Enured u B«con<l-CUin Milter at I'm e, Omftba, Nebraska, under Act of U?w,
Livingston Heads Board Of Childrens Hospital Milton Livingston, president of Major Appliance Company, was elected president of the Hoard of Trustees of Children's Memoria' Hospital for 1904, it was announced by the Hoard of Trustees Active Leader Mr. Livingston has been an active leader In communal uffairu tor many years. His activities include: past vice-president of Omaha Community Chest, pact president of the Federation for Jewish Service, chairman of the Finance Committee of the Omaha Library Boanl, vice-president of tho lioard Of Directors of Temple Israel and chairman of tho lluildlm; Committee, co-chalnnan of National Conference of Christians and Jews, sponsors of Brotherhood Week; member of the Executive lioard of the Omaha Centennial, Committee of "52, and Chamber of Commerce, and past president of the High land Country Club. Flnt Board ' Mr. Livingston's Interest in Children'* Memorial Hospital dates back to 1943, when he wax elected a member of the first Board of Trusteci. He served for six years and was re-elected to tho board In 1051. ' Upon being advised of bis election, Mr. Livingston said: "It In an honor and sacred trust, I (hall endeavor to accomplish the purposes for which this hospital has tiech dedicated. With tho help or our energetic Board of Trustees, capable medical staff and personnel, and of our many fine friends from all over this mldweslern area, Childrens' Memorial Hospital will continue to serve the needs of all tick, injured and handicapped children." Mr. Livingston, a native of Omaha, founded the Major Appliance Company 30 years ago and now heads the firm. Other officers elected are: Mrs. Dan W. Campbell, first vicc-preiiident; William A. Sawtcll, second vice-president; Edward Shafton, secretary; Itlchard Mullory, treasurer, and Daniel Moncn, assistant treasurer. Trustees who were reelected are: Harry Coffee, Mrs. 'George Fraser, Morris Jacobs, Klchard Mallory, Mrs. W. W. Wcnatrand. Mrs. Sanford D. Cousins, Mrs. Ben Cowdrcy, Mrs. John D. Dieting, Wlllard Hosford, Ralph :%. Klpllngep-and Raymond Young.
Ebait Asks Council To Dismiss Charge UnlUfl Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — The Arab and Israeli spokesmen at the United Nations presented their points of view on the Syrian complaint oaglnat Israel's hydroelectric project at Bnot Yaacov in a verbal duel before the Security Council this week as the Council r e s u m e d consideration of the • question. Ambassador Abba Eban nf Israel urged the .-Council to dismiss the Syrian complaint and thus (endorse the principle of .-;odnl and economic progress underlying the Israeli works. Mr. Ebun stressed • that the project "touches the very essence of Israel's political freedom and economic Independence." He insisted that the works prejudiced no Interests — International, national, regional or private—and tHat to no state other than Israel Is the matter of the "came vital Interest or concern." Dr. Charles Malik of The Lebanon, solo Arab representative on the Council, demanded that the Council not permit Israel to rcBumo Its work In the demilitarized zone between Israel nml Syria until it reaches nn agreement with the Arab state. He insisted'that by working In the demilitarized zone Israel violated the IsraclSyrlnn armistice pact. The Lebanese delegate took the position that the ultimate territorial »atus of the demilitarized zone, hnd not yet been decided. The Israeli project oiitnbllshcrj a de fncto situation which prejudices tho Issue In favor of one of the two parties concerned, lie maintained.
Milton Livingston
Bicj Three To Censure State of Israel United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— A draft resolution condemning the "retaliatory action at Klbya taken by armed forces of Israel" was submitted to the Security Council this week by Britain, France and the UniU-d States and immediately became subject of heated debute. The draft expressed "the strongest censure of that action which can only prejudice the chance;: of u peaceful settlement which both parties in accordance with the Charter arc bound to seek." He called upon Israel "to take effective measures to prevent all such actions in the future." The • proposed resolution also note that "there is substantial evidence of crossing of the demarcation line by unauthorized persons often resulting, in acts of violence, and requests the Government of Jordan to continue and strengthen the measures which they are already taking to prevent such crossing." It also reminded both Israel and Jordan of their obligations to prevent all acts of violence on either side of the demarcation line and called on both governments "to ensure the effective cooperation of local security forces." ••. Tho resolution called on both parties to "abide by their obligations under the general armistice agreement and the resolutions of the Security Council" and pointed out that this is essential " in order* to nchievc progress by peaceful means towards a lasting settlement of the issues outstanding between them," It told both to co-r operate fully wKh'thc UN truce supervisor and requested him to report back to the Council within three months- "with such recommendations as ho may consider appropriate on compliance with and enforcement of the general arml:;tfco agreement*, with particular reference to the provisions of this resolution."
B'naiB'rfthtoHold Membership Rally
The lodges of TVnnl B'rith will spark their dty-wlde membership drive with a "Lox and Bagel Breakfast Rally" this S u n d a y morning tit 9:30 a. m., In the Tjcavcnworth Grill, Harry Welnl>erg, membership chairman, announced. L o d i'. e membership chairmen, Chrnle.-i Lieb of Henry Monsky, Gnrold Rosen of Ciirnliuskcr and O:;car Diamond of Nebraska, extend invitation:! to all B'nai B'rith members to attend [he morning session. Help keep your voice heard In local, national and world affairs l>y keeping B'nui B'rith membcrihlp strong, Mr. Wclnberg emphaiized ' '
{•ublulinl i w r tM r. 101 N. 20th,8lngIt Corar 10 Wnt» Omahl, Mebrukm, Phone AT UtiU Annual lute • DoUatt
jn3fj '6
Revision of Resolution Cleveland (JTA)—Speaking for BOO Jewish communities in the United States, the General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations arid Welfare Funds, at its session here, adopted a resolution expressing "grave concern" over the joint resolution presented by the U.S., Britain and France to the U.N. Security Council censuring Israel for the Kibya incident. "We urge our government to use its influence and prestige through the United Nations and through diplomatic channels to endeavor to bring about such a revision of tho resolution in question, and to call upon the governments directly concerned to negotiate a settlement of their differences and a permanent peace," the CJFWF General Asembly requested. Tho CJFWF pointed out that the proposed three-power resolution rcgretably falls to recognize that the fundamental cause of these Unfortunate developments; which have taken innocent lives on both tides of the frontier,: lies in', the' failure of the free world to restore'peace to the area, That restoration it crucial to the maintenance of peace in the entire world. •'• "In keeping with the objectives of the existing armistice agreements • Israel has continuously proposed direct negotiations with the other' signatories as the be it means to achieve peace. These overtures have been persistently rebuffed. We believe tho goal of peace would be best served by revising the resolution pending in the Security Council, both to recognize impartially the broad background of the present tension, and to call upon the parties most concerned to end thai tension by constructive action to transform th-2 armistice agreements Into Just arid honorable peaco treaties," the CJFWF resolution stated.
Israel Stone United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)—A total of BOO slabs of stone cut from the hills around Jerusalem are being used to face a seven-foot high foundation for a Japanese peace bell to stand in the conference building of tho United Nations here. The stone it a gift of the Israel Government to the UN.
s Long Range Needs Are Presented New York (JTA)—Israel is looking to American Jews to provide a minimum of $125,000,000 annually for the next sevea years through Israel Bonds and the United Jewish Appeal, Julian B. Venezky, chairman ol the executive committee of the State of Israel Bond Organization, reported at a meeting of the
Austria Rejects Settlement Offer Vienna (JTA)—The Austrian Government has definitely rejected the demands of world Jewish organizations for a lump sum settlement of heirless property claims of Jewish victims of the Nazis, after having negotiated with the Jewish groups for six months over the amount of such J settlement. It was: learned here this weekend from authoritative sources. The Austrian Government has also turned down all proposal* for advance payment of any of the heirless restitution .claims.
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A case-by-Case investigation of the claims is only possible in months after the ratification of an Austrian state treat/with the Allied powers, the government claimed. This argument: was ad' vanced by the government on the basis of a number of .Austrian laws which provide for the submission of claims for return of heirless property until six months after the treaty ratification. In informing the Jewish groups of its decision, the government aso argued that If it were to settle the claims with the Jewish groups, claimants could, until six months after treaty ratification, demand property which had been included in the lump sum settlement. The Austrian Government also told the Jewish groups that they had started off on the wrong basis, since the granting of restitution to racial pcrsecutecs would mean "discrimination" in favor of one group. Special regulations favoring Individual cases pr groups was contrary to Austrian Government policy, it declared. Nevertheless, it was reported, the government told the Jewish organizations that it was "willing to continue the negotiations," and asked for new Jewish offers for a settlement of the problem of heirless property.
Eric Jphnsbri Gives Report To lice on Middle East Mission Washington (JTA)—Eric Johnston, president Eisenhower's special envoy to the Arab-Israel area, reported to the President that the governments of the countries he recently visited "are studying with an open mind the far-reaching proposals outlined in the recent U.N. report on unified development of the water resources of the Jordan River Valley." Mr. Johnston who disclosed that he would return to the Middle East, robably in February, was accompanied on his meeting with tho President by Secretary of Slate John Foster Dulles. Mr. Dulles later "*1old his press conference at the State Department that he was gratified by Mr. Johnston's report. The current political :;ltuatlon, he said, might well have resulted in rejection of the plan, but as a rej'ilt of Mr. Johnston's visit, the plai wa3 still very much alive. (In Jerusalem a spokesman said the Israel Government is studying the project and will present its reply to Mr. Johnston early next year when he revisits Israel.) A White House statement emphasized that on his recent vtoit to the Middle East, Mr. Johnston did not "expect nr ask for decision at this lime." It added that he rc|>orted "that th.e attitude he encountered gave him reason to believe that, after serious scrut-
organization's Board of Governors held at the Hotel Astor here. Mr. Venezky, who r e t u r n e d from Israel where he attended the economic conference of American and other Jewish leaders held in Jerusalem last month, said that (he conference demonstrated that the relationship of American Jews to Israel cannot be considered on a "short range basis." He pointed out that Israel will need for investment during the next seven years a total of $705,000,000 and 1,092,000,000 Israel pounds. In all, Israel will require a total of $1,710,000,000, i n c l u d i n g an amount for the payment of debts, in the next seven years, he reported. During the same seven-year period, he added, Israel expects to receive $420,000,000 i n German reparation payments; $230,000,000 through private investments and an e s t i m a t e d $185,000,000 in grants-ln-aid. T h e balance of $875,000,000, or $125,000,000 B year, will have to come from Jewish Bources, principally in the United States. This figure, Mr. Venezky explained, would represent an increase of some $35,000,000 a year over the total amount made available, chiefly through Israel Bonds and the United Jewish Appeal, during the past year. Mr. Venezky said that ho was "deeply saddened by the action of tho United States representatives in the Security Council of the United Nations against Israel." He deplored the fact that our State Department "has associated itself in a step which will encourage Arab hostility and seroiusly Jeopardize any opportunity for the establishment of peace based on justice for all concerned." -
Omission The name of Max Frornkin was inadvertently omitted from last week's article in the Proas on the story of the. Beth Israel Sisterhood's testimonial dinner' given for Mrs. Lewis Neveleff. Mr Fromkln, prominent local, at- . torney, a past president of Beth Israel, and an active: civic and communal Worker, was toastmaster for the evening.
Bond Dinner Reservations
iny, the project will commend Morton Richards, O m a h a Itself to the states concerned as . Israel drive chairman, a sound and constructive approach urged bond again thisto some of the most critical issues week, toOmahans make reservacontributing to present tensions tions for the galaearly dinner being in the area. held December 13 at the "Acceptance of the proposals by stone Hotel. The dinner isBlackopen the Jordan Valley states," the to the public and reservations White House said, "would not only may be made by calling the go far toward resolving the highly bond office, ATlantic 1177. controversial question of rights to the vital water of tho River Jordan, but clear the way for construction of irrigation and hydroelectric installations to provide an economic base in the Jordan Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to Valley for upwards of 300,000 noon over WOW-nadio, the people. This would offer an op- Eternal Light will present portunity to settle a substantial "Mattathlas," written by Marc number of the Arab refugees now Slcgcl, and presented in obliving on international relief rolls servance of Channukah, the in the Arab countries of the re- Jewish feast of the Macabccs, gion." it was announced by the JewMr. Johnston revealed that the ish Theological Seminary of water development plan be sub- America. mitted to Israel, Syria, Lebanon Mattathlas was the father of and Jordan was designed to oolve tho Maccabees—a man who rethe question of riparian rights fused to sacrifice his conscience. by devoting two-thlrd3 of the Jor- This Is the story of his courdan River water to the Arabs age and his battle for freedom and one-third to Israel; by giving of worship against the tyranny Arab refugees n stake In land to of the Syrians. » bo developed thusly, and to remove the reason for border fricFrom 11:05 to 11:30 a. a., tion by giving Arab refugees newthis Sunday over KOIL, "Mesly-devcloped land. He said that sage of Israel" will present a the Arab states need not agree broadcast by Rabbi Leo i. with Israel riincc individual Stillpass of Temple B'nal Israel agreements could be worked out in Galvcston, Texas. The rabbi between the various states and the will discuss "Why I Am a Jew." United Nations.
On Radio and TV
Our U. N. Newsletter
British Aid To Jordan
Published Ever) Friday by the Omaha Jewkh FederaUra
Cntvrtd «s aecond-clasi mauei ut Ornuria, Nibrajfca. un4tr til* mri of'lUrcfe a. AuouaJ Bubscnpuon. U toj. Advertlelni; Rule* on ApplleaUoa. . Editorial OfllM—101 No. 20th e m i t . Oinolii. Nebl., ATlutlc 1 I U Print BHOp *4dr«u—1808 Bo. 2SU1 Btt-ri
Ily Arthur Lewis
JJdito Edltoi
Unilc-il aNtions (JTA)—-Judging from thu increased financial aid it ha:; had to provide Jordan this year, the United Kingdom is finding it mon.1 iitid more expensive to n.-lain any klrul of a hold on the II as he-mite Kingdom. B e side.-, the usual annual subsidy of $2,000,000 for the Arab Legion, the lirilish Government is providing an Intcrc :;t free loan of $1,500,000 to be spent during the fiscal year bcinnin/j Apiil 1 on what arc described as "certain spt-cified proji-cts under Jordan's five-year plan on economic development." Furthermore, the Foreign Office is apparently ready and willing to shell out even more money if it can cot parliamentary sanction to do so.
The Chanukah Spirit Each year as the Festival of Chamjkab comes around we are reminded of the ancient Maccabees, of the spirit of Jewish valor which against heavy odds fonght a pagan empire and won out The contemporary story of Jewish heroism, aa .exempli fied in the successful fight for an independent Jewish state, has added a new Maecabean chapter of bratexy to the annals of Jewish history, so that we who are living ih this era are prond to he thei contemporaries; of those Jewish fighters in Palestine whose courage gave birth to the Republic of Israel. :.-i The ancient Maecabean struggle agkinst Greek paganism •was not only a political strugglefor Jewish independence but , also, and even more so, a *war for the independence of the Jewish spirit, as represented by the Jewish religion which tbe army of Antiochns wished to corrupt taa render ineffective in the life of Palestine Jewry of that day. Nevertheless, it did employ the; sword as a: means to attain its end. :And that is why a recent article in the oLndon Jewish (Jhronicle saysi "The Maecabean chapter has its acknowledged place in Jewish Ms? tory, and we are proud of i t But it is the history of an emergency. - T h e . exception is ho-example for the rule, and the Maecabean hero not an example for the ordinary way of life to which the Jew aspires- For the ordinary way of Jewish life the example is net by Abraham, who went out into the world to boild house and altar, and came without the sword, without resorting to-pbwer. When the rabbis canonised the Bible they By Hilton Friedman , excluded the vai-ioua Books of the Maccabees. They made this Washington (JTA)—Harry S. negative decision aobut this splendid chapter of Jewish history Truman stood by the Zionist cause despite the prevalence at one time because they wanted to prevent a misinterpretation of the M
Capital Spotlight
c a b e a n
e x a m p l e . "
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T h e article ends with a prayer which will, we believe, be shared by Jews everywhere at this Chanukah time. "May lasting peace soon be made between Israelis and Arabs," it says, "and may our brethren in Israel acknowledge that our life in the Diaspora, that non-political life everywhere, both in Israel and the Diaspora, has the chance of being holy Jewish life, because the way of Abraham, the priestly way, leads to holiness."
Between You and Me %
By Boris SrooUr (Copyright, 1953, JTA.) CHANUKAn SUGGESTIONS: The American Government is planning to distribute Christmas gift food packages in West Germany to needy Germans . . . But what about Chanukah fiift packages to refugees and unemployed in Israel? . . . In fact, n Social Democratic member of the West German Parliament, Helmut Kaibitzcr, is now urging the German Government to transfer to Israel "and other nations economically much worse off than West Germany", the Yule food which the U.'S. Government has donated to the Germans ..*. These food packages ocme from American government-held food stocks and from purchases under American agricultural price-support policies . . A total of 12,700,000 pounds of fat, rice, sugar, condensed milk, beans, peas, prunes, ralsbu and canned beef is being shipped to the German Government as on outright holiday-season gift".*-. . And the United States is even absorbing -the freight charges . . . On the basis of the ratio of parccls-toncedy-population used with regard to Germany, Israel would be justified in getting at least 40.000 such 16-pound parcels . . . And the Department of Agriculture, which is looking for an opportunity to get rid of its surpluses, would perhaps act very favorably if Jewish organizations were to raise the question with the proper Washington officials . . . Last year, the Hadassah received from the U. S. Government $23,000,000 worth of surplus commodities for I s r a e l . . • What about holiday gifts for Israel now? . . . There arcplenty of needy in Israel, and the gift-parcels could be distribute! by the 11 n d a B s a h or through Israel's welfare agencies . . . AMERICAN CONTIlinUTIONS: As the three-year plan to help Israel, upon which American Jewry embarked late In 1950, draws to a close, Jewish community leaders ore attempting to evaluate the results . . . America's share was one billion dollars . . . Was this sum raised? . . . Well, here is the account . . . The UJA, through the Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds, has received about 220 million dollars during the three years . . . Other philanthropic agencies have received an additional 45 million dollars . . . Israel Bond subscriptions totalled 100 million dollars, of which over 130 million dollars have been received in cash
. . . United States grant-ih-ald commitments total about 195 million dollars, of. which some 160 million dollars will have been received by the end of this year . . . During the Ihreeryear period there were also United States Government surplus commodity grants of 23 million dollars as well as nn additional Export-1 m p o r t Hank loan of 35 million dollars . . . Also \J. S. technical • aid representing small dollar cost but tremendously helpful to Israel in stretching the balue of its income and resources , . . There were, of course, also private investments . . . The projected goal of a billion dollars was thus not reached but a substantial part of it was realized . . . Leaden of the Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds emphasize that this achievement would have been impossible without their centralized action . . . And they suggest the bringing home to Israel of greater understanding of American fund-raising methods, BO that Israel can more cfefctlvcly cooperate . . . They also claim that between the Israel Bonds as ina clearer distinction is still needed vestments and the UJA as philanthropy . . . They fear a changed situation in 1054 as Israel Bonds become marketable and they caution against the use of bonds an payments of Welfare Fund pledges, since this would odd no actual income and no foreign exchange to Israel . . . All these views found expression at the General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds which war, held in Cleveland last weekend.
Ancient Cemetery Found in Haifa (An American Jewish Press Syndicate Feature) An ancient burial ground with three skeletons, believed to be about 3300 years old has been discovered in the Kishon area, it was announced recently by Abba Khoushy, Mayor of Haifa, and Mr. A. Rosh, curator of the Haifa museum. In one grave, o number of large pottery jars were found. Some of the jars had covers, and, it 13 suggested, may have originally contained food for the dead. The graveyard, of the Late Bronze Age, stretches over scv-
of accusation* and prejudice of all sorts against Jewish aspirations in Palestine. • . ..- . . . This month Mr. Truman found himself subjected to grave charges. He looked about. In the most tryIng moment of his life, to see who was at his side. He found people who may not have shared his political affiliation* or agreed with all the decisions he made as President But they believed in him as an outstanding human being, a devoted friend of minority groups, and above all as a loyal American. Confronted Early this month Mr. Truman sat in bis New York hotel room confronted by microphones and newsreel cameras. He read aloud a letter to chairman Harold H. Velde of the House Committee on Un-American Activities in which he rejected, on Constitutional grounds, a subpoena to testify. Nearby were Mrs. Truman and Miss Margaret Truman. Also in the room, standing by the former President, were Sen. Herbert II. Lehman, New York Democrat; Samuel I. Rosenman, a closer adviser to tlie late President Roosevelt; Edward Jacobson, Mr. Truman's old haberdashery partner, and Morris L. Ernst, a leading exponent of civil liberties.
That night at a dinner in the same hotel, Mr. Truman was presented the Solomon Dublick Award of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He heard Dr. George S. Wise, president of the American Friends of the Hebrew University, say that his "unwavering stand in protecting the principles of our Constitution and of individual freedom" had mado him "the symbol and the very personification of the fight for the rights of the individual, for decency and for democracy." Dr. Wise caid that no person now living had done more than Mr. Truman to meet the post-war problems 6f defense a g a i n s t Communist aggression, economic rehabilitation of underdeveloped countries and the democratic self-determination of the peoples of the world. Defense Against Communism As examples of how the former President met these problems, Dr. Wise cited the resistance nfiainst ;ral dunams. Two graves were found one and three quarter kilometers opart, which suggests that settlement of the orert was e x tensive. The skeletons arc in reasonably Rood condition. A large bronze needle for netmaking, of n design used today, was also found on the site. It is believed that the ancient Inhabitants of the area were fishermen. The tile, known n3 Tel Abu Hawnn, had been previously in 1922 excavated by H. W. Hamilton, director of the Department of Antiquities durirng the Mandatory regime. It was then found that tbe upper stratum dates back to the Hellenistic Period of the third to second centuries B.C-E-, and that the' area was not inhabited after that period.
aggression in Korea, the Point Four program, recognition of Israel in 1948 and subsequent demonstrations of friendship. At the same dinner Dr. Buell G.. Gallagher, president of City College, said Communism's threat to freedom in the United States was "much less real" than the threat from those whose ["accusations of treason, hereiay and subversion cover the political, religious and education areas." Dr. Gallagher charged that those who "cultivate tho attitudes of fear, suspicion, hatred" were the "genuinely subversive," and laid It made no difference whether they were avowed Communists or avowed antl-Communisls. . * . . • - . Earlier that week Mr. Truman received the Stephen Wise Award from the American Jewish Congress for "hit consistent and courageous leadership in the cause of civil rights during his terms as president of the United Stales." Speaking at the dinner at which the award was made, Mr. Truman :;aid the nation wa3 " l o s i n g ground" in the "matter of freedom of thought and freedom of speech." The attacks on these freedoms were all the more scriuus, he :;aid, because they "are Indirect and insidious." Fear Manipulated 'Fear of Communism is being manipulated by a few so as to cause o wave of hysteria in this country," he said. "Fear Is a great silencer and people are being kept quiet for fenr of being accused of sympathy with Communism. When people become afraid to speak their beliefs or to defend the innocent, then freedom is really in danger." Mr. Truman hailed the late Rabbi Stephen S. Wise as n devoted ilefender of civil liberties and denounced "recent efforts to blacken his name." (The House Committee on Un-American Activities recently published material containing alienations which r.ought to link Rabbi Wise with Communism.) Appeal Tho former President wan informed that the American Jewish Congress urged religious and secular groups that have agreed to aid the House Committee on unAmerican Activities in an investigation of clergymen to reconsider the decision and withdraw i t This appeal was made in a resolution which denounced the committee for "un-Amcrlcan methods, its use of discredited witnesses and the irresponsible release of uncorroborated nccusations." While in New York, Mr. Truman took time to accept an invitation from the Hebrew Theological Seminary. There he talked with students and was shown sacred scrolls on which nncient history of the Jewish people is recorded. The students found It not at all inconceivable that Jewish theologlsta in come future age will examine honored scrolls of Jewish history and find tho story of an American President who believed in the Zionist cause and in loyalty to the concept of human freedom e n visioned by the Prophets of the Old Testament
Such extravagant generosity at a time when the British want to haul their troops out of the Trieste Territory because of the cost of keeping them there is the subject of comment here at the United Nations. It may be due to blackmail; the British arc known to have been considerably alarmed by the demonstrations and riots directed against them In Amman following the Kibya incident. Military Ally As the military ally and paymaster of Jordan, the United Kingdom must assume some of the responsibility at least for the actions of the Hashemite Kingdom in Palestine. Yet, the question that is being asked In tbe corridors here ia how much control do the British exert in Jordan now, and whether or not they have a Eyngman Rhec by the tail in the rabid anti-Jewish Palestine Arabs who run the state. Certainly, General Glubb, the British commander of the Arab Legion, has no authority to guard the borders of Jordan and prevent marauders from crossing them. As the head' of the state's army, he should have such authority, but, it would seem that he is the sorry example of a British pro-consul taken over by the natives and forced to do their will. For the sake of appearance and his own ego, General Glubb h«s resorted to the most extraordinary philosophising, whereby he a'scrts that the Jews benefit from trouble on the borders of Jordan both psychologically and in hard cash. Ambassador Abba Eban, in a speech before the Security Council recently, quoted General Glubb as saying that the Jewish people need "the psychological release of tho urge to bully others after having suffered the same thing for centuries." The Israeli representative also referred to the British general's opinion that the Jews bencfittcd from incursions across tho Jordan border and the havoc and murder that resulted from them because they stimulated financial support for Israel in the United Slates. Questionable Control The reason why diplomats hero question the control that tho United Kingdom has In Jordan is that there have been two distinct phases in the Arab Slate's relations with Israel. They were: the fairly friendly phase while King Abdullah was alive and the border was tho most quiet and peaceful of any; and the present hostile phase with the border In upheaval, a phase which began with the assassination of King Abdullah by Palestine Arab extremists and their effective capture of tbe state. Which of these phases represents: British policy toward Israel? During both of them, the United Kingdom was the paymaster and ally of Jordan. Mr. Eban says that tho Icraclla arc sincerely puzzled and would like to know the nnBwer. Perhaps, the answer lies in tho fact that the British no longer have much control In Jordan, that they are paying through the noso for the right to stay in the Hashemite Kingdom and appear to havo some influence In the Middle East, This sort of thing can happen when an Empire Is declining and trying to hang on to the threads of its power ond prestige. Still, the question remains: what ia the present British policy in Palestine? Not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, caith the Lord of host!. Who are thou, O great mountain? . . . Thou shult become a plain.—(Zcch. 4:6, 7.)
Frldar, Narember 17, 19SS
Israel Bond Official Visits With Community Leaders Israel has borrowed cuccpsbfully in mnny countries of the world primarily because it hns never defaulted ot any lime on payment of principal and Interest tin any obligation, Zvi Englander, who visited Omaha in behalf of the State of Israel $500,00,000 Indupcndci Bond Drive, told leader:; of the Jewish Community this week. Mr. Englandcr, on native of New York and a specialist in corporation law in New York, was a member of the Brooklyn Hciiion Zlonist" Executive Committee, prior to his department for Israel. He Is the part president of a Zionist district, und served us the national executive vice-president of Mn•oda. Mr. Englandcr arrived In Palestine in July, 1047, and witnessed the birth ol the State of Israel and the war of Independence, und has studied the economic and flnancla development of this young country In its lint three years of existence. At, the conclusion of the war of Independence, he was cm ployed by one of the leading banks in .'zrael In a managerial capacity ill charge* of iU American department. Mr. Englandcr stressed that the bonds were Israel's cheapest source of dollars since the Suite was paying 3tt per cent Interest on bonds, when* the interest rate w u higher on other borrowed funds. He further pointed out that wen in tills light there can be no eonfusion between • loan to Israel through bonds which will bo paid back like any other debt and a contributipn.
Monsky Lodge to Treat Youngsters At Chanukah Party
The Henry Monsky Lodge of B'nai B'rith is giving a Hanukah party Sunday, Dee. 0, at the Jewish Community Center from 2 to 4 p. m. Invitations to the party arc being sent by the Lodge to all Jewish children in Omaha between the ages of six and twelve. The children arc being told that they may Invite their gentile friends to this affair. , Co-chairmen for the event ore U. $. Zionists Protest Jerome Katz and Mervln LcmOn Blg-3 Resolution mcrman. Members of their committee are Mrs. SowiJc Freeman, New York (JTA) —Zionist Mrs. Ben Pollack, Sol Dolgoff, Croups in the United States pro- PhilRoggcn. Yale Ginsberg and tested ngalnst the "Bin Three" Dave Greenbcrg. resolution on Kibya. Louis Lipsky, chairman of the American Zionist Council, which speaks for all Historiette: ZlMiiit groups In this country, demanded the resolution a:; a "total Expedition of Scholars evasion" of Amcrlcnn-B r i 11 a h- Traces U. S. Jewry F r e n c h responsibility for the "tragic situation'' that has arisen Jewish settlement in what On the Israel-Jordan borders. now tiie United Slates b e g a n "Never before has there been u three centuries ai;o when refuresolution of the UN Security fices from tho persecution of the Council on the Palestine question Inquisition in IJra7.il braved the that did not firmly and unequi- terror of the unknown to seek vocally call for the conclusion of freedom of v/orsfiip in the wilpermanent peace in the area," dcrne.'i.'i of the new world. The Mr. LijMky pointed out. "Now, earliest pioneers reached the unbr deliberate choice nf termin- tamed shores of the Atlantic ology, the great p o w e r s have coast in 105-1 and preparations made It possible for the Arab ore now underway for nation•UtcJ to continue their policy of wide observance of the tercenrefusing to negotiate peace with tenary of their arrival. Israel. They have given the green Partly in preparation for this li|M io Arab aggressors to con- observation, but, more fundatinue their war ngaln.it Israel by mentally to push back the fron•U means short ot outright hos- tiers of knowledge of the Ameritilities. can Jewish past, tin expedition of scholars, led by Dr. Jacob n. Marcus, director of the American Jewish'Archives, this summer retraced the route of those first Jewish settlers. The scholars' five-week exThe Young Adult Club of the ploration of synagogues, cemeKansas City Jewish Community teries, libraries and tho holdings Center will visit the Omaha Young of private collectors in several Adult Club late in December. countries of the West Indies Earlier plans to spend a weekend yielded a rich harvest of signifi' here during Chanukah had to be cant historical documents. • Over canceled and Instead this exchange 5,000 pa;;es of manuscript mateweekend program will take place rial, including n number of twoover a three-day period on Dec hundred-year-old letters linking the Jews of the West Indies with 28, 26 and 27. Tentative plans for the week- the Jews of America, were unearthed. end Include Friday nlirht service::, In the Barbados, tho expediSaturday evening dance at the Center, a Sunday mornlnit brunch tion made several intcrestlnn and an athletic event Sunday aft- finds. Tho old Spanlsh-Porluernoon. The Center activities of- nui.*:;e congregation, "The Disfice requests that families lnlcr- persed Onen of Israel," as it eited in housing the young adult'-, called Itself, had lone disapfrom Kansas City call JA 13GG and peared. But much of the cemeleave their names and addresses. tery remains, ond there the scholars found a tombstone dated 1072, marking the final resting place of the first Jew known to tAiirachi Meeting have come to Virginia. That To'Greet Newcomers state's colonial records shown that Moses Nchcmlah encaged ' litiRabbi David Korb of Council gation in York County, Virginia, Bluffs arid Rabbi Benjamin Gron- n 1050. Ho was probably n Jew er of Beth Israel will be guests at rom Barbados, to which he rethe first Mclavch Malkah meeting urncd and where he died. of Mlzrachi, William Wclncr presNearby and In the same cemeident of the croup announced. ery, the scholars found a cracked Newcomers to our city will be ind crumbling monument to the welcomed at the meeting which lirst rabbi who ever officiated in will be held 8 p. m., Wednesday, hat capacity in the United Nov. 20, at the Beth Hamcdrash Hates. Hasodel Synagogue, 10th and Eurt This was Raphael Halm Isaac ftret'ts. Curigal a H e b r o n rabbi who Cantor Ell Kagan of Beth Israel came to America in 1773 necking will lead the musical portion of funds. He preached in the Newthe program. All men nnd women port synagogue to a largo audiinterested In furthering Mlzrachi ence which Included Ezra Stiles, a Christian clergyman who later objectives are welcome.
KC Adult Club Visit Postponed
iMidEastSituatio Martha Schlamme a Grand Success llcportlng: two concerts which she gave On Powers Agen The Accompanist Lincoln and Omaha. By Ilans liaer London (JTA) — II i g h I yplaccd Foreign Office sources said this wee!; that a discussion of the Arab-Israel situation and Wc'ilem defense plan:: in the Middle Eastern area will be on the agenda requested by Britain for the furthcomlnj; Bitf Three conference at Ber.muda, which is scheduled to open Due. 4. Those sources pictured the British Government as delcrininc-d to achieve a joint approach amonf! the Western Powers on Middle East problems—an approach which it had believed near three weeks ago but which now seems as distant as ever to the Foreign Office. These second thoughts uro due to what the Foreign Office considers A m e r i c a n "wavering" on Israel.
Zvl EniUnder
<-«ge Three
'Bicycle Thief at Center, Dec 20 Reservations are now being accepted for the Jewish Community Center's Foreign Film Series in the activities office. The scries will begin Sunday, Dec. 20, with a showing of the Italian masterpiece "Bicycle Thief." • Subscription tickets to all six of these films sell for $2. Jack Sandier and Mrs. Edward Zorinsky are colchalrmen of the Center's Foreign Film Series Committee.
Varband, Podi Zion To Hold Meeting "Whither American Jewry" will be discussed at the social and literary meeting of Farband and Poall Zion Branch 54 this Sunday in the Jewish Community Center. Supper will be served at 7:15 p. m,, preceding the discussion period, Cantor Ell Kagan of Beth Israel accompanied by Hans Baer will offer n program of Jewish songs. Officers for the coming yenr will be nominated. Ben KInlman, secretary of the group, will Rive n report on the Inst district conference held in St. Louis, Oct. 31 to Nov. 1. Members of the supper committee are Mrs. J. Feldman, Mrs. Ito:;e Cohen and Mrs., Sam Rifktn. Those wishing to attend may make their reservations by calling JA 2010 before 6 p. m. Friday.
Success Stories
When Jack Garfcln arrived in New York seven and one-half years ago as a Czech refugee orphan o ffiftecn, he could speak but two English sentences: "I'd like some white bread please" and "American soldiers were kind." Today the 22-year-old stage director is the guiding light of tho Broadway hit "End As A Man." Elcazar Lipsky, son of the famous Zionist leader Louis Lipsky, has como up with another winning novel in "Lincoln McKeever," an exciting story laid for, tho most part in New Mexico. Published by Appleton-Century-Crofta, the book establishes Elcazar Lipsky as a novelist of first magnitude. The reception accorded "Lincoln McKccvcr," Literary Guild choice for December, continues the successful pattern carved out by Lipsky in the writing field. became president of Yale ColIcne. Amon<> the worshipers for whom C'nrlRal preached In Newl>ort was Wa friend, Aaron Lopez, president of the Newport conjjrenatlon. The latter was the most successful merchant-shipper in town and one of tho leaders of the New England fishing, whnllnc and candle Industry. One of the most IntcrestinK tetns brounht bock by the expedition conslsLi of a copy of a painting of Rabbi David Cardoze (1O24-10M) and his wife, of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. AlthouRh the portraits arc not slc.ned, they nre, according to family tradition, the work of a then younc !L Thomas painter, Camllle Plsarro, who later became one of the founders of French Impressionism. Many of the old records which the expedition wan able to locate had been preserved after a lapse of almost three hundred years because of the intervention of individuals who realized their importance, not only- lor Jewish history—but for the general history of early America.
It is unusual for accompanist of a soloist to write an official criticism. However, beinfi the music reviewer for the "Jewish Press," I would not like to mis3 the oppoortunity of reporting one of tin.' greatest successes at the Jewish Community Center during the par.t years. Here is my report. It is the review of the accompanist of the soprano Martha Schlamme in her
A Chanukah Lady By Bess Lcvl Emma Lazarus was a fine Jewess and a fine American, and no one is more entitled to be called the Chanukah Lady than she, for in the story of the Maccabcan struggle and victory this young American girl saw the vision of what has taken place in our own day, the miracle of Israel's restoration. • , A Prophet It was natural to expect that a great liberating prophet might arise in Russia where Jews were Oppressed, and where Jewish culture thrived. Legend, perhaps is truer when it pictures the prophet emerging from the desert solitude. Such at least was the case of Emma Lazarus. The Jewish population of the United States at'the time of her birth was hardly more than 60,000. In the eighties, when her voice began to ring out, it had grown and numbered a quarter of a million. Altogether the American Jewry of that time was a contented lot. The facilities for drinking deep of the Jewish spirit were meagre to the point Of niggardliness. Yet this ypung women was a true forerunner Of Theodore Herzl. She saw the whole of his vision and her words had the stridency of the voice calling from the deep. Her associates as a young woman were almost altogether nonJews. Ralph Waldo Emerson corresponded with her. Once, at his invitation, she visited him and she has left us a description of how the sage of Concord came down with his horse and buggy to take her from the station. Richard Henry Stoddard, a n o t h e r American poet, was a good friend of hers and urged her to write on Jewish themes. At tho time however, Emma Lazarus had not felt the Jewish call. Fired By Pogroms What brought out the fire in her were the Russian Pogroms of the eighties. The overt incident which crystallized it was the appearance in the Century Magazine of an article by a certain Madame Alexlevcna Ragozin Justifying tho pogroms. In this article, tho writer went on to charge that Jews were interested only in money making and that the Talmud even urged Jews to cheat non-Jews whenever possible, and so on. Emma Lazarus was burned up when she read the article. Grabbing her cloak—it was fairly late in the evening—she'rushed to tho home of Richard Glider, the editor, on Eighth Street, whom she personally knew. ..•'.•: • A daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne the novelist was at the editor's home at the time. Seeing Miss Lazarus, she said, "Oh Emma, you look to- pale. Emma had no time for such considerations. She turned to her friend, the editor. "Richard," she said, "who Is going to answer that article?" "Why, you, of course," responded Gilder. Emma Lazarus did write the article and successfully "demolished" Mmc. Ragozin in tho following issue of tho Century Magazine. Two-Anrled Philosophy Emma Lazarus began writing for the American Hebrew, then edited by Philip Cowcn, who incidentally was a cousin of tho famous American writer, Bret Hartc. Her philosophy for the uolutlon of the Jewish question was a two-oncled one. She wanted the younger generation of immigrant Jews taught more of the manual craft1!. She wanted them to cease to be luft menschen, as circumstances In Europe had forced them to become. Secondly, she bespoke the establishment of a Jewish state. When Bhe was told that this was an impossible dream, she replied that "the impossible always happens," In her Epistles to the Hebrews, which first appeared in the American Hebrew, she did exactly what Theodore Herzl was to do
A Touching Experience If we would say that Martha Schlamme ha:; a small, sweet and cultivated voice, it would already mean something, but we have to bay much more. Martha Schlamme u s e s h e r voice to lift up the folksong into t h e artistic sphere. For off from the common way of interpreting folks songs, she fiives to every piece the particular glamour of her muslcality. Yiddish melodies like the ancient "Die Alte Kasche," "Yoshke," the "Lullaby" of the m o t h e r , or "Johnny I Hardly Knew You" and songs in other languages became touching exprlences in her unique interpretations. •.
Her way to get rapport with the audience is of the greatest simplicity. She does" not abuse the effects which often are the vogue, of the celebrated opera stars. She does not exert the smiling which consciously is applied by the prima-ddnnas of the stage. When she smiles, she does it because she feels so. When she , gets serious or sad, " is because this feeling comes up from the depth of her souL She is always the friend of' the people, and: it seems this young woman must be a
t r u e
m a l e .
•'••-• •••
She has not forgotten that about fifteen years ago, as a very young girl, together with millions of us, she lost her h o m e l a n d and. crossed, as a Jewish refugee, the :•: German-French border to escape the Nazis. She found shelter for many years in England before she came to the United States. A True Personality •.-.-. The gruesome cxpricnces of this miserable past, however, helped : Martha' Schlamme to deepen her Inner feeling and to become a. great artist of expression. Never has a Jewish audience in Omaha been so lastingly impressed than with this simple and true personality, I am convinced that everybody that heard Martha Schlamme'S concert is hoping for her re-engaRement in Omaha. We hope that then those people, old and young, who were absent , this time, will appear in such numbers that the house will be ; packed. It would be proof of the appreciation of the exquisite cul- ' tural performances which are offered by the "Center Concert and Lecture Series." ,
brad Is Irrigable New York (JTA)—Israel's first land survey, a three-year project completed recently, reveals that the country possesses approximately 1,300,000 acres—about one-fourth of Israel's total land area— of potentially irrigable land, it was reported by the Jewish 'Agency here. This figure substantially exceeds previous estimates. Some 2,375,000 acres were surveyed by aerial photography and ground crews. The area involved • stretched from the northern border to a point some eight miles south of Beersheba. The. remaining 2,750,000 acres represent the arid portion of the Negev which is considered to have very limited immediate agricultural potential. "Experts estimate that Israel'* known water resources could enable the irrigation of 1,000,000 acres. About 125,000 acres are currently under irrigation. This would make it possible for Israel to feed a population of 4,000,000 producing sufficient quantities of all required staples except wheat and meat," the Jewish Agency report says. "The country also possesses 475,000 acres suitable for pasturage and another 225,000 acres which could serve for both pasturage and afforestation. This acreage could support enough cattic to produce 10,000 tons of meat per year." Question: Why is the statement repeated three times? Answer: Many things are repeated three times for the sake oil emphasis. Some claim that the three times may represent the works of heaven, the works of earth and the works of man, indicatinR some sort of unity of purpose between them. two decades later in Das Judenstaat. In prose and in poetry and in heart and in soul she refused to believe that the Maccabean spirit could not be revived.
Taub-Hermann Ceremony Is Held Monday At Synagogue At a 7 p, m. ceremony held Monday, Nov. 23, in the chapel of Beth El Synagogue, Charney Taub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Taub, became the bride of Monte Hermann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hermann of Colorado Springs, Colo. Rebbi Myer S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar officiated beneath a canopy decorated with greenery and white chrysanthemums. BrliUl Gown The bride wore a silk peau de soie taffeta dress ot Driftwood beige fashioned with a stand-away scopp neckline, fitted bodice and pannier i k i i t She wore a bat of matching material trimmed with bronze beads, and she carried a Bible covered with white orchids and stephanotls. Maid of honor for her sister was Mr». Lazier Singer who wore a mauve colored silk taffeta gown trimmed with mauve lace and iridescent wqulns and carried a bouquet of mums in various mauve shades. Stephen Hermann of Colorado Spring* was best man tor his brother. Ushers were Eric Hermann of Colorado Springs, also o brother ot the groom, and Lazier Singer. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Taub chose a light blue embroidered satin dress styled with a tlim'skirt and a scoop neckline Mrs. Hermann, mother st the groom, wore a gown of moss green which featured a full skirt and fitted bodice. Both mothers -wore bronze orchids, Out-oNTown Guests Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hermann, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hermann, and Stephen Hermann, all of Colorado Springs; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Levin of Mil-
ChctnuUah O, Chunukah is here iigain. The time of cheer it near again. Let's r:hine the bKi:.b monoruh bright, n , i it ;>;.„]] b'j ,I1J!../" toijiLM Ar.'l Jor i i | lit iMi'ht',, t h " i . n l dlt j lu.v Iii i ill: t'i w, tile long ago, When M . u t . i b i »n h u n t s (aui'.hl
And drov.1 Greeks who sought To tnkc away their dourest rUjlit, Tlie rl/:lil to wwiihip its they might. This little band, in numbers few, Feared not, because In heart they knew That death could even be faced with pride, If Cod and right were at their side. And when the battle had been won. The enemy routed, the fighting done. They had. another task to do— The Temple, ruined, they must renew.
Mrs. Monte Hermann waukee, Wise.; Mrs. L. Levin of Minneapolis, Minn.; Mrs. J, Hauler and daughter, Hedy of Chicago; Bruce Hollander of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Marshal Kushner of Lincoln. After a family dinner at the Fontenelle Hotel, the couple left for a wedding trip to Chicago, tor her golng-away costume, the new Mrs. Hermann wore a black wool princess style suit and white and black accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann will be at home in Davenport, la.
I "Talk 0/ Many Things" Babies Dr. and Mrs. Btnton Kutler have announced the birth of a son, David Brian, born Nov. 0, at Ft. Jackson, Columbia, S. C , where Dr. Kutler is stationed. They also'have a daughter, Laura Jean, and another son, Hobert Martin. Paternal grandparents arc Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kutler of Council Bluffs, and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lorkis of Omaha. Mrs. Lorkis has been visiting for the past five weeks with her son-in-law and daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Kutlcr nnd tlicir family.
Needlework Guild Contributions
In addition to those women who contributed previously to the Meedlcwork Guild Drive, the following contributions are being reported: Mmcs. M. A. Bercovici, Jacob Bernstein, Max Bittner, Rueben Bordy, Abe H. Brodkcy, Edward E. Brodkcy, Ethel 13rodkey, Sam Canar, Jack E. Cohen, Leo EiSt'nstatt, Charles L. Fellman, Ben Fisher, Morton Frank, Jacob Garon, Phil Gerelick, John B. Gidinsky, Sidney Goldberg, Arthur H. Goldstein, Yale Gotsdiner, David Greeiibcr/,', l.sadore Grossman, Joe Kurz, lUiben Lippett, lx?on,-ird Luttbcj!, Joseph Margules, William Milder, Joseph Morgan, Jack Jiaznick, Edward Z. Rosen, Meyer Schulrn.-in, Abraham A. Steinberg, Mclvin Tatelman, Yale Trustin, Nathan Turner, Abe V. Venger, Louis Wolk, I.- B. Zicgm.in and Miss Lena Kohen.
Sigma Delta Tau
All those who have not rerpondcd as yet arc urged to send in their donations this week. Mrs. Albert B. Newman, chairman. hopes that it will not be ncces.snry to have a telephone follow-up.
Thcta chapter of Sigma Delta again acted as hosts at an open house held after the ColoradoNebraska Homecoming game. The Sig DelU presented a clever display for the annual Homecoming house decorations. The theme of the display was, "Little Lulu cays: Just One Bin Blow." A new dining room outlook will soon prevail at the .chapter house. New tables and chairs have been purchased to replace the ones the house are now using. Dec. C, has been set as the date for Th.ct.Vs annual Parent's Day. Gail KaLskcc and Janet Gordon were formally initiated into Alpha Lambda Delta, national scholastic honorary society for freshman women. Fran Locke was elected as the new secretary of Theta Chapter. Several girls will be going home forThanksgiving vacation and will be taking many of their sorority and pledge sisters with them. Beth Pincberc was awarded $5 for her prize winning essay on, "What Democracy Means To Me."
S. Z. Zakall: "If your thin, Eddie Cantor: "The easiest way don't cnt fast. If you're fat, don't to remain poor is to pretend to be rich." cat . . . fast!"
When they, with saddened hearts, did sec, The havoc wrought by treachery, The holy lamp unlit, and oil, it's true Enough to last a day or two. And not the time that it would take, The weary priests new oil to make. Knowing t'would last' perahps the night, Sadly, they kindled the holy light. But lot a miracle of fate! The oil burned not one night, but eight! And that is how, for you and me, Eight Chanukah nights there came to be. And we're so glad/for it is fun To celebrate eight times, not one! .
O! Maccabee! O! Maccabee! so brave and true Who fought the heathen bold, What lesson do you bring to us, Each time your story's told? This lesson—hear! for It shall be As long as there is history. To might, bow not, nor to it nod; He always wins, who sides with God. —Ruth Goldstein.
Hannukah and Christmas ". . . Hold high the lamps of truth and right, And shadows drive afar. Hold high the beacons born of peace, The Mcnorah and the Star. Hold high the lanterns of our faiths; Their light shall be for good, And never fail as long as men Live on in Brotherhood." —Tobie G. Zion. This poem W M taken from the D e c , 1952, Issue of "The Omaha Unitarian News.")
CHANUKAH LAMPS, CANDLES and GREETING CARDS Priced Reasonably 931 N. 24th St.
Hadassah Donor Affair Dec 16 at Paxton Hotel O m a ii a Chapter Uud;c:::uli i hi K'ttehiuin, :.ociul i-hiiinni'n, us»h.in 11,1 n are busy planning fur i.istal by the I!. & P. Group of tlie I'l.tuli I'aiJiiun Kevue v.huh llada?!,.'ih, iiru planning refreshwill In- shown ;il the annual Ha- m< nt.'; [or tho :.odal hour which (i.i: .ill Medical vrrnnizntion mill will loilov; the Fo-shion ltcvuc\ Voiutimiul Education Donor afFashion Itevue Chairmen Mrs. fair which will IJC held at the l'hil Fcldman and Mrs. Robert Pax tun Hotel Ball Hoom Wi-d- lk>ni:.toin, assisted by Mrs. Dave ncsd.iy, Dec. 1«, at 8:00 l>. m. Fvttil, nrc selecting models, and This >car's affair will consist of Mrs, Harold Garber is chairman the Israeli Fashion Itovue, fol- fur the children's fashions. lowed by a dance with the Dave Thn wardrobe committee, conKavilch Ordifstra /iirnu-liiny the .••l:;ting of Mines. Ben Kaslow, music. There will be cards for Morris Sachs, Dave KranU and those who do not with to dance. Sam Epstein, will be on hand to Chairmen tee that all the clothes are In perMrs Julius Stein mid Mr:;. Mor- fect order. Mrs. I. W. rtoscnblatt and her committee, Mines. Sam. Green, Harold Coopcrman, Leon Schmldman, Irving Goldenbcrg, Arthur Friedman mid Abe Markowitz, are By Terry Elman already working on decorating Visiting down at University-In- schemes for this affair, ternational Studios is nlways fun, Mrs. Russel Blumenthal will be especJally when talking with one the pianist. of Hollywood's loveliest stars, Ruth Local Hadassah members will Iiomnn. We visited her on the "Far model the fashions and Will' be Country" s e t trained by a local school of fashRuth told me about her location ion modeling, j/lr. Sienna of the trip to the Canadian Rockies, and Sienna Beauty shop is in charge the oddity she discovered while in of the hair styling. I/tri. Leon the Columbia ice fields. "There we Scbmidman will take charge of were on the roof of Canada, not the makeup. . 500 yards from the largest ice moss The Israeli Fashion Creations south of the Artie and believe it are designed and created by the or not, when I asked for iced tea graduating students of the Alice with my lunch" they told me, "Sor- L. Scllgsberg'Vocational School in ry, w e don't have ice Up here. No Jerusalem, one of the Hadassah electricity for refrigerators." Vocational Education Projects in Ruth is married and the mtohcr Israel. of a youngster who loves her cookMrs. H. D. Wegodsky is in ing, especially (he "goody-goodies" charge of publicity. she prepares for him. Here are H. M. p . and Vocational Educasome of her goody goodies which tion Chairmen, Mrs. Phil Gereshe Is sure your youngsters will lick, Mrs, Nathan tfogg and Mrs. lore: Al Fiedler, are now lending In a Vegetable Souffle drive for funds for H. M. O. and 1 teaspoon butter Vocational Eduaction for Omaha 1 teaspoon flour Chapter Hadassah. 'A teaspoon salt Yvrpote M, cup of babies vegetable Mrs. Sam Wolf, fund raising puree co-ordlnator for Hadassah, has •4 cup milk decribed what H. M. O. funds do 1 egg, more seasoning Jf de- in Israel; In the five years of sired statehood for Israel more thnn Procedure: Melt the butter in 700,000 immigrants have been a b the upper part of a small double sorbed In the new world thnt Is boiler. Add flour, stir well. Add Israel. Hadassah has provided vetctable puree, milk, and salt medical care, hospltaliiatlon, preStir well. Add beaten egg yolk. ventive medical care, has providFold In stiffly beaten egg white. ed Health Centers, taken care ot Put the mixture into individual the sick, the tubercular; furnished buttered casserole. Set casserole school lunches for school children In pan holding one inch water. and established n Mcdlcnl school Place in preheated oven. Hake un- and a nurses training school that til a knife blade Inserted comes out rate with the best in the rest of clean. Serve at once. (lip worM. Through the Vocational EducaCaramel Syrup tion Program the following has 1 tablespoon sugar been established: teaching of nu2 tablespoons boiling water Procedure: Place sugar in fry- trition nnd domestic science, s u ing pan. Set over low fire. Cook pervision of playgrounds and recuntil sugar changes to a light reational activities and prc-voeabrown liquid. Add boiling water tlonal manual arts training: trainquickly. Continue cooking over tho ing courses for recreational leadfire until the hot water and liquid ers; the Alice L. Sollgsbere Trade sugar have changed to a thick School for Girls; Mechanics and syrup. This is a.fine sauce over Precision Instrument Workshop custards that children sometimes for B o y s ; Printing Workshop; Fashion and Design Institute, Hodo not like to cat. tel Management Institute a n d Florentine Egcs—1 Serving Vt cup purecd spinach, or baby manv others. These arc all made possible by Hadassah a n d Us food spinach 'A cup medium thick cream members. sauce 1 egg, Reasoning Procedure: Place spinach In bottom of buttered individual baking dish. Top with cream sauce. Break egg Into cream sauce. Season lightRug & Upholstery ly. Set to preheated oven and bake for th" length of time it takes for Cleaners the egg yolk to have a .film on it, RUGS—CARPETING and the white is delicate and firm. LAMP 8RADE8
What's Cooking?
Singer Eddie Fisher, an Eddie Cantor protege, has been RCA' best selling popular artist for over two years. He'll get his second RCA gold platter this year for Tm Walking Behind You," which hit the 1,000,000 sales mark in recordings this week. Eddie was given a gold disc recently for hlr, waxing of "Anytime," which The Cousins Club wilt postpone climbed Into the golden circle this their December meetlnr In lovlnc year. memory of Edna Itostntlial.
Thick... Rich... Satisfying... and so deliriously smooth!
SAFE-WAY fVRSTTVBB Cleaned in Year Home!
Blndlnf, • Laying - Repairing BEUKSTEIN tM -Mi
ZADLE KATLEMAN Hat Juti Received a Large Assortment of Lovely Chrome
Friday, November 27, I85J
Also Try Miiliditvitl Ki'.tiJ Soup. MinischtwiU Chides Senpi
PRICE: $1.25 for Youth Council Members, $2.10 for Aduffs TIME: 3:30 P.M. Sunday, Nov. 29, 1953
(Last Performance) DETAILS: Contact Activities Office ot Jewish Community Center
Friday, November M< W 3
Page Five
Vienna Chorus To Perform
Gems of the Bible and Talmud By DK. VIOUB BHEB
Pioneer Women Ontg Sliabbat The I'ionrcr Women will hold their next Otii-i! Shabbat «t tin; home of Mrs. J. Kaplan, 3024 Lincoln Itlvcl., on Siilurcliiyr Nov. 21!, at 1:30 p. m. Mr. J. Hadln<>ws;ki will speak on the life of the kite Mr. P. Gin,;ol.l. A reading will be given by Mrs. J. Knpl;m and Mrs. Frank Hubenstein will i-:peak on her recent trip to Israel. Mrs. Sam Novak Is this year's; chairman of the Grieg Shabbat.'i All member:; arid friends have been Invited. The I'ionee." Women are tilr.o liavlnc a drive to collect clothes for Israel. Members are asked to call Mrs. G. H. Hinder, chairman at RE 631)4 for pick-up.
Junior Hadassah
Anitn Fellman, president of Omalin Chap'er of Junior Undaasoh, flew to Washington, D. C, Nov. 25 to represent Omaha at the organizations national convention. Headquarters (or the fiveday session is the Shorcham Hotel. The Honorable Mr. Abba Ebon, Israeli ambassador to the United States, will be one of the guest ipeakcnt. On Sunday, Nov. 29, the Junior Hadossah Kirls will be guests at the Israeli Embassy in Washington. .:/.'Flans arc now underway for a paid-up membership square dance to bo held at Inspiration Lodge at Camp I 3 r c w » t c r Dec. 12 at 8:30 .
• . • • ' •
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s-lonal Women Hildas:.ah to be held at the Jewish Community Center, .Sunday, Nov. 29, at 3 o'clock. Tho::e paitieipallnf! in the :kil, which will culminate in Israeli folk dances, are Mh.r.os Fayna Manvllz, Natalie Katieman, Itosalie Cohen, Dena Lawman, Paula Black and Teresa Kahn. Mi.',:is Evelyn Ix:vy, president, ami Myrtle Freeman, recently returned delegates from the National Hadatsah Convention ,ln Washington, D. C, will review their activities while attending the convention. Holiday refreshments will be served.
Fed. of Jewish Women
The regular meeting ot the Federation of * Jewish Women's Groups will be held at the Jewish Community Center on Thursday, Dec. 3, at 1 o'clock. The board meeting will be held at 11.30 a. m. A Thanksgiving: party was held a{ the Dr. Philip Shcr Home for the Aged on Tuesday night, Nov. 24, under the auspices of the Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Max Scheuermari was chairman in charge. '
Beth Israel Sisterhood Tho annual Linen Shower of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will take place at tho December meeting which will be held in tho Synagogue Social Hall. Mrs. Eugene Braun and her committee will be in charge of the luncheon. The first day of the holiday, Chanukah, coincide!! with the meeting date, Tuesday, Dec, 1, so a program of holiday songs will be presented by Cantor Ell Kagan. Reservations can be made by calling Mmcs. M. Ruderman and S. Mann. Mrs. Robert Smith will provide nursery care. Mrs. Will Bloom and Mrs. Jack Joseph will be on hand to help with holiday selections from the Sisterhood Gift Shop. Holiday cookies will be featured at the monthly bake sale.
There will be a board meeting Tuesday, Dec. 1, at the home of Jean and Clara Katz, 3225 Wcbitcr St., at 7:30 p. m. New chairmen recently appointed are the following: Jewish National Fund, Marilyn Ncarcnbcrg; Bowling, Ida Rundell; Program, Barbara Cohen; Social, Rita Rosen; RCIIKIOUS, Joanne Simon, and Fund-raising, Bctte Ann Poska, and Telephone, Norma Goodrich. • The girls will attend religious services en mar.se at the Beth Ifirael Synagogue on Nov. 27. After the services, a house party will follow at the homo of Gwendolyn Shapiro, 0200 Glenwood Rd. All girls bowling on the Junior Ha'dauah League will meet at the and wide attendance of 40 Bowl at 3 p. m., Sunday after- theSupport annual Bikur Cholim Society noon, Nov. 20, nnd every Sunday Chanukah card party and lunchthereafter. eon to be given on Monday, Nov. 30, at the Jewish Community Center at 1 p. m., has been urged by Mrs. Allan Zalkln, president of The Ladies Auxiliary' of Ep- the Society. stcln-Morgan Post, Jewish War One of the main projects of the Veterans, will hold a combined Bfkur Cholim has been the proboard and regular meeting, De- viding of the funds for the medicember 2, at 8 o'clock, at the cal costs at the Jewish Home for Jewish Community, Center, A the Aged. Proceeds of this lunchHanuknh party will be held aft- eon will be used for tho medical er the business meeting. All mem- program as well as other imporhave been told to bring a 25- tant activities of this organization. Mrs. Jake Wine and Mrs. Harcent gilt for the gift exchange. Any member who hasn't brought ry Kidman are chairmen of the their stuffed toy can do so at ticket sales and the luncheon. this meeting. All toys will be Guests arc to bring their own donated to a childrcns' institu- cards and make up their own tation at Christmas time. Hanukah bles. refreshment* will be served it was Reservations can be made with Mrs. Jake Wine, AT 0024 or Mrs. announced. that the new date foi the bake Harry Sidman, AT 3033. sale will be Feb. 23 at Brandcls Store*' • * Jewish Chaplains to Mrs. Meyer Kaplan, Hospital chairman, is asking for volunteers Help Mental Patients to work at the Veterans HospiLos Angeles (JTA)—California tal Christmas Day. Workers ore needed for sorting mall and has become the first Btate in the country to employ a rabbi to offer other services at the hospital. Volunteers are to call Mrs. Kap- rellgllouH services and guidance to Jewish patients in state mental lan at WA 6202. Betty Friedman, Welfare chair- Institutions. Following amendment by the man, has announced that she will send out Sad or Glad Tiding State Legislature of the budget of the State Department of Mental cards for members If they call Hygiene, two chaplains will serve her at GL 1707. one for Southern California hosltals and one for the Northern area. Itabbi Eugene Gruenbergcr of Hollywood has been appointed The Workmen's Circle ladles auxiliary will have their annu- by the Stale Department of Mental Hygiene to serve In the Southern al card party on Sunday, Nov. 20, at 0 p. m. at the Labor Ly- area, and Rabbi Aaron Werner in ceum. All Workmen's Circle mem- the northern. bers nnd friends arc Invited to attend. Admission is 50c. Coke Patronize Our Advertisers!. and coffee will be served. For further information, Mrs. Sarah Schwarts, chairman, WE 4900, can l;c; contacted.
Biktir Cholim Society
Epstein-Morgan Aux.
Workmen's Circle
B & P Hadassah
Featuring an original skit "It's Time for Youth," written by Eve Konerky, Youth Allyah chairman, Rebecca Gorodctzcr, and Fan La;:man, Zionist Youth Council chairman, will be cohostcsscs for the regular meeting of the Business and Profcs-
This Sunday night The Vienna Academy Chorus, under the direction of Prof. Ferdinand Grossmann, will perform for Omahans In the course of Its first North American tour. Tho 12 female and 12 male members of the Chorus are all vocally and Instrumentally trained graduates of the Vianna Academy of Music. In the few short years since its inception, this chorus has developed one of the most enviable reputations ever attained by a similar group. Acclaimed throughout the European continent, In England and In Scandanavla, the.chorus won especial renown for its performances III
StrudelTycoons (One of the tic as In the Held of Jewish mbsliteaee efforts.) ' •
Ruth Brown One of the proud claims ot Hungarian Jews is that they have madean epic delicacy of a famous Russian-Jewish pastry—the immortal strudel. Their claims have been tastily affirmed by thousands of New Yorkers, who flock daily to the four pastry shops of the Arthur Altman family to buy the family best seller—golden flaky strips of strudel. Like to many talcs of Immigrants who made the American dream come true, the Altman strudel saRa Is one that dates back to the 1029 depression. The Altmans settled in Passaic where Mr. Altman started n pastry shop. Business was good and getting better and the future looked bright. Then the worldwide storm of the depression struck the Altmans, and they were foccd to close the business. • Strode! Store Mrs. Altman, who had learned the techniques of Hungarian pattry making from her mother in Budapest, had always made strudel for her family and friends. When the family moved to Manhattan, they decided to go back Into the pastry business but this time with the idea of testing Whether the complements lavished on Mrs. Altman's strudel would pay off in sales to the general public. They rented a store, placed several pans of Mrs. Altman's apple strudel In the window nnd waited for business. They nold out every bit of the delicacy the first time, and Mrs. Altman has since made a lot of strudel. Not only do appreciative New Yorkers, Jewish and non-Jcwi:;h, flock to the four stores, two of them in the roaring garment district of mid-manhattcn, but the Altmans also do a flourishing mail order trade to strudel devotees as far away as Miami nd Hollywood. Wonderful Vsrlely The strudel offered by the Altmans comes in n wonderful variety theese, nut, poppl cccd, peach, cherry, huckleberry nnd even— in the winter—kraut strudel, But the best seller is still the apple strudct which launched the Altmnn enterprise. The recipe is a private one but any baker who hao ever chewed a sample acn guess— not too much pastry and make it generously rich. At this stage of the Altman busl-
SPOHGE CAKE fftlX lets you bako UGHTfR, HUFflER CAKE the way the expert I do I
"A magnificent vocal ensemble, whose singing suggests the qualities of their own Philharmonic Orchestra," said The Scotsman, the Edinburgh newspaper, of their performance at the Edinburgh Festival. The program Sunday night will consist of works from the great choral literature of the world, sung In modern evening dress, typical Viennese music by Schubert, Strauss, etc., performed in Old Viennese attire, and a collection of Austrian folk-songs and even yodeling songs, alone in Tyrol costume. Tickets can still be obtained at Hospe Piano Co. The show will t h e E d i n b u r g h a n d S a l z b u r g F e s - be held at Tech High Auditorium, tivals. : . . . . •.-••' •.•••.-•.•••• •.. . a t 8 p , i j i ; ^ . : ••.-..• " • •. . < ' • . ness, the enterprise is a strictly familyaffair. Each store is presided over by an Altman—one by papa Altman, one by Mrs. Altman, one by daughter Adelc and one by son Alfred. The son also serves as production manager for the Altman kitchen in his store, although Mrs. Altman is a frequent visiting inspector. Some claims have been advanced that the Altmans have a monopoy "on Hungarian strudel in a city where the delicacy prospers as nowhere else in the world. If It is, It's not the kind of a monopoly likely to get sharp looks from the Department of Justice. The trustbusters are probably included among Altman customers.
Dr. Waksman Recalls Talmudic Training New York (WNS)—Dr. Salman Waksman, discoverer of streptomycin and Nobel Prize winner, told a large audience that the study of Talmud in his early years influenced his scientific future. Acccpting'the Justice Brandels Medal awarded him by the Jewish Forum, currently celebrating the' 35th anniversary of publication, the renowned scientist: declared: •"Until .the age of 17,1 was steeped in the Hebraic,. especially Talmudic, tradition. Educated In the traditional heder, followed by private tutors and rabbis, I assidulously studied the Bible and its numerous commentaries. This body of knowledge comprised certain fundamental principles that impressed me particularly.,. I could almost follow these as continuous threads throughout, the whole of Hebraic learning, beginning with the fiery words of Moses as tho Lawgiver, to those of the great Talmudic and' postTalmudlc scholars such as Joshua Ben Sirach and, finally, to the wisdom of the Second Moses, known as Malmonedes." Dinah Shore: "The kind of reference book that ought to sell in Hollywood is a "Who's Whose."
Bible Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in. his own eyes. Who can say: "I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my .sin?" Even a fool, when he boldeth" his peace, Is counted wise and he that ehuttcth his lips is esteemed as a man of understanding. Talmud Rabbi J o c h a n a n said: "The hearts ot tho first sages were a* broad as the gate of the Warn (20 cubits), and that of the later, sages were as broad as the gate of Heichal (10 cubits), but our hearts) are as narrow as the eye of a very fine needle." * ' A pot belonging to partners i* neither cold nor hot. Rabbi Acha said: "It is revealed and known to Him who spoke and created the world, that there was; none like Rabbi Meir in his generation (in wisdom and learning). Why then did -they not determine the Halacha (law) according to his opinion? Because his colleagues were unable to fathom his profound conclusions. We were taught that his name was not Rabbi Mclr but Rabbi Mehorai, but he was called Rabbi Melr, because he brightened the eyes of1 the wise with his words ('Meir means 'bright')."
Administration To Be Evaluated The Jewish Community Center's Young Adult Club will present the second of its series of stimulating and thought provoking programs entitled American Film Forum this Sunday evening at 8 p. m. This program is a hovel method of discussing tho current political scene. Each program presents a 20-minutc film in which two outstanding speakers debate the topic under discussion. Following the film a discussion leader is chosen and the group follow up with questions suggested by the film, The topic for Sunday night will bo "An Evaluation of the Elsenhower Administration." Sen, Geo. A. Smathers of Florida, a Democrat and former Sen. Harry P. Cain of Washington, a Republican" will be the discussants on film with Marquis Childs, well known, columnist as moderator. Everyone is invited to attend and take part in the discussion. , "The industry cannot go on ai it has," says Zanuck. "There Is no in-between in today's movies.' Pictures arP either terrific hits or they are flops. And the few hits that emerge each year cannot continue to carry an entire studio's annual output. We have placed all of our eggs in the Cinemascope basket. Cinemascope is synonymous with showmanship."
Omaha's Favorite Way to Dine on
Sunday Branch
All You Cart to Eaf
Noon to 3 p. m.
Served Buffet Style!
Say It With Ours
For Every Occasion
2323 Dodgo
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A Thanksgiving Story
November 27, U»
Beth Israel News Happy Birthday Beth El School Clianukah Dinner Friday, Nov. 27 Will Hold Dinner Annual The Annual Heth Israel Chanu-
uel Salant, of sainted memory, t By David Sehwarls Fagj Ilrandstettcr, James Ml The annual Chunukah Dinner kah family dinner will take placeThli is a true Thanksglvin give her a divorce. chael Kirshcnbaum, M i c h o a The Rabbi suggested that Thomas Roienbaum and Sluar for parents and cliildrcn of lietl Sunday, Dec. 0, at 6 p. m. in the story—the story of Petach Tikva Kl Talmud Torah will take place Social Hull. Mrs. Dave Friedman, view of his wife';, demand, it WIL, Stolcr. Ja Israel Sunday, Dec. G, at 5:30 p. m. in chairman of the Dinner Committee that he give hei a divoru\ Saturday, Nov. 28 jVtaeh Tikvah was the first o: proper the Social Hall of the synagogue announced that the reservations said llarm-u, "1 sh Alan Lewis Cohen and Llaii' the Jewish agricultural colonies not"Rabbi," give her a divorce, it is linpo, Pupils of the Talmud Torah wil list:; will be clo.'.ed at noon Wedin Israel It la now celebrating its sible for me to give her a divoic present the program, under the nesday, Dec. 2. Sunday. Nov. 29 78th anniversary. Jewish developSandra Frecdman, Mark Ala direction of Samuel Nuhshon, DiA novel and Interesting proment in Israel begins with it. —it's against the- Jewish law." rector of Education, and the Tal- gram h.is been arranged by tho (Jieenberg, Honald James Greent "How so?" asked Itahbi Satan Words seem pale in telling this mud Torah faculty. The Junior Janiu Claire Mciches, and Ale children of the religious schools. knowing well the liberality of tin story. It needs to be sung to opera, Choir, as well as the Talmud Torah Reservations arc $1.75 per plate Jewish divorce laws. "In Jeru- Frank Orkow. but I. shall try to tell i t Choir, -will render a group of Monday, Nov. 20 for adults and .75 per plate for call all of us at Petacli Patach Tikvah in English means salem they Chanukah songs. Dan R. Bleicher. madmen and according children. For reservations call "Hope's Door" or "Hope Gate." Tikvah Mrs. Robert Silver and Mrs RK G288. Tuesday, Dec 1 Jewish law, a divorce given by How did it get its name? Yale Ginsberg with a committee Michael Hornstein. crazy man is null and void," reof Beth El Sisterhood women are Children's Cbanukah Pmrty It was in the late seventies that plied Barnett Wednesday, Dec 2 tome religious Jews in Jerusalem Ronnie Gail Co plane, Frances in charge of the dinner. Reserva- The children of the Beth Israel Rabbi Salent smiled. Ito ad decided to do something more than mitted be had no come back tc Jean Grossman and Rita Lynn tions may be made by calling the School System will have a Chanusynagogue office. pray. They would become the that PaskowlLz. kah film party on Sunday morncomplete Jews of their ancestor*, Thursday, Dee, 3 ing, Dec. 29, from 10 to 12 a. m. Survival Overrides Sabbath who worshipped in the Temple but Comedy films will be shown and After the malaria, came crop Nadlno Allyn Epstein, Milton Consecration Service also tilled the solL The Jewish failure. Ermann, Jack Grey and Karen M. favors will be given to the chilAfter the crop failure came historian, Joscphus, in fact, apol- the floods which drowned them Lee Jabcnls. To Be Held at Beth El dren. Sunday School chldren will ogized to the Romans for the fact out To add to the troubles, there meet In their classes and will be that his brethren in Israel were were the Bedouin marauders. The Annual Consecration Serv- taken into the social hall by the simple husbandmen—plain tillers Once teachers. Talmud Torah children the marauders came on the ice of the pupils oj Ueth El Talof the solL Sabbath and it presented a special mud Torah, who arc newly en- will mccl. in the social hall at 10 These Jews in 18T8 had diffi- problem. The attack came while Rabbi and Mrs. Myer S, Kripk rolled in regular Talmud Torah a. m. The Sunday morning Junior culty in getting a piece of land. the Jews were at religious services. announce that their son, Saul classes will be held Friday eve- Breakfast club will mccl as usual. The Turks, who were in control Jehoshua Stamper took off hi* Aaron, will celebrate his Bar Mitz- ning, Dec. 4, at the Sabbath Eve at the time, were willing that With and called out, "the Issue vah this Friday evening and Sat' services, which begin at 6:15 p. m. Girls Arts and Crafts Club Jews should come to Palestine and of survival overrides the sanctity urday morning at Beth El Syna Participating will be: Michael Tho Girls Arts and Crafts Club pray. Praying only filled the air. of the Sabbath.'' All the praying gogue. In his honor, Rabbi and Abrants, Sheila Raskin, Maureen will meet in the Talmud Torah But the land, that was another Jews went out and got their guns. Mrs. Kripko will receive members Bordcn, Sherman lirodkey, Mel- Building evenini? from 6 matter. The Turks didn't want any •One day, a man looking like a of the congregation and other vin Epstein, Jerry Fcrensteln, to 7:30 p,Sunday m. The club is working Jews owning any land and the Bedouin, riding on a beautiful friends, following service!. Yale Finklc, David Forbes, Linda on a Chanukah project under the Arabs were also averse to selling white horse, dismounted at Petach Following the Sabbath morning Gclfand, Mark Goldstrom, Lois supervision of Mrs. Philip Blum. them any/The temptation of get- Tikvah. "Shalom Alcichem," he services, they will be hosts at a Greenberg, Scott Haykln, Harry ting some good Jewish money said. "Aleichem Shalom," the sett- Buffet Sabbath Dinner for all wor- Kort, Irving Howard Ranznick, Junior Club however, proved too strong and lers responded. "Shema Ylsrael, shippers. Frances Rife, Marian Rlmmermun, The Beth Israel Junior Youth they did sell these Jerusalem Jews Adonal Elohenu Adonal Echad," Carol Bosenbaum. Myron Sabes, club Will havo a Chanukah party some land near the Yarkon river. ho -went on. The Jews were puzMichael Sacks, Ernest ShwideUon, • It was very swampy, lull of ma- zled. The man said that he was a tarry G. Herman, ion of Mr. Robert Slusky, Joel Sneider. Da- Sunday evening, from 0 to 7JO p. laria. The Arabs knew better than Jew belonging to a wandering and Mrs. Leonard D. Herman, will vid Soshnlk, Robert Stem, Cheryl m, The party will be held in tho social ball of the synagogue. There to settle there themselves, so they Jewish Bedouin group of the Sinai celebrate his Bar Mitxvah in Beth Welnberg, Alan Whitman. will be square and social dancing. sold the Jerusalem Jews this land Desert. Someone had stolen his Israel Synagogue Friday evening, and the Jews were very happy tine white horse and he had vowed Dec. 11, and Saturday morning, The children will' participate in They opened their Bibles and read, that if he recovered it, he would Dec. 12. Friends and relatives are the service and offer their thanks Chanukah Centest "And I will give her vineyards offer prayers at the Wailing Wall. invited to attend and no invita- for the opportunity to study the Samuel Kaplan, president of the Torah. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will P-TA announced that the Beth from them and the Valley of Af- In Jerusalem, a Sheik had told tions have been issued. deliver the charge to the conse- Israel Is again sponsoring its anfliction for a Door of Hope." So him that there were people of his c r a n t s . '••".' • • . • '• ' • •' nual Chanukah contest. Special they gave the settlement the name religion working the land. This exParents of the consecranls will prizes will be awarded to children of the Door of Hope—or Petach plained his visit. He agreed to Chanukah-Chrisimas be hosts at a reception following of the religious school submitting Tikvah. remain as head watchman for a School Observance the services. the best stories, poems, essays or year. He taught the Jews how to Greek Physician drawings about Chanukah. All enProblem Is Reviewed deal with the Bedouins. He ate The Jews orousht to the settletries should be submitted to the ment a certain Greek physician only one meal a day and drank school office. Philadelphia (JTA)—The Philwho was regarded as the chief water drop by drop. To a man ndelplil Jewish Community Relaused to the desert thirst, water is authority on Palestine climate and Council (JCIiC) has recomRegistrations are now open for Lou Hoitz (talking about an hygiene. They followed him as he as precious as champagne. Ho rode tions mended that no public action be the weekly social dancing ses- artlst)i "Ho isn't exactly a sculpwent up on a hilt In the highest about armed only with a sharp t.ikr:i for or against Christmas or sions. These classes will be held tor. Just a chlselcr." sword and long lance. He dispart of the land and began to look celebrations evep' Thursday at 3:45 p. m. They Upward. They did not know what dained to use firearms. Even a Chriitmas-Chrjnukah public schools without first begin Dec. 3, and will be held in woman, he said, could fight with ;i to make of it as he looked and checking with the Council. the Auditorium. The fee In $1.75 looked, turning his head this waypistol. In a letter to JCRC's 29 affilatc 'or eight sessions of fox trot, and that—always at the sky above. Slowly things began to pick up", irgam'zation:; end their 400 lodges, rumba, jitterbug, and South Ititiot AT H&O to Insert runt Wttnl Afi Finally, he spoke, "My friends," American dances. This fee may a The Jewish I'rexs. he said, "I have waited these many f the colonists could get a little :haplers, posts nnd auxiliaries be Current r»t» u r<0 cent* toi e*di ln*trpaid at the desk at the JCC UDQ. minutes looking at the sky above outside aid, they could do better he PCriC pointed out that "vir- by Dec. Tin I'rtss reserves \ht rictn to limit 1. on eat!) frdTtrtucmrnt. and they chose Abraham Kopcl- tually all Jewish community rela—looking for birds. If you are Interested and would man, one of the colonists who altions and religious organizations "Looking for birds!" exclaimed ways managed to smile in the believe responsibility for rcligiou: like further information, contact Chanukah Cards and Chanukah one Jew, "we did not hire you as midst of trouble, to go to Europe education rests with the syna- Shirly Koodell, WE 5130; Judy gift wrapping paper. a": bird expert. What about the to enlist support. gogue, the church or the home, Cohn, GL 7C0G, or Phil Pogcen OAR and lias Mitzvah congratuland?" in the Youth Activities Office. nd not with the public school The whoppers that Kopclman lations; also for nil Jewish boll"I am coming to that," said the days and special occasions. Greek doctor. "If you want to would tell! The watermelons were iystem." Hollywood (JTA) — Hollywood so big, he would say, that a halt of "However, Gome of these same lias turned out some 20,000 motion Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge. Judge the land—look for the birds On the land below are thousands one watermelon wculd suffice for irganizations are not able to agree pictures since cameras began of from* and other insects and i whole family's daily food and is to whether it is possible to hold grinding, but o n e picture will CUANAKAII is Dec. 1. vegetable life on whlcMMrds might of the other half—the rind alone "uligious observances—Christian or determine the film industry's fu- PLACE your order now for his or well banquet, but the instinct of would make a boat in which the Jewish—in public schools without ture, according to 20th-century her favarite magazine. Gift the bulls' is sound. They know this family could sail on the Yarkon. .ntroduclnft some elements of wor- Fox'3 brilliant production bosa cards furnished. Take advantage ihip, ritual or dogma which may Darryl F. Zanuck. "Hollywood will of the special offers that are in land is unhealthy,**: ...: Leave Top Hat Yehoshua Stamper, a leader of When a European Jew, deciding •also questions of religious con- rise or fall on the success of "Tho effect this month. Robe." MRS. S. J. HORWICH, WA S8M the group, had been a student in to move to the Holy Land, asked ;cience for some pupils." "Bumania. One day, just before whether he should take his top Until national and local policy dawn, he rose, took a map of hat along, Kopelman advised him further clarified, the JCRC Palestine and another of Europe strongly against it, warning him Commltce made the following recand Asia and started walking to that it would be spoiled by the ommendations: Palestine. It had taken him six honey dripping everywhere from That JCIJC continue to oppose months to walk to Palestine. With the trees. hcologlcal or crcedal content in the exception of a very small Kopclman died only n few years my Cliristian or Jewish religious Stretch he had walked all the way back the ripe; ane of 103. Jusl loliday observances in public SCRIP TO ISRAEL What conld men with such doj;- beforeathis death, he asked that ho xhools. gedncss do when the doctor fills be not buried That there be no organizational among the notables their minds with foreboding about of the villages but "near the wine :ampaigns to eliminate such celethe site of their settlement? There where they make the drinks brations from the schools or rewas only ono thing U> do. They ccllers lucsts to hold them. The JCRC at .erected tents and mud huts and that ciiecr the heart of man." protect the right of a Made up of such people as Kop- ill times began to till the land. child not to participate in elman, the Valley of Affliction 'ewiiih my religious celebrations or acMalaria cairte and it seemed the turned into a veritable Gate of very strongest in the settlement Hope. Through that gate were to vity in the public schools vioWere the most affected. Men were come many thousands. lating religious conscience. reduced to wrecks. Today Petach Tikvah counts a "And the Valley of Affliction for population of 75,000. This includes rom the Israel bond drive. • Door of Hope!" What a mockery 25,000 immigrants who have setThe Valley of Affliction turned to call the place, the Gate of Hope. tled there since the establishment nto FREE TOYS FOR THE KIDS a Gate of Hope! What better The Valley of Affliction was its of the State. The once agricultural Thanksgiving story could there be tight name. colony is now a mixed fanning ;han this! Send a Scrip to lm*l certrfical* Zcra Barnclt, one of the pio- and industrial settlement. The reneers, had an English born wife. cent newcomer:; have been given Sid Caesar: "The easiest v/ay to for *5, $10, $15, $25. today.1 She said to him: "My husband, 1 employment in a tannery and tex- um a woman's head is to tell her love you but if you insist on stay- tile factories, set up with proceeds :ho Your recipient wHI get th* advantage has a nice profile." ing here, I shall demand a divorce of reduced food prk« and and leave you." And she insisted that he go with her to Rabbi Samfree toy. for the Chanukah holiday. Playwright N o r m a n ("Dear Ruth") Krasna and his wife, the former Mrs. Al Jolson, have left at tlie Jewish Community Center for New York to begin preparations for his new play "Kind Sir" 101 No. 20th Street starring Charles Boyer and Mary Martin. Advance ticket sale for Under the direction of Prof. Hems BAEft the play now is $750,000! Norman, by t h e way, happily collected Modern Techniques Are Used 1350,000 for his play, "Dear Ruth" Pupil's Recital* to Be Presented when it was turned into a movie, IX W. 97* K, N o Y«* 1», K. * Enrollment for foil and winter season 1953-1954 faos started and later sold the screen rights of his following play, "John Loves Mary" for another $300,000. Call JAckson 1366 or WEbs.er 8681 Local Agent: Jewish CotMnalty Cmrt«r • 101N.20tfeSt.FlKMJAi3M
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" r a y , nevenaer jn, r*o»
Community Calendar
At lite regular .Sabbath Services tliis evening at 8 o'clock, Rabbi Kidney H. lirduk:! will discuss "Tho Creed of tile Jew," What Must a Jew Believe. Mrs. Edwin E. llrodkey will recite the blessing over the .Sabbath llclits; Yolc Tru.'.tiii will recite the KJddush und Lozier Kavlch nnd Justin Pricsman will be called to the reading of the Torah. Ilegular Shabbos Morning Services will be held tomorrow m o m )ni; at 11:40 o'clock, Rabbi Brook* will conduct the services and Klddush fur all present will follow the' services. BET1I EL Services will begin this evening at 0:15 o'clock, nabbl Myer S. Krlpke wlU deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Egar and the Beta El Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning service* wil bt-ffin at 0:45 o, rn. Mlncha-Maariv K<-ivices will begin at 4:30 p. m. Dally Mlnyan Is held on each week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p . m . Sunday morning service it at B a. ra. BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Ell Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct late Friday evening services tonight at 8 o'clock. Sabbath morning services at Beth Israel at 8:30 a. m. and 9 a. m. at 19th and Hurt. Junior services at 10 a. m. in the chapel. Kubbl Groncr will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud class nt 4 p. m., Saturday Mlncha wlU start nt 4:30 p. m. and will be followed by Sholosh S'cudos and Maariv. Daily morning services be-gln at 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and nt 0:30 a. m. at 10th and Hurt. Daily afternoon services bcj;in «t 4:45 p. m., Friday afternoon at 4:30 . m. .'Sunday morning breakfast mlnyan meets lit 8:15 a. m. find is followed by Itabbl Groner'e Ilible DiicuK.lnn Clii.',1!. Tht; younRstera of Uie Talis ami Teffilin Club bcRin their cervices at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast is served at the conclusion of tneir services. B'NAI ISRAEL Sabbath Ecvcnlng Services will bei'.ln tonlj-ht at 8:30 o'clock. Rabbi David Korb will epeak on "Giving Thanks to God." An open forum on "Jewish Customs and Ceremonial*" will follow. Members of the sisterhood will serve refreshments following the services.
Obituary Mrs. Edna Rosenriial Services were held Friday, Nov. 20, for Mrs. Edna Hosenthol with Interment at Uie Beth El Cemetery. Mrs. Hosenthal, 63, died In St. Louis, Mo., Thursday, Nov. 19. She is survived by two sons, Norman of St. Louis nnd Col. Herbert of USAF; a brother, William Racusin of Omaha; five sisters, Mrs. Ben Abrahamson, Mrs. Leonard Chernls.', Mm. David Block of Omaha, Mrs. Al Lnvln of Chicago, and Mm. I. nosinksy of Los Angeles, and cirht grandchildren.
Monument Dedication The unveiling cervices of the monument placed in memory of Thomas I. Levitt will be held at 2 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 29, nt Glendalo Cemetery in Dca Moines, la. Rabbi Irving Weingart and Mr. Arronow will conduct the servlcea In the chapel at the cemetery. All friends of the family arc cordially invited to attend this service. Mr. Levitt was the father of Aaron L. Levitt nnd Mrs. Wchard H. Hiller of Omaha.
Yeshiva If. to Honor Stevenson New York (WNS)— Adlal E. Stevenson will receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Ycshlva University December 13 ot a special convocation, according to Dr. Samuel Bclkin, University president. Following the convocation, Gov. Slcvcnton will be the puert of honor at a dinner launching the 25th anniversary year of the establishment of the University's College of Liberal Arts and Science, tho first under Jewish auspices in the United Stales.
Friday, Nov. 27 I're-KindcrKarteri School -,-0:00 a. m.1, Center. Saturday, Nov. 28 Uadatsah Over All Omg Midbbat —12 30 p. m , Home. Kimrfay, Nov. 29 MidKct na.'.kctbull I'u-Si J -in SUrU.—1:30 p. m., Center. Children's I'roBi am—? 0(1 |) in , Center. . 13 & I* Hadatsah—2:00 p. in;, Center. • » Young Adult Loun/'c Nii;ht—(100 p, m.. Center. Dick Walters Celilm lie —Ttili High. Monday, Nov. 30 Prc-Kinderparten School—0:00 a. m.. Center. Adult Art Class—J.00 p. m., Center. Workmen's Loan—7-30 p. m , Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. rn., Beth Israel. Tuesday, Dee, 1 Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1;00 p. m., Beth Israel. Bridge Class—1:30 p. m., Center. Junior Hadassah Regular Meeting—7:30 p. m.. Center. Pioneer Women Board—8:30 p. m.. Center, JTOST CHANUKAH LIGHT. ' Wednesday, Dee, Z FIRST DAY-CHANUKAH. Pre-KIndorgartcn School—8:00 a. m.. Center. B«th El Sisterhood Board Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth El. Ladles Free Loan Society—2:00 p. m., Center. Jewish War Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary. Open Bonrd and Chanukah Party—8:00 p. m., Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. Thursday, Dte. S Beth Israel P. T. A. Meeting—8:30 p. m.( Beth Israel • Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Meeting—1:00 p, m.. Center. Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class— 3:4B p. m., Center. Chess Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Bridge Class—8:00 p. •»., Center. Oreat Books Course—8.-00 p. m . Center. Friday. Dee. 4 Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 p. m., Center.
Tuesday, Dec. ZZ Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Bridge Class 1:30 p. rn., Center. Wednesday, Dec. 23 Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. in., Center. , Mizrachl Women—1:00 p. m., Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. Thursday, Dec. 24 Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p . m., Center, Bridge Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Chess Class—8:00 p. m., Center, Kfldimah Regular Meeting—8:30 p . m., Private home. Friday, Dee. 25 Pre-Klndcrgarten School—9:00 a. m., Center. Saturday, Dee. 28 Hadasseh Youth Commission Sabbath—12:30 J>. m. Young Adult Club Dance—8:00 p. m., Center. Sunday, Dee. 27 Children's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. y B & P.HadassBh—2:00 p. m.', Center. Yiddish Film—8:00 p. m., Center. Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m., Center. Monday, Dec, 28 Pro-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m.. Center. Golden Age Club—1:00 p. m., Center. , Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. i Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. ra, Beth Israel. Rayfm Roller Skating Party—9:00 p. m., Roller Bowl, Tuesday, Dee. 29 ' Bridge Class—1:30 p. m., Center. Wednesday, Dee. SO Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. — Hadassah-Herzl Group—12;30>p. m., Center. Hadassah-Weismann Group—12:30- p. m., Y. M. C. A. Hadatsah-Szold Group—12:30 p. m., Y. W. C. A. Center Orchestra lichearsal—8:00 P. m.. Center. B'nai B'rith Monsky Lodge—8:00 p. m., Center, Thursday,'Dee. 31 Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p. m., Center. Great Books Course—7:30 p. m,, Center. Beth Israel Men's Club New Year's Eve Party—Beth Israel.
•.'•."• • '• • ' : •.'• .-•• ' •..•"•.•
Sandsy, Dee. 6 As I was with'Moses, so I will Thqu hast also given me the Children's Program—2:00 p. m . Center. not fall thee, nor forsake tfaee. Be shield ot Thy salvation; tad Thy B'nal B'rith-Monsky Lodge Chanukah Party—2:00 p. m. strong and of a good courage.— gentleness hath made me great*—' Kutler-Clplnko Family Club—S:0o p, m., Center. (Josh. 1:5,6.) (II Sam. 22:36.) Beth; Israel Congregation Chanukah Dinner—6:00 p, m-, Beth
Beth El Chanukah. Dinner—6:00 p. m , Beth El. , Young Adult Lounge Night-Chanukah Affair—8:00 p. m . Center. . Monday, Dee. 7 Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m., Center. Adult Art Classes—1:00 p. m . Center. Temple Israel Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Highland Town. Workman'* Loan—7:30 p . m . , Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—0:00 p. m., Belh Israel. Tuesday, Dec. S Pcrctz Illrshbeln Group—1:00 p. m., Private Homes. Council Study Group—1:00 p. m., Private Home. Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Pioneer Women—1:00 p. m., Center. Bridge Class—1:30 p. m., Center. Junior Hadnssah Regular Meeting—7:30 p. m.> Center. EIGHTH CHANLTKAM LIGHT. Wednesday, Dee. I Prc-Kindcrgarten School—D:00 a. m., Center. Tleth El Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m , Beth EL Zionist Council—0:00 p m., Center. Pre-School Parents Meeting—8:00 p. m., Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 Adult EdUcatiav8:00 p. m., Private home. Workman's Circle Ladies Auxiliary—8:30 p. m«, Labor Lyceum. Thnnulay, Dee. 10 Council Women's Board—1:00 p.-m,, Private homes. Ballroom Dancing Class—Youth Council—3:45 p. m., Center. , CornmiSker B'nai B'rith—8:00 p. m., Center. Chess Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Bridge Clats—8:00 p. m.. Center. B'nai B'riJh NetsK Chapter No. 340 and Lodge 1445—8:80 p. rn., 25th and J Sts. Friday, Dee. 11 Pre-Kindcrgorten School—«:00 a, ro., Center. Saturday, Dee. » ' Hadassah Oneg Shabbat-Amerlcan AUalr* - Education — 12:30 p; rn^i Private home. Junior Hadassah Pald-Up Membership Square Dance—8:30 p. m., Camp Brewster. Sunday, Dee. 1* Children'* Program—2:00 p. m., Center, Bonds for Israel Dinner—7:00 p. m., Blackstone Hotel. Youth Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p^m_ Center. Monday, Dee. 11 Prc-Kindcrgarten School—8:00 a. m., Center. Bikur Cholim—1:00 p. m.. Center. Brandeis University Board Meeting—1:00 p, m., Highland Town. Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. B'nal B'rith Monsky Chapter No. 470 Board Meeting—8:00 p, m., Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—0:00 p1. m., Beth Israel. Tnesday, Dee. IS National Council of Jewish Women Luncheon Meeting — 1*0 p. m.. Center. Bridge Class—1:30 p. m . Center. Beth Israel PTA Board Meeting—8:30 p. m., Private home,Wednesday, Dee. H Pre-Kindergarten School—0:00 a. m.. Center. Mizrachl Women—1:00 p. m.. Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m.. Center. Hadassah HMO-Donor Affair—8:00 p. m. Tuesday Musical—8:30 p. m., Central High. Thursdsy. Dee. 17 B'nni B'rith Monsky Chapter Luncheon—1:00 p. m., Center. Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Men's Club Dinncr~7:00 p. m., Beth IsraeL Great nooks Course—7:30 p. m., Center. Brldcc Class—8:00 p. m.. Center. Chess Class—0:00 p. m., Center. Kadimah Board Mtetlnc—8:30 p. m.. Private home. Friday. Dec. 18 Pre-Klndcrfiarten School—0:00 0. m., Center. Saturday, Dec. 10 Debka Debs Dane*—8:00 p. m., Center. Sunday, Dee. 20 Children's Program—2:00 p. m., Center. Foreign Films Scries—8:15 p. m. Center. ,*. Young Adult Lounge Night—8:00 p. m., Center. . ' , Monday, Dec. 21 Prc-Kindergartcn School—0:00 a. m.. Center. .*'-•• , Workman's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—9:00 p. m., Center, ,'-> c,,. ,.
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ITrUay, November M. 1MJ
Refugee Problem Y.C. Boys Bowling By Arthur Lewis United Nations (JTA)—Like the poor, the refugees seem to be always with us, and, once ugairi, Dr. G. J. van Jlcuvun Goedhart, the Dutchman who is the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, was the voice of conscience reminding the delegates of their responsibility for these unfortunate people. Ever since the great International Refugee Organization was folded up (it resettled more than a million displaced persons Including thousands of Jews), Dr. Gocdhart has been struggling to look after the rest with a few assistants and little money. Budcrt
Raylm's top Mesl Sew Grczl team, leading by one game In the American Division of the Y. ( Boys Bowling league, will tal on their chief rivals second plac Independents EHG this Suruiaj Meanwhile ISob Epstein, frcshma: from A, Z. A. 100 continued hi torrid jjaee with a 212-543 scrl for high individual honors. National Division W. L. AZA No. 1 Clams 18',i 5" AZA No. 1 Boosers .... 16 8 Rayim SOS 15 9 AZA No. 100 Centurymcn 14% BM Rayim S. a P.'s „ ; 13 11 Ind. Sleepers . . 13 H Rayim "H" .. .., . 1 1 13 AZA No. 1 Bluffers .... 10 14 Rayim Screwbowls .... 8 IS AZA No. 1 No Names « 20
By Miidy I'uul
By Bill Wolf The Joe Louis Story Fan* Interested In boxing will be rewarded by seeing the new movie, "The Joe Louis Story." Followers of Jew* in sports will find the picture exciting from many The Jay's midgets of 1953-r veterans from previous years and ' •Mies. held their team elections last Sun are standout players and leaders. . first and foremost, of course, is day to choose their leaders for tin Here are the team .sponsors and the thrilling portrayal of Joe coming season. In the fifth an roster of players: Louis' ring career, which is of insixth grade league the captain Mh-Cth Grade I,caEUe terest to every sports fan. While chosen were: Dan Hollis (1'acifi ....Pacific Ihh—Dan Hollis, capt. the picture fails to develop Louis Fish), Waller Wise (Mngcn-Davli Lauren Washerman, liill Horwich, as a personality, it provides some Wine), Alan Konccky (S. Hickc Dick Zacharia, ISob Glnsburff, excellent fistic shots culled from and Sons) and Justin 13au (Hire pictures of Louis' actual bouts. Root Beer). The seventh am Marvin Rubaek, Louis liich, Dick eighth graders chose Ifowarc Ka.':Iow, Bob Lohrman, Jeff V/ohlBut as a noteworthy sidelight, His budget is less than three Welnberg (Burkhord-Gcrellck) ncr, and Jerry Hecner. the picture calls to mind a few of quarters of a million dollars, and Tom Kully (I-Go-Van), Justir the figures who have captured the Dr. Gocdhart quoted a Camcgie Mogen-Davld Wine — W a l t e r Ravitz (Sample Fur), and Sluarl Wise, capt. Don Forman, Kcva attention of Jewish sports fans. Endowment for Peace pamphlet as Kutler (11-Worth Grill). All an Shykcn, Joel Davis, Sam BIi uhir, For one thing, there's the foot- saying of his office in Geneva: Jerry Goldstroin, Doug Plait, age of the fight between Louis and "never have so few done so much Art Schwartz; 183-481; D i e Howard Stolcr, Karl Lcuf.sc hcutz, Max Baer. On Baer*s trunks is the for so many on so little." Obvious- Einstein, 161-450; Larry Schwartz, Steve Gould, Ed Levey. "Mogen David" which he always ly, the High Commissioner cannot 160-447; WJUard Rotkln. 137-440. Wore in the ring. This brings to feed} or shelter the refugees on S. Rlekffl & Sons—Alan KonecAmerican Division mind many of the discussions as to such a paltry sum, and his office ky, capt. Bob Nogg, John Hlekes, W. whether Baer really was Jewish. is more a co-ordinating centre Rayim Mesl-ScwMike Sabes, Marsh Kaplan, Ilud. Baer said he was Jewish on his which keeps in contact with these Herzog, Martin Meyers, Mike Grczi , _.'. 30 father's tide. This has been a mat- wretched people and puts the vol- Ind. Eata-Bita-Gong.... 19 Green, Don Fiedler, Harold I oi bes ter of argument. Whatever the untary charitable agencies in The JCC Vnrsity league, after and Bruce Goldstein. AZA I * . 100 "A" 13 rate, there was no argument with 1 finishing its pro-season play will 12 12 Hires Boot Setr—Ji;::tin Han, the way Louis battered him touch with them and provides Rayim "XV enjoy a two-week rest due to AZA No. 1 Cutter them with legal protection. capt. Larry Kohn, Mike Markovltz,. around the ring. Thanksgiving vacation. On Decem- Al Newberg, Martin Sneider, Ed« Goon 12 12 Main Problem ber 3, the league will open with win Sidman, Gene Dandy, HowThe scenes surrounding both AZA No. 100 Gutter Dr. Gocdhart told the Social and Its first game of regular season Max SschmcUng fights, and the 14 Gang . . . . . 10 ard Chuducqff, Mike Sarlofsky, play. pictures of the fights themselves, Humanitarian Committee here that Rayim M-Jabs IS 0 Steve Kutler and Frank Goldbcig. have a special meaning for those his main problem was the Eu- Rayim "K" Last week's final games saw 9 IS 7th-8th Grade League Who remember Hitler's slaughter ropean refugees in China, mostly AZA No. 1 We Star Auto, paced by Ray Somberg Burkhard-Gcrcllck — Howard of -8,000,000 Jews. Louis' second in Shanghai. In this connection, it Goofed ,.. 814 drop the lagging Lusty team by the fight was not only a fight against should be said that ho has nothing AZA No. 1 Zorchs .... 7*s score of 57-30. It was a fine scor- Welnberg, capt. Jerry Sherman, Wise, Jeff Swartz, Bob Schmeling. It was a special fight to do With the Arab refugees in ing game for Al-Clayman's team Chuck Highs Palestine, for whom there is a Epstein, Steve Seglin, Harold Kal-' against Hitler's racism. separate United Nations agency; ' Bob Epstein, 212-S43; J e r r y as all members scored. Somberg man, and Al Noddle. Frond Issue office looks after the leftovers Ziegman, 196-536; Fred Simon, had* 16 points while chief support The picture dearly indicates his I-Go Van—Tom Kully, capt. Ed came from Al dayman with 14, of the I. R. O., and the new re- 185-511; Bob Meyer, 177-480, that Schmeling is in the United fugees Sherm Poska made 10 and Ed Bel- Schneider, Nelson Gordman, Stan of the ideological conflict. States with Hitler's blessings and Mr 9. Morrie Handlemah. coming Greenfield, Ronald Simons, Clark Altogether there are some 15,000 is out to uphold the myth of racial back to his pre-war status with Swartz and Sid Fcssen. superiority. In going into ring, European refugees in Shanghai Sample Fur—Justin Ravitz, capt. a fine left hand push shot led the Louis Is bath conscious of his am- and the rest of China, some 1,200 Mike Fcrsoll, Arnold Ban, Tom Lusty team with 11 points. bition to avenge his previous loss of whom, Dr. Gocdhart said, were * Kutlcrs Klowns, borrowing an Platt, Bernard Bloom, Jerry and also to battle Nazi ideology completely dependent on the Uniton behalf of his people. He was ed Notions "for daily living." His On Sunday at 2 p. m., the Midget Ineligible player squeezed by the Schwartz and Bob Shapiro. Collegians with a 39-37 victory. office had been able to settle some 11-Worth Grill—Stuart Kutlcr, also battling for the Jewish people, Basketball season will officially Fogcl topped bis team's scor- capt Irvin Bclzcr, Phil Bally, Alun all Americans, and liberty-loving 2,900 of these European refugees get underway. The fifth and sixth Dave ing with 12 points while forward Cutler, Bruce Bloom, Mike Plait. individuals the world over as he and the High Commissioner listed grade league will play two games battered Schmeling to the canvas the countries who had taken the and will be followed by the sev- Don Jacobs, a toldler at Fort Oma- and Bob Fcllman. ha, via Virginia, pitched in with in that exciting first and only most as Brazil, Australia, Canada enth and eighth grade lads. 9 points. Leroy Katz captured the and Israel. round of the re-match, There is no doubt that this will Dr. Gocdhart abhors the use of be an active season. With over 70 scoring honors as he hit the hoop The film is conscious of discrimination in other respects. Louis is the description "hard core;" he boys in action on eight teams for 14 points. Thursday, Dee. 3 reminded right from the start of considers it inhuman and prefers there will be a scramble for the his career that he has two strikes to call the aged, sick and indigent top spot. As was the case last year, 7:15 p. m.—Lusty's vs. Kutlers against him. Throughout his ca- refugees for whom homes arc Steve Lustgartcn will act as ref- Klowns. reer, he is portrayed as being hard to find "difficult cases." eree with help from Morrle Han8:15 p. m.—Star Auto vs. Colaware of what his success In the There are more than 600 of these dleman. Here is Sunday schedule: legians. Rayim B, with a record of 3 ringmeans to the battle of his peo- "difficult cases" in Shanghai, and 5-Cth Grade Anybody wishing to play In the wins, no defeats, wtfh the preple for equal rights. Some fari'i there are many more of them in 2 p. m.—Mogen-Davld Wine vs. varsity league, contact Lindy Paul season session of the YCH league •will undoubtedly be reminded of Austria, Germany, and Italy, of Pacific Fish. at the center. by trouncing their rivals, Itayim, Benny Leonard and what he sym- whom a number are Jews. 2:30 p. m.—Rlekes & Sons vs. C, 47-18. A trio of Midget BasBest Samaritans bolized for the Jewish people. Hires Root Beer. ketball graduates, mearing thcflThe Scandinavian c o u n t r i e s The film also has shots of Ituby 7-8th Grade nessc and smoothness of playing Goldstein, who himself was a seem to be the best Samaritans as 3 p. m.—11-Worth Grill vs. experience, were largely responfighter and then became one of far as these "difficult cases" are Sample Fur. ' Dale Kasln led the J u n i o r sible for the win. Scoring honors the'nation's best known ring ref- concerned, and Swedc-n in particu3:40 p. m.—I-Go Van vs. Burkfor the second time went to Mike Sports Bowlers with a 128 game. erees. There is also mention of lar has taken many of the Jewish hard-Gereilck. There were 10 others who bowled Ban, 8 team center, who hit for Louis' encounters with Abe Simon. "difficult cases." It did so at a 15 points, mostly on rebounds. His Parents and-friends are invited games of 100 or over. You'll remember that Simon fought time when Israel was unable to to attend the games. other two matc.i who chipped with League Standings Louis twice for the championship accommodate any more of them, the scoring were Art Novak and W. L. but was unsuccessful in both at- its sanitoria and hospital faclliticr Al|cy Sluggers ...................... 4 0 Howard Goldstein with 13 and' 8 being strained to the bursting tempts . . r point by so many "difficult cases" Bowling Bums —......... 4 0 points respectively. Novak's hard which it had already accepted. By Tough Turkeys 3 1 driving and ball handling confused Jack Licb was high in last Sunthe C team as no one cuuld stop the way, the American Joint Discompetition at the Music Lucky Ladles ........................ 3 1 him. tribution Committee is taking care day's Gutter Boys 3 1 This Week in Sports Box with games of 162 and 147 of many of these cases as part of for a 309 series. Howard played a fine floor High Hitters .............. ...2 2 its good work in Israel. Lucky Ducks ................... 2 2 game and set many of his teamAt The "Jay" Maureen Zcvitz led the girls Alley Cats mates up with nifty passing. Oth2 2 Friday, Nov. 27 Probably the greatest achieve- with her scries of 224. Rats .;...,........~...........™ 2 2 er members of the winning team 10 a. m^—Junior Sports ment of the High Commissioner's Everyone was proud of the ac- Alley were Larry Lincoln, who added 7 Strikes and Spares ............ 2 2 3owlins Thanksgiving Tourna- office is a convention on refugees complishments of Bruce Bloom. ment. -. 1 3 points, Matty Greene, Larry Znwhich provides them with certain Bruce, who has a modest average Nifty Hitters ..; 1:30 -p. m.—Grade School 1 . 3 acharia and Tanny Horwich. Jack legal protection and which was of 85, found the ''spot" and fired Hep Cats Movie and Swim Jamboree. ;...„;. 1 3 Baker and Ben Rubin were offenworked out at a diplomatic con- a beautiful game of 141. Nice go- Bowling Babes Gutter Gerties 0 4 sive scorers for the C team witli 4:15 p. m.—Advanced Swim ference at Geneva some two years ing Bruce! Class. 0 4 8 points each. ago. Dr. Goedhort said that the Herbert Kaiman fired the high Eager Beavers Sunday, Nov. 29 Bowling Dolls 0 4 AZA IB, loaning a couple of convention had already been rati- game of 104. 1:30 p. m.—Junior Air Rifle players to AZA 100 B, won a 29-7 100 Bowlers. fied by five countries, Denmark, High Games and Series Club. Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Jack Licb ale Kasln .........;. 128 win over their foes to escape the 102-147—309 2 p. m.—Midget Basketball and Western Germany. It only re- Herbert Kaiman 164-120—200 dike Plntt .„..„, 127 cellar. Dave WIdman led his mates •League. quires the ratification of a sixth Stuart Kuller 152-131—283 toward Welnberg 122 with 9 points, while Jack Oruch 3:30 p. m,—Free Swim. country fur the treaty to become Bernie Grossman .... 153-125—278 111! Horwich 122 and Stan Kaiman aided with G Tuesday, Dec. 1 operative. The parliaments of sev- Tom Platt 145-127—272 .arry Gillnsky ........ 115 each. Mike DIatt had C of his 3:30 p. m.—YC Girls Bowl- eral countries have the question David Wintrgub .... 138-132—270 erry Schwartz ....112 ;cam's points. ing League. before them now, and the United Jerry Sherman 132-112—244 ohn'RIckcs Ill 4:15 p. m.—Beginners Swim Nations High Commissioner is Marc Samuebon ;:142-100—242 oyce Koon _ 109 Class. hopeful that the Convention on Mickey Sacks 122-108—230 till Katzman 102 6:50 p. m.—Y. C. Boys Bas- Refugees will come into force be- Mike Platt .. 114-113—227 erry Cipinko 100 ketball 'A" League. fore the end of the year. Howard Slusky 118-108—220 7:30 p. m Free Swim. Howard Wlcnbcrg 142- 83—252 WrUnnuIay, Dec. 2 .C. Girls Volleyball 117-107—224 Some find statistics boring. Maureen Zevltz Qualifying for pre-marksmen U 3:30 p. m.—Y. C. Girls VolStandings However, one can often learn n the goal of the Junior Air Rifle leyball Lciiffue. W." L. Club W, I/. lot about an athlete from a figure Sunday afternoons 4:15 p, rn.—Advanced Swim louncilcltc No. 1 5 1 at thomembers. 2 or two in the record books. Sid Ncbr. Furniture Mart 12 Jay under the supervision CIJ-.S >eb No. 4 4 0 >f Maynard II 3 Goldfathcr, extraordinary fullback O. P. Skagiis Tatelman, the junior 4:30 p. in.—Grade School of A 3 1 0 5 Brandeis University, js a good Industrial Chem. Co Modern Dance for girls. >cb No. 1 _..2 2 ads arc becoming fine shots. Morris Paint D 5 example. It's obvious that Sid Is Last Sunday saw Stuart Hunvlta C:50 1). m.—Y. C. Hoys Bas- a star. But perhaps fans are not as Gamble Hob. Fruit Co. 0'A Vh. ^ouncllctte No. 3 1 5 ketball "B1' League. )eb No. 2 1 I lit 30 out of a possible 50 marks C well acquainted with Sid's con- Amer. Lbr. & Sup 8 ind-2 bulls-eyes Sol Kaiman shot Thursday, Her. 3 3eb No. 3 0 4 in carrying the ball. The Wolfcon-Gerber A. S. 5 '/• B'A 4:15 p. m.—Beginners Swim sistency louncilcttc No. 2 0 6 i 37. Justin Mulnick qualified nnrecord book shows that in each of Maypers 5 9 >ther target with a 33. Johnny Class. his three years as a varsity player Playlaml Park ... 5 9 Schedule Spitzcr shot a 25 in a sitting posl7 p. m.—Vnrsity Basketball at Brandeis Sid has averaged coven 11-Wcrth Grill 4 10 Dec. 2, 3:30 p. m., Deb No. 3 vs. lon to begin his qualifying for League. yards per carry . . . •ouncllctte No. 1; 4 p. m , TA vs. .larksmnn. Attending the scsion 7:30 p. m.—Free Swim. Tony Martin: "My doctor Is leb.i No. 2. Nat Holman has been testifying verc the following clubmernberi: Friday, Dec. 4 in his charges. He does Dec. 4., 3:30 p. m., Councllcttc Fustin Mulnick, Jerry Cipinko, 3:30 p. m,—Y. C. Girls Vol- In the resumed hearings on his moderate r his best to bring illness within the suspension. There was still no o. 2 vs. Counciletto No. 3; 4 p. tfarshall WIdman, Raphael Gronleyball League. reach of all." I., Deb No. 4 vs. Debs No. 1. r, John Spltzcr, Howard llahn, 4:15 p. in.—Advanced Swim verdict, and no. indication was forthcoming as to how long the lerry Slusky, Sol Knlman, Karl Class. inquiry would go on before the College of New York on charges 4:15 p. m.—Junior Sports Jerry Lewis: "Children are a >ufi;chcutz, Marv Rubaek, Scott basketball coach learned his fate. growing out of the basketball Bowling. real comfort In old age. They faykln, Don Noodell and Stuart Holman was suspended from City scandal. (JTA) lurwitz. • so help you reach It faster." •
Midget Basketballers Elect Captains for Coming Season
Varsity League Opens Play Dec. 3
Midgets to Swing Into Action Sun.
Rayim B Champs Of Pre-Season B League Basketball
Jr. Sports Bowling
Jr. B. B. Bowling
Jr. Air Rifle Club Qualifying Rounds