scason play. Both aro unbeaten and it should prove to be real close game.

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