V o l . X X X I I — N o . 1 1 EnlrrM o« Second-cliuii Mailer at I ' d TUI. « « « • <-. . *» „,„,.,_ ouialia. Nebraska, under Act ol 1S7U.
O M A H A , N E B R A S K A , F R I D A Y , N O V E M B E R 20, 195J ' ' '
Published evorr Friday, 101 W. * » BintU Copr-W Wot* Omalia, Nebraska, tiioat AT UOUAsauU flale ^ DoUU*
Sl eleff Honored
hor Community Service
A panoramic review of the life and activities of Mrs. Lewis Neveleff, Omaha communal worker, was presented at a special testimonial program of the Beth Israel 'Synagogue Sisterhood S u n d a y night, Nov. 15, entitled "This Is Your Life, Sophie Neveleff," at the Beth Israel Synagogue. A capacity audience heard many speakers describe the accomplishments of Mrs. Neveleff throughout a period of a half century of consecration and devotion to all constructive causes in Jewish life and non-sectarian social services. Surprise guests were Mrs. Nevelcff's children, Herbert, of Los Angeles; Sidney of Billings, Mont.; her daughter, Mrs. Mark Goodson, and grandchildren, Jill and Jonathan Goodson, of New York City. The Very Reverend Thomas Bowdern, former- president of Crelghton University, recited the many contributions of Mrs. Neveleff in helping to cement interfaith relations in Omaha. Mrs Neoma K. Beal, director of the Child Saving Institute, spoke of her devotion and effective work in the field of child care, and Mrs Louise Brown, of the Lincoln State Hospital, praised Mrs. Neveleff for her work in providing comforts to inmates in the hospital and other state Institutions. During the forty years of her continuous service in Omaha, Mrs Lewis Neveleff served as president of the Bikur Cholim Society, Women's Jewish Welfare Federa-
Dr. Abo Grecnberg, chairman of the Plains Stales Regional Advisory Board, ADL, and Mr. Joseph Cohen, Kansas City attorney and National Commissioner for ADL from this region, will head a deleMrs. Lewis Neveleff Cation of distinguished Jewish leaders from Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa and Missouri when the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal D'ritii celebrates its 40th anlvcrsary in Washington, D. C. The ADL will be tion, Chesed Shel Ernes, Sisterhonored in a four-day program* hood of Bnai Israel, Hadasah, and climaxed by the presentation of was a vice-president of the Omathe 1953 "America's Democratic State, are kcynotlng the Freedom O'Mahoney and Rabbi A r t h u r ha Jewish Welfare Federation. In Lelyveld, formerly of Omaha, will Legacy" a w a r d to President Forum. addition she has been a member Panel Discussions be among the participants. Dwight D. Eisenhower by Henry of the Board of Beth Israel SynaKlutznlck To Summarize Edward Schultz, national ADL Judge David A. Rose, of. Bosgogue, of the Omaha Jewish Fedton, will chair a panel discussion B'nal B'rlth president, P h i l i p chnirman. eration and of numerous boards on "Anti-Semlllsm in the United in the community. The President will receive his States." Participants will be Jus- Klutznlck, of Omaha and Chicago, will summarize the discussions A special prayer for continued award at a dinner on Nov. 23, tice Meier Stcinbrink, of New health and life was pronounced by tendered to ADL by the Doard of York; the Right Rev. Angus Dun, in a concluding address. A sponsor's committee of 100, Rabbi Benjamin T. Groner, spirGovernors of B'nal B'rlth. Dr. of the Protestant Episco- headed by Barney Balaban, head itual leader of Beth Israel SynaAbe Grcenbcrg Is a member of Bishop pal Diocese of Washington, D. C; of Paramount Pictures, and ingogue. this Board. Percy Julian, Research Direc- cluding Vice-President N i x o n , ADL has dedicated Its 40th an- Dr. tor for the Glldden Corp.; Rich- Gov. Robert Crosby of Nebraska niversary year In celebration of ard E. Guuiladt, former Natlonnl and former Vlce-Prcsldent Barkthe achievements of human free- Director ADL; the Rev. Dr. ley, haa been organized as part dom during Its span. The special Jnsoph N.of Moody, Cathedral of the "Freedom Forum" series. observance will be held in con- Collenc. -New York; of and the Rev. President Elsenhower will pernection with the annual meeting; Dr. William F. Itascnblum, of the League's National Commis- of Temple Israel, Nc.iv York.Rabbi sonally accept ADL's 1053 "Amer- United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— ica's Democratic Legacy" award, sion, in Washington. "Race Relations in the United which ADL presents each year in Jordan's representative before the To Evaluate Progress recognition of distinguished con- United Nations Security Council Slates," will be chaired by Atty. The p r o g r a m will feature a three-day forum under the gen- Joseph Cohen, of Kansa3 City. tributions to the enrichment of demanded today the branding of eral theme, "American Freedom Among tho participants will be America's democratic legacy." Israel as an aggressor for the Kib- Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel On TV Through Four Decades." Purpose Judge William II. Hastie, of the ya raid, limitation of Immigration Government formally called on th« Of tho forum la to evaluate the U. S. Court of Appeals; Dr. Lewis The entire proceedings will be to Israel and control of Israeli ar- United States, Britain and Franca today to note the Israeli offer to Webster Jones, president of Rutprogress of the past 40 years in telecast from Washington, beginmeet with Jordan at United.Nathe field of civil rights and civil gers University; Sen. Hubert H. ning with the Rodgcrs and Ham- maments. liberties and to show tho direc- H u m p h r e y ; Victor Rcuthcr; merstein show especially devel- The Jordanian avoided direct tions headquarters in New York George S. Mitchell; Julius A. tion of future trends, as well as oped for the occasion, "Dinner reply to the Israeli proposal, made to thrash out all existing probto bring a vast body of knowledge Thomas, and Dr. Charles S. John- With the President," and culmi- last Thursday, that high level lems connected with the Jordanand information" to the American son, president of Flsk University. nating in the award to the Presi- Jordanian and Israeli political and Israel armistice. peoole. : The final panel. "Civil Liberties dent. All the major networks will m i l i t a r y representatives meet The Israeli bid for a fuce-to-faco Mrs. Eleanor Rosscwlt, discuss- In the United States," wiU be broadcast the event,, which takes without delay at UN headquarters meeting was made last Thursday ing the International impact of chaired by Mr. Louis A, Novlns, place on Nov. 23, from 6 p. m. to to Iron out all armistice and bor- when Israel's delegate to the ' racial prejudice,'and Archibald Assistant to the President, Para- 7 p. m., Omaha time. Announce- der security problems. He told the United Nations, Abba S. Eban, MacLclsh, Pulitzer Prize poet and mount Pictures. Sen, James H. ments about the program will ap- Council that his delegation was addressed the Security Council which is weighing the Palestine hert!-"to discuss the views of the f o r m e r Assistant Secretary of Duff, f o r m e r Sen; Joseph C. pear in tho newspaper. Jordan Government on the Klbya security question. massacre and we have no creIn Identical notes handed to the dentlals to enter into any other envoys of the three powers, the discussions/' v [••'/•' Israeli Foreign Ministry stressed the importance it attached to thit This Sunday from 11:3ft a. m. proposal and pointed out that its to noon over WOW-Radlo, acceptance by Jordan could mark "Eternal Mfht" will present an important step towards remedy"Photographer in Buckskin," ing the Palestine situation. by Marc Slegel. A special Israeli envoys in the capitals of Thanlu/rivinff program about the opening of the western of the Security Council London (JTA")—The British members The first program of the Yiddish United States, "Photographer were Instructed to present Reservations are now being ac- Treasury confirmed today that It similaralso Cultural Scries will take place In Jtnrkskln" Is the story of cepted for the Jewish Community notes to the respective forwould supply the Jordan Govern- eign ministries Sunday, Nov. 22, in the JCC audiSolomon Carvallio, a photogto enlist support torium. A Yiddish film entitled rapher who accompanied Col. Center's Foreign Film Scries ment with financial assistance to for the Israeli proposals. "The Unfortunate Bride" (Die F r e m o n t in his expedition through tho Activities Office, The the extent of 2,035,000 pounds durThe Jordan-Israel agreement for ing the next fiscal year. Ungllkllchc Kalnh) will be pre- through the western wilderness meetings of local commanders to The Treasury statement af- handle sented. The film depicts Maurice and photographed, In face of series will begin on Sunday, Dec. border problems was exSchwartz and Llla Lee in a tragic almost Insurmountable hard- 20, with a showing of the Italian firmed tho British Government's tended today for another three comedy of life in Russia and ships, the panorama of the masterpiece "Bicycle Thief." intention of "cooperating to the months by the Jordan-Israel America in the early 1000'. The United Stairs. fullest extent practicable with our Mixed Armistice Commission. Th# Subscription tickets to all six of film is an adaptation of the staire friend and ally Jordan in her ef- commission also discussed four these films will sell for $2. play "Broken Hearts" by Z. Lubin. forts to achieve an improvement .complaints of armistice violations, 11:05 a. m. to 11:30 English titles accompany the dia- P. From Mr. Jack Sandier and Mrs. Edof her economy and so contribute two submitted by Israel and two in. this Sunday over KOIL, logue. "Mcssaee of Israrl" will fea- ward Zorlnsky are co-chairmen of to the mutual benefit of both by Jordan. Action on all wag. countries." ture Rabbi Floyd S. Ficrman the Center's Foreign Film Series Scries tickets for six events cell dropped or deferred. for $2. Tho Activities Office of or Temple Mt. Slant, El Paso, Committee. •the Center can be contacted for Trx., whose subject will be BUDGET First Time "Bclnj- Friendly," further Information. Chicago (JTA)—The National Council of Joint Defense Appeal, Boston (JTA) — For tho first Bias Decrease time in the history ot Harvard fund-raising agency for the AmerFirst Oil Well Chicago j(WNS)—An "encuor- University, a Jew has become ican Jewish Committee and the aglng decreaso" in bias in the president of its govcrnong body, B'nai B'rlth A n t l - D e f a m a t i o n Jerusalem (JTA)—Drilling be- schools throughout the United the Harvard Board of Overseers. League, approved a national budgMrs. Albert B. Newman, Kan recently for Israel's first oil States was reported here by Irving He Is U.S. District Court Judge et of $5,000,000 for 1054. Philip chairman of the Jewish Char- well. The well has been named M. Engcl, chairman of the execu- C. E. Wyzanski, Jr., who is now Meyers of Cincinnati was named tive committee of the American in his second six-year term as a national chairman of tho JDA ities Section of the Federation succeeding Sidney Moyer of of Jewish Women's Clubs, "Majel No. I." The rig la set up Jewish Committee, at a session member of tho board. Judge Wyzanski is 47 years old Youngstown, Ohio. wishes to thank everyone who near Sdom on land under joint here with more than 100 leaders of American Jewry in attendance. and a native of this city. He is a participated in tho Needlework oil lease to the Lapldoth Oil ComMr.'Engel said that studies graduate of Harvard College and Guild and helped to make it pany and the Jordan Exploration made of Harvard Law School and has on a nationwide basis by tho very successful. She urges Company, both Israeli firms. AJC during tho past 12 months lectured in government at Harthose who havo not already Finance Minister Lev! Eshkol show that "efforts of bigots and vard. He is a trustee of the Ford sent in their contribution to sent tho drillers tho following trouble-makers to inject bias and Foundation and ot Phlllpps ExeBecause of the TlunksfIvlng please do so right waya. message: "My greatest apprecia- discrimination into A m e r 1 c a's ter Academy. He was first ap- Holiday, all news most reach to the federal bench by Additional names of contrib- tion for your work. May the re- schools and colleges are being re- pointed the sults bo in accordance with our jected by most of the American the late President Roosevelt after noon.Press office by Monday utors arc listed, on page 3. a career of public service. hopet and necdi. Good drilling." wple,"
Jordan Demands Rebuke to Israel
Yiddish Film Sunday Night Opens Series
On Radio and TV
Israel Urges Three Powers To Note Offer
'Bicycle Thief To Be Shown Britain fp Give At Jay Dec. 20 Aid to Jordan
Thank You
( Pact Two
im nwtsa PRESS
Friday, November 20, 1833
Genocide and
The U. N.
Published Every FrUsj by UM Omaha JewWi FederatiM
bunt - • • • * J » M U• amiKiipuoa.
— MfM., ATluUt MM.
Ilv Arthur Lewis United Nations—If there was ever** a political move that would have seemed to have backfired .Society Edttn here, it is the American statement issued immediately after the Gen» ocide resolution was unanimously adopted by the General Assembly. At tho time it was made, Professor Baorday. Nor.tl Rafael Lcmkin, the author of the Jewish War Vetennt Armistice Dance—6:00 p. m., Bladutone. Genocide Convention nnd lhd man Sunday, N«r. « who has fought almost singleChildren's Program—2:00 p. m , Center. handed for its acceptance in the Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m., Center. world, was almost beside himself •tootsy, N»r. Z3 with despair. Pre-Klndejgarten School—8:00 a. "in., Center. The statement said, In so many Golden Age Club—,13:30 p. m., Center. words, that ttie United State* vote Adult Art Classes—1K» p. m. Center. on the Genocide resolution was Workmen's Loan Society—730 p. nx, Center. not a commitment as to the exact Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m, Joslyn. time when Congress would ratify Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. mi, Beth Israel. the convention. That, in Itself, was Tuesday, Haw. H not extraordinary, although the Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—Beth Israel. resolution docs call on all states Omaha Symphony Orchestra—8:30 p. m , Joslyn. who have not acceded to this ban Wednesday, Mar. U on race murder to accede to it as Pre-Kindergarlen School—8:00 a. m , Center. quickly as possible. It is the secCenter Orchestra Rehearsat—8:00 p. m., Center. ond part of tiic statement which B'nai B'rith Monsky. Lodge—«:00 p. m . Center, has caused tho furore. This reyouth Coundl Annual Thanksgiving Services. fers to tile part of the rcsoidtion Thonday. Nor. U which urges all states "to take all THANKSGIVING—CENTER CLOSED. necessary measures designed to Omaha Synagogue Council Annual Thanksgiving Service—11:00 insure tho widest possible diffua. vn., Beth Israel. sion of iho nature, contents and purposes,of the convention," and says that tho United Slates-does not interpret this as authorizing "propaganda" in favor of the conTl» Story Of U u r Water vention in the United States. By Susie Michael Friedman Y.M.H. chorus of Fasslae N. J.; Washington —The ' Administra- U.N. measures to protect minoriAstonishing Move professional accompanist for sevTo say that the diplomats here In the city of New York which eral Jewish artists and the roost tion wants foreign nations to sub- ties. Protection of religious and were astonished by this statement is not one city but one hundred in taxing position of all—national di- scribe to a United Nations geno- racial groups, • according to Sen.is to put mildly; such a flagrant one, there resides a small coterie rector of the Workmen's Circle cide pact designed to protect re- Bricker, "would make the pre-piece of It double-dealing whereby ligious and racial minorities but tensions of Marxian Socialism the of dedicated men—the men whochoruses. The latter grroup cona delegation votes for a resolution create Jewish music in America. sists of a remarkable aggregation feds the Senate' should not rati- supreme law of the land." He got and then blithely announces that With consecrated teal, they answer of working men and women who fy the pact for domestic appli- the support of 59 Senators anx- it is not going to carry out the ious to oppose what had been de- terms the ancient Biblical question of our read no music whatsoever but who cation. of the resolution led to enslaved ancestors in Babylon give superb concerts of Jewish Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. perma- scribed to them as such insidious all kinds of comments inhas the press. when they intoned the words "How music in New York's Town and nent American representative to subversion. Since his first despair, Professor can we sing (or create) the songs Carnegie Halls and sometimes even the U.N., recently served notice Lehman Shocked lias become much more ot Zlon (the Jewish people) in a In gigantic. Madison Square Gar- that this government would not Sen. Herbert If. Lehman ex- Lcmkin philosophical about this whole inforeign land?" Who are these men den! welcome "propaganda" in the pressed "surprise and shock" over cident; he realizes now that it has who write Jewish music in AmerUnited States on behalf of the the action of Mr. Lodge at the achieved what it set out not to do Workmen's Choruses ica today? One Sunday afternoon at Town UJJ. "Convention on the Preven- U.N. He said "this Btems to be —namely, to spread Information . l e t us meet one of the most gift- Hall, tion and Punishment of the Crime another instance in which the following a brilliant rendition the Genocide resolution and ed and progressive—small, wiry, of a most complex and difficult of Genocide." Nevertheless, the Administration not only failed to about Genocide convention throughenergetic, moody, middlc-iiftyish choral work, Weincr's own cantata United States Joined 49 other na- give leadership within the Unit- the rxlt the United States ond the Lazar Weiner who seems to be Legend of Toil"— went back- tions In voting for a resolution ed Nations but discredits its own world. perpetually in motion, demanding "The in which the General Assembly leadership . . ." stage to congratulate both commore ot himself than seems hu- poscr-condudor and the chorus. reiterated its appeal to members There Is no doubt that the rcsoIn 1050 Derm Rusk, then Depmanly possible. "How amazing," said we to some to ratify the pact. The resolution uty Undcr-Secretary of State, ulion would never have received asked the Secretary General "to anything like the publicity it has Often Misjudged asked the Senate to ratify the choral members, "that you do not Weiner is often misjudged by hold even one sheet of music in continue to take all necessary pact. He told a Senate subcommit- r e c e i v e d . It would have been measures designed to Insure the buried in un Inside page If It had his colleagues and acquaintances, your hands!" "What good would tee that our foreign policy objecfor he rarely allows them lo sec it do us to hold music when we widest possible diffusion of the tives required its ratification. Mr. not been for this American statethe warmth and* sparkling hunior can't read a single note anyway?" nature, contents, and purposes" of Husk eaid 'no one can yet have ment denying: It publicity. Not only that lie hidden by a serious visage was their rcplyl From this state- the pact forgotten the organzicd butchery were there long news stories promand often harassed demeanor. ment one may gather how Impor- Immediately after the vote was of racial group.-, by the Nazis, ncnlly displayed, but editorials) To see him at his best, you must tant is the function of the conduc- taken Mr. Lodge issued a state- our enemies in World War II, ns well, and the Wall Street Jourtake hirn away from the highly tor in his relationship to his chorus. ment in which he said "the Unit- which has resulted In the exter- nal In commenting on the move ed States does not interpret the mination of some 0.000,000 Jews." caid that "the United States has Orlfuul Works competitive, nerve-wracking world of Jewish music in a big city like Welner's major original works resolution as authorizing propa- He pointed out that "the United placed Itself in on absurdly disgandad in the United States in re- Slates has co-operated in the past honest position." New York. This was our experi- in the larger forms include "The ence In 1048 when the Werners, Golem," "Ilirsch Lcckert," "Man lation to a matter pending before with other nations in the suppresN. y. Tunes the United States Senate." The sion of such lesser offenses as the my husband Maurice Friedman itt the World" and "To Thee AmerThat editorial has been quoted and myself nude a cross country ica," all written for chorus, solo- vote in favor of the resolution, killing of fur seals. It is natural newspapers everywhere; it was trip to Grand Canyon, Arizona, ists and orchestra. In 1947 his Fri- he cxpoined, was not a commit- that other nations look to the quoted by the New York California, Oregon and Washing- day evening service was present- ment for the United States to rat- United States for co-opcrauon in even its own editorial, ton and there we' witnessed his ed over a national radio hook-up ify the pact. It was evidently only the suppression of the most hein- Times, which, "The explanation is conchild-lilce abandon to the bounties from Central Synagogue. A re-designed to show the world that ous offense o oil—the destruction declared: fusing. Either we are for the resof nature as wen as his eagerness cently published volume of origi- the United States "abhors the of human groups." olution—for ratification, for a disto be lKced for himself, Lazar Wei- nal Yiddish songi displays Wci- crime of genocide" In a general Truman Ijnorcd semination of the facts about the ner, the human being and notner's creative gifts at his very and theoretical way. Former President T r u m a n treaty—or wo are against i t We Lazar Weincr, the musician. A Good Question highest and certainty merit persought pcrsistenty to get the Sen- cannot vote for it one minute, and, formances on any major concert Why does the State Department ate to act in conformity with the in the next try to scuttle it by sayFirst a Pianist Weiner started life as a pianist, program. disapprove of Senate ratification U.N. on the genocide Issue. He Ing that the procedure is all right and though he rarely has time to All of his compositions bear the of the pact? If we can urge other was ignored. for other countries, but not for the practice. these days, he is still a stamp of a highly original creative countries to ratify it, who don't When Nazi persecution of Jews personality, far removed from the we do so ourselves? If we arc began in 1933 the term "genocide" United Statcf." superb accompanist. Of course, the statement was Born in 1897 in Cherkass, near conventional style of the tradition- not a party to the pact, how can was coined by Prof. Ilafael LeroKiev, Russia, he came to the Unit- al Jewish composer. Perhaps for our spokesmen condemn the Sov- kin of the Yale Law School. It issued for domestic reasons: to satisfy the Isolationists' within the ed States a well-grounded musician this reason his serious music finds iet Union for violating its provis- was first introduced by him at of seventeen. Here he continued a somewhat limited public, if not ions? These are questions ashed the League of Nations. Genocide Ilcpubllcan Party nnd the Southcm Senators who are opposed u> his rtudi&s in composition while a more critical and sophisticated by partisans of human rights. The was later recognized as an inserving as accompanist for several one. For the songs he is best known State Department has failed to ternational crime by the United he ratification of the convention. However, if it had been confined yean with a major Jewish chorus. for and which are most often per- clarify its contradictory stand. Nations. With such experience it was a formed—"A Nigun" and "A Mai-Asked for an explanation, Mr. The pact does no more than to political matters and not to the . logical step to become Interested in scle" (words by the late Perclz Lodge mercy insisted that his commit the contracting govern- question of Information, it would choral conducting. And what a Hirschbcin) Wcincr accepts the statement 'spoke for itself." ments to punish those guilty of not have caused cuch a sensation. •victory for Jewish choral music In plaudit.1; of the masses most un- When Secretary of State John genocide. It cannot In itself be As It li, it has incensed the cor. America when Weincr forsook the willingly, for he feels the;* songs Foster Dulles was a delegate to regarded as a very formidable respondents here who consider Ivory keys for a wooden baton, for to. oe much beneath his high crea- the United Nations years ago, he barrier against the ofense it pro- t an attempt to gag them; it has he is unquestionably one of the tive standard. took an active role in advocating hibits. LJut it Ui a cornerstone of even been described by some of Wonderful Family most innately gifted of all Jewish international undertakings like the structure of an International them us on infringement of the Weiner ii blcrcd with a devot- the genocide pact. His views ap- law which might one day pro- freedom of the press. It has reconductors today. ed, beautiful wife Naomi, who is parently changed when he became tect the human rights of individ- sulted in on outpouring of stories Perfectionist here on Genocide which pleases Weincr is one of the busiest mu- not only a musician in her ownSecretary of State and found him- uals. sicians in New Vork, not by choice ri/!ht but a valuable public rela- self in a real position to impleProf. Lcmkin sold the list of Professor Lcmkin nnd which, he perhaps but because tlio economic tions representative for her hus-ment tlie ideals he once advanced. the 41 nations which have ac- hopes, will result in tho early rastress under which a musician with band. She is a cixtcr-in-liiw of As Secretary, he officially noti- ceded to or ratified the pact.reads iilcatlon of his convention by all a family must. live today, makes the late Peretz Hircchbein, the ied the Senate that he does not like a "roll of honor of humani- he countries which have not so . . . it imperative to assume many pro- eminent Yiddish w r i t e r whose favor ratification of the genocide tarian nations, and tiieir contri- 'ar done so. fessional obligations, all of which genius cast a spell over the Weiner pact. • ' butions will be remembered forin Wciner's case are discharged in family 03 well as over the entire ever." The oviet Union is not on Such anti-Semitic extremists as brilliant fashion, for he Is a per-Yiddish speaking world. Hirsch- Gerald L. K. Smith have long op- that honor roll. Neither h the Negev Dam Tel Aviv (JTA)—The Israel fectionist to the most minute detail. bcin played a major role in in- posed this U.N. pact. They make United Slates. J. T. A. Water Planning Corporation has fluencing Weiner to join him Inthe charge that it would 'underMany Facets completed a huge dam near Tel However, give him a choice be- worship at the shrine of the Yid- mine the Constitution" by allowYcrusbam in the central Negcv, tween conducting and composing dish muse. The Weincns have two ing on Internationa body to have B.B. Headquarters Washington (JTA)—The Dis- creating a reservoir with a capain solitude and'Welner will imme- exceptionally musically gifted sons- a say In fighting discrimination diately seize the latter. Unfortu- Yehudl, now twenty-two nnd mar- within this country. The identical trict of Columbia Hoard of Zon- city on one and a quartcr,mllllon nately the status of composing ried, is a brilliant pianist and com- theme was taken up about two ing Adjustment has granted per- cubic meters, the company anJewish music in America makes it poser, a graduate of Julllard Music years ago by Republican Sen. mission to the B'nai B'rith to con- nounced. purely food for the EOUI—it cannot School and of Harvard and Yale John W. Bricker of Ohio. He in-tfruct a four-story building in The reservoir will hold water feed and house four adults. Hence universities. Wo may e x p e c t troduced o measure which be- downtown Washington to serve running off from the wadis of the Lazar Werner's professional duties great things of Ychudi in the not- came known as the Bricker Reso- as the organization's national head- area for use to irrigate areas of include such important posts as di- to-distant future. David, thirteen, lution. It was specificaly designed quarters, it was announced here. the old Ncgev settlement of Ite-. rector of music of Central Syna- also evidences much talent as a to prevent Senate ratification of The building will include a library vlvim. When completed, this wogogue; music director of the fa-pianist and budding composer, such pacts as the genocide accord. and museum of fine arts as well ter conservation project will have mous radio program "The Mess- though at the moment he chores In a speech tie Senator labeled as offices of the parent organiza- a capacity of ten' million cubic • • . - • meters of water. • age of Israel;" conductor of the his enthusiasm with baseball! .,••• as "opportunists" those seck- tion. 1 oniM-ioi Ko. » t aunt.
Community Calendar
Jewish Music in America
Capital Spotlight
Fridaj, November 20. 1953
Mrs. Albert Newman Again Chosen as Guild Secretary Mrs. Albert B, Newmnii, chair Bnan of the Jewish Charities Section for the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, was re-elected Secretary of the Omaha Section of the Needlework Guild at the meeting held last Friday. Now president is Mrs. Robert A. Wiley, who succeeds Mrs. A. D. Peters. The public display of the Omaha Needlework Guild was held Nov. 33, at the Dundee Presbyterian Church, The following contributions have * been received since the last list appeared; Mmes. J. Abrahamson, Harry Belmont, Jack Bclmont, Dave W. Bernstein, Dave Bialac. David Blcichcr, Dave BlumeiiUial, Harry A. Brodkey, Jacob Euistein, Morris G. Cohen, Lyman Colin, Hans Dansky, David II. Epstein, Ruben Epstein, William Epstein Julius Falkcnstein, Homer F. Far.ber, Abe C. Tollman, Morris C. "Fellman, Nathan Ferer, Alfred Fiedler, Morris Firestone, Henry Fisher, May Fried, Ynle Ginsburg, Paul M. Goldstein, M. Gorcllck, Simon Gorcllck, Sam H. Green, Abe Grecnberg, Joe J. Grecnbcrg, Dan A. Gordman, Hcfiina Gottlieb, Elmer Grou, Hyman Gus», Sam Guttman, jr. Habler, Sam Ualprin, Dan Herrnanson.
JV/V Dance Is Sat Night
Bertha Hen-xuvitz, Louis Killer •Sidney Hollis, Julius Hornsloin, I Kurv.-itz, William Joseph, Flor; Kiihu, Jake Kaplan, Sain Kaplan Abe Katskci-, Dave Katz, Phil Kutzman, Sarah Kay, liva L. Konecky, Aha Krantz, Harry Krantz Arthur Kulakof-sky, Milton Luhr Harry Liberrnan, Morris Linsmun Meyer Lipp, Jack W. Marcr, Morris Margolin, Harry G. Mendel.'ion Loo L. Milder, lidward II. Morris Max M. Moskowitz, Louis Ncveleff, Luo Nogg, Sophia Novitsky, Harry Nystrom, Albert Oi'ueh, Keith Pcltz, Ben Perelman, Ben Polikuv, Sam I'ollak, Milton S Ilcsnick, Sam A. Wee, Eugene D Hich, Sam Hichman, Henry Ric'kes, Albert G. Itimmerman, Abe Hoff-1 man, Sam H. Rosenberg, Horace L. Hoscnbhmi, Harry Z. I{o:;enfcld, Sam Ilosinsky, Charles S, Hoss, Sadie Hothcnbcrg, Jack J. Sclirager, Leon Schmidman, Irvin Sherman, Max Shrago, Bernard Siecler, Philip Siporln, Alfred Sophir, Julius A. Stein, Sam H. Stern, Jay Stoler, Oscar Sutin, Oscar Taub, Moo A. Veneer, Albert J. Wcinberg, Irvin S. White, Joe White, Joke Wine, Ernest B. Wlntroub, Allen Wohlner, Harry Wohlner Florence LaBoschiu Wolff, Irvin Yaffe and Sam ZIotky.
Gene Rich Named Israel Bond Affair Publicity Chairman
Plans are shaping up for Omaha's Israel Bond dinner to be held Sunday evening, Dec. 13, at the Ulnckstone Hotel, Morton Richards, Omaha general chairman of tho Bond Drive, cald this week. Mr. Richards nlso nnnounced the appointment of Gene Rich as publicity chairman for the event. Hlcli has been nctive in publicity circles in Omaha during the past several years and is a member of the planning group of the annual March of Dimes campaign. Tho current bond drive for Israel will be completed in May of next year, with two types of bonds being offered. Three and a half per cent State of Isreal Bonds ore offered In demonations ranging from $500 ta $100,00 while there are twelve-year Savings Bonds in denominations from $50 ta $10,000 with a maturity value of 150 per cent of the issue amount. The dinner, which is open to the community, costs $3 per plate. Montreal (JTA)—The Canadlnn Reservations can be made by callJewish Congress has decided to ing the Bond Office, AT 1177. request Iho .Minister of Citlzcn•hlp and Immigration to admit to Canada 52 "hard core" Jewish immigrant cases and to ask the Minister to reconsider a previous submission fn the matter of definition Tel Aviv (JTA)—Apparently of the term "refugee" which the organization considers too restric- taking its lead from the Soviet Union, Poland has made Inquiries tive. here about the sale of 100,000 The Canadian Government re- cases of- citrus fruit. There is leased data on immigration to every expectation here that a Canada during the first seven deal will be completed since in months of the year. The total the past Poland has purchased number of persons entering was quantities of Israeli citrus prod88,033 as compared to 114,744 dur- ucts. ing the same period of the last Meanwhile, two barrels of Rusyear. Germans formed the larg- sian oil have arrived for est group among those admitted testingcrude at tho Haifa distilleries. (18,930, nearly 2,000 more than An Israeli oil specialist has been during the same period a year added to a three-man grow•go), with English being second ers delegation which citrus shortly (17,512). The Jewish group num- leave for Moscow to will negotiate a bered 2,404. barter deal whereby the Soviet Union would receive citrus fruit In return for wheat, possibly oil and other products. It Is understood here that Icracl is also negotiating a barBill Abrahams, JWV Annual ter agreement with Argentina for Armistice Month Dance chair- 30,000 tons of wheat and 10,000 man, wishes to thank all the tons of barley. Fifty percent of the total purchase price would Post members, women of the Post Auxiliary and friends who bo paid in cash and the remaining half would be paid for with unselfishly devoted much of Israeli products such as cement, their time and effort in maktires, textiles, and other commoing tho dance a success. dities. The Epstein-Morgan Post No. MO, Jewish War Veterans of Omaha, "Annual Armistice Month Dance," will be held at the Blackstone Hotel Ballroom, Saturday evening, Nov. 21 at 0 p. m. Admission is $1.25 per person, tax included. Music will be furnished by Tony Bradley and his orchestra. Attendance proceeds will give the Epstein-Morgan Post the financial means to carry on its program of bringing nld and entertainment to the hospitalized veteran. This service is Irrespective of race, creed, or color and includes an annual Christmas party at the Veterans Hospital. Tickets may be purchased at the door, or by calling Ticket Chairman, Abe Miller, at PL 7971.
'Hard Core' Refugees
Poland Seeks Trade, Russian Oil Arrives
Thank You
Annual Community Thanksgiving Service , The Annual Community Thanksgiving service, sponsored oy the Omaha Synagogue Council, will be conducted at Beth Israel Synagogue, 52nd and Charles, on Thursday morning, Nov. 20, at 11:00 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will lead the service; Jame3 Lipscy, president of the Council, will read the Presidential proclamation of Thanksgiving; and Rabbi Myer Kripko will deliver the sermon. Rabbi Sidney Brooks nnd Rabbi Nathan Fcldman will participate, as well as Mrs. M. H. Brodkcy, president of Beth El sisterhood; Mrs. I. Elcwitz, president ot Beth Israel sisterhood; and Mrs. Morton Hiller, president of Temple Israel sisterhood. Cantor Eli ICngan nnd the Beth Inrael choir will conduct the musical portion of the service, and the. Beth Israel Men's Club w/11 usher, , , ,
Orchestra Notes
A De Mnie Dance group in none of Motley's creations.
A Design for the Dance Motley, the famous international firm of theatrical design, is responsible for the costumes and many of the production details of the Agnes de Mille Dance Theatre, coming to Omaha Sunday night. Motley in North America is a quiet, ccnsltive-Iooking English woman by tho name of Elizabeth Montgomery, whoso interest in personal acclaim is strictly limited nnd whose entire energies nre directed toward the excellence of overall design and intricate detail which have made Motley's creations as fine as any in the contemporary theatre. The quantities of costumes carried by the Agnes de Mille Dance Theatre, all as beautifully made as a J.-icques Fath ball gown, range from decant silks and atins with exquisite detail for the tylishly bawdy eighteenth-century ballet, "Conversations Pleasint nnd Unpleasant" to authentic artans of the Hunting Gunn and Buchanan plaids for the "Brlgadoon"-lnspircd "Ballad.' Tartans and Whimsy "The tartan.1; and even the socks were woven for us in Edinburgh ast summer," Miss Montgomery points out. "The plaids are particularly beautiful, and, I must ay, tiiat even If the Gunns and Buchanans didn't get along so well In "Brlgadoon" times, they ertainly should have because tho [wo tartan3 compliment e a c h >ther perfectly." For the satiric whimsy, "From the Golden Era," which deals with he Degas era at the Paris Opera, Motley has c r e a t e d elaborate spoofs of tho ballet styles of the
Israel Memorial The Omaha Zionist Council and the Jewish National Fund Council, both of which include all of the Zionist groups in Omaha, nre jointly sponsoring a community-wide project in memory of Mr. Joseph Treltak, who passed nway Oct. 21. Trees will be planted in Israel In memory of Mr. Treltlnk who was for many years treasurer of the Omaha JNF group. Trees nre $1.50 each. Those Interested have been asked to send checks to Mrs. Jack Kaufman at 823 Lincoln JJlvd. Or call HA 0D02.
period. Traufcljr," » a y a Miss Montgomery,'These, too, are v^ry close to authentic. The fancy costumes of the time were >o close to a travesty of themselves that one needn't satirize them." Other Two-thirds The other two-thirds, of Motley, Margaret and Sophia Harris, operate chiefly in London. Miss Montgomery, herself, was born In Oxford and reared in Cambridge. She began her career as an illustrator while still attending art school and soon after met the Harris sisters, who also had a burning desire to design for the theatre. They launched themselves by entering an Old Vic Costume Ball contest which netted them half the prizes and the attention of John Gielgud, who offered them their f i r s t job. Among the most recent of Motley's successes in the U. S., where Miss Montgomery has carried on alone since 1946, arc "Can Can," "South P a c i f 1 c," "Anne of a Thousand Days," "Miss Liberty," and "Paint Your Wagon."
Hillel Centers New York (JTA)—Jewish students at six colleges were presented with new centers for religious, educational and cultural activities recently when the B'nal B'rlth Hillel Foundations dedicated a new Hillel House at the Unl- j vcrslty of Florida i n Gainesville and launched the now Hillel Counsclorship for Clark University arid four other colleges in Worcester, Mass. In dedicating the $08,000 building of modern design at the University of Florida, Rabbi Arthur J. Lclyveld, national director of the B'nal B'rith Hillel Foundations, cautioned against diminishing the religious Influence in university life to a "vague interdonominationalism." The H i l l e l Counselorshlp at Clark University, which will also serve the Jewish students at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, State Teachers College, Becker Junior College nnd Worcester Junior ColICKC, will be under the leadership of Dr. Morris Cohen, associate professor at Clark. This newest Hillel unit will be the 208th serving Jewish college a n d university youth in the United States, Canada and Israel.
"file Unfortunate Bride" Tho firif in tho Yiddish Culfural Series. A film with Maurice, Schwartz and Li la Loo in a tragic comedy of lifo in Russia and America in fho early I 9 0 0 ' I . From the ttago play "Brolten Hearts" by Z. Lubin.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1953 at »he
Jewish Community Center Auditorium 8:30 P.M.
By Mrs. Ruth Beta, Center Music Director After two years of dormancy, the J. C. C. Little Symphony orchestra is again being re-activated. In the past, this orchestra has been widely known and ad- : mired in this area. Many present members of the Omaha Symphony and the University of Omaha Symphony Orchestras have used this group as a stepping stone to further their development along these lines. An Invitation ' The J. C. C , which is a Community Chest organization, takes a great deal of pleasure in e x tending its warmest invitation to all people In this area interested in participating in this activity, regardless of race or religion. Membership in a group of this kind offers many advantages to people in ail walks of life. For the advanced student of music, it affords an excellent opportunity to gain orchestral experience for the first time. To the seasoned player, who has not played for some time, these weekly rehearsals plus planned concerts hayo proven to be just the right stimulus to maintain enough activity to keep the individual from findIng his musical.training a wasted thing of the past. , : : For those planning to make music a career, this experience would be Invaluable in bringing that day closer. In addition to the above, no other activity presents a better opportunity, to learn to work t o gether; to get along together; and to build together. No other activity gives a person a greater feeling of being needed because each player in an orchestra must play his part in order to have a balanced group. • / , One thing that we wish to emphasize is that ' many : members now joining the group have not played for two or more years. So If you think you would be embarrassed to play, disregard your fears. Remember, you will be among friends 'who, ta many cases, are in the same boat themselves. This orchestra m e e t s every Wednesday evening at tho Center. Rehearsals will be held in Room 36 and will last from 8:00 to 10:00 p. m. Transportation will be arranged for all needing it. If even the thought that you might be Interested occurs to you and you are not quite convinced —tpome on down anyway, you will be elad you did. For further Information; please call the J. C. ft, JA 1388, or Mrs, Ruth Helss, Director of the eroup, GL 4787, or Dr. Marvin Simon, president of the orchestra, JA 3224 or WA 6592. New York {JTA)—The Jewish labor movement has been a pioneer in Dromotlne the concept that political activity is essential for unionists so that the worker and all American citizens can effectively participate in democratic government operation,, it was stated here by Dr. David- J. Saposs, soeclal assistant to the United States Commissioner ot Labor. Dr. Sapos spoke at ah allday meeting of the Editorial Advisory Council of the Yiddish Scientific Institute - at " which plans were discussed for the YIVO's publication of a "History of the Jewish Labor Movement In the United States."
TIME: 8 P.M.
q II!" •41 jnoqe 6uii||«| si
Xuoi|duiAs *D*OT
Friday, Nwroabcr M, U 5 I
"Talkof Many Things" Babies Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Gciger of Santa Barbara, Calif., have an nounccd the birth of their daughter, Judith Esther. The couple has another daughter, Caroline. Maternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. M. N. German of Israel Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. A, Gcigcr of New York. Mrs. Gelgcr is the former Sarah German of Omaha, A son, Stewnrt Allan, was bom Nov. 15 to Mr. and Mr>. Oscar Ciller. The couple has another son, Ronald. Ellen Hue is the'name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Burton (Bud) Uky fur their daughter born Nov. 10 In Takoma Park, Md. Mrs. Polsky is the former Maxine White Of Omaha. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mr*. Ben Polsky of Lincoln, and maternal grandfather Is Morris "White Qt Omaha.
Visitors i/it. and Mrs. Bernard. Osherofl *1U arrive to spend the Thanksgiving holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Msflu.and Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Osheroff. ' While here, Mr. and Mrs. Oiheroff will stay at the home of Mrs. [x>fherotra parents, 124 No. 36th S t The couple now live (n Ames, la., where Mr. Osheroff Is a student at Iowa State College. Mrs. Harry D. Blchman
Kutler-Cipinho Club CAMPUS NEWS Family
Barbara Elaine Krelmsn
K;G.Girlto Wecl Omahair
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Kreitman of Kansas City, Mo., announce th* engagement of their daughter, The next regular meeting of Barbara Elaine, to Cpl. Joseph Zrta Beta Tau the Kutlcr-Clplnko family club Levy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leopold ; Last week was a real home- will be held at the home of Mr. Levy of Omaha. coming for many of the ZBT's, and Mrs. Saul Llbowski, 4223 Far. C p l Levy Is stationed at t h e both Vast and present. Coining nam St. Plans for the forthcom- Kansas City Records Center.: V The wedding of Miss Cheryl I c e The bride's mother was gowned back to the Lincoln campus to ing Chhukah Party will be dis- No date for the wedding has Nerenberg, daughter of Mr. andIn organzine taffeta of a Dior blue visit with old friends were Dick cussed as v/ell as plans /or the b e e n , s e t . - ' - •' :. -:..- • '•' ".'.' :•'•'•• Mrs. Samuel D. Nercnbcrg, and shade. The strapless bodice was Kohan, Richie Rosenblatt, Al A b - third annual anniversary dinner. Harry David Richman, son of Mr. draped with a pleated shoulder ramson, Dick Goldman and his CULTURE STUDY and Mrs. Sam Richman, was per- stole and the skirt was fashioned (lance, Miss Myra Abramson, Mr. Freedom of Religion New York (JTA)—Although S o formed Sunday in a s i x o'clock with back fullness, accented by and Mrs. Allen Tully, Mr. and Russia professes to allow all candlelight ceremony at Beth El deep'tucks. She wore a tiny taf- Mrs. Norton Garon, and Mr. and Montreal (JTA)—The overall viet ationallties in U10..USSK to uae Mrs. Stuart Frankcf. Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke feta hat to match and long white effect of a recent decision by the heir mother tonguo In the and Canton Aaron I. Edgar offi- gloves. Many of the present members' Canadian Supreme Court ruling iress own — literature, Jewish writer* ciated. larcnts were In town for Nebras- a civic by-law invalid when It have been deprived since at least A tissue faille gown of steel blue The canopy and alter were dec- was the choice of the groom's ta's homecoming. Included in the interferes with the exercise of 048 of the privilege of using Yid« orated with white chrysanthe- mother. I t was styled with a visitors were Mr, and Mrs. Bert freedom of religion, was under- ilsh and Hebrew, and of other» mums, white pompoms, wood- V-neckllne, bracelet-length sleeves Jacobs from Deadwood, S. D., lined here by the Canadian Jew- wise foslerlnc a Jewish cultural parents of Doran Jacobs, vice- ish Congress which has publicized wardia and palms. • fc In Hustla, according to a study and a flared skirt. As a note of acThe bride's gown was a Pan- cent, crescent embroidered motifs resident. the decision. The ruling was hniled iiued by the Institute 0/ Jewish About 10 members from Beta by leading Canadian newspapers Affairs of Die World Jcwlnh Condora model of imported chantilly and blue nallheads were scattered lace and nylon tulle over satin over the bodice of the gown, and ilpha chapter ZBT at Colorado The case involved an appeal by :res."!. The basque lace bodice was fash- she wore a pink hat and white -•ame down from Boulder with n member ol the sect of Jehovah's The newly-published appraisal, their dates to chter on the vicioned with a deep bertha collar of gloves. Both mothers wore sorWitnesses who was arrested in written by Dr. Wolf Dlattberg, distorious Buffs.' Among the CU Quebec scalloped lace. The sleeves were sages of pink orchids. for liistrlbullni: rclij:ious poses that with the discontinuation ZBT's were Marlon SomberR, long and pointed at the wrist* and A family dinner, a reception and (resident of BA from Omaha, and tracts published by the sect, with- if the Jasl-remolninrt Yiddish the tulle skirt was bouffant with out having first obtained a per- ewipaper in Itussla, Einikcit, in a wide panel of lace over satin in a dance were held at the Black- Hurt Dunevitz, secretary from mit. The court, in a five to four 018, Jewish writers hnvc comthe front and back, extending into stone Hotel following U'C cere- Jonvcr. decision, the appeal, al- ilciely disappeared. No word has mony. A party was held before the though it uphold a full-length train. did not abrogate the 20- cached the outside world of their Out-of-Town Guest* lomccoming dance in the ZDTyear-old Quebec statute. ate. Bridal Gown Odt-of-town guests were Mrs lasement for tile visiting chapter. Her haU-bonnct of lace scal- Elias Wclsberg, aunt of the bride." At the last minute, the ZBT lops was embroidered in Irridescent from Brooklyn, N. Y.; Mr. and loat Idea was changed to,' "Wclsequins and pearls and held a fin- Mrs. Maurice Glller, Mr. and Mrs :ome Alums—CU at the Cemcgertip veil of French illusion. She Dave Ciller and Mrs. M. Ciller, cry." It finished just out of the carried white orchids and stepha- all of Dallas, Tex.; Miss Jean oney—tlcdVor fourth place. The notis on a white satin prayer book: Israel of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr. louse decoration was, "Behead ' Mrs. 'George Eisenoerg, matron and Mrs. Harry Cohn and Miss he Buffs." There was a floatof honor for her sister, wore a bal- Alayne Kohn from Butler, Mo.; tuffing party Friday night lerina gown of royal blue velvet Mr. and Mrs. Sol Stinc of St. J o - Doran Jacobs has been nomiLots you bake and pale blue tulle. The strapless seph, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. David ated for treasurer of the AUF. bodice -was covered with a shoul- Romonek of Leavenworth, Kans,; He was, also in chanrge of the UGHTtn, nUffltR CAKE der drape of tulle and the Velvet Mr. and Mrs, Hurry Krasne and lubllclly for the homecoming . the way the experts do I skirt was fashioned in a redlngote Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Krasne. from style over the pink tulle skirt She Audubpn, la.; Mr. and Mrs, H e r ' Arley Bondarln again paced wore B hat of velvet flowers man' Katz, Mr, and Mrs. Charles the ZBT bowlers with a 555 setrimmed in rhinestoncs to match Sherman* Miss Hefene Sherman. ries, : as the ZBT's puthed into her gown and carried a crescent Mr. and Mrs. Jake Brejslow and first place i n the university bowibouquet of Rhubrum lilies. Mr. Elvln Brcslow of Lincoln, and ng competition in their league. Sol Rpclosky and Nell Miller The bridesmaids were Mrs. Dan Mr. and Mr*. WOUam Hafits aurl • Gordman, sister ol the groom; Mr. and Mrs, Mose Krasne from ave given a new scrnpbook to he chapter. The gift was given .'• .;'.'•.}': '.•.-. ;•' Mrs. Harold Novak, Miss Sally Fremont o the house as a present from Solomon, Miss Lucille. Nerenberg IATIC «AS For traveling, the bride chose B the class of '56. arid Miss Frances Locke, the latter, of Independence, Kan*. They wore black and white tweed suit, Sophie Tucker: "A well known gowns fashioned like the matron trimmed with black velvet, and •eonomfst says everyone should of honor's In burgandy and pink black accessories. 'Following a wedding trip to New ress to suit his taste. Latest retulle and carried like bouquets, of A mOCUCI OF 1HI HAMVrACTVml*^ O* nni Orleans, the couple will be at orts show that nudist colonies llU '/!:'' : ' ire on the increase." a Gordman was best: man. home In Omaha. Ushering were Ned Giventer, George Eisenbcrg, Lee Nerenberg, Manfred Keltsticn and William Nerenberg, brother of the bride.
Nerenberg-Richman Rites Solemnized a i Synagogue
d a n c e .
R Viy-Aim clothes druer
3,000th Anniversary Of Jerusalem , New York (WNS)—Jerusalem's 8,000th anniversary and founding as Israel's first capital by King David was observed here by New York Jewry at a celebration at Madison Square '.Garden which drew an ..lt< ndamx- of more than 20,000 people. Admission to the celebration was by purchase of State of Israel Bonds. Dr. Israel Goldstein, chairman of the Jerusalem Anniversary Committee, prerided at the ceremony which was highlighted by the presentation of a music-donee drama, City of the Ages, written by Maurice Samuel and starring Edward G. Robinson, Gary Grant and Jose Ferrer. At at special religious service held during the celebration, a priceless Torah, a gift from the people of Jerusalem, was presented to the Jewish people of New York. Made of damaged parchments salvaged from Nazi hands, the Torah was accepted on behalf of the New Yofk Jewish community by Rabbi Goldstein.
Von can perform a DOUBLE MITZYAH for the coming Chanukah holiday! We all are aware of the acute ihdrlage of food in Uriel. The problem of supplementing the food requirement! of our friends and relatives Is in Important one to us in Amerlca-bul did you Know there was also > toy shortije and vrhal is more wonderful than i toy 'To a child? SCRIP TO ISRAEL. THE FIRST SELFSELECTION SERVICE ORGANIZATION FSOVIDIHG KOSHER FOODS FOR THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, l i making Chanukah a double holiday for them. A Scrip to Israel gift certificate in $5 $10 515-525 denominations m d tp, j i v « your dear ones the higheit quality RATlOU-fBEI CLAT KOSHER FOODS i t the very lovresl prices plus e«cellent and courteous service through our streamlined American ityle supermarkets located throughout Israel. When your dear ones redeem the certificate you send, their children will receive TOrS ABSOLUTELY FflEE. Thai's the DOUBLE MIIZVAH in honor of festive Chanukah. FOOD AND TOYS. Send s Scrip In Israel j i l t certificate today) Local Ag.nt
Jtwlih Comnualty Center 10) N. 20th Sf. Jo m i
we GAS 1 Easy Paymenrs on Your Gas Bill
Friday, November I». 1SSS
Hadassah Tells Donor Fashion Show Chairmen Mrs. Philip Gcrclick and Mrs. Nntlian Noiti;, Omaha Chniitcr Hadassah M c c! i c n 1 Orogunlzation and Vocational Kclueation cliairmcn have named Mrs. Philip Fcldmun and Mrs. Robert BernEtcin chairmen, Mrs. Sam Wolf, fund-raising co-ordinator anil Mrs. David I'crlil, assistant clialrinui for the I:.raell Fa.shion Revue at the annual Hadn.s.sah HMO Donor nf/air tu be held at the Paxtoi Hotel Wednesday, Pec. I(i at I: p. m. The Israeli Fashion Show was literally bora out of the desert and the raml dune:!, the crowde< immigrant camps and the tourist resorts that is Israel today, 'i'lu garments arc a part of the young nation end its people. They represent Israel's fight for economic consolidation and self-sufficiency Hudusfiah, through its vocational education program in Israel, i helping to train the youth of Israel in new skills so that they can take their places In the country's economic front. 20 Glamorous Slylrs This fashion show is the work of students of the Alice L. Scligsberg Vocational High School, • school which Hadassah started and maintains and which HMO donors make possible. These garments will be flown here just in time for the annual Donor Affair. There will be more than 20 glamorous Israeli Fashions for women besides some outstanding creations for children, one of the highlights of the show. Medical Service Besides tho Vocational Education program thai Hndns.sah carries on In Israel, the Ilodassah Medical Organization is entering it's forty-second year of medical service in Israel. They operate health stations, medical centers, laboratories, hospitals, tho Hebrew University, Hadnssah Medical school and a ndrscs training school; a complete community health program which is non-sectarinn and in at nil times open to all the peoples of Israel. Hadassah Medical Organization and Vocational Education donors make all this possible. A gift of $100 fosters medical research in Israel. A gift of S500 will deliver twenty babies in a Hadajsah hospital in Israel under tho expert hands of Hadassali doctors and nurses.
F»»e five
Pioneer Women's Dinner Postponed The annual Child Rescue Fund Dinner of I'ionerr Women, scheduled for Dec. 13, lias been postponed until Sunday, Jan. 10, in- deference to the Israel Bond Dinner which IK liclng held Sunday night, Dec. 13, at the I!la< khtonc Hotel.
Reparations Equipment
I.ldja Franklin Miss Franklin is one of the stars who will be seen Sunday nlcht when the Acnes De Mllle Dance Theatre comes to Omaha. A npw company of 50, with orchestra, will present an unique repertory of scenes and dances to a background of music of Handel, Scarlatti, Beethoven and. Dclibes, among others, as well u sea chanties, Elizabethan and Troubadour sonm. The only Omaha performance will begin at 8:15 p, m. at Tech High Auditorium. Tickets are still available at Hospe Piano Company. Kirk Douglas: "A newspaper reported a certain well known man had no friends except his wife. In Hollywood that wouldn't be a bad showing." Shelley Winten: "The reason why gentlemen prefer blondes Is that blondes know what gentlemen prefer."
Jerusalem (JTA)—fieparallon goods to be obtained from Germany will help Israel modernize its railroads, Hnim ftnzily, director-general of tho Communications Ministry, said recently. Mr. Razily revealed that a five-year modernization plan calls for linking Jerusalem and Tel Aviv by modern, comfortable coach service on 105-minutc schedules; Haifa and Jerusalem on a three-hour schedule; and Tel Aviv and Haifa on a 75-minute run. The plan, which will adopt many proposals made by foreign railway experts, calls for replacement of present rolling stock by dlescl and electric cars. The government official declared that one of the purposes was to break the "strangle hold" of the bus co-operatives on passenger traffic among the major cities. He said that he believed that competition from the national railroads would force the co-operativea to improvo their service. Mr, Hazily estimated that Implementation of tho modernization program would eventually save trie country $800,000 . and 500,000 Israeli pounds,
Shown above arc Mrs. Mark Goodson and children Jill and Jonathan of New York City who came to Omaha to be present when Mrs. Goodson's mother, Mrs. I^ewls Ncvcleff, was honored' at ISeth Israel's "This Is Your I.lfe" presentation last Sunday nifht.
A Helping Hand
Israel Tobacco
Jerusalem (JTA)—ExperimentFor the ninth year, the Women's Division of the Omaha al plantings of American and Chamber of Commerce Is spon- Bhodesian tobaccos by three soring the Helping Hand Bene- young Jews from South Africa have yielded a considerable profit fit sale. It will be held from No. 30 for a small settlement, Kibbutz through Dec. 4 on the ground Tzorah, and have encouraged othfloor of tho Electric Building, ers.to take up tobacco growing in 7th and Harney ,from 8:30 Israel, it was reported here. a. m. to 5 p. m. The South Africans, still In their All articles offered for sale twenties, began growing Virginia arc made by Omaha's handi- and Rhodesian strains of tobacco capped and shut-in people, and two years ago and this year raised they receive the full price of all Items sold. Among the a 12 and one-half-ton crop on 800 articles will be hand-made acres, yielding a profit of 1,500 baby things, tea towels, aprons Israeli pounds. Some of the profit will be plowed back into the projand doll clothes. ect while the remainder will be used to repay the Israel GovernGeorge Burns: "They now say Joe E. Lewis: "He takes aspirin ment for a loan advanced for the that we will live IS years longer project from funds o b t a i n e d than our grandfathers, but they tablets to dear his head . . • a through the Israel bond drive i a don't say why." sort of vacuum cleaner." . the UnltedT States."
n a°t .'r.
Sanforized Fieldcrest Spreads
nmnuri miuini
Organizations Beth Israel Sisterhood The members of the board of the Both Israel Sisterhood will meet In the Synagogue's Club Room Tuesday, Nov. 24, at 12:49 p..m. Mrs. Isadorc Elowitz, president, will preside.
MARIONETTE In fan, green or blue, ea..
MONTEREY in brown, green, charcoal, furquoiie or terra cotta
DAYBREAK in yellow, charfreuio, turquoise, A A Q charcoal, red, dark groon or brown /•/0
RODEO in green, blue or mahogany
ZBT Mothers' Club The ZBX Mothes' club will hold a luncheon meeting at I p. m. Tuesday, Nov. 24, at the home of Mrs. Saul Sulvalsky, 183 Kcelino Drive, Council Bluffs.
Plans for Negev Jerusalem (JTA) — I s r a e l ' * Southern desert, the Ncgev, now a so-called dc.d region, may; yet become the more important half of the State, Dov Joseph, Israel Minister of Development, forecast recently. A' whole complex of industrial plants, designed to exploit the mineral resources of tho Negcv, is now in the blueprint stage awaiting Government approval after study by foreign experts, Mr. Joseph said. The project, he said, will involve the expenditure of 34,900,000 pounds, half of it in foreign currency, covered by reparations purchases.
T. I. Supper Club Saturday cvenliif; at 7 o'clock at t h e Highland Downtown Club is the first meeting of the season of the Temple Israel Supper Club. Lloyd Bank is chairman of the organization, and Mrs. Maurice L. Pepper is in charge of the entertainment for this meeting.
These amazing FIELDCREST woven spreads can't shrink out of size . . . just toss them into a washing machine, and they como out more attractive than ever. They're wrinkle resistant, and need practically, no ironing. These are the first woven cotton spreads to be sanforized! No more bare legged bedsiJio more skimpy turn over'at the top. Now you can have yearsimore service and beauty at no extra costl In both twin or full sizes! .MoH ami Phoiw Orders Welcome •
UMM-Fourth Hoor
/ *
Youth Council Doings Bjr Joan Krune
CwmcOettes A meeting will be held at the • center this Sunday at 1:00 p. m. After the meeting, there will be • Councilette rally tor all 7th and 8th graders. It will be held at 3:00 in Room 25. Refreshments will be served. Councilettes will attend cervices tonight at the Beth Israel Synagogue. After servlcei, a house p u r r will be held at the home' of Judy Glmple.
Royfe) The Hsylm Fraternity held their bi-monthly meeting last Sunday at the home of Jerry Ziegman. The club decided that they would have a fraternity pin. Ed Belzer, who designed the approved sample, was put In charge of the committee. Also on informative dls. cusslon on inter-faith relations h i p was held. Final preparations are being made on Rayim's Auction Party by party chairman Bob Goldstein. The group will particiapte in a fun-packed auction and will conclude the evening with dancing. We salute Rayim's fine bowling
teams! In the American Divi sion, a Rayim team now main tains the top position. One of th club's teams in Uie National Di vision has moved from the cella to the third place after winnin eleven straight games.
Titvas Ami T h e girls of Tikvas Ami hell iheir informal initiation of mem' bera last Saturday night at Jin home of Paula Block. A meeting will be held Sunday at 2:00 at Beth El Synagogue. Ex ecutives hold their meeting a 1:30.
D « M M D«bs Friday, Nov. 20, Debt are going to aervicc* at Beth El. Each member is t o take a gentile friend and afterwards there will be house party at the home of Jane Brodkey. On Dec. 6, all Debs and their families will attend a Hanukah party at the Jay. Don't forget the "Top Hat" Dee. 19 at the Jay. Candidate! for "Sir Topper" are Eddie Belzer, Harold Friedman, Larry Schwartz, Mid Hank Pollack. Tickets may be obtained from any Deb member.
Beth Israel News Y. C. Girls Bowling JVN1OK YOUTH CLUB The next tegular meeting of the Beth Israel Junior youth club will take place on Sunday evening, Nov. 22 between 6:30 and 8 p. m. Mr. Dave Dubin, photography instructor, will be on hand to help d u b members with their photography work. JUNIOR CONGREGATION Stanley Greenfield, Chairman of of the Junior Youth. Club, announced that the president of the Junior Congregation for the coming month will be Edwin Sldman. The Gabal Rishon for the month will be Bob Epstein. Other memb e n of the religious committee are Marvin Ruback, Gail Poliakoff. Madelyn Dolgoff, and Beverly Goldstein. Junior Congregation services are held every Saturday morning at 10 a. m. in the chapel. Junior Congregation meets at 8:30 a. m. on the Saturdays when Bar Mitzvahs are celebrated. GIKLS' AET8 AND CSAFTS' CLUB The girls' arts and crafts' club, tinder the direction of Mrs. Phillip Blum, arc working on a Chanukah project. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday evening, Nov. 29, at 6:30 p. m.
Temple Youth Will Meet Sun. Night The next meeting of the Temple Youth Group wilj be held at 7:30 p. m., Sunday evening at the home of Marlenc Swartz, 001 Hackberry Rd. Ellen Green berg and Suzic Lipp, co-chairmen of the group's program committee, have announced that the program will include a series of humorous skits selected from Bible stories, as well as a novel presentation on the coming Regional Temple Youth Conclave which will be held in St. Louis, Dec. 23-27. Also on the agenda is a business meeting to be presided over by Joan Abrahams, Youth Group president. Social dancing and refreshments Will' conclu-ie the evening's program.
USY News The last meeting of United Synagogue Youth was held on Nov. IS. At this meeting committee chairmen were announced. They are Program, Ilene Sachs; Ushering, Art Novak; House, Bill Cooper; Publicity, Nancy Friedlander, ami Publicatins, Gene DuBoff. There was also a cultural discussion, convention songs, Iireali dancing, and social dancing. There will be a special meeting for all those attending the convention .on Sunday, Nov. 23, at 7 p. m. at Sheldon Hips home.
Barbara Ruback and Phyllis Rosen led their Deb Neb team with series of 303 and 301 respectively as their team regained sole possession of first place in league play. T. C. Standings . JQebs Nebs ..._......„_ 12* Starlets , _ ~ » » ~ . 10 Gutter Gals ~, 10 Slick Chicks 10 Lucky. Strikes Mllcrdma ....... Scoreless Fourleu ...„-..__ Three Strikes ti a Spare .... All Strikes __.....-. Lucky Losers „„...„....... La Fa Ma Hi .„...._.....„ Alley Cats —~ «^....». Lane Lassies ,,.,..,. Bowling Belles .• III(h Five Games Barbara liuback, Debs Nebs, 178; Carole Frank, Starlets. 157; Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, 147,154; Elaine Janger, Slick Chicks, 145. Hieh Five Series Barbara Ruback. Debs Nebs, 303; Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, 301: Tevce Bernstein, 3 Strikes & a Sparc, 275; Carole Frank, Starlets, 268; Malice Katlcman, La Fa Ma Rl, 243. High Fire Averages Phyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs, 150: Barbara Joffe, Starlets, 138; Toby Okrent, Starlets, 128; Laurie Oruch, La Fa Ma Hi, 128; Judy Cohn, Debs Nebs, 126. Come now, and let us reason together, said the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.—(Isaiah I, 18.)
Ballroom Dancing The next muttint,' i.f the Social dancinf! ekisy will be held Thursday, Dec. 3, at 3:45 p. m. The revised program to be taught include fox trot, rhumba, jitterbug and South American dancca. The fee is $1.75 and must be paid on or before Tuesday. Dec. 1. Interested persons are lo contact Judy Cohn or the Youth Activities office of the JCC.
Bar & Bas Mitzvah Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kutler an nounce that their son, Stuart Wayne, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah this Friday evening and Saturday morning, in the Beth Israel Synagogue. In his honor his parents will receive members of the congregation.4el]owing the services. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend.
Friday, November 20, 183S
Happy Birthday Friday, Nov. 20 Maiiene Hoiienthal, Kva Sam Margaret Laury Schneider ai: Dorine Wine. Saturday, Nov. 21 Judith Susan Pitlor and Frank lin Alan Wintrouh. Sunday, Nov. 22 Judy Ann liroolujtcin an Hetty Lee Cackin. Monday, Nov. 23 Charlotte IJrodkey. Joseph Kng lander, Donald Leu i'orman, Mar tin Lee Kulakofsky, Judith An Polack and Susan Kay Solotoro." ky. Tuesday, Nov. 21 Mark Steven Abrnhamson, Sheila Lynn Goldsion, Barbara Rae Hcrmanson, Norman D a i Kurz and Thomas Alan Rubin. Wednesday, Nov. 25 Susan Leslie Chapmnn nnd I,euora Wolison. Thursday, Nov. 26 Richard Mnrk Abramson, Philip Edwin Barron, Charles David Plotkin and Fryda Szberak.
Truman to Receive Hebrew U. Award
Tlie JiOeond annual CouncIILiltle rally will be held Nov. 22 at 2:30 p. m. at the JCC. All girls in the 7th and 8th Unifies are invited. Chairmen of the rally are Shirley Noodell, Harriet Soskin, Carole Frank and Bettc Wolfson.
Jr. Sports Bowling L.irry Hobcrmnii bowled t h e highest game of this season in league ploy and that was a 100. There were Id youngsters bowling nines of 100 or more to top last Friday's play. The youngsters are eagerly awaiting next Friday's tournament, the 2nd Thanksgivng Tourney with a trophy to the IIRII girl and boy bowler.
W. h.
Alley Sluggers ,8 0 Cowling Bums. .„,...„ 3 U g h Hitters Lucky Ladles ..„; ""utter Boy« .» Strikes and Spares ...... Tough Turkeys ................. Alley Cnt« „„.; Nifty Hitters ,.._.......,.....„ Alley Hals ,.....,..„.,, rucky Duckys Icp Cats ..... i3owling Dolls „.,.., Eager Beavers ..,...,., utter Gerties U.....,,..,.,. Bowling Babes .... „. "100" Bowler* ,arry Hobcrmon .... .., udy Stevens „.„., ill Kntzinan .„. 'om Platt • .................... rlartin Snclder ...••• buck Wise .arry Garrop Till Gorcllck fnrtln Lipp ........... "elene Franklin ,Ilke Platt ..»..-..^.™ 104 111 Horwlch ...-108 nncy Richards 108 hcrna Schragcr „.....„««.... 108 ohn niekes , . 101 cnec Franklin _ ...,100
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Platt announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son Tommy, will be celebrated at the Beth El Synagogdo this FriNew York (WNS)—Hurry S. day evening, and Saturday morning. Friends and relatives'arc in- Truman lias been voted the Hebrew University Bublick Award vited to attend. for 1053, it was announced by Dr. Rabbi and Mrs. Mycr S. Krlpke George S. Wise, chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jeruannounce that their son, Saul Aaron, will celebrate hit Bar salem Institution and president of the American Friends of the HeMitzvah Friday evening and Saturday morning, Nov. 27 and 28, at brew University. Over one thousand leaders In Beth El Synagogue. In his honor, Rabbi and M n . Krikpe will re- government, business, science and ceive members of the congregation education, including the presidents and other-friends, following serv- ll some of America's foremost universities, as well as key figure's ices. From both major parties, will see Mr. Truman receive the award nt Study of Communities a dinner tendered by the AmcriNew York (JTA)—A compre- :an Friends of the Hebrew Unlhensive study of Jewish commu- rerslty on Thurrdny evening, Nov. nities in M countries was pub- "2, at the Hotel Waldorf Astoria. The Solomon . Bubllck Public lished by the World Jewish Congress here. The study, prepared by Service Award, which is granted in recognition of "outstanding pubDr. Isaac I. Schwarzbart, head of the WJC's organization depart- lic service to Israel, the Jewish ment, contains up-to-date Informa- >cople, and all mankind, "was tion on the history, structure and 'irst awarded in 194D to Prime haracter of Jewish communities Minister David Ben Gurlon of in the Western world, as well as 'srael, the only recipient to date. Patronize Our Advertisers. In such far-flung areas as Indolesia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Finland, 3ollvia nnd the Belgian Congo. The survey reveals that 75 pcr:cnt of the world's 11,000,000 Jews vo in three countries: the United tates, Soviet Russia and Israel. 'wo of these three major centers —the Jewries of the U. S. A. and if the State of I s r a e l — D r . PLAY: "THE SHRIKEkhwarzbart declares, form great :onstructive laboratories of JewPLACE: Community Playhouse shness, thus ensuring a continuaJon of the identity of the Jewish PRICE: $1.25 for Youth Council jcople. The third of the three ewish centers, Soviet Russia, is a Members Only ilaee where Jewlshness is being ompletely wiped out, according TIME: 3:30 P.M. Sunday, November 29, a Dr. Schwarzbart. The study also paints out Dial 1953 (Last Performance) mother 2,100,000 Jews, or about 9 percent of the Jewish people, DETAILS: Contact your club president ive in nine countries. The refor tickets, information, etc. lalning six percent of Jews arc scattered in nations throughout the world.
l i f e Ajean more "Thanicffgivlng Dinner? than ever before will be
Cooked Electrically
Eddie Cantor; "The fellow who f o e s through life looking for something soft will usually find it under his hat." Hedy Lamarr: "If a woman is good looking, higher education is unnecessary. If she isn't, it is inadequate."
Council-Little Rally
Yn, rfu utod !a bauuf tvtrywhtrt b lo dtm, —It, modem Btcctric Cooking. Vbra you bar Hut new rtngt lot year fan*, rtmeml**—it cotu no tnon to own tin BEST. SOMIOAV YOU'll COOK I l l C T I I C A l l Y - WHT NOT HOW?
Nebraska-Iowa Electrical Council
• C ' 1 H'\ r AJ-- . ? .J . '
Frldiy, November 20. 1953
America From the Outside
4:44 p. in. Candle lighting lime
By Icon Gulicrman
Gems of the Bible and Talmud By DR. PHILIP BIIEIi
Hollywood (JTA)—"How docs America look from the outside?" Bible I asked the famed C o l u m b i a A forward man sowcth strife, Broadcasting Sysli-m radio a n d and a whisperer separath intimate television commentator Edward R, friends. Murrbw upon his return from A man of violence entlceth his Berlin. Murrow quickly supplied t h e neighbor, and leadeth him into a answer by riving us significant way that is not good. analyses by four of tlio network's An evil-doer glveth heed to foremost European correspondents: wicked lips, and a liar glveth ear Not Trying to a mischicvioug tongue. 'There used to be a feeling of Talmud rebellion against America because Rabbi Joseph once became ill of American leadership," accord- and fell into a trance. On awakenIng to Howard K. Smith, Chief ing, he was ask'ed by his father European Correspondent for CBS. what ho had seen while in this "Now the tendency is to rebel In apparently lifeless state, and he f a v o r of American leadership. answered: "I saw the world reMost people feel rather poorly of versed; the people who were us right now, not that we're dom- below here were above there." inating them, but that we're not "May son," said His father, "thou even trying to lead them. In Great hast seen a rightly conducted Britain they feel that we should world. But how do we scholars have had some more concrete and appear there?" "Just as we are conceptive a p p r o a c h to the esteemed here, so arc we esteemed Churchill proposal of a Big Four thre," answered Rabbi Joseph. meeting. The strong reaction is We are taught in the Mishnah— that we didn't have any ideas, These are the things of which a but we didn't like theirs." man enjoys the interest for his ' Benevolent Giant Says R i c h a r d Hottelet, CBS reward in this world, while the BETHEL in Germany: "In principal remalneth for the world Services will begin this evening Correspondent the average German's mind the U. to come: Honoring one's father and at 8:15 o'clock. Rabbi Mycr S S. appears as a benevolent giant. mother, pracUctlng loving kindKripke will deliver the sermon. Germany has no deteriorating col- ness, making peace between man Cantor Aaron- I. Edgar: and the onial empire; it's not involved and man, and, above all, studying , Beth El Choir will render the mus- with the U, N.; it's not involved in of the Torah.; ical portions of the service. Korea directly; it Is preoccupied We ere taught that Rabbi GaSabbath morning services will with its own problems, and in maliel, the Great, said: '.'What is begin at 9:45 a. m. Mincha-Mnarlv their solution it has enormous sup- meant by the passage (Deut. Services will begin at.4:45 p. m. port, materially and politically, 13:18), 'And He will grant thca Dally Minyan Is held on each from the United States. The Ger- mercy, and will have mercy upon week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p, m. man probably has more to thank thec' It means to imply that whoSunday morning service is at 0 the U. S. for In the lait six or ever has mercy upon creatures a. m. with breakfast served Im- seven years than any other West- will be granted mercy from Heavm e d i a t e 1 y following. Following ern European nation." en; but whoever has not mercy breakfast. Rabbi Kripke will lead Two Mountain* upon creatures will not be granted a study period for adults on the Alex Kendrlck, CBS correspon- mercy from Heaven." Torah portion for the week, with dent in Austria, explained it this traditional rabbinic commentary. way: 'The Austrians see the pres. The boys of pre-Bar Mltzvah and ent situation as two mountains, post-Bar Mltzvah ago will meet the American mountain standing with Mr. Katz for a study period there in its Icy grandeur and the Tel Aviv (JTA)—Construction Russian mountain thawing out. In cnntillation and other skills. The American policy Is, to a con- of a home for Premier David Ben Gurion find his family within the siderable extent, misunderstood, not wholly appreciated. The Rus- settlement of Sdeh Bokcr in the Temple Israel rlana have acted, then wo have Negev was begun recently. reacted. And now although It apThe four-room house will be At the regular Sabbath services pears that the Russian policy leads constructed of prefabricated wood Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Rabbi toward relaxing tension, the result panels produced in Sweden. His Sidney II. ISrookc will review the Is that our policy is unclear. We famous library will be housed in second volume of Ilnfobi Solomon find ourselves in a position where a nearby archaeological laboraB. Frechof'r, book on REFORM we cannot estimate with any ac- tory. The Sdch Boker kibbutz met JEWISH PRACTICE. T h i s re- curacy what the Russians arc go- and officially accepted the Preview will be the basis of an In- ing to do, and therefore* the Euro- mier as a member so that he formal discussion of the current peans cannot estimate what wo could live in the settlement. Reform Jewish practice nnd be- are going to do." liefs, which discussion will follow the services. Mrs. Milton n. Abrahams will Unique Torah recite the blessing over the SabJerusalem (JTA)—A u n i q u e bath lights; Mr, Donald Brodkey Torah, made of 45 parts of other TV & Radio Service Will recite the Klddush and Mr. Scrolb rescued from the Nazis, Mlllard Krasno and Mr. Lnzar was presented to Chief R a b b i SOL & ROSELLE LIBOWSKI Kaplan will be called to the read- Isaac Herzog at a ceremony on ing of the Torah. Mt. Zlon. The Chief Rabbi reRegular Shabbos morning serv- ceived it prjor to its being Ecnt BONDED & INSURED ices will bo held Saturdny morn- to New. York to be placed on exFOR YOUR PROTECTION Ing at 11:30 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks hibition at the Madison Square will conduct these services, and Garden meeting October 20, which 1705 CUMING Klddush for all present will fol- will mark New York Jewry's celelow the services. bration of Ihee 3,000th anniversary JA 6855 of the city of Jerusalem. Samuel Coldwyn: "Ulcers are (aid to be the occupational disease of moVic directors. I wonder what affliction is reserved for the movie producers." BLTH I.SUAIX Hnbbi Iienj;nnin Groncr, Cantor Eli Kngan, ami the Uelli Israel Synafjofjue choir will conduct lute Friday evening services tonight at 8 p. m. Sabbath muniiuc services at Beth Israel ;it B:30 a. m. and 9 a. m. at lUtli and Hurt. Junior Services at 0:30 a. in. in the chapel Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Saturday afternoon Tamud class at 4 p. m. Saturday Mincha will start at 4:30 p. m. and will be followed by Sholosh S'cudos and Maariv. Dally morning services bejjin at 8 a. m. at Beth Israel and at 6:30 a. m. at 10th and Durt. Daily afternoon services begin at 4:45 p. m Friday afternoon at 4:30 p. m. Sunday morning breakfast mlnyan meets at 8:45 a. m. and is followed by Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion Class. The yougstcrs of the Tails and Tcffllln Club begin their services at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is served at the conclusion of their services. '
Ben Gttrion Home
Solicitor General To Be Appointed
Washington (JTA) — The apTHANKSGIVING PARTY. The pointment of Chief Judge Simon Council of Jewish Women invites you, male as well as female, to atE. Sobeloff of the Maryland Court tend their Thanksgiving Party at of Appeals as the United States The Doctor Philip Sher Jewish Solicitor General was indicated Homo for the Aged, Tuesday e v e here this week-end. T h e an- ning, Nov. 24, at 7:30 p. m. ' nouncement of his appointment is TEA-DANCE. The Management of The Dr. Philip Sher Jewish expected shortly. Home for the Aged invites The The Solicitor General's duties include representing the govern- Jewish Community to a Tea-Dance in honor of The Residents: of The ment in cases before the U. S. Supreme Court to which the gov- Home. Time: 2-4 p. m. Yahrzelt. S p e c i a l memorial ernment is n party, authorization of the intervention by the govern- services will be held in The Home ment in cases involving Constitu- Synagogue for Mr. Harry Dwortional questions or matters of Fed- sky, Kislev IB, November 28. eral law, authorizes appeals by the government from decisions in Say not thou, What is the cause lower Federal courts to higher that the former days were better courts including the S u p r e m e than these? for thou dost not e n Court — in such matters his decision is final. In legal circles, the quire wisely concerning this.-* position is considered the most (Eccl. 7:10.) important legal job in the government. I will strengthen them in the Lord; and they shall walk up and Judge Sobeloff was brought to down in His name.—(Zcch. 10:12.) this country as a child in 1803 by his parents who emigrated from Russia. During his long legal c a reer he has acted as City Solicitor for Baltimore, United States Atr, uoo is umn vm w»nt A* torney for Maryland and last year a H n I nAT U i PKM. was appointed to bead Maryland's corunt n l a la so eeou lot t u n bundon. . Tlw P u rManrtt ita* rlgbt u unit highest court by Gov,.', Theodore M M on racbnadwummw. McKeldin, becoming the .first Jew to hold so high a post in Maryland. He is a director of the A s - Chonukah Cords ami Chomtaii gift wrapping paper. sociated Jewish Charities qf Baltimore. ..'.'•.• : •'•"•.'.• • ' .; ; BAB and bat Mitzvab congratulations; also for all Jewish holidays and special occasion*. Duke of Edinburgh Meyers News Stand. 1602 Dodge. London (JTA)—A model of Noah's Ark carved from an olive CHANAKAH i s Dec. 1. tree planted in the King George PLACE your order now for his or her fnvarite magazine. Gift V Forest in Israel, and a book cards furnished. Take advantage commemorating the planting of of the special offers that are i n a Queen Elizabeth II Forest in effect this month. Israol by the Jews of the British Commonwealth, were presented MKS. S. J. HORWICH, WA 395? recently to the Duke of Edinburgh BABY SITTER at a dinner attended by leading Reliable woman for baby sitting, British Jews, the Mayor of London day or evening. Call JA 6604. and other British leaders. WANTED—Ride to St. Louis, Mo., over the Thanksgiving holidays. Billy Rose: "In China, the definitation of a bigamist is a man Will share expenses. Call Miss who loves not wisely but too Besscr. Office. AT 1450; Home, well." WE 0888.
Want Ads
Center Piano Studio at the Jewish Community Center
101 No. 20th Street Under the direction of Prof. Hani BAER Modern Technique* Are Died Pupil's Recitals to Be Presented
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AT 0340
Midget Teams Are Chosen: Action Starts on Nov. 29
B'nai B'rith Bowling B E Bowling "A" Division W. L. BUrkhard-GereUck Ford 28 5 Crowtown TV 19 , 14 Nebraska Fum. Mart. _ 1 8 IS 11-Worth GriU ....17 18 Vm Florist .....VI It Pepsi Cola ,....,17 18 Qrace Mayer 16 1 Hinky-Dlnky ....................18 17 Belroont Jewelry 14 18 Milder Oil Co, 14 19 Greenberg Ins. 12 21 Morris Paint 10 23 High Games Gent Cooper 203—545; Frank Broksteln, 514; Jack Schrager, 224; Dick Hoberman, 201—S1L. Tournament Winners Jade Belmont, Gene Cooper, Dick Hoberman, Leonard Goldstein, Frank Brookstein, Herb Meiches, Norman Abrabaroson, and Leo Abramson.
JKWUB rccsa
Jay Bowlers An Invitation Of the Montli Y.C. Girl Bowler of the Mont: Phyllis Rosen Phyllis Rosen, 0 17-ycar-ol senior at Central high, has bee selected as Uie Y.C. girl bowlei of the month for October. She ha: shown constant improvement an is at the top of the league 1 average with n 150. Her hli;hes game this season is 175, and hci 2-game highest series is 341. Las1 year Phyllis won the award during the month of November. Shi is a member- of the Debs Neb: team, and her team is current! sharing first place. Fhyll's mail interest in the game is the to reason for her high bowling. O her 15th birthday, she rcccivet a bowling ball as a present. F01 her fine record she wil receive medal from the Youth Council Athletic department.
AJl boy:, and girls in the 4, 5, G, 7, mid Bth grades are invited tc attend a giant fun party at tin Jewish Community Center Friday, Nov. 27, the day after Thanksgiving. Since there is no school, there will be a huge movie session featuring a Charlie Chapin film, a Mighty Mouse and 1 Woody Woodpecker cartoon, etc, After the movie, the youngsters will enjoy a large spash party in the Center poo. Sherm Poska, swim director, announces that there will be games, pajama races and other interesting pool game: Remember the date—Friday, after Thanksgiving, 1:30 p. m., in the Jewish Community Center Auditorium for the movie and then into the Jay pool for the swim party. IT'S A'LL FREE. Just bring your swim suit.
In 3 years of midget basketball competition, the league has developer! with more players und more teams. In 1051, thcru were 33 boys on 4 teams. In 1052, there were 00 boys on 6 teams. This teason 75 boys will participate in league competition. Theie 'will be two separate league:., one for the 5th and Gth graders and one for the 7 and flth^graders. This Sunday will be the last week of practice. It also is the first time the teams will practice together in order to ready for preseason play which opens Sunday, Nov. 29. The 5 and Oth graders will practice at 2 p. m, while at the same time the 7 and 8th graders will have a blackboard ix'usi and elect captains for the coming season. The 7 and Oth graders will have team practice at 3 p. m. The coaching faculty, consisting of Llmly I'uul, Dan Epstein, Morrie Hamllcman and Steve Lustgarlen, nre extremely proud of the spirit and desire to play shown by the boys. This looks like a banner year for the "Midgets" with some fine players in the process of developing. Here are tho teams: 5th aud 6th Grade Team 1 Larry Kohn -• Mike Markovilz Al Newbcrg Martin Sneider Edwin Sidman Justin Ban Gene Dandy Howard ChudacofI Mike Sadofsky Steve Kutlcr Team 2 Alan Konecky Bob Nogg John Rlekcs • MlkcSabes Jerry Ciplnko Bud Herzog • Martin Meyers Mike Green Don Fiedler Harold Forbc3 Team 3 Don Forman
Keva Joel Davn Sam lileichcr Jerry Golstrom Doug Platt Howaid Stoler Kurl Leufscheutz Steve Gould Ed Levey Team 4 Lauren Wasscrman Bill Horwich Dick Zacharla Hob Glnsburg Marvin Ruback Louis Rich Dick Kaslow Bob Lohrman Jeff Wohlner Jerry Hecger 7th and 81b Team 1 Irvln Bclzcr Stuart Kutlcr Phil Bally Alan Cutler Bruce Bloom Mike Platt Bob Fcllman Dan H«1IU Team 2 Mike Pcrsell Justin Ravitr Arnold Ban Tom Platt Bernard Bloom Jerry Schwartz Bob Shapiro Walter Wise " Team 3 Ed Schelder Nelson Gordman Stan Greenfield Ronald Simons Clark Swartz Sid Pessen . Tom KuUy Frank Goldberg Team 4 Howard Welnbcrg Jerry Sherman Chuck Wise Jeff Swartz Bob Epstein Steve Scglln Harold Kaiman Bruce Goldstein
Kellers "B" Division Learue Blandinfs W. L. Bennett Furniture M 14 Louis Market. ..._..19 14 FREE FREE FREE H. A. WoU 18 IS Y.C. Boy Bowler of the Month MOVIES — Charlie Chaplin, Robinson Iron & Metal..l7Vi 15 H Howard Kooper Mighty Mouse, Woody WoodSo. Omaha Sun _.._..17 18 Howie Kooper, a 14-year-old pecker and others. Slosburg Bcalty 17 18 freshman at Central high, has SWIM PARTY—Games, races Watson Bros. Van Lines 16 17 been selected as Youth Council and other events. Magi-Color Paint » 15 16 Bring your bathing suits. Mid Plalne Insurance ....ISM 19% Bowler of the Month for Octo ber. Howard is a member of the Simons Jewelry 18 20 All boys and girls in the 4tb, KZA. 100 Centurymen team and 5th, 6th, 7lh and 8th grades .The first tournament of the sea- tops his Natlona Division inlwwlare Invited. son was a huge success. Using irig with an average of 155. HowJewish Community Center their handicaps, the winners fin- ard Is a consistent bowler, and 1:30 p. m. ished in the following order: his like for the sport are his main Abe Schloff, 135; Al Altman, assets in becoming a fine bowl- Friday, Nov. 27, after Thanksgiving. •11; H. Abramson, 607; Joe Bel- er. His team is currently in secmont, SS8; H. Chapman, 597; Hy ond place due to his terrific pace. Lewl«, 5B4- Dave Smith, 584. His 228 g a m e is the highest - Harold Abramson paced Ben- bowled in the. Y.C. league to this nett Furniture with a 167—477 date, and his 551 series is three scratch, high. Individual series for pns below Bob Epsteins who has the evening, to take two from a 554. For his fine work in the Louis Market tying these two bowling aleys Howie has become teams for first place. Joe Bel- the first recipient of the Y.C. boy In last Wednesday's Younth mont rolled 190—462, high In- bowler of the month medal. Council B league b a s k e t b a l l dividual game for the evening, but games, the B and C teams of it wasn't enough to keep Watson Rayim defeated AZA IB and AZA Sport Bowler of the Month Bros, from dropping two. Mld100B very easily. Displaying all Jerry Schwartz Flalns and Robinson Iron & Metal around ability, the Rayim squads This 12-year-old 7th grader, will meet next Wednesday to desplit tbc first game; but Robinson went on to win the other two with the bright red hair and gen- termine the winner of the pro-seahandily. High team grime for the erous smile, was selected as Oc- son league. evening goes to H. A. Wolf Insur- tober bowler of the month. JerThe Rayim 13 team showed all ance and high team series of 2,040 ry st.irU'd bowing last year in around strength in Inflicting o to So. Omaha Sun. H. A. Wolf the Junior sports bowling league, 39-14 defeat AZA 100H. Art iad an average iif 25, and finholds the second spot undisputcd- "hed Init year with an average Novak toppedover his teams rxorinR Kutlcrs Klowns arc on lop of The Omaha V. Collegians, led Jy while Robinson Iron & Metal •I 70. Now he is carrying around with 13 points and received scor- he prc-season league oftcr two by the dead-eye shooting of Jack advances to third place. Slosburg a 95 after starting in the 70's. ing help from Mike Ban and Larry lames In Varsity league piny. They Sliss, defeated the best of Lusty's, Realty and So. Omaha Sun are Jerry ha? perfect attendance in Lincoln, who made 12 and 10 points tied for fourth place and the re- all of his bowling sessions. He respectively. Holding an 18-7 half- were led by Irv "Bucket*;" Yaffe 43-34. Lusty's held the load sevwho swished through for 27 points eral times in the first three quarmainder of thci league continues is an outstanding swimmer and time lead, the Rayim boys found as Kutlers Instilled the Initial deto be tight with a winner for the is in the Midget Basketball range with sophomore Mike feat on Star Auto, 54-52. The game ters but were unable to find the first half of this season to be League. He folows his brother, the Ban making his 12 points In the was close all the way with Star shooting range. Stiss had 26 points Crowned at the end of the next Larry, president of the Youth second half. Bob Epstein, freshman Auto Parts ahead In the first half. and received 5-polnt aid from Bart five weeks. Council and also a fine athlete guard, had 8 points to lead the However, Yatfe, Jake Adler and Rochmnn and Lcroy Katz. Al V 40-Bowl—Tournament Besults For his achievement, Jerry will 100B team in scoring. Ben Kutler combined efforts with Brown had 10 points for Lusty's. be awarded a medal from the Jay Major Classic timely scoring to clinch the win. The squads will get a week rest Athletic department for his fine High scoring Rayim C, with Nate Marcus, 77—<I8O; Ben Blatt, Poska was top man for due to Thanksgiving and will open every team member hitting the Sherm 73—648; Mick Kaplan, 98—«48: bowling. Auto as his torrid shooting r e g u l a r season play Thursday, scoring column. Wasted the AZA Star Larry Plaltncr, 65—846; Sam •ept his team In the game. He fin- Dec. 3. IB team, 53-15, The six-man squad ished with Katjmaft, 6S—635: Joe Izack, 07— 21 points. Al Clayman Thursday, Dec. 3 of Jerry Kohll, BUI Cooper, Sam was 635, held to one basket and 0 free 7:15 p. m.—Lusty's vs. Kutlcr*. Shukert, Ben Rubin, Dave Hcr- throws Minor Classic by Dave Fogel, Kutler's zoj? and Jack Baker all played fine 8:15 p. m.—Collegians vs. Star Paul Wolk, I13-67S; Bob Bemball. This appears to be the tough- center. Auto. Bteta, 100—«57; Al Flelschman, est team In the B league. Dave Fred Simon and Ray Kirkc had 65—655; Abe Baum, 69—631; Jay the individual high scries last Sun- Widman and Stan Kalman each Stoller, 111—£09. High Series and Games—Major day in their respective leagues. had 7 points' to top the Mother Somberg's Free Throw Bears Independents 22-21 in the American chapter scoring. Singer, 214; M. Kaplan, 213— Fred, bowling A.Z.A.1A Wins Easily Over A.Z.A100 hit a 192—546 scries 550; Rips. 201; Blatt, 221—575; division, while Ray threw a 183—487 scries. , Isack, 200-219—368; Tony Cohn, One of the closest basketball Kohn, soph forward, had 4 points National Division 2210—550; Swartz, 213—550: MarSanies in recent years was played to top Rnyim scoring while Speedy W. L. cus, 229-210—583- Plattner. 217— Stuart Kutler apparently hasn't last Tuesday night in tho pre-sea- Zwclbaek had J) points to lead AZA No. 1 Glams .......... UV, 5% 581^ Paul Steinberg 205. son finale of the Youth Council Independents. High S:ri« and Games—Minor AZA No. 100 C'ymen .... 14% OMi been too bothered by his many long hours of preparation for his league as the Rayim Tloughriders AZA 1A, after suffering two 8 Bob Bernstein, 225—557: Paul AZA No. 1 Bcosors ...... 13 Bar Mltzvah Friday night because Klgcd out a tough Independent 13 Wolk, 213-208—562; Al Fleich- Ind. Sleepers he was in his usual excellent form team, 22-21. With three seconds close defeats nt the hands of Itnylm Rayim SOS 12 9 man, 203-223—590. last Sunday at the Music Box. •emalning to play, Ray Somberg A and Independents, went on a AZA No. 1 Bluffers 10 11 rampage against AZA 100A and He rolled the high scries for the Rayim "H" 8 13 as fouled. He missed his first won 08-23. Every member of tluj BB Ladita Bowling day with games of 159 and 151 •harity Rayim Scrcwbowls 4 17 throw but connected with Mother chapter team pitched in W. L for a 310 series. AZA No. 1 No Names .... 4 17 Is second to break up the tie. Country Club Grocery .22 11 Mike Platt fired the hlph game loth teams were cold In their to score as Stan Widman flnkhcd Illfhs National Tire J9 14 if the day which was a 1C0, Ray Kirke 183—487 ;hooting and the Independents high with 22 points. Howie Kooper Phillips Ocpt. Store 10 14 Judy Cohen. v/as high in the lad an 11-8 half-time margin. played a fine game for the CenWillard Plotkln ...„ 193—485 H. and S. Shoes .„ 19 14 ;irls' division with games of 122 Howard Kooper 168—174 Wne of the Rayim boya shared turymen 33 ho made 7 polots. Shukertt ia 15 Art Schwartz _ 164—451 ind 104 for a 220 series. in the scoring as playing coach Mother chapter had too much Lyns Florist 18 15 Ilijh Games and SerlM John Goldncr 173—450 Ed Belzer cubbed frequently to height and experience for their 11-Worth Grill 17 10 Games Series find the right combination. Gene American Division Hamilton Pharmacy 17 10 fora, but tho lads from AZA 100 Stuart Kutler 159 151—310 W. L. Mike Plait Kish Furs ..lOVj 1O',<are rapidly im proving and will In 100 120—289 Itayim Mesl Sew Grczi 17 4 Qm.ihn Jobbing 10 17 future games give their opponents Terry Sherman 143 132—275 Ind EI50 17 4 Colony Club IS IB Billy Katzman 138 110—254 B'nai B'ririi Mixed some close camca. AZA No. 100 "A" 13 Mystic Ik'.-mty Shop 15 18 8 Mike Fedman 125 124—219 Wolf lirothcrs H',_ i«Vi AZA No. 1 Gutter G. 10 11 Chuck Wise 125 119—244 Doubles Tournament AZA 100 Gutter Gangs 9 12 Hadassah Bowling Angles ri'tauty Shop 14 19 Eddie Wintroub .... 141 100—241 Rajim X's 9 12 Doui'l»s J.welry 13 20 About 50 couples participated •om Platt 133 107—240 h. 13 Smith I'onsi.ic . ..H 22 Rayim "K" 8 w, 3ernic Grossman 118 116—234 j In the -4th B'nai B'rith Mixed Nong Bros 12 0 Mich Scrlrs AZA No. 1 Zorcbs 77',i 13'/; Mickey Sacks Doubles Tournament at the 40 1222 111—233 Smith Pontiac „... 11 7 Liberty Falcr, 4'J3; Ror;e Oruch, AZA No. 1 We Goofed 7V4 13'A ludy Cohen Bowl last Saturday n i g h t , 122 104—220 , „ 0 7 14 0 454. Rayim M-Jabs which was sponsored by the Millie Wine Maureen Zeviiz. .... 115 109—224 Edwards „, 0 0 Hieli Games lllehs 1954 Tournament Committee. avid Wintroub .... 113 110—223 0 0 Liberty Faire, 180; Hoie Oruch Fred Simon Tho following couple3 came out IJrandels Klecrchrorne 192—540 Standings 178. Brandeis Easy Washer „ „ 0 9 victors: Bob Epstein 192—511 Nebraska Furn. Mart .... 11 1 11 Spilt.-,RCA Victor „ . 7 Jerry Ziegman 190—511 P. Skaggs 10 2 1st Place Coupe, Evelyn 0 12 Ruth Kraft; 5-8-10; ness Wcln- Ed Belzer 1G5—457 Industrial Chemical Co. 7 5 Tcmin and Paul Wolk, 1,100; Met* Beer llich Series bcrg, 4-5-7; Ro'e G.irrop, 3-7. Gamble Robinson Fruit C',4 5V4 2nd Place Couple, Ruth Kraft Pearl Gross, 455; Evelyn Hobcr» George Jewel: "I know good Wolfson Gcrber Auto .... 5'A C'.-i and Nate Kraft, 1,171; 3rd Edward G. Robinson: "A man looks aren't everything, so I tried ilorrls Paint ....„ 57 Place Couple, Dora Wclnbcrg man, 428; Addle Sneider, 427; Ann: who marries should save a little io get myself interested in a girl \mer. Lumber & Supply 5 7 and Sam Katzman, 1,170; 4th Schulman, 423; Min Frank, 410; &>-. money first, because a/tor mar- with brains. But there's nothing Jaypers 4 8 Place Couple, Reva Singer and thcr J.Jarcus, 407; Audrey Klruhen- ! baum, 402; Flora Bloom, 401, ancVi riage he will have to make a little ike' sitting in a room waiting for 'layand Park 3 D Lou Singer, 1,100. Dlano Rubin, 400. jBioney last." a girl to cross ber brains." 1-Worth Grill 3 9
Rayim's B and C Teams Win Again
Kutlers Nip Star Auto,54-52; Stiss Paces Collegians, 43-34
Y. C. Bowling
Jr. B. B. Bowling