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; V o l . X X X I I — N o . 13 Eourtd a« fl#cond-C!*J« Uatter at l'm>(' odlca, Omtu, MiliruU. uuiUr Act of 14711.
Federation AnnuartVeeting Thursday Eden Tells Parliament Talks Untimely for Israel, Jordan London (JTA)—The Ur 1 t l s h Government docs not support the Idea of an Israel-Jordan meeting at thin time and believes that "It would bo better to allow n little time to elapse" before on attempt Is mndo to "bring the parlies together on more reasonable conditions," Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden declared in Commons. Replying to questions by several Laborite MP"s, Mr. Eden said that "we have to iet the feelings created by the Klbya incident subside to tonne extent before we attempt successful negotiations." He was Questioned, among others, by Herbert Morrison, Foreign Secretary in the last Labor government, who asked whether thr government on its own or through the United Nations was doing something to advance beyond the armistice agreements in Palestine
Cabinet to Get Ben Gurion Note Jerusalem (JTA)—Premier David Ben Gurion will officially submit his resignation to tho Israel Cabinet Sunday following the completion of the present negotiations between his party—tho Mapal Party—and leaders of other parties for tho composition of the coalition government, it was indicated here. Mapal leaders met with leadcrr of the General Zionist", and will meet tomorrow with leaders of the left-wing Mapam Party. A "quadruple" meeting which, in addition to representatives of these three groups will also include leaders of the Mlzrachl movement, will then take placo later In tho week. It is expected that before the week Is ov«r the negotiations among all groups will lead to an agreement on the composition of the Cabinet and permit Mr. Ben Gurion to resign formally Sunday and present his resignation to the President on Monday/,;. • '..••• In an Interview with the Jewish Telegraphic A g e n c y ; Pcrsldcnt Itzhak Den Zvl today said: "I personally want, and the interests of the state demand, that tho broad. est possible coalition govcrnmen* be formed to Include all creative and responsible forces in the country."
Arab Refugees United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)— A budget of $24,800,000 for relief for Arab refugees from Palestine was voted by the United Nations General Assembly. In addition, the Assembly approved a resolution extending the operations of tho UN llcllef and Works Agency tor the refugees until June 30, 1B5S. "Die Soviet bloc abstained on the vote.
On Radio and TV Sunday from 11:30 a. m. to noon over WOW-Radio, the Eternal LIfiht will present "A Bais Viol For Heaven" written by Joseph Mindel and based on u story by Isaac Loeb Pcrclz, it was announcod by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. "A Bass Viol For Heaven," is a folk fantasy about a simple villager named Abraham, who prayed to the Lord by ploying his bass viol. Ho was mocked and cliidod by the townspeople until one day it was revealed to them that Abraham's music really reached, tho heavens When he left the earth he became a member In the orchestra of the hosts of the blessed.
to peace settlements. Another questioner was Barnctt Janner Laborlte and president of the British Zionist Federation, who wanted the government to help expedite the Israel-Jordan mcctini!. Tlic Foreign S e c r e t a r y said' 'The lueetln;; called for (by Israel) Is obligatory on the two parties We have to understand how much the scar of the Klbya event still exists and allow it to heal over before we can usefully produce any Important results."
UN Group Yields To Arab Pressure Romo (JTA)—The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, at a plenary session, voted to place Israel within* the European region for purposes of administration. Tho decision was bitterly protested b y Israeli delegate Hanan CIdor, who pointed out that from the agricultural polpt of view Israel had the same problems and needs as the other Middle East states and had very little in common with the European region. Mr. Cidor charged that the FAO had yielded to Arab threats and refusal to deal with Israel. Representatives of tho Arab states backed by Iran and Pakistan, said that "at present" the Arabs found it Impossible to cooperate with Israel In the Middle East rcfiion.
'Dual Imperative1 States UN Head New York (JTA)—The world i.< confronted with "a dual imperative" of preserving pcaco and promoting human rights, Dag Hammarskjold, Secretary-General of the United Nations, told a symposium on human rights sponsored by tho Consultative Council of Jewish Organizations at the Waldorf A3torla tonight. Tho CCJO comprises the Allianco Israelite Unlverselle of France, tho American Jewish Committee, and the Anglo-Jewish Association of Great Britain. Pointing out that human rights cannot be realized in a vacuum, Mr. Hammorskjold said: "The realization of human rights requires a social and international order. In consequence those who have the grest concern for the promotion and protection of human right' must also bo concerned that member nations (of UN), through scrupulous adherence ''to their Charter obligations, protect the international order from threat of war." Presiding during the dinner cession at which Mr. Hammurskjotd spoke was Jacob Blaustcln, president of the American Jewish Committee and co-chairman of the CCJO. The UN Secretary General's address was the concludingfeature of a day-long symposium on human rights which included a series of discussions by international experts on "The Function of Law and Social Action in International' Protection of Human nights." Dr. John P. Humphrey, director of UN's Division of Human Rights, opened the symposium with a discussion of the basic Issues raised by the UN human rights program.
Mapai Party Names Sharett Jerusalem, (JTA)—President Itzhak Ben Zvl will call upon Moshc Sharett, the Foreign Minister, to form a new government fur Israel following fdrmal receipt of the resignation of David lien Gurion from the premiership. Mr. Sharett was unanimously confirmed for the po3t last week by the central committee of the Mnpal Party, biggest party in Parliament and dominant group In the old government coalition. Tho committee voted that Mr. Sharett should retain the foreign ministry In addition to the premiership and that the Ministry of Defense, held by Mr. Ben Gurion should go to Plnchas Lavon, who was Minister without portfolio. Mr. Lavon's old post would go to Zalman Aranne. Mr. Ben Gurion, who Is retiring to a settlement in the Negcv, will retain his seat in Parliament, His resignation is expected to take effect as soon as inter-party negotiations on composition of tho new cabinet arc completed. The Mapal Party's desired for a broad government coalition was evidenced last week by its invitation to the Mapam Party, leftwing Labor group, to discuss conditions under which it would enter the coalition.
Chanukoh Giffs Sent fo Services New York (JTA)—More than 50,000 Chanukah gifts will bo distributed among Jewish memberr of the American armed forces in all parts of the world, it was announced by the National Jewish Welfare Board. Tho gifts have been packaged by tile JWB's women's division and chipped to all overseas areas where U. S. troops are stationed They include pipes, wallets, games books, rccoras, dreldebs and holiday foods, which tho Jewish chaplains will load into their jeeps and carry to the remotest posts. There arc 20 Jewish chaplains now serving overseas. Chanukah services will be held from Korea to Greenland and the Chanukah candles will be lighted at ceremonies In tho Philippines Hawaii, Guam, N,orth Africa, Europe, Alaska, Iceland and the Caribbean. Thero will also be community candle-lighting scrv. Ices for GI's at many military posts In this country whero huge lighted Mcnorahs have been erected. T
Herzog to Talk of Community Jay
Col. Chalm Ifcrxoe
Eban Charges UN With Failure to Provide Security New York (JTA)—Tho four-day convention of the National Committee for Labor Israel, attended by more than 3,000 delegates from all parts of the United States, Canada and Latin America, concluded here with the adoption of a $5,000,000 quota for the current Hlstadrut campaign. The convention marked the 30th anniversary of the Hlstadrut campaign in this country. The convention adopted a resolution criticizing the United Nations for its resolution censuring Israel. At the same time, it urged the United Nations to hasten the peace conference which Israel has asked the Secretary General to convene. It also expressed the hope "that our own government, with the same alacrity that it displayed In pressing for a motion of censure, will call for a real step toward peace." At a session in Carnegie Hall, Israel Ambassador Abba Eban charged the United Nations with failing to provide Israel with "a minimum of security." He suggested that the United Nation.' policy of reluctance to act toward peace had now degenerated to reluctance even to talk about peace. Ambassador, Eban charged that the Western powers had embarked on a policy of avoiding any irritation of the Arab countries. He said that the peace conference with Jordan for which Israel had asked, Invoking Article XII of the armistice agreement which provides for compulsory meetings In critical situations, may mark a turning point in the troubled situation on Israel's borders. .
Share Spotlight at Israel Bond Dinner
Red Mogcn David New York (JTA)—The American Red Mogan David for Israel shipped five fully equipped ambulancca to Israel. They will bo put Into operation by the Red Mogcn David, Israel's equivalent of the Red Cross. Tho ambulances were sent in response to urgent requests from the mayors of five Israeli' towns,
I U i e l Scott
Julius Glnsburj
Hazel Scott, Broadway, motion picture and recording star, will be tho hcadliner at the gala dinner and ihow for State of Israel Bonds to be held 4:30 p. m., Sunday,
Dee. 13 at the Blackstonc Hotel. Sharing honors with her will be Chlcagoan Julius Glnsburg, nationally-known speaker and labor leader, who will give a first hand report on Israel.
Colonel Chalm Herzog, military, naval and air attache to the Israel Embassy in the United States, will be guest speaker at tho Annual Community Meeting of the Federation for Jewish Service, Thursday, Dec, 10, at 8 p. m., In the Jewish Community Center, J. Harry Kulakofsky, Federation president announced. All members of the Jewish community are invited to attend the meeting, he Stated. Col. Herzog, son of Rabbi Isaac lerzog, Chief, Rabbi of Israel, if recognized as an outstanding authority, on tho problems of Israel and world Jewry. In bis position as attache on military, naval and, air affairs he is one of Israel's most illustrious representatives in the United States. He will speak on a subject of extreme Importance and timeliness to American Jewry. Ilerxor's Career Col. Herzog was born in Ireland, and attended Dublin, London and Cambridge Universities. He holds the degree of Barristerat-Law, a distinguished legal post In England. He came to Israel in 1935, and served in the Haganah during the riots of 1930. In 1040, he joined the British Army, and participated in the Normandy Invasion. He rose to tho rank of major. In 1047 he returned to Israel as head of the Security Department of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. In 1048 he Joined the Army of Israel as Director of .Military Intelligence. He has been military, naval and air attache to Israel's Embassy In the U. S. since 1950. Col. Herzog is author of many articles in newspapers and magazines in England and Israel. Ho i s rated as an outstanding personality and a most interesting speaker. ,. Progress Reports Reports on the progress of the Jewish Federation and its departments will be presented by J. Harry Kulakofsky, Federation President, and Paul Vcret, Executive Director. Federation officers for 1954 will" be elected at thla meeting., Present officers are: J. Harry Kulakofsky, president; Jack W. Marer, first vice-president; Dr. Abe Greenberg, second vice-president j Robert H. Koopor, treasurer; Harry Trustln, secretary, and Dr. Philip Sher, honorary president. '
Truman Declares Faith in Israel Chicago (V7NS)—Former Pros? ident Harry S. Truman, addressing about 25,000 people who gathered at the Chicago Stadium to celebrate the 3,000th anniversary ot the City of Jerusalem under the auspices of the' Israel Bond Organization, declared that he had faith in Israel when he recognized the Infant state as President of the United States, that he has "faith hi it now and that he believes that "this new state will grow and become a bulwark of freedom." Urging tho United States to 'support the desire of Israel to sit down and negotiate with the Arab states," Mr. Truman stressed that "Jews, Arabs and the nations of the West will benefit only if pcaco Is immediately concluded" and that "this must be the goal of tho United Nations, of which Israel is one of tho newst and most devoted members." At tho same time Mr. Truma* lauded the Israel Bond Campaign as an important contribution t* the strengthening of Israel's economic defences. The Jewish com-" munity, he said, was "right in giving support to this great new ventur» in human freedom."
f rage fora
Friday, Dectmbrr 4, 1953
Our U. N. Newsletter
Lowdermilk's Jordan Plan
Published Kverj UM Qnwha Jewish FedentlM «4 U MndJut M n o c u t nauw »1 OnuM, Ntttiulu, tadm U» u t ei tun* I. IM» «4aalaalpuoa. U AaoMI it 00,a AivwrtimV S>l« a> AppUnaoa. HIURIU Otflet—in Hb. tatk stint. Dmtta. *i«6r.. *TUUM IWa, r n u aw* Addnv—IUI S». JStb s u m . HARRY HALPERT—-— MBS. liODIS P A U L
Ily Arthur Lewis
-Edlto.....Society Editor
United Nations (JTA) — It is fascinating to consider Professor Walter Lowdermilk's plan for the Jordan Hiver Valley, whereby w a ter from one country would bo stored in another* a desert be made to bloom, and the problem of the Arab refugees solved by settling them on new and fertile farm lands. Yet, .this Is not n pipe dream of some long haired visionary, but a real project by a man of the greatest reputation In practical affairs who says that It could be achieved within a/natter of six months. Hclieme Praised Like the three (nlemationalljr famous water engineers who e x amined the Isracli-hydro-clcctrie scheme In the demilitarized zone, Professor Lowdcrmilk praLscs It and s*y« that it would fit into any over-all plan for the Jordan River, including the much publicized so-called TVA Project which ha finds seriously wanting. However, this great expert is impatient with the sordid international wrangle over the B'not Yqcoov Canal, the beginning of the Israeli scheme; he wants to get on with his own wider plan to help not only tho Israeli people but t h e i r Arab neighbors a s well.
Festival of Lights
On Chanukah we recall in the benediction over the candles t i e miracle* wrought "in those days at this season of the year." Legend has woven its story about the cruse of oil sufficient only for one day which lasted tha full week, bnt the true miracle.,of course was the victpry of the Haccabean*. It was, indeed, a miracle that, from tb« humble and obscure Tillage of Bfodin* and from what we call a peasant family, there should arise the leadership capable of successfully challenging the sophisticated generalship of Antiochus Epiphanes. The hosts of untrained volunteers who followed under the banner of Judas Maccabeus could not but regard it as providential that they should defeat seasoned warriors and superior equipment. The temple light which Jndas Maccabeus relit has served to cast its glow down the ages, for humanity-is ever in need of belief in the miracle. It is belief in the possibility of the miracle that at times makes life endurable. It was this faith that served to keep the Jews alive through centuries of oppression. We in our own days have seen the miracle of the few ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE overcoming the many and the wealc defeating the strong in UNITED JEWISH APPEAL the re-establishment of the Jewish State. The last battle, howMIOAr, DICiMICI I I • SATURDAY IVENINO, D I C I M t l l I I ever, is not entirely won. The foes of Israel, having failed to achieve their ends on the field of battle are seeking to annul SUNDAY, DECIMIEI I I , I t S l the victory by guerilla tactics and economic warfare which WAlDOir-AITOIIA HOIIl ' . HIW YOU can be as deadly as arms. They have closed the Sncz Canal The B'not Yacoqv Canal draw* to Israeli ships. They have scaled their borders to trade with water from the Jordan River where It Is at a height of ISO feet Israel. They seek in every way to hamper and choke every above sea level and empties It Into constructive project within Israel itself, the Sea of Galilee, or Lake Tiberloa as It is now called, which la Israel is on the way to winning the battle on the economic 680 feet below sea level. A drop plane. But in this phase of the straggle it has the right to Chanukah celebrations will be Washington (JTA) — President of some eight hundred feet is thus eonnt on the as«intance of world Jewry. American Jew* have held achieved and the force of the w a In the divisions of the Temrecognized this responsibility. The fact that 600,000 Ameri ple Israel Religious School during Elsenhower's address at the din- ter running through pipes Into ner of the B'nal B'rith Antl-DcLake Tiberias would produce 24,cans—Jews nnd non-Jews—have bought Israel bonds to pro- the coming week. famatlon League, In which h e de- 00 kilowatts of electricity. None vide the wherewithal for the development of the country's reGrades five thorugh eight of the of this water Is being used for sources and industry, is proof enough of this.. Yet it cannot Saturday Division will hold u nounced "character assassination" Irrigation purposes; except for party Saturday evening and emphasized the right of each exaporatlon. It all returns to the be said that we have done as much as was in our might or that Chanukah Jordan in the end. at 7:30 o'clock at the Fontcncllc what we did was in any way comparable to the sacrifices which Park Pavilion, near 42nd and American "to go to church, or synagogue, or even the mosque" Only Argument have been made by the people in Israel. Ames. Each student will bring a and Chanukah gifts will be of his own choosing, was hailed The only argument that Syria The Jew of today has an enlarged share of the Chamikah guest, exchanged. Steve Fi.sk of Die naif here by various groups Interested has against the construction of the joy in the knowledge that he has lived to Bee- miracles like Hebrew Class will light the Cha- in the protection of civil rights In hydro-electric scheme is a pitifully small parcel of land In the nuka candles. The program in- this country. those in which our forefathers saw the finger of God.
Temple School's Ike's ADL Talk Chanukah Parties Emphasizes Rights
Agricultural Budget Set by Jewish, Agency Jerusalem, (JTA)—The 116,800,000 pounds budget for next year which the Jewish Agency will present lor approval to the forthcoming meeting of the Zionist Actions Committee, will be devoted chiefly to agriculture, Dr. George Josephthal, Agency treasurer, , announced here today at a press conference. Dr. Josephthal, who stressed that the budget was the most con. (tractive ever drafted by the Agency, said that the 60.000,000 pounds devoted to agriculture would be used chiefly (or "stabilizing" agriculture. This would Include such projects as the irrigation of another 85,000 dunams of land, adding new families to
existing settlements, building new roads to a number of settlements, expanding the fruit growing acreage, adding homes and livestock for existing settlements and extending capital loans in a number of instances. He laid special stress on well drilling plans, reporting that of 25 wells dug last year 21 provided water. In addition, he eaid that the agency would import $11,250,000 worth of agricultural machinery, most of it from Germany and Belgium. The Agency will concentrate too on building homes for immigrant.-, still in temporary centers and will led other immigrants funds to buy into various government housing schemes. Another major concentration of Agency funds will go to Youth Allyah, which will receive eight percent of the total budget.
Community Calendar Friday. Nov. 27 Pro-Kindergarten School—9:00 a. m,, Center. Saturday, Nov. 28 Hadassah Over All Oneg Shabbat—12:30 p. m., Home. Sunday, Nov. 29 Midget Basketball Prc-Scason Starts—1:30 p. m., Center. Children's Program—2:00 p. m.. Center. B & P Hadassah—2:00 p. m., Center. Young Adult Lmmt;c Night—8:00 p. m.. Center. Dick Walters Cclebreties—Tech High. Monday, Nov. SI) Pre-Klndcrgartcn School—9:00 a. m., Center. Adult Art Class—1:00 p. m., Center. Workmen's Loan—7:30 p. m., Center. Beth Israel Adult Institute—0:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Tuesday, Dec. 1 Beth Israel Sisterhood Luncheon Meeting—1:00 p. m., Beth Israel. Bridge Class—1:30 p. m., Center. Junior Hadassah Regular Meeting—7:30 p. m., Center. Pioneer Women Board—8:30 p. m., Center. FIRST CHANUKAH LIGHT. Wednesday, Dec. 2 . • • • FIRST DAY—CHANUKAH. Pre-Kiridergarten School—fl:00 n. m., Center. Beth El Sisterhood Board Meeting—1:00 p. m , Beth El. Ladies Free Loan Society—2:00 p. m., Center. Jewish War Veterans and Ladles Auxiliary. Open Board and Chanukah Party—8:00 p. m.. Center. Center Orchestra Rehearsal—8:00 p. m., Center. Thursday, Dee. 3 Beth Israel P. T. A. Meeting—8:30 p. m., Beth Israel. Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs Meeting—1:00 p.m., Center. Youth Council Ballroom Dancing Class—3:45 p. m., Center. Chess Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Bridge Class—8:00 p. m., Center. Great Books Course—8:00 p. m., Center. Friday, D e c 4 Pre-Kindergarten School—9:00 p. m., Center.
cludes community singing, folk nnd social dancing, group games, and a novelty quiz program. A committee of the Student Council Is In charge of decorations. I(cfroshmenLs will be served. The Sunday Division's Clinnukah celebration will be held Sunday morning from 9:45 a. m. to 12:15 p. m. ut the Jewish Community Center bu,ldin[t..The PrcSchool Group, Kindergarten, ond grades one through four will hold their Chanukah parties at thl* time. Plays will be presented by the Kindergarten and grades one and four, and the Junior Children's Choir will sing. Chanukah gifts will be exchanged, and refreshments will be served. Grades nine and ten of the Saturday Division will participate in the Chanukah Party sponsored by the Temple Youth Group Sunday evening. All of the classes of the Hebrew Department will have their own Chanukah parties at their usual class time.
CouncihlAtdcs The first meeting of the Council-Littles was held Sunday, Nov. S9, at the 3. C. C. The following officers were elected; president, Madalyn Miroff; vice-president, Maxine Zweiback; s c c r c t n r y , Florence Shrago; treasurer, Judy Lazer; sergcant-at-arms, J u d y Freed, and reporter, B c r d I n c Green. A Chanukah Party Is b e i n g planned for December 23.
Sholem Asch Denies Giving Up Residence New York, (JTA)—Sholem Asch, noted Jewish writer, denied last week that he had the slightest intention of giving up his American citizenship or of taking up permanent residence abroad. Mr. Asch sailed for couthem Franco to rejoin his wife who is in poor health at Nice. He was recently Involved in incidents nt Hibiscus Island, Miami Beach, where ho has a home, where n Yiddish-speaking section of the Jewish community took exception .o Mr. Asch's writing on Jesuo. In denying that he would take up permanent residence abroad, Mr. Asch pointedly remarked that "that doesn't mean that I have to come back to Miami .Beach. That's not America.' . ,,
"In this country," President Eisenhower, said "if someone dislfkes you or accuses you, he must come up in front. He cannot hide behind the shadows, he cannot asEasslnaje you or your character from behind without suffering the penalties nn outraged citizenry will inflict." Emphasizing that American;; mu3t respect the Habeas Corpus Act, the President declared: "If we arc going to continue to be proud that we are Americans there must be no weakening of the code:: by which we havo lived; by the right to meet your accuser face to face, if you have one; by your right to go to the church or the synagogue or even the mosque of your own choosing; by your right to speak your mind and be protected in it." President Eisenhower's address lasted nine minutes and was telecast and broadcast nationally.
delta of the Jordan where it empties into Lake Tiberias above where Uie power station would be built, nnd Israel has guaranteed to allow twice as much water as would be needed to irrigate these few acres. By the way, Professor Lowdermllk point's out that the Israelis have raved n great deal of water from evaporation by the drainage of the Huleh Marshes but have never claimed this to balance the amount of w a ter they Intend to withdraw from the Jordan. Still, the Syrians maintain that they would not have control over their own w a ter, even the little amount that i s needed for their irrigation purposes, and Professor Lowdcrmilk seem:; to consider that there la something to this claim.
That Is why he feels that ihcre should be a special United Nation! Commission to settle not only this dispute but all the problems of; water rights between Israel and tho neighboring Arab States. Professor Lowdermilk criticizes Americans for Democratic Action, in which such personalitie."- the TVA Project because It calla as Sen. Herbert H. Lehman play for the water of the Jordan being a leading role, wired Mr. Elsen- ur.ctl only in the Jordan Valley hower asking him not to let the nnd there la much more than is "fine sentiments" expressed in hi* needed. lie proposes that tho speech "fade out and become an- waters of the Yarmuk, a tributary other half retracted 'book burning' of the Jordan, I)c diverted so that they are emptied Into Lake T i statement." berias where they can be stored The ADA asked that the Presi- and used when necessary. Ho dent apply the principle he e s - maintains that this can easily be poused before the ADL to his own done, that it would take no more security programs, to bo practice than six months to dig tho new of his Attorney General "in pro- river bed. Of course, this would nouncing unilateral findings of mean storing the water of Syria guilt predicated on half-disclosed in a lake which is largely In the reports from confidential sources, hands of Icrael, but Professor and to "Congressional investiga- Lowdermilk Bays that there are tions where men's reputations arc simple devices for checking the besmirched or destroyed without flow of water which would bo to both sides. Tho opportunity to confront and an- satisfactory extra water, ho asserts, could be swer the accusers." used to irrigate land where most of the Arab refugees could b e settled.
Bridgehead of Democracy
Of course, the whole of Professor Lowdcrmilks plan depends o n goodwill nnd agreement among Tel Aviv (WNS)—Israel Is "a the parties concerned, nnd unforbridgehead of democracy in the tunately, there is no sign of this Middle East," and "it would bo a now. terrible blow to democracy everywhere if your position deteriorated to an extent where you might fall," Governor John S. Fine of Tel Aviv (JTA)—United States Pennsylvania, declared here ot a meeting of tho Israel-American Ambassador Monnct B. Davis r e turned to his post here after an Friendship League. I absence of several months. Earlier, the Governor conferred with Israeli Government officials Eddie Cantor: "Television helps who confessed concern over some you get acquainted with a lot of aspects of U. S. policy In tho Mid- new people • . . especially ren;iirdle East. . . mcn."—(JTA)
Ambassador Returns
Friday. December 4, 1SBJ
Hazel Scott To Highlight Bond Dinner Hazel Scott, well-known singer and pianist, and Julius Glnsburg, co-chairman of the Chicago Israel Bond Committee will share the spotlight at the gala Israel Bond Sinner to be held Sunday night, Dec. 13 In the Blockstone Hotel, Mrs. Seymour Kopan, roscrvaUpru chairman announced. A leader In Jewish organize tlonal life in Chicago for many y e a n , Mr. Olnsburg returned from a trip to Israel recently as a member of the National Planning Commission (or State of Israel Bonds. Mr. Ginsburg has been a leading trade union figure from the time of his arrival In the United States over 10 years ago. Although retired, he Is ctilt active in the labor movement. He is frequently consulted by branches of the Illinois Federation of Labor as well as by manBgRiir nt. Mr. Glnsburg has gained a national reputation not only as on organizer and administrator but also as a sparkling and powerful orator, His background of practical experience in both labor and bu«ines.i, coupled with first-hand review of Israel'! economic development, has made Mr. Ginsburg uniquely qualified to assess ' the potential of Israel's growth and to surrey the extent of the young nation's achievements. Invitations for the dinner were sent this week to members of the Omaha, Lincoln and Fremont communities, together with reservation cards to be returned to the committee. Reservations may also be made by calling the bond office at AT 1177,
Osoff and Rice Named to Board Hyman Osoff, president of the Oinahn Zionist District, and Sam Hicc, member of the executive board, were named to the executive board of the Central States Region. Mr. nice attended the convention held in St. Louis on Nov. 22. "Deep concern over the position of U. S. Government In co-sponsoring a resolution of cen.ture against Israel In the U. N. Security Council while exonerating Jordan for its repeated acts of border vloIatloru," was voiced at the convention. The convention called upon the President of U. S., the Secretary of State and the U. S. Delegate to the U. N. "to Initiate negotiations between Israel and the Arab states with a view to achieving permanent peace in the Middle East."
BB Groups to Hold Chanukah Party A regular meeting of the NEBRASKA CHAPTER und LODGE will be held Thursday, Dec. 10, at tho Congregation of Israel Synagogue, 25th and J streets. Both meetings will start promptly at 8:30 p. m. Following the business meeting, both groups will jointly participate In the Annual Chanukah Latkc Parly. A social of cards will be included in the agenda. All members are asked to attend this meeting. Mrs. Max Sacks Is In charge of refreshments.
New B'nai B'rith Site
Omaha—Music Town By Hans Baer Omaha during recent weeks has betome a music town Besides the steady concerts of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra the "Tuesday Musical Club" and "Morning Musical," Dick Walter presented a series of three prformances. First, appeared very successfully, the Charles L. Wagner Opera Company witli a good presentation of "Trovatore' by Verdi, fol-
iv? A momentous eevnt was added to the 110-year-old history of B'ual B'rith yesterday when title to the site on which the projected Il'nal K'rltli building will be. erected was transferred to the B'nal Il'rltli Henry Monsky Foundation. The new Bite l.i at 17th Street and Rhode Island Avenue, N. VV., Washington, I). V. The building, when completed, will contain on the ground floor an Exhibit Hall for objects of current and historical American Jewish Interest as well as a specialized library. The facilities will be open to the public. Transfer of the title was completed when Frank K. 8. Kaplan, chairman of the Hoard of Trustees of the Henry Monsky Foundation, and prominent Pittsburgh industrialist, handed a check for $47,001.00 to Randall E. Hagner, Jr., who represented the Central Trust Company, the seller. The sum was the balance on purchase price of $150,000. looking on at the ceremony are: Mrs. Henry oMnsky. widow of the Ule President of B'nal B'rith, and Thomas W. Sando*, President of Bandoi, Inc.
Zionists Convene In New York City Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, chairman of the Omaha Zionist Council, and honorary president of. the Omaha Chapter Hadassah has been appointed by National Hadassah to attend the Assembly as one of its official delegates.., She left Wednesday for New York and wll! return Tuesday, Dec. and will make her report on the Assembly to the Omaha Zionist Council at Its meeting Wednesday evening, Dec. 0. Five hundred Zionist leaders, repreFcntlng o combined nationwide membership of over 750,000, will attend the first American Zionist Assembly to be held December 5-7, at the Hotel Roosevelt, New York. The Assembly hnr been convened by the American Zionist Council. •Louis Llpsky, Chairman of the Council, announced the program for the three-day conference. At the opening meeting tomorrow evening, Dr. Nahurn Goldmann, Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Dr. Abba HUIcI Silver, Honorary Chairman of the Council, and Mr. LIpsky will speak on current relations between the United States and Israel. AmbasaEdor Abba Eban of Israel will deliver on address tf the Assembly at the concluding session on Monday afternoon. Also representing the Government of Israel, Mr. Abraham Hannan, Consul General, will bring greetings to the Saturday evening session. A special program In commemoration of the holiday of Chanukah will be presented at the opening meeting, with Cantor Robert Segal of Congregation B'nai Jeshurun, New York.
Adult Club to Hold Chanukah Party The Jewish Community Center's Y o u n g Adult Club has planned a Chanukah "Latke" party for this Sunday evening at 8:30 p. m. in the Jewish Community Center, Those attending arc asked to bring a 25c gift for a Chanukah grab-bag. Thcro is no admission and "Latkes" will' be provided ns fast und as long as one can eat them.
Beth Israel Men Plan New Year Elk's Widows The Omahn Lodge of Elks, No. Eve Dinner Dance 1817, Is requesting that all Elks' The Belli Israel Men's Club will hold a gala New Year's Evo Dinner Dance at the Beth Israel social hall, Thursday, Dec. 31. Besides the dinner, favors, etc., arrangements have been made for n seven piece orchestra to provide the music for dancing. Reservations are eight dollars and fifty cents per couple and can be made by contacting the Beth Israel office, RK C288. Reservations are limited so get your party together now. Invitations have been mailed nnd requests for reservations must be accompanied by a check or money order.
Face Hire*
widows living In Omaha or vicinity contact our office, 3d floor, Elks Bldg., 18th at Dodge, in person, by mall or phone AT 3019 that we may establish them on our mailing list.
Annual habor Dinner Scheduled for Dec. 27 The local Jewish Labor Membership Committee will hold its Annunl Dinner, 0:30 p. m., Sunday, Dec. 27, In the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cumlng street. For reservations call AT 4815 or AT 5049. Cost per plate will be $1.50.
Bonds Help Chemical Industry
Israel's chemical Industry is making some of the biggest headlines in the young nation's chronicle of economic progress, according to n report from the Omaha Israel Bond Office which reviews the role of American investors in Israel's economic structure. Aided by Bond dollars, the fertilizers and chemicals plant at Haifa, one of the country's largest enterprises, has now expanded to the point where it produces all of the chemical fertilizers required by Israel's farmers. . The report notes that the question most frequently asked is: Where will Israel secure the money which must bo paid back to Bondholders within the next twelve years?" It emphasizes that Israel, for example, is now saving $0,000,000 a year because it no longer has to Import chemical fertilizer. In ten years this means a saving of $60,000,000. From this Children, ages six to twelve, arc one plant alone, therefore, Israel Invited to tho Chanukah Party, could set aside for repayment to sponsored by the Henry Monsky American investors almost one Lodge of B'Nal B'rith, Sunday aft- third of the monies already subernoon from 2 to 4 p. m. In the scribed through Bonds, the report Jewish Community Celner audi- points out. torium. The youngsters may bring The fertilizers and chemicals their non-Jewish friends to the plant utilizes 100 tons of phosparty ns their guests. phates n day from the deposits of Marvin Treller, president of the Israel's vast southern desert, the Monsky Lodge, will greet the chil- report continues. More will be dren, anil Hy Schricr will tell the produced in tho near future with story of Chanukah. Children from further aid of $2,100,000 in Israel tho Beth El, liolh Israel and Tem- bond proceeds, which have been ple Israel Religious Schools will allocated up to 1954, it said. conduct the Chanukah CandlePointing out that the Negev was lighting ceremony to be followed thought of until recently as a by singing of Chanukah songs, led "worthless desert," the report by Mudclyn Dolgoff a student at noted that its phosphate deposits tho Beth Israel School. A color are estimated to be sufficient for cartoon and a Charlie Chaplin 300 years. In addition, It cxpalincd, comedy short will bo shown. All the Haifa plant utilizes potash children will receive dreydles nnd from the Dead Sea in its increasother gifts nt the conclusion of the ing production of chemical ferprogram. Refreshments will be tilizers and industrial chemicals. served, and the auditorium will be The Dead Sea, long.famed as the decorated in keeping with the lowest place on earth, 1,300 feet spirit of the holiday of Chanukah, below sea level, contains enormous
Monsky Lodge Chanukah Party at'J 1
mineral wealth. :' The report explains that foreign capital has been an essential factor in the rehabilitation and expansion of the potash works plant at the southern end of the Dead Sea. A $3,794,000 allocation from the Israel Bond Issue, and ail additional $2,500,000; from the Export-Import Bank, It assetrs, are being used for this purpose. It adds that $1,400,000 in Israel Bond investments have gone Into a modern road to connect the plant with. Beefsheba and thence to Halfa, where Fertilizers and Chemiprogram cals processes the potash.
through tho efforts of Yale Glnsburg, member of the planning committee foe the program. Jerry Katz to chairman of the event, and U being assisted by u committee including Sol Dolgoff Sophio Freeman, Art Green, Dave Grcenbcrg, Mcrvltv; Lcmmerman, Bess Pollock, and Phil Roggen.
Pre-School Parents To Hear Dr. Jahr
The Third monthly meeting of the Fre-school Parent Committee will feature a talk by Dr. Herman M. Jahr on the "Physical heeds'of your pre-schooler,'' Mrs, Paul Grossman, chairman of the committee announced. Parents Tel Aviv (JTA)—Israel has reof the pre-schoolers are invited to attend this meeting. It wlU take qeustcd the West German Governplace Wednesday, Dec. 9 at 8 in ment to make reparations payments beginning April 1, 1954, at the Jewish • Community Center. the maximum rate provided in the Luxembourg agreements of 310,000,000 marks per year, Dr. F. Shinnar, head of the Israel purchasing mission in Germany, disclosed here this week. The Annual Memorial Service ol While the agreements call for the Elks Lodge will be held in the nine annual payments of 310,000,Lodge room, Elks bldg., 10th and 000 marks and a final payment Dodge, at 3 p. m., Sunday, Exalted of 250,000,000 marks. GermanyJiaB Ruler James F. Sullivan an- the right to request reduction of nounced. the payment rato to 250,000,000 Tho service is open, to the pub- marks a year. Up until March 31, lic and friends and relatives are 1054, Germany will havo paid Invited to attend the ceremony. 400,000 marks in reparations In a The Elks Glee Club will partici- period exceeding a year. pate ami a special memorial adIsrael is also negotiating with dress by Father Win. Kelly of Germany the question of assignCreighton University will be made. ment by on Germany of foreign exchange balances in a third country to cover Israeli oil requirements, Transatlantic Liner Dr. Shinnar reported. The GerIsrael's first transatlantic liner mans assigned the sterling equivalent of 150,000,000 marks to Israel the S. S. Jerusalem will sail from New York to Israel February 8, to cover Israel oil purchases In Britain during the 18 months endit was announced by Zim-Israel line. Additional sailings have been ing next March 31, but this arwas not a permanent scheduled for March 29. Juno 0, rangement ono arid has to be renegotiated. September 8, and November IS.
Reparations Payment Increase Asked for
Elks Lodge WiU Hold Memorial Service
lowed by outstanding "Agnes De Mille Dance Theatre" and the "Vienna Academy Chorus." Starting with sacred music this choir presented folk and classical songs up to Johann Strauss. It is in fact unique how the conductor, Prof. Ferdinand Grossman leads hit artists and give* ! h 1 s interpretations the background of that old, classical Vienna In which Schubert l i v e d , , and from which s irit llis nans Baer P mus 1 c c me rg e d. Prof. Grossman creates with his group that ccntlmenlal delicate and gay swing which never con bo imitated but can rise only from artistic feeling. So are the waltzes by Johann Strauss like "The Emperor Waltz," Blue Danube," "Spring Voices" or the "Pizzicato I'oka," sung on the sylablo "pllm. plim" only pinnacle* Which perhaps still can be attained by the "Wiener Saengerknaben"1 (Vienna Boy's Choir.) Dick Walter gave with this s e ries uncstlmable muslca values to the city of Omaha. Another concert by the "Boston Pops Orchestra" under Artur Fiedler la scheduled for Feb. 15th. It would be regrettable if It should not be possible to continue the series in the future. We i m agine that these performances in which many artists and helpers work cost a heap of money. The expenses can be covered only if many tickets are sold. That part of the Omaha public which love* music and art should remember this and assist to make possible the continuation of those excelcnt evenings '••.''., Symphony Orchestra Dr. Richard Duncan had two chief works on the program of the Omaha Symphony Orchestra. The first one, the "Pathetique Symphony" No 6 in B Minor by Tchaikovsky has an abundance of melodies woven into this composition, which after all In its lost movement, is the expression of decpst sadncs and grief On the contrary, the second movement, the Allegro grazioso, reveals Tehalkqvsky's style as a ballet composer and the scherzo, a master work, is of sparkling animation: The last movement, how-, ever, sets the seal of finality on all human hopes and dies away as the end of all life. Another important work on this program was "Death and Transfiguration," by Richard Strauss. One is induced to believe, the creator of al life and.death ha* aided the composer in producing these magic orchestra sound effects. Dr. Duncan proved again the excellent musician and interpreter he is guiding the orchestra to a very fine technical and musical rendition. But then, there was between two master: works, unforunately, the third program number, a "Rondo for Percussion and Brass" by Canning which gave, opportunity to the. young percussionist John Vaha to present his quickncs and fitness o the different percusslo instruments and the Xylophone. Wo even heard, unaccompanied, a kind of percussion cadenza. The composer Canning himself says about the composition "it is writen in December, 1S52, at the request, of a student at the Eastman School of Music who wanted a hew composition to use as his graduation piece." Consequently, the work was written for the mentioned purpose and docs not fit In on account of a lack of form, inventiveness and any attractive melodic traits on a concert stage.
B.B. Budget Washington (—TA) —Budgets t o t a l l i n g $4,500,000 for B'nal B'rith activities in 1954 w o r e adopted by the board of governors of B'nal B'rith at its closing session here, president Philip M. Klutznick announced. Resolution a d o p t e d bjr the board included one calling upon tho U. S. Senate to ratify the United Nations Genocide Convention. It urged that information about the convention be given the widest possible circulation among the American people although U. S. delegate Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., recently served notice that the United States would not welcome "propaganda" in the United States on behalf of Senate ratification of the genocide pact.
Friday, December 4, 1B5J
P«Jt<" Pour
Wedding Is Made Known
"Talk of Many Things" Visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saylan announced the marriage of Mrs Saylan's brother, Richard Ruback to Ada Gorelick of Chicago. The couple were married Nov. 20 at Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi B. Groner officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ruback are making their home in Denison, la.
Mis;*; Conuiv llotftnun of St P.iul, filinn., bpunt the Thanki^Rivlf.n hulidiO-i'**'•>tiucit of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Murray IJorden.
Junior Young Judaea To Be Reorganized Israelites of Junior Young Judaea, will meet to reorganize
announced tin; birth cif n tnn, William David, born Nov. 18. The their club Wednesday, Dec. 9, at
couple has another son, Hobui' Allen. Maternal grandparents niu Mr and Mrs. Meyer Kir:ihenbauin. I'alernal grandfather Js Mi. Jl.iriv Hlfkin.
4 p. in. in the J, C- C. Mrs. Mcrvii) I/'ininvrman will meet with the nroup. All nirlii interested in joining this Young Judaea Club arc asked to attend this meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Mclvin GIvant of Mr. und Mrs. Paul Rlfkln have Dcs Molnvs announce the birth of a daughter. Paternal Grandparents arc Mr. The Current Events S t u d y and "Mi*. Isadora Givunt of Di.s Group of the Omaha Section, Naint*t Maternal L'randp.ironL", tional Council ot Jewish Women, On Monday, Nov. 23, the GoldMr. and Mrs. I/yman Kramer will hold Its next meeting Tuet" of Omaha. en Age Club held its monthly day, Dec. 8, ot 1 p. m..at th« Phi Epsilon Pi home of Mrs. Howard Mllcter, 678 meeting. The theme of the proLast Wednesday, Nov. 25, the No. 50 St. gram was "Jewish Music." Cantor active* were looking for their Kagan, accompanied by Prof. Ham heft for Service Kn. Charles Schneider w i l l Pledget but they were not found. Bacr sang nnd played Yiddish and Lester Friedman, son of Mr. end a general discussion on cur* Miss Goldie Gendler The pledge* were hiding at Fire Hebrew, selections. It was an en- and Mrs. David A. Friedman, has rent events. A dessert luncheon Home Eleven, 48 Ames. Pledge* joyable afternoon for all attending left for four years of service with will be served. Co-hostess is. Mrs. who took .part in the skip were the Const Guard. He Is stationed John Solomon. Motic At name Club Frank Berg, Gordle Elewitz, Al On Tuesday, Dec. 8, the Muslr at Cape May, N. J. FeUman, Sonny Kartmaa. Alter Ezra Stone: "11 you don't think At Home Club will have Its third the skip was over the pledges met Ben Blue: "Real estate men al- life has its ups and downs, sit In meeting, at the home of Eugcnr ways the" actives at the 11-Worth Grill. have lots of talk about"— on aisle seat next time you go to Blazer, 8101 Davenport. Amonr (JTA) Then they went to Camp Brewthe movies."i (JTA) the selections to be heard will be • cter tor an overnight stag. The breakfast was cooked by Sonny Mr. and Mr*. A. B. Gendler an- "12 Variations in G major" from Kartman and Maynard TaWlman. nounced the engagement of their the oratorio "Judas Maccabeus" * Warm .color accents give Saturday, November 28th, the daughter, Goldie, to Donald R. by Handel, and "Overture to Nepledges, .actives and their dates Silverman at a family dinner buccadnezzar" by Verdi Refresha room liveable charm attended a house party at Herb Thursday evening in the House ments will be served. Young White's house. To conclude the and Garden Room of the Hotel Adults and Adults are cordially week end a stag dinner was held Blockstone. Mr. SUverman if the invited. at the 11-Worth Grill. Guest son of Mr, and Mrs. Herman SUOrchestra, speaker was D e a n McGregor, verman. Don't Forget) Orchestra rehearDean of Student Personal. After sal this Wednesday at 8 p. m. If the dinner a stage was held at Miss Gendler attended S m i t h you play an instrument you can College In Northampton, Mass., Barry Wise's home. and is now a student at the Uni- gain orchestral experience with the J. C. C. Little Symphony. BeFred-Kobn is representing Phi versity of Nebraska. Miss Gendler sides experience you will EpsOon PI for "Typical Frater- is a member of Pi Lambda Theta, make gaining new friends and spend as education honorary. nity Man." enjoyable evening with as. For Mr. Silverman Is a student at the University of Nebraska Col- information call me at JA 1*W. UMHS M» Zeta Beta Tau lege of Medioine. He Is a memThe ZBTs opened their basket- ber of Sigma Alpha Mu, social medical fraternity. "ball season this week under the fraternity; Theta Nu, pre-medlcal An early summer wedding it i reini of captain Arley Bondarln. honorary; and Phi Delta Epsilon, planned. The entire starting five is back from last year. They will be backed up by experienced men from last season and several newcomers with high school experience. This year's roster Includes ten Singer, Arley Bondarin, Arnie Stem, Doran Jacobs, Marsh Kushner, Jerry Kruplnsky. S o l Roslruky, Howard Vann, D u d e Dandy, and Ben Belmont. The bowlers remained in first place with a victory over Thcta Chi. Members of the bowling team are Ted Steinberg, Marv Steinberg, Krupinsky, Bondarln, and •Stern. Tonight is the annual Military WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Ball semi-formal dinner dance ot the ZBT house. O v e r Thanksgiving vacation many of the ZBT men traveled to ' neighboring cities. Len Singer, Bruce Hollander, Ted Steinberg, CALL ACTIVITIES OFFICE — J A 1366 and Sol Rosinsky traveled to Sioux Fails, S. D., Doran Jacobs returned to Deadwood. S. D., Neil M i l l e r , Jerry Kruptriskv, and Maynard Small went to Kansas City, Mo., Marsh Krujhner went to Omaha and Shel Green along with Milt Mattel went to Chicago. - While In Deadwood, D o r a n -went hunting in.the Black Hills and came home with a deer.
Council Study Group
Music Notes
Plans to Wed Are Revealed
Join Our Orchestra at the Jay 8-10 P.M.
Santa Says:
This Year
Sigma Ddta Tau ' Lucy Lavlne, Leta Welner and Helene Sherman were initiated into Pi Lambda Tbeta, teacher's college honorary. Monday, Nov. 30, pledges and actives he'd a turnabout night, with the pledges being 1actives and rice versa. "Pledges' provided entertainment for their "Actives." Square meals and extemporaneous speeches added to the gaiety of the evening. ' Rush trips arc being planned to St Joseph, Kansas City, and Denver during Christmas vacation. 'A Chanukah party and spread will be held December 11 nt the chapter house. The annual pledge party will be given December 12 •t the houre. Adelle Chasnov w a s elected house manager.
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Organizations :!i,:isu.jii!iii^iriiii»iiiiiiiiiiiiM^^
T. I. Sisterhood j Plans Home Fete The Sisterhood of Temple Israel is giving a Chanukah party Thursday, Dec. 3 at 7 p. m. lor the residents of the Jewish Old People Home. There will be an interesting musical program, refreshments and gifts for every resident Sisterhood members participating are Mrs. Julius Newman, Mrs, Jack Marer, Mrs. Alfred Sophir, Mrs. George Spitzer and Mrs. Chag. Stern. Everyone is cordially invited to, attend. ' '
where he attended the ADL Convention and also "Dinner with The next regular meeting of Jr. our President" where President Hadassah will be Tuesday, Dec. 8, at 7:30 p. m. in the Lodge Room Eisenhower was presented With of the Jewish Community Center. an award from the ADL on Its Plans on the paidup membcrshp 40th anniversary, Mrs. Harry dance will be completed. All paid Friedman will be co-hostess and up members planning to attend Mrs. Sidney Sncider s Adult Edmust have reservations in before ucation Group chairman. the dance. Anita Fellman will give a report on the national convention OB. Hadassah she attended during the ThanksCouncil - Bluffs Chapter Hadasgiving holidays in Washington, sah will have an evening meetD. C. All members who have not ing, Wednesday, Dec/. 9, at 8:30 paid dues -pre to bring them to o'clock at the J. C. C. in Council Bluffs.: There will be a small gift this meeting. The program for tho evening exchange. . will consist of a Chanukah grab Chairman of the affair are Mrs. following have contributes bag and also of Chanukah songs, Cell Cherniss and Mrs. Charles to The the Needlework Guild since the and Israeli dancing. Saltzman. "-' .:•'.•• last list Mmes. EInar Refreshments will be served. Refreshments will be.served. Abramson,appeared: Louis Blumkin, Edward D. Brodkey, Louis Chemlack, Max E. Cohn, Harold Cooperman, MorKadimah Women Cknindlof ris Epstein, Bernard Jonlsch, Boris The regular monthly meeting of Jewish Women Korncy, I. M. Llberman, Sol MarKadimah Chapter of Pioneer Women will be held in the form Mrs. Max Heyman of New York tin, Charles Mogil, Ernest A. Nogg, of a Chanukah Party, Thursday, City, vice-chairman of F i e l d Isadore J. Plotkin, Ben L. Rosen, Dec. 10th, 8:30 p. m. at the home counsel for the National Council Jake RosenbloomrNorris Rubenof Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, 5115 of Jewish Women, will act as ad- stein, Louis Singer, Vera Solson, Grant Street A skit entitled; visor and group leader at the next Leo Taub, Isadore M. Tretlak, "Chanukah Restored" will be pre- board meeting of the Omaha Sec- Bernhardt L. Wolf, and Miss Resented Mrs, Irving J. Forbes, tion, .National' Council ot Jewish nee Plotkin. Pictured above, from left to right, are Mine*. Nathan Nor*, Mrs. AlbyGorodetzer, Mrs. Dave Women to be held Thursday, Dec. rhU dcrellck and AI Fiedler, chairmen of the Iladanah Medical Wine, Mrs; Herbert Wlntroub and 10, ai the home of Mrs. I. M. Ottanlnllon and Vocational Education Committee, S.A.M. Mothers' Club" Mrs. Malvin Tepper. All members Llberman, 720 N. 86 St. The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers* are resuested to bring a gift, not Mrs. Harry Alstuler will assist Club will hold its regular to exceed 50 cents lit value, to t h e h o s t e s s . ' ••: '..•-.' • " : • > • ' : : : • be exchanged In the Chanukah .Mrs. Heyman Will be the guest monthly meeting Tuesday, Dec. 8 1 j>. m. at the home of Mrs. Grab Bag. . of her daughter and son-in-law, at Joe Llpton, 4436 Pine St. Mrs. Anyone desiring to attend the Rabbi and Mrs. Sidney Brooks. Sam Rlfkln will be co-hostesj. meeting or interested in becoming a member, are asked to contact Mrs. Charles Guss, Membership Workmen's Circle ^ Sussman. The Dramtic Club choir Chairman, at GL 8340. The Workmen's Circle Drama- will accompany the group. Israel is a small country only Israeli Fashions will be flown Mrs. Bernard Kaufman, Presi- tic Club will hold their annual Members of the committee: are to Omaha In time be shown at 8,000 square miles, with a popu- dent, has announced the appoint- Chanukah Dinner Sunday, Dec. 6, Mrs. S. H. Binder, Mrs. Sarah the Hadassah Medical Organiza- lation of 1,600,000 people, only ment of Mrs. Morris Kutlcr, as at 6 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum. Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Sam tion Donor Affair which will be one quarter of which ore native Special Donations Chairman. Mrs. Mr. S. H. Binder will light the Novak. held Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 8 born. The others are refugees Kutlcr may be reached at GL 6361 Chanukah candles, The Workmen's Circle Drama-' p. m. In the Poxlon Hotel. Mm. from Europe, Asia and Africa. or JA 1578 and will send out a Mr. L. Witkin, dramatic direc- tic Club recently celebrated the Nathan Now, Mrs. Phil Gcrellck A large percentage of the refu- sad or glad occasion card for tho birthdays of two of its members tor, wil give a talk on Chanukah gees nro in poor health, with little and Mra. Al Fiedler H.M.O. chairnominal sum of $1, showing your S. H. Binder and Mr. Louis men together with Mrs Phillip education nnd very few skills. donation to Kndlmah, Pioneer and a reading from Sholom Ale- Mr. Gltlin. chem. Musical selections will be broufjht Women, All members will Fcldman and Mrs. Robert Bern- Mnny of the newcomers 1 presented by Mrs. Jennie Rlfkln, Mr, Ben Miroff, musical direcstein Donor nnd Israel Style show with them disease. ) that must credited for the full value have immediate attention, and the thefr donations to their individ- Mrs. Dave Sussmnn and Mrs. Sam tor was In charge of the affair. chairman arc busy with plans people look to Hadassah and tho ual earning fund quota. lor the show. Mrs. Manny Simon, Financial The program will feature fash- Hadassah Medical Organization ions created In Israel and will and the Vocational Guidance for Secretary, requests that nil membo modeled by local HMO Donors. relief nnd assistance. The refu- bers who have not already paid Tho models Include: Mraci, Joe gees have been found suffering their dues, mail their check in the Klnchcnbnum, Isidore Levlnson, with tuberculosis, trachoma, ma- amount of $4, to her at 1010 N. Alfred Fiedler, Robert Koopcr, laria, malnutrition and other di- 33rd. Aaron Rips, Harold Slosburg, seases. Almost every man, womRose RIekcs, I. II. Trctlnk, Her- an and child who entered Israel Temple Sisterhood man Friedman, Ben Wlntroub, ns a refugee was Infected with The next meeting of the TemLeo Wellz, Stanley Ftsk, Irving one disease or another. ple Israel Sisterhood will be held Sherman, Sidney Hollls, Arthur at the Highland Town Club at 1 Adlcr, Oscar Sutin, Alvin Nogg, Probaby In no other country p. m., Monday, Dec. 7. Mrs. EdJoe Cuss, Jules Newman, Elmer have people from so many differward Rosen and Mrs. Harold Gross, 1. Wclner, Harold Pollak, ent lands nnd environments corns Brodkey head the committee In Harry Aitsuler, Morris Katclmon, together la so short a time. charge of luncheon arrangements. Phil Schwartz, Harry rerenstcln Hadassah Medical Organization Mrs. Sidney Brooks and M»s. and Mia Jenny Fcldman/ has stepped In and with its .well Leo Unger are In charge of the Children To Model trained physicians. and nurses, program which will bo in the naThe outstanding bit of the has not only taken care ot the tunftot a quiz with member parrevue will bo Israeli Fashions sick, but Is intent on keeping the ticipation. Mrs. Paul Blotckoy will for the little one, with Mrs. Har- people well: and healthy. Hadas- give * the opening pray er. old Garber'ln charge of the chil- sah Is aware of the Importance The regular 11 o'clock board dren* models, who arc Susie San- of health of the country, and the meeting will proced the luncheon ford, daughter of Mr. and Mra. need for measures that will pro- meeting.: Thco. Sanford; Linda Farber, mote good health. Hadassah Aids daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Homer In tho pa.it few years, Hadassah Henry MonsJcy 470 Military, Naval and Air Attache Farber; Julie Simon, daughter of 1 A luncheon meeting is being Mr, and Mrs. Ervin Simon Susie has provided, Israel with 177 Oarber, daughter of Mr. nnd. Mrs. physicians, more than 100 nurses panned by the B'nal BrrittTHcnry to the Embassy of Israel Harold Garber; JoAnn Schmld- and hojfHt.il accomodatlons for Monsky Chapter No'. 470 to be man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 470 beds, with a turnover of 12,- held Thursday, Dec. 17 at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Comm'ulty l i o n Schmldman; Nancy Silver- 000 patients a year. In the United Statesman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. In addition, Hadassah has Center. Mrs. Harry Friedman, memberRobert Sllverman; Alene Rim- thirty-four mother nnd child welmerman, daughter of Dr. nnd Mrs. fare stations and handle a quarter ship chairman and chairman of the day has announced that Albert Rlmmerman; and Bruce of n million patients annually. Hadassah's efforts have been a luncheon will be served to all Muskin, son of Mr. and Mra. ma]or factor in overcoming the paid up members. Stewart Muskin. Mrs. M. J. Silver and Mrs. B. dangers of mass Immigration. T, V, Commentator Tuberculosis and other Infectious C. Bolotin, president and execElaine Jabenls, local T. V. diseases ore under control, and utive secretary, respectively, of Fashion commentator will be style thanks to Hadasah nnd lto mem- the Women's District Grand Mrrator. bers, Ihe general health level of Lodge 6 will be the guest speakGueatf of the affair will be con- the population of Israel Increases ers at this luncheon meeting. tributors to tho Hadasjah Medical from day to day. The regular monthly Adult of the Organization a n d Vocational The Hadassah Medical Organi- Education Group meeting will be guidance. zation Donors make this and held Dec. 9, at 8 p. m., at the All the fashion creations arc Vocational Guidance possible In home of Mrs. Stanley Shapiro, work of the graduates of the Alice Israel. 2G15 North 5!st Avenue. Tho U Scllabcrg Vocational High Al Hndassah members aro urged speaker for the evening will be School, on of the Hadassah voca- to work ceaselessly in the current Seymour Knylan, Director of the tional guidance projects in Israel. fund raising activities, which will Omaha office of the Antl-Dcfama be climaxed in the Donor Fashion tlon League, who has just returned from Washington, D. C, Revue Dance and Card Party.
Junior Hadassah
Needlework Contributions
Israel Fashions Flown Here For Hadassah Show
Will be guest speaker
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Jewish Community Center Auditorium You Are Cordially Invited to Attend}'
Youth Council Letter
Youth Council Doings
By Jean Know On Wednesday night, October n, Larry Schwartz, Y. C. prexy, Rayim raised hi* gavel, and asked lor the The Baylm Fraternity held vote which wa* to eliminate the their November. Penny Auction BEST CLUB SYSTEM, and In- last Saturday night at the borne stitute FORUM, DISCUSSION of Bob Krasne. The group first enjoyed a fun-packed Fenny GROUPS. Then the members and In 1B39. Tikvas Ami and AZA Auction. their date* danced, enjpyed reNo. 1 were the tint recipient! of freshments, read the new edithe Bert Club award. The mem- tion of theandRaylm newspaper. ben of the council at that time Party chairman Bob Goldstein is founded the award In order that to be commended for the fine there could be good healthy com- Job he did. petition among the girls' and boya* Hayim attended en masse the clubs. They felt that the incentive anksglving Services at the to win the award would lead them Synagogue. Sheldon Rips, to bettering and strengthening Beth-El one of the co-chairman, helped to their club programs. organize the event. President RaIt was planned to have a Best mon Somberg, Jerry Maxer a n d Club meeting every two months Sheldon Rips participated in the Which would be attended by two service. representatives from each club The Raylm A team did very and headed by the vice-president in the Youth Council "A" of the Youth Council. Each rep- wcU Basketball League pre-scason resentative would bring his club's games this year. They completed program which bad been checked the contests without a single loss. by the advisor. The Rayim B and C team* have Then, aa the representative also done exceptionally well in would read each section, the rep- the "B" League. The B t e a m resentatives of the other clubs boasts of an undefeated record would evaluate It from one to ten, while the C team has only been depending on how well the ac- defeated once. This Iocs wa* to tivity was planned,'carried out, their own B team. and the club participation* At the end of the year, the club having the mast evaluation points was AZA 100 given the best club award. At a special meeting November Last year it was felt that the 21 new officers were elected. competition was so intense that They are as follows: Aleph GodoL the clubs were becoming unfriend- ^president—Howard Kaslow; Ally. After much debating, the award "l S'gan, vice-president—Jerry was turned into a multiple sward •tuscn; Alcph Msiklr, secretary— The procedure wo* the tame at Marvin Frecdman; Aleph Glzbor, before, but now, any club who had treasurer—Howard Kooper; Alan average of seven patois could eph Shotare GodoL sergeant-atbe considered a Best Club. arms—Martin Sophir; Aleph ShoVery recently, the problem of tare Kotone, assistant sergeantBest Club wa* again brought to at-arms—Robert Epstein; Aleph the attention of the Youth Coun- Sopher, reporter-^Tames Friedcllers. The argument against the man, and Aleph Kohen Godol, multiple system was that'it pro- chaplain—Kenneth Freed. Reglona delegates are Jerry RoTided no competition or incentive The newly installed FORUM sen, Kenneth Freed, and the alternate Is Harold Friedman. HowCROUPS will include discussions of club programs and problems ard TCasIow and Harold Friedman were appointed Youth CounClub officers will discuss and offer suggestion*. No evaluating will cil representatives. Kenneth Freed is the alternate. be done. Permanent committees have Is this another stepping stone been selected. The Initiation Banalong the path to a completely quet chairmen are Howard Koopunited Youth Council? er and Harold Friedman. KenCongratulations to Sbcldon Rip? neth Freed and Jerry Rosen arc and Sara Pepper on their fabulous chairmen of the King's Dance. Job of planning the Youth Council Bowling tryouts were held to Thanksgiving services. The serv- see who, will represent ices were held November 25, at Chapter at the regional Century convenBeth El Synagogue. Speakers were Buthann Chudacoff and Ramon Sombcrg. Quest speaker was Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue. Marsha Waxenberg 1* now hard at work on the new Youth Council roster which will be printed soon.
Debka Debs will entertain the members' families at a Chanukah party December 6 in room 25 at the Jay. In order that the guests may learn more about Debs, a mock meeting will be beld. The cultural program for the "meeting" will be a Chanukah skit. Yesterday Debs gave a Clianukah party for 18 refugee children
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Happy Birthday
Larry G. Herman, son of Mr and Mrs. Leonard D. Herman, will celebrate his Bar Mllzvuh in Bet!) Israel Synagogue Friday evening Dec. II, find Saturday morning Dec. 12. Friends and relatives auinvited to attend und no invitations have been issued.
Center Piano Studio
The annual (^""vYth Dinner for parents and children of Beth El TJHmud Torah will be held Sunday, Dec. 6. at 3:30 p. m. In the Social Hall of the synagogue. Mrs. Robert Silver and Mrs. Yale GInsburg and a committee of Sisterhood w o m e n are in charge of the dinner.
Bar & Bas Mifzvah
Friday, Dec. 4 tion. They are Bob Epstein, HowArnold Kent Alt;;uler, Barbara ard Kooper, Marty Sophir, and Iiaily, Sally Hulh Davis, Steven Neil Steinberg. Kenny Freed and Hnlnml Epstein, Barbara ElizaRay Klrke arc competing to be beth Cuss, Judith Anne Strauss, the alternate. and Hubert Joel Yaffe. Dave Belzer, an A.Z.A. alumSaturday, Dec. 5 nus, is-conducting a program on Gei old Vance Lewis, Allan John AJ&A. and its functioning. An inLincoln, Ilarbtira Francinu Pariltensive pre-conventio period of Jeffrey Swartz, son of Mr. and man, and Irving Howard Haznick. istruction Is udcr way, Mrs. Al Swurtz, will celebrate lilr Sunday, Dec. 0 Bar llitzvi'il) at Ileth Kl Synufiojiur Marl: Gene Kraft, Linda Wee, Friday evening, IJie. 11 and Satand Hubert Murk So Junk. AZA No. 1 urday morning, Dec. 12. Friend'. Monday, Dec. 7 Mother chapter beld a roller and relatives ure invlleil to atKutli M.n/i.uet Alpert, Joel skating party at the Roller Bowl tend the rocctlon in lib honor fol- Uleicher, Sol Willuin Kutler, and November 20. The pledges of the lowing bolli service;. Marlene Cinylu Sherman. chapter planned and carried out Tu.scilay, Dec, 8 the party. Afterwards a dinner I!ell;i Jacob?, Richard AUen was held at the Mahogany room at the Shaarc Zion Synagogue. ICiitzman, Hubert Karl Kirshcnof the 40-Bowl at which Lee Mar- The Story of Chanukah was told hawm, Dennis l'aul Lewis and ' tin received the Best-Aleph-Of- in a puppet show. Each child was Sheryl Lynn Miller. The-Month award for his excel- then given a drcidel, taught sevWrdnrsday, Dfc. 0 lent work as cultural committee eral songs and served cookies and Howard Bruce Hcmstcln, Laurie ice cream. chairman; Marie Hinder, mid Benjamin Chapter one win hold Us pre- The Deb's biggest project of the Charles Shafton. election stag,at Canlgila's after year, the winter vice versa, "The Thursday, Dee. 10 which the mofrmal initiation of Top Hat," will be held December Kenneth Alviu Freshman, Nancy pledges will be .held at the home It in the Jay auditorium. Plans Silvcrman, and Beth Joy Winof Mike MogU. Elections will be for the skit, decorations, refresh- troub. ments, and publicity arc now in beld December "6. Ticket* may be purA new office has been created progress. chased in the realm of A. Z. A, that be- member.for $1.79 from any Deb Consecration Service ing financial secretary. At Beth El Mother Chapter procured some new advisors from their B'nai TiUvas Ami The Annual Consecration ServB'rith sponsors. They are: Dave ice of the pupil* of Beth El TalBelzer, Sam Epstein, Phil Kutler. The girls of T. A. attended Fri- mud Torah,; who are newly enEarl Seigal, and Dr. Norm Bailey. day night services at the Temple rolled in regular Talmud Torah on the 27th of November. The classes, will be held this evening services were followed by a hen at the Sabbath Eve Services at party nt the home of Theresa 8:15 p. m. CouncUettes Parents of the consecrants will At our last meeting the final Kahn. plans were made for our Chanu- T. A. will hold a fund raising be. hosts at a reception following kah party which will be held De- affair in January, the data will the service. cember 21. Also, each member Is be announced later. to bring a toy for the.Shlp-a-Box. The'girls have been holding a Hedy Lamarr: "It's the foxy girls The Council-Little Rally was series of panel discussions on who know how to get a mink from held at the J. C. C. for all the Teen-Age Independence, a wolf."—(JTA) seventh and eighth graders. There was a grand turnout A meeting will be held this Sunday at the J. C. C. at two o'clock. ' at the Jewish Community Center
Chanukah Dinner At Beth El
Santfay Brunei)
Friday. December i, 1951
Your Monogram Inserted While You Wait Ingenious handbag fashion! A beautiful 14-K gold - platod monogram inserted frco of chargo, in a fine Lewis handbag, fo males it yours alone! Chooso any one of the illustrated stylos in either faille or broadcloth, in black, brown or navy, or in black plio patent. Look ahead now for smart gift giving! Handbags—Main Floor
Frld»jr. IJfeemlicr 4, 1953
Religious News
Page Seven
Temple Youth Chanukah Party
Gems oi the
Temple Ir.rael Chnnukah P.uty: man in nipmr;ry of Kilnri Ho.'*'nBible and Talmud he Annual Chanukah Parly tlial nnd David .Hlm.'.linne. The Temple Youth Group's iven l).v Temple I: racl Sii.tiTMr, ami Mr:;. l)avi>l Orkow in Chanuknh parly will be held D e By UK. I'HIMP SIIEI1 'iod took place Thur: day evtuini!, mi-mnry of Lena Fntnk jind Harry 4:38 P. ni. Caudle licMini; lime cember C. This meeting will take let-. 3 ill 7 p. in. IJct.iil:; will ;ip- Mi.rer. ear in next work's Vrcv.;. place at the home of Marty Sophir, Mr. and Mrs." A. E. Perils in Bible Beth Israel llrrcmbrr llorthday I'nrly: The rn'inory ot Mollie Samp;;on and 6720 Davenport from 7:30 to 9:30 He that gveth answer before he Rabbi Iianjnmin Kroner, C;.nt<n iiiltur Clmlim Koeiely will r.pnnjui:; Ep.*;tt-in. icareth, it i i folly and confusion p. m. The religious committee and El Kngiiii, and the Ueth J; rail •ir the birthday party r.iven Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rochman unto him. tho program committee planned Synagogue choir will conduct l.'ite 'uecday, ))ec. « at 7 p. ni. The In memory of Nathan Colin, Ben He that hath a forward heart the party. Chairmen Sura Pepper, Friday evening ' .servici-is tonli'hl cilor films o( previous birtliilay II* i! horn and Louis Epstein, flndetli no good, and he that hath at 8 o'clock. Sabbath muniinc artif'G will be shown and picDr. Philip Sher in memory of a perverse tngue falleth into evil. Susie IJpp nnd Ellen Grcenberg services at Belli Israel nl B-.30 urcs of the December party v/ill Max Urodkey. Death and life arc in the power presided at this joint meeting. n. m. and 0 a. in. at 19lh :m<l e taken to be shown at a later Storz Drewini; Co. in memory of the tongue, and they that InBurt. Junior hcrvlces at 10 a. in. [late-. The party will feature a take-off of lvther Hoffman and Louis dulge it shall eat the fruit thereof. in the chapel. on the television game "Beat lie The parly cclcbrantr. for this Epstein. Rubbt Gromr will runducl the larty Clock." Social dancing and an i n Blaiuhe ,-tnd I. B. Zimman in are: Mrc. Ijcna llorfky, Mro. Talmud Saturday afternoon Talmutl cln:;r. U>?,Q Ka^an, spiring candlclighing ceremony. memory of Nathan Colin, Eva Mrs. Heva Kriisne, at 3:45 o'clock. Saturday Minclia .Jr. Harry Urnvcrman, Mr, Israel Markel and Mollic Sampson. Rabbi Jeremiah ben Abba said: will brini; the parly to a close, will start at 4:15 j>. m. and will "It is not lawful for a scholar to Winter Yonlli Conclave Honor Contributions nnd Mr. Ifcrman Nichols. be followed by Sholculi S'cudos Krantz Fast, because through weakness of The entire community ia Invited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roscnstock Many members of the Yotith nnd Maariv. In attend and to come early to In honor of 30th Wedding Anni- fasting he diminishes his studies." Group arc looking forward to atRabbi Nachman said: "Not evDolly morning cervices bci;in f.-e the films. versary of Mr. and Mrs. Harry eryone is worthy of obtaining tending a Youth Conclave which at 7 a. m. at Beth Israel and at Tlie Council Tarty held last Perimeter. light of the Torah, and not every- will bo held In St. Louis, Mo., from 0:30 at 10th and Burt. Dally .'CL'k General Contributions was a huj:c .'iUcce:;:i due to one is worthy to have joy result- December 23 to December 27. Durafternoon services Iwfin at 4:30 the j!od Edward and Robert Bronson, Ing turnout of Council Of from meritorious deeds. The ing the five days of the conclave, p. m., Friday ollcmon at 4:30 . Women mnnber«. The Provo, Utah. righteous only arc deserving of youth groups from all over the p. m., Friday afternoon, Sunday .cwish '{(r^idontii enjowed the ^amefl Bequest made by the late Mrs. Middle West will participate In light, and tho upright of Joy." morning breakfast minyaii meets >l:iycd iind the pri?cf! donated. Sol llnndlcr. Rabbi Huna, when .sitting down religious, social and cultural at 8:45 a, m. and Is followed by (efre^hmenlr. cunr.frtinK of fancy Jewish Congregation of Nampa, to a meal, would throw open the events. Further/ details may be Rabbi Groner's Bible Discussion cookici;, ice-cream Iind Idaho. , and call out: "Whoever de- obtained from Silvia Greene* WA Class. The youngsters of the Tails lakes were iserved by the Harold H. Kutlcr—San Fran- doors sires to cat, lett him come in and 0438. and Teffilln Club begin their •liocolate ollov^ini! council members: cisco, Calif. do so." services at 8:30 a. m. Breakfast Najhan Steinberg. Mrs. Max Schcucrman, Chniris served at the conclusion of Rabbi said: "I am sorry that I Harry L. Sommer. mnn, Dr. Philip Slier Jewish their services. cannot emulate Rabbi Huna by Home Committee. Temple b r t e l throwing open my doors and inMrs. Harry Stoler-President, vite werybdy to eat, for there are Council Of Jewish At the regular Sabbatti Services National a. great many poor peple in our [ The Beth Israel Intermedlat* Friday evcnlnR nt 8 o'clock, Rabbi Women Omaha Chapter. city and I could not feed them youth club will meet this SaturMrs. David Beber; Mr;;. Edward Sidney H. Brook." will dlr.cu.iii day evening between 7:30 and S ,11." WHAT'S J E W I S H ABOUT Jrccn; Miss Fannie Grodin.';ky; p. ra. Club members will discuss Hannah Orloff; Mrs. Iz CHANUKAH, n frank comment Mrs. The Annual Beth Israel ChanuSam Levenson: "Children, like: plans for » youth convention in on the expressions nnd intentions Welner: nnd Mrs. Max Wofson. kah dinner will take place this canoes, are handled more easily if ! Minneapolis. A Chanukah party Tra-I)ance: The Residents of Sunday evening, at 0 p. m. Fam- paddled in the rear."—(JTA) pf the holiday. Mrs. Herman 'will further the discussion. Friedman will recite the ble.nr.lnc The Dr. Philip Slier Jewi.ih Home ilies will brlnj; alone their own over tho Sabbath Hdils nml the For Aged and their i;uests en]oyc<l Chanuknh monorails and condler children of the Hebrew School JicmKelve.T at the tea-dance given and will light them at their indiWill kindle the Chnnuknh liybt.i, :>y the manaRcment of tho home. vidual table?. Recitations by the •Mist Itnbbl Brookf! with the The orchestra played beautifully children will follow the dinner and those who did not d.incc en- Junior congregation award3 and Torah and recite the Kiddy.li. Retrulnr Shabbos Mornini; Serv- joyed watchin/j those who did. religious school attendance award: Tea nnd cake wan served. ices will be held Saturday mornwill be presented. All children Yahnrrlt: S p e c i a l Memorial present will be (j'ven Chanuknr ing at 11:40 o'clock. Rabbi Brooks will conduct these service:; and Services will be held in The Home gifts. Kiddish for nil present will fol- Synsicogue for; Mr. Harry L. Mrs. Dave Friedman is chairCohen—Kislov 29—December 6. • "Bicycle Thief"—Sunday, Dec. 20 low the services. In Mrmormlom: Mrs. Leah man of the dinner sponsored by the Beth.Israel P-TA. Those asBeth El Wine. (Italian - 1949)—A story of a man, his son, sisting Mrs. Friedman will beServices will bcr.ln this evereservation anjl ticket committee' ning at 8:15 o'clock. Rnbbl Myer and their quest through the streets of Rome Contributions to the Home 8. Kripke will deliver the serThe Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Sam Knlan, and Mrs. Harry Sidfor his bicycle, stolen just when he needs i t mon. Cantor Aaron T. Edgar and Home for the Aped Rrntcfully mnn; kitchen committee: Mrs. Max for a long-sought job. the Beth El Choir will render the acknowlcdce contributions re- Greenfield, chairman, assisted by musical portions of the service. ceived durlnj; the months of Octo- Mrs. Lewis Ncveleff, Mrs. M. M Sabbath morning services ber and November, from tho fol- Polinkoff, Mrs. Harry Sldman Mrs. Nate Berg, Mrs. Mel Tepper. • "Tight Little Island"—-Sunday, Jan. 24 will begin at 8:45 a. in. Mlnclia- lowing: Mrs. I. J. Kraft, Mrs. Sam Shyken, Maarlv Services will begin at Memorial Contributions 4:30 p. m. (British - 1952)—A hilarious satire about a Mr. and Mrs. Reuben H. Brown nnd Mrs. Sam Knplan; table setting committee; Mrs. II. S. SusDally Mlnyan Is held on each In memory of Ixmls Epstein. little Scottish island and the agitated activman, Mrs. Reva Rudcrman, and week day at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. J. P. Bymc & Sons Co. In memMrs. Abe Klopper. In charge of Sunday morning service Is at ory of Max Brodkey. ities of its people when a shortage of Scotch S a. m. Mrs. Louis Cutler in memory of waiters is Max Greenfield; prowhiskey develops and a freighter laden with Cram committee, Rabbi Benjamin mother, Bessie Marcoln and fathGroncr, Sam Stone, Irving Stern whiskey runs aground just off shore. er, Joseph-1 Margolin. Mr. and Mrs. B. Gilbert, San Francisco, Calif., In memory of • "Torment"—Sunday, Feb. 28 Michael Somlt Mrs. Leah Wine Dora Handler In memory Services were held Monday, of Mrs. The Phi Epsilon Pi Mothers* (Swedish - 1947)—A student in a Stockholm husband, Ben Handler. Nov. 30,'for Mrs. Leah Wine with Mrs. A. Korz nnd Mark, San Club and the active chapter oi boys' school, his sadistic Latin professor and Interment nt the Golden Hill Francisco, Phi Epsilon PI will hold its anCalif., In memory of Cemetery. Mrs. Wine, 83, a resi- Michael Somit. nual winter party at tlie home of a young shop-girl form the unusual love t r i dent of Omaha for SO years, died Shirley Korr, San Francisco, Mrs. Sarah Cooj>cr Sunday, Dec. - angle in this powerful psychological study.. Sunday. Nov. 29, In the Dr. PhllJp Calif., 13, at 2 p. m. in memory of Michael Shcr Home (or the Aged. Somlt. Mrs. Nathan Bclzcr and Mrs. She was charter member of Mr. and Mm. Louis Kulakofaky Harry Wise will be the co-host• "Open City"—Sunday, March 14 Blkur Chollm Society, a member In memory of Eva Mnrkcl and esses. of the Free Loan Group, Hadas- MolIJe Sampson. Mothers of the pledges and (Italian - I94S)—The personalized story of Mh and. Beth Israel Synagogue. Mr. and Mrs.- Albert B. New- alumni will be guests. Survivors arc; h e r husband, the people of Italy during the Nazi occupaKeva; ofur sons, Jake, Ben, and tion with a leader of the resistance as the M A 1 A L M l i l » Y Dave, all of Omaha, and Sam of Los Angeles; and a daughter, Mrs. central character and a Catholic priest as George Slndnlck of Omaha.
Beth Israel Middle • Youth Club
Beth Israel Annual Chanukah Dinner
Foreign Film Series
Phi E/> Mothers' Club
his immediate aide.
Socialist Flag Dropped Tel Aviv (JTA) — The Mapai Party settled the issue of whether date schools should fly the Socialist red flag and whether children In the schools should ulnn the Socialist "Internationale" by Toting to prohibit tho use of the labor flag and anthem in the schools. The vote on the issue, which less than n year ano threatened to split the government, was unofficially reported at 108 for the ban, 28 against and 22 abstentions.
• "Crime and Punishment"—Sunday. April 11 AMAXIMO H I W DUCOVMY o i n i o l m i x r ' i r a i o n i r.~.f from nosol conantlon and symptom! of SINUS which moy Include, tevtr* ond pounding htodachti In (ortmod, ttmplei, loo of head, back of heod, ochino chefk bonei, tyt» tor* ond IMA Ilk* orovtt In I n t m , t o n n c i i down bock of nctk, drip ond droinoo* of now ond Ihroat, dlixvntM, *ar n o l t n , can't M « well ot time*, can't think itralght, f t f t t Ilk* tlehl band o/ound htod, can't imtll or IcnTf, ond couohlno. Thu Natlonolly AdvtrtiMd product hen o l w Quick ond cmozing r«li«f to thouiandt, thcrtfor* no matltf how lorn you hav* tufftrvd, how much you nova ipent or whot products vou hova frltd writs to rvturn ond pay ftw writs for for ff DAY DAY M M ii ll TKIAL TKIAL no no cott cott or or obligation obligaon except except to t poitaot t If not t otllohtH l lohtH l h t H with ith rtiulti t l t ot o thlt it not not a a tamplf ctntl If tamplf. tthlt h t it p W A T I O ftt t f t t llASOKATOIIIH, A O K A T I I I H CM CM II TT, CAUTdBHIA CAUTdBHIA
• "Alexander Nevsky"—Sunday, May 2 (Russian - 1938)—An attempted invasion by German Knights disguised as "crusaders" met with strong united resistance from the Russian people in the thirteenth century. This forms the backdrop for one of the'afltime classics directed by Sergei Eisenstein.
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Chanukah Cards and Chcnukab gift-wrapping paper. BAR and has MItevoh congratulation!); also for nil Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers Ncwa Stand, 1502 Dodge CHANARAH b Dec. 1. PLACE your order now for bis or her favarlte magazine. Gift curds furnished. Take advantage of tlie special offers that arc In effect this month. MRS. S. J. HORWICH, WA 3057
(French - 1935)—The Dostoevski novel brilliantly portrayed with superb performances of the Police Inspector and Raskolnikov, and an excellent musical score, which highlights this world-famous story of a young student attempting to perpetrate the perfect crime.
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J.C.C. AUDITORIUM Performances Start 8:15 P.M.
FOR RESERVATIONS—JA 1366 Series $2.00
Single 50 Cents
Friday, December.4. 195S
B'nai B'rith Bowling
By I.indy I'aul
AZA I Upsets Independents, Rayim Topples Centurymen
Rayim A, winner of the preA scrappy bunch of lads from A. Z. A. 1 trailing 9-7 at half-time season round, had trouble with A. W. held the Independent team from /.. A. 100 but wound up with a Burkhard-Gerelkk 31 making a lj:..r,l;et In the i.econci half •1-1-1U win. Trailing at the quarNebraska Fum. Mart _ 22 I1 and holiltd a 21-22 defeat on ter G-!i, the Roughridcrs went to Crosstown TV „.. 20 II them. The Unaffiliates had 20 at- work with Sombcre, Moscovilz, Grace-Mayer 20 1 tempts at the free throw line and Coiey, Kohn and Frank hitting Lyn'f Florist 20 II the hoop. Somberg was high with ll-Worth Grill 19 21 In one of Die mo:,t clo, ely con- player became the hero. He out made nood on H of them, ilyrlan 12, Mo::covitz made seven wlvllo "Tiny" Koscn had 10 attempts and Pepsi Cola _. ...... IS 21 cstcd basketball games in many .'crapped two Itayim players I'. Corey, Frank and Kohn each coninade 8 of them. Alan Passer, high Belmont Jewelry I t 2 years, a fiery Mother chapter a rebound and let %o a one han r>corer for A. Z. A. 1 v/ith 14 tributed six. The Centurymen Hinky-Dinky „ . 17 77 squad rose to the occasion ami push shot that caromed off t h points made 4 free throws out of played their best gam eof the seaMilder Oil Co.._ - _ 17 22 beat a favored Rayim A team backboard that gave Motht 15. Hosen finished M;;h for his son. The ladu from A. Z. A. 100 Greenberg Insur. 17 22 55-53. The game was marked with Chapter their second win. Star team with 10 txilntt. The win was are rapidly improving and aro Morris Paint Co. „ 13 26 many thrills as both teams dis- Widman finished high with 1 really ueriouu about getting into a nifty one fur A. Z. A. 1, who IUfh Score* mud Series! played good, clean consistent bas- points, while Schwartz scored th avenged an earlier loo.*> during the the win column. Ken Freed made needed baskets. Alan Passer, six imlnts for his team while Bill Rubin 500, Sam Mlnkin ketball. Rayim had a 24-1(1 halfSimon and Larry Epstein prc-season play. Pacsurs f I n e scoring support came from Ray 603, Sam Herman 509, Morris Ad time lead, but Mother chapter Jerry played a fine name, For ltayiu: dribbling and shooting were init- Kirke, Jeiry Kosen and Howard ler 514, Norm Abrahamson SOS, •parked by Stan Widman,- Larry all it was Ray .Sombprg with 2 ially the cause for tht* win. Kaslow, with four points each. Jack Shrager 2Q1—523, Al Terain Epstelni Jerry Simon and Larry points. Al Corey pitched in wltli 528, Stan Sherman 211, and Arfcejr Schwartz put on a torrid shoot- 10 points and played a great floo Ing exhibition. With the score game. Ills passing and rebounding Miller 502. knotted a 45-45 with five seconds All entries for Kansas City must to play Larry Schwartz hit a field kept his squad in the game. be sent in to Norman Bordy The Independent team had on goal, but a desperation shot by that teams can be formed. Ray Somberg as the buzxer sound. easy time with A.Z.A. 100 as they ed saved the flaylm team momen- won easily 41-10. 'Tiny" Rosen dropped in 11 points and and tarily. * Keller's "B" Dlv. Bernic Turkel aided with 8. Ken The Joy's MI d g e t basketball I-Go Van squeezed by a tough W. L. The first overtime period found Fried topped his squads scoring league got off to a flying start Burkhard-Gerelick team 26-23. Louis Market 23 16 in pre-scason play as eight teams Little Jeff Swartz kept his "Ford* both squads with opportunities to with 7 points. H. A. Wolf Ins. -. 23 17 end the battle but the pressure Next Tuesday will find un made their 1953-54 debut in th team in the game with some nlca Slosburg Realty . 21 18 was on and at the end of the beaten U A . 1A talcing on A.Z.A. Jay gymnasium. In the fou shooting but Ed Schneider, I-Go Robinson Iron & Metal 20% 18U overtime period the score was 10OA in the first game whll games played the largest margin center, couldn't bo shopped. He Bennett Furniture 20 IB 53-53. In the sudden death period, Rayim will meet Independents in of victory by any team was eight hit for six baskets and 12 points .Watson Bros. Van Lines 20 19 points. In the junior or 5th an and received fine support from Larry Schwartz, a real clutch I the battle for second place. So. Omaha Sun 18 21 6th grade section ll-Worth Grill Tom KuIIy and hard driving Nell Magi-Color Paint....:..... 18 21 beat a stubborn S. Riekcs &. Sons Gordman, who each made six Simons Jewelry ........ 17 22 team 16-12. Larry Kohn, centci point.'!. Jeff Swartz made nine Mid-Plains Insurance 15Vi 23% for the Grill squad, made clgh points for II. G. team. Magi-Color took two-from Benpoints to top his team's scoring, Sunday, Dee. 6 nett with Jerry Wolpa pacing and received a four-point scoring 2 p. m., Mogen-David Wine vs. Magi-Color with a 168-461. By aid b o m captain Justin Ban. Alan Riekes & Sons. -virtue of dropping two to MastKonecky and B r u c e Goldstein 2:30 p. m., Pacific Fish vs. I I Color, Bennett dropped into Jeanne Stiver, a 12-year-old Joyce Koom, 126; Mike Platt, 125 Joined for all the scoring for the Worth Grill. Sth-place tie with Watson Bros seventh grader with an 85 bowling 100; Tom Platt, 120, 119; Larry Riekes team with eight and four 3 p. m., Hires Root Beer vs, I However, Max Sacks and Meyer average jput on a spectacular per- Hoberman, 119, 104; Frank Gold- points respectively. In the second Go Van. Meyerson led the losers with p formance last Friday during the berg, 109, 100; Doug Platt, 100 game, Danny Hollis dropped in 10 3:40 p. m., Sample ?ur vs. 8urk« 172—438 and 158—448 respective- Junior Sports Bowling tournament Dale Kasin, 104, and Jerry Clpln- of his team's 23 points to lead a hard-Gerelick. ly. Watson Bros, took two from Thanksgiving Tournament. Jeanne ko, 103. 23-17 win over Mogan - David H. A. Wolf with a newcomer, Bil rolled games of 150, 136 and with squad. Ho was backed up wit) Ostrow, walking off with scoring a 40 handicap ifnished with a 332 four points by center Bill Hor.honors for Watson with a 162— In the boy's division, Howard wlch. Don Forman topped the 460, and Al Altaian came through Slusky and John Riekes won with Wlnos with eight points. Stuart Kutler was high again SOT H. A. Wolf with 165—438. Paul a total scries of 280. AH three In the senior section of the Mid- this week with games of 170 and Target qualification for* marksBifkin, Robinson Iron & Meta youngsters received trophies for get league, Hires Root Beer, led by 162 for a 332 scries. manship arc what the 3rd, 4th and took high scoring honors for the their achievement Stuart Kutler and center Lcnora Folk rolled the high 5th grade youngster* arc after in guard evening with high' Indlvidua Irvln Belzer, defeated a cold game for the girls with a 140. Lctheir sessions at the Jr. Air Rifle shooting Sample Fur squad 22-14. Standings Came of 181—465; but it wasn't nora carries an average of 100. W. L. Club. Maynard Tatelman a n - Trailing 8-8 at halftime, the Hires effective enough to eke out more Susan Wolfson fired the high nounces the.following showings: ....„ fl than one win over Slosburg Realty Bowling Bums lads went to "work and Belzer and Raphael Groner—1 bulktcyo and Kutler each finished with nine scries in the girls division. She S who came through with two to ad- Tough Turkeys combned games of 132 and 104 points. Justin Ravitz, topped his for a 230. Susan carries a 101 vance to undisputed third Bpo' Alley Sluggers .....„.._...:......._ 8 , 1 qualified 1 target. ivith Leon Alexander rolling 171— Alley Cats 4 2 • Jerry Slusky—qualified 2 targets team's scoring with 10 points. average. with 34 points. 472. Louis Market made it a clean Alley Hats 4 Sharon . Prank, a first-year Justin Mulnlck—bulkeye, qual•weep o'er Mid Plains, droppinr Strikes and Spares „ 4 bowler and with a modest averified 1 target with 39 points, highMid Plains into the cellar, with .ucky Ladles 3 age of 00, came through with a est score of day. Milt Loss rolling a 170—400 for • utter Boys 3 beautiful 130 game. This little Paul Kutler—qualified 2 targets high individual scries of the eve- Lucky Duckys ....» 3 gal will be giving her kegllng W. L Don Noodell—bullceye, qualining. Their 783 and 2,120 was the High Hitters 3 parents a run for their money Debs Nebs ?„ 15 fied 1 target. evening's high team game and Bowling Babes _. 2 one of these days. 13 Marvin Ruback—bullseyc, qual- Hick Chicks •erics respectively. So. Omaha Sur Gutter Gerties These young bowers do not 2 Starlets 12 f ified 1 target. dropped all three to Simons by Nifty Hitters their noses up nt splits eith1 11 7 turn forfeit which enabled Simons tr Hcpcats Other lad.i shooting toward the Juttcr Gals er, but go to work and pick 1 11 7 them break out of the cellar. Louis' Mar- Eager Beavers marksmanship KO,I] arc John Spit- .Jllcroma up. Joel Davis converted the 0 ket is again in first place leading Bowling Dolls Mr, Marshall Widman and How- Three Strikes & a Spare 10 S 5-0-10 split. Joel carries an av0 •ucky Strikes 9 t croge of 76. Howard Slusky masH. A. Wolf by one game. There !• ard Hahn. "10ft" Games Scoreless Fourless 9 0 tered the 3-8-D-I0 split. a tight race for the next threr Jeanne Silver, ISO, 136; John Alley Cats 8 10 places with the balance of thi High Games and Series Hickcs,-140, 109; Howard Slusky La Fa Ma Rl _ „. 7 11 league in hot pursuit of the league Name Games Scries All Strikes ...„; 6 1? Sttuar Kutler leaders, and the end of the firs' 139; Phil Gorellck, 130; Larry Gil170 162—332 insky, 130,104; BUI Katzman, 128 half of the season draws nigh.' ucky Losers „ . 6 12 Lnrry Hobcrman .... 145 123—268 10; Howard Weinberg, 128. 100 Lane Losers ,.; 6 12 Howard Weinberg 137 123—268 Alan Passer Bowling Belles 3 15 John Riekes 132 128—258 Editor's Note: Every week recHl(h Five Games Jack Lleb ;... 130 116—248 ognition will he given to the Y. C. Parkway Div. Susan Wolkon 132 104—238 'hyllis Rosen, Debs Nebs 169 player that has contributed the David Wlntroub .... 120 110—238 W L most in sportsmanship and ability. Matlee Katlcman, La Fa Ma Ri 14P Charles Wise 140 05—233 Ladles League Nat'l Tire & Supply..24* - 15 Tevee Bernstein, 3 Strikes Sc Lqst Tuesday night a scrappy 131 101—232 W. L Wolfson-Gerbcr 2S<4 15V4 a Spare 14P Paul Shyken team from AZA 1 trailing for three Lonora F.-ilk 140 00—230 Country Club Groc 24 15 Prueka Trans 23 16 quarters came from behind and Shirley Noodel!. Slick Chicks 14C Jerry Sherman 128 102—230 Phillips Dept. Store .-, 23 16 Bank's Army Store 23 18 Hieh Five Series edged out a 24-22 win over Inde123 107—230 Bosen-Novak ., 22 17 National Tire & Sup. 22 17 i'hyllls Rosen, Debs Nebs 330 Mike Cannr pendents. The lad that contributed Herblc Knlman .... 139 90—229 Blchman-Cordman .... 21 IV 17 R & S Shoes ».,..- 22 most to the victory was Alar. 'eveo Bernstein, 3 Strikes & Mike Shrier 129 B9—228 Phllco-Brandelji 19>£ l » UII-Worth GrW 21 18» Spare 27(! Tom Platt "Chub" Passer. A product frotr 116 108 224 Playland Park 19 20 18 Shukert's . Council Bluffs and a junior at 'lorine Sokolof, Lane Lassies 200 Joyce Koom 112 111—224 Liberty Gas & Oil 17 22 Hamilton Pharmacy ....' 21 18 "oby Okrent, Starlets 20C Mike Platt A. L., Alan made 14 points and 118 103 221 Elteway TV Service ...,17 22 19% 19'/i his ball handling was a big factor Barbara Ruback,' Debs Neb's Itoh Furs Stuart Fogel 118 102—220 Sol L-wis Co 19 24 ,yn's Florist ..-.....•.».,»... 19 20 in his team victory. Standings Borshelm Jewelry .... 13 20 19 20 Omaha Jobbing W. L. For his fine plav Alan wa:< .se' . m - h Games and Series 18ft 20'i lected Wolf Bros. ...„ O. P. Skagga 12 4 as the first Y. C. basketbui; • M. Belzer—173. D. Richards— Colony Club ..... 18 21 Ncbr. Furniture Mart 12 4 star of the weclc. 197, M. Sachs—178-461. D. Hobcr- Angles Beauty Salon.... 17 22 Industrial Chemical Co. 11 S -. man—165, A. Bear—173, S. Pol- Cystic Beauty Shop .... 10 23 Gamble-Robinson Fruit 8V4 7H lack— 164-468, H. Llpsmiin—164- Smith Pontiac 10 23 , EDITORS NOTE: Each week Amor Lumber & Supply 8 8 467, Mac Trachtenbcr<—174, B. 15 24 ccognition will be £ivcn to the Wolfson-Gcrber Auto 6V4 9Vi Haznlqk—166-472, J. Schrclbcr— Douglas Jewelry layer that excelled for his team klaypers Ilif h Series «..-....»..«. 6 10 Larry Schwartz 163, L. Jess—197-475, B. Hobcr'i league play. Morris Paint _ 6 11 .. 4P You have to take your hat off man—217-51(1, S. Diamond—187, Diane Rubin r ll-Worth Grill _ 5 ji 47, '. to the President of the Jewish D. Stern—190-517, and W. Epstein Gcrt Zcvllz Midget Lracue Playland Park 6 11 40r Youth Council. It must have b<:en I.lbby Hoberman ........... —207-496. Dan Hollis ^Pacific FUh) All members of this League 45C a great thrill for Larry Schwartz :thel Cohen This Cth grader put on a nifty to make the winning basket,that aro requested to be at the Music High Games a strong Rayim A team. hooting exhibition as he topped Box by 12:15 this Sunday for the 'iane Rubin '. I8P defeated Larry had 4 fouls early in the he league .scoring, 10 point-, for election of officers. •lerriam Cooperman 177 gome and he proved in the clutch he day. His tenm defeated a tough tose Sacks 171 he could come through. For con- Mogen-David team, 23-17. Dan Is W. L. tributing the basket that won the Ihe captain of hi3 squad ond a Nogj< Bros 17 7 Came for A.Z.A. 1A, Larry was rine all around player. Jerusalem (JTA)—The Jewish Mll"e Wine 14 10 Y.C. Girls Volleyball selected as the Y.C. basketball National Fund budget for the' Smith Pontiac 13 11 "star" of the week. coming fiscal year la 20,000,000 Junior Leacue Brandeis Easy Washer 12 12 In the elf-ht-team Girls volleypounds. Dr. Abraham Granott, diJustin ftavltit (Simple Fur) Brandeis Kleerchrome 11 13all league the T. A. squad and rector of the organization, reportJustin Is playing his third year ed here. Zdwards Jewelry 11 13efending champs Councillette 1 )f midget basketball and Is one of Metz Beer 8 15 hare the top cpot with 5 wins, 1 He said the JNF had allocated ' Y.C. Basketball he top players In the league. His nearly 3,000,000 pounds for such S C A Victor 8 15 efcat. W. L. >all hawking and dribbling arc League Standings development projects as the Huleh Mich Games and Series A 5 1 wo of his finest assets and he ac- drainage program and the plantEvelyn Hobcrman, 401—508; ?ounc. No. 1 5 l •ountcd for 10 of his team's 14 w. L. ing of 6,000,000 trees during the Tlora Bloom, 452; Charlotte Iilum- )cbs No. 4 _ 4 2 AZA 1A 1 0 points in their defeat by Hirer year. Another 4,500,000 pounds ber£, 423—448; Dora Weinberg, )ebs No. 3 „ 2 4 Hoyim A Root Beer. Captain of the Simple had been set aside for land pur1 0 446; Diane Rubin, 441—438; Esther Debs No. 1 _.. ... 2 - 4 Independents 0 1 Fur team, for his fine performance chases, including payment tot Marcus, 437; Rose Garrop, 436 and Counc. No. 3 _ 1 5 rat, Sunday, he .is awarded the lands from non-Jewish Israeli AZA 100 .....0 I l i b e r t y Faier, 411. Counc. No. 2 0' 6 lonor of star of the week. citizens. "A" Division
Schwartz's ^Sudden Death' Basket Winsfor AZA1A
Schneider Leads I-Go to Paciffic Fish Paced by Hollis
VW—vwa *IM UIC
§**.« »Wt,
Silver. Slusky and Riekes Top Junior Bowling Tourney
Jr. B. B. Bowling
Jr. Air Rifle Club
Y. C. Girls Bowling
Y.C. Basketball Star of the Week
BB Ladies Bowling
Gw.de Schoolers Stars of the Week
Star of Week
Hcebssafo Bowling
J.N.F. Budget